HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-10/05/89,, ~ ~' CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING y Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet ~ ~' Site Specific Status Changes: ~eegOry Activity Hours Date Code Description ( !0tbs d ' L211,'~ . Data Entered By: Date: Env. Nlealth 580 4113 ~-~ (~^" ........... CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # .~,:~ ~ ." .... [i ~: .... Site.~. Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (eca/l?, state,, of Federal) Dante Code Description .(10ths) ~.,.i .... ~ · : I ~'-~ Notes: .,~ ~.. . '.~ ~ , ' , . ~ .~ ~ , · · t~' ' .... "'J' ' ' r?."".-.,.;-Z/ .,~..~.? -~l,~ r'; "-~;'"-' ~ -"':'~ t'~..;:~ '?'-,'""""~ ~,., ~,'-~ ./::::.:.:.:. *' .- ,.,.~.~":'-. ~,;?1',~..~; ' ~.~. .- ,.. J n::~';' ~t,-~. 'P!.':'K-'~. Data Entered By: Date: Site Site Specific Status Changes: _------ Employee # ~ --~-- --------- ~~ . ,. d~ .i. ~t~.~ --------- Site Name or Address Funding (hocal, ~, O Category Description Coae Date: Data Entered By: ........................ ~ ~---?-- CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ ~? O ~3 ~ "~- Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address ~ 'i.%~. ~:.~ '' /~J '~' ' ~ '" Funding !?ocaL~ State, of Federal) Cat. egory Activity ,Hours Date uo~e Code Description i(lOths) Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) CX1NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # .~2j~,~06}~: Site Specific Status Changes: Funding (Local, State, of F~deral) Date ,~eegOry Activity '' · Hours Code Description Notes: - d Data Entered By: ' Date: :.', · CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS , Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # ~ ~OC~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee ~ ~nFloyee Signature ~/0 ] ~'~ ~'~ ~, Site Name or Address ~.;%/~,-~],'~ LI Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Cat~egory Activity Description Hours Date uo~e Code (10ths) Data Entered By: Date: / Emv, Healtm 580 4113 137 (Rev, 5/89) COLT PROCEDURES MANUAL Chapter I, Page C.O.L.T. SITE SPECIFIC TIME ACCOUNTING SHEET Site S~ec:f~s STatus Changes (Describe Below) Permit ~ ~2 000 ~ Employee Name and ~ ................. ~m~loyee Si gnature .... .~_L~.~____~_~_~ .............................. Funding (Local, State, or Federal) ............................................ Cat. )Activity Hours Date Code Code Description of Activity (. lO's) _d_kL 3_ .................................... J ................... Notes _~~_~_~ .............. ~ ....... ~ ...... ~ ..................... ~ _~___~ ............ ~ntered By Date CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR T,R~.(.Z~ ~ , Site Specific Time Acc.ounting Sheet Permit # ,~ ,, ,~,~,.~, .7 Site Specific Status Changes: iEmployee ~ 57 Employee Signature DO Fund/ng (Local, State, of Federal) Cat~egory Activity Hours Date t~:te Code Doscription ( 10t_hs ) Sotes: Data Enters]. By: Date: Inv. ~ea~tln 580 4113 1J7 (Rev. 5/89) ESSACE , (I M PO R'T'ANT M:ESSAGE OF NE ~R~ CODE NUMBER EXTENSION ~OUR C~;~L AGAIN CAME TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU *- ' :~-~0 ~NEO~ TOPS ~ FORM 4006 ~ ~ F.ROMTIME 8ACK ~ CA[LRETu~N~D WANTS ~ * WILL C~tt SEE YOU AGAIN WAS FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY ADDRESS : /~'~,~/ ~.. ~/~. #: ~o~O~ ENV. SENSITIVITY: /~--~ PERMIT Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Strut, Suite 300 Agency Dlmclor Bekerafleld, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 .... Telephone {805) 861-~ *,'~ ~ Telecopler (805) 861-3429 STEVE McCALLEY ..,~.¥~:,~?.~ ...- o,,e¢,o, R E S O U R C E 'M'~:;N A..G'E M'"E N T A G E N C Y DEPARTMENT' OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES October 5, [989 Mr. Miles McKnight Bakersfield Industrial Supply 1621E. California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 Dear Mr. McKnight: SUBJECT: Location 1621E. California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Known As Bakersfield Industrial Supply Permit ~220002 This letter confirms the completion of. site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility~to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have .any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dolores Gough at (805) 861-3636. P.~'is Burger, R.E.H.~. Program Manager Environmental Health Services Department CB:DG:cas \gough~mcknight.clo 5400 ALDRIN CT. groundWater resources inc. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 \ General Engineering Contractor Class A/Haz License No. 520768 Hay 18, 1989 ~NV/~oN~ENT~ L HS~L TH Hs, Delores Gough ' ' Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: BA Valley 1621 East California Ave. Bakersfield, California .Dear Ms. Gough, A review of the pertinent Site Characterization findings has been requested in order to assess the possible risk to groundwater if no action is taken to remediate a known gasoline contamination plume in the soil at the BA Valley site. The possibility of shallow groundwater has been investigated and the only evidence found for it are broken map contours which represent an extrapolation over an area of very sparse data.-' Borehole information in the immediate area tends to contradict the suggestion of shallow water beneath the BA Valley property. It is recommended that no action be taken regarding the plume other than to deliberately establish and maintain surface drainage over the area when it is developed into a parking lot. In the Kern County Water Agency 1987 Water Supply Report (published May, 1988, which is the most recent issue to date), Plate 2, a map titled Depth To Perched Groundwater shows the perched water body extending northward to include one piece of data from the vicinity of Union Avenue and Columbus (copy attached). In conversation with Ken Turner, Water Agency hydrologist, it was determined that the >20 foot piezometer reading at that place was supplemented with unspecified engineering reports of encountering shallow water while~ digging or augering in the area. A reading of >20 means that the piezometer or well was only 20 feet deep and it was .dry. About two miles southeast of BA Valley is a piezometer 19 feet deep which was dry (>19). The nearest positive information on the map is three miles from BA Valley in a southeasterly direction where a depth of five feet to perched groundwater is mapped. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 LOS ANGELES 1213) 724-3147 Ms. Delores ~Gough Environmental Health Department May 18,1989 Page Two That extension of contours for more than five miles beyond a control point is an acceptable interpretation of the data but it is subject to re-interpretation in light of some additional information. The Water Agency's 1988 Water Supply Report will not show that salient because the hydrologist now does not feel that there is sufficient data to support the contours over that distance. Furthermore, because of the nature of river sedi.mentation,, the shallow groundwater reported at the upper end of the Kern River fan (at the west end of Panorama Drive) is probably not connected with that mapped by the Water Agency and which is underlain by clay beds deposited around the distal (outer) edge of the fan. The 5, 10, 15 and 20 foot contours which pass near to BA Valley on the Plate 2 map imply that the water may be there at that depth but the boreholes made on the property went to 42 feet with no occurrence of water. In' conversation with employees of Bakersfield Well and Pump across California Avenue to the north of BA Valley it was learned that a hole was augered 60 feet deep on the property and no water was encountered. It may be helpful to review the basis for the recommendation for "no action" made in GRI's letter to Mr. Bill Scheide, April 26, 1988. Pertinent findings come from the boring logs, field observations and sample analyses from the May 12, 1987, assessment work. The~e is fine-grained, clayey soil at 30 feet in borings B-4 and B-5, both of which penetrated the gasoline plume. If liquid gasoline had percolated down to 30 .feet below the dispenser it would have spread laterally in that clayey bed and would have appeared in the 30 foot or 35 foot samples from B-4 and possibly B-5. Offered in support of this contention is a copy (attached) of page 18 from "Basic Ground-Water Hydrogeology" which describes a model experiment in which water moved downward in a column of constant width through an unsaturated, non stratified zone (representing our SW, sand with few fines). In a stratified model containing beds of silt-size particles ( our clayey bed) the water spread laterally at almost the same rate as it did vertically because of the strong capillary force and the low hydraulic conductivity in the bed of silt size particles. ("Basic GrOund-Water' Hydrogeology", by Ralph C. Heath, 1983. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2220). The point of this illustration is that a bed of fine particle size (and strong capillary force) at 30 feet in B-4 would be gasoline contaminated if gasoline had percolated to that depth. ~All the samples from 30 feet and deeper were reported free from gasoline constituents. Ms. Delores'Gough Environmental Health Department May 18, 1989 Page Three. If you have any questions please call our office. We will welcome your response to this review and study of information. Very truly yours, Rex J. Young Senior Geologist RJY:dji Encls. cc: Mr. Miles McKnight / silty .~_. .0.41t removed tsni< sand ~ ,3~'~ 2' grab sample few fines 5- -60 ~ ~.1 __ 0 17f 9 I~ 6' grab ~mple silty s~d - 802705 - -/25 plume , ol~yey bed LEGEND SCALE B4 one ir, ch = ten feet Benzene pprn 5 ~L 60 LEL~ t I TVH ppm 129~/ I0 2~ Lead ppm Pb 1.9 ~odor Field horizontal = vertical / Observation ~"°""°~"~" "~°""~' '"~' B A- V ALLEY (805)8~5-7700 environmental/geotechnical services VERT I CAL CROSS-SE [;TI ON P roi ect N umber 0~5 Z~ 7 Through Borings and Dispenser ~ Rev 5/89 STRATIFICATION AND UNSATURATED FLOW .ons.a~f~,d --,nf,o,,O.07~ m~*' Most sedimer~ts are deposited in layers (beds) that have a model (19 gal d distinct grain size, sorting, or mineral composition. Where ad- zontal or nearly horizontal layers. The movement of water, on ':.:...:: ='.'-: to the release of POllutants at the land surface, the effect of - zone has been studied by using models containing glass ~.".~'.'::ii!ii~i:~i! beads. One mctel (1) contained beads of a single size repre- ~.~m ~ senting a nonstratified deposit, and another (2) consisted of (~) five layers, three of which were finer grained and more imper- ~ ~s~,, ,~ meable than the other two. The dimensions of the models were about 1.5 m x 1.2 m x 76 mm. In the nonstratified model, water introduced at the top moved vertically downward through a zone of constant width to the bottom of the model (1). In the stratified model, beds A, C, and E consisted of silt-sized beads (diameters of 0.036 mm) having a capillary height (he) of abotit 1,000 mm and a hydraulic conductivity (K) of 0.8 m d-L Beds B and D con- sisted of medium-sand-sized beads (diameters of 0.47 mm) having a capillary height of about 250 mm and a hydraulic I Because of the strong capillary force and the Iow hydraulic conductivity in bed A, the water spread laterally at almost the same rate as it did vertically, and i~ did not begin to enter bed B until 9 hours after the start of the experiment. At that time, the capillary saturation in bed A had reached a level where the unsatisfied (remaining) capillary pull in bed A was the same as that in bed B. In other words, z in bed A at that time equaled 1,000 mm-250 mm, or 750 mm. (For a definition of z, see "Capillarity and Unsaturated Flow.") __~.~ ....... .~ Because the hydraulic conductivity of bed B was 100 times 121 that of bed A, water moved across bed ~ through narrow ver- ~X~C^~^T,O~ tical zones. We can guess that the glass beads in these zones ..::~c: were packed somewhat more tightly than those in other parts 18 Basic Ground-Water Hydrology I KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY EA,UM~RT I. . '.'" ..... DEPTH TO PERCHED ,~,i GROUNDWATER 'SOUTHERN SA,N ...: '~. !.,:'~(,;,:: - SUMMER 1987 o S~RF ' UTILITY I *;:';.',~;.:, .:..'.'.'.. KERN *' .... '* ~ . : ,~*'..'",T '~-'~ ................ ~.~.. '.,.'. . ~. . ' .;.... '~ ........ ~. . ,.. ..~ .... ~ . . . . '; ',,~ . ~ , ., W~TER DISTRICT ' . . ,..~/.. .. ,. . :. _., , · - . . . ), ..-~. .. .~.. I ~ '..' ..., ¢:, . 3TOR~ .._ · ,. · , - ~ ..... ~.~.. ..... , ..... ~ !;~:;~.'~'; , ,._.., .' :.': .~:Z~~,~ ...... ...... ......... :. . '., ,~ .. -- ~ ...... .,.. ~-~-~: ~ -- ,,. j _ "~ ~ ~f-~:. · ~ .... ~ ........ ,,~:~' KERN COUNTY 2700 'M' ~treec.~,,.e.':" 300 ' (805) 861-~636 February 15, 1989 Mr. ~. ~cKnight ,~_.~v2' Bakersfield Industrial Supply 1621E. California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307. SUBJECT: Location: 1621E. California Bakersfield, CA. Known As: Bakersfield Industrial Supply PERMIT #: 220002 Dear Mr. M. McKnight: This letter is an official notice to inform you, a responsible party for the above described site, of your options for oversight cost recovery. As previously notified, you are a responsible party for a site determined to have an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank and are required to provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property; see attachment "A". The costs incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversighi of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two ways described below. It ls your responsibility to select the method of-oversight cost recovery under the terms of the (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement'-Option. These options ONLY pertain to current and future costs associated with oversight, and you will not be "back-billed" or retroactively charged for previous oversight costs. (A) -STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Un~derground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party for both the costs incurred by the County and the State pertaining to your site. (B) COUNTY LOCAL AGREEMENT Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the County's performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, attachment :To safeguard the environment, the environmental sensitivity (Attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. 0nly sites determined to be non- environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Opt/on Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Option Agreement; however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Option Agreement, should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area· It is necessary for you to respond in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health of your choice: either the State Contract or the County's Local Agreement option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please sign the Local Agreement, enclosure "B", and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Underground Storaae Tank Contract Administrator. If you select the State Contract, please indicate that you have made this selection and that you have read Attachment "D", the official notification, in a letter sent to the address indicated above. Failure to respond in writing to this notice within ten (10) calendar days will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State Pilot Program for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Attachment "D" will then serve as the official notification of your enrollment into the State Pilot Program for Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John NIlon, contract manager, at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative Officer Environmental Health attachments Attachment "B" KERN COUNTY LOCAL AGREEMENT 0PTION BETWEEN KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (Kern County Underground Storage Tank Permitting Authority) AND Mr. M. McKnight Responsible Party for Underground Storage Tank for: Bakersfield Industrial Supoiy Permit # 220002 This facility has experienced an unauthorized 'release of hazardous substances from an underground storage tank. Action is necessary to protect the public health and the environment of the County, pursuant to Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 8.48 of the Kern County Ordinance Code. THE WITNESS FOR THE COUNTY AND SIGNATURE(S) FOR A RESPONSIBLE PARTY OF THE SUBJECT FACILITY DESCRIBED ABOVE DO HEREBY AGREE THAT: Kern County Environmental Health shall act as the lead agency for re~uiatory oversight for the: a) Site characterization: the study of a site, including sampling of subsurface soil and water where contamination is found in order to fully assess its extent and threat to the environment. It shall include a discussion of the relative risk to biological receptors and possible pathways of exposure. It may include removal or in- place closure of the tank, disposal or on-site treatment of contaminated backfill or adjacent soil, removal of hazardous substances floating on groundwater, and the drilling of groundwater monitor wells. b) Feasibility study: the identification and evaluation of feasible. alternatives for cleaning up the site and remedying threats to public health and safety. c) Remedial action plan: the most cost effective, appropriate plan to lessen, alleviate, abate, correct or clean-up the effects that a release of hazardous substances may have on the environment, based on the feasibility study. d) Remediation: the action chosen by the responsible party and approved by Kern County Environmental Health for the mitigation and clean-up' of contamination resulting from an unauthorized release of hazardous materials and any ongoing monitoring of the site. 1 The responsible party shall do the following: a. Conduct all'work as directed by Kern County Environmental Health pursuant to State and local law and in conformance with appropriate -regulations to assess and remediate the contaminated site'. b. Deposit with the Kern County Environmental Health Leaking Underground Storage Tank Local Option Trust Fund the sum of $I,000.00. The' Department's oversight activities will be charged against this account at the rate prescribed by Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.04 (currently $42.00 per hour). Monthly statements will be prepared detailing the activities and services provided and the remaining credit balance. Kern County Environmental Health shall provide the following services: a. Oversight of all 'activities to characterize the site's threat to the environment and/or the groundwater, and coordination with the appropriate State, County and local regulatory agencies. b. Serve as the single contact point for the responsible party's representatives and other regulatory agencies for the activities described in "a" above. If during the Department's review of the site characterization/remedial action plan, it is determined that a permit may be required by another agency, the responsible party shall be referred to that permitting agency. c. Review reports~ conduct inspections, and oversee monitoring until the site poses no further environmental or public health threat. An official certification letter shall be given to the responsible party when the 'site is determined to no longer pose a significant threat to the environment. d. The responsible party will be officially notified by Kern County Environmental Health when: I. Necessary oversight is completed. A final statement will be provided to'the responsible party. If there remains an unexpended balance of the deposit made by the responsible party in the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued; - Or - 2. Seventeen (l?) hours of billable time has been reached. This will give notice that the available funds will be exhausted after five (5) additional hours of billable time at which time the agreement will expire. A statement estimating the amount time necessary to complete any remaining oversight work will. be sent. The responsible party will then have another opportunity to renew their agreement with the County. Failure to enter into another agreement shall require Kern County Environmental Health to utilize the State Water Resources Control Board Pilot Project for which the responsible party may be billed by the State directiy for the cost of County services as well as State costs. Kern County Environmental Health reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time for any reasons, including groundwater contamination or a uni'quely complex hydrogeoiogical condition. If an unexpended balance remains on deposit from the responsible party under the terms of this agreement, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued and the agreement terminated. Once the agreement is cancelled, you, as a responsible party, will be enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program, see enclosure "D". This agreement may be cancelled anytime by either party by certified registered return receipt letter to the other party within five days of said notification. I, (responsible party), have read and agree to the conditions of this agreement for the contaminated site described as: Site Name Site Address C,ity Zip Owner Owner's Address City Zip Telephone Operator Telephone Billing Address Attn: Permit # In order for this agreement to be executed, it must be signed and accompanied by the deposit of one-thousand dollars ($ 1000.00). Responsible Party: Date: For the County of Kern: Date: KERN COUNTY 2700 ',~' ~treet, ~te. 300 8akevs~eie. Ch 93301 ~v]-"Onmen~3. He.Ch Oepeenc (805) ~61-~636 February 15,'1989 Mr. M. McKnlght Bakersfield Industrial Supply 1621E. California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 SUBJECT: Location: 1621E. California Bakersfield, CA. Known As: Bakersfield .Industrial Supply PERMIT #: 220002 Dear Mr. M. McKnight: This letter will serve as the official notification concerning reimbursement requirements for a responsible party enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program. As mentioned in the introductory letter, by either not responding to this package wlthin ten (10) calendar days or through your own selection of the State Contract option, your site will be placed under the terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and. Whereas the above individual(s) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for al/ direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Nllon, contract manager, at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Mary Weddell Assistant County Administrative. Offlcer Environmental Health ~ 5610 DISTRICT BLVD., SUITE 106 groundwater resources inc. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A License No. 520768 April 26, 1988 Mr. Bill Scheide Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1415 Truxtun Avenue .Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Ba ValleM MitigAtion Plan Dear Bi 11 , Following our phone conversation April 15, 1988, GRI has reviewed the Site Characterization at Ba Valley and we conclude that the threat to the community is minimal and %Jhat paving the ground surface Over the plume is a defensible alternative to remediation. The pertinent findings which are the basis of our recommendation come from the boring logs, field observations and sample analyses. There is fine-grained, clayey soil at 30 feet in borings 8-4 and B-5~,, both of which penetrated the gasoline plume. This rationale suggests that .if a boring were located exactl3 under the dispenser it would not find the contamination any deeper than 30 feet as it is depicted in Plate 4 of the Site Characterization Report (revised here to show the soil texture). The percolation of surface water downward through the plume does not se~m to threaten the groundwater at this site. In its current Water Supply Report~ the Kern Co'unty Water Agency states "during years of extremely heavy rainfall, a small amount may percolate past the crop root zone and recharge the un'derlyin~ ground__water." At Ba Valley the .~-'*-- :~['d~'~;~- · **,~.i ~:.; ~.~ ~- ~ ~ .~-r~ ..... '-"-'- '' and paving will insure that surface water will not have the opportunity to soak in. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 OTHER LOCATIONS: LOS ANGELES (213) 724-3147 PLACENTIA 1714) 528-2415 Mr. Bill Scheide Ke~n County Health Department Environmental Health Division April 26, 1988 Page Two REMEDIATION ALTERNATIVES A. Cap Or Pave Over The Plume Four pertinent factors support a recommendation to grade and pave the site: 1) good indication that the gasoline did not seep down to the 30 ft. deep clayey bed, 2) the liquid gasoline source (dispenser) has been removed, 3)%he percolation of surface water will not be allowed to transport any contamination downward to the water table at about 185 feet below ground level, and, 4) including the railroad right-of-way, it is over 150 feet in all directions to neighboring property (Plo% Plan). There are not indications- of buried pipes or vaults to act as conduits or containers for migrating vapors. Paving the area is part of Ba Valley's plan to improve the property and it is the least expensive alternative. B. Vapor Extraction Vapor extraction involves the augering of a well, or wells, through the plume and completing it with perforated casing. A vacuum would be applied to the well and the gasoline vapors would be extracted from the soil and collected in activated carbon filled canisters until an acceptably low residual concentration of contamination~ is achieved in the soil. After~ acquiring a permit from the Kern County Air Pollution Control District, the time required to achieve an acceptably low residual level of gasoline in the soil might be a few months to a year. The greatest increment of cost is the replacement and disposal of spent carbon. C. In-Place Bioreclamation The sandy texture of the soil would/allow the inoculation of the plume with a mixture of microorganisms in a water-solution of nutrients. Air could be pumped into the plume by a pattern of injection/monitoring wells to provide oxygeh for the biodegradation process. The cost of more wells and technical supervision of the biological process would cause this method to be more expensive than Alternative B, and thus the least desirable. Mr. Bill Scheide Kern County Heai%h Department Environmental Health Division April 26, 1988 Page Three GRI recommends that we set a time Lo meet and discuss the alternatives with Miles McKnight of Ba Valley. I wi 1 call you in a few days for an appointment. If you have any questions, please call our office at (805) 835-?700. Very truly yours, Rex J. Young Senior Geologist RJY:dji Attachments (2) cc: Miles McKnight E. California Ave, I I building dirt. ~ ..... asphalt ~,-~: J / ~'~J~'" plume /railroad ~' i ~.of dirt LEGEND SCALE IN FEET surface drainage 0 50 1 O0 6ROUNDWATER RESOURCES. INC. DA-VALLEY PLATE (805) 835-7700 1621 E. CALIF. environmental/geotechnical services P LOT P L AN 2 Project Number 03237 ~5 54 B5 // . '. :..'!, L',::.- "? ': ~15 removed tank / / - odor~ 2' grab sample ,, ~o / s-;~o ~ ::I--o ti 1293 odor ~ 6' grab sample - $027 ~ 31~ .lOO o!o+s {.1--o ~ 010 <,1 '-_ \ ~1~ 1.9 ~b~ 1£0 Pb< ! ,0 ~ \ -- O0 / --5 ,", ~ / fle, etlng ............................. 2Z '.'.'..'-C. 5., 1 _ _ 0 30 \ <~1 -- 0 0.0- ,~ ..% 1 <,1 0,0 ..................... clayey bed .... 0 ¢,1 <,1 <,1--0 g:~- '0 <,1--0 40 Pb< 1,0__ Pb< 1,0_. Pb< 1.0 __ LEGEND .SCALE B4 one inch - ten feet Benzene ppm 5 -Jr 60 LEL~ I I I TVH ppm ' .12931 sir Field 0 10 20 Lead ppm Pb 1,9 o or horizontal = vertical Observation 6ROUNO~ATER P.[SOUP. CE$. INC. BA-- VALLEY PLATE (805)835-7700 environmental/g~technical services VERT I CAL CROSS-SECTION 4 Project Number 03237 Through Borings and Dispenser /. GROUI ,VATER 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 RESOURCE Bakersfield, California 93313 INDUSTRIES General Engineering Contractor Class A lic. #504072 (805) 835-77(90 -- Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles BA VALLEY Site Characterizati-on and Mitigation Plan Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles GROU ,VATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES BA V~LLEY Site Characterization and Mitigation Plan Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Test Borings and.Sampling Procedures .3.0 Findings 4.0 Conclusions Regarding the Contamination Plume 5.0 Remediation Alternatives 6.0 ~ References 7.0 Limitations Illustrations Plate 1 Location Map Plate 2 Plot Plan Showing Location of Borings Plate 3 Logs of Borings Plate 4 Vertical Cross-Section Through Borings and Dispenser Appendices A. Laboratory Analytical Reports B. Chain of Custody · RESOURCE INDUSTRIES BA Valley 1.0 Background On January 27, 1987, BA Valley. removed a 1,000 gallon underground storage tank for regular gasoline from their facility at 1621 East California Avenue, Bakersfield, California. No holes or other indications of leaks were visiable on the tank. However, soil samples taken from 2 ft. and 6 ft. beneath the tank indicated the presence of gasoline contamination, so a Site Assessment was requested by the Kern County Health Department to determine the horizontal and vertical extent of the plume. By letter of March 23, 1987, to the Environmental Health Division, Groundwater Resource Industries (GRI) submitted a workplan for site characterization. With BA Valley's and the Health Department's approval, site investigation borings were made May 12, 1987, and selected samples were taken..to a certi- fied laboratory for analysis. Not discussed in previous correspondence was the presence of a fuel dispenser near the removed tank. This report describes the pro- cedures, findings, and conclusions of GRI's study, implicates the dispenser as a source, and suggests remediation alternatives. 2.0 Test Borings and Sampling Procedures Three borings were made in the contaminated area (Plot Plan, Plate 2) in order to determine the dimensions of the plume. The borings were made with 6-inch diameter, continuous-flight hollow stem auger equipment. Drilling was performed by Valley Well Service of Santa Paula, California, under the supervision of a GRI geologist. The cores were described as they were acquired and.the core-sample tubes were sealed and chilled on location. Logs of each boring are presented in Plate 3. The core-samples were delivered promptly to a certified laboratory for analysis and a chain of custody (Appendix B) was maintained. Augers and dow~hole equipment, including samplers, were steam cleaned between successive borings to avoid contamination, according to the Sampling Protocol presented in Appendix C. 3.0 Findings 3.1 Laboratory Analysis of Soil Samples Soil samples taken'from boreholes were analyzed by B.C. Laboratories, Inc., of Bakersfield, California, using EPA 5020/8020 method of analysis of total volatile hydrocarbons !TVH), reported as total petroleum hydrocarbons. Selected samples were analyzed for lead as Pb, mg/kg. GROU /VATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES BA Valley Boring B-5, at the center of the tank location, encountered a con- taminated plume having low concentrations of benzene, 2.88 ppm, and TVH, 269.65 ppm at 15 feet. Boring B-4, five feet southwest of B-5, had benzene, 4.92 ppm, and TVH, 1292.R1, at_10~Tfeet. At 20 feet, B-4 had benzene, 31.56 ppm, and TVH, 3139.58 ppm. No~ other hydrocarbons were reported from laboratory analyses. Field observations of gasoline odor and LEL readings correlate closely with the lab reports indicating the presence or absence of hydro- carbons. Logs of Borings (Plate 3) present field descriptions, observations and measurements in .detail. Laboratory results .(Appendix A~) show the details of sample analyses. 3.2 Geology and Hydrology This site is located near the east margin of the modern Kern River alluvial fan. River sand and silt of the fan onlap and wedge out one mile northeast onto Plio-Pleistocene non,marine coarse alluvium which makes up the low hills northeast of Bakersfield The sedi- ments penetrated by the boreholes are flood-stage river deposits of clayey sands and silts with a few rounded pebbles. There is only a relatively small amount of stratigraphic variation in tex- ture, as the sands become slightly more clayey at 30 and 35 feet in B-4 and B-5. ~~ the ~ ~~ (most recent report) ~~'below ground level at this site 4.0 Conclusions Regarding' the Contamination Plume 4.1 Plate 4 is a vertical cross-section through the borings and the fuel dispenser, showing subsurface data .and. their interpretation, including ~ab samples from 2 ft. and 6 ft. below the tank during removal. ~--~,~ The greatest horizontal spread of the plume is between the depths of 15 and 25 feet as indicated by Boring B-5 lab results, field measurements of LEL, and field observation of gasoline odor. 4.2 Under current environmental conditions and surface use the plume poses no threat to the water table. 4.3 The near-term threat to biological receptor.s is minimal, considering the present use of the property. There is no report, of, or evidence of, backfill over buried pipes, electric lines, or vaults 2 RESOURCE INDUSTRIES BA Valley which could act as a conduit for migration or accumlation of gaso- line vapors. The possibility also exists, that some excavation and/or construction would encounter the plume, exposing biological receptors to continued contact with vapors or explosive mixtures. 5.0 Remediation Alternatives fusion and natural degradation will slowly destroy the plume over a long period of time and the groundwater is too deep to be affected. If the presence of the plume-is a matter of record, then future owners and users of the property can deal with the plume as is appropriate. 5.2 ' ' · ' ~" ~ ~- ~ ' ~ ' ~ ·'~" '~ "~'~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~*~'~': '~The time' required' to achieve an acceptably low residual concentration of hydrocarbons may be as little as a few weeks to a few months, or a year. The greatest increment of cost is in the replacement and disposal of spent carbon. ~ ~' ~ ~;' · ' " The time required for this method is estimated to be a few months to as long as a few years. 6.0 References 1. State of California Division of Mines and Geology. 1965. "Geelogic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet". Ferry Building, San Francisco, California. 2. Kern County Water Agency. May 1986. "Water Supply Report, 1985," Plate 4. Bakersfield, California -3- GRO WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES BA Valley 7.0 Limitations The findings, conclusions, and remediation suggestions presented in this report are based on: 7.1 The test borings performed at this site. 7.2 The observation of field personnel. 7.3 The resUlts of laboratory test performed by BC Laboratories, Inc., of Bakersfield, California. 7.4 Referenced documents. 7.5 Our understanding, of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. It is possible that variations in the soil or groundwater conditions could exist beyond the points explored in this investigation. Also, changes in the hydrogeologic conditions found could occur at some- time in the future due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors. The services performed by GRI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Respectfully submitted, G.R.I. (Groundwater Resource Industries) Jo~/. Fitch - Rex J. Young P~ect Manager California Registered Geologist #720 Date: ~-~--~7 Senior Geologist -4- SA-VALLEY PLATE 6ROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDU,~TRI£$-(805)8~;5-7700 ! 62 ! E.CALIF. . environmental/geotechnical services 1 LOCATION MAP Project Number 0323? warehouseand offices 20 40 SCALE IN FEET asphalt parking lot dirt t . .'~ ;.;.. Disper, se~ Horizontal oxten~ of plume. :GROUNDWATER resource INDUSTries BA-VALLEY PLATE (805) 8;55-7700 environmental/§eotechnicai 5er'vices ! 62 I E. CALIFORNIA 2 ..,~ct...~.: o=~.~:, PLOT PLAN IlCAL AN~ALYSE5 CHEk SAMPLE : Laboratory Field ~_ 'S'~, S. ~ ' (ppm) (ppm) ~ - := Backfilled with -- clean soil. -- <0.10 0% 5 ' !0 -I S-B3-10 ~T::SW Sand, white, ~isL noodor <0.10 O~ 12 ' 20 -~ S-BS-20 ~:~SW Sand, white, moisk, nooaor -- Pb<1.00ppm - -- .. 25 <0.10 0% 9 '~0 -~ S-B3-30 '::: 5WSand, white, moist, noodor (0.10 O~ 10 40 - ~S-B3-40 '~.:'::: SM I SilLy sand whiLe,some Fines, Ph< I O0 gpmI :::~:::. no odor SURFACE ELEVATION: 400' LOG~EO BY: S~PE~VISEO BY: TO~AL DEPTH: 42' DIAMETER of BORINg: DAtE DRILLED: ~-!2-~7 ENCOUNTERED: NO FREE ~ATER 6~OUNOWA rER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES L~ATI~: PLATE (aDS) a~-77oo BA-VALLEY environmenLal/geoLechnicai 5ervice~ ..~cr.u.u..: o~t~z LOG OF BORING B-3 page I of 3 CHEh, ~.AL ANALYSES SAMPLE J. Laboratory = ?-= i' Benzene ::'- ~ SOiL DESCRIPTION TVH ~ I (ppm) Filied hole wiLh clean soil S-B4-5 silly sa,no, some fines, moist, some ooor 4.g:~ S-B4-10 -- sand. ii[tie fines, 1[ brn, i 2g2.g 1 strong odor S-B4-15 silly sand, some fines, strong odor. It bm. moisL ;51.56 S-B4-20 silty sand. some fines, strong 3139.58 odor. I[ brn. moist Pb 1.85 ppm , S-B4-25 sand, well graded, Il brn. strong odor <0.10 <0. I0 S-B4-30 clayey sand, sand clay mixture no clayey sand, sand clay mixture sample <0.I0 <0.10 ' 5-B4-40 silty sand, sand-silt, I[. brn, Pb 1.00 moist, some pebbles T.D. 42' SURFACE ELEVATION: 400' LOGGED BY: AMR SUPERVISED BY: RdY TOTAL DEPTH: 42' DIAMETER of BORING: 6' DATE DRILLED: 5-12-87 ENCOUNTERED ' NO FREE WATER GROUNOWAfER RESOURCE INOUSTRIES LOCATION: PLATE (§05:} 8;55-7700 BA-VALLEY environment, al/geo[echnical services LOG OF BORING B-4 PROdECT NUMBER: 0~2~7 page 2 oF 3 CHEI"I ICAL ANALYSES SArlPLE Laboratory Benzene ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION TVH (ppm) Origional excavaLion disturbed soil backfill S-BS-5 Silly sands, brn. moist Filled hole with clean soil S-B5-10 -- Sand, grey, moist, sour odor 2.88 S-65-15 Silty sand, gray, moist, 269.65 some fines 0.00 0.00 S-B5-20 Gravel sand mixture, It brn, Pb< 1.00~ppm silty lenses S-B5-25 Sand.brn. little fines.some fleeting odor 0.00 S-B5-30 Clayey, IL brn tan, silly mixture 0.00 S-B5-35 Clayey, It. brn tan, silty mixture 0.00 0.00 3-B5-40 Sand, IL brn, moist, no oclor Pb< 1.00 T.D. 42' SURFACE ELEVATION- 400' LOGGED BY: AHR SUPERVISED BY: RJY TOTAL OEPTH: 42' OIAMETER of BORING: 6' DATE ORILLED: 5-12-87 ENCOUNTEREO: NO FREE WATER GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES LOCATION: PLATE t80S) 8=5-7700 BA-VALLEY 3 environmenLal/geoLechnical services LoG OF BORING B-5 PROJECT NUMBER: 0~2~57 page 3 of 3 Bq B5 GL r-'l removeO tank / odor / 2' 9r-~i~ sample I0 X ~ odor ~ ~ 6' grab sam~ia -8027~ 25 ~ I ~ 0.0 {.1 · ~ ~ Pb< 1.0 Ob< 1.0 ~ --go /-'5 ,~, ~ / 0.0 <.I - - 0 / ~.1[ 0.0 . <.I 40 ~.1+0 0.0" 0 <.I° 0 Pb( I.O_L Pb< t.0_ Pb< 1.0 _. LEGEND, SCALE B4 one inch = len feel Benzene ppm ---- 5- 60 ----LEL% I I I TVH ppm .... 1293 SLr-..Fie!d -- 0 10 20 Lead ppm----Pb 1.9 odor -'-oDservaiion horizontal = verLical ,,o. BA- V ALLEY PLATE (805)8~-7700 ronmental/geotechnicaI services VERTICAL CROSS-SECTION 4 envi Project Number 03237 Through Borings and Dispenser LABORATORIES. Ir-lc. 4100 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93;308 PMONE 327-491 P~rgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESO~ INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT: 5-16-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 LAB No. :8943 Sample Description: PROJECTS 03237 BA VALLEY S-B3-10 DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS 5-12-87 5-12-87 5-16-87 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~/g none detected O. 10 Toluene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ~g/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene ~g/g none detected O. 10 m-Xylene ~g/g none detected O. 10 o-Xylene ~/g none detected O. 10 Isopropyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected O. 10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. AGflICUL TUII£ ,,,.,,,,,-.,,,,. LABORATORIES, I PETROL£UId J' J' ~LIN, ~. CH~. ENGR. 41~ PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327~911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT: 5-16-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 LAB No. :8944 Sample Description: ~ 03237 BA VALLRY S-B3-20 DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS 5-12-87 5-12-87 5-16-87 Reporting Analysis Reportin~ Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Toluene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ~=/g none detected O. 10 p-Xylene ~/g none detected 0.10 m-Xylene ~=/g none detected O. 10 o-Xylene u~=/g none detected O. 10 Isopropyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Volatile Hydrocarbons ~=/g none detected 0.50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS ~: Organic Lead as Pb: less than 1.00 mg/kg as received VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons .present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. LABORATORIES, Inc. .~..~. ~u~, ~. CH~,~. ~. ?ET,9OL£Uld 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT: 5-16-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA..93389 LAB No. :8945 Sample Description: PROJECTS 03237 BA V~f.f.~Y S-B3-30 ' DATE ' DATE SAMPLE IIATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED e LAB: 5-12-87 5-12-87 5-16-87 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ~:/g none detected O. 10 Toluene ~=/g none detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ~g/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene ~=/g none detected O. 10 m-Xylene ~=/g none detected O. 10 o-Xylene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Isopropyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Volatile Hydrocarbons ~/g none detected O. 50 Total .Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected O. 10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS 03MMEN~: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report.~ Analyst P£TI~OL£LI¥ J' J' ~LIN, R~. CH~ ENGE. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 (~IL) O. ~X 9383 ~: 5-18-87 ~FI~, CA. 93389 ~ No. :8948 ~le ~scrip%ion: P~~ 03237 ~ V~ DA~ DA~ ~ DA~ ~YSIS 5-12-87 5-12-87 5-16-87 ~e ~ none de~ O. 10 Toluene ~¢ none de~ O. 10 E~I ~ene ~ none de~ O. 10 p-~lene ~ none de~ 0.10 ~lene ~ none de~ O. 10 o-~l~e ~¢ none de~ O. 10 Isop~w1 ~e~e ~¢ none de~ 0.10 Volatile ~~~ ~/~ none de~ O. 50 To~l Volatile ~~~ ~6 none de~ O. 10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS ~: Organic Lead as Pb: less than 1.00 mg/kg as received VOLATILE HYD~2CARBONS: Quantification of volatile h~drocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizin~ a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than ar4v other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. Analyst ~T#oLEu¥ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 93.83 Report: 27-May-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 Attention:ANTHONY RAMIREZ Lab No.: 8939 Sample Desc.: BA VALLEY PROJECT~ 03237 S-B4-10 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 12-May-87 12-May-87 16-May-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 4 93 0 10 Toluene ug/g 64 20 0 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 33 80 0 10 p-Xylene u~/~ 50 83 0 10 m-Xylene ug/g 105 96 0 10 o-Xylene ug/g 87 62 0 10 Isopropyl ug/g 20 61 0 10 Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 924.96 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 1292.91 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. Version EPA 5020/8020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of Volatil,e hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. ,.~ J~ J.~gl~n Analyst AGRICUL TU~E i LABORATORIES, InC. ~ J.J. ~LIN, R~. CH~. ENGR. ~TROL£U~ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 Report: 27-May-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 Attention:ANTHONY RAMIREZ Lab No.: 8940 Sample Desc.: BA VALLEY PROJECT~ 03237 S-B4-20' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS .. COLLECTED: RECEIVED ~ LAB: COMPLETED: 12'-May-87 12-May-87 16-May-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 31 56 0.10 Toluene ug/g 358 17 0 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 157 56 0 10 p-Xylene ug/g 242 33 0 10 m-Xylene ug/g 518 48 0 10 o-Xylene ug/g 388 42 0 10 Isopropyl ug/g 54 47 0 10 Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 1388.59 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 3139.58 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. Version EPA 5020/8020: Dry Matter Basis : Comments: Organic Lead as Pb: 1.85 mg/kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL.'PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] consti'tuents on this report. /4. //g. 91in Analyst ,,,.,,,,, LABORATORIES, J. J. (-GLIH, REG. CHEM. ENGil. : 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES .. Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT:5-16-87 BAKERSFI~,D, CA. 93389 LAB No.:8941 Sample Description: PROJECT~ 03237 BA S-B4-30 DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS 5-12-87 5-12-87 5-16-87 Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Unit~ Results Level Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 Toluene ~/g none detected O. 10 Ethyl Benzene ~g/g none detected O. 10 p-Xylene ~=/g none detected ~. 10 m,Xylene ~=/g none detected O. 10 o-Xylene ~/g none detec%ed O. 10 Isopropyl Benzene ~/g none detected O. lO ' Volatile Hydrocarbons ~g/g none detected O. 50 Total Volatile Hydrocarbons ~/g none detected O. 10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: ~_ntification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a Benzene Factor. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total vola%ile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than an~ other constituent, or the combined total. TOTAL VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all non-chlorinated constituents on this report. Analyst PETROLEUM 41~ PIERCE RD., BAKE~FI~D, ~I~RNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 I (~Ih) S-~-40 ~lene ~g none ~~ O. 10 ~l~e ~g none de~ O. 10 I~p~pyl ~e ~g none de~ O. lO Volatile ~~~ ~g none de~ 0.50 To~ Vola~le ~~~ ~ none de~ 0.10 EPA 5020/8020: DRY MATER BASIS ~: Organic Lead as Pb: less than 1.00 rog/kg as received VOLATILE HYDe: ~uantification of volatile h~drocarbons present (C1 to 6'20) utilizinE a Benzene Factor. These volatile kydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Total volatile hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or Ereater ~han an~ other constituent, or TOTAL VOLATILE HYD~S: The sum toe~] of all non-chlorina~d constituents on this report. LABORATORIES, Inc. ~T~OL£UM J' J' EGLIN, R~. CH~. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 Report: 27-May-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 Attention:ANTHONY RAMIREZ Lab NO.: 8935 Sample Desc.: BA VALLEY PROJECTS 03237 S-B5-15' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 12-Ma¥-87 12-May-87 18-May-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene u~/g 2.88 0.10 Toluene u~/~ 15.28 0.10 Ethyl Benzene u~/g 8.57 0.10 p-X¥1ene ug/g 10.21 0.10 m-X¥1ene u~/g 20.58 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 17.15 0.10 Isopropyl u~/g 5.20 0.10 Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 1§1.78 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 269.65 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.So Version EPA 5020/8020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in a~dition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. &'J l/J. ~g!in Analyst AGRICUL TU~ BORATORIES. Il'lC. ~f~OL£U¥ J' J' EGLIN, R~. CH~. ENGR. 4104) PIEKE RD., BAKE~FI~D, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-491 Purgable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 Report: 27-May-87 BAKERSFIELD~ CA. 93389 Attention:ANTHONY RAMIREZ Lab No.: 8936 Sample Desc.: BA VALLEY PROJECT~ 03237 S-B5-20' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED ~ LAB: COMPLETED: 12-May-87 12-May-87 16-May-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results' Level Benzene ug/g 0.00 0.10 Toluene ~ug/g 0.00 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0.00 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 0.00 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 0.00 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 0.00 0.10 Isopropyl ug/g 0.00 0.10 Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 0.00 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 0.00 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. Version EPA 5020/8020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: Organic Lead as Pb: less than 1.00 mg/kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor.. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. -,,,,,, LABORATORIES, Inc. ~T~OL~M J' J' ~LIN, R~. CH~. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFI~D, CALIFORNIA 93308 pHONE 327-4911 Purgable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 Report: 27-May-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93S89 Attention:ANTHONY RAMIREZ Lab No.: 8937 Sample Desc.: BA VALLEY PROJECTS 03237 S-B5-30' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 12~May-87 12-Ma¥-87 16-Ma¥-87 Minimum Repor%in~ Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene u~/g 0 00 0.10 Toluene uE/g 0 00 0 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0 00 0 10 p-X¥1ene u~/~ 0 00 0 10 m-X¥.lene ug/~ 0 00 0 10 o-Xylene u~/~ 0 00 0 10 Isopropyl ug/g 0 00 0 10 Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons u~/~ 0.00 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons u~/~ 0.00 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. Version EPA 5020/8020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a ~asoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. Th~se petroleum'hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By .... J~/ J.g~Eglin ....... Analyst ES. I I-lC. ~TROL£U~ J' J' ~LIN, R~. CH~. ENGff. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgable Aromatics '(SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES Date of P.O. BOX 9383 Report: 27-May-87 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 'Attention:ANTHONY RAMIREZ Lab No.: 8938 Sample Desc.: BA VALLEY PROJECT~ 03237 S-B5-40' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: .COMPLETED: 12-May-87 12-May-87 16-May-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 0 0O 0.10 Toluene ug/g 0 00 0 10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0 00 0 10 p-Xylene ug/g 0 00 0 10 m-Xylene ug/g 0 00 0 10 o-Xylene ug/g 0 00 0 10 Isopropyl ug/g 0 00 0 10 Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 0.00 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 0.00 5.00 CALIFORNIA D.O.H.S. Version EPA 5020/8020: Dry Matter Basis Comments: Organic Lead as Pb: less than 1.00 mg/kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report.  GROU~.-,~ATER Job Site Location: INDUSTRIES SHIP TO: Address Shipment Service - ATTENTION: Phone N~.~ Cooler No. ' Relinquished b~ ~~) Received by: (~~) Date/Time Relinquished by: (~~) . Received by: (~~) Date/Time Relinquished by: (~~) ~ceived for l~rq~ by*(~~)Date/Time ~le Site ~ate ~alysis ~le COndition ,] ~r Identification ~pled R~uested U~n ~ceipt ~ Znst~st~on: ~rato~ ~e~ should ~ege=ence ~d ~ b~lied by ~te [D~ ~nd 1) S~ of ~alyticai ~o1~ ~d QA work (blanks, spikes, dupiica~s) 2)' ~tes for (a) s~ling, (b) 1~ receipt, (c) extraction, (d) injoction/~alysis 3) detection i~ for all constituen~ ~alyz~ for and re~rting of all cons~tuen~ detect~ which were not s~cifically desi~ated .4) 5) SITE CHARACTERIZATION PLAN Bakersfield Industrial Supply 1621E. California-Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 rGROUI,' WATER 56~ 0 District Blvd., Suite 106 RESOURCE Bakersfield, California 9331 3 iNDUSTRiES General Engineering Contractor Class A Lic. #504072 (805) 835-7700 -- Bakersfield March 23, 1987 (213) 724-3147 -- Los Angeles ,Mr. Bill Scheide Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Re: Site Characterization Plan Bakersfield Industrial Supply 1621 E. California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 Removal Permit Number A346-22 Dear Mr. Scheide: Our firm removed one (1) 1,000 gallon gasoline tank at the above referenced facility on January 28, 1987. The attached laboratory samples indicated detectable hydrocarbons and potential contamin- ation of the soil. The tank was installed in 1974 for gasoline storage at this industrial supply business location.. In reviewing the tank history no repairs had been made and no records indicate leakage in large volumes. Irregular use of the tank accounted for minimal records. The facility is at 1621 E. California Avenue, in Bakersfield as shown on the enclosed Plate 1. The location is served by Calif- ornia Water Service... We have prepared the foil.owing plan to define both the vertical and horizontal extent of any soil contamination or discharge. Initially, we recommend four (4) boring locations to a planned depth of forty (40) feet. We.have selected a star pattern with the four (4) borings approximately five (5) to ten (10) feet from the original tank excavation on all four (4) sides. If the initial planned borings contain obvious contaminatio'n, as measured on site with a PID Meter or Gastech D-11Vaportester then additional borings would be taken at increments of five (5) to ten (10) feet to determine plume definition. During the boring, project all borings will be logged and additional samples will be taken as determined on site. All samples will be logged and additional samples will be taken as determined on site. All samples'will be analyzed by 'a State Certified Laboratory for Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, Totel Petroleum Hydrocarbons and lead will be frozen and a chain-of-custody record will be kept on all ~ampl~s, Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles GROU~ JVATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES After the borings are conducted and samples are analyzed, a report will be prepared for~your office with all results,, logs, laboratory analysis, hydrogeotogy, definition of the contamin- ation and a recommendation of remedial action alternatives. We have not as yet identified the proper method for mitigation of this site. Upon completion of the proposed work, we will explore the site specific alternatives. It appears that either soil removal or vapor extraction would be most suited to this loc~tion. The final mitigation-'.technique will be designed on field results as outlined above. A copy of our company protocol, which will be followed, 'is enclosed for your review. All work will be supervised by either our staff Registered Geologist, Mr. Rex.Young (State Registration #720)..or Mr. Lawrence D. Pavlak, (C.E.G. #1187). In order to conduct the borings, the personnel on site will be equipped with a Gastech D-II Vaportester or equivalent, fire extinguishers and any additionally required equipment for health and safety considerations. From our initial visual inspection of the excavation during the removal process it appeared that the initial boring locations could possibly identify the contamination. If you have any additional questions or input please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. · Very truly yours, Jon P. Fitch JPF:yht Enc 1 .' BA-¥ALLEY PLATE GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDU,.STRIE$-(805)855-7700 1621 E.CALIF. 'environmental/geotechnical services 1 LO¢^TIO~ FlAP Prolect Number 03237 16~1 E. CALIF. NO SCALE CONTAMINATED ,SITE PROPOSED BORINGS BA-YALLEY PLATE' GROUNDWATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIE$-(§05)8~55-7700 1621 E. CALIF. environmente,/geoleehni~, services P LOT P L AN 2 Proiect Numl~er 0323'/ ASRI~L TI,~ ~ . LABORATORIES ' ~ J. ]. E~LIN, REG. CHE~. EHGR. PETROLEU~ MAIN OFFICE: 4100 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93~08 PHONE 32~-491 ~ Purgeabie Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE Date of' P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT:2-P-8? BAKERSFIELD~ CA. 93389 LAB No.:1559 Sample Description: PROJECT# BIS-16Pl BAKERSFIELD INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 2' CENTER TANK DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 1-27-87 1-28-87 1-31-87 Minimum Reporting Analyses Rep.orting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene Hg/g none detected O.lO Toluene Hg/g 0.13 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ~g/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene Hg/g 0.30 0.10 m-Xylene Hg/g 0.20 0.I0 o-X¥1ene Hg/g 0.37 0.10 Isopropyi Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons Hg/g 2q.87 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Hg/g P5.87 0.50 EPA 5020/8015/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil & Grease, mg/kg 80. PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to CPO) utilizing a gasoline standard. Petroleum Hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Petroleu. hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, or greater than any other constituent. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The Sum total of all [~on-chlorinated] constituents on this rep'ort. Analyst J. J. EGLIN, IIEG. CHEM. ENGI~. PETROLEUJI MAIN OFFICE: 41(~0 PIERCE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 PHONE 321'-491 '1 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT:2-2-8? BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 LAB No.:1560 Sample Description: PROJECT# BIS-I621 BAKERSFIELD INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 6' CENTER TANK DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS · SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @.LAB: COMPLETED: 1-27-87 1-28-87 1-31-87 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene Hg/g 2.55 0.i0 Toluene Hg/g 61.69 0.10 Ethyl Benzene Hg/g 20.83 0.10 p-Xylene Hg/g 98.A1 0.10 m-Xylene ~g/g ~8.9~ 0.10 o-Xylene Hg/g ?8.32 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene Hg/g 8.?q 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons Wg/g q69.q2 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Hg/g ?88.90 0.50 EPA 5020/8015/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: oii& Grease, mg/kg 22. ~ PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline standard. Petroleum Hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Petroleum hydrocarbon values may be less than~ equal' to, or greater than any o'ther const i tuent. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. Analyst RESOI~ .CE INDUSTRIES APPENDIX A S A M P L I N G P R 0 T 0 C'.O L RES CE INDUSTRIES APPENDIX A TEST BORING PROCEDURES I!. Soil Sampling Protocol The following procedures are followed during soil samp'ling operations utilizing the hollow stem auger drilling technique. ~ A. Hollow Stem Auger . ~. 1. Soil borings drilled by the hollow stem auger utilize continuous flight hollow stem augers. !" 2. Augers, samplers and all downhoie equipment steam cleaned prior to use and between borings to minimize the potential for .cross-contamination. 3. The G.R.I. geologist observes the work, 'visually logs the soils, and collects samples at appropriate intervals. 4. The Unified Soils Classification System is utilized' to classify soils encountered. Additional geologic observation are noted as appropriate. A Munsell Soil Color Chart is used in documenting soil color. Rocks are classified by the Color'ado School of Mines "Classification of Rocks" (Travis, 1955). 5 ' Soil samples destined for labortary analysis are collected by a modified Porter sampler. This sampler uses three, six inch long, by two inch diameter (o.d.) tubes. Various tubes can be utilized to accommodate the type of analysis necessary: Brass - all organics and general analyses (not to be used for copper or zinc analysis) Stainless - all organics and met.als analyses for copper and zinc (not to be uscd for chrome or nickel analyses) Plastic - all metals analyses (not to be used for organics) %GRC~NDWATER RES RCE INDUSTRIES 6. The tubes are cleaned and prepared in the G.R.I~ laboratory. Tubes are scrubbed, inside and outside, with a brush and TSP. They are next steam cleaned, and packed in clean buckets with lids. Tubes are delivered to the drilling site in these closed buckets to preserve the state of cleanliness. 7. After the sample(s) have been removed from the sampler, the sampler is completely disassembled ' and scrubbed in TSP and tap water. It is then rinsed in two separte tapwater bathes and re- assembled.with three clean tubes. 8. Dirty tubes are field washed in TS~, rinsed with water, and. placed in buckets for transport back to the G.R.I. lab for cleaning and preparation. 9. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound hammer with a 30 inch free fall. Blow counts are recorded as number of blows per 6 inches of drive. 10. The sampler is driven 18 inches at ·each sampling interval. The first (or lowest) tube is generally retained as the sample for analysis. The other two tubes are retained for back-up or split samples are required. 11. A sand catcher is used in the sampler where loose · soils are anticipated. This will prevent the soil from falling out of the sampler. 12. After retrieval, the sample is visually logged and immediately sealed with aluminum foil lined caps, labeled, and chilled. Clean field ice chests and chemical ice ("blue ice") are used to keep the samples cold untf], deliverad to the chemical laboratory. 13. Samples are delivered to the laboratory~ the same day they'are taken, if physically possible. If the samples must be held until.the next day, they are kept frozen in a s'ecure freezer in the G.R.I. facility. 14. Sample control is maintained by a Chain of Custody form which accompanies the sample. The form documents the time, date, and responsible person during each step in the transportation process. %GROI~iDWATER RESCY~ CE INDUSTRIES 15. Soil samples are numbered' in the following manner: S-XX-Y Where: S - designates soil sample XX - boring number Y - footage d~pth of sample For example, S-01-10 indicates a soil sample frgm boring number !, from a depth Of ten feet. 16. The complete labeling of the soil sample tube includes: Job number (client.number) with appropriate phase number included after the dash (i.e. Qll01-1) Sample number Date This information should b~ written: Ql101-2 S-01-10 2-20-85 17. An indelible non-water.soluble marking pen must be used to mark the tubes. % G RO~OWATER RESOZ" =E INDUSTRIES MONITORING WELL SAMPLING PROTOCOL II Groundwater Sampling A. Decontamination The following procedure details, the routine that is employed in decontamination of groundwater sampling equipment prior to sample collection: ~ 1. Exterior surface of sampling tubes are decontaminated by ~1 steam-cleaning during withdrawal from every well. 2. Sample pump is disassembled and the used bladder removed. !- 3. Ail pump components are then steam-cleaned and rinsed in distilled water. 4. Pump is reassembled with a new bladder installed. 5. .Teflon sampler lines are pressure washed with 5 to 10 gallons of clean, hot water through direct connection to steam-cleaner. 6. Five gallons of distilled water are then p'umped through entire system. 7. Prior to sample collection, a minimum of five well volumes are purged from th~ well to permit collection of a representative groundwater sample from the aquifer penetrated. B. Purge Volume Determination The following procedure is followed to determine the appropriate purging volume prior to well sampling. 1. The depth-to-water is measured by a clean, electric water level indicator. Measurement datum is the top of fill ring or top of well protector. 2. Depth to the bottom of th~ well is measured by a clean tape and plump bob. If possible, this is compared to the well construction log to determine inconsistencies, i.e. damaged casing, sediment in casing, etc. RESOC" £E INDUSTRIES I " 3. Water volume is calculated by multiplying total' water depth by the insJ. de diameter of the casing. This figure is one well .volume. Well Purging and Sampling 1. Prior to sampling, a minimum of three .to five well volumes are purged from each well. to ensure that water sampled is representative of the groundwater within the formation. 2. Measurements of pH, conductivity and temperature are taken at frequent intervals during the purge. Stablilization of these values indicates that r~resentative formation fluids are being removed from the well. 3. In the event that the wel'l' is pumped dry, an alternate procedure will be followed. Once a well is pumped dry, the water that enters the well during.recovery is,. by definition, representative formation water' The well will, therefore, be pumped dry and allowed to recover to 80% or more of the original water level. 4. Purge water is pumped directly into barrels on site until the proper method of disposal is determined. 5. Samples pumped directly into sampling bottles prepared by the state certified laboratory contracted for the particular job were labeled and placed in refrigerated coolers for transport to the laboratory. 6. Samples are delivered directly to. the lab on the same day of sampling by courier, whenever practical. If ne?:t day delivery is necessary, the samples are. kept refrigerated at 4 degrees C overnight and delivered to the laboratory the following morning. 7. Samples are accompanied by a Chain'of Custody form which documents the time, date and responsible person during each step of the transportation process. 8. The G.R.I. coded sample numbering system allows identification of sample and client to G.R.I., while not revealing the client to the laboratory or other interested parties. GRC~DWATER R ES(~' .CE INDUSTRIES Water samples.are numbered in the following manner: W-XX-YY Where: W - designates water sample XX - well number YY.- sequential sample number For example, W-01-22 indicates a water sample from well number 1. The 'sample is the 22nd water sample taken at the site. 9. The complete information on the sample label includes: Date and time Client job number (never client name) Sample number Initials of sampler Analysis desired (if known) Preservatives in sample bottle (usually noted by lab) 0 10. Each sample bottle is given a separate sequential number. 1700Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEI~, HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ,, · · ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ·. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT FOR PERMANENT ABANDONMENT PERMIT NUMBER A346-22 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NANE/ADDRESS: CON~P~CTOR: .'~ Bakersfield Industrial Supply .Bakersfield Ind~strial Supply -G.' H. Schallock : ' 1621 g. California Avenue '' 1621 g. California Avenue ' 3801 Mesa Grande Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 . Bakersfield, CA 93304 'PERMIT TO ABANDON PERMIT EXPIRES January 20, 1988 1 TANK AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE January 20, 1987 LOCATION. APPROVED BY .~ _/~~ Bill Scheide ..................... POST ON PREMISES .................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: ' 1. Permittee must obtain a Fire Department permit prior to initiating abandonment action. 2. Ail procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of Standards and Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. A copy of these requirements are enclosed with this permit. 3. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of tile tank at depths of approximately two and six feet. 4. For all product piping, every 15 linear feet of pipe run must be sampled at two and six foot depths for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. One set .of the samples must be taken underneath each dispenser at the prescribed depths. 5. All samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano Lamont . Lake Isabella Mojave Ridgecrest Shafter . Taft Division of Enviuonmental tit A ltion Date 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Tank~ to be Abandoned (805) 861-3636 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PEPJ~ANENT. CLOSURE/ABANDONI~NT OF UNDERGROUND IL~ZARDOUS SUBSTANCES S~ORAGE FACILITY Type of A_pplication (Fill Out On_~e Application Per Facility) [] Temporary Closure/Abandonment [] Permanent Closure/Abandonment A. Project Contact (name, area code, phone): DaysM.McKniqht/325-~s Facility Name Bakersfield Industrial Supply dba BA-Valley Industrial Supply Facility Address1621 E. California Ave. Nearest Cross St.Washinqton T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) Owner Bakersfield Industrial Supply Telephone 325-9082 Address 1621 E.Calif. Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. Zip 93307 Operator BA-Valley Industrial Supply Telephone 325-9082 Address ,1621 E. California Ave.. Bakersfield; Ca. Zip 933Q7 B. Water to Facility Provided by California Water Depth to Groundwater N/A Soil Characteristics at Facility sand Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations C. Tank Removal Contractor G.H. SchallQck CA License No. 291389 Address 3801 Mesa Grande, Bak.,Ca. Zip 93304 Telephone 832-2~Rq Proposed Starting Date %-5-87 Proposed Completion Date 1-12-87 Worker's Compensation Certification # CC039463200 Insurer []nit~ p~i~i~/~]i~n~ Environmental Assessment Contractor GRI CA License No. Address P.O.Box 9383,Bakersfieldr Ca. Zip 93389 Telephone (805/ 835-7700 Proposed Starting Date 1-5-87 Proposed Completion Date 1.-12-87 Worker's Compensation Certification #WP86-387749-01 Insurer Fremont Indemnity D. Chemical Composition of .Materials Stored Tank # Chemical Stored (non-'commercial name) Dates Stored Chemical Previously Stored (if different) 1 Regular Gasoline (1000 qal.) 1974 to Current to to to E. Describe Method for Retrieving Samples modified shelby brass liner / Laboratory That, Will Perform Analyses of Samples ;7.~f. Cf.Lal~s.=~,: ' Address 4100 Pierce Rd., .Bakersfield Telephone 32.7-4911 ' F. This Application for: [] Removal or [] Abandonment in Place * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMITTI~X APPLICATION FOR REVIEW. This form has been completed under penalty of pre jury and to the best of my knowledge is tr~ and correct. · Signature C<~2~, ....... Anthony ~. Ramirez Provide Description of Physical Layout of Facility Using Space Provided Below; Include All the Fol. lowinE Information: LocatioR of Tank(s), Piping & Dispenser(s) Proposed Sampling Locations. Indicating Approximate Depth of Samples Nearest-Street or Intersection Any Water Wells or Surface Waters Within 100' RadJ. us of Facility NORTH 1700 Flower Street KEr~N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT' HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Telephone (805) 861-3636 .. D ' R E CTO R ~eFr nEoNnV IS .R ~ eNicMhEaNr ~-L HEALTH April 20, 1987 Jon Fitch Groundwater Resource Industries P. O. Box 9383 Bakersfield, California 93389 RE: Site Characterization Plan Bakersfield, Industrial Supply 1621E. California Avenue - Permit #A346-22 Dear Mr. Fitch: We have reviewed your site characterization proposal for the above facility and request the following changes to the plan: 1. Place one boring in the center of the tank hole near the preliminary assessment samples: 2. Run lead analyses for representative samples, not for all samples, and 3. Be prepared to place borings that radiate in or out from center, depending on the results of field screening. Otherwise, the plan appears satisfactory. If you choose to use another lab for analysis, check with me prior to beginning the investigation. Note that in B. C. Laboratories terminology, "Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons" refers to the volatile constituents. This department usually calls them Total Volatile Hydrocarbons. We require the Total Volatile Hydrocarbons for this investigation. Please write or call me to confirm you understand and agree with these changes. Should you have any questions, call me at (805) 861- 3636. Sincerely, Bill Scheide Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BS:sw cc:Mr. McKnight DISTRICT OFFICES Mninv(, , Ridc~ecre~f . ShRfter . l?O0~ower Sfraet KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN'I .EALTHOFFICE. Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard March 16, 1987 Bakersfield Industrial Supply Attn: Mr. McKnight 1621E. California Avenue Bakersfield, California 93307 RE: Tank Removal - Permit #A346-22 Dear Mr. McKnlght: This department has reviewed the laboratory analyses for the underground storage tank(s) removed at the above referenced facility. The analyses for the 1000 gallon tank Indicated significant levels of benzene and petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. This discovery requires a site characterization to find the full extent of contamination surrounding this tank and Its piping. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to submit a site characterization proposal to this deparkment. Please refer to pages 8, 9, and 10 of handbook #UT-30, "Requirements for Permanent Closure of~ Underground Hazardous Substance Storage Tanks" for guidance in developing a site characterization study. The proposal {workplan) must be approved by this department prior to beginning the work. Please note that once you determine the full extent of contamination and the threat to groundwater, you must develop a mitigation proposal to correct this problem. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Bill Schelde Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BS:sw DISTRICT oFFICES Delano Lamont Lake Isabella . Mojave . Rtdgecrest . Shafter . Talt GROU .WATER RESOURCE INDUSTRIES 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 (805) 835-7700 - Bakersfield (213) 724-3147 - Los Angeles February 4, 1987 Mr.' Bill Scheide Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division 1700 Flower.Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Bakersfield Industrial~ Supply 1621E. California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Removal Permit #A346-22 Dear Mr~. Scheide, Please'find enclosed the laboratory results of samples analyzed for the removal of one (1) 1,000 gallon gasoline tank at the above referenced facility. We have also included a copy of the Chain of Custody record for this project. If you have any additional questions on this project, please contact our office at (805) 835-7700. Very truly yours, ~~~n2P. Fitch JPF:dji Encl. cc: Mr. McKnight Mailing address: PoO. Box 9383, Bakersfield, California 93389 Other Locations: San Jose · San Ramon · Campbell · Los Angeles RATORi IN(:. · I.,J. EGtIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. PETIIOLEUN MAIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERGE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, GA. g3308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT:8-8-8? BAKERSFIELD~ CA. 93389 LAB No.:1559 Sample Description: PROJECT# BIS-1681 BAKERSFIELD INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 8' CENTER TANK DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 1-87-87 1-88-87 1-31-87 .Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Toluene ~g/g 0.13 0.10 Ethyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.10 p-Xylene Wg/g 0.30 0.10 m-Xylene Wg/g 0.80 0.10 o-Xylene Hg/g 0.3? 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene Hg/g none detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons Hg/g 24.8? 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Hg/g 85.8? 0.50 EPA 5020/8015/8080: DRY MATTER BASIS' COMMENTS: oil & Grease, mg/kg 80. PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline standard. Petroleum Hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report; Petroleum hydrocarbon values may be less than, equal to, Or greater than any other const i tuent. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. Analyst LABORATORI J. J. EGIIN, REG. CHEM, ENGR. PETIIOLEUM MAIN OFFIGE: 4100 PIERGE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, GA. 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) GROUNDWATER RESOURCE Date of P.O. BOX 9383 REPORT:2-2-8? BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93389 LAB No.:1560 Sample Description: PROJECT# BIS-1621 BAKERSFIELD INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 6' CENTER TANK DATE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS SAMPLE COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: 1-27-87 1-28-87 1-31-89 Minimum Reporting Analyses Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene Hg/g 2.55 0.10 Toluene Hg/g 61.69 0.10 Ethyl Benzene Hg/g 20.83 0.10 p-Xylene ~g/g 98.41 0.10 m-Xylene ~g/g ~8.9A 0.10 o-Xylene ~g/g 98.32 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ~g/g 8.?4 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~g/g 469.42 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~g/g 988.90 0.50 EPA 5020/8015/8020: DRY MATTER BASIS COMMENTS: Oil & Grease, mg/kg 22. PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline standard. Petroleum Hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Petroleum hydrocarbon values may.be less that,, equal to, or greater than any other const i tuent. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinated] constituents on this report. · ? . Analyst · 1700 Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, Calll'ornle 93305 .. Leon M Hebertson, M.D. · Telephone (805) 861-3636 . ... · ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PEP, NIT FOR PERNANENT ABANDONNENT PERMIT NUMBER A346-22 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS · ' 'suBSTANcEs STOP, AGE FACILITY -.::._~__...: ( ; .' . ~-~;:_...-:_ ...-'.;' ~-,;, - . _:, . . FACILITY' NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER (S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: : :~._'Bakersfieid IndUstrial supply Bakersfield Industrial Supply 0, H, Schallock .... !!" 1621 E, California Avenue 1621 E, California Avenue '3801 Nesa Grande -: '" Bakersfield CA 93307 Bakersfield CA 93307 -.. ...... ~-' Bakersfield, ~CA 9330~. , ' :~Z. ' ' _ ..... :.i~..=.......¥......, :.: :: _. ,~_._ License No, 291389 -,..:~-..::--PER,lIT't0 'AEANBON / ~ ~ ~'j PF.R~IIT EXPIRES January 20, 1988 ...... j...... .... _-! TAN~.AT ABOVE.. ~.F.~~,~/_,,(' ~~'/]--"~PPROVAL DATE Janua~, ~0. ,98? "J.-.fl.::~.LOCATION.' '~ /( ~ - - ~PROVED BY -'" '" ...... Blll Scheide ...... · ............... POST ON PREMISES ................... '- ' CONDITIONS. AS.FOLLOWS: 1 . Pe~mittee must obtall] a Fl~e DepaPtmellt permlt p ~- ~ o~' to lnltlatlng abandonment ac~lon. 3. All p~ocedu~es used must be in accordance Nith ~equl~ements of Standaz-ds and Guidelines developed fo~ lmplemen~ation o~ Ke~n County 0~dlnance Code. A cop~ 'of these Pequlrements are enclosed ~ith this permit. 8. A minimum of ~wo samples aus~ .be ~e~rieved beneath the cen~er of the tank at depths of approximately two and six ~eet. 4. Fo~ all p~oduct piping, every 15 llneac ~eet of plpe run must be sampled at t~o .alld six foot depths fo~ benzene, toluene, xylene, a]ld total petroleum h~d~oca~bons. One set of the samples must be taken underneath · . each dispenser' at ~he p~escribed depths. 5. All samp] es ~ust be analyzed ~o~ benzene, t o 1 tlene, xyl ene alld total petroleum hydPoca~bons . 6. Advise this offlce o~. the time and date of p~'oposed sampling with 24 hours adva~]ce no~lce. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano Lamont Lake Isabella Moiave Rldaecrest Shelter . ' Taft  GROUNDWATER o RESOURCE ~i ting' ~,~,~ss: INDUSTRIES p.o. Bc~c 9383 , '- ..__ Bakersfield, CA. 93389-9383 Project No. ,~--'<'-/~- .:k 1 5610 District Blvd., Suite 106 Bakersfield, California 93313 (805) 835-7700 uHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD -.,-~ Field Record Sample Type _c~// Laboratory Record Contract Laboratory Record Container Type zz,~ ,~:,~z:= Lab No. 15~q, ~ Laboratory Name Sample ID Sampled By Date Received By D~te , Condition Received By_ D~te Condition Released to Courier by Field Personnel Released to Lab by~Courier Released to' Lab by Courier Received by Courier - Received by LabdL~jQ~ol~z~- 'Received by Lab UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT I PHONE I SIGNATURE LYDIA V. VON SYDOWt (805) 861-3636 REPRESENTING [] OWNER/OPERATOR [] REGIONAL BOARD IcOMPANY OR AGENcY NAME [] LOCAL AGENCY [] OTHERI I, CElqlq CO[.q.',ITY E[qV. HEA.LTH SERVICES DEPT. .: ' ADDRESS ' 2700 "M" STREET, S~ITE 300, ~AKERSFIELD, CA 93301 : STREET C~TY STATE NAME I CONTACT PERSON J PHONE BAKERSFIELD ZEND. SUPPLY [] UN~<NOWN MILES McKIGHT .,. (805) 325-9082 1621 E. CALIFORNIA'AVE., BAKE~SFIP. LD, CA 93307 " STREET CrTY STATE S3aXllg AS ABOVE ~ ! .' : STREET ' ' CITY COUNTY CROSS STREET LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME CONTACT PERSON PHONE KERN CO. ENV H:EALTB S:ERV. DEPt. :LYDIA V. VO~ SYDOW (805) 861-3636 CENTRAL VALLEY ( ) (1) NAME QUANTFrY LOST (GALLONS) [] UNKNOWN ~o.~VEREO .OWD,~VE~O [] ,NV~NTO..'OO..ROL [] SUSS~RE*OEMON,.OR.~G [] "~,~.NOECOND,.~NS 0~t 1~1 3ol %t 8~1 ~'~ [] ~ANK~S~ [] TANKRE~OVAL [] OTHER ~,~ D,~HARGE ~E~. ~oo ~SED TO S~OP D,~C.ARGE (C.EC~ AL. ~,~.~ .. ~1 .( ol ol ,t ,( [] ~.~ow. [] RE.OVECON~.~s [] .EP~E~AN~ ~] CLOSE.AN. HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED ? [] REPAIRTANK [] REPAIR PIPING [] CHANGE PROCEDURE [] YES [] NO ,=YES, DATE. 0~1 1~1, 3 ol1 of 8 ¥17 ~, [] O'rHER SOuRc~ o. D,SCHARGE [] ~AN.~'~ [] ~N..OWN [] OVERF.~ [] RUP~R~^,.URE [] SP," [] ",P,.G'~ [] DinE. [] ~O..OS,O. '1~ UNKNOW. [] O~R CHECK ONE ONLY [] UNO~R.,.ED [] SO,LO.'Y [] GROU.OWATE. [] O..NK'.~WATE"-IOHEO. ONLY,FWATERW~--""AVEAO~Y.EENA.EO~D, CHECK ONE ONLY [] NO AOTION TAKEN [] PRELIMINARYSITEASSESSMENTWORKPLANSUI:IMn'TED [] POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION [] ~<.E,NGCONF,R.EO [] PR~,.,.A~.S,TE~E~.E~NDERWAY [] "OS.:EANUPMO.,TOR,NG,..ROG.ESS [] REMEDIATION PLAN [] CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) [] CLEANUP UNDERWAY CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) [] EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) [] REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) [] ENHANCED 810 D~EGRADATION (IT) ~ CAP SITE tCD) [] EXCAVATE&TREAT(E'D [] PUMP&TREATGROUNDWATER(GT)[] REPLACE SLIPPLY (RS) [] CONTAI'NMENTBARRIER(CB) [] NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) [] TREATMENTATHOOKUP(NU) [] VENTSOIL(VS) [] VACUUM EXTRACT (VE) [] OTHER (OT) 'rNVESTTGAT]::O]:~] COMPLETED~ CASE CT,OSED 10/05/89. HSC 05 (11/89) FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Fac i li t¥ ~-- ~/~_/~//~ ~fOf~7_~;~O / ~~J~ / "~'~. ~ ~. ~Pe~mit to~er~ ~ ~d~ ' ' Date ~Construction Permit ~ Date ~Permit to abandon~ No. of Tanks Date ~ended Permit. Condi'tions . ~Permit Application Form, . ~ . Tank Sheets ~/~ ~~ AppliCation to Abandon ~anks(s) Date ~Annual Report Forms [']Copy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator []Inspection Reports []-]Correspondence - Received Da te '. Da te Da te [~Correspondence - Mailed Date Date Date [2]Unauthorized Release Reports [']Abandonment/Closure Reports [-~ Sampl ing/Lab Reports nMVF Compliance Check ('New 'Construct for{ C~ecklis~) ~STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) [-~MVF Plan Check (New Construction) [[]STD Plan Check (New Construction) ~MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) []STD Plan Check (Existing Facility) FT."Incomplete Application" Form ['~Permit Application Checklist []Permit Instructions [-]Discarded []Tightness Test Results Date Da te Da te []Monitoring Well Construction 'Dat'a'/Pe'rmi'tS [[]Environmental Sensitivity Data: [[]Groundwater Drilling, Boring Logs []Location of Water Wells [-~Sta.tement of Underground Conduits Ii]Plot Plan Featuring Ail Environmentally Sensitive Data [-]Photos Construc%ion Drawings Location [~]Half sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, etc ~ Miscellaneous l?OO F~ower Street 5RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTML , .EAU. Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805)861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH · Vernon S. Relchard [ NT E R'r' [v.[ PERIvlz T PERHIT~2 20002C TO O]? ~- RAT E = ,T SSUED = J[TLY l, 1986 EX].=>-r RES = JULY l, 1989 UNDERGROUND.HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER 0F TANKS-- 1 BA-VALLEY INDUSTRIAL I BA-VALLEY INDUSTRIAL' SUPPLY 1621 .~.. CALIFORNIA AVENUE ~ 1621 E. CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA ] .BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 :~:;- ."u:' TANK ~ [" AGE(TN YRS)," ' SUBSTANCE CODE .-' PRESSURIZED PI'pI'NG? NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT . >'i', NON--TRANSFERABLE ** * POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT IT,K : JUL i 6 1986 DATE .PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: PERMIT CHECKLIST This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received an__jd that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to KC}ID in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Pha~e I Interim Permit Monit0-r-ihg Requirem~hts, Information Sheet (Agreement Between 'Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance 'Codes, Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2)Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook.~UT-10. 3)The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility} V/ B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitorin~ Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), an~ find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name an( address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no' is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the ~ollowing required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): // 1) Acceptable gauging instrument / 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) / 3) Water-finding paste w/ D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining tc Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement betwee~t owner and operator). ~" E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with correspondinf ~" f .... tank numbers listed on permit) / F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this faci'lity have ha( ~LM/~ calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registerec device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded m ,- ........ "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook) w/ 6. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordanc~ with procedures described in Handbook #UT-10. Date Started ~-/ ~ Pe r~i t ~ues t i onnai re Normally. permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit # and check one' of the following before returning this form with payment: Fbr PERMIT # ,~2000~_~ 1. Send all information to Owner at the address · ls~..u on invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information}. 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner). Kern County Health Departme~ Permit~O ~ 0 Division o£ Enviro~ental H~ ~licatio~ 1700 Flo~r Street, Bakersfield~ ~ 93305 · ~PLI~TION ~R PE~IT ~ OPE~TE ~E~R~D ~~US SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ ~ of Application ('ch~k): ~Ne~ FaCility ~ification of Facility ~isti~ Facility ~ansfer of ~ership A. ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact (n~e, area c~e, ~one): ~ Mc~ight 805) 325-9082 Nigh~ McKnight 805) 325-9082 Facility ~ ~-Valley Industrial. Supply . ~. of T~ 1 ~ of B~iness (chec'k): ~line S~tion ~er (de~rt~)Industrial Sup~iy'Store Is T~k(s) ~cat~ on ~ ~riCultural Fa~? ~Y~ ~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~i~rily for ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes ~ ~ Facility ~dre~ 1621 E. Califo~ia Ave. Nearest Cro~ St. Willies T R SEC (R~al ~atio~ ~er~-Valley Industrial Supply Con.ct ~r~ Miles E. Mc~ight ~dress %~21 E, Califo.~ia ~ve. . Zip 93307 ~le~ne ' 805) 325-9082 O~rator ~-Vallay Industrial SUpply ~n~ ~r~ Mic~a~t R. Hinds ~dress ]~ E_ C~]~o~a Ave. Zip 93307 Tele~ 805) 325-9082 B. ~r ~ Facility Pr~td~ by City of B~ersfield ~p~ ~ ~il ~racteristtcs' at ~cility ' ' ~sis for Soil ~ ~ Gro~ter ~p~ ~temi~tio~ C. Ccntral~latic RicMield Co ~ ~ntractor's ~ce~e ~. Zip 90005 ~le~ 213)629-411~ ~dre~p_o. Box 75007 - S~ord S~, L.A. ~ c~eti~ ~ta 1227-75 Pro~s~ S~rti~ ~te ~rker's C~~ti~ Certifi6ati~ ~ I~ur~ D. If ~is ~it Is For ~ification Of ~ ~isti~ ~cility, Briefly ~ri~ ~lfl~ti~ Pro~ E. T~(s) SCore (~eck all ~ a~ly): Tank [ ~s~ Pr~uc~ ~Cor Vehicle Unlead~ R~ular Pr~i~ Die~l ~el F. ~mi~l ~sition of ~terials Stor~ (mt ~ces~ry for ~tor v~tcle f~ls) Tank S Ch~i~l Stor~ (n~c~rcial ~e) ~ $ (if kn~) ~i~l Pr~i~ly "(ii'different) G. Transfer of Ownership Date o[~--ansfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept f6lly all obligati~'ns of Permit No. __ issued to · I understand' that the .Permitting Authority may review and m~dify or terminate. the transfer of the Permit to Operate this tlldergrot~ld storage facility upon receiving this ccmpleted form. This form has been ccmlpleted under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. · Signature ~~, , Title President Date ~ F~cil ity Name .BA-Val~ial.. Supply TANK ~ ! (FILL OUT ~%EPARATE F(')~ ~ T~K) --F~/EACH SECTION,-~ECK ~ ~PROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: ~Vaulted ~n-Vault~ ~uble-Wall ~Si~le~all 2. ~ Material ~Car~n Steel ~ Stainless Steel ~l~inyl C~oride ~Fiberglass~l~ Steel ~ Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~ ~in~ ~ Bronze ~k~ ~Other (de~ri~) 3. Priory Contai~ent ~te Installed ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca,city (~llons). ~nufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Co~ai~ent ~t~le-Wall ~thetic Liner ~Lin~ Vault ~ne. ~o~ ~Other (descri~): ~nufacturer: ~terial Thic~ess (Inches) Ca,city (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior ~Lini~ ~Other (de~ri~): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~Tar or ~p~lt ~k~ ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~): Cath~ic Protection: ~ne ~pres~ ~rrent S~t~ ~ri~ Syst~ & Equi~ent: 7. Leak Detection, ~nitori~, and Interception a. Tank: ~Vis~i (vault~ tanks only) ~Gro~ter ~nitori~' ~Vadose Zone Monitori~ ~ll(s) ~U-T~ Wi~out ~ner U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~ti~ Flow ~ Monitori~ ~l(s)* Va~r ~t~tor* ~ Liquid ~vel ~n~r* ~Cond~tivit~ ~ Pressure Sen~r tn ~ular S~ce of ~uble Wall Tank ~ Liquid ~tri~al & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, Monitori~ ~11 ~ily Ga~i~ & I~entory Reconciliation ~Peri~ic Tigh~e~ Testi~ ~None ~ ~o~ ~ ~her b.' Pipit: Fl~Restricti~ ~ak ~tector(s) for Pressuriz~ ~nitori~ S~p with ~ce~y ~al~ Concrete ~ce~y ~lf-Cut C~tible Pi~ Raceway ~S~thetic Liner ~y ~None ~Unkno~ ~her 8. ~en Tigh~ess ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~kno~ ~te of ~st Tightne~ Test Results of Test Test ~e ~sti~ C~ny 9. Tank ~ ~ Ta~ Re~ir~? ~Yes ~ ~kno~ ~te(s) of ~tr(s) 10. ~erfill Protection ~rator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel ~Ta~ F~t Ga~e ~Fl~t Vent Valves ~ Auto Shut- Off Controls ~citance ~r ~al~ Fill ~x ~ne ~o~ ~Other: U~o~ List ~ke & ~el For ~ve ~ices a. ~dergro~d Pipi~: ~Yes ~ ~un~o~ ~terial Thickne~ (inches) Di~eter Manufacturer ~Pressure ~S~ti%n ~Gravity ~proxi~te b. Undergro~ Pipi~ Corrosion Proration : ~lvanized ~Fi~rglass-Cl~ ~press~ ~rrent ~criftctal ~e ~Polye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical Isolati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or ~lt ~Unkno~ ~None ~her (descri~;: c. Undergro~ Pipit', Seco~ary Comtai~ent: ~le-Wall ~S~thetic Liner ~stem ~ne ~kno~ ~Other (descri~): Unkno~ i zoo FLOW[~ STatE r [i ' ~iL[~G-'b~T~ ..... 8A[ERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA ~J~O3 - [ .--_ (805) 861-2231 ~NT ENCLO~D ~E D~TE DETACH-E~t _~ ' PLEASt REIU~N 1HIS ~lIO~ 10 INSuRt C~LCI P~NI ~NIIFIC~IION . , DEIACH ~E DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3 FLOWER STREET EI~FIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 COMPLETENESS CHECK: " ~ Incomplete information on first page of appltcat[on entitled 'Application fo---~ Permit to Operate Under,round Storage Facility". The information required is noted in red on enclosed copy. Incomplete information on second page(s) of application -'Tank Sheet". The information required is noted in red on enclosed copy. instruction osed. J~_] Other