HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANKm m m m m m ~i~l Ho. ~ ~awi~ ~. Fr~no Vlsella hkersfleld 220006 Cr~stal ~eyser Water 1233 California Ave., Bak. Contrac: unknown Status : Annual Soil Monitoring Est TOC: One year Grndwtr: No groundwater contamination Comment: File last reviewed 9-8-94. Case was started in 1986 and monitoring was the option chosen for the site. Levels of contamination appear to be decreasing. 5-4-95 spoke to Dodi Harrison with Hiram Walker about site closure. I informed her that the site is close but that an additional boring an air sample may be required. She stated that she would contact Rainey Smith. Need letter to new owner. Try to close case 1-3-96. Case closure started'5- '8-96. 5-9-96 Completed case closure summary and file review. Sent summary to RWQCB. **** 5-23-96 Ye Pon ask for additional information. She did not understand that the Vapor Well was drilled in the tank excavation and soil samples were retrived at that time. Sent summeries of analytical information. Recieved call 6-10-96 from RWQCB stating that they concur with closure. D December 22, 2003 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZ. E Ms. Dee Secara, Office Manager Crystal Geyser Water Company ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1233 E. Califomia Avenue 2101 "H" Street Bakersfie,d. CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93307 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RETURN TO COMPLIANCE VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661)395-1349 Re: Docket No. 0003-13 Order on Consent Agreement PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES * ENVIRONMENTAl. SERVICES 1715 ChesterAve. Dear Ms. Secara: Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661)326-0576 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the PUBLIC EDUCATION administrative and engineering controls associated with the wastewater 1715 ChesterAve. treatment process monitoring. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661)326-0576 Based upon the information submitted, this office is satisfied with the FIRE INVESTIGATION corrective action performed and requires no further action at this time in the 715 Chester Ave. above-referenced I matter. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 If yOU have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at TRAINING DIVISION 661-326-3979. 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 o~ncere~y, FAX (661) 399-5763 Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services REIt/hw ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH~ /ICES DEPARTMENT O~_SOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S., Director ~ DA VID PRICEIll, RMA DIRECTOR 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE300 ~ . Engineering &Suwey Se~ices Department BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~ Environmental Health Services Department Phone: (805)862-8700 Planning Department FAX: (805) 862-8701 Roads Department Sune 6, 1996 Crystal Geyser Water Company 1233 E. California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 SUBJECT: Location · 1233 E. California Avenue Known As : Victory Wines Permit # : 220006 Ladies & Gentlemen: This letter conftrms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information, provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Further, it · does not relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If y,,u have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dan Starkey at (805) 862-8757. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By:~~~us~UMRp~r~e.~i Management Program JC:ch coltk220006.b UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT REPORT BEEN FILED ? [] YES NAME OF INDIV~U~ FILING R~ORT PH~E SIGNA~RE REPRESSING ~ ~NE~E~TOR ~ REG~BOARD ADDRE~ 2~oo /~// ~ C~ ~A~ ZIP ~ NAME ~ Y ~ I~NT~T PERSON IP~NE C ~ ~ ~ / ~. ~ ~ ~ ~...ow. ( ) AODRESS 5TRE~ C~ ~A~ FAClLI~ N~E (IF ~PLICABL~ OPERATOR ~ P~NE ADDRESS 73 °7z,. CRO~ STREET L~AL A~NCY AGENCY N~E ~NTACT PERSON PHONE REG~N~ BOARD P~NE (1) NAME QUANTI~ LOST (~LLONS) (~) ~ UNKNOWN DA~ DI~VERED ~ HOWDIS~VER~ ~ INVENTORY ~NTR~ ~ SU~URFACE MONITORING ~ NUIS~CE ~NDmONS /MI ~.J ~ol~ ol ~YI ~ ,I ~ TANK~ST ~ TANK REMOVAL ~ OTHER DA~ DI~HARGE BE~N M~HOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ~L ~AT APPL~ HAS DlSC~RGE BEEN STOPPED ? ~ REPAIR TANK ~ CLOSE TANK & FILL IN P~CE ~ CHANGE PR~EDURE ~ ~s ~ .o ,~Y~S, DA~ .I .I =1 ~ ~1· ~REP~CETANK ~ OTHER SOURCE OF DIVERGE CAUSE(S) CHECK ONE ONLY ~ UNDERMINED ~ SOIL ONLY ~ GROUNDWATER ~ DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS ~ AC~ALW BEEN AFFEC~D CHECK ONE ONLY ~ NO ACTION TArN ~ PR~IMINARY S~ ASSESSMENT ~RKP~N SURMISED ~ POLLUTION CHARAC~RI~TION ~ LE~ BE~ ~NFIRMED ~ PRELIMINARYSI~ A~E~MENTUNDERWAY POST CLE~UP MONITORING IN PROGRE~ ~ REMEDIATION P~N ~ CASE CLOSED(CLE~UP ~MPLE~DOR UNNECESSAR~ ~ CLE~UP UNDERWAY CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) ~ EXCAVA~ & DISUSE (ED) ~ REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) ~ ENH~CED BIO DEG~DATION (1~ ~ C~SI~(Cm ~ EXCAVATE&TREAT(E~ ~ PUMP&TREATGROUNDWA~R(G~ RE~CESUPPLY(R~ ~ ~NTAINMENTBARRIER (CB) ~ NO ACT~N REQUIRED (NA) Case Closure Sumrn .y Leal~ing Underground Fuel Storage Tan~ Program I. Agency Information Date: Agency Name: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEFF. Address: 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 City/State/Zip: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Phone: (805)862- Responsible Staff Person: DAN STARKEY Title: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST II. Case InformatiOn Sit® Facility Name: VICTORY WINES Site Facility Address: 1233 E. CALIFORNIA AV~., BAY~RSFIELD, CA 93307 RB LUSTIS Case No: [ Local Case No: 220006 [ LOP Case No: 220006 URF filing date: SWEEPS No: Responsible Parties Addresses Phone Numbers CRYSTAL GEYSER WATER COMPANY 1233 CALIFORNIA ',AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 (805) 323-6296 FREDERICK WILDMAN & SONS, LIMITED P.O. BOX 33006, DETROIT, MI 48232 (313) 965-6611 Tank No. Size in Gal. Contents Closed in-Place/Removed Date I 6000 GAS REMOVED 9-17-86 2 6000 GAS REMOVED 9-17-86 3 10000 DIESEL REMOVED 9-17-86 4 10000 DIESEL REMOVED 9-17-86 5 250 WASTE OIL REMOVED 9-1746 III. Release and Site Cha 'acterization Information Cause and type of release: HOLES IN T~NKS, OVERSPILLS X Yes [] No I Date approved by oversight agency: 9-95 Site characterization complete? Monitoring Wells Installed? [] Yes X No I Number: I Proper screened Interval? [] Yes [] No Highest GW depth below ground surface: 200 FEET I Lowest depth: 300 FEET I Flow direction: SW Most Sensitive Current Use: BOTTLED WATER FACiLiTY Are drinking water wells affected? [] Yes X No Aquifer name: Is surface water affected? [] Yes X No Nearest/affected SW name: Off-site beneficial use impacts (addresses/locations): NA Report(s) on file? X Yes [] No I Where is report(s) filed? YdgR_N COUNTY ENVIRoNMeNTAL HEALTH Treatment and Disposal of Affected Material Material Amount (Include Units) Action (Tnmtment or DLqposai w/DesUnaUon) Date Tank 5 RECYCLED 9-17-86 Piping UNKNOWN RECYCLED 9-17-86 ~Free Product NA I Soil UNKNOWN DISPOSED OF AT UNKNOWN LOCATION 9-86 Groundwater NONE Barrels NONE L~a Case Closure Summary ~ J~age 2 king Underground Fuel Storage Tank-Program III. Release and Site Characterization Information (continued) Maximum Documented Contaminant Concentrations - - Before and After Cleanup Soil (ppm) Water (ppm) Soil (ppm) Water (ppm) Contaminant Contaminant Before After Before After Before After Before After TVH (Gaa)/Dlesel 7286 52 Xylene ' 566 4.6 TPH (Diesel) Ethylbenzene ND .64 Benzene 90 1.0 Oil & Grease 67 47 Toluene 432 ].8 Heavy metals Other Other Comments (Depth of Remedlation, etc.): This is an old facility the tanks were removed in 1986. The option they were allowed to implement as a remedial action was to monitor the plume for five years. The agreement was that the RP would sample the vapor well with a PID and if no significant changes occurred the site would be closed. This agreement was completed in 1994. At that time the property changed hands along with responsibility for further cleanup. The site has been fully characterized with a total of 14 borings and 1 vadose well. The plume was approximately 120 feet across and from 20 to 80 feet deep. Most of the area consists of contamination that was less than 1000 ppm TPH. The vapor monitoring well (1 I0 ft.) and last two borings (80 ft.) were drilled in 1989. The two borings were located outside of the former tank pit and the vapor well was drilled directly through the pit. The results of the vapor well and boring soil samples are listed in the AFTER column in the above table. The site is currently a paved parking lot. IV. Closure Does completed corrective action protect existing beneficial uses per the Regional Board Basin Plan? x Yes [] No Does completed corrective action protect potential beneficial uses per the Regional Board Basin Plan? x Yes [] No Does corrective action protect public health for current land use? x Yes [] No Site management requirements: Vapor monitoring well will be filled with grout before final closure letter is sent. Should corrective action be reviewed if land use changes? x Yes [] No Monitoring Wells Decommissioned: [] Yes x No Number Decommissioned: Number Retained: List enforcement actions taken: List enforcement actions rescinded: ~. Local Agency Representative Data Name: Da/~rkey ~ /7_-----r---~ I T~tle: Hazardous Materials Specialist / VI. RWQCB Notificatio;l~i~ RWQCB Staff Name: Title: Date: VII. Additional Comments, Data, etc. Vapor well will be abandoned as per County requirements during the RWQCB 30 day review period. '1M103 Allied Domecq North America Corp. ALLIED DOMECQ Please Reply to: P.O. Box 33006 Detroit, MI 48232 May 4, 1995 Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Dan Starky Dear Mr. Starky: Re: Account No. 22006 - Burlingame, CA Further to your telephone conversation with Dodi Harrison of this Department, be advised that the terms and conditions of the Purchase and Sale Agreement between Frederick ~Arddman & Sons, Limited (Sellsr) and Cr/sta~ Geyser Water Company (Buyer), provide that any environmental monitoring expenses incurred after the five year period ending December 21, 1993 shall be the responsibility of the Buyer. Therefore, pleasse return to us the balance of $617.13 remaining in the deposit account. Any further boring or sampling you require should be the sole responsibility of Crystal Geyser Water Company. If you should have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours very truly, Rainey Smith U.S. Corporate & Commercial Counsel RS*dh ALLIED DOMECQ NORTH AMERICA CORP. P.O. BOX 33006, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48232-~,~06 USA TELEPHONE (313~ 965-6611 & SONS, INC. Please Reply to: BOURBON: .' ?.?' .... .,,.~f.;,,,.,r~- "?~ 'i ~-~';:.. P.O. Box 33006 ....... ~-~/....~'~. -. Detroit. M! 48232 CANADIAN WHISKIES: t kd"-' / '-,,..~, /~ . ~-. ....... ~.,~ ~-~,,,,.¥.,~,. .... · August 29, 1994 CHAMPAGNE: ~ ...... ~ ........ Kern County Environmental Health Department c,,~: 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 IMPORI[D LIQUEURS: .... ',,',,,,,',,-",,Dear Mr. Schiede: "~,"" .... Re: Fifth Annual Soil Vapor Monitoring .,~.. .... Crystal Geyser Facility ....... ' ..... {Former Calvin Cooler ~ottling ~lantl 1233 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California LIQUEURS & SPECIALIIES: ....... ' ..... ' ............Enclosed you will find a copy of the fifth annual soil vapor monitoring analysis as ',,,,ER,,'.,S~,~S~ prepared by Krazen & Associates lnc. for the aforementioned site. Trusting this is satisfactory. -coro-,~,,,s~,~s: Yours very truly, S,~E ,,..,~, ,,,,-,,s~,~s: Rainey Smith '"'"""-' U.S. Corporate & .~,-~u,, .... Commercial Counsel ...,.,,:.. (313) 965-6611 (ext. 380) ....... .,..., (519) 971-5712 (fax) ~. OI)K.x: ......... ~ ......... ----RS*dh ',,',~ES: encl. cc: B. Clark (w/eric) T. Martin (Krazen & Associates) L. Soong (Crystal Geyser w/eric) 3000 Town Center, Suile 3200 ' Post Office Box 44375 5oulhfield, MI 4fl075 ph. 810.948.b500 · fax 810.948.8921 Detroit, MI 48224.0375 & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING AND INSPECTION 21.5 Wes! Dakota Avenue · Clovis. California 93612. · (20g) 348-2.200 · FAX (209) 3~,8-2201 July 12, 1994 Project No. E88-107 Mr. Joseph E. Mitchell Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 33006 Detroit, Michigan 48232-5006 RE: Fifth Annual Soil Vapor Monitoring Crystal Geyser Facility (Former Calvin Cooler Bottling Plant) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Mitchell: In accordance with your request, we have completed the fifth annual soil vapor monitoring at the above-referenced project site. A summary of the results for the past five years is presented in the following table. Summary of Five Annual Reports PID Readings of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil Vapor Vadose Zone Monitoring Crystal Geyser Bottling Plant 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. (All concentrations are expressed in parrs per million) Sampling Event Date PID Reading First Annual July 1, 1989 7.4~ Second Annual March 28, 1991 8.6~ Third Annual March 5, 1992 8.42 Fourth Annual April 4, 1993 8.42 Fifth Annual April 5, 1994 8.0~ Average of two readings Average of three readings Project No. E88-107 Page No. 2 Based upon review of the data collected during the vapor monitoring coupled with data from previous investigations, the following conclusion was derived: · As evidenced by the apparently insignificant difference in concentrations between the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth annual monitoring of the vadose zone well, it appears that vertical migration of petroleum constituents has not occurred at the location of our vapor monitoring well. After your review and approval of the report, please forward the enclosed self-addressed report to the Kern County Environmental Health Department. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (209) 348-2200 or (800) 800-0711. Respectfully submitted KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~;~}~. Rick Stauber II~{ ~,o'~s~ .... / ~} Project Engineer '"'~=~ Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer RGE g002051/RCE//34274 SN/DA/It 3c: herewith lc: Kern County Environmental Health Department Attn: Mr. Bill Shiede (herewith for distribution by the client) KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC Offices Serving the Western United States FIFTH ANNUAL SOIL VAPOR MONITORING CRYSTAL GEYSER FACILITY (FORMER CALVIN COOLER BOTFLING PLANT) 1233 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Project No. E88-107 July 12, 1994 Prepared for: Mr. Joseph E. Mitchell Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 33006 Detroit, Michigan 48232 (313) 956-6611 Prepared by: Krazan & Associates, Inc. 215 West Dakota Avenue Clovis, California 93612 (209) 348-2200 (800) 800-0711 & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING AND INSPECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Project No. E88-107 Pa~e INTRODUCTION ................................................. 1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ................................... 2 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC SETTING ................................ 2 Regional Geologic Setting ........................................ 2 Site-Specific Geology ........................................... 2 Hydrologic Setting ............................................ 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ....................................... 3 TABLE I .................................................. 4 TABLE II .................................................. 6 TABLE III ................................................. 8 TABLE IV ................................................. 10 First Annual Monitoring ......................................... 10 TABLE V .................................................. 11 Annual Monitoring ............................................ 12 TABLE V .................................................. 13 FIFTH ANNUAL MONITORING ....................................... 14 Purpose of This Investigation ...................................... 14 Scope of This Investigation ....................................... 14 Findings of Investigation ......................................... 14 TABLE VII ................................................. 15 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS .......................................... 15 CONCLUSIONS .................................................. 16 LIMITATIONS ................................................... 16 Maps Vicinity Map .............................................. following text Site Map ................................................ following text GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING * ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING AND iNSPECTION West Dakota Avenue · Clovis. California 93612. · (209) 348-2200 · FAX (209) 348-2Z01 July 12, 1994 Project No. E88-107 FIFrH ANNUAL SOIL VAPOR MONITORING CRYSTAL GEYSER FACILITY (FORMER CALVIN COOLER BOTTLING PLANT) 1233 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION The following report summarizes the findings of our fifth annual soil vapor monitoring program conducted at the above-referenced project site. This report represents the results of the fifth year in a five year monitoring program. In September 1986, five underground fuel storage tanks were removed from the project site. Soil sampling from beneath the tanks revealed petroleum constituents to be present. As a result, two additional investigations were conducted to characterize the limits of the soil contamination plume. Following characterization, a vadose zone monitoring well was installed in June 1989 as part of a five year monitoring program. Results of the first annual vadose zone monitoring suggested ambient (background) concentrations of hydrocarbon vapors to be present. In March 1991, Krazan & Associates, Inc. conducted the second sampling of the annual monitoring program. The results of the second annual vadose zone monitoring program were presented in a report dated May 20, 1991. The results of that event were consistent with the results of the first annual monitoring. In March 1992, Krazan & Associates, Inc. conducted the third sampling of the annual monitoring program. The results of the third annual vadose zone monitoring program were presented in a report dated March 24, 1992. The results of that event were consistent with the results of the first and second annual monitorings. In April 1993, Krazan & Associates, Inc. conducted the fourth sampling of the annual monitoring program. The results of that event were consistent with the results of previous annual measurements. The results of the fifth annual vadose zone monitoring program are presented in this report as follows. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 2 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The subject property is currently developed as the Crystal Geyser facility and is located at the southwest corner of California and Lakeview Avenues in Bakersfield, California. (See Drawing No. 1, Vicinity Map). Specifically, the project site is located in the northwest ~A of Section 33, Township 29 South, Range 28 East of the Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. The facility was previously known as the Calvin Cooler Bottling Plant and the Victori Winery. ' "' GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC SETrING Regional Geologic Settin~ The project site is located within the City of Bakersfield, California, which is within the San Joaquin Valley. The San Joaquin Valley is bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada and on the west by the Coast and Diablo Ranges. The San Joaquin Valley is composed primarily of alluvial sediments, some of which date back to the Cretaceous (150-100 million years before present). Sediment thickness in several areas of the San Joaquin Valley exceeds several thousand feet. Site-Specific Geology The topography of the site is relatively level. According to the 1973 photorevised version of the U.S. Geological Survey Lamont 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle map, the area of the project site is located at an elevation of approximately 406 feet above mean sea level. During previous investigations, 12 exploratory soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 100 feet below existing grade. The logs of those soil borings indicate silt to be present from grade to a depth of approximately 3 feet. Between 3 feet and 20 feet below grade, interbedded lenses of fine to medium grained sand, silty sands, and silt were noted. From approximately 20 feet to 25 feet, a fine to medium sand persisted. Between 25 feet and 50 feet below grade, silt with occasional lenses of fine sand was noted. From 50 feet to 100 feet below grade, a firm silt was present. Fill material is believed to be present in the areas around existing structures. The previous tank excavation was backfilled to grade with engineered fill comprised of clean fine to medium silty sand. Hydrologic Settin~ The site is located within the San Joaquin Valley Hydrologic Study Area, which is primarily an arid to semi-arid environment. Within the study area, 39 groundwater basins and areas of potential KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 3 groundwater storage have been identified. Useable storage totals 80 million acre-feet. Fresh-water bearing deposits have a maximum thickness of 4,400 feet. The area in which the project site is located is part of the Kern County Basin. This basin currently has an overdraft problem, but is able to lessen its severity by using water from the State Water Project. Overdraft is a condition in which groundwater resources are being depleted more rapidly than they are being replenished. This results in a lowering of the groundwater surface. - A single, unconfined aquifer exists in the vicinity of the project site. The water from this aquifer is used for domestic, agricultural, and municipal purposes. BACKGROUND INFORMATION On September 17, 1986, five underground storage tanks (two 8,000-gallon, two 10,000-gallon, and one 550-gallon) were removed from the project site. Samples were obtained from beneath the tanks by Krazan & Associates personnel in accordance with guidelines established by the Kern County Environmental Health Department (EHD). Chemical analysis of the soil samples revealed petroleum constituents to be present in the subsoils. Results of the chemical analysis are presented in Table I. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 4 TABLE I Concentrations of Petroleum Constituents in Soils Tank Removal Soil Sampling Calvin Cooler Facility (Crystal Geyser) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. September 17, 1986 Sampling (Concentrations in pans per million.) Depth Below Ethyl- Iso- Oil & Sample Location Tank Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes benzene TVH Grease Total Lead Tank 1 East End 2 feet ND ND ND ND ND 6.72 · · 6 feet ND 0.35 ND 5.86 0.63 148.47 · · Tank I West End 2 feet ND ND ND 0.34 ND 25.90 · · 6 feet 7.65 9.00 ND 185.12 6.24 1237.72 · · Tank 2, West End 2 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND · · 6 feet 1.85 3.32 39.87 ND 235.47 * · Tank 3, East End 2 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND · · 6 feet 0.42 2.22 ND 100.37 4.94 582.84 · · Tank 3, West End 2 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND · · 6 feet 4.05 1.53 ND 7.41 ND 7286.25 · · Tank 4, East End 2 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND · · 6 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND · · Tank 4, West End 2 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND * · 6 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND * · Tank 5, Center 2 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND 67.3 * 6 feet ND ND ND ND ND ND 47 · · = Sample not tested ND = Non-detected KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-I07 Page No. 5 Upon review of the results of the chemical analysis performed on the samples obtained during the tank removal, the Kern County Environmental Health Department (EHD) required that a preliminary site characterization by conducted. Krazan & Associates was retained to perform the preliminary site characterization. A workplan for the preliminary site characterization was submitted to the Kern County EHD and was subsequently approved. Nine soil borings were advanced during the investigation to a maximum - - depth of 35 feet below grade. Locations of the soil borings are shown in Drawing No. 2. Chemical analysis of the soil samples obtained revealed petroleum constituents to be present to depths in excess of 35 feet below grade. Results of the chemical analysis are summarized in Table II. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 6 TABLE II Concentrations of Petroleum Constituents in Soil Preliminary Site Characterization Calvin Cooler Facility (Crystal Geyser) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. November/December 1986 Sampling (Concentrations in parts per million.) Sample I.D. Benzene Toluene Xylenes Total Volatile Oil & Grease Hydrocarbons B-1 @ 5 ft. 2.55 7.25 145.24 478.29 67.0 B-1 @ 10 ft. ND 1.05 14.74 60.00 25.0 B-1 @ 15 ft. ND ND 46.61 316.91 32.0 B-1 @ 20 ft. 4.75 ND 359.96 1751.70 < 25.0 B-2 @ 5 ft. 0.22 0.84 10.17 77.46 63.0 B-2 @ 10 ft. 17.51 49.44 336.65 1696.02 78.0 B-2 @ 15 ft. 17.71 11.67 148.42 602.65 63.0 B-2 @ 20 ft. 90.93 432.75 566.58 1835.21 94.0 B-2 @ 25 ft. ND 0.12 0.17 2.06 '82.0 B-3 @ 5 ft. 3.53 4.47 52.92 424.47 1231.0 B-3 @ 15 ft. 0.24 0.57 3.40 30.91 59.0 B-3 @ 20 ft. ND 37.05 91.78 467.15 < 25.0 B-3 @ 25 ft. 83.02 70.93 353.31 1344.95 140.0 B-3 @ 30 ft. ND 154.44 522.71 1553.43 114.0 B-3 @ 35 ft. 0.84 6.27 22.65 108.92 50.0 B-4 @ 5 ft. 3.22 10.18 469.83 2187.03 90.0 B-4 @ 10 ft. 0.22 0.31 2.48 12.08 55.0 B--4 @ 15 ft. 5.11 39.88 559.46 1925.26 76.0 B4 @ 20 ft. 1.29 7.83 68.01 198.72 <25.0 B-4 @ 25 ft. 0.54 1.41 4.42 41.34 < 25.0 B-4 @ 35 ft. ND 82.16 127.93 397.82 <25.0 B-5 @ 5 ft. ND 1.31 24.44 125.18 72.0 B-5 @ 10 ft. 0.52 0.48 0.67 46.40 75.0 B-5 @ 15 ft. ND ND 1.49 29.02 < 25.0 B-5 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND 1.19 <25.0 B-5 @ 25 ft. 3:10 17.17 168.38 336.57 40.0 B-5 @ 30 ft. 70.59 134.74 340.36 902.71 63.0 B-5 @ 35 ft. 28.61 53.88 124.60 779.26 27.0 KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-I07 Page No. 7 TABLE II (cont.) Concentrations of Petroleum Constituents in Soil Preliminary Site Characterization Calvin Cooler Facility (Crystal Geyser) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. November/December 1986 Sampling (Concentrations in parts per million.) Sample I.D. Benzene Toluene Xylenes Total Volatile Oil & Grease Hydrocarbons B-6 @ 5 ft. ND ND ND 2.50 < 25.0 B-6 @ 10 ft. ND ND 2.49 93.25 <25.0 B-6 @ 15 ft. ND ND 4.97 76.38 < 25.0 B--6 @ 20 ft. ND 3.48 108.32 559.92 78.0 B-6 @ 25 ft. ND ND ND 31.15 55.0 B-6 @ 30 ft. 11.46 17.86 109.38 545.52 83.0 B--6 @ 35 ft. 1.33 2.12 12.43 50.74 90.0 B-7 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND 9.47 < 25.0 B-7 @ 25 ft. ND ND ND 0.31 <25.0 B-7 @ 30 ft. ND ND ND 8.27 <25.0 B-7 @ 35 ft. ND ND ND 1.48 50.0 B-8 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND 9.27 < 25.0 B-8 @ 25 ft. ND ND ND 0.65 40.0 B-8 @ 35 ft. 17.01 59.85 310.46 775.63 544.0 ND = Non-Detected < = Less than During a meeting held at the Kern County Health Department offices on December 12, 1986, the findings of the preliminary site characterization investigation were discussed by all involved parties. It was decided at that meeting that further investigation would be required. A second workplan was submitted for a Phase II site characterization investigation at the project site. Drilling and sampling of the second phase commenced on January 19, 1987. Four additional soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 100 feet below grade. The results of that investigation showed fuel constituents in concentrations up to 2641.87 parts per million (,ppm) total volatile hydrocarbons. Contamination extended to a maximum depth of 80 feet below existing grade and was also shown to be laterally dispersed. Results of that sampling are presented in Table III: KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 8 TABLE III Concentrations of Petroleum Constituents in Soil Preliminary Site Characterization Calvin Cooler Facility (Crystal Geyser) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. January/February 1987 Sampling (Concentrations in pans per million.) Sample I.D. Benzene Toluene Xylenes Total Volatile Oil & EDB Hydrocarbons Grease B-9 @ 55 ft. ND ND ND ND < 20.0 B-9 @ 60 ft. ND 301.33 507.85 2641.87 86.0 B-9 @ 65 ft. ND 42.24 149.87 171.68 88.0 · B-9 @ 70 ft. ND 59.69 153.64 659.11 < 20.0 * B-9 @ 75 ft. 0.46 2.90 6.57 28.68 49.0 · B-9 @ 80 ft. 0.16 0.62 0.61 9.56 · · B-9 @ 85 ft. ND ND ND ND < 20.0 · B-9 @ 90 ft. ND ND ND ND < 20.0 · B-9 @ 95 ft. ND ND ND ND 26.0 · B-9 @ 100 ft. ND ND ND ND < 20.0 · B-10 @ 10 ft. ND ND ND ND · ND B-10 @ 35 ft. ND 44.28 177.26 1111.18 <20.0 B-10 @ 40 ft. 0.44 0.77 0.81 10.11 59.0 · B-10 @ 45 ft. 0.89 4.14 7.44 31.45 60.0 · B-10 @ 50 ft. ND 7.48 27.65 125.33 47.0 · B-10 @ 55 ft. ND ND ND 3.31 63.0 · B-10 @ 60 ft. 0.31 1.27 2.93 25.42 71.0 · B-11 @ 40 ft. ND ND ND 1.58 44.0 · B-Il @ 50 ft. ND ND ND 1.04 41.0 · B-11 @ 60 ft. ND ND ND ND 45.0 · B-12 @ 30 ft. 2.41 2.75 22.98 387.52 54.0 ND B-12 @ 40 ft. ND ND ND ND 46.0 · B-12 @ 50 ft. ND ND ND ND 38.0 · B-12 @ 60 ft. ND ND ND ND < 20.0 · ND = Non-Detected < = Less than · = Sample not tested EDB = Ethylene Dibromide KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 9 Based on the results of the additional investigation, the Kern County El-ID requested that a five year soil vapor monitoring program be implemented. The first annual vapor monitoring, which was conducted on July 1, 1989, consisted of installing a soil vapor monitoring well and advancing two additional borings. The soil vapor monitoring well was installed to a depth of 110 feet below grade with the bottom 10 feet being the screened interval. The two additional borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 80 feet. For the locations of the soil vapor monitoring well and the two additional borings, -- please refer to Drawing No. 2. Soil samples collected from the two borings and the soil vapor monitoring well were analyzed for petroleum constituents. The results of the chemical analysis are · presented in Table IV as follows. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 10 TABLE IV Concentrations of Petroleum Constituents in Soil Preliminary Site Characterization Calvin Cooler Facility (Crystal Geyser) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. June 5, 1989 Sampling (Concentrations in pans per million.) Boring No. and Depth Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TVH VMWA @ 25 ft ND ND ND ND ND VMWA @ 40 ft 0.03 0.16 ND 0.14 ND VMWA @ 60 ft 0.02 ND ND ND ND VMWA @ 65 ft 0.32 0.08 ND 0.08 ND VMWA @ 80 ft 0.32 ND 0.06 0.14 ND VMWA @ 95 f~ 0.05 0.08 ND ND ND VMWA @ 100 ft ND ND ND ND ND VMWA @ 105 ft ND ND ND ND ND VMWA @ 110 ft ND ND ND ND ND B-13 @ 10 ft. ND ND ND ND ND B-13 @ 25 ft. ND 0.14 0.15 0.83 36 B-13 @ 40 ft. 0.06 1.1 0.64 4.6 52 B-13 @ 60 ft. 1.0 1.8 0.08 1.2 ND B-13 @ 70 ft. 0.30 0.68 0.06 0.36 ND B-13 @ 75 ft. 0.38 0.13 ND 0.06 ND B-13 @ 80 ft. 0.12 ND ND ND ND B-14 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND B-14 @ 35 ft. ND ND ND ND ND B-14 @ 40 ft. ND ND ND ND ND TVH = Total Volatile Hydrocarbons by EPA method 8015M. ND = Non-Detected at the detection limit noted on the attached analytical reports. First Annual Monitoring On July 1, 1989, the vadose well installed during our investigation (VMWA) was inspected. The locked well head and locking cap assembly appeared to be in excellent condition. Following inspection, the purge cap assembly was installed onto the PVC casing. The purge cap assembly consisted of a PVC slip cap, a seal, a brass nipple to connect the vapor extraction tubing and numerous metal and rubber washers. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 11 The cleaned and calibrated H-nu brand PID was zeroed to the ambient air and was attached to new sA inch Tygon® tubing. The PID registered a reading of 0.5 parts per million (ppm), and was re- zeroed with the tubing attached. A Cole-Parmer Model No. DOA-P104B-AA pump was attached to the Tygon® tubing which in turn was attached to the purge cap assembly. The well was then purged of two casing volumes of air (approximately 15-19 minutes). Following purging, a sample of the soil vapor was trapped in the tubing near the cap assembly and drawn through the PID. The sample of the soil vapor was obtained from the tubing on the suction side of the pump so that the vapor would not be influenced by the pump itself. This process was performed twice with the PID being re-zeroed between uses. The results of the PID vadose readings are detailed in Table V below. TABLE V PID Readings of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Soil Vapor Vadose Zone Monitoring Calvin Cooler Facility (Crystal Geyser) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. July 1, 1989 Sampling (Concentrations in parts per million.j Pumping/Reading Event PID Reading First Event 8.5 Second Event 6.2 Based on the results of the June and July, 1989 sampling, the following conclusions were derived: 1. Petroleum constituents related to a subsurface release of fuel constituents were present in the subsoils beneath the former tank excavation to a depth of approximately 95 feet below grade. 2. Concentrations of petroleum constituents in the soils beneath the former tank excavation appear to be degrading with time. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 12 _ 3. No significant concentration of petroleum constituents appear to be present in the soil vapor of VMWA at a depth of 100-110 feet below grade. 4. No appreciable lateral migration appears to have taken place beneath the site. 5. Groundwater (including perched water) was not encountered in any of our borings. 6. According to historic data, groundwater beneath the subject property exists at a depth of approximately 200 feet below grade. 7. It appeared highly unlikely that petroleum constituents related to the subsurface storage of fuels at this site have/will impact groundwater resources from this current location and depth due to the present of a dominant silt layer and the buffer zone of approximately 105 vertical feet. 8. Annual monitoring of the vadose monitoring well (possibly including the analysis of Tedlar® bag samples) will be conducted annually. In the event that vertical migration does take place near the former tank excavation, it is very likely that the movement would be detected. Annual Monitoring Prior to each vapor sampling, the vadose well installed during our 1989 investigation (VMWA) was inspected. The locked well head and locking cap assembly appeared to be in excellent condition. Following each inspection, the purge cap assembly was installed onto the PVC casing. The purge cap assembly consisted of a PVC slip cap, a seal, a brass nipple to connect the vapor extraction tubing and numerous metal and rubber washers. Both a Photovac brand and a H-nu brand portable photoionization detector (PID) were used to monitoring the vapor extracted from the well. Both PID's are direct reading real-time analyzers that are capable of detecting most of the volatile hydrocarbon constituents present in the vapor phase of KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 13 petroleum-affected soils. The cleaned and calibrated PID's were zeroed to the ambient air and were attached to new 'A inch Tygon® tubing. Each PID was then re-zeroed with tubing attached. A Cole-Parmer Model No. DOA-P104B-AA pump was attached to the Tygon® tubing which in turn was attached to the purge cap assembly. The well was then purged of two casing volumes of air (approximately 15 to 19 minutes). Following purging, a sample of the soil vapor was drawn through a PID. The sample of the soil vapor was obtained from the tubing on the suction side of the pump so that the vapor would not be influenced by the pump itself. This process was performed two to three times during each monitoring interval. The results of the PID vadose readings are detailed in Table VI as follows. TABLE VI PID Reading of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Soil Vapor Vadose Zone Monitoring Calvin Cooler Facility (Crystal Geyser) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. (Concentrations in pans per million.) Date Sampling Event PID Brand PID Reading Average Annual PID Reading July 1, 1989 1 H-nu 8.5 --- July i, 1989 2 H-nu 6.2 7.4 March 28, 1991 1 H-nu 8.4 --- March 28, 1991 2 Photovac 8.7 8.6 March 5, 1992 1 H-nu 7.8 --- March 5, 1992 2 H-nu 8.6 --- March 5, 1992 3 H-nu 8.8 8.4 April 5, 1993 1 Photovac 7.3 --- April 5, 1993 2 Photovac 8.3 --- April 5, 1993 3 Photovac 11.7 9.1 Soil vapor concentrations (as indicated by the PID) exhibited trace concentrations of volatile compounds with ionization potentials within the ranges of the PID's (< 10.2 H-nu, < 10.6 photovac). These concentrations are anticipated to be associated with ambient (background) concentrations or KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 14 · . moisture within the soil vapor. In addition, these concentrations did not appear to be significantly different than those obtained from the first annual monitoring in July of 1989. Based on data obtained during our fist, second, and third annual soil vapor monitoring program and data obtained from previous investigations, the following conclusion was detailed in our April 27, 1992 report. As evidenced by the apparently insignificant difference in concentrations between the first, second, and third annual monitoring of the vadose zone well, it appears that vertical migration of petroleum constituents has not occurred at the location of our vapor monitoring well. FIFTH ANNUAL MONITORING In March 1994, Krazan & Associates, Inc. received approval to proceed with the fifth annual soil vapor monitoring. The results of this investigation are detailed in this report as follows. Purpose of Thls Investigation The purpose of this investigation was to determined if vertical migration of the petroleum constituents has occurred, thereby assessing any potential threat to groundwater resources. Scope of This Investi~,ation The scope of this investigation was limited to the field screening of an air sample from within the existing vadose monitoring well MW-A. Findings of Investigation On April 5, 1994, the vadose well installed during our 1989 investigation (VMWA) was inspected. The locked well head and locking cap assembly appeared to be in good condition. Following inspection, the purge cap assembly was installed onto the PVC casing. The purge cap assembly consisted of a PVC slip cap, a seal, a brass nipple to connect the vapor extraction tubing and numerous metal and rubber washers. A Photovac brand PID was used to monitor the vapor extracted from the well. The PID is a direct reading real-time analyzer that is capable of detecting most of the volatile hydrocarbon constituents present in the vapor phase of petroleum-affected soils. The cleaned and calibrated PID was zeroed to the KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 15 ambient air and was attached to new ~A inch Tygon ® tubing. The PID was then re-zeroed with tubing attached. A Cole-Panner Model No. DOA-P104B-AA pump was attached to the Tygon® tubing which in turn was attached to the purge cap assembly. The well was then purged to two casing volumes of air (approximately 15 to 19 minutes). Following purging, a sample of the soil vapor was drawn through a PID. The sample of the soil vapor was obtained from the tubing on the suction side of the pump so that - - the vapor would not be influenced by the pump itself. This process was performed two times. The results of the PID vadose reading are detailed in Table VII below. TABLE VII PID Reading of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Soil Vapor Vadose Zone Monitoring Calvin Cooler Facility (Crystal Geyser) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. April 5, 1994 (Concentrations in pans per million.) Pumping/Reading Event PID Reading First Event 7.4 Second Event 7.1 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS Soil concentrations (as indicated by the PID) exhibit trace concentrations of volatile compounds with ionization potentials within the range of the PID (< 10.2 e.v.). These concentrations are anticipated to be associated with ambient (background) concentrations or moisture within the soil vapor. In addition, these concentrations do not appear to be significantly different than those obtained from the first, second, and third annual vapor monitoring in July of 1989, March of 1991, and March of 1992. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 16 . _ CONCLUSIONS Based on data obtained during our first, second, third, fourth, and fifth annual soil vapor monitoring program and data obtained from previous investigations, the following conclusion has been derived: - - · As evidenced by the apparently insignificant difference in concentrations between the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth annual monitoring of the vadose zone well, it appears that vertical migration of petroleum ; constituents has not occurred at the location of our vapor monitoring well. LIMITATIONS The findings of this report were based upon the results of our field and laboratory investigations, coupled with the interpretation of subsurface conditions associated with our soil borings and vapor monitoring well. Also incorporated was the interpretation of previous investigations in the vicinity. Therefore, the data are accurate only to the degree implied by review of the data obtained and by professional interpretation. The exploratory soil borings and vapor monitoring wells were located in the field by review of available maps and by pacing or tape measurements from existing landmarks. Therefore, the soil borings locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to locate them. Chemical testing was done by a laboratory approved by the State of California Department of Health Services. The results of the chemical testing are accurate only to the degree of care of ensuring the testing accuracy and the representative nature of the soil samples obtained. The findings presented herewith are based on professional interpretation using state of the art methods and equipment and a degree of conservatism deemed proper as of this report date. It is not warranted that such data cannot be superseded by future geotechnical, environmental, or technical developments. Our investigation and report were prepared for the exclusive use of our client who authorized this work. Unauthorized use of or reliance on the information contained in this report without the expressed written consent of Krazan & Associates, Inc. is strictly prohibited. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E88-107 Page No. 17 . . If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (209) 348-2200 or (800) 800-0711. Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. '~ Rick Stauber Project Engineer X~ ~~..,)?i Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer ~~~,'~;" RGE g00205 I/RCE//34274 RS/DA/It 3c: herewith lc: Kern County Environmental Health Department At'tn: Mr. Bill Shiede (herewith for distribution by the client) KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: Bill Scheide Dear Mr. Scheide: Re: Third Annual Soil Vapor Monitoring Crystal Geyser Facility (Former Calvin Cooler Bottling Plan) 1233 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Enclosed you will find a copy of the third annual soil vapor monitoring analysis as prepared by Krazen & Associates Inc. for the aforementioned site. If you have any questions on the foregoing, please feel free to contact me. Yours very truly, je ffrey~JF. ' ~-~set 2 (313) 965-6611 (ext. 261) (519) 971-5712 (fax) JFP*dh encl. i~, ~ C~'''~ ''. ~ ,i V ~D cc: K. Bellinger (w/end) T. Martin (Krazen & Associates) /IPI~ I 6 1992 L. Soong (Crystal Geyser) (w/encl) I-,',[R~: COUM~: ~.~I~ J.M. Wooters (w/encl) rOLLu~ ~L:~ ."' ,h:v.,:,,~ C, te'rRICT tllRAM WALKER & SONS, INC.  Environmental Health Sen~ces Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE McCA! ! Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ~, Pollution Control District DAVID PRICE ill WmUAM J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 23, 1992 Jeff Paulsen Hiram Walker & Sons Inc. P.O. Box 33006 Detroit, MI 48232 RE: Monitoring of Soil Contamination Migration Dear Mr. Paulsen: During a recent review of your file it was discovered that closure of the subsurface investigation being performed at the Crystal Geyser Facility, located at 1233 California Avenue, in Bakersfield, California, may be possible. Our review of the most recent sampling performed on March 28, 1991, has determined that migration of subsurface contamination is negligible. However, the location of the one vapor monitoring well and method of ~lmr monitoring to determine migration is not an accurate representation of site conditions. It is this Department's position that closure of the subsurface investigation may be accomplished by performing confirmation boring in the most highly contaminated areas found after removal of the tanks. By comparing the site characterization data gathered in 1986 with that generated by suggested boring, it is believed that significant reduction and/or minimal contaminant migration will be 'observed. Should you have any questions regarding the above subject matter, or would like to discuss the project further, I may be contacted at (805) 861-3636, Extension 588. ..... -"~"" Sincerely, .~ / ;~/.. Joe Cafias, R.E.H.S. 1.% /.,/' Hazardous Materials Specialist II /j Hazardous Materials Management Program "i~/../ C:ch cc: L. Soong, Crystal Geyser canas~paulsen.let 2700 "M' STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 · ~). DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48232-3006 I5~ ?4, S* ~ G ~ I I ~ '* ADDRESS REPLY TO * ~, P.O. BOX 330~ ~ay 22, ]9~] Kern County/Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: Bill Scheide Dear Mr. Scheide: RE: Second Annual Soil Vapor Monitoring Crystal Geyser Facility (Former Calvin Cooler Bottling Plan) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Enclosed you will find a copy of the second annual soil vapor monitoring analysis as prepared by Kxazen & Associates Inc. for the aforementioned site. If you have any questions on thc foregoing, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, //) Jeffrey F. Paulsen JFP/dh encl. c.c. K. Bellinger T. Martin (Krazen & Associates) L. Soong (Crystal Geyser) J.M. Wooters KRAZAN ASSOCIi. TES, INC. Construction Testing and Inspection ,, Geotechnical Investigations Environmental Engi--ing Laboratory Soils Testing Monitoring Wells '~.~.~.\,~ \ /////~' May 20, ~99! ?roj~t No. E88-]07 ~iram Walker & So~, ~nc. Atto: Mr. left Paulsen P.O. Box 33006 Detroit, MI 48232 RE: Second Annual Soil Vapor Monitoring Crystal Geyser Facility (Former Calvin Cooler Bottling Plan) 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. ?aulsen, In accordance with your request, we have completed the second annual soil vapor monitoring of the above-referenced project site. Based upon review of the data collected during the vapor monitoring sample coupled with data from previous investigations, the following conclusions was derived: · As evidenced by the apparently insignificant difference in concentrations between the first and second annual monitoring of the vadose zone well, it appears that vertical migration of petroleum constituents has not occurred at the location of our vapor monitoring well. After your review and approval of the report, please forward the enclosed self-addressed report to the Kern County Environmental Health Department. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Environmental Division Office at (209) 453-9637.  Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ RGb° t;;h~ ';0~ 1~ nRg~ nEeeff~ 4274 GI/sf Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] California (800) 800-0711 [] FAX (209) 291-5010 COUNTY OF KERN ~v=..mmental Henlth Services Depa~e,-. Bake~l'leld. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (sos) ~6~.~29 ~ s-~-~ ~~?~,~ HAZ~ MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MONITORING WELL(S) PERMIT OWNER'S NAME: Leo Soomq DATE: 5-24-89 FACILITY NAME: Crystal Geyser Water Co. FAOILITY LOCATION: 1233 E. California Ave, Bakersfield, CA DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auqer CONTRACTOR: Krazan & Associates LICENSE #: 499908 TYPE OF MONITORING WELL(S) Vadose NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED TO MONITOR FACILITY: One GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: i. Well siteaooroval is reauireo before beoinnina any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work dost the stage at which an insoection ii reou{reo'uniess insoection is waived or comoieted. 2. Other reouireo insoections inc}ude: conouctor casino, all annular seals, and final construction features. 8. A ohone call to the Oeoartment office is reouireo cn ~he morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before ~he oiacemen~ of any seals or o]ugs. Construction under this Permit is subject t0 any instructions bv Oeoartment reoresentatives. 5. Any misreoresentation or non-comoiiance w~th reouireo Permit Conditions, or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOP HORK OROER." 6. A cody of the Oeoartment of Hater Resources Oriller's Reoort as well as cooies of togs ara water ouality analyses must be suomitteo to the Health Oeoartment within 14 days after comoietion of the work. 7. A well destruction aooiica~ionmust be files with :his Oeoar~ment if a well is being destroyeo that is not in conjunction with a test hole dermic. 8. The oermit is voi~ on the ninetieth (gO) calendar ~ay after date if issuance if work has not Deer started and reasonaoie oroQress ~owaro comoietion made. ~ees are not refundable nor transferable. g. i h~ve read and aoree ~o comoiy with the General Conditions noted aOove. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ~oorovea Annular Seal Deoth This ~ermit must be s~gneo by either the contractor or ~'s S'iG AN~OI~-~ OWNER'S' SIGNAT~R~ PERMI~ AP~.~OVED BY: ..C/~.~ ~ BS:cd scheide\mw0115.23 5-22-07 1415 Truxtun Avenue Baker~ield, California 93301 ~NAGEMENT PROGRAM 3/~0/8~ FACILITY NA~E Four C81v~n C~ler Bo~l~ PI~ HO~ .... A~PLJCATION AOOR~SS 1~ ~81~tOm~8 ~ven~ ~ORK PHONE NO. (~1~) OATE B~ersf~el d, C81~fotn~8 ... ~J~OJ8g O~ILL]N8 CONTRACTOR ~ & ~s~8~es, ]~. LICENSE NO. C-57 PROPOSED ADOR~SS ~ N, ~ ~ve, PHONE NO. (Z~) ~B1-7~7 STARTJN8 DATE F~S~, C81~forn~8 B37Z~ ON APPROVED LIST (X) YES ( ) NO ~/~4/8g ~NV]RONHENTAL ~ONT~A~TOR ~ & Ass~8~es LICENSE NO. C-57 ~RO~OS~O ADORESS ~ N. N~ Ave. PHONE NO. (~) ~B1-7337 COmPLETiON OATE ~ Fresh, ~81ito~8 B3/Z~ ON APPROVED LIST (X) Y~S ( ) NO LIT~OLOGY LOGGING ~EVJ~EO BY: ~ Alex~aer REGISTRATION D~PTH TO GROUNO~ATER ~ FLO~ DJR~OTJON PERFORHED BY: ~ Alex~der RES]STRATJON JOB SITE: T ~95 R Z~ SEC. 33 cO ACRE SUB. D OIRECTIONS TO WELL SITE: East fr~ Califorflia ~. ~ on California Aven~ to L~evi~ Aven~. ~ll is ~proxi~tely 70 f~t in fr~ the so~st corer of inters~tion at 1233 California Ave~ GENERAL CONDITIONS OF IHE 2ERMIT: Permit aoDiications must be submitted to the Health Oe~artment at least 10 workin~ days orior to the proposed startinQ date. 2. Well site a~provai i~ peauiped before beginning any work rela~ed to well construcdon. continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection i~ waived on completed. 3. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, ail annular ~eals, and final construction features. A phone call to the Oe~artment office is required on the morning of the day that work is hours before the placement of any seal~ or plugs. 5.Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. 6.~nv misrepresentation or non-compliance with required ~ermit Conditions, on Ordinance will result in issuance of a 'Stop Nork Order.' A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report as ~eil as copies of log~ and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Health Oepartment within 1~ days after completion of the work. 8.A well destruction application must be filed with ~his Oepartment if a well is being destroyed tha~ is not in conjuction with a test hole permit. 9. The permit is void on the ninetieth (~0) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and resonabte progress ~oward comple~ion ma~e. Fees are hOC refundab)e nor transferable. ~0 ~ 6ave read and~ t~ly with the General Conditions noted abovep, . O~NER'S S[GNATURE OATE CON~RAOTOR'S S]GNATUR~ ~ OATE APPLICATION APPROVEO BY: OATE: TYPICAL $ PROJECT Former Calvin Cooler Bottlin~ ?1ant PROJECT NO E88-107 DATE March 2~ 198~ LOCATION 1233 California Avenve DRILLED BY~,-NA- TOTAL DEPTH 110 Bakersfield, California D~AMETER 2" diameter CASED ./2 y_ XX N__WELL DESCRIR2" diameter PVC Vadose Monitoring Well VAULT~ Diversified Well Products DWP 12A CAP~ .EMC0-Wheaton Locking Cap L~ 110 ft. WELL PIPE~2" diameter SCH 40 PVC L2 100 ft. L3 10 ft. L~ 3 ft. Ls 7 3/4 in. SLURRY SEAL i Six sack sand/cement La None slurry L~ L~ : ANNUUAR SEAl_' 3/8" diameter bentonite pellets ~GWL below well at approximately 200 feet below grade ~ ~ SLOTTED INTERVAL' 2" diameter SCH 40 P_VC with .020 inch perfora_ti:_0ns K'RAZAN ASSOCIA I 'ES, INC. Construction Testir~ snd In~x)ction: Environmental Engin~ring Laborato~ SoiI~ Testing Monitoring Wells March 23, 1989 Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division Attn: Mr. Bill 5chiede 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 BakersfIeld, California 93301 RE: Attached Monitoring Well Application Former Calvin Cooler Bottling Plant 1233 California Avenue Bakersfi eld, Cali fornia T29S R28E, Section 33, MDBL&M Gentlemen, Attached you will find the monitoring well application dated March 20, _t989 for the above-referenced property. The information below is meant to address the information requirements on the back of that form. 1. Facility Plot Plan: Attached you will find the plot plan for the above-referenced site. No tanks currently exist in the area to be monitored. For a site description, please refer to the attached work plan and its subsequent addendum. lccording to Mr. Dennis Williams of the Fresno Office of the California State Department of Water Resources the location of properly registered wells within Section 33 are as follows. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93?26 * (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] V/sa/ia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383.3993 j Page No. 2 Owner/Use' Depth Location Pacific Gas & Electric 125fl Southeast corner of Wilkens & Milham Avenues (11600 feet southwest) Pacific Gas & Electric 120fl Corner of Beverley & Luckey (5800 feet east- southeast) Pacific Gas & Electric 120ft Corner of Virginia Avenue & Washington Street (6870 feet southeast) CaLifornia Water Service (test hole for municipal use) 605fl 514 Bates Av'enue (7920 feet southeast) .], Martin (well abandonment) NA NA For specific information from the State of California Department of Water Resources Drillers Reports~ please refer to the attached copies, 2. Well Dimensions: A well typical is included for your review. Well construction details were also outlined in the approved work plan and addendum dated September 6~ 1988 and December 17~ 1988~ respectively (see attached). 3. Zone of Influence: The lateral extent of the zone of influence could not be calculated. However, the vertical expression of this zone would be approximately 99-110 feet below grade. £SOCIATES, INC. Page No. 3 If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully submitted, ~AN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Robert A. Martin/ Project Geologist Environmental Division Mgr, Dean Alexander Geotechnica! Engineer RGE #002051/RCE #34274 RAM/DA/lc KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ORIGINAL STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO THE RESOURCES AGENCY File with I)WR DEPARTMENT Or W^TE..ESOU.C S NO. 582 ~,,ti ..... t lnteut N,,. 159876 WATER WEIJ, DRILLERS REPORT State Well N~ L~,cal Permit No. or Date Other Well No. (1) OWNER: ×,..e Pacific Oas & glec'~ric Co. 12) WELL LOG: Totaldepth 125: ft. Depth of eompleted welil2~ ft. ,X,ld .... 1401 Fulton Si. c.:. Fresno, Ca. .zip 93307 (2) LOCATION OF WELL (See instntctions): C.untv Kern .Owner's gVell Number Well add .... if different f .... abo~ele/ilkin8 W/0 Milham T.,,'n.bi. 29~ aa,ge,. 28e Section 33 Distant, e f .... ifies, roads, rai}meds, fen~s, etc. ~'kersf~e ia (3) TYPE OF WORK: New Well ~] Deepening []  / Reconstruction [] ~,,~9 Reconditioning [] Horizontal ~Vell D~tm~on ~ (Desc~ destruction matefial~ ~ . ' pr~ur~ in Item ~  ~' ~S (4) PROPOSED I Domestic WZ~ LOCATION SKETCH ~ ~er C~ho ' WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT: This well was d~fled u~diction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge an.d,~ieL ~ ~ · {' ~ -- ~ ' ( Well Driller) ~ NAME ~'olden Empire :Drilling (Person, firm~.or corporation) (Typed or printed) Addr~s__Rt- ~ BOX 2t~4 ~, c,~..-- -- -t~e:k:ers:t'ielctt Ca. zi~ 9'3307. ni~en,e No. 3~[932 ~t~ o~ thi, ,~o, 10--31--7'8 .__ :XT CCNSECUTIVELY NUMBERED FORM ! STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO Not Fi[~ ORIGINAL THE RESOURCES AGENCY 28.~~/~ .,,..,. DWi DEPARTMENT OF WATER' RESOURCES " N~ 1 WATER WELL DRILLERS ~PO~T s~=.~,,~o. Other Wall No. (1) OWNS:/, ~ ~ ~__- 11) WELL LOG: C2) LOg~TIOH OF WELL; g~' k~ County ~~ O~ner', number, if (~) T~E OF ~O~ (cheek): N~ ~l~ D~ning ~ Reconditioning ~ D~stroying ~ l/dest~et)m~, describe materiM end procedure in item I I. (4) PROPOSED USE (cheek)= (S) EQUIPMENT: Domestic ~ Industrial ~ Municipal ~ Rotary Irri Other ~ Cable Other WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT: This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best o/my knowledge and belief. (Person, firm, /I,r corporation) (Tyl~ed or bridled) ~ (~ell D~ill~) NELL ON REVERSE ~IDE '"" , Do Not Fill In ORIGINAL TH/;A~ ~ RCES AG EI~ICY ,,,..,,b ow. O. WATER WELL DRILLERS REPORT Other ~ell ~o. (1) OWNER: (11) WELL LOG: Name ~. ~ ~~-_ Totaldepth ]~ ft. Dep,hoicompl.,ed.ell Address /~/ ~~ ~~ (2) ~o~xxoa ov ~: County ~ Owner's numar, i~ any T .... hip, Rang .... d,~,ion. ~ ~ ' ~ ~- J O~stance from cities, ro3ds, railroads, etc. ~ (~) TYPE OF WO~ (c~ec&) ~ N~ Well ~ Dee~ning ~ Reconditionin~ ~ Destroy~g ~ I~ dest~cti~, describe material and procedure in Item l ~. (4) PROPOSED USE (checA): [ (5) EQUIP~HT: Domestic ~ Industrial ~ Municipal ~I Rota~ Irri Test Well Other ~ Cable . . Othe[ ............ WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT: This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and lhil report is true lO the best o/my knowledge and belie~. (Person, firm, or c~ratio.) (Ty~e~or pti.led) ' NELL ON REVERSE SIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELl. DATA Ow~t ~ ~/~ State No. Addre~* Other No. Add~ess Type of Well, Hydrograph ~ Key ~ Index ~ Semiannual ~ Locatiom County .~. ' Basin No. U.S.G.S. Q~=d~~-' :~ 'Z~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Section ~ , Twp. ~ , Rge. ~ ~ ~se & ~rldian ~scr I pt ion Reference Point description Reference Point Elev. ' ft. Determined from Wellz Use /~~A/~ Condition_ Depth ft. Casing, size /~ in., perforations Measurements Byz DWR ~ USGS ~ USBR ~ County ~ Ir~. Dist. ~ Water Dist. ~ Cons. Dist. Chief Aquifer: Name Depth to Top Aq. Depthto Bot. Type of Material Perm. Rating Thickness Gravel Packed? Yes ~ No ~ Depthto Top Gr. Depthto Bot. Gr. Supp. Aquifer Depth to Top Aq. Depth to Bot. Aq. Driller Date drilled Log, filed open (]) confidential (2) ... Equipmentl Pump, type make Serial No. Size of discharge pipe ~ in. Water Analysis: Min. (1) Son. (2) ... H.M.(3) .. Pewer, Kind ~~ Make ~-~ Water Levels available: Yes (1) H.P. ~ Motor Serial No. Period o~ Record: Begin /~/~/~ End Elec. Meter No. Transformer No. Collecting Agency~ ~- ~ ' Yield G.P.M. Pumping level ft. Prod. Rec. (1) Pump Test (2) ~Yield (3) SKETCH + RE~RKS 295/28E-33H01 M ~ 5-22ez+1 5050 NOV 1 '~'5 "324'7,4 ]. I/05/45 -~ERN COUNTY 2700 'I~' Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 EnvtronmentaJ Health Services Depaz~ment (806) 861-3636 ~~ March 14, 1989 Leo Soomg Crystal Geyser Water Co. P.O. Box 304 Calistoga, CA 945~5 Re: Site Monitoring Proposal 1233 E. California Ave. Permit # 220006 Dear Mr. Soomg: The December 17, 1988 addendum to the September 8, 1988 monitoring proposal by Krazan & Associates has been reviewed by the Department and accepted with the following adjustments: 1. Soil borings that encounter contamination must be completely sealed with an approved sealant material, which includes: a) Neat cement grout composed if one sack of Portland cement (94 pounds) to 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 gallons of clean water and a maximum of 5~ Bentonite optionally added to the mixture, or b) Sand-cement grout composed of not more than two parts by weight of sand. and one part of Portland cement to 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 gallons of clean water per sack of cement and a maximum of 5~ Bentonite optionally added to the mixture. 2. Soil borings that do not encounter contamination may be filled to within 5 feet of grade with native soil and the remaining hole plugged with one of the approved materials in A or B above. As stated in our 11-30-88 letter to Galvin Beverage Company, the proposed monitoring well must be under permit with the Department prior to beginning work. You may submit the monitoring well application whenever it is ready. Enclosed is a copy of the application; the permit fee is $335.00 per well and will require ~onstruction inspection by.this Department. Leo Soomg March 14, 1989 Page 2 Should you or your contractor have questions regarding the adjustments or the proposal agreement, please contact me immediately at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program BS:dr bill\soomg.ltr cc: Tony Martin M. Weddell KRAZA N ASSOCIA ES, INC. Construction Testing eno tnspec~lon Environ~tal Engi~i~ ~rato~ ~i~ T~i~ ~ 2 2 19 9. Kern County Environmental Health Depar~men~ A~n: ~r. 5HI Sche~de 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH B~ers~eld, CA ~3301 RE: Attached Copy ~v'ork Plan Addendum Former Calvin Cooler Bottling Plant 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Scheide, Attached you will find a copy of the December 17, 1988, work plan addendum for the above-referenced project site. This addendum should be reviewed in conjunction with our September 6, 1988 work plan. The permit to construct the well .is being completed now. As soon as it has been signed by the property owner it will be forwarded to your office for approval. As you may be aware the property was recently sold. Ye will be looking forward to your response. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully submitted, Robert A. Martin Project Geologist/ .. Environmental Division Mgr. RAM/lc Main Off/ce: Fresno/Clovis * 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] Visalia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383.3993 ~ P 767 726 ~!84 KERN RECEIPT FOR CERTIFI'~D'MAIL 2700 "M' Street. Ste. 300 ., NOII~I~UglANCECOVERAGEPROViOED ..- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ', ~, Bakersfield. CA 93301 Ensdronment~ He~.ltb (See Reverse) (805) 861-3~i36 Postage Certified Fee Special Deliven/Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered February 15, Return Receipt showing to whom. Date, and Address of Delivery Mr. Leo Soomg TOTAL Postage and Fees $ Crystal Geyser Water Co. P.O. Box 304 Postmark or Date Calistoga, CA 94515 SUBJECT: Location: 1233 E. California Ave. Bakersfield, CA Known As: Crystal Geyser Hater Co. PER~IT #: 220006 ? Dear Mr. Leo Soomg: This letter is an official notice to inform you, a resl: the above described site, of your options for oversight cost recovery. As previously notified, you are a responsible party for a site determined to have an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank and are required to provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property; see attachment "A'. The costs incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits'. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health itl one of the two ways described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of the (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options ONLY pertain to current and future costs associated With oversight, and you will not be "back-billed" or retroactively charged for previous oversight costs. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Hater Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party for both the costs incurred by the County and the State pertaining to your -site. (B) COUNTY LOCAL AGREBI~NT Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option for those who 01~TRICT OFFlCE-~ KRAZAN ASSOCIR ES, INC. ~eotechnical Investigations Environmental Engineering Laboratory Soils,,Tea{ing Monitoring Wells ~_~M,.~_.~. -~//,/'/r~F' December 17, 1988 Proposal Calvin Beverage Company Division of Hiram Walker 21 East 69th StreetAttn: Timothy G. Dorr, Vice President L~_~! -.'t' ~' ~ /~ ~ I~ ~~Fh'~ New York, New York t0021 0i~ ~ ~ 19~ RE: Calvin Cooler Bottling Plant (old Victori Winery) ENVIRONMENTAL ~EALT~ 1233 California Avenue Bakersfield) California Dear Gentlemen, We appreciate the opportunity to submit this addendum to our proposal for the monitoring of contamination concentrations and potential movement at the above-re~erenced proiect site. This addendum was written to comply with the request of Mr. Bill Scheide of the Kern County Environmental Health Department. Please forward the enclosed copy to Kern County ~ollowing your review. We are prepared to begin the field work within approximately two weeks pending your and the Kern County Health Department's approval of the accompanying work plan. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California ~3726 · (20f~) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 3~3-2343 [] Visalia (20~) 625-8251 [] Merced (20~) 383-3~93 (- Page No. 2 Proj. No. Egg-107 If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES ,. Robert Martin Project Geologist Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer RCE #O02051/RCE #3#27~. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES KRAZAN L- ASSOCI ES, INC. Geotechnical Investigations Env/ronmental Engineering _ Laboratory Soils Testing Monitoring Wells December 17, 1988 Proj. No. E88-107 WORK PLAN ADDENDUM CALVIN COOLER BOTTLING PLANT · 1233 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA In accordance with requirements expressed in the November 30, 1988, letter from Mr. Bill Scheide of the Kern County Environmental Health Department, the following changes to our September 6, 1988, work plan were requested by Mr. Tim Dorr of the Calvin Beverage Company. Page 8, Paragraph 3, of our work plan shuld read: SCOPE OF THIS INVESTIGATION The scope of this investigation would be limited to the advancement of a soil boring within the backfilled tank excavation for the purpose of soil sampling and installation of a vadose monitoring well for monitoring over a five year period. An additional boring would be advanced at a location beyond that which was previously identified as the fringe of the plume for the purpose of determining if any lateral migration of contaminants has occurred in that direction. Page 9, Number 5, of our work plan should read: .5. One soil boring xvould be advanced within the backfilled tank excavation to a maximum depth of l lO feet below existing grade. This Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] Visa/ia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383-3993 Page No. 2 Proj. No. Egg-lO7 depth was chosen to attempt to establish a lO foot vadose capture zone below the contamination known to' be present. ~:_-;_~ .-- _ ~ :~,~gL,a~ This depth was chosen in an attempt to assess the probability of any lateral migration having occurred. ~~~li~ DrawmgcNo,:':l~. for*~!th,~ ~' locatmn ~-of,, the.s_e_:~l~dn n ~;' Page 9, Number 6, of our work plan should read: 6. During the advancement of our borings, ./.SO~tL~~b~r Obta!neiLfor,~loggmg. and. ~sssble, chem~cal_a~.lys!s~aI.~:fi.~e=~o~~va~~ c~e~ng.,:~t~. ~n"approximate "depth. of./'iO:}'~t~.~=~l~)~:.~'~~ in each location. Page 9, Number 10, of our work plan should read: I0. One vadose zone monitoring well would be constructed with PVC blank well casing and slotted section within the soil boring located in the backfilled tank excavation. The design~' Of...the.'m°nit~l~i~ng~.~]li~0-~l~i~ accommodate a 10-foot vadose sampling'Zone/ The top of the well would be capped and would have copper tubing protruding 1/4" from it. The copper tubing would extend approximately 2 feet into the well. Page I0, Number 15, should read: 15. The soil vapor from this well would also be screened with a calibrated PlD during the same month of the following # years. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES Page No. 3 Proj. No. E$8-107 The following method should be added to our "Methodology" section. 20. All soil samples would be collected, maintained, and transported under chain of custody protocol to a state approved laboratory for chemical analysis. ~e~,.t;~'.d~so_ll~_'~sa~i.~'p~}~.:b'.. e?:analyz_~to detect the presence and concentration of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and total volatile hydrocarbons If there are any questions or il we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully submitted,  KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES Robert Martin Proiect Geologist ~ ~~_~~11 Dean Alexander ~~~~~%~/ Geotechnical Engineer '~;~ RCE #0020Jl/RCE #3~27~ RAM/DA/lc KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES November 30, 1988 Calvin Beverage Company ATTN: Timothy Dart 21 East 69th Street New York, New York 10021 RE: Calvin Cooler Bottling Plant 1233 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Dart: This is to comment on and recommend changes to the September 6, !988 proposal ~or monitoring the contaminant plume migration at Calvin Cooler Bottling Plant. There are two points we must address: 1. The plan does not address lateral movement of the plume. The department would like to see at least one or more borings beyond the edge o~ the plume to see whether lateral migration nas occurred. 2. Please note the vadose zone monitoring well must have a ~est hole permit before work begins. An application is enclosed with this letter. The oermit fee is $335.00 per monitoring well, and will require construction inspection. Please submit an addendum to the September 6, 1988 proposal wnlch addresses monitoring the lateral plume migration. You may submit the monitoring well application whenever it is ready; however, no work may begin until the entire proposal is approved. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, feel free to call me at (805~) 861-3636. Sincerely, BS:cas Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Enclosure Hazardous Waste Material Program cc: Dean Alexander ll-29\Scneide\Piant ~?00 Fiewor Str,ot KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION " DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Rek=hard April 27, 1987 Joseph Victori Wines, Inc. attn: Alex Manns 1233 E. California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 RE: Site Contamination and Remediation, Victori Wines Dear Mr. Manns: This is to render a decision on the latest results of the site investigation and remediation proposal for your facility on East California Avenue. Based on review of the Phase II site characterization report dated February 27, 1987 and conversations with Jeff Palmer of Krazan and Associates, mitigation alternative #1 has been accepted by this department. The latest findings indicate the maximum vertical extent of contamination has been found. The lateral extent of the plume has been defined for our needs to the south and west sides of the contaminated area at this time. The area of contamination is surrounded on three sides by paved roads to the north, east and south. Based on the environmental assessment contractor's professional opinion and the investigation results, it is considered highly unlikely the contamination has migrated laterally beyond those roads. There is no apparent driving force. in those areas to cause downward percolation deeper than the deepest contamination discovered on site. That depth was discovered almost directly beneath the original tank hole. The nearest buildings appear out of range of the maximum expected lateral migration at this time. Based on the groundwater depth, it also appears there is no immediate threat to groundwater. Joseph Victori wines, Inc. April 27, 1987 Page 2 The above information /ed the department to accept alternative #1, with one · change. The vadose wells do not need to be installed. However, one year from now you must perform further drilling to determine' if the plume has migrated any further vertically or laterally. At that time you must submit a new proposal for the department's approval prior to beginning work. Should you have any questions regarding this decision or these instructions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BS:sw cc: Jeff Palmer Steve Harris 47oo F~v, er Street r~.RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN, HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchard January 15, 1987 Joseph Vtctori Wines, Inc. 1233 E. California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 Attn: Alex Manns Dear Sir: This letter is to confirm earlier agreements with this department concerning the leak investigation at your facility. The paving over of the tank hole and surrounding area with asphalt may proceed at any time. Krazan and Associates have confirmed that they have reliable bearings to continue accurate drilling and site characterization. After reviewing the Phase II site characterization proposal from Krazan and Associates, the plan appears acceptable to this department with the following changes: 1. The chemical analysis include some representative analyses for EDB along with the constituents already mentioned in the proposal; and 2. In the event groundwater is encountered while boring, the environmental assessment contractor retreat from the saturated, zone and seal the boring with bentonite. If groundwater monitoring is desired, the contractor must apply for a groundwater monitoring well permit with this department. The above changes were discussed with Jeff Palmer of Krazan and Associates on January 8, 1987. He saw no problem in complying with the changes. If there are any questions regarding this matter, do not hesitate to call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BS:aa ,,,,,-,,,-,,.,,,.,,,,,, LABORATORIES. IR['" :. iI~TROL£~IM J.J. EGUH, REG. CHEM. ENGI. ' .-. -;, 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308. PHONE 3274911 Dwight Trucking DaCe Reported:' 11/10/86 ." P. O. Box 6565 ' . Dar6 Received: 11/4/86 Bakersfield, Cali£ornia 93386 Laboratory No.: 19675 ' TOTAL EXTRACT CONTAMINANTS BY ACID DIGESTION. Sample Description: Baker Tank, California ~ Lakev.iew ' .... Title. 22 To~al ~etals.tm~/k~ Hethod Reference TTL2, Antimony ?040 I 500. Arsenic 7061 1.. 500.' B~rium ~080 i 10000; BeYyllXum. 210.1 2 75. Cadmium · 7130 1 100. Chromium 6.14 '7190 1 .2500. : Copper' 220.1 2 2500, Lead 8.S9 7421 1 1000. 'Mercury 7471 1' 20. .. Molybdenum 246.1 2 .3500. Nickel 7520 1 2000. Selenium 7741 1 100. Silver 7760 1 500. Thallium 279.1 2 700. Vanadium 286.1 2 2400. Zinc 289.1 2 5000. Cyanides 9010 1 Phenols 420.1 2 Sulfides 9030 Fluorides 340.2 2 Hexavalent Chromium 7196 1 500. pH 9040 1 Pen~ky-Martens Flash Point 1010 1 PCB's ,8080 1 TOX 9020 1 Comment: All constituents reported above are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine totallevels. . (-) refers to "less than". (1)' "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes", SW 846, July, 1982. (2.) "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600, 14-79-020. K-R~A ZA N & A S S OC I E S, INC. En ineered tics, tem~'~' ' p.O. 'Box 90~6' : 8akersfieldy. Calitornia': 93386. RE~.Add~ndum to Victori .~ines .j:.. :..~ . ' site:~aracteri~tion Proposal ~' ~ ~ In accordance with your request, we have prepared this .addendUm?to/..` 1. Exploratory soil borings will be advanced utilizing.hollow-stem /., . ...~..~: 2. S~mples will be screened with a photoionization detector .prior.'to-:. '.~,~.'~",';," '."' to shipment to the laboratory for analysis. Copies of the results oi the initial chemical analysis are attached for. YOur review. , If you have any questions or if we may be of some other service~ please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIAFES~ INC. Jeffrey S. Palmer Environmental Sp~i~l'i~t cc: 2 herewith/attch. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 29~733Z '" -' ."' " Bakersfield (805) 832-8909 L~ Visalia (209) 625.8251 E] Merced (209) 383~3093 .' KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Compaction Testing Engineered Septic Systems Construction Testing ~N.~,r~ ~ / //~./~.~' Geotechnical Investigations October 30, 1986 Proj. No. B86-121 Bone & Son Construction P.O. Box 6056 Bakersfield, CA 93386 Attention: Ron Bone RE: Site Characterization Proposal · Victori Wines, California & Lakeview Avenues Bakersfield, California Gentlemen; It is understood that you have recently removed 5 steel underground fuel storage tanks and associated piping from the above-referenced project site. At your request, our firm conducted soil sampling from beneath the tank at the time of removal. Chemical analysis of those soil samples was conducted by B.C. Laboratories in Bakersfield, California. The results of that testing appear to indicated the presence of gasoline constituents beneath some of the tanks which were removed. The results of the chemical analysis of the soil samples were presented to representatives of the Kern County Health Department at a meeting at the project site on October 29, 1986. Representatives of Bone & Sons Construction, Krazan & Associa.tes, Inc. and Victori Wines were in attendance at this meeting. Mr. Bill Scheide of the Kern County Health Department requested a site characterization proposal be submitted at that time. Based on this background information, the following site characterization proposal has been developed. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, Ca#fornia 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Page No.2' Proj. No. B86-121 SITE HISTORY It is understood that the project site had previously been used as a gasoline service station. However, very little information regarding the previous use of the project site has been available. There is no accurate estimate for the age of the tanks removed, which were in very poor condition. According to the Kern County Water Agency map entitled "Depth to Ground Water, Unconfined and Equivalent Wells Used In Control, Spring 1985"s that the ground water beneath the site is approximately 250 feet below existing grade. SOILS SAMPLING & FIELD INVESTIGATION The following is an outline of the proposed field investigation to be done in the phase: 1. Drilling will occur in the excavation, commencing on the floor of the excavation. These soil borings are contingent on accessibility and safety restrictions. 2. Exploratory soil borings would be placed through each area where previous results indicated soil contamination. 3. Each of these primary borings would be advanced to a depth of 20 feet, as measured from the bottom of the excavation. These borings will be used to help determine the vertical extent of contamination. #. Soil samples would be obtained at 5 foot intervals, commencing at ~ feet. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No.3. Proj. No. B86-121 2. Dependant on field screening of these field samples~ three additional borings would be placed at the perimeter of the excavation to help determine the lateral migration of contamination. These boring would be advanced from the existing grade to a depth of 30 feet. 6. Selected samples from the boring would be analyzed for Benzene, Toluene and Xylenes in accordance with EPA test method 8020. Samples would also be analyzed for Total Hydrocarbons, and where appropriate, oil and grease. 7. Ground water sampling is not anticipated in the phase of the investigation. 8. A report would be prepared presenting the results of all the work accomplished in this phase, including a plot plan showing all areas of exploration and testing. Please refer to the site plan for proposed boring locations. Any subsequent drilling will be conducted on a time and materials basis at the request of the owner. This estimate does not include the cost for disposal of the drilling returns if needed. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3effery S. Palmer Environmental Specialist Michael Erwin Geotechnical Engineer ME/JSP/ko RCE # 18625 I c herewith KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CAL I FORN I A STREET' LOADING DOCK RAMP TO EXCAVATi TANK REMOVAL EXCAVATION ~WASTE OIL TANK R~OVAL SITE ~ ~ Proposed exploratory soil boring locations P - Denote peripheral boring if indicated #X _ Denotes number of tank as sampled ~cale: Date: VICTORI WINES TANK ABANODONMENT NTS 10-30-86 ~ .KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. SITE CHARACTERIZATION PROPOSAL Drawn 6¥: Ai~l~roYed by: CALIFORNIA AND LAKEViEW JP BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ojec! No. Drawing No. Fresno Visalia BakersReld B86-121 1 of 1 LABORATORI' il... CNIliIICA! .AIIAL ~ I : ]!N.(Z~i....' .': i. · p~if~ ' , . .:..,.:..~...:'.~'~-..~,. · '' ,,' . - · . ~ . . . .~...? .~:~-zZ:'~.' ,' .,., .', ~-~... · .-~. ~.: ... ~... . ~ . . ..:.~.~.~.,~:>~-~?.?.~.~ ?.¥'~'. ,.'; ~'. -... .. .. ~ ~.~ ,.'~'.:--~, "~'~'.~. ~",. , ' . .-. ... ; . :. ' Purgeable Aromatics '"~/..".~:?:". .. ..' :. BONE · SONS CONST. INC' Date of . Z. ~- ::...:~. e.o. ~ox ~o~ ~0~T:~-e~.e~..' ~.Z~..~....~ .~.~,....~.... BAKERSFIELD~CA. ~338~ LAB No.: 17~53'.:, -'.~.~.:" ."~..?...~?~'~'~?' ' ., VY';', .:.~ ~. "( D~TE/T~ D~TE/T~E S~PLE DA~E ~N~yS~s.''' r..... ~PLE. COLLECTED': RECE ~ VED ~ L~B: CO~PEETED'~:... ~.:...:.~.,.::~ ~.:. "." ~-~-~8 ~-~8-B8 ~'~,..r.~.'~"'>/>:' :':" · Repot t ing Ana I yses "'~'eg ~i~g Const i tuent Un i t s Resu I t s "'~?~:"~.'~.V'~'" · , .' .. ~- ~ ....~.i -Z .: Benzene ug/g 31 .~7 0..I Toluene ug/g 38.08 . .0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 2.~8 · O~ i p-Xylene ug/g 5.0q '~ 'O'J 1 m-Xylene ug/g 11.05 O. I o-Xylene ug/g 8.~7 O. 1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected O. 1 TVH · ug/g 1A0.81 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SW CORNER LAKEVIEW @ CALIFORNIA J. J~' EGUN. IEOf CHEM ENGII ,: ~:.~:~..: ..... . ,. ,:.~.. : A '' ..... "..../: ':." MAIN oFFICE: 4100 PIERCE'ROAD; BAKERSFIELD~ C ; P E:32~4911 ...:* · . .- '~' ' ' '" ' ' "' ' ' ' ;' ' ~:'""..'::.:i.'-~/.'.":7~'..; ' ' ' " ' ..:: i' i'"'" "','.:/'i,'~': '," :/:.' . ' Pur.geab 1 e Aromatics " DWIGHT TRUCKING ATT. SAM DWIGHT Date of : , . P.O. BOX 6565 REPORT: i0-2~--86 ~ . ' BAKERSFIELD, CA ~3368 .. LAB No.: . .. ......~ Sample'-Description: BAKER TANK .... . . DAT~/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DAT~ ANAL~SiS..:' SAMPLE COLLECTED: .. RECEIVED ;D LAB: COMPLETED: · Minimum Repot t ing Analyses Rep°r t ing Co ns t ~ t uen ~ Un i t s Resu 1 t s Leve Benzene ug .,'g 3'/. 6~ O ."1 Toluene ug/g 63 93 ' Ethyl Benzene ug/~) , 1~.'73 0 p-Xy'lene ug/g 33.6~ ..... " · m-X~lene ug/g 60.~0 ' -' 0~.' t " o-Xylene ug/g 36.88 Isoprop%l Benzene ug/g 3.58 .0. TVH ug/g 998.68 '0'.5 EPA'.5020/80~O TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: BAKER TANK - CALIF. AND LAKIZViEW LIQUID WASTE SAMPLE. , ,.,.,.,,..,,,.,. RATORIES ,.c. J. J. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGIt. PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-491 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-22-86 FRESNO, CA. 93?2? LAB No.:18882 Sample Description: B86-12Y VICTORI WINERIES TANK ~3, E2' SAMPLE ~iA DATE/TIME . DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-~-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.! Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.I m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 50~0/80~0 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL I CHEIIICAL ANALY~,IS I I NC. J. I. EGLIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGII. P~TI~OIL'UM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 913308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-22-86 F~ESNO, CALIF. 93?2? LAB No.:18883 Sample Description: TANK~3 E6' #lB DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-22-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g O.q2 0.1 Toluene ug/g 2.22 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 3.38 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g 22.A8 0.1 m-Xyiene ug/g 36.58 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g Al.31 0,1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 4.94 0.i TVH ug/g 582.84 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL LABORATORIES J. J. EGLIN, REG. C~HEM. ENGII. MAIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERGE I~OAD, BAKERSFIELD, GA. g330B PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-22-86 FRESNO~ CA. 93?2? LAB No.:1888A ~ample Description: TANK ~4 E2' SAMPLE DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-~6 10-20-86 10-22-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/§ none detected 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-×ylene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL A6111CUL ZURE RATORIES J. J. EGI, IN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. PETIIOLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9:3308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER D~te of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-22-86 FRESNO~ CA. 93?2? LAB No.:18885 Sample Descripti.on: TANK ~A E6' SAMPLE DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED ~ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-22-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected O.1 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.I o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 5020/80~0 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL ORATORIES ,,,,,:. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. PETROLEUM MAIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERG£ FIOAD, BAKEI~$FIELD, GA, g3308 PHONE 327-4~11 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-22-86 FRESNO~ CA. 93?2? LAB No.:18886 Sample Description: TANK ~q W2' SAMPLE #3A -, DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-22-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.i p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL A$1~I4~IL LABORATORIES J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. PETROLE~II~ MAIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERGE ~OAD, BAKERSFIELD, GA. g3308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-22-86 FRESNO~ CA. 93?2? LAB No.:18887 Sample Description: TANK ~A W6' SAMPLE ~3B DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED ~ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-22-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL J. J. EGLIN, I~EG. CflEM, ENGL PETROLEUM UAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. g330ff PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-22-86 . ERESNO, CA. 93?2? LAB No. :18888 Sample Description: TANK ~3 W2' SAMPLE #4A DATE/TIME ' DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-22-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-×ylene ug/g none detected 0.1 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL RATORIES J. J. EGilN, lEG. CHEM. ENGI. PETI~OLEUM MAIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERGE ROAD,, BAKERSFIELD, GA. g3308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeab le Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3~860 N. WINERY REPORT: 10-22 86 FRESNO, CALIF. 93?2? LAB No. :18889 Sample Description: TANK#3 W6' #AA DATE/TIME DATE/TiME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-22-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 4.05 0.1 Toluene ug/g 1.53 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.i p-Xylene ug/g 1.98 O.1 m-Xylene ug/g 3.52 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g 2.11 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.! TVH ug/g ?286.25 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL ASRICUZ LABORATORIES J. J. EGI. IN, lEG. CHEM. ENGR. PETIlOL£U¥ MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93306 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeab le Aromatics KRA~_EN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date o'f ., 3860 N· WINERY REPORT: 10-23-86 ¢RESNO, CA. 93?,°? LAB No.: 18890 Sample Description: TANK Ut EP' ~5A ,, .,,,~ DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED 8 LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-23-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.! Toluene ug/g none detected 0.! Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected O.i p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.! m-Xylene ug/g none detected O.1 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.! Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g 6.9~ 0.5 EPA 50~0/80~0 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: B86-121/VICTORI WINERIES SOIL LABORATORIES J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGll. PETIIOLEUI~ MAIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERGE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, GA. G330B PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 7860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-23-86 FRESNO, CA. 93?2? LAB No.:18891 Sample Description: TANK ~1 E6 ~5B ~ ' ; DATEIT~ME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED ~ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-23-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g 0,35 0.1 ~{thyl Benzene ug/g none detected O.1 p--Xylene ug/g 0.~ O.1 m-Xylene ug/g 0.5A 0.! o-Xylene ug/g ~,40 0.! Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.63 0.1 ]VH ug/g 1q8.q? 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL A$1II$~J$17JIJE ORATORI J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGI. ~TROL~M MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9330~ PHONE 327-49~ 1 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZAN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-23-86 FRESNO, CA. 93?2? LAB No.:18892 Sample Description: TANK ~1 W2' ~6A DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-23-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g 0.3A 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected O.1 TVH ug/g 85.90 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: B86-12.1/VICTORI WINERIES ORATORIES. J. J. ECl. IN, REG. CHEM. ENGI. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZAN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-83-86 FRESNO, CA. 93?87 LAB No.:18893 Sample Description: TANK ~1 W6' ~6B DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-80-86 10-83-86 Minimum RepOrting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 9.65 0.1 Toluene ug/g 9.00 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 6.18 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g 41.03 0.1 m-Xylene ug/g 77.78 0.! o-Xylene ug/g 66.31 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 6.2q 0.1 TVH ug/g 1237.72 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: B86-181/VICTORI WINERIES A6RICUL TURE RATORIES J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. PETROLEUM MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-23-86 FRESNO, CA. 93?2? LAB No.:1889A Sample Description: TANK ~2 W6' ~?A DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-23-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.! Toluene ug/g none detected 0.! Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.! m-Xylene ug/.g none detected 0.i o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL LABORATORI J. I. EGI, IN, lEG. CHEM. ENGII. PETROLL~IM MAIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERGE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, GA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeabie Aromatics 'KRAZAN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-23-86 FRESNO, CA. 93?8? LAB No.:18895 Sample Description: TANK #2 W6' ~?B DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED ~ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-80-86 10-23-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 1.85 0.1 Toluene ug/g 3.38 0.I Ethyl Benzene ug/g 1.59 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g 9,33 0.1 m-Xylene ug/g l?.6A 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g 12.90 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g 235.4? 0.5 EPA 5080/8080 ~VH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: B86-121/VICTORI WINERIES ATORIES J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGII. MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93]08 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics ~RAZAN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-23-86 FRESNO CA. 93?2? LAB No.:18896 Sample Description: TANK #5 2' ~SA DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-I~-86 10-20-86 10-23-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.! Toluene ug/g none detected 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.! m-Xylene, ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g none detected O.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL RATORIES Jo J. EGLIN, lEG. CHELA. ENGL ~T~OL~ ~AIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERGE ~OAD~ BAKERSFIELD, GA, g330ff PHONE 327-4~tl Purgeable Aromatics KRAZEN AND ASSOC. ATT. JEFF PALMER Date of 3860 N. WINERY REPORT:lO-23-86 FRESNO, CA. 93?2? LAB No.:18897 Sample Description: TANK #5 6' #8B DATE/TIME DATE/TIME SAhlPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED ~ LAB: COMPLETED: 10-19-86 10-20-86 10-23-86 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.1 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.1 TVH ug/g none detected 0.5 EPA 5020/8020 TVH: By Gas Chromatography Comments: SOIL ' - - ~' Chain of Custody Record En~lmnntenf~! Field f*ill~ ~nd ~m~ln~ I ~~ 1 -- Z ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ O~ERVATIONSI ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ COMMENTS I~ ~ojq ~ ~ ~ z' '.~ ~ ', ' 2.~ · ~ A ~ ~' ,. ~b t ~ ~ ~' - .~ ..... Gig~t~ Sig~ure Slgn.ture ' Slgn.ture ~lh¢ ~,~ ~,~E ~ ~,~ ............ T,~ :OR ~ORA6E REQUIREMENTS RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY DAT~ RELINQUISHED BY; '[DATE IRECEIVED BY ll3borzto~J DATE SIg~tute ~lgniture ' Signature * ; ~Jg~ture iTIME TIME TIME TIME O RELIHQU~HED BY DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISHED Gy DATE RECEIVED EY -- DATE · . JTOTA~ NUMBER IOF CONTAINERS Signature Slo~ur~ Signature SIg~tur~ METHOD OF SHIPMENT TIME ~IME ~IME ....... TIME Prlnt~ Name Pflnt~ Name Pflnt~ N;'me :~tlnt~ Name SPECIAL SHIPMENT/HANDLiNG ' OR ~ORAGE REQUIREMENTS Come'ny ~m~ny Company Core.ny RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY '. DAT~ RELINQUISHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY (tabora;ow) DAT~ Sig~ture ~ Signature Sig~ture Company ~moany CO~pany ~ ..... ; '~!~~..c~i~,~os',." ' :-~ .i~;~~. :*~.-~.'.;.'.':"':-. _?'. '..,: :". ..... i:~.. ',, .. ::~ · ~: .:'~ .'.: ~ ~,,~ *~:'~ C'~.':~-~'-: '~ -,~ ~ :r~:.~.~.~;.:?.,-*: ,~.~-~..,~ ??:,~?.~.. :~!~:~*~,- .~?..:-~..: ,..:~*~~~ .,~.' .:.:..::..~, ?"?.:, ~ ?~:.,?.,~: .~ *...:.....~ ',:. ~Ac~c~ '~~s~s~'.-:.'*.' '.~ '.~' -. ~ls) ~/~S::~-.::' -': .. ~.~' :' ~lce~se~.No~. ~I~96 ~-~ ".." '." U * P~[T TO AeANDO~. PER~IT ~XP[RES SePtembe~ '197" ]9~'..~":"~*~,'~*,' 2 ~ANKS AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE Septe~be~- 19~ i986'-~''' -'.,, *' ..... ",..,., .......... POST ON PRE~I~ES .......... - . , ...'/, .", ...... CONDITIONS A~ FO~O~ " 1. Pe~lttee ~ust obtaln a Fi~e Department pe~lt p~to~ to . t~it~ating abandonment action, 2. ~11 p~ocedu~es used ~u~t be in accordance ~ith ~equi~e~ent'~. of Standa~da and auideltne~ developed fo~ i~ple~e~tatlon of. Ke~n .County O~dlnance Code. A copy of these ~equi~e~ent~ a~e enclosed ~tth this pe~it. 3. T~o aa~ple locations, placed one-third in f~o~ each end of the.tank, a~e ~equi~ed, A ~ini~u~ of t~o samples ~ust be ~et~ieved at ea. eh ~a~ple location at depth~ of approximately 2' and 6~ fo~ a total of fou~ ~a~les pe~ tank. 4. A ~lnt~u~ of t~o samples ~uSt be ~et~ieved at depths of app~oxi~ately ~ and 6' fo~ every 15 linea~ feet of pipe ~un, 5. ~11 ~a~ples ~ust be analyzed fo~ benzene, toluene, xylene and 'total. pet~oleu~ hydrocarbons. .. .. 6. Advlse this offlce of the ti~e and date of p~opo~ed sampling ~lth ~4 hou~ advaaee notice. Division of Environmental Health Application iue 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 No. of Tanks to be Abandoned APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMeNT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANC.~- STORAGE FACILITY . Type of A_pplication (Fill Out One Application Per Facilit~ E]T~mporary Closure/Abandonmen--~ ~ ~,~. k~.Permanent Closure/Abandonment A. Project Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ~0¢-~;-¥/(~£ Nights T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) Ol~erator Telephone Address Zip B. Water to Facility Provided by Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for. Soil Type and Ground~ter Depth Determinations Proposed Starting Date ~.~.~. N. Proposed C~npletion Date / Worker's Ccm~ensation Cartification j ~Z~-2/S~ . Insurer ~'~1~ Environmental Assessment Contractor ~ CA License No. Address Zip Telephone Proposed Starting Date Proposed Ccmpletion Date Worker's Ccmpensation Cart'i'ficatior{ J Insurer D. Chenical Ccmposition of Materials Stored Tank J Chemical Stored (non-con~nercial name) Dates Stored Chemical Previously Stored (if different) to to to to E. Describe Method for Retrievir~ Samples ~~ ~4-,v~ ~-~ Laboratory ./That W~I1 Perform Analyses of Samples ~ ~. Telephone" F. This application for: ~[removal or [-]abandonment in place * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED CN REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEE'F BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION FOR REVIEW. This form has been completed under penalty of pe['jury and to the best of my knowledge is true a~] correct. Signature ~ ...... 'Fitle~~ , Date /;--/~"--~ ~ai~ure to enter Jnto another 8~reeman~ sha~! ~equ county Environmental Xealtll to utilize the Sta, the rem Resources Control Board Pilot Project for which .party may be billed by the State directly for the county services aa well as State coats. · Kern County Environments! Health reserves the right to car ,.' agreement at any tine for any reasons, including groundwater oontani a uniquely complex hydrogeologica! condition. If an unexpended balanc on deposit from the responsible party under the terms of this agreement for Cite unexpended balance will be issued end the agreement terminated agreement is cancelled, you, aS a responsible party, will be enroll -' State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot program, see enclosure This agreement may be cancelled anytime by either party By registered return receipt letter to the ocher party within five da' notification. I [~rickWildman &Sons Limited (responsible party), have read ar the conditions of this agreement for the contaminated alta desoribe¢ i site ~ame "--'"- Site Address ~ Avenue .-.- Z~ Owner C stal Oe sar Water company -------- Owner' S Address :'i Operator C.C." Martin Permit # In order for ~his agreement to be ,executed, it .ust; be sl~ed amc by the deposit of ona-thous~d dollars ($ 1000.00). For the Count~ of Kern: KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - Solls Engineering T.,,n, Engineered Septic Systems ~ ~, ~,~~.. ! ~ w.~ i Construction Testing ~.~.\ ~ ~ / Geotechnlcal Inveetigationa February 27, 1987 Proj. No. B86-121 Valley Steel Construction P.O. Box 1446 Bakersfield, California 9~3U2 RE: Phase II Site Characterization Victori Wines Facility California and Lakeview Avenues · Bakersfield, California Gentlemen, In accordance with your authorization, we have completed a Phase II site characterization for the above-referenced project site. The results of our field investigation and findings are presented in the report as follows. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Su§mitted, Jeffrey S. Palmer Environmental Specialist Geotechnical Engineer RCE #18625 MRE/3SP/jp herewith invoice Kern County Environmental Health DeparLmenL /. AttenLion: Bill Sehiede ,~ Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (806) 393-2343 [] Visalia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383-3993 PRELIMINARY SITE CHARACTERIZATION VICTORI WINES FACILITY, PHASE II CALIFORNIA & LAKEVIEW AVENUES BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ProjeCt No. B86-121 February 27, 1987 prepared for Valley Steel Construction P.O. Box Bakersfied, CA 93~02 Project No, B86o121 TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE HISTORY 1 SCOPE & METHODOLOGY 2 SITE DESCRIPTION 4 SOILS PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4 Figure No. 1 5 Ground Water Conditions ~; LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 6 Table I 6A DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 7 Tabei II 7 REMEDIAL & MITIGATION ALTERNATIVES 8 Figure No. 2 8A Alternative No. 1 9 Alternative No. 2 10 Alternative No. 3 10 LIMITATIONS 11 SITE PLAN 13 LOGS OF BORINGS Appendix A LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Current Investigation Appendix B Previous Investigation Appendix C KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Compaction Te~ting Engineered Septic Systems ~ ~ \ ~.~ ~ Construction Testing ~%.N~ ~ Geotechnical Investigations .... February 27, 1987 Proj No B86-121 Valley Steel Construction P.O. Box 1446 Bakersfield. California 93302 RE: Phase II Site Characterization Victori Wines Facility California and Lakeview Avenues Bakersfield, California Gentlemen, In accordance with your authorization, we have completed our Phase II site characterization investigation for the above-referenced property. This report was requested by the Kern County Health Department after a preliminary site characterization which was conducted did not adequately reveal the extent of contamination noted after underground tank removal at the subject property. SITE HISTORY The subject property is currently developed with the Victori Wines facility, which is located at the south west corner of California and Lakeview Avenues in Bakersfield, California. On September 17, 1986, five underground storage tanks were removed from the project site. Samples were obtained from beneath the tanks by Krazan and Associates, Inc. personnel upon the tank removal in accordance with Kern County Health Department guidelines. Chemical analysis of the soil samples revealed contamination by petroleum constituents. Additionally,' one of the tanks which was removed contained what was described as a drilling fluid or "mud". Upon Kern County Health Departments review of the chemical analysis of samples obtained during the tank removal, a preliminary site characterization Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291.7337 Bakersfield (805) 393-2343 [] Visalia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383-3993 Page No. 2 Proj. No. B86-1Z1 was requested. Krazan and Associates Inc. was retained to perform the preliminary site characterization. A proposal was submitted to the Kern County Health Department for the preliminary site characterization~ and was accepted. The results of the preliminary site characterization revealed contamination at depths explored. The field exploration was terminated at an approximate depth of 50 feet due to the limitations of the proposal~ which was submitted to-and accepted by the Kern County Health Department. During a meeting held at the Kern County Health Department offices on December 12, 1986, the findings of the preliminary site characterization investigation were discussed by all involved parties. It was decided at that meeting that further investigation would be required. A second proposal was submitted for a Phase II site characterization investigation at the project site. Drilling and sampling of the second phase commenced on 3anuary 19~ 1987. The results of that investigation are presented in this report. SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY The scope of this investigation was to more adequately define academic boundaries to the limits of contamination associated with the underground tanks removed from the project site. These boundaries were ascribed by drilling and samplin9 soils in the area adjacent to the area where underground tanks had been buried. Chemical analysis of the samples obtained reflected trends of vertical and horizontal movement of contaminants and their relative concentrations in differing soil types. Additionally, once the academic boundaries had been established for the area of contamination, assessment of the potential impact of contamination on ground water resources as well as possible mitigating or remedial alternatives would be discussed. In order to investigate these potentials, the following methods were employed: KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. : Pa9e No. 3 Proj. No. B86-121 1. A total of four exploratory soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth: of 100 feet at the project site. These borings were placed in areas'around the previous underground tank burial location. 2. One boring was advanced through the tank backfill area in approximately the same location as the primary boring in our preliminary site characterization. The soil boring was advanced to a maximum depth of 100 feet below existing grade. Sampling at the location commenced at an approximate depth of 50 feet below grade. The depth corresponds to the depth which sampling was terminated in our previous boring. The boring was used to help ascribe boundaries to the vertical movement of contaminants. 3. A second boring was advanced to an approximate depth of 60 feet below existing grade. The boring was placed approximately 45 feet west/northwest from the first boring. When contamination was still noted at a depth of 60 feet by field screening~ the borin9 was terminated and moved ab'out 25 feet further west/northwest. The boring was used to help ascribe boundaries to the lateral movement of contaminants. ~,. A third boring was placed approximately 130 feet south of the first boring, and advanced to an approximate depth of 60 feet below existing grade. The boring was used to help ascribe boundaries to the lateral movement of contaminants. 5. A fourth boring was placed approximately ?0 feet west/northwest from the second exploratory soil boring~ and was advanced to an approximate depth of 60 feet. The boring was used to help ascribe boundaries to the lateral movement of contaminants. 6. All soil borings were sampled at 5 foot intervals. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 4 Proj. No. B86-121 7. Samples and auger cuttings were field screened with a photoionization detector, capable of detecting very low levels of volatile hydrocarbons (reference to benzene) as trace gas. 8. Exploratory soil borings were made by means of hollow stem flight auger. 9. Discreet samples were obtained by means of pushing stainless steel tubes (Test Method ASTM D-i587-86, "Thin Walled Tube Sampling of 5oils"). 10. Chemical analysis of selected soil samples was conducted by B.C. Laboratories in Bakersfield, California. Analysis was conducted to detect presence of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Ethylenedibromide and Total Volatile Hydrocarbons. SITE DESCRIPTION The project site is a commercial facility located at the southwest corner of California and Lakeview Avenues in 'Bakersfield, California. The area under investigation is the easternmost portion of the property where underground tanks were buried in what is now a paved parking area. Adjacent, and to the west of the parking area is a recently constructed warehouse facility and loading dock. The project site was fenced at the time of our investigation. Please refer to the site plan included at the end of the text. SOIL PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A total of z~ exploratory soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 100 feet at the project site. The soils profile at the project site generally consists of silt from the surface elevation to an approximate depth of 3 feet. From approximately 3 to 20 feet, interbedded lenses of fine to medium grained sand, silty sands and silt were noted. From approximately 20 to 25 feet, a fine KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 5 Proj. No. B86-1Z1 to medium grained sand was encountered. From the 25 foot depth to about 50 feet, silt with occasional lenses of very fine sands were noted. Below 50 feett silt was encountered to the maximum depth of our exploratory boring which terminated at 100 feet. __ In order to more adequately illistrate the subsoils encountered at the project site, please refer to the cross section profile identified as Figure No. l. For more detailed information regarding the soils encountered and subsurface conditions, please refer to the 1o9s of borings included in Appendix A of this report. Please refer to the site map for specific boring locations. ML - Silt .----- SM - Sandy Silt ...... 100' SW - Well Graded Sands SP - Poorly Graded Sands Cl. - Clay Figure No. l: Cross-section showing soils profile KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 6 Proj. No. B86-121 Ground Water Conditions Groundwater was not encountered at the depths drilled during the field portion of our investigation. Detailed review of the Kern County Water Agency map identified as Plate 4, "Depth to Ground Water, Unconfined and Equivalent Wells Used For Control, Spring, 1985", has shown the subject property to be located at T29S, R28E, northeast corner of the northeast quarter of Section 32. project site locatedA~t~eenLa~200 and:.:250 ~adient". sl0pi~' to the,-no~th east:' Static water level data was obtai~d from the Kern County Water Agency. located'in the~northeastl corner of the ~low masonM ~pth below ~a~ of 188 Water A~ncy indicated [his ~pth ~nerally mce~s:about.25 fee~..seasonMlY;' This data would tend [o suggest the depth to ~ound water beneath the project site is roughly 200 feet below the existing site gra~. However~ numerous factors influence the fluctuation of ~ound water and ev~uation of such factors is beyond the scope of this investigation. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS During the course of our field investigation, fuel aroma was noted in some samples obtained as well as some of the auger cutting returns. Samples obtained from the exploratory soil borings were analyzed for the presence of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Ethylenedibromide, Oil and Grease, and Total Volatile Hydrocarbons. The results of the chemical analysis is summarized on Table I as follows: KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Proj. No. B86-121 TABLE I Concentrations of Gasoline Constituents in Soil (parts per millonl Location Total Volatile Oil & of Sample Benzene Toluene Xylenes Hydrocarbons Grease EBD B-9 cd 55' N/D N/D N/D N/D <20.0 · - B-9 Cd 60' NJD 301.33 507.85 2641.87 86.0 - B-9 Cd 65' N/D #2.2# 149.87 717.68 88.0 - B-9 Cd 70' N/D 59.69 153.64 659.11 <20.0 - B-9 Cd 75' 0.46 2.90 6.57 28.68 49.0 - B-9 (a 80' 0.16 0.62 0.61 9.56 - - B-9 Cd 85' N/D N/D N/D N/D <20.0 - B-9 Cd 90' N/D N/D N/D N/D <20.0 - B-9 Cd 95' N/D N/D N/D N/D 26.0 - B-9 Cd 100' N/D N/D N/D N/D <20.0 - B-10 (a 1o, N/D N/D N/D N/D - N/D B-10 (8 35' N/D 44.28 177.26 1111.18 <20.0 - B-10 cd 40' 0.44 0.77 0.81 10.11 59.0 - B-10 Cd 45' 0.89 4.14 7.44 31.45 60.0 - B-10 ~ 50' N/D 7.48 27.65 125.33 47.0?? - B-10 (a 55' N/D N/D N/D 3.31 63.0 - B-10 cd 60' 0.31 1.27 2.93 25.42 71.0 - B-Il (8 40' N/D N/D N/D 1.58 44.4.0 - B-Il ('8 50' N/D N/D N/D 1.044. 41.0 - B-II (a 60, N/D N/D N/D N/D 45.0 - B-12 cd 30' 2.41 2.75 22.98 387.52 54.0 N/D 5-12 ca 40' N/D N/D N/D N/D 46.0 - B-12 cd 50' N/D N/D N/D N/D 38.0 - B-12 ca 60' N/D N/D N/D N/D <20.0 - KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 7 Proj. No. B86-121 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS The initial series of exploratory soil borings advanced at the project site during the preliminary site characterization were placed in such a manner as to investigate the area of the tank backfill and the area immediately adjacent to the tank burial site. Additionally~ two peripheral borings were placed away from the tank burial area to help identify lateral movement of contaminants. Durin9 the course of the preliminary investigation~ a highly variable soils profile consisting of interbedded lenses of greater and lesser permeability soils were noted. This highly variable soil structuring allowed the contaminants to move in lateral directions as gravity was influencing ils downward movement. It was also noted from the laboratory analysis that the less permeable soils were showing higher concentrations of contaminants and the higher permeability soils showed lesser concentrations of contaminants. As drilling progressed during this phase of the investigation, silt was noted Lo generally extend from about 25 feet to the maximum depth of our boring at 100 feet. Chemical analysis of the samples obtained from the primary boring have shown that from about the fifty foot depth to 85 feet, attenuation was evident. This is illustrated on the Table II as follows: Table I! Concentration in Depth in feet Total Hydrocarbons 60 2641.87 65 717.68 70 659.11 75 28.68 80 9.56 85 N/D 90 N/D 100 N/D The remaining three borings were used to help ascribe boundaries to the vertical and horizontal movement of the contaminants at the project site. While advancing the second boring of the investigation (B-10), contamination KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 8 Proj. No. B86-121 was still noted to exist at an approximat~'' depth of 60 feet. Observing that levels detected by field screening were low, it was assumed that the borin9 was near the edge of the plume. Therefore, the boring was then moved one-half the distance to an adjacent structure and one-half the distance remaining to the property line from the boring location. The ultimate distance moved was about 25 feet. This boring was advanced to a maximum depth of 60 feet. Samples obtained from the /40 to 60 foot depths shOwed none-detected levels of contamination. In our opinion, this boring is at the outer limit of the lateral extent of the contamination to the west and north of the area investigated. Boring No. B-il was advanced to the south/southeast of the primary borin9 and was utilized to help identify a boundary for lateral movement to the east and south of the source of contamination. This boring was advanced to a maximum depth of 60 feet. Samples obtained form the /40 to 60 foot depths were analyzed for the presence of constituents of gasoline. The results of the analysis on those samples shows only trace levels of contamination present at /40 and 50 feet, and none-detected at a depth of 60 feet. This data would tend to suggest that attenuation had occurred between 50 and 60 feet below grade. In our opinion, the location of the B-~I~I exploratory boring was at the south/south east limit of the contaminated area. Please refer to Figure 2 of this report for illustration of ascribed boundaries of detected contaminants within the area investigated. REMEDIAL & MITIGATING ALTERNATIVES The area investigated has provided data which was utilized to help identify academic boundaries to a rather disuniform area of contaminated soils. Additionally, the subsoils encountered were highly variable to an approximate depth of 40 feet, where the soils encountered then became predominately silts. Those subsurface conditions and review of the results of chemical analysis of soil samples have lead to what is interpreted to be boundaries of the area of contamination. Those boundaries were used as a guide to interpret depths and volumes of the soils affected at the project site. 'Although there are some alternatives available for the mitigation and remediation of the project site, numerous factors influence the selection of KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Proj. No. B86-121 Figure 2: Approximate boundaries of contaminated soils, Sections A-A'- B-B' Page No. 9 Proj. No. B86-12! viable alternatives. Some of those factors are depth to ground water, thickness of uncontaminated unsaturated zone remaining, types of contaminants, access to the area affected, area on site for in-place treatment equipment, disruption of business, cost of treatment or mitigation, cost effectiveness of each alternative and continuation or maintenance costs. Based on the review of these and other factors, the following possible alternatives have been considered: MITIGATION Alternative I A mitigating measure which would seem most applicable at the project site apparantly has already been effected. The measure taken was to pave over or cap the project site in order to precluded contaminant movement any further by means of liquid infiltration. By covering the site with an impermeable layer, surface infiltration is greatly reduced or stopped, therefore generally eleminating infiltration by liquid as a transport mechanism. With the point source of contamination removed and the surface paved, the likelyhood of radical movement of existing contaminants is very iow. In this alternative, the installation of a vadose zone monitoring system at depths below the contaminated soils would provide an adequate mechanism for detection of future movement of contaminants in the subsoils. Given the depth to ground water beneath the site, this alternative would allow the residual contamination in the soil to remain in place. Surface infiltration would be precluded by pavement and any movement of contaminants could be detected by monitoring the vadose zone wells. The cost of the mitigating alternative would be relatively low, although there would be long term maintenance costs. Additionally, the mitigation does not preclude the eventual possibility of some remediation. The long term financial impact for an alternative of this nature could be difficult to calculate as the variables being monitored affect the contamination's ultimate fate. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 10 Proj. No. B86-121 P, EMEDIATION Alternative 2 In consideration of the type of contamination and the area involved, a vapor management system would appear viable. The vapor management system generally consists of a well or wells to sparge (inject) air vapor into the subsoils, and a well or wells to extract and scrub vapors from subsoils. The function of the system is to provide more oxygen in the subsoils to help increase efficiency of volatilization of hydrocarbons, while providing conditions which promote aerobic and microbial degradation. Additionally, the system helps to minimize the accumulation of volatile vapors beneath pavements and structures. The cost of installation, operation and maintenance of this type of system is moderate to high. The Ion9 term financial impact of operation and maintenance of a system of this variety is not yet know, as there would be additional site-specific work necessary to establish design parameters. The overall long term financial impact to the site would be calculable to the degree of efficiency achieved by the overall remedial effort. Alternative Another alternative for the project site would be that of a bioreactive or enhanced biodegradation system. The principal by which the bioreactive systems function is one of providing an environment for increasing the microbial population to a level where degradation of hydrocarbons in the soil is accomplished by bacteria feeding on the contaminants. This alternative would also re. quire additional site specific work to determine the amount of nutrients necessary to affect degradation, subsoils permeabilty, method of injection, ongoing subsurface monitoring and other pertinent data necessary to design the system. The cost of a remedial effort of this kind would be moderate to high, with some consideration to on-going maintenance and analytical costs. The long term financial impact would be calculable only after the design of the system. KIRAZAN & AS$OCIATE$~ INC. Page No. 11 Proj. No. B86-].21 Any of the remedial alternatives presented have limitations. Remedial ]imitations include the review and approval of the Air Resources Control Board (Vapor Management) or Regions] Water Quality Control Board (Bioreactive) prior to permitting required to commence with treatment on-site. Also, the long term maintenance and operation of such systems requires consideration. The alternatives presented reflect the technology currently available for the conditions encountered at the project site. Other alternatives may be available; however, the alternatives presented reflect the opinion of the authors based on review of available data obtained from drilling, sampling, site observation, proposed site use, results of chemical analysis, depth to ground water and subsurface conditions. LIMITATIONS The findings presented in this report are based on the results of ou~ field investigation, results of chemical analysis and field observations, combined with interpolation of the subsurface conditions between boring locations. Therefore, the data presented herewith is evident only to the degree implied by comparison of data obtained at each boring location and interpolation. Exploratory soil borings were located in the field by either pacing or tape measurement from existing landmarks, or as interpreted from available maps. These locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to ]orate them~ The findings and alternatives presented in this report are based on the information provided regarding the proposed project site, review of results of chemical analysis, as well as subsurface conditions encountered at the boring. locations at the time of this report. The geotechnicaJ data presented herewith is based upon professional interpretation utilizing the "state of the art" and degree of conservatism deemed proper as of the report date. it is not warranted that such data cannot be superseded by future geotechnical or technological developments. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Page No. 12 Proj. No. B86-121 If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. -- Respectfully Submitted, KIRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3effrey S. Palmer Environmental Specialist Michael I~. Erwin Geotechnical Engineer MRE/3SP/ko RCE #18625 2 c plus invoice herewith i c Victori Wines, Alex Manns i c Kern County Environmental Health Department Attention: Bill Scheide KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC.