HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF ~PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE · ~ This ~errnit is issued for the followirtg; I;1 Hazardous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Pormit ID #:: 015..000-001996 : ~ Rlskl~nagem~tPro~mm HA RRYS AUTO RE PAl R OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' i ~ "~  1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor App~ovedby: Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' ?~'' I~' FAX {661) 326-0576 i Expiration Date: ~ Po~tage $ Ir' Codified Fee ~1. o. 0 I postma~k¢ Return Receipt Fee I · 50 Here~ ~ (Endomement Required) c:3 Reacted O.,ve~ Fee 1.50 E:~ (Endorsement Required) .r-, ~t~.~,&~. $ 3.7~4 u3 I'Recip!ent'a Name Please Print Cl'e~rly) (To be ¢omplet~l by:mailer) [ MR. _A O ; c~c~ [ 3916 $. CHESTER AVE · Complete items 1, 21 ~ ). Also complete A. Rgc~_ive.d by (Please Pti, '~ar/y) item 4 if Restricted"De~,~'ry is desired. . ~1 ~ · Print your name and address on the reverse C. 'sign~.tq~_e/ L so that we can return the card to you. [_j Agent · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X ~) ¥..,((' ~ or on the front if space permits. ~. _,~ _Ot~' -, ,~.j~'t....~l-I Addressee D. Is delivery address different from item 17 [] Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery address below: ~ No MR. HARRY BENNETT fIARRYS AUT° 3916 S. CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIEI~, CA 93307 , 3. Service Type [~ Certified Mail [] Express Mail [] Registered [-I Return Receipt for Memhandise [] Insured Mail [] C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) 7000 0520 0021 9610 7660 , PS Form 381 1, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 May 15,2001 Mr. Harry Bennett Harry's Automotive 3916 S. Chester Avenue  Bakersfield, CA 93307 VIA '~t RoNFIRE FRAZECHIEF Subject: Revocation of Ha~_ 's Automotive; Permit to Operate ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Dear Mr. Bennett: 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3941 F^X (661) 395-1349 Your "Permit to Operate" at 3916 S. Chester Avenue, known as Harry's Automotive is being revoked effective Monday, May 28, 2001, at 5:00 p.m. This "Permit to SUPPRESSION SERVICES Operate" is being revoked due to failure to pay current as well as past due fees. 2101 "H~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 . VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661)395-1349 This action can be avoided by bringing your account current prior to that time. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sincerely, VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~~ 1715 Chester Ave. .,~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services TRAINING DIvISIoN 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 RH\db VOICE (661)399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 cc: Walter Porr, Jr., City Attorneys Office Steve Underwood, Environmental Services Esther Duran, Environmental Services Drew Sharpies, Treasury F HARRYS AUTO REPAIR i .... "-~-'~ ¥ ~L3/ SiteID: 215-000-001996 Manager : ~ ~~18 2000 ~usPhone: (661) 832-8127 Location: 3916 S CHESTER AVE ~¥ ~ap : 124 CommHaz : Minimal 'City : BAKERSFIELD / I~~:~ ~~_~rid: 18B FaCUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 05 SIC Code: 7538 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title HARRY / OWNER / Business Phone: (661) 832-8127x Business Phone: ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire DelHlth Contact : Phone: (661) 832-8127x MailAddr: 3916 S CHESTER AVE B State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93307 Owner HARRYS AUTO REPAIR Phone: (661) 832-8127x Address : 3916 S CHESTER AVE B State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93307 Period : " to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List F-- MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site Hazma't~-"Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax lUnitlMcP WASTE OIL F DH L 55.00 GAL Low -1- 01/11/2000 HARRYS AUTO REPAIR SiteID: 215-000-001996 ---- Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~%)lV. LiV1%21~l l~l/-k.iVll"; / ~I"I.lY.;IVI.L ~./'%.lJ l~l_,q,.I. Vll"; WASTE OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: OUTSIDE SW CORNER OF BLDG CAS# 221 ~ STATE i TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient I DRUM / BA.RREL - MET_~J_,L I C /Liquid Waste I Ambient AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 GALI 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. RN~os CAS# 100.00 Waste Oil, Petroleum Based 0 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI oRSIBioHazI Radioactive/AmountlEPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MOP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low 2 01/11/2000 HARRYS AUTO REPAIR SiteID: 215-000~001996 Fast Format Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site Agency Notification Employee Notif./Evacuation ~ Public Notif./~vacu~tion ' Emergency Medical Plan -3- 01/11/2000 HARRYS AUTO REPAIR SiteID: 215-000-001996 Fast Format Mit igat ion/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~~se Co ~i me~t~  ,Clean Up : , d 0 fl dl Other Resource Activation -4- 01/11/2000 HARRYS AUTO REPAIR SiteID: 215-000-001996 Fast Format Site Emergency Factors Overall Site Special Hazards -- Utility Shut-Offs 01/11/2000 A) GAS -~ ~ D) SPECIAL- E) LOCK BOX - Fire Protec./Avail. Water 01/11/2000 NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - .j~ OC~ Building Occupancy Level -5- 01/11/2000 HARRYS AUTO REPAIR SiteID: 215-000-001996 Fast Format ~ Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 01/11/2000 DO YOU HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE???????? (NONE AVAILABLE FOR WASTE OIL) GIVE A BRIEF SUMMARY OF YOUR TRAINING PROGRAM: ~/~ page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use 01/11/2000 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Cheste~ (~ve., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 Page BUSINESS NAME.(~meas FACILI~NAME~rDSA-DoingBu~ness~) 3 BUSINESS PHONE ~ ~/. ~ ~02 SITE ADDRESS ~R {~ %' C~~ ~O ~ ~ ,03 CITY ~ CA ZIP DUN & lOS SIC CODE 107 B~DSTREET (4 Digit ¢) COUN~ ~08 OPE~TOR NAME ~ OPE~TOR PHONE ~0 OWNER NAME ~1~ OWNER PHONE 1~2 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ~3 CITY ' 114 STATE "~5 ZIP 116 CONTACT NAME ~7 ~ CONTACT PHONE CONTACT MAILING ~19 ADDRESS CITY '2o J STATE 121J ZIP 122 ~ME ~ NAME ~29 TITLE ~2s TITLE ~o BUSINESS PHONE ~26 BUSINESS PHONE ~3~ 24-HOUR PHONE 127 24-HOUR PHONE 132 PAGER ¢ ~28 PAGER ~ 133 Ce~ification: Bas~ on my inquiw of ~se individuals responsible for obtaining the info~ation, I cedi~ under penal~ of law ~at I have personally examin~ and am familiar with the information submiE~ in this inventow and believe the info~ation is tin. curate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF OWNE~OPE~TOR DATE / 1~ ~ NAME OF ~CUME~ PREPARER ~35 i. I NAMES OF O~E~0PE~TOR (print) 136 TITLE OF O~E~OPE~TOR 137 OE5 FO!~M 27~O (7/98,) P:\OES2730.TV4.wpd ~OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES , 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FACILITY Page __ of __ TYPE OF ACTION ~--] 1 NEW SITE PERMIT ~ 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION (State type of change) [] 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE (Check one item only) [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 8 TANK REMOVED 400 [] 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY / SITE INFORMATION - BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 FACILITY ID # ~ ~il~'~!~: . 1 NEAREST CROSS STREET 401 FACILITY OWNER TYPE [] 4 LOCAL AGENCY/DISTRICT* [] 1 CORPORATION [] 5 COUNTY AGENCY* [] 2 INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS [] 1 GAS STATION [] 3 FARM [] 5 OTHER 403 [] 6 STATE AGENCY* TYPE [] 3 PARTNERSHIP [] 2 DISTRIBUTOR [] 4 PROCESSOR [] 6 COMMERCIAL [] 7 FEDERAL AGENCY* 402 TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS Is facility on Indian Reservation or *If owner of UST a Public agency: name of supervisor of REMAINING AT SITE trustlands? division, section or office which operates the UST. (This is the contact person for the tank records.) [] Yes [] .o' nos nos II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER NAME 407 PHONE 408 MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 409 CITY 410 STATE 411 ZIP 412 PROPERTY OWNER TYPE [] 2 INDIVIDUAL [] 4 LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRICT [] 6 STATE AGENCY 413 [] I CORPORATION [] 3 PARTNERSHIP [] 5 COUNTY AGENCY [] 7 FEDERAL AGENCY TANK OWNERNAME 414 J PHONE 415 I MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 416 CITY 417 STATE 418 ZIP 419 TANK OWNER TYPE [] 2 INDIVIDUAL [] 4 LOCAL AGENCY/DISTRICT [] 6 STATE AGENCY 420 [] I CORPORATION [] 3 PARTNERSHIP [] 5 COUNTY AGENCY [] 7 FEDERAL AGENCY *" my. BOARD OF ~QUALiZATIO. MST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER TY (TK) HQ 4 r Call (916) 322-9669 if questions arise 421 V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INDICATE METHOD(S) [] 1 SELF-INSURED [] 4 SURETY BOND [] 7 STATE FUND [] 10 LOCAL GOV'T MECHANISM [] 2 GUARANTEE [] 5 LETTER OF CREDIT [] 8 STATE FUND & CFO LETTER [] 99 OTHER: [] 3 INSURANCE [] 6 EXEMPTION [] 9 STATE FUND & CD 422 VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESs. Check one box to indicate which address should be used for legal notifications and mailing· [] I FACILITY [] 2 PROPERTY OWNER [] 3 TANK OWNER 423 Legal notification and mailing will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or 2 is checked. VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Certification: I certify that the information provided herein is true & accurate to the best of my knowledge SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 424 PHONE 425 NAME OF APPLICANT (pdnt) 426 TITLE OF APPLICANT 427 JSTATE MST FACILITY NUMBER (Fo~ local use only) 1998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (For local use only) "/ (Formerly SWNCB Form A) July 1, 1998 P:\USTFAC-A.FM4.wpd CITY OF BAKERSF LD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Chemical Description Form (one ~o~m I~er mate~al ~ ~ or ama) ~ AO0 ~ OELETE ~ R~ISE ~ P~e -- ~ I. FAClL~ INFORMA~ON BUSINESS ~ME (S~e a~ FACtLI~ ~ ~ O~ - ~g ~ ~) 3 CHEMICAL LO~ON ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~. t~ .. ~ ~1~ CHEMI~L LO~TION II. CHEMIC~ INFORMATION ~5 T~DE SECRET ~ y. ~ ~ CHEMI~L ~ ; F;RE CODE H~D C~ES (~e if ~t~ ~y I~ tim ~i~ 210 ~PE ~ 0 ~ ~ m M~RE ~W~ 211 ~IOA~NE ~Y. ~. 212 ~ CURIES 213 FED H~ ~RIES (~ al Nt ~) F;~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~E ~ 4 A~ H~ ~ 5 CHRONIC H~ 216 ,~ UN.S* ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~0 ~S ~ m T~ ~1 DAYSONS~ J~ 'ff~ ~lm~. STOOGE CO~AINER ~ a ~UND T~ ~ · ~N~C DRUM ~ i RBER DRUM ~ m ~S ~E ~ q ~IL ~ (C~eck a~ ~t a~) ~ ~ UN~OUND T~K ~ f ~ ~ j ~G ~ n ~C ~LE ~ r O~ER ~ c T~K INSIDE BUI~ING ~ g ~Y ~ k ~X ~ o TOTE BIN ~E~ ~UM ~ h SILO ~ I ~INDER ~ p T~K WA~N STOOGE PRESSURE ~ ~IE~ ~ ~ ~IE~ ~ b; BELOW~I~ ~4 STOOGE ~~ ~ ~l~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~ e ~ BELOW~BIE~ ~ c ~YO~NIC 2 ~ ~1 ~ Y~ ~ NO 232 ~3' 3 ~4 235 ~ Y~ ~ NO 236 4 238 239 ~ Y~ ~ NO 240 241 / 242 243 ~ Y. ~ No 2~ 245 III. 81GNA~RE PRINT ~ & TITLE OF AUTHOR~ED CO~Y REPRESENTATNE SIG~TURE DATE OES FORM 27::) } 17/98) P:~OES2731L T¥4.wDd  CITY OF BAKERSi~LD . ~OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL~i INVENTORY , Chemi~l Description F~ I. FACIL~ INFO~A~ON ~0 242 2~ ~Y~ O~ ~ 245 PRINT ~ & TI~E OF AUT~RIZED ~ ~ESENTATNE ~I~TURE DATE 2~ ,OE3 FORM 27:]1 (7/9~) P:~OES272 ! .*rv4.~ I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3ra Floor, Bakerstield, CA 93301 Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # [] Routine ~ombined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Ha×ardous xvaste determination has been made EPA ID Number (Phone:916-324-1781 to obtain EPA ID #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days ofoccurance Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time fi'ames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of' used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests for 3 years Retains hazardous xvaste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used ()il receipts for 3 years Determines il' waste is restricted fi-om land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation Inspector: {~!/L/~'"~'~ Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party \Vhite - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3ra Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ADDRESS '~'~ 16--1~ ~ Oto,tJM PHONENO. FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~ fl~ombined [] Joint Agency [2i Multi-Agency [21 Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled ~Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation hazardous, wastet.~,o%q_~on site?: /~Yes [] No Any / Explain: O l <.... [....C~'~ cO/ ~~ Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (805) 326-3979 Business Site Responsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: ~ cus~ ~I~ & ~o. ~----~- MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE "~'-/~-'"7'-( NEWACCOUNT ; ADORES8 CHANGE CLOSE ACC7' I · F~N~NCE CH~GEi CUSTOMER NAME ~ff'~ ~~0~-~,I 'Q .~ MAILING ADDRESS ~ ~C~ .I (~ ._~-'~ eS4-C~'"-- ~/(~ _. SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER ADJUSTMENT I CHG DATE CHARGE CODE I ADJUSTMENT.AMOUNT t - ! . I ~ i REMARKS: 'r- od/ 'v'