HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1PHONE NC TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL ,LLED TO SEE yOu ~VILL CALL AGAIN ' NTS T° SEE .YOU *- NED YOUR CALL MESSAGE - ASSOCIATED L1-A2334 , .'~,' _ .. TIME CHARGED pROmCT DESCRIpTIoN: ~ST- PROJECT NUMBER: FT,.~ DATE: NAME: CHGD: coMMENTS: PROJECT. COMPLETION: DATE: -' CITY of BAKERSFIELD .- Fir~ D~p~m~nt -. 1715 Gh~st~r Aw., St~. ~800 M..R. Kelly Bakemfield, CA 93301 Aming Fire Chief . March 2, 1994 (805) 326~979 REVISED .Mr. Ga~ Grumbles ~Coleman Homes 5251 Office Park Drive, Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA 93309' RE: CLOSURE Of UNDERGROUND. HAZARDOUS STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE. Dear Mr. Grumbles, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the site assessment associated, with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment and mitigation at this site, and requires no further' action at this time. ' This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present or future operations. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at' · (805) 326-3979. · . Sincerely, E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program REH/dlm Cc: Howard Wines, Underground Tanks & Risk Management Cynthia Wagner, Krazan & AssOciates CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT· 2101 H STREET S, D,JOHNSON --I-eDruary--zz, 1 994 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Mr. Gary Grumbles Coleman Homes 5251 Office Park Drive, Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE Dear Mr. Grumbles, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the site assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment and mitigation at this site, and requires no further action'at this time. This letter does not relieve you of 'any liability for past, present or future operations.. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please-dontact me at (805) 326-39.7.9. Sincerely, ( Ralph E. Huey - Hazardous Materials COordinator Underground Tank Program REH/dlm cc: Howard Wines, Underground TankS & Risk Management Cynthia Wagoner, Krazen '& Associates ENGINEERS, 'GEOLOGISTS .AND ENV RONMENTAL SPECIALI'STS 215 West Dak0'ta Avenue ..Clovis, California ~93612 · (209) 348-2200 · FAX (209) 348-2201 January 31, 1994 -~ .Project- NO. E92-073 Mr. Ralph Huey -BakerSfield Fire Department ~- ' ... ~ :. 2101 "H" Street il Bakei'sfield,. California 93301 -.J~C~iVED 'RE: -Remedial Action Report. . .. *~F~8 0,,~ t9o4 Haddad Dodge 4001 California Avenue · Bakersfield, 'California -. ' ' Dear Mr. Huey: In accbrdance .with your authorization, we have completed the Remedial Action at the above- referenced project site. The results of our investigation may be foUnd in the attached report. If there' are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (209) 348-2200 or (800) 800-0711. ~ ~.~. Resj~ectfully submitted, '?:': KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC.  Cynthia C. Wagner Registered Environmental Assessor Dean Alexander . Geotechnical Engineer RGE//00205i/RCE//34274 Ccw/DA/It Printed on Recycled Paper I REMEDIAL ACTION HADDAD DODGE 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE i BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i I Project No. E92-073 January 31, 1994 I Prepared for: Mr. Gary Grumbles I Coleman Homes 5251 Office Park Drive, Suite 200 Bakersfield, California 93309 I (805) 326-1141 Prepared by: Krazan and Inc. Associates, 215 West Dakota Avenue Clovis, CA 93612 (209) 348-2200 I · ~ & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING AND INSPECTION 1 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Project No. E92-073 Page I INTRODUCTION 1 SITE LOCATION 1 I BACKGROUND 2 PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION .................................... 4 I SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION ...................................... 4 i METHODOLOGY 4 FINDINGS 7 I CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................. 9 i LIMITATIONS 9 I Drawings Drawing No. I Vicinity Map .................................. (following page 1) i Drawing No. 2 Tank Removal Sampling ........................... (following page 2) Drawing No. 3 Boring Location Map ............................. (following page 2) Drawing No. 4 Excavation and Confirmation Soil Sample Map ............. (following page 7) I A0pendices I Bakersfield Fire Department Approval Letter A Certified Analytical Reports ............................................ B Gibson Environmental Manifest Compilation Letter .............................. C I Compaction Report , D i 1 ~'~i~E~'[~-~E~?~'~I~S ~N~) EIxI'~/I['O~,It~E-~T~L SPECIALISTS West Dakota Avenue · Clovis. California 9161~. · (Z0c)) ~,48-7200 · FAX (Z0g) 348-ZZ01 I January 31, 1994 Project No. E92-073 ! REMEDIAL ACTION HADDAD DODGE I 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I I INTRODUCTION I This report details the methods employed to remediate petroleum affected soil associated with a former gasoline dispenser and a waste oil storage tank. The gasoline dispenser and waste oil tank were removed in January, 1993, and were found to have released petroleum constituents into the surrounding soil. Mr. Gary Grumbles of Coleman Homes contacted Krazan & Associates, Inc., to conduct the I remedial action under the authority of the Bakersfield Fire Department. I SITE LOCATION I Tho site is irregular in shape and encompasses approximately 5.4 acres. It is located on the I southeast corner of California Avenue and Chester Lane at 4001 California Avenue in Bakersfield, California. The subject site is identified by Kern County Tax Assessor Parcel_Number 20-012-33. Please see the Vicinity Map, Figure I. · -~ According to the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute Gosford, California topographic quadrangle map, photorevised 1986 and 1973, the property occupies a portion of the northeast % of Section 35, I township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. ! Pflnted on Recyded Paper ,-:-'-: ' , I'~. - ~';/ ~-/ /..':Y' F:i::i ::: /~'/ ~.. ' ~ ---- ~. ,:+ -'.--~-'~-';.oo~--~~':""' \~r~i' ii 'd " I ',"'., ....__~.~;~,~3~--.-.%:~.~:,..~..;:.,, ~.4 ,.., ~,.,-..~,.~_, ;,,.A.~':~:. 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' ' ', 5f/Z~ ~~1~---:1 ~. t .:~' , , :'~,"~ '~:"'L~ , ~p~ ~,.w.,,:~t ,,p,o,,.,,:~H.~ ~ K~ZAN & ASSOCIATES I Project No. Drawing No. Merced ~reano Visalia Bakersfield ~_.~d d ~ t,J~,~- · · ~Et~.,p ~. K~ZAN & ASSOCIATES Drawing No. M~r~eO Fresno Visalia Bakersfield I Project No. E92-073 Page No. 2 I BACKGROUND underground storage tanks were removed from the site in January 1993. The results of Three the chemical analyses show that petroleum constituents were present in 5 of the 11 soils samples obtained from the project site. Both of the obtained from samples beneath the dispenser of the gasoline storage tank (T1) were found to contain high concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and moderate concentrations of xylenes. The deeper of the two samples also had a slight ethylbenzene concentration. The sample obtained from six feet beneath the center of the solvent storage tank (T2) and the sample obtained from beneath its dispenser contained low to moderate concentrations of oil and grease. The sample taken from six feet beneath the used oil storage tank (T3) contained moderately high concentrations of oil and grease. The soil samples that were found to contain petroleum constituents were obtained from depths that ranged from 2 to 16 feet below grade. Please refer to Drawing No. 2 -'Tank Removal Sampling. In addition, Dames & Moore collected soil samples from four borings drilled in the areas of the underground storage tank excavations during a Limited Phase II Investigation conducted in May and June 1993. Although the borings were advanced from 30 to 50 feet below grade, only samples from depths of 5 to 10 feet were analyzed. The Dames & Moore boring logs and field observations indicate that field evidence of contamination was only present in the upper 20 feet. On December 14, and 15, 1993, Krazan & Associates conducted the field work for a Site Characterization Investigation involving the removed waste oil tank and gasoline dispenser. The investigation included the advancement of seven soil borings. Soil samples were obtained from these borings at five foot intervals. Selected soil samples obtained from the borings advanced in the vicinity of the removed waste oil tank were analyzed for oil and grease. Selected soil samples obtained from the borings advanced in the former gasoline dispenser location were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and total petroleum hydrocarbons as referenced to gasoline. For the boring locations, please refer to Drawing No. 3 - Soil Boring Locations. The results of the chemical analyses are presented in Table I as follows: 'i I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. i Offices Serving the Western United States ~I I I I ! I ~~, , ~.~,a~ l~-~_ ~~, ~,~  Proj~t No. Figure No. ~'~O' ~ ~O~ S AC''~ENTO'' STOCKTON ' ~ESNO · ~l~. I ill ~-' , , Scale: . . Date: ~'~ ~'~~ ~azan Drawn Dy~ ]~:~ App~e~y:. ' ENGiNEE~S, OEOL~I~TS AND ENVt~ONM~NTA[~[ Project No. Figure No. Project No. E92-073 Page No. 3 I . TABLE I Concentration of Petroleum Constituents in Soil i Haddad Dodge 4001 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. I December 14 & 1993 15, Sampling (Concentrations are expressed in parts per million.) I Sample ID Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH-G Oil & Grease DL 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1 5 i B1 @ 10 ft. ND ND ND 0.014 8.8 --- BI @ 15 ft. 0.006 0.026 ND 0.014 4.0 --- B1 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND --- I B2 @ 10 ft. - ........... 93 B2 @ 15 ft. - ............ 73 I B2 @ 20 ft. - .............. 25 B3 @ 5 ft. ND ND ND ND ND --- I B3 @ 15 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 33 B3 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 41 B3 @ 25 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 43 I B4 @ 5 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 140 B4 @ 15 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 39 I B4 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 49 B4 @ 25 ft. ~ ...... 26 I B5 @ 5 ft. ND ND ND ND ND -- B5 @ 15 ft. ND ND ND ND' ND -- B5 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND -- I B6 @ 5 ff. -- .... 830 B6 @ 10 ft. ~ .... 32 I B6 @ 15 ft. -- .... 73 B6 @ 20 ft. ~ ~ .... 20 B6 @ 25 ft. ~ -- ~ ~ :-- 15 I B7 @ 5 ft. ND ND ND ND ND -- B7 @ 10 ft. ND ND ND ND ND -- I B7 @ 15 ft. ND ND ND ND ND ND = None detected at the detection limit noted I -- = Not for analyzed this constituent TPH-G = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline DL = Detection Limit I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I Offices Serving the Western United States Project No. E92-073 Page No. 4 The Site CharaCterization Investigation Report concluded that petroleum constituents were present in the former location of the waste oil tank to a depth of approximately 20 feet and in a radial area extending 8 to 15 feet from boring B-2. Additionally, the report concluded that petroleum constituents were present in the former location of the gasoline dispenser' to a depth of approximately 15 feet and in a radial area extending approximately 5 feet from boring B-1. PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION The purpose of the Remedial Action was to excavate and recycle the petroleum affected soil in the vicinity of the former underground waste oil storage tank and gasoline dispenser as defined in the Site Characterization Investigation report dated December 23, 1993. SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION The scope of the Remedial Action included the excavation of soil in the vicinity of the former underground waste oil storage tank and former gasoline dispenser. Soil samples were collected from the sides and bottom of the excavation and submitted for chemical analysis as confirmatory samples. The excavated soil was transported to Gibson Environmental of Bakersfield, California for recycling. METHODOLOGY In order to accomplish the goals established in the purpose and scope sections of the Remedial Action Plan, the following methods were employed. , 1. The necessary Bakersfield Fire Department permit was obtained prior to the commencement of excavation activities. Verbal authorization to excavate the soil was obtained on December 29, 1993. A confirmation letter was issued January 12, 1994. A copy of the letter is included in Appendix A of this report. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Offices Serving the Western United States I Project No. E92-073 Page No. 5 ' I 2. The excavation was performed by Kroeker Environmental of Fresno, California. ! 3. The excavation was centered on Borings B-l, B-2, and B-4 that were I advanced during the Site Characterization Investigation. The excavation was approximately 20 feet wide and 25 feet long and had a depth of I approximately 15 feet. Excavation was accomplished with a truck- mounted excavator. Approximately 280 cubic yards of soil were I excavated. I 4. Excavated petroleum affected soil was loaded into trucks and transported to Gibson Environmental of Bakersfield, California. Please refer to the I Manifest Compilation letter issued by Gibson Environmental on December 30, 1993, in Appendix C. I 5. Eight confirmatory samples were obtained from the bottom and side i walls of the excavation for submission for chemical analysis. The results of the analysis were used to determine the adequacy of excavation. I 6. Sampling was conducted in an attempt to follow the guidelines I e~tablished by the Bakersfield Fire Department. 7. Soil samples were obtained by means of pushing stainless steel sleeves I into the soil collected from the sampling point with the excavator bucket I (ASTM D-1587-86, "Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils"). 8. Upon obtaining the soil samples, each sleeve was covered on each end I with Teflon® film and tight-fitting plastic caps. The ends of each tube were then secured with inert tape and chain-of-custody seals. Each I sample was labeled with the project number, time, depth, and then location at which the sample was obtained. Following sample labeling, I sample was placed in a cooler chest with synthetic ice to limit each soil the volatilization of any hydrocarbons present. I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. i Offices Serving the Western United States I Project No. E92-073 'Page No. 6 I 9. The samples were maintained and transported under chain-of-custody protocol. The soil samples were submitted to a State of California I Department of Health Services approved laboratory for chemical analysis. I 10. The samples were analyzed for the presence and concentration of I benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA Method 8020 and 8015M and I oil and grease by EPA Method 418.1 to confirm the hydrocarbon levels at the limits of the excavation. I 11. The excess soil returns and rinsate which were stored on-site following I the Site Characterization Investigation were included with the soil removed from the excavation to be recycled. I 12. The excavation was backfilled with clean material immediately upon i completion. I 13. The backfflled soil below .a depth of two feet was compacted to 90% of its relative dry density (ASTM 1557-86). The backfilled soil from grade to a depth of two feet was compacted to 95% of its relative dry density. I The compaction testing services outlined above were provided by Krazan i & Associates, Inc. Please refer to Appendix D. 14. All of Krazan & Associates, Inc. environmental field work (not including I compaction testing of clean fill) were conducted by personnel who met the Occupational Safety & Health Administration requirements for I hazardous waste work including 40-hour health and safety training and medical monitoring. Furthermore, Krazan & Associates, Inc. work was I conducted under standards set forth by industry and deemed acceptable by various regulatory agencies. Hard hats, protective eyewear, and I boots, were worn by field personnel during the field activities. steel-toe I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I Offices Serving the Western United States Project No. E92-073 Page No. 7 FINDINGS Approximately 280 cubic yards (370 tons) of soil were excavated from the vicinity of the former underground waste oil storage tank and gasoline dispenser locations. Once the excavation was finished, soil samples were obtained from the side walls and bottom to confirm that the petroleum affected soil had been removed. Additionally, one composite sample was obtained from the clean fill material that was stockpiled prior to the excavation. The soil samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and total petroleum hydrocarbons as referenced to gasoline by' EPA 8020/8015M, and oil and grease by EPA 418.1. The results of the analysis are presented in Table II as follows. Please refer to the Certified Analytical Reports and Chain-of-Custody Record in Appendix B. Please refer to Drawing No. 4 - Excavation and Confirmation Soil Sampling Map. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Offices Serving the Western United States Scale: , .. Date: ~I~~~ Project No. Figure NO. ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS AND I Project No. E92-073 Page No. 8 I TABLE II I Petroleum Constituents in Soil Remedial Action Confirmation Sampling Haddad Dodge I 4001 California Avenue Bakersfield, California December 29, 1993, sampling I (concentrations are expressed in parts per million) Sample Sample Depth B T E X TPH-G O&G I No. Location SI north side 7 ft. ND ND ND ND ND I S2 west side, 5 ft. ND ND ND ND ND north end I S3 east side, 6 ft. ND ND ND ND ND · north end S4 bottom, 15 ft. · ~" · ' · ~ · - · ~ ND I south end S5 bottom, 15 ft. ND ND ND ND ND · ~., I north end S6 west side 7 ft. · 4. · ~' · -~- · --~ · -~ ND I soUth end S7 south side 8 ft. · 2: · ~. · ..~_. · ~. · ~ ND I S8 east side 8 ft. · .~- · ND south end I S9 fill NA ND ND ND ND ND ND composite Detection NA' 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1 1 I Limit , · -'- = - Sample not analyzed for this constituent. I at the detection limit noted. None detected TPH-G = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as referenced to gasoline. O&G = Oil and grease by EPA 418.1. I NA = Not applicable. BTEX = Benzene, Toluene, Ethyibenzene, and Total Xylenes. ! Soil samples SI, S2, S3, and S5 were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and total petroleum hydrocarbons as referenced to gasoline because of their proximity to the location I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. i Offices Serving the Western United States Project No. E92-073 Page No. 9 of the removed gasoline dispenser. Samples S4, S6, S7, and S8 were analyzed for oil and grease because of their proximity to the location of the removed waste oil tank. None of the petroleum constituents for which any of the samples were analyzed were detected. I CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS I Based on the data presented in this report, the following conclusions have been derived: I 1). Approximately 280 cubic yards (370 tons) of soil were excavated from the vicinity of the former underground gasoline storage tank I location. 2). The petroleum affected soil was transported to Gibson I Environmental to be recycled. 3). No petroleum constituents were detected in any of the excavation I confu'mation soil samples. Based on the above conclusions, Krazan recommends that the remediation of petroleum I affected soil associated with the former underground waste oil storage tank and gasoline dispenser be considered complete. Additionally, Krazan recommends that no further action be required I concerning the former underground waste oil storage tank and gasoline dispenser at this location. ! LIMITATIONS I The findings of this report were based upon the results of our field and laboratory I investigation, coupled with the interpretation of subsurface conditions associated with the excavation. Also incorporated was the interpretation of previous investigations in the vicinity. Therefore, the I data are accurate only to the degree implied by review of the data and by professional interpretation. Chemical testing was done by laboratories approved by the State of California Department I of Health Services. The results of the chemical tests are accurate only to the degree of care used to ensure the testing accuracy, and the representative nature of the soil samples obtained. I The findings presented in this report were based on field observations, review of chemical analysis, review of available data, and discussions with local regulatory and advisory agencies. I ICRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I Offices Serving the Western United States I Project No. E92-073 · Page No. 10 I Therefore, the data obtained are clear and accurate only to the degree implied by the sources and methods used. The information presented herewith was based on professional imerpretation using I presently accepted methods with a degree of conservatism deemed proper as of the report date. It is not warranted that such data cannot be superseded by future geotechnical or technical I developments. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to I contact our Environmental Division Office at (209) 348-2200 or (800) 800-0711. Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Cynthia C. Wagner Registered Environmental Assessor D~ Alex~der G~t~hnic~ Engin~r RGE ~2051/RCE g34274 i 2c herewith I I I I I I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Offices Serving the Western United States 1 · CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET I S.D. JOHNSON January 12, 1994 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF '" -"'- - 326-3911 ! I Cynthia Wagner · Krazan & ^ssociates, Inc. 215 W. Dakota I Clovis, CA 93612 Dear Ms. Wagner: I This is to that the for the above stated address is notify You workplan satisfactory. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct over sight by ithis office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (605) 326-3979. I Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program REH/ed ! SEQUOIA REDWOOD CITY 415 ~84 923S 01-1S-94lO:49AH [51 ] I SEQUOIA.ANALYTICAL ~Kn~.an & ~~ ~ie~ Proj~ ID: E~73 ~m~: ~215 W~ ~ Av~ ~e ~: S~ R~: ~ 4, 1~ ~Q~, ~ ~t2 ~ M~h~: EPA ~/~15/~ R~: ' ~n 12, 1~{ TOT~ PURG~BLE P~ROLEUM ~DR~ARBONS ~ B~ DIS~NCTION ~ ~ing ~mHe Sample ~mple Sample ~mp~ ~ UmB I,D, I.D. I.D. I.D. LD. Pu~e  H~r~m 1.0 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. B~ 0.~ N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. ~ T~ne 0.~ N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. ~ ~ B~e 0.~ N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.  T~ X~ 0.~ N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Ch~t~ PaE~: .......... I Quar~ Control Data Refx)rt Umr~ Multiplication Fa;tot. 1.0 1.0 1.0 !.0 1.0 I Date AnaJyzed: 1/6/94 1/6/94, 1/6/94 1/6/94 1/6/94 Instrument Identificati(xt: GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCI'~P-6 GCHP-7 GCHP-7 I Surrogate Recovery, %: g3 g3 90 74 76 (QC Um~s = 7O43O%) I Pu~gs~l=~e Hy~lroc, a~oons ~re quan~i~,d against ~ fresh g~oline stancl~r¢l. ~11~ relx~t~=l ~u~ N.D. w~re not delecl~:l aJ~ove ~le ~t~t~d reporiing limit. Projec~ Manager I SEQUOIA REDWOOD CITY 415 3~4 9233 01-13-94 10:C'~AH [51 ] K3 SEQUOIA .ANALYTICAL 680 Che~p~ke Dri~ Re~d Ci~, CA 9~63 (415) 364-~ - F~ (41~ 3~-9233 ~.q & ~~ ~ Pr~ ID: E~73 ~m~: ~ ~ ~215W~~Av~ ~D~: ~ R~: ~ 4, 1~ ~e~: R~ H~ Fi~ ~pie ~: ~1~ ~: ~ 7, 1~ TOTAL RECO~B~ PETRO~UM HYDROCARBONS ~ ~le P~oleum Oil N~ D~~ mg/~ ~ ~ N.D. ~91~ ~ N.D. ~107 ~ N.D. ~1~ ~ N.D. 4~1~ R= N.D. I AnaJytse raflmled as N.D. were not preaent abov~ the stated lim~ ~ I ~F~h~ P~ M~r ~101.K~ <2> I SEQUOIA REDWOOD CITY 415 34 g233 01-13-94 10:~_~AH [51 ] ~4 I SEQUOIA.ANALYTICAL QUAUTY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE I~. T~..,,ne Eth~ X~* MS/MSD BMch~: ~12 G~ ;~12 ~12 ~12 Date ~: ;/6/~ ;/6~ 1/6~ ~/a~ In~me~ I.D.S: ~; GCHP-; ~H~7 Cone. Sp~: ~ ~o ' O~ m~ ~ ~ O.~ Ma~ Spike Date ~i~: In~me~ I~: Co~l UmW: ~1~ 47-1~ 47-~ FroJ~ M~r SEQUO]~ REDNOOD CITY 415 ~4 923~ 01-~-94 IO:5IRH [51 ] ~5 680 Che~ake Drive R~ CiW, CA ~63 {415) 364-96Q0 * F~ (415) 364-92~ ~le~ ProJ~ ID: E~73 ~215 W~ ~ Argue M~N: - . ~uld I QUAUTY CONTROL DATA REPORT Me~lOd: EPA41~.l i MS/MSD I Date PI~iplIEEd: 117~i4 Date Analyzed: I/7/94 Instrument I.D.#: Corm. Spiked: I M~MlSplk~ I Dale Prepared: Date Anal~ed: Ins~'umem I.D.#; I L~$ % Project Manager '; razan Chain of Cust Record DATE OF KRAZAL',I & 8,~O.CJ^.'[E~S, Ij"'¢, _O~, PARAMETERS ~15 WE~T DKKOT^^VENUE ~ CLOWS, CA 936~ 2 ~ ~ ~~ (209) 348-2200 FAX: (209) 348-2201 ¢ ~ =- 2 o~ ~ OBSERVATIE)NSI ~ O O Prin~ ~ ~ Ti~ Prln~ad ~m~ II~E Pr/n~ Nama TIM~ , SPECIAL SH~PME NT/HAN~ING R~LtN~I~ED BY DATE RES~IVE'O' ~Y DATE RELInQUiSHED BY DATE RECEIVED BY Signalum S~nalum ~9n~ture Si~lue ~nmd ~me TI~ P~inte¢ Name T~ Prin~ Name 4 TII~ Prln:ed N~e TIME RESULTS DUE:~ ~mpaw ~any C~pa~' C~paw ~ ~RB~ ~WRI~EN Gibson Environmental December 30, 1993 COLEMAN 4001 CALIFORNIA AVE HADDAD D 5251 OFFICE PARK DR. #200 BAKERSFIELD,CA 93389 EPA$ CA* (021144) This letter is to inform you that Gibson Environmental has accepted your material for recycling. Gibson certifies that the material received on the manifests indicated below has been properly treated and recycled. Date Manifest Movement Quantity UOM 12/29/93 NHZ 00091266 25 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091267 23 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091268 21 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091270 19 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091271 24 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091272 18 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091273 13 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091274 17 TON 12/29/93 NMZ 00091275 21 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091276 15 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091277 16~ TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091283 22 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091284 27 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091285 23 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091286 21 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091287 25 TON ~2/29/93 NHZ 00091293 19 TON 12/29/93 NHZ 00091307 21 TON If this information does not agree with yo~= records, please notify us within ten days so we can resolve any discrepancies. ... know your wastestream. Gibson Bakersfield i~ n-~ Generators, ~_r?~t~9 to a~ce~ the_following wastes that a~e varyin~ .... x u~mm~na:~ons oz o~, wa=er an~ solids under California Waste Codes 221, 222, 223, 241. In addition, Gibson at Bakersfield may accept oo .s . ~w~°_r~tign 9~.~? approved codes for Gibson,s Wilmington and ou u~=y zacl~l:~es, p~ease call (800) 582-3935. ! A Subsidi~u'y of V.L.S.. Inc. 3300 Truxtun Avenue. Suite200 · Bakersfield. CA 93301 · 805/327-0413 · 800/582.3935 · Fax 805/861-0229 ~]~'Recycled Paper Gibson Environmental COLEMAN 12/30/93 pg ~ Certificate of Recycling and Load Acceptance, cont. This notice is irequired by the Department of Toxic Substance Control. Gibson .Environmental Customer Service 3300 Truxtun Avenue Suite 200 Bakersf~ield, CA 93301 (805) 3~27-0413 A Subsidiary of V.L.S.. Inc. 3300 Truxtun Avenue, Suite,200 · Bakersfield. CA 93301 · 805/327-0413 · 800/582-3935 · Fax 805/861-0229 O-Recycled Paper ~AN-31-1994 16:24 FROM KRAZAN .~ ASE~93IATES, INC. TO FRESNO P.O1 ENGIN~'ERS. GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SPECI.A,.LISTS ! ~ Ea_.q: i'~ Road' js..,.ker,~fle~, C.,,MilL~. 9:~,0(3 · ~805) ~9:~J90· FAX (805} I January 2'1. 1994, Proj. No. E92-073 Attm G~-'y G~'m~bles 5251 Office Park; Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Compact/On Tesling - Tank Excavation Haddad Dodge 4001 Califom/a Aver~ue Bakersfield, CA I Oentlc..-'m¢II? In accordance with yom' authorimtion, we have pecformed compaction tegt/ng at the above- I referenced project site. Tests were performed by Steve Klein and Den_trig Combs, our Engineering Technicians. m The results of the tank excavation backfill axea,~ were 90% or above the max/mum dens/ty. This testing does not pxeclude the possib/1/ty that the soil or fill may be loosened by future construction activities. I Results are based on limited sampl/n8 of the tank excavation backxedl areas. The maximum depth of fill tested was eight feet. Neither com/nuous or part-time grad/ng observation was i performed for this project. Our firm does not guarantee earthwork construction, nor does our work relieve the contractor of his respons/b/lity to conform with the approved project plans and specific, at/ms. I The following rabies present the results of the dens/ty test.s taken at the project site. The depths cited areI measured from rough grade. I (b-'W) Fine to Medium Sand A 10%5 10.5 .]-Fti, I-31-1994 16:~_."4 FRDPI t(R~ZI::IN :L H~._:i_"CIFITES, Il.lC TEl FIRE5FI3 P 02 I P~. Fro. ~2-073 I Yag~ No- 2 I IL ~ D~ 'I'z~s (testa plotted on attached map) .............. ..................... : ............... .:'C:;: :':!;:::: .......... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........... ~:..,~:~C:d::~.:;:: ~:.'::::.72,t.~' :'!:':':'~'~"~ .'... : ;;~L";' ":' ::" ,,.~i~.:;i.:::~. ':~ ~ ~':~:~ I ~:2~:.:7~!:!~2:~!!~!`~.!:~:~.~.::.:~;:::;~`.~t..`~:~.~;~;::2~:.~:*~:`/.i;~. 'i:i~',~E~:.'...?j:!:~i'' ',~"'~..'~::~..;~2,'~:.:~!:::~?,~ ~: ............ ,~.::~:'~;~i i Dcccmbez 2~, 1 A Z0-8.0' 103.8 9.7 97.0 'l ~ A 7.0-8.0' 101.6 8.4 95.0 90~ Dcccmbex :30, .199~ I 3 A 4.0-5.0' 102,~ 6.5 95.0 90o/o 4 ~ 4.0-5.0' :104.4 8,? ~'/.0 90~ 5 /k 4.0-5.0' 99.8 12.0 93.0 90% I 6 A 2.0-3.0' 100.3 6.6 93.0 90% 7 A ~.0-3.0' 100.3 13.9 93.0 9096 8 A 2.0-3.0' 101.3 7.7 94.0 90o~ I 9 A 0.0-1.0' ~05.2 8.4 98.0 90% 10 A 0.O-1.0' 104.2 5.8 97.0 900~ 11 A 0.0-1.0' 106.6 5.1 99.0 90% ! I I 1 I I 1 i ~, & Associates, Inc. Sacramento · Stockton · Fresno, Clovis · Bake~'ield I 1 JRH-51-1994 16: 25: FROH I<RRZF]N .v. ASSDCI RTES, ! HC. TO FRESNO P. 0~ Pt~. No. E92-073 If you ~ve any questio~ or if we ~ be of ~er ~i~mn~, plebe do not h~imm to c~mct ~r o~ca. Re,pec~y subbed. RGE No. Re~l M~ger DA:BK~0':ma Herewith (invoice) Sacramento · Stockton · Fre~n~C[ovis · Bakersfield CITY of BAKERSFIELD '"~~ i ' 2101 H STREET FIRE DEPARTMENT ' January 12, 1 994 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 S. D. JOHNSON .i 326-3911 FIRE CHtEF . · Cynthia Wagner Krazan & Associates Inc. 215 W. Dakota Clovis, CA 93612 Dear Ms. Wagner: This is tO n°tify you that. the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please be advised that any Work done that is not performed under direct over sight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. , If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely yours, Hazardous Material~ Coordinator Underground Tanki Program REH/ed SITE CHARACTERIZATION INVESTIGATION AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN HADDAD DODGE 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I Project No. E92-073 ' Janury 7, 1994 I I Prepared for: Mr. Gary Grumbles Coleman Homes 5251 Office Park Drive, Suite 200 Bakersfield California 93309 i. (805) 326-1141 Prepared by: Krazan and Associates, Inc. 215 West Dakota Avenue Clovis, CA 93612 (209) 348-2200 krazan & associates, inc. engineers, geologists, environmental specialists TABLE OF CONTENTS Project No. E92-073 i I Page No. INTRODUCTION ................................................. 1 SITE LOCATION ................................................. ! BACKGROUND .. ! .............. - .................................. 2 PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION .................................... 3 SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION ...................................... 3 METHODOLOGY ~ 3 FINDINGS OF THIS iINVESTIGATION ................................... 6 SOIL PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDmONS ........................... 7 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS .......................................... 9 CONCLUSIONS .. i ................................................ 10 iNTRoDucTION., ................................................ 13 , Vicinity Map ..... i .................................... (following page No. 1) Tank Sample Location Map ................................ (following page No. 2) (following page No. 2) Site Map ............................................ Soil Sample Location Map ................................ (following page No. 3) Proposed Excavation'Map ................................ (following page No. 121) Apoendlces A Permits ........ i ................................................. Logs of Soil Borings i ................................................. B Certified Analytical Report and Chain of Custody Records ......................... C I ENG NEER'~S;. GEOLO-GIST.~ 'A-ND ENVIRONMENTAL SPECI'ALISTS - 215 West Dakdta Avenue · Clovis,"California 93612. · 7209) 348-2200 · FAX (209) 348-2201 January 7, 1994 Project No. E92-073 SITE'CHARACTERIZATION INVESTIGATION AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN. - HADDAD DODGE 4OOl CALn~0RN~ AVEmJE · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA " INTRODUCTIOI~ i ~ . The following '.report presents the results of a Site Characterization Investigation at the I-Iaddad Dodge facility located ? 4001 CalifOrnia.Avenue in Bakersfield, California. ThewOrk was performed by Krazan & Assocmt.~, Inc'., based upon the requ~t of Mr. Gary Grumbles of Coleman Homes and .following the authoriz~ition of Mr. Ralph Huey of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. SITE LOCATION The site is irt gular in shape and encompasses approximately 5.4 acres.' It is located on the' southeast. comer of C~lifomia Avenue and Chester Lane at 5001 California Avenue in Bakersfield, California. The subject, site is identified by Kern County Tax Assessor ParCel Number 20-012-23. Please "see the Vicinity MaP, Figure 1. According to the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute Gosford, California topographic quadrangle map, photorevised 196.8 and !973,' the property occupies a portion of the northeast ~ of Section 35, Township 29 South,'R~ge 27 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian.. The site is .oc6upied by the former Haddad Dodge Auto 'Dealership. The site is paved with asphaltic cOncrete. Th~ former underground storage tank excavation is located to the south of the minor · repair building. · - Printed on Recycled Paper ,, ~ ..... ~ · :,27 ~ FRuITV-A~E', OIL!FIEL=~'i ' ~-'" ." ~ . , '~.,.," ..~ :~.:::~ ~ ,.T~ ~ k~,~;~,, ' ,. , ".'~ ~-~' ~t;~::.o~'~ · · '~/! / ~- .. ~- ,' ~ . · ~. .~. '~1~F2-i~, ' ~',.~! II Scale: Date: ' Project 'No. Drawing No. Project No. E92-073 Page No. 2 BACKGROUND Three underground storage tanks, one gasoline, one waste oil, 'and one solvent were removed from the site in January 1993. The results of the chemical analyses show that petroleum constituents were present in 5 of the 11 soils samples that were obtained from the underground storage tank location. The samples obtained from beneath the dispenser of the gasoline storage tank (TI) were found to contain high concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and moderate concentrations of xylenes. The deeper of the two samples also had a slight ethylbenzene concentration. The sample obtained from six feet beneath the center of the solvent storage tank ('1'2) and the sample obtained from beneath its dispenser contained low to moderate concentrations of oil and grease. The sample taken from six feet beneath the waste oil storage tank (T3) contained a moderately high concentration of oil and grease. The soil samples that were found to contain petroleum constituents were obtained from depths that ranged from 2 to 16 feet below grade. In addition, Dames & Moore collected soil samples from four borings drilled in the area of the underground storage tank excavations during a Limited Phase II Investigation conducted in May and June 1993. Although the borings were advanced from 30 to 50 feet below grade, only samples from depths to 10 feet were analyzed. The Dames & Moore boring logs and field observations indicate that from 5 field evidence of contamination was only present in the upper 20 feet of the areas investigated. Based the results of the soil samples obtained at the time of the tank removal, the upon Bakersfield Fire Department requested that a Site Characterization Investigation be performed to evaluate the extent of petroleum constituents present beneath the site. A Work/Health and Safety Plan dated December 10, 1993, was prepared which presented a brief description and history of the project site as well as a proposed methOdology for a Site Characterization Investigation of the subject property. The Workplan was approved in a December 13, 1993, letter from the Bakersfield Fire Department and the subsurface investigation commenced December 14, 1993. The results of that investigation are detailed in the text of this report. GROUNDWA'FER INFORMATION Review of the Kern County .Water Agency map entitled "Depth to Groundwater in Wells, September, 1992" shows the depth to groundwater below the site to be approximately 180 feet below grade. The Kern County, Water agency map also indicates that the lateral componem of groundwater flow is generally toward the southeast in the subject site vicinity. Review of Kern County Water Agency maps KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. · I I -- I I ! ! 1 ~~ Proj~t No, - Figure No. E~INEE~5. ~EOL~IST5 ENVIEO~ENTAUA~ 5PEC~ST5 i I II II. / / II .. ~ ' !1 ~' ~'~_ II I I Proi~t NO. Drawing l~~, ~ ~ ~_ ~ I Project No. E92-073 Page No. 3 from pervious years indicate that groundwater flow direction has remained essentially unchanged for the ' I past several years. However, numerous factors influence the fluctuation of groundwater level and evaluation of such factors is beyond the scope of this report. ,! i PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION The purpose of the investigation was to: I 1) further evaluate the extent of soil contamination on-site. 2) further assess the potential threat to groundwater resources. I 3) further assess the remedial options available to cleanup the soil contamination beneath this site. ! I sCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION The scope of the investigation was limited to the advancement of 7 exploratory soil borings to a maximum depth of 25 feet in the vicinity of the former underground gasoline and waste oil storage Itanks. Soil samples were collected and submitted for chemical analysis to assess the presence and concentration of petroleum-related constituents. ! I METHODOLOGY In order to accomplish the goals established in the purpose and scope of the investigation sections of this report, the following methods were employed: I 1. All necessary approval was obtained from the City of Bakersfield Fire ' I Department prior to the commencement of the investigation at the project , site and the field investigation commenced on December 14, 1993. I 2. An additional literature survey of published geologic and groundwater data in the vicinity of the project site was conducted in an attempt to I fully characterize the conditions present. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ~ rTM ~_. I i_ I , I ~~. L,~,~ ._ , I I I , II I I Proj~t No. Figure No. I Project No. E92-073 Page No. 4 I 3. Seven exploratory soil borings were advanced in the vicinity of the I former underground gas and waste oil storage tanks by means of a truck- mounted drill rig utilizing hollow stem auger. Drilling fluids were not i used while advancing any of the borings. The borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 25 feet. Please see Figure 2 for the approximate i location of the soil borings. 4. Borings B-1 and B-2 were drilled at the former locations of the gasoline I dispenser and waste oil tank, respectively. These borings were used to assess the vertical extent of soil contamination associated with the former I gasoline dispenser and waste oil tank. I Borings B-3 and B4 were used as "combination" borings to assess the horiZOntal extent of contamination associated with both the former I gasoline dispenser and waste oil tank. Soil samples chemically analyzed from these two borings were tested for both gasoline and waste oil I constituents. I Borings B-5 and B-7 were used to further assess the horizontal extent of contamination associated with the former gasoline dispenser. Similarly, I Boring B-6 was. used to further assess the horizontal extent of contamination associated with the former waste oil tank. I 5. Soil samples were obtained for logging purposes in each boring at five I foot intervals, beginning at five feet below grade. Soils were logged in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. I 6. Sampling was conducted by means of a Krazan & Associates' developed, i Shelby tube sampler using a 2-inch diameter by 8-inch long stainless steel tube. I 7. During the drilling process, the soil was examined for visual evidence of possible hydrocarbon contamination. Additionally, the soil was field- screened with a portable photoionization detector (PID). The PID I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES,-INC. ! Project No. E92-073 Page No. 5 readings were used to aid in choosing samples for chemical analysis and I are noted on the drill logs. The PID is a direct reading realtime analyzer that is capable of detecting most of the volatile hydrocarbon constituents I present in the vapor phase of petroleum-affected soils. The PID used for this investigation uses a 10.6 electron volt lamp and is calibrated using i an iso-butylene calibration gas. Iso-butylene is a relatively safe calibration gas similar in ionization potential to benzene (the carcinogen i of primary concern present in gasoline). 8. Following sample retrieval, Teflon® Film was placed over both ends of I the sleeve. Each sleeve was then capped with tight fitting plastic caps and secured by a non-adhesive tape. 9. Samples were labeled with the project number, sampler's initials, boring I number, and the date, time, and depth at which the sample was obtained. 10. Following sample labeling, each sample was placed in a cooler chest with synthetic ice to limit the volatilization of any hydrocarbons present. The temperature of the cooler chest was maintained between 004° Celsius. Temperature readings of the cooler chest were taken each time a sample was placed in the chest. 11. Borings B-2 through B-7 were backfilled with soil cuttings and bentonite and patched with asphalt. Boring B-1 was backfilled with neat cement. All soil cuttings from Boring B-1 were placed in a drum. The drum was labeled as to content and~ who to contact for additional information. The material will be properly disposed during the remedial action. 12. In order to evaluate the presence of petroleum constituents within the borings, at a minimum, one soil sample for each ten (10) feet of boring was selected for chemical analysis. Additionally, two soil samples from I KIIAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ! Project No. E92-073 Page No. 6 I the bottom of each boring were submitted for chemical analysis to define I the vertical extent of contamination. I 13. All samples were collected, maintained at 4°C, temperatures recorded, and transported under chain-of-custody protocol to a State-approved i laboratory for chemical analysis. Selected soil samples collected near the former dispenser were analyzed for the presence and concentration of benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene, (BTXE) and total petroleum I hydrocarbons (TPH) as gas by EPA Method 8020/5030 and 8015M/5030 respectively. Selected soil samples collected near the former waste oil I tanir were analyzed for oil and grease by EPA Method 418.1. 14. Equipment used for the advancing of soil borings and the sampling of soils was decontaminated (steam-cleaned, TSP, lab-grade detergents, I etc.) before arriving on-site, between each boring and/or sampling, before leaving the site each day, and as necessary to minimize the chances of cross-contamination. The rinsates from the cleaning were contained and barreled. The water was stored on-site pending the results I of the chemical and will be the remedial aCtion. analysis disposed during 15. All of Krazan & Associates, Inc., field work was conducted by individuals meeting the Occupational Safety and Health Administration I requirements of hazardous waste work including 40-hour health and safety training and medical monitoring. The work was completed under I standards set forth by industry and deemed acceptable by various · regulatory agencies. Hard hats,, protective eye wear, steel-toe boots, I protective clothing, and respiratory devices were worn by field person?nel when deemed appropriate by the field engineer or geologist present. 1 I FINDINGS OF THIS ~GATION I This investigation of the subject property has assessed the presence and concentration of hydrocarbons in the subsurface in the vicinity of the former underground waste oil storage tank and I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I Project No. E92-073 i Page No. 7 gasoline dispenser. Seven borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 25 feet below grade on I December 14 & 15, 1993. Soil cuttings were logged and samples were obtained to characterize the physical conditions beneath the site. Selected soil samples obtained from the borings in the vicinity of I [] the former underground waste oil storage tank and gasoline dispenser were analyzed for the presence and I concentration of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes and total petroleum hydrocarbons as i gasoline, oil and grease. The work was accomplished in accordance with our approved work plan of December 10, 1993 and the Bakersfield Fire Department approval letter of December 13, 1993. ! SOIL PROFILE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS I The alluvial material comprising the soil profile at the project site generally consists of sands and silty sands, and was noted to vary slightly between borings. The upper two to four inches of borings B3, BS, and B7 consisted of concrete or asphaltic concrete. I The upper portions of each boring were similar with silty sand from the surface or below the concrete and/or asphaltic concrete to a depth of 8 to 12 feet below grades. Below 8 to 12 'feet I predominantly well graded sand was encountered to the termination depth of the borings. However, in Boring B1 a poorly graded sand was encountered below 17 feet to the termination depth of the boring. I No shallow water encountered in of the For additional information ground Was any borings. about the soils encountered, please refer to the soil boring logs in Appendix B. I I RESULTS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS During the advancement of our soil borings, soil samples were collected and later submitted for chemical analysis. The samples were analyzed for the presence and concentration of benzene, toluene, total xylenes, and ethylbenzene by EPA Method 8020, total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline by EPA Method 8015M, and oil and grease by method EPA Method 418.1. The results of chemical analysis of the soils samples were used to help identify the presence and distribution of petroleum constituents present in the subsoils. The results of those analyses have been summarized in Table I. For the location of our soil borings please refer to Drawing 3. Please refer to Appendix C for the Certified Analytical Reports and Chain of Custody Records. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - Project No. E92-073 Page No. 8 TABLE I Concentration of Petroleum Constituents in Soil Haddad Dodge 4001 California Avenue Bakersfield, California Krazan & Associates, Inc. December 14 & 15, 1993 Sampling (Concentrations are expressed in pans per million.) Sample ID Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH-G Oil & Grease DL 0.005 . 0.005 0.005 0.005 1 5 B1 @ 10 ft. ND ND ND 0.014 8.8 B1 @ 15 ft. 0.006 0.026 ND 0.014 4.0 BI @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND B2 @ 10 ft. -- ....... 93 B2 @ 15 ft. w ....... 73 B2 @ 20 ft. ~ .... 25 B3 @ 5 ft. ND ND ND ND ND B3 @ 15 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 33 B3 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 41 B3 @ 25 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 43 B4@ 5 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 140 B4 @ 15 ft. ND ND. ND ND ND 39 B4 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND 49 B4 @ 25 ft. -- .... 26 BS@Sff. ND ND ND ND ND B5 @ 15 ft. ND ND ND ND · ND B5 @ 20 ft. ND ND ND ND ND B6 @ 5 ft. -- ..... 830 B6 @ 10 ft. -- .... 32 B6 @ 15 ft. ~ .... 73 B6 @ 20 ft. -- .... 20 B6 .@ 25 ff. ~ .... 15 B7 @ 5 ft. ND ND ND ND ND B7 @ 10ft. ND ND ND ND ND B7@ 15ft. ND ND ND ND ND I ND = Non Detected at the detection limit noted -- = Not analyzed for this constituent TPH-G = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline I DL = Detection Limit KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 -- Project No. E92-073 Page No. 9 '! DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS ~l This investigation of the subject property has evaluated the lateral and vertical extent of petroleum -, constituents in the soil in the vicinity of the former underground waste oil storage tank and gasoline dispenser. The soils beneath the project site consist of silty fine to medium sands and fine to coarse well graded sands. Petroleum constituents were found in soil samples from six of the exploratory borings. I Boring B-1 was advanced to a depth of 25 feet beneath the former location of the gasoline dispenser. A strong petroleum odor and PID reading of 35 ppm was present at a depth of 5 feet below 1~ grade. A slight odor and PID reading of 6 ppm was present at a depth of 10 feet and a very slight odor and PID reading of 2 ppm was present at 15 feet. The 20 foot sample revealed no odor or PID reading. I Samples from depths of 10, 15, and 20 feet from Boring B-1 were analyzed for gasoline constituents. The samples obtained at depths of 10 and 15 feet contained concentrations of petroleum constituents. The sample obtained at a depth of 20 feet revealed no detectable petroleum constituents were present. Boring B-2 was advanced at the former location of the waste oil underground storage tank. A I slight odor was present in only the 5 foot sample. No odor, PID reading or discoloration were present at depths of 10,. 15, or 20 feet. Three samples were submitted for chemical analysis for Boring B-2 at I depths of 10, 15, and 20 feet below grade. The sample collected at a depth of 10 feet revealed 93 ppm oil and grease. The sample collected at depths of 15 and 20 feet contained 73 ppm and 25 ppm oil and I grease, respectively. The concentrations of oil and grease attenuated significantly with depth. Boring B-3 was advanced approximately 17 feet southwest of Boring B-1 and approximately 19 ! feet northwest Boring B-2 to a depth of 25 feet below grade. No odor, discoloration or PID readings I were' present in the samples collected from B-3. Samples collected from Boring B-3 exhibited non- I detectable results for gasoline constituents at depths of 5, 15, and 20 feet and concentrations of 33 and 41 ppm oil and grease at depths of 15 and 20 feet, respectively. I Boring B-4 was advanced approximately 17 feet south of Boring B-1 and 12 feet north of B-2 to a depth of 25 feet below grade. No odor, discoloration or PID readings were detected in the samples obtained from Boring B-4. The 5, 15, 20, and 25 foot samples were submitted for chemical analysis and revealed all non-detectabl~ results for gasoline constituents at 5, 15 and 20 feet and concentrations of 140, i 39, 49 and 26 ppm oil and grease at depths of 5, 15, 20 and 25 feet, respectively. The concentrations of oil and grease generally attenuated with depth. Boring B-5 was advanced approximately 7 feet east ofBoring B-I to a depth of 25 feet. No odor, discoloration or PID readings were present in the samples collected from Boring B-5. Three samples from Boring B-5 collected at depths of 5, 15, and. 20 feet contained no detectable concentrations of I gasoline constituents. I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES~ INC. I Project No. E92-073 , Page No. 10 'l Boring B-6 was advanced approximately 7 feet southwest of Boring B-2 to a depth of 25 feet. No odor, discoloration, or PID readings were revealed in samples collected from Boring B-6. Samples from depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 feet were submitted for chemical analysis for oil and grease. A concentrate of 830 ppm was detected at a depth of 5 feet. The concentration rapidly attenuated to reveal I concentrations of 32, 73, 20 and 15 at depths of 10, 15, 20, and 25 feet, respectively. A hole was cut in the concrete and Boring B-7 was advanced approximately 7 feet north of Boring I B-1 to a depth of 25 feet below grade. No odor, PID readings or discoloration were noted in Boring B-7. Samples from depths of 5, 10, and 15 feet below grade were submitted for chemical analysis. No I gasoline constituents were detected. _ In summary, petroleum constituents are present in the subsoils of the project site and appear to I extend vertically to a maximum depth of 20 feet below grade in the location of former waste oil underground storage tank. This is supported by the presence of moderate concentrations of oil and grease I at depths of 5 to 15 feet below grade in Borings B-2, B4, grease and B-6. The lateral extent of oil and in the location of former underground waste oil storage tank appears to be confined to a radial area of I approximately 12 feet as confirmed by the moderate concentration of oil and grease in Borings B-2, B-4, and B-6 at 5 feet and the low concentrations of oil and grease in Borings B-3 and B-4 at 15 and 20 foot I depths. Petroleum constituents are present in the former location of the gasoline dispenser and appear to I be confined to the. upper 15 feet of soil. This is supported by the presence of only low amounts of petroleum constituents in the 10 and 15 foot samples from Boring B-1 and no petroleum constituents in I the remaining sample. The lateral extent of petroleum constituents in the location of the former gasolin~ dispenser appears to be confined to an 5 foot radial area as evidenced by the non-detectable concentrations I of petroleum constituents in Boring B-3, B-4, B-S, and B-7. Currently, groundwater is present at a depth of 180 feet below the project site. No groundwater I(including perched water) was encountered in any of our borings advanced in the vicinity of the former underground storage tank and dispensers. The potential impact of petroleum constituents on groundwater i is remote. All borings were terminated at a depth of 25 feet. I CONCLUSIONS Based upon review of the data obtained from our field and laboratory investigations past investigations of the project site, 'and published information regarding geologic, hydrologic, and chemical I characteristics, the following conclusions have been derived. I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I Project No. E92-073 i. Page 'No. 11 1. The subsoils encountered in our exploratory soil borings are generally ~ defined as fine to medium silty sands and fine to coarse well graded i sands. I 2. As of October 1990, groundwater beneath the project site exists at a i depth of 180 feet below existing grade. 3. Petroleum constituents are present in the subsoils of the site in the I location of the former underground waste oil storage tank and appear to extend to a depth of 20 feet below grade. The vertical extent of oil and I grease which will require remediation is 15 feet and appears to be concentrated near the location of B-2. The lateral extent of petroleum I constituents in the location of the former waste oil storage tank appears to be confined to a radial area between 8 and 15 feet as confirmed by the I detectable concentration of oil and grease constituents Borings B-2, B- 4, and B-6 at 5 to 15 feet and the low concentration of oil and grease in B-3 and B-4 at 15 and 20 foot depths. Borings I 4. Petroleum constituents are present in the former location of the gasoline dispenser and appear to be confined to the upper 15 feet of soil. This is i I supported by the presence of only low amounts of petroleum constituents in the l0 and 15 foot samples from Boring B-1 and no petroleum i I constituents in the remaining sample. The lateral extent of petroleum constituents in the location of the former gasoline dispenser appears to I be confined to an 5 foot radial area as evidenced by the non-detectable concentrations of petroleum constituents in Boring B-3, B-4, B-5, and B- 7: I 5.. The impact of petroleum constituents on groundwater resources is remote. 1 I I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E92-073 Page No. 12 LIMITATIONS The findings of this report were based upon the results of our field and laboratory investigations, coupled with the interpretation of subsurface conditions associated with our soil borings. Therefore, the data are accurate only to the degree implied by review of the data obtained and by professional interpretation. The findings presented herewith are based on professional interpretation using state of the art methods and equipment and a degree of conservatism deemed proper as of this report date. It is not warranted that such data cannot be superseded by fUture geotechnical, environmental, or technical developments. The exploratory soil borings were located in the field by review of available maps and by pacing or tape measurements from existing landmarks. Therefore, these should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to locate them. Chemical testing was done by a laboratory approved by the State of California Department of Health Services. The results of the chemical testing are accurate only to the degree of care of ensuring the testing accuracy and the representative nature of the soil samples obtained. Our investigation and report were prepared for the exclusive use of our client who authorized _this . Unauthorized use of or reliance on the information contained in this report without the expressed Work. written consent of Krazan & Associates, Inc. is strictly prohibited. ! I I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E92-073 Page No. 13 REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN HADDAD DODGE 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION This Remedial Action Plan (RAP) is presented based upon the results of a Site Characterization Investigation conducted on December 14 and 15, 1993. PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION The purpose of this Remedial Action Plan is to excavate and recycle the petroleum affected soil in the vicinity of the former underground waste oil storage tank and gasoline dispenser as defined in the Site Characterization Investigation report dated December 23, 1993. SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION The scope of the Remedial Action Plan will include the excavation of soil in the vicinity of the former underground waste oil storage tank and gasoline dispenser. Soil samples will be collected from the bottom of the excavation and submitted for chemical analysis as confirmatory samples. The excavated soil will be transported to Gibson of Bakersfield, California for recycling. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 1 I' ~~. L~ ~ . I - I i I I I I + ~, u ~,~ L~~ ~' ' '- ~~ Pmj~ No. Figure No. E~ftS. ~a~STS AND iNvmt~~ Project No. E92-073 Page No. 14 METHODOLOGY In order to accomplish the goals established in the purpose and scope of this investigation sections of this Remedial Action Plan, the following methods will be employed. 1. The necessary Bakersfield Fire Department permits would be obtained prior to the commencement of excavation activities. i 2. The excavation will be performed by Kroeker of Fresno, Environmental California. Prior to initiating the excavation, an excavation permit would I be obtained from the Occupational Safety Health and Administration by Kroeker. I 3. The excavation will be centered on Borings B-l, B-2, and B4 that were I advanced during the Site Characterization Investigation. The excavation will have a radius of 8 to 12 feet and a depth of approximately 15 feet. A one to one slope from the edge of the pavement to the depth of the excavation will be maintained. The exact dimensions of the excavation I will be d~rmined in the field by the geologist or engineer present through field screening melhods. Excavation would be accomplished ' I with a backhoe or similar heavy equipment. Please refer to Drawing · bio. 4 for the location of previou~ soil borings and approximation of the I area to. be excavated. F.~timations are that a total volume of approximately 300 cubic yards of soil are affe~ed in this area. I 4. Excavated petroleum affected soil would be loaded and transported to i Oibmn of Bakersfield, California. 5. £ight confirmatory samples would be obtained from the bottom and I sidewalls of the excavation for submission for chemical analysis. The r~ults of the analysis would be used to determine the adequacy of I excavation. ! I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. E92-073 Page No. 15 I 6. Sampling would be conducted in an attempt to follow the guidelines established by the Bakersfield Fire D~partment. 7. Soil samples would be obtained by means of pUshing st:rainless steel tubes I or brass sleeves into the soil collected from the sampling point with a backhoe bucket (ASTM D-1587-86, "Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils"). I 8. Upon obtaining the soil samples, each tube/sleeve would be covered on each end with Teflon® ~m and tight-fitting plastic caps. The ends of each tube would then be secured with inert tape and chain-of-custody seals. Each sample would then be labeled with the project number, time, I depth, and location at which the samples was obtained. Following sample labeling, each soil sample would be placed in a cooler chest with I synthetic ice to limit the volatilization of any hydrocarbons present. 9. The samples would be maintained and transported under chain-of-custody protocol. Selected soil samples would be submitted to a State of California Depa,~ent of Health Services approved laboratory for chemical analysis. 10. The samples would be analyzed for the presence and concentration of 'benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA Method 8020 and 8015M and oil and grease by EPA Method 418.1 to confirm the hydrocarbon levels at {he depth to which excavation occurs. 11. The excess soil returns and rinsate which were stored on-site following the Site Characterization Investigation would be included with the soil removed from the excavation to be recycled. 12. The excavation would be backfilled with clean native material. The excavation would be backfilled immediately upon completion. I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ! Project No. E92-073 Page .No. 16 I 13. The backfilled soil below a depth of two feet would be compacted to I 90% of its relative dry density (ASTM 155%86). The backfilled soil from grade to a depth of two feet would be compacted to 95% of its relative dry density. The compaction testing services outlined above I would be provided by Krazan & Associates, Inc. I 14. All of Krazan & Associates, Inc. environmental field work (not including compaction testing of clean fill) would be conducted by personnel who I meet the Occupational Safety & Health Administration requirements for hazardous waste work including 40-hour health and safety training and I medical monitoring. Furthermore, Krazan & Associates, Inc. work would be conducted under standards set forth by industry and deemed I acceptable by various regulatory agencies. Hard hats, protective eyewear, steel-toe boots, protective clothing, and respiratory devices I would be work by field personnel during some field activities. For further information regarding health and safety related measures for I Associates, personnel, please to the health & inc. refer attached and safety plan in Appendix A. ! 15. We would be in a position to begin our field portion of the investigation I immediately following notification of the Bakersfield Fire Department's acceptance of our remedial plan, and the Occupational Safety and Health I A~tration's issuance of an excavation permit. The final report should be available for review approximately 10 working days following I receipt of the results of chemical analysis. However, verbal results could be available sooner. This time schedule is intended for use as a planning I tool only. Factors such as the time necessary for regulatory approval, weather, subsurface conditions encountered, and the ability, pace of other I contractors are beyond our control. I I I Project No. E92-073 Page No. 17 I If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact I our Environmental Division Office at (209) 348-2200 or (800) 800-0711. I Respectfully submitted, ~:~'" ~ Cynthia C.. Wagner I ~,./E x,;~r'~-"..:;' C:L~ .': :;: :c 95 .)'. "-' ")} REARegistered Environmental Assessor g04411 i Dean Alexander Geotechnical Engineer RGE I~)02051/RCE #342?4 I CCW/DA/Ijk i2¢ h~rewith 1 1 I I I i I I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I I ~~. CITYofBAKERSFIELD i "~'F~ C,~F~" , ,.~ ~ F~RE DEPARTMENT 2~01 H STREET  S.D. JOHNSON Dece~e= [3 ~993 .... '- BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 I i Cynthia Wagner . Krazan & Associates 215 West Dakota Avenue Clovis, Ca 93612 RE: Haddad Dodge, 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California I i Dear Cynthia, This is to notify you that the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days I notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed I under direct over sight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. i If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey I Hazardous Materials Coordinator .:.... Underground Tank Program I REH/dlm .:' cc: Gary Grumbles I IROJECT: Haddad DOdge Boring Number 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Project No. E92-073 lATE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: December 14, 1 993 DRILLING EQUIPMENT: ELEVATION & DATUM: LOGGED BY: I REH ~AMPLIHG METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER: FIRST: COMPL.: 24 HRS: - ~.~ SOIL DESCRIPTION Depth {Ft) O ~' '~u3 _ o~ · ~ o YES SM Silty fine to medium SAND (SM); medium brown, moist, drills easy, strong i petroleum odor. ~-5 i YES 35 SW Fine to coarse S^ND {SW}; light tan, damp, drills easy. ! -~5 VSLT 2 SP Fine SAND {SP}; light gray, damp, drills easy. !- 2o NO 0 I I -25 'NO 0 BOTTOM OF BORING I *R =Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet 1 of 1 i l~OJECT: Haddad Dodge Boring Number I B2 'l i 4001 California Avenue. Bakersfield, California ~ Proiect No E92-073 iD E DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: i December 14, 1993 ~DRILLING EQUIPMENT: · ELEVATION & DATUM: LOGGED BY: S~MPLING METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER: FIRST: COMPL.: 24 HRS: Dipth (Ft)Elevati°n O=~ ~-~ ~"-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~'u~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ 0 SM Silty fine to medium SAND (SM); dark brown, moist, drills easy.  -5 SLT 0  -~0 NO 0 ~[ SW Fine to coarse SAND (SW); light tan, damp, drills easy. ~5 NO 0 ~ -2o NO 0 BOSOM OF BORING  -25  -30 -35 · R=Refusal, greater than 1OO blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet 1 of 1 JROJECT: Haddad Dodge Boring Number I B3 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Proiect No, E92-073 r TE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: December 14, 1993 DRILLING EQUIPMENT: ELEVATION & DATUM: LOGGED BY:, I REH IBJIAMPLING METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER: FIRST: COMPL.: I 24 HRS: I i ~i~"(;~, SOIL DESCRIPTION i )haltic Concrete Silty fine SAND (SM); olive brown, moist, drills easy. L Fine to coarse SAND (SW); light tan, damp, drills easy. 2O BOTTOM OF BORING -30 '35 ! *R = Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATESi INC. Sheet 1 of 1 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Proiect No. E92-073 ITE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: December 14, 1993 DRILLING EGUIPMENT: ELEVATION & DATUM: LOGGED BY: I REH MPLING METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER: FIRST: COMPL.: 24 HRS: Depth (Ft) ~D ~- ._ Z~ ~, ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ o ~j~ SM Silty fine to medium SAND (SM); brown, moist, drills easy. -s NO 0 ~ ~ :::: _10 .... -" SW Fine to coarse SAND (SW); light tan, damp, drills easy. -~ NO 0 I :: I " - 2o NO 0 :: I i " - 25 NO 0 'BOSOM OF BORING I  -30 I -35 I *R=Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet 1 of 1 -~OJECT: Haddad Dodge Boring Number I B5 I 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Proiect No. E92-073 I TE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: · December 15, 1993 DRILLING EQUIPMENT: ELEVATION & DATUM: I LOGGED BY: ~MPLING METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER: FIRST: COMPL.: 24 HRS: SOIL DESCRIPTION )haltic Concrete Silty fine to medium SAND (SM); orange brown, moist, drills easy. Fine to coarse SAND (SW); light tan, damp, drills easy. BOTTOM OF BORING 'R=Refusal, greater th~'n 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet 1 of 1 ~{OJECT: Haddad Dodge Boring Number I B6 I 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California · Proiect No. E92-073 I , TE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: December 15, 1993 DRILLING EQUIPMENT: ELEVATION & DATUM: I LOGGED BY: ,MPLING METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER: FIRST: COMPL.: 24 HRS: SOIL DESCRIPTION Silty fine to medium SAND (SM); olive brown, moist, drills easy. Slight color in methylene chlorine · Fine to coarse SAND (SW); light tan, damp, drills easy. BOTTOM OF BORING °R =Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet ~ of ~ I~OJECT: Haddad Dodge Boring Number I B7 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Proiect No. E92-073 ITE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: December 15, 1993 DRILLING EQUIPMENT: ELEVATION & DATUM: LOGGED BY: I REH ~I~MPLING METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER: FIRST: COMPL.: 24 HRS: o Elevation ~ ~ ~ ~ ~= SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ o %Concrete I SM Silty fine to medium SAND (SM); orange brown, moist, drills easy. I -5 NO 0 I SW Fine to coarse SAND (SW); light tan, damp, drills easy. i -~o NO 0 -~5 NO 0 I I - 20 NO 0 I I -25 NO 0 BOTTOM OF BORING ! I -30 I -35 I *R =Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet 1 of 1 OJEC:T:Haddad Dodge Boring Number I B8 I 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California I! Project No. E92-073 TE DRILLED: TYPE OF BORING: December 15, 1993 DRILLING EQUIPMENT: ELEVATION & DATUM: I LOGGED BY: I~MPLING METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER: I FIRST: I COMPL.: 124 HRS: Elevation Depth. eft) SOIL DESCRIPTION Concrete Sil.t¥ fine to medium SAND (SM); orange brown, moist~ drills easy. Fine to coarse SAND (SW); light tan, damp, drills easy. BOTTOM OF BORING 'R=Refusal, greater than 100 blows/foot KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet 1 of 1 SENT DY: XEfl0X Teleco~.er ~017;12-27-9~ ;11:33AM ; 4155649233'~ 2093482200;# 2 I ~ S~QUO~A ANALWlCAL ~ 680 C~~ Drive · R~od- ~Q~ ~ ~12 A~ MeI~: EPA 3~50/~15 ~e~: ~ ~, 1~ ~ng ~mple ~g H~rbo~ 1.0 1,7 SENT BY: XEROX Telecooier ~d17;12-27-95 ;11:34A~1 ; 4155649233-~ 20S~482200Nt 3 680 ~e~p~e Ori~ · R~ C~y, ~ g4~ (415) 364-96~ * F~ (415) ~-8233 ~215 W~ ~ A~e ~m~e ~: Sol - R~: ~ 1~ 1~ TOT~ PURG~B~ PETRO~UM HYDR~AR~NS w~ B~ DIS~N~ION Re~ng $~Me ~mpb Sam~ ~mpb ~mple 8im~ ~ ~ I.~ I.D. I.D. LD. I.D. ~ 3~7 ~ ~ 3~ ~10 ~11 3~12 Pu~e ~t~ 1,0 N~. N.D. N.D. N,D. N,D. B~e~ o.~ N.D. ND. N.O. N.D. N.D. N.D. T~u~ ~ N.D. N.O, N.D. N,D. N,D. N.~ ~ B~ 0~ N.D. ~D. ~D. ~D. N.D. N.~ T~I ~ ~ N.D. N.D. N.D. ~D. N.D. N.~ ~~~ PaUl: ............ ! Quality Control Data Multlpllcatkxt Factor:. ~.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 l.n. [~te Alnldy'zed: 1R/;~/1~ 12/2,.q/1~i 12/28/~ t2/28/g8 12/:~.3/1)8 t~ 8u~ ~, ~: - - (~~- ~t~) ,~ENT DY: XEROX Teleco;31er 7017;12-27-93 ;11:35AM ; 4153648233-, 20~3482200;~ 4 I I SE UOI 6~ C~a~a~e Dr~ · ~oo~ C~, ~ 9~83 (41~ 364-9~ · FAX (41~ 364-9233 ~~ ...... ===================== ............ : ........................ ~;::'=:::::"'::;::::::: :::: ;'"':" ::::~ ............... ~11 ~TAL PURG~ P~O~M H~RO~R~NS w~ B~ Di~~ON mo/ko ~ ~1 ~ 3~ ~ 1.0 8.8 4.0 N.D. m Bm-~zene 0.0as0 N.D. 0.0060 N.D. Toluene O.D050 NJ3. 0.028 N.D. Elhyl Benzene a.ooso NJ3. N.D. N.D. I TalIJ XHerle~ o.~050 0.014 O.D14' ND. I Quality Control Data ...... Imaument IderaYIr, adon: GCHP-~ QCHP-2 (3CHP.2 (Oc um~. ?O.1301G) SENT BY: XEROX Teleco~ier 7017;12-27-93 ;11:35A~ ; 4153§~,9233-~ 20S3482200;~t 5 ~ SEQU~IA ANALWlCAL (41~ 364-g6~ FAX (415} 3~4-~233 ~ e~m~: ~~gn~ ~ ~e ~: 3~ ~: ~ 21, L ....... ~ ......... .-~:---?-~:~.~,--:~- ..... ~-:--,~-----~.,,.~----~-~-~-~:.--~-,--~-~--~:~~:2:~:=.,-.~...~:--~-~: ~mpl ~ ~lium ~ - ~~ ~.~ 3ENT BY: XEROX-Telecooier ?017;12-27-9~ ;11:38AI~ ; 41536~9233-~ 2083482200;# 8 I 680 Cheaal3eake Dflve · R~ C~y, ~ ~ (415) 36~9600 F~ (415) 36~9233 ~K~n&~ Q~P~ID: E~ ' S~: D~ 16, 1~ ~218We~A~n~ ~ple~: S~1.~15' R~: D~ 16. I~R~IC PERS~NT AND BIO~CUMU~E TO~C SUBSTANCES I Soluble ThrMludd Limit Conoe~ Totml ~lt~d Umlt CmmmnlratlOn t~rI.c DemmlOn ,~maiymm I Tn.~ Dm4mtlon ~nl,,miB AnBlyte Mmr. Umlt Unfit Fl~lultt Mmr. Umlt Umlt RIIUII (m~/I.) . ~m~/i,,) in. ilL)., (mg/k~ (mgtkgJ (q/kg) Arael~ 5.O 50O 5.0 ND. Ben/ilium ..... 0.75 0,010 N,D, J 75 0.60 ND. CadmiUm 1.0 o. olo N.D. J I00 o.5o N.D. C, hn=~um ~) ~0 0~0S0 - I S00 0.0S0 - CZ)bait 8O 0.050 N.D. I 8,00O 2.5 ' ' ' N.D. Copper 25 0010 0J~? 2,500 0.60 N.D. ~ 6,0 0.10 N.D. 1,000 5.0 N.D. Mercury 0.20 ~.000,10 FLD. 20 0.10 N.D. Nk=kM 2O 0.O50 N.D. 2.,000 2,5 N.D. Selenium ~.0 *0.0050 N.D. ~00 ~.0 N.D, Sliver &.0 0.O10 O.028 ;00 0.8O N.D~ Thallium ?,0 0.10 N.D, 700 5.0 N.D. t80 0.10 - 3ENT BY: XEROX Tele¢ooier ?(:]17;12-27-93 ;11:37AM ; ~,153849233-, 2(~93482200;~ ? I SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~ 680 ~e~ake DH~ · R~w~ C~, ~ ~63  (41~ 3~-~ · F~ (415) ~9233 215W~~A~ ~e~ GM.~IE R~: D~ 1[ 1~I  · vo~ OR~N~ by QC~ (EPA ~) ~ ............................................................ ~ ..................... N~. ~ ..................................... ' ................................. 1~ ................................. N.D. a~o~ ............................................................... 1~ .............................. N~. 8~~ ................................................... 1~ .............................. N~. 2-B~ ............................................................. 6~ ................................... N.D.  ~ d~f~e ............................................................. I~ .................................. N.D. ~ t~e ................................................. ~ ............................... N~. ~~ ........................................................... ~ .................................. N.D. ~~ ....................................................... t~ ................................ N.D. ~,I~~ ................................................ 1~ ................................. N~. 1,1~ ....................................... 1~ ............................. ~1,2Q~~ ..................................... ~ ............................. ~1,~~ .................................... t~ ........................... N,~  ~t,3O~~ .................................... 1~ ........................... ND. ~ .................................................... ~ ........................... N.D. ~~ cN~e ............................................ ~ ............................. N.~ ~ ............................................................ ~m ............................ N.~ I,I.~-T~ ................................. I~ ........................... N.~ . ~..: . Tamc~~ ....................................................... ~ ...................................N.~ 1,1,1-T~~ .................................. 1~ ........................... N.D. l,l,2-Td~~~ ............................................ 1~ ............................... N.D. T~ .......................................... ~ ............................. N.~ ~~ ......................................................... 1~ .............................. N.D. T~X~ .................................................. 1~ ............................ ~D. P~ Ma~r ~-~.~ SENT BY; XEROX Telecoo.i. er 701'7;12-27-93 ;11:38AM ; 4153649233"',, 2(~)3482200;~ 8 ! 680 P.;h~l~e~ke Drive · Redwood City, CA 9406~ (415) 384'9600 · FAX (41,5) 3~4-92,..q3 jKrazan&_ .Ramamat~ Clienf Project iD:- E~-07~d ' ~Gi~: ............. OiiC 1~,--~ ~2~s wm oakom,aram same oame= s~, ea~ ~Clovte. CR 93612 AneJyelelVlelhoce EPA6270 ' I ~Atlentlom. G'yrtdyWagllerLal3 Number: 3La8307 Afmlyzm:l; DeC I by aC/MS (EPA e27o) SEMN¥OLA11LE OROANIC~ Anellyt~ ~ Umlt ~llmple Reeult~ Acmmphth~m~. ................................................... ~00 ......................... N.D. ~c~1~m~ .................................................... ~0 ............................ N.D, I ~mmrm~ ..................................................... ~00 ...................... N.I~ ~enz~ ~Id .............................................................. 600 .............................. N.D. Bm~o(~)m~rac~ ............................................ ~00 ..... ...... ..-.-..--...... N,D. Benz~Iflum~mtl~ne .............................................. 100 .................................~. I Banzo(k~fl~n& ............................................ I00 ..........................~, ~enzo{OJ~,~pmy~m ............................................ ~00 ............................. ~D. me~2~oro~oprepyl)e~mer ................................. mo .........................N.O. i e~p~h~h~)p~ .............................. ~00 ......................... N.~. 4-mm~m~m~ ~en~ ~h~ ................................. ~o0 ......................... N.~. B~ ~ ptm~d~t~. ..................................... 100 ........................... 4-Chlo~nlli~. ................................................ ~00 ........................... N.D. i ~-Chlormml~t~ ............................ , ................ ~0 .............................. N,D, 4-C~om.a-n~m~phm~d ....................................~e0 ............................... N.D. ~.C~loropl~rml ................................................ 100 .............................. i ~ ....................................................... ~oo ........................... D~n~)m~r~e~& ...................................... ~00 .............................. I~LD. D~:~mlzofu~m. .............................................. ~00 ............................. N.D. DI.N4~I phthalm:~ .......................................... ~00 ........... - .,..,~,..... N,D. I l,~-~k~hl~ ..................................... 100 .......................... N.~. f,44~l~l~lorobm~z~ ....................................... 100 ......................... NoD. ~-~ ......................................... ~o ......................... N.D. 8,~-Olchlorob~mddlrm ........................ .'. ................ ~0 ........................ N.D, I ~,4-I~ ................................... ~oo .......................... N.o. ~ ph~ ............................................... ~o ....................... ~LD. mm~h~ ph~da~ ........................................ '... ~o0 ........................... N~. I4,8-~l~It~o-~-n~z~p~rml ................................ ~oo ~LD. 2,4-~em~ ...............................................8oo .......................... ~D. ~4~Inltro~lum~ .........................................~ ............................ ~~~ ............................................. ~ ............................. N~. ANALYTICAL Krazan Chain of Custody 'Record KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, lNG, PARAMETERS 215 wEST DAK~)TA A~HUE ~ '" CLOVIS, CA 93612 ~ ~- -- o OBSERVATIONS/' /~/- GUB~D~THE L~ _ ___ _ __'~Krazan chain of Custody Record 215 WEST DAKOTA AV~UE CLOVIS, CA ~6~ ~ .I ~PLE ~O DA~ ~ME ~E~RIPT~ILOCATION 0~'-~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~o, .............. ~ ~- .... ~z ....  ll~' ~N~e T~ P~in~ _.Z~ T~ ~ ~ ~ ~PEC~L ~NI'~DL~G SEQUOIA REDI4OOD CI'P,' 415 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL I ~ 880 Chesa,oeake Drive * Reclwood City, CA 94003  {415) 364-9(:T00 · FAX (4~,5) 3f:~4-9233 I TOTAL RECOVERABLE P HYDROCARBONS Sample Samite P~roleum 3LSg610 I 31.89611 I 3L88612 . ~ 49 i Attalyt"~ ~l~orted a~ N.D- we~' e°l Pm~t ab°m d'te "tal~d limit of deicti°~ SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 3t. Bg604,KRA <1> iProiec~ SEQUOIA REDWOOD ¢I'PF 415 3~54 9233 12-27-93. 04:4.BPM [?! [415) ~4-g~O · F~ (415) 364-~z~ ~~ ............ ~i ...... - ..... ~T~ ~G~BLE p~O~UM ~DRO~BONS ~ B~ D~~ION P~ -,-- N D N D N.D. WINING ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY · ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING · ORILLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING REPORT DATE : December 27, 1993 II~OICE #12604 I. diBOI~TOR¥ ID : 693-7168.1-4 PAGE 1 of - , '.j' ;.- . DATE SAMPLED : 12-15-93 at As Listed by R. Holcomb ::x ,~ ,;~:~.::~,~ :. DATE. RECEIVED : 12-22-93 at 1525 from J. Kinder. ..... '-~2 ATTENTION : C. Wagner CLIENT Krazan & Associates, Inc 215 W. Dakota Avenue Clovis, ~ 93612 ANALYZED BY : M. Langroodi REVIEWED BY : R. Stafford DATE PREPARED : 12-23-93 DATE ANALYZED : 12-23-93 S/~IPLE TYPE : Soil I CONSTITUENT : Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) I LAB CLIENT ID# SAMPLE ID RESULTS UNITS DLR METHOD I .1 0620 B6 @ 20' @ 0937 20 mg/kg 10 418.1 Mod. .2 0625 B6 @ 25' @ 0945 15 mg/kg 10 418.1 Mod. i .3 0325 B3 @ 25' @ 1330 43 mg/kg 10 418.1 Mod. .4 0425 B4 @ 25' @ 1420 26 mg/kg 10 418.1 Mod. i CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CERTIFICATE NO. 1371 mg/kg: mill~grams per kilogram (Rares per m~llion) riD: None De~ec~ed DLR: De~ec~on Limit for Reporting purposes I I Robert W. Stafford 'Debra-K. Lehman Organic Supervisor QA Manager I Rev. 1 8/93 ( FOI~M1. ORa) I CORPOflATE OFFICE: MODESTO VISALIA BAKERSFIELD 2527 Fresno Street 4230 Kiernan Se. Suite 105 2521 E. Valley Oaks Drive 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Fresno, CA 93721 Modesto, CA 95356 Visalia, CA 93292 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (209) 268-7021 · Fax 268-7126 (209) 545-1050 (209) 625-1712 (805) 393-5088 ~h,ami¢:tnt I:nv 9RR.Ft7.4t3 I::~lv RAR.1147 I::,:v ROI:;.171.4 F;I¥ R~R-4RJ.R PARAMETERS KRAZAN ~ ASSOCIATES lNG, .................... ATTN: ~ , L/)~I~ cc 215 WEST DAKOTA AVENUE ,~_ _z CLOVIS, CA 93612 o~ ~ ~,~ 8 ~ (209) 348-2200 FAX: (209) 348-2201 ~ ~ ~ ~ d z ~ ~ z O OBSERVATIONS/ ProjectNo. / ."7 ~.. ~ ~ ~= ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Printed Name )' ~ .~ ~ ~ // .... ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ SAMPLE NO DATE TIME DESCRIPTION/LOCATION ~-~' ~ /'~/ Signa,ure Signalu,e S,gnalufe ~ ~ Primed Name ~- ~~ TIME-- 'dr.ed Name TIME SPECIAL SHIPMENT/HANDLIN~  OR STORAGE REQUIREMENTS -Company · ~ 7 ~0 Company _ Company Company ~ 6 DAlE RELIN~ISHED BY -- DATE-'~ RECEIVED BY (Laborato~) DATE RELINQUISHED BY DATE R IVED PrlmedNa~ il,~ Prim~ Nam. .; TIME PrinledName ' TIME .rimedName lIME RESUL]SDUE: I~J ZZlqD ~mp~ ~mp~y · ~ ' Company PARAMETERS KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES~[NC. 215 WE~ DAKOTA AVENUE CLOVIS, CA 93612 (209) 348-2200 FAX: (209) 348-2201 OBSERVATIONS/ COMMENTS Project No. Sampler Signature~ Pr~nled Name SAMPLE NO DES ~TION~LOCATION · ' TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINE RS D BY BY SUBMITTED TO THE LAB METItOD OF SHIPMENT/DELIVE RY Signature , Name Line SPECIAL SttIPMENT/HANDLING :ompany ~ ~ ~ ' RELIN~ISHED BY ' IECEIVED BY (kabotalo~} BY --- Signalure Signature Name Pdnl~ Name Pdnled Name Prinled Name ~ Company Company Onmn~ Company CITY of BAKERSFIELD "'WE CARE" - FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET ~ S. D. JOHNSON December 13, 1993 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF . . 326-3911 Cynthia Wagner Krazan.& Associates 215 West Dakota Avenue Clovis, Ca 93612 RE: Haddad Dodge, 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California Dear Cynthia, This 'is.to notify you that the workplan for the abOve stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct over sight by. this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If yoU'have any questions, .please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator , Underground Tank Program REH/dlm cc: Gary Grumbles & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 215 West Dakota Avenue, · Clovis, California 93612 · (209) 348-2200 · FAX (209) 348-2201 January 7, 1994 ~t¥ I 0 199,1 Project No. E92-073 az. MAr. OtV. Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: Please find enclosed one copy of our Site Characterization Investigation and Remedial Action Plan report for the Haddad Dodge site in Bakersfield, California. If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Environmental Division Office at (209) 348-2200 or (800) 800-0711. Sincerely KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Cynthia C. Wagner Registered Environmental Assessor REA # 04411 CCW/awv · :..:' CITY·'of BAKERSFIELD:. . . :. '- ,>, : :. '..., ~ · S. D. JOHNSON'- -', ~' z "~; *~'' 1~3 /' ~' ' ' -' ,AK · Gary Grumbles ,'--:"i. ¢: "-' .... / . . 'Haddad Dodge 5251 Office Park Rd., Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA .93'389- : . RE:-'Lab0rat0rY results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the '4001 California Ave,, Bakersfield CalifOrnia '- Dear Mr. Grumbles: Upon review of the recently submitted'laboratory results from your facility, this' office" has.- determined ~:that the extent 'of .the contamination iplumes, associated with the'gasoline tank .dispenser.as .well as the' solvent tank .and dispenser previously loCated 'on your property, has .not been adequately defined. This office requires (.in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California:Heal 'and .Safety Code and Chapter 16.t .Title-23 of the California .Code of' 'ulations) that further assessment. be. done. to :'define the vertical-and horizontal'extent of the contaminatiOn plume. '. Please submit a work plan for further'aSsessment, to. this office, With in 30 days from recei' of this letter', The work.·planshould follow · guidelines'fOund in.: ApPendix~A - Reports,'Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for -Preliminary Evaluation .. and .Investigation of round Tank.Sites; January 22, 1991 AdditionallY, be advised that oversight cost for'this project will 'be billed to you at a rate of $62.00 -per. hour. ' .. ..If you have'any ques%ions, please call meat (805) 326-3979.~ ~ Sincerely, -. ", . .. Hazardous Materials Coordinator 5251 Office Park Drive ~~ Suite 200 RO Box 9336 ker.,d, Colcm (805) 326-1141 FAX (805) 326-1139 July 1, 1993 Ralph E. HUey HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: I have been ask bY Dames & Moore to facilitate the delivery of the Work Plan which they have prepared for the Haddad Dodge site. Should you have any questions please contact Dames & Mo°re ~d~irect~'~ Gary Gru~nbles, Vice President Coleman ~r°per~ Management FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. O. JOHNSON BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRECHIEF March 2.6, 1993 326-3911 Coleman Ventures Attn: Mr. Gary Grumbles 5251 Office Park Drive, Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA 93389 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at Haddad Dodge, 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield CA (Permit #BR-0069).~ Dear Mr. Grumbles, Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plumes, associated with the Gasoline tank dispenser as well as the solvent tank and dispenser previously located on your property, has 'not been adequately~ defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 Of the California Code .of Regulations) that further assessment be-done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please~submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, with in 30 days from receipt of this letter. The work plan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A - Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Evaluation and Investiqation of Underqround Tank Sites; January 22, 1991. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $47.50 per hour. If You'have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm TANK REMOVAL SOIL SAMPLING HADDAD DODGE 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Project No. E92-073 February 26, 1993 Prepared for: Coleman Ventures I Attn: Mr. Gary Grumbles 5251 Office Park Drive, Ste. 200 Bakersfield, California 93389 I (805) 326-1141 I Prepared by: I Krazan & Associates, Inc. Environmental Division 215 West Dakota Avenue I Clovis, California 93612 (209) 348-2200 (800) 800-0711 ! krazan & associates, inc. engineers, geologists, environmental specialists I TABLE OF CONTENTS Project No. E92-073 INTRODUCTION . . ................................................ 1 SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................... 1 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC SETTING ................................ 1 SAMPLING AND LABORATORY TESTING PROTOCOL ....................... 2 FINDINGS OF THIS INVESTIGATION ................................... 3 CONCLUSIONS ................................................... 6 LIMITATIONS ................................................... 6 Maps Vicinity Map .............................................. following text Site Map ................................................ following text Tank Sample Location Map ..................................... following text Appendix' Certified Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Records ......................... A I I I I I I I I ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS 215 West Dakota Avenue, · Clovis, C~Jifornia 93612 · (209) 348-2200 · FAX (209) 348-2201 I February 26, 1993 Project No. E92-073 I TANK REMOVAL SOIL SAMPLING I HADDAD DODGE 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1 I 'INTRODUCTION I In accordance with your authorization we have completed the sampling of soils for chemical analysis at the above-referenced site. The sampling took place after removal of one 10,000-gallon I gasoline tank, one 1,000-gallon used oil tank, one 500-gallon solvent tank, and the related dispensers. The results of the sampling and analyses are detailed in this report. I I SITE DESCRIPTION I The project site is located in the northeast quarter of Section 35, Township 29 South, Range 27 East of the Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. Specifically, the subject property is located at 4001 · I California Avenue in Bakersfield, California. Please refer to Figure 1, Vicinity Map. I GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC sETTING I Bakersfield is located in the southern portion of the San Joaquin Valley of California. The San I Joaquin Valley is a structural trough Which makes up the southern portion of the Great Central Valley Geomorphic Province. Subsurface materials in the San Joaquin Valley are composed primarily of Ialluvium from the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The alluvium in the Bakersfield area is derived from granitic Sierra Nevada source rocks deposited by the Kern River and its tributaries. These sediments are Igenerally well graded sand and silty sand, some of which may contain gravel. Pdnted on Recycled Paper Project No. E92-073 Page No. 2 Bakersfield is within the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area, which is primarily an arid to semi-arid environment. Within the Study Area, 15 groundwater basins and areas of potential' groundwater storage have been identified. More specifically, the project site is within the Kern Basin. The aquifer's level is variable and is influenced by the withdrawal of subsurface waters for domestic and agricultural uses. According to the "Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report 1988" the depth to groundwater in the unconfined aquifer is approximately 100 feet. SAMPLING AND LABORATORY TESTING PROTOCOl, Sampling was conducted under the guidelines established by the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD), California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA), and the Untied States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The sampling was accomplished under the direction of Ms. Barbara Brenner of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained by our environmental technician from a backhoe bucket by pushing brass tubes. The ends of each tube were covered by Teflon film and capped with tight-fitting plastic caps secured by an adhesiveless. All samples were labeled and placed in a cooler chest which contained synthetic ice. Samples were then transported under chain-of- custody protocol to a State-approved laboratory for analysis. Samples obtained from beneath the gasoline storage tank and its dispenser were analyzed for the detection and concentration of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline by 8015(M)GC/FID. The samples taken from beneath the waste oil tank were analyzed for oil and grease by EPA Method 418.1. The samples obtained from beneath the solvent storage tank and its dispenser were analyzed for oil and grease by EPA Method 418.1 and volatile organics by EPA Method 8240. I I I I I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I I Project NO. E92-073 Page No. 3 I FINDINGS OF THIS INVESTIGATION I The tanks were removed by Kroeker Environmental of Fresno, California on January 28, 1993, under the supervision of Mr. Jeff Kroeker. The removal process was observed by a representative of the I City of Bakersfield fire Department and our environmental technician. For the exact location of our sampling please refer to the results of the chemical analyses, please refer to the Tables I through IV as I follows. Figures 2 and 3. I TABLE I Removed Underground Tank Designations Haddad Dodge i 4001 California Avenue Bakersfield, California I Tank No. Volume Diameter Length Product 1 10,000 gal 96 in 324 in Gasoline I 2 500 gal 48 in 72 in Solvents 3 1,000 gal 48 in 132 in Used Oil I I 1 I I I I 1 I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 Project No. E92-073 Page No. 4 TABLE II Petroleum Constituents in Soil Haddad Dodge 4001 California Avenue Bakersfield, California January 28, 1993 Sampling (All concentrations are in parts per million.) Sample No. Sample Location Approx. Depth Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH-G O&G Below Grade T1-A Tank gl North End 14' ND ND ND ND ND · T1-B Tank gl North End 18' ND ND ND ND ND · T1-C Tank gl South End 14' ND ND ND ND ND · T1-D Tank gl South End 18' ND ND ND ND ND · TI-E Tank gl Dispenser 2' ND ND ND 5.3 460 · T1-F Tank gl Dispenser 6' ND ND 1.7 37 1100 · T2-A Tank #2 Center 10' · · · · · ND T2-B Tank #2 Center 14' · · · · · 19 T2-C Tank #2 Dispenser 2' · · · · · 87 T3-A Tank #3 Center 12' · · · · · ND T3-B Tank #3 Center 16' · · · · · 29 · = Sample not analyzed for this constituent ND = None detected TPH-G = 'Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon as Gasoline by EPA 8015 TPH-D = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel fuel by EPA 8015 O&G = Oil and Grease by EPA 418.1 KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I Project No. E92-073 Page No. 5 I TABLE III Volatile Organics in Soil (EPA 8240) Haddad Dodge 'l 4001 California Avenue Bakersfield, California. January 18, 1993 Sampling I (All concentrations are in parts per billion.) Analyte Detection Limit T2-A T2-B T2-C I ND ND ND Acetone 500 Benzene. 100 ND ND ND Bromodichloromethane 100 ND ND ND I Bromoform 100 ND ND ND Bromomethane 100 ND ND ND 2-Butanone 500 ND ND ND I 100 ND ND ND disulfide Carbon Carbon tetrachloride 100 ND ND ND Chlorobenzene 100 ND ND ND I Chloroethane 100 ND ND ND 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 500 ND ND ND Chloroform 100 ND ND ND I Chloromethane 100 ND ND ND Dibromochloromethane 100 ND ND ND i 1,1-Diehloroethane 100 ND ND ND 1,2-Dichloroethane 100 ND ND ND 1,1-Dichloroethene 100 ND ND ND tis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 100 ND ND ND trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 100 ND ND ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 100 ND ND ND i cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 100 ND ND ND trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 100 ND ND ND Ethylbenzene 100 ND ND ND i 2-Hexanone 500 ND ND ND Methylene chloride 250 ND ND ND 4-Methyl-2-pemanone 500 ND ND ND I Styrene 100 ND ND ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 100 ND ND ND Tetrachloroethene 100 ND ND ND I Toluene 100 ND ND ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 100 ND ND ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 100 ND ND ND I Trichloroethene 100 ND ND ND Trichlorofluoromethane 100 ND ND ND Vinyl acetate 100 ND ND ND I Vinyl chloride 100 ND ND ND Total Xylenes 100 ND ND ND ND = None detected I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I I Project No. E92-073 Page No. 6 i CONCLUSIONS The results of the chemical analyses shoW that petroleum constituents were present in 5 of the I 11 soil samples that were obtained from the project site. Both of the samples obtained from beneath the dispenser of the gasoline' storage tank (Ti) were found to contain high concentrations of total petroleum I hydrocarbons as gasoline and moderate concentrations of xylenes. The deeper of the two samples also had a slight ethylbenzene concentration. The sample obtained from six feet beneath the center of the I solvent storage tank (T2) and the sample obtained from beneath its dispenser contained low to moderate concentrations of oil and grease. The sample taken from six feet beneath the used oil storage tank (T3) I contained a moderately high concentration of oil and grease. ! LIMITATIONS I The findings of this report were based upon the results of our field and laboratory investigations. I Therefore, the data are accurate only to the degree implied by review of the data obtained and by professional interpretation. I Chemical testing was done by laboratories approved by the State of California Department of Health Services. the results of the chemical 'testing are accurate only to the degree of care of ensuring I the testing accuracy and the representative nature of the soil samples obtained. The findings presented herewith are based upon professional interpretation using state of the art I methods and equipment and a degree of conservatism deemed proper as of this report date. It is not warranted that such data cannot be superseded by future geotechnical, environmental, or technological i developments. Our investigation and report were prepared for the exclusive use of our client who authorized this i w ork: Unauthorized use of or reliance on the information contained in this report without the expressed written consent of Krazan & Associates, Inc. is strictly prohibited. ! i i I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 ! Project No. E92-073 Page No. 7 I If there are any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Environmental Division Office at (209) 348-2200 or (800) 800-0711. I Respectfully submitted, I Ronald E. Holcomb · Project Geologist · Dean Alexander i Geotechnical Engineer RGE #002051/RCE #34274 I REH/DA/sf 2c: herewith I lc: City of Bakersfield Fire Department Atto: Ms. Barbara Brenner I (herewith for distribution) lc: Kern County I Environmental Health Services Department Attn: Mr. Steve McCalley (herewith for distribution) I 1 I I i I KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ! . I -'-~" ..... ~::':':'=~:: ................. ~ ~oF .~:-' ~'~"--~=l/:~~:~~i.~~s ..... .:/' .:,~, ~ I .~___'L_ ~__ JL_~___ ~,_ ............ ~- 2o.._ ~..~~~~1_-'" '_~ i. '" .... ~-~ ...... k~ ~. ":..". ~' I ~ ~-;~'~u ~ ~ ',, ~ I ; / ~ ~~~~_L II - ~ I I ~e.~':~o2· ;, ~i ~ ' _.../',~ ~"~.,. ':,~z'r~~~-. I I~rll II "" '" - " llff .... ;,..,~....-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 I . .., .. ..... : . r~-° ',"',': ,"" :~ ~ :.,./, _~ , , , ': ,;: ..... ..~ . J., . ,.,, . I --..~ .... .-..., ,."' ~.e:~ .--'-I~1 ~ ' · i,[ . ~ / , Jr . : : : .. . . ' .: .... i:,. ~'~ .... r',, I'-'~ Lg" j/I.~h~~ I .'~1 '11 .'.= . I ~ Il _,.,. ,~, :~,..... ,. ~. ::.,...a-~,~:~ ~ ~ ~, ..~,,.......: .., ,. .~ - ~ , ~,x?.- :t ..... : .... ':": -~: " "~ ~AF~ d.s.~.~. "~F~, o~" Project No. Drawing No. Merced Fresno Visalia Bakersfield ~~~q ~ ~ ~z-o~ o, I I-T I I' I l I Scale: . . Date: ' azan Pro~t No. Vi~uro NO. ~NGINE~R$ ~EO[O~I$T$ AND ~NVIRON~NTA[IA[ SPEaAtlSTS SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~ 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (4'~5) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ........... .:~:`~::~.:~`~.~..:~.~:.:.~.:.:~:~::...:¥:~:~..~:~¥:~:~:~.:.:~::~:.~ ...... :....~.::,,: ............. :..:. :.:.:...':, :.:: :::::: :::.~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !~i'~(~Jn';~ Associates (~lient Project ID: E92-073 . Sampled: Jan 28 1993~:.~i: ~215 West Dakota Avenue Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Feb 3, 1993ilii i!ilCIovis, CA 93612 Analysis Method: EPA5030/8015/8020 Reported: Feb 8. 19931i!ii!i iiiiAttention: Ron Holcomb First Sample #: 3B16101 ~ TOTAL PURGEABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Analyte Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. mg/kg 3B16101 3B16102 3B16103 3B16104 3B16105 3B16106 T1-A T1-B T1-C T1-D T1-E T1-F Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1.0 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 460 1,100 Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Ethyl Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 1.7 Total Xylenes 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. ' N.D. 5.3 37 IChromatogmm Pattern: ........ Weathered Weathered Gasoline Gasoline I Qualit~ Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Date Analyzed: 2/5/93 2/5/93 2/5/93 2/5/93 2/5/93 2/5/93 Instrument Identification: GCHP-6 GCHP-6 GCHP-6 GCHP-7 GCHP-6 GCHP-7 Surrogate Recovery, %: .129 104 114 94 83 90 (QC Limits = 70-130%) I Purgeable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D, were not detected above the stated reporting limit. I 'Andrea Fulcher ~/ Project Manager 3B16101.KRA < 1 > I SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~ 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ': ::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ':':':':::::': ============================================================================================================================================================= ?!:!:i:i:?i:J:!: i:!:i:i:?i:!:i:!:!:!:i:i:!:?~: i:?i:i~i~??!:iiiii:!:!:!!iiiii:i:~i!iiiiii:!~ii!iii!ii~!iiiiiii!~ii!ii~i~?!iiii:i:~:iii:i~!~:ii!:i:!:i:i~!:!:i:i:!:i:i:!:!:!:i:i:!:!~i~i~i~!~i:i:i~!:i:i:!~i:i~!:i:~!:i:!:!:!:i:i:!:i:i:!~i~:!: ilii1215 West Dakota Avenue Sample Descript: Soil, T2-A ' Received: Feb 3, ~i!iCIovis, CA 93612 Analysis Method: EPA 8240 Analyzed: Feb 5, 1993iliii i~i!iAttention: Ron Holcomb Lab Number: 3B16107 Reported: Feb 8, 1993;!iiii VOLATILE ORGANICS by GO/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................. 500 Benzene ............................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Bromodichloromethane .................................................... 100 Bromoform ........................................................................ 100 ..................................... N.M. Bromomethane ................................................................. 100 N.M. Carbon disulfide ................................................................ 100 Carbon tetrachloride ......................................................... 100 N.D. Chlorobenzene .................................................................. 100 N.D. Chloroethane ..................................................................... 100 N.D. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Chloroform ........................................................................ 100 N.D. Dibromochloromethane .................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1-Dichloroethane .......................... ; ................................. 100 ..................................... N.M. 1,2-Dichloroethane ............................................................ 100 N.D. 1,1-Dichloroethene ............................................................ 100 N.M. cis-l,2-Dichloroethene ...................................................... 100 N.D. trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,2-Dichloropropane ......................................................... 100 N.M. cis-l,3-Dichloropropene ................................................... 100 ..................................... trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ........................ : ....................... 100 N.D. Ethylbenzene ..................................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 2-Hexanone .................................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Methylene chloride ............................................................ 250 ..................................... N.M. 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ....................................................... 500 N.M. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ................................................. 100 Tetrachloroethene ............................................................. 100 ..................................... N.M. Toluene ........................................... ................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1, l-Trichloroethane ........................................................ 100 N.M. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ........................................................ 100 N.D. Trichloroethene ................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Trichlorofluoromethane .................................................... 100 ..................................... N.M. Vinyl acetate ................................................................. 100 N.D. Total Xylenes 100 ..................................... N.D. Analytes reported as N,D. were not present above the stated limit of detection, SEQUOIA-ANALYTICAL ..:~' roject Manager. 3B16101.KRA <2> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~ 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415)364-9233 1!111215 West Dakota Avenue Sample Descript: Soil, T2-B Received: Feb 3, 1993iiiii ;ii?lovis, CA 93612 Analysis Method: EPA 8240 Analyzed: Feb 5, 1993~iili ~iiiiAttent on: Ron Holcomb Lab Number: 3B16108 Reported: Feb 8, 1993iiiii! VOLATILE ORGANICS by GO/MS (EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results #g/kg pg/kg Acetone ............................................................................. 500 ..................................... N.D. Benzene ............................................................................. 100 .- .................................... N.D. Bromodichloromethane .................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Bromoform ........................................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Bromomethane ..................... ~ ...................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 2-Butanone ........................................................................ 750 ..................................... N.D. Carbon disulfide ................................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Carbon tetrachloride ......................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Chlorobenzene ..................................................................100 ..................................... N.D. Chloroethane ..................................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Chloroform ........................................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Chloromethane ..................................................................100 ..................................... N.D. Dibromochloromethane .................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1-Dichloroethane ............................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,2-Dichloroethane ............................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1-Dichloroethene ............................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. cis-l,2-Dichloroethene ...................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. trans-l,2-Dichloroethene .................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,2-Dichloropropane ......................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. cis-l,3-Dichloropropene ................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Ethylbenzene....; ................................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. 2-Hexanone ....................................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Methylene chloride ............................................................ 250 ..................................... N.D. 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ....................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Styrene ........................................................ . ...................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Tetrachloroethene ............................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Toluene .............................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ........................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ........................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Trichloroethene ................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Trichlorofluoromethane .................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Vinyl acetate .......... ............................................................ 100 · ....................................N.D. Vinyl chloride ..................................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Total Xylenes 100 N.D. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA-ANALYTICAL ~f'drea Fulcher Project Manager 3B16101.KRA <3> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~ 6~0 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 ~ (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 I d J n 28 1993 i215 West Dakota Avenue Sample Descrpt: Soil, T2-C ~ Received: Feb 3, 1993iiili I iiiilAttention: Ron Holcomb Lab Number: 3B16109 Reported: Feb 8, 19931iiii VOLATILE ORGANICS by GC/MS.'(EPA 8240) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results pg/kg pg/kg Acetone ........................................................................... :. 500 ..................................... Benzene ............................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Bromodichloromethane .................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Bromoform ........................................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Bromomethane ................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. 2-Butanone ........................................................................ 750 ..................................... N.D. Carbon disulfide ................................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Carbon tetrachloride ...................... ; .................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Chlorobenzene .................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Chloroethane ..................................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Chloroform ........................................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Chloromethane .................................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Dibromochloromethane .................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1-Dichloroethane ........................................... : ................ 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,2-Dichloroethane ............................................................ 100. N.D. cis-l,2-Dichloroethene ...................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. trans-l,2-Dichloroethene ................................... , .............. 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,2-Dichloropropane .......................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. cis-l,3-Dichloropropene ................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. Ethylbenzene ..................................................................... 100 N.D. Methylene chloride ........................................................ 250 ..................................... N.D. 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ....................................................... 500 ..................................... N.D. Styrene .............................................................................. 100 ..... . ................................ N.D. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Tetrachloroethene ............................................................. 100 ..... . ................................ N.D. Toluene .................................................... ...................... 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ........................................................ 100 ..................................... N.D. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane .................................................... ' 100 ..................................... N.D. Trichloroethene ............................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. Trichlorofluoromethane .................................................. 100 ..................................... N.D. i Vinyl acetate .......... i ................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Vinyl chloride ............................................................ 100 N.D. Total Xylenes .................................................................... 100 ..................................... N.D. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. I A'~drea Fulcher Project Manager ' 3B16101.KRA <4> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~ 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA94063 ..~: (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ':'"'"'"'"'"'"'""'"'"'"" ..... .......~.~....~.`..~......'.~...'.........~.....~..~.~...~..~.~.~.~:~.~...~....~...~.~...~.~.~.~.~......~.~:~.....~..:.~:~:...:.:.~.:.~.:~:~.;.~.:.~.:~:~.~.~.:~.:.:~:.:~:~:~:~:'~.~.~.:.~.~.:~:~:.:.:~+:.~::.>¥.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::~:¥~¥:¥:¥:::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:::~¥::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~:~:.~:¥::.:.~.¥:¥+~:;::::.:~>::::~:~>~.:::.:. i!~i~215 West Dakota Avenue Matrix Descript: Soil Received: iiiiCIovis CA 93612 Analysis Method: EPA 418 1 (I.a. with clean-up) i!!!Attention: Ron Holcomb First Sample Cf: 3B16107 Analyzed: TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS ' Sample Sample Petroleum Oil Number Description mg/kg . (ppm) 3B16107 T2-A N.D. 3B16108 . T2-B 19 3B16109 T2-C 87 3B16110 T3-A ' N.D. 3B16111 T3-B 290 Detection Limits: 1.0 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. ~drea Fulcher Project Manager 3B16101.KRA SEQUOI ANALYTICAL ~ 680 Chesapeake Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 .~ (415) 364'9600. FAX(415)364'9233 .West Dakota Avenue Method (units): EPA 8240 ~g/L purged) Q.C. Sample Dates ;iiiiCIovis, CA 93612 Analyst(s): G. Meyer iiiiiAttention: Ron Holcomb QC Sample #: 3B16107-8 Analyzed: Feb 4, 1993 Reported Feb 8 1993 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::i:: ii::i::i::i::i~::~?:iii::i::i::i::i::i::~::~?:ii~i~iiiiiiii::i::i::i:???:~::~??:i ~il ?:~i~ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~i!i~ii~iiiiii iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i;;i?: i:: iiii i???:i i~?i ;iiiiii?:i::iiiii ::i il ?:~?:;?i~i;???:i ii ?:;i;??:i ii ii?:;i;i;ii::iii::iiiii:: iii???:i il il i;?:~ :??????: ;?:; i~ ii ::ii! ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::i ?:!i ~i QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT Matrix Conc. Matrix Spike Conc. Spike Matrix Duplicate Relative Sample Spike Conc. Matrix % Spike % % Analyte Conc. Added Spike Recovery Duplicate Recovery Difference 1,1-Dichloro- N.D. 50 56 112 57 114 1.8 ethene Trichloroethene N.D. 50 47 94 46 ~ 92 2.2. Benzene N.D. 50 48 96 47 94 2.1 Toluene N.D. 50 49 98 49 98 0.0 IChlorobenzene N.D. 50. 48 96 48 96 0.0 SEQU,Q~A ANALYTICAJ~ f,~ I% Recovery Conc. of M.S.- Conc. of Sample x 100 ! ///j,~/~/~'~,,,~ ~/',//~C" ~l"Relative ~ Difference: Conc. of M.S. Conc. of M.S.D. 100 /,,~¢rfd~ea Fulcher ~' r I - x (Cenc. of M.S. + Conc. of M.S.D.) / 2 Project Manager 3B16101.KRA <6> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL I ~ 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 :'iilii215 West Dakota Avenue . ?iii :.::!iiCIovis, CA 93612 ~ !i!iAttention: Ron Holcomb QC Sample Group: 3B16101-3,5 , Reported: Feb 8, 1993iiiii I QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT IIANALYTE Ethyl- I Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes · Matrix: Soil ' I EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 Method: Analyst: B. AJi a. AJi B. Ni B. Ali Reporting Units: rog/kg rog/kg rog/kg mg/kg I Date Analyzed: Feb 5, 1993 Feb 5, 1993 Feb 5, 1993 Feb 5, 1993 QC Sample #: G9302-161-1A G9302-161-1A G9302-161-1A G9302-161-1A MS/MSD MS/MSD MS/MSD MS/MSD Inst. I.D. Cf: GCHP-E GCHP-E GCHP-E GCHP-E I N.D. N.D. N.D. Sample Cone.: N.D. I Spike Cone. Added: 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.60 I Cone. Matrix · Spike: 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.60 I Matrix Spike % Recovery: 100 100 100 100 I Conc. Matrix Spike Dup.: 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.58 I Matrix Spike Duplicate I .% Recovery: 95 · 95 95 97 Relative i % Difference: 5.1 5.1 5.1 3.4 ! SEQU~O}A A/~ALY"TI.~A~//l~ J% Recovery: Cone. of M.S.-Cone. of Sample x 100 /,~'~'~/~~ ,, ,..e I at iv, % Difference: Cons. of M.S. C onc. of M.S.D. D~'ndrea Fulcl~ ~' [ · - x lOO · (Cone. of M.S. + Cone. of M.S.D.) / 2 Project Mend'get ' I 3B16101.KRA <7> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (41.5) 364-9233 215 West Dakota Avenue iii!i Clovis, CA 93612 :.iiiii iiiilAttent on: Ron Holcomb QC Sample Group: 3B16104 & 06 Reported: Feb 8, 1993i~iii I QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT I IANALYTE Ethyl- Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Matrix: Soil Soil soil Soil I EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 Method: EPA 8O2O Analyst: R. Geckler ' R. Geckler R. Geckler R. Geckler Reporting Units: flg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L I Date Analyzed: Feb 5, 1993 Feb 5, 1993 Feb 5, 1993 Feb 5, 1993 QC Sample #: G9302161-O1A G9302161-01A G9302161-OIA G9302161-O1A Inst.' I.D. #: GCHP-7 GCHP-7 GCHP-7 GCHP-7 ISample Conc.: N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. i S pike Conc. Added: 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.60 Conc. Matrix Spike: 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.59 Matrix Spike % Recovery: 105 105 100 98 Conc. Matrix Spike Dup,: 0.21 0.21. 0.20 0.59 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 105 105 100 98 Relative % Difference: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I SE -'~A ANALYT - ~~~~~w ~E~'[~[, / ~ANA~~F,.~_ % Recovery: 0o13c. of M.S. * C on c. of SampleSpike Conc. Added x100 Relative % Difference: Conc. of M.S. -Conc. of M.S.D. x 100 (Conc. of M.S. +Conc. of M.S.D.) / 2 i3B16101.KRA <8> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~ 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 .. Client Project ID: E92-073 iii::::215 West Dakota Avenue ~:!iilAttention: Ron Holcomb QC Sample Group: 3B16107-11 Reported: Feb 9, 1993 QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT I IANALYTE TPH Method: EPA 418.1 Analyst: P. Penner Reporting Units:. mg/kg Date Analyzed: Feb 9, 1993 ~ . QC Sample #: 3B16110 Sample Conc.: N.D. · Spike Conc. ' Added: 230 Conc. Matrix Spike: 180 Matrix Spike % Recovery: . 78 Conc. Matrix Spike Dup.: 120 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 52 Relative · % Difference: 40 SE 0 ~1~ ~ ~/~1"~/~ I% Re co very: Conc. of M.S. - Co nc. of Sa topis x l00 /'~' / ~/~' ~ J'~' I Spike Conc. Added /X?~~~"~/~ ~-~"~C' JRelative % Difference' Conc. of M.S. - Conc. of M.S.D. X 100 /~. drea Fulch~¢ .// I ' (Conc.-of U.S. + Conc. of M.S.D.) / 2 Project Manager~ 3B16101.KRA <9> Chain of Custody Record 215 WEST DAKOTA AVENUE~~J~/ CLOVIS, CA 93612 (209) 348-2200 FAX: (209) 348-2201 ~ ~ ~ o7~ ~ ~ ~ o.s~,v.~.ONS, ~'~ ~ ~ COMMENTS Project No. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z 0 SAMPLE NO DATE TIME DESCRIPTION/LOCATION ~ ~' ~ ~i ~i =X ~" ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ I = ~RELINQ~ED~~~ ~.~Y ' DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RELINQUISItED BY DATE RECEIVED BY DATE [/ SUBMITTED 10 file I.ABTOTAL NUMBER OF CONIAINERS ~~ ~~ Signalure Signature Signalure METHOD OF SI IIPME N [/DELIVE.Y Prinled Name lIME Printed Name TIME Printed Name TIME Prinled Name TIME ~ SPECIAL SI IIPMENf~I IANDL lNG ~ O~ STO~AGE ~EOUIREMENIS Compnny Company Company ~E[INQUISH~ BY DATE ~EC~IVE D BY DATE ~ELINQUISHED BY DATE ~EC~E~ BY ([~ralo~) ~ignalure Signalure Signalure Siq~l~~ ~" ~-~ ~ -'~- HU~: A~O ~dnled Name TIME Prinled Name TIME Prinled Name TIME Prinled Name TIME RESULTS DUE:., ~ ' I'~ - Company Company Company Company ~ VERBAL ~ Wllll 1 EN ~il~ . i ~h ye~~ . p~o~cl r~e Pink. ~ ~3 ~ ~[n~ ......................... I)cccmb¢; 2.3, 1903 Pr6.i¢ct No, E92.073 REMEDIAL ACTION 'Pi~AN ItADDAD DODGE 4{}0'1 CAIJFORNIA AVENlrE IIA K I;Ix' ;-~l;I I:':) .t I, t.'A I. I1"( )1,' Nt ,\ J N. ] ~1 .I..().!.?.L.[t.~T I (.)N 'J'hix R~medial Action Plan (RAI~) is preseme, d ba~c,d upon thc re.suits of a Site (.',haraclerization I,vestigmion conducled oll December ]4 and ]5, 1993 .I,tJl~l~(.),',;.I.!'....()..I.(..T! IIq IN¥1~,S i I(,A i I(.)N .. The imrlmse of lhis 'Remedial Aclion Plan is Io excavate ami recycle the petroleum afl'cctLxJ soil in Ihe vicinity'of Ihe lbrlner nndcrgroUnd waste oil storage lank anti gasoli 'e dispenser as dtd'im'.d i, Ibc Site Characterizatim~ Investigation rcpm'l claled l)eeemher 23, 1993, S(.'.()l'i,; ()1( Till(: .INVI£STI(-;ATION 'l'hc scoj)c 0f the Remedial Action Plan will include the c. xcawuion t,.l' soil in the vicinity o1' tbrmer unclc, rground wasle oil storage lank and gasoJine dispenser. So'I s~m~ples will be. collected frmn tlje I)ottOln of Iht c~xcavalJoi~ arid submitted for cholBical al~aJysis ag (x,tl'irmalory SfllBJ)]Os, 'l'he soil Will I've trimsi~orled Io Gibsun of Bakersfield, Calitbrnia Ibr recycling. KRF~ZfiN ~ F~SSQCIF~TES 209-348-2200 Dec 93 11:05 NQ.O0? P.02 Project No. I,D2-0'/3 Pag~ No. 2, M ETI~iODOLOGY In order to accomplish the goals established in the lmrpose and scope of this investigation Sections of this Remcxlial Action Plan, Ih¢ Ibllowing methods will be employed. ]. The necessary Bakersfield Fire Dq)artmcnt permits would be obtained pric)r to tile co~nmencement of excavation activities. 2. Ttxe ~xcavatitm will be p~rforme, d by Kroeker of Fresno, California. Prior to initiating the excavation, an excavation permit would be. obtained fi'om the OccupatiollaI-Heallh and Safely Administration by Kroe. kor. 3. 'l'he excavation will be centre'ed on Borings B-i, B-2, and t3-4 that were advanced dm'lng Ih~ Site Characterization Investigation. The excavallon will have a diameter of. approximately 10 fe~t. and a' depth of apl.u'oximat~ly I5 feet in the vicinity of the former gasoline dispenser. '.rh~ oxcavation will have a diameter of approximately 20 feet and a depth of 15 feet in tho vicinity of the former waste oil tank. A one to one .slope fi'om tim cdgo of the pavement to tho del~th of th~ excavation will be maintain~l. 'l~e exact dimensions of t.h~ e~cavat, ion will be determined in tile field by 'the gee)legist or engineer present through lleld screening methods. Excavation would bo accomplished with a backhoe or similar heavy equipment. Please refer to Drawing No. 4 t~]' the location 0f previous soil borings and approximation of the area Io be excavated. Estimations at'~ that a total oval area of approximately 380 cub'it yards are aflEcl~l in this area. 4. Excavaled [)ctroleum affected soil would be loaded and transpt)rtexl Gibson of Bakersfield, California. 5. Eighl confirmatory samples Would be obtained fi'om the bottom and sidewalls of the excavation tbr submission t~r chemical analysis. The results of thc analysis would be used to determine tile adequacy of excavation. KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC~ KRRZRN & RSSOCIRTES TEL 209-348-2200 Dec 95 11:06 No.O07 P.O$ ' Project No. E92-073 Page No. 3 6. Sampling would be conductexl in an attempt to follow Ihe' guidelines established by the Bakersfield Fire Department. 7, Soil samples would be ohtaine41 by means of pushing stainless Steel tribes or brass sleeves imo the soil collected fi'om the sampling ])elm wilh a hac~oe bucket (ASTM D-1587-86, "Thin-Wall~ Tube Sampling of Soils"). · 8; Upon obtaining the soil samples, each tube/sleeve would be cover~l on each end with aluminum foil with thc si~iny side of the foil against the soil m~d tight-fitting plastic caps. ~c ends of each robe would then be secured with inert tape and chainmt:custody seals. Each sample would titan be'labeled with ihe Project number, lime, depth, and location at which the samples was obtainS. Following sample labeling, each soil sa~nple will be placed in a cooler chest with synthetic ice to limii the volatilization of any hydrocarbons present. 9, The samples would be maintained and transported under chain-of-custody protocol. Selected soil sample,s would be submitted to a State of Calilbrnia Department of He~ll)~ Services approved laboratory for chemical analysis. 10. The samples would be analyzed for the presence ~nd concentration of benzene, toluene, etbylbenzene, xylen~s, anti total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPI l-G) by EPA Method 8020 and 8015M and oil and grease by EPA Method 418.1 to confirm the hydrocarbon levels al Ibc depth to which excavation occurs. ¢ 11. The excess soil returns and rinsale which were stored on-site following the Site Characterization Investigation will be in'c. luded with the soil removed from the excavation to be recycled. 12. ]'he excavation will' be baekfilled with clean native mamrial. The excavation will be backfilled immeAiately upon excavation. KRAZAN & A$SOCIAT[q, INC. KRFIZRN g, 14SSIDCII4TES TEl 209-:::548-2200 Dec 93 11:06 No.O07 P.04 I'ruje¢, No. E92-073 Page No. t~ '13, The backfille~l aoil below a depth or' two feet wonld be compacted to · 90% of its relative d['y density (ASTM 1557-86). 'l't}e baekfillccl soil I¥om grade to a tlepth of two feet would be compacled to 95% of its relative'dry density; The compaction testing services outlined above would be provided by K,'azan & Associates, Inc. 14. All of Krazan & Associates, Inc. environmental field Work (not including compaction te,qting of clean fill) would be conducted by personnel who meet the Occupational Safety & Health Administration requirements for hazardous w~[ste wt~rk including 40-hour. health and safety training and medical monitorii~g. Ftnxhermore, Krazan & Associates, Inc. work would be conduct~ under standards set forth hy industry and deeine~l acceptable by various regulatory agencies. Hard hats, protective eyewear, steel-toe bm~ts, protective clr,thing, and respiratory devices would he wnrk by field personnel, during some field activities..For further informalion regarding health and safety relat~ measures Krazan & Assoeiales', inc. personnel, please refer t~ the attached health and saf~t.y plan in Appendix A. 15. W'e wm~ld be in a posititm to begin our fiekl portion of the investigation immediately following notification of the Bakersfield Fire Department's acceptance of our remedial plan, and the Occupa¢0nal Safety and 'Heallh Administration's isstlanc~ of an excavation permit. The final report should be aVailable lbr review approximately I 0 working days following receipt of the results of chemical analysis. However, verbal results could be ava lable sooner. 'flfis time schedule is intended tut use as a planning tool o~!ly. Factors s~lch as the time necessary fi~r regulatory approval, weatlier, suhsurface conditions encountered, and the ability pace of olher mntractors are beyolld our control. KRAZAN & ASSOCIAT.F~S, INC. KRRZRN & f3SSOCIRTES 209-348-2200 Dec 93 11:06 No.O07 P.05 I'm. leer No. E92-073 Page N., 5 If there are any questions or if we can be of fi.'ther assistance, please flt~ not t,esitate to ¢olll, ltcl. our E,wimnmental Division Offico at (209) 348-2200 or (800)'800-0711. Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIA II.S, INC. /(.. Cynthia C. Wagner Registered Enviromnental Assessor REA #04¢1 i Dean Alexander Geotechnical E.gi.eer RGE/1002051/RCE//34274 CCW/D^/Ijk 2c herewith KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. KRF~ZflN ~ flSSOCIRTES 209-348-2200 Dec 93 1];:07 No.O0? P.06 ~.. . i. i '1 ScAle: .' · · Dale: ' ' ' - ' .._ .... . .... ~,..,,,~ ~,~:.~.: Project No. Figure No. I DRAFT WORKPLAN PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND EVALUATION HADDAD DODGE 4001 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKF~RSFIELD, CALIFORNIA JUNE 30, 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION... ....................................... 1 2.0 BACKGROUND .......................................... 1 2.1 GEOLOGY .' ......................................... 1 2.2 HYDROGEOLOGY ..................................... 2 2.3 RESULTS OF PREVIOUS INVESTIGA~ONS ................... 3 3.0 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE ................................... 5 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF WORK ................................... 5 4.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ........................ ..... 5 4.2 DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING .......................... 6 4.3 CHEMICAL TESTING PROGRAM .......................... 7 5.0 REPORT PREPARATION ................................... 8 6.0 SCHEDULE . 7.0 REFERENCES ........................................... 8 Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 i LIST OF TABLES Follows Table No. Page 1 TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (EPA METHOD 418.1) ................................ 9 2 PETROLEUM CONSTITUENTS IN SOIL .................... 9 3 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN SOIL ................ 9 4 ANALYTICAL RESULTS--TRPH AND TPH .................. 9 5 ANALYTICAL RESULTS--VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS ...................................... 9 6 ANALYTICAL RESULTS--METALS ....................... 9 Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 ii LIST OF FIGURF~ FoHows Figure No. Page 1 SITE LOCATION MAP ................................ 9 2 SITE PLOT PLAN ................................... 9 3 SOIL BORING LOCATIONS ............................. 9 Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Prelirninary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 111 DRAFY WORKPLAN PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION and EVALUATION HADDAD DODGE FACILITY 1.0 INTRODUCTION This is a Workplan for a Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of known subsurface soil contamination associated with three' former underground storage tanks (USTs) at the Haddad Dodge Facility located at 4001 California Avenue in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The former LISTs included a 10,000 gallon gasoline tank, a 1,000 gallon waste oil tank, and a 500 gallon solvent tank. Locations of the excavations associated with the former USTs are presented on Figure 2. The scope of work summarized in this Workplan is based .on the results of previous subsurface investigations conducted 'at the site. This Workplan was developed using the Tri-Regional Board Staff Draft Recommendations for Preliminary Evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites (January 22, 1991). 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 GEOLOGY The subject site lies within the southern portion of the San Joaquin Valley, which is an elongate, northwest-southeast oriented asymmetrical structural trough that is bounded by the Sierra Nevada Range to the north and east, the Coast Ranges to the west, and the Tehachapi Mountains to the south. The San Joaquin Valley has been filled with thousands of feet of sediment, ranging in age from Tertiary to Recent. The thickness of the sediment in the site vicinity is on the order of 11,000 feet (California Division of Oil and Gas (CDOG), 1985). Directly underlying the subject property are 2,000 to 3,000 feet of unconsolidated alluvial sediments that were deposited as part of a large alluvial fan which slopes towards the west. These sediments were derived from the Sierra Nevada Range to the east and were deposited by the Kern River and .other tributary streams as interbedded clays, sands, and grovels (Page, 1986). Underlying these deposits are consolidated marine sediments that have poor hydraulic conductivity and typically contain high salinity groundwater Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Prcliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 1 (Page, 1986). As such, marine sediments in the area are not considered significant to groundwater production. The basement complex of Sierran granitic rocks lies below 11,000 feet (CDOG, 1985). Sediments beneath the site predominantly consist of silt and silty fine sand to a depth of apprOximately 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). Underlying these fine-grained sediments to a depth of approximately 50 feet bgs are fine to coarse sands and silty sands, and gravels (Krazan & Associates, Inc., 1992, and Dames & Moore, 1993). 2.2 HYDROGEOLOGY Most groundwater in the southern San Joaquin Valley occurs in the upper 2,000 feet of Late Pliocene to Holocene age unconsolidated alluvial strata. This strata contains a multiaquifer system. According to Mr. Thomas Haslebacher of the Kern County Water Agency (KCWA), the upper alluvial fan deposits are characterized by unconfined and semi-confined aquifers. Depth to groundwater is estimated to be approximately 190 feet bgs at the site (KCWA, 1991). The southwesterly flowing Kern River is situated apProximately 3/4-mile northwest of the subject site. The river is considered a major recharge area for groundwater aquifers (KCWA, 1991 and 1992). Other significant recharge.occurs along the Gates Canal. The Kern River recharge system generates a groundwater high in the river vicinity that decreases away from the river on either side. In the site vicinity the hydraulic gradient drops off approximately 20 feet per mile to the southeast (KCWA, 1991). According to KCWA groundwater database information, groundwater quality in the area is very good to excellent. Groundwater extracted from this area is used primarily for municipal/industrial purposes. No regional groundwater contamination problem has been identified in the area (Thomas Haslebacher, personal communication, March, 1993). Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCDl/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 2 2.3 RESULTS OF PREVIOUS INVES~GA~ONS Twining Laboratories, Inc. and Krazan & Associates, Inc. have performed the assessments and/or investigations at the subject site which are summarized in the following reports: · Twining Laboratories, Inc., Soil Sampling Beneath Underground Fuel Storage Tanks, Bakersfield Dodge, Inc., Bakersfield, California, July 15, 1988, prepared for Bakersfield Dodge, Inc. · Krazan & Associates, Inc., Tank Removal Soil Sampling, Haddad Dodge, 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California, February 26, 1993. A brief summary of each.report reviewed is presented below. Locations of borings drilled are presented on Figure 3, and analytical results from these investigations are summarized on Tables 1 through 3. The summaries do not reflect any interpretation or critical evaluation. Twining Laboratories, Inc. was retained by Mr. Haddad of Bakersfield Dodge, Inc. in June, 1988 to investigate three USTs. Twining Laboratories, Inc. advanced three angle borings in the vicinity of the USTs. One soil sample was collected from a depth of approximately 4 feet beneath each tank and sent to Twining Laboratories in Fresno for analysis. The soil sample collected from beneath the 10,000-gallon gasoline UST was analyzed for Oil & Grease by EPA Method 418.1 (currently referred to as a Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TRPH) analysis), Total Hydrocarbons as gasoline, and benzene, toluene and xylenes (EPA Methods 5020/8020). The soil sample collected from beneath a 500-gallon waste oil UST was analyzed for Oil and Grease (EPA Method 418.1), and the sample from beneath a 500-gallon waste solvent UST was analyzed for Total Hydrocarbons against a solvent standard (EPA Methods 5020/8020). Contaminants were not detected in the three samples that were analyzed. Soil sampling and analysis was conducted by Krazan & Associates, Inc. during the removal of the three on-site LISTs on January 28, 1993. Kroeker Environmental of Fresno, California removed the USTs under supervision of Mr. Jeff Kroeker. A representative of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department was reportedly present during UST removal and sampling. Two soil samples were collected from depths of 14 and 18 feet at each end of the gasoline tank excavation, and two soil samples were collected at depths of 2 and 6 feet at the gasoline Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 3 dispenser. These six samples were analyzed for TPPH as gasoline by EPA Method 8015 modified and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes by EPA Method 8020. TPPH (460 and 1,100 mg/kg), xylenes (5.3 and 37 mg/kg), and ethylbenzene (not detected and 1.7 mg/kg) were detected in only the two samples collected from the gasoline dispenser area at depths of 14 and 18 feet, respectively (Tables 1 and 2). Two soil samples were collected from below the center of the waste oil LIST at depths of 12 and 16 feet, and analyzed for TRPH by EPA Method 418.1. TRPH were not detected in the sample collected from 12 feet, but 290 mg/kg were detected in the sample collected from 16 feet. Two soil samples were collected from the center of the solvent LIST excavation at depths of 10 and 14 feet as well as one sample collected from the solvent LIST dispenser at 2 feet. These three samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8240 and TRPH by EPA Method 418.1. VOCs were not detected in these samples, but TRPH were detected at concentrations of 87 and 19 mg/kg in the 2-foot and 14-foot samples, respectively (Table 3). The City of Bakersfield Fire Department was contacted by Dames & Moore concerning hazardous materials handled at the subject property and the leaking UST case. Files held by the CBFD were reviewed on April 1, 1993. The files contained hazardous materials inventories for 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990. These inventories indicated the presence of a 10,000-gallon gasoline UST. A 1988 inspection report indicated the presence of the waste oil and solvent USTs, that these two USTs were empty and not in use, and that plans had been made to close the tanks in place. This inspection report noted heavy spillage around the waste oil UST fill Pipe. Other records included permits to abandon the three USTs, and the Twining Laboratories, Inc. 1988 report and Krazan & Associates 1993 report summarized elsewhere in this section. In addition, Dames & Moore collected soil samples from four borings drilled in the areas of the UST excavations during a Limited Phase H Investigation conducted in May and June, 1993. Boring locations are presented on Figure 3, and analytical results are summarized on Tables 3 through 6. Analytical results for the soil sample collected from boring T-1 at 5 feet bgs indicated the presence of 39 mg/kg TPH as gasoline and 370/~g/kg toluene. Analytical results for the soil sample collected from boring T-2 at 10 feet bgs indicated no TPH concentrations were detected as gasoline or waste oil, and no detectable concentrations of VOCs were present. Metals detected in this sample consisted of arsenic (0.56 mg/kg), barium (44 mg/kg), beryllium (0.39 mg/kg), chromium. (4.3 rog/kg), copper (3.0 mg/kg), vanadium (21 rog/kg), and zinc (22 mg/kg). Analytical results for the soil sample collected from boring T-3 at 5 feet bgs indicated TRPH concentrations of 180 mg/kg. Methylene chloride was the only VOC detected in this Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 4 sample at a concentration of 3.4 t~g/kg. Metals detected in this sample consisted of arsenic (9.4 mg/kg), barium (170 mg/kg), chromium (18 mg/kg), cobalt (11), copper (15 mg/kg), mercury (0.025 rog/kg), nickel (11 rog/kg), vanadium (53 rog/kg), and zinc (78 rog/kg). Analytical results for the soil sample collected from boring T-4 at 5 feet bgs indicated TRPH concentrations of 22 mg/kg. VOCs were not detected in this sample. Metals detected in this sample Consisted of arsenic (2.6 mg/kg), barium (120 mg/kg), chromium (11 mg/kg), cobalt (10), copper (7.6 mg/kg), mercury (0.037 mg/kg), nickel (5.3 mg/kg), vanadium (40 mg/kg), and zinc (50 mg/kg). 3.0 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE The objective of this investigation is to further assess the nature and extent of hydrocarbon impacted soils at the site within the vicinity of the three former USTs. The elements of the program are listed below: · Health and Safety Plan · Drilling operations · Proposed boring locations · Sampling methodology · Laboratory testing · Data reporting These elements are discussed in the following section (Section 6.0) of this Workplan. 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 4.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN A site specific Health and Safety Plan will be prepared to: (1) identify potentially hazardous substances which may be encountered during field operations; (2) specify protective equipment and clothing for on-site' activities; and (3) outline measures to be implemented in the event of an emergency. Field personnel will be required to review the Health and Safety Plan prior to initiating field work. Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 5 4.2 DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING Seven soil borings will be completed at the site to evaluate the extent of soils containing petroleum hydrocarbons (impacted soils) in the vicinity of the former USTs. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on Figure 3. Five borings will be drilled in the vicinity of the former excavation that contained the gasoline and waste oil tanks. These borings will be drilled to evaluate the depth of impacted soils beneath the former USTs and will be drilled to a depth where no impacted soils are observed (i.e., two consecutive samples containing no significant observable petroleum hydrocarbon). Based on the results of previous investigations we anticipate that these borings will extend to approximately 30 feet bgs. Two additional borings will be drilled in the vicinity of the former solvent UST. Based on the results of previous investigations we anticipate that these borings will extend to approximately 20 feet bgs. If significantly impacted soils are observed in any of the seven borings, additional soil borings may be drilled. These additional borings would also be drilled to approximately the same depth as the boring(s) where significant contamination was noted. However, the depth of each of the additional borings could be extended if significantly impacted soils are observed at the bottom of the borehole. Drilling operations will be conducted by a C-57 licensed driller. Drilling will be conducted using a track-mounted, hydraulic, rotary drill rig equipped with a hollow stem auger with a minimum outer diameter of 6 inches. Downhole drilling equipment will be steam cleaned or washed with non-phosphate detergent solution prior to being used at each drilling location. Drill cuttings will be placed on visqueen or in roll-off bins and covered with visqueen., An experienced field geologist supervised by a California Registered Geologist will collect soil samples during drilling. Relatively undisturbed soil samples will be collected using a California type, split-spoon sampler. Soil samples will be collected approximately every five feet of drilling. Vapor emissions from the soil samples will be monitored using a Century Systems Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA). The field geologist will record observations regarding soil types using the Unified Soils Classification and pertinent information concerning the occurrence of hydrocarbon impacted soils (i.e., odors, staining, and moisture content) on a boring log. Prior to collecting each sample, the downhole sampling equipment will be cleaned with dilute non-phosphate detergent solution, double rinsed in clean tap water, and final rinsed in distilled water. Soil samples will be collected in stainless steel rings. Once retrieved, the exposed soil Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Prellminary Inveatigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 6 on the ends .of two of the sleeves will be covered with Teflon sheeting and fitted with plastic end caps. Sample labels containing the following information will be f~xed to the end caps: sample number, depth, date, collector name, owner, sample location, and time of collection. Soil samples will be stored in an ice chest cooled with ice. Chain-of-custody procedures Will be maintained for the collected soil samples. This form will be filled out by the sample collector before releasing the samples to the laboratory. Completed chain-of-custody forms will be returned along with the results from the analytical laboratory. Subsequent to completion of the soil borings, the borings will be backf'flled with a cement/bentonite grout. 4.3 CHEMICAL TESTING PROGRAM Selected soil samples obtained during the investigation will be analyzed by a California Department of Health Services approved laboratory for the analyses that will be conducted. Soil samples will be selected for chemical analysis based on field observations which will include odor, staining or discoloration, moisture content, and organic emissions as measured by the OVA. In general, soil samples which exhibit worst-case impact, based on the field observations, and samples that will delimit the extent of hydrocarbon impacted soils will be chosen for chemical analysis. Approximately nine samples collected from the borings in the ~ of the former gasoline tank will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline {TI'H-gas) by a modified ~,~ EPA method 8015 and benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene (BTXE) by EPA method).~~ 8020. In addition, approximately three soil samples collected from the borings in the vicinity of the gasoline tank will be analyzed for ethylene dibromide (EDB) by EPA method 504 and total lead. Approximately eight soil samples from the borings in the vicinity of the former waste oil tank will be analyzed for oil and grease (gravimetric) by EPA method 413.1 and total organic halides crox). Approximately six soil samples collected from the two borings in the vicinity of the former solvent tank will be ~alyzed for volatile organic compounds by EPA method In addition, for Quality Assurance/Quality Control purposes one duplicate sample will be analyzed for TPH-gas and BTXE and one for oil and grease. One equipment blank and/or trip blank will also be analyzed for TPH-gas and BTXE. Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 7 5.0 REPORT PREPARATION A report presenting the results of the investigation will be prepared and submitted to CBFD. The report will include field observations, analytical results, boring logs, and a site map showing boring locations and, to the extent possible, the lateral extent of soil contamination. The report will also include recommendations for additional investigation work, if appropriate. 6.0 SCHEDULE It is anticipated that the field investigation can begin approximately two weeks after approval of this work plan by CBFD. The drilling program is estimated to require approximately two to three days to complete. Analytical results are normally available within three weeks after submittal of the samples to the laboratory. A written report can be completed approximately three weeks after receipt of the laboratory results. It is therefore estimated that the project duration will be on the order of seven weeks. 7.0 REFERENCES California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas, 1985, California Oil and Gas Fields, Central California. Haslebacher, Thomas, Kern County Water Agency, geologist, personal communication, March, 1993. Kern County Water Agency, September, 1991, Water Supply Report 1990. Kern County Water Agency, February 1, 1992, 1991 Report on Water Conditions, Improvement District No. 4. Krazan & Associates, Inc., Tank Removal Soil Sampling, Haddad Dodge, 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California, February 26, 1993. Page, W.A., 1986, Geology of the fresh ground-water basin of the Central Valley, California, with texture maps and sections: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1401-C, 54 PP. Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 8 Twining Laboratories, Inc., Soil Sampling Beneath Underground Fuel Storage Tanks, Bakersfield Dodge, Inc., Bakersfield, California, July 15, 1988, prepared for Bakersfield Dodge, Inc. Haddad Dodge Facility Workplan-Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation SCD1/Dodgeust.wkp June 30, 1993 9 &d 0 0 0 0 o o o o FIGURE 1 ) SITE LOCATION MAP o . 1/2 1 HADDAD DODGE scale in ~a~es 4001 California Avenue. .Base Maps: USGS Topographic Quadrangles: Gosford, ,. CA 1954, photorevtsed 1968 & 1973; Oildale, CA 1954, Bakersfield, Califomia photorevised 1968, photolnspected 1973. ~ ~ DAMES & MOORE 493/10~ GAUFORNIA A VENUE Poss~le '~ I .I Oil/Water ~ Separator :~ MARIE Former ~ CAI I ENDER; Showroom Storage Area ~ (solvent, oil, ~ ' and waste oil ~ AS/Ts) Used Car I Main Sales Depart~P~n~l x ~I. I Building . BUILDING #1 (Service) ee [] Gasoline /~ For~' Fuel Pump & Waste ~/~/~// UST Excavatio~ RESIDENTIAL 8olvent Concrete Stab BUILDING ~/(Sen, ice) Solvent AST 0~, oor Hoi,sts Motor Oil Storage VACANT LOT BUILDING ~ (Bod Spray Booth SCHOOL Storage Compressors EXPLANATION: [-~ Transformer ~'~--~ Concrete Block Wall x Fence FIGURE 2 · o Floor Drain/Sediment Trap [] . Former Waste Oil AST SITE PLOT PLAN (~ HADDAD DODGE 0 100 200 4001 California Avenue ' ' Bakersfield, California Approximate Scale in Feet ~ DAMES & MOORE June, 1993 493/106-~ GAUFORNIA A VENUE Oil/Water Separator ~' MARIE Fommr i~ CALLENDER'I Showroom Storage Area (solvent, oil, and waste oil ASTs) Used Car Main Sales Pads I ,. I Building DepartmentI ~ BUILDING #1 (service) oO ~) 7..~.c_..~. E~l-ormer Fuel Pump' & Waste Oil '= lIST Excavation UST Excavation ~"~1~- I BUILDING ~ (Service) ·  Solvent AST I Conoret~ Slab Outdoor ,Hoists Motor Oil Storage VACANT LOT BUILDING ~ (Body Shop) §~ ,Paint Paint Spray SCHOOL Storage Booth EXPLANATION: [-~ Transformer ~ Concrete Block Wall x Fence o Floor Drain/Sediment Trap [] Former Waste Oil AST ~T-3 Approximate Location of Vertical Boring, Dames & Moore, 1993 B-2 -~ Approximate Location of Angle Boring, Twining Laboratories, 1988 · Approximate Location of Vertical Boring, FIGURE 3 Krazan & Associates, 1993 · Approximate Location of Proposed Boring SOIL BORING LOCATIONS HADDAD DODGE (~ 4001 California Avenue o ~oo 200 Bakersfield, California ~ I Approximate Scale in Feet ~ DAMES .& M. OOR£ June, 1993 TABLE 1 Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPA Method 418.1) January 28, 1993 Sampling, Krazan & Associates (All concentrations are in parts per million.) Sample Description Detection Limit Petroleum Oil T2-A I ND T2-B 1 19 T2-C I 87 T3-A I ND T3-B 1 290 ND-- None detected .Source: Krazan & Associates, Inc., "Tank Removal Soil Sampling, Haddad Dodge, 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California". Prepared for Coleman Ventures, February 26, 1993 TABLE 2 Petroleum Constituents in Soil January 28, 1993 Sampling, Krazan & Associates Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015/8020 (All concentrations are in parts per million.) Sample No. Sample Location Approx. Depth Benzene Toluene Ethyl benzene Xylenes TPH-G Below Grade DL: .005 DL: .005 DL. 005 DL .005 DL .005 T1 -A Tank #1 North End 14' ND ND ND ND ND T1 -B Tank #1 North End 18' ND ND ND ND ND T1 -C Tank #1 South End 14' ND ND ND ND ND T1 -D Tank #1 South End 18' ND ND ND ND ND T1 -E Tank #1 Dispenser 2' ND ND ND 5.3 460 T1 -F Tank #1 Dispenser 6' ND ND 1.7 37 1100 DL= Detection Limit TPH-G= Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon as Gasoline by EPA 8015 M ND= None detected Source: Krazan & Associates, Inc. "Tank Removal Soil Sampling, Haddad Dodge, 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California", Prepared for Coleman Ventures, February 26, 1993. TABLE 3 Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil January 18, 1993 Sampling, Krazan & Associates Analysis Method: EPA 8240 (All concentrations are in parts per billion.) Analyte Detection Limit T2-A T2-B T2-C Acetone 500 ND ND ND Benzene 100 ND ND ND. Bromodichlommethane 100 ND ND ND' Brom oform 100 N D N D N D Bromomethane 100 ND ND ND 2- Butanone 500 ND ND ND Carbon Disulfide 100 ND ND ND Carbon tetrachloride 100 ND ND ND Chlorobenzene 100 ND ND ND Chloroethane 100 ND ND ND 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 500 ND ND ND Chloroform 100 ND ND ND Chloromethane 100 ND ND ND · Dibromochloromethane 100 ND ND ND 1,1-Dichloroethane 100 ND ND ND 1,2- Dich Ioroethane 100 N D N D N D 1,1 - Dich Ioroethene 100 ND ND ND cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene 100 ND ND ND trans- 1,2- Dichloroethene 100 ND ND ND 1,2- Dichloropropan e 100 ND ND ND cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 100 ND ND ND trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 100 ND ND ND Ethylbenzene 100 ND ND ND 2-Hexanone 500 ND ND ND Methylene chloride 250 ND ND ND 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone 500 N D N D ND Styrene 100 N D N D N D 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 100 ND ND ND Tetrach Ioroethene 100 N D N D N D Toluene 100 ND ND ND 1,1,1 - Trichloroethane 100 ND ND ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 100 ND ND ND Trichloroethene 100 ND ND ND Trichlorofluoromethane 100 ND ND ND Vinyl acetate 100 ND ND ND Vinyl chloride 100 ND ND ND Total Xylenes 100 ND ND ND ND--- None detected Source: Krazan & Associates, Inc., 'q'ank Removal Soil Sampling, Haddad Dodge, 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California". Prepared for Coleman Ventures, February 26, 1993 TABLE 4 A~ALYTICAL R~SULTS - TRPH AND TPH DAMF_,S & MOOI~, 1993 Sample TRPH in mg/kg TpHas Gasoline TPH as Waste Oil in mg/kg in rog/kg T-l-lA @ 5 feet - 39 T-2-2A @ 10 feet - <0.20 < 50 T-3-1A @ 5 feet 180' - - T-4-1A @ 5 feet 22 - - - Not Analyzed TRPH Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by EPA Method 418.1 TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasolinre or Waste Oil by EPA Method 8015 modified < Not Detected. The number following the "<" sign represents the reporting/detection limit of the analysis TABLE 5 RESULTS - VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DAMES & MOORE, 1993 .- Sample EPA Compounds Detected Method (in #g/kg) T-l-lA @ .5 801.5m Toluene 370 feet T-2-2A @ 10 801.5m and ND feet 8010/8020 T-3-1A @ .5 8010/8020 Methylene Chloride 3.4 feet T-4-1A @ .5 8010/8020 ND feet ND Not Detected for all target compounds. TABLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS - METALS (in mg/kg) DAMES & MOORE, 1993 T-2-2A (2.5 0.56 44 0.39 (2.5 4.3 (5.0 3.0 (0.010 (10 (5 (7.5 (10 (0.25 (50 21 22 T-3-1A (2.5 9.4 170 (0.25 (2.5 18 11 15 0.025 (10 11 (7.5 (10 (0.25 (50 53 78 T-4-1A (2.5 2.6 120 (0.25 (2.5 11 10 7.6 0.037 (10 5.3 (7.5 (10 (0.25 (50 40 50 ( Not Detected. Thc number following tho * ( .' sign represents tho reporting/detection limit of the annlysis TrLC -- Total Threshold Limit Concentration STLC -- Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, in rog/L. . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT - 2101 H-STREET S. D. JOHNSON November 23, 1992 BAKERSFIELD1 93301 FIRE CHIEE 326-3911 .Mr. Gary. Grumbles Coleman Property Management Corp. 5251 'Office Park Dr., Ste 200 P.O. BOx 9336 Bakersfield, Ca. 93389 Dear Mr. Grumbles: I am in receipt of your letter of November 10, 1992 requesting an extension for the removal of the underground fuel tanks at 4001 California Avenue. Because of your pending and eminent agreement with Chrysler Realty Corp: relating t° these abandoned tanks,- I feel the 60' day extension requested is justified. We will however, need a definite and positive action to properly close these tanks by January 15, 1993. If you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance please feel free' to call (805) 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, ,. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH:vp 5251 Office Park Drive Suite 200 PO. Box 9336 Bakersfield, CA 93389 (805) 326-1141 FAX (805) 326-1139 November 10, 1992 Mr. Joe A. Dunwoody CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 9330-1 .................... ~:~:~: ........... ~'~ ........... -.... ff Re: Underground tanks ~ 4001 California Avenue Dear Mr. Dunwoody: Pursuant to our recent conversation, we have been working for Sometime now to have our tenant, Ch~sler Realty Corp. Property close the underground tanks located at 4001 California Avenue. As we discussed several weeks ago, we are close to an agreement with Chrysler that will assure the proper abandonment of these tanks. However, due to the complexity of dealing with Chrysler's legal counsel, this process 'is taking longer than we had anticipated; therefore, I am requesting a 60-day extension on behalf of the owners on your November 15th deadline. I feel that this extension will provide us adequate time to conclude our pending negotiations with Chrysler and properly abandon these tanks. Your consideration in the extension reqUest will be greatly appreciated. sh°Uld"yo~ny que;tions'or require additional inf;r-mation, please feel free to O,~.,~ at 32~1141. GARY ~RUMBLES Vice Prb'sident Coleman .Property Management Corp. GG:kll *hd.kl*dw I CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" October 2, 1992 RRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Coleman Ventures 5251 Office Park Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 Attn: Property Manager Dear Sir: It has come to our attention' that you currently own property at 4001 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA (~PN# 020-120-23-00-8c) · which contains at least three underground fuel storage tanks. It also appears that these tanks have been out of service for a period of one year. Per 79.116 of the Uniform Fire Code underground storage tanks must be properly closed. Please make the necessary arrangements to properly close these tanks by November 15, 1992. If you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance please feel free to contact me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerel~ yours, doe A.' Dunwoo~ Hazardous Materials Specialist Underground Tank Program cc: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Material Coordinator Bakersfield Dodge Inc. P.O. Box 10118 .Bakersfield,' CA 93389 JAD/ed ' . · .~ d HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 180004C state ID No.: 64429 Issued to: HADDAD DODGE Location: 4001 CALIFORNIA AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Owner: BAKERSFIELD DODGE INC. P.O. BOX 10118 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 Operator: HADDAD DODGE INC. 4001 CALIFORNIA AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Facility Profile: Year Is Piping Tank No. Substance Capaci .ty Installed ~ 1 NONE 0 GAL ? YES 2 NONE 0 GAL ? YES 3 NONE 0 GAL ? YES This permit is granted subject to the conditions listed on the attached summary of con~ditions and may be revoked for failure to adhere to the stated conditions and/or violations of any other State or Federal regulations. Issued by: Ralph E. Huey Title: Hazardous Materials Coordinator Issue Date: JULY 1, 1991 Expiration Date: JULY 1,. 1994 POST ON PREMISES NONTRANSFERABLE SOIL SAMPLING BENEATH UNDERGROUND ~. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Presented to: 4001 Bakersfield Dodge Inc. California Avenue Bakersfield, Cailfornia 93309 July 15, ~:'~Pu~0sE A~' SCOPE OF IN~STIGATION .................... .... 2 ~"~PL~NG Z~ TEsTiNG PRmEDuRES ' 5;0 RESOLTS AND FINDINGS .:. - ~LIST 0F APPENDICES: LI':~T OF TABLES ~:.'.~'Table I - SOil Sample Laboratory AnalYsis DraWin~ ~o. 1 - s~te ~ap and Bor~n~'~ocations Draw~n~ ~o. 2 - Cros~ S~et~on of 8olvent ~ ~aste Oil ~nks ~ ,~:; ,. . , Fresno Mo~esto Visalia BakersfielO '~ '!": "' Since 1898 ~ :': '!"' Geotechnicaland Environmental Consultants · Engineering and Chemical Laboratories i~:!-..!:~ '~ .. ' .SOIL SAMPLING BENEATH UNDERGROUND ) ?~NTRODOCTION '. ':". .... '~.'.'.~ .i '. ~ .... . . .:,~.....~ ================================================================ ob~a.~ea benea~ ~he a~ea o~ ~h~ee underground s~o~age ~a~ks ~ocated ;~¥,scoDe o~ ou~ services ~ere au~h'o¢~=ed v~a a w~'~e~ con~ac~ da~ed .'~, ?,:~:' ; con regardinQ he ~ e~'.pro]ect, a description of-the investigative procedures used, and the . ~;:~ '~{subsequen't findings obtained. The appendices of this report contain :~::.;:,the logs' of the test borings and the chain-of-custod docume · ~:~l:?.{~:?~.~ :~....This work was performed during June of 1988, by the Bakersfield ~ ;"'::~':~?Offzce'. of Twining Labor-stories, inc. The she ' '?':~' . ' larry testin w :.~:P rformed by the A--~ ....... ' . :~ ::~:?aDoratorzes, Inc. located in Fresno, California. ~J?~' :'~5~7 Fresno Street · P.O. Box 1472 ' -~.~ ~:: Fresno, Californ a 93716 · (209) 268-7021 - ~ 940~ ~s~ Goshen Avenue ~":~ ~ ' Modesto Californ a 9535~ · (209) 523-0994 ~ 5301 Office Park Drive, Suite 310 '~: ~' - · Bakersfield, California 93309 ,(805) 322-5216 59-01 j'PROJECT DESCRIPT!QN. projeCt consisted of three underground' fuel storage tanks. were/loCated 'between'two Service Buildings on the southern °f~the BakerSfield Dodge' Site. ~The southern most'tank' is ~nderstood itc have contained solvent and to have a capacity of 500' aIlons,: The invert of th'is tank ~i's'at an elevation approximately'8.5 ,..,.~he.r'n°rthweStern- tank is understood to have a capacity of '"approximately ~0O g~llon, an~ to h~ve contained waste oil. ~he~' invert :of this tank was at an elevation 5 feet below ex~sting ~.~ ..- The northeastern tank is understood to have a capacity of approximately 10,000 gallons and to have contained gasoline 'The tnve~t of this tank' is at an elevation approximately 11 5 feet below existing site grade purpose of this investigation was to obtain soil samples from b~n~ath~ the three underground fuel stOrage tanks and to analyze these tl samples tn accordance with the typical requirements of the. Kern ,-County ealth Department" A;su.mmary of'the actions taken during 'our investigation utltned-as follows: '~.. = .'* 4 ; .. Fresno Mo~esto V;saiia iTL 988-059-01 1, "" A discussion was held with Mr. Glen Hayes'of ~i '~i!i'! Bakersfield Dodge Inc. and Mr. Theodore Wright of i;'~i:~.~.~i/ Twining Laboratories, Inc. to discuss the concerns i?!i.of the parties involved regarding the project :2*:'?.i:i:.A ~'ite reconnaissance and field investi'gation were ' *' i'!~'ab°ratory tests were conducted on soi samples .... ~' "-,,= boring locatlons were measured from the tank,flll caps using ~'~?a"measu=in9 tape· The tank locations were identifla~ by ~=. ~aYes of Bakersflel~ Dodge Inc.~- ~:' 4.1 Borehole Drillinu= The exploratory soil borehol.es were drilled Using a truck mounted Mobile B-40 drilling rig equipped with 6 inch diameter hollow stem continuous flight augers The hollow stem augers were used to ensure sample integrlty by preventing soils from vlng to the bo'ttom'of the bo=ehole during drilling. Prior to tilling each borehole, ~he hollow stem augers were steam cleaned preven~ cross-contamination between boreholes. .... :~: The ~eSired " sample locations for this project were beneath ~ng-underground fuel storage tanks whic~ requ~re~ the ~rilling of 'bOrings. ~ .. ,, '" " ~ORTH ,_ SERVICE BUILDING EXPLORATORY SOIL BORING NUMBER AND APPROXIMATE .BAKERSFIELD DODGE [SCALE:NTS[DATE:7/a/a8 [ !~:,~.'~The Twining ' .u. .... [DRAWING ~'o. ~/'! ":" ' * T:f., ~985-'0~9-01 ,' ' Page 4 :orage tanks we.re determined. A scaled drawing showing the ii'i~'=~?si~ection'°f the subject 'tank and ground surface was p. repared. , ~awings'are presented on Drawing~ Nos 2 and 3 The..desired ~ ~, ~-~.:~. ~-. ~.~... ': ~-' :location.was then plotted on ~his Cross-seCtion drawing USing ~:g~°metrY and the:Pythagorean Theorem, the angle of drill." 'sample~ ~oca~on were ~e~e~ne~. -- .. . ' . ~ . :. ..: ~: :... ~,~. · ~:~.~:.,~'A correct,on o~ ~o ~o 2°"wa~ ~nc~e~ ~o ~.e an~e ~o co~ec~ ~or '=~;~' '~': =:'*'"* .2 So~i SamDlino: Soil samples were ob'tained from each ~ ......' ' ·: . " - - .::~above.' Once the required sampling depth was reached a rePresentative ,:~'~'~'0~1 samPle was obtained by Pushing. or driving a California Modified ~'~=~Sampler equipped with pre-cleaned brass tube liners and sample ~"..~=retaihers. The sampler was driven or pushed approximately 18 inches the undisturbed soil ahead of %he auger. 'Selected samples were collected and submitted to the laboratory for analysis. Prior to ~ used for sampling, the samplers were cleaned with a steam leaner to prevent introduction of any contaminants into the soil ;les =and'to preveht'Cross~contamination betwe'en samples.' '"='"~" :.~The sample containers used-consisted of one and one-half inch '~ter'.by four .Lnc.h brass ;tubes. ~ The brass tubes, pre-cleaned at e laboratory prior to use, were placed in the sampler and pushed or ?.~ .... . . ~'~..: '; ~ ..~' .. '"' ~: ' ~' ~' DATE I i I I ' I : } , ] i [ : ....... : l,. ' ' ' : " I i : · : i , I : [ , i 'i l' :~' '~- i ! : ~ I ] I : I ii . , : : [ i ] i : ~ i : . ~ : I ~ :' [ !" · :1 I~ i'' ~ : '" '{ I ; i , '~ : :--I i : : · " , · ~ . :' ~ ~ .-- ~ ~i'.l-;: I : ~.~ : i ~., .i , I ; : ' '~ I , . . , , ,. :.: .: :..l: ~l j.:~?: i' I · I i '" (~l.! I , : ; i : : ! : J '; I I ill , i i ; I I ; ·' ] I I I'.:x I I I ~ ~ ~ , : I ~ : :i ~ i i I I ] ~ i .~ i i , ,L .: ' : i III' I., ~. ' i~ ~ m: i_!' ; I[ : :'; ' 'I l ] , Z ~ : ", - : l · . I " : : ; ~ : i ; ' : i , i '- ' i I ' I I t . .~ ~ i ~ I i ~ ! , I I I , ' · -- I ' I : { t : I ; i i ~ : ' - ' .... ~ ....................... I: ' , i : ................. i:i! I :~ . : ~.~:i I ~ : ~ , .. l l : i 'I ~ , ; [ : : i : ~ .:..~ ..... , ~.~ --~ . ~- · I I:i'~::F~=l.::l ~ , . ~ ~ . , . : ": ~ ................. ~ .......... ! ~'~".~ " ~ ~ ~ .... ~-.-~.':--. : : ...... ~_ __ ' · ' · ? ':~ . : . , · = - ....................... :_~ ............. .' ~:~ I ~'~- ~ I -~ ' ' . '. , ' ' i~[~i~l.~.l ,~ i ~' ~-'~:"~':~-';'~'~ ......................... · ..... ~ .... i~:~:~ ~-' ' ~ ........ :--J~-.~ ....... · ' ' . Ii?~~C~_~ ~ = : ' : ~ ; ' - ...........: .... , ._ .......... ..... : ......... i-~:.~~' , . . . --.: .~ ......... . .................. :_. I' f'~:'~= ~ ..... I : ~ ~ " .... ' - ' :rTM ~4: ':" :; t ' . , , : . ........... : :.~;l',}~ ........ T..; .: , ..'-'~-; ............. ; __..". ..... " : l. .... - i :: : .. . , :. I ............. ? :t:~:,:~-: l~ . . : ~ l i . ! ~[.l::~;:~,::~t;: :. -- ................ l. l ! ~s~ t~t,; ~' ; t I ~059-01 : ° Page 5 :ven~aS}'described above to colledt the'soil samples. Upon removal .. borehole, the ends Of each tube containing the sample were .nSpected visually to.identify tho lithology Penetrated, described on .. b~orehole log using the Uni'f~ed Classification System, then covered .... inure foil and plastic caps....The caps were taped to the t?be ' -appr opr iatel ~de'an airtight seal. Each sample was y marked on ~'to: 'show the date, Job numb ~protec~ from molt water), and then placed on ~ce ~n an ~ce " for ~hip~en~ to our ~ro~no laboratorT. Strict cha~n-of-eu~tod7 pr:ocedures were followed during~.the transp6rtatio.n and handling of~ the ?~ SQil 'samples. . ~r;:-:,.:~: The soil samples wero received at our Fresno laboratory on ~June 8. The soil samples were analyzed for the presence and iconcentration~ of the following constituents: · .~': ~otal ~drocarbon~ {'Sta'ndard Refer0nce: Sol~ene Sample) Wasto Oil ~ank~ ~?oii and Grease ?Oil". and Grease · ' Total ~ydrocarbons (Standard ~oforonce= }Benzeno~ goluene~' XTlene~ ' ~-'~ ' ; ' ' Fresno Modeslo Visalla Bakersfield 881059'-01 Page 6 The. analytical methods used during' our testing program were those ~rovedl bYE Ap and are presented as. follows: ' ,. ~l~'Hydrocarbons ,.: . }~ ~ ..... : .... SW-846= ' Methods 5020, 8020 ;sW-846;: Test Methods fOr Evaluating sOlid Waste. Physical/ ':~'~9 ~[ Chemical Methods, 2nd Edition, U.S. EPA, 1982. ~" 5;.1 So~l ~o~1~- 'gho so~l profil~ at the project onerall7 eonsi~t~ of ~ilt7 sand~ to a depth of about 10 feet ~nderla~n b7 poorl7 ~raded ~and~ to tho .depths explored. Based on the at~ of dr~llin~ tho so~l~ were ~enorall7 mediuTM dense. Visual ObserVation ~nd~cated t.ha.t ~a.tural moisture content remain.ed ae ~cond~t~ons to tho maximum depths oxp~.orod. ~-~ ~h~ for~ o~n~ ~s a ~eneral ~ummar~ of the ~ubsurface conditions [encountered in the borings drilled for this investigation. Detailed tptions .'of .the soils encountered in the borings are presented on ~hown on tho lo~ r~pr~ont tho approx~maee boundar7 between · ~:~ . ~ , . ~'~:~peS; the actual in-situ tr~sition may be gradual. ~. ?~. '. 9'88'059'01. Page 7 /2' ~:Groundwater Conditions: Groundwater was not encountered in ~s"drilled at-the time of our field inveStigation~(June l~owever numerous~factors influence groundWater fluctuatiOns, !evaluation"°f "such faCtors is beyond the scope"of this 3 '~"Rosults of Chemical AnaivsiS: Table No I presents the analytical 'results of the laboratory analysis of the So.il .i : Table I - Soil Sample Laboratory Analysis " Total : Oil and Grease BTX Hydrocarbons Date Depth mg/kg mg/kg mg/kq A_~ : . 4.0' below - - ND (1) 6-29-88 ':i: Solvent Tank ." '! . '4.0' below ND - - 6129-88 ,i .., Waste Oil tank i?'B'-3 ,::. 4.0' below ND ND ND (2) 6-29-88 '~' Gasoline tank ::(1) 'Solvent samPle as Standard Reference (2) Gasoline as Standard Reference F,'esno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield 988-059-01 Page·8 reciate the opportunity to be of service, to you o.n this pro3 ;~- If you should have any questions regarding this report or if . 'of further assistance, please contact Our office. ,::~....-'-:::'-.:,~: .. Civil Ensineer D. wright, RCE %33710--(.exp. 6-30-90) iEngineering Manager Bakersfield Office !!ii'. herewith PPendix contains, the final logs of borings. These l°gs represent~o~ur interpretation of the contents of the field logs and the :S~°f the field testS.. .~i~ .ii~ .~ The.boring 1 s and r~lated information depict subsu~rface ~ondxtlons ' '~t~these locations and at the particular time designated on the 's. Soil conditions at other locations% may differ from conditions Occurring at these boring~locations. Also, the passage of-~time may ~result ~n changes in the soil conditions at these boring locations. In"addition, a~ explanation of the abbreviations used in the Preparation of the logs and a description o'f the Unified Soils ~:~'~?~Ciassification System are provided . - Fresno Mo~eslo V~sal~a 8~kersli~ld I PROJECT:~"~, .RAK~RSFTELD DODGE HOLE No. :. B-1 gOB~N~f?~,7988'059-01 .... LOCATION: See Site Map and ORi'LL~),~TYPE=: Mobile B-40 (6"Hollow Stem) : Drawing No. 2 DRIL'LE~ By'i.: :_T.' gonley LO~ED BY: T. ~r~ghg ELEVATION: lOP OF HOLE: - - REMARKS::; ?:Beneath center of solvent tank ... · :' GROUNDWATER: -- COHPLETED: 6/1~J88 · ~_ z~ ~ ~ ~ -- RETAINED , rEST, TYPE AND m ~ oo =-- m~ ~LATE NUMBER ' '~. :'~lst, fine to medium grained, ¢~- Increasing sand content ~:' ~:S~, Poorly Graded; medium . dense, moist, fine to coarse .: r[~ ~'~' :.. grained,, micas'., tan (SP) I ' ;~;; ~ ,~ .m Vlsalla ' Fresno · ModeJto Bakersfield TLI06 ~,,~. "~.!'~'' . ' I~lrLOG OF BORING !!ROJE'C~!; !~ . BAKERSFIELD DODGE ' . HOLE No..: '~ B-2 ...,~ .......,..,~ , ~,11~1~[?; ' . · . ' SHEET No. 1 OF. 1 , u~:~,.o .,; .... LOCAT I ON: See -Site .DR'I~ Drawing No 2 ~TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6" Hollow Stem) ~ ~':"' ":'" ~~k'~A'~'~'~::*~.'{~:":~':Beneat~~l~::~i' ~ ~enter of waste oil tank GRouNDWATER: - [l,,,),,d~,~',~,)'.~'.;"[:-'.~ - - ' ' ' ' DATE:. STARTED: 6/16/88 I ~ ,a~"-: '" '~ ~ ~ GRADATION ENGINEERING ' --.'~~"~"i~j~ .... .~'~"," .... ' ' ~ ~~ ~ -- ~ PERCENT PROPERTIES: '~.~c~ASSIFiCATION AND DESCRIPTION ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- RETAINED TEST, TYPE AND ~:i[:~,:-~'..:, .~[~? .' ., ...,:... · ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ -- m m ~% PLATE NUMBER ,~',,~: ~2,,, Asphaltic COncrete ., - ; . "-,..' i[~? ~4,:.Aggregate.Base . ;. ' ..... . ... .. . .: .. .... . ~}~'~ ~S~, 'Silty; medium dense, . ~ . - ~ist. fine to medium grained. .... ~:¢:- :bro~ .(S~) ~-' ~'. .I'~.'[~' . [ I¢creas~ng Sand Content ~: . ~ . rS" ~, Poorly Graded; medium ;'~,- dense, monde, f~na to coarse. ( grainkd' micas, tan (SP) ., , ~. . . LRE B°t~om 'of Boring · ~.- ,-. , . ~:) , . . '~' " ' III ' ' Vlsalla Fresno · Modesto Bakersfield ~;~:.~ '. . TLI06 ?i. ROJECT'i~.~;~:~.'RA~F. Rg~T~,'T,D nODGE ' HOLE No.: B-~ I!i~i~i~i:~'~i~: BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1 ------ ' "' SHEET ,o. OF ~'~.u~T~?~?~988-059-OI .... . ' ' · ' LOCATION: See Site Map and ~:~',~%~':.~ Mobile B-40 (6" Hollow Stem) Drawing No ~j,L,.~. ~', ;. T, ~Conley ~ LOGGED BY T. Wright 'TOP OF HOLE: - - cED" BY: . ' : ELEVAT I ON: ~EH'AR~S?-~?,-~e~ea~b cenCe~ o~ 8a~ol~e Ca~k " GROUNDWATER: - - " ~jJ.~ ~j ~;~i;. ~-:~ .~.: . ~ ' DATE:. ~ STARTED: 6/16/RR ..,~',:~.':~-~'-'~-- ~ ':, .... : .'. ~ . ....... . . .: .. ~~[; 4' '~;:~4~;:?:/.~:.~ .~. '.. · ' ' ' ' " ' "' ' 6/16/88 r ' ~,~,~,,:~.t .... :~.::;.,~:~ ~:,,., ....... ~ .~. :~-.: ~ J -- PERCENT :, ~:~:" 'ROPERTI ES :' ;: CLASSI'FiCATION AND DES. CRIP 1.0N - ~ ~ ~TAINED rEST, TYPE AND ~4"]'.Xggregate Base ' : :: ' ' ~sC, ~l~e Co medlum :""!~'~'~ ' . · ', ;: .~ ~... ~ ~78~', Poorly Graded; medium '~ "~[i~'~"ae,~e, moi~, fine to coarse' ?~'grained, micas, tan (SP) ~!~. ~'.~:~ ' · . .~ ~i'~::: ~ :"~ F ~: ,_ : · .' ' i'll I'~~. ~;~,~::? i-;'*i[,' ,i , . . ' ' '" t'li.~lt~i~i':l The' .Twining Laboratories Inc. " .wining' 'Laboratories, Inc. r~;'' ~; :; CHAIN OF. CUS¥ODY RECORD Sampled - : fro .'. "~' ~illation 0f sampler/ShiPper _ __ /~ t~ ~'Numbor. Street ,- {'1 .City ~ ~' . : State Zip .TelephOne . ransp~ded By Date Shipped Date/Time Received -. ~;~comments "~> Collector's :.*., Sample No. Sample Description -".:~. "? '.~ ~'.:. . Analysis Requested ~ :... _, ..)'~ . '. L',~:~.'.:. :: '. -- .. . ~_ _ :.: ': ~. .:/ ~ .' . ,, ~/' /~. ., / . . --'~:-~ : . ./ 8gnature ~'~ · Affiliatio~ . inclusive Oaies J,'~ ~:::~ .. - ~ ~- / ~ghature J - . · Affiliation. .~ IncluSive Dates [~ lb;i, , / Signature_ , Affiliation Inclusiv~ Dates i'R,'~' t,.'~'' ' ' > / -- -~- ~_~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA _'~ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD . UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM A COMPLETE THIs FORM FOR EACH FACILITY/SITE. MARK ONLY [] 1 NEW PERMIT [~ 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION r---1 7'PERMANENTLY CLOSED S~TE ONE ITEM [] '2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 6 TEMPORARY SI'~E CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION & ADDR£SS- (MUST BE COMPLETED) DBA OR FACILI'I'~ NAME NAME OF OPERATOR ADDRESS NEAREST CROSS STREET PARCEL # (OFTIONAL) CITY NAME STATE ZIP CODE SITE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE CA ,/ BOX TO INDICATE I'--'-I CORPORATION [~ INDIVIDUAL [~] PARTNERSHIP I---1 LOCAL-AGENCY [~ COUNTY-AGENCY [~] STATE-AGENCY [~ FEDERAL-AGENCY DISTRICTS TYPE OF BUS,NESS [~] 1GAS STATION ~-~ 2 DISTR,BUTOR . ~ ~ II= ,NDIAN ,# OF TANKS AT SiTE , E.P.A. ,.D.#(optional) RESERVATION ~ 3 FARM ~ 4 PROCESSOR [~ 5 oTHER ORTRUST LANDS I I EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY). optional DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION - (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS v" box t o indicate [~] INDIVIDUAL . ~ LOCAL-AGENCY [~] STATE-AGENCY [~] CORPORATION ~ PARTNERSHIP r-~ COUNTY-AGENCY r-'-I FEDERAL-AGENCY CITY NAME STATE 'ZIP CODE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE II1. TANK OWNER INFORMAT!ON - (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME OF OWNER I CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION ' I MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS / v" box I~indicate ~ INDIVIDUAL ~ LOCAL-AGENCY I'---I STATE-AGENCY / ~ CORPORATION [~ PARTNERSHIP [~] COUNTY.AGENCY [~ FEDERAL-AGENCY CITY NAME I STATE ZIP CODE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER - Call (916) 739-2582 if questions arise. TY(TK) HQ [414I- V. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Legal notification and billing will be sent tO the tank owner unless box I or II is checked. ICHECK ONE BOX INDICATING WHICH ABOVE ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: I. []- II. II1. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # LOCATION CODE - OPTIONAL CENSUS TRACT # - OPTIONAL SUPVISOR - DISTRICT CODE - OPTIONAL THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B~ UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. FORM A (9-90) FOR0033A-R2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ _~ .~ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION- FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARKONLY [] 1 NEW PERMIT [~ 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [~ 5 CI-~ANGE OF INFORMATION [~ 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ONSITE ONEITEM ' ~---'], 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE [] 8 TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I.D.# B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: II.TANKCONTENTS IFA-1 ISMARKED, COMPLETEITEMC. ' A. [] 1 MOTOR VE'HICLE FUEL [] 4 OIL B. C. [] la REGULAR [] 3 DIESEL [] 6 AVIATION GAS , . UNLEADED [] 4 GASAHOL [~ 7 METHANOL [] 2 PETROLEUM [] 80 EMPTY [~-1 PRODUCT [] lb PREMIUM UNLEADED [] 5 JET FUEL ~ [~ 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT [~ 95 UNKNOWN I--] 2. WASTE . r'--~ 2 LEADED [] 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW! D. IF (A.1} IS NOT MARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.S. #: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D AND E A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL . [] .3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [~ 2 SINGLE WALL -- [] 4 SECONDARY C.ONTAINMENT (VAULTED~TANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] e POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] e mm/o METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP (PrimaryTarlk) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LiNiNG [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C, INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER LINING is LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 9~ OTHER E, SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL CONTA~INMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) OVERFILL PREVENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) IV, PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A I.I 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 'UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A I.I I BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYV)NYL (~HLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 F~BERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A IJ 5 ALUMINUM A I.I 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ (~OATING - ~ A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A IJ 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A IJ 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION I [] 1 VISUAL'CHECK [] 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3,VADOZEMONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING [] 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER VI, TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH YES NO ,- SUBSTANCE REMA)NING GALLONS INERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN,COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT I APPLICANT'S NAME I' DATE I (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AG ENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D, NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # STATE I.D.# ~ I PERMIT NUMBER PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (7-91) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FOROD34B-R5 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION · .2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ,;,fl,., '(805) 326-3970 - '. JUL 1 2 1991 ~ BOX TO INDICATE ~CORPO~TION ~ INDIVIDUAl. ' ~ PAR~E~HIP~ LOCAL AGENCY Dffi~IC~ ~ COUNW AGENCY ~ STA~ AGENCY ~ FEDE~L AGENCY WPE OF BUSINE~ ~ 1 GAS STATION ~ 2'DISTRIBUTOR KERN COUNW PERMIT . EMERGENCYCONTACTPERSON(PRIMAE~ ~C,%~ EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECO D Y) optional DAYS: NAME (~ST, FI~ PHONE ~. WITH AR~ CODE ~ ~] / ~ DAYS: NAME (~ST, FI~ PHONE ~. WITH AR~ CODE NIGHTS:.NAME (~ST, FIRS~ PHONE ~, WITH AR~ CODE NIGH~: NAME (~, FI~ . PHQNE ~, WITH AR~ CODE ti. PROPER~ OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) Ci~ NAME STATE ZIP CODE PHONE ~. WITH AREA CODE III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME ~ CARE OF ADDRE~ INFORMATION TO INDICATE ~ PARTNERSHIP .' ~ couNw AGENCY ~ FEDE~L AGENCY CI~ NAME / STATE ZIP CODE PHON~ N0. W~T~ AREA~DE OWNER'S DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK No. INSTALLED STORED SERvIcE Y/N Y/N Y/N DO YOU HAVE'FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY?' Y~ WP~ ...... Fill one 'segment oifor ea~-'~k,, unless all~nks and piping are- constructed of the~ame materials, style and~~e, then only fill one segment out. please identify tanks by owner ID IlL TANK CONSTRUCTION ---"MARK O~I~M ONLY IN BOXES A. B, ANDC,~OALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD · A. TYPE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE W~ ~ 3 SINGLE WA~ WI~ E~ERiOR LINER ~ 95 UNSOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL · ~ 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAUL~DTAN~ ~ 99 O~ER B. TANK ~ 1 8ARESTEEL ~ 2 STAINLESS S~EL ~ 3 FIBERG~SS. ~ 4 STEELC~D.W/FIBERGLA~REINFORCEDP~TIC ~ATERI~ ~ 5 CONCRETE ~'8 POLWlNYL CHLORIDE ~ 7 ~UMINUM ~ 8 1~. ME~ANOL ~MPATIBLEW/FRP (Pdma~yTank) ~ 9 BRON~ ~ 10 ~LVANI~D S~EL ~ 95 UN~OWN ~ gg O~ER ~ 1 RUBBER LINED ~ 2 ~O LINING '~ 3 EPO~ LINING ~ 4 PHENOL~ LINING C. INTERIOR ' ~ ,5 G~ LINING ' ~ 6 UNLINED ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ ~ O~ER' LINING 18 LINING MATERIAL ~MPATIBLE WITH 1~ ME~ANOL ? YES~ NO~ D. CORROSION ~ I ~LYE~YLENE WRAP ~ 2 ~ATING '~ ~ ~ 3 ~L WR~ ~ 4 FIBERG~S REINFORCED P~STIC PROTECTION ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~ 91 NONE .--~ ~5 UN~OWN ,; ~ ~ O~ER IV. PIPING INFORMATION c,Rc~ A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND. BO~ IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A ~ 3 GRAVI~ A U ~ O~ER ' B, CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A ~ 2 ~USLE WALL A ~ 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 uNKNowN A ~ ~ O~ER C. MATERIAL AND ~ A U 1 ~RE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS S~EL A U 3 ~L~INYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERG~S PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ~UMINUM A U 6 CONCRE~ A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 10~. ME~ANOL COMPAT[BLEW~RP PROTECTION A U 9 ~LVANI~D S~EL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U ~ O~ER D. LEAK DETECTIO~ ~ AUTOMAT[CLINELEAKDE~CTOR ~'2 LINE T~H~ESS TESTING ~ 3 INTERS~L ~N~ORING ~ 99 O~ER V. TANK LEAK D~ECTION 6 TANK TEST'NG ~ 7 IN~RSTITIALMONITORING '~ 01 NONE ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ 09 O'ER I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -~ SPE~CIFY IF UNKNOW~N C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS:' III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MABK O/NO'NE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B,AND c, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOx D A. TYPE OF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE ~NALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] g§ OTHER B. TANK [] ~ BARESTEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 F~BERGLASS j~ 4 STEELCLAD WIF~BERGLASS REJNFORCEDPLASTIC ~-- MATERIAL --J~ 5-CONCRETE ........ J-~=~6--~POI;~Y~/I~NY~I~"C~H~L0'RIDE [] ~7~ALUMINUM' ' ~['~-q~8~10(~°~ME"I'HANOL-COMPATIBL-E'WIFRP ....... (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN' [] 99 OTHER [] I RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR ~ 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100~ METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91'NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~R~ A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IFUNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TY'PE A g 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A [J 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A IJ 1 SINGLE WALL A JJ 2 DOUBLE WALL A [J .3 LINED TRENCH A IJ 95 UNKNOWN A' !J 99 OTHER A .U 1 BARESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A IJ 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A g 4 FIBERGLASS PiPE C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION A I.J 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A tJ 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A IJ 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A tJ 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER ~ D. LEAK DETECTION [] I AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ?~.-~J_~ I VISUAL cHECK [] 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION j~ 3 VAPOR MO~I.TOR.ING [-~ 4 AUTOMA:rlC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING J i-_ '] 6 TANK TESTING [] '7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [~ 9'1 NONE [] g5 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER ERN COu__~Y RE$OURCE M/~AGEMENT ENC; ENV,iR,ONHE.N~KL. ,HEAL;,T.~ SERVICES D, EPARTM~1' ' :~'~."~ ..... ~'~ 2~00 'M" STREET;'~:'~"ITE $00. BAKERSFIELD. CA.93301 ~ '"'~'~ .'UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY NAME:BAKERSFIELD D'ODG[t.":';iNc .':'??~?;~;:~;i ;?~L'~-~ ~:;~: '.: ADDRESS ::~ 0 0 1' CAL IFORNI A 'AVE ,: ~'-" -:'/- ......... ~NE :.BAKERSFIELD 'DODGEz ':'":[NC. },~: Modified Inventory Control ·. ",In-tank Level S~sing Device . :. ' ' e. '-6roundwater ~onftoring . : . f. :::Vadose ZOne ~onito~ng '' '- .' . ",:.. ....... , - ....- :.,,~.-: -.:., ,:. ::..:.-.--.-.., :. ~.. .. -- ~::::.:.,:~:~.  SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ~ONITORING: b. ~ub]e;~alled tank " " ~' ' c ~aul~ " t a. Pressurized C, ~ravity  OVERFILL PROTECTION: ~ :~ ~~' ~.~ ~ ~ - .,::': ~ OPERATIN~ C0"OITION OF FACILITY 'CO MENT~RECOMMEN DAT I ~NS ~.:.,:.,.~,.,..~~.: ...... ~~ ........ ~ ........ ~~~~ ..... ~~.,..~~~. · " ........: ....... 7 .............. : ................................................. ~ ................. : .................................................. ~ ....... , ...... ~ ......... : ........................ ,i~ . . , . '~'"":'"~'r'""+. ................... _ . . . : ......... "----~---~. . ..... . ' ........................ - ~-'~'~t~ 'F[~:Y~:'5'~':":~'~55~:[-5'Y"-'"'"~'~'~ .... ~ ~ ~:'~'"'~-~'~'~'~'T'~'~'~'[':"~:['T~'~-t~'-:::i::':::::::::: -~.~o~:~~~ ............. . :. ? ~o~ ~v~o ~,. : ......... '.: PRODUCT(UL, PUL, P; or' R). LOCATION REFERENCE 3. ~BROKENiOR;MISSING'VA~oR CAP ' · i:. -;' ~ :,,..:.-: ::.. :?: '4...BROKEN OR MISSING Fill CAP. ::'.._ · i' "~ .... ~ -: :':' :" '". ' · : .,~, "- . . . . . I' ':':" ::.i::;'..:".: 5. BROKEN:CAM LOCK ON VAPOR CAP -: .:-!'~.: ;2' ~::: :: '..,-~: ::':.:';!~""'_~ ,~-' ~' ..... ' -' ""'-.; ~' ' ' ~- [ .... ': .,.:-:.. :-~.. '....:~?~; 6. FILL CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED '"...:: ':'~ ': .' ...... :' ~::~ .'~ ~7,~ ~VAPOR CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED .... 8. C.~SKET MISSING FROM FILL CAP.. -. i --;~ .- . .: ....':,:::... ~..: ' .9. C.~SKET MIsSING, I~'~T~IBC~R CAp · 10. FILL ADAPT~IRNOT TIGHT 11.' .__V_~POR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT ' · ::.. · -' 12. GASKET BE'I'WEEN ADAPTOR & FILL TUBE MISSING / IMPROPERLY SEATED 13. DRY BREAK GASKETS DETERIORATED ',.14. EXCESSIVE VERTICAL PLAY IN COAXIAL FILL TUBE 15. COAXIAL FILL TUBE SPRING '~"' MECHANISM DEFECTIVE ', ..; 16. TANK DEPTH MEASUREMENT ~ 1,7. TUBE LENGTH MEASUREMENT " (SHOULD BE 6'" : ' - 18. DIFFERENCE OR LESS) · ' - ' '- TM ....... . .:~". · ~ .... ~ ,.; .~.' .~ · . ~'~19.OTHER ' ' - - - .... '.-.. - · ,-.:.- .... -. '-. ¢r WARNING: sY51'EMS MARKED WITH A CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 209, 412 AND/OR 412.1. 'THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (I]05) 861-3C:~2 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLU- ' ? .': "::: ' '~' :-- : ,-'" ' -. ~" "'-:"-' '. 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 .; : · i"', .._.;':::-.::i:'::' : .... ', ,'~::.':~'~:?>?:i.~;~.~ . (.. %v:;[':..._.;;....: ..-..- "~ '-.' '-.; . ...'- -/ 7~7..-. .._.-,.'~v..;.: ::.,.':{ . --:',.:,: ---,",-;:'.*::~ :,.:;?: :: In~ctor.~~~ ................. ':'::~ate._~" :_:%¢/ ' ': ~fice Recd. B / ' ?' ':, Z ' ' " "' ':.: ,-.~. -- Z '4. · RING, RIVET "' " " ' '" : ' '"' .:'":' ': ' '-:;' ':/:'~";? ~;;~:~' '::~:...:E .... '..:5:., '::...BELOWS .. :, .. .. .. ':;:". ': .... ~" ...... ..::, . ...... ,.. %~,: .: :~;.' ..... . . , , .. .,.%- ....' ' 7: · FLOW UMITER (EW) ....... .' .-' ' '"' '"":' " .... :::::'>:' ::':. 1. HOSE CONDITION " ,. .. ' '" V ~ .... .,.'~:-'~'2,~..:: ~NGTM. ... ..... ..~ ~--'~..:.. .:' 't¢;;~: ..,?.,:: -~.~,..~ .p '. ':~:.,::-. . . .' .,.. '::: .:0. ::'~.':.3. -CONFIGURATION :" "~R' .:';;:::' .2-. · ' 4, ' SWIVEL H ,0 5. OVERH~D RE~ACTOR. S E 6. pOWER/PILOT ON 7. SIGNS POSTED - . Key to system types: Key to deficiencies: NC= not cedified, B= broken DA=Balance HE =Healey M= missing, TO= torn, F= flat, TN=.tangled RJ =R~ Jacket GH=Gulf Hasselmann AD= needs adjustment, L= long, LO= loose, HI =Hi~ · HA =Hasstech S= sho~' MA= misaligned, K= kinked, FR= frayed. ,. · ** INSPECTION RESULTS ~ Key to inspection' results: Blank= OK, 7= Repair within seven .. . days, T= Tagged (nozzle' tagged out-of, order until repaired!~.. :: .i' , .. ,:'.i' 'i ' -':'"' ' ' U= Taggable violation but left in use .... · ' .,..; .... .,. · ':.. VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T OR U" CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP' TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3~82 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION. · ' ' NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE. SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE USTED 7-DAY DEFIClLaNcIES -- -'BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN ~EGAL ACTION. FILE CONTENTS INVEN?ORY F~eermit to O-~erate ~'/~...O~O~ ~/ ' Date []ConstrUction Permit ~' Date r~Permit .to abandon-~ No. of Tanks . Date E]Amended Permit Conditions ~lPermit Application Form, ~... Tank Sheets ~}~+ ~J~l~'. ~,,~ r~"Application to Abandon tanks(s) Date rqAnnual Report Forms [-1Copy of Written Contract Between Owner. & Operator r~Inspection Reports rTcorrespondence- Received .< · ., · . 'Da t e .... ,, Da te Da te ~ rTcorrespondence.- Mailed '- Da te Da te Date l~Unauthorized Release Reports r~Abandonment/Closur, e Reports r~'Sampling/Lab Reports .~ r~MVF Compliance Check ('New Construct'ion Ch'ec'klist) I-]STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) [2]MVF Plan Check (New Construction) / [2]STD Plan Check (New Construction) []MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) 7~STD Plan Check (Existing Facility) ~]"~ncomplete Application" Form rTPermit Application Checklist ~ : []Permit Instructions []Discarded . E] Tightness Test Results Date Da te Da te []Monitoring Well Constru6ti°n [~alta/Permits' rlEnvironmental Sensitivity Data: .r~Groundwater Dr. illing, .Boring Logs []Location of Water Wells 'r~statement of Underground Conduits' ~]Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data ri Photos Construction Drawings Location "~/'/~_~ []Half sheet showing date received and ta~."y of inspection time, etc E] Mi scel laneous PEI~IT CHECKLIST ,' Facility~ '" '~l'~d/ ~"~'"/~ '~l'''d ~ " Permit # '~ This checklist-.tS provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permtttee has Obtained all necessary equipment' to Implement the first phase monitoring requirements.. ~ ~ '~.. ~..~.. ..,. Please complete this form and return to KCHD In the self-addressed envelope provided. within 30 days of receipt. ,' Check: " ": .. ". Yes' N_~o -. .. ' . A. The packet I received contained: " ~'1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Persit, Phase I Interim Permit' - :. ~onltortng Requirements, Information. Sheet. (Agreesent BetWeen O~ner and "~ Operator), Chapter '15 (KCOC tfl-3941), EXplanation of Substance Codes, Equipment 'Lists and. Return Envelope.- ~' .... · : ~  ' 2). Standard Inventory Control ~oaltorlng Handbook tUT-IO~ . .. with the following forms: - - .... .'../ a) Inventory Recording Sheet" ~'' ~''' ' ~'" .... ' ' '' b) "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet ~tth SUmmary on reverse" '%~.Z./ "~- --~.:~.:~:~.~:.~ /./~  c) "Trend Analysis ~orksheet' - ..... ¥..~..' ~'.'.. . 3) ~odtfted Inventory Control ~onltortng Handbook tUT-15 ' ~ith .for~: "Quarterly ~odtfied Inventory Control Sheet" ~ith "Quarterly Summary on reverse" 4) An Action Chart for each Inventory sethod (to post at.facility) B. I have examined the lnformatlon on ~y Interis Permit, 'Phase I ~onltoring Requirements, and Inforsatton Sheet (Agreesent between O~ner and Operator), and find o~ner's name and address, 'facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no' ts checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following requlred equipment (as described in HandboOks under "Before Starting") /-/ 1) Acceptable gauging instrument ~ 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) ~/ 3)'Water-finding paste D. I have read 'the information on the enclosed "Information sheet.' pertaining to, Agreements' between Owner and Operator and hereby state that 'the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" Is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator); E..I have'enclosed a copy. of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility tanks are Identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30-days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman i_~f out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on '"Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendlx of Handbook). · Standard 'Inventory'Control Monitoring (Handbook #UT-10) and Modified Inventory ,Control Monitoring (Handbook #UT-15) were started at this facility in accordance with requirements described on interim permit conditions. Date Started . PRODUCT RECEIPT: , - - . : . , : '. :' .-: .' :.' :-."~.:~ .: w!::,... :?~""~?' ' ~/~ * ' ~*~ -- ' · Customer g~J /~ ' ' .* '~' -'. Station No. . ' . ' . :' ' '. "· '.- ' . ' .; ' , .~¢~.;: '. ~.. / ~. '..~' -. - , . , , , , .,~' ,~,',~ , ' ~: ..- .~ '.; :".'" ?~ :':..":'.6:.~.~.-~' .' . . ..':, ,...:.. ......~.....; ..... . X, -- ~ ' 0 ~ ." · .' '; :.':. ".~ ~...'.:',.¢i.:-,'?". :~?:; ..... .... ;,~,,.,.~ : ,~;~,"": .; '. . ~ · - ~ ' ~ , PRODUCT -. . .,:'.,.: ,,-. ,' ::~j, , -, ,~:: ;'. - , ~ - . ~., .... , , ...... .....~,:.,,~ .~,~.,:,, ,,, · · ".' ';':'::~' "' ' " ' ' · Gals.'~ L~ter~ ~ Regular ..:?. Us~ ~n testing pump ??..;:'?'...~, ._ ': ~., ., ," ':..: ~ - . . .'... :' ..::. andretum~ ": :.".:?~:":":' ~ '; ' ' :' '; ." Gals. ~ ~ters ~ Premium :'' ~ ["-.--'.-: . :..7-.:.'.. ·" ." ff / ~ ~ .: . ~ ~cur~T~ · '~ / Gals, ~ Uter~ -- ' ' ~o [~d .~,-: : .~- . .:. '.'~- .~ ./-'"~. ~ ,~ :~U:5'L~.)~.5~::~,::~-.. :~(~:"'~;~:',~ ' -,' ..... · · - : .:' . :, .2-,.:' ~ s.;;'v',.: ;~..:t..:.:~>? j{~.'¢ ~:.?;:.:'1 ,'. :;:' :'"'"'"'"' ' ...." ..... '" _ *:'.¢, ~ Lo~ed Fill · ".';;'~'. '",. ' ~Gals. ~ Liters ~ Di~el ~- '"'~;: '-:;? "*-:' ' " ;' ~, Test~ for Water % -: . L..:?".,.'.'4',,:::';~:~::..:;~:,.¢.,~-.. ....... . TOTALIZER (EXCHANGE) ~ I : - ': .{,~ ~ .": .~..'. -: ..~:?.:.:r.~..~,:. ~ Pum~'~nal~ .No, . - . ~ BEFORE ~/~''~/'" ':' .: 0, AFTER. mo~ey B E FO R E money ;!~¢.~ .: ':: ' .. .::?f.-:: - ' Certified Correct: ';.~ ' ~ ~al~ ' ' '" "' ~rvi~ Station ~a~tenana ::":~'- By- ~' ~'~ ~ . Tru~"o. "' %~.~"~;to~er~/name & s. mp , ::' ..~. . : . · -- ~:(,... · , ,%/' h..: ..,. . . . . . ... :.:.~{ .~:: - .. ~... -~ ... . . :" ' h'::5; :',~ .~'.- : . , '::.:74'.':" .'.i': '.=" ...:.. ... .. ·.';'j.' :.:'~....'. : Pe r mi t Quest i onn.ai r e Normally, permits are sent to facffity Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern county, they may choose to have the-permits sent to the Operators. of the. facility where they are to be posted. Ple'ase fill in Permit # and check one of the roi-lowing before returning this form with payment: For PERMIT'# ; t~o'OO -. Send all information to Owner at the address listed on invoice (if Owner is different than . Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with' pertinent information). . " 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: 3 Send all information to Operator: Name: Address:. ' (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner). permit III /7 ' : . :~.. --.. . ...... . .. Environmantal Sensitivity ....... ' .I I . I. ~k ' ~JO" Time "-- ~)O ~.-~ ITEM "-.~ *,~*-' , ~-.' · VIOLATIONS NOTED · '~: ' Co~,,nment Monitoring: It ~ 5. ~tne~ T~ing 6. N~ Con~ion/Modifi~tion B. Unauthorized ~1~ 9. Mai~enan~, General ~fe~, and Operating Condition of Facility : . ...~ .: ~,~ -' .... , - . , ~-.., ,:. · . :... ' iB~:~ ~-~d.~'':'~' ~ i(~:'~ 2' ~. ~X~ .'.t~{t~.~ '.. '~/{,a~' ~ ' .'~..: · l ' ~-"/ · · ' ' ' C ' '-~ ~ - Health 580 4113 170 (7-87) Chrysler Property Tank Removal Timeline Updated: 1/5/93 I Tahl~ilR ~V~Ii ~i~'~li~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i i~iii ~iii ~iiiiii! i ii ~iiiii!ii~iiiiiii!i iii~i ~iiiiii::i::i:.i:??:i i:.?,iii :?:??:??:?:?: i i:: ::i:: ii::i:: :: i ::i:: ii ::ii ::? :: ::?:: :: ::?:?: :::::H:??:::: iifx: ii:?: i i?: :i ii::i::: :i::i !i:: ::i Kr oeke~ to: Thur Friday Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 22 28 29 Excavate the tanks, pumps and associated piping Dacontaninate the tanks and piping with steam pressure Transport the tanks to a facility for scrapping and provide certificate of destruction Arrange for Health Department inspection Inert tanks with dry ice as per county regualtions Backfill excavation with soil not visibly contaminated Use clean fill-dirt to replace volume of tanks Backfill excavation and compact Dispose of asphalt and concrete demo Patch back as phalt to match existing Fill existing waste oil lines with slurry mix ~i~??~i~i~i~i.:....~??~i~iiiiiii[:...:....~:?~i~:..:.~ii~?~i[~?~!!~!~i~iiiiiii:: MEET WITH CITY ON TIMEi- INE ~ K~azan to: Thur Friday Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Wed 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2/3 Field observation of the tank removals t~i'o conside with schedule above Soil sampling at depths of app 2 and 6 feet beneath tank bottom Chemical analysis ?-'?:.:.'.::i:.::.:: .'?::: ::::::::::::::::-'?: :::::::::: ::::::::::: :.:::::::: ::: :?::': .'?::':: ::.'?: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::.-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::--:::.-: :::::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::::::.-: :::..::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-::::::: Compaction testing Final report Prepared January 5,1993