HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-WASTE REP. 3/29/1999 NOTI'FICATION OF "SILVER-ONLY" HAZARDOUS WAS~ TRF_~TMENT I I ~ I Company Name: Longs Drug Stores California, Inc. [ I Mailing Address: 141 North Civic Dr. I I City, State, Zip: Walnut Creek, CA 94596 ~ "' Name: Longs Drug Stores #200 Address: 4300 California Ave. City, State; Zip: BakersfieM, CA 93309. EPA Number: CAL000180894 Unit Name: Longs Drug Stores California, Inc. Unit ID Number: 200 Is your company eligible for the exemptions noted on page 17 YES X" NO ~ If no, then disregard this notice. ' / If yes, then please check the applicable w astestream box: !~,, ~..~. · The recovery of silver from photofinishing/photoimaging silutions and photoimaglng 's~o'~n~ ~VoatS thea~;edroSu(sPrf~ iadneyd ot~l~ rthreeaSsOo1~ floro ncS° ~ud.t ~Vea21~.w at er s are silv er-only" hazar do us w 28 ~;i,~ I~ 1. Wastestream $$2 under CESQT (DTSC 1772B) ' if applicable. ~] 2. Wastestream #7 under CESW (DTSC'1772B). D- 13:" Wastestream #10-under~CA(DTSC 1772B) ................. . ['-] 4. Wastestream $$2 under PBR (DTSC 1772B) - if applicable. Are you authorized for any other treatment activity? YES __ NO .X If yes, under which tier are you authorized? CESW__ CESQT __ CA __ PBR __ STD. PERMIT FULL pERMIT __ Of your estimated monthly total volume of wastes treated, what portion is "silver-only" hazardous photofinishing wastes treated to recover silver? 100% (If this "silver-only" hazardous photofinishing portion is a significant portion of your total wastes ~reated, you may be eligible for regulation under a lower permit tier. Please contact your local CUPA to determine or confirm your regulatory tier status.) I Certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared unde~ my direction or supervision and the information · is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tme,:accurate, and complete. Keith Landes .$--- ~~_ Environmental Mgr. 3/24/99 Name (Print or Type) S)g,"{ature Title Date Please submit the completed notification form to your local CUPA and also send a copy to: Department of Toxic Substances Control Unified Program Section P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 CUPA: City of Bakersfield Fire Department $~t~ot Califorma. Callforma Environmental ion Agen~ ~ent of To~c S~ Co~l .... ONS NoT. CATION ',, ,. For Use bv H~dous W~te Oenerato~ Pe~o~ [~~'~ ',, '~ nottficatton fo~, DTSC I ~. You ~t attach a separate unit sveci~c noti~c~o~ f~~g~ u,,L%-:~-~ . l ' __ ~je ent untt ~pectflc ~otlflC~lO~ jO~ j~or flve o~ t~e cate~oHes a~ an ~d. .t~o~l r t ' ~ n u~ . able' t ........... ~ ~'s). You only have to s~t fo~ for the tier(s)/catego~ges) t~ cover )'our unit(s). Discard or re,cie the other U~ fo~. Nu~er each page of your completed notificmion pac~ge a~ i~ic~e the total auger of pages at the top of each page at the 'Page ~ of ~ '. ~t. your EPA ID Nu~er on ea~ page. Here provide all of the info--ion requited:' ail~e~ ~t be co~leted ~cept. those-t~ stye 'if different* or 'if avai~le'. Here. ~.e the info'ion 'prodded on this. fo~ ~ ~ mtachmem$. · The notification fees are assessed on the basis of th"e highest tier the notifier will operate under and will be collected by the State Board of Equalization: DO NOT SEND YOUR FEE PAYMENT WITH THIS NOTIFICATION FORM. I. NOIllqCATION CATEGORIES .IndiCate the number of units you operate in each tier. This will also be the number of unit specific notification forms you must attach. Conditionally.Exempt Small'Quantity Treatment operators may not operate units under any other tier. Number of units and attached unit specific notifications for each tier r~ported. A.' Conditionally ExemPt-Small Quantity Treatment (CESQT) D. Permit by Rule (PBR) B. X COnditionally Exempt-Specified Wastestream (CESW) E. CE--commercial Laundry. (CE-CL) C. Conditionally Authorized (CA) E ....... Conditionally Exempt:-L;imited '(CEL) ................ II. GENERATOR IDENTIFICATION EPA ID NUMBER CA_LO..0_--0-- 'i 8 0 8 9 # OE NUMBER (if available) H HQ '. FACILITY NAME .~ I_ONGS DRUG sToRE #200 CDBA?-Doing Business As) PHySICAE LOCATION · #300 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CITY '..:.'. . BAKERSFIELD : . CA COUNTY KERN CONTACT PERSON PHIL' BELHUMEUR PHONE NUMBER( ~t~ ) 326 - 1200 CFirst Name) (Last Name)' - STORE'MANAGER MAILING ADDRESS, IF DIFFERENT: COMPANY' NAME" LONGS DRUG STORES CALIFORNIA, INC. STREET ., 1#1 NORTH CIVIC DRIVE CITY -~ WALNUT CREEK 'STATE CA ZIP 9tcsqg; - COUNTRY" . " {only complete if not USA) ..... .~CONTAcT PERsoN : KEITH LANDES pHONE NUMBER(925 3'210 ' 6999 .. {First Namel .lLasi Name) ' , DTSC 17.72/1/96).,-. ' ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER. '. " ' · ',i- EP~ ID NUMBER ~ - ' ..... · " · '~ ' ' Does the facility uSe~'store, o'r ireat radioactive~'~m~terialsm" r.--dioactive w~te? ~ ..~ : . . . ..'. . IV. TYPE OF coMPANY: STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSH:ICATION.(SiC) CODE: Use either one or r~o SIC code~ (a four digit nu~dOer) tha~ but describe your company's products. ~er~ces. or in~mM ack,ry. ~ · - E.~mple: 7384 Photofinishing lab : .-. T218 l~ustrial laundere~ First: 5912 RFTAII. CHAIN DRUG ' .Second: ' "STORE V. PRIOR PERMIT STATUS: Check yes or no to each' question:. YES NO' :, [-'] ~--]" 1. Did you file a PBR Notice of lnti:nt to Operate (DTSC Form 8462) in 1992 for this locmion? f~ ~'~ 2. 'Do you now have or have you ever held a stme or feclerai haTardou~ waste facility full permit or interim status for any of these treatment units? F-] .~ , ~ .'3. Do you now have or have you evei- held a state o~ federal full permit or interim seams for any other hnTnrdous waste activities at this location? F'~ ~ 4. 'Have you ever held a variance, issued by the Department of Toxic Substances Control for the tr~tment you " . , -are now notifYingforat this location? .'.. .' '. [--] ~ 5. ___. H_as..?i~s 1 _osat_io_n__e_v_er _been,im__p__es~_esl__by_..~__s_m_te:~or _~y~!~_agenc~_.as_a.ha?=nlous ~aste .generator?.. vL' PRIOR E,.NFORCEMENT HISTORY: Not required from conditionally exempt gener~tors or commerr~al laundries. YES NO [--] ['"-] within the last three yearsl has this facility been the subject of any convictions, judgments, Settlements. or final ... orders resulting from an ac. tion by any local, siate,'"0r federal environmental, hazardous waste, or public health enforcement agency? . ' (For the purPoses of this form, ~ notice of violation does not constitme an order' and need' not be re'P°rted unless it was not corrected and became a final order.) . ~ . If you answered Yes, .check this box and attach a Ii,sting of convictions, judgments, settlements, or orders and a copy . of the cover sheet ,from each document.. (See the 'Instructions for more information') VII. .A'I'TAC~S: Attachments are,not required from commercial laundries. · t. A plot plan/map detailing the iocation(s) of the coveredunitis)'in relation to the facility boundaries. ~ 2. A urn't-specific notification form for each',.unit to be covered at this' location. 'DTSC:1772'(i/96) ' ' ' ': .~:~ · ' ?' Page 2 " "i EPA-ID:NUMBER ~ " . , ,- ~ -. ' " Page 3 'of 6 vm. '.CERTIFICATIONS:. This form must be signed' by an authorized corporate"office~ o~ anv other person in the,company Who has, operational control and pe~. orms decision~making fupctions that govern operation of ihe fa~ili~, ,(per T[tie 22, california Code of Regulations ~CCR) Section 66270.1J). All three copies must have original signature, s~ . .', 'Waste. Minimization I certify, that I. have a'program in place tO' reduce the volume, quantitw, and toxicity:of.waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and 'that I have selected the practicable meth0~f of 'treatment, storage, or .disposal Currently available'tO me which minimizes ithe present' and future threat to human health and the. enxiii'onment. Tiered_ Permitting Certification. I certify, that the uni't or units described in these documents meet the.eliaibilitv and opera~ing requirements of state, statutes' and re~malations for the indicated permitting, tier,-including generator, and 'se~:ond~t containment requirements. I understand that if any of the units operme ·under Permit by Rule or Conditional Authorization, I will also provide the'/'equired financial assurance for closure of the trem~ent unit by October I. 1996. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction.°r supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather, and evaluate the information submitted. Based .on mv !nquiry of the person~ or persons who manage the system, or those directly :resP0nsible for gathering the information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge, and belieL t.rue, accurate, and complete.. I am aware that there are substantial penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violationS, : . ' .. TFRRY BURNSIDE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING Name (Print or Ty~j~llt~ . -. . Title· ~ . - . '" ' . ' Date Signed Signature / . )7 · IX.. RraQUESTING A SHORTENED REVIEw PERIOD: .Generators operating under CA and/or CEare legally authorized to operate 60 days after submitting a complete notification. DT~C may. shorten the time period betWeen notification and .~uthon'zatt'on_when_the__awner or.operator-eStablishes good-cause:- If-you need-to-be~ auth~izeif ~io6n-~f'-th~ tht ~tandard' 60-day period, pleaSe check the.box below and state the reason. Your authorization will be automatically effective on the date.your completed'notification form .is received by, DTSC. (Use additional sheets, if necessary.) YES . OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: Please note that generators treating hazardot~s waste onsite are required to' comply with a number of operating requirement~ which differ depending on .the tier(sl. 7'hese operating requirements are set forth in the statutes and regulations some of wttich are refe_renced in the Tier-Specific Fact Sheets aVailable from DTSC's. regional and headquarters Offices. SUBMISSION PROCEDURES: '· -: All three forms must have. original signatures, not photocoPies. You 'must'submit two copies of this completed notification by certified mail," return receipt r~quested. to:" ' . · Department of Toxic'Subsiances Control Program Data Management Section, HQ-lO Attn: TP Nqtificati0fis- Form 1.772 400 P Street. 4th Floor, Room 4453 (walk: in only) P.O. Box 806. · Sacramento. CA 95 812:0806 · You must als0"submit ·one (/0pv of the notification and attachments tO ~the local regUlatory, agency in your jurisdiction as li'sted in Appendix 2 of the instruction materials.. You mfist also retain'a Copy as part of your operating rec°rd~ . ~,-~ ". ' PLEASE;· DO 'NOT'SEND.YOLrR FEE PAYMENT WITH 'THIS FORM. ' :: ' ..!'i' ' ' '" ' -' :- ~' Page 3 '" ,':' . ?DTSC-I'772 (1/96) - : :,. ~ :" EPA ID NUMBER CAL0001~ - Pane. CONDITIONALLY'EXEMPT.- SPECIFIED wAsTEsTREAMs - · UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION '- ' :: '(pursuant to Heaith and Safety Code sectiOn 25201:5(C)). Tile, TierTSpecific Fact Sheets contain a summary of the operating requirements for this category. please:. review those requirements carefully before completing or submitting this notification Package.. uNTr NAME I ONGS DRUG STORES CAI.IFORNIA, INC. UNTr ED NUMBER .NUMBER OF TREATMENT DEVICES: ' .. Tankls) 7 Container(s)/Container Treatment Area(s) *One Electrolytic Unit, One Metered Pump Station & Two Silver REcovery Columns~* Each unit must be clearly identified and labeled on the plot plan at~ached to Form 1772. A~$ign )'our own unidue number to each unit. The number can be sequential (1, 2. 3) or using any system you choose. · ' Enter the estimated monthly 1otal volume of hazardous waste treated by this unit.· This should bd the maXimum or'highest amount treated in an)' month. Indicate in the narrative (Section II) if your Operations have seasonal Eariations .... · WAS m'tV.y_O tVa, r ocmsm: Estimated MonthlY Total Volume Treated: pounds and/or '150-300 .oall0ns -ES NO ~ ~ 'Is the waste treated in this unit radioactive? ~ ' ['~ ~-]' Is the waste treated in this unit a bio-hazardous/infectious/medical waste? [--] ~ Is remotely generated ba-ardous wasle (HSC 25110.10) treated in this' unit? · · The following are the eligible wastestreams and treattnen, proce;ses. Please'check all.apPlicable-boxes: ~ 1. Treating resins mixed or cured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (including one-part and pre-impregnated materialsL /~ · ~ 2. Treating containers of 110 gallons or less capacity that contained' hazardous Waste by riusing or physical processes, such as crushing, shredding, grinding, or. punCturing. '- .' 3. .DrYing specia, l wasteS~ as classified.by the department pursuant to Title 22,'CCR, Section 66261.124. 'by pressing or by passive or heat-aided evaporation to'remove water. [~ 4: .' Magnetic separation or screening to ~rem0ve compOnents from special waste, as classified by the department pursuant to Title.22, CCR, Section 66261.124. NOTE' 5; NO AUTHORIZATION IS NEEDED to neutralize acidic or alkaline (baSe) wastes from the regeneration of ion exchange media-used to'demineralize water. {To be eligible for this exemption, this waste cannot contain more than 10 percent acid or base by weight.) (Effective January. 1~ 1995). 6. NO ALq'HORIZATION IS NEEDED to neutralize acidic 'or alkaline (base} Wastes from the food processing industr?,. (Effective January. 1, 1996)~ ~ ', 7. Recovery of silver from photofinishing. The volume limit for conditional exemption is 500 gallons per generator (at the same location) in any calendar month. 'NOTE Silver recovery-from photofinishing is completely exempt from authorization requirements if the quantity.. treated is 10 gallons or less in any calendar month. Do not 'complete this'form :if you qualify for this · exemption. (.Retain documentatiOn verifying 3,our eligibility for this exemption, such as~developer invoices.') ,-~.,' ' .', EPA ID NUMBER ~ Page' of m- 6 · CONDITIONALLY EXE3flYF - SPECIFIED WASTESTREAMS UNIT SPECIFIC.NOTIFICATION -., -' " % ' (pUrSuant to Health and Safety. 'Code Section 25201.5(c)) :'~ 8. Gravity separation of the following, including the use of flocculants and demtflsifiers if:. ~] a. The settling of.s01ids from. the: waste Where the r~ultmg aqueous/liquid stream is not'ha:,ardoua. - ., .:.', · ~ '. E~]. . b. The Separation of 0il/water mixtures and separation sludges,', if the' average oil recovered .per mont~ is less.. · -. than-25 barrels (42 gallons per barrel).' (NOTE: ,4B 483 ich 625, 1995)'allows certain used oil~water separation under; new the CEL catego~, . . See Form 1772L .and CEL Fact Sheet.) '.]-'[... 9. Neutralizing .agidic or alkaline (basic) material by a state certified laboratory, a laboratory 'olna-ated by an .: - educational institution, or a laboratory which treats less than one gallon of ousite generated hazardous waste : . in any single batch. (To be eligible for conditional exemption; this waste cannot contain more than 10 percent - ' -. .... . acid or base by weight.) ' ~i0. Hazardous waste treatment is carried out in quality control or q~ality assurance laboratory at a facility that ' 'is not an Offsite hn~rdous waste facility.. . ~ . D" '"' 'Ill A wastestream and treatment technolog3, combination certified by-the Department pursmmt to. section ' - .- '- ' "' 25200.1.5 of the Health and Safety Code as appropriate for authorization under CESW. Please enter icertificati0n number:. (Sec Appendix 5) · D 12. The treatment'of formaldehyde or giutaraldehyde by a health care facility using a technology combination certified by the Department pursuant to s~t~ion 25200.1.5 of the Health'. and .Safety Code. Please enter certification number: n; ' 'NARRATIVE. DESCRIPTIONS:.. . . Provide a brief descrtption of the specific waste tre_ated_and_the_.tre~.p_tdVceS-s...gsed:' ' ..... 1'. SPECIFIC WASTE TYPES TREATED: SPENT PHOTOGRAPHIC SOLUTIONS. · ;'-/ ' " , :"ql= AqC~NAI/.VoIi~I ]MES INCREASE DURING'HOLIDAY PERIODS. '-' ~ TREATMENT PROCESS(Es) USED: SILVER RECOVERY UNITS BY METALLIC ' REPLACEMENT. ' · 11I. RESII)UAL MANAGEIVIENT: Check Yes or No to each question a.r it applies to all residuai~ from this treatment unit. YES NO : '~'~ .[~ .t .. . Do, ,vou discharge. . non-bavardous aqueous waste to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW)/sewer? ~'~ ['~ 2. Do you diichatge non-ha:mrdous .aqueous waste Under an NPDES permit? "[~ [~] 3. Do you have your residual 'haTardous waste h~uled offsite by a registered hu7ardous waste hauler?. :- If you do, where is the waste sent?: Check all tharapply. [~] a. Offsite recvcling SAFETY-KLEEN, 3561 S. MAPLE ST., FRESNO, CA 93.725 . [~ b.': Thermal treatment i/iLD98t4908202' [T-] c. Disposal to land [~] d. Further treatment ' ?-]' [~ 4. Do you dispose of non-ha?ardous solid· waste residues at an offsite location'? [-::] ' [] 5. Other method of disposal:.' Specify: '- : .... ~ DTSC ',1772B (1/96) - ' Page 11 --. ", EPA ID.Nu ER ·' ·· CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT- SPECIFIED WASTEsTREAMs · i 'UNiT:SpECIFiC.NOTIFICATION .< (pfirsu'ant to Health and Safew Code Section 25201.5(ci)ii, IV. BASIS FOR NOT NEEDING A FEDERAL pERMIT: In order to demonstrate eligibili~, for one of the orisite treatment tiers,, facilities are required-to provide the' basis for determini'ng ~hat a, hazardou~ waste permit is not' requ!red under (hal.federal Resource ConserValion at(d Recovery. Act (RC~A) and th'e'federal regulations adopted under RCRA ('17tle 4o, COde of Federal Regulations. (CFR)). . Choose the reaSon(s) ~hat describe' the operation of )!our onsite ,treatment units: [--] 1. . Thc hazardous waste being treated is not a ha?ardous waste under federal law although it,is regulated aa abaTnrdot~ · , -. waste under California state law, ' 2. The waste is treated in wastewater treatment units (tanks), as defined in 40 CFR part 260.10' and discharged to a publicly oWned 'treatment worl~ (PoTW)/sewering agency or under an NpDEs permit. 40 CFR 264. l(g)(6) and 40 CFR 270.2.. - .. :. . [] ~ 3:. The waste is irt. Bred in elementarY'neutralization units, as defined in 40 CFR part 260.10, and discharged to a poTW/Sewermg agency or under aa. NPDES permit. 40 CFR'264. l(g)(6) and 40 CFR 270.2~ [~]_ 4: · The waste is treated in a totally enclo,~d treatment facilitY as defined, in 40 CFR part. ~260.. 10; 40 CFR 264. l(g)(5). [--]' ' 5. The company generates no 'more than 100 kg (approximately 27 gallons) of ha?~rdous waste in a calendar month ................. ._7~ ....... ~nd-is-eligible-as -a-feder al-~o ndit io nalty-e x empt s rr~l 1--qtia~t i fy~g~-fi~?~y.-~-0-T~-~eR~26(~ r-~ 6. The waste is trebled in an accumulation tank or coniainer Within 90 days for over .1000 kg/monih generators and · 180 or'270 days for generators of 100 to 1000 kg/month. 40 CFR 262.34, 40 CFR 270.i(c).(2)(i), and the Preamble to the March 24, 1986 Federal Register.. I. 7. Recvclable materials are reclaimed to recover econonUcallv significant amOunts of silver or other pax:ions metals. 40 CFR 261.6(a)(2)(iv), 40 CFR 264. l(g)(-2), and 40 CFR 266.70. 8... Empty container'rinsing and/Or treatment. 4OCFR 261.7: . 9. Other: Specify: V. TRANSPORTABLE TREATMENT UNIT.. Check Yes or No. Please 'refer to the Instructions for more tnforrnation. ' YES NO [] ' [] Is this unit.a TranSportable~Treatment Unit? If you answered yes, you must also 'cOmplete and attach Form 1772E tO this page.· ".DTSC i77 B(1 6) } : ~'" :' ' ':':' ' ' ..' .:? .... - :~','.... :-. :':i~ . ' . -', . ... ' ' ~ ''''~_. - .. . Page-12': FLOOR 'MAp III IIIII I · ,.; ..... ' , " ' · ' :- - ~ I 1~.9 · t I , i I~ i i I :i ,I I I ' ~/~ " ' ':'~V v ~ ~~,~ ~- ~i.~.~ · ' .' ' ' - ,. V -,' A ~) ~ ~ ' I-E-I ' ~) E~ m~ ........... . .............. 6) ~ d P~ .~ ...................... PL ~) ' ~ .~ ....... ~ ........ B~ ..... E ~ ....... G 9) ~m.~ tim s~n~ ..... * .... :.....: ....... AS .. lO) ~e~.~ ~u~ <spul ~ ~ ~) . ~ ~ * " ' J '-:F r'~m-Pror~er t I es Del:ar tment g'2§?lO688T T-66~ ' ~.03/03. ~500 ' LONGS DRUG STORE.~ - -' .; · '-L' S~tate 9f Caldorma. Callform~ Envu'omnenta ection A~enc'v. Department of Tox/C Substances Control -' ,: .' ...... Page 1 of.'6 " ONSITE' OUS wAsTE"TREATYfENT'NoTIFICATioN FoRM - . - ' :' : . ' ':~' - FACILITY SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION ~. - ~ Initial' · . . . :; For Use by Hazardous,Waste Generators PerSormin£ Td:~{,.-]~~ Amended · . .. '. :Under Conditio~u~dEl~en~t:~dRCu~t:~lai Auth0rizi~tion,auL: ~,~- "' Pleas~ refer to the attaChed lnsti'uCti°ns bef°re c°mpleting this f°rm' y°u max' n°tif)'f°r m~Xr~7:' ' : -' bv asin notification fo=; OTSC 1772, You trot attach a'separate unit svecit~c n°ii~,-,,,~,'., c~Z~ I . g ' - r '~.. . o.,,~,,c,,sjotmjor eacn unit at'mis location There are . differeTi unit specific notificatit~n forms for ave of the categories and an n~ld~tional notification form for transportable treatment units· , ,,(TTU's). You Only have to submit forrn~ for the tier(s)/catego~,(ies) tha~ cover )'our anit(s)." Dacard or reCyCle the other'unused 'f°rms. Number, each page of your.comPleted notification Package and indicate the total number of pages at. the 'top of each,page at. the 'Page · of__;., Put your EPA ID Number on each page. ,Please provide all °f the information reqUested; all fields must be co ,mpleted. except .those that state 'if different' or 'if aVailable'. Please ,type the inforrnaxion provided 'on this form and any · attachments. The notification fees are asseSsed on the basis of the highest tier the: notifier will operate ~nder and will be collected by the'State Board of Equalization. DO NOT SEND YOUR FEE PAYMENT WITH THIS NOTIFICATION FORM. I. , . NOTIFICATION CATEGORIES IndiCate the number of units you operate in ~ach tier. This will also be the number Of unit specific notification forms you must attach. Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Treatment operator~ may not OPerate units under any other tier. Number of units and attached Unit specific notifications for eaCh tier reported. A.... Conditionally Exempt-Small Quantity, Treatment (CESQT) D. Permit by Rule (PBR) B. X Conditionally Exempt-Specified Wastestream (CESW) E. CE--Commercial Laundry. (CE-CL) C. Conditionally Authorized (CA) II. GENERATOR IDENTIFICATION - EPA ID NUMBER CA_LO O O '1 g 0 'g 9 # BOE NUMBER (ifavaiiable) H__HQ_ FACILITY NAME I.ONGSDRUG STORE/1200 fDBA-D6ing Business Asl - PHYSICAL LOCATION t4300 CALIFORNIA AVENUE CITY ~" -. "BAKERSFIELD CA ZIP 9qat39 . 'COUNTY ~.,. . KERN" CONTACT PERSON '-' PHIL', BELHUMEUR pHONE NUMBER(5~n5 ) 326 . 1200 {First Name} (Last Name} -- STORE MANAGER. MAILING ADDRESS, IF DIFFERENT: COMPANY NAME : LONGS DRUG STORES CALIFORNIA, INC, STREET 1#1 NORTH CI'VIC DRIVE CITY" WALNUT cREEK 'STATE CA ZIP. 9t459~ - COUNTRY '~' ~only complete if not USA) ' . CONTACT:PERSON ~KEITH ' ' LANDES PHONE NUMBER(925 )210 ' 6999 (Fim Name} · fLaSt Name} VIRON NTAL"MI(NAGER DTs,.C: 1772 (I/96) : 7- : ~ "' ; -" - :.-- : - '.- ; " Page I ~' ". EPA ID' NUMBER ' · . " Page '"YES NO '" -,~ "~:.~ 'i ?-~' . [] Does the f'acilitv use. store or treat r~dioactive m~terials or radioactive waste? IV.. TYPE OF COMPANY: .ST '.ANDARD INDusTRIAL CLASSIFIcATiON (SIC).c0DE: .. Use either: one or two SIC codes (a four digit, number) that best describe your companv's products, services, or industrial activity.' 'Example: . '7384 Photofinishing'lab' ~ ' 7218 Industrial launderer~ First: 5917 RFTAII CHAIN DRUG SeC°nd: : .... STORE :. V.. PRIOR PERMIT STATUS: Checlt yes or no to each queStiOn: · YES NO [--'] [~ 1.. Did you file a PBR Notice of Intent to Operate (DTSC Form 8462) in 1992 f'or this location? [~ [] 2.' Do you now'have., or have you ever held a state or fe~'ral'hn,~rdous waste facility full permit or interim ' status for any of these.treatment units? ~] '~-~ 3. Do you now. have Or have..you eyer held a state or federal full permit or interim status for any other bnTardous waste activities at this location? E~] [] 4. Have you ever held a variance issued by the Department of Toxic Substances Control for the treatment you.' ar~ now-notifying for at this location? ' ' ' · C~ ~] 5. Has this location ever been inspected by the state or any l°cai agency' as a b~:,~dous was' g~nerator9 ' VI. PRIOR ENFORCEMENT HISTORY: Not required from conditionally exempt generators or commercial laundries. YEs NO ~'~ [] Within the last-three years, has .this facility been the subject of any convictions, j~Jdgments, settlementS, or /'mai orders resulting from an acuon-by any local.- state, or fedemt environmental, hazardous waste, or public health enforcement agency? ,(For the purposes of this form. a notice of violation does not constitute an order and need not be reported unless it:was not corrected and became a final order.) If you answered Yes, .check this box and'attach a listing of convictions, judgments, settlements, or orders and a copy of the cover sheet from each- document. (See the Instructions for more informauon! VII.- , A'I~FACHMENTsi Attachments are not required from commercial laundries. · ,, A plot Plaw'map detailing the locationls) of the covered unit{s)'-in relation to the facility boundaries. ~ , 2. A umt specific notification form for each unit to be covered at this location. t)TSC 1772 (i/96) ' -.:- Page 2 ". · AIDNU BER. ~-. '. " " Page3 of 6' ~VIII. - CERTIIqCATIONS: This fo~rkn must be signed by an authorized corporate officer or any. other person tn the company., who has operational control and peff. orms d. ecision-...~ngfunctions that govern operation of thefacili~. (per Title 22, California .Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 66270.11)~ Ail three copies must have original signatures. "".-~Vaste Nlinimization I certify that l'have a program in' piace'to redufie the volume, quaniirv, and toxicitv of waste generated to the degree lhav~ determined to be eConomically~ practiLable and 'that I have Selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or d!~POsal.currently available to me which rmnimize.s the-present and future threat to human health and-the environment. Tier6d Permitting Certification I cenify .that. the unit or units described in these'documems meet the eli£ibilitv and operating requirements of st.ate gtatutes 'and regulations for the 'indicated permitting tier,, including generator and s~zond~y containment requirement. I understand thiu if any of the units operate under Permit by Rule or Conditional AuthoriZation~ I will also provide · the required financial assurance for closure.of the treatment:unit by October 1, 1996.. .. I certifY under.l~enaltv of law that:this doctiment and all attachn~ents were prepared under my direction Or' supervision in accordance ,' with a,system designed to assure that qualified personnel prop~,.rly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or th0~e directly responsible for gathering the informatio, n, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. ; ': lam aware that there are substantial penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment -. ' .for. knowing violations.' ' · TFR. RY BURNSIDE " SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING Signature/).~ '," . - Date Signed ' ' iX]' '[~/KE'Q~S~G A SHORTENED REVIEw PERIOD: Generators operating'under CA and/or CE are legally authorized .. to operate"60 days after submitting a complete notification. DTSC may, shorten the time period between notification and .. ' - _i~uthq.r~zation_.vehen_ the owner_or operator- establishes good-cause. -If you'need-'to--be authori~-~it J~b-n-e?'-ihan the Standa~'d · · 60-day period; please. Check the box below and state the reason. Your authorization will be automatically effective on the · date your completed, notification form is received by DISC. (Use ndditional sheets, if necessary~) -yES ' -'. . ~ . . -. " on': · .~', - . OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: Please note that generators treating hazardous waste onstte are required to comply with a number of operating requirements which differ depending on the tier~$). These 'operating requtrements' are set forth in the statutes and regulations, some of which are referenced in the' Tier-Specific Fact Sheets available from DTSC's regional and headquarters Offices. SUBMISSION PROCEDURES: All three forms must have original signatures, not photocopies.' You must submit two copies of' this completed notificazion by' certified mml, return.receipt requested, to: . Deparxmem of Toxic'Substances Control Program Data Management Sec[ton. HQ-10 Attn: TP Notifications- Form 1772 400 P Street. 4th Floor, Room 4~453 (walk in only) P.O. Box 806. Sacramento.'.CA 95812-0806 You must also submit one copy of the notification and attachments to the local regulatory, agency in your jurisdiction as listed in Appendix 2-of the instruction materials.' ,You must also retmn a copy as part of your operating record.. .. PLEASE. DO NOT:SEND YOUR FEE PAYMENT WITH THIS 'FORM. . .:' ':~ DT-sC 1772 ('1/96) _: .. ' ' ' Page ~ EPA ID NUMBER CAL0001 9# : Pa~,e /4 of 6 CONDITIONALLy EXEMPT.',7, SPECIFIED WASTE. STREAMS _'" ~" :..UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION ' .:. (pursuant to Health andSafety Code Section 25201.5(ci)' ., The Tier-Specific Fact Sheets contain a ~' of the operating requirements for ~ Category. Plea~ - review those requirements carefully before completing or SUbmitting this notification package. uNTr NAME lONGS DRUG STORES CAI.IFORNiA:, INC. ': UNTr ID .,.N2-11~.IllER //200 .NUMBER OF TREATI~IENT DE ~VICES: ~. Tankis) : ? container(s)/Container Treatment Area(s) · ~One Electrolytic Unit, ~One Metered pump Station & Two'Silver REcovery. Columns? Each unit must be clearly identified and labeled on the plot plan attached to Form 1772. ,4~sign ),our own unique number to each unit. The number can be sequential :(1, 2, '3) or using any ~.stem ybu choose.. Enter the estimated monthly total volUme of hazardous waste treated by this unit.. This should be the maximum Or'highest amount treated in an)' month. Indicate in the narrative (Section II) if your operatior, shave seasonal vananons.i I. WASTESTREAMS AND TREATMENT PROOe-qgES: Estimated Monthly Total Volume Treated: pounas and/or -i50-300 ~_allons 'ES NO " ..2 Is the w~te treated in this unit radioactive? [-,] , ~-7]" . Is the waste treated in this_unit a bio_hazardous/infectious/medical Waste? Is remotely generated ha?a'rdous waste (HSC 25110.10) treated in this unit? The following are the eligible wastestreams and treatment processes. Please check all applicable_boxex: ............... [-'-] 1. Treating resins mixed or cured in accordance with the manufacturer's instrUctions (including one-part and . Pre-impregnated materials). 2. Treating 'containers of 110 gallons or less capacity that contained hazardous waste by rinsing or physical processes, such as crushing, shredding, grinding, or puncturing. ~ 3. Drying speCial wastes, as classified by'the department pursuant to Title '*",' CCR, Section 66261.124. by pressing or' by passive or heat-aided evaporation to remove water. [-'"] 4. Magnetic separation 9r screening to remove components from special waste, as classified by(he department pursuant to T!tle 22, CCR, SeCtion 66261.124. NOTE · 5. NO AUTHORIZATION.IS NEEDED to neutralize acidic or alkaline (base) wastes from the regeneration of ion exchange media used to. demineralize water. ITo be eligible for this exemption, this waste cannot contain more than 10 percent acid or baseby weight.) (EffeCtive January. 1., 1995). 6. NO AUTHORIZATION IS NEEDED to'neutraliZe acidic or alkaline (base) wastes from the food processing indus(re... (EffeCtive January. 1, 1996). ~ 7. Recovem., of silver from photofinishing. The volume limit for'conditional exemption is 500 gallons per generator (at the same location} in any calendar month. NOTE Silver reCovery, from photofinishing is cOmpletely exempt from. authorization requirements if the quantity treated is .10 gallons or less in any calendar month. Do not complete this form'if you qualify for this · - exemption. (Retain doc'umentation verifying 2,'our eligibility for this exemption, such. as:developer invoices.) )TSC .! 772B (1/96)' '- ' ' , ~" '-~ : EPA. ~,< ID ·NUMBER ~ · ' Page.=~ Of. 6 ':*' '": ' ' ' ~ -coNDITIOI~IALLY. EXEMPT SPECWIED WASTESTREAMS ".'" .: .' 'UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION : ... · : . .(pmuant to Health and.Safew Cod~ Section 25201.5(c)) . ' '8., Gravity separation of the following, including the use Of floccuiants and demuisifiers if: [~ a. The settling of 'solids from the waste where, th~ }e~ul. ting aqueous/liquid stream is not ~'~ ~'~ .' : b: Tl~e separaiion of Oil/water mixrure_~ and separation -~ludge.~, if the average oil recovered per month is 1~- · ... than 25.barreis (42 gallo~' Per barrel). '(NOTE: A.B 483.(Ch 625. 1995) allowx certain u~ed oil~water xeparation under new the CEL catego~ : See Eorm'1772L and C~I. Fact Sheet.) ' [~ ' 9~' Nentrali~ng acidic. or alkaline (basle) material by a state' Certified laboratory, a laboratory ope~t~l by · educational institution, or a laboratory which treats less ~ one gallon of onsite generated hazardous waste . . -' in any single'batch. (To beeligible for conditional exemption, this waste cannot contain more than 10 percent '' - ' acid Or.b~e by weight.) · [~ 10~ Tln,~rdous waste treatment is carried out in quality control or quality assurance iaboi'atory nta facility that '". ,' is not'an 0ffsite hn,ardous waste facility; ' ' '· i'. . ~] 11' A,, wastestream, and treatment technology combination c-evt~ed by. the Department pursuant to Section - 25200.1.5 of the. Health. and Safety-Code as appropriate for authorization under CESW. · PIease enter certification number:. - ',' (See Appendix 5) · [==]' . i2. The treatment of formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde by a health care facility ming a technology. : combination certified by the Department pm'statue ~o ,~:tion 25200.1.5 of the H~lth and ' ' Safety Code. -.. Please'enter certification' number:. "- 'NARRATIVE DESCRII~IIONS: Provide a bri~ dexcription of the specific waste treated and the ereatm~ . : I' SPEcIFIc wASTE TYPEs TREATED: SPENT PHOTOGRAPHIC SOLUTIONS. · ...,. · qF:~qC~NAI 'VOI.I IMES INCREASE DURING HOLIDAY PERIODS. ':': '~' '" * TREATMENT:PROCESS(ES) USED: SILVER RECOVERY UNITS BY METALLIC ' .~':~ III.'. RESIDUAL M.a2NAGE~N'r: Check Ye'x or No to each quextion o~. it aPP lie~ w all re~idual~ porn. thix trtatm~m unit. YES NO' · .. ['~ ' ~ · 1. Do you discharge non-ha~ard0us aqueous waste to a publi*ly owned treatment works (POTW)/~eWer? · ' ["-] '[~ 2. Do you discharge'non-ha?ardous aqueous waste under an NPDES Permit? · ' ["~" '~ ~ 3. Doyou have >,our residual ha?ardous Waste' hauled offsite by a registered ha,ardous waste'hauler? If you do, ,where'is the waste sent?· Check all that apply. ~ · · " [~ - a. < Offsite recycling SAFET.Y-KLEEN,'3561 ~. MAPLE ST., FRESNO, CA 93725 .. [--] b. 'Thermal treatment ~iLD98#908202 . [-"] C.. "Disposal tr~ land~ ~ [~ d. Further' treatmem · '/'~' ' :- " ].! ~ ~]' · [~ 4.. Do you dispose 6f non-l!azardous' Solid ~waste re~idueq~at an offsite location'? ..... ..[~" 5. othef'method of disposal. 'speCif3;!:' "':'" "" ' .... EP.A I,D-NUMB R 14'' -' ' page 6 of ~ ': . coNDITIONALLy EXEMIrF-- SPECIFIED WASTESTREAMS .. .. .' . ' - ; · UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION .." . " · i~-~ ' . - (pursuam to Health and safen, Code Section'25201.5(c)) .- 'IV. BASIS FOR 'NOT NEEDING A ..FEDERAL pERMIT: - ' .,. In order to demonstrate eligibility for one of the o nsite treaiment tiers; facilities are 'required to provide the basis for determining thaf . · a hazardous'waste permit is not required under the,federal ResOurce ConserVation and Recovery Act rRC/~A) and the federal · regulations adopted under RCRA. ~itle 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)):'... Choose the reason (~) ?hat describe the operation of ),our 6nsite treatment units)~' [--~.: 1. The ha:mrdous waste being treaied is not a ba:mrdous waste under federal law although it is regulated as a hazardOus waste under California state law. '[~ 2. The waste is treated in wastewater treatment units (tanks), as der.meal in 40 CFR Part 260.10. and discharged to a publicly owned treatment.works (POTW)/sewermg agency 6r under an NPDES permit. 40 CFR 264. l(g)(6) and i)0 CFR 270.2. [~] 3. The waste is treated m elementary neutralization units, as defined in 40 CFR Part 260. I0, and discharged to a POTW/sewermg agency or under an. NPDES permit. 40 CFR 264. l(g)(6) and 40 CFR 270.2. _ ["'] 4. The waste is:treated in a totally' enclosed tr(~atment facility as defined in 40 CFR Part 260.10:40 CFR 264. l(g)(5). ............. : ~ ............. ~ ........ : ............................ ( [--"] 5. The Company generates no more than 100 kg (approximately 27 gallons) of hazardous waste in a calendar month ................ -z---~and4s-eligible-as-a-federal-~onditional.ly-exempt..small qt~cuStit-C,-~-fi~¥iior. 4ff~1~-~80:i-0 and-40 'CFR 26:i 31 r--j 6. The' waste is treated in an accumulation tank or container 'Within 90 ·days for over 1000 kg/month generators and 180or 270 dayS.for generators of 100 io 1000 kglmonth. 40 CFR 26'2.34."40 CFR 270. l(c)(2)(i), 'and the Preamble to the March 24, 1986 Federal Register. ' '~ 7.' Recvclable materials are reclaimed to recover econormcally significant amounts of silver or other precious metals. 40 CFR 261.6(a)(2)(iv), 40 CFR 264. l(g)(2), and 40 CFR 266.70.- '-[--] 8. EmPty container rinsing and/or treatment. 40 CFR 261.7. [--] 9. Other: Specify: V. TRANSPORTABLE TREATMENT UNIT: Check Yes or No. Please refer to the' InstructiOns for more tnformation.· YES NO '" ~ [~]" Is this unit a Transportable Treatment Unit? If you anSwered yes, you must also complete and attach Form 1772E to this page. DTsC 1772B ( 1)96)' - "' '~' '~ F~LOOR MAP..(inside~ -.~ · II II LONGS DRUG STORE ~ ' ~/'~"OO'~" DATE; -7 -- IT I~ ,;-' ~.~, .. .' A1 ! I ~ '.~ A i i ~ ' ~ , V' : ~ : ~A' ', -~ : : ~ ~ A~ ~.' - .,' I 'V~ '. '~ , V' · Al'l" V I -._ ~). ~~P~; ........ ............. ' PL e)' ~~~w~ ...... :..' ........~w ~ ....... G ~ ...... W 10) ~e~e~ ~u~ (ep~l ~ ~ ~m) .... Julrl?-'g8 1.1!'~8a~ Fr~-Proo-ertles Deoartment ggSZlO688T T-669 ' ?.Q3/03 SITE MAP (OU~ide} - LONGS DRUG STORE ~