HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK September 4, 2003 Mr. Bill McCiure City of Bakersfield Public Works 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 CLOSURE OF (1) ONE UNDEGROUND HAZARDOUS ;~R~ CHIEF SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK(S) LOCATED AT ~ ~E 930 CALIFORNIA AVENUE; PERMIT #BR-0307 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Dear Mr. McClure, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the SUPPRESSION SERVICES preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at 2101 "H' Street the above stated address. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. PREVENTION SERVICES F,~s,~E,,sE.~Es.,.,,.o.,~.,,~,~,,'Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 closure. VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at PUBLIC EDUCATION (661) 326-3649. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 Sincerely, FAX (661) 326-0576 F~RE INVESTIGATION Ralph E. Huey, Director of Prevention Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION By: Howard H. Wines, III 5642 VlctorAve. Hazardous Materials Specialist Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 3994697 Registered Geologist No. 7239 FAX (661) 399-5763 Office of Environmental Services cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB Q/.~ :~ UNDERGROUND STOOGE T~KS CLOSURE CERTIF~N 'h~ y ~ ' .'. ~ , - ' "~%"~"~ .... ' ' ' - I."FAC~L FICATION ' ?. :~: tr '. -~ "~' I~ IDENT~ N ~O~:~'~'' ¥.,'?~?,~:': . · · : "''~ · ' ::T~K CI~ ~- ~4a' ~ STATE ~ . ZIP ~DE I '[~'::'*~ II. T~K CLOSURE INFO~ATION ' IL?I. . I , ~~, , T~ { ~n., I ~" TOp , .~ , ~m .'.~ T~K I ' : ' ; ~:'<~, ~.' :~')?t~~ ;;'.' ' ' '~ I ' ' "'~ ~ ~ ~n · ~ ~ ~ma ~ ~ ~t ~ my ~ge. - ' ' · : D ~ , 8TA~S OR ~FIL~TION OF OERTIFYINB PE~ON , , :: ; ' ~r ~ a mpm~n~ve ~f ~e CUPA, au~ed age~, ~ ~ 7~ . " ~ Ye~ ~ No (~ ~' ~ Name of CUP~ au~o~ agent, ~ L~ . , ' · - tM ClW of ~mfleld Fire ~t - ~ of E~Im~ ~D~' ' .. ~ a. ~fl~ I~ Hygle~t (CIH) ., ;, . .... .~... .1715 Ch~t~ Ave.. ~= ~ b..~fl~ ~fe~ Pm~ (~P) CI~ ' ' ' ~ ;' ~fl~ ~flne Christ (CMO) '" Bake~fleld, CA 93301 7~ ~ d. R~18~ Ep~mnmen~l He~ S~lst (~HS) · PHONE ..... ~ e. Pmf~loflal Engi~r (PE).. '* : ' ':':,, :..: . (661) 32~3979 7. ~ L C~ss II. Regl~-~ En~men~ ~r .:. ;~ I C~TIFI~TION TIME ~ g, ~n~c~' Sa~ U~ ~ I1~ ~n~c~r (M~ .. T~K P~IOUSLY HE~ F~LE OR COMBUSTIBLE ~R~S ~ Yes: CER~FI~'S T~K ~~ INS~U~NS FOR SC~ D~R, DISPO~ , ,*,CILIa, ETC: ,.... ;.;.:{**./'.. · ':. * ,;. , . .. ~",;, ,,::;,~ 'r''':,r' ; ':' ~, , *' '* .. '* · ';.~,' ' L ,~ ' :' ' ' . * ~ . , ~, · * ~ A ~py of ~ ~ ~ ~ny ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ I dla~ ~li~ ~ ~ provided ~e CUPA If ~em ia no CUPA, :'~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ L~ ~ au~ ag~ ~eri o~ of ~e ~nk a~m; removal ~n~c=g and ~e mwdl~ I d~l fa~ll~. ~:~?UP~ ~9) '~* ?',:, - S:~CUPAFORM~1249.d~ Non Hazardous Manifest Source, Address and Location Date: Co~signor or Material -- Name and Address . Transporter of Material -- Name and Address JTelephone No. (~l) ~ - 17~ Telephone No. ( ~/ ) ~ - Description of Consignment I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above and are not considered hazardous waste or material as defined by 46 CFR 261.8 or 49 CFR 171.8 of Federal Regulations and CAC Title 22, Article 66084. ' I further declare that the consignment does not contain a void space which contains an atmosphere of combustible gas that exceeds the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) by 5%, and that the consignment is legally transported without a hazardous manifest in accordance with government regulations. The cosignee shall be held harmless from liability arising from misrepresentations by the cosignor. Cosignee For Material ' Valley Tree and Construction '" 4233 Quinn Road Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 Final Disposition -- Method and Place Printed Name Si=nature Date UIPMENT · SAFETY EQUIPMENT 24 HR. PHONE: (661) 322-6001 ~, HYDROSTATIC TESTING RETAIL STORE: 2301 P STREET CALIF. WATTS: (800) 272-6326 · LICENSES WAREHOUSE: 101 TRUXTUN AVENUE ORDER DESK FAX: (661) 322-0127 STATE # 546 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICE FAX: (661) 322-6000 D.O.T. A 105 ADDRESS · CITY. STATE . ZIP P.O.# DATE . _./ DRY ~CE BLOCKS nSO.D 12CUT C:~rET 7:'r::> L~. F.~r') DRY ICE PRocEss CHARGES Lbs. OOil BULK WEIGHT TICKET # Lbs. CO~ CYLINDERS Lbs. HELIUM CYLINDERS Cu. Ft. NITROGEN CYLINDERS Cu. FI. CYLS, DELIVERED CYLS. RETURNED D CASH ~ 'CHARGE ~GE CARD TaX t ~WILL CALL ~ DELIVER ~SHIP THANKYOU TOTAL . MATERIAL SAFE~ DATA SHEET , REMITTO: P.O, BOX 1631 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93302 AVA!~BLE ON REQUEST CORP. FED.I.D. NO. 95-2599411 ~ TO A~ ABO~ ENUMERATED PERSONAL PROPER~ OR RE~ALS SHALL REMAIN WHO~Y N BRAND DRY CE DBA BRANDCO UNTIL '~Y P~D FOR ~D ~NDEE S~ BE RES~NSIB~ FOR S~E WHI~ IN HIS POSSESSION AND WI~ SURRENDER S~E U~N DE~D IF IN DEFAULT. ~ IS ~0 AGREED THAI IF CO~ECTI~N IS MADE BY SUIT OR OTHERWISE, ~E AGREE TO PAY A FINANCE C~A~GE OF · , 1.5% PER MONT~, WHICH IS 18% PER ANN~M, AFTER 30 DAYS ~SO COLLECBON COSTS AND INCLUDING A~ORN~'S FEES, AND ' ~W~A~ ~I$~S 10 ~ C~MS ~MPIE~ UN~ 8TA~ ~. MINIMUM INTEflEST CHA~E $1.50. .BASIS ON WHICH ~ND~S ~E ~ED: PRODDED ~T IF A~ LO.ED C~NDER NOT R~URNED WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT THE DIS~IB~OR RESERVES ~E RIGHT TO MAKE A RE~ C~RGE OF ~.~ PER C~NDER PER MONTH FOR ALL TIME O~R 30 DAYS THAT SUCH C~INDER IS AWAY FROM THE DISTRIBUTOR, WHICH DEMURRAGE CHARGE THE CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY ON "D~D. ~ECUSTOMER S~L PAY PROM~W ON DE~D TO THE DIS~IBUTOR ESTABUSHED CALCU~ONS AND RATES FOR LOSS OF OR DA~GE TO A~ OF SAID C~INDERS OR FI~INGS RESUL~NG FROM ANY CAUSE A~ER OEUVERY THEREOF TO THE CUSTOMER =AND UNTIL R~RNED TO THE DISTRIBUTOR. REFI~NG OF C~ND~S IS PROHIBITED. ~ Received By ·. Authorized Signature ~tate of Calif~rnia--Environmenta[ Protection Agency ~:.~,cm~,pp~'ov~d OMB No. 2050-0039(Expires 9-30-99) __ See Instructions on back ge 6.Department of Toxic Substances Control Please print or type. Form designed (or use on elite (12-pitchI ,riter.~ ~ ~, Sacramento, California I~nerator's US EPA ID No. Manifest Document N~~''~ 2. Page 1 Information in the shaded areas k UNIFORM HAZARDOUS is not required by Federal law. Add,ss ' 3. G ..... tor'sN ..... dMailing~/~--~'~ __~~ ~ __~ ,~__ . A. State Manifest Doc .... tNumber 5. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number C. State Transporter's ID [Reserved.] 7. Transporter 2 ~ompany Name 8. US EPA ID Number E. State Transporter's ID [Rese~ed~ 9.. Designated.Facili~ Na~e artiSte.Address . _ ~ __ 1~ US EPA ID Number- - G. State Facili~'s ID 12. Containers . 14. Un[f 11. US DOT Description (Mclu~ing Proper S~ippinB Nome, Hazar~ Class, a~ ID Number) No. Type Quanfi~ Wf/Vol J. WasJe Number b. State E R EPA/Othe~ c. State T O EPA/Other d. State EPA/Other · . ~,. .~ ~~.. . ~ . ~- . . . K. Handling Codes for Wastes Listed Above -15. 5p~ial Handling Instrudions and Additional Information , . - "- 16'. GENERATOR S CERTIFICATION: ~er~ declare that the contents alibis consianment are fully and accurately described above by ~ro~er shinning name and ore class,f,ed packed, marked, and labeled, and are ~11 ~ects in proper conditio~fo? transport~y highway according to applicable international and nationaJgovernment regulations. If I am a large quanti~ generator, I c~rti~ thbt I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxici~ 0f waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicabJe and that I have selected the practicable method o~ treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me w~ich minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a smafl quanti~ generator I have made a good faith'effort to minimize my waste ~eneration and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. - - ' - - ' Printed/Typed~" Name ~ Signatur~~. ~~' t ~ Mon*h Doy / Year I Pri~/Typed Name/ . S Month Day Year ~ ~. Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ~ A L TI Prlnted/Typed20' Facili~ OwnerNameOr Operator Certification o[ receipt of hazardous material~ignaWre~ . Item "' · t?' '" covered b~ this manifest exc?pt as noted in 19. t / Day Year DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. ~ell~w: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO gENERATOR WITHIN )0 DTSC 8022A (l/it) (Generators wB~ s~b~it kazarao~s wasle for transport oul-oJ-stat~, EPA 8700--22 . produce completed cope, of this copy and send to DTSC within 30 days.) Certificate oj ' s sr a tomen t/q cy c £in JAY CHRISTIAN FOR MANIFEST NUMBER 22392843 DATE RECEIVED 06/30/03 aqueous waste received on the above r~anifest will be treated to standards mandated by the FED,~RAL CLEAN The WATER ACT and to effluent requirements establishec~iby the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County. Waste ti~eatment and recycling is performed under permits granted to DelV!ENNO/KERDOON, a California Corporation, by the Californig Department of Toxic Control (DTSC), in coordination with the Environmental Protection Agency, in accordance with the provisions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1 )76, together with applicable federal and state regulations including but not limited to waste discharge requirements establish ~d by the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County. When the above described waste material is. ccepted by DeMENNO/KERDOON and treated/recycled andi the aqueous phase discharged for further treatment by the Sanita ion Districts, the certificate holder's responsibility for the w.",~ste material is eliminated under both RCRA and Proposition 65. U ~on request, DeMENNO/KERDOON will issue this certificate,that all waste material has been handled in accordance with applica lie permits and the certificate holder's liability has been terf dnated. Del IENNO/ KERDOON  mpli ince Through Recycling" · -7/16/03 By/~.-- Cyrus Pour~b,~ssanian Date: A ._baJ~a~ry Manager 2000 North Alameda 'reet ~2 Compton ~2 California ~2 90222 Telephone (310) 537-7100 ~2 Facsimile (310) 639-2946 Rpr 03 03 10: 13a Zalco Labs G613~S30G9 p. 1 ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Amaly~icel ~ Consull:inEt Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 , Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET !: :/.~ ~ Date: ~: ' ",., .,. :' : Company: ' _ ...." · .. ..'.' ... ...-/. . ....... ' ;:'. ~ ';' .'v ;'.? .r ....· ~ . To: ) i '~'. .... '- .'~ .. '" F~Number: From: Julie Gonzales, Client Set'4ces Phone: (661)395-0539 Fax: (661)395-3069 e-mail: jgonzales~zalcolabs.com Regarding:, ( "~ ~":' Number of Pages including Cover Sheet "" I. f the transtnission ~as ~zot cotnplete, please call. This report.is furnished for the exclusive use oF our Customer and al~plles only to the samples tested. Zalco is nol responsible for report alteration or detachment. Rpr 03 03 10: 13a Zalco Labs ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Anelytical ~ Consulting Services 4'309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department Laboratory No: 0303259-1 1715 Chester Avenue Date Received: 03/21/03 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 04/02/03 Contract No. : · Attention: Howard H. Wines Date Sampled : 03/21/03 Time Sampled : 09:00 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: Sump, 930 California Sampled by Howard Wines CA~4 - Title 22, Chapter 30 Article II Total 'Concentration Constituents (TC) Units TTLC DLR Method/Ref Total Concentration Antimony, Sb < 10 mg/kg 500 10 60i0A /1 Arsenic, As 5.7 mg/k~ 500 1.0 6010A /1 Barium, Ba 250 mD/kg 10000 5.0 6010A Beryllium, Be < 0.5 mD/kg 75 0.5 6010A /1 Cadmium, Cd < 0.5 mg/kg 100 0.5 6010A Chromium, Cr 33 mD/k~ 2500 2.56010A Cobalt, Co 7.7 mD/kg 8000 5.0 6010A /1 Copper, Cu 78 mg/kg 2500 2-5 6010A /1 Lead, Pb 420 mg/kg 1000 2.5 6010A /1 Mercury, Hg < 0.10 mD/kg 20 0.10 7471A /1 Molybdenum, Mo 23 mg/kg 3500 5.0 6010A /1 Nickel, Ni 50 mg/kg 2000 2.5 6010A /1 Selenium, Se < 2.5 mg/kg 100 2.5 6010A /1 Silver, Ag < 1.0 mg/kg 500 1,0 6010A /1 Thallium, T1 < 25 mg/kg 700 25 6010A /1 Vanadium, V 23 mg/kg 2400 5.0 6010A /1 Zinc, Zn 1500 mD/kg 5000 25 6010A /1 Date Analyzed: 04/0~/03 MAC ~Robe~t"C .Met'hod Re~erence TTLC : To~al Threshold 8TLC : Soluble Threshold WET : Waste Extrac~io~ Te~t. Thi~ report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies orgy ~o the samples tesled. Zalco is not responsible for report allmatlon or detachment. Rpp 03 03 10: 13a Zalco Labs 66139S3069 p.3 1--~'~1~~ · ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC, Anmlybioal ~ (DonsulCing Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 · FAX (661) 395~3069 Bakersfield Fire Department Laboratory No: 0303259-1 1715 Chester Avenue Date Received: 03/21/03 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 04/02/03 Contract No. : Attention: Howard H. Wines Date Sampled : 03/21/03 Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: Sump, 930 California Sampled by Howard Wines CAM - Title 22. CkaDter 30 Article II Extractable Concentration Constituents WET, (EC) Units STLC DLR Method/Ref Soluble Concentration 'Lead, Pb 11 mg/1 5.0 0.5 6010A /1 Date Extracted: 03/28/03 JHJ Date Analyzed: 04/01/03 MAC cc: 4~/~ Robert Cortez, L~ato~-y-M'ana~er Method Ref ereuce 1. E[*A ~W' 846, 199'] ]~'d Editlol% U~R : Detection Limit for I{e~orc~ TTLC : Total ThreshoAd STLC : Soluble Tb~eshold bLmit Concc~ntra~io~, ~/1 WET : WaSte Extraction Test% : p~l 5.0 Soi~tion. 0.2 M Citrat,) Deioc~zed Wat.:v for CIironlium VI This reporl is ~urn;~hec~ for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples leded. Zalco is not responsible for repor~ alleration or delachment. ~-'HoWard Wines - Re: 930 CA Ay. Lab ¢~ ~ --~ ~ From: Don Anderson To: Howard Wines Date: 4/14/03 4:42PM Subject: Re: 930 CA Av. Lab Costs Send the bill to Bill McClure, Engineer II, Public Works. His extention is 3087. Fyi, he is aware there is a U.S.T. and is including it in the bid specs. >>> Howard Wines 3:13:04 PM 4/14/2003 >>> I~/e got the bill for sampling the sump at. Bob Harper's old place. $352 is what Zalco Labs is trying to charge the Fire Dept right now. Should I have the lab re-invoice another Dept. &/or project #? How should we handle this? Chain of Custody Record Pa~e I' o~ \ PkqZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 4309 Armour Ave. Project T'rtle ~'~ -~{[) ~'~-¢~-'~F~'~/Pt Turnaround Time: ZalcoLab# ~ Bakersfield, California 93308 ~ RUSH By: [661) 395~539 ~ ~pedited (1 Week) Field Log g Fax [661) 395-3069 IceChe~ ,Temper~ure~C ORoutine (2 Weeks) WoAOrderg ~y Name Address ' ~ F~ ~ ci~, state, zip Repo~ A~ention { ~ ~ Containers ~ e o o . Sample Date Time Type~ Legal Sample Description ~ ~ ~ Remarks ID~ Sampled Sampled See Key Below ~ Type* ~ NOTE; ~pl~ are di~ ~ days after r~u~ are re~ unl~ o~er a~ ~e mede. K~: * G-~lass P-Pla~ic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA ~ardous sampt~ ~11 ~ retum~ to client or dis~ of at d~nfs e~n~. ~ W-Water ~-Wa~ew~er S-Solid P-P~roleum L-Liquid O-abet White- Office Copy Yellow - Lab Co~ Pink - Client Copy ~ A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNO3~H2SO4) S-N~OH+Z~c C-Cau~ic, pH>10 (NaOH) Hazardous Waste Sampling General Sampling Instructions: " I Accurate and precise sampling is vital to the goal of good analytica. I results. This can not be overemphasized! 2 A good sample is one that represents the whole of a waste stream. 3 A sampling plan where multiple samples of a waste are analyzed independently can give information as to the quality of the sampling techniques and is recommended (see Chapter nine of EPA SW-846.) 4 Stratified liquids require special sampling techniques and equipment (eg. Coliwasa tubes or thief samplers.) 5 Please complete the sampling information and chain of custody on the reverse side at the time of the sampling. Metals Analysis 32 to 64 oz. Glass or plastic containers. 1 Use of acid rinsed or new bottles is required. 2 For water samples, fill the bottle and preserve with nitric acid to a pH of less the 2, cap and label the bottle. 3 For solids and sludges, fill the bottle and do not preserve, cap and label. 4 Cool the sample to 4° C. (on ice) and deliver to the laboratory. Organic Chemical Sampling 40 mi VOA Glass vials: I For water samples, overflow the glass sampling bottles, being careful not to introduce air bubbles. Cap the bottle immediately. Check to make sure there are no air bubbles present by inverting the bottle and seeing if any bubbles rise. If bubbles are present, uncap bottle and repeat this step. 2 For soil or sludges, fill the ~vial completely with no headspace and cap immediately. 3 Return the sample on ice to the laboratory as soon as possible. 1 qt. or 16 oz. Glass Bottles: 1 For water samples, fill the bottles to within one inch of the top, but do not fill completely. Replace the cap immediately. 2 For soils or sludges, fill the bottles completely and replace the cap immediately. 3 Return the sample on ice to the laboratory as soon as possible. Bottles needed for TCLP Sampling Liquids: One 80 oz. Glass bottle on ice. Three 1qt. Glass bottles with no headspace on ice. If no herbicides or pesticides are required, one of the quart bottles may be omitted. Solids, sludges and semi-solids: Three 16 oz. Glass bottles, two of them with no headspace On ice. Additional sample may be required it the sample contains more th~n 50% liquid or if tests other than TCLP requirements are needed. INVOICE * 0303259 ZALCO LABORATORIES, IN(:;. Analytical & Consulting Services Page Number: 1 4309 Armour Avenue Contract Number: Bakersfield, California 93308-4573 Delivery Group: [681] ~g5-0539 Received: 03/21/03 Payment Due: 05/03/03 Vendor ID: B M L Attn: Accounts Payable L Attn: Howard H. Wines D Bakersfield Fire Dept. D Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street 1715 Chester Avenue TO Bakersfield, CA 93301 TO Bakersfield, CA 93301 .Tdtal Metal Concentration Sump, 930 Californi $230.00 $230.~0 ~*48-Hour Citrate (WET) $100.00 $100.O0 .'Lead, Pb $17.00 $17.00 ' ,~0n' ~az Sample 'Disposal ~ $5 O0 ~ $5.00 Invoice Amount: $352.00 Zalco Price Book Effective 1/1/02. Thank you for your business. Please Visit Us At http://www~zalcolabs.com ZALCO I BORATORIES, INI2 Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue · (661) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department Laboratory No: 0303259-1 1715 Chester Avenue DaCe Received: 03/21/03 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 04/02/03 Contract No. : Attention: Howard H. Wines Date Sampled : 03/21/03 Time Sampled : 09:00 Sample Type: CAM Solid _D_escription: Sump, 930 California Sampled by Howard Wines CAM - Title 22, Chapter 30 Article II Total Concentration Constituents (TC) Units TTLC DLR Method/Ref TOtal-C0ndentration '~' ~' Antimony, Sb < 10 mg/kg 500 10 6010A /1 Arsenic, As 5.7 mg/kg 500 1.0 6010A /1 Barium, Ba 250 mg/kg 10000 '~"~5.0 6010A /1 BerylliUm, .Be, < 0.5 mg/kg 75 ..: ~0'5 6010A. /~ Cadmium, Cd < 0.5 mg/kg 100 ' 0..5 6010A /1 Chromium, Cr 33 mg/kg 2500 2.5 6010A /1 Cobalt, Co 7.7 mg/kg 8000 5.0 6010A /1 Copper, Cu 78 mg/kg 2500 2.5 6010A /1 Lead, Pb 420 mg/kg 1000 2.5 6010A /1 Mercury, Hg < 0.10 mg/kg 20 0.10 7471A /1 Molybdenum, Mo 23 mg/kg 3500 5.0 6010A /1 Nickel, Ni 50 mg/kg 2000 2.5 6010A /1 Selenium, Se < 2.5 mg/kg 100 2.5 6010A /1 Silver, Ag < 1.0 mg/kg 500 1.0 6010A /1 Thallium, T1 '~ 25- mg/kg ~00 25 6010A /I Vanadium, V 23 mg/kg 2400 5.0 6010A /t Zinc, Zn 1500 mg/kg 5000 25 6010A /1 Date Analy. zed: '04/01/03 MAC Robert Cortez, LabOratory M~nager CC: . .' Method Re~'erenc~. 1. EPA SW-846, ].994 3rd Edition DLR : Detection Limit for lqeporti'ng TTLC : Total Threshold Limit Concentration, rog/kg STLC : soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, rog/.1 in extract WET : Waste Extraction Test ; pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate ND : None Detected ; Deioni. zed Water. for Chromium VI Th;s report is [urn;shed ~or the exclusive use o~ our Customer and applies only ~o the sampJes tested. Zalco is not responsible ~or repod aJterat[on or detachment. Analytical & Oonsulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (661) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department Laboratory No: 0303259-1 1715 Chester Avenue Date Received: 03 21/03 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Reported: 04 02/03 Contract No. : Attention: Howard H. Wines Date Sampled : 03 21/03 Sample Type: CAM Solid Dese-r-i-pt-i-on-: .... Sump~--~3-0--Cal~o~nia Sampled by Howard Wines CAM - Title 22, Chapter 30 Article II Extractable Concentration Constituents WET, (EC) Units STLC DLR Method/Ref Soluble Concentration Lead, Pb 11 mg/1 5.0 0.5 6010A Date Extracted: 03/28/03 JHJ Date Analyzed: 04/01/03 MAC '-~ Rober~ Cortez, L~ator~Manager Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition DLR : Detection Limit for Reporti~ TTLC : Total Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC : Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration., mg/1 in extrac% WET : Waste Extraction Test : pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate Deionized Water for Chromium VI This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. p Chain of Custody Record ~- Page ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 4309 Armour Ave. Projectr.,e ~ .~0 C~c~-.~,, Turnaround Time: Zalco ~b~ Bakersfield, California 93308 ~ RUSH By:.~ (661 ) 395~539 ~ ~pedited (1 Week) Fiel~ Log Fax [661) 395-3069 IceChe~ ,Tem~r~ure~C ORoutine (2 Weeks) Wo~Order~ ~yName 0 Phone, / ~~~~ll---- Add,ss '~i~, State, Zip Repo~ A.ention I ¢: l~}! ~ ._ ~ ~, ~b ~ Sampled by: Employed by: - ~ mOO S~ Date ~me Type~ Containers : ' Legal Sample Description ~ ~ ~ Remarks ID~ Sampled Sampled See KW Below ~ Type* NOTE,: Samples are discarded 30 days after results are reported unless other arrangements are made. KEY: * G-Glass P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA Hazardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at clisnt's expense. ,w, W-Water VWV-Wastewater ' S-Solid P-Petroleum L-Liquid O-Other White - Office Copy Yellow - Lab CoPY Pink - Client Copy *** A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI HNO3 H2SO4) S-NaOH+ZnAc. C-Caustic, pH>10 (NaOH) Hazardous Waste Sampling General Sampling Instructions: 1 Accurate and precise sampling is vital to the goal of good analytical results. This can not be overemphasized! 2 A good sample is one that represents the whole of a waste stream. 3 A sampling plan where multiple samples of a waste are analyzed independently can give information as to the quality of the sampling techniques and is recommended (see Chapter nine of EPA SW-846.) 4 Stratified liquids require special sampling techniques and equipment (eg. Coliwasa tubes or thief samplers.) 5 Please complete the sampling information and chain of custody on the reverse side at the time of the sampling. Metals Analysis 32 to 64 oz. Glass or plastic containers 1 Use of acid rinsed or new bottles is required. 2 For water samples, fill the bottle and preserve with nitric acid to a pH of less the 2, cap and label the bottle. 3 For solids and sludges, fill the bottle and do not preserve, cap and label. 4 Cool the sample to 40 C. (on ice) and deliver to the laboratory. Organic Chemical Sampling 40 mi VOA Glass vials: I For water samples, overflow the glass sampling bottles, being careful not to introduce air bubbles. Cap the bottle immediately. Check to make sure there are no air bubbles present by inverting the bottle and seeing if any bubbles rise. If bubbles are present, uncap bottle and repeat this step. 2 For soil or sludges, fill the vial completely with no headspace and cap immediately. 3 Return the sample on ice to the laboratory as soon as possible. 1 qt. or 16 oz. Glass Bottles: 1 For water samples, fill the bottles to within one inch of the top, but do not fill completely. Replace the cap immediately. 2 For soils or sludges, fill the bottles completely and replace the cap immediately. ~ 3 Return the sample on ice to the laboratory as soon as possible. Bottles needed for TCLP Sampling Liquids: One 80 oz. Glass bottle on ice. Three 1qt. Glass bottles with no headspace on ice. .. If no herbicides or pesticides are required, one of the quart bottles may be omitted. Solids, sludges and semi-solids: Three 16 oz. Glass bottles, two of them with no headspace on ice. ' Additional sample may be required it the sample contains more than 50% liquid or it tests other thar~TCLP requirements are needed. CITY OF BAKEI~I~FIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE Oe,~,~l,'4,t~~ ~ E,~,~ ADDRESS 930 cal,'~o~,'a ~,ZmCOD~ ~ot ~N FACILI~ N~E (3}d. ~"ft ,'3,~ C~ CROSS S~ET tA~ O~OPE~R Ct~ ~ ~a~'~d PHO~ NO. ~rma..~v~ss l~al ~{~,~ 4~ ci~ ~,~,~ld zip CONT~CTOR ~FO~TION COMP~ ~tA~,~.~ ,~x~ukox. (~ PHO~NO. ~3~- ~OO , LICENSENO. ~S~CE C~ER ~;~o; t ~cia WO~MENS CO~ NO. 8~3g~P9 } I P~LIM~Y ASSESS~NT ~FO~TION ~B4-~O~. LICENSE NO. COMP~ ~ca~r,~d ~SookO3, (~r PHO~ NO. ci~ ~s~cE C~E~ ~ ko~,, ~ ~ ¢,~,le~ WO~NS COMP ~O. I XA~ cr~a ~Fo~xIO~ ~v~ss ). ~. ~ 9~q ' CI~ ~'t~/4 zip WASTE T~SPOR~R ~E~ICA~ON ~ER ~ ~3 ~ ~ N~E OF ~SA~ DISPOS~ FACILI~ ~eo~- ~D~SS CI~ Coa~'{oo ziP FACILI~ mEm~ICA~ON ~ER ~O 37 T~K T~SPORTER ~FO~TION - LICENSE NO. '?~ a~~- CI~/C~I T~ DEST~ATIO~ V~ JJ~ ~ T~K BFO[TIOI CHEMIC~ DATE S CHEMIC~ T~ NO. AGE VOL~E STOOD STOOD P~VIOUSLY STOOD For Official Use Onl~ I APPLICATION DA~E ............ . ............................. ~ ........ FAC~I~O; .......................................... NO; ~.~ FEE $ THE APPLICANT HAS ECEIVED, ~DERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDE~L ~GULAT IONS. THIS FOR~AS BEEN COMP LETED ~DER PENALTY OF PE~RY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 1S TRUE ~No co~CT. ~ ~ ~ ~A AP~ROVED BY: ~ELICANT NAME (P~NT) TU~ T~IS ~PLICATION ~L BECOME A PE~IT ~EN ~PROVE~ plOlOOO2.jpg (1280x960x24bjpeg) 3101 O039.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) p1010041 .jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) 1711 C~eecer Ave., Sakecs~leld, ~ 93301 (80~) 326-3979 FACILITY ~r~ ~,~ A~a~ ADDRESS ~ q,~9 ~r~(~, A~. CO~~R '~i~o~ ~~,~ CO~A~ PE~ON ~m Z~& ~O~R~ ~ ~ ~ OF S~S ~ ~ST ~0~~ ~ / ~/a~ ' P~LI~Y ~SESS~ C0.~C0~ACT PERSON ~la ~ CO~ ~CIEPT ~ ~t ~.n ~% ~ O~ /{ ~ PLOT P~ CONDITION OF TANKS '~-~K, a7~5 suc~-~ ~r~oc~ od q'be. G~TE IN8~8 K~M[ 8Z~LqTURE COLE'S SE RV Es......................................... of Lading /Invoice : ...... P.O. Box 10764 INVOICE L' '5 0'?~'~. BakerSfield; CA 93389 661-322'8258 ·Fax 661-589-8951 EPA NO. CAL931545554. Waste OII Hauler #3239 NAME NAME , " CASH r--I CHECK" PHONE NO. pHONE N~, PROFILE NO. CUSTOMER EPA iD,NO, ,PRODUCT MANIFEST ~ QUANTI~,y 9~.{J.S PR~C~,, , ~:OUNT Waste, Llqu~ Industrial Us~ AutotoXINs Antilree~e,~ . H~z~tdou~.' :' Gal Waste, L~uld . 'r RQ Waste 'Pelroteum OII NOS Combustible Liquid UN ,'' ....... ~Gal ' 1270 lU (Oil contaminated wi'th'~alOgens) OII & Water, Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste, Liquid '., esl Waste ~llds a~ eludes Gal Washout ....... ..,... ...... Each Dratned Used Oil ~llters Drum Non-RCRA Haza~Ous. W~e Solids (oily a~ris) ..... Dru~ , , , Empty Dru~s ~ Drum , Tra~spodation Hfs, Other: Other; ~ Collection Statto. ~ Agrlc.uIturat Source NET 30 DAYS TOTAL PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE TSDF: " Transported EVERGREEN ENVIRO[~MEN'TA~ (I also acknowledge that I.have read and agree to the terms on the X ~[ > n,,m~ Street reverse side of this form.) Oeneralor agrees that Genersto~ ~hall be responsible Frtwi'~lO, CA 937I 1 for any and all damages, Including without limitation the cost of cleaning equipment 5't 0,,7~['5-,f400 and d)sposlng of commingled feedstocks, caused by any ~ntamlnants In Generator's ~';;"~A~ OP~ ~.4,~6~J~2 waste (Includl~g without limitation polych~orinated blphenyls and other listed hazardous wastes) wh ch rende~ such w~ste unsuitab{e for recycling by. CS, whether or not Generator had knowledge of such oontamlnante, or ethe~ise incurred by ~ ~ [ ~ . as a result of Generator's failure to accurately characterize Its waste,"  ~n the event of any ~e~al action'arisi~ out of ~ny bre~ch or a~:~e~sd breach,o~ this agreement or to enforce any provision of this agreement, the prevailing Pa~y shall  ;,~ be' entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and reta~pa expenaes, includMg ~.~ ~ arbitration and cou~ co~s ..... ,~. / ./ COLE'$ SERVICES .,,, of La. ding/Invoice P.O. BOX 10764 INVOICE C 5 Bakersfield, CA 9,3389 661-322-8258 · Fax 6.61-589-8951 EPA NO. 0AL931545554- Waste Oil Hauler #3239 JOB LOCATION BILLING INFORMATION Date CITY ~'~ STATE Z~ CO, CITY STATE ZIP . CO. ~PO~ PHONE NO. PHONE NO,' ~ ~OFILE NQ. CUSTOMEREPA ID.NO. I PRODUCT MANIFEST ~ QUANTI~ UNITS PRICE AMOUNT Ua~ ~1, Non-RCRA Hazardous Lubricating Gal Waste, L~uld lndus~lal Used Automotive AntJfme2e, Non,RCRA Ha~et~ua W~te, R~ W~ate Pedicure ~il NOS Cembuetible U~uid UN Gal 137o IU (Oit ~ntamlnated w~h 011 & Water, Non-RCRA H~ardous Wasle, L~uld . W~te Soll~ and Sludges Gal Wash-o~ Each Drained Ua~ Oil Rltem , Drum , , ,, . Non,RCRA Hazardous Waste (oily debrls) Empty Drum~ Dtu~ TransfUsiOn Hrs. ' ' Other: Othef~ O~er: ~her; ~,~overnmentSour~ ~ ~.d~,t~.~ so~ NET 30 DAYS CHARGES' PLEASE ~AY FROM THIS INVOICE TSDF: ~S Filter Processing, Inc. (I also acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms on the P.O, BOX 90486 reverse side of this form~) Generator agrees that Generator ah~l be responsible I~Qwmtriml, GA e1715-0486 ~or any and all ~am~ges, including without limitation the cost of cleaning equipment and disposing of commingled feedstocks, c~used by ~y con{aminants in Generator's 0~ Envlmnme~iml ~m~le., LL0 ~..~e (including without limitation polychlorlnated ~lphenyls ~nd other I~sted h~zardous wastes) which render such waste u~sultable for recycling by CS, whether 107 8OUth Motor Ave. o~ net Gene~ator ha~ knife,ge of su~h ~ontsminsnts, ~uaa, CA g1702 a, a result of Generator's failure to accurately characterize its waste. In the event of any legal action arising out of any breach or elteged breach d this :EPS. CAD 007~2903 agreement or {o enf0rce any provision of this agreemen,, the prevailing paAy shall ... be entitled to re~ver reasonable attorney's fees and related expenses, including , ', ~./ . ~., . .~ "" ' ~ ~{U~ ~.:, j, arbitration and cou. costs.f., p7030092.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) / NEXT-FUNC: KEY: KEY D~T~ PROHPT K~S HROLLXNQ SECURED ROLL'INQU~RY P22241 ~TN 006 522 Q8 O0 1 ~CT~VE Roll1 Use Code File No Lgnd ~G Presv NO ~PN 006 522 08 0 LDIC CTYBK B 388 L 6 ~cres CPest SITE 930 CALIFORNI~ AV BAKERSFIELD BPS SD 5 UF NT ONner HARPER BOBBYB S DOTTI L :~3- ~-~ Doc ~?- ~s~ o~ Bill 3600 GREENLEAF CT B~KERSFIELD CA 93309-1804 R,B,P, 01 O0 99-1003563-00-4 TRA-NoOOl 505 001 505 001 CHG DT Ch9 Type Hineral Land/PI 53,240 52,197 51,174 Imprvment 30,996 .30,389 29,794 · Other Imp Pets Prop Exmp Net Value 84,236 82,,586 80,968 PFI=HELP 2'-HENU 3--RTRN 4=TOG 5=FUTR 9'-BILL IO-'UFL Il=BUS 12'-EVTSEL PFI3:NEI4"~14:I~PN HTST 15:014NERS 16:EXEHPT 17:SUPPL 18:~DDR 19:ROLL CORR PF20:PREV YR 21=NEXT YEttR 22=PRT 23'-NE){T 24=PREV 07/13/00 15:16 An employee owned company July 17, 2003 File No.: 32335-MAT I Mr. Bill McClure, Civil Engineer I City of Bakersfield I Public Works Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California, 93301 I SUBJECT: Environmental Services During the I Removal of an .Underground Fuel Storage Tank Located at 930 California Avenue I Dear Mr. McClure: Kleinfelder is pleased to present the soil sampling and analytical results for services performed I during the removal of an underground fuel storage tank (UST) located at 930 California Avenue in Bakersfield, California. I BACKGROUND INFORMATION I The services performed were based on a request for proposal from the City of Bakersfield; Public I Works DePartment dated April 11, 2003. The project involved the demolition of an existing abandoned UST by a 'contractor hired by the City of Bakersfield. The UST has been unused I since the 1960's and its capacity is less than 1000 gallons. The tank is thought to have contained leaded gasoline. Visual inspection of the UST revealed it to be approximately 800-gallons. I SCOPE OF WORK I Environmental Sampling I Once the UST was removed by the sub-contractor, a representative from Kleinf~lder visUally examined the bottom of the excavation for signs of hydrocarbon contamination and used a ?hoto- IIonization Detector (PID).t° further quantify surface soil concentrations. Samples were collected 32335-MAT/FRE3R484 I July 17, 2003 I Copyright 2003, Kleinfelder, Inc. KLEINFELD£R 1410 F Street, Fresno, CA93706 (559) 486-0750 (559) 442-5081 fax ~i KLEI~FELDEK at two feet and six feet beneath the bottom of the UST; approximately 7 and 11-feet below grade (see site plan map). The two-foot sample had. a field concentration of 15 parts per million (ppm). The six-foot sample had a field concentration of 150 ppm.- The City of Bakersfield Fire Department agreed with Kleinfelder's recommendation that two samples near the center of the former UST at depths of two and six feet be collected by hand-auger method. The two samples were submitted to a state-certified laboratory for analysis. The soils encountered during sampling were poorly graded sand. No variation of material was encountered to the final depth of 11-feet below grade. Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were performed at BC Laboratories, Incorporated, a California-certified laboratory. Tests included Environmental Protection Agency EPA methods: 8020 for BTEX, 8015M for Total volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Title 22 California Code Regulation 66261 for Organic Lead. Analytical Results Analytical results reported by the laboratory indicated that soil samples collected and submitted were non-detected for all gasoline constituents and organic lead (see attached table and analytical data sheets). This report should be submitted by the City of Bakersfield to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department for their consideration of a "no further action" response for the subject site. Limitations Kleinfelder performed its services in a manner consistent with the standards of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession practicing under similar conditions in the geographic vicinity and at the time the services were performed. N° warranty or guarantee expressed or implied, is Part of the services performed. Kleinfelder offers a range of engineering, testing, and observation services to suit the varying needs of our clients. 'Although risk can never be eliminated, more detailed and extensive 32335-MAT/FRE3R484 2 JUly 17, 2003 Copyright 2003, Kleinfelder, Inc. I ~.~ KLEli~FELDEK I engineering, testing, and observation usually yields more information, which may help I understand and manage the degree of risk. Since such detailed services involve greater expense, our clients participate in determining the level of service that provides adequate information for I their purposes at an acceptable level of risk. We appreciate the opportunity to be of environmental service to the City of Bakersfield. If you I have .questions regarding this proposal or require additional information, please contact the i undersigned. Sincerely, I KLEINFELDER, INC. I Senior Staff Professional I Walt Plachta, RG 6626, REA II Regional Environmental Manager I TDN:WP:llh I Attachments I I I 32335-MAT/FRE3R484 3 July 17, 2003 i Copyright 2003, Kleinfelder, Inc. Soil Analytical Results Sample No. Sample TPH-G Benzene Ethyl- Toluene Xylene Lead Location Benzene Method 8015M .............................................8020 ............... ~ ...............DHS LUFT Units mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 19059 2' Beneath UST ND ND ND ND ND ND 19060 6' Beneath UST ND ND ND ND ND ND 1) ND= Constituents non-detected. 32335-MAT/FRE3R484 4 July 17, 2003 Copyright 2003, Kleinfelder, Inc. ~,~ K t E I n F E t o Appendix A I APPENDIX A TOPOI map printed on 07/17/03 from "Callfomla.tpo" and "UntlUed.tpg" i ~ · ~ '. ~. ~" .I~ ~ . ~~~_~.- ~ E" 4- o...~-~..::.. ..,, . ., -~ g_ . :'~"....~:.~ ' ' ' ;-- ' ' ' -' 5 ' '- I ';" J L t. I ~'~il I~.~"~N~ .= , " ? ~ '-- ......... i ' 't ' , "' ': i ' gl'rE ,, : ~ , te ~.,...~.. ,::;t~-,~~ ~ '1" ,~ ~,~--- ,~ ~,- zk:, ,'- 7~,,. I n~'~ '-, I~ / tl'~"m~:- - ~'t~ ' ~ '--!-' '"11~I' -- ' -,l".~,r--- '~ ~w,,,,i---~,[ ~ "-'"---- --'---'; ~-: !! = , ~ ~ ~'. ~1! ~-,1--" .... :~"- - ' ' '"'"" e.~ " :~-?- ' ' " ....... ~ ,- ..'4~_. l_'j .. ~ ................. , .: , ,, r, '~ ..~ ,. _ ~: ~ ' .' , '. ~- ' ~; · ~ ' : i :'-i., C  =~ '~ _ · . , . m S~E ~C~I~ ~P PLA: ~ ~ UST ~MOVAL K L E I N F E L D E R CI~ OF B~F~LD ~ 930 C~WORN~ A~EUE 1 PRO.CT NO. 32335-~T [ DATE: 7-17-03 B~RSFIELD, C~IFORNIA I I ALLEY I I " 'l I- · ~ ~TION , ! ~ UST , I · CALIFORNIA AVENUE I ! ' I i MAP NoT .To.sCALE · S[?E PI,AN PLATE I kI~IKLEINFELDER usT RENIOVAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2 DRAWN BY:T,NEPHEW I DATE: 7/17/0.3 930 CALIFORNIA AVENUE PROJECT'No. 32335-MAT DWG No. SITE_PLAN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I C)Kleln~elder. Inc. 2003 I I I I i View of bottom of excavation after removal of ~ST. ~ S~E P~OTOG~S PLATE . K L E ! N F E L D E g CI~ OF B~RSFIELD ~ 930 C~IFORN~ A~ 3-A PRO.CT NO. 32335-~T [ DATE: 7-17-03 B~RSF~LD, C~IFORNIA I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..... j ...... Page 1 of I KLEINFELDER 1410 "P' SIreet FRESNO, CA 93 7(]6 Attn: T, NEPHEW Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons _ ~COC Number 'Pmj~/Numar 32335 ~mpllng On.me ,Sam,piing L°~Uon 930 CALIFORNIA AVE Samp~ De~ -- .sampling Point ~9 S~mple ~t~ Sod or S~ime~. .. B~ne 5~ ~ m~kg O.O~ ~0~36 8020 07~ 0710~03 f3:52 ~F G~V8 I =02-1~86 NO Taluene <FQL ~ ~g 0.~ I 0.0040 ~ <~e ~, :ali~ornia DOHS Certification #! 185 - -'= dnted 0711 112003 10.39:16 n'~ n=n'~.. KLEINFELOER 1410 "F" Skeet FRESNO, CA 93706 Attn: T. NEPHEW Purgeable Aromatics and _ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons _ COc 'Number )_ ' .... ' '" Proj~-~ Numi:mr 'I32335 ____ tRece'ive Date/Time 06/30/2003 @' ~3:40 ,Sarn___pli_~! Locatto, /930 CALIFORNIA AVE ISampl® Depl~ ' _ ~aa~ied By ~ ''Sampling Point ID.W,IlcJ060 ., . . . ISamp~e M~..x So~[ or Se~imem _ -- IBCL Sample ID ~3-05924-2 ,enzeae ~ PCIL ~ 0.005 [0.00036 8020 07/02/03 eT/02/03 't4.22 TLF . GC.V8 { ! : 302-l~0386 I NO . ~'~:f~:? ~?:~{4~?'/.~;~74~XF;~;:¥-:; 'J.'; ~,~7.F.~:Y~:.:: ?./~3~-! Z ~;=A?~.~J~*.] ~ :;~=:~: ~.;~;~zt ¥~ L~ ?.."E; ~/?..:F,' ;*;--~:.] ~' ;a~i6omia DOHS Certification m ~ rinled 0711112003 10:39:21 Jul-l?-O:~ 08:15 From-BC Labs $61:~Z?0750 T-filS P.02/O? F-?gl I ~ dUJ.--J,~t g~ II~ ~'~ ~l , ............ I I ~ Alpha Analytt al .... ' . _ . 68-0 ol · ran. (707)668-5267 ~-m~il cl~nl~e~c~s~,,a~pl~a-~bs rom - Pi~one (707) ~ ~ I I1~, July 200~ ITina Green I~C Laboratories, 4100 ^ttas Ct Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: Organic Lead I Work Order; A307185 Enclosed are Ihe results of analyses far samples received Dy the laboratory on 07108103 12:10. if you have eny questions concerning this repot[, please feel free to contact me. $incereiy, Nena M, Burgess For Shed L. Speaks Project Manager m ., Jul-iT-09 oB:lB From-Be P.O3/O? F-7~l Alpha Ar~aly[lcal ~ratories [nc 208 Mama S~. Ukiah, ~liromia 9~482 ~kerafi~(a C~ 933~ ~ojectM~: Tina G~ 07/14/03 16:02 ~~ICAL R~PORT FOR m 0~-059~-1 A~71BS-O} S°~I 0~3 12,~ 07/0~03 t~:lO ~3~5914-2 A30718~-0~ Soil 06~3 12:30 07/08,~3 12;10 m m I I J I ,alpha Anahytlca] Laboratories Inc. I e-m,-,ll: cl,en~serv,ce:~,~plph,~.lab;com · Pl.~nc-(7071468.0~01 · F~- [707)668-5267 BC L~orll~cs, Inc P~ 0~ ~ Org~ic Lend by ~HS~U~ M~od Alpha An~ica] Labora~ri~, ]ne, G~o~g~l ~307185-011 Sail Sam~: 06~1~ 12:~ ~; ~/0~P3 1):10 O~'ga~ic ~ ND 0,20 0,50 m~ ~ A~I~0S 07t~O~ ~/l~ [~-E ~ Organic ~d N~ 0~0 0.~ m~ I ~$1~5 D7/1~3 07/1~03 DI~ L~ .. I Jul-IT-03 08:16 From-Be Labs 8513~?0750' T- ......... I · Alpha Analytical ~ratories Inc. 208 M~n SI Uhah, C~lifomia 9~482 c'-m~il, cliem~e~ic~s~lplml~s gum -- PiCe' (707)468-0~Q~ BC ~bor~xo~, ln~ P~: 0  41 ~ Afl~ ~ Pro, cci Num~: ~-05924 ~.~fi¢ld CA, 933~ Pr~ca Man~; ~a ~n ~/14/03 1 fi:02 - -- Organic l~ad by DOHS~.U~ Me. od - QnaflW ConUol ~ ~pha Analyti~ Laboram~, Inc. BafchAO3t4OS-G~erat r~p ~ _ ~ . . ..... ~ o~n~ ~ ~ O.2G 050 ~ O~n;c ~ . 33O 020 0Jo ~ a.~ hi' ~X~ ' ~nic'[~4 ' 4.14 O~ 0 ~0 ~ 3.~ 115 ~120  Or~Sr l~ ~Jo O,~ ~O~ ~E 3-~ ND 131 I I I I ~ Nr~ M. Butg~ F~: S~ L* S~a~, ~roject M~agcr ~agc 3 of~ Jul-IT-03 08':1~ Fram-SC Labs I Alpha Analytical l ~buratories [nc. ~0~ ~as~ s~ u~ia~ California I I '. I I I I I I i.... ,-,,~ u~:~u From-Be Labs ....... 661~ZT0750 T'gl6 P.OT/OT ~e: 661-327-4911 O~-BGg~4-~ Soil o~ ~ 80Z J~ ~6130103 ~0o X 0~-05~-2 So&l or Se $ 05 J~ 06/30/03 1~3o X ~linquzshed ~~L~e~ ~y. _~_. ~ - ___ ..... . ....  R~ve~ ~y: ___._ ; -- .- -. ~-- KLEINFELDER '. ,.,~"' '5,'; . ~, LR NO. SAMPLERS: (Signature/Number) (Re. NO. OF OF iNs~uc~oN~REMARKS TIME SAMPLE I,D. MATRIX MM/DD~ HH-MM-SS 1 4 7 10 14 ~5 16 ...... 20 ~elinquisked by: ~Signatum) ~" ~ Dat~me ~eceked by: ~Signature) ~-. Instmction~emarks: Send ~esults To: ? ':~/ ? ~/' ~J ' 1410 F STRE~ ~"~' / ) ~ ~ ~, / ~ ~, ,~ ...... -~ KLEINFELDER Relinquished by: (Signature) Dat~ime. Received by: (Signature) FRESNO, CA 93706-1608 - .......... ~ ...... . ............. (209) 486-0750 I Relinquished by: (Signature) Dat~ime ReceNed for ~rato~,,by: (Signature) ~ ~m;~ -- ~amnl~r ~ Cana~ - Return Copy To Shipper ~.~o ' CHAIN OF CUSTODY