HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ..... ' ' TE/FACI LI TY · NORTR SCAL~: BUS INESS N~E: FLOOR': . OF . ~ ~one .Uest Valley Construction Co., Inc. .1 1 (C~CK ONE) · . I~~ ~, ' ~ORT~ SCALE: BUS I~ESS ~E: , FLOOR: OF '~ "DAT~:Ngne. .1 '/ WestFACiLi~Vallev~Construction: Co., Inc. b~IT'=:l OF 1. .~ ' West'Valle~ Construction Co.~ Inc; Yard i 1 . (C~EC~' O~E') S1~ DIAG~ ~ACILI~ DIAG~ X , - ~LL~y' . .. E. CALIFO.RNI~ AVE.'. . ~ ' (Inspec~o~' s Comments ): -OFFICIAL US~ O~LY- ' 06/12/92 WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 215-000-~001162 Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Gen'eral 'Information Location: 1214 E CALIFORNIA AV Map: 103 Hazard: Moderate Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 Grid: ,32B F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Business Phone ~ 24-Hour Phone- JUDY SOARES/JOE SOARESI 1(805) 322-2437 x ,(805) 834-1377 K~NXXZP~E~ (805) 322-2437 x ~(805) LARRY BOLEN . [ 831-9120 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 1214 E CALIFORNIA AV D&B Number: 00-284-7853 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93307- Comm Code: 215-002 BAKERSFIELD STATION 02 SIC Code: Owner: CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE Phone: (805) 322-2437 Address: 1920 EYE ST State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93301- SUmmary RECEIVED flU¥ U HAT. ~AT. DIV. I, ..3-L)Dy.._%C~P..E_%' Do hereby certify that I have reviewed the attached ha~,~...,us materials manage. WEST '~RLLEy ment plan f0r~~_y.....~_~.c, and that it along with (Nome any corrections consU~u~e a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. 06/12/92 WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 2.15-000-001162 Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-001 MOTOR OIL Liquid 110 Minimal ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALl10I~ Daily Average55.00GAL I Annual Amount700.00GAL -- StorageIIPress T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbient~AmbientlINSIDE SMALL SHED NW -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0%~ IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based Minimal I 02-002 THINNER Liquid 55 Moderate ~ Fire, Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 64742-47-8 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL55I~ Daily Average55.00GAL I Annual Amount55.00GAL -- Storage I Press I Temp~ Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC I AmbientLAmbientlINSIDE SMALL SHED NW -- Conc Components MCP ---/List 100.0% IThinner IModeratel 02-003 HYDRAULIC FLUID Liquid 110 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 64742-65-4 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 110 ~ 55.00 600.00 Storage~~Press T Temp ' Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbient~AmbientlINSIDE SMALL SHED NW -- conc Components MCP List 100.0% IBrake Fluid, Hydraulic ILow I 06/12/92 WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 215-000-001162 Page 3 ~ 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-004 WASTE OIL Liquid 300 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 300 ~ 100.00 300.'00 StOrage ~ Press T Temp~ Location ABOVE GROUND TANK I Ambient~AmbientlYARD W SIDE OF SM SHED -- Conc Components MCP ~List 100.0% IWaste Oil, Petroleum Based ILow 02-005 LEADED PREMIUM GASOLINE Liquid 100 Moderate · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 100 ~ 100.00. 600.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location METAL CONTaINR-NONDRUMIAmbient/AmbientlN END YaRD 80FT. W SIDE -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 02-006 OXYGEN Gas 930 Low ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING -- Daily Max FT3 I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 -- 930 i 800.00 7,440.00 Storage I Press T TempI Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER I Above /Below I~/~X~x~~~ INSIDE SOUTH END OF BUILDING -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed ILow '--~ , 06/12/92 WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 215-000-001162 Page 4 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-007 ACETYLENE Gas 840 High ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3~ CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING. Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 840 ~ 700.00 6,720.00 Storage Press T Temp~__Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Below 1~%~4~EX~W~~HX~ INSIDE SOUTH END OF BUILDING -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% IAcetylene IHigh I 02-008 LIQUIFIED PROPANE GAS Gas .171 High ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 74-98-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: HEATING Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 171 ~ 100.00 513.00 Storage ~ Press I Temp Location FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER IAbove ~CryogenlN END YARD E SIDE BUNKER -- Conc Components MCP ---TList 100.0% ILiquefied Petroleum Gas IHigh 06/12/92 WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 215-000-001162 Page 5 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification .CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation A VERBAL ALARM SHALL BE GIVEN BY WHOEVER DISCOVERS THE EMERGENCY. SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL SHALL EVALUATE EMERGENCY, CONTACT 911 AND DETERMINE IF EVACUATION IS NECESSARY. A VERBAL EVACUATION SIGNAL WILL BE GIVEN BY SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL. EMPLOYEES SHALL EXIT THROUGH OFFICE AND/OR SHOP DOORS INTO THE. YARD. EMPLOYEES ARE.TO ASSEMBLE IN THE YARD. IF THE YARD IS ALSO TO BE EVACUATED, EMPLOYEES SHALL EXIT THROUGH THE SAFEST OF THE FOUR GATES TO ASSEMBLE OUTSIDE.THE YARD. ONLY AFTER EMPLOYEES ARE ACCOUNTED FOR SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE. A VERBAL "ALL CLEAR" SIGNAL SHALL BE GIVEN BY SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL, AFTER CONSULTING WITH THE RESPONDING EMERGENCY SERVICES PERSONNEL. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation IN THE EVENT OF A SERIOUS GAS OR PROPANE SPILL OR LEAK, ALL OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDINGS IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA WILL BE NOTIFIED BY OUR OWN PERSONNEL. iN ADDITION, WE WILL NOTIFY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE EMERGENCY AND THE PROCEDURES IN'PROGRESS. <4> Emergency Medical Plan CALL 911 FOR AMBULANCE - WHEN NECESSARY TAKE TO EMERGENCY ROOM AT ~LOSEST HOSPITAL: BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL - 420 34TH ST - 327-1792 KERN MEDICAL CENTER - 1830 FLOWER ST - 326-2000 06/12/92 WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 215-000-001162 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release prevention OUR EMPLOYEES ARE BEING TRAINED, BY UTILIZING OUR TAILGATE SAFETY MEETINGS, FOR PROPER USE AND HANDLING OF MATERIALS AND CONTAINERS. IN CASE OF A SMALL GAS OR LIQUID RELEASE OR SPILL: ALL SOURCES OF I~NITION SHOULD BE ELIMINATED; PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN THE LEAK STOPPAGE SHOULD PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE PRODUCT WITH PROPER BREATHING EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING PROTECTION; USE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR SMALL FIRES; SMALL SPILLS MAY BE CONTAINED AND CLEANED-UP BY USING AN ABSORBENT, AND NOT FLUSHED INTO STORM DRAINS; GAS LEAK AREAS WILL BE EVACUATED UNTIL LEAK CAN BE STOPPED OR LEAKY CYLINDER IS REMOVED. <2> Release Containment ALL LIQUID IS STORED IN NEW STEEL DRUMS. WHEN EMPTY, THE DRUMs ARE REPLACED WITH NEW STEEL DRUMS. THE DRUMS ARE STORED IN METAL SHED WITH A CONCRETE FLOOR. <3> Clean Up MINOR SPILLS WILL BE CLEANED-UP WITH AN ABSORBENT, SUCH AS KITTY LITTER. MAJOR SPILLS WILL BE CLEANED-UP BY AN APPROVED HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CONTRACTOR - TO BE CONTRACTED AT THAT TIME. <4> Other Resource Activation 06/12/92 WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 215~000-001162 Page 7 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors . <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - INSIDE FENCE ON EAST SIDE 'OF BUILDING PROPANE - NEXT TO CONCRETE BUNKERS AT NORTH SIDE OF YARD B)'ELECTRICAL - INSIDE FENCE ON EAST SIDE OF BUILDING C) WATER - AT FENCE IN ALLEY AT NORTH END OF BUILDING D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE pROTECTION - APPROVED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS IN BUILDING AND BY PORTABLE FUEL TANK IN YARD; FIRE ALARM - SMOKE DETECTORS IN OFFICE AND SHOP; LIST OF ON CALL RESPONSE. FIRE HYDRANT - FRONT OF BUILDING ON EAST CALIFORNIA AVE. <4> Building Occupancy Level 06/12/92 WEST VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 215-000-001162 Page 8 O0 - Overall Site <G~ Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 20 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: OUR EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED BY OUR SAFETY DEPARTMENT THROUGH ROUTINE "TAILGATE SAFETY MEETINGS" - INCLUDING WRITTEN MATERIAL AS WELL AS AUDIO AND VISUAL MATERIALS. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use Business Identification No. 215-000 o o ~ ~ ~ 7...,, (Top of. Business Plan) HAZ. MAT. DIV. Station No. "~ ~ 0 Shift ~ Inspector Adequate Inadequate ' Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity (/ Number of EmployeeI '~---(~) ~~--- - Verification of Haz Mat Training ~',v,..~ ~,~,~ v ~/ Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures /~ Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Y Containers Properly Labeled '~,,, Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: ~ Correction Needed ~ Business Ow~"n~r/~a~ FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div, Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy .?"~' CITY ozf BAKERSFIELD !, '7- ',"~,'1 .... '~ .... .~_ .~ .../ "~FE C.aRE" ".,),,e..-.~, ~ .... .~, ,' ...,,..:~ ~- ........ ~ ,.,..~/ .... ..~ Judy $oa, res ,,~)_ (t,v~e or prin~ name) RECEIVED Do hereb>~ certify that I have revie~,-ed the FEB 2 1 1989 I'tAZ. MAT. DIV. attached Hazardous ,~aterials business ~lan for ~e,st Valley Construction Compan,¥~ Inc. {name of business) and that it along with the attached additions or corrections constitute a complete and correct Business Plan for mM facility. ~ ~si~n~ure date E~USINESS NAME WEST V~-.Y CONSTRUCTION ID NUmaR 215-OOO-~2)118Z LOCATION 17_.14 E '[?RLIFORNiR RV HII~}I HRZRRD RATING 1. OVERVIEW '' [RST'C~AI~IGE"'I'~fl'O'/88'BY ESTER JURIS CODE ZlS-OOZ JURIS BAKERSFIELD STAI'ION"OZ MAP PAGE 103 GRID 3ZB FACIEITY UNITS 1 HAZARO RATING 3 RESPONSE SUMMARY Zfl SEC OUR PERSONNEL. HAVE BEEN TRAINEO TO RECOGNIZE SPILl_, RELEASE OR POTENTIAL HAZARD. NOTIFY PERSONNEL tN IMMEDIATE VICINITY. KEEP SOURCES OF IGNITION AWRY FROM SPILLS, SMALL SPILI. S WILL 8E CONTAINEO ON ASPHALT OR CONCRETE AND. CLEANED UP 8Y USING ~N ABSORBENT, BY OUR OWN FORCES. IF THERE IS ANY QUESTION BY THE IMMEDIATE PERSONNEL, THEY WILL CONTACT SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL, AND 911. EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC JUDY OR JOE SOARES - 3ZZ-~437 OR'834-13"F7 KENNY TEETERS - 3ZZ--Z437 OR 589-57t5 L~RRY BOLEN - 3ZZ-Z437 OR 831-9120 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2fi SEC A) GAS .- INSIOE FENCE ON E SIDE OF BLOB; PROPANE - NEXT TO CONCRETE BUNKERS AT N SIDE OF YARD B) ELECTRICAL ~ INSIDE FENCE ON E SIDE OF BL~ C) WATER - AT FENCE IN ALLEY AT N ENO OF BLDG ~'SP'~CI~E - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO NOTIFICATION / PUBLIC EVACUATION LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION In the event of a serious gas or propane spill or leak, all occupants of the buildings in the immediate area will be notified by our own personnel. In addition, we will notify the Fire Department of the emergency and the procedures in progress. PAGE i .... ' FZ?'Z'O)~B8' "1" I'":'S9 .... , ' MRTERI/IL' "SAFETY "DAf'iR 'SYSTEMS ~ -'I'~C, "'~ '80'5 >' "Gzl. B-BB00 BUSINESS NAME WEST ¥~E¥ CONSTRUCTION I0NUIR' ZlS-OOO-OO;1G2 LOCAI'ION lZt4 E~L~LIFORNIA AV '' H~HAZARD RATING ~. HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY LAST'"CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > Our employees are trained by our safety department through routine "tailgate safety meetings" - including written material as well as audio and visual materials.' LOCAL EMERGENCY MEOICAL ~SSiSTRNCE ~' LAST CHANGE lO/lO/SD BY ESTER SEC S> (:ALL 911 FOR ~MBULANCE '- WHEN NECESS6RY TARE TO EMERGENCY ROOM RT"BLOSEST"HOSPIT~L: B~KERSFIELO MEMORIAL -- 42'0 34TH ST - 327-1792 KERN MEDICAL CENTER - 1830 FL[)WER ST - 3ZG.-Z000 PAGE ~ ....... I~IZOIB8 ll:SB MATERIAL SAFETY ORT'R"S¥STE~S-, INC'~ (805)' 648-GS(~IK~ BUSINESS NRME UEST V~EY CONSTRUCTION ID NUWR Z tEi-O~-~! 1GZ LOC~T!ON ~Zi4 E~LIFORNtR ~V H~H H~Z~RD RRT~ 3 F~CiLITY UNIT ~1 ~. OVERALL H~Z~RDOUS MRT~I'RLS 'i'~'ENT~ ......... E~ST'C~NGE' t'~/T~/88 BY ESTER ID T%PE N~ME M~X ~MT UNIT H~Z~RD LOC~TION CONI'~INMENT USE ~ PURE MOTOT OIL }~ E~L UNKNOWN INSIDE SHRLL SHED NW DRUMS OR BR~E[..S MET., L. UBRIgRNT ID PERCENT CO~ONENTS HRZ~RD LIST Z8~8,~ 1~,~ MOTOR OIL UNKNO~ Z PURE THINNER SS GRL EXTREME INSIDE SM8L. L SHED NW DRUMS OR B~RRELS MET., CLERNINE) ID. PERCENT COMPONENTS H~ZMRD LIST 1Z~3. ~B 1 ~. ~ THINNER EXTREME PURE HYDRRULIC FLUID 1 t~ G~t_ UNKNOWN INSIDE SH~LL SHED NW DRUMS OR' BSRREL. S MET,, LUBRICANT ID PERCENT CO~ONENTS HRZRRD LIST 1ZZ4.~0 I~;0 BRRKE FLUID, HYDRRULIC UNKNOWN 4 ~RSTE ~RSTE OIL 3~. GRL UNKNOWN YRRO g SiDE OF' SM SHED RBOVE GROUND TRNKS gRSTE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HRZRRD LIST 1598,~ 1~0.0 gRSTE OIL UNKNOgN S PURE LER~D PREMIUM GRSOLINE 100 GRL HIGH N END YRRD 8OFT ~ S~DE METR[ C~R['~E~"' FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HRZRRD LIST 118Z,~ 1~,~ 6RSOLINE.' HIGH G PURE OXYGEN 9~ FT~ HIgH OUTSIDE Sg CORNER BLDG PoRTRBLE PRESS. CYL. gELOING/SOLDERt~ ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HRZRRD LIST Z;~S~, ~ '1 ~.~ OXYGEN'.~ ' CO~'~SSED' ' HIGH 7 PURE RCETYLENE 84~ FT~ EXTREME OUTSI~ S~ CORNER"BEDG ~'~EE' F~RESS, EYL, ~ELDIN~/SOLDERIN5 ID PERCENT CO~ONENTS ...... HRZR~ LIST tZ~I,~ t~,~ RCETYLENE ........ EXTREME 8 PURE LIQUIFIED PROPRNE'GflS ltl GRL E~TREME N END YRRD E SIDE-'BON~ER'FTREO~FRESS,'TRNKS HE'.RTING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HRZRRD LIST t15~,~ 1~.~ LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GRS EXTREME SEC 4) APPROVED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS"'IN"B[~S'P~D'BY PORTABLE FUEL. TANK IN YARO~ FIRE ALARM - SMOKE' DET1ECTOR~"IN'OFFI'CD'~ND'S~OP; LIST OF ON C~LL RESPONSE FORFIRE. PROTECTION, SEC S) FIRE HYDRANT LOCATED AT FRONT OF BLOG ON E C~LIFORNIA -AVE. 'O. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION / EVaCUaTION "UAST'CHANGE J0/i0/88 BY ESTER SEC Z) A VERBAL ALARM SHALL BE"GI9EN BY QHOEVER DISCOVERS THE EMERGENCY. SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL SHALL. EVALUATE EMERGENCY, CONTACT 911 DETERMINE IF EVACUATION'IS NECESSARY~"'A VERBAL EVACUATION SIGNAL WILL 8E GIVEN BY SI~ERVI'SOR¥PERSONNEL', EMPLOYEES SHALL EXIT THROUGH OFFICE AND/OR SHOP DOORS INTO THE YARD. EMPLOYEES ARE TO ~SSEMBLE IN THE' ~RO. IF'THE YARO IS ALSO TO BE'EYACUATEO, EMPLOYEES SHALL EXIT THROUGH'THE-'~AFEST OF THE FOUR GATES l'O ASSEMBLE OUTSIDE THE YARO~ 'OT~' ~FTER'~EMPLOYEES'ARE .ACCOUNTED FOR SHOULO THEY BE ALLOWEO TO LEAVE, A VERBAL "ALL CLEAR" ~IGNAL SHALL BE GIVEN BY St~ERVISORY PERSONNEL., AFl'ER CONSULTING WITH THE RESPONDING EMERGENCY SERVICES' PERSONNEL, P~GE 4 IZ/ZO/88 i;:S9 MATERIAL S~FETY 'DR~;~ SYBTEMS'~"'INC¥"(B05) G48-BBG{D BUSINESS NAME WEST VIEY CONSTRUCTION ID NUIR Z15--(~0--~)1 LOCATION 17.14 E't~.ALIFORNIA AY HI~H HAZP, RO RATING E. MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABf~TEMENT L~S'T~ CHANGE" I'0/10/88 BY ESTER 3A SE{: 1) OUR EMPLOYEES ARE BEING TRAINED, BY UTILIZING OUR TAILGATE SAFETY MEETINGS, .FI]'R'~ROPER"US~"AND"'~ANOE'rNG' OF-MATERIALS AND CONTAINERS. IN CASE OF R SMALL"G~S 'OR'LtQUI'D'REEEASE'OR SPILL,: ALL SOURCES OF tFNITION SHOULD B~'"-ELIM'~N~TEBi'PERS'ONNEC IN~rOEVED"IN THE LEAK STOPPAGE SHOULD PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM OtRECT CONTACT WITH THE PRODUCT WITH PROPER BREATHING EQUIPMENT ANO CLOTHING PROTECTION;. USE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR SMALL FIRES; SMALL SPILLS MAY BE CONTAINED AND CLEANED-UP BY USING 8N ABSORBENT, AND NOT FLUSHED INTO STORM DP~INS~ GAS LEAK AREAS WILL 8E EVACU~TEO UNTIL LE~K CAN BE STOPPED OR LEAKY CYLINDER IS' REMOVED,, : PAGE 5 ...... MATERIRL'SRFETY"'O6'I'~"SYSTETM~'~' INC,' ) CITY of BAKERSFIELD " NON--TRAI) E SEC R E~.'S CITY. ZIP: ~Wg~P/~/b, d~ ~,TJO7 CITY. ZIP:_,,~SF/~, ~ 93~1 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER" lrafls Ty~ ~x A~iqe ~1 ~asu, I ~ Cmt ~t ~t ~ L~ttm ~ T ~ ~ of Ntxt~/~tl C~e C~e ~t ~t Est Units m Site 1~ ~ T~ ~ $t~ in FKlllty ~ ~ I~t~ti~ (C~k ~ll t~t ~t 13 ~&C.A.S. ~t 13 ~ &C.l.S. ~ Cert~ficatt~ (aead and s~n after coap~etJn~ al] sections) I certtfv undee I)en~lty of la- that I have oersonellyexamined end aB fwiHir .1th t~ tnforNtt~ ~itt~ tn this ~ ell IttKM ~ts. ~ iht MS~ ~ ~ i~ of t~e fMfvf~lS m~sibll for obtaining t~ inf~Mtl~. I ~lieve t~t t~ su~itt~ info, tim is t~, accurate. ~ c~lete./ t CITY of BAKERSFIELD C~e C~e ~t ~t Est Un,ts m Stte T~ ~ TW ~ St~ in F~tltty ~ ~ I~t~ti~ ~lth of P~ ~lth : ~lth of P~ ~lth ~t (C~k all t~t apply) H~lth of P~ NHIth HHlth of PraSU~l Health .... Clrtlficltim (Read and sJ~n after colpJetJnE aJ] sectJofls) (8051 BUSZNESS . PL~. AS A ~OLE 1. To avoid f~he~ ac~on. ~e~ ~hi~ ~o~ b~ 3. ~swe= the ~esc!ans below fo= the business ~ a whole. 4., Be ~ b=ief ~d concise as ~assible. A. ~S~S ~: Wes~ Valle,y Construc~ Comoan~. Inc. ' B. EO~O~ / ~ .~DEE~: 1214 E. California' ,Avenue, , C~E: Baker6field Z:~ 923~7 ' B~S.~O~: (805) 322.2437 you= loc=i fire department ~d :he State Office of ~=erEe~c%' Se~tices as ~equired by taw. 'A~dudv or Joe Soares/Asst. District Mor. Ph~ 322-2437 , ,Ph~ 834-1377 , 8. Konny Teeters/Mechanic .., ~ <.Phm 322.2437 Ph= ~89-5715 C. Larry Bol'en/Foreman , .322-2437' 83i-9120 Propane tank next to concrete bunkers at north side of yard A. ~AT. GAS/PROPAnE: p,~&[, oas~mete~ inside fence on east side nf building. .. 8. E~EC~[CAE: P,~,&~ meter inside fence on east side of*buildino. C. WATE~: Meter box at fence in alley at north end of buildi~q, .... D.SPECIAL: . . LOCX BOX: YES ~ ~F 'rE3. '~ .... ~' [F YES. ~OES iT C~::TA::: S:T2 PtA~S? YES ,''>~0 ~{SGSS7 TES SSCTION'4: PRXVATE RESPONSE TE~ FOR BUS~NSsS AS A HOLE Our personnel have-been trained to recognize spill, release or potential hazar Notify personnel in immediate vicinity' Keep sources of ignition away from spills. Small spills will be.contained on asphalt or concrete and cleaned up by using an absorbent,' by our own forces. If there is any question by the.im- .. mediate personnel, they· will contact, supervisory personnel, and contact 911.to determine if'evacuation is necessary.- SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY .~EDICAL ASSISTA2~CE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Call 911 for ambulance - when necessary. Take to emergency room at closest hospital: Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 - 34th Street Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower Street SECTION 6: EHPLOYEE TRAINING C. PROPE~ USE OF SAFETY EQUIPM~:: .................. ~ ~0 ~ NO D. ~'MERG~NCY ~VACUATION PROCEDURES: ......... ' ........ ~0 NO £. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... NO NO SECTION CIRCLE YES'OR NO DOES YOL'R BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LES~ TF~N 800 POL.~..~OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPR£SS=D G~S:,. ..... ~ NO Judy Soares/Assistant District Mgr. I, West Valley Construction Co.. Inc. , certify that the above information is accurate I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obl~Kations under the new California Health and' Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes 'perjury. Da, .\R t ...... BAKERSFZE."_D CRT'; Fl'RE -r> ~x;rv'~ 2230 "O" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUS I)~ESS XAZE: BUs I NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS iN ENGLISH. S. Answer tke questions below for THE FACILITY UNiT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. ' FACILITY UNIT~. 1 FACILITY b~,'iT NAME: Yard SECTION 1: MITIGATION. PR~IE~.~iON. ABATEMEYT PROCEDL~ES Our employees are being trained, by utilizing our tailgate safety meetings, for proper use and hand]lng of materials and containers. In case of a sma]] gas or liquid re]ease or sp~]]: all sources of ignition should be eliminated; personnel involved in the leak stoppage should protect themselves from direct contact with the product with proper breathing equipment and clothing protection; Use fire extinguishers for sma]] fires; sma]] spills may be contained and cleaned-up by using an absorbent, and not .flushed into storm drains; gas leak areas wi]] be evacuated untO] leak can be stopped or leaky cylinder is removed. SECTION 2: NOTiFiCATiON AA~ EVACUATION PROCEDI~ES AT THIS A verbal alarm shall be given by Whoever discovers the emergency. Supervisory personnel shall evaluate emergency, contact 911 and determine if evacuation is necessary. A verbal evacuation signal will be given by supervisory personnel. Employees shall exit through office and, or shop doors into the yard. Employees are to assemble in the yard. If the yard is also to be evacuated, employees shall exit through the safest of the four gates to assemble outside the yard. Only after employees are accounted for should they be allowed to leave. A verbal "all clear" signal shall be given by supervisory personnel, after consulting with the responding emergency services personnel. SECTION 3: [{AZARDOJ.~ ~?Aw~'RIALS FOR T~IS In'IT ONlY A. Does thim Facility Unit contain Hazardous )h~ter~a.!,a? ...... ~ N'O If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bonm ffide Trade Secret YES ~ I~ No, aomplete a seD~rnte hazardous materi~ls inventory ~or~ marked: NON-TRaDE SECRETS ONLY (;~hite form =4A-l) If Yes. complete a hazardous ~aterials inventory for~ ~arkad: ~ADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form ~" ~ ~_~-,/ in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVA~ FIRE PROTECT!0N Approved f~re extinguishers ~n building and by portable fug] tank ~n y~rd. - F~,re alarm --smoke--detectors ~n off~ce and shop., .............. ~ [~st on call response. SECTIO~ 8: 50CATI05' OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY E2~ECRGE~."CY RESPO.q]]ERS Fire hydrant at front of building on East California. SECTION' S: LOCATIO,N' OF' UTILITY_ SR~3T-O~-FS .AT THIS U~IT 05q2¥. uA~ ,', ~xOPAN r.: Natura.1 gas is on east side of the building. Propane is in a tank in the yard. B. ELECTRICAL: On east side of building. C. WATER: North end of building at meter in the alley. O. SPECIAL: rOCK B~X: ',:'ES '~ [F YES, EOC\T!O:T: NON--TRADE SECRETS IIAZARDOUS MA'TERI ALS' INVENTORY ,nUSlNI~Sn NAHE:Nest Valley Construction Co', Inc. O~NE~ SAng: California Natar ~arV~cp ~a FACILITY UNIT ~.'~uunEss: 1214 E. California Avenue ADDRESS: 19~ Fy~ ~t. FACILITY UNIT NAME: Yard ~,'l'l'Y. zIP': Bakersfield, CA 93307 CiTY,ZIP:Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~'u~,N~ ~: 805-322-2437 PRONE f: 805-324-6011 [OFFICI. AI,[USE CFIRS COI~K ONLY 2 3 4 5 . , -- 8 .. 9 lO MAX ANNI, AL ,:,,NT IlSE L(,CATION IN TIllS , nY IIAZARI, I,..O. T AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE COUE FACILITY UN!T WT. CIIEHI~AL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE Inside small Shed at ' 110 700 GAL 06 26 ~corner of buildinq_~85 Ch r . · S FLLQ Inside small shed at . ~,~ FLLQ 55 55 GAL 06 08 N/W corner of building 98 ]hevron Thinner 325 Inside small shed at 1'10 ~ 600 GAL 06 26 N/W corner of b~ildine 9~ Chavrnn Tractnr Mvdra~lir Pluid FLLQ ~ . In yard at west side ~f ~aste from motor 6il, thinner and .~~ 3aa ~A~' 02 40 small oil shed q8 hydraulic fluid ~~ FLLQ North end of yard appro>. /~ ~ 6On GAL 13 19 80' W/west side of buil(, 99 Leaded Premium Gasoline · CMLQ Outside S/W ~~ EXPL 930 7,440 Ft3 04 42 .corner of buildine 100 Dxygen 840 6,7~0 Ft3 04 42 corner of b~ilding' 100 Acetylene, Ethyne North end of yard at 171 513 GAL 03 22 east side of concrete 10 Liquified Propane ~' //~ CMLQ bunkers. t~g,~;E~cy CONTACT: Juds or Joe Soares Tl?[,g:Asst. Distric't':Man~ ~ONB * BUS ~OD~S: 805-322'2437 ~ -~.. ~ ~ ~ AFTBR BUS ~S: 805'-834=1377 ',.~nENCY C~N~AC~:Kennet'h Teeters TI?~B: Mechanic PHONE [ BUS [[O~RS: 805-~2-~7 R[N~[['AL ~I[~[NESS ACT[F[TY: Underqround Construction AFTB~ B~S. ~RS 805-589-5715 ~ 1,0ear C,,$tom,: This Bulletin contains important emd~ental, health and 1oxicalogy information for yw employees who recldored this · ~ ~oduct. Please make sore this information is given l~J~n. If you resell this product, this Oulletm shouM bi given to tho 6oyeF~PJ Fo~m may I ho reproduced without peflmss~on. I Chowon U.S.A. Inc. Material Safety Data Sheet Prepared According to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910,1200). (Formerly Called MATERIAL INFORMATION BULLETIN) CHEVRON DELO 400 Motor Oi! SAE 30 CPS 225003 CAUTION! MAY CAUSE LYE II~ZTATION KEEP OUT OF I~.AC~ OF CHILDREN TYPICAL COMPOSITION Highly refined base oils (CAS 64742-57-0 and/or 64742-01-4, 64742-54-7, 64742-65-0, 64742-55-8, 72623-87-1, 72623-85-9, 64741-96-4/64742-52-5, 64742-62-7 or .......... 72623~83-7) ............... >85%- Additives including inhibitors, dispersants, zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (CAS 68649-42-3) and calcium longchain alkylphenate sulfide <15% EXPOSURE STANDARD No Federal OSHA exposure standard or ACGIH TLV has been established for this material. Based upon information reviewed to date, this product fits the definition for mineral oil mist. The applicable Federal OSHA exposure standard and ACGIH ThY (1985-86) for mineral oil mist is 5 mg/m3. PHYSIOLOGICAL &HEALTH EFFECTS EMERGENCY & FIRST AID PROCEDURES Eyes May cause eye irritation. Application of Flush eyes immediately with fresh water similar material into the eyes of rabbits for at least 15 minutes while holding the produced m6derate membrane irritation eyelids open. If irritation persists, see without corneal injury, a doctor. Expected to cause no more than minor skin Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. irritation following prolonged or Launder contaminated clothing. _f~equentlff_ ..... ~9~9~t~ ~ ~gnt~ct. See Additional Health Data. Inhalation Not expected to be acutely toxic by If respiratory discomfort or irritation inhalation. Breathing mineral oil mist at occurs, move the person to fresh air. See concentrations in air that exceed the a doctor if discomfort or irritation recommended exposure standard can cause continues. respiratory irritation Or discomfort. See Additional Health Data. Ingestion Not expected to have acute systemic Xf swallowed, give water or milk to drink toxicity by ingestion, and telephone for medical advice. Consult medical personnel before inducing vomiting. ~f medical advice cannot be obtained, them take the person and product container to the nearest medical emergency treatment center or hospital. Chevron Environmental Health Center, Inc., P.O. Box 4054, Richmond, CA 94804-0054 x-mco2J (07-85) Emergency Phone Number (415) 233-3737 NO. 223 ~ Rev. 6 ~O/28/66 ADDITIONAL ~EALTHDATA ENVIRONMENTAL~CTION X-IR£~31 (04-85~ See following pages Environmental Impact: This material is not expected to present any environmental SPECIAL PROTECTIVE INFORMATION · problems other than those associated with Eye Protection: Do not get in eyes.. Eye - · 'oil Spills. contact can be avoided by wearing.chemical Precautions if Material is Released or safety goggles. .Spilled: Stop the source of the leak or Skin Protection: No special skin release. Clean up releases as soon as protection is necessary, possible, observing precautions in Special Respiratory Protection: No special Protective Information. Contain liquid to respiratory protection is normally prevent further contamination of soil, required. However, if operating conditions surface water or groundwater. Clean up create airborne concentrations which : small spills using appropriate techniques exceed the recommended exposure standard, sUch. as sorbent, materials or pumping. the use of an approved respirator is Where feasible and appropriate, remove recommended, contaminated soil. Follow prescribed Ventilation: Use adequate· ventilation to procedures for reporting and responding to keep the airb6rne concentrations of this larger releases. material below the recommended 'exposure Waste Disposal Methods: Place contaminated standard, materials in disposable containers and ................ ; .... dfsPOse of'in ~-'m~nner:"¢onsisten%'-with FIRE PROTECTION ' applicable regulations. Contact local Flash Point:'(COC)428°F(220°C) Min. 'environmental or health authorities for Autoignition Temp.: NDA approved dispOsal"of this material. Fl~hility Limits: n/a Extinguishing Media: C02, Dry Chemical, REACTIVITY DATA .: ' Foam, Water Fog. Stability (Thermal, Light, etc.): Stable. special Fire Fighting Procedures-: For Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): May fires'involving this material, do not react with strong oxidizing materials. enter any enclosed or confined fire space Hazardous Decomposition Products: Normal without proper protective equipment, combustion forms carbon dioxide and water including self-contained breathing vapor and may produce oxides of sulfur, apparatus.. See Hazardous DecompOsition nitrogen andphosphoru.s; incomplete Products. Read the entire MSDS. combustion can produce carbon monoxide. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS'' DO NOT Weld,'heat or drill' container. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Residue may ignite with explosive violence Solubility: Insoluble in water. Miscible if heated sufficiently, with hydrocarbon solvents. Appearance (Color, Odor, etc.): Dark brown CAUTION!Do not use pressure'to empty drum liquid. : or explosion may~result;' Boiling Point: n/a ....... ~ Melting Point: n/a Specific Gravity: 0.88-0.92. @ 15.6/15.6°~-- -- ~.~,~ Vapor Pressure: n/a Vapor Density (Air=l): n/a "" -Percent Volatile (Volume %): n/a Evaporation: n/a Pour Point: -18°C (Max.) Viscosity: 11.7-12;5 cst @ ll0°C ~ ;n/a = Not Applicable NDA No Data Available The above information is based on data of .which we are aware-and is believed to be correct as of the date hereof. Since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to the date hereof may suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the results of its use. This information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular .purpose. 'No. 223 Material Safety Data Sheet CHEVRON DELO 400'Motor 0il SAE 30 CPS 225003 ADDITIONAL HEALTH DATA Signs and symptoms of respiratory tract irritation m~y include, but may not be limited to, one or more of the following, depending on concentration and length of exposure: nasal discharge, sore throat, coughing, bronchitis, pulmonary edema and difficulty in breathing. Several zinc alkyl dithiophosphates (ZDDPs) have been reported to have weak mutagenic activity in cultured mammalian cells but only at concentrations that were toxic to ~the .t~st~cell$7~kl~oT~in_the-p&$tT_a_ZDD?_s~mi_l_a_r__~o~%he_~_~ne~in _%hi$__p~oduct__was .. . reported to cause adverse effects on the testicles of rabbits but not of rats after I applications to the skin for several weeks. However, follow-up studies in rabbits indicated that the testicular effects were due to a species-specific reaction to stress caused by severe skin irritation and weight loss and not a direct chemical effect of the ZDDP. While toxicologists at Chevron do not believe that there is any mutagenic or testicular risk to workers exposed to ZDDPs as described above, the precautions outlined in this MSDS should be followed. This product also contains calcium longchain alkylphenate sulfide (calcium phenate). When a similar calcium phenate was applied to the skin of rabbits five days/week for four weeks, the animals developed adverse testicular effects. Studies with other chemicals have since shown that rabbits may develop similar testicular'effects due to stress rather than to chemical toxicity. We further investigated the effects of calcium phenate$ in rats, a species now recognized as more appropriate than rabbits for investigating toxicity by repeated skin exposures. Calcium phenate applied five days/week for four weeks to the skin of rats did not produce adverse testicular effects. Based on these data, we believe that there is no risk of male reproductive impairment from exposure to calcium phenate in the workplace. This product contains base oils which the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies as having no evidence of carcinogenic potential. This product may contain petroleum -base o£1~fi-~--ed--by a co~%~in---~t~o-o-n-~--Of---se--~e ' '' hydrocracking and hydrotreating. The carcinogenic potential of paraffinic base oils prepared by this process is not specifically addressed by OSHA, NTP, or IARC. However, the process conditions, chemical analyses, and the results of Ames tests all support our opinion that these oils are not carcinogenic. During use in engines, contamination of oil with low levels of cancer-causing combustion products occurs. Used motor oils have been shown to cause skin cancer in mice following repeated application and continuous exposure. Brief or intermittent skin contact with used motor oil is not expected to have serious effects in humans if the oil is thoroughly removed by washing with soap and water. See Chevron Material Safety Data Sheet No. 1793 for additional information on used motor oil. 3 Rev. 6 10/28/86 Dear Customer: This MSDS contains im environmental, health and toxicology information for y_e.u.r...l~..y.les .w..ko Irecently ordered this product. Please make sure this iniormation is given to them. If you r#lll this preduat, this MSDS dlould bi given to the Buyer. This Form may bo reproduced without permimdon. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. ~ Material Safety Data Sheet Prepared According to the OSHA Hazard COmmunication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). (Formerly Called MATERIAL INFORMATION BULLETIN) CHEVRON Thinner 325 CPS 218223 D~NGER! HARMFUL OR F~T~L IF S~&LLOWED COMBUSTIBLE KEEP OUT OF RF~CHOF CHILDREN TYPICAL CO~POSZTZON Light petroleum distillate (CAS 64742-47-8) containing: Paraffins and naphthenes 98% Aromatics: ................... Cg-Cll alky-lbenzenes ~CAS- 68515~25-3) ........... 2% ~ Benzene (CAS 71-43-2) <.02% EXPOSURE STANDARD No Federal OSHA exposure standard or ACGIH TLV has been established for this material. Based on information reviewed to date, we recommend an exposure standard of 100 ppm for a daily 8-hour exposure. PHYSIOLOGICAL & HEALTH EFFECTS EMERGENCY & FIRST AID PROC?nURES Eyes Expected to Cause no more than minor eye Flush eyes immediately with fresh water irritation. Application of a similar for at least 15 minutes while holding the material into the eyes of rabbits produced eyelids open. If irritation persists, see slight membrane irritation without corneal a doctor. injury. Not a primary skin irritant but may cause Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. skin irritation on prolonged or frequently See a doctor if irritation occurs. Launder repeated contact. Application of a similar contaminated clothing. material onto the skin of rabbits produced moderate erythema and edema. The Draize score was 3.7. See Additional Health Data. Inhalation Expected to have slight acute toxicity by If there are signs or symptoms, as inhalation. The inhalation LCs0 (rat) of a described in this MSDS, due to breathing .... similarProduc~for a one-hour exposure - this material~F-move person to fresh air was greater than 13.3 mg/liter. Breathing If breathing has stopped, apply artificial the vapors at concentrations above the respiration. Call a doctor immediately. recommended exposure standard can cause central nervous system effects. See A~ditional Health Data. Ingestion Not expected to be ·acutely toxic by If swallowed, give water or milk to drink ingestion. The acute oral LDs0 (rat) for a and telephone for medical advice. DO NOT similar product was greater than· 15.3 make person vomit unless directed to do so g/kg. Note to Physician: Ingestion of. this by medical personnel. If medical advice product or subsequent vomiting 'can result cannot be obtained, then take the person in aspiration' of light hydrocarbon .'liquid and product container to the nearest which can cause pneumonitis, medical emergency treatment center or hospital. Chevron Environmental Health Center, Incl, P.O. Box 4054, Richmond, CA 94804-0054 X-IRC021 (07-85) , Emergency Phone Number (415) 233-3737 NO. 47 1 Rev. 10 01/27/87 ADDITIONAL HEALTH DATA ENVIRONMENTAL P CTION See following pages Environmental Impact: Certain geographical areas have air pollution restrictions SPECIAL PROTECTIVE INFORMATION concerning the use of materials in work Eye Protection: Do not get in eyes. Eye situatuions which may release volatile contact can be avoided by wearing chemical components to the atmosphere. Air safety goggles, pollution regulations should be studied to Skin Protection: Avoid prolonged or determine if this material is regulated in frequently repeated skin contact with the area where it is to be used. material. Skin contact can be minimized by Precautions if Material is Released or wearing impervious protective clothing Spilled: Eliminate all open flame in including rubber gloves, vicinity of spill or released vapor. Stop Respiratory Protection: Wear approved the source of the leak or release. Clean respiratory protection such as an organic up releases as soon as possible, observing vapor cartridge respirator or an air- precautions in Special Protective supplying respirator unless ventilation Information. Contain liquid to prevent equipment is adequate to keep airborne further contamination of soil, surface concentrations below the recommended water or groundwater. Clean up small exposure standard, spills using appropriate techniques such Ventilation: Use ~dequate ventilatio~ tO as sorbent materials or pumping. Where keep airborne concentrations of this feasible and appropriate, remove material below the recommended exposure contaminated soil. Follow prescribed standard, procedures for reporting and responding to larger releases. FIRE PROTECTION Waste Disposal Methods: Place contaminated Liquid evaporates and forms vapors (fumes) materials in disposable containers and which can catch fire and burn with dispose of in a manner consistent with explosive violence. Invisible vapor applicable regulations. Contact local spreads easily and can be set on fire by environmental or health authorities for many sources such as pilot lights, welding approved disposal of this material. equipment, and electrical motors and switches. Fire hazard is greater as liquid REACTIVIT~ DATA temperature rises above 85°F. Stability (Thermal, Light, etc.): Stable. Flash Point: (TCC)105°F(41°C) Min. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): May Autoignition Te~.: 500°F (260°C) react with strong oxidizing materials. Fl~,m~h[lity Limits: 1.0-6.0% Hazardous Decomposition Products: Normal Extin91/ishing Media: C02, Dry Chemical, combustion forms carbon dioxide and water Foam, Water Fog. vapor; incomplete combustion can produce Special Fire Fighting Procedures: For carbon monoxide. fires involving this material, do not Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. enter any enclosed or confined fire spaces without proper protective equipment. This PHYSICAL PROPERTIES _may _ include self-contained breathing Solubility: Miscible with hydrocarbons;. apparatus to protect against the hazardous insoluble in water. effects of normal products of combustion Appearal%ce (Color, Odor, etc.): Colorless or oxygen deficiency. Read the entire liquid. MSDS. Boiling~ Point: 166°C (330°F) 5% Rec. (Max.) SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Melting Point: n/a See following pages Specific Gravity: 0.78 @ 15.6/15.6°C Vapor Pressure: 5 mm Hg @ 77°F Vapor Density (Air=l): 4.8 Percent Volatile (Volume %): 99+ Evaporation: (Bu Ac=i) 0.22 Viscosity: 0.96 cst @ 37.8°C n/a = Not Applicable The above information is based on data of which we are aware and is believed to be correct as of the date hereof. Since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to the date hereof may suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the results of its use. This information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular purpose. NO. 47 Material Safety Data Sheet CHEVRON Thinner 325 CPS 218223 ADDITIONAL HEALTH DATA Not expected to be acutely toxic by skin contact; the acute dermal LDs0 (rabbit) for a similar product was greater than 19.1 g/kg. Signs and symptoms of central nervous system effects may include one or more of the following: headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness and lo$$ of coordination. ~A~ffected persons usually experience complete recovery when removed from exposure area. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS READ AND OBSERVE ALL PRECAUTIONS ON PRODUCT LABEL. DO NOT USE OR STORE near flame, sparks, or hot surfaces. USE ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. Keep container closed. DO NOT weld, heat or drill container. Replace cap or bung. Emptied container still contains hazardous or explosive vapor or liquid. CAUTION! Do not use pressure to empty drum or explosion may result. BMIS Hazard Rating: Reactivity: 0, Flammability: 2, Health: 1 I product. Preen make sure this infm'matiou is given to'"b,,~. Il you resell this product, this Bulletin should be given to the Buye~.1111rFofm may I b~,woduced without permrSsimt, l I Che,,en u.S.A, mc. Material Safety Data Sheet Chm ron Prepared According ~o lhe OSHA Hazard Communicaliofl Standard (29 CFR lg~0.1200~. (Formerly Called MATERIAL INFORMATION 8ULLETIN~ C]~v'20]f ~ractor H~cl~aul£c ~lu£d C~S 226606 CA~ION! ~%Y CAUSE EYE AND SKIN IRRITATION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN TYPICAL COMPOSITION Highlylrefined base oils (CAS 64741-96-4/64742-52-5 and 64742-65-0 or 72623-87-1 and 72623-85-9) >90% Additives .including inhibitors, antiwear agents and zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (CAS 68649-43-3) <10% ~XPOSURE STANDARD No Federal OS~A exposure standard or ACGIH TLV has been established for this material. Based upon information reviewed to date, this product fits the definition for mineral oil mist. The applicable Federal OSHA exposure standard and ACGIH TLV (1985-86) for mineral oil mist is 5 mg/m3. PHYSIOLOGICAL & HEALTH E~ ~ERG'~NCY & FIRST AID PROC_-~RnUR~S ~yes May cause eye irritation. Application into Flush eyes immediately with fresh water the eyes of rabbits produced slight to for at least 15 minutes while holding the moderate membrane irritation without eyelids open. If irritation persists, see corneal involvement, a doctor. Skin May cause skin irritation. Application Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. onto the skin of rabbits produced slight Launder contaminated clothing. to moderate erythema and edema. The Draize score was 2.8. See Additional Health Data. Inhalation _.-~_-Not_---_expec.~ed~to~be=.acutely .toxic _by ..... If respirat~¥~ discomfort or irritation inhalation. Breathing mineral oil mist at occurs, move the person t0-fr~sh airY-~e concentrations in air that exceed the a doctor if discomfort or irritation recommended exposure standard can cause continues. respiratory irritation or discomfort. See Additional Health Data. Ingestion Not expected to have acute systemic If swallowed, give water or milk to drink toxicity by ingestion, and telephone for medical advice. Consult medical personnel before inducing vomiting. If medical advice cannot be obtained, then take the person and product container to the nearest medical emergency treatment center or hospital. Chevron Environmental Health Center, Inc., P.O. Box 4054, Richmond, CA 94804-0054 x-mca21 (07-85) Emergency Phone Number {415) 233-3737 HO, 1042 1 Rev. 4 10/23/86 Rev. 4 20/23/86 ADDITIONAL ~EALTH DATA ENVIRONMENTAL ~TECTION X-IR~O3~ See following pages Environmental IBpact: This material is not expected to present any environmental SPECIAL PROTECTIVE INFORMATION problems other than those associated with Eye Protection: Do not get in eyes. Eye oil spills. c~ntact can be avoided by wearing chemical Precautions if Material is Released or safety goggles. Spilled: Stop the source of the leak or Skin Protection: Avoid prolonged or release. Clean up releases as soon as frequently repeated skin contact with this possible, observing precautions in Special material. Skin contact can be minimized Protective Information. Contain liquid to by wearing impervious protective clothing prevent further contamination of soil, including gloves, surface water or groundwater. Clean up Respiratory Protection: No special small spills using appropriate techniques respiratory protection is normally such as sorbent materials or pumping. required. However, if operating conditions Where feasible and appropriate, remove create airborne concentrations which contaminated soil. Follow prescribed exceed the recommended exposure standard, procedures for reporting and responding to the use of an approved respirator is larger releases. recommended. Waste Disposal Methods: Place contaminated Ventilation: Use adequate ventilation to materials in disposable containers and keep the airborne concentrations of this dispose of in a manner consistent with material below the recommended exposure applicable regulations. Contact local standard, environmental or health authorities for approved disposal of this material. FIRE PROTECTION Flash Point: (COC)374°F(190°C) Min REACTIVITY DATA Autoig~ition Temp.: NDA Stability (Thermal, Light, etc.): Stable. Fl~m-mhili~ Limits: n/a Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): May Extinguishing Media: CO2, Dry Chemical, react with strong oxidizing materials. Foam, Water Fog Hazardous Decomposition Products: Normal Special Fire Fighting Procedures: For combustion forms carbon dioxide and water fires involving this material, do not vapor and may produce oxides of enter any enclosed or confined fire space phosphorus; incomplete combustion can without proper protective equipment, produce carbon monoxide. including self-contained breathing Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. apparatus. See Hazardous Decomposition Products. Read the entire MSDS. PBYSICAL PROPERTIES Solubility: Soluble in hydrocarbon SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS solvents; insoluble in water. DO NOT weld, heat or drill container. Appearance (Color, Odor, etc.): Orange Residue may ignite with explosive violence liquid if heated sufficiently. Boiling Point: n/a Melting Point: n/a CAUTION! Do not use pressure to empty drum Specific Gravity: 0.89 @ 15.6/15.6°C or explosion may result. Vapor Pressure: n/a Vapor Deasity (Air=l): n/a Percent Volatile (Volume %): n/a Evaporation: n/a Pour Point: -50°F (Typical) Viscosity: 7.¢-8.¢ cst @ 100°C n/a = Not Applicable NDA = No Data Available The above information is based on data of which we are aware and is believed to be correct as of the date hereof. Since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar and since data made available subsequent to the da~e hereof may suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the results of its use. This information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular purpose. No. 1042 2 Material Safety Data Sheet CHEVRON Tractor Hydraulic Flui~ , CPS 226606 ADDITIONAL BEALTH DATA Signs and symptoms of respiratory tract irritation may include, but may not be limited to, one or more of the following, depending on concentration and length of exposure: nasal discharge, sore throat, coughing, bronchitis, pulmonary edema and difficulty in breathing. Several zinc alk¥1 dithiophosphates (ZDDPs) have been reported to have weak mutagenic .... ac~i~J~_~_=u~f~_~d_~_~_lia~_ce!l$ bu~ only a~_concent;ation$ that were toxic to the test cells. Also, in the past, a ZDDP similar to the one used in this product was reported to cause adverse effects on the testicles of rabbits but not of rats after t applications to the skin for several weeks. However, follow-up studies in rabbits · indicated that the testicular effects were due to a species-specific reaction to stress caused by severe skin irritation and weight loss and not a direct chemical effect of the i ZDDP. While toxicologists at Chevron do not believe that there is any mutagenic or testicular risk to workers exposed to ZDDPs as described above, the precautions outlined . in this MSDS should be followed. This product contains base oils which the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies as having no evidence of carcinogenic potential. This product may contain petroleum base oils refined by a combination of severe hydrocracking and hydrotreating. The carcinogenic potential of paraffinic base oils prepared by this process is not specifically addressed by OSHA, NTP, or IARC. However, the process conditions, chemical analyses, and the results of Ames tests all support our opinion that these oils are not carcinogenic. 3 Rev. 4 10/23/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS # 03850 ~ TOSCO CORPORATION  2401 COLORADO AVE. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA 90406 ATTN. PRODUCT SUPPLY TOSCO: (415) 228-1220 CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 SECTION I -- GENERAL INFORMATION TRADE NAME AND SYNONYMS: MATERIAL HAZARD Frae HAZ*n~  (FLASH POINTS) Leaded Premium Gasoline HEALTH HAZARD '- BELOW 73 F 4 - DEADLY 3 - BELOW 100 F C H E M lC AL NAM E AN D SYNONYM S: 3 - EXTREME OANGER 2- BELOW 200 F 2 - DANGEROUS 1 - ABOVE 200 F Petroleum Distillate ,. ~,G~ NA~RD , O- W,LL NO~ BURN 0 - NO H~ZARD , FORMULA Aliphatic and arcmatic hydrocarbons REACTiViTY C4_C10. ...^~ DETONATE in the range SPECIAL H~.L~RD 3' EXPLOSIVE CAS~i w - WATER REACTIVE 2- UNSTABLE OX - OXIDIZER 1 - NO~&4ALLY STABLE 8006-61-9 ~ - RA~,OACT,VE 0- STABLE SECTION II -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS COMPONENTS % OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS A ccmplex ccmbination of hydro- 100 300 pun TNA (ACGIH TLV - 1982) carbons produced by the processin9 of crude o±1. It contains and aromatic hydrocarbons in the range of C4-Ct0. - I~ad 0.1 50 ug/m3 ~A (Cai-OSHA 1982) SECTION III -- HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION Prolonged or repeated contact may cause dryness of the skin which can result in dermatitis or more serious skin disorders. Vapors or mists may cause pulmonary irritation, dizziness, nausea or unconsciousness, particularly in confined spaces. Similar hydrocarbon mixtures, tested by the American Petroleum Institute, have caused skin cancers in test animals. While there is no evidence that this particular mixture is carcinogenic to animals or humans, good personal hygiene is advised. ROUTE OF EXPOSURE EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYE CONTACT Eye irritation frc~l vapor or liquid contact. SKIN CONTACT Prolonged or repeated contact may cause skLn irritation, dermatitis, or other serious skin disorders. INHALATION Respiratory irritation, broncho~ne~nonia, dizziness, central nervous system depression, unconsciousness. Gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vcmiting, diarrhea, central INGESTION nervous system depression, restlessness. SKIN ABSORPTION SEC~ON IV -- EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT: Flush with large amounts of low pressure water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, obtain ~=dical attention. SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing. Thoroughly wash affected area with soap and water. INHALATION: ~ately remove from contain/hated area to fresh air. In Case of respiratory distress, qive oxygen or artificial respiration. Ob~q medical attention. ~NGESTION: DO not induce vomiting. Aspiration into the lungs will cause severe chemical pneumonia. In~_iatel¥ ob~n medical attention. 15 001 (2-86) TLV -- THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE mg/M~ -- MILLIGRAMS/CUBIC METER ~NA -- TIME WEIGHTEID AVERAGE PEL -- PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT DOm -- PAR1,S PER MILLION C -- CEILING L.T -- LESS THAN G 1' -- GREATER THAN S -- SKIN N.D -- NOT DETERMINED ~__2~ / SECTION V -- PERSONAL PROTECTION INFORMATION VENTILATION: Use adeqga~ t.e ventilation (natur~a~.. or mechanical) to keep vapor concentrations oi this material below 'z'~v of 300 p~zn. RESPIRATORY PROTECnON~ None needed under conditions ~ith adequate ventilation. If e×~osure exceeds TLV, NIOSH-approved respirators which meet GISO 5144 must be worn. EYE PROTECTION: Chemical splash goggles or face mask should be worn whenever splashing, soravina or other eye coDtact is likely. SK,N P%OT~CT~gN~ If conditions of use present hazard of exposure, impervious gloves (NBR or VITON) should be worn. OTHER PROTECTWE EOUmMEN~ If conditions of use present danger of skin exposure, use rubber or vinyl boots and clothing. SECTION VI -- PHYSICAL AND REACTIVITY DATA BOLLING POINT: (°F) EVAPORATION RATE: (Ether = 1) SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 0° to 400° G.T. 1 Negligible VAPOR PRE~SURE: (mm Hg) INCOMPATI81LITY: (Matena~s to Avo~cl) (REID-PSIA) 8-15 Strong oxidizers such as liquid chlorine and oxygen. VAPOR DENSITY (a,r= 1) STABILITY: CONDIT~ONS TO AVOID: 3.4 to 3.6 (>DSTABtE ( )UNSTABLE High t6~p., sources of ignition, open flame 0.71 to 0.78 I( )OCCUR (x) NOTOCCUR Colorless liqu/d; qasoline odor %VOLATILE BYVOLUME (at 70°Fi HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: G.T. 95% Carbon monoxide may be formed frc~ incomplete combustion - SECTION VII -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA LOWER AND UPPER FLASH POINT / --45° FLAMMABLE LIM*TS AT LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: UPPER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: METHOD USED I NORMAL ATHOS IEMP AND AST~ D-56 RRESSUR~ ,% ~, ~o,~ ..... I 1.3 8.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, dry chemical and CO2. Water fog or water spray are of value for cooling, but may not achieve extinguishment. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: For fires involving this material, do not enter any enclosed fire space without proper protective equipment, such as self-contained breathing apparatus. Cool tanks and containers exposed to fire with water. :UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: EXTREMELY FiAMMABLE. ~terial releases fla~le vapors at normal atmospheric temperatures & pressures. Vapors heavier than air and invisible. Vapors entering sewers or other confined spaces may create an explosion hazard. Heated SECTION VIII -- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Stop flow of material. Remove all sources of ignition. Contain spill using sand or absorbent materials. Flush contaminated area w~th water. Evacuate nonessential personnel f~u,_the area. .Run-off _may create an explosion hazard. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Use absorbent material such as clay or diatc~aceous earth to clean up spill. Dispose of contaminated material in an approved disposal site. Comply with all Federal, State, and local waste disposal regulations. SECTION IX -- SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORING: Keep away frcm sparks, open flame and heat. Keep containers closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. All electrical egui~t in storage/use, areas should be installed in accordance with the National Electric Code. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Use good personal hygiene practices. Confuted clothing should be laundered before re-using. I DATE 4/1/83 ISSUED: Disclaimer of Liability As the conditions or methods of use are beyond our control, we do not assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of the material. Information contained herein is believed to be true and accurate but all statements or suggestions are made without anywarranty, express or implied, regarding accuracy of the information, the hazards connected with the use of the material or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. Material Safety Data Sheet PRODUCT NAME Oxygen TELEPHONE (415) 977-6500 EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION ON PAGE 2 LIQUID AIR CORPORATION TRADE NAME AND SYNONYMS CAS NUMBER INDUSTRIA~ ~&~__~ DIVISION One California Plaza, Suite 350 ~)x va efl 7782-44-7 2121N. California Blvd. CHEM~C~AL NAME AND SYNONYMS Walnut Creek, California 94596 Oxyge n ISSUE DATE OCTOBER 1, 1985 FORMULA MOLECULAR WEIGHT CHEMICAL FAMILY AND REVISIONS CORPORATE SAFETY DEPT. 02 . 31.999 '*~3× i d ~ z ~ r HEALTH HAZARD DATA TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE EXPOSURE UMITNone_established (ACG~H, 1984-85~). Oxygen is the "vital element" in the atmosphere in which we live and breathe (approximately 21 molar % of the atmosphere). SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE Breathing high concentrations (greater than 75 molar percent) causes symptoms of hyperoxia which include .cramps, nausea, dizziness, hypothermia, ambylopia, respiratory edifficulties, bradycardia, fainting spells and convulsions capable of leading to death. For additional data on hyperoxia as it relates to oxygen pressure and exposure duration, refer to L'Air Liquide's Encyclopedie des Gaz. TOXiCOLOGiCAL PROPERTIES The property is that of hyperoxia which leads to pneumonia. Concentrations between 25 and 75 mol'ar percent present a risk of inflammation of organic matter in the body. Limed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes [] I.A.R.C. Yes [--] OSHA Yes [] or Potential Carcinogen Program No [] Monographs No [] No [] RECOMMENDED FIRST AID TREATMENT PROMPT MEDICAL ATTENTION IS MANDATORY IN ALL CASES OF OVEREXPOSURE TO OXYGEN. RESCUE PERSONNEL SHOULD_BE COGNIZANT OF EXTREME FIRE HAZARD ASSOCIATED WITH OXYGEN-RICH ATMOSPHERES. -.' Conscious persons ,should be assisted to an uncontaminated area and breathe fresh air. They s~ould be kept warm and quiet. The physician shoUld be informed that the vict'im is experiencing (has experienced) hyperoxia. .~e Unconscious persons should be moved to an uncontaminated area and given assisted . respiration. When breathing has been restored, treatment should be as above. Continued treatment should be symptomatic.and supportive. Judgements as to the suitabitity of int0rmation hemifl for purchaser's purposes ar~ necessarily pumhaser's responsibility. Therefore, although reasonable care has been taken in the prel~aration of such information. Liquid Air Corporation extends no warranties, makes no representations, and assumes no responsibility asto the accuracy or suitability of such information for application to purchaser's. intended purposes or consequences of its use. Since Liquid Air Corporation has no control over the use of this product, it assumes no liability for damage or loss of product resulting from proper (or improper) use or applicalJon of the product. Data Sheets may be changed from time to ~me. Be sure to consult the latest edition. -LIQUID AIR CORpoRAT" INDUSI'RIAL GASES DIVISION ADDITIONAL DATA LIQUID AIR CORP ION INDUSTRIAL GASES DIVISION ............................ Material Safety .Data Sheet PRODUCT NAME Acet~,l erie TELEPHONE (415) 977-6500 EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION ON PAGE 2 UQUID AIR CORPORATION TRADE NAME AND SYNONYMS C AS ' mum b e r: INDUSTRIAL GASES DIVISION One California Plaza, Suite 350 Acetylene, Ethyne 74- 86- 2 2121 N. California Blvd. CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS Walnut Creek, California 94596 Acetylene. Ethyne ISSUE DATE OCTOBER 1, 191)5 FORMULA MOLECULAR WEIGHT CHEMICAL FAMILY AND REVISIONS CORPORATE SAFETY DEPT. C2H2 26. o A1 kyne HEALTH HAZARD DATA TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE EXPOSURE BMITAcetylene is defined as a simple asphyxiant. Oxygen levels should be maintained at greater than 18 molar percent at normal atmospheric pressure which is equivalent to a partial pressure of 135 mm Hg. (ACGIH, 1984-85) SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE Inhalation: Low concentrations (10-20% in air) cause symptoms similar to that of being intoxicated. Higher concentrations so as to exclude an adequate supply of oxygen to the lungs cause unconsciousness. TOXICOLOGICAL PROPERTIES As a narcotic gas or intoxicant causes hypercapnia (an excessive amount of carbon dioxide in the blood}. Repeated exposures to tolerable levels has not shown deleterious effects. The major property is the exclusion of an adequate supply of oxygen to the 1 ungs. Listed as Carcinogen National Toxicology Yes [] I.A.R.C. Yes [] OSHA Yes [] or Potential Carcinogen Program No [] Monographs No [] No [] RECOMMENDED FIRST AID TREATMENT PROMPT MEDICAL ATTENTION IS MANDATORY IN ALL CASES OF OVEREXPOSURE TO ACETYLENE. RESCUE PERSONNEL SHOULD BE EQUIPPED WITH SELF-CONTAINED 'BREATHING APPARATUS AND BE COGNIZANT OF EXTREME FIRE AND. EXPLOSION HAZARD. Inhalation: Conscious persons should be assisted to an uncontaminated area and inhale fresh air. Quick removal from the contaminated area is most important. Unconscious persons should .be moved to an uncontaminated area, given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and supplemental oxygen. Medical assistance should be sought immediately. Judgements as to the suitability of information herein for purchaser's purposes are necessarily purchaser's responsibility. Therefore, although reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of such information, Liquid Air Corporation extends no warranties, makes no representations, and assumes no responsibility as to the accuracy or suitability of such information for application to purchaser's intended purposes or consequences of its use. Since Liquid Air Corporation has no control over the use of this product, it assumes no liability for damage or loss of product resulting from proper (or improper) use or application of the product. Data Sheets may be changed from time to time. Be sure to consult the latest edition. LAC 05101 HAZARDOUS MIXTURES OF OTHER UQUIOS, SOliO-~, OR GA~S ~ Flammable over an .extremely wide range in air. Explosive reactions may occur on ignition. Reacts explosively with halogens and halogenated compounds. ................. PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT lIQUID DENSITY AT BOILING POINT Sublimation point = -118.8°F (-83'.8°C) See last page VAPOR PRESSURE GASDENSITYAT?O"FIItm La 60OF ~:15.6oc) : 645 psia (4450 kPa) @ 70°F (21.1°C) .0691 lb/ft3 (1.107 k.q/m3) SoLuB, IITY IN WATER @ 68°F (20°C) Bunsen FREEZING POINT coefficient = 1 047 Triple Point = -113°F (-80.55°C) APPE*RANCEAN~ODOR Pure acetylene is a colorless gas .with an ethereal odor. Con~nerical (carbide) acetylene has a distinctive qarlic-like odor.Spec.Grav.(Air:l.0): 0.91@ 70°F. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (METHOD 'JSED) I AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE I FLAMMABLE UMITS ~ BY VOLUME LEL=2.2; Gas 565°F (296°C) UEL=80-85* *See note on last page. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA I ELECTRICAL CLASSIFICATION Carbon dioxide; dry chemicalIClass 1, Group A SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES If possible, stop flow of escaping gas. Use water spray to cool surrounding containers. Keep personnel away since heated or burning cylinders can rupture violently. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS GASEOUS ACETYLENE IS SPONTANEOUSLY 'COMBUSTIBLE IN. AIR AT PRESSURES ABOVE 30 PSIA (207 kPa). (Continued on last page.) REACTIVITY DATA STABIUTY CONDITIONS TO AVOID DO not allow the free g~s (.outsiqe of. cyl. inder) Un~table X to exceed 30 psia. (Continued on /as~ page.) Stable I.COMPAT~mU~M.~.".~.~..o~,~ Oxygen and other oxidizers including all of the halogens and halo- gen compounds. Forms explosive acetylide compounds with (Continued on last page.) HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Carbon and hydrogen HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDITIONS TO AVOID May Occur Will Not O~ur X SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Evacuate all personnel from affected area. Use appropriate protective equipment. If leak is in user's equipment, be certain to purge piping with an'inert gas prior to attempting repairs. If leak is' in container or container valve, contact the closest Liquid Air Corporation location. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Do not attempt to dispose of waste or unused quantities. Return in the shipping container properlj/ labeled, with any valve outlet plugs or caps secured and valve protection cap in place to Liquid Air Corporation for proper disposal. For emergency disposal, contact the closest Liquid Air Corporation location. EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION iN 'CASE OF EMERGENCY INVOLVING THIS MATERIAL, CALL DAY OR NIGHT (800) 231-1386 OR CALL CHEMTREC AT (800) 424-9300 ~ ~---~ ~-- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Page 3 ~RESPIRATORYPROTECTIONmpe~Ilyl Positive pressUre air line v~ mask or self-contained breathing apparatus ld be available for emerqency~Fse. ~O" I IL°cALExHAusT To prevent accumulation SPECmL Hood with forced I above the LFI. venti 1 ation MEC.AHICAL (G.-.) ~ OMEn ~Tn n¢cnrrinnce ~ith ~l~,rtr~nnl ~nd~n PROTEC'RVE GLOVES PVC or rubber in laboratory~ as requf~'ed for cutting & welding. EYE PROTECTION Safety qo,cl,qles or qlasses ._ OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Safety shoes; safety 'shower SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS* SPECIAL LABELING INFORMATION DOT Shipping Name: Acetylene DOT Hazard Class: Flammable gas DOT Shipping Label: Flan~nable gas IQ No.: UN 1001 SPECIAL HANDUNG RECOMMENDATIONS Use only in well-ventilated areas. Valve protection caps must remain in place unless container is secured with valve outlet piped to use point. Do not drag, slide or roll cylinders. Use a suitable hand truck for cylinder movement, Use a pressure reducing regulator when removing gas from the cylinder. DO NOT ALLOW THE FREE GAS TO EXCEED 30 PSIA (207 kPa) @ 70°F (21.1°C). Do not heat cylinder by any means to increase the discharge rate of product from the cylinder. Use a check valve or trap in the discharge line to prevent hazardous back flow into the cylinder. For additional handling recommendations consult L'Air Liquide's Encyclopedia de Gaz or Compressed Gas As~c~fion Pamphlet P-1. SPECIAL STORAGE RECOMMENDATIONS Protect cylinders from physical damage. Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area of non-combustible construction away from heavily trafficked areas and emergency exits. Do not allow the temperature where cylinders are stored to exceed 130F (54C). Cylinders must be stored upright and firmly secured to prevent fall.lng or being knocked over. Full and empty cylinders should be segregated. Use a "first in-first out" inventory system to prevent full cylinders being stored for excessive periods of time. Post "No Smoking or Open Flames" signs in the storage or use area. There should be no sources of ignition in the storage or use area. For additional ~orage recommendations consult L'Air Liquide's Encycl0~dia de Gaz or Compressed Gas Associa~on Pamphlet P-1. SPEC~LPACKAGINGnE¢OMMENOATIONS Since acetylene will explode or combust if its pressure exceeds 30 psia (207 kPa)it is shipped dissolved in acetone or dimethylformamide which is dispersed in a porous mass within the cylinder. Follow Liquid Air Corporation's instructions for the maximum withdrawal rate for each size cylinder so that solvent is not'withdrawn with the acetylene. Most metals, ex~t silver~"~opper, mercury or brasses with more than 66% copper, are compatible (non corrosive) with acetylene. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS OR PRECAUTIONS Earth-ground and bond all lines and equipment-associated with the acetylene system. Electrical equipment should be non-s~arking or explosion proof. Compressed gas cylinders should not be refilled except by qualified producers of compressed gases. Shipment of a compressed gas cylinder which has not been filled by the owner or with his (written) consent is a violation of Federal Law (49CFR) Transport cylinders in well-ventilated vehicles,upright and suitably restrained to prevent movement. (Cont~nuecl on last page). *Various Government agencies (i.el, Department of Transpo~Uon, Occupational ~ and H~h Adminis~ation, F~d and Drug Administration and offiers) may have specific r~ulations conc~ning ~e transpo~tion, handling, storege or use of ~is pr~uct which may not ~ con~in~ herein. The customer or user ~ this product should ~ familiar with ~e~ r~ulafions. LIQUID AIR CORPORATI INDUSTRIAl. GASES DIVISION ADD~ONAL DATA __LIQUID DENSITY.AT-BOILING POINT:. _(Continued) 'Solid density 0 sublimation point = 45.51 lb/ft3 (729 kg/m3) FLAMMABLE LIMITS % BY VOLUME: (Continued) Note: Pure acetylene can ignite by decomposition above 30 psia (207 kPa); therefore, the UEL is 100% if the ignition source is of sufficient intensity. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: (Continued) It requires~a very low ignition energy so that fires which have been extinguished without stopping the flow of gas Can easily reignite with possible explosive force. Acetylene has a density very similar to that of air so when leaking it does not readily dissipate. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: (Continued) Cylinders should, not be exposed to sudden shock or sources of heat. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): (Continued) copper, mercury, silver, brasses containing more than 66% copper and brazing materials containing silver or copper. OTHER RECC~V~NDATIONS OR PRBCAUTIGqS (Continued) Possible increasing fire intensity ~,x~ explosion hazard if cylinders are so piled or stacked that burning gas escaping frGn a melted fuse plug (pressure relief device) ~ plays on other cylinders. .., MATERIAL SAFE~Y DATA SHEET ~ Emergency Suppliers Name Suburban Propane Gas Corporation Phone Nu~er Address Chemical Name: Liquefied Petroleum Gas or' Propane CAS Registry No: 74-98-6 Chemical Family: Hydrocarbon Formula:.._C~ Hazardous Mixtures: Air with 2.15 to 9.60 percent propane Boiling Point: -44°F Specific Gravity (H20~Q: 0.51 Vapor Pressure (n~n HB) at lO0°F: 9825 Percent, Volat~ Volume (%): 100 Vapor De~ (air ~ 1): 1.52 Evaporation Rate: None Solubility in Water: Slightly Appearance & Odor: Clear - unpleasant odor (caused by odorant---~ ~ection Iy lIRE AND EXPLOSION FLAZARD DATA Flanmmble Limits Flash Point: N/A Classification: Fla~ble Gas UN 1075 LFL: 2.15 UFL: 9.60 Extinguishing~dia: Water spray - Class A-B-C or BC Fire Extinguisher Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Stop flow of gas. Use water to keep fire exposed con- tainers cool. Use water spray to disperse untgnited gas or vapor. If ignition has occurred and no water availablet tank metal may weaken from overheating. Evacuate area. If gas has not ignitedt LP-Gas liquid or vapor may be dispersed by water spray or flooding. Section V HEALTH HAZARD Threshold Limit Value: 1,000 PPM Effects of Overexposure: Inhalation - concentrations can lead to'symptoms ranging from d"~zziness to anesthesia and respiratory arrest. Eyes- moderate irritation. Emergency & First Aid Procedures: Inhalation - remove to fresh air. Guard against self- injury. Apply artificial respiration if breating has stopped. Section VI REACTIVITY DATA · Stable X Unstable Hazardous Decomposition Products None Incompat-~-t~-Tltty (mater-'Ft~l-s to avoid): Mixing with oxygen or air~ except at burner Hazardous Polymerization: Hay occur Will not occur X Section vii ~PILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps to be taken in case material is released: Keep p~blic away. Shut off supply of gas. Eliminate sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Disperse with water spray. Contact between skin and these gases in liquid form can cause freezing of tissue causing injury similar to thermal burn. Waste Disposal Method: Controlled burning. Contactsupp)ier Section VIII SPECIAL PROTECTIOt4 INFORMATION Respiratory Protection: Stay out of gas or vapor (because of fire hazard). Ventilation: Explosion-proof motors and keep sources of ignition at safe distances. Personal Protective Equipment and Apparel: Leather or equivalent gloves, goggles for pro- tection against accidental release of pressurized product. ~ection IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Precautions to be taken when handling and storing: Keep containers away from heat sources and store in upright position. Containers should not be dropped. Keep container valve closed when not in use. · Other..Precaution: Install protective cap~ when not connected for use. S~ttonX TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION OSHA Carcinogen Classification (2g CFR lglO) Not listed/applicable X U.S. Department of Health (gl CFR 184.1655): Generally recognized as safe (~I~)FS) as a direct human food ingredient when used as a propellant, aerating agent and gas as ~efined in section 170.3(o)125) Section XI DOT LABELING INFORMATION (49 CFR 100-199) Proper Shipping Name: LiquefiedPetroleum Gas Hazardous Classification: Flamaeble Gas Identification No: UN 1075 Label(s) Required: Flan~nable Gas Form No: S0-5120-0584 Bakersfield Fire Irffpt. Hazardous Materials Inspection Date Completed ~- / ~' ~ BUsiness Name: ~,'/~'.% / t.J,~i/~,~ C~,o4, RECEIVED Location: ! ziq d~ c~/,'~, ~;~ IJON ] 6 1989 Plan ID # 215-0OO- t~a l~O'L (Top right comer Business Plan) Htt7~ I~IAT. DIV. Station No. '~. Shift -~ Inspector ~ Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials [~ [--] Verification of Quantities [~ [~ Verification of Location [~ [--] Proper Segregation of Material [~f/ [--I Comnlen/s: Verification of MSDS Availability [~ [] Number of Employees / -~ Verification of Haz Mat Training ~ [--] Cominents: Verifcafion of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted [-~ Containers Properly Labeled [] Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: FO 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office