HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-11/08/90 S0££ SA.~[PLE LOCATfO~[ MAP LEGEND NOTES APPRO,,~IMAT, E LOCA?IOJV OF ~ ~OIL ~AMP~ ~-~ Porcerville, CA 93257 (209) 781-0571 Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments RESO, RCE MANAGEMENT AGE cY · ' ,~~ Environmental He~th Services Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT ~ STEVE McCa! ! i=y, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ~r Pollution Control District DAVID PRICE ili W~t. UAM J. RODOY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Plannin9 & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT November 8, 1990 Bright Family Trust P. O. Box 801 Newhall, CA 91322 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 1629 CALIFORNIA AVENUE IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1301-19/190018 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. ' It is important to note that th~s letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. LAUREL FUNK, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST 'cc: Crisp Construction, Inc. P. O. Box 1066 Visa/ia, CA 93279 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 CONSOLIDATED TESTING L~FIOFIATOFIIEI I~C. SOILS INT,'ESTIGA TION$ SOILS AfqD MA T£RL4L$ TF.$TING , FIELD flVSPECTION ~O~ DEP~ OF DEP~ TO ,.S~ ~ B~O~ S~L~G ~IST. G~E BELOW ~ST. G~E ~SiS l'~. OF I~ · ' ~_~T AT L~ (209) 781-057I 3! (209) 685-!923 ' Tulare, CA FAX (209) 782~3389 SMC La~oratory Analytical Chemistry ~lient Name: Consolidated Testing Laboratories, Inc. Address : 1055 W. Morton, Suite C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention : Mr. David Harris Date samples received : 10-12-90 Date analysis completed: 10-15-90 Date-of report : 10-16-90 Project Name: Aut~o Service Center/Bakersfield Project % : 2006-90 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: Oil & Grease ID ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm 3844 1 70 20 3845 2 45 20 Method of Analysis for Oil & Grease: EPA 9071 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected Laboratory Supervisor 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805)~393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC La orato Anal ical Chemistry Client Name: Consolidated Testing Laboratories, Inc. Address : 1055 W. Morton, Suite C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention : Mr. David Harris Date Samples Received : 10-1'2-90 Date Analysis Completed: 10-16-90 Date of Report : 10-17-90 Project Name: Auto Service Center/Bakersfield Project ~ : 2006-90 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL LEAD Sample $ ID uqm/qm. MDL,uqm/qm 3844 gl 15 1.0 3845 $2 7.0 1.0 Method of Analysis: 3050/7420 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = microgram's per gram ND = none detected Stan comer ~ , Laboratory Director 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC La~oratory Ana!ytical Chemistry Client Name: Consolidated Testing Laboratories, Inc. Address : 1055 W. Morton, Suite C Porterville, CA 93257 Attention : Mr. David Harris Date Samples Received : 10-12-90 Date Analysis Completed: 10-16-90 Date of Report : 10-17-90 Project Name: Auto Service Center/Bakersfield Project % : 2006-90 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL ORGANIC HALIDES (TOX) SamPle ~ ID uqm/qm MDL,u~m/~m 3844 %1 ND 10 3845 %2 25 10 Method of Analysis: EPA 9020 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram ND = none detected Stan Comer Laboratory Director 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield. CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 OCTOBER 24, 1990' DATE [~I)ERGROOND FUEL TANK(S) 'rANK(S) R~CEZVED: 1 550 CRC WASTE OIL TaNK(S) DESTROYED ON GENERA"D2Iqt JOHN MAYNE P O BOX 801 NEWHALL, CA 91322 TANK TRA~S~t CRISP CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1066 VISALIA, CA 93279 ~2YrE: T~NK(~I W~LL BE USED FOR SCRAP M~ra5 Pb~POSES @~LY, N~f FOR UNDERGRC~ STC~GE. ~A FOUTY ,t,X, storage,:-for dtsposal'Vfactlit7 · St ate of California--Health l/rd WeHare~x~l~ See Instructions or.k,--*' Cage 6 Fon~ Approv~ ~B ~. ~9 ( 1) ( ' ' Please phnt or ~e. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. o~.~ ~J. and Front o;~g~ ' Tox~ S~ta~a~am~to.~tr~lff~mDiv~ ~ ~ UNIFORM HA~RDOUS 11. ~.t~'. US ~A ~ ~. U.nife. 2. ~p 1 ~t~ WASTE MANIFEST ~CI~I~~I/1~1~1~'~7 ' / 5. Transp~. 1 ~ Na~ -- ' US EPA ~. Numb. C. =~e T~I e 7. Transpo~ 2 ~pany Name 8. ~ EPA ID Nu~ E. ~e T~I ~ - · . . I g. Designat~ Facil~ Na~ and ~e Ad~e~ 10. US EPA ID Num~ ~ ~e F~I:~ ~ ~ :': -' I~ I 11. US ~T De~dpt~ ~cluding ~ ~ippi~ Name. ~za~ C~. I~ ID N~b~) Q~ Un~ ~ NON RC~ ~OUS WASTE' LIQUID :~-:~i~:i&: .... R '~~;~..~?~';'~ T · 16. ~ial ~ In~~ ~11nf~at~ . I ~_ _ . GLO~S, ~GGLES, ~ PRO~EC~I~ OUTER G~S ~L~SE 1~. and are c~. ~. ~, ~ label, a~ are in all re~ in prop~ c~d~ for transp~ by hig~ny ac~Jflg to a~licable ~ national gov~ r~ulati~. ~ ~ I am a ~rge q~ ~n~at~, I c~ that I ~ve a ~ram in place to r~uce the volume and tox~ of waste ~enerat~ to the d~r~ 1o ~ ~i~l~ pra~ab~ aha t~t I have ael~ ~ ~a~icabls metb~ of treatmem, storage, ~ diapo~l cu~t~ availab~ to ~ ~ mmimizea t~ ~ ~eaen~ and ~ure t~eat to h~n ~a~h a~ the en~r~t: ~, ~ I am a amall ~uanti~ g~erat~, I have made a ~ faith ~ to mini~e ~ waate ~ generati~ a~ ~ t~ ~ waate manao~ ~ ~t ia avai~le to me and that I ~n T 17. Tranap~ I A~g~ of R~eipt of Mate~als ~ ~ ~ ' R " ~ 18. Tranepo~ ~ Ackno~g~ of R~ipt of ~te~al~ ~ Printed/Ty~ Na~ I ~nature ~ ~y Y~r E I 19. Oi~r~a~ I~t~ Space F A I L I FacilHy ~ ~ ~at~ ~ti~ of r~eipt of h~oua materials cover~ by this man~eat exit aa ~ i~-19. ~ ~22 A (1/~) ~ Not W~ ~low ~is Li~ EPA 87~22 (R~. ~) Previous ~ffi~a are obsolete. ~: TSDF SENDS ~IS CO~ TO ~ WITHIN 30 DAYS To: P.O. ~x 3~, ~cram~, CA 95812 I'~'-' C_ .o 2700 M Street, Suite 300 RANDALL L. ABBOTT Agency Directo~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ..... ' ~ ' Telecopier (805) 861-3429 .. , ,~7,~.'X.~:,,.~'' -.. . _.: . . SOU CE i -M.~,,NAGEMEN.,,~,,~i,"c':.AGENCY . -.. Director,.. R ' '"~ .:-'/-*;. ;' .. ,'; . . ·- "~"".. . :'" ',"- . HE:z~ERvIcES ;.. '. .... ' ' ~'. - . -"'-:%U. "/'';- · ' ' "' -;',. ,;2" :~.~,.'~ ~?, ~ ,..~,,-,, .-."- :- ~ '~,, ,' .-,:,-'~?,.~-~e, - *'.~,~ ..: ..' , .' -,'~;?~,,~V~%~.~,:,,,~%~'/~, --L~' ~,, ' ,~,'.;f~-',~-;-;,;f~;;~-~f~?t~.'~f;;'-' :*'? - ..... - .... : ' PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE .~':?:-,'~.,,:: ,~,c'-.'~ .:~,':' -:..-.,'.:%;.;~. :~.:.~:~.?~:-~.,-~:~;,.~-..,,-PERMIT .NU~ER A 130~ ..~;'.['~.,,,~F__ UNDERGROUND HAZ~.RDOUS IBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY '. :}::... :;<:;'.'.: ' ': .>',;:,. '?c ,'.';-;-' .','. ....... "'~: .;i':f:f:,'- " "~'!' "' ';'" i:' " ;' "::"::?:':" '; :' ;:"?-";": .... se 567429 :":' ' '. -: 'Phone: 805 ~ ! .;'.:,,----,-;:, Lice ' :","' '.' .... -':' .., -' :::',- , ' ~'- ~. ~259-5919 ' .-... ;:; .;%: '7,'Phone: 209-734-638 ~,;;_, · OR CLOSURE OF .' . ':; . ' . PERMIT EXPI~S ......... December 10~ 1990 - ~ TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE September 10, 1990 LOCATION APPROVED BY ~aurel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist ............................................................................... POST ON PREMISES ................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It i~ the r~pon~ibility ~ the Permilt~ to obtain permit~ which may be rquired by other regulato~ agenci~ prior to be~nning work {i.e., City Fire and Building Department~). 2. Permitt~ mu~t notif~ the Hazardou~ MateriaI~ Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two wo~ing da~ pdor to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange ~or r~uired in~pections(~). 3. Tank clmure activiti~ mu~t be p~ K~n County Environmental Hmlth and Fire Depa~ment approved method~ ~ d~cd~d in Handb~k HT-30. 4. It i~ the contractor'~ r~ponsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding th~ handling, transportation ~r trmtment ~ hazardou~ matehal~. ~. The tank removal contractor mu~t have a qualffied ~mpan~ employ~ on ~ite ~u~i~ing the tank removal. The employ~ mu~t have tank ~moval expedence pdor to working un~upe~i~. 6. ~ any contracto~ other than tho~e listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, p~or approval mu~t be granted b~ the sp~ialist li~ted on the permit. Deviation from the ~ubmitted application i~ not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: . '. ' ':' ' ~ ' a. Tank ~ze 1~ than or ~ual to 1,~ gallo~ - a minimum of two ~ampl~ ~u~t ~ retde¢~ fro~ ~neath the ~n~ ~ the ta~'a~t depths ~ approximately two f~t and six f~t .... b. Tank ~i~e ~at~ than 1,~ to 10,~0 gallon~ - a minimum ~ four ~ampl~ mu~t b ~ch tank at depth~ ~ approximately two feet and ~ix ~t. c.. Tank size ~t~ than I0,~ gallons - a minimum of six sampi~ must ~ retficv~ one-fourth of thc way in Rom thc ends of ~ch tank and beneath thc center ~ each tank at depths of approximately two f~t and six 8. Soil Sampling (piping a~): A minimum of two sampl~ must be retrieved at depths of approximately two f~t and six f~t for eve~ 15 linear feet of pipe run and under thc dispenser area. . . Y rbo~ (for gasohn4' d) tanks andappurtenanc~ mu: ' ' ~ veanaiyz~ for ~nzene, toluene, zy/ene, _ b. -:~' ~ ~l soil sampJm retrieved from ~n~lh di~el tanks and -.. ' ~' ': '" .'"~1 soilsa ....... ' . · ' '~:'' ':-: ...... apParlcnanc~ a~ ~ ,~i~ ..... ~, ''~ ~ ~ .,. .' .- . . ' . a. ':"~'~'?/~1 soil sa~'~ retrieved [rom bea~lh w~le oil ' '~, :" e. '.f'" :.aa, .... P ~ retrieved from benea*- .... ' * '* ~ and tracki~ sc t to Hazardous~ ,, ,., · :. Materials Management Program. A/I ~azardous waste ' ~'' '"C~:: '.~' -. ater Ihan $ ' ' manifests must be signed by the rec ' , - . .haz. ardous waste .... eaver of the .. -, .~.-~:.. ~ * ~....days for the ti'ac-: ...... .~. · ' · ' a~ug [ors a/tar tank 1'~ d ' I~o emotion shall ~ul/ia ~o~ d-~char~ng at least 10 t~t a ~,,~allo~ ~ hqu,d ~maln in tank. ( SH&S e'' ~o e~ission shall endan,~ t'- '- ~'7'~e ,1 or ~youd pro,nv ,,.~-=,~uud lev~. (CSHaSC 4,,~, C C 41700) ..... a~ ~ni~i the ins~tor~mv~ :',s ~n. (CSHaSC 41700~ '::' ~ [o aulho~ze ~Ovai. ~CO~ATiONS/G~D~g · Th~ department is r~ponsJble for e .FOR ~OV~ OF ~ERGRO~ gTO~oE T~ Repr~eniahv~ from fbi a ..... ~orcmg the ~ern County Ordi s o,~a~menl ~pond 1o iob si ~ ~--~- ~an~e~c, Dw~sma 8 and s --. . t~ -u~ag [an~ remow~- .~ latemgulauons ner~-~-:- . .' r and exp~laHons for this depanmeni. applicable la~ and safety s~an~ards, The following~ ..... ~cmove/cl~ ...... - -~u ~nat the overall . guidelin~ are offered lo cla~y the inter~is 1. 2ob site safety is one ~ our pNma~ ~ncerm. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor,s r~ibility I0 know aad abide by permitted ~n impro~rly sloped excavafio~ or when unsafe ~ndh/o~ exist in the hole. ' '' ''''f ''" C~rOS~ regulation. The )ob foreman ~ r~ns/ble for the crew and any sub~nlracto~ on the job, ~ a general ~le, Work~ are not function. ~ example, backh~ buckets are never substituted for iadd~. T~ls and ~uipmenl are to ~ ~ed only for th~ d~igned 2. Prop~ly licensed ~ntracto~ are ~umed to unde~land the r~uirements ~ the permit ~u~. The ~ob foreman ~ r~po~ibie for ~O~ng and abiding by the ~nditio~ ~ the P~it. Devialion from the ~mit conditions may r~ult Jn a stop-work order. . 3. Individual contracto~ will ~ held r~nsible for their P~t-removal pape~ork. Tracking forms, hazardo~ waste manif~ts and analyi~ d~umentation a~ n~a~ for each site in order to c]~e a ease file or move it ~nto ~tigation. When ~ntracto~ do aot follow I~ugh on ~a~ pape~ork, an unmanag~ble backlog ~ incomplete cas~ r~ults. It Ibis continu~, P~sJng time for compleljag new cl~ lnc~ase. ' 23'00 'M" STF~F. ET, SUITE 300 ....... BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~ OF TANKS TO ABANDON: / J (FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACI. LITY) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLO~d. JRE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS FOR J~ REMOVAL. OR [] ABANDONMENT IN PLACE A: FACILITY FACILITY NA~: __~-,~//.4,, ,,'~x..,.~-- ~I~SS: /~2'r ~"~'~'~'~'~"*~ '4~'~' STJ~'T: PH~E I: ~-.2~.-ff-..,~,/,~ CITY: ,'~A'~,,es;',~'.~,o ZiP: I~-3~,, ,x~X'. PrlCliE I: 6::~_~'_,~5-.~..~-.f,,,? CITY: //,/.~//,-x,~/~_ ~ J ZiP: PH[IiE I: ~'~ "7'3","-~'~'/ Clrf: z..-'/~.4-/.~ ,, ~.,,~ ZiP: ~'.~.~ ~ I: 2~,~ _ p~./_ ~..-~/ Cll'f: ~',~TE,~,..,,/x_~.4- J ZIP: ~ I: .~,~ - ,~;/- ~"'7/ CITY: x.~,,~-~4~.~- J ZIP: C: I:}II~C,¢L CHEMI'CAL OC~IPOSTION OF MATER[ALS STORED: TANK # VOLUME OHI~ICAL STORED DATES STORED (~I~ICAL FOI~ERLY ,STORED 1'0'-- 1'0' PROVIDE DRAWING OF PH .ICAL LAYOUT OF FACILITY U~G SPACE PROVIDED 8ELON. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING'INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR THE APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED: TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS & DIMENSIONS. PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER WELLS OF SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY _~ NORTH ARROW · , ,20/ · I R E C E I .P T PAGE 08/29/90 Invoice 'Nbr. 1 38988 12:18 am KER~ COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT · .'.~. Baker$t:ie3d, CA 93301 T pe of 0rder~. Customer P.O.~ Mtn By ~Order Date I Ship Oa~ H082gg01 RAP [ 0B/gQ/g0 ~ 08/2g/g0 l Line Oescriptiom Quantity Price Unit Disc 'Total 1 PERMIT TO CLOSE/ABANDON 1 2~0.00 E 2S0'.00. 170G Order Tot,~ 250.00 Amount Due 250.00 Paymeat Made By Check 250.00 THANK, YOU" k~. TI VI TY SHEET DATE ACTIVITY INITIALS TIME