HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 132-90R~SOLUTION NO. 132-90 RIgSOLUTION DETERMINING TOUNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 90-1 (JEWETTA TRUNK SEMER/CALLOWAY CANAL RELOCATION) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD as follows: WHEREAS, all of the owners of more than 60% in area of the property subject to assessment therefor have signed and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield a written petition for the improvements meeting the requirements of Section 2804.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, as applicable, and for undertaking proceedings pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond acts, and to assess the costs thereof upon the properties benefited, and waiving proceedings under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code, for the construction and acquisition of improvements set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the costs and expenses of said contemplated improvements are to be chargeable upon an assessment district, the exterior boundaries of which are the coterminous exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area shown on the map thereof on file in the office of the City Clerk to which reference is hereby made for further particulars; and WHEREAS, served by the taklng of said proceedings. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That all of the owners of more than 60% in area of the property subject to assessment for the construction and acquisition of improvements described in Exhibit "A," have signed and filed with the City Clerk of this City a written petition for the construction and acquisition of improvements pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts, without further compliance with the provisions of Division 4 of the the public interest and convenience will be FOUND, DETERMINED AND Streets and Highways Code. 2. That one of the owners who signed said petition owns more than 40 percent in area of the territory to be assessed and that the other signatories of said petition own 50 percent or more in area of the remaining territory to be assessed. 3. That said proceedings for the construction and acquisition of said improvements shall be had pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and the bonds upon the unpaid assessments thereof shall be issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. /// /// /// /// /// /// -2- 4. That the provisions of Division 4 of the and Highways Code be, and they are hereby, dispensed with. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing passed and adopted by the Council of regular meeting tlhereof held on the by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: Streets Resolution was the City of Bakersfield at a 19th day of September, 1990, COUNCILMEMBERS: Peterson, Edwards, DeMond, Smith, Brunni, McDermott, Salvaggio COUNC I LMEMBE RS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield AP~ROigE~his 19th day of September, 1990: APPROVED as to form: CITY ATTORNEY of the Bakersfield of 700370DA.RSl EXHIBIT "A" GENEb:AL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AND ACQUISITIONS PROPOSED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR JEWETTA TRUNK SEWER AND CALLOWAY CANAL RELOCATION IMPROVEMENTS The separate improvement: systems comprising the Works of Improvement, hereinafter the "Improvements", eligible for funding pursuant to this proposed City of Bakersfield Assessment District proceeding (hereinafter the "Assessment District") are described below. The descriptions of the Improvements and the termJnJ of the proposed work do not necessarily exlend for the fnJi length of the description thel'eof. The plans and profiles of [tie improvements shall be cootrolling as to the corn'err and detailed description timreof. 'rile Improvements described herein are to be constructed pursuant to this Assessment District as City of Bakersfield improvement Projects. The Improvements are generally described as follows: Jewetta Trunk Sewer System Improvements, to Include gravity and force main sewer pipeline Installations complete with maaholes, fittings and connection lo existing facilities and the construction anti installation of a sanltary sewer system lift station and a sewer system pumping station complete wlth all mechanical anti electrical equipment and controls, together with all appurtenances and incidental work necessary to complete the same In the following locations: A. Gravity Sewer' Pipeline installations in the following streets: In Jewefta Avenue, from the point of connection to an existlng City of Bakersfield (hereinafter the "City") 30 inch diameter gravity sewer plpeltne in Jewetta Avenue approximately 1,800 feet northerly from the intersection with Brimhall Road. northerly approximately 2.75 miles to the intersection of Jewerrs Avenue and the exJslJll[~ Reina Road alignment; in Hageman Road, from Jewetta Avenue easterly approximately one- half mile to the intersection with Verdugo Lane; In the future Verdugo Lane alignment, from Hageman Road northerly in Sectiun 18, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian {M.D.B.& M) approximately ooe mile to serve a portion of tile Pcln Grounds planned development area; In Hageman Road, from the intersection with Old Farm Road westerly to the proposed 3ewetim Trunk Sewer System Pump Station which is to be located approximately 660 feet easterly from the Hageman Road JnL.t-sectJon witi~ Allen Road and adjacent to the HaMeman Road ~ight-o/ way. 8. A Jewerrs Trunk Sewer Lift Station to be constructed at the 2945PET.EXA A-1 8-10-90 interseerier :)I Jewerrs Avenue and Bageman Road, tu lift the wastewater ['lows collected f['om the gravity sewer pipelines to be constructed in liageman Road easterly frnm the Jewetta Avenue intersection and in Jewerrs Avenue northerly from the Hageman Road intersection. Said wastewater flnws are to be lifted approximately 13 feet and discharged to the Jewerrs Trunk Sewer pipeline section to be installed south of Hageman Ro~d, far gravity flow southerly to the point of connection with said existing City sewer' pipeline. A Jewerrs Trunk Sewer Pump Station to be constructed adjacent to Hageman Road, approximately 660 feet easterly from Allen Road. Said Pump Station will collect wastewater flows from the gravity sewer pipeline to he installed in Hageman Road pursuant to this Assessment District and ~lso the wastewater flows discharged frnm future pipeline extensluns Io serve properties in tire Jewetta Trunk Sewer System Service Area that are loeated outside of this Assessment District, The wastewater' flows collected by said Pump Station will be pumped easterly Jn Hageman Road through a force main sewer pipeline for discharge inta the Jewerrs Avenue gravity sewer pipeline section to be installed south of the Rageman Road and Jewerrs Avenue intersection. [)¸ A Sanitary Sewer Fo~'(:e Main tc be installed in Hageman Road from said t'un, p Statiun, easterly approximately 7/8 mile to the point of connection wi:h the gravity sewer pipeline to be installed in Jewetta Avenue. Calloway Canal ReJocatlon and Calloway Drive Bridge Improvement work to be constructed in the followlog locations: An existing portion of tile Calloway Canal, owned and operated by the North Kern Water District, is to be removed and reconstructed to a new alignment located outside the Assessment District. The existing Calloway Canal portlon to be removed is generally located In the east half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18. The new Canal sectiou will he located adjacent to the westerly right of-way for the ?rianL-gero Canal and east of the Assessment District in Section 17 of ~aid Township cud Nangr. The work and improvements ~o relocate said Canal shall Jr,elude, but not be limited to, the relocation of existing privately owued pipelines located within the proposed Canal alignment, the excavation and grading of the new Canal section including clearing existing trees;, the Installation of canal access fencing, access road grading and paving, canal bauk slope protection and landscaping, as reqnJred by s~iid Water District, backfilling. compaction and grading, ~s needed, tu remt~ve the existing (;anal section and return t. he existing Canal alignment to the same grade as the adjacent land. Also including the acquisition of easements and rights-of-way, Including construction easements, together with all appurtenances and incidental work or expense necessary to complete the same. [3. The existing bridge where the Ca] 1oway Canal crosses Ca] loway Drive apprcxJma[ely one half mJlt~ sooth of Olive Drive, is to be removed and a new bridge constructed at the point where the relocated Canal will 2945PET.EXA A-2 8-10-90 cross Calloway Drive. The new bridge will be located south of the existing Friant-Kern Canal crossing of Calloway Drive, several hundred feet south of the Olive Drive and Calloway Drive intersection. The work to be p~r'formed shall include the construction nf a new bridge for the Canal c]'o$sing of Calloway Drive, complete with all necessary excavation and grading to construct the canal section across the street ' right-of-way, street regradlag and repaving, the installation of bridge approach curb and gutter and sidewalk, canal fencing and access gates and site landscaping. The bridge work shall also include the removal of the existing bridge, complete with the backfilling, compaction, grading and re~{rading of the existing canal section to be abandoned and the paving ol the r'c~raded section nf CaJ [oway Drive, together with all appurtenances and incidental ~ork oc expense and the acquisition of easements and rJgbt-of-~ay, JncllldJ~g construction easements necessary to complete tbe same. The doing of ai I incidental work and payment of expenses therefor as required to cornpit. re the foregoing work including, but: not limited to, the reimhu['scm~ml [,t lhe (:()st nnd expenses incurred by the Assessment District inclndJng design surveys, site surveys to locate existing underground pipelines In the alignment of the proposed Improvements, soils testing and compaction related to the design of the improvements. City Environmental Review Processing and Plao Check Fees, the reimbursement of Assessment District formatica and processing costs adwmced to the City for the Assessment District proceeding and all associated district formation and administration cosIs and expenses as authorized by the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, The funding of not to exceed two years of capitalized interest on any bonds issued in the amount of the unpaid assessments, where said bonds are to be issacd and sold p,Jrsuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (the "1915 Act"). The acquisition of real property for lift station or pump station installation, anti Calloway Canal locations or relocations and the acquisition of any other real property other than that described herein and not already held by the City, where all said real property acquisitions are The levy of an annual assessment to pay costs incurred by the City from the administration of and collection of assessments, or from the administration or registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds, pursuant to Subdivision (f) of Section 10204 of said Streets and Highways Code. 2945PET.EXA A-3 8-10-90 PROPOSED CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT RE: 3'EWETTA TRUNK SEWER EXTEN~ N 25