HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP. 10/27/1998 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~ 30 ~__,/A ,. ID# ''~'- ~ %~ Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: FAX: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: ~- t ~'- ~;~) Time: c~ Z. ch # Min: ! Type of Call: Incoming [~] Outgoing [ ] Returned Content of Call: ~ (--' ~t~' ~CL s'r" Cc_..~J m~e.c) Actions Required: CC~_ t$~,(J.~ C~c.,~ ~'-~A_~,~, t~r Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: .C~-~. ~ Baker.~field Fire Dep~.~l "~'~.  ~JlJAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ~ ~'" ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM ~- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION ~ SITE ~A~' ~/ ~d~J~ ADDRESS~d ~A~/~ ~E. Z~F CODE ~ APN FAClLI~ NAME ~ ~ ~~ CROSS STREET ~t~Zy~y~ '~ ~ ,~ . ' TANK OWNER/OPERAt~ ' ~ ' ~Z~ PHONE No. ~'- ~- ~// - MAILING ADDRESS ~E ~A[/f, ~F~, CIW ~. ZiP COOE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY ", ~/, /~. PHONE No. ~- ,~ .LICENSE No. ADDress ~ ~ '~7~ C~ ~~ Z~ cOO~ INSURANCE CA~RIER ~ ~ WORKMENS COMP No. PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ~, /~, PHONE No. ~' ~/~ LJCENSE No.~~ INSURANCE CA~RJ~ ,~ ~(/~ WoRKMENS COMP No. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY . ~J~/, /~. PHONE No.~-~ WASTE TRANSPORTER IOENTIFICATION NUMBE~ NAME OF RINST~TE DISPOSAL FACILI~. ~~ FAClLI~ INDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ ~~/~, ~ ' ~ ' TANK mANSPORTER INFORMATION ADO.~SS ' /~¢ ~5 .~ _ C~W ~, Z~P c60~ TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STQRED S]O R~ D PREVIOUSLY STORED ............ :.~.. ~:~.~:~.:~.~.'~:~.~.~.~.~:~.~...~.~.~:<~:``~.~ ...... ~.~..~:.+:,.:..~.:~<,..:~..,..,.:. .:~.....::..,.::: ............ ~.:..~.~:.::.~.x~.;~.x..~::~ ~:~.~..×~..:~;<.::.~......,~. ~:.:~.<...:.~:.~:.:~,·:::~?,., -- TH~ APPLICANT HAS ,~CIUVEO, UNOFI~STANO$, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE Afl'ACHED COt~OITION$O' I'HI,S,,PI~R MIT AIk~N~, 1'HIS FORM HAS 8~EN COMP.~LETED UNDER PENA,,,~PEI~JUI~Y, AND 1'O I'HI~,SE$1' Ol=j~vlY KNOWLEOG~, I$ '~RUE A/IflO~,~R~C.,~ /'/ /' THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT ~HEN APPROVI~D ¢ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 Permit to Operate Hazardous Materials/Itazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ~ ~~~,.~_ This permit is issued for the following: LOCATION 530 TAN H~RDOUS SUBSTANCE CAPACI~ ~G~L ~~.~ ~~ ~:~A~K , ~K PIPING PIPING PIPING PIPIN ~ ~o~. (~o~).~.~. December 22, 1998 F~ (805) 32~57~ Exp~tion Date: ..~ ......... November 12, 1998 Mr. Jim Clark mE C,IEF Clark Pest Control RON FRAZE 530' California Avenue ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Bakersfield, CA 93301 21Ol 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326.3941 FAX(S05) 395-1349 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 530 CALIFORNIA AVENUE. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street PERMIT #BR-024 1. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Clark: PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results Bakersfield, CA93301 fOr the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank VOICE (805) 326.3951 FAX (805)326.0576 located at the above stated address. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805)326-3979 the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. FAX(805) 326-0576 Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this TRAINING DIVISION closure. 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805)399-4697 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me FAX (805) 399-5763 , at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dlm cc: Y.Pan, RWQCB B. Calabrese, Calpi P.O. BOX 6278 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93386 · (80.5) 589-$648 November 11, 1998 Bakersfield City Fire Department ATTENTION: HOWARD WINES 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Wines SUBJECT: PERMIT ~BR-024T On November 03, 1998, CALPI, Inc. removed one - 10,000 gallon gasoline underground tank from Clark Pest Control at 530 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. The tank was decontaminated on site using a high pressure steam cleaner and inerted with dry ice. Rinsate was disposed of at DeMenno/Kerdoon, Compton, California under hazardous waste manifest #96712980. The tank was removed to A & M Disposal & Recycling, Bakersfield, CA. Soil was sampled under the direction of the Bakersfield City Fire Department. The samples were analyzed at Zalco Labs of Bakersfield for: BTEX, TPH Gas, & MTBE. Additional samples were gathered at 15' and 20' on November 09,1998. They were also analyzed at Zalco Labs for: BTEX, TPH Gas, & MTBE. A complete chemical analysis is enclosed. In addition to the lab results, copies of the manifest, chain of custody and the tank disposition tracking record are enclosed. Please contact our main office at ·(805) 589-5648 if you have any questions or require further information. Sincere~y,~ ~ /~ Will i'~-' '~'~ ~.~~r e s e, Jr. Supervisor ~ WEC/sjb cc: Jim Clark Clark Pest Control Santa Maria, California 93454 (805) 925-2231 · Bakersfield, Califomia FAX (805) 589-5312 state oF Cali~ornla~Environm6ntal Protection Agency Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0039 (Expires 9-30-99) See Instructions on back of page 6. Department oF Toxic Substances Control Please print.re, lype. Porto designed For use on elite ~. _ ~ ...... -, ~ oacramen~, ~al~tornia k ' UNIFORM HA~RDOUS I. ~ afar s US EPA ID Ne. ManiFest Document No.~ 2. Page 1 In'arrant/on in the shaded areas I ~ ~ ~. S~ate Manifest D~menrNumb~ ~.~.-~ .... ,.,,~ / ~ t- ~ ~ /- ~' , .. . · . .... .o.,.., X %7// ~ ' : 6. US ~P~ lO Numbe~ - - ' / C S~m rr~sdo;~~IDI'., :.. · ' .' '. 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 8.' US~A ID N~m~er ~ E. State. Tmns~s ID, ". ';;..;'- ~ ~ " 7 i -- . ..:-. ..... q'. . ] :' ...:.,....',..:.~. ~ ::' . .~ '.'.- 9. ~ ~/7'~~ r~':,~oesi~nated~acili~- Name and~ /{Si~' }.Address. ;~ ;~S"~"' '/ 10. US EPA ID Number G... S~m:. '~'[~ ~[~:.;[~;~ j · lr~j ~J.Facili~'s 10::.~;~::.~ j,' ;.:'. ,~.,, . ~J .j. _"~-:'~ [~.(~.-' ' ' , ~ / , ,-.-.,~ ,. ~,~:;~o~. %..~-r.,-,....:: .... '.......~;....:; :........,:.:...:..;..~ .. ~.~ '.. 4/ ,~.,.~ /; , ~ . 1 I l. US DOT D~scripHon (including Proper Skipping Name, Hazard Class, o~d ID NumberJ No. Type QuanH~ W~/Vol I. Wasle Number . .... / , , ,.,.  b. ~, / . S~am. '.: . E '~ :2 '.: .;'.". EPA/Other R ' 0 · R .,- I I I I I I.I ~"*/°'~'r" "" d. S~te ... EPA/Other '. '".::~w. '" -~t' ",;'r~;~:~' ~. ~[,~S~??=Tz:::;,:;~.,~4~.'~tkbtZ~4~t~.:~q~,~%~;t~.',.v:;,;~..,, ,.~, .::,~,:~Z--:.~,~?t~'~.~.F..'..~-:,..:-;::, .'..' .. -.~.. · ~,~ ..:.~;,~, · ~- .....-".....' ........ ...', ~ :-~;?;; :. ;:' "'; .~:~;~:~4~:;~.~:f;~;~:;~:~;~z~;.(~;~t~:~;~/~;~`' '~+'~;~;~ ~" ;~."' .'". ': "~'.' ','""..' a'': '.'';-;, .-':t' ' 15. Special Handling Insl~ctions and Additional Information ....... , ~ ';~ ~"- ~'.. ~ ~ 2// ~., , ";~v,/ i l~? OEN~"A~O";s'c~R~ICA~O~: ' ' ' ' ~' "' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ..... '" ..... "' " I hereby declare ~aJ tke conmnts ~ ~k~s conslgnm~m arn ~lly an~ accuramJy described a~ove by proper sh~p~mg name and are classified, : rear'nd, and la~eJ~, and are in all r~sp~s in proper co~iJion ~r ~ranspor~y ~ig~way according ~ ~Jicakl. international and ,o~io,~/~o~.rnm~nf regulations. I~ I om ~ Jarg~ quanfi~ gem.rotor, I cerfi~ ~ I k~ve a program in plat. ~ r~uce ~ke valuta, an~ ~xici~ o[ ~ost. generated ~o ~ke degree I ~ave ~.~.rmin~ lo ke .conomic~JJy practicable and ~hat I kav~ selected [~ ~racficable method o[ ~r~nt, s~orag., or disposal currently avdlakl, to m. w~ick ~i.imiz. I ~ ~r.s.,l a,~ ~kr. lkr.al ~o kuma~ k.at~ '" · and the environment; OR, i~ I am a small quanti~ generator, I have made a good Faith e~rt to minimize my waste generation and seJ~t the best waste management method that ~ai~able ~o me and ~at I can a~rd. Ir ....... " = '. ; " JrX., .... ,"..J J ~ ,)..¢~,. ~.. ~4..:,.,'~ ..,..... '.;f ..... ~' ,-.::"..~,. 7"-'I /1~ J, ,1:~ I""17' ~ 18. Transporter 2 ~knowled~ement o~ Receip~ o~ Materials /'" " '" ~ PNnted/Typ~ Name Signature J Month Day Year 19. Oiscrepan~ Indication Space C I L I 20. Facili~ Owner or Operator Certification o[ receipt o~ hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in item 19. T P~nt~/Typ~ Name Signature ~ ~ Month Day Year DTSC 8022A {4/97) Green: TRANSPORTER RETAINS EPA 870O--22 11-0,5-1998 9: ASAM FROM VALLEY TREE C6~ST. 805 399 5376 'P. 1 O:L"'FZCE OZEN%'&~Iil~TAL'$~iFJ~CES 1715 C~eete= Ave., ]~eke~s~ield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CEKTZFICATZON ~TATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMIKATZON '. I, - an authorized agen~ of 0~/; /~/O.., . here by a==es= under pe~alt]~ o~ - C~=ra~lng ' Co. ' ' Ad, ess being removed under Re--itS ~-~q/ ... hah cl~an~/decon~na=ed ~ro~erl~ and a rea~lng of no grea=er ~han 5% was measur~ the cleantn~/decon=~inaUion process. - Da~e ---~e (pring)' - "-Signature ' Cl~ o~ B~ers~teld AOORESS C~L~z, znc. PARAMETERS OTHER P 0 Box 6278 B~KERS~IELD C~ 93386 (805)589-5648 , ' ~AMPL~ NO DATE ~ME LOCA~ON ~~~j~ t~//~/~RE IN U -~E~; ' ~ ~TE '" RECEIVED BY ., DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY DAm,I OF CONTAINERsTOTAL NUMBER . M~OD OF SHIPMENT ~ 't,v / [ Signature Slgnalure Slgnalu~e ~ ~e ...... P~nled Name P[Inled Name Prlnled Name SPECIAL SHIPMENT~ANOUNG ~mpany / ~ ~ Company Company Company REUNOUISHEO BY ~ATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE ~ TIME TIME TIME .~M~ ~dnled Name Ptlnled Name Prinled Name Printed Na~ ~ompa~~ Company Company Company ZALCO I_ ORATORIE S, INC Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (805) 395-3069 Calpi Inc Laboratory No: 9811114-1 P O Box 6278 Date Received: 11/09/98 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Reported: 11/11/98 Contract No. : 03-2661-98 Attention: Bill Calabrese Date Sampled : 11/09/98 Time Sampled : 14:25 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: Sample ~1 @ 15'at Dispenser Sampled by B. Calabrese REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Benzene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Toluene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Ethylbenzene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Total Xylenes ND UG/KG 15.0 8020GAS /8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether ND UG/KG 10.0 8020GAS /8 TPH Gasoline ND MG/KG 10.0 8020GAS /8 Method Reference perations Manager 8. DO}~S LUFT Manual mg/L :~illigrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L :/micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmho~s/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND :/None Detected N/A ': Not Applicable DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 , Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (805) 395-3069 Calpi Inc Laboratory No: 9811114-2 P O Box 6278 Date Received: 11/09/98 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Reported: 11/11/98 Contract No. : 03-2661-98 Attention: Bill Ca~abrese ~ Date Sampled : 11/09/98 Time Sampled : 14:35 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: Sample ~2 @ 20' at Dispenser Sampled by B. Calabrese REPORT ~F ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Benzene ND UG/KG 5 0 8020GAS /8 Toluene ND UG/KG 5 0 8020GAS /8 Ethylbenzene ND UG/KG 5 0 8020GAS /8 Total Xylenes ND UG/KG 15 0 8020GAS /8~ Methyl tert-Butyl Ether ND UG/KG 10 0 8020GAS /8 TPH Gasoline ND MG/KG 10 0 8020GAS /8 Method Reference iyim ~herton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOHS LUFT Manual m~'/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. · .~ -~ ' Chain of Custody Record ',.i' "'~ · ' ' · Page .of F'711 ~I~i~ZAECO LABORATORIES, I .I~C. - . I~!:!;l ll,~.~q'~~3o9A~mour Ave. ' ' · Turnaround .~me: ?' za,co Lab# I':~ k~.i J Bakersfield, California 93308 'Projectr, le n ~USH By: I(' I'll i. [8051 3950539 . :.~'F. xpedited (1 Week) ' Field LOg # "*: ;.: ~'- -'~ FAX(805]395'3069 IceChest# ,Temperature,oC 'ORoutine (2 Weeks) WorkOrder# C°mp~"~l/.~ame i~j~ Phone,-' ' I ~'~~ ~/ ------ ( ;,+ L,~ ,' -.. Resu,ts 5--8? "5-~ ¥~. Address. - ". I~ FAX # ~. · '" ' Results . - City, State, Zip' . ?., .~. . Report/)ttent~n/t ~ .'. '~.,, ';' · · ~,,/I/~t~r,~_~e ~ ': ~,m~le Date . '13me 'i'y.** Legal Sample Description C°ntainers i' ¥ ID# . Sampled Sampled See Key Below # Type* ~ ~ ~ ...... "Remarks ~TE~ ~ ~ di~ ~ clays a~ ~ ~ ~ u~ ~ ~m~ ~e ~. E~ * ~Glass P-Plaaic ~-~a~ . ,T:Tedl~ V-VOA . .~s ~p~ ~11 ~ mtu~ ~ client ~ ~ ~ al d~s ex~. a W-Water ~-Wa~er S-Solid ' P-P~roleum L-~uld O-~he~ WhJ~&*?Off~e Copy Yellow"- Lab m~ , Pink- Clie~ Copy -- A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNO3,H2S04) .- S-NaOH+Z~. C-Cau~ic, pH>lO (NaOH Nov-o6-gB O2:OBP Za]co 'Laboratories, Inc. 805;~95-3069 P.02 LABO~,ATOR~ES , .~ Anal~ioal & Oonsulting Services 4309 Armour A~enue (805) 395-0539 Bakersfield. California 93308 F~ (805) ~95~3069 Calpi Inc ~o~a~o~y. No; 9811024 P O Box 6278 Da~e Received: ~/03/98 Bakersfield, ~ 93386 Date Reported: 11/06/98 Con,tact No. : 03-263~-98 Attention: Bill Calabrese Date Sampled Time Sampled : 08:40 Sample T~e: C~ Solid Description: East Side of Gasoline Tank 642' Sampled by Steve Howard REPORT OF ~AL~ICA5 Constitu~nts ~esults Units D~R BTXEM & TPM-Gamoline Senzen~ ~ UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Toluene ~ UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Ethylbenzene ~ UG/KG 5.0 8020GA$ /8 Total Xyler,e~ ~ UG/KG 15.0 80Z0GAS /8 Methyl reft-Butyl ~ther ~ UG/KG 10 8020GAS /8 TPH Gasoline ~ MG/KG 10 8020GA$ /8 Pr~p Date: cc Analyzed : 11/0¢/98 JMM Method0. DOLTS Reference~uwr manual ~ ~hor~on, Lab O~era~ion: Manager OLR ~ O~.e~ion bimit for' ~epor~ing ~ur~ses Analytical C, Oon ul ing Services 4309 Armour Avenue' (B05) 395-0539 _ Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (BO5} 395-3069 Calpi Inc Laboratory No: 9811024.2 P O Box 6278 Date Received: 11/03/9R Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Reported: 1~/06/98 Contract No. : 03-2631-98 Attention: 8ill Calabrese Date Sampled : 1%/03/95 Time Sampled : 08:45 Sample Type: CAM Description: East Side of Gasoline Tank ~ 6' Sampled by Steve Howard REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Unitu DLR M¢~hod/Ref 8TXEM & TPH-Gasoline Benzene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GA$ /8 Toluene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Ethylben~ene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Total Xylsnes ND UG/KG 15.0 B020Gk~ /8 Methyl tert-But¥1 Ether ND UG/KG 10 8020GAS /B TPH Gasoline ND MG/KG 10 8020GAS /8 Prep Date; ~ethod Refere~ce erton, Lab Opera~.£on8 Manager 8, ~)OHS LtfF't' Monua~ kOt~ ~ ' ZAL( O I_ABOi ATORI , tN,_,. Analytical & Consulting Services ~309 Armour Avenue' (B05) 395°0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (805) 395-3069 Calpi Inc Laboratory No: 98110~4-~ P 0 Bo~ 6278 Date Received; 11/03/98 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Reported: 11/06/98 Contract No. : 03-2631-98 Attention: Bill Calabrese Date Sampled : 11/03/98 Time Sampled : 08:50 Sample Type: CAM Solid Descripzion: Wcst Side of Gasoline Tank ~ 2' Sampled by steve Howard RE~RT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units ..... ___DLR ......... Method[Re~ BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Benzen~ N'D UG/KG 5.0 $020GAS /8 Toluene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Ethylbenzene N-D UG/KG 5.0 $020GA$ /8 Total Xylenes ND UG/KG 15.0 8020GAS /8 Methyl ter~-Butyl Ether ND UG/KG 10 8020GAS /8 TPH Gasoline ND MG/KG 10. 8020GAS /8 Prep Date: ~a%a 1 y~,ed ; 11/04/98 J~ aE~on~ Manager A. I'X~N$ [~UFT Manual ~r~ly'cic~l ~ Comsul~;im~l Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 Bakersfield. California 93308 FAX (805) 395-306,q Calpi Inc Laboratory No: 9811024-4 P O Box 6278 Date Received: 11/03/98 Bakersfield, CA 9_].]8~ Date Reported; Contract No. : 03-?.631-98 Attention: Bi'II Calabrese Date Sampled ; 11/03/98 Ti[ne Sampled : 0~: 55 Sample Type: CAM ~olid Description: west Side of Gasoline Tank @ 6' Sampled by Steve Howard REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Cons t i t uen c s Result s Unit s DLR M BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Senzene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GA$ /8 Toluene ND UC/KG 5.0 8020GAS Ethylbe~zene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS Total Xyle. nes ND UG/KG 15.0 8020GA$ /8 Methyl tert-'But¥1 Ether ND UG/KG 1, O 8020GAS /8 TPM Gasoline ND MG/KG 10 8020GA$ /8 Prep Date: Analyzed : 11/04/98 JMM Method Re~ere,~ce h~rt~,--~ab O--~era=ion$ -ana~er O. DO~S m..UFT Manual ~/W : milli0ram:; pr~- biter (pdt'='; p~-r m('lion) ~ ~ ~.e De~ecCed N/A = NOC Appl~cabA~ No¥-06-98 02:09P Zalc( Laboratories, Inc. 80§~5-3069 P.06 ZALOO LABO ATOI IES, 1NC. Analytical ~ Consulting Service~ 4309 Armour Avenue' (805] 395-05G9 · Bakersfield. California_S~308 ..... FAX (805) 395-3069 Cal~i Inc ~aboratoryN~: 98110~4-5 P O Box 6278 DaCe Received: 11/03/98 Bakersfield. CA. 93386 Date Reported; 11/06/98 Contract No. : 03-2631-98 Attention; Dill Calabres¢ Date Rampled : ll/03/98 Time Sampled ~ 08:56 Sample Ty~e: CAM SoLLd Description: Middle of Gasoline Tank ~ 2' Sampled by Steve ~oward REPORT OF ANAbYTICAL RESULTS Constituen~s Results .. Units DLR Method/Rcf BTXEM & TPH-Gaooline Benzene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GA$ /8 Toluene ND US/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Ethylbcnzene ND US/KG 5.0 8020GA$ /8 Total Xylenes 23.2 US/KG 15.0 802OGAS /8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 31.9 U~/KG 10 8020GA$ /8 TPH Gasoline ND MG/KG 10 8020GAS /R Prep Date. cc: A~alyzcd ~ li/04/98 JMM Method~ 00~.~ Re~erence, mFr ~a.,,,,~ / ~ther~on. ~ab Op~ation= Manager u~os/cm : ~icro~o~/c,. ~ Z5 C This relx~ is fu~;ll~l f~' the mmiC;ye ~ of ~ur Customer and of~i;m Nov-06-98 Oz:ogP Zalco~Laboratori~$, Inc. 805 95-3069 P.07 ZAL_CO L_ BORATOF=IIES, INC. An~lyi:ical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue' (805) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (B05] 39~-3069 Calpi Inc LaboratorY No: 9Bl1024-6 P O Box 6278 Date Received: 11/03/98 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Reported; 11/06/98 Contract No. : 03.-2631-98 Attention: Bi].l Calabrese Date Sampled ; 11/03/98 Title Sampled : 09:00 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: Middle of Gasoline Tank ~ 6' Sampled by Steve Noward RE~ORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Result~ Un,ts DLR Method/Ret ~'£XEM & TPM-Gaso~ine Benzene ND UG/KG 150 8020GAS /8 Toluene ND UG/KG 150 8020GAS /8 Ethylbenzene 2~70 UG/KG 150 8(.)20GAS /8 Total Xylenes 95500 UG/KG 3000 8020GAS /8 Methyl ~crt-Butyl Ether ND UG/KG 1000 8020GAS /8 TPII Gasoline 1580 MO/KG ~50 B020GAS /8 Prep Date: Analyzed : 11/04/98 JMM NO ; None Nov-06-98 02:09P Zalco Laboratories, Inc B05~95-3069~ P.O8 ~---~1~ ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. Anelytical & Ooneul~in~ Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 B~kersfield, Caligula 93308 F~ Calp~ Inc ~abora~:o~No: 98110~-7 P 0 Box 6278 Date Received: 11/03/98 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Repo~ted: 11/06/98 Con~ract No. : 03 ~631-98 Attention: Bill Calabrese Date Sampled : 11/03/98 Time Sampled : 09:05 Sample ~e: C~ Solid Description; Middle of Gasoline Tank ~ 10' Sampled by S~eve Howard REPORT OF~YTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR. Method/Ret BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline ~enzene ~ UG/KG ~0 8020GA$ /8 Toluene ~ U~/KG 50 80~0GAS /8 Ethylbenzene 52.2 UG/KG 50 8020GAS /8 Total Xylenes 3310 UG/KG 100 8020GAS /8 Methyl tert-Bu=yl Ether ~ UG/KG 375 8020GAS /8 TPH Gasoline 124 MG/KG 38 802OGAS /8 Prep Date; Analyzed : .ll/04/98 JMM Method Reference ager [,mho*/¢m : ,.icromhos/cm a*. 2~ C Th~$ ,~port is ~,,,n~d~,,,d ~, the el,~du~,h,e use c~ oue Cus't,~',er ~,~1 appl~ onl~ I~ the ~ples t~t,,~d. Zolco is no~ re~,.$ible lc.' ,~ oliO'allen or delachmenl. · ZAL BORATORII=S, IN · ' Analytical ~, Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (805) 395-3069 Calpi Inc Laboratory No: 9811024-7 P 0 Box 6278.' Date Received: 11/03/98 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Reported: 11/06/98 ". -. Contract No. : 03-2631-98' Attention: Bill Calabrese Date Sampled : 11/03/98 Time Sampled : 09:05 Sample Type: . CAM Solid Description: Middle of Gasoline Tank @ 10' ( ~,~ Sampled by Steve Howard. ' REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS .Constituents ' ReSults Units DLR . Method/Ref BTXEM &'TPH-Gasoline Benzene ND UG/KG' 50 8020GAS'/8 Toluene ND UG/KG 50 8020GAS /8 Ethylbenzene' 52.2 UG/KG 50 8020GAS /8 Total Xylenes .. 3310 UG/KG 100 8020GAS'/8 Methyl~ter~-Butyl'Ether ND UG/KG 375 8020GAS /8 TPH Gasoline 124 MG/KG 38 8020GAS /8 Prep Date: Analyzed : !1/04/98 JMM ~ ~r CC': ... Method Reference ations Manager 8. ix)Ms LUFT Manual ' · 'm g/L/ milligrams'per Liter (parts per million} ' ug/~/: micrograms per LAter (parts per'billion) umhoe/cm : micromhos/cm' aC 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected . . N/A : Not Applicable " : '- D~R : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes Th~ re~o~ ~ ~mi~hed ~r ~e e~u~/ve use ~ om' Custom~ and ap~im o~ ~ the ~mples tinted. Zalco is not msponsibb for report sltsm~ion ~ deta~ment. Analytical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 Bakersfield, Cali~rnia 93308 FAX (805) 395-3069 Calpi Inc Laboratory No: 9811024-6 P O Box 6278~ Date Received: 11/03/98 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Reported: 11/06/98 Contract No. : 03-2631-98 Attention: Bill Calabrese " Date Sampled : 11/03/98 Time Sampled : 09:00 Sample T~e: CAM Solid Description: Middle of Gasoline Tank @ 6~ Sampled by. Steve Howard - .- / ~' .- REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR '' Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Benzene ND UG/KG 150- 8020GASi/8 'Toluene ' ND UG/KG 150 8020GAS /8 Ethylbenzene· 2170 UG/KG ~'150 8020GAS /8 Total Xylenes 95500 UG/KG . 3000 8020GAS /8 Methyl tert~Buty~ E~her' ND · UG/KG 1000 8020GAS /8 TPH Gasoline · 1580 MG/KG 250 8020GAS /8 'Analyzed : 11/04/98 JMM · Method Reference' rton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DO~S LUFT Manual ' mg/L : ~i~lligrams per Li~er (par~s per million) .. > ug/L : micrograms ~er Liter (par~s per billion) .. umhos/cm : micromhos/cm:at 25 C · . ' ' mmhos/cm. : millimhos/cm a~ 25 C ND : None DeCecced. .... : DL~ : DetecCion Limi~ for ReporCing Purposes . Th~ mpo~ ~ ~mish~d for the em:~usiv~ u~ ~ our Customer and applle~ on~ ~ the ~mplm tested. Zalco is not mspons~b~ for report alteration or detachment. ZALCO I_ BORATORIES, IN(E. Analytical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 Ba~rsfie~d. Ca~i~rnia 93308 . FAX (805) 395-3069 Calpi Inc ' Laboratory No: 9811024-5 P 0 Box 6278 Date Received: 11/03/98 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Date Reported: 11/06/98 Contract No. :. 03-2631-98 Attention: Bill Calabrese Date Sampled : 11/03/98 Time Sampled': 08:56 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: Middle of Gasoline Tank@ Sampled by Steve Howard REPORT oF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref BTXEM & TPH-Gasoline Benzene ND" UG/KG .5..0 8020GAS /8 Toluene 'ND UG/KG 5.0 '8020GAS /8 -Ethylbenzene ND UG/KG 5.0 8020GAS /8 Total Xylenes : 23.2· UG/KG 15.0 8020GAS /8 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 31.9 UG/KG 10 8020GAS /8 TPH Gasoline ND MG/KG 10 · 8020GAS /8 Prep Date: Analyzed: 11/04/98... JMM .~ ~/~/..~-~.. . CC: · Method Reference. / .~therton, Lab Operations Manager 8. DOH$ ~UFT Manual '' mg/L~ milligrams per Li~er (par~s per' million) ug/~ micrograms per Lifter (par~s per billion) · .um~os/cm : micromhos/cm aC 25 C · .' m~hos/cm : millimhos/cm aC 25 C · ND : None De~ecCed " .. N/A : NoC Applicable .. *. DLR : DeCeccton Ltmi~ for ReporCing purposes ]1-05-1998 9:~9AH FROH VALLEY TREE CONST. 80E) 399 5)376 P. 2 .NON HA~A...R, DOUS MANIFEST . . Address T~ANSPORTER~ N~ & Addr~ ' .' ' ~ ~~_ ",- .,.: -.~.,,. .'.'.:', : .. .. Y~e2.~ee & ~ns~uctio, Con, pony ~RSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 ---~ (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM OWNER ~,~ PERMIT TO OPERATE~ CONTRACTOR ~(s/ . T~. CONTACT PERSON LABORATORY ~(e~ ~ OF SAMPLES ~ 7 TEST METHODOLOGY I~a. ~?~ . . PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. ~n(,, ~ CONTACT PERSON CO= RECIEPT ~ !~ ~m LEL% PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL _~(,,. ~' ~1~ ' , DATE XNSPECTORS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK S,I'E INFORMATION. SITE d/,.,~Z' ~7" L~,u?'/~X., ADDRESS..~r(~ d~//, ~8. ZLP CODE ~9'~4/ APN ~AC;UTY'NAME ~.X" ~~m~ C~OSS SmEET ~z~Z/~m~ '~ ~S TANK OWNER/OPERAt0~ ' ~ - ~~ PHONE No. ~'- MAILING AOORESS ~ ~Z/~ ~. ClW ~ ZIP CODE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~ COMPANY . ~/, /~- PHONE No. ~- ~ ?CENSE No. A~ESS ~ ~4 '~7~ , C~ ~ Z~P COD~ INSURANCE C~RRIER ~ ~ WoRKMENs COMP No. PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ~'~, /~. PHONE No. AOD~ESS ~~-' ~ Ci~ ~ Z~P COOE '~Z~& INSURANCE CA~RJE~ ,~ ~7~ WoRKMENs COMP No. TANK CLEANIN~ INFORMATION ADDRESS ~.~' '~'~ Cl~ ~/~ ZIP COOE WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILI~. ~~7~ FACILI~ INOENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ ~~ ~, ~ ' / ' ~A~ ~ANS~OR~[~ ~NFORMA~ON COMPANY ~ ~~/~ .PH~E No. ~-~~ .LICENSE TANK DESTINATION ~ ~/~~ ~ ~V~J~ - TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL : STORED S[ORED PREVIOUSLY STORED : THE APPLICANT HAS EEC EIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE All'ACHED C D~/TIONS'OF THIS,PERMIT A ~NY~J~.. THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Plot Plan must show the following: 1 Roads a~d aJ'ley~ ~ . .,7:1:; ' ~ -'.'. "..' -' bulldlngs ' ' ~'~ ": ~1' 3. location of tanks, piping, and dispensers ~, 4. utilities 5. .S, CALF. 6. waler wells (If on site) 7. any other relevent Inl'ormation L D September 30, 1998 Jim Clark Clark Pest Control 530 California Avenue F~RE CmEF Bakersfield, CA 93304 RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakorsfield,CA 93301 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE voice (805) 326-30n FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 One month from today, this office will start issuing compliance VOICE (8O5) 326-3841 FAX (805) 395-1349 stickers to those owners who have upgraded or replaced their underground tanks. PREVENTION SERVICES storage 1715 Chester Ave'. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 We regret you will not be receiving one. On December 23, 1998, FAX (805) 326-0578 your current underground storage tank(s) will become illegal to operate. Current law would require that your permit be revoked and, without a ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. compliance sticker it will be illegal for you to receive fuel deliveries after Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 January l, 1999. FAX (005) 320-0576 After 90 days of closure, your tank will bc considered illegally TRAINING DIVISION 5842 Victor Ave. abandoned and we will take action to properly close these tanks. If you do Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 not comply with our tank closure requirements, we will find it necessary FAX (805) 399-5783 , to take legal action, including, but not limited to citation and/or injunctive relief. Time is running out, you have 83 days before the deadline arrives. If this office can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at 326- 3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph E. Huey, Director D August 31, 1998 Jim Clark F,RE C.,EF Clark Pest Control RON FR~E 530 California Avenue ,~UIN~SX~X,VE SE.VICES Bakersfield, CA 93304 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 The City of Bakersfield wishes to congratulate those tank owners PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. who have upgraded, removed or replaced their tanks in the second quarter Bakersfield, CA 93301 of 1998. This office is expecting an even bigger third quarter result. This VOICE (805) 326-3951 . FAX (805) 326-0576 commitment, has helped this office achieve an 84% compliance average for the underground storage tanks within the City. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 For those who have still not upgraded, time is running out. VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0576 December 22, 1998 is just three months away!! TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. If this office can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 me at 326-3979. FAX (805) 399-5763 Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector SBU/dm cc: Ralph Huey, Director, Office of Environmental Services BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT July 29, 1998 Jim Clark Clark Pest Control 530 California Avenue FIRE CHIEF mC,mR. KW¥ Bakersfield, CA 93304 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bokersfleld. CA93,301 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA93301 You have been receiving monthly updates from this office, regarding the (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 underground storage tank compliance deadline, since December of 1997. l feel we must inform you of how serious an impact non-compliance will be to your PREVENTION SERVICES business. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)326-3951 On December 23, 1998 (December 22, 1998 deadline) this office will be FAX (805) 326-0576 forced, to revoke your permit to operate, effectively shutting down your fueling ENVIRONMENTAL SERVlCES operation. On January 1, 1999, Senate Bill 1491 takes effect, banning fuel 1715 Chester Ave. deliveries for those who have not met the compliance upgrade. Bake~field, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0576 After 90 days of closure, your tanks will be considered illegally abandoned and we will take action to properly close these tanks. If you do not TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street comply with our tank closure requirement, we will find it necessary to take legal Bakersfield. CA 93308 action, including, but not limited to citation and/or injunctive relief. (805) 3994697 FAX (805) 399-5763 It is this offices sincere hope, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why we continue to update you. Time is running out, contractors are booking 6-8 weeks in advance, and costs are climbing at an alarming rate. If this office can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at 326- 3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT. June 30, 1998 Jim Clark Clark Pest Control 530 California Avenue mEC~E~ Bakersfield, CA 93304 MICHAEL E. KELLY ADMINISTRAIlVE SEll'VICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield. CA98301 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPEE~ION $EllVlCF,.$ Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: 2101 'H' Street Bakemfleld, CA 93301 (805) 326.3941 The City of Bakersfield and Kern County Environmental Health will hold FAX (805) 395-1349 a Underground Storage Tank Workshop. PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. This will be the final opportunity, before the December 22, 1998 deadline, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326.3951 to ask questions regarding upgrade, removals, financing, and other related FAX (805) 32643576 requirements. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715Cho~orA¥o. The workshop will be held on Friday, July 17, 1998, from 8:00 a.m. - Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326.3979 12:00 Noon. The location will be the Kern County Environmental Health FAX C805) 326-0576 Services Department, 2700 "M" Street, First Floor Conference Room. IEAINING DIVISION Enclosed is a registration form. Please fill out and mail or fax before the 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 registration deadline, July 17, 1998. (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 I look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure cc: Ralph Huey, Director, Office of Environmental Services BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT May 31, 1998 Jim Clark Clark Pest Control FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY 530 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. The City of Bakersfield wishes to congratulate those tank owners who Bakerstleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 have upgraded, removed or replaced their tanks in the first quarter of 1998. This FAX C805)326..0576 office is expecting an even bigger second quarter result. This commitment, has ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES helped this office achieve a 75% compliance average for the underground storage 1715 Chester Ave. tanks within the City. This is a very "good start". Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 [:AX C805)326.0576 For the benefit of those who have not yet upgraded, the City of Bakersfield and Kern County Environmental Health, will conduct a Underground TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Storage Tank Workshop scheduled for Friday, July 17, 1998, from 8:00 a.m. - 12 Bakersfield, CA 93808 noon. Look for our June letter for more details. (805) 399..4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector SBU/dm cc: Ralph Huey, Director BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 24, 1998 Mr. Jim Clark Clark Pest Control 530 California Avenue FIRE CHIEF Bakersfield, CA 93304 MICHAEL R. KELLY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1,349 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: SUPP~:mON ~ncra The City of Bakersfield has some exciting news regarding loan monies, which has just 2101 'H' Street become available through the Small Business Loan Association (SBA). Bakersfield, CA 9&301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (~5) 39~1349 Pollution Control loans, thru the SBA, are intended to provide loan quarantees to eligible small businesses for the financing of planning, design, or installation of pollution prevention PREV[NTION ~I~/ICE$ 1715 Ch~ter Ave. controls, which includes underground storage tank facilities. Baker~'fleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (~0~)3264~76 The vast majority of businesses are eligible for financial assistance from the SBA. The SBA defines an eligible small business as one that is independently owned and operated and not ENVIRONMENTAL SEIb/ICE$ dominant in its field of operation. For those applicants that meet the SBA's credit eligibility 1715 Chester Ave. standards, the agency can quaranty up to eighty percent (80%) of loans of $100,000. Seventy five Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 percent (75%) of loans above $100,000. Lynn Knutson, Chief of Finance for the SBA says, "If FAX (80~)3264~576 customers apply immediately, and meet the requirements, funding is available". II~dNING ONl$1ON The City of Bakersfield hopes all of our underground storage tank owners take advantage 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 of this opportunity. For more information on SBA, Pollution Control Loans, please call or write to: (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Lynn Knutson, Chief Financial Officer Small Business Loan Association 2719 North Air Fresno Drive, Suite 200 Fresno, CA 93727 Phone # (209) 487-5785, Ext 130 Don't delay, start today!!! Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services cc: Ralph Huey BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT January 27, 1998 Mr. Jim Clark ~CH~ Clark Pest Control MICHAEL R. KELLY 530 California Avenue ADMINI$11~AIIVI: SEEVICF. S Bakersfield, Ca 93304 2101 'H' Street Bake~fleld, CA 93301 (~)326-3~4~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UPDATE FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPI~.SSION SEl~qlCY.,$ Dear Mr. Clark: 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX C805)395-1349 The City of Bakersfield wishes to congratulate those tank owners who have upgraded, removed or replaced their tanks in the month of January. During PREVENTION SEI~VIC~ the month of January, our office had six sites (14 tanks) which are now in 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA93,~1 compliance. This is a very big "first step". (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 For those who have not yet upgraded, I would like to share some thoughts ENVII~)NMENIALSEllVICES on why it is so important to act right away: 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 1. Licensed contractors are booking up fast, in some cases, up lAX C805)326-0576 to three months in advance. ll~dNING 01VISION 2. Supplies (pumps, dispensers, leak detection equipment) 5642 Victor Street may be scarce. Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 3. The cost for upgrading or removing could go up as demand FAX (805) 399-5763 increases. 4. Assembly Bill 1491 will ban fuel deliveries after January 1999 to non-upgraded owners. The good news, is there is still time!!! If there is anything this office can do to assist you in your planning, do not hesitate to call. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services cc: Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 18, 1997 FII~ CHIEF MICHAELR. KELLY Mr. Jim Clark Clark Pest Control ADMINIS11~ATIVE SEIWICU 530 Califomia Avenue 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93,301 Bakersfield, CA 93304 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Clark: SUPPI~SSION SEIWICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA93301 You will be receiving this letter on or about December 22, 1997. One C805) 326-3941 year from today, December 22, 1998, your current underground storage tank will FAX (805) 395-1349 become illegal to operate. Current law would require that your permit be revoked ~EWN~ON SE~CES and, would make it illegal for any fuel distributer to deliver to any non upgraded 1715 Chostor Avo. tank. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 However, in reviewing your file I see that you do plan to upgrade your ENVIIIONMENTALSERVICES tank by December, 1998. We congratulate you on your decision to upgrade your 1715 Chester Ave. tank and simply want to offer any assistance we can in meeting your target date. Bakorsflold, CA 93301 (~05) 326-3979 Please remember to contact this office for permits well in advance of your FAX C805) 326-0576 anticipated start date. As we get closer to the December 22, 1998 date, I would expect construction lead times to become extended, as well as costs for tank TEAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street upgrades. Bakersfield, CA 93308 ,-,, -:qincereh', (80,5) 3994697 Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dm cc: Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief IBEX. PrecS..sio~ T~nk 1?~s-t. BROCKWAY'S TANK TESTING Bakersfield, CA. USA (805) 324-1062 Performed for: Clarks Pest Control ~'" Test Location: 503 Ca 1 if or n ia Ave. ~~F~~~ I! JUL £ 199Z Test Identification : 01k97-1 Test Date : 07-08-1997 Start Data Collection : 09:14:53 Ending Test Period : 11:16:00 Time Filled for Test : 16 hfs TANK ID. :PO #505 CONTENTS :Unleaded Volume : 10000 Diameter :96 Depth Bury :42" Product level :125" Groundwater :> 15 FT Pump Type :Suction Tank Type :Unknown Water in Tank :0 Test Fluid :Unleaded Vapor [o~covery :Phase II Average Rate of Chart-ge is based on 244 Data Points Standard Deviation .............. 0025 Gallons - Volume change of Tank Contents - ~et Volume * ( 60 min/Test Time) .053 Gal. * ( 60/ 61.43 min.) = .0518 Gph. - Volume change due to Temperature - Avg. Temp. * Volume * Cool. of Expn. * (60 min./ Test Time) 0.0012 Deg. F * 10000 Gal. * 0.00066 * 60/ 61.43 = 0.0080 Gph. Set change = Level Volume - Temperature Volume NET CHANGE . . . O. O4.38 G-PH. Based on the Informat.ion provide¢[ and thc Data Collected This Tank & Flooded Lines Test has ...... PASSEl) Certified Tester : Robert Brockman ~ 98-1251 This Test complies with U.S.EPA and NFPA requirements. No other ~'arranties are expressed or implied. '=:,;].,' ::,..:~. ~.,. , .:,,..:..., ' , ';~,...:' :,,. ~e: Clerks Pest ContrOl:. d",t,';'¢:r.?-:"~ ....... " PLOT PLAN Bakersfield .... , ," ,. "::' Und~ound Storage T~ Zo~aaon: 53fl California No.Weot Corner Calilbrnia & 'S" St. Ho l- I Fill & OverspiIl'~. Yard Entrance I I I I 'r Suction Pum~ I I St. I : O~ces / Shop i I ClarN, Pest Control i i California Ave. Broc ay's ...... 1015 Colmbus, Draxm By: Rob~ BrocDn~ Date: ~u~ a, ~9g7 B~ersfield, CA 93305 CITY OF BAI~RSFIELD' OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 715 chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST T~K ~ '. VOLL~ CON2~S TANK TESTING COMPANY , _. ;"~R. oc.. ~<,. ,...o .07 5 ,~. NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON 'rES]' METHOD ............ '~. DATE & TIME '"EST 15 TO BE CONDL'C-~'ED..~_~ _~~~ (-~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT June 9, 1997 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY Mr. Jim Clark Clark Pest Control 5.~0 Avenue 2101 'H' ~t CA 93304 (~) 32~3941 F~ (~) 39~1~9 ~[: Monitorillg requirements tbr underground storage tanks. SU~N SE~ ~ke~eld, 0A93~1 Dear Mr. Clark: (~) 32~3941 Our records reveal that no precision tank testing has been pertbrmed on your ~NnON~mC~ underuround storage tanks since April I1 199q 1715 Chester Ave. ~ ' ~ ' ~ko~field, CA 93~1 (~) 32~3951 ~ · F~(~)82~76 Section ~64~ 2(A) of A~licle 4: Title ~' ~, Div..~, Chapter 16, CCR., requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize automated leak detection shall have a eN~mNU~mmg~m precision tank test annually. Additionally, pressurized piping shall be tested annually 1715 CheWer Ave. ~ke~e*d, CA93m~ and non-pressurized piping shall be tested eveg' three years. (~) 32~3979 F~ (~) 32~76 Pipeline leak dmectors and automated leak detection systems also have to be ~*N~N~UW*S~ON certified to be in working order on an annual basis. ~2 Victor ~t ~ko~eld, CA 93~ (~)a~-~97 Please make a~angements to bringthe tanks into compliance with state law. F~ (~) 3~-57~ If you have any questions, please call me at (805) Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, 111 H~ardous Materials Technician I IitW/dhl~ M~RCH 26, 1997 CLARK PEST CONTROL 530 CALIFORNIA AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 ATTENTION: JIM CLARK DEAR SIR, I HAVE INSPECTED YOUR INGROUND FUEL TANK ALONG WITH RESEARCHING THE RECORDS AT THE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT. AS OF THIS DATE YOUR TANK IS FIBER CLAD STEEL WITH DOUBLE WALLED PIPING. I HAVE DISCUSSED YOUR TANK WITH HOWARD WINES AT THE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. AND WE HAVE BOTH AGREED THAT YOUR TANK IS WITHIN THE COMPLIANCE OF GUIDELINES. THERE IS NO ADDITIONAL ACTION NEEDED TO UPGRADE YOUR TANK AT THIS TIME. HOWEVER, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION AND TESTING OF YOUR TANK AND OR PRODUCT LINES AS NEEDED. I HAVE INCLUDED A REPRINT OF DOING INVENTORY CONTROL COMING RIGHT FROM THE EPA FOR YOUR REVIEW. I HOPE THIS WILL ASSIST YOU AS AN OUTLINE FOR YOUR INVENTORY CONTROL. IF YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS, OR I CAN BE OF AAry FURTHER SERVICE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL ME AT 834-1100. MOST SINCERELY, RONALD L. WOLFE VICE PRESIDENT RLW EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #294074 C-61/D-40 HAZ CERT. RLW/ct cc: H. WINES BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT January 29, 1997 Jim Clark nE CN~EF 530 California Avenue MICHAEL R. KELLY Bakersfield, CA 93304 ADMINI$1~]IVE SERVICES 2101 -.- s.~o, RE: Underground Storage Tank located at Clark Pest Control. 530 California Bakersfield, CA 93,301 Avenue. (805) 326-3941 FAX (80~) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Clark: SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bake~neld, C^ ~3~0~ AS I am sure you are aware, all existing single welled steel tanks that do (805) 326-3941 FAX (8&5) 395-1349 not meet the current code requirements must be removed, replaced or upgraded to meet the code by December 22, 1998. Your tank does not currently meet'the new ~mON SErvices code requirements and therefore fall into the remove, replace or upgrade category. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakers, e~d. CA 93~01 Your current operating permit expires on or before that date and of'course will not (805) 326-3951 FAX c~)326-c~;~ be renewed until appropriate upgrade of your tank system is accomplished. iNW~ON~Em^t SE~CES In order to assist you and this office in meeting this fast approaching 1715 Chester Ave. Bakers,~u, c^ ~01 deadline, I have attached a brief questionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade c~) ~26-~9~ this tank. Please complete this questionnaire and return it to this office by Friday, FAX (805) 326-0576 February 14, 1997. TRAINING DIVISION ~2 wctor Street If you have any questions concerning your tar~k or if we can be of any Bakersfield, CA 93308 t805) 3~-~ assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. FAX (805) 399-5763 Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services REH/dlm attachment BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 11, 1996 ~ n~ C.IEF Billie Lee Clark MICI-IAELR. KELLY P.O. Box 2466 ADMINI$11~ATIVE SERVICES Bakersfield, CA 93303 2101 'H' Stteot Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 RE: Underground Storage Tank located at Clark Pest Control, 530 California FAX (805) 395-1349 Avenue. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Dear Ms. Clark: Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 ~ I am sure you are aware, all existing single walled steel tanks that do not meet the current code requirements must be removed, replaced or upgraded to PRB/ENI1ON SERVICES meet the code by December 22, 1998. Your tank does not currently meet the new 1715 Chester Avo. BakorsfieKl, CA 93301 code requirements and therefore falls into the remove, replace or upgrade (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 category. Your current operating permit expires on or before that date and of course will not be renewed until appropriate upgrade of your tank system is ENVII[K)NMENTAL SERVICES accomplished. ! 715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 [805) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0576 In order to assist you and this office in meeting this fast approaching deadline, I have attached a brief questionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade IRAININO DIVISION this tank. Please complete this questionnaire and return it to this office by 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Friday, December 27, 1996. (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 If you have any questions concerning your tank or if we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services attachment  CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 R.E. HUEY RD. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 May 30, 1995 (80,5) 326-3951 CLARK PEST CONTROL P 0 BX 2466 ~.,~.~0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 Dear Business Owner: NOTICE OF VIOLATION STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Owners of underground storage tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter return these the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA * 93301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 February 1, 1996 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Enclosed is your updated Permit to Operate for the underground storage tank(s) located at the referenced place of business. Please take a moment to review the information printed on the permit to make sure everything is correct. If any corrections need to be made, please call the discrepancies to our attention immediately. Your Permit to Operate ia a legal document and its accuracy determinea whether you are in compliance with the law. If you are the tank owner and not necessarily the tank operator at the site, please make a copy of this permit for your own files. Forward the original permit to the tank location so that it may be conspicuously posted on site. If you have any questions regarding the Permit to Operate or your responsibilities as an underground storage tank owner, please call the Office of Environmental Services at (805) 326-3979, or write to us at the letterhead address. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Enclosure t ORRECTION NO 'ICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Sub Div. 5~ ~;r. h,~-. Blk. ~t You are hereby required to make the following cor~ctions at the above location:' :. Cor. No J Completion Date for Correcti~ ,~,~-.~-- · ,.-, Inspector: 326-3979 0NDERGROUND S';I'ORAGE ~'I~K INSPECTION .......... Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY PHONE No. _~,,,~ ' 7'.'1_ I I I~ INSPECTION DATE i/~ /~,~ · ,... Product Product Product TIME IN TIME OUT ('_~A-,~,~ Inst Date Insl Date Inst Dale INSPECTION TYPE: Ic) ~{ Size Size Size ROUTINE ~ FOLLOW-UP I~ ,~ ""Pn/a yes no REQUIREMENTS yes no n/a yes no n/a la. Forms A & B Submitted lb. Form C Submitted / lc. Operating Fees Paid ld. State Surcharge Paid t,,/ lc, Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted .-~ lf. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST p~ '~ 2a. Valid Operating Permit 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure ~ 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan .~, 3a. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months L///I i ./~'"'"'" ~,' 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years / v/v.~x~/,,;z."~,-- 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping ,~ 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month  Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually '~,~,,,~,,/ ,~_ 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results ~.- 8. Ground Water Monitoring 9. Vapor Monitoring 10. Continuous. Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks 11. Mechanii:al Line Leak Detectors 12. EleCtrOnic Line Leak Detectors 13. Cont nuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps 14. Automatic~Pump Shut-off Capability .' 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment -¢~ 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series 17. Written Records Maintained on Site 18. Reported Chang,es in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection 22, Secured Monitoring Wells 23. Drop Tube ~ ~- RE-INSPECTION DATE RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR: OFFICE TELEPHONE No. FD 1669 (rev. 9/95) ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. ~I~FIC~ OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1 ? 15 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Completed Business Name: ~\, q~, x~ Location:--.~.~O (~_~ Business Identification No. 215-000 ~-~__~ (Top of Business Plan) Station No. [-/-z/~.P Shift~./_ Inspector '~-'~u~,,I''z.- Arrival Time: Departure Time: Inspection Time: Adequat Inadequate i~ Address Visable D Emergency Procedures Posted Correct Occupancy I"1 Containers Propedy Labled Verification of Inventory Materials ~ [] Comments: Verification of Quantities ~ [] Verification of Location i~r/. Cl Verification of Facility Diagram Proper Segregation of Matedal ~ [3 Housekeeping Fire Protection Comments: Electrical Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity ~ [] Number of Employees: UST Monito.ring Program Comments: Verification of Haz Mat Training ~ [] Permits Comments: Spill Control Hold Open Device Verification of ~ Hazardous Waste EPA No. Abbatement Supplies and Procedures ~ [] Proper Waste Disposal Comments: Secondary Containment Security Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: ~~~0~] AIl Items O.K ~ Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME Correction Needed [] ~ VVhite-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy " ' .~ ' ~.'~?. ..- KERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT" , '~' BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION'. ~ ~' - ,' APPLI~ATIOH '" ~li~i~ No;~r;'~ '-'- ,'" . In conformi~ with pr~isions of ~inent ordinances, c~es and/or 'regulat,ons,'.apph~: ~s;,.m~.'..~.<~.;:'..: .. to display, store, inst~ll, u~, o~mte, ~11 or handle materi~ls ~..~, ,~ ~,~.t~ t - 10.000 ~1 under~ ~Sott~. (v~e~,4.. ~ at Clark ~at ~trol) ~Cee-'ts. ~l~:~lt~* '" '-~ "--"~"" .... ~-'--~d~ ..... ~-~ ........... "' ....... ~--~--r-~ ................ Fire ~1 CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" ' January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY WARNING! FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED CLARK PEST CONTROL P [] BX 2466 E~AKERSF i ELD, CA 93303 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: . Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of olean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate' box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm ./ ermit Operat UndergroUnd Hazardous Materials Storage FacilitY CONDITIONS : ~::P: ~EVERSE SIDE  ~ersfiela ~ir~ Dept. HAZAHDOU~ RATEHIAL~ DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Valid from: "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 October 20, 1994 P O BX 2466 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 Dear Business Owner: This notice serves as a reminder that owners of underground storage tanks must be registered with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit an Underground Storage Tank renewal application form, Forms A. B and C completed for each tank at this facility (forms included) and a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to complete and return these forms along with the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed erate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility CONDITIONS O~ P~!~i~ ~ aEVERSE SIDE Tank Hazardous G:~ii~i:;?iiiiii~::~i::~;::~ii;:i:::i; .... Y~!~;~i~::.:: :i ~'.~Tank ~:~;::;ii~:~i ii:~ili':iii::!!!~i::. Piping' Piping Piping Number Substance C~:~!~:~:~::~:::~.::;:::;:::' In"~'{'~ii~i~?:..ii:[?Type aoh:.i:f~i'~::~??~: Type Method Monitoring 01 UNLADED :~':O;~:?~?' :-:];~ ::;:]:.:j::g~ ~:::;:;~ ?~?~WS ....... M I R~:::::::~:~::~:~?~BWS SUCTION L~ ?-..% .. Issued By: Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION JIM JR.; MIKE; & PAT C~RK 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor C~RK PEST CONTROL Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 530 CALIFORNIA AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 Approved by: ~alph fi. Huo~, COordinator Valid [rom: 12-22-0~ to: 12-22-08 ~,~- ", 1,~,,""~-'~ ~., ~' ~U%.KF.~$FIELD FIRE ~F,.~'AR.TMENT K ?,. ,' HAZA~DOU~ MATER~AL DIVISION ~AY 4. 1995 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TY:ST By_ _ '~ FAC%LI~CLARK PEST CONTROL ~OR~?,E',~ 530 CALIF. AVE. ~~ ~o o~~ ~ ...... --- ~ T~9 VOL~E C 0NTENT~ ~ 10000 U~ ..... TAMK TESTING COMPANYLtND~C~RD/ihLD_ TANK_T~,DRESS 1_~5870 AVE. 288 VISALIA ...... ' .... 9'3292 TEST METBOD U. .~. TEST N~ OF TE~TERnO~:SMI.TH ....... C'kRTIF:,::ATION ~ ~0~2~298 STATE REGIST~TION ~_~ DATE & TIME TEST IS T0 BE -~-NDUC.~_: 04/07/ 5 DATE SlGa~TU}~5 OF APPLIC~T INVOICE #BS000070 TEST DATE: 04/11/95 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** R.L.W. EQUIP. CO. CLARK PEST CONTROL 2080 SO. UNION AVE. 530 CALIF.AVE. BAKERSFIELD,CA. BAKERSFIELD,CA. 93307 93304 CONTACT: CONTACT: PHONE #: 805-834-1100 PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .041995 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 96 LENGTH (FT) 26.59 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 TYPE ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 80 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 98.86 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000070 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : R.L.W. EQUIP. CO. CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 2080 SO. UNION AVE. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD,CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93307 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-834-1100 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : CLARK PEST CONTROL SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 530 CALIF.AVE. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD,CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93304 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 1 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 120 - TAMK I STABT TIME:15:00:40:00 CUBREMT TIME:16:EO:40:O0 - 10 - _ _ w -5 _--Ca: -.BOa?? _ z - C1: .80384 - ~ _ ~ -10 LEAK ~ATE: .84288 CPH CAlM _ - P?A, ~RSION 1.28 0 15 30 ¢5 60 B8000070.1S?,2 TIME (MINUTES~ 04/11/95 INVOICE #BS000070 TEST DATE: 04/11/95 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** R.L.W. EQUIP. CO. CLARK PEST CONTROL 2080 SO. UNION AVE. 530 CALIF.AVE. BAKERSFIELD,CA. BAKERSFIELD,CA. 93307 93304 CONTACT: CONTACT: PHONE #: 805-834-1100 PHONE #: ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .08 TANK IS TIGHT. ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 96 LENGTH (FT) 26.59 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 TYPE ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 80 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 98.86 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000070 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : R.L.W. EQUIP. CO. CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 2080 SO. UNION AVE. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD,CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93307 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-834-1100 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : CLARK PEST CONTROL SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 530 CALIF.AVE. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD,CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93304 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 1 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 120 3,0 ~ ~ - TAMK I TIME -- 16:06:09 ~J 2,0 -- Z O_j - PEA]( 50 500 5000 50000 BS800070, SON FREBUENCY (HZ~ 04/11/95 ~Ut~DEFIG~I(:)UND 'I.'AiMI( ,rE$,rl~S 1,~r/0 AVI:.NI~J[E ~118 VI~$A~A, CA {~292 TEE,q' llhl[q'U~ FINI~L VC)i..L~#E LEAK F~;I~ LF.~,J( RATE Pli,8$ F/dL $~LIF) ~LINLD ' ' D~E",~EL 2 U~I~ DtFit'ECTOI:V~I FIJMCI'[q3NIIN~ PF:i~)I:~EI.¥' YE-S, NO PLOT PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION AN SIZE PRODUCT LEGEND I#1 /O ~00 ~~ F FILL ~_J TURBINE T~ TURBINE WITH LEAK DETECTOR #2 ~ OVERSPILL CONTAINER ON FILL #3 REMOTE FILL ~E~ EXTRACTOR VALVE #5 #6 ~ MONITOR SYSTEM #7 i ~ MANIFOLD SYSTEM APPLICATZON TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FAC!LZT~CLARK PEST CONTROL ADDRF. 5.% ~53.0 CALl_IF. ,AVE. PERMIT TO OPERATE G~TORS N~. ~J~M CKARK ,~, ..... ()qN~RS ~._ SAME ~KR 0F T~S TO BE T~STED~. i~ .?!?2NG C~iN.S TO B~ ~S~DY~ ~ 10000 _.~ , ' TANK TESTING COMI~ANYuNDER~RflilN/1._TANK~=TKS~.Dt{;$S 15870 AV,.E. 288 VISALIA ........ 93292 TEST ~OD U.. $. TEST N~ OF TESTER ~R SMITH .... ~'~RTIF~,~AT~ON ~ ~0~2~298 DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE UCN~u'JCTi'.'I: 04/Q7/95 DATE S!GaATU}~5 OF APPLIC~T CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA ° 99301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 March 2 2 t 1 9 9 5 (805) 326-3951 James F. Clark Clark Pest Control P.O. Box 2466 Bakersfield, CA 93303 RE: Monitoring requirements for underground storage tank. Dear Mr. Clark: Our records reveal that no precision tank test has been performed on one underground storage tank located at 530 California Avenue. Section 2643 2(A) of Article 4; Title 23, Div. 3, Chapter 16, CCR., requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize automated leak detection shall have a precision tank test annually. Additionally, pressurized piping shall be tested annually and non- pressurized piping shall be tested every three years. Pipeline leak detectors and automated leak detection systems also have to be certified to be in working order on an annual basis. Please make arrangements to bring the tank into compliance with state law. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Si~erely, . Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm ...... CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPO LITY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM A. I am required to demonstrate F'manchl Responsibaicy in the required amounu as specified in Section 2807, Chap*-r 18, Div. 3, Tide Z3, CC~ f~$O0,O00 doHm per oecurren~ or AND or ' ~ ! re;Il;on dollars per occurrence ~ 2 million dollars annual aggregate e. ~;~t(~ ~5-r ~A/,/~_~ /~ ~ ~-. hereby certifies that it is i. compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, Article $, Chapter 18, Division 3, 7?tie 23, Ca//fornia Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: C~ ili Mecl~niS ~ii::?::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Note: If you are using the State Fund as any part of your demoflstlation of financial responsibility, your execution and submiss~n of this certification also certifies that you are in compliance with all conditions for participation in the Fund. D. Fsc~t~Namo FacflityAddrem Fa~i~t~Namo Facilit7 Addrem Fa~lityNamo Fsa~i~y ~aidresa TNSTRUCTTONS ...... PLease t~ or print cLearLy a~[ info~t~ ~ Cert~f~cat~ of F~ta[ R~ibi[~ty rom.' ALt ~T facilities a~/or sit~ o~ or ~rat~ my ~ [~st~ ~ ~e fo~; therefore a s~rate certificate ~s ~t r~r~ for each site. DO~MENT ~NFORNAT~O~ A. ~t R~ir~ - Check the a~ropriate ~xes.. B. ~ of T~ ~r -Fut[ na~ of either the tank o~er or the o~rator. or ~tor C. ~mi~ T~ - IMicate ~ich State a~rov~ ~hani~(s) are ~ing ~ to shoe fine, ia[ res~sibitity either as contai~ in the f~erat r~utati~s, ~0 CFR, Part 280, S~rt H, Sectio~ 280.90 through 280.103 (S~ Fi~iat R~nsibitity ~uide, for mre info~tion), or S~ti~ 2802.1, Chapter 18, Oivisi~ ~ of l~r - List alt n~ a~ ~resses of c~nies a~/or i~ivi~ts issuing coverage. ~mi~ ~--~- -~ist ~aenc~f~ng n~r for each ~chanism us~. ~x~[e: insurm~ce ~[icy n~r. or lite n~r as i~icat~ on ~ or doc~nt. (If using State Ctea~ F~ (State Fu~) [eave blank.) C~a~ ~t - I~icate ~t of coverage for each t~ of ~hanism(s). If ~re than one ~chanisa is i~icat~, totat ~st ~at 100~ of fine, iai res~nsibitity for each faci ~ i ty. Co~r~ Peri~ - l~icate the effective date(s) of att fina~ia[ ~hanism(s).. (State F~ coverage ,outd ~ continuous as tong as you ~intain c~tiance a~ r~in e[igib[e to contin~ ~rtici~tion in the F~.) Cor~ti~ ~tim - l~icate yes or no. Do~ the s~ifi~ fina~iat ~hani~ provide coverage for corrective acti~? (If using State F~, i~icate ~'y~'~.) Thi~ Par~ - IMicate yes or no. Does the s~cifi~ fi~iat ~hanism provide coverage for ~ti~ third ~rty c~ation? (If ~i~ State F~, iMicate ~yes~.) O. F~iti~ - Provide att facility a~/or site ~s a~ a~r~s~. Infomtim E. Si~t~e Bt~ - Provi~ sig~ture a~ date sign~ ~ tank o~r or ~rator; print~ or t~ a~ title of tank o~r or o~rator; sig~ture of ,it~ss or notary a~ ~te sign~; aM print~ or t~ nam of ,itness or notary (if notary signs as ,itness, please place notary seat next to ~tary's sig~ture).. Rhere to Nail Certification: PLease send original to your Local agency (agency ~ho issues your UST pe.rmits). Keep a copy of the certification at each facility or site Listed on the form. Quest lens If you have questions on financial responsibility requirements or on the Certification of Financial ResponsibiLity Form, please contact the State US? CLeanup Fund at (916) 739-2/,75. Note: P~Lties for FaiLure to CompLy uith Fi~iaL Res~c~-~ibitityRequireeents: FaiLure to comply may result in: (1) jeopardizing claimant eLigibiLity for the State UST CLeanup Fund, and (2) LiabiLity for civil penalties of up to S10,000 doLLars per day, per underground storage tank, for each day of violation as stated in Article 7, Section 25299.76(a) of the CaLifornia HeaLth and Safety Cede. .: CLARK : ~ · PF. ST CONTROl. P.O. Box 2466 530 California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93303 Phone (805) 325-7211 FAX (805) 325-1021 February 15, 1995 Ralph E~e~uey Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 .' RE: Certification of Financial Responsibility I, Michael H. Clark as an owner and CFO of Clark Pest Control Inc, hereby guarantee that Clark Pest Control Inc will assume responsibility for the first ten-thou- sand dollars ($10,000.00) of clean up liability required for corrective actions resulting from underground leakage caused by our fuel tank. Sincerely, INVOICE #dg000124 TEST DATE: 12/22/93 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** CLARK PEST CONTROL CLARK PEST CONTROL P. O. BOX 2466 530 CALIFORNIA AVE. ~AKERSFIELD, CA. ~AKERSFIELD, CA. 93303 93303 CONTACT: CLARK, JIM JR. CONTACT: CLARK, JIM JR. PHONE #: 805-325-7211 PHONE #: 805-325-7211 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .017052 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: DENNIS E. G00DANSIGNATURE: ~.~~,~.~.,~:~__ DATE: ____! 7-_-3~ 7..-3~__ UTT[ #~2-1000 ******* T A N K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 96 LENGTH (FT) 26.59 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 TYPE ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 92 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 53.00 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000124 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : CLARK PEST CONTROL CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): CLARK, JIM JR. ADDRESS - LINE 1 : P. O. BOX 2466 ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93303 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-325-7211 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : CLARK PEST CONTROL SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : CLARK, JIM JR. ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 530 CALIFORNIA AVE. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93303 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-325-7211 GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 1 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 180 -TAN]( I START TINE:13:36:3B:[10 CURRENT TINE:14:36:40:08 - PT~, ~ERSION 1.20 0 15 30 ¢5 d9888124. TST, 1 TIME (MINUTES~ 12/22/93 INVOICE #dg000124 TEST DATE: 12/22/93 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 (800) 244-1921 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** CLARK PEST CONTROL CLARK PEST CONTROL P. O. BOX 2466 530 CALIFORNIA AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93303 93303 CONTACT: CLARK, JIM JR. CONTACT: CLARK, JIM JR. PHONE #: 805-325-7211 PHONE #: 805-325-7211 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. * THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL * TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .30 TANK IS TIGHT. _DENNIS__ STSN ?URE: UTTL #92-1000 ******* C U S T O M E R D A T A ******** JOB NUMBER : 000124 CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) : CLARK PEST CONTROL CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): CLARK, JIM JR. ADDRESS - LINE 1 : P. O. BOX 2466 ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY, STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93303 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-325-7211 ******* C O M M E N T L I N E S ******* ******* S I T E D A T A ******** SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) : CLARK PEST CONTROL SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) : CLARK, JIM JR. ADDRESS - LINE 1 : 530 CALIFORNIA AVE. ADDRESS - LINE 2 : CITY,'STATE : BAKERSFIELD, CA. ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) : 93303 PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX : 805-325-7211 GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) : 0 NUMBER OF TANKS : 1 LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) : 30 LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) : 180 - T~H]( ! T I~E -- 14: 42:27 - ~ 2,0 "' 0 -- '--' 1,0 ,- - 8~: - o~ PE~I( SN: 5.57 UERS ION 1.08 _ 3/ 2 ~v 50 500 5000 50000 d9888124,80N FREQUENCY (HZ~ 12/22/93 PLOT PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION ;F TANK SIZE PRODUCT LEGEND F rZLL ;T J TUrBiNE ~4 ~ RE,OTB FZLL ~5 ~ EXTRACTOR ~6 ; N t NONZTOR ~7 ~ MANIFOLD SYSTEM UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 West Belleview, Porterville, CA 93257'.'.-- 1-800-244-1921 TESTER LOG PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMANATION PL400 FORMAT TEST LOCATION: TEST OPERATOR: .t~ ~. ~,._.~,~ .... ~ . ,.~' . --,.,.-.-.,-~- ~" DENNIS E. GOO'iSAN UTTL. #92-1000 · Reg. Unld. Unld. Plus Super Unld. Diesel User Instructions 17A lSD OPTION OPTION OPTION or 18B 18D OR 17 18F 18F 18F ** ** ** (rev. D) Step # HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY CL~ /~rtc C~ 7^or ADDRESS 5 3/ Cmtc~^~ PERMIT TO OPERATE ~. OPERATORS NAME ~e ~ c.~^~a OWNERS NAME NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TO'BE TESTED TANK~ VOLUME CONTENTS TANK TESTING COMPANY~mp~,~,J ?~-~ADDRESs 'TEST METHOD ~.3.~E~ NAME OF.TESTER D~/~ e. Go~ CERTIFICATION STATE REGISTRATION % ~ [-{~oo DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED i~ ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY CL~ p~r~c C~?AoC ADDRESS ~]! ~At~^~/~ PERMIT TO oPERATE ~. OPERATORS NAME ~~ ~ c.~r^~< OWNERS NAME NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TOiBE TESTED__ TANK~ VOLUME CONTENTS TANK TESTING COMPANY amRma~,~,J T&~OADDRESS TEST METHOD ~.j.~ NAME OF TESTER D~ £. Go~ CERTIFICATION STATE REGISTRATION $ ~'[~~0oo DATE & TIME TEST IS.TO BE CONDUCTED ;~ ~ ~ KERN BUSINESS F¢ MI~Go -- K-3047-~ CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N~- ~v Sub Div. ~ ~ [~ ~ ~t .'~ You are hereby required to make the following corrections ~',. at the above location: ~ . ~ .: ~'~ , ~ Completion Date for Corrections~~~ ~ ' Date //~~ ~ '"'~?~, ~,' ~ ~h~ '" ,.:: 326-3951 UNDERGROUND ST GE TANK INSPECTION kersfieid Fire Dept. · Hazardous Materials Division Date Completed Operating Permit: ~ ~._ I,,~-_~_._~'~(~__~ %/t/~.~, ~~ L~ Business Name: CI&~'5 ~ Business Iden~fica~on No. 215-000 ,Y~ (Top of Business Plan) Number of Tanks. I ~ol~e: ~ ~M Containment: ~ Lines: ~[ Emergency Contacts: Adequate Inadequate Monitoring Program RECORDS Maintenance , ~.. Testing Inventory Reconciliation RESPONSE PLAN Emergency Plan ~ i'~ Violations: ~,-~, C_.-L,~?-, All Items O.K. 13 × _ Business Owner/ Correction Needed ~ ~, White - Haz Mat Div Pink - Business Copy ~ PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 150051C State ID No.: 21918 Issued to: CLARK PEST CONTROL INC · Location: 530 CALIFORNIA AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Owner:. BILLIE LEE CLARK 530 CALIFORNIA AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Operator:. CLARK PEST CONTROL ·I. NC 530 CALIFORNIA AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Facility Profile:. Year Is Piping Tank No. Substance Capaci .ty Installed 1 GASOLINE 10,000 GAL 1981 YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of conditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issued by: l~lph E. Huey Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Title: Hazardous Materials Coordinator Expiration Date: JULY 1, 1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE HA DOUS MATEFIIALS DIVlSI 21'30.'G Street, Ba'kersfi'eld, CA 93001 (805) 326-3979' UNDERGROUND TANK QUESTIONNAIRE t. FACILITY/SITE No, OF TANKS 1 O~A OR FACILI[Y NAME , NAMF. OF OP[~A!OIJ ' CLARK PEST CONTROL INC CLARK PEST CONTROL INC NEAREST CROSS S/RE~ PARCEL ~6~s~CALIFORNIA AVE S Street BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 ,/BOKfOINOICA'[E :--~CORPORATION. C~INOIVIOOAL C] PARTNERSHIP I"~LOCALAGENCYOISTRICT,~ ('"~ COUNTY AGENCY ~STATEAGENCY,C]FEOEI1ALAGENCY rYP.c OF ~USINESS I~ J GAS srAi'ION ~'~ 2 OI$i'RIBHTOR KERN COUNTY PEIIMIT Q~ARM Q a P.O'CE~On' QSOmE~ rO OPER^rE No. S-1276-0001-01 EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) · EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONOA'~Y) Oai'lonct 'DAYS: :IA,ME(LAST. ,c'J~S~ 2HONE No. '/,'iTH A~EA CO0~ - 0AY$: NAME (LA, S[. FIRS'r) PHONE No. WITH AiJE, A COOE CLARK,JR., JAMES F 805-325-7211 CLARK, MICHAEL 805-325'7211 NIGHIS: NAME (LAS'[. FIP$1") ?HONE No. WItH AR~,s, COO£ /'lIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. 'NITH ARC..A COOE ', CLARK,JR., JAMES F.805-872-9544 CLARK, MICHAEL 805-872-7651 II. ?ROPERTY OV, INER INFORMATION (MUST 8E COMPLETED) .' ~I;,~IE j CARE OF AOORES.S INFORMAJ'ION , BILLIE LEE CLARK J 530' CALIFORNIA AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 MAltING Oi~ S[,'IE:.."~ AOO~ES$ ,/ .~OX .,~tNOIVIOUAL ~ LOCAL AGENCY . C]srArE AG~,ICY P O BOX 2466 , TO,NO,CArE Q.~RrNE,~S.,~' ~COU~n'~E,'~CY Q~EOEratA~E.CV : C:?t NAME [ STAi'~ [IPCOO~ I PHONE NO. WITH AREA COO~ BAKERSFIRLD CA 93303 , 805-325-7211 [ti. TANKOWNERtNFORMATION (MUST~ECOMPLETEO) ,'lAME CAR[ OF ADORES'~ iNFORMAl'ION CLARK PEST cONTROL INC 530 CAT,TFDRNTA AVF. RAWF, R.RI~TI~.T,T~ C_A_ 93304 MAILING OR ST~T A OOR~S ,/ ~OX ~OUAL :~ LOCAL A~NCY .~J STA~E A~NCY . P 0 BOX 2466' :o~No~c~COP~J~.~ Qccu~w~omc~ BAKERSFIELD CA J 93303 !805-325-7211 OWNER'S DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK No. INSTALLED STORED SERVICE #1 JAN 1981 10,000 GAL UNLEADED GASOLINE ~ · ~ N YIN ,- Y/N Y/N YIN Y/ N O0 You HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? ON TYPE PUBLIC LIABILITY/POLLUTION constructed-of ~same materials, style an~type, then'only fill one segment 0ut.~l.5.1ease identify tanks by ~Fner ID ~. I. TANK O ESCRIPTtON COMPLETE ALL [T6MS - SP~C:FY I~ UNKNOWN c. o,r~ :,:sr,~,',.~cc,~,~E~m JANUARY 1981 j o. ;,~ c~,c,w ~ ~o~s: 10,000 HI. TANK CONSTRUCTION %~AAKONEiTEMONLY~N~OXESA. B.ANOC. ANOALLTNATAP~LIESINSOXO ~ t COUPLE WALL ~ 3 SINGLE WALL WITH E~E.~IOR LINE~ ~-- 95 UNKNOWN A. TYPE OF - - ~ -- S'fSTELI __ ~ SINGLE WALL ~__ ~ SECONOA~Y CONTAINMENT ('~AULTEOTAN~ ~, tg OT~ER 8. TANK -- (PrimaryTan~) g ~RONZE ~ 10 ~LVA,NIZEO STEEL ~ g~ UNKNOWN ~ ~g i~ ~ RU~ER 'JNEO ~ 2 AL~O L:N~G ~ 3 EPO~ L~N~NG ~ · PHENCL~ C. [NTER[ORL!NiNG--~ 5 GLASS LINING '~ 6 UNLINED ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~-- ~9 O. CORROSION ;~ I PQLYE~YL~N6 WRA~ I~ 2 COATING ~ ~ VI~L WR~ ~ 4 FIBErGLaS ~I~ORC~0 PROTECTION ~ 5 CATHOOIC ~"OT~CT1ON ~ 91 NONE .~ 9S UN~OWN ~ Q9 IV. PiPiNG INFORMATION C:RCLE A IF ABOVE GmOUNO OR U A. SYSTEM TYPE. ~ 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRES~UR~ A U 3 G~AVI~ A U gg a. CONSTRUCT:ON A U t SINGLE WALL A~ 2 OOUSLE WALL A U 3 LINEO TRENCH A g g5 UNKNOWN CORROSIO~I A U 5 ALUMINUM A g 6 CONCRETE A g 7 STEEL WI CCATING A U ~ I~ PROTECTION A u g GALVANIZEO STEEL A U ~O CATHODIC PROTECTiON A g 95 UN~OWN A U g9 O, LEAK OETECTIOH ~ t AUTOMATIC ~:NE LEAK CETECTOR :~ ~ 'jN~ T~GHTNESS TE~TING ~ ~ INTE~S~TIAL :~ ~a : ' 5 TANK TESTING : 7 ~N~STITIALMONmTCRING , ~ 91 NONE i i 95 UNKNOWN ~ ' I. TANK DESCRIPTION CDM~;EZE ALL ~TE~S - SPEC:~ ~ UNKNOWN C, ~AT~ ~NSTALL~D ~NI~;CAYtY~A~I ~ O. TANK C~ACI~ ~N GALLONS; HI. TANK CONST~UCTtON ~ ~ ~OUBL~ WALL ~ 3 SiNGL~ WALL WI~ ~ERIOR L~NER ~ 95 UNKNOWN A. TYP~ CF ~ ~ ~YS~,J ~ 2 S;NGL~ WALL . ·SECONOARY CONTAINMENT [VAULTED TAN~ '__ 9g O~ER ~ ~ 7 ALUMINUM 8 1O~ ,M~TH~L ~MPA~8~WIFR~ ~,IATE~IAL __ 5 CONCRETE :~__ 5 POL~INYL CHLORIDE '~ {Pdmaryran~) ~ { ~RON~ :.~__ 10 ~LV~I~O STEEL ~ -- ~5 UN~WN -- t ~U~ER LINEO -- 2 ~O L:N~G ,~ 3 EPO~ LINING C. '.NTERICR -- 5 G~SS LINING ~ 6 UNLINED ~ g5 UNGOWN O. CORROSION , __ t POLYETMYLEN6 WRAP '.~-- 2 COATING , 3 V~C WR~ ~ -- · =~aE~GL~S ~E~CRC~ ~r:C IV. PiPiNG INFORMATION c:Rc~ A ,~ Aacv~ aReu.o oR u ~ UNO~aRCUNO. ~Om ~ A. SYSTEM TYPE ' ~ U t S~CT;CN A U 2 ~R~SUR~ A U 3 G~AVI~ A U B. CONSTRUCTION A g 1 SINGL~ WALL A g 2 COUSL~ WALL A U 3 L;N~D TRENCH A U ~5 ~,~WN A g ~ order C. MATERIAL 0. LEAK C~ECTION :__~ I AUTCMATICLIN~LE~CE~CTOR ~__ Z LINET~TNE~STES~NG ' ~ V. TANK LE~K DETECTION ~ I VISUAL ClqECK -- 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ~ 3 vAPORMONITCRINGI~ ~ AUTOMATICTANK~UGiNG, ~ .... ...constructed of ~h~same matertials, style an< .y. pe, then only fill ¢, . one segmenn Ou~. ~lease identify ~anks.by _ Let ID ,~. Itl. TANK CONSTRUCTION ,.~AAXONEITEMCNLYt,~QXESA. 3. ANOC.~NOALLT~Af~P~LI~S~N~OXO A. TYPE CF --- ~ -- ~S L~Nh%G .~ArERIAL COMPATIBLE wITH ~. M~ANOL ? YES_ ~ ~ POLYETHYLENE ',~RA~ ~ ~ COATING ~ 3 VI~L ',~R~ ~ O. COR~OSION '~ -- PROTECTION ~ 5 CATHODIC ~OT~CTiON I~ 91 NONE ~ g5 UN.OWN ~ tV. PIPING iNFORMATiON c:Rc~z A ~i~OVEGROuNOOR U t~UNOERGROUNO. BO~IFAP~LICASLS A. SYSTEM TYPE. ~ 1 SUCTION A g 2 ~RESSURE A U 3 GRAVI~ A U ~, - ~ A~ ~ COUSLE WALL A U 3 LIN~O TRENCH A g ~5 UNK~N A U ~ O~ER ~. ~,~S ~UC,,ON A U 1 ~;NGL~ WALL C. 4[ATERIAL AN0 A~ BARE ~TEEL A g 2 STAINLESS STEEL 'A g 3 PCLYVINYL CHLCRIO~ ~P~C~A~ O. LEAK CETi,:TION --__ ~ AUTCMATiC~;NELEAKCETECTOR .__-- ~. '.iNE 7~GNTNE~S TE~TiNG ~ V. TANK LEAK 0El =~TION I. TANK DESCRIPTION CC~LSTSALL~T~S- SPSC:~,;UN~NOWN 2. ~ll, TANK CONSTRUCTION ,.IA~MCNE~T~),ICNLYINSOXE~.ANOC.~NOALLTHA[~PPLIE~:N~OX0 -- ~ ;C~ALE WALL 1~ 3 ~;NGLE ',YA~ WI~ ~ERIOR L;NE,~ :__ ~5 UNKNOWN A. T'fgE CF -- ~ ~'/~T~,J ~ ~ ~;NGL~ WALL · · S~ONOARY CONTAINMENT tVAULTED TAN~ -- ~ A~ABER ~INEO -- 2 ~O.LLNING -- 3 ~PO~ LINING C. '.NTE~ICR -- 5 G~SS L;NING ~ UNLINED ~5 UNKNOWN LINP~G -- -- ,S L;taNG ~ATEA;AL CC.~AT~SLE ',WsTH ~. ~E%~ANOL ? YES __ NO__ ~ S~CT:CN A U 2 ~ESSuRE A u 3 '6~vt~ ' SYS7?,I TYPE ' ~ u CQRRO~[O~t ~ U 5 A~UMSNU.~ A U 6 CCNC~E~ ~ U 7 STEEL W/ COAf~NG A ~ROTECTICN A g 9 GALVANIZ~ ~_ A g ~O CATHCOIC P~OTECT~CN A U ~5 UN~NOWN A ~ ~ O~R .,. , 0. LEAK ~ECTION ~ I ~TCMATtC LINELE~CA~CTOR -- Z LINE T'~E~S TES~NG ' V. TANK LEAK D~ECTION ~ ~ VISUAL C:~ECA 2 INVENTORY RECO~IL~BCN ~ 3 v~OR'MONITCRING I~__ a AUTOMATIC ~ A TANK TESTING ;~ 7 ~NTERSTITIALMQNITORI~ t~-- 91 NONE ~. g5 UN~OWN ~ ~ O~ER · "-'- ~-/" HA.7_.,~R D O U S MATERIALS UNDEAGROUND TANK QUESTIONNAIRE I. FACILITY/SITE No. OF TANKS 1 CLARK ?EST CONTROL TNC ICLARK ?EST CONTROL INC ~mCALI FORNIA AVE S SCree~ C:['Y'/*lAME i STARE ZIP CODE BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 /~OKfOINOICA[E :~CORPORAJ'ION' C~INOIVLOUAL C],:3ARTNE.qSHIP ~LOCALAO,~NCYOIST~IC[$ J~COUN'JMAG~NCY ~STATEAG~NCY C~F~OEIJALAG~NCY .*. .zM:.RG~I',ICY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY} ~MERGENC¥ CONTACT ~RSON (SECONOA'RY') oorl<:)nC:l DAY'S: :lAME ,;LAS~..:tRS~ 2HONE No. wITH A~A COO~ - OAYS: NAM~ (LAST. FIRs'r) ?NONE NO. ',vfrH CLARK~JR.~ JAHES F 805-325-7211 CT,ARK, HTCHAET, 805-325-7211 ~'IIGH'J$: HAM~ (LA.~[.."[R.';~ .=HONE NO. WITH AR.~A COO(~ ~'llgHJ$: NANI~ (I,..AST ,:ll"/$J') 2HON~ No. 'Nl'(H AI'~E.A CI',A~K,JR., JAHES F 805-872-9544 CLARK, HICHAEL 805-872-7651 Ii. ?ROPER?"{ O\.',INER INFORMATION (MUST 8E COMPLETED) ,'IA,~,I~ j CAR~ OF ..kOOl'JES.S INFO,MAi'ION BILL'rR'LEE CLARK I 530' CALIFORNIA AVE 3AKERS~']'E~D CA 9330/+ FgAILING Ol'~ ST~E~.'~ AOO¢¢Ei$ j / ~OX ,~,-~NOIVIOUAL ~ LOCAL AGENCY BAKERSFIELD J CA J 93303 I 805-325-7211 i,. ',tl. fANKOWNER INFORMATION (.MUST8E COMPLETED) ,,lAME CAR~ OF AOOI'{E$S J~',R:OI~MA [ION CL'ARK ?EST CONTROL INC 530 ("]AT,Tlq'ORN'TA AVE 'RA'R"R.R,ql~'T'R.T,'Ih ~A 93304 ,',IAiLh',IG ~,R STR¢.~T A OO~$ ~/ ½OX ~OUAL :~ LOCAL AGENCY --,~1 STA~ AG~J4CY . ~;IY :~A,'vl~ ~TAJ'~ j [t~ CODE j ?HONE No. '/~lfN ' BAKERSFIELD CA I 93303 !805-325-7211 OWNER'S DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK No. INSTALLED STORED SERVIC~ #1 JAN 1981 10,000 GAL UNLEADED GASOLINE ~ ' N ',"I N .... f / N ¥/N 'fin Y/ N PUBLIC LIABILITY/POLLUTION OO YOU HAVE FINANCiAL RESP~NSIBILITY? N TY2E ..... - FILE CONTIiNTS SUMMARY Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1700 Flower Slreel .. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D, Director o.f Public Health Bakersfield, Calllornla 93305-4198 Air Pollution Control Olllcer Telephone (805) 861-3621 ..... .. ,. . ~ . .... .. · ,:_ -. . . ~ ........ u_-~: . - March 30, 1987 Clark Pest Control 530 California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93304 Dear Sirs: Upon review of your recently submitted laboratory results, we have determined that the extent of the contamination has been adequately defined. The concentration of contaminants found are below our recommended action levels. Based upon this information, we consider this abandonment and assessment complete. .Sincerely, Mark J. Pishtnsky Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program NJP:sw cc: RLW Equipment Company PERI, IT CHECKLIST This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary.equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to~ .KCHD ..in the self-addressed envelope provided· within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No ~' . 1) Cover .Letter,..' Permit _Checkl[st,~ Interi~ Permit,'. Phase ._I _Interim -Permit ~onitorinE Requirements, Information Sheet (A~eement Between ~er ~d ~:.. ~. Opena~or),j'. Chapter 15 .(KCOC ..'-~G-3941),.-~xplanat~on o~ -Substance '-Codes, Bquipment Lists and ~eturn Bnvelope. ' '~.~ .~. ~ 2) Standard Inventory Control ~onitoring Handbook $~-10 .... :.. a) Inventory Recording Sheet'-- b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet ~ith sugary on reverse...· c) Trend ~al~sis ~orksheet ~- ~ .. 4) (to post a~ facflity) Action Chart ~ ,~ B. I have examined the informa~iOn on ay Interim Perm[t. Phase I Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between O~ner and Operator), and find o~ner's n~e and address, facility n~e and address, operator's n~e and address, substance codes, and number of t~s to be accurately 'listed (if "no" ls checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the f°llo~ing required equipment (as described on pa~e 6 of ~andbook): 1) Acceptable ~augin~ 2) "Striker plate(s)" tn ~ 3) ~ater-finding paste ~ D. I have read ~he 'information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertainin~ A~reements between' O~er and Operator and hereby s~ate that the o~ner of this facility Is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of a~eement between o~er and operator). .B. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this t~nks are identical, one chart ~[ll'suffice; label chart(s) ~ith corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F. As required on pa~e 6 of Handbook ~UT-iO, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman ~f out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). ~ Inventory Control ~onitoring was started at this facility in G. Standard accordanc,~ ' - with procedures described in Handbook tUT-I~ --/'- ,,,, ,, LABORATORIES J. J. EGIIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. PETI~OLEIJM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ' '- ........ ~PUrgeable Aromatics (SOIL) RLW EQUIPMENT Date of 2080 UNION AVE REPORT:3-19-8? BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9330? LAB #:4405 Sample Description: CLARK PEST CONTROL DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED · LAB: COMPLETED: 3-12-87 3-13-87 3-17-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.I0 Toluene ug/g 0.24 '.0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0.72 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 1.24 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 3.05 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 2.83 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.40 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 157.49 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 165.99 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5020/8080: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS,: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 tp C20) utilizing a Gasoline Factor. As outlined by the Caiifornia D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. RIES J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. PETROL~IM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93306 PHONE 327-4911 RLW EQUIPMENT Date of '8080 UNION AVE REPORT:3-19-8? BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 LAB #:~06 Sample Description: CLARK PEST CONTROL DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 3-18-87 3-13-87 3-17-87 Minimum Repo~ting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.10 m-Xylene 'ug/g none detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~ ug/g none detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 50~0/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 tp C20)·utilizing a Gasoline Factor. As outlined by ~he California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] · constituents on this report. LABORATORIES · J. J. EGLIN, IIEG. CHEM. ENGII. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 -' '-': ...... : .......: Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) · RLW EQUIPMENT Date of 8080 UNION AVE REPORT:3-19-8? BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9330? LAB #:4405 Sample Description: CLARK PEST CONTROL DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB:. COMPLETED: 3-18-87 3-13-87 3-17-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g 0.84 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0.72 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 1.84 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 3.05 o-Xylehe ug/g 8.83 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.40 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 157.49 5.00 . Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 165.97 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5080/8080: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 tp C20) utilizing a Gasoline Factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition~to.the' constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. ..... . ................................... Analyst LABORATORIES J. J. EGLIN~ REG. CHEM. ENGII. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-491 ..................... ~h ~-_ ......~.~Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ..... '" -~ ~ ..... "-'~-~'~ ....... ~:~'-': ........ RLW EQUIPMENT Date of 2080 UNION AVE REPORT:3-1~-8?' ~BAKERSFIELD~ CA. ~3307 LAB #:4406 Sample Description: CLARK PEST CONTROL DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 3-12-87 3-13-87 3-17-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level~ Benzene ug/g none detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.10 m-Xylene 'ug/g none detected 0.I0 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present~ (C1 tp C20) utilizing a Gasoline Factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. By ...... ' .... ........... J.J.. ~glin. Analyst 1700Flower Street K,'RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME]q'I' HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebartson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Telephone (805) 861o3636 .. .~ " ~ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH · i~ · ' Vernon S, Relchard ' pERMIT FOR pERMANENT CLOSURE ' "(/R~~,}~~% Permit Number A40'3-15 ':":-:" ',-SUBSTANCES STORAGE F ACXL! T¥ ,~:.~ .-~,,::..~~._.i .. _. :..: .: :..~ ...?: ::.:...: ....._: ...:.... ..... : :...//...,.<. :: _' ' :...:.".:...-,/:'~':~:,',~'~,~ .:,.,, :'..., :.~.- · . .... .:....' i~.- -',-':~:'.:::'.::~,~?~!.',~!'*,.~,~.~;:/~,.¢~ ....:~ ...y~..., .... · /.. , .-.-~. :- ~'./b'~,.r'~' ,:~: ?'. ,:.-~.~'~.L':%~' ,,,~:..::...::.:f..:~ ..~::!}>~ACIL~T¥. NAME ~ ADDRESS=' '.'.:'?:-::.:OWNER N~ 'AND ADDRESS;"::.t~::;~:.::.:CONTRACTOR: .': .'.'/':/..~*:.-..,::.: ~!~:-.:~,~:.::~ ' .?':~..:... :~ ' ? ~ '..~ :.-.~:~;. ';h;~::4'::~;~-~f.:i~:-?~.f?~/~'i~.~:3:~':.'>2?~ ~:.~ ~' :-'::.~ .::...'. d.:'. :;::~:;::?::,~'~ ..' '.~'!~:Jv'~::?'.~''. :-' '~ }~.'-;' Clark Pest Control .i~:!~;'~':~?~:~./: :~.~:~'~:'iiC[ark Pest Control .:~?.:=.::~?~:C.;.:..-..RL# Equipment Company ~::'/530 California Avenue ':~ !~!?.?:i~:~:_530 .Californai Aveaue ,:: :<?.' ~.080 S..Union Avenue . '-.'"l>'Bakersfiei'd, C~"93304 7-..::B~ak'~-ft'eld, "~"93304" ..... "":~(~"Bakersftel'd,':Cl'~§3307-':'%:?~?~:: '''-'/ ~?''~.,~'. ~-'Y~,'~-''-;.:"~ - '.~';~' ,'..-; .... J...?-'. ,?;/~:,~/":~'c~;-?~'~,~.['~..~';~E~',~.~ .~,P~' ~;-',~'/.~','~,~:,~c."~">'.,.~'~ ,~ ':"' ""~. ~ '~.-.~ :~-..'~Y~.",;~ ~*;~.'kG'"~u:.'~:~i'-:i ~-<:r;~ :*-'~-~, ,~'~-' '~'.' ,. "'.,:.'*.C?:~.:?::~' ~:--.*-~ :;~, :',?~ ~' .::.:~/'-.:.r'*'-.,' :;' ,' *?.':~-~h .~::~.~:'~:?'4:;~-:.~?"/:'?~?::~:~:.~'Lt~;:</:.~' ,<'.':..r,,~';~.,:?. :,', :~.. :, .y:_~ :~* :) .*,*~ ...~.~: .: '.,~ %..:~ ':,?:~ .:.~,~.~,,~, ~(:.:.*, · ' ":'' pERMiT To ABANDON '-"'" ."::."""-":"::;'::':":"'PERMIT EXPIRES February'25, 1988 '" '':.-..' .'-' '.".-': :.' .',..1 TANK(S) AT ABOV~ APPROVAL DATE February 25, 1987 ::'. ':" ' ."~:~" LOCATION ~ .' /' : "-'?' ''?/ APPROVED BY *' "' Mark 3~/Pi/shlnsky ~ '. ................. POST ON PRF2qISES ......... ' .......... CONDITIONS AS ~OLLOWS: 1, Permtttee must obtain a ~tre Department permit prior to initiating abandonment action. · 2. All procedures used must be in accordance Mith requirements of Standards and Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. 3. A minimum of.t~o sets of samples must be retrieved beneath .the ~asollne tank at distances one-third of the May In from each end at depths of t~o feet and six feet. 4. For all product piping, every 15 linear feet of pipe run must be sampled at two feet and six feet depths. One set of the samples must be taken underneath each dispenser at the prescribed depths. 5. All samples must be analyzed-for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroieum hydrocarbons., .6. ~dvtse this office of the time and date of proposed .samplln~ ~lth ~4 hours advance notice. " DISTRICT OFFICES ln~!ude All the Fol!owi onna:ioq: ~ Location of Ta~k(s), Piping & Dispenser(s) -- Propos~ S~npli. ng Locatio::s Indicatir~] Approximate Depth X of Sample.s. --X-- Nearest Scr~t or Interseetion Any Water Wells or Surface Waters Within !00' Radius of Faci! ity ...... j Unle ed '"' ' "Gas Pump ~""/~-Remove old §$0 gallon tank ~ Sample locatJon 2 ft and § ft below - tank bottom .. CLARK PEST CONTROL 530 CALIFORNIA AVENUE · BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 CALIFORNIA AVENUE ,~. [~ . PETROLEUM · EQUIPMENT SERVICE · INVOIC INSTALLATION - MAINTENANCE _~. .~,.ou,.,.._~o.... s ~030 Z080 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93307 To.ms - (805) 834-I I00 CALIF. CONTRACTORS LIC. NO. 294074 mvo~c= INVOICE NO.. - MAI~ '": .:.- . - . . ..:~ . ' .-.. .... ..'. , I '' :' ~.voiC~'-'''~:.'..~..'-. ~ ~ G~L~ra~'~' ~o~ ' C .... · .. A · - .:.' :';'~ L:.~:.: :.~;~::':._?.'~ ' ~o ~'::'::':::>?':-:'.::::::-": '-':::'"~"' '-' '":. ' '"'~:':, ~ ' .-" T · --- W i~ .~..:..~ .).'::.'~,:::::~~C,~~ cA' 5~ ~o~~ :.- ~ ~ ..... ~ t'.'13q~'''':'::~':'::::'¢:'':'''. ':,,.. '.'. '"::"::~.' .' ~, N., "':' '.'"~::::',',:~-.:'":::':':'"'."':~..:' I.: :'Wo.,',~.~;;'~;~';~"~:' :::::.:.::-C~ t~ ~4.~..: G~o~'.Va'm_~ ....~ t.:~'.~:['i: :~:~: :' ".' :':':-,~:: . .".' .. ..,.~: · -.....'.._ 2'- -:~ .. . .... ' ........... , ~ :-.. ,... . ~.,.~.i_:c~>;:,:-~F;~.~..::~:.'...~. .... ~. ~ .... :. ":.:~::.' ':,:-.:::;::..~:>?::.:.: .::-.,<,~.,4.~::: .... ..:..' ':;: '... ,.. -.?: -.' :~, ? -. .'. '.-. ' · .... '. '~:" .~:~'>~:,' :'; :- :..': :.- '::: .. ":" OFFICE ::': :"~; :::'"- :¢~. :>~:~:}~¢~':::~::~;':: ....:-':.: :.: .': ::':;:':. '.';.':';~rS:;~,,~~ ':':. · -'..:: :: ::- ';:. >': ':'-': .:~. :: ' :. :--~ :: ~::~0'-" ":. ~ ,. '~: ::?: :, '.~ ~'?-' · , .... ,.: . ..~:~:, :;:~,:, ..-. ¥,:~ ..... :~:....... .- .~,..:.~::.~.~.,,:..:.,: .:... .......... .. .~.., ......... · . I~sS~::':.:~ ~ I,~, ~.. ~:,.x~'~-l'~': ...... .~, ~ '" ,,~,~,*-"-,~*~...:':.'.~ .... .- ............. :. :~ ".: i'~': ,' '[ ,~ rX, 'S~ u ' HOURS '.-:"., '"': - ":- ..... " ;:~: ~:~ :.,,:: :~ .... ~¢ - ~'.' :~ , : - .... ''' ~;"~":::-'~'~y'~'.:":'~'~ '"':'~' _ ~ '""'~:~!~__":A'~W~bx~.. ~ ~-~E~ MILEAGE' '" '":'. ' .' '" c) ~ - ~ ~ , ,9 ~'.D ' ' ~ Ren~b ; S DESCRIPTION" .':.'L.'.." . : P: .: ' ' -: ' '::~ hot : : "'": :" ....... ::::::: ' : ..:.~.~': . -....":....:..:;: .' . . ~ .......... .. ~ · . ~ ;~... -....'..,:.': ...., ., ... ~ .~q.. C~ .:.. . .:::..~:::.~ · :;..::. ,./:: :':>..:.." ... ~ ~, ::... :.. .'.'..:.:: :'. .: " : ~. .,,...... ~ , .':.. ;'::.:...~:~: ~:.:::.:'......;::,:':..:...~ ..... . ....-. ,.. ~. ,. ~ .... :. '..',: . '. ,~...~ - , . . .. :..., ::.;~:.:' . .... . . . [ · . : ,-...,.::: :- .: :. ....... .,;...:: :.: .,' .:.:::::,:... .,-,'::- .... ~,.. ~ . : : . ?:.~' ':'."...." ..:::.:.,......:'.:: : ':~.~ :- . ....~.... . .. · . ~t, ~mPle,~' ': ~' g'X,: ~]' "- : ::;... "'T~nidanls); ~1. Tax PL~SE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE. TERM=I Netd~.u~n R~im PLEASE RLW EQUIPMENT : Fi~n~ C~rge of 2%~r Month REMIT TO P.O. aox after ~ days. BAKERSFIELD. CA 9330Z '~O~.U~E. O*ANGE ~ Il.cord ol Cornputer o.~,ge, M,~ter Change. or C~liu,'atton METER CHANG[ ~ W~M NOtifIED rOTALIZER CHECKED AOJUS'FED 10 ~ .... TOTALIZEH . TOTAL *No ~oo~* sen,AL Nu~el H CALIBRATION CHECKED STARI'/ J I / / / ~.~*~t ~o ~oo~ ~m~ ~u~e[~ CALIBRATION CHECKED ~OJUSTED TO TOTALIZER FINISH Pump ¢~ TO~L CHECKED AOJUSTEO TO 1OTALIZER ' ..u,,.c, ~P~p fi TOTAL Note: l. · All meters must have calibration checks a minimum of twice a year, which may include checks dooe by the Department of ~eights and Measures. 2. Before starting callbrat'ion runs, wet the. calibration can with product and return product to storage, 3. Run $ gallons with nozzle wide open Into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. 4. Run 5 Rallons with the nozzle one-half open into th'~ can. Note gallons and cubic lnche~ drawn, and return product to storage. 5. After all product for one calibration check is returned to storage, remember to record the volume returned to storage in coium~ 9 of the Inventor~ Recording Sheet. 6. If the volume measured in a $-g~llon calibration can is more than 8~ cubic inches above or below the registered device repairman. Owner or Operator $1gnatuire ~/~ ~'~ ~' SUBMIT A COPY OF Tills FORM WITII ANNUAL REPORT. woo mo.,er Street ;RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTS HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH .. Vernon S. Reichard I NTERI M PERMI T PERMI T:M:I 50 O5 1 C TO OPERATE : I S S U E D : NOVEMBER 1, 198 EXP I RES : NOVEMBER 1, 198 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= P--- FACILITY: I OWNER: CLARK PEST CONTROL I CLARK PEST CONTROL 580 CALIFORNIA AVE. I 530 CALIFORNIA AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA I BAKERSFIELD, CA 93306 TANK.# AGEII'N YRSl SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? 1 UNK MVF 3 NO 2 UNK MVF 3 UNK NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABI~E *** POST ON PREMI S ES DATE PERMZT MAILED: .DATE P~IMIT CHECK L'IST RETURNED: [-~00~10nF] r,~t~ [~nvironmental He~' A[)[)lJca[ion ~w~r Street, Bakersfie~u, CA 93305 ~PLi~TION FOR PE~IT '~ OPE~TE ~DE~R~D ~~S SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ T~ of Application (check): ~ . ~Ne~ Facility ~ification of Facility'~ isti~ Facility ~ans[er of ~ership A. ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact (n~e, ales c~e, mona): ~ of B~ine~s (check): S~'l'ine S~t'ion ~er (de~ri~) Is Tank(s) ~cat~' on ~ ~ricultural Faro? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ Pri~r~y ~or ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes T R SEC (R~a'l ~atto~ ~ly) ~ress ~3~ ~),'4~. ~[ . Zip ~3~ ~le~ne O~rator Con. Ct ~r~n ~dress Zip Tele~one ~il ~aract. ristics' at Facility ,, ~sis for Soil ~ a~ ~ro~ter ~p~ ~te~inatio~ C' Contractor ~,~ ~ ~ntractor's Lice~e ~dre~ ' ~ Zip Pro~s~ S~rti~ ~te Pro~s~ C~pleti~ Worker's C~~tt'~ C~tification ~ I~urer D. If ~'nis Pemit, Is For Modification Of ~.n ~x. isti.~g Paci!ity, Briefly Describe mo~llfications ' E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste ,, -, '~'uel -StT- [][] R B 8 B F. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fu~ls) Tank .~ Ch~_-.ica! Stored (non-cc~-w~rclal ,name) CAS i (if kno~) Chemical Previously Stored ( if different) G. Transfer of Ownership Date of ~-~n-~fer Previous Owner PreviOus Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issu~d to · I understand that the Permitting Authority ~{ay review and ~ify or terminate the transfer of . the Permit tO. Operate this ~dergro~d storage facility upon receivir~ this cc~p.l.e~ed form. true ~.~' Name Permit No. TANK ~ / (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) --FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES I. Tank is:' []Vaulted [-]Non-Vaulted [']Double-Wall ingle-Wall~ 2. ~ Material  arbon Steel [~Stainless Steel [']Polyvinyl Chloride []-]Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete ~] Al~ninu~ [] Bronze []]Unknown ther (describe) · 3. Primary.Containment · Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) --- Manufacturer" 4. T~ nk-S~d~ r y Conta ~ r~ent , ['1Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner DLined Vault ~None []Unknov~l [-1Other (describe): , Manufacturer: ~lMaterial 'Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior-~Jining ~ I " --~~ ~Alkyd ~]Epox¥ []Phenolic ~[Glass ~Clay'~lined rT, Unkno~ []']Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protecti'~n Cattiodl¢ t~rotection-- ,J~None nI~lxessed Current SF~t~ Fl.~¢rtfl¢lal Describe '$¥ste~ & ~gqut. l:~nt: . 7. Leak Dot:ection, Manttortng, .and Interceptfon a. 'l'ank~ I"I~;t~I' {~ault:ed t.~nk~ onl¥) FIGroundmter Mont. torirq []Vadose Zone Monitoring 91ell(s) ~U-Tube Without Liner ['~U-Tube with Cc~upatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring ['1 Vapor Detector* ['1 Liquid Level Sensor' ['1 Conductivit~ Sensor' '[-! Pressure Sensor in Aranular Space of Doubxe Wall Tank ['1 Liquid Retrieval &.Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring 9~ell or Annular Space  Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing None ['] Unknown1 ~'1 Other b. Piping: ~,J~Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' [']Monitoring St~llp with Race~y [']Sealed Concrete Race~y i~flalf-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Race~ay ~]Synthetic Liner Race~ay []']None rq Unknown [ Other *Describe Make & Model: T htnsss sted* UNo Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name ' Tes%ing C~pany 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? []Yes ~No [Unknown Dat~(s) of ~pair(s) Describe Repairs 10. O~erfill Protection ~ator Fills,' Controls, & Visually Monitors L~vel ~Tape Float Gauge ~Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls -~Capacitance Sensor ['~Sealed Fill Box [~None [-]Unknown 11. P£ping a. Underground ptping:' ~Yes [No Mater~al ThX.ckne~ (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure ~Suctton C]Grav~ty ~pproximate Length of' 'Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protect xom : ]~,Galvantzed [Fiberglass-Clad r~Impcessed Current [Sacrificlal Anode Polyethylene Wrap ~electrical Isolation f-lVtnyl Wrap ~]Tar or A. spi%alt Unknown []None [] Other (descr ibe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: C]Oouble-Wall []Synthetlc Liner ~t.~ ~m ']~]~o~e []Unknown · JO.O00 gal%on -I{orizon~al Round T~anlc 9~ Diameter X 336" Shell Length o~;,__7~5_ o oo's6 .~5.82__.} o[ s~-~---68&2-- o a3sa --9~ · o % 7 802 7,1 21o6 36~9 v, 5293 6929 ~ 8~3, 9~89 . ~t 12 82~,.!~1 2136 3682 ~ 5328 6~62 ~ 8~72 971o · ! 19 84'9 ! 2167 3716' i ~362 6995 I '8~01 9732 ~ 26 873 'A 2197 3750 % 5397 7028 % 8530 9753 % 35 · 897 % 2227 3784 %-:' 5-431 . -706t-- ~ 8559 ~ hh 921 ~ 22~8 3817 ~ 5466 70~4,. ~ 8588 9794 ~ 53 9~5_ a 2289 3851 2. 5500 7127 ~ 8617 ~8~5 ~ 63 97o ~1 232o 3885 % 5535 7160 ~ 86~6 9835 ~ '7~ 995 ~i 2351 3919 ~ 5569 7193 ~ 867~ 9854, ~ 8~ lo19' ~i 2382 3953 ~ 56o4, 7226, ~ 87o2 .~874 ,~ 97 lo~5 ~' 2413 3987 a .~638 72~8 a 8731"' 9893 · ~' ~ 110 1070 ~ 24~4 ~021' ~ 5673 7291... ~ 8759 9912 '.. ~ 122 1095 % '2~75 '"~055 % 5707 7323 % ~8787' · ~ 1~6 1121 ~ 2~07 4089 ~ ~742 7356 ~ 881~ 9950 1147 2538 ~123 ~ .5~96 ,7388 · 88~2 ~68 4 1~ 4 ~ 163 117~ ~ 2570 ~157 ~ 581o 7421 ~ 8870 9986 .~I,, 178 1199 % 2601 ~191 ~ 5845 7453 % 8897 10003 193 o1225 ~A 2633 ~226 ~ . 5879 7~85 ~l 8924 10021 S 208 1251 S .2665 ~260' ~ '~913 7517 S 8952 10038 % 22~ 1278 % 2697 429~ '4 59~8 75~9 % 8979 10054 ~ 2~0 1305 % 2729 ~328 % 5982 7581 i% 9066 10071 ~ 256 1332 ~ o 2761 ~362 ~ 6016 7613 !~ 90~2 10087 ~ 272 1358 ~ 2793 ~39~ 6 6550 76~5 e 9059 ~10102 % 289 1386 ~ 2825 4~31 51 6085 7677 % 9085 10117:% ~ 307 1~13 .~ 2857 4465 ~ 6119 7709 ~ 9111 10132 % 32~ 1~0 ~ 2889 ~500 % 61~3 77~0 % 9138 lOlh7 ? 3~2. 1~68 ? 2922 4534 7: 6187 7772 ? ~163 1~161 % 360 1~96'~ 295~ ~569 ¼, 6221 7803 % 9189 10175 % 378 1523i~ 2987 ~603 ~ 6255 7835 % 9215 10188 ~ 398 1551 ~ 3019 ~637 ~ 6289 7866 ~ 92~0 10201 B ~17 1~80 S 3052 ~692 a 6323 7897 ~ 9266 10213 ~, 436 1608 % 3085 ~706 % 6357 7928 % 9291 10225 'h A56 1636 % 3117 47~1 % 6391 7959 ~ 9316 10236 %' ~76 1665 ~ 3150 4775 % 6~25 ~ i~] 93~0 102~7 9 ~96 1693 9 318'3 ~10 ~ 6~59 i(ou~%~'~ ~i 938~ 10257 ¼. 516 1722 '~ 3216 ~8~A % 6~93 1~80~-2 % 9389 10267 %i 537 1751 V, 32~9 ~879 7, 6527 8083 :% 9~1~ 1027615 %; ~57 1780 ~ 3282 ~913 ~ 6560 8113 % 9438 _10284!'4 10i 579 1809 0 3315 ~948 - ~ 659~ 81~4 I10' 9~61 10291 %' 600 1838 'A 33~8 ~982 ,4 66~8 817~ %1 9~85 10298 % 621 1867 % 3381 5017 % 6661 8204 %1 9509 10303 ~ 643' 1897 ~ 31115 5051 ~ 6695 823~ ~. 9532 10308 I! 6~5 19'26 il 3~h-8~---~086 ,, 6729 82~5 11 9555 10310 I! 'fi _687__ 1956 % 3~81 5120 '4 6762 8295 ~ 9578 %i ~710 1986 h 3515 5155 % 6795 832b ~ 9600 ~41 732 2016 ~1 35~8 5190 ~ 6829 835~ ~ 9623 ~allbratlon ~ ~ r ~ . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ~