HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1 L4 W OFFICES OF . '" ' l l0'South Montcl~ir, suite 203 .,~ . :'..':-' · · '~,. wG~R~oM~DF~cltIN B~er~field,. California93309: .: .. : ' ' ' '.'~ , . ': . ~RRY~. - ~ ' ' " 'Telephone (805)396:0451 .... ' ' .... -. . . Telecopier.. (805). 396:0453' 6P?i122 1996' ' BA~RSFIELD FIRE-DEPARTMENT ~. ,., ,,... ,. · _- I715 Chester~Avenu.¢ .::. - - ~ ...... -, ' Bakersfield~ CA'9330.1 ,..~ ,..., . -.":' . ~:~ RE:- Site: 3100 Chester' Avenue;: Bakersfield;, .California-. · .- -:':' '. We represent Kern: High School ~District 'wi&. te~ard to Soi) and' r' ' at ~e abo~e site. ~oUr'c6fisul~nt, Ran, : you have, agreed to a ~ dy Me.at Pacific "- .,~ g 0undwater'conmmin · un . : . ,....llow the Coun t0 · Ge0tecMlval Associ ". .... aUon .derground: ~ m~o~.,._z~ . ~. .-supe~lse.. ~e cl~a .... s~t¢ characterization r ~6rt . . ~ s~te.on or about A ri1' .... _ .ruination. assocmted wi~ ' '' -- ---Enclosed please:fihd a copy,of th; 'si;e" ': - · ' ..... character~ation report., .dated iUly 29,.'1994; ')or. ~e . above site. Should: YOU ha~e anyquesdons or need additibnal, information please do not hesitate t6 .contact me.,",, ' . ~ · ,.~ . : ....Very ,truly yours, . ". ~.~: .-, ''. Efidl0sure ,'.. : . : , 73.13/~SD _ . "- . -'-.'- · :.. ~ , -,,."." ,. ': j' - SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT OLD MAINTENANCE YARD 3100 CHESTER AVENUE For The Kern High School District 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, California / Prepared By ~ Ge o technical Associates, Inc. 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Bakersfield, California 93309 (805) 324-7768 july 29, 1994 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT OLD MAINTENANCE YARD 3100 CHESTER AVENUE Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 1 2.1 SITE HISTORY ......................................................................................... 2 2.2 IDENTI~ED SITES FOR INVESTIGATION ..................................... 4 3.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ................................... ., ................................................. 6 3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 6 3.2 SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES ........................................................ 6 3.3 WATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES ................................................. 9 4.0 FINDINGS ............................................................................................................ 10 4.1 SOIL PROFILE .......................................................................................... 10 4.2 IMPACTED SOILS ................................................................................... 10 4.3 GROUNDWATER .................................................................................. 11 5.0 EVALUATION .................................................................................................... 12 5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 12 5.2 PUMP STATION SITE ........................................................................... 12 5.3 ABOVE GROUND STOl<AGE TANK SITES ............... · ..................... 13 5.4 UNDERGROUND PRODUCT PIPING SITES .................................. 14 5.5 TRUCK WASH SITE ........................................................................... L. 14 5.6 FUEL DISPENSER SITE ......................................................................... 14 5.7 WAREHOUSE FLOOR DRAIN (DRY WELL) SITE ........................ 15 5.8 PR(2)DUCTION PIPING TRANSFER POINT SITE ............ .............. 16 6.0 CONCLUSIONS .......... ? ....................................................................................... 17 6.2 PUMP STATION PLUME ..................................................................... 17 6.3 FUEL DISPENSER PLUME ................................................................... 17 6.4 WAREHOUSE FLOOR DRAIN (DRY WELL) PLUME ................... 18 6.5 OTHER SITES .......................................................................................... 18 6.6 GROUNDWATER .................................................................................. 18 7.0 GROUNDWATER RISK ASSESSMENT ...................................................... 20 7.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 20 7.2 DATA ........................................................................................................ 20 7.3 GEOLOGY ................................................................................................. 22 7.4 WATER WELLS ...................................................................................... 22 7.5 GROUNDWATER .................................................................................. 23 7.6 THREAT TO GROUNDWATER RESOURCES ............................... 24 Pacif!c Geotechnical Associcrt~s, Inc. page i Table o~ Contents (Continued) 8.0 REMEDIAL Action Options .............................................................................. 25 8.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 25 8~2 GEOLOGY ........... ' ...................................................................................... 25 8.3 PUMP STATION PLUME ................................................ ; .................... 25 8.3.1 Option 1/No Action ................................................................. 26 8.3.2 Option 2/ Ex Situ Bioremediation ........... ~ ............................. 26 8.3.3 Option 3/Excavation And Backfill ............................. : ........... 27 8.3.4 Recommended Action ............................................................. 27 8.4 DISPENSER ISLAND PLUME .............................................................. 28 8.4.1 Option 1/No Action ................., ............................................... : 28 8.4.2 Option 2/Passive Venting ...................................................... 29 8.4.3 Option 3/ In Situ Bioremediation ......................................... 29 8.4.4 Recommended Action ............................................................. 30 8.5 WAREHOUSE FLOOR DRAIN (DRY WELL) Plume ..................... 30 8.5.1 Option 1/No Action .................... ; ..................... ....................... 30 8.5.2 Option 2/Partial Excavation And In Situ ........................... Bioremediation ...... .................................................................... 31 8.5.3 Option 3/Excavate and Backfill ...................................... , ..... : 31 8.5.4 Recommended action ....................... ~ ....................................... 32 8.6 GROUNDWATER RISKS ..................................................................... 32 9.0 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................... 33 10.0 CLOSING .............................................................................................................. 34 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Plot Plan showing investigation sites ................................................. 3 Figure 2. Plot Plan showing soil borings and plumes ....................................... 7 Figure 3 Plot Plan showing groundwater well completions ........................... 21 Cross Section A - A' . ................................................................................... End of Text Cross Section B - B' . ........... : ........................................................................ End of Text APPENDICES Appendix A Logs of Soil Borings Appendix B Laboratory Results Appendix C Chain of Custody Documents Pacific Geotechnical .A~ociates, Inc. -. page ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. has conducted site characterization studies at the Old Maintenance Yard, Kern High School District, 3100 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The intent of these'studies was to; 1) locate and identify product and waste release sites on the property, 2) determine the vertical and horizontal extent of impacted soils at identified release sites and 3) investigate the potential threat to groundwater. Potential release sites of concern are related p'rior activities at the property involving the bulk transfer, storage and distribution of petroleum products. Previous facilities located on the property included above ground gasoline and diesel storage tanks, buried and exposed bulk product pipelines and associated pumping facilities, dispenser island, railroad spur and petroleum product transfer point, tanker truck wash rack and associated buildings. With exception of the warehouse, some of the underground piping and a dry well, all the facilities have been removed or destroyed This report addresses the findings of the site characterization field study and recommends appropriate remediation options. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 1 Old Maint. Yd., Site ~,. Report - 7/29/94 2.0 PROJECT DESCRI~ON 2.1 SITE HISTORY Previous ownership records indicate that the historical use of the subject property was for oil field services and bulk distribution of gasoline, diesel, and other petroleum products. Aerial photographs show that in the past at least four above ground tanks, numerous pipelines and a pump station existed on the property. All surface manifestations of these structures have been removed with the exception of four fuel pipelines which originate on the south side of the corrugated steel warehouse and proceed northerly to points beneath the warehouse where they disappear underground. Due to these past activities on the property, the Kern High School District (KHSD) contracted Soil Engineering, Inc., (SEI) in September, 1993, to perform an environmental site assessment. This work Consisted of seventeen (17) soil borings to "provide an initial assessment of the site from an environmental perspective". Laboratory analyses of samples from four of the soil borings had concentratiorts of Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylene (BTEX) and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) above "Action Levels" as established by the State Department of Water Resources guidance document entitled "L.U.F.T. Field Manual", dated October, 1989. On January 19.t 1994, the Kern High School District contracted Strata Geophysical, Inc. to perform a geophysical survey on the subject property to locate subsurface pipelines and other buried objects which could be the source of the soil contamination found in SEI's site assessment. The survey resulted in the location of several magnetic anomalies in the open area north of the corrugated warehouse [see Figure 1]. On January 25, 1994, the Kern High School District contracted Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. (PGA) to pothole five areas identified by the geophysical survey. Three were large magnetic anomalies and two were isolated pipes. The pothole investigation uncovered several pipelines, ranging from larger product pipelines to smaller electrical conduit and water Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 2 Scale (f~) Geotechnical Associates, Inc. 0I .25' Old Maintenance Yard - 3100 Chester Ave. . .s · PLOT PLAN -.- Inves ation Sites ~ Storage I Author, F~A KHSO03 i. I Fence t Truck Wash Dispenser ~ s~auor Above Ground'~ ~- 8 I) (Slant 10° N) ' ~ P~U~ Pipi~ Tr~er Poi~ Site Old Maint. Yd., Site C~{_i~. Report" ~" 7/29/9~ lines. In two of the five excavations a strong gasoline odor and discolored soil were encountered at approximately three feet below-the surface and continued to the deepest part of the holes, which were four to seven feet. The KHSD then requested that PGA conduct a site characterization to determine the extent and concentrations of contaminants at the site. 2.2 IDENTIFIED SITES FOR INVESTIGATION Based on a interviews, areal photographs, legal documents, geophysical investigations, previous work by SEI, pot holes by PGA and visual observations seven potential release sites were identified. These are as follows: 1) Pump Station Site (removed) - Product pipelines were geophysically traced to an area of convergence immediately north of the warehouse (see Figure 1). This area was explored with two potholes which both encountered gasoline contaminated soil.. The potholes revealed numerous product pipelines converging into an area with remnant structural concrete pieces several feet on a side. All pipelines had been cut off except for one which continued northeastward off the property: The evidence suggests that this was a pump facility with valves and manifold for receiving fuel shipments .and distributing products to tanks on the property. 2) Above Ground Storage Tank Sites (removed) - Four above ground storage tanks were located on the site as seen in areal photographs (see Figure 1). 3) Underground Product Piping Sites - Three product pipeline routes were identified which required investigation. As seen .in Figure 1 these include; a.) a pipeline oriented northeast extends from the northeast corner of the warehouse and proceeds off the property, · b.) a northeast trending pipeline extending from the pump station site and continuing off the property, and c.) multiple pipelines trending northerly from the warehouse approximately 25 feet west Pacific Geotechnical Associotes, Inc. page 4 O18 Maint. yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 of the pump station site which are cut off 20 feet north of the , -' warehouse as docume'hted by pothole. 4) Truck Wash Site (removed) - A truck wash is believed to have been located northwest of the above ground storage tanks based on interviews. 5) Fuel Dispenser Site (removed) - A fuel dispenser island located 50 feet west of the above ground fuel tanks was'described in interviews and verified in areal photographs (see Figure 1). Electrical conduit was traced from the warehouse to the vicinity of the dispenser island during the geophysical survey. 6) Warehouse Floor Drain (Dry Well) Site - A drain in the raised concrete floor near the center of the warehouse was observed during an inspection of the property. This drain empties to a slotted barrel placed in the ground directly below the floor drain. The dry well was reported to the Kern County Environmental -I-Iealth Services Department (KCEHSD). KCEI-ISD designated it a Class V Injection well subject to evaluation and closure under guidelines determined by the Federal EPA and administered by the KCEHSD. 7) Prqduct Piping Transfer Point Site - Four product pipelines Start at a loading site on the southeastern side of the warehouse. A door in the side of the warehouse provides access to the pipelines which are fitted with connection nipples and covers and valves. The pipelines are labeled with various trade names for gasoline and fuel oil products. A railroad spur (now abandoned) serviced the warehouse on this side. The site appears to be a transfer point for bulk fuels. The above sites represent the probable sources of product release identified in soil borings by SEI and pot hole investigations by PGA. Close proximity of impacted soils to one of these sites is strong circumstantial evidence for the origin of the release. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 5 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 3.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 3.1 INTRODUCTION The purpose and scope of 'this study is to define the vertical and horizontal extent of soil contamination related to above ground gasoline and diesel storage tanks and associated buildings which have since been removed, and related piping. The sampling program described below was followed to achieve this end. 3.2 SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES On March 23rd, 28th, and April 4th, 1994, a total of twenty-one exploratory soil borings were advanced at the locations shown in Figure 1. Personnel of PGA supervised soil boring operations and collected and described samples for laboratory analyses. Drilling services were provided by Melton Drilling Company of Bakersfield, California. Soil boring locations were selected by PGA personnel based on previous findings and field observations. The positions of the borings were later determined for mapping purposes using a measuring tape. The soil borings were advanced using a Mobile Drill B-53 drill rig equipped with an ten-inch diameter, continuous flight, hollow stem auger. Samples were collected using a hammer driven, split spoon sampler lined with 2.5-inch by six-inch brass rings. , On March 23rd soil boring P1 was continuously sampled while being advanced from surface grade to a total depth of 40 feet to provide detail stratigraphic control' at the property. Core samples were obtained for soil borings P2 and P3 at five foot intervals starting at approximately 5 feet. On March 28th and April 4th, soil borings P4 through P21 were advanced, Soil samples were obtained at five foot intervals from approximately 5 feet to total depth. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 6 -- I Scale (fl:) ical Associates, Inc. 0 25' 50' Kern High School District I I ! Old Maintenance Yard - 3100 Chester Ave. .~ ~ PLOT PLAN ' ~ _._~ ' Soil Borings & Plume Map Auger: PGA I Pr°lect: Fence t Buried - - -~ - - - x,- - - -x --- -- t Pipeline -- t Pothole Location · .w~,~ N Removed i;Ue~ P5 Facilities Site Dispenser eP8 ~s[and Plume // eP1 PGA Soil ~-,.~ Boring ? t Pll '" ~ A ' A / ~ Cross ~' A' Section ,,~-% P1 / ,..._~ ( P1 P21 I I! Warehouse Floor P2~ t / i Drain (Dry Well) Plume /A' ~ ' Warehouse PI: (Slant I ~ ,~ P19 (Slant 10° N) Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 On May 4, 1994 soil boring P22 was advanced to 15 feet with a hand auger immediately adjacent to Pl. Soil samples at~10 and 15 f~et were recovered for analysis of diesel product. On May 26, 1994 an attempt was made to remove the dry well and obtain a soil sample from 20 feet below the well using a hand auger. TI'ds failed and it was determined that a significant effort would be required to. accomplish these goals due to the structural obstructions posed by the building. Soil descriptions were made by a PGA registered geologist, and consisted of soil type, grain size, color, texture, sorting, inclusions, odor, and other distinguishing features. A Foxboro Model 128/FID Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) detector was used to field screen samples for volatile organic compounds (VOC's). This measurement was recorded in parts per million (ppm) as methane, and was taken from brass ring of the soil sample immediately after recovery. Soil borings were advanced to a least 15 feet or until field screening measurements fell below 5 pPm or until auger refusal. Samples selected for laboratory analysis had both ends inspected for lithology and were then immediately sealed with laboratory film, plastic covers and secured with duct tape. Each sample was labeled, placed in an ice chest and maintained at 4' degrees Celsius. Selected soil samples from the same core were sent to two laboratories for comparisons of results and to insure accuracy. Samples were delivered to Zalco Laboratories in Bakersfield or Picked up by Atkins Environmental Help Labs located in Ventura. Chain of Custody procedures were followed (see Appendix C). Soil samples for borings P1 through P21 samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene (BTEX), and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TI)H-G) using EPA methods 8020. Soil samples for soil boring P13 were also analyzed for CAM 17 metals using EPA methods 6010, 7061, 7471, and 7741, and volatile organics using EPA method 8260 to satisfy KCEHSD requirements for a Class V injection well. Soil samples for P22 were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-D). Soil samples for P23 were analyzed for TPH- Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 8 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 G, TPH-D, chromium, lead and selenium. The results of the analysis are presented in-Appendix B. ' The split spoon sampler and the brass tubes were washed with a non- phosphate detergent and rinsed with water between samples to insure quality control. After the samples were obtained, and the operations' complete, the bore holes were filled with concrete. Spoils from the augered soil borings were placed in a 55-gallon drum, sealed and stored on site. 3.3 WATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES Groundwater was encountered in borings P1, P3, P4, and P12 at depths of 31 to 33 feet below grade (see Cross Sections). Water samples were retrieved using a disposable bailer. The fluid samples were collected in laboratory supplied 40 ml VOC vials and 1 quart sample jars and stored in an ice chest at or below' 4°C. All samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene (BTEX), and total hydrocarbon (TPH-G) using EPA methods 8020. Chain of Custody procedures were followed (see Appendix C). Pacific G~ .:':technical Associates, inc. page9 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report .7/29/94 4.0 FINDINGS 4.1 SOIL PROFILE As seen in Cross Sections A-A' through E-E' and the Soil Boring Logs (Appendix A), the upper 18 to 19 feet of the soil profile consistS of sequences of fine to very fine sand, silty sand, and sands with little fines that are poorly to well graded. At approximately (19) nineteen feet below surface grade, there is a sequence of poorly to well graded coarse gravels with cobbles up to (4) four inches in diameter. Soil borings commonly encountered auger refusal and poor sample recovery in this sequence. 4.2 IMPACTED SOILS As summarized in Appendix B, and the cross sections soil borings P1, P3, P4, P6, PI'0, P13 and P16 encountered product affected soils with significant concentrations of TPH-G (> 1000 mg/kg ). The impacted soils a_re confined to three general areas. The largest-area of product affected soil is related to the Pump Station Site. Soil borings Fl, P3, P4, P6 and Fl6 encountered impacted soils with significant concentrations of TPI-I-G. The greatest vertical extent of the plume was encountered by soil boring P1 which had TPH-G concentrations as high as 660 mg/kg at a depth of 21.5 feet. Soil boring P13 encountered a product plume assodated with the Warehouse Floor Drain Site. The maximum concentration of TPH-G encountered was 1,770 mg/kg at 7.5 feet (true vertical depth of approximately 6 feet). Soil boring P10 encountered a product plume associated with the Dispenser Island Site. The maximum concentration of TPH-G encountered was 8,417 mg/kg at 10.5 feet. Soil borings investigating the other four suspected sites either encountered no detectable concentrations of product affected soil or encountered plumes associated with the sites mentioned above. ~ Pacific Geofechnical Associates, Inc. page 10 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 4.3 GROUNDWATER Visual observations indicated soil moisture levels typical of the vadose zT~ne in the upper thirty feet of the soil profile. Groundwater was encountered in soil borings P1, P3, P4, and P12 at depths of 31 to 33 feet below surface grade. Water samples were collected and submitted for labo. ratory analysis. The results of the water analyses are presented in Appendix B. Groundwater is significantly impacted with TPH-G and BTEX. Concentrations of TPt-I-G as high as 58 mg/l and BTEX as high as 11.6 mg/1 (sum) were encountered in soil borings P1, P3 and P4. No detectable concentrations of TPH-G were encountered at soil boring P12 and only ethyl benzene and xylene were found in detectable concentrations (.007 mg/l and .017 rog/1 respectively). Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 11 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7129/94 5.0 EVALUATION 5.1 INTRODUCTION This section evaluates the findings of the investigation with .regard to the location, vertical and lateral extent of affected soil and the condition of groundwater on the property. This evaluation is used to develop the conclusions and recommendations found later in the report. Soil borings were advanced to investigate the seven probable release sites described in Section 2.0 and to verify and/or further delineate the impacted soil observed in soil borings B4, B9, B13 and B15 advanced by SEI. The close proximity of many of the sites allowed some borings to serve as multiple site evaluation tools.. Three product plumes were delineated. The plumes appear to be related to the Pump Station Site, the Dispenser Island Site and the Warehouse Floor Drain Site. 5.2 PUMP STATION SITE The largest product plume identified appears t© be related to the pump station site. This plume extends more than 60 feet northward of the pump station site. The latera, 1. extent of the plume is inconsistent with a single point source in sandy soil cbnditions. It is believed that piping associated with the pump station extended northward into the affected area and was responsible for multiple release points in addition to the main release point at the pump station. This piping has since been removed. The greatest vertical extent of the plume was encountered by soil boring P1 with TPH-G concentrations of 660 mg/kg at a depth of 21.5 feet. Soil borings P3, P4, P6 and P16 encountered shallow impacted soils with concentrations of TPH-G >1000 mg/kg at depths consistently less than 15 feet below surface grade. Concentrations in these soil borings decreased dramatically by 15 feet to none detected or slightly above action levels (100 mg/kg TPH-G). The maximum concentrations of TPH-G and BTEX (38,588 mg/kg, and 46.81 Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 12 Old Maint. yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 mg/kg, 1,254.96 mg/kg, 647.23 mg/kg and 4,748.36 mg/kg respectively) were - encountered in soil boring P6 at 5.,~ feet. ' " Soil borings P2, P5, P14, P15, P17 and P18 define the maximum lateral extent of the plume in six directions. With the exception of soil boring P15 (with 308 mg/kg TPH-G at 10.5 feet), soil samples from these borings had no detectable concentrations of product. ' The maximum lateral extent of the plume with TPH-G concentrations >than 500 mg/kg is shown as shaded in Figure 1. Soil boring P22 was advanced immediately adjacent to soil boring P1 to sampl~ the plume for TPH-D. Soil samples recovered at 10 and 15 feet had concentrations of TPH-D of 1,650 mg/kg and 2,100 mg/kg respectively. These concentrations are somewhat less than the concentrations for TPH-G at the same depths in soil boring Pl. This indicates that a mixed product release occurred at the site in nearly equal proportions. Due to the size of the plume and the vertical extent of product concentrations seen in soil boring P1, the pump station site is the most likely source for the product found on groundwater. 5.3 ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK SITES Potential product release from the four above ground storage tanks (removed) Was)nvestigated with soil borings P7 and P8. Soil boring P7 is located in the center of the area which once was the site of a cluster of three above ground horizontal tanks. This boring was advanced to 16.5 feet. Soil samples recovered at 5.5 feet, 10.5 feet and 15.5 feet had no detectable concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX. Soil boring P8 is located in the center of the area which once was the site of a large vertical tank. This boring was advanced to 18 feet. Soil samples recovered at 5.5 feet, 10.5 feet and 16 feet had no detectable concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 13 Old Maini. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 5.4 UNDERGROUND PRODUCT PIPING SITES - Potential product r~lease from the 'four underground product t~ipetines - identified by geophysical survey were investigated with soil borings P3, P12, P14 and PIZ The pipeline which extends from the northeast corner of the Warehouse was investigated by soil boring P12. This boring was advanced to 40 feet. Soil samples recovered at 6 feet, 10.5 feet, 15.5 feet and 20.5 feet had no .detectable concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX. The northeast trending pipeline extending from the pump station site and continuing off the property, was investigated by soil borings P14 and P3. Soil boring P14 was advanced to 16.5 feet. Soil samples recovered at 5.5 feet, 10.5 feet and 15.5 feet had no detectable concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX. Soil boring P3 was advanced to 40 feet. Product affected soil was encountered in this soil boring with a maximum concentration of 1,600 mg/kg TPH-G at 10.5 feet. Due to the dramatic decrease in concentration above and .below this depth it is interpreted that this product may be associated with the pump station site plume. The multiple pipelines trending northerly from the warehouse approximately 25 feet west of the pump station site were investigated with soil boring P17 near the point where they were cut off. This boring was advanced to 19 ~eet. Soil samples recovered at 6 feet, 11 feet, 15.5 feet and 18.5 feet had no detectable concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX. 5.5 TRUCK WASH SITE Potential product release from the former truck wash site was investigated with soil boring Pg. This boring was advanced to 16.5 feet. Soil samples recovered at 6 feet, 10.5 feet and 15.5 feet had no detectable concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX. 5.6 FUEL DISPENSER SITE Potential product release at the dispenser island site was investigated with soil borings P10, Pll, P20 and P21. Soil boring P10 was advanced to a depth of 22 feet (bored at a due west slant of 10 degrees from vertical), near the center Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 14 Old Maint. Y~i., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 of the former,, dispenser island. Product affected soil was enc.ountered near 10 - feet below grade. Concentrations of TPH-G and BTEX were measured at 8,417 - mg/kg and ND, 17.8 mg/kg, 27.64 mg/kg and 239.96 rog/kg respectively in the soil sample recovered at 10.5 feet. No detectable levels of TPH-G or BTEX were observed in soil samples above or below this depth. S°il borings P20 and P21 investigated the lateral extent of this product plume to the northeast and southeast. These soil borings were both advanced to 16.5 feet. No detectable concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX were observed in soil samples from either boring. Soil boring Pll was advanced to 16.5 feet to investigate suspected piping between the dis'penser island and the above ground storage tanks located to the east. No detectable concentrations of TPH- G or BTEX were observed in soil samples from this boring. The west side of the dispenser island site was excavated during the construction of the Chester Avenue underpass in the mid 1980's. The westward lateral extent of the plume is limited to approximately 20 feet by this excavation. Therefore additional soil borings were considered unnecessary for characterization purposes. 5.7 WAREHOUSE FLOOR DRAIN (DRY WELL) SITE Soil boring P13 was advanced to 19 feet (bored at a southwest slant of 35 degrees from vertical) to investigate the nature and vertical extent of liquid wastes releasekl in the dry well. The soil boring was directly beneath the dry well at 19 feet (15.5 feet vertical depth) when boring stopped due' to auger refusal on gravels. The maximum level of TPH-G observed is 1,770 mg/kg at 7.5 feet (6.1 feet vertical depth).. Detectable levels of ethylbenzene and xylene are also observed at 7.5, 12.5 and 18 feet (6.1 feet, 10.2 feet and 14.7 vertical depth respectively). Laboratory analysis performed for various metals at 12.5 and 18 feet, none of which exceeded the hazardous waste threshold as defined by the California Assessment Manual - Title 22. Volatile Organics analysis was also performed at 12.5 and 18 feet, with trace concentrations of ethyl benzene and xylene (see Appendix B). Visual ii .~ction of the dry well and surrounding surface soils indicates a significar,. ~ncentration of "tarry" material was washed into the well. The Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 15 Old Maint. Yd.,' Siie Char, Report 7129194 " soil arou,nd the dry well is hard and black. Broken su. rfaces reveal.bright colored specks which appear to be paint chips.' 5.8 PRODUCT PIPING TRANSFER POINT SITE Potential product release from the product piping transfer point site on the south side of the warehouse was investigated with soil boring P19. This boring was advanced to 16 feet. Soil samples recovered at 5.5 feet, 10.5 feet and 15.5 feet had no detectable concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 16 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 " 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 ]lxlTRODUCTION Seven potential product or .waste release sites have been investigated at the Old Maintenance Yard by advancing 23 exploratory, soil borings. Three product or waste plumes were identified and their vertical and horizontal extent characterized. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 31 feet below grade. Product, probably associated with the former pump station site, has affected the groundwater locally. 6.2 PUMP STATION PLUME A product plume consisting of a mixture of gasoline and diesel/fuel oil has affected soils in the vicinity of the former pump' station site. This plume is significantlY larger in volume and concentrations than the other two identified plumes on the property. It is considered to be the source of product found on groundwater. The plume reaches a maximum vertical extent in the vicinity of the former pump facility where TPH-G concentrations of 500 mg/kg extend to approximately 25 feet below grade. Elsewhere concentration extend to 15 feet or less below grade. Laterally the plume extends as much as 60 feet north of the former pump station facility. The highest concentrations of TPH-G and BTEX (sum) encountered in soil samples is 38,588 mg/kg and c,,v97.36 mg/kg respectively. The volume of soil with contamination levels greater than 500 mg/kg is estimated at 1,200 cubic yards. 6.3 FUEL DISPENSER PLUME A product plume in soil cm ting of gasoline in the vicinity of the former dispenser island site has been identified. The maximum vertical extent of contamination is less than 15 feet below surface grade. Only one soil sample encountered detectable concentrations of TPH-G (8,417 mg/kg) and BTEX (285.4 mg/kg sum). Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 17 Old Maint. Yd-., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 ZI'he volume of soil with product levels greater khan 500 mg/kg TPH-G at the fuel dispenser site (see Figure 1) is estimated at 20 cubi~ yards. The lateral extent of the plume has been shown to be limited to the northeast and southeast by soil borings. The western lateral extent of the plume is limited by the drop in grade associated with the Chester Avenue underpass. Significant degradation of the plume by oxidation is believed to be occurring probably as a result of the Chester Avenue excavation. This is evidenced by the absence of benzene and relatively low concentrations of toluene and ethyl benzene compared to xylene. 6.4 WAREHOUSE FLOOR DRAIN (DRY WELL) PLUME The dry well beneath the warehouse floor was apparently-used to receive spent cleaning fluid and paint (observed in surface samples). Based on laboratory analysis, the cleaning fluid utilized appears to be gasoline which was used to remove oil and tar from objects Based on soil borings P13 and P15 the plume is of limited extent, it is estimated that 75 cubic yards of soil are impacted with concentrations of TPH- G greater than 100 mg/kg extending to a depth of less than 15 feet below surface grade. 6.5 OTHER SITES The suspected, above ground tank .sites, ·underground product piping, truck Wash and product piping transfer point ·sites were not found to have identifiable product releases The strategic location of soil borings advanced to test these sites as well as the other soil borings advanced on the property substantially limits the probability that a significant release occurred at these sites. 6.6 GROUNDWATER Groundwater has been affected by product release probably associated with the pump station plume. The lateral extent of affected groundwater was not determined except that it appears to be contained within the property on the east as demonstrated by soil boring P12. Further explOration borings will be required to determine the present lateral extent of the product on groundwater. As discussed in Section 7.0, this work will be conducted in Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. · page 18 · Old MainL Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 coordination with the KCEHSD and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Instillation of piezometers and monitoring well~, groundwater sampling and groundwater remediation may be required. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 19 · Old .Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7[29[94 7.0 GROUNDWATER ~RISK ASSESSMENT 7.1 INTRODUCTION Petroleum product has been found on groundwater at the property. The probable source is believed to be associated with the pump station site product plume. A groundwater risk assessment has been performed to evaluate the potential threat to groundwater resources caused by this product. The Kern High School District made a request to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) for in_formation regarding water wells in the vicinity of the property at 3100 Chester Avenue. -The DWR replied to the request with copies of "well completion reports" and "well data sheets" for wells of record in the area. PGA has reviewed this data and has used it, in conjunction with the site characterization studies on the property, to develop this groundwater risk assessment. 7.2 DATA The well completion reports provided by the DWR contained most of the usable well information. This included the owners name, location, depth, completion interval, year drilled, and drillers description of lithology (drillers log). The well data sheets provided supplemental information on location, State well number and status of the well (operational or destroyed). Approximately 60 well completion reports were sent by the DWR. some of the completion reports were illegible and most were located outside of the area of interest. Twelve wells were identified to be within a one half mile radius of the property. Figure 3 summarizes pertinent information for wells located within one half mile of the property. This includes the upper portion of the drillers log (upper 100 to 200 feet) which were available for 10 of the 12 wells. The wells have been assigned a number designation, as shown in Figure 3, from 1 to 12 for purposes of this report. Pacific Geotechnical Associates,',lnc. page 20'. WEST mo - p20 - _ - Slant 15° Projected 11' Pll Due West from the North P7 - P17 Legend Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Soil Gas Field Screening Values are annotated on left side of soil borings in ppm. Graphic Letter Typical Symbol C.;ode Descriotion Laboratory analyses for BTEX and TPH-G JJ SM are annotated on the right side of soil borings Silty Sand in boxes. Water samples are designated with  SP "WS' in circles. Soil analyses are in mg/kg, Sands, poorly graded water analyses are in mg/I. ~ Sands, well graded SW Soil Sample Water Sample  ML Silt and very fine sand  l T 42.0 J GP Gravels, poorly graded, E 38.S I -.':-.'-'. X 4.0 I Cobbles TPH~ ~ Gravels, well graded GW ND - None Detected Pl 7 P6 - Fl3 ' TPH-G >500 m 846.8 T 1,2,54.9~ E 647.2*3 X 4.748.38 Illli T260 -~15o 'X 1,100 TPH-G 14.00c ND NO E,416 2_47 Approximate Depth lo Groundwater B .~oo T .057 · 3S are E .2SO ,<)rings in ppm. ;roundwater ~) 31' x · ... TPH-GS.3 ( and TPH-G e of soil borings .. designated with 5;___ ~*m~'~:m: are in mg/kg, SCA LE ..::.., or Sample Vedl. Exagg. 4;Lo EAST P3 - P12 - Cross Section A-A' 1 Project: KHSO03 PGA D~e: 6~94 {.~--~ This portion of Cross Section Is not vertlcally~ exaggerated. Vert.= Horiz. (1"=5 feet) B - · · , , , , , , , , : _ Slant 35° SOUTHWEST ,;;::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Be°oath m5 Pt P22 I , I I I~ ! ~ / Well 5' ~ I , X ND ,.,, L I X _,,, , , T ND ~, ,~ ~,, x,, :.:., :,;,,, ,:.:-,':'-,::,--, .:.:,,..-.<.:.: .~,,'-:-:,:,,.:: .:-.:~. ;:.:~,:.:,,..-:::.'<c,:~.<.¥-' ~ :::-~ ,~ ,',; ~':'.,~.~.~'.::~::':.:.K~.~:":~,~:: ::.."::~:: :':<.:::: i ,~ ~ ~..--.': ~:~'A,.%,.'------------~%~ ~..~,~i ~ :: : .~ ~ ~' *.'.,.~.~ ;>.*.:~;~.~.>.~.~.:~.~,,,~¥~:'~ ...... : ....... .~ ...-:-~<< .~,,x~ ..... ~.,~.~ '¢.~ ..... ~ .............. :, ~- $ .~. ::g,:.+~:.:, ^".A:.~ ~: ., · .) ~ ~"~: '~:~::::~ ,~_-,~,~.;<.~.~ ,:~,,,~~~ ~,,~.~:~ :..,.: ~ ,~ ~<:.:::....,...<._.,...,..-. ..... ~: :,~:-.-..-..-....-.. .~: ..-,-:o~ <.' .... ,'. :...~,*.~ . ~~'~ ,~ ~ ~ ~:~: ,: ....... ~.'.~<~:..':~:-.':.': ......... ,< ............ .-,':.~ ......... ~'~ ....... ~.~,~.:s ~:~ ' ~ ~ ~.'- ~.~::*~:~:'.':~:. :':~::::*: : A~.i:o~ ,. :.:..........-...-.......-,.,.?-.,~,~,~i~,~ ,,, ~::.-'~:,-'~ ~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........... ~.,.,:.-.¢~.~!~:.'..::!~:;..-:~..'.~.~,..-'...~ ~ , ~?,.,:~.-:-:.:.....................:........:........:............... :..?.?:___ ~:?~:*~:,-',::'::~:: ........................................ ~ii~ 15' ~.~..`.:;:.:;:~``~:..~:~:~::::.:::::;~:::;::~`.~`::x:..:~:~:~f~`:~"~ -. . ~...* 3 ".'-'-'.'.'".".'-'.".'-'.' 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E ~0 , ~,:,:,:..,:, :.. :,. :,. :,. :,, ::. ::. ::, ::. ::, ::. ::. ::, ::;::;::;::;::;::,,::,, r:;::: :;:.:;::;::;::,,:,::,:; ': X 55 ,'. '.-.::::'.'...'.'-:'.' ~.:::::.:...:.:~..:.:.:~::...:.::.:.:~::.::.:.:.:.:`:::~::.::.:`.:...::.::~.....~:......~.::.:...~.::..:~:! :....:'....:,....::..:'....:,,.:'.....::..:¥,'....:::::..:::..::..:::?,: i 25' ;:!"-'?:'"?"-"-":~"-':'~'"'-'"-'*:":'."g{":'-'""-";'-"~'?'; i:'i::'": Legend - ~:i-".: :'.'.' :'-::-":'::':-':::'-" ':''~ 30' ~.'i ~~¢'-~~ Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Soil Gas Field Screening Values are ~::': Graphic Letter Typical annotated on left side of soil borings in ppm~.'..'.'~...':'water .-'-': '.' · .:...:.... I? SYmbol Code Descriotion Laboratory analyses for BTEX, TPH-G and @ 31' :..:: .." borings in boxes. Water samples are 35' .--.' ~ SP designated wilh "WS' in circles. Soil analyses are in ms/kg, water analyses are in ms/1. ~'":":' "': ..... '"'" v.. ~ SC/ Sands. well graded :".'i':.!~?:.{~?;?.~?.~1'!~i';';~? - Soil Sample Water Sample L? MI_ Silt and very fine sand  T a2_O ' :"' GW Gobbles I x ~.o [:'..¥'.."=:"-:'-:?-:'."..".'."/.'.":i-'." · "'~ [ ~"'~'~ ~-::.:;-7:-:'-77::?.':-'.:-,':-'.;'. .'-': ND ~ None Detected - - _ - NORTHEAST P22 P16 P18 B ND Tr~0 T 20..~3 E 310 E 23.o6 X ND TD 20.5", rog/kg 5'-- SCALE (feet) Vertl. Exagg. 2× W$ 4.4 Depth to Groundw~ [ 1.3 ~.2 0 10' 4.7 TPH-G 5.8 ,,,'/~aclfic Geotechnlcal Associates, Inc. Kern High School District Old Maintenance Yard - 3100 Chester Ave. Cross Section B-B' A~h<x: PGA [ Prole<:{: KHSOO3 D~,~'led By: PGA I Da~e: ~ LEGEND TO WELLS ' p,O: Owner: i~ACIFIC GAS & ELE"C. CO. Owner: RANCHO BAKERSFIELD MOTL Owner: HOUCHIN DEVEL CORP. Drld: SEPT. 1978 Drld: JUL 1955 Ddd: MAR. 1951 :. Depth: 120' Depth: 901' Depth: 247' Type: CATHODIC Type: COMMERCIAL WELL Type: DOMESTIC - INDUSTRIAL Perfs: 100' - 120' Perfs: 116' - 878' Perfs: 78' - 244' Uthology (Driller): Uthology (Driller): Uthology (Driller): O' to 20' Sand O' to 10' Coarse sand O' to 10' .Soll 20' to 46- Boulders 10' to 14' Sand & rock 10' to 18' Sand, gravel & rock 46' to 56' Sand 14' to 21' Coarse sand 18' to 22' Brown clay 56' to 70' Boulders 21' to J24' Sand & boulders 22' to 29' Yellow clay 70' to 100' Boulders 24' to 31' Sand 29' to 49' Sand, gravel & rocks 100' to 120" Sand & gravel 31" to 60' Sand & Boulders · 49' to 58' Yellow clay · 60' to 88' Brown sandy clay & rock 68' to 87' Sand & gravel 88' to 104' Sticky brown clay & gr¥1. 87' to 99' Clay , gravel & rocks Map ID: ~ Map ID: ~ Map ID: ~ Owner: UNIONICE COMPANY Owner: SANTA FE RAILWAY ~ Owner: SANTA FE RAILWAY Drld: JUN, 1967 Drld: SEPT. 1947 Drld: OCT, 1947 Depth: 435' Depth: 330' Depth: 330' Type: INDUSTRIAL Type: ? Type: ? Perfs: 185' - 435' Perfs: 96' - 206' Perfs: 97' Lithology (Driller): I ithology (Driller): Llthology (Driller): 0' to 200' Sand, gravel, boulders with 0' to 1' Soil 0' to 10' Sandy day ~t ? ~ streaks of clay 1' to 20' Loose sand 10' to 20' Sand 20' to 35' Sand gravel to 1' 20' to 50' Sand, gravel to 3' 35' to 53' Sand gravel to 3' 50' to 62' Sand 53' to 75' Sand gravel to 1' 62' to 66' Sand, gravel to 2' 75' to 134' Sand gravel, boulders · 66' to 69' Clay, some gravel · 69; to 73' Sand 73' to 132' Sand, gravel to 3' Map ID: ~ MaP ID: ~ Map ID: ~ Owner: CALIFORNIA WATER SERV. Owner: CAEFORNIAWATER SERV. Owner: CALIFORNIA WATER SERV. Drld: JAN. 1957 Drld: FEB. 1960 Drld: DEC. 1950-DESTROYED 19597 Depth: 616' Depth: 670' Depth: 600' Type: MUNICIPAL Type: MUNICIPAL Type: MUNICIPAL Perfs: 256' - 592' Perfs: 265' - 670' Perfs: 192' - 600' Ethology (Driller): / I ithology (Driller):. Ethology (Driller): O' to 4' Top soil 0' to 15' Sandy soil O' to 20' Surface sand & clay 4' to 11' (Gray ?) sand 15' to 68' Sand, gravel & boulders 20' to 50' Boulders strkd w/sand & clay 11' to 17' Brownclay · 68' to 77' Yellowclay ~t 50' to 73' Brown clay strkd w/ rock 17' to 75' Sand, rocks & gravel 77' to 104' Sand & gravel 73' to 101' Sand & boulders ~ 76, to 93' Sandy clay 104' to 112' Yellow clay 101' to 143' Clay wi atrks o! boulders 93' to 126' Yellow clay 112' to 130' Sand & gravel 143' to 203' Brown gravely clay 126' to 160' Sandy clay 130' to 145' Yellow clay Map ID: ~ Map lO: ~ Map ID: ~ Owner: KERN CO. WELFARE DEPT. Owner; CAUFORNIAWATER SERV. Owner; CAUFORNIA WATER SERV. Drld: APR. 1953 Drld: MAY. 1944 Drld: ?-DESTROYED OCT. 1989 Depth: 350' Depth: 356' Depth: 402' Type: IRRIGATION Type: MUNICIPAL Type: MUNICIPAL Peals: 44' - 350' Peri's: 92' - 344' Perfs: ? I ithology (Driller): I ithology (Driller): Uthology (Driller): 0' to 2' Soil O' to 6' Silt Not available. 2' to 24' Sand(medium) 6' to 12' Finesand 24' to 36' Rocks 12' to 48' Sand & gravel to 2' EXPLANATION ~ 36' to 42' Yellow clay 48' to 62' Sand & gravel to 7' Only upper portion of lithoiogy is presented. 42' to 48' Sand & gravel ~t 62' to 76' Clay, sand & gravel to 2"_ Shallow days ~e accented in bold type. ~t 48' to 55' Sandy yellow clay ' 76' to 92' Sandyclay 55' to 62' Coarse sand & gravel 92. to 96' Sand & gravel to 3' ~t Shallow day beneath conglomerate 62' to 119' Yellow sandy clay 96' to 142' Clay, sand & gravel to 4" occuring above well completion intervals. 119' to 127"-Blue clay 142' to 160' Sandy clay 30 SCALE ,'"'~ac fflc ~ Geotechnlcal Associates, Inc. 1'=700' Kern High School District O' 500'_ Old Maintenance Yard 3100 Chesler Avenue q GROUNDWATER · WELL COMPLETIONS Old Maint. Yd., .Site Char. Report 7/29/94 7.S- C_~OIZ)GY - _ An average lithologic column can be constructed using the 10 drillers logs shown in Figure 3. DEPTH LITHOLOGY 0' to 20' Sand 20' to 50' Gravels and boulders 50' to 65' Clay 65' to 100' Sand, gravel and clay This lithologic column is consistent with the shallow soil boring logs on the property. A clay beneath gravels at depths between 36 and 75 feet was described in 8 of the 10 wells with detailed drillers logs. This day appears to be a contiguous mappable body in the area of interest. If this is the case, it is interpreted to be at a depth of between 65 and 70 feet below ground surface at the property and 5 to 10 feet thick (based on wells//2, #6, #7, #8 and #9). Such a clay layer may act as a vertical barrier to groundwater flow. 7.4 WATER WELLS Five of the twelve wells within one half miles of the property were constructed to serve as municipal water sources. Two of these have been destroyed. These wells are completed below 190 feet (below ground surface) with the exception of well gl 1 with perforations starting at 92 feet. The remaining wells were constructed for commercial, industrial or irrigation purposes. Perforations are below 78 feet with the exception of well gl0 used for irrigation (with perforations starting at 44 feet). Based on the available construction information concerning these wells it appears that the Wells are perforated below the clay discussed in Section 7.3. The municipal wells take water from significantly deeper aquifers than the shallow groundwater encountered on the property at 31 to 33 feet below ground surface. Municipal well #11, which has perforations as shallow as 92 feet is 0.4 miles north of the property. The drillers logs indicate that several clay layers are encountered above the perforations in these wells. Pacific Geo,, ....~ical Associates, Inc. ' .~ page 22 Old.Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report . 7/29/94 ,7.5 GROUNDWATER The risk to grt~undwater resources is largely determined by'the extent of communication between the shallow affected groundwater at the property and the groundwater being utilized in surrounding water wells. It is believed that the shallow groundwater encountered on the property is perched and may have little or no communication with the main groundwater resources. This is based on the following: 1) The 1991 Water Supply Report by the Kern County Water Agency indicates the depth to unconfined groundwater is 180 feet and shows multiple points of control within one mile of the property. This is a strong argument for a perched shallow aquifer at the property. 2) There appears to be a local shallow clay layer (as discussed in Section 7.3) capable of perching groundwater. Such a clay could easily maintain and isolate perched waters from the main unconfined aquifer being utilized by water wells. 3) If the shallow groundwater encountered at the property were in communication with the groundwater utilized by the nearby water wells, strong artificial groundwater gradients produced by pumping and or natural gradients, should have moved water away from the property and greatly reduced product concentrations. Even though the source of the product was removed years previously, high localized concentrations of product remain on groundwater beneath the pump station site. This is interpreted to indicate stagnate groundwater conditions which would be consistent with an isolated perched aquifer. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 23 ' Old Maint.' Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 " Initial water levels er/_countered in the s~,rrounding wells varies signi_ficantly , as follows: Well Year Water Level #2 1955 42' #3 1951 20' #4 1967 100' #5 1947 24' #6 1947 26' #7 1957 51' #8 1960 110' #9 1944 55' #10 1953 14'. #11 1944 7' #12 1989 200' These variations are undoubtedly related, to the year the measurement was taken and water levels that existed at that time. However, wells #4 and #8, located 700 to 1,000 feet north of the property had significantly deeper water levels in the 1960's than are found at the property today. It is possible that these wells are outside of the perChed groundwater area and reflect groundwater-levels of the main aquifer. 7.6 THREAT TO GROUNDWATER RESOURCES The present threat to grOundwater resources appears minimal because the affected groundwater appears to be perched and isolated from the main aquifer. Water source wells, in the area are completed below the suspected perching clay l~ody or bodies. Based on examination of the available data, the areal extent of the perched aquifer is limited to tens of acres (possibly a hundred acres). The long term threat to groundwater resources increases due to the proximity of wells #7 and #8 which were constructed for municipal use. It is important that isolation between the two aquifers be maintained until the product has naturally degraded or been. remediated. Thus no well or soil boring on the property should be advanced to a depth which would penetrate and breach the perching clay(s). Further characterization of the groundwater at the property will provide critical information about the perched aquifer and extent and volume of product involved. This will be needed to ascertain the magnitude of the threat to groundwater resources if any. Pacific Geotechnical Associates,'~nc. page 24'- Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 8.0 REMEDIAL ACTION OPTIONS 8.1 LNTRO DUCTION Three impacted soil plumes have been identified and characterized on the property. They'are the pump station, the dispenser island and the warehouse floor drain (dry well) plumes. In addition, groundwater has been impacted. This Section proposes three remedial action options suitable to each plume and recommends one of these options for implementation. Only impacted soils within the vadose zone (undersaturated) are addressed here. Ground- water will be addressed in future studies as suggested in Section 6.6. Two types of remedial technologies have been used consistently in the remedial options which follow. These are bioremediation and excavation and disposal. These technologies have been selected due to the nature of the products and wastes (mainly gas and diesel fuels) present in the plumes, their relatively rapid implementation and cost. In selecting remedial alternatives for multiple.sites on a single property, utilizing a particular technology on more than one of the sites as well as coordination of projects can lead to substantial cost savings. 8.2 GEOLOGY The shallow stratigraphy at the site can be divided into two principal layers; First, a predorrdnantly sandy and silty upper layer extending from surface .grade to approximately 20 feet, and second, a predominantly gravely layer extending from 20 feet to at least 40 feet below surface grade. Groundwater is encountered at approximately 30 feet below surface grade in the gravely layer. The upper layer contains the highest volume and concentrations of soils impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons. The undersaturated portion of gravely contains a much lesser volume and lower concentrations of impacted soils. 8.3 PUMP STATION PLUME An estimated 1,200 cubic yards of soil are impacted with TPH-G of 500 mg/kg and greater at the pump station plume. Nearly all of the impacted soil is found above 15 feet below grade. Pacific Geotechnical Associcfles, Inc. page 25 . Old Maint. Yd., Site char~ Report 7129194 Three remedial options are propoaed. These are: Option 1) No Action (Natural degradation). Option 2) Ex Situ Bioremediation (Excavate soil and treat biologically on site). Option 3) Excavate and BaCkfill (Haul soil to an approved waste-site and import clean soil for backfill). 8.3.1 Option 1 / No' Action No remedial action will be taken. The site will be left to meet the needs of the warehouse. Concentrations of contaminants will decrease with time due to;' 1) the removal of the sources of product and 2) natural biodegradation processes which are already active. The time required for TPH-G and BTEX concentrations to be reduced significantly or to non-detectable levels in the soil cannot be known (many years). A notice will be posted inside and outside the Warehouse Building informing the public that gasoline and diesel contaminated soil 'is present beneath the .driveway area north of the warehouse, and where information concerning the contamination can be found. An asphalt cover should be placed over the impacted area to avoid excess percolation of rainwater. This option is feasible but will require KCEHSD approval. The cost will be $500 or less to implement excluding the cost of the asphalt. , 8.3.2 Option 2/ Ex Situ Bioremediation A two foot high earth berm will be constructed around the perimeter of a 75 foot by 100 foot area on the property. The berm and enclosed area will be covered with 6 mil polyethylene sheeting. The contaminated soil will be excavated to a depth of 20 feet and spread on the polyethylene sheeting to a depth of 4 feet. The soil will be inoculated with more than 150 strains of bacteria capable of metabolizing a full range of hydrocarbons. All bacteria strains will be nonpathogenic and non virulent. Nutrients may be added on the bases of prior biological testing of the impaired soil to characterized the nutrient content, existing bacteria strains and soil matrix. The soil will be covered and sealed with polyethylene sheeting and a thin layer of clean soil. Pacific Geotechnical ASSOciates, Inc. . page 26 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 The soil will be tested perio.dically to determine mobility o[ the bacteria. ~ - necessary the soil will be reinoculatec~. Within 30 to 90 days, depending on the mobility tests, composite soil samples will be collected and analyzed for TPH-G, TPH-D and BTEX. The deeper portions of the excavation (below 20 feet) containing evidence of impaired soil will also be biologically inoculated and covered with polyethylene sheeting immediately after excavation is complete. This small volume of conglomeratic soil will be treated in situ. A composite soil sample will be retrieved for TPH-G, TPH-D and BTEX an. alysis prior to back. filling the excavation. When the excavated soil is found to contain TPH-G, TPH-D and BTEX in conCentrations below action levels ("none detected" is anticipated), it will be backfilled into the excavation and compacted to 90% Or better. This option is feasible and will cost approximately $32,000 to implement. 8.3.3 Option 3/Excavation And Backfill The impaired soil will be excavated and transported to a Class I disposal site. The excavated area will be backfilled with dean soil. Roughly 90 per cent of the contamination will be removed by excavation to a depth of twenty feet. The concentrations of TPH-G, TPH-D and BTEX in the small plume remaining in th~ deepest portion of the excavation are anticipated to be below action levels. Composite soil samples will be collected from the bottom of the excavation to verify removal of affected soils. The excavation will be backfilled with clean soil compacted to 90% or better. This option is feasible and is estimated to cost approximately $90,000. 8.3.4 Recommended Action Option 2, ex situ bioremediation, is recommended because it will result in a clean site at a significant cost savings over Option 3 and within a relatively short time span (three months or less). In addition, biological treatment of the excavation has the potential to completely remediate the plume down to groundwater and may have a beneficial effect on groundwater. It is Pacific Geotechnicql Associates. Inc. page 27 ' Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report. 7/29/94 anticipated that the Ker.n County Environmental Health Services DePar~tment will accept this plan. 8.4 DISPENSER ISLAND PLUME An estimated 20 cubic yards of soil are impacted with TPH-G of 500 mg/kg and greater at the dispenser island plume. All of the impacted Soil is believed to be above 15 feet below grade. ( Three remedial options are proposed. These are: Option 1) No Action (Natural degradation). Option 2) Passive Venting (Install ventilation well to accelerate dissipation and oxidation of the plume). Option 3) In Situ Bioremediation (treat soil biologically in place). 8.4.1 Option 1/No Action No remedial action will be taken. The site will be left to meet the needs of the warehouse. Concentrations of contaminants will decrease with time due to; 1) the removal of the sources of product and 2) natural biodegradation processes which are already active. The time required for TPH-G and BTEX concentrations to be reduced significantly or to non-detectable levels in the soil is not known, but is anticipated to be many years (decades). A notice will be ; ~.ted inside and outside the WarehoUse Building informing the ~pubi~. that gasoline contaminated soil is' present on the property, and where information concerning the contamination can be found. This option is feasible but will require KCEHSD approval. It will cost approximately $500 to implement. - 8.4.2 Option 2/Passive Venting A two inch PVC vent well will be installed into the plume. The completion interval will be confined to the affected soils. At the surface, the well will be protected by a locking box which provides ventilation and protection from rain, runoff water and vandalism. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 28 Old Maint. Yd., Site Ch~r. Report 7/29/94 The well will provide a direct avenue for slow ventilation of the plume and ~ncrease the degrada'~ion of the plume through bxidation. The time'required for TPH-G and BTEX concentrations to be reduced significantly or to non- detectable levels in the soil is not known, but is anticipated to be several years. A soil sample should be retrieved annually and analyzed for TPH-G and BTEX to monitor the degradation progress of the plume. A notice will be posted inside and outside the Warehouse Building informing the public that gasoline contaminated soil is present on the property, and where information concerning the contamination can be found. This option is feasible and will cost $2,000 or less to implement. 8.4.3 Option 3/ In Situ Bioremediation Seven holes two inches in diameter will be bored into the plume at various depths, some stopping at the top of the plume others near the center of;the plume. The_se holes will be inocUlated with more than 150 strains of bacteria capable of m~tabolizing a full range of hydrocarbons. All bacteria strains will be nonpathogenic and non virulent. Nutrients may be added on the bases of prior biological testing of the impaired soil to characterized the nutrient content, existing bacteria strains and soil matrix. After 90 'days the a soil sample will be recovered from th'e center of the plume to determine if concentrations of TPH-G and BTEX have fallen below action levels. If not, a reinocul.ation may be considered or the plume will be resampled in 90 days or less. This option is feasible and will cost approximately $3,500 to implement. 8.4.4 Recommended Action Option 3, in situ bioremediation, is recommended because it will result in a clean site in a relatively short time span. If conducted in conjunction with ex situ bioremediation of the pump station plume the cost could be reduced by approximately 25%. Option 2 requires an indefinite time period and would require an air permit. Excavation and removal of the affect soil was not Pacific Ge0'~echnical Associates, inc. page 29 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report ' -7/29/94 con_sidered as it-would require excavation off the_property, ir~volve many unknowns with respect to utilities, regrading, planting, etc. and would cost approximately $5,000. 8.5 WAREHOUSE FLOOR DRAIN (DRY WELL) PLUME An estimated 75 cubic yards of soil are impacted with TPH-G and BTEX of 100 mg/kg and greater at the dry well plume. Nearly all of the impacted soil is found above 15 feet below grade. This plume includes a complex Waste. Three remediation plan options are proposed. These are: Option 1) No Action (Destroy well and allow natural degradation). Option 2) Partial Excavation and In Situ Bioremediation. Option 3) Excavate and Backfill (Remove building, excavate and dispose of soil and backfill with clean soil). 8.5.1 Option 1/No Action No remedial action will be taken. The dry well will be filled with cement to prevent further use and stop excessive water runoff from driving the plume deeper. Concentrations of contaminants will decrease with time due 'to; 1) the removal of the sources of product and 2) natural biodegradation processes which are alr, eady active. The time required, for TPH-G and. BTEX concentrations 'to be reduced significantly or to non-detectable levels in the soil is not known, but is anticipated to be many years (decades). A notice will be posted inside and outside the Warehouse Building informing the public that contaminated soil is present beneath the warehouse, and where information concerning the contamination can be found. This option is feasible but will require KCEHSD approval. The cost to implement is approximately $700. PacifiO Geotechnical Associafes, Inc. page 30 Old Maint. Yd., Site C . Report '--' 7/29/94 8.5.2 Option 2/Partial Excavation And In Situ Bioremediation A small mechanical excavator will be used to excavate theory well and upper three to five feet of impacted soil frOm beneath the warehouse. The depth of impacted soils removed will depend on the proximity of structural supports so that the maximum allowed grade is not exceeded (per CALOSHA regulations). The impacted soils will be transported to a Class I disposal site. Seven to nine Soil borings will be advanced to various depths within the plume. These holes will be inoculated with more than 150 strains of bacteria capable of metabolizing a full range of hydrocarbons. All bacteria strains will be nonpathogenic and non virulent. Nutrients may be added on the bases of prior biological testing of the impaired soil tO characterized the nutrient content, existing bacteria strains and soil matrix. The excavation will be backfilled with a sand slurry (one sack cement to one yard sand) to insure adequate compaction. After 90 days the a soil sample will be recovered from the center of the Plume using a hand auger to determine if concentrations of TPH-G and BTEX have fallen below action levels. If not, the plume will be resampled in 90 days or less. This option is believed to be feasible but will require KCEHSD approval. The cost to implement is estimated at $11,000. 8.5.3 Option 3/Excavate and Backfill 'Due to the location of the dry well beneath the building excavation of all affected soil requires significant destruction of the build to permit access and insure structural safety. Therefore, the east addition of the warehouse which covers the dry well will be destroyed and removed. The well will then be removed and affected soils excavated down to a depth of 15 to 20 feet. The impacted soils will be transported to a Class I disposal site. The excavation will be backfilled with clean soil compacted to 90% or better. This option is believed to be feasible but will require KCEHSD approval. The cost to implement is estimated at $24,000. 8.5.4 Recommended Action Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 31 Old Maint. Yd., Sit~ Char. Report " 7/29/94 Option 2, partial excavation and in situ bioremedi.ation, is recommended based on cost effectiveness, relatively short time frame, minimaT impact to structures and probable KCEt-ISD acceptance. This option will effectively remove the dry well, remove the soils with the greatest concentrations of petroleum chromium, lead and selenium contaminates and degrade the hydrocarbons present in the lower portion of the plume. 8.6 GROUNDWATER RISKS Water samples retrieved in 'soil borings P1, P3, P4, and P12 reveal that there is a localized area where hydrocarbons can be found on perched groundwater, and that this site poses a possible threat to usable groundwater. Soil boring P1 located at the pump station site had the highest levels of contaminants with 58,000 ug/1 (parts per billion, ppb) for TPH-G and 4,400 ug/1 (ppb) for benzene at 30.8 feet below the surface. Significant expansion of the plume is not expected providing that no driving mechanism is introduced, such as excessive surface water percolation. Groundwater will be addressed following the remediation of the soils due to the potential for significant surface activity during this process which could threaten piezometers and monitoring wells. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 32 Old MaiDt. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 9.0 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Randall T. Metz holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from California State University, Long Beach. Mr. Metz is California state Registered Geologist No. 3995. He has received hazardous waste, operations and emergency response training including the current year 8-hour refresher course (29 CFR 1910.120), and .is California state Registered Environmental Assessor 153559. Mr. Metz has worked as a geologist since 1977, including service as Tenneco Oil Company's Pacific Coast Division's Division Geological Engineer, where he was responsible for technical development and supervision of nine professional geologists as well as for budgetary and administrative tasks. Mr. Metz has published several articles on California geology, and is principal author of numerous site characterization reports which have been accepted by the' KCEHSD. He is past President of the San Joaquin Geological Society. Michael McGrath holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Geography from California State University, Bakersfield. Mr. McGrath has received hazardous waste operations and emergency response training (29 CFR 1910.120), and is California state Registered Environmental Assessor #4897. Mr. McGrath has worked as a geologic technician since 1989. He has worked on several prel{minary site assessments, site characterizations, groundwater monitoring, and contaminated soil remediation projects. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 33 Old Maint. yd., Site Char. Report " 7/29/94 lO.0 CLOSING This report is intended for the exclusive use of Kern High School District. Pacific Geoteclmical Associates, Inc. assumes no responsibility nor liability for the reliance herein or use hereof by anyone other than the above named client. In addition, all of the laboratory work cited in this report was prepared under the supervision of the certified personnel of Zalco Laboratory:and Atkins Environmental Help Laboratories, Ventura, which are solely responsible for the contents and conclusions of the respective laboratories. Respectfully'submitted, · ~R~g. G~g~t#3995 Reg. Env. Assessor ~97 Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. page 34 ... --' ~ ... (' ') ... Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Repor~ 7/29/94. APPENDIX A LOGS OF SOIL BORINGS PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bodng: #P1 Loc.: 70'W &13'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MI::JM Drilling Contrator:. MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/23/94 Drilling Me,od: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Dep~: 40' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: Z' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 9:30 End: 13:30 CORE REC.' DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 1 100 0.0 0.5 7 SM 20 10 70 Brown None None 1 100 0.5 1.0 10 SM 20 10 70 Brown None None 0 1 100 1.0 1.5 14 SM 20 10 70 Brown None None '-~"? 20 1.5 2.0 9 SM 20 20 60 Brown None None '--'2 20 2.0 2.5 13 SM 20 20 60 Brown None None 0 2 20 2.5 3.0 9 SM 20 20 60 Brown None None 3 30 3.0 3.5 6 SM 20 20 60 Dk. Gry Dark Strong 3 30 3.5 4.0 5 SM 20 20 60 Dk. GP/ Dark Sffong 20 Rock 3 30 4.0 4.5 5 SM 20 20 60 Dk. Gry Dark Strong ~lugged 4 100 4.5 5.0 3 SM 20 20 60 Dk. Gry Dark Strong core barrel. 4 100 §.0 5.5 3 SM 40 20 40 Dk. Gry Dark SO'ong 4 100 5.5 6.0 5 SP 50 50 Dk. Gry Dark Strong 120 9:55 A 5 ' 100 6.0 6.5 3 SP 50 50 Dk. Gr~ Dark Strong 900 5 100 6.5 7.0 3 SM 60 40 Dk. Gry Dark Strong 5 100 7.0 7.5 3 ML 50 50 Black. Dark Strong I . 6 100 7.5 8.0 4 SP 60 40 Gray Dark Strong :lootsin clay. 6 ' 100 8.0 8.5 5 SP 50 40 Gray Dark Strong 150 6 100 8.5 9.0 8 SP 50 40 Gray Dark Strong --. 7 100 9.0 9.5 4 SP 40 60 Gray Dark Strong L~..7 100 9.5 10.0 5 SP 40 60 Gray None Strong 7 100 10.0 10.5 7 SP 40 60 Gray None Stroncj 710 10:10 B 8 70 10.5 11.0 5 SP 50 50 Gray ' None Strong 8 70 11.0 11.5 5 SP 50 50 Gray Slight Strong 150 8 70 11.5 12.0 8 SP 50 50 Gray Slight Strong 9 100 12.0 12.5 2 SP 40 60 Gray Slight Strong 9 100 12.5 13.0 '3 SP 40 60 Gray Slight Stroncj 300 9 , 100 13.0 13.5 5 SP 40 60 Gray Slight Strong 10 100 13.5 14.0 4 SP 40 60 Gray Slight Strong 10 100 14.0 14.5 4 SP 40 60 Gray Slight Strong 10 100 14.5 15.0 6 SW 20 80 Gray Slight Strong 550 APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 1 of 3 Property Owne¢: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng: #P1 Loc.: 70'W &13'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling] Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Ddller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/23/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 40' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18" CALIFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X 6" BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' ']-~ne - Start: 9:30 End: 13:30 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP CNT PPM 11 100 15.0 15.5 3 SW 70 30 Gray Slight Strong 11 100 15.5 16.0 9 SW 30 30 30 Gray I. Slight Strong 410 10:25 C 11 100 16.0 16.5 20 GW '~ 20 30 50 Gray Slight Strong 12 90 16.5 17.0 19 GP 20 80 Gray Slight Strong Pebblesto 1'. 12 90 17.0 17.5 31 GP 20 80 Gray Slighi Strong 60 Cobbles to 3' 12 90 17.5 18.0 50 GP 100! Gray Slight Strong 18.0 18.5 GP 100 I Gray Slight Strong Broke corn barrel 18.5 19.0 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong on cobbles~ ddlled 19.0 19.5 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong ahead. 13 0 19.5 20.0 9 GP 100~ Gray Slight Strong 13 0 20.0 20.5 12 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 20.5 21.0 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 14 100 21.0 21.5 15 GP 90 10 Gray Slight Strong 14 100 L::tl.522.0 20 GP 50 50 Gray Slight Strong 100 10:50 D 14 100 22.0 22,5 20 GP 20 80 Gray Slight S.trong 15 0 22.5 23.0 15 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 15 0 23.0 23.5 28 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong Cobble in core 23,5 24.0 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong barrel~ drilled ahead 24.0 24.5 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong ~n conglomerate. 24.5 25.0 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 25.0 25,5 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 25.5 26.0 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 16 50 26.0 26.5 21 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 16 50 26.5 27.0 35 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 100 27.0 27.5 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 27.5 28.0 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 28.0 28.5 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 28.5 29.0 GP 100 Gray Slight Strong 17 50 29.0 29.5 20 GP 100 Dk. Gry Dark Strong 17 100 29.5 30.0 20 GP 100 Dk. Gry Dark Strong 600 11:10 E APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 2 of 3 Proper[7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #Pl Loc.: 70'W &13'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: ~ OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD. CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/23/94 Ddlling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 40' Elev.: GL Sample ECluip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 9:30 End: 13:30 i ~ ..'..'{~ {~ ~ ~~:'......*..!~{ I~!~.~!!.."..'~ ~ ~.!..%~. ~:~:~".*~:~: ~'"' '<': ............ ~ ...................... ~ ........................ ~ .......... ~.':'~ '."'~ ...................... ~'~' ............... ~ .............. CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO B~ COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 18 0 30.0 30.5 30 ::iii~ii GP 100 Gray Sat. ? Strong Encountered 30.5 31.0 ...... GP 100 Gray Sat. ? Strong groundwater at 31.0 31.5 :~:~:~:~:~:~::: Op 100 Gray Sat. ? Strong 13:10 WS1 at30.8'. Drilled to 31.5 32.0 ~i~i~i~i~ili~i~ili~i GP 100 Gray Sat. ? Strong 40' to permit use of 32.0 32.5 ~,i:i:!'.~:~:i:~:~:!: GP 100 Gray Sat. ? Strong Well Point screen 32.5 33.0 GP I 100 Gray Sat. and tubing assembly 33.5 34.0~ GP 100 Gray Sat. sampling. Bailed 34.0 34.5 GP . .100 Gray Sat. water sample 34.5 35.0 GP 100 Gray Sat. P1WS1 for 35.0 35.5 GP ..... 100 Gray Sat. !analyses of B'l'~E 35.5 36.0 GP 100 Gray Sat. land TPH gasoline. 36.0 36.5 GP 100 Gray Sat. 36.5 37.0 GP 100 Gray Sat. 37.5 38.0 GP 100 Gray Sat. 38.0 38.5 ii ii GP 100 Gray Sat. 38.5 39.0I ii GP 100 Gray Sat. 39.0 39.5 ~..'.'~!!i.~!i!ii!ii~ GP 100 Gray Sat."--~ ' 39.5 40.0 GP 100 Gray Sat. Total Depth = 40' APPENDIX A ' PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC, PAGE 3 of 3 Properly Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P2 Loc.: 38NV & 6'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling] Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/23/94 .Driliin9 Me~hod: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Dep~: 16.5' Elev.: GL .Sample Equip: ~ 2' x 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 14:00 End: 14:30 ~:?::: ! i~i~ii!~i~! i~ii~i~ ~~iii!!ili!~ !~!i::iiiii.~ii~i~:: !~!ii ............ ¥'"'"'~' '~' ...................................................................................... " .................................... i~;~i~f~~~Y~l~S~~ ~ ~iii~ii!itlii!ii~!ii~i~i~ii~i!i ...................... ":'":'""':":": ........... ':"':::':'~" ...................... ""'":'":~ CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M .C VC GV CO BO, COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TiME Ct # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 Asphalt. Drilled to 5'. 0.5 1.0 SM 10 30 30 30 ... None None - 0 1.0 1.5 I SM 10 30 30 30 ... None None 1.5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 .....None None 2.0 2.5 I ..SM 10 30 30 30 None None 2.5 3.0 SM 10 30 30 30 None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 130 30 None None 3.5 4.0 SM 10 30 30 30 None None 4.0 4.5 SM 10 30 30 30 None None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 i. 30 30 30 ... None None 1 80 5.0 5.5 $ 10 20 ?0 Brown None None 1 100 5.5 6.0 5 10 20 70 Brown None None 0 14:15 A 1 100 6.0 6.5 6 10 10 80 Gray None None 6.5 7.0 10 10 80 Gray None None 7.0 7.5 10 10 80 Gray None None 7.5 8.0 10 10 80 Gray None None ¢.0 8.5 10 10 80 Yellow None None 8.5 9.0 10 10 80 Yellow None None 9.0 9.5 10 10 80 Yellow None None 9.5 10.0 10 10 80 Yellow None None 2 60 10.0 10.5 3 100 Yellow None None 2 20 10.5 11.0 4 100 Yellow None None 0 Insufficent Sample 2 10 11.0 11.5 6 100 Yellow None None Installed sand SP 3 100 11.5 12.0 6 100 Yellow None None catcher. SP 3 100 12.0 12.5 8 1OO Yellow None None 0 14:22 B SP 3 100 12.5 13,0 9 100 Yellow None None SP 13,0 13,5 100 Yellow None None SP 13.5 14.0 100 Yellow None None SP 14.0 14.5 100 Yellow None None SP APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 1 o~ 2 Propert7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring]: #P2 Loc.: 38'W & 6'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUEr BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM ,Drilling] Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job#: KHS003 Date: 3/23/94 ,Ddllln~j Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 TotaJ Depth: 16.5' Elev.; GL .Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 14.'~ End: 14:30 /i ::::.' ::: ,:: '~$.'.: ~:::..:,.:.~.~:;.~:~ ............................................ .;:~::: :~:j:. :~:~:::~ $ ::: :~ ....... ~ ........ ~ .......................................................................... CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 14.5 15.0 ..~1 SP 100 '- Yellow None None SP 4 100 15.0 15.5 7~ SP 100 Yellow None None SP . 4 100 15.5 16.0 7 SP 100 yellow None None 0 14:30 C SP '~ 4 100 16.0 16.5 9 SP 100 Yellow None None Total Depth = 16.5SP -~" APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 -Propert7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng: #P3 Loc.: 42'W & 33'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Ddlling Conb'ator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Ddller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/23/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ri~] Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 40' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X 6" BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 14:45 End: 16:00 CORE REC. ~OEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO~ COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA T1ME # # % TOP BOT CNT / PPM 0.0 0.5 '- Asphalt 0.5 1.0 ML 20 80 Brown Mod. Mod. Strong 10 1.0 1.5 ML 20 80 Brown Mod. Mod, Strong 1.5 2,0 ML 20 80 Black Mod. Mod, Strong 2.0 2.5 ML 20 80 Black Mod. Mod. Strong 2,5 3.0 ML 20 80 Black Mod. Mod. Strong] 20 3.0 3.5 ML 20 80 Black Mod. Mod. Strong 3.5 4.0 ML 20 80 Black Mod. Mod. Strong 4.0 4.5 ML 20 80 Black Mod. Mod. Strong] 4.5 5.0 ML 20 80 Black Mod. Mod. Strong 1, 20 5.0 5.5 4 ML 100 Brown Mod. Weak Weak 1 100 5.5 6.0 4 SM 50 50 Brown Mod. Weak Weak 8 14:50 A 1 100 6.0 6.5 4 SM 100 Gray Mod. Weak Weak 6.5 7.0 SM 100 Gray Mod. Weak Weak 7.0 7.5 .' SM 100 Gray Mod. Weak We, ak ' 7.5 8.0 SM 100 Gray Mod. Weak Weak 8.0 8.5 SM 100 Gray Mod. Weak Weak 8,5 9.0 SM 100 Gray Mod. Weak Weak 9.0 9.5 SM 100 Gray Mod. Weak Weak ~9.5 10.0 SM 100 Gray Mod. Weak Weak 2 100 10.0 10.5 6 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. Mod. Strong 2 100 10.5 11.0 7 SP 50 50 Gray Mo~. Mod. Strong 180 14:55 B 2' 100 11.0 11.5 7 'SP 50 ,50' Gray Mod. Mod. Strong 11,5 12.0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. MOd, Strong 12.0 12.5 SP 50 50 Gray Mod, MOd. Strong 12.5 13,0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod, Mod. Strong .. 13.0 13.5~ ~ SP 50 50 Gray Mod. Mod. Strong 13.5 14,0 ~ SP 50 50 Gray Mod, Mod. Strong '-' 14.0 14,5~ SP 50 50 Gray Mod. Mod. Strong ;'~ 14.5 15,0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. Mod. Strong ~ APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 1 of 3 Proper17 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng: #P3 Loc.: 42'W & 33'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Ddller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/23/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 40' Elev.: GL Sample Ec{uip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 14:45 End: 16:00 ~_ CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP GOT CNT PPM 3 100 15.5 16.0 6ii!i!iii! 'SW 80 15 5 Gray Mod, None Strong 780 15:00 C 3 100 16.0 16.5 8 SW 80 20 Gray Mod. None Strong ~ ,,,,:_~:~ Mo .No s on, .,, 1,~.0 17.5iiiiii SW 80 20 Gray Mod. None Stroncg 17.5 18.0 SW 80 20 Gray Mod. None Strong , , 18.0 18.5 SW 80 20 Gray Mod. None Strong 18.5 19.0 SW 80 20 Gray Mod. None Strong 19.0 19.5 .SW 80 20 Gray Mod. None Strong .,. 19.5 20.0~;~;~ SW 80 20 Gray Mod. None Strong! 4 100 20.0 20.5 11 ~'~ GW 60 40 Gray Mod None Strong 4 100 20.5 21.0 26,~-,~x,~ GW 60 40 Gray Mod None Strong 40 15:05 D Hit3' cobbie. 4 0 21.0 21.5 iiiiiiii~iiiii::ii!i!!!!............ GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong 21.5 22.0 !i:ili~ii:iiii!ilI. GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong 22.0 22.5 ii:'iiiililiiiiiii!iil GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong 22.5 23,0 iiiii!~ii!iiii~ii~!iiiii~!ii!~ GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong 23.0 23.5 ?:!~:~::i::~i~????~ GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong 23.5 24.0 ..................... Gp 100 Gray Mod. None Strong 24.0 24.5 GP 100 Gray Mod None Strong 24.5 25.0 ii!ii?i!i?i!ii!i?iiiii?i GP 100 Gray Mod. None Stroncj Hit 25.0 25.5 iiiiiiiii::i::iii::i!iiii GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong rock, no sample. 25.5 26.0 ::i::!::i::!::i~?:i GP 100 Gray Mo~. None Strong 26.0 26.5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?!i GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong 26.5 27.0 iiiiiiiiiiii~i~i:;~i~: GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong 27.0 27.5 ii GP !00 Gray Mod None Strong 27.5 28.0 GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong :: 28.0 28.5 !iiiiii!i!i~iiii!~iii GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong .. ..~ 28.5 29.0 ::ii::iiiiii::iii::iiiii::i GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong "~ 29.0 29.5 ii~!i!ii!iiiii GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong  ,,_ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2~.5 30.0 .i:iiii:ii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiil GP 100 Gray Mod Nono Strong APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 3 Pmpert~ Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P3 Loc.: 42'W & 33'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personneh BMH / MRM Drillincj Conffator: MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Ddller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/23/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 40' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18" CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6" BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 14:45 End: 16:00 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 30.0 30.5 ~i GP -- 100 Gray Mod. None Strong Encountered 30.5 31.0~ii GP 100 Gray Mod. None Strong groundwater at ~1.0 31.5 !!~ill GP 100 Gray Sat. None Strong at 31', 31.5 32.0 GP 100 Gray Sat. None Strong Attempted to 32.0 32.5 GP 100 Gray Sat. None Strong bailwater 32.5 33,0 GP 100 Gray Sat, None Strong at 35' but was 33.0 33.5 ....................::::::::::::::: GP 100 Gray Sat. None Strong unsuccessful. 5 100 34.0 34.5 24iiii!!iiiiii GP 50 40 10 Gray Sat, None Strong 15:30. E Drilled to 35.0 35.5 OP 50 40 10 Gray Sat. !Well Point screen 35.5 36.0 GP 50 40 10 Gray Sat. !and tubing assembly 38.0 36.5 .................. GP 50 40 10 Gray Sat. ~to facilitate water 37.O 37.5 OP 50 40 10 Gray Sat. water sample 37.5 38.0 GP 50 4O 10 Gray Sat. P3WS1 for analyses · 38.0 38.5 GP 50 40 10 Gray Sat. of BTXE and 38.5 39.0 GP 5o 4O 10 Oray Sat. TPH gasoline. ..~'t~ 3'9.0 39.5 i~iiiill GP 50 40 10 Gray Sat. 39.5 40,0 .......... GP 50 40 10 Gray Sat. 15:45 WS1 T.D. = 40' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC, PAGE 3 of, 3 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P4 Loc.: 77'W & 62'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE. BAKERSFIELD. CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling Conffator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/28/94 Drilling Me,od: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ricj Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Dept~: 40' Elev.: GL .Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: . 9:15 End: 10:24 iiiiiiiiili!~ili~~!~i~i!!ii/iiiiiiiiil!iiiiiiii ~iiiiii!iiii~!~~~i~! ~iiiiiiiiiillii!i!iii~ii!i!i~i ?:iii ................... ~'~i ..................... . .................................................................................................. CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 Brown Mod. None None 0.5 1.0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 1.0 1.5 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None t1.5 2.0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 2.0 2.5 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None Asphalt? 2.5 3.0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 3.0 3.5 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 3.5 4.0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 4.0 4.5 ML 5 50 45 Black Mod. Dark Stron,g 4.5 5.0 ML 5 50 45 Black Mod. Dark Stron~ 1 50 5.0 5.5 2 ML 5 40 55 Dk. Gr7 Mod. Dark Stron~ Abundant roots 1 100 5.5 6.0 3 ML 20 50 30 Dk. Gr7 Mod. Dark Stron~l 360 9:25 A ~n sample. 1 100 6.0 6.5 4 ML 30 50 20 Dk. Gr7 Mod. Dark Strong] 6.5 7.0 ML 30 50 20 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Stron~l 7.0 7.5 ML 30 50 20 Dk. Gr7 Mod. Dark Stron(,] 7.5 8.0 ML 30 50 20 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark S~on~ 8.0 8.5 ML 30 50 20 Dk. Gr¥ Mod. Dark SU'ong 8.5 9.0 ML 30 50 20 Dk. Gr7 Mod. Dark Stroncj 9.0 9.5 ML 30 50 20 Dk. Gr7 Mod. Dark Str on,c.I ~ '"~' 9.5 10.0 ML 30 50 20 Dk. Gr',/ Mod. Dark Stroh9 2 70 10.0 10.5 5 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod. Mod. 2 100 10.5 11.0 6 ML 60 40 Gra~, Mod. Mod. Mod. 42 9:30 B 2 100 11.0 11.5 8 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod. Mod. 11,5 12.0 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod. Mod. ~12.0 12.5 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod. Mod. .~: 12.5 13.0 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod. Mod. 13.0 13.5 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod. Mod. -~, 13.5 14.0 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod, Mod.  14.0 14.5 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod. Mod. 14.5 15.0 ML 60 40 Gray Mod. Mod. Mod. APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 3 Pro~rty Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bq..rin9: #P4 Loc.: 77~/& 62'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Ddllin9 Conu'ator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/28/94 Ddlling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 40' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER 8, 2" X 6" BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10" Time o Start: 9:15 End: 1(~:24 .CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT ' PPM 3 I 100 15.0! 15.5 5 SM 20 30 50 . Gray Mod. None Weak 3t 100 15.5 16.0 8 SM 20 30 50 . Gray Mod. None Weak 4 9;35 C 3 100 16.0 16.5 14 SM 20 30 50 .. Gray Mod. None Weak ,'"'~, 16.5 17.0 SM 20 30 50 Gray Mod. None Weak 17.0 17.5 i!;iGP 100i Gray Mod. None Weak Hitcjravel @ 17' 17.5 18.0 ?i? GP 100 Gray Mod. None Weak ~/8.0 18.5 GP 100 Gray Mod. None Weak 18.5 19.0 GP 100 Gray Mod. None Weak 19.0 19.5 GP 100 Gray Mod. None Weak 19.5 20.0 !ii!GP 100 Gray Mod. None Weak 4 70 20.0 20.5 20 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None Weak Core refusal. ;~ 100 20.5 21,0 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None 0 9:40 D 2" pebble recovery 21.0 21.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None m ~]ravel. 21.5 22.0 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None 22.0 22.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None 22.5 23.0 ~ GW 50 50 Tan Dr,/ None None 23.0 23.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None Unable to sample 23.5 24.0 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None ,., due to gravels. 24.'0 24.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dr,/ None None -~-- 24.5 25.0 GW 50 50 . Tan Dry None None Rounded cobbles 25.0 25.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None !to 4". 25.51 26.0 GW 50 50 Tan D~/ None None 26.01 26.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dr), None None 26.5 27.0 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None 27.0 27.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dry_ None None 27.5 28.0 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None 28.01 28.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None ~ I 28.51 29.0 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None 29.0 29.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dry None None 29.5 30.0 i GW 50 50 Tan DP/ None None APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 3 Pmpert7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P4 Loc.: 77'W & 62'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personneh BMH / MRM ,Drillin~ Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/28/94 Ddlling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Dep~: 40' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 9:15 End: 10:24 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 30.0 30.5 ~ GW '- 50 50 Tan Dry None None Encountered 30.5 31.0~ GW 50 50 Tan Dh/ None None groundwater at 31.0 31.5 GW 50 50 Tan Dr,/, None None at32'. Drilled to , 31.5 32.0 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. None None 8:50 WS1 40' to permit use of 32.0 32.5 ~ GW 50 50 Tan Sat. Well Point screen 32.5 33.0~\\\'"; GW 50 50 Tan Sat. and tubing assembly 33.0 33.5 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. to facilitate water 33.5 34.0 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. sampling. Bailed ~4.0 34.5 GW , . . . .50 50 Tan Sat. . water sample 34.5 35.0 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. P4WSl for analyses 35.0 35.5 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. of BTXE and 35.5 36.0 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. TPH gasoline. 36.0 36.5 GW 50 50 Tan. Sat. 36.5 37.0 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. Lefthole open 37.0 37.5 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. for proper 37.5 38.0 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. abandonment. 38.0 38.5 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. 38.5 39.0 ,~,,,,~',~ GW 50 50 Tan Sat. . ~ ', 39.0 '39.5~ GW 50 50 Tan Sat. 39.5 40.0 GW 50 50 Tan Sat. Total Depth = 40' ~PPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 3 of 3 ' Propert70~mer: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P5 Loc,: 91~/V & 90'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling Conffator: MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job#: KHS003 Date: 3/28/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ricj Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 18.5' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 13:40 End: 14:15 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO B~, COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 Asphalt 0.5 1.0 GP 100 Gravel 1.0 1.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 1,5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 2.5 3.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 3.5 4.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 4.0 4,5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None ,~.5 5.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 1 10 5.0 5.5 3 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None Mottled 1 100 5.5 6.0 4 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None 0 13:55 A Grey and orange Color 1 100 6.0 6,5 4 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None 6,5 7.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None 7.0 7.5 SM 50 50 GrT-Org Mod None None .. 7.5 8.0 SM 50 50 G~-Org Mod None None 8.0 8.5 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None 8.5 9.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None 9.0 9.5 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None '-~--~ 9.5 10.0 SM 50 50 GrT-Org! Mod None None 2 20 10.0 10.5 5 ; SM 50 50 Brn-Gr},! Mod None None Mottled silt clay 2 100 10.5 11.0 5 ML 50 50 Brn-Gn/ Mo~l None None 0 14:00 B 1/8' live root (red bark) 2 100 11.0 11.5 6 SP 70 30 Gr¥-Org Mod None None Mot'ded sand SP 11.5 12.0 SP 70 30 Gry-Or.a Mod None None SP 12.0 12.5 SP 70 30 Gry-Org Mod None None SP 12.5 13.0 SP 70 30 Gry-Org Mod None None SP 13.0 13.5 SP 70 30 Gry-Org Mod None None SP SP 70 30 15.5 14.0 Gr~-Org Mod None None SP 14.0 14.5 SP 70 30 Gry-Org Mod None None SP APPENDiX~A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Propert7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring]: #P5 Loc.: 91'VV & 90'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELDr CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM DriIlin~] Conb'at~r: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job#: KHSOO3 Date: 3/28/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 18.5' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' 'Rme - Start: 13:40 End: 14:15 ~i~.~l~i..'.:t ~.~I i.,,...., l ...,..~ ~!~r.~,..~l~! ,,<~ ................ ~..,:.~ ........... . .................................................................... ,. .................................. ~.~ ............. ¥~.:~ ~/.'.:~IN.:-~t~£ ........................ ~:.:.:.~ ....................................... : ........................................................................................ CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA 'riME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 14.5 15.0 SP 70 30 ' Gry-Or~ll Mod None None Drilled to 17' and SP 3 30 15 0 15.5 4 SW 70 30 Yellow i Dry None None attempted a sampB~n 3 100 15.5 16.0 4 SW 70 30 Yellow Dry None None 0 14:05 C top gravels. Did'nSW 3 100 16.0 16.5 4 SW 70 30 Yellow ! Dry None None keep sample for la~W ,. 1~,5 17.0 SW 70 30 Yellow i Dry None None due to No ppm in ~ 4 0 17.0 17.5 5 SW 70 30 Yellow! Dr'/ None None screening. SW 4 100 17.5 18.0 6 SW 70 30 Yellow: Dry None None ' SW 4 100 18,0 18.5 7 SW 70 30 Yellow' Dry None None 0 Total Depth = 18.5~W APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodn~: #P6 Loc.: 83~N & 29'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Dtillincj Conffator: MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSOO3 Date: 3/28/94 Drillin~ Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ricj Type: MOBIL B.-53 TotaJ Dep~: 27' Elev.: GL . Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' ~me - Start; 14:50 End: 15:21 !' CORE' REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BDT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 0.5 1.0 SM 10 30 '30 30 Brown Mod. None None 1.0 1.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 1.5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 2.5 3.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Black Mod. Dark Strong 3.~5 4,0 :SM 10 30 30 30 Black Mod. Dark Strong] ~ 4,0 4.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Black Mod. Dark Stron~l 4.5 5,0 SM 10 30 30 30 Black Mod. Dark Strong 1 30 5,0 5.5 3 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong 1 100 5.5 6.0 3 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Stronq >1000 14:55 A Small roots, 1 100 6.0 6.5 4 i SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong 6.5 7.0 SM 10 30 30 30 'Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong 7.0 7.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong 7.5 8.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gr7 Mod. Dark Stron!] 8.0 8.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong 8.5 9,0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong 9.0 9.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong 9.5 10.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong i · 2 100 10.0 10.5 3 I SM 50 50 Gray Mod. Med. Strong 2 100 10.5 11.0 3 ! SM 50 50 Gray Mod. Med. Strong >1000 1'5:00 B 2 100 11.0 11,5 3 I SM 50 50 Gray Mod. Med. Strong SM 11.5 12.0 SM 50 50 Gray MOd. Med. Strong SM 12.0 12.5 SM 50 50 Gray MOd. Med, SU'on(:j SM ~ 12.5 13.0 SM 50 50 Gray MOd. Med. Strong SM 13.0 13.5 SM 50 50 Gray MOd. Med. Strong SM '~. 13.5 14.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod. Med. Strong ~SM D 14.0 14.5 SM 50 50 Gray MOd, Med. Strong SM APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Borin~l: #P6 Loc.: 83'W & 29'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/28/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ricj Type: MOBIL B-53 Tota~ Dept~: 27' Elev,: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLITSPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 14:50 End: 15:21 CORE REC, DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 14.5 15.0 SM 50 50 - Gray Mod. Med. S~'oncj SM 3 100 15.0 15.5 6 SP 100 Gray Low U9ht Weak SP · 3 100 15.5 16.0 6 I SP 100 Gray Low Ught Weak 500 15.135 C SP 3 100 16.0 16.5 8 SP 100 Gray Low .U~]ht Weak SP 16.5 17.0 SP 100 Gray Low Ucjht Weak SP 17.0 17.5 SP 100 Gray Low . .ii~hr Weak ~SP 17.5 18.0 ! SP 100 Gray Low _.Light Weak , SP 18.0. 18.5 I SP 100 Gray Low Ught Weak SP 18.5 19.0 : G~, 100 Gray Low light Weak G 19t0 19.5 G:) 100 Gray Low Ught Weak (33 19.5 20.0 Ga 100 Gray Low Light Weak G~ 4 0 20.0 20.5 G° 100 Gray Low .... Ll!]ht Weak Cobbles 4 0 20.5 21.0 GO 100 Gray Low .licjht Weak No recovery GO 4 0 21.0 21.5 GO 100 Gray Low Light Weak Ga 21.5 22.0 GO 100 Gray Low Licjht Weak GO 22.0 22.5 GO 100 Gray Low U~ht Weak 22.5 23.0 GO 100 Gray Low i'~Ught Weak G 23.0 23.5 , G° 100 Gray Low . Light Weak ..... G 23.5 24.0 Ga 100 Gray Low light Weak Ga 24.0 24.5 GO 10(~ Gray Low U~ht Weak 24.5 25.0 G° 100 Gray Low licjht Weak Ga 25.0 25.5 GO 100 Gray Low U~]ht Weak Ga 25.5 26.0 GO 100 Gray Low Ught Weak Refusal on ,gravel6P 26.0 26.5 Ga 100 Gray Low ,, U~ht Weak at 27'. GO 26.5 27.0 GO 100 .. Gray Low Ught Weak L T.D. = 27' (3TM APPENDIX/{ PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 ,_Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P7 Loc.: 151'W & 38'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM .,Drilling Contrator: MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/28,'94 Drilling Mel~od: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 TotaJ Dept~: 16,5' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6" BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' '~me - Start: 12:50 End: 13:05 COR~ REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 0.5 1.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 1.0 1.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 1.5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 2.5 3.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 ,30 30 Brown Mod None None 3.5 4.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 4.0 4.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 1 20 5.0 5.5 6 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mo,:: None None 1 100 ~5 6.0 8 SM 50 50 GrT-Or~] Mod None None 0 12:58 A Gray sand wlth 1 100 6.0 6.5 8 SM 50 50 Gry-Or~] Mod None None orancje mottling]. 6.5 7.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None 7.0 7.5 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None 7.5 8.0 SM 50 50 Gw-Orcj Mod None None 8,0 8.5 SM 50 50 GrT-Or~] Mod None None 8.5 9.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Or(:j Mod None None 9.0 9.5 SM 50 50 Gry-Or9 Mod None None 9.5 10.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None 2 50 10.0 10.5 4 SM 50 50 Brown Mod None None 2 100 10.5 11.0 5 SM 50 50 Brown Mo~ None None 0 13:00 B 2 100 11.0 11.5 6 SP 100 Gray Mod None None SP 11.5 12.0 SP 100 Gray Mod None None SP 12.0 12.5 SP 100 Gray Mod None None ~ SP 12.5 13.0 SP 100 Gray Mod None None SP ~,,...,. 13.0 13.5 SP 100 Gray Mod None None SP 13.5 14.0 SP 100 Gray MOd None None SP ~ 14_,0..14.5 SP 100 Gray Mod None None SP ~,~ APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOT~CHN1CAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Propert~ Owner: f KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P7 Loc.: 151'W & 38'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD- 3100 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilli~ Con~'ator: MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/28/94 Ddllin~ Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ricj Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16.5' Ele¥.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLITSPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - StaJl: 12:50 End: 13:05 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 14.5 15.0 S~ 100 -- Gray Mod None None 3 50 15.0 15.5 6 SP 100 Gray Dr,/ None None Stopped due to noSP 3 100 15.5 16.0 7 SP 100 Gray Dry None None 0 13:05 C containment. 3 100 16.0 16.5 9 SP 100 " Gray Dry None None Total Depth = 16.5SP APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 el' 2 Properl7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P8 Loc.: 121'W & 71'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD. CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drillin,g Cont~ator: ~ MELTON DRILUNGCOMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job#: KHSOO3 Date: 3/28/94 Drillin~j Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 18' Elev,: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6" BRASS RINGS Hole Dim'neter: 10' 'Rme - Start: 13:15 End: 13:37 ?..::::: ::,.:::.:~::.,.=: ....: .............. ,:, :....: ..., <...,,,..... ,..~ ::..:.........:.~...~ ii/iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii==~i=:~ ~i!iiiiiiiii/iii/!i!i~!!~iilil...,..tiii~.,,-.!~iii~.. ::::::::::::::::::::: ................................................................................................................................ CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV 'CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA 'I-]ME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 0.5 1.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 1.0 1.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 1.5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 2,5 3,0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 ,30 30 Brown Mod None None 3.5 4.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 4.0 4.5 SM ,10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod None None 1 50 5.0 5.5 10 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 1 100 5.5 6.0 10 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 0 13:18 A 1 100 6.0 6.5 10 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 6.5 7,0 SM ' 50 50 Gray Mod None None 710 7.5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 7.5 8.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 8.0 8.5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 8.5 9.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 9.0 9,5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 9.5 10,0 ' SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 2 30 _10.0 10.5 3 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None Mottled colors ~ 2 100 10.5 11.0 5 SM 50 50 Gry-Org MOd None None 0 13:20 B 2 100 11.0 11.5 6 · SM 50 50 Gry~Org MOd None None SM 11.5 12.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None SM 12.0 12.5 SM ' 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None SM 12.5 13.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None Weak ~Weak odor detect~ZfVI 13.0 13.5 SM 50 50 Gr~-Org Mod None Weak in spoils starting SM 13.5 14.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None Weak at approx. 12'. SM 14.0 14.5 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None Weak SM APPENDIX A PACIFIC (SEO'[ECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Propert7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #PS Loc.: 121'W & 71'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilllncj Con~ator: MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/28/94 Drillincj Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 TotaJ Depth: 18' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: f 2' X 18" CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 13:15 End; 13:37 :;;~ ~ ::,<:..~: .<.~ ~ ~,.':'~.'~:~.'.'.';..: .':.:. · '.-:...:: .:+: ~...~:.:+:::.~.:.::.,.:~ ~:~ ~:.<.-:.:.'.::::~ ...::...-. ,~...,:........:.: ·..,:,................ :·... :..., ,........ ,......................... ,..,... ........ .:. ,.:.:.... <...... + .:.:.....:.: CORE REC, DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM ' 14.5 15.0 SM 50 50 -. Gn/-Org Mod None Weak ! Hit~jravel at 17'. SM 3 · 0 15.0 15,5 4 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod None None Nolndical~on of SM 3 80 15,5 16.0~ SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None productln sample~M 3 100 16.0 16,5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 0 13:34 C Weak Indication orS:Mot 16,5 17.0 SM 50 50 Gray MOd None None in spoils between SM 17,0 17,5 SM 50 50 Gray MOd None None 'i2'and 14'. SM 17.5 18.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None T,D. = 18' , SM APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC, PAGE 2 of 2 _Propert7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P9 Loc.: 160'W & 98'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM _Drillin~l Conb'ator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Ddlle~: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/28/94 _Ddllin9 Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 TotaJ Depth: 16.5' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X 6' BRASS RINGS' Hole Diameter: 10" ']3me - Start: 10:55 End: 11 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM PPM 0.0 0.5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 0.5 1.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 1.0 1,5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 1.5 2.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 2.0 2.5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 2.5 3.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 3.0 3.5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 3.5 4.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 4.0 4.5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM 4.5 5.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None SM ~ 1 0 5.0 5.5 4 ML 10 90 Bm-Gr¥ Mod None None ML 1 . 90 5.5 6.0 10 ML 10 90 Bm-Gry Mod None None ML 1 100 6.0 6.5 12 ML 10 90 Bm-Gry Mod None None 0 11:05 A Mo~ed brown, grl~_ 6.5 7.0 ML 10 90 Bm-Gry Mod None None and yellow. ML 7.0 7.5 ML 10 90 Brn-Gry Mod None None ML 7.5 8.0 ML 10 90 Brn-Gr7 Mod None None ML 8.0 8.5 ML 10 90 Bm-Gry Mod None None 8.5 9.0 ML 10 90 Bm-Gn/ Mod None None ML 9.~) 9.5 ML 10 90 Brn-Gr~ Mod None None ML 9.5 10.0 ML 10 90 Brn-Gry Mod None None ML 2 10 10.0 10.5 10 ML 10 90 Gry-Org Mod None None ML 2 100 10.5 11.0 11 ML 10 90 Gry-Org Mod None None 0 11:10 B Mottled gray ML 2 100 11.0 11.5 9 ML 10 90 ,r Gry-Org Mod None None and orange. ML 11.5 12.0 ML 10 90 Gry-Org Mod None None ML 12.0 12.5 ML 10 90 Gry-Org Mod None None ML 12.5 13.0 ML 10 90 Gn/..Org Mod None None ML 13.0 13.5 ML 10 90 Gry-Org MOd None None ML 13.5 14.0 ML 10 90 Gn/-Org Mod None None ML 14.0 14.5 ML 10 90 Gry-Org Mod None None ML APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P9 Loc.: 160'W & 98'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: ~FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM ~ D~iiling Conffator; MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/28~4 "Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16.5' Elev.: GL ', Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X ~ BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 10;55 End: 11:20 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLORANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % BOT CNT.1/111 ' PPM PPM 14.5 15.0 /,,,,, ML 10 90 - Gry-Org Mod None None ~ 3 50 15.0 15.5 8ltltlt ML 10 90 Gry-Org Low None None Top half of sampIMIs 3 100 15.5 16.0 8 SM 25 25 50 Lt. Gray Low None None 0 11:17 C sllt~ bottom half Is~Mn~ 3 100 16.0. 16.5 8 !~iIi SW 60 40 Lt. Gray Low None None Total Depth = 16~5'W APPENDIX A PACIFIC (~EOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng: #PlO Loc.: 210'W & 35'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE. BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personneh BMH / MRM Ddlling Contrator: MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Ddller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHSO03 Date: 4/4/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 22' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10" Time - Start: 11:40 End: 12:12 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT ONT PPM 0.0 0.5 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 0.5 1.0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 1.0 1.5 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 1.5 2.0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. MOd. None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod, None None 2.5 3.0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. MOd. None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 3,5 4.0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm Mod. None None 4.0 4.5 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. MOd. None None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 1 0 5.0 5.5 2 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm Mod. None None 1 50 5.5 6.0 2 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 1 100 6.0 6.5 4 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 0 11:46 A 6.5 7.0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 7.0 7.5 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 7.5 8.0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 8.0 8.5 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm Mod. None Mod. 8.5 9,0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Bm. Mod. None Mod. 9.0 9.5 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Brn. Mod. None Mod. 9.5 10.0 SM 10 40 50 Lt. Brn. Mod. None Mod. 2 60 10.0 10.5 2 SM 5 55 40 Lt. Brn. Mod. Light Stron9 2 100 10.5 11.0 4 SM 5 55 40 Et. Bm. Mod: Light Strong >1000 11:53 B 2 100 11~0 11.5 5 SM 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. Light Stronc~ 11.5 12.0 SM 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. MOd. Light Strong 12.0 12.5 SM 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. Light Strong 12.5 13.0 SM 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. Light Strong 13.0 13.5 SM 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. Light Strong 13.5 14.0 SM 5 55 40 Lt. Bm Mod. Light Strong 14.0 14.5 i SM 5 55 40 !Lt. Bm. Mod. Light Strong 14.5 15.0 ! SM 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. Light Strong APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P10 Loc.: 210~/V & 35'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD -3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drillin~ Conb'ator: MELTON DRILUNG COMPANY Driller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHSO03 Date: 4/4/94 D~llin~ Me,od: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL 19-53 Total Depth: 22' Elev.: GL S.ample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter:. 10' Time - Start: 11:40 End: 12:12 ..,?<=i~..'...'"~"""?"~",..,,':.'.~.~!~==.. ~ =.=. !.~ ~.~.. ~ ¥~- .............................. , ....................................... =,.. ............ ,.. ...................................................................................... :......~.,....~., · , .... .i.!.i.~.':.'.'.':?.';'~..~'i~'~.~,'-'.?.'~..'.'~.'.'!?.'.'.'; ~;~x~:~:~:.;~:~:~:~:~;~:~:~:~:.~ ,,-.,..' ....... ~.'.'.'.'"' '.'. .... CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME tf # % ' TOP BOT ,CNT PPM 3 90 15.0 15.5 4 ~ SM 50 50 ' Lt. Gray Mod. Light Mod. 3 100 15.5 16.0 4 SM 40 60 Lt. Gray Mod. I Li[~ht Mod. 1 12:00 C 3 100 16.0 16.5 6 ' SM .. 40 60 Lt. Gray Mod. Light Mod. 16~5 17.0 .. SM 40 60 Lt. Gray Mod. i Light Mod. 17,0 17.5 SM 40 60 Lt. Gray Mod. Light Mod. 17.5 18.0 SM 40 60 Lt. Gray Mod. ~ Light Mod. 18.0 18.5 ... SM 40 60 Lt. Gray Mod. Li[~ht Mod. 18.5 19.0 SM 40 60 Lt. Gray Mod. Light Mod. Rock plu[lged core 19.0 19~5 SM 40 60 ....... Lt. Gray Mod. Light Mod. barrel. No recov~ry~ 19.5 20.0 SM 40 60 Lt, Gray Mod. Licjht Mod. No gravels @ 20'. 4 0 20.0 20.5 GP .. 100 Lt. Gray Mod. Li[tht Mod. 4 0 20.5 = 21.0 GP 100 Lt. Gray Mod. Li[~ht Mod. Refusal in gravels 4 0 21.0 21.5 GP 100 Lt. Gray Mod. Light Mod. at 22'. 21.5 22.0 GP 100 Lt. Gray Mod. Light Mod. T.D. = 22' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Borlng: #P1 1 I.~c.: 180'1/V & 40'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE. BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Dritling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSOO3 Date: 3/28/94 ,Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEMAUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 TotaJ Depth: 16.5' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 11:35 End: 12:00 ~=~.~.~.~~:~`~=~<~.~?...~{ I1 ~,~..'.=..;i~=~.~=.,'~~.'~::S ~t~::~::~ ........... ~::~ ........................ I CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA T1ME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0,5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 0.5 1.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 1.0 1.5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 1.5 2.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 2,5 3.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 3.5 4.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 4.0 4,5 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 1 0 5.0 5.5 6 SM 10 40 40 10 Brown Mod None None 1 100 5.5 6.0 7 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gry! Mod None None 1 100 6,0 6.5 9 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gr¥! Mod None None 0 11:41 A Mottled brown and gray 6.5 7.0 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gryl Mod None None 7.0 7,5 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gr~ Mod None None 7.5 8.0 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gr7 Mod None None 8.0 8.5, ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gry Mod None None 8.5 9,0 ' ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gry Mod None None 9.0 9.5 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gry Mod None None 9,5 10.0 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gry Mod None None 2 10 10.0 10.5 3 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gry Mod None None 2 100 10.5 11.0 7 ML 10 50 40 Brn-Gry Mod None None Mottled silt 2 100 tl.0 11.5 7 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None 0 11:45 B Top silt. bottom sa8~ 11.5 12.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None SM 12.0 12.5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None SM 12.5 13.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None SM 13.0 13.5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None SM 13.5 14.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None SM 14.0 14,5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod None None SM APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 1 of 2 property (;~,~. er: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Borin~]: #P11 Loc.: 180'W & 40'N of NE corner of WaJ'ehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUEr BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM .DrillincJ Cont~ator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/28/94 Ddlllng Method: HOLLOW STEMAUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16.5' Elev.: GL · .Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 11:35 End: 12:00 ~:,:. :. · .>. . . - : .. ...:,.. .......:...:.:,..,:..~.,,.:..:~.[~,. ~ CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 14.5 15.0 III~H, SM 50 50 I' Gray Mod None None SM 3 70 15.0 15.5 4I~!l!llJj SM 40 60 Gray Low None None Top half of sampleSM 3 100 15.5 16.0 4 SM 40 60 Gray Low None None 0 11:50 C silt~ bottom half is ~d. '3 100 16.0 16.5 4 Ili!,f~.. 'SP 100 Yellow Low None None TotalDep~=16.5SP APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 PmpertyOwner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng: #P12 Loc.: 7'E &12'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drillincj.Con~ator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/28/94 Drillincj Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ri~] Type: MOBIL 13-53 Total Depth: 40' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 7:45 End: 8:59 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0,0 0.5 '1 Black None Asphalt 0.5 1.0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 1.0 1,5 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 1,5 2,0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod, None None 2~0 2.5 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 2.5 3.0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 3.0 3.5 ML 5 50 45. Brown Mod. None None 3.5 4.0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 4.0 4.5 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 4.5 5,0 ML 5 50 45 Brown Mod. None None 1 10 5.0 5.5 5 SM 50 50 Brown Mod, None None 1 · 100 5,5 6.0 7 SM 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 1 100 6.0 6.5 9 SM 50 50 Gry-YIw Mod. I None None 0 7:55 A 6.5 7.0 SM 50 50 Gry-YIw MOd.; None None 7,0 7.5 SM 50 50 Gry-YIw Mod. None None 7.5 8.0 SM 50 50 G~-YIw Mod, None None 8.0 8.5 . SM 50 50 Gry-YIw Mod, None None ~ 8.5 9,0 SM 50 50 Gry-YIw Mod. None None 9.0 9.5 SM 50 50 Gry-YIw Mod. None None 9.5 10.0 SM 50 50 Gry-YIw Mod None None 2 100 10.0 10.5 7 SM 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 2 100 10.5 11.0 9 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. 'None None 0 8:00 B 2 100 11,0 11.5 11 SP 50 50 , Gray Mod. None None 11.5 12.0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. None None 12.0 12.5 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. None None 12.5 13.0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. None None 13.0 13.5 SP 50 50 Gra, y Mod None None 13,5 14.0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. None None 14.0! 14.5 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. None None 14.5, 15.0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod None None APPENDIX A m PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 3 .,Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng: #P12 Loc.: 7'E &12'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling Con~'ator; MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Ddller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3J28/94~ Drilli~ Method: , HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 40' Elev.: GL .Sample Ecluip: 2' X 18" CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X 6' BRASS RINGS ' Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 7:45 End: 8:59 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOp BeT CNT PPM 3 100 15.0 15,5 12 SP 50 50 YIw-Gr,j Mod. None None 3 100 15.5 16.0 12 SP 50 50 Y]w-Gr~ Mod. None None 0 8:05 C One flat pebble 3 100 16.0 16.5 15 SW 40 50 10 YIw-Gr,j Mod. None None to 1' 16.5 17.0 SW 40 50 10 YIw-Gry Mod. None None 17.0 17.5 SW 40 50 10 YIw-Gry Mod. None None 17.5 18.0 SW 40 50 10 YIw-Gry Mod. None None 18.0 18.5 SW 40 50 10 YIw-Gr,j Mod. None None 18.5 19.0 SW 40 50 10 YIw-Gry MOd. None None 19.0 19.5 SW 40 50 10 Ylw,Gry MOd. None None 19.5 20.0 SW 40 50 10 Yiw-Gry MOd. None None 4 · 70 20.0; 20.5 12 SP 50 50 YIw-Gr~ Mod. None None 4 100 20.5 21.0 15 SP 50 50 YIw-Gr~ Mod. None None 0 8:12 D 4 100 21.0 21.5 17 SP 50 50 Yiw-Gr7 MOd.' None None 21,5 22,0 SP 50 50 YIw-Gr,/ Mod None None 22.0 22.5 SP 50 50 YIw-Gr7 Mod. None None 22.5 23.0 SP 50 50 Ylw-Gry Mod None None 23.0 23.5 ' GW 40 30 30 Ylw-Gr7 Mod None None Hit gravels @ 23' 23.5 24.0 GW 40 30 30 Ylw-Gry Mod None None 24.0 24,5 GW 40 30 30 YIw-Gry Mod None None 24.5 25.0 GW 40 30 30 YIw-Gry Mod None None 25.0 25.5 GW 40 30 30 YIw-GrT; Mod None None Unable to sample 25.5 26.0 GW 40 30 30 Y]w-Gr,/l MOd. 'None None due to ~lravels 26.0 26.5 GW 40 30 30 , Ylw-Gry! Mod None None 26.5 27.0 GW 40 30 30 Ylw-Gry~ Mod. None None 27.0 27.5 GW 40 30 30 Y]w-Gry! Mod None None GW 28.0 28.5 GW 40 30 30 Y~w-Gry! Mod. None None 28.5 29.0 GW 40 30 30 YIw-Gry Mod. None None 29.0 29.5 GW 40 30 30 Ylw-Gry Mod. None None 29.5 30.0 GW 40 30 30 Yiw-Gr7 Mod None None APPENDIX A PACIFIC (;EOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 3 PmpertTOwner: iKERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P12 Loc.: 7'E &12'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drillir~ ConU'ator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/28/94 Drillir~ Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 40' E~ev.: GL Sample Equip: 2" X 18' CAIJFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS ' ~ Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 7:45 End: 8:59 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 30.0 30.5 GP ' 50 50 Y]w-Gry Mod. None None Encountered 30.5 31.0 GP 50 50 Y]w-Gry Mod. None None groundwater at 31.0 31.5 GP 50 50 Ylw-Gr7 Mod. None None at 33.2'. Ddlled to 31.5 32.0 GP 50 50 Y]w-Gry Mod. None None 40' to permit use of 32,0 32.5 GP 50 50 YIw-Gry Mod, None None Well Point screen 32.5 33.0 GP 50 50 Y~w-Gry Mod. None None and tubin[~ assembly 33.0 33.5 GP 50 50 Ylw-Gr7 Sat. None None 8:50 WS1 to facilitate water ' 33.5 34.0 GP 50 50 Y1w-Gn/ Sat. samplin~h Bailed 34.0 34.5 GP 50 50 Yiw-Gry Sat. water sample 34.5 35.0 GP 50 50 Ylw-Gry Sat. P12WS1 for 35.0 35.5 GP 50 50 YIw-Gn,/ .Sat. analyses 35.5 36.0, GP 50 50 Yiw-Gn/ Sat. of BTXE and 36.0 36.5 GP 50 50 Ylw-Gn/ Sat. TPH (gasoline. 36.5 37.0 ,GP 50 50 Y]w-Gry Sat. 37.0 37.5 ,.. GP 50 50 YIw-Gn/ Sat. 37.5 38.0 GP 50 50 Ylw-Gry Sat. 38.0 38.5 .... GP 50 50 Ylw-Gry Sat. 38.5 39.0 GP 50 50 YIw-Gn/ Sat. Backfilled with 39.0 39.5 GP 50 50 YIw-Gr7 Sat. spoils. 39.5 40.0 GP 50 50 YIw-Gry Sat. Total Depth = 40' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, iNC. PAGE 3 of 3 Pmpert7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P13 Loc.: 92'W & I'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling ConlTator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: SonnyShepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 .Drilling Method: fHOLLOW STEM AUGER Ri9 Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 19' Elev.: G L Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6" BRASS RINGS · Hole Diameter. 10" Time - Start: 13:20 End: 14:05 ~: ~,::;: '~:: :3: ',~: :3::[ '" ': ........ "' '*' ":'~:" ;:,' ":~::" :::: ~ :~.':,.':,,':,:~:',':.::: ~':','::' '~':'~' ~ ,';,::,,~.~':~::;:: :' ~:,':, ' ' ' ' ":" '"' '"': :"' ":" ' "' '" "'"" "'.'"' "~' ": "* '" *': :" '-*"" ' '"'" :'"' ":" '"" ":::::::::::::: :': :~,',':~; ~:: ·: ....... CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 - Asphalt 0.5 1.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. This boring is drilled 1.0 1.5 ' SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Li~]ht Mod. direclJonall~ ~ a 35° 1.5 2.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. slant beneath the 2.0 2.5 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. Dry well. ~' 2.5 3.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. Hit a 1/2" pipe on first 3.0 3.5 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. attempt, moved 2' 3.5 4.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. west and began again. " 4.0 4.5 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 4.5 5.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 5.0 5.5 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 5.5 6.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 6.0 6.5 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 6.5 7.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 1 50 7.0 7.5 7 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 1 100 7.5 8.0 8 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 20 13:40 A Gasline odor. 1 100 8.0 8.5 10 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Ught Mod. No solvent oder 8.5 9.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. detected. 9.0 ..9:5 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 9.5 10.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 10.0 10.5 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. i0.5 11.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. - Light Mod. 11.0 11.5 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 11,5 12.0 SM 30 70 Yellow Mod. Light Mod. 2 50 12.0 12.5 7 ~ SP 80 20 Yellow Dry Dark Strong 2 100 12.5 13~0 8 I SP 80 20 Yellow Dry Dark Strong 70 13:45 B Gasline odor. 2 '100 13.0 13.5 8 SP 80 20 Yellow Dry Dark Strong No solvent odor 13.5 14.0 SP 80 20 Yellow D~ Dark Strong detected. 14.0 14.5 SP 80 20 Yellow Dry Dark Strong 14.5 15.0 SP 80 20 Yellow Dry Dark Strong APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 1 of 3 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P13 Loc.: 92~V & I'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE. YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM .Drilling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller; Sonny/Shepard · Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 Drilling Me,od: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 19' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAEFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter. 10' Time - S~art: 13:20 End: 14:05 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT .. PPM Ii 15.0 15.5 ~'~ SP 80 20 " ,Yellow Dry Dark Stroncj 15.5 16.0~~' ' SP 80 20 Yellow Dr~ Dark Strong Samples C are 16.0 16.5 SP 80 20 Yellow Dry Dark Strong located directJ7 · Sp 80 20 .. Yel.-Gry Dry Light Strong benath the dry well~ 17.016'5 17.517'0 "SP 70 30 Yel.-Gr~ with a true ve~cal 3 · 50 8 Dry Light Strong 3 100 17.5 18.0 ,, 3 100 18.0 18.5 20,.~.~.,.~,l~{~ SP 70 30 Yel.-Gry Dry Light Strong 30 13:57 C Refusal on ~avels 18.5 19.0 ~.'.~._ SP 70 30 Yel.-Gry Dry Light Strong at 19'. ,, 19.0 19.5I~ii{.<iti~!li GP 100 Yel.-Gry . Dry Light S~ong T.D.~,19'. ~., APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES. INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P14 Loc.: 27'W & 50'N of NE corner of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM .Drillincj Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON Job #: KHS003 Date: 3/28/94 Drillincj Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ri~] Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16.5' Elev.: GL .Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 16:20 End: 16:50 :!:?.;:: :::.~:: ::. ::::t~'~!t!:.i: :::::I:~ ::! .'. :: ~::: :::. ~ ::: ~.. :<~'":':'":':'":'":'"":" ¥' ........... :"'"' ':':"' ": .................. :"'":" ":'"' '" ":'"' ": ......... :': ............................... ':' ...................................... ' ............. ' ................ ' :::~::~:~:,:~.~,~!~!~..'.'i~i~/~i~i{i!~! . ::::.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :..: ......... CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 'SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None !Asphalt 0.5 1.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 1.0 1.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 1.5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 2.5 3.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 3.5 4.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 4.0 4.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown None None 1 20 5.0 5.5 3 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry None None 1 100 5.5 6.0 4 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gr7 None None 0 16:25 A Orange blobs 1 100 6.0 6.5 5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry None None 6.5 7.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry None None 7.0 7.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry None Noni~ 7.5 8.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry None None 8.0 8.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry None None 8.5 9.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gry None None 9.0 9.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gr,/ None None 9.5 10.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Gr~ None None 2 90 10.0 10.5 3 ML 30 70 Brown None V. Weak 2 100 10.5 11.0 5 SM 30 70 Gray None V. Weak 0 16:30 B 2 ,100 11.0 11.5 6 SM 30 70 Gray None V. Weak SM [ 11.5 12.0 SM 30 70 Gray None V. Weak SM 12.0 12.5 SM 30 70 Gray None V. Weak SM 12.5 13.0 SM 30 70 Gray None V. Weak SM 13.0 13.5 SM 30 70 Gray None V. Weak SM 13.5 14,0 SM 30 70 Gray None V. Weak S~ 14.0 14.5 SM 30 70 Gray None V. Weak SM APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 .Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bortn(j! #P14 Loc.: 27'W & 50'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD' MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM .Drillin~ Contrator: MELTON DRILUNGCOMPANY Driller: RANDY WALTON ' Job #: KHSO03 Date: 3/28/94 Drilling Mel~od: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ricj Type; MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16.5' Elev,: GL ,Sample.Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' ~me - Start: 16:20 End: 16:50 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # .% TOP BOT CNT_iiiiii[ PPM ,,,,,,,,.s. . s. 3 100 15.0q5.5 6tlillJll i! 30 70 Gray None V. Weak Stopped boring SM 3 100 15.516,0 8 30 70 Gray None V. Weak 8 16:40 C !above ~ravels. SM 3 100 16.016.5 10 30 70 Gray None V. Weak Total Depth = 16.58M APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring]: #P15 I~:)c.: 86'W & 5'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM · Drilling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: Sonr~ Shepard Job #: KHSO03 Date: . 4/4/94 .Drillin(:j Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 17.5' Elev.: GL ,Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6" BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 9:10 End: 9:31 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 AsphaJt 0.5 1.0 ML 30 30 30 10 Brown None None 1.0 1.5 ML 30 30 30 10 Brown Moist None None 1.5 ·2.0 ML 30 30 30 10 Brown Moist None None 2.0 2.5 ML 30 30 30 10 Brown Moist None None 2.5 3.0 = ML 30 30 30 10 Brown Moist None None 3,0 3.5 I ML 30 30 30 10 Brown ,Moist None None 3.5 4.0 ML 30 30 30 10 Btack Moist Dark Strong 4.0 4.5 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Moist Dark Strong 4.5 5.0 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Moist Dark Strong 1 80 5.0 5.5 2 SM 50 50 Dk. Gr¥ Mod. Dark Strong 1 100 5.5 6.0 3 SM 50 50 Dk. Gr'/ Mod. Dark Strong 0 9:12 A 1 100 6.0 6.5 3 SM 50 50 Dk. Gr7 Mod, Dark Strong 6.5 7.0 SM 50 50 Dk. Gry Mod. Dark Strong 7,0 7.5 SM 50 50 Dk. Gr',/, Mod Dark Strong 7.5 8,0 SM 50 50 Dk. Gry Mod Dark Strong 8.0 8.5 SM 50 50 Dk. Gry Mod, Dark Strong! 8.5 9.0 SM 50 50 Dk. G~ Mod. Dark Strong! 9.0 9.5 SM 50 50 Dk. Gr~ Mod. Dark Strong 9.5 10.0 SM 50 50 Dk. Gr',/ Mod Dark Stron~ 2 10 10.0 10.5 3 SM 50 50 Gray Mod. Ught Strong 2 100 10.5 11.0 4 I SM 50 50 Gray Mod. ' light Strong 15 9:18 B 2 100 11.0 11.5 6 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. Ught Strong 11.5 12.0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod Ught Strong 12.0~ 12.5 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. Ught Strong 12.5 13,0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. Ucjht Strong 13.0 13.5 SP 50 50 Gray Mod Ught Strong 13,5' 14.0 SP 50 50 Gray Mod. Ught Strong! 14.0 14.5 SP 50 50 Gra), Mod. Ught 14.5 15.0 SP 50 50 Gra~j Mod. light Strong APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC, PAGE 1 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P15 Loc,: 86'16/& 5'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - $100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling Contrator:, 'MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 .Dfillin~ Mblflod: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ri~] Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 17.5' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPET SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS" Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 9:10 End: 9:31 CORE REC, DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 3 0 15.0 15.5 12 GP - 20 80 Gray Mod. light St]'ong 3 80 15.5 16.0 '18 GP 20 80 Gm), Mod. Ught Mod. Hitcjravels and 3 100 16.0 16.5 24 GP 20 80 Gm), Mod. Ucjht Mod. 14 9:26 C concjIomerate ~ 17.5'· 16.5 17.0 GW 50 50 Gray Mod. U~]ht Mod. 17.0, 17.5 GW 50 50 Gray Mod. U~ht Mod. T.D. = 17.5' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: ~P16 Loc,: 63'W & 55'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Ddlling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Ddller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 20.5' Elev.: GL .SampleEcluip: 2' X18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS , Hole Diameter:. 10' Time-Start: 9:46 End: 10:20 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C ,VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # ~ #' % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 ~ Brown Soil fill 0.5 1.0 Brown :Asphalt 1.0 1.5 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Mod Dark Strong Strong gasoline stain 1.5 2.0 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Mod Dark Strong and odor.' 2.0 2.5 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Mod Dark Strong 2.5 3.0 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Mod Dark Strong 3.0 3.5 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Mod Dark Strong 3,5 4.0 ML 30 30 30' 10 Black MOd Dark Strong 4:0 4.5 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Mod Dark Strong 4.5 5.0 ML 30 30 30 10 Black Mod Dark Strong 1 0 5.0 5.5 2 ML 30 30 30 10. Black MOd Dark Strong 1 80 5.5 6.0 2 ML 10 45 45 Dk, Gp/ Mod Dark Strong 1 100 6.0 6.5 3 ,ML 10 45 45 Dk. Gr7 MOd Dark Strong] >1000 9:52 A 6.5 7.0 ML 10 45 45 Dk. Gr7 Mod Dark Stroh9 7.0 7.5 ML 10 45 45 Dk. Gryi MOd Dark Strong 7.5 8.0 ML 10 45 45 Dk. Gryl MOd Dark Strong 8.0 8.5 ML 10 45 45 Dk. Gryl Mod Dark Strong 8.5 9.0 ML 10 45 45 Dk. Gr',/ Mod Dark Strong 9.0 9.5 ML 10 45 45 Dk. Gry~ Mod 'Dark Strong 9.5 10.0 ML 10 45 45 Dk. Gry Mod Dark Stron(:j ~ 2' 80 10.0 10.5 3 ML 50 50 Gray MOd Mod. Mod. 2 100 10.5 11.0 3 SM 50 50 Gray Mod 'Mod. Mod. 900 9:58 B1 2 100 11.0 11.5 3 SM 50 50 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. 900 9:58 B2 11.5 12.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. 12.0 12.5 SM 50 50 Gray MOd Mod. Mod. 12.5 1'3.0 SM 50 50 Gray MOd Mod. Mod. 13.0 13.5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. 13.5 14.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. 14.0 14.5 SM 50 50 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. 14.5 15.0 SM 50 50 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng:. #P16 Loc,: 63'W&55'NofNEcomerofWamhouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Ddlling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller:, Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 ,Drilling'Melflod: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Dep~: 20,5' Elev,: GL Sample Equip: 2' X18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6" BRASSRINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time-Start: 9:46 End: 10:20 CORE REC, DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV C© BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 3 50 15.0 15.5 3 SM 100 ' Gray Mod Mod. Mod, ~ 100 15.5 16.0 5 SM 100 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. 200 10:05 C 3 100 16.0 16.5 7 SM 100 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. 16.5 17.0 SM 100 Gray Mod Mod. Mod. 17.0 17.5 SM 100 Gray Mod. Light Mod. 17.5 16.0 SM 100 Gray Mod. Light Mod. 18.0 18.5 SM 100 ~ Gray Mod. Li~lht Mod. 18.5 19.0 SM 100 Gray Mod. Light Mod. 4 80 19.0~ 19.5 5 G° 100 Gray Mod. Light Mod. 4 0 19.5 20.0 20 GO 100 Gray Mod. Licjht Mod. Refusal @ 20.5' 4 0 20.0 20.5 GO. 100 Gray Mod. Dark Strong 9 10:10 D TD = 20.5' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P17 Loc.: 106'W & 28'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD-3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Ddllincj Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Ddller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 Drilling-Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 19' Elev.: ~GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CALIFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2" X 6" BRASS RINGS' Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 10:32 End: 10:57 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C vC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TiME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 0.5 1.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod, None None 1.0 1,5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 1,5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod: None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 2.5 3.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 3.5 4.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 4.0 4.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 1 0 5.0~ 5,5 2 SM 10 30 30 30 Brown Mod. None None 1 100 5.5 6.0 2 ML 5 95 Brown Mod. None None 1 100 6.0 6.5 3 ML 5 95 Brown Mod. None None 0 10:35 A 6.5 7.0 ML 5 95 Brown Mod. None None 7.0 7.5 ML 5 95 Brown Mod. None None 7.5 8.0 ML 5 95 Brown Mod. None None ~ 8.0 8.5 ML 5 95 Brown Mod, None None 8.5 9.0 ML 5 95 Brown Mod. None None 9.0 9.5 ML 5 95 Brown Mod. None None , 9.5 10.0 ML 5 95 Brown Mod. None None 2 10 10.0 10.5 4 SM 50 50 Or~-G¥ Mod. None None 2 100 10.5 11.0 6 SM 50 50 Org-G¥ Mod, None None 2 100 11.0 11.5 7 SM 50 50 Org-G¥ Mod. None None 0 10:40 B Mot'tied ~]ra), sand with 11.5 12.0 SM 50 50 Or~l-G¥ Mod. None None orange blebs. 12.0 12.5 SM 50 50 Org-Gy Mod. None None 12.5 13.0 SM 50 50 Org-Gy Mod. None None 13.0 13.5 SM 50 50 Org-G¥ Mod. None None 13.5 14.0 SM 50 50 Org-Gy Mod. None None 14.0! 14.5 SM 50 50 Org-Gy Mod. None None 14.5! 15.0 SM 50 50 Org-Gy Mod. None None APPENDIX A f PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Pmpert~Owner: ~ KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodn~]: #P17 Loc.: 106'W & 28'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD -3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM .Drilling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS00,3 Date: 4/4/94 ,Drilling.Method: HOLLOWSTEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 19' Elev.: GL .Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 10:32 End: 10:57 'CORE REC. 'DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT rri~ 3 100 15.01 15.5 1 ML 50 50 - Brown Hicjh None None 3 100 15.5 16,0 1 ML 50 50 Brown High None None 0 10:47 C Weak odor(?) in ver'/ 3 100 16.0 16.5 5 ML 50 50 Gray High None Weak? bottom core ~ 16.5'. 16,5 17,0 ML 50 50 Gray High None None Abundant charcoal in 17,0 17,5 ML 50 50 Gray High None None cia), @ 16.5'. 17,5 18.0 ML 50 50 Gray High None None Core refusal ~ 19'. 4 20 18,0 18.5 12 SW 40 40 10 Gray Mod; None None , 4 100 18.5 19.0 20 ~,~ SP 30 70 Gray Mod, None Weak? 1 10:52 D TD = 19' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Pmpert), Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng:, #P18 Loc.: 53'W & 72'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: ~OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Ddlling Conffator: MELTON DRIllING COMPANY Driller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHSO03 Date: 4/4/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: - 16.5' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 11:05 End: 11:26 ii~li~i!~ii!ili!:~lli~~~ ~i!ii~iii!i!i~ii~!i~..'...~...'..~i~.~ I"'.,",': ........ "; ............ : ............................................................................................................................. CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # '% TOP BOT CNT PPM f 0.0 0.5 Asphalt 0.5 1.0 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. Mod. Stroncj 1.0 1.5 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. Mod. Strong _.. 1.5 2.0 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 2.0 2.5 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 2.5 3.0 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 3.0 3.5 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 3.5 4.0 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 4.0 4.5 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 4.5 5.0 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 1 10 5,0 5.5 2 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 1 100 5.5 6.0 4 ML 50 50 Brown Mod. None None 1 100 6.0 6.5 6 ML 10 90 Brown Mod. None None 0 11:12 A 6.5 7.0 ML 10 90 Brown Mod. None None 7.0 7.5 ML t0 90 Brown Mod. None None 7.5 8.0 ML 10 90 Brown Mod. None None 8.0 8.5 ML 10 90 Brown Mod. None None 8.5 9.0 ML 10 90 Brown Mod. None None 9.0 9.5 ML 10 90 Brown Mod. None None 9.5 10.0 ML 10 90 Brown Mod. None None 2 20 10.0 10.5 3 SM 50 50 Gry-Or~ Mod. None None 2 100 10.5 11.0 3 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod. ' None None 0 11:17 B Gray sand with 2 100 11.0 11.5 4 SM 50 50 Gry-Or~ Mod. None None orange mottling. 11.5 12,0 SM 50 50 Gry-Or~ Mod. None None 12.0 12.5 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod. None None 12.5 13.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Org Mod. None None 13.0 13.5 SM 50 50 Gry-Or~ Mod. None None 13.5 14.0 .SM 50 50 Gry-Or~; Mod. None None 14.0 14.5 SM 50 50 Gry-Orc~ Mod. None None 14.5 15.0 SM 50 50 Gry-Orc~ Mod. None None APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P18 I_c)c.: 5,3~/& 72'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Ad~rass: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drilling Contrator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller:. Sonny Shepard Job #: KHSOO3 Date: 4/4/94 ..Drillincj Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 TotaJ Depth: t6.5' Elev.: GL .Sample Equip: t2'X18'CAUFORNIASPUTSPOONSAMPLER&2'X6"BRASSRINGS, Hole Diameter: 10' Time-Start: 11:05 End: 11:26 ~.~`{~!~`~!~?~.~j~:~.~:~`~:~.~.`~.~.~.~<~..<~ .'.~.-..< ..~.~.,.~......<..~..~..~:~.,:~..~. ...... ~`~.~`~~:.~``~:~:~`~.~:~?.~:~;<~ ~,...~;~¢. ,...... =,~.~-~.,"~.~=~ = :.~=~=~=.'..~i~.,. ?. ..,.' ~;~. ~~ ~.".G.'= :~==~E=~ .................................... ,=~==:==~:~,:=..=~=~:~.~ ~iii~'~iii!!iIiii~iiliiili~/iiii~ .................................... ~i ........ '<* CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG .USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME if # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 3 0 15.0 15.5 ? . SP 50 50'- Gi'y-Org Mod. None None 3 ' 50 15.5 16.0 ? SP 50 50 Gr~-Org Mod. None None Refusal on gravels. ,3 .100 16.0~ 16.5 ? SW 10 70 10 10 Gry-Orgl Mod. None .None 0 11:24 C TD = 16.5' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC, PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P19 Loc.: 43'W & l'S of SE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE. BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drillincj Con~ator:. MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 .Drillin~ Me,od: HOLLOW STEM AUGER R~ Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Dep~: 16' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPMT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter. 10' Time - Start: 14:35 End: 14:55 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG UScS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM · 0.0 0.5 SM 10 30 30 30 ' Dk. Bm Mod. Mod. Mod. Moderate gasoline 0.5 1.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. Mod. Mod. staining and odor, from 1.0 1.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. Mod. Mod. surface to approx. 4'. 1.5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. Mod. Mod. 2.0 2.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. Mod. Mod. 2,5 3.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. Mod. Mod, ~ 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. Mod. Mod. 3.5 4.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. Mod. Mod. 4.0 4,5 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. None None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Dk. Bm Mod. None None 1. 80 5.0 5.5 2 ML 40 60 Dk. Bm High None Weak Abundant roots. 1 100 5,5 6.0 2 ML 40 60 Dk. Bm High None Weak 0 14:40 A 1 100 6.0 6.5 3 ML 40 60 Dk. Brr High None Weak 6.5 7.0 ML 40 60 Dk, Bm High None Weak 7.0 7.5 ML 40 60 Dk. Bm High None Weak 7.5 8.0 ML 40 60 Dk. Bm High None Weak 8,0 8.5 ML 40 60 i Dk. Bm High None Weak 8.5 9.0 ML 40 60 Dk, Bm High None Weak 9,0 9.5 ML 40 60 Dk. Bm High None Weak 9.5 10.0 ML 40 60 Dk. Bm Hicjh None Weak 2 50 10.0 10.5 3 SW 50 50 Yellow Low None None 2 100 10.5 11.0 4 SW 50 50 Yellow Low ' None None 0 14:45 B 2 100 11.0 11.5 6 · SW 50 50 Yellow Low None None 11.5 12.0 SW 50 50 Yellow Low None None 12.0 12.5 SW 50 50 Yellow Low None None 12.5 13.0 SW 50 50 Yellow Low None None 13.0 13.5 STM 50 50 Yellow Low None None ~ 13.5 14.0 SW 50 50 Yellow Low None None 14.0 14.5 ' SW 50 50 Yellow Low None None ' 14.5 15.0 SW 50 50 Yellow Low None None APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 ,PmpertTOwne~: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P19 Loc,: 43'W &1'S of SE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM ,Drilling Cont~ator:, MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 Drilling'Method: HOLLOWSTEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16' Elev.: GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS' Hole Diameter: 10' '13me - Start: 14:35 End: 14:55 ~t.'~i~l~f~~..*~!~..~'...~ ~.<.~ · ~""'~.~"~ ......................... ".-'.".=' ............... : ............... ~. .......... ,~ .......... ~..~ ~.~. ~=.~..::~.....¥~,., . ~.,.~..~..=~=.~.~.~:~,~.<.~: ~i.~.~i~'.O.'.'~~=~:~~.~ ~:=1==~ l~i~...'..~t~l~.~..'..~i~.'. .................. :"~' ............ ' .......... ~"'"':",=~?.~ "?'?~ ...... '"~'~.~ ..... ~'~.:.~ .;. + ~ .x.;.x.,~,.'~'~ ~:~. + :::~:~;:::~;:~.;:~..+.~..:: ,~:;;;~;:~=~[E ...,..- .......... :.>:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;,:.:.:,:.:,:.:.:.:,:.:.:.:.:.:.: CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG UScs CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # .' % TOPt BOT CNT .,.~.~..<.~ PPM $ 100 15.5 1610 I 8 -. .... SP 30 70 Ye ow Low I None None 0 14:52 C ID-- 1~ APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Property Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P20 Loc.: 199'W & 48'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE. BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM Drillin~ Con~'ator:. MELTON DRIllING COMPANY Driller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 Drillinl~ Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16.5' Elev.: GL Sample Eciuip: 2' X 18" CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6" BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' '13me - Start: 15:35 End: 15:53 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.~) 0.5 SM 1 0 30 30 30 " Lt. Bm. Low None None 0.5 1.0 SM 1 0 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None None 1.0 1.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None None 1.5 2.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None None 2.0 2.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None None 2.5 3.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None None 3.0 3.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None None , 3.5 4.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None None 4.0 4.5 SM 10 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None .None 4.5 5.0 SM 10 30 30 30 Lt. Bm. Low None None 1 10 5.0 5.5 7 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None I 100 5.5 6.0 8 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None Roots 1 100 6.0 6.5 8 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 0 15:39 A 6.5 7.0 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 7.0 7.5 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 7.5 8.0 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 8.0 8.5 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 8.5 9.0 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 9.0 9.5 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 9.5 10.0 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 2 60 10.0 10.5 3 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 2 100 10~.5 11.0 5 SM 40 60 Yellow Lo,~ None None 0 15:46 B 2 100 11.0 11.5 6 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 11.5 12.0 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 12.0 12.5 'SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 12,5 13.0 i SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 13.0 13.5 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 13.5 14.0 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None' None 14.0 14.5 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None 14.5 15.0 SM 40 60 Yellow Low None None APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 Pmpert~ Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P20 Loc.: 199'W & 48'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE. BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH / MRM ,Drillin~ ConVator. MELTON DRIllING COMPANY Driller:. Sonny Shepard Job #: KHS003 Date: 4/4/94 ,Dri,llin9 Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16.5' Elev.: GL Sample ,Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' 3~me - Start: 15:35 End: 15:53 :~`~``~`~`.~;~..~`~!t~...:~:.<:...~.~.~:.`:~:::`~.~:.. .:.:.:.:.:.:~.:<..,:..,:.,.~.: ...,: .:<.~ ~;,~.,':~..'-,"...'.,'..~'., ........... :..:.......<.: ......... ~....,:.....~....:........:.: ...................... : .................................. :. ........ ~..R~ili~ ii~i~ iiii::!i~ ~' ................. ~":"~: .............................. :'":~ :::""'~ ............... ::"":'"::::::~: CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA 'T']ME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 3 J 15'0 15.5 10 GW - 30 70 Gray Low None None ~ 3/ 15.5 16.0 10 GW 30 70 Gray Low None None 0 15:50 C 3 16;0 16.5 12 GW 30 70 Gray Low None None TD = 16,5' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Pmpert7 Owner: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Boring: #P21 Loc.: 201'W & 24'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address; OLD MAINTENANCE YARD -3100 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personnel: BMH/MRM Drilling Cont~ator: MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Ddller: Sonny Shepard Job #: KHSO03 Date: 4/4/94 Drilling Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Rig Type: MOBIL B-53 Total Depth: 16.5' Elev. GL Sample Equip: 2' X 18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' Time - Start: 16:00 End: 16:49 CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG 'USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 0.0 0.5 Asphalt 0.5 1.0 ML 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. I Mod. None None 1.0 1.5 ML 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 1.5 2.0 ML 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 2.0 2.5 ML 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 2.5~ 3.0 ML 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None 3.0 3.5 ML 5 55 4.0 Lt. Bm. Mod. None None , 3.5 4.0 ML 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. I Mod. None None 4.0 4.5 ML 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. ! Mod. None None 4.5 5.0 ML 5 55 40 Lt. Bm. ~ Mod. None None 1 20 5.0 5.5 4 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 1 100 5.5 6.0 6 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 0 16:05 A 1 100 6.0 6.5 7 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 6.5 7,0 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 7,0 7.5 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 7.5 8.0 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 8.'0 8.5 ML 5 55 40 Yellow LOw No~e None 8.5 9.0 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 9.0 9.5 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 9.5 10.0 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 2 10.0 10.5 4 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 2 10.5 11.0 5 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low' None None 0 16:10 B1 2 11.0 1 1.5 5 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 0 16:10 B2 11.5 12.0 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 12.0 12.5 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 12.5 13.0 ML 5 55 40 Yellow bow None None 13.0 13.5 ML 5 55 40 Yellow Low None None 13.5 14.0 ML 5 55 40 Yellow None None 14.0 14.5 ML 5 55 40 Yellow None None 14.5 15.0 ML 5 55 40 Yellow None None APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 1 of 2 PmpertyOwne¢: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Bodng: #P21 Loc.: 201'W & 24'N of NE comer of Warehouse Site Address: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD - 3100 CHESTER AVENUE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA OVA: FOXBORO 128 FID PGA Personneh BMH / MRM .Drilling Con~ato¢:. MELTON DRILLING COMPANY Driller:. Sonny Shepard Job #: KHSO03 Date: 4/4/94 Drillin~Method: HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ri~]Type: MOBILB-53 To~ Depth: ~16.5' Elev. GL .SampleEcluip: 2" X18' CAUFORNIA SPUT SPOON SAMPLER & 2' X 6' BRASS RINGS Hole Diameter: 10' ~me-Start: 16:00 End: 16:4~)... CORE REC. DEPTH BLOW LOG USCS CL ST VF F M C VC GV CO BO COLOR ANG MOl STAIN ODOR OVA TIME # # % TOP BOT CNT PPM 3 15.0 15.5 6 SM 20 30 30 10 '~ Yellow Mod. None None 3 15.5 16.0 8 SW 80 20 Yellow Dh/ None None 0 16:16 ~ C j 3 16.0 16.5 10 ii:. SW 80 20 Yellow Dr~ None None TD = 16.5' APPENDIX A PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 2 Old Maint. Yd., Site Char. Report 7/29/94 APPENDIX B LABORATORY RESULTS PACIFIC GEOTECRNICAL ~OCIATES, INC. Kern High School District: Old Maintenance Yard Site Characterization Pacific Geotechnlcal Associates, Inc. -LABORATORY AI~ALYSES- TPH-G & BTEX ' Reported as mg/kg (soil) and mg/I (water) Total Petroleum Teat Date Sample Sample Sample Ethyl Hydrocarbons Location Acquired Letter Depth Matrix Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene as Gasoline P 1 3/23/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil 82.000 680.000 310.000 2,100.000 24,000.000 P 1 3/23/94 B 10'-10.5' Soil 8.200 14.000 32.000 200.000 2,200.000 P 1 3/23/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil 13.000 I~ 51.000 280.000 3,500.000 P 1 3/23/94 D 21.5'-22' Soil ND I~) 10.000 55.000 660.000 P 1 3/23/94 E 29.5'-30' Soil .920 .160 7.000 29.000 61.000 P 1 3/23/94 WS1 30.8' ' Water 4.400 1.300 1.200 4.700 58.000 P 2 3/23/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil I~D ND ND ND ND P 2 3/23/94 B 12'-12.5' Soil ND ND I~D ND ND P 2 3/23/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 3 3/23/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil .012 .025 .006 .050 ND P 3 3/23/94 B 10.5'-11' Soil 1.200 1.700 .046 72.000 1,600.000 P 3 3/23/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil I~D ND .090 .450 12.000 P 3 3/23/94 D 20.5'-21' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 3 3/23/94 E 24'-24.5' Soil ND ND .066 .015 ND P 3 3/23/94 WS1 31.1' Water .800 .057 .250 1.300 8.3o0 P 4 3/28/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil 11.790 37.230 79.480 443.770 11,616.000 P 4 3/28/94 B- 10.5'-11' Soil hD ND 6.940 43.760 3,006.000 P 4 3/28/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ND ND I~ .O05 1.270 P 4 3/28/94 D 20.5'-21' Soil I~ ND .006 .042 4.550 P 4 3/28/94 WS1 32' Water .150 .110 .840 .490 4.800 P 5 3/28/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 5 3/28/94 B 10.5'-11 Soil ND ND ND ND ND P5 3/28/94 C, 15.5'-16' · Soil hD ND ND ND ND P 6 3/28/94 A ~ 5.5'-6' Soil 46.810 1,254.960 647.230 4,748.360 38,588.000 P6 3/28/94 B 10.5'-11 Soil 18.0oo 260.000 150.000 1,100.000 14,000.000 P6 3/28/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil hD ND .416 2.470 194.380 P 7 3/28/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil hD ND ND ND ND P 7 3/28/94 B 10.5'-11 Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 7 3/28/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 8 3/28/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 8 3/28/94 B 10.5'-11 Soil ~ ND ND ND ND P 8 3/28/94 C 16'-16.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 9 3/28/94 A 6'-6.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 9 3/28/94 B 10.5'-11 Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 9 3/28/94 C 15.5'- 16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 1 0 4/4/94 A 6'-6.5' Soil I~D ND ND ND ND P 1 0 4/4/94 B 10.5'-11 Soil ND 17.800 27.640 239.960 8,417.000 P 1 0 4/4/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 1 1 3/28/94 A 6'-6.5' Soil I~ I,~ ND ~ ND P 11 3/28/94 B 11 '-11.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND ND - None detected or below minimum reporting level.' Test Methods - EPA 8020 and DOHS LUFT Manuel. T~ble B-1 Kern High School District: Old Maintenance Yard Site Characterization Pacific G~eotechnlcal AsSoclc~tes. Inc, . LABORATORY'ANAI,.YSES - TPH-G & BTEX ' Reported as mg/kg (soil) and mg/I (water) Total Petroleum Test Date Sample Sample Sample Ethyl Hydrocarbons Location Acquired Letter Depth Matrix Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene as Gasoline P 11 3/28/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ~D I~ ND ND ND P 1 2 3/28/94 A 6'-6.5' Soil ND ND ' ND ND ND P 12 3/28/94 B 10.5'-11' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 12 3/28/94 C 15.5"-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 1 2 3/28/94 D 20.5'-21' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 1 2 3128/94 WS1 33' Water ND ND .007 .Ol 7 ND P 13 4/4/94 A 7.5'-8' Soil ND ND 1.090 6.950 1,770.000 P 13 4/4/94 B 12.5'-13' Soil ND ND ND .13 22.000 P 13 4/4/94 c 18'-18.5' Soil ND ND .007 .140 19.000 P 14 3/28/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 14 3/28/94 B 10.5'-11' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 14 3/28/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 15 4/4/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 15 4/4/94 B 10.5'-11' Soil ND ND ND i .36 308 P 15 4/4/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 16 4/4/94 A 6'-6.5' Soil ND 20.830 23.060 143.540 1,990.000 P 1 6 4/4/94 .B1 10.5'-11' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 1 6 4/4/94 B2 11 '-11.5' Soil .068 .150 .048 ' .330 ND P 16' 4/4/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 16 4/4'/94 D 20'-20.5' soil ND ND ND I~D ND P 1 7 4/4/94 A 6'-6.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 1 7 4/4/94 B 11 '-11.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 1 7 4/4/94 C 15..5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 1 7 4/4/94 D, 18.5'-19' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 18 4/4/94 A 6'-6.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 18 4/4/94 B 10.5'-11' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 18 4/4/94 C 16'-16.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 19 4/4/94 A 5.5'-6' Sbil ND ND ND ND ND P 19 4/4/94 B 10.5'-11' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P19 4/4/94 C 15.5'-16' · Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 20 4/4/94 A 6'-6.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 20 4/4/94 B 10.5'-11' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P20 4/4/94 C .15.5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 21 4/4/94 A 5.5'-6' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 21 4/4/94 B 1 10.5'-11' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 21 4/4/94 B2 11 '-11.5' Soil ND ND ND ND ND P 21 4/4/94 C 15.5'-16' Soil ND ND ND ND ND ND - None detected or below minimum reporting level. Test Methods - EPA 8020 and DOHS LUFT Manuel. Table B-1 Kern High School District: Old Maintenance Yard Site Characterization Pacific Geofechnlcal Associates. Inc. LABORA'I'ORY ANALYSES RESUL'I'S (Metals) Califomia Assessment Manual - T~le 22 Chapter 30, Article 11 Laboratory Results for Test Location P13B Total Pet. Total Pet. Sample Sample Petroleum Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Depth Matrix Hydrocarbons as Diesel as Gasoline 12.5'-13' Soil 4200 mg/kg 1500 mg/kg 22 mg/kg Total Concentration Metal TTLC/STLC m~/k~ Antimony 500/15 <10 Arsenic 500/5.0 0.57 Barium 10000/100 34 Beryllium 75/0.75 <0.5 Cadmium 100/1.0 <0.5 Chromium, Cr 2500/560 4.7 Chromium, VI 500/5.0 Cobalt , 8000/80 <5.0 Copper ' 2500/25 4.7 Lead 1000/5.0 2.9 M e rcu ry 20/0.2 <0.1 :Molybdenum 3500/350 <5.0 Nickel 2000/20 <2.5 Selenium 100/1.0 0.25 Silver 500/5.0 <1.0 Thallium 700/7.0 <10 Vanadium 2400/24 16 I Zinc 5000/250 17 TTLC - Total Thresold Limit (rng/kg). STLC - Soluble Thresold Umit Cpncentration, mg/1 in extract. ; -Test Methods: EPA 6010, 7061, 7471, 7741, DOHS LUFT Manual '~ Lab results reported in (mg/kg) (ppm). 'i Table B-2 Kem High School District: Old Maintenance Yard Site Characterization Pacific Geotechnlcal Associates, Inc. LABORATORY ANALYSES RESULTS (Metals) Califomia Assessment Manual - Title 22 Chapter 30, Article 11 LaboratOry Results for Test Location P13C Total Pet. Total Pet. Sample Sample Petroleum Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Depth Matrix Hydrocarbons as Diesel as Gasoline 18'-18.5' Soil 6000 mg/kg 460 rog/kg 19 rog/kg Total concentrati°n Metal TTLC/STLC m~/k~ Antimony 500/15 <10 Arsenic 500/5.0 1.2 Barium 10000/100 46 Beryllium 75/0.75 <0.5 Cadmium 100/1.0 <0.5 Chromium, Cr 2500/560 6.4 Chromium, VI , 500/5.0 / Cobalt 8000/80 <5.0 Copper 2500/25 7.3 Lead 1000/5.0 <2.5 Mercury 20/0.2 <0.1 Molybdenum 3500/350 <5.0 Nickel 2000/20 2.5 Selenium 100/1.0 0.91 Silver 500/5.0 <1.0 Thallium 700/7.0 <10 Vanadium 2400/24 22 Zinc 5000/250 23 'FrLC ~ Total Thresold Limit (rng/kg). STLC - Soluble Thresold Limit Concentration, mg/I in extract. Test Methods: EPA 6010, 7061,7471', 7741, DOHS LUFT Manual Lab results reported in (rng/kg) (ppm); ' Table B-3 ~ ~__~~ _TZkLCO LABORATORIES, INC. AnalyCioal ~'Consulcing Servioes Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-1 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, PlA at 5.5 to 6 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 0958 hours mg/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene 82 31 Toluene 680 31 Ethyl Benzene 310 31 Xylenes 2100 94 Method- EpA 8020 Date Analyzed: 3-29-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline 2qO00 630 Method- DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed- 3-29-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level Lab Operations Manager JE/ccw '. __ x.. 4309 A'~mour Avenue Bakersfield, California'93308  ZALOO LAI~ORATORIES, INC. Analytioa~ ~ Consulting Seevices - Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-2 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P1B at 10 to 10.5 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1010 hours mq/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene 8.2 6.3 Toluene 14 6.3 Ethyl Benzene 32 6.3 Xylenes' 200 19 -- Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 3-29-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline ~ 2200 130 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 3-29-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level Lab Operations Manager JE/ccw , 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Califo'mnia 93308 ,_.ZALCO LABORATORIES, INO. Anal~/tioal & (Z]onsulcing Services - - Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-3 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P1¢ at 15.5 to 16 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1025 hours mq/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene 13 13 Toluene < 13 13 Ethyl Benzene 51 13 Xylenes 280 38 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 3-31-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline ~ 3500 250 Method. DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 3-31-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 7Z~LCO LABORATORIES, INC. ~nmlytical & Consulting Servi6e~ Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-4 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3]00 Chester Avenue, P1D at 21.5'to 22 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1050 hours mq/k§. MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 2.5 2.5 Toluene < 2.5 2.5 Ethyl Benzene 10 2.5 Xylenes 55 7.5 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed- 3-30-96 'Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline ~ 660 ]30 Method- DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed- 3-30-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw Lab Operations Manager ' 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308  7Z~LCO 'LABORATORIES, INC. AnalyCioal ~ Consulting Servioes Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-5 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, PiE at 29.5 to 30 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1110 hours m§/kq j MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene 0.92 0.13 Toluene 0.16 0.13 Ethyl Benzene 7.0 0.63 Xylenes 29 1.9 - Method: E~A 8020 Date Analyzed: 3-30-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline 61 50 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 3-30-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level ~ dim t~ner~on . JE/ccw Lab Operations Manager ~ ,4309 Armour Ave6ue Bakersfield, CslifOenia 93308" _ 7Z~LCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analycioal '~ Co~'sulCing Seevioes Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-6 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P2A at 5.5 to 6 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1415 hours mg/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Xylene$ < 0.015 0.015. Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 3-31-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 10 Method:' DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 3-31-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw ~ k 4309 Xrmou6 Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 ___._ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical ~ ~onsul~ing Senvices Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-7 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P2B at 12 to 12.5 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1422 hours mq/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene .. < 0.005 0.005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Xylenes < 0.015 0.015 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed- 4-1-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 10 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 4-1-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw Lab Operations Manager 4309 Armbur Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 ~Z~LCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analycioal ~ ConSulting Servioes ' Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-8 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P2C at 15.5 to 16 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1430 hours mq/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Xylenes < 0.015 0.015 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 4-1-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < ]0 ]0 Method- DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 4-1-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level ~er JE/ccw 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, (Dmliforni~ 93308 (8051 395-05,~R FAX ~8051 395-3069 _.7ALCO LABORATORIES, INO. Analytical & I~onsulting Services ' Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-9 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P3A at 5.5 to 6 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1450 hours m§/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene 0.012 0.005 Toluene 0.025 0.005 Ethyl Benzene 0.006 0.005 Xylenes 0.050 0.015 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 4-1-94 Total Petroleum Hyd~'ocarbons as Gasoline < 10 10 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 4-1-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level [ab Operations Manager JE/ccw 430'9 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Oalifohni8 9:~308 f8051 395-0539 FAX r8051 39S~3069 ZALO0 LABORATORIES, INO. AnalyCiOal '& Consulting Seevices - ' Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39]45-10 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: .4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P3B at 10.5 to 11 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1455 hours mg/kq MRL Volatile AromatiC Hydrocarbons Benzene 1.2 0.63 . Toluene 1.7 0.63 Ethyl Benzene 0.46 0.63 Xylenes 72. 1.9 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 4-1-94 Total Petroleum'Hyd?carbons as Gasoline 1600 50 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 4-1-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level nager JE/ccw 4309"Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Csl~fornia 93308, [8051 395-0539 FAX (8051 395:3069 , 7ALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Anal~ti6al & Consulting Services ' - Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-11 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P3C at 15.5 to 16 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1500 hours mg/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene 0.090 0.005 Xylenes 0.45 0.015 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 4-7-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline 12 10 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 4-7-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw 4308 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, (]Dalifornia 93308 ZALCO LABORATORIES, INO. A6al~Cic91 & Consulting Services ' Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-12 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P3D at 20.5 to 21 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1505 hours m§/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Xylenes < 0.015 0.015 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed- 4-7-94 Total P'etroleum Hyd?carbons as Gasoline < 10 10 Method. DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 4-7-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level Etherton Lab Operations Manager JE/ccw '. 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfi'~ld, C~lifornia 93308 (8051 395-0539 FAX r8051 395-3069 ?ALCO LABORATORIES, INC. ~'nalytical & Consulting Servi~s Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No' 39145-13 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description' Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P3E at 24 to 24.5 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 15.30 hours mq/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene 0.066 0.005 Xylenes 0.15 0.015 Method: E-PA 8020 Date Analyzed: 4-7-94 .Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 10 Method' DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed- 4-7-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level Lab Operations Manager JE/ccw ~ ' 4309 Armour Avenue Bakerbfield, California 93308 (805i 395-0539 FAX (805) 395-3069 _7ALCO LABORATOR_IES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39181-4 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-28-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Maintenance Yard, KHSO03 P6B Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-28-94 at 1500 hours mq/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene 18 6.3 Toluene 260 6.3 Ethyl Benzene 150 6.3 Xylenes 1100 31 Method. EPA 8020 Date Analyzed- 4-7-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline 14000 625 Method- DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed- 4-7-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw '. .. . 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Oalifornia 93308 , 7ALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical ~ (Donsultin~j Services Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39181-3 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-28-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Maintenance Yard, KHSO03 P14C Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-28-94 at 1640 hours mg/kq MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons ~ Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene < 0.005. 0.005 Xylenes < 0.015 0.015 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed- 4-7-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as.Gasoline < 10 10 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed- 4-7-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw [ab Operations Manager ~. 4309 Apmoue Avemu~ Bakersfield, (D~)lifoenia 93308 Atldns Environmental 'HELP 2889 Bunsen Ave, Suite A Ventura, CA 93003 PAGE 1 OF 1 805-644-1044 HELP LABS JOB #: Client Name: PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOC. Client Reference: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Sampled: 03~28~94 Sample I.D: SEE UNDER COLUMN SAMPLE I.D. Date Extracted: 04~07~94 04~08~94 Lab Number:. 000084-000110 Date Analyzed: 04~07~94 04~08~94 04/10/94 Sample I.D. Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Xylenes TPH Gas UNITS Soil 'MDL DF .002 .005 .002 .005 .200 m~/K9 P4-A 2K 11.790 37.232 79.482 443.770 11616 mg/Kg P4-B 2K N D N D 6.938 43.761 3006 m g/Kg P4C 1 ND ND ND 0.005 1.265 mg/Kg P4-D 1 N D N D 0.006 0.042 4.548 rog/Kg P5oA 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P5-B I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P5-C 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P6-A 20K 46.807 1254.960 647.232 4748.360 38588 mg/Kg P6-C 200 ND ND 0.416 2.465 194.378 mg/Kg P7-A 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P7-B 1 ND ND ND ND ND rog/Kg P7-C 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P8-A I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P8-B 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P8-C I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P9-A I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P9-B I / ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P9-C 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P11-A 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P11~B 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P11-C 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P12-A I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P12-B 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P12-C I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P12-D I ND ND ND ND ND rog/Kg P14-A I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P14-B 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg ~ TEST RESULTS REPORTED REPRESENT ONLY 'I'H]E ITEMS BEING TESTED AND MAY NOT REPR.ESENT TI-[E EIqTIRE MATERIAL FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKID4 DF = Dilution Factor BQL = Below Practical Quanfitation Limit ND = Not Detected PQL = Practical Quantitation Limit 'MDL (METHOD DETECTION UNLIT) = MDL X DF Atkin En;,ironmental _HE LP LABS - 2889 Bunsen Ave, Suite A Ventura, CA 93003 PAGE 1 OF 1 805-644-1044 HELP LABS JOB #: Client Name: PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOC. Client Reference: OLD MAINTENANCE YARD Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Sampled: 04/04/94 Sample I.D: SEE UNDER COLUMN SAMPLE I.D. Date Extracted: 04/14/94 Lab Number: 000125-000151 Date Analyzed: 04/13/94 04/14/94 04/15/94 I Sample I.D. Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Xylenes TPH Gas UNITS Soil *MDL DF .002 .005 .002 .005 .200 mg/Kg P10-A 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P10-B 2K ND 17.803 27.638 239.96 8417 mg/Kg PIO-C I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P15-A 200 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P15-B 200 ND ND ND 1.364 308 mg/Kg P15-C 200 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P16-A 2K ND 20.825 23.056 .143.537 1990 mg/Kg P16-B1 200 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P16-C 100 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P16-D 100 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P17-A 1 ND ND ND ND' ND mg/Kg P17-B 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P17-C 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P17-D I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P18-A I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P18-B 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P18-C 1 ~ ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P 13-A 500 N O N D 1.092 6.950 1770 rog/Kg P19-A I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P19-B I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P19-C I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P20-A I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P20-B 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P20-C I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P21-A I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P21-B1 I ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg P21-C 1 ND ND ND ND ND mg/Kg TI~ TEST RESULTS REPORTED RE~RESENT ONLY TH~ FI'EMS BEING TESTED AND MAY NOT REPRESENT THE ENTIRE MATERIAL FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEH DF = Dilution Fac'loc BQL = Below Practical Quantitalion Limit ND = Nol Detected PQL = Practical Quantitatio~ Limit 'WI[N. (METHOD DETECTION LIMIT) = MDL X DF k ~Z~LCO LA.BORATORIES, INC. AnalyCioal ~ ~onsulcing Services Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. LaboratoryNo: 39572 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 5-4-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 5-16-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Soil Sample Description: Kern County High School District Old Maintenance Yard, KHSO03 39572-1P22A at 10 Feet; Sampled at 0915 hours 39572-2 P22B at 15 Feet; Sampled at 1000 hours Sampled by MM on 5-4-94 -1 -2 ~§/kq mq/kq Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel 1650 2100 Method: DOHS Luft.Manual Date Analyzed: 5-1.1-94 ! Minimum Reporting Level : 500 mg/kg s Manager JE/ccw '" 4309 Xrr~our Avenue Bskensfield, Califonni8 ~3308 VOLAT~R 6RGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SME. ET , L~' -ratory Name: ZALCO LABS Concentration: LOW Date Extracted: L~ Sample ID: ~THOD-BLANK Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Analyzed: 04/14/94 client Sample ID: METHOD-BLANK Percent Moisture: Dilution Factor: 1.0 METHOD 8260 CAS Number ug/kg CAS Number ug/kg 74-87-3 Chloromethane ...... 5 < 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone . . 100 < 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 5 < 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ........ 100 < 74-83-9 Bromomethane ....... 5 < 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene .... 5 < 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ...... 5 < 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 5 < 75-00-3 Chloroethane ....... 5 < 95-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5 < 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane . 5 < 108-88-3 Toluene ......... 5 < 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride .... 10 < 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ...... 5 < 540-59-0 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene . 5 < 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5 < 67-64-1 Acetone ......... 100 < 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ....... 5 < 75-35?4 1,1-Dichloroethene .... 5 < 100-42-5 Styrene ......... 5 < 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane .... 5 < 1330-2027 Xylene(Total) ...... 5 < 156-60-5 trans~l,2-Dichloroethene . 5 < 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene . .... . 5 < 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 5 < 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ....... 5 < 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane .... 5 < 103-65-1 Propylbenzene ...... 5 < 67-66-3 Chloroform ........ 5 < 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene ..... 5 < 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane .... 5 < 106-43-4 4-Chlorotoluene ..... 5 < 78-93-3 2-Butanone ........ 100 < 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene '. 5 < 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5 < 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene .... 5 < 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 5 < 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5 < 5 ~3-5 Carbon Tetrachloride . 5 < 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ..... 5 < l~-48-1 Bromodichloromethane . 5 < 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5 < 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 5 < 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene .... 5 < 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 5 < 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene' 5 < 10061-02-6 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 5 < 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5 < 79-01-6 Trichloroethene~ . .... 5 < 104-51-8 n-Buty!benzene ...... 5 < 74-95-3 Dibromomethane ~ ..... 5 < 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5 < 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane . 5 < 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene . 5 < 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane .... 5 < 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 5 < 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5 < 91-20-3 Naphthalene ....... 5 < 71-43-2 Benzene ......... 5 < 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene . 5 < 10061-0~-5 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 5 < 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 5 < 75-25-2 Bromoform ........ 5 < The Lab ID for data on this page is XO4MBLK. Partial reproductions of this report are not valid. Above data applies to submitted sample only. < - Compound analyzed for but not detected. The reported value is the minimum attainable detection limit for the sample. Billing Code: 9187 Analyst: Au~or Data Release ization: 2 report can be made available for an additional fee. Information concerning non-target analytes can be made available for an additional fee for a period of 90 days a~ter receipt of this reDort. VOLAT~ ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Laboratory Name: ZALCO LABS Concentration: LOW Date Extracted: 04/14/94 Lab Sample ID: 39238-3 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Analyzed: 04/14/94 Client Sample ID: P13-B-1345 Percent Moisture: Dilution Factor: 1.0 METHOD 8260 CAS Number ug/kg CAS Number ug/kg 74-87-3 Chloromethane ...... 5 < 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone . 100 < 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 5 < 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ........ 100 < 74-83-9 Bromomethane ....... 5 < 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene .... 5 < 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ...... 5 < 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro~thane 5 < 75-00-3 Chloroethane ....... 5 < 95-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane . 5 < 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane . 5 < 108-88-3 Toluene ......... 28 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride .... 10 < 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ...... 5 < 540-59-0 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene . 5 < 630-20-6 1,1,1,2'Tetrachloroethane 5 < 67-64-1 Acetone ......... 100 < 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene . . .' .... 38 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene .... 5 < 100-42-5 Styrene ......... 5 < 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane .... 5 < 1330-20-7 Xylene(Total) ...... 500 156-60-5 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene . 5 < 98-82-8 IsopropYlbenzene ..... 42 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 5 < 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ....... 5 < 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane .... 5 < 103-65-1 Propylbenzene ...... 110 67-66-3 Chloroform ........ 5 < 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene ..... 5 < 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane .... 5 < 106-43-4 '4-Chlorotoluene ..... 5 < 78-93-3 2-Butanone ........ 100 < 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1100 55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5 < 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene .... 5 < 5u3-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 5 < 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2000 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 5 < 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ..... 5 < 124-48-1 Bromodichloromethane . 5 < 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5 < 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 5 < 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene .... 500 78-87-5 1,2mDichloropropane 5 < 106-46-7 !,4-Dichlorobenzene 5 < 10061-02-6 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 5 < 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5 < 79-01-6 Trichloroethene ..... 5 < 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ...... 660 74-95-3 Dibromomethane ...... 5 < 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5 < 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane . 5 < 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene . 5 < 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane .... 5 < 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 5 < 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5 < 91-20-3 Naphthalene ....... 1800 71-43-2 Benzene ......... 5 < 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5 < 10061-01-5 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 5 < 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 5 < 75-25-2 Bromoform ........ 5 < The Lab ID for data on this page is XO6X383. Partial reproductions of this report are not valid. Above data applies to submitted sample only. < - Compound analyzed for but not detected. The reported value is the minimum attainable detection limit for the sample. Billing Code: 9187 ~/~~ nunalyst: ~ · Jata Release~Authorization: QC report can be made available for an additional fee. ZALC;O LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Oonsulcing Services Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39238-3 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 4-4-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-19-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Brown Solid (type i) Sample Description: Kern High School District, Old Maintenance Yard, KHSO03 P13-B Sampled by BMH & MM at 1345 hours CAM - Title 22 Chapter 30, Article 11 No Free Liquid Total Extractable Concentration Concentration MRL Method/ TTLC/STLC (TC) mg/kg WET, (EC) mg/1 TC/EC Reference Antimony, Sb 500/15 < 10 10/0.2 6010/1 Arsenic, As 500/5.0 0.57 0.25/0.005 7061/1 Barium, Ba 10000/100 34 5.0/0.1 - 6010/1 Beryllium, Be 75/0.75 < 0.5 0.5/0.01 6010/1 Cadmium, Cd 100/1.0 < 0.5 0.5/0.01 6010/1 Chromium, Cr 2500/560 4.7 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Chromium, (VI) 500/5.0 0.05/0.05 6010/1 Cobalt, Co 8000/80 < 5 0 5.0/0.1 6010/1 Copper,. Cu 2500/25 4 7 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Lead, Pb 1000~5.0 2 9 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Mercury, Hg 20~0.2 < 0 1 0.10/0.002 7471/1 Molybdenum, Mo 3500/350 < 5 0 5.0/0.1 6010/1 Nickel, Ni 2000/20 < 2 5 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Selenium, Se 100/1.0 0.25 0.25/0.005 7741/1 Silver, Ag 500/5.0 < 1.0 1.0/0.02 6010/1 Thallium, T1 700/7.0 < 10 10/0.2 6010/1 Vanadium, V 2400/24 16 5.0/0.1 6010/1 Zinc, Zn 5000/250 17 2.5/0.05 6010/1 TTLC - Total Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC - Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/1 in extract WET - Waste Extraction Test: pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate Buffer Deionized water for Chromium (VI) MRL - Minimum Reporting Level 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 _ZA. LCO LABORATORIES, IN.C._ ~nalycioal ~ Consulting Serviobs · Page 2 of 2 Laboratory 'No: 39238-3 Orqanic Constituents mq/kq MRL Method/Reference Petroleum Hydrocarbons 4200 50 Sonicator, 418.1/2 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons DOHS Luft Manual As Gasoline 22 10 As Diesel 1500 100 Date Analyzed as Gasoline: 4-12-94 Date Analyzed as Diesel: 4-14-94 Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons 8020/1 Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene < 0.005 0.005 Xylenes 0.13 0.015 Date Analyzed: 4-13-94 Volatile Organics See Attached Report 8260/1 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level Method References: 1. EPA SW-846, 1986 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 OE/c.cw -4309 Armour Avenue Bekers~field, Celifornie 93308 ZALCO LABORATORIES., INC. J--Analytical & Consulting Ser i :es Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39238-4 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 4-4-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-19-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: BrOwn Solid (type i) Sample Description: Kern High School District, Old Maintenance Yard, KHSO03 P13-C Sampled by BMH & MM at 1357 hours CAM - Title 22 Chapter 30, Article 11 No Free Liquid Total Extractable Concentration Concentration MRL Method/ TTLC/STLC (TC) mg/kg WET, (EC) mg/1 TC/EC Reference Antimony, Sb 500/15 < 10 10/0.2 6010/1 Arsenic, As 500/5.0 1.2 0.25/0.005 7061/1 Barium, Ba 10000/100 46 5.0/0.1- 6010/1 Beryllium, Be 75/0.75 < 0.5 0.5/0.01 6010/1 Cadmium,.Cd 100/1.0 < 0.5 0.5/0.01 6010/1 Chromium, Cr 2500/560 6.4 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Chromium, (VI) 500/5.0 0.05/0.05 6010/1 Cobalt, Co 8000/80 < 5.0 5.0/0.1 6010/1 .Copper, Cu 2500/25 .7.3 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Lead, Pb 1000/5.0 < 2.5 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Mercury, Hg 26/0.2 < 0.1 0.10/0.002 7471/1 Molybdenum, Mo 3500/350 < 5.0 5.0/0.1 6010/1 Nickel, Ni 2000/20 2.5 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Selenium, Se 100/1.0 0~91 0.25/0.005 7741/1 Silver, Ag 500/5.0 < 1.0 1.0/0.02 6010/1 Thallium, T1 700/7.0 < 10 10/0.2 6010/1 Vanadium, V 2400/24 22 5.0/0.1 6010/1 Zinc, Zn 5000/250 23 2.5/0.05 6010/1 TTLC Total Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/kg STLC Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/1 in extract WET Waste Extraction Test: pH 5.0 Solution, 0.2 M Citrate Buffer Deionized water for Chromium (VI) MRL Minimum Reporting Level 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 ZALCO LAB ID RATO R] E S_,' INC. Analycioal ~ C,onsulcing S~rvices Page 2 of 2 Laboratory No: 39238-4 Orqanic Constituents mq/kq MRL Method/Reference Petroleum Hydrocarbons 6000 50 Sonicator, 418.1/2 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons DOHS Luft Manual As Gasoline 19 10 As Diesel 460 100 Date Analyzed as Gasoline: 4-12-94 Date Analyzed as Diesel: 4~14-94 Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons 8020/1 Benzene < 0.005 0..005 Toluene < 0.005 0.005 Ethyl Benzene 0.007 0.005 Xylenes 0.14 0.015 Date Analyzed: 4-13-94 Volatile Organics See Attached Report 8260/1 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level Method References: 1. EPA SW-846, 1986 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 ~ Lab Operations Manager '- JE/ccw . 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 - - VOLAT/L~ ORGANIC~ ANALYSIS DATA SHEET T ~boratory Name: ZALCO LABS Concentration: LOW Date Extracted: 04/14/94 o Sample ID: 39238-4 Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Analyzed: 04/14/94 Client Sample ID: P13-C-1357 Percent Moisture: Dilution Factor: 2.0 METHOD 8260 CAS Number ug/kg CAS Number ug/kg 74-87-3 Chloromethane ...... 10 < 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone . 200 < 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 10 < 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ........ 200 < 74-83-9 Bromomethane ....... 10 < 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene .... 10 < 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ...... 10 < 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 10 < 75-00-3 Chloroethane ....... 10 < 95-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 10 < 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 10 < 108-88-3 Toluene 10 '< 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride .... 20 < 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ...... 10 < 540-59-0 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene 10 < 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 10 < 67-64-1 Acetone ......... 200 < 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ....... 89 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene .. . . . 10 < 100-42-5 Styrene ......... 10 < 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane .... 10 < 1330-20-7 Xylene(Total) ...... 940 156-60-5 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 10 < 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ..... 130 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 10 < 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ....... 10 < 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane .... 10 < 103-65-1 Propylbenzene ...... 300 67-66-3 Chloroform ........ 10 < 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene ..... 10 < 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane .... 10 < 106-43-4 4-Chlorotoluene ..... 10 < 78-93-3 2-Butanone ........ 200 < 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene . 1100 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 10 < 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 10 < 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 10 < 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene . 1800 -23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride . 10 < 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ..... 10 < ~z4-48-1 Bromodichloromethane . 10 < 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 10 < 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 10 < 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene .... 700 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 10 < 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 10 < 10061-02-6 trans-l,3-Dichloropropene. 10 < 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 10 < 79-01-6 Trichloroethe~e ..... 10 < 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ...... '500 74-95-3 Dibromomethan~ ...... 10 < 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 10 < 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane . 10 < 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene . 10 < 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane .... 10 < 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 10 < 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 10 < 91-20-3 Naphthalene ....... 510 71-43-2 Benzene ......... 10 < 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene . 10 10061-01-5 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 10 < 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 10 < 75-25-2 Bromoform ........ 10 < The Lab ID for data on this page is XO7X384. Partial reproductions of this report are not valid. Above data applies to submitted sample only. < - Compound analyzed for but not detected.' The reported value is the minimum attainable detection limit for the sample. Billing Code: 9187 Data Release rization: SC report can be made available for an additional fee. Information concern.ing non-target analytes can be made available for an additional fee for a period of 90 days VOLATILE ORGANICS ANALYSIS DATA SHEET % ~#torY Name: ZALCO LABS Concentration: LOW Date Extracted: lample ID: ~.TMOD-BLANK Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Analyzed: 04/14/94 Sample ID: HETHOD-BLANK Percent Moisture: Dilution Factor: 1.0 ~ETHOD 8260 CAS Number ug/kg CAS Number ug/kg 74-8~-3 Ch~-6romethane ...... 5 < 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone . 100 < 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 5 < 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ........ 100 < 74-83-9 Bromomethane ....... 5 < 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene .... 5 < 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ...... 5 < 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 5 < 75-00-3 Chloroethane ....... 5 < 95-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane . 5 < 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane . 5 < 108-88-3 Toluene ......... 5 < 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride .... 10 < 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ...... 5 < 540-59-0 cis-l,2-Dichlgr°ethene 5 < 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5 < 67-64-1 Acetone ......... 100 < 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ....... 5 < 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene .... 5. < 100-42-5 Styrene ......... 5 < 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane .... 5 < 1330-20-7 Xylene(Total) ...... 5 ~56-60-5 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 5 < 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ..... 5 < 590-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 5 < 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ....... 5 < .~4-97-5 Bromochloromethane .... 5 < 103-65-1 Propylbenzene ...... 5 < 6-3 Chloroform ........ 5 < 95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene ..... 5 < 1,2-Dichloroethane .... 5 < 106-43-4 4-Chlorotoluene ..... 5 < ;3-3 2-Butanone ........ 100 < 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene . 5 < 15-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 5 < 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenz~ne .... 5 < 1,1-Dichloropropene 5 < 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene . 5 < Carbon Tetrachloride 5 < 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ..... 5 'Bromodichloromethane 5 < 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5 < 1,3-Dichloropropane 5 < 99-87-6 4-Isopropyltoluene .... 5 1,2-Dichloropropane 5 < 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5 < trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 5 < 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5 < Trichloroethene' . .... 5 < 104-51-8 n-Buty!benzene ...... 5 < Dibromomethane ' ...... 5 < 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5 < Dibromochloromethane 5 < 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene . 5 < 1,2-Dibromoethane .... 5 < 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 5 < 1,1,2-Trichloroethane . 5 < 91-20-3 Naphthalene ....... 5 < Benzene ......... 5 < 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene . 5 < cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 5 < 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 5 < Bromoform ........ 5 < for data on this page is XO4MBLK. ~productions of this report are not valid. applies to submitted sample only. analyzed for but not detected. The reported is the minimum attainable detection limit for ~de: 9187 %ut~orization:' ~/~~' be made:available for an additional fee. concerning, non-target analytes can be made an additional fee for a period of 90 days 7ALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & ConSulting Services Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc.. Laboratory No: 40175 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 6-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 7-1-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Brown Solid (type i) Sample Description: Old Maintenance Yard, Job # KHSO03, P-9-'D, 5' to 5'6" Depth Silt, Fan, No Odor Stain Sampled by Randall Metz on 6-20-94 at 1045 hours CAM - Title 22 Chapter $0, Article 11 No Free Liquid Total Extractable Concentration Concentration MRL Method/ TTLC/STLC (TC) mg/kg WET, (EC) mg/1 TC/EC Reference ' Chromium, Cr 2500/560 .14 2.530,05 6010/1 Chromium, (VI) 500/5.0 0.05/0.05 6010/1 Lead, Pb 1000/5.0 21 2.5/0.05 6010/1 Selenium, Se 100/1.0 < 0.25 0.25/0.005 7741/1 TTLC - Total Threshold Limit Concentration,.mg/kg STLC - Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, mg/l in extract WET - Waste Extraction Test: PH 5.0 Solution, 0.6 M Citrate Buffer Deionized water for Chromium (VI) MRL - Minimum Reporting Level Method References: 1. EPA SW-846, 1986 3rd Edition JE/ccw 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 9330'8 .1_ZALOO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & C'o/~sulting Services Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-14 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Water Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P1 WS1 at 30.8 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1323 hours ~g/1 MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons' Benzene 4400 500 ~oluene 1300 500 Ethyl Benzene 1200 500 Xylenes 4700 1500 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed' 4-7-94 Total Petroleum HydToca'rbons as Gasoline 58000 50000 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed- 4-7-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw 4309 Arm'our Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308  ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. AnalyCioar ~ ~onsulcing Seevices - Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39145-15 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-23-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Water Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Storage Facility, KHSO03 3100 Chester Avenue, P3 WS1 at 31.1 Feet Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-23-94 at 1612 hours ~§/1 MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene 800 250 Toluene 57 5.0 Ethyl Benzene 250 250 Xylenes 1300 750 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 4-7-94 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline 8300 5000 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 4-7-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level JE/ccw 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Oalifo~ni8 93308 r8051 395-0539 I~ fRO51 395-3069  7INLO0 LAE)ORATORIES, INC. . Analytical ~ Consulcing Services ' Pacific Geotechnical Associates, !nc. Laboratory No: 39181-2 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-28-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-I1-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Water Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Maintenance Yard, KHSO03 P4 WS1 Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-28-94 at 1020 hours ~q/1 MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene 150 25 Toluene 110 25 Ethyl Benzene 84 25 Xylenes 490 75 Method' EPA 8020 Date Analyzed- 4-8-94 Total Petroleum Hyd~ocarbons as Gasoline 4800 2500 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed- 4-8-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level LJE/ccw . z~309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Cslifonnia 93308 ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Anklytioa~ & Consulting Service~ ' Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Laboratory No: 39181-1 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Date Received: 3-28-94 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Date Reported: 4-11-94 Attention: Randall T. Metz Sample: Water Sample Description: Kern High School District Old Maintenance Yard, KHSO03 P12 WS1 Sampled by BMH/MRM on 3-28-94 at 0850 hours .~q/1 MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 5.0 5.0 Toluene < 5.0 5.0 Ethyl Benzene 7.0 5.0 Xylenes 17 15 Method: EPA 8020 Date Analyzed: 4~8-94 Total Petroleum HydFocarbons as Gasoline < 500 500 Method: DOHS Luft Manual Date Analyzed: 4-8-94 MRL = Minimum Reporting Level ~' Lab Operations Manager JE/ccw . . 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfie'[d, California 93308 Old Maint. Yd., Site'Char. Report 7/29/94 APPENDIX C CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUM~.~ PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL '~'SSocIA'DES, INC~ ~G/-" ~i CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD eotech cai Associc~es, !nc. 4664 American Avenue * Bakersfield, Calif. 93309 · (805) 832-7490-. Page ~ of "'-' .... C~e~fNa~e '" ~' V ~ I,I ~, ,~e' ,',e.'r. 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'~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD (" [ ---'". '~'-...-.~,;~"-":.::;..: ~:..::.., " 46<54 American Avenue · Bakersfield, Calif, 93309 o (805) 832-7490 Page of ~/ I ,~ ,' , .. 'I{7- c /_~o~ " / ~... ~ ~ -1:~,-~ /j/F .............................. ::....- '. { ~ I '/")""~ " / ~;~*o ', / ~ " z :~z~/ ,, ' .......................... "": ................... ~:' ....... :'-: ................ /-"f-hi" //o ::' " / ~-' I-~,: ........................ ' ............... 'P'?' ~ /I/0 ......... 7 ...... ' ';:-'" : ....... Y?-C ' "' 1//7 "' t ~' ~ '" ) ~ ~.~. ~ ' , .... ~, ' , "~ , / ..' ~ ~ ~.,...~,.~,.,~S. ,..-.' ~./r ,. ~ . /- G ~-- CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD' eotechnical Associ~es, Inc. ~~.a.~.',.~.,.~j~Ll,~. * Bakersfield, Calif. 93309 · (805)832-7490 .,.,.,,~ ~.~...,...~ ,:?,. ,;.,~. ~o./..o~.~ C~ ~e ~ ~ ~ .~ ,.. :.. '~ .~,' T~ '., ~1,~ .. ~ .' ' ~ [/.. '.'~ff ? ,, " ?'1~, -F" I " '~<' I ~ ~' ~. I~.'~...? ...... ' ......................... ~ ~ ~ .. '~1~'~ . 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