HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ...... ~ 493/106-C . . CAUFORNIA AVENUE · I "~ Possible..,~ I Oil/Water Separator .~ MARIE Former ~ CALLENDER'~ Showroofi~ Storage Area (solvent, oil, · and waste oil · ~ ASTs) Used Car MainBuildingSales PartsI~ × ~ ' × Department J BUILDING #1 (Service) vi oJ. RESIDENTIAL Oasoline?~/ ~ & Waste O~ UST Excavation . T-3 Solve.t:..T,~.e I (Se~M~) Solvent AST BUILDING · Conc~et~ Slab /' . Outdoor ,Hoists Motor--Oil Storage VACANT_ LOT BUILDING ~3 (Body Shop) o -Paint Spray SCHOOL Storage Ai Booth EXPLANATION: [~ lransformor ~ concreto Block Wall x Fence o Floor Drain/Sediment Trap [] Former Waste Oil AST -e-T'3 Approximate Location of Vertical Boring, Dames & Moore, 1993 a-2 ~ Approximate Location of Angle Boring, Twining Laboratories, 1988 · Approximate Location of Vertical Boring, FIGURE 3 Krazan & Associates, 1993 ~ Approximate Location of Proposed Boring SOIL BORING LOCATIONS HADDAD DODGE · - ,~, 4001 California Avenue 0 ~oo 2oo Bakersfield, California ,, Approximate Scale in Feet_ . · ~ DAMES & MOORE. Ju.e, ~993 493/106 CALIFORNIA A VENUE · I poSSUe~ ~ Oil/Wate~ Separator .~ MARIE Fon~er Showroom Storage Area . ' (solvent, oi~, and waste oil ASTs) Used Car Building Department I ' BUILDING #i (Service) I/1 o° &Was, e UST xc va,or / /// RESIDENTIAL r Solvent//~ '' Dry , UST~Excavatio~ Well ' ,Former Waste BUILDING ~ (sen/ice) I'; SolventAST I C~ncrete Sl~b I~1 O~t, door Hoi,sts Motor Off Storage VACANT LOT ' ' #3 o~T ~Paint I BUILDING (Body Shop) Spray ~ O. ~... Storage Ai'r · ~ ' E×PLANATION: ~-] lrans[ormer ~ Goncrete Block Wall x Fence FIGURE 2 o Floor Drain/Sediment Trap [] Former Waste Oil AST SITE PLOT PLAN  HADDAD DODGE o ~oo 200 4001 California ^venue. ^pproximate Scale in Feet Bakersfield, Galifomia ~ DAMES & MOORE June, 1993 I pLOT PLAN et lblan must show the following: Roads a~ld alleys 2. buildings ~' 3. location of tanks, piping, and dispensers 4. utilities 5. ,. SCALE . [' 7. any other relevent information ~ ~d~lp " ] .... ~¢~,~¢¢ ~ " - . PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FACILITY NAME ~ ~~ CROSS STREET CONTRACTOR INFORMATION INSURANCE CARRIER .~7-~ z~¢-~/~ WORKMENS COMP No. _~PRELIMANARY.ASSEMENT_INFORMATION_ INSURANCE CARRIER~/~_~' &,. /~~ WORKMENS COMP No. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATIOIq NUMBER , NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ~/~-~-O~x~' TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION TANK INFORMATION TANK No.. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED . · , STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED :~:?:?::::=:: i iii~! ::::::?: ~ :::?:??:~?::: ~ ::!~ ~i i~ i i:?:::::ii ~! ~:::::: ~ :::: ::?::: ::!:::= :::::::::::::::::::::: iii:~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~'i i~! ~ ~!::i:::::: i:: !:; ii'iii!i?ii i::::i !! ::! :=:: ::?:i::::i!i::i::i~. ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::?:i?:::i:: ~i ::::::i::i i:::::; ~.ii~i.i. li. li.li.!~ :::: :::? ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::i ?:?: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~i~i~i'~ :?::: !:::?::::: ::: :~:~ ~: ~iiiiii?i'iii'ii'i';ii'ii'i :~ ?..:}:I:~ :~::~= ~:: ~:~ i'ii'ii'i!'ii'ii'ii'ii'i'ii'ii'i' :2:~: ~:~,::: THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, A ND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER, STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THiS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALLY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS IRUE AND CORRECT' " "THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED iFIELD FIRE DEPARTMEN~ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM OWNER to~¢-¢-~ .-T~v~-m~-~ PERMIT TO OPE~TE~ CONT~CTOR ~c~K~c,~ CONTACT PERSON PRELI~NARY ASSESSMENT CO. Kfa~ CONTACT PERSON CO~ RECIEPT t~0 Ih3 LEA% ~.~ PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS ~} -¢~me ~s~ ~ ~nK CONDITION OF PIPING f*~- 9.'¢p2~C ) --~a¢ CONDITION OF SOIL ~O~-~ ~ SI'TE/FACI LI TY D G '' NORTH SCALE: BUSINESS N~"E: ~/r;~d ~Kd~__ FLOOR: O? / ' ' (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGR~I' ' ~ FACILITY DIAGR.~ Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE, ONLY- CITY of BAKERSFIELD "FIRE DEPARTMENT ~/ 2101 H S~-REET s. D. JOHNSON- May 24, 1993 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 ':-: FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Mr: .DrUe Venters ... Haddad.Dodge P.O. Box 4117 Bakersfield; CA 93384 Dear .Mr. venters, Attached please find copies of yoUr Hazardous Materials Management Plans (HMMP's) "for the Haddad. ~Dodge property located at 3000 Harris Road and 5200 Gasoline Alley Drive. 'We have 'found it necessary to reject these Plans because the inventory is -incomplete. On the inventory sheets returned, I h~ave highlighted the areas that do need to be completed. · It is also noted that the only inventories recorded for these facilities are in,the parts department., I question if you may also have other inventory throughout your facilities sUch as bUlk materials, waste materials and compressed gas bottles. : ~ - Please return the completed and cOrrected inventories tO this' office by June 10, 1993. Thank You.' SinCerely yours, /'Ralph E. Huey ' /'HaZardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm , . · BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I D. ~ FORM 4A-1 Page of NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS I~IATER I ALS I NVENTORY _ ~ ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE HAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AHOUNT AHOUNT UNIT' CODE ~CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEHIqAL OR COHHON NAHE , CODE GUIDE NA~E: TITLE: E~E.~g~NCY CONTACT: ~/~ TITLE: ~ PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: EHERGENCy CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I,D. ~ ~ FORM t4A-1 Page 'of'_ NoN--~- TRADE SECRETS · HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NVENTORY .PHONE ~: ~2~ ~/ PHONE ~: ~'~/ FFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY. I 2 3 ' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ~ ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THiS % BY ,. .HAZARD D~O.T COD'E AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT : WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE' GUIDE ''NAME TITLE: S IONATURE: DATE: EME~GENCY CONTACT: TITI. E: PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: ~ .,, AFTER BUS HRS: '- EMERG'ENcy CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: B,R~NCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY:__ AFTER BUS.'HRS: :", " -' BAKERS'FIELD CI, TY. FIRE DEPARTMENT ' · ' I.'D: ~'__ ' ; FORM"4A-1 . . 'Page .... ' NoN--TRADE SECRETS HA'Z ARDOUS MATERI ALS" I-NVENTORY' BUSINESS.NAME: - OWNER NAME: ~ ~ '" ,FACILITY UNI~ #:, ADDRESS: : ,~/ ~,~ .~t'~¢ 0 ADDRESS: ~-/ ~ .~Ve FACILITY UNIT NABE: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , 9 10 TYPE ~AX A~NUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN T~IS .~ BY ... HAZARD CODE '~AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILI~,Y UNIT '' '.WT. CHEmiCAL OR 'CO~ON NA~~ :C'ODE GUIDE E,~GE~Y ~O~T~T: TITLE: PHO~ ~ B~S E'~ER~G,ENCY CONTACT':, TITLE: PHONE ~ BUS HOURS: pRI{NCE~AL BUSINE99 ACTIVITV: AFTER-BUg. HRg: ~ -.4A-1 - that I h~ve eviewed the ett~ched H~z~rdous M~teri~ls business elan (name of bus~ness). and that it along 'with the attaohed additions or corrections .constitute a comDlete and correct Business Plan for my facility. " BUSINESS NAME BAKERSFIELD DODGE INC ID NUMBER 215-000-000095 LOCATION 4001 CALIFORNIA AV HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 1 . 'OVERVIEW LAST C~ANGE 12/04/87 BY ESTER JURIS CODE 215-003 JUR~IS BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 MAP PAGE 102 GRID 35B FACILITY UNITS 3 HAZARD RATING 3 RESPONSE SUMMARY 2A SEC 4) KERN PATROL EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC 2) E W CHUCK HADDAD - 323-7961 OR 87'1-1940 GLENN HAYS - 323-7961 OR 831-1479 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEC 3) Al GAS - BACK ENTRANCE B) ELECTRICAL - MAIN CONTROL BOX PARTS DEPARTMENT C) WATER - STREET SHUT OFF D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 2 . NOTIFICATION / PUBLIC EVACUATION LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > PAGE 1 -, 12/13/88 11:51 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME BAKERSFIELD DODGE INC ID NUMBER 215-000-000095 LOCATION 4001 CALIFORNIA AV HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 3 . HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > 4 . LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASS ISTANCE LAST CHANGE 12/04/87 BY ESTER 2A SEC-5) SAN JOAQUIN INDUSTRIAL'MEDICINE 2021 22ND ST 324-8811 PAGE 2 12/13/88 11:51 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME'BAKERSFIELD DODGE INC ID NUMBER 215-000-000'095 LOCATION 4001 CALIFORNIA AV .. HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 MASTER INVENTORY LIST - ALL FACILITY UNITS A . oVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LAST CHANGE 01/19/88 BY EVAMC ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION' CONTAINMENT USE 1/01 PURE MOTOR OIL '250 GAL UNKNOWN WEST END OF BLDG A- ABOVE GROUND'TANKS LUBRICANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2808.00 100.0 MOTOR OIL' UNKNOWN 2/01 WASTE WASTE OIL 250 GAL UNKNOWN WEST END OF BLDG A ABOVE GROUND TANKS WASTE' ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1598.00 100.0 WASTE OIL UNKNOWN 3/01 PURE GASOLINE 3000 GAL HIGH EAST END BLDG A OUTSIDE UNDERGROUND TANKs' FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1182.00 100.0 GASOLINE HIGH 4/01 PURE MOTOR OIL 110 GAL. UNKNOWN CENTER BLDG B ABOVE GROUND TANKS LUBRICANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2808.00 100.0 MOTOR OIL UNKNOWN 5/01 WASTE .WASTE SOLVENT 200 GAL MODERATE EAST END BLDG B ABOVE GROUND TANKS' CLEANING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1203.02 100.0 NAPHTHA SOLVENT EXTREME '6/01 WASTE WASTE OIL 250 GAL UNKNOWN ONE SIDE E END BLDG B ABOVE GROUND TANKS' WASTE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1598.00 100~0 WASTE OIL UNKNOWN PAGE 3 12/13/88 11:51 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805)'648-6800 .BUSINESS NAME BAKERSFIELD DODGE INC ID NUMBER 215-000-000095 LOCATION 4001 CALIFORNIA AV HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 FACILITY UNIT 01 UNDEFINED FACILITY B . FIRE PRO'TECTION , / WATER SUPPLIES ~_.;.~¢~>. LAST CHANGE 12/04/87 BY ESTER 3A SEC 4) Q9%E FIRE EXTINGUISHER FOR FIRE PROTECTION. 3A SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT ON CHESTER LANE & ALLEY ACROSS THE STREET AND ON THE CORNER OF CHESTER LANE & CALIFORNIA'AVE. F'ACILIT~T UNIT 0! UNDEFINED FACILITY D . EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION / EVACUATION LAST CHANGE 12/04/87 BY ESTER 3A SEC 2) IN CASE OF A NEED TO EVACUATE DURING WORKING HOURS, WE WILL NOTIFY ALL EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS VIZ LOUD SPEAKER SYSTEM. PAGE 4- 12/13/88 11:51 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800, BUSINESS NAME BAKERSFIELD DODGE INC ID NUMBER 215-000-000095 LOCATION 4001 CALIFORNIA AV HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 FACILITY UNIT 01 UNDEFINED FACILITY E ~ [VlITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEiVIENT - LAST CHANGE 12/04/87 BY ESTER 3A SEC 1) WE HAVE OVER THE GROUND TWO TANKS THAT ARE MONITORED DAILY AND ONE .GASOLINE TANK THAT IS CHECKED DAILY BY GLENN HAYS THE SERVICE MANAGER. PAGE ~ 5 12/13/88 11:51 · MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 of ~ce~sr~ez~z~ CITY BA /,, /~¢,~ , ~lth of Pm~ ~lth ........ ~lth of ~ ~lth - ~lth of Pr~surl Mlth Certtficltim (Read and iign after colpJetJng / . . CITY of BAKERSFIELD BUSINESS NAM OWNER 'NAME: ~' ~. - ' 'NAME OF .: ~ER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROP~ CODES Trane Type' )Max Avera;je Annual. Measure I) Oye ' Cent Co~t Co~i: Use Location Where . % by ' Names of Mixture/Coaeoneni:s Code Code Aec 4mt . Ism: , Units ~n Site TyPe Press Teep Co~e ., Stored in facJtii:y Ht . See .Physical and,Health Hazard C.A.$. Numar Ca~at II Naa i C.A.S. Num~ '(~hec~ ail tha~ a~ply) . ~ J Fire Hazard L--~ Reactivity ~lay~ ~--J ~ddm Release -- Imitate Heai~h of Pre~sure Health ........................................... ' .............. C~t 13 Na~ I C.A.S. Numar (Ch~k 411 that a~ly) Fire Hazard u--J Reactivity Oelay~Health [ ] Sudd~of Pr~sUreRelease ~--~ I~i~teHeaicn Ph~ical and Health Hazard C.A.S. h'umber Ca~n~C I1 Ha. & C.l.S. Number (ChKk ail ChaE apply) ........................... ~ ~ Fire Hazard ~--~ ReactiviTy Oelay~ Sudd~ Release ~ Heai~h of Pressuce Health ...................... : .................................................. CM~C 13 NaM & C.A.B. Numar Certification (Read and sign after completinE all sections) I certify under' p~aky of law the; I have ;ersonatly exa,in~ and am familiar with the tnfor~ati~,submit;~in tht) and a)) m~M~ d~u~s~that based of t~se individuals resP~sib)e BAKER SFIELD ' C T¥ of Farm and agriculture ~ Stanoard Business ~-~][.~iI~.~.~=~,.D ~ ~ ~ ~USINESS NAME ~ OWNER NAME: ~ ~' NAME OF T~ FACILITY: LOCATION: ~/ ~//~ ~M~ ~ ADDRESS: ' ~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE ', ~.., ~HONE ·: ~W55'- ;~). '~/ PHONE ~ TO INSTRU~OMS FOR PROP~ COD~$ -- ' 1 2 3 4 5' $ T B .~ 10 11 12 13 14 . ~ "' frans Ty~e Max iveraQe ~nuat ~asure I ~s C~t C~t C~t Use [~ati~ W~ne % by Na~s of Mixture/Come.ts Cooe CoOe Amc Amc Est Units m Site Type Press lemo C~e Stor~ in Facility Wt 5er lnstructi~s :hysical'and Health Hazard C.A.[. Numoer r n ~ ~ r n r n C~t I~ Na. G C.~.~. Num~ FireHazaro ~--a Reactivity ~]a~ u--~ ~dd~ Release . Hea ich o~ Pr~sure H~ lth -- - ...... ~ea ith o~ Pressure ~ea itn ....... --- --~-------I ' ~-o ~ ............. ~"a ~J K~I + [~_LL_i_~ if! I;-/-z ;/~ · ...................... ~ea ith of Pressure ~ea itn ..................... .... L ...... l ............ l .............. L ...... --J__. I l ...... ] ..... L_l ...... l 'h~ieal and Health Hazar~ ~.l.$. ~u~ben ~nffit 81 Na~ ~ ~.1.$. Nu~ . (~h~k all that a~oiy) --- r': r--: r--: r--: Ca.et l[ Na~ & C.A.S. Numblr ~ Fire Hazard u--~ Reactivity ~--~ Oelay~ ~--a Sudd~ Release ~--~ Hea}th of Pressure ~ea C~t 13 Na~ h C.A.$. Num~r ....... ~[~[ ........................ 2X-~F'PB~B"-< .... ~ ....... T]~U ..................... ' rti~ication 1/Read andlsign after completinff all sections) .. _ merrily under ~alty of la. that I have :ers~ally examined and am familiar with the informati~q submitt~ in this and all ,tt~ d~, a~t based ~ my inquiry of t~se individuals resp~sible :r ootaining the intor~ti~, t be)ieve t~t t~ suomitteO in~orm6.ti~ is true, accurate, and compiete. ~ ~ ~/~ // // / / : .-... , -- . ~~ ................ , ..... LOCATION: ~t ~//~' ~ ADDRESS: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE "" 7ope Aec Est Units ~ Site Type Press Icao C~e -. Stor~ in Facility Nt See InstructiVE :'hysica] and Sea~Hazard C.A.$. ~ ~ C~t 11 Na~ & C.X.~. Nui~r ~C~k ell that apoiy) /~ , Hem ich of Pressure ~ i c~ ~t 13 Number {~ecx all c~ac a~iy) ~ '- -- r--~ r--~ -- Ce~ent 12 Name & C.A.$. Number -~ Fire Hazard ~ ~ Reactivity ~---J Miay~ ~--~ ~dd~ Release ~ ~ Health of Pressure H~ avsica} an~ Health Hazard C.A.S. kui~r Ca~t I1 NaM & C.A.~. ~Ch~ ati that -- r--~ r--~ -- -- Calx)net 12 Name & C.A~S. Nulber ~ Fire Hazard L_~ Reactivity L--a Oelaye~ [ ~ Sudden Release [ ~ immediate "' ~ Health of Pressure Health toe,orient 13 Name & C.A.S. Number .... l__._l ............ J .............. J L. I [ I l__±___[ ...... ZT72.- .................................... ~hvsical and Heaith HazardC.A.S. Number Coioonent I1 Name & C.A.$. Number (Check all that appiy) --- -- r--~ -- CMoonent 12 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~r .~ Reactivity ~r_.~ Oelayed ~---J Sudden Release ~r ] Immediate Heaith of Pressure teem tn Component 13 Name & C.A.$. NumOer R~7'~ ................................................... 2'~[~i~--"~J"~' F T' " '=~';"~'2rRF'Pl~-",'7~-'~'- rcification' [Read and sign after completing all sections) · /w~ ". // :ertify under ~aity of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the informatio~ subm' t~in t~)~s and all/'a~L;ached ~u~ts,~nd X~at based on my inquiry of those individuals responsib)e .,r obi_mining the information, [ believe that the su~mittgq infor.mation is true, accurate, and complete. /// // //// //// / / . FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON November 23, 1992 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Mr. Gary Grumbles Coleman Property Management Corp. 5251 Office Park Dr., Ste 200 P.O. Box 9336 Bakersfield, Ca. 93389 Dear Mr. Grumbles: I am' in receipt of your letter of November 10, 1992 requesting an extension for the removal of the underground fuel t,anks at 4001 California Avenue. Because of your pending and eminent agreement With Chrysler Realty Corp. relating to these abandoned tanks, I feel the 60 day extenSion requested is justified. We will however, need a definite and positive action to properly close these tanks by January 15, 1993. If you have any questions or if. I.can be of any further assistance please feel free to call (805) 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH:vp. · - ~ ' ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Date Completed Business Name: '/'-/A- c~o~A ~,~,~/j-~ ~,;, I'ocation: ~oo/' ~'~/,..~/,..^ ,'~. · Business IdentifiCation No." 215-000 0o0 o ?J"" . (Top of B~sic)es~Plan) Station No. '~'. ' 'Shift ~" Inspector ' · .. ' Adequate · Inadequate Verificatibn of Inventory Materials' Verification of Quantities ~ ~]. Verification of Location ~ Proper Segregation of Material ~ I~] Comments: Verificat'on~j( of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees /,~' ' verification'of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures 'Comments:. " Emergency Procedures Posted Containers ProPerly Labeled Comments:. 'Verification of Facility Diagram ~SpeC~ H~.ards Associ~y: _ ' Correction'Needed . ~] Busir~ss O~wner~l"an~"'ger '~ ' .. · . .' '. FI~ 1652 (Rev. 1~90) , "White-Haz Mat Div, Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy 0/~"" HAZARDOUS' MATERTALS 'rNVENTORY~S~i'' ?.- NON--TRADE SECRETS o¢___ ~n--w~ .. '~/ ~/~m~e ~ ADDRESS: ~, STANDARD IND. CLASS C0DE~ Trans lyre Hex .Avgr~ge Annual Neasure I ~onL ~ont Cont. Us LocqLjon?eEe. Code.,'Loam. AeC AmC ESL Units on e ~ype Press lemp Code Stored In racl~:y See Instructions Physical ~ ~emlth H~zmrd C.A.S. Humber Com~oae~L I1 Name I ~.A.B. ~e~ (Check al/ that applyj Component,2 Nmme iC.A.,. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ immediate Hea/th o( Pressure HealLh -- Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number ,Physical(check a//l°dthatHealthapp/[JUazard C.A.S. Number . ' Component II Hame I C.A.S. N~r' · ~ ~ Name C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ]mmediaLe He4/Ch of Pressure Hea.lth Component 13 Name I C.X.S. Number PhySical ~ ~eAl~h ~aTard C,A.S. Number Component Il Hame t C.A.S. Number (Check all Chat applyl Component 12 Hame I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C,A.S. Humber~ PhYsical and Health Uazard C,A.S. Huaber Component II Name I C.k.S. Humber ' (Check 411 that apply) ComponenL 12 Name I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Health of Pressure Component 13 Hame I C.A.S. Number Name l icle 24. HC PhoLe Tltle 2r~r Phone ;erti[i~atioq ,(Re~d and.?ign after cq~pleting a77 seZc 6 ') c ternary unoer pena~c[ ol]aW thqcJ nave personaj~y, examln~lqdlm famil~a[.vit~ the information tu~mitte~ in this.and al1//.~/ .~~/'/~ i ~''%~ Materials Inspection. Hazard°us ~ 'Date ~ompleted . .. Bus~e~ N~e~' ' ~A~ ~~oca~on:...~D/~ ~-~ft'~;~-. .' . ,~Y~°~v~D2 ~ 1990 ~ Plan iD# 215-000 0~' (ToPright comer , inspector.S____ Business Plan) /' ~. MAT. DiV. Station No. ~ S~L ~~~ . Adequate Inadequate' I~' ~edficad°n °~ [nvent°~Matenals Verification of Quantities ' ~ Verification of Location - ~oper Se~egafion of Matefi~ ~ Ve~cafion of MSDS Availab~i~ ' Nmber of ~ployees ·/~' Verification of Haz Mat TraiMng Co~m: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures ~] "[~] '-' Comments: Emergency ProceduresPosted ~ [~] Containers properly Labeled ~ ~-~ Verification of Facility Diagram ]~ [~] _ Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: FO 1,65,.2 (Rev. 3-89) - -' White-H'az Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy · Pink-Business Office  ~)~ , (005) 320-3979 .. ~~ ~ ...... · _ ...... 00009 U INESS N~E ., HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS ' BUSINESS PLAN AS A .WHOLE FOR~ ~A INSTRUCT IONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA ....... ]~'A p-.~_m~ r:., ,-', A, BUSINESS NAME: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341.-. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by la~. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: DURING BUS HRS. AFTER BUS HRS NAME AND TITLE , · ' SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A ~ItOLE A, NAT. GAS/PROPANE:. ,~,'"/0/( ,~tf/~/~/~---~ B. ELECTRICAL: ,~/~ (~ r~o/ ,,~ C. WATER: ~ ~-,tf~e, ~' ~r'~ ~ ~ ~'F · D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: '-. IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - :'BAKERSF'IELD CTTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130.-"G" STREET " BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 . ID~ BUSINESS NA~iE: - BUS I NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT -. FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further .action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/RRINT.YOUR.ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions belo~ for THE .FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILI~.b~IT~ ' FACILI~ ~IT N~: ~'~ SECTION 1 ~MITIGATION, PRE~NTION~ ABATEMENT PROCEDb~ES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION ~D EVACUATION PROgE~g~ES AT THIS 5~IT ONLY Material Safety Data Sheet CPS 218223 CHEVRON Thinner 325 ADDITIONAL HEALTH DATA. .'Not expected to be acutely toxic by skin contact; the acute dermal LDs0. (rabbit) for a ,sim£1ar product was greater than 19.1 g/kg. Signs and symptoms of central nervous system effects may include one or more of the following: headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness and loss of coordination. Affected persons.'usually experience complete recovery when removed from exposure, area. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS READ AND OBSERVE ALL PRECAUTIONS ON PRODUCT LABEL. DO NOT USE OR STORE near flame, sparks, or hot surfaces. USE ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. Kee9 container closed. DO'NOT weld, heat or drill container. Replace cap or bung. Emptied container still contains hazardous or explosive vapor or liquid. CAUTION! Do not use pressure to empty drum or *explosion may *result. Reactivity: 0, Flammability: 2, Health: 1' (* indicates may have chronic toxicity) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Solubility:' Miscible with hydrocarbons; insoluble in water. Appearance (Color, Odor, etc.): Colorless liquid. ' "' Boiling Point: 166°C (330°F) 5% Rec. (Max.) " -"* Melting Poin~: n/a ' Specific Gravity: 0.78 @ 15.6/15.6°C Vapor Pressure: 5 mm Hg @ 77°F. Vapor Density (Air=l): 4.8 Percent'Volatile (¥olume %): 99+ Evaporation: (Bu Ac=l) 0.22 ¥i~co~tt~: 0~'96 cst @ 37.8°C n/a = Not Applicable ,. X-IRC041 (07-85) ' 3 -', Rev. 8 01/20/86 kDDITIONAL HEALTH DATA ENVIRONMENTAL pROTEcTION See Page 3. Environmental Impact: Certain geographical areas~ have air pollution restrictions SPECIAL PROTEcTIVE INFORMATION concerning the use of materials in work situatuions which may release 'volatile Eye Protection: Do not getin eyes. Eye comp°bents .to the atmosphere. Air~ contact can be avoided by wearing chemical pollution 'regulations should'be studied to safety goggles, determine if this material is regulated in Skin Protection: Avoid prolonged or the area where it is to be.used.' frequently repeated skin contact -with ' Precautions if Material is Released Or material. Skin contact can be minimized by Spilled: Eliminate all open flame in wearing impervious protective clothing vicinity of spill .or released vapor. Stop including rubber gloves, the.source of the leak or release. Clean Respiratory Protection: Wear' approved' up releases as soon as possible, observing respiratory protection such as an organic precautions in Special prOtective vapor cartridge .respirator or an air- Information. Contain liquid to prevent supplying respirator unless ventilation further contamination of soil,~ surface equipment is adequate to. keep airborne water or groundwater. Clean uP small concentrations below the recommended spills using appropriate techniques such 'exposure standard, as sorbent materials or pumping.. Where Ventilation:' Use adequate ventilation to feasible· and appropriate, remove keep airk~Drne con~entratiQns of this contaminated soil. Follow prescribed material below -the recommended exposure prOcedureS'fOr reporting~and responding'to standard, larger releases. Waste Disposal Methods: Place contaminated 'FIRE pROT~L~TION . materials in disposable containers ~and dispos'e of in . a manner consistent with Liquid evaporates and forms vapors (fumes) applicable regulations. Contact. local which can catch 'fire and burn with environmental or health authorities .for explosive violence. ·'Invisible vapor approved disposal of this material. .spreads easily.and can be set on fire by many sources such as Pilot lights,, welding REAcTIVITY DATA~ equipment, and electrical motors and · switches. Fire.hazard is greater as liquid Stability (Ther~l, Light, etc.): stable.' ~t. emperature riSes'above 85°F. Incompatibility (Mater.ials to. Avoid): May Flash 'POint: (TCC)105oF(41oC) Min. react with strong oxidizing materials. Autoignition Tempo: 500°F (260°C) HazardoUs Deco~osition. Products: Normal 'Fl~m"~b[lity Limits: 1.0-6.0% combustion forms carbon dioxide and water Extinguis~[ng Media: C02. Dry · Chemical, vapor; incomplete combustion can produce' Foam, Water Fog. carbon monoxide. Special Fire'Fight~,g Procedures: For Hazardous Polymerization: Will not'6ccur. fires' involvihg this material, do not enter any enclosed or'confined fare spaces PHYSICAL' pROPERTIES without prope~ protective equipment. This '. n~y . include self-contained breathing see Page 3. apparatus to protect against the hazardous effects ofnormal products of c6mbustion o~ oxygen deficiency. Read the entire . MSDS. . ' ' See Page 3. The above reformation is based on date of which we are BWare and Js believed to' be correct as of the date hereof. Since the .J~form~ion confined herein 'ma~ 'be aOplied under conditions 'beyon~ our control and wire which we may be unfamiliar and since .data made available ~bsequ~nt to' the date, hereof may suggest modifications of the information, we do not assume any responsibility for the-results of 'its use. This information is furnished upon ~the condition that the person receiving it'.shalJ make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his Pariicular purpose. .. ~ 'No. 2 X ADDITIONAL HEALTH-DATA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION geographical EnvironmentalImpact:Certain See Page 3. areas have air pollution restrictions SPECIAL PROTraCTIVE INFORMATION concerning the use of materials in work situatuions which may release, volatile EYe ProtectiOn: Do not get in eyes. Eye components to the atmqsphere. Air contact can be avoided by wearing chemical Pollution regulations should be studied to ~determine if this material is regulated in s~fety goggles. · Skin'Protection: Avoid prolonged or the area where it is to be used.' frequently repeated skin contact with PreCautions if Material is Released or material. Skin contact can be minimized by Spilled: Eliminate all open flame in wearing impervious protective clothing vicinity of spill .or released vapor. Stop including rubber gloves. .the .source of the leak or release. Clean Respiratory Protection: Wear approved up releases as soon as possible, observing respiratory protection such as an organic precautions in Special Protective vapor cartridge respirator or an air- Information. Contain liquid to" prevent supplying respirator unless ventilation further contamination of soil, surface equipment is adequate to keep airborne water or groundwater. Clean up concentrations below the recommended spills using appropriate techniques such'~ exposure ~tandard. as sorbent materials or pumping~ Where Ventilation: Use adequate ventilation to feasible and appropriate, remove keep airborne concentrations of this contaminated soil. Follow prescribed material below the recommended exposure procedures for reporting and responding to larger releases· standard. .. Waste Disposal Methods: Place contaminated materials in .disposable containers and FIRE PROTECTION dispose of in a manner .consistent with Liquid evaporates and forms vapors (fumes) applicable regUlations. Contact' local which can catch fire and burn with environmental or health authorities, for · explosive violence. ' Invisible vapor, approved disposal of this material. ~spreads easily and can be set on fire by many sources such as pilot lights, welding REACTIVITY DATA equipment, and electrical motors and switches. Fire hazard is greater as liquid Stability (Thermal, Light, etcl): Stable. temperature rises a~ve 85°F. incompatibility.(Materials tO.AVOid): May 'Flash Point: (TCC)105°F(41°C) Min. react with strong oxidizing materials.' ' AutoignitiOn Temp.: 500°F (260°C) Hazardous Deco=~osition' Products: Normal Fl~mm~hilit¥ Limits: 1.0-6.0% combustion forms carbon dioxide an~ water Ezti~g%lishing Media: C02. Dry Chemical, vapor; incomplete combustion can produce Foam,. Water Fog. carbon monoxide. Special Fire Fightir. g Procedures: For .Hazardous Polymerization: will not occur'. fires involving this material, do not · enter any enclosed or confined fire spaces PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ' '." Without proper protective equipment~ This '~- f~-~9~ .~_ ~f-c.~t~J D~d ~-~m~r~-~' ~ee. Pa~e 3. .. See'Page 3. The above in~orma~mn is based on data of which we.are aware and is believed ~o be Corre¢~ eS o~ ~he d~e hereof2 Since ~he inform~ion ¢onmined~ herein may be ~phe~ unoer conditions be¥on~ our con~ro~ am~ wi~n which we ~a¥ be unfa~iher and since ~a~ ~de ~ailabl& f~t,lalled Ul)O~t 'tl!a-CO~dJll6ll Itla! the pe~bo~ ~eca~vmg Il ~hall make his own determination of the suitability of the materiel for his particula~ purpose. .No..47' 2 ateria D.,,.SafetyHazar.cbmmunicationDataSheet Chevr°n Prepared According to OSHA Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). ~ (Formerly Called MATERIAL INFORMATI0~ BULLETIN) CEL"FRON Thinner 325 CPS 218223 DANGER! HARMi~ OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED · COMBUSTIBLE KEEP OUT OF PEACH OF CHILDREN TYPICAL COMPOSITION Light petroleum distillate (CAS 64742-47-8) Containing: Paraffins and naphthenas '98% Aromatics: Cg-Cll alkylbenzenes (CAS 68515-25-3). 2% Benzene (CAS 71-43-2) <.1% F..XPOSU'Rg STANDARD No Federal OSHA exposure standard or ACGIH TLV has been established 'for this .? material. Based on information reviewed to date, we recommend an exposure standard · '. of 100 ppm fo~ a daily 8-hour exposure. ., PHYSIOLOGICAL & HEALTH EFFECTS . EMERGENCY &:FIRST AID PROCEDURES ". Eyes Expected to cause no .more than minor eye Flush eyes immediately with fresh water· .irritation. Application of a similar for at least 15 minutes while holding 'the .~ material, into the eyes of rabbits produced eyelids open. If irritation persists, see slight membrane irritation without corneal a doctor. injury. Skin Not a primary skin irritant but may cause Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. skin irritation on prolonged or frequently See a doctor if irritation.occurs. Launder repeated contact. APplication of a.similar contaminated clothing. ~terial onto the.skin of rabbits produced moderate erythema and ederaa. The Draize score was 3.7. See Additional.Health Data. Inhalation ExpeCted to have slight acute toxicitY by If there are signs or symptoms,, as inhalation. The inhalation LCs0 (rat) of a described in this MSD$, due to breathing' Similar product for 'a one-hour exposure this material, move person to fresh air. was greater than 13.3 mg/liter. Breathing If breathing has'Stopped, apply artificial the vapors at concentrations above the respiration.' Call a doctor inmmediately~ recommended exposure standard can cause " central nervous system effects. See .. Additional Health Data. ~ngestion ' Not expected .to be'acutely, toxic by If swallowed, give water or milk. tO' drink ingestion.' The acute oral .LDs0~(rat) for a and telephone for medical advice.' DO NOT similar product was greater than 15.3 make person vomit unless directed to do so g/kg. Note to Physicia/l~ Ingestion of this by medical personnel. If medical advice product or subsequent vomiting can result cannot be obtained, then take the person in aspiration Of light hydrocarbon liquid and product container to the nearest · which can cause pneumonitis. ' medical emergency treatment center or hospital. Chevron EnvironmentaJ Health Center, Inc.. P.O. Box 4054, Richmond, CA 94804-:0054 X-IR£O21 -Emergency Phone Number (415) 233-3737 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION DATE REQUESTED '~ / o2~ /~..5 COMPLETED --'/-- / REQUESTER'S MAIUNG ADDRESS INFORMATION REQUESTED OF' WHAT INFORBATION ARE YOU SEEKING (BE SPECIFIC) ? ~ Incident Histo~ anagement Plan Informmion.  I nvento~ of H~ardous Bmerials ~ Informmion on 'UST ~ Other (Spe~) I u~derstand that this infoimation is based upon information submi~ed by businesses to the Fire Depa~men~ and the accuracy o~lhi8 information cannot be guaranteed. The receipt, storage and distribution of this informmion in. no way implies FireDepa~ment approval or endorsement The charge for copies is $2.00 for the first page and $.10 for each add~ional page per documem. FD,1591