HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit .~. CONDITIONS OF .PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This ~ermit is issued for the following; .- El Hazardous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of HazardOus Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-001804 13 Risk Management Program EVY OF CALIFORNIA [] .=.~ou. w..teo.-s,to LOCATION: 424 CALIFORNIA AVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor : Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 · FAX (661) 326-0576 ' Expiration Date: June 30. 2003 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE [ssu~ bT: OFFICE OF 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor B~enfiel~ CA 93301 Voice (805) 32~3979 F~ (~05) ~26~576 Expiation Date: ~~ ~0~ ~000 Dear Esther Duran: Enclosed please find the Site & Facility Diagram that you requested. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-1634. Sincerely, Doris Ruiz Director Of Operations Evy Of California, Inc. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION RO. BOX 34875 · 10755 VENICE BLVD. ° LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90034 · PHONE: (310) 559-3000 · FAX: (310) 837-2529 EVY OF CALIFORNIA SiteID: 015-021-001804 Manager : SOCORRO SAR~ ,, P o (661) 326-1634 Location: 424 [~ CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD ~ Grid: 3lB FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 SIC Code:2361 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:00-$37-9810 Emerg~e~cy Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title SOCORRO~R~MENTO / PLANT MANAGER ROBERT MARSHALL / CFO Business~one: (661) 326-1634x Business Phone: (310) 559-3000x 24-Hour_ Phoh~ : (661) 664-9126x 24-Hour Phone : (310) 394-4247x Pager Phone ~( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : ~ Phone: (661) 326-1634x MailAddr: 424 CALIFORNIA~VE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD ~ Zip : 93304 Owner ROBERT MARSHALL, CF~ Phone: (310) 559-3000x Address : 10755 VENICE BLVD ~ State: CA City : LOS ANGELES X Zip : 90034 Period : to ~ TotalASTs: = ' Gal Preparer: Certif'd: ~ RSs: No Emergency Directives: = Hazmat Inventory --Alphabetical Order Hazmat Common Name... SpecHaz EPA Hazard~Frm DailyMax Unit MCP ACETIC ACID F R IH DH ~L 110.00 GAL Low AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE F R IH BLEACH ~__ _ IH L~ 500.00 GAL Hi 9/06/2001 F EVY OF CALIFORNIA SiteID: 015-021-001804 Fast Format ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site --Agency Notification 10/07/1997 EMERGENCY SERVICE AGENCIES WILL BE NOTIFIED BY THE PLANT MANAGER BY CALLING 911. -- Employee Notif./Evacuation 03/04/1999 EMERGENCY EVACUATION NOTIFICATION WILL BE MADE BY THE PLANT MANAGER OVER THE TELEPHONE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM. Public Notif./Evacuation 03/04/1999 EVACUATION OF NEARBY BUSINESSES AND THE PUBLIC WILL BE AT THE DIRECTION OF THE RESPONDING EMERGENCY SERVICES AGENCY. Emergency Medical Plan 03/04/1999 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES WILL BE REFERRED TO MERCY HOSPITAL, THE BAKERSFIELD OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OR 911. -2- 09/06/2001 ~ EVY OF CALIFORNIA SiteID: -015-021-001804 Fast Format ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site --Release Prevention 10/07/1997 ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORED AND USED ONSITE ARE HELD IN INDIVIDUAL CONTAINMENT VESSELS. ONLY AUTHORIZED AND TRAINED PERSONNEL ARE PERMITTED TO HANDLE, TRANSFER OR USE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Release Containment 03/04/1999 ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORED AND USED ONSITE ARE HELD IN INDIVIDUAL CONTAINMENT VESSELS. -- Clean Up 03/04/1999 CLEAN-UP OF SPILLED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IS COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRECAUTIONS AND DIRECTIONS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER ON THE Other Resource Activation 3 09/06/2001 f EVY OF CALIFORNIA SitelD: 015-021-001804 [ Fast Format F Site Emergency Factors Overall Site Special Hazards --Utility Shut-Offs 03/04/1999 A) GAS - SHUTOFF IS LOCATED AT THE SE CORNER OF THE BLDG B) ELECTRICAL - PANELS ARE LOCATED IN THE BLDG C) WATER - WATER METER IS LOCATED IN THE SW CORNER OF THE FACILITY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO ~ Fire Protec./Avail. Water 03/04/1999 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - THE FACILITY HAS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND IS PARTIALLY COVERED WITH SPRINKLERS. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - AVAILABLE IN FRONT OF THE BLDG ON CALIFORNIA AVE. Building Occupancy Level -4- 09/06/2001 EVY OF CALIFORNIA SiteID: 015-021-001804 Fast Format ~ Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 03/04/1999 THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 200 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES AND 20 TEMPORARY SERVICE EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE DO HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE THEY ARE MAINTAINED IN THE PLANT MANAGERS OFFICE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL AFFECTED EMPLOYEES RECEIVE AN INITIAL ORIENTATION TRAINING COVERING SAFE WORK PRACTICES, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES, CHEMICAL HAZARDS, AND PROPER HANDLING OF CHEMICALS. ANNUAL REFRESHER TRAINING IS PROVIDED TO ALL EMPLOYEES HANDLING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. AFFECTED EMPLOYEES ARE PROVIDED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT -- Page 2 -- Held for Future Use Held for Future Use 5 09/06/2001 F EVY OF CALIFORNIA SiteID: 015-021-001804 ~ Full Format Type+Category+Sub-Category+Date2(ASC) Order One Unified List INSPECTIONS BUSINESS PLAN PROGRAM ROUTINE INSPECTION Reference Dates Summary Description MOORE 10/18/2000 OK 10-18-00 - INCERASE EMPLOYEE TRAINING, CONTAINERS EMPTY OR FULL NEED TO BE LABELED W/CHEMICAL NAME. MOORE 01/22/1999 FOLLOW-UP 03/03/1999 RETURN TO COMPLAINCE 1-22-99 - CHANGE DENZYME TO 55 GAL AND MOVE AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE TO SW CORNER, S OF LOADING DOCK, PRIVATE RM. 3-3-99 - BUSINESS PLAN UPDATED, CORRECTIONS NOTED. 6 09/06/2001 / CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ! OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ADDRESS '/'t"/fl'~ CJJ'L/~)F-~//i ,~/~5, .,, PHONENO. ~OZ~u'lO~.~v,.. FACILITY CdNTACT'i')b/L-£5 ~-b'/}'z-- {/vlO.j~ BUSINESS ID kO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME v O0 b4,1~J, t V"- "' NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES [ Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~nc [] Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate / Visible address Correct occupancy / Verification of inventory materials ~ / Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material / Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate / Containers properly labeled Housekeeping ql t Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: [~Yes ~/No ~~R sp~.o ible~ Explain: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 e ns y White- Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector:~ EVY OF CALIFORNIA ~:.~,.z.-~--- SiteID: 215-000-001804 Manager :-SOCORRO SARIMENTO ~.tJ~%-> BusPhone: (805) 326-1634 Location: 424 CALIFORNIA AVE , ./~.~O ._~ap : 103 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD ,~,,~ N,~7~%~rid: 3lB FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 SIC Code: 2361 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: 00 - 837 - 9810 Emergency Contact / Title I Emergency Contact / Title SOCORRO SARIMENTO / PLANT MANAGER I ROBERT MARSHALL / CFO Business Phone: (805) 326-1634x Business Phone: (310) 559-3000x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 664-9126x 24-Hour Phone : (310) 394-4247x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x ~azmat Hazards~ ......... ~ir~ .... ~ea~t I~mHlt~ DelHith Contact. : Phone: (805) 326-1634x. MailAddr: 424 CALIFORNIA AVE State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93304 Owner ROBERT MARSHALL, CFO Phone: (310) 559-3000x Address : 10755 VENICE BLVD State: CA City : LOS ANGELES Zip : 90034 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ---- Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- As Designated Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... [SpocHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax IUnitlMCP DENZYME GT .................... L. 55- GAL UnR ACETIC ACID F R IH DH L 110 GAL Low AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE F R IH L 10 GAL Mod IH L 500 GAL Hi reviewed a ached ma ' als m age {ff~k~ .~.~'j(~,~ , B A K E R S F I E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: September 16, 1997 TO: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator FROM: Steve B. Underwood, Inspector ~ SUBJECT: Evy of California Inc. On Monday, September 15, 1997, [ received a call from Socorro Sarmiento requesting me to observe the operation of the pattern making machine. This machine was the source of the ammonia-leak 13 days ago. On the advice of OSHA, this machine was moved to a more remote location with better ventilation. 'The machine is now located next to a large double door (10 x 10). Two high-speed fans are now used during the pattern printing process. The 5 gallon ammonia containers now sit in a secondary containment box with a secure lid. During the printing process, there was very liftle ammonia odor. The high-speed fans adequately removed the vapors and odors. Socorro informs me the printer is only used 2-3 times per day. A red warning line, on the floor, limits access to this area. The machine location is 40' from the nearest work station. I advised Socorro that she could resume her printing operations. I found the safety measures taken satisfactory. SBU/dm B AK E RS F I E L'D FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M ORA N D U.M DATE: September 4, 1997 TO: Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator FROM: Steve Underwood, Inspector ~( SUBJECT: Inspection of Evy of California Inc. On Wednesday, September 3, 1997, at 12:45 P.m., I conducted a Hazardous Materials and Fire Safety inspection at Evy of California Inc., located at 424 California Avenue. Evy of California is a clothing manufacturer whose main office is located in Los Angeles Ca. Upon my arrival, I was directed to the office of Socorro Sarmiento, the operation manager of the facility. I informed Ms. Sarmiento that I was there to conduct a Hazardous Materials and Fire Safety inspection, as a follow-up to the Hazardous Materials incident the day before. Ms. Sarmiento gave me a tour of the facility and was very cooperative. My observations while conducting this inspection are as follows: Housekeeping: Work area was very neat and clean with easy access from work stations to any area of the facility. Fire Suppression: The building does not have sprinklers, but has sufficient fire extinguishers. All have been serviced and appear to be in working order. MSDS book was accessible to employees and appeared to be in order. Their Hazard Communication Program is well documented and appears to be in order. (Exhibit A). I randomly reviewed 22 employee files, which contained verification of employee Right-to- Know Program, MSDS Training and Accidental Prevention Program (Exhibit B). Evy of California Inc. also has a safety incentive program (Exhibit C). The emergency wash station appears to be in working order. Wall diagrams showing orientation points and proper exit routes were located throughout the facility. The posting of emergency response procedures were located in the break room near the clock and, near the hazardous chemical area. Some of the procedures were hand written and, I recommended to Ms. Sarmiento that these be typed and more formalized. Evy of California Inc. does not have a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. I explained to Ms. Sarmiento the reportable quantity requirements, and gave her the necessary paperwork to complete her business plan. (Exhibit D Correction Notice). The three hazardous materials present are Acetic Acid, (2) 55 gallon drums, Denzymc G.T. 500 lbs and 500 gallons of Sodium Hyberchloride 12.5% solution. The items were properly labeled and sealed with no evidence of leakage. Ms. Sarmiento directed me to posted procedures, which are in the hazardous materials area. Proper skin and eye protection equipment were visible and appeared to be in working order. The ammonia containers were removed from the facility after the release. My conclusions: With the exception of not having a business plan, I found this facility very motivated to comply with Federal, State, and local regulations. I found the facility to be extremely clean and very safety orientated. Key personnel were helpful and cooperative during my inspection. SBU/dm attachments This Employee Right-To-Know Program is dedicated to the health and well-being of all EVY OF CALIFORNIA, INO. employees P.O. BOY, 34875 · 10755 VENICE BLVD. · LOS ANGELES CALIFORNtA9003z · (213) 870-5791 EVY OF CALIFORNIA EMPLOYEE RIGHT-TO-KNOW/HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM THIS EMPLOYEE RIGHT-TO-KNOW PROGRAM HAS BEEN ENDORSED BY · H~ ~OR£D SAFETY ORgANIZAtION Copyright, 1987 COMCO SAFETY SERVICES. Thi9 Employee Right-To-Know Program is a proprietary document which has been developed by COMCO SAFETY SERVICES for the sole use of EVY OF CALIFORNIA. Duplication, reproduction or any use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited.. COMCO SAFETY SERVICES, Lakewood, CA 90713-3012. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 :INTRODUCTION 1.1 Regulatory Requirement 1.2 Policy Statement 1.3 Program Objective : 1.4 Program Content 1.5 Format 1.6 Distribution 1.7 Quality Assurance and Updates 1.8 Proposition 65 2.0 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 2.1 Policy Statement 2.2 Program Content 3.0 PARTICIPATING PERSONNEL 3.1 Regulatory Requirement 3.2 Policy Statement 3.3 Program Content 4.0 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE INVENTORY AND LOCATION 4.1 Regulatory Requirement 4.2 Policy Statement 4.3 Program Content 4.4 Program Implementation 5.0 HAZARD LABELING 5.1 Regulatory Requirement · 5.2 Policy Statement 5.3 Program Content 6.0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 6.1 Regulatory Requirement 6.2 Policy Statement Program Content 6.4 Quality Assurance 7.0 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND INFORMATION 7.1 Regulatory Requirement 7.2 Policy Statement 7.3 Program Content 7.4 Quality Assurance 8.0 TRADE SECRETS 8.1 Regulatory Requirement 8.2 Policy Statement 8.3 Program Content 9.0 DOCUMENTATION 9.1 Policy Statement 9.2 Program Content 10.0 PROGRAM EVALUATION 10.1 Policy Statement 10.1 Program Content f- 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 .Regulatory Requirement ~Reference: State of California Requirement: Title 8, California Code of Regulations, General Industry Safety Order 5194. Federal Requirement: 29 CFR 1910. 1200 : 1.2 Policy Statement It is the policy of Evy of California Inc., hereafter referred to as the Corporation, to provide a safe workplace for its employees, based on guidelines established by Federal and State OSHA and other available recommendations. 1.3 Pro~ram Objectives The Corporation has developed this program to assure that each of its employees receives the information and training required to perform tasks safely with hazardous substances used in the workplace. This program is the primary tool for providing hazard communication to our employees. It contains Corporate Policy, guidelines and procedures which determine how this program is to be achieved. 1.4 Program Content This written program is based on the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200, the Cai/OSHA Hazard Communication Regulation Section 5194 of Title 8, The California Administrative Code, as well as additional requirements -, instituted by the Corporation. The components of this program are as follows: o Program .Introduction ,, o Program Nanagemen t o Participating Personnel o Chemical Inventory and Nazardous £ocations o l~azard £abeling o Naterial Safety Data Sheets o 2'raining Program o Trade $ecret$ o Documentation o Program l~valuation 1.5 Format Fo.r easy understanding by employees, each component of this program will be organized in the general format to include the following: o Regulatory Requirement [if required) o Corporate Policy Statement o Program Objective (if stated separately from Policy Statement) o Program Content 1.6 Distribution Copies of this policy will be provided to al! departments for review by any and all employees. A copy will also be available at the office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). 1.7 Quality Assurance and Updates This policy will be evaluated on an annual basis using the quality assurance methods defined in Section 10 of this document. This policy will also be updated and revised as information and new data become available, and will be revised to. comply with federal and state regulatory requirements. 1.8 PROPOSITION 65 Proposition 65, also known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, is a California Law that requires businesses to provide warnings to people before exposing them to materials listed by the State as causing cancer or reproductive harm. In the workplace, Proposition 6§'s duties are closely related to those involved in the Right to Know Program. As a result, the California Health & Welfare Agency has determined that an employer's obligations to employees under Proposition 65 are satisfied by implementation of an Employee Right to Know Program that complies with Federal and Cai/OSHA requirements. This Employee Hight to Know Program is designed to comply both with OSHA and Proposition 65 requirements. Substances listed by the State as causing cancer or reproductive harm will be so treated by Evy of California, along with other appropriate chemicals that may fit these categories, in its Employee Right to Know Program. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 2.1 Policy, Statement · Although not required under the regulations, the Corporation's program will have a program manager with authority to carry out its written requirements. 2.2 Program Content This program is the direct responsibility of the CFO. The Program Manager will be the CFO, who will be responsible for overseeing the total program inclusive of the following specific duties: o Coordinate prograA iApleJentation; o Schedule training for existing personnel; o Coeduct traiaing for aew hires, teAporarF, and co~tract personnel; o M~int~in ~11 records ~nd documentation Kener~ted by the proKr~m; o Conduct quality ~ssur~nee ~dits on ~ scheduled b~sis; o File ~11 reports with the appropriate ~overnment ~u thori ties; o Any other t~sks ~ectin~ program m~inten~nce; o Administer requests ~or MSDS's ~nd h~zardous substances 3.0 PARTICIPATING PERSONNEL 3.1 Regulatory Requirements Reference: State of California Requirement: Title 8, California Code of Regulations, General Industry Safety Order 5194. Federal Requirement: 29 CFR 1910.1200 (4~ 3.2 Policy Statement Due to the nature of hazardous substances, it is the policy of the Corporation to have all employees, officers of the Corporation, and contract personnel participate in the program. 3.3 Pro~ram Content Corporate personnel are grouped in the following classifications: o Management o Clerical o Sales o Production Supervisors o Production Workers o Contract Employees Work areas in the facility include: o Administrative/Clerical/Sales o Production o Shipping/Beceiving/Warehousing Because all personnel, at one time or another, must enter an area where hazardous substance are being used or stored, all personnel will participate in the program. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE INVENTORY AND LOCATIONS 4.1 Regulatory Requirement Reference: State of California Requirement: Title 8, California Code of Regulations, General Industry Safety Order 5194. Federal Requirement: 29 CFR 1910.1200 4.2 Policy Statement It is the policy of the Corporation to list all of the hazardous substances used and their respective locations within the facility. 4.3 Program Content The Corporation utilizes a small number of hazardous substances for the production of its products, and in the maintenance of its buildings. 4.4 Program Implementation The Program Manager or designee will review all purchase orders to chemical manufacturers, distributors, and importers to determine if any hazardous substances not previously inventoried have been ordered for delivery to the facility. If a new hazardous substance has been ordered, the Program Manager will take the appropriate steps to revise the program and related documents. Hazardous substance purchases require the approval of the Program Manager prior to any and all activity initiated by the Purchasing Department. 5.0 HAZARD LABELING §.1 Regulatory Requirement Reference: State of California Requirement: Title 8, California Code of Regulations, General Industry Safety Order 5194. Federal Requirement 29 CFR 1910.1200 §.2 Corporate Policy Statement The Corporation will label all hazardous containers with the identity and hazard warning for each hazardous substance container in the facility. 5.3 Program Content All hazardous substance containers used, stored, or transported within the facility will have the following information: All OSHA regulated substances introduced and used in the facility will be marked and labeled in accordance with OSHA regulations in addition to the labeling requirements delineated in Section 5.1 All information on labels will be written in the English Language. 5.3.1 Transport and Storage Containers Hazardous substances arriving at the facilities will be immediately checked by the Program Manager against purchase order records for the following information: o Chemical identity o Hazard warniaK o Name and address of chemical manufacturer, distributor or importer If the purchase order records verify the delivery, it will be accepted. If the labeling is inadequate, than any (7) and all proper labeling, as per this section, will be affixed to the container. ,5.3.2 Temporary Containers It is a general practice to utilize original containers for hazardous substance storage or use. If other containers are utilized for the temporary use or storage of hazardous substances, they will be labeled according to the requirements of section 5.3.1. 6.0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) 6.1 Regulatory Requirement Reference: State of California Requirement: Title 8, California Code of Regulations, General Industry Safety Order §194. Federal Requirement: 29 CFR 1910.1200 6.2 Policy Statement Accurate, up-to-date ~SDS's will be obtained, reviewed, and updated, if necessary, for each hazardous substance used in the facility. 6.3 Program Content 6.3.1 New and Updated RSDS's 'The Corporation relies on its chemical distributors to supply RSDS's prior to the use of the specific hazardous substance. As new or updated ~SDS's are received, a copy will be forwarded to the CFO for review. If the CFO determines the MSDS to be complete, it will be distributed to the predetermined locations. If the MSDS is determined to be incomplete, the !CFO set forth a schedule for revision and completion. This review will be completed within five (§) working days. First-time use of hazardous substances will not commence until an MSDS has been received, approved and distributed to their respective locations. Approved updates of MSDS's received by the CFO will replace outdated MSD$'s within five (5) working days of receipt. 6.3.2 Location/Availability MSDS's will be kept in the following locations: o ~usiness 0££i¢e o By Employee Bulletin Board An approved MSDS will be retained for each substance utilized. Each catalogue of MSDS's, will be maintained by the senior supervisor of the area. Copies of all MSDS's will be located at the Program Manager's office. Any and all MSDS's will be made available to all employees, OSHA, or other relevant governmental agency during normal facility operating hours. 6.4 Quality Assurance The Program Manager or designee will annually update all MSDS sheets in order to make absolutely certain that all information is current and up to date. The complete original set will be kept in the Program Managers Office. 7.0 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND INFORMATION 7.1Regulatory Requirement Reference: State of California Requirement: Title 8, California Code of Regulations, General Industry Safety Order 5194. Federal Requirement: 29 CFR 1910.1200 (h) 7.2 Policy Statement All employees (permanent, temporary and contract) and outsi~de contractors (e.g., carpenters, plumbers, manufacturer's representatives, etc.) will receive information to protect their health and safety while working with or around any hazardous substances used at the Corporation's facilities. 7.3 Program Content Information and training will be provided based on job responsibility and risk. Employees will receive different levels of instruction. These levels range from basic program information to hands-on materials handling training and supervisory training. The Right-to-Know Program Training levels will be defined as RTK PT I and RTK PT II. 7.3.1 Right-to-Know Program Training ~ (RTK PT I) RTK PT I will be administered by the Program Manager for all new permanent, temporary and contract employees. Topics incorporated into RTK PT I will include the following: (10) o Requirements of the Federal and State ~azard Communica tion £aws; o ?he Corporation's compliance with the law; o ?he chemical inventory and hazardous locations i den t i fi ca ti ohs; o ~ow to read label~;' o The description and uses of NSDS's; o ?he Keneral hazards involved in the use of chemicals at the facility. ?.3.2 Eight-to-][now Pro,[ram Training I_~[ (ETK PT ~ RTK PT II is a specific level of employee hazard communication trainin~ and will be provided by either the Program Hanager or the senior area supervisor of each organization under the direction of the Program Hanager. Topics incorporated in RTK PT II include the following: o Specific hazardous substances information including a review of relevant NEBS's; o Work area orKanization and hazard control; o Proper materials handlinK techniques; o Special controls such as monitorinK instrumentation and personal protective Kent; o gmerKency procedures. 7.3.3 Contractors Outside contractors will be required to furnish HSD$ to Evy when ~ork!ng ~ith any hazardous ~aterials on ~.vy premises. (11) 7.4 .Quality Assurance It is the responsibility of the Program Manager to maintain all training records. The Program Manager will also review the training program on an annual basis to assure that a'l! training is in compliance with State and Federal regulations. 8.0 TRADE SECRETS 8.1 Regulatory Requirement: Reference: State of California Requirement: Title 8, California Code of Regulations, General Industry Safety Order 5194. Federal Requirement: 29 CFR 1910.1200 8.2 ?o'licy Statement While the corporation does not presently have any trade secrets, it shall be the policy of the Corporation to provide trade secret information if the corporation develops trade secrets on its products to those individuals, organizations, or governmental agencies, requesting such information under the existing regulations as indicated in Section 8.1. 8.3 Program Content At the time that any cloth or mixture at any Corporate facility is determined to be a trade secret, the following will apply: 8.3.1 Hazard Determination Any and all requests for trade secret status will be presented to the Corporate Officers. If it is determined by the Corporate Officers that a particular chemical compound .or cloth is a trade secret, the Program Hanager will be notified immediately. The Program Manager will proceed to evaluate the substance to determine if it is hazardous. If'the substance or any component of it is listed by OSHA or Cai/OSHA as being hazardous, the substance under evaluation will be classified by the Program Manager as hazardous. 8~3.2 Implementation Once a substance is determined to be hazardous, it is the responsibility of the Program Manager to assure that if an MSDS does not exist, one is acquired in accordance with Federal and State regulations enumerated in Sections 6.1 and 8.1. The MSDS will then be issued as per Section 6.3, indicating confidential information with the words "Trade Secret". A second MSDS.containing all information as per Section 6.1 will be stamped in red, with upper case letters, 1" in height, with the word "CONFIDENTIAL", This MSD$ will remain secured by the Program Manager and will be presented to any individual, governmental agency or representative ONLY in accordance with those regulations set forth in Section 8.1 and with the approval of the Corporate Officers. Approval will not be required in cases involving immediate emergency conditions. (]3) 9.0 DOCU~IENTATION 9.1 Policy Statement The Corporation will make the forms and documents listed in this written program available to employees on a written request basis. 9.2 Program Content The forms and documents listed in this section are integral components of the on-going effective performance of this pregram. They are meant to allow efficient monitoring of the program. The forms are as follows: o Employee Document Review Survey o £etter to Accompany Purchase Orders o MSDS Development/Review Request o New/Revised MSDS Notice o Initial Chemical Evaluation Form o MSD$ Form o Training Session Memo o Employee Training Memo o Employee Safety ?raining and Equipment ~ist A copy o£ each o£ the above stated forms is included in Appendix "A ". 10.0 PROGRAH EVALUATION 10.1 Policy Statement It is the policy of the Corporation to assure the effectiveness of the Corporate Hazard Communication Program. 10.2' Pro~ram Content Each component of this program will require a degree of objective measurability in order to assure the effectiveness of the total program. Therefore, the Employee Right-to-Know program . will be discussed from time to time at meetings of the officers. It will remain the responsibility of the Program Manager to report any problems or recommendations pertaining to this program to the offi'cers. In conjunction, it will be the responsibility of the Program Manager to generate an annual report to include a review of the program and present the report to the officers for review and approval. While the information contained in this publication has been compiled from eources believed to be tel iable and correct, neither the editors of publisher, nor any person acttnl on their behalf makes any warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the use of any information, method, or process disclosed In this publication or that such use may not infringe upon privately owned rights and does not assume any liabilities or responsibility, expressed or implied, with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, method or process disclosed in this publication or the accuracy of the information contained herin. This publication is meant to be of assistance tn the establ lshlent and maintenance of an Employee Right-to-Know program; it is not intended or designed to give legal advice on compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations. It should be noted that laws, regulations and standards are subject to revisions, additions or deletions at any time. APPENDIX A SAMPLE FORNS ~ EMPAOYEE DOCUMENT REVIEW SURVEY THIS IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE EMPLOYEE Please check the box next to the document you reviewed: . ( ) Written Hazard Communication Program ( ) OSHA Hazard Communication Standard ( ) State Right-to-Know Law ( ) Material Safety Data Sheet for: ( ) Hazard Determination Procedures ( ) Other records or information please describe: Please complete the following questions as they will assist us in revising the document in the future. 1. Did the document contain the information you were interested in? 2. If not, would you like assistance in finding the information? 3. If you found the information you wanted, was it complete? 4. Was the document easy to read and understand? 5. Other comments? Employee name/ID# (optional) SUBJECT: Hazard Communication Responsibilities TO: Whom iLt ~4ay Concern Attached to this letter is a purchase order for chemicals which we plan to utilize in our facility. Our receiving personnel have been instructed to accept only containers which have been properly labeled and identified. Imporperly labeled containers will result in refusal of the shipment and possible change in vendors. We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter as it is in all of our best interests. We expect to receive MSDS's prior to receipt of our initial order and when a MSDS has been revised. If your policy is different or has changed since the last order, please notify us as soon as possible. To assist us, we would appreciate it if you would record the responsible party information on the shipping papers. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation, I look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Purchasing Manager MSDS DEVELOPMENT/REVIEW REQUEST MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: Please develop or revise the HSDS for the hazardous substance listed below. The information which initiated this action is attached. CHEMICAL NAME: ( ) Temporary ID# ( ) Serial # ( ) CAS # REASON FOR REQUEST: ( ) Chemical has been determined to be hazardous ( ) Chemical has new hazards DATE RECEIVED: COMPLETED BY: Date Completed/revised: __ If new substance: Assign serial # NEW/REVISED MSDS NOTICE MEMO TO: FROM~ DATE: The MSDS form for the substance listed below is: ( ) New ( ) Revised Please find the information checked below enclosed. Please distribute according to these instructions, complete this form and retain it for your records. Assigned Serial #: Substance name: Attached are colpies of: ( ) Initial Chemical Evaluation Form ( ) MSDS Development/Review Form ( ) Completed Company MiDi Form MSDS DISTRIBUTION: ( ) Appropriate work area - list work area distribution below ( ) Training department/manager ( ) File ( ) Authorities Distribution complete yes no Date: By whom (signature): ~Comments: Work area distribution list: INITIAL CHEMICAL EVALUATION FORM Chemical identity: Temporary ID number: List Synonyms: (refer to Merck Index or RTECS): REFERENCE CHECK: Carcinogenicity: NTP Annual Report: yes no IARC Annual Report: yes no OSHA: yes no Hazardous: OSHA Subpart Z: yes no Which table or'regulation ACHIH TLVs: yes no State List:: yes no If substance has been determined to be hazardous, submit MSDS DEVELOPMENT/REVIE~ REQUEST. If not, proceed with hazard determination. OTHER REFERENCE REVIEWS: RTECS: Significant toxicity based on OSHA guideline? yes no List other references checked: Date reviewed: Performed By: ..... Disposition: Hazardous? yes no Sh- U.S. Depflr~l~nt of Labor v'~"~ Material Safety Data May be used to comply with Occupation.al.Safety and Health Administration ~ OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, (Non-Mandatory Form) F 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be Form Approved consulted for specific requirements. OM B N o. 1218-0072 [ Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no IDENTITY (As Used on Lat~el and LJst) I information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manufacturer'.s Name Emergency Telephone Number Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZiP Code) Telephone Number for information Date Prepared SiGnature ol Preparer (c~ctional) . Secticn 11 -- Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information Other Limits Ha~ardcus Ccmponents (Specdic Chemical identity; Common Name(s)) OSHA PEL ACGiH TLV Recommended % (optional) Section III -- Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravi~ (H20 = 1) Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.) Melting Point Vapor Density (AiR = 1) Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) Solubility in Waler Appearance anci Odor Section IV -- Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Extinguishing Media Special Fire Fighting Procedures Unusual Fire and Explosion H~zards {Reproduce locally) OSHA 174, Sept. 1985 TRAINING SESSION MEMO FROM: Director of the Employee Right-to-Know Program DATEi SUBJECT: INITIAL TRAINING SCHEDULE One of the many employee programs at our company ms.our Employee Right-to-Know Program. Although it is required by state and federal law, we feel our program is a superior program as it goes beyond the requirements of the OSHA law. In starting to familarize you with our program we have attached a booklet entitled "Hazards in the Workplace: Your Right to Know" for you to read. You do not have to memorize or remember any particulars in the booklet. It is meant only to introduce you to the program and familiarize you with its various components. After reading the booklet, please take a few minutes to jot down any questions, comments or concerns you have about" "Right-to- Know" on the bottom section or back of this memo. The first Employee Right-to-Know Information and Training session is scheduled on: Date: Time: Location: Sincerely yours, Program Manager P.S. I know you may have read this booklet when you applied for the job, but please review it again. It may have been a while since you read it. Please record any questions, comments, or concerns about the information presented in the "Right-to-Know" booklet. EMPLOYEE TRAINING MEMO TO: __ FROM: Employee Right-to-Know Program Manager DATE: SUBJECT: HAZARD COMMUNICATION TRAINING As part of the on-going Hazard Communication Program, you are scheduled to participate in a training session on the following date: Date of training: Location of training: Name of training course: Length of training; If you have any conflict, please notify your supervisor iwmediately. THIS TRAINING IS MANDATORY! INSTRUCTOR: DATE: .... / .... / .... START~ END: LOCATION: * * * * * P L E A S E P R I N T : N A M E EMPLOYEE # DEPARTMENT : +---4 + ...... + ....... +------+ ~ --+- +------4 ~ + 4 .... + 4- 4 +------4 + ~ ---+ +---+-- - 4 ~ -+ +-----+ .................. + ....... 4- + + .... 4 ~ ~---- +-----+ ~ + '15 ' ' ' : +---+- ~ 4 + +-+ -4--+ +-+ OVERHEAD +-+ HANDOUTS +-+ (~UIZ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ FILM +-+ LECTURE +-+ RETURN/DEMO COMMENTS: SALES6. FMT (' EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN Thee management of Evy of California, in keeping with the concerns of our employees in the 'area' of fire and life safety, Will institute a program to help you if a fire or medical emergency takes place. We ask that you be' an. active participant in the implementation of the plan. THE SAFETY COMMITTEE The safety committee will: 1. Coordinate the Emergency Action Plan thr.0ughout the facility. 2. Schedule fire classes as necessary. 3. Maintain minutes of the meetings. 4. Make sure all personnel, especially supervisory personnel are familiar with the Emergency Action Plan. 5. Take any necessary steps to correct any fire hazards discovered. ...... ' IN CASE OF EMERGENCY '.-~' .':' '-;-:' If you discover a fireor smell smoke: " 1. Call the switchboard operator (receptionist) and report..the location and what is '~ -'burning if possible. ,' ' · '2. Return 'tO the fire, and fight it with available firefighting equipment, only if it is safe to do so. Remember, it is foolhardy to put yourself in danger. In the event of a medical emergency: 1. Call the switchboard operator (receptionist) and report the location and what type of injury if possible. (.i 2. Return to the victim and render whatever assistance you can to keep them comfortable until help arrives. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR SWITCHBOARD' RECEPTIONIST Upon receiving a report of fire: .. 1. Call the Fire Department at 911. 2. Use the paging system to announce the emergency. Give the location of the emergency. ~ 3. Repeat the message two or three times. 4. Send someone out to meet and guide the Fire Dept. Police, Ambulance, etc. 5. Remain at your station, if possible, to handle further commUnications. 6. Upon hearing a Fire Alarm, immediately call the Fire Department at 911. FIRE RESPONSE PROCEDURES 1. When responding to the fire, each person on the fire response team should select the fire extinguisher nearest to his or her place of work and take it to the fire. 2. Personnel working in the immediate vicinity of the fire will shut off equipment if there is time to safely do so, and then evacuate the area. 3. People fighting the fire should hurry, but not run to the fire. 4. A fire response team member will meet the first-in fire companies to inform them of the location and nature of the emergency, and the location of various valves, switches, and gas shut-offs. 6. Upon arrival, the Los Angeles City Fire Department will take charge of the fire. EMPLOYEE EVACUATION pROCEDURE, 1. :If evacuation is necessary, employee's should be guided by their supervisors. Avenues of escape are predetermined and are posted in numerous locations in each building. Your location in the building determines your specific exit. Employees should learn their exit route. 2. Employees should hurry but not run during the evacuationS. 3. All employees should go to the meeting area where the supervisors can account for their employees. 4. Supervisors should make a thorough search of their area, °nly if it is safe to do so, with special attention to those areas not always occupied. ' a. restrooms b. conference rooms c. offices d. xerox rooms 5. Procedure to account for personnel. In the event of an' evacuation, the active employee master list will be used to account for personnel. 6. Any further questions about this plan should be directed to the supervisors. Accident Prevention Pro~ram Each 'employee is not only responsible for his or her own safety but also for the safety of other employees and the public. Any employee who engages in activities that may be harmful to others may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Please report any unsafe or hazardous.conditions to your supervisor immediately upon discovery. Evy has adopted certain safety rules for employees, which may be modified from time to time. Each employee must be familiar with the safety rules and must comply with all rules at all times. An employee's failure to com~'ly may result in disciplinary action uD to and including termination. A. Employees must use machine protective devices at all times when operating machines; B. Employees must wear Iow-heel, closed-toe, and closed heel shoes only; C. Employees must comply with Evy's smoking policy; D. Employees m~st walk at al1 times: running is not permitted; E. Employees must keep access to a]l exits, aisles, passage ways, fire extinguishers, and electric panels clear at all times. F. Employees must not operate a machine unless they are familiar with how it works; G. Employees must not direct compressed air at themselves or others. This can cause serious injury; H, Employees must not try to push, pu'll, or lift objects that may be too heavy. Employees should always ask for help if they need I. Employees must report any hazards they discover to manaQement or their supervisor immediately, EsDanol al Dorso .Programa de Prevencion de Accidente$ Cada emDleado es resDonsable no solamente por su propia seguridad sino Dot la seguridad de los demas emDleados y del publico. Si un emDleado roma parte de actividades que pueden afectar 'la seguridad de otros, se tomaran medidas d~sciDi~nar~as aue basra oueden resultar en set desDedido. Por'favor reoorte a su suoerv~sor(a) inmediatamente si sabe de alguna actividad o condicion aue Donga en Deliqro la sequridad de los demas. Evy ha adoDtado ciertas reglas de seguridad para 'los emoleados, aue Dueden set modificadas de tiemDo en tiemoo. Cada emoleado debe conocer estas re, las y regirse Dot elias en todo momento. De no hacerlo, podr~a set disciolinado o hasta desDed~do. A. Los emD'ieados deben usar protector de agujas en todo momento aue este usando una maauina; B. Los emoleados deben usar ZaDatOs de tacon ba~o y de talon y frente cerrado: C. Los empleadQs deben se~uir 'las reglas de tumadores; D. No se permite cotter en ningun momento; E. Se debe deiar 'libre acceso a todas las sal~das, pasi'llos, extingu~dores de fuego y paneles electricos; F. Los emDleados no deben usar una maqu~na Que no saben manejar; G. Los empleados no deben dirigir aire comorimido hacia ellos mismos o hacia otros. Esto puede causar danos graves: H. Los empieados no deben tratar de ialar, emouiar, o levantar obietos muy Desados. Siemore aue sea necesario deben pedir ayuda: I. Los emDleados deben reoortar inmediatamente a la gerencia o a su suoervisor(a) cualQuier cosa que lo ponga en ries~o a ellos o a otros. English on reverse Safety Ru'les for Sewing Machines 1! Use needle guards at all times, 2. Remove feet trom pedal when threading the needle. 3. Use tweezers, not fingers to pull the thread through the needle. : 4. Place your clippers in a secure place when not in use to prevent them from fallin9 and injuring you. 5. If your machine is not oDeratin9 correctly, do not try to fi× it yourself, call a mechanic. 6. Turn otf the'machine at the end of the day. REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD PARA LAS MAQUZNAS DE COSER (sewing machines) 1. Use el protector de aguja todo el tiempo. 2. Retire el pie del pedal al enhebrar la maouina. 3. Use pinzas para jalar el hi'lo al enhebrar, "no" los dedos. 4. Ponga sus tijeras en lugar seguro, evite aue se caigan y produzca un accidente. 5. Si su maquina no esta operando correctamente, no trate de arreglarla, siempre debe llamar a'l mecanico. 6. ADague la maquina al final del dia. Safety Rules for the Finish~n§ Department 1" When untangling garments that are stuck in the steam chamber, be sure to keep your hands away from the chain. 2. While i ron~n~ be sure to keep your hands away from the st earn. 3, Be sure to place the iron on it's stand when it is not in use, 4. 8e sure to keep your arms and hands awav from the base of the iron in order to prevent burns. 5. Place your cliPPerS in a secure place when not in use to prevent them from fal'ling and iniuring you. REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DEPARTAMENTO DEL FINISHING (finishing dept,) 1. Cuando desengancha las prendas oue se atoran en la maduina de steam, asegurese de conservar sus manos lejos de 'la cadena, 2. En el momento oue esta planchando retire sus manos lejos del aicance de'l vapor de la plancha, 3. Deposite la plancha en el zapato de hule oue se encuentra a 'la derecha de 'la tabla, cada vez oue esta no este en uso, 4. Cuide de mantener sus manos y sus brazos leios del alcance del calor de 'la plancha para evitar quemaduras. 5. Ponga sus tiieras en lugar seguro, evite oue se caigan y Droduzca un accidente. JOB REQUIREMENTS - CLERICAL Ha~e basic math skills Be able to operate a computer skills Be able to speak english Be able to read and write '~ Be able to sit most of the day These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document. Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an'employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time. JOB REQUIREMENTS - SUPERVISORS Hav~ people skills Be able to operate a computer Have basic math skills Be able to read and write Have skills in the area of the job they are supervising Be able to lift up to 20 pounds Have good communication skills : Be able to differentiate colors These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that ali the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document. Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to 'bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time. JOB REQUIREMENTS - FLOOR PEOPLE Be'able to walk all day Be able to bend frequently Be able to frequently lift up to 20 pounds Be able to Push and pull most of the day Be able to differentiate colors These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job, There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document. Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time. JOB REQUIREMENTS - FACTORY SUPPORT Be~able to walk all day Be able to lift up to 20 pounds Be able to push and pull moderately throughout the day Be able to reach above shoulder level ~ Be able to differentiate colors These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document. Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time. JOB REQUIREMENTS - SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Hate experience operating an industrial sewing machine Visual skills for fine work Be able to sit all day Be able-to do moderate bending and twisting in order to move material from the cart to the sewing machine and vice-versa Have good hand/eye coordination Have manual dexterity Be able to frequently lift up to 20 pounds Be able to differentiate colors These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document. Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time. JOB REQUIREMENTS - PRESSERS Be~able to stand all day Have pressing skills Be able to lift up to 20 pounds These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed ~n this document. Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time. JOB REQUIREMENTS - FINISHERS Have fine motor skills Have manual dexterity Be able to stand all day Be able to bend and reach above shoulder level Be able to lift up to 20 pounds Be able to do some pushing and pulling Be able to differentiate colors These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document. Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at. any time. JOB REQUIREMENTS - INSPECTORS Ha{/e sewing skills Be able to walk all day Be able to bend frequently during the day Be able to do close visual work Be able to differentiate colors Be able to read and write These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document. Un]ess otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be ab]e to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time, JOB REQU[REMENTS- MECHAN'[CS Ha,ye a working knowledge of machinery Have a working knowledge of electricity Have basic math skills Be able to do some walking Be able to climbing ladders Be able to bend and twist Be able to read and write Be able to lift up to 60 pounds These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job, There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document, Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds, Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time, JOB REQUIREMENTS - MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Be,able to read and write Have a knowledge of electricity Have a knowledge of mechanics Have basic math skills Be able to climb a ladder up to 40 or 50 feet high Be able to bend and twist Be able to reach above shoulder level Be able to lift up to 60 pounds These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job are listed in this document. Unless otherwise ~isted, a~l of the jobs require an employee with sufficient physica~ f~exibi3ity to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time. JOB REQUIREMENTS - JANITORS Be,'able to walk all day Be able to lift up to 50 pounds Be able to bend Be able to reach above shoulder level Be able to know what cleaning supplies to use where Be able to know how to handle the cleaning suDplies Be able to read These requirements are only intended to be the basic requirements of the job. There is no way to assure that all the particular requirements of a job.are listed in this document. Unless otherwise listed, all of the jobs require an employee with suffi'cient Physical flexibility to be able to bend over to open drawers, and to be able to pick up and carry up to 20 pounds. Management retains the discretion to add to or change any of the requirements at any time. 2 31 52 66 10 48 (213) 581-6253 Printed in the USA GLENCO PRODUCTS · P.O. Box 58091 ~ Los Angeles, Calif. 90058 uenas noticias!!! - .. , · nvestiga como ganar, ' , o eS dificil '= uiate por'las reglas de seguridad y... btendras Valiosos premios y un lugar seguro ~ para trabajar. ~ 'B e a winner I n the safety bingo game m o accidents is the goal G.o for it and... 0 brain fabulous priZes in a safe working ,,, environment: Name ·_Employee._# Department, EVY OF CALIFORNIA. SAFETY BINGO GAME BE SAFE AND WIN MANAGEMENT AT EVY IS VERY CONCERNED ABOUT OUR SAFETY RECORD. AS A RESULT WE ARE OFFERING ENORMOUS PRIZES TO TRY AND STIMULATE A PERFECT SAFETY RECORD THROUGHOUT THE COMPANY. THE PURPOSE OF THE BINGO GAME IS TO GET EVERYONE THINKING ABOUT SAFETY AND WORKING TO REDUCE ACCIDENTS. = Each active ~mployee will receive one card per game. If an employee loses their card, they will not be issued a new card until the start of the next game. * Your winning order will be determined by the date your card is turned in, not by the date your winning number is drawn (people on layoff will have one day's grace period in turning their card in. * We will draw one number each working day. The number will be posted above the time clocks prior to the start of the work day. *IF NO ACCIBENTS OCCUR THE PRIZES WILL BE: 1st place winner $1000.00 2nd place winner $750.00 3rd place winner $500.00 4th,5th,and 6th place $250.00 each * In the event of an accident requiring a visit to a doctor for medical attention, the game number will not be drawn the next day, AND the prize money will be cut in half. ~In the case of multiple winners the prize money is divided equally among the winners. ~Six (6) accidents during a game cancels the game. No prizes will be awarded, we all need to reduce accidents. * An employee would not be eligible to use any numbers drawn during their absence or vacation. *An employee with an "open" workers compensation claim is not eligible to play and is disqualified from the current game. *Employees on lay off are eligible to play. The daily number will be posted in the front window, PLEASE, no phone calls to get numbers. *All prizes are awarded at the end of the game. Any accident that occurs during the game will affect all the winners. *Office staff is eligible to win only if 2 or less accidents occur during a game. *Eligible supervisors can win only if no accidents occur in their departments during the current game. mVLO E .IST EMPLOYEE NAME EMPLOYEE NUMBER ! have been informed of the Evy of California% Employees Right-to-Know Program and I have had the Material Safety Data Sheets exphined to me. I am also aware that Evy of California has an Accident Prevention Program with which I am required to comply. He sido informado del Programa "Employees Right-to-Know' de Evy of California y se me hah explicado las 'Matefi',d Safety Data Sheets". Tambien se que Evy of California tiene un programa cie provencion de accidentes ("Accident Prevention Program") pot el cual me debo regix. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE DATE THIS PORTION TO BE COMPLETED BY HIRING SUPERVISOR .. I have instructed the above named employee of Evy of California as follows: CHECK EACH "O" THAT WAS PERFORMED AS YOU TELL THE NEW EMPLOYEE O I have given this employee a copy of the Company policy and attached the signed Acknowledgment of Receipt of the Employee Handbook. ' O I have given this employee the State'Disability Insurance Pamphlet O I have given this employee the DFEH fact sheet regarding sexual harassment I have expla/ned the Employees Right-to-Know Program and have shovm them the Material Safely Data Sheets ! have explained that the Company has an Accident Prevention Program and that the Company conducts safety inspections flora time to lime, and I have given this employee an English and Spanish version of the Safety section flora the Employee Handbook. O '1 have instructed this employee regarding any other specific safety requirements peOaixting to their job, and g/yen them a safely checklist regarding tho job. O I have shown this employee how to lift objects and have given them an instruction booklet on how to lift. O I have shown this employee how to exit the building. O I have attached a completed I-9 form complete with supporting photo copies. 0 I have attached a completed W-4. O I have had the new employee sign the top portion of this sheet. O I have attached the signed Evy of California Application. 0 I have attached the "additional employee information ffhired" sheet O I have been able [] unable El to get a reference fiom previous employers O I have given the new employee the company's telephone number O Newsletter language: English El Spanish [] INSTRUCTING SUPERVISORS SIGNATURE DATE ., KBF-7171 CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N© 6 2 2 Sub Div. Blk. Lot. You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: ! · Completion D/ Cor t~/a!'9 7 Inspector 326-3979 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA EVY OF CALIFORNIA BUSINESS NAME: LOCATION: 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE 1VLAILING ADDRESS: 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIPs93304 PHONE:805-326-1634 DUN & BRADSTREETNUMBER: 00 837 9810 SIC CODE: 2361 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: CLOTHING MANUFACTURER OWNEP~. oPERATOR ROBERT MARSHALL, CFO MAII~INGADDRESS: 10755 VENICE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90034 SECTION 2:EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24HR. PHONE SOCORRO SARIMENTO PLANT MANAGER 805-326-1634 805-664-9126 I. 2. ROBERT MARSHALL CFO 310-559-3000 310-394-4247 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING NUMBEROF EMPLOYEES: APPROX 200 and 20 TEMP SERVICE EMPLOYEES MATERIA~LSAFETY DATA SFIEETS ON FILE: ALL MSDS ARE MAINTAINED IN THE PLANT MANAGER'S OFFICE BRIEF SIJ~Y OF TRJdNING PROGRJdVI: ALL AFFECTED EMPLOYEES RECEIVE AN INTITAL ORIENTATION TRAINING COVERING SAFE WORK PRACTICES, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES, CHEMICAL HAZARDS, AND PROPER HANDLING OF CHEMICALS. ANNUAL .REFRESHER TRAINING IS PROVIDED TO ALL EMPLOYEES HANDLING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. AFFECTED EMPLOYEES ARE PROVIDED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND ARE TRAINED IN THE USE OF PPE. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME EXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION I, ROBERT MARSHALL CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORIvlATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE 2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. AGENCYNOT~ICATION PROCEDURES: EMERGENCY SERVICES AGENCIES WILL BE NOTIFIED BY THE PLANT MANAGER BY CALLING 911 B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION ANDEVACUATION: EMERGENCY EVACUATION NOTIFICATION WILL BE MADE BY THE PLANT MANAGER OVER THE TELEPHONE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: EVACUATION OF NEARBY BUSINESSES AND THE PUBLIC WILL BE AT THE DIRECTION OF THE RESPONDING EMERGENCY SERVICES AGENCY. D. EMERGENCY MEDICALPLAN: MEDICAL EMERGENCIES WILL BE REFERRED TO MERCY HOSPITAL, THE BAKERSFIELD OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, OR 911 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORED AND USED ONSITE ARE HELD IN INDIVIDUAL CONTAINMENT VESSELS. ONLY AUTHORIZIED AND TRAINED PERSONNEL/ARE PERMITTED TO HANDLE, TRANSFER, OR USE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/ORMINIMIZATION: ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORED AND USED ONSITE ARE HELD IN INDIVIDUAL CONTAINMENT VESSELS. C. CLEAN-UPPROCEDURES: CLEAN UP OF SPILLED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS tN COMPLETED tN ACCORDANCE WITH THE P~ECAUTIONS AND DIRECTIONS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER?SUPPLIER ON THE MSDS SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NATI~GAS~ROPANE:GAS METER?SHUTOFF IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTTHEAST CORNER OF THE BUILDING ELECTRICAL: ELECTRICAL PANELS ARE LOCATED IN THE BUILDING (SEE MAP) WATER: WATER METER IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE FACII,ITY SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO~ IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY A. PKIVATEFIREPROTECTION: THE FACILITY HAS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND IS PARTIALLY COVERED WITH SPRINKLERS B. WATER AVAILABILITY ffIRE HYDRANT): A FIRE HYDRANT IS AVAILABLE IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE 4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME EVY OF CALIFORNIA FACILITY NAJM]E BAKERSFIELD FACILITY SITE ADDRESS 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CITY BAKERSFIELD STATE CALIFORNIA ZIP 93304 NATUR~ OF BUSINESS CLOTHING MANUFACTURER SIC CODE 2361 DUN&BRADSTREET~ER 00 837 9810 OWNER/OPE~TOR ROBERT MARSHALL PHONE 310 559-3000 MAILINGADDRESS 10755 VENICE BLVD. CITY LOS ANGELES STATE CALIFORNIA ZIP 90034 EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAh/[E MARIA SOCORRO SARIMENTO TITLE PLANT MANAGER BUSINESS PHONE 805-326-1634 24 HOUR PHONES05-664-9126 NA]V[E ROBERT MARSHALL TITLE CFO BUSINESS PHONE 310-559-3000 24 HOUR PHONE 310-394-4247 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page / orT- Busincss Name EVY OF CALIFORNIA Address 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CItEMICAL DESCRIPTION I ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ~ Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemic, al is a NON Trade Secret [ X] Trade Secret [ DENZYME GT 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) ChemicalName: ENZYME CONCENTRATE ARM[ ] CAS#9012-54-8 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 5 6 'l (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 3 9 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid Ix ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ lq] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7)AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount 5 0 0 Lbs [ x] Gal [ ] tt3 [ ] a) Container: 0 7 Average Daily Amount 2 5 0 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount 3 2 5 c) Temperature 4 Largest Size Container 5 0 0 # Days on Site '~ a ~ Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List ENZYMEC~RATE 96t~~- 54-8 % ~g6['0 AHlVl the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemical components or 2) [ ] any AHIvl components 3) [ ] 10)LOCATION THE MATERIAL STORED ADJACENT TO THE LAUNDRY AREA, NEAR THE LOADING DOCK ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ~K ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret IX ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: DILUTE ACETIC ACID, 80% 3)DOT# (optional) ChemicalName: ACETIC ACID AHlVI[ I CAS#0064-19-7 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire [x ] Reactive [ X] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) k ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [x ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 113 (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 3 9 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid[ ] Liquid[x] Gas[ ] Pure[ ] Mixture[x] Waste[ ] Radioactive[ ] 7) AlvlOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) SIORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount 110 Lbs [ ] Gal IX ] 113 [ ] a) Container: 0 7 Average Daily Amount 6 5 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: i Annual Amount 5 5 c) Temperature 4 Largest Size Container 5 5 # Days on Site 2 6_ 5 Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURe: List COMPONENT CAS# % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) ACETIC ACID 0064-1 9-7 80 [ ] chemical components or 2) WATER 7 7 3 2-18- 5 2 0 [ ] any AHM components 3) [ ] I 0)LOCATION THE MATERIAL IS STORED ADJACENT TO THE LOADINg BOCI( ON TI-IE WE.qT I certify under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted information is tree, accurate and complete. ~~____~~ PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date ItAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page ~ of 7.-.' Busincss Name EVY OF CALIFORNIA Address 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ )~ Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret IX ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE 3) DOT # (optioml) ChcmicalName: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE AI-IM[ ] CAS# 1.336-21.-6 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ X] Sudden Release o£Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [× ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ×] $) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 1. 35 (3-digit cock: from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 4 9 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid[ ] Liquid[×] Gas[ ] Pure[x] Mixture[ ] Waste[ ] Paulioactive[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount 1. 0 Lbs [ ] Gal [× ] fl3 [ ] a) Container:. 1. 0 Average Daily Amount 7 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount 1. 0 c) Temperature Largest Size Container 1 0 # Days on Site 36 5 Circle Which Months: All Year, I, F, M, A, M, $, $, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS# % WT AHM the thrce most hazardous 1) AMMONIA 766/,-/,1 -7 '~D [ ] chemical components er 2) WATER 7732-%8-5 70 [ ] any AHM components 3) [ ] 10 )LOCATION THE MATERIAL IS STOP~ED AD.IACENT TO T~-IE ~.C~AnT_NG DOCK ON THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING. 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ X] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check ff chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ X ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: BLEACH 3) DOT # (optioml) ChcmicalName: SODIt.~ HYPOCHLORTTE AHM[ ] CAS# 768t-52-9 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH t-l~rdCategories Fire[ ]Rcactive[x]SuddenRcleaseofPressure[ ] ImmediateHealth(Acute)[×]DelayedHealth(Chruni¢)[×] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 1. 23 (3-digit code ~om DIaS Form 8022) USE CODE 39 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid[ ] Liquid[x] Gas[ ] Pure[x] Mixture[ ] Waste[ ] Radioactive[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount ~ c~ c~ Lbs [ ] Gal [ x ] fl3 [ ] a) Container:. 02 Average Daily Amount 3 5 0 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: 1. Annual Amount 5 00 c) Temperature 4 Largest Size Container 500 # Days on Site 3 65 Circle Which Months: All Year, $, F, M, A, M, $, $, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS# % WT AHM thethrcemosthaa~,'dous 1) SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 7681.-52-9 1_2.5 [ ] chcmicai components or 2) SODIUM HYDROXIDE '13'~ 0-73-~2 1 [ ] any AHM components 3) SODIUM CHLORTDE 76/'7-~/~-5 1.0 [ ] 10)LOCATIONTHE MATERIAL IS HELD IN A CONTAINMENT VESSEL LOCATED AT TIlE LOADING DOCK ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING I certify under penalty o£ law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on this and all attached documents. I SITE DIAGRAM [ ] FACILITY DIAGRAM [ XX ] Business Name: EVY OF CALIFORNIA Business Address: 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA EMERGENC~ OFFICES EXIT OFFICE EMERGENCY LAV. EXIT JANITORIAl LUNCH ROOM STORAGE ~LAUNDRY AREA ELECTRICAL ~ O PANEL ~--~MMONIA SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE oo)ENZYME GT / ACETIC ACID OFFICE I] ~ GAS WATER STORAGE METER METER ..... CALIFORNIA AVENUE ?RODUC~ NAME~ DENZYME GT S11790 I~tercem Cor~ora~ion 1310 Knol~wood C~rcle/An&heim;C& 92801 (714) 921-0700 CHEMTREC EMERGENCY TELEPHONE~ 800-42&-9300 EFFECTIVE DATE= 11/30/94 5. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTSl WT% CAS NO. ACGIH OSHA TLV PEL Enzyme Concentrate 9012-54-8 None Established I~. PHYSICAL DATAz MELTING POINTt <30°F SPECIFIC GRAVITY~ 1.0 BOILING POINTI >220°F SOLUBILITY IN WATERi Complete VAPOR PRESSURE(mm Hg)~ ND EVAPORATION RATE(BuAc=I)t ND VAPOR DENSITY (Air~l)l ND PHI 4.5-5.5 ODORI Sligh= Fermen~ation VOC (g/1)z NA APPEARANCEI Brown Liquid IIX. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATAf FLASH POINT= >220°F METHOD USEDI Tag Closed Cup AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATUREI NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS~ UPPERI NA LOWERI NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIAl Dry Chemical, Foam, CO2, Water spray FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDSI NA SPZCIAL FZRE FIGHTING PROCEDURESI No epecial requirements. IV. RHACTIVITYI STABILITY= Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOIDI Stable under normal conditions HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATIONI Will not occur INCOMPATIBILITYI None known HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTSI None known ~.~ ENVIRONMENTAL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION~ CAUTION, Use appropriate protective and safety equipment. See Section VIII of this Material Safety Data Sheet. for handling precautions. -1- ?RODU¢~ NAME~ DENZYME Bl1790 Intercem Corporation 1380 Kno~lwood Cirole/An&hel~,CA ¢714) 921-0700 SMALL SPZLLI Sweep up spilled material and dispose of in DOT-approved WaSte containers. Flush spill area to sewer with water. IJ~R~E SPILLs Shovel spilled material into DOT-approved waste containers for disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL INFORMATIONI Dispose of contaminated product and materials used in cleaning up spills of leaks in a manner approved for this material.Consult appropriate federal, state and local regulatory agencies to ascertain proper disposal procedures. This product is not a characteristic waste by RCRA definitions. NOTEI Comply with all applicable government regulations on spill reporting and handling and disposal of waste. Empty containers can have residues, gases, and mists, and are subject to proper disposal. HEALTH HAZARD DATAI BREATHED~ Can Cause allergic type response in sesceptible individuals upon repeated or prolonged exposure. SKIN CONTACT~ May cause mild irritation following prolonged direct contact. SKIN ABSORPTIONz Components are unlikely to be absorbed through skin in harmful concentrations. EYE CONTACT: May cause slight temporary eye irritation. Corneal injury is unlikely. No evidence of adverse effects from available information. SWALLOWEDt Amounts ingested incidental to industrial handling are not likely to cause lnJury~ however, ingestion of larger amounts may cause injury. SYSTEMIC AND OTHER EFFECTS= If a chronic effect has no~ been mentioned under a route of entry, no chronic effects are known ~o result from exposure to components of this product. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AG~RAVATED~ Repeated exposure via inhalation can result in sensitization and allergic response in hypersensitive individuals. SUSPECTED CANCER AGENTz FEDERAL OSHA CA OSHA NTP ZARC No No No No TARGET ORGANS~ OTHER THAN THOS~ IMPLIED BY ROUTES OF ENTRY (I.E., BREATHED, INCLUDES RESPIRATORY TRACT AND LUNGS) ARE CAPITALIZED. This product DOES NOT contain chemicals known California to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. 811790 Intercem Corporation X380 ~no%l~od ~olO/AnaheAm,¢& g2102 (714) 821-0700 VII. FIRST AIDs BREATNED~ Remove victim to fresh air at once, If not breathing, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Keep victim warm and at rest. Seek medical attention if allergic response exhibited. SKINs Wash skin immediately with lots of soap and water. If clothes and shoes are contaminated, remove and wash before reuse. Get medical attention if ill effect or irritation develops. EYESs Wash eyes immediately with running water for at least 15 minutes. Use fingers to assure that eyelids are separated and that eye is being. washed. Lift the lower and upper lid occasionally. GET IMMEDIATE M~DICAL ATTENTION. SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth and throat with water. Seek medical attention. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN~ Supportive cares Treatment based on judgement of physician in response to reactions of patient. VIZI.HANDLINC PRECAUTIONS~ VENTILATION~ AS necessary to reduce, prevent, and control dust generation at source. RESPIRATORY PROTECTIONs None required under usual conditions of use. However, if exposure potential exists refer to niosh criteria guides to determine appropriate unit. ~¥E PROTECTION~ Con%act lenses should not be used. Contact lenses may increase the severity of the injury. Suggested protection is safety glasses, but where contact with liquid is likely, chemical goggles or face shields are recommended. SKIN PROTECTION~ Impermeable gloves are recommended. When prolonged or frequently repeated contact could occur, use protective clothing. Selection of specific items such as boots, apron, or full-body suit will depend on operation. Wash thoroughly after handling chemicals. SPECIAL EQUIPMENTs Suitable safety equipment includes safety showers, eye washes, and proper fire extinguishing media. -3- PRODUCT NAME~ D~NZYME GT S11790 Zntercem Corporation 15~0 X~OllWO~ Cl~le/~a&he~m,CA 92e01 ZX. STORAGE AND HANDLZNG~ (714) 821-0700 Train all employees on all special handling procedures in this section before they work with this product. Exercise reasonable care and caution. Personnel should avoid breathing vapors and/or mists and getting product in the eyes or on the skin. DO NOT CONSUME food, drink, o: tobacco in areas where they may become contaminated with this material. Keep containers cool dry, and away from sources of ignition. DO NOT STORE product ' ' ' In direct sunlight,.high temperatures, or below freezing areas. Keep produc: container tightly closed when not in use. Protect containers from physical damage. Use and store with adequate ventilation. DO NOT cut, grind, weld or drill on or near this container. Ground all equipment. Wash thoroughly after using. E. DOT~ PROPER SHIPPING NAME~ Non-Regulated XI. O~HER PREC&UTION8~ NONE Abbreviations~ NA~Not applicable~ ND~Not Determined. THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH, BUT NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL 714/821-0700 ZXI. NAME OF PREPARER ~ Carmen Delgado -4- , PROD HO ~ .L93ilO U X L..L. CALl.. E1E'I'UIZli~.Iq I 10: n,, n., A,,,, ~') ,..'~ f.,,,"'"' ,;~ , H , 3RODUCT HAM~{: ]i),utu Acetic 6cicl, fSD ~ t': E Z 0 6 4 7 J, '').,,, F'rod~c:'t FiaTn~.:>~ D;k:Lut~ hc;~'bic: Ac:id, ' ' ' ~' '1 M ~ ), u c:"., ..,, ~ ".'" ,ct ....... ,,, .,,~ ). ~ i ",,~" ~ .~ i:~ ;~ ] ¢,.-. ~,,.,i., :(. ~ Hol~oc[l[w~ U:.:~I'~'tt Dot 2, ~ C(] H P (3 (~ :[ T I [) H / :C ~l r,:' 0 R M ~ T :1: (] H O t I I H G R 61--80 ~'~ c (~tm. :i, C: ~,l C: id 20'"C¢9 W~lt ~T' ( ~'~"~'~':~"),,,, ~,. ,,, , .,.,. ...,°'"":~ > r t~l" I tlARHFUL IF:' ~;WAL. L. OWE:D [' 'IR IRR,[TATIN[~ l'O THE ~YE,= AHD ~',H!:'RA;I~ ,~:,, t~.~n n,;~'T',C~ ....... , ................ ; ~.~. PROI:} HD : 193110 '* .... ,I,,'~t ~1~ ]'h C9~ ,: ,,,t, ,.,-, ,~,'w" , ~" ........ rott~ .... ~,..;IT~ ~0 CO'"' , ;~t'~'.~ ,.,, ,.,,. ,,,.,,. .... ~,Tt~.~ , ~T' , ,:,~ ............ .... ~ ~;,,,, , ................ 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A R I:'U I',[PO.tlE8 ~,un~,,, ,, Tl.,u:'¥,,., AH[ILllgE: tht. L, R:r!3}({3' (:IF' TI.Ir. CI:R IJ[31K~ HAI'IDL, Ilqt3~ P~ND 133'i31'.'13{.iA[., [)F THI?. PR[II.3UCT~ {3R F'ROH THE I:~Ur.~ *r.:,~lTl:OIq [IR ~r:r,',' [3F:'~ .... [~91'1 ............ ,H ~ ................... ......... : .... Ill{ R~'~L." /',rj' liJ:)r'l I,N!r,'ORHgTIOH C[},~ITg'r}.lr,'[) L,{ r-' t) {::' :C ~l " I:)[,') E,~ H (3 T l'HI,~3 I:I'IF:ORH,~TJCON R£F.L.,~T[:(I ONL. Y TO THE; F'RI:II:)LJC, F [)[:GICiNAI'ED HEI;(t-:IH, ANL~ ,,r,, ............. HA l [::,t. h.,. C! '"" F< 15: L,,q'!' :F. 1' C) ',' 'r o ~, ~:: r,,' I N r.: O H B 21:I'1 ~ T :f, O N W 1: T !q ,'h H Y O T I"1L:,: R .... ~ 'r ~ R ! N ~ FI ,v C) 1 I', ,::, R .A. · ,A, I: 1'1 [1 (:] I"-' t9, c~- 0 ,,, a. ,?, :~. '" DATA SHEET I- MsDS CODE NO. 5B18, 22 & 23 ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: 5/80 REVISED: 11/86 :~' INFORMATION & EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER [ 404-491-7987 (24 hours) PRODUCT NAME: AQUA AMMONIA Distributor: COMMON NAME(S): Aqua. Ammonium Hydroxide UN/NA NO.: 2672 Pac~ Dia~o Product= DOT HAZARD CLASS: Corrosive Material SHIPPING NAME: AClua Ammonia Solution. or. Ammonium Hydroxide 15600 New Centur~ Drive Gardena, CA. 90248 MATERIAL FORMULA CAS NO.: %WT. EXPOSURE LIMITS OSHA-PEL ACGIH-TLV Ammonia NH3 7664-41-7 19-30 50 ppm (NH3) 25 ppm (NH3) Water H~O 7732-18-5 81-70 None Established None Established AClua Ammonia N H,OH 1336-21-6 100 BOLLING POINT (°F) 83° (30% Spin.) SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H;O=I) 0.896 @ 60OF (30% Spin.) MELTING POINT(°F) Approx.--98o (30% Spin.) PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 100 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) 720 @ 80°F (30% Spin.) pH Approx. 11.6 for I N Solution J~APOR DENSITY(AIR=l) 0.60 @ 32°F SO~'UBILIT~ IN WATER Complete APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Colorless liquid with pungent odor I FLASH POINT (method used) Not Applicable I FLAMMABLE LIMITS Lei Uel "I 16% 25% EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Water fog or spray for escal~ing ammonia gas. [ SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES The mixture will not bum but escaping ammonia gas can burn in the range of 16-25% in air. Wear full protective clothing and self-cl~ntained breathing al3paratus in the 13mssure demand mode, Ammonia (16-25% in air) can explode in a confined space on contact with sources of ignition, Stable XI vapor pressure of ammonia to increase rapidly. INCOMPATIBIUTY (materials to avoid) Strong acids. Aclua ammonia reacts with chlorine, bromine, mercuw, silver, silver solder, and hypochlorite (bleach) to form explosive coml3ounds. Avoid use of metals containing col~per or zinc. t~.ARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Heating and contact of vapors with very hot surfaces mav form hydrogen. .,ertain metals, such as nickel, accelerate decomposition at as Iow as 575OF. HAZARDOUS MayOccur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Not A0131icable POLYMERIZATION Will Not Occur X TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCIES Call CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 .~ STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED: Releases will liberate irritating vapors. Spilled liquids should be contained and not washed into sewers or ground water. Prevent large cluantities from contact with vegetation or waterways. rua ammonia is a regulated material and reporting of any release may be required. ase of release to the environment, re~ort sD#Is to 800-424-8802. The National Response Center. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Not AI3plicable Consult local, state or federal regulatory agencies for accel)table disl)osal l)rocedures and disl)osal locations. Disl)osal in streams or sewers may be contrary to federal, state and local regulations. Release of 1.000 l)ounds or more of aqua ammonia (NH4OH) within 24-hours must be rel)orted to the National Resl3onse Center. For hazarclous waste regulations call 800-424-9346, the RCRA Hotline. I EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: I MAJOR EXPOSURE HAZARD I Oral LDo--350 rog. NH3/Kg (Rats) Inhal. LC~=4230 l)l)m NH3 {Mice) [~ [-'~ SKIN [~EYE ~ IDLH Level=500 l)pm NHa ACGIH STEL.=35 ppm INHALATION ~/~ CONTACT CONTACT INGESTION Ammonia is a very strong base and reacts corrosively with all body tissues. Inhalation: The gas can be suffocating and is irritating to the mucous membranes and' lung tissues. Skin Contact: High concentrations can cause severe irritation and burns. Eye Contact: May be severely irritating upon licluid exposure, with mild irritation from fumes. Ingestion: Can cause vomiting, nausea and corrosive burns to the esol)hagus and stomach. The exact nature and intensity of toxic effects following ingestion of varying amounts of strong aclua ammonia solution (e.g. 28%) is unl)redictable. The most accel)ted view is that any amount from one teasl)oon or greater can be dangerous if ingested. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: Remove from exl)osure. If breathing has stol3~3ed or is difficult, administer artificial resl)iration or oxygen as needed. Seek medical aid. Skin Contact: Immediately flush with large Quantities of water while removing contaminated clothing. Eye Contact: Flush with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical aid. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with water and give plenty of milk or water to drink. Immediately seek medical aid. (. .RESPIRATORY: Resl)iratory l)rotection al)l)roved by NIOSH/MSHA for ammonia must be used when exl)osure limits are exceeded. Al)l)rol)riate protection depends on the type and magnitude of exposure. (See Section IX). SKIN: Rubber gloves and rubber or PVC/Nylon/PVC laminate protective clothing should be used to 13revent skin contact. A face shield should be used when al)prol)riate to l)revent contact with si)lashed liquid. EYE: Eml)loyees should be required to wear chemical safety si)lash goggles to l)revent eye contact. VENTILATION: Local exhaust ventilation should be used to control release of air contaminants in the work l)lace. General dilution ventilation may assist with the reduction of air contaminant concentrations. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Emergency eye wash stations and deluge showers should be available in the work area. PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store in vented containers or l)ressure vessels away from heat. Ol)en containers cautiously in case of l)ressure build up. Zinc, copper and col)per base metals such as brass are rapidly corroded by aclua ammonia. O~'HER COMMENTS: h )nged inhalation of high concentrations may cause bronchitis and/or l)neumonia with some residual reduction in l)ulmonary .,etlon (Proctor and Hughes, Chemical Hazards in the Work Place, 1978). Contact lenses should not be worn when working with is chemical. Whether a chemical cartridge resl)irator or a self-contained breathing al3l)aratus is sufficient for effective resl)iratory l)rotection del)ends ul)on the tyl)e and magnitude of exposure. This information is taken from sources or based ul~on data believed to be reliable; however,. -Pac'~ :E:J.c D:J. a~-o makes no warranty as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any of the foregoing or that aciditional or other measures may not be recluired under particular conditions. · SERVING YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EFFECTIVE DATE :3120195 - SUPERCEDES: All Prior PRODUCT NAME :PVS Sodium Hypochiorite Solution 24 HOUR Redwood City Visalia Santa Fe Springs EMERGENCY (415) 363-1661 (209) 651-3739 (310) 944-7244 PHONE: CHEMTREC NUMBER: 1-800-424-9300 ~. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADDRESS: Pressure Vessel Service, inc. 50 Chemical Way 7625 W. Sunnyview Ave. 12522 Los Nietos Road Redwood City, CA 94063 Visalia, CA 93291 S~nta Fe Springs, CA 90670 TELEPHONE: (415) 363-1661 (209) 65'1-3739 (310) 944-72~ CHEMICAL NAME: Sodium Hypochlorite SYNONYMS/COMMON NAMES: Sodium Hypcx:hlorite Solution, Bleach CHEMICAL FAMILY: AJkali CHEMICAL FORMULA: NaOCI DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Hypochlorite Solutions DOT HAZARD CLASS: Class 8, Corrosive Mateda( DOT I.D. NUMBER: UN 1791 DOT HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE: RQ = 100 lbs. SARA/TITLE III NFPA 704 HAZARD CATEGORIES HAZARD RATING Immediate (ACUTE) Health: YES FLAMMABILITY (IRED) i .Delayed (CHRONIC)Health: NO 4= Extr'~'~e (~ Fire Hazard: NO HEALTH REACTIVITY Reactive Hazard: NO (BLUE) (YELLOW) Sudden Release of Pressure: NO ~lspecial Hazard 3= High SPECIAL I Key 2= Moderate ! N/A " 1= Slight HAZARD / 0= Least ~ , CAS = Chemical ~ Servtce NO~. No ~)lev-ant Inf~Mion found (~ not ,~va ~alMe pEi..[ OSHA Pem~s&iblt E. xp~/um Lim/t CORP '~ Corporate Exposum Umtt TLV,.,ACGJHThm~h(:4dLimitVNu~,Curmnt -mSeeChronlcEffectslnfo~m~ NFPAs~Na,do~nlFirel:~x~c. tlonA~ciat~<~ N/A=NotApplicld~e IMPORTANT: ,. The Inf~mmien Wted I~Mn. wh~e mX Ilu~m~teed. w~s prepared by ~-om~t technlcaJ pem~ftne/and i~ flue ~nd accurate to t~e be~t cd ~ know~Klge. NO WARRANTY. OR GUARANTY. EXPR~ OR IMPLIED IS MADE RE(3~ PERFORMANCE, ETAJ~L.rI'y. OR OTHERWtSF- This Infom,.a~on ia no~ Intencll~ to be i/t-lncluMY~ Intm~cled n~, and no~ing hm~m shah be cc:m~ed ~ · ~ to lnt~nge an)' e:~"~ patents m' ~ m~¥ Federal, ~ oq' 14:x~l Yaws. SERVING YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous Components Percent OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV CAS Number Sodium Hypochlorite 12.5% 2 rog/m3 None Found 7681-52-9 Sodium Hydroxide 1% 2 mg/m3 2 mg/m3 1310-73-2 Sodium Chloride 0 - 10 % 7647-14-5 Water Balance Not Established Not Established 7732-18-5 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Straw yellow liquid with characteristic odor of bleach. Though not considered combustible, this product can react vigorously with acids, organics and metals which can possibly produce hazardous gases, safe work practices must be used when handling sodium hypochlorite solution in order to prevent contact with body parts and/or incompatible materials. Potential Health Effects EYES: Severe irritation and/or bums can occur following eye exposure. Contact may cause impairment of vision and corneal damage. SKIN: Dermal exposure can cause severe irritation and/or burns characterized by redness, swelling and scab formation. Prolonged skin exposure may cause destruction of the dermis with impairment of the ability of skin at point of contact to regenerate. Effects from chronic skin exposure would be similar to those from single exposure except for effects secondary to tissue destruction. Sodium hypochlorite solution is corrosive to skin. INHALATION: Inhalation of this material can be irritating to the nose, mouth, throat and lungs. Nausea, headaches and dizziness are signs that a person should stop working and be taken to fresh air immediately until symptoms are gone. Inhalation of high concentrations can result in a cough and difficulty breathing and possibly lead to pulmonary edema. Repeated exposure can cause severe impairment of lung function and permanent lung damage. INGESTION: This chemical may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Irritation and / or burns can occur to the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines, characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bleeding and / or tissue destruction. CHRONIC EFFECTS The effects of long-term, Iow-level exposures to this product have not been determined. Safe handling of this material on a long-term basis should emphasize the avoidance of all contacts with unprotected body pads. SERVING YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with large quantities of running water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Hold the eyelids apart during the flushing to ensure rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Do not attempt to neutralize. Obtain medical attention as soon Oils ointments should not be used at this time. Continue the flushing for an as possible. or additional 15 minutes if a physician in not immediately available. SKIN CONTACT: Under a safety shower, immediately flush all affected areas with large amounts of running water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Get medical attention immediately. Properly dispose of contaminated clothing. Affected skin surface must be washed with large amounts of clean water until the skin no longer feels slippery. INHALATION: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, clear patient's airway and apply artificial respiration. If patient is breathing, oxygen may be given from a demand-type or continuous-flow inhaler, by qualified personnel, with the direction of a physician. Get medical attention immediately. INGESTION: If swallowed, immediately give several glasses of water but do not induce vomiting. If vomiting does occur, give fluids again. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. Call a physician or the nearest Poison Control Center !mmediately. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Fiashpoint and Method: N/A Flammable Limits: N/A Autoignition Temperature:N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use standard fire fighting techniques to extinguish fire involving this material - use water spray, dry chemicals or carbon dioxide. Firefighters must wear chemical protective clothing for all exposed body parts. FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Not considered flammable or combustible. Heat of fire may cause release of chlorine gas. Avoid contact of liquid with acids, organics and metals to avoid vigorous reactions and possible hazardous gas generation. Contact with aluminum will result in the generation of heat and release highly flammable and explosive hydrogen gas. Keep fire-exposed containers cool with water spray to prevent rupture due to excessive heat. High pressure water hose may spread product from broken containers increasing contamination Products of combustion are irritating to the respiratory tract and may cause breathing difficulty and pulmonary edema. SER~;'NG YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: As in any fire, prevent human exposure to fire, smoke fumes or products of combustion. Evacuate non-essential personnel from the fire area. Firefighters should wear full-face, self-contained breathing apparatus and impervious protective clothing. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PROCEDURES , STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS SPILLED OR RELEASED: Any person responding to a spill or leak should wear full-face, self-contained breathing apparatus and impervious protective clothing. Hazardous concentrations may be found in the local spill area and immediately downwind. Vapors may be suppressed by the use of a water fog and all water run off should be captured for treatment and disposal. Dike or contain by using a compatible absorbent such as sand, clay, soil, commercial absorbents. Properly neutralized liquid residues (pH 6-9) may be disposed of in waste water treatment facilities which allow the discharge of neutral salt solutions. Neutralized material can be recovered by vacuum truck for disposal. PVS recommends disposal of neutralized material in an approved hazardous waste management facility. Care must be taken when using or disposing of chemical materials and/or their containers to prevent environmental contamination. It is your duty to dispose of the chemical materials and/or their containers in accordance with the clean air act, the clean water act, the resource conservation and recovery act, as well as any other relevant Federal, State, or local laws/regulations, regarding disposal. After ali visible traces have been removed, flush areas with large amounts of water. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: The materials resulting from clean-up operations may be hazardous wastes and, therefore, subject to specific regulations. Package, store, transport, and dispose of all clean-up materials and any contaminated equipment in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local health and environmental regulations. Shipments of waste materials may be subject to manifesting requirements per applicable regulations. Appropriate disposal will depend on the nature of each waste material and should be performed by competent and. properly permitted contractors. Ensure that all responsible federal, state and local agencies receive proper notification of spill and disposal methods. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE TEMPERATURE: N/A STORAGE PRESSURE: N/A HANDLING: * When handling, wear chemical resistant gloves, a chemical suit, rubber boots, chemical safety goggles, a full length face shield, and chemical resistant head cover. * Wear NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator for protection where mists may be generated * Never touch eyes or face with hands or gloves that may be contaminated. *..Never enter a storage tank or container without following proper entry procedures -even if it appears to be empty. * Do not allow sodium hypochlorite solution to come into contact with acids since this will result in the release of toxic chlorine gas. ,, SERVIIVG YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS * Do not allow sodium hypochlorite solution to come into contact with gaseous or aqueous ammonia or ammonium compounds since this will result in the release of toxic vapors of chloramine. * Avoid contact with phenyl acetonitrile, cellulose and ethylene-may cause violent reaction. This product also reacts with iron, copper, acids, ammonium compounds, organics, and other oxidizers. * Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Can cause severe injury or blindness. * Do not breath mist. * Do not take internally. * Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Containers should be stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from strong acids, flammable materials, non-compatible or reactive materials and sources of heat or flame. Exercise due caution to prevent damage to or leakage from container. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use general exhaust ventilation unless mists or aerosols are generated, if mists, vapors, or aerosols are generated a local exhaust ventilation system is recommended. PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Although not normally needed, if the material, is used where adequate ventilation is not available, use NIOSH/MSHA approved dust, mist and fume respirators to reduce exposure. Should exposure potential under poor conditions become greater, use a positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. EYE PROTECTION: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield. SKIN PROTECTION: Where contact is likely, wear chemical resistant gloves (Neoprene, PVC or Rubber), a chemical suit, rubber boots, chemical safety goggles plus a face shield and chemical resistant head cover. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT: Decomposes on Heating FREEZING POINT, °C (°F)- -19 (-3) VAPOR PRESSURE (~ 20°C, mm Hg: 12.1 VAPOR DENSITY: N/A SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble SERV~.NG YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS SPECIFIC GRAVITY (~ 20°C: 1.175 pH: Approximately 11 or Greater ODOR: Characteristic odor of bleach APPEARANCE: Straw yellow liquid PHYSICAL STATE: Liquid 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CH EMICAL STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: High heat, sunlight or ultra-violet light INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: Iron, Aluminum, tin, zinc, copper, acids, ammonium compounds, organics, other oxidizers and reacts violently with phenyl acetonitrile, cellulose, ethylene. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Chlorine may be released on contact with acids, and when heated. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE '12.7% PRODUCTPROFILE I of 3 II DESCRIPTION: Sodium hypochlorite is utilized where there are requirements for bleaching and sterilization but safety and ease of handling can not be compromised. It is similar to common household liquid beach except that the concentration is much higher. While some of the properties of sodium hypochlorite remain constant, others change as concentration is altered. In higher liquid concentrations' sodium hypochlorite is a straw yellow liquid that has a characteristic odor of bleach. Also, 12.7% sodium hypochlorite reaches its boiling point at about 230°F (3°C) and decomposes releasing toxic gasses. One factor that is not dependent on the concentration is the material compatibility requirements for sodium hypochlorite. At any given concentration, a partial list of materials that sodium hypochlorite reacts with includes all inorganic acids, ammonia, aluminum and steels (including some stainless steels). Additional information on the compatibility of sodium hypochlorite with other material can be obtained upon request. BASIC Sodium hypochlorite is a corrosive material that breaks up in water into Na+ CHEMISTRY: (sodium) and OCI' (hypochlorite) ions at pH values of 11. or higher. Since it forms ions in solution, it is able to conduct electricity (the ions move freely). Sodium hypochlorite will also react with red litmus paper turning it blue since its pH is greater than seven. At a pH value of 9 the hypochlorite ions begin to transform into hypochlorous acid (HOCI). If there is a reduction in the solution pH to 6 or below, hypochlorite ions will cease t° exist and the liberation of chlorine gas could begin. Sodium hypochlorite applied in certain reactions involving other materials produces certain products. Sodium hypochlorite when combined with an acid will react violently and produce, amongst other things, chlorine gas. Sodium hypochlorite in contact with ammonia reacts to produce toxic hydrazine. Always use caution when reacting other materials with sodium hypochlorite. USES: Food Sodium hypochiorite is used in the sanitization of porous and nonporous surfaces. It can be applied to both non-food contact surfaces as well as surfaces where food contact will occur. Agriculture and aquaculture industries also use sodium hypochlorite in the sanitization and treatment of various food products. Municipal &. Often sodium hypochlorite is utilized for its ability to destroy algae and Industrial waterborne organisms, bacteria, and viruses. It also assists in the control Water and elimination of humanly objectionable odors and taste. Textile Sodium hypochlorite is mainly used as a bleaching agent. .SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE '12.5% PRODUCT PROFILE2 of 3 II I USES (Cont.): Wastewater Sodium hypochlorite helps in the destruction of cyanide in waste streams. It also assists in the removal of various oxidizable organics and inorganices. Color removal in wastewater streams is also an application for sodium hypochlorite. ENVIRONMENTAL Due to the corrosive nature of sodium hypochlorite, problems can arise in CONCERNS: both the handling and disposal of empty containers. Care must be taken in rinsing drums and drum disposal so as to avoid any repercussions that could occur. To assist customers in solving this problem, Pressure Vessel Service uses the mini-bulk system. This system eliminates the use of drums by providing custom chemical tanks that distribute to the point of use. SAFETY: Personal protection can usually be maintained at a safe level by using a local exhaust ventilation system. Also wearing full-body protective clothing, chemical resistant gloves and boots, chemical worker goggles and a face shield can reduce your chances of harm. When handling and storing sodium hypochlorite individuals should avoid breathing sprays or mists, ingesting, getting in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Sodium hypochlorite should also be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from strong acids and sources of heat and flame. Sodium hypochlorite is very corrosive. Just like it attacks the material it is used on, if given the chance it will attack you ( e.g. your eyes, skin, mouth, throat, clothing,... ). Always treat sodium hypochlorite with care and respect. A safety shower and eye wash should be made available to individuals working with and/or around this chemical in order to minimize injury in case an accident does Occur. 1) What can occur if my skin comes into contact with sodium hypochlorite? Sodium hypochlorite reacts with the skin in a couple of ways. The sodium hydroxide (a minor component of a sodium hypochlorite solution) is capable of transforming the skins' fats, in a process that is similar to the one used to make soaps (saponification). This creates a slippery feeling that can lead to ulceration and scaring. Sodium hydroxide will also coagulate tissue protein by reacting with the skin and dehydrating or causing salt formations to take place. At the same time, the sodium hypochlorite can remove moisture from the skin and form hypochlorous acid with the water from the skin. 2) What can be expected when sodium hydroxide comes in contact with an acid? · When sodium hypochlorite comes into contact with an acid a violent reaction creating toxic hydrogen chloride gas will result. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) considers hydrogen chloride gas to be a third degree health hazard. 3)' Where does most of the sodium hypochlorite produced come from? By reacting sodium hydroxide with chlorine (gas or liquid), sodium hypochlorite is one of the products. The other products of this reaction are sodium chloride, water and heat. This reaction is exothermic and liberates 626 BTU/lb. (348 cai/g) if gas is used in the reaction process and 526 BTU/lb. (292 cai/g) if liquid is used instead. 4) What materials are impervious to sodium hypochloHte? Some'of the materials that are compatible with sodium hypochlorite are as follows: Nylon Teflon Viton Epoxy Titanium PVC (Type 1) Hastelloy C If needed, additional information on the compatibility of sodium hypochlorite with a specific material can be obtained. 5) What is the result of heating sodium hypochlorite above ambient temperatures? Upon heating, sodium hypochlorite's rate of decomposition increases. The decomposition of sodium hypochlorite naturally occurs and continues until the solution decomposes completely. 6) What elements of chemistry are in sodium hypochlorite? Sodium hypochlorites chemical formula is NaOCI. So each sodium hypochlorite molecule is composed of one sodium atom, one oxygen atom and one chlorine atom. PVS PRESSURE VESSEL SERVICE, INC. 50 CHEMICAL WA Y '~2522 LOS NIETOS ROAD 7625 W. SUNNYVIEW AVENUE REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 VISALIA, CA 9329'1 (415)363-'1661 (310) 94.4..7244 (209,)65'1.3739 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chest~akersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 INSTRUCTIONS: 2. T~E~T ~S~RS ~ ENGLISH. ' -. 3. ~swer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brier ~d concise as possible. SECTION 1' BUS.SS DEifICATION DATA EVY OF CALIFORNIA BUSINESS NAME: LOCATION: 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE 1VIAI~,[NG ADDRESS; 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA ZIP:93304 PHONE:805-326-1634 DUN&BRADSTREETNIRVIBER: 00 837 9810 SICCODE: 2361 PRINLARY ACTIVITY: CLOTHING MANUFACTURER OWNE~ oPERATOR ROBERT MARSHALL, CFO MA~:.ING'ADDRESS: 10755 VENICE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90034 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24HR. PHONE SOCORRO SARIMENTO PLANT MANAGER 805-326-1634 805-664-9126 1. 2. ROBERT MARSHALL CFO 310-559-3000 310-394-4247 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING I~EROF EMPLOYEES: APPROX 200 and 20 TEMP SERVICE EMPLOYEES MATERIA~LSAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: ALL MSDs ARE MAINTAINED IN THE PLANT MANAGER'S OFFICE BRIEF SUMh/LARY OF TRiG PROGRAM: ALL AFFECTED EMPLOYEES RECEIVE AN INTITAL ORIENTATION TRAINING COVERING SAFE WORK PRACTICES, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES, CHEMICAL HAZARDS, AND PROPER HANDLING OF CHEMICALS. ANNUAL REFRESHER TRAINING IS PROVIDED TO ALL EMPLOYEES HANDLING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. AFFECTED EMPLOYEES ARE PROVIDED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND ARE TRAINED IN THE USE OF PPE. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME EXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTI-IER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION I, ROBERT MARSHALL CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. DATE 2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES A. AGENCY NOT~ICATION PROCEDURES: EMERGENCY SERVICES AGENCIES WILL BE NOTIFIED BY THE PLANT MANAGER BY CALLING 911 B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION ANI)EVACUATION: EMERGENCY EVACUATION NOTIFICATION WILL BE MADE BY THE PLANT MANAGER OVER THE TELEPHONE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: EVACUATION OF NEARBY BUSINESSES AND THE PUBLIC WILL BE AT THE DIRECTION OF THE RESPONDING EMERGENCY SERVICES AGENCY. D. EMERGENCY MEDICALPLAN: MEDICAL EMERGENCIES WILL BE REFERRED TO MERCY HOSPITAL, THE BAKERSFIELD OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, OR 911 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORED AND USED ONSITE ARE HELD IN INDIVIDUAL CONTAINMENT VESSELS. ONLY AUTHORIZIED AND TRAINED PERSONNEL'ARE PERMITTED TO HANDLE, TRANSFER, OR USE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINllV~ZATION: ALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORED AND USED ONSITE ARE HELD IN INDIVIDUAL CONTAINMENT VESSELS. C. CLEAN~UPPROCEDURES: CLEAN UP OF SPILLED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRECAUTIONS AND DIRECTIONS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER?SUPPLIER ON THE MSDS SECTION 8' UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NATUItALGAS~ROP~:GAS METER?SHUTOFF IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTTHEAST CORNER OF THE BUILDING ELECTKICAL: ELECTRICAL PANELS ARE LOCATED IN THE BUILDING (SEE MAP) WATER: WATER METER IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE FACI],ITY SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO~ IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY A. .PILIVATEFIREPROTECTION: THE FACILITY HAS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND IS PARTIALLY COVERED WITH SPRINKLERS B. WATER AVAILABILITY ~IREHYDRANT): A FIRE HYDRANT IS AVAILABLE IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING ON CALIFORNIA AVENUE 4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME EVY OF CALIFORNIA FACILITY NAME BAKERSFIELD FACILITY SITE AX)DRESS 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CITY BAKERSFIELD STATE CALIFORNIA ZIP 93304 NATU1KE OF BUSINESS CLOTHING MANUFACTURER SICCODE 2361 DUN&BRADSTREETNUMBER 00 837 9810 OWNER/OPERATOR ROBERT MARSHALL PHONE 310 559-3000 MAIL1NGADDRESS 10755 VENICE BLVD. CITY LOS ANGELES STATE CALIFORNIA ZIP 90034 EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME MARIA SOCORRO SARIMENTO TITLE PLANT MANAGER BUSINESS PHONE 805-326-1634 24 HOURPHONE805-664-9126 NAIV[E ROBERT MARSHALL TITLE CFO BUSINESS PHONE 310-559-3000 24 HOURPHONE 310-394-4247 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page ! of~~ Busincss Name EVY OF CALIFORNIA Address 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ~] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ X] Trade Secret [ ] DENZYME GT 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) CbemicatName: ENZYME CONCENTRATE AHM[ ] CAS #9012-54-8 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HF_.AL~ Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 5 6 1 (3-digit code fi.om DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 3 9 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [x ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ~1 Mixture [ ] . Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount 5 0 0 Lbs [ x] Gal [ ] ft3 [ ] a) Container: 0 7 Average Daily Amount 2 5 0 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount 3 2 5 c) Temperature 4 Largest Size Container 500 # Days on Site ':t a q Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List ENZYMEC~RAT E 9A2B~#uxL- 54-8 %xuum'~ AI-IM the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemical components or 2) [ ] any AHM components 3) [ ] 10)LOCATION THE MATERIAL STORED ADJACENT TO THE LAUNDRY AREA, NEAR THE LOADING DOUK ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING 1 ) INVENTORY SIATU$: New [K ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [X ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: DILUTE ACETIC ACID, 80% 3) DOT # (optional) ChemicalName: ACETIC ACID AI-IM[ ] CAS# 0064-19-7 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL I-tEAL~ Hazard Categories Fire [x ] Reactive [ X] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) k ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [x ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 1 1 3 (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 3 9 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solidi ] Liquid[x] Gas[ ] Pure[ ] Mixture[ x] Waste[ ] Radioactive[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount 110 Lbs [ ] Gal IX ] tt3 [ ] a) Container: 0 7 Average Daily Amount 6 5 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount 55 c) Temperature 4 Largest Size Container 55 # Days on Site 265 Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS# % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) ACETIC ACID 0064-t 9-7 8[0 [ l chemical components or 2) WATF.R 773 ? - 18-5 20 [ ] any AHM components 3) [ ] I 0)LOCATION THE MATERIAL TS STORED ADJACENT TO THE I,OADINC. DOC/~ ON TI-IF, I certify under penalty of law. that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on this and all attached documents. I believe thc submitted information is true, accurate and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Compan/y Representative '~ - ' ' - ' Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page ~' of Business Name EVY OF CALIFORNIA Address 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CltEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ~ Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemic, al is a NON Trade Secret IX ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE 3) DOT # (optional) . Cl~emicmName: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE AHM[ ] CAS# 1336-21-6 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire [ ] Reactive [ x] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) Ix ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ x] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 1 3 5, (3--digit code fi'om DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 4 9 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solidi ] Liquid[x] Gas[ J Pure[ x] Mixture[ ] Waste[ ] Radio~tive[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEAS~ 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount l0 Lbs[ ]Gal[X]fO[ ] a)Containe~, l0 Average Daily Amount 7 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount 1 0 c) Temperature 4 Largest Size Container 1 0 # Days on Site 3 ~ 5 Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, $, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMI~NENT CAS// % WI' AI-IM the three most hazardous 1) AMMONIA 7664-41-7 30 [ ] chemical components or 2) WATER 7732-!8-5 70 . [ ] any AHM components 3) [ 10 )LOCATION THE MATERTAL IS STORED ADJACENT TO T;-;E ;.OAr)'r~G DOCK ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING, 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ X] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ X] Trad~ Sec'r~ [ 2) Common Name: BLEACH 3) DOT # (optional) ChemicalName: SODTUM HYPOCHLORITE AHM[ ] CAS# 768%-52-9 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire[ ]Reactive[x]Sudd~ReleaseofPressure[ ] lmmediateHealth(Acute)[x]DelayedHealth(Chroni¢)[x] 5) WASTE CLASSWICATION 1 23 (3Migit cod~ from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 39 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid[ ] Liquid[x] Gas[ ] Pure[x] Mixture[ ] Waste[ ] Radioactive[ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY uNrrs OF MEASURE g) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount ~ f/fl Lbs [ ] Gal [ x ] fi3 [ ] a) Container:. 02 Average Daily Amount 3 50 Curies [ ] b) Pressure: 1 Annual Amount 500 c) T~mperature 4 Largest Size Container 500 # Days on Site 365 Circle Which Months: Ail Year, 1, F, M, A, NL J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS# % WT AHM the three most b--,ntous I) SODIUH HYPOCHLORITE 7681-52-9 12.5 [ ] chemical components or 2) SODIUM HYDROXIDE ~ 1 [ any AI-nVf components 3) SODIUM CHI,ORTDE 7f-,/'7-!/,-5 '10 [ ] lO)LOCATION THE MATERIAL IS HELD IN A CONTAINMENT VESSEL LOCATED AT THE LOADING DOCK ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING I certify under penalty of law, that I have pe~onally examined and am familiar with the information on this and all attached documgnts. I PRnqT Name & Title of Authorized Coml~ny Repre~atative ' ' ~ - Date SITE DIAGRAM [ ] FACILITY DIAGRAM [ XX Business Nam¢: EVY OF CALIFORNIA Business Address: 424 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA EMERGENC~ OFFICES EXIT OFFICE EMERGENCY LAV. EXIT JANITORIAl LUNCH ROOM STORAGE ~LAUNDRY AREA ELECTRICAL [PANEL ~MM?NIA so Io , O mOR TE )ENZYME GT / ACETIC ACID OFFICE WATER I] STORAGE ~ GAS .... METER METER CALIFORNIA AVENUE PRODUCT NAME~ DENZYME GT Intercem Corporation (714) 821-0700 CHEMTREC EMERGENCY TELEPHONEI 800-424-9300 EFFECTIVE DATE~ -11/30/94 I. HAZARDOUS IN~REDIENTSI WT% CAS NO. ACGIH OSHA TLV PEL Enzyme Concentrate 9012-54-8 None Established XX. PHYSICAL DATA~ MELTIN~ POINTt <30°F SPECIFIC GRAVITY~ 1.0 BOILING POINTt ~220°F SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Complete VAPOR PRESSURE(mm Hg)~ ND EVAPORATION RATE(BuAc~i)t ND VAPOR DENSITY (Air~l)~ ND PHi 4.5-5.5 ODORI Sligh~ Fermentation VOC (g/l): NA APPEARANCE~ Brown Liquid III. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA~ FLASH POINTt >220~F METHOD USED~ Tag Closed Cup AUTOIGNITION TEMPERAPUREI NA FLAMMABLE LIMITSI UPPER~ NA LOWER~ NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIAt Dry Chemical, Foam, CO~, Water spray FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS~ NA SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURESt NO Special requirements. /IV. REACTIVITY~ STABILITY~ Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID~ Stable under normal conditions HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATIONt Will not occur INCOMPATIBILITY~ None known HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS~ None known V.~ ~NVIRONMENTAL AND DISPOSAL ~NFORMATZON~ CAUTION. Use appropriate protective and safety equipment. See Section VIII of this Material Safety Data sheet for handling precautions. Intercem Corporation 1380 Kno~lwood Cir01e/An&he£m,CA (714) 821-0700 SMALL SPZLLI Sweep up spilled material and dispose of in DOT-approved waste containers. Flush spill area to sewer with water. L~RGE SPILLs Shovel spilled material into DOT-approved waste containers for disposal. WA~TE DISPOSAL INFORMAT~ONI Dispose of contaminated product and materials used in cleaning up spills of leaks in a manner approved for this material.Consult appropriate federal, state and local regulatory agencies to ascertain proper disposal procedures. This product is not a characteristic waste by RCRA definitions. NOTE~ Comply with all applicable government regulations on spill reporting and handling and disposal of waste. Empty containers can have residues, gases, and mists, and are subject to proper disposal. V~. HEALTH HAZARD DATA~ BREATHSDt Can Cause allergic type response in sesceptible individuals upon repeated or prolonged exposure. SKIN CONTACT~ May cause mild irritation following prolonged direct contact. SKIN ABSORPTIONs Components are unlikely to be absorbed through skin in harmful concentrations. EYE CONTACT~ May cause slight temporary eye irritation. Corneal injury is unlikely. No evidence of adverse effects from available information. SWALLOWEDt Amounts ingested incidental to industrial handling are not likely ~o cause injury; however, ingestion of larger amounts may cause injury. S~STEMIC AND OTHER EFFECTS~ If a chronic effect has not been mentioned under a route of entry, no chronic effects are known to result from exposure to components of this product. MEDICAL CONDITIONS A~RAVATED~ Repeated exposure via inhalation can result in sensitization and allergic response in hypersensitive individuals. SUSPECTED CANCER AGENTs FEDERAL OSHA CA OSHA NTP IARC No No No No TARGET ORGANS, OTHER THAN THOSE IMPLIED BY ROUTES OF ENTRY (I.E., BREATHED, INCLUDES RESPIRATORY TRACT AND LUNGS) ARE CAPITALIZED. This ~rod~ct DOES NOT contain chemicale known to ~he C&lifornia to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. S11790 Intercem Corpora~£on 1380 ~no~lwood ~role/Anahel~,C& 9210~ (714) 821-0700 VIZ. FIRST AIDs BREATHED= Remove victim to fresh air at once. If not breathing, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Keep victim war~ and at rest. Seek medical attention if allergic response exhibited. SKINI Wash skin immediately with lots of soap and water. If clothes and shoes are contaminated~ remove and wash before reuse. Get medical attention if ill effect or irritation develops. EYES= Wash eyes immediately with running water for at least 15 minutes. Use fingers to assure that eyelids are separated and that eye is being washed. Lift the lower and upper lid occasionally. GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. SWALLOWED= Rinse mouth and throat with water. Seek medical attention. NOTE TO PHYSICIANs Supportive carel Treatment based on judgement of physician in responge to reactions of patient. VIII.HANDLING PRECAUTIONSs VENTILATIONs AS necessary to reduce, prevent, and control dust generation at source. RESPIRATORY PROTECTZONt None required under usual conditions of use. However, if exposure potential exists refer to niosh criteria guides to determine appropriate unit. BYE PROTECTION~ Contact lenses should not be used. Contact lenses may increase the severity of the injury. Suggested protection is safety glasses, but where contact with liquid is likely, chemical goggles or fa¢o shields are recommondod. SKIN PROTECTIONs Impermeable gloves are recommended, when prolonged or frequently repeated contact could occur, use protective clothing. Selection of specific items such as boots, apron, or full-body suit will depend on operation. Wash thoroughly after handling chemicals. SPECIAL EQUIPMENTs Suitable safety equipment includes safety showers, eye washes, and proper fire extingui~hing media. PRODUCT NAME= DENZYME CT S11790 Zntercem Corporation ZX. STORAGE AND HANDLiN~ (714) 821-0700 Train all employees on all special handling procedures in this sec=ion before they work with this product. Exercise reasonable care and caution. Personnel should avoid breathing vapors and/or mists and getting product in the eyes or on the skin. DO NOT CONSUME food, drink, or tobacco in areas where ~hey may become contaminated with ~his material. Keep containers cool, dry, and away from sources of ignition. DO NO? STORE product in direct sunlight,.high temperatures, or below freezing areas. Keep product container tLghtly closed when no~ in use. Protect containers from physical damage. Use and store with adequate ventilation. DO NOT cut, grind, weld or drill on or near this container. Ground all equipment. Wash thoroughly after using. X. DOT~ PROPER SHIPPING NAME~ Non-Regula=ed XI. O~HER PRECAUTIONS~ NONE Abbreviations~ NA~Not applicable; ND~Not Determined. THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH, BUT NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL 714/821-0700 ZlI. NAME OF PREPAR~R~ Carmen Delgado (/ -4- ~RODUC'r NAMe,;: lilute Acl:t',,t,c Ac:id, ~,)0,*,; L, ?,t.l[rk~ ]' C;AI,..,,,,.,,. ,~')l;~n r~8 tr','r,.., .,.,., , AH,ri r',r'~,'~ A~lv ,,,,.,, ,, ,-,,,, I r~r,"r r.:'~'r'.A'r I~]N ,,,.,,, .,,, ~..,,,., :'roduc't Ham~.'.:~ ri:ilutr.., Ac:,,:tic Ac:id° 80:i · '~ .... 4,,:~3 [1""'~'I~,,I,,,, :; '" l) ! '-', :: iI:/~o v)v~n ('!3): [".'AN 'I O l i'.% C ti ,1. }1 I" tJ ~.:.~ ;J, g h 'J; 2, ~ C 0 H P 0,~ I T I [) H / I t I F'I;) R H,~ T ;I; C) bi 0 ~1 I H G R ~..' Ig I Iii; H T iii ,.,, I'~ ¢;., , 61-80 a (:: (,;: t: :i, (:: ac:id (0000~,~4-,.19~-?) 20-89 ~;ater I.'tAZh I~ 131ii Z 13 EJfl'f' I F' I l,', h'r I 0 N 3AIJ~(..'!3 GFVEI~'" GKIH AND ~.Y~! I~IJRH~ HAR,HFI/I. IF: ~;WAI. L.(~WI:~,:r,.~ ¢' ']I~ II~I(.I"FATING T(] TI..IE~ Ii:YES ~HD R/:F.I~,PIRAT(JRY TRAC,'I' NF'F',h ~-la;;'.~;;'tJ R;~J~,''~ ...... '..J ......... 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A~'~I{,JH[~', nt.L., R;C!IK~I' (:IF* TI.II~rl;~ IJ,~3E':2, HANI:)L..T.I'It3, AND IJ):l:l'31r~JB~3~k.. [)F:' THE: t:n~r), *C:AT'I:(:IH OR i,(..,r,:' fl,c:', Ru;L..[gH,.,~ .......... ~ ................ ............ : .... C'}!t ,.- , r,r: ~J:m~,} ZN!""ORHA'T'I(;IN C,O,l,lh,.,i~' B {,')17-' ,~ bi o'r RE.,..,q. :F.:" '" TO :I'.'T,,C~ ~::r.:,,,.,,.. ]:H C,C)HI:4:I:I~IAT.T. OH ..... WI:~'I-!. ,'hHY OTI"II.;.:It P qOC I/?. ti; ,c.;, ,x, .~..A. E I'1 £1 0 I.'-' i"i, ~?, " DATA SHEET MsDS CODE NO. 5B18, 22 & 23 'ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: 5/80 REVISED: 11/86 INFORMATION & EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 404-491-7987 (24 hours) PRODUCT NAME: AQUA AMMONIA Distri]3utor: COMMON NAME(S}; AQua. Ammonium Hydroxide UN/NA NO.: 2672 Paci~t~ Diazo productu DOT HAZARD CLASS: Corrosive Material SHIPPING NAME: AClua Ammonia Solution. or. Ammonium Hydroxide 15600 New Centar~ Dr,.ye Ga=dena, C~. 90248 MATERIAL FORMULA CAS NO.: %WT. EXPOSURE LIMITS OSHA-PEL ACGIH-TLV Ammonia NH3 7664-41-7 19-30 50 ppm (NH3) 25 ppm (NH3) Water H30 7732-18-5 81-70 None Established None Established AClua Ammonia N H,OH 1336-21-6 100 .... BOLLING POINT (°F] 83° (30% Spin.) SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H~O=I) 0.896 @ 60OF (30% Spin.) MELTING POINT (°F) Approx.--g8° (30% Spin.) PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 100 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.} 720 @ 80°F (30% Spin.) pH Approx. 11.6 for I N Solution J'APOR DENSi'D' (AIR-l} 0.60 @ 32°F SO~'UBILITY IN WATER Complete APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Colorless licluid with pungent odor FLASH POINT (method used} Not Applicable FLAMMABLE LIMITS Uel ,. 16% 25% EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Water fog or spray for escaping ammonia gas. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES The mixture will not burn but escaping ammonia gas can burn in the range of 16-25% in air. Wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus in the pressure demand mode. Ammonia (16-25% in air) can explode in a confined space on contact with sources of ignition. Stable X vapor pressure of ammonia to increase rapidly. INCOMPATIBILITY (materials to avoid} Strong acids. AClua ammonia reacts with chlorine, bromine, mercury, silver, silver solder, and hypochlorite (bleach) to form explosive compounds. Avoid use of metals containing copper or zinc. t~.ARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Heating and contact of vapors with very hot surfaces may form hydrogen. · ,.,ertain metals, such as nickel, accelerate decomposition at as Iow as 575OF. ' HAZARDOUS MayOccur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Not Applicable POLYMERIZATION Will Not Occur X TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCIES j Call CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED: Releases will liberate irritating vapors. Spilled liquids should be contained and not washecl into sewers or ground water. Prevent large Quantities from contact with vegetation or waterways. ua ammonia is a regulated material and rel3orting of any release may be required. 3se of release to the environment, report spills to 800-424-8802, The National Response Center. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Not Ai3plicable Consult local, state or federal regulatory agencies for acceptable disposal procedures and disposal locations. Disposal in streams or sewers may be contrary to federal, state and local regulations. Release of 1,000 pounds or more of aqua ammonia (NH4OH) within 24-hours must be reported to the National Response Center. For hazardous waste regulations call 800-424-9346, the RCRA Hotline, I EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: I ' MAJOR EXPOSURE HAZARD Oral LDo=350 rog, NH3/Kg (Rats) Inhal. LC~=4230 Pl3m NH3 (Mice) [~ ~-~ SKIN ~ EYE ~ IDLH Level=500 ppm NH~ ACGIH STEL=35 ppm ~ INHALATION ~J~ CONTACT ~ CONTACT I ! INGESTION Ammonia is a very strong base and reacts corrosively with all body tissues. Inhalation: The gas can be suffocating and is irritating to the mucous membranes and'lung tissues. Skin Contact: High concentrations can cause severe irritation and burns, Eye Contact: May be severely irritating upon liquid exposure, with mild irritation trom iumes. Ingestion: Can cause vomiting, nausea and corrosive burns to the esol3hagus and stomach. The exact nature and intensity of toxic effects following ingestion of varying amounts of strong aqua ammonia solution (e.g, 28%) is unpredictable, The most accel3ted view is that any amount from one teaspoon or greater can be dangerous if ingested, EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: Remove from exposure. If breathing has stopped or is difficult, administer artificial respiration or oxygen as needed. Seek medical aid. Skin Contact: Immediately flush with large Quantities of water while removing contaminated clothing. Eye Contact: Flush with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical aid. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with water and give plenty of milk or water to drink. Immediately seek medical aid. RESPIRATORY: 'Respiratory protection al3proved by NIOSH/MSHA for ammonia must be used when exposure limits are exceeded. Appropriate protection depends on the type and magnitude of exposut~e. (See Section IX]. SKIN: Rubber gloves and rubber or PVC/Nylon/PVC laminate protective clothing should be used to prevent skin contact. A face shield should be used when appropriate to prevent contact with splashed liquid. EYE: Employees should be required to wear chemical safety splash goggles to prevent eye contact. VENTILATION: Local exhaust ventilation should be used to control release of air contaminants in the work place. General dilution ventilation may assist with the reduction of air contaminant concentrations. % OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Emergency eye wash stations and deluge showers should be available in the work ama. PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store in vented containers or pressure vessels away from heat. Open containers cautiously in case of pressure build u13. Zinc, copper and copper base metals such as brass are rapidly corroded by aqua ammonia. O~'HER COMMENTS: h ~noed inhalation of high concentrations may cause bronchitis and/or pneumonia with some residual reduction in 13ulmonary ,0ctio~ (Proctor and Hughes, Chemical Hazards in the Work Place, 1978). Contact lenses should not be worn when working with is chemical. Whether a chemical cartridge respirator or a self-contained breathing apparatus is sufficient for effective respiratory protection depends upon the type and magnitude of exposure. This information is taken from sources or based upon data believed to be reliable; however,. -Pac~.f ~.c ~D~.a~-o makes no warranty as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any of the foregoing or that additional or other measures may not be required under particular conditions. SERVING YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EFFECTIVE DATE :3120195 SUPERCEDES: All Prior PRODUCT NAME :PVS Sodium Hypochiorite Solution 24 HOUR Redwood City Visalia Santa Fe Springs EMERGENCY (415) 363-1661 (209) 651-3739 (310) 944-7244 PHONE: CHEMTREC NUMBER: 1-800-424-9300 1, PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADDRESS: Pressure Vessel Service, inc. 50 Chemical Way 7625 W. Sunnyview Ave. 12522 Los Nietos Road Redwood City, CA 94063 Visalia, CA 93291 Ssnta Fe Spdngs, CA 90670 TELEPHONE: (415) 363-1661 (209) 651-3739 (310) 944-7244 CHEMICAL NAME: Sodium Hyp<x:hlorite SYNONYMS/COMMON NAMES: Sodium Hypcx:hlorite Solution, Bleach CHEMICAL FAMILY: AJkali CHEMICAL FORMULA: NaOC[ DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Hypochlorite Solutions DOT HAZARD CLASS: Class 8, Corrosive Material DOT I.D. NUMBER: UN 1791 DOT HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE: RQ = 100 lbs. SARA/TITLE II! NFPA 704 HAZARD CATEGORIES HAZARD RATING FLAMMABILITY Immediate (ACUTE) Health: YES (RED) .Delayed (CHRONIC) Health: NO ~ Fire Hazard: NO HEALTH REACTIVITY Reactive Hazard: NO (BLUE) (YELLOW) Sudden Release of Pressure: NO 4= Extreme ISpecial Hazard 3= High SPECIAL I Key 2= Moderate I /A - 1= Slight HAZARD I N 0= Least ! CAS = Chemical Aba'act Sewlce NO · Ne mlee'ant In~mNJ~ found o~ ~ sva~ble P~L = OSHA peff~i~ol~ Exposure Limit CORP = Corlx~mta EXlX~Um Umlt 33,V=ACC~HThre~holdLimitVah~e.C~n~t '=~e4C~r~k:E~fect~lnf~rnal~o~ NFPA=NatJcmalFiml:~:~ecttonAs~oci-atJon N/A=lkt~,ppllc~b~e IMPORTANT:, 3'h~ ~ ~t~d h~'~n. ~'~be mX guanu~ed, w~ proP·md bY comPe~t t~chnk~al Pemo~el and ~' tr~e ~ ~um~ to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' NO WARRANTY. (3~ GUA,%M~'Y. EXPR~ OR IMPUED IS MAD~ I~3ARDING PERFORMANCE. b"I'AI~JTY. OR OTHERVV~--~- This Intom~atJon is ,o{ Intew4ed to be Nl-lncttts~ be ~ to ~ t~ questions rega~ling &ate handling ~ use 1~3¢edum~. se~e handltn~ a~d u~e remain= Ihe ~lXx~lbillt7 el' I~,e ¢u~ome~. No ~gO~l t~ u~e tN SERVING YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous Components Percent OSHA PEL ACGIH TLr CAS Number Sodium Hypochlorite 12.5% 2 rog/m3 None Found 7681-52-9 Sodium Hydroxide 1% 2 rog/m3 2 mg/m3 1310-73-2 Sodium Chloride 0 - 10 % 7647-14-5 Water Balance Not Established Not Established 7732-18-5 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Straw yellow liquid with characteristic odor of bleach. Though not considered combustible, this product can react vigorously with acids, organics and metals which can possibly produce hazardous gases, safe work. practices must be used when handling sodium hypochlorite solution in order to prevent contact with body parts and/or incompatible materials. Potential Health Effects EYES: Severe irritation and/or bums can occur following eye exposure. Contact may cause impairment of vision and corneal damage. SKIN: Dermal exposure can cause severe irritation and/or burns characterized by redness, swelling and scab formation. Prolonged skin exposure may cause destruction of the dermis with impairment of the ability of skin at point of contact to regenerate. Effects from chronic skin exposure would be similar to those from single exposure except for effects secondary to tissue destruction. Sodium hypochlorite solution is corrosive to skin. INHALATION: Inhalation of this material can be irritating to the nose, mouth, throat and lungs. Nausea, headaches and dizziness are signs that a person should stop working and be taken to fresh air immediately until symptoms are gone. Inhalation of high concentrations can result in a cough and difficUlty breathing and possibly lead to pulmonary edema. Repeated exposure can cause severe impairment of lung function and permanent lung damage. INGESTION: This chemical may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Irritation and / or bums can occur to the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines, characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bleeding and / or tissue destruction. CHRONIC .EFFECTS The effects of long-term, Iow-level exposures to this product have not been determined. Safe handling of this material on a long-term basis should emphasize the avoidance of all contacts with unprotected body pads. SERV;NG YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with large quantities of running water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Hold the eyelids apart during the flushing to ensure rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Do not attempt to neutralize. Obtain medical attention as soon as possible. Oils or ointments should not be used at this time. Continue the flushing for an additional 15 minutes if a physician in not immediately available. SKIN CONTACT: Under a safety shower, immediately flush ali affected areas with large amounts of running water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Get medical attention immediately. Properly dispose of contaminated clothing. Affected skin surface must be washed with large amounts of clean water until the skin no longer feels slippery. INHALATION: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, clear patient's airway and apply artificial respiration. If patient is breathing, oxygen may be given from a demand-type or continuous-flow inhaler, by qualified personnel, with the direction of a physician. Get medical attention immediately. INGESTION: If swallowed, immediately give several glasses of water but do not induce vomiting, if vomiting does occur, give fluids again. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. Call a physician or the nearest Poison Control Center !mmediately... 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flashpoint and Method: N/A Flammable Limits: N/A Autoignition Temperature:N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use standard fire fighting techniques to extinguish fire involving this material - use water spray, dry chemicals or carbon dioxide. Firefighters must wear chemical protective clothing for all exposed body parts. FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Not considered flammable or combustible. Heat of fire may cause release of chlorine gas. Avoid contact of liquid with acids, organics and metals to avoid vigorous reactions and possible hazardous gas generation. Contact with aluminum will result in the generation of heat and release highly flammable and explosive hydrogen gas. Keep fire-exposed containers cool with water spray to prevent rupture due to excessive heat. High pressure water hose may spread product from broken containers increasing contamination Products of combustion are irritating to the respiratory tract and may cause breathing difficulty and pulmonary edema. SERV;'NG YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: - As in any fire, prevent human exposure to fire, smoke fumes or products of combustion. Evacuate non. essential personnel from the fire area. Firefighters should wear full-face, self-contained breathing apparatus and impervious protective clothing. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS SPILLED OR RELEASED: Any person responding to a spill or leak should wear full-face, self-contained breathing apparatus and impervious protective clothing. Hazardous concentrations may be found in the local spill area and immediately downwind. Vapors may be suppressed by the use of a water fog and all water run off should be captured for treatment and disposal. Dike or contain by using a compatible absorbent such as sand, clay, soil, commercial absorbents. Properly neutralized liquid residues (pH 6-9) may be disposed of in waste water .... treatment facilities which allow the discharge of neutral salt solutions. Neutralized material can be recovered by vacuum truck for disposal. PVS recommends, disposal of neutralized material in an approved hazardous waste management facility. Care must be taken when using or disposing of chemical materials and/or their containers to prevent environmental contamination. It is your duty to dispose of the chemical materials and/or their containers in accordance with the clean air act, the clean water act, the resource conservation and recovery act, as well as any other relevant Federal, State, or local laws/regulations .. regarding disposal. After all visible traces have been removed, flush areas with large amounts of water. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: The materials resulting from clean-up operations may be hazardous wastes and, therefore, subject to specific regulations. Package, store, transport, and dispose of all clean-up materials and any contaminated equipment in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local health and environmental regulations. Shipments of waste materials may be subject to manifesting requirements per applicable regulations. Appropriate disposal will depend on the nature of each waste material and should be performed by competent and. properly permitted contractors. Ensure that all responsible federal, state and local agencies receive proper notification of spill and disposal methods. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE TEMPERATURE: N/A STORAGE PRESSURE: N/A HANDLING: * When handling, wear chemical resistant gloves, a chemical suit, rubber boots, chemical safety goggles, a full length face shield, and chemical resistant head cover. * Wear NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator for protection where mists may be generated * Never touch eyes or face with hands or gloves that may be contaminated. *..Never enter a storage tank or container without following proper entry procedures -even if it appears to be empty. * Do not allow sodium hypochlorite solution to come into contact with acids since this will result in the release of toxic chlorine gas. SERVT/VG YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS * Do not allow sodium hypochlorite solution to come into contact with gaseous or aqueous ammonia or ammonium compounds since this will result in the release of toxic vapors of chloramine. * Avoid contact with phenyl acetonitrile, cellulose and ethylene-may cause violent reaction. This product also reacts with iron, copper, acids, ammonium compounds, organics, and other oxidizers. * Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Can cause severe injury or blindness. * Do not breath mist. * Do not take internally. * Wash thoroughly after handling. STORAGE: Containers should be stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from strong acids, flammable materials, non-compatible or reactive materials and sources of heat or flame. Exercise due caution to prevent damage to or leakage from container. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use general exhaust ventilation unless mists or aerosols are generated. If mists, vapors, or aerosols are generated a local exhaust ventilation system is recommended. PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Although not normally needed, if the material, is used where adequate ventilation is not available, use NIOSH/MSHA approved dust, mist and fume respirators to reduce exposure. Should exposure potential under poor conditions become greater, use a positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. EYE PROTECTION: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield. SKIN PROTECTION: Where contact is likely, wear chemical resistant gloves (Neoprene, PVC or Rubber), a chemical suit, rubber boots, chemical safety goggles plus a face shield and chemical resistant head cover. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT: Decomposes on Heating FREEZING POINT, °C (°F)' -19 (-3) VAPOR PRESSURE ~ 20°C, mm Hg: 12.1 VAPOR DENSITY: N/A SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble SERVING YOUR CHEMICAL NEEDS SPECIFIC GRAVITY (~ 20°C: 1.175 pH: Approximately 11 or Greater ODOR: Characteristic odor of bleach APPEARANCE: Straw yellow liquid PHYSICAL STATE: Liquid 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CHEMICAL STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: High heat, sunlight or ultra-violet light INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: Iron, Aluminum, tin, zinc, copper, acids, ammonium compounds, organics, other oxidizerS- and reacts violently with phenyl acetonitrile, cellulose, ethylene. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Chlorine may be released on contact with acids, and when heated. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE ,12.7% PRODUCT PROFILE'I of 3 I DESCRIPTION: Sodium hypochlorite is utilized where there are requirements for bleaching and sterilization but safety and ease of handling can not be compromised. It is similar to common household liquid beach except that the concentration is much higher. While some.of the properties of sodium hypochlorite remain constant, others change as concentration is altered. In higher liquid concentrations' sodium hypochlorite is a straw yellow liquid that has a characteristic odor of bleach. Also, 12.7% sodium hypochlorite reaches its boiling point at about 230°F (3°C) and decomposes releasing toxic gasses. One factor that is not dependent on the concentration is the material compatibility requirements for sodium hypochlorite. At any given concentration, a partial list of materials that sodium hypochlorite reacts with includes all inorganic acids, ammonia, aluminum and steels (including some stainless steels). Additional information on the compatibility of sodium hypochiorite with other material can be obtained upon request. BASIC Sodium hypochlorite is a corrosive material that breaks up in water into Na+ CHEMISTRY: (sodium) and OCI' (hypochlorite) ions at pH values of 11. or higher. Since it forms ions in solution, it is able to conduct electricity (the ions move freely). Sodium hypochlorite will also react with red litmus paper turning it blue since its pH is greater than seven. At a pH value of 9 the hypochlorite ions begin to transform into hypochlorous acid (HOCI). If there is a reduction in the solution pH to 6 or below, hypochlorite ions will cease t° exist and the liberation of chlorine gas could begin. Sodium hypochlorite applied in certain reactions involving other materials produces certain products. Sodium hypochlorite when combined with an acid will react violently and produce, amongst other things, chlorine gas. Sodium hypochlorite in contact with ammonia reacts to produce toxic hydrazine. Always use caution when reacting other materials with sodium hypochlorite. USES: Food Sodium hypochlorite is used in the sanitization of porous and nonporous surfaces. It can be applied to both non-food contact surfaces as well as surfaces where food contact will occur. Agriculture and aquaculture industries also use sodium hypochlorite in the sanitization and treatment of various food products. Municipal &. Often sodium hypochlorite is utilized for its ability to destroy algae and Industrial waterborne organisms, bacteria, and viruses. It also assists in the control Water and elimination of humanly objectionable odors and taste. Textile Sodium hypochlorite is mainly used as a bleaching agent. .SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 12.5% PRODUCT PROFILE2 of 3 I I USES (Cont.): Wastewater Sodium hypochlorite helps in the destruction of cyanide in waste streams. It also assists in the removal of various oxidizable organics and inorganices. Color removal in wastewater streams is also an application for sodium hypochlorite. ENVIRONMENTAL Due to the corrosive nature of sodium hypochlorite, problems can arise in CONCERNS: both the handling and disposal of empty containers. Care must be taken in rinsing drums and drum disposal so as to avoid any repercussions that could occur. To assist customers in solving this problem, Pressure Vessel Service uses the mini-bulk system. This system eliminates the use of drums by .. providing custom chemical tanks that distribute to the point of use. SAFETY: Personal protection can usually be maintained at a safe level by using a local exhaust ventilation system. Aisc wearing full-body protective clothing, chemical resistant gloves and boots, chemical worker goggles and a face shield can reduce your chances of harm. When handling and storing sodium hypochlorite individuals should avoid breathing sprays or mists, ingesting, getting in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Sodium hypochlorite should also be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated ptace away from strong acids and sources of heat and flame. Sodium hypochlorite is very corrosive. Just like it attacks the material it is used on, if given the chance it will attack you ( e.g. your eyes, skin, mouth, throat, clothing,... ). Always treat sodium hypochlorite with care and respect. A safety shower and eye wash should be made available to individuals working with and/or around this chemical in order to minimize injury in case an accident does OCCUr. $OD/I, JM HYROGHLORIT,,E, 12 5% QUESTIONS 3 of 1) What can occur if my skin comes into contact with sodium hypochlorite? Sodium hypochlorite reacts with the skin in a couple of ways. The sodium hydroxide (a minor component of a sodium hypochlorite solution) is capable of transforming the skins' fats, in a process that is similar to the one used to make soaps (saponification). This creates a slippery feeling that can lead to ulceration and scaring. Sodium hydroxide will also coagulate tissue protein by reacting with the skin and dehydrating or causing salt formations to take place. At the same time, the sodium hypochlorite can remove moisture from the skin and form hypochiorous acid with the water from the skin. 2) What can be expected when sodium hydroxide comes in contact with an acid? When sodium hYpochlorite comes into contact with an acid a violent reaction creating toxic hydrogen chloride gas will result. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) considers hydrogen chloride gas to be a third degree health hazard. 3) Where does most of the sodium hypochiorite produced come from? By reacting sodium hydroxide with chlorine (gas or liquid), sodium hypochlorite is one of the products. The other products of this reaction are sodium chloride, water and heat. This reaction is exothermic and liberates 626 BTU/lb. (348 cai/g) if gas is used in the reaction process and 526 BTU/lb. (292 cai/g) if liquid is used instead. 4) What materials are impervious to sodium hypochlorite? Some'of the materials that are compatible with sodium hypochlorite are as follows: Nylon Teflon Viton Epoxy Titanium PVC (Type 1) Hastelloy C If needed, additional information on the compatibility of sodium hypochlorite with a specific material can be obtained. 5) What is the result of heating sodium hypochlorite above ambient temperatures? Upon heating, sodium hypochlorite's rate of decomposition increases. The decomposition of sodium hypochlorite naturally occurs and continues until the solution decomposes completely. 6) What elements of chemistry are in sodium hypochiorite? Sodium hypochlorites chemical formula is NaOCI. So each sodium hypochlorite molecule is composed of one sodium atom, one oxygen atom and one chlorine atom. -- I I PVS PRESSURE VESSEL SERVICE, INC. 50 CHEMICAL WA Y 12522 LOS NIETOS ROAD 7625 W. SUNNYVIEW A VENUE REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 VISALIA, CA 9329~ (415)363- f 661 (3~ O) 944- 7244 (209) 65f-3739