HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ORT~ $CAL~-: BUS I~qESS L~E: L~LOOlt: OF none Santa F~' Energy Comoanv q q T OAT[: 10/15/8) FAClLI~ N~: qth Floor Administrative ~IT ~: OF (C~C~ 0~) $1~ D~AG~X ~ACILI~ DZAG~ · FIRE EXTINGUISHER Elevator access to fourth floor locked during non business hours ( q:30 p.m - ?:30 a.m.) Inspector's ¢osseats): -O~ICIAL USE ONLY- - Sk - ~I ANHYDROUS AMMO ... M,,-~----' · FIRE EXTINGUISHER clement /milazzo & associates architects aia 3200 21 St street, ~tSO0 bakersheld, calitorl,la 805)324-4524 ' 93301 , ' ' ,'.,~.~/~ i':, -' '~, GROUND FLOOR PLAN · .. / ~ .~:.:, ,. ~ A ROY CARVER '~ 't¢: ::< ' " .... DEVELOPMENT ~ .~., , .~. ' : CALIFORNIA TWIN ~ CENTRE '- ,~co.o ,,oo, ,,.,2o ,o. r, '""° '°' '" clement / mjlazzo ,ou,,. ,,oo, ,.,,. so. ,~. ,,.,~,so. ,,. . ' / -- ~ associates · o,,, ~.oss .,,.,. ,o. ,,. , ' ' ' ~0~ architects bakersfield, 8o5) 32a.4524 93301 .................................. -- ~ -- ___ .=...~.-.-7-.--....~.-.--. ~ ~ A ~OY 1 I~ ~> "- -- DEVELOPMENT V.B. Hubbard Corporate Safety Manager RECEIVED FI§ 0 5 1990 February 2, 1990 HAZ. MAT. DIV. Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: A hazardous materials business plan was developed for our Regional Office due to the use of anhydrous ammonia in a reproduction machine. During October, 1989, a-new reproduction machine, which does not use ammonia was installed. The anhydrous ammonia cylinder has been removed from the Regional Office. Since the ammonia was the Only hazardous material above the regulated quantity, Santa Fe Energy requests that the business plan for this location be withdrawn. A copy of the inventory form, with the transaction code "delete" is enclosed. If you have any questions or comments, please advise. Sincerely, V. B. Hubbard ~ Safety Manager ~ bis Enclosure Santa Fe Energ7 Company 4900 California Avenue Tower A, Suite 400 Bakersfield, California 93309 (805) 322-3992 ~ .4 Santa Fe Southern Pacific Company 013.BH0 . FARMAND AGRICULTURE~"-~ STANDARD BUSINESS J-~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUSMATERIALS INVENTORY Page, I of 1 NON-TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME: SANTA FE ENERGY COMPANY OWNER NAME: -SAME- NAME OF THIS FACILITY: Regional ~Office LOCATION: 4900 California Ave. Tower A Suite 400 LOCATION: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 1311 CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93309 CITY, ZIP: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE: (805) 322-3992 PHONE: 00 - 792 3683 REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure # Days Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Esl; Units on Site Type PressTempCode Stored in Facility Wt See Instructions D I P I 3375 I 1--688 I 13500 I FT3 I 365 I 04121 413rdRoorPrintRoom 100 Anhydrous Ammonia -- Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 7664-41-7 Component ~q Name & CAS Number '~' (Check all that apply) [~ ~ r-'] F~ F~ Component ~2 Name & CAS Number Fire Reactivity Delayed Sudden Release Immediate Hazard Health of Pressure Health. Component #3 Name & CAS Number * Reproduction Fixative Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component #1 Name & CAS Number (Check all that apply) [~ ~ F""] [~ r'-'] Component ~2 Name & CAS Number Fire Reactivity Delayed Sudden Release Immediate Hazard Health of Pressure Health Component ~3 Name & CAS Number; Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component ~ Name & CAS Number (Check all that apply) [~ ~ [~ N [~] Component ~ Name & CAS Number Fire Reactivity Delayed Sudden Release Immediate Hazard Health of Pressure Health Component ~3 Name & CAS Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Byron Hubbard Safety Man ,agar (805) 322-3992 Name Title 24 Hr Phone #2 Name Title 24 Hr Phone Certification (Read and sign after completing all sections) I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true,accurate, and complete. J.B. Williams, Regional Production Manager ~-(~__.~'~.~..~ _ Z- Z-~' Name and official rifle of owner/operator OR owner/operator's authorized representative ~ Signature Date Signed LEC/SFEC/REG OFFICE/I-90 Western Division ' ~' ~-i '4900 California Avenue Tower A, Suite 400 · Bakersfield, California 93309 805/322-3992 .' .. RECEIVED March 1, 1989 Cm~TTFTED ~L HAZ. MAT` DIV.. William Medigovich California Emergency Response Commission Director, Office of Emergency Services 2800 Meadow View Road Sacrament o, CA 95832 Office of Emergency Services, Region V 2550 Mariposa Mall, Room 181 . Fresno, CA 93721 Attn: LEPC Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 'G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Re: SARA Title III Sec. 312 Tier Two Form Chemical Inventory Ladies and Gentlemen: Enclosed, pursuant to the captioned statute, are Tier Two forms for the following Santa Fe Energy Company (SFEC) facilities within your jurisdiction, together with a plat locating each facility: Facility ID~ Facility Name 1BAK01 Regional Office 1BAK02 Kern Bluff In submitting these Tier ~Two forms SFEC wishes to make the ~following observations: A Santa Fe Southern Pacific Company SARA3-12. 301 1. All chemicals and chemical mixtures listed on SFEC'S AB2185 Hazardous Material Business Plan have been included on the SARA 31 Tier Two form without regard to the 10~000 lb. threshold reporting exemption. Because the 10,000 lb. threshold is cumulative with respect to a chemical which is part of several different product mixtures (approximately 95% of petroleum industry chemicals are found in mixture), without information from the appropriate Manufacturer Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on the percentage of such chemical in each mixture, it is impossible to determine when the threshold for that chemical has been reached. In many cases MSDS do not provide this information. We have experienced difficulty in securing component information from manufacturers who are now withholding such information from the MSDS. 2. Another difficulty encountered in working with the MSDS as source document for hazard category designation, is the failure of many MSDS to clearly indicate whether their products fall into any of the 5 SARA Title III Hazard Categories. SFEC has contacted all of its manufacturers, and has received their cooperation in some cases. Where data necessary to make such determination remains inadequate, SFEC has relied on the generic hazard categories of petroleum industry chemicals proposed to EPA by the American Petroleum Institute, and in use in many states. 3. Because the gravity and components of crude oil vary greatly from field to field, even to some extent in .the same field, SFEC has given a generic hazard category of Immediate (Acute) and Delayed (Chronic) to the crude oil on the attached list. (Some crude oil in California has such a high flash point that DOT does not consider it a Fire Hazard. Other crude oil found on the list will be listed in the Fire Hazard Category). 4. By far the greatest problem encountered in SFEC'S effort to generate SARA Title III 312 Tier Two reports by March 1, 1989, has been the necessity to convert data from .the new AB2189 inspired State forms into the codes, quantities and formats required by the Tier Two form. The attached printouts, together with the location plats, are currently undergoing intense review to determine if any discrepances have resulted from the translation of state to federal report requirements. SARA312.301 If further information is required please contact Mr. Bill Hoopes, Senior Environment~ Specialist, at (805) 322-3992. Sincerer, Enclosures cc: Facility Invento~ Coordinator W.P. Hoopes SARA312.301 PAGE 1 TIER TWO REPORT SANTA FE ENERGY COMPANY REPORT DATE: 03/01/89 FOR YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 1988 FACILITY IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY CONTACTS OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS / SITE PLAN REGIONAL OFFICE BYRON HUBBARD __ LIST OF SITE COORDINATE ABBR 4900 CALIFORNIA AVE 400-A SAFETY MANAGER BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 805-322-3992 805-872-1664(24HR) SIC:1311 D.B.NO:O0-792-3683 HAZARD CODES F=FIRE OWNER/OPERATOR S=SUD REL PR -{ R=REACTIVITY SANTA FE ENERGy COMPANY { BILL HOOPES A=ACUTE 4900 CALIFORNIA AVE 400-A { SEN.ENVIRONMNTL SPEC C=CHRONIC BAKERSFIELD. CA 93309 { 805-322-3992 U=UNCODED 805-322-3992 { 805-326-]786(24HR) N=NO HAZARD { CAS NUMBER CHEMICAL/MIXTURE NAME ............................... MAX DAILY MAX AVG DAILY AVG NO. METHOD OF POUNDS CODE 'POUNDS CODE DAYS STORAGE AREA/SUBAREA 7664-41-7X ANHYDROUS AMMONIA FORM=P---G- HAZARDS=-S-A--- 28,148 *03' 14,078 *03$ 365 L24 1 CERTIFICATION (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE ~iNFORMATION SUBMITTED IN THIS AND ALL ATTACHED DOCUMENTS, AND THAT BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING~TH~_E IN~F,~RM&,TION, I BELIEVE THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE, AND'i~(~ETE ._.__.._OPES, SEN{OR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST NAME AND OFFICIAL TITLE OF Ok}NEE/OPERATOR OR OWNER/OPERATOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE~// DATa SIGNED O ANHYDROUS AMMONIA ~,--.. ~u,,m--- · FIRE EXTINGUISHER $k £~/FACI LZ TY F OPt/~ ~ -NORTIi SCALE: BU$I,q~$$ N~: FLOOR: OF none ~an~a Fe £ner~v Comoanv q q TDATE: 10/15/87 FA¢I~XTY ~A~: qth Floor Adm~n~s:rat~ve UNXT ~: Of (C~CX 0~) SI~ D~AG~X fACI:I~DIAG~ ~ · IqRE EXllN~L~ER Elevat0r access to fourth floor locked durln$ non business hours ( a:30 p.m - T:30 a.m.) lnopecCor'a Canneries): -OFFICIAL CSE ONT,.Y- - 8A - GROUND FLOOR PLAN / · · . :..... :. .. :.'.'. :'.'.: · "~x ' ' '": :: ".:: "* ':.:i-'. .: '.: .:' """ :~ ..+~ . /,' / ... " ,---/ - A ROY CARVER ~ " ,: . .. DEVELOPMENT .'; ... , ./ ' - f'e. ~ CAt. IF ORNIA TWIN N ,)~' CENTRE GAOUND FLOOR PLAN .... -.,.0. 'l~~ :i:"- '}:' , ,co.o ..o. ....,o .o .. ,,,,.oso .,. '"'"'""'"' clement / milazzo ,...0 ,,oo. ,..,,o .o ,, ...,.o.o '" e.° associates ~ ~.-,~ : A ROY CARVER : ~ i ~' " ~ DEVELOPMENT ,... ..~" ~',:~' ~ ...... CALIFORNIA TWIN ~ ~ ~'-. ..... ................. ~~~ ~~ ". ¢ ~ ..~ :, ...................... ................. ~ ~ ~:? ~ ~: ~,.,~ .... ~. . ~ TIER TWO REPORT SANTA FE ENERGY COMPANY REPORT DATE: 03/01/89 FOR YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 1988 FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ERGENCY CONTACTS OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS _.~ SITE PLAN KERN BLUFF HARLUS GREGORY LIST OF SITE COORDINATE ABBR GLENNVILLE WOODY HWY PROCUCTION FOREMAN BAKERSFIELD. CA 93388 805-393-7063 805-664-7504(24HR) SIC:1311 D.B.NO:O0-792-3683 HAZARD CODES F=FIRE OWNER/OPERATOR S=SUD REL PR R=REACTIVITY SANTA FE ENERGY-COMPANY STEVE FALKE A=ACUTE 4900 ~ALIFORNIA AVE 400-A AREA SUPERINTENDENT C=CHRONIC BAKERSFIELD. CA 93309 805-393-7063 U=UNCbDED 805-322-3992 805-834-8491(24HR) N=NO HAZARD CAS NUMBER CHEMICAL/MIXTURE NAME ............................... MAX DAILY MAX AVG DAILY AVO NO. METHOD OF POUNDS CODE POUNDS CODE DAYS STORAGE AREA/SUBAREA PETROLITE FR 129 FORM=-M-L-- HAZARDS .... A--- 459 *01' 229 *01' 365 D14 1 PETROLITE J239 FORM=-M-L-- HAZARDS=F--AC-- 3.503 *02' 1.751 *02* 365 Al4 l PETROLITE RP 881 FORM=-M-L-- HAZARDS=F--AC-- 1.751 *02* 876 *01' 365 A14 1 8002-05-9 CRUDE OIL FORM=-M-L-- HAZARDS=F--AC-- 350.280 *04* 175,140 *04* 365 Al4 ] CERTIFICATION (READ AND SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ALL SECTIONS) 1 CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED AND AM FAMILIAR MITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IN THIS AND ALL ATTACHED DOCUMENTS. AND THAT BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING~THE INFORMA~ON. I BELIEVE THAT SITE/FACI LITY DIAGRAM FORM 5 NORTH SCALE: NONE ]~T.I'SII, IESS IgAI'IE: ,SANTA FE ENERGY CO. FLOOR: -- OF -- : DATE: 7-23-88 FACILITY ~IAI~IE: KERN BLUFF LEASE t.UClT #' I OF I (CI~ECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAI~I X FACILITY DIAGRAI'I CHEVRON CHEVRON PR(~ERTY PROPERTY D IRT RO AD, POWER SHUT OFF NEAR ~LL HUIR e8 ['-lC) [! O Elo O WATER TANK HI6HWAY 178 [ HESAHARIN ] RACE~AY (I~l~ector'# CommeS~t#): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY-  /~ NOT TO i W^$TE] SCALE WATER / FLLQ SUrlP KH~K ~T P~ANE~T SERVICE WA~ ~A~T 0 ~T ~ ~RVICE- 0 0 0 0 o ~o~ ~ F~L ~L T~ J C-I-lEADER J O/ CI"I.O. I~-"~^"~" I ORME-Hazerdous Substance LUBE- Lubricati ng Oil FLLQ- Flammable Liquid ORI'IA- I rritant CRMT-Corrosive Material HFLG- Hen-flammable Gas NONH- Non- DOT Hazardous FLGS- Flamm&ble Gas CHLQ-Cumbusti bio Liquid Fire Extia(juisherlHqjdraflt (~ Gas Shutoff (~ Electrical Shutoff KERN BLUFF LEASE 4900 . Avenue TowerA, Bakersfield, CaHfomia93309 805/322-3992 September a4, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL William Medigovich California Emergency .Response Commission Director, Office of Emergency Services 2800 Meadow View Road Sacramento, CA 95832 Office of Emergency Services 2550 Mariposa Mall, Room 181 Fresno, CA 93721 Attn: 'L. E. P. C. Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 'G' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: SARA Title III Sec.311 Hazardous Chemical List Ladies and Gentlemen: Enclosed, pursuant to the captioned' statute, are chemical lists for the following Santa Fe Energy Company (SFEC) facilities within your jurisdiction, together with a plat locating each facility: Facility ID# Facility Name 1BAK01 Main Office 1BAK02 Kern Bluff In submitting these chemical lists, SFEC wishes to make the following observations: 1. All chemicals and chemical mixtures listed on SFEC'S AB2185 Hazardous Material Business Plan have been included on the SARA 311 Chemical list, without regard tO the 10,000 lb. threshold reporting exemption. Because the 10,000 lb. threshold is cumulative with respect to a chemical which is part of several different product mixtures (approximately 954 of petroleum industrY, chemicals are found in mixture) without information from the appropriate Manufacturer Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on the percentage of such .chemical in each mixture, it is impossible to determine when the threshold for.. that chemical has been reached. In many cases MSDS do not provide -this information. We have -been working with manufacturers to secure this · ', . '.. A San ~t~n Company - ' . 'i ' information in time to comply with SARA Title III Section 312 Chemical Inventory reporting requirements. 2. Another difficulty encountered in working with the MSDS as source document for hazard category designation, is the failure of many MSDS to clearly indicate whether their products fall into any of the 5 SARA Title III Hazard Categories. SFEC has contacted all of its manufacturers, and has received their cooperation in most cases. There remain a few Hazard designations which we have made despite inadequate or contradictory information on the MSDS. 3. Because the gravity and cOmponents of crude oil vary greatly from field to field, even to some extent in the same field, SFEC has given a generic hazard Category of Immediate (Acute)' and Delayed (Chronic) to the crude oil on the attached list. (Some crude oil in California has such a high flash point that DOT does not consider it a Fire Hazard. Other crude oil found on the list will be listed in the Fire Hazard Category). The Immediate. and Delayed 6eneric Hazards for Crude 011 appear on the 6eneric List of'- Petroleum Industry Chemicals recently proposed to EPA by the American-~ Petroleum Institute 4. After the five SARA hazard designations, we have added a heading "Unknown" to indicate that an MSDS for a particular product could not be obtained from the manufacturer. Products without MSDS but with obvious hazards have been so marked. If further information is required please contact Mr. Bill Ho0Pes, Senior Environmental Specialist, at (805) 322-3992. Enc*losures cc: Facility Inventory Coordinator. SAR311. 922 SITE/FA(ii LITY DIAGRAM FORM 5 ~ZORTH SCALE: NONE ]~t~INE~S I~A~IE: SANTA FE ENERGY CO. FLOOR: -- OF -- DATE: 7-23-88 FACILITY HAllE: KERN BLUFF LEA,SE UlClT ~: I OF 1 (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAI'I X FACILITY DiAGRAIi CHEVRON CHEVRON PROPERTY PROPERTY D ~RT RO AD POV/ER Si"KIT OFF NEAR ~/ELL HUIR e8 ,. O WATER TANK HI6H~AY 178 I:U~CEWAY (It~pector's Commes~t#) · -OFFICIAL USE ONLY-  f~ NOT TO WASTE I SCALE WATE~ SUMP / FLLO I^-~^~10 ( ~'~ ') TANK' O~ CHI. Q O FLLQ KNOCK OUT PROPANE-OUT (IF SERVICE -OUT OF SERVICE- 0 0 0 0 o ~o~ ~ F~L ~L TA~ I D-H£^Dm i ORPIE- Hazardous Substance- LUBE- Lubricati ne 0il FLLQ- Flammable Liquid 6RHA- I rritant CRMT-Corrosive Material NFL(;- #on-flammable [;as NONH- Nan- DOT Hazardous FLGS- Flammble Gas CHLQ-Cembusti ble Liquid Q Fire Extieg.isherlH~iruat (~) Gu~. Shutoff (~ Electrical Shutoff { SANTAFE ENERGY COMPANY } · KERN BLUFF LEASE Page No. 1 09/24/88 EPA.SARA Title III Subsection 311 Chemical List by Facility Sudden Facility Release ID of Acute Chronic Name Chemical Name Fire Pressure Reactive (Immediate) (Delayed) Unk. ** 1BAKO1 * MAIN OFFICE ANHYDROUS AMMONIA X X Page No. 2 09/24/88 EPA SARA Title III Subsection 311 Chemical List by Facility Sudden Facility Release ID of Acute chronic Name .Chemical NaMe Fire Pressure Reactive (Immediate) (Delayed) Unk. ** 1BAK02 * KERN BLUFF CRUDE oIL,NON-DOT REG. X X FR129 X X J239 X X X J239 X X X J264 X X PROPANE X X X RP881 X XCI02 X X 4900 California Avenue ' ~ - \ Bakers ie , ' ' . ~ _805/322'3992 ' JAN 0 5 ,4ns'd ............ January 4, 1989 Mr. Ralph E. Huey- Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield Fire Department 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: Returned herewith is the ACUTELY HAZARDOUS'MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM (HM 3777) for Anhydrous Ammonia stored at Santa Fe Energy Company's Regional Office, Third Floor Print Room. You will note that the amount of ammonia stored has been reduced to one 150 lb. cylinder (3,375 cu. ft. at full capacity), from two 150 lb. cylinders as reflected on the last update of our Business Plan. This change will be entered on the year-end inventory, to be submitted by January 31 on your revised format. Please contact Bill Hoopes at (805) 322-3992 if you r'equire additional information for the registration of Anhydrous Ammonia. Sincerely, J. B. Williams Regional Production Manager Attachments cc: W. P. Hoopes ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM TH/S FORA4 MUST BE COMPLETED B-Y THE OWNER, OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WHICH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACUTELY HAZARDOUS ~MATERIAL IN QU ,ANTITIES GREATER THAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP.' TH/S FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SI/BMrITED TO YOUR LOCAL AD54INISTER/NG AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) Note instructions On reverse · Business Name Santa Fe Energy Company Business SiteAddress 4900 California Avenue, Suite A-400, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Business Mailing Address (if different) Business Phone (805) 322-3992 Business Plan Submission Date2 10/15/87 Process Designation3 Blueprint machine ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDI. ED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL NAME QUANTITY Anhydrous Ammonia CAS #7664-41-7 150 lb. Cylinder* *32375 cu. ft. ~ full capacity ~ENERA~ DE$CRIpTIQN OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPM~N'I'5: See attached technical bulletin 508 for GAS 715 Diazo printe~; technical bulletin 545 for Anhydr~s' ammonia control manifold; copy of posted A~hydrous manifold instructions; and material safety data sheet (Rev. 11/86); cylinder is'replaced approximately once every' three months. SIGNATURE~_ 1--~----l~"'-~ '~ NTTLE Regional Production Manager PRINTED NAME J.B. Wi iams DATE December 6, 1988 California Office of Erne~gency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) INSTRUCTIONS: Superscripts: 1. Quantifies for RMPP compliance are "equal to or greater than" thc minimum criteria and apply to chemicals handled "at any one time". 2. Businesses handling reportable quantities of Acutely Ha:'~rclous Materials that have not submitted a business plan MUST contact local Administering Agencies. The business plan submission date will assure the Administering Agency that a business plan has been submiued and is on file. This will also immediately identify businesses that have not submitted business plans. 3. "Process Designation" is provided as a reporting option (with the approval of the Administering Agency) for facilities that can most easily report by process. Thus, facility RMPP registration data could be submitted in a similar format to a business plan that is divided by process. "By process" data can initiate an emergency response to a process incident rather than a general emergency response to a major facility. Process designation can simplify inspections for major facilities and improve future emergency response. 4. Refer to the EPA list of Extremely I-laTardous Substances from the Federal Register (Volume 52, No. 77, p. 13397 et. seq., April 22, 1987). Each chemical has a threshold planning quantity. This list may be changed by EPA on an annual basis. Updates of this list may be available early in 1988. To comply with this element, you may attach a copy of the inventory submitted to your Administering Agency from your business plan and highlight all Acutely I-laTantous Materials. It is recommended that facilities list all exu'emely hazardous chemicals handled in quantities equal to or in excess of 1) 500 pounds, and 2) any EPA threshold planning quantity less than 500 pounds. 5. Do not include Trade Secret information in these descriptions. General: For emergency response purposes, it would be desirable to describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. Batch Process: a. What raw materials? b. What operating ~ range? c. What operating tempetau~ range? tt Batch capacity rating? e. Product characteristics? (e.g., chemical sm~e, flammability, toxicity, etc.) f. Critical process points and characteristics? 2. Conanuons process: (similar information as above.) NOTE: "Pursuant to §25534, the Administering Agency may Wxluire the submission of a Risk Management Prevention Program (RMPP), if the Administering Agency demrmines that the handler's operation may present an acutely ha:,~rdous materials accident risk. The handler shall prepare the RMPP in accordance with subdivision (c) [of §25534]. The RMPP shall be prepare3 within 12 months following the request made by the Administering Agency pursuant to this section." (§ 25534 (a) Health and Safety Code) An amendment to the RMPP must be submitted to the Administering Agency within 30 days of: 1. Any additional handling of acutely hazardous materials. 2. Any material or substantial alterations to business activities. 3. Change of address, business ownership, or busings name. (§ 25533 (c) Health & Safety Code) · EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPP · California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3777 (1-15-88) OFFICE SYSTEMS DIVISION TECHNICAL BULLETIN 508 GAF 715 DIAZO PRINTER FEATURES Brush Feed--To aid in handling difficult originals/ Synchronized Printer and Developer'--Assures processing of long prints. Automatic Separation--Vacuum pressure assures positive separa- tion of all original copy materials. Reverse Switch--Allows the operator retrieval of originals incor- rectly fed. Front and Rear Delivery~Added operator convenience. Developer By-Pas~--Allows the exposing of diazo materials with- out developing (plus developing without exposing). Automatic Ammonia Pump~Provides sufficient developer at all speeds. Electronic Drive--Assures smooth, accurate and repeatable speed settings up to 50 fpm. Vat Developer Tank--Permits complete uniform development. 5" Printing Cylinder--Returns originals 15% faster than a 6" cylinder. Large Feedboard--17 x 711/4'' of working space for convenient feeding and handling of originals. Full Floor Model Machine--Compact, modern design. Balanced Air Flow--Cool, quiet operation al all speeds. Exhaust Timer--Automatically shuts down the machine after cool- ing period. Original Stacking Tray--Adjustable to stack 100 originals up to The GAF 715 is a 43" wide synchronized diazoprinter. The ma- 24'' long. chine is designed for the economical reproduction of engineering Print Stacking--Adjustable front print tray stacks 200 prints up to data and drawings up to 43" wide by any reasonable length. An 24" long. efficient, economical developer system permits full development Operator Controls--Easily accessible on the front right end hous- of all diazo materials at their printing speed, lng. SPECIFICATIONS OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS--2' wide x 4" long to 43" wide by any A rear print stacking tray with adjustable magnetic stops for prints reasonable length, up to 36" long ROLL PAPER CAPACITY--Two 100-yard rolls up to 43" wide. Anhydrous ammonia system PRINTER AND DEVELOPER SYNCHRONIZED--Continuous speeds Pressure relief valve for the anhydrous ammonia system up to 50 fpm. Hi-Lo lamp switch LIGHT SOURCE--Mercury vapor lamp 4000 watts, 80 watts per Long stem for solenoid ammonia pump for use of 13 gallon inch. carboys or 52 gallon drums of aqueous ammonia POWER--35 amps at 220 volt 60 hz single phase; also available GAF 710 DIAZOPRINTER in 50 hz; minimum connecting wire size =8. EXHAUST BLOWER--430 CFM, 7" diameter pipe. The GAF 710 differs from the GAF 715 in that a 3000 watt mer- cury vapor lamp (60 watts per inch) is utilized and therefore a DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT power requirement of only 30 amps at 220 volts is required. Height ......................... 58% in. 1489 mm The optional equipment for the GAF 710 is the same as that for Width ....................... 581/8 in. 1476 mm the GAF 715 except that a Hi;Lo lamp switch is not offered. Width, including feedboard .... 71~,~ in. 1809 mm Depth ........................ 283/8 in. 720 mm For further information, Depth, including feedboard ..... 411; in. 1047 mm please contact your nearest GAF Sales Office or write Net weight (approx.) ....... 810 lbs. 367 kg Shipping Weight (approx.) ....... 1200 lbs. 544 kg Export Cube ................. 207 cu. ft. 5.80 cu. m Export shipping weight (apprpo~.) . 1450 lbs. 657 kg GAF Corporation 2-71 140 West 51 Street New York, N.Y. 10020 ANHYDROUS AMMONIA CONTROL MANIFOLD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 545 The GAF anhydrous ammonia control manifold designed to insure max- FEATURES imum operator safety and machine protection is capable of reducing incoming line pressure from 150 PSIG to an adjustable outlet pressure Pressure Relief Valves -- Provide a vented release should supply pressure not to exceed a maximum of 25 PSJG when connected to one or two exceed 250 PSIG. 150 pound cylinders. The GAF control manifold provides convenient cylinder installation and change-over capabilities without loss of produc- Supply Valves - Offer operator an uninterrupted supply of anhydrous tion. ammonia. Line Vent Valves - Provide line and cylinder venting for .cylinder change- SPECIFICATIONS over capability. Line Pressure Regulator -- Reduces cylinder pressure from 150 PSIG to a maximum of 25 PSIG and minimizes the possibility of control freeze-up PIPE SIZE - Inlet - 1/2" due to liquid collection in supply lines. Pressure gauges indicate anhy- Output -- Y," drous ammonia supply to and from the control manifold. Flexible Hose and Yoke Assembly -- Allows quick and easy replacement PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES - Set at 250 PSIG of supply cylinders without the use of tools. PRESSURE REGULATOR - Inlet pressure 400 PSlG Metal Chassis -- Entire manifold assembly is enclosed in a metal chassis Delivery pressure 1 -25 PSlG for quick and easy installation. Front panel is imprinted with a flow diagram for operator convenience. HIGH PRESSURE GAUGE - 0-300 PSlG Multiple Machine Capability - Control manifold may be used to supply LOW PRESSURE GAUGE - 0-100 PSlG anhydrous ammonia to several machines. Reserve Tank Capability -- Standby tank connected to the control mani- BALL VALVE ~ Valve Body - WOG 2000 PSlG fold provides instant change-over and minimizes down time. Valve Seat - WOG 750 PSlG WSP 150 PSIG Stainless Steel Ball Valves -- Require no packing, may be completely opened or closed by turning handle 900. Position of handle may be PIPING - Black Iron schedule 80 noted at a quick glance by the operator. Safety - Control manifold minimizes danger of over pressure conditions TUBING - Stainless steel type 304 in the.ammonia cylinder in the event of a fire exposure. DIMENSIONS- Width 25~" Convenient Cylinder Installation - New cylinder may be installed any Height 13-5/8" time without machine interruption. Depth 3-3/8" Reduced Line Pressure - Provides operator and machine safety. NET WEIGHT- 24 Pounds Factory Tested - All materials are approved for use with anhydrous SHIPPING WEIGHT -- 35 Pounds ammonia and tested at a maximum pressure of 300 PSlG. G A F Corporation 140 West 51 Street New York, N.Y. 10020 8/74 . MATEi: AL SAFE1 DATA SHEE'i MSDS CODE NO 5B81-83 ORiGiNAL iSSUE. DATE 8/85 REVISED 11/8,6 ,(~:.... ;~ k...~w",,~?: ~"I'~ INFORMATION & EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER ~.','~..- I~ ....... .~ .... ~.~-~*~ .... ~'~'~.~ ~ 404-491-7987 (24 hours) PRODUCT NAME: _ANHY~P~ ~c ~~ MANUFACTURER: COMMON NAME(S}: Ammom~ LaRoche Industrieslnc. UN/NA NO.: 1~5 1100Johnson Ferry Road. N.E. DOT HAZARD CLASS Non-Flammable Gas Atlanta. GA 30342 SHIPPING NAME: Anhydrous Ammonia or Ammonia. Anhydrous (404) 851-03~ MATERIAL FORMULA CAS NO.' %WT. EXPOSURE LIMITS OSHA-PEL ACGIH-TLV C-Grade P-Grade Ammoma NH.~ 7664-41-7 995 99.995 50 ppm 25 ppm Water H:O 7732-18-5 0.4 33 ppm None Established None Established Oil 0.1 2 ppm 5 mg/M3 5 mg/M3 BOILING POINT (°F) -28.1 ~ SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H~O=I) 0.62 ~ 60°F MELTING POINT (~F) -10Z9cr PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 1~ VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) 4802.9 (94 psi) (aj 60,~F pH Approx. 11.6 for 1 N Soln. ,n water .VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) 0.60 ~' 32CF SOLUBILITY IN WATER 33% (Wt.) @ 68°F APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Colorless gas or liquid with extremely pungent odor. FLASH POINT (metl3od used) Not Applicable FLAMMABLE LIMITS Lei Uel 16% 25% EXTINGUISHING MEDIA With a source of ignition, ammonia will burn ~n the range of 16-25% in air. Use water fog or spray to extinguIsh flames. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Stop flow of gas; move containers trom fire zone it possible. Stay clear of tank heads. Use water to cool fire-exposed containers and protect personnel. Use water spray to control vapors. Personnel must be equipped with appropriate protective clothing and respiratory equipment. Unstable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Not Applicable.' STABILITY . Stable X INCOMPATIBILITY [mater,als to avoid) Strong acids. Ammonia reacts with chlorine, bromine, mercury, silver, silver solder, and hypochlorite to form explosive compounds. HAZARDOUS DEcoMposITION PRODUCTS Hydrogen on heating to over 850°F. The decomposition temperature may be Ci qowerecI to 575°F by contact with certain metals such as nickel. · ' HAZARDOUS MayOccur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Not Applicable ~ POLYMERIZATION Will Not Occur X ; LaRocHe InDustries nc. , ~PORTATiONEMERGENCiES .I '"" "" ~'" ~ ' ' '" ' - " ! Call CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED' Stop leak if feas~ble Avoid breathing ammoma Evacuate personnel not equipped with protechve clothing and ~;qu~pment Use copious amounts et water spray or fog to absorb ammoma '-)O NOT put water on hqu~d ammoma unless more than 100 volumes are av,:td;:lble3 per volume of hquld ammoma ';ontaln run-off tO prevent ammonia from entering a stream, lake. sewer or ddch In case o! release to the environment, roport sp~lls to 800-424-8802. The Nahon~d Re.~n~),se Center. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: ~',.,_,i~.~.~. ............. . .... Not Applicable Let ammonia evaporate or soak into ground. Release of 100 pounds or more of NH3 within 24 hrs. must be reported to the National Response Center. For hazardous waste regulahons call 800-424-9346. the RCRA Hotline. · ..~,.' ,- , ~ - .. ,. .... ..~.,. -,~,.,,..,,-~.. - . .~ ~ ' ..... ~.~, ,,~..;~;~ EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: I MAJOR EXPOSURE HAZARD Oral LD~=i350 mg/Kg (Rats) I IInD~a~ t~;v~ ~4~(~)[~ (M ce) ACGIH STEL=35 ppm I I~ [~l SKIN [~ EYE Ammonia is a very strong base and reacts corrosively with all I~Y~iNHALATiON [/X~CONTACT ~/~,ICONTACT I [INGESTION body tissues. Inhalation: The gas is pungent and can be suffocating, it is extremeiy irritating to the mucous membranes and lung tissue. A sore throat, cough.rig, shortness of breath and labored breathing can develop. Skin Contact: Repeated or prolonged contact with high concentrations can cause corrosion, frost bite. redness, pain and serious skin burns. Eye Contact: Corrosion, pain. redness, ulceration of the conjunctiva, cornea and lens, and opacities may occur. Ingestion: Burns, nausea, vomiting and severe irritation occur. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: Remove from exposure. If breathing has stopped or is difficult, administer artificial respiration or oxygen as needed. Skin Contact: Immediately flush with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes while removing clothing. Clothing frozen to' the skin should be thawed with water before removal Seek medical a~d Eye Contact: Flush w th arge amount of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical aid. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Give 1-2 glasses of milk or water. Immediately seek medica a d. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. i.' .-~: .,~,,.. ~,,,,,,,~..~.~..~. '.'-~-~.--~:~-r yT-,~.'~_'~kIF'"'~?:'''% ...... ?~?' , ' .... ~..-~-..- ...... ..,~.~..~..~.~.~.~ ', ii' ¥ ,~ '-.. I~ ~l ' -'~- "'~'' ' : - ' ' ' ~" - " ' ' RESPIRATORY: Respiratory protection approved by NIOSH/MSHA for ammonia must be used when exposure limits are exceeded. Appropriate protection depends on the type and magnitude of exposure. (See Section IX). SKIN: Rubber gloves and rubber or PVC/Nylon/PVC laminate protective clothing should be used to prevent skin contact. A lace shield should be used when appropriate to prevent contact with splashed hquid. . EYE: Chemical splash goggles must be worn to prevent eye contact with liquid and vapors. VENTILATION: Local exhaust ventilation should be used to control release of air contaminants in the work place. General dilution ventilation may assist with the reduction of air contaminant concentrations. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Emergency eye wash stations and deluge showers should be available in the work area. -:~-:t'~:;,~'* ~. 'i:~:-'"~,.~. ~ _~".. . .-' ..... ,'..:'., ;-'.; .- ' ' ...... PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Protect containers from excessive heat (grealer than 120°F) or physical damage. Use only approved pressure vessels with appropriate relief devices. Zinc, copper and copper base alloys such as brass are rapidly corroded by moist ammonia. (Ret. American National Standard Institute, Pamphlet K61.1 ). OTHER COMMENTS: Prolonged inhalation of high concentrations may cause bronchitis and/or pneumonia, with some residual reduction in pulmonary tunctions Symptoms of lung edema are often latent {usually a few hours), and are aggravated by physical effort. {Handling ~'. Chemicals Safely· Dutch Assoc. of Safety Experts et.'al. 1980]. Rare allergic manifestations (urticaria) may occur from inhalation ".~ · (Occupational Diseases: A guide to Their Recognition, U.S. Dept. HEW., 1977). Contact lenses should not be worn when working with ammonia. Whether a chemical cartridge respirator or a self-contained breathing apparatus is sufficient for eltective ; respiratory protection depends upon the type and magnitude of exposue. :" Th~s information is taken from sources or based upon data believed to be reliable; however, LaRoche Industries Inc. makes no .', warranty as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any of the foregoing or that additional or other measures may not be · i required under particular conditions. May 18~1989 · Santa Fe Energy Co. 4900 California Ay Suite 400 Bakersfield~ Calif 93309 Dear~ Business Owner: Your business Santa Fe Energy Cop located at 4900 Calif Av~ ,has been identified as a handler of Acutely Hazardous Materials. It has been determined that your. operation may present an acutely hazardous materials accident risk and therefore pursuant to section 25534 of the Health and Safety Code you will be required to submit a Risk Management and Prevention Program~ (RMPP). for ANHYDROUS AMMONIA., The RMPP shall include the following elements: A DESCRIPTION OF EACH ACCIDENT INVOLVING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WHICH HAS OCCURRED AT THE BUSINESS OF FACILITY WITHIN THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE REQUEST MADE PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (A)~ TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE UNDERLYING CAUSES OF THE ACCIDENT AND THE MEASURES TAKEN, IF ANY~ TO AVOID A RECURRENCE OF A SIMILAR ACCIDENT. A REPORT SPECIFYING THE NATURE~ AGE~ AND CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT USED TO HANDLE ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AT THE BUSINESS OF FACILITY' AND ANY SCHEDULES FOR TESTING AND MAINTENANCE. DESIGN~ OPERATING~ AND MAINTENANCE CONTROLS WHICH MINIMIZE THE RISK OF AN ACCIDENT INVOLVING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. DETECTION~ MONITORING~ OR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEMS TO MINIMIZE POTENTIAL ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ACCIDENT RISKS. A SCHEDULE FOR IMPLEMENTING ADDITIONAL STEPS TO BE TAKEN BY THE BUSINESS~ IN RESPONSE TO THE FINDINGS OF THE ASSESSMENT PERFORMED PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (D)~ TO REDUCE THE RISK OF AN ACCIDENT INVOLVING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. THESE ACTIONS MAY INCLUDE ANY OF THE'FOLLOWING: Page 2 Risk Management and Prevention Program INSTALLATION OF ALARM~ DETECTION~ MONITORING~ OR ~AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES. EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS~ REPAIRS~ OR ADDITIONS. CHANGES IN THE OPERATIONS~ PROCEDURES~ MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES~ OR FACILITY DESIGN. EFFEC?IVELY CARRIED OUT. RECORDKEEPING PROCEDURES FOR THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM. THE RMPP SHALL BE BASED UPON AN ASSESSMENT OF THE PROCESSES~ OPERATIONS~ AND PROCEDURES OF THE BUSINESS~ AND SHALL CONSIDER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: THE RESULTS OF A HAZARD AND OPERABILITY STUDY WHICH IDENTIFIES THE HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE HANDLING OF AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DUE TO OPERATING ERROR~ EQUIPMENT FAILURE~ AND EXTERNAL EVENTS~ WHICH MAY PRESENT AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ACCIDENT RISK. FOR THE HAZARDS IDENTIFIED IN THE HAZARD AND OPERABILITY STUDIES~ AN OFFSITE CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS WHICH~ FOR THE MOST LIKELY HAZARDS~ ASSUMES PESSIMISTIC AIR DISPERSION AND OTHER ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM SHALL IDENTIFY~ BY TITLE~ ALL PERSONNEL AT THE BUSINESS WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING OUT THE SPECIFIC ELEMENTS OF THE RMPP~ AND THEIR RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES~ AND THE RMPP SHALL INCLUDE A DETAILED TRAINING PROGRAM TO ENSURE THAT THOSE PERSONS ARE ABLE TO IMPLEMENT THE RMPP. THE HANDLER SHALL~ REVIEW THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM, AND SHALL MAKE NECESSARY REVISIONS TO THE RMPP AT LEAST EVERY THREE YEARS, BUT, IN ANY EVENT~ WITHIN 60 DAYS FOLLOWING A MODIFICATION WHICH WOULD MATERIALLY AFFECT THE HANDLING' OF ~ AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. Page 3 Risk Management and Prevention Program EVERY THREE YEARS~ BUT~ IN ANY EVENT~ WITHIN 60 DAYS FOLLOWING A MODIFICATION WHICH WOULD MATERIALLY AFFECT THE HANDLING OF AN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION PROGRAM~ AND ANY REVISION REQUIRED BY SUBDIVISION (H)~ SHALL BE CERTIFIED AS COMPLETE BY A QUALIFIED PERSON AND THE FACILITY OPERATOR. The Health and Safety Code provides that all existing businesses required to submit an RMPP have 12 months from the time of the request to complete and implement the plan. This plan should therefore be submitted to this office within one year from this date. If I. can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to call. I can be reached at 326-3979.~ S~incerely Yo~rs~ Duan~ Mead~s Hazardous Materials Planning Technician REH:vp RMPP. DOC BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTI~ENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~~ . ~ (805) 326-3979 ' t OFFICIAL USE ONLY HAZARDOUS I~L~%T E R I ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A- WHOLE FORM 2A 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: Santa Fe'.Energy Company B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 4900 California Ave . Tower A Suite 400 CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93309 BUS.PHONE: ( 805 ) 322-3992 SECTION 2: E~ERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-8§2-785~ or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of EmergenCy Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE . Ph~ ' A. Ken Taylor· - Kern Bluff Ph# D~0~S' HRS. AFT~8.4HRs. B. Byron Hubbard - Calif. Ave. Offic~h# 322-3992 Ph# 872-1644 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SIFOT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A ~OLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: ~e individual 3A forms B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES ~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE - Bldg is equipped with fire extinguishers, .alarms, and' sprinkler system - Ail field vehicles are equipped with fire extinguishers and communication radios SECTION §: LOCAL EMERGENCY rfEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE - 911 Emergency Response available SECTION 6: EI~PLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER 'A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS .WATERIALS:...' .................................... '~ NO <~.NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES : WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: ........ ; ................. (~ NO ~NO C. PROPER USE'OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. ~ NO ~>NO D EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. ~NO ~NO E DO-YOU ~[AINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... ~NO YES NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS lqATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO. DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS ~'4ATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: YES I, J.B. Williams , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to,fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information, constitutes perjury. SIGNATUR~ TITLEManagerRegi°nal Production DATE BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 I.D. # FORM '4A-1 Page __of .~,. NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS I~[AT'E R I ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: Santa Fe Energy. Company .OWNER NAME: -same- FACILITY UNIT #' 2 ADDRESS: 4900 .California Ave Tower ^ Suite 400 ADD.RESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME: Regional~0ffi~ ' CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93309 CITY,ZIP: " PHONE ~: (805) 322-3992 PHONE #: [OFFICIALoNLY USE CFIRS CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE NAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS ~ BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIqAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE, P ~v~ ~c:~ ~ 04 99 3rd Floor Print Room 100 Anh,Vdrous Ammonia / (~ CRMT. UN1005 t (Rep~oduct: on fixative) . " ____------- ~~~ __-z-z~-_._~~v. . ~'~/~' -~ DATE: 10~-4/87 ~AME J. B Williams TITLE: Re~. Production Ma~ S :_~ · - PHONE # BUS HOURS: 322-3992 EMERGENCY CONTACT: B,~ron Hubbard TITLE: ~ana~er Health AFTER BUS HRS: ~72-~644 "Gwen Scott TITLE: Environment~l..Analyst PHONE # BUS HOURS: -322-3992 EMERGENCY CONTACT: .836-1405 · PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Administrative Office for Crude Oil Produ¢in~ ComDanyAFTER BUS. HRS: - 4A-1 - NORT~ 'SCAL~: BUS INESS N~E: FLOOR: OF '  .. none Santa Fo Ener~ Compan~ ~ 4 DAT~:10/15/87 FACILI~ N~: Third Floor Administrative~IT ~: OF · · ANHYDROUS 'AMMONIA. c mT' · ~ EXTINGUISHEI~ .. ~levator access to ~(Inspecto~' s Comments).: -OFFICIAL USE ONLY~ .. - 5A - ' ~ $~TE/FACTr'TTY I)]~AG .' fl.~/~ NORT~ SCALE: BUSINESS N~E: FLO0~: ' OF .~ none Santa Fe Energy Company DATE; lO/15/87'FAGILI~ N~; ~th Floor Administrativ~ ~IT ~r OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAG~ FA~I~I~ DIAG--' X .I · FIRE EXTINGUISHER Elevator access to fourth floor locked during non business hours ( 4:30 p.m - 7:30 a.m. .l(lnspectov's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY~ FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET O. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFILED, 93301 FlEE CHIEF OCTOBER ..]L'~ ~ ]Lc)88 326-3911 SANTA FE ENERGY CO. 4900-400 CALIFORNIA AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 95509 DEAR MR. J.B. WILLIAMS: THE ENCLOSED "ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM" ,MUST 8E COMPLETED 8Y ANY BUSINESS, HANDLING ABOVE THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITY OF ANY MATERIAL ON THE EPA LIST OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. (FED. REGISTER VOL. 52, NO. :77, P. 15597). YOUR COMPANY HAS REPORTED HANDLING THE FOLLOWING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ANHYDROUS AMMONIA .PLEASE RETURN THE OOMPLETED ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM TO:- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2i50 G STREET i BAKERSFIELD, cA 9350i IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS FORM PLEASE OALL RALPH HUEY AT 526-5979'. SINOERELY YOURS, RALPH E. HUEY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR REH/ed ENCLOSURE - CITY. of BAKERSFIELD  2101 H STREET RRE DEPARTMENT BAKERSFIELD, 93301 D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G STREET BAKERSFI ELD, 93301 3 2_6 - 3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASE REPORT FORM NOTIFY CA O.E. S. (800) 85Z-7550 CHEMICAL NAME HAZARD LEVEL - LOW MODERATE HIGH EXTREME (ACUTE} ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF RELEASE ~,,~ /.,/,' 300m //.-2g - ~ "7. OURATION OF RELEASE HRS. MIN. MEDIUM INTO WHICH RELEASE OCCURRED: HEALTH RISKS KNOWN OR ANTICIPATED: PROPER PRECAUTIONS: CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT . 2~30 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 98301 OFFiCiAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this forTM must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. ~ FACILITY UNIT# 2 FACILITY UNIT N~E: Office 4900 California Ave Tower A SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES -'Ammonia is stored in a specified area on the third floor - Valves are routinely checked for wear and tear - Leakage would be detected by odor - In the event of leakage, the surrounding area would be evacuated SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS L~'IT ONLY - Verbal warning combined with phone announce system would adequately warn all buflding occupants. If needed the building would be evacuated - 3A - SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS b~IT ONLY A. Does this Facility unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... ~NO If YES, See B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide'Trade Secret YES If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inuentory form marked: NoN-TRABE SECRETS ONLY (white form If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow £orm ~4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - Building,is equlipped with fire extinguishers, alarms and automatic sprinklers. ,- Ail exits are marked with,signs, and fire drills are performed on a regular basis SECTION 5: LOCATION.OF~ATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS At hydrants located in parking lot to NE, NW, SE, and SW SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS./PROPANE~ Not Applicable B. ELECTRICAL: ~ OP each floor beh'ind wall across from elevator Outside. buliding on West side . C. WATER: Outside building ~on the West O. SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES IF YES, LOCATION: , IF YES, SITE PLANS? VES / NO MSDSs?' YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES ,( NO KEYS? YES / NO cITY of BAKERSFIELD J.B. Williams Re ional Production Manager ~,ty~e or Dr~n% name~ Do hereb~~ ce'rtif-~- that I have reviewed the attached Hazardous Materials business ~lan b/AZ. ~AT. DIM ~ o r Salta Fe Energy Company (name of business) and that it along with the attached additions er corrections constitute a comDlete~and correct Business Plan for my facility. ' ' ' January~ 30, 1989  '--- date Facility: Regional Office 4900 California Avenue Tower A, Suite 400 Bakersfield, CA 93309-1112 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMF_,NT 2130 "O" STI~RT BAKERSI:~.I.r~, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS 'A WHOLE FORM 2A 1. To avoid further action, return this form by , 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSlNESS NAME: SANTA FE ENERGY COMPANY B. LOCATION/STREETADDRF. SS: 4900 California Ave. Tower A Suite 400 ciTY: Bakersfield z~: 93309 sus.?tioh~: (805)322-39~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened, release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services ns required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFFER BUS. HRS. A. Byron Hubbard. Safety_ Man _ager ~# ~ Ph~ B. Bill HOODeS. Senior Environmental Specialist Ph# 1~dL52..~3~ Ph# $]~CTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. OAS/PROPANE: Next to the Building on tho West side of Tower A ]~. r~.~cr~CA~: On the fimt floor. South from the entrance to the Elevators ¢, WATI~: On the street at the Southwest entrance to Tower A D. S~SCU~ None E, LOCI( BOX: ~ / NO. IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDS'S? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES /NO KEYS? YES / NO LEC/SFEC/REG OFFICE -OVER- -2A- SEUnON 4: ?]UVATn ]~.S?ONS~. TnAM K)]~ BUSh, mSs AS A WHOL]~ Building is equipped with fire extinguishers, alarms, and sprinkler systems. All field vehicles are equipped with fire extinguishers and communication radios. SECTION ~: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE 911 Emergency Response Availab[e. Industrial medical carrier is the San Joaquin Medical Group Dr. Willard Christiansen, 3811 River Blvd. Phone #: 872-1825. Preferred Hospital is Memorial Hospital at 420 34th Street. Phone #: 327-1792. SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INrrIAL AND KEFRESI-IF_~ TP. AININO IN THE FOLLOWING AKEAS, CIRCLE YES OR NO ' INITIAL REFP. E~HER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ' ~INO ~NO ,,. .................. C. PROPER. USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: ............ NO ~ ~ NO D. EME_.qOENCY EVACUATION PP. OCEDtmES: .......... NO ~ E. DO YOU MAn, rr~ ~mxr~ ~0 ~COm~S: .... ~NO ~.~..~/NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES - NO - NONE ~ DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES -~--'.~£ THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPKESSED GAS: (~ NO I, d. B. Williams . certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firms obligations under the new California Health and Safety Code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Ch. 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) SlGNATUKE~ .~~,~.------' TITLE Regional Production Manager DATE LEC/SFEC/KEG OFFICE -2B- BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "O" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: · 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW. 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible, but explain fully. FACIL1TYUN1T#: N/A FACmn'vuNn'N~:REGIONAL OFFICE ~3rd Floor Print Rm) SECTION 1: MITIGATION. PREVENTION. ABATEMENT PROCEDURES Ammonia is stored in a specified area on the third floor. Valves are routinely checked for wear and tear. Leakage would be detected by odor. In the event of leakage, the surrounding area would be evacuated. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION: AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS UN1T ONLY Verbal warning combined with phone announce system would adequately .warn all building occupants. If needed, the building would be evacuated. LEC/SFEC;RaG OFFICE -OVER- SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... ~ NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with. SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret as defined by Section 6254.7 of the Government Code? ........ YES NO 'If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l). If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form ~IA-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. $]ECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Building is equipped with fire extinguishers, alarms, and automatic sprinklers. All exits are marked with signs and fire drills are performed on a regular basis. $]~CTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS Fire hydrant located in 13arking lot, near tho Southwest entrance to .Tower A. SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY A. NAT. OAS/PROPANE: Next to the Building On the West side of Tower A B. I~-I.I~CTRICAL: :. On the first flOor, South from the entrance to the Elevators C. WATER: On the street at the ~outhwest entrance to Tower A D. SPECIAL: None E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDS's? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO LEC/SFEC/REG OFFICE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON-TRAD E S ECR ET S ,.,uu,,~u,~.~ Senl:e. Fe EnergyCompany OWNER NAHE: ' -~e - NAHE OF THI~ FACILITY: Region~ Office L~TIO~ 4900 C~fomia A~ To,fA Suite 400 LOCATION: STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 1311 CI~, ZIR B~emfield, CA 93309 CITY. ZIP: DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER ~_{805) 322-3992 PHONE: 00 - 792- 3683 1 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1Z 13 14 TRAN~ ~ HAX AVERA~ A~UAL HEA~URE~DAY~ CONT CONT CONT U~E LOCATION ~HERE ~ BY NAHE~ OF HIXTUREICOHPONENT~ ~DE ~DE AHT AHT EST UNIT8 ON 81TE TYPE PRE88TEHPCODE STORED IN FACILITY ~T SEE INSTRUCTION8 ~ I. I ~ 1,0~ I~=~001 ~ I0~ I0~ I= I~ 199-13~Fl~rPri~R~ff 100 Anhydrous Ammonia ~(I ~ ~lth H=t~rd C.~.S. Number 7664-41-7 ceaponeat ~ 1H(me & C.R.S. NuMber (Chub dl th(t 4ppi9) ~E HAZARD RE~I~ D~AV~ SUDDEN RELERSE IHHEDIRTE Cempenent g 3 N(me ~ C.fl.S. Number HERLTH OF PRESSURE HERLTH * Rep~u~ion F~ive I I I I I I I I I (Ch~k dl thct 4ppI9) Cempenent ~ · N(me ~ C.~.S. Number F~ ~Z~ RER~ D~ SUDD~ R~E~SE INN~I~TE Cempenent ~ 3 H(me ~ C.~.S. Number HERL~ OF PRESSURE HERLTH I I I I I I I I ~1 ~ ~ ~=~ C.A.S. N~b~ . C,mpenent ~ 1 N~me ~ ~.S. Numb~ (C~ec~ (11 th(t ~1~) FEE H~Z~ REA~MTV D~ED SUDD~ RKE~SE IHH~TE HE~L~ OF PRE~SURE HERLTH Cempeneht W ~ Mgme ~ C.R.S. Nem~er EHE~E~~ACTS "1 B~on Hubbard Safe~ Manager (80~ 322-3992 Na~ Title 24 Hr Phone e2 BilIHoopes SeniorEnvironmen~l Specialist, (805) 322-3992 Name Title 24 Hr Phone Ce~fi~on (~ea~ ~ sig~ ~ ~p[et~ag ~[ sectio~) I ~Ri~y~er p~Ntyof I~w tha I ~ p~on~lye~ined ~d ~ ~ili~ wi~h the infom~ion submitted in this ~d ~1 ~t~hed documents, in~o~ t~e indi~du~s responsible ~or obt~ning the in~o~ion, I belie~ th~ the submitted in~o~ion is tree, ~cu~e, ~d complete. d.B. ~"~', Region~ ProducUon M=eger ~~~ N~e ~d oNici~ ~i~le o~ o~ne~ope~er OR o~ne~ope~o[s ~thoHzed mpmsen~i~~~ D~e Signed LEC / SFEC/REG OFFICE