HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP. 10/8/1991 '!~1 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~~ ..... '~ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION ~--~_~..~..?.~"~' 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ (805) 326-3979 ' ' TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM O~ER ~'~~ PE~IT TO OPE~TE~ CO~CTOR ~) -~.~ ~ CONTACT PERSON ,~ ~ ~BO~TORY ' '~'~ ' / ~ OF S~PLES TEST'~THODOLOGY ~ / ~ P~LI~ARY ASSESSMENT C~. ~ ~d. CO,ACT PERSON~,$ CO2 RECIEPT ~ff LEL% PLOT P~ CONDITION OF TANKS ~/~-- CONDITION OF PIPING ~'~ ~ ~ CONDITION OF SOIL ~y~ ~" t~ ,~",' //~~~'~/~~ ~~ co~s & ;/ ~/~ +~ &~ ~ ~ · ~ ~ ~ ,D December 8, 1998 Ms. Debra Hamlin Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. F~RE C.~EF 2550 West Golf Road RON FRAZE Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street ~ke~,o~d, CA93301 CLOSURE OF 2 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX(805) 395-1349 STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 2331 CHESTER AVENUE IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT #BR-0224. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Hamlin: VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks Bakersfield, CA 93301 located at the above stated address. VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326--0576 Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with ENVtRONMEHTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE(S05) 326-3979 Accordingly, no unauthorized release reporting is necessary for this FAX (805) 326-0576 closure ...... TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 at (805) 326-3979. FAX (805) 399-5763 Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dlm cc: Y.Pan, RWQCB K. Cross LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL . EN VIR 0 NMEN TA L TO: City of Bakersfield Fire Department DATE: October 23, 1998 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93 3 01 ATTN: Mr. Steve Underwood JOB NO: 64-98072 We are forwarding herewith: [ ] Original [ ] Copies [X] Report [ ] Letter [ ] Proposal [] Plan [ ] Other Description: Final Copy of the Tank Removal Report for Bridgestone/Firestone Facility located at 2331 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California. VIA: IX] Regular Mail [ ] Registered Mail [ ] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Federal Express [ ] Other For your: [] Approval [ ] Signature [X] Files Remarks: Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, QST ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Kathryn Cross Project Geologist * IF ENCLOSURES RECEIVED ARE NOT AS LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE NOTIFY QST AT (714) 426-9000. r 3545 Howard Way, 2nd Floor, Costa Mesa. CA 92626-1418, Phone 714o426o9000. FAX 714.426.9~7-', Formerly Environmental Science ~& Engineering, Inc. October 22, 1998 ENVIRONMENTAL Ms. Debra Hamlin Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Retail Division / Law Department 2550 W. Goff Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 SUBJECT: TANK REMOVAL AND SOIL SAMPLING REPORT FOR THE BRIDGESTONE/FIRF~TONE FACILITY 2331 CHESTER A.VENUE, BA.KF, RSFIEI,B, CALIFORNIA BRIDGESTONE PROPERTY NO. 101850 (QST PROJECT NO. 6498072) Dear Ms. Hamlin: QST Environmental Inc. (QST) is pleased to submit this report documenting our participation during an Underground Storage Tank Removal and Soil Sampling Program at the subject Bridgestone/Firestone (BFS) facility in August 1998· The program consisted of (1) the removal of two out-of-service underground fuel storage tanks, (2) collection of soil samples from beneath the tanks and from the stockpiled soil, and (3) chemical analysis of the soil samples. Field procedures, analytical methods, and f'mdings are presented in the following sections· Support documentation and figures are attached. All activities described in this report were performed in accordance with QST Proposal No. 64-98000999-0078. BACKGROUND SITE LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHY Firestone Store No. 3589 '~'~:qocated in a primarily commercial area approximately 1 ~A miles southeast of the Kern River, 3 ~iles south of the County Airport and ~A mile southwest of East ..... ~'~ Side Canal. The subject facility is omt~ southeast comer of Chester Avenue and 24th Street m · . . ~g~.~ ....... Bakersfield, Cahforma (Figure 1). The mbj~ facility ~s situated at approxanately 403 feet above mean sea level and is relatively flat (USG~:?~968). '::::: ~ The facility is located in the southern tip of the physiographic province known as the San Valley which is within the Central Valley Basin. The Central Valley is a long, narrow trending, asymmetric structural trough which is bordered by the Sierra Nevada on the east and:!. Coast Ranges on the west. Structurally, the Edison fault is located 10 miles to the sOutheast .and: the White Wolf fault 25 miles to the south. Continental deposits of post Eocene marine deposits and the two deposits interf'mger, esPecially in the soUth 'end of the.:~alley 3545 Howard Way, 2nd Floor, Costa Mesa, cA 92626-1418, Phone 714.426.9000; FAX 714.426.902~ ~% Formerly Environmental Scienc~ & Engineering, Inc. ' I October 22, 1998 ,, Ms. D. Hamlin/BFS I Page 2 i 01ertoldi, 1991). Soil beneath the site generally consists of a heterogeneous mix of poorly sorted clay, silt, sand and gravel (Page, 1986). I In the southeastern San Joaquin Valley, sandy marine deposits underlying the continental deposits contain freshwater and are part of the Central Valley aquifer system. The thickness of the aquifer system is approximately 5,000 feet. The White Wolf fault is a barrier to groundwater I movement, as is the Edison fault along the southeastern part of the valley. Regional groundwater flow is strongly influenced by the numerous clay and silt lenses that are present in the aquifer system. Groundwater elevation is approximately 280 feet above mean sea level (Bertoldi, 1991). I I TAme m MOVAI, ' tOCmXU · TAme _aiOVAI I In August 1998, Lutrel Trucking of Bakersfield, California (Contractors License No. 668440) obtained a City of Bakersfield Fire Department (CBFD) permit to remove two underground I storage tanks (USTs) at the subject facility. Since the USTs were located beneath the sidewalk, encroachment permits were required from the City of Bakersfield and. Caltrans. Copies of the permits are in Attachment A. On August 24, 1998, Lutrel Trucking commenced removal of the I sidewall and soil surrounding the tank. Soil excavated from the tank area was stockpiled on plastic at the site. Soil was monitored in the field for organic vapors using a photoionization detector. The highest concentration of organic vapor detected in the field was a reading of 500 I million in the ambient air which taken 3 inches from the soil. The parts per approximately reading was a spike and was not sustained. I On August 25, 1998, Lutrel Trucking personnel opened the USTs and began removing the liquid and sludge present in the tanks. On August 26, 1998,. Lutrel Trucking personnel triple rinsed, i inerted and removed the two USTs from beneath the sidewalk. The USTs appeared to be in good condition and no holes were observed in the USTs at the time of removal. Since these USTs were previously abandoned in place, no piping associated with the USTs was observed. The former I location of the USTs is shown on Figure 2. On August 27, 1998, the USTs were transported by Lutrel Trucking to Golden State Metals in Bakersfield, California for destruction and disposal. On August 25 and 26, 1998, the tank rinsate was transported by Jacks Trucking to the McKittrick Waste facility located in McKittrick, California. Copies of the rinsate manifest and the certificate of tank destruction/disposal are in I Attachment B. of the tank removal activities in Attachment C. Photographs are I October 22, 1998 Ms. D. Hamlin/BFS Page 3 Soil excavated from the UST area was backfilled into the excavation following tank removal. Additional clean imported sand was also used to backfill the UST excavation. SOIL SAMPLING On August 27, 1998, a representative from QST collected eight soil samples. Two samples were collected at each end of the former USTs, approximately 2 and 6 feet below the floor of the excavation or 12 and 16 feet below ground surface. The samples were collected under the direction of City of Bakersfield Fire Department Inspector, Mr. Steve Underwood. The sampling locations are shown on Figure 2. 'LABORATORY ANALYSIS AND RF-~qULTS Soil samples were analyzed by Chemical and Environmental Laboratories, Inc., an independent, state-certified laboratory located in Santa Fe Springs, California. The samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPI-I) using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8015 modified for gasoline and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylene (BTEX) using EPA Method 8020. The analytical methods were chosen at the direction of the Bakersfield Fire Department. TPH and BTEX were not detected in soil samples collected beneath the tanks. Analytical results are shown in Table 1. Copies of the laboratory reports and chain-of-custody documents are in Attachment D. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The subject BFS facility is located at an elevation of 403 feet above mean sea level in a COmmercial area of Bakersfield, California. Groundwater is expected to be approximately 100 feet below ground surface in the vicinity of the subject facility. In August 1998, Lutrel Trucking removed two out-of-service 8,000-gallon USTs from beneath the sidewalk, east of the building. The USTs appeared to be in good condition and no holes were observed in the USTs at the time of removal. The USTs and tank rinsate were transported off site for proper disposal/recycling. Soil excavated from the UST area and additional clean imported sand were backfilled into the excavation following tank removal. QST personnel collected four soil samples from below the former tank locations under the direction of City of Bakersfield Fire Department Inspector,~Mr. Steve Underwood. The samples were analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons using EPA Method 8015 modified for gasoline and I October 22, 1998 Ms. D. Hamlin/BFS Page 4 its components BTEX using EPA Method 8020. TPH and BTEX were not detected in these soil samples. ' Based on field observations during the tank removal, the analytical results of soil samples collected beneath the tanks and the expected depth to groundwater, QST concludes that this site poses no threat to human health or the environment. Therefore, QST recommends that no further action be required 'at this site and that case closure be granted. Our professional services have been performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by other hydrogeologists and engineers practicing in this field. No other warranty, express or implied, is made as to the professional advice in this report. If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this report, please call the undersigned at (714) 426-9000. . Sincerely, ' QST ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Kathryn A. Cross ' Rose T. Scott, R.G. kK~'~. - ' Project Geologist Senior Project Geologist . _ ~~~ California Registered Geologist No~ Attachments cc: Mr. Steve Underwood/City of Bakersfield Fire Department I REFERENCES I Page, R.W., 1986, Geology of the Fresh Ground-Water Basin of the Central Valley, California, with Texture Maps and Sections (Regional Aquifer-System Analysis): U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1401-C. I Bertoldi, Gilbert, Richard Johnston and K.D. Evenson, 1991, Ground Water in the Central Valley, Califomia- A Summary Report, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1401- I ^- i U.S. Geological Survey, 1959 (photorevised 1968), Oildale, California Quadrangle: U.S. Geological Survey, 7.5-minute series scale 1:24,000, 1 sheet. I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I TABLE mm m m m m m m m m m m m mm m m m m m TABLE 1. ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING TANK REMOVAL ACTIVITIES (mg/kg) North end of Northern Tank 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND North end of Northern Tank 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND South end of Northern Tank 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND South end of Northern Tank 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND North end of STNK V1 Southern Tank 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND North end of STNK V2 Southern Tank 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND South end of STNK V3 Southern Tank 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND South end of STNK V4 Southern Tank 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND Limit 5.0 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 Notes: EPA - Environmental Protection Age,icy TPH - total petroleum hydrocarbons quanitified against a gasoline standard rog/kg - milligrams per kilogram BTEX - benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes ND - not detected NA - not analyzed n:/data/project~ridgest.fir/bakersfie/table 1 I I I I I I I I i I ' I I I I I ~MO~EI AW ~1 ~ AV ~ ~'~;' ~ ~ ~ l I'/ ~ ~ Z_~ ~ ~ ~J~ ~ -' , I I ~ ~ ~~~ ,r/~., ' ' ~~~ ~-~,~x~ .. , · -.._ ' I ' / ~/ . ~ ~ ~ ~ u , s~ ' ~ -- -- -- ~ -- -- ..... ~ ~ ============================================================= .......... ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ --* .............................. :: .............................................. ?" ...... · .~ ~ ~/ ---~ ~ ~F- ~, ~ -- -- ~ ~ r ~ , ":'x?~?:~'~'~:?~i~??~'~?B'~::~T?:~::~::~::~::':~ ....................... ~~:. ~ c ~19TH~ -- -- --: ~ ~ ~ - a -- -- ~ -- -- ~ m~ ~ ~ ..... ~~:~~' =============================================== .................... ~{~ ....... . ~ - . Thomas Bros Maps, 1990 Counfy: KERN Socfion: [-2 0 2,400 Reproduced with permisslon granted by THOMAS BROS, MAPS~. This SCALE mop is copyrighted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS~. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce oll or any pGA thereof, whether for personal use or resale, without permission. ~~ DATE TITLE FIGURE NO. SITE LOCATION MAP E~ISED DWG BY DESCRIPTION BBN BRIDGESTONE / FIRESTONE 3545 HOWARD WAY, SECOND FLOOR R~V BY 25~1 CHESTER AVE. P,O~CT NO. COSTA MESA, CA 92626-1418 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 64-98072 FILE~ K:NDWGSNBS-rSNBAKERS~I,ELDN~ ~ -? W E $ m 24~h STR££T CURB FACE-/~ LIMITS ~.... ~V1 FORMER ~ NORTH , V; UST /PARKING/ 1'""~1 L,j FIRESTONE BUILDING FORMER ~ t¥3 SOUTH VL~Xx UST I 1 m i EXPLANATION I X SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS 0 30 Feel SCALE m ~ DWG BY 2 PEL FIOURE NO. o*TE SITE MAP m 09/15/98 REV BY · BBN BFS PROPERTY NO. 101850 5545 HOWARD WAY, 2ND FLOOR REVISED 2551 CHESTER AVENUE PROJECT NO. m COSTA MESA, CA 92626-1418 10/22/98 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 64-98072 FILE: K:~ DWGS'~B$- FS~BAKERSFI.ELD\$M2 ATTACHM~ A PERMITS 0S/10/1998 i2:00 8053S90311 LUTREL TRUCKING IHC PAGE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) ~26 3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF ~ UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANK SITE INFORMATION . SITE ~]~~ _ ADDRESS ~l ~,~,~ ~C~E~ FACILI~ NAME ~ ~' ~ ~OSS ~E~ ~ ~ ~ ,. . TAN~ OWNE~OP~RATOR ~ ~%~ /~t~~ PHONE NO. ~AILING ADDRESS ~~ ~- ~ ~ C~ '~~ ~~ CONTRACTOR INFQRMATION ~ ADDRESS ~ ~~ ~_ CI~ ~~ ~ ~ ZiP PRELIMJNARY ~M~T I~O~TION . ~ ~ _. ~ , t A, ~f_ COMPANY . _' _ ' PHO~ SO. ~VY~O~ .~N$E NO. ADD.SS - ' - C~ ZIP~ INSgRANCE CAR~ER WO~NS CO~ TANKC~ANING INFORMATION ' WASTE TRANS~R~R IDE~CA~ON ~ER O ~ ~, , , ~ou~' ~D~mmA~O~ ~~ 0 ~,~- 0~90 ~.~5~ ' .... T~NK T~NSPORT~. m ~ORMATIO~ _ CO~IPANY I ~'~-~ ~LtJ~q PHO~ NO. ~q-O~kl I, ~[CEN~E NO. TANK DESTINATI°N ~O.l~e'~ ~ex~ O~~ -7-_ - ,, TANK IN~O~TION · ~MICAL . DA~S CH~ICA~ .. _ ~ ~ U~ ~ ~ ...... ~ ............. '11 I1,: APH,ICANT ! ~q RECEIVED, t~I)ER~FA~5, ~D ~L CO~I.Y ~ I ll.ffi ATI'ACliED CONI)rI'R)NS OF ~tlS I)ERMrl' AND ANY OTIIER STATE, I.(~AI. ~D FEDEI~ ~OU~TIO~. '1'1118 FORM IIA5 HI{I~N COMPLI~I~{D UNDER PENAL'~ OF ~Y, A~ TO'filE BEST OF ~OWI.EIX;E IS TRUE 09/10/1998 12:00 8053990311 LUTREL TRUCKING INC PAGE 08 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - STREET PERMIT Issued b~ the City Engineer and Superintendent of Steeets ~erm/t No. :ST-167~8 Approved Date: 07/15/1998 1501 Truxt~n Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 0~fice-- (805) 326-3?24 Inspection: (805) $26-3049 'Expire Da'te~10/20//398 Appllcan~ ts hereby 9ran~ed permzsslon, sub]et= ~o ~he provisions of all City ordinances appllcable ~hereto, an~ will ae~uae responsibilities for all damages to streets or other proper~y that may result from =he: Located a= ~ 2331 CH~'~.~ AV~ DETAIL LOCATION DESCRIPTION : Ap~iCANT:LUTR~r. TRUCKING PHONE NUMBER : (805)399-02A6 2331 DESCRIPTION OF WORK : P. EMoVAL O~ OND~RGROI~RD ~TORA~E TANK All necessary gra~ing, backfilling, resurfacang and cleanup to he done by the ap~licaut. I~ the =ranch or e~=avation £e five £eet or deep-r, applicant shall, at a~plicant~s ~ole cost, com91y with all o~ ~he re~u~remeuts of Municipal, state, Federal authori~ie~ now ~n force, or w~/ch may hereafter in ~orce, includin9 all provl,ions and regulations of the Tabor Code of the State of Cmli~ornia. Appl~canu shall be responsible for obtaining the required permits from Munic~pal, State and Federal Authorities, PRIOR to procee~ling witk any of the work. I~'l consideration of ~rantin9 this perm/=, applicant shall indemnify, defend, and hol~ haxmles~ the Ciuy, its officers, a~ents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, ca.%~es of action, or d ,e,~nas whatsoever against them, or any o~ =hem, for injury to or death of persons or ~ange to property arisin~ out of, connected with, or caused by applicant, applicant's en%01oyees, ¢on~ractors or companies in the performance of, or in any way arisln~ from, the terms and provisions Of this permiu. THIS PERMIT ~XPIRBS ON 10/20/1998 . PAILUR~ TO COMPL~TE WORK AL~rHORI~D 0~ THIS PERMIT BY DATE OF EXPIRATION MAY RESULTS IN ADDITIONAL COST COSTS TO YOU IF THE CIT~ MUST COMPLmx-: THE WORK. TIME EXTEN~iON I~ST MUST BE ~PRO~;ED BI" ~ CITY INSPECTORS PRIOR TO 'r~ EXPIRATION DATE. R~PUND :- NA~ t BOND ON PIL~ (48) pERMIT FEZ: 120.00 EXTRA INSP: .00 FSI~NATO~E OF APPLICANT .... , Deputy INSPECTORS ~DORT : BY INSPBCTOR~ HOUR NOTICE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING** 09/10/1998 12:00 8053990311 LUTREL TRUCKING INC PAGE 09 Pa~e 1 ~,~ ,-' SE ~r o~24~ ~d ~ - ~cl T~c~ ~ ~t b ~ ~ ~l~i~ of ~t~ Av~e (See a~d ~n~r s~i ~t ~t, ~ or d~ ~y pav~t ~ ~ leas m~ ~ Y~ old. 24~ S~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s~ ~ive ~e~ ~ ~g ~ ~ w~ ~ ~e ~ol~ ~g ~. ~Y ~c ~ ~ be ~d ~cles ~of p~). ~s~ie by ~1~ GU~NT~ A~T foHo~g ~e d~e ~ 89/18/1998 12:88 8853998311 LUTREL TRUCKING INC PAG~E 18 -.. 07,~3/9, 15:;~9 '~8i~1324 ?¢&3 C 0 IL'PURCHA,5IN~ ~.~ 1~002/003 Sa Co~ of 24' ~ ~w~- L~ T~g wh~ ~~ by ~g ~, ~ su~ ~vg we~ or ~ ~c, ~r ~odve ~ ~h~ t~ ~ '~ic ~c t~m~': . ~y i~, ~lu~g d~ of ~ or pr ~ c B. Broad ~ ~cbl g~ t~biU~ ine~ p~ ;,v~ oc~c b~ for bodily ~, ~g ~ of one o~ moze pro~p~no~ ~j~, ~ ~ of ~t 1~ ~ o~ ~o~. ~s~cc ~ to ~ plaid w~ ms~ ~ · ~s~' ~g of no I~ O~C~, by ~e~, i~ mayor, oo~ o~, ~ ~ye~ ~d vol~ s~ ~ e~s of ~ ~'s ~ ~e ~tomobi~ ~bili~ polici~ ~1 ~ ~ge for o~ n~d ~ I TI~ liability policio shall provi~ con~-a~tue] tiabiUty coverego for thc terms of this permit. The Unbility policies sludl contain an additionul iammd endor~.mcnt iu fnver of thc CITY, I its m~yor, ceuncil, o~ce~, agents, cn~loyces a~d volun~r$. The woden' compcrmadou policy sh~ ¢out~n a waive~ of subxogndon ~.ndm'~snent in favor of dac CITY, i~s mayor, ce4mcil, officer%.agcnts, employees and vohmteers. I All pollcics shoU ooma~ Ole f~llowin8 end~r~mcoc An en~t providtog with thh*tT 00) days .Hner~ ,,odc¢ of oauc~llz~ion or m~al chnge ia policy language or terms, All ~llcies p~vide ~nt thio sh~l be confiuui~ li~bility thefeo~, nolwiths~diz~$ any recov~ on an), policy. I The 9e~mluee eh~ continu~ ~o maint~n ~]1 ~n~um~ce r~luired hereunder amd pay prcmau~ ~he~,on unu] a2cr d~c a~cpmnce or ~rov~l, ~ tl~ c~c tony be, ofe~e,z~-~y of d~e work pc~n~ed 89/18/1998 12: 0B 8053990311 LUTREL TRUCKING INO PAGE 11 '1 0?/23195 15:39 I SE Co~ of ~ ~ ~hcs~r - L~I T~g I of ~ ~ poRci~ ~idcuc~g The ~t~ ~ix of pe~i~, m~t be dec~ ~ ~d s~v~ ~ ~g by ~e ~. ~ ~ ~, I I I I I I I I 09/10/1998 12:00 8053990311 LUTREL TRUCKING INC PAGE 12 NCROACHMENT PERMIT ~-o120 ~ 9/91) ~9~TK~77 ......... .......... ~ ' ~' DidlC~R~RP (PM) In ~mpliance w~ (~e& one): ~~7~2.41 X Your appfi~n )~ Z6, . . ~ Co~d No. of $ I ~ SNOW RO~ a~ subjed to ~ ~l~wlng, P~I~ION IS HEREBY G~D eutez u~ S~ ~y fi~t~f-way on 0~-~78 at CiW og ~el~ ~ place coercion si~ w~e rem~ ~d~ona sm~ge ~ at ~e sou~east c~ ~ 2~ St. ~d ~ Ave. NO~A~ON: ~ S~L NO~ TO ~~G WO~ NO~: NON VANCE, PH: 80~~7~. ~~ ~~O~ PH: ~39~, D~G NO~ WO~ HO~, FOR~-gG~ HO~ P~OR TO BEG~G ~ WO~ Y~ ~ No U~ Mointe~m ~o~ ~ Yes ~ No In~on Ym Spool Yes No " Noel G, ~' P~t En~e~ Ph 2~~ ' BA~' BOHN~ Di~orr D~ 6 - C~I Reg~n 89/18/1998 12:88 8853998311 LUTREL TRUCKING INC PAGE 13 ~E: MARK LUTREL .. PERMIT #: 0698-61'K-0577 · DATE: July 27, 1998 - HIGHWAY, TI~ PERM:FI3~' OR PL~Iil~ ~ t_~)_ ..................... ~ REGION-,~ . ....... 209-445-6166 safe of trah'ic m~ousn me wo~lc area at all times as ~l-uired in ~ds) passa.8~. item l~t of the ~ttached General l~rovision. and its officers and employees mhall lmot be IND~MN{F{OATION OF STATE: The subject of this encroaclUnent - :that might' by or acth~ in 0~ the Pennittee.' I~ any claim arises out. oi those persons employed behalf fol~ng~ the Pemlt~ shall defend, indeau~, and s~ve harmless the State of .California officers and employees from r~me. I I Pogo 2 of 2 09/10/1998 12:00 8053990311 LUTREL TRUCKING INC PAGE 14 not intcndcd to impose upon the pemdlrec, by thir~ pnl~?, nm~ dut~ or ~AT~ OF CA~FO~ D~Ag~~ ~_~RTATION smnd~ of ~c, g~cr th~ or ii~ ~ ~ ~m~d by law. 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F~Iu~ m provi~ ~mp~. ~d ~ign~ ~.Built p~s s~ll ~ ca~e ~r bond or depot -- · ~ '~ nnm ~nm~on p~w m ,~ ~. ~ FOg ~CO~ ~~ O~Y: ~u wo~ I~ ~ ~m? shall n ~ ..... v~ bo ~c ~ent ~ right of way ~s width ~ ~ u~ a Joint U~ A~m~ (JUA) o~ a contractor mm nnat ~eptancc ~o ~e,~ ; r- Can--t to Comon U~ A~t (~UA), n f~ ~empl i~u~ to ~e ~ for the pu~ of providing n noti~ ~d record 10. ~ AT WO~: pe~at~ ~ k~p ~e ~t p~ge intention of c~fing n~ ~ &~nt n~ or o~ltg~o~L ?' ._ R~ord Pu~o~s Only" ~1 be stam~ a~ ~ t~ ~ge ~ aot [eFt ~d mGde Gvml~ls ~ ~ ~ 24. e it Filv~ to m .......... ~-; .... set by thc D p~ · , ~ sus~d, ' . , . of ~i wo~ md ~yo~ag pe~it(s). Bon~ ~ ~t ~ui~ of public ~.~s or wo~ m ongoing, prior authorinG, wOi aOJ~Bi to or ~ ..,:.~ .... ow~ ufiliti~, units ~ia~ ~ilcd to comply ~ ~e ~vist~ of t~ roj~t site. ~n existing ~n=o~n~ coho= ~,u,.~- co~;~ons ~der a prior p~ ~ .~ c~m~ ,~. _ t~ sb any I~t ~f~ ~ pmvid~ tn ~m ~ of ~ rm~um~o, S~ton 3~.15. ~ agen~ ~itt~ ~! comply ~ ~ ~OM ~R AGe.m: ~s ~t k invai~tcd if ~tablish~ ~ fo,o~: In m~i~ ~. P~J~ - done ~ S~e pm~ ~11 not ~ di~Uy mna~ ~ ~ u~ law, from t~ ~1~ ~l~ u~. ........ ~T[~- -,,~-*~.ful ~mt~ mmvl~n. ~ l~al ~e~ ~ttce (PUO, Cnlifomlu ~cu~tlonM S~y ~d H~ Ad~nls~on (Chi ..... , ......... ~ ent OSHA), or ~y ~r ~bHc a~cy hnv~g juds&cti0n, n~ees ~ require ~ ~s ...... ' -~-c-'s ~ -. - ,.L .~ ~,,;~MS ~ IO~ ~ ~IIOH P ' ' o~ o~mg ~ ProJeCt ~ .... '-.:-- --~tg~ or oicyc~e f~un~ · ~, .... ~ ": ' ~d ~ld ~ thc S~, nu om~ ~0 empn~y~ ~(~%~o~'~i~ ~n ad~n~ of t~ li~ ot comecon at ~ ~ a ~sult ~ the pmj~ ~i~ w~. D~t cros~alk or int~ion to demur ~d~ans ~ 14. P~LIC T~C CO~ROL: As ~u~ by ~. ~c. ~ n~.~ mr sam com~,o~ ~ ....... . s~l ~vi~ ~ffic contmt p~t~fion w~ sJ~. lS~. sa~y w~ on ~ h~hwny. ~ ~mttc= ~ his ~le.~, wi~ ~e s Smd~ If ~Y ~ha~o~l. or S~t~ns for t~c consol s~te~. ~c Gcn~ P~s ~ ~, AR~L~IC~~ wo~ vi~i~. ~ ~ttcc h~tO~C~ ~5OUf~ ~ ~v~leO m t~ I i I I I I i ATTACHMENT B I KINSATE MANIFEST AND TANK CLOSURE CERTIFICATE ! I 1 I I I I I I · -- ' . · N.o WASTE OATA FORM ---l,,F -' ~ " ,:[ - ..... Oct- 19- 98 11:46 P.02 TRUCKING, INC. ROAD I ~AKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Phone (805) 399-0246 · FAX (805) 399-0311 NON-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DATA FORM CONTAINERS: No, . . ~ TANK OUMP ~UCK D T.UCK Q DRUMS O CARTONS D OTHER ~PE: COM~NENTS OF WASTE ~M % COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM $. ~O"ERTIES: .H OSOUD ~UQUID ~ SLUDGE ~ SLURRY D OTHER HANDt. ING THE GENERATO~ 6ERTIFIES T~A+ ~~&' THE MATERIALS DESCRIBED ARE ,oo%,o,.,~,~o~ .~ ~ g~ ~PED OR PRIN~ED FULL NAME & SIGNATUR~ DATE ' ' PHONE NO. ...~u.~,,.~..o. /D/ ~.~,~...,..~.~u~....~,o7~<,. . ~ .~.~ CI~. ~A~. ZIP. " ~NS .S ~O ~T/CO ~OF NONE OI~REPANCY 0ct-19-98 11:46 P_03 ffi {315 SNOW ROAD ~ ~AKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 - Phone (805) 399-0246 - FAX (805) 399-O31 - ~ NON-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DATA FORM O CONTAINERS: Na VOLUME WEIGHT ~ ~TANK DUMP ~ ' COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM % COMPONENTS OF WASTE ~ ~. 5. O 3. 7 ~PED OR PRINTED ~ULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE ~ ADDRESS ..... SERVICE ORDER NO. O Z ~1~, ~JAT~ ZIP TRUC[ UNR. I,D. NO. WPED'O~RIN*E6-~UL ~ Ni~E ~'~GN~Tb~/ - V'' U ~ ~ 7¢Z '7Oo GEN OLD/NEW L A tON~ ~ / ~NS . S B - ~/0 RTICO HWD~ NONE O~SCR~ANCY SNOW ROAD ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Phone (805) 399~0246 · FAX (805) 399-0311 NON-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DATA FORM ~TA"K DUMP ~PE: ~mucK a THUCK D DRUMS D ~.TONS O OTHER COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM ~ COMPONENTS OF WASTE PPM 2. 3. 7 PROPERTIES: ' ~ ~8OLID ~ LIQUID LUOGE ~ SLURRY ~ O~ER HANDLING INS~CTION S: THE MATEHIALS DESORI.ED ARE 6y~5 "' ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE ~ATE AODRESS SERVICE ORDER NO. PHONE ~/O RT/CD HWDF NONE DI~REPAN~Y .~, 0ct-19-98 15:14 P.04 TRUCKING, INC. _ NOW ROAD I BAK]g~SFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Phone (805) 399-0246 * FAX (805) 399-0311 NON-HAZARDOB$ MATERIALS DATA FO~M ~/35~ ADDRESS ' CONTAINERS: No. ~TANK DUMP ~muc~ ~ muc~ '~PE: eOM ~N E NTS OF WASTE PPM 3 7 THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES 1 ~% NON-H~RDOUS , ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME '~SIGNATURE DATE Cl~, STATE, ZiP PICK UP DATE ' ~ UNIT. I.D. NO. ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE .~.~ · <.~l~t~ CI~, ~ATE, ZIP PH~E NO. - ,,. .. o,,,,, ~s . S B ~o m/co ~w~F NONE DSSC"EP~NCY 09/10/1998 12:00 8853998311 LUTREL TRUCKING INC PAGE GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. DISPOSAL,... FORM Phone (~05) ~27~9 · F~ (~) ICon,actOr's · / Scrap Metals, Pr6~ & Recyding I Li~nse No. [ No. ( ~/~ ~ ,-- ~ ~, DESTINA~ON: G. S, ~ - 2000 E, BRUNDAGE ~NE - BAKERS~ELD, CA 9~87 HAULER: ~ .~ C~ __1UCENSE NO: WEIGHT CE~, NO: ' ' e TOTAL Q~ ~LLONS SERIAL NO. N~ TONS EHSD PERMIT NO: ~o .~4 ' . ;~ ..... ~:~,. ,~, - ~; .' · ~.-.~;. · ? ~.. . ~ . ~ ...... COUNt: ' ~ ~~~:~'~'~ ~"~<~ .............. ~'~; ~0 .24 1000 - 6 ~ T~ INSPECTION ;o0o .~7 ,. ~ .... ~ .... ,.~ :~ .... ~. >... ~: ~ ........ ~ .~ ......... g~[. ~CLEAN- & DRY (ACCEPt, OR 3~0 1.32 ~ R~IDUALS PRESENT (REJEC~ LEL RFADING sooo 2,42 OXYG~ CONTENT 7~0o 3.2e __ DISPOSAL FEE ;ooo ,.~ ~.. . ~ :; . ~ .;. ~;. -;~, . ~ ,':~ ~ ~. ~.:: TOTAL All fees Incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws, CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE _CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION · ' THIS IS TO CEF~Y THE.RE, GE IP,~/~N ~ ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETELY DESTROYED F~_R ~[G~ECY~LING[PURPOSES ONLY. '~,._../WFgTEI~ Col'fi, fir. tog CoDy · YELLOW -- Fils Copy · PINK-- Permeltertl Colby I " : A'I~ACHMENT C PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG OF TANK REMOVAL ACTIVITIES I I I I I I I Concrete surface removed and site security shown (Before tank removal) I I I 1 I I I i Tanks exposed, degassing in process South tank removed North tank being removed Both tanks ready for transport to disposal facility Tank excavation after tanks removed ! I I I I I I I I After Tank Removal, excavation filled to subgrade with barricades for site security I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT D I LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DocUMI~NTS I ! I I I I I 1 I CHEMICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. September 8, 1998 Certificate No.: 2268 Ms. Kathy Cross QST Environmental 3545 Howard Way, 2nd Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1418 Project: Firestone 6498072 Dear Ms. Cross: Enclosed please find the report for the sample(s) received by Chemical & Environmental Laboratories and analyzed as indicated in the chain-of-custody attached. We appreciate the opportunity to service the needs of your company. Please call me at (562) 921-8123 if you have any questions. I I Sincerely, Larry Zhang, Ph.D. I Laboratory Director I I ! I 14148 £. FTrestone Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Tel: 562 921-8123, Fax: 562 921-7974 CHEMICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. ANALYTICAL REPORT - - - M8015(Gasoline)/M8020(BTEX)- - - Client Name: QST Environmental Date Sampled: 08/27/98 Project Manager: Kathy Cross Date Analyzed: 08/27/98 Project Name: Firestone 6498072 Date Reported: 08/28/98 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION RESULT (mg/kg or ppm) M8015 M8020 M8020 M8020 M8020 C&E ID Sample ID Gasoline Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes 80827A- 1 NTNK V1 ND ND ND ND ND 80827A-2 NTNK V2 ND ND ND ND ND 80827A-3 NTNK V3 ND ND ND ND ND 80827A-4 NTNK V4 ND ND ND ND ND 80827A-5 STNK V1 ND ND ND ND ND 80827A-6 STNK V2 ND ND ND ND ND 80827A-7 STNK V3 ND ND ND ND ND 80827A-8 STNK V4 ND ND ND ND ND Detection Limit: 10 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 ~ID = Not detected at the indicated detection limit. I I 14148 E. Firestone Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Tel: 562 921-8123, Fax: 562 921-7974 CHEMICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. QA/QC REPORT --- M8015(G)/M8020 --- I. Matrix Spike (MS)/Matrix Spike Duplicate(MSD) Date Performed: 08/27/98 Batch Cf: 3342 Lab Sample I.D.: 80827A Unit: mg/kg ANALYTE SPK MS MS MSD MSD RPD ACP ACP CONC (mg/kg) % (mg/kg) % %MS RPD Benzene 0.0200 0.0191. 96 0.0173 87 9.9 80-120 20 i Toluene 0.0200 0.0182 91 0.0181 91 0.6 80-120 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0200 0.0173 87 0.0174 87 0.6 80-120 20 Xylenes 0.0200 0.0187 94 0.0185 93 1.1 80-120 20 Gasoline 1 0.88 88 0.82 82 7.4 70-120 20 I II. Laboratory Quality Control Check Sample I ANALYTE SPK CONC RESULT %RECOVERY ACP % I Benzene 0.0200 0.0179 90 80 - 120 , Toluene 0.0200 0.0184 92 80-120 i Ethylbenzene 0.0200 0.0176 88 80-120 Xylenes 0.0200 0.0192 96 80-120 i Gasoline 1 0.83 83 80 - 120 I I I I I 14148 E. Firestone Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Tel: 562 921-8123, Fax: 562 921-7974 ~ ~.. CHEMICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 1 ~ ~ o~Z-7/~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD N.° 34384 I Client: I Project No/Name: Project Manager: SAMPLE ID DATE TIME TYPE CONTAINER TYPE ANALYSES REQUIRED ' I I I I I I Remarks: Date Time R oeiv y: Date Time - Relinquished B~ Date Time . Date Time 14148 E. Firestone Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Tel: 310 921-8123, Fax: 310 921-7974 '~ENVIRONHENTAL SERVICES,'~,IW 1715 Ches=er Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REP~OVAL INSPECTION FORM OWNER ~lg~,~4~r I~r,~%ee( PERMIT TO OPERATEt ~-0).~ CONTRACTOR' ~d%~% CONTACT PERSON a~. LABORATORY ~ ~ 6. ~ OF SAMPLES ~ TEST METHODOLOGY -T ~4 % '% ~%( ' PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. /~.~7- CONTACT PERSON ~ .~ ¢/~,t~ CO~ RECIEPT ~a~4rn q~ ~ -' LEL% 7 ~ 0~% ~- ' PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CO~ITION OF SOIL DATE CITY OF BAKERSPI~ELD ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK S~TE __F ~V._~X-z.v~A~ ADDRESS E.%°ol O--.~L::%-Vc.~ ~ ~ FACILITY NAME ~ ~' CROSS STREET 'rANK OWNER/OPErATOR ~ ~-%~t~ / ~~ ,_ PHONE NO. ~qq ~-LqO~ MAILING ADDRESS ~ ~. ~P ~ CI~ ~~ ~~t~g~lP ~ CONI'RACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY ~~~kC~ PHONEN~~Qq-O~IC~SENO. ~ ~b~qO AOO~SS ~ 5~c~ ~ C~ ~ke~e~6 Z~P q~ INSTANCE CARRIER C ~ ~dt~ WO~NS COMP NO. O~G ) ~ ~-- PRELIM INAR~ ASSESSMEnt INFO~ATION INSURANCECARmER ~ ~ WO~NS COMP NO. ~ ~ TAnK CLeAninG mVOa~nT~O~ COmPAnY [ ~ xt~Ck~C ~ ~ pHO~ ~0. ~q ~ ~ ADDreSS ~3~ %~ XLeW c~ ~~~ z~ q~ WASTE TRANSPOR~R IDENTIFICATION ~ER C~ ~ ~ NAME OF RINSA~ DISPOSAL FACILI~ ~ ~C~[~ CV~ ~ FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NU~ER O ~- O~OO ~ ~ ~ ' TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION ADDRESS ~1~ ~~ ~' CI~ ~1~%~ ZIPQ~G TANK DESTINATION ~ ~e~ ~cx~ ~ ~ TANK INFORMATION C~MICAL DATES CHEMICAL · AN~. I NO., ~GE, K~.t~VOLUME (~STORE~G ~ STORED PRE~OUSLY STORED For Official Us~ Only TI IE/\PH,ICANT l lAS RECEIVI.V.I), UNI)ERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPI,Y WFHI THE A'I'I'ACIII';D C()NI)I'I'I()NS OF Tills I'I'iRMIT ANI) ANY Ol'i IER STAI'I';, i,OCAL AND FEDI:.RAL REGULATIONS. TI IlS I:()RM I IAS III!I'.'N C()MPI,I'71'I'3) UNI)ER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND 'FO 'FI IF, BEST O1~, '3Xil': IS TRtJI': APPI,ICANT NAME (PRINT) APP[.ICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED "'.. B.A K E R S F I E L D - FIRE DEPARTMENT FAX Transmittal TO: ~'kS..~e~t~ ~, ~'41~11 , ID.C p COMPANY: '~l',~,~'~'~.c/ R~,~{a~,*-i- =~ FAXNo: ~3~ Office of Enmro~mental 8e~ces . ~ No. (805) 326-0576, Bus No. (805) 326-3979 1715 Chester Ave. B~ersfield, CA 93301 COMMENTS: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 05/28/98 13:20 8805 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. 6708 ' CONNECTION TEL 18479812371 CONNECTION ID START TIME 05/28 13:19 USAGE TIME 01'21 PAGES 2 RESULT OK B'A K E R S-F I E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT May 8, 1998 Ms. Debra J.. Hamlin, REP Environmental Project Coordinator FIRE CHIEF Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. M~C,^Et ~. KELLY Retail Division Legal Department ~MIN~ST~nVE SERVICES 2 5 5 0 West Golf Road 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 RE: UST Abandonment at 2331 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield CA SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 -,- Street De~/r Ms. Hamlin: Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) ~26-3941 FAX (805)395-1349 Thank you for your correspondence of April 29, 1998, concerning your plans regarding the abandonment of underground storage tanks located at 2331 Chester PREVENTION SERVICES Avenue, in Bakersfield. We cannot, however, agree to closure in place or closure without 1715 Chester Ave. a preliminary site assessment. In addition to USEPA and California Regulations, you do Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 have to comply with the Uniform Fire Code, and local Municipal Code. Furthermore, we FAX (805)326-0576 do not agree that the tanks were dec6mmissioned prior to January 1, 1984. One of the tanks is 3/4 full, and we strongly suspect that the tanks were simply abandoned through ENVIROnMENtA£ SERVICES the improper actions of your c°ntractor in 1966. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 826-8979 In any case, the local code requires tanks to be removed and, since the tanks do FAX (805) 326-0576 have product, in them, the soil' under these tanks must be sampled for total petroleum nounln~ D~WS~On hydrocarbon. YOU must obtain a permit from this office, prior to removal of the tanks, 5642 Victor Street and we will have an inspector-on site when the tanks are removed to assure safety in the Bakersfield, CA 93308 operation. (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 I have enclosed a copy of our "Conditions for Abandonment of Underground Storage Tanks", for your convenience. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Office of Environmental Services attachment cc: Steve Underwood. UST Inspector - · Walt Porr, Assistant .City Attorney : . . -. Debra J. Hamlin, REP Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Environmental Project Coordinator Retail Division Legal Department 2550 West Golf Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Direct Line (847) 981-2403 Fax Number (847) 981-2386 April 29, 1998 Ralph E. Huey, Director -~.. REC EiVED Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield Fire Department / / 1715 Chester Avenue / lB Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~___ Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Pro~erW N~. 101850 Dear Mr. Huey: ~ In response to your request, this~dEt~il~-the status of the tank closure for tanks seven and eight at the above-referenced property. After a thorough review of the situation, Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. CBFS") proposes to empty, clean and fill tanks seven and eight with an inert substance (closure in place). We have solicited bids to perform this work and plan to complete it within the next 90 days. This closure strategy is permitted by California guidance as well as United States Environmental Protection Agency guidance. In California, the current tank closure regulations generally do not apply to tanks that were decommissioned (closed without being cleaned and filled with an inert solid) prior to January 1, 1984. Applicability of the Closure Regulations to Tanks Decommissioned Before January 1, 1984, LG-122, Underground Storage Tank Program, April 17, 1992. Since there is no evidence of releases from tanks seven and eight, BFS plans to follow the present California guidance on closure for tanks decommissioned prior to January 1, 1984. We believe that cleaning and filling the tanks with an inert substance will be the most expeditious way to address the situation. Our strategy ensures that the tanks present no threat to human health or the environment. Further, no structural or fire related concerns would remain. Our closure strategy is further_s_upported by_EPA, g~idan_ce__whigh state_s~ that a tank closed or abandoned prior to December 22, 1988 is not required to follow current closure provisions unless a release from this system has been discovered. 53 Fed. Reg. 37185 (Sept. 23, 1988). According to EPA's guidance, property owners who discover abandoned tanks are not required to revisit them and conduct site assessments. Id. CHMAIN01: BAKERSFLD.DOC Printed: 04/29/98 10:16AM Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this matter in further detail. Thank you. Debra J. Hamlin cc: John G. Sheerin CHMAIN01: BAKERSFLD.DOC Printed: 04/29/98 10:16AM Debra $. Hamlin, REP Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Environmental Project Coordinator Retail Division Legal Department 2550 West Golf Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Direct Line (847) 981-2403 Fax Number (847) 981-2386 April 29, 1998 E. Huey, Director . Ralph Office °f Envir°nmental Services [ 4 1~}~}8 /l Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue _ Bakersfield, CA 93301 IBY: _ Re: 2331 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Property No. 101850 Dear Mr. Huey:' In response to your request, this letter details the status of the tank closure for tanks seven and eight at the above-referenced property. After a .thorough review of the situation, Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. ("BFS") proposes to empty, clean and fill tanks seven and eight with an inert substance (closure in place). We have solicited bids to perform this work and plan to complete it within the next 90 days. This closure strategy is permitted by California guidance as well as United States Environmental Protection Agency guidance. In California, the current tank closure regulations generally do not apply to tanks that were decommissioned (closed without being cleaned and filled with an inert solid) prior to January 1, 1984. ,4pplicability of the Closure Regulations to Tanks Decommissioned Before January 1, 1984, LG-122, Underground Storage Tank Program, April 17, 1992. Since there is no evidence of releases from tanks seven and eight, BFS plans to follow the present California guidance on closure for tanks decommissioned prior to January 1, 1984. We believe that cleaning and filling the tanks with an inert substance will be the most expeditious way to address the situation. Our strategy ensures that the tanks present no threat to human health or the environment. Further, no structural or f'we related concerns would remain. Our closure strategy is further supported by EPA guidance which states that a tank closed or abandoned prior to December 22, 1988 is not required to follow current closure provisions unless a release from this system has been discovered. 53'Fed. Reg. 37185 (Sept. 23, 1988). According to EPA's guidance, property owners who discover abandoned tanks are not required to revisit them and conduct site assessments. Id. CHMAIN01: BAKERSFLD.DOC Printed: 04/29/98 10:16AM Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this matter in further detail. Thank you. Debra J. Hamlin cc: John G. Sheerin CHMAIN01: BAKERSFLD.DOC Printed: 04/29/98 10:I6AM RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: 0~-5 ID# . Business Name: Contact Name: ¥.~'{-~, Business Phone: "} i ~l* '~, ~/' 8 7~ 3. FAX: ..InspeCtor's Name: ..~'¥~,~ Time of Call: Date: Type of Call: Incoming [ ] Outgoing IV ] Returned [ ] Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: I RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~ ID# , Type of C~I: In.ming [ ] Outgoing ~] R~urn~ [ ] Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: BAKERSFIELD- FIRE DEPARTMENT February 17, 1998 John G. Sheerin, P.E. ~,~c~t R. ~n¥ Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. Retail Division Law Dept. nmmm~m~ w~mc~ 2550 West Golf Road 21Ol 'H' Sum Rolling Meadows, IL. 60008 (80~) 3~)-3041 ~,x(K~')3954349 RE: 2331 Chester Avenue in Bakersfield, California. B.F.S. P/N 101850 ~/~:.-~o~ m~ncn Dear Mr. Sheerin: 2101 'H' Slroot (~') a26-t~l This office would like to acknowledge, with great appreciation, your expetiated response' FAX (KS) ~95-1M9 to our letter of January 6, 1998. mSCh~m^~. Your attachments have been most helpful in our ongoing investigation. Prior to ~o~,~,a~a. CA 9a,a01 contacting your office, The Bakersfield City Public Works Department requested Lutrel (80~) 326",-'~1 FAX (~0fi)326~fi76 Environmental Inc., an independent contractor, to open and ascertain the contents of the two tanks located on the east side of your property. I am enclosing Lutrel's report for your reference. m5 Ch~A~. The tanks in question correspond exactly to your map showing tanks seven and eight Bakeesfleld, CA 93301 ¢~0s) a~,-o-9~9 (attachment #3). It appears that Petroleum Equipment Maintenance Corporation, who was FAX (8~) 326.1~76 contracted thirty-one years ago to fill all tanks with rotary mud, failed to empty and fill tanks seven and eight. We acknowledge that the fills and vent caps were cemented but, tanks seven and nmn~ne o~mon eight were not inerted, and still have free product in them which is reported to be gasoline. Bok~L ¢^ 9'&308 (805) 3994697 FAX (~);~9-~763 Your tanks, designated seven and eight on your attachment #3, have not been properly dosed and could pose a threat to ground water and future development in the dOwntown area of the City. This office respectfully requests tanks designated seven and eight be properly closed as expeditiously as possible. It is our sincere hope that Firestone can recoup these removal costs from your former contractor Petroleum Equipment Maintenance Corporation. If this office can assist you in anyway, please do not hesitate to call us at 805-326-3979. Office of Environmental Services enclosure John G. Sheerin, P.E. Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Environmental Manager RETAIL DIVISION LAW DEPARTMENT 2550 West Golf Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Direct Line 847/981-3926 Facsimile 847/981-2371 January 28, 1998 Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Ih~ ~ l Bakersfield CA. 93301 Atm.: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Re: 2331 Chester.St. Bakersfield CA BFS P/N 101850 Dear Mr. Huey, Thank you for your letter dated January 6, 1998. Ms. Scheutzow is no longer with Bridgestone/Firestone and I will be handling all correspondence relating to the subject site. I have reviewed our files for the subject site and we are not aware of any illegally abandoned USTs on the subject site. Our records indicate that one Used Oil UST was removed and we received a 'No Further Action' letter for the site from the City of Bakersfield on May 18, 1992 (Attachment 1). Also, our files indicate that eight (8) tanks were abandoned in place on site in 1966 by' filling with rotary mud and capping off vents and fill stems to City Fire Department specifications, including two tanks on the east side of the property to the north (Attachments 2 and 3). Our Site Supervisor indicated that when the old structure was replaced in 1979 the city was-aware of the closed in place tanks and did not object to their presence (Attachment 4). No environmental concerns were noted at that time. We understand that tanks which were closed in place according to the regulations applicable at the time prior to 1974 are not required to be closed again unless the EPA determines that they pose a threat to human health or the environment. No environmental impacts were noted in 1979 when the site was tom up during the replacement of the building. · Page 2 January 28, 1998 Please provide me with any information you may have which suggests that BFS has not met all its legal obligations. You can reach me at the number above, Sincerely, Sheerin, P.E. Environmental Manager Cc: Phil Poindexter Property Environmental File Filename: 101850 TYPE OF PROJECT: sTO E, SHO W EHOUSS DEALER ALT~ATi0~ OT~ TI~ OF ~IVA~~st 9. 1~9 TI~ OF DEP~~ A~st 19~ ESTI~TED COMPLETION DA~ ~vember ~ 1~9 P~SONS CONTAC~D~ner~ ~ntracter ' ~ ~lders; ~!~-g ~t~emt ~gin.er - ~ex ~ec~er; De~lition ~ntracter - ~t Jen~s; ~1~ ~s~ctor - ~c~ ~s; ~c. ~1. ~. - ~n ~t 15, 1~9. De~lition Oont~otor enoo~tered .o~ide~ble ad~tio~ concrete foot~gs~ s~~s, s~ b~em~ut ~ea ~d b~e test~ ~t ~der o~ buil~ w~oh he re. Fed to eli~ate ~te~ferenoe ~th new foot~s. ' of ori~ .19~ .b~~ the .sidew~ ~d ~ey. sidew~. (See p~tos). ~oot~s w~oh were ~p~sed to be e~s't~t ~er concrete ool-~ pilasters ~o~ ~uth ~ were not ~ sho~ on 19~ ~s. ~ ~st ~ces, the concrete pil~ter~ stop~d at f~Shed ~oor level with no foot~g ~de~eath~ ~lition of slab oa~ed ~ions of slab ~der p~ters to be ~ed a~y. S~oe. the p~asters ~e ~ ~te~ ~rtion of the ~ ~d ~ vertic~ ~of 1~ ~ve been re~ved, I do not believe there is ~ st~ot~ deficiency ~ the re~~ w~. Foot~gs ~der the orig~ brick w~ ~e ~def~ed ~d we ho~e to be able t° oo~t~ot o~ new w~ ~d foot~ adjacent thereto at the app~te depth in, cared with no ~ffi- c~ty. 'S~ce we ~d not ~ve a s~ey pre~ed, there ~e no Visible mon~ents so o~ new West w~l wi~ merely ~ve to a~ut t~e e~st~ West w~ with the ~Pe there is no encr~c~ent on the ~PECIAL. PROBLE~ ~EDI~ A~DITIONAL H~DLIN~: ~./~_.7] continued SNAP-SHOTS: IN PROCESS_ JOB PHONE NO.,,, ATTACHED x ' ' ' ON FILE~ REAL ESTATE JOB NO. NOT TAKEN_ S- 5876M- ~C-Rev. 10/?0 AIH ..MALL OCTOBER 10, 1966 MR. D. H. ENGLAND ~ HOME OFFICE FIRESTONE STORE 2331 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALFFORNIA INSTALL HOISTS AND ABANDON GASOLINE . FIRESTONE STORE - 2't~il CHESTEH AVENUE- ~I~-,~-~SFIE~D, CALIFORNIA We attach our check in the amount of $2,617.00 payable to Petroleum Equipment Maintenance Corporation representing the above payment. Please arrange delivery of this check and in exchange you should receive the necessary substantiating waivers. Forms are attached. C. W. ZIMMER CWZ: Jm REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Enc. 2331 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Th/s location should h~ve some cooling in the service department locations but the ne~ ener~ code ~o~d c~use P~bZe~ in t~s ~e~e refer to ~ked photogra~hs for evidence of above mentioned v. M. .... : '. .< ~ ~ ~te De~tment w/at~c~ ts' "" ' ( o cc: ~' D' ~ ~dd - ~t CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON May 18, 1992 BAKERSFIELD, 93301· FIRE CHIEF · 326-3911 Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. 1200 firestone Parkway Akron, OH 44317 Attn.: Kathleen Scheutzow, P.E.- CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 2331 CHESTER AVENUE., IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # BR0013 Dear Ms.~Scheutzow, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. ~ This letter ~does not relieve you of any liability for past, present, or future operations. In.addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment 'or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify this department of any' .... changes in site usage. If you have any'questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. ace~e¢%y' A. Dunwoon~ · rdous Material Specialist · Underground Tank Program 5-39 · CITY OF BA, K'E;R'SF'IELD ;:'~HOOL o,sT./-/' 5-39 ~ 24 TH. ST. ~ 23 RD. ST ~ October 25, 1991 Chuck Bentley Ryan-Murphy Incorporated 211'Granite, Suite E, Corona, CA 9171 RE: Tank removal at Firestone Tire, 2331 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA. Bakersfield Permit #~BR0013. Dear Mr. Bentley, You may precede with the site located at' the above stated address as desired. However, before the Site can'be closed hard copies of the following documents must be received by this office: 1. laboratory data sheets; 2. chain of. custody documents; 3. hazardous waste manifest, signed by the disposal facilitY; 4. tank disposal receipt. If you have any questions Please contact me at (805) - 326 - 3797. .Sincerely, .Joe A. Dunwoody Hazardous Material Specialist · Underground Tank Program  Office 211 Granite, Suite E * Corona, California 91719 I (714) 279-6210 · Fax (714) 279-6215 R y a n - M u rp h y , Incorporated Corporate Office "The Good Earth Company" ~ P.O.Box 16846 ,, 5867 Broadway · Denver, Colorado 80216 (303) 293-FUEL (3835) · Fax (303) 296-7911 1-800-365-6745 February 1992 ECE ¥ED F E Mr. Joe Dunwoody Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division Underground Storage Tank Program 2101H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: "UST Removal Report" for Firestone Service Center ~67H4 2331 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Dunwoody: Enclosed with this letter is one copy of the subject '°UST Removal Report". If you have any questions concerning this report, I would appreciate hearing from you, or you could call the owner's Engineering Manager for this program: Ms. Kathleen Scheutzow, P.E. Environmental Consultant-Retail BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE, INC. 1200 Firestone Parkway Akron, OH 44317 (216) 379-3737 RYAN-MURPHY, INCORPORATED requests a response a response to the enclosed UST Removal Report. This response can be addressed to our client at the above address, or to Ryan-Murphy's Western Division Office, to my attention. Cordially, RYAN-MURPHY, INCORPORA~D Neal H. Holdridge Project Manager NHH/nh enclosure cc: K. Scheutzow, P.E. - Firestone, Akron V. Willrich - Firestone, Downey G. Johnson - RMI, Denver Corona file Environmental Services General Contracting The Good Earth · Site Assessment · Development "on site soil remediation" · Site Remediation · Design Fuel Systems Consulting Underground Storage Tank Management Programs I Weste~vision Office ~ ~ 211 Granite, Suite E · Corona, California 91719 (714) 279-6210 · Fax (714) 279-6215 Ryan-Murphy, Incorporated Corporate Office ~ 'q'he Good Earth Company" ~ P.O.Box 16846 · 5867 Broadway · Denver, Colorado 80216 (303) 293-bUEL (3835) · Fax (303) 296-7911 1-800-365-6745 ~OSURE REPOR~ Bridgestone/Firestone Store ~67~i 2331 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 preparod for: BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS FLOOR 5, MING 1 1200 FIRESTONE PARKWAY AKRON, OHIO ~317 prepared by: Ryan-~urphy, Inc. 211 Granite Street, Suite g Corona, California 91719 February 10, 1992 Project Manager; Reviewed by; Nea George Rathbun, P.E. Project Mana~ Senior Env. Engineer Environmental Services General Contracting The Good Earth · · Sitesite RemediationASSessment .· DesignDevel°pment "on site soil remediation" Fuel Systems Consulting Underground Storage Tank Management Programs i TABLE GF COMTE~TS Section Page I 1.0 Data Summary I 2.0 Background 3 3.0 Tank Removal and Initial Sampling 3 3.1 Tank Removal Procedures 3 I 3.2 Initial Sampling 4.0 Backfilling and Resurfacing 5 I 5.0 Disposal of Impacted Soil 6 5.1 Profiling for Disposal 6 i 5.2 Soil Disposal Proceedings 6 6.0 Statement of Best Effort to Ensure Compliance 7 I 7.0 Appendix Site Plot Plan I Bakersfield Fire Dept. Permit Fluid Disposal - Rinsate Manifest Tank Certificate of Destruction Initial Soil Sampling I Sample Log Initial Soil Initial Sampling Diagram Table of Analytical Results I Laboratory Analytical Results Chain of Custody Stockpile Soil Sampling for Disposal I Stockpile Profile Sample Log Table of Analytical Results Laboratory Analytical Results Chain of Custody(s} I Soil Disposal Waste Acceptance Agreement Non-Hazardous Manifests I Disposal Weight Tickets Project Photographs 1.0 DATA SUMMARY Tank Owner: Bridgestone/Firestone, Incorporated Contact: Kathleen Scheutzow P.E. Environmental Affairs Floor 5, Wing 1 1200 Firestone Parkway Akron, OH 44317 (216) 379-3737 Location: Firestone Service Center ~67H4 2331 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA Contractor: Ryan-Murphy, Incorporated 211 Granite Street Suite E CA 91719 Corona, (714) 279-6210 Site Supervisor: Chuck Bentley Ryan-Murphy, Incorporated Tankage: One 280 gallon waste oil Tank Removal Date: October 8, 1991 Tank Disposal Facility: American Metal Recycling 2202 S. Milliken Avenue Ontario, CA Tank Residuals: approximately 50 gallons Transporter: Nieto & Sons Trucking P.O. Box 8111 Anaheim, CA 92802 Recycler or Disposal Facility: Demenno Kerdoon 2000 Alameda Compton, CA 90222 ! ! Soil Samples: Two from UST pit ~ate~ Sa~pl~s: none Laboratory: SMC Laboratory 3155 Pegasus Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 Laboratory for Characterization: Laidlaw Environmental Services 2500 West Lokern Road Buttonwillow, CA 93206 Dispesal of Soil: 23.15 tons Transporter: Lutrel Trucking, Inc. 2212 S. Union Bakersfield, CA Disposal Facility: Gibson 0il Refinery Commercial Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 Date of report: February 10, 1992 Page 2 Rya.-Murphy, l~¢orpor~t¢~ '~I~e Good EaCh Company" 2.0 BACKGROUMD Firestone Store ~67H4 2331 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., located at the above referenced address, maintained one (1) 280 gallon steel underground storage tank (UST)} for the purpose of storing waste oil. The subject tank became obsolete after a new approved above ground tank for the same purpose was installed in August of 1991. The facility itself, is a retail tire and automotive services store, which remained in operation during the underground tank removal proceedings described herein. 3.0 TA~K RENOVAL A~D I~ITIAL SAM~LI~ 3.1 Tank removal procedures: Closure of the UST began on October 7, 1991, at which time the concrete surface cover over the UST was demolished and removed by a crew from Ryan-Murphy, Inc. The concrete surface cover was transported to a local concrete crusher, for disposal by crushing and recycling. The work crew from RMI noted the presence of visible overspill contamination after the removal of the surface cover. The site was barricaded and secured for the night, with the crew scheduled to return the following morning. Excavation of the 280 gallon underground storage tank was commenced on the morning of October 8th. Ail visibly contaminated soil was excavated, stockpiled on plastic, and covered with the same. Mr. Joe Dunwoody, a Hazardous Materials Specialist from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, arrived on site in the late morning and checked the lower explosive limit (LEL) of the tank interior atmosphere with an LEL meter. A vacuum truck company (Nieto & Sons Trucking) was retained by the on-site RMI personnel to perform a decontamination rinse of the tank interior. All residual waste oil was removed with the RFan-Murphy, Incorporated "The Good Earth Company" ~ rinsate. After performing the triple rinse, approximately 50 gallons of rinsate/residual fluids were transported under hazardous waste manifest to DeMenno KerdoonRecycling, in Compton, California, for the of recycling. The manifest for this fluid is purposes included in the appendix of this report. Mr. Dunwoody remained on site to witness the tank removal and to direct the subsequent soil sampling. Dry ice was inserted into the tank, to maintain an inert tank atmosphere in anticipation of removal. The internal atmosphere of the tank was tested for combustible vapors, and once deemed safe, the tank was extracted from the excavation pit by means of the backhoe bucket, whereupon it was loaded onto a Nieto & Sons truck for disposal transport. The tank was then transported to American Metal Recycling in Ontario, CA for scrapping. A copy of the tank certificate of destruction is present in the appendix. Visual inspection of the tank at the time of removal, by Jess Cuellar of RMI, indicated the steel tank skin to be in fair condition. There were signs of corrosion on the skin, but no evidence of any holes. A small hole was found in the tank's fill pipe however, which was most likely the source of the leaked product. Two grab soil samples were collected from the bottom of the excavation pit under both ends of the previous tank location by an third sampling technician, as the conditions independent party per mandated by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department tank removal permit. Ail soil sampling was performed by Mr. Chris Belue of Advanced Environmental Concepts. The sampling was performed under the direction of, and witnessed by Mr. Dunwoody of the Bakersfield Fire Department. Soil sample ~3798 was collected approximately two feet below the bottom of the previously existing 280 gallon tank, and sample ~3799 was collected from approximately six feet beneath the bottom of the tank. All soil samples were collected by Mr. Belue using disposable latex gloves to prevent cross contamination. The samples were collected by pushing a glass laboratory jar into an undisturbed bucket of soil retrieved by means of the backhoe. Care was taken to insure that all sample jars were fully packed to eliminate unwanted head space. The tops of the jars were covered with teflon lined caps and the caps were secured with duct tape. All samples were labeled, and placed in a cooler with blue ice to maintain laboratory storage temperatures. Samples were transported under chain of Page z~ ~ Ryan-Murphy, Incorporated~ "The Good Earth Company" custody documentation to SMC Laboratory in Bakersfield, California {a State Certified laboratory} for the performance of the requisite analysis. The analytical tests performed included for each sample; one test by EPA method 418.1 for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH). Summary of Analytical Results Constituent: TRPH EPA Method: 418.1 Units: my/kg Sample I.D.: 3798 ND 3799 ND detection limit = 5.0 my/kg Soil sample analytical tests were performed on a normal ten day turnaround basis, and upon receipt of the analytical results, both samples were determined to be below detection limits for TRPH. A sample log, sampling diagram {showing sample location), copies of the laboratory results, and chain or custody record are included in the appendix of this report. ~.0 BACKFILLING A~D R~SURFACI~G As the excavation exhibited no visual or olfactory evidence of a hydrocarbon release from the tank other than that which was removed and segregated from the overspill contamination, backfilling of the excavation began immediately. Clean fill sand was imported to the site, placed into the excavation, and compacted to within 1.5' of grade level on October 8th. At the close of the work day the excavation was covered with a trench plate and cleaned up. As laboratory results from the bottom of the tank excavation would not be received for approximately seven to ten days, it was decided to complete the backfilling and re-surfacing of the excavation upon receipt of those results. I Page 5 ~ Ryan-Murphy, Incorporated~ "The Good Earth Company" ! I ; A crew from RMI returned to the site on December 9, 1991. Soil sample results from the bottom of the excavation had been received by that time, and they indicated results which were below I detection limits for TRPH. Additional clean fill sand imported was to the site, placed into the upper 1.5' of the excavation, and compacted to subgrade. I The surface cover was replaced with 6" of new concrete to match surrounding grades and elevations. I i 5.0 D~SPOSAL OF IMPACTED SOIL 5.1 Profiling for Disposal I A large quart sample jar of the hydrocarbon contaminated soil was collected on November 15th from the stockpile, and submitted to i Laidlaw Environmental Services. This sample was used to perform a suite of tests (by Laidlaw), for disposal acceptance of the soil. The results of the testing performed by Laidlaw Environmental I Services were submitted to Gibson Oil Refinery in Bakersfield, CA. All results were accepted, but an additional test for TRPH was required. I On December 3rd, a sample was collected from the stockpile by Mr. Chris Belue of AEC, utilizing the same sampling techniques as i described in section 3.2. This sample~ ~SP-1, was submitted to SMC Laboratory in Bakersfield, under chain of custody documentation. Results of the testing for TPH were received and submitted to I Gibson Oil Refinery, and acceptance to dispose of the soil at their facility (for recycling) was granted. I Copies of the above described analytical, and associated chain of custody records are included in the appendix of this report. I 5.2 Soil Disposal Proceedings: On December 9th, in conjunction with the backfilling and I resurfacing activities described in section 4.0 above, a crew from RMI returned to the site and loaded out one semi end dump of hydrocarbon impacted soil. I The soil was transported under non-hazardous waste manifest by Lutrel Trucking of Bakersfield, and was transported to Gibson Oil i Refinery for inclusion in their recycling process. I Page 6 Ryan~Murphy, Incorporated i "The Good Earth Company" Approximately 23.15 tons of soil were disposed of in this manner. Copies of the transportation manifest, and disposal receipt are included in the appendix of this report. 6.0 STAT~M~MT OF BEST EFFORT TO ~MSURE COMPLIAMCE On the basis of the sampling and analysis performed on this site, Ryan-Murphy, Incorporated concludes that all of the requirements set forth by the State of California, the County of Kern, and the City of Bakersfield concerning this tank closure have been met. If you have any questions or require any additional information concerning this project~ please contact the Project Manager listed on the cover sheet, at Ryan-Murphy's Western Operations office. Ryan-Murphy, Incorporated~ 'The Good EaRh Company" I 7.0 I Site Plot Plan Bakersfield Fire Dept. Permit Fluid Disposal - Rinsate Manifest I Tank Certificate of Destruction Initial Soil Sampling Initial Soil Sample Log Initial Sampling Diagram I Table of Analytical Results Laboratory Analytical Results Chain of Custody I Stockpile Soil Sampling for Disposal Stockpile Profile Sample Log Table of Analytical Results Laboratory Analytical Results I Chain of Custody(s) Soil Disposal Waste Acceptance Agreement I Non-Hazardous Manifests Disposal Weight Tickets Project Photographs ! Ryan-Murphy, Incorporated "The Good Earth Company" ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ooracje ~:~ Areo ~ r._ F~resEone Skore ~67H4 Bc~ker-sF~.e]..d. CA 933EI1 ~-.~~. I~co~o~=ted Site Plot Plan 'The GOod Earth Comp~ Co~cra~e O~=e ~t~ D~on O~l=e ~ ~ ~ 2158 ~=~ (3C3) ~3-~ (3835) ~eS~[ H~. OH (218) 891-39~3 ~ I I' I I BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. PERMIT ~~ Bai~ersfi~Lre lJep[. ~='~'~"' "~' ~'~/~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATIO~ SITE ~~ ADORESS ZS~I C~~ZIPCOOE ~3~O/ APN FAC1LI~ NAME ~To~ T{ ~% CROSS STREET TANKOWNEE/OPEEATOE ~~mo~ FiA[sTo~ /~c, PHONE No. ~5- MAILINGADDEESS ~5~ F~o~E~CE ~E ~,~ ~oo C~ ~o~[y ~ ZIPCODE ~o~O CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ' COMPANY ~-~U~ I~ ' PHONE N°. ~lq-~-~iO LICENSENo. ADDRESS ~1 ~h~ 3u~ '~' CI~ Co~o~ ZIPCOOE INSURANCE CARRIER ~~D ~, Co~¢~ WORKMENS. COMP No. PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ~,~,C' " PHONENO. ~O~-~5i-/~LICENSENo. ADDRESS ~HOo ~SH~ ~O~b ~u,TE &O~ CI~ ~K~F~c~ ZtP CODE INSURANCE CARRIER lN~,hc i~o~y co, WORKMENS COMP No. C~ TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ~l~To A~ ~O~S PHONE No. ADDRESS P,O, 6oK ~ ~ I C~ ~M~HE/~ c~ ZIP COOL WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~o~ · NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILI~ ~ ~6 So~ O/~ ADDRESS Co~¢~c ~ CI~ ~~> ZIP CODE ~01  ; FACILI~INDENTIFiCATIONNUMBER c~ q~O~ TANK TEANSPOETE~ INFORMATION COMPANY ~?A~ ~U~HY ~-~.¢ PHONENO. '~ -~-~[~OLIC~NSENo. ADDRESS ~t{ Q~tT~ 5~'Er CI~ ~/v~ F~ ZIPCODE TANK DESTINATION ~ TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED P~EVIOUSLY STORED I · ..........: :.:.: :. · .: ...: :.:.:.:.-.:....: :..: .:. :.: .:.: .-:-:-:-:-:.:. :. :.:-:.: .:. :.:-.-:-:::. :. :.:.::::::: .:-:-:::::::. :' ::' :':i: :: ::::!3:::. :: i: :: ::::: [: i.i: :::::8 i: :3:: !:i::: i:::!:!:!:!:i:i:i:i.:.:.:.:-:. :.:::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: · :; :'.": .'::':..,::::..:. :..-. ;. :..::-i::;..:-::::::i:::!:ii:ii::.i.!::.::(:.L ~...:::..":i:::'~..:,',i,. ......... :..:. :.: .::'.:..::.::~ i,:~.i:ii:::!!:~ ::i::!.~ii.i~:i.i.::::::::::~!::¥:. :~ ..... I 1'HE ,APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WII'H [HE A'iffAC','lEr'J CONOI1'IONS CF THIS PERMIt' AND SI,ArE. LOCAL ANO FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS ~CRM HAS BEEN COMPLY'TED UNOER PENALTY (DF PERJURY, ANO TO [HE 3EST (DF MY ~NC ,VL:DGc. IS TRUE ANO CORRE,;T. I THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A P~RMIT WHEN APPROVED I ' ~ot Plan must show the following: Roads andf]lleys ' :. :: ~ l~uilc~ings sJJ~n ~' ;" ' I N 3. location of tanks, piping, and di sers ' ;" 5. SCA[,-~ '" ~ 6. water wells (if on site) -'~ ~'~ 7. any other relevent information ' I I. I ~ I I I I FLUID DISPOSAL -- RINSATE MANIFEST I I I I I TANK CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION Jntario; CA 9i761' ' ' Job ~ { ' · o 'ES,,U,T,O": A M~ 2202 S. Milliken A .. '' {o.0,,,0,.= DATE { TIME {-p~JECTED TANKS ; TIME ~: SpECI~ INSTRU~ION~ TIME OUT: cid ~ 'Se~ices Rendered Cost " Disgosa~ Fee 2~.00 T~NK~ ~ ~ GALLONS ~PE NET TONS TOTAk Extensive ~ading Time . 150,~' ~ S* ~ Disposal Fee with ~rmit 300.00 ~ Fiberglass Tank Disposal Fee ~r Tank 400.00 ~ Fiberglass Tank Delivered 200.00 Bobtail Disposal Fee 250.00 - TOTAL CHARGES All fees incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from date of invOice. ~2~o O O Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank NO. OF TANKS TOTAL ~ NET TONS removal complies with State laws. / · F -- FIBERGLASS~5 CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE . CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRU~ION RTIFY THE RECEI~ AND ACCE~ANCE O~HE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED THIS IS TO CE ~E~ COMPLET~OYED FOR SCRAP ~RPOSES ONLY. ~HO · , DATE Co~OR COPY _ I INITIAL SOIL SAMPLING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. 2331 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California INITIAL SOIL SAMPLE LOG SAMPLE ~ LOCATION DEPTH DATE 3798 2' beneath tank invert 9' bgl 10/8/91 3799 6' beneath tank invert 13' bgl 10/8/91 I I I I INITIAL SAMPLING DIAGRAM ! s=mple #379~ ~ 2' beto~ ~nverk ~-~ ~ ~- ~" Firestone Store# 67H4 "The Good E~rth Compa-~Y~ Sampling Diagram ¢orgcra~e 07~:-. ~'e_~tern Divi~on Offs-' ~ ~-~r. ~ Bro,,,~'~'~y cora,'-,,, c~ (?1'-.~ 279-~o 2158 B/F I I I I I TABLE OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Tank removal Soii Sampling Results 10-8-91 CHEMICAL SAMPLE ~ SAMPLE CONSTITUENT: 3798 3799 TRPH (EPA 418.1} ND ND mg/kg All analyses performed at SMC Laboratory in Bakersfield, CA. Detection limit = 5.0 (mg/kg}. SMC Laboratory Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Advanced Environmental Concepts Address: 4400 Ashe Road, Suite 206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Date Samples Received : 10-08-91 Date Analysis Completed: 10-09-91 Date of Report : 10-09-91 Attn: Mr. Jon BuCk . Project Name: Bakersfield - Firestone RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) sample ~ I__~D mq/kq ~ I 3798 C ~ 2' .ND 5.0 I~. 3799 C ~ 6' ND 5.0 _ Method of Analysis: 418.1 ND = None Detected mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram MDL = Minimum Detection Limit kr~ e'I a Ho~ton Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus ~ive · Bakersfie{~ CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FA~ (805) 393-3623 cO1 "I~iN~NNO~4IAN':I' CI-qDN~ACI~f ~'I :~ I6-I;I-~I I I I I CHAIN OF CUSTODY I CHAIN-OF STODY RECORD , ~ ~ C--.- ~ - 0 ~,.' C~ / AnaNsis Requested TTL Project ~ecl Name Client'Pro~ecl ~ ,, Page ,ject Address ,. , ~ r'q immediate Attention _ - E Lab O~e Only. ample v°-~ ~ O tu m no ID Sample Location Date Time F: E E E~ ~ ~ O 3:: 'r -r tu E .Ju~ z ~) u)~ ~ ~- ~- ~- ~ z Container/Comments [ell~ ( Date (~)Rec~i,.m by:. (Slor=~tui~P<)) eli~,~hed by:. (Skaraturei Date (~)Reoeivecl by Laboratory'.' (Signal~m.~" Date ' ENVIRONMENTAL TEb"TING 16371 GoU~ard Street, Suite G ompany:. Tane Comp~rly:. T~r..e Hunitington Beach, CA 92647 'Tel. (714} 842-6077 I I I I I I STOCKPILE SOIL SAMPLING FOR DISPOSAL I I I I I I I I I I I I STOCKPILE PROFILE SAMPLE LOG Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. 2331 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California STOCKPILE SOIL SAMPLE LOG SAMPLE ~ LOCATION DEPTH DATE profile qt. jar from stockpile -- 11/15/91 SP-1 ~rab sample from stockpile -- 12/3/91 I I I I I TABLE OF ~ANALYTICAL RESULTS Soil Disposal Profiling Sampling Results 11-15-91 ~ 12-3-91 CHEMICAL SAMPLE CONSTITUENT: Profile TRPH (EPA ~18.1) in mg/kg -- ~60 {total): in mg/kg METALS Barium (EPA 7080) 12~:0 Cadmium (EPA 7130) ND -- Chromium (EPA 7190) 13.5 -- Copper (EPA 7201) 27.0 -- Lead (EPA 7420) 30.5 -- Nickel (EPA 7520) 12.0 -- Silver (EPA 7760) ND -- Thallium (EPA 7840} ND -- Vanadium {EPA 7910} 36.0 -- Zinc (EPA 7950) 64.0 -- SPOT TESTS: Cyanide Negative .-- Sulfide Negative -- Hex. Chromium Negative -- Organic Halogens Negative -- Flouride 1.0 ppm -- Ammonia Negative -- Formaldehyde Negative -- Phenols Negative -- Absobency Pass -- % Solids 86.0 -- % Water 14.0 -- % Oil <1.0 -- pH 7.66 -- Specific Gravity 1.89 @ 21.9 C -- TOTAL CONTAMINANTS: Arsenic (SW-7060) 6.1 -- Mercury (SW-7471) ND -- Selenium (SW-7740) ND -- TOX (SW-9020) ND -- (all in mg/kg) TOTAL PCB'S (mg/kg) ND -- Analyses performed at Laidlaw Env. Services in Wilmington, CA. All analyses performed at SMC Laboratory in Bakersfield, CA. SMC  Laborato~ Anal~icalChemist~ I Client Name: Concepts Advanced Environmental Address: 4400 Ashe Road, ~206 Bakersfield, CA 9331'3 Date Samples Received : 12-3-91 I Date Analysis Completed: 12-3-91 Date of Report : 12-4-91 Attn: Mr. Jon Buck I Project Name: Firestone Tire Center I RESULTS OF ANALYSIS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (Oil and Grease) I sample ~ ID mq/kq MDL, mq/kq 4397 SP-1 '460. 5.0 I Method of Analysis: 418.1 ND = None Detected mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram MDL = Minimum Detection Limit A~fgela Horton I Analytical Chemist 3155PegasusDrive · Bakersfield, CA93308 · (805) 393-3597 ·m P.O. ~x 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · FAX (805) 393-3623 I I I I LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS DEC 02 '91 11:05 AFL CU L? P.4 ~33~ ~one Do~ectmd mg/kg 0. ~ ~48 ~e Detac~td mg/k~ O. ~ Depa=t~nc ~e~ioo~ Method 8~C ~': SeXen~ ~0 Ue~oc~ea mO/ g i ~ Hone ~e~ecco~ mO/kg 20. Sw-~020 I . _ C~enc: All c~oC~ue . ~ ...... ~- u~nu~n =e o=te~ =eprogeflc toCa2~ .... ~ as received_ (wac) s~u ~.~o: ___ P o dece~o total Aeries ~ (~C~ an a~le 8~occed ~u a~p~iace cee~el c .... SW - -~eic ~~ ~cr zval~cin~ solid Waste Y ~onG~&~o~ n ~in~t D~,%totcxc/~fc~to~o Di~e Repo=~.ed: ~1/I8/91. S~tte~s~el~ Labo~a~o~ HO; 7238 ~ota~ Concentration ~CL~ ~080 BariUm (Bt) t24 7~0 Cadmium (Cd) ~ 7190 Chromium (Ct) ~3.~ 7201 Copper (Cu) 27.0 Nickel (Ni) ~2.0 7760 Silver (Ag) ND 7840 Thallium (TI) ~ 7910 Vanadium (V) 36 7950 Zinc (Zn) Cy anide NEGAT Su 1 f i~o NEGATIVE Hexavalen= C~romium NEGATIVE To~al Organi= Halogens Fluoride POSITIVE 1.0 A~on ia NEGATIVE Forma l~ehyde NEGATIV~ p~enol~ NEGATIVE Absorbency PASS % Solid~ 86 % Water % Oil (-) I Flashpoint (PMCC) pH 7.66 * "TeSt Moth~s for Rvaluating So.li~ Wastes", HW 846, J~ly, Come,ts: I I I I ICHAIN OF CUSTODY(S) 'C~L~IN OF CUSTODY R.ECORD = Sampling Collector Location o~ Name: ~ ~¢~ ~] ~ ~k~ ~"~'~"' Name: ~qQ, ~-~ CompanY: '' Company: SMC, or o. Address: ~.~ ~ ~,~ ~ Address: '~- ~ ~~~' .3155Peg~mDdve Telephone: ( ) Telephone: (f~)~ ~/_/~, Telephone: (805) ~93-3~97 FKX: ( 805 ) 393-3623 Method Preservation Methods) / Samo!ing : Samo !e Tyoe: : Samo!e No. Date I Time Descriotion Analysis Requested Laboratory Relinquished By:~ ~_ Company: , ~ Date:/ Received By: ~ r/, ~-/"/ "~. ~ _. ~, .-~ .~ ~ j'~ Company: /, ~4' /.~ , ~'7. '" ' ' ~.'~ ~.:~, ~"~' L ,_' .r ~ -- Re !in~uished By: Company: Date: Received By: Company: Date: Relinquished By: Company: Date: Received By: Company: Date: Sheet of I? I. I I I I SOIL DISPOSAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Co]~rrAMINATED SOILS PROFILE T Effective January 1, 1991 Please fill-in completely all areas that apply to your material. This is an application, not an approval! GENERATOR {~ ~C._~"T-~AJ~ ~'( ~~ ~ I ~C. FAClLI~ADDRESS ~ 5~l O ~~ DO~%~ ~. ~ o~qo TELEPHONE TECHNICAL CONTACT ~ ~Ocl~ ~N~6~' w/?-&~-6~/oTITLE BOE~ ~~O~ ~ EPA I.D.~ ~ TRANSPORTER T-O ~ -{3,~/~/h,,v~z) STATE # CONTACT TITLE TELEPHONE .EPA I.D.# NAME OF WASTE ,,,J ~,%-'r $ ACTIVITY PRODUCING WASTE IS THIS WASTE ARCRA TCLP WASTE? ~ YES OR {~ NO IF YES, WASTE MUST ARRIVE AT FACILITY WITH A HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST INCLUDING A COMPLETED BOX I WITH EPA CODES. IS THIS WASTE HAZARDOUS BY TITLE 22, C.C.R., ARTICLE II ? E} YES OR [] NO IF NO, THE DETERMINATION THAT THE WASTE IS NON-HAZARDOUS IS BASED UPON CERTIFIED LABORATORY ANALYSES AND/OR GENERATOR KNOWLEDGE OF GENERATION PROCESS AND WASTE CONTAMINANTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. $1 TITLE DAT~ I FACILITY DECISION BY DATE I O Recycled Paper I I I I NON--HAZARDOUS MANIFESTS \ NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM ' ~,~ss ' Q~ ~ Ck ~ ~ ~'. ~ e. -. ..o. "'' ':.dONTAINERS:'No.' ' ..':VOLUME. ~ :_ WE,GET .... '_ - .. .:~'...?.'..... ,.- ..'... ;... . . .;- · . . . ; j-" ~ .TANK ~ DUMP ' ~ : -' .'' ~ ·" ' ~ - ', ' " '~-'"-'. ~'. . ~. ; - -. '...'.,~,'. .' ~ ' ..." . : ' .' : . ,., . - ~PE: ,. ~ U TRUCK,.. ~HUCK', ~ ,DRUMS ',U CARTONS ~ OTHER. . _ ~ ' ;,~;. · ..-; -~.~.~ ~..".:,,-' .;~ ..-~-~,.,.~ . ..'...... . . .,...: .: .:.......:~.~ .".. . :::..~ . :~.~..,. ,'. W~STE ' ' ' '* ' - '* ;' ' · COMPONENTS WASTE ' * . *,~: :, . - .... . * . . -.. . ~* -. . . . -.. · . a' - ' ~ · -".. '" -. ,' .' : '" 7. '"'. ' ' ~ __ · j2~ .' ~. ,' . - · - ' ~ ,. ' o. · ' .." , '_ __ _ _.___ ;~'~'~S~c~'°~s~.~ ~. ~:. ~ . . . './ .-~ · .._~_ .__ ] THE 'GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT [: '- ' ............ 2--'-'"-~".,-'~,,[ ......... , · ] THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% [ ' I~ ~ / ¢..~ ~ .... ~- .......... _. - ' ;f~ " ~PED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE ' 'DATE ~..... ~'¢,~: ~~ ~ I~u ~ .' '"~-~o. ,~,~o, ~ ~* ~o,~,.~- ~.:-. ADDRESS - . . )~-~-~/ CI~. STATE, ZIP ' ' PHONE NO. /  DISPOSAL M~HOD CI~, STATE, ZIP , ..o.~.o. ~b' ~.~ ~2/~ . ~~TED FULL NAME & ~IGNATURE 'DATE GEN OLD/NEW L A TONS ~ANS S B C/Q RT/CD HWDF NONE. DISCREPANCY - .. :. I I DISPOSAL WEIGET TICKETS GIBSON OIL & REFINING CO., INC. WE'GHTTA~, ~NU.MBER .' . ' ' _ ,--=' ~f~. _ ,.~,..~.~,;.,..3300: TRUxTuN AVENUE''"" 93301SUITE 200 'l (~;_ -'~ ~'~ / .~-- . ml,-~~l '(805) 327;'0413 . ' · '..' " ' DATE I'~,'r~ .-~-~"-/ ' . . .. ~,~~ ~ . ... . .. . , . .~/~..~. I DESTINATION: 'GIBSON OIL REFINERY : ' COMMERCIAL DRIVE INVOICE TO: . BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 . .PRICE: m ,o mSTART,O UNLOA~ FmNmSH UNLOAOmNO SOLIDS o~ tO ¢ I PM WASHOUT LOADED F~OM UNLOADED TO GALLONS DS&W% NET - LOADER'S SIGNATURE ' ER'S SIGNAT OESTONE STORE # 67H4 2331 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA Tank exposed prior to removal. Tank excavatio~ after tank removal. CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREET S. D. JOHNSON May 18, 1992 BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF .326-3911 RECEiVE~- Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. 1200 firestone Parkway Akron, OH 44317 Attn: Kathleen Scheutzow, P.E. CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 2331 CHESTER AVENUE., IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # BR0013 Dear Ms. Scheutzow, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present, or future operations. In addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify this department of any changes in site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. /acereAy' A. Dunwoom~ rdous Material Specialist · Underground Tank Program 24t.¼ SEr~E Ga~¢E~e Area ~ I' " _.~ Ft,-'esL, one Stone #67H4 2331 Chester-" Avenue B,m~ersFiei. d. CA 9338i R~.=~-A{z~--~.~z~f. i~%co.?o~=~d Site Plot Plan 'The Good Earth Compel B~y C~ron,. Cz (~) z~9-~z~0 2158 B/F  D. SCHREINER - 2 - August 13, 1979 N REAL ESTATE . ./ FIELD INSPECTION. New Store Replacement 2331 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA A representative of the public works department had already advised the contractor that most existing areas of curbs and sidewalks would have to be replaced because of demolition damage and the contractor has submitted the attached August 3, 1979 letter in the amount of $10,000.00 for this additional work. I have advised R. Childers that a large portion of the work required is already covered by our plans and contract and we woUld not accept their current proposal. A further evalua- tion must be made with the public works inspeCtor (who did not meet us as, scheduled) to determine a more accurate survey of additional requirements. ~ ~ Since our spocifications are rather ambi~,ou- o~ ~ ~ .... ~--~'~~-~ ~ .... ~--~-~ ~- ~-~vc~L o~. o~;~J.o~n~t SJ.//D, el;c., . to a depth of on~7 :i2" below finished /~_oor, the ContraCtor is entitled to remuneration £or fi:L1 and compaction wl~ch extend in some areas to a depth of ~ feet or moro. ~he demolition contractor is a .reputable :Local comlmn~ and we had lon~ discuss/ohs on the subject and he has a s/ncere interest in provid/n~ the best posdible base £or our new bu/ldin~. ·here are at least s~x ex/st/n~ ~ and oil tanks'Which are f/J_led ~r/th slu~-~y mix and located under the side~ and a3.ley. ~he builcSJ~ delmar,meat does not object to their prosenoe but they have caused add/tional work in remov/n~ walk areas adjacent to the fi:L1 pipos and manholes. I/e hopo ..,~h~ no add/~iona~ obstructions wi:L1 be encountered in the excavation for hoist foo~/n~s=such as some other large chunk~ o£ concrete wh/oh were uncovered. ~ae demolition contractor has est/mated that 2,000 to :~,000 cubic yards of f/.1.l ~ be roqu~red'to br/n~ the site up to ~ub /~ade and ~r/:L1 shortly have costs for the general con,fao,Crc (~ee e.~o o;f Paoi£ic (las & Eleotz~:o have a~eed to sez~re our bu~ld/J~ ;from the exist/n~ pole and tz~J~s- ;fo~mers in the a~ley and I delivered plans for their perusal. ~aoi£ic ~elephone Oomlm~y have a~-eed to serve our bu~ld/J~ with 'under~round cross/n~ the a~ley from the exist/J~4~ power pole and the ~ener~L1 contractor must stub out to meet their under/~ound condu~t. · he five adjacent buildings to the South o£ our site are now occupied by motorcycle and auto parts and tune-up sez~r~ce stores. ~he previous store manager who was H & H is now __me__~a~er of a local tire compotitor and the assistant manager is currently at ou~ Co:l:Le~e Center store which is hard pressed to keep up with business. We inspected this location and noted some missin~ and unpaEnted roof coping which the land,lord has been advised to replace. ~his location is ~enerally in ~ood condi- tion. DLLVin~ OU~ review of construction problem~ with R. Ch~lders we did not admit to any re- sponsibility except for a fair cost for additiona~ f/.ll and coml~action but no cost was estimated or approved at that time. continued 82/12/1998 11:53 8853998311 /UTRE/ TRUCKING INC PAGE 82 Bakersfield, CA 93308' Fueling Systems Installation Phone (805) 399-0246 Lic. #675587 Removal and Remediation Fax (805)399-031t February 12, !998 Bakersfield Fire Department Attn: Mr. Steven Underwood-Haz Mat Division 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Steve, On December 16, 1997, Lutrel Services was requested by Mr. Jerry Claassen (City of Bakersfield Construction Superintendent) to inspect two (2) existing underground fuel tanks at the corner of 24th and chester Street in Bakersfield, California. It was assumed the two (2) 6,000 gallon fuel tanks were properly abandoned in place, and filled with a 2/sacks cemsat slurry. Upon inspection it was found that the tanks were not filled with cemsat slurry, but in fact were approximately 3/4 full of sludge water 'and heavy traces of gasoline. The tanks were determined to be 8 feet in diameter, and buried approximately 2 feet below the existing surface. Note: The existing fuel tanks are buried under the sidewalk, curb, and gutter on the Southwest corner of 24th and Chester Street in Bakersfield. Sincere~ Mark Lutrel INTE~ROIflflGE AEG~LE8 - I~TAIL ' ~  REFERRING TO L~ER OF SUB~eCT MAINTENANCE ~PROVAL NOTIFICATION -~2~$~ Cheater Ave~ Tno~all ~olmtB. A~ndon Oa~11ne Facilities · Mlle. Work We have received your properly.approved M87 aud bids attached thereto and covering l~lX~ ~ree (3) hotshot a~oa~n~ gasolt~e_ls~a~ and ~iXX~ng ~a vi~h e~v ~d ~e~~ overneao ~ooro an~ air ~eeXa~ , ~a work $o be performed a~ She above location. The lo~ bid which ~e approve is submitted ~y the, Pe~oX~ ~ut~t ~n~ee ~o~p.', contractor and is in ~he amoun~ of $2v$1~0e. You should see tha~ the cont~ac~ is. let in such a way ~ha~ uo extras are incurred. We ~e~urn the bids for your use in le~ing the contract. We also enclose contraCt forms in triplicate. In preparing these contract forms,~ follow inStruction's contained in Store 0peratinM Letter ~9-A-1 titled ',Buildings". Make sure that no'work is started until the following have been handled: 1. Complete scope of the work .agreed uP°n~ and embodied in .... ' the executed contract, ~ ~ ~,'~*,i.,~-.~. ~.:~,'· *' · 2. InSurance Certificates. are. obtained, as specified-on ' . the reverse side .of 'the contract'form ~. 3° .The ORIGINAL contract and certificate of insurance are' sent to Real Estate Department, Akron, Ohio. Duplicate copies left at Store or District .for. checking outi. i Job '~ and triplicate copies to be' retained by Contractor. When the wOrk has been satisfactorily completed, obtain from the contractor billing in duplicate. Foz~ard billing in duplicate to Real Estate Department, Akron, Ohio, together with your statement that the work has been satisfactorily completed and that contractor has paid in full all bills for labor and material used on the Job. IF ~DER $500 C~CK WiLL BE MAI~D DIRECT TO CO~RACTOR ~SS YOU OT~WISE I~ICATE. Payment will not be made on this Job until the contract and certificate of instance are in the Real Estate Department, ~ron~ Ohio. Therefore~ please see that contracts and certificate of insurance are mailed to the Real Estate Department immedis, tely upon the execution of same, ~as ~rade-~ (~a~ gqu~ent) ~ ez~[t ~o~al = C.W. Z~ REAL ESTATE DEP~T~NT Enc. ..: , , .$ .. ,. ,. l,t .. l,. ,.,'. ~., ...... ;.l l:: ..... [~, · ,I:,.llOX ,~ , ,~ I '~ 'l . ~:;l;, ' ': , , . ,l ~,,: ''l~;'~'' '" ...... : · I ;;:j~l.'. :..':}, ,;.: . m .... ' l · I I ;;' ~; . .... ~ ,,,.l ..... , l,~,..,: ::. , ,,,~ ....I Ii ~. ~' ' {.. . · ,-. ,. . ' '..'~ ' ;} II~ l'l ; ;";;,~ .; '...., ,.}.., l-l.l. ,/;~..". .... · .... X:..:::V:':~ ' I~, ~':. 'l. "', l]'.' ~ , , '.'. ,.l ,. :~.: l:;:. , -- . l,., I . , ' ,-Z.- . ~. .- ~ , : l~ l:l. .:,il.. : l, Il' .l ,.. .... I I ll ~,) .....,,. I · {'l I :; l.:. . ,., .. :,~.l ~......l l~ . I ~ .~} ... ~,, .:~,? -;l~' l: 's: t -. · I I . l.l. ,... ~.. ll,~.' .,~ l' "-- :' .~.~ . .. , ,.l ll..l, '4l ~',~/~ ~ ~,:.'":'." ".;l l. "' l' 'I I ~ I ] d' .. ' ~ '-~ ..;~ '. !:,T' ',.' ..~,..;. ".', ... . . . , ~ . ,. r.:~ " .. . ' .", ~ ~'R..' ,-;'~'~ ~.~'' . ~'~ / - ., .b '~1 ..... -,. . .~ ~,,.,.;. ,.., , r:,~ ,~- ' '-. i ~ " ...... " .' ' . , ' "~""~ ~' :':' .. "' ~ " ti.: I .. ,, ~ .,.;... . ... ". . ~',~'~'; ...~ ;~ '.'.-.;: .. r ' ...... l:: .......... b~:~.~ ~ .~.'.~.' ~.-~'.~'~._~ , . I _,.~ .. ~ ~ .~..:; .,. ~.:...::.~: ...~:..~. ,~.~ ~ . I r ':' . . ': ~ .,? ~.':~ ' · ..... ~.:." . ,:,.'~. ' r · I 'I . .. . ~ ~ ~ .','.....,=.~ ,~. :<-~,...,..... ,,.. '. ~ ,. ;~ '~ ~'-.~'-.~ . -; '-',~'.,.~' ."j '':~x ' ', ' · ~ ;' ~.{1[ ':..:- - · .., ;. ',.-.'....,'~,~ ~ ~" '", :~.. ', "'.~. x' .~..<' ' " ~ . .' I ., , . . .o ~. xS..:~ ... ,?'. .... :: .~:..'. . . ~. .' . .... ~" · -'b. ' ' ">' ~ ~-~"~ '';'x':'""~" ..:' .', , ..... , -. '.. I i . ~ . , .~. ~ ~'~'. ...:. ;., ,' :,::...~ . ~ ..... ::,:.. . .. . · -~... ~.R R ...~, "~...~-~' -':.;' ,;' ;-:"~ ..... ., ......... :,:... . I ~it'' ~...:,l..-.,-~.~ ....: ~ . IZ';' . .... ~l -,l~ ~,:.. '"' ' ..... I~ . . -.-,...~.. ,, .-':.-~sx:m ,..,...' .,.:-.,,.'. :., ..~.' .'".. "':'":'. ," ~lj ~,.i, .. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT January 6, 1998 FIRE CHIEF ~Ul.mU~E SE~m '" 1200 Firestone ,,,. ;~art'wa'' Ba~o~l~, c^,0001 Akron, OH. 44317 (8O5) $26.39a1 [AX (806) RE: Underground Storage Tanks Located at Firestone Tire Inc., 2331 Chester su~.mo~ ~mc~s Avenue in Bakersfield California. Bokotsflolcl, GA 93801 (80,5) 326-3941 'Dear Ms. Scheutzow: ~EWN~O~ SE~V~:ES This is to inform you that this dcpa~ment has discovered two (2) illegally ms Che~terA~e. abandoned underground storage tanks located at 2331 Chester Avenue in Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 Bakersfield California. FAX (805) 326-0576 Our investigation h~s de,ermined that Firestone/Bridgestone Inc., has 1715 Chester Ave. owned this prope~y since 1929. These tanks are located ~t the east end of (805) 326-3979 FAX C805)826-0576 tanks have been out of service for a considerable period of time. nUa~l~O OlV~O~ This office would appreciate' knowing your time table'for proper closure 5642 Victor Strut · ~a~e~ne~a, c^ 9aao~ of this site. (805) 399-4697 ......... FAX (8O,5) 399-5768 If you have any questions, please call (805)326-3979. ............. sincerelyl Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator cc: Allen Daniels, City Attorney · In.'confOrmity '~ith' provisions of pertinent Ordinances, by: ,. ' Name of Compony · to displayi store, instoll, u.~, operote, .~11 or hondle moteHols'{ir~/ I,~con-- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows:-. '-.-~,:-' ~:.':. :::-~'.~--':.~"/~:,~ ~:s~i'~-- :,: ,.' i~ued Perm~ ...... ~. .....~.~.~.~.~ ............. 8~ .......... ~...~...~..~....~~ ........... ~ ........ / STATE OF CALIFORNIA ........ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION . FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FACILITY/SITE MARK ONLY [] 1 NEW PERMIT. [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION ,,~'~'7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE ONE ITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [~ 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION & ADDRESS - (MUST BE COMPLETED) D~AO~L,~YNAME //' __ ~ME OF OPERA~O~ ADDRESS NEAF~ES~RgSS~TREET PARCEL # (OPTIONAL) CITY NAME~ / v ~ ,,~ STATE ZIP CODE SITE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE TO INDICATE .J~-eORPORATION I'--'1 INDIVIDUAL [~ PARTNERSHIP [~ LOCAL-AGENCY ~ COUNTY-AGENCY [~ STATE-AGENCY [~ FEDERAL-AGENCY .. DISTRICTS RESERVATION / F-1 3 FARM r--I 4 PROCESSOR ,E~s OTHER ORTRUSTLANDS EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY). optional DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) ~-*-"- PHONE # WiTH AREA CODE DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PH~NI:: # WITH AR~A NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE # WiTH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION - (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAMj?'3 / / -- / [ CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MAILINC3~)R ST4~EET ADDRESS ' · ~/ ,,,, _....J ~' bo:( ~ indicate ~ INDIVIDUAL ~f.~ ~ ~_J [~] LOCAL-AGENCY ~ STATE-AGENCY 7 FEDE,,L-AGENCY _ [~J CORPORATION ~ PARTNERSHIP [---] COUNTY-AGENCY Cr'r~"R'~'M~'N ~" -- ~ ~ STATE~ ] ZIP CODE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE IlL TANK OWNER INFO~'MATION - (MUST BE COMPLETED) I NAME OF OWNER ' CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION I MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~' ,/ box toindicate ~ INDIVIDUAL ~ LOCAL-AGENCY ~ STATE-AGENCY r"-I CORPORATION ~ PARTNERSHIP ~ COUNTY-AGENCY ~ FEDERAL-AGENCY CITY NAME STATE ZiP CODE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER - Call (916) 323-9555 if questions arise. V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY . (MUST BE COMPLETED) - IDENTIFY THE METHOD(S) USED ,~ box ~indicale r-~ 1 SELF-iNSURED ~ 2 GUARANTEE ~ 3 INSURANCE ~ 4 SURE'~f BOND ~ 5 LETi'ER OF CREDIT I---] 6 EXEMPTION ~;~J'~THER VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Legal notiiication and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or II is checked, THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT APPLICAN,T'S NAME (PR NTED & SIGNATURE) ~. -~ APPLICANT'S T TLR ,/ DATE MONTFFDAY/YEAR COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # LOCATION CODE - OPTIONAl. CENSUS TRACT # - OPTIONAL SUPVlSOR - DISTRICT CODE '- O~TIONAI THIS FO~M MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY.AT LEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION . FORM B~ UNLESS THIS IS A CHAN~E OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. FORM A FORO033A.5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ' STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL-BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ' [] I NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION ~ 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE ONEITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE ~ 8 TANK REMOVED I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLE~ ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNO~ A. OWNER'S TANK I, D,~ ~ B. MANUFAC~RED BY: II. TANK CO~E~S ~ A-1 ~s MARKED. COMPLE~ ~TEa C. ~ 2 P~ROLEUM ~ ~ EMP~ ~ 1 PRODUCT ~ lb PREMIUM ~ 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT ~ 95 UN~OWN ~AS~ .~ 2 LEADED ~ 99 O~ER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW) O. ~ (A.1) ~S NOT MARKED, ~N~R NAM~ O~ SUSSTANC~ STOR~ C.A.S.,: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPUESINBOXDANDE A. ~PE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL ~ 3 SINGLE WALL WITH E~ERIOR LINER ~ 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~SINGLE WALL -- ~ 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TAN~ ~ 99 O~ER a. TANK ~SARE STEEL ~ 2 STAINLESS STEEL ~ .3 FIBERGLASS ~ 4 STEELCLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL ~ 5 CONCRETE ~ 6 ~L~INYL CHLORIDE ~ 7 ALUMINUM ~ 8 1~/~ METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP (Prima~Tank) ~ 9 BRONZE ~ 10 GALVANI~D S~EL ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ 99 O~ER C. INTERIOR ~ 5 G~SS LINING ~ UNLINED ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ 99 O~ER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATlaLE WITH 1~. METHANOL? YES ~ NO~ D. CORROSION ~ 1 POLYE~YLENE WRAP ~ 2 COATING ~ 3 VINYL WR~ ~ 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTtC PROTE~ION ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION~NONE ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ 99 O~ER E. SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL'CONTAiNMENT INSTALLED ~EAR) OVERFILL PREVENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED ~EAR) IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND. BO~ IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE ~ GRAVI~ A U 99 O~ER B. CONSTRUCTION ~1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 UNED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A ~ 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND ~ BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLWINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERG~SS PIPE CORROSION A~5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A ~ 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 10~ ME~ANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTE~ION A U 9 GALVANI~D STEEL A U 10 CATHODtC PROTECTION A ~ 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 O~ER O. LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR ~ 2 LINE T~HTNESS TESTING ~ 3 INTERSTITIAL MONffORING ~99 O~ER~~ V, TANK LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 VISUAL CHECK ~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ~ 3 VAt. MONITORING ~ 4 AUTOMATIC TANK ~UG~NG ~ 5 G~OUNDWATER MONITORING ~ 6 TANK TESTING ~ 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING ~NE ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ ~ OTHER VI, TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION . THIS FORM~AS/BEEN'COMPLETED UNDER PENAL~ OF PERJURY, A~D TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, iS TRUE AND CORRECT APPLICANTS NAME ~ ,~ / . ~ LocAL NUMBE~ oFTH~OUR AGENCy USE O,LY COUN~ ~ JU~DICTION ~ FACILI~ ~ TANK ~ H PERMIT NUMBER PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (7-91) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMff APPLICATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FORO~ 10/16/'91 14: 49 ~'7 79 621.5 RYAN 3iURPHY ~ 001 211 GmuJt~, Sulm E - Corona. C~ 91719 '~e Good Ea~ Comp~' ~ ~.O.8ox ~ o 5867 8~adwav FAX TI~A~M}IITTAL - RECEIVED OCT1 7 1991 DATE:lo -, ~-~( Corona, California Gene~i Con,acting ~e G~d ~ Ma~ineTM . ,.~ · Sire ~menr · Oev~op~ent "on site sod ~m~iado~" 'x / ..... ' _. Fuei $ysm~ C,a~idng Under~ound 5toragm Tank % k/~ .,~ Manag~ent Pro~ '"" ".'"'" 10/16/91 14:$0 '~t~4 279 621~ RYAN .IIURPHy~I~-c ~002 Client Na~e: Advanced Environmental Concep~ Address~ 4400 Ashe Road, Suite 206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Date Samples Received : t0-08-91 Date Analysis completed: 10-09-91 Date of Report : 10-09-91 Attn: Mr. Jon Buck Project Name: Bakersfield - Firestone RESULTS OF ANASY$I$ TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (0il and Grease) ~amDle ~ ~D_ ~g/~q MDL, m~/~q 3?98 C ~ 2' ND 5.0 3799 C ~ 6" ND 5.0 Metho~ of Azlalysis; 418ol ND ~ None Detected mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram Analytical Chemi $~ 3155 Pegasus Drive o Bakersfield, CA 93308 = (805) 393-3597 P,O. ~x 80835 · ~kersfield, ~ 93380 o F~ (805) 393-3623 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVTSION .2130 G Street, Bakersfield CA 93301 · (805) 326-3979 ' CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION I, 6~,~ ~ an authorized agent of name ~~~t~~ ~.6~. here by'attest under penalty of contr~~ co. ~3 3 / perjury that the tank(s) located at~ ~b2~~/~ ~and address being removed under permit~'/~~~ has been cleaned/decontaminated properly and a LEL (lower explosive limit) reading of no greater than 5% was measured immediately following thecleaning/decontamination process. date name (print) signature ~~~ tA~RDCUS ~ATE~IALS DIVi~ [~ N ~¥~ 1 UNDERGROUND STCRAG~ TANK PROGRAM PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATICN SITE F~~ ADDRESS ~5~1 C~~ ZIP CODE ~330/ APN FAC[LI~ NAME ~E$%oN~ T~ E~ CROSS STREET TANKOWNERIOPERATOR ~$~s~o~ Fi~Eszo~ /Nc. PHONE No. &~5- MAILING ADDRESS ~ ~Co~NcB ~UE SU,~ ~Oo C~ DownEy c~ ZIP CODE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY ~YA~ - ~d~MY I N C PHONE No. O~q-$~fl-GZ~O ,UCENSE No. oE~ ADDRESS $~1 ~Ntt~ ~o~ ,~r C[~ Co~o~ ZIPCODE INSURANC~CARRIER ~&b ,~t' ~o~¢~Ny WORKMENSCOMP No. ~l'~fi~9 PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATIONc,.v COMPANY ~, ~,C' PHONENo. ~O~'-~5 I-~ff~LICENSENoJ ' ~1%- ADDRESS qqOo ~SH~ ~o~b ~,TE ~o~ C]~ ~F~c~ ZIP CODE INSURANCE CARRIER f~b~r~C I ~D~"~Z co, WORKMENS COMP No. C~-'IOG '~ TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ~Em~ ~ ~O~S PHONE No. ADDRESS ~,0, ~o~ ?1 ~ ~ C~ A~AHE~ cA ZiP CODE WASTE TRANSPORTER iDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~o~ · NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILI~ ~ ~So~ 01~ ADDRESS Co~c,~c ~ CI~ ~s~,> ZIP CODE FACILI~ INDENTIFiCATION NUMBER cA~ q~o ?~ COMPANY ~A~ ~U~0~V ~¢ 'E PHONENo. ~q -~-~OLIC~NSENo. ADDRESS ~t{ OA~tT~ 5u]~ ~ CI~ ~0~ C4 ZIPCOOE' ~7~ TANK DESTINATION ~ ~ TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE' VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED file APmUCA Nf HAS ~EC~iVED. UNOERSTANOS, ANO WILL COMPLY WITH file A~ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS P~RMIf AND ANY S~ArE. LOCA~ ANO ~DE~A~ REeULAnONS. fMISFQ~M HAS 8E]N COMPLIED UNDER PENAL~ OF P~RJURY, ANO fO file BEST CF MY K~CWL~DGE. ISTRUE AND CORRECT. APP~OV~ B (: APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT S~GNATU~E THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED o~ Plan muse'snow me toltc~w~ng: 1. i~oC:cts ~nc~,~tlef~] 2. i Duilaings ^I' ~T 3 .... ,~, location of tanks, piping, and disD=~rs ._~ 4. utilities ' . 5. ~SCAL~ ._ li,~. _~'' ' 6. water wells (if on site) ~ .~Ji~:~~ 7. any other re, event info,mat,on ~'C~LP-- : I =SO BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~/"-? -- ' "7/~.l. / ~ / BUR~U OF FIRE PREVENTION~ ~ -- ~ ~ .~ ~te APPLICATION ~plicati~, No. In conformi~ with provisions of ~inent~rdinpnces, c~es and/or regulations, opplication is made Name of ~ny ) / ' / / Addre. ~0~ I todisplay, store, install, use, o~rate, sell or handle materials or pr~esses involving or creating con- ditio~ deemed hazardous to life or pro~r~ as follows: ~r~~'. ....... ~.7_iM~Z ........ ~ ............... ~ ........... ~.:.~ ........................................................ · . ~.~ r idge s tone / F ir e.~ ~0n~,- c.i-nc' ~~e:~'~O~ e :. .Please reply 7857 E. Florence Ave. #200 -~ ~-: to: ~ey, ~ 90240 ~LESASERvICEGROUP , .... :..>{ ~ ~ .... '~ ~ Real Estate 0fficef {213) 927- 7010' FAR WEST REGION ~ ~*- ~ . ~ ar~ ~endi. n~ you { } herewith { ) under separate caret: [' ,. ) Arch. Drawings ( )'Letters ( ) Shop Drawings ( ) InvoiCe ( ) Specifications '. ( ) Survey (..) Soil Test .(.. ) ( ) Photos (.) Proposal ( ) ContraC~ :.~ ( ":':: '~"-,"' ~~~ ~.~~ ~;/, . . _ , . .- ._ ... . ..... · ._ ,~)~ ~~.~~&~' Very truly K.J. ~ND - CH~CKGO/34.1.85 . K.A.' SCHEUTZOW - AKRON/ THE FIREST0:iE TIRE & RUBBER C01.~ANY "CORP. ENVIR.AFFAIRS/5FW~ cc: ~. ~~_ ~~~. Rea I Estate Depar~r.~nt M. ~itlrich, ~roj; Coordinator Vl<h'/ems V. '--,' ,~ KERN COUN TY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ' ":'~:~'- ,-"- ENVIRON~ITAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPA/ENT - . . ~ ~ _~-~, ~ UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE F~CILITY . ' PERMIT~ 160033C TIME IN ./0L~TINE ~ ' -NUNSER 'OF TANKS: 1 PERMIT POSTED'?. YE~ ..................... NO ..,~ ...... INSPECTION DATE:.....~_~ ...... TYPE OF INSPECTION: ~OUTINE ........ ~ .... EEINSPECTION ................. CO~PLAINT FACILITY ADDR~S :::2.33 I'~"~CHESTEP BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNERS NAME:FIRESTONE REAL ESTATE LEASING { ..... OPER~TOR~ NA~E:FIRESTONE ~EAL E~TATE LEASING ,.'' "..~ - ' COMMENTS: .~-?? . . v I T EM V I O LAT I ONS/OB S ERVAT IONS' In-tank Level Sensing Device ' )n~( ~: e. Groundwater ~ Monitoring ~ ' 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT ~ONITORING: b'. Double-Walled tank ' '~:: ~ c. Vault b. Suction c. Gragitv 6. NEW CONSTRUCTiON/MODIFICATIONS ~~ - }~' ' "" '":: 7.. CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT ~ 8. UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE -"-- ':' . .... ~ ~. ~, ............ OPERATING CONDITION 0F FACILITY ~ , ' " , . ..' .. ;," COMMENTS/RECOMMENOATIONS ' " -~' .~' ..' F.-".'"' ..... ..KERN : COII~ITY RE$OURCE ~1~,~. NAGEMEN.T ENVIRON~INTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPAI'ENT uNOERGROUND .~AZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILIT : ~ INSPECTION REPORT PER~IT~ TIME IN ./~Z~.~ TIME.UT PERMIT PO~TEg? Y. ES.___~ ...... NO ~ ' ~NSPECTION TYPE OF INSPECTION:. ...ROUTINE_._~... REINSPEC~ION. FACILITY NAME:FIRESTONE STORE ~27E2 ' " :".'::-:'-'. FACILITY ADDRESS:2331 CHESTER :~.,~:~.~:,~ .. 8AKERSFIELD, CA "' - ' · .... · ONNERS NAME~;FIRESTONE REAL ESTATE LEASING OPERATORS',,,~ANE:,~IRESTONE REAL. ESTATE LEASING -... . .., . -..... .: - ..... .. · .. . . e. ~roundwa:'e~ ~oni~o~ing f. Vadose Zone. Monitoring ( 2SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Line~ c. Vault 3. PIPING MONITORING: b. Suction c. Gravity · 5. TIGHTNESS TEEING ~On~%~ 6. NEW CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATIONS ?. CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT 8. UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE g.MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS ............... ; .................................................................. - ...................................................... : ........................................................................................................ 93,2212 PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS Invoice Address.: Tank Location: W.O.~: 13473 FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER FIRESTONE I.D. Numbe~= 3686 ~857 FLORENCE AVE. ~200 2331 CHESTER AVE. Technician:BWH DOWNEY, CA. 90240 BAKERSFIELD, CA. Tech.~:88142 Van~:6!05 Da~e: 11-20-9° Time ~ar~: 09:30 ~nd= 12:00 ~oun~y= KE Facility Phone~: (805>324-6457 ~roundwate~ Depth: 10'+ Blue P~in,~s: N/A Contact: VINCE OR DONNA Da~e;Time system was filled: 24 HRS.+..: ~ , . .?~: .Tank Fill/Vent P~o~uc~ Type Of Vapo~ Inches of Pump Tank Tank Capacity P~oduc~ Tank Vapo~ Lines Line' Recovery gate~/Tank Type' 1 280 W/O PASS PASS N/A I 0" N/A SWS Additional Information: SITE 'LOG TIME Se~ Up ~quip: 10:00 ',,, Bled Tupbin~: N/A Bled Buction Pump: N/A Risers Installed: 10:00 .a) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA ~329.' b) Any failure listed above may require further action, check with all. regulatory agencies. California O.T.T.L.. Number : 91-1~Z~6S,, CeY~tified Technician Signature : ~)~_. -~~~ Date : //-~~ AES/$y~st e'm '~ I~ Pre¢is i o'n Leak Test. Invoice No.: 13473 Date: 11~.~90 Time : 10:09:54 Technician: BWH Tank: W/O 'Tank Diameter(in): 46 Volume(gal): ,-89 Grade Level'in): 88 Product Level(in): 92 Water Level On Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: 0.88 Goefficient Of Expansion: .0004416 ~alibration Value(mi): 189 'Channel: Level ~eg.ment ~om: 1 To 250 Temp Segment F~om: 100 To 300 , "J" ;J, I'l'l ~? ..... I'l'l :J.'l'"l I,,,i'l: ::: :::. ~hange In '~alibration Zone = 200 Calibration Unit (gal/unit)' = 0.00025 Stapting Temperatupe (F): 7~.048 Head Pressupe(col/in (Btm)): 81.0 Supface Apea(sq. in): 4.8 Temp. Change(F/h) : 0.041 Level volume(gph): 0.00 Temp. volume(gph): 0.00 Product Line(gph)~: N/A Net chan~e (gph) : 0~ 00 Result ----> P~ASS P/L ----> N/A ** Notes ** FIRESTONE ~3686 2331 CHESTER AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. THIS.IS A HIGH LEVEL. TEST iN A RISER WITH A :LX-CAL. ALL L.INES ARE FLOODED AND INCLUDED. CLAIM FOR PAYMENT ' COUNTY OF KERN ST^TE OF C^L,FORN,^ CLAIM OF Firestone Real 'Estate Leasing 'DATE 6-29r90 DEPARTMENT EH 2331 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 ADDRESS SOCIAL SECURITY OR INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT: '.EDE.AL TAX (1) CLAIM5 MUST BE SIGNED BY THE CLAIMANT AND APPEOVED BY THE HEAD OF THE DEPAETMENT BEFOEE SUB~SSION T~HE COUNTY AUDITOE-~ONTEOLLEE · (2; CLAIMANT PEEFOEMING SERVICE5 TO TWO O~ MOEE COUNTY DEPARTMENTS ~UST MAKE 5E~AEATE CLAIMS FOE EACN DEPAETMENT (3) CLAIMS FOE E~IMSUESEMENT OF TEAVEL EXPENSES MUST INCLUDE A STATeMeNT OF TNE PUEPOSE OF COUNTY BUSINE$5. {4) NO CLAIM5 WILL BE AUDITED DE ALLOWED UNTIL THE ABOVE EEQUIEEMENT$ HAVE BEEN MET, ?~-90 DESCRIPTION DOLLARS CENTS REFUND FOR PERMIT ~ 160033C-90 DUPLICATE PA~ DATE OF DEPOSIT 6-15-90 AROD $ 12768 DEPT. ~ 4113 REVENUE ~ 3398 FUND ~ 00001 100 O0 · TOTAL ~ 100 O0 The undersigned., under penohy of ~erlury. slates: Thai the above claim and the ,tems ore there~n set DUI ore true and correct., that no port thereof has been hereto. fare ~o,d: that ~he amounl thereto is iusHy due; ~nd thai the some ~s ~resen~ed no~ Io~er ~hon one year after lhe accrual of Ihe cause of ochon. ~1 MA NT 51ON'TUbE ~ ' DATE BELOW FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ExpendHure Authorized and Ap=roved By: ,A, UTHORiZE~-~r~RTMENTAL 5tGNATURE SUPERVISOR 0eDaftment No Clo*m Nc S,gnoture ~ole ContraCt NO P/F Fur~d Nr. co .............. ~ s 102 & & & & . c ..... co~,,. 102 & & .~& & & Audited and Allowed I 02 & & & & & ~UDITOR CONTROLLER ~o,, ' 1006 S ,,A,S, 580 ~zSz 3~5,52~ (Rev, 3/87) T O T A L I WORKSHEET FOR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AMOUNT TO REFUND .EASON FOR REFUND ~ ACCOUNTING SECTION: DEPT. NO . . .'q~E:' -, ':: ~ ~ ~.. , . .-~.- . _... '~: '~_.,,,_. ;., O0 '"':' "" ' ...... '" ~ ~ .... ~'~"~ .... :'" · ..%,~.::: ~:::,,~": =========================.~- ~_'~..:..:::.,~::: ..' [:1"~, "" : ~oo.oo.> ,~· ~ ,..?:::~ ',:.-.'-'-: '. :."-u.~_-::::,:~,::::x,.".::.,-..':~. - . ~ .. · ..... ~.. : ~.~:'. ,...,:. ~. '., - ., . . ~:-- : :. ',.- "?~. ' '.:L ...-:~:.:~ :~:*:':;z~'''.'~ ~- .--; ::" 'L- ' ~ ~ .--> .-. ~ _. . :. z-:~..,~ ..., :,, -, ,.,,, .. L ~..,~:,~.=-~,>,..--~':~:~. ~ , ~.~....~.,. · ~ ~ :.~ :: :. :,>.:.~.:,,-.,.-...:_..:~.. ======================= ~:..: :-: .~- ~ ~ · , ,,;.:- .... . . . . ~,:'- ..... -~. .: ~.. . ':. .:."~ ~'- ..~'. ~" . .... . .,~.. ....:,. ,: .,....::: .' ....: .~.: , ... : .. ".. .... .-': .:.:~:.' ::'. · .. ~ ' :~ ~ :~.~ . ~' " - TOTAL '..JlO0 O0 ~ '~L -- ~ '~ ' ; ~ ~:,- ~..~ '~CK . loo.oo 05/$4/~ 05 ~"'"~ ~ vo,~ O00L OC. ~- . ~ Il - .. ~., . ~.'. -~}~ .:, , ~~ ~': ~ ~ _.- . .... j:: -- ::..~ -~.:.: .,..~, ~. ' coufi~ COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH~ KERN:' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH .......... : -..:~ , ., ~:j -.-~ ..... :.~'~;> ,:~ .. ? ,> .... .. : ,:" . . :.'~,{-,...,: ,'. , , ]. CLAIM FOR PAYMENT couNTY OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLAIM"OF Firestone Real E'Jtate Leasing DATE 6-29-90 DEPARTMENT EH ADDRESS. 2331 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 (- SOCIAL SECURITY OR INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT: .FEDERAL TAX ,0 NO.,~]'~) ~' ~ ~ (I) CLAI~5 MuST BE ,SIGNED 8Y THE CLAIMANT AND APPROVED BY THE HEAO OF THE DEPARTMENT BEFORE SUBMI551ON TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR,CONTROLLER (2; CLAIMANT PERFORMING SERVICES TO TWO OE MORE COUNTY DEPARTMENTS MUST MAKE SEPARATE CLAIMS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT (3) CLAIMS FO~ REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES MUST INCLUDE A STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE OF COUNTY BUSINESS. 14) NO CLAIMS WILL 8E AUDITED OR ALLOWED UNTIL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET ~-90 D~SCm.Z~ON 00~CA~S CENTS REF~D FOR PERMIT' ~UPLICATE PAY~ DATE OF.DEPOSIT 6-15-90 AROD ~ 12768 DEPT. ~ 4113 REVENUE ~ 3398 FUND ~ 00001 100 O0 fore ~,d: fhol Ihe amounf lhete~n is lUSliy due: and /hal the tome *t presented no, later thom one year after Ihe accrual of Ihe cause of ochon. DONW sign flrm name · · sign YOUR name here. FOR FI~ING STAMP ONLY SUPERVISOR DeDa~men, No Claim NC ~,gno~u~e ~e ContraCt NO P/F Fu~,d Issue Dale' Ven~o, No 0esc~ol,ve P~Dose of C~m · L,~,~ to ~ S~oces c ..... co~,,, 102 & & & :& J& Audited and ..Allowed , tv 102 & & & & ~UDITOR CONTROLLER .A.S. 580 1151 395-52~ (Rev. 3~87) T O T A L , WORKSHEET FOR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AMOUNT TO REFUND /~. RECEIPT NO. SIGNATURE OF APP~OVA ACCOUNTING SECTION: DEPT.. NO. · REC[]VED Fi:Ill. .--- ~;~: -. , VED FROM:, ' :~. 100 00-.' ~L I [' ::: .. lOO.oo ~ ~ '~ : ~".' ~. -~ 06/14/~ O1 1'6:59' 0~1 0005 ~ .- '". ~ -2: ",: ~ I* fl, ~ee 100.00 _ ~ , ~ ,; TOTAL 100.00 ~ 05/14/~ 01 08:22 000! 0,:'/: '' .. ..... ~ -. .~ , :.._ COUN~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH KERN"COU~TM ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ....... . : ~_~ _ · '-~::~,~x~:~:.':~:.L' :'.,',:&' ," . ~;', ,~,¢F~r~,t.. '~ .... '. ' '.'"' -;"~':, h~.~- '~:.,~ '.,.:',; · · Firestone Tire & Rubber Cb. 7857 E. Florence Ave. #200 ~l;~e~;l~{~'~ Please reply CA 90240 SALES & SERVICE GROUP " ~'~ H~r-~  Real Estate OffiCe... (213)927- DATE: ./~.. /. /~. z~,~,~m~-~-/ /~/~/,~ ~'~. JOB: FIRESTONE STORE- Sent lemon :.. We are S'endi. ng you (x) herewith ( ) under separate cove}': ( ) Arch: Drawings ( ) L~tters ( ) Shop Drawings ( ) Invoice ( ) Specifications '. ( ) Survey ( ) Soil'Test .. (x) PRECISION LEAK -' (~) Photos (_) Proposal ( ) Contract ( ) T~.ST AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 2641 (4.3¢) OF THE CALIF. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS, WE HAVE UTILIZED MONITORING ALTERNATIVE NO. 7 FOR TANK GAUGING AND TANK TESTING FOR THE EXISTING SMALL UNDERGROUND WASTE OIL STORAGE TANK AT THIS LOCATION AS REQUIRED BY D.O.H.S. , WE HAVE ATTACHED A COPY OF THE APPROVED CERTIFICATE 0F PRECISION LEAK TEST AND TANK AND LINE TEST RESULTS AS PREPARED BY AES - ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL sYSTEMS, INC. 'WE BELIEVE YOU WiLL FIND THESE RESULTS SATISFACTORY AND REQUEST THAT THIS STORE BE ISSUED A CERTIFICATE TO OPERATE. PLEASE 'CONTACT WRITER' IF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED. ~ /<',/~'- -~'~~'- ~"~ Very truly yours, _K.J. LIND - CHZCAGO/34230 THE FIRESTO:iE T'IRE & RUBBER C0~qF'ANY M-E- DRAPCHO - B~ 62 _ '. CC' C-L- ~RZ%'STA~ - ~ ~. Real Estate Depart~.ent ST'n~ ~ ~~ By' VMW/ems A.E.S. ~ 'V. M. Wi{irich, Proj. Coor0inator ~4ssociated Environmental Systems~ Inc. P.O. Box 80427 ~a.ker. sfiel~ , CA .(~5) 2:93-2212 PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST .,RESULTS l~voice AddreSs: 'Tank Location: W.O. ff: RES I UNtE T t I,~E & i:<b~)BER FI RES i'0NE ~ 36,S6 I, O' NuMber= DUblNEY', CA 90240 BAKERSFIELD, CA Te~.~: 86118 Vanff:W/tJ"- I'R ~ac-111'~y Pnone~: ~i~5-;~-6~OZ 8r~u~d~ater Depth: 10~++. ~lue Prin~: ixl/~:.~ ' Contact: VINCE MILl_ER . Date;Time system was filled: 10/25/89, ~80 W/~ PASS PASS N/A NONE -:.;, N/A NONE SWS ~dditi~nat Info~-mationt WEAIHER- CLOUDY 65 DEGREES, TANK HAS 2" FILL NECK. 'IHNK W~S FILl_ED WIIH $~4 FUEL OiL FOR TESTING PURPOSES. S !'I'E LOG a_l; Up Equip: 1'.-, ~[ed P'rod,Jct LJ.~e~: i'-i/A Bled' ~apor Lines: N/R Bled ~ent tines: I',.I/R Rise~ lng'tailed: N/A i989 Ii?ts ~yste~ a~d ~ethod meets the cri'tet~ia .~et forth Any failure listed a~o~ve eay pequipe f'urthep action~ check all reg,Jla'to~y agencies. · ~ ~ ~-S /' .S y s t I I g'~-eci s i Leak. 1-est , 'l'i~e ~ta.~'t~d 16:1~=11 . ! HIgH LEVEL (FULL SYS~EN) I ~ I~~ ! ~allonS ~ I LO~ LEgEL( ) MiD LEVEL( )1 I I ~ound Wa. te~ 18'+ I TEST 1S ~ ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE *.N. NO~eS ** F.[liES'f'ONE # 3686 25~1 CHESTER AVE, ~ BfqKERSFIELD~., HI[~H LEVEL 1'ES'l,. I.X CALIB (J..~5 GALLONS), T'i~N~ HAS 2" FILL ' ~'-' Firestone Tire & Rubber . ~ ...--~-~'-~'.i---. 7857 E. Florence Ave. #200 L?? . ~i.'R.]ease reply Downey, CA 90240 SALES & SERVICE GRO,UP ' /.~ F~R WEST REGION' ~ent]emen' We are ~e~d~.~ you (x) ~erew~tn ( ) under separate cove~: ( ) Arch. Drawings ( ) Letters (- ) Shop Drawings ( ) Invoice ( ) Specifications" ( ) Survey .. ( ) Soil Test (x ) PRECISION LEAK ) TEST -, (~) Photos (_) Proposal ( ) Contract ( AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 2641 (4.3¢) OF THE CALIF. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS, WE HAVE UTILIZED MONITORING ALTERNATIVE NO. 7 FOR TANK GAUGING AND TANK TESTING FOR THE EXISTING SMALL UNDERGROUND WASTE OIL STORAGE TANK AT THIS LOCATION. AS REQUIRED BY D.O.~.S. · WE ~AVE ATTACHED A COPY OF THE APPROVED CERTIFICATE 'OF PRECISION LEAK TEST AND TANK AND LINE TEST RESULTS AS PREPARED BY AES - ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM~, INC. WE BELIEVE YOU WILL~ FIND THESE RESULTS SATISFACTORY AND REQUEST THAT THIS STORE BE ISSUED A CERTIFICATE TO OPERATE. PLEASE CONTACT WRITER IF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS REgUIRED- /~.~. _.~__~/~-~/,~/-~-'GZ Very truly yours, .~K.J. LIND - CHICAGO/34230 THE' FIRESTO:iE T/RE & RUBBER C01,:F'AN¥ _M.E. DRAPCHO - BK 62 _ CC' C_I.. ~RZYSTAK - R~ R2 Rea] Estate Department V. M. ~'i<lrich, Pro]. Coor0ina%or V;.lt~/ems a.E.s. ~HE. :~RES;O~ TIRE ~ ~UERE~ CO~,~PANY · P O BQX BI073. AM~ · CLSV~LANO. OHIO :~81~73 Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 80427 Bakersfiel'd, CA 933 (805) 393-2212 PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS · .Invoice Address: Tank Location.: W.O.#: 13473 FIRESTONE TIRE & RUFBER FIRESTONE I.D. Number: 3686 7857 FLORENCE AVE.'~200 2331 CHESTER AVE. Technician:BWH DOWNEY, CA. 90240 BAKERSFIELD, CA. Tech.~:88142 Van~:6105 Da~e: 11'20-90 Time S~art: 09:3~ ~nd: 12:00 ~oun~y: KE Facilit. y Phone~: (805)324-6457 S~oundwate~ Depth: 10'+ ·Blue Prints: N/A ~on~act: OINCE oR DONNA Date;Time system was filled: 24 HRS.+- .Tank Fill/Vent Product Type Of Vapor Inches of Pump -Tank Tank Capacity Product Tank ~Vapor Lines Line Recovery Water/Tank Type Materi 1 280 W/O PASS PASS N/A I 0" N/A SWS Additional Information: SITE 'LOG ~ TIME Set Up Equip: Bled Product Lines: N/A Bled Vapor Lines: N/A Bled Vent lines: N/A Bled Turbine: N/A Bled Suction Pump: N/A Risers Installed: 10:00 a) This system and method, meets the criteria set forth in NFPA #~9. b) Any failure listed above .may require further ·action, check with all regulatory agencies. -California O.T.T.L. Number : 9i.-1~69 ASSOCTRTED EN~fI~ONNENTAL SYSTEMS 288 G~L, 0 ~EHT 233]. CtESTER AVE, ~, FIRESTONE ' ' AES/gy~_st em. ~I I Precisi'o'n Leak Test. r-:>. O- DD, c.~ ~*¢ ,Ei~l,~,,"* ~.-~"~.' J~.,'t'~.l-, ~1. ¥~ '~. f' :1. ,~ ]. d., CP~ ~i.~ ~.]~,~ ( .i~Z~."~ ) InvOice No.: 13473 D~te: 11/20/90 Time : 10:09:54 Technician: BWH Tank: W/(] Tank Diameter(in): 46 Volume(~al): 280 Grade Level(in): 88 Product Level(in): 92 Wate~ Level 0n Tank(in): 0 Specific Gravity: 0.88 Coefficient 0f Expansion: .0004416 ~alibpation Value(mi): 189 Channel: 1 Level Segment From: 1 To 250 Temp~ Segment From: 100 To 300 L T E Jl J I" I'1 I',l '.:1 u T I .:::,., ~:~ . Clnange In Calibration Zone = 200 Calibration Unit(gal/unit) ~- 0.00025 Starting Temperature (F): 72. 048 Head Pressure (col/in (Btm)): 81~0 Surface Area(sq. in): '4.8 Temp. Chance(F/h) : 0.041 Level volume(gph).: 0.00 . ' Temp. 'volume(gph).: 0.00 Product Line(gph): N/A Net change (gph) : 0.00 Res~lt ----> PAS*S I:::::" / ---- ' A FIRESTONE $t:3686 2331 CHEST~:'R AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. THIS IS A HIGH LEVFL TEST ir,,I A RISIEI:~ WI]'H A ].X-CAL. ALL LINES ARE FLOOD[ED AND INCL_UDI.--ZD. FILE CONTENTS INVENTORy ~Permit to Operate ~ /~Oa~q~_~ (t~.t-~ Date []Construction Permit t " - Date [qPermit to abandon~ No. of Tanks Date · [-]Amended Permit Conditions []-]Permit Application Form, Tank Sheets., Flow Chart []Application to Abandon tanks(s) Date []Annual Report Forms []Copy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator []Inspection Reports [-]C.orrespo~dence - Received Date Date Da te []Correspondence - Mailed Da te Da te Da te ~]Unauthorized Release Reports []Abandonment/Closure Reports []Sampling/Lab Reports [-]MVF Compliance Check (New Constructi'on Checklist) [-]STD 'Compliance Check (New ~Construction Checklist) [-]MVF Plan Check (New Construction) []STD Plan Check (New Construction) []MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) [-]STD Plan Check (Existing Facility) ~-]"Incomplete Application" Form [Permit Application Checklist []Permit Instructions ~] Discarded [-]Tightness Test Results Date Da te Da,te []Monitoring Well Construction Data/Permits []]]Environmental Sensitivity Data: []]Groundwater °Drilling, Boring Logs' [qLocation of Water Wells []Statement of Underground Conduits DPlot Plan Featuring All Environmentally. Sensitive Data D Photos' []Construction Drawings Location: DHalf'sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, etc ~Miscellaneous ~/~~~, _ 1700 Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN 0 HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION " . ' Telephon..? (805) 861-3636 .... ,~,'; .... .~, .. ,~ '~.-~ .~, . . . '; _, ,~ .-,. ~': , :: , ,- .',:..~,, ~,DIREC"rOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH T NTERT M p~gRMT T TO OPERATE : . '.. ~.sUE~.:-.. :..::.:: , UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES .~llt~.~r~/ . ..-~.:' '::,'"'.': :,-:.:. .... ..':: <.:!-- ~:':~: '" :: ~.~.~. ",~::~.:/ '"',i.:"': STORAGE.... ,. FACILITY:, : . .. .... :.?:~~:~::"~("?NU)iBER 0P TANKS i ::'-' "'. ' ·'-FIRESTONE 'STORE #27E2" :-': :':- i:: :,: ':~??~i?!':!':1 ':':=}'/i?'?~ FIRESTON~ "REAL ESTATE LEASING ..,c ,:.._:.';'.?TANK = .::::~?.::' AGE~ IN' YRSI :."-:~::>J:.~?SUBs~ANcE C'0'D'~ '"~:'-?';!~RESS~RIZED PIPING? : . NOTE: ALL INTBRIN. REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING ========================================= : <.','.._ AUTHORITY ~UST BE NET DURING THg TER~ OF THIS PER~IT ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -._. :.- ...~ '...: . ~. . ::: .....:.:' :::.: ::. -., ., :::?.:.':::::~:::::?.::::'(~?:.?:. NON--TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON PRE~I SES " ~: ::: :?:::::.::::'.':-: ~:"'-: ::~;':' :..:-:3::: :~--'.:':::: '~" · .... : .,- . , -:::::. : . : . : : . ?: ;-:. :?~'. <:~.:::~..'.'.:-.-.:.'-.-..:.>. ':'..'': , ... .' ..':..... ":;.':..':'~"~.':~ 1~"'":' . ~ ':''::.~,.:.'.::..:'.'-/.::~/.:.~: . ':.:.:':: ' .'.:../:- .:' .....:' , ;:' · ..: .......'.... :':',::..,' .. ...- .... -..... -.'..'.- :~. . ~-.-' ....:.:.:. '::.:-....-. .... '.:' ...'.~.' .. ,... :...... ::::~..<.: ..... ,.' .... · '-- · '...::'. ~r~'~.~,-~.:<~ ..... :-:-- .~: .... : :.~:-: <: .. '. :- ."-'."'- ...... ~.'.<"', .... : ': ........... : ..... .. ....... ' '~:.':.' DtTE P:~IT .~I:~ :.'.: .... '..' ~ .. ,>.:..':~:.:' ..:.:: ~.'..'-:'-'. ;':.,.':"::.:..-:'::..::'-.: -. ".-... ".' '..'.-'.- :::'". .... ·" ::." .:'..::. '.:::.-.?': .-: ~..........'~ ':, :.~,.:.'::.'? ..: ..: ':.... :.' ':..' ~,:.-'::~ .;' '.:~.:.. ':'.:.::: :::::.. :.::.,...:.' ..' .' ... :...... :.. . -. :: ..: '.'....,: . . ..: ...'.:' -..:.:.... : ...:: ::.::.. :< .. .. ::.... :::.. '::.., < ~ :.:: ..: ::..~.'.;:;: :?:,'~ ...... :.?:.:;.:,..,, ?. ?..-..' ..:. ::~::' .......: '.'.... :.. ,'.: ::..':........ -::. :.:. .; .'.,:.: :..,.:;.':::: ::: ~ .., ::'.:"-: .-"... ,......- :.:.. '......'. ,: . :.... ..... ....,.~ ... ~ :.'::.....:.: · ...;:"..::::..~;:~:~. '.:., .,'.:/::.'..:'.:.::.'..'...:.: .': :... ': .: .~'.:,- ::: ;'::,,.-'.'~ .::...'.'..':',:'::/'.':'.:' .... · .......: · : , ' , . -. :..::'?:'.: .. -/.::.~..'.:...,::::.:..:..:'..:: :.":-. ..:... . :.......: .. ¥:...::... '..... :.....-.'' ::'~: ..: :..'-.:..:. · .....: .... . . ...: '.... .- . ... .... . . ......... _ "~'~t~'?':~;'~"t~ P]ease reply {o: 6333 Telegraph Road SAL~S&SE,V, CEG,OU~ '.' LOS Ange]es~ CA 90040 FAR WEST REGION Real' EsZate'Office- '(213) 720-1564 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. DATE: JULY 14, 19~B ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION J0~' FIRESTONE STORE #3686 1700 FLOWER STREET '2'331 CHESTER AVE B~KERSFIELD, CA 93305 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Gent 1 ~,nen: We are sending you (X) herewith ( ) under separate cover:. - ( ) Arch. Drawings ( ) Let]:ers ( ) Shop Drawinos ' ( ) !nvoice. - - Freclslon ( ) Specifications ( ) Survey ( ) Soil Test (X) Leak Test ( ) Photos ( ) Propesa] ( ) Contract" ( As outlined in Section 2641 (4.3c) of The Calif. Undergro~n~ Tank Requlations. we have ut~!~d Hon~tor~Dc A~rn~t~?~ storace tank at this location. As recn~ired bv D.O.H.S., we have attach_ed These are' ( ) For approval. (.) Approved. (X) For your use/information. , ( ) Approved As ~'-~ ( ) For review and commen~s. ( ) Rezurned for corrections. ( ) Resubmit ~ coples for approval. ( ') Subm~.t copies for distribution. ( ) Return corrected prin~.s. F:e:7.ar.~.£: a copy of the approved Certificate of Precision Leak Test and Tank and Line Test Results as prepared by ARS - Associated Environmental S.vstems, Inc. We believe you will find these results satisfactory and' request that this store be issued a Certificate t.o Operate. Please contact writer if additional information is required. D.M. AUGENSTEIN BK 62 Very %ruly yours, M.E. DRAPCHO BK '62 K.J. LIND - CHICAGO-34230 THE FIRESTONE TiRE & RUBBRR COMPANY "~C' C.L. KRZYSIAK BI~ 62 D_p:. tm.nt . M-Alq/<ET # 3600 V'~W/emsA'E'S' V.M. W'i~lrich~ Pr~j. Coordinator THE FIRE~TONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY , P.O. BOX 81073 AMF - CLEVELAND. OHIO 4-4181-0073 " CERT~ICAT~E OF PREClSIOI~EAK TEST c.,,,~.,,o.# Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. has tested and certifies 887o83 the following: DATE:' 07/0~/88 CERTIFIED TESTER: KEH # 87129 LOCATION: Firestone t~3686 2331 Chester Ave., Bakersfield~ CA TANKS: TANK LINE PROD/LINE 2. x x X X x X X x x x x × × x x × × × ANY FAILURE LISTED MAY REQUIRE 3. ;x;xxxxx ;xxxx xxxx ××x× NOTIFICATION OFAGENCY. 4. xxxxxx ~XXXX XXxx Xxxx 5. xxxxxx x×x.x x xxx X Xxx 6. x x x.x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x . Recertification Date Recomme Associated Environmental S~,stems, Inc. Ho~ Office P.O. Box 80427, Bakersfield, CA 93380 · ~15 / 393-2212 JUL 198 Baker`sfield, CA 95380 TI:INK & L~NE TEBT RESUI. T8 - Invoice Addr`ess: Tank Location: - W.O.#s 7083, FIRESTONE R~,'-.L ESTATE FIRESTONE~3~ .T.D. Number-: ,~686 6~33 TELEGRAPH ~D. ~1 CHESTER AVE. Te~hni~ian~KEM LOS ANGELES CA. 90040 BAKERSFIELD CA. Tech.~:871~9 Va~6102 Date: 07-06-88 Time ~ta~t: 14:33 Endf 16:30 Countys KE Facility Phone~: 805 ~24-6457 ~ou~dwate~ Depth: 50 FT+ Blue P~in~s~ N/A Contactm VINCE~ : ~ DatelTime system was filled: 07/05 14:00 Tank Fil 1/Vent Ppoduct Tyge Of Vapor In. es of ~ump .~Tank Tank Capacity Product Tank Vapo~ Lines Line ~ecove~y Water/Tank mype Nate~ial 1 ~80 W/O PASS PASS N/A N/A 0 N/A SW~ ~ , 6 Additional In~op~ation: CLEAR 80 DEGREES SITE LOG TIME Set Up Equip: 14::30 Bl'ed Pr`oduct Lines: N/A Bled Vapop Linesl N/A Bled V~nt lines: 14:~5 Bled Turbine: N/A Bled Suction Pump: ~ N/A ~iser`s Installed: N/A These. pesults obtained usin§ the patented.A.E,S./Br`ockman system. This system and metho'd ~eets the cpiter`ia set Any failur`e listed above may r`equtpe fur`ther` action, check with ASSOC'IAT. ED ENVIRONMENT AL SYSTEMS .FTRESTOHER · ~ ]~i~KERSFIELD ~ Si f~e La:jouJ; For ' 7083 ' " , AES/Bpockman PpecisiOn. Leak Test I Technician KEM ~ CalibPation Value ~7 UNITS =00-~ Gal. I I Date ?/6/88 System. Vapiation ! UNITS I GPH I I Time Stapted 14:~ HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I y ~7 I I Gallons ~ ~80 LOW ~EVEL( ) MID LEVEL( )1 I I I Tank Diametep 49 PRODUCT LINE I I .. I I Gpound Watep ~0 FT+ TEST IS. ~PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE I I .TEST CONDUCTED ~T ~5- INCHES GRADE LEVEL RT ~3 INCHES ' I **' Not es FIRESTONE ~31 CHESTER nVE. SAKERSFIELD CA. ~:/~x~.- JUl 1 4 1988 HIGH LEVEL TEST CALIB. = IX - ~ CLEAR 80 DEGREES Division of Envirormental~{ .t]~ ~pplicat~ ~te 1700 Flo%mr Street' ~rsfield, ~ 93305 " ~~ ~ ~T ~ 0~ · O~ F~ility - o~i~ication o~' ~ility ~isti~ ~ili~ O~fer o~ ~~i '~ ~e~ 24-~ ~nt~t (~, ~ c~, ~): ~ Vince Miller-' (805)324-6457 ~fli~ '~ 'Firestone' Store ~27E2 ~ N/A .~, of ~ of ~ine~ (~k): ~li~ S~tion ~r (~ri~) Auto Service Xm ~(s) U~ ~cl~ively ~r ~ri~lt~al ~~s~ :Yes X~ ~ili~ ~ress 233~ Chester St.. Bakersfield. ~are~ ~o~'~, ~ ~~. ~ ' '- R S~ (~ ~atio~ ~ -- ~r Fir~tnn~ Real Estate Imaging ~n~ ~r~ 81.5 Superior Ave.':Cleveland-ON .~ip 44114 ~rator Firestnn~ Tir~ ~'~,hh~r Co= ~n~ ~r~n Vince Miller -. Storm Mg ~re~ 17842 S~v Park Blvd_.lrvin~=CA Zip 92714 ~le~ [8053 274-6457 B. ~t~ ~ FKili~ '~id~ by N/A : ~ ~ ~o~ter ~il ~~risti~ at ~ility ~sis for ~il ~ a~ Cro~t~ ~ ~mi~ti~ ~re~ Zip ~le~ ~o~ S~rti~ ~ ~o~ ~pl~ion ~ker's C~~tim ~rtification S D. If ~s ~mit Is ~r ~ification Of ~ ~isti~ ~ili~, ~iefly ~ri~ ~i[ica~c '~o~ E. ~(s) S~re (~k all ~t a~ly): T~ ~ ~s~ ~t ~tor Vehicle U~~ R~la~ ~el ' ~ · 0 0 0 0 D 0 O- 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~cal ~s~t~on o~ ~ter~als S~or~ .(m~ n~es~ry for ~tor Ta~ t ~cal Stor~ (~c~,~rcial ~) ~ I (if k~) ~ical pr~io~ly Store (if' differ~t) Transfer of Ownership Date of Transfer .Previous' Owner Pre~ious F~cility Na~e I, accept fully all 'c~ligations of Pennit ~0. issued' I ur~erstard that the penuittirg authority may review modify or tezminate the ~ansfer of the penuit to operate this ~derground storz facility upon receivirg this completed zhis fora has~ ¢~t~u~ m~lty of mrj=¥~a~ to the ~ of ~y ~ow~ t=u. a,~ co=r~c;f.~, /// / '~ .~ / .~ '/ / ,,~~.~../.' ,/,'~/ / HYDRO-SEARCH, INC. ~ // / / ,--,/ 1. ~ ~ Tank is.-' (]Vaulted ~Non-Vaultad ODouble-Nall x~Stn~le-Nall 2. Tank · X.Z]Carbon Steel .nStainless Steel oPol~vinyl (~l°~ide OFibe~qlaSS-Cled Steel -nFiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (]Concrete O~l~in~n oBronze n~nknown n Other (describe) Da~ Installed ~hickness (Inches) Capacity (Callous). Manufacturer 1980 ' ' ODouble-Wall [~synthetic r.tner oLin~d Vault x~None n~l~kno~m oOther (describe): O~aterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) '5. Ta~k {~,,'im: Llul~ . . Dl~bber O~E~d hE, oxY nPhenolic ri(]lass nCla~ n~nlined X~3nkno~ oOthe~ .(describe): 6. T~nk Co~o~to~ '. ncalvanized (]Fiberglass-Clad npolFethyle~e Map oVlnyl ~aP~inq . .- nTa~ o~ Asphalt X~]Unknown (]None nOthe~ {describe): Cathodic ~-tioo: nNone n]~nf~es_~__ C~rent S~stem nSsoriflcial ~nede ~yst~ Describe S~sten & Equipment: ~ "-' ' a. Tank: nVisual (vaulted tanks only) nC~our~ Monitoring Nell(s) nVadose Zone Monitorin~ Nell (s) nD-Tube Nithout Line~ -. nU-T~be with C~patible Line~ Dirsctir~ Flow to Monitoring Well(s) DVapar Detector nr3quid ~evel Sensor (]Co~d~tivity Sensor nP~essu~e Sensor in P~nula~ Space o[ Double Nall Tank nLiquid Ret~ieval & Inspection F~n O-T~be, Mc~itorir~ Nell or 7emula~ nDaily Caugin~ & Inventor~ Reconciliation nPeriodic Tiqhtnesa Testing X~N~e nt~kno~ nother b. PiPing: Z)Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) Eot l~essu~ized Piping-.. nMonitoring S~p with Race~y DSealed Concrete llaceway nflalE-Out Conpatible pi~e Racewa~ ~Sl~thetic Line~ llacew~ nNor~ X~Onkno~ n Other Describe ~onitoring ~e~t~. for Above: Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? (]Yes (]No ~l]nkno~a~ Date of Last Tightness Test Results ~ Test Test Nane Testing Ocm[mny .. Tank Repaired? OYes (]No XI~Unkno~n Date(s) of nepair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Oeerflll (]Opekator' Fills, Controls, &VisuaIly Monitors Level OTape Float Gaucje OFloat Vent Valvss [ilAuto Shut- Off Oontrols (]Capacitance Sensor ~Sealed Fill Box ~None · oOther: Pescribe C~nlx~ents of Slmt~0: a. (~dergroun~ Piping: OYes OHo X~(~(7~u~ Mate£ial Thickness (inches) Dia~ete~ ManufactU~e~ OP~essure OSuction OC~a~ity '~t~=ox~-~,te T~mgth of Pi~e ~ b. Undergroun~ Piping Corrosion Protection : O Galvanized OFiberglass-Cled nlml~essed Current O Sscriflcial ~ o Polyethylene W~ap oElect=ical Isoiation o¥inyl Wrap OTa~ oz As~t X~]Unknown ONO~e OOther (describe): c. Un~ergrou,~ Pipi,~, Secor~a~y Contaiment: ODouble-Wall oSynthetic Ciner Syste, XE]None OOther (describe):