HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1 RMA ACCOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS Action To Be Taken: I I cancel/delete account I__l closure of business date of closure I., I other(explain below) Reason For Action: ,., - ; /,,.~' ),' . . '~ / '--~ / ~ . ~' !~ . · .' ,..~. ._ Status of Account: ~__1 waive permit/service fee ~ waive late charges Account Clerk IAccounting Use Only: Action Taken Date COUNT'r OF KERN 'O ~, :..~.. COUNTY'SCOP~' .... :']~NVOI CE NUMBER: 0009377-FC PAGE: 1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES.,. · I 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 CUSTOIqER NO: 20-LOTUS2 03/29/94 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 ' ~:,') DUE DATE J-- --J I AMOUNT DUE I',OTUS OIL TOOL COMPANY J 150,00 59.1.0 N CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY AMOUNT ENCLOSED DALI,AS TX '/'5206 L .//~ ~//'~"'.~ -J DESCRIPTION: 060030C PENALTY: 0008162-IN PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO THE COUNTY OF KERN AND NOTE ANY CHANGES ON ORIGINAL INVOICE PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL INVOICE WITH YOUR PAYMENT CODE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT :Z005 PENALTY 150.00 PERMIT NUMBER 060030C PENALTY ON INVOICE 0008162-lN ''*STATEMENT'*' KERN COUNTY ENVXRONME~L HEALTH STATEMENT DATE: 03/31/94 2700 ~4 STREET, SUITE k350~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 PAGE: 1 (805) 863.-3502 .. LOTUS OIL TOOL COMPANY CUSTOMER NO.: 20-LOTUS2 5910 N CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY DALLAS TX 75206 DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION CHARGE CREDIT BALANCE 01/25/94 0008262-IN 060030C: 1994 UST PERMIT 300.00 300.00- 03/29/94 0009377-FC 060030C PENALTY: 0008162-IN 3.50.00 150.00 AMOUNT DUE: 450. O0 CURRENT 30 DAYS 60 DAYS 90 DAYS 120 DAYS BALANCE DUE 150.00 .00 300.00 .00 .00 450.00 THIS IS A STATEMENT OF YOUR ACCOUNT. IF THE AMOUNT DUE HAS BEEN PAID, PLEASE DISREGARD THIS STATEMENT IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS STATEMENT, PLEASE CALL 861-3502. 5910 Central Expwy., Ste. 1155 Dallas, Texas 75206 ADril 7. 1994 Mr. Steve McCalle~ ~ Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street. Suite JSO Bakersfield. CA 95501 Dear Mr. McCalle¥: RE: 060050C I am enclosing Check #1561 in the amount of SJO0.O0 for two undergrounO storage tanks for Parco Rod Service at 5501 Chester, Bakersfield. CA. I talked with Sharon this morning in your office regarding the oenalty charge of $150,00, She asked me to send cooies of the statement with the date of receiDt stamoed on the statement and that oerhaos the reason for receiving thins after the due date was due to our suite number being omitted in the address. Sharon advised me that due to these occurrences, the $150.00 would be waived. Thank you for your consideration to this matter, Very truly yours. PATCO ROD SERVICE Li.~lian Gon~/ez ~ Administrati~e Assistant Enclosures KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD DBA OWNER ADDRESS ADDRESS · ASSESSORS' PARCEL t. CT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY FACILITY: (~ ~JJOC ~ ~ ~ Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments R E C E I P T PAGE 1 04/! 3/94 I~voice NOm. I 1!8758 ! :29 piTI KERN CO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY 2700 'M' ~r'eet Bakers'field, CA 93301 Type of Or-de~- W CASH REGISTER PATCO ROD SERVICE INC Cus~ome¢ P.O.~ W~n By IO~der' Oa~e I Ship 8182-ZN CSR t d~/13/94 I 04/13/94 20-LOTUS2 NT I Line Description Quantity Price Uni'~ Disc To~al i 3398 UNDERGROUNO~UAL FEE EH I 300.00 E 300.00 / Or'de~- Tote] 300.00 Amount Due ' 200.00 Payment Made By Check 300.00 THANK YOU! ENVIRONM ,', ,'AL HEALTH SERVIL ? DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. , 2700 'M' Street, Suite 300 ,~ ,? (805) 861-3429 FAX January 31, 1994 LOTUS OIL TOOL COMPANY 5910 N CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY DA!~I AS, TX 75206 SUBJECT: 3505 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA Permit #060030C Dear Sir/Madam: The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department has completed a file review and was not able to find an application for a permit to complete an integrity test, or the results of an integrity test, for the underground storage tank(s) located at the facility cited above since last permit issuance. The monitoring requirements developed for the facility tank(s) require that integrity tests be completed within the calendar year of the permit issuance, and in some eases every calendar year thereafter. Please review your records to determine whether a tank integrity test was performed at your facility within the years specified on your permit. Please copy any test results and submit the copy to this Department within fourteen (14) days of this letter. The results will be reviewed and placed within your permit file. AIl integrity tests completed after September 16, 1991, were required to be completed under permit. AIl tests submitted, utilizing a testing company, that were completed without a valid testing permit after September 16, 1991, were completed in violation of the Kern County Ordinance Code which regulates underground storage tanks. If you have installed electronic monitoring equipment that you have been utilizing to test your tanks, please copy test results as printed out, for the years that you are required to test, and submit those results with information on the type of monitor installed at your facility. If YOur facility has contracted with one of the Statistical Inventory Control Companies, please complete the form enclosed and return it to this Department within fourteen (14) days of this letter. If you have any questions regarding testing requirements for your site, please feel free to call any specialist within the Underground Tank Program at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ~ McCalley, Director(~,, Hazardous Materials Management Program Enclosure (feb93-1a-m69) PE~HT FOR PE~NT CLOS~ , PE~IT NUMBER A 1907-06 OF UNDERGROUND ~OUS " SUBST~CES STOOGE FACI~ N~D~SS~ O~R(S) N~{~ADD~SS~ CONT~CTOR~ PATCO Ga~ ~ei~mith Kern En~ronmental Se~ice " 3501 Chester Avenue 5910 N. ~ntral ~pressway, ~1155 P.O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dally, ~ 75206 · Bakemfield, CA 93388 ~ceme ~A.432732 Phone: (805) 634-9936 Phone: (805) 589-5220 PERMIT FOR CLOSUR~ OF PE~IT E~IRES Janua~ 7, 1994 ! T~(S) AT ~O~ ~PROV~ DA~ October 7, 1993 1. It h the m~ibili~ oi the Pemilt~ to obtain ~mi~ w~ch may ~ r~uircd by othci ~gulato~ agcnci~ prior to beginn~g work (i.e., Ci~ Fire and ~uildiag' ':~ 2. Pc~ittec must noti~ the ~om Matedah Management P~g~m at ...... : ' ' "-" ' ' " ' ' (805) 8~!-3636 ~vo wor~ng da~ prior to m~ }em0val or abandonment in place't~ · 4. It is the cont~ctofs r~ibili~ ~o how and adhere to a~ appli~ble la~ regaling thc handling, tra~nation or tr~tmcnt of hmardom ma[c~al~, :.~.. : .... 5. _ ~e tank removal contractor m~t h~c a q~l~cd ~m~y employee on ~itc sup~hing thc lani rcm~aL ~c cmploy~ mint ha~c tank ~moval ~xp¢dcnC~ ': .~: A mi~imu~ of two ~mpl~ m~t ~ retfi~ed ~t depths ol appro~mately ~o t~t and s~ f~t for ~cr 15 liner f~t of pi~ ~n and under the d~s~er irea; ~t · "~.i'. ~,.i: ~'/~. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1907..-06" OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS .: ADDENDUM :~'.. 9. Soil Sample analysis: .,: . . . ~,~ ....... a. , All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, .vylene, and total '-: , petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). ., - ' b.." .ail soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel)" "and' " benzene." ''~ ~'~':i''' ~ c. " Ail soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for Iota[ organic hal/des, lead, oil and grease. ' .,": "d. All soil samples retrieved from. beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease.. .- - - - ..: e. All soil .samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: · Complete permit application submitted Al least two weeks prior to closure to Hazardous lVlaterials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit o£ dale ....... TwO working da)? ................................. .. ~ .......... and time of closure and soil sampling :. , Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than $ working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste da}s for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis Program 11. Purgingfmerting Conditions: .. : a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such thal less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) .." -'-/-'....: b. Tank shall be 'purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) ' c. No emi~ion shah result in odors detectable at or beyond proper/y line. (Rule 419) - . ~ d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector an'ives to authorize removal . , ' ' RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REIVIOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANI~ . . ' ' This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code. Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks, c.,, Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance' is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and o,'pectations for this department. .. , .:,'- '. '.' ?'..",'i.i'.'.' -' 1. - Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous'.' It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL.OSHA-I ; regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule. workers are not permi!ted in improperly sloped · excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the bole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets ' ' are never substituted for ladders .... . ' ' ""' ." ~:' ' ' - '" ':Y"""'~ · · ., -, .... .,.., ..~· .- . . ......,._.,;.:~..~-. · -'"" - ' ,,'..~ ...... ..' .~:' :'.L. ':_..' :" .... ' ' - ' ' ' U i ' '' ' ' ::' "' ' ' ' "'" ':~"~ , 2. · Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the reqmremen~ of the permit ~s ed. The .)ob foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by_ :,:. <,.- i:·i' ',..... the conditio,ns o,f the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result< in.a stop-work order.. , . .....: !. ', . .:...~, i'i,!i.,_..~i~.,,.'i i~' ii'i"::'"i.,.//i' ,.:.ii".i ,i~:~(~ii'.i~.,ii' · i 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are ."' .' , necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do ~ot follow through on neces~rY' !i'... ' · -' unmanageable bac'k]og of incomplete cases results. If t~ continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase~..'.,. ',.:~':"~ :.':'i)::~ . '" ! ~4~.-'!".~':i~i~,'~c~::,: ~,. .,. - , ~.: · · .,: ; .- ... . · : . ~- - .- -"',..', ~'. '-.~ ;~A,,."- .~'. 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CORNETT sample Matrix: Solid waste Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q..L. Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 980. mg/kg lO0. EPA-418.1 Note: High reported PQL's due to high concentration ~f target, . . . Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date of P 0 BOX 5337 Report: 10/31/93 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Lab #: 93-10893~2 Attn.: C. CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: JOB #93E3170 PATCO: SAHPLE ~2, UNDER TANK SOIL;6', 10-19-93 1:30PM SAMPLED BY C. CORITETT Sample Matrix: Solid waste Method Constituents Sample Results units P.Q.L. Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 46. mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date of P O BOX 5337 Report: 10/31/93 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Lab ~: 93-10893-3 Attn.: C. CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: JOB %93E3170 PATCO: SAMPLE %3, UNDER PIPING SOIL-2', 10-19-93 1:30PM SAMPLED BY C. CORNETT Sample Matrix: Solid waste Method Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~ 39000. mg/kg 4000. EPA-418.1 Note: High. reported PQL's due to high concentration of target Califo~ia D.O.H.S. Cert. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date of P 0 BOX 5337 Report: 10/31/93 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Lab ~: 93-10893-4 Attn.: C. CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: JOB #93E3170 PATCO: SAMPLE ~4, UNDER PIPING SOIL-6', 10-19-93 l:30PM SAMPLED BY C. CORNETT Sample Matrix: Solid waste Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 California D O.H.S. Cert. #i186 LZ~BO;~I~TO;q~E S KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 10/22/93 Page P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 10/20/93 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 93-10893-1 Attn.: C. CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: JOB ~93E3170 PATCO: SAMPLE ~1,' UNDER TANK SOIL-2', 10-1R-93 l:30PM SAMPLED BY'C. CORNETT CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Method Constituents Sample Results units P.Q.L. Method TOX None Detected mg/kg 20. SW-9020 P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitatlon Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). REFERENCES: ... SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-S~-846~ September, 1986. Department Supervisor . . 4100Ar~Bs Or,. · I~aker~fielcl, CA ~ · ~ .~:~7~491 I · I:~X (l~)b-) ~27-1 911~ L~BO~b~TO~IES KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 10/22/93 Page P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 10/20/93 'BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 93-10893-2 Attn.: C. CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: JOB ~93E3170 PATCO: SAMPLE ~2, UNDER TANK SOIL-6', 10-19-93 1:30PM SAMPLED BY C. CORNETT CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method TOX None Detected mg/kg 20. SW-9020 P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). REFERENCES: " SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physilcal/Chemical Methods"j EPA-SW-846,j September, 1986. Department Supervisor .. 4100 Ar~as Oc. · Bakersfield, CA ~ · (EI0~ :~-~7~4~11 · I:AX (E)05) ~7-1 ~11~ i,~ (f KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 10/22/93 Page P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 10/20/93 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 93-10893-3 Attn.: C. CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: JOB #93E3170 PATCh: SAMPLE ~3, UNDER PIPING SOIL-2', 10-19-93 l:30PM S/LMPLED BY C. CORI~ETT CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Method Constituents SamlDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method TOX 216. ms/kg 20. SW-9020 P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amount of analyte detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemicai Methods", EPA-SW-846, ~/~ptember, 1986. Department Supervisor 4100A~as Ct. · Beker's~elcl. C,~ ~ · ['E]0~ ~:::::~-,491 I · F=AX (80b-) ~7-1 ~I KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 10/22/93 Page P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 10/20/93 '! BAF~ERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 93-10893-4 Attn.: C. CORNETT 589-5220 i Sample Description: JOB ~93E3170 PATC0: SAMPLE #4, UNDER PIPING SOIL-6', 10-19-93 i:30PM S~/~PLED BY C. COR1TETT CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Method Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method TOX None Detected mg/kg 20. SW-9020 P.Q.L. = Practical Qu~titation Limit (refers to the least amount of ~alyte detect~le based on Sample size used Md ~alytical tec~i~e employed). .,~,,- ~FE~NCES: .'. SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846j Septe~er, 1986. ~epartment Supe~isor ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~,~,:,~:~.~: :~:~:~:~t:.O~l~:~ ,-c..:.:....,.....,:c.., ~.~. ?,.. ~.-.(:..c.~,.,. ,..:.,:..,......:....._.,:.,>:,c.~.~.~.,.:.:.:.:... ,: .,,,.,.. ~.~c..,:.~.,:.~:......,:.:.:..... " , I ~:~:~:i~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:)~)i:~i~:i:)~::~.~;~:~:~;hj~ E~j:~E~L:~:~::~::~)E~::h;~:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...:::..~...~:~:+x~.~;~;~..:~:~ ~,:;~i'~;~.:.~;'~:~?~}~T~<~*~:~*~:~}~¥.A~ ~:~A:~'~:~*~3~: .:-~,> ..' ,~......~,~:..:.~.~, ~' '": ........... '.'..~.~.~.:.:.>:..:.~-~:~-.:.:.~.:,~ ======================== .... -.~.:.?.*.:.'..-.:.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... · -: ::::~..:-?:- ....... · ====================================================== ::~ :;:¥~:~t~:~':;:;~:::': ::::::::::::::::::::: '~;~::::::~l~l~l~ ~:~":::"~'~¥~:~:{::~>::x~]~,:, ~:~' ::~::,~:~:::: :~ ~) ~f~:~:::~;~ ~) ~:~::,:: ::,~:~::~:::: :~;~:~:~:~::~:~ ~}~!~::~;:~:~:~:)~:)~:~::~; ~:: :~f~f~f~]~ll~:::;~:~:~:;::~f~: ~ ~ ,, ~N E~IRONME~ SE~VICE Post Ol~co ~ox ~37 '":"." ' / .... ' ~CLOSURE APPLICATION ~ECKLIST FACILITY ADDRESS '~~ ~/~~ APPLZCAHON FOR TANK: ~V~ CLOSURE IN P~CE A. FACILITY INFOR~TION: APPROVED / DISAPPROVED CO~ENTS: B. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: APPROVED~-~- ' DISAPPROVED 1. ALL, LICENSES CURRENT/CORRECT? YES / NO 2. ALL WORKERS' COMPENSATION/GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CURRE, NTICORRECT? Y~S I NO 3. LABORATORY STATE-APPROVED FOR SPECIFIED ANALYSES? YES / NO 4. ALL PREQUALIFICATIONS MET? YES / ]qO COMMENTS: C. . CHEMICAL INFORMATION: APPROVED ~_~'~ DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: D. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION: APPROVED /'"'""'""~- ~ISAPPROVED COI44ENTS: E. DISPOSAL INFORMATION: APPROVED d.~ DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: · F. PLOT PLAN: APPROVED ~/-""'"/DISAPPROVED COIqiENTS: SUMI~RY: PLEASE SEE ALL DISAPPROVED ITEMS AND COMMENTS ABOVE BEFORE RESUBMITTING CORRECTED APPLICATION. REVIEWED BY DATE SITE INSPECTION: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: INSPECTOR DATE 0 Flo~r Street, Bakersfiel, 93~05 ~PLf~TION FOR PE~[T '~ OPE~TE ~DE~R~D ~~S SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ ~ o~ Application (check): ~New Facility ~lfication of Facility ~sti~ Facility ~ansfer ~e~gen~ 24-~u~ Contact (n~e, a~ea c~e, ~one): ~ysMfchael Graves (805)327-4471 Night~i'~el ~raves (805) 83"2 '309~ Facility ~ Midway Fish~,n~ Tool Co.,Inc. ~. of T~ks ~ . ~ of Business (%beck): ~lJ'ne 'S~tfon ~er (de.rjr) Man, fac, turin9 Is Tank(s) ~cat~ on ~ Agricultu~al Fa~? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~J~rJly fo~ ~ricultural .~r~ses? ~Yes Facility ~d~e~ 3505 Chester Avenue Nearest Cro~ St. 34th Street T R SEC (Rural ~at[ons ~1~) ~er Midway Fishinc Tool Co, ,~P.~. ,.<S,~,~,~:~,~ LxCon~ct ~r~ Desta Jones r.ss drama- Drl 200 ' 95678 ~le~ooe {956,) 781-2840 , O~rator Midway Fishing Tool Co.. Inc. Con,ct ~r~ Michael Graves ~dress 3505 ~hester Avenue Zip 93301 Tele~one (805) 327-4471 ~r ~ Facility Pr~fd~. by Calif. Water Service ~p~ ~' Gro~ter 9n_known ~1 ~aracte~ist~cs at Facility unknown ~sis for Soil ~ a~ G~o~ter ~p~ ~e~l'nations .... Contractor ~ ~ntractor' s Llce~e ~.. ~rker's C~~tl~ CertiflCa~ t Insurer ' Tank(s) Sto~ (~ck all ~t a~lF): Tank I ~s~ Pr~uct ~tor Vehicle Unleaded R~ular _ l . Cuttinq.Oil. $.91~a~ot solvont '-unknown _. 6' " " " " unknown Transfer of Ownership Date of ~-~nsfer Previous O~ner Previous Facility Name I,. accept /'u'i'l~ a~l--6bligations of-Permit No. issued' 'to · I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modi'fy or terminate' the transfer of the Pemlt to Operate this ~mdergrot~d storage facility upon receiving this ccmpleted fora. This fora has been completed under penalty of per)ury and to the best of my knowledcje ia true and correct. ~~/~~__ Machine Shop Signature -//-- / T~ /;-- ..... Title Manaqer Date 07-14-86 .~ty N~,,nu Midway Fishing T~ol Co..I?ic. t~u~llllL TANK [ ~(FILL OIIT HEPA~'I'E FORM FO~ T~K) ~R ~CH SE~ION, CltECK ~L APPROPRIATE ~XES [. Tank is: ~ Vaul ted ~Vaul t~ ~uble-Wal 1 ~Si~le~911 Ca[~n Stol ~S~inless Steel ~l~inyl C~oride ~Fi~rglass~l~ Steel Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~in~ ~B~onze ~k~ Other (de~ l~) 3. Pri~ry.Contai~nt ~ . ~te I~Stall~ ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca~,cl~r (~ 11 ons) ~nu factur u nk 5Qwn unknown unknown Midway t. Tank ~econdary contal~ent ~0ther (de~ri~): ~nufacture~: ~terial ~fc~ess' (Inc~s) .... Ca~c[t~ (Gals.) 5. Tank Intertor~~ ~, Ta~ Corrosion Protecti~ ' ' ~Tar or ~lt ~k~ ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~) ~ Pressure ~n~r in ~ular S~ of ~ub~~ Wall Tank, None ~o~ ~ b. Pipi~ ~Fl~Restricti~ ~ak ~tector(s) for Pressuriz~ Pipit' ~nitori~ ~p with ~ce~y ~al~ ~crete ~ce~y ~te of ~st Tightne~ Test Results of Test . Test ~e .... ~sti~ C~ny ~. Tank ~ ~te (s) of 0. ~erflll Protection ~rator ~ C~trols, & Vls~lly Monitors ~vel ~Ta~ Fl~t ~e ~Fl~t Vent Valves DAuto Shut- Off Controls [0t~t= List ~ & ~el Fo~ ~e ~ices Thickne~ (i~hes) Dl~eter Manufacture~ D~essure ~~Gravity ~proxi~te ~ of' Pl~ b. U~ergro~ Pipi~.Corrosi~ Prot~ti~ : Dpolye~yle~ wrap ~Electrical Isolatl~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~nkno~ DNone ~her (de~rl~): c. Undergrou~ Pipit, Seco~ary Conta~nt: ~l~Wall ~S~thetic Liner ~st~ D~ne ~kno~ ~Other (de~rl~): ~ty Name ., Midway Fishin~O-]~ ,Inc. Pctm~t i~J. TANK J _6_ ..... (FILL OIIT ~I':PARA'I'E FORM FOR T~K) ~R ~CH SENIOR, CIIECK ~ APPROPRIATE BOXES Ca~n Stol ~S~inless Steel ~l~inyl C~oride ~Fi~glass~l~ Steel Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~oncrete ~~ln~ ~Bronze ~k~ Othe~ ~te In~all~ ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca,city (~llons) ~nufacture~ unknown unknown Midway Tank seCOndary contalment ~Othe~ (de~ri~): ~nufacture~: Tank Interior~ ~~~ ~xy ~menolic DGlass ~Clay ~ltn~ Ta.k Corrosion Protect[~ ........ Cath~ic ~rotection, ~ne ~es~ ~rrent S~t~ ~r-i[{cial ~ ~rt~ SY~f~ & ~ul~ent: in ~ular S~ of ~ub&e ~all Tank .  Pressure ~n~r ~Hone ~~ ~her b. Pipit: ~Fl~Reatrictl~ ~ak ~tector(s) for Pressuriz~ Pipit' ~nltorl~ ~p with ~ce~y ~1~ ~creCe ~ce~y ~?ankTiohtness en Tigh~eas ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~kno~ ~te of ~st ~i9htne~ Test Results o~ Test ~te(s) o~ ~ir(s) ~erfill Protection ~Ta~ Fl~t ~e ~FI~C Vent Valves ~AuCo Shut- Off Controls Ot~r: List ~ i ~el Pot ~e ~lces Thiekne~ (i~hes) Dt~ete; Manufacturer ~essure ~~Gravlty ~proxi~Ce ~ 0[ Pi~'~ .... b. U~ergro~ Pipl~.Corrosi~ ProC~tt~ :  Polye~yle~ ~rap ~lectrical I~lati~ ~Vlnyl Hrap ~?ar or Unkno~ ~Hone ~her (de~rl~) ~ c. U~erorou~ Pipit, Seco~ary Contal~nt: ~O~her (de~ri~): 1700 Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Teleph.o, ne (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchard 1NTER I ~I PER.II T PEI~MI T;~060030C OP':iRATE : X S S U E D : APRIL 1, 1987 E X P I m S S : APRIL 1, 1990 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACIL1TY NUMBER OF TANKS= 2 FACILITY: [ OWNER: MIDWAY FISHING TOOL C0.. INC. I MIDWAY FISHING TOOL C0., INC. 8505 CHESTER AVE. I 1624 SANTA CLARA DR. #200 BAKERSFIELD, CA I ROSEVILLE, CA 95678 TANK # AGEi_IN__YRSI SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? 1 , 6 UNK WO 3 UNK NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--'fRANS F E R AB L E * * * P O S T ON P REMI S E S · ' .DATE PEP, MIT MAILED: ~ Z 9 1987 DATE PERMIT CItECK LIST RETURNED: 1700 Flower Street KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Nebertson, M,D, Telephone I ~O5) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ~..~. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~i~~~,~" .~"~, Vernon S, Reichard PERHIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERN~ENT PERMIT ~BER A190-06 FACILITY N~E/ADDRESS: O~ER ( S ) N~E/ADDRESS: CONT~CTOR: Nid~ay Fishing Tool Co. Inc. Midway Fishing Tool Co. Inc. Kvazan 3505 Cheste~ Avenue 1624 Santa Clara DF. ~200 3860 N. ~ineFy Bakersfield, CA Roseville, CA 95678 Fresno, CA 93726 License No. RCE~ 18625 PEEHIT TO ABANDON PER~[T EXPIRES September 12, 1987 6 TANKS AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE September 12, 1986 *' t. Perm~[~ee mus[ no[~fy Ee~n County FJ~e Depa~[aen~ a~ (805) 86~-2577 working days prigr to initiating abandonment action' 2. Abandonment activities must be per Kern Count~ Fire Department approved '[~'. methods as described in handout included with this permit. :~. All procedures used must be in accordance with requirements . of Standards and Guidelines developed, for implementation of Kern County · -. Ordinance Code.. A cop~ of these requirements are enclosed with this permit. 4. Apprnval for filling procedures for abandonment in place must first be obtained from the Kern County Fire Department before any work is begun due to the lack of vent lines on the tanks. .' 5. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at 'depths of approximately 3' and 6' beneath the center of each tank less than 1000 gallons. If tanks ;:~'~: ~etween 1000 and 10,000 gallons a minimum of four samples at depths ;,.f ..:',',,coximately 2' and 6', and one-third from the end of each tank must ne ,'.:~:[ained. For tanks over 10,000 gallons a minimum of six soil samples must be obtained on-third from the end of each tank and beneath the center of each tank. 6 A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately 2' and 6' for every 15 linear feet of pipe. 7. All t ~ ~'~ 1.~ s containing cutting oil , soluable so'[',,eh t s mus~ be analyzed using ~PA method 8240 and oil and grease. [~. 'ra[~k:~ '7 and 8 which contain unknown substances must be zna]yzed for a full r~zge of substances. The proposal for analysis must b'~ submitted to and ap[~:',:)ved by this department. 9. If the water table is encountered either duri,~g the explo~'a~:oc~ borings or durinM sampling, approved water samples must be retrieved by a method apprnved by this Department. ~. Advise t.~s off~:, of time and date of prcpo~:d' sampling wi'th 2'~ hours KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Compaction Testing Engineered Septic Systems Construction Testing Geotechnical Investigations August 20, 1986 Midway Fishing Tool Company Inc. 3505 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Mr. Michael Graves RE: Addendum to Permit Application Underground Storage Tank Closures Dear Mr. Graves: It is understood that the tanks which you would like to abandon are located near the intersection of Chester Avenue and 3#th Street in Bakersfield, California. This site is approximately one-half-mile southeast of the Kern River bed, which overlies a ridge in the groundwater table. The groundwater levels along this ridge fluctuate considerably from season to season and vary widely between years of light and heavy precipitation. When abandoning underground storage tanks, it is important to know if exploratory borings or tank excavations will encounter groundwater. Due to the wide variation in the groundwater level at your site, it would be appropriate to advance a test boring or install a monitoring well before abandonment proce- dures are begun. Based on the groundwater level at the time of abandonment, procedures to determine the impact of possible tank leaks on soil and ground- water could be developed. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, Richard M. Stauber Staff Engineer 5~-ccdc~e r- RMS/rv Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3860 N. Winery · Fresno, California 93726 · (209) 291-7337 Bakersfield (805) 832-8909 [] Visa/ia (209) 625-8251 [] Merced (209) 383-3993 ~?oo mower street k-RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR*i .dENT HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchard August 6, 1986 Michael Graves Machine Shop Manager 3505 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Graves: Enclosed is your original application. The areas circled in red must be filled in and submitted to the Kern County Health Department within 14 days from the date of this letter. This will give you time to review bids and choose one that suits your needs. .. On the enclosed application you chose abandonment in place. For abandonments in place in Kern County you must prove that it is not feasible for you to remove the tanks. The tanks numbered 2,3,4,5 and 7 must obviously be abandoned in place due to their locations with respect to building foundations. The tank numbered 8, however, does not appear to be in close proximity to any structures. We require that you submit to this department a statement as to why this tank must be abandoned in place. The contents of tanks 2 through 5 are listed as cutting oil~, solvents, and the contents of tanks ? 'and 8 are unknown. If you could further pin down the contents of these tanks either through old records or former employees it would narrow down the amount of laboratory analysis needed. Once you are issued a permit you will have one year to accomplish all the necessary procedures for abandoning the tank. Sincerely, Janis Lehman Environmental Health Specialist I Hazardous Materials Management Program JL:aa DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont , Lake Isabella . Mojave . Ridgecrest Shafter . Taft -i ~l'n County Health Department Permit No .. Division of Environmental Health Application Date 07-14-86 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 No. of Tanks to be P~andoned APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR ~ OR PERI~I~IT T_~ of Application (Fill Out One Application Per Fac i 1 i ~T-~Dorary Closure/Abandonme~-~ ~{Permanent Closure/Abandonment A. Project Contact (name, area code, phone): Days {805) 327-4471 Nights(805~832-3098, _ Facility Name Midway. Fishing Tool Co. flnc. .~ c. ontact:Michael Graves Facility Address 3505 Chester Avenue Nearest Cross St. 34th Street T R sEC' (Rur'a~ Locations Only) Owner Midway Fishinq Tool Co. ~.I~c. Telephone (915~-7~]-'2~0 Address 1624 SRnta Clara Dry,. ~200 Zip 95678 (~perator Midway Fi~hin~ Tool Co. ; Inc Telephone (805~ 327.~7~ Address ~KD5 (~h~t~r ~v~nn~. -ZiP 93301 B.Water to Facility Provided by Calif. Water Service Depth to Groundwater unknown Soil Characteristics at Facility. unknown Basis for Soil Type and Ground~ter Depth Determinations C. Tank Removal Contractor CA License No. Address Zip Telephone Proposed Starting Date Proposed Completion Date Worker's Compensation certific'a't'i0n' '~ ' Insurer p(~~ironmental Assessment Contractor ~ CA License No. ~C~ ress ~£O /V~. 5~'7~ ..Fr~-~. Z~PF.V~F_~ Telephone posed Starting Date -- ' Proposed Completion Date ker's Compensation Certi]~ication ~-'~f-/~z~-~-~ Insurer .O~;~.~i '~-~/~ D. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored Tank ~ Chemical Stor ~ed (non-co ,mmercial ~.a.me) Dates Stored Chemical Previously Stored ('if different) 2 none to cutt~ih~ o.il~ ~ol~bl~solv~h~ 3 none to same as above 4 none to same as above 5 none to same as above ~,/~-. Desqribe Method for Retrieving Samples ~/~//o w~- ,TTge ;-~ c~,er/,TT~-;~/ex& ~-~ Samples Will be Analyzed for O7~ o..~d qre~e.. [~'r'¢o. ~,~7"~'a-¢'Pio~ :"., Laboratory That Will Perform .Anal'~'es of samples ~ ~ ~ ~Address _~-/OO ~f~,c~ /~ ~',_~f~'¢~ ~-{~O~ Telephone F. This applicatio--~ for: ~removal or ~abandonment in place * * PLEASE I:~OVIDE INFORI~TION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SLII~ITI'II~ ~PPLICATION FOR REVIEW. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. ~ ~~/.~/~~__________ Machine Shop Signature ~__ Title Manager Date 07-14-86 k~:n County Health Department Pemit No. Division of Environmental Health Application Date . nT-1 4-86 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 No. of Tanks to be-Aba-r~on~d Type of Application (Fill Out One Application Per Faci 1 i O TemP°rarY Closure/Abandonmer{~ ~Permanent Closure/Abandonment A. Project Contact (name, area code, phone): Days(805)327-4471 Nights(8051832-3098 Facility Name Mi.d.way Fishing To. ol Co.,Inc. contact:Michael Graves Facility Address 3505 Chester Avehue Nearest Cross St. 34th Street T. R SEC (Rural LoCations Only) Owner Midwav Fishinq ToolCo..Inc. Telephone (916) 781-2840 _ .Address 1624 Santa Clara Dr..., #200 Zip 95678 Operator ~MidWa¥'Fi~hin~ Too1 d6~,Inc. Telephone (805) 327-4471L . Address 3505' Chester Avenue · Zip"~3~O~ , B.Water to Facility Provided by' Calif. Water Service Depth to Groundwater unknown Soil Characteristics at Facility. unknown Basis for Soil Type and Ground~ter Depth Determinations C~. Tank Removal Contractor CA License No.  Address Zip Telephone ~- ~ Proposed Starting Date ~ Proposed Completion Date Worker's Compensation cer-tification ~ .... Insurer tess 3~60 :AA. 'h/,'ne~.v ~es~ z~ ~37Z6 Telephone . ~$ - Z 3~. posed Starting Date Proposed Completion Date - '  rker "s Compensation Cer'tification~ ~' ~'~-~f-/~-~-~ Insurer ~7~ D. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored Tank { Chemical Stored (non-co ,~ercial name) Dates Stored Chemical Previously Stored ...... (if different) 7 none to unknown! 8 none to unknown to to ~f" Des.cribe~ Meth. od for Ret.tie. ring S. amples Ho//o~- ~e~-; 6L~/ Labora'~ory Tha~ O{'ll Perfom .AD'~lysqs °f_S ~a3,ples 5 ~5z'C- /~ s ._ \< This application for: ~lremoval or Oabandonment in place * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMITTING ~PPLICATION FOR REVIEW. 'Phis form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true. and correct. e~'//~ ~_~//~~/~-~~/~//- ~ Mac hi ne Shop Signa tut Title Manager Date 07-14-86 RANDALL L ABBOTT DIRECTOR ^,, DASD PRICE · ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT UPDATE QUESTIONNAIRE THIS QUESTIONNAIRE MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED WITH YOUR INVOICE PAYMENT. PERMIT d FACILIn /~/~'XC~.~;~ ~C~ J~'~-~ T~K OWN~ CI~/STATE ~ ~~-~ ~ ZIP ~~ ADDRESS IF A TRANS~R OF OWNERSHIP HAS TAKEN PLACE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR, PLEASE' T.- DATE OF TRANSFER. MONTH ~'~, (~'7 DAY /~/ YEAR ! c? ~'/~ PREVIOUS FACILITY NA~E (~F Cm~NGED): THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETE~"~UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE BESTOF MY KNOWLEDGE,~S TRUE AND..CC~RRECT. / /-7 ~' ~'-~'~ '"'' TITLE ' .~=~--~-;?-~.~:~c..-//j DA~E ~',/{~--"-~/~._~ IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL JANE WARREN AT (805) S61-3636 EXT. 554. ch HM4 2700 "M" STREET, SLIITE 300 BAKER, SFI~ r), CAUFO~ 93301 (805) 861.3( FAX: (805) 861-3~ R E C E I P T PAGE 1 09/28/93 Invoice Nb~. 1 10570'~ 10:48 am KERN CO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY 2700 'M' Street 8akePsfte3d, CA 93301 Type of OPder W (805) 861-3502 CASH REGISTER PATCO ROD SERVICE, INC. ...... ...................... ]1 ...................... Terms 060030C-94 I GLR I 09/28/93 I 09/28/93 I t NT .................... I .......... I ................. 1 ................ I .......................... I L~ne DescrJptfon Quantffty Prffce Unit D4sc 1 3398 UNDERGROUNDTANK$ ANNUAL FEE EH 1 424.00 E 424.00 USTO01 OPdel- Total 424.00 Amount Due 424.00 Payment Made By Check 424.00 THANK YOU[ f ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR V Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX PER2v[IT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1907-06 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PATCO Gary Kleinsmith Kern Environmental Service 3501 Chester Avenue 5910 N. Central Expressway, #1155 P.O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dallas, TX 75206 Bakersfield, CA 93388 License #A-432732 Phone: (805) 634-9936 Phone: (805) 589-5220 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES January_ 7, 1994 2_ TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE October 7, 1993 "~ ~Vesley G. Nic'-ks-~ w Hazardous Materials Specialist ............................................................................................... POST ON PREMISES ................................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Pcrmittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days odor to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to 'know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank siz~ less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. (Continued on Reverse Side) PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1907-06 OF UNDERGROUND I'-IAZARDOUS ADDENDUM · SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. Ail soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, ~lene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. .all soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. Ail soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: Complete permit application submitted At least two weeks prior to closure to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date Two working days and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis Program 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. '(CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c.' No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector an'ives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/OUIDELINE$ FOR REMOVAL OF UNDEROROUND $TORAOE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks, Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks arc safe to remove/close and that thc overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards, The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to -know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete eases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. /OWNER OR AGENT ' / [fATE WGN:ch / n/c~\1907-O6.m88 s,,v,c, November 19, 1993 Wesley Nicks KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL'HEALTH SERVICES 2700 "M" Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 REGARDING: Underground Tank Removal, Permit No /11907-06 (KES Project No. 93£317o) Dear Mr. Nicks: Regarding the above referenced umterground tank removal for PATCO at 3501 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California we are forwarding the following items for your records. 1. Soil sample analysis results BC Laboratory Nos. 93-10893-1 through 93-10893-4. 2. Sample chain of custody documentation and site sample location -map. Due to the type and construction of the subject concrete tank and absence of waste material therein, no other documentation was necessary (i.e. waste manifest, tracking record, etc.). Feel free to contact Mr. Frank Rosenlieb or the undersigned should you require additional b~formation regarding this project. Sincerely, ~'~G CORNETT, Lead Technician DCC:bd 'Enclosures Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 ,, (805) 589-5220 In California · (800) 332-5376 E~RONMENT~ H~ SER~C[ ~TMENT ~PLICATIO~~ ~ATE: .~-~ ~ 2700 'M" ST~ET, SUI~ 300 ~ OF T~ TO ~DON: B~RSFIELD, C~FO~IA 93301 (805)861-3636 PIPING FT. TO ~DON:__ PTO:(.~',~ (FILL O~ ONE ~PLICATION PER FACILI~ ~PUCA~ON FOR PE~IT FOR PE~E~ CLOSU~/~DONMENT OF UNDERGROUND ~OUS SUBST~CE STOOGE FACILI~ ~IS ~PLICATION IS FOR ~ ~MOV~, OR ~ ~DONMENT IN P~CE A: FACIU~ INFO~ON Project Contact: ~g ~me~ ~ Phone: m5/58%5~0 ] T/~SEC (Rur~ Locations): Facfli~ Name: PATGO Ad.ess: 3501 ~t~ Av~ue Newest Cross Phone ~: (~5)~&~36 Ci~: ~fi~d Zip: 93301 S~eet: ~ S~t O~er: G~ ~e~ Ad.ess: 5910 N. ~ ~re~ay. ~1155 State: ~ Phone: Ci~: D~ Zip: 752~ B: CO~CTOR INFO~ON Tank Remov~ Conmactor: ~ ~m~ ~ce ] Ad.ess: P. O. ~x 5337 State: Phone ~: ~5/58%5~0 ~ Ci~: ~fi~d Zip: 933~ Proposed Sta~ Date: ] C~omia License T~e & ~: ] Workers Compensation ~: WC-582-2~1 U~n r~eipt of ~t [ ~ ~~ - 432732 ~ A Conmactor Remie~g S~ples: ~ ~onm~ ~ce Ad.ess: P. O. Box 5337 State: Phone ~: ~5/58%5~0 Ci~: ~fi~d Zip: 933~ Workers Compensation ~: WG-582-2~1 Ins~er: To~ & Laborato~ ~at will ~e s~ples: BG ~to~ Ad.ess: 41~ ~ State: Phone ~: (~5)327~911 Ci~: B~fi~d Zip: G: G~MI~ INFO~ON Chemic~ Composition of Materials Stored: Tank~ Volume Chemical Stored Dates Stored Chemical Fo~erly Stored 1 3.~ ~on W~te Off ? l~s To l~s W~te O~ ? 2 2,~ ~on W~e O~ · Wat~ l~s To l~Us W~te O~ & Wat~ D: En~ronmenral Info~ation Water to facfli~ prodded by: g~ Co~ Wat~ ~ct Is ~o~dwater wi~in 50 feet? Y or N ~4 Nearest water well-Give distance ~ ~in 500 feet: N. x Soil ~e at facili~: ~dy 1o~ 5~' Basis for soil ~e ~d ~oundwater dep~ dete~ination: K~ Co~ Wat~ ~/~i~t - PATCO Total number of s~ples to be anal~ed: Fo~ (4) ] S~ples to be anal~ed for: 418.1, TOX E: Disposal Info~ation Decont~ination procedure: Ste~ de~ ~ ~~ ~eate ~a ~ T~~6on to G~son Decontamination Con.actor: ~ ~m~ ~ce Dispos~ location for rinseate: Phone ~: ~5/589-5~0 Gibson ~omen~ Disposal method for t~k(s): Cut ~d s~p Disposal location for tank(s): ~ld~ State Me~ Disposal me.od for pip.g: Cut ~d s~p Disposal location for piping: ~ld~ State Me~ · *Please Complete ~e Reverse Side of This Application Before Submi~ing For Renew** This fo~ has be~ c9~red under penal~ of perju~ and to ~e best of my ~owledge is ~e and co~ect. Si~amre: ~~ ~ Title: Lead Technician, ~S Date: October 4, 1993 / R E C E [ P T PAGE 1 10:38 am KERN CO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY 2700 'M' Street Bakensf4e]d, CA 93301 Type o¢ OF'den N (805) 861-3502 CASH REGISTER KERN BACKHOE SERVZCE INC. 1005931 I GLR I 10/05/93 I 10/05/93 IPJB t NT .................. I .............. I .............I ................. I ....................... t ................ Llne Descrfptfon Quantfty Prlce Unlt Dffsc Total 1 4751UNDERGROUNDTANKS CLOSE/ABAND EH I 1100.00 E 1100.00 UST002 Order Total 1100.00 -Amount Due 1100.00 Payment Made By Check 1!00.00 THANK YOU[ ~, ~. -',~'., ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO. I ,. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 APN NUMBER BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 3 "~ Type Of Application {check): ( )Existing Facility ~i. Transfer of Ownership ( )New Facility A.' Emergency 24-Hour Contact: Name ~'o,,,-.~I /<le~ ~ i¢-~ Phone# Days Phone # Nights Facility Name ¢o. 4- ~-~ ~ ~N~me.~ · r- ~/, <. ~ No. Of Tanks_~,-y . Type Of Business (check): ( )Gasoline Station (~Other (Describe) ~..~ - Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ( )Yes (~No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agricultural Purposes? ( )Yes (,,-)No Facility Address 3 S- o ~ c.-k, ~ s'~'-~,'- City. ~ F-, ~- T R SEC ~ "-" __ ~Ru, o, On~y) Nearest Or.,ss Street TankOwner L-o'/-u-5 0~/ 7'~o! ~,~?~,,~¥ , Phone#:2./,-/ Address .5'-~ Io ~- C-<,~'Fr-,~/ E..x~, ~,~2 City/~tate .~,1)<~' q'-Y-- Zip Operator ~ c< ?/-~-~ f { S' ¢ Phone #: Address City/State Zip. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION .UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER - Call (916) 739-2582 If questions arise, TY (TK) HQ !4!4!- B. Water To Facility Provided By Depth To Groundwater Soil Characteristics At Facility. C, Tank(s) Storage (Check All That Apply): (If* - Complete Section D) Other* Other* Tank # Unleaded I, Inleaded PIIJ~ Premium Diesel Other Fuel* Waste OII Waste product .z () () () ( ) () ( ) · () () -/.____:'- () () D. Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (For Products Or Waste Marked With *) Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # (if known) Chemical Previously Stored fif different) E. Transfer Of Ownership Date Of Transfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. THIS FQRM HAS BEEN CQMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TQ THE BEST QF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AN? CpRRECT. '" :" · HM22 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO. ,' />/ < ~3%.~ 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 APN NUMBER BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 APPLICATION DATE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application {check): ( )Existing Facility ( )Transfer Of Ownership ( )New Facility A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact: Name Phone # Days. Name Phone # Nights Facility Name No. Of Tanks Type Of Business (check): ( )Gasoline Station ( )Other (Describe). Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ( )Yes ( )No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agricultural Purposes? ( )Yes ( )No Facility Address City. T__ R~ SEC__ (Rura: Locations Only) N~.are.~t Cross Stroe*. -- Tank Owner Phone #: Address City/State Zip Operator Phone #: Ad d re ss City/State Zip BOARD OF EQUALIZATION'UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER - Call (916) 739-2582 If questions arise, TY ('I'K) HQ !4!4!- I I I I I I I B. Water To Facility Provided By Depth To Groundwater Soil Characteristics At Facility. C. Tank(s) Storage !Check All That A.oply): (If* - Complete Section D). Other* Other* Tank.# Unleaded Unleaded Plus Premium Diesel Other Fuel* Waste Oll Waste produc ~ v,() () () () () () () () ~ () () () () () () () () ~ () () () () () () () D. Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (For Products Or Waste Marked With *) Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # (if known) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) E. Transfer O._/f Ownership Date Of Transfer. Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued to I understand that the Permitting AuthorityI may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. , THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE' IS TRUE AND CORRECTf~ .. Signatur~'t ~ '¢~* ~ / '%~-//- 3~''Y~'c-. 'l'itle~-'-' ~ Date HM22 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 'M' Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR V/~~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 881-3429 FAX August 27, 1993 Lotus Oil Tool Company, Inc. 4301 Edmondson Dallas, TX 75205 Ladies and Gentlemen: It has come to the attention of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department that Lotus Oil Tool Company, Inc., is the current owner of the seven underground storage tanks located at 3505 Chester Avenue in Bakersfield, California, previously owned by MFT Industries Inc. It will be necessary to have on file with this Department a transfer of ownership application for proper permitting of these tanks, since the permit issued to MFT Industries Inc. is nontransferable. Current law regulating underground storage tanks requires that you maintain the permit to operate the tanks, and ensure that the tanks are capable of holding produCt, by completing necessary monitoring and upgrades when required and paying fees associated with the tanks until the tanks have been removed under permit. If you do not plan to use the tanks, you are required to submit an application for a permit to permanently close the tanks utilizing local guidelines. All tanks which cannot meet the monitoring and upgrade requirements must be removed under permit. Enclosed you will find an application for transfer of ownership to be completed and returned within 14 days of receipt of this notice. Once this Department has received the application, a permit to operate will be issued. Failure to submit the enclosed application may result in legal action. Please contact Jane Warren or Wesley Nicks of this Department at (805) 861-3636 if you have any questions or for further information if your plans include removing the tanks. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By://~ Jane Warren ~ Hazardous Materials Inspector II Underground Storage Tank Program JW:ch Enclosure warren~lot us.tet