HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN FORM -~ .~_... //-~.~ NORTH SCALE: I"--~O'~:~"I~USINESS NAME: FLOOR: I OF_.i ~ DATE:{Z/~ /~ FACILITY N~ME: UNIT ~: OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGR,%M ~ FACILI~ DIAGR.~M / Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - COMMERCIAL TRASH ENCLOSURE _TORAGE L_I I~ I~"(~~J COOlAnT , ~ ~ o ~[~ 1OM RU 1 I~1 ~l~ ] o 1 OM SU I CALIFORNIA AVENUE COMMERCIAL FULL SERVICE STATION LEGEND SCALE: 1'=30'-0"i DATE: 10/24/90 EMERGENCY PUMP · MONITORING WELLS SHUT-OFF SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL PANEL ~ GREASE (BARREL) 1700 CALIFORNIA AVENUE NATURAL GAS ~ U.G. WASTE OIL TANK SHUT-OFF ~ U.G. PRODUCT TANK BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA WATER SHUT-OFF 6106 SOLVENT SINK FIRST AID KIT STORM DRAIN ~ MOTOR/TRANSMISSION OIL HOIST (SERVICE BAY) ~ TELEPHONE ROBERT H. LEE ~ A~8OCIATES, INC.  ARCHI~CTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING HYDRANT ~ EMERGENCY MEETING ,~ ~u, ~.~ a~c~[. ~, ~.~u~, c. ~. (~) ~-~,o PLACE CITY"OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303-2057 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED DO NOT FORWARD A~a" '.NILES CALIFORNIA 76 SERVICE CENTER HN¢57401 1700 CALIFORNIA AY OA~EfiSFIELD. CA 93304 TANK CLOSURE REPORT for UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 6106 1700 California Street Bakersfield, California prepared for UNOCAL REFINING AND MARKETING prepared by GeoResearch a Division of GEOSERVICES a California Corporation June 11, 1992 GeoResearch Project 92143-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................... i PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION AND LIMITS OF LIABILITY .... ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................... 1 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND .................... 1 3.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ................ 1 4.0 FIELD PROCEDURES .................... 2 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS ................... 3 6.0 FINDINGS ........................ 3 7.0 REFERENCES ....................... 3 Appendix A: Figures and Tables Appendix B: Tank Removal Permit Appendix C: Rinseate Manifest Appendix D: Tank Disposal Forms Appendix E: GeoResearch Procedures Appendix F: Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unocal Refining and Marketing (Unocal) abandoned Unocal Service Station 6106 at 1700 California Street in Bakersfield, California. The abandonment included removal of two 10,000-gallon steel underground storage tanks (USTs) used to store gasoline, a 550- gallon UST used to store waste-oil, associated fuel piping, and gasoline dispensers. Subsequent to the abandonment, a preliminary investigation was conducted to evaluate if soil in the vicinity of the station's three dispenser islands and areas formerly occupied by the USTs and piping contained detectable concentrations of select petroleum hydrocarbon compounds. The preliminary investigation included collecting soil samples for laboratory analyses from areas formerly occupied by the USTs and piping and from the vicinity of the dispenser islands. Samples were also collected from stockpiled soil that had been excavated from these areas. These samples were collected under the direction of the Bakersfield City Fire Department. Soil samples collected from beneath the USTs, in the vicinity of the dispenser islands and piping, and from stockpiled soils were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes. Soil samples collected from beneath the waste-oil UST were analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, total organic halides, and total lead. Results of the investigation revealed that soil samples collected beneath the former location of the gasoline USTs and from stockpiled soil contained concentrations of TPH-G ranging from not detected to 18 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). In addition, concentrations ranging from not detected to 0.008 mg/kg toluene, 0.006 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 0.053 mg/kg total xylenes were detected in these samples. PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION AND LIMITS OF LIABILITY Information provided in this report for project 92143-01 is intended exclusively for the evaluation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination as it pertains to the subject site. The professional services provided have been performed in accordance with practices generally accepted by other hydrogeologists and engineers practicing in this field. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. This report is issued with the understanding that Unocal Refining and Marketing, or their representative, is responsible for ensuring that the information contained in this report is brought to the attention of the appropriate regulatory agency. The enclosed report has been reviewed by a geologist who is registered in the State of California and whose signature and registration number appear below. CarolynA. Walch ~6~,\l~''"O"/,/'JJ ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION Unocal elected to abandon Unocal Service Station 6106 at 1700 California Street in Bakersfield, california (Figures 1 and 2). The abandonment included removing underground storage tanks (USTs), dispensers, and fuel piping from the subject property. Prior to removal of the USTs, a removal permit was obtained from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division (Permit No. BR-0045; Appendix B). Subsequent to the abandonment of the station, a preliminary investigation was conducted to evaluate if soil in the vicinity of the dispenser islands and areas formerly occupied by the USTs and piping contained detectable concentrations of select petroleum hydrocarbons. This report presents the results of the preliminary investigation. 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND Unocal constructed the service station in 1968. Station facilities included a building containing an office, restrooms, and two service bays. The station also included two 10,000-gallon USTs used to store gasoline, one 550-gallon waste-oil UST, and three dispenser islands. The original steel piping was replaced with fiberglass lines in December, ].980. At that time, a leak detection system was installed at the site and use of the eastern dispenser island was discontinued. The station was closed to business in April, 1992. 3.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY Bakersfield is within the Great Valley Geomorphic Province in the southern San Joaquin Valley. The city is bounded by the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the east, the Tehachapi Mountains to the south, and the Temblor Range to the west. Bedrock forming the basement in the Bakersfield area consists of Tertiary granitic and metamorphic rock. Pliocene to Pleistocene continental clastic deposits overlie the bedrock and extends to depths between 5,000 and 15,000 feet below ground surface (Hackel, 1966). Overlying the clastic deposits is Recent-age alluvium consisting of gravels, sands, and silts eroded from the Sierra Nevada and Tehachapi mountains. This alluvial material is approximately 5,000 feet thick in the Bakersfield area. Alluvial material observed during UST removal and soil sampling at the site consists of sandy silts and fine- to medium-grained sands. According to the Kern County Water Agency (KCWA), depth to groun~ water in the area of the project site is approximately 150 feet below ground surface (bgs) and the ground-water flow direction is 1 generally towards the southeast. The ground-water level has declined at least 20 feet since the beginning of a state-wide drought in approximately 1986 (KCWA, 1991). 4.0 FIELD PROCEDURES Two 10,000-gallon steel USTs used to store gasoline, a 550-gallon waste-oil UST, and fuel piping were removed from the project site by Commercial Lamp Supply of Burbank, California on May 13, 1992. Prior to removal, the USTs were triple rinsed and the rinseate transported to the Demmeno/Kerdoon facility in Compton, California. The gSTs were transported to the Valley Tree and Construction Company in Bakersfield, California for disposal. A copy of the hazardous waste manifest for the rinseate is in Appendix C and copies of the documentation of UST destruction and disposal are in Appendix D. Mr. Joseph Dunwoody, Inspector for the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, was onsite during UST removal operations. Under his direction, soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis by a GeoResearch geologist in accordance with procedures outlined in Appendix E. Samples of native soil were collected from the gasoline UST pit at depths of 15 and 18 feet bgs and from the waste-oil UST pit at depths of 7 and 11 feet bgs (Figure 3). Soil samples were also collected for laboratory analysis from beneath the dispenser island areas and fuel piping. These samples were collected from approximately 6 feet bgs (Figure 3). Soil excavated from the UST pits was placed in two stockpiles onsite. Four samples were collected for laboratOry analysis from these stockpiles (Figure 3). Soil samples collected beneath the USTs, in the vicinity of the dispenser islands and fuel piping, and from stockpiled soils were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) in accordance with the California Department of Health Services (DHS) method, and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) in accordance with EPA Method 8020. Samples collected beneath the waste-oil UST were analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) in accordance with EPA Method 418.1, total organic halides (TOX) in accordance with EPA Method 9020, and total lead in accordance with EPA Method 7420. All analyses were conducted by California-certified laboratories. 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Analytical results of the soil samples are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, Appendix A. Laboratory reports and Chain-of-Custody records are in Appendix F. Analytical results indicate that samples collected beneath the gasoline USTs contained concentrations ranging from not detected to 1.3 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) TPH-G, 0.008 mg/kg toluene, 0.006 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 0.053 mg/kg total xylenes. Concentrations detected in stockpiled soil ranged from not detected to 18 mg/kg TPH-G and 0.034 mg/kg total xylenes. Concentrations of TPH-G and BTEX were not detected in samples collected from the dispenser island~and piping areas. In addition, concentrations of TRPH, TOX, and total lead were not detected in samples collected from beneath the waste-oil UST. 6.0 FINDINGS The following findings are based on laboratory analytical results, field observations, and information provided by the KCWA. * Depth to ground water in the Bakersfield area is approximately 150 feet bgs. * Samples of native soil collected beneath the former location of the gasoline USTs contained TPH-G concentrations ranging from not detected to 1.3 mg/kg. These samples also contained concentrations of toluene ranging from not detected to 0.008 mg/kg, ethylbenzene to 0.006 mg/kg, and total xylenes to 0.053 mg/kg. * Samples collected from stockpiled soil contained concentrations ranging from not detected to 18 mg/kg TPH-G and 0.034 mg/kg total xylenes. 7.0 REFERENCES Hackel, Otto, 1966, "Geology of Northern California", California Division of Mines, Bull. 190, pp. 217-238. Kern County Water Agency, 1991, "Water Supply Report 1990", 70 p. APPENDIX A FIGURES AND TABLES ~~ GeoResearch PRO~ECT L~A~ON UN~ S~R~ STA~ON 6106 R[~: T~ FROM U.S.G.S. 17~ CALIF~NIA TOPO QUADR~ ~OSFORD PR~ECT 92~ PHO~SED 1973 DA~ 6/~/92 CKD BY: ~R[ NO,: 1 ~ NO: PRO~L~ ~ DRA~ BY: ~, MC OE[ ALLEY I I . laESmOOUs I I ... I ::J ---- I USl'S ..... i '-'-'.'.: · I I I I I CAUFORNIA STREET GeoResearch 0 10' 20' 40' UNOCAL SER~,ICE STA'IION 6106 CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CN. IFORNIA PROJECT g214~ NORTH SCALEIN FEET DATE= ,/~ I~ s~. I~oum~ ,,,o.= · ALLEY SPOILS WO-11 WASTE-OIL TANK HYDRAULIC LIFTS s~.ocuS, . I TK2-W-15; ~_~_,~....-.-f~ ~-~-'~~_~_,~ I :×' 'x '~' ..... '":-'i k ~ I I'" SPOILS 'i --I ~L~ FUEL ---- ',--X X I l W-1 TK1-E-15 J DP8-6 DP7-6 ~ TK1-W-18 ~'"'TK1-£-18 I I I CALIFORNIA STREET LEGEND SP-1 X SAMPLE LOCATION GeoResearch SAMPLE LOCATIONS 0 10' 20' 4.0' UNOCAL SF_.R~ICE STATION 6106 CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA NORTH SCALE IN FEET PROJECT 921,13 TABLE 1 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM GASOLINE UST'S, DISPENSER ISLAND & PIPING AREASs & STOCKPILED SOIL UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 6106 1700 CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT 92143-01 SAMPLE SAMPLE TPH'G B T E X ID DEPTH (feet) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM GASOLINE UST AREA TK1-E-15 15 ND NO NO NO HO TK1-E-18 18 1.3 ND 0.006 0.006 0.053 TK1-U-15 15 ND ND ND ND ND TK1-W-18 18 1.1 ND 0.005 ND 0.039 TK2-E-15 15 ND ND ND ND ND TK2-E-18 18 ND ND 0.008 ND ND TK2-W-15 15 ND ND ND ND ND TK2-~-18 18 ND ND ND ND ND SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM DISPENSER ISLAND AND PIPING AREAS DPI'6 6 ND ND ND ND ND DP2-6 6 ND ND ND ND ND DP3-6 6 ND ND ND ND ND DP4-6 6 ND ND ND ND ND DP5-6 6 ND ND ND ND ND DP6-6 6 ND ND ND ND ND DP?-6 6 ND ND ND ND ND DPB-6 6 ND ND ND ND ND SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM STOCKPILED SOIL SP-1 18 ND ND ND 0.034 SP-2 1.5 ND ND ND ND SP-3 ND ND ND ND ND SP-4 ND ND ND ND ND NOTES: mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = not detected at laboratory limit of detection TPH-G = total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline analyzed in accordance with California Department of Health Services Method (CAL/DHS) BTEX = benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes analyzed in accordance with EPA Method 8020 Soil samples analyzed by GEOTEST of Long Beach, California. TABLE 2 LABORATORY RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM BENEATH WASTE-OIL UST UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 6106 1700 CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT 92143-01 SAMPLE SAMPLE TRPH TOX LEAD ID DEPTH (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (feet) WO-? 7 ND ND ND W0-11 11 ND ND ND DETECTION LIMITS I '0 I I NOTES: mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = not detected at laboratory Limit of detection TRPH =tota[ recoverabte petroleum hydrocarbons anatyzed in accordance with EPA Method 418.1 LEAD =tota[ read anatyzed in accordance with EPA Method ?420 TOX =tota[ organic hatides concentration analyzed in accordance with EPA Method 9020 TRPH and LEAD samptes were anatyzed by GEOTEST of Long Beach, £atifornia. TOX samples were anatyzed by Catscience Environmenta[ Laboratories, Inc. of Stanton, Catifornia. APPENDIX B TANK REMOVAL PERMIT /,.~'~>~.,..-, " Bakersfield FLre Dept. Permit ~. )' ~, .,; ..-. .. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION _v~ .:',:. RE'"'::'""'L.~-, ,,' '.:. l"~, .... flAY 2 9 1992. .; PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE ~JFORI'dATION ' SliE ~,,tuOC.,qL. ~T,,O,T',, CA/' ADDRESS J'70[J C,I)LIF~2F~.'VI~I. IP CODE c~;,~_?dTf APN FAC:LIF(NAME (~ .~?7'/g'T7~/x/ CROSS STREET N ~T- TAr,'K OWNER/OPERATOR UkJ~T..~L_ PHONE NO. (~) MAILING ADDRESS ['L,'7_.,:~:~ ~--~'~L.'Zm,d ~?-T' C;I'Y N. 14oLJ..,jl4o,~o ZlPCODE '.!.b. COtITRACTO~ INFORMATION COMPANY::: ~'~','z~/72E~d/w//- Z~//zZ? PHCHE No. (~/~')~-?~gr~'_Z?~/LICENSE NO. ACC2E~S~.'~ :Z~._,¢ c,u..-xtg.x-/-~..,,/~)L,~ ~)L~,'z,/ CITY ?~j)ff, h?.'d¥,J/g-~Z:PCODE IHSURANCE,.CARR[ER L, rF_~/zm//)~UTOA~L-[/VSV/z. ~;. W©RKMENS COMP No. ppc: ~ ~,*. NARY ASSE?,'IENT iNF©R;,~, ' TM ........ ,~, ,ON "~:.:?ANY :h~=,~E'/~Lzz4 ~__~. PHONE No,~_..i8) Go'Z ~10~ LICENSE No. I~,'SUSAI'.ICE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP No. ~..l, lv CLEANING INFORMATION C ~ MFANY --~.O-(.;/~_/V/_~_~'/V' I//,42~/V/C,~/J/?'?/CZ d~, PHONE No. ACE'2ES$ : ....... CiTY - '~ ZIP CODE ',v~E :R~NSpORTER ~6ENTIFiCATION NUMBE~ ~,~--:./, ?ZO'7;Z.4_d-,~. -"- -- N;,M~ C,F RII'4STATE DISPOSAL FAC;LITY ~'/14A/OTA,'~"C~Z2o,~:4/- ' ' F~c::ir,' !HDE."qTIFiCATION NUMBER ~-/-~L~,_~'_,-X TA,~: mANSm~T~ ~NFORMAT~ON CEMPANY' OD~y~N $ :r. NC. PHONE No. ('~O~-2~AC"~O_~¢:ZLICENSE No. · '~.: TAHK INFORMATION TANK No."~'N~ AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL :,.~; STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED ,~. · .. '/i.:::~,:':'i.'::::!i"::" ?': :i .' ::"': ' :?'":' · -. ..: ::i::::?' .!!!'::':.:" ' - f:::.. ' ':: ' .: ~. :.:!:'.':i!'..-: .:":.':::':..: '":.': ."':- ..' · · . ......:: · .r- .', ' '~ '~:' ...::' . : :' ,, ...:.~"2. . ' ........ : , , ·" '.' ' ..... , , ': :........,:..:...:..:.:.....:....:.:.; :::.::. ~. · . ~: .... . .. . :::.. ..... .... ... ........... :,~ THE AFPLICANT HAS QEC£IVED. UNOERSTAI'IOS. AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE A~AC'.4E g CCNDIIICNS CF iHi~ P~RMI[ AND A.~ IY C ;HER STALE. LOCALANO FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AHO TO [HE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND ~RQE'~T. ,~FRovE~ 8YT ~ AYP[NCANf NAME (PRINT) ~ / fiPPLICA~T ~}. THIq APP! ICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED APPENDIX C RINSEATE MANIFEST ' Nc, nm & LiS EPA 0 Numl~e~ Fo~il 1~ ~ EPA ID II lota ~reater ~0% variation reconciled with ~enerator, ranspor~or on~'..~J....r&~ wilh ~te: ~F ~N~ ~1~ COPY TO O~ ~N ~ DA~ APPENDIX D TANK DISPOSAL FORMS NON IIAZAI~DOUS MANII?EST SOURCE, Address & Locauion Date ~-~-'/ /~ ~--- Consignlnen g No. /~ .,~'/. ~. C~~'~. CONSIGNOR OF-MATERIAL. Name & Address TRANSFORTER, Name & Address DESCRIPTION OF / - CONSIGNOR' S CERTIFICATION - I hereby declare that tho contcnt~ of thl~ conoig~ent are full~ and acguratelx described above. It deco act conform to the 4afla~tlon~ ' li~ted 'hero: ~ 'hazardous uaste~ on defined in accorda~e with 40 CFR 261.8 of tho Federml"R~"A. ' (b) a qmzardouo matcrlml'.la accordauce with CAC Title 22, 66084, a 'hozardouo ~toriml' in accordance uith 49 CFR 171.8 of tho F~d~ral ~(d~. 4ocs no~ contain void space (a) ia. whlch tho atmosphere contains components ~a ofD~'.o~ the ~WER ~PLOSIVg LIMIT I furth~'declar~ thm~ th~ connlgnmeag in in all 'resp~ct~ In tha proper condition for ~nsp~ 9~ u~stm ~nif~s~ or ehlppin~ pnpgr~. ' ~ · ':'~ the eVoa~ t~ the consf~on~ certified hereon i~ not an represented and any ltabtlt~y m~gh~ ·ccruo by ~ason of tha mt~represen~ation ~n~~ navo and hold harmless the ~n~igna~ · . ' // · ~ ' ~0NsiGMEE FOR MATERIAL ," Name a Addr'~s~- "~ '[ Valley Tree & Construction Company 4233 Quinn Road Bak~[~field,. California FS~L DISPOS'ITIO~, "..~keh~d ~ place RCV' ,BM:XEROX TELECOPIER 7010 ; 5-26-92 4:07P~I ; CCITT 03-) 50443;1:I 2 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATACOM' c,,~ ~,~,,. ,,~_ . ~ ~-~' q ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ , , CONTAINER~: Ne ~u~l ~.~. WA~T~ ~ SCRIPIION ~HERATINO ~ ,,l p l 0 1HI WASTE AS OESCRIBED IS ~, ~ ~kcn Inc. " TRUC~ UNIT, ID NO. ~D OR PRINTED ~L ~i & ~IGNATURE ~ -- ~ , 'J ~ I0 ' u' HA~.___ ~~ T~ & CO~C~O~ P.O. Box 6275, Bakersfield, CA. 93386 -' A~..[~ ~233 Quinn Road ~ ,.~,.,,~[ ~ oml,~t up fo~ for scrap metal and ~ ~o., ,o ~80~ 399-1783 ~~ ~ ~-~-.-..~ , , ,,~"'.~'"-T'~m,~;'~F'T~'~, ;M~.~q .. .~,~.., ~,.-. -~'.I~.:...-.~-~1 ? ~.~- ~, - .... ?~ ~. · .. . ~ ,.~ ...~.~ ~, :," ......?:.,~ : · . ~, , . · , Equl~enl Ya~ & Olli~: 7~ ~md & ~n~ac~ S~ ~n~e No. 24~32 Addmll ~ Dl'lvor ~ O~ : " " ~~ ~~ ~- ~ C " "~' ~llln~ A~;;: P.O. ~x 6276 , ~korll~d, CA 9~ ' Con~ee~l Sam ~nso No. 244632 CAL T-t04276 A~dmJl , h ~. A Driver ~ . T~ck No. ~ ~INT OF DESTINAT~ ~~ ..,. ~ ........ APPENDIX E GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES FOR SAMPLING BY HAND (GRAB SAMPLES) The following outline describes the procedures utilized by GeoResearch for soil sampling by hand. i. Soil is excavated to a specified depth by hand-auger, backhoe, or other excavating tool. When excavated by backhoe, the sample is collected from the center of the bucket to avoid cross contamination with the residual soil on the bucket teeth or edges. ii. The sample trowel is washed prior to collecting each sample using a non-phosphate detergent and rinsed in distilled water. iii. The soil is packed into precleaned, 250-ml'Quorpak jars without headspace. The jar is then tightly capped with a Teflon-lined lid. iv. Each collected soil sample is labeled, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody document, and placed 'on ice while awaiting transport to a certified hazardous waste laboratory. APPENDIX F I~BORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORDS GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring Post Office Box g0g11, Long Beach, California g080g-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service L A B O R A ? O R Y R E P O R ? GEORESEARCH DATE SAHPLED ~ 05/14/92 3437 EMPRESA, SUITE A DATE RECEIVED, O5/14/92 SAN LUIS OBISPO. CA 93401 DATE ANALYZED, O5/15/92 SAMPLE MATRIX, SOIL ATTENTION, TOM MOLLIE CLIENT ID , 92143 GEOTEST PROJECT NO.~ 92400-22 ANALYSES, TPH-G PROJECT NAME, UNOCAL #6106 LOCATIONt 1700 CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA .................................................... '"ANA~T'~TS"'"'~r'HY~AR~F"'~RTRRT'"'"~T""'~HK""~HIIOI4[A~HPN¥ ........................................... CAL/DOHS TPH FOR GASOLINE SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIHIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) SP-1 18 1.0 SP-2 1.5 1.0 BP-3 ND 1. O SP-4 ND 1.O ND - Not detected below indicated limit of detection. Analyst, RV Reviewed and Approved, Report date, ~/z7 /~z~ · ! · ~h-i'~ ......... Y~E--~'~"f'i'&t'FF"'"'~FI¥--"~'"'"~ .......... ~'~'h'~'I~'~ .... t"fi'~'t'~1%-~ ......... '~'fi'~ ......... ~'~ ............ ~%~' necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST ~o~ office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809~)gll (310)498-9515 (800)624°5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Se~ice LABORATORY RRPORT GEORESEARCH DATE SAMPLED t O5/13/92 3437 EMPRESA, SUITE A DATE RECEIVED~ O5/14/92 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 DATE ANALYZED~ 5/14,15/92 SAMPLE MATRIX, SOIL ATTENTION~ TOM HOLLIS CLIENT ID , 92143 GEOTEST PROJECT NO.~ 92400-22 ANALYSES, TPH-G PROJECT NAME~ UNOCAL #6106 LOCATION~ 17OO CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA ............................................... ARAEY~TS'"'~r'HY~0~ARH~N-~ORTLqlT'*"gY"'-6'A~-'LqHR'01iAT~RAPHY ....................................... CAL/DOHS TPH FOR GASOLINE SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) TK1-E-15 ND 1.O TK1-E-18 1.3 1.O DP3-6 ND 1.O DP4-6 ND 1.O DP5-6 ND 1.O DP6-6 ND 1.O DP7-6 ND 1.O DP8-6 ND 1.O TK1-W-18 1.1 1.O ND - Not detected below indicated limit of detection. Analyst, RV Reviewed and Approved~ Report date~ ~'~'t"~ ........... ~g~"f'6 ........ ~g~'t"~'"'"'"~I~ ......... ~'6 ...... ~"-B~'I%'B--th'-~'6'~T~2't-~-d'--~h-a ...... ~6'6'~ not necessariIy apply to other apparentIy identicai or simiIar materiaIs. This report is submitted for the excIusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. GEO TEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST Post Office Box gOgll, LongBeach, CaliforniagoSog-og11 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service LABORATORY REPORT GEORESEARCH DATE SAMPLED , 05/13/92 3437 EMPRESA, SUITE A DATE RECEIVED, O5/14/92 SAN LUIS OBISPO. CA 93401 DATE ANALYZED, 5/14.15/92 05/20/92 SAMPLE MATRIX, SOIL ATTENTION, TOM HOLLIS CLIENT ID , 92143 GEOTEST PROJECT NO., 924(~-22 ANALYSES, TPH-G PROJECT NAME, UNOCAL #6106 LOCATION, 17~ CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA ......................................... .XI~Xiiyijl-S~,Oi~,,,RyDiiU~iQIB,OiF~U~i~y-~.Xit,,,i~.~A~,~,X,p~ ........................................................... CAL/DOHI~ TPH FOR GASOLINB SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (rog/kg) (rog/kg) TK2-E-15 ND 1:0 TK2-E-18 ND 1.0 TK2-W-15 ND 1.O TK2-W-18 ND 1.O DP1-6 ND 1.O DP2-6 ND 1.O TK1-W-15 ND 1.O ND - Not detected below Indicated limit of detection. Analyst, RV Reviewed and Approved, Report date, ~-/X-~/~/~ apparently identical or similar materials. This report Is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom It Is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAl_. GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring Post Office Box g0gl 1, Long Beach, California g(~09-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE GEOTEST CLIENT NAME, GEORESEARCH ELAP Certification #1655 GEOTEST PROJECT NO, 92400-22 Analyses prep method,5030 GEOTEST PROJECT NAME, UNOCAL #6106 Analyses method,DHS TPH-G DATE ANALYZED,05/14/92 SAMPLE MATRIX,SOIL CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg} (mg/kg} METHOD BLANK ND 1.O ACCURACY ACCEPTABLE RANGE % % LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 1OO 70 - 130 ............................................................................................ ~'USV~'~? ..................................................................... F~'~'~'~~'"'"'~ ........... % % MATRIX SPIKE 101 70 - 130 REPRODUCIBILITY ACCEPTABLE RANGE % % MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE 113 70 - 130 Checked and Approved, .,~~'~ GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809--0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROHATOGRAPHY TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE GEOTEST CLIENT NAME, GEORESEARCH ELAP Certification #1655 GEOTEST PROJECT NO~ 92400-22 Analyses prep method~5030 GEOT~ST PROJECT NAHE~ UNOCAL #6106 Analyses method~DHS TPH-G DATE ANALYZED,e5/15/92 SAMPLE MATRIX~SOIL CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIHIT (mE/kg} (mE/kg) METHOD BLANK ND 10 ACCURACY ACCEPTABLE RANGE % LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 107 70 - 130 ....................................................................................... ]i~V~T ................................. ~Z~'~'~'~'-~ ........... % MATRIX SPIKE 102 70 - 130 REPRODUCIBILITY ACCEPTABLE RANGE % MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE 1OO 70 - 130 Checked and Approved, ~'l'll' GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST ~os~ office Boxg0911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800)62&5744 An Environmenlal Monitoring and Testing Service QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE GEOTEST CLIENT NAHE, GEORESEARCH ELAP Certification #1225 GEOTEST PROJECT NO~ 92400-22 Analyses prep method~5030 GEOTEST PROJECT NAMEI UNOCAL #6106 Analyses method~DHS TPH-G DATE ANALYZED~05/20/92 SAMPLE MATRIX~SOIL CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) HETHOD BLANK ND 1.0 ACCURACY ACCEPTABLE RANGE % LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 92 70 - 130 % MATRIX SPIKE 1OO 70 - 130 REPRODUCIBILITY ACCEPTABLE RANGE % MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE 97 70 - 130 Checked and Approvedz Report Date, GEO TEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL I I GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service LABORATORY REPORT 3437 EMPRESA SUITE A DATE RECEIVED, 05/14/92 SAN LUIS OEISPO, CA 9340! DATE ANALYZED= O5/!5/92 SAMPLE HATRIX, SOIL ATTENTION, TOM HOLLIS CLIENT ID , 92!43 GEOTEST PROJECT NO.8 92400-22 ANALYSES, BTEX PROJECT NAMEs UNOCAL #6106 LOCATIONs 17OO CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA EPA METHOD 8020 COMPONENTS BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENR TOTAL XYLENES (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMITS 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.O15 SAMPLE ID SP-! ND ND ND 0.034 SP-2 ND ND ND ND SP-3 ND ND ND ND SP-4 ND ND ND ND ND - Not detected below indicated limit of detection. Analyst, RV Reviewed and Approved, Report date, This report pertains on1¥ to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted ~or the exclusive use o~ the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. OR IGI NAL GEOTEST Post office Box gog11. Long Beach, California g0809-og11 (310)498-9515 (800)624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service LABORATORY R~PORT 3437 EMPRESA, SUITE A DATE RECEIVED, 05114/92 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 DATE ANALYZEDs 5/14,15/92 SAMPLE MATRIXs SOIL ATTENTION, TOM HOLLIS CLIENT ID s 92143 GEOTEST PROJECT NO.~ 92400-22 ANALYSESs BTEX PROJECT NAME~ UNOCAL #6106 LOCATION, 17OO CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA EPA METHOD 8020 COMPONENTS BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMITS 0.005 0.005 0.005 O.O15 SAMPLE ID TK1-E-15 ND ND ND ND TK1-E-18 ND 0.006 0.006 0.053 DP3-6 ND ND ND ND DPd-6 ND ND ND ND DPS-6 ND ND ND ND DP6-6 ND ND ND ND DP7-6 ND ND ND ND DPB-6 ND ND ND ND TK1-W-18 ND 0.005 ND 0.039 ND - Not detected below indicated limit of detection. Analyst, RV Reviewed and Approved, Report dates This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does' not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL J J J Jl GEOTEST Post ~ice ~x ~11, Long ~ach, ~lifornia ~gll (310)498-9515 (8~)62&57~ An Environmental Monitoring and Testing ~ice LABORATORY REPORT 3437 EMPRESA, SUITE A DATE RECEIVED8 O5/1¢/92 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93~1 DATE ANALYZED~ 5/14,15/92 SAMPLE MATRIX~ SOIL ATTENTION~ TOM HOLLIS CLIENT ID ~ 92143 GEOTEST PROJECT NO.~ 924~-22 ANALYSES~ BTEX PROJECT NAME~ UNOCAL J61~6 LOCATION~ 17~ CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA EPA METHOD ~ COMPONENTS BENZENE TOLUIJMB ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL XYLEllES (rog/kg) (mE/kg) (rog/kg) (mE/kg) DETECTION LIMITS 0.~5 0.~5 O.~5 0.015 SAMPLE ID TK2-E-15 ND ND ND ND TK2-E-18 ND O.~8 ND ND TK2-W-15 ND ND ND ND TK2-W-18 ND ND ND ND DP1-6 ND ND ND lid DP2-6 ND ND ND ND TKI'-W-I§ ND ND ND ND ND - Not detected below indicated limit of detection. Analyst8 RV Reviewed and Approved~ ~ This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF BTEX BY GC/PID GEOTEST CLIENT NAME, GEORSSEARCH SLAP Certification #1655 GEOTSST PROJECT NO, 92400-22 Analyses prep method,5030 GEOTEST PROJECT NAME, UNOCAL #6106 Analyses method,8020 DATE ANALYZED, O5/14/92 SAMPLE MATRIX, SOIL METHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene ND 0.005 Toluene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0.005 Total Xylenes ND O.O15 ACCURACY % LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD Benzene 91 70-130% Toluene 88 70-130% Ethylbenzene 91 70-130% Total Xylenes 89 70-130% % ACCEPTABLE RANGE RECOVERY % MATRIX SPIKE Benzene 99 70-130% Toluene 1OO 70-130% Ethylbenzene 99 70-130% Total Xylenes 101 70-130% % ACCEPTABLE RANGE REPRODUCIBILITY % MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE Benzene 111 70-130% Toluene 112 70-130% Ethylbenzene 111 70-130% Total Xylenes 110 70-130% Checked and Approved, Report Date, _ GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring Post Office Box 90911. Long Beach, California 90809-O911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUHMARY ANALYSIS OF BTEX BY GC/PID GEOTEST CLIENT NAME, GEORESEARCH ELAP Certification #1655 GEOTEST PROJECT NO~ 92400-22 Analyses prep method,5030 GEOTEST PROJECT NAME~ UNOCAL #6106 Analyses method,8020 DATE ANALYZED~ 05/15/92 SAHPLE MATRIX~ SOIL HETHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIHIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene ND 0.005 Toluene ND 0.005 Eth¥1benzene ND 0.005 Total X¥1enes ND O.O15 ACCURACY % LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD Benzene 98 70-130% Toluene 101 70-130% Ethylbenzene 98 70-130% Total Xylenes 91 70-130% % ACCEPTABLE RANGE RECOVERY HATRIX SPIKE Benzene 97 70-130% Toluene 97 70-130% Eth¥1benzene 96 70-130% Total Xylenes 96 70-130% % ACCEPTABLE RANGE REPRODUCIBILITY % MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE Benzene 102 70-130% Toluene 101 70-130% Ethylbenzene 103 70-130% Total X¥1enes 102 70-130% Checked and Approved, ' Report Date, GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF BTEX BY GC/PID GEOTEST CLIENT NAME, GEORESEARCH ELAP Certification #1225 GEOTEST PROJECT NO, 92400-22 Analyses prep method,5030 GEOTEST PROJECT NAME, UNOCAL #6106 Analyses method,8020 DATE ANALYZED, 05/20/92 SAMPLE MATRIX, SOIL METHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene ND 0.005 Toluene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene ND 0. 005 Total Xylenes ND 0. 015 ACCURACY LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD Benzene 94 70-130% Toluene 114 70-130% Eth¥1benzene 87 70-130% Total Xylenes 91 70-130% % ACCEPTABLE RANGE RECOVERY MATRIX SPIKE Benzene 1OO 70-130% Toluene 1OO 70-130% Eth¥1benzene 100 70- 130% Total Xylenes 100 70-130% % ACCEPTABLE RANGE REPRODUCIBILITY MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE Benzene 1OO 70-130% Toluene 99 70-130% Ethylbenzene 99 70-!30% Total Xylenes 98 70-130% Checked and Approved, Report Date, GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST ~os, office Box 90911, Long Beacl~, California 90809-0911 (310)498-9515 (800)624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service LABORATORY REPORT GEORESEARCH DATE SAMPLED , e5/13/92 3437 EMPRESA, SUITE A DATE RECEIVEDs 05/14/92 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 DATE ANALYZED, O5/14/92 SAMPLE MATRIX, SOIL ATTENTIONs TOM HOLLIS CLIENT ID s 92143 GEOTEST PROJECT NO., 924~-22 ANALYSES, 418.1 PROJECT NAME, UNOCAL #6106 LOCATION, 17~ CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY INFRARED SPECTROMETRY EPA METHOD 418.1 SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (rog/kg) (rog/kg) WO-7 ND 10 WO-11 ND 10 ND - Not detected below indicated limit of detection. Analyst, RV Reviewed and Approved, . Report date, ~/7 ,,,-, apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAl_ GEOTEST An EnvironmentalMonitoring Post Office Box 90911. Long Beach. California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 and Testing Service QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EPA HETHOD 418.1 GEOTEST CLIENT NAME, GEORESEARCH GEOTEST PROJECT NO~ 92400-22 GEOTEST PROJECT NAMEr UNOCAL #6106 DATE ANALYZED~ O5/14/92 SAMPLE MATRIX, SOIL SLAP certification #1655 Analyses method~ 418.1 CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) METHOD BLANK ND 10 ACCURACY % LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 109 70 - 130% RECOVERY % MATRIX SPIKE 111 70 - 130% REPRODUCIBILITY % MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE 1OO 70 - 130% Checked and Approved~ ~ ~' Report Date, ,~/l,~ /J~'~ GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service LABORATORY REPORT GEORESEARCH DATE SAMPLED = 05/13/92 3437 EMPRESA, SUITE A DATE RECEIVED= O5/14/92 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 DATE ANALYZED= 05/22/92 SAMPLE MATRIX.' SOIL ATTENTION= TOM HOLLIS CLIENT ID , 92143 GEOTEST PROJECT NO., 924~)-22 ANALYSES~ 7420 PROJECT NAME= UNOCAL #6106 LOCATION= 17~ CALIFORNIA STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS OF LEAD BY EPA METHOD 742~ SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) WO-7 ND 5.0 WO-11 ND 5.0 ND - Not detected below indicated ]/mit of detection. Analyst, SC Reviewed and Approved= Report date, '~' 'Th-q~ re PS~L P e ~'~ S' '8 ~'i'~-t6-~'h~' sam ~'~ ~~'~'~"~'~ ' ~ b~"a~ n ece s sa~~6~ apparen~y ~denMc~ or sl~ar mater.s, Th~s report Is sub~tted for the exc~usive use of the c~ent to whom It Is addressed. GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. ORIGINAL GEOTEST ~o~ office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310)498-9515 (800)624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF LEAD BY EPA METHOD 7420 GEOTEST CLIENT NAME, GEORESEARCH GEOTEST PROJECT NO, 92400-22 GEOTEST PROJECT NAME~ UNOCAL 96106 DATE ANALYZED~ 05/22/92 SAMPLE MATRIX, SOIL CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIHIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) METHOD BLANK ND 5.0 ACCURACY % LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 105 70 - 130% RECOVERY MATRIX SPIKE 101 70 - 130% REPRODUCIBILITY MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE 99 70 - 130% Checked and Approved, Report Date, GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation. OEIGIHAL ' - m p_! cience n viron en aboralorio$, ANALYTICAL REPORT Geotest Date Sampled: 05/13/92 3960 Gilman Street Date Received: 05/15/92 Long Beach, CA 90815 Date Extracted: NA Date Analyzed: 05/15/92 Work Order No.: 92-05-150 Attn: Lionel Rojo RE: 92400-22 Method: EPA 9020 All concentrations are reported in mg/kg (ppm). Total Organic Halides Sample Number Concentration Det'n Limit WO-7 ND 2 WO-11 ND 2 Reviewed and Approved ~i~/~la~~~ri~'~m · ensen on ~7~ /1992. Laboratory Operations Manager ND denotes not detected at indicated detection limit. Each sample was received by CEL in a chilled state, intact and with chain-of-custody attached. 11631 Seaboard Circle, Stanton, CA 90680 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 ° FAX: (714) 894-7501 GEOTEST 3960 Gilman Street GEOTEST "~ t 1 f,., ~-?~~ -') ~'~"- Long Beach. CA. 90815 PROJECT NO: , ~ Telephone:(310)498-9515(800)624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODYRECORD DATE ~.//5///'~~' PAGE / OF i PROJECT NAME ,~;' ~? ~, ~_..,/' ~.~. ~ / C, / METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ADDRESS ~,"i~-.- '*' ..______" '.-'~ 4 ~.~. ~ ,/H' .f.~ F ,../~/,; .',: ~ '.,~ .':/-/d~Jb "'~ SAMPLER'S PRINTED NAME CLIENT PROJECT NO. "~ ~-' / ~ · PROJECT MANAGER .J '~/¢~ ~,/ SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION / RELINQ~UISHED BY RELINQUISHED BY RELINQUISHED BY .,~J'".~'/~"' 1i ,( (',.-- SAMPLE CONDITIONS ~. / t~ -(,%/' SIGNATIcIRE ' ( .; -- SIGNATURE SIGNATURE CHAIN OF CUSTODY. SEAL yES,~?O ) ·:. i ..~ .. PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME ' ,~,,,~ .-~ · PROJECT COMMENTS COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY ~! ~ R~CEIVED BI,-, .,.--) RECEIVED BY SIGNATURE ~ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME / .... - c.:~ ¢ :~ ,~>-x- ~ / COMPANY COMPANY FILE -.~ GEOTEST 3960 Gilman Street GEOTEST Long Beach, CA. 90615 ; ~Z LI. (,.~1,.~-'~ EROJECT N0~ ~ ~ TeLephone: (310) 498-9515 (~0) 624-57~ CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE ~/i ~//~ PAGE / OF '~ ~; ~ ~,: [ METHODS PROJE~ NAME (~J ~'~,C / ~, SPECIAL HANDLING ADDRESS ~-~ - · .., , ~ ~,~.~ ~ SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE z PRINTED NAME ~ ~'~ ~ ~ O ~ CLIENT PROJECT NO. ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~~ z z , _ m ~ x - O PROJECT MANAGER O ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 SAMPLE NO, DATE TIME LOCATION ~ ~ m ~ o ~ ~ 0  RE~HOUISHEbBY . A DATE ~ ~ELIN~UlSHED ~Y DATE ~ RELINOUISHED BY DATE S*~PLE CoNDmoNs~ sl~NATUff~ ~ S~GNATURE S~GNATURE YES~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~ ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL PRINTED NAME TIME PRINTED NAME TIME PRINTED NAME TIME ~ ~/h~' ' '- ' PROJECT COMMENTS COMPANY ~ COMPANY COMPANY M RECEIVED~%~.~~B', ~ ~ DATE~/,,t/4~ ~ RECEIVED BY DATE -- ~ ~g~. SIGNATURE ~ .SIGNATURE %k~ SIGNATURE ] ~ PRI~ED NAME TIME PRINTED ~A~E ~'-... TIME PRIN~D~ME ~ ~ TIME .¢ " ...... ' <0 % , COMPANY ~MPANY COMPANY )~"~ ~11 ~ GEOTEST - 3960 Gilman Street GEOTEST ~ ? ~ ! ~(,.~_ Long Beach, CA. 90815 PROJECT NO: " ' ~ Telephone: (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-57~ 'CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE ,'~ ." ~: ~' z- PAGE PROJECT NAME ~-~ ~ ~ ~" ':: ~ ~: ~ M~HODS SPECIAL HANDLING' SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE CLIENT PROJECT NO.. ~* "- '~ PROJECT MANAGER ~" -- -- ./ .......... :/ ~ SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION RELIN~UISED BY I DATE I ~ RELINQUISHED BY SAMPLE CONDITIONS~ SIGNATURE- ' ' ~ .' 4pi SIGNATURE CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL YE~"' PRINTED NAME ~ ~ O{~ o~L ~ P~O~ECT COMMENTS COMPANY . -- ~____ COMPANY SIGNATURE ' ~1 ~ ~ SIGNATURE ~ GEOTEST 3960 Gilman Street GEOTEST 4:~ ~).L~L~ - ~). ~ Long Beach, CA. 90815 PROJECT NO: ~ Telephone: (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE ~ OF ~ PROJECT NAME. (:~ ~.~0~ -- ~r"~ METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ADDRESS SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME CLIENT PROJECT NO. PROJECT MANAGER SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION BY~ ~1~ RELINQUISHED BY RECEIvEDSAMPLEoN ICE CONDITIONS~/'~t' YE6/NO --~ SIGNATURE CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL Y~) PRINTED NAME PROJECT COMMENTS Y COMPANY  RECEIVED BY RECEIVED BY SIGNATURE SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY ORIGINAL BULK (Business OLD OWNER NAME· ~ ~ ~ / '~ ~ ACCOST N~BER5 i~WOLVED ~ ~~7 APPROX. DATE,/~r~ ~ T~R /f~{,/~,~ 'Tj ! ~ q / THIS INFORMATIOn: !~ TAKEN FROM THE DALLY REPORT AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO ANY CHANGES. DISTRIBUTION: Sanitation Bqsiness Licenses Hazardous Materials  - Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Date Completed Location: ~ ~00 ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ Business Identification No. 21~000 t ~ q ~ ~op of Business Plan) Adequate Inadequate Verification of Invento~ Materials ~ ~~ ~-- Verification of Quantities~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ Verification of Loc~ion ~ Proper Segregation of Materi~ ~ Comments: Verification of MSDS Availabli~~ Number of Employees Verification of H~ Mat Training~ Comments: Verification of Abaement Supplies & Procedures ~ Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted ~ Containers Properly Labeled ~ Comments: Verification of Facility Diagr~ ~ Special H~ards Associated with this Facility: All Items O.K. , Correaion Needed ~usiness Owner/~anager FD 16~ (~v. 1-90) ~i~-H~ ~t Div. Yellow-S~t~n · - 'l CT'I Y of BAKERSFIELU Farm andAgticuiture ~' Stendard Business ~HAZARDOUS HATER-rAgS INVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS ~U~ NAME: ~/~~ ~,, ~ OWNER NAME: NAME OF ~HIS FACILITY: ~U~A/~Um; /~ '~~ ~. ADDRESS: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: pIl~x ~IP:~~~ ~/~'~ CITY. ZIP~ DUN AND BRADSTREEI NUMBER ....... Trans !Y~e .'Nax Avtr~ge'~ Annual ~easure ~ ~e Cont Cont Cont Us toc~tion.Whe:e ;: ~w~y Na,es of ,ixture/Coeponents Code Looe .~Aet ACt ~ Est Units on Type Press Tem~ Co~eStored ~n eac~l~ty ..... See Instructions Physical and Hel'~th Hazard ~ C,A,S. Number Component II Name t C.A,S. Number ~.0- ' : (Check all that,, apply] ~ Hea lib of Pressure ) " ~ C°mP°nenL U Name I C.A.S. Number ,Physical and Hea~thSalard ~ C,A,5, Number Component Il Name.l C.A,S, Number ~ ' ' "' ~ Fire Hazard ~Remctivtt~ U Delayed' D Sudden Release U~m~i~ Component ,E ,am, , C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure . '~ Component 13 ~a~e I C.A.S. ~umber Physical and Hea th Hazard : C.A.S. Humber Component II Haee I C.A.S. Humber (Check allth'~applY) . '~ ~,' ~ Fire Hazar~ ~ Reactivity~ ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ]mmediateC°mp°nent 12 Name I C,A,S, Number Hea/Ch of Pressure Health / ~ Component 13 Name I C,A,S, Number Physical'end H~plth ~a~ard J C,A.S, Number Component II Name I C,A,S, Number ~Check al! that appfyJ i ~ , ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivit~ ~ Dehyed ~ Sudden Release ~ ]m~i~ Component I~ Name I C,A.S, Number , · ~ ,, Hea [th of Pressure  : Component 13 Name & C,A,S, Number EMERGENCY~CONTACTS fll fl2 ~ Ra~e ' ...... TIde ~r Phone N~e i' J certify unoer~ penalci oF)aW '~A~t I RAVe personal~L exaalnqOlqo lm ~ami118[.vit~ the.jn~ormaupA fu~aitt~d in t is,lnd al1 at~ached.docwment~, an) t~ac cased on.my ~nquiry Qf.tnose InDiviDuals responsible [or oocalfliflg the ~nror~acIon, I be~leve[~h suom]ttee in~r~atlon Is true, accurlte, eno complete, ~ V CITY of. BAKERSFIELD "W CARE" D. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF JUNI~. 5 · 9 9 326-3911 DEAR MR. BABBAS, NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS CALIFORNIA 76 SERVICE CENTER LOCATED AT 1700 CALIFORNIA AVE., BAKERSFIELD· CA 93304 ON JUNE 4, 1991 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1~/ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) MUST BE MAINTAINED FOR EACH HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN USE OR STORAGE. MSDS MUST BE AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES IN THEIR WORK AREA. VIOLATION OF UFC 80.104 (d) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be readily available on the premises for hazardous materials regulated by this article. 2. ALL EMPLOYEES SHALL BE TRAINED REGARDING THE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND THE USE OF MSDS. VIOLATION OF UFC 80.106 Personnel Training and Written Procedures. Persons responsible for the operation of areas in which hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, handled or used shall be familiar with the chemical nature of the materials and the appropriate mitigating actions necessary in the event of fire· leak or spill. Responsible persons shall be designated and trained to be liaison personnel for the fire department. These persons shall aid the fire department in preplanning emergency responses and identification of the locations where hazardous materials are located and shall have access to Material Safety Data Sheets and be knowledgeable in the site emergency response procedures. 3. vCONTA'INERSt/ OF HAZARDOUS TER ALS AND STO CE AREAS VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910.1200 (1) The chemical manufacturer, importer, or distributor shall ensure that eaCh container of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace is labeled, tagged or marked with the following information: (i)Identity of the hazardous chemical(s). (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings; and (iii)Name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party. (4) Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4) the employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled, tagged, or marked with the following information: (i)Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings. (5) The employer may use signs, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other such written materials in lieu of affixing labels to individual stationary process containers, as long as the alternative method identifies the containers to which it is applicable and conveys the information required by paragraph (2) of this section to be on label. The written materials shall be readily accessible to the employees in their work area throughout each work shift. (7) The employer shall not remove of deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals, unless the container is immediately marked with the required information. (8) The employer shall ensure that labels or other forms of warnings are legible, in English, and prominently displayed on the container, or readily available in the work area throughout each work shift. Employers having employees who speak other languages may add the information in their language to the material presented, as long as the information is presented in English as well. 4¥WITH THE EXCEPTION OF RETAIL DISPLAY, THE FLAMMABLE FUEL ADDITIVES SHALL BE STORED INSIDE THE METAL STORAGE CABINET. VIOLATION OF UFC 79.201 (iii) Classes I, II and III-A liquids in excess of 10 gallons that are used for maintenance -purposes and operation of equipment shall be stored in cabinets which comply with Section 79.201 (g). 5.V/coMBUSTIBLE WASTE, OILY RAGS, SHALL BE KEPT IN COVERED VIOLATION OF UFC 79.1311(b) & 11.201 (a-d) 11.201(b) Metal, metal-lined or other approved containers equipped with tight-fitting covers shall be provided for oily rags and similar materials. Please complete and return the attached inventory form to correct the quantity and percentage conc~n/zfation of the battery acid (sulfuric acid) in storageS/ The above violations must be corrected and the inventory correction submitted by July 5, 1991. The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Barbara Brenner Huey at 326-3979. Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Date Completed Business Name: ~./A}I~/ Location: / 7 C:~ ("'.~)r~/f Business Identification No. 215-000 4;~0//?~,. (Top of Business Plan)/ Station No. -~ Shift ~ Inspector Adequate Inadequate pbT'~o~- ~ , verification of Inventory Materials I~ ~ Verification of Quantities I~ ~ ~ ~ (~ '/ ~ Verification of Location ~ J~~o'~-S ' / Proper Segregation of Material~] ~ U Comments: ~,~~ ~L"~/~5 /..~/Z.e~/tVO~ Z,-/.~.--.~ Verification of MSDS Availablity ~ Number of Employees / L/'~',/L) C~ Verification of Haz Mat Training ~ Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures I~] Comments: ~/~ -.~'~ ~r ~./,~=. ~,oO~ ~/~-'"~ FP_.,4~_, ~ Emergency Procedures Posted ~ Containers Properly Labeled~] Comments: /"~,.~e-;~..~ ~r(.yr- ~+~,~c~ /~,r.,,~pr~.~-~,Y' Verification of Facility Diagram I~ Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: /~-~/~/:5' /2~~'- Violations: /~ .~_~. ~'Z_..,/¢~[~ /,~Iz-:W"' / All Items O.K. ~ Correction Needed ~/~ Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div, Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Business Name: ,//A)/0t~ 7(_0 Business Identification No. 215-000 423//7¢?,. (Top of Business Plan)// Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Verification of MSDS Availablity Number~of Employees / ~/UO Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: //U~)?,/ Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Verification of Facility Diagram All Items O.K. I~] Correction Needed /~ Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy :Pink-Business Copy Bakersfield Fire Del; Hazardous Materials Division RECEtVED 2130 "G" Street J&N 2 5 1991 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 HAZ, MAT. DiV. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPEs'PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise cs po~ible. SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAM E,0/~~ lA %~L.,, LOCATION: J 7OO ~m, LJ-FoEMIA MAiL~NGADDRESS: J~OO ~LI~~I~ ~. C1TY:~~~ STATE:~ ZIP: DUN &BRADSTREETNUMBER' PRIMARY ACTIVI.TY: ~~[~ ~~~ ~ ~V,I~ OWNER' DAHH~ MAILING ADDRESS: /~¢ ~DI~I~ AV~. SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE Hazardous .XIaterials Divislon ~l~. HAZAI DOUS MATERIALS MANAGEM I' PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: SEE UNOCAL MONITORING PLAN FOLLOWING FOR DETAILED EXPLANATION NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: ~ ..MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: ~" BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLAN Employees must be given this training before starting work, and refresher courses must be provided annually. Records must be kept to show when each station employee has been given his/her safety training. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ...~:::~ t-'t y ]~E~t~.:~ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATF.. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE'" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SlG NATURE TITLE DATE Ba~ers~eld Fire Dept. Hazardous ~aterials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: SEE UNOCAL MONITORING PLAN FOLLOWING FOR DETAILED EXPLANATION A~' AGENCY NOTIFICATION PRocEDuRES: UNOCAL will notify the appropriate State and Local agencies unless the situation requires urgent immediate response by the agencies, in which case the DEALER should notify these agencies: 1. LOCAL AGENCY: Kings Co. Div. of Envir. Health Services PHONE NUMBER: 209-584-1411 2. CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: (800)852-7550 (24 HOURS) B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: CONTACT the station dealer if s/he is not already at the station. Use the list below for emergency contacts: 1. Name/Bus./Home: Sammy Babbas 805-324-7676/805-664-1288 2. Name/Bus./Home: Hanna Babbas 805-324-7676/805-893-1303 C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: 2. If there is any immediate danger, ANNOUNCE to all persons on the site: "There is an emergency. Please turn off your engines and leave the station on foot immediately." D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITY~ EmploYees should know what facilities are available in case customers or other employees need medical attention: NAME: Mercy Hospital ADDRESS: 2215 Truxton Ave., Bakersfield PHONE NUMBER: 805-327-3371 NEAREST DESIGNATED TRAUMA CENTER: NAME: UCLA Hospital and Clinics ADDRESS: 10833 LeConte Avenue, Los Angeles PHONE NUMBER: 213-825-2111 ~ '" ~* Hazardous .%faterials Division~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION ANDABATEMENTPLAN: SEE UNOCAL MONITORING PLAN FOLLOWING FOR DETAILED EXPLANATION A. RELEASE PREVENTtON STEPS: OVERFILL/SPILL PROTECTION i~TD CLEAN-UR Deliveries/Gauging Ball Vent Line Float System Waste Oil Tank Clean-up/Records B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: ~NITORING FOR SINGLE WALL TAi~KS ~G~iTGRi~G DOUDL~ WALL Inspections To Be Conducted By Deale~ ~ns To Be Conducted By De~~ Product Tank Gauging Procedures Secondary . ' ent 'lng Procedure Record Keeping For Fuel Tanks Record Kee ' ' Containment Waste Oil Tank Gauging Procedure What To Do If You Exceed The Allowable Variation C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Small spills: Absobent material Larger spills: Report to terminal by dealer or delivery driver Spills shall be cleaned up within 8 hours. Dealer shall record spills over 1 gallon - any spill over 1 gallon shall be reported to local agency or Calif.office of Emerg. Svcs. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: ELECTRICAL' WAT E R: SPECIAL' ~~N~V LOCK BOX: YES~ IFYES, LOCATION: SECTION 9:' PRIVATE~FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: -'P'~ B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT)' RISK RANKING -- (]ALIFORBi~ 7B SERUiCE CTR. F~OILiTY RISk INDEX 2 X 3 = B INSPECTION HISTORY 3 X 3 = 9 POPULATION EXPOSED 2 X 2 = 4 ~flCP 4 X ~ = 4 TOX F,SCTOR ~ .X ~ = B · ~: S~ G~L. B~TTERY ELECTROLYTE ONSITE .~ TPQ TOTAL = 23' FACILITY RiSK iNDEX R~TIN6 or' conditions that inct*ease the likelihood of a r'elease. ~ x .5 = 0.5 (NO. OF YES ~tNSWERS ON THE QUESTIONNAIRE 1-tj. ~dd i yes to each facility for storage and minimal This factor reflects a company's claim (safety) histopy, (WORKER COMP F~,CTOR, Mc~X!MUM EXPECTED iS 1.5) Y = Self reported accident / safe~y record. 0 ( RE6SONaBLE=O iNSDEQU¢%TE=O Dc , .~.,~, ~ROSSLY IN,~DEQUC%TE=O.5) Z = ~ discr'etionamy catagory used to account for factors not' directly addressed in the questionnaire, 0.5 (POOR HOUS~KEEPINS) (OTHER COMPLiC~TIN6 F6CTORS ,MINIM6L,=O, CONSIDER~BLE=O.5, SUBST~NTZRL=i.O) FBCILITY RISK INDEX = 2 R~TIN6 FI = W + X + Y + Z R~TtN6 R~TiON~LE: POPULATION EXPOSED - RATIN6 1. iS TOXIC MATERIAL APT TO BECOME AIRBORN RAPIDLY ? i.e. A 6AS, FINE DUST, HIBHLY VOLATILE LIQUID NO=! YES= 2 '1 IF ,'"~NSWER TO ¢t IS NO,, PROOEEO 'TO :ii:8 ., ~N;~WER TO :~I iS YES, E.STIMATm THE EUACUATION RA[}IJ/q UmlN6 THE , N~'IJ QUESTIONS -' BAKERSFIELD FIRE OEPT 8RAPH MODEL, ANO R o,,ER 2-5, 2. IS THERE A SCHOOL WITH IN THE EVACUATION RADIUS N0=0, YES=i ~3. tS 'THERE ~ NURSIN6 HOME OR HOSP!T~L WITH IN THE EVACUhTION RADIUS ? NO=e, YES=I 4. IS THERE RESIDENTIAL HOUSIN8 WITHIN THE EU~CU~TiON RAOIUS ? NO=C, YES=~ 5. IS THE POPULRTION DENSITY OF THIS ~RE6 HI(~HER TH6N THE 6VERA6E OUE TO ALOT OF' MULTISTORY BUtLOING5 NO=O, YES=l 8~ WHAT IS THE OCCUPANCY OF THE BUILOING THaT ~HM IS STOREO OR H6NOLEO IN ? LESS TH~N 5 PEOPLE=~ ~ - 25 PEOPLE =2 2P - 50 PEOPLE =3 MORE TH~N S6 PEOPLE =4 CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 May'!, 1990 Dear Business Manager: The following questionnaire is a supplement to the Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form previously submitted by your business as required under Section 25534 of the California Health & Safety Code. This registration indicates that Unocal # 6106 handles sulfuric acid, an acutely hazardous material ( AHM ), in an amount greate~ than the planning quantity for this c~emical. Additional information is necessary in order to complete the risk management planning functions of this agency. This questionnaire should be completed by an officer of the company or other person having substantial management control over all operations at the facility. If there is any doubt as to whether or not the answer to a question is yes or no, the answer "yes" shall be given. With in two weeks of receipt, complete and return the questionnaire to: The Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 If you need additional information, please call 326-3979. ncer e 1 y, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician .. FACILITY INFORMATION FOR~I Please ans~er each of the foilo~in~ questions by circlin2 Y (yes) or N (n.o). 1. Is any acutely hazardous ma'terial (AH~I) manufactured or used in a chemical reaction v Y / 2. Is any other flammable gas, flammable liquid or explosive material manufactured or used in a chemical reaction ~ Y / 3. Is any reaction in question 1 or 2 a moderately _ or h~g~..~o~hermic ~eaction (_e.g. alkylation esterfication, oxidation, nitration, polymerization ~-~ or condensation) or one involving electrolysis '~ Y / 4. Can any unplanned release of a AHM to the atmosphere result from the malfunction of any scrubbing, treatment or neutralization system or the discharge of a pressure relief system * Y / 5. Does any physical or chemical, p~ocess in which an AHM is produced or used involve a batch process ? Y / 6. Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of any AHM at a pressure in excess of 18 psig 9 y / 7. In excess of 275 psig ~ Y //~ 8. Does any physical or chemical process involve the production or use of an AHM at a temperature above 125 degrees F ? Y / 9. In excess of 250 degrees v Y 10. Can any explosive dust be present in any closed container within 100 feet of an AHM or otherwise be present in the same building as an AHM ? Y 11. Is there any ignition source or open flame within 100 ft. of any process, storage or transfer area where a flammable or explosive AHM is present , except where there is a firewall providing protection ? Y / 12. Is any lined or non-metallic pipe used in the transfer of any AHM ? Y 13. Is any equipment or piping handling any AHM more ~-~ 10 years old '~ Y / PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION : ( Attach additional pages if necessary) 1. Your company's current workers compensation experience modification factor. 2. How many people occupy the building in which ~ -?~ AHM's are used or stored ? 3. Give details of all accidents which involved any hazardous material and all other instances when the fire department has been summoned in an emergency. 4. Briefly described the operations process at your plant and the specific processes utilizing AHM's, including storage proceedures. ~ -2- 5. Briefly describe the equipment being used in the processes involving AHMs. 6. Report quantity of AHM(s), referenced in the cover / - -/ · .............. letter,--th-at 6h-is~ business' h~~[--- ............... ~-~p~'~-]~- - a) Maximum amount on hand at any one time. O ~ ~f'~ b~ ~lease attach a Material Safety Data Sheet r-~ .-' ,j for any material that is a mixture. Do not include MSDS for pure substances. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: State the straight line distance in feet between the business property line and each of the following. 1. Nearest school. ~l~~-'~ ' ~~ ~ nursing home or similar facility. 3.Nearest residence/motel etc. ~~ ~~~ ~ ~._Neares~_?Cc~pied building. ~0~ ~ ~0~ X e~r~ ~h~e for~o~n~ ~nfor~L~on ~ Lrue ~nd l~ /~ Title: 0~~ ~ V Date: ,5~ ~-~0 --~-- APRIL 20, 1990 DEAR MR. BABBAS, NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS UNOCAL 76 ~$6106, LOCATED AT 1700 CALIFORNIA AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 ON APRIL 20, 1990 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT BUSINESS PLANS MUST BE UPDATED EVERY 'TWO YEARS. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SEC. 25505 (b) In addition to the requirer~ents of Section 25510, whenever a substantial change in the handler's operations occurs which requires a modification of its business plan, the handler shall subr~it a copy of the plan revision to the ad~inistering agency within 30 days of the operational change. (c) The handler shall, in any case, review the business plan, sub~itted pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (b), on or before January 1, 1988, and at least once every two years thereafter, to deter~ine if a revision is needed and shall certify to the ad~inistering agency that the review was ~ade and that any necessary changes were ~ade to the plan, A copy of these changes shall be subr~itted to the ad~,~inistering agency as pa~t of this cert i ficat ion. (d) Unless exe~pted frcm~ the business plan require~ents under this chapter, any business which handles a hazardous ~aterial shall annually sub~it a cor~pleted inventory for~ to the ad~inistering agency of the county or city in which the business is located. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, an inventory for~ shall be filed on or before January 1, 1988, for the 1988 calendar year, and annually thereafter. This inventory shall be filed annually, notwithstanding the review require~ents of subdivision 2. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY MUST BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTFI & SAFETY CODE 25509(A) ,~1--4) The annual inver~tc, ry lc, re snail incluoe, but snail not be limited to, information c,n all c,f the fc, llc, wing which are handled ir, quantities equal to or greater than the quantities specified in subdivision (a) of Section 25503.5: (1) A listing of the cher~ical nar~e and cc, r~r~or, names of every hazardous substance c,r ctnemical product handled by the business. (2) The category of waste, including the general cher~ical and r~ineral composition of the waste listed by probable r~aximum and minir~um cor~centrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (3) A listing o¢ the chemical r~ame and commor~ ~ames of every other hazardous r~aterial or mixture cor~tair~ing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) The maximum amount of each hazardous r~aterial or ~ixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) which is handled at any one tirade by the business over ~he ~ourse of the year. 3. EMPLOYEES MUST BE TRAINED IN THE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN THEIR WORK PLACE AND IN THE USE OF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910. 1200 (g) The er~ployer shall maintain copies of the required material safety data sheets for each hazardous chemical in the workplace, and shall ensure that they are readily accessible during each work shift to er~ployees when they are in their work area(s) (h) (1) INFORMATION. Er~ployees shall be informed of: (i)The requirements of this section (ii)Any operations in their work area where hazardous chemicals are present; and, (iii)The location and availability of the written hazard communication program% including the required list(s) of hazardous ci~en~icai~3: and mate'rial safety da-ha si~eets required by this sectior,. 4. SA]'ISFACTORY PROViS:[ONS MUST BE MADE TO CON'I'AiN SPILLS OR LEAKAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. VIOLAT):ON OF UFC 80. 103(G) Satisfactory provisior, s shall be ~,~ade for containing or neutralizing spills c,r leakage c,f hazardous ~,~ateriais which may occur durir, g storage, handling, transportation or u~e. 5. CONTAINERS OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS SHALL BE PROPERLY LABELED. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910. 1200 ( 1 ) The che~,~ical manufact,.~rer~ i~,~porter~ or distributor shall ensure that each cor, tair, er of hazardous che~,~icals leaving the workplace is labeled, tagged or ~arked with the following infor~,~ation: (i)Identity of the hazardous che~,~ical(s). (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings; and (iii)Na~,~e ar, d address c,f the che~,~ical mar, ufacturer~ i~porter~ or other respc, r, sible party. (4) Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4) the emplc, yer shall ensure that each container c,f hazardous che~,~icals in the workplace is labeled, tagged, c,r ~,~arked with the follc, wing infc, r~,~ation: (i) Identity of the hazardous che~,~ical (s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard warr, ings. (5) The e~,~plc, yer ~,~ay use signs, placards, process sheets~ batch tickets, operatir, g procedures~ or other such w~?itten ~,~aterials in lieu of affixing labels to ir, dividual statior, ary process containers, as long as the alternative method identifies the containers to which it is applicable and conveys the infor~natior, required by paragraph (2) of this sectior, to be c,n label. The written ~aterials shall be readily accessible to tme e~,~ployees in their wc, rk area throughout each work shift. (7) The e~plc, yer shall not re~,~ove of deface existing labels on inco~img containers of hazardous che~,~icals, unless the cor, tair, er is i~,~,~ediately ~narke~ with the required imfor~,~atic, n. (&~) The employe'r~ shall e'~su~e t~at labels o'r~ othe~~ f,.-.,~ms of waY-nines a~e le~]ible~ in En~lish~ and p~c, mir~er~tly displayed or~ the oc, r~ta:Lr~e~ c,~~ ~eadily available in the wc,~k a?~ea th~c, ughc, ut eac. h w,::,~k shift. Empioye?~s havir~g employees who speak c, the~~ iar~gua~es may add the infc,~r~atic, r~ ~r~ thei~~ language to the ma~;e~ial p~esented~ as lon~ as the info~-r~atior~ is p?~esented in English as well. 6. COHBUSTIBLE W~STE ~TERI~LS ( OILY R~GS ) HUST BE STORED IN COVERED ~E]'~L CONTfAINERS. VIOLATION OF UFC 79. 1311 & 11.801 Dispc, sal of waste. Combustible waste mate~-ial and ~esidues ir, a building c,~ unit ope~-ating a~-ea shall be kept to a minimum, sto~-ed in oove~-ed metal peoeptaoles and disposed of daily. Aooumulation of ~aste mate~-ial. (a) ~ooumulatior, s of wastepaper, hay, g~-ass, weeds, litter-, o?' oombustible c,~- ~lammable waste mate~-ial, waste petroleum p~oduots c,~ ~-ubbish of ar, y kind shall not be pe~-mitted to ~-emain upc, n any in any oou?'t, yawed, vaoar, t lot c,~' oper, spaoe. All weeds gt-ass~ .vines~ op other- g~-,:,wth~ when same endangers p~'ope~'ty o~' is liable to be fi~-ed, shall be out down and ~-emoved by the owne~- ,:,~- oooupant of the p~ope~ty. When total ~emoval of g~-c, wth f~om a pieoe of p~'ope~'ty is imp~-aotioal due to size o~~ to enviponmental faoto~-s, app~-oved fuel b?~eaks may be established betweer, the lar~d and the endange?-ed p~ope~-ty. Tlqe width of the fuel b~eak shall be deter-mined by height, type and amour, t of g~-owth, wind oor, d. itions, geog~-aphioal oonditions and type of exposupes th~'eatened. (b) All oombustible ~ubOish, oily pags nY~ waste material, when kept within a building o~' adjaoent to a building, shall be seou~-ely sto~'ed in metal ,:,~- metal- lined-~-eoeptaoles equipped with tight-fitting oove~s in ~-ooms o~ vaults oonst~-uoted of nonoombustible mat e~-ials. (~) It shall be unlawful to aooumulate o~' sto~-e oombustible waste matte~- beneath tt~aile~'s o~- at any other- plaoe within an auto and t~-aile~- oamp. (d) Comme~-oial dumpste~-s and oontaine~-s with an individual oapaoity of 1.5 oubio ya~'ds o~' g~-eate~- shall not be sto~-ed o~ plaoed within 5 ~eet of oombustible walls, openings o~' oombustible ~'oc, feave lines. The abc, ve vi,-,lati,z,r,s r~ust be corrected by MAY 20, i990. The departr,~er, t will schedule a re-ir, spectior, c,f your facility to verify c,zm~pliar, ce. If you have ar,y questior, s rega'rdir, g this r, otice, please cot, tact Ralph Huey at 326-3979. Sir, cerely, alph E. H,am~~-~ o~ ~rdous Mate~-ials Coo~'dir~at CITY of BAKERSFIELD Farm and Agriculture F! Standard Business r'lHAZARDOUS MATERTALS 'r NVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Page __./ ...... ! 2 ] , 5 6 , 8 , 10 1,~ ,2 ,j!y ,,,es of,ixturelCo,,o,ents )tans !ylle Hex Avgr~age Annual Measure ! t~[e ~;ont ~ont Cont Us Location.¥he:e. Code ~ooe Amt AmC ESt. Units on ~ype Fress lee~ CoueS[ored ~n facility 5me Instruc[~ons ~Fire Hazard U Reactivity ~Oelayed n Sudden Release ~ Im[~i~C°mp°nent 12 Name I C.A.S. Number /-- Health of Pressure Component 13 Name t C.A.S. Number Physical Iod Health Ualard C.A.S. Number ~O0~l~ Component II Name I C.k.S. Number (Check al/ &hat Apply) Component U Name I C.A.S. Number ~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Delayed D Sudden Release ~]emediaLe /--~ Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Humber Physical 8nd Be~l~h6Alsrd C.A.S. Number : Componen~ II NAme I C,A.S. Number ICheck ~11 th8& 4PP/II Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Number ~Fire Hazard ~ ReacLivity ~Delayed ~ Sudden Re]ease ~ immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number Physical gnd Health Ualard C.A.S. Humber ~7~ ~ /~ -~ Component II Name I C.A.S. Number ' ~Check 4!1 that app/yl . ~1~ . Component I~ Name I C,A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity~--'Hea/th~elayed ~ Suddenof PressureRelease ~ Component 13 Name I C.X.S. Number ,amd ~tle z4. Hr ~none Name ;rcifi atio Re and i naf r corn 1 C in9 a 11 sect ions) ~certi~y un'er pena,~, o~, thqtl~avCpe~son;~.examlnq~eq~,, familiac.,it~ the ,n[ormaL,on submitted in this.end ,11. at'~a~hed.dgc~eent~, an~ L~at oaseo on.my ~nqulry 9~.tnose ~nolv~oua~s respons~o~e tot obtaining the ~nroreaLIon. I ben,eve that the suo,~t:eo intoreauon ~s true, accurate, eno comp/etD. · ~~~1(1~ of o~ner/operator uH o~ner/operator's authorize~ representative . Signature CITY of BAKERSFIELD Farm AndAgticulture ~ Standard Business ~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY · NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME:,.,C~~iA ~C~,,f~7'E~8., OWNER NAME: NAME OF THIS FACILITY: LOCATION; I'~o~ ~l~o~t/A AvL · ADDRESS: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE:~ CIiY, ZIP: ~~~ ff~ CITY~ ZIP: DUN AND BRADSTREE~ NUMBER PttONE fl: ~oS-~-7~7f~ ' PHONE ~: - - - REFER TO~N~TRUC~GNS FuH PROPER CODES - - Trios Code ~ooe Am: Amc EsL Units off lype Press Tamp Coue In [aClll[y Stored See Physical And Health Hazard C,A,S, Number /0~-~/-/ Component II Hame I C,A,S Number (Check a11 that apply) ' ~Fire Hazard ~ Reactiyity ~Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ]m~i~C°mp°nent 12 Name I C.A,S, Number Health of Pressure Component 13 Name I C.A.5, Number Physical(checkal/:haCapptyllod Health ~Hard C,A,S. Number /o~~-~-~_ Component II Name I C,A,S, Number Componen[ 12 Hame I C.X.S. Number ~Fire Hazard D Reactivity ~Oelayed D Sudden Release D ]mmedi~Le Hea/Lb of Pressure Component 13 Name I C,A.S. Number Physical and Health Ualard C,A,S, Number , Component II Name I C,A,S, Number ICheck a11 that 4pp/yJ Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Number D Fire Hazard D Reactivity ~ Oelayed D Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C,A.S. Humber Physical and Health Ualard C,A,S, Humber Component II Name t C,A,S, Number tCheck 81.1 that app/yl Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ lmmedi)Le Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C,X,S, Nuaber EHERdEHCY COHTACTS ~1 fl2 ~.cer[,~y un'er penal~x p~ thqL ]~,v~pe,son~.exam,nq~eq~,, familla~.vitb the ,nformaLlon ,u~mitte0 in fh~llend a['~acned.d~c~en[~, an~ [~[ =aseo on.ay tnqutry ~[[nose tn;tytous/s responst~;e ;or ob[atning the tn;or;alton, leve suoa~Cte~ lnlorMHofl Is true, accurate, ano complete, ~~rlclal [lite of o~ner/operat~'['uH o~ner/operator's authorized representative ~ature UNOCAL SERVICE STATION MONITORING PLAN DEALER: Sammy Babbas UNOCAL SERVICE STATION: 6106 ADDRESS: 1700 California Avenue CITY: Bakersfield PHONE: 805-324-7676 24-HR. STATION NUMBER 805-664-1288 UNOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Foster PHONE: (209)237-5141 UNOCAL EMERGENCY PHONE: (415)867-0760 (24 HOURS) LOCAL AGENCY:Bakersfield Fire Department ADDRESS: 2130 "G" Street PHONE: 805-326-3979 CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES PHONE: (800)852-7550 (24 HOURS) UNDERGROUND TANKS 87 OCTANE: 10,000 Single Wall 89 OCTANE: BLENDING VALVE 92 OCTANE: 10,000 Single Wall DIESEL: WASTE OIL: 550 Single Wall PIPING CONTAINMENT:Single Wall MONITORING METHODS:Inventory Reconciliation (Rev. 11-90) Prepared by Robert H. Lee and Associates TABLE' OF CONTENTS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURE ...................................... Page 3 A copy of this page must be filled out and posted conspicuously on site. HOW TO USE THIS BOOKLET ........................................... Page 4 DAILY VISUAL MONITORING ........................................... Page 4 MONITORING FOR SINGLE WALL TANKS .................................. Page 5 Inspections To Be Conducted By Dealer Product Tank Gauging Procedures Record Keeping For Fuel Tanks Waste Oil Tank Gauging Procedure What To Do If You Exceed The Allowable Variation MONITORING DOUBLE WALL TANKS ...................................... Page 6 Inspections To Be Conducted By Dealer Secondary Containment Monitoring Procedure Record Keeping For Secondary Containment Electronic Monitoring Systems OVERFILL/SPILL PROTECTION AND CLEAN-UP ............................ Page 7 Deliveries/Gauging Ball Vent Line Float System Waste Oil Tank Clean-up/Records INSPECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED BY UNOCAL ........................... Page 8 Yearly Inspections and Testing Vadose/Groundwater Monitoring Wells EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLAN ......................................... Pages 9-10 Outline for Mandatory Safety Training for Ail Employees FORMS TO BE COMPLETED (Copy these forms for your own use) Quarterly Report ................................................ Form A Daily Visual Monitoring Log ..................................... Form B Inventory Reconciliation Sheet .................................. Form C Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet .................................... Form D Release Evaluation Checklist .................................... Form E Unauthorized Release Report ..................................... Form F Equipment Test Log .............................................. Form G Safety Training Log ............................................. Form H NOT ALL INFORMATION IN THIS BOOKLET WILL BE APPLICABLE. REFER TO THE COVER SHEET TO CONFIRM WHAT EQUIPMENT IS ON SITE. Page 2 of 10 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURE In the event of a fire, spill, or a leak or suspected leak in the tanks and/or piping, the following steps are to be taken as applicable: 1. TURN OFF PUMPS using the Emergency Pump Shut-Off Switch. 2. If there is any immediate danger, ANNOUNCE to all persons on the site: "There is an emergency. Please turn off your engines and leave the station on foot immediately." 3. CALL FOR HELP in case of an emergency by dialing 9-1-1 and giving the following information: "THERE IS A FIRE / DANGEROUS GASOLINE SPILL at the UNOCAL Station at (give address)." If anyone is trapped or needs medical attention, tell the answering dispatcher. Stay on the phone and be prepared to answer any questions concerning the situation. 5. ATTEMPT TO EXTINGUISH any fire if you can do so safely. Have the fire extinguisher ready to use in the event of any dangerous spill. Try to contain any large spill, or use absorbent on smaller spills. 6. REPORT to arriving emergency response personnel to provide them with any information or assistance they might need. 7. CONTACT the station dealer is s/he is not already at the station. Use the list below for emergency contacts: 1. Name/Bus./Home: Sammy Babbas 805-324-7676/805-664-1288 2. Name/Bus./Home: Hanna Babbas 805-324-7676/805-893-1303 8. NOTIFY your UNOCAL Retail Representative by phone WITHIN 24 HOURS (also use the UNOCAL Emergency Phone, after hours): 1. UNOCAL REPRESENTATIVE/PHONE NUMBER: Jim Foster/(209)237-5141 2. UNOCAL EMERGENCY PHONE: (415) 867-0760 (24 HOURS) You must mail a completed Unauthorized Release Report to the Rep within 24 hours. UNOCAL will notify the appropriate State and Local agencies unless the situation requires urgent immediate response by the agencies, in which case the DEALER should notify these agencies: 1.LOCAL AGENCY: Bakersfield Fire Department PHONE NUMBER: 805-326-3979 2.CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: (800)852-7550 (24 HOURS) 9. Dealer should attempt to isolate leak location by inspection. 10. UNOCAL Retail Representative will coordinate with UNOCAL Maintenance and Construction whatever corrective actions need to be taken beyond the Dealer'capabilities. UNOCAL Maintenance and Construction will file whatever reports need to be filed with local and state agencies, and send a copy to the station for the Dealer's file. A COPY OF PAGE MUST BE FILLED OUT AND POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY ON SITE. Page 3 of 10 HOW TO USE THIS ~OKLET ~ The cover sheet o~his booklet contains use information about the underground facilities at your station. Depending on the information given, you must use different forms in this booklet: 1. If your station has any single wall product tanks, use Form C. 2. If your station has any double wall product tanks, use Form B. 3. If your station has a single wall waste oil tank, use Form D. 4. If your station has a double wall waste oil tank, use Form B. 5. If your station has any double wall piping, use Form B. 6. If your station has a piping trench liner, use Form B. 7. If your station has an electronic monitoring system for any double wall piping or trench liner, you need not use Form B for any double wall tanks or piping. 8. If your station has vadose or groundwater monitoring wells, you still need to use Forms C and/or D as applicable. 9. If your station has other hazardous materials (see Daily Visual Monitoring, below), you are responsible also for that portion of Form B. Also, all stations must complete Form A and send it in every 3 months to the local agency shown on the cover sheet. In case of a leak or spill, you must complete Form E to attach to Form A, and you must send a copy of Form F to your UNOCAL Representative within 24 hours. You must also notify your representative by phone (and/or call the UNOCAL Emergency Phone after hours). Your must post a copy of Page 3 at a conspicuous location in your cashiers area. Your must keep a copy of Form H to document the training received by your employees. KEEP COPIES OF ALL FORMS YOU MAIL OUT! DAILY VIBUAL MONITORING Hazardous Materials stored underground include: Gasoline Diesel Fuel Waste Oil These products are monitored for leaks in the underground tanks and piping. Hazardous Materials stored aboveground include: Propane Waste Oil (prior to dumping in underground tanks) Motor Oil Transmission Oil Gear Lubricant (80W/90) Grease Solvent (including parts cleaners) Battery Acid Antifreeze If your station stores any of these materials, the storage areas must be visually inspected every day for signs of leakage. If there is a leak or spill of any of the hazardous materials, whether stored above or underground, you must follow the Emergency Response Procedures outlined on Page 3, as applicable. Page 4 of 10 MONITORING FOR SINGLE-WALL TANKS INSPECTIONS TO BE ~UCTED BY DEALER 1. Daily reconciliation shall be made of the inventory control records. 2. Daily visual inspection for leaks shall be made in the areas of: - Submerged pump - Tank fill (also inspected after each delivery) 3. Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak. PRODUCT TANK GAUGING PROCEDURE 1. Use a gauge stick (dipstick) to measure the level of gasoline in each tank. Lower the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the tank. The use of fuel-finding paste is recommended. 2. Slowly pull the stick back out, and observe the point where the stick begins to be discolored by the liquid. 3. Write this number down, and repeat the same procedure. If the two number are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in your dealer books. If it is raining, water can spoil the readings, and should not be allowed to enter the tank. If it does not stop raining, care must be taken to ensure the stick readings are accurate. RECORD KEEPING FOR SINGLE-WALL TANKS 1. Use your dealer books to keep track of your daily dipstick reading. 2. Record daily all dispenser meter readings in your dealer books. 3. Record all deliveries in your dealer books. 4. The dipstick, dispenser meter, and delivery recordings are to be used daily in filling out the "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet" (attached). WASTE OIL TANK GAUGING PROCEDURE 1. To monitor the inventory level in the waste oil tank, be prepared to have the tank locked for at least 12 hours or longer if required by your local agency. This shall be done weekly. NO INPUTS OR WITHDRAWALS SHALL OCCUR DURING THESE PERIODS. 2. Stick gauge the tank immediately before closing access to the waste oil tank, and immediately after reopening the tank, and enter those numbers in columns C and D of the "Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet" (attached) in both inches and gallons. 3. The difference between those two columns is the actual variation (column E). 4. For allowable variation (column F), use 2.8 gallons if you have a 280 gallon capacity, or 5.0 gallons if you have a 520 or 550 gallon tank. WHAT TO DO IF YOU EXCEED THE ALLOWABLE VARIATION If you EVER exceed the allowable variation (Inventory Reconciliation Sheet, column 13, or Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet, column G), follow the RESPONSE PROCEDURE shown on Page 3. Notify your UNOCAL representative within 24 hours of discovery of a suspected leak. UNOCAL will be ~esponsible for coordinating one or more of the following: - Performing a metered vs. measured inventory reconciliation. - Contacting the appropriate State and Local agencies. - Visually inspecting for leaks. - Calibrating the dispenser meters. - Hiring a tank tester to determine if there is a leak. - Having the tank(s) and/or piping repaired or replaced if necessary. The "Unauthorized Release Report" must be sent toUNOCAL within 24 hours. The "Release Evaluation Checklist" must be attached to the "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet", or the "Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet" where the allowable variation was exceeded. Page 5 of 10 MONITORING FOR ~UBu~-N~J~L T/qNKS INSPECTIONS TO BE CTED BY DEALER 1. Daily reconciliation shall be made of the Inventory Control Records. 2. Daily visual inspection for leaks shall be made in the areas of: - Submerged pump - Tank fill (also inspected after each delivery) 3. Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential leak. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING PROCEDURE Tank or Piping Secondary Containment (annular space or Piping Trench Liner) shall be monitored daily by the dealer, unless a less frequent period is allowed. This is done to determine if product is leaking from the primary container or if water is entering from an outside source. This procedure is not necessary if an electronic monitoring system is installed to monitor these items. Contact your UNOCAL representative for monitoring port locations. 1. Use a gauge stick (dipstick) to detect any liquid in the tank annular space, double wall piping monitoring ports, or piping trench liner monitoring wells. Lower the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the tank annular space. 2. Slowly pull the stick back out and observe whether the stick has been discolored by liquid. If product and/or water is detected, immediately contact your representative. 3. Write this number down, and repeat the same procedure. If the two numbers are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in the "Secondary Containment Recording Sheet (attached). NOTE: Piping trench monitoring wells consist of slotted PVC pipe which allows liquid intrusion and a manhole for access. Wells are located at the lowest point of the fiberglass trench liner. RECORD KEEPING FOR DOUBLE-WALL TANKS & PIPING 1. Keep track daily of the liquid level on the "Secondary Containment Recording Sheet". 2. If ANY fuel and/or water is discovered in.the trench liner, call your representative IMMEDIATELY, and explain the situation. 3. If the representative has been notified, but after 8 hours it has not been possible to remove all the liquid from the secondary containment, dealer must contact the local agency shown on the cover sheet. ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEMS If this station is equipped with an electronic monitoring system for underground tanks and piping, in the event of a leak in the primary containment, product will be contained in the annular space. The sensors for the electronic monitoring system are located at the low end of each tank, and at the low end of the piping where the product will drain back into the tank. There may be sensors at additional locations. Sensors will signal the presence of a leak. If a leak is discovered, the "Unauthorized Release Report" must be sent to UNOCAL within 24 hours. The "Release Evaluation Checklist" must be attached to the "Quarterly Report". Page 6 of 10 OVERFILL/SPILL PRO~TION & CLEANUP 1. DELIVERIES/GAUGi~ Dealer is responsible to ensure that the delivery he or she requests is not in excess of the tank capacity, taking into consideration the amount currently in tank. Driver is to gauge tank to assure capacity is available for the entire load and must remain in attendance during the entire delivery to monitor the operation. 2. BALL VENT LINE FLOAT SYSTEM (Only for double-wall tanks installed after July 1986.) The ball float valve system installed with the tank substantially prevents the possibility of overfill occurring. If the tank is filled to the ball float level, the petroleum product delivery will be cut to 3 gallons per minute alerting the driver of a potential overfill condition. In the event that this occurs, the following actions will be taken: 1. The delivery truck driver shall turn off the petroleum product supply at the truck, leaving the hose fully connected to the tank fill pipe line and the truck. 2. The small amount of petroleum product remaining in the hose shall be slowly drained into the tank. Since the ball float valve is 2 to 3 inches below the top of the tank, there remains a 100 + gallon capacity within the tank at the moment when the ball float closes off delivery. The bleed hole in the ball float valve allows the remaining petroleum product in the hose to completely drain through the fill pipe into the tank. 3. The hose shall be disconnected from the fill pipe only when it has fully drained. In the event that spillage occurs upon hose disconnection, the remaining small amount of petroleum product will be properly contained. 3. WASTE OIL TANK 1. Station is equipped with waste oil buckets which hold a maximum capacity of 3 gallons (about 3 to 4 cars' worth of waste oil). 2. Prior to dumping any waste oil, dealer is to gauge the tank to assure that holding capacity is greater than that which will be put into the tank. 3. Waste oil is poured directly through fill/pump out pipe, using a funnel. Should any waste oil spill during this operation, it will be properly contained using absorbent material. Page 7 of 10 4. CnE . -U / CORDA. 1. Small spill.less than i gallon and requiring 15 minutes to clean up) sh~ll be cleaned up using absorbent materials. 2. Larger spills occurring during product delivery shall be reported to the terminal by the dealer and/or by delivery truck driver. The terminal supervisor will notify a local petroleum maintenance contractor who is equipped with a N.F.P.A. approved type hand pump, vacuum and transport container. Large spills not caused by delivery shall be reported immediately to your rep. 3. Spills shall be cleaned up within 8 hours of detection, returned to local terminal and/or disposed of in a lawful manner. 4. Dealer shall record all spills whether or not it is due to delivery overfill or accidental spillage, which exceeds approximately one gallon, and action taken on the "Unauthorized Release Report" (attached), and send it to UNOCAL within 24 hours. 5. Large spills (more than 1 gallon) must be reported to the local agency indicated on the cover sheet within 24 hours. If the spill is large enough to pose a significant hazard, it must also be reported to the California Office of Emergency Services at 800-852- 7550. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1 INSPECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED BY UNOCAL YEARLY INSPECTIONS AND TESTING Yearly testing shall be made of the following: 1. Pressurized piping systems shall be monitored using in-line leak detectors. Leak detectors shall be tested annually for proper operation. Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak. 2. Tanks and piping shall be tested annually for tightness, using a State-Certified test system. (For non-secondarily contained tanks and piping only.) 3. Electronic monitoring systems shall be tested annually for proper operation. (For secondarily contained tanks and piping only.) 4. Dispenser core holes, shear valves, and blending valves shall be annually inspected by UNOCAL for signs of leakage. 5. Dispenser meters (recording total sales in gallons) shall be calibrated once annually by UNOCAL. Any additional calibration will be the responsibility of the dealer. Use the "Dispenser Meter Calibration Form". VADOSE/GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS This section is not applicable unless "Monitoring Methods" line on cover sheet shows "Vadose Wells" or "Groundwater Wells".) The monitoring of vadose wells and groundwater monitoring wells is contracted out to Applied Geo Systems. Monitoring is performed monthly for vapor analysis of the vadose wells and subjective analysis for traces of product in the groundwater monitoring wells. Monitoring is performed quarterly for laboratory analysis of groundwater samples. Monitoring records are maintained on-site in the dealer's office, and are available for inspection. Page 8 of 10 EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLAN Employees must be given this training before starting work, and refresher courses must be provided annually. Records must be kept to show when each station employee has been given his/her safety training. Use the following outline: I. FIRST THINGS TO KNOW A. EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF: This turns off the turbine pumps that provide flow to the dispensers from the underground tanks. In case of a leak, shutting off the pumps will help to prevent spills. LOCATION: 1-outer south wall svc bay, 1-storage rm B. ELECTRICAL PANEL: The panel allows you to selectively cut off power to lights, signs, pumps, etc. The main switch kills all power at the site. LOCATION: In storage room C. WATER SHUT-OFF: The water shut-off may be necessary in some cases. LOCATION: North end of lot at property line D. FIRST AID KIT: LOCATION: In office E. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Use only on small fires that you can handle. Do not attempt to extinguish large fires on your own; call 9-1-1 for help. LOCATION: 3-in service bay F. ABSORBENT: In the form of crystals or cloth, absorbent can soak up small spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, or other petroleum products. Absorbent should be used rather than washing spills down a drain. In case of large spills merely try to contain it; a vacuum truck should be used to clean up any large spills. LOCATION: In storage room G. NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITY: Employees should know what facilities are available in case customers or other employees need medical attention: NAME: Mercy Hospital ADDRESS: 2215 Truxton Ave., Bakersfield PHONE NUMBER: 805-327-3371 NEAREST DESIGNATED TRAUMA CENTER: NAME: UCLA Hospital and Clinics ADDRESS: 10833 LeConte Avenue, Los Angeles PHONE NUMBER: 213-825-2111 Page 9 of 10 II. Ail employees should review the Service Station Monitoring Plan, of which this training plan is a part. Specifically, each employee should understand the procedures to be used in responding to various kinds of emergencies, and know how to monitor for leaks of hazardous materials. As a supplement to this package, employees should also review the Emergency Response Plan filed by your business to the appropriate local agency. Thirdly, employees should review and have access to the Materials Safety Data Sheets you have on file for each of the hazardous materials stored at the station. III. FIRST AID PROCEDURES (For exposure to gasoline or diesel fuel): A. EYE CONTACT: For direct contact, flush the affected eye(s) with clean water. If irritation or redness develops, seek medical attention. B. SKIN CONTACT: Wipe product from skin and remove soaked clothing. Cleanse affected area(s) thoroughly by washing with soap and water. If irritation develops and persists, seek medical attention. Do not use solvents or thinners to remove product from skin. C. INHALATION (Breathing): If symptoms of exposure develop, move victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Symptoms include: flushing, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, headache, drowsiness, loss of coordination, and fatigue. If victim is not breathing or if breathing difficulties develop, artificial respiration or oxygen should be administered by qualified personnel. Seek immediate medical attention. D. INGESTION (Swallowing): DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING BECAUSE GASOLINE CAN ENTER LUNGS AND CAUSE SEVERE LUNG DAMAGE! If victim is conscious and alert, give 2 to 3 cups of milk or water to drink. Seek medical attention. E. For further information, consult the Materials Safety Data Sheets for these products and for other hazardous materials. FIRST AID FOR EXPOSURE TO OTHER MATERIALS: Consult the warning advice on container labels or refer to the MSDS for that product. Page 10 of 10 UNOCAL(S) '" QUARTERLY REPORT A Fill out this form quarterly SiS #:. BUSINESS NAME: and send in with all other forms, as applicable. Address: KEEP COPIES OF ALL FORMS YOU MAIL OUT. Quarter # Tank # Capacity (gal) Product Start Dote: End Date: Year: CHECK ONE BOX BELOW AS APPLICABLE: E ~ I hereby certify under the penalty of perjury that all product level variations for this facility were within allowable limits for this quarter. ("NO" in cloumn 12, Inventory Reconciliation Sheet; "NO" in column 7, Tank Gauging Sheet; '"OK" in all applicable columns of the Daily Visual Monitoring Log). r- inventory variation at this facility exceeded the allowable limits for this quarter. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the source for the variation(s) was not due to an unauthori:~ed (leak) release. ("YES" to any of the above). E There was an unauthorized (leak) release at this focility during this quarter. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury thor all necessory corrective actions have been or are being taken. DEALER' S SI ON ATU RE'/DATE: LIST DATE, TANK # AND AMOUNT FOR ALL VARIATIONS THAT EXCEEDED THE ALLOWABLE LIMITS: DATE TANK # AMOUNT THIS QUARTERLY REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE REGULATING LOCAL AGENCY WITHIN 15 DAYS OF THE END OF' EACH QUARTER: QUARTER 1 JANUARY-MARCH Submit by April 15 QUARTER 2 APRIL-JUNE Submit by July 15 QUARTER 3 JULY-SEPTEMBER Submit by October 15 QUARTER ~, OCTOBER-DECEMBER Submit by January 15 UNOCAL(~) B DALLY VISUAL MONITORING LOG I~,, o~, ~,~ ~o~ I ,, Jdaily and send it in Jwith the Quarterly JUnocal s/s#: Business Name: JReport JAddress: Month off s?oloadsul ~ m ;Ua~loS ~o~ ~ I!0 JOaO m ~ ~ L~ ~uoi ~ m [~ Muoi g~ ~UOl UaOC L ) INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ,... for,m d~il.y [S/S #: Business N~me: with the IOuarter: Tank.: IQuarterly Year: Copaci~ y/Con ten ts: Re~ort. ~ ~ + I H I I ff I ~ I I I I I I ff I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I! ~ .................... ~" - ~-~~~~~i~~!~~ '~ ..... · · ~ ~ ° ~,.... ~ ~&~ ~ . ~ ~ .~ _~ UlIOCJlL( ) WASTE OIL TANK GAUGING SHEETD IS/S #: Business Nome: Fill out this Address: form weekly and send it with the IQuarter: ] [Tank .: Quarterly Year: Capacity Report. GAUGING PERIOD INVENTORY VARIATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Opening Closing Actual Allowable Allowable FROM TO Dipstick Dipstick Variation Variation Variation Reading Reading (4-3) * * Date/Time Date/Time Inches Gal. Inchest Gal. Gallons Gallons Yes/No ,Allowable variation is based on tank size: Tank Size AIIgwqble Variation 280 gallons 2.8 gallons §20 gallons 5.0 gallons 550 gallons 5.0 gallons **If you answered "Yes" in column 7 (Col. 6 > Col. 5), then an unauthorized release ('leak) shall be assumed to have occurred. Follow the Release Evaluation checklist and attach to this form. UNOCAL e ' RELEASE EVALUATION CHECKLIST S/S #: Business Name: J Fill out this form Address: I whenever the allowable variat[o~ Tone #: Capocit:>c is exceeded and Product: send in w~'th the Dote & Time Allowable Variation was Exceeded: Quarterly Report. CHECK OFF EACH STEP AS IT IS COMPLETED. STEP 1 ~--'~RECORDS REVIEWED Dote/Time: Should be done Performed by: within 2 hours. STEP2JE]]NEW RECONC,UAT, ON Dote/Time: Should be done PERFORMED Performed bF. within 24 hours. STEP 5 E~ CALL UNOCAL, REP. AND Date/Time: Should be done SEND UNAUTHORIZED Performed by: within 24 hours. RELEASE REPORT TO REP. STEP 4Il'---] RECORDS REVIEWED FROM Date/Time: Should be done I LAST STATIC STATION Performed by:. within 24 hours. (BY DEALER OR REP.) STEP 5 [~] PHYSICALLY INSPECT Dote/Time: Should be done FACILITY FOR EVIDENCE Performed by: within 2 days. OF LEAKS STEP 6 DISPENSER METER Dote/Time: Should be done CALIBRATION CHECKED Performed by:. within ,3 days. (COMPLETE TEST REPORT) STEP .71 r---I HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE Dote/Time: Should be done t TEST PERFORMED ON PIPING Performed by:. within 4 days. STEP 81E~PRECISION TANK TEST Dote/Time: Should be done PERFORMED Performed bF. within 5 days. STEP 9 ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION Dote/Time: Should be done -- PERFORMED AS REQUIRED Performed bF. within 5 days. JBriefly describe the reason the allowable variation was exceeded: I hereby certify this is to be a true and accurate report. Dealer's Signature: Date: uNocm.(S) UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE REPORTF Address: in the event of (3 confirmed I~ak or I spill and send to Tank #: Capacity. your Unocal r~. Product: within 24. hour~. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DEALER Date leak was discovered: Approximate date leak began: Describe fully the cause of the leak: How was the leak discovered? TO BE COMPLETED BY THE UNOCAL RETAIL REPRESENTATIVE Hos the leak been stopped? Date: How wos the leak stopped? List resources offecte~l: Y¢~ No Thr¢¢tCn¢~ # of well~ Soil Creek or Storm drains Buildings or Utility Vaults Groundwater Public Drinking Water Private Drinking Water Agricultural Other Instructions to Unq~gl Retail Reor~¢ntativeB: This form must be forwarded to Unocal Maintenance & Construction Deportment IMMEDIATELY so they can submit to the appropriate local agency within 5 days of discovery of any leak. UNOCAL EQUIPMENT TEST LOG G S/S #: Business Name: --iii out this form for each Address: annual Con tractor: inspection Name of person completing test(s): and keep on Signature: file. Dealer's Signature: Check off each test when performed: I1. Inspections - Date: Shear Valve [2.~ Blending Valve Inspections - Date: 5. F--J Leak Detector Product Model Leak Full Line Pressure (PSI) Simulated Line Leak Test Inspection Detector Open Max. 12Close Min. 26 Pass Fail Oats Super Unleaded Unleaded Diesel Other 4. ~ Dispenser Meter Calibration Procedure: 1. Before starting calibration runs, wet the calibration can with product and return product to storage. 2. Run 5 gallons with nozzle wide open into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. 3. Run 5 gallons with nozzle one-half open into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and re[urn product to storage. 4. 'If the volume measured in a 5-gallon calibration can is more than 6 cubic inches above or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter requires calibration by a registered device repairman. Fast Flow Slow Flow Vol. Returned Calibration Date/time Nozzle t~ Product 5-Gal. Draft 5-Gal. Draft to storage Required? ..... Gallons Gal. Cu.ln. Gal. Cu.ln. YES*/NO *NOte date of Calibration & Device(s) used: UNOCAL~ SAFETY TRAINING LOG H $/S #: Business Nome: I Address: · ;MPLOYEES MUST SIGN THIS FORM TO PROVE THEY RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL SAFETY TRAINING. Date of Initiol Employee Name Training 0ares of Annual Refresher Troining CITY of BAKERSFIELD ECEIVEO ~AZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY JUL Farm and Agriculture I:] Standard Business · ::: NON--T~ADE SECRETS OWNER NAHE~ ~~ NAME OF THIS FACILITY: ADDRESS: ~[~D'~' ~,~q ~?o . STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE~ CITY. ZZP:~:~~,~'~",~',~o~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER -= 7~ ~ ~ fl~~ZON~R-PROPER CODES, , ? - Codelr~a; Jy~e ~ax Average Annual Heasure I~Y~es/c gont Cont goofcoaPsqe locatjon.~hece. Hames of ~ixture/Ce~onents code AmC AeC EsL Un~ts on/ype Press lamp Stored in taClllCy . See ~hy~i~al and Health Hazard C.A.S. Humber .~~~- ~ Component II Name ~ C.A.S. ~ber"Wj-c'[3-~ ~ (Check ali that applyj , .. - . ,, . ;Component 12 Name I C.A,S. Number ire Hazard ~ ReacLiviLr ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release '~ lm~¢~ HeR ICh of Pressure- Co~ponent 13 Name I C.A.S. Number , _. ~~ .'. I~h~¢/ that appll} -~ ~ Component Name C.A.S. Number ~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate ..... Health of Pressure . ~ Health I l° ' Physical and H.alth Hazard C,A.S. Number Component II Name ~ C.A,S, N~ber ICheck all that apply) Component I~ Name I C,A.S. Number U Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Belayed ~ Sudden Release ~ lmq¢di.~Ce ~ea/th of Pressure Componen: 13 Namo I C.A.S. Number Physical 8nd Health ~8lsrd C.A.S, Humber Compoflen~ II N8Ae I C.A,S. ' (Check 4/I ~hsC applyl Co~po~eAL,l~ Hame t C.A.S. Number ~ ~ire Hazard ~ ReacHvi~y U Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Im~il~e HeR/Ch of Pressure Compoflen~ 13 Ns~e I C.A.S. Humber ertificatioq .(Re~ ~p~.~fgn after c~mpl~Ci(~.~ll secti.on~ . . cer~llr under pena~[X pl~a~ [nqt l navepe[sonaJ~y, exa~lnq~aqole ~ami~lac,~it~ the intor~H~n ~u~aittf~n this,~nd all . attached dgcgeen[~, ang [He cased on.my ~nqu~ry at. Chose tnotv~ouals res¢ons~o/e ~or ob[alnin[ t~e In~or~a~n, I be~eve that the submitted i,lor~l[lo~ IS ~.rue, accurate, and coep/e:e, , · _ -~ . . . ,_[HAZARDoUs MATERIALS INVENTORY [-~lr, ancl~,cicultur, ~ StarldardBusiness I~ "; NON--TRADE SECRETS (~~ ~' '.- T - ]~ REFER YO~NST~CTZ~S,]~ROPER COOES ~on~ toc¢io,.~he[e. Code CoDe AmC AmC EsL Un)ts ontype Press /eme StoreD Iff kaClllC~ ~hysic~l and Health Nazsrd C.A.S. Number Component II Name I C.A.S. Number (Check ali Chat ap~ly~ . ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reac~.iyity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ im~i~ ComponeA[ 12 Name I C.A.S. Number Health of Pressur~ · . ~hysica L-and H'¢ Ithl. cheCkFireall that 4pplH/. HazaYd C.k.S. NumberHealcn ComponentC°mp°nen[ llll NameName II C.A.s.C'A'S' NumberNUmber ¢ D Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudde, Release ~ lmq~di~e Health of Pressur~ ; Compoflefl~ 13 Name I C.A.S. Humber PhysiCal',nd~¢t~¢ C.A.S. NumbeT ' Component II Name I C.A.S. Number ~ [ire/,azar~ D Reactivity ~ O,l~y~d ~ SudOn ~elease ~ Immediate Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Number / Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number (Check 8/I that apply} / Component.If Hame I C.~.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard B Re~ctiyity B 0~layed B ~udden Release B Health of Pressurm · Component 13 Hame I C.A.S. Humber ertifi ~tio Re at~d f ~ af r cern 1 titlg ~1~ s ctfotTs) su~mltteo ifltormaCIOn IS crum, Accurate, and comp/etD... · . · ' CITY of BAKERSFIELD Farm and AB((culture H Standard Business ':. ' ........ ' - ~- REFER TO~RS~U~O~S-~-PROPER. CODES - - Names of ~ixtur~/Com~onents lr~ns Eyre ~x Avfra~e Annual Measure I ~ont ~ont ~ont ~s ~hysical afl~ ~eal:h Hazard C,A,S, Humber Componen: II Name I C,~,~. Number fCheck ali :haC apply~ ........... ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivi:y ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release U [mm~/~C°mp°nent Name C,A,S, Number Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number Compenen~ I~ Name I C,A.S, Number CompQnen~ I~ Name I C,A,S, Humber Physical end ~=alth Hazard C.k,S. Humber Coaponen: II Name I C,A.S, Humber ICheck al1 that 4pplH CompoAeflt 12 Na~e I C,A.5. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ ReacLiyitr ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ lmq~di~e Hea ICh of Pressure . Helltn Component 13 Na~e I C.A.S. Humber ' Physical and Health Hazard C,A.S. Humber CoAponent II Name I C,A,S. Number (Check ail that apply) U Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ lm~i~ . . Health of Pressure m Component 13 Name ~ C,A,S, Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~ . at~ac~ed,d~cgrenc~, an~ t~c oaseo o~ )nqulry ~.cnose InOlVlOUalS responsible lor obtalnin~ the In~ormatlon, SUD~ItCeO )AIOF~ICIO~ IS [rue, accu~comp/e[~,~ /~/ *" - "' · ' Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division RECE~YED 2130 "G" Street ~Y Bakersfield, CA. 93301 H,~Z. MAT. DiV. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible, SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDEN~FICATION DATA MAILING ADDRESS: ~'~ DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: MAILING ADDRESS', SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFIcATIoN: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR, PHONE Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6,95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS' .WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. " WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES, -' OTHER~ (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I,~-., ~'C'x\ _ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS iNFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL M~bFfl~ 4'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON H~ARDCJ ~S)MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6,95 SEC, 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INA~CU.~ ~ATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY.  ~RE TITLE DATE 2. FD1590 BakerSfield Fire Dept. , ..... -, .... ~ Hazardous Materials Divisil i .~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION. PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A, r~AS~ ~r~V~T,O~ ST~S: bO'~ ~k, ~-~-~ ~le~' B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: ~r,,,~_ C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: ~_L~CTr~,C^L: WATER' SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES~) IF YES, LOCATION' SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: B, WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): FD15(~) Bakersfield Fire Dept. -,~ ..... ~ '" Hazardous Materials Division ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: k.~.~'~ OC._)~ ~ ~;, SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES~ . B, EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: cO~*~ 0,. c_x--o~-~..%,...:''c-''v-~ C, PUBLIC EVACUATION: APRIL 20, 1990 DEAR MR. BABBAS, NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS UNOCAL 76 $~6106, LOCATED AT 1700 CALIFORNIA AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 ON APRIL 20, 1990 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: 1. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT BUSINESS PLANS MUST BE UPDATED EVERY TWO YEARS. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SEC. 25505 (b) In addition to the requirements of Section 25510, whet, ever a substantial change in the handler's operations occurs which requires a modification of its business plan, the handler shall sub~it a copy of the plan revision to the administering agency within 30 days of the operational change. (c) The handler shall, in any case, review the business plan, submitted pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (b), on or before January 1, 1988, and at least once every two years thereafter, to determine if a revision is needed and shall certify to the administering agency that the review was made and that any necessary changes were made to the plan, A copy of these c~anges shall be submitted to the administering agency as part of this cert i ficat ion. (d) Unless exempted from the business plan requirements under this chapter, any business which handles a hazardous material shall annually submit a completed inventory form to the administering agency of the county or city in which the business is located. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, an inventory for~ shall be filed on or before January 1, 1988, for the 1988 calendar year, and annually thereafter. This inventory shall be filed annually, notwithstanding the review requirements of subdivision 2. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY MUST BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 25509(A) (1-4) Th~_- annual inve~tory fc.r~ shall i~ciuoe, but shall r,c,t be li~,~ited to, infor~,~atic, r, or, all of the foltc, wir, g which are handled ir, quantities equal to c,r greater thar, the quantities specified ir, subdivisior, (a) of Section ~5503.5: (~) A listing of the chemical na~e and ccm~on na~e.~, of every hazardous substance or che~ical product handleO by the business. (:~) The category of waste, including the general che~ical and ~ineral co~position of the waste listed by probable ~axi~u~ and ~ini~u~ concentrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (S) A listing of the chemical na~e and co~on names of every other hazardous ~aterial or ~ixture containing a hazardous ~ateriai handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) The maximu~ a~our~t of each hazardous ~aterial or ~ixture containing a hazardous ~aterial disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) which is handled at ar~y one ti~e by the business over the course of the year. 3. EMPLOYEES MUST BE ]'RAINED IN THE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN THEIR WORK PLACE AND IN THE USE OF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910. 1200 (g) The e~ployer shall ~aintain copies of the required material safety data sheets for each hazardous che~ical in the workplace, and shall ensure ~hat they are readily accessible during each work shift to e~ployees when they are in their work area(s) (h) (1) INFORMATION. E~ployees shall be informed of: (i)The requirements of this section (ii)Any operations in their work area where hazardous che~icals'are present; and, (iii)The location and availability of the written hazard co~unicatiori progra~, including the required list(s) of hazardous cher~icals, and material safety data sheets required by this sectior~. 4. SATISFACTORY PROVISIONS MUST BE MADE TO CONTAIN SPILLS OR LEAKAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. VIOLATION OF UFC 80. lOS(G) Satisfactory provisior, s shall be ~,~ade for cor~taining or neutralizir, g spills or leakage of hazardous materials w~ich may occur during storage, handling, transportation or use. 5. CONTAINERS OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS SHALL BE PROPERLY LABELED. VIOLATION OF OSHA 1910. 1200 (1) The chemical ~anufacturer~ importer~ or distributor shall er, sure that each contair, er of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace is labele~, tagged or marked with the following information: (i)Identity of the hazardous chemical(s). (ii)Appropriate hazard warr, ings; and (iii)Name and address of tine che~,~ical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party. (4) Except as provided ir, paragraohs (S) and (4) the employer shall ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals ir, the workplace is labeled, tagged, or marked with the following i~formation: (i) Ider,tity of the hazardous che~ical (s) contained therein; and (ii)Appropriate hazard warnings. (5) The employer may use signs, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, o~ other such writte~ materials ir, lieu of affixing labels to ir, dividual statior, ary process containers, as long as ~he alternative method identifies the contair, ers to which it is applicable and conveys the information required by paragraph (2) of this section to be on label. The written ~aterials shall be readily accessible to the employees ir, their work area throughout each work shift. (7) The employer shall not rer~ove of deface existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous cher,~icals, ur, less the container is ir,~mediately ~narke~ with the required inforr,~ation. (B) '[he employer shall ensure that labels or other forms of warnings are le~ible, in English, and prominently displayed on the contair~er, c,r reaOily available in the work area thrc, ughout each ~c, rk shift~, Employers having employees who speak c, ther langua~es r,~ay add the infor~,~atic, n in their language tc, the r,~a~;e~ial preser, ted, as long as the ir, formation is presented English as well. 6. COMBUSTIBLE WASTE MATERIALS ( OILY RAGS ) MUST BE STORED IN COVERED METAL CONTAINERS. VIOLATION OF UFC 79.1~11 & 11.201 Disposal of waste. Combustible waste ~,~aterial amd residues in a building or unit operating area shall be kept to a minimum, s~ored in covered ~etal receptacles and disposed of daily. Accumulatio~ of waste ~aterial. (a) Accum~lations of wastepaper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, or combustible or flammable waste material, waste petroleu~ products or rubbish of any kind shall not be permitted to remain upon any roof or in any court, yard, vacant lot or oper~ space. All weeOs grass~ .vines, or other growth, w~en same endangers property or is liable to be fired~ shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property. When total removal of growth from a piece of property is impractical due to size or to environ~ental factor's, approved fuel breaks ~ay be established between the lan~ and the endangered property. The width of the fuel break shall be deter~ined by height, type and amount of growth, wind conditions, geographical conditions and type of exposures threatened. (b) All combustible rubbish, oily rags or waste material, when kept within a building or adjacent to a building, shall be securely stored in metal or metal- lined receptacles equipped with tight-fitting covers or in rooms or vaults constructed o~ noncombustible materials. (c) It shall be unlawful to accumulate or store combustible waste ~atter beneath trailers or at any other place within an auto and trailer camp. (d) Commercial dumpsters a~d containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 cubic yards or greater shall not be stored or placed within 5 feet of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines. The above vic, latior~s r~ust be co~-ected by t~AY 2(:), i990. The depa~-trner~t will schedule a ~-e-ir~spectior, of you~~ fac.~ility to ve~'ify cor~pliance. If you have any questions ~-ega~ding this r~otice, please cor~tact Ralph Huey at 326-39}~9. Sincerely, //Ralph E. Hu~ , Hazardous ~ater'ials ' / BAKERSFIELD CITY F.[RE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 oFfiCIAL BUS INESS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS BUSI NESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: ~70~ ~t~l~ A~u~ A~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E~F_J~E~4~y pU~ ~hUTOPF: ~ ~W~'~ f~o~7 ~ ~--BU~N~~ ~. E. LOCK 8OX: YES ~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS7 YES / 3~0 MSDSS7 YES / NO FLOOR PLANS7 YES / N0 KEYS7 YES / N0 SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION S: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOL~ BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6: EMPLO~E T~INING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER T~INING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. ~ A~c~ "~p~ ~A~N~ pmm~a~U~m~I' CIRCLE YES OR NO iNITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS }~TERIALS: ....................................... ~ NO ~ NO C. PROPER gSE OF SAFETY EQgIPHENT: .................. 'E SO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. · YE ~0 XO E. DO YOU ~INTAIN EMPLO~E TRAINING RECORDS: ....... NO NO SECTION 7: ~Z~DOUS ~TERI~ CIRCLE~'~ - NO - ~ DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS ~TERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN $00 POUND/~OF A SOLID. $~ GALLONS OF A LIQUID. OR ~00 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... ~ NO I, ~AVI~ ~, ~_g~M~M , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obi!Mat!OhS under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter Sec. ~5500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE C~-/.~/ ~. ~--,-~- TITLE I~:::~ H. ~ q~ ,~$e~:. DATE a~f..I,.l"I"~ ~ UN~ - 2B - · BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART}lENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFiCiAL USE ONLY ID~ BUSINESS NAME: BUS I NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILIT'f UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the question~ below for THE FACILITY ,,,-T~..,.~ LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILI~ ~IT~ ~lO& FACILI~ ~IT N~: UNO~ ~ S~ION 1: MITIGATION, PR~ION, ABATEM~ PROC~ES II ' SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION A..%~ EVACUATION PROCEDL-RES AT TI{IS L~.'iT ONLY May ~ 1~ 1990 Dear Business Manager: The following questionnaire is a supplement to the Acutely Hazardous Materials Registration Form previously submitted by your business as required under Section 25534 of the California Health & Safety Code. This registration indicates that ~c~c~l~'~ 6106 .handles~(!~u~i~~ ac~i~ an acutely hazardous material ( AHM ), in an amount greater than the planning quantity for this chemical. Additional information is necessary in order to complete the risk management plannir~g functions of this agency. This questionnai~e should be completed by an officer of the company or other pe~son having substantial management control over all ope~ations at the facility. If thence is any doubt as to whether o~~ not the answer to a question is yes or no, the answer "yes" shall be given. With in two weeks of ~eceipt, complete and return the questionnaire to: The Bakersfield Fire Department Haza~dous Mater. ials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield~ CA 93301 If you need additional infor~ation, please call 326-3979. S i nce~-e 1 y, Barba~-a Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician Q Bakersfield Fire DePt. Hazardous Materials Inspection Date Completed Business Name: ~5~1 14Q- AtJ~. {)FI ,t::>,q 7~ RfiGEIVED ~n ~ 6 1990 Plan ID # 215-000OO! 1 7{~I'op right comer Business Plan) HAZ. MAT. DiV. Station No. ,_~22 Shift ~ Inspector ~--'1, Verification of Invento~ Materials , ~ Verification of Quantities ~SO~' ' Verification of Location ~ ~oper Se~egafion of Matefi~ Comments: Verification of MSDS Availability Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: FD 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office CITY of BAKERSFIELD } FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFILED, 93301 FIRE CHIEF OC~O~ 19~ [988 326.3911 UNO~kL #6106 1700 CALIFORNIA AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 DEAR MR. DAVID SOLOMON: THE ENCLOSED "ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM" MUST BE COMPLETED BY ANY BUSINESS, HANDLING ABOVE THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITY OF ANY MATERIAL ON THE EPA LIST OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. (FED. REGISTER VOL. 52, NO. 77, P. 13397). YOUR COMPANY HAS REPORTED HANDLING THE FOLLOWING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: SULFURIC ACID PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM TO: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G STREET ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS FORM PLEASE CALL RALPH HUEY AT 326-3979. SINCERELY YouRs, RALPH E. HUEY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR REH/ed ENCLOSURE Bakersfield Fire Dept. ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION AND RISKMANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM CHECK LIST 2. A.H.M. RECEIVED ~,__~- 3. R.M.P.P. REQUESTED 4. R.M.P.P. REVIEWED 5. R.M.P.P. APPROVED 6. R.M.P.P. INSPECTION COMMENTS: BUSINESS NAME I. DNUMBER FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Unocal 1700 Ca!£fornia Avenue ' Bakersfield, Ca. 93304 Dear Business O~ner: The enclosed "hcutely Hazardou~ Maiertai~ Registration Form" ~ust be comple~ed 'by any business, handling above ~he minimur4 ........ "' ''' ' Exf~e~ely ......... Hazardous Subsiance~, (Fed. Re~iste¢ Uoi. 52, No 77, P. t~97). Your company has reported handiing fha ¢o! io~¢ing 8cutely Hszardou5 Ma'terisis: SULFURIC 8CID Please return the completed Acutely Ha~- ,~ '- ReQistra~./on Form to: Hazardous Materials Oivi~ic, n 213~ G STreet 9ak~rsfield, Ca, ~1 If you have any questions regarding f, his lc. tm please ,sali Duane i"leadows or' Ralph Huey at 326-397S. Sincerely Yc)~ Cuane o. Meadows Hazardous Materiat Planning Technician DLfM: vp 2 N O NOTICE ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGI~q'RATION FORM Tills FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY TI-IE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WHICH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACU'I~LY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QU ,ANTITIES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP. · THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBM1TFED TO YOUR LOCAL ADMINISTERING AGENCY. ({}25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) RECEIVED .~ Note Instructions on reverse [~AY 0 4 19§9 Business Mailing Address (if different) ~' f'~ ~ ~ .... Sus~ss p~on~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (~'7 ~ aus~n~ss m~n Su~m~ss~o. Proces~ D'es!g.",etlon3 ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL NAME ~ ~'J ' QUANTITY GENERAL DE~(;:RIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMENTS: California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1.15-88) INSTRUCTIONS: Superscripts: 1. Quantifies for RMPP compliance are "equal to or greater than" the minimum criteria and apply to chemicals handled "at any one time". 2. Businesses handling reIxrmble quantities of Acutely H~7~rdous Materials that have not submitted a business plan MUST contact local Administering Agencies. The business plan submission date will assure the Administering Agency that a business plan has been submitted and is on file. This will also immediately identify businesses that have not submitted business plans. 3. "Process Designation" is provided as a reporting option (with the approval of the Administering Agency) for facilities that can most easily report by process. Thus, facility RMPP registration data could be submitted in a similar format to a business plan that is divided by process. "By Inocess" dam can initiate an emergency response to a process incident rather than a general emergency response to a major facility. Process designation ....... . .caq__ _si~__p_lffy~ _ '_mspectio_ns f_or__ma__ jq.r_f_ac '~_~ties ~ ~'m~_ proye_ future_.em~gency re. spon~ 4. Refer to the EPA list of Exlremely HaT_ardous Substances from the Federal Register (Volume 52, No. 77, p. 13397 et. sea_., April 22, 1987). Each chemical has a threshold planning quantity. This list may be changed by EPA on an annual basis. Updates of this list may be available early in 1988. To comply wi*.h this element, you may attach a copy of the inventory submitted to your Administering Agency from your business plan and highlight all Acutely Hazardous Materials. It is recommended that facilities list all extremely ~?ardous chemicals handled in quantities equal to or in excess of 1) 500 pounds, and 2) any EPA threshold planning quantity less than 500 pounds. 5. Do not include Trade Secret information in these descriptions. General: For emergency response purposes, it would be desirable to describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. Batch Process: a. What raw materials? b. What operating IXessure range? c. What operating tempetaare range? d. Batch capacity rating? e. Product characteristics? (e.g., chemical state, flammability, toxicity, etc.) f. Critical lxocess points and characteristics? 2. Continuous process: (simi.'lar information as above.) ..... NOTE: "Pursuant to §25534, Ihe Administering Agency may require the submission of a Risk Management Prevention Program (RMPP), if the Admfllislm~ Agency determines that the handler's operation may present an acutely hazardous materials accident risk. The handler shall prepare the RMPP in accordance with subdivision (c) [of §25534]. The RMPP shall be prepared within 12 mcaths following the request made by the Adminisuning Agency pursuant to this section." (§ 25534 (a) Heath and Safety Code) An amendment to the RMPP must be submitted to the Adrnini-,tering Agency within 30 days of: 1. Any additional handling of acutely hazardous materials. 2. Any material or substantial alterations to imsiness activities. 3. Change of address, business ownership, or ~ name. (§ 25533 (c) Health & Safety Code) EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPP · Califomia Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) Sr..CT!ON 3: HAZARDOUS ~TAT.=.RIALS FOR TWIS I:7~iT ON[.Y A. Does ti]is Facility Unit contain Hazardous Mater~n!?? ...... ~ ~'0 If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~ B. Are ~1~' If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventor7 form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (tvhite form =4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (Mellow form =4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secr,,t form. List only the trude secrets on'form 4A-2. SE~ION 4: PRIVA~ FIRE PROTECTION SECTION $: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EME'RG~ RESPONDERS NEARF.~'I' FlEE HYI:~AKI'I': ~-r34C 51Pa--~w~ A-''r ~ ~'¢~f~JEB~. ~F SECTION 8: LOCATION OF %~ILITY Sh'LW-OFFS AT THIS U~IT ONLY. A. XA'r. GAS..'PROPANE~ N~. C. WATER: u~,-~~''° O. SPEC:AL: F_.IMDI:~EKI~Y PUl'dP -'~. LOCi( BnX: Y..F$ '(,.X'O) IF YE~, LO..~T:O...:C ~ ~' YES, $,'.T~ P.'..A.x,'~? FI.OOR Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan for Unocal SS# 1. TURN OFF PUMPS using the EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF switch 2. ANNOUNCE: to all persons on the site: "There is an emergency. Please turn off your engines and leave the station on foot immediately." 3. CALL HELP by dialing 9-1-1 and giving the following information: "THERE IS A (FIRE) (DANGEROUS GASOLINE SPILL) at u~oc~ ~,~ If anyone is trapped or needs medical attention, tell the answering dispatcher. Stay on the phone and be prepared to answer any questions concerning the situation. 4. LOOK AROUND to assure that all others have left the station, particularly those in vehicles who may need assistance or may not have heard the emergency announce- ment· Assist, or direct assistance to, anyone having difficulty in leaving the station area. 5. ATTEND ANY INJURED persons and direct incoming assistance to them· 6. ATTEMPT TO EXTINGUISH any fire if you can do so safely. Have the extinguisher ready to use in the event of any dangerous spill. Try to contain any large spill, or use absorbent on smaller spills. 7. REPORT to arriving emergency response personnel to provide them any information or assistance they may need· 8. NOTIFY the following : 1. UNOCAL representative (name/phone #): ~L~A~ 2. Local agency (name/phone #): ~A~=~~ 3. State Office of Emergency Services: (8001852-7550 (24 hrs.) Initial and annual refresher training plan for your business: Initially and as necessary thereafter, employees are familiarized with the location, containment, and potential dangers of the hazardous materials on the site. Employees are trained on the location and use of emergency equipment including fire extinguishers, shut-off switches, and first-aid kits. -' UNOCALee BAFETY TRAININI ImRClGEDUREB Employees must be given this training before s~ting work, and refresher courses must be provided as needed. In the city of San Luis Obispo, this is every year. Records should be kept to show when each employee of the station has been given his/her safety training. I. FIRST THINGS TO KNGW: A. ~ P~MP SHUI~fFF: This turns off the turbine pumps that provide flow to the dispensers frc~ the underground tanks. In case of a leak, shutting off the pumps will help to prevent spills. LOCATION: B. ELfETRICAL PANEL: The panel allows you to selectively cut off power to lights, signs, pumps, etc. The m~4n switch kills all power at the site o LOCATION: C. ~ER SHUT-OFF: The ~ater shut-off may be necessary in very rare cases. LOCATION: D.FIRST AID K/T: LOCATION: E. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Use only on ~all fires that you can handle. Do not attempt to handle large fires on your own; call 9-1-1 instead. F. ABSORBENT: In tl~ fon~ of crystals or cloth, absorbent can soak up small spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, or other petroleun products. Absorbent should be used rather than washing spills down a drain. In case of large spills, merely try to contain it; a vacuun truck should be used to pu~p up any large spills. Page 1 of 3 II. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS AND PROCEDURES 1. TURN OFF PUMPS using the EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF switch located 2. ANNOUNCE: to all persons on the site: "There is an emergency. Please turn off your engines and leave the station on foot immediately." 3. CALL HELP by dialing 9-1-1 and giving the following information: "THERE IS A (FIRE) (DANGEROUS GASOLINE SPILL) at If anyone is trapped or needs medical attention, tell the answering dispatcher. Stay on the phone and be prepared to answer any questions concerning the situation. 4. LOOK AROUND to assure that all others have left the station, particularly those in vehicles who may need assistance or may not have heard the emergency announce- ment. Assist, or direct assistance to, anyone having difficulty in leaving the station area. 5. ATTEND ANY INJURED persons and direct incoming assistance to them. 6. ATTEMPT TO EXTINGUISH any fire if you can do so safely. Have the extinguisher ready to use in the event of any dangerous spill. Try to contain any large spill, or use absorbent on smaller spills. 7. REPORT to arriving emergency response personnel to provide them any information or assistance they may need. 8. NOTIFY the owner or manager of the station. That'person shall be responsible for contacting UNOCAL ~t (415) and also for notifying any.local health or environmental agencies. Page 2 of 3 III. FIRST AID P~ (For exposure to gasoline or diesel fuel): A. EYE CONTALT: For direct contact, flush the affected eye(s) with clean v~ter. If irritation or redness develops, seek medical attention. B. SKIN CONTACT: Wipe product frcm skin and reTove soaked clothing. Cleanse affected area (s) t/~roughly by washing with soap and water. If irritation and redness develops and persists, seek medical attention. Do not use solvents or thinners to r~move product frc~ skin. C. INHALATION (Breathing): If symptoms of exposure develop, move victim away frcm source of exposure and into fresh air. If sy~ persist, seek medical attention. Symptc~s include; flushing, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, he~d~che, drowsiness, loss of coordination, and fatigue. If victim is not breathing or if breathing difficulties develop, artificial respiration or oxygen s~uld be administered by qualified personnel. Seek ~iate medical attention. D. INGESTION (Swallowing): DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING BECAUSE GASOLINE CAN ENTER LUNGS AND CAUSE SEVERE LUNG DAMAGE. If victim is conscious ar~ alert, give 2 to 3 cups of milk or water to drink. ~_~k medical attention. E. For further information, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these products. FIRST AID FOR EXPOSURE TO OTHER MATERIALS: Consult warning advice on cone~ ~ ner labels. CERTIFICATION I, , certify that the above information will be used to fulfill my business'8 obligations under the laws and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury under the law. Signature Title Date Page 3 of 3 UNOEAL~) SAFETY TRAINING LOG DATE OF INITIAL 51~PLOYEE NAME TRAINING DATES OF ANNUAL REFRESHER TRAINING UNDERGROUND TANK MONITORING PLAN ~ ]~IERGEIqCY PHONE: (415) 561-9322 (24 PHONE: (800) 852-7550 (24 HOURS) UNLEADED: K GAL. S/D (SINGLE/D(/IBEE 14ALL) SUPER: K GAL. S/D DIESEL: K GAL. S/D 14ASTE OIL: K GAL. S/D (rev 12/4/87) Prepared by RORI~I~ H. TRI~. & ASSOCIATES, INC. ?ABLE OF CON?EN?E Section 1. LEAK RESPf~SE PROCEDURE Page 3 DAILY ~ ~L FOR SINGLE ~LL TAN~S Page 4 Rmc~rd K~_pin~ ~nd N~cificaticm F~r ~ Tankm Waste Oil Tank Gauging Procedure What To Do If You Exceed The Allowable Variation Section 3. UNDER~BDUND TANK ~kNITORING PLAN: DAILY I]~S~C~ FOR D~JBLE ~ALL TANKS Page 6 Recordkeeping And Notificatio~ For Annular Space .... ~ -- ~ ~ .... ~ ~ llll~ll II Electronic Monitoring for Dcuble Wall Tanks Section 4. PIPING ~ ~ }~fORING Page 7 Recordkeeping and notification for Piping Section 5. METHOD FOR OVERFU.~,JSPILL PROTECTION AND ~RAN-UP Page 8 Deliveries/Gauging Ball Vent Line Float System Waste Oil Tank Clean-up/Records .Section 6. INSPECTIONS TO ~E COORDINATED BY UNOCAL Page 10 Section 7. FO~MS TO ~E ~terly Report Page: llA Inventory Reconciliation Sheet liB Waste Oil Tank Gat~gin~ Sheet llC Unauthorized Release ~eport (for reference only) llF Dispenser Meter Calibration Form (for referenoe only) llG If your station ha.~ SINGLE-~AT$. TANE~, you are responsible for Sections 1, 2, 5 and 6, and Section 7 Forms A, B, C, E, F, and G. If your station has DOUBLE-~T.L TANKS, you are responsible for Sections 1, 3, 5, and 6, and Section 7 Forms A, D, E, F, and G. If your station has PIPING ~Y CC~TA~T, you are a~tic~ally responsible for Section 4 and Sectic~ 7 Form D. Page 2 of 10 SECTION 1 I. BAK REBlaON, ROCBCIURE In the event of a leak or suspected leak in the tanks and/or piping, the follc~ing steps 2. In case of ~ ~ergency dial 9-1-1. 3. Contact Dealer/Owner or a designated responsible substitute. 4. Contact UNOCAL Retail Representative or UNOCAL Emerg~ Phone. UNOCAL will notify the appropriate State and Local agencies unless tb~ situation notify those agencies (see cover sheet). 5. Dealer should attem~ to isolate leak location by inspection. 6. UNOCAL Retail Representative will coordinate with UNOCAL Maintenance and ~ion whatever corrective actions need to be taken beyond the Dealer's capabilities. UNDCAL Maintenance and Construction will file an Unauthorized Release Report, and send a copy to the station for the Dealer's files. Page 3 of 10 · sEcTION 2 CIAII.Y INVENTORY FOR INI3LE WAI-I- TANK B INSPECTIONS TO BE CONDUCTED BY DEALER 1. Daily reoo~ciliatic~ shall be ~ of the inventozy control records. 2. Daily visual inspection for leaks shall be made in the areas of: - Tank Fill (also inspected after each delivery). 3. Dealer ~3ST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak. FUEL TANK GAUGING PROCEDURE 1. Use a gauge stick (dipstick) to measure the level of gasoline in each tank. Imwe~ the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the tank. ~he use of fuel-finding paste is rec~ended. 2. Slowly pull the stick back out, and observe the point where the stick begins to be discolored by the liquid. 3. Write this number down, and repeat the same procedure. If the two numbers are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in the "Dipstick Recording Sheet". If it is raining water can spoil the readings, and should not be allowed to enter the tank. If it does not stop raining, care must be taken to ensure the stick readings are accurate. RECORDKEEPING AND NOTIFICATION FOR FUEL TANKS 1. Use your dealer books to keep track of your day-to-day dipstick reading. 3. Record all deliveries in your dealer books. 4. /he dipstick, dispenser meter, and delivery recordings are to be used daily in filling out the "Inventory Reconcilation Sheet" (Form attached). 5. A "Quarterly Re~ort" (Form attached) must be filled out, and a copy sent to local agencies, along with the "Inventory Reconciliation Sheets" for that period. Send these forms to the local agency shown on the cover sheet. FFFD OOPrPR OF THESE POEMS FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS. If you exceeded the allowable variation during this period, do not forget to include the '5~_lease Evaluation Checklist". Page 4 of 10 WASTE OIL TANK GAUGING PROCEDURE 1. To monitor the i~entory l~el in the waste oil tank, be prepared to have the tank locked__ for at least 24 hours. This shall be d~ weekly. NO ~ OR ~ 2. Stick gauge the tank immediately before cl~irg acoess to the waste oil tank, and immediately after reopening the tank, and enter those numbers in coluamls C and D of the '5{aste Oil Tank Gauging Sh~t" (attadued) in both ~ and gallons. 3. The diff~ between those tw~ col~L,,~ is the actual variation (column E). 4. For allowable v~iation (Colu~ F), ~ 2.8 gallons if you have a 280 gallon capacity, or 5.0 gallons if y~ h~e a 520 or 550 gallon tank. 5. A "{),nrterly Report" form must be filled out and a copy sent to the local agency indicated on the bottc~ of page 3, with the 'q~aste Oil Tank Gauging. Sheets,, for that period. ~ OOPll~ OF ~ FORMS FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS. If you ~ the allowable variation in this period, do not forget to include the "Release Evaluation Checklist". WHAT TO DO mF YOU EXCEED THE ALhOWABLE VARmATmON if you EVER exceed the allowable variation (Inventory Reconciliation Sheet, coltm~ B, or Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet, col~ G), follow the RESPONSE PRDCEUJRE sh~ on Page 3. Notify your UNOCAL representative within 12 h~ of dis~ of a suspected leak. UNOCAL will be responsible for coordinating ons or more of the following: - Performing a ~tered ~. measured i~entory rec~iliation. - Contacting the appropriate State and Local agencies. - Visually inspecting for leaks. - Hiring a tank tester to determine if there is a leak. - Having the tank(s) and/or piping repaired or replaced if necessary. The '~3nauthorized Release Report" must be sent to the local agency sh~ on the ~er sheet, within 5 days. This will be done by UNOCAL. The '5~_lease Evaluation Checklist" must be attached to the "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet", or the '5{aste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet" where the allowable variation was exceeded. Page 5 of 10 ~SECTION 3 CIAII-Y INSPECTION FOR DOUBI-B WAI. I' I'ANK INSPECTIONS TO BE CONDUCTED BY DEALER - ~ ~u~. 3. Dealer ~JST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak. TANK ANNULAR SPACE MONITORING Tank Seco~3_~ Containment (annular space) shall be monitored daily by the dealer, unless a primary container or if water is entering f;-~m, an outside source. ~ prooedure is not necessary if an electronic m~nitoring system is installed. 1. Use a gauge stick (dipstick) to detect any liquid in the tank annular space. Lower the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the tank annular space. 2. Slowly pull the stick beck out and observe whether the stick has been discolored by liquid. If gasoline is detected, immediately contact your representative. 3. Write this number down, and repeat the same procedure. If the two numbers are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in the "SecoDdary Containment Record/rig Sheet" (attadTed). NOTE: The tank slopes 1/8 inc/% per foot min/aum toward the monitoring port. RECORDKE£PING AND NOTIFICATION FOR ANNULAR SPACE 1. Keep track daily of the liquid level in each tank on the "Secondary Co~tairm~_nt Recording Sheet". 2. If the water level in the annular space reaches 2 inches, call your UNOCAL Representative. If ANY fuel is discovered in the annular space, call your representative /I~4EDIATELY, an~ explain the situation. 3. If the representative has been notified, but after $ hours it has not been possible to remove all the liquid frcm the annular space, dealer must contact the local agency shown on the cover sheet. Unocal will then complete an '~Jnauthorized Release Report" 4. A "~a_rterly Report" Form must be filled out and a copy sent to the local agency. If you had any liquid in tb~ annular space that you were unable to remove in 8 hours, then the 'g%elease Evaluation Check List "must be included for that date. FF~P (/)PIES OF ~HESE FO~4S FOR YGUR OWN REGORDS. ELECTRONIC MONITORING FOR DOUBLE WALL TANKS If this station is equipped with a~ electronic monitoring system for ur~ tanks and piping, in the event of a leak in the primary containment, product will be contaLned in the annular space. The sensors for the electronic monitoring system are located at the low end of each tank, and at the low end of the piping where the product will drain back into the tank. There may be sensors at additional locations. Sensors will signal the presence of a leak. If a leak is discovered, tb~ '"Jnauthorized Release Report" must be sent to the local agency Evaluation Checklist" must be attached to the "~,a~terly Report." Page 6 of 10 SECTION 4 PIPING BECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING PIPING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING The piping trench liner or double-wall piping, if present, shall be monitored daily by the dealer, unless a less frequent period is allowed, or if electronic monitoring b_a; been installed. Contact your representative for monitoring port locations. 1. Use a 9auge stick (dipstick) to measure the level of liquid in the piping trench liner monitoring wells. Lower the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the well. 2. Slowly put the stick back out, and observe the point where the stick begins to be discolored by the liquid. If gasoline is detected, immediately contact your representative. 3. Write this number dc~n, and repeat the same prooedure. If the two numbers are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in the "Secondary Containment Recording Sheet" (attached). NOTE: Piping trenc~ mc~itoring w~lls ~o~sist of slotted PVC pipe which allows liquid intrusion and a manhole for access. Wells are located at the low~st point of the fiberglass ~ liner. RECORDKEEPING AND NOTIFICATION FOR PIPING 1. Keep track daily of the liquid level on the "Seco~ C~ntainmm~c Recording Sheet". 2. If the water level in the trench liner reaches 2 inches, call your UNOCAL representa- tive. If ANY fuel is discovered in the trench liner, call your representative I~4ED~Y, and explain the situation. 3. If the representative has been notified, but after 8 hours it has not been possible to remove all the liquid from the trench liner, d~]er must cc~tact the local agency shown on the cover sheet. 4. A "Quarterly Report" Form must be filled out and a copy sent to the local agency. If you had any liquid in the trench liner that you w~re unable to remove in 8 hours, then the '~lease Evaluation C~ecklist" ~m~st be included for that date. ~ COPT~ OF DIAGRAMS DOUBLE WALL TANK DOUBLE WALL PIPING PIPING TRENCH LINER ~oNn~ '."~I .... .~..~,.~****..-.~..~,.,.~:~.~ ,.~ ........... ~7 of 10 · SECTION 5 METHOD FOR OVBRFII. I-/BI:=IU- I=ROTBCTION AND CLEANUP 1. DELIVERIES/GAUGING Dealer is to respcmsible to ensure that the delivery he or she requests is not in ex~s of the tank capacity, taking into consideration the amount currently in tank. Driver is to gauge tank to assure capacity is available for the entire load and must remain in attendanoe during the entire delivery to monitor the operation. 2. BALL VENT LINE FLOAT SYSTEM (Only for double-w-all tanks installed after July, 1986. ) ~he ball float valve ~ installed with the tank substantially prevents the possibility of overfill occurring. If the tank is filled to the ball float level, the petroleum product delivery will be cut to 3 galloms per minute alerting the driver of a txYcential overfill condition. In the event that this oocurs, the following actions A. The delivery truck driver shall turn off the petroleum product supply at the truck, leaving the hose fully connected to the tank fill pipe and the truck. B. The small amount of petroleum product remaining in the hose shall he slyly drained into the tank. Since the ball float valve is 2 to 3 inches bel~ the top of the tank, there remains a 100 + g~llon capacity within the tank at the ~ when the ball float closes off delivery. The bleed hole in the ball float valve allc~s the remaining petroleum product in the hose to completely drain through the fill pipe into the tank. c. The hose shall be disoo~ from the fill pipe only when it has fully drained. In the event that spillage occurs upon hose disccamnection, the remaining small amount of petroleum product will be properly contained. 3. WASTE OIL TANK A. Station is equipped with waste oil buckets whic~ hold a maximum capacity of 3 gallons (about 3 to 4 cars' worth of waste oil). B. Prior to dumping any waste oil, 'dealer is to gauge the tank to assure that holding capacity is greater than that which will be put into the tank. C. Waste oil is poured directly through fill/pump out pipe, usin~ a funnel. Should any waste oil spill during this operation, it will be properly contained using absorbent materials. Page 8 of 10 4. CLEAN-UP/RECORDS A. Small spills (less than I gallc~ and ~nly requiring 15 minutes to clean up) shall be cleaned up using abso~ materials. B. Larger spills shall be re~orted to the terminal by the dealer and/or by delivery truck driver. ~he terminal supervisor will notify a local petroleum mintenance contractor who is equipped with a N.F.P.A. approved type band pump, vacuum and C. Spills mmpi 1 be cleaned up within 8 hours of ~ion, returm~ to local terminal and/or disposed of in a lawful manner. D. Dealer shall record all spills whether it is due to delivery overfill or accidental spillage, which exueeds approximately one gallon, and action taken on the 'q~ecordable Discharge Log" (form attached). E. IArge spills (more than 1 gallon) ~ be reported to the local agency indicat~ on the bottom of page 3 within 24 hours. If the spill is large enou~ to pose a significant hazard, it must also be reported to the California Office of Emergency Services at 800-852-7550. IN CASE OF ~%GENCY CALL 9-1-1. Page 9 of 10 SECTION 6 INSPECTIONS TO COORDINATED BY UNOCAL- Yearly testing shall be made of: 1. Pressurized piping s~ shall be monitored using on-line leak detectors. Leak detectors shall be tested yearly for proper operation. Dealer ~3ST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak. 2. Tanks and piping shall be tested yearly for tightness, using a State-Certified test system. (For non--fy conta' _~m~__ tanks and piping only). 3. Dispenser core holes and shear valves shall be anr~]ly inspected by Unocal for signs of leakage. 4. Dispenser meters (reoording total sales in gallons) shall be calibrated once annually be Unocal. Any additional calibration will be the responsibility of the dealer. Use the "Dispenser Meter Calibration Form". Page 10 of 10 ~e monitorin~ of vadose w~lls and ~ter monitoring w~lls is contracted out to Applied Geo Systems. M~nitorin~ is performed monthly for v~por analysis of the vadose wells and subjective analysis for traces of product in the ~ter monitoring wells. Monitoring is performed quarterly for laboratory analysis of groundwa~ samples. Monitoring records are maintained on-site in an orange binder in the dealer's office, and are available for inspection. UNOCAL QUARTERLY Ri::i u k, Fac!!!ty Name: Tank'# Size Product Facility Address. I hereby certify under penaltyOf perjury that all product level variations for the above mentioned facility were within allowable 1 i.m~ts for this quarter. (No in Col%~n 13,. Inventory Recop~iliation Sheet, or Column G, .Tank Gaugir~ Sheet, or no excessive liquid in the Tank Annular .Space or Piping Trench Liner.) Inventory variations exceeded the allowable limits for this quarter. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the source ~or the variation was not due to an unauthorized (leak) release. (Yes in Column G o~ the Tank Gauging Shee~.) List date, tank #, and amount for all variations that exceeded the allowable limits: Date Tank # Amount. The quarterly summary report shall be submitted within 15 days of the end o~ each quarter. Quarter I - January --) March --su~t byApril 15 Quarter 2 - April --) June ---su~xPitbyJuly 15 Quarter 3 - July --) September --suk~it by October 15 Quarter 4 - October --) December --su~t by J~ 15 Send to: (Local Agency) 5n~RP COPIES OF THESE FOl~kg FOR YOUR C~N RECORDS. Include the following forms if applicable: Inventory Reconciliation Sheet; Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet; Secondary Oont~{nment Recording Sheet; Release Evaluation Checklist; Unauthorized Release Report. ' Page 12A UNOEAL~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. INVENTORY RECDNCILIATIDN SHEET ~ ~'~-~ ~ ~' I 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 % '0 ,1 '2 , 13 ~i~ &~ Clm~ ~te~ ~t~ ~ ~t ~l~le ~1 M~le ~t 'ils ~1~ ~Y~~4 1+2-3__' ~1~ 3 ~1~ 6 x .~15 = ~iO .............. x .~15 - +/- 2 x .~15 - +/- 3 x .~15 - +/- 4 x .~15 = +/- 5 +/_ x .~15 ~ ,. 6 x .~15 - +/- - 8 x .~15 x .~15 - +/- 9 x .~15 ' +/- ,, ,. ll x '.~15. +/- 1 ~ x .~15 - ~/- -~3 x .~15 - +/- ~4 x .~15 ' +/- '.,-.. ~5 x .~!5 - +/- ~6 +/_ '~7 x .~15 .... x .~ ~ ~ +/- 18 ~ " ...... x .~15 - +/- ~9 ~ .m~s - +/- 20 x .~15 . +/- , 21 x .~15 '. +/_ 22 x .~15 - +/- 24 x .~15 - +/- ~5 x .~!5 - +/- ~6 x .~15 - +/- ~7 x .~15 - +/- ~8 ., x .~15 - +/- - x .~15 = +/_ ~0 x .m~ -. , ", *~s~t ~r ~s ~ on ~ s~ze: ~ ~ ~s ~ 4,000 9al. 25 ~ r~i~ 4,000 m 7,500  8,000 or 10,000 9al. ~5 qal. 12,000 ~1. 100 UN0CALe WASTE OIL TANK BAUI3I. NI3 BHEBT Gauging Period Inventor7 Variations A B C D E F G Opening Closing * Exceed From To Dipstick Dipstick Actual AllOwable Allowable Reading Reading Variation Variation Variation (C-D) Is E>F Date/Time "Date/Time Inches~Gallonslnches Gallons Gallons +/- Gallons Yes/No +/- +/- +/- +/- Tank Size Total Over $ - Enter 5 · * If ~ou answered yes in Colu2n G, an unauthorized release (leak) shall be assumed to have occurred. All leaks shall be reported ~ithin 2~ hours ~o~ Page 12C S~I~I3NI3AR¥ I~ON?AINMBN'I' RECORDINg3 T~, ~1: ~T~ ~2: T~ ~3: T~ ~4: ~ch Liner ~te' Water ~el Wa~r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 ~3 17 ..... 20 21 22 24 .... 25 26 27 28 30 If ~o ~s 2 ~nches ~r rare If ~re ~s ~ fuel, call PaSo 12D UNOCAL )/ RELEASE EVALUATION CHECKLIST Facility Name: Tank e: Size; PToductt The alJovabie varl&tion vas exceeded. D~te/~lme~ Ch~c~ o~ eac~ ~tep a~ It is completed, l~ completion of an~ of the step~ ~eveal~ thq reason for exc~-dJng.,the 411ovabl,e vs~lation it l~ not n~c~.msary to coaplete the ~emaindec of the steps. Ste~ I O ~:~dm {~lt,~d Date/Tim: Should be done ~erfx~M ~1' , wi~in 2 h~s. 5t~ 2 ~ ~ '~ililti~ ~f~ ~t~i~: S~uld ~ done ~ bT: wi~n 24 ~s. St~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~titi~ ~t~i~: Should ~ done ~f~ b~: wi~n 24 ~s. St~ 4 ~ ~ ~1~ tr~ I~ ~tatlc ~t~l~ S~uld ~ done Sit~tl~ (~ ~ ~ by ~ by, ~ 24 ho~s. St~ 5 ~ ~tlity ~NI~II; 1~.~ ~t~l~, Should ~ done ~ide~ ~ ~ ~ b~: wi~ 2 ~ys. Step 6 ~ ~ii~ati~ ~ Ol~ ~s ~t~i~ S~uld ~ done ~ (~lete ~t~ ~i~t/~ ~ b~ wi~ 3 ~ys. St~ 7 ~ ~atlc ~e ~ ~ PI~I~ ~t~i~: S~uld ~ done ~ ~ b;: ~in 4 ~ys. ~t~ ~ ~ '~1~1~ ~ ~ ~ ht~tm~ S~uld ~ done ~ by: wi~ 5 ~ys. $t~ 9 ~ Witiwl :l~i~atlN ~ ~. ~t~l~ S~uld ~ done r~ir~ ~T ~ W' wi~n 5 ~ys. ~ribe Mrief.ly the cern the lllo.~le v~i~tion vas eXc~l: [ Heceby Cectify thia to be a ~rue an~ Accurate Repoct. Stqnature/Date t /ttKb tkis rqxxt to Form B, C, or D ek~e illogabla ~ietio~ m exceelM. =Page 12E ~ COMPLETE THIS FORM IN EVENT ~ UNOCALe '~' oF co, FInD L~ OR SPILL 32~ID SEND IN WITHIN 5 DAYS LJNAUTHC: IZED RELEASE FIEPOFrT Permlt #: Tank # Facility Name: Sizes Faclllt¥ Address: Product: Date leak was discovered: Approximate date leak began: Describe fully the cause of the leak: How was the leak discovered? Has the leak been stopped? Date leak was stopped: How was the leak stopped? Resources affected: yes no threatened unknown # of wells Air (Vapor) ~ Soil Groundwater Surface Water/Storm Drain ~ Building or Utility Vault ,. Other (specify) Water Supplies Affected: Public Drinking Water ~ Private Drinking Water ~ Industrial Agricultural Other Submit this form vlthin 5 days of the discogery of a leak or suspected leak. Send to: l_ocal Agency with Qua_~ly Report. Page 12F UNOCAL ) / CALIBRATION FORM Facllltyt , , ~ote~ 1. All ~ete. rs shall have calibration checks a mlnlnum of pr, ce a ~rear, uhlch ~7 i~l~e ch~ do~ by 'tb~ ~tnent of gelgbta a~ ~~. calibration can vlt~ pr~uct a~ retie pr~t to nt~age. 3. ~n S gallo~ vlth ~zsle ulae ~n into the ~n. ~ote ~allo~ a~ ~lc 1~ dra~. a~ ret~n 'pr~t to stor~e. 4. ~n S gallo~ eith the ~zzle o~lf o~n into the can. Note gallo~ a~ ~lc 1~ ~aun, a~ ret~n pr~t to stor~e. s. If the v°lu~ n~ la a ~allon calibration can In nora than 6 ~ic t~h~ ~ or ~1~ the ~allon n~k, the net~ r~ulr~ ~llbratlon by a r~ter~ de~i~ repair~n. I Ov~ or OFe~tor Signature Calibrator's $1fnatore , Registration 0 Page 12G NON--TRAI)~ llAZAI1DOUS HATERI ALS' I NVEN'rOI{Y A~.IIJUIlI' AFIIIUHI' FACILITY UNIT NT. CIIEHIqA~ OR CUHFIOH HAHE CoDE ....... ~ ,, ,, /~~ ~'lrJt'll'AI, IIIISIII[SS ACTIVITY: AUToH~ ~SU~/5~lc[FACtb~ AFTER