HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK #1-C-11/03/92 KERN COU'/d ENVIRONMENTAL HEA(r~"H SERVICES Budget Unit 4113 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES Description Charge No. of Per Page Pages Cost First copy (not exceeding 8~/~" x 14") $ .75 ( Additional copies of the same page; additional / ~' /.~, O pages of the same document or copies made $ .10 per subpoena (not exceeding 8~A' x 14") First copy (size exceeding 8~A" x 14") $ 1.25 Additional copies of the same page; additional pages of the same document or copies made $ .25 per subpoena (size exceeding 8~/~' x 14") Postage Charge (if mailed) Handling Charge (if mailed) $ .50 Subtotal LABOR CHARGES (Per Evidence Code §1563) Charge Per Total Description Qrtr Hour Time Cost Time spent preparing and copying document Employee $ 4.00 Hrs. Time spent preparing and copying document Employee $ 4.00 Hrs. Time spent preparing and copying document Employee $ 4.00 Hrs. Subtotal I$ TOTAL CHARGES Subtotal of photocopy charges $ Subtotal of labor charges $ TOTA' C,,n S I Case File Name: O~,~E3~-~ Date Request Completed: '7..//! Z//*~, C2/i 3/g'3 ; nyc'ice Nbr. i 155025 9:2? am KERN CO RESOURCE f~ANAGEMENT AGENCY 8akersfffeld, CA 93301 Type of Order N ~,.,~,¢.~=u. REGISTER DANIEL KIRKPATRICK Customer P.0.~ Nth By Or'der Date ] Sh'ip Date V'ia Terms RAR 02/13/96 i 02/13/96 NT L~e Descrffpt~on Quan~ffty 'Prffce Un'~t D~sc Total ~ 52?5 NZSC .- PHOTOCOPZES 1 2.35 E 2.35 ZZZ009 Or'der Tota~ 2.35 Amoun~ Due 2.35 Payment Nade By Cash 2.35 THANK YOU~ FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY Actlvlt¥ Date # Of Tanks Comments ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICESDEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR V~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 881-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX November 3, 1992 Don Sable 3501 "K" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 3501 "K" STREET IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1784-06/060029 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the pro3ect results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current rmquirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Changes in the present or proposed land use may require further assessment and mitigation of potential public health impacts. Thank you for your cooperation in th~s matter. Sincerely~ Steve McCalley, Director Hazardous MaterJ~l<s Management Program cc: Kern Environmental Services P. O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BO~D UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM A COUPLER ~IS FORM FOR EACH FACI~Y~ffE I MARKONLY ~ 1 N~PERM~ ~ 3 REN~ PERMIT ~ 5 CHANGE OF ,NFORMATION'~ 7 ~RMANENTLY CLOSED SffE ] ONE fiRM ~ 2 IN. RIM PERMIT ~ 4 ~ENDED PERMIT ~ 6 ~M~RARY SI~ CLOSURE I. FAClL~Y/SITE INFORMA~ON & ADDRESS - (MUST aE COMPLETED) DBA OR FAClLI~ N~E NAME OF OPE~TOR cl~ NAME -/" STATE . Z P CODE ~ITE PHONE ~ WI~ AREA ~X ~ 6OR~O~ d INBIVI~A[ ~ P~TNERSNIP ~ L~&[-~GBCf ~ COU~GE~f ~ STA~-AGENCY ~ TO INDICATE DBTBCTS .PEOF,USINESS ~ I ~SSTATION ~ ,DISTRIBUTOR . ~ ¢ IFINDIANI. OFT, KSATSITE, E.P.A. RESERVATION ~ ~ FARM ~ 4 PRaEtOR ~ 5 OTHER~ ORTRUST~DS I / I EMERGENCY ~A~ PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CO~A~ PERSON (SECONDARY) · optional DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRS~ ~ P~ ~ WITH AREA ~E ~ DAYS; NAME (LAST, FIRS~ PHONE ~ WITH AREA NIGHTS; ~AME (L~T, FIRS~ PHONE I WITH AREA ~DE NIGHTS: NAME (L~T. FIRS~ PHONE I WITH AREA COOE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION-(MUST BE COMPLIED) MAILING OR STREET ~DRESS ~ ~x ~ ~ ~ INDIVIDU~ ~ L~AL-AG~CY ~ ~ATE-AGENCY F'~ ~ ~HONE , WiTH AREA ~DE IlL TANK OWNER INFORMATION- (MUST BE COMPLIED) MAILING OR STREET ~DRES8 '1 ¢ ~ ~ ~ IN~IV~U[ ~ [~&[-~GBCf ~ STATE ZIP ~DE P~ONE e WITH AREA CODE IV, BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST ~ORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER - Call (916) 739-2582 il ques~ons arise. V. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Leg~ notifimtion ~d billing will be sent to the t~k owner unless box I or II is checked. I CHECK ONE BOX INDICATING ~ICH ABOV~ ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR L~bAL NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: I.~ mm.~ ,L~ I THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY ~ PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST ~ MY KNOW~E, IS TRUE AND CORRECT LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY  COUN~ ~ JURISDICTION ~ FACIL~ ~ L~ATIO~ CODE . O~flONA[ ICENSUS TRACT I - OPrlON~[ SUPVISOR - DISTRICT ~DE - ¢flO~ TH~S ~ORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST (1) OR ~RE PERMIT APPUCAT~O.- FORM B, UNLESS TH~ ~S A CHA.GE O~ S~E ~.EORMAT~O. ONLY. F~A~ FORM A (~) STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM, MARK ONLY [] 1 NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] S CHANGE OF INFORMATION ~ 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE ONEITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 8 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE ~ 8 TANK REMOVED DBAO, FAO,L, ,AMEW,ERETA,K,S,,STALLED; POS Ac -, 1 I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNO~ C. DATE INSTALLED(M~DAY~EAR) ~ ~ 0 O. TANK C~ACI~ IN G~LONS: ~ I Od II, TANK CONTRAS ~FR-~ IS MARKED, COMPLE~ ITEM C. UNLADED ~ 5 JET FUEL ~ 3 CHEMICAL PROOUCT ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ 2 WAS~ ~ 2 LEADED ~ ~ O~ER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM O. BELOW) 9. IF (A.1) IS NOT MARKED, EN~R NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.S.~: III, TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ~M ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C, ~D ALL THAT ~PL~S IN BOX D AND E ~ ~PE OF ~ 1 ~UBLE WALL ~ 3 SINGLE WA~ WI~ E~ERIOR LINER ~ 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL ~ 4 SECONDARY ~NTAINMENT (VAUL~DTAN~ ~ ~ O~ER B, TANK ~ 1 BARE STEEL ~ 2 STATELESS S~EL ~ 3 FIBERGL~S ~ 4 STEEL C~D W/FIBERG~ REINFORCED PL~T~C MATERIAL ~ 5 ~NCRETE ~ 6 ~LWlNYL CHLORIDE ~ 7 ~UU~NUa ~ 8 1~ METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP (PrimaryTank) ~ 9 BRON~ ~ 10 ~LVANI~O S~EL ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ 99 O~ER ~ 1 RUBBER LINED ~ 2 ~D LINING ~ 3 EPO~ LiNiNG ~ 4 PHENOL~ LINING C. INTERIOR ~ 5 G~SS LINING ~ 6 UNLINED ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ ~ O~ER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL ~MPATIBLE WITH 1~ MEdrOL ? YES~ NO~ D. CORROSION ~ 1 ~LYE~YLENE WRAP ~ 2 ~ATING ~ 3 VI~L WR~ ~ 4 FIBERGLAS REINFORCED ~STIC PROTE~ION ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~ 91 NONE ~ 95 UN~OWN ~ ~ O~ER E, SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL CONTAINMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) ~ ~ ~ OVERFILL PR~ENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED ~EAR) IV, PIPING INFORMATION C~RC~ A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BO~ IF APPLICABLE A, SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A ~ 2 PRESSURE A ~ 3 GRAVlW A U ~ O~ER B, CONSTRUCTION A~ 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 ~UaLE WALL A ~ 3 LINED TRENCH A ~ 95 UNKNOWN A U ~ O~ER C, MATERIAL AND A~ ~RESTEEL A ~ 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 ~LWlNYL CHLORIDE(P~)A ~ 4 FIBERGLAS PIPE ';~.' CORROSION A ~ 5 ~UMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A ~ 8 1~ ME~ANOL ~MPATIBLEW~RP PROTE~ION A U 9 ~LVANI~D STEEL A ~ 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A ~ ~ OTHER D, LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK OETECmR ~ 2 LINET~HTNESS TESTING ~ 3 V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 VISUAL CHECK ~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ~ 3 VA~ MONITORING ~ 4 AUTOMATIC TANK ~UGING ~ 5 GROUNDWATER MONITORING ~ 6 TANK TESTING ~ 7 IN~RSTITIALMONiTORING ~ 91 NONE ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ ~ OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION ~ I 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST usEp (M~Y~R) 2. ESTIMATED QUANTI~ OF 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH YES ~ NO THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL ~ OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF ~ KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT  APPLICANTS NAME DATE (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW FORM B (7-91) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMff APPLICATION- FORM A, UNLESS A CURRE~ FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SEIIVICE October 27, 1992 C~s Finberg ~ COUN~ E~RONMENT~ H~TH SER~CES 2700 "M" Street Suite 300 B~ersfield, C~o~a 93301 ~G~ING: Under~o~d T~ Remove, Pe~t No A1784-06 (~S Project No. E- 935) De~ Mr. F~berg: Reg~g the above referenced ~der~o~d t~ remov~ for PATGO at 3501 "~' Street, B~ersfield, C~o~a we ~e fo~~g ~e foHo~g ite~ for yo~ records. 1. SoH s~ple ~Mysis resets BG Laborato~ Nos. 8987-1 t~ough 8987-3. 2. S~ple chMn of custody docmemafion ~d site s~ple location map. 3. U~om Haz~dous Waste M~est No. 92326812. Note: The above described concrete tank was destroyed and transported to a local municipal landfill, therefore no tracking record or certificate of destruction was generated. Feel free to contact Mr. Frank Rosenlieb or the undersigned should you require additional information regarding this project. Sincerely, C~ COkNETT, Lead Technician DCC:bd Enclosures Post Office Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 , (805) 589-5220 In California *, (800) 332-5378 KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SER%F/CES Date Reported: 10/15/92 Page 1 P 0 BOX 5337 Date Received: 10/06/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 8987-3 Attn.: CRAIG CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: E-935 POSITIVE ACTION TOOL,VAULT REMOVAL-CONCRETE: ~3, SLUDGE ON BOTTOM OF TANK , 10-05-92 COLLECTED BY CRAIG CORNETT TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L.. Method mq/L . mq/kq Lead 1060. mg/kg 3.5 SW-6010 · 5.0 1000. TOX None Detected mg/kg 20. SW-9020 Total Petroleum " Hydrocarbons 38000. mg/kg 5000. EPA-418.1 Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC). as. sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. .".i.?i:: "' P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the!"'ieast amoun~:.'of analyte_.detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed) . STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = 'Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: · ":~.~?::~ ':'%~'~ EPA -- "Methods for Chemical Analysis 0fj~Water and?Whstes", EP~:600, 14-7~.:~20. SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes .PhYsical/ChemiC&l EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. ~ ~~___~=~ "" :~ - . Department Supervisor · KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 10/15/92 Page 1 P O BOX 5337 Date Received: 10/06/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA .93388 Laboratory No.: 8987-1 Attn.: CRAIG CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: E-935 POSITIVE ACTION TOOL,VAULTREMOVAL-CONCRETE: ~1, SOIL ~ 2' BELOW TANK, 10-05-92 COLLECTED BY CRAIG C0RNETT TOT/%L CONTAMLIN3LNTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead. None Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. TOX NOne Detected mg/kg 20. SW-9020 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/~g 20. EPA-418.1 Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet)sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. ..~:....." ':.'. ........ ."" P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitatlon Limit (refers to th~.'~ieast amouhtll~ of analy~'e' detectable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration EPA = "Methods for Chemi'cal Analysis'of.i!Water and:.Wastes", EP~U'600, 14-79~020. SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solld Wastes PhY'~ical/Chemid'&l Methods";~ EPA-SW-846, September, 198'6. Department Supervisor '..' "" "'~ :' KERN ENVlRON~IENTAL SERVICES Date Reported: 10/i5/92 Page P 0 BOX 5337 Date Received: 10/06/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93388 Laboratory No.: 8987-2 Attn.: CRAIG CORNETT 589-5220 Sample Description: E-935 POSITIVE ACTION TOoL,VAD-LT REMOVAL-CONCRETE: ~2, SOIL BELOW TAi~K, 10o05-92 COLLECTED BY CRAIG CORATETT TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents .Sample Results Units P.Q.L~ Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 24. mg/kg 2.S SW-6010 5.0 1000. TOX None Detected mg/kg 20. · SW-9020 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 120. ~/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Comment: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC)..as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. _'.'.. ' P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amouht.'of analyte.detectable'"'~i~ based on sample size used and analytical technique employed)~ STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC -- Total Threshold Limit Concentration EPA =' "MethOds for Chemical Analys~S~~Of..Water and. Wastes", EP~'2'600, 14-79~020. · SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. Department Supervisor ' CIL41N OF CUSTODY RECORD : ~: :.~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~i~;i!~:!'~i~[~.~ ~'::~::::;~:;¢:;j::::~-:*::; i:~,-::z.=::.:*~;::::;:~::~::~:~, ...... - ..... ::.~.:.:..~:::.z.:.::~,:.~:,:..:.:.,.:,..~ .,:::.:~.:.:,x.~.,:~:~.~.~,~lililllC:i~ldttm.*.~ ~::;:=;.~=::'.~: :~..~..': ,.~...~:.r.~.:.~:.;.~:.~., ~4.'..:.~:.~'~.,'.x..:~.:~ 'X, -,5 i'~::}-['-'~i:i;i~;~:.~~i?~i .~:~:.:~::~:;~:::.:ii -"::';'":'~.~ ............ ::'~.~ ~!=~ .~.:.= ::~:~:i~:~:~.~:::i~! ...... .':':.~ .~.=.~.:.,~. ........... .... ~i ~ 'r~::.~:;iGra Ii ~::~¢i ~:~ ................. ::~"::~:::'~;~ . :'":' ~:":::'~::':'~' .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:?..;.: :.:,.: :.: s~.:~..::::.:-:~: ::: ~ ,:*, :~.:~ :~:~ ~s ~. ,~..~.':~:~.*,;.:.':~:. :., .,.:¢*~. ~:: ~-*=~*. :~: =:<::~!~ ~,. ~<:~ ~ ~4~ ....... ¢~:~*" ": * -,.,.,=.:': ................. :~ -:.~,.:~, ~" :"~:':::'~:::~::~::=':"=':" ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..: ....... ~,~".:~-~.,=. 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I ::~?:::~::.::~::;?::~:~::::~:::~:::{::::::::::::~:~::~:;:~::~::~}~¢~:~::~:;:~:~::~¢~:~::~g~"iE:~::::~::~¢~:~:~:~8~:~:~[~:~$~::~:~:~:~¢~[:~E:~:~:~::~:::~:~¢~:~: ::~<:~;E~:~:::~:>~:~&~:~::~:!::~&k;~::~!:~.~`~:~x~:~:::~:~::::~:::~`~:::~!~::i~i~t~:~:~::::::;$~:~1:~:~:~:~:~y~< i::'~:~:;:~,:~:.~.~:~:~..*..~:~;~::.~.::~:~.:~:: ============================================================================= - . , _ . llelinquLdlr~l II1/ Ik'x~w,d IlelinquL~hed /:.:,*::~::~,:s~.~ I J-(~'} ,:1. I~I~;LIWJ~.( )H q (~;::::.'. ................ YF' :!$:::~ :::ss ,- - q' I : 'i" '":" ~' F" "' }"*':* ':"' "::-":'""'i:::::~::::::::.':):: KERN ENVIRONMENTAL. · Post Office Box 5337 ~ Daker;field, California 93308 In C. aliforqia {~00)332-5376 Stc~e o! Calilornlo~--En~ire'.men~al Pro'ecl;on Agency Fo,m'.~pro,d O.V.~ No. 20S~39 (E,plr,, 9-3~4) See ln/tructiol, on back of p~ae 6. Depa,ment of To,lc Substances Control P~ prlnl or ~pe. Fo~m designed for us* on elite (Ig~itch) ~( Sacramento, Callforn~a ~ ~"U~iFORM HAZARDOUS I,~ .~ us EPA ID No. ~. ~ifest D~ument N~. ~ 2. Page I Information ~n ~e ~aded a~eas is not required by Federal law. WASTE MANIFEST ~AiOOI~i_~qi~IF.~i,,)I - I~ I 9 ~ I z o, I .. ~. Generator's Name and ~ailing Address ~O ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ A;: S~e' ~nffest ~m~' N~k'~?~:~:'~'~'~b'~ 5. Transpolar 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number .C~~5t~e.Tra~spo~er% 7. Trans~o,er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number 9. ~dgnated Facili~ Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number 1 i. U~ DOT ~script~n (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) 12' Containe~ 13. Total 14. Unit No. Type Quonti~ Wt/Vol ' ~ II t I~ III " '" ' I I I I I I I · .~~~~, ':" ~ ' ' '.. ' · "· J I ' '"" ~'~" .... ~~...-~,, :b;--...,'~ .. 1~, Spec;ol Hon~ling Inslru~ns ~nd Additional I~t~rm~tion . 16. GENERATOR'S ~RTIFI~TION: I hereby declare that the conlen~ of the consignme~ ore ful~ and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified,' . packed, marked, and la~led, and are in all res~ in proper condition for transport by highway according lo applicable lederal, state and ~ternatlonal lows. ' ' ' If I cma large quanti~ generalor, I ce~i~ th~ I ha~ a program in place to reduce the volume and toxici~ of waste' generated to the degree I have determined to be ~onomical~ pra~icable and that I ha~ ~le~ed the prac~cable method of tre~m~t, storage, or dls~sal currently available to me which minimizes the pre~nt and future ·reat to human heo~h and the enviro~ent; OR, if I am a ~all quanfi~ generator, I ha~ made a go~ ~aith effo~ to minimize my waste genermion and sele~ the best wast~ management method that is available to me and that I can afford. Printed/Typed Name~ . ' ' .: I Signa~r~ / ~ ..... .,/ ~/ ....- J Month Day - Year " .' / F x ."' 'l /.~. ~ ../r x .,','.:' -.~ /I ,' ':~ ~:'1 ,,~' .?I l~T~'&n~po~Fl'~ckno~dgem~'O~'Recei~t'of'~erials' " ' ....... ~' ".'~ .-~/ "'~' / '~ ' " ~ " u~ /'/ · j Month D~ Year : Printed~Tped Name. (~Signat ~ , - . -.~.~ ~;.~:,_~. '~: I ~ I,'~ I ~ o 18. Trampo~er 2 Ack~wledge~nt of' Receipt of Materials : Printed~,pedName .:, . ISlgnamre' I Month Day .Year 19. ~scr~pan~ Indic~ion Space ' ~ ' " a -' "'.' '. · ' ': .':.'..:. :... '~.L:.';.'~. 2/' " C .~ " .. . . . '. s.. .. I 20. Facil~ ~ner or operator Ce~ficati~ of r~eiPt of hazardous m~e~als Covered bY this manifest except os noted in Item 19. . .. .//// , .. ,, · .//. . . -: . . . . N T B LO IS LIN ' ' 01~ B022A ~1~) · . ,....- ~'~ ' "- ~'"EFA ~7~22 Greem ' HAULER RETAINS, ' , .~- ?,.4 .~- . · ~'~..~.:; .: . ....., ...... . ...'....:..'.' :..: '... .-.."..... ,,'.....:':...' '..,. . .: . ,. . . . .- '.--~:. . ENVIRONMEN HEALTH SERVICff-, DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX October 2, 1992 Craig Cornett Kern Environmental Services P. O. B°x 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 SUBJECT: Disposal of Underground Concrete Vault at Bakersfield Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill, 3501 "K" Street, Bakersfield, California WO #708 Dear Mr. Cornett: Our. department has no objection to disposal of a waste oil concrete vault at the Bakersfield Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill, provided the following conditions are met: 1. The vault has been cleaned and inspected by the Underground Tank Program from this department. . .. ...-..- ..:--::: : . 2. There is no residual oil adhering to the vault remains. 3. The vault has been crushed to pieces no larger than two feet square. 4. The waste conforms to information submitted to our department.' The Kern County Waste Management Department, as Operator, has final approval for disposal of waste at this landfill. Contact Bob Neath at (805) 861-2159, to schedule disposal time. A waste acceptance fee of $80.00 will be invoiced at a later date. If there are any questions, please contact Diana Wilson at (805) 861-3636, Extension 551. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director ~ By: William O'Rullian, R.E.H.S. - Environmental Health Specialist IV '. Solid Waste Program VM:jrw (sW~magno~es.l~r) ENVIRONME L HEALTH SERVIC DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 "M" Street; Suit~ DIRECTOR V Bakersfield. CA 933,0' (805) 861-3638 PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ' SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY :. . " FACILITY NAMFdADI)RESS: :' "" "":'"':':~;"::i!'::';: OWNER(fl) NAME/ADDRESs: CONTRACTOR: ' ' ,, ' ' - 'Kern Environmental .... ::~ .. '' 32%8081 [i.;. Phone: (805) 589-~220 :, ' PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF :%": '.. ' janufirY 5, 1992 '"" 1. I~ is the respo~ibili~ et the Pc~zfittee to ob,.t .ai~ perm[ts whi~..may be requL,'cd ~ o,ther rc~l~._..t,O~ aZ ~.e~..~.pn~or to be~ffmin~ work O.c., City..-'Ire and, .~, 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County l~.nvironmental Health and Fh"e Departmunt approved methods as described in Handbook uT-_~0l' "':. 4. it is the contractor's rmponsibility to know and adhere to all applicable hws regarding the handling, t~nsportation or treatment of hazardous 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualLficd comPanY employee on site supenising thc tank removal. The employee must have prior to worldng unsu~. ,,. 6. It any contractors other than those listed on permit.and permit application are to be utilized, prior, ipbroval must be granted by the s~ecialist listed on permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. ' '~.' a. ?a~ ~m lm than or ~m to t,0O~ ~"'?a minimum'or two .samples must be retrieved C.'om beneath the center ot the ~an~ at b. Tank ~ greater titan 1,000 to 10,000 gallom ' i'minimum Of tour samples must ~ retfiev~ one-third of the way in from the ends at depths of eppro~mately two teet'and six tccC .. ' · ;.-.' ..:.: c. Tank liz~ greater than 10,000 ~11on~ - a minimum ~..f six' samples must be retdeve~ one'fourth of the way in from the ends of each the center ot each tank at depths of apprczima~ely two feet and six feet. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths Of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear teet of pipe run and under thc . ~ ,; · 9. Soil Sample analysis:' a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath ~oline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenanees must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene,' and petroleum h~ns (for gasoline). h. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be nnalyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene/ c. Ail soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be ~n_~_lyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease, ./ d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tnn~ and appurtenances must be anal~ for oil and grease .... -' ,' ,~ e, All soil samples retrieved from beneath ~npk.s and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be snn_lyzed fora full range of' substan_.c.esj.,~;.' ' ' · - ... (. '~.', ¢;~:,.; that may have been stored within the tnnk. "' ":~'~' =' 10, The following timetable lists pre- and post-tnnk removal requirements: ~ ' "~' ACTIVITY . .;. ,. :..;;.%: ...~:.[' Complete permit application submitted Al least ~o weeks igor to closure . -j:, to Hazardous Martials Mn~n_$ement Program Notification to inspector listed on pertnlt of date ~. 7 Two working days ... and time of closure and soil sampling " · ' ,~: ~ i ')'..' .' ' ... -,.~.~ .;..: .-, ., ' ' Transportation and tracking forms sent to Haznrdous ,'f' ' : No later than. 5 working daY~ .~,~'.~pot!ntion and 14 working ..=.: Materials Management Program, All hn*~rdous waste . days for the ,tracking form nft~ tank removal hazardous waste ' . :' Sample analysis to Ha_~rdous Materials Management No later than 3 working days 'after'c0mi~letion of analysis Pr°lpam ' ~:-' ' ". '.:.( :'.!;''"'i -F. / 11. Pur~ing/lnerting Conditions:: . . ~- ~ i 'Ji":.i:-:¢~:?-=~,' (.:: . ' ,,:'~ ,:(?~. ' , 'i .'.~; ;.?; .-. ..".. ' '..' ': :/ a. Liquid ~ be pumped from their prior to pur~ Such that h~. ~ 8 ~al!ons of liqUid l~ain in ~, ( [ tC 41 ~t D). b. Ta"~shallbepur~g~xroughven~p~p~..~~?~.east~f~a~x~ve~roand~eve~:(C~.~H&SC.`~?~) ; ~': :."~ ';'- c, No emianon shall reanlt m odors detectable,, al. or,. ',t~,nd p~operty, lille,. (R~le 419) i L'..*,,':(..~(,..',: '" ',, / .~", ~,/'.' .., .: ',., ~:~[~% e, Vent lines ~ rennin attached to ~ until me '~u~3~:tor ~rrives to authorize'remove.:%? ~..:.- .: ,. 'Y. .... ' . · - .. I:~CO~ATIONS/OUIDBL~N~,~ FOR I~,MOVAL OF.UI~D. ~OROUI~D STOI~,OB TANI~ .',?,:.... . .. :..... . This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern CoU~ ,~(Ordinnnce Cod. e, Division 8 and state, regulationS pertaining to Rcpn.~.~n~tives from ~ del~.~ment r~pond to jOb sites dm'in~ ~nlr r~ovais to ~ure il~t the tank,~'~ ~ffe to remove/close and ll~t th~'o~rall 'is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws a~d sa~-,~ .s,~ The' following ~id~li~es are 0ff'e¢~:! ~o cl~riry the del~,~men~ · . 'L , - :....)~. ...... - ,,;,,. ,' ..'. ":,-:. ;',,~,.'~: 7 · ...... ,,..' ' 1, Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations nre inherently dangerous, It is the cOntractor's responsibility to know'and abldg by regulations. The job foremn~ is responsible for the crew and a~y ~ul~contractors on thejob~ As a general rule, workers are not permitted in hnproporly excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and eqUipment are to be used only for their designed function, For exnmple, backhoe buckets.'j' are never substituted tot ladders. ' '" · ' a',~?~l~7:t 2, Properly licensed contractors are assuned to undemtand the requirements of the permit ~ned. The job forem~n is responsible for knowiog and ,~bidin~ ~,,~ the conditions of thc permit, Deviation from the permit conditions may resUlt in a stop-work order, '. ' .'.'. ~. 3. Individual contractors will be held r~ponsibl~, for their i~t-r~aoval l~per~ork. Traci~ng t'orm.~, n~*~'y for each *ite in order to do~ ,, ~ ~ or mow it lmo initiation. When contiactors do not follow through on unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases resnlts- If ~ continues, processing lime for completing new closurea will increase, "./~..:. U784-h.m88 .. . '" .,.? ..... , STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 'M" Street, Suite 30(: DIRECTOR ~ Sakerefield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX October 2, 1992 KemCraig EnvironmentalC°rnett Services / !~/~/; P. o. B~ker~eld, ~ 93388 · SUB.CT: D~posai o£ Under, round ~oncrete Vault Sanitary Landfall, 3501 '~K" Street, Bakersfield, CaliforniaWO #?08 Dear Mr. Comett: Our department has no objection to disposal of a waste oil concrete vault at the Bakersfield Metropolitan Sanitary Landf~ provided the following conditions are met: 1.The vault has been cleaned and inspected by the Underground Tank Program from this department. 2. There is no residual oil adhering to the vault remains. 3. The vault has been crushed to pieces no larger than two feet square. 4. The waste conforms to information submitted to our department. The Kern County Waste Management Department, as operator, has final approval for disposal of waste at this landfall. Contact Bob Neath at (805) 861-2159, to schedule disposal time. A waste acceptance fee of $80.00 will be invoiced at a later date. If there are any questions, please contact Diana Wilson at (805) 861-3636, Extension 551. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: William O'Rullian, R.E.H.S. Environmental Health Specialist IV Solid Waste Program VM:jrw ¢ LOSURE APPLICATION ECKLIST FACILITY ,,. PEP, H~T d ADDRESS , APPLICATION FOR TANK: RI~OVAL CLOSURE IN PLACE A. FACILITY INFOR/~TION: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: , B. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: APPROVED DISAPPROVED L ALL LICF. NSES ~iCORRECT? YES I NO 2. ALL WORKERS' COMPENSATION/GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CURRENT/CORRECT?' YES / NO 3. LABORATORY STATE-APPROVED FOR SPECIFIED ANALYSES? YES / NO 4. ALL PREOUALIFICATIONS MET~ YES i NO COMMENTS: C. CHEMICAL INFORMATION: APPROVED OISAPPROVED CONqENTS: O. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION: APPROVED DISAPPROVEO COMMENTS: E. OISPOSAL INFORMATION: APPROVEO OXSAPPROVED _ COMMENTS: . F. PLOT PLAN: APPROVEO , OISAPPROVED COMMENTS: - SUMMARY: - PLEASE SEE ALL.DISAPPROVED ITEMS AND COMMENTS ABOVE BEFORE RESUBMITTING CORRECTEO APPLICATION. REVIEWED BY DATE _ SITE INSPECTION: APPROVEO OISAPPROVED_ _ COMMITS: - nRT~ 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 # OF TANKS TO I~[~aXIDON: I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805)861-3636 PIPING FT. TO ABANDON: I PTO'~ ~Oa~ (FILL our ONE APPLICATION PER FACILITY) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND mzA oous SUUSTANCE STORAGE F^CILIW THIS APPLICATION IS FOR ['~ REMOVAL, OR ['-] ABANDONMENT IN PLACE A: FACILITY INFORMATION Project Contact: Craig Comett [Phone: mS/SSg S220 [ S/K/SEC (Rural .ocations): Facility Name: Positive Action Tool Address: 3501 ~ S~eet Nearest Cross Phone #: (805)327-8081 City: Bakersfield Zip: 93301 Street: 34th Street Owner: Don Sable Address: 3501 ~ Sl~eet State: CA Phone: (805)327-8081 City: Bakersfield Zip: 93301 B: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Tank Removal Contractor: Kern Environmental Service [ Address: P. O. Box 5337 I State: CA Phone #: 805/589-5220 City: Bakersfield Zip: 93388 Proposed Start Date: I California License Type & #: I Worker's Compensation #: WC-582-2132 lJpon receipt of permit General Engineering - 4327~2 Cla.~ A Contractor Retrieving Samples: Kern Environmental Service ^ddre~s: P. O. Box $3~? I State: Phone #: 805/589-5220 City: Bakemfield I Zip: 9a388 Worker's Compensation #: WC-58'2-21~1 Insurer: Tolman & Wiker Laboratory that will analyze samples: SMC Laboratory Address: 3155 Peg'am~ I State: CA Phone #: (805)$93-3597 City: Bakemfield I Zip: 93308 C: CHEMICAL INFORMATION Chemical Composition of Materials Stored: Tank# Volume Chemical Stored Dates Stored Chemical Formerly Stored 1 . ~,000 gallon W~te Oil and Water 1970 To Pre~ent Waste Oil and Water D: Env/ronmental Information Water to facility provided by: Kern County Water ^gency Is groundwater within 50 feet.* ¥ or bi Improvement District #4 Nearest water well-Give distance ff within 500 feet: lq/A Soil type at facility: ,g~ndy Loam Basis for soil type and groundwater depth determination: Kern County Water ~ency Supply Report 1989/Sofl storey of Kern County Total number of samples to be analyzed: T~o (2) I Samples to be analyzed for: 418.1, TOX, Total lead E: Disposal Information Decontamination procedure: Steam dean & trar~port ri~eate via ~ Tran-,~portation to Gil~on Oil & Refining. Decontamination Contractor: Kern Knvironmental Service Disposal location for rinseate: Phone #: 805/589-$220 Gil~on Off & Refining Disposal method for tank(s): Break up concrete Disposal location for tank(s): Kern County I.,and~ll Disposal method for piping: Cut and scrap Disposal location for piping: Golden State Metal~ ~*Please Complete the Reverse Side of This ^pplication Before Submitting For Review** This form has~en~~~ ~d to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. Signamre:~.-"--"' ~_~ ~d~ ~" -- t Title: Sr. Proi. Dev. Specialist Date: October. 01, 1992 All of file following information MUST't,]~cluded in order for the application to I~e~[cessed: Tank(s), piping and dispenser(s), including lengths and dimensions Proposed sampling locations designated by this symbol "x" Nearest street or intersection Any water wells of surface waters within 100' radius of facility North arrow F~ E C E :~.P T ...... 1 10/01/92 ir~¥'oic~ Nbr~. '~ 83~15 4:25 pm KERN CO R~SO(JRCE NANAGENEN'F AGENCY 2700 '[4' S~pee~ .e c., CA 93301 ~ype o¢ OPder N (805) 861-3502 CASH REG~S"f'ER POS['r~VE ACTION 'TOOL CO Customen P.O.~ I Nth By IO,'den [)ate ! Sh'ip Date ! V'~a Term~ H1001923 ! BAS I t0/01/92 I 10/0'1/92 !0F NT Lffne O~:~cr~pt~on O. uant4ty P~'ice Unfit 01sc i 4751 UNDERGROUND TANKS CLOSE/ABAND. 1 1100.00 E 1100.00 UST002 Orde~ Tota1 1100.00 Amount Due 1100.00 Payment Nade By Check 1100.00 THANK YOU! REsoUrcE MANAGEMENT AGE Y  ~w~o~ntaJ i~maJth 5~Aco I~n~ment ~D~ L. ABBO~ ~ McC~ ~ Fy, R~S, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Air Pollut~n C~trol ~t DASD PRICE !il ~ J. RODDY, ~O ~ DI~R ~ & ~t ~ ~nt ~ J~, ~CP, D~C~R ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS STORAGE FACILITY Permit No.: 060029C State ID No.: 60029 Issued to: POSITIVE ACTION TOOL, INC. No. of Tanks: 1 Location: 3506 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA Owner: SABLE, DONALD E. 14175 PROTON ROAD DALLAS, TX 75244 Operator: POSITIVE ACTION TOOL 35O6 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Facility Profile: Substance Tank Tank Year Is piping Tank No. Code Contents Capaci~ Installed Pressurized? 1 WO 2 WASTE OIL UNKNOWN 1979 NO-GRAVITY This permit is granted subject to the conditions and prohibitions listed on the attached summary of condiflons/proh~itions Issue Date: November 29, 1991 ' . Title: Dire~g~r, Environmental' Health Service3~_epartment F_.x-piration Date: November 29, 1996 '-- POST ON PREMISES -- NONTRANS~~ 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861.3429 HAZARDOUS UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS/PROHIBITIONS CONDITIONS/PROHIBITIONS: 1. The facility owner and operator must be familiar with all conditions specified within this permit and must meet any additional requirements to monitor, upgrade, or close the tanks and associated piping imposed by the permitting authority. 2. If the operator of the underground storage tank is not the owner, then the owner shall enter into a written contract with the operator, requiring the operator to monitor the underground storage tank; maintain appropriate records; and implement reporting procedures as required by the Department. 3. The facility owner and operator shah ensure that the facility has adequate financial responsibility insurance coverage, as mandated for all underground storage tanks containing petroleum, and supply proof of such coverage when requested by the permitting authority. 4. The facility owner must ensure that the annual permit fee is paid within 30 days of the invoice date. 5. The facility will be considered in violation and operating without a permit if annual permit fees are not received within 60 days of the invoice date. 6. The fadlity owner and/or operator shall review the leak detection requirements provided within th/s permit. The mon/toring alternative shall be implemented within 60 days of the permit issue date. 7. The facility underground storage tanks must be monitored, utilizing the option approved by the permitting authority, until the tank is closed'under a valid, unexpired permit for closure. 8. Any inactive underground storage tank which is not being monitored, as approved by the permitting authority, is considered improperly closed. Proper closure is required and must be completed under a permit issued by the permitting authority. 9. The facility owner/operator must obtain a modification permit before: a. Uncovering any underground storage tank after failure of a tank integrity test. b. Replacement of p/ping. c. Lining the interior of the underground storage tank. 10. The tank owner must advise the Environmental Health Services Department within 10 days of transfer of ownership. 11. Any change in state law or local ordinance may necessitate a' change in permit conditions. The owner/operator will be required to meet new conditions within 60 days of notification. 12. The owner and/or operator shall keep a copy of all monitoring records at the facility for a minimum of three years, or as specified by the permitting authority. They may be kept off site if they can be obtained within 24 hours of a request made by the local authority. 13. The owner/operator must report any unauthorized release which escapes from the secondary containment, or from the primary containment if no secondary containment exists, which increases the hazard of fire or explosion or causes any deterioration of the secondary containment w/thin 24 hours of discover. AEG:jrw (green~q~ermit.p2) 2 MONITORING ,REQUIREMENTS:(wo:2~gr) 1. All underground storage tanks designated as WO 2 within page 1 of this permit shall be monitored utilizing the following method: a. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring (tank gauging two days per week). Kern County Environmental Health Department forms shall be utilized unless a facility form can provide the same information and has been reviewed and approved by the Environmental Health Services Department. (Monitoring shall be completed in accordance with requirements summarized in Handbook UT-15.) AND b. All tanks shall be tested annually utilizing a tank integrity test which has been certified as being capable of detecting a leak of 0.1 gallon per hour with a probability of detection of 95 percent and a probability of false alarm of 5 percent. The first test shall be completed before December 31, 1992, and subsequent tests completed each calendar year thereafter. All tank integrity tests completed after September I6, 1991, shall be completed under a valid unexpired permit to test issued by the Environmental Health Services Department. 2. All underground storage tanks shall be retrofitted with overspill containers which have a minimum capacity of 5 gallons; be protected from galvanic corrosion, if made of metal; and be equipped with a drain valve to allow the drainage of liquid back into the tank, by December 1998, or as specified by the Environmental Health Services Department. 3. All equipment installed for leak detection shall be operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks (at least once per year) for operability or running condition. 4. A monitoring response plan shall be developed and submitted to the department for review and approval within 90 days of the issuance date of this permit. 5. An annual report shall be submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department each year after monitoring has been initiated. The owner or operator shall use the form provided along with the permit or the form within the Handbook UT-15. 3 R E C E I P T PAGE 1 10/28/91 Invoice NbP. 1 61788 I'-. 12:50 am KERN COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ..,., Bakecsfield. CA 93301 Type of O,-de~- W -?t. (805) 861-2615 ~: ..~ CASH REGISTER POSITIVE ACTION TOOL CO .- ~ J YKN I 10/28/91 I 10/28/91 J , ' I NT J Line Desct-iption Quantity P~-ice Unit Disc Tot~ 1 3398 UNDERGROUND TANK~ ANNUAL FEE 1 50.00 E 50.0O OPder Total ~':50.00 L Amount Due 50;00 Payment Made By Check 50.00 " THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY! R E C E I P T PAGE 1 07/30/91 [nvolce Nb~. 9:14 am KERN COUNTY PLANN[N(3 & DEVELOPNENT 2?00 'N' SCreet -...~. .... ~' Sakers,~eSd. CA 93301 Type CASH REGISTER POSITIVE ACTZON TOOL CO ]" I I I . i YKN [ 07/30/91 I 0?/30/93 1 Lfne Description Quan~1~y P~fce Un~ I 5730 UNDERGROUND TANKS STATE SURCH 3 56.00 E 56.00. ZZZ001 O~deP To~a3 56.0~-' · Amoun~ ~e 56,. 6'0~: ' THANK YOU AND HAVE A NZCE DAY[ MANAGEMENT A C¥ ~NDAI I L. ABBO~ DIRECTOR DASD PRICE Ri ~ J, RODDY, ~CO ~SIST~ D~CTOR ~n~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT UPDATE QUESTIONNAIRE THIS QUESTIONNAIRE MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED WITH YOUR INVOICE PAYMENT. PEP, NIT ~ ~ (~ OO ~ ~/C "'? ?..'" NUMBER OF TANKS / IF A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP HAS TAKEN PLACE WITHIN THE LAST YEAR~ PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWI, NG~ / DATE OF TRANSFER: 1~3NTH /~//l'"-.,) DAY ,I ,YEAR_ PREVIOUS OWNER; , , ~ [ ~~~"~ i PREVIOUS FACILITY NAME (IF CHANGED); , ,, THIS FORM HAS BEENCOMPLETE]~DER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGEM~ TRUE &~B~a'~-I~CT. .'~ .... SIGNATURE., //,~-~~-~.,~ ..,//,,L.~ _. TITL~/-?~,.~. ~.psx~d~"OATE [¥ YOU HAYE ANY QUESTIONS PLEA$£ CALL JANE WARREN AT (805) S6[-$656 EXT. $$4. ch HM4. "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861.3636 FAX: (805) 861.3429  EJ~ronmentaJ HeaJth Service~ Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE McC,~l ! FY, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ~r Poi[ution Control District DAVID PRICE !!! W~LL~M J. RODDY, AP~O ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Planning & Development Sen~ce~ Deparlment TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Ju~ 24, 1991 Positive Action Tool, Inc. P. O. Box 40186 Bakersfield, CA 93384 Lad/es and Gentlemen: A routine inspection of the underground storage tank owned by your company and located at 3506 Chester Avenue was conducted on February 21, 1991. At that time it was noted that no leak detection monitoring was being done. On the inspection form, it was stated that the handbook and necessary forms for modified inventory control would be forwarded to you in order to begin this form of leak detection. These materials are included with this letter. Modified Inventory Control is the least expensive and simplest way to satisfy the leak detection monitoring requirement of your Permit to Operate; however it is not the only alternative. If you have any questions about leak detection alternatives, please contact our Department at (805) 861-3636. It is required that you begin some form of leak detection monitoring immediately. SineerehtS _ Chris Finb Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program CF:cas Enclosures \positive.act 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 E RN COUNTY RESOURCE. MANAGEMENT A GEN(:' ENVIRONMENI- HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMent' 2700 "M" STREW, SUITE 300, 8AKERSFIELO,'~" .g3301 (805)861-3636 UNOERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT * PERMIT;~ 06002 ........................................... t"~ PERM[ T ~S'~ YES NO ... ............. : ..... ~'5-6'f"INE~ ~'~INSPECTION COMPL'~'~'T '' '- .... TYPE OF INSPECTION ................................................. .......................... F~C~L~'rY N~:~OS~T~V~ AC=~ON TOOL, ~C. ,. ............................................................ COMMEN TS: ITEM V ' }. ~RIMARY CONTAIN"ENT "ON[TORINO: d. In-tank Level Sensin~ ~vice e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring ' 2. SECONDARY CONTAIN,ENT ,~iTORING: c. V~ult 3. PIPING MONITORING: b. Suction  Gravity 4. OVERFILL PROTECTION: ~. TIGHTNESS TESING r~. NEW CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATiONS hi ?. CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT g. UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE g. MAINTENANCe, GENERAL SAFETY, ANO OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY ................................................ ....................................................... ,~.~ ............................... j, ........................................................................................................................... ~...,.% .................... 2.~,,,..~ ......................... RE:NSDECTI~ s~~E ~?F~'""'~ Division of Environmental h A~ :ation Date (1700805)Fl°wer. 861-3636SLreet' Bakersfield, CA 93305 ( APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERA'I'E UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.! STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application (check): ClNew Facility [~Modiftcatton Of Facility ~]Existing Facility ~'rransfer Of Ownership A. Emergency 24-1lout Contact (name, area code, phone): Days /~)~ ~','~- Nights ~,~ ~ Fac il ity Name P~ ,' ~,'w~ ~ ~,'e~ -~o/, -~-t~ ~. No. Of Tanks Type Of Business (check): C]Gaso]ine station ~Other (describe) Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? [-]Yes [~No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agrlcul. tural Purposes? C]Ycs ~-]No Facility Address ~.qO~ 6 A,~ /~ Nearest Cross St. ~c[~ T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) Address 1¥lTJ" ~Pr.,~, ilC.] . gT,//~t 7-Jr Zip ~$-~/~/ Telephone Operator ~j~'~,'~ ~l:~t,.o~ 'Too] Contact Person ~,~ S. Water To Facility Provided 8y ~ Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics At Facility Basis For Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations C. Contractor CA Contractor's License No. Address Zip Telephone Proposed Starting Date Proposed Completion Date ~orker's Compensation Certification No. Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe blodi ficatlons Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check ali that apply): 'rank # ~aste Product. Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium I)ieseI Waste Fuel 0il 0 [] [] [] [] [] 0 0 [] [] [] [] [] 0 0 [] [] [] [] 0 [] [] [] F. Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor' vehicle fneJs) Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # (if known) Chemical Previous!y' Stored O. Transfer Of _Ownership Date O~ 'rra. s~er O~/-, IV ~'~ Previous Owner//I,~ Previous Facility Name _ ~,~.~ ~,~ ~o/ f I, ~o-./~,~ ~.~]~ aciept fullTall obligatjens of Permit No. issued to ~o../~. 5.~/~ I m~derstand that the Permittiug Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit 'to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been completed under ~tbn,~Aty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge Is true and correct. 2700 M STREET K COIJNTY HEALTH DEPARTME HEALTH OFFICER MAILING ADDRESS ' Leon M Hebertson, M.D. 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (805) 861-3636 Vernon S. Reichard P~es~den~ Dallas, Texas 75244 Dear ~r. Sable: Pursuant to Division 8 of the Kern County Ordinance code and Chapter 6.7, Section 25284C of the California Health and Safety Code, any person assu~ing o~nership of an underground storage tank used for the storage of hazardous substances for ~hich a valid per.it has been issued shall have 30 days after the date of assumption to apply for an operating per.it. It Is our understanding that you are the present owner of ~id~ay Fishing Tool, on 3506 Chester Avenue, in Bakersfield, California. Our records show that this facility has one underground storage tank used to store ~aste oil. Enclosed is the per~lt application for~. If you have any questions, or need additional tnfor~ation, please call (805) 86~-3636. Sincerely, Dolores O Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DO/gb enclosure DISTRICT OFFICES Delano · Lamont · .~kelsabella · Mojave · Rldgecrest · Shafter · Taft Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebert$on, M.D. Teteph .o, ne (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Ralchard '~' N~'ER~ M PERb~I T PER'II T$060029C TO OPERA'rE : I S S U E D: APRIL 1, 1987 E X P I R E S : APRIL 1, 1990 INDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES : STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= FAC I L I TY: I OWNER: MIDWAY FISHING TOOL CO., /NC. ! MIDWAY FISHING TOOL CO., INC. 3506 CHESTER AVENUE I 1624 SANTA CLARA DR. #200 BAKERSFIELD, CA [ ROSEVILLE, CA 95678 TANK # A_~E_IIN YRS) SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURI'ZED PIPING? 1 7 WO 2 NO NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY.THE PERMITTING AUTIIORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANsFE,RABLE.~... . *** POSI' ON. PREMI " DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: ·, · I 0 Flower Street, BakersfieL 91105 APPLICATION FO~ PERMIT 'FO OPERATE UNDEi~TROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STOR;~q~E FACILITY T_~ of Application (chec~': [Ne--~ Facil'ifY []Modification of Facility ~]Existing Facility [']Transfer of Ownership ~mergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days Blake Davis (805)327-4471 Nigh~-s Bl'a}~e D~'vfS Facility Name Midway Fishing Tool Co. ,Inc. No. of Tanks 1 Type of Business '('chebk): ~TGasolin. station ~(ich~'r' '(describe) Rental Tools Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? DYes [~]No ' Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? []Yes Facility Addres~ 3506 Chester Avenue Nearest Cross St. 34th Street T R SEC (Rural Locations O~ner Midway Fishin9 Tool Co., Inc.~))~CsContact ~erson Desta Jones Address 1624 santa CL~ra Dr. Suite200~.lP''~5678 Telephone .{9.16~ 781-2840 Operator ~4]~wm~...F].~h]nG To61 Co.~ Inc~lp Contact Person Blake Davis Address 3506 Ch~r ;~venue 93301 Telephone (8.0.5},,, 3~f~244'71'.'i ~Jater to Facility ~rovided by Calif. Water Service Depth to' Groundwater .u.nk.no.wn Soil Characteristics' at Facility unknown _' ............. Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater-Depth Determinations .. Contractor CA Contractor' s License No. Addr ess : '_ . Zip Telepho~ Proposed' Starting Date proposed Ccmpletion Worker's C~mp~satl~ Certific'atio~{ ! Insurer " If This i~rmit la. For Modification Of An Ezisting. Facility, Briefly Dmscribe M~dificatl~s proposed Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Waste product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Chemical Ccmposltloa of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ! Chemical Sro_red (non-commercial na~,e) CAS, ! (if kno~m) Chemical Previ~o.u.~sL Stored 1 Water Waste - Transfer of Ownership Date of~'~nsfer Previous Owner Pre~ious Facility Name I,- accept fUllY al---f-661'igations of. mrmi[ No. __ issued to I understand that the Permittin~ Authority may ~:evlew ~f~y or terminate the t~ansfer of the Permit to Operate thlB ~der~rota~d storage facility upon receivir~ this c~mpleted form. This fo~m has been completed under penalty of per )ury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. ~O~~ Rental Tool Signature(~_ ~. % K~~-~-- Title Foreman Date 07-14-86 ~¥ N,,,u Midway Fishing Tool Co.,Inc. ~Jutm~c ~. TANK I 1 (FILL OUT HI':PARATE FORM FO[{ T~K) --~R ~CH SE~ION, CHECK ~ APPROPRIATE ~XE~ [. Tank is: ~ Vaul ted ~Vaul t~ ~uble-Wal 1 ~Si~le~al 1 ~. ~ ~terial  a[~n 'Stol ~ S~inless Steel ~ ~l~inyl C~o~ide ~ Fi~rglass~l~ Steel l~rglass-Reinfo~c~ Plastic ~Concrete ~~in~ ~Bronze ~k~ Othe~ (de~rl~) ]. P~i~ .Contai~nt ~te I~'s~ail~ ~ ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (~llons) ~nufactutet 19 ~ 9 , 6" unknown Midway 1. ~a'nk Secondary Contal~ent ~le~all ~thetlc ~l~et ~ln~ Vault ~ne ~o~ OOthet (de~rl~): ~nufactutet: ~tetlal ~lc~ess (Inc~s) Ca.city (Gals.) 5. Tank Interiot~ ~Othet (de~tl~): ~. Tank Cottosio~ ~totectl~ ............. ~r~Sy~ ~ ~ut~ent: 7. Leak ~~on, ~or~ .a~ ~ . a'~ ~a~~ ~V~ (vau~t~~Gro~ter ~n~torl~ ~v~ose z~ ~or~ ~(e) ~u~ ~u~ ~ner u-~ ~ ~~b~e ~ner D~r~t~ ~o~ ~ ~on~or~ ~(~)~ Va~r ~t~or~ ~~ ~e~ ~n~r~ ~on~~ ~r' pre.ute ~n~r ~n ~u~ar S~ ot ~ub~e ga~ Tank ,, ~ gone ~ ~~ ~ ~er ~en Tlgh~ess ~8t~? ~Yea ~ ~kno~ ~Ce of ~s~ Tlgh~fle~ Tea~ Results of Test Tes~ ~e %stl~ C~ny ........... 9. Tank Re~i~ ....... " ~e (s) of ~ri~ Re~ira _ O. ~er[ill pro~ctiOn - ~rator ~ C~trols, i Vis~lly ~nitors ~vel ~Ta~ Fl~t ~a ~Fl~t Vent Valves ~ Auto Shut- 0[[ Controls  cita~a ~r ~al~ Fill ~x ~ ~kno~ Ot~r~ List ~ ~ ~el For ~e ~ices 1. Thickne~ (i~hes) unknow~i~te~ unknow~anufacturer ~[dwaY O~es~re ~ib~' ~Gravity ~roxi~te ~ 6'~ Pi~ ~nkn°Wn' ' b. U~ergro~ Pipi~.Corrosi~ Prot~t}~ : ~lvaniz~ ~Fi~rglass~l~ ~ess~ ~rrent ~criiicial ~Polye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical I~latl~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or ~Unkno~ ~None ~her (de~ri~): .. c. U~ergrou~ Pipit, Seco~ary Contat~nt: ~l~Wall ~S~thetic Liner ~s~ ~ne ~kno~ ~Other (de~ri~): .............................. 2700 M STREET COUNTY HEALTHDEPARTMEh HEALTH OFFICER M~MLING ADDRESS Leon M Hebertson, M.D. 1415 'I~UXTUN AVENUE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION BAk-"RSFIELD, CA 93301 DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (805) 861-3636 Vernon S. Reichard ~ay 11, 1988 Donald Sable President PATCO 14175 Proton Road Dallas, Texas 75244 Dear Mr. Sable: Pursuant to Division 8 of the Kern County Ordinance Code and Chapter 6.7, Section 25284C of the California Health and Safety Code, any person assuming ownership of an underground storage tank used for the storage of hazardous substances for which a valid permit has been issued shall have 30 days after the date of assumption to apply for an operating permit. It is our understanding that you are the present owner of Midway Fishing Tool, on 3506 Chester Avenue, in Bakersfield, California. Our records show that this facility has one underground storage tank used to store waste oil. Enclosed iS the permit application form. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Dolores G Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program DG/gb ( enclosure ~~ ~0/~ ~ t?[~ . ~ DISTRICT OFFICES Delano · Lamont Lake Isabella Mojave · Rldgecrest Shafter · Taft