HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 8/20/2003 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste ~Unified permit CONDITIONS OF-PERMIT'ON REV. ERSE.SIDE This I:~r~ait is issu~l for the [] Hazardous Materials Plan ' [].Unde~round Storage of H~h~ardous Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-000330 n Risk Management Program TEXACO STAR MART #12116 n Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment LOCATION: 3621 CALIFORNIA AVE IELD' TANk HAZARD O U ~"~ ~'~,~i o~-ooo-ooo~ao-ooo~ ~NCEADED 015-000-000330-0002 UNLEADED PLUS~gA~ULI~= 015-000-000330-0003 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE 015-000-000330-0004 DIESEL~2 ~".'~ ~ Is su~ by: B a ke r~ field Fire De pa ~me nt 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN,?~I:;TION ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. - I~ICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 ix'°' · %, Date Completed t/,, '::)//5'/'_ Business Name: ~ac'© L~J~ .t~,~, Business Identification No. 215-000 ~.gC> {lop of Business Plan) StationNo. 4/z-Dg_P 8hiff_~ Inspector /~val lime: Departure lime: Inspection lime: Adel~. Inadequate Adel~.e Inadequate Address Visable [] Emergency Procedures Posted r'l Correct Occupancy ~ [] Containers Properly Labled ~ [] Verification of Inventory Materials1:3"~... [] Comments: Verification of Quantities I:l}"' [] Verification of Location ~ [] Verification of Facility Diagram ~ El Proper Segregation of Matedal ~ [] Housekeeping ~ [] ~ Fire Protection ~ ri Comments: Electrical li3"" I-I Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity ~ [] Number of Employees: UST Monitoring Program ~ [] Comments: Verification of Haz Mat Training ~ [] Permits ~ [] Comments: Spill Control ~ [] Hold Open Device ~ [] Verification of Hazardous Waste EPA No. Abbatement Supplies and Procedures I:!i-''/ [] Proper Waste Disposal I:g''/ [] Comments: Secondary Containment ~ r'l Secudty ~ [] Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: / . . ,~.~,~ ,n-l/] / ~_,....~ All Items O.K Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME SIGNATURE Correction Needed White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy f~0a~,~,~ ~w~ 7-~ ~ SiteID: 015-021'0003~; ~ger : Sj~~ ~~ ' .~f.~ BusPhone: (661) ~cation: ~A%!. ~I:,~-,~.M~ ~" Map : laA co~a'~"~.. City : ~RSFIELD Grid: ~ FacUnits: 1 AOV: Co,Code: ~SFIE~ STATION o~ SIC Code:..~, EPA Nu~: Du~rad: I Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title .~T~% _~<~.~ / b~e~ TIM WOODSON / COMPLIANCE COOR Business Phone: (661)' ~_~_'~'i'~'~8~ Business Phone: (925) 766-3494x 24-Hour Phone : (§~9 ~o ~q~9 ¢c~ 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x Pa~er Phone : (66i) 265-6152x Pa~er Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : TIM WOODSON Phone: (925) 766-3494x MailAddr: 2401 A WATERMAN BLVD State: CA City : FAIRFIELD Zip : 94533 Owner SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US Phone: (925) 766-3498x Address : 3498 CLAREMONT AVE State: CA City : MODESTO Zip : 95350 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Parce 1No: Emez~3ency Directives: , I, g~-~,.c Do hereby certify tha/I have rcvie,~ed the attached hazardous materials manage- for~,~,~ ,and ~ha~ i~ along with plan men[ any c0n~cl~ns constitute a ¢0mpls{e and c0~e~ man- agemem plan for my facility. + ~i,~,~ ~V~. ~-t~ .......... SiteID: 015-021-000330 ~ + .................. ~--:~TORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM A) Last Action Type: + ......................... FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION ........................... Business Name: C~l, '~'i','ll a- /~,,'~'~tx~_ 7-e.2(~ ~ Cross Street : Business Type: Org Type: Total Tanks : 4 IndnRes/Trust: No PA Contact: + ......................... ..PR.O__.P__ERTY OWNER INFORMATION ........... 7.-3 ........... Nama~ : Shell Oil Produc~ US 925-766-3498 Address: Attn: Bruce T. Marubashi City : 3498 Ciaremont Ave Type : CORPORATION Modesto, CA 95350 + ........................... TA/qK OWNER INFORMATION ........................... Name : . ~hell Oil Products US 925-766-3498 _ - -. Address: Attn: Bruce T, Marubashi '" C i t y : 3498 Claremont Ave Type : Modesto, CA 95350 BOE UST Fee# : 039026 Financ' 1 Resp: SELF INSURED Legal Notif : Tank Owner Mailing Address ......................... .~-~ ...................... .... ~- -_ .... ..- - -.-_-. ............ Date: 05/10/2000 925-766-3498 Name :' .,,~ Bruce T. Ma~ubashiHS~E Analyst state UST '# : ~998 Up~ cert#: "°07~_3 '~ += Hazmat Inventory ................................ One Unified List +== Alphabetical Order - All Materials at Site + ................................ + ....... + ~- ..... + .......... + .... + .... .a~.m~t common ta~me... IS~ec.a~-IEPA .azar~sl F:~ I Dail~a~ lUnitlMCP + ................................ + ....... + ........... + ..... + .......... + .... + .... CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH L 848.00 FT3 Min DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 10000.00 GkL Low NEW OIL F DH L 135.00 GAL Min SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH Dl{ L 10000.00 GAL Mod UNLEADED GASOLINE F II{ DH L 12000.00 GAL Mod UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE F Il{ Dl{ L 10000.00 C~LL Mod -2- 0~/2e/200~ mlII~ENTERPRIGEB LLC md~ I TmunWd~q h,~dm, Dear Shell Dealer/Texaco Retailer: The underground storage tanks Iocat~ at your facility must be monib)red In ac~orda~ with the Permit to Operat~ issued by the local agency and arUcle/s of your ~ Fuel ~ lease. The following excerpt from the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.7 defines the penalties for violating the Permit t~ Operate or other applicable r~julaUons. Section 25299. Violations, Civil mid crbtrdnad penadtJes; operative d~ (a) Any operator of an underground tank system shall be liable for a civil penalty of not less than five hundred dollms ($500) or more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each underground tank for each day of violation for any of the following violations: (~) OperaUng an tmclergrotmd tank which has not bccn issued a permit, in violation of this chapter. (2) V~tation of any of the applicable requirements of the permit issued for the operation of the underground tank. (3) Fa.me m ma~n reo~r~ as ~ t~ U~~. (4) F~um t~ retort an urmuttmf~d ~ as mqu~0d by SecUons ~ an~ ~S. (S) (7) Fa,urn to permlt ~ or m perform any ~ t~sUng, or repm'Ung required. pursuant:to ,,~ 25288 (8) Making any fatse ~ m~, or~ in any app~zUon, r,e,c:o~, repmt, thousand do,ars (~,000) or more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), by in~ in the E~u~ t~~ ~ C 2'~OZ-A Waterman Blvd 4-257 Fairfield, CA 94533 SiteID: 015-021-0003' Manager : ..... BusPhone: (661) Location: Map : I CommHaz : City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: FacUnits: I AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION SIC Code: EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ~e~ Y~ / ~~~,~.le~ TIM WOODSON / COMPLIANCE COOR Business Phone: (661)~ Business Phone: (925) 766-3494x 24-Hour Phone : (~t9 ~'~9'¢a1~ 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : (66~) ~0'5-6152x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : TIM WOODSON Phone: (925) 766-3494x MailAddr: 2401 A WATERMAN BLVD State: CA City : FAIRFIELD Zip : 94533 Owner SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US Phone: ~925) 766-3498x Address : 3498 CLAREMONT AVE State: CA City : MODESTO Zip : 95350 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: hazardous m~eOa~s ~anaO~ ~//$/~2 ~7-=,,z_/V~__? aliached rovi~we~ me~'~ p~an ~or .... _.. and that ~ ~ong any co~ections co~ituts' a compl~s and correct man- agement p~n ~r ~y lED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATE ORM TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - FACILITY (one page per site) TYPE OF ACTION 1~ 1, NEW SITE PERMIT F 3. RENEWAL PERMIT I~ 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Sperry change - [' 7. PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE (Checkone~temonl¥,lX 2, NEWOPERATOR F' 4. AMENDED PERMIT focal use only). [~ 8. TANK REMOVED 400 8/18/03 F 6. TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMAT1ONi.~:. '-'- · California Avenue Texaco, Shell Oil Products 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93309 NEAREST CROSS STREET 401 FACILITY OWNER TYPE [" 4. LOCAL AGENCY/DISTRICT* Real Rd X 1, CORPORATION F S. COUNTY AGENCY' F 2. INDIVIDUAL I [~ 6. STATE AGENCY* BUSINESS TYPE X 1. GAS STATION ["' 3. FARM ~'~ 5. COMMERCL,~.~-' 3. PARTNERSHIP [~ 7. FEDERAL AGENCY* 402 I ~ 2. DISTRIBUTOR F 4. PROCESSOR F 6. OTHER 403 TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS ~ Is' facility on Indian Reservation or *If owner of UST is a public agency; name of supervisor of REMAINING AT SITE I (rustlands? d~sion, section or office which operates the UST. (This is the contac~ person for the tank records,) 4o4 4 ~'Yes X No 40s 4o6 ' II. PROPERT~ OWnER.INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER NAME 407 IPHONE 408 SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US CIO Bruce T. Marubashi, HSE Analyst I925-766-3498 MAE_lNG OR STREET ADDRESS 409 3468 Claremont Avenue CITY 41Q ~ STATE 411 ~Z{P CODE 412 Modesto I CA 195350 PROPERTY OWNERTYPE ]'" Z INDIVIDUAL ]-' 4. LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT [~ 6. STATE AGENCY 413 X 1. CORPORATION ][~ 3. PARTNERSHIP ~' 5~ COUNTY AGENCY [*' 7. FEDERAL AGENCY III. TANK OWNER, iNFORMATION TANK OWNER NAME 414 ~PHONE 415 I SAME AS II MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 416 CITY 417 I STATE 418 I ZiP CODE 419 I TANK OWNERTYPE ['~ 2, INDIVIDUAL ~ 4. LOCALAGENCYIDISTRICT [" 6, STATE AGENCY 420 F 1, CORPORATION [" 3, PARTNERSHIP [" 5, COUNTY AGENCY [' 7. FEDERAL AGENCY INDICATE METHOD(S) X 1. SELF-INSURED ~" 4, SURETY BOND 1r~ 7. 'STATE FUND it- 10, LOCAL GOV=T MECHANISM ]-' 2. GUARANTEE ~ 5. LETTER OF CREDIT ~' 8. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER 1~ 99, OTHER: 1~ 3. INSURANCE [" 6. EXEMPTION IF' 9. STATE FUND & CD 422 Ch~:~eb~xt~indk:~tewhic:haddFesssh~u~dbeusedf~ega~n~cat~sar~dmai~ii'1g: ~ ............ I':~ 1.' FACI~.I~ ' 'X 2. PROPERTY OWNER ~ 3. TANKONVNER 423 Legal no~fa:a/ior~s and maillngs wiU be sent to the tank owner unless box 1 or 2 is ched,,e~ Certification: I certify {hat the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNA ~ 8/1 3103 925-766-3498 425 NAJ~E OF APPLICANT (pdnt) TITLE OF APPLICANT 42? BRUCE T. MARUBASHI for Shell Oil Products 426 HSE ANALYST STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (For local use only) 428 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (For local use only) 429 Shell Oil Products US Northwest Region 3468 Claremont Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 August 20, 2002 Steve Underwood Bakersfield Fire Dept 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~,5 Subject: Business Plans 2003 and Form A ~xX5c°~b~ Dear Sir, Enclosed Business Plan Certification for California Avenue Texaco, 3621 California Ave. in Bakersfield. I did not receive an update from your agency, so I revised the previous 2002 submittal. Please note dealer, manager and facility doing business as name changes. Also included is a new UST Form A, which reflects a doing business as name change. Shell would like this reflected on future Operating Permits. Copies will be sent to the facility. · I can be reached at 925-766-3498, fax 209-577-5964 or btmarubashi~shellopus.com, if the are any questions. Sincerely, Bruce T. Marubashi Shell Oil Products US HS&E Analyst - Northwest Region Enclosure: CC: File Bakersfield Fac/Ag HMBP 8 03 .doc .. .,...,.~,~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~}~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES '~3~q.~ ::~-~ 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST/' SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING FACILITY -'l"--e.~ X 6k ~ ADDRESS 302t C~'~.~n(~ /kxc~.; ~2--,.~O--~g~ c'A q~oq PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME 0,_O~_.,flq. tX.g'lA iQ.O.e,, OWNERS NAME [-/~ ~ ~F'¥L~¥" ~"~e;--~o I ..e_./~; .~?'~O___... NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED.___""J __ IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED {~.. TANK TESTING COMPANY '~[tS~/~_~_..- ('~__.~V"',~.: ~_/~.e.~. ' qo~l N~ & PHO~ ~ER OF CONTACT PERSON ~1~ ~~ CERTIFICA~ON ~ DATE & T~ TEST IS TO BE CO~UCTEV~ ' ', ~ , ~O~ ~ ~PRO~D BY DA~ SI~NAT~ OF APPLIC~T + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 + Manager :' ~,$~u¥ ~y_ ..... BusPhone: (661) Location: 3621 CALIFO~IA AVE Map : 102 Com~az : Low City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 35B FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code:5541 EPA Nu~: DunnBrad: 19-408 -5059 Emerqenc~ Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ~&~~ ~y / ~AGER T~mWoodson 925-766-3494 ~Y ENG Business Phone: (661) 325-3388x ;89x Compliance Coordinator ; 2 8 x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 363-6256x 240]A~a~e~anB~ S~e4-257 ~cr Ph~_c : (6Gi) -~'~ =473~ Fa;rile;H. CA 94533 ~92x ~ Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press Im~lth DelHlth [ + ................................................................. + Contact : Tim Woodson 925-766-3494 Phene: (~°'.-?~ ,~' Compliance Coordinator Ma i 1Addr: ~~ _ 2401AWate~B1 Ste4-257 ~_ ~ .... C i ty : Fairfield, CA 94533 Owner S~I1 Oil Products US 925-766-3498 ~~8~~~3-6-7 AUn: Brace T. Mambashi Address : ~-- - 3498 Cl~emont Ave Zip .-~ -D'i-5 10~'7'~-6'9- City : Modesto, CA 95350 ' Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif 'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: (Type or pr~m name) reviewed the a~ached hazardous mato~als manage- ment plan for~/,¢..'..,,..."~c.nd '~hat it along ~it" (Name o! Stmi~o~) any corrections constitute a complst~ and correct man- agemem plan for my ~acili~go 1 03/18/2002 + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 = SiteID: 015-021-000330 ~ STORAGE CONTAINER DATA (UST FORM A) ...... ==+ I Last Action Type: + ......................... FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION -+ Business Name: TEXACO STAR MART #121164 Cross Street : Business Type: Org Type: Total Tanks : 4 IndnRes/Trust: No PA Contact: + ......................... PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION ......................... Name : 8 ..... I~ Shell Oil Products US 925-766-3498 honen--(-7=15~, 9~6.8-9~ Address: A~n: Bruce T. Marubashi City : 3498 Claremont Ave ip: Type : CORPORATION Modesto, CA 95350 + ........................... TANK OWNER INFORMATION ........................... Name : 42-EOR~-~= ' ~t~a-~-D~V/-~-~hell (Si]-P~dh~ts US 925-766-3498 -Ph~)ne~~~-~0~8~9~-~ Address: Ann: Bruce T. Marubashi City : 3498 Claremont Ave Sip: Type : Modesto, CA 95350 IBOE UST Fee# : 039026 Financ' 1 Reap: SELF INSURED Legal Notif : Tank Owner Mailing Address + ........................ ,7--~- j ~ ................................................. Date: 05/10/2000 925-766-3498 ho--~: Name: F~--¥~L~-SARRAF- -_&AN Bruce T. Marubashi HS&E Analyst State UST # : 1998 Upg Cert#: 00723 += += Hazmat Inventory ......... One Unified List +== Alphabetical Order All Materials at Site ................................. + ....... + + ..... + .......... + .... +_ _ _+ Hazmat Common Name... ISpeoHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax [UnitIMCp ................................. + ....... + ........... + ..... + .......... + .... +_ _ _+ CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH L 848.00 FT3 Min DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL Low NEW OIL F DH L 135.00 GAL Min SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL Mod UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 12000.00 GAL Mod UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE F IH DH L 10000.00 GAL Mod -2- 03/18/2002 + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 += Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME + CARBON DIOXIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: + ................ STOREROOM & STORE CAS# 128-38-9 + ~ += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+ .... CONTAINER TYPE ..... I Liquid I Pure I Above Ambient I Ambient I FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER += ~ ~ ~----- ~ += =+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 848.00 FT3I 848.00 FT3 I 424.00 FT3 += =+__ ~ .... += ~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =+===4 100.00 Carbon Dioxide No 124389 += += -= =+===4 += +===+ ...... 4--- HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===4 + + ..... TSecretNo NoRS I Bi°HasINo Radioactive/AmountNo/ Curies EPAF P HazardsIIH NFPA/// IUSDOT# MisMCP += ~===~ +----- ~ =~ + ~=====+ += Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME .... ~ =+ DIESEL #2 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: + ................ AT W END OF LOT CAS# 68476-34-6 += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+ .... CONTAINER TYPE ..... I Liquid I Pure I Ambient I Ambient I UNDER GROUND TANK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ===_--=+ ~ =+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL 4000.00 GAL += =+---- ~ + = + ~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENT S = + = = = 4 %Wt. Diese I RSl CAS# 100.00 1 Fuel No. 2 No 68476302 += ~= =+===~ =+ += += + =+ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===4 + + ..... TSecretINo NoRS I Bi°HasINO Radioactive/AmountNo/ Curies EPAF HazardsIIH DH NFPA/// IusDOT# MOP += ~===~ + ~ =~ + ~=====+ -3- 03/18/2002 + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 += Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~ ---+ NEW OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: + STOREROOM & STORE CAS# += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+ .... CONTAINER TYPE I Liquid I Pure I Ambient I Ambient I PLASTIC CONTAINER ~ =+ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 0.25 GAL 135.00 GAL 65.00 GAL +=============: -=4 ½ 4 ~ = HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =+===+--- 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based No 8020835 += ~= =+===4 =+ += +===4 =+ .... HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===4 + ~ ..... TSecret N~S Bi°Hazl Radi°active/Am°untNo No No/ Curies EPA HazardsIF DH NFPA/// IUSDOT# MCP + +===+= ~ ==4 ~ + ~=====+ += Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME .... ~ =+ SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: + ................ AT W END OF LOT CAS# 8006-61-9 .... 4 ----+ += STATE =+= TYPE===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+ .... CONTAINER TYPE I Liquid I Pure I Ambient I Ambient I UNDER GROUND TANK += 4 4 .1- += k AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL I 6000.00 GAL + ~ ~ .... =+ + + ........ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =+===4 =+ 100.00 Gasoline No 8006619 + += =+===4 =+ + +===+= .... =+-- HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===+--- + ~ ..... ITSecret NoRS Bi°Hazl Radi°active/Am°unt I EPA Hazards INo No No/ Curies F IH DH NFPA/// IUSDOT# MCP + +===+= ~ ==4 4 =4 4-=====+ -4- 03/18/2002 + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 - SiteID: 015-021-000330 += Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME UNLEADED GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: +- AT W END OF LOT CAS# 8006-61-9 + += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+ .... CONTAINER TYPE I Liquid I Pure I Ambient I Ambient t UNDER GROUND TANK + ~ ~ ~--- ~ += ~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 12000.00 GAL 12000.00 GAL 6000.00 GAL += =+ ....... 4 += += HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS =+===+--- 100.00 Gasoline No 8006619 += ~= + 4 =+ + += + ~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===4 =+: ~ ..... ITSecret N~SIBioHazl Radioactive/Amount I EPA Hazards NFPA I USDOT# MOP No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod + +===+= =4 ~ ~ + ~=====+ += Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ........ ~ =+ UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: + ................ AT W END OF LOT CAS# 8006-61-9 += ~================+ += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+ .... CONTAINER TYPE ..... I Liquid I Pure I Ambient I Ambient I UNDER GROUND TANK +=========4 ~ ~ ~--~ ========+ + ~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION I Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 10000.00 GAL 10000.00 GAL 6000.00 GAL +---- ~ ~ + + HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~ = = = +--- 100.00 Gasoline No 8006619 + += =+===4 ------ + =+===+ ~ .... HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ===4 + ........ + ..... ITSecretNo NoRS I Bi°HasINo Radi°active/Am°unt I EPANo/ Curies F HazardsiH DH NFPA/// IuSDOT# ModMCP + +===+======4 ~ ~ =+======----+=====+ -5- 03/18/2002 + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 = SiteID: 015-021-000330 + ~ Fast Format + += Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site + +== Agency Notification 12/12/2000 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER, OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL ASSESS THE SITUATION THEN EVACUATE EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS. HE/SHE IS TO NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING: LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY - 911 EQUILON PERSONNEL EQUILONS CONTRACTOR + +=== Employee Notif./EYacuation 12/12/2000 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS, EVACUATE TO PREDESIGNATED MEETING AREA SHOWN ON FACILITY MAP, AND DIAL 911 FROM NEAREST SAFEST PHONE. += ==== .... =+ + .... Public Notif./Evacuation 11/22/1993 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY THE SURROUNDING BUSINESSES BY DOOR-TO-DOOR METHOD OR BY PHONE IF POSSIBLE. + Emergency Medical Plan 12/12/2000 + ISAN COMMUNITY 2615 EYE 395-3000. JOAQUIN HOSPITAL, ST, += =+ 6 03/18/2002 + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 + + .... Fast Format + += Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt -- Overall Site + +== Release Prevention ........ 12/12/2000 + 1) SMALL SPILLS DURING FUEL DELIVERIES TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS; INVENTORY VERIFIED PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO PREVENT OVERFILLS, SPILL CONTAINMENT BOXES INSTALLED AT EACH FILL, DRIVERS ARE TRAINED IN PROPER OFFLOADING TECHNIQUES TO PREVENT SPILLS. 2) SMALL SPILLS DURING CUSTOMERS FUELING OR DUE TO HIT DISPENSOR; IMPACT SHUTOFF VALVES, AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF NOZZLES AND EMERGENCY SHUTOFF SWITCH. +=== Release Containment ..... 12/12/2000 + 1) SMALL SPILL - APPLY ABSORBANT, DISPOSE OF PROPERLY OR NOTIFY PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR INCIDENT; CALL 911; NOTIFY TEXACO PERSONNEL; CONTACT TEXACOS CONTRACTOR. + .... Clean Up 12/12/2000 + 1) SMALL SPILL - ABSORBANT IS PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OR THE PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR IS CONTACTED TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR SPILL OR OTHER INCIDENT - DIAL 911 AND NOTIFY AUTHORITIES OF EMERGENCY AND PROPER HANDLING. + ..... Other Resource Activation 11/22/1993 + CONTACT JIM REAGAN AT OFFICE OR AT HOME AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. -7- 03/18/2002 + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 + ~ Fast Format + += Site Emergency Factors Overall Site + +== Special Hazards .... + +=== Utility Shut-Offs 12/12/2000 + A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE FOOD MART AT THE SE CORNER C) WATER - IN THE SIDEWALK ALONG THE WESTERN PROPERTY LINE D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY GAS PUMP SHUTOFF; IN THE CASHIER AREA & NW CORNER E) LOCK BOX - NO += ~ .... Fire Protec./Avail. Water 12/12/2000 + PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN THE FOOD MART AT THE CASHIERS AREA (2). FIRE HYDRANT - LOCATED ON CALIFORNIA AVE ON THE NE CORNER OF LOT. + .......... + + Building Occupancy Level ...... + + ----. + 8 03/18/2002 + TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 ~ Fast Format += Training Overall Site +== Employee Training 12/12/2000 WE HAVE 14 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MSDS ON FILE AND ARE CURRENTLY OBTAINING NEW SHEETS. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED UPON EMPLOYMENT AS TO BASICS OF SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND IN THE USE OF ABSORBANT MATERIALS. PRIMARY IS THE NEED TO IDENTIFY THE SEVERITY OF ANY SITUATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. EMPLOYEES ARE CONTINUALLY INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT 911 IF WARRANTED, ESPECIALLY DUE TO NATURE OF MOTOR FUEL SALES AND STORAGE. EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT EQUILONS MAINTENANCE CENTER @ (800) 497-0022 DURING BUSINESS HOURS OR TEXACOS PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR FOR ALL INCIDENTS. THIS POLICY IS RESTATED TO EMPLOYEES ON A PERIODIC BASIS. +=== Page 2 +===5=====: .... + .... Held for Future Use -- ----+ + ..... Held for Future Use 9 03/18/2002 TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 Manager : ~k~.~ \-~-o~-c~/ / BusPhone: (661) 326-4326 Location: 3621 CALIFORNIA AVE. /.J/' Map : 102 CommHaz : Low City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 35B FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code:5541 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:19-408-5059 EmerqenQ~__CDntact / Title Emere~gD_q~ Contact / Title ~.~~ ~-~'~ / MANAGER ~~)~,~-~,~/ FACILITY ENG Business Phone: (661) 325-~388x Business Phone: ~~-O~ 24-Hour Phone : (661) /D~Z~ ~ 24-Hour Phone :~%~ 9tz- ~~ Pa~er Phone : (661) .'~Z%~ Pa~er Phone : (~)~%~-~x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press Im~lth DelHlth Contact : FERY~ S~I~ Phone: (818) 736-5078x MailAddr: PO BOX 7869 State: CA City : B~B~K Zip : 91510-7869 O~er EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC Phone: (818) 736-5078x Address : PO BOX 7869 State: CA City : B~B~K Zip : 91510-7869 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- As Designated Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax Unit MOP UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 12000 00 GAL Mod UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE F IH DH L 1~000 00 GAL Mod SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 1~000 00 GAL Mod DIESEL #2 F IH DH L ~4;000 00 GAL Low NEW OIL F DH L 135 00 GAL Min CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH L 848 00 FT3 Min I, ~'~o,-~,_ ~-~,,,~ Do hereby certify that I have (Type or p~. reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- ment plan for ~,./~.~-r~ ~_~.4.-and that it along with (Name o! Business) any corrections constitute a complete and correc~ man- agement plan for my facility. -1 10/31/2000 TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 = Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~lvuvl~ ~vl~ / ~ ~L~ ~Vl~ UNLEADED GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AT W END OF LOT CAS# 8006-61-9 F STATE I TYPE PRESSURE --~ TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 12000.00 GALI 12000.00 GAL 6000.00 GAL ~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. ~S CAS# 100.00 Gasoline N 8006619 HAZARDASSESSMENTS ITSecret, ~S,BioHaz, Radioactive/Amount , EPA Hazards' ' '' ' ' ' NFPA USDOT# MOP No N No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod = Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AT W END OF LOT CAS# 8006-61-9 F STATE i TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient UNDER GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average ~14~84~8~.00 GALI 12000.00 GAL 6000.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. RNo~ CAS# 100.00 Gasoline 8006619 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI ~SIBioHazI Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod -2- 10/31/2000 TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 = Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~v~v~ ~vl~ / ~£ ~Z-~J.~ SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AT W END OF LOT CAS# 8006-61-9 F STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure I Ambient I Ambient I UNDER GROUND TANK I AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATIONI Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 12999 .-00 GAL 12000.00 GAL 6000.00 GAL Gasoline HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS i ~I %Wt. S CAS# 100.00 N 8006619 TSecret S BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Mod = Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~lVUVl~ ~Vl~ / ~1 ~,/'*'~/J ~Vl~ DIESEL #2 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: AT W END OF LOT CAS# 68476-34-6 F STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid PureIl AmbientIl Ambient UNDER GROUND TANK I I AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average -8~0~.00 GAL 8000.00 GAL 4000.00 GAL 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 2 N 68476302 TSecret RS BioHaz I HAZARD ASSESSMENTS I Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Low 3 10/31/2000 TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 ~ Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~lV~VlU~ ~vl~ / ~£ ~,/-.}d~ ~Vl~ NEW OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: STOREROOM & STORE CAS# F STATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid /Pure Ambient I Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ! Daily Maximum Daily Average 0.25 GALL 135.00 GAL 65.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based N 8020835 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI oRSIBioHaz Radioactive/Amount I EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# I MCP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min ~ Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site CARBON DIOXIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: STOREROOM & STORE CAS# 128-38-9 Liquid /Pure Above Ambient Ambient FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 848.00 FT3 848.00 FT3 424.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS I c s# 100.00 Carbon Dioxide N 124389 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI ~SIBioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA I USDOT# I MCP No N No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Min -4- 10/31/2000 F TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 · Fast Format ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site --Agency Notification 08/12/1999 THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER, OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL ASSESS THE SITUATION THEN EVACUATE EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS. HE/SHE IS TO NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING: LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY - 911 EQUILON PERSONNEL EQUILON'S CONTRACTOR -- Employee Notif./Evacuation 11/22/1993 THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS, EVACUATE TO PREDESIGNATED MEETING AREA SHOWN ON FACILITY MAP, AND DIAL 9-1-1 FROM NEAREST SAFEST PHONE. -- Public Notif./Evacuation 11/22/1993 THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY THE SURROUNDING BUSINESSES BY DOOR-TO-DOOR METHOD OR BY PHONE IF POSSIBLE. Emergency Medical Plan 07/19/1999 SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - 2615 EYE ST - 395-3000. 5 10/31/2000 F TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 Fast Format = Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site --Release Prevention 11/22/1993 1) SMALL SPILLS DURING FUEL DELIVERIES TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS; INVENTORY VERIFIED PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO PREVENT OVERFILLS, SPILL CONTAINMENT BOXES INSTALLED AT EACH FILL, DRIVERS ARE TRAINED IN PROPER OFFLOADING TECHNIQUES TO PREVENT SPILLS. 2) SMALL SPILLS DURING CUSTOMERS FUELING OR DUE TO HIT DISPENSOR; IMPACT SHUT-OFF VALVES, AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF NOZZLES AND EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF SWITCH. --Release Containment 11/22/1993 1) SMALL SPILL - APPLY ABSORBANT, DISPOSE OF PROPERLY OR NOTIFY PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR INCIDENT; 1 - CALL 9-1-1; 2 - NOTIFY TEXACO PERSONNEL; 3 - CONTACT TEXACO'S CONTRACTOR. -- Clean Up 07/19/1999 1) SMALL SPILL - ABSORBANT IS PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OR THE PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR IS CONTACTED TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR SPILL OR OTHER INCIDENT - DIAL 9-1-1 AND NOTIFY AUTHORITIES OF EMERGENCY AND PROPER HANDLING. Other Resource Activation 11/22/1993 CONTACT JIM REAGAN AT OFFICE OR AT HOME AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. 6 10/31/2000 F TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 Fast Format F Site Emergency Factors Overall Site Special Hazards --Utility Shut-Offs 11/22/1993 A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE FOOD MART AT THE SE CORNER C) WATER - IN THE SIDEWALK ALONG THE WESTERN PROPERTY LINE D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY GAS PUMP SHUT-OFF; IN THE CASHIER AREA & NW CORNER E) LOCK BOX - NO -- Fire Protec./Avail. Water 11/22/1993 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN THE FOOD MART AT THE CASHIER'S AREA (2). FIRE HYDRANT - LOCATED ON CALIFORNIA AVE ON THE NE CORNER OF LOT. Building Occupancy Level 7 10/31/2000 TEXACO STAR MART #121164 SiteID: 015-021-000330 Fast Format = Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 08/12/1999 WE HAVE 14 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MSDS ON FILE AND ARE CURRENTLY OBTAINING NEW SHEETS. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED UPON EMPLOYMENT AS TO BASICS OF SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND IN THE USE OF ABSORBANT MATERIALS. PRIMARY IS THE NEED TO IDENTIFY THE SEVERITY OF ANY SITUATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. EMPLOYEES ARE CONTINUALLY INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT 9-1-1 IF WARRANTED, ESPECIALLY DUE TO NATURE OF MOTOR FUEL SALES AND STORAGE. EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT EQUILON'S MAINTENANCE CENTER @ (800) 497-0022 DURING BUSINESS HOURS OR TEXACO'S PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR FOR ALL INCIDENTS. THIS POLICY IS RESTATED TO EMPLOYEES ON A PERIODIC BASIS. -- Page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -8- 10/31/2000 SERVICE STATION SERVICES September 9, 1998 TO: TEXACO RETAILER FROM: SERVICE STATION SERVICES SUBJECT: Business Emergency Plan for: Texaco Star Mart 3621 California Ave. & Real Bakersfield, CA. 93309 61-058-001408 Please find two (2) copies of the revised Business Emergency Plan. All Copies must be signed by you. The sheets that require your signatures are indicated with a "post-it Note." These copies are to be distributed as follows: · The original (stamped "AGENCY") to be mailed to Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division, 2130 "G" Street, Bakersfield, CA. 93301. Envelope provided One (1) copy, (3 hole punched) kept at the station. All employees must be aware of where this plan is maintained. TO AVOID NO-COMPLIANCE AND LATE FEES, THIS BUSINESS PLAN MUST BE MAILED TO THE AGENCY: ASAP If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, contact me at (800) 546-1227. Thank You. J Shirley . Ogletree Compliance Coordinator enc. Chemical Inventory Disclosure AGENCY Equilon Enterprises, LLC TEXACO STAR MART 3621California Ave. & Real Bakersfield, CA. 93309 61-058-000988 (805) 325-3388 61-058-000988 BUSINESS PLANS AS A SERVICE TO YOU, THIS BUSINESS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY SERVICE STATION SERVICES, 1NC. IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE (CHAPTER 6.95, ARTICLE l, SECTION 25503.5). BY ACCEPTING THIS PLAN, YOU ARE ACKNOLEDG1NG THAT THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED 1N THIS BUSINESS PLAN WILL PRODUCE ANY PARTICULAR RESULT WITH REGARD TO THE SUBJECT MATTER. OWNER/OPERATOR AGREEMENT OPERATOR: As operator of the underground storage tanks, I hereby certify that I understand the monitoring and reporting requirements contained in Title 23, of the California Code of Regulations and 1 have received a copy of Section 25299, chapter 6.7, California Health and Safety Code. SIGNATURE: ~ ~,~DATE: ~/~//~ OPERATOR NAME: Karen Balli BUSINESS NAME: Texaco Star Mart LOCATION #: 61-058-000988 OWNER: As the owner of the underground storage tanks, EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC certifies that we have provided the operator a copy of the monitoring and reporting requirements contained in Title 23, of the California Code &Regulations. Equilon certifies that we have provided the operator with a copy of the penalties of noncompliance as specified in Section 25299, chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code. Equilon Enterprises LLC 61-058-000988 SERVICE STATION MONITORING PROCEDURE Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) requires that a written monitoring procedure be established for all underground storage tanks. This form is used to satisfy the information required in Section 2632 & 2641, Title 23, CCR. A Copy &this form will be maintained on-site (located inside the Equilon's Marketing Service Station Health, Safety and Environmental Manual also known as the Red Book) and a copy will be submitted to the local administering agency (inside of the Business Plan and inventory disclosure). Facility Name: Texaco Star Mart Facility Address: 3621 California Ave, Bakersfield Facility Telephone Number: (805) 325-3388 Tank Owner: EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC ATTN: SH&E DEPARTMENT 10 UCP l0th Floor Universal City, CA. 91608 Telephone Numbers: (818) 505-2724 or (805) 326-4326 As Operator, I am responsible for monitoring the underground storage tank system in accordance with Title 23, CCR. The following pages outline the specific monitoring procedures as required in Section 2632 or 2641. My signature below confirms that I have read and understand my responsibilities as they pertain to tank monitoring, reporting, and records retention. ~~~_ ~ Signature Underground Storage Tank/Line Information Tank Type: Double Wall Tank Material: Fiberglass Monitoring Type: Electronic Tank Monitor Monitor Manufacturer Veeder-Root TLS-350 Tank.Monitor Manufacturer: Waste Oil Tank: Line Type: Double Wall Line Material: Fiberglass Monitoring Type: Electronic Monitor Manufacturer Veeder-Root TLS-350 61-058-000988 REPORTING REQUIREMENT Any monitor that is discovered in Alarm (RED Lights On) or audible alarm is sounding or any monitoring that cannot pass the daily inspection test must be reported immediately to: 1. Equilon Enterprises LCC SH&E Compliance Coordinator (818) 505-2724 Maintenance Coordinator (805) 326-4326 Training by Company Personnel Per manufacturer guidelines, the training necessary to operate the tank and line monitoring system is performed by the authorized installation contractor. The location is also responsible for daily inspections of the monitoring panel, alarm Panel Test Log and corrective actions. Operator/Manager 1. Each Individual alarm system is determined and located at the service station premises. 2. Each Individual alarm system is activated by visually inspecting the alarm panel lights and pushing the appropriate audible alarm button. 3. No impromptu repairs, changes, adjustments, etc. will be made to the monitoring equipment at the station. Designee it shall be the responsibility of the operator/manager to train the designee to perform alarm panel tests. Additional Releases safety Features at the Service Station Inventory reconciliation as defined by Article 6.3 of the Equilon Motor Fuel Lease and Title 23, CCR. Equilon must be notified if a single daily variation exceeds plus or minus 300 gallons, or exceeds +/- 150 gallons of daily variations for three (3) consecutive days, or the month end cumulative variation exceeds +/- 0.005 x monthly throughput, or the month end cumulative variation exceeds +/- 130 + 0.01 x monthly throughput. Electronic Monitoring systems described above Annual UST Equipment Certifications If required by the Local Implementing Agency (Normally satisfied with the Monthly 0.2 GPH Leak Test performed by the Simplicity Monitor). 61~058-000988 Gas tanks are monitored by in tank gauging probes and there is a continuous electronic monitoring of the annular interstice space in each tank. A monthly status report of the annular space condition in each tank is submitted to the station at the end of each month. Hard copies of all test data will be maintained on-site in the ETM Results binder. Lines All lines, Single wall or Double wall, are monitored by Pressure Line Leak Detection probes (PLLD). The sensor at 3 GPH every time the dispenser is used, and a 0.2 GPH leak rate once a month according to CCR, Title 23, Div 3, chapter 16 UST Regulations. Also the monitor is capable ora 0.1 GPH leak rate test once a year if mandated by the City Ordinance or Municipal code from Local Regulatory Agency. All product lines have Positive Shut Down and will stop the flow of product through the lines in the event ora leak. Some Double Wall lines are also monitored with either interstitial or sump sensors. These sensors are continuous being monitored remotely by the Simplicity system installed at the station. Tank / Line Testing or Certification Results: The Simplicity System Installed at this location provides continuous electronic leak detection of the product tanks pressurized product lines. The system provides audible and visual alarms along with. automatic notification through the Veeder-Root system in the event that a leak is detected. Hard copies of the UST System test results are to be mailed to the station the first week of each month. These copies of the UST Testing and Certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certification results will also be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required. Daily Visual Inspection Fuel Tanks Veeder Root TLS350 On a daily basis the operator / manager / designee will push the RED alarm test button which will indicate that the remote sensor and the monitor control panel are working as well as the condition of the alarm and that ALL FUNCTIONS ARE NORMAL. The RED and YELLOW lights will be observed to be OFF. These copies of the UST Testing and Certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications results will also be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required. Fuel Lines veeder Root TLS350 On a daily basis the operator / manager / designee will push the RED alarm test button which will indicate that the remote sensor and the monitor control panel are working as well as the condition of the alarm and that ALL FUNCTIONS ARE NORMAL. The RED and YELLOW lights will be observed to be OFF. These copies of the UST Testing and Certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications results will also be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required. Waste Oil Tank Veeder Root TLS350 On a daily basis the operator / manager / designee will push the RED alarm test button which will indicate that the remote sensor and the monitor control panel are working as well as the condition of the alarm and that ALL FUNCTIONS ARE NORMAL. The RED and YELLOW lights will be observed to be OFF. These copies of the UST Testing and Certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications results will also be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required 61-058-000988 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK LEAK RESPONSE PLAN Tank Owner: EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC ATTN: SH & E DEPARTMENT 10 UCP l0th Floor Universal City, CA. 91608 Telephone Numbers: (818) 505-2724 or (805) 326-4326 If a Leak Detection Alarm or System is Activated: 1. Determine which tank system is involved. 2. Shut off pump and discontinue operations. 3. Call the Tank Owner Immediately. 4. Persons responsible for contacting the leak response unit / company and authorizing any work necessary. SH&E Compliance Coordinator (818) 505-2724 Maintenance Coordinator (805) 326-4326 5. Notify the local agency by FAX: Bakersfield Fire Department Fax #: PHONE#: (805) 631-8421 6. Call 911 (if necessary): The Methods and Type of Equipment Used for Removing Hazardous Substances. All unauthorized releases will be removed from the secondary containment by vacuum truck. A licensed hazardous waste contractor will be called to perform the clean up and removal of hazardous substances. The location and Availability of Cleanup Equipment: Major Spills: A local licensed hazardous waste contractor. Minor Spills: A spill kit with absorbent is to be maintained and supplied by the operator. To dispose of small generated hazardous waste, the operator / dealer can take this to the local Community Hazardous Waste Center. (See Attachment for contents on Spill Kit) A copy of this response plan should be maintained near the electronic monitoring system. A copy is also sent to the local agency. 61-058-000988 SERVICE STATION MONITORING PROCEDURES Product Information Volume Regular Unleaded 12 Power Plus Unleaded 10 Power Premium 10 Diesel I 0 M-85 Waste Oil Tank Total Number of Tanks on Site: 4 Persons Responsible for Performing Monitoring: Karen Balli Preventive Maintenance Schedule Daily - Operator / Manager / Designee will perform equipment checks to ensure that monitors are operational. The Alarm Panel Test Log must be initialed by the person performing the daily equipment check (sample attached). Annual - (A) Ali monitoring equipment will be inspected and certified operational, according to manufacturer's specifications, by a licensed tank tester who is authorized and trained by the manufacturer. (B) Operational status will be reviewed on site by the Equilon SH&E Representative using the Equilon Service Station Audit Check List once a year. Records Retention All records associated with inspecting, certifying, testing, monitoring, and maintaining the UST system must be on site and available to Equilon / Agency auditors for a period of not less than three (3) years. Operating status of the monitors will be recorded DALLY on the Alarm Panel Test Log (as mentioned above.) Tank and Line Testing Guidelines: NOTE: All Simplicity monitors are continuously being monitored at a central office In Connecticut. Simplicity operators will notify each dealer and Equilon in the event that an alarm goes on at a station. They will also dispatch a service contractor to investigate those alarms and notify an Equilon Representative if any further action is required. NOTE: Gas tanks are monitored by in-tank gauging probes. These probes are capable of testing at 0.1 and 0.2 leak rate. TLS-350R controller is programmed for Continuous Statistical Leak Detection CSLD which tests the tanks at 0.2 GPH leak rate. Hard copies of all test data will be maintained on-site in the ETM Results binder. + TEXACO~STAR MART #0988 SiteID: 215-000-000330 + anager : KarenBalli BusPhone: (818) 505-2724 ~ ocation 3621 CALIFORNIA AVE Map : 102 ~ommHaz : Low City BAKERSFIELD Grid: 35B FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code:5541 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:19-408-5059 ~ ==4 ~ Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title KAREN BALLI /~MANAGER LIBBY BATES / SUPERVISOR Business Phone: (805) 325-3388x Business Phone: (805) 326-4389x 24-Hour Phone : ~-8-0-5) 588-3225 ~ 24-Hour Phone : (805) 579-5024x Pager Phone : (805) 634-2473x Pager Phone : ( ) - x +- + + I Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth I +- -+ Emergency Directives: += Hazmat Inventory One Unified List + +== MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site + +- + -+- -+ ..... + + .... +_ _ _+ Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMcPI +- + -+- + ..... + + .... +_ _ _+ UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 12000 GAL Mod uLEADED PLUS GASOLINE F IH DH L 12000 GAL Mod PER UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 12000 GAL Mod DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 8000 GAL Low CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH L 848 FT3 Min NEW OIL F DH L 135 GAL Min Do hereby ce fy that I the ~ached hazardous materials manage. ~ ~ ~"~'¢-~ ..and that it an~'~~ a .comple~ a~ conect man., 1 09/03/1998 TE~XACO~STAR MART #0988 SiteID: 215-000-000330 + ..... Fast Format + iNotif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site + · Agency Notification 11/22/1993 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER, OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL ASSESS THE SITUATION THEN EVACUATE EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS. HE/SHE IS TO NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING: LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY - 911 ~Equilon Personnel iE~uilon's Contractor ~ +=== Employee Notif./Evacuation 11/22/1993 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS, EVACUATE TO PREDESIGNATED MEETING AREA SHOWN ON FACILITY MAP, AND DIAL 9-1-1 FROM NEAREST SAFEST PHONE. .... Public Notif./Evacuation 11/22/1993 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY THE SURROUNDING BUSINESSES BY DOOR-TO-DOOR METHOD OR BY PHONE IF POSSIBLE. + ...... Emergency Medical Plan 11/22/1993 + JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - 2615 EYE ST - 395-3000 2 09/03/1998 + TEXACO~STAR MART #0988 SiteID: 215-000-000330 + Fast Format Site Emergency Factors Overall Site Special Hazards +=== Utility Shut-Offs 11/22/1993 + A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE FOOD MART AT THE SE CORNER C) WATER - IN THE SIDEWALK ALONG THE WESTERN PROPERTY LINE D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY GAS PUMP SHUT-OFF; IN THE CASHIER AREA & NW CORNER E) LOCK BOX - NO .... -+ .... Fire Protec./Avail. Water - 11/22/1993 + PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN THE FOOD MART AT THE CASHIER'S AREA (2). FIRE HYDRANT - LOCATED ON CALIFORNIA AVE ON THE NE CORNER OF LOT. + + ..... Building Occupancy Level -3- 09/03/1998 TEXACO. STAR MART #0988 == SiteID: 215-000-000330 Fast Format  Training Overall Site Employee Training 07/10/1997 WE HAVE 14 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MSDS ON FILE AND ARE CURRENTLY OBTAINING NEW SHEETS. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED UPON EMPLOYMENT AS TO BASICS OF SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND IN THE USE OF ABSORBANT MATERIALS. PRIMARY IS THE NEED TO IDENTIFY THE SEVERITY OF ANY SITUATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. EMPLOYEES ARE CONTINUALLY INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT 9-1-1 IF WARRANTED, ESPECIALLY DUE TO NATURE OF MOTOR FUEL SALES AND STORAGE. EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO CONTA~T~Equ~ ilon's~ MAINTENANCE CENTER/at (g~) 479-0022 DIIRING BUSINESS HOURS OR' TEXACO'S PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR FOR ALL INCIDENTS. THIS POLICY IS RESTATED TO EMPLOYEES ON A PERIODIC BASIS. =+ +=== Page 2 =+ Held for Future Use Held for Future Use 4 09/03/1998 SERVICE STATION SERVICES June 30, 1999 City For Bakersfield Environmental Health Services Department ' ... ' '" 1715 Chester Ave, Third Floor Bakersfield, CA. 93301 RE: Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Chemical Inventory: Texaco Star Mart 3621 California Ave & Real Bakersfield, CA, 93309 Please find enclosed a Hazardous Materials Management Plan for the above referenced station. This is submitted to comply with agency requirements. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed materials, please fee free to contact me at (714) 669-8350. Thank you. Shirley enc. BUSINESS EMERGENCY PLAN · (Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Disclosure/Inventory) EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC Texaco Star Mart 3621 California Ave. & Real Bakersfield, CA., 93309 (661) 325-3388 REV: 06/30/99 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Owner Operator Agreement ............... ' ................. Section 1 California Health and Safety Code, Section 25299 2. Business Emergency Plan .................................... Section 2 3. Hazardous Material Disclosure ............................. Section 3 4. Monitoring Procedures ........................................ Section 4 Leak Response Plan Emergency Response Procedures Training Log 7-1 5. Site Map Site Map Symbols Reviews and Revisions This plan was created to comply with section 25503.5 of the California Health and Safety codes. It is required to be revised within 30 days of any significant change in quantities of hazardous chemicals or operations at the facility. In addition plans are reviewed every two years and Inventory Disclosure is submitted annually to the local administering agency. A revision is also required if there is a change in the business owner, operator, or address. Certification This plan must be reviewed by the business owner to ensure that it is complete and accurate. After signing this plan, a copy must be kept on-site and available for review. In addition a copy is maintained by the tank owner, and a copy is sent to the local administering agency in your name. THIS STATION IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY: EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC. Dear Equilon Marketer: The underground storage tanks located at your facility must be monitored in accordance with the Permit to operate issued by the local agency and article 6.3 of the Shell Motor Fuel Station Lease. The following excerpt from the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6,7 defines the penalties for violating the Permit to Operate or other applicable regulations. Section 25299, Violations; Civil and criminal penalties; operative date. ' (a) Any operator of an underground tank system shall be liable for a civil penalty of not less tan five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each undergrom~d tank for each day of violation for any of the following violations: (1) Operating an underground tank that has not been issued a permit, in violation of this chapter. (2) Violation of any of the applicable requirements of the permit issued for the operation of the underground tank system. (3) Failure to maintain records, as required by this chapter. (4) Failure to report unauthorized release, as required by Sections 25294 and 25295. (5) Failure to properly close an underground tank system, as required by section 25295. (6) Violation of any applicable requirement of this chapter or any requirement of this chapter or any regulation adopted by the board pursuant to Section 2599.3. (7) Failure to permit inspection or to perform any monitoring testing, or reporting required pursuant to Section 25288 or 25289. (8) Making any false statement, representation, or certification in any application record, repm~ or other document submitted or required to be maintained pursuant to this chapter. (d) Any person who falsifies any monitoring records required by this chapter, or knoveingly fails to report an unauthorized release, shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more than ten thousand ($10,000), by imprisonment in the County jail for not exceed one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment. Please Contact your Equilon Representatives if you have any questions regm'ding this section of the California health and Safety Code or article 6.3 of the Equilon Motor Fuel Station Lease agreement. Equilon Enterprises LLC ~ City of Bakersfield Envir~limental Health Services Deparffil~nt 1715 Chester Avenue, Third Floor Bakersfield CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 Business Name Texaco Star Mart Owner/Operator Name Equilon Enterprises LLC Phone: (661) 325-3388 Business Address 3621 California Ave City Bakersfeild State CA. Zip 93309 Environmental Contact: Feryal Sarrafian SH & E Compliance Coordinator Phone: (818) 736-5078 Mailing Address P.O. Box 7869 City Burbank State CA. Zip 91510-7869 Biennial Review and Recertification [] I certify that the Business Plan has been reviewed and the information contained in it is accurate and complete as of date below. [] I certify that I have reviewed the previously submitted Business plan and have updated the following items on the attached pages. [] Emergency contacts names and phone numbers [] Site/facility map [] Other Updates Annual Inventory Update [] Inventory Forms are correct for the upcoming reporting year. No changes Necessary. [] Inventory Forms required updating. Replace previous inventory with attached inventory. I certify under penalty of law, that I have personnally examined and I am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I beleive that the submitted information is true accurate and complete. Name Equilon Enterprises LLC -Feryal Sarrafian ' Signature Title SH & E Compliance Coordinator Date ~ ~ City of Bakersfield Environmental Health Services Department 1715 Chester Ave. Third Floor Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 Your business is required by State Law to provide immediate notification of any release or threatened release of hazardous material to 1) local fire emergency response personnel, 2) the office of Emergency Services (OES) and 3) this administering agency. If you have a release or threatened release of hazardous materials, immediately call: Fire/Paramedics/Police/Sheriff Phone: 9-1-1 Individual responsible for calling 9-1-1 Manager or Senior Employee After the local emergency response personnel are notified, you shall then notify the administedn§ agency (HMDO) and the office of Emergency Services (24 hours a day) State Office of Emergency Services: (800) 852-7550 OR (91t3) 427-4341 AND: Local Administering Agency (805) 326-3979 Individual responsible for calling this Administering Agency and State OES: Manager or SH & E Compliance Coordinator 2. List the local emergency medical facility that will by used by your business in the event of an accident or injury caused by release or threatened release of hazardous materials. Hospital / Clinic . Mercy Hospital Address:2215 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield Phone: (661) 632-5000 3. Does your business have a private on-site emergency response team? If yes describe what policies and procedures your business will follow to notify your on-site emergency response team in the event of a release or threatened release of hazardous materials? (attach additional pages if necessary) EMERGENCY RESPONSE c,~NTINGENCY PROCEDURES"~ND PLAN 1. PREVENTION- Describe the types of hazards associated with the materials present at your facility What actions are taken to prevent these hazards from occurring? Please See Attachment 1 2. MITIGATION- What actions will your business take to lessen the harm or damage to persons, property, or the environment, and prevent what has occurred from getting worse? Please See Attachment 1 3. ABATEMENT - What will your business do to stop the hazard? Please See Attachment 1 4. EVACUATION- How will your business handle evacuation? Please See Attachment 1 5. Your business is required by required by law to keep a copy of Business Plan, including the chemical inventory and site map. Describe where the copies will be kept in your business. Where will other copies be maintained? The business plan is located in the cashier area or back office. Equilon Enterprises also maintains a copy at their office. Equilon Enterprises LLC SH&E Compliance Coordinator P.O. Box7869 Burbank CA., 91510-7869 6. Describe where you keep other records required by this plan, such as employee training records, (including drills) release records, persons responsible for maintenance/safety and their records, and emergency phone numbers. Other records required by this plan, such as employee training records, release report records, persons responsible for maintenance/safety and their records, and emergency phone lists are located either in the SH & E book found in the cashier area. EMPLOYEE TRAINING ' 1) Describe the training new employees receive in handling and using hazardous materials and waste that are part of your operation, Please See Attachment 2 ATTACHMENT 1 PREVENTION ,( prevent the hazard)- Describe the kinds of hazards associated with the hazardous materials present at your facility. What Actions would your business take to prevent these hazards from occurring? You may include a discussion of safety and storage procedures. The types of hazards present at the facility are: 1) Small spills during fuel delivery 2) Small spills during customer fueling or due to hit dispenser 3) Major spills Actions taken to prevent hazards from occurring are: 1) Small spills during fuel delivery- Inventory is verified prior t° fuel delivery to prevent overfills; Spill containment boxes installed at each fill; Drivers are trained in proper off loading techniques to prevent spills 2) Small spills during customer fueling or due to hit dispenser- impact shut- off valves; automatic shut-off nozzles; emergency shut-off switch. Mitigation (reduce the hazard) Describe what is done to lessen the harm or the damage to person(s), property, or the environment, and prevent what has occurred from getting worse or spreading. What is your immediate response to a leak, fire, explosion, or airborne release at your business? The senior employee on site will institute immediate spill control measures with the site spill kit for minor product release and will immediately stop the source of the spill and prevent the flow of the spill material off-site, if this can be done safely. Stopping the spill may involve turning off pumps and closing valves Any spill greater then 55 gallons may be turned over to an outside firm. Mitigation continued- Employees will respond to small fires with the sites fire extinguisher and attempt to contain it before it gets out of control. In the event of a dispenser drive over or a fire the employee will immediately shut down the tank turbines with the emergency shut-off switch. The goal of the on site employee is to stop or contain any immediate threat and to summon the appropriate City Agencies (i.e. Fire Department) and Equilon contractors to follow up with damage assessment and cleanup. ABATEMENT (remove the hazard)- Describe what you would do to stop and remove hazard. How do you handle the complete process of stopping a release, cleaning up, and disposing materials at your facility? What aspects of the response are beyond your ability and need to be handled by others? Tanks and lines are set up to automatically shut down when a leak is detected. For small releases the spill control kit contains absorbent material and absorbent "sausages" for containment damming. Equilon contracts with a number of State Licensed Abatement Contractors to properly clean the site and ready any generated wastes for hauling to an approved landfill. The State Licensed Abatement Contractor will manifest, haul and dispose of the material at an approved landfill or other approved disposal site. The station manager will resume responsibility for directing cleanup activities. He will summon to scene the manpower and equipment needed to respond to incident, and will direct their activities for the duration of the response. He will contact any support groups whose assistance is needed in the response effort, such as Police or Fire Departments. Notification of regulatory agencies, should it be required, will be handled in accordance with notification procedures above. Once the spill has been isolated from possible sources if outside discharge, and the source of the spill has been eliminated, efforts will be directed towards containment of the smallest area possible. After the bulk of the spilled material has been removed, final cleanup of the area will be conducted. This will include decontamination of the area and equipment used for the cleanup. EVACUATION- Describe how you will immediately notify and evacuate your facility. What communications or alarms are used? How will you operate these during power failure? Also specify emergency exits, alternatives and staging areas. In the event of an emergency situation, fire or spill, site personnel are notified verbally. The on-site manager is also notified verbally. The station manager will at this time assess the situation and determine whether outside notification is required. In the event of an emergency which would require total evacuation of the facility, notification will be made verbally by the senior person in the affected area. The routes of evacuation to be taken noted on the facility map. Once evacuated, personnel will assemble at a safe distance, away from the facility (conditions permitting, wind direction, other risks) and the station Manager will notify the surrounding businesses by phone or door-to-door means. EARTHQUAKE- Identify the area and equipment in your business which would require immediate attention following an earthquake. Check for equipment such as gas cylinders, piping, drums, ect., that may need to be secured or spillage that may require mitigation. In event of an earthquake equipment such as tanks, piping and dispensers would need to be checked immediately. For small releases, the spill control kit contains absorbent material and absorbent "sausages" for containment damming. 2) How are employees trained to react to emergency situations? See Attachment 2 3) Describe how new employees are trained in the use of safety equipment and supplies needed to stop leaks or fires. See Attachment 2 CERTIFICATION We have demonstrated reasonable care in preparing our Business Emergency Plan. This statement certifies that our Emergency Business Plan has been implemented and should be adaquate in the event of an emergency involving our hazardous materials. ' Document Pre Signature~~- Date . Equilon Enterprises LLC-Feryal Sarrafian Business Ownerl~lY~fator Signature ~.._ % Date // ATTACHMENT 2 EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAM 1. Describe the training your business conducts for all employees in safety procedures in the event of a release or threatened release of hazardous materials. By law, this training shall include, but not be limited to, the following: New employee training, annual training, periodic refresher courses, and familiarization with Section B (Emergency Plans and Procedures) of this Business Emergency Plan. Within 90 days of their hire date, new employees are trained in the safe handling of the hazardous materials they will be using. This training is completed using OSHA hazard communication regulations. When the new employee has completed the "Right To Know" training, it will be documented in the employee's files. This training covers the labeling, MSDS and hazards associated with the materials they are working with. The station manager is self-trained in the contents of the business plan, which outlines the procedures that are to be followed in dealing with the initial response to an emergency. A work shift is not allowed to operate without someone trained in the procedures to follow during initial response to emergencies. The training consists of the instructor reviewing the plans line by line and answering the employee might have. Once the employee has been trained and verified competent in the contents of the plan, a notation is made on the employee's records that they have completed training required to handle initial response. All employees are trained thoroughly with the emergency response plans and procedures, with annual refresher training. Refresher training is completed as noted above, and once the training is completed, a notation is made in the employee's records. The refresher training consists of reviewing the evacuation and spill notification procedures. A record of this training will be noted in the employee's record. Any amendments to the plans are relayed to the personnel required to carry out the plans as soon as those amendments are known. City of Bakersfield ~' : Environmental Health Services Department 1715 Chester Avenue, Third Floor Bakersfield CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 FACILITY INFORMATION- CALIFORNIA BUSINESS & OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION YEAR BEGINNING- 1-98 ENDING 12/98 BUSINESS NAME: Texaco Star Mart BUSINESS PHONE (661) 325-3388 SITE ADDRESS: 3621 California Ave CITY Bakersfield STATE CA. zip 93309 DUN & BRADSTREET SIC CODE OPERATOR NAME Equilon Enterprises LLC OPERATOR PHONE (661) 325-3388 OWNER INFORMATION OWNER INFORMATION Equilon Enterprises LLC OWNER PHONE (818) 736-5078 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS p.O. Box 7869 CITY Burbank STATE CA. ZIP 91510-7869 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAMEFeryal Sarrafian .CONTACT PHONE (818) 736-5078 MAILING ADDRESS.P.O. Box 7896 CITY Burbank STATE CA. ZIP 91510-7869 EMERGENCY CONTACTS PRIMARY SECONDARY r NAMEKaren Balli NAMEFred Long TITL ,E-Manager TITLE Facility Engineer BUSINESS PHONE(® 1)325-3388 BUSINESS PHONE (661) 326-4326 24-HOUR PHONE(661) 588-3225 24-HOUR PHONE (661) 333-2123 Cellular Certification: I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. Document PreParer: Service Station Services-Shirley Ogletree Signature of Owner/Operator: ~r~~" ' i~VII I (1) ^~D D~EVe m~ViSE · -. C CAL INVENTORY I [] [] [] (2) PAGE OF (3) T(4) BUS _rSmSS_N~M~ exaco Star Mart (5) CHEMICAL LOCATION Ust below ground (6) MAP # I (7) GRID # A~8) OmMICAL NAME I (l~) TRADE SECm~T []¥ []~ utomotive Lead Free Gasoline (9) COMMON NAME (12) EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE [] Y [] N Regular . IF BOX IS "Y" ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN POUNDS. (10) CAS # (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (14) TYPE: PURE MIXTURE WASTE I I (17) PHYSICAL STATE' SOLED LIQUID GAS { I (~5)RADIOACTIVE [--[ Y [] N[[ (16)CURIES[] [] [] [] [] [] (18) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE REACTIVE PRESSURE RELEASE ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH 1~/19) STATE WASTE CODE [ (23) MAX DAILY AMT A (22) tn~Ts [12,000 gals. [][] GAL [] CU FT (24) AVG DAILY AMT 3i55)DAYSC20 ON S~ LBS [] TONS 6,000 gals. (21) LARGEST CONTAINER if an Extremely Hazardous Substance/Regulated Substance, I(25) ANNUAL WASTE AMT 12,000 gals. · amounts must be in pounds [ (26) STORAGE CONTAINER I G. METAL CONTAINER[] H. VAT ' ' LINMACH1NERY [] J. ON TRUCK [] K. BAG [] L BOX M. CYLINDER [] N. GLASS CONTAINER [] 0. VARIOUS [] P. RAIL CAR [] Q. SILO [] R. TANK INSIDE BUILDIN(I~ S. CARBOY [] T. TOTE BiN[] U. TANK WAGON [] V. OTHER (27) STORAGE PRESSURE .1. AMBIENT (normal) 2. ABOVE AMBIENT (pressure) 3. BELOW AMBIENT (vacuum) (28) STORAGE TEMPERATURE 4. AMBIENT (normal) 5. ABOVE AMBIENT (heated) 6. BELow AMBIENT 7. CRYOGENIC 95-99.99 Gasoline [] Y [] N Mixture 10-19.99 Methyl-T-ButylEther [] Y [] N 1634-04-4 10-19.99 Ethyl-T-ButylEther [] Y [] N 637-92-3 F'] Y F3N [ (3~) ^DD~TION^~ LOC^[L¥ CO~[F~CT~.D INFO}~M~T~ON I ALPHA BETA GAMMA (a) IF THIS MATERIAL IS RADIOACTIVE, WHAT TYPE OF EMITTER IS IT? [] [] [] (b) IS A WASTE PRODUCED OR LEFT OVER AFTER PROCESSING? [] ¥ [] N (c) IF YOU MARKED YES, HOW 1S THE MATERIAL DISPOSED OF? (Refer to Table #2, page 19 of the green pages) (d) HOW IS THE MATERIAL USED/WHAT IS THE MATERIAL USED FOR? Motor Fuel Sales IFOROFFICE [] UNDER ICARCEX~ [~ 1 Datoof~rint~/08 Page47 ~ EXEMP'qCGP RS! ~M I (1) ADD DELETE REVISE ~ -. C ICAL INVENTORY I [] [] [] (2) PAGE OF (3) (4) BUSINESS NAME Texaco Star Mart U(5) CHEMICAL LOCATION st below ground (6) MAP # I (7) GRID # (8) CHEMICAL NAME [ (l l) TRADE SECRET [] y []N Automotive Lead Free Gasoline (9) COMMON NAME / (12) EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE [] Y [] N Power Plus [ IF BOX IS'Y" ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE 1N POUNDS. (10) CAS # ~ (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (18) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE REACTIVE PRESSURE RELEASE ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH ~4/A19) STATE WASTE OODE I I ¢3)M'O'DAILYAMT (22) tn, UTS [ 1"0~000 gals. [] LBS [] TONS ~,000 gals. C2 l) LAP. GEST COI, rrAINEi~ I if~ E~mely mza~dou$ Substancemeg"lated Subsm~, 1i4~ A~UAL WASTE AMT 1~,000 gals. amounts must be in pounds I (26) STORAGE CONTAINER A. ABOVE GROUND, TANKB B. UNDERGROUND TANK$ C PRESSURIZED TANK [] D. MAGAZINE[] E. DRUM•F. PLASTIC CONTAINER [~ O. METAL CONTAINER H. VAT L IN MACHINERY [] J. ON TRUCK [] K. BAG [] L BOX M. CYLINDER [] N. GLASS CONTAINER [] 0. VARIOUS [] e. RAIL CAR [] Q. SILO [] R. TANK INSIDE BUILDINCL4 S. CARBOY [] T. TOTE BIN[] U. TANK WAGON [] V. OTHER (27) STORAGE PRESSURE 1. AMBIENT (normal) 2. ABOVE AMBIENT (pressure) 3. BELOW AMBIENT (vacuum) (28) STORAGE TEMPERATURE 4. AMBIENT (normal) 5. ABOVE AMBIENT (heated) 6. BELOW AMBIENT 7. CRYOGENIC 95-99.99 Gasoline [] Y [] N Mixture 10-19.99 Methyl-T-ButylEther [] Y [] N 1634-04-4 10-19.99 Ethyl-T-Butyl Ether [] Y [] N 637-92-3 []y[]N , []Y[]N [ (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATIONI ALPHA BETA GAMMA (a) IF THIS MATERIAL IS RADIOACTIVE, WHAT TYPE OF EMITTER IS IT? [] [] [] (b) IS A WASTE PRODUCED OR LEFT OVER AFTER PROCESSING? [] Y [] N (c) IF YOU MARKED YES, HOW IS THE MATERIAL DISPOSED OF? (Refer to Table #2, page 19 of the green pages) (d) HOW IS THE MATERIAL USED/WHAT IS THE MATERIAL USED FOR? Motor Fuel Sales Gate of ~'ant e~98 Page 47 [-1 EXEMPIICGP RSI ~ 3 ! : -, CI ffi ICAL INVENTORY (i) ADD DELETE REVISE (2) PAGE OF (3) ~(4) BUSINESS_NAME Texaco Star Mart jS) CHEMICAL LOCATION st below ground (6) MAP # { (7) GRID # 1 <8) CHEMICAL NAME <1 l) TRADE SECRET [--=]y [~N Automotive Lead Free Gasoline (9) COMMON NAME (12) EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE [-'[Y Power Premium IF BOX IS "Y" ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN POUNDS. (10) CAS # (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (I4) TYPE: PURE MIXTURE WASTE [ I (17) PHYSICAL STATE' SOLED LIQUID GAS [ I (15)RADIOACTIVE [--I Y [5~ NI[ (16) CURIES[] [] [] [] [] [] (18) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE REACTIVE PRESSURE RELEASE ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH /19) STATE WASTE CODE (.23) MAX DALLY AMT A (22) UNITS 10,000 gals. [] GAL [] CU FT 124) AVG DAILYAMT 3~J5)(20 DAYS ON SITE [] LBS [] TONS .~,,000 gals. (~2,) LARGEST CONTAINER I if an Extremely Hazardous Substance/Regulated Substance, [}4f~ ANNUAL WASTE AMT 10,000 gals. amounts must be in peunds I (26) STORAGE CONTAINER I A. ABOVE GROUND, TANK ~ B. UNDERGROUND TANKB C PRESSURIZED TANK [] D. MAGAZINE [] E. DRUM [] F. PLASTIC CONTAINER G. METAL CONTAINER LJ H. VAT L IN MACHINERY [] J. ONTRUCK [] K. BAG []LBOX M. CYLINDER [] N. GLASS CONTAINER [] 0. VARIOUS [] P. RAIL CAR [] Q. SILO [] R. TANK INSIDE BUILDINO-4 S. CARBOY [] T. TOTE BIN[] U. TANK WAGON [] V. OTHER ! (27) STORAGE PRESSURE 1. AMBIENT (normal) 2. ABOVE AMBIENT (pressure) 3. BELOW AMBIENT (vacuum) (28) STORAGE TEMPERATURE 4. AMBIENT (normal) 5. ABOVE AMBIENT (heated) 6. BELOW AMBIENT 7. CRYOGENIC [] D [] [] 95-99.99 Gasoline [] Y [] N Mixture 10-19.99 Methyl-T-ButylEther [] Y [] N 1634-04-4 10-19.99 Ethyl-T-Butyl Ether [] Y [] N 637-92-3 F! y [-I N , F1 Y I--IN I (33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION [ ALPHA BETA GAMMA (a) IF THIS MATERIAL IS RADIOACTIVE, WHAT TYPE OF EMITTER IS IT? [] [] [] (b) IS A WASTE PRODUCED OR LEFT OVER AFTER PROCESSING? [] Y [] N (c) IF YOU MARKED YES, HOW IS THE MATERIAL DISPOSED OF? (Refer to Table #2, page 1 9 of the green pages) (d) HOW IS THE MATERIAL USED/WHAT IS THE MATERIAL USED FOR? Motor Fuel Sales DateofPfint6/g8 Page47 1-'] EXEMPI]CGP RS{ ~ 3 CI~MICAL INVENTORY' (~) ADD DELETE REVISE (2) PAGE OF (3) _(4) BUS _I15!ES S _NAME Texaco Star Mart L~5) CHEMICAL LOCATION st below ground (6) MAP # I (7) GRID # 1 (8) CHEMICAL NAME (I 1) TRADE SECRET [~]y I~N Diesel (9) COMMON NAME (12) EXTREMELY ~OUS SUBSTANCE [] Y [] N Diesel IF BOX IS "Y" ALL AMOLrNTS MUST BE IN POUNDS. (10) CAS # (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (14) TYPE: PURE MIXTURE WASTE [ [ (17)PHYSICAL STATE' SOLED LIQUID GAS I I (15)RADIOACTIVE I-'] Y[] [] [] [] [] [] [] NI[ (16)CU~ES (18) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE REACTIVE PRESSURE RELEASE ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH [] [] [] [] [] /19) STATE WASTE CODE I (23) MAX DAILY AMT AI (22) UNITS 8,000 (20) DAYS ON SITE ] [] GAL [] CU FT (24) AVG DAILY AMT 365. [] LBS [] TONS '4,000 8,000 amounts must be in pounds I (26) STOa,GE CONTAINER I ~ ^BOY, GROUND. TANK ffi B. ~DERGRO~D TANK~ C PRESSUmZED TANK [] D. MAGAZINE [] E. DRUM [] F. PLASTIC CONTAr~R ~ G. METAL CONTAINER I I H. VAT L IN MACHINERY [] J. ON TRUCK [] K. BAG [] L BOX ~=~ u. CYLINDER [] N. GLASS CONTAINER [] 0. V^RIOUS [] P. R~IL C~ [] Q. SILO [] R. TANK INSIDE BUILDI~Ct-~ S. CARBOY [] T. TOTE BIN[] U. TANK WAGON [] V. OTHER (27) STORAGE PRESSURE 1. AMBIENT (normal) 2. ABOVE AMBIENT (pressure) 3. BELOW AMBIENT (vacuum) (28) STORAGE TEMPERATURE 4. AMBIENT (norn~al) 5. ABOVE AMBIENT (heated) 6. BELOW AMBIENT 7. CRYOGENIC 100 Hydrocarbons [] Y [] N Mixture []Y[]N •yON [] Y I-IN [(33) ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION] ALPI-L~ BETA GAMMA (a) IF THIS MATERIAL IS RADIOACTIVE, WHAT TYPE OF EMITTER IS IT? [] [] [] (b) IS A WASTE PRODUCED OR LEFT OVER AFTER PROCESSING? [] Y [] m (c) IF YOU MARKED YES, HOW IS THE MATERIAL DISPOSED OF? (Refer to Table #2, page 19 of the green pages) (d) HOW IS THE MATERIAL USEDFWHAT IS THE MATERIAL USED FOR? Motor Fuel Sales Date of Print 6/g8 Page47 [-1 EXEMP'I]CGP RS[ [--] 3! C~CALINVENTORY( 1 )[~DD DELETE PdT. VIS E [ (2) PAGE OF (3) T(4) BUSI_NESS_NAME exaco Star Mart (s) CHEMICAL LOCATION In Food Mart (6) M~P # I (7) Grad # 1 dS) CHEMICAL NAME (11) TRADE SECRET [--]y C~JN arbon Dioxide (9) COMMON NAME (12) EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE [~Y Carbon Dioxide IF BOX IS "Y" ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN POUNDS. (10) CAS # (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES 124-38-9 (14) TYPE: PURE MI~TURE WASTE I [ (17) PHYSICAL STATE' SOLED LIQUID GAS [ I (IS)RADIOACTIVE [--I Y [~1N [ (16) CURIES[] [] [] [] [] [] (18) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE REACTIVE PRESSURE RELEASE ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH (22) UNITS ) DAYS ON SITE [] GAL [] CU FT 3~ [] LBS [] TONS 4~t AVG DAILY AMT g2~8 amounts must be in pounds I (26) STORAGE CONTAINER I A. ABOVE GROUND, TANK [22] B, UNDERGROUND TANKB C PRESSURIZED TANK [] D. MAGAZINE [] E. DRUM [] F. PLASTIC CONTAINER G. METAL CONTAINER I_1 H. VAT L IN MACHINERY [] J. ON TRUCK [] K. BAG [] L BOX M. CYLINDER [] N. GL^SSCONTAINER [] 0. VAR/GUS [] P. RAILCAR []Q. SILO •R. TANK INSIDE BOILD~NdiJ S. CARBOY [] T. TOTE BIN[] U. TANK WAGON [] V. OTHER (27) STORAGE PRESSURE 1. AMBIENT (normal) 2. ABOVE AMBIENT (pressure) 3. BELOW AMBIENT (vacuum) (28) STORAGE TEMPERATURE 4. AMBIENT (normal) 5. ABOVE AMBIENT (heated) 6. BELOW AMBIENT 7. CRYOGENIC 99.5 Carbon Dioxide [] Y [] N 124-38-9 [-I Y [-I N []Y •N []y [-1 N []YUIN Io3) ^DD TION^L LOC^LL¥ COLLECTED ISFORmr OS ] ALPHA. BETA GAMMA (a) IF THIS MATERIAL IS RADIOACTIVE, WHAT TYPE OF EMITTER IS IT? [] [] [] (b) IS A WASTE PRODUCED OR LEFT OVER AFTER PROCESSING? [] Y [] N (c) IF YOU MARKED YES, HOW IS THE MATERIAL DISPOSED OF? (Refer to Table #2, page 19 of the green pages) (d) HOW IS THE MATER/AL USED/WHAT IS THE MATERIAL USED FOR? Sof[ drink carbonator Date of Print 6/98 Page 47 [-'] EXEMPI1CGP RS I ['] C~MIC~ INVENTORY [ (1) ADD DELETE REVISE (2) PAGE OF (3) (4) BUSINESS_NAME Texaco Star Mart (5) CHEMICAL LOCATION In Food Mart <6) I (7) # (S) CHEMICAL NAME I (l l) TRADE SECRET [--]y [~N New Motor oil (9) COMMON NAME (12) EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE [] Y [] N N~W Motor oil ~F BOX IS "¥" ALL AMOUNTS MUST BE IN POUNDS. . (.!0) CAS # (13) FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES M~xtur¢ (18) FEDERAL HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE REACTIVE PRESSURE RELEASE ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH I~19) STATE WASTE CODE [ (23) MAX DAILY AMT /A ] (22) tn, nTS I13 5 gallons 3~) DAYS ON SITEI [][] GALLBs ~[] ToNsCU FT 65(24)gaIAV~ DAILY AMT (21) LARGEST CONTAINER if an Extremely Hazardous Substance/Regulated Substance, 1(25) ANNUAL WASTE AMT quart size containers amounts must be in pounds ] (26) STORAGE CONTAINERI A. A~OVE GROUND, TANK [] B. UNDeRGROLrND TANKB C PP, F. SSLrI~ED TANK C D. MAGAZINE [] E. DRUM [] r. PLASTIC CONTAINER ~ G. METAL CONTAINER I I H. VAT L IN MACHINERY [] J. ON TRUCK [] K. BAG [] L BOX ~=~ S. CARBOY [] T. TOTE BIN[] U. TANK WAGON [] V. OTHER (2'/) STORAGE PRESSURE 1. AMBIENT (normal) 2. ABOVE AMBIENT (pressure) 3. BELOW AMBIENT (vacuum) (28) STORAGE TEMPERATURE 4. AMBIENT (normal) 5. ABOVE AMBIENT (heated) 6. BELOW AMBIENT 7. CRYOGENIC S0-94.99 Solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic petroleum distillates [] Y [] N 647-4265-0 ~.0-10.99 Alkenylsuucinimide Disperant [] Y [] N TSCA CBI [-1yf-IN Ely [2 N , I (33) ADDIV~ONAL LOCAUUV CO~U~CV~ mFOUMAVIO~ I ALPHA BETA GAMMA (a) IF THIS MATERIAL IS RADIOACTIVE, WHAT TYPE OF EMITTER IS IT? [] [] [] (b) IS A WASTE PRODUCED OR LEFT OVER. AFTER PROCESSING7 [] Y [] N (c) IF YOU MARKED YES, HOW IS THE MATERIAL DISPOSED OF? (Refer to Table #2, page 19 of the green pages) (d) HOW IS THE MATERIAL USED/WHAT IS THE MATERIAL USED FOR? Motor Fuel Sales Date of Pant 6/98 Page 47 [-] EXEMP~CGP RS l [--] 3 610580988 ' " SERVICE STATION MONITORING PROCEDURE Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) requires that a written monitoring procedure be established for all underground storage tanks. This form is used to satisfy the information required in Section 2632 & 2641, Title 23, CCR. A Copy of this form will be maintained on-site (located inside the Equilon's Marketing Service Station Health, Safety and Environmental Manual also known as the Red Book) and a copy will be submitted to the local administering agency (inside of the Business Plan and inventory disclosure). Facility Name: Texaco Star Mart Facility Address: 3621 California, Bakersfield, CA.,93309 Facility Telephone Number: (661) 325-3388 Tank Owner: EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC ATTN: SH&E DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 7869 BURBANK, CA., 91510-7869 Telephone Numbers: (818) 726-5078 or (661) 326-4326 As Operator, I am responsible for monitoring the underground storage tank system in accordance with Title 23, CCR. The following pages outline the specific monitoring procedures as required in Section 2632 or 2641. My signature below confirms that I have read and understand my responsibilities as they pertain to tank monitoring, reporting, and records retention. Ope~ Underground Storage Tank/Line Information Tank Type: Double Wall Tank Material: Fiberglass Monitoring Type: TLS-350 Monitor Manufacturer: Veeder Root Line Type: Double Wall Line Material: Fiberglass Monitoring Type: TLS-350 Line Leak Detector: RJM Monitor Manufacturer: Veeder Root Waste Oil Tank: None 610580988 REPORTING REQUIREMENT Any monitor that is discovered in Alarm (RED Lights On) or audible alarm is sounding or any monitoring that cannot pass the daily inspection test must be reported immediately to: 1. Equilon Enterprises LCC SH&E Compliance Coordinator (818) 736-5078 Maintenance Coordinator (661) 326-4326 Training by Company Personnel Per manufacturer guidelines, the training necessary to operate the tank and line monitoring system is performed by the authorized installation contractor. The location is also responsible for daily inspections of the monitoring panel, alarm Panel Test Log and corrective actions. Operator/Manager 1. Each Individual alarm system is determined and located at the service station premises. 2. Each Individual alarm system is activated by visually inspecting the alarm panel lights and pushing the appropriate audible alarm button. 3. No impromptu repairs, changes, adjustments, etc. will be made to the monitoring equipment at the station. Designee · It shall be the responsibility of the operator/manager to train the designee to perform alarm panel tests. [] It shall be the responsibility of the operator/manager to train the designee to perform physical inventories. Additional Releases Safe~ Features at the Service Station Inventory reconciliation as defined by current lease. Equilon must be notified if the month end cumulative variation exceeds 1% sales and 130 gallons of monthly throughput. · Electronic Monitoring systems described above [] Physical Inventory [] Annual Tightness Testing of Single Wall Lines (If required by the Local Implementing Agency ) · Annual UST Equipment Certifications 610580988 · Double wall tanks are monitored by in tank gauging probes and there is a continuous electronic monitoring &the annular interstice space in each tank. A monthly status report of the annular space condition in each tank is completed at the end of each month. Hard copies of all test data will be maintained on-site in the ETM Results binder. [] Single wall tanks with Electronic Tank Monitors (ETM) will at a minimum comply with Section 2643, CCR: Electronically test each tank at least once per month after product delivery or when tank is filled to within 10% of highest operating level during previous month. The system is capable of detecting a release of 0.2 GHP. A Hard copy of all test data will be maintained on-site in the ETM Results binder. [] Single wall tanks with no eletronic monitoring equipment will be tested annually using the volumetric testing guidelines specified in Section 2643, CCR. Lines · All lines, Single wall or Double wall, are monitored by Pressure Line Leak Detection probes (PLLD). The sensor at 3 GPH every time the dispenser is used, and a 0.2 GPH leak rate once a month according to CCR, Title 23, Div 3, chapter 16 UST Regulations. Also the monitor is capable of a 0.1 GPH leak rate test once a year if mandated by the City Ordinance or Municipal code from Local Regulatory Agency. All product lines have Positive Shut Down and will stop the flow of product through the lines in the event of a leak. Some Double Wall lines are also monitored with either interstitial or sump sensors. Double wall fiberglass lines will have continuous sump monitors and line pressure monitors which are certified annually. [] Single wall lines: All single wall lines will be pressure tested annually according to Section 2643, CCR. And will be monitored with a line pressure device (mechanical or electronic) that is certified annually Tank / Line Testing or Certification Results: · The Veeder Root System Installed at this location provides continuous electronic leak detection of the product tanks pressurized product lines. The system provides audible and visual alarms to notify the operator in the event that a leak is detected. Hard copies of the UST System test results will be completed at the station the first week of each month. These copies of the UST Testing and Certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certification results will also be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required. Tank and line testing will be conducted by a qualified contractor and results of these tests will be maintained on-site and available for inspection. 610580988 Fuel Tanks [] Veeder-Root TLS-350 On a regular basis the operator / manager / designee will push the RED alarm test button which will indicate that the remote sensor and the monitor control panel are working as well as the condition of the alarm and that ALL FUNCTIONS ARE NORMAL. The RED and YELLOW lights will be observed to be OFF. These copies of the UST Testing and Certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications results will also be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required. [] Ronan All electronic monitoring devises will be inspected for operation in accordance with section 2632, CCR. Copies of the UST Testing and certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications will also be sent to the local agency [] Red Jacket All electronic monitoring devises will be inspected for operation in accordance with section 2632, CCR. Copies of the UST Testing and certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications will also be sent to the local agency [] Dealer Inventory Rec. On a daily basis the dealer takes a physical inventory (stick reading) of the levels of the tank. Each day he subtracted sales from and added deliveries to the book inventory. His daily inventories are compared to the "book" inventory to give the dealer a cumulative reading. At the end of each month the dealer will compare his daily inventories to net his overage or shortage for the month-to- date and make a monthly report. These reports will be maintained on-site at the station and available for review during inspection. A copy of the report will be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required. Fuel Lines [] Veeder-Root TLS-350 On a regular basis the operator / manager / designee will push the RED alarm test button which will indicate that the remote sensor and the monitor control panel are working as well as the condition of the alarm and that ALL FUNCTIONS ARE NORMAL. The RED and YELLOW lights will be observed to be OFF. These copies of the UST Testing and Certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications results will also be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required. 610580988 [] Ronan All electronic monitoring devises will be inspected for operation in accordance with section 2632, CCR. Copies of the UST Testing and certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications will also be sent to the local agency [] Red Jacket All electronic monitoring devises will be inspected for operation in accordance with section 2632, CCR.. Copies of the UST Testing and certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications will also be sent to the local agency [] Waste Oil Tank [] Veeder-Root TLS-350 On a daily basis the operator / manager / designee will push the RED alarm test button which will indicate that the remote sensor and the monitor control panel are working as well as the condition of the alarm and that ALL FUNCTIONS ARE NORMAL. The RED and YELLOW lights will be observed to be OFF. These copies of the UST Testing and Certifications will be maintained on-site at the station and available for inspection. UST Test/Certifications results will also be sent to the local agency by certified mail as required [] Dealer Inventory Rec. On a daily basis the dealer takes a physical inventory (stick reading) of the levels of the tank. Each day he subtracted sales from and added deliveries to the book inventory. His daily inventories are compared to the "book" inventory to give the dealer a cumulative reading: At the end of each month the dealer will compare his daily inventories to net his overage or shortage for the month:to- date and make a monthly report. These reports will be maintained on-site at the station and available for review during inspection. A copy of the report will be sent to the local hgency by certified mail as required. 610580988 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK LEAK RESPONSE PLAN Tank Owner: EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLC ATTN: SH&E DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 7869 BURBANK, CA., 91510-7869 Telephone Numbers: (818) 736-5078 or (661) 326-4326 If a Leak Detection Alarm or System is Activated: 1. Determine which tank system is involved. 2. Shut offpump and discontinue operations. 3. Call the Tank Owner Immediately. 4. Persons responsible for contacting the leak response unit / company and authorizing any work necessary. SH&E Compliance Coordinator (818) 736-5078 Maintenance Coordinator (661) 326-4326 5. Notify the local agency by: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT PHONE# (661) 326-4326 6. Call911 (if necessary): The Methods and Type of Equipment Used for Removing Hazardous Substances. All unauthorized releases will be removed from the secondary containment by vacuum track. A licensed hazardous waste contractor will be called to perform the clean up and removal of hazardous substances. The location and Availability of Cleanup Equipment: Major Spills: A local licensed hazardous waste contractor. Minor Spills: A spill kit with absorbent is to be maintained and supplied by the operator. To dispose of small generated hazardous waste, the operator / dealer will call Equilon's Contractor for proper disposal A copy of this response plan should be maintained near the electronic monitoring system. A copy is also sent to the local agency. 610580988 ' " SERVICE STATION MONITORING PROCEDURES Product Information Volume Regular Unleaded 12 Plus Unleaded 10 Premium Unleaded 10 Diesel 8 M-85 Waste Oil Tank Total Number of Tanks on Site: 4 Persons Responsible for Performing Monitoring: Manager Preventive Maintenance Schedule Daily Operator / Manager / Designee will perform equipment checks to ensure that monitors are operational. The Alarm Panel Test Log must be initialed by the person performing the daily equipment check (sample attached). Annual - (A) All monitoring equipment will be inspected and certified operational, according to manufacturer's specifications, by a licensed tank tester who is authorized and trained by the manufacturer. (B) Operational status will be reviewed on site by the Equilon SH&E Representative using the Equilon Service Station Audit Check List once a year. ' Records Retention All records associated with inspecting, certifying, testing, monitoring, and maintaining the UST system must be on site and available to Equilon / Agency auditors for a period of not less than three (3) years. 610580988 Tank and Line Testing Guidelines: [] All Simplicity monitors are continuously being monitored at a central office In Connecticut. Simplicity operators will notify each dealer and Equilon in the event that an alarm goes on at a station. They will also dispatch a service contractor to investigate those alarms and notify an Equilon Representative if any furth'er action is required. Gas tanks are monitored by in-tank gauging probes. These probes are capable of testing at 0.1 and 0.2 leak rate. TLS-350R controller is programmed for Continuos Statistical Leak Detection CSLD which tests the tanks at 0.2 GPH leak rate. Hard copies of all test data will be maintained on-site in the ETM Results binder. · In the event that an alarm is activated it will be the Operator's responsibility to investigate the cause and to notify an Equilon Representative if any further action is required. Gas tanks are monitored by in-tank gauging probes. These probes are capable of testing at a 0.1 to 0.2 GPH leak rate. Hard copies of all test data will be maintained on-site in the ETM Results binder. [] In the event that a Operator finds a reconciliation variance during physical inventories greater then the allowable variation, the Operator will begin the inventory discrepancy investigation procedures. The Operator will be responsible to notify an Equilon Representative if any further action is required. Inventory is taken on daily basis. Each month will have a monthly report which will be maintained on-site. Individual Training Record Employee Name Acknowledgement: By signing this form, I hereby acknowledge that I have attended the training sessions listed, and I understand the content and my responsibilities in these areas. Date Training Topic Employee's Trainers Signature Name Required HazCom (Hazard Communication) Hazwoper (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) Lockout/Tagout (Control of hazardous energy sources) RCRA (Resource Conservation & Recovery Act) RECOMMENDED Freon Recycling (as applicable) Spill Containment & Control Robbery Deterrence Waste Management Safe lifting Accident Reporting Fire Prevention & Evacuation Plans , Personal Protective Equipment TSCA (Toxic Substance Control Ac0 Safe Food Handling (as applicable) Service Bay Safety (as applicable) Civil Disturbance response Natural Disaster Response Use of Fire Extinguishers If NOT TEXACO SERVICE DISPENSER / .N PLANTER ~ / ~11~1',~', TANK r r r r _[ PLANTER REAL ROAD GAS STATION MOTEL , TEXACO REFINING & MARKETING INC. 3621 CALIFORNIA AVE & REAL RD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 61-058-000988 SCALE: 1 = 50'-0" T5251 NS MAP SYMBOLS PII:L:~ EXTIN~JISI-IF=~ FI~'E HYDRANT E$O EME~C=ENCT SI--IUT-OPP ~ EVACUATION/STAGING AREA IMSOSl MSOS STORAGF= LOCATION BUSINESS PLAN LOCATION ISPILL ] SPILL CONTROL EQUIPMC=NT CONTROLI O ELI=CTRICAL SIAUT'OPF= (~ WA'I'E~ SHUT-OPP ® ~s s~u~-o~ -- ~ '~' EVACUATION ROUTF= STORM DRAIN UNDEE'~ROUND TANK PL~MABLE LIQUID + ~EXACO~STAR MART #0988 SiteID: 215-000-000330 Manager : BusPhone: (805) 325-~33S~~ Location: 3621 CALIFORNIA AV Map : 102 CommHaz : Low City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 35B FacUnits: 1AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code:5541 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:19-408-5059 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title KAREN BALLI / MANAGER LIBBY BATES / SUPERVISOR Business Phone: (805) 325-3388x Business Phone: (805) 326-4389x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 831-7393x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 579-5024x Pager Phone : (~'~D~-~%~3x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Agency-Defined Topic Title += Hazmat Inventory One Unified List + +== MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site + .................. q + F ..... + + .... +---+ Hazmat Common Name... ISpeoHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCPI ~ 4 ~ + F .... +---+ UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 12000 GAL Mod' UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE F IH DH L 12000 GAL Mod SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE F IH DH L 12000 GAL Mod DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 8000 GAL Low CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH L 848 FT3 Min~ NEW OIL F DH L 135 GAL Min · y ~, ,,~ .~,~~--,~! Do he,~b' c~r~i~¥ that [ have (Ty!:~ or pr nt ns~e) any corrections conmkut~ a complete and con'oct rn~n- agement .... ~gna~re D~te 1 06/17/1997 + TEX-ACO. STAR MART #0988 SiteID: 215-000-000330 + + Fast Format + += Notif./Evacuation/Medical - Overall Site + +== Agency Notification 11/22/1993 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER, OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL ASSESS THE SITUATION THEN EVACUATE EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS. HE/SHE IS TO NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING: LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY - 911 TEXACO PERSONNEL TEXACO'S CONTRACTOR +=== Employee Notif./Evacuation 11/22/1993 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS, EVACUATE TO PREDESIGNATED MEETING AREA SHOWN ON FACILITY MAP, AND DIAL 9-1-1 FROM NEAREST SAFEST PHONE. + + .... Public Notif./Evacuation 11/22/1993 + THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY THE SURROUNDING BUSINESSES BY DOOR-TO-DOOR METHOD OR BY PHONE IF POSSIBLE. += + ...... Emergency Medical Plan - 11/22/1993 + ISAN HOSPITAL - 2615 EYE ST - 395-3000 JOAQUIN COMMUNITY ~ + 2 06/17/1997 + ~EXAC~ STAR MART #0988 == SiteID: 215-000-000330 + ~ Fast Format + += Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt == Overall Site + +== Release Prevention 11/22/1993 + 1) SMALL SPILLS DURING FUEL DELIVERIES TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS; INVENTORY VERIFIED PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO PREVENT OVERFILLS, SPILL CONTAINMENT BOXES INSTALLED AT EACH FILL, DRIVERS ARE TRAINED IN PROPER OFFLOADING TECHNIQUES TO PREVENT SPILLS. 2) SMALL SPILLS DURING CUSTOMERS FUELING OR DUE TO HIT DISPENSOR; IMPACT SHUT-OFF VALVES, AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF NOZZLES AND EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF SWITCH. +=== Release Containment 11/22/1993 + 1) SMALL SPILL - APPLY ABSORBANT, DISPOSE OF PROPERLY OR NOTIFY PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR INCIDENT; 1 - CALL 9-1-1; 2 - NOTIFY TEXACO PERSONNEL; 3 - CONTACT TEXACO'S CONTRACTOR. .... Clean Up 11/22/1993 + 1) SMALL SPILL - ABSORBANT IS PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OR THE PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR IS CONTACTED TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR SPILL OR OTHER INCIDENT - DIAL 9-1-1 AND NOTIFY AUTHORTIES OF EMERGENCY AND PROPER HANDLING. Other Resource Activation 11/22/1993 + CONTACT JIM REAGAN AT OFFICE OR AT HOME AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. -3- 06/17/1997 + ~EX. ACO STAR MART #0988 SiteID: 215-000-000330 ~ Fast Format += Site Emergency Factors Overall Site +== Special Hazards I +=== Ut±lity Shut-Offs 11/22/1993 A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE FOOD MART AT THE SE CORNER C) WATER - IN THE SIDEWALK ALONG THE WESTERN PROPERTY LINE D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY GAS PHMP SHUT-OFF; IN THE CASHIER AREA & NW CORNER E) LOCK BOX - NO ..... Fire Protec./Avail. Water - 11/22/1993 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN THE FOOD MART AT THE CASHIER'S AREA (2). FIRE HYDRANT - LOCATED ON CALIFORNIA AVE ON THE NE CORNER OF LOT. Building Occupancy Level -4- 06/17/1997 + ~E~AC© STAR MART #0988 SiteID: 215-000-000330 + ..... Fast Format += Training -- Overall Site +== Employee Training 11/22/1993 WE HAVE ~3' EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MSDS ON FILE AND ARE CURRENTLY OBTAINING NEW SHEETS. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED UPON EMPLOYMENT AS TO BASICS OF SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND IN THE USE OF ABSORBANT MATERIALS. PRIMARY IS THE NEED TO IDENTIFY THE SEVERITY OF ANY SITUATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. EMPLOYEES ARE CONTINUALLY INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT 9-1-1 IF WARRANTED, ESPECIALLY DUE TO NATURE OF MOTOR FUEL SALES AND STORAGE. EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT TEXACO'S MAINTENANCE CENTER @ (800) 962-9377 DURING BUSINESS HOURS OR TEXACO'S PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR FOR ALL INCIDENTS. THIS POLICY IS RESTATED TO EMPLOYEES ON A PERIODIC BASIS. += +=== Page 2 += + .... Held for Future Use = Hel. d for Future Use 5 06/17/1997 SERVICE 'STATION SERVICES i ~, ,. April 1, 1997 .... BAKERSFIELD ['IRE DEPARTMENT Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 atto: Underground Tanks Re: Texaco Refining & Marketing Locations (attached list) Change of Billing Address/Contact Person Gentlemen: Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. has reali of responsibility in your jurisdiction and relocated one of their offices. Fred Long, Sr. EH&S Coordinator has relocated his office uests that all invoices and related correspondence be directed to his attenti, Billing: Texaco & Marketing Inc. ~(~Di I~.. 94 Attn: Fred Long, Sr. EH&S Coordinator 3663 Gibson Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Contact Telephone Number: 805/326-4326 Fax Number: 805/326-4325 Should you have any further questions, please contact Fred at the above number or myself at 714/546-1227 ext 229. Thank you. Robert S. Watson 05/06/96 ' ~ TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 / Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Location: 3621 CALIFORNIA AV Map:102 Haz:2 Type: 3 City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 35B F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Contact Name Title KAREN BALLI / MANAGER UKSULA HAN$O~ /-EKFLQYEE Business Phone: (805) 325-3388x Business Phone: (805) 24-Hour Phone : (805) 831-7393x 24-Hour Phone : (805) Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 1900 E LOS ANGELES AVE., STE 200 D&B Number: 19-408-5059 City: SIMI VALLEY State: CA Zip: 93065- Comm Code: 215-003 BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code: 5541 Owner: TEXACO MARKETING & REFINING Phone: (~4~-) Address: P O BX 7812, ~TH FLOOR iO-r~ State: CA City: UNIVERSAL CITY ~ Zip: 91608- Summary EONTACT FRED LONG, EH&S COORDINATOR (805) 579-5024 FOR ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS. RECEIVED HAZ. MAT. DIV. ~r~,,..~, X/v',,%--r-~,~..,,~ ldo h~mby c~i~ ¢~ ~ ~.~ ~) "' reviewed ths a~ach~d h~aCdous mst~¢ials plan fo~~ ~ ~em ~nd that it ~on~ 65/06/96 ° ~ TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-003 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate ~ · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 DIESEL #2 Liquid 8000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Liquid 848 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-005 NEW OIL Liquid 135 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 65/06/96 TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 Page 3 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-003 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, In%med Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 12,000 I 6,000.00 2,000,000.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location UNDER GROUND TANK Ambient~AmbientlAT WEST END OF LOT -- Conc Components MCP ~Guide 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 27 02-002 UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 12,000 I 6,000.00 2,000,000.00 Storage~~Press T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK Iambient~AmbientlaT WEST END OF LOT -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 27 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 12,000 I 6,000.00 2,000,000.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK Iambient~ambientlaT WEST END OF LOT -- Conc Components ~ MCP --~Guide 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 27 65/06/96 - TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 Page 4 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-004 DIESEL #2 Liquid 8000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 8,000 I 4,000.00 I 1,000,000.00 Storage I Press T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbient[Ambient AT WEST END OF LOT -- Conc Components MCP ---iGuide 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No. 2 IModeratel 27 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Liquid 848 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 128-38-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max FT3 Daily Average FT3 Annual Amount FT3 848 I 424.00 I 8,480.00 Storage Press I Temp Location FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER IAbove /AmDiontlSTOREROOM & STORE -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% Icarbon Dioxide ILow ~ 21 02-005 NEW OIL Liquid 135 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 135 I 70.00 I 135.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER Iambient[ambientlSTOREROOM & STORE -- ConcI Components MCP TGuide 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based Minimal ~ 27 65/06/96 - TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 Page 5 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER, OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL ASSESS THE SITUATION THEN EVACUATE EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS. HE/SHE IS TO NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING: LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY - 911 TEXACO PERSONNEL TEXACO'S CONTRACTOR <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS, EVACUATE TO PREDESIGNATED MEETING AREA SHOWN ON FACILITY MAP, AND DIAL 9-1-1 FROM NEAREST SAFEST PHONE. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY THE SURROUNDING BUSINESSES BY DOOR-TO-DOOR METHOD OR BY PHONE IF POSSIBLE. <4> Emergency Medical Plan SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - 2615 EYE ST - 395-3000 65/06/96 - - TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention 1) SMALL SPILLS DURING FUEL DELIVERIES TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS; INVENTORY VERIFIED PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO PREVENT OVERFILLS, SPILL CONTAINMENT BOXES INSTALLED AT EACH FILL, DRIVERS ARE TRAINED IN PROPER OFFLOADING TECHNIQUES TO PREVENT SPILLS. 2) SMALL SPILLS DURING CUSTOMERS FUELING OR DUE TO HIT DISPENSOR; IMPACT SHUT-OFF VALVES, AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF NOZZLES AND EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF SWITCH. <2> Release Containment 1) SMALL SPILL - APPLY ABSORBANT, DISPOSE OF PROPERLY OR NOTIFY PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR INCIDENT; 1 - CALL 9-1-1; 2 - NOTIFY TEXACO PERSONNEL; 3 - CONTACT TEXACO'S CONTRACTOR. <3> Clean Up 1) SMALL SPILL - ABSORBANT IS PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OR THE PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR IS CONTACTED TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR SPILL OR OTHER INCIDENT - DIAL 9-1-1 AND NOTIFY AUTHORTIES OF EMERGENCY AND PROPER HANDLING. <4> Other Resource Activation CONTACT JIM REAGAN AT OFFICE OR AT HOME AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. ~5/06/96 : = TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 Page ? O0 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE FOOD MART AT THE SE CORNER C) WATER - IN THE SIDEWALK ALONG THE WESTERN PROPERTY LINE D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY GAS PUMP SHUT-OFF; IN THE CASHIER AREA & NW CORNER E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN THE FOOD MART AT THE CASHIER'S AREA (2). FIRE HYDRANT - LOCATED ON CALIFORNIA AVE ON THE NE CORNER OF LOT. <4> Building Occupancy Level 05/06/96 ~ TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 Page 8 O0 - Overall Site <G> Tra±n±ng <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 15 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MSDS ON FILE AND ARE CURRENTLY OBTAINING NEW SHEETS. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED UPON EMPLOYMENT AS TO BASICS OF SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND IN THE USE OF ABSORBANT MATERIALS. PRIMARY IS THE NEED TO IDENTIFY THE SEVERITY OF ANY SITUATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. EMPLOYEES ARE CONTINUALLY INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT 9-1-1 IF WARRANTED, ESPECIALLY DUE TO NATURE OF MOTOR FUEL SALES AND STORAGE. EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT TEXACO'S MAINTENANCE CENTER @ (800) 962-9377 DURING BUSINESS HOURS OR TEXACO'S PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR FOR ALL INCIDENTS. THIS POLICY IS RESTATED TO EMPLOYEES ON A PERIODIC BASIS. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use 05/06/96 ~" ,: TEXACO STAR MART #0988 215-000-000330 Page 9 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <4> Held for Future Use (Continued) 05/22/95 TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 e 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit ~' JUN ~ 799~ /// General Information Location: 3621 CALIFORNIA AV Map:'02 Haz:2 Type: 3 City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 35B F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Contact Name Title KAREN BALLI / MANAGER URSULA HANSON / EMPLOYEE Business Phone: (805) 325-3388x Business Phone: (805) 325-3388x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 831-7393x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 834-2577x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 1900 E LOS ANGELES AVE., STE 200 D&B Number: 19-408-5059 City: SIMI VALLEY State: CA Zip: 93065- Comm Code: 215-003 BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code: 5541 Owner: TEXACO MARKETING & REFINING Phone: (805) 325-3388 Address: P O BX 7812, 4TH FLOOR State: CA City: UNIVERSAL CITY Zip: 91608- Summary I, ~.~0. _~.",A/,~-r~¢,,-~ Do hereby ced~i~ that U h~v~ (Ty~ or Cnt name) revie'¢;ed the a~ached h~erdous mated~ls m~n~¢a- merit p{an fcC._~ ~m~ and ~hsi it slung with any cor~ect~ons constitute a complete and corr~ man~ .,,, ~gnamte ~to 05/22/95 TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-003 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 DIESEL #2 Liquid 8000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Liquid 848 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 02-005 NEW OIL Liquid 135 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 05/22/95 TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 3 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 0~.-0~'~o_~/ / / / ~s / ~~ / · ire, essure Immed th / / ~T3 / / / ~ir~ /ess' ~/Inm ~th / / /CA~/74-9~ /ade/et: Ny / / / / / -- ~ily Ma~T3 /, Dail~ ~agF FT3 ~ annua; ~oun~ FT3 --/ / / /,o,0/,/ 7 .oo/ V ~ Se~rage / Pr ss Te ~ ~catlon m/'~~ 02-0Q.~' SUPER ~NLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate ~ Fi~, I~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS ~: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL / Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL ~ Annual ~ount GAL 12,000 ~ 6,000.00 2,000,000.00 Storage ~ Press T Temp~ Location UNDE~ G~OUND TANK ~ient~ient~AT WEST END OF LOT - Conc ..~ Components MCP ~uide 100.0% '~Gasoline Moderate~ 27 02-002 UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL -- Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 12,000 ~ 6,000.00 2,000,000.00 Storage~lPress T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbient~AmbientlAT WEST END OF LOT -- Conc "'! Components ~ MCP ---~Guide 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 27 05/22/9~ TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 4 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 12,000 I 6,000.00 2,000,000.00 Storage~~Press T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbient~AmbientlaT WEST END OF LOT -- Conc Components ~ MCP ---TGuide 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 27 02-004 DIESEL #2 Liquid 8000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL -- 8,000 ~ 4,000.00 1,000,000.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location UNDER GROUND TANK AmbientlAmbientlAT WEST END OF LOT -- Conc~ Components MCP ---TGuide 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No. 2 ModerateI 27 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Liquid 848 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 128-38-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max FT3848I~ Daily Average424.00FT3 I Annual AmoUnts,480.00FT3 -- Storage Press T Temp~ Location FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientlSTOREROOM & STORE -- Conc Components MCP ---[Guide 100.0% ICarbon Dioxide ILow ~ 21 05/22/95 TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 5 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-005 NEW OIL Liquid 135 .Minimal ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 135 ~ 70.00 135.00 Storage ~~Press T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER IAmbientlAmbientlSTOREROOM & STORE -- Conc~ Components ~ MCP -~Guide 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based IMinimal I 27 05/22/9~ TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER, OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL ASSESS THE SITUATION THEN EVACUATE EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS. HE/SHE IS TO NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING: LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY - 911 TEXACO PERSONNEL TEXACO'S CONTRACTOR <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS, EVACUATE TO PREDESIGNATED MEETING AREA SHOWN ON FACILITY MAP, AND DIAL 9-1-1 FROM NEAREST SAFEST PHONE. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation THE MANAGER, ASSISTANT MANAGER OR CLERK/CASHIER WILL NOTIFY THE SURROUNDING BUSINESSES BY DOOR-TO-DOOR METHOD OR BY PHONE IF POSSIBLE. <4> Emergency Medical Plan SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - 2615 EYE ST - 395-3000 05/22/95 TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 7 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention 1) SMALL SPILLS DURING FUEL DELIVERIES TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS; INVENTORY VERIFIED PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO PREVENT OVERFILLS, SPILL CONTAINMENT BOXES INSTALLED AT EACH FILL, DRIVERS ARE TRAINED IN PROPER OFFLOADING TECHNIQUES TO PREVENT SPILLS. 2) SMALL SPILLS DURING CUSTOMERS FUELING OR DUE TO HIT DISPENSOR; IMPACT SHUT-OFF VALVES, AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF NOZZLES AND EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF SWITCH. <2> Release Containment 1) SMALL SPILL - APPLY ABSORBANT, DISPOSE OF PROPERLY OR NOTIFY PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR INCIDENT; 1 - CALL 9-1-1; 2 - NOTIFY TEXACO PERSONNEL; 3 - CONTACT TEXACO'S CONTRACTOR. <3> Clean Up 1) SMALL SPILL - ABSORBANT IS PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OR THE PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR IS CONTACTED TO DISPOSE OF MATERIALS. 2) MAJOR SPILL OR OTHER INCIDENT - DIAL 9-1-1 AND NOTIFY AUTHORTIES OF EMERGENCY AND PROPER HANDLING. <4> Other Resource Activation CONTACT JIM REAGAN AT OFFICE OR AT HOME AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. 05/22/95 TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 8 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE FOOD MART AT THE SE CORNER C) WATER - IN THE SIDEWALK ALONG THE WESTERN PROPERTY LINE D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY GAS PUMP SHUT-OFF; IN THE CASHIER AREA & NW CORNER E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN THE FOOD MART AT THE CASHIER'S AREA (2). FIRE HYDRANT - LOCATED ON CALIFORNIA AVE ON THE NE CORNER OF LOT. <4> Building Occupancy Level 05/22/95 TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 9 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 15 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MSDS ON FILE AND ARE CURRENTLY OBTAINING NEW SHEETS. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED UPON EMPLOYMENT AS TO BASICS OF SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND IN THE USE OF ABSORBANT MATERIALS. PRIMARY IS THE NEED TO IDENTIFY THE SEVERITY OF ANY SITUATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. EMPLOYEES ARE CONTINUALLY INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT 9-1-1 IF WARRANTED, ESPECIALLY DUE TO NATURE OF MOTOR FUEL SALES AND STORAGE. EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT TEXACO'S MAINTENANCE CENTER @ (800) 962-9377 DURING BUSINESS HOURS OR TEXACO'S PRIMARY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR FOR ALL INCIDENTS. THIS POLICY IS RESTATED TO EMPLOYEES ON A PERIODIC BASIS. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use 05/2'2/95 ~ TEXACO STAR MART 215-000-000330 Page 10 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <4> Held for Future Use (Continued) Texaco Refining 10 Universal City Plaza and Marketing Inc Universal City CA 91608 December 30, 1994 Ralph E. Huey ""~ H~ardous Materials Coordinator Bakersfield Ci~ Fire Dept. 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subje~: Texaco Refining & Marketing - Universal City Plaza Change of Address Dear Mr. Huey,  Effective January 9, 1995 Texaco Refining & Marketing Inc. is relocating many of its personnel to a new location. Included in this move is Fred Long, E.H. & S. Coordinator· Enclosed is a listing of Texaco Retailers, Contract Operators and Salary Operations for which Texaco wishes all correspondence be directed to Mr. Long. Those locations falling within your agency's jurisdiction are highlighted for you convenience. Please ad~~ ~_ ~~ong,_E:H. & S. Coordinator ~~fining & Marketing Inc. /' Pacific West Region 1900 E. Los Angeles Ave., Suite 200 Simi Val!ey, CA 93065 . / Telephone number: - ~,,.. Fax: (805)579-5024 · (805)579-5098 Thank you for your consideration· Sincerely, Timothy D. Stillman TDS/jr ~ul!ding c,'} a Tradition of Quaiity bp_juris s~a=_num s_dealer s_addnum s_address s_ci=y ehs_specl 62-481-000010 ALVIN ARNESON 1457 S. CARSON/STEWARD CARSON CITY FGL , 62-481-000154 EVERERT W.. LOGAN 400 E. PLUMB LANE/KIRMAN RENO FGL CJ~K 61-058-000450 WILLS, CALVIN O. 5321 STOCKDALE/NEW STINE B~PZ~LD FGL cim( 61-os8-ooo?oo s~,'~: ;, ~ D~'mBTS 36~8 Mz~/p. ra~ ROAOS . _ a,~sa~_ . ~;L CIBK 61-058-001408 MRNRGER (ROSEMARY IL~'"Y) 2601 gl-liT; LRNE/POTRI;RO cza~c 61-088-001¢08 ~AG;R (~.%RY ;IDMORm. 2401 N OAiC/~mrry-t, otri~,t CIBU 6~-106-00025~ ~AGER (ROBIN DZ~ON) 400 N V:~ORY/~GNOLIA a~ FGL C[~L ~[-~0S-o00[S0 ~ S~W~ [~0 ~ CO~O~O/~ C[~ ~[-Z0S-000Z0~ ~0~O~, V~T~ ~0[0, S ~Y/N~T[O~ ~S ~G~S F~ CI~ 61-106-000283 A~I, ~I 9500 EESEDA BL~/PL~R NOR~I~E FGL CI~ 61-106-000755 ~LSON & FLOOD INC 115 S B~INGTON/S~SET LOS ~E~S FGL CI~ 61-106-000133 ~OE, ~ LIM 4456 LOS FELIZ/HI~T LOS ~GE~S FGL CI~ 61-106-000157 V~ DER V~K, ~ 18101 ~ BL~/LI~Y T~ FGL CI~ 61-106-000385 V~ER V~K, ~ 19706 ~/CO~IN W~D~ HI~ FGL CI~ 61-106-000354 ~OE, ~ LIM 15805 EOSCOE/~LL SEP~A FGL CI~ 61-106-000252 ~ CORP 23201 ~/W~D~ WOOD~ HI~ FGL CI~ 61-106-000888 LO~OUSE, D~ D. 5314 TOP~ ~/S~ LUIS WOOD~ HI~ FGL CI~ 61-106-000922 WILLI~ S~I~ 4647 ~L ~ON BL~/~ 101 N HO~OOD FGL CISL 61-058-001103 ~G, ~ 3 S~A ROSA/FOO~I~ S~ L~S OBISPO FGL CISL 61-058-000033 SINGE, S~JI~ER 12398 LOS OSOS V~Y RO~/~ 101 S~ LUIS OBISPO FGL CISM 61-106-000341 ~IR~IS ~C 1410 PICO/FO~ S~A MONI~ FGL COFR 61-063-001400 ~AGER S~ VOON) 5316 W S~W/~ 99 F~SNO FGL CO~ 61-063-000015 ~GER ~ ~C~RY) 4783 N P~/B~ F~O FGL COFR 61-063-000005 ~GER GEORGE ROUSE) 390 W S~W/P~ ~OVIS FGL CO~ 61-063-001432 ~GER MONA D~OW) 3808 N B~C~TO~/D~OTA F~SNO FGL COFR 61-063-000045 ~GER DON ~) 5756 N FIRST/B~ ~SNO FGL CO~ 61-063-000003 ~AGER ~IS ~D} 1016 W S~W A~/P~ ~SNO FGL COFR 61-063-000275 ~AGER ~ B~) 3089 E ~/FI~T ~SNO FGL CO~ 61-063-000012 ~AGER ~IA PONCE) 3464 E ~/FI~ ~SNO FGL COFR 61-063-000010 DHILLON, JATI~ER P. 2330 N F~SNO/~I~ON ~SNO FGL CO~ 61[063-000009 ~AGE[ (J~T RODEO) 501 SIE~ ST/~ 99 KINGSB~G FGL CO~ 61-058-000225 ~GER (BB~ F~LOT) 5300 OLI~ DRI~/~S~ B~FIE~ FGL CO~ 61-058-000050 B~GLEY, STEP~ 9069 G~PEVI~ ~ ~ST/I-5 ~BEC FGL CO~ 61-106-000021 ~, ELI~ (B~) 5226 P~O ~O/~ 101 A~ HI~ FGL CO~ 61-106-001498 ~ITIN & ~R 23387 P~/~OSS ~EK ~IBU FGL CO~ 61-058-000340 ~Y, GL~ ~. 49764 GO~ POST ~/I-5 CO~ 61-058-001727 ~AGER (MO~D Q~EM) 37204 FOR~-S~ ST/A~ "S" P~ FGL CO~ 61-106-001402 G~S~ (GUS) BA~A 18727 SOLED~ ~ON S~A ~ITA FGL CO~ 61-106-000914 ~GER 24440 W LYONS A~/I-5 S~A ~ITA FGL CO~ 61-063-000158 ~AGER JACKIE BRO~) 1107 W OLI~/"R" ~R~D FGL COSJ OES 62-564-000276 IQB~ S. ~O~ 440 W. ~TER WAY/LINCO~ STOC~ON FGL COSL 61-058-000401 HORZ~, ~O~ 1205 ~E~-FO~/~ 101 P~O ROBES FGL COST 61-106-000185 ~I, ESS~IL 5960 ~E R~/FAIRVIEW ~LETA FGL COST 61-106-000314 ~I, ~I 150 S ~ ~/~ 101 S~A B~ FGL COST 61-058-000080 HOOBERY, J~S C. 1201 E ~IN/~ 101 S~A ~IA FGL CO~ 61-106-000479 S~IB~I, NOZ~ 256 ~N DR/D~Y ~I~ FGL CO~ 61-106-000271 MOR~, DAVID J. 206 E ~V~/P~ S~A PA~ FGL CO~ 61-106-000363 TO~I~, ~ 56 E THOUS~ O~/MOORPA ~OUS~ O~ FGL CO~ 61-106-000352 ~GER (~ SEG~I) 1196 E LOS ~GELES/PA~ICIA SIMI V~T,~.RY FGL CO~ 61-106-000007 D~ LOF~OUSE 3050 E THOUS~ O~/~S~ ~OUS~ O~ FGL CO~ 61-106-001184 ~AGER (DIPESH PATEL) 2390 TAPO S~EET/CO~ SIMI V~EY FGL CO~ 61-106-001342 SI~, N~I~ER & RE~ 2439 S VI~ORIA/V~E~I~ (~ 101) ~ FGL CO~ 61-106-000386 J~ERI, ~ 9459 TELEPHO~ ~/PETIT ~ FGL BUSINESS EMERGENCY PLAN (Hazardous Material Management Plan and Disclosure/Inventory) TEXACO TEXACO STAR MART 3621 CALIFORNIA AVENUE & REAL ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 61-058-000988 (805)325-3388 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoici further action, return this form within 30 clays of recei~3t. '2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a who{e. 4. Be brief and concise as pos~ible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Texaco Star Mart LOCATION: 3621 California & Real Rd. MAILING ADDRESS: 3621 California CITY: Bakersfield STATE: CA ZIP: 93309 PHONE: (805) 325-3388 DUN & BRADSTRE'ET NUMBER: SIC CODE; 5541 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Motor Fuel Sales OWNER: Texaco- Marketing & Refinin~ MAILING ADDRESS: P0 Box 7812, 4th Floor, Universal City CA 91608-'7~(~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Karen Balli Manager (.805) 325-3388 (805) 831-7393 2. Ursula Hanson EmPloyee (805) 325-3388 (805) 834-2577 akers~eld Fire Dept. Hazardous N~aterials Division HAZARDOUS 'MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 15 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY oF TRAINING PROGRAM: Employees are trained upon employment as to basics o£ safety and emergency procedures and in the use of absorbant materials. Primary is the need to identify the severity of any situation as.soon-~as possible. Employees are continually instructed to contact 9-1-1 if warranted, especially due to nature of motor fuel sales and storage. Employees are instructed to contact Texaco's Maintenance Center @ (800) 962-9377 during business hours or Texaco's primary mainteoance contractor for all incidents. This policy is restated to employees on a periodic basis. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THATMY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TiMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTFriES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ~- ~ ~___~(D/zTC,-- CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL-BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE"CALtFORNIA HEALTH AND SAF:~--'TY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV.. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC.'25500 ET AL.) AND TH,~,T INACCURATE INFORMATiON.CONSTr[UTES PERJURY. SIGNATI~J~ 'TITLE DATE B akers~ld Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials D[visio= HAZARDQLI~ MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: Texaco Star Mart SECTION6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: The Manager., Asst. Manager, or Clerk/Cashier will assess the situation then evacuate employees and customers. He/she is to notify the following: Local Emergency Response Agency - 911 Texaco Personnel Texaco's Contractor B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: The Manager, Asst. Manager or Clerk/Cashier will notify all other employees and customers, evacuate to predesignated' meeting area shown on Facility Map, and dial 9-1-1 from nearest safest phone. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: " The Manager, Asst. Manager or Clerk/Cashier will notify the surrounding businesses by door-to-door method or. by phone if possible. O. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: San Juaquin Community Hospital 2615 Eye Street Bakersfield (805) 395 -3000 Bakersfield.Fize Dept. Hazardous ~aterials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: 1) Small spills duing fuel deliveries to. underground storage tanks: inventory verified prior to delivery to prevent overfills, spill containment boxes installed at each fill, drivers are trained in proper offloading techniques to prevent spills. 2) Small spills during customers fueling or due to hit dispenser: impact shut-off valves, automatic shut-off nozzles and emergency shut-off swit( 8. RELEASE. CONtAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: 1) Small spill -' apply absorbant, dispose of properly or notify primary maintenance contractor to dispose of materials. 2) Major incident - 1. Call 9-1-1 2. Notify Texaco Personnel 3. Contact Texaco's Contractor C, CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES; l) Small spill - absorbant is properly disposed of or the primary maintenance contractor is contacted to dispose of materials. 2) Major Spill or other incident - dial 9-1-1 and notify authorities of emergency and proper handling SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY}: NATURAL. GAS/PROPANE: iN/A ELECTRICAL: Inside the Food Mart at the Southeast corner WATER: In the sidewalk along the Western property line SPECIAL: Emergency Gas Pump Shut-off: in the cashier area & at the N.W. corner of the Food Mart LOCK BOX: YES/~ IF YES, LOCATION; SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE I:'ROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Fire extinguishers are located in the Food Mart at the cashier's area (2). B. WATER AVAILABILtTY (FIRE HYDRANt: A fire hydrant is located on California Ave. at the N.E. corner of the lot. 4. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME Texaco Star Mart FACILITY NAME Texaco Star M2r~ SITE ADDRESS 3621 California CITY Bakersfield 'STATE C,A Z~P , 93309 NATURE OF BUSINESS' Motor Fuel Sales SIC CODE 5541 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER' OWNER/OPERATOR Texaco Refining & Marketing PHONE ('818~ 505-2400 MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 7812, 4th Floor C[TY Universal City STATE CA ZIP 91608 EMERGENCY CO NTACTS NAME Karen Balli TITLE Manager BUSINESS PHONE (8o5) 325-3388 24-HOUR PHONE (8o5) 831-7393 NAME Ursula Hanson TITLE Employee BUSINESS PHONE (805) 325-3388 · 24-HOUR PHONE (8o5) 834-2577 BAKERSFIELD cITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page1 of 2 t~usiness Name Texaco Star Mart Address 3671 C~l ~ fnr-~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTIQN 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ I Deletion [ 1 Check( ff cl~emicaJ is & NON TRADE SECRET [~ TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: Unleaded 3) I:X3T # (opaonaJ) Chem,amName: Automotive Lead-Free Gasoline AHM[I CAS# 8006619 A) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [~ Re.clive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immeai~te Hea~th (Acute) ~] Delayea HeaJttt (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code h'em OHS Form 8022) USE CODE 1 9 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [~ Ga~ [ I Pure [ ] Mixtt~re [X~ wa.'~te [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Ma~mumO~iiyAmount: ~ lbs [ ]~s~ ~t3[] .)Container: ,02 Average D-ily Amount: ] b) Pressure: / Annue~ Amoum: '~0-0~. 000 c) Temi~eta.~um: 4 [.~ge~t Size Container:. ~ ,/'-'~. # Dam On Site ~ Circie Whi¢~ Months: ~ J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A. S. O, N, 9) MIXTURE; I.Jst COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM me mree most hazamous ~) Benzene 71432 1-3.99 [ chemical componen~ or anyAHM ¢oml~3nen~l 2) Toluene 108883 4-10.99 [ ] 3).Ethylbenzene 100414 1-3.99 ~o) Lo~mo, At the West end of the lot CHEMICAl. DESCRIPTION 1) INV~OR¥ STATUS: New [ 1' Addamn'[ ] Revmion [ ] Oem~o. [ ! Check i~ chemica~ i~ & NON TRADE SECl~'r [X] TI~M SECRET [ ] 2) Commo, N~,e: Unleaded Plus 3) .ooT#{o~,~3 1203 Chami~Namo: Automotive Lead-Free GaSoline ~M(I cAs~ 8006619 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORItmS Fire [X] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pre~s,,Im [ ] Immedi~e HeaP41 (9~:ute) ~] Delayed Health (Chm3nic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION ,(3~igit code ~om OHS Form SO~) USE CODE 19 6) PHYS~CALSTATE Soiia ~ I O~ia [XI ~ ~ ] Pure [ ] M~r. [~ w-,. { ~ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME Ar FACiUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE COOES M.~imumm-~Amoun~: 12,000 ~b, [ ] ~a D~ fm [ ] e) con,-~ner. 02 Average Dmly Amount: ~ cu.e~ [ ] ~) Pressure: Annam Amount: T~000 c) Tom,orDure: 4 Largest Size Com"ne~. #D&~OnSite ~6~ Circle Which Montl%$: ~lYe~.) J, F, M. A. M. ~, J, A. $. O. N, D 9) MlXl~J~E: Li~ - COMPONENT CAS # memreemosth,zamou, ~). Benzene 71432 1-3.99 [ ] chemlc-I coml3onents or any AHM component= 2) Toluene 108883 4-10.99 [ I 3I Ethylbenzene 100414 1-3.99 ti 10) U~aa~, At the West end of the lot cern~ un. er penel~y of law, ~at I 13ave personally examineo ~ am/am/J~ar w~ ~e i~orna~on ~uDm~te~ on ~lia an¢~ a~l a~acneo submitted information i~ ~rue. accurate, and complete. BAKERSFIELD CI'[::Y FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page2 ~usinessN~me Texaco Star Mart Address 3621 California CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision { ] Deletion [ ] Check ff chemic~ is a NON TRADE SECRET [~ TRADE SECRET 2) Comm~nN~.e: Super Unleaded 3) ~OT ~ (0p~on-') 1203 Chem~aJName: Automotive Lead-Free Gasoline ANM[I cas# ~a066!9 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ~] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) IX] Delayed HeaJth (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3<licJit code from DHS Fo~m 8022) USE CODE 19 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [~ Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [~] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES MaXJmum DaJlyAmount: 12,000 · Ib~ [ I g~ ~ ~3 [ ! ~)Co.UUnec 02 Average Daily Amount: ~:::~0 curies [ ] b) Pressure: 1 A/lnuaJ Amount: 00 C) Tempefatlire: 4 Lm'gest Size Container. 1 ~: # Dey~ onsRe 365 CIrcle Which Months: ~UIYear) J, F. M, A. M, J, J, A. S. O. N, O 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT NlM me mroe most ~z&mou$ 1) Benzene 7.1432 1-3.99 [ chem~ compo.~.- or Toluene 108883 4-10.99 any AHM compo.e.U 2) [ 3) Ethylbenzene 100414 1-3.99 lO) L~o. At the West end of the lot CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ]' A~d~o. [ ] Rev~io. [ ] De~o. [ ] Che~k ~ ~hem~ b a NON TRADE SECRET IX] TRADE SECREr 2) Com.~.N~.~: Diesel #2 3) ~OT, (o~.~ 1203 Chemi~Na.~: Diesel Fuel AN~ [ 1 c~s# Mixture 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES FIre [~ Rea~ve [ ] Sudden Re~ase of Pressure [ ] Immed~te He,ti1 (Acute) ~ ] Delayed Heath (Chronk:) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-dig~ code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 19 i ~) PHYSlCAL STATE Solid [ I U~uid IXI C~ [ I P~ro [ I ~mro [~ waste [ I ~io~ [ I 7) AMOONT AND TIME AT FAClUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES ~mum a~y Amo-n~: 8,000 I~ [ I g" [)~ ~ [ I ~ Co~,,r. 02 Average Daily Amount: ~.000 curmS [ ] I=) Pressure: Annum Amount: ~ 000 c) Temperature: 4 La.Jest Size Contmner. # DaysOn Site '~ Circle Which Months: ~lYearJ J, F. M, A. M. J, J, A. S. O. N, O 9) MIXTURE: List * COMPONENT CAS # % WI' me mroe mo$~ ~.z.mou~ ~) Dlesel Mlxture 99-100 chemical components or any AHM components 2),' Benzene 71432 0-0.36 10) Loca~n At the West end of the lot cer~fy un, er penal~y of law, ~at I have pemonally examinec~ ar~ am farraiiar w~ I~e inforna~on suerni~ted on ~Jis ar~ aJ~ a~ct~ed ~ocumeng~. suOmitt~J inforrnaO*on i'~ O'ue, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & 7~#e of AulJlonzed Coml~ny Represen~tve Signaazre ~ Oatl S 'F ELD BAKER CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page_of__ Business Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Add~on [ ] Revision [ ] DeletiOn [ ] Check ff Chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (o!~3onaJ) ChemicaJ Name: AHM [ ] CAS 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Re~'twe [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate HeaJth (Acute) [ ] DelaYed Heaith (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(:)-digit code fTom DH$ Form ~022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Redioective [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Ma~Jmum Daily Amount: lbs [ ] gal [ ] 1t3 [ ] a) Container. Average O~ily Amount: ~unes [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: ¢) Temperature: Largest Size Container. # ~ On Site Circle Which Merlins: All Year. J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT NlM the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemica] components or . - any AHM components 2) [ ] 3) [ 1 10) Loru~en CHEMICAl. DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ 1' ~¢eon { ] Re~nSion [ ] Deletion [ ] Cheek if chemi~l is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ;2) Comrrlon Name: 3) DOT # (opbonaJ} Chemic:al Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGOPJES FIre [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immeclia~e HeaJth (A4~te) [ ] Delayed HeaJth (Chronk:) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClLrT'Y UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CDOES M~XJmum Daily Amount: lbs [ ] gal [ ] ~t3 [ ] a) ContaJner: Average Daily Amount: runes [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: La.jest Size Cont='ner. # D,,ys On Site Cimle Which Months: Ail Year. J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. 0. N. O 9) MIXTURE; list - COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the ~ree most hezJuctous 1). [ ] chemieaJ components or any AHM components 2). [ 3) [I 10) LoMtien cer~/ unc~er pena~/ of /aw, Blat I have pe~onally exarmnecJ ar, ct am ~emil~az wl~ Ele infomallott suonl~eO on Elis aJlO suDrr~ed inform~on is ~ue, accurate, end complete. PRINT Name & T~Je of Authorized Coml:mny Represerr~ve. S/gna;ure Dam SERVICE STATION NOV ~.9 1993 SERVICE S October 26, 1993 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Texaco ServiCe Station 3621 California Ave. & Real Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Service Station #: 61-058-000988 Please find enclosed one copy of the updated Hazardous Materials Management Plan for the above referenced Texaco Service Station. This update was generated in order to comply with Agency Requirements. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed material, please contact me at (714) 546-1227. Sincerely, Nancy E. Scott Enc. cc: Mr. Fred Long, Environmental Specialist, Texaco Refining & Marketing 3 HU'I-rON CENTRE DRIVE SUITE 711 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 714/546-1227 FAX: 714/546-0812 c I~3r om- BZkK~-R~ ~~D RECEIVED RZ U5 R RI 5 0 6 1992 Fa~ and Agriculture~' Standard~ Business ~ Page / of NON - ~E SEC~T HA7. ~4AT. DIV. ~USINESS N~:_,~ex~o ~,~ ~.~ ~O?FF O~ER N~: 1EXACO REFINING AND M.ARKETIN~ ' . N~ OF THIS FACILITY: ~aco ~~,,_ ~OCgTION: Jgzl ~/;~ * ~ ~. ~D~SS: ~o.~ox ~/~ ~: ~e~ . ST~D~ IND. CLRSS CODE: ~ITY, ZIP: ~/~'~[~ ~o~ CITY, ZIP: ~~i ~/~ C~ ~/go~: ' DUN ~D B~ST~ET N~BgR/FgDg~ ID ~HONg ~: ~ ~Z~ ~ PHONE ~: 8/~ ~- %~o~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~R ~ I~U~IONS ~R PROPER 1 2 3 4 5 ~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Trane ~e ~x Avarage ~nual,. Reaau~e ~ Days Con~ ~ont Con~ Use Locat~oa ~ere ~ by N~s of R~ture/~nonts Code C~e ~t ~t ~t Units on Site ~ Press Tomp Code Stored in Facilit~ ~ See Instructions ~hys~al and Health Hazard C.A.S. Nu~e= ~ t~ ~ Co.orient * ~ N~ & C.A.S.__N~e~' 1 ~ ~/~ ~ ~e~ a~ (Check all ~ha~ agply) ./ Component J 2 N~ & C.A.S~er ~ Fire Hazed. ~ Sudden ~lease ~ R~ctivity ~ I~iate ~ Delay~ ~ ,o.~ /O~3 ~ /~e~ of Pressure H~lth H~lth Component J 3 N~ & C.A.8. ~er Physical and H~lth Hazard C.A.S. N~er Co~onent ~ 1 N~ & C.A.8. N~er (Check all that apply) Co~onent ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~"Reactivity ~ I~iate ~ Oelay~ ' of Pressure H~lth Health Component ~ 3 N~ & C.A.8. Nu~er Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Nu~er ~ J 1 Na~ & C.A.8. N Component, 2 Ns. & C.A.8.~er ~ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Releas. ~ R~ctivity ~ I~ed~ate ~ Delay~ ~ o'f pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ ~ C.A.8. N~er I '~0 ~ t ~9~/e~'w Physical and H~lth Hazard C.A.fi. N~er Component ~ 1 N~ & C.A.8. N~er (Check all that apply) Component ~ 2 N~ & C.A.8. N~er of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 N~ & C.A.8. Nu~er Nam Title ~4 Hr. Phone N~e Title % ' 24 Hr Phon~ Certification (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS). , I certify ~der peanlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and ~ famlli~ with the info~tion su~itted in ~is ~d all attached d~ents and that ~sed on ~ in~iry of those individuals res~nsible for obtaining the infection. I believe that the su~itted info~ation is t~e, acc~ate, and 02/20/92 TEXACO WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Location: 3621 CALIFORNIA AV Map: 102 Hazard: Low Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 Grid: 35B F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Business Phone ~ 24-~our unone- lu~A%~~' MANAGER (805) 325-3388 x/(805) IJAMES REAGAN ZONE MANAGER (805) 326-4389 x (805) 832-6580 Administrqtive Data Mail Addrs: P O BOX 7812/ ;~: ~~~3 D&B Number: City: UNIVERSAL CITY State: CA Zip: 91608- Comm Code: 215-003 BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code: 5541 Owner: JAMES G BAILEY Phone: (805) 325-3388 Address: P O BX 9746 State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93389- Summary RECEIVED ~tAR 1 6 HAT_ t~,~4T. DIV. ~y~ ~ print n~e) reviewed the ~ttached plan !0r. ~¢_~~o~ar~d that, corre~ions ccns~itd~e a co,nple~s and ~rr~ man- a~msm plan ~or my facility. 02/20/92 TEXACO WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 1 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 12,000 I 6,000.00 [ 1,767,181.00 Storage~~Press T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbient~ambientlFRONT SIDEWALK REAL RD -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% I Gasoline I Moderate I 02-002 ~GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL ] Annual Amount GAL 12,000 I 6,000.00 987,737.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK I Ambient]AmbientlFRONT SIDEWALK REAL RD -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% I Gasoline I Moderate I 02-003 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 12,000 i 6,000.00 541,599.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK Iambient]AmbientlFaONT SIDEWALK REAL RD -- Conc Components MCP .. List 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 02/20/92 TEXACO WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Orde~ 02-004 DIESEL GASOLINE Liquid 8000 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL 8,000 ~ 4,000.00 97,535.00 Storage~~Press T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbientJambientlFRONT SIDEWALK REAL RD -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No.1 ILow I 02-005 NEW OIL Liquid 135 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No . Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL ] Annual Amount GAL 135 ~ 70.00 135.00 Storage~~Press T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER IAmbientjAmbientlSTOREROOM & STORE -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% Motor Oil, Petroleum Based IMinimal I 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Liquid 848 Minimal · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 128-38-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 848 ~ 424.00 8,480.00 Storage Press T Temp Location FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Iabove IAmbientlSTOaEROOM & STORE -- Conc Components ~ MCP List 100.0% ICarbon Dioxide ~Minimal I 02/20/92 TEXACO WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 3 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification DEPENDING ON NATURE OF EMERGENCY: CONTACT 9-1-1 JIM REAGAN 326-4389' (ZONE MGR) <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation SHUT OFF ALL PUMPS. CALL FIRE DEPT. THEN CALL MANAGER ~. IF MANAGER CAN'T BE REACHED CALL ASSISTANT MANAGER ............ ~. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation INSTRUCT IN CALM MANOR FOR CUSTOMER TO EVALUATE BLDG TO A DISTANCE OF 300FT SECURE DOORS AND MAKE PROPER NOTIFICATIONS (IF TIME ALLOWS, SHUT OFF ELECTRICAL PANEL). <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371. 02/20/92 TEXACO WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention KEEPING CHECK ON ALL PUMPS AND NOZZLES AND HAVING REPAIRS DONE AS SOON AS THERE IS A PROBLEM. IF A GAS SPILL DOES OCCUR WE PUT CAT LITTER ON IT AND THEN CLEAN IT UP. IF THE SPILL IS TO BIG WE WOULD CALL THE FIRE DEPT. <2> Release Containment <3> Clean Up ABSORBANT APPLIED, SWEPT UP, DOUBLE BAGGED, RLW NOTIFIED FOR REMOVAL. <4> Other Resource Activation CONTACT JIM REAGAN AT OFFICE OR AT HOME AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. 02/20/92 .TEXACO WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 5 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING C) WATER - ON REAL ROAD D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE HYDRANT - CALIFORNIA AVE ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT. <4> Building Occupancy Level 02/20/92 TEXACO WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 20 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MSDS ON FILE AND ARE CURRENTLY OBTAINING NEW SHEETS. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: ALL EMPLOYEES ARE CURRENTLY UNDERGOING OSHA TRAINING AT OUR REFINERY. TRAINING CENTER IN HAZ MAT HANDLING ALL EMPLOYEES SHOULD HAVE CERTIFICATE BY AUG 15, 1991. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ! CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ Farm and Agriculture ~ Standard Business ~. Page~ ! of NON - TRADE__., ~,~_SECRETAND N%ARK~T~NG~, {NC. BUSINESS NAME: ..7~E~--~-o ~ ,~'A~,-~ '~'~/:'~ OWNER NAI~E: ~[~.~ACO R[¥~mh'*"~ NAME OF THIS FACILITY: LOCATION: ?~-I c_,./,~,k_ ~ FFe~ ADDRESS: P.O.t?~x ~/z /g.,"/',v:./~;~,,',~';;,2,9 STANDARD IND. CLASS.CODE: ' C,~ c~ ~zCg~" DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER/FEDERAL ID # CITY, ZIP:_ /_?~/f~z4/~.(~ 93Jo? CITY, ZIP: ~;~z=/ ' REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO ll '~. 13 ..... Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by Na~ee of Mixture/Co~ponents Code Code Ami Amt Amt Units on Site T~pe Press Temp Code Stored in Facility w~ See Instructions Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number /~IX7~'~__ - ~[ec~eJ component # I Name a C.A.a. Nu~er 177 (Check all that apply) ~ {,L ~ I oF~F3 ~.~ Componen~ ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er I I 00, t '1 '1 'o, I t' I 1.0~ eh~ieai and H~lth Hazard C.A.S. Nu~er ~,~r~ ~ ~/~ ~/~/ Component ~ 1 ~a~ ~ C.A.S. N~er 3'7~ (Check ~ii that apply) ~o[,b~ /O~F~3 ~'~ Componen~ ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.a. Nmer ~o.~~ ~/~e~ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ i~ediate ~ Delayed ....... of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er (check all ~n~ apply) ~7,~ ~'~ ~~a~ Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er of Pressure Hoalth Hoalth Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.a. Nu~er PhT~lcal and ~lth Hazard C.A.S. Nu~er ~/~(~ m~t ~ Compon~n~ ~ 1 N N~or 9, j~ (Check all that apply) Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure Health H~l%h Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS ~1 ~..(Fe~ ~o~~ ~, ~3a~-~3;9 ~2 ~. Lo'~ ~,,~. ~ec. Na~ Title 24 ~. Phone N~e Title Certification (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify under p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~in~ and ~ familiar with the lnfo~ation submit~ed in this ~d all attached d~ents and that ~ssd on ~ in~iry of those individual~ res~nslble for obtaining the infor~tion. I believe that the submitted info~ation im true, acc~a%e, and ISXACO RSHN~NG AND ~ARKST[NG ~NC CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ~ Farm and Agriculture ~Standard Business Page NON - TRADE SECRET INC. BUSINESS NAME: 7~co /co~/'~7-e~-9~ OWNER NAME: ~F. xACO RE?INiNG AND NAME OF THIS FACILITY: ~'~W' ~77o~3 LOCATION: -?~7_! ~/;~,~ ~ ~e~ ~DRESS: ~O.E~ 2~/L ~.. ~~ ST~D~ IND. CLASS CODE: ' ~9 ~ CITY, ZIP: ~~ ~JO~ CITY, ZIP: ,~~ O~ ~ ~/~o~ DUN ~D B~ST~ET N~BER/FEDE~ PHONE ~: C~ ~Z~-33~ PHONE ~: <~ ~- m-WoO ~ ~ - ~- ~ ~ ~R ~ INS~U~IONS FOR PROPER ~DES 1 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trana ~e ~x Average ~nual Measure ~ Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by N~es of M~ture/C~nen~s Cods C~e ~t ~t ~t Units on Site ~pe Press Tom9 Code Stored in Facility ~ / See Instructions Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Nu~or ?~ Component , 1 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er ~O (Check all that apply) p ~ ~ Component J 2 Na~ & C.A.$. N~er Fire Hazard Sudden Release R~ctivity I~ediate Delayed //~O7 / 10~ of Pressure Health Health Component J 3 Na~ & C.A.8. Nu~er Physical and H~lth Hazard C.A.a. Nu~er Componmng ~ 1 Na~ & C.A.a. Nu~er (Check all that apply) Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er Physical and ~ealth Hazard C.A.a. Nu~er Component ~ I Na~ & C.A.a. Nu~er (Check all that apply) -- Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.8. Nu~er ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden Release ~ Reactivity ~ I~ediate ~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.a. Nu~er Physical and H~lth Hazard C.A.B. Nu~er Component ~ 1 Na~ & C.A.a. Nu~er (Check all that apply) Component ~ 2 Na~ & C.A.8. N~er ~ Fire Hazard ~ Sudden R~lease ~ Reactivity ~ I~ediate ~ Delayed of Pressure Health Health Component ~ 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er Na~ ' Title ~4 Hr. Phone N~e Title '24 Hr Phone Certification (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify under p~nlty of law that I hayer ~rsonally ~lned and ~ f~iliar with the info~ation submitted in this ~d all attached d~ents and that ~sed'on ~ in~iry of those individuals res~nsible for obtaining the infor~tion. I believe that the submitted info~ation is true, acc~ate, and c~ple%e. ~XACO RSHN~NG AND ~ARKSI~NG [NC / -- RETURN..~BAYMENTS TO: ~'~)~ I/~ 3 Ot~:)':~; PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: J~' ~ITY OF BAKERSFIELD H~A~DOUS HATERIALS bl VISION ~' P.O. Box 2o~7 ~- CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD " BAKERSFIELD, CA~:2057 ACCOUNT NO . ~ '~95]01'~: RETURNTHIS COPY WITH PAYMENT _ ~azar~ous ~ateriats HanOking Fees for 011-1111T Previous Bat'ance ~*~'*;"~0 ':~ . . ; ~: =~ . ,, ................... .". B'ELL [H~ DATE : ..... :.~: ",'~.', -'~ J0TAL BALANCE DUE 2g~.00 ' . . . . ..: . .~ , · .. . INQUIRIES CONCERNIN~ THIS BILL, PLEASE PHONE::" ¢':'::'~::~" ]~79 .'~CO :?.'~ :' ' ".. ' '~ , ':- ' "" ''~ INVOICE NUMBER HR. FREi:)LONG, ~Tfl FLCOR MUSTR~{~TUF~N'R-~S COP'¢ WFrH w,'.'r!~r' L:2 &;;;::L2&~ CA 91 5.08 ~/~ o~ -". ~ .~o,~ x ~, -~ECEIVED ~T._~l kl l lc~/ ~-~ ~, ~ ..... ~, ~_ -)-) -) ) )'~-) ~ c,~/o~/~ ~_..~ ................. ~"'~ ~ c"'~-~c~°4~ o ~ m~~ ~ n,x ~ Overall Sit~ with 1 Fac. Unit " ~u~ ~0 ~ ~ ~ ' General Ir~forfnat ion ~$'d ............ Locatior,: 3621 CALIFORNIA AV Map: 102 Hazard: Low Ider, t Nurnber: 215-000-000330 Grid: 35B Area of Vul: 0. ICnntact Narqe , t Title i Busir, ess Phnr, e ---~124 H,:, ' F-.~r~ Adrainistrative Data Mail Addrs: D 0 BOX 7812 D&B Number: City: UNIVERSAL CITY State: CA Zip: 91608- Comm Code: 215-003 BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 SIC Code: 5541 Owner: JAMES G BAILEY Phone: (805) 325-3388 Address: P 0 BX 9746 State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93389- Summary 04/05/91 J~N WAY STATION OF P..~:ZRiCA 215-r>00-000330 Page 2 Hazrnat Inver~tory List ir, MCP Order (])2 - Fixed Cr, ntainers ,-,n Site P lr~-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quar~t ity MCP 02-003 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12,000 Moderate F re, I~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 REGULAR GASOLINE Liquid 12,000 Moderate Fire, I~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 12,000~ Moderate Fire, Ir~r~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-004 DIESEL GASOLINE Liquid 8,.000 Low Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAl_ 02-006 CARBON DIOXIDE Liquid. 848 Minimal F re, Pressure, Ir,~r,~ed Hlth FT3 02-005 NEW OIL Liquid 1~'~o Mir~irnal F re, Delay Hlth GAL 04/05/91 JIMSOR] wAY STATION OF AMERICA 21~ ' ) ....... ~,-o( 0-0o~.)~o Page ~ 00 - Overall Site ~ <D> Not if. /Evacuat ion/Medical <2> Employee Notif. /Evacuation l~ SHUT OFF ALL PUMPS.' CALL FIRE DEPT. THEN CALL. MANAGER SM~EL. IF MANAGER CAN' T BE REACHED CALL ~W.~ER JI~-¢ BAILEY. ~r F/~_ ~)~ /OIE/~)~/' <3> Public Notif. /Evacuation <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371. 04/05/91 JIMSON WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-0(1)033(1) Page 4 00 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat ior~/preve~t/Abaten~t <1> Release Prever, tic, r, KEEPING CHECK ON ALL PUMPS AND NOZZLES AND HAVING REPAIRS DONE AS S~ON AS THERE IS A PROBLEM. IF A GAS SPILL DOES OCCUR WE PUT CA]' LITTER ON IT AND THEN CLEAN IT UP. IF THE SPILL IS TO BIG WE WOULD CALL '[HE FIRE DEPT. <2> Release Cor~tainr~er, t <3> Clears Up · <4> Other Resource Activation 04/05/91 JIMSON WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 5 00 - Overall Site ~: <F> Site Er~ergertcy Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs' A) GAS - SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING C) WATER - ON REAL ROAD D) SPECIAL · NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE F'ROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE HYDRANT - CALIFORNIA AVE ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT. <4> Held for Future use : 04/05/91 JIMSON WAY STATION OF AMERICA 215-000-000330 Page 6 00 -Overail Site <G> Trainir~g <1> Page 1 WE HAVE ~EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE <2> Pa,ge 2 as r, eeded <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ,~I1 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART~4ENT (z~ _. 2180 "G" S~EET ECEIVEU B~RSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-8979 BUSINESS HAZARDOUS b{~kTE R I ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM INSTRUCTIONS: " 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND.TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A.~ GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: /~ E. LOCK BOX: YES IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION ,5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:...- .................................... ~ NO ~_~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... ~ NO ~NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. NO NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. NO NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ........ NO NO SECTION ?: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55~GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... ~ NO I, , certify that the above information is accurate. I un~%an~-that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.98 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE ~ TITL~ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFiCiAL USE ONLY ,'~;;~,...,,',: W,¥'t. 7'?',Y:ON BUSINESS NAME: P.O. BOX 105t5 BUS I NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 8A INSTRUCTIONS I. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below, for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and C0NCISE as .possible. FACILITY UNIT# / FACILITY UNIT NAME:~_%'/q/'/?,~' ~'¢.5' ~~" SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PRE~NTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AAq] EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS UNIT ONLY W/~ .,2-,,.¢J' .--7"'-"¢'e ~/_~,,~?,.'~-~"¢¢'"%,., ."ccd' ,z'.,$,e,y, ~ ¢,~/o/ SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... ~NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES~ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l) if Yes, complete a .hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form. #4A-a) in addition to the non-trade ....... secret- form. List: only the "trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. G.~..S. ~ t~OPAN~. C. '~LATER: O. SPECIAl.: E. LOCK BOX: YES ~!F YES, LOCATION: ._ IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES ,,: NO FI,OOR PLANS? YES / NO }(EYS? YES / NO - ~B - ~(~/~----~/' . BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT · b. # c~j'_ FORM 4A-1 Page of I ,, NON--TRADE SECRETS / HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY ADDRESS: 3~,~1 (_o,.I,~/~iaJ~J~. ADDRESS: ~ O, 8~ q'9~~ FACILITY UNIT NAME:~ PHONE ~: ~S- 33~1 PHONE ~: ~O~-3~--~P~ [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE I ONLY , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T  E AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIQAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE NAME: TITLE:__ SIGNATURE:ff/~~.~~~ // DATE: TITLE: ~)~ / -~ ' - ~PHdNE m "BUSJO~RS:  E~EROENCY CONTACT: ' AFTER ~US ~RS: ~P~INCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: (~ad~a,'F~ ~,~ ~; ~o,~~ AFTER ~US nRS: · - 4A-1 -