HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE ,r.$OURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY  ~v~ronrne~ta~ Health ~ervice~ D~q~rtment ~D~ L. ABBO~ s~ McCOY, R~S, DIrECTOr DIRECTOR ~, Pollut~n Control DAVID PRICE ili ~ a. ~ODOY, A~IST~ DI~CTOR ~ & ~t ~ ~ent ~ J~, ~CP, DI~CTOR EN~RONMENTAL H~LTH SER~CES DEPAR~ENT March 1~, 199~ Cuesta Engineering 5055 California Avenue, Suite 218 Bakersfield, California 95309 ATTN: Maurice Etchechury SUBJECT: Calloway Canal Relocation Project (T29S, R27E, Sec. 17) Dear Mr. Etchechury: In response to your request, the report entitled, "Hazardous Material Inspection of Calloway Canal Relocation" has been reviewed by this Department. The report presents the methods and findings of Basic Compliance Engineering (BCE) with respect to an investigation of the nature of the materials left within the drilling and/or production pits of five operating oil wells which may be encountered during the canal relocation project. The report concludes that approximately 155 cubic yards of contaminated soil from three well pits (21X-l?, 12X-17, 22X-17) are present. BCE recommended that contaminated soil encountered be removed and saved separately and incorporated as road subbase for the realigned Calloway Drive. We concur with the report's recommendation for reuse of the contaminated material as road subbase. Analytical results reveal that it does not vary substantially from the background soil sample, obtained at our request, with respect to levels of metals present. Three of the samples did contain from 2.5% to 8.8% oil and grease. The presence of oil in the sump material at these levels is aot surprising nor should it present a threat to water quality or public or environmental health when incorporated as roadbase. Should you have questions regarding our review, please feel free to coatact me (Extension 578) at the number below. Si~er~1~ y, Chris Burger, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist IV Hazardous Materials Management Program CB:jg cc:' Mike Gnekow 27~ "M" STREET, SUITE3~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORN~ 93301 (~5) ~1-3~6 Cuesta En= eering 5055 California Avenue, Suite 218 · Bakersfield, CA 93309 · (805) 324-5500 · FAX (805) 324-5247 February 25, 1991 ~.~;- ~ \~, !'"'?- FEB 1991 "77 / ~. Steve ~c~y ~e~ Co~t~ ~e~ ~e~meat ~n~onme~ ~e~th 1415 ~ ~emfiel~ CA 98801 ~. McCall: We ~e fo~~ a repo~ comp]eted for o~ cUe~t re~ pote~t~ co~t~ so~ ~ the ~ea of the proposed ~o~E C~ j~t e~t of ~o~y ~d betwee~ OUve ~Hve ~d ~n ~e ~l~ted C~ ~ ~e~ sever~ produ~ o~ we~. It ~ t~ repo~s ~teatioa to idem~ h~do~ ~te~ adj~e~t to these we~ t~t might be ~covered d~ co~t~io~. ~ ~ou Fred ~ the ~epo~ some co~mi~ted soft w~ ~covered t~t ~ mo~e t~ ~e]E remnne~ts of the mud B~e t~ p~oj~t ~ be~ f~ded b5 ~ ~sessme~t ~trict ~ w~ the City of ~ersfieId ~ the co~t~ct~ ~e~t it ~ a~es~ t~t ~o~ dep~meat pro, de ~ ~th a dete~i~tioa ~ to the propos~ method of ~po~ of the co~mi~ted so~. It ~ o~ ~teat t~t the ~olored so~ Jdent~ed ~mlly, ex~ted ~d st~kpfled thea ~co~orated ~to the comp~ted sub-~e of C~o~ ~Hve. ~e p~ement o~ these so~ ~der a ~ved street ~ most ce~y preveat ~y Ie~ coa~ents ~to the soU. ~Ie~e pro,de ~ttea approv~ of the p~oposed acfioa. ~ r~uest ~ on be~ of o~ ~e~t ~d the ~[t~ of ~ersfield. ~o~ eoope~atioa ~ appr~ted. ~ you ~ve ~7 question, piece ~. S~ce~eIE, C~STA ENG~E~G ~/tn ~n~o~e ~: 10800 BCE 2901 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Basic Compliance Engineering Ph. (805)327-1486 Directors: Malcolm H. Yossman, President Joseph A. Rickett. R.C.E, 25006 Donald E. Ward. L.S. 2863 & R.C.E. 29810 James K Delmarter. R.C.E. 17564 Wayne A Deifel. L.S. 5275 February14,1991 Mr. Earle Gibbons Karpe Realty 4000 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93309 REPORT: Hazardous Material Inspection of Calloway Canal Relocation Dear Earle, The following is an appraisal of the hazards that may be encountered in your proposed relocation of the Calloway canal from Section 18 to Section 17-T29S-R27E MDBM. Exhibits A & B show the location of the project. Exhibit C is a copy of a portion of the USGS 7.5 minute topo quad showing the location of the producing and abandoned oil wells that have been drilled in the area and the surface location of of the existing water wells. Exhibit D is a copy of the state Department of Oil and Gas(DOG) map showing the ]'anuary 1991 status of the wells in sections 17 &18. Exhibit E1 shows how the drilling &/or production pits of the oil wells can be located. Exhibit E2 shows the well location, sample location, and results of the backhoe trench program conducted on 2/8/91. Exhibits E3 & El0 are summary tables of the chemical analyses results on the materials found in the backhoe trenches. Exhibit Ell shows photographs of the pit contamination material. Exhibits F1 & F2 show the current status of the five wells that are the closest to the relocated canal. WATER WELLS: It must be noted that there are few if any available records of abandoned water wells. We checked the City and County records and historical aerial photographs but couldn't find any water wells that aren't currently obvious (Exhibit C). However, during your grading operations you may (but it is unlikely) encounter an abandoned water well anywhere on the section 17 or 18 lands. If this should happen, the surface owner then you will be required to abandon the well at a cost range of from $2 - 5,000.00 each. OIL WELLS: Section 18: There are no producing of abandoned oil wells on the lands east of the current Calloway Canal in section 18. Section 17: There are five wells capable of producing oil in the vicinity of the canal relocation. They are the 21X-17, 12X-17, 22X-17, 13-17, & 23-17 wells and are currently operated by Central Lease,Inc. They were originally drilled, completed, & operated by Union Oil Company on a lease taken from the Kern County Land Company(currently ARCO). Wells numbered 21X-17, 12X-17,13-17 and 23-17 are currently producing. Well number 22X-17 is currently suspended. Wells numbered 11-17, 14-1% 24-1% & 25-17 are abandoned producers. Well number 35-17 was never a produdng well.(See Exhibits C&D) POTENTIAL CONCERNS: WELLHEADS: Well #11-17 will cause the southerly dislocation of the canal to put it on the north edge of the relocated canal(See Exhibits C, E2, & Fl). No drilling &/or production pit contamination was found in the backhoe trenches surrounding this well. Well #35-17 will cause the slight easterly dislocation of the canal plating it on the west edge of the canal(See Exhibits C, E2, & F2). No drilling &/or production pit contamination was found in the backhoe trenches 'surrounding this well. DRILLING &/or PRODUCTION PITS: (See Exhibits C,D,E1-Ell,F1 & F2) The relocated canal will pass close enough to wells numbered 11-1% 21X-17, 12X-17, 22X-1% and 35-17 to possibly encounter the abandoned drilling &/or production pits of these wells. The records and historic aerial photographs don't reveal where the pits were located so a backhoe trenching operation was undertaken to locate them. As shown and explained on Exhibits El-Ell, any pit material that might be affected by the canal was found and all identifiable drilling &/or production pit material was: sampled and chemically analyzed for: diesel petroleum hydrocarbons, oil and grease, and heavy metals under the appropriate California &/or EPA protocol. SUMMARY OF MITIGATION: Wellheads: The course of the canal has been slightly altered to put the abandoned wells numbered 11-17 and 35-17 on the south & west edges of the canal respectively. Drilling Pits: The following backhoe trenches were dug prior to the excavation of the canal to see if any contaminated drilling &/or production pit material was present(See Exhibits EI-ll): Well #11-17, south, east, & west of the well: no contamination found Well #21X-17, south and west of the well: west contaminated but not hazardous Well #12X-17, east and north of the well: East contaminated but not hazardous Well #22X-17, north, south,eaSt, & west of the well: East contaminated but not hazardous Well #35-17, north, south, east, & west of the well: no contamination found The drilling &/or production pits associated with wells numbered 11-17 and 35-17 were properly abandoned so no contaminated materials were detectable by sight or smell and no samples were analyzed. Contaminated pits were found at wells numbered 21X-17., 12X-17, & 22X-17.~ Samples of the contaminated material and the uncontaminated material, ' approximately 3' below the contamination, were collected & chemically analyzed under the appropriate California &/or EPA protocol. Two samples were collected at each site. All six samples were analyzed for diesel petroleum hydrocarbons plus oil and grease. Only the 3 contaminated samples were analyzed for CAM 17 Title 22 Article 66700 heavy metals. The other three will be analyzed for heavy metals only if the original analyses indicate that it would be appropriate(See Exhibits EI-ll). During the excavation and relocation of the canal, this contaminated material should be saved separately on and under plastic; and utilized or 2 disposed of in an appropriate manner. The only contamination found in the samples was determined to be non hazardous by chemical analyses so we suggest that the material be removed and saved to be utilized as parking lot or road subbase. We estimate that this will amount to about 25 cu. yds. @ 21X-17, plus 50 cu. yds. @ 22X-17 and 80 cu. yds. @ 22X-17 for a total of about 155 cu. yds. of contaminated material. The costs associated with the removal and utilization will amount to about $4-6,000. Finandal Liability: The finandal liability for the identification and cleanup, utilization, of the drilling &/or production pit materials should be the responsibility of the: State Well Bond of the operator; the State, the operator, the mineral owner, the current surface owner, and yourselves in approximately that order. It's been a pleasure to be of service to you. Sincerely yours, Malcolm H. Mossman ·, BAKER~iGiE~L? ·T.30S. R.25E. ~ T~- ~.,,;~ GREENFIELD ~,, OLD RIVER 3 WEEDPATCN _ ,UENA VISTA ..... · :.' .... ~ 'iu[~Si~ '9 ~ ~ ' L374 T.315. I . ,':' . . .: : -- ~illi~ Rd. : ,.,.,.,, .... : ~xAi6/t 4 · ~' BCE Basic CompB~ce Eng~ee~g 2001 H S~t. ~3 · B~e~field, C~ ~3301 Snow Snow qo~ Snow =E ROKI . ~ ',~ ,.~ I~ H,, W.v C"~ ~:. ~-- - - / ~1 // ( · Oownin~ Ave. ct I '~ ' -- - / ~J Price Wv. / _,.~v.. .,~=.,--: GREEN ,' ~ . Baron Ave. I HIGHWAY ROSEDALE ~me Ave.-- ~n~r S~ ~ = ~ ".~- ' -- ~ I G,enn S,. % Rd ~U ~ Shella~r~ Rd. ~ ' Bas~c Compumce Engmee~ng ""~"'" "~' 2901'H S~eet. ~3 * B~ersfleld, CA 93301 ~ ~ , ~-.,~ -- ' III "- II ~' ~x ~ .~..~. ~ II ~11 '~'~'~' "' ' ' ~'~'~ ~ II '11 "' .... '~??~. ~~:~ II ,11 · ..., '..~...~.. .~'~ ~ ~0~ .~. ,~.., ~ II ~--'11 II ~ II X, ~ /I! ", II 's ~ ~ IL ~ ' II ~ / :~ ~ ', II , _===: ~.,====~ ~ ~====~ j#/~.. . ii ~ ~ ~:~. I1' ,, -- ~~' II , ~~, " ", _' '~' ~;" ~ll ~ ~.,.~ II ,' mmmmmmmmmmmm mw~, m~m ~ I1' -' ~ ~x ." 390 ~ ~'-- I ; ~~"~ ~ ~ ,~~ ,,' - - ~ =,~ter Tank ~ ' (~~ Il , '~'" ~, 4N ;t ROAD,' 387 ~e Basic Comp~ce Enginee~ Drilling Pit Location For Shallow Wells Preliminary Location of Drilling Pits An 8' deep backhoe trench, cut at right angles to the well, starting 10' from the well and extending another 15' should find the drilling pits. Plan View Cross Section / casing cut off at 6' Well Surface Soil Steel plate I.,~..~T Cement plu renches Well casing cemented to surface Typical Drilling Pit Location Pit Plan View Pits are normally cut Well~~ E-W or N-S & on any side Pits (generally only 1 per well) Expect to find pit material within 25' of a producing or abandoned well. It must all be removed. Longitudinal Cross Section Short Cross Section Cut with front end loader with one swipe-therefore pit is: 10-12' wide, 6-8' deep, & 20-30' long Storage/Utilization/or Disposal of Drilling Pit Material If the drilling pit was properly abandoned, it will probably not be detectable by sight or by chemical analyses. If drilling pit material is encountered: 1. It should be sampled by BCE as it is encountered and tested for heavy metals and hazardous hydrocarbons under EPA approved protocol. 2. It will be necessary to: remove all of it, set it aside, and save it separately on plastic and covered by plastic until the chemical results are obtained. 3. It is unlikely that the material will be toxic or very hazardous. If this is the case, we will ask the County &/or City for permission to use it as road sub base. 4. You will be responsible for isolating and saving the material, but the ultimate financial responsibility for the disposition of the material will be the State Well Bond of the operator, the State, the operator, the mineral owner, the current surface owner, and yourselves in approximately that order. You should be reimbursed by the others for your costs in finding, isolating, saving, testing, and disposition of the material. BCE Exhibit E1 TRENCH PLOT AND INFORMATION 11-17 Abandoned South trench - Cement encountered at approximately 3'. 1' layer apparently marks base of old mud pit. No indication of any soil contamination. Sample (11-17 4') collected from beneath cement. | ! -1 ? East trench - No indication of any soil contamination. West trench - No indication of any soil contamination. / 0 / I 21x-17 21x-17 Producing / · South trench - No indication of any soil contamination. I I West trench - Oil soaked soil starts approximately 15' I from wellhead and extends from near- · / surface down to approx 3' and ends approx 27' from the wellhead. Lots of trash (broken 12X- 17 belts, etc.) mixed with oil soaked soils. Soils 12X-17 beneath this zone appear clean. Sample of oil Producing 22x-I 7 soaked soil (21x-17 3') and sample of soil North trench - No indication of sol I from approx 3' beneath oil soaked zone contamination, t~ (21 X- 17 6') col lected. East trench - Grey oily smelling soils / I encountered approx. 20' I from wellhead extending · from near-surface down to 22X-17 approx. 7'. This soil zone Idle appears to extend mostly to North trench - No indication of soil contamination. the north of the trench. Soils South trench - No indication of soil contamination. beneath 7' appear unaffected. West trench - No i ndicat i on of so i 1 contam i nat ion. Sample of gray oily smelling Small oil pipeline runs E - W at soils collected at approx 6' approx 3' deep. ( 12x- 17 6'). Sample of East trench - Oil soaked soil encountered at approx apparently clean sol ls col lected 2' and extends from approx 4' deep on at approx 8' ( 12x- 17 8'). south side of trench to over 8' deep on north side of trench. Some trash (belts, hoses, etc.) at approx 3'. Soil beneath oil soaked zone appears unaffected. Sample of oil soaked soils collected at approx6'(12X-176'). Sample of soil beneath oil soaked zone collected at approx 8' (12X-17 8') from SE corner of trench. 35-17 Abandoned North trench - No indication of soil contamination. :~5- 17 Some chunks of cement encountered Ii~ ~ at a depth of approx 5'. South trench - No indication of soil contamination. / / W E East trench - No indication of soil contamination. I West trench - No indication of soil contamination. I s BCE Exhibit E2 SMC aborato Anal ical Chemistry Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address: 2901H Street, ~3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Samples Received : 2-08-91 Date Analysis Completed: 2-12-91 Date of Report : 2-12-91 Project Name: Calloway & Friant Kern RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC)V (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample ~: 631 ID: 21X-17, 3' Requlator¥ Criteria Constituents mq/kq MRL, mq/kq STLC TTLC Antimony 86. 20 15 500 Arsenic 40. 20 5.0 500. Barium 596.~ 20~ 100v 10,000 / Beryllium ND 4.0 0.75 75 Cadmium 1.1 1.0 1.0 100 Chromium 16. 4.0 560 2,500 Cobalt 16. 4.0 80 8,000 Copper 23. 2.0 25 2,500 Lead 12. 10 5.0 1,000 Mercury ND 1.0 0.2 20 Molybdenum 78. 20 350 3,500 Nickel 52. 10 20 2,000 Selenium 24.f 12 1.0 ~ 100~ Silver ND 14 5.0 500 Thallium ND 10 7.0 700 Vanadium 56. 40 24 2,400 Zinc 41. 1.0 250 5~000 -Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations ~ mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = None Detected An~eta Horton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 p.C) FL~ RORq~ · F~k~r~fi~ld CA q~qR(~ · FAX (RO513Q3-3~3 SMCgborato Anal icalChemist Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address: 2901H Street, #3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Samples Received : 2-08-91 Date ~alysis Completed: 2-12-91 Date of Report : 2-12-91 Attn: Mr. Earle Gibbons Project Name: Caloway & Friant Kern RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (STLC)~ (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample ~ : 631 ID: 21X-17, 3' Requlator¥ Criteria Constituents mq/L MRL, mg/L STLC TTLC Antimony * 5.0 15 500 Arsenic * 3.0 5.0 500 Barium * w 10 ~ 100 ~ 10,000 Beryllium * 0.5 0.75 75 Cadmium * 0.5 1.0 100 Chromium * 2.0 560 2,500 Cobalt * 2.0 80 8,000 Copper * 2.0 25 2,500 Lead * 3.0 5.0 1,000 Mercury * 0.2 0.2 20 Molybdenum * 20 350 3,500 Nickel * 2.0 20 2,000 Selenium ND / 1.0 ~ 1.0 / 100 Silver * 1.0 5.0 500 Thallium * 5.0 7.0 700 Vanadium * 10 24 2,400 Zinc * 2.0 250 5,000 Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level · = one tenth of the TTLC value did not exceed the STLC value STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations ~ TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations mg/L = milligrams per liter ND = None Detected An~eia Horton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 ° FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC borato Anal icaiChemistry Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address: 2901H Street, ~3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Samples Received : 2-08-91 Date Analysis Completed: 2-12-91 Date of Report : 2-12-91 Project Name: Calloway & Friant Kern RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) ~ (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample ~: 633 ID: 22X-17, 3' Requlator¥ Criteria Constituents mq/kq MRL, mq/kq STLC TTLC Antimony 86. 20 15 500 Arsenic 41. 20 5.0 500 Barium 1200. / 20 / 100 ~ 10,000 Beryllium ND 4.0 0.75 75 Cadmium ND 1.0 1.0 100 Chromium 8.0 4.0 560 2,500 Cobalt 10. 4.0 80 8,000 Copper 11. 2.0 25 2,500 Lead 30. 10 5.0 1,000 Mercury ND 1.0 0..2 20 Molybdenum 80. 20 350 3,500 Nickel 27. 10 20 2,000 Selenium 12. ~ 12 ~- 1.0 ~/ 100 Silver ND 14 5.0 500 Thallium ND 10 7.0 700 Vanadium ND 40 24 2,400 Zinc 32. 1.0 250 5,000 Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations ~ mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = None Detected An~eia Horton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC Laborato~ Anal~ical Chemistry Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address: 2901H Street, ~3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Samples Received : 2-08-91 Date Analysis Completed: 2-12-91 Date of Report : 2-12-91 Attn: Mr. Earle Gibbons Project Name: Calloway & Friant Kern RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (STLC) (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample ~ : 633 ID: 22X-17, 3' Requlator¥ Criteria Constituents mq/L MRL, mq/L STLC TTLC Antimony * 5.0 15 500 Arsenic * 3.0 5.0 500 Barium 94. ~ 10 ~ 100 / 10,000 Beryllium * 0.5 0.75 75 Cadmium * 0.5 1.0 100 Chromium * 2.0 560 2,500 Cobalt * 2.0 80 8,000 Copper * 2.0 25 2,500 Lead * 3.0 5.0 1,000 Mercury * 0.2 0.2 20 Molybdenum * 20 350 3,500 Nickel * 2.0 20 2,000 Selenium ND ~ 1.0 ~/ 1.0 ~' 100 Silver * 1.0 5.0 500 Thallium * 5.0 7.0 700 Vanadium * 10 24 2,400 Zinc * 2.0 250 5,000 Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level · = one tenth of the TTLC value did not exceed the STLC value STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations mg/L = milligrams per liter ND = None Detected A~ge'l a Horton Analytical Chemist 3]. 55 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMCgborato Anal icalChemistry Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address: 2901H Street, ~3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Samples Received : 2-08-91 Date ~alysis Completed: 2-12-91 Date of Report : 2-12-91 Project Name: Calloway & Friant Kern' RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC)/ (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample ~: 635 ID: 12X-17, 6' Requlatory Criteria Constituents mq/kq MRL, mq/kq STLC TTLC Antimony 68. 20 15 500 Arsenic 32. 20 5.0 500 Barium 150.~ 20 / 100 ~ 10,000 Beryllium ND 4.0 0.75 75 Cadmium ND 1.0 1.0 100 Chromium 9.0 4.0 560 2,500 Cobalt 15. 4.0 80 8,000 Copper 19. 2.0 25 2,500 Lead 10. 10 5.0 1,000 Mercury ND 1.0 0.2 20 Molybdenum 60. 20 350 3,500 Nickel 29. 10 20 2,000 Selenium 14.~ 12 ~ 1.0 ~ 100 Silver ND 14 5.0 500 Thallium ND 10 7.0 700 Vanadium 56. 40 24 2,400 Zinc 41. 1.0 250 5,000 Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations / mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = None Detected Anneal a H~ort ~n Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 - SMC borato Anal icalChemistry Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address: 2901H Street, ~3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Samples Received : 2-08-91 Date ~alysis Completed: 2-12-91 Date of Report : 2-12-91 Attn: Mr. Earle Gibbons Project Name: Calloway & Friant Kern RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (STLC)~ (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample ~ : 635 ID: 12X-17, 6' Regulatory Criteria Constituents mq/L MRL, mg/L STLC TTLC Antimony * 5.0 15 500 Arsenic * 3.0 5.0 500' Barium * ~ 10 ~ 100 / 10,000 ~ Beryllium * 0.5 0.75 75 Cadmium * 0.5 1.0 100 Chromium * 2.0 560 2,500 Cobalt * 2.0 80 8,000 Copper * 2.0 25 2,500 Lead * 3.0 5.0 1,000 Mercury * 0.2 0.2 20 Molybdenum * 20 350 3,500 Nickel * 2.0 20 2,000 Selenium ND~ 1.0 ~ 1.0 ~ 100~ Silver * 1.0 5.0 500 Thallium * 5.0 7.0 700 Vanadium * 10 24 2,400 Zinc * 2.0 250 5,000 Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level · = one tenth of the TTLC value did not exceed the STLC value STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations w TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations mg/L = milligrams per liter ND = None Detected An~l a Horton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 SMC L or tory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address : 2901H Street. ~3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention : Mr. Earle Gibbons Date samples received : 2-08-91 Date analysis completed: 2-11-91 Date of report : 2-11-91 Project Name: Calloway & Friant Kern RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: Oil & Grease ~ ID ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm 631 21X-17 3' 45000 20 632 21X-17 6' ND 20 633 22 X-17 3' 88000 20 634 22 X-17 8'~ ND 20 635 12 X-17 6' 25000 20 636 12 X-17 8' ND 20 Method of Analysis for Oil & Grease: EPA 9071 MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected ~aul~-~. Thein Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 SMC L or to y Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address : 2901H Street. %3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention : Mr. Earle Gibbons Date samples received : 2-08-91 Date analysis completed: 2-12-91 Date of report : 2-12-91 Project Name: Calloway & Friant Kern RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: TPH (Diesel) ID ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm 631 21X-17 3 ND 10 632 21X-17 6 ND 10 633 22 X-17 3 ND 10 634 22 X-17 8 ND 10 635 12 X-17 6 ND 10 636 12 X-17 8 ND 10 Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected Ma ung..m~rne i n Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 ° Bakersfield. CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 #11-17 21×-17 Union 0il ¢o. Union 0il ¢o. Kern Co. Land ~ 11 - 17 Kern Co. Land ~21 X- 17 330'S & 260'E from NW Cnr 645'S & 7 IO'E from NW Cnr NW NW NW S17-T29S-R27E NW NW S17-T29S-R27E Grd Et = 390', TD = 4205' Grd E1 = 390', TD -- 4220' P&A 2/I 1/83 Producing 2/4/91 Surface Surface Csg cut off @ 6'. Covered w/welded steel plate Cement plug 175'- 5' lQ 3/4" casing @ 305' 10 3/4" casing @ 317' Cement 225 sacks Cement 185 sacks (to surface) (to surface) #12X-17 Union Oil Co. Kern Co. Land ~12X-17 825'S & 495'E from NW Cnr NE SW NW NW S17-T29S-R27E Grd E1 = 390', TD = 4196' Producing 2/4/91 Surface 10 3/4" Casing @ 313' Cement 175 sacks (to surface) Exhibit F 1 #22X-17 #35-17 Union Oil Co. Union Qil Co. Kern Co. Land ~22X- 17 Kern Co. Land ~35- 17 1155'S & 825'£ from NW Cnr 356'S & 1553'E from W Qtr Cnr SW SF NW NW S17-T29S-R27E NW NF SW S17-T295-R27I: Grd FI = 389', TD = 4200' Grd E1 = 394', TD = 4231' Well Idle P&A 2/9/58 Surface Surface 2/g/58 Plugged lO 3/4" from lO' to surface w/ 10 sacks construction cement. Welded surface plate. Heavy 2/1/g 1 Inspection indicated Drilling that well had been cut off at a Mud . depth of 6'. Covered by a unwelded steel plate 10 3/4" casing @ 328' 10 3/4" casing @ 330' Cement 250 sacks Cement 239 sacks (to surface) (to surface) Plugged open hole from 348' to 328' and lO 3/4" casing plugged from 328' to 279' w/ 50 sacks construction cement. Exhibit F2 Client Name: Basic Compliance Engineering Address : 2901H Street. ~3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 A~ten~ion t Mr. Brian Mossman Date samples received : 3-04-91 Da%e analysis completed~ 3-04-91 Date of report : 3-04-91 Project Name: Calloway/Karp~Realty Job % : 9106 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: 984 ID: 9106-BO-I ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm TPM (Diesel) ND 10 Oil & Orease ND 20 Method of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) Me%hod of Analysis for Oil & Grease: EPA 9071 MDL = Minimum De%ection Level ugra/gm = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected Maung'~ Thein Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393.3597 P.O. 8ox 80835 · Bakemfiet~ CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 SMC Laboratory Analytical Chemist.,y Client Names Basic Compliance ~ngineering Address: 2901H Street, ~3 ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Samples Received : 3-04-91 Date Analysis Completed: 3-05-91 Date of'Report : 3-0§-91 Projec: Name: Calloway Project ~ 9106 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS ~c~{c~r~ ~ TOTAL'--eONTAMINANTS (TTLC) (Title 22, ArticleII, California Administrative Code) Sample ~: 984 ID: 9106-BG-1 R~gu~0rY Criteria CgDstituents mq/kg MRL, m~/k~ STLC TTLC Antimony 64. 20 15 500 Arsenic 30. 20 5.0 500 Barium 880. 20 100 10,000 Beryllium ~.4 4.0 0.75 7~ Cadmium ND t.0 1.0 100 Ch£omium 8.0 4.0 560 2,500 Cobalt 10. 4.0 80 8,000 Copper 1i. 2.0 25 2,500 Lead !0. 10 ~.0 1,000 Mercury ND 1.0 0.2 20 Molybdenum 22. 20 350 3,500 Nickel 20. 10 20 2,000 Selenium 44. I2 1.0 100 Silver ND 14 5.0 500 Thallium MD 10 7.0 700 Vanadium 60. 40 24 2,400 Zinc 83. 1.0 250 5,000 Method of Analysis: Title 22, Article 66700 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concen=rations TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentrations mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ND = None Detected X~ia ~orton Analytical Chemist 3]55 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (80.5) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80839 · BakersfiekL CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 (8o ) 324. oo FAX (805)324-5247' .__~' ATT[NTION GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. 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