HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-10/06/92 ~ .... CONTEL CE~RE  4900 ~FOR~ " TOWER '~' GR~ FLOOR PL N GROUND FLOOR PLAN' O-,~,,~,~ ~t-~ - . .... ~ ' ' ' ": ,/ ~.~.~"v ~ ' ~ ~" ~, .., ~ ,: ',.x ~ _0~ .. ~ -~ ~:' 1 C~O~ ~~ CENT~ ~n~~-~ o. Post Office Box 725 Chino, CA 91708 InReplyRefer~ September 30, 1992 CA301HJ Pomona, CA Joe Dunwoody. City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division Underground Storage Tank Program 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLOSURE CONTEL SERVICE CORPORATION/ GTE TELEPHONE OPERATIONS 4900 CALIFORNIA AVENUE BAKERSFIELD,~ CA 93301 Enclosed is a report dated September 18, 1992, prepared by International Technology Corporation (IT) discussing the underground storage tank (UST) closure at the above subject facility. The 2,500 gallon, double wall fiberglass diesel UST was removed on August 12, 1992 under Permit Number BR0054. The UST was triPle rinsed and the reinsate manifested under Hazardous Waste Manifest Number 88693235. Four (4) soil samples were collected from the UST excavation, two (2) from each end at two (2) feet and 6 (six) feet. The analysis performed an these samples was CADAS Method 8015 modified for diesel for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and EPA Method 8020 for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX). Analytical · results for all samples are non-detect. part of GTE Corporation · City df Bakersfield SePtember 30~' 1992 Page 2 Based on the mesults of the soil analysis and site.observation, GTEC request that the Kern County Fire Department approve'this UST closure request. If you have further questions or require additional information, ,I can be reached at (714) 590-6519 or Stan Brodecki at (714) 590- J'. D. McCormick Section'Supervisor- Environmental Compliance. JSB:rad Enclosure c': Stan Brodecki - GTE California Baurie Eckbert (w/Encl.) -.Contel Service Corp' Binda Howe (w/Enoi.) ' Contel Service Corp M. H. Schm±dt - GTE California TECHNOLOGY' September' 29, 1992 CORPORATION . ': '': ' ' Mr. Start Brodecld '· SEP ~ (~ ?992 Environmental Compliance Division · GTE Telephone Operations ,~O~pt.~,~Cd 2849 Ficus Street, CA301HJ Pomona, california 91766 Report 'Underground Storage Tank Removal . Contel Service Corps/GTE Telephone Operations Bakersfield Facility Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Brodecki: This report summarizes activities relating to the closure of one diesel-fuel, underground storage tank (UST) at the Contel Service Corps/GTE Telephone Operations (Contel/GTE) located at 4900 California Avenue in Bakersfield, California (refer Bakersfield facility (site) to Figure 1- Site Location Map). The 2,500-gallon, dual-walled, Owens-Coming fiberglass UST was used by Contel/GTE to. supply fuel for an on-site emergency generator. The UST was removed because Contel/GTE is terminating operati°ns at this facility. Tank Removal Closure of the UST was performed jointly by IT Corporation (IT) and Kern EnVironmental .. Services, Inc. (KES). IT was contracted by Contel/GTE to provide health and safety oversight, collect soil samples, perform laboratory analyses, and prepare a tank closure report for submittal to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, UST Division (BCFD)._ KES was contracted by Contel/GTE to remove and dispose of the UST according to state and local regulations and restore the site to its original condition. KES acquired the appropriate tank closure permit from the BCFD (refer to Appendix A - Tank Closure Permit). On August 12, 199-2, KES exCaVated the soil from around the UST 'and temporarily stockpiled it on-site. Prior to excavation, the contents of the tank were removed by Contel/GTE. The tank was rinsed and the rinsate was removed from the tank with a vacuum track. A hole the~ was cut in the top of the UST and 40 pounds of dry i~e was inserted to bring the'lower explosive level (LEL) of the UST to within acceptable limits. The UST was removed from the ground whereby IT inspected the excavation, UST, and 'associated piping for leakage. The UST and piping appeared to be in good condition and no soil staining was observed. The cleaned UST was then' cut into 3-foot by.3-foot pieces for Regional Office 2355 Main Street, Suite 100 · Irvine, California 92714', 714-261-6441 '" -: ' IT Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary o! Internati~nai Technology Corporation INTER NAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Mr: Stan Brodecki 2 September 29, 1992. transportation and disposal. KES obtained authorization from the Kern County Office of Environmental Health Services to dispose of the demolished tank at the Kern County Landfill (refer to Appendix B - Authorization to Dispose Letter). It is IT's understanding that all destruction activities were conducted under the supervision of BCFD inspector Joe Dunwoody2 All liquid generated during tank rinsing was transported under hazardous waste manifest to Gibson refinery of Bakersfield, California for recycling (refer to Appendix C - Tank Rinsate.Hazardous Waste Manifest). Soil Sampling After the UST was removed, IT collected two soil samples from each end of the former usT location. Samples were collected at 8 and 12 feet below, grade approximately 2 and 6 feet below the bottom of the tank excavation (refer to Figure 2 - Site Plan and Sample Location Map). A backhoe was used to obtain the soil from which the samples were collected. All samples were collected under the supervision of BCFD inspector Joe Dunwoody. Soil samples were placed into 250-milliliter (mi) glass jars, which were sealed, labeled, and placed in a cooler filled with ice. The samples were entered into IT chain-of-custody protocol and transported to IT Analytical Services (ITAS) in Cerritos, California, for analysis. The ITAS laboratory is certified by the State of California to perform hazardous waste testing. Copies of the chain-of-custody and request-for-analysis documents are presented in Appendix D. Analytical Testing and Result.q All soil samples were tested for tOtal petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX). TPH testing was conducted in accordance with the modified EPA Method 8015 for diesel; BTEX testing was conducted in accordance with EPA Method 8020. Analytical results of all soil samples collected from the beneath the UST indicated that no TPH or BTEX concentrations were detected above the specified detection limits. A copy of the Certificate-of-Analysis is presented in Appendix E. IR/GWl~/9-92/5200r I. pJT INTERN~fONAL Mr. Start Brodecki 3 September 29, 1992 and Recommendations Conclusions Based on the analytical results and field observations, it appears that there was no leakage from ~he former lIST or the associated piping. The excavated soil temporarily stockpiled on- site was used along with imported material to backfill the excavation. Therefore, IT recommends that no further action is necessary and that the site be considered for closure. Limitations This report was prepared in accordance with generally accepted standards of environmental geological practice in California at the time of this investigation. IT provided Contel/GTE with limited health and safety oversight, soil sampling and analysis, and report preparation. IT is not responsible for any work performed by KES or their subcontractors. This report was written specifically for the use of Contel/GTE and concerned agencies and any use of thi_s report by a third party shall be at the sole risk of such party. - If you find the contents of this report to be acceptable please mail one copy to the following agency: Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: Inspector Joe DUnwoody I I IR/GWI~/~-~2/5200rI.P1T Mr. Start Brodecki 4 September 29, 1992 IT appreciates the opportunity to provide environmental services to Contel/GTE. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact the undersigned at (714) 261-6441. patrick J. Toelkes Project Manager Robert $. Lou, [en Groundwater Field Services Manager PJT/RJL: Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Plan and Sample Location Map Appendix A - Tank Closure Permit Appendix B - Authorization to Dispose Letter Appendix C - Tank Rinsate Hazardous Waste Manifest Appendix D - Chain-of-Custody Request-for-Analysis Documentation Appendix E - Certificate of Analysis, I IR/GWFS/O-O215200rl. PIT Ii 905-9-91 I _ ' FIGURES FRUITVAL£ .; /. OIL FIELD ~" ;EDALE I z Av '1 NORDIC OR I IT FIGURE 1 SCALE I i SITE LOCATION MAP · 0 30~)0 6C~O0 FEET GTE BAKERFIELD PREPARED FOR ' GTE CALIFORNIA INC. POMONA, CALIFORNIA · , REFERENCE: ~ REPROUCED WITH PERMISSION . - ~ GRANTED BY 'THOMAS BROS. MAPS ':Do Not Scale This Drawing .... 91A-9-91 APPENDIX A 'TANK CLOSURE PERMIT /"% ' " HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION .. I UNDERGRCUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM · ,. ' ~ PERMIT.APPLICATION FOR ,REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION - . I SITE . Cai .Twin Partners LMTD ADDRESS ~4900.~:Calif; "Ave.ZIP coDE 93309 · APN FACILITY NAME Contel Center ' ' CROSS'~TREE~ 'Easton - ' TANK OWNER/OPERATOR Contel Service Corp. PHONE No. (805')833-2299 MAIUNG ADDRESS 5300 Dis'trict BlVd, CITY -Bakersfield ZiP, CODE 93313 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION. ' ::' ..... · "" ''' " ~ "'" COMPANY Kern Environmental Service PHONE No.' (805)589-5220' LICENSE No. 432372 Class A · ADORESS P.O Box 5337 CITY Bakersf±eld ZIP CODE 93388 NSURANCECARRIER Tolman & W±ker WORKMENS COMP No. WC-582-2132 I PRELIMANARY' ASSEMENT iNFORMATION · COMPA.NYKern Environmental Service PHONE No. (805)589-5220 LICENSE No. 432372 Class A ADDRESS P.O. Box 5337 CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 9338'8 -' INSURANCE CARRIER' Tolman & Wiker WORKMENSCOMP No. WC-582-2132 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION ' -COMPANY Kern Environmental Service PHO,~E No, (805)589-5220 I ADDRESS P..O. Box' 5337' CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93388 , WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAD 982~ 495 608 NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY Gibson Env±ronmentai ADDRESS End of Commercial Drive · CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93308 ,I FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAD 980 883 177 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION' COMPANY KVS Transportation, Inc. PHONE No.(.805)589-5220 . LICENSE No; 432372 Class A . ADDRESS P.O. Box 52'95 CITY Bakersfield ZlP CODE 93388 - .TANK DESTINATION Golden State Metals, 2000 E. Brunda~e, Bakersfield, CA '!' TANK INFORMATION 'TANKNo~ · AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL · · STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED 1 7 yrs 2,500 gallons Diesel 1985-1992 Diesel " I I .: ONLY THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED,uI~OERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY wITH THE ATrACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS· THIS FORM I'JAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ' THI AppLIcATION BECOMES A.PERMITW EN 91A-9-91 I · _ ~' ,:.~."' APPENDIX B - - AUTHORIZATION TO DISPOSE LETTER ~ .. E MANAGEMENT';G ~'. ANDALL L. BOTT. ' ',~~ ' STEVE McCALLEY REHS, DIRECTOR i~ -: DIRECTOR ' '~W~'~ I ' . DAVID'PRICE Iii ' ' "~-~~,~ffJ WILLIAM J. RODDY. APco ~[' -, '. i ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ' ' ' ".,~,~.'~[ll~~'~/ ' · I ' ' - · ' "~~~ TED ,lAMES, AICP, OIR£CtOR · '. " i: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ' '.'' ' . . '? . Ci'iga Cornett" · -' ' ' I '. Kern Environmental Services . ~" .' P.O. Box 5337 . ' · ' · / ' ' Bakersfield, CA '93388 ' ' ' I ' : ' p al of a Crushed Fiberglass Tank - 2,500 Gallons. . i - ; ~ Contel/GTE, 4900 California Avenue, Bakersfield, . CA · 'Dear Mr C°rnett· I ' Our Department has reviewed your request to dispose of a cleaned and crushed ! ' fiberglasS UndergroUnd storage tank. We have no objection to this disposal' provided: I ' 1. The tanks have been cleaned as approved by the City of Bakersfield Fire /" DePartment. ' ' I ' 2. The tanks with residual I ' ' . The tanks are crashed and no piece exceeds 3 feet by 3 feet in size. I' ' The Kern County Waste Management Department, as operator must give final I approval. Contact Bob Neath at· (805) 861-2481 for approval and scheduling. A Waste Acceptance fee of $80.00 will be invoiced at a later date. If there are any questions, i contact Diana Wilson at (805) 861-3636, Extension 551. ' please -[. ", ' Sincerely, ' _ William O Rullian, R.E.H.S. l' i". . Environmental'Health Specialist IV I' " ' Solid Waste Program I I ' ' ' ' ,WO:DW:cas ' . -'. - : . ,- . '~ · )'. ".' cc:: Bob Neath' Waste Management Department ' · 1'2700'77M"' S 'TREET; suITE 300, : BAKERSF.~LD':?ALI'FORNIA; 93301" :"'""" '"" '/(805) 861-3636 .11 APPENDIX C TANK RINSATE HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST : .~ate ~.atiforma---Health ancl Welfare Agency . See Instructions on Back o! page 6 Depamm&ni of ~eattn Serv,ce~ ~' ' Toxic Substances:Control F~m A~orov~ OMB No. 20~39 (ExOima ~9i) ' and Front of Page 7 .. ~-- sacmm~to. ~lif~m fOr use on ~ (~'ch ~e~/. . ' ~ ' Plea8~ print or ty~e. (F~ designed .~;at~'l US EPA ID ~. . Min~elt ' PI~ I I ;~;~4t~ m the ~ld~ ~rlll J ' I UNIFORM HAZARDOUS' I I~i~l~l5 [ ~ [ ' :'= ~ ~ WASTE MANIFESTr: ClAtCi0~010181il717141~'~ , . o .., o. ~ 3.. Generatm's Name an~ Mail~ Address '" 4..Ge.erato,:sP,one~05 ) 833_2299 ' ., ' [ I i I '1 't: I I I I I I " 6." US EPA ID NumDer ~ C. Still lrlr~5~Vl ~ ~ I~ ' 5: Transpolar 1 Company Name ] 7..Transpofler 2 C~mpany Name- .,. - , 8. , . US EPA ID Number ' E. Stile ~rlP~l ~ -, · ' ., _ .' ' · F:Tran~m~ ' . ' '' I'1' I I t I I I I ~ t I I 9. Designat~ Facility Name and Site Address -. 10. US EPA ID Number O. State Facilt~'a ID . ~ Oibs,on Refinery . '1 ~~1~1 : .~a'ers=~e~,~ K ~z ~u CA . H.F,c~',~' · ~ ~~.~~ . iClAiDiglSi0181813 11.717 (800).582-3935 12. Containe~ 13. Total 14. I. Quantity Unit Waete ~. ) 1 1. US ~TDeecription (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) No. Type - Wt/Vol ~ "~on RC~ Hazardous ~aSte L~qu~d s~ 221 [~ o '(d~esel tank r~nsare) ~ N Stele E. b: & R EPA/~. ~ A' ~ T II I I I I I ~ O State ~ R c. ..' ~ate  . EPA/~ I I I -I I I I  15. ~lll ~ndli~ Inatru~iona and Addffi~al Inf~lti~ . . Stye. A~8~ess 'B.O.[. ~Q36010267 . 4900 Califomia Ave; Emergency Phone No. GTE (Start Brodaky) (800) 331-8891- " Bakersfield, CA  ,1~. .  GENE~T~'5 CE~ATI~: I hereby d~l~re t~t the'content~ of thi~ c~nment ~re ful~ and accurate~ de~ above by pr~ shippi~ n~me ., a~ are claaa~, pa~. ma~, a~d label~, a~ are in Ill re~ ~ p~op~ cond~ f~ tranap~ by h~hwly lc~di~ to ~lica~le int~lti~l ~nd ..  n~ti~ll govemm~ r~ulati~a. . ~ I am · i~rge quant~ generate, I ce~ lhat I have a p~ram in place to reduce t~ volume and tox~i~ of waste g~ll~ to the degree I ~ to ~e ~i~ pr~ica~ 1~ t~t I have ~e~ ~ pr~ctlcaB~ ~t~ ~ treatment, at~ge. ~ diapo~i ~ availab~ to me ~ minimize~ t~ . pre~ ~ future threat to human heath'and ~e en~r~m~t: ~, ~ I ~ · ~11 quant~ gener~t~, I have ma~ I g~ fait~ eff~ to minimize my waste - generation and aele~ t~ ~at waste man~g~ mel~ that la availa~ to ~ a~ t~t I can A ~Pflnt,/Ty,d N, ~ ~ ,t E ' I I I'1'.1 I 19. Diacrepa~Y Indiclt~ I' I 20. Facildy ~ ~ ~erlt~ ~ff~ll~ of rec~l of hlzlrd~l mlt~lll ~v~H by thll ml~elt except al ': y Printed/Typed'Name - I 3HS ~22 A (1/~) ' Do N6f Wr~ ~low ~is Li~ I,EPA 87~22 . ' - ~= TSDF SEND5 THIS COPY TO ~H5 ~WITHIN 30 DAYS v. 9;~) Previous editions'are obsolete. ~ ' I I I I I [-~ '1 ,! ! ! ! I I . 91A-9-91 APPENDIX D CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY AND REQUEST-FOR-ANALYSIS DOCUMENTATION - "':! ~ I]~]~-~IA13ONk[.~C.,O,_O~ ' ANALYSIS REQUEST AND. -' 'Reference. DOcument .~o..3 5 2'68 : project.Name/No .......... ~~r*~ Samples Shipment Da~ 7 ~'fi/~/~ 'Bill~:5 "~T ~O' ~v,q~. - '. ' '" Samp!e Team Members ~_~~ Lab Destinaaon 8 ~~ . '~ '~ Pumhase Ordor Ne. 6 Carrier/Waybill No. 13 nuqulruu 'm~po~ Oa~ ~~: Possible Hazard Identification:* .24 Sample Disposal: 25 , - rNo~aza~ ~ Flammable' I~ , Skin Irri~nt I~ PoisOn B'Ij' Unknown I j Re~rn ~ Client l~ DisPoSal by Lab~ Amhive (mos.) TUrnaround limy t~equimd: 2~ . . ~C~evel: ~7 , · 2. Relinquished by ' f Da~: 2. Received by ~ - t / [ Da~:. 3.. Relinquished by , Dam: ' 3. Received by Dam~ (~/~1 ; Time: (~mm/AffiliaUon) Time:--- ~mmen~: 29 . · ~ APPENDIX E ' ANALYTICAL CORPORATXON ' SERVICES · .. . '-CERTIFICATE.OF ANALYSIS-... I IT'CORPORATION"' ' . Date: 08/.20/92 -.- 23.55 MA~N ST STw. ~0 ~ . · - ' ~RV~NE CA 927~4 .'. ' .' '~ '. PAT TOELKES . " work Order c2'-08-098 · Project/P.O,.~.: 245200-02 GTE_BAKERSFD ~'~I "' This is the'certificate .of Analysis for the following samples: Client Work .ID':' GTE BAKERSFIELD Date Received ~ 08/12/92 245200-002 NUaxber of Samples: 8 ! " sample Type: SOIL Samples were. labeled as follows: SAMPLe- IDENTIFICATION LABORATORY ~. TK-[A 2' C2-05-098-01 TK-iA 6' C2-08-098-02 TK-1B. 2 ' C2-08-098-03 TK-1B 6' C2+08~098-04 MATRIX SPIKE C2-08-098-05 '~ MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE .C2-08-098-06 .. ' ' - ' LAB .'CTRL-' SAMPLE C2-08-098-07 METHOD BLANK ~ C2-08-098-08' Reviewed and Approved: Marla Miller Project Manager ! ~ :.. ·. Amenc~n Counc~ ol Independen~ Labo~atone~ '2I" .. · ~nternationa! ~Aijoc!ati0n 6f Environmental Testing baboratones . · " ~nerlcan Association for b~borc~ory Accreditalion "-'. ' ITAnalFt/cal ServiCes · 17605'rabriCa WaF,'Cerritos, CA '90701-*(213) 921-9831 (714).523.9200' Page:' 3 ' · ~ ~ company= IT co~°a~Txos IT ANALYTICAL S:Z~VIC'E~.'- Date:" 08/20/92 , ~S.C~',. ~ Client WorkID:-C~TE BAKERSFIELD .245200--002! .Work Order: C2-08-098' S~L~LPLE ID: TK-1A 2' " I LAB SAMPLE iD: C208098~01A' i .SAMPLE DATE: 08/12/92 ANALYSIS DATE: 08/15/.92 CONFZ~aATION DATE= Results in UG/KG: Detection Limit BENZENE .' ND 5 TOLUENE ~N~ " 5 i ETHYLBENZENE ND 5 XYLENES (TOTAL) ND' 10 Surrogate % ReCovery Limits AiA,A"TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 86 75 - 125 I i-CHLORO-2-FLUOROBENZENE - comments: 'ND' or '<' indicates that the compound is not detected at the specified limit. i 'NA' indicates not applicable .. '*' Surrogate recovery is outside QC limit. 'D' surrogate is diluted out. 'B'. indicates analyte found in the'associated blank as well as' in I the. sample, value reported is not blankcorrected. COmpany: IT CORPORA'£iON IT ANALYTICAL sERvIcEs nat:e= 08/20/92 CERR.ITOS, CA . .. Client Work ID= GTE BAKERSFIELD '. 245200-002, work Order: C2-08'098 I TEST NAME: HIGH BOILING FUEL HCs SAMPLE ID: TK-1A 6' I LAB SAMPLE ID: C208098-02A : SAMPLE DATE: 08/i2/92 ' . ..... '..,'. . -' DATE: 08/19'/ 2" .EXTRACTION DATE= 08/14/92· ~ Results'in MG/KG: Detection Limit I TPHC AS DIESEL ND 10 . surrogate % Recovery Limit BENZO(A)PYRENE 78 50 - 150 Comments: 'ND' or '<' indicates that the compound is not detected at the specified limit. .'NA' indicates.not applicable '*' surrogate recovery is outside QC limit. Surrogate is diluted out. indicates'analyte ,found'in the associated blank as well as in the sample, value reported is-not blank corrected. ' .. Page= - 5 ~ , , .~- '- '' Company = IT 'CORPORATION Date=. 08/20/92 . Client Work' ID= 'GTE BAKEI~FI~.n 245200-002 Work Order= C2~08-098 : ~ · . TEST N~: BTEX BY ~OD 8020 · .. S~Lg ID: TK, 1A 6'  ~ S~LE ~D: C208098-02~ S~nm'V~T;: 08/X2/92 ' ' ' ~YSIS DATE= 08/15/92 CoNFI~TION DATE= ~ Resultsin UG/KG: Detection - Limit ~ BENZENE ND 5. TOL~NE - . ND 5 ETHYLBENZENE ND 5  X~ENES (TOT~} ND 10 Surrogate % Recovery Limits A,A,A-TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 87 75 - 125 I 1-CHLORO-2-FLUOROBENZENE. . -.. · . comments= 'ND' or .~<' indicates that:.the C~mpound isfiot'de~ected at the specified limit. ;NA' indicates not applicable I : '*''Surrogate. recovery.is outside Qc limit. 'D' 'surr0gat9 is*diluted Out. - · . · 'B' indicates.analyte.found in the associated blankas Well as in.... I -. * the sample, value reported is not blank corrected. company ~ IT -CORPORATION' - ' ~ ' : ~S, CA:. "' ' Cl£en2 Work ID: G~E BAKERSFI~-n 245200-002 Work Order: C2-08-098 " TEST NAME: HIGH BOLLING FUEL HCS : . SAMPLE ID: TK-1B 2' LAB SAMPLE ID: C208098-03A .~ SAMPLE DATE-: 08/12/92 " ANALYSIS DATE: 08/19/92 ' EXTRACTION DATE: 0.8/!4/92 ' Results in MG/KG: Detection Limit TPHC AS DIESEL ND 10 surrogate % Recovery Limit BENZO(A)PYRENE 78 50. ~- i50 Comments: 'ND or <"indicates that the compound is not detected at the specified limit. ~NA' indicates not applicable I '* surrogate recovery is outside QC limit. 'D Surrogate is diluted out. 'B' indicates analyte ~found in the associat'ed blank as well as in i the sample, value reported is not blank :orrected. ': page: ? · ~ ~ I? Company=. .' IT CORPORATION -' - Date: 08/20/92 ~ . C'~S, CA . ' '. cl£ent Work'ID: GTE BAKERSFIELD : ' 245200-002 Work order: C2:08:098 I TEST NAME': BTEX B~ .METHOD 8020 :* SAMPLE ID: TK~IB 2' LAB SAMPLE ID: C208098-03A I SAMPLE DATE: 08/12/92 ANALysIs DATE: 08/15/92 CONFIRMATION DATE: '- Results in UG/KG:. Detection ~'; ~ ." - ..... .Limit' BENZENE*'. ND . .: 5 TOLUENE · .'. .ND ~' 5 ETHYLBENZENE ~ · XYLENES, TOTAL ND 10 ( )' .! Surrogate. % Recovery- Limits. A,A,A-TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 86 75 - .125 '. I 1-CHLORO-2-FLUOROBENZENE - · * comments: 'ND' or ,<,~ indicates that the.compound is not detected at the specified limit. 'NA' indicates not applicable I ,*, is outside UC limit. surrogate recovery · . 'D' Surrogate is diluted out. 'B' indicates analyte found in the associated blank as well as in ', the. sample, value 'reported is not blank corrected. I 682-~-89 ..~ComPany: IT COI~OI%ATXON Date= 08/20/92. client work ID= GTE BAKERSFIEL~ 2&5200-002. Work Order: C2-08'098 SAMPLE ID: TK'IB 6' · LAB SAMPLE ID= C208098,0&A SAMPLE"DATE= 08/12/92v ' ' ' A~ALYSIS DATE= 08/19/92' · .. ~ ' .... EXTRACTION DATE= 08/14/92 Results.in MG/KG: Detection ' LJ_mit TPHC AS DIESEL ND l0 :Surrogate : % Recovery Limit '.. BENZO(A)PYRENE 74 50 - 150 Comments= 'ND' or '<' indicates that the compound is not detected at the specified limit. ' 'NA' indicates not applicable' '*' surrogate recovery is outside UC limit. 'D' Surrogate is diluted' out. · ' 'B' indicates analyte found in the associated blank as well as in 'the sample,.value reported is not.blank .corrected. I [ =.- _ ~' ' ' ' -':''." . :'... ':.:.-.~. T .... '. . ~: . . . '- .. ' ,. - ,_ .. Pages 9 Company~ z~ CORPORA~ZON '~ CERRITOS, CA aa~e= 08/20/92 Client Work [D~ GT~ BAKERSFI~.n 245200-002 ~Work Order: C2-08-098 TEST NAME: BTEX BY'METHOD 8020 ' SAMPLE ID: TK-1B 6' . . 'LAB SAMPLE iD:'C208098'04A ... .SAMPLE DATE: 08/12/92 ANALySIs DATE:· 08/15/92 CONFIRMATION DATE:· .- Results in UG/KG: Detection. -- ' Limit BENZENE ND 5 TOLUENE ND 5 ETHYLBENZENE ND 5 (TOTAL) ND 10 XYLENES Surrogate % Recovery. .Limits.. A,A,A-TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 84 75 - 125 -C O O 2- UOROBENZENE - Comments:-'ND' or ,<, indicates-that the compound'is not detected at the.sPecified limit. NA' indicates not apPl~cable '*' Surrogate recovery is outside QC limit. "D' Surrogate is.diluted out. . '~' 'B' indicates analyte found in the 'associated blank as well as in the sample, value reported is not blank corrected. Company,-ITCORPORATION _Date: ~ 08/20/92 :. CERR~I~DS, CA' Client Work IDs. GTE BAKERSFIELD -~ 245200-002 work,Order': C2-08-098 ' .SAMPLE ID: MATRIX SPIKE _~ LAB SAMPLE' ID.: C208098.05A ~'** . SAMPLE DATE~-'n0t spec . . ANALYSIS DATE: 08/19/92 " EXTaACTION DATE: .0p/!4/92 ' Results in %REC: Detection Limit TPHC AS DIESEL· 92 - Surrogate %.Recovery Limit BENZO(A)PYRENE ' 75 . 50 - 150 Comments: 'ND' or '<' indicates that the .compound is not detected at the specified limit. 'NA' indicates not applicable ' '*' surrogate recovery is outside QC limit. · 'D' Surrogate is diluted out. 'B' indicates·analyte'found in the associated blank as well as in · the sample,, value reported is not blank corrected. · Page~ 11 . I IT ANALYTICALSERVICI~ ~ Company ~ IT CORPORATION Date=. 08/20/9'2 .- .. ' . C~S, C A · cl£ent 'work iD= ~ BAKERSFIELD - 245200-002 Work Order.= C2-08-098 - i -'TEST NAME: BTEX B~ METHOD 8020' i ~' SAMPLE ID: MATRIX SPIKE ~ .LAB SAMPLE ID: C208098-05A i' -' ' sAMPLE DATE.: not spec . . - . .. · ' A~ALYSIS DATE= 08/17/92. ;' ~ . .. : .:~ ,', I CONFIRMATION DATE= · - ' .''; ' Results in ' ' %REc:~ Detection 1' ' -'. : ' : .- '. . "'. ,' 'L~nit · : . . BENZENE 73 - : TOLUENE · . l 5 : - · ETHyLBENzENE 75 ' -' I ' XYLENEs (TOTAL) · 76 ' - ' ' · Surrogate . % Recovery Limits A, A, A-TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 8 9 7 5 - 12 5 __ i . 1-CHLORO-2-FLUOROBENZENE - I Comments: 'ND' or '<; indicates that the compound is not detected at the specified limit. · 'NA' indicates not applicable '*' surrogate recovery is outside QC limit. · 'D' Surrogate is diluted out. . 'B' indicates analyte, fOund in the associated blank as well as in . the sample, value reported is not blank corrected. . _ -682.1-89 Page= ~2 :. · CompanF~ I~ CORPO~Jt~ZON' ' .. ri' AN~I~LY'~Czl~L S:E~VIC"E~ oa~e: 08/20/92 '. ~' ' ~S,~ client:Work XO= GTE ~ERSFI~ 245200-002 work Order= C2-08'098 I " TEST N~='HIGH ~ILING F[:HCS ~ S~LE ID: C208098-06A I . S~LE DATE: not spec .' ~YSIS DATE: 08/19/92 EXT~CTION DATE: 08/14/92 Results in %~C: Detection ' " ' Limit .' TPHC ~ DIESEL 91 - ~ Surrogate % RecoverY. Limi~ BENZO(A)PY~NE 75 50 - 150 'D' Surrogate is diluted out. 'B' indica=es analy~e found in the associated'blank as well as in  ' the s~ple, value reported is not bl~k corrected. 682.1-89 : ~ Page=· 13 . "~ .-.: iTANALFTiCALSEHV.[CES,' 8/ / · ' : . :Clie' nt work ZD= ~ B~I~I~FZ~D · 245200;002 Work Order= C2-08'098 '1~.' .~. TEST.NAME=-BTEX. BY METHOD.~. 8020 · ~'~ SAMPLE.ID: MATRIX spIKE DUPLICATE I " LAB SAMPLE ID: C208098-06A .. . .- ~ .SAMPLE DATE: not spec -". ' ~ALYSI$.DATE: 0e/Z?/92 · CONFIRMATION-DATE=- I ' " Results in %REC: Dete~tion .... . Limit '1 " BENZENE 72 - · TOLUENE 75 - ETHYLBENZENE 76 - · XyLENES (TOTAL)' 76 ; · - Surrogate % Recovery Limits A,A,A~TRIFLUOROTOLUENE -' 89' "' 75 "~ - i25 · ~ i~CHLORO_2_FLUOROBENZENE - I 'Comments= 'ND' or '<' indicates that the.compound is nOt ~etected at the specified limit. 'NA' indicates not applicable I '*'. surrogate recovery is outside QC limit. 'D' Surrogate is di.luted out. ' 'B' indicates, analyte found in the associated blank as well as in I" -.the sample, value reported is not blank corrected. ' ! '.-*Da~e: o8/2o/o2 * CERR1TOS, CA ~. Client WorklD: GTE BAKERSF~FT,n 245200-002 Work-'Order= C2-08'098 I '- . " TEST'NAME: HIGH BOILIHG FUEL HCs SA~LPLE ID: LAB CTRL SAMPLE . LAB SAMPLE ID: C208098-07A "' 'sAMPLE DATE: not spec ANALYSIS.DATE: 08~19/92' · EXTRACTION DATE: 0.8/14/92 - Results in. %REC: Detection ~ ' Limit · · TpHc AS DIESEL 79 - Surrogate .% Recovery Limit _: BENZO(A)PYRENE .65 50 - 150 "1 Comments: 'ND' or '<' indicates that the compound is not detected at the specified limit. 'NA' indicates not applicable '*' surrogate recovery is outside UC limit' I 'D' Surrogate is diluted out. 'B' indicates analyte found in the associated blank as Well as 'in the sample, value reported is not blank corrected, Page~ .15 . .- i Company ~- IT CORPORATION · Da~el 08/20/92 ~S, CA. Client Work ID= C~E 'BAKERSFIELD 245200--002 Work Order= C2-08~098 '1 TEsT NA/~E:'BTEX.BY METHOD 8020 .sAMPLE ID: LAB-CTRL SAMPLE I ' LAB SAMPLE ID= C208098-07A .. ... SAMPLE DATE= not .spe~ ~. 'ANALYSIS DATE= 08/i7'/92.' . . .:: ., "' · -' CONFIRMATION DATE: '.- ~ ' :' · - ' - " .' :- .'- · Results in %REC: Detection Limit I ' · ~ BENZENE 73 - 'TOLUENE 76 -' I ETHYLBENZENE 77 - .XyLENES (TOTAL) 78 - surrogate % Recovery Limits'. A,A,A-TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 90 75 - 125 Ii_CELORO_2_FLUOROBENZENE - Commentst 'ND' or '<' 'indicates that the compound is not detected at the specified limit. i 'NA' indicates not applicable '*' .Surrogate recovery is outside UC limit. 'D' · Surrogate is diluted out. 'B' indicates analyte found in the associated blank as well as in I the sample, value reported is not blank corrected. I Page,. I ~' company.. IT COa~O~tTION , ,~ . :'~. · :'Date, 08/20/92 CERI~)S, CA. ' Client Work ID, GTE BAKERSFIELD 245200-002 Work order= C2-08.098 · TEST N~: 'HIGH ~ S~LE ID: C208098-08A S~LE. DA~: nOt. spec ~YSIS DATE: 08/19/92 Results in MG/KG: Detection L~it TpHc ~ DIESEL ND 10', l m' Surrogate % Recovery Limit BENZO(A)PYRENE 78 50 - 150 I · comments: 'ND' or '<' indicates that the compound' is not detected at the specified limit. 'NA' indicates not applicable '*' Surrogate recovery is outside UC limit. 'D" Surrogate is diluted out. ,B, indicates analyte foUnd.in the associated blank as well as in I the sample, ~aluereported is not blank corrected. ! · 'l Page~ I: c°mPan¥=' ~ CO~OaaT~O~ . ITANA/.YT~CALSEHVIC1~ .Date-= 08/20/~2' ... CERRITOS, CA ' " Client Work ID: GTE BAKERSFIELD: 245200-002 Work Order: C2-08'098 ": ' I TEST NAME: BTEx BY METHOD 8020 SAMPLE ID: METHOD BLANK' ' LAB sAMPLE ID: C2'08098-08A' " I '- S/M~CLE DATE= not spec ' t~NAL¥SIS DATE: '08/14/92 CONFIRMATION DATE: · ResUlts in UG/KG: Detection : Limit : ETHYLBENZENE ' ,.ND 5 '.' XYLENES ( TgTAL ) . : ND 10 I Surrogate % Recovery Limits A,'A,A-TRIFLUOROTOLUENE 89 75 - 125 I 1-CHLORO-2-FLUOROBENZENE -. Comments: 'ND' or '<' indicates' that the compound is not deteCted-at the specified limit. 'NA' indicates not applicable I '*' surrogate recovery is outside UC limit. 'D' surrogate is diluted out. 'B' indicates analyte, found in the associated blank as well as in . I · the sample, value reported is-not blank corrected.... Cllem~ ~ork XD=.'C~T~ BAKER~X~LD'' 2~200-002 ~orR Or,er= I TEST NAMEHXGR BOXLXRG FUJI, RCS TEST CODE S01SD I .High.boiling fuel. hydrocarbons are analyzed by methods established by the california'DHS' LUFT manual. An aliquot of the sample is serially extracted with methylene chloride. The extracts are combined, exchanged with hexane, and concentrate'd to a final volume of 5 ml. A portion 'of the extract is directly Iinjected into a gas chromatograph equipped with a 30 meter capillary column. Detection and quantitation is. made by a flame ionization detector. Diesel Fuel Number 2 is used as the calibration standard. I · TEST NAM~ BTEX B~ METHOD 8020 TEST CODE BTEX I The sample .analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzen~ xylenes was and total · according, to USEPA Methods 8020 and 5030. An aliquot of the sample is purged with helium and the volatile compounds are transferred to the vapor phase. The' I vapor is swept through a sorbent column where the aromatics are adsorbed. Upon completion the sorbent column is heated and backflushed onto a GC column. The trapped compounds are separated by the megabore Column and detected by a I photoionization detector. ! I .I ;-~-~' ~akersfield Fh-e Dept. PERMIT H~DoUS MATERIALS DIVISION ~'.~ ~ ~,~Z~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM' PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE ,TANK SITE ~NFORMATION ...... SiTE ~ T~n ~~s ~D ADDRESS ~g00 g~, Av?.ZIP CODE g330g APN FACILI~NAME Co~te~ Ce~e~ CROSS STREET ~s~o~ TANK OWNER/OPERATOR Conte~ Serv~a~ Co~p. PHONE No. (805)8~3-22~ MAILING ADDRESS 5300 D~s~a~ B~vd. CI~ ~ke~s~e~d ZiP CODE g3~3 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANYKe~ Bnv~o~men~ Service PHONE No. (805)58g-5~20 LICENSE No.~2372 g~nss A ADDRESS g.O. ~ox 5~-7 CI~ B~kersf~e~d ZiP CODE ~88 INSURANCE CARRIER To~m~n & ~k~ WORKMENS COMP No. NC-582-2~2 PREL1MANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANYKe~ ~v~onme~ Service PHONE No. (805)58g-5220 LICENSE No. ~32372 C~ss A ADDRESS ~.0. 3o~ 5~37 CI~ B~ke~s~e~d ZIP CODE g~88 INSURANCE CARRIER ~o~m~n & ~ke~ WORKMEN$ COMP,No. ~-582-2~2 TANK cLEANING INFORMATION' COMPANY - Ke~ ~v~onmen~Z Service PHONE No. (805) 58g-5220 ADDRESS ~.0. Bo~ 5~7 CI~ ~ke~s~e~d ZIP CODE ~388 WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ g82 ~g5.~08 NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILI~ ~bso~ ~v~o~me~t~ ADDRESS ~nd oE Co~e~a~ D~ve CI~ ~ke~s~e~d ZiP CODE ~3308 FACILI~INDENTIFICATIONNUMBER ~ ~80 883 ~77 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY.KVS T~sgo~t~o~, ~a. PHONE No. (805) 58g-5220 LICENSE No. ~2~72 C~ss A ADDRESS ~.0.' Box 52~5 CI~ ~ke~s~e~d ZiP CODE ~3388 TANK DESTINATION Go~'de~ State ~e~Zs,'2000 ~. ~und~e, '~k~s~e~, CA · . TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED .STORED PREVIOUSLY'STORED ~ 7 y~s 2~500 ~.Zo~s g~ese~ ~g85-~gg2 D~se~ THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY W~ITH THE A"R'ACH E D CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM NJ~S BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, ANO TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT. APPR6VED BY: ~ APPLICANT NAME (PRINTi APP,L.I/~A-NT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED "-~"'~~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ,- 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 · -~ (805) 326-3970 UNDERGROUND TANK QUESTIONNAIRE ' D~¢ z .~ 1991 I. FACILITY/SITE No. OF TANKS / DBA OR FACILITY NAME OF OPERATOR J~J]~ ~J, ........... CARVER TWIN TOWERS' SERVICE CORP. ADDRESS T CROSS STREET PARCEL No.(OPTIONAL) 4900 California Ave , ciTY NAME Z~P CODE Bakersfield 93309 ~' BOX TO INDICATE ~ CORPORATION [~ INDIVIDUAL [~ PARTNERSHII~ ~ COUNTY AGENCY I~ STATE AGENCY [~ FEDERAL AGENCY TYPE OF BUSlNE~' Q 1 GAS STATION [~ :2 DISTRIBUTOR COUNTY PERMIT Q~FARM Q4PROC~SSOR TO OPERATE NO. #1 800 15C-90. / ,~) O0 /~" EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY) optional DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AR DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE ECKBERG, LAURIE (805) 833-~ NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE ECKBERG , LAURIE (805) I1~ PROPERTY OWNER INR (MUST BE COMPLETED) . CaFTwiniartners/L~d.- .~, % Carver Development MA,L,~ ORSTREET A~ DRESS I / \ / ~o× ~I,D,V,D~AL aLO~AL A~E,cY ~STATE AGENCY 49~0 California A~, Suity 100 'OmO,CATE X~PARTNERSmP UOOUN~AGENOY U'EDERALAGENCY CI~N~ME \_'4~'----~. -- ' P~' STA,E Z,PCODE ~ '"O"ENO. W,TH AREA CODE TANKOWNE~INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME ~, CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION Contel Servic~Corp.' ' MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~' BOX Q INDIVIDUAL [~ LOCAL AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY 4900 California Ave TO INDICATE [~PARTNERSHIP [--ICOUNTY AGENCY {~FEDERAL AGENCY CITY NAME STATE I ZIP CODE PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE Bakersfield CA 93309 (805) 833-2200 OWNER'S DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK, No. INSTALLED STORED SERVICE 3-PE--6304-K 10/17/85 2500 #2 Diesel Fuel ¥/N ¥/N ¥/N ¥/N ¥/N DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? ~N TYPE ~ Fill one segmenl~ut for each tank, unless ~.tanks and piping are '~"-"~%r constructed of~ same materials style anti'type ~ then only fill~ one segment out. please identify tanks by owner. ID #. I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS-- SPEClFY IF UNKNOWN A, oWNER'S TA~ t.D.~ 3_.~_6'304_E a. MANUFAC~RED BY: OWens_Cochin[ . c, DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY'EAR). ~9/~7/85 D. TANK C~ACIW IN G~LONS: 2500 IlL TANK CONSTRUCTION UAR~ ONE I~M ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C, ~D ALL THAT APPLIES IN aOX D A..~PE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL ~ 3 SINGLE WA~ WI~ E~ERIOR LINER ~ 95 UN~OWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL ~ 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAUL~DTAN~ ~ 99 O~ER B. T~K ~ 1 ~RE STEEL ~ 2 STAINLESS S~EL ~ 3 FIBERG~S ~ 4 STEELC~9 W/FIBERG~ REINFORCED P~STIC MATERI~ ~ 5 CONCRETE ~ 6 POLWlNYL CHLORIDE ~ 7 ~UMINUM ~ 8 1~ ME~ANQL ~MPATIBLEW~RP (PrimaryTank) ~ 9 BRON~ ~ 10 ~LVANI~D S~EL ~ ~ UNKNOWN .~ '~ O~ER ~ 1 RUBBER LINED ~ 2 ~9 LINING ~ 3 EPO~ LINING ~ 4 PHENOL~ LINING C, INTERIOR UNING ~ 5 G~ LINING ~ 6 .UNLINED ~ 95 UN~OWN ~ .~ OmER Fiberglass Reinforced IS LINING MATERIAL ~MPATIBLE WITH 1~ ME~ANOL? YES__ NO~ Plastic' D. CORROSION ~ 1 ~LYE~YLENE WRAP ~ 2 COA~NG ,~:~,,~.~ 3 VI~L WR~ ~ 4 FIBERG~S REINPORCED P~STIC PROTECTION ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~ 91 ~NE -, .:.. ~ 95 UN~OWN ~'~ ~ O~ER IV, PIPING INFORMATION C~RC~ A IFABOVEGRoUNDoR U IF UNDERGROUND, BO~IFAPPLICA8~ ~ A, SYSTEMTYPE a~ SUCTION ~ A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 G~VIW A U ~ O~ER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 ~USLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH ~ ~ UN~OWN A U ~ O~ER ' C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS S~EL A U 3 ~L~INYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERG~S PIPE CORROSION a U 5 ~UMINUM A U 6 CONCRE~ A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 1~ ME~ANOL ~MPATIBLEW~RP PROTECTION A U 9 ~LVANI~D S~EL 'A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UN~OWN A~ ~ O~ERBlack ~o~h~ Iro~ inyl D. LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DE~CTOR ~ 2 LINE T~HTNESS TESTING ~ 3 INT~S~L ~N~OmNG ~ 99 O~ER~ess~e ~or rap ' V. TANK LEAK D~ECTION ~ 1 VISUAL CHECK ~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ~ 3 VAPOR MONITORING ~ 4 ~TOMATICTANK~UGiNG ~ 5 GROUND WA~R MONITORING ~ I I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN · I A. OWNER'S TANK L D. # B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESI~NBOXD A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL. [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] g9 OTHER B. TANK [] .1 BARE STEEL ~ 2 STAINLESS STEEL E~ 3 FIBERGLASS r~ 4 STEEL CLAD ,W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER [] RUBBER'L,NED [] 2 AL D L,N,NG' [] EPOX LINING [] PHENOL L,N,NG C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COA~ING [] 3 VINYL WRAP []' 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 9g OTHER IV/PIPING iNFORMATION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. 'CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2-DOUBleR WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99' OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATtBLEWIFRP PROTECTION A tJ g GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION .. 'l~ V[Si3AL CHECK [~] 2 INVENTORY RECONClLIATmON [~] 3 vApOR MoNITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGiNG [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING ; '-') $ TANK TESTING [] 7 ,NTERSTIT,ALMONITORING' ~ 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOW.N' [] 99 OTHE~ 'C rroT 4X RSFI£rD "WE CARE" FIF~E DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S, D. JOHNSON Oct.ober 6, 1992 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 GTE P. O. Box~ 725 Chino, CA 91708 Attn: J. D. McCormick 'Ref: CA301HJ - Pomona, CA 'CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 4900 CALIFORNIA AVENUE, IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # BR0054 Dear Ms. McCormick, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present, or future operations. In addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify~this department of any changes in site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. S~ncerel~v, -, ' /Joe A. Dunwoodl~/_ / Hazardous Mat~J~ial Specialist Underground Tank Program cc:: Patrick Toelkes IT Corp 2355 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, Ca 92714 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK ~DECONTAMINATION I, ~. ~~ ~O~A/~- an authorized agent of name .~/ ~?~Z/, ~-~/c~ here by 'attes~ under penalty of contracting co. · perjury that the tank(s).located at ~2~ ~/~~ ~and / . address being removed under Permit# ~0(~3~'-~/ has been cleaned/decontaminated properly and a L~L (lower explosive limit) reading of no greater than 5% was measured. immediately following the cleaning/decontamination process. name (print)' - -//signature FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Facility C~9~7~..~.~/ ~-~_31~'7 ~/~-F~ :'"''~"~'"~ ~Permit 'to Operate ~ Date ~Construction .Permit ~ /~/~ ~-~/~,o~ Date /~-f-~ ~Permit to abandon~ No. o'f'.Tanks Dale ~ended Permit Conditions ~Permit Application Focm, Tank 'S'heets, Flow Chart ~Application to Abandon tanks(s) Date ~Annual Report Forms '[-]Copy of Written Contract Between Owner & OPerator [2] Inspection Reports ~orre~ondence -' Received. , Da te ~Correspondence -'Mailed Da te Da te Date ~Unauthorized Release Reports ~Abandonment/Closure Reports ~Sampling/Lab Reports ~MVF Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) ~STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checklist) ~MVF Plan Check (New Construction) '~STD Plan Check (New Construction) ~MVF Plan Check .(Existing Facility) ~STD Plan Check (Existing Facility) ~"IncomPlete Application" Form ~Permit Application Checklist ~Permit Instructions ~Discarded ~Tightness Test Results Date Date. Date ~Monitoring Well Construction Data/Permits ~Environmental Sensitivity Data: ~Groundwater Drilling, Boring Logs ~Location of Water Wells ~Statement of Underground Conduits ~Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive, Data ~Photos ~Construction Drawings Location: ~Half sheet showing date received and tally .of inspectidn time, etc ~Miscellaneous e /~RN' COUNTY-HEALTH DEPAI PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT ~18001§ UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME 'AND MAILING ADDRESS: COntel Twin Ce ter Contel. · Californ£.~ Avenue 4900 California Avenue ~900 Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA 93309 ' PERMIT EXPIRES November 8, 1986 ~XX~ NEW BUSINESS , "~ ' ~CHANGE OWNERSHIP , ! · "~ RENEWALt ', APPROVAL DATE November 8, 1985 ' I.~ I " I "--' OTHER' 1 I APPROVED BY '/':~'""=~'"'~'+"' " ' I / Joe Cana, .-- ' POST THIS PERMIT ON PREMISES '~¢ON.DITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Ail pertin.~nt equipment and materials used in this construction are subject to identification and approval by the Permitting 'A~thority prior to constr ~ot*ion · This permit is issued contingent upon guaranteed compl£an~e with the guidelines' as determined by the Permitting Authority. 2. 'Ail constr~¢tion to be as per facility plans approved, by this department' and veriF ed by inspection by Permitting Authority. 3; Permittee ~ust contact .Permit. tin5 Authority for on-site inspection(si* with 48 hour~ dvance notice. .:' 4. 'BackFill ~aterial' for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers* specit'ica ions. 5. All under round metal product' piping, fittings, and connections must be. gasoline-' esistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. · 6. Construct on inspection record is included with permit given to Permlttee. This car. must be posted at jobsite .prior ~o initial inspect£on~ Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each gr. oup · required nspections numbered as per instructions on Card. Gene~a'lly, inspection!s will be made of: a. t~anks and backfill ~ .. b. pt~ping system with secondary containment . c. overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring d. ~ny other inspection deemed necessary b~ Permitting Authority 7. Ail equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance, with all manufacturers' specifications. 8. Contracto~ must be certified by tank manufacturer for installation of fiberglass! tanks or a manufacturers' representative must be present .. site during installation. . ''9. No produc-~ shall be stored, in tank(s)until approval is granted by .. permittin~ Authority. .10. Monitorin~ requirements for this facility will be described on final , "Permit t~ Operate". / ::' . .-:' .~.. , / -'~ ,~-' ;;. ACCEPT.ED BY · /.C~'~_2-L DATE ,// ~- i,. ~ Count~ tlealth Departmi Perm i~-t ._, ' ~. !sion o~ Enviro~ental ~lt: ...... AppiiCati~ -'1 i 0 Flo~r Street, Bakersfieln, CA 93305 .~PLI~TION FOR .PE~IT ~ OP~TE ~E~R~D .- ~~US' SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ ~ of Application (check): · ~Ne~ Facility ~dification of Facility ~isti~ Facility ~ansfer of' ~ership A. ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact. (D~e, area c~e, acne): ~ ~0~ ,3 ~ ~/~ ~A~ ~ ~~-- Nights' ~6~ Facility Na~ C o~~--L ,~l~' ¢6'/~_~ ~.~f 7T~ / ~ of Business (check): ~line S~tion ~er (de~ri~) Is Tank(s) ~at~ on ~ Agricultural Fa~? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~i~rily for ~ricultural ~r~ses?~Yes Facility ~dress ~f~ ~/~~ .~.~j~ Nearest Cro~ St. T R ' ' SEC- (RuraI ~atio~ ~ly) ~er . ~' d~ ~d Con,ct ~r~ ~dress' ~~JW~/,~ "' Zip F{C~ct ~lemone ~dress ~ ~ Zip Tele~one ~ C ~{ '~ B. Water ~ Facility Provid~ by, C,~ '~ ~$~/~/~ ~p~ ~il.~aracteristics at Facility / ~{~ ~ ~60. ~c~ Basis for Soil ~ a~ Gro~ter ~p~ '~teminatio~ ~,0% C. Contractor' ~' C ~ ~ ~,-.9o2 ~' ~ ~ntractor's Uce~e Worker's C~~tt~ c~rtific'ation ~ ~ ~117 Insurer D. If ~is ~mit Is For M~ification Of ~ ~isti~ ~cility, Briefly ~ri~ ~ifi~ti~ Proms~ ~ ~ ~ E. Tank(s) Store (~eck all ~t a~ly)..: Tank ~ ~s~ Pr~uct ~tor Vehicle Unlead~ R~ular Pr~ Die~l ~ste ~el F. Ch~i~l C~sition of ~terials Stor~ (~t ~ces~ry for ~tor vehicle f~is) Tank ~ Chemi~l Stor~ (non-c~rcial ~e) ~ ~ (if kn~) ~lcal Pr~i~sly S~r~ G. Transfer of Ownership ~,~ /% ~ Date of Transfer , >/%~] /'~- Pr~io~ 'e~ ' Previous.Facility N~ '~'' ' ' ] I. accept f~lly all obi?gat.ohs of ~'~'i't ~. iss~ to · I ~dersta~ that ~e ~itti~ ~ority may r~i~ ~ify or te~i~te ~e transfer of ~e ~it to ~rate ~is ~dergro~d stoz~e facilityu~n receivi~ ~is c~pleted fo~. ~is fo~ ~s ~en c~plet~ ~der ~lty of ~r~ury a~ ~ ~e ~st of my ~owl~ge is TANK ~ .. (FILl. OUT .:;HPAkATE FORM FOR EACIi TANK) ..... ["~)R ' EIACH' 'S'ECTTON, CHECK ~ ~PROPRIATE BOXES Fa%~' Mater i~l . . .~Car~,n S~eel ~ Stainless Steel ~l~inyl C~oride ~Fiberglass~l~ Steel ~Fi~r~jlass-reiafforc~ PlasLic ~ConcreLe ~ ~'fn~ ~ Bronze ~k~ ~Other (de:set i~) Pr i~r~ Contai~enL- . · ~Ce~,':s~lled ~ic~ess ([nches; Ca~ci'ty ~allons) ~nufacturer ~ .Sedondar~ Contai~enc : '~le-Wall~ic Liner ~Lin~ Vault ~ne ~o~ ~Other (descri~): . ~ ~ ter ial Manufacturer: . :Thic~ess (Inches) . ~ Ca,city (Gals.) --~R~r ~mkyd ~Emxy Smenolic ~Glass ~Cla ~Other (descri~ · , . _ ~ ~ lin~ ~o~ ~Galvanlz~ ~assgCl~ ~l~yle~ Wrap ~Vinyl ~a~ ' ' ~Tar or ~p~lt ~k~ ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~): ~ ~ ' Cath~ic Protection: ~ne ~pres~ ~rrent S~t~ ~cr~ftclal ~e ~t~ ~r~'~ Syst~ & Equi~ent: - : ~Vis~l (vault~ t~ ~Grou~ter ~nitori~' ~11 (s) ~ Vadose Zone ~nitort~ ~ll(s) ~U~ Wi~out ~ner ~U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~ti Flow · ·  Va~r '~t~tor* ~Li~,~ · ..... ~ ~ ~ Monltor1~ ~ll(s)* , ~,,~ ~n ~ular S~ce of ~uble Wall Tank"~-f~3(~ (f~ ~~/ ~5.. Liquid ~trt~al & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, Monitori~ ~11 or ~ar. S~ ~ ~ily Ga~i~ & I~entory Reconciliation ~Peri~ic T~gh~e~ Test~ ~None ~o~ ~her b. Pipit: ~Fl~-Restricti~ ~ak ~t~tor(s) for Pressuriz~ ptpi~~ ~nitorl~ S~p with ~ce~y ~al~ C~crete ~ce~y ~. ~lf~ut C~tible Pi~ ~ceway ~ S~t~tic Liner ~y ~ ~Unkno~ ~her en Tigh~ess ~st~? ~Yes' ~ ~kno~ ~~ ~S~ ~te of ~st Tightne~ Test )~A[~ Results of Test Test ~e ' ~ Re~lr~? OYes ~ O~kno~ ~te(s) of ~tr(s) ~erfill Protecti6n Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel ': Ta~ Fl~t ~e ~Fl~t Vent Valves ~Aut° Shut-'Off Controls ~citance ~ ~al~ Fill ~x ~ne ~o~ ~Other: List ~ke & ~el For ~ve ~ices ~2vanxzed ~Fi~rglass.-Cl~ ~ess~ ~rrent ~criftcial : ~Polyethyle~ Wrap ~Electrical Isolati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or ~' :- ~Unkno~., ~None ~her ~.$e~ri~): EPSON CO. · '~.'1~122 ORANGE. A~E:';.i"PARAMOuNT.,'~'CALIFORNIA 190723--(213) 531:~6231 October 31, 1985 S. 'C'. ANDERSON ZNC. 5880 District Blvd Po O. Box 2762 Bakersfield, California 93309/93303 Attn: R. 01sen Ref: ~el Storage Tank - Contel Service Corp. SUBMIETALS (1) Owens-Corning ~ Double-Wall underground fuel storage ts~uk~ 2500 gal. capacity ~l) Owens-Corning "Liquid-Head" leak detection system~ model ~ reserv~_or~ 2 gallon; model SB0011 electronic control panel (1) '~A.Y. McDonald fill cap with brass adaptor~ h" nodel 905 (1) ~.Y. McDonald .foot valve~ br~ss~ l" mode~ 9~2 (1) Unlv.ersal vent check extractor, 2" x 2" model V-h20 (1) A.¥. McDonald vent cap~ 1~-"/2'? model' (1) CNi fill containment box, model 200 (1) Red Jacket manhole 2h" x 24" × 18" model 151-025 MEMBER ,-,PEi LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEMS METERS · PUMPS.- TANKS · Scope of Work ~' -'~nderground Fuel Tanks - Contel (owner) · 30 August 1985 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 A 2,000 gallon fuel tank is to be installed at 4900 California Avenue, Bakersfield for the purpose of~storing No. 2 diesel fuel for an engine-generator. 2.0 TANK 2.1 Tank shall~be d0uble-wall and made of fiberglass meeting all applicable government codes. 2.2 The manway shall have five 4" fittings to be used as follows: One· with removable screen for fi~ling;~one ~or future level sensors .(gauge); one for suction line; one for return line and one for vent line. 3.0 OTHER SPECIFICATIONS· The specifications referenced herein are not intended to exclude other~ tank ~uppliers. However, if the .bid does not otherwise state, the tank furnished shall be OWENS-CORNING. 3.1 Section 13177~1 attached shall apply e~cept: No liquid level gauges; no heating coils or hot wells. 3.1.1 The 2,000 gallon tank shall have one of its 4" fill tubes available for a future gauge system. Provide a 1 1/2"·threaded adapter plug for this. .3.2 ' The OWENS-CORNING "Install·ation InstructiOns" (3-PE-6304-K) shall apply. A ~raffic load shall be assumed. 3.2.1 Mechanical anchoring shall be required. 3.2.2 The testing (Part 3) must be witnessed by John K. Carter of Contel. 3~3 The vent pipe shall have a FARR type STV filter installed. 3.4 No tanks or any piping shall be covered without an inspection.and approval of owner's representative. .3.5 Access to the manway and hydrostatic monitor shal~ be provided by an oversized concrete box flush to grade wi~h a traffic cover. The bo~ shall have a ~/4" rigid metal conduit stubbed in and directed toward the engine (for future gauge). Submit box size to owner for approval before ordering. 3.6 This work shall include the providing and installing of a leak detectin~ system acceptable to the State of California. The system shall be an OWENS CORNING model R2 or equal. 3.6.1 The above ~ystem shall include a pipe and valve to simulate a leak. 3.6.2 Slope tank 2" and follow'other specifications by manufacturer. 4.0 U/G TANK TO DAY TANK PIPING 4.1 The piping and fittings shall be only black'wrought iron wrapped for corrosion·protection. Call for inspection by owner's respresentative before wrapping. 4.2 An auxiliary fuel supply system (day tank) Shall be connected. (The day tank will be furnished by Valley Diesel.) This system shall include 1" suction line, 1" return ~ine, fuel filter, 2" vent piping and a foot'valve. · 4.3 The ~uction and return lines in the undergrou'nd tank shall extend to within 12" of'the tank bottom. DAY TANK TO ENGINE 5.1 Same pipe material and size as above. 5.2 Provide flexible metal sections of pipe at engine.to prevent the transmission of vibration. ALAi57 Facilit¥ Name ~Z~Z- Date FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST Plot Diagram , * Plot plan notes Yes No 1. All new and existing'tanks located on plot plan? 2. Does tank product correspond to product labels on {_~ plot plan? 3. Was there no modifications identified which were not d~picted on the plot plans? If "No" described 4. Are monitoring Wells secure and free of water and product in sump? 5. Is piping system pressure, suction or Gravity? · - Yes No 6. Are Red Jacket subpumps and all line leak detector }5{ {5{ accessible? Type of line leak detector if any ~.~J~ ~ ?. Overfill containment box as specified on application? If "No", what type and model number: a) 'is fill box tightly sealed around fill tube? {~' {5{ b) Is access over water tight? ~ {5{ c) Is product present i'm fill box? {~{ . 8. Identify type of monitoring: ~J ~o~ % a) Are manual monitoring instruments, product and water finding.paste on premises? b) Is the fluid level in Owens-Corning liquid level monitoring reservoir and alarm panel in proper operating condition? c) Does the annular space or secondary containment liner leak detection system have self'diainostic' capabilities? If "No", how is it tested for proper operating condition? 9. Notes on any abnormal conditions: Standard .C_ompliance Check Equipment to be installed: ~ Tank(s) , ~ ft. of ~suction [~]pressurized piping Req~d Approved ~/ ~__~ -~/ Primary Containment ~, ~Fiberglass (FRP) Make & Model ,~-~'~3~L~ ~)~T iberglass-clad steel Make & Model --~ ~m~'~, [~Uncoated steel Make & Model [~Other: Make & Model Comment: Addit ional: Secondary Containment of Tank(s) tank(s) Make & Model ~Double-wB1 led ~Synthetic liner Make & Model ~Lined concrete, vault(s) Sealer used ~Othe'r Type Make & Model Comment: AdditiOnal: Secondary containment volume at least 100% o~'prim~ry tank volume(s) Comment: Additional: Secondary containment volume for more than one tank contains 150% of volume of largest primary containemnt c 10% of aggregate primary volume, whichever is greater Comment: Additional: Secondary containment open to rainfall must accomodate 24 hour rainfall Total Volume Comment: Additional: Secondary con%ainment iS product-compatible Product !~f~ Documentation Comment: Additional: · ~<' ~_~~~ Annular space liquid is compatible with product, Comment: / v~' ': Additional: Primary Containment of Piping [']Fiberglass·piping Size & Make ~]Coated steel piping Size & Make ~Uncoated steel piping Size ~Other Comment: Additional: ~/' ~/,[.~ Secondary Containment of Piping ~Double-walled pipe Size & .Make ~Synthetic liner in _trench Size & Make ~Other ~-k ~ ~ Comment: ~dditional: /' ~C ~,~'~ Corrosion Protection ~Piping & fittings ~Electrical isolation Comment: Additional: - / ~C ]~'~ ManufaCturer-Approve~, Backfill for Tanks & Piping Type ~ ~~] Comment: / '~t.~ Additional: Tank(s) Located .No Closer Than 10 Feet to Building(s) ' Comments: Additional: .. ~' ~'. ~.~,~ Complete Monitoring System Monitoring device within secondary containment: ~niquid level indicator(s) ~Liquid. used ~Thermal conddctivity sensor(s) " ~Pressure. sensor (s) . ~Vac uum gauge ~Sump (s) ~Gas or vapor detector(s) ~Manual inspection & sampling . ~Visual inspectiOn Other comments: ,.. Additional: ,:" ~"' Other Monitoring Periodic tightness testing Method Pressure-redUcing. line leak detector(s) 'Other Comment: · ;~ddit ional: ~ ~-~ Overfill Protection DTape float gauge(s) []Float vent valve(s)' D~L~x~] ~,q7 ~Capacitance sensor(s) ~High level alarm(s) ~Automatic shut-off control(s) ~Fill box(es) with 1 ft.3 volume ~perator controls with visual level monitoring Other Comment: ,. Additional: Monitoring Requirements Additional Comments Inspector ./~ ~ Date Permit Application Checklist Application Category: ~Standard Design Motor Vehicle Fuel Exemption Design (Secondary Containment) (Non-Secondary Containment). Approved Permit ApPlication Form Properly Completed Deficiencies:· ~ Copies of Plot Plan Depicting:  Property lines Area, encompassed' by minimum 100 foot radius around tank(S) and piping. '~ All tank(s) identified by a number and product to be stored Adequate scale (minimum 1"=16'0" in detail) North arrow All structures within 50 foot radius of tank(s) and piping .Location and labeling of all product piping and dispenser ~islands Environmental. sensiti'vity data including: *Depth to first groundwater at site *Any domestic or agricultural water well within 100 feet of tank(s)--and piping *Any surface water in unlined conveyance within 100 feet of tank(s) and piping *All utility lines within .25 feet of tank(s) and piping (telephone, electrical, water, sewage, gas, leach lines, seepage pits, drainage systems) *Asterisked items: apprbpriate documentation if permittee seeks a motor vehicle fuel exempti6n .from secondary containment Comments: Approved ~ ~_3 Copies of COnstruction Drawin. 9,~' Depicti~. -' .Side View of Tank InStallation with Bac ill, Raceway(s), Secondary Containment and/or Leak Monftoring System in Place Top View of Tank Instal'lation with Raceway(s), Secondary Containment and/or Leak Monitoring System in Place > · __~-~.~ A MaterialSBackf.iii ~List (i. Ddica~-ing/.~rxx/F_!..th°se used· in the construction) Raceway(s) ~ ~ - SeCondary Containment ~'1~" Leak 'Det~ctor (s) . p Detector ( s~ ' ~mp(s) ~dnftorfng' Well(s) ~ddi t ionm'l: Documentation of Product Performance Additional Comments Reviewed By Date SITE INSPECTION: Approved Disapproved Comments: Inspector Date '' -' :;'~ ' ' ' ' . . " .:,.- ;':'/.il;2'-" ,' ' {?':rL~",; '-.-:;','"7:?'. - ' ~ic Prot~tion of Ta~(s) .... .-... - PIPI~ ~rrosion Proration of Pipit, Joints, Fill Pi~ }/-/7-~ ~4 ~..~ ~ical Isolation of Pipi~ ~ T~k(s) ~ic Proration Sys5~Pipi~ - ~~ ~AI~ ~I~ ~IO~, r.~ D~I~ '- Liner Ins~llation - Tank(s) VaSt With' Pr~uct C~.~tible S~ler [~;-t g~u., .... ~r.~=, Float V~t Valves //~/7-~ Pr~ C~tible Fill Box(es) Pr~u~ Line Leak ~t~tor(s) ~k Det~tor(s) for ~nular S~D.W. Ta~(s) ~itori~ ~11 (s)/S~p(s) ~k ~t~tion ~vice(s) For V~o~/Gr~ter "