HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK · . ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT Plans and Specificatious and Other Data Must Also Be Filed. FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ApPlication for .Installation of Storage Tanks TO THE CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. Application is hereby made to the Fire Department of the City of Bakersfield, through the office of the Chief of Fire Department, for permission to install a storage tank or tanks for the storage of flam- mable liquids in accordance with the description and for the purpose hereinafter set forth. This appli- cation is made subject to the following conditions, which are hereby agreed to by the applicant and which shall be deemed conditions entering into the exercise of this permit. FIRST: That the permit does not grant any right or privilege to install any storage tank, pump or piping upon any street, alley or other public place or portion thereof. sEcOND: That the permit does not grant any right Or privilege to install any storage tank, pump or piping in any building or premises where such installation may be prohibited by laws of the State of California or Ordinances of .the City of Bakersfield. THIRD: That the granting of the permit does not affect or prejudice any claim of title to, or right of possession in, the property described in such permit. (USE INK OR INDELIELE PENCIL) Lot .............................. Block .............................................. Subdivision ........................................................................ 601 Calif. Ave No .................................................................................................................................................................. STREET. Location by street and number where Installation will be. Luer~JPacking Co ... 601 Calif'. Ave. Owner's Name ....... ~ :---~.~---D~---]t~ r-.- ................ a~eress .............................................................................. . C.O. Goza .,, Olldale Box Contractor's c~ame ........................................................... ~(mress .............................................................................. Pa~&ing House Nature of Business of Owner .................................................................................................................................... Gasoline 1 Flammable Liquid to Be Stored ............................................................................ Class ............................................ 1 ~0 Maximum Capacity of Tanks: No ..................... gals.; No. 2 ........................ gals.; No. 3 ........................ gals.; No. 4 .................... gals.; No. 5 .................... gals.; No. 0 .................... '..gals; No. 7 .................... gals. Cost of Installation Including Materials, $ .............................................................................................................. .~,~_. g_~,~ ,.-'% ,,'~ ¢'~/ ' ~ ]. ,/9__F,a,~,~..~ t~j~7 - Sign here ........ ..,~..: ....... FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PERMIT No. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATION CHECKED STAMP HERE DATE In'speCtor Chief, Fire Department CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT. FLAMMARLE LIQUID PERMIT PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO S/~/59 ...................... .I~e:.....Pao~..$malmmlr ............................................ 6.01..Galt~.o~mia..A~.,~....Street, in the......lJl!b~.],O.~l],~,.~....M..~ll,tl....P.~.$.l~i~siness, to have for sale or in storage, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance..S..S...9.....N...,..S...~ ....... of the City of Bakersfield and all State Laws pertaining to such sale and storage, the following maximum quantities of flammable liquids: Class 1....~.0 ............................. gals.; Class 2 .................................... gals.; Class 3 ........................................ gals. The above flammable liquids to be kept in quantities not to exceed the amounts stated and only in the following loeations: Class 1....O...n..?... ~.~.. --i~---~...}.~....a.}....-a...~....?.0-.....1.9.~..O...i;..!..O..n.. .................................................... Location Class 2 ............................................................................................................................................................ Location Class 3 ............................................................................................................................................................ Location · ank NO. A673527 Safety Vis~.bla Pump No. 487 ........................ E~...~.,...F.!~ ....................................... Chief of Fire ~partmenL