HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST K #1-C-10/07/91 "WE CARE" FiRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 S.D. JOHNSON October 7, 1991 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Jam~s Taylor Grossman's, Inc. 200 Union Street Braintree, MA 02184-4997 CLOSURE OF 2 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT PIERCE ROAD, IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # BR0014 Dear Mr. Taylor This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated'With the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at'this time. This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present, or future operations. In addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility tO notify this department'of any changes in site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. Sincer 1 , _ //,Joe A. D d. yC_.~ . ~/ Hazardous Material Specialist. Underground Tank Program '~'~"~ & A S S O C I AT E S, I N C GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING '* ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING AND INSPECTION October 3, 1991 Project No. E91-112 Canned Foods Incorporated Attn: Mr. Greg Geertsen 1717 Harrision Street San Francisco, CA 94103 RE: Level I/II Environmental Site Assessment Proposed Canned Food Grocery Outlet 3917 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Geertsen: In accordance with your authorization, we have completed a Level I Environmental Site Assessment at the above-referenced project site. The results of our investigation may be found in the attached report. A summary of our findings may be found below. The subject site consists of two parcels located between Pierce Road and Highway 99 in Bakersfield, California. The northern parcel, identified by Kern County Assessors Parcel Number 332-04-24, is occupied by the former Grossman's building and an asphaltic concrete paved parking lot. The building, located at 3917 Pierce Road, is metal framed with sheet metal walls, on a concrete slab foundation. A fire sprinkler system, air conditioning ducts, and fluorescent lighting are suspended from the ceiling. Skylights are also incorporated into the ceiling. Two restrooms are located in the northwest corner of the building. A small office is located above the restrooms. The restrooms and offices are constructed of wood with vinyl sheet linoleum floors. Three additional offices are located in the southeast corner of the building. These offices are also constructed of wood with vinyl sheet linoleum floors. Electrical panels and water mains are located along the central portion of the eastern building wall near the main entrance. The building is mostly empty with the exception of a reception desk, some shelves, cardboard storage tubes, and miscellaneous debris. The remainder of the northern parcel is occupied by the above mentioned parking lot and a concrete slab, t'enced FEB ? 1995 By. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 2 storage area. Street lamps, a PG&E owned pad mounted transformer, and a commercial sign are located in the parking lot area. The PG&E transformer appeared to be in good condition and displayed no evidence of leaks or spills. According to Mr. Tom Agilar of the PG&E Bakersfield office, this transformer was installed in 1978 and has never been tested for the presence of poly chlorinated biphenyl (PCB's) fluids. Mr. Agilar stated that this testing could be done by PG&E upon request, but it is his personal opinion that this transformer would not contain any PCB's above allowable limits if tested. A small landscaping strip is located between the parking lot and the sidewalk. Pole mounted electrical utility lines border the site to the east. A chain link fence borders the northern parcel on the north, south, and west. The concrete slab storage area is divided by and surrounded by chain link fencing with barbed wire and concertina wire at the top. This area is vacant with the exception of the security system motion sensors, and a large commercial sign with broken glass beneath it. The southern parcel comprising the subject site, identified by Kern County Assessors Parcel Number 332-04-23, consists of a relatively fiat vacant lot. The lot is covered with gravel and miscellaneous debris. This debris consists of automobile parts, scrap metal and household garbage. Pieces of cement and asphaltic concrete are scattered throughout the southern parcel indicating that it may have been paved at one time. In the southwestern corner of the southern parcel, there are six square concrete supports that are reported to have supported a large commercial sign. During the physical inspection of the site, exposed surface soils appeared clean and did not exhibit obvious signs of contamination. No acrid or pungent odors were noted to emanate from the subject property during our 'field inspection. No obvious visual evidence (vent pipes, fill pipes, dispensers, etc.) of underground fuel storage tanks was noted within the area observed. No standing water or major depressions were observed on the subject property. The City of Bakersfield Building Department, the Kern County Planning and Development Services, aerial photographs, interviews with persons knowledgeable about the subject site, and Polk Directories for the City of Bakersfield were consulted in an effort to construct a history of the subject site. The northern portion of the subject site is currently occupied by the former Grossman's building at 3917 Pierce Road. According to Building Department records, the building permit for this structure was issued on February 27, 1978. There are no City or County Building Department records for 3917 Pierce Road before this date. Prior to 1978, the Polk Directories indicate that this portion of the subject site was a vacant lot. A 1956 aerial photograph shows a rural residence to be located on this portion of the subject site. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 3 The southern parcel comprising the subject site is currently an unpaved vacant lot. Building Department records show that a permit to demolish a building at 3915 Pierce Road was issued March 4, 1988, and a permit to abandon a water well was issued for 3911 Pierce Road on February 22, 1988. A permit to move a building from 3915 Pierce Road was issued on March 16, 1987. According to the Polk Directories, the southern parcel of the subject site at 3911 and 3915 Pierce Road has been vacant since 1986. From 1960 to 1985, a bar was located at 3911 Pierce Road. This bar operated under the names Suzie's Tavern, Ray & Tiny's Tavern, Bob & Jim's Tavern, Cleata's Bar and Buster's Cocktail Bar Tavern during this time interval. In 1958 this address was the location of Go Transportation Company Trucking, J. R. Nix Trucking, Superior Gypsum, and Griffith's Company Gypsum. These businesses, with the exception of Griffith's Company Gypsum, Were also listed at 3911 Pierce Road in the 1957 Polk Directory. The 1956 Polk Directory lists J. R. Nix Trucking at this location. In 1955, Allyn Tank Line is listed in the Polk Directories for this location. Cities Fuel Corporation was located at this address in 1954. A former tenant of the site has indicated that both Allyn Tank Line and Cities Fuel Corporation were propane/butane distributors. The Polk Directories for 1951 and 1952 list Rand Construction Company at this address. Prior to 1951, there is no listing l!or 3911 Pierce Road in the Polk Directories. From 1981 to 1985, Troy's Towing is listed in the Polk Directories for the portion of the subject site located at 3915 Pierce Road. This address is listed as vacant in 1980. The Southern California Automobile Club was located at 3915 Pierce Road. in 1978 and 1979. This portion of the subject site is listed in the Polk Directories as being vacant from 1973 to 1977. However, a former employee of Troy's Towing has indicated that Troy's Towing had been located at 3915 Pierce Road since at least 1974, and that an underground waste oil storage tank was present behind the Troy's Towing building. This individual also states that the area of the property located at 3911 and 3915 Pierce Road was used as a storage yard for automobiles and oilfield equipment in the 1960's. The Polk Directory lists Automobile Air Conditioning and Radiator at 3915 Pierce Road in 1972. This address is listed as being vacant in 1971. From 1966 to 1970, an agricultural machinery dealer by the name of McClosky Machinery was present at this location. In 1964 and 1965 this address is listed as being vacant. From 1959 to 1963, Delaney & Ahlf Diesel Repair Inc. is listed in the Polk Directories for this location. The owner/operator of Delaney & Ahlf Diesel Repair was contacted regarding the subject site. Mr. Stan Ahlf indicated that he had rented a portion of the subject site for several Years from Mr. George Bailey. During that time, another tenant operated underground diesel fuel storage tanks on the subject site. Mr. Ahlf indicated that he did not believe the tanks had been removed. There is no listing in the Polk Directories for 3915 Pierce Road prior to 1959. KRAZAN & ASSOCIA'rEs, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 4 During research into the history of the subject site, it was discovered that several businesses had been located on the southern parcel of the subject site since the 1950's. Six of these businesses conducted activities that were anticipated to handle hazardous materials. The southern portion of the site is reported to have been used as a storage yard for automobiles and oilfield equipment. Petroleum products and ethylene glycol are the constituents of potential concern. Additionally, Leo Black Electric, the property adjacent and south of the subject site, is listed on the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) list, and the Cortese list with known soil and groundwater contamination from an underground storage tank leak discovered in February 1987. Historically, groundwater beneath the Leo Black Electric property was as shallow as 15 feet below grade in 1987. However, as of April 1991, groundwater was reported to be 50 feet below grade. As of June 1990, the groundwater gradient was to the northwest, toward the subject property. A subsurface investigation was conducted to assess the potential for an adverse impact on soil or groundwater at the subject site as a consequence of the potential environmental concerns detailed above. Four exploratory soil borings and one temporary well were advanced on August 9 and 12, 1991. For the approximate location of the soil borings and temporary well, please see the site map following page 3. The borings were advanced to a depth of 20 feet below grade. During the advancement of each boring soil samples were obtained at five foot intervals. The drilling returns and soil samples were field screened with a Photovac brand portable photoionization detector (PID). The PID readings are noted on the boring logs included in Appendix C. With the exception of boring B2, advanced closest to the highway and oil fields, all PID readings were zero or not detected. The low PID readings in boring B2 may be attributed to ambient air conditions resulting from the nearby highway and oil fields. One temporary groundwater test well was constructed on the subject site and groundwater samples were collected for chemical analysis by means of a Teflon bailer. All samples were handled in accordance with Krazan & Associates standard sampling, handling and chain-of-custody protocols. Selected soil samples and one water sample were analyzed for the presence and concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline, benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene using EPA Method 8020/8015, total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel by EPA Method 8015M, ethylene glycol by EPA Method 8015M, and oil and grease by EPA Method 5520 E and F. The results of the chemical analyses reveal that no petroleum constituents were detected in the groundwater at the location and depths sampled. With the exception of sample BI at 20 feet, which contained minor concentrations of oil and grease, none of the soil samples contained any detectable amounts of petroleum constituents or ethylene glycol at the location and depths sampled. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 5 Boring Bi was advanced at the reported location .of the underground waste oil tank that was operated by Troy's Towing. No documentation of the underground waste oil tank installation or removal is present at any local regulatory agency. Theretbre, a backhoe investigation was conducted and two additional exploratory boreholes were drilled in the vicinity of boring BI. This phase of the subsurface investigation was conducted on September 12 and 16, 1991. Several four feet deep by 45 to 60 feet long trenches were dug in an asterix (*) pattern in an attempt to locate the underground waste oil storage tank. No underground storage tanks were discovered at this location, however, a septic system leach field was uncovered. The two additional exploratory boreholes (B5 and B6) were drilled to the north and south of boring BI. Soil samples were collected every five feet and field screened using a Photovac brand portable photoionization detector (PID). The PID readings are noted on the boring logs included in Appendix C. All PID readings on borings B5 and B6 were zero or "not detected". Selected soil samples collected during the second phase of the subsurface investigation were sent to BSK of Fresno, California to be analyzed for the presence and concentration of oil and grease by EPA Method 418.1, and for base, neutral, and acid extractables by EPA Method 8270. The results of the analyses reveal that low concentrations of oil and grease were detected in boring B5 at a depth of 20 feet. However, the sample collected from boring B5 at a depth of 28 feet contained no detectable concentrations of oil and grease, and samples collected from boring B6 contained no detectable levels of oil and grease. Therefore, the lateral and vertical extent of the minor concentrations of oil and grease in soils appears to be confined vertically to a maximum depth of 28 feet, and confined laterally to the area encompassed by boring B1 and boring B5, a radius of approximately 10 feet. No base, neutral or acid extractables were detected at the locations and depths sampled. After conducting the second phase of the subsurface investigation, Krazan and Associates, Inc., received a call from a former tenant of the property. The tenant indicated that he had observed our drill rig at the project site and informed Krazan and Associates of the possible presence of two underground diesel fuel storage tanks near the southern property boundary. An attempt was made to contact other former tenants of the property to verily this information. Mr. Stan Ahlf and Mr. Jack Delaney of Delaney and Ahlf Diesel Repair were contacted regarding the former underground diesel fuel storage tanks. Both Mr. Ahlf and Mr. Delaney recalled the underground diesel fuel storage tank dispensers on site and indicated that they were owned by a "dump truck operator". Neither Mr. Delaney or Mr. Ahlf could remember the name of the business KRAZA.N & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 6 or the name of the operator. However, both Mr. Delaney and Mr. Ahlf agreed to meet a representative of Krazan and Associates at the project site and point out the location of the fuel dispensers. A second backhoe investigation was conducted on September 20, 1991. Several four foot deep trenches were dug in a cross pattern. Two approximately 8,000 gallon underground fuel storage tanks were discovered during this investigation. Both tanks contained approximately four inches of product in the bottom of the tanks. The underground fuel storage tanks are located approximately 120 feet from the western property boundary, and 20 feet from the southern property boundary. A pipeline was discovered to extend from the 8,000 gallon underground storage tank both to the north and to the south. As the owner of the site, Grossmans then initiated proceedings to have the underground storage tanks removed by their consultant, Aqua Geoscience of Bakersfield, California. On September 27, 1991, under permit and the supervision of Joe Dunwoouy of the Bakersfield Fire Department(BFD), the two underground fuel storage tanks were removed by Kern Environmental Services. The eastern 8,000 gallon underground diesel fuel storage tank was removed at 8:50 am. The tank appeared evenly rusted with some minor pitting. The tank appeared to be in good to fair condition with no visible holes. The western 8,000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank was removed at 9:25 am. The tank appeared evenly rusted with some minor pitting. The tank appeared to be in good to fair condition with no visible holes. Eight soil samples were collected from the underground fuel storage tank excavation using a backhoe by Mr. Phil Ooalwin of AquaGeoscience. Two samples were collected from each end of both underground fuel storage tanks at depths of two feet, and six feet beneath the bottom of the tanks. Following the collection of the final soil sample, the underground fuel storage tank excavation was backfilled using excavated soil and clean fill imported for that purpose. The samples from below the gasoline storage tank were analyzed for the presence and concentration of benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline by EPA Method 8020/8015. The samples from below the underground diesel storage tank were analyzed for the presence of benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene and total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel by EPA Method 8020/8015M. The results of the chemical analyses reveal that trace concentrations of petroleum constituents were detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the two former underground fuel storage tanks. The trace concentrations of petroleum constituents in the two foot samples KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 7 attenuate to "non-detectable" or near the detection limit in the samples collected from 6 feet below the underground fuel storage tanks. Based on the analytical result's, it is. anticipated that the City of Bakersfield Fire Department will issue a letter of closure indicating that no additional work is warranted. A site closure letter should be forthcoming from the Bakersfield Fire Department after their review of the AquaGeoscience report on the underground fuel storage tank removal. Based on a review of historical aerial photographs, the agricultural history of the subject site appears to have been non-irrigated pasture in the 1930's and 1940's. In general, agricultural chemicals are not usually applied to nomirrigated pasture. Agricultural chemicals in use today are applied in dilute concentrations, and when used properly, degrade relatively quickly. However, environmentally persistent pesticides can linger in the soil for many years. Studies have shown that it can take up to 30 years for 75-100% of the original concentration of some environmentally persistent pesticides to degrade in the soil. It is not known if environmentally persistent pesticides have been applied to the subject site in the past. However, the subject site has not been used for agricultural purposes since at least 1956, therefore, any agricultural chemicals that may have been used on the subject site have most likely degraded naturally by this time. A Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) map entitled "Elevation of Water in Wells" dated September 1988, from the "1988 Report on Water Conditions for Improvement District No. 4", shows a groundwater elevation contour of 370 feet in the vicinity of the subject property. Review of the 7.5 minute Oildale, California quadrangle map indicates an elevation of 405 feet at the subject site. Comparison of the two elevations indicates that groundwater in the vicinity of the subject site would be approximately 35 feet below existing grade. During the subsurface investigation conducted on the subject site, groundwater was encountered at a depth of 38 below the existing ground surface. Review of available subsurface investigation reports conducted in the immediate vicinity ol' the subject site indicates that as recently as April 1991 groundwater beneath the property adjacent and south of the subject site was at a depth of approximately 50 feet. According to engineering reports in the Leo Black file at the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, the groundwater depth at the Leo Black property was 15 feet below existing grade in 1987. The KCWA map also indicates that the lateral component of groundwater flow is generally in a northwest direction in the vicinity of the subject site. Review of KCWA maps from previous years indicates that the groundwater flow direction has remained essentially unchanged for the past several years. However, numerous factors influence the fluctuation of groundwater level and evaluation of such factors is beyond the scope of this report. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC Project No. E9f-l12 Page Nc). 8 Review of the above contaminated wells lists reveals that there is one "listed" polluted well within one mile of the subject site. A City of Bakersfield Well #F-102,. located approximately one-half mile southeast of the subject site, is "listed" as containing several organic chemicals. However, the maximum "listed" concentration of all constituents detected in this well are below the California Maximum Contaminant Levels for drinking water standards. There is no record of the underground waste oil storage tank reported to have been located behind the former Troy's Towing previously located on the subject site at 3915 Pierce Road or the two underground fuel storage tanks recently removed from the subject site. The BFD, KCEHSD, the City of Bakersfield Building Department, and the Kern County Building Department were checked for any records of an underground storage tank or underground storage tank removal. No documentation of an underground waste oil tank removal was found at any of the above listed agencies. Attempts to contact the previous owner of Troy's Towing regarding the underground waste oil storage tank reported to be on the property were unsuccessful. In addition, there are no reported incidences involving hazardous materials spills or leaks at the subject property. The KCWA and the KCEHSD were contacted for any available information regarding the water well abandoned on the southern portion of the subject site in 1988. Neither agency had any records for that water well. It is not anticipated that the presence of an abandoned water well on the subject site would adversely impact the subject site. No National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits are on file with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for the project site. No air discharge permits are on file with the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District -- Kern. County Office for the subject site. The subject site is not "listed" on any regulatory agency "contaminated" or "potentially contaminated" sites list. Local regulatory agencies such as the BFD, KCEHSD, and the Kern County Fire Department (KCFD), were contacted regarding properties within the immediate vicinity of the subject site that were suspected of handling hazardous materials. Three of the businesses adjacent to the subject site are known to handle or have handled hazardous materials. Leo Black Electric, located adjacent and south of the subject site at 3909 Pierce Road, is the site of known soil and groundwater contamination with petroleum constituents that leaked from an underground fuel storage tank. The direction of groundwater flow is from the Leo Black property towards the subject site. Although the subsurface investigation conducted on the subject property did not detect the presence of petroleum constituents in the groundwater beneath the subject site at the location and depth sampled, it is anticipated that the soil and groundwater beneath the subject site contain petroleum constituents attributable to the known contamination on the Leo Black KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 9 property. However, it is not anticipated that the Leo Black property would adversely impact the development of the subject site due to the following reasons: 1) The liability and expense associated with remediation efforts should typically fall upon the responsible party (i.e. the owner of the leaking underground storage tank; and 2) On-going investigation and/or remedial efforts at the site are being conducted.' Additionally, it is not anticipated that groundwater contamination will impact the development of the proposed Canned Food Grocery Outlet due to the following reasons: 1) no surface soil contamination was observed at the subject site; 2) water will be supplied to the subject site by a municipal water district which is required to supply quality water; and 3) the groundwater table is located at 38 feet below the surface, which will not impact building foundations or cause surface contamination at the subject site. Additionally, discussions with Mr. John Noonan of the RWQCB, indicated that although an innocent land owner could be held responsible I:br contaminated groundwater beneath the site, he is not aware of any innocent land owners that have been held responsible for groundwater contamination that has migrated on-site from an off site source. Additionally, he does not anticipate that such responsibility would be assigned. BC Laboratories, located adjacent and east of the subject site at 4100 Pierce Road, is the former location of one 1,000 gallon underground fuel storage tank, and one 550 gallon underground waste oil storage tank. These underground storage tanks were removed in 1987, and soil samples collected at the time of the tank removals contained no detectable levels of contaminants. The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) issued a closure letter stating that "no significant contamination" exists at this former underground tank site. It is not anticipated that the former underground tank location at BC Laboratories would adversely impact the subject site due to the lack of detectable contamination and the KCEI-ISD "no significant contamination" status. BC Laboratories has a business plan on file with the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) lbr the handling and storage of hazardous materials. It is not anticipated that the hazardous materials storage detailed on the BC Laboratories business plan would adversely impact the subject site due to the release prevention and cleanup plan in place at this facility. The California Highway Patrol station, located adjacent and east of the subject site at 4040 Pierce Road, operates one 12,000 gallon underground fuel storage tank. Daily tank gauging and inventory reconciliation is the tank monitoring method used at the Highway Patrol facility. There were no records of any leaks or spills at this underground fuel storage tank location. It is not anticipated that the underground fuel storage tank at the Highway Patrol facility would adversely impact the subject site because the current monitoring practices should detect any leaks or spills before contamination could migrate off the Highway Patrol property. However, in the unlikely event that contamination was discovered beneath the subject site that was attributable to the underground KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 10 fuel storage tank at the Highway Patrol facility, the expense and/or liability associated with any investigation or remediation would typically fall upon the responsible party (i.e. the California Highway Patrol). The California Highway Patrol has a business plan on file with the BFD for the storage and handling of hazardous materials. It is not anticipated that the hazardous materials storage detailed on the California Highway Patrol business plan would adversely impact the subject site due to the types of materials stored and the employee training and release prevention plan in place at this facility. Pacific Power Incorporated, located adjacent and east of the subject site at 4000 Pierce Road, has a business plan on file with the BFD for the storage and handling of hazardous materials. It is not anticipated that the hazardous materials located at Pacific Power Incorporated would adversely impact the subject site due to the release containment measures in place at this facility. The following is a list of businesses within the immediate vicinity of the subject site that have removed underground storage tanks. None of these businesses currently possess underground storage tanks. All of these businesses have either 1) experienced no contamination as a result of the former underground storage tanks or 2) have remediated any contamination that was present at the time of the underground storage tank removals and received a closure letter from the KCEHSD. It is not anticipated that the former underground storage tank locations at the businesses listed as follows, would adversely impact the subject site due to the current lack of contamination at these sites. Power Machinery Center 600 feet south 3818 Pierce Road C & D Trucking 650 feet south 3730 Pierce Road Fleet Tires 650 feet south 3305 Pierce Road NATCO 800 feet northeast 4550 Pierce Road Bakersfield Welding Supply 1,300 feet west-southwest 4201 Standard Street Blue Marlin Specialty Tools 1,800 feet southwest 3508 Standard Street Former United Parcel Service Facility 1,900 feet south 3404 Orin Way KRAZAN & ASSOCIATF~, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. ll Schaefer Oil Co. 1,900 feet west-southwest 3950 Shell Street Delaney and Ahlf Diesel Services 2,000 feet northwest 3901 Mercury Avenue Additionally, Power Machinery Center, NATCO, Bakersfield Welding Supply, and Delaney and Ahlf Diesel Services have business plans on file with either the BFD or the KCFD. Power Machinery Center, and NATCO have release prevention plans in place and therefore the potentially hazardous materials handled at those sites are not expected to adversely impact the subject site. The potentially hazardous materials at Bakersfield Welding Supply, and Delaney and Ahlf Diesel Services are not expected to adversely impact the subject site due to their distance from the subject site, and location hydraulically down gradient of the subject site. Holden Truck Plaza/Texaco, located 800 feet south of the subject site at 3775 Pierce Road, is known to posses two 10,000 gallon underground fuel storage tanks, and two 12,000 gallon underground fuel storage tanks. These tanks are double walled steel tanks will fiberglass reinforced plastic corrosion protection and equipped with interstitial monitoring devices. The product piping is sleeved in pvc pipe with red jacket leak detectors. There is no record of any leaks or spills at this facility. It is not anticipated that the underground fuel storage tanks at the Holden Truck Plaza/Texaco would adversely impact the subject site because the current monitoring systems should detect any leaks or spills before contamination could migrate off the Holden Truck Plaza/Texaco property, and the location of this site hydraulically side-gradient to the subject site. Holden Truck Plaza/Texaco also has a business plan on file with the BFD for the storage and handling of hazardous materials. It is not anticipated that the potentially hazardous materials handled at the Holden Truck Plaza would adversely impact the subject site due to the weekly maintenance and leak prevention program in place at this facility. Consolidated Fiberglass Products, located 1,500 feet west of the subject site at 3801 Standard Road, possesses one 1,000 gallon underground fuel storage tank. It is not anticipated that the underground fuel storage tank at this location would adversely impact the subject site due to its distance from the subject site and location hydraulically side-to down-gradient of the subject site. Consolidated Fiberglass Products also has a business plan on file with the KCFD for potentially hazardous substances used in their manufacturing processes. It is not anticipated that the presence of potentially hazardous substances at this location would adversely impact the subject site due to their distance from the subject site, and location hydraulically side-to down-gradient of the subject site. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATF~, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 12 The following facilities are known to possess underground fuel storage tanks. No information is available from either the KCEHSD or the BFD concerning these tanks. The condition of the soil and groundwater beneath these tanks is unknown. <Ken Cummings Diesel Repair 900 feet south-southeast 3309 Gulf Street Lamb Wire Line 1,800 feet southwest 3504 Standard Road tJim's Supply Co. 1,800 feet south 3530 Pierce Road "Valley Steel Construction 2,000 feet south 3304 Pierce Road Ken Cummings Diesel Services has filed a business plan with the BFD ['or the storage and handling of potentially hazardous materials. It is not anticipated that the potentially hazardous materials at this facility would adversely impact the subject site due to the release prevention and containment plan in place at Ken Cummings Diesel Repair. The underground storage tanks at Ken Cummings Diesel Services, Lamb Wire Line, Jim's Supply Co., and Valley Steel Construction are not expected to adversely impact the subject site due to their distance from the subject site and location hydraulically side-gradient of the subject site. Additionally, Jim's Supply Co. and Valley Steel Construction have business plans on file with the BFD. It is not anticipated that the potentially hazardous materials listed on the business plans for Jim's Supply Co. and Valley Steel Construction would adversely impact the subject site due to their distance from the subject site. Davies Oil Co., located 1,000 feet southeast of the subject site at 3305 1/2 Gulf Street, is the site of known soil and groundwater contamination from leaking underground fuel storage tanks. A groundwater extraction and treatment system was installed to treat the contaminated groundwater at this location but has been shut down since February 1990 because several of the wells had run dry due to the lowering of the groundwater table. A soil vapor extraction system has been proposed to remediate the contaminated soils at the Davies Oil Co. property. It is not anticipated that the known contamination at Davies Oil Co. would adversely impact the subject site due to the remediation efforts currently being conducted by the responsible party. Baker's Industrial Welding Supply/Linde Gases of the West, located 1,800 feet south of the subject site at 3503/3505 Pierce Road, is the site of known soil and groundwater contamination due KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 13 to leaks from and underground fuel storage tank and product lines. These leaks were subsequently repaired, and a groundwater treatment system is scheduled to begin operation in July 1991. It is not anticipated that the contamination at Baker's Industrial Welding Supply would adversely impact the subject site due to its distance from the subject site and location hydraulically side-gradient of the subject site. Additionally, Baker's Industrial Welding Supply has a business plan on file with the BFD for the large quantity of pressurized gases stored and sold at this facility. It is not anticipated that the potentially hazardous materials listed on the Baker's Industrial Welding Supply business plan would adversely impact the subject site due to their distance from the subject site. The San Joaquin Refining Company, located 700 feet west of the subject site at 3542 Shell Street, is the site of known soil and groundwater contamination due to a combination of surface spills, leaks from above-ground storage tanks, and waste discharge surface impoundments. The contamination at the San Joaquin Refining Company is confined to their property. Due to the impracticality of removing the contaminants from the groundwater, the current remedial action for this site is groundwater monitoring to insure that the contamination does not migrate off the San Joaquin Refining Company property. It is not anticipated that the groundwater contamination at the San Joaquin Refining Company would adversely impact the subject site due to its location hydraulically side- to down-gradient of the subject site. The San Joaquin Refining Company is scheduled to begin construction of a deep injection well to replace their waste discharge ponds. This injection well has been approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board and would be constructed approximately 1,800 feet west of the subject site on the San Joaquin Refining Company property. It is not anticipated that the construction of this deep injection well at the San Joaquin Refining Company facility would adversely impact the subject site due to the depth of the well and its distance from the subject site. The San Joaquin Refining Company has filed a business plan with the KCFD for the storage and handling of a large variety and quantity of substances such as crude oils, diesel, solvents and other materials associated with their refinery. It is not anticipated that the presence of these substances at the San Joaquin Refinery would adversely impact the subject site due to their location hydraulically side- to down gradient of the subject site. The C & D Truckwash, located 800 feet south of the subject site at 3775 Pierce Road, formerly discharged washwater from their operations into unlined sumps to evaporate. At'ter 1987, this facility began disposing of the washwater into the City of Bakersfield sewer system. Soil samples collected from the bottom of these sumps contained no detectable contaminants. It is not anticipated that the former presence of unlined washwater disposal sumps at the C & D Truckwash facility would adversely impact the subject site due to the lack of detectable contaminants in the soils beneath the former sump locations. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 14 Valley Perforating, located 1,600 feet east-southeast of the subject site at 3201 Gull' Street, is the former location of one underground fuel storage tank. Soil samples collected at the time of the tank removal contained no detectable concentrations of petroleum constituents, and the KCEHSD issued a closure letter for this site indicating that "no significant contamination" exists at the former underground storage tank location. Therefore, the tbrmer underground fuel storage tank location at Valley Perforating is not expected to adversely impact the subject site. Valley Perforating has also filed a business plan with the BFD for the storage and handling of potentially hazardous substances. It is not anticipated that the presence of the potentially hazardous substances listed on the Valley Perforating business plan would adversely impact the subject site due to their distance from the subject site. Review of the California Department of Health Services (DHS) files reveals that Valley Perforating specializes in the cutting and perforating of well casings. Wastes generated by this process include metal shavings which are collected and hauled away for disposal, and wash water which drains into an unlined sump. Lead has been detected in soil samples collected from the bottom of this sump. A work plan for evaluating the extent of the problem has been requested by the DHS. It is not anticipated that the presence of the unlined sump at the Valley Perforating facility would adversely impact the subject site due to its distance from the subject site. The Pratter Drum Site, also known as Jennings Transfer and Storage, located 1,500 feet southwest of the subject site at 3430 Getty Street, has experienced contamination due to the storage of drums containing hazardous materials, and is listed on the EPA CERCLIS Database as a result of this contamination. This property is listed on the CERCLIS Database as having undergone three "removal actions". The most recent removal action occurred in March 1990. It is not anticipated that the Pratter Drum Site would adversely impact the subject site due to its distance from the subject site and its location hydraulically side-gradient of the subject site. Jennings Transfer and Storage has filed a business plan with the KCFD for the storage and handling of motor oil and compresses gases. It is not anticipated that the presence of these substances at this location would adversely impact the subject site to their distance from the subject site. The following businesses have business plans on file with the BFD for the storage and handling of potentially hazardous substances. It is not anticipated that the potentially hazardous substances at the following businesses would adversely impact the subject site due to the release prevention/containment and employee training plans in place at these businesses. KRAZAN & ,~.q~OC'IATF_,S, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page Nc). 15 Harrisburg Inc. 200 feet east-southeast 3950 Pierce Road Howard Supply Company 500 feet south-southeast 3824 Pierce Road Ryan Kawasaki 600 feet south 3801 Pierce Road Bakersfield Envelope Co. 950 feet south 3624 Pierce Road #12 Mobile Safety Company 950 feet south 3624 Pierce Road #19 Bob's Transmission Service, located 300 feet east-southeast of the subject site at 3910 Pierce Road, also has filed a business plan with the BFD. No release prevention or containment information was given in the business plan. However, it is not anticipated that the substances handled at Bob's Transmission Service would adversely impact the subject site due to the relatively small quantity of these substances at the Bob's Transmission facility. The following businesses have filed business plans with either the BFD or the KCFD and are not expected to impact the subject site due to their distances from the subject site. Enterprise Drilling Fluids Inc. 1,100 feet southeast 3208 Gulf Street MTK Gas 1,100 feet south 3400 Pierce Road Division of Fumigation 1,100 feet south 3400 Pierce Road Western Geophysical 1,300 feet south-southwest 3600 Ethyl Street Downhole Stabilization Inc. 1,500 feet east-southeast 3212 Gulf Street Jerry & Keith's Inc. 1,500 feet west-northwest 4517 Standard Street Lee Morland Co. 1,550 feet east-southeast 3210 Gulf Street KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 16 Alaniz Body Works 1,550 feet southwest 3406 Getty Street Kern County Water Agency 1,600 feet northeast 3200 Rio Mirada Chancellor Oil Tool 1,600 feet west-southwest 3521 Gulf Street General Machine Works Inc. 1,750 feet southeast 3229 Orin Way Pengo Wireline 1,750 feet southwest 3529 Standard Street A1 Battery Co. 1,800 feet south 3502 Pierce Road American Van Conversion 1,850 feet south 3525 Pierce Road Oilfield Chemicals Inc. 1,900 feet south 3420 Pierce Road Valley Hydraulics 1,900 feet south 3329 Pierce Road Diesel Electric Parts & Service 1,900 feet south 3315 Pierce Road Bill's Pipe Service 1,900 feet southwest 3505-C Standard Street Dick's Auto and Truck Repair 1,900 feet southwest 3505 Standard Street The following businesses or properties located within the immediate vicinity of the subject site were noted as possibly handling hazardous substances but did not have any records on file with local regulatory agencies. It is not anticipated that these businesses would adversely impact the subject site due to their locations hydraulically side- to down-gradient of the subject site. Bakersfield Motorcycle Supplies 600 feet south 3801 Pierce Road Paramount Pest Control 950 feet south 3624 Pierce Road, #3 KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. , ' Project Nc). E91-112 Page Nc). 17 Bakersfield Maintenance Service 950 feet south 3624 Pierce Road, #17 Pierce Sheet Metal 1000 feet south 3408 Getty Street PEF Co. 1,500 feet west 4951 Standard Road Westinghouse Electric Supply 1,600 feet northeast 3233 Rio Mirada Petro-Electric 1,600 feet southwest 3600 Getty Street Willis Electric 1,650 feet northwest 4465 Pierce Road Transportation Equipment Inc. 1,750 feet southwest 3521 Standard Road Pat Callahan Ceramic Tile 1,750 feet southwest 3525 Standard Road Aco Cable Splicing 1,800 feet south 3504 Pierce Road Bakersfield Friction Materials 1,800 feet south 3500 Pierce Road Off Shore Casers 1,800 feet southwest 3512 Standard Road KWAC/KIWI 1,900 feet northwest 5200 Standard Road Kernville Stage and Freight Lines, located 1,000 feet southeast of the subject site at 3307 Gulf Street, was noted as possibly handling hazardous substances but did not have any records on file with local regulatory agencies. It is not anticipated that Kernville Stage and Freight Lines would adversely impact the subject site due to its distance from the subject site. Review of published regulatory agency contaminated or potentially contaminated sites lists reveals that there are 23 "listed" sites within one mile of the subject site. Six of the 23 sites appear on the Department of Health Services (DHS) Abandoned Sites Program Information System (ASPIS) List with a "no further action" status. A no further action status indicates that the Department of Health Services believes that no investigation or action is required concerning KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 18 hazardous materials or wastes at that location, and therefore these sites are not expected to adversely impact the subject site. These six sites are listed as follow: San Joaquin Refining Co. 700 feet west 3542 Shell Street Best Reinforcing Steel Co. 1,800 feet east 3223 Brittan Road Di-Chem (Now Aco Cable Splicing) 1,800 feet south 3504 Pierce Road California Pallet Co 2,650 feet south-southwest 3426 Gilmore WDSCO Foundry Company 3,200 feet north-northeast State and Pierce Roads Arco Performance Chemical Co. 3,200 feet northwest 5145 Boylan Seven of the 23 "listed"sites are located within the immediate vicinity of the subject site and were discussed above. Leo Black Electric Adjacent south 3909 Pierce Road LUST, Cortese List Power Machinery Center 600 feet south 3818 Pierce Road LUST, Cortese List San Joaquin Refining Company 700 feet west 3542 Shell Street LUST, Cortese List, ASPIS Davies Oil Co. 1,000 feet southeast 3305 Gulf Street LUST, Cortese List Valley Perforating Co. 1,600 feet east-southeast 3201 Gulf Street ASPIS KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 19 Pratter Drum Site 1,600 feet southwest 3430 Getty Street EPA CERCLIS Database Bakers Welding Supply Co. 1,800 feet south Linde Gases of the West 3503/3505 Pierce Road LUST, Cortese List, Bond Expenditure Plan Ten of the 23 remaining "listed" sites are located greater than 2,000 feet from the subject site. These sites are listed as follows and are not expected to adversely impact the subject site due to their distance from the subject site. Kalibur Engineering 2,200 feet southeast 3109 Antonino Avenue LUST, Cortese List Baker Oil Treating 2,400 feet southeast 3212 Antonino Avenue LUST, Cortese List Cal Valley Equipment 2,600 feet south 3500 Gilmore LUST, Cortese List Big Valley Truck Stop 2,700 feet south 3115 Pierce Road LUST, Cortese List Arco Manufacturing Group 3,200 feet northwest 5125 Boylan ASPIS San Joaquin Drum Company 3,200 feet southwest 3930 Gilmore Drive Cortese List, Bond Expenditure Plan, ASPIS ARCO AM/PM Mini Mart 4,200 feet south 2612 Pierce Road LUST, Cortese List Sabre Refining Inc. 4,300 feet southwest 3121 Standard Street ASPIS KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 20 Marshall, EZ Ralow and Associates 4,800 feet northeast 701 Roberts Lane LUST ll-C Market 4,800 feet northeast 661 Roberts Lane LUST The nearest EPA National Priorities List (NPL) site is the Brown and Bryant Inc. Arvin Facility located approximately 17 miles southwest of the subject site at 600 South Derby Road in Arvin, California. The Brown and Bryant Arvin Facility is not expected to impact the subject site due to its distance from the subject site. The California Department of Conservation Division of Oil and Gas publishes several maps showing the location of producing oil and gas wells as well as the location of plugged and abandoned dry holes. Review of the Division of Oil and Gas Map //435 and the United States Geological Survey Oildale, California topographic quadrangle map indicates that the subject site is on the eastern edge of the Fruitvale Oilfield. This oilfield is active and consists o~' a large number of producing oil wells. It is not anticipated that the location of the subject site on the border of the Fruitvale Oilfield would adversely impact the subject site due to the location of the oil field hydraulically down-gradient of the subject site. Review of published regulatory agency landfill lists reveals that there are no "listed" landfills within one mile of the subject site. The nearest "listed" landfill is the Bakersfield Sanitary Landfill located one and one-quarter miles northeast of Mt. Vernon and Panorama Drive. The Bakersfield Sanitary landfill closed in 1983 and is listed on the SWIS inactive listing. It is not anticipated that the Bakersfield Sanitary landfill would adversely impact the subject site due to its distance from the subject site. In our opinion, the site is not a border zone property as defined by the California Health and Safety Code. As far as we are aware, based on available information and our observations, no "hazardous waste property" exists within one mile of the subject site. Based on visual observation, review of published data, and discussions with regulatory and advisory agencies, it is our opinion that further investigation of the subject property is not warranted at this time. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E91-112 Page No. 21 If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Environmental Division Office at (209) 453-9637. Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Laurie T. Jones Project Geologist Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer RGE #002051/RCE #34274 LTJ/DA/lcl KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~ r 7 ~-~r'd-~ ID# ausiness Name: ~_~_-_ ~--o~c.~ ~~ Con~ N~e: ~-~ ~~~ Business Phone: ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ - / ~ ? ~ F~: insp~or's N~e: ~ Time of C~I: Date: ~ ~ Time: ~ ~o · Uin: ~ Type of C~I: Incoming [-] Outgoing ~ Returned [ ] 'Content of C~I: ~ ~ ~o ~ ~, ( r~c~s~,~ ~/~' o~ Time .Required to Complete Activity # Min: ¥~>~,~:~,~L Groundwa~rScie~s~ · En~ronmen~Consulmn~ October 2, 1991 Grossman's, Inc. 200 Union Street Braintree, MA 02184-4997 ATTN: Mr. James TaylOr SUBJECT: UST Closure Assessment Report for Grossman's located on Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California -- Permit #BR-0014 Dear Mr. Taylor: At the request of Mr. James Taylor, representing Grossman's, AquaGeosciences, Inc. performed soil sampling at the removal of two (2) 8,000 gallon underground storage tanks, 1-diesel, 1-gasoline at the above referenced facility. (Exhibit 1) The tanks removed were constructed of steel. The age of the two (2) storage tanks is unknown, due to the fact that Grossman's, the current property owner, was not aware of the tanks existence. On September 27, 1991, Kern Environmental Services removed two (2) 8,000 gallon underground storage tanks, 1-diesel and 1-gasoline. Mr. Joe Dunwoody from the City of Bakersfield Hazardous Materials Division was present to observe the tank removals and sample collections. Prior to the tank removals, the tanks were triple rinsed and purged using dry ice on-site. The triple rinse and dry ice vapor displacement was performed by Kern Environmental Services. KVS Transportation from Bakersfield, California was responsible for the evacuation, hauling and disposal of 1500 gallons of rinseate. The rinseate was disposed of at Gibson Oil Refinery in Bakersfield, California. The tanks were rendered non-hazardous on-site and were removed via crane by Bill's Pipe Service of Bakersfield, under the supervision of Kern Environmental Services, and were transported by KVS Transportation to Golden State Metals, Inc. Bakersfield, California for final disposal. Documentation of rinseate disposal, tank removal, transportation and tank disposal are enclosed. Photographs of the tank removals are also enclosed for your review. AquaGeosciences, Inc. collected soil samples in accordance with the City guidelines after a tank removal. The of Bakersfield soil samples were obtained at the following depths and locations: SAMPLE ~ LOCATION DEPTH (FEET) ES-2 East Tank-South End 2 ES-6 East Tank-South End 6 WS-2 West Tank-South End 2 WS-6 West Tank-South End 6 WN-2 West Tank-North End 2 WN-6 West Tank-North End 6 EN-2 East Tank-North End 2 EN-6 East Tank-North End 6 1701 Westwind Drive, Suite 101 · Bakersfield, California 93301 5-!:= ~.~-~ -:'_. (8_05)i32_8-09622j.~ FAX i895)-328-11-29 :- ~-.: ' :~c-~ ;::::~..~:~-_ ~..::_u:~ ~ = ;!C:' ::;; ~ ;--~ ~ ~ ~:~;~ -. ;- A plot plan, drawn to scale, of the site (provided by Krazan & Associates) is included as Exhibit 2. A detailed map showing the tank and sample locations is included as Exhibit 3. The soil samples were collected in 2" diameter brass tubes and were driven into the backhoe bucket immediately after excavation. The samples were stored in 2"x 6" brass tubes, sealed with teflon tape and plastic end caps. The brass tubes were labelled and promptly placed in an ice chest at 4° centigrade. A Chain-of-Custody record was initiated which accompanied the samples to the analytical laboratory. The soil samples were submitted to SMC Laboratories, a State Certified Laboratory for the analysis requested. In accordance with The City of Bakersfield guidelines, the samples collected beneath the two (2) 8,000 gallon underground storage tanks were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline, diesel and BTEX using the EPA Method 5030/8020 for gasoline and for diesel EPA Method 8015 modified, respectively. The analytical results are shown in Table RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SEPTEMBE~ 1991 DESCRIPTION DEPTH TPHg TPHd ES-2 East Tank-South End 2' - ND ND .01 ND ND ES-6 East Tank-South End 6' - ND ND ND ND ND WS-2 West Tank-South End 2' ND - ND .0330 ND ND WS-6 West Tank-South End 6' ND - ND ND ND .0060 WN-2 West Tank-North End 2' ND - .0271 .0270 ND ND WN-6 West Tank-North End 6' ND - ND ND ND ND EN-2 East Tank-North End 2' - ND .0120 .0069 ND ND EN-6 East Tank-North End 6' - ND ND ND ND ND Results in Micrograms per gram (ugm/gm) TPHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline TPHd = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel B = Benzene; T = Toluene; E = Ethylbenzene; X = Total Xylenes ND = Not Detected Copies of the laboratory reports and Chain-of-Custody are enclosed. j~\ The analytical results indicate that TPH as gasoline or diesel was not detected in any of the samples submitted for analysis. Extremely low concentrations of volatile aromatics were detected in all samples collected at 2 feet; however, the samples collected at 6 feet were non-detect for constituents analyzed, except sample we- 6, which had concentrations of M-Xylene at .0060 ppm. The concentrations detected during that tank removal fall well below City of Bakersfield and State of California guidelines for UST closures. It is AquaGeosciences, Inc.'s opinion that based on the laboratory results, no further work related to subsurface contamination is warranted. AquaGeosciences will provide a copy of this report to the City of Bakersfield Hazardous Materials Division, on behalf of Grossmans. If You have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the undersigned at (805) 328-0962. ~ ~ ~_~Sincerely' Philip ~oalwin, RG #4779 Principal Hydrogeologist %\ \ ...... /~/~ Registration Expires 6/30/92 x .~ KERN COUT~FI'Y · ' ~U& WORSTS>. AIRPORT NO. 1 ROADr: Ave. ~olumbine m~ ROB£RT$~ · ~ BEARDSLEY II~IT NORTH OF THE RIVER '. ~. Ave. TREA TMENT PI. ANT Beardsley Ave. ~ ~. ~' . .... Maplew~ Dr. . ~n~onio . ' ROSEDAm HIGHWAY Burr Street AquaGeosciences, Inc. Title £xhibit 1701 Ves-twind'l)rive Sufte 103 Grossman's Bakersfield, Calffornia 9~01 Bakersfield, California 1 Telephone: (805) 328-0962 r~ ~e-~ VIEINITY MAP N Metal Bldg Asphalt Leo Black Electric ~ · SCALE 1' = 100' NOTE: INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS ~P ~URTE~ OF K~AN & A~IATE5 Aqua enc s, I ".. Title ~ , ~hibit 1~1 V~ ~e ~te I~ -' Grossman's . Fax S~-ll~ SITE MAP WN-2 EN-2 WN-6 EN-6 8000 ~L 8000 ~L GASOLINE '-'--'-- -,--. '--.---. ~ ,_.._---"-"-' DIESEL ! .,___/,,o./--,. / ~ WS~- 2 ESL 2 WS-6 E$-6 10' ":' .... FENCE LINE SCALE 1'= 10' *t~ SAMPLE LOC~TIONS I AquaGe°SCi'ence~§'i InCi" .. Title Exhibit 1'701 ~'e,d~Yi~ Drive ~ '10~' "' Grossman's ~~, ~~ ~! - - · ~field, ~li~r~a 3 Te~' (~ ~~ ' ~' ~~. TANK AND ~AMPLE LOCATi~Ng I Clean%ng and triple rinsing I~ ~the tanks prior to removal ! , I Adding dry ice to the tanks prior to removal Top left: City measuring %LEL, oxygen in diesel tank Top right: City measuring %LEL, oxygen in gasoline tank' Center: Removal of .diesel tank Bottom: Removal of gasoline tank Close-up view of end of diesel tank 1 - ? Loading of tanks onto trailer for transport to Golden State Metals Backfilling of excavation Laboratory ' .... , Anal al chemis.try Client Name: Aqua Geosciences Inc. Address : 1701Westwind Dr. Suite 101 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Attention · Mr Philip Goalwin ' Date samples reCeived ": 9~27-91~ Date analysis comPleted;lO-Ol-91 Date of report ~:10-01-91 .Project ~ : N/A P.O. ~ : N/A RESULTS OF'ANALYSIS: ~3637 ID: ES-2 ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.0050 Toluene 0.0100 0.0050 ... Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xy lene ND 0. 0050 . o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH(Diesel) ND 10. .'Method of Analysis for BTX/TP}{ (Gasoline) : 8020 ~' MDL = Minimum Detection L.e. vel~ .TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons .:'.'~ugm/gm = micrograms .per gram-(ppm) ND = None Detected "~-PQL = Practical Quantitati°n Limit Robert J. Michels '. 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: ~3638 ID: ES-6 ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 p-Xylene ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ~ ND 0.0050 o-Xylene ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH(Dies~l) ND 10. ~3639 ID: WS-2 ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0. 0050/ Toluene 0. 0330 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0. 0050 p-Xy lene ND 0. 0050 m-Xylene ND 0. 0050 o-Xylene ND 0. 0050 I sopropylbenzene ND 0. 0050 TPH(Gasoline) ND 1 0 ~3640 ID: WS6 ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0.0050 ...... Toluene ND 0o 0050 Ethylbenzene "~ ~'~ ND .... 0. ~05'~ · . p-Xylene ND 0. 0050 ".~?',. m-Xylene ~' 0.0060 0.0050 · .. o-Xylene ..'. i -. ND 0.0050 · .~,'i. ~ Isopropylbenzene '-,~i~ .. · ND · 0.0050 Robert J Mlchels ~ RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: 53641 ID: WN-2 ugm/gm MDL~ugm/gm Benzene 0.0271 0.0050 Toluene 0.0270 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 p-Xylene ND m-Xylene ND 0.0050 o-Xylene' ND 0.0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0050 TPH(Gasoline) ND 1.0 53642 ID: WN-6 ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene ND 0. 0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0. 0050 p-Xy lene .-ND 0 · 0050 m-Xylene ND 0. 0050 o-Xy lene ND 0. 0050 Isopropylbenzene ND 0. 0050 TPH(Gasoline) ND 1 0 53643 ID: EN-2 ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene 0.0120 0.0050 Toluene 0. 0069 0. 0050 ....... EthylbenZen~ ,' . p-Xylene ., ,- ND 0.0050 m-Xylene ND 0 0050 o-Xy lene - . ND 0. 0050 Isopropylbenzene ~· ND 0.0050 TPH(Diesel) .... .../...~ ND 10. Robert' J. Michels Analytical Chemist I RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: I ~3644 ID: EN-6 ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm i Benzene ND .0. 0050 Toluene ND 0. 0050 - ,. Ethylbenzene --.~ ND · 0.0050 '-'~.i ~ '.' p-Xylene ND 0. 0050 I m-Xy lene ND 0 0050 o-Xylene ND 0. 0050 · Isopropylbenzene ND 0. 0050 TPH(Diesel) ND 10. ! ,.Robert Michels Analytical Chemist L.P. NO. SAMPLERS' S,gnature/Number) OF Type DATE SAMPLE,D ~ SAMPLE I.D. E.s ~;r REMARKS ' ' , Sludge TIME MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS .. ~:z} Bale~ime 8eceived for L~}ato~ b~: ' .." N_o 10100 GOLDEN S'~E METALS, INC. DISPOSAL FORM P. O. Box 70158 · 2000 E. Brundage Lane I Date Bakersfield, CaJifomia93387 i ~_.~C.~' / ,19 9/ Phone (805) 327-3559 - Fax (805) 327-5749 Contractor's Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling License No. Contractor's Phone No. '~'"- ~ -- ~ "~.~-<.~ ADDRESS: '~.O.~,J~ ~,"'~"~W '"~'~ ~,~.'.~"'~ JOB SITE: ~ ~..0~>S ~ DESTINATION: G.S.M. · 2000 F- BRUNDAGE LANE · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 TOTAl 250 .14 COUNTY: .................................................................................... 550 .24 1000 - 6 ft .61 [] RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) 3000 1.32 LEL READING sooo 2.42 ~ OXYGEN CONTENT 3.2s __ DISPOSAL FEE 9000 3.s2 __ SCRAP VALUE ................................................................ 12000 4.93 __ OTHER ..... . ................ ~ ~ ......................................... TOTAL representsacceptance of terms for payment, and confirms '~ ~~~.~.~[~~[~m ~ CERTIFICATE OF T~ DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION ~ AUT~D REP. - OATE ~-~,~'&-~B ~;): ~2~ ~E~;3~;e;'9-3~g~) .... .... and Front of Page 7 To~ic Substances Control Divaion Please p~ ~ ~:' F~ ~e~ f~ uae on ~e (12~ ~e~).' :' - .. ._. :..- ... ....... , .....v .... ~?,,, . -~ .__..,~'~:....,.,: , ,..,..,,.__. Sacram~o. ~lttomia -. UNIFORM ~ WASTE 'US EPA ID ami .,,~te Address; US EPA ID 12~ .Contalm,,i. Hame, GENERATOR'S CE~FI~=" I here~ d~am that the co~enta of this Consignment are full'and accurate~ dea~b~ above by prop~ shipping name '. ::.' and are class fi~ packed, ma~, and la~{~ and are in all reap~a in pmp~ condaion for tranapo, by h~gh~y ac~ing ?o app~bl? i?~m~ti~nal and. :.~ ::'::. :. if'l am a la~e ~ua~ generator, i ce~ that I have a pr~ram in place to reduce the volume and tox~c~ of waste generated to the d~r~ I have dete~m~ . :. to be ~onomi~l~p~lcable and that I have sele~ ~e pra~i~ble meth~ of treatment, storage, or disposal ~ent~ available to ~ ~i~ minimizes the ' 'presem and ~ure threat to human health and the en~ronment; OR, if I am a small quant~ Generator, ~ ha~ made a g~ fa~ effop~o minimize my waste. generation and ael~ the be~ waste manageme~ meth~ that ia ava able to me and that I can afford ...... '. ,...: . ,' ~ '~' '~.?. ~'- ~'j.-".:::~'/:':~ '~ .: : .'*'-'-~' '.* '. ' Pfi~t/~lTyped Name , '-,~ { Signalure --.. · , . ~u,i;~ Day · Yeer 20. Facil~ ~er or Operator ~n,lcation of r~eipt of h~rdoua materials cover~ bj this manifest, ex~e~ aa rimed in ,em 19. . -' . . '.. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 9-130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM OWNER PERMIT TO OPERATE~ CONTRACTOR /C~' .~ CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY' # OF SAMPLES TEST METHODOLOGY/~ ~ ~, 7-~z~ ~ PRELIMANARY ASSESflMENT'CO. ~ ~~. CONTACT PERSON CO2 RECIEPT /~.z~ ' uLEL%, / ~ 'PLOT PL~~°~' '~' CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL COMMENTS y/z v/? / DATE INSPECTORS NAME SIGNATURE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION. I, ~ ~ .an authorized agent of name /C~/~/ ~N~-~wr~ ~,~ here by 'attest under penalty of contracting co. perjury that the tank(s) located at ~./~c_e~ /~ and address being removed under permit% ~, -OO/c/ has been cleaned/decontaminated properly and a LEL (lower explosive limit) reading of no greater than 5% was measured immediately following the cleaning/decontamination process. date name (print) / signature UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE. REPORT · YI~ ~;3;~NO REPORT BEEN FILED ? [] YES ~ ::::::!::~R~B~i::~[;~ii~HA~::::::!::::~AM::i::~i[~!~T~N~::::::~[Q~i~i~ii!ii~&~ii: ~'~ M~ ~ ~' DI ~ Y~ Y ~ ~ ~:~' '~ ~'"'"'"'"'"'"" ..... '~"~'~'~':':':':':+:+":+:" :~:':":':":':~:" :':':' ;"~'"'"":'"":"'"'""' '"'";':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':';+::':':+:':" "':':';': '"~'"'"~'"'"'""' ::::::::::: h: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::: :.' ' ......... ......... ¥""'""¥'"'"" OWNE~OP~ATOR ~ ~GIONAL mA~ ~MP~Y OR AGEN~ h~E ~:~ ' · " ~;'~ ' STRE~ ~ ~ATE ZIP FAClLI~ N~E (IF APPLIC~L~ OPE~TOR ~ P~NE ~DRESS CROSS STR;~ ~G~ON~ ~ARD , ' , P~NE ' ~ ~ ; ~/" ~:x'~,J) '~ :,~:: : .... , ,~ ~ ' ~ "~ ~ , '~"~ ~ ~ ) ~/ ~f :'' ' ':l ~ ''-~' ~ .~ (~) ~ ~ ~ U aU~Tl~ LOST~a~LONS) : UNKNO~ DATEDI~RED Y ~WDI~OVE~D ~ INVENTORY~ROL ~ SUBSURF~EMONITOR~G ~ NUI~E~NDITIONS ~1 ~1 ol ~1 ~1 ~1 ~0h~owN ~ ~OV~CON~.TS ~ .E.~ ~~T~ ~SDI~HARGEBEENSTOPPED? ~ ~PAIRT~K ~ REPAIR PIPING ~ CH~GEPR~EDURE ~URCE OF DI~HARGE CAUSE(S) ~ T~K~ ~"UN~O~ ~ OVERF~L ~ RUP~R~FAILURE ~ ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ u~D~R~,~D ~'~,LO~L~ ~' ~ROU~DWA~R ~ DR,~K,~WA~R-(C~CKO~L~,FWA~R~LL, HAWAC~L~,~A~ECT~D) ~ NO ACTION TArN PREU~IN~ SITE ~E~ME~ ~R~N SUBM~D ~ L~KBEI~NFIR~ED ~ PRELIMINARY SITE ~SE~E~ UNDERWAY ~ POST~NUPMONITORINGINP~GRESS ~ RE~EDIATION P~ ~ CASE ~OSED (C~UP CO~P~TED OR UNNECESSAR~ ~ ~EANUP UNDERWAY CHECK ~PROPRIA~ ACTION(S) ~' EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) ~ ~OVE FREE PRO.CT (FP) ~ ENH~CED B~ ~GRADATION (1~ ~ C~S,TE(CD) ~ EXCA~A~TR~AT(~ ' ~ r'U~P~TREATG~U~D~AT~R(G~ ~ ~ CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~CT~N REQUIRED (NA) ~ TREAT~ENTAT ~OKUP (HU) ~ VENT~IL ~ VA~UM E~RACT (~) ~ O~ER (O~ HSC05(11/89) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK)'iCONTAMINATION SITE REPORT .~,-. REPRESE~ING ~ OWNE~OPE~TO" ~ REGIO~L~A~ )~MP~YORAGEN~N~E'.,.) ,, ~ ./ .: .... ('" ..... ~ S~E~ ~ ~ATE , ZIP ADDRESS ~ .. ~ ....... . -, . ~ ~..,..: ,~ .. ,-,.~ ~_ ,..h ~' ~.-'4., :;'V- ?-,, ~. FACIL~NAME (IFAPPLIC~LE) OPE~TOR I P~NE CR~S STRE~ L~AL &~ENCY A~NCY ~ME ~N~&CT P~R~N P~NE . . ~;~[.. ~' p,~ REGION~ BOARD P~NE ~'~.' x ,:' ,; ~ _~ ~.. .... .' .,'u,...~ ~ ~,' ~It' '~'' '~'~' (1) ~. ~ ' NAME ,~ OU~TIWLOST(G~LONS) ' / ~ UNKNO~ ~OI~O~RED Y ~WOI~VE~D ~ IN~ORY~ROL ~ SUBSURFACEM~ITORING ~ NUISA~E~NDIT~NS ~TE DISCHARGE BE~N M~OD USED TO ST~ DI~HARGE (CHECK ~L ~T ~PL~ .I .I .I .I ,t ,I . ,~'~OWN ~ ~VE~N~NTG ~ REP~ET~K ~, PIPINGL~ ~ O~ER ~ ~R~SION ~"UNK~WN , ~ O~ER ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ · ~ U,D~,~,~ ~LONL~ ~ ~ROU,DW*~, ~ ~mNK~N~W*~R-(C,~CKO,LY~FW*~,~LLS,*V~*C~L~,*~CT~D~ CH~ONLY ~ L~KBEI~ ~NFIRMED ~ PRELIMINA~SITE~SE~ME~UNDERWAY ~ POST~NUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS ~ RE~EO~ATION P~ ~ CASE ~OSED (C~UP COaP~DOR UNNEOESSAR~ ~ ~EANUP UNDERWAY CHECK ~PROPRIATE ACTION(S) ~ EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) ~ REMO~ FREE PRO.CT (F~ ~ ENH~CED aD ~GRADATION (1~ ~ c~m~[(c~) ~ [XCAV~T~[A~([~ ~ r,U~P&T~EAT~UNDWA~(~ ~ R[P~CESU~Lr(RS) ~ CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~iCT~NREQUIRED(NA) ~ TREATMENTAT~OKUP(HU) ~ ~NTSOIL~S) ~ VACUUU E~nACT~ ~ OTHER(O~ ' ... . INSTRUCTIONS EMERGENCY Indicate whether emergency response personnel and equipment were involved Preliminary Site Assessment Workplan Submitted - workplan/proposal at any time. If so, a Hazardous Material Incident Report should be filed requested of/submitted by responsible party to determine whether ground with the State Office of Emergency Services (OES) at-2800 Meadowview Road, water has been, or will be, impacted as a result of the release. Sacramento, CA 95832. Copies of the OES report form may be obtained at Preliminary Site Assessment Underway - implementation of workplan. your local underground storage tank permitting agency. Indicate whether Pollution Characterization - responsible party is in the process of fully the OES report has teed filed as of the date of this report, defining the extent of contamination in soil and ground water and assessing impacts on surface and/or ground water. LOCAL AGENCY ONLY Remediation Plan - remediation plan submitted evaluating long term To avoid~uplicate notification pursuant-t~.Health and Safety code Section remediation options. Proposal and implementation schedule for appropriate 25180.7., a designated ~overnment emp~0y~e.~houl~ sign and date the form in remediation options also submitted. this block. A signature here'does not mean that the leak has been Cleanup Underway - implementation of remediation plan. determined to pose a significant th~-~eat to human health or safety, only Post Cleanup Monitorin~ in FroMress - periodic ground water or other that notification procedureshave been followed if required, monitoring at site, as necessary, to verify and/or evaluate effectiveness of remedial activities. REPORTED BY Case Closed - regional board and local agency in concurrence that no Enter your name, telephone number, and address. Indicate which party you further work is necessary at the site. represent and provide company or agency name. IMPORTANT: THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS INTENDED FOR GENERAL RESPONSIBLE PARTY STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REPRESENTING THE Enter name, telephone number, contact person, and address of the party OFFICIAL POSITION OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY responsible for the leak. The responsible party would normally be the tank owner. REMEDIAL ACTION Indicate which action have been used to cleanup or remediate the leak. SITE LOCATION Descriptions of options follow: Enter information regarding the tank facility. At a minimum, you must provide the facility name and full address. Cap Site - install horizontal impermeable layer to reduce rainfall infiltration. IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES Containment Barrier - install vertical dike to block horizontal movement of Enter names of the local agency and Regional Water Quality Control Board contaminant. involved. Excavate and Dispose ~ remove contaminated soil and dispose in approved site. SUBSTANCES INVOLVED Excavate and Treat - remove contaminated soil and treat (inolude~ spreading Enter the name and quantity lost of the hazardous substance involved. Room or land farming). is provided for information on two substances if appropriate. If more than Remove Free Product - remove floating product from wate~ table. two substances leaked, list the two of most concer~ for cleanup. Pump and Treat Groundwater - generally employed to remr.'e dissolved contaminants. DISCOVERY/ABATEMENT Enhanced Biode~radation - use of any available technology to promote Provide information regarding the discovery and abatement of the leak. bacterial decomposition of contaminants. Replace Supply - provide alternative water supply to affected parties. SOURCE/CAUSE Treatment at Hookup - install water treatment devices at each dwelling or IIndicate source(s) of leak. Check bo×(es) indicating cause of leak. other place of use. Vacuum Extract - use pumps or blowers to draw air through soil. CASE TYPE Vent Soil ~ bore holes in soil to allow volatilization of contaminants. Indicate the case type category for this leak. Check one box only. Case No Action Required - incident is minor, requiring no remedial action. type is based on the most sensitive resource affected. For example, if both soil and &round water have been affected, case type will be "Ground CO~ENTS - Use this space to elaborate on any aspects of the incident. Water". Indicate "Driraking Water" only if one or more municipal or domestic water wells have actually been affected. A "Ground Water" SIGNATURE - Sign the form in the space provided. designation does not imply that the affected water cannot be, or is not, used for drinking water, but only that water wells have not yet been DISTRIBUTION affected. It is understood that case type may change upon further If the form is completed by the tank owner or his agent, retain the last copy investigation, and forward the remaining copies intact to your local tank permitting agency for distribution. CURRENT STATUS 1. Original - Local Tank Permitting Agency Indicate the category which best describes the current status of the case. 2. State Water. Resources Control Board, Division of Loans and Grants, Check one box only. The respons~ should be relative to the case type. For Underground Storage Tank Program, P.O. Box 944Z12, Sacramento, CA 94244- example, if case type is "Ground Water", then "Current Status" should refer 2120 to the status of the ground water investigation or cleanup, as opposed to 3. Regional Water Quality Control Board that of soil. Descriptions of options follow: 4. County Board of Supervisors or designee to receive Proposition 65 notifications. No Ao~iOD Taken - No action has been taken by responsible party beyond 5. Owner/responsible party. initial report of leak. Leak B~ein~ Confirmed - Leak suspected at site, but has not been confirmed. March 22, 1990 Grossmans Inc. 6655 Crescent Street Ventura, Ca. 93003 SUBJECT: Hazardous Materials Handling Fee for the Bakersfield Store We understand that the Bakersfield Store has been closed for business, however the balance owed on this bill is for a previous year. There will be no further charges made to this account, however the previous balance of $75.00 is due and payable. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Ha=~rdous Materi~ls Coordinetor REH=vp ~~"~lq' ~ ~akersfield Fire Dept. PERM,r No. ~/~-~/~  . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION .~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SI~E INFORMATION SITE VACanT PROPERTY ADDRESS ~T~r~ ~n~n ZIPCODE 9330B .APN ~4-23 FACILI~ NAME GROSS~NS -CROSS STREET GIT.MORE AVENTTE TANKOWNER/OPERATOR J~S TAYLOR PHONE No. 6]7-R4R-n]~n ~f:RS28 MAILING ADDRESS 200 UNION START CI~ RRATNTR~ ZlPCODE 9Q1R4-4997 ~'~SSACHUSETTS CONT~ACTOg INFORMATION COMPAN~fE~ ENVIRONS~NTAL SER~NENo..sOs-58925220LICENSENo. 432J32 CT,ASS A ADDRESS 2.O. ~OX 5337 Ci~ ~~iPCODE 933RR INSURANCE CARRIER. TOL~N & WIKER WORKMENS COMP No. WC-SRR-2] P~ELIMANA~Y ASSEMENT INFOgMATION COMPANY A:~UAGEOSCIENCES, INC. PHONENo. 8.35-328-0962LICENSENo. 477q' ADDRESS1701 WESTWIND DRIP, SUITE 10~ .CI~ ~~IPCODE' INSURANCE CARRIER STATE .FUND WORKMENS COMP NO. ] ] ~3~-91 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY KE~ ENVIRON~.~NTAL SERVICE PHONE No. R0~-~89-5220 ADDRESS P 'O. BOX 5337 CI~ BAT{.ERKPTXT,~IP CODE 9~8g WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ADq R ~4~ ~ R NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILI~ G~BSO~: OIL ~ ADDRESS COM~.~RCIAL DRI~ .... · C[~ BA~.~Rg~T. ET,DZlP CODE FACILI~ INDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAD9 R ] 4 ~ R 4 A ~ TANK T~ANSPO~TEE INFORMATION COMPANY KVS ~S~Og~Am[O~ PHONE No. R~g_gRq.g??nLICENSENo.432~ CLASS A ADDRESS 2.0. ~OA 5337 CI~ RA~g~T~T.DZlPCODE TANK DESTINATION GO~Dg~ S~A~ ~.~AL~, [~Q. . TANK INFORMATION TANK NO. AGE VOLUME :'CHEMICAL " DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED Tf~. 2 UN.x~O~ 8 ~ O fl 3 DTX~T. UNKNO~,~ DIESEL THE APPLICANT HAS DECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER · STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, ANO TO THE BEST OF MY K ~GE. ISTRUE D CORRECT. A~T SIGNATURE ,~PPR(J~'(/'ED By: ~ APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED