HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 6/18/1997 FLUOR DANIEL GTI June 18,1997 Steve Underwood Bakersfield City Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Transmittal, UST Removal Report, TRMI Facility No. 61-058-0988, 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Underwood: Enclosed is a UST removal report for your review. On May 20, 1997, four steel USTs (three 12,000-gallon gasoline USTs and one 8,000-gallon diesel UST) were removed from the above referenced TRMI site. Soil samples were collected beneath the former USTs at Bakersfield City Fire Department Environmental Services' direction and analyzed for BTEX, TPHG and/or TPHD. No hydrocarbons were detected. As such, there is no threat to the environment or underlying unconfined aquifer. TRMI respectfully requests confirmation from BCFDES that no further action is necessary with respect to the UST removal at this facility. Please send all correspondence regarding this site to the following TRMI project manager: Ms. Feryal Sarrafian Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc. 10 Universal City Plaza Universal City, California 91608-7012 (818) 505-2724 Please call me at (805) 328-3083 should you have any questions. Sincerely, Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. Kevin L. Hamilton, REA Lead Geologist enclosure: UST Removal Report cc: Ms. Feryal Sarrafian (TRMI) 5080 California Avenue / Suite 300 / Bakersfield, CA 93309 USA (805) 328-3083 FAX (805) 328-3081 I I i FLUOR DANIEL GTI I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ /'~e'nathan D. I~a~rk~r ...... ~/,.._ / Lead Geologist "Registered G~gg~.' ~st...~ ~,~',~/ I I 5080 California Avenue / Suite 300 / Bakersfield, CA 93309 USA (805) 328-3083 FAX (805) 328-3081 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1 2.0 BACKGROUND ..................................................................... 1 3.0 GEOGRAPHY/HYDROGEOLOGY ...................................................... 1 4.0 EXCAVATION AND UST REMOVAL ACTIVITIES .......................................... 2 5.0 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS ................................................. 2 6.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT .............................................................. 3 7.0 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................... 3 8.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................... 4 TABLES Table 1. UST information summary. Table 2. Analytical results (in mg/kg) of soil samples from beneath USTs. FIGURES Figure 1. Site Location Map Figure 2. UST Sample Locations APPENDICES APPENDIX A. Disposal Documentation APPENDIX B. Laboratory Reports ! UST Removal Report Page 1 I TRMI Facilib/No. 61-O58-0988 June 4~ 1997 1.0 INTRODUCTION Fluor Daniel GTI, Inc. (Fluor Daniel GTI) was contracted by Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc. (TRMI) to witness the removal of four underground storage tanks (USTs) at their facility No. 61-058-0988. The facility is located at 3621 California Avenue in Bakersfield, California (Figures I and 2). K.E. Curtis was the general contractor for the project and Mr. Steve Underwood represented Bakersfield City Fire Department Environmental Services (BCFDES). Soil samples were collected following UST removal activities to determine if hydrocarbons were present in soil beneath the USTs. This report presents site background, assessment procedures, sampling protocol, and the findings of the assessment. 2.0 BACKGROUND In 1983 four steel USTs (three 12,000-gallon gasoline USTs, and one 8,000-gallon diesel UST) were installed (Figure 2 and Table 1). On September 17, 1989, hydrocarbon impacted soil was encountered during excavation of the UST vent lines. On September 18, 1989, Groundwater Technology collected 7 soil samples from within the excavation. The samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHG). Concentrations of BTEX and TPHG were detected in two samples in the vicinity of the northernmost gasoline UST (regular tank). On September 20, 1989, approximately 60 cubic yards of soil was removed from the vent line excavation and between the unleaded and supreme unleaded USTs. Two confirmation samples were collected. TPHG was detected at an approximate depth of 15 feet (between the unleaded and supreme unleaded USTs) at a concentration of 8,600 mg/kg. All excavated soil removed and with clean backfill. was replaced On January 22 through 23, 1990, five soil borings were drilled to determine the lateral and vertical extent of hydrocarbon contamination beneath the USTs. One boring (B1) was drilled between the unleaded and supreme unleaded USTs, and the other four borings (B2 through B5) were drilled around the USTs to a total depth of 40 feet. The 20 and 40 foot sample from each boring was analyzed for BTE× and TPHG. No hydrocarbons were detected. 3.0 GEOGRAPHY/HYDROGEOLOGY The is located in the north/central of Bakersfield. The elevation of the is facility portion approximate facilrty 390 feet above sea level and topography in the region is essentially fiat (Figure 1). The Kern River is present approximately %-mile to the north. The facility is located in a commercial area. The facility is located on the alluvial plain of the Kern River. Sediments underlying the region consist of fluvial deposits including silt, sand and gravel (CDMG, 1964). Sediments encountered during the ! UST Removal Report Page 2 I TRMI Facilit~ No. 61-058-0988 June 4, 1997 excavation consist pdmadly of fine- to coarse-grained sand and sandy silt. An unconfined aquifer is present below the site at a depth of approximately 155 feet. The gradient is toward the southeast (KCWA, 1996). 4.0 EXCAVATION AND UST REMOVAL ACTIVITIES On May 20, 1997, K.E. Construction prepared the four USTs for removal. The USTs were rinsed and degassed by Adams Service, Inc. of Gardena, California. UST rinsate was transported, accompanied by a state Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, to DeMenno-Kerdoon in Compton, California for recycling. A copy of the rinsate manifest is provided in Appendix A. After dry ice was placed in the USTs readings of the lower explosive limit (LEL) and oxygen (02) were taken from each tank periodically. When LEL and O2 readings sufficiently decreased to BCFDES requirements (LEL <4% and O2 <10%), Mr. Underwood of BCFDES removal of the USTs. Table 1 summarizes UST information details. approved Upon removal, the USTs were visually inspected to determine their external condition and structural integrity. The gasoline USTs were intact and no holes were observed. The diesel UST had two holes visible on the south side near the fill-end of the tank. These holes were only visible after the UST was subjected to several blows from a sledge-hammer during the removal of soil on the UST. The USTs were removed and loaded onto flatbed trailers for transportation to Adams Steel located in Anaheim, California for destruction. UST Certificate of Destruction is included in Appendix A. Following tank removal, a trac-hoe was used to retrieve soil samples from a depth of 2 and 6 feet beneath the former USTs (Figure 2). Due to the close proximity of the piping to the excavation, BCFDES waived the required sampling beneath the product piping. After overlying soil was removed to the target depth, the back-hoe bucket was used to retrieve a relatively undisturbed soil sample. Soil samples were then collected by driving a stainless-steel sample tube into the soil near the digging teeth of the bucket. The sample tube was filled such that no significant headspace was left at either end of the tube. Each sample tube was sealed at each end with a teflon sheet, a plastic cap, and tape to secure the plastic cap. The samples were labeled to indicate date and time of sample collection, sample location and depth of the sample, project location, and the sampler's name. They were then placed on ice in an ice chest and hand- delivered to Transglobal Environmental Geochemistry (TEG), an onsite mobile lababoratory. The sample locations were approved by Mr. Underwood of BCFDES. $.0 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS The samples collected beneath the gasoline USTs were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHG), using EPA method 8020 and 8015-modified, respectively (Table 2). Soil samples collected beneath the diesel UST were analyzed for BTEX and total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHD), using EPA method 8020 and 8015-modified, UST Removal Report Page 3 TRMI Facility No. 61-O58-0988 June 4~ 1997 respectively. BTEX, TPHG, and TPHD were not detected. Complete laboratory reports and chain-of- custody documents are presented in Appendix B. 6.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT Four samples (SP1 through SP4) were collected for waste profiling purposes from approximately 200 yd3 of excavated soil and analyzed for BTEX, TPHG, and TPHD. No hydrocarbons were detected. The analytical results are provided in Table 2. According to Mr. Tim DeVusser of K.E. Curtis the approximate 200 yd3 of clean excavated soil was transported to a vacant lot located at 3264 California Avenue. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS No hydrocarbons were detected beneath the former USTs. Therefore, there is no threat to the environment or underlying unconfined aquifer. TRMI respectfully requests confirmation from BCFDES that no further action is necessary with respect to the UST removal at this facility. UST Removal Report Page 4 TRMI Facilit7 No. 61-058-0988 June 4 1997 8.0 REFERENCES CDMG (California Division of Mines and Geology), 1964, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet. KCWA (Kern County Water Agency), 1996, 1995 Report on Water Conditions-Improvement District No. 4, Bakersfield, California. USGS (United States Geological Survey), 1954; Rev. 1968 and 1973, Gosford Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series. ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , Table 1. UST information summary. Tank Capacity Product Stored Composition Date Condition Number (gallons) Installed T1 12,000 Regular Single-wall 1983 Intact; No holes Unleaded Steel T2 12,000 Unleaded Single-wall 1983 Intact; No holes Steel T3 12,000 Supreme Single-wall 1983 Intact; No holes Unleaded Steel T4 8,000 Diesel Single-wall 1983 Two holes visible on the south Steel side near the fill-end of UST. These holes were only visible alter the UST was subjected to several blows from a sledge- hammer during removal of soil on the UST. Table 2. Analytical results (in mg/kg) of soil samples from beneath USTs. See Figure 2 for sample locations. Sample Sample Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Xylenes TPHG TPHD No. Depth benzene T1W-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T1W-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA TllVl-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T1 fyi-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 < 10.0 NA T1E-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA Tt 3-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T2W-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T2W-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T2M-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T2M-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T2E-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T2E-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 < 10.0 NA T3W-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T3W-6 ~ 6' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T3M-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T3M-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T3E-2 14' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <10.0 NA T3E-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 < 10.0 NA <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 NA < 10.0 T4W-2 1 4' T4W-6 16' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 NA <t0.0 <0.05 <0.05 NA <i 0.0 T4E-2 1 4' <0.05 <0.05 T4E-~ i 6' <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 NA <i 0.0 SP-1 6" -12" <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <10.0 <10.0 SP-2 6" -12" <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0t 5 <10.0 < 10.0 SP-3 6" -12" <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0t5 <10.0 <10.0 ~P-4 Fi" -t?" <N NQ.~ <N NN.~ <N ON~ <N Nt.~ <tN 0 <'iN N ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U.S.G.S. 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE GOSFORD QUADRANGLE--1954; REV. 1968 AND 197.3  QUADRANGLE ION SCALE 1:24.,000 0 2,000 4,000 SCALE FEET g'~ SFi'E LOCATION MAP FLIJOR DANIEL GT~ CLIENT: FILE: PROJECT NO.: PM TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING INC. c:~fex~colifQve~loc 022500092 FACILITY NO. 61-058-0988 REV. LOCATION: FIGURE: 3621 CALIFORNIA AVENUE DES. BET. DATE: BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA KLH KLH 6/'97 ~ W~E ~~ LEGEND ~ L EXTENT OF EXCAVATION ~ E - EAST EXISTING T1, T2, AND T3 - C,ASOLINE UST JIFFY LUBEJ T4 - DIESEL UST ~ _ , ~ - SAMPLE LOCATION  I CLIENT: 0 FEET 40 TRIvll FACILITY 61-058-0988 ~---' ..... ~ $~TE MAP FLUOR DANIEL GT~ SCALE LOCATION: FILE: JPROJECT NO.: 3261 CALIFORNIA AVENUE 0092SM (1:40) J 02250 0092 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PM: PE/RG: JrlOURE: REV.: DES.:jp JDET IDATE: 2 I ~WL_ J 6/12/97 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I 06,.'09/97 )ION 15:09 FA.'(. 50549945.1.6 KE CLRTi-S ~p¢,o,~d O~ t~,. 2050-00ae (~,N~ e-'J~-~61. ..: See lnsttuctlon~ on back of pag · ,,,~,, .; ~*. .~,',.,, ,,'o,$~.,,,d~.,~e'.,.,..,~..r~.~,e,,~ ~.,,',~. ,. ....... s,,,..,.,,,.,,,,,~, o,,:,---.: UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~..o~e,¢~'~ us ~ ~D sa. ~,~,t~s~ C~x~,~,~ ~.. ~.O~,,~,,,',~,a,~ ~F~iSoS~ZOZ~IU,~,~~ .¢:.,At . cml CA. 91 ^~.&v,s SERVICES, Z~C. [C Ia if., 19 [2 12 [~ [2. 15 16 1,5 la 7. Transporter 2 ~o'mpof~y'Name fl. US EPA ID Number · C~,,r'p'~.~, 'C& 90222 ' Ic 1'a IT 1° Is I° I© I:t 19 t':' t5 12 ~ 11. US DOT Description (includlng Proper Shipping Nar~e, Hazard Class, and ID Numberi 12. Cor~alnem I 0 ~1. ~., , ~ ,, ,. ..~. -,. 15. Spec;al Handling tn~tmc~ens and Additional DO~.: PROPEl? P~OTECTIVE 6EAR ~ ! '~ C: '7~.{~.' ,( ~ L ,NO SFDK~NC; E.R.~o ¢/27 16. GENERATOI~'S CER'J'IFICA?ION: I hereby declar0 ffla~ ~ne con~fl'~ of this consignment are fulty oncl occutc~ly pocked, ma*ked, and k~belecl, and ora in all respects in proper co~d~ion for ttanspo~ by h;ghway according to oppr~able in~onal a~l ~ gcr~a-mr~ r~,lu--t~:~. ~,~ h ~oble to me and ~ I can offal/ ....... ' 1 Ackno~od~eme~ at R~Ipt of ~iah ~ [ ¢. ' ., ', Ce~flc¢on of recelp~ of hczaed~ ~e~a~s co, red by ~ls ma~fes~ a~epl a0 ~ ~ I~ ~9. /'I/ZC~ /¢~/,C '7 .-/f'~ ci~ {z~, ~ :,'~ DO NOT W~ITE,BELOW THIS LINE, C B~2A (1/9~ Green' ~A~S~O~T~~ ~f':'~-(' EPA 87~22 Protection Agency ,,o,~d O~B ~e. 2050-0039 (Expi,e, 9-30-~6) See Instructions on back o~ page 6. ~pa~me~ of Toxic Substances Control or ~. Form des;~d for u~ on elite (~2~i~h) ~w~er. Sacramento, California U~FOR~ "~ZARDOUS ~ ~10100~0 & 0 0 0 0 / [ is ~t requJred by Federal law. WASTE MANIFEST I. I t I I I I I I 3. ~r~or's Name and Mailing Address ~ ~ ~ ~ LO ~ S~I~ ~l~m~ ~,'T~ 5. Trans~er 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Numar ' ~'~ S~ Tm~'s AD.LMS SERVICES, INC. IC iA iL 19 12 12 I1 12 15 16 16 18 ":¢rr~,~',~':~, rl,3i~52~4A30 7. Trans~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Numar ~ ~e Tr~s ID~,,~, .......... ~,x ' : ' ' ~r 4 : CO~, CA 90222 C A ~ 3 8 0 0 i 3 3 5 2 ~,~ ..... " ......... :~-~'~ ..... '~' 1 ]. US ~T Descrlpt~n (including Proof SMpping Name. Hazard Closs. and ID Numar) No. TF~ ~,o~ Wl/~ol '!: W~ ~m~ . ~" ' T c. EPA/~ d. ~ 9g~ ~A~' ~'- '.':,: ,-,.-:.:' .':', :,,:-~.,:-~ :~:?'..::c.~:?j'.:~::~:~::~,~:~:.~:'~:~4~01',~~, '~?'¥~'-~-' ::/: ~: · ' ' ~u .~. ':.-- - :" :.~:'~'.. :' ' A~:'-'c, :-'<~,'~?b~ :;~F~f ~'~?~':t* ''~ ::":: ~-'"~'" .'v 15. Sp~d~r~s~d,~d~J~or~ ~/~: ? ~ ~ ~C  ]6. GENERATOR'S CER~IFI~TION: I hereby d~lore ~ ~ conten~ of ~is consignment ore ~ul~ and occur~e~ de~ribed a~ve by proper ~ipping no~ and or~ classified. poc~ed, mar~ed, and labeled. ~nd are in oll res~ in proper cond~ion for tra,s~, by highw~ occordi~ ~o applicobl~ inter~fional and n~o,ol govemmen~ regulofi~s. ~ If I am o large quonfi~ 9entreat. I ce~i~ ~ I hay, o pr~rom in place fo reduce ~e volume and toxlci~ of wast~ gener~d lo ~e degr~ I hove de*ermined ~ economicol~ pro,cable and ~ I ~ove sel~d ~e pra~coble me~o~ of ~re~ment. ~orage. or disposal current~ available to me ~ich minimizes ~e pre~nt and  A ~re~ fo ~uman ~eo~ and ~e environmenf; OR. i~ I om o small qu~ gener~or. I hove mode o g~d toi~ effo~ ~o minimize my waste gener~on ond sele~ ~e b~st '~wo.e management me'od ~ is availoble to me ond ~ I can affo,~ ~ ~ ~ i 0 18. Trons~er 2 Acknowledge~nt of R~eipt of M~eriols ~ ~ Printed/Ty~d Name ~ [ ~ Sig~re [ M°mh Day Year ~ 19. Di~repan~ Indic~on Space I 20. Focil~ ~ner or ~er~or Ce~t;co~on of r~eipt of hazard, s m~eHols co~red by ~is monife~ excep~ as no~d in Item 19. T Printed/Ty~d Name ~ Sig~re ~ Day Year Y I ~ BI~: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DISC WiTHiN 30 DAYS. TSC 8022A (1/95) To: P.O. ~x 400, Socramento, CA 95812~4~ EPA 15:08 FAX 8054994516 KE CURTIS . ~' ,' ~; ,7i- ' '.. / . ".D~,T~UCT'tO'.~ ...  OF~PANY NA~E' _'~~~ ._ STE~L CERTIFIES THAT,..~ ~-/~/~ IHAS/HAVE BERN .SCRAPPED, CRUSHED. AND I~TOTALLY. .. DESTROYED 'ON:__/?'_b_ DATE · . ADAMS', STEEL }200'.E; FRONTE-RA 'ROAD ANAHEIM CA. 92806 (714) .777~CA~S F~' (7 ~'4) .~3o-sss6 I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I FLUOR DANIEL GTI PROJECT #022500092 TEXACO 1161-058-0988 3621 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA TEG Project 11970520T3 TPH (DOHS EPA Method 8015 Modified) & BTEX (EPA Method 8020 Modified) ANALYSES OF SOILS TPH-GAS TPH-DIESEL SAMPLE DATE C5-Cl I C12-C24 BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZ XYLENES SURROGATE NUMBER ANALYZED (rog/kg) (rog/kg) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) (mg/kg) (%REC) METHOD BLANK 5~20~97 ND ND ND ND ND ND 75% METHOD BLANK 5~22~97 .... ND ND ND ND 105% T3E-2 5~20~97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 80% T3E-6 5~20~97 ND -- N D N D N D N D 86% T2W-2 5~20~97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 85% T2E-6 5120197 N D -- N D N D ND N D 90% T2M-6 5~20~97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 96% T3W-6 5~20~97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 102% T3M-6 5~20~97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 101% T2W-6 5~20~97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 115% TlW-6 5~20/97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 105% T1M-6 5120197 ND -- ND ND ND ND 104% T1E-6 5~20~97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 110% T4E-6 5~20~97 -- ND ND ND ND ND 102% T4W-6 5~20~97 -- ND ND ND ND ND 103% DETECTION LIMITS 10 10 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 65%-135% ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED AT LISTED DETECTION LIMITS ANALYSES PERFORMED ON-SITE IN TEG'S CA DOHS CERTIFIED MOBILE LABORATORY (CERT 111317 & 1839) ANALYSES PERFORMED BY: MS. KATALIN LOVAS & MR. CHRIS HOLLANDSWORTH DATA REVIEWED BY~ ~ FLUOR DANIEL GTI PROJECT #022500092 TEXACO #61-058-0988 3621 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA TEG Project #970520T3 TPH (DOHS EPA Method 8015 Modified) & BTEX (EPA Method 8020 Modified) ANALYSES OF SOILS TPH-GAS TPH-DIESEL SAMPLE DATE C5-C11 C12-C24 BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZ XYLENES SURROGATE NUMBER ANALYZED (rog/kg) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (%REC) METHOD BLANK 5/22/97 ND ND .......... METHOD BLANK 5/22/97 .... ND ND ND ND 105% T4E-2 5/22/97 -- N D ND N D N D ND 88% T4W-2 5/22/97 -- ND ND ND ND ND 97% T3W-2 5/22/97 N D -- N D N D N D N D 81% T3M-2 5/22/97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 77% T2E-2 5/22/97 ND -~ ND ND ND ND 66% T2M-2 5/22/97 N D -- N D ND ND N D 66% T1E-2 5/22/97 ND - ND ND ND ND 77% T1M-2 5/22/97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 70% T1W-2 5/22/97 ND -- ND ND ND ND 69% SP-1 5/22/97 ND ND ND ND ND ND 87% SP-2 5/22/97 ND ND ND ND ND ND 84% SP-3 5/22/97 ND ND ND ND ND ND 78% SP-4 5/22/97 ND ND ND ND ND ND 86% DETECTION LIMITS 10 10 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 65%-135% ND INDICATES NOT DETECTED AT LISTED DETECTION LIMITS ANALYSES PERFORMED ON-SITE IN TEG'S CA DOHS CERTIFIED MOBILE LABORATORY (CERT #1317 & 1839) ANALYSES PERFORMED BY: MS. KATALIN LOVAS & MR. CHRIS HOLLANDSWORTH DATA REVIEWED BY~ ~ QA/QC REPORT - CALIBRATION DATA TEG Project #970520T3 DAILY CALIBRATION DATE: 05~20~97 CALIBRATION RANGE INITIAL INITIAL OPENING CLOSING / LCS COMPOUND SOIL (ppm) WATER (ppb) CALIB DATE RF %RSD AREA RF %DIFF AREA RF %DIFF TPH GASOLINE - FID1 50 - 2000 1650 - 66000 5/19/97 0.563 7.8% 390 0.513 8.9% 354 0.565 0.4% TPH GASOLINE - FID2 50 - 2000 1650 - 66000 5/19/97 1.099 7.5% 199 1.005 8.5% 198 1.010 8.1% TPH GASOLINE - FID3 50 - 2000 1650 - 66000 5119197 0.599 7.9% 366 0.546 8.8% 361 0.554 7.5% TPH DIESEL - FID1 50 - 50000 1650 - 1650000 5/19/97 1.313 5.8% 409 1.222 6.9% 369 1.355 3.2% TPH DIESEL - FID2 50 o 50000 1650 - 1650000 5119197 2.348 5.9% 235 2.128 9.4% 220 2.273 3.2% TPH DIESEL - FID3 50 - 50000 1650 - 1650000 5/19/97 1.321 8.0% 390 1.282 2.9% 376 1.330 0.7% BENZENE 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5/19/97 0.0046 3.2% 199 0.0050 9.7% - - - TOLUENE 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5/19/97 0.0038 13.2% 252 0.0040 4.9% .... ETHYLBENZENE 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5/19/97 0.0040 12.4% 261 0.0038 3.3% - - - m&p-XYLENES 0,1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5/19/97 0.0035 10.8% 612 0,0033 6.2% .... o-XYLENES 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5/19/97 0.0043 10.4% 240 0.0042 3.5% - - - INITIAL RF -AVERAGE RESPONSE FACTOR FROM MULTIPOINT CALIBRATION CURVE % RSD - LINEARITY OF MULTIPOINT CALIBRATION CURVE (+/- 20% ACCEPTABLE LIMITS) AREA - AREA COUNTS FROM DAILY CAUBRATION STANDARD RF - DETECTOR RESPONSE FACTOR FROM MID-POINT CALIBRATION STANDARD % DIFF - DIFFERENCE, IN PERCENT, BETWEEN THE AVERAGE RF AND THE OPENING OR CLOSING RF OPENING - MID-POINT CALIBRATION STANDARD ANALYZED BEFORE SAMPLE ANALYSES BEGIN CLOSING - MID-POINT CALIBRATION STANDARD ANALYZED AFTER SAMPLES ANALYSES ARE COMPLETE ANALYSES PERFORMED ON-SITE IN TEG'S CA DOHS CERTIFIED MOBILE LABORATORY (CERT #1317) ANALYSES PERFORMED BY: MS. KAT~ALIN LOVAS DATA REVIEWED BY~ ~ QNQC REPORT - CALIBRATION DATA TEG Project #970520T3 DAILY CALIBRATION DATE: 05122197 CALIBRATION RANGE INITIAL INITIAL OPENING CLOSING / LCS COMPOUND SOIL (ppm) WATER (ppb) CALIB DATE RF %RSD AREA RF %DIFF AREA RF %DIFF I TpH GASOLINE - FID1 50 - 2000 1650 ~ 66000 5/19/97 0.563 7.8% 379 0.528 6.2% 350 0.571 1.5% TPH GASOLINE - FID2 50 - 2000 1650 - 66000 5/19/97 1.099 7.5% 184 1.087 1.1% 200 1.000 9.0% TPH GASOLINE - FID3 50 - 2000 1650 - 66000 5/19/97 0,599 7.9% 335 0.597 0.3% 335 0.597 0.3% TPH DIESEL - FID1 50 - 50000 1650 - 1650000 5/19/97 1.313 5.8% 397 1.259 4,1% 418 1.196 8.9% TPH DIESEL - FID2 50 - 50000 1650 - 1650000 5/19/97 2.348 5.9% 218 2,294 2.3% 224 2.232 4.9% TPH DIESEL - FID3 50 - 50000 1650 - 1650000 5/19/97 1,321 8.0% 410 1.220 7.7% 403 1,241 6.1% BENZENE 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5/22/97 0.0045 3.2% 111 0.0045 0.3% 106 0,0047 4,8% TOLUENE 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5/22/97 0.0052 13.2% 93 0.0054 3.7% 96 0.0052 0.3% ETHYLBENZENE 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5122/97 0.0061 12.4% 63 0.0079 30.1% 65 0.0077 26.5% m&p-XYLENES 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5122/97 010046 10.8% 192 0.0052 13.0% 187 0.0054 16.4% o-XYLENES 0.1 - 30 3.3 - 990 5/22/97 0.0065 10.4% 79 0.0063 3.1% 85 0.0059 9.0% INITIAL RF - AVERAGE RESPONSE FACTOR FROM MULTIPOINT CALIBRATION CURVE % RSD - LINEARITY OF MULTIPOINT CALIBRATION CURVE (+/- 20% ACCEPTABLE LIMITS) AREA - AREA COUNTS FROM DAILY CALIBRATION STANDARD RF - DETECTOR RESPONSE FACTOR FROM MID-POINT CALIBRATION STANDARD % DIFF - DIFFERENCE, IN PERCENT, BETWEEN THE AVERAGE RF AND THE OPENING OR CLOSING RF ~)PENING o MID-POINT CALIBRATION STANDARD ANALYZED BEFORE SAMPLE ANALYSES BEGIN CLOSING - MID-POINT CALIBRATION STANDARD ANALYZED AFTER SAMPLES ANALYSES ARE COMPLETE ANALYSES PERFORMED ON-SITE IN TEG'S CA DOHS CERTIFIED MOBILE LABORATORY (CERT #1317 & 1839) ANALYSES PERFORMED BY: MS. KATALIN_J=Q~AS & MR. CHRIS HOLLANDSWORTH DATA REVIEWED BY~/~O ~ . QA/QC REPORT - MS/MSD DATA MATRIX SPIKE (MS)/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE (MSD) FOR SOILS ANALYSIS DATE: 05~20~97 TEG Project #970520T3 COMPOUND SPK CONC MS CONC %REC MS MSD CONC %REC MSD RPD ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) RPD RECOVERY TPH GASOLINE 200 202 101.0% 218 109.0% 7.6% 15% 82% - 122% TPH DIESEL 500 502 100.4% 530 106.0% 5.4% 15% 72% - 112% SPK CONC - CONCENTRATION SPIKED INTO MATRIX MS CONC - ANALYZED CONCENTRATION OF SPIKED SAMPLE % REC - PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE FROM MATRIX RPD - RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERIES ANALYSES PERFORMED ON-SITE IN TEG'S CA DOHS CERTIFIED MOBILE LABORATORY (CERT #1317) ANALYSES PERFORMED BY: MS. KATALIN LOVAS DATA REVIEWED BY~)/./,~ ~ QA/QC REPORT - MS/MSD DATA MATRIX SPIKE (MS)/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE (MSD) FOR SOILS ANALYSIS DATE: 05/22/97 TEG Project #970520T3 COMPOUND SPK CONC MS CONC %REC MS MSD CONC %REC MSD RPD ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) RPD RECOVERY TPH GASOLI NE 200 214 107.0% 215 107.5% 0.5% 15% 82% - 122% TPH DIESEL 500 508 101.6% 544 108.8% 6.8% 15% 72% - 112% SPK CONC - CONCENTRATION SPIKED INTO MATRIX MS CONC - ANALYZED CONCENTRATION OF SPIKED SAMPLE % REC - PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE FROM MATRIX RPD - RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MATRIX SPIKE AND MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERIES ANALYSES PERFORMED ON-SITE IN TEG'S CA DOHS CERTIFIED MOBILE LABORATORY (CERT #1317) ANALYSES PERFORMED BY: MS. KATALIN LOVAS DATA REVIEWED BY~ ~ -- Client: FIUOiE I)A~,~IEL C_~TT__ Date: ~'-'z~-Cl-7 Page Address:_ ~0~0 C..c~i,'f-oFt~, o /3,,Je~u~ $~' ..~c:)C::) TEG Project #: c~'70'~ ~_o'T~'~.,~ Outside Lab #: Client Project ~:o z~ ~ co off ~ Project Manager: ~/ ~ Sample Container Sample~ Depth Time Type Type ~ ~ > m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Field Notes T E-G I IS.'o X S~als inta~? Y/N/NA Relinquished by: (signature) Date / Time Re~i~e~ by: ~signature) Date / Time ~ Re~ived good ~ndition/cold Turn around time: Sample disposal Ins~c~ons: ~ TEG. Disposal. ~ $2.00 ~ach. Return to client . Pickup cill~ of IItodlJI~co~ Address:_ c~°f;%F-') C.~ Il' ~,¢ ~, ~ ~ mEG Project#: Ci' "70 5 ~_(.D-( 3 Outside Lab#: Client Project #: o ?-?-5oooclT-- Project'Manager: .T'~',,v'l ~v'k..~' ~ Collector: ~ '0 0 ._ Sample Container' eo ,: ~ m m ~ -Sample~ Depth Time Type Type > > > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : O ~ Field Notes _ sp~ -- t ~:~5 ~ ~/ x x x ' ~'.SO ~~, ~ ~~~ Chain of Custody seals Y/N/NA ~ ~ 7/~-~ y-Z u-~ ~ [( e Seals intact? YINI~ Re.linquished by: (signature) Date / Time Re~ived by: (sianature) O~teTT~m& /~ Re~ived good CondiUon/cold Turn around time: ...' ~ample disposal Ins~ucNons: ~ rEG Disposal ~ $2.~ each Retum to client , , Pickup SITE DIAGRAM ~ x ~ FACILITY DIAGRAM Business Name: Texaco Star Mart " Business ACaress: 3621 California Avenue & Real Rd, For Office Use Only First In Station: Area Ivlcj3 # of Inspection Station: NORTH ~'/'~ 0 ~ ~ISLAND W/ O I~EAL [~OAD GAS STATION MOTF::L TEXACO REFININ~ & MARKETING INC. 3621 CALIF:OI~NIA AVl:: g E'~AL I~O E~AKE~SPIL=t.D, CALFO~CqA 61-O58-OOO988 $CALEI I - 50'-0' T3354 JAR SITF:: MAP SYMBOLS I=E I=IRF= EXTINGUISI..-IIEI~ '~ FIRE NYDRANT· ESO EMI=RGI=NCY SMUT-OF'i= i_=VACUATiON/STA(.~iN(~ A~I=A IMSDSI MSDS STORAG;IE LOCATION BUSINESS PLAN LOCATION ISPILL 'l SPILL CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROLI (~ ELECTi~ICAL SHUT-OF-I= (~ WATEI~ SMUT-OPP (~) GAS SHUT-OFF -'-,,,'-- ---.' EVACUATION ROUTE ~ i=E~NO_.,E/BARRiE2 STORM D~AIN s~w~ UNDERGROUND TANK I=LAMMABLE LIQUID D ta Environmental · Oonsultant$, In¢. ~ Solving environment-related bus/ness problems world, de www. deltaenv, com 911 South Primrose Avenue · Suite K Monrovia, California ~1016 USA 626.256.6662 800.477.74~1 ' Fax 626.256.6263 ' . November 12, 2003 DELTA Project No. PA3621C-G Mr. Steve Underwood. City of Bakersfield Fire Department Preventative Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3ra Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: GRASP SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Texaco Service Station 3621 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. steve UnderwoOd: Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. (DELTA) [formerly KHM Environmental Management, Inc.] on behalf of Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products US (SHELL) has prepared this GRASP Site Assessment Report for the above referenced site (Figure 1). The Groundwater Assessment Program (GRASP) activities initiated at the above referenced site on September 15, 2003, revealed no detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in the subsurface groundwater, which are detailed in this report. .BAcKGRoUND GRASP is a voluntary initiative by SHELL to install groundwater monitoring wells at numerous retail service stations nationwide that do not have any active release cases but have been identified to be in close proximity to one or more public water supply wells. The purpose ofth/s program is to proactively monitor the groundwater beneath these sites and, in the event of a subsurface release, to respond quickly to protect public wells from this impact. On January 27, 2003, DELTA supervised the drilling of one exploratory soil boring (SB-1). Groundwater was encountered at 95.5 feet below ground surface (bgs)and drilling was terminated at 100 feet bgs. No groundwater monitoring well was installed. GRASP WELL INSTALLATION On September 15, 16 and 17, 2003, DELTA supervised the drill'ing and installation of three groundwater monitor/ng _wells (MW-I, MW-2 and MW-3). DELTA obtained a well permit from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (Appen~x A). Well construction details are displayed in the boring logs presented in Appendix B: Well development sheets are included in Appendix C. Site survey data is included in Appe_ndix D _ac..d_ ~e_wa~te inventory record sheet_ i.s included in Appendix E..Amemberofi November 12, 2003 ~ Page 2 . ANALYTICAL FINDINGS Soil samples were Collected but not analyzed during the drilling of these groundwater monitoring wells due to low PID (photo-ionization gas detector) headspace reading (below 10 parts per million by volume). On September 25, 2003 the groundwater monitoring wells were developed. On September 30, 2003 the groundwater monitoring wells were sampled and analyzed for chemical impacts. Groundwater analytical data is summarized in Tablel and presented on Figure 2. Well monitoring data sheets are included in Appendix F. Certified analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation for groundwater are presented in Appendix G. The recommendations contained in this report represent Delta's professional opinions based upon the currently available information and are arrived at in accordance with currently acceptable professional standards. This report is based upon a specific scope of work requested by the client. The Contract between Delta and its client outlines the scope of work, and only those tasks specifically authorized by that contract or outlined in this report were performed. This report is intended only for the use of Delta's Client and anyone else specifically listed on this report. Delta will not and cannot be liable for unauthorized reliance by any other third party. Other than as contained in this paragraph, Delta makes no express or implied warranty as to the contents of this report. If you have any questions regarding this site, please contact Brad Clark (DELTA) at (626) 256-6662 or Tony Palagyi (SHELL) at (425) 377-85.30. ' Sincerely, · ~rf.tchen Tag.aviiia U Bradley E. Clark, P.E. ~ject Associate Senior Project Engineer ~ cc: Tony Palagyi, Shell Oil Products US \lSERV~R~KI:lM_Data\CIilmts~_$hell~_Sholl GRASP\_GRASP Sites\3621 Califomia~2003-11 -I2_Site Asse~smral! Report (Tier ll)~Sitc Assessment Rcporl(3621).doc ,! ATTACHMENTS: I · Table 1 - Groundwater Analytical Data · lqigure 1 - Site Location Map I · Figure 2 - Hydrocarbon Distribution in Groundwater Map · Appendix A- Well Permit · Appendix B - Boring Logs I · Appendix C - Well Development' Sheets · Appendix D - Site Survey Data i · Appendix E- Waste Inventory Record Sheet · Appendix F - Well Monitoring Data Sheets · Appendix G - Certified Analytical Results and Chain-of-Custody Documentation ! 1 I I 1 ! ! ! 1 1 ! I ! i I I ~ i I I I I I i I I I I i I TABLES ItlSTORICAL GROUNDWATER GAUGING AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS SERVICE STATION ~ ] - __ 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California · MW-1 Top of casing elevation (it): unknown 9/23/2003 ~ -- -- 9/30/2003 :86~:~-[~_'^ ND<~o --~<0.50 ,D<l.~-- ,D<__~.0 ~,<~.0 ~<,.0 ~<~0 ~D~.0 SD<:.0 .D<:.0 ~D<~0.0 MW-2 Top of casing elevation (fO: unknown 9/23/2003 87.06 0.00 -- -- 9/25/2003. 86.88 0.00 -- 9/30/2003 $~6.4~7 0.00 N~A. -- ND<50 ND<0.50 ND~I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<10 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<IO0 __ NIW-3 Top of~-aslng elevation 9/23/2003 82.25 ~ 0.00 ' -- 9/2512003 82.67 0.00 9/30/2003 82.13 0.00 NA ND<50 ND<(~.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0~- ND<I.0 ND<i.0. ND<I~ ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 ND<100 Notes:. -- -- ~-W- Groundwater --' -- _S._PI2I -~Se_parate~-pimse hydrocarbons -- ' MSL - Mean sea level /, _ ND - Not detected~ -- -- u_g/L~z_parts per billion TPH-G - Total p~etro~leam hydrocarbons as gosoline MTBE - Methyl-reft butyl ether TBA - Tert-butyl alcohol D~I~E- DJ-is o prop~]-~tl~er ETBE - EtlHyl-iert butyl ether -- TAME - Tert-amyl methyl ether NA - Not Available \\Server~HM Data\Clients\ Shell\ Shell GRASPk_GRASP Sitesk3621 Califomiak2003-10-xx_Summary Report (Tier ll)\Table 1 (3621) Page 1 of I I i I I : I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! F~up.~s ! ! ! ! ! I ! ! ! ! ,! ! ,! 1~-9~0~'00'' W 119~03'00'' %N 119o02'00" W WG$84 119°01'00" W !~'; ~8 ~, SITE LOCATION ~ P~e~ ~ TOFO! ~1 N~ Om~p~ Ho~ (~.topo S~ ENVIRONME~ TEMCO SERVICE STATION : CONSULTING INC. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ FIGURE 1 ~N~ SITE LOCATION MAP I 3621 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ . LEGEND ISLAND ~ I 0~/30/03 I ND<50 l NO<0.50 J ND<I.0 I ND< 0 I (TYP) ~~ ' TPH-g H~ROCARBONsTOTAL PETROLEUM ~ ~A) ~) ' ~/t) 09/30/03 ND<50 ND<0.50 ND<I.O ND<lO ~~ ~ ~ ~' ~3X ~ ~/L~TBEIBAMICROGRAUs~ETH%IERT-BuI~TERT- BUTYLALcOHOLpER LITERETHER [ ~ . ND NOT DETECTED < ~ F o o1 ~ [ o ~ . ~ ~-, · ',, ~ ¢~lta ~;~1 ~, I ~, I~, .,.-, GU/aD/Da NO<5o NO<0.5O ND<I.O .0<~0 ~ CONSULTANTS INC. T[XACO SER~CE' STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 ..... HYDROCARBON DISTRIB~ION IN GROUNDWATER MAP 3621 CALIFORNIA A~NUE ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I I I I I ~ I ~ I I I I I I I ! ! I ; I I WELL PERMIT 09/25/02 WED 16:07 FA~ 661 862 8701 K C ENVIi~0N~JENTAL ~ILTI~ ~002 E~IRONMENTAL ~A~TH SERVICES DEPARTMENT AppliCation Date: 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 No. of Wells/Borings: B~ERSFIELD, CA 93301 PTO No.: / ~ Telephone: (661) 862-8700 Wall No(s).: F~: (661) 862-8701 ~r~ APPLICA~ON AND PE~IT FOR MONITO~G WELLS This application is m: ~ Construct ~ Modi~ ~ Destroy Type of well~oring ~roundwater ~ Cathodic Protection ~ Test Hole ~ O~er r:-;;*:.E!?¢:~:iJ;5:~': ~';'"':::"~:-~-'.~*':"* ¥:<::~.:? ";}':":}.~v',~'"" ..:::;..5.;i:.) .2.::.~ .:... ~:?~:.r:. ~-- ~:'."-:%:' . . : .?7 . '~ , - .,. GENERAL OONDITIONS OF T~IS PER~IT FOR CONSTRUCTION: I. Well site approval is required beDre beg~fing any work ?elated t0 well cons~ction. It is unlaw~l to continue work past the stage at which ~ ~Specti0n is required unless inspecti6n is waived or compl,ted. 2. Other required inspections include: conduc{or casing, all a~ular seals, and final cOns~ction Features. 3. A phone call to the Depa~ent Office is required on the morning of the day that work ii to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seats or plugs. d. cons~cti0n.under this Pe~it is subject t~ any instructions by Depmment representatives. 5. All wells cons~cted of PVC located at i =ontamhated site where degradation may occur must be des~oyed after oi prove no degradation is 0ecu=Nc or has occuucd. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Pc~it Conditions or Ordinance will result N issuance cfa "STOP WORK O~ER." , . 7, ' A copy of~e Depa~ent of Water Resources Driller's Repoa, ~ well as copies of log~, water quali~ analyses, and as-bUilts of weIE mint be submiRed to the Environmental Health Semites Dopa~ent within 14.days aRer completion of the work. I GEMEBAL CONDITIONS OF THiS,PERMIT FOH DESTRUCTIOn:. ~7: '. "A well demetion aPplicatiOn must be'filed with this Dep'a~ment'if a Well is boing des~oyed that is not in conjunction with 2.' ': 'DeSm~ti0n procedures mustbe followed a~'p~.uT~50, ' ': "' : : ' ' 3.-' ~ ..P[aeeMeh~ 0fth~ seal 'must be.wiin~ss;d by 6'~e~r~sentativi qf~his Dep~me.nt. Twen~xfou?-hour advanced notice is requke4 f~r an appoin~ent. " ' ....... - ~ SPECIAL CONDiTiONS: '- THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED 0~/25/02 l~D i8:88 FAX 661 8.62 8701 K C ENYIRON~IENTAL ILLTH WELL cONSTRUCTION ~O~ATION WELL DEP~ ./ i0 ' '_ pROUND ELEVATION (IF KNOWN) ~ ~ BOREHOLE DI~ETER ..... / 0 c,s~so-msmn ni.~wt, . ~ CASING MATERIAL a GAUGE ~ C - ~O~ q0,' . SCREEN MATERI~ & GAUGE ~O-Ec~ ~O TYPE OF BENTONITE PLUG &,DEPTH b~36~ ~t~5-~ ~ .... FILTER. PACK MATERIAL & SIZE ~a ~ ~ "SEALANT PLACEMENT.METHOD .. ?CcSSdCC~COO~ . ............ . LOCKING ~LL CAP · /~ FACILITY PLOT PL~ ProP}de a description of thc faciliW t0 b~ moNmr~d, Nduding: location of t~s, proposed monitoring , and plaqement, newest s~eet or intersection, location of ~y water weas or surface water wi~in 5~- foot radius of faciliB'; ple~e attach. ZONE OF INFLUENCE Information on zone of influence, such as ma~ematical calculations or field test dam, .may be required VADOSE ZONE WELLS , upon revie~ of the application. ~LL DEPTH . CASING MA~RIAL SEALANT MATERIAL . SEALANT PLACEMENT METHOD . DESCRIBE DESTRUCTION P~,OCEDURE: ~ , I Mve re~; a~ agree to comply with the general ',c°Miti°ns__ noted. . This~~~m~~ff~.~~~~permit must be ai~'by either th/contra Owner's Signature ' Date e THIg APPDgATIONI BEOOMES' A PE~lT ~HEN APPROVED I I I I I ! I I ~ I ~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I . A~PENDD~ B ! BOllinG LOGS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US IBORING NO: M:W4 LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield IPAGE 1 OF K'HM DRILLER: BC2 DATE DRILLED: 9/17/2003 LOC~T~ON DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOR:EHOLE DIAMETER: 10" See Site Map (figure 2) for location SAMPLING METHOD: Split Spoon BOREHOLE DE?T~ of boring. ENVIR_ONMENTAL CASING TYPE PVC WELL DIAMETER:-. 4" MANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE 0.02" WELL DEPT~ INC. OR_POKATED GRA\PEL PACK- 2/12 CASING STICICtlP: ELEVATION NORTHING E?~STING NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVMLAt~LE NOT AVAILABLE Boring Completion ~ § ~ ~" Sample ~ Level '8 o =~ ~ o~ _~ ~ '~ ~ LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION 2 3 4 $ '7 9 Damp 2 21 l0 !B ~}' SC Clayey SAND, dark brown, 60% fine sand, 40% Clay. 11 ¢~!~i:~ ~ SW Well-Graded SANB, brown, 50% fine sand, 45% medium sand, ~ <5% fines, trace coarse sand. 12 13 1 ~.~ ~ @ 15, as above, light brown, 3~% medium sand, 35% fine Damp 1~ ~ ~!~ sand, 30% coarse sand, <5% fines, trace gravel. 17 18 2O Dry 1.2 3'I ~ ........ ~ @ 2fi, as above, 40% fine, 30% medium, 25% coarse sand, 21 ~ !<5% fines, trace gravel. 22 PROJECT ¢,IO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US IBORING NO: MW-1 .... LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield JPAGE 2 OF 5 KHM DRI~ BO2 DATE DRILL~: 9117/2003 LO~TIONk~ D~L~G M~OD: HSA BOR~OLE DI~E~ 10" See Site Map (figure 2) for location S~NO ~OD: Split Spoon BOREHO~ DEP~: of boring. ~KONM~ C~O ~E: PVC ~LL D~ 4" ., ~AG~ ,SLOT SIZE 0.02" ~LL DEPT~ ~CO~O~ G~V~ PAC~ 2/12 ' CASING S~CKUP: ~LEVA~ON NORT~G E~TING ' NOT AVM~B~ NOT AV~BLE NOT AVMLABLE ~ = ~ O S~ple Boring Completion ~ Z ~ '~ = = 23 '24 DW i.1 36 2S. ~ $W Well-Graded SAND, light brown'to tan, 50% fine sand, 40% 26 ~j~ medium sand, 5% coarse sand, <5% fines. 27 2~ _ Mois~ 1.4 41 ~0 ~ ML Sandy'SILT~ broWn ~o reddish brown, 60% silt, 40% fine to Damp 31 ~ medium sand. 32 - 33 34 ~ D~ 5.8 >50 3S :~:~ SW Well-Gradod. SA~D, ~olden brown 50% coarse san~, 50% fine 36 ' ,~ sand, trace rocks and gravel. . 37 38 . DW 1.1 >50 *0 ~ Well-Graded SAND with Graver, 25% gravel, 25% coarse sand, *1 ~}~ 25% fine sand, 25% medium sand, <5% fines rounded clasts. 42 43 PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: She!l Oil Products US . BOLLING NO: MW-1 LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield PAGE 3 OF KHM DRILLER: BC2 DATE DRILLED: 9/17/2003 LOCA'nON M~ DRILLING'METHOD: HSA BOREHOL£.DIAMETER: 10" See Site Map (figure 2) for location SAMPLING METHOD: Split Spoon BOREHOLE DEPTH: of boring. E NVIKONMENTAL CASING TYPE: PVC WELL DIAMETER: 4" MANA~ SLOT SIZE- 0.02" WELL DEPTH: INCOR_POR. ATED GRAVEL PACE 2/12 CASING STICKUP: ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE Boring Completion ~ ~ g ~ ¢' Sample ii -- ~ Level '~ o ~ v ~ o~ ~ = , ~ = ~ LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION ;; Dry/ 1.4 >50 ~ SW Well-Graded SAND, brown, 30% gravel and rocks, 30% fine ;~, Moist ~?~ sand, 20% medium sand, 10% coarse sand, 10% fines. ~ 49 ;; S0 ~; Dry 3.1 >50 SP Poorly-Graded SAND, golden brown, 90% fine sand, <10% ; -- ~ ~&~.,,~ medium shad, <5% fines. ~!~.'~ 40% medium sand, 10% coarse sand, <5% fines. = 58 ?1 . ~ Drt 0.~ >50 60 ~ SP Poody-Graded SAND, brown, ~0% fine sand, <5% fine, <5% !~ ~ medium sand, trace coarse sand, trace gravel. 64- Dry 1.6 >50 ~i~ SW Well-Graded SAND, brown, 45% medium sand, 45%fine sand, ~'~<<-",,*~ ~ <10% coarse, <5% fines. BORING NO: MW-IL PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US iKHM LOGGEDgY: 'VeraFischer LOCATION: 3621California, Bakersfield PAGE4 ors DRILI2P~ BC2 DATE DRILLED: 9/17/2003 DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHO~E DIAMETER: 10" See Site Map (figure 2) for location SAMPLING METHOD: Split Spoon BOREHOLE DEPTH: of boring. I EMVIR_ONMENTAL CASING T'tqaE PVC WELL 4" DIAMETEK- ]VtANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE: 0.02" WELL DEPTH: INCOP,_P©KATED GRAVEL PACK: 2/12 CASING STICKUI~:  ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE Boring Completion ~ ~ ~° = _~, ? Sample = Level o '~ ~ ¢ _~ ~ ~ LHI-IOLOGY / DESCRIPTION 67 69 _ Dry/ 1.2 >50 ?0 ~i sP Poorly-Graded SAND, light brOwn, >95% fine sand, <5% fines. Damp 7] 72 73 :':':-:': 75 t'i" DampDry/ 28 >50 76 1~'~~ SP Poorly-GradedSAND, Brown, 95% medium sand, <5% fines. I~ ~} SP PooryGraded SAND, 95% fine sand, <5% fines. · . :. :-:- :. :. __ -: ;~.~ ...... 78 · '.'-'-'.'. 80 · '"'"'"' _ .Dry/ 0.1 >50 ~; SW WelI-Gradeed SAND, tan, 50% medium sand, 50% fine sand, Damp 8~ ~¢~ <10% fines, trace coarse sand. ......... ,- _ :.:-:-:.: ~ 82 ' ...... 83 · .:.:.:.: · .... Damp~ 0.1 >50 85 mxg · '.'.'" ~. @ 85', as above, 35% fine sand, 35% medium sand, 30% I;!i. }:' __ Moist 86 !~ [~}* ~ coarse sand, <5% fines. :.:.:.:. . 87 ~ 88 I ' PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIEbFF: Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: MW-1 LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield PAGE 5 OF 5 KHM DRILLER:- BO2 DATE DRILLED: 9/17/2003 LOCATION DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOKEHOLE DIAMETEI~ 10" See Site Map (figure 2) for location SAMPLING METHOD: Split Spoon BOKEHOLE DEPTH: .of boring. ENVIR. ONMENTAL CASING TYPE PVC VvTLL DIAMETEPc 4" MANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE: 0.02" WELL DEPTH: ]NCOiR..POP,.ATED GRAVEL PACK:- 2/12 CASING-STICKLIP: E~VATION NORTHING FASTING NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAIL&BLE Boring Completion ~ ~ ~° = _~ ? Sample .~ c~o Water ~ g g '~ '¢ '~ ~ ~ ~ ¢' LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION '~ Level '8 o & ~ o m 8 ~ 89 :!:i:!:i:i:i Wet ] A >50 9o ,~.~..,;:~ ~'~$P Poody-Graded SAND with Gravel, brown, 70% fine sand, 25% ~¢,!~4 gravel, 5% clay. :':':':'-. 92 ~:.:.:.:... i-:.:.:.' 93 .:.:.:.:.. :.'7':.:. .:.~.:.: ~_ ::~:::: ,O~ -- :::::::::': " 95 _ ~:: :. :: """" ' _ Wet 0.6 >50 ~:~":~'~i.---~i~ ~ PoorlY-Graded SAND,, tanish brown, 95% fine sand. 96 ~ ML SILT, greyish brown, FeO stains, MnO stains, 15% fine sand. ..... ~ SP Poorly-Graded SAND, tanish brown, FeO stains, 95%'fine :':':':':' sand. .:.:.:.:.' I1: - :.:-:.:.:-'"'""" ~8 @ @8.5', as above, light brown, ~5% round fine s~nd, <5% :':':':':' Wet 1.~ >50 ~ ~ ifines, trace coarse sand. ~!}~ ML SILT, brown to reddish brown, ~5% fine sand. ..... ~00 I~ ~,~i! SP Poorly-Graded SAND, reddish brown, >g5% fine sand: BOIIOM OF $~M~LING = 100' _ 101 102 -- 103 104 - 105 __ 106 107 -- 108 · 109 - PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: Shell'Oil Products US [BORING NO: MW-2, LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield~ }PAGE 1 'OF. 5; KHM DRILLE~ BO2 DATE DRILLED: 9/16/2003 LOCATION MAP DRILLING METHOD: 'HSA BOP,.EHOLE DLA2vlETER: 10" See Site Map (figure 2) for location SAMPLING METHOD: BOREHOLE DEPTH:- of boring. ENVIRONMENTAL CASING TYPE: PVC WELL DIAMETER: 4" MANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE:- 0.02" WELL DEPTH.- INCOR_POR. ATED GRAVEL PACK:- 2/12 CASING STICKUP: ELEVATION NORTHING EASTTNG NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AV'AILABLE Boring Completion ~ ~O '-" O Sample , =0 w~t¢, z ~ ~ =. = ~ LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION 2 3 6 ?. 8 10 1 9 I~;~ I No Recovery I~ ...... Poorly-Graded SAND,, brown, 85% fine sand, 10% medium ,,,~;~J sand, <5% fines, dry, loose. 12 14 ~i SW Well-Graded SAND, tanish brown, 60% fine sand, 20% medium ~;.'~ ~i sand, 10% coarse sand, 5% gravel, 5% fines, loose. 17 18 20 , _ Dry/ 1.6 28 ~ ~} @ 20'/as above. Damp 21 ~l~;;:~ SP/ IPoorly-Graded SAND with Clay, dark brown, 70% fine to very 22 PROJECT NO: PA36-21. C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: MW-.?. LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield PAGE 2 OF I HM DRILLER: DC2 DATE DRILLED: 9/16/2003 DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" See Site Map (figure 2) for location SAMPLING METHOD: BOREHOLE DEPTH: of boring. ENVIR_ON/ViENTAL ' CASiNG TYPE- PVC' WELL DIAMETER: 4" MANAGE. MENU' SLOT SIZE: 0.02" WELL DEPTH:- FNC. OP,.POR~TED GRAVEL PACK:- 2/12 CASiNG STICKLIP: ELEVATION NORTHING FASTING NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILKBLE NOT A;v'AILABLE ~ = ~. '~' Sample Boring Completion = , [ w~t= ~ '~ ~~ ~.~ ¢ = 7 P · LITHOLOGY/DESCRIPTION : ~' '~ o '~ = ~ ~ '~- o r= I . '~ Level ~ D ~ ~o .= = 8 ~ o 23 '1 24 Dry/ 8.7 37 25 a®m~:~¢;; SP Poorly-Graded SAND, tan, 95% fine sand, <5% fines, FeO Damp 26 I~}~{ stains and banding, MnO staiqs. 2? 28 · 25) Dry/ 1.5 >50 ~0 ~ ~¢~ ~ @ 30', as above. i Damp ~1 ~ ~ ML Sandy SILT, brown, 35% very fine sand, MnO stains. 32 Dry/ 0.1 >50 % ~ SP Poorly-Graded SAND, brown, 90% fine sand. ~' . 38 3~ 40 Dry 5.3 >50 ~ @ 40', as above, brown, 85% fine sand, ~ 0% medium sand, - ~ <5% fines. · ' 42 43~ i PROJECT NO: PA36~21C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: MW-'t I LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield PAGE KHM ~,~ DRILLED: 9,16,2003 L0~ONI~ DRILL~G M~OD: HSA BO~HOLE DI~E~ 10" See Site Map (figure 2) for location i S~PLING ~OD: BO~HOLE D~ of boring. ~KONM~ C~G ~E PVC ~L DI~ET~ 4" ~A~ SLOT S~E 0.02" ~LL DEP~ ~CO~O~ G~X~L PA~ 2/12 C~G S~C~P: I ~A~ON NOR~G NOT AV~LE NOT AVAI~BLE NOT AV~L~LE Bomg Completion ~ ~ ~ Wa, r'¢= -~ Le~a '~ o ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L~OLOGY/DESC~ON ._ DW 3.1 >50 4s ~ SP Poorly-Graded SAND, orangish brown, 50% fine sand, 15% 46 ~¢~ ~ ~ediUm sand, 15% coarse sand, 20% gravel. 47 48 Dam~ 2.1 50 ~:~;~,~.~ }~ SW Welt-Graded SAND, orangish tanish brown, 50% fine sand, ~s 50% medium sand. 52 __ DW 1.3 >50 55 ~ ~ 55', as above, light brown, 50% medium sand, 50% fine S6 ~:~ I~ sand. 57 58 DW 2.4 >50 60 ~.~ ~ ~ 60'~ as above, 45% fine sand, 45% medium sand, 10% 61 ~ coarse sand, <5% fines. 62 63 - 64 Damp/ 2.7 ~50 6S ~;~' ....... ~ ~ 65'~ as above, 40% fine sand, 35% medium sa~d, 20% Moist 66 I:~ .;~;:~ .......... ~:~ coarse sand, 5% grave'l, <5% fines. I PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: 'Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: I DIaLLEd- BC2 DATE DRILLED: 9/16~2003 LO~ON ~ DRIL~G ME. OD: HSA BO~HOLE DI~E ~0' See Site Map (figure 2) for location i %~% S~L~G M~OD: B O~OLE DEP~ 9f boring. C~ING ~E PVC ' ~LL DI~ 4" SLOT S~ 0.02" ~LL D~: ~GO~Q~D G~L PA~ ~12 C~G STICk: EL~ATION NOR~G E~TING NOT AVAI~LE NOT AV~ NOT AVAILABLE , Bo~g Completion ~ Z ~ ~ S~ple ~ L~ "~ ~ ~ ~ g ~~ ~ ~ J~ =b LI~OLOGY / DESerTION -~ o o ~ 67 68 6~ Damp 4.1 >50 70 ~}~ *~ SW ~ 70', as above. 72 ?B 75 DW/ 3.1 >50 ~; ~ 75', as above, 50% fine sand, 50% medium sand, <5% Damp 7~ ~ ~ fines. 77 , 78 7~ Damp 1.1 >50 80 ~ ~ ~ 80', as above, tan, 45% fine sand, 30% medium sand, 20% 81 ~ coarSe sand, 5% gravel, <5% fines.  I 82 84 Damp/ 2.8 >50 85 ~:~ S~ ~oody-Gradod SA~D,'li~ht brown, ~0% fine sand, ~0% medium :.:-: _ ~::::::::::~ 87 I PROJECT NO: PA36-21C~G - CLIEN-F: Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: MW-Z LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield PAGE 5 OF £ DRILL~G M~HOD: HSA BO~OLE D[~ ' ~0" See Site Map (figure 2) for location S~PHNG M~OD: BO~HO~E DEP~ of boring. ~KON~ C~ING ~. PVC ~ DI~ 4" ~A~ SLOT S~E 0.02" ~L DEPTH: ~CO~O~ G~X~[ PAC~ 2/~ 2 C~ING S~C~: E~VATION NOR~G L~TING NOT AVA~LE NOT AVAI~ NOT AV~LE Boring Complehon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S~ple :~::~} _ Wet 0A >50 ~0 i~ ~ S~ ~oorly-¢ra0ed SA~D with Gravol, brown, 70% fin, sand, 25% .....,... ..... I~ ~:::~::~ S~ ~oorlyrGraded SA~D, !i~ht brownish tan, >~5% fine s~nd, m 95 · =:':':':':' Wet 0.7 >50 ~l~ ~ ~fi', as above, brown, ~0% fine sand, <~0% fines, MnO ':':':':':': Wet 1.4 >50 ~ ~5~ ~ 98.5' as above, 95% fine sand, <5% medium to coarse ~ ~?j~ sand, <5% fines, ',',', ',' ' 100 ~ ' 102 I ~ 103 105 106 107 I' ~ 108' 10~  ~ 110 PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: MW-3 LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield PAGE 1 OF [ HM DRILLER: BC2 DATE DRILLED: 9/15/2003 LOCATION MAP DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 10" !See Site Map (figure 2) for location - SAMPLING METHOD: Split Spoon BOREHOLE DEPTH: 105' of boring. ENVIR_ONMt~N~ CASING TYPE PVC WELL DIAMETERz 4" MANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE 0.02" -WELL DEPTH: 105' INCOtLPOR. ATED GRAVEL PACK; 2/12 CASiNG STICKUP: ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE ~o =--- ? Sample Bong Com¢¢~on W Water z z ~ "" ~ ~ ~- .LITHOLOGY / DESCRIP~ON Air-knifed to 7' ~ -- 1 ? 8 ~ I Dry 1.7 .5 i,..~.-.,,:,~l =....~;...:: SW Well-Graded SAND, tannish brown, 30% fine sand, 30% '--~ 6 11 '~ ~ medium sand, 20% coarse sand, <'10% fines, occasional 11 !~!~ '.' gravel, rounded clasts. -- 6 i2 ~ ~ ' _ ~ i~k'~i~ ~'= @ ~ 2', as above, 85% coarse 'sand, 5% gravel, <~ 0% fines. -- Damp/ 10 14 ~ ~ ML SILT, gray, 2'5% fine sand, root holes, FeO stains, MnO stains. Moist 1 i 11 15 ~ ~:?,~ SW Well-Graded SAND, tan, 35% fine sand, 35% medium sand, Dry ' 2.3 14 ~ 30% coarse sand, <5% fines -- ~ ~ light tan -- DrY 11 17 ~ ~ S~ ~oody-Graded SAND, dark tanniSh brown, ~0% fine sand, _ 12 ~i~~ I10% medium sand, <5% fines. 18 -- Dry 19 ~ ~ SW Well-Graded SAND, brownish tan, 50% fine sand, 35% medium _ 15 ~ ~ sand, 15% coarse sand.- · 3.8 21 ~ @ 19', as above, 40% medium sand, 40% fine sand, 10% -- 20 21 ~*~ coarse sand, <10% fines. 21 ~ @ 20.5', as above, 45% coarse sand, 35% medium sand, 15% ' 28 22 ~7~~<~¢ fine sand, 15% gravel, rounded clasts. 2 5 PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US' BOR/NG NO: MW-3 LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield' ' .PAGE 2 OF D~L~G ME~OD: HSA BO~OL~Dt~ ~0" See Site Map (figure 2) for location S~L~O M~OD: Split Spoon BO~HO~ DEP~ 105' of boring. ~CO~O~ G~L EL~zATION NOA~G NOT AVAE~ NOT AVA~ NOT AVAILABLE ~?~. SW ~ 22.5': as above, tan, 3~% fine s~nd, 30% medium sand, D~ '11 ~'~ SP Poorly-Graded SAND, light tan, 90% fine sand, courser down. 8'"¢ ~ 25', as above, 90% fine sand, 10% medium sand. 19 26 ;;.~:¢~.~ M~ Silty SAND/Sandy SILT, dark brown, fine sand, FeO stains. [~3 ~ SW Well-Graded SAND, light tan, 15% fine sand, 40 % medium 13 _ DWI 16 ~ sand, 40% coarse sand, <5% fines, rare gravel, rounded. ~ CL Lean CLAY, light brown, FcC stains, MnO stains, root holes Damp 1 13 ~;~ ~ SW iWell Graded SAND, 35% fine sand, 35% medium sand, 30% 14 29 }~ ~..¢: , coarse sand _ 19 I~ ~ MU [Silty Sand/Sandy Silt, as above SM _ DW/ 0.1 25 ~ ~ CL ;Lean CLAY, brown, <5% fine sand, Iow Plasticity, MnO stains _ 25 ~ ~ ~ 31' grey brown, 20% fine sand, MnO stains, FeO stains. Damp~ 30 32 22 ~ i~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, tan, -95% fine sand, FeO stains, DW 25 _ ~g~:; rounded clasts Damp 30 _ 16 ~ ~¢~ ~ 34' as above, ~85% medium sand, -15% fine sand rounded DW 15 36 ~ SW Well Graded SAND, light brownish tan, -45% fine sand, -30% 19 ~¢ ~,~,~, -30% medium sand, -15% coarse sand Damp 21 ]? ~'..~ ML Sandy Silt, dark brown, -30% fine sand _ :¢~,;~ ~ SW Well Graded SAND, light brownish tan, -45% fine sand, -30% 19 38 ~ ~?~.~:~ -30% medium Sand, -15% coarse sand _ ~ ML Sandy Silt, dark brown, -30% fine sand 20 ~ SW Well Graded SAND, light tan, -15% coarse sand, -35% -- ' ~ medium sand, -45% fine sand, occasional gravel, rounded DW 27 ~0 I~<~¢~=~<~ ~ ~ ~ 40' as above, -~0% fine sand, -30% medium sand, -20% i~ ~5~ coarse sand _ 31 ~<~ ~;~'::~ ML ISandy Silt, dark broWn, -30% fine sand 45 ¢2 ~ SW :Well Graded SAND with Gravel, -25% fine sand, -20% _ ~(~, medium sand, -15% coarse sand, -30% gravel,-10% fines _ 30 ~ ~ 43', as above Damp 40 ~ ~ SC Clayey SAND, dark brown, -45% fine sand PRC~JECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US BO~fNG NO: MW-3 LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 Galifornia, Bakersfield PAGE 3 OF 5 D~G ~E~OD: HSA BO~HOLE DI~ ~0" See Sire M~p (figure 2) for loc~fion S~PL~G M~OD: Split Spoon BO~HO~ D~: 105' of boring. E~A~ON NOR~ING L~NG NOT AV~LE NOT AVAI~ NOT AV~~ Bomg Comple~on ~ m ~ ~ Sample _ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L~OLOGY / DESCR~ON 4S ~ 44.5' no recovew Moist~ 0.1 25 ~6 ~ SC Clayey Sand, brown, -10% coarse sand, -65% fine sand, 50 .47 ~'~'~~ -25% clay, poorly graded, rounded grains. ~ SC Clayey SAND, ~20% gravel, -25% clay, -15% coarse sand, 50 ~ -30% fine sand, -25% medium sand, well graded, rounded ~9 ~ grains 35 ~ ~ 49' as above, 20% gravel, 30% clay, 15% coarse sand, 20% -- Moist[ 0.1 50 s0 ~',~ . medium sand, 25% fine sand _ Damp[ 35 ~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, brown, -85% fine sand, MnO bands ~ ~ 52' as above, 95% medium sand 25 S~ ~ ~ 52.5' as above, 95% fine sand Damp 35 ~ ~ SC Clayey Sand, brown -30% fine sand, -20% medium sand, 19 S~ ~ ~:.~, .. -10% coarse sand, -40% clay' Damp~ 25 ~2~ SW Well Graded Sand, red brown, -50% fine sand, -50% Moist 0.1 27 SS ~ ~'~ medium sand 37 ~¢~ SC ~Clayey SAND, as at 5~' 27 ;? ~(~ SW ~Wel[ Graded Sand, red brown, -50% fine sand, -50% ~h;~' !medium sand 30 ~ 25 ~ ~;~ ~ 58' as above, FeO and MnO stains -- 22 60 ~ !~'; ~ 59.5' -10% fines, -45% fine sand, -45% medium sand 27 a Damp 1 g ~ ~ 61 as above, -40% fine sand, -40% medium sand, -20% 27 62 ~ ~ coarse sand, MnO stains, rounded clasts 29 ~ 35 ~] ~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, -95% fine sand Damp 50 ~ ~ Clayey SAND with Gravel, -35% day, -15% rounded gravel, 64 ~ SC -50% fine to medium sand ~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, brown, 95% fine sand D~mp 25 BB, ·~ ~ 8W 'Well Graded SAND, brown, -20% co~rse s~nd, -30% medium 30 ~7~;~ ~: sand, -40% fine sand, <10% clay PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLEF,W: Shell Oil Products US BORING i40:MW-3 LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield PAGE 4 OF K HM DRILLER: BC2 DATE DRILLED: 9/15/2003 LOCATION DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAM~ 10" See site Map (figure 2) for location SAMPLING METHOD: Spilt Spoon BOREHOLE DEPTH: 105' Of boring. ENVIKONMENTAL CASING TYPE: PVC WELL DIAMETEtk 4" MANAGEMENT SLOT SI7~ 0.02" WELL DEPTH: 105' [~COR.POR_ATED GRAVEL PACK: 2/12 CASING STICK. UP: ELEVATION NORTHING FASTING NOT AVAILABLE ~IOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILA. BLE · ~~ Level -~ ~ ~ & ~ -s~ ~ ~ LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION 32 67 _ 30 ~ ~f:~ -SW @ 67' as above, MnO stains, -50% fine sand, -50% medium ~ sand 40 ~ i'~I @ 68' as above, gravel, <10% clay Damp 25 69' ~! ,¢,,.?~}E~ __@ 68.5' as above, light tan, 50% fine sand, 40% medium sand, _ ~,~.~< ~a 10% coarse sand, occasional gravel. _ Damp 1.6 22 ?0 ~!'!,~ ~ @ 70' as above, light tan _ ~ @ 71.5' as above, light tan, -50% fine sand, ~40% medium 33 30 ?2 ~,~j~ sand, -10% coarse sand, <10% fines ~!'~: ~¢~} SC Clayey SAND with Gravel; brown, -60% fine sand, 40% clay ~oist ~3 _ e¢2;~ ~j~ SP Poorly Graded SAND,'light tan, -95% fine sand 50 74- ~ii~t SC Clayey SAND with Gravel, brown, -60% fine sand Damp 22 ?s ~i ~(~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, -95% fine sand _ 27 ~ i,,;ii~! SW !Well Graded SAND, tan, -20% coarse sand, -40% medium Damp 30 77 35 ~ ~ 30 78 ~ {~}i @ 77.5' as above . . ! 35 ~ ~ @ 79' as above 8~ ~ Driller over drilled h01e, forgot to sample :::::::::l ~ 82 :::::::::L -- · 50 ~ ~ Clayey SAND with gravel .:.:.:.:.~---.......· _ wet 2.2 ..~I~ ¢~;¢~¢g.,.. ~:~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, orangish brown, -85% fine sand, -5% :::::::::[ 86 ~;:dm:¢,¢;~ medium and coarse sand, <5% fines, -5% gravel, rounded S? ......... ~ ~ 86.5' as above, less ·gravel ........~ ~;;~ ~ / - ..:.;~ ~ ~ ~ Clayey SAND, brown, -65% fine sand, -35% clay %¢71 ~ CL Lean CLAY, brown, -35% fine sand, moderate plastici~ I .. PROJECT NO: PA36-21C-G CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: MW-:3 LOGGED BY: Vera Fischer LOCATION: 3621 California, Bakersfield - PAGE 5 OF 5 KHM DP4LLER: ' BC2 DATE DRILLED: 9/15/2003 DKILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER:- 10" :See Site Map (figure 2) for location SAMPLING METHOD: ' Split'Spoon BOP,,EHOLE DEPT~.. 105' of boring. ENVIR_ONMENTAL C.~ING TYPE:- PVC WFZL DIAMETER; 4" MANA~ SLOT SIZE: 0.02" WELL DEPTH: 105' INCOR_POP,_A.TED GRAVEL PACI<2- 2/12 CASING STICKUP:  ELEVATiON NORTHING FEASTING NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE . NOT AVAILABLE Bo~i~g com?l~tio= ~ ~ _,-. ? Sample. = L~vd .~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ _~ ~ = ¢ LITEIOLOGY/DESCRfPTION iiiiii:ii' _ Wet 27 ~0 ~)~}~ SC Clayey SAND, brown, ~30% clay, ~5% gravel, -~5% fine sand · .-.-.: ~ _ 0.7 30 ~~ Poorly Graded SAND, ~90% fine sand, <5% fineS, -5% ~ ¢__. 91 as above, -95% fine sand, <5% fines, occassiona[ ':!:i:i:!:::: Wet 25 92 ~ ~;~'-~ .medium sand,, coarse sand and gravel. i( -- Wet 30 S3 ~5~.~:;~:~:j~ SP Poorly Graded SAND with Gravel, brown, <3% fines, <20% _ 19 ~4 ~}~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, brown, ~95% fine sand, <5% fines 2 Wet 24 96 ~ @ 95.5' as above, brown, >95% fine sand, <5% fines :':':m:': ~ 27 ~,i ~J @ 97' as above, -95% fine sand, _5% fines .:.:.~. 98 · '-'-'-'. m0 ~ SC Clayey SAND, brown, ~-30% clay, -70% fine sand :!iiiiiiii Wet 0.7 23 ~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, brown, <10% fines, -90% fine sand, iii!iiiii! Wet 19 m2 ~ @ 101.5' as above, brown, -95% fine sand, -5% fines, rare ~ ML iSILT, brown, <10% fine sand, Fee and MnO stains .0.1 30 ~0s ~ ~¢~ SP lPeorly Graded SAND, -3% gravel, -90% fine sand, <10% fines iBOTTOM OF SAMPLING = 105' bgs 107 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A??END~ C WELL DEVELOPMENT SHEETS '., WELLHEAD INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pa~. I oL, I .... Client c5~¢ l/ Date ~-%~-o ~ Job Number 0~9;~ t Technician ,T~?~ n/<. O~er Action Well Nat Well lnspec~d - Water Bailed Wellbox Cap Lack Taken Inspec~d Repair Order No Co~ec~ve From Componen~ Replaced Replaced {explain {~tatn Submitted Well 1D A~o~ Requi~d ~ Welibox Clesned ,,f b.low) below) ' ' NOTES: I BLAIN. ETECH SERVICES; INC. .SAN JOSE SACRAMENTO LOS ANGELES SA~ [7~EGO wtwz.blaineJ, e~.com NoN-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM NAME ~UMP NON-H~RDO~ GROUNDWA~R PURGED GROUNDWATER WA~ DESCRiP~DN GENERA~NG PROCESS COMPONE~SWATER ~ WA~ PPM ~-~00~ coMmA~ OF W~TE PPM % ~.. ~. - ..... 24-HOUR E~EEGENCY ~HONE (8~ 424-~ HANDUNG INS~U~ONS: wA~ As o~scals~ is ~oo~ .~ (On ~half~OOPUS) . BRa, CA~FOR~ ~821 2o~-G~ P~ J (7~4) 99~55 (310) 782"2~5 PHONE NO. J . . UNIT, J.D, NO, ~FED OR PRI~ ~LL N~E & ~I~NATURE DA~. DIE E~RON~ENTAL ~P~ ~~ LD. ' 3650 E. 26~ ST~ .. DISPOSAL LOS ~GEL~. ~ 90028 PHONE 'TYP=D OR PRINT'cD FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE ~,,.. s S lB . RT/CD ~ HWDF [ NONE DISCREPANCY WELL DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project #: Client: ~/~[/ ,Developer: ~.,,.a. Date Developed: 9-Z3~ Well I.D. ~ ~ [ Welt Dimneter: (cirCle one) 2 3 .~) 6 Total Well ~epfll: Dep~ to Water: Befo['e q~a¢~ After 'qg,~Z Before gZ~ X~er Reason not developed: If Free Product, tlficlmess: Additional Notations: Volume Convc~slon Factor (VCF): Welt dia, VCF 112 x (fl21,1) ~ x} ~31 2" = 0. t6 wlmm 3' ; 037 [2~in/fool 4" = 0.fi5 d = diamel~ (in.) 6" = 1.47 ~=3.1416 10" = 4.08 231 = in 3/gal 12" = fi. E7 1 Case Volume Specified Vol~es = gallons Purging Device: ~ Bailer ~lectric Submersible ~ Suc~on Pump Positive Air Displacement T~e of Installed Pump Other equipment used '~" Con& ~ITY VOLU~ TIME TE~ (F) pH.. (mS o ~TUs) ~MOVED: NOTATIONS: Did Well Dewa/er? ¢-K~ .If yes, note above. Gallons At,ally Evacuated: .... I WELL DEVELOP1V~NT DATA SHEET [Pr°]eCt #: o ~g~ Client: Cond. ~mI~ VOL~ I WELL DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEE¢ ........ Project#: ©.z~qT.~...~,~,o } Client: ~t/ Developer: W~ ~/c. Date Developed: Well I.D. ~-~ Welt Diameter: (circle one) 2 3 ~ 6 __ Total Well Depth: q%6% Depth to Water: Before ~ A~er ~,. Before %%~& After Reason not developed: tf Free Product, thiclmess: ' Additional Notations' ":' Voi.me Conversion Factor (VCF): Well din. VCF [ 12 x (d2/4) x ~l ~31 2' 0.16 where 3' = 0.37 12 = in / [oo~ 4" = 0.65 d ~ diameter (in.) 6" ~ 1.47 n~3.1416 lO" ~ 4.08 231 = in 3/gal . 12" 6.87 1 Case Volume Specified Vol~ms = gallons Purging Device: ~ Bailer ~ Elec~c Submersible ~ Suction Pump ~ Positive Air Displacement T~e of Installed Pump Other equipment used Cond. T~m~ VOLUME riME TEMP (F) pH (mS ~ ~Ws) ~MOVED: NOTA~ONS:' i Did Well Dewater?.~,,q /lyes, note above. ~ Dailons Actually Evacuated: WELL DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project#: Client: Developer: Well I.D. t-~-3 Well Diameter: (eh'cie one) 2 3 ~0 6 Total Well Depth: Depth to Water: Before ~o-~%~ After ~U~ Before ~2~,,2 After Reason not developed: If Free Product, thicI~ess: Additional Notations: Votum: C~nvemion Factor Well dia. VCF wlmm 3" ~ 0.37 12 ~ in I foot 4" = 0.65 d ~ d~ameler (in.) 6" ~ IA7 . ,~ 33416 lO" = 4.08 23 f TM in 3/g~l 12" = 6.87 1 Case Vol~e Specified Volumes = gallons Purging Device: ~ Bailer ~}~; S~bmersible ~ Suction Pump Air Displacement Type of Installed Pump Od]er equipment used Con& TU~ITY VOLU~m TI~ TE~ (F) pH (mS or ~8) (NTUs) ~MO~D: NOTATIONS: I. 'WELLHEAD INSPECTION CHECKLIST P~.~L_or] Client ~-,~.?~¢~.} Date  Job Number 0 5~ ~- 4~/ Technician . Well Inspected - Waler Bailed Wellbax Cap Lock Taken lnspec~d Repair O~er  No Concave From Components Replaced Replaced (explain (explain Submitted Well ID A~,~. Required We,box Cleaned below) below) , iNOTES: ! I BLAINE TECH SER'VJ'CE$, INC. SAN JOSE SACRAMENTO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO I NON-HAZArDOUS ,WASTE DATA FORM ~ TANK DUMP ' ~UCK ~ c~o~s ~ OTHE~ NON-H~RDo~ GROUNDWATER PURGED GROUNDWATER WA~ DESCRI~ON ., GEN~ATIN6 PROCESS, ~ATER 1 5. z .... 3. 7. 4 7-!0 ~ XX 24-HOUR EMErGEnCY PHONE (8~} [.-WAS~ AS DESCRIBED' 18 ~00% ADDRESSB R~ C~FOR~ ~8~ j "' B~imT~ ~s, in[ 'J ~ 20360 O~me~ Pta~ p OK uP O~ . ('~.. ~P P~ON~.O. (714) ~9~55' . L (310) 782-24~5 [ ,--- UNIT, ~ED OR PRIED FU~ NAME &.SIGNA~RE , DA~ D/K E~RON ~4 ~TAL EPA . 36~ E. 26m STRE~ DISPOS&UmOD 'LOS ~GE~S, ~ 90023 (323) 26$-5o~ FN~NE NO,. ~PED OR PRIED FU~ NAME & SIGNATURE ;EN O~/NEW ~ L A TONS ~Ns S B Vv~ELL GAUGING DATA Project # O~,..~q2.g~.4, [ Date q-ZV-c~ Ct~ent %l~ ~1 T~clmess Volume of1 I ' I S~e / Sheen/ ~scible ~scible Removed IDepth to water Depth t0weI1 Po~t: TOB~ Well ID ] (~0 I Odor Liquid (fi.) L/quid (fl.) (~) ~ (ff.) b~Uom (a.) or T0C } :. , I I ,, I I I Blaine Tech Services~ Inc. 1680 Rogers Ave. San Jose, CA 95'1 "i 2 (408) 573-0555 WELL DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Project #: '07~(-~ ~-% -3~o \ C1/ent: Develofer: .~~ ~. Da~e Developed: W~I1 I.D. ~ ~ ~ Well Di~eter: (ckcle one) 2 3 ~'6 Total Well Dep~: Dep~ to ~er: Before' ~¢~,, After ~ ~. Reason not developed: :If Free Product, ~iolmess: iddifional Notations: Volume Convcmion Factor (VC~: Well dia, VCF whcrc 3" ,, = O.3~. 12 = in/fool 4" = 0,65 d = diameter (in.) 6" = l ==3. t416 ID" = 4.08 ~.t = in XI~I 12" = 1 Case Vol~e Specified Volumes = gallons Purging Device: Q Bailer ~ Elec~c Submersible ~ Suction ~mp ~Posifive Air Displacement T~e of ~st~led P~p Other equipment used TIME ~ ~) pH (mS or~ ~s) rGMO~D: NOTA~ONS: /Did WellDewater2~ .. lfyes, note above. Gallons Ac~al]y Evacuated: WELLHEAD INSPECTION CHECKLIST / or Page __ ,o, Number ~7_~~/ Technician Well I~spected - Water Bailed Wellboz Other Ac~on Well Not Cap Louk Taken ' Inspected Repair No Co~ec~ve F~m Componen~ Replaced Replaced (explain (e~lain Submi~ed Well ID A.,.~ Requi~d Wellbox Cleaned below) ...... below) NOTES' I I i I BLAINE TECH SERVICES, INC, SAN JOSE RACRAMENTO LOS A~'JGELES SAN DIEGO www.blainete.,ch.~om '" ' ' NO, 640084 NON-HAZARDOU_S WASTE' DATA FOR~ ' CONTAINERS: No. VOLUME NON-HARDO~ GROUNDWATER PURGED GROUNDWATER WA~ DE~CRI~ION ~ G~ERATING PROCESS PROPERTIES: ' DH__ ~ SOUD ~ UQUID ~ SLUDGE ~ SLURRY ~ OTHER__ 24:HOUR E~ERGENC~ PHONE (~0~) · I WA~ AS DESCRIBED IS 1OO~ I ~ ~~~ ADDRESS L OaD'n N0 To~n~, CA 90501 ~.ON~ No, {3~ O) 7B2-2~5 , 36 50 E; 26~w STEE~ DISPOS~ ~ETHOD ADDRESS ~ ~NDFILL ~ OTHER LOS ~GELES~ ~A 90023 C~, STA~, ZIP ~PED OR PRI~ FU~ NAME & StGNA~ DA~ ~GEN ' OLD/N~ L A TONS TRANS S B " ~T/CD ~ HWDF VTELL GAUGING DATA ] Ske ~ Sheen/ ~mi~cible Removed ]D~p* to w~re~ D~pm t'o ~a~ Point: TOB[ , Well m I (in.) I Odor ~ Liquid (a.) Liquid (~.) [ (ml) ~ (~.) [ bosom (~.) or TOC I i' ' : ' , Blaine Tech Se~ces~ lac, 1680 Ro~ers Ave,~ San Jose~ CA 95~ ~2 (40'8) 573-0555 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AP?ENDD~ D ! SITE SURVEY DATA ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I ~. M~-I_' ' 10/06/20031 395.4~ U2~9 -0.5 IAZIMU'TH ~lfi [ ~_TY OF BAKERSF~LD ~SE~ NOTE BELOW** ~MW-2- ~ ~ ~b03~ 390.231DIG 29 ~ -- ~ ~MUTH ~OUP ~ ~ OF BAKERSFIELD "SEE NOTE BELOW** ~~~ ~ ,o,o~,~oo~t ~o~.o~,~ o.~~o~ INOTE: THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOES NOT NUMBER THEIR BENCHMARKS AND ~NSTEAD SHOWS THEM ON A PLAN IN THE PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE. THIS SURVEY IS BASED ON AN ELEVATION AT THE CENTE PREPARED BY: LES EVERARD, PLS 6774 I , AZIMUTH GROUP,VENTURA EXP. 9-30-2004 ~ i ~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE/ 1 inch = 40 fl., LEGEND MONITORING WELL BENCHMARK: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C/L IN T~RSECTION BENCHMARK CALIFORNIA AVENUE ~ REAL_ROAD WELL RIM CASE NUMBER NORTHING L EASTiNG ELEVATION ELEVATION MW-1 2321705,58 6250698.4t 595.8~ 595,46 MW-2 2321766,88 6250758.99 596.65 596.23 MW-~ 2521769,54 6250671.58 595.35 594.83 o ' THE COORDINATE SYSTEM FOR THIS SUR~Y IS THE CALIFORNIA STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 85. THE WORK WAS PERFORMED ~TH A ' PATHFINDER XL PRO AND CONFORMS TO SUB-METER ACCURACY. THE ELEVATIONS ~RE ~Cp- RUN WITH A LEVEL. ' 105 I I I I I I I I I I !. I I I I "' ! I ! APPENDIX E WASTE INVENTORY I~ECORD SHEETS WASTE INVENTORY RECORD project No. Locatio~/~ " * - / Date Generated Client Field Technician Date Removed W~l"ot' Depth Type of Waste Date Drum & ID or Comments Boring ID (Inte~al) Waste Volume Generated Stock Pile and (wet,odor,chemical 5~gallon drum D~ignation constituents, etc.) ~ Total Number o~"~ i~~ -' RECORD , ~[~ WA STE I N V E N T O R Y · I 'i '1~1~[~ ~ ' : : Page 6f I Prqject No. ~ Location/SS# Date Generated Client Fiel~I Technician 'Date Removed ] · Well 0r ' Depth ' [ Type Of Waste D~te' Drum & ID 0~' Comments'- Bo~rng ID..(]'nte~al)]' .Waste Volume Generated StockPile and (Wet, odor,chemical  .. . . ~ Designation - ,, censtituents, etc.) I I I I Si(etch: LocatiOns of Waste -. I l ' I ' · 'Stock Pile on Site ~) ~<-" ~ S ' & Volume ~ : ' ...... ~- .......... ~"T ........................ ~ .... Drums at,Site I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX F WELL MONITORING DATA SHEETS WELL GAUGING DATA Project# 0~Or}~%r,,v~ I Date _. ~z, 3.-~.? Client ~ ~/ si~ [ Sh~/ ~abl, l~saU~] R~mowd ]D~pmtow~t,~ Depth to well [ Po~t: TOB] Well m ] (ira) 1' Odor Liqdd (~.)[ Liq~d (a.) [ (~) [ (a.) I bottom (a.) ] or TOC I ' : all : - : ; ~ :,, ,t ' ,?" ....... i ' ' I. -, ' Blaine Tech Se~ices~ lnc, 1680 Rogers Ave., San Jose~ CA 95~12 (408) 573-0555 I -" WELLHEAD INSPECTION CHECKLIST Page Client %~¢1/ Date _ c/_7~_o %, Job Number O~}2~T~* I Technician ,T~¢~ ,n k. Other Action Well Not Wel[Inspected- Water Bailed' Wellbox Cap Loci( Taken Inspec~d Repair Order No Co~ecMve From Componen~ Replaced Replaced (explain (explain Submitted Well ID A~,o. Required Wefibox Cleaned ~ below) below) NOTES: i BLAINE TECH SERVICES, INC. SAN JOSE SACRAMENTO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO vA¥.v.blainetech.com [Referenced to: ~~~JD~ mt~ (ifq-eq'd): ~ JJDTW wid~ 80% Recharge [meight of Water Cotu~ x 0.20) + DTW]: Puree Method: Bailer [ J,33 Wate~a Sampling Method: Disposable Bailer Peristaltic ~able Bailer . Positive ~r Displacemeni Extraction Pump Ex.action Po~ ~~e~ Other Dedicated Tubing Oflmr: Well Diammer Multiplier W&ll Diameter Multiplier I. Case Volume Specifie8 Volumes Calculated Volume Q.37 Other radiusz * 0.163 Cond. Turbidi~ Time Temp (~F) pH (mS or ~. ~Us) Gals. Removed Obse~ations D~d well dewater? Yes ~ Gall6ns act~ally evacuated: ~ Sampling Date: q~o3 Sampling Tin, e:/OO~ .Depth to Water: Sm~ple I.D.: . Laboratory:- ~ Columbia Other Analyzed for: ~~ MTSO. TPH-D~~ ~m: ~g~a*l~ [ EB I.D. (if applicable): ~ ,~ Duplicate I.D. (if applicable): Analyzed for: rP~-G B?~x ' MTBE TPH-D Oxygenates (5) Odaer: '~/~ Post-p re'ge: ~g/[ D.O. (ifreq'd): Pre-p~rge: . O.R.P. (if req'd):Pre-purge: mVJ Post-pu?ge: mV iBlaine Tech Se~ices~ inc. 1680 Rogers 'Ave., San JOSe, CA 95112 (800) 545-7558 SHELL 5VELL MONITORING DATA SIREET [Total Well Depfl: eTD): ~,/7 Depth to W~ter (DTW): epth to Free Product: Thiclmess of Free Product (feet): I-eferencedt to: %. o~de D.0. Meter (ifreq'd): YS, HACH DTW with 80% Rech~ge [(Height of Water Col~m x 0.20) + DTw]- Purge Method: Bailer [~ Wate~a Sampling Method: ~fsposable Bager Pehsfaltic ler nl Ex,action Pump Ex,action ~ Other Dedicated Tubing  Oflmr: [kell Diameter Multi~ller Well Diameter Multipller 1. Case Volume Specified Volumes Calculated Volume con& Turbidiw ' T~e Temp (°Fl pH (mS or ~. ~Us) . Gals. Removed - 0bse~aaons Did well dewater? Yes~ ~ Gallons actually evacuated:~ff Sampling Date: ~~3 Sanipling Thane: /~/ Depth to Wafer: ~.~~, Shmple I.D.: M~~ Laboratopy: ~' Columbia Other EB I.D. (if applicable): r~, Duplicate I.D. (if applicable): ~nalyzed ~or: TPH-G BTEX ~BE TPH-D Oxygenates (5) Odd,r: D.O. (jr req'd): Prefl~urge: ~g/z Post.purge: ~g/~ O.mP. (if req'd): mV Post-purge: mV [Zlaine Teck Semites, l,c. ~680 Ro~ers ~ve.~ San aose, CA 95~2 (800) St-IELL WELL MONITORING DATA SHEET IWellI'D': ~3 Well Diameter: 2 3 ~ '6 8 I IDepth to Free Product: Thiclmess of Free Product (feet): ]Referesed to: ~ o~d~ D.O. Meter (if req'd): FSi ~AC~ ]DTW with 80% Recharge [(Height of Water Colu~a x 0.20) + DTW]:' DispoSable Bailer Pefist~tic ~able Bhler Positive Air Displacemen~ Exmction Pump Exmcfion Po~ ~e~ Other Dedicated Tubing O~er: ~well Dinmeter Multblier Well Dinmeter Multip!j~r _ (Gals.) X = Gals. o. [i Case Volume Sp:cified Volumes Calculated Volume 037 O~r radius2 ~ 0.163 Cond. Turbi~ Time !Temp (~F):pH (mS or ~ ~TUs) I Gals. Removed .Obse~afions Did welldewater? ~ No Gallons actually evacuated:. Sampling pate:. ]~e~ Sampling T[n)e: /~~ Depth't~ Water: ~, ~f. itlalyzod, for: ~ MTBE TptT:D~~ ~: I EB I.D. l(if applicable): ~ *,m: Duplicate I.D. (if applicabte): i Analyzed for: TPH-~ BTEX NfTBE TPH-D Oxygenat4s(5) Oflxer: D~O. (if req'd): Pre-purge: ~/~ ' Post-p~ge: .~ mg/L ?.R.P. (ffreq'd): Pre-purge: .... mV . Post-purge: mV I I I I I I I I I I Am'ENiD; G GROUNDWATER LABORATORY REPORT AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION  1680 ROGERS AVENUE I SAN JOSE, CA 95112-1105 TECH SERV1CES,.~ (408) 573-7771 FAX  (408) 573-0555 PHONE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #746684 I www. blainetech.com I I October 20, 2003 iTony Palagyi Shell Oil Products US P.O. Box 7869 iBurbmxk, CA 91510-7869 I Third Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring at Texaco-branded Service Station I 3621 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA I Monitoring performed on September 23, 25, and 30, 2003 Grom~dwater Monitorh~g Report 030930-JS-1 Tlfis report covers the routine mmfitoring of groundwater wells at tlfis Texaco-brm~ded facility. h~ accordance with standa:rd procedures that confoma to Regional Water Quality Control Bom-d requirements, routine field data collection includes to total well thiclmess of depth water, depth, any separate haxrniscible layer, water colunm volume, calculated purge voltaire (if applicable), elapsed evacuation time (if applicable), total volume of water removed (if applicable), and standard water parameter instrmnent readings. Sample material is collected, contained, stored, and trm~sported to the laboratory in c0nfonrmnce with EPA standm'ds. Purgewater (if applicable) is, likewise, collected and trm~sported to D.K. Enviromnental. Basic field haformation is presented alongside analytical values excerpted from the laboratory report in the cumulative table of WELL CONCENTRATIONS. The full analytical report for themost recent samples and the field data sheets are attached to this report. At a mi~/mum, Blaine Tech Services, Inc. field persormel are certified on completion of a forty- hour H~ardous Materials m~d Emergency Response training course per 29 CFR 1910.120. Field persom.~el are also em:oiled in almual eight-hour refi'esher courses. Blaine Tech Services, Inc. conducts sampling and documemation assi~mm~ents of this type as an independent tlfird party. Our activities at tlfis site consisted of objective data and sample collection only. No interpretation of analytical results, defining of hydrological conditions or formulation of recommendations was performed. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Frm~cis Thie Vice President FT/ks attachments: Cmmulative Table of WELL CONCENTRATIONS Certified Analytical Report Field Data Sheets cc: Gretchen Tagavilla IG-IM Environmental Mm~agement, Inc. 911 S. Primrose Ave., Suite K Mom'ovia, CA 91016 I Nick Sudano ' I. , Client Reference: 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA i ' · Dear Clientl . . Enclosed is an analytical report for the above-referenced project. The samples · ' included in this.rep°rt were received 10/01/03 and analyzed in accordance with · the attached chain-of-custody.. . - . . · . Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the ~ - guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Program Manual, aPplicable standard -- - operating procedures, and other related documentation. The original report of any · subcontracted analysiS is provided herein, and follows the standard Calscience data ' ~ package. The results in this analytical,report are. limited to the samples tested and any -- reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. ' ' i ' If yoU have any questiOns regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact -- :the undersigned. . . ' . I' ' Sincerel ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' · //Cals)~i,/nc¢/Cnvironmental Michael ~.'~risostomo . ~ L(~~/dries, Inc. . QualitY Assurance'Manager IProject Manager ' ' .' ' ' · , i.7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, dA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714)895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 m alsclenc e m ~ ANALYTICAL REPORT · _nvironmental · i--aboratodos, inc ' Blaine ec Services, nc Date Received: 10/01/03 [] 20300 Gramercy Place Work Order No: 03-10-002S I 'Forranee, CA 9050'1-15'1.1 Pmparati'on'. EPA 5030B ~ Method: DH$ LUFT m ,Project: .3621 California Avenue, Bakersfiel,,d, CA . ,, Page 1 of 1 . Lab Sample Date ' Date Date . · Cl~e~t Sample ~um~r ........... Number Collected Matdx Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID m 'Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units [] TPH as Gasoline ND 50 1 ug/L Surroqates: . REC (%) ~ Q~al ' m 1,~,-Bromofluombenzene · 98 ~ 4--~'~3 . Suffopat~: REC (%) Conkol Oual ~ 1,4-Bromofluorobenze~e ~.97 '~3 · '  Pa~meter Result RL DF Qual Units TPH as Gasoline ' ND 50 I u~L · ~ . S~ates; REC (%) Control· Q~al I ~ .4~Br°m°fl;°~~nzene 94- ~ ....~3 ' ' ~ Pa~meter Result RL DF Qual UnJ~ ' TPH as Gasoline ND · 5~ . 1 ug~ ~ Su~oqates.: REC (%) · ConSol Qu~l ' ' ' m q,4-Br0mofluoro~nzene 86 ~3 Rk- Repo~in~ Umit , DF - ~U~tion Fa~or ,  7~0 kinc¢ln Way, Garden Grove,~GA 92~1d~2 · T~k: (7~ 4)8~5-54~4 - FAX: (7~ 4)'8~4-7501 ~ ~..,_a_~.~ C e Ce ANALYTICAL REPORT · ~ nvironmental ~ i~ aboratories, Inc. ' . Blaine Tech services, Inc ' Daie Received: 10/01/03 · 20360 Gramercy Place Work Order No: 03-10-0025 ~ Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Preparation: N/A ' Method: EPA 8015B Pro'ect' 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Page 1 of 1 · . Lab Sample Date Date Date [] Client Sample Nu~.~er ~' .~ ~mber ~ Collected MatTiX Prepared Analy'zed ~.: QC ~atch ID i Parameter Result RL ' DF Qual Units ' [] Ethanol ' ND 0.10 1 · mg/L ' Surroc~ates: REC (%) ~ I Hexafluor~2-propano, 1~7 ~ ~3-147 ~ I Pa~meter Result RL' DF Oual Uni~ E~anol ND 0.10 1 " mg~ Su~aates: , R~C {%} ,~ Qual  Parameter Result RL DF Qual Uni~ E~anol ND 0,10 '1 m~L . ~ Su~oqates: REC {%) Control Qual · ' ~ Limi~ ~ He~fluo~2-propanol 109 ~-. ~7 ..... . ~ Pa~meter · Resul[ RL DF Qual Uni~ E~anol ' ND 0.1'0 · I mg/L ~ SurroRates; REC (%) Control Qual ~ ' Limi~ ~ Hexafluor~2-propanol ' 112 63-147 ' L ' RL - RepoSing Limit ,'" DF - Dil~ion FaVor , . Qual - Qualifiers e . . = alscience . ANALYTICAL REPORT vironmen aboratories, inc. Blaine Tech Services, Inc ............ Date Received: 10/01/03 20360 Gramercy Place ' Work Order No: 03-10-0025 Torrance, CA 90501-1511 . Preparatiom EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B ProjeCt: 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Page 1 of 2 . . Lab Sample Date . Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected' Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch iD Parameter' Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units - ND 0.50--1 uty E er( rfBE) ND Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 1 ug/L Toluene ND 1:0 1 ug/L Diisopropy[ Eti'ier (DIPE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND ' 2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 1 ug/L · SurrOc~ates; R.EC ('%) Control Q_ual Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qual Limits DibromoflUoromethane 99 84-120 Toluene--d8 95 91 ~i 09 . 1 ,¢-Bromofluorobenzene 86 .... 84-108 ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~. Parameter ' ResUlt RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units ~ ' ND 0.50 I ug/L Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) . ~ ~ ---1 -- ~ ' Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 I ugfL Toluene ND 1.0 1 . ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 i ugiL pJm-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Efher (ETBE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 i ug/L Sun'oc~ates: ,REC (%) Control Qual Surroqates: REC ('%) Control Qual Limits . . Dibromofluoromethane 102 -~'20 Toluene-d8 91 - 91-109 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 87 84-108 Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RI_ DF Quai. Units Benzene . ND 0.50 1 ug/L Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1.0 '1 ug/L Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 I ug/L Ted-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 I ug/L Toluene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 t ug/L p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 I ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND .2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 '1 uglL Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND ~ - 2.0 I uglL Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual Surrogates: REC (%'~ Control Qual Dibromofluoromethane 94 "~--~'20 ' Toluene-dB 94 91-109 ri ,4-Bromofluorobenzene .86 84-108 I~poding Limit , DF- Dilution Factor , Qual- Qualifiers 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden'Grove, CA 92841-1432 · 'TEL: (714) 895-5494, - FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~r alscierlce ANALYTICAL REPORT ~=nvironmental Blaine Tech Services, Inc Date Received: 10/01/03 I 20360 Gramercy Place Work Order No: 03-10-0025 Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B I Project: 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Page 2 of 2 · Lab Sample Date Date Date I Client Sample Number . Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID I Parameter Result RE. DF Qual Units Parameter Result RI_ DF Qujl Units Benzene ND 0.50 I ug/L Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (M'i'BE). ND 1.0 I ug/L Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 1 ug/L . Tort-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 1 ug/L Toluene ND 1..0 1 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2,0 I ug/l_ I p/m-Xylene NE) - 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND. 2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 I ug/L Tert~AmyPMethyl Ether (TAME) ND 2,0 I ug/L Surropates:. REC (%) Control Qual Surro0ates: REC ('%) Control Qual Limits I DibromofluOromethane 95 84-120 Toluene-d8 96 91-109 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 93 84-108 . I Parameter Result RE. DF Qual Units Parameter Result R.._~L. DF Oual Units Benzene ND ~.50 1 ug/L Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethytbenzene ND 1.0 I ug/L Tort-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 I ug/L ! - Toluene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ' ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L - o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methy~ Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 1 ug/L Surroqates: REC (%) Control Qual' Surroqates: REC ('%) Control Qual i . Limits Dibromofluoromethane 107' 84-120 Toluene-d8 95 91-109 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 84-108 I I1 RL - Reporting Limit DF - Dilution Factor Qual - Qualifiers . '1 7440 Lin'coln Way, Garden Grove, CA92841-1432'o TEL:(714)895-5494 · FAX:(714)894-7501 ~alscience ~.pvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate aboratorie$, Inc. Blaine Tech Services, l nc Date Received: 10/01/03 20360 Gramercy Place Work Order No: 03-10-0025 Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Preparation: N/A Method: EPA 8015B Project: 3621 California Avenue~ Bakersfieldr CA , Date Date MS/MSD Batch Quality Control ~m~ Ma~ix instrument Prepared Analyzed Number Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Me~anol 51 .51 ~-118 1 0-20 3 E~anol 97 100 7~109 3  7~0 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL:(714)895;5494 · FAX:(714)894-7501 ~nvironmentai Quality ContrOl - LCS/LCS Duplicate I , ~=~aboratories, lnc. · Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Preparation: N/A ~ Project: 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Method: EPA 8015B I Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Con~l Sample ID Matrix ' Instrument Prepared Analyzed~, Number · Methanol 90' 76 69-117 16 0-22 I Ethanol 106 ' 106 76-'~ 12 0 0-19 I 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 8~5-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 C~ ~nvironmental QualitY Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate -~ aboratorie$, Inc.. . 20360 Gramercy Place Work Order No: 03-10-0025 Torrance, CA 90501:1511 . . PMr~tPhaorda..tion: . EDPH~5~3t~;~' Parameter' MS %REC - ' MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifie~ TPH as Gasoline . , 91 96 7~112 5 ~17 · ~nvironmental Quality Control - LCSILCS Duplicate I ~laboratories, lnc. I Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Preparation: - EPA 5030B I Project: 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Method: DHS LUFT I . . Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch I Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instru~e~ Prepar?~, Analyzed Number . I Parameter LCS %REC ' LCSD %P. EC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers I TPH as Gasoline , 103 103 72-114 1 0-10  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 FAX: (714) 894-7501 ,nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate I ~aboratories, inc. ' I Blaine Tech Services, inc ''" "" ' ~A/a, t~l Rer~ei;e¢(~ '10/01/03 m 20360 Gramercy Place O k O e N : 03-10-0025 m Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Preparation: EPA 5030B · ' Method: EPA 8260B m Project: 3621 California Avenue~ Bakersfield~ CA . Date Date MS/MSD Batch m Quality Control Sample ID Matrix ' instrument Prepared AnalYZed Number  Parameter MS %REO MsD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 97 103 ~-120 6 0-13 1,2-Dichlorobe~ene 97 104 8~116 7 ~13 m 1,1-DiChior~ene 1D2 106 77-137 3 ~15 m Toluene 101 ' 106 85-121 5 0-15 Tdchloroethene ' 98 103 6~120 5 ~13 ~n~ Chl~de ~ 105 6~q 40 9 '- ~16 Diisopmpyl Ether (DIPE) 99 102 7~123 2 0-14 m E~yl-t-Bu~l E~er (ETBE} ' 100 104 ' 66-132 4 0-33 m Ted-~yl-Methyl Ether CAME)' 95 103 59-131 8 047 Ethanol ' 88 93 20-~76 5 '042 m/ ' '' ' " ' ' I  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 TEL: (714) 895-5494 F~: (714) 894-7501 i ~alscience ~nvironmental Quality - SPike/Spike Duplicate Control I i~ab°rat°d°s'inc' I Blabe T~h Se~ices, ,nc ' ~:t;R~irV; 10/01/03 · 20360 Gramercy Place o O : 03-10-0025 Torrance, CA 90501-1511 Preparation: EPA 5030B ~ ' Method: ' ' EPA 8260B I Project: 3621 California AvenUe~ Bakersfield~ CA Date Date MS/MSD Batch ~ Quality Control Sample ID ' Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number I Parameter MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL- Qualifiers Benzene 77 71 84-120 2 0-1.3 3 I Carbon Tetrachlaride 110 105 72-132 4 0-15 ~ Chlorobenzene · 99 99 87-117 0 0-12 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 102 10i 86-116 0 0-13 · 1,1-Dichloroethene 116 112' 77-137 4 0-15 Vinyl Chlodde' 105 108 68-140 3 , 0-16 - I' MethYl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) - 103 97 68-128 6 0-18 [] Tert-eutyl Alcohol (TEA) 75 73 30-156 2 0-26 · Tert-Amyt-Methy~ Ether (;J;AME) 101 99 5,9-131 2 047 i Et~a~o~ '. 76 ~4 20-17e 10 0-42 I~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garder~Grove, OA92841-1432 - TIFL: (714) 895-5494 ° FAX:(714)894-750'1 ~-nvironmental Ouaiity Control - LCSILCS Duplicate ~.. aboratories, inc. Blaine Tach Services, inc ' ' Date Received: 0/01/03 20360 Gramercy Place Work Order NO: 03-10-0025 Torrance, CA 90501-1511 ' ' Preparation:- EPA 5030B ' Method: EPA 8260B Project: 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA * Date Date LCS/LCSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID ~ ' Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number Parameter LCS %REC LCSD %REC ' %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 101 101 87-117. 0 '. 0-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 101 102 77-137 1 ' '0-9 Chlorobenzene 98 99 89-i 13 1 0-5 1 ;2-Dichlorobenzene 10i 103 90-114 2 0-8 1,1-Dichloroethene 106 106 81-129 0 0-15 Vinyl Chloride 104 104 71-131 0 0-34 Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) 98 99 77-119 I 0-53 TEar tY; 'At'mB~-tY~ eEt ~ rE(iEh ;rB E(T)AM E } 19090 19091 ;~:;~; ; ~;; '' Ethanol 85 90 54-132 - 6 0-55  . ' 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove; CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 8~5-5494o . FAX: (714) 894-7501 · . nvironmentaI Quality Control - LCS/LCS Duplicate I Blaine Tech Services, inc Date Received: 10/01/03 -- 20360 Gramercy Place Work Order No: 03-10-0025 · 'torrance CA 90501-1511 Preparation: EPA 50308 I ' ' Method: EPA 82608 -- Project: 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA I ' Date Date LCS/LCSD BatCh II Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument ~: Prepared Anal,~ed ,, ~ Numb~ I i,l-Dichloroethene 116 113 81-129 2 0-15 · Vinyl Chloride 112 108 71-131 4 0-34 I~nol 11 ~ 82 ,54-1B2 ~3 ' 0-55  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 o FAX: (714) 894-7501 m ~alscience GLOSSARY Of TERMS AND QUALIFIERS ~_nvironmental ' m ~ aboratories, Inc.. · * m 3 ~Spike Duplicate compound was out'of control due to matrix I I Cooler L of j SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM CLIENT:. '~P'~[lt.?~~- '--'~[--~'~- DATE:.JC) -- C) ~ -" C) ~'~). TEMPERATURE - SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: CALSClENCE COURIER: LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): Chilled, cooler, with temperature blank provided. °C Temperature blank. Chilled, cooler without temperature blank. __ o C IR thermometer. ~/ Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. __ Ambient temperature. __ Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice, Ambient temperature. ~ °C Temperature blank. Initial: CUSTODY SEAL INTACT: Sample(s): __ Cooler!__ No (Not Intact) · Not Applicable. (N/A): I Initial: SAMPLE CONDITION: Yes No N/A Chain-Of-Custody document(s) received with samples ......................... ~ ...... __ ....... __ Sample container label(s) consistent with custody papers ..................... ',~" ............. Sample container(s) intact and good condition ................................... ~ ............. __ COrrect containers for analyses requested ......................................... -- ............. ProPer preservation noted on sample label(s) ..................................... v ............. VOA vial(s) free of headSpace ........................................................ ~ ........... Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation ................................................... __.. ..... __ ....... initial: COMMENTS: SHELL Chain Of Custody Record Lab Ioenl.l,cetlon [Jl necessary): Shell Pr~)ject Manager to 'be'in,DiCed': ..... i'i N~Ii~ ~igil~i~ Blaine Tech S~ice¢~ Inc. BTST 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield Pending E'~IL; ..... CONSULT~T 20360 Gramercy Place, Torrance, CA 90501-1511J 310-7~-2465 · 310-TB2-295B nsudano~blainetech.com O~ NAR6UNDTI~E (~US~NESS'OAYS): ' "~ REQUESTED ANALYSIS ~ [0DAYS ~ 5DAYS ~ 72.OU~ ~ 48H~ ~ 24HOU~ LESS THAN 24 HOU~ j ~ ~- RWQCB RE,ORT FORMAT ~ ~ AGENt: GC/MS MTBE CONFIRMATION: HIGHEST ~ HIGHEST p~r BORINg__ ALL , ~ FIELD NOTES: ; SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES~ CHECK BOX iF E~ IS ~ NEEDE~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j Contalner/Prese~ative ~ ~ ~ ~ or Pig ~ ~ ~ or Laborato~ Notes [~[[~ Fieid Sample Identification .. MATRIX ~ ~. , m " ~ ~ ... DATE TIME CONT. ~ 2 ~ O ~ I. ~ ~ ....... i~;:;'i'i' , ............. .... j Dale: Re,in,~,,~} // Recelv(d by:~ure) T~ ~ R~BU~&ON'. Wh~t~ wl~ ~nat ~, Green ~ File. Ye~0w and Pink lo Client. 1 ~1~ Revls&on' ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, INC. April 28, 2003' KHM Project D81-3'621 Mr. Steve Underwood City' of Bakersfield Fire Department Preventative Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3ra Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: GRASP SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT Texaco Service StatiOn 3621 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Steve Underwood: KHM Environmental Management, Inc. (KHM) on behalf of Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products LIs (SHELL) has prepared this GtlASP Site Assessment Report for the above referenced site (Figure 1). The Groundwater Assessment Program (GRASP) activities · initiated at the above referenced site on January 27, 2003, revealed no detectable ..concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in the subsurface groundwater, which are detailed in this report. i BACKGROHND GRASP is a voluntary initiative by SHELL to install groUndwater monitoring wells at numerous retail service stations nationwide that do nol} ha;~e any active.release cases but have been identified to be in close proximity to one or more public water supply Wells. The purpose of this program is to proactively monitor the groundwater beneath these sites and, I in the event of a subsurface release, to respond quickly to protect public wells from this impact. i GRASP ASSESSMENT On January 27, 2003, KHM supervised the drilling of one exploratory soil boring (SB- 1). Groundwater was encountered at 95.5 feet below ground surface (bgs) and drilling was terminated at 100 feet bgs. KHM obtained a well permit from the Kern County . Environmental Health Services Department for this exploratory soil boring (Appendix A). Exploratory boring lithology and field observations are documented in a boring log - 911 S. PRIMROSE AVENUE, SUITE K · MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA · 91016 · PHONE: (626)256-6662 · FAX:'(626)256-6263 I REDMOND, WASHINGTON poRTLAND, OREGON CROCKETT, CALIFORNIA SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA (425) 558-0134 (503) 233-4068 (510) 787-6756 (408) 224-4724 April 28, 2003 Page 2 presented in Appendix B. The waste inventory and disposal record sheet is included as Appendix C. ANALYTICAL FINDINGS Soil samples were not ~:aken for analysis during.the drilling of this boring due to low PID (photo-ionization gas detector) headspace reading (below 10 parts per million by volume). KHM collected grab groundwater samples from this exploratory soil boring (SB- 1). Grab groundwater analytical results are summarized in Table 1 and presented in Figure 2. Certified analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation for groundwater are presented in Appendix D. If you have any questions regarding this site, please contact Brad Clark-(KHM) at (626) 256'- 6662 or Tony Palagyi (SHELL) at (425) 377-8530. Sincerely, KHM Environmental Management, Inc. i'[_~ C55425 Shelby Valenzuela Bradley E. Clark, P.E. Staff Geologist Senior Project Engineer m cc: Tony Palagyi, Shell Oil Products US (PDF by email without appendices) Isabel Mejia, Shell Oil Products US .m I \ \ Server \ khm_data \ Client~ \_Slaell\_Shell GRASP\_GRASP Sites\3621 California \ 2003 -04-XX2$ite Assessment Report\Site Assessment Report(3621 ).doc ATTACHMENTS: . · Table 1 - Grab Groundwater Analytical Data · Figure 1 - Site Location Map · Figure 2 - Hydrocarbon Distribution in Groundwater Map ., Appendix A -~ Well Permit · Appendix B - Boring Log · Appendix C - Waste Inventory and Disposal Sheets · Appendix D - Groundwater Laboratory Report and Chain-of-Custody Documentation I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I TABLES r~'ABLE1 t GRAB GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA SHELL SERVICE SERVICE STATION 3621 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California :.:.:.:.:.:.:. SB-1 1/28~003 ND<50 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<I.0 ND<10 ND<2.0 ND<2.0 NDQ.0 ND<50 Grab GW staple (SB-1G~ Notes: GW - Gm~dwater MSL - M~ s~a level ND - Not dctect~ u~ - Ca~s Cer billion TPH-D - Total petroleum hydmca~o~ as diesel TPH-G - To~l pe~lem hydrations as g~ol~c MTBE - Methyl-te~ bu~l TBA - Te~-buW1 ~cohol I D~E; Di-isopmpyl c~er ETBE - Ethyl-te~ buWl e~er T~E - Ten-myl methyl ether Page 1 of 1 ! I I I I I I FIGURES 119~04~00" W 119°03'00" W 119~02'00" W WGS84 119°01'00'' W ON ~'--' ~~ ~:~;~ '~ · 119~04~00" W 119~03'00'' W 119~02'00'' W WGS84 ~9~01'00" W ~d ~m TOPOI ~1 Nat~ Oe~ H~ (~.topo.~) ~~ i ~ ~o,~o~u~s us TEMCO S5R~GE STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I ~"> F~SU~ ~ I S,T~ bOCAT,ON I , 382J CALIFORNIA AVENUE ~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EXIST. BILLBOARD &: W E PLATFORM SIGN. S LEGEND  - SB-1 · EXPLORATORY SOIL BORING ' LOCATION AND DESIGNATION DISPI TPH-g TOTAL PETROLEUM ISLAND HYDROCARBONS (TYP) AS GASOLINE 0 0 ] ~ MTBE METHYL TERT-BUTYL r-~ ETHER 0 TBA TERT-BUTYL ALCOHOL Ld~J ___~--ZO] BUILDING ~ .ug/L MICROGRAMS PER LITER rY ND NOT DETECTED _** GRAB GROU'NDWATER UST SAMPLE (SG-1GW) (TYP) · SD-1 EXPRESS ... LUBE MAP NOT TO SCALE ~ ~ SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US TEXACO SERVICE STATION BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SD-1 WASTE OIL ~;~1 DATE TPH-g BENZENE MTBE TBA EXISTtNGTRANSFORMERELECTRICAL EXIST. TRASH FILLER FIGURE2 -- 0Jg/L) I 0Jg/L) 0ug/L) (.ug/L) ENCLOSURE HYDROCARBON DISTRIBUTION 01/28/05'*. ND<50 ND<0.50 ND<I.0 ND<lO IN GROUNDWATER MAP 3621 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA K;\Ciients~SheJl~_Shell GRASPS_GRASp Sites\362! Califomia\2003-O4-X)(_$ite Assessment Report\Figure 2(3621)_HYDP40CARBON ~STR~BLrrION 1N GAOUNDWATER,dwg, Hodel, 4/2712003 4:26:53 PM I I I I I I ~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A I WELL PERMIT 117:21/02 THU 11:29 FAX 661 862 8701 K C ENVIRONMENTAL HLTH ~003 .KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Application Date: I 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 No. of Wells/Borings: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 PTO No.: /~000'7 Telephone: (661) 862-8700 Well No(s).: T-'H I Fax: (661) 862-8701 APPLICATION .6,ND PERMIT FOR MONITORING WELLS [;hi i-applieati0n is't0I. ....... ~. c0ns~ruct ...... ~ M°d i fy ......................................... [] Destroy ' ............. Type of well/boring FI Groundwater [] Cathodic Protection I~ Test Hole FI Other I ~e ..5h¢1[ 3e. rvrcc,5%~or~ ,'~e 5he.,tl Oil ~r~duc,p3.U-S Address ,36Z~ Cgli~'oy-n5@ IT/R/S~c 275/.7g?-~ Address '~6 ~o~( "~(~ citr q3ol(cra~etd zip ?3308 'ci, Bur'b'O~/( s,,,,e Cb zip ~1510 ProjeetCont,~ ~'J'~J[-C.~ ¢n Taa~ri/la Phone O~_C - 2-5'0 -~'(~0 ~;ddress. J~* Address 2.72 6, tA/a I ~ d-l-'. .tl-g'.e_... IProposed start date: [ - ~-~ ~' 0 ~ Depth to groundwater: '7 ~ / GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION: i 1. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well consnuctipn. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. 'Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final construction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the I placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subj(a:t to any inslructions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC Iocatext at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be desb'oyed after two years I or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance ora "STOP WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Deparlrnent of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as cop/es of logs, water quality analyses, and as-builts I of wells must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services Dep _at2~ent within 14 days after completion of the work. GENERAL coNDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR DESTRUCTION: i 1 · A well destruction application must be filed with~this Department ifa well is being destroyedthat is .not in Conjunction with 2. Destruction procedures must be followed as per. UT-50. 3. Placement of the s~al must be wimess,:d by a representative of this Department. TwentY,four-hour advanced notice is required I for an appointment. - . - SPECIAL CONDITIONS: I.... L~.'721/02 THU 11:30 FAX 661 862 8701 K C ENVIRON~ENTAL HLTH ~ 004 WELL CONSTRUCTION INFO~A~ON GROUND, ,ELEVATION (IF KNOWN) ,. BOREHO,L,.E VI^METEP. .... J CASING MATERIAL & GAUGE SCREEN MATERIAL & GAUGE TYPE OF BENTONITE PLUG & DEPTH ANNULUS SEALANT & DEPTH FILTER PACK MATERIAL & SIZE SCREEN SLOT SIZE & SEALAN'I~PLACEMENT METHOD LOCKING WELL CAP x J~ FACILITY PLOT PLAN Provide a-description of the facility to be raonitorcd, including: location of.tanks, proposed monitoring :.~,. : and placement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water wells or aurface water within $00c foot ra&m of faci~tity; please attach. ZONE OF INFLUENCE Informatio~ on zone of influence, such as mathematical calculatior$ or field test data, ma3,-be required VADOSE ZONE WELLS upon review of th,: application. Wi=LL DESTRUCTION INFORMATION WELL DEPTH CASING MATERIAL SEALANT MATERIAL SEALANT PLACEMENT METHOD DESCKIBE DESTRUCTION PROCEDURE: I ha~e read and aRree to com~ly ~ith the general conditions noted. This ~ermiLmltst be signed by.either the consractor or THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED I-[IV[8 6 (1 l/t9/Ol) I I I I I I I ! ! I. ! ! ! I ! ! ! APPENDIX .B BORING LOG PROJECT NO: D81-3621 CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US IBORING NO: SB-1 LOGGED BY: Robb Growder LOCATION: 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield KHMGregg DATE DRILLED: 1/27,2003 LOC^TION MAP DRILLING METH'OD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" -SAMPLING METHOD: Cai Mod SS BOREHOLE DEPTH: 100' See Site Map (FJgt~re 2) ENVIRONMENTAL CASING TYPE: N/A WELL DIAMETEIL N/A for location of boring. MANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE: N/A WELL DEPTH: N/A INCORPORATED GRAVEL PACK: N/A CASING STICKUP: N/A ELEVATION NORTHING EASTING ' Not Available Not Available Not Available Well Completion ~° ~' Sample Water ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~' ~u - '-' ~ ~ > LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION ~:,i~5~!I~ Asphalt cap and base. Dry Silty 0.0 [~;~:~:~ SAND, brown, 40% medium, 40% fine grained sand,. 3 Damp ~! SM 15% silt, trace clay, loose with gravel, 5% micaceous. ~i~;~i~::,;~,: SP Poorly Graded SAND, brown, 100% fine to medium ~, &~ grained sand, well sorted, dry 7 Dry 0.0 lo :~!;~ii~ ~!$~;~ ~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, orange brown, 9S% medium to ve~ _ ~.f:~ ~[~ ?~ coarse grained sand, trace fine sand, trace subrounded ~ ~ ~,~5~ granitic gravels, poorly so~ed, iron oxide stains. ~,~, SP Poorly Graded SAND, same as above. D~ 0.0 ....... ~ ~ SP SAND, grey, J00% fine to medium grained sand, well so,ed, damp. I PROJECT NO: D81-3621 CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US [BORING NO: SD-1 LOGGED BY: Robb Crowder LOCATION: 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield ]PAGE 2 OF DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" SAMPLING METHOD: Cai Mod SS BOREI-IOLE DEPTH: 100' See Site Map (Figure 2) CASING TYPE: N/A WELL DIAMETER: N/A for location of boring. SLOT SIZE: N/A WELL DEPTH: N]A GRAVEL PACK: N/A CASING STICKUP: N/A ELEVATION NORTHING LASTING Not Available Not Available Not Available ~o =o ~- ~ Sample ~ ~ .~ ~ '~ ~ LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION 23 ~ ~ ~,.~, SW Gravelly SAND, orange brown, 85% medium to ve~ ~ '~:~'~ coarse grained sand, some subrounded and subangular ., 24 ~: ~"~::~:~'~'~ ' ~¢.~:.~ ¢~3~ granitic gravels and pebbles, ve~ poorly sorted. o.o ~t:~)~: ~2/~ ......... ~ ..................................................................... 27 ~&~.~.... 8P Poorly Graded SAND. grey brown, 100% fine to medium ~'~ii~5 grained sand, thinly laminated, well so~ed, d~. 28 %,%~ ~2 ,(~;~................... ~ ........................................................... 29 ~ ~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, orange brown, 100% medium to :'~L::~F ~ coarse grained sand, moderately so~ed. Damp 0.0 ]0 ~ ~:~: ............................................................................... ~'~ SM Silty SAND, 80% fine to medium grained sand,.some ~ ~.::~-~. medium plasticity silt, slightly micaceous, moderately scaled. 0.0 ]] ~:~ ~$~ ML Clayey SILT. 34 ~ ~ ~ ....................................... . ....................................... ;.,~;:~;:~ GP Poorly Graded G~VEL-SAND mixture. 38 ~,;~;7;, ~:~:<;~SW Gravelly SAND orange brown, 90% medium to vew coarse ~ grained sand, little subrounded granitic gravels to cobbles, ~ ve~ poorly so,ed, d~. 42 ~'~¢ :"~; ~ poorly Graded SAND, tan, 100% medium to coarse grained 43 ~ :~ sand, well soded, dry. PROJECT NO: D81-3621 CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: SB-I LOGGED BY: Robb Crowder LOCATION: 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield PAGE 3 OF S DRILLER: Gregg , DATE DRILLED: 1127/2003 LOCATION MAP DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER.' 8" SAMPLING METHOD: Cai Mod SS BOREHOLE DEPTH: 100' , !See Site Map (Figure 2) ENVIRONMENTAL CASING TYPE: N/A WELL DIAMETER: N/A for location of boring. MANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE: N/A WELL DEPTH: N/A INCOR.PORATED GRAVEL PACK: N/A CASING STICKUP: ' N/A ELEVATION NORTHING 'LASTING . Not Available Not Available I' Not Available '2- Sample Well Completion ~t~ ~ ~' ~ ;~. = ~ Water ~ ~ ~ t '~ '~ '-' ~ ~ ~' LITHOLOGY/DESCRIPTION ~ .~ Level '~o o =2 ~ ~ o ~= > P Dry 0.0 ~,::~ $~¢~,~ SP Po°fly Graded SAND, tan, 95% medium to very coarse ~' :'~ ~!~'~,~i~ ,grained sand, trace subrounded granitic.gravels, poorly ~'ig ~4 s_orted, dry.' 49 :~::,~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, same as above with occasional thin ~, ~,~:~ laminations with iron oxide stains. ~f~ ~g SP Poorly Graded SAND, same as above. ~2&~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, tan, 100% medium to coarse grained 61 ' ~ ,F~:~¢ v~::. s~nd, moderately sorted, d~. ~ ~~',~::g:'t°~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, same as above. PROJECT NO: D81-3621 CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US BORING NO: SB~I LOGGED BY: Robb Crowder LOCATION: 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield PAGE KHM~^~ DRILLED: 1,27,2003 LOCATION MAP DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" SAMPLING METHOD: Cai Mod SS BOREHOLE DEP~'H: 100' See Site Map (Figure 2) ENVIKONMENTAL CASING TYPE: N/A WELL DIAMETER: N/A for location of boring. MANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE N/A WELL DEPTH: N/A INCOKPORATED GRAVEL PACK: N/A CASING STICKUP: N/A ELEVATION NORTi-I1NG EASTING Not Available Not Available Not Available =o 8' ¢' Sample Well Completion ~''~ ~ ~' '¢ '. ~ =~ Water ~ ~ ~ =. ~ ~ '-' ~ '~ ~ LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION '~ Level '~ o ~ o ~= 6'7 SP Dry 0.0 70 _ ~ SP Poorly Graded.SAND~ same as above. 7 2 _ ~;~g~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, ~an to grey, 100% fine to medium ' ~ grained sand, thinly laminated, well soded, dw. : ~;~.<~ ............................................................................... !Damp 0.0 79 ~,<~.,:,~,;;;~8~¢ SP Poorly Graded SAND, orange brown, 100% fine to very ~;~;~ ~ 'l coarse sand, poorlysorted, damp. 8 2 - - ............................................................................. ~ Dry 0.0 83 84 SP Poorly Grad~8 SAND, tan, 100% fine to medium grained _ 8s :::~~:~:~}" ~'5~I Poorl~ Graded SAND, orange brown, 10~% medium to ~ 0.0 ~: ~,~ SP ~7~'~4~;~ ~ ~ ,coarse grained sand, well so~ed, dw. ........ PROJECT NO: D81-3621 CLIENT: Shell Oil Products US IBORING NO: SB-1 LOGGED BY: Robb Crowde~ LOCATION: 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield IPAGE 5 OF 5 KHM DRILLER: Gregg DATE DRILLED: 1/27/2003 LOC^TION MAP , DRILLING METHOD: HSA BOREHOLE DIAMETER: 8" SAMPLING METHOD: Cai Mod SS BOREHOLE DEPTH: 100' See Site Map (Figure 2) ENVIKONMENTAL CASING TYPE: N/A WELL DIAMETER: N/A for location of boring. MANAGEMENT SLOT SIZE: N/A WELL DEPTH: N/A INCOR_PORATED GRAVEL PACK: N/A CASING STICKUP: N/A ELEVATION NORTHING LASTING Not Available Not Available Not Available · Well Completion ~ . ~0 ~ ~. ? Sample = = Water ~ 'g~''~"- ~ ~= ,- = ~ ,a ,-, .~ ~: '-' ~ ~ ~ LITHOLOGY / DESCRIPTION ~ .=, Level '~ o ~ ~ o ~= .o~~, = ~ ~ ~ ~ . .............................................................................. _ ~,::~ SW Gravelly SAND, 85% medium to very coarse grained sand, ~¢).~ i~f ~ili:.,.~!~ some subangular granitic gravels and pebbles. 90 5,"i;~i '+' ....................................................... '- ....................... 0.0 - 92 :,~:... ¢::'~:':*:~:" SP __Poorly Graded 'SAND, orange brown, 100% medium to Dry 93 ~¢ coarse grained sand, well sorted, dry (then damp. @ 93'). D a m p ~ ........ :~,,,,:%~ SP Poorly Graded SAND, 90% medium to, coarse 9rained ~ ~ sand, little silt and fine sand, moderately so~ed, wet. 96 1 O0 _ ' Total Depth = 10ff lO] Groundwater detected at 95.5' 1o2 Collected Grab Groundwater sample 103 104 · 105 106 107 108 109 1~0 I I I I I I I I I :! I I ~ I ~ '1 I I I I I I APPENDIX C WASTE INVENToRy AND DIsPOSAL SHEETS 'NVENT ORY RECORD. ' Page Prqject No. ',. Location/SS# Date Generated Client ' Fie'I'd Technician Date Remoged 'Well Or · DePt~, Typ~ Of ' "'w~ste ' . Date - Dru~ & ~D o'r' comments'. Boring ID- (l'nte~al) Waste Volume G'en~rated Stock'Pile and (wet,odor,chemical . ' ~.- i ., .' ..... , .... . ...; Des gn'afion .. cqnstituents,, etc.) ' " i ' ' · I ' ' " .I, '~ '" · ~ '~ '. ' .' 1' . '~ . '' J' l ' , · I . ' / ~ ~ g Stock Pile ~n' Site I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ I I I I I I APPENDIX D I 'GROLINDWATER LABORATORY REPORT -. AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION ~..?, lscience I I i~ aboratories, Inc. I January 31' 2003 JJ Brad Clark · KHM Environmental Management 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K i Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 I Subject: Calscience Work' Order No.: 03-01-1390 -- Client Reference: 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield, CA IDear Chent "Enclosld is: an analytical'report for the above referenced project The samples · included in this report were received 1/28/2003 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain-of-custody. · Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordancewith the guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Program Manual, applicable standard -- operating procedures, and other.related documentation. The original report of any · subcontracted analysis is provided herein, and follows the standard Calscience data package. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. I you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact If ' the' undersigned. I ' I /G'alsci~ ~¢ce E~vir, Cnmental Micha~l'J~. ~risostomo · -- (, L~~i~, Inc. QualityAs§urance Manager · L'-aCry Lem ~ Project Manager 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 I ~.alscience ANALYTICAL REPORT I ~nvironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. KHM Environmental Management Date Received: 01/28/03 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 03-01-1390 I Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B M I Project: 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield, CA Page 1 of 1 . Lab Sample ' Date Date Date Client Sample Number Number Collected Matrix Prepared Analyzed QC Batch ID Parameter ' Result RL DF Oual Units Parameter Result R._..~L DF Oual Units I~Benzene ND 0.50 1 ug/L Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 1 ug/L Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L Toluene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 I ug/L i p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-Amyl-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 1 ug/L o-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Total Purgeable Petroleum ND 50 1 ug/L ' . Hydrocarbons Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1.0 1 ug/L Surrogates: REC (%) Control Qua! Surrogates: REC (%) Control Q~.al Limits Limits 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4-TPPH 97 70--~'~-0 ' 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 96 70-130 . ~, ~, Parameter Result RL DF Qual Units Parameter Result RL. DF Qual Units I .Benzene ' ND 0.50 1 ug/L Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) ND 10 1 ug/L Ethylbenzene - ND 1.0 1 ug/L Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L Toluene . ND 1.0 1 ug/L Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 2.0 1 ug/L p/m-Xylene ND 1.0 1 ug/L Tert-AmyI-Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 2.0 I . ug/L o~Xylene . ND 1.0 1 ug/L Total Purgeable Petroleum ND 50 1 ug/L ' , Hydrocarbons Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 1,0 1 ug/L Surro.qates: REC (%) Control Qual Surro,qates: REC (%} Control Qual i . Limits Limits 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4-TPPH 96 70--'-~'~0 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 94 70-130 I ! ! !  RL- Reporting Limit , DF - Dilution Factor , Oual - Qualifiers  7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432. · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~ alscience ~m~nvironmental Quality Control - Spike/Spike Duplicate ~ aboratories, Inc. KHM Environmental Management Date Received: 01/28/03 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K Work Order No: 03-01-1390 Monrovia, .CA 91016-0000 Preparation: EPA 5030B Method: EPA 8260B M Project: 3621 California Ave.r Bakersfieldr CA ; Date Date MS/MSD Batch Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number Parameter ' MS %REC MSD %REC %REC CL RPD ' RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 98 97' 70-130 0 0-20 Ethylbenzene 102 103 ' 70-130 1 0-20. o-Xylene 99 100 70-130 1 Dii~opropyl Ether (DIPE) 103 101 70-130 2 0-20 Total Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 98 99 70-130 1 0-20 ' . ~ 7440 Cincoln Way, GarOon Orovo, Ca 02841-14a2 · lie: (714) 80S-S404 · F~X: (714) 804-7501 I C==alscience~ u n S S ate I ~=----nvironmental Q ality Co trol - LC /LC Duplic I ~ ~ aboratories, Inc. ' · KHM Environmental Management ' Date Received: 01/28/03 t 911 South Primrose Avenue, Unit K . Work Order No: 03-01-1390 Monrovia, CA 91016-0000 ' Preparation: EPA 5030B · Method: EPA 8260B M t Project: 3621 California Ave., Bakersfield, CA · ' Date , Date LCS/LCSD Batch · Quality Control Sample ID Matrix Instrument Prepared Analyzed Number Parameter · LCS %REC LCSD %REC %REC CL RPD RPD CL Qualifiers Benzene 98 97 70-130 1 0-25 I Ethylbenzene 101 101 70-130 0 0-20 · Toluene 97 97 70-130 0 0-25 p/m-Xylene 101 102 70-130 1 0-20 · o-Xylene 98 98 70-130 0 0-20 · Methyl-t-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 96 95 70-130 2 0-25 Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) 101 99 70-130 2 0-25 · Diisopropyl ·Ether (DIPE) 102 101 70-130 I 0-25 Ethyl-t-Butyl Ether (ETBE) 104 102 70-130 2 0-25 Tert-AmyI-Methyl. Ether (TAME) 103 101 70-130 2 · 0-25 i Total Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 98 98 70-130 1 0-20 ~ 7440 Lincoln way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 · FAX: (714) 894-7501 ~alscience GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND QUALIFIERS ~----_n vironmental ~ aboratories, Inc. Work Order Number: 03-01-1390 Qualifier' Definition ND Not detected at indicated reporting limit. ~~ 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove, CA 92841-1432 · TEL: (714) 895-5494 .' FAX: (714) 894-7501 I Cooler / of SAMPLE RECEIPT FORM m CLIENT: /~'/7/,/~ DATE: TEMPERATURE - SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: '. · CALSClENCE COURIER: LABORATORY (Other than Calscience Courier): Chilled, cooler with temperature blank provided, o C Temperature blank. Chilled, cooler without temperature.blank. ~ o C IR thermometer. Chilled and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperatute. Ambient and placed in cooler with wet ice. Ambient temperature. ~. . o C Temperature blank. Initial: Sample(s): __ Cooler: No (Not Intact) · Not Applicable (N/A): Initial: SAMPLE CONDITION: Yes No N/A Chain-Of-Custody document(s) received with samples ......... Sample container label(s)ilconsiStent with custody papers ..................... . .............. __ Sample container(s) interim.and good condition ...................... Correct containers for analYses requested ......................................... ~ ~ii ~'"~' . ...... Proper preservation noted on sample label(s) ..................................... ~ ............. VOA vial(s) free of headspace ........................................................ ~ .............. Tedlar bag(s) free of condensation ................................................................. Initial: COMMENTS: SCI E.V E. LABORATO.iES.,NC. Prol uctsal C aln l usto y Rel cor Equiva Project Manager to be inVoiced: INCIDENT NUMBER (S&E ONL~ ::... ====================================================================== S~ CRMT or NUMBER (TSICRM~ Tony Palag~ KHM Environmental Management KHMM 3621 California Ave., Bakemfield pendin~ PHONE NO.: ~ CONSULI~T PROJECT NO.: 91~ S. Primrose Ave., Monrovia CA 626-256-6662 Brad Clark Robb Crowder ~ USE ONLY TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS): ~ Z0 DAYS ~ 5 DAYS ~ 72 HOU~ ~ 48 HOU~ ~ 2~ HOU~ ~ ~SS ~AN 2~ HOU~. REQUESTED ANALYSIS ~ ~ - RWQ~ ~PORT FO~T ~ U~ AGENt: CC/MS MTBECONFIRMATION: HIGHEST HIGHEST per BORING ~ ALL . 5= ~ w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FIELD NOTES: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES: CHECK BOX IF EDD IS NO~ NEEDED ~ ~ ~ ffi > ~ ~ ~ ~ · . Con~inerlPrese~ative = ~ ~ ~ = . ~ ~ ~ ~ or PID Readings Please fax to Brad Clark ASAP ~ ~ _ ~ ~ -- = -- ~ ~ ~ or Laborato. Notes SAMPLING ND. OF ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TEMPERATURE ON RECEIPT Ce USE Field Sample Identification MATRIX ONLY DATE TIME CONT. N D soi~ soil soil soil soil soil soil Re' ' ' Rec~; {~na~e) Date: Time: Received ~: (Signature) Date: Tree: