HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-06/02/97 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 2, 1997 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISIRATIVE SERVICES Irene Beattv Trust 2101 'H' Street - Bake~sfielcl, CA 93301 2 5 2 7 Beech St reet (8O5) 326-3941 lAX (805)395-1349 Bakerstield, CA 93301 SUPPRE$$1ONSEI~VICES CLOSURE OF I UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA93301 TANK LOCATED AT 3950 PIERCE ROAD IN BAKERSFIELD. (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PERMIT #BR-0 1 75. PREVENTION SERVICE$ Dear Ms. Beatty: 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)326-3951 This is to infbrln you that this department has reviewed tile results for tile FAX (805) 326-0576 - preliminary assessment associated with tile closure of the tanks located at the above ENVII~)NMENTAI, SERVICES St ated add ross. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)326-3979 Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the FAX (805) 326-0576 assessment perfbrmed and requires no thrther action at this time. TRAINING DIVISION 5642Victor Street If you have any questions re~ardin~ this matter, please contact me at (805') Bakersfield, CA 93308 ' ~ ~ (805) 399-4697 3 26-3 979. FAX (805) 39%5763 Sirrcereiy, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician H HW/dhn cc: Y. Part, RWQCB P.O. BOX 6278 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93386 · (805)589-5648 1715 Chester A~en~e /I:~,,L~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear ~r. ~ines On April 8, 1997~ Sturgeon & Son removed one - 500 gallon gasoline u~derground tank from ?atio ~urn±ture Gallery at 3950 ?ierce ~oad, Bakersfield, CA. ?he ~ank was deeonta_mina~ed on site using a high pressure Steaza cleaner and inerted wit~ dry ice. ~insate was disposed, of at DeZenno/~e~doon, Compton, CaZiforn±a under hazardous waste man±lest #93196?57. ~he tank was removed to Golden State ~etals. So~t was sampled under the direction of the Bakersfield C±ty ~±re Department. The samples were analyzed at B. C. Labs of Bakersfield for: TVH, Gas, BTX&E. A complete chemical analysis is enclosed. In addition to the lab results, Copies of the manifest, chain of custody and the tank disposition tracking record are enclosed. Please contact our main office at (805) 589-5648 if you have any questions or require furor information. Supervisor cc: Sturgeon & Son A??E~TION: PAUB STURGEON 3511 Gilmore Bakersfield CA 93308 ~.~~ BakerSfield Fire Dept. ~ PERMIT UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRA~2 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TANK OWNE"/OPERALO~ ~/TY ~~ PHONE N o .' ' ' l MAILING ADDRESS ' ~~~~ CI~~ ZIP CODE ~ CONTEACTOE INFOrmAtION ~ANK CtEANIN~ INFORMATION WASTE TRAN~P~RfER ID~NT]FICATION'NUMBE~ /~, , / ' - NAME OF RIN. STATE DISPOSAL FACIL~ ~~ TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE All'ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER S1'Ai'E. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULAi'IONS. ~ O TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGEJS Tr~ AIi4'O (~RECT APPROVED BY: APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) ~' ~'AP'P'LICA"lqT ~GNATUR'E' THIS APPLICATION BFCOME$ A PERMIT WHFN APPROVED BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION Name ~ C~r?.~O~/ ~'~/~A/~, .. here by attest, under Penalty of Contracting Co. perjury 'that the tank(s) .located at ~~-d3 ~~'~¢,~ and. . · Address' being removed under:permit~ '~. ~-O~ has.~been cleaned/decontaminated proP,erl¥'and a LEL (lower exPl°sive iimit) . reading of no greater than 5% was measured immediately fei.lowing" the cleaning/decontamination.process. / Dat~ Name (print) SignatUre City of Bakersfield "" T, IIK DISPOSAL FORM · '~ ~!i'~ GOLDEN $ METALS, INC. Bakersfield. California 93387 ~..i':. Phone (805) 327-3559 · Fax (805) 327-5749 :ontrat:tor's Scrap Metals. Processing & Recycling License No. ,,~ ~ Phone No. -- f ADDRESS: DESTINATION: G.S.M. · 2000 E./BRUNDAGE LANE · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 WEIGHT CERT. NO: / "~/'~0~ / TOTAL r~/-l__j,..-~,'"~/~~/~ GTY GALLONS SERIALNO. NETTONS EHSD PERMIT NO: 25o .14 550 .24 1000 - 6 It .61 ~ TANK INSPECTION 2ooo .97 [] RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) 3000 '~.32 __ LEL READING 5000 2.42 ~ OXYGEN CONTENT 75oo 3.28 ~ DISPOSAL FEE ':JOOO 3.e2 SCRAP VALUE ........................................................................................ 12000 4.93 TOTAL that tank removal complies with State laws. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE CER~FICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION THIS I~ ~CE~TIFY THE RE~IP~-AND A~O. EPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIA~PECI~IED WILL BE COMPLETELY DE~Y~ FO~ SCRAP ~CY~tNG ~P~SES ONLY. WHITE-- Oon~nctor Copy · YEL-LOW -- HI. Copy · PINK -- ~rmn~nt Copy State of Calfforn;o.--EnvlronmentaJ Protection AgenCy .: Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0039 (t:xplres 9-3~94) See Instructions on back of page 6. Oepa~ment of Toxic Substances Con~ro' Please pdnt or ~pe. Po~ designed for use on elite ~cromento, Cotlfo~ia I ~ Informati~ ~n ~e shaded areas ~ ~ J' UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~A ID No. 2. P~ge 1 is not required by Federal law. j I WASTE MANIFEST of i 5. Transpo~er I Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number ~ 9. Designated FacilibfName and ~ffe Address 10. US EPA ID Number ..... 12. Containers 1'3. Total 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and !_D Number) Quanti~t · ' .':':~ '"' :.. ".?.'.~'L,~i-~'i.;:~.~'I:: '..:'; .~;?: ..,.~.~,~;.,~::'.' ::,',:.!:~ ? :.,.':.:..,. · ' ' '. ' . " '. ;~"!'f::.~,': .!-.'~;,~-..' . ~'..'.~ ., ,- .',' · - ~ ' ..' . . ~- ?'L..'. '..~ ..-~-. '.'9?..-. '. "'"' ' '" L' '?' ' ' :'a 16. GENERATORfS he~b~-d~la~ ~%n~i~'~b~re ~l~n~occur~ ~ribed~a~ve b~ proper ~ipplng no .... d. are cl~sified; ~ack~, ma~ed, and label~ an~ are in all. res~ in pro~cond~on f~ ~b~ highw~ accord~ ~ appl~able.federal ~e and mtem~nal' If ~ am a large qua~ gene~at I ce~ ~ I hav~ a pr~rom in pirate:to ~c~ ~e.v~Ju~ and~ toxic~ of wa~e g~r~. ~ ~ degree I'. ~e de~b~ economical~ p~a~cabl~ and '~m I have sel~d ~e pra~cable, me~.. of ~ment, ~o[ag~, o~. disp~l. ~ur~. available to me. which minimizes ~e prat. and~ ~re~ thre~ to human hea~ ~nd ~e en~r0'nment; OR, ffl' am a sm~ ~uan~ ge~r~/, I have mad~ a:..~a~ effo~ to mlnlm~e my wa~ g~ner~on, and; ~l~ wuste manaqement me~od '~"is a~ilable to me and ~. I. ca~ afford. ' '" _ ./ ' / / Mo~h D~ Year I Mme'riats " ..... Y~r P{i~pLN~vAckn°wledqement°f Receipt ofH*~* ~~~ ~~ o ~V ~o ~ 7J~7~°~' [ 18. Translator 2 Acknowledgement of R~elpt of M~erials ~J ~. J Pdnmd/Typed Name Slg~re.' ..... J Momh D~ Y~ Nome ..... ' ......................... Sig..r~ · Mo~- ~ ........ ~ ....... ,. -.7.: -. - . , 'Y~k ..... ]z '~ffe: TSDF ·sENDs mm~"CO~v' TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS. OTSC. 8~2A ~Z~) "=':"' '.'~"To~" P.O. ~x 3~, ~F~,'~/'95812 '" ~]'. EPA 87~' .',,-t~'.~., ?.: .... ~ . : .,~ ...? .,~-~ :~.,,: . . .. . r,.. · ,~ Analysis Requested Report To: Address:~o ~ ~7~ Project~: ~O~ Lab~ Sample Description Date a Time Sampled Comment' · Billing I.fo' ' ~eceived by:~gnature) ~ Date: Time: ~ ¢ ~T. city state Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ~~ ..~ A~ention: j _ Relinquished by: (Signrature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ~ ~elinquished by: (Signature) Becoived by: (Signature) ~ate: Time: ~.o., ................... % ....................... ~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: [~ ¢ Return to client ' ..' ....... ..... { ~/] ~ ~J LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 04/16/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 04/08/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 97-03700-1 Attn: LARRY HATTON 589-5648 Sample Description: TANK PULL BR-0175: PATIO FUP~NITURE GALLERY 3801 PIERCE RD 500 GALLON GASOLINE SAMPLE ~1 ® 2' SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 04/08/97 @ ll:30AM Date Extracted-8020: 04/14/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 04/14/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 04/14/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 04/14/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 'Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. .Surrogate % Recovery 97. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 86~i'~iii~ Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. %~'~'~ California D O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 ~ '*~ All msuRs listed In this repofl am for the exclusive use of the subml~lng pa~. BC ~boratorles, Inc. assumes no msponsibilt~ for repoA altera~on, separation, detachment or thiM pa~ interpretation. ~ OO A~I~ ~. · B~e~field, ~A ~ · [~5] ~-4~ ~ · ~AX ~] ~-I ~ ~ LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 04/16/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 04/08/97 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93386' Laboratory No.: 97-03700-2 Attn: LARRY HATTON 589-5648 Sample Description: TANK PULL BR-0175: PATIO FURiqITURE GALLERY 3801 PIERCE RD 500 GALLON GASOLINE SAMPLE 42 ® 6' SAMPLED BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 04/08/97 ® ll:35AM Date Extracted-8020: 04/14/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 04/14/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 04/14/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 04/14/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quant itation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected m9/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/k9 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/k9 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/k9 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/k9 1. Surrogate % Recovery 86. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D'.O.H.S. / L.U.F T. Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. 41186 " <~ ~%~ Department Supervisor '~?~: ~i~.,~%~I . *~ ~?,~?~:.l All results listed in this ~po~ are for the exclusive use of the submlfling pa~. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for mpofl alteration, ~paratlon, detachment or thiffi pa~ Interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX (BO5) 327-1918 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPART~/ENT ~IRONNENTAL SERVICES l ~715 Chester Ave., ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 --- (805) 326-3979 TANK P.E~O~AL INSPECTION FOI~ FACILITY , ~{~ ~,4u~'c_ da/l~¥ ADDRESS 37S-0 ~}cr¢c ~J CO~CTOR ~Tdc?~ + S~ CO.ACT PERSON ~/' ~O~RY ~ ~ ~ OF S~LES ~ ~ST ~ODOLOGY P~LI~Y ~SESS~ CO. ~h~f~. · ~ CO.ACT PERSON CO= ~CIEPT '~c~ ~.~ I&~ LEL% ~ O=% PLOT P~ I I CONDITION OF PIPING 4~n~A/¢ CONDITION OF SOIL ~;~~b%~ COMMENTS DATE INSPECTORS HAllE SIGIIATUIIE ~r~/.~ BakerSfield Fire Dept. PERMIT No. [~qDERGROUND STORAGE TANK~R~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION ~ ,m .... . FACI[i~ NA~' -- ~~ .'_ ~c~os~ST~EET CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ... ADDRESS ,~]/-~/~~- '~, CI~~ ZIP~ INSURANCE C~RRIER ///g~/~ :~~ WORKMENS COMP ,o. ~ PgELIMANA~Y A~S[MENT INFORMATION ADDreSS .~.~// ~Zm~ ~, . _, Cl~ Z~~z~pc~oE,~~ TANK CLEANING ,~FORMATION WASTE TRAN~P~RfER IO~NTiFiCATIO~ ~UMBE~ /~ , / NAME OF RIN. STATE DISPOSAL FACIL~ ~~ - ADDRESS ~ ~ ~~ ' -" ~1~' -/~~A [ ZIP CODE FACILI~ INDE~TIFICATION NO'~BER ~ ~~/~.~~ TANK T"ANSPO"TE. 'NFO"MATI~N , COMPANY ~/~~ ~ ~ PHONE No. ~--~ LICEN~ NO. ~ TANK INFORMATION TANK NO. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPtY WITH THE AI'rACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OI'HER STATE. lO CALA NDF EDEn A1 REGULATIONS. THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ENDER: Complete items 1 aP.~i[ 2 for additional services. I als~om~wish to receive the ' Complete items 3, ~ & b. followtervices (for an extra · Print your name anc~E'ress on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1, [] Addressee's Address does not permit. .~ · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number 2. [] Restricted Delivery .~'~ · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date de,ivered, Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number P 024 368 498 [] Registered [] Insured TKENE BETTY TI~UST BA~I[SFIEI~D CA 93301 [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for Merchandise i e (/~'ressee) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) 6.\ Signature (Agent) PS Form 38 1 1, December 1991 ~u.s. GPO: 1993--352-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID 15AYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT · OFFICE OF ENVlRONI~ENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 P 024 368 49& Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided ~ Do not use for International Mail (See F~'~erse) Sent to DEBBIE GIRARD Street and No. 2527 BEACH .~TREET P.O., State and ZIP Code BAKERSFIELD.- CA 93301 Postage $ · 3 2 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered ].. 10 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage &.F.s $ 2.52 STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTI~.E TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAiL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTEO OPTIONAL SERVICES (s~e front~. 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attac~d and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the ri~t of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article.~ 3. if you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and YOur name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, end attach it to the front of the article by means'9.f the gummed eflds if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to tho number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt, if return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. S. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 102695-93-z-0478 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 13, 1997 Ms. Debbie Girard Irene Beatty Trust nRE C.,E~ 2527 Beach Street MICHAEL R. KELLY Bakersfield, Ca 93301 ADMINISTRATIVE SEEVlCES CERTIFIED MAIL 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (~)326-3941 FINAL ~Axc~395-1349 NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE SUPPRESSlON SER~ICE$ FAILURE TO RESPOND WILL RESULT IN ENFORCEMENT 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 Dear Ms. Girard: FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENI1ON SERVICES You have been previously notified on October 23, 1995 that you currently manage 1715 Chester Ave. property located atL3~lXl~-ie-k-~Ro-~d~(3a, PN 3 3 2-110-01-00-5), in Bakersfield which Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80,5) 326-3951 contains at least 1 underground storage tank. The tank has not been properly permitted FAX (806)326-0676 and has been out of service, therefore, you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 C805) 326-3979 Section 7902., Uniform Fire Code (1994 edition). FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION "Underground tanks which have been out of service for a period of one (1) 5642 Victor Street year, shall be removed from the ground in accordance with Section Bakersfield, CA 93308 7902.1.7.4 and the site shall be restored in an approved manner". (805) 399-,11597 FAX (805) 399-5763 In order to avoid enforcement action, you must either properly permit and bring the tank up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tank within 10 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Carl Hemandez, III, Assistant City Attorney SENDER: · . Complete items 1 aJ~l~[r 2 for additional services. ~ als. j~wish to receive the ; Complete items 3,ta & b. follo~ervices (for an extra Print y°ur name an~ll~ress °n the reverse Of this f°rm s° that We can fee)''-return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number 2. [] Restricted Delivery · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date I delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number P 024 368 497 4b. Service Type IKENE ~F.A~T~ [] Registered [] Insured il 28 C]~j~ $,KEET [~Certified I-]COD ]~/LK~RSFIELD CA 93304 [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for 7. Date of Delivery Merchandise 5. Signature (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) 6. Signature (Agent)//~ /~_~ /' PS Form 381 1, December 1991 ¢~u.s. GPO: ~, ~3~._ =-~t~, DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Official Business ~~ USE TO Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIREDEPT. · OFFICE OF ElqVIRO~qENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENltE SUTIE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 ill,,,,,,ll,l,l,,,I,l,,,illh,,,,,li,l,l,,l~l.,~ II,h,,,ll,,,Ihll,,,,,,ll,I,,ll P 024 368 497 Receipt for Certif.~d Mail · No InsuranCe C~:~erage Provided mmmmmm ~-~ Do not use for International Mail ISee Reverse) Sent to ~ IRENE BEATTY Street and No. 28 CEDAR STREET,, -P.O.j State and ZiP Code BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 I ~o~tao~ $ .3 2 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return R~ceipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered 1 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address' TOTAL Postage ~ F.a $ 2.5 2 Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTEO OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attacM~d and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of th~eturn address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. if you went a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and addres~,:ou a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to on authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY off the front of tim article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 102595-93-z-0478 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT March 13, 1997 Irene L. Beatty n~ CHIEF 28 Cedar Street MICHAEL R. KELLY Bakersfield, Ca 93304 CERTIFIED MAIL ADMINISTRA11VE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 c~) 326.394J FINAL r,~c~) 39,51349 NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE suPm.~SlON SERVICES FAILURE TO RESPOND WILL RESULT IN ENFORCEMENT 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 Dear Ms. Beatty: FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENBON SERVICES You have been previously notified on December 6, I995 that you currently own 1715 Chester Ave. property located at c3950-Pierc~__R:oa__&(APN 332-110-01-00- 5), in Bakersfield which Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 contains at least 1 underground storage tank. The tank has not been properly perrnitted FAX (805)326-0576 and has been out of service, therefore, you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 C805) 326-3979 Section 7902., Uniform Fire Code (1994 edition). FAX (805) 326-0,576 "Underground tanks which have been out of service for a period of one (1) mINING DIVISION 56a2 Victor Street year, shall be removed from the ground in accordance with Section BakersfielO, CA 93308 7902.1.7.4 and the site shall be restored in an approved manner". (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 39%5763 In order to avoid enforcement action, you must either properly permit and bring the tank up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tank within 10 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Carl Hemandez, III, Assistant City Attorney SENDER: I also~ish to receive the Complete items 1 ar~ for additional services. ! Complete items 3, a~& b. followi~rvices (for an extra Print your name and~ess on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): ' return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number, 2. [] Restricted Delivery · The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number P-390-214-478 Irene Beatty Trust 4b. Service Type 28 Cedar Street [] Registered [] Insured l Bakersfield , CA 93304 XM Certified [] COD [] Express Mail [] Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Date df Deliver~/ nature (Addressee) 8..Addresse~'s ~,d, dress {Only if requested and fee is prod) 6. ~gnature (Agent) PS Form 3811, December 1991 ~u.s. GPO:~ee3--3s2-7~4 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. · Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 P 390 214 478 Receipt~r.~ Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided U.r~S,^TES Do not use for International Mail (See Revers ..~. Sest to · rene Beatty Trust , str~ a"~ ~°dar Street P.O., State and ZIP Code Bakersfield, CA 93304 Postage $ · 32 Certified ~ee 1. 10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Oetivery Fee Return Receipt Showing 1 10 to Whom & Date Delivered ° Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Po~tage & Fees $ 2.5 2 Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAiL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTiDNAL SERVICES (see trent). 1. if you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. if you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mai) the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on e return receipt card, Form 3811, end attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse from of article RETURNi RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you went delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 105603-92-Bo0226 FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE.' · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATORDecember 6, 1995 FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 Irene L. Beatty Trust 28 Cedar Street Bakersfield, Ca 93304 CERTIFIED MAIL FINAL NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Ms. Beatty: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at ~3_q~'_~d (APN #332-110-01-00-5), in Bakersfield which contains at least one underground storage tank. The tank has not been properly permitted and has. been out of service, therefore, you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64, Ordinance No. 3502: Section 79.115 (a, b, & f) Uniform Fire Code (1992 edition). (a) Failure to remove or safeguard an out of service tank(s) (b) Failure to obtain a permit to remove or temporarily close an underground storage tank. (f) Failure to remove an underground tank out of service for one (1) year. In order to avoid enforcement action, you must either properly permit and bring the tank(s) up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tank(s) within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Carl Hernandez, III, Assistant City Attorney Debra Girard P 390 214 476 Receip~.~for~ Certified' Mail No Insurance' Coverage Provided ~.~es~,~s DO not use for International Mail (See Reverse) Sent to Debbie Girard Street end No. 2527 Beech Street P.O., State and ZiP Code Bakersfield, CA 93301 Postage $ .3 2 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showin9 to Whom & Date Delivered I o 10 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee' s Address TOTAL Postage & ~ees $ 2.52 Postmark or Date STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front), 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rura~ carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the returfi address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt, if return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. D. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 105603-92-B-0226 FIRE SAFETY SERVICES O OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE,:,.. BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 E.E. HUEY October 23, 1995 R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FlEE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 Ms. Debbie Girard 2527 Beech Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 CERTIFIED MAIL FINAL NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Ms. Girard: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at Bakersfield which contains at least two underground storage tanks. The tanks have not been properly permitted and have been out of service, therefore, you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64, Ordinance No. 3502. In addition, our records indicate that you have received at least one prior notice by Certified Mail on August 16, 1994. To date, the following violations have still not been corrected: Section 79.115 (a,b & f) Uniform Fire Code (1992 edition). (a) Failure to remove or safeguard an out of service tanks. (b) Failure to obtain a permit to remove or temporarily close an underground storage tank. (f) Failure to remove an underground tank out of service for one (1) year. In order to avoid enforcement action, you must either properly permit and bring the tanks up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tanks within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Carl Hernandez, III, Assistant City Attorney Irene Beaty RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~ 5'" ~ .~ ~-~._c_~ /~/~ ID# Business Name: ~ ~ ~/ ~s J Conta~ Name: ~ g~ ~" ~ Business Phone: ~ %~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F~: Inspe~or's Name: TimeofC~l: Date: ~ ~4 Time: ~ [o ' ~ Min: Type of C~I: Incoming [~ Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] Content of C~l; ~, (~. ~ ~ss ~~ ~ ~~ Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: IMPORTANT ME! ;AGE SENDER: · Complete items 1 for additional services. ( also wish to receive the · Complete items 3, b. followin/ices (for an extra · Print your name and on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): ~ return this card to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1, [] Addressee's Address does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number 2. [] Restricted Delivery · TheReturn Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number MS., DEBBIE GIRARD P 390 194 797 4b. Service Type 252) BEECH STREET [] Registered [] Insured [~ Certified [] COD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~-1 L^~,~ooC ....... Moil' [] Return .... Receipt for . __--~ __ ~wercnanats~e __ ~ , 7. Date of Oehvery ~ ;~ ,~ 5,' S~g~ture (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested ~ /~ and fee is paid) / ¥ ~ . PS Form 381 1, Decem~/~' 1991 eU s. GPo i~e~-?~ ..------~/OO~. ESTI, C ~RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES PO,~ Sl-'R .~ ~'~ ~ ~ ;' ' '" USE ~A~I~A~ENT .--~ ~~~ ~/ ~F,,~AGE,~ $300 ..... Print your name, address and ZIP Code here City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. 1715 Chester Ave., Ste. #300 '~' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ihh,,,lh,, ~, ,'~!~ ...... ............. IIIill P 390 '194 797. Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided ~m~,,~s Do not uso for Internationa I PosT,~c~ (See Reverse) Sent to MS. DEBBIE GIRARD Street and No. 2527 BEECH ST. P.O., State and ZIP Code BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93301 Postage ~ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees ~ Postmark or Date ST, iBa~OSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POl, CERTIFI~L FEE, ANO CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVIC~ front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. if you want a 'return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number.' 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 8. Enter'fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 105603-92-B-0226 CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" JulY 28, 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Ms. Debbie Girard CERTIFIED MAIL 2527 Beech Street P 390 194 797 Bakersfield, CA 93301 NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Ms Girard: It has come to our attention that you currently manage the Irene Beatty Trust Site property located at 3950 Pierce Rd. in Bakersfield which contains at least one concrete vault underground storage tank. The tank has not been properly permitted and has been out of service, therefore you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform. Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64, Ordinance No. 3502: Section 79.115 (a,b,& f) Uniform Fire Code, (1992 edition) (a) Failure to remove or safeguard an out of service tank. (b) Failure to obtain a permit to remove or temporarily close an underground storage tank. (f) Failure to remove an underground tank out of service for one (1) year. In order to avoid regulatory action, you must either properly permit and bring the tank(s) up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tank(s) within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: Alan Waggoner, WZI "WE CARE" February 18, 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. [3. JOHNSON BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF . 326-3911 Allen Waggoner, Staff Geologist WZI, Incorporated Post Office Box 9217 Bakersfield, California 93389 Re: Irene Beatty Trust Site 3950 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Waggoner: ~ On referral from Kern County Environmental Health,. this office has reviewed the proposed work plan for the above referenced site. Be advised that this office will not issue a permit for the removal of the concrete vault as an Underground Storage Tank until it has been conclusively determined not to be a Class V shallow injection well. The final determination on whether the c°ncrete vaUlt is 'a Class V well Or an Underground Storage Tank will reside with Kern County Environmental Health. Please follow their recommendations on how to proceed with that determination. Upon substantiation that Kern County Environmental Health concurs that the concrete vault is, in fact, an Underground Storage Tank, please contact this office immediately. Sincerely, ', ~Ralph E. Huey. Hazardous Materials Coordinator cc: Lydia Von Sydow, KCEHSD Beatty Property ~. ' ¢/994 Page nspect°r'l s Motes 11/16/93 I inspected site. A large, square pit containing waste oil, a covered trough containing a dark liquid, two drums containing unknown waste, and miscellaneous paint waste are located at the rear of the property. I will send a possible UIC letter to the property owners. 11/24/93 I prepared the case file and drafted the notification .letter. 11/30/93 I mailed a notification letter for a possible Class V well. 12/28/93 I received a call from Carl Hulick, CHH Environmental, Inc. I explained what was required for sampling and closure of a Class V well. We discussed the possibility that the structure could be a UST. He said that I would receive a workplan by mid-January. 02/00/94 WZI wants to proceed on *this case as a UST. I asked Howard Wines of Bakersfield City Fire if he wanted to take the case. Howard felt'that it is not a UST until proven, to be a tank'. 03/03/94 I called Allen Waggoner of WZI, he' is getting bids for the removal of the wastes. Upon approval of the property owners, he will sample and remove the wastes. 04/07/94 I witnessed the sampling of the subsurface chamber by Allen Waggoner. The water was a dark oily, greenish brown. Moderate odor was noticed. Ail wastes will be removed when the analysis is complete. 05/03/94 I spoke to Allen Waggoner. Lutrel is going to pump out the chamber on Wednesday,' May 4, 1994. I told him that I wanted to be on site during the cleanup. He will confirm the time with Lutrel and contact me. 05/04/94 I witnessed the pumping of the chamber by Lutrel. The chamber was a cement vault lined with plywood on the sides. The trough drain discharged into a large pipe standing on the floor of the vault. As that pipe filled it discharged into a smaller pipe that drained into the vault. The vault was steam cleaned and pumped clear, no outlet was observed. The case will be referred to City Fire to oversee as a tank case. ENVlRONMENT - HEALTH SERVICES [EPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. 2700 'M' Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR Bakersfield, CA 93301 (SOS) 861-3636 '~~/ (805) 861-3429 FAX May 9, 1994 [Tene L Bea~ T~t ~[e ~tate Z8 Cedar Street B~em~e]d, ~ 93304 S~JE~: 9OSS~ ~S V S~OW ~JE~ON ~ LOCA~D AT 3950 P~RCE RO~, B~RS~;.D, CA Dear Sir or Madam: This letter confirms the completion of this Department's site investigation involving the possible Class V shallow injection well at the above location. It has been verified that the structure is an enclosed vault. As such, it is regulated in accordance with the underground storage tank regulations. This Department is referring the case to the Bakersfield City Fire Department for further investigation. In an effort to help you Understand any liability that may slill' Occur, please be advised that there could be liability under other federal and state regulations or codes. Along with this liability, conditions that. may pose a threat to the public and/or groundwater from existing or future conditions may have to be addressed at a later time. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact this Depa, tment at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director ,.-~ ./~ -'z/~-: / By: Lydia V. von Sydow, REA Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program BP:cas cc. Allen Waggoner, Staff Geologist WZI Howard Wines Bakersfield City Fire Department ~/dia~.atty.2nd EMO ENVIRONMENT I.. HEALTH SERVICES PART. MENT " STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~. 27oo 'ia' street, s,,~te 3oo DIRECTOR V Bakemfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX Irene L Beatty Trust Life Estate 28 Cedar Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 SUBYECT: POSSIBI.F CLASS V SHAI.T_OW IN/ECl'ION W~.I.T. LOCATED AT 3950 PII~RCE ROAD, BAKERSFI~.LD, CALrFORNIA. Ladies and Gentlemen: A notice was marled to you on November 30, 1993, requesting you to determ/ne whether the subsurface structure at 3950 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California,/s a Class V Shallow Disposal Well system or an under~round storage tank. Our records/ndicate that success/u] completion of the requested work has not been achieved. In an attempt to solve this problem, we are requesting that you contact tiffs office within fourteen (14) days so that we may proceed with successful closure of th/s case. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director Lydia V. Hazardous Materials Tu~pector Environmental Health Sewices Depa~huent LVS:ch EMO ~0,285 cc. Allen Waggoner, Staff Geologist WZI i CITY of BAKERSFIELD February 18, 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON BAKERSFIELD, 93301 F~RE CHIEF 326-3911 Allen Waggoner, Staff Geologist WZI, Incorporated Post Office Box 9217 Bakersfield, California 93389 Re: Irene Beatty Trust Site 3950 Pierce Rd. Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Waggoner: On referral from Kern. County Environmental Health, this office has reviewed the proposed work plan for the above referenced site. Be advised that this office will not issue a permit for the removal of the concrete vault as an Underground Storage Tank until it has been conclUsively determined not to be a Class V shallow injection well. The final determination on whether the concrete vault is a Class V well or an Underground Storage Tank will reside with Kern County Environmental Health. Please follow their recommendations on how to proceed with that determination. Upon substantiation that Kern County Environmental Health concurs that the concrete vault is, in fact, an Underground Storage Tank, please contact this office immediately. Sincerely, {Ralph E. Huey ' · Hazardous Materials Coordinator cc: Lydia Von Sydow, KCEHSD ............................... :  470'l~tockdale Highway, Suite 120 East Herndon Avenue, Suite 203 Post Office Box 9217 Fresno, California 93720 Bakersfield, California 93389 209/261-9160 805/326-1112 805/326-0191 FAX 209/261-9171 FAX / ,, February 15, 1994 Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Irene Beatty Trust Site 3950 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California Dear Ms. Von Sydow: In response to your letter of November 30, 1993 to the Irene L. Beatty Trust Life Estate, we are submitting this work plan for closure of the concrete vault and removal of other wastes at the above reference property. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Allen Waggoner Staff Geologist AW/er Enclosure 02650010.003 STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR ~41~~~1~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' 1805) a61-3636 [805) 861-342S FAX November 30, 1993 Irene L. Beatty Trust Life Estate 28 Cedar Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 SUBJECT: POSSIBLE CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL AND HAZARDOUS WASTES LOCATED AT 3950 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Sir or Madam: This is to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of a possible Class V shallow injection well. The well has been identified as a square pit located at the northeast corner of the property noted above. In addition, two drums marked waste, numerous smaller containers holding waste oil and paint wastes, and a metal trough containing a dark liquid are stored near the pit. This notice is being sent to you becaUse you have been identified as the owner of the property listed above. In regard to the Class V shallow injection well, pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40, (40 CFR), Section 144.12 (a) provides that "no owner or operator shalL.operate [an injection well]...in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of drinking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation...or may otherwise adversely affect the health of persons." During our inspection sufficient evidence was observed to indicated that the pit may discharge to the ground. Please notify this office within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice of your intention to either proceed with the characterization of the Class V well in accordance with the enclosed guidelines, from EPA-REGION 9 or demonstrate that it does not meet the criteria of a Class V Well. The enclosed booklet cites the minimum required for site work plan activities, contractor requirements, example illustrations of well designs, and sampling methods and procedures. All other wastes should be characterized and manifested off site by a licensed hazardous waste hauler for proper disposal. Should you wish to discuss the above regulations or criteria for Class V identification, please do not hesitate to call the inspector indicated below. Irene L. Beatty Trust Life Estate Subject: Class V Shallow Injection Well November 30, 1993 Page 2 In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge for inspections, review of reports, and laboratory service costs incurred in the process of obtaining compliance with any violations noted. Be advised that you will be billed at the rate of $24.80 per hour for oversight during the abatement of violations associated with the Class V well. If we may be of any further assistance, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, .Steve McCalley, Director ., By: Lydia V. yon Sydow, R.E.A. Hazardous Materials Inspector Environmental Health Services Department LVS:ch cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATI'N: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN': Dale Essary Stan Brewer Realty ATrN: Kent Brewer sydow~beat ty.uic KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPT. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST 11/93 FACILITY NAME: BEATTY PROPERTY DATE OF INSPECTION: 11\16\93 TibiE: 1:20 P.M. INSPECTOR(S): LYDIA V. VON SYDOW ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: CLIFF EVANS WORK ORDER NUMBER: 50285 CT NUMBER : 05 I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. OWNERS NAME: IRENE L, BEATTY TR LIFE ESTATE ADDRESS: 28 CEDAR ST CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIP: 93304 PHONE NUMBER: ( ) - B.OPERATOR'S NAME: LiqUIDATORS OF BAKERSFIELD ADDRESS: 3950 PIERCE RD. CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: ~A ZIP: 93308 APN: -, - - - PHONE NUMBER: C. PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ARE THEY A SUBSIDIARY OF A CORPORATION: NO ARE THEY INCORPORATED IN THE STATE: PAGE 1 UIC SHALLOW.INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST D. CONTACT PERSON: KENT BREWER, STAN BREWER REALTY PHONE NUMBER: ..( ) - II. INTERVIEW THE OPERATOR/NATURE OF BUSINESS A. HOW LONG IN BUSINESS: 8 B. ARE THEY A MEMBER OF AN ASSOCIATION: NO C. ARE THEY AWARE OF ANY WATER SUPPLY WELL LOCATION AND/OR OWNERSHIP: MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY D. SITE HISTORY. YEARS OF OCCUPATION: 8 MOS. PREVIOUS OWNERS: UNKNOWN PREVIOUS OPERATORS: HARRISBURG PREVIOUS USES OF FACILITY: WELDING SHOP E. PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED: FURNITURE SALES F. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ANY PROCESS , OPERATION , MAINTENANCE THAT PRODUCES WASTE: NONE, ALL WASTE ON SIGHT LEFT BY PREVIOUS TENANT. G. WHAT CHEMICALS ARE STORED ON SITE: PAINT, WASTE OiL UNKNOWN WASTES H. DO THEY HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS: NO I. DESCRIBE THE WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES: UNKNOWN J. · SOLVENT HAULER: MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: K. WASTE OIL HAULER: MANIFESTS: FRE~UEN ~.~: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: PAGE UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST L. WASTE ANTIFREEZE HAULER: MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: M. WASTE SLUDGE HAULER: MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: WASTE CHARACTERIZED: N. WASTE OIL FILTER HAULER: MANIFESTS: FREQUENCY: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: O. OTHER WASTES: VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: HOW OFTEN: OPEN CONTAINER: PROPER LABELING: P. E.P.A. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: BUSINESS PLANS ON FILE: Ro TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: S. WEEKLY STORAGE INSPECTION: III. INSPECT THE FACILITY GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS HOUSEKEEPING: POOR EASE OF ENTRY: GOOD COOPERATION: GOOD SURROUNDING LAND USE: CObiMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL A. GENERAL APPEARANCE OF THE WELL(S): SQUARE PIT B. SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPILLS: YES PAGE 3 UIC SHALLOW.INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST C. CLASS V WELL(S): 1 STATUS: ACTIVE YEARS OF OPERATION: UNKNOWN D. OIL/WATER SEPARATOR OR GREASE TRAP USED: E. ARE THE WELLS PUMPED OUT: HOW OFTEN: F. DO THE WELLS EVER GET PLUGGED UP: G. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (MEASURE) ' TOTAL DEPTH:. DIAMETER: CASING: H. ARE THE INJECTION WELLS REGULATED BY A STATE OR LOCAL PROGRAM: R.W.Q.C.B. I. PERMIT: NO J. HOW ARE SPILLS OR ACCIDENTS HANDLED:~ UNKNOWN K. WHERE DoEs THE FLOOR/LOT DRAINAGE WATER GO: L. CAR WASH: NO HOW IS THE EFFLUENT DISPOSED: CLEANERS USED: M. HOW MANY AUTOS ARE SERVICED DAILY: DOCUMENTS TO REQUEST 1 MAP OF FACILITY 2 AS-BUILT DIAGRAMS, PLUMBING PLANS 3 DRILLERS LOGS 4 MONITORING.WELL DATA 5 FLOW DIAGRAM OF PROCESSES, WASTE GENERATION, AND DISPOSAL 6 MANIFESTS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL 7 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS PAGE 4 KERN COUNTY UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT AGENCY: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES'DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR: LYDIA V. VON SYDOW FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY NAME: BEATTY PROPERTY PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: 3950 PIERCE ROAD CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIP: 93308 CONTACT NAME: POSITION: DESCRIPTION OF WASTE STREAM: WASTE OIL AND PAINT WASTES DESCRIPTION OF INJECTION WELL: S~UARE PIT DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY THAT MAY ENDANGER GROUND WATER BUT NOT RELATED TO INJECTION WELLS OR TANKS (e.g. PONDS, SPILLSI: INSPECTION INFORMATION INSPECTION DATE: 11/16/93 NUMBER OF WELLS: 1 WELL TYPE: AUTO SERVICE: INDUSTRIAL WASTE: XX AGRICULTURAL WASTE: STORM WATER: OTHER: STATUS OF WELLS: ACTIVE: XX ABANDONED: UNDER CONSTRUCTION: OTHER: INJE~TATE SAMPLED NO VIOLATION FOUND: YES FOLLOW-UP NEEDED: YES RCRA FACILITY: COMMENTS: SiTE D IAGRA.X! ~3~-II PTN. OF E I/2 OF NE I/4 OF SEC. 2_3 T. 2.95. 1:(2.7E. sc.ooL ms'r. /-/? 33~-I I I ! ~ BR/TT~4N . RD, ~ o I (~ _~ /o ® @ @ ~ G3AC GULF ST. 332-110-01-00-5 Roll 1 FILE BEING PREPARED.94 STATUS - ACTIVE Area Code 001-017 Name BEATTY IRENE L TR LIFE ESTATE Deed 06314-1948 11/14/89 801 cd SD 3 %BEATTY IRENE L TRS Use 36010 CV 80016 Notf 28 CEDAR ST KTX BAKERSFIELD cA 93304 Census Bill 28 CEDAR ST Coord BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 Zoning Site 3922 PIERCE RD BAKERSFIELD S-CD L/S 23 B/TP 29 TR/RG 27 Acres CP *m* VALUES *~= Mineral Land Imprvmnts Other Imps Pers/Prop Exemptions Market 11,524 31,723 N E T A S S E S S E D V A L U E 43,247 VALUES CHANGED 01/16/80 ~*~ NO SUPPLEMENTAL RECORDS TO DISPLAY *~ * PF1 TAX INFORMATION PF3 CHANGE ROLL TYPE PF4 PARCEL HISTORY * PF5/8 NXT/PRE SUPPL PF6 SUPPL. INFO PF7 PEC.SUPPL. EVENT * PF9/IO NXT/PRE PARCL PF23/24 PRINT WO/W FEED PF17 PRINT LATER IN BATCH Enter parcel number 332 110 01 O0 5 File - P EVENT- 24-22 SA MW KS IH II 81 S10A1660 KB BEATTY PROPERTY 11/16/93 3950 PIERCE ROAD SQUARE PIT FULL OF WASTE OIL, COVERED TROUGH AND PAINT WASTES. BEATTY PROPERTY 11/16/93 3950 PIERCE ROAD DRUMS CONTAINING UNKNOWN WASTES. - - ~lakersfield Fresno  4700 Stockdale Highway, Suite 120 470 East Herndon Avenue, Suite 203 Post Office Box 9217 Fresno, California 93720 Bakersfield, California 93389 209/261-9160 805/326-1112 805/326-0191 FAX 209/261-9171 FAX IRENE BEA'ITY TRUST SITE 3950 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA WORKPLAN OUTLINE FOR CONCRETE VAULT CLOSURE AND WASTE REMOVAL January 1994 Prepared by: WZI Inc. 4700 Stockdale Highway, Suite 120 Bakersfield, California 93309 02650010.001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Introduction 1 II. Site Description 1 III. Work Plan 2 Liquids Characterization and Removal 2 Container Removal 2 Concrete Vault Excavation 2 Confirmation Sampling 3 Sample Handling 3 Backfill 3 Characterization of Contaminated Soil 4 Landfarming Implementation 4 Cleanup Verification Sampling 4 Determination of Final Disposition of Remediated Soil 4 Final Report 4 IV. On-Site Health and Safety 4 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Location Map Exhibit 2 Site Plan I I. INTRODUCTION I This work plan outlines the program for the closure of the in-ground, concrete lined vault which was identified as a potential Class V shallow injection well by the Kern County I Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) on the property owned by the Irene L. Beatty Life Trust at 3950 Pierce Road, Bakersfield, California (Exhibit 1). The work plan has been prepared in response to the Class V shallow injection well closure notice from KCEHSD dated November 30, 1993. b.)~'~r_ ~ndica.te that the concrete vault has no outlet. I According to the KCEHSD, if the vault has no outlet, it is then considered to be an underground storage tank (UST). This work plan will outline procedures for closure of I the vault as an UST as it presently appears to qualify as an UST. I II. SITE DESCRIPTION I Site facilities and the waste locations are summarized on the Site Plan, Exhibit 2. I The concrete vault is a 4 foot by 4 foot concrete lined tank of unknown depth with an open top located near the northeast corner of the site. A metal trough, approximately 28 I feet in length, is located adjacent to the concrete vault. Both the vault and the trough i contain a dark liquid which appears to be oil. i Two 55 gallon drums containing a dark liquid are located near the southeast corner of the site. Several one gallon and five gallon containers are also located on the site. Two Iof these contained a dark liquid similar to that in the well and trough and the remainder were empty. I I 02650010.001 Page 1 I III. WORK PLAN The following outlines the tasks for remediation of the concrete UST and removal of the other wastes on-site: Liquids Characterization and Removal A representative sample of the liquid in the vault well will be collected for characterization. The following analyses will be performed on the liquid sample. · Fuel Fingerprint - BTEX, EDB, EDC, TPH (EPA Modified 8015) · Volatile Organics - Halogenated & Aromatics (EPA 8010) · CAM 17 Metals (EPA 6010) The liquids will then be r.emoved from the site for proper disposal by a licensed hazardous~waste hauler to an appropriate disposal facility~~-~' ~ ~GE "~1='~'} Container Removal The miscellaneous containers will be removed from the site for proper disposal by a licensed hazardous waste hauler to an appropriate disposal facility. Concrete Vault Excavation The concrete vault will be excavated and the excavated soils stockpiled on the concrete pad. The excavation will include the concrete casing and any visible contamination around or below the well bore. Any contaminated soils will be stockpiled separately on the concrete pad. 02650010.001 Page 2 I Confirmation Sampling of the excavation, two confirmation samples will be collected from below Upon completion the center of the bottom of the well and the excavation will be formally logged as to the of the soil. The confirmation will be for the geologic characteristics samples analyzed following: · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Gasoline (EPA 8015) · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel (EPA 8015) · Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene (BTEX) (EPA 8020) · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) (EPA 418.1) · Oil and Grease (EPA 413.1) Different individual analyses may be recommended based on the liquid analysis. A composite sample will be collected from the clean soil stockpile using a systematic sampling technique to verify that it is acceptable for use as backfill. Sample Handlin,q The liquid sample will be collected in a one quart glass container and the soil samples will be collected in 2 1/2 inch brass tubes. The ends of the brass tubes will be covered with foil and plastic caps and sealed with duct tape. Both the liquid and soil samples will be properly labeled and the labels covered with clear plastic tape. All samples collected will be stored on ice pending delivery to a California Department of Health Services certified laboratory for analysis with proper Chain of Custody documents. I Backfill Upon confirmation that all contamination has been removed, the excavation will be backfilled with clean on-site and/or imported soils. 02650010.001 Page 3 Characterization of Contaminated Soil Any stockpiled contaminated soil on the pad will be characterized to confirm the acceptability of on-site aeration and landfarming. The results will be used to design the site-specific remediation procedures to insure compliance with all environmental regulations. I Landfarming Implementation I Based on the analytical results from the stockpile characterization, a landfarming and I. aeration program will be implemented. Cleanup Verification Sampling Upon completion of landfarming and aeration, verification sampling will be conducted to confirm that acceptable cleanup levels have been achieved. Determination of Final Disposition of Remediated Soil Based of the final cleanup levels achieved, the final disposition of the soil will be determined. Final Report A final report will be prepared to document the entire excavation and cleanup process. IV. ON-SITE HEALTH AND SAFETY WZI Inc. personnel and all on-site contractors will comply with all of WZl's health and safety procedures. Based on the data provided, the WZl Safety Manager and Project GeologiSt have designated this project as a Level D site assessment for the purposes of 02650010.001 Page 4 protective equipment and clothing. Hard hats and chemically resistant steel-toe boots will be worn at all times on site. Half-mask respirators fitted with organic vapor cartridges will be available on-site for each individual. A Site Safety Plan for field investigations which contains the names and telephone numbers of emergency response personnel, locations of nearby hospitals and fire stations will be available on-site. 02650010.001 Page 5 EXHIBITS N ~/-' .' Primary Sch ,v~-~ ..... .; -- ~" ~ -- ,," !Beardsley ,, School=, ' ~ .......... '- 'i~ ' · ............ \,. I1.'--~, ~'~ -- 15 ~=-==---.~ ° ~ / - ...... /6' lit ' - ~' ';" 4 :'-- '-------------:.~'!! o ro,~ 'i--*.., a'i :" ~;"' O Bill Park / SITE LOCATION · ~ .,. ~ ~ · -. . 2 .-"' ' ,,..., ..... o,~'su,~''~-,~ 0-~,,:o. ': '": ' "'.'i'~~. ...... iiii o:.. .. . . . :"" . 'Lo' ',t'~-, D ';... ' 'o~, '1: '~ '~ La c~ -' " "26 · Mile ~ / wz,,.o. T298 / R27E BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA KERN COUN'P~, CALIFORNIA IRENE L, BEATTY TRUST SITE REF: OILDALE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 3950 PIERCE ROAD 0 2000' 4000' LOCATION MAP SCALE IN FEET DATE 1/94 0265.0010A EXHIBIT 1 CONCRETE __~r__ PAD GATE ~'] A I ~ I~ CONCRETE ~ VAULT MISC. WASTE ~ CONCRETE CONTAINERS BUILDING PAD METAL TROUGH ~ DIRT WASTE ORUMS, X ~( X )( X X )( X X X )~ ~ )l ~l BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA IRENE L. BEA3-r¥ TRUST SITE 3950 PIERCE ROAD 0 20' 40' , SITE PLAN SCALE IN FEET DATE 1/94 10265.0010 IEXHIBIT 2