HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 8/1996 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization at BP Service Station 402 South Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California · Presented to: H. Patel 3617 Cedar Canyon Drive Bakersfield, California 93306 Prepared by: Soils Engineering, Inc. August 1996 File No. 96-7959 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 · PHONE (805) 831-5100 · FAX: (805) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE CHARACTERIZATION File No. 96-7959 BP Service Station, 402 So. Chester Avenue August 1996 Bakersfield, CA Field and Laboratory Investigation TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa.qe 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................... 1 2.0 BACKGROUND .............................................. 1 2.1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ............................. 1 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................... 2 4.0 FILED ACTIVITIES ........................................... 3 5.0 SOILS BORINGS ............................................. 4 5.1 Boring Methods .................... ~ .................. 4 5.2 Soil Sampling ......................................... 4 5.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples 5 5.4 Analytical Results ...................................... 5 6.0 SITE GEOLOGY 5 7.0 CONCLUSIONS .............................................. 5 8.0 LIMITATIONS ................................................ 6 CLOSURE ......................................................... 6 APPENDIX A - Chemical Analyses from BC Laboratories I APPENDIX B I Figure No. 1 Site Plan Figure No. 2 - 17 Logs of Test Borings SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Characterization at BP Service Station 402 South Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I Integrated Resources Management, Inc submitted a letter to Mr. Patel on July 18, 1996. The letter presented requirements for performing a limited Phase II subsurface investigation for the subject property at 402 South Chester Avenue in the city of Bakersfield, California. The property supported I a BP service station at the time of our investigation. The proposal listed the type of tests, the number of tests, the number of borings, and depths of samples required to investigate possible soil I contamination from various subsurface containers (tanks, product lines, floor drains, etc.) on the subject property. On July 29 & 30, 1996 Soils Engineering, Inc. Advanced 16 borings to retrieve soil I samples from the locations and depths specified in the aforementioned letter. Test results on all samples were "none detected." 2.0 BACKGROUND I The site is occupied by a BP service station and is located a 402 South Chester Avenue in the city of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. 2.1 Property Description The site currently supports a BP service station. According to Mr. Patel, the station has been I closed for approximately two years and contains two 5,000 gallon gasoline tanks, one 6,000 gallon gasoline tank, one 250 gallon waste oil tank, and one 1,000 gallon waste water tank. Mr. Patel also indicated that leak tests were performed approximately eight months ago with I negative results. I 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 · PHONE(805)831-5100 ° FAX:(805)831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE CHARA CTERIZA TION File No. 96-7959 BP Service Station, 402 So. Chester A vettu¢ August 1996 BakersJ~eld, CA Page No. 2 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK In July 1996 Soils Engineering, Inc. was authorized to conduct a Phase II Site Characterization at the subject site. The objective of this work was to determine if petroleum contaminated soil exists on the subject site. As specified in the guidelines by Integrated Resources Management, Inc. (Environmental Services Division) the sixteen (16) borings were advanced as follows: 1. Five borings to a depth of 20 feet around the Underground Storage Tanks. Selected samples were analyzed based on field observations and onsite Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) readings (minimum two per hole). Soil samples collected next to the waste oil tank we reanalyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH-EPA 418.1) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260. Samples collected next to Gasoline Underground Storage Tanks were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons/(BTEX) by using 8015 as gasoline/8020 (including MTBE). I 2. A total of four borings (five feet deep) along the product line (two borings island). per pump One sample from each boring was analyzed by using EPA method 8015 as gasoline/8020 I (including MTBE). t 3. One 15 feet deep boring at the location of former Hydraulic Lift (inside the bay area-next to the cashier). Samples were collected between 5 and 8 feet and 10 and 15 will be analyzed for TRPH-4181. Affected sample (if both affected a composite sample) would have been E analyzed for PCBs by using EPA method 8080. I 4. One boring (up to five feet) next to the floor drain in the service bay. The soil sample was analyzed for VOCs by using EPA Method 8260, and TRPH by using EPA Method 418.1. I 5. One boring (up to five feet) next to each floor drain in the Car Wash Area. Each sample was analyzed by using EPA Method 8260 and EPA Method 418.1. 6. Historically stained portions of the subject property were investigated using shallow bodngs, see 1. The taken to maximum of 5 feet below surface Figure samples were a depth ground and analyzed for TPH by EPA Method 8015 for VOCs by EPA method 8010/8020. 1 -- SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I SITE CHARA CTERIZA TI ON File No. 96-7959 BP Service Station, 402 So. Chester Avenue August 1996 mBakersfield, CA Page No. 3 S.E.I.'s Scope of Work for the project consisted of performing the above mentioned requirements m of Integrated Resources Management, Inc. Using the following procedures: · Cleaning all drilling and sampling equipment prior to and between each boring to avoid cross- I contamination; m o Collecting soil Samples at selected depths. The samples were collected using a standard California split-spoon sampler equipped with brass tubes, cleaned prior to use. The samples m were field screened prior to storing for chemical analyses; · · Field screening of soil samples using a photo-ionizing detector (PID) equipped with a 11.8 eV lamp. A standard headspace reading was collected at this time; m · Preparing soil samples for chemical analysis. Soil samples collected for chemical analyses were collected in brass tubes and sealed with Teflon tape, end caps, and tape. The sealed I tubes in cooler at 4° and to DHS cedified were placed a centigrade transported a laboratory under chain-of-custody procedures; · Preparing field boring logs with appropriate lithology descriptions, blow counts, PID reading, m etc. In accordance with ASTM Methodology and the Unified Soils Classification System; · Preparing a written report summarizing the results of the investigation with conclusions and m recommendations, certified by a California Registered Geologist. m 4.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES Field activities required advancing 16 test hole borings to accomplish the project objectives. These borings were designated as B-1 through B-16. Figure 1 shows the location of these borings and Appendix B contains the detailed descriptions of the soils encountered. Samples were retrieved from the locations and depths specified by Integrated Resources Management, Inc., in their letter dated July 18, 1996. Borings B-l, B-3, B-5 and. B-7 were advanced to a depth of 21.5 feet in the vicinity of the underground gasoline tanks. Boring B-4 was advanced to a depth of 21.5 feet in the vicinity of the waste oil tank. Borings B-2, B-6, B-15 and B-16 were advanced to depths ranging from 3.5 to 6.5 feet along the product line (two per island). Boring B-13 was advanced to a depth of 10.5 feet adjacent to the former hydraulic lift in the service bay. Boring B-14 was advanced to a depth of 3.5 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE CHARA CTERIZA TI ON File No. 96-7959 BP Service Station, 402 So. Chester Avettae August 1996 BakersJ~eld, CA Page No. 4 feet adjacent to the service bay floor drain. Borings B-10 and B-11 were advanced adjacent to the two floor drains in the carwash area. Borings B-8, B-9 and B-12 were advanced to depths ranging from 3.0 to 4.5 feet in the historically stained portions of the subject property. 5.0 SOIL BORINGS This section describes the methods used to advance, field screen, and sample the 16 soil borings, followed by a discussion of the analytical results. Logs of Tests Borings are attached in Appendix B. 5.1 Boring Methods Soil borings B-1 through B-9 were advance using a CME-75 drill rig with an eight (8)-inch outside diameter hollow stem continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM D1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers were steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. Soil cuttings were used for backfill of the borings. Borings B-10 through B-16 were advance using a 4 inch diameter hand auger. 5.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples from borings B-1 through B-9 were collected through the auger in two and a half (2 ~A) inch diameter brass sleeves driven in a split-spoon sampler by a 140-pound hammer with a 30-inch drop in accordance with ASTM methods D1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and D1587-83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. Soil samples from borings B-10 through B-16 were collected through uncased bodngs in 2 ~A inch brass sleeves driven in 10 hammerwith 30 inch hand-accelerated a split spoon-sampler by a pound a drop. The brass sleeves and sampler were cleaned with TSP and rinsed in clean water prior to each use. The lithology was described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System and ATM procedure D2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils by David Torii, California State Certified Engineering Geologist #1782. The soil samples were collected using three (3) six-inch long brass sleeves installed inside a split-spoon sampler. Upon collection, the bottom sample sleeve was immediately capped, sealed, labeled in accordance with EPA protocols, recorded on a chain-of-custody form, and ! -- SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I SITE CHARACTERIZA TION File No. 96-7959 BP Service Station, 402 So. Chester Avenue August 1996 i BakersJ~eld, CA Page No. 5 stored in an iced cooler at four degrees centigrade (4° C) or less, pending analysis by a I California State certified laboratory. The middle sample sleeve was used for lithologic description and for field screening. I 5.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples I A portion of the material from the middle brass sleeve was placed in a plastic bag for headspace and stored for a period of 15 minutes. The bag was then pierced, and analyzed I with a Thermo Environment Instrument Model #580B OVM Datalogger Photoionization Detector (PID). A standard headspace reading was collected at this time and noted on the boring logs. The soil sampling and field screening procedures described above were conducted in I accordance with accepted standards of care prevalent at this time and were performed to ensure the acquisition of accurate data. None of the samples registered readings. 5.4 Analytical Results ! Sixteen test hole boring soil samples were chemically analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons by BC Labs of Bakersfield as per the guidelines by Integrated Resources Management, Inc. All laboratory test results were "none detected." ~ 6.0 SITE GEOLOGY The borings penetrated a sequence of alluvial sediments to a maximum depth of 21.5 feet (bsg). The section penetrated consists of'yeilowish brown to dark brown silty sands and sandy silts which over-lie a well graded sand which generally occurs below 6 feet. Groundwater depth is approximately 200 feet (Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report, 1993). The gradient in the vicinity of the site is towards the west-southwest. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS Laboratory and Field screening results for samples retrieved at locations and depths specified by Integrated Resources Management, Inc. were "none detected" for the tests specified. These test results are included in Appendix A. No further investigation is recommended. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE CHARACTERIZATION File No. 96-7959 BP Service Station, 402 So. Chester Avenue August 1996 Bakers, field, CA Page No. 6 8.0 LIMITATIONS Soils Engineering, Inc. performed this investigation as specified in the proposal by Integrated Resources Management, Inc. dated July 18, 1996, and in accordance with the generally accepted standards of care which exist in Central California at this time. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with limited knowledge of subsurface conditions present. No warranty expressed or implied, is made. Respectfully submitted, SOILS ENGINEERING, IN~ Tony Frangie, REA 05631[~,~ E'-'X-i~.2/31/97 P.E. 93549, Expires12/31/~ TF:ch Report To: ~ ~ '~' ,~ A~alysis Requested -o 0 ~' Project: ~:) ¢:) &~'O~ ¢ ~ ¢ ~ ~ Address:~oo ~~ Project~: ~ ~ ~ ~= ~¢ ~' 0~ ~ =~ ~ ~ ~ City: ~ ~ Sampler Name: ~.%¢~ [ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ State:~ Zip:~3~ Other: ~ ~ ~ ~ [~ ~ )¢ . ~ =~ =~'~ ~ I ~ o ~Q Zo La~ Sample Description Date & Time Sampled = ~ ~ ~ t- ~ Comment: Billing Info: Re~ ~~b~&~re) ' ~ "' - ~-'-- Z D~te:t~Time: , Relinq~hed by: (Signature) ~eceived by: (Signature) ~ Date: Time: Address ~~ ~~ ~o~ City ~ ~ State ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: .. . na ur ,, NUMBERING ~1 Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Miles: ~ ,~~ ~~~ Sample Dis~sal P.O.¢ - - '" ~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ~ BO Dis~sal ~ 5.~ ea. ~~ ~ Return to client ~: ~ q I -~i --~~--~ ~ ~ , I B  SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS SHIPPING CONTAINER - Federal Express Lab ~eld Service Other D (Specify) None ~ -- Other D (Specify) ' ~perature '~ ~C Ice~ Bluelce~ None~ If temperature is not between 2 and 6 ~C please explain: stody Seals: Ice Chest ~ Containers D None~ '~, samples received? Yes~ No SAMPLE CONTAINERS " PE UNP ~ LFIDE T0C PHENOL, ~i~ lP ~LANK R,DIOLOGICAL ~ OZ. JAR  OZ. JAR Report To: .~, ~ t, ,~ Analysis Requested N a m e: '~ ~% ~-~--~ !'L--'\ 'k Project: -~"*"i' f~%'O, ~--, ~) ~' /~ ~ 0 ~ State:~ Z~pd5%~% Other: ;~ ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ ~ 7 Attn: Lab~ Sample Description Date & Time Sampled ~ ¢ ~ ~ Comment: Billing Info: ~hed by~(Signature) Received ~' (Si nat r Name: ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~uished by: (~ignature) Received by,Signature) Date: Time: Address ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ &,~.~ ~ Cit~ ~ Stat~ ~ ~4 Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Attention: ~ - ~&~_ _ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Time: Mi~es: Belinquishod by: (Signature) Beceive0 by: (Si~naturo) Date: Time: Sample ~sposa~ ~.O.~ ~ BC ~isposal ~ 5.00 ea. ~ ~olinquished by: {Signature) ~eceive0 by: {Signature) Oato: Time: L~.., LABORATORIES I~N'~'C. 5~,,.-,-,- n'~'CEIPT FORM - --~ SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS SHIPPING CONTAINER ' Hand Delivery',~ Ice Chest ~ Box ~ Federal Express UPS Lab Field Service ~ Other ~ (Specify) None.~ Other ~ (S~ecify) ' SAMPLE CONDITION ~ nperature ~C Ice ~ Blue Ice ~ None If temperature is not between 2 and 6 =C please ex~lain: ~ ~tody Seals: Ice Chest ~ Containers ~ None ~ ~ samples received? Ye No ~ All samples inta~? Y e~ No 0 Desc~ption match COC? Ye~No SAMPLE CONTAINERS ........... "" Sample ~ PE UNP PE UN~ '] m INORGANIC M~ALS I ~P INORGANICM~ALS " ' i '" I1 TOC "' '-::'.:_-_'.' .......... : .... - 4 I ~ j . ,-- , .......... ~ ............ ~ ..: ~ RADIOLO~ICAL . ~T AMBER ~ oz. ~. ,.,  oZ. JAR ~omoleted by: IF:~WP60~DAT A~DO CS~H~ ~H~O~S~REC.F LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-1 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-1 @ 11' SAMPLED BY D. TOP, RI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted- 8015M (g) 08/08/96 : Date Analyzed- 8015M (g): 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl- t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 . Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 78. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 ~'~;~i Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttr~ Department IAll results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submlttlng party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility fro' report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. · ~I 0;::3 ,~,~la~ ~C. · Baker'~fieid. C:::,~, ~:~OE? · [E~C:35] ~'7-,~'1 '1 · FAX [E~O~] ~'7-'1 ~'1E~ LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-2 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-1 @ 21' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g): 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl - t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0 01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. ~'~ Surrogate % Recovery 86. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 ':~:~!~: Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~~ California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 '~:;:':~:::,: ,,,, Department Supervisor ::,,~.:: .;:':~ '::. ,~'~::~: ,, .. All ~sults listed in this repo~ are for the exclusive use of the subm~lng pa~. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibili~ for ~d alteration, separation, detachment or thi~ pa~ Interp~tation. i LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-3 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-2 ® 6' SAMPLED D. BY TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted- 8015M (g) : 08/08/96 Date' Analyzed-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl - t -butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 83. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-4 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-3 ~ 11' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g) : 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl - t -butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/k9 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 ',~i.~':?~:~?~ Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 90. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. ~ual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Ca~~86 Stuart G Buttr~ ~' , ~'~ ~ Department Supervisor ' : All msu~s listed In this repo~ are for the exclusive use of the submlaing pa~. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no res~nslbili~ for mpo~ alteration, separation, detachment or third pa~ Interpretation. t LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-5 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-3 @ 21' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted- 8015M (g) : 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g) : 08/08/96 . Practical Analys i s Report lng Quant i tat ion Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl - t -butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 86. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. All ~sults listed In this repo~ are for the exClusive use 0f lhe subml~ln~ pa~. BC LaVatories, InC. assumes no ~s~nslblllt~ fo~ ~ alteratle., se~aratl0n, detaChment 0r third pa~ '1'LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Date Reported: 08/14/96 S.E.I. 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-6 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-4 ® 11' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sampling Date/Time: 07/29/96 Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 ! ! Stuart G. Buttr~ ~' :~,,,; ,~( '.~h:~.?~,' .: Department Supervisor ' ~'~,~,~:~ ~,/j~::~ ".?: AII results listed ~n Ibis repo. s~e fo~ the exclusive use of lhe subml.ln~ pa~. BC ~boralo~les, Inc. assumes ~o 41 O0 Atlss Ct. · ~8kemsfield, CA 9~308 · [805] 327-4~9 ~ · ~AX [805) 327-1 ~18 .ABORATORIES Page Volatile Organic ~nalysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/08/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-6 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959: B-4 ® 11' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted: 08/06/96 Date Analyzed: 08/06/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/k~ 0 005 Bromobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Bromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Bromoform None Detected mg/k~ 0 005 Bromomethane None Detected rog/kg 0 005 n-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 . sec-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 tert-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg Q. 005 Chlorofo~ None Detected mg/k~ "~Y~? ?:~:~ 5 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg ~ ~:0~'~6~65 2 - Chlorotoluene None Detected m~/k~ 0 ~:005 4 -Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/kg 0 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.0~5 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2 -Dibromoethane None Detected m~/k~ :, ~;:~%~:~:~?,~.; ~ ~ ?0 .,095 Dibromomethane None Detected m g / k ~ ~ ~'.,~;,~ ~;.~'~ ~ ~67~ 5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected m~/k~ '":~?~!7~ 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected m~/k~ ,,~,~ 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene None Detected m~/k~ ~%~ 0 ~5 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,2 -Dichloroethane None Detected ~ :~.~ ~: % ~ rog/kg ~ ~?7%~,2~::~ ~ ,:jb .005 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected :~,,~?~:~:~9/k9 ~,~,~}}?~?~,~ sis- 1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected ~.~ ~ J:mg/kg "%~ ~ '~02;~6~05 trane- 1,2 - Di chl oroe thene None Detected '?' ~.:: ~g/kg ~'~ ~%:~ 0 ~005'~"~ 1,2-Dichloroprop~e None Detected ~'mg/kg '~ 0. 1,3 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 2,2 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1-Dichloropropene None Detected ~S~'j,;~ ~ -;rog/kg ¥:~::,~:~,{~j ~:~? 0 ~:005 cie-l, 3-Dichloropropene None De~'66~d ~::~'~':~: '- ~':'~ ~ ~ trane- 1,3-Dichloropropene None De:t~a~d ' ':':?:?~:mg/kg '<:~:: .:'.;~ ~'0 ~/065 Ethyl Benzene None DeteCt'ed "'~mg/kg '~:~:~ Hexachlorobu:adiene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Isopropylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 p- Isopropyltoluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Methylene Chloride ' None Detected : ~ rog/kg :~,,'.~ :',..~ ~ 0.01 ~ : ~. Naphthalene : None Detected ~ :F mg/kg 0.005 *1 n-Propy~benzene . ~one DeteCted ' ,~:.:mg/kg ::~??~ 0.0'05 results Ilste4 I. this tepee .re for the e~cluslve use of the s~bml~l.~ p~. BO kmb0r~t0rle~, Imc..~sumes ~o res~nslblli~ lor m~m mltemtlom, ~ep.r.ti0., ~et~chme.t 0r thlr~ pm~ I.lerpmmtl0.. . Page LABORATORIES Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/08/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-6 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-4 @ 11' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Styrene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2,3 -Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg . 0. 005 1,2,4 ~Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1, t, 2 -Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg . 0. 005 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1 2,3-Trichioropropane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1 2,4-Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,3,5 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Quality Control Data %<~j%~ Surroqates % Recovery Control Limits I 1,2 - Dichloroethane - d4 114 70-121 Toluene -d8 102 81 - 11~ ..~ I ~ Fla~ E~lanations: is estimated due to low~.C~ :~recove~v~,~.~.~-.;:-~.~; -,.~;.~.%~;~:~..<.~-~ ~;~:{.~..~?~ ~:~-~ ...... California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 '~/~?~ ] Stuart G. Buttr~ :~ :.~:~:~ Department Supervisor ~: '~: ~'~ ~'~ All results listed in this m~R are for the exclus~e u~ of the subm~lng pa~. BO Laborator~s, Inc. assumes no ms~nslbil~ for m~R alteration, separation, detachment or thi~ pa~ Iflte~mtation. ~1 O0 A~l~s C~. · B~e~;field. CA 9330B · [~05) 3~7-~9~ ~ · FAX [~05) 3~7-~ ~ ~ iLABORATORIES Page Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/08/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-7 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-4 @ 21' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted: 08/06/96 Date Analyzed: 08/06/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromomethane None Detected rog/kg 0. 005 n-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 sec-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 tert-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg Chlorofo~ None Detected mg/kg :,.,.-~:0 ~,005 Chloromethane None Detected mg/k9 0 ;"005 2 -Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/kg 0 ;005 4 -Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/k~ 0 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/k~ 0. 005 1,2 -Dibromo-3 - Chloroprop~e None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,2 -Dibromoethane None Detected m~/k~ ~:~,.~ ,.,. ~ =~,~ ~,,,,..,,>,~ 0.005 Dibromomethane None Detected rog/kg %:';&,~:~?:;i 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg ~; ':?';0';685 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/k~ '&~{r~ 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg ~ 0.0'05 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected ,,,~,,,~,, ,, mg/kg,,,?::~?f:??~?~ 0.005 sis-1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected ":':-~, mg/kg '¥';~? tr~s - 1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected ,mg/kg %~¢~ 0 ~5 1,2 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.0'65 1,3 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 2,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,1-Dichloropropene None Detected =,~F~f/:~?', :~. mg/kg~,~%~:;?;.~ '%.':-:' 0 ;'005 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene None De~d :'~%~?:~ "~g/kg '5~:~:'?~?~¢~:~ ~;~;,:~?~'~;~'05 trane-l, 3-Dichloropropene None Det'ect;~d '~.; :mg/kg ~:;~'~ ~0 ~'005 Ethyl Benzene None Detec'~d ' ' ?:' rog/kg ,,: ;'::; 0.005 Hexachlorobutadiene None Deteci~d mg/kg ~ 0. 005 Isopropylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 p None Detected m~/kg 0. 005 Isopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride None Detected :~ : Naphthalene None Detected mg/kg ~'..~ 0.005 *1. n-Propylbenzene None Detected ~ ::~ mg/kg .,,~::~;~ 0.005 " All results listed in this repoA are for the exclusive use of the subml~lng pa~. BO ~boratorles. lac. assume, no ms~nsiblll~ for m~ a,e~Uon, se~ratlon, detachment or third pa~ Int~pmtatlon. ~q GO A:I~ ~, · ~a~e~fi~ld, ~ ~ · (~3 ~7-~q q · FAX (~0~] ~7-q ~q ~ Page 2 iL ABORATORIES Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/08/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-7 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959: B-4 @ 21' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Styren~ None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1 1,1~Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 i 2 3-Trichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2,4 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,3,5 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Quality Control Data Surroqates % Recove~ Control Limits 1,2 -Dichloroethane - d4 105. 70-121 Toluene - d8 98. 81 - 117 .... ~. : ,,~ ~. ~:, ~?~:~: 4 -Bromofluorobenzene 102. 74 _ 12 i ~? ~ ~,~::,:, ,~,%~¢~?~. ,,, ~ *~ ~ ~ ~.~,~, Flag E~lanations: *1 = PQL is estimated due to low ,CCV:,¢recove~;,,%:: %;~,,< -,,, ,-,~,~,,.~ ,:,¢ ,;;~,.-~,,~,~?,?~ California D.O.H.S Cert ~1186 ; . Stuart O. Buttr~ · , , ,,', ' :;.':~/::,i'. Department Supervisor ; ;" :;;~: msul~ list~ In this repod are for the exclusive use of the submlNIng pa~. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no ~sponsibill~ for re~ alteration, separation, detachment or thl~ pa~ interpretation. i_ABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-7 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION #7959:B-4 @ 21' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sampling Date/Time: 07/29/96 Me thod Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mt/kg 20. EPA- 418.1 Stuart G. Buttr~ Department Supervisor All ~suEs Ilst~ in this re~ are for the exclusive use ef the submlNIn~ pa~. 8C Labomt~rle% Inc. assumes no ms~nslblll~ fe~ m~ altemaen, segaratl0n, de~¢hment ~t third pa~ lnte~pretatlen. 4100 Atlas OZ. · Bakersfield, CA 93~08 · [805) 327-4911 · FAX [805) 327-1918 iLABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-8 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-5 ~ 11' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted-8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g): 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Report ing Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl -t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 91. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. All ~sults listed In this repo~ are for the exclusive use of the subml.lng pa~. BC ha~ratorles, Inc. assumes no msponslblll~ for repoN alteration, separation, detachment or ~1~ pa~ Interp~tation. 41 O0 A~las Ot. · Bakersfield, OA ~3308 · (805) ~27-491 I · FAX (80~) 3~7-1918 LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-9 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-5 @ 21' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted-8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted- 8015M (g) : 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g) : 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl - t - butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 92. % 70-130 TEST ~THOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. M~ual Method - Modified EPA 8015 ~'"':~¥~ Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Department Supervisor . All results listed In this repod are for the exclusive use of the submi~lng pa~. BC La~ratorles, Inc. assumes no ~sponsiblli~ for repod alteration, separation, detachment or third pa~ Interp~tation. LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERS'FIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-10 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:S-6 ® 10' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl-t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0 01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 85. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 80~5 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Cali.~ni~O.~ ~rt~86 %~ Stuart G. But6rm :,: :, ,/ ::,:, ,.. . . ,,:.::} .. ~ Department Supervisor '' '~- A, ~esu~s ~s~ed m ~hi~ ~epo~ .~ Io~ me exclusive use o~ ~he submi~ng p.~. BO L.~m~oTle~, In~. 8ssumes no Tesponsi~lll~ ~o~ ~pon .~temtSon, sep.mtio., demchme.~ ~ third p~ m~e~p~emtion. iLABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-11 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959: ® 11' SAMPLED BY D. B-7 TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted-8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 . Extracted- 8015M (g): Date 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g): 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl - t-butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 99. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 '~ Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttrm '. '~ . Department Supervisor . ~ : [~'~: ' ~?'?'."[.~ ':"'~ ' :''~ ~' ~:' ~ '~'' . ~ ~ ~. ~:,...,~ All ~esu]ts listed in this ~epo. are for the exclusive use ~1 lhe subm~lng pa~. BC La~[a~0[les, I~c. assumes .~ responslblll~ ~or m~ ~Rem~o., separation, demchme.t o[ ~hl~ pa~ Imerpmtall0n. 41dOAn]as Ct. · 88kersfield, CA93308 · [805) 327-499 I · ~AX(805) 32~-1918 iLABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-12 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-7 ® 21' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted-8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g): 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitat ion Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl - t -butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 90. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 '~? Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~ O0 A~lss 8~. · ~ske~sfield, CA S3308 · [805] 3~7-~g~ ~ · FAX [805] 3~7-~ g~ 8 iLABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-13 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION #7959:B-8 ~ 4' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted: 08/07/96 Date Analyzed: 08/07/96 Practical Analysis ' Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromoform None Detected m~/k~ 0. 005 Bromomethane None Detected m~/kg 0 005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/k~ 0 005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 .... Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Chloroform None Detected rog/kg 0 005 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Dibromochlorometh~e None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg '~" ~5 Dichlorodif luoromethane None Detected mg/kg :':%:0:~:0~ 5 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-D~) None Detected mg/kg 0 ~5 1,2 -Dichloroethane (1,2 -D~) None Detected mg/kg 0.0Q5 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) None Detected mg/kg 0.005 cis - 1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 trans - 1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg:~:~.~ ~ .~:.~.~ :.~.....~ 0. 005 ~:~ 1 2-Dichloropropane None Detected "~':'~' ~"':~'~ cis-1,3-Dichloropropene None Detected rog/kg '~.~j~ ~'~,~{ "'~ ~65 ~:~'~ trans- 1,3 -Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg "~i~/~:~ 6 ?~'65 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg :~ 0.~05 Methylene chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.01 ~ 1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) None Detected ~ %?:? :rog/kg ~:%::~?~:~?; 0 ~ 005 Toluene None Detected ~:~:i~:;~:::mg/kg ~?~';'j?:.~.~ ': ~,~0[~5 1 1,1 Trichloroethane None Detected %~.:',:mg/kg ~:?~?~ '"0~'6~5 , 1,1,2 Trichloroethane None Detected '~:~.~g/kg %~ 0~005 Trichloroethene Nane Detected ~mg/kg 0.0~5 Trichlorafluoramethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,2 2 - trifluoroethane None Detected ~::%~i:5~:~:~: :rog/kg ::~7:: ?~:~?f~'{ : :,. :'.: 0: 005 Vinyl chloride None D~'t'e~:6~d "::~}'~:~,::'~,:'mg/kg ~':::~,:~,~?~, ~:., ~0:~'0'05 Total Xylenes None Det~d '?::)'rog/kg '~:'~]]:~ '::02~i Total Trihalomethanes None Dete~:~d :':: mg/kg ':/~.~ 0: 02 ';;/'~:, ",-,::,;,, .: :' .;;~:,';.,: results listed in this repo~ are for the exclusl~ u~ of ~e =ubm~ng ~. BC La~mtorle~, Inc. a~umes no ms~.sl~lll~ for m~ a~emtlon, ~paratle., detachment or thi~ pa~ Interpmtatle.. 4100 Atlas Ct. · ~8kersfield, CA93308 · [805]327-4911 · FAX[805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-13 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959: B-8 @ 4' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Date Analyzed-S015M(g) : 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 84. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/.8020. ! All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. ~,'100 ~,~las C:. · E~al<er'sf:ield, C:;~, ~::9SOE9 · [1~C:)5] ::3227-~)'1 '1 · FAX IROn5:) ::9277-'1 S9'1 E9 Page 2 LABORATORIES Purgeable Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96. 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-13 I Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION #7959:B-8 ® 4' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Quality Control Data  Surroqates % Recover%; Control Limits Bromochloromethane 88. 70 - 130 ia, a, a-Trifluorotoluene 85. 70-130 ! *1 : Matrix spike recove~ not with~J~':~tablish~'8't[i?~mits. California D.O.H.S. Cert. g1186  D epartment Supervisor ':' All resu~s Ilst~ In this re~ are for the exclus~e u~ of the subm~lng pa~. BC La~mlodes, Inc. assumes no ~s~nsiblli~ for ~ a~emtlon, se~ratlon, detachment or thi~ pa~ Interp~mtion. 4100 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1 918 iLABORATORIES Pace Purseable Orsanic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 No.: 96-08796-14 Laboratory Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959: B-9 @ 4' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted: 08/07/96 Date Analyzed: 08/07/96 Practical Analysis Reportins Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected ms/ks 0. 005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected ms/ks 0. 005 Bromoform None Detected ms/ks 0. 005 Bromomethane None Detected ms/ks 0. 005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected ms/ks 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected ms/ks 0. 005 Chloroethane None Detected ms/ks 0. 005 Chloroform None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 Chloromethane None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 Dibromochloromethane None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected ms/kg 0 005 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected ms/kg ~..~ 0. 005 1 4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected ms/kg Dichlorodi f luoromethane None Detected ms/k 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) None Detected ms/k 1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) None Detected ms/ks 0.005 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 trane - 1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected ms/kg 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected ms/kg ~:~:~;':~(~'0 ~6~5 ' sis- 1,3 -Dichloropropene None Detected m~/k~ trane- 1,3 -Dichloropropene None Detected m~/k~ Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/k~ r: 0.~05 Methylene chloride None Detected ms/kg 0.01 ,1, , None Detected ms/kg 0.005 1 2 2 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) None Detected Toluene None Detected ~ ' ~: :~A~ ~ ~mg/kg 1,1,1 Trichloroethane None Detected 1,1,2 Trichloroethane None Detected Trichloroethene None Detected 'mg/k~ 0. 005 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/k~ 0. 005 1,1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2 - trifluoroethane None :Detected m /k ~ ........... ~ '¥~0 ~-005 :~., ~ ~ ,:/~,~ g g ~:~?~?~,~ ~..~ Vinyl chloride None De~'~'~d Total Xylenes None De~e~d· Total Trihalomethanes None Detected ':~'mg/k~ ?.:~? 0 "02 All results listed In this report are for the exclusive u~e of Ihe submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 4100Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX(805) 327-1918 _ABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-14 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-9 @ 4' SAMPLED BY D. TORRI Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/29/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g): 08/08/96 Practical Aha lys i s Report lng Quant i t at i on Constituents Results Units Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 93. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. All results listed In this repod are for the exclusive use of the subml~lng pa~. BO Laboratories, Inc. assumes no ~s~nsiblli~ for ~ alteration, sep;ratlon, detachment or thl~ pa~ interpretation. Page 2 aLABORATORIES Purgeable Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/29/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08796-14 Attn: TONY F. 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-9 ~ 4' SAMPLED BY D. TOP. RI Quality Control Data Surroqates % Recovery Control Limits Bromochloromethane 94. 70-130 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 86. 70-130 ! 1 ! *.1 = Matrix spike recove~ not with~'~tablish~:=~mits California D.O H.S. Cert. g1186  D epartment Supervisor NI results listed In this re~d are for the exclusl~ u~ of ~e subm~ln9 pa~. BC ~bomtorles, Inc. assumes no ms~nslblll~ for m~d aReration, separat~n, detachment or third pa~ Interpretation. LABORATORIES S E I Date Reported- 08/09/96 4506 ~ISTRICT Date Receivedl 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856~1 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-10 @ 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/30/96 Date Extracted: 08/07/96 Date Analyzed: 08/07/96 ractica Analysis Report lng Quantitat Constituents _ __Results units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Bromobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Bromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 n-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 sec-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 tert-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 .0.005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg ...... · Chloroform None Detected rog/kg Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg ~ 'L':.O JO~5 2 -Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/kg 0'~; 4-Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/kg 0. Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,2 -Dibromo- 3 -Chloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,2-Dibromoethane None Detected rog/kg Dibromomethane None Detected mg/kg ~: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected rog/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg ",'~ 0. 005 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2 -Dichloroeth~e None Detected 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected cis-1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected trane- 1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected rog/kg 1,2 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg '~ 0. 1, ~ -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 ,2 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 2 1,1-Dichloropropene None Detected cis- 1,3 -Dichloropropene None De:~e~d trane-1,3 -Dichloropropene None Detected ':t:.~/mg/kg ,:?:~?~ 0.'005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected '~ mg/kg Hexachlorobutadiene None Detected mg/kg "~' 0. 005 Isopropylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 p- Isopropyltoluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 rog/kg '¥ ~ ;;:':' ~ 0.01 Methylene Chloride None Detected Naphthalene : ' None Detected ,, rog/kg "' n- Propylbenzene None Detected All results listed in this report are for the exclusive uae of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 4100AtlasCt. · Bakersfield, CA~)3308 · (805]327-4911 · FAX(805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Volatile Organic Analysis Page - (EPA Method 8260) Date Reported: 08/09/96 S.E.I. · 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 __ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-1  Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 ~ Sample' Description: BP STATION ~7959: B-10 ~ 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII ~ ~ --~ ~ ~ --Pr c · 1 __ Analysis Reporting Quantitation I Constituents Results Units Limit I Styrene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 I 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 · 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 i Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/k~ 0. 005 I Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 · 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene None Detected m~/kg 0 005 w 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/k~ 0 005 i 1, l, 1-Trichloroethane None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 · 1,l,2-Trichloroethane None Detected m~/kg 0 005 t Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected m~/k~ 0. 005 ?~,~?~?! i 1,2,3 -Trichloropropane None Detected mg/k~ 0. 005 ~'~?~,~' ~:~ 1 2,4 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,3,5 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected m~/kg 0. 005 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005  Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01  Quality Control Data ~.;,~;{ ..~%~,~ Surroqates % Recove~ Control Limits ~.  1 2-Dichloroethane-d4 100 70-121 Toluene - d8 100. 81 - 117~;~ ~.,~,~,,~?~ , ....~.,~,~ ~,~:~:~ 4 - B romo f 1 uoroben z ene 91. 74 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~,.~, ','.~ ~t',%~;~ California D.O.H. S. Cert. ~1186 ',??~>~:3~ '~t:'~l~7~{~~ '~'"~"~'~" "~'~'~'~:?~ ~'~{~;':~?~ ~ Department Supervisor ;~,~'~ ~' ';~: ~" '''~ %~ ?'~ ~ ~' ~'~ ' ~: ~::~ iLABORATORIES Page Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-1 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-10 @ 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sampling Date/Time: 07/30/96 Method Constituents .Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Stuart G. Buttr~ Department Supervisor msu~s IIs~d in thi~ m~ are fo~ the exclusive u~e of the ~ubmi~lng pa~. BC ~atorles, Inc. assum~ for a~e~Uon, se~ratlon, detachment or third pa~ Intetpm~tlon. ~o  LABORATORIES Page Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S E I Date Reported: 08/09/96 4~0~ ~ISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, Laboratory : 96-08856-2 93313 No. Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-10 @ 5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/30/96 Date Extracted: 08/07/96 Date Analyzed: 08/07/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Cons t i tuent s Re sult s Unlt s Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0 o 005 Bromobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromomethane None Detected rog/kg 0 005 n-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 sec-Butylbenzene None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 tert-Butylbenzene None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 Chlorobenzene None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Chlorofo~ None Detected mg/k9 .... ;~ ~:~ ?0~0 5 Chloromethane None Detected rog/kg ' :~:~'~'~ 5 2-Chlorotoluene None Detected rog/kg '0 4 -Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/k~ 0.665 Dibromochloromethane None Detected m~/k~ 0. 005 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 1,2 -Dibromoethane None Detected mg/kg .... ,~..~.0.. 005 Dibromomethane None Detected rog/kg~:~;'~'?~ :~%~'0;:~'~5 ' 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected rog/kg ,;;~,~::'~:~%; '9:~{,9~9 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg ~%? 0~005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/k9 ~'~'~ 0. Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/k9 0. 005 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/k9 0. 005 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected '~>,~/-;~--, ~mg/kg~:~>~-,,.~,~,~,~;~~ -,;~.,~.~;,,~0.005 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected :~?~.~:?~9/k9 "~%~,~ ¥:':~?D~5 cia-1 2-Dichloroethene None Detected ~':?~9/k9 "~?~ :~07~6~5 trane-l, 2-Dichloroethene None Detected '%i~g/kg :~;%~:~ 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected 'mg/kg ~'~ 0. 065 1,3 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 2,2 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1 -Dichloropropene None Detected 'v.?~(~i~::,'~f~f~mg/kg ~%'~.:~?~;%~!~ ~ : :'0 ~005 cia- 1,3 -Dichloropropene None D~e~'~d ~'~<~'~' ~::~k' s~' ~ trans- 1,3 -Dichloropropene None. Det~d%~d :~?j~'~j~g/kg ":~?;~<~ 0 ?065 Ethyl Benzene None Dete~*~d :~.~mg/kg ~:~- 0~.605 Hexachlorobutadiene None Detected mg/kg ~:'~ 0. 005 Isopropylbenzene None Detected m~/kg 0. 005 p - Isopropyltoluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Methylene Chloride ' ~:/ : ~: ~None Detecte'd ~::~,'~::~, :~, ,..~ mg/kg~<~ ~ ~.~¥~g~:~ '0.01 Naphthalene ~:~::~ None Det~e~ed ~'~?~ rog/kg ~'~:~?~)~ ~7~O. 005 All ~sults list~ In this re~, are 10r lhe exclusive u~ of ~e subm~ln8 ~. BC ~rafo[les. Inc. ass~s no ~s~nslbll~ f~ ~ a~em~o~, separa~0n, demch~nl or ~1~ pa~ Interpretation. 41OOAglss Ot. · ~akersfield, OA93308 · (805] 327-4911 · ~AX(805) ~27-191~ Page LABORATORIES Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-2 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-10 ® 5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Styrene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected m~/k~ 0. 005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected m~/k~ 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/k~ 0. 005 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene None Detected m~/k~ 0. 005 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 1,1,1-Trichloroethane None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Trichloroethene None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 1,2,3-Trichloropropane None Detected mg/k9 0 005 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene None Detected m~/k~ 0 005 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene None Detected m~/k9 0 005 Vinyl Chloride None Detected m~/k9 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/k9 0.01 Quality Control Data Surroqates % Recove~ Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 102 70-121 74- 12i- 117 ~.-~ ........... J~ ~ ~ ~ Toluene4 -Bromof luorobenzene' d8 1 91.01. 81 ~ j~ :/~:~ ~h~. ~ ~:? ~ ~:~ California D .O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 ~ ~f~U'?~ 7%~:~:~ ~ ~'~:~ i~f~ "~ Stuart G. Buttr~ '."':: Department Supervisor : msulls lisled In Ibis ~e~. a~e for the excluslwe u~ of ~e subm~ln~ ~. BC ta~to~les, linc. assumes no ~s~nslbll~ fo~ ~ m~e~o~, ~atlo~, ~e~chmem o[ (hl~ pa~ 4100Aulss OU. · Bskeesfield. 0A93308 · [805]327-49~ ~ · FAX(805]327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-2 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-10 ® 5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sampling Date/Time: 07/30/96 Me thod Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Department Supervisor All ~esu~ Ilst~ In this rein am for the e~clusbe use of the subml~.g pa~. 8~ ~atorle% In¢. assumes ne ~s~.sib~l~ fe~ ~ aEemtlen, ~raae., deachment e~ ~i~ pa~ Interpretation. a~ O0 Atlas ~U, · ~ake~s~ield, ~A ~08 · [805) ~7-~ ~ · ~AX [80~) ~7-~ ~ 8 LABORATORIES Volatile Orsanic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-3 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-11 ® 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/30/96 Date Extracted: 08/07/96 Date Analyzed: 08/07/96 Practical Analysis Reportins Quantitati Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 Bromobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Bromochloromethane None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 Bromoform None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 Bromomethane None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 n-Butylbenzene None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 sec-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 tert-Butylbenzene None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected ms/kg 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected ms/kg 0.005 Chloroethane None Detected ms/kg Chloroform None Detected ms/kg ~: Chloromethane None Detected ms/kg ..~ 0~.0~5 2 -Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/kg 0 4 - Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/kg 0. :005 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 065 1,2 -Dibromo- 3 - Chloropropane None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 1,2 -Dibromoethane None Detected rog/kg Dibromomethane None Detected ms/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected ms/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/k Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected ms/kg 0. 005 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected ~::,~:~:,: ,':~:~]~ms/kg ~: ,~::~:~::~ ~ :0 :~005 ci s- 1,2 - Dichloroethene None Detected trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene None Detected 1,2 -Dichloropropane None Detected 'mS/kg 0.0'65 1,3 -Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 2 2-Dichloropropane None Detected ms/kg 0 005 1,1-Dichloropropene None Detected cie - 1,3 -Dichloropropene None De~'~C~d '~:': ~:,~g/kg t rads - 1,3 - Dichloropropene None Dete~['~d ~v:~:::.~/~,.~g/kg Ethyl Benzene None Dete~['~d ' ~g/kg .:':":; 0]~05 Hexachlorobutadiene None Detect~'d ms/kg 0. 005 Isopropylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Isopropyltoluene None Detected 0 005 p- ms/kg Methylene Chloride ~. None Detected Naphthalene None Detected .; ~ ~mg/kg n-Propylbenzene ~. ~: None Det~ted ' ~;~'.'~g/kg 0.005 ':' All results listed in this repot1 sro for the exclusive uSe of the submitting psdy. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for reporl alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX(805) 327-1~)18 Page LABORATORIES Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-3 Attn: · DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION #7959: B-ii @ 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII . Pract i cal Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Styrene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,1,1-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,1,2-Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2,3 -Trichloropropane None Detected. mg/kg 0. 005 1,2,4 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,3,5 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Quality Control Data ,,~:¥ ~,?,,~i~ Surroqates % Recove~ Control Limits 1,2 - Dichloroethane - d4 107. 70-121 To 1 uene - d8 101. 81 - 117 ~ ,~?~ ~,.f~%~?~ ~. California D.O H.S. Cert. ~1186 "~:~ '~,,~ ~ ~?,~:~ Stuart G. Buttr~ ~:'~ ~:-~ , ; :~%'/-~ ~.~; ~:~:~,.~': · All results Ilste~ ~n this repo. are lot ~e e~clusNe use of lhe subm~lmg pa~. BC ta~[alo~es, linc. assumes no ms~mslbll~ fo[ m~ a~e~, sepa~a~lom, demchmenl ~ ~1~ 41 O0 AC[as Cc. · Bakemsfield, CA ~3308 · [805] 327-4~11 · FAX [805) ~27-1918 iLABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96. 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-3 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-11 ® 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sampling Date/Time: 07/30/96 Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418 Department Supervisor mauls listed in this ~ are for the exclusive use of the su~lng pa~. SC ~ratorles, Inc. assumes no ms~nslbil~ f~ m~ aRemaon, ~paraaon, de~chment or ~i~ paW Interpreaaon. LABORATOIqlES Page Purgeable Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-4 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-12 ~ 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/30/96 Date Extracted: 08/07/96 Date Analyzed: 08/07/96 ractical Analysis Reporting Quantitat ion Constituents _ Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/k~ 0. 005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected mG/k~ 0. 005 Bromoform None Detected m~/kg 0. 005 Bromomethane None Detected m~/k~ 0. 005 Carbon tetrachloride None Detected m~/k~ 0.005 Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 ..... Chloroform None Detected rog/kg 0. 005 Chloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg ~0. 005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg "'~i'i'~?0~J"~5 Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg ':i 0"~5 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) None Detected mg/kg 0 !005 1,2 -Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) None Detected mg/kg 0.'~Q5 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) None Detected mg/kg 0.005 cis - 1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 trans - 1,2 -Dichloroethene None Detected rog/kg .~.,,: ~;,,,~,,~ ,~ ~,.:~ ,~-, ~, 0. 005 cis- 1,3 -Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg ......... ~ .... ~;' ~:~5 trans- 1,3 -Dichloropropene None Detected mg/kg ~ Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.'~'~5 Methylene chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.01 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) None Detected ~:~?~c~:.-:.~mg/kg~.?~:c~ ~=::.~ 0:~ 005 1,1,1 Trichloroethane None Detected %;~:~g/kg ~;~:~ ':0: 005 .... 1,1,2 Trichloroethane None Detected ~?;~g/kg ~'~/~ 0~ 0~05 Trichloroethene None Detected ~g/kg 'k~ 0.0~5 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2 - trifluoroethane None Detected ............ ':~ m~/k~ Total Trihalomethanes None Dete~t~d "~g/kg "%~'3 0: I A II results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the. submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield. CA ~)3308 · (805) 327~4911 · FAX (~05] 327-1918 Page 2 i_ABORATORIES Purgeable Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8010/8020) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-4 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION #7959:B-12 @ 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Quality Control Data Surroqates % Recovery Control Limits Bromochloromethane 84. 70 - 130 a, a, a - Tri f luorotoluene 80. 70 - 130 *1 = Matrix spike recove~ not w~th~;~st~l~she'di~m~ts · msu~s lis~ in ~ls ~ are ~or ~ exclus~ u~ of ~ subm~lng ~. ~ ~to~, Inc. assays 41 00 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX [805) 327-1918 Page 1 LABORATORIES Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-4 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION #7959:B-12 @ 2.5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/30/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 08/08/96 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 08/08/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 87. % 70-130 ~i ii~iiii ':.z~...~ TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method Modified EPA 8015 ~':~ ....... Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results Iisled In this report are for the exclusive uss of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report eltereUon, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX [805] 327-1 918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-5 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-13 @ 5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sampling Date/Time: 07/30/96 Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Stuart G Buttr~ Department Supervisor ,;..~ :~,~ results listed In this repo~ are for the exclus~e u~ of the subm~lng pa~. BC La~ratorles, Inc. assumes no ms~nslblliW for m~ aflemtlon, separation, de~chment or tht~ pa~ Interpm~tion. LABORATORIES Page Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-6 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION #7959:B-13 @ 10' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sampling Date/Time: 07/30/96 Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 California D.O.H. 1186 ,,~ -,~ ,,~;?~ ,,, Department Supe~isor ' :~::.:~:, :~:~ ~ ' ?~':~ ':~:;:.?' ~<~ ~'~,, ~,..? ~ ~salts lis~ In ~is repo~ am fer the e~clusive ase ef t~ =ubalalng pa~. aC ~mterle% Inc. a~=um~ ne m=~nslbll~ f~ m~ a~emaon, ~paratlon, detach~nt er t~l~ ~ Inle~p~aaen. iLABORATORIES Page Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-7 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 i Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-14 @ 3' SAMPLED BY D. TORII I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/30/96 Date Extracted: 08/07/96 I Date Analyzed: 08/07/96 I Practical I Analysis Reporting Quantitation I Constituents Results Units Limit  Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromodichloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromoform None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Bromomethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 i n-Butylbenzene None Detected I sec-Butylbenzene None Detected tert-Butylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 , Carbon tetrachloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 I Chlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Chloroethane None Detected mg/kg Chloroform None Detected Chloromethane None Detected 2-Chlorotoluene None Detected 4-Chlorotoluene None Detected mg/kg Dibromochloromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 I 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dibromoethane None Detected mg/kg?~::~?~,:~::~ ~ ..... ~.0..005 Dibromomethane None Detected 1,2-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 1,3-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg '~ 1,4-Dichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg Dichlorodifluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 I 1,1-Dichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,2-Dichloroethane None Detected 1,1-Dichloroethene None Detected · cis-l,2-Oichloroethene None Detected trans-l,2-Dichloroethene None Detected 1,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg ~ 0.005 I 1,3-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 2,2-Dichloropropane None Detected mg/kg 0.005 1,1 -Dichloropropene None Detected ~?:~:h.~g/kg ........... *~ ~;'~0!;~005 ~ trane-1 3-Dichloropropene None De~e;:~d Ethyl Benzene None Detected Hexachlorobutadiene None Detected ~g/kg "~ 0.0~5 Isopropylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 I p-Isopropyltoluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Methylene Chloride , i None Detected Naphthalene ,"~ ~ None Detected · n- Propylbenzene <~;~ None DeteCted·. ~'~!~ii!;?~g/kg '~; i'?~ 'O>~ 005:: I All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC laboratorlse, Inc. assumes no responsibility for repod alteration separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805] 327-4911 - FAX (805) 327-1 918 Page LABORATORIES Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8260) S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-7 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-14 ® 3' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Styrene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Tetrachloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2 3-Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 I. 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Trichloroethene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Trichlorofluoromethane None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1 2,3-Trichloropropane None Detected rog/kg 0. 005 1,2,4 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 1,3,5 -Trimethylbenzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Vinyl Chloride None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Quality Control Data ~?::~? Surroqates % Recove~ Control Limits 1,2 -Dichloroethane-d4 109. 70-121 Toluene-d8 100. 81-117~ ~ %?~~ 4 - Bromof luorobenzene 90. 74 - 121~'~ ~ ~J?~ ~¥ ~: '"~;~ California D.O.H S Cert ~1186 %~:;~'~"~:~"~;:~ Department Supervi sor All msu~ listed In this re~ are for the exclusbe u~ ~ ~e subm~lng pa~. BO La~rato~, Inc. assumes no ms~nslbll~ for m~ a~on, separation, deach~nt or ~1~ ~ Inte~mmtion. .ABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/14/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-7 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-14 ® 3' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sampling Date/Time: 07/30/96 Me thod Constituents SamDle Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 ~'~i~, %- ..~ ......... California D.O. 186 "'~ ~ ~ "~ Department Supervisor ~u~ Ilst~ In ~is m~ am fe~ the e=clusbe u~ ef ~ =a~n~ ~. 8C ~mt~, I~. ~u~ ne ~1~ ~ ~ a~, ~m~n, de~h~nt e~ thl~ ~ Int~malien.  .ABORATOFIIES Page · Purge abl ~e~Aromat i c s i Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 · 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-8 J Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 ·  Sample Description: BP STATION #7959:B-15 ® 5' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/30/96 · Date Extracted- 8020: 08/08/96 I Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 I Date · Extracted- 8015M (g) 08/08/96 : i Date Analyzed- 8015M (g): 08/08/96 I Practical  Analysis Report ing Quantitation Constituent s Re cult s Unit s Limit Methyl - t - butylether None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected rog/kg 0.005 I Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0 005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. i Surrogate % Recovery 86. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. But t ram ..::,i> .. ~i: ".', '?':~: Department Supervisor ~.: ~ ::~:':/.'i~ ;:: ?,. ~: ~:: "~, 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield. CA 93308 · (805) 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S.E.I. Date Reported: 08/09/96 4700 DISTRICT Date Received: 07/31/96 BAKERS'FIELD, CA 93313 Laboratory No.: 96-08856-9 Attn: DAVID TORII 831-5100 Sample Description: BP STATION ~7959:B-16 ~ 3' SAMPLED BY D. TORII Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 07/30/96 Date Extracted- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8020: 08/08/96 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 08/08/96 Date Analyzed- 8015M (g): 08/08/96 · Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Methyl - t - butylether None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 92. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram : :,,: ,,~ ) : :,,i :,',';~,:~ : ,, ,~ :i! Department Supervisor 'i-'.,i, ,'~i '" ' ;'~!'~ All results listed In this report ere for the exclusive use of the submitting p~rty. BC Laboretorle., Inc..ssume~ no responsibility for report ,qter~tion, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 4100 Atlas Ct, · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1 91 8 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE CHARA CTERIZA TION File No. 96- 7959 BP Service Statio., 402 So. Chester Ave. ue August 1996 Bakers~eld, CA Terrace Way i ' '~~ i~'~ ~-~ ,"-.,. ...~ I · ~? c~ :.: " ........ ' - l SITE PLAN Figure Number 1 PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 ELEV.: 100'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ J SOIL SYMBOLS Density Moisture DEPTHJ SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks pcf % (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA ..ii SM AC PAVEMENT at surface; ' silty sand; yellowish brown; .. 4_ -"~ '-.moist; fine to coarse "' SANDY SILT: dark brown; 95 --5 .......... :moist; fine sand fraction; -- SILTY SAND: brownish yellow; ............. slightly moist; fine to -- I SW !coarse grained, i ~:predominantly fine to 13/ WELL GRADED SAND: brownish ,o odor 5/6 yellow; slightly moist; fine -- to medium grained; clean. 85 --15 " ~ 4/6 No odo? 6/6 80 ~-20 i' m 7/6 No odor 9/6 70 --30 65 -,-35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 2 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. mi~ [~~ LOG OF TEST BORING BORING ~-2 i PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 ELEV.: 100'Assumed m 80RING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILt METHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel q DEPTH TO WATER - v~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina I ELEVATION/ ISOIL SYMBOLS [Density Moisture DEPTH SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks per , (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA ' i-~ ML AC PAVEMENT at surface; m .. i i: i SANDY SILT; dark brown; i j I moist; fine sand fraction; ~' I111 semi-plastic. m ~' ill-!Fi] SM SILTY SAND; browninsh 95 ~-5 ii , ' il! i:ij yellow, slightly moist, fine ~' J-~ I ~/6 to coarse grained; ~0 ~0r m '. ~/6 predominantly fine to ' 516 ~' i medium; non-plastic. m 90 ~-10 m I i m I 85 -~-15 I ;. m 80 - -20 m m 75. m mm 70 - -30 I m m 65 - -35 m B~ se~±ce stat±on at 40~ South Cheste~ Avenue~ Bake~s~±eld, CA Figure Number m SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. , PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 80RING DATE: 7/29/96 £L£V.: 100'Assumed BOR)NG LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - $ : N/A CAV)NG - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ SOiL SYMBOLS Denslfy Moisture DEPTH SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks pcf (feel) AND FIELD TEST DATA 1007_0, ..................................................................................... ML AC PAVEMENT at surface; i SANDY SILT; dark brown; moist; fine sand fraction; semi-plastic. 95 - -5 ~. ::iiiiiiiiiii:: SW WELL GRADED SAND: brownish / :::::::::::::::::::::::: yellow; fine to medium ::::::::::::: 4/6 No odor :::::::::::": 5/6 8/6 12/6 75 - -25 70 - -30 65 - r- 35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 4 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BOR)NG DATE: 7/29/96 ELEV.: 100'Assumed BORING LOCAT)ON: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL IdETHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 DESCR)PTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ I SOIL SYMBOLS DEPTHj SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks Density Moisture (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA Pcf 100 --0 ............................................................................. .. ML AC PAVEMENT at surface; SANDY SILT; dark brown; " moist; fine sand fraction; " semi-plastic. Grave[ [y 95 --5 .. i SW WELL GRADED SAND: brownish yellow; slightly moist; fine " to medium grained; · - moderately well graded; 90 --10 clean. " 3/6 No odor ·. 3/6 5/6 85 --15 I I 80 --20 " 4/6 No odor 12/6 75 --25 70 --30 65 - -35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 5 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. , LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 £L£V.: 100'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina £L[VATION/ I SOIL SYMBOLS Density Moisture DEPTH SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks pcf (feet)J AND FIELD TEST DATA 100 --0 ............................................................................. ~ ML AC PAVEMENT at surface; ! SANDY SILT; dark brown; *' moist; fine sand fraction; '- semi-plastic. 95 --5 .. iiiiiiiiiiii, SW WELL GRADED SAND: borwnish ::::::::::: 5/6 .. 7/6 9/6 75 - - 25 70 --30 65 --35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 6 SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 £L£V.: 100'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina jI SOIL SYMBOLS DEPTH SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks Denslfy J Moisture (feet) AND FIELD TI[ST DATA Pcf 100 - -0 ................................................................................. ,. ML AC PAVEMENT at surface; SANDY SILT; dark brown; · ' moist; fine sand fraction; " semi-plastic. 95--5 SM SILTY SAND: dark brown; moist; fine sand fraction; '~ ~/6 semi- plastic. No odor .~ :~/6 well graded; clean. , 4/6 90 85 --15 80 - '- 20 75 - - 25 70 --30 65 - -35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 7 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC, PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 80RING DATE: 7/29/96 EL£V.: 100'Assumed 8ORANG LOCAT)0N: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 D£SCR~PTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - I : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ J SOIL SYMBOLS Denslly Mol~ure DEPTH SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks pcf (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA 100 '~-0 ..................................................................................... t. ML AC PAVEMENT at surface; . SANDY SILT; dark brown; ' moist;, fine sand fraction; I semi-plastic. ~. ,r- -F; ................................................................................ 95~-5 : ::i SM SILTY SAND: dark brown; ' : i i moist; fine sand fraction; J' : ii semi- plastic. ..:::::::::::: ............. ......... .... ..................... ~' !i!!!!!!!!!!! WELL GRADED SAND: brownish i' ::iiii::i::i::ili yellow; slightly moist; fine 90 ~-10 ::i::iiiiii:::::::: to medium grained; ::::::::::::: moderately well graded; :::::::::::::~ 4/6 85 --15 ............. ~' :::::::::::::~ 5/6 No odor 1 6/6 75 --25 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 8 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. BORING S-8 PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 EL£V.: 100'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ ~ SOIL SYMBOLS DEPTHI SAMPLER SYUBOLS USCS Description Remarl<s Denslty (feet') AND FIELD TEST DATA Pcf · : , [[ SM SILTY SAND; brownish i~ yellow;slightly moist; fine " :' !~i to medium grained; · : ~ i:~ predominantly fine to 95- -51 4,6 5/6 90 - -10 85 - -15 80 !-20 75 1 - 25 7O/_30 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 9 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 ELEV.: 100'Assumed BOR)NG LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 8 inch Hollow Stem Auger on CME-75 Rig FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING -- ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina £1FVATION/ I SOIL SYMBOLS Density Moisture DEPTHJ SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks pcf (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA 100--0 ......... I ...................................................................... .. ~ ML SANDY SILT: dark brown; moist; fine sand fraction; " semi- plastic. " · 3/6 No odor 95 --5I .3/6 5/6 90 --10 85 --15 80 --20 75 --25 70 - 65 --35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 10 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 £L£V.: 100'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 4 inch Hand Auger FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH lO WATER - · : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina J EL[VAT,ON/ J SOIL SY. BOLS Denslly Moisture DEPTH 'SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks pcf (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA 100- -0 :- -r: ............................................................................... : i~ SM 6 Inch Concrete Slab at :--;: .......... surface. SILTY SAND: · ML ibrownish yellow; slightly ' _ ......... ::moist; fine to coarse No ~or 95--5 ::fff::ff::::f!!! : SANDY SILT: dark brown; ,0 .. i:moist; fine sand fraction; WELL GRADED SAND: brownish · yellow; slightly moist; fine to medium grained; 90--10 moderately well graded; · clean. 85 - -15 80 - -20 75 --25 70 --30 65 --35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 11 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION F)LE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 ELEV.: 100'Assumed BOR)NG LOCAT)ON: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 4 inch Hand Auger FINISH: 7/29 DESCR)PT)ON: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ I SOIL SYMBOLS DEPTHJ SAMPLER SYMBOLS Description Remarks (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA :1 I!: 6 Inch Concrete Slab at ';.. surface. SILTY SAND: i~ ibrownish yellow; slightly imoist; fine to coarse No,or :,g...r..a.%..n.e~..;., .w..e.~ !....g..r.a,d..B.a..: ................... -s SANDY SILT: dark brown; moist; fine sand fraction; semi- plastic. -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 '35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 12 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. , BORING DATE: 7/29/96 ELEV.: 100'Assumed BOR)NG LOCAT)ON: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DR~LL METHOD: 4 inch Hand Auger F~N)SH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina I £LEVA?ION/ I SOIL SYMBOLS DEPTH SAMPLER SYMBOLS Description Remarks (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA -0 ................... .. surface. POORLY GRADED SAND: ::brownish yellow; damp; fine ::.t..0....m..e.d..i .u..m....g..m.a.i..n...e..d .~.....c..]:..e..a..n..,' ......... No odol- SANDY SILT: dark brown; · 5 moist; fine sand fraction; semi- plastic. .10 .15 .2o .25 .30 .35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 1.5 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 8ORANG DATE: 7/29/96 EL£V.: 100'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 4 inch Hand Auger FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ J SOIL SYMBOLS Density Moisture DEPTHJ SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks pcf (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA 100 - -0 ML 6 inch concrete slab at : surface. SANDY SILT: dark " _ ........... brown; moist; fine sand ; ,; '~ :: SM "..fraction; semi-plastic. · :: : :: SANDY SILT: brownish yellow; 95--5 : ~! slightly moist; fine to No *' i : [i coarse grained; well graded. : : : : : : : : 90--10 : :: :: NO ~or 85 - -15 80 - -20 75 - - 25 70 - ~30 .i BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 14 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION F~LE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 ELEV.: lO0'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 4 inch Hand Auger FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPIION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ! : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ I SOIL SYMBOLS I Density Moisture DEPTH SAMPLER SYMBOLS U$CS Description Remarks pcf (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA 1°°7 ML 6 inch concrete slab at ' - .......... surface. SANDY SILT: dark i' SM !brown; moist; fine sand ~ ~.f..rg..c..t.i.o.n..~....s .e.m.i..-. p.!. a. s...t i. c.... ............... ,o o~or · SANDY SILT: dark brown; 95~i-5 moist; fine sand fraction; i' semi- plastic. 90 --10 85 --15 80 --20 75 - - 25 2. 70 !-30 I 65 - -35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 15 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DATE: 7/29/96 £L£V.: 100'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 4 inch Hand Auger FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPTION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH IO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina I £L~VAT'0"/ J SO'L SY"BOLS DEPTH SAMPLER SYI4BOLS USCS Description Remarks Denslfy Moisture (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA Pcf 100 --0 .. ML 6 inch concrete slab at , surface. SANDY SILT: dark : ': SM "..brown; moist; fine sand '~ ! I i:! -.fraction; semi-plastic. 95 5 ii!!ii!' SP '.SANDY SILT: dark brown; !!!!!::! ~moist; fine sand fraction; ~o~or ' isemi- plastic. .~ POORLY GRADED SAND: brownish .. yellow; damp; fine to medium ~_ [grained; clean. 90 10 85 '~-15 'i 80 - - 20 75 --25 70 --3o 65 --35 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 16 SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. PROJECT: PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION FILE NO: 96-7959 BORING DALE: 7/29/96 ELEV.: lO0'Assumed BORING LOCATION: See Site Map, Figure 1 START: 7/29 DRILL METHOD: 4 inch Hand Auger FINISH: 7/29 DESCRIPIION: BP Station at 402 So. Chester - H. Patel DEPTH TO WATER - ~ : N/A CAVING - ~ : N/A LOGGER: B. Carolina ELEVATION/ I SOIL SYMBOLS Density Moisture DEPTH SAMPLER SYMBOLS USCS Description Remarks pcf (feet) AND FIELD TEST DATA 100--0 []qT- -'i ...................................................................... "Mi~" 6 inch concrete slab at Large AC "IIII chunks surface. SANDY SILT: dark ~resent " brown; moist; fine sand " fraction; semi-plastic. .o odor 95 --5 90 --10 85 --15 80 --20 75 --25 70 --30 BP Service Station at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Figure Number 17 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. KEY TO SYI4BOLS Symbol Description Symbol Description Strata symbols TX - denotes triaxial test  Silty sand Line Types ............. delimits coring interval  Silt - denotes sudden strata Change ............ denotes gradual  Well graded sand strata change Poorly graded sand Misc. Symbols NOT IN TABLE (FWATER) NOT IN TABLE. (RFARROW) Soil Samplers California sampler Abbreviations DS - denotes direct shear test P - in blow count column, denotes hydraulically pushed sampler Notes: 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on 7/29/96 using an 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger on a CME-75 Drill Rig, and a 4-inch hand auger. 2. Borings were located on the Site Plan, Figure number 1. 3. No free groundwater was encountered to the depths drilled. 4. These logs are subject to the limitations, conclusions, and conditions in this report. ENVIRONMENT~-~EAL?'H SERVICES DEPARTMENI 2?00 "M" STREET~, SUITE 300,~'BAKE~RSFIELD, CA.T~330! (805)861-3636 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY ~ INSPECTION REPORT PER~IT 0 TiNE ~'~ . ' TiME N~P~..., ION DA~E: ~/~ /~/ Tvc'~ OF INSPECTION: ~ , ~NE xE,~,ISPE~, =ON COMPL'~]'~"~'''''~ ......................... FAC: L ~ TY N A~ E:.Z.~_~.?:.~.~.....~.~Z.Lq.~...A_~.L~.L....~AER .............................................................................................................................. FACILITY ADDRESS:402 SOUTH CHESTER ~AX~RSF~ELD CA O~N E ~S N ~ E: .E&~.~_LR._5]..R .......................................................................................................................................................................... P_RATORS NANE: FARR~D COHNENTS: ~TEN VlOLAT~ONS./OBSERVATIONS 1. PRIMARY CONTAIN"ENT MONITORING: ,.. Modified Inventory Con,roi d. in-~ank Level Sensing Oevice e. Groundwater Monitoring Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Liner c. Vault ~ Suc=ion c. Gravity ~. OVE2FtLL PROTECTION: }'~ 5. TIGHTNESS TESiNG 5. NEW CONSTRUCTiON/MOOIF~CATIONS ?. SLOSURE/ABANDONMENT 9. MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, ANO OPERATING CONOITION OF FACILITY ,=,:~N~PECTZON_oCIEDU~,D? '~ yes mo APPROXIMA, ~ ;'~' KERN TY'AIR PbLLUTION CONTROL TRICT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) $61-3682 PHASE II VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM Station Location Z/~.-~? < '~ ~.~ '/-~'~ P/O~ ~ Company Address ~"~ ~ %~, ~ ~5,~ Zip Contact Phone ~%} ~ ~/ --~ System Type: ~ RJ ~ HE GH HA ~ ~ ~ /~/ Notice Rec'd By Inspector ~_): ~ )1~ Pat NO~LE TYPE ~)ff~ ~c~ ~: ~ ~ ~ 1. CERT. NO~LE 2. CHECK VALVE N O 3. FACE SEAL Z Z 4. RING, RIVET L E 5. BELLOWS 6. SWIVEL(S) 7. FLOW LIMITER (EW) 1. HOSE CONDITION V A 2. LENGTH P O 3. CONFIGURATION R 4. SWIVEL H O 5. OVERHEAD RETRACTOR S E 6. POWER/PILOT ON 7. 81GMS POSTED Key to system types: Key to deficiencies: NC= not certified,, B= broken BA=Balance HE =Healey M= missing, TO= torn, F= fiat, TN= tangled RJ =Red Jacket CH=Gulf Hasselmann AD= needs adjustment, L= long, LO= loose, HI =Hirt HA =Hasstech S= short MA= misaligned, K= kinked, FR= frayed. · ~ INSPECTION RESULTS ~ Key to inspection results: Blank= OK, 7= Repair within seven days, T= Tagged (no~le tagged out-of-order until repaired) U= Taggabie violation but left in use. COMMENTS: VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T OR U'; CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY i AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,OOO.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 · .. CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION. NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE LISTED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION KERN ~i~UNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROLi~STRICT 2700 "~' Street~ Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM TANK Cf1 N Cf2 TANK Cf3 TANK #4 1. PRODUCT (UL PUL, P, or R) :, 2. TANK LOCATION REFERENCE 3. BROKEN OR MISSING VAPOR CAP 4. BROKEN OR MISSING FILL CAP ,' 5. BROKEN CAM LOCK ON VAPOR CAP 6. FILL CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 7. VAPOR CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 8. GASKET MISSING FROM FILL CAP 9. GASKET MISSING FROM VAPOR CAP " 10. Fill ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT ' 11. VAPOR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT 12. GASKET BETWEEN ADAPTOR & FILL TUBE MISSING / IMPROPERLY SEATED 13. DRY BREAK GASKETS DETERIORATED 14. EXCESSIVE VERTICAL PLAY IN COAXIAL FILL TUBE 15. COAXIAL FILL TUBE SPRING MECHANISM DEFECTIVE 16. TANK DEPTH MEASUREMENT 17. TUBE LENGTH MEASUREMENT 18. DIFFERENCE (SHOULD BE 6" OR LESS) 19. OTHER 20. COMMENTS: WARNING: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 209, 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CAEIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLU- ~- ¢~ ¢~ ~r TION OF THE VIOLATION(S) 9149-1010 APCD FILE KERN COUNTY ENViRONMeNTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD DBA OWNER ADDRESS ADDRESS ASSESSORS' PARCEL # CT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE ~I~I~!. . ~-,~_ ~:/.'~,, ~~/_ ~ .~ ~. .~. ,~,~s~-~_ .~.'I ~ / t / ~ MC:cd F7 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ., UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN* [I~I-DERGROUND" SToRaGE TANI CO~TRACTOR INFORMATION PREI. IMAN. ARy ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPAN ' ' ~ PHONE No. ,._5",~,,~ ,~,~ LICENSE No. ADDRESS Z,P coDE INSUI~ANCE CARRIER WORKMEN$ COMP No. TANg C~EAN~NG ~NFORMAT~ON ADDRESS _~__~' 4~,~ ~ C~r~ ~~, Zm CODE WAST~TRANSPORTERIDENTIFICATtGNNUMBE~ ~ ~Z~ NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FAC~LI~ ~ e~/~ ~,~ TANK m~NSPORTER mFORM~T~ON COMPANY ~ PHONE No. ~ ~-~ y~LICENSE No. TANK ~NFO~MAT/ON TANK No. AG~ VOLUM~ CHE~ICAL DATES CHEMICAL STO~ED STOEED PREVIOUSLY STOEED THE APPLICANT HAS ~C E]VffD, UNC~STANOS, AND W~LL COMPLY WITH THE A~ACHED CONDITIONS CF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHE~ STA~E LOCAL ANOFEO~AL ~GULATICNS. THIS ~OEM NAS ~N C OMPL~EC UNO~ P~NAL~ OF P~RjU~V, ANO TO TH~ ~EST OF MY KNOWLED~ IS T~UE AND APPLICANT NAME (P~IN~ APPLICANT'SiGNATU~E ~ June,25dl 1995 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 RE : EXTENSION for ( U.S.T. ) permit . Dear Mr. RALPH E. HUEY Please , I would like to ask you and your departmentto extend my Gasstation Under Storage Tanks permit at 402 s. Chester AVE . Baker- sfield , CA.93304 for another one year . As you know , the property and the gasstation on the market for sale with the real estate of Bakersfield Court, for more than one yearand till know . Unfortunately , till know no offers so what from any buyers, and the reason for that the LOW economy and LOW real estaee sales all over the States . Thank you very much, for your cooperation ,,,,, Simc e~ely, ~-~ FARID ~. EID / OWNER (805) 664 - 7971 Res. HM389401 Account Number ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENT / February 14, 1995 Date New Account New Address Esther Duran Close Account From Service Change Other Adjustment8 X Fire Department- Hazardous Materials Division Department/Division TERRACE MOBIL STATION Billing Name 402 S CHESTER AVE Billing Address Site Address Parcel # (If Applicable) Landlord Name & Address (If Applicable) ADJUSTMENT Last Billed Correct Billing Adjustment to Effective Date of Billing Change 160.00 0 <160.00> 1-11-95 Remarks: THIS BUSINESS CLOSED IN MAY OF 1994. WE WILL WRITE OFF THIS ACCOUNT. Utilities General Account Maintenance 02/14/95 PUTLS801 Acct Nbr: 389401 Bill Stat: NO Transfer-from: Page 1 of 6 Cyc Stat: CL Acct Cyc Stat: CL Transfer-to: Due: 160.00 1. Customer Name: TERRACE MOBIL STATION 2. Social Sec Nbr: 3. Telephone: 4. Service Address: 402 S CHESTER AVE 5. Service City: BAKERSFIELD 6. State: CA 7. Zip: 93304 8. Parcel ID: 9. Bill Cycle: 5 20. Water Svc Class: 10. Route Nbr: 11. Comments : BUSINESS CLOSED 5/94 12. Prev Acct: HM00218 23. Misc Services: 23.1 F99 NOT IN BUSINESS 13. Service Date: 23.2 F99 NOT IN BUSINESS 14. Fund no: 23.3 15. Billto Adl:FARID A EID 23.4 16. Billto Ad2:8804 TIMBERLOCH CT 24. Closing Date: 17. Bill-to City: BAKERSFIELD 18. State: CA 19. Zip: 93311 Enter Save(S), Cancel(XX), Next Page(/), or Field # to Change S 04/14/92 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 1  Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Informat,ion Location: 402 S CHESTER AV Map: 124 Hazard: Low Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 Grid: 06A F/U: 1AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title ~ Business Phone · 24-Hour Phone] FARID A EID~ ,_ ~ OWNER I (805) 831-3749 x ~/ (805) 664-7971 ~3$TAFA JAEER" ~,'z.z~. PARTNER Om~W (805) 831-3749 x Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 402 S CHESTER AV D&B Number: 581-51-9644 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93304- Comm Code: 215-006 BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 SIC Code: 5541 Owner: ~.JST~F~/~AL JAEE~ & FARID A EID Phone: (805) 831-3749 Address: 402 S CHESTER AV State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD ·Zip: 93304- Summary HECEiVEu fiP~ 2 0 1992 · HA7 ~fiT. ~¥i®~red ~he a~achsd h~ardous materials manage: m,n~ p~an ~or~~C~ ~and ~hm i~ ~long with (~e of Bu~l~) ~n~ ~rrs~o~ ~~ ~ comp~s~s ~nd corre~ man- 04/14/92 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-001 UNLEADED PLUS GASOLINE Liquid 5000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 5,000 ~ 2,500.00 53,330.00 Storage ;~Press T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbientlAmbientl3 UNDERGROUND TANKS -- Conc .Components MCP List 100.0% IGasoline IModeratel 02-002 MOTOR OIL Liquid 60 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS 9: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT -- Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 60 ~ 30.00 '360.00 Storage~~Press T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER IAmbient|AmbientlSTOREROOM & GAS ISLE -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based IMinimal I 02-003 WASTE MOTOR OIL Liquid 180 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL ] Annual Amount GAL -- 180 ~ 90.00 360.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location UNDER GROUND TANK Ambient~AmbientlSUMP IN UNDERGROUND TANK - Conc Components MCP ---TList 100.0% IWaste Oil, Petroleum Based ILow 04/14/92 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 3 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference NUmber Order 02-004 UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 5000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: N© Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 5,000 ~ 2,500.00 53,000.00 StorageI Press T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbient~Ambient UNDERGROUND TANK -- Conc 'Components MCP ---~List 100.0% I Gasoline I Moderate I 02-005 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE Liquid 6000 Moderate · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL -- 6,000 ~ 3,000.00 55,000.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location UNDER GROUND TANK IAmbient~Ambientl -- Conc Components MCP ---/List 100.0% IGasoline ModerateI 04/14/92 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 ADMINISTERING AGENCY - 326-3979 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 1-800-852-7550 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation TELL EVERYONE ~O LEAVE IN A LOUD VOICE. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation TELL EVERYONE TO LEAVE IN A LOUD VOICE <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL 2215 TRUXTUN AVE 327-3371 04/14/92 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 5 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention GAS PUMPS HAVE NOZZLES AND ARE EQUIPED WITH A VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM. OIL WASTE IS PLACED IN AN UNDERGROUND SUMp TANK WHICH IS HAULED OFF PERIODICALLY AND PUMPED OUT AND HAULED OFF BY A CARRIER. <2> Release Containment QUICK SORB & 'RAGS FOR SPILLS OF A SMALL QUANTITY <3> Clean Up <4> Other Resource Activation 04/14/92 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - DIRECTLY NORTH OF OFFICE, NEXT TO PROPERTY LINE ON TERRACE WAY B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE WALL OF ROOM OFF SERVICE BAY C) WATER - NEXT TO PROPERTY LINE, DIRECTLY NORTH OF OFFICE, BY TELEPHONE POLE ON TERRACE WAY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - YES <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - 4 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF SOUTH CHESTER AND BRINK APPROXIMATELY 300 FT NORTH OF PROPERTY. <4> Building Occupancy Level 04/14/92 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000'000218 Page 7 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 1 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ~'~ Farm and Agriculture~ Standard Bueiness . i~i Page__of NON - TRADE SECRET ' ,~. ... ~' 4" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~S ~ ~ Average ~nual Measure ~ Da~ Cont Cont Cont Use Location ~ere % ~ N~s of M~/C~nentB Code C~e ~ ~ ~t Units on Site ~ P~ss ~ Code S~red tn Facility ~ See Inst~ons Ph~cal and ~lth hzard C.A.S. ~er Co~onent ~ i N~ G C.A.S. N~ ~ / (Check all t~t apply) ~1 Co~onent , 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er ~<~m~D ~] 'OO~ of Preseu~ H.lth H.2th :. ?' Co~onen: , 3 N-- & C.A.8. N~ S ~g~ ~ / O" ~ ~h~t~al and 8~lth ~za~ C.A.S. N~er Co~one~t g I N~ ;& C.A.S. N~er (Check all t~t apply) of Pressure ' H~lth H~lth Co.orient 9 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~ Ph~cal and H~I~A ~za~ C.A.S. N~er "' Co~onent ~ i N~ & C.A.S. N~er (Chec~ all t~= apply) .c.. Co~onent 9 2'N~ & C.A.S. N~ of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co~onent ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~ I I I I I' I I I I i I Ph~tcal and H~lth ~zard C.A.S. N~er Co~on~t ~ i N~ & C.A.S. N~ (Check all t~t apply) Co~onent 9 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure H~lth H~lth Co, orient ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er N~ FA ~{D ~' ~ %~ Title 24 ~. Phone N=e - Tt,le 24 ~ Phone '. C~tftcat~on (~ ~ SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) -_ ' I certify ~der p~nlty of 1~ t~t I ~ver ~rsonally ~tn~ ~d ~ f~lli~ with the ~nfo~at~on su~1t2ed ~n ~s ~d all at2ached d~ts ~d ~at ~sed on ~ tn~ of tnd~v~d~ls res~tble for o~a~ntng the tnfo~t[on. I believe t~ ~e su~t~d tngo~ton ts t~e, acc~ate, ~plete. ~ ~ ~ 10/23/9(:) TER~E MOBIL STATION 215-(:)(:)(:)-0'218 REOEI~EO page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Ur~it I 9 General I r, forrflat ior,  Locatic, r,: 402 S CHESTER AV Map: 124 Hazard: Low Ident Number: 215-000-000218 Grid: 06A Area of Vul: 0.0 [--Contact Name I Title I Business Phone ...... 1 24 He, ur Phone-  2',C JABER I ~(805) 831-3749 x ~ (805) 872-9310 Mail Add,-s: 402 S CHESTER AY D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 9~304- Corem Cc, de: 215-006 BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 SIC Code: Owner: MUSTAFA/KAMAL JABER & FARID A EID Phone: (~)~- Address: 402 S CHESTER AV State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93304- Summary ....... I ment obn for ~" ......... 51oi]g with agement plan for my Si~atum 1(:)/23/9(]) TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-[)[)[)-[)(.')(])218 Page 2 Hazr~at Inverltory List irs MCP Order 02 - Fixed Cor~tair~ers or, Site P lr~-Ref Na~e/Hazards For~ Quant ity MCP ~ ? ~ 00012, OC)O Moderate 08-001 GASOLINE ~ ~ ~,OOO 'GAL 02-003 WASTE MOTOR OIL ~ 6/00~80 Low GAL 02-(])02 MOTOR OIL ? 60 Mirsir~al GAL 10/23/90 TER~E MOBIL STATION 215-000 18 Page 3 O0 - Overall Site <D> Not if. /Evacuat iors/Medical <1> Agerscy Notificatior~ <2> Er~ployee Notif. /Evacuati,-,r, TELL EVERYONE TO LEAVE IN A LOUD VOICE. <3> Public Notif./EvacuatioF, <4> Emergency Medical Pla~ MERCY HOSPITAL 2215 TRUXTUN AVE 327-3371 10123/90 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 4 O0 - Overall Site <E> Mi t i gat i or~/Prever~t/Abat erst <1> Release Preventior~ GAS PUMPS HAVE NOZZLES AND ARE EQUIPED WITH A VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM. OIL WASTE IS PLACED IN AN UNDERGROUND SUMP TANK WHICH IS HAULED OFF PERIODICALLY AND PUMPED OUT BY A CAR. Release Corot a i rmler, t Clean Up <4> Other Resource Activatior~ 10/23/90 TE MOBIL STATION 21 ~218 Page 5 O0 - Overall Site <F> Site Er~erger~cy Factors <1> Soecial Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - DIRECTLY NORTH OF OFFICE, NEXT TO PROPERTY LINE ON TERRACE WAY B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE WALL OF ROOM OFF SERVICE BAY C) WATER - NEXT TO PROPERTY LINE, DIRECTLY NORTH OF OFFICE, BY TELEPHONE POLE ON TERRACE WAY D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - YES <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - 4 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF SOUTH CHESTER AND BRINK APPROXIMATELY 300 FT NORTH OF PROPERTY. <4> Held for Future use 10/23/90 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 6 O0 - Overall Site <G> Trair, ing < 1 > Page 1 WE HAVE ?? EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY DO YOU HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE? BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: ~/~J-- <2> Page 2 as r~eeded <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm andAgticulture ~ Standard Business ~ NON--TRADE SECRETS Page ___ of BUSINESS NAHE' -7'-~f[~O~ /~,/JJ~n OWNER NAME' ,?~r,~ ;~ ~&-7o/ 4v NAME OF THIS FACILITY: LOCATION; 2¢~'~ ~ P~e~ ~ ~ ]' ADDRESS; '' ~ ~ (~4~r ~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE~ CITY. ZIP~ ~/~- ~ q~o~ CITY. ZIP: ~//~, ~ ~o~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER~ PHONE fl: -- ~m-'~7~ '- ' PHONE ~: ' ~3~-~ ~ ~- L~--~- ~ ~ - ' ~ REFER TO~~CT~ON3 hUR '~OHaH CODES - I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1~13 Trans [y~e ,ax Average Annual ~easure I 0~ ConC ConC ConC Us Loca~ion.~heEe. xh Haees of Code co~ AmC AmC Est Units on ~lce ..Type Press Tamp Co~e Stored in ~acl/Icy~c ' See instructions ~ixture/Cee~onefl~s Physicaland Health Hazard C.A,S, Number G( - cf Componen~ I1 Name t C,A,S, ~mber  h~ll Chat 8pplyj ... ~Fire Hazard U Reactivity ~~ U Sudden Release Component ,2 Ha,, l C.A.S. Number of Pressure ~ Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number Physical and ~ealth Hazard C,A.S, Number ~/ Component II Name i C.k.S. Number ' (Check 411 that app]y) Component I~ Name I C.A.S. Number D Fire ~azard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ ImmediAte Hem(Ch of Pressure HealCfl : Component 13 Name I.C.A.S. Number (Check ali thst apply) Component I~ Name t C,A.S. Number' ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of PressureHealth ....... Component ~3 Name I C,A.S. Number (Check all that apply) Component I~ Name A C.A.S. Number D Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ lmmdiAte ~earth of Pressure HealC~ Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~1 ~me' Tftl~ ~4 Hr Phohe ~e Title ~P Phone  ertific~tion ,(Re~d and.~ign after compl~ti(~g.a17 secti~n~) . certify.under penalcX or~ ChAc t nsve personals, exa~ln~qo ~ familiar. ~itb the information ~u~ittf¢ in this.end at~acneo.ooc~aen[~, an~ t~ oaseo o~.~f ~nqutry ~.;nose ~no~v~oua~s responsio/e for ob[a~nin~ the lntoraac~on, [ believe that the sued]tieD lntoraa[ton ts true, accurate, ano co~p/ece, ' ~~~i (iti~ of O~n~tiooerltor O~ O~n~r/operatot~s authorized r~pre~entative ~'e HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION ~IFISTION OF ~TI~ ( ~FI~TION OF --~ ~P~ S ~~ ( SPR~ ~ ~~ ~ ~IS FA~: ~BUSINESS NAME e,.,,,,~,,.< ~.,e6~g~]~ID~m~MBER 215-000-000218 LOCAT'ION 402 S CHESTER AV HIGH HAZARD RATING 2 1 o OV~El~V I EW LAST CHANGE 03/21/88 BY RALPH JURIS CODE 215-006 JURIS MAP PAGE 124 GRID 06A FACILITY UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING 2 RESPONSE SUMMARY 2A SEC 4) CALL 911 ~WUF~ T.T~r~S ~ ......... °~O~T WR~M T44E 3USiNEDS. EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC 2) ~='~L~n ~c::::: - ~ UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEC 3) A) GAS - DIRECTLY N OF OFFICE, NEXT TO PROP LINE ON TERRACE ~AY B) ELECTRICAL- INSIDE ~ALL OF ROOM OFF SERVICE BAY C) WATER - NEXT TO PROP LINE~ DIRECTLY N OF OFFICE~ BY TELEPHONE POLE ON TERRACE ~AY D) SPECIAL - NO E) LOCK BOX - YES 4 . LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE LAST CHANGE 03/21/88 BY RALPH 2A SEC 5) MERCY HOSPITAL 2215 TRUXTUN AVE 327-3371 PAGE 1 03/21/88 17:32 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME ECHENIQUE BROTHERS ID NUMBER 215-000-000218 LOCATION 402 S CHESTER AV HIGH HAZARD RATING 2 FACILITY UNIT 01 A . OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LAST CHANGE 03/21/88 BY RALPH ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION CONTAINMENT USE 1 PURE GASOLINE 12000 GAL HIGH 3 UNDERGROUND TANKS UNDERGROUND TANKS FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1182.00 100.0 GASOLINE HIGH 2 PURE MOTOR OIL 60 GAL UNKNOWN STOREROOM & GAS ISLE PLASTIC CONTAINER[S] LUBRICANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2808.00 100.0 MOTOR OIL UNKNOWN 3 WASTE WASTE MOTOR OIL 180 GAL UNKNOWN SUMP IN UNDERGROUND TANK UNDERGROUND TANKS WASTE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1598.00 100.0 WASTE OIL UNKNOWN B . FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE 03/21/88 BY RALPH 3A SEC 4) 4 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR FIRE PROTECTION. 3A SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT ON THE CORNER OF SOUTH CHESTER AND BRINK APPROXIMATELY 300 FT NORTH OF PROPERTY. PAGE 2 03/21/88 17:32 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 .BUSINESS NAME ID~MBER 215-000-000218 LOCAT--ION 402 S CHESTER AV HIGH HAZARD RATING 2 FACILITY UNIT 01 D o EMPLOYEE NOT I F I CAT ION / EVACUAT ION LAST CHANGE 03/21/88 BY RALPH 3A SEC 2) TELL EVERYONE TO LEAVE IN A LOUD VOICE. E . MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 03/21/88 BY RALPH 3A SEC 1) GAS PUMPS HAVE NOZZLES AND ARE EQUIPED WITH A VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM. OIL WASTE IS PLACED IN AN UNDERGROUND SUMP TANK WHICH IS HAULED OFF PERIODICALLY AND PUMPED OUT BY A CAR. PAGE 3 03/21/88 17:32 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPAR 2130 "G" STREET RECEIVED BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 JUN I $ 1987 Ans'd ............ OFFICIAL USE ONLY BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: '- 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: Echenique Brothers B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 402 So. Chester Ave. CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93304 BUS.PHONE: (805) 831-3749 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: N~ME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. [ou [chenique Ph#(805) 831-3749 Ph# '/805) 831-9492 B. Heller 0ohms Ph#(805) 323-6519 Ph# (805/ 323-6519 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: Directly north of office, next to PROP. lime on lerrace Way_ B. ELECTRICAL: Inside wall of room off service bay. C. WATER: Next to prop. line7 directly north of office, by t~c~,eohone Dole on Terrace Wy. D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: E~/ NO IF YES, LOCATION: 8¥ office front door. FLOOR PLANS? YES KEYS? YES - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Call 911. Owner lives across the street From the business. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Mercy Hospital SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ....................................... ~ NO ~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... ~ES~ NO ~ NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: ..................~ NOYE~ NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. NO YES NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES ~ YES (~ SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... <~ NO I, louis [chenique , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. - 2B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "6" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME: BUSI NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# FACILITY UNIT NAtUrE: Fchenique Brothers SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMEN~r PROCEDURES 1. Gas pumps have'nozzles and are equiped with a vapor recovery system. 2. 0il waste is placed in an underground sump tank which is periodically pumped out and hauled off by a carrier. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDL~ES AT THIS b~IT ONLY Tell every one to leave in a loud voice. SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS b~IT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... (~ NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form ~4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form ~4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION 4 Fire Extinguishers. SECTION 5: LOCATION OF W.4TER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS Corner of So. Chester and Brink - approximately 300 feet north of property. SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHb~-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A. NAT. ~SAS./PROPANE~ Directly north of office, next to property line bordering lerrace Way. B. ELECTRICAL: InSide wall of room off service bay area. C. WATER: Directly north of office next to property line bordering lerrace Nay. Close to telephone pole. O. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: ~,' NO IF YES, [OCJTTON: By entrance to door to office. FLOOR PLANS? YES REYS~ YES - 3B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D. { FORM 4A-1 Page 1 . of 1' NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: Echenique Brothers OWNER NAME: Lo;,is Fchenique FACILITY UNIT ADDRESS: 402 So. Chester ADDRESS: 419 F1 Prado Dr. FACILITY UNIT NANE: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, 93304 CITY,ZIP:Bakersfield, 93304 .. PHONE ~: (805) 831-3749 PHONE #: (805) 323-6519 [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE { ONLY '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE FLLQ H 12,000 200,000 Gal. 01 19 3 underground tanks 100 Gasoline // ~ ~ CMLq _ 13 ' > M 60 1,080 Gal. 10 26 Storeroom & gas isle 100 Motor Oil oC O M ~-~ Lube service bay 100 Batteries (contains acid) CRMT 13 10 017101 Office 100 Automotive Chemicals CMLQ M 5 50 Gal. FLLQ \ p W 180 600 Gal. O1 40 Sump in undergrou, n.d tan, 100 Motor Oil CMLQ URMS ~AME LoUis Echenique TITLE: SIONATURE: ~,~.. ~A'TE EMERGENCY CONTACT: Louis Echenique TITLE: Owner PHONE ~ BUS HOURS:(805) 831-3749 AFTER BUS HRS: (805)831-9492 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Hellen 3ohns TITLE: Dauqhter .. PHONE # BUS HOURS:'(805) 323-6519 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Gasoline Station AFTER BUS HRS: (805) 323-6519 - 4A-1 -