HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP. 2/9/1996Sub r~iv.,3~t Ca ~,,~_ . ~k. ~t You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above l~aflon: I Completion Date for Corrections ~,/I~f /~ Inspector 326-3979 - KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARI'~ENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION · · MEETING/CONFERENCE RECORD DATE: . ~) SUBJECT CALL PLACED/RECEIVED BY: /jr 5~LECT. I~DIcAi_. BILL!NG 805864E~457  p.~ 10/2n,'~8 ll:~ ~ 32~ 0~78 BFD }{:~Z )iAT DIV ~o02 CITY OF BA~RSFIELD -~- ~Q ~q OFFICE OF E~IRONMENTAL SERVICES '~ ~ 1715 Chester Ave., Bake~field, CA (805) 326-~979 ~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAl. OF AN UNDERGRO~D STOOGE TANK 51TFJNFORM, A'}'ION C .~ ""' /%, ^ '"'- '" ~,T~ _Zi~_~ ~52~_ ,..uu~,,ss e~_ t _~ {~¢.._ zm cot~ 75~-/_ ,~ ^c C/'fv ' _ _ _ ~o~'Ar~vL~.-t.,~.Yz~~_~._~p~o~ ~o.~.9{~ W~lrl' uce~sz sro. coMpanY _ P,o~ ~o. __ ucz~s~ ~o. nuu~ss c~ __ziP_ INSU~NCE C~R WO~N$ COMP NO. TAWK CLIANIN~ IN~RMA!'IOW . ~ ' NAME OF RINSA~ DIS~L FAC~I~ ~~D~ 1 ~n_ ~-c~/'(' ~ ~ TA~K/~OR~ATIO~ TANK NO. AG~ XOLU~C STOR~ · $TO~D ." .-Jr ..].~.~' "" ' '; '~'~: '' ~ ; "~'." · :' · .... · .; ~g'... , '; ' . (',L'...'.' " TI II~ txPl'l,ICa~r HAS RECDW;I). I ~Df~R$TA~S. ~ ~J. CO~'I.Y WrHI TI.~ Al'raClfl~O CONDI'OONS P1HiMrr ANI) ANY t~ll IILR STA 13L I,{~AI, ~D FEDE~ .~ THIS ,~PPLICATiON BECOM~ A PERMIT ~I~N APPRO~D ATTACHMENT # 5 UNDERGROUND TANKS DOCUMENTATION OF DISPOSAL Facility Name:-. Texaco Express Phone No.: 805-399-3770 Address: 3621 California Ave. City: Bakersfield SIZE PRODUCT STORED DATE REMOVED 1. 2000 Gals waste oil 12-17-98 2. Gals 3. Gals 4. Gals 5. Gals 6. Gals Tanks retained onsite for above ground storage ( )Yes ( X ) No Tanks disposed of at a recycling/scrap facility ( )Yes ( ) No Name: Petrosius Construction Address 1110 N. Cain St. City: Visalia Tanks sold: ( )Yes (X) No New Owner: Address City: Nature of reuse of tanks: SIGNATURE OF RECEIVING PARTY Signatur _e .'-'~~.A~~ ~~ Date: Print Name: Joe Petrosius TEXACO STAR MART SCALE' 1"=20' LEGEND  ~se APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SOIL SAMPLES , 12/17/98 /.. A.C. PARKING LOT ~ 1,000 GALLON WASTE o,. T.~K RE.OV~ XPRESS LUBE uJ ILl I.-- I-- CONCRETE V-GUTTER ~ SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP CONSOLIDATED TESTING oogo4! ~ LABORATORIES, INC. SOILS INVESTIGATION SOILS AND MATERIAL TES'HNG FIELD INSPECTIONS PROJECT NO. ' 4304-98 COUNTY INSPECTOR .~owmgP ' ~ ~ N~ PROJECT[OCAT1ON Texaco Express, 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield; CA. · TRANSPORTED BY - "[XLruck COMMENTS "/,lo or~ DEPTH OF DEPTH TO SAMPLE · BOTTOM OF STORAGE BELOW TANK/PIPELINE · SAMPLE CONTAINER EXISTING BELOW EXISTING BATE/rIME ANALYSIS .- NO. TEMP. GRADE GRADE SAMPLED REQUIRED · REFER TO SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP FOR SAMPLE LOCATIONS / CHAIN OF POSSESSION 1. CONSOLIDATED TESTING LA.BORATORIES, INC. /,~ A.c._-JLLATiO N DAT=J'rIN~ 3. Recaived 8y AFF~PJATION OAT'c/TiME Porter'Zlle Office ' (209) 781-0571 Fax (209) 782-~389 S~orage container 603 E.. Worth Av~. 3& oF Por~ecvil~e, CA 93257 Temperature at lab 01./07/99 THU 14:$$ F.,~ 209 851 9041 ADVANCED BIOTECH/BIOW0RL ~]002 '01/07/99 TRU ~4:$$ ~ 2~ 651 9o41 ADV.~CED 9IOTECH/BI0~0RL ~003 S~le ZD: 060il'O1 P.Q.L. ; ~:lcc~c~Z ;~gc~c~on L~;tc (~Ze~a ~o cae ~c~le ~aed ~ a~le s~e used ~ ~1~1 ~LC = Toc~l T~eihold L~ic gW = "Teac ~chod8 for ~v~C~n~ Sol~d Was~ee Ph~sical/~emical ~D~ Schulc z 01/07/99 THU 14:56 FAX 209 651 9041 ADViNCED BIOTECH/BIOWORL [~004 ~Ccn: ~;CK B~ 309-?82-5308 P~ccic~l B=~o~ ~one ~mcecce~ ~c~~e ~e ~cecced ~g/k~ ~. o0~ ~lcr~nzen~ ~e ~cecc~ ~l~z~c~e M~e Detected ~/~ Chloco~o~ N~e ~cecc~d ~ib~or~ne ~e ~ececced ~/~ C .oo5 ~i~hlo~t~l~c~c~e Nc~ De~e~ed ~/kg 0. o ~, ~-D~chlo~~e ~e Dececeed m~/kg Z, 1-D~chZo~M~ ~e Decacce~ ~/kg O. cx e - l, 2 -Dl~lor~e ~e DaCecced m~/k9 0, OOS c~ - Z. 2 - DaehlD~eChe~ N~e Decec~ed ~/~ 0. 005 1,2-D=~lor~~e None uececced ~/k~ cis-1,3 -D~chl~z~ M~e Dece~ce~ ~9/k~ O. 005 ~ch~l~ne ~ide N~e Dece~Ced ~/kg 0.01 1,1,2-Tr~loroe~e ~c~ ~cecced ~/kg ~. OCS T=~chlor~C~ ~e Dececce~ m~/k~ 0.005 !. 1, 2 Vinyl ch~ori~ N~ Dececce~ QumZ~Cy C~1 Dace Sq~oqare~ ~_ ~e~ C~Crol l. 2-Dl~oroec~O-d% 27, 70-131 0t/07/99-..THU 1¢~57~AX 2(]9 651 9041 ADVANCED BIOTECIL'BIOWORL ~]005 --' ~ .................... ~o~lo~o T-~g~ P.IO/I~ ~-0~ 01/O7799 THU 14:%~7 F~ 209 651 9041 ADVANCED BIOTECH/BIOWORL [~006 S~? LABORATORY 12'/,9 V. Ii~JlNDERSOM' ~r32s D&ce Rscmi.~'ed: 12/10/20 186, AZ ~l.;e~Lse: A~0345 Dep&rcmenc Superv~so:t: uJ..,u~.,~:u J. uu J.~;~.~ t'.'LA zU~ ~C'J. ~U41 Yd)VA.~{(Ji:ID BIUI't!(Jit/~IUWORL. '.~]OOT I~I~OI:~TOIRIES t)mge A~ ~ 5~ 209-7{2-5308 T~le Z~ ~ ~e; ~e i; ~ll~le ~ol~d - ~= Free ~d ~d ~ .S ~/~ 2.s s~-~O ~.0 ~oo. ~i~es co ~;e~ine ~o~1 levels. STLC ~ Sol.lo ~rem~ld LAmAc ~LC = Total Th=es~ld L~m~= ~ = .Tape ~ch~ ~or ~al~ci~ solid ~as~ea P~yfical/~mal ~s". .... · ..~.o.r.~.x ~u~ oox ~U~l ADV.~NCED BIOTECE/BIOWORL ~005 LABORATORIES Page ~rol~,cile oxgaz-,.i e ~0~ ~e ~ec~ed mg/~ 000S Chl~=~enz~ne No~e Pego~Ce~ mg/~ ~ OOS Ch~Eo~ N~ DittOed m~/k~ O O0~ ~lu~ech~e ~e ~ce~ed ~/~g 0 O1 ~, 3-D~lor~nzene N~e ~ececce~ ~/k~ 0 l,~-Dtc~lor~nzena N~ Deceuce~ ~/k~ O OOS D:chlo~lfL~r~c~e No~ ~gec=e~ ~/k~ O 005 1.1-Di~lur~C~ N~e Dececce~ ~/~ 0 a&s - I, 2 -~ichlor~chaue ~e D~cecCed m~/~ 0 ==~ns - 1, ~ -D&~h~oegheno None Detected mg/k~ 0. O0S ~, l -Dl~lo~=o~e ~I Dece~e~ mS/kg 0. OOS cr~n~- 1.3 -D~chloc~r~e~ N~e Detected mg/kg 0. ~c~7!ene Chlo~ ~ ~=eeced ~/~ O,Ol 1,1, -,~ 2-Tecr~=hl~r~e~ N~ Decec=8~ mg/k~ 0 . Te=ra~or~c~e No~ Dececce~ ~/~ 0. X, i, ~-T=l~lo~oec~e ~e Decec=e~ ~/k~ · 0.00.5 1, I, 2-T~ic~lo~oec~e N~ ~cec~ed mg/k~ 0,005 ~c~lor~l~=~ec~ne ~e Deck,cea ~/kg 0.005 l, 1,2-Trachloro- Me=by1 - n-buc~lecher N~e D~=ec=~d ~/k~ 0. OOS 1, 2 -P~ =hloroech~e -d% 8~. VO - Tol~e-d8 g 7. 81 - 1 L7 4 - Sr~of luocobenz~ne ~ ~, 74 - 12~ 9041 ADV.~CED I~iOTECIt/BIOWORL ~00~ State of Ca(ifornia--Environmental Protection Agency Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0039!lExpires 9-30-99) See Instructions on back at ,ge 6. Department of Toxic Substances Control ~'~- '~'rint or type. Form designed ~ ........ lite (12-pitch) rlter. S ....... to, California  1'~ ..... tor's US EPA ID No. Manifest D ...... t ~ 2. Page 1 Inf .... tion in the shaded ..... UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~ , is not required by Federal law. 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Address A. Stale Manifest Document Number · .... 98573880 4. G ..... tor'sPhone( )~)~ 399 37?0 I I } I { f l 5. Transporter ] Company Nome 6. US EPA ID Number C. State Trans~der's ID D~ Transponer;s Phone 7. Transporter 2 Company Nome 8. US EPA ID Number ........ ~' 9. Desifnate~d ~acili~ame an~ Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number G. State Facili~'s ID 3256 ~] ~;~S ~V~, FRES~O ~,~ 93722 '"~'"'~o~',~o,~ 12. Containers 13. Total 14. Unit 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard CJass, and ID Number) No. Type Quanti~ Wt/Vol I. Was~ Number a. ~ ~'~ ~ State  ~. State ................ E EPA/Offer ....  c. State O ~,/om~ II I Illl ,, d. State ~/Oth~, J. Additional Descriptions ~or Materials tbmd Above K, Hand~ing Codes ~or Wastes U~ted Above .... ~'5. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information :{nvoice~21. t77 ~:;:erqm~c~ Res~ons<, Contact t~Yea~:' qlow:.r; ~: ,~o<~qles Don 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: ~ hereby dec1~re ~h~t the c~ntents ~f this c~nsignment are fu~y ~nd accur~te~y described a~ve by Pr~per shiP~ing name an~ ~re cbssi~ed~ P~cked~ marked, and labeled, and are in oil respects in proper condition for/ransportby highway according to applicable international an~ nafiona/government regulations. If I am a large quantity generator, I cerfi~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxici~ of waste generated to the degree I hove determined to be economically practicable and that I hove selecte~ the practicable method o~ treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; QR if I am a small quantity generator I have mode a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is ~ avoil0~l~t~me'and th6t I ca~'~ff~}d. ' , L , ' .' f ' '~ '~" "-- ~ ,' r Pr,nted/~ed~me t ' ,~ ....... ~ I S gnature , '.. ,'./ Mont~ Da~., ,Year  17. TranspOrter 1 Acknowle88emenf o~ Receipt o~ Materiels ...... .... ;~ Month Day Year A Printed/Typed Name Siena ~ ~-h~...-r--~, " ,~ 0 18. Transporter 2 Acknowledsement of Receipt of Materials k. ~RE Printed/Typed Name sig~6fbPE - Monthl I ] I IDay Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space F A C I L I 20. Facili~ Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19.  Printed/Typed Name Signature ~ Mo~t~ Day Year DTSC 8022A (4/97/ ': Yellow: GENERATOR RETAINS EPA 8700--22