HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REPORT 02/05/97 FORM NORTH SCALE /~BUSIN ' . - FLOOR: OF DATE: I / FACILITY NAME: UNIT :: OF ~c~y~z~i~%~. ~,~, !:~.~~' ,-~ ~/Z / / (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM ~-/ FACILITY DIAGRAM I(Inspector'$ Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- .... :':?;;:':i:"::' ' S ITE / FAC I L I TY AGRA/VI FORM NORTH SCALE: BUSINESS N~ME: FLOOR: OF /" ~;~' , F-~- ~"~ ~-~;-: ' ~--~ v~/ I DATE: / / FACILITY NAME: UNIT ~: OF o~ ~, ~ ~,-,~-'~-.~:~-_--j-~.,-.~t--~_~- ,~,,z / / (CHECK ONE) SITS DIAG~ FACILI~ DIAG~ / so. 046sr64 gve .  ~ ~ ~-- ~ II! . I Inspector' s Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - F O Rl~f ~ Z~/ NORTH SCALE: BUS I NESS NA.~: FLOOR: OF DATE: / / FACILITY N~E: UNIT ~: OF ,,, so. O16sr6. ¢. ~~ ¥ c~ ~#' 6~ ~ ~ ~ _ Z ~ II! [Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- NORTH SCALE: BUS I NESS N~%ME: FLOOR: OF DATE: / / FACILITY N~E: ~IT ~: OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM ~ FACILI~ DIAGR~ [Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE .......... ,,,~,,?,~,~?~?~,, .................... This permit is issued for the following: ~,~,~,,?',"?:, ~:i!i:~: '~:?~:~ ',:'~::::::~':';i:'~:~i:::;:~::/::;:;::::ii::~: i !:,?:!~!Hazardous Materials Plan LOCATION 402 S CHESTER ~ ~ ~: BA~ERSE[ELD ca TAN I H~RDOUS SUBSTANCE CAPA~I~ ~A~K PIPING PIPING ~.::: :~:~: :~. ~Ni~OR METHOD ONITO :~?:.:.~ ~:~.'...."~ ~ PRESSURE ALD  GASOLINE PRESSURE ALD '~ ....... ~, !i ~' ~,=,: %," 4~~ ~ ,' ~ ~..~., .,~ .... B~ersfield Fke Depa~ment Approved by: O~ICE OF EN~R O~L S~ ~CES 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor f~~ B~emfiel~ CA 9~01 Voice (805) ~26-~979 F~ (S05)32&0576 Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 ICA Cert. No. 005154 I City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter the following information in the format of your choice: name of owner; name of operator; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Form A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying information may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency. This permit is issued on this 2na day of November, 1998 to: ONE STOP MOBIL Permit #015-021-001755 402 S Chester Ave Bakersfield, California 93304 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT February 5, 1997 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL ~. KELLY Mr. Hemender Patel One Stop Mobil AD~INLmAnVE SERV~CF.S 3617 Cedar Canyon Drive 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA93301 Bakersfield, Ca 93306 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 CLOSURE OF 5 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE SUPPRESSION SERVICES TANKS LOCATED AT 402 SOUTH CHESTER AVENUE. PERMIT #BR-0167. 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Patel: PRL~NTION SERVICES This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfiela, CA 93301 preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above (805) 326-3951 stated address. FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) TRAINING DIVISION 326-3979. 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 Sincerely, FAX (805) 39%5763 Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Kathy Gill, RWQCB Pat Mulhofer, Calpi P.O. BOX 6278 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93386 · (805) 589-5648 II!IjAN 2 1 1997 Bakersfield City Fire Department ATTENTION: HOWA/~D WINES By. j 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Wines SUBJECT: PERMIT #BR-0167 On December 27, 1996, CALPI, Inc. removed one - 6,000 gallon gasoline, 2 - 5,000 gallon gasoline, one - 1,000 gallon unknown, and one - 250 gallon waste oil underground tanks from One Stop Mobil Mart at 402 South Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93304. The tanks were decontaminated on site using a high pressure steam cleaner and inerted with dry ice. Rinsate was disposed of at DeMenno/Kerdoon, Compton, California under hazardous waste manifest ff93136632. The tanks were removed to Golden State Metals. Soil was sampled under the direction of the Bakersfield City Fire Department. The samples were analyzed at B. C. Labs of Bakersfield for TX~H, Gas, BTX&E, Tox, Lead, and Oil & Grease. A complete chemical analysis is enclosed. In addition to the lab results, copies of 'the manifest, chain of custody and the tank disposition tracking record are enclosed. Please contact our main office at (805) 589-5648 if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, Pat Mullho~er Supervisor PM/sjb cc: BC Enterprises ATTENTION: BOB UNDERWOOD 3000 South Chester Bakersfield, CA 93304 Santa Maria, California 93454 (805) 925-2231 · Bakersfield, California FAX (805) 589-5312 l 2-2g- ! 996 1 : 31PNI FRONI P. 1 Report To: ~ ~. ~=~alysis Requestdc~,~, ..... , ' Name: ~/~/ Project: ~-- ~/~ 7 ~ ~. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~, _~ ~ Address~,~ ~ Project ~' ~ ~ ~,~ ~ K~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ City:~~ samplerName~,~~E~ ~ ~[ ~ · · ~ State: ~. Zip: ther: ~ --~%~.. v~-~-- ~f~" ;Il tlH. ~t~ '= ~ ----=~- ~ ~ z o = c Lab~ ! Sample Description Date & Time Sampled = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ Co~ment: ! ~ Billing Info: ~inq~s~: (~nature~/ ~]lceivj¢;b~SiCn~Te~ /~_ pate: ~Y"'L~ AddressName: ~~,__ ~ ~ ¢~~ Relinquished ~(S~ature) Rec;ived by: (Signature) Date: Time: I-~ City State Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: [G 01 7 A. entio.:_ .~. ~[~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: / Miles: ~ ' ~U~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date:Time: Sample Disposal P.O.~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ~ BC Disposal ~ 5.00 ea. ]~ Return to client <.. z,,¢" ~ (.2 Analysis Requested Report To: , Address" Project ~' . [ C,ty: ~~ Sampler Name:~~,~ State-. ~ ' Zi~~ Other' A~n: ~ Phone' ~ ~ Lab~ Sample Description Date & Time Sampled ~ -- ~ ', I ' ' ' Comment: Billing Info: I~ Name: ~~.. ~S ~ZO~. - __ Address ' _ __ Relinquished (SignatUre) ~e~iCe~ by:~g~ature) Date: Ti~e: ~ ~ City State Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ___ .Eention: Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date:Time: Time ~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Miles: t ~ sa~p~eO~s,o~ ~.o.~ 0~-~1' ~ o~r %~.l.~n ,e..n,.,~hed~:{S.~natur~ ~ec~,ved~:~Si~na, u~e~ ~ate: ~ime: ~ BO Disposal ~ 5.00 ea. · '~ ~ - ~ Return to client Page 1 LABORATORIES Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-1 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK #1 NO. END ® 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 ® ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.010 mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) 1.3 mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 105. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method Modified EPA ~'~i~? ?!i! '~:: .......... 1 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020 ' · ~ ',,< ~i Note: Sample chromatogram not typical of gasoline. "~i: i ~ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons gas mainly due to one large p~ak at the beginning of gas range. Cal 86 '~, ~,~ ~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc, assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 41 O0 At~ss Ct. - Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-2 Attn: J.P. MI3LLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~1 - NO. END @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 ® ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituent s Result s Unit s Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.009 Toluene 0. 016 mg/kg 0. 009 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.009 Total Xylenes 1.7 mg/kg 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) 10. mg/kg 2. Surrogate % Recovery 94. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 801~5'~ Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. ~uart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas (DC. · Bakersfield, (DA 93308 · (805] 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-3 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~1 SO. END ® 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes 0.010 mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) 1.0 mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 81. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 80-~5~~ ! Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. "~' C 1186 ~ '~i Stuart G. Buttr~n Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas CC. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-4~1 I · FAX [805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-4 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~1 - SO. END @ 8' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 ® 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GPJLHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Report ing Quant itati Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected m~/k~ 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 103. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D O.H.S. / L.U.F.T Manual Method Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020 Ca Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Cc. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-491 I · FAX (805] 327-I 918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-5 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~2 NO. END @ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 ® ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Date knalyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Report ing Quantitat ion Cons t i tuent s Re sul t s Unit s Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0 01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. ~'~ Surrogate % Recovery 92. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method Modified EPA 80'25;',,:',. I Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020 C .H.S. C t. # ,-' ~ 118 6 ~*"~ ' ~'~-i Stuart G. Buttram '{:":~ ;'""?'~ Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. · ~,1 {DO A~,tas ~. · E~8ken~field, E~A cd33(DE~ · (E~05] 3~7-,~94, '~ · FAX [E~OlS;} 3¢r7-191E~ LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-6 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK #2 NO. END ® 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 ® 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date knalyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected ~mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 104. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D O.H.S / L.U.F T Manual Method - Modified EPA 801~5,, ! Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~ ~ ~ Cal~J.O.H.S. Ce~ ~1186 ,.~tuart G. Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-7 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~2 SO. END @ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 ~HRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date knalyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituent s Re sult s Unit s Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 98. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 80Ii5~ · Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805] 327-481 I · FAX [805] 327-191 8 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-8 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~2 SO. END @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quant itat i Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 94. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram ..~. Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. ,4'1 (DE] ,~lss (~. · Baker-afield, ELa, ~:B."qE]E~ · [E~05] :B;~-~BI '] · FAX [E]05] ~B;27-I 9'1EB LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-9 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~3 - NO. END @ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analysis Report lng Quantitat i constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0,005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 92. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Califo ni .O.H.S. Cer . ~1186 ,,, ~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor ',Y- All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report altaretion, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 4100 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX [805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-10 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~3 - NO. END @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/02/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/02/97 Practical Analys i s Report ing Quant itat i Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xytenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 100. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method- Modified EPA 88~i5~'~ .i~ Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ! Califo ni .O.H.S. Ce ~1186 ~%1 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 . (805) 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons C~LPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-11 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~3 - SO. END @ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 ® 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 ® ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/03/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quant itati Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0 01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 105. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervi sot All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the aubmlttl~9 party. BC Laboratories Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteretion, sepo~atlon, detachment or third party interpretation. .4'1 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-12 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~3 - SO. END @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 1100 THRU 1400 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ ll:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/03/97 Date 3knalyzed-8020: 01/03/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0 01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 112. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D O.H.S. / L.U.F T Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Cal i Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 00 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805] 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-1 918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8240) CALPI Date Reported: 01/09/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-13 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~4 MIDDLE @ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Date Extracted: 01/07/97 Date Analyzed: 01/07/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quant itati Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Quality Control Data Surroqates % Recovery Control Limits 1,2 -Dichloroethane-d4 91. 70- 121 Toluene - d8 106. 81 - 117 4 - Bromof luorobenzene 103. 74 - 121 G. Buttram Department Supervisor AIImsultsllstedinthis~po~arefortheexcluslveuseofthesubmlffingpa~ B~Lab~rat~r~es~n~ass~me~sp~ns~b~r~a~mt~n~separat~de~chmen~r~h~pa~in~a~i~ 4100 Atlas Ct.. Bakersfield, OA93308.(805]327-4911 .FAX(805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-13 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~4 MIDDLE @ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 ® 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 106. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-4911 · FAX (805) 327-1918 Page LABORATORIES Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/07/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-13 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~4 MIDDLE ® 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 ® 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Date Extracted-8015M(d): 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(d) : 01/03/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units · Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) None Detected mg/kg 10. Surrogate % Recovery 108. % 64-137 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas CC. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Volatile Organic Analysis (EPA Method 8240) CALPI Date Reported: 01/09/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-14 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~4 MIDDLE @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 ® 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Date Extracted: 01/07/97 Date Analyzed: 01/07/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Quality Control Data Surroqates % Recovery Control Limits 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 89. 70-121 Toluene- d8 104. 81-117 4 -Bromof luorobenzene 106. 74-121 Califc S. ~1186 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All msul~ li~ed in this re~ am for the exclusive u~ of the submlfllng pa~ BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no ~sponsibility for ~po~ a~emtlon, separation, d~achment or thiM pa~y In~rp~tion. 4100 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805] 327-491 I - FAX [805] 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-14 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~4 - MIDDLE ® 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 112. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D O.H.S. / L.U.F.T Manual Method Modified EPA 8015 ~-~ ........... [ Stuart G. Buttram ,~ ~. ~,~, .~. Department Supervisor ~" ~ All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/07/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-14 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~4 MIDDLE @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-'27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Date Extracted-8015M(d) : 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(d) : 01/03/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. (diesel) None Detected mg/kg 10. Surrogate % Recovery 104. % 64-137 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 California D.O.H.S. Cert_~ %1186 Stuart G. Buttram '~L~ Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-191 8 LABORATORIES Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) CALPI Date Reported: 01/09/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-15 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~5 MIDDLE @ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GP3LHAM Sampling Date/Time: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead None Detected mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. C or~qlen t: P.Q.L. = quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Con( REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Wastes al Metho, EPA-SW-846, September, 1986. ~:?~ Dan S chuz~~~ '~;~%~:~'~'~:~%~ Laboratory Director All ~suRs listed in this ~po. are for the exclusive use of the aubm~lng paW. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no ~s~nsibili~ ~r mpo. al~mtlon, separ~ion, de~chme~ or thi~ paw IndireCtion. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1918 Page 1 LABORATORIES CHEMICAL AI~ALYS I S CALPI Date Reported: 01/08/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-15 Attn: J.P. PIULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TAi~K ~5 - MIDDLE ® 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GP3LWJ~M Sampling Date/Time: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method TOX * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-9020 P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the l~ast amo~n~ analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and'~&!ytical tech~nique employed) . REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods'~, EPA~SW-846, September, 1986. ~ ~:~ ~. ..... ~ .... ~ Flag Explanations: ~ ~ , ¥~ , * = Sample analyzed by Advanced Technology Laboratories. '~ ,~'!~! ',< ! Laboratory Director ~ :t' ~z~i-',:~:: ~ -~,~ All ~sults listed in this repod are for the exclusive use of the submi.ing pa~. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibili~ for repo~ elteratlon, separation, detachment or third 41 O0 Atlas Ge. · Bakersfield, OA 9330B - (BO5) 327-491 I · FAX (BO5) 32~-1 ~1B l dvanced cchnology Laboratories Januaw 7, 1997 ELAP No.: 1838 BC Laboratories, Inc. 4100 Atlas Court Bakersfield, CA 93308 ATTN: Ms. Jean Maltby Client's Project: 96-14929 Lab No.: 14955-001/002 Gentlemen: Enclosed are the results for sample(s) received by Advanced Technology Laboratories and tested for the parameters indicated in the enclosed chain of custody. Thank you for the opportunity to service the needs of your company. Please feel free to call me at (3 I0) 989 - 4045 ifI can be of further assistance to your company. Sincerely, EPC/ms F~DC] OSllres This cover letter is an integral part of this analytical report. Th/s report pertains ordy to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identcal or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. Any reproduction of this report or use of this Laborato~s name for advertising or publicity purpose without authorization is prolfibited. RECEIVED I Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9108 Newport Beach, CA 92658 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 310 989-4045 Fax: 310 989-4040 Client: BC Labo .Ties, Inc. Attn: Mr. Jean Maltby Client's Project: 96-14929 Date Received: 12/31/96 Lab No: 14955-001 Date Sampled: 12/27/96 Sample ID: 96-14929-15 Matrix: Soil EPA 9020 (TOX) 01/06/97 ND mg/kg 5.0 5.0_IG MDL = Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR) DF = Dilution Factor (DLR/MDL) / // ?/~? Reviewed/Approved By: ~/3t~'.~//(--~/ Date: Cheryl de'los- Reyes Department Supervisor ~ ~dvanced Technology Laboratorie~ 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 310 989-4045 Fax: 310 989-4040 Client: BC Labo: ries, Inc. Attn: Mr. Jean Maltby Client's Project: 96-14929 Date Received: 12/31/96 Lab No: 14955-002 Date Sampled: 12/27/96 Sample ID: 96-14929-16 Matrix: Soil :.:::~ : :~:~:~ Aha ysisll ~:~:~:.~:::::~:: ::: Date ~nalyZed ::::::ReSUltSiiiii ':.i!i:.:::.:.:.:.::!:.:.!:.Units. i~i~i~i~i~i~i~iiii:i~L ~!D~R :Analys~!/nitialSiiiii EPA 9020 (TOX) 01/06/97 ND rog/kg 5.0 5.0 IG MDL = Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR) DF = Dilution Factor (DLR/MDL) Reviewed/Approved By: ~~e~ ~/ Date: /// Cheryl ~e los Reyes Department Supervisor The cover letter is an integral part of this analytical report RECEIVED JAN ~ ~dvanced Technology ~~ab'---~rato--~i~e~s~ ....... 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 310 989-4045 Fax: 310 989-4040 Spike R~covery and RPD summary'P~eP6rt i:i7 :: ... . :4::: Method: 9020 Date: 01/06/97 Analyst: IG Sample ID: 14955-001 Data File: 7006-1S Matrix: Solid ANAkYTE UNITS LCS Conc LCS Res % Rec METH BLANK I SPL CONC SPK ADDED MS RESULT MSD RESULT %MS REC %MSD REC ~/o REC Limi~ RPD RPD Limit MDL TOX rog/kg 200 192 96 ND ND 50 48 44 96 88 55- 160 9 40 5.0~ Approved by: (~~~' --~~ Date: Cheryl De Lff'g Reyes Inorganics Supervisor RECEIVED JAN '~ 5 1997 ~~dvanced Technology ,~ ......... . ~;at;i;r;~,~;;i;;,~, LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/06/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-15 Attn: J.P. MIILLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~5 MIDDLE ® 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 ® 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sampling Date/Time: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected mg/kg 20. EPA-418.1 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805] 327-491.1 · FAX [805] 327-1 918 LABORATORIES Page 1 TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66261) CALPI Date Reported: 01/09/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-16 Attn: J.P. MIILLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK #5 - MIDDLE @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sampling Date/Time: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Title 22 Waste Type: Type i: Millable Solid - No Free Liquid Regulatory Criteria Method STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method mq/L mq/kq Lead 9.9 mg/kg 2.5 SW-6010 5.0 1000. Comment: P .Q.L. = quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit ConeenD~a~ion REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Wastes al EP3t-SW-846, September, 1986. ~! ,, ~ii ,,~ "~ Dan Schultz Laboratory Director · All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. - Rakersfield, CA 93308 · (805] 327-4911 · FAX (805] 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS CALPI Date Reported: 01/08/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-16 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~5 MIDDLE @ 6' S~PLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GR3Q{Ai~ Sampling Date/Time: 12/27/96 ® 09:00AM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method T©X * None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-9020 P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to th~':,.!east amou~t:o~ analyt~ quantifiable based on sample size used and a~!ytical technique employed) . REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid. Wastes ~Phy, sical/Che,mica! Methods,.'L, EPA-SW-846, September, 1986 -,' ~ ,~ Flag Explanations: : * = Sample analyzed by Advanced TechnolOgy Laboratories. Dan Schultz~" · :' ;:: ~"~ ' ,' ~:~' ': ": Laboratory Director - ~ :',::; '·,11 '~ · All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 00 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/06/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-16 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: TANK ~5 MIDDLE @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sampling Date/Time: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Method Constituents Sample Results Units P.Q.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 110. mg/k9 20. EPA-418.1 Ca 1~~ 186 ~'!~ S~tuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805] 327-4911 · FAX (805] 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-17 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: EAST DISPENSER @ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 @ 09:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/03/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Practical Analysis Reporting Quant itat i Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/k~ 0.005 Toluene None Detected m~/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/k~ 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 79. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram %~??~L! Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas CC. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P 0 BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-18 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: EAST DISPENSER @ 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 ® 09:00A~ Date Extracted-8020: 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/03/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Practical Analys i s Report lng Quant i t at i Con s t i tuent s Re su 1 t s Unit s Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 100. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020 Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All ~sulta liate~ in this [epod ale f0[ the exclusive use 0f the subml~lng ps~ BC [a~[at0[les, I~c. assum0s n0 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 83308 · (805) 327-491 I · FAX (805) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-19 Attn: J.P. MI3LLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: WEST DISPENSER ~ 2' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 @ 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 ® 09:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/03/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Practical Analys i s Report lng Quant itat i Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0. 005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 94. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S / L.U F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 80 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BO Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party Interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · [805) 327-491 I · FAX [BO5) 327-1918 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date Reported: 01/10/97 P O BOX 6278 Date Received: 12/27/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Laboratory No.: 96-14929-20 Attn: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: BR-0167: WEST DISPENSER ® 6' SAMPLED ON 12-27-96 ® 0900 THRU 1030 BY MIKE GRAHAM Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 12/27/96 ® 09:00AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/03/97 Date Extracted-8015M(g): 01/03/97 Date Analyzed-8015M(g) : 01/03/97 Practical Analysis Reportin9 Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. Surrogate % Recovery 109. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Califor~~~,~ia .O.H.S. Cer ~1186 ~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. 41 O0 Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-491 I · FAX [805) 327-1918 N? 10755 GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. TANK DISPOSAL FORM P.O. Box70158- 2000E. BrundageLane Date {~l~/&"~ ,19 q Bakersfie{d, California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 · Fax (805) 327-5749 Contractor's ' Scrap Metals Processing & Recycling License No. Contractor's Phone No. DESTINA~ON: G.S.M. · 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE · BAKERSFIELD, CA~93387 J ' I ~ 1000 - 6 ff .61 _ ~SIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) 3000 1.32 LEL RIdDiNG ~/~ OXYGEN CONTENT 7500 3.28 ~ DISPOSAL FEE ~000 3.82 12000 4.93  TOTAL represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms ~?~~~? CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION ~l~yBD' FS TO CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETELY ' ' AUTHORIZE~ ~P. ~ ~ ' - - ~DATE ' W~on~actor' Copy · '~W-- Rle Copy · PINK-- ~rma~nt Coov ' ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION Contracting Co. ~.a~t perjury that the tank(s) located at ~[O~_ ~. C~--~~. and Address being 'removed under permit#. ~- O~7 has been cleaned/decontaminated properly and a LEL (lower explosive limit) reading of no greater than 5% was measured immediately following the cleaning/decontamination process. Date Name (print) SignatUre Conformation by~~ (.~/z?~ .' fl --~ Bakersfield BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 5, 1996 Farid Eld .RE C.,EF Terrace Mobil Station MICHAEL R, KELLY 402 South Chester Avenue ADMINI$11}.ATIVE SERVICES Bakersfield, CA 93304 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 RE: Underground Storage Tanks located at Terrace Mobil Station, 402 South FAX (80,5)396-1349 Chester Avenue in Bakersfield. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Dear Mr. Eid: Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 AS I am sure you are aware, all existing single walled steel tanks that do not meet the current code requirements must be removed, replaced or upgraded to PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, meet the code by December 22, 1998. Your tanks do not currently meet the new Bakersfield, CA 93301 code requirements and therefore fall into the remove, replace or upgrade category. (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0676 Your current operating permit expires on or before that date and of course will not be renewed until appropriate upgrade of your tank system is accomplished. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 In order to assist you and this office in meeting this fast approaching (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 32643,576 deadline, I have attached a brief questionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade these tanks. Please complete this questionnaire and return it to this office by T~INING DIVISION Friday, December 20, 1996. 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 39%4697 If you have any questions concerning your tanks or if we can be of any FAX (805) 399-5763 assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services attachment BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPART~ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~ 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY ~ ~mo~ r-06~ '- ADDRESS z~O?~ ~. OWNER ~~aw~ e~e~. PERMIT TO OPERATE~. CONTRACTOR /~cc ~,o-~r6 ~er,: C-~u,P. CONTACT PERSON ~O& LABORATORY ~_. # OF SAMPLES R O TEST METHODOLOGY PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. CA=R~ CONTACT PERSON ~- CO~ RECIEPT ~dkD ~t ~f<~3Co LEL% C) 0~% PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL ~ C~ENTS ~,~ i~ DATE INSPECTORS NAME $IGNATIJllE  ~u~er~u~u ~ u'~ ~ .............. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS'DIVISION UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM , ~._.qT' :h.~,":'.~f.;-: ,', :' .,; .%.'.i 1.~ ' .:".~' ." .. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN'UNDERGROUND'~--" STOR/~GE" TANI' · .. ~..., .: ~,.. . .;~f." .... SITE IHFORMAT!ON .~- SITE ~,~'~. $;~~r~,'~ ADDRESS~.~-~' $;,,~,~',~.ZIP CODE ~ APN FACILITY NAME ~-.,~z:? ~,~,~,- ~. CROSS STREET TANK OWNER/OPERATOR~Z~,~_ ~-,<,xd/~.~ .~,~ .7-~_~4. .... MAILING ADDRESS 3[,'17 C~__z/.~,~ ¢_.~,~, CITY ~ ZIP CODE ~.. CO,NTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY~,~'~. ~,~j'~/-.$~"/~r~-~ )~. PHONE No.~.~'~-//,.~'~'. LICENSE No. ~*,)& ADDRESS ~.~/ 1:),~.~, ,~..~, CITY ~'~'~:'~:~ ZiP CODE INSURANCE CARRIER .=~"~..~'-.~,_ ,,~4.,~ WORKMENS coMP' ~1o. PREUMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ~~/'. ~ PHONE No. ~~~ LICENSE No. ADDRESS ._~ ~ ¢~ CI~ ~ ZIP CODE~~ INSURANCE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP No. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ¢~X~/ , ~, PHONE No.~~ ADDRESS ~¢ g~ ~Z~ Ci~ ~~,~,ZlPCODE~~ WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OLD CEZ~Cg~2 ' NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACIL[~ ~ ~/~ ADDRESS ~¢ ~, ~Z~~ .. Ct~ ~~.~IP CODE FAC:LI~[NDENTIFtCATION NUMBER ~ ~ ~ o J~.~ ' · . TANK ~ANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY~ PHONE No. ~ ~-~ ~¢ LICENSE No. ADDRESS ~ CI~ ~. ~. ZIP CODE ~ TANK DESTINATION ~ ~. ~~ ~¢¢~ ~~~ ~~ TANK INFO"MATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL ~ ~ ~ :... .... · ........ · ..... - ............ : ..:..x...... . ~ O~lC A[ US~ ONLY ,. .... ~..>, .:..-:x.'..-~ .~,'i ::x.:,::.~.:~ ...:,...-..~... ...... ~.,,~.~..,~.~.....:.~:,..,.- THE APPLICANT HAS REC EJVED, UNOERSTANDS, A ND WiLL COMPLY WlTJt THE A~ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL A ND ¢EOERA L REGULATICNS. THIS FORM HAS BE~N COMPLIED UNDER ¢ENAL~ OF P~PJURY, AND TOTH~ B~ST OF MY KNOWtEDG& IST~UE AND CORRECT.  APPLICANT NAME (PR1ND APPLICANT SIGNATURE ~,"~ %~ ~ _~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT -.'. ~ ,....,,,~ HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION :,, ~X)O~X](~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 5 Chester Avenue (805) 326-3979 Third Floor APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY~-'~6LC_~,~~~u~4m~,~DREsS 402 So. Chester Avenue PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME Farid Eld OWNERS NAME Farid Eld NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 4 IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED Yes TANK# VOLUME CONTENTS~ 1 4K Empty 2 4K " ' --~ 5K " CONFIDENCE UST 417 Montclair Street T~TESTINGCO~ SERVICES, INC. ~DRESS Bakersfield, CA 93309-17~ TEST METHOD Alert-1000 Underfill N~E OF TESTER James Rich CERTIFICATION ~ S.AT~ REGISTP~TION % 1072 DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CO~UCTED April 22, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT April 29, 1996 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL E. KELLY Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: ADMINISIRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersllelcl, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX(805)395-1349 Enclosed is your updated Permit to Operate for the underground storage tank(s) located at the referenced place of business. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA93301 Please take a moment to review the information printed on the (805)326-3941 permit to make sure everything is correct. If any corrections need to be FAX (805) 395-1349 made, please call the discrepancies to our attention immediately. Your ,,~,nO, SERV,CES Permit to Operate is a legal document and its accuracy determines 1715 Chester Ave. whether you are in compliance with the law. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX(805)326-0576 If you are the tank owner and not necessarily the tank operator at ENVlRONMENTALSERVlCES the site, please make a copy of this permit for your own files. Forward the 1715 Chester Ave. original permit to the tank location so that it may be conspicuously posted Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 onsite. FAX (805) 326-0576 If you have any questions regarding the Permit to Operate or your TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street responsibilities as an underground storage tank owner, please call the Bakersfield, CA93308 Office of Environmental Services at (805) 326-3979, or write to us at the (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 letterhead address. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator Enclosure er perate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility C O N D I T I 0 NS ~,:/O F PE. RMI ~ ~,:~!~'~ 0 NRE V E R S E S I D E Tank Hazardous G.~iii~ii::~.!!:~:,~,i~i::::~..:::/::::::.i:: .... ye:a~:~iiiii~il~ .... :i~ ?.~Tank "':~:ii:~:ilT~iiii::ii'::iii!i!!i:: Piping Piping Piping Number Substance .~P:~!!'~iii}?i? In'~'{~ii~]~:!:~i.::::, ii:i::.(Type Moii'i{~i~ifig:?:i:!~i~: Type Method Monitoring 01 UNLEADED PLUS :75':,~07777' :';:;~E;:~;~;;~;?~ ~ ~:WS.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Sws SUCTION LTT 02 UNLEADED ?:5:~000 ~:]~ ...... PR~i:'~;[ :);?: :SWS '?[':?:~::?; ....... Mi~%~:??: ~'::BWS SUCTION LTT 03 SUPER U/L ::?i~:"6]000 ~;:~: :?PRE?'~'9~4??:~?~S~S::;~5:;:.;~.~]';~~ M~R ~: :::~::::SWS SUCTION LTT 04 WASTE OIL :~':~:.::.~5~:' ':;:.-~: ~::~RE~"~;~;:~::?~:~;;~;~;~::~%~:~:~:??:? MiR:~:.~:?~...- ?:::;:;~Sws GRAVI~ N/A :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -~[~.~.... :::~: ... . ¢...:':::::. ?~:::~;;?:::: ............. ::.~ '....? ..::':: /~' :~;Gon d!t~on~'?~Ubl,Ct.to Issued By: .... :~::~;;;~;~:~':'~:~::::'~:?:~?~?.:~?::~? "?~?:'"::~ ~:;~;~?..:~;~;~: ..~?~:;'.:;;:?:":"~ .?:::i'ssued To .:.~::-..~~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. '%:;;::;;:.., :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::5::::::::::::::::::::::)?:::::: HAZARDOUS MAIERIALS DIVISION FARID A. ElD 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor TER~GE MOBIL SIAIION Bakersfield, CA 93301 402 SOUIH CHESTER AVE ~~~ {805) 326-3979 BAKERSFIELD, GA 93304 Approved by: ~ ' ~- ~ 04-26-96 12-22-98 Ralph ~. Huey, Ha~Materials Coordinator Valid from: to:  BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION ~X~~0% Bakersfield, CA 93301 5 Chester Avenue (805) 326-3979 Third Ploor APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY . ADDRESS 402 So. Chester Avenue PERMIT TO OPERATE ~ OPERATORS NAME Farid Eid OWNERS NAME Farid Eid NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 4 IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED Yes TANK# VOLUME CONTENTS 1 4K Empty 2 4K ,, 3 4K ,, 4 5K ,, CONFIDENCE UST 417 Montclair Street TANK TESTING COMPANY SERVICES, INC. ADDRESS Bakersfield, CA 93309-17 TEST METHOD Alert-1000 Underf~ll NAME OF TESTER James Rich CERTIFICATION # STATE REGISTRATION # 1072 DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED April 22~ 1996 at 9:00 a.m. CONFI~ENCE*UST* 8056~1~872 P, 01 R i C H.. E N VIR O NME NTAL 56~3 ~KOOKS CT BAKERSFIELD,CA.93308 (80S) 392-8687 AL~ERFILL AND ALE~T 105~ ULLAO~ SYSTE~ Precision Under,round Storage Tank System Leak Test TEST RESULTS Test Date: 04/22/96 BILLINO:CONFIDENC~ UST SER. SITE:FIARIO EID 417 MONTCLAIR ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA.9330~ BAKERSFIELD, CA. PRODUCT VOLUME %FULL WETTED NON-WETTeD PRODUCT LEAK WATER IN (,~AL) PORTION PORT~ON ~TN~ D~T~CTOR TANK UNLEADED 4000 00% .... PASS SUCTION N~P 0" UNLEADED 4000 00% .... PASS SUCTION N~P 0" PREMIUM ~000 00% .... 9ASS SUCTION N~P 0" Measurements showed that water in =he backfill ar~a at the time of testing was below tank bottom, and therefore not a factor in test determination. A precision test was performed on tanks at the above location usin~ the Alert 1000 ul~derfill system and the Alert 1050 ullage system. I have reviewed the data produced in conjunction with this test for purpose of verifying the ~esults and certifying the tank systems. The testing was performed in acorrdance with Alert protocol, and therefore satisfies all requirements for such testing as set forth by NFPA 329-92 and USEPA CFR part 280. The results of testing are shown on the following page, and indicate whether the wetted and non-wetted portion passed or failed. Included with the report are reproduction of data compiled during the test which formed the basis for these conclusion. This information is stored in a permanent file if future verification of test results is needed. AL\NC 040 Te~J~ certified By: ~ames J. Rich State cert#90-1072 ' ALERT TECHNOLOGIES PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DA TA FIARIO ElD 402 SOUTH CHESTER BAKERSFIELD, CA. 4000 GALLON UNLEAOED TANK ~2KHz AMPLITUOE RATIO 25KHz AMPLITUDE RATIO 0.75 ! 5 75(+ 0.75 ~ 5 750+ I ' 3 E 3 S 5 -- 5 12KHz DETECTION RATIO = 1,06 25KHz DETECTION RATIO = TEST RESULT = PASS DATE AND TIME OF TEST: 4/22/96 lO'38AM BEGINN]NG BOTTLE PRESSURE = go0 ENOING BOTTLE PRESSURE = ~500 BEGINNING TANK PRESSURE = ~.5 PSIG ENDING TANK PRESSURE = $.5 PSIG ALERT TECHNOL OGLES PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DATA ~IA~IO ElD 402 SOUTH CHESTER BAKERSFIELD, CA. zlO00 GALLON UNL-PLUS TANK '~2KHZ AMPLITUDE RATIO 25KHZ AMPLITUOE RATIO 0 75 ~ 5 750+ 0 75 ~ 5 750+ I I ' I T E 3 E 3 S S 18KHZ DETECTION RATIO = ~.04 85KHZ OETECTION RATIO = ~.03 TEST RESULT = PASS DATE AND TIME OF TEST: 4/22/96 JO:55AM BEGINNING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 900 ENDING BOTTLE PRESSURE = ~JO0 BEGINNING TANK PRESSURE = ~.5 PS]G ENDING TANK PRESSURE = J.5 PS]G ALERT TECHNOL OGLES PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DA TA FIARIO ElD 402 SOUTH CHESTER BAKERSFIELD. CA_ 5000 GALLON PREMIUM TANK '~2KMz AMPLITUDE RATIO 25KHz AMPLITUOE RATIO 0 75 1.5 750+ 0 75 I 5 750+ I I · E 3 ~ E 3 ~2KHZ DETECTION RATIO = ~.31 25KHz DETECTION RATIO = .a03 TEST RESULT = PASS DATE AND TIME OF TEST: 4/22/96 ~0:23AM BEGINNING B0~TLE PRESSURE = 900 ENDING BOTTLE PRESSURE = J00 BEGINNING TANK PRESSURE = J,5 PSIG ENOJNG TANK PRESSURE = J.5 PS]G FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 March G, lg~ (805) 326-3951 Mr. Daniel F. Goldberg 3300 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Terrace Mobil Station at~".S, outh_C__~~) Dear Mr. Goldberg: Thank you for your letter of March 5, 1996 requesting an extension of time in order to perform the required tank tightness test pursuant to Section 2643.1 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. This office will grant the extension with these two provisions: 1). A permit to perform the tank test is obtained from this office prior to May 31, 1996 by a licensed testing company (see attachment). 2). The actual tank test is performed and the results of the test submitted to this office for review prior to June 21, lgg6. Please be informed that the facility is not currently permitted. Tank tightness testing is a condition for the re-issuance of an underground storage tank facility permit. The tanks have not been properly permitted and have been out of service, therefore invoking the following section of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64: Section 7902. Uniform Fire Code (1994 Edition) "Underground tanks which have been out of service for a period of one (1) year, shall be removed from the ground in accordance with Section 7g02.1.7.4 and the site shall be restored in a approved manner". June 30, 1996 will mark the end of the one year period that the tanks have been both unpermitted and out of service. In order to avoid a removal order issued on that date, please ensure compliance with the tank testing procedure described above. Sincerely, /'~ -. , _ 05) ¢ - Howard H. Wines, 111 Hazardous Materials Technician attachment cc: M. Thomson, Esq w/attachment HHW/dlm ~;~l'~f...gj~S ~l ~LZ}, ~'J :~LLENT QUALITY AND THE HIGHEST ~O,~ES~ONAL SERVICE Noramco In¢ Shand & Jurs-Gpe Tank A-TJ~H 3UARANTE'ED! 341o Fruitvale ......... 588 8460 gauges * THOMPSON TANK & 3505 Cadillac Av ReusonaSle Prices CONSTRUCTION CO ' CostaMesa ........... 714 549 9222 Free Estimates Kern Oilflelds ............. 393 2783 Vanco Services ............ 588 1521 'EARS EXPERIENCE 324-0782 ~outh Of California BI. P , lOth & llth ~ester Ay ..............324 0782 See Tanks Abandoned~illed & BANKS & CO Removed 2403 E Belmont Av Fresno ............... 800 284 1109 Brockway's 2014 S Union Ay .......... 8,~4 2146 · Tailor & Cleane~ Supply CONFIDENCE UST SERVICES !Dwell Dr COMPLIANCE WITH CONFIDENCE ' .800 3590400 A-Tech 3410 Fruitvale Av....588 8463 Tailor Supply Co APPLIED COATINGS & LININGS iNC UNDERGROUND ipwell Dr FORMERLY PACIFIC SANDBLASTING .............. 5106351100 TANK COATING TANK TESTING & LINING TANKS FROM 75 TO 75~00 G~LLmS · AIR.DRY-BAKED-LIQUID-POWDER PIPELINE TESTING - LEAK LOCATION 50 TON CAPACITY - I.D. & O.D. MONITORING SYSTEM Modeling School & LOW PRICES - FREE ESTIMATES INSTALLATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS' Agency 3224 N Rosemead BI VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM TE~NG ,'.ine Rd ............ 835 1305 EIMonte ................ 818 280 6354 U.S.EJ).A.. CERTIFIEO TESTING SYSTEM* '~IREE ENTERTAINMENT BAKERSFIELD PROTECTIVE COATING STATE LICENSEO TEST TECHNICLMIS qo Stevens Ent. J FULLY ~NSURED PL & .................. 392 9121 INC I ' ',.erprises ..... .....326 0965 EPOXY & FIBERGLASS TOP QUALITYAT A COMPETITIvETANK TESTINGpRicESERVICES . COATINGS I ............................ 63[ ~7o Toll Free ................ 800 ~39 qq~O SANDBLASTING j FaxLine ................ 8056313872 INDUSTRIAL PAINTING ~ L I QUi-"D' TR ANSPO"~R~ TESTIN~"~ Cal. Cont. Lic.# 526701 !R a.on wy ............. 589 /1MODITIES INC 8ASHOR LARRY SANDBLASTING D.O.T./A.S.M.E. CARGO TANKS on Services For J COMPLETE TANK SERVICE ~se, Bones & Trap Grease .............. 8o0 8~2 9223 PROTECTIVE COATINGS TESTING & REPAIR nternational Inc FIBERGLASS LININGS Sea-. ............... 800 999 5756 See A~verr,sement This Page PRESSURE CLEANING 746-3300 nternational Inc ' !nding ............. 8.~3 3571 WELDING 9544 Enos Ln ................ 74& 3300 LEAD PAINT REMOVAl. !Montijo Tank Tech SANDBLASTING ~ 8639 Circle R Course Ln Actis [ Escondido ............ 800 826 5837 .. SINCE 1977 ~N D E Environmental Corporation iMERICAN ......................... 6330144 INC, :ere Tank Service CSLB = 452822 .REDWINE TESTING SERVICES INC ~ DISTRIBUTORS V ~-ruitvale Av ....... 5888463t 2''' Uo"'e Cr"~O R"......... ~ ~000 'r Full Facility Compliance Inspectioas FLUID: LARRY SANDBLASTING , ,, !onte Cristo Rd ..... 399 6000 !C & L COATINGS Non-Destructive Test Methods ~c P 0 Box ~z78 .... .589 5648 EPOXY & URETHANE Above/Unclercjroun~ Tanks lng: j Pil~elines 2600 PegasusOr.~ ;nstruction Inc TANIC COATINGS - REPAIRS ':' 413b4 ............ 834 5452 Leak Location Sales Office ..... So ................ 242 7869 J COMPETITIVE BIDS Vaoor Recovery System~ Call Toll Free: .. lent Sandblasting & i LIC; 409520 Monitor Systems Nationwide ...... :s 5837 KreOs Rd ...589 6731j CARBOLINE PRODUCTS Caiif Contr Lic 532878 Gilbert Fred C .nty Sewer Pumping I PLASTITE & PURE COTE '.nsured PL/PD 1615 Bedford Wy 43251 ............ ~Ag~ 1926! 1[[3 w Columbus ............ 324 7754 ~ Registered Env Assessor - 01811 Independent Tank 4CEILCOTE LININGS-COATINGS- Troubleshooting Is Our Specialty [nc 6837 Krebs Rd KERN AG S lii'i:i'l"'hJ .................... ' ........................... "~>1 FLOORING-- 326-0446 13o5 Bear iL\Gl.\' £ERI.\'(; R£PRESE:X:T.!T:[ 'ES PRODUCTS CO 11354 Burbank BI P 0 Box z5~7 ................ 326 0446 'CROS~[I FIONAL INC. !1 NorthHoltywood .... 818 760,1100 "Underground Tank Tester I)JnJ:D~:MnJ:MT C61UnRI ARTINR...................... 800 244 1921 STATI; (~F CALIFORNIA - CALIFORNIA FNVIR 'I~I;NTA£ PROTFCTION AGENCY ~ PE"FI;; WILRI~N. Gnver~c- STATE WATER RESOURCES CON-v~L BOARD DIVISION OF CLEAN WATER PROGRAMS 2014 7;STREET. SUITE 130 .:_.0- BOX 944212 CRAMENTO, CA 94244-2120 t=16) 227-4318 FAX (916) 227-4349 CALIFORNIA LICENSED UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TESTERS Januar¢ 22, 1 996 State Water Resources Control Board Clean Water Programs Office of Tank Tester Licensing P.O. Box 944212 Sacrmento. Ca 94244-2120 . (916) 227-4318 Pa~e No. 1 0]/10/96 IINDEk~;R(,tLq[, :;'I'~)I,:AC;I'~ TANK TESTERS [,I{'I':N.%I.:D ltY TIlE :;TATE OF CALIFORNIA ttY LASTNAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE LIC# ISSUE EXPIRE' EQUIPMENT BANBURY PATRI('K 2701 AYAMCH;TE MI:;:;I()N VII.L~() CA 921J, 2 · (714)364 0188 1413 08/;:4/90 08/31/96 PETRO TITE II BARBOUR ItEN.';I.EY 330 H SAN GABIilEI, AVE AZII~A ('A 91702 (818)812-0i%41 11~9 01/01/90 12/31/98 VPLT MODEL-A VPLT-PTK88/FTA/UTS Alert-lO00,1050,4000 BARRY I,ONNIE P.O. BOX 35 SItlNGI,ETOWN CA 960a8 (916)474-3189 1028 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETRO-TITE II BEALS TIlt)MAS 25780 BAI,TRUSTROL bR. SUN CITY CA 92566 (909}679-2533 1516 04/2(!/92 04/30/9~ HORNER EZY CHEK BOSTROM GREG PO BOX 346 SIERRA CITY CA 961]!5 (916)862-1100 1199 01/0]/90 12/31/98 PETROIIUST2000/OCTNK BOUCHES JI.iI{RY ~820 (?tIURCII liT RANC[t() CU('AM(.'NGA ('A 91710 (909)948-8460 1578 04/12/94 04/30/97 VACG"rECT BRENNER ,I[,i?'t'i;ItY 1795 I,O(;AN AVl: :;AN DIE(;() ('A 9211 { (619)234-3561 1056 01/01/90 12/31/98 ~ETRO-TITE/TELA-LEAK BROCKI~ R©DERT 2928 EI,MWO3D AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93~05 (805) 324-1062 1251 01/01/90 12/31/98 IBEX,/AES/UST 2000-P IBEX BRUSIIETT PERItY 1745 BRZu%IBI,E PI, ~1 REI,DIIA; ('A 96002 (916)223-0882 1029 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETRO-TITE II BUON;MNNO CIL~.I<I,ES 272 E 47TH ST SAN Bt.~RNARDINO £'A 92.to4 (909)882-6262 1577 04/12/94 04/30/97 BIITLER MICIIAEI, 1210 N TUSTIN AVE ANAIIEIM CA 928~)7 (:!13)588-3107 1547 05/11/93 05/31/96 TRU-CHEK CALDON MAiiK TRACER - 3755 N. BIISINESS TUCSON AZ 857O5 (602)888-9400 1500 02/05/92 02/28/98 TRACER TIGHT CENTER DR CAI4ARET CRAIG 33500 FARM RD. I.AKE EI,SINOIiE CA 92512 (714)244-5362 1355 08/24/90 08/31/96 PETRO-TITE CA~MPBELL WILI,IAM 1236 ES'FIlER WY MINDEN NV 89421 (702)267-5087 1324 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETROTITE II/OCKCHEK UST 2000 CI~D ANEIL 3318 ONSLOW WY SAN J(),~{E CA 951 {2 (408)272-2438 1262 01/01/90 12/31/98 LD2000/3000/VPLT PTK-88,FTA, I~rS4T SYS CHRISTY TOMMY PO BOX 23106'; SACRAMEN'rO CA 95823 (916)421-1990 1012 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETRO-TITE II CIRER ANTHONY 25029 DANA LN MORENO VALLEY CA 92553 (909)242-7675 1216 03/30/90 0]/31/96 PETROTITE II/TEI4000 COLBY STEVEN 40880~B CO[~iTY CENTER DR, TEMECU1,A CA 92591 {206)839-6933 1567 10/25/93 10/31/96 VACUTECT UST TANK TIGHTNESS STE F COLEI~ JAMES 2330 DUNN RD. HAYWARD CA 94545 {510)276-1880 1495 12/09/91 12/]1/97 EZY-CHBK CONGER JEFFREY 2550 HILBORN RD. APT 88 FAIRFIELD CA 94513 (707)434-8155 1116 03/05/90 03/31/96 VPLT/PTK-88,FTA,UTS4 COX WILLIAM 15870 AVE. 288 VISALIA CA 93292 (209)747-0262 1583 09/26/94 09/30/97 UST 2000 CRONE TODD 3755 N. BUSINESS CENTER DR. TIICSON AZ 85';(:5 (602)579-7523 1559 08/01/93 08/~1/96 TRACER TIGHT CURREY III PALMORE 5349 An,esbury ~901 DAI,I.AS TX 75206 {813)620-07]1 1418 01/23/91 01/22/9'; ACUTST/LSRTITE/ULA~E AC%ITEST LEAK COMI/ TRACER TIGHT DA SILVA FERNANDO 1130 N VENTURA AVE OAKVlEW CA 93022 (805)649-9095 1091 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETRO-TITE II DADSETAN FARHOOD 23411 SUMMERFIELD UNIT 168 ALISO VlEJO CA 92656 (714)643-0534 1175 07/16/90 07/31/96 EZY-CiiEK DAVIS JAMES 1010 N. 12TH ST. NEBRASKA CITY NE 64810 1579 10/18/94 10/31/97 TRACER TIGHT HASSTECH ACURITE DAWSON STEVEN PO BOX 360 ROCKI,IN CA 9567'] (916) 346-8113 1064 01/01/90 12/31/98 AINLAY TESTER S-~ DE BORD WILL 4729 W 163RD ST LAWNDALE CA 90260 (t10)371-7626 1403 08/30/90 08/31/96 EZY-CHEK/PETROTITE pETRO TITE DI PIETRA JOE 11536 S FIRST AVE WHITTIER CA 90604 (213)943-5974 1135 06/23/90 06/30/96 EZY-CHEK -~ No, 2 [0/96 UNDERGR(')HN[~ S'~'~)RAGt~ TANK TESTERS LICENSED I~Y TIlE STATE DF CALIFORNIA BY I.A3;TNAFiE NAME ?'1RST NAHE Al)DRESS CITY STATE Z I P TF, LEPIIONE LIC# ISSUE EXPIRE EQUi P,'.IENT ~EY DANIEL 5X 437 'I'UR LOCK CA 95361 (209)667-0236 1048 01/Cl./90 12/31/98 AI NLAY ;E I,~O}3ERT 16182 JACKSON RANCH RD SII,VEkAI)O ('A 9267ti (714)649-2145 1118 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETROTITE II/TEI4000 ~NGUEZ A~'I'F~NiO 4025 GUAST/ RD. t1405 ONTARIO ('A 917~,1 iB00)554-3458 1571 01/21/94 01/31/97 UST2000/EZYCK ~ ~EN ~qlCHAEL 17759 BUTTERCUP CIR SONORA C,~ 95370 (209)532-7320 1068 01/'01/90 12/31/98 SOILTEST TEGRITY ;~%ILY/AC73P. TE/1050 1000/4000 !AN, JR. BENJAMIN ~'O BOX 208 FOLSOM CA 95ot0 (916)682-3601 1120 01/01/90 12/31/98 'TEGRITY TESTER S-3 PLA00/LS3BD-120PLt]S PL400 LIRE TESTING ~NT DAVE 4060 RODNAY i,N ~.;AN'I'A ROSA ('A 95.1[7 ('/07)586-0789 1273 02/23/90 02/29/96 EZYCHK/AINLAY/TRACER AINI. JkY TAMK 'TEGRIT TRACER TITE ,N (~L{'AR 1'/2 W. VERI~IJGO AVH [iURItANK ('A '~15(12 (~18)840-7020 1205 03/2b/90 03/31/96 LEAKCOMPUTER/TEI4000 LT3/TEI ULLAGE TEl 5000 ,ESTON GERALD 950 HUBBELl, DR. COLORADO S~RINGS CO 80911 i719)392-7429 1404 06/13/90 06/30/96 VACUTECT S STEVEN 17029 DEVONSHIRE ST, NO. 300 NORTIIRIDGE CA 91325 (818)845-3373 1300 04/11/90 04/30/96 EZY-CHEK/UST 2000P NAS CHRISTOPHER 2885 N. BERKELEY LAKE RD. DUI,UT}I GA 30116 (404)623-6562 1589 04/30/95 04/30/98 VACUTECT .RLY ROCKY 2593 CAMINO DEl, RI() BIIf,I,HEAD CITY AZ 86442 (602)763-4683 1481 10/29/91 10/31/97 EZY-CHEK/EZY I/II ltl[.{,Y P.O. B(~){ 334 I><~WNIEV[I,I,E CA 959t6 (916)289-0116 1573 11/04/93 12/31/96 PETROIIUST2000/OCT~K ~ M[C[IAE[, 540 VAN BUREN PL. ~3AN RA~,ION CA 94b~] (510)828-6726 1489 12/10/91 12/31/97 TRACER TIGHT KENNETtt 4602 W 171ST ST LAWNDAI,E CA 90260 1386 03/26,'90 03/31/96 VPLT/ACURITE/ULTI~SO TRACER ANA TONY 1717 DOOLITTLE DR. SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 (510)895-2333 1153 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETRO-TITE II SH/MNNON 9648 9TH ST, STE 5 HESPERIA CA 92345 (6~91868~1841 1406 09/13/90 09/30/96 EZ¥-CHEI( DENNIS 6747 SIERRA CT, STE J DUBLIN CA 94568 (510)551-7555 1035 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETRO-TITE II INGER LARRY 2414 MONTEREY FRESNO CA 93~21 (209)843-2655 1019 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETRO-TITE II ALES ANTHONY 24431 PANA/~ AVE CARSON CA 90';45 {310)549-0592 1570 12/24/93 12/31/96 VPLT-PTK88,FTA,UTS4T [3ST T;M'IK TIGHTNESS ES EDWARD 42143 VALLEY VISTA DR. QUARTZ HILl, CA 93536 (805)943-0165 1065 01/01/90 12/31/98 EZY-CHEK I/UST2000/P L ROBERT 23373 CORINTH DR MURRIETA CA 92562 (909)689-6813 1576 03/26/94 03/31/~7 PL400/UST~000/P THOFu~S P.O. BOX 8998 SOUTH LAKE TAIIOE CA 95731 1916)541-4700 1031 01/01/90 12/31/9'; AINJ.,A¥ WASSER BRIAN 43 OCONNER CIR SAI,INAS CA 93906 {,108)758-4341 1532 06/30/94 06/30/97 TRACER TIGHT Y BENJAMIN 7300 W FRIENDLY AVE GREENSBORO NC 27420 (409)693-9134 1554 07/01/93 07/31/96 ALERT 1000 ENSON ROBERT P.O. BOX 2155 SANTA BARBARA CA 93120 (8051569-5576 1169 01/01/90 12/31/97 EZY-CHEK/UST ON BRIAN 12145 SHY ST. NORWAI.K CA 90650 {213)864-1785 1104 01/01/50 ~2/31/97 VPLT-PTK88/FTA/UT$4T A4St~RETEST/UST2q00P LD3000/LASERTITE NDEVPLT IS ~ATRICK 22332 IIURONS AVE, APPI,E VALLFY CA 92307 (714)886-5770 1302 01/01/90 12/31/97 AES SYS'I~,,M II ELL KURT PO BOX 3030 TI<UCKEE CA 96160 (916)587-4873 1527 07/16/92 07/31/98 PETRO-TITE I & II [JNI~I:;t~I]R(~[JN[, ~;'I'ORA(;E TANK ]'ESTERS I'ICEN-~;I;D [~Y TItE STATE OF CAI,IFORNIA IIY ~ST N~E FIRST N~E 7~DRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPllON~ LIC~ ISSUE EX~IRE '~P JA~ES ~O ~OX 2784 CRESTi,I NE CA 92325 (909) ]38-4623 1005 01/01/90 12/31/96 PgTRO-TITg/~Zy- ~EK 'HROC~ORTON Al,AN ]100 CALLE del CI{RI~O A['T ~;AN CI,EMENTE ('A 920~2 (314)498-4295 ]107 fl220 12/0~/93 12/31/9~ PEFRO-TITE/VPLT VPLT-~KgS/~/UST4T OHIR DAVID 1333 COLLEGE AVE. REDI,ANDS CA 923~4 (714)793-5250 1315 12/0~/93 12/3179~ EZY/PTITE/V~g~ OOMEY ROBERT 42076 CARNEGIE AVE HEMET CA 92]44 (~14)92~-305~ 1040 01/01/90 12/~1/9~ ~ETRO-TITg/Tg~-~ ~CS~Yi DENES 849 S~TA B~B~A RD [~ERKEI,EY CA 94707 (415)524-1645 1309 03/12/91 03/31/97 IIDEN kof;tH~ 6 ] 2 AR I ZO~A !;TR EET EZY- CHEK ('[{(II,A VI~j'I'A CA 91911 (619)475-4422 1546 03/16/93 03/31/96 LINE TEST NDERWOOD 3;~ES 5341 LOOKING Gl,ASS I'I,ACERVlLI,E CA 95667 (916)676-1504 1231 01/01/90 12/31/97 HO~ER EZY~K/~I~y PETRO-TITE T~CER ERDUGO ~'i'ONIO 706 SUND~4CE CT C'HI/i,A VISTA CA 92011 (619)42]-2317 1411 09/26/9~ 09/30/97 TELEAK/EZY~K/2000~ ELLOCK WAYNE 1903 SAN MIGUEL AVE SANTA ROSA CA 95403 (707)544-8324 1063 01/01/90 12/31/96 EZY-CHEK,M/LI~ TEST ELLS STEWAI(T 52102 DONNER PASS RD ~ODA ~jI~Ri'N(k~ CA 95728 (916}426-3372 1256 12/16/93 12/31/96 VPLT-A/~-4T/~E1000 ILKERSON TROY 47 CORTE ~ERA I.AKE EI,SINOkE CA 92532 (909)674-4008 1285 03/20/91 03/31/97 UST 2000/~STE~ VA~E~/EZy III ILLENBERG D~IEL 25937 VIANA AVE ~12 I,O~4ITA CA 9O717 {310)891-0749 1594 08/08/95 08/31/98 NDE VPLT-A/~S-4T DODHOUSE RONAI,D 6867 EAS~OOD AVE AI,TA I,OMA CA 91701 (714)987-0575 1486 10/22/91 10/31/97 EZY-C~K/P~00 RIGHT JIM 11231 IRON MO~TAIN RD REDDING CA 96001 (916)246-3050 1146 01/01/90 12/~1/96 AIN~y, PL40~ ~G JIM 425 S. MAIN ST. I,OS ANGEI,E~; CA 9(~013 (2131972-4715 1425 0~/24/91 09/30/97 EZY-CHEK ~OD 1 ~RBROUGII GEORGE 1840 E OLIVE AVE ['ORTENV I I.I,E ('A 9]257 (209)781-3191 1217 01/01/90 12/]1/96 PETRO-TITEII/~000 P~00 %RN CHARLES 2345 N SIEMON ST. SANTA ANA (~A 92706 (714)748-0117 1047 12/16/93 12/~1/96 UST 2000 VPLT/~STE~/A~IT ~I/RO~/TI~ys )~G DOUGlaS 2911 NELSON ST BAKERSFIELU CA 93]05 (805}871-4961 1076 01/01/90 12/31/96 ~SII/~S/PLT100R )~G STEVE 521 W NOBLE AVE VISAI,IA CA 93277 (209)738-8116 1291 12/16/93 12/31/96 EZCHK/AI~Y/UST2000 AIry T~ 'TEGRIT PP~, P~00 )~G DOUGI,AS 1980 EDEN PLAINS RD [~RENTWOOI) CA 94513 (510)516-2860 1515 07/01/92 07/31/98 ~CER TIG~ g~ D~ 3330 PINEWALK DR N ~RGATE FL 33063 (954)344-8470 1515 09/24/92 09/30/98 VA~E~ VPLT-~K88/~A/~S4T {OU J~ 9205 AI.AB~ AVE UNIT C (THATSWORTH CA 91311 (818}349-3178 1548 02/22/93 02/29/96 LTC-1000 [~E~ LAWRENCE 4430 D~ RD R[CIIMOND CA 94803 (415)222-9271 1354 12/07/93 12/31/96 [~ER~, II J~}.:S 17151 I;ilER~N WY VAN N[JYS CA 91'I06 (800)227-7879 1180 01/01/90 12/31/96 PETRO II/UST 2000 U~ 2000 Page No. 5 01/10/96 I INDENt iI~.OIINI I :;'I'(JR;~, ;!", 'rANK TESTERS I,ICENSED IiY 'rill,; STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY LASTNAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE LIC# ISSUE EXPIRE EQUIPMENT RAY RICIL~/iD 3506 CERRiTOS i,ONG I~EA¢'II CA 9(;807 (:/10)426-9152 1105 01/01/90 12/31/96 VPLT/I~TK~61]/FTA/I/i'4T LD 3000/H~JITI'ER REANO MARK P.O. BOX 6021 .~iAN'i'A R(I-%A CA '35406 (707)778-7678 1022 12/07/93 12/31/96 EZY-CHEK REED JAIdES 7';20 SIdq SAIiANA CT. DUBI,IN CA 94568 [510)803-9797 1027 12/07/93 12/31/96 PETRO-TITE REEVES BAVID 1242 OROLOMA I)R PLACLRVII,I.K CA 95667 (916)621-3402 1125 01/01/90 12/31/96 PIPELINE/P~TRO TITE HASSTECI~IT REEVES EbWIN 2533 CONNIE DR SACRAMENTO CA 95815 (9161925-2716 1124 01/01/90 12/31/96 PETRO-TITE II REINHOLDT DARIN P.O. BOX 27194~ <'ONC<II<D CA 94527 {510)229-9120 1172 01/01/90 12/31/96 PETRO-TITE RICH JAMES 172 W. VERDUGO AVE. bURBANK CA 91502 (818)840-7020 1072 01/01/90 12/31/96 AES/LTJ/TEI-4000/ALT TEL IJLJ~AI~E/TEI RICHkRDS JAMES 2005 SW 198Tll A],()UA OR 97006 (503)642-2051 1440 10/22/91 10/]1/97 EZYCHEK/ACU ACURlTR/UST2000P RIVAS, JR AD~)i.FO 2403 E BEI.MOI'IT AVE FRE-~;NO (iA 93701 (209)299-0529 1218 12/07/93 12/31/96 EZY-CHEK ROGERS WII,I.IM4 12075 ALTA CARMEL CT. ~46 .~;~Ni I~IEGO CA 92128 (619)745-7723 1243 12/07/93 12/31/96 PETRO-TIIE ROOERS RUSSELl, 22646 ,JONES VAI,I.EY TRAIL IiEDbING CA 96003 (916)275-4288 1292 01/01/90 12/31/96 PETRO-TITEII&LN TEST ROMIG GARY 2"/03 UN[ON DR COTTONWOOD AZ 86326 (520)646-0152 1529 10/19/92 10/31/98 TI~ACER TIGI~I' ROOMS LOUIS-PHILIPPE 630 FOX HOLI,OW WY VACAVILLE CA 95687 (707)446-6151 1052 01/01/90 12/31/98 PETRO TITE/ALERT ULIJtGE SABLOSKY STIMN1LEY 736 CIRCLE DR SALINAS CA 93905 (408)424-0877 1217 12/13/93 12/31/96 AINLAY,459-500 SAHLIN MICHAEL 1413 SEQUOIA PLANO TX 75023 {214)881-2717 1518 05/03/92 05/31/98 TRACER-TITE,USTI000P SCHENMEYER LAWRENCE 3755 N BUSINESS CEN DR TUCSON AZ 85705 (602)293-5765 1560 08/01/93 08/31/96 TFu%CER TIGHT SCNWAI~TZ MAi~TIN 270 E. 65TII ST I,{)N(] I~EA(']I CA 90805 (213)437-7746 1095 12/07/93 12/31/96 PETRO-TITE SCOVIL[,E }{OI~I'.'RT P.O. t3(~X ] 39 TAIIOI; CITY ('A 9!,710 (916) 563-3%86 1087 01/01/90 12/~]1/96 AINLAY SRAW MARK 755 MONTE CARLO i)R $UISI/N CITY CA 94585 (7071421-9290 1226 12/16/93 12/31/96 VPLT/PTITEII/EZ-C~IEK PTK86/I 0102 / PROLINE/SURTEST SHEEHY JOHN 118 E AVILA WY CLAREMONT CA 91711 (909)621-9115 1186 01/01/90 12/31/96 EZY-CH~K SHELDRAKE RONALD 7433 BROOKDALE DR CITRUS HEIGHTS CA 95621 1349 01/01/90 12/31/96 TRACER SHELDRAKE CARL 3755 N. BUSINESS CENTER DR. TUCSON AZ 85705 {602)888-9400 1510 03/26/92 03/31/98 TRACER TIGHT SHORT BARRY 1252 TORREY ST. DAVIS CA 95616 (916)756-6300 1519 04/15/92 04/30/98 PETRO-TITE SILVA RICIiARD P.O. BOX 9019 PI,EASANTON CA 94566 (510)846-0676 1437 12/19/90 12/31/97 EZYoCHEK I SIMMONS DALE 1517 E. GABLE MESA AZ 85205 (602)892-7515 1587 04/18/95 04/30/98 PETRO-TITE SKOW LARRY 7300 W FRIENDLY AVE GREENSBORO NC 27409 (303)~30-9715 1555 05/14/93 05/31/96 ALERT 1000 SMITH BOBBY 15870 AVENUE 288 VISALIA CA 93277 {209)747-5220 1431 11/01/91 11/30/97 EZYoCHEK/UST 2000/P SMITH RONALD 1537 NORTH PARK POMONA CA 91768 (909)622-7653 1552 10/25/9] 10/]1/96 EZY CI4~K IF. AK STARKS JAMES 923 N 2ND ST PORTERVILLE CA 93257 209/781-0110 1572 01/27/94 01/31/97 EZY CHECK STEELE JEFFREY 321 CHESTERTON AVE BEI,MONT CA 94002 (415)'595-4518 1168 01/01/90 12/~1/96 EZY-CHEK/PI~TROoTITE pI~'~I'RO-TITE/OC'TlqK SWENSON GARY 4114 E WOOD ST PIIOENIX AZ 85040 i800)229-2930 1428 09/20/94 08/31/97 PETRO II/TRAC~RTIGHT SWINDLE JAMES 3755 N. BUSINESS CENTER TUCSON AZ 85705 (602)323-1985 1562 08/01/9] 08/~1/9.6 TRACER DRIVE ,Cje No. .110196 tINDERGROUNi~ ,-;'I'(JRAL;E TANK TESTERS I,I('ENf;EI) BY TIiE -'-;TATE OF CALIFORNIA }~Y I.ASTNAME ST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE LIC~ ISSUE EXPIRE EQUIPMEIfr CORMICK SEAN P.O. BOX 431 HENRY ROBERT P.O. BOX 146 SAN AkDO CA 93450 i8053238-258] 1236 01/01/90 12/31/97 AINL~a,Y TANK TEGRII'Y TAI,ENT OR 97540 (5033535-6542 1037 01/01/90 12/31/97 AINLA¥ LBURN ALVIN 6531 BREMEN CITRUS HEIGIITS CA 95621 (9163722-7092 1409 06/12/90 06/30/96 EZY-CHEK 1/UST 2000 LLER JA,'4ES P.O. BOX 26047 SANTA ;uNA CA 92799 (7143979-9529 !194 03/20/90 03/31/98 VPLT-A/~-4T/NDE1000 LLER ALAN 1541 36TH ST. SACR;UM. ENTO CA 958,t2 (916)922-7703 1569 11/24/93 11/30/96 Ezy-Chek Leak Detect LLIGIMg DAVID 38237 32ND ST. E. PALMDALE CA 93550 (8053273-7977 1299 01/01/90 12/31/97 EZY-CHEK/UST2000 ~ITON KEN 40880 U COUNTY CEN. DR Tf:MECUI,A CA 92591 (800}666-2176 1543 01/20/93 01/31/96 VACU TIgCT SUITE F %LEM;Mxl RAY P.O. BOX ]6543 IRV/Ni-; CA 92'113 {8003438-1111 1364 03/22/90 03/31/98 VPLT-A/UT-4T/NDE1000 {TIJO TIMOT}{¥ P.O. BOX 83 I'OWAY ('A 920/4 (6193456-3966 1090 0]/01/90 12/31/97 AINI'J%Y/PETRO-TITE II P[gTRO-TITIg II ~TIJO ROBERT 16650 Alt/ MAiL i,N. RAFL~)NA ('A 92065 (~19)789-2623 1138 01/01/90 12/31/97 PETRO-TITE II/AIN'L,%¥ )RE SCOTT 6747 SIERPJ% CT STE J DUt~LIN CA 94568 (5103551-7555 1034 01/61/90 12/31/97 PETRO-TITE {IIMRTY IGNATIUS 32671 POINT SUT'FON [)ii., UNIT DANA POINT CA 92629 (7143493-3905 1187 01/01/90 12/31/97 A EZY- CHEK I {PHY TRAVI$ 2533 CONNIE DR. SACRAMENTO CA 95815 (9163925-2716 1123 01/01/90 12/31/97 PETRG-TITE ~RS DAN 7720 REA ST. OIl,ROY CA 95020 (4083842-1629 1008 12/02/91 12/31/97 PETRO-TITE IMO [,YI,E P.O. BOX 36 ']'|IORNT()N CA '.;56[{6 (209} 794-24 ;0 1143 01/01/90 12/31/97 PETROTITE/U2000/~ '.MAN {<A'fMC)NIJ t, 620 N. III,YTIiI:; i.'l~l.;!;IJ() CA 9]'/22 i2093275-8456 1383 03/19/90 03/31/98 EZY-CItEK : MELVIN P.O. BOX 1453 JACKSON CA 95642 (209) 223-3508 1015 01/01/90 12/31/~7 A INLAY/ I~%SSTECH ~ONNER DENNIS 35745 CALLE NOPAL TE, MECUI,A CA 92390 (909)676-5913 1132 01/01/90 12/31/97 EZY-CHEK VER JOHN 3849 N. TYND/LLL AVE. TUCSON AZ 85719 (520)888-0540 1505 03/26/92 03/31/98 TRACER TIGHT 'KHAM JOHN 42380 MAYBERRY HEMET CA 923-t3 (7143927-3056 1026 12/13/93 12/31/96 PE/"RO - T l TE/TELA ~ L~J%K KER TODD 15149 GERI~NIUM ST. FONTANA CA 923~6 (9093355-9858 1487 10/22/91 10/31/97 VACL~i, ECT 'K DAVID 2608 V/hRGAS WY REDONI)O BEACH CA 925i;7 (]103214-3279 1195 01/01/90 01/31/96 VPLT 1OO0A IN ROGER 13294 WIMBERLY SQUARE NO. 2i SAN DIEGO ('A 92128 (6193679-6865 1181 01/01/90 12/31/96 . EZY-CHK/TEL-A-LFJ%K lC DI~AGA~4 1260 WEST 17TH STREET SAN PEDRO CA 90731 (]10)519-9057 1551 03/16/93 03/31/96 VPLT LEAK TESTING EQ VPLT-PTKSB/F'~A/ttl'S4 ANG PATRICK 13121 NW MILITARY {{NY {{113 RAN AN'I'~)N10 TX '/U2tl (210)408-7038 1590 04/3C/95 04/30/98 VACU-fECT LLIPS RICIIMOND 20000 MARINER AVE TORRANCE CA 90501 (805)872-7011 1071 03/12/91 03/31/97 A~!000&1050/ACIORITE TEI-4000,/TIgI-LT3 D RANDALL 2600 WILLIAMS ST SAN LEANDRO CA 94577 (5103569-4160 1557 08/01/93 08/31/96 PE/7tOTITE iI/QC2c00 TER WARREN 27533 DANDELION CT ~EMECUI.A CA 92591 (9093699-8192 1408 06/10/91 06/30/97 VACI3TECr K CATItERINE 8550 E. SPEEDWAY, #152 TUCSON AZ 857]0 (6023722-6205 1507 03/04/92 03/31/98 TRACER TIGHT IROS ALBERT 330 E 238TH SR CARSON CA 90745 (3103835-4831 1448 02/20/91 02/28/97 ST/ATSIV/Ui&2/PLTIIi 3U RAZVAN 24781 MOSQUERO LN MISSION VIEJO CA 92691 (7143581-1624 1185 12/1o/~ 12/-%1/i6 EZYCTIK/UST2000P PP~T, PL4_0,0/LEAK,ALER, Page No. 01/]0/96 I ;NI;L;R, ;NI)UND :;T,)kA(;i.: 'rANK TESTERS I,ICENSEI~ t~Y TIlE .~;TATE OF CALIFORNIA - BY I~ASTN~E ~ST N~E FIR~;T N;~E ADDRESS CITY STATE ZiP '['I.:LEPHONE LIC~ ISSUE EXPIRE EQUiPME~ HATHAWAY t<I,I~:)N 1014 JAY ST. MARY,qVII,I,E CA 959,,1 (9161743-1439 1002 01/01/90 12/31/97 AINLAY }IAWKINS -%I'EV[.i£I 1221 14TII AVE. :;OU'I'ii }.Al''}.; W()R'I'It ['1, 33.I~,11 (407)547-8810 1525 04/21/92 04/30/98 VACU TECT HENRY IAR},Y 225 N. i.,OARA S'I' ANA}iE']M ('A 921~01 (7141776-0300 1117 01/~;1/90 12/31/97 PETRO-TITEII/TEI4000 TEl HERSHEWE ,'l~3vl. lL 761 N GOWER ST }{OI,I,Y~)OD CA 900t8 (707)795-1235 1524 11/02/92 11/30/98 SURETST/I~I.U2/PROLIN HINSLEY BRUCE 3707 CANAD[A_N ST. BAKEKSv'IELD CA 93~04 (805 834-1234 1069 01,'01/90 12/31/97 ;%ES/P 2000/P 2000U HULl, JOHN C/O 5225 Ht)LI,ISTER ST. IlOIISTON TX 770.11 (713 690-8265 1460 03/05/91 03/31/97 VPLT/PETROT/VACUTECT PETRO-TITE VACUT IIUq'TON CANI,I 1235 W 9'1'11 !iT I'OMON;, CA 917~,6 (909 622-2738 1416 08/26/94 08/31/97 EZY-CHEK JOIINSON },',ANDAi,I, 3g,t56 hOTANY Gi{I-il.]N I"[dEM(;NT CA 945i6 (415 794-8631 1046 01//01/90 12/31/97 PETRO-TITE JOHNSON RONAI,D 2719 E. 111VERNI.::;S MIJ~;A AZ 852o4 (602 892-7313 1392 03/22/90 03/31/98 UST 2000/ACU/Iq~.a. CT{/U liASSTEC~{/~qIACERT JO}{N-e, ON DAVII) 11217 AUk¢)IiA I)l,'fl'/ }:]L ('A,I,~N ('A 920.!1 (619 561-9122 1586 04/18/95 04/30/98 PL400 K1;uNI TONY '1319 t{','ANNI.~ Dt, WEbT IIIIA,:; CA 913(17 {818 346-4263 1049 01/01/90 12/31/97 PRECISION LEAK/VLPT VPLT KING CiL~I,'I,ES 375 RONL~N WY CIt[]LA VISq'A CA 91911 (619 691-6994 1564 11/15/93 11/30/96 TRACER/TEL-A-[~J%]( KNtrrSON MICIIAEL 23482 AVEHUE 194 S'i'RATh~IORE CA 93267 (209 568-2326 1575 04/13/94 04/30/97 UST2000/P /PL400 [~tURY VICTOR 425 S. MAIN ST. I,O,% AN~iEI,E:] ('A 90013 (213 972-4730 1317 01/01/90 12/31/97 E~Y-CHEK I J%WRENCE DONALD P.O. lJ{)X 't {1 't I)OWN I l.;V I [,],E ('A 9~-~ 9 ~ 6 (916)289-3109 1201 01/01/90 12/31/97 PETROI I UST2000/OCI1~K I,ES,';I,EY 141CtlA1£1. 1/2 W VEI{I,U,;O AVE I~UI{hAN~: ('A 915o2 (818)840-7020 1070 01/C1/90 12/31/97 TEI4000/LTb/AES II TEl [FLLJ%GE/TEI 500, SYSTEM I.EVESQUE MICIIAEi, 2416 E ALAMOS FRESNO t'A 9372(. (2091226-1134 1405 07/02/90 07/31/98 VPLT-A,UST-4,[~l'K_88 LIN TZER-HSO 20124 KINZIE ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311 818/772-6997 1574 01/03/94 01/31/97 LEAK ALERT LINSTEAD IRWIN 2906 W. SUNNYSIDE DR. PHOENIX AZ 85029 {6021504-1042 1131 04/24/90 04/30/98 VPLT/PTK-88/FTA [/I'S4T LOCKE JOHN 20449 RANCHO LOS CERRITOS COVINA CA 91722 (8181331-3947 1415 08/26/94 08/31/97 EZY-CHK LOEWEN RUSSELL P.O. bOX 6021 SANTA ROSA CA 954~(. (7071528-7466 1021 01/01/90 12/31/97 EZY-CHEK I ~ II LUKEHART, JR. WII,I,ARD 40880 1~ COUNTY CENTER DR, TEMECII1.A (iA 925~1 (8001666-2176 1128 01/01/90 12/31/97 VACUTECT/VPLT VPLT STE F MIkNESS, JR. CHA~LES P.O. BOX 6 IVA/~tIO[,] CA 932 ~5 (209} 564-8030 1053 01/01/90 12/31/97 TEL-A-LE~,K I MARINESCU ERMIL 16008 SIiARON 1111,I, DR WIIITTIER CA 90~04 (310 943-9968 1393 09/17/90 09/30/98 AES-II/PElTiO-TITE II MASON JOHN 6161 MAYI~EkRY AI,TA I,oPU% CA 917'~7 (9091941-1877 1073 01/01/90 12/31/97 AES/VPLT88/FTA/UTS4T MASSEE NEIL 13468 GRANITE CREEK RD. SAN DIEGO CA 92128 (6191679-7722 1182 01/01/90 12/31/97 TEL-A-LEJ%K/EZy-CHEKI MASTANDREA JOIIN 417 PASEO DE LA PIAYA REDON[,'O BEACH CA 90277 i3101378-0818 1193 01/01/90 12/31/97 VPLT-A b'l'-4T NDE1000 MATHIE DAVID 1109 WISTERIA WY NEWMAN CA 95360 (2091226-1136 1429 09/06/90 09/30/98 ALERT 1000/1050 PTK-88/FTA/D"FS 4T MC DONNELL SCOT'F 17029 DEVONSII1RE ST STE 300 NORTIIRIDGE CA 91325 (818)369-9696 1556 05/11/93 05/31/96 UST 2000/P MCCARTHY WILl, lAM 1717 DOOI,ITTLE DR. SAR LEANDRO CA 94577 (5101895-2333 1151 01/01/90 12/31/97 PETRO-TITE II MCC-J~RTHY MICHAEL 11136 HESBY ST., NO. 204 NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91601 (8181985-4423 1061 61,'~1/90 12/31/97 EZY-CHEK PRECISION TAIq]( TEST UST 2000/ ~lephone (805) 3232231 DA VID F. GOLDBERG ~i~ (805) 3232397 COMMONWEALTH BUH____i)ING Trux~n at O~ 33~ Truxmn Avenu~ ~i~ 3~ B~ersfie~ CA ~301 March 5, 1996 Mr. Howard H. Wines. III HAZ. MA~ DI~ City of Bakersfield Fire Department Fire Safety & Environmental Services Dept. 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Terrace Mobil Station at 402 South Chester Avenue Dear Mr. Wines.: My client, Farid A. Eid, wrote me from Chicago and said that you would like a letter from me. As we have indicated earlier, we do represent the Eids in this case, and Mr. Melvin Thompson represents Najah M. Jaber as land owners of the property in two-third proportion and one-third respectively. Only a few days ago at a Mandatory Settlement Conference in Superior Court before Judge Robert Anspach, it was discussed and agreed by all concerned that we should try to find out the dimensions of the alleged contamination problem, if any, before we can proceed with a sale of the property. This is written to inform you that my client and I wish to comply with your communications to that end. My client also informs me that you have agreed to extend the permit until the end of May, 1996 so that Mr. Eid can make a trip from Chicago to Bakersfield in order to address this problem. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Yours very truly, DAVID F. GOLDBERG DFG:mm cc: Melvin J. Thompson, Esq. Farid A. Eid Law Offices of Telephone (805) 327-2231 DAVID F. GOLDBERG Facsimile (805) 327-2397 COMMO TH BY.,NC 3300 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 390 I/R }l/~l[~ ";/~ /T.~,,:f::, . ........ ~.~ ...... Ba~ers. ael,~, CA 9330' I/L? ~ ~::~ ~ 1~/ /~ ~1 February 26, 1996 Mr. Howard H. Wines, III City of Bakersfield Fire Department Fire Safety & Environmental Services Dept. 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Terrace Mobil Station at 402 South Chester Avenue Dear Mr. Wines: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 14 concerning the Terrace Mobil Station at 402 South Chester. We did not receive your letter until February 23, 1996. This left little time for compliance. We are particularly concerned that the letter seems to place the onus on our client, Mr. Eld, when we have previously informed your department that Mr. Eid is an owner as to two-thirds but that Najah Jaber is an owner as to one-third. Should not both owners bear responsibility? Yours very truly, DAVID F. GOLDBERG ~ DFG:mm cc: Melvin J. Thompson, Esq. CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. * BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 R.E. HUEY February 14, 1996 R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 Melvin J. Thompson, Attorney for Najah M. Jaber Austin, Thompson, Sims 2800 "F" Street, Suite B Bakersfield, Ca 93301 RE: ~__Mobil-Station-at- ~402-Seuth~Chester. Messrs: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. Our records indicate the following: 01/04/96 Letter to Mr. Thompson (cc: D. Goldberg) referencing and enclosing 12/08/95 letter to Farid A. Eld re: no precision tank testing having been performed at 402 South Chester. 12/08/95 Letter to Fafid A. Eld (cc: M. Khachigian) notifying of requirement for precision tank testing .................. on an annual basis. 08/10/95 Letter to Fadd A. Eld notifying of expiration of Temporary Closure Permit and requesting either proper closure or re-permitting of the tanks under current code, by 09/01/95. We are requesting that this work, specifically the precision tank testing, be done in a timely manner. THEREFORE, PRIOR TO MARCH 1, 1996, please make the following arrangements to bring the tanks up to code, or else apply for their removal: 1. Select a State licensed underground tank testing company to perform the precision tests. 2. The licensed tank tester shall obtain a valid Tank Testing Permit through this office prior to March 1, 1996. 3. The results of the tests shall be submitted to this office no later than five (5) days after they become available. If you have any questions regarding your clients responsibilities concerning ownership of underground tanks pursuant to Federal, State and local laws or ordinances, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: D. Goldberg M. Khachigian FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~,~.,,~,Z/ 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 R.E. HUEY February 14, 1996 R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FlEE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 David F. Goldberg, Attorney for Fadd A. I:id Goldberg, Fisher, Quirk P.O. Box 2268 Bakersfield, Ca 93308 RE: ~_.M_~!! ~_S~.'.o.-~a_t~.402- Sb-at h-~b~0 Messrs: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. Our records indicate the following: 01/04/96 Letter to Mr. Thompson (cc: D. Goldberg) referencing and enclosing 12/08/95 leRer to Farid A. Eld re: no precision tank testing having been performed at 402 South Chester. 12/08/95 Letter to Farid A. Eid (cc: M. Khachigian) notifying of requirement for precision tank testing ........................ on an annual basis. 08/10/95 Letter to Farid A. Eld notifying of expiration of Temporary Closure Permit and requesting either proper closure or re-permitting of the tanks under current code, by 09/01/95. We are requesting that this work, specifically the precision tank testing, be done in a timely manner. THEREFORE, PRIOR TO MARCH 1, 1995, please make the following arrangements to bring the tanks up to code, or else apply for their removal: 1. Select a State licensed underground tank testing company to perform the precision tests. 2. The licensed tank tester shall obtain a valid Tank Testing Permit through this office prior to March 1, lgg6. 3. The results of the tests shall be submitted to this office no later than five (5) days after they become available. If you have any questions regarding your clients responsibilities concerning ownership of underground tanks pursuant to Federal, State and local laws or ordinances, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: M. Thompson M. Khachigian FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 January 4, 1996 Mr. Melvin J. Thompson Austin, Thompson & Sims 2800 "F" Street, Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Terrace Mobil Station at 402 South Chester Dear Mr. Thompson: It has come to our attention that you represent Najah M. Jaber who has an undivided one-third interest in the above referenced property which contains at least four underground storage tanks. The tanks have not been properly permitted and have been out of service for a period of more than one year. In order to avoid regulatory action, the tanks must be brought, up to code and permitted, or else properly removed from the property. The enclosed letter dated, December 8, 1995, issued to Farid A. Eld, provided notice of the requirement to perform precision tank testing in order to bring the tanks into compliance with state law. By copy of this letter, your client is also hereby notified so that all parties can act accordingly in satisfying the requirement for tank system testing and subsequent permitting of the tanks. If you have any questions regarding the underground storage tanks at this property, please give me a call at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm enclosure cc: D. Goldberg IKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT O BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION 26 Ma~ch 1982 Y 106 Date APPLICATION Application No. In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, application is made by: 402 :~outh Chester Avenue Name of Company Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or processes involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ~.~-?_4_~_~.~n ~,~ h~dl~ Fl~mmnhl~ l~qu~d~ at the Mobile Service S~atton: 402 Authorized Representative Permit denied ...c~....:..-3. ..... [.IC.L~.~.L.I.~...i ........... Date Fire Marshal ~D__ ,-=.' ,:~-;'? :,~.i,ii ~':~r'~ ,i Ai~ '.'~i i, ."..'.." BUR~U .OF FIRE PREYENTIoN,i"~' ' ' ' /~ .. " i.~,'~'/,?~ '." .:..?'~, '" .' ~. '" "~ APPLICATION .. .:" -.-" ; In' ConfOrmi~ With provisi~s of ~inent ordinances, c~es ancot regulo~i~s, a ~ to display, store, install, u~, o~rat,, ~11 or ~an~le materials or priests, involvin~ .or '~'~i~.";Con, 0 FF;e£ "~'' CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 99301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR :- FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 December 8, "1995 c805) 326-3951 Farid A. Eid 8804 Timberloch Bakersfield, Ca 93311 RE: Monitoring requirements for underground storage tanks. Dear Mr. Eid: Our records reveal that no precision tank testing has been performed on four (4) underground storage tanks located at ,4e2-Seath-~C-hestey. Section 2643 2(A) of Article 4; Title 23, Div. 3, Chapter 16, CCR., requires that all underground tanks that do not utilize automated leak detection shall have a precision tank test annually. Additionally, pressurized piping shall be tested annually and non- pressurized piping shall be tested every three years. Pipeline leak detectors and automated leak detection systems also have to be certified to be in working order on an annual basis. Please make arrangements to bring the tanks into compliance with state law. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Mel Khachigian, Cai-Western Properties ,~ ~, ~ , PHONED ~ ~ AGAIN SEE YOU RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: FAX: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date: Type of Call: Incoming ~z,] Outgoing [ ] Returned Content of Call: Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA ° 93301 August 10, 1995 RE. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 Farid A. Eid 8804 Timberloch Bakersfield, CA 93311 RE: Temporary Closure of Underground Storage Tanks Dear Mr. Eid: On November 9, 1994 you received authorization to temporarily close 4 underground storage tanks at 402 S. Chester Ave. This authorization has expired as of July 1, 1995. These tanks are now considered illegally abandoned and must be properly closed or brought up to current code and re-permitted. In order to avoid regulatory action on this matter you must initiate action to properly close these tanks or permit these tanks by September 1, 1995. If you have any questions regarding this please don't hesitate to call me at 326-3979. Sinc..e, rely yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed cc: H. Wines June,2nd. 1995 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 RE : EXTENSION for ( U.S.T. ) permit . 3a~- ~ 79 Dear Mr. RALPH E. HUEY Please , I would like to ask you and your departmentto extend my Gasstation Under Storage Tanks permit at 402 s. Chester AVE . Baker- sfield , CA.93304 for another one year . As you know , the property and the gasstation on the market for sale with the real estate of Bakersfield Court, for more than one yearand till know . Unfortunately , till know no offers so what from any buyers, and the reason for that the LOW economy and LOW real estate sales all over the States . Thank you very much, for your cooperation ,,,,, Simc e~.~ly, ~ FARID ~. EID / OWNER (805) 664 - 7971 Res. CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF October 20, 1994 326-3911 TERRACE MOBIL STATION FARID A ElD 402 S CHESTER AV BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Dear Business Owner: This notice serves as a reminder that owners of underground storage tanks must be registered with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit an Underground Storage Tank renewal application form, Forms A. B and C completed for each tank at this facility (forms included) and a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to complete and return these forms along with the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed $ Water CEBYIFICAYION OF - ~R UND~OuND STO~ TANK8 COZENING P~O~M B. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ hereby ceff~es that ~ ~ /n compl~e ~h ~ ~u~ ~'Of ~n 2802 A~/c/e 3, C~pter ~, ~. 3, ~/e ~3. C~/Fom~ Code oi ~eg~iat/o~. Note: If you are using the State Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsibility, ~our execution and submission of this cerEfication also cert//ies that you are in compliance with all conditions for participation in the Fund. Fm'~tTNamo Faci2ity Addreu Faci~uNamo Fad:ility Addrem Si~nam'e ofTff O~er or Operator Dat~ Nmo ami ~flo ofT~ ~ g ~ TY of BAKERSFIEL January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF WARNING! BAKERSFIELD. 93301326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 2 :i 5-000-000218 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 402 S CHESTER AV BAKERSFIELD, CA ~3304 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner~ Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the '2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm -i:JNDERGROUND STORAGE' I JK INSPECTION l~iili Bakersfield Fire Dept. FACILITY NAME -~'~f¥-'~ ~-[ ,~,~"~--~,,~ BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 FACILITY ADDRESS ~,~. ~, ~~ ClW ZIP CODE FACILI~ PHONE No. ~ INSPECTION DATE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p~ ~r~u~ TIME IN TIME OUT ~,a ~ INSPECTION ~PE: ~ FOLLOW-UP s~e s~e s~e ROUTINE REQUIREMENTS y~ no ~a y~ ~ ~a y~ ~ ~a la. F~s A & B Subm~ lb. F~ C Su~ lc. O~mting F~ Pa~ Id. State Surcharge Paid ~ , la. Statement of Fi~lal R~si~l~ Su~ ~ / lf. W~en Contm~ Exists ~n ~ & O~mt~ to O~mte UST ~. ~lid O~mting Pete ~ ~ ~ ~. Ap~ov~ Wr~en Ro~ine Monito~ng Pr~ure ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ 2c. Una~ho~ ReI,~ Res~n~ Plan ~ / ~. Tank Int~ T~t in Last 12 Months - X Test in Last 12 Months X ~ 3b. Pre~ur~ Piping Int~ri~ ~' Sucti°nPiping~ghtn~sTestinLast3Ye~aT~,--~ '---- /' ~. Gmvi~ FI~ Piping ~ght~ yn Last ~ ~. Test R,u,s Subm,~ Within ~ ~a~ ~ ~ / 3f. Dai~ ~sual Mon,~ng of Suct~n P~ Pipi~ ~. Manual Invento~ R~cil~tion Eac~ ~nth ~ ~. Annual Invento~ R~iati~ State~ent Su~ / 5. W.kly Manual Tank~augi~E~ds~ Sm~l ,an~ 6. Monthly Statistical ,~n,o~ R~"ati~n R--uEs 7. U~th~ A~atic Ta~k Gaug~g~u"~, 8. Ground Water Mo~o+g X' ~ 10. Continuous Inte~ti~ ~toring f~ D~bl~al~ Tan~ 11. M~hani~l Line Leak D~t~tors 12. El~tronic Line Leak Det~tom 13. Continuous Piping Mon~oHng in Sum~ 14. A~atic Pump Shrift Ca~bil~ 15. Annual Maintenan~Calibmtion of Leak Det~i~ Equi~ 16. Leak Det~tion Equipment and T~t Meth~s List~ in L~113 ~ 17. Wr~en R~ords Main~in~ on S~e 18. Re~ Chang~ in U~g~Conditions to O~mti~ng Pr~ur~ of UST S~tem Within ~ Da~ 19. Re~ Una~ho~ Relea~ W~hin 24 Houm ~. Approv~ UST S~tem Re,irs and U~es 21. R~rds Sh~ng Cath~ Pr~t~ Ins~ ~. S~ur~ Mon~oHng Wells ~. Drop Tu~ RE-INSPECTION DATE RECEIVED BY: INSPECTOR: OFFICE TELEPHONE NO. FD 1~9 02/03/95 TERRACE MOBIL STATION 215-000-000218 Page 14 00 - Overall Site <M> Inspection Summary 07/15/88 NEW OWNERS. REVISE BUS PLAN. / / NEW OWNERS. REVISE BUS PLAN. 07/25/88 FOLLOW UP OK. REVISED BUS PLAN. / / FOLLOW UP OK. REVISED BUS PLAN. G BERGMAN 07/15/89 OK / / G BERGMAN 11/28/90 OK / / NO EMERGENCY SHUT OFF S NICHOLS 06/17/91 OK / / S NICHOLS 06/11/92 OK / / T LUKEN j081/T9 / 93 OK ~ / / ~NIcHOLS 12/08/94 INSP FOUND THEM TO BE OUT OF BUSI~. / /.- 1 MELVIN J. THOMPSON - BAR %69473 DAVID AUSTIN, THOMPSON & SIMS A'r~o..z',, A'r ~.~,W 2 2800 "F" Street, Suite B COMMON~.A~TH BUItDING Bakersfield, CA 93301 TRUX'FUN AT OAK 5 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 8 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN 9 NAJAH M. JABER, ) CASE NO. 225707 SPG 10 ) Plaintiff, ) i1 ) vs. ) STIPULATION AND ORDER 12 ) SETTING ASIDE DEFAULT FARID EID, SABAH EID, KAMAL ) AND STIPULATED 15 JABER; FAYZH JABER; and DOES ) INTERLOCUTORY JUDGMENT 1 THROUGH 50, ) 14 ) Defendants. ) 15 ) ) lB The undersigned parties hereto stipulate to the following:. 17 1. The defaults of Farid Eid and Sabah Eid are hereby set 18 aside.' Except as otherwise provided herein, this Stipulation shall 19 be deemed a general denial filed on behalf of defendants.. Farid Eld 20 and Sabah Eid. 2. Plaintiff and defendants are the owners, as tenants, in common of the property described in the attached Exhibit "A" plaintiff Najah M. Jaber being the owner of an undivided one-third interest in the property and defendants Farid Eid and Sabah Eid being the owners of an undivided two-thirds interest in the property, as joint tenants. 3. There are no liens or encumbrances of the property appearing 28 L.A.W 1 of recOrd or otherwise known to the parties or apparent from an 2 inspection of the property and Which will be materially affected by' 3 the action. 4 4. The parties agree to sale of the property and division of § the proceeds in accordance with their respective interests as set 8 forth in this judgment or in final judgment herein. 7 5. Melvin KhaChigian is hereby appointed referee with authority 8 to sell the property at a private sale to be conducted in the manner 9 and as required in private sales of real property estates of deceased 10 persons as required by law. The referee is also authorized to 11 determine the existence of any and all other liens or encumbrances 12 affecting the property. 13 6. The parties are ordered to cooperate with the referee in the 14 marketing and sale of the property and shall make the .property 15 available for inspections and viewings prior to sale. 18 7. The referee, after making the sale of the real property, is 17 hereby directed to report to this court his proceedings thereon, and, 18 on confirmation of the sale of the real property by this court and 19 the payment of the purchase price thereof, the referee shall be Z0 authorized and directed to execute and deliver a deed of the real 21 property sold to the purchaser thereof. 8. Unless modified by any order confirming sales hereafter 23 entered herein, the proceeds from the sale shall be applied after 24 confirmation of the sale as follows: 25 a. To pay expenses connected with the sale of the 28 property; 27 b. To pay the costs of reference, including fees and 28 disbursements of the referee; & QU~RK A~ORNEYg AT ~W 1 c. To pay, upon court approval, other sums due relating 2 to any other liens affecting the property. 3 d. The court shall retain jurisdiction to determine the 4 interest of any lien holders and for the purpose of determining the 5 issues raised in the complaint in this action for Partnership 6 Dissolution and Accounting and by the defendants' denials thereto, 7 and shall retain jurisdiction for the purpose of making a 8 determination among other possible issues as .to the costs of 9 partition, and of this action, including reasonable attorneys' fees 10 on behalf of both sides, fees and expenses of referees, and other 11 disbursements to be paid by the parties as adjudged by the court or 12 by subsequent agreement of the parties; 13 e. The residue to be divided between' the parties as 14 determined by the court or subsequent agreement of the parties. 15 NA~AH M. J~BER, Plaintiff 17 DATED: - - ' 19 F EID, Defendant 20 21 DATED: SABAH ElD, Defendant , 25 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: 26 f~°°~V~a~n~AHA~ '~JnA~R .27 II /! 28 3 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT. DAVID F. GOLDBERG, ~ttorney for 4 Defendants Farid Eld and Sabah Eid 5 ORDER IT IS SO ORDERED. ? Dated: 8 9 10 JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 Z0 21 28 4 1 EXHIBIT 2 PARCEL 1: Lot 1, Block H of Tract 11'8 (El Camino Park) according to map thereof, recorded in Book 4, 3 Page 181 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Kern County. 4 PARCEL 2: That portion of Lot 2, Section 6, Township 30 5 South, Range 28 East M.D.B. & M. according to that certain Map entitled "Kern County Sales Map 6 #1 of lands of J.B. Haggin" dated March 16, 1889 and filed May 3, 1889 in the Office of the 7 County Recorder of Kern County, California; lying North and West of the following described 8 line: 9 BEGINNING at a point on the West Line of said Lot 23 distant thereon N 0 02' 28" E 511.0 feet 10 from the Southwest corner; thence N 31 01' 6" E 139.12 feet, to a point on the North line of 11 said lot. 12 EXCEPTING THEREFROM all minerals, including oil, gas, asphaltum and other hydrocarbon substances 13 from that portion thereof described as follows: 14 BEGINNING at a point on the .West Line of said Lot 23 distant thereon N O 02' 28" E 511.03 feet 15 from the Southwest corner; thence N 31 01' 36" West 25.67 feet to a point on the West Line of 16 said Lot 23;.thence S O 02' 28" W 97.12 feet more or less to the point of beginning. 17 18 19 20 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ~ '7_ _~ ~__~L,~-~.~/ ID# ~ ~' Business Name: "T'~r~'~,~,.~ ~ P Conta~ N~e: ~ ~ s ~, ~ Business Phone: F~: Insp~or's N~e: ~ TimeofC~l: Date: ~/~ / ~ Time: ~ ~ · Min: ~ Type of Call: Incoming [~ Outgoing [ ] Rmurned [ ] Content of Ca~: d~/<~ ~{,~ ~~,~ ~ ~ ~-~g~] , ~ Actions Required: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: ! ~) CITY of BAKER SFIELD "WE CARE" November 14, 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Farrid A. Eid 9508 Eagle Oak Road RE: 402 South Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93311 Dear Mr. Eid: This is to confirm that the four underground storage tank(s) have been granted temporary closure by this agency for the 12 month period beginning May 31, 1994 and ending on June 1, 1995. Temporary closure is hereby granted under the following conditions contained in Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations: 2671. Temporary Closure Requirements (a) An Owner or operator shall comply with all of the following requirements to complete and maintain temporary closure of an underground storage tank: (1) All residual liquid, solids, or sludges shall be removed and handled in accordance with the applicable provisions of in accordance with Chapters 6.5 and 6.7 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code. (2) -If the underground storage tank contained a hazardous substance that could produce flammable vapors at standard temperature and pressure, it shall be inerted, as often as necessary, to levels that will preclude an explosion or to lower levels as required by the local agency. (3) The underground storage tank may be filled with a non corrosive liquid that . is not a hazardous substance. This liquid shall be tested and the test results submitted to the local agency prior to removal from the underground storage tank at the end of the temporary closure report. (4) Except for required venting, ail fill and access locations and piping shall be sealed using locking caps or concrete plugs. (5) Power service shall be disconnected from ail pumps associated with the use of the underground storage tank unless the power services some other equipment which is not being closed, such as the impressed-current cathodic protection system. (b) The monitoring required pursuant to the permit may be modified by the local agency during the temporary closure period. In making a decision to modify monitoring requirements, the local agency shall consider the need to maintain monitoring in order to .detect unauthorized releases that may have occurred during the time the underground storage tank wes used but that have not yet been detected. In all cases, corrosion protection shall continue to be operated. (c) The underground storage tank shall be inspected by the owner or operator at least once every three months to verify that the temporary closure measures are still in place, the inspection shall include but is not limited to the following: (1) Visual inspection of all locked caps and concrete plugs. (2) If locking caps are used, at least one shall be removed to determine if any liquids or other substances have been added to the underground storage tank or if there has been a change in the quantity or type of liquid added pursuant to subsection (a) (3) of this section. (d) At the end of a temporary closure period over 12 months, including any extension granted by the local agency, the owner may reuse the underground storage tank only if the tank meets the requirements of Article 3 for new underground storage tanks or is upgraded to meet the requirements of Article 6. (e) All new and existing underground storage tank systems which have been temporarily closed must continue to comply with repair and recordkeeping requirements, release reporting and investigation requirements, and release response and corrective action requirements specified in this chapter and Chapter 6.7 of the Health and Safety Code. Failure to comply with the requirements will immediately terminate the temporary closure status. Upon termination of temporary closure, either through non-compliance or by expiration of the 12 month term, the tank(s) must either be integrity tested and repermitted for operation or else removed from the site under a valid permit for permanent closure. If you have any questions regarding this temporary closure authorization, please call the Hazardous Materials Division at 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator /AW OFFICf'$ OF DAVID F. GOLDE~ERG AREA CODE {805} ARTHUR F. ,SHER' GOLDBE G FISHE g OUlaK EDWARD J. QUIRK, JR. ) FAX 327-2397 COMMONWEALTH BUIL~ING PATRICIA J. DEMON~ LEGAL ASSISTANT TRUXTUN AT OAK 3300 TRUXTUN AVENUE, SUITE 390 B~K~SFI~LD, C~LI~O~BIO 93303 November 7, 1994 ~ 0 9 t99g Mr. Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Farid Eid Notice of Violation and Schedule for Compliance Dear Mr. Wines: Your letter dated October 7, 1994 concerning a Notice of Violation and Schedule for Compliance, directed to Farid Eid, has been brought to my attention. It is true that Mr. Eid is a two-thirds owner of the property, but he is away in the mid-east for three or four weeks. The one- third owner remains in Bakersfield to the best of my knowledge. Her name is Najah M. Jaber, and her law firm is Austin, Thompson & Sims. We wish to cooperate with you. Yours very truly, DAVID F. GOLDBERG DFG:mm cc: Mr. Farid Eid CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" October 7, 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Farid Eid CERTIFIED MAIL Terrace BP Station 9508 Eagle Oak Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Eid: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 402 S. Chester Ave. (APN11-151-01-00-7), in Bakersfield which contains underground storage tank(s). The tank(s) have not been properly permitted and have been out of service, therefore you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64, Ordinance No. 3502: Section 79.115 (a,b,& f) Uniform Fire Code, (1992 edition) (a) Failure to remove or safeguard an out of service tank(s). (b) Failure to obtain a permit to remove or temporarily close an underground storage tank. (f) Failure to remove an underground tank out of service for one (1) year. In order to avoid regulatory action, you must either properly permit and bring the tank(s) up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tank(s) within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney erate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility CONDITIONS/0~ PERMI~T..!!i~,;'~GN'?~'R~EVERSE SIDE Dept. ================;=====:==== VAPID A. ElD 1715 0hester Ave., 3rd Floor 402 S. CHESTER AVE. Bakersfield, CA 98~01 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 (805) 326-3979 Approved by: Coordinator Valid from: 12-22-93 to: 12-22-98 SUMMARY OF CONDITION/PROHIBITIONS CONDITIONS/PROHIBITIONS: MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: I. The facility owner and operator must be familiar with all conditions specified within this permit I. Any underground storage tank not utilizing interstitial monitoring or a State approved automated and must meet any additional requirements to monitor, upgrade, or close the tanks and associated tank gauging method shall be monitored utilizing the following method: piping imposed by the permitting authority, a. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring (tank gauging five to seven days per week). If 2. If the operator ofthe underground storage tank is not the owner, then the owner shall enter into a needed forms can be obtained from the Bakersfield Fire Department. Inventory reconciliation written contract with the operator, requiring the operator to monitor the underground storage tank; and/or tankgauging shall not be used on any tank for leak detection after December ! 998. nmintain appropriate records; and implement reporting procedures as required by the Department. 2. All tanks shall be tested annually utilizing a tank integrity test which has been certified as being 3. The facility owner and operator shall ensure that the facility has adequate financial responsibility capable of detecting a leak of 0.1 gallon per hour with a probability of detection of 95 percent and insurance coverage, as mandated for all underground storage tanks containing petroleum, and a probability of false alarm of 5 percent. The first test shall be completed before December 31, supply proof of such coverage when requested by the permittlng authority. 1992, and subsequent tests compleled each calendar year thereaRer. All tank integrity tests 4. The facility owner must ensure that the annual pemfit fee is paid within 30 days of the invoice date. completed after Septen~ber 16, 1991, shall be completed under a valid, unexpired Permit to Test 5. The facility will be considered in violation and operating without a permit if am~ual permit fees are issued by the Bakersfield Fire Department. not received within 60 days of the invoice date. 3. Manual tank gauging and/or inventory reconciliation for purposes of leak detection shall not be 6. The facility owner and/or operator shall review the leak detection requirements provided within allowed after 1993 for tanks located in areas where the highest historical ground water is with in this permit. The monitoring alternative shall be implemented within 60 days of the permit issue twenty feet of the bottom of the tank. date. 4. All suction piping shall be monitored for the presence of air in the pipeline by observing the suction 7. The facility underground storage tanks must be monitored, utiliziug the option approved by the pumping system for the following indicators: permitting authority until the tank is closed under a valid, unexpired permit for closure, a. The cost]quantity display wheels on the metered suction pump skip or jump during 8. Any inactive underground storage tank which is not being monitored, as approved by the operation; permitting authority, is considered improperly closed, proper closure is required and must be b. The suction pump is operating, but no motor vehicle fuel is being pumped; completed under a pen'nit issued by the permitting authority, c. The suction pump seems to overspeed when first turued on and then slows down as it begins 9. The facility owner/operator must obtain a modification permit before: to pump liquid; and a. Uncovering any underground storage tank after failure ora tank integrity test. d. A rattling sound in the suction pump and erratic flow, indicating an air and liquid mixture. b. Replacemont of piping. 5. All underground storage tanks containing motor vehicle fuel shall be retrofitted with overspill e. Lining the interior ofthe underground storage tank. containers, over fill protection, automated tank gauging/inventory control and/or interstitial d. Any other work which alters the tank or piping, monitoring devices and cotxosion protection by December 1998, or shall be removed and replaced 10. The tank owner must advise the Bakersfield Fire Department within 10 days of transfer of with a system that meets new construction standards specified by the State regulations. All tanks ownership, containing a hazardous substance other than motor vehicle fuel shall have secondary containment 11. Any change in state law or local ordinance may necessitate a change in permit conditions. The and meet all other State standards by December of 1998. owner/operator will be required to meet new conditions within 60 days of notification. 6. All equipment installed for leak detection shall be operated and maintained in accordance with 12. The owner and/or operator shall keep a copy of all monitoring records at the facility for a minimum manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks (at least once per of three years, or as specified by the permitting authority. They may be kept offsite ifthey can be year) for operability or running condition. obtained within 24 hours ora request made by the local authority. 7. An annual report shall be submitted to the Hazardous Material Division of the Bakersfield Fire 13. The owner/operator must repoa any unauthorized release which escapes from the secondary Department each year after monitoring has been initiated. containment, or from the wimary containment if no secondary containment exists, which increases the hazard of fire or explosion or causes any deterioration of the secondary containment within 24 hours of discovery. ANY QUESTIONS, RELEASE REPORTS, ETC. SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Code Explanatiom: 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326 3979 Tvnes of Tanks and Pi~inn Monitoring Methods DWF = Double Wall Fiberglass FCS = Fibetlglass Clad Steel ALD = Automatic Leak Detector LPT = Lined Piping Trench ATG = Automated Tank Gauging SWF = Single Wall Fiberglass CLM = Continuous Leak Monitor SWL = Single Wall w/Liner LTT = Line Tightness Testing SWS = Single Wall Steel MIR = Manual Inventory Reconciliation MTG = Manual Tank Gauging SIR = Statistleal Inventory Reconciliation TTT = Tank Tightness Testing Official Business PENALTY FOR PRIVATE ~*"' USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. :, 1715 Chester Ave., Ste. #300 : Bakersfield, CA 93301 i1 ,,,,, II,l,,,,ll ,. IIJ-~JI,,,,,,II,I'I,,,hI,,,lll,,I,,,,JIA,I,,,I,IL_.;~ SENDER: · Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the · Complete items 3, and 4a & b. following services (for an extra · :~Print your~ame and address on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): return this c~,'tl to you. · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. [] Addressee's Address does not permit. · Write "Return Receipt Request, ed" on the mailpiece below the article number ,) [--t R~o.ri~.~ D~liv~r,, · The Return Receipt will show~o~Whom the article was delivered and the date delivered, o'~ ~., Consult postmaster for fee.. 3. Article Addressedto: 4"~~ · I 4a. Article Numbe[ -~ ~ ~ 402 S. CHESTER AVE. [] Mail [] Return Receipt for Express BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 Merchandise ~ , . ._ 7. Dat~ D~ll~er~{~ 5: Signature (Addressee) 8. and fee is paid) Addressee's Address (Only if requested . ature (~gent) · /, . ~ P~811, December 1-991 ,~ ~.§.~.P.O.:1992-3o7-530 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT P 390 194 807 S~ .~,. Receipt for ...,.~.~.. Certified Nlail No Insurance Coverage Provided U.,.S,AT~ DO not use for International Mail (See Reverse} Sent to FARID A. EID Street and NO. TERRACE MOBIL STATION P.O., State and ZIP Code 402 S. CHESTER AVE. Postage BAKERSFIELD. C ? 93304 Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees ~ Postmark or Date STICk( POSTAGE STAI~PS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POST~GE, CERTIFIED I~IAIL FEE, AF~D CHARGES FOR A~JY SELECTED 0PTI0i~AL SERVICES 1. If you want thi~ receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the m'ticle. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. 105603-92-B-0226 FiRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M, R. KELLY BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Farid A. Eld Terrace Mobil Station 402 S. Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Mr. Eld: NOTICE OF VIOLATION - SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE WARNING! THE PERMIT TO OPERATE YOUR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK(S) HAS EXPIRED AND WILL NOT BE REISSUED UNTIL YOUR STORAGE TANK(S) ARE BROUGHT INTO COMPLIANCE. Our records indicate that you have not performed an annual underground tank system tightness test in the last year. This annual tightness test was a condition of your previous permit to operate which has now expired as of June 30, 1994. Herein, you are granted a conditional authorization to continue to operate your underground storage tank(s) for the next 30 days. During this interim, you must submit proof to this office that you have arranged for the tank system tightness test. A valid permit issued within the next 30 days by this office, to perform a tightness test at your underground tank site will satisfy the interim condition. If you do not respond to this notice within 30 days either by providing proof of an annual tightness test performed within the last year, or obtaining a permit now to do so, you will be required to cease underground tank operations until compliance is achieved. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call the Hazardous Materials Division immediately at 326-3979. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed / Bakersfield Fire Dept; HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 /~00~ (805) 326-3970 ~/~0 UNDERGROUND TANK QUESTIONNAIRE I. FACILI~/SITE No. OF TANKS ~ DBA OR FACIMW NAME NAME ~ OPERATOR ADDEE~ N~E~T CEO~ STRE~ PARCEL No.(OPTIONAL) CIW NAME ~ S1A~E ZiP CODE ~ BOX ~0 INDICATE ~ CORPORATION ~ INDIVIDUAL ~PAE~ERSHIP ~ L~A[ AGENCY DIS~RIC~ ~ COUNW AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY ~ FEDE~L AGENCY EMERGENCYCONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY) optional DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (.LAST. FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE E1.D /~RRL1) [8o5) ~bb- -'~171 II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~' BOX I~ INDIVIDUAL~ LOCAL AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY 14-oD S,o. c'~E..sTE~ AVg. TO,ND,CATE ~ZPART. ERSH,PaCOU.TY^GE.CY aFEDE~LAGE.CY CITY NAME STATE ZIP CODE PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE II1. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~' SOX [~ INDIVIDUAL [~ LOCAL AGENCY ~ STATE AGENCY ~0~) ~o, CBE-~TER PIYE. TOINDICATE [~IPARTNERSHIP O COUNTY AGENCY [~FEDERALAGENCY CITY NAME STATE ZIP CODE PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE OWNER'S DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK No. INSTALLED STORED SERVICE ' c./ N N . N /~ Y / N Y/N DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? ~N TYPE ~ & Fill one segment ~ for each tank, unless alianks and piping are constructed of the same materials, style and-~Eype, then only fill one segment out. please identify tanks by owner ID #. I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK ,. D. # ~ ~ N O ~ ~ B. ~U~C~,EO ~: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY. EAR) ,~ O. TANK C~ACI~ IN G~LONS: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN ~XES A, B, ANDC.~DALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPEOF ~ DOUBLE WALL ~ 3 SINGLE WA~ Wl~ E~ERIOR LINER ~ 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL ~ 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAUL~DTAN~ ~ ~ O~ER B. TANK ~ 1 BARE STEEL ~ 2 STAINLESS STEEL ~ 3 FIBERG~S ~ 4 STEEL C~D W/FIBERG~ REINFORCED P~STIC MATEEI~ ~ 5 CONCRETE ~ 6 ~LWlNYL CHLORIDE ~ 7 ~UMINUM ~ 8 1~ ME~ANOL ~MPATIBLEW~RP LINING ~ 5 O~SS LINING ~ ~ OmER IS LINING MATERIAL ~MPATIBLE WITH 1~ ME~ANOL? YES ~ NO~ D. CORROSION ~ I ~LYE~LENE WRAP ~ 2 ~ATING ~ ~ 3 ~L WR~ ', ~ 4 FlaERG~S REINFORCED ~STIC ~ PROTECTION ~ s CATHODIC PROTECTION ~ ~ ~NE ~gS UN~OWN ~ ~ O~ER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RC~ A IFABOVEGROUNDQR U IF UNDERGROUND, BO~ IF APPLICABLE ' A. SYSTEMTYPE A~I SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVI~ A B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A 2 ~UBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNO~,~ .'~,~ ~ O~ER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 ~RESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS S~EL A U 3 ~L~INYL CHLORiDE(PVC)A U CORROSION A U 5 ~UMINUM A U 6 CONCRE~ A U 7 STEEL W/ COATiNG A U 8x~ = ME~A~,~COMPATiBLEW~RP PROTECTION A U 9 ~LVANi~D S~EL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A~95 UNKNOWN A U '~'? .,HER D. LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTOMATiC LINE LEAK DETECTOR ~2 LINE T~HTNESS TESTING ~ 3 INTERS~L ~ ~N~ORING ~ j 99 O~ER / V. TANK LEAK DETECTION I ~1 VISUAL CHECK ~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ~ 3VAPORMONITORING~ 4 AUTOMATICTANK~;JGING~ 5 GROUNDWA~'RMONITORiNG ~ ~ T, NE TEST,NG ~ 7 ,.T~,STmTmAL.ONaTOmNG ~ ,, NONE ~ ,S UNKNOWN I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPEC)FY ,P UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # Cf- ht ~-~/0 ~ ~ 8, MANUFAC~RED BY: ~ ~ ;~0 ~ ~ C. DATE INSTALLED {MO/DAY. EAR) // D. TANK C~AC[~ IN GALLONS: ~, 'O0 ~ ~. ~O~ III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES ~ B. ANDC,~DALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPEOF ~ DOUBLE WALL ~ 3 SINGLE WALL WI~ E~ERIOR LINER ~ 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL ~ 4 SECONOARY CONTAINMENT (VAUL~DTAN~ ~ 99 O~ER B. TANK ~ ~ BARESTEEL ~ 2 STAINLESS STEEL ~ 3 F~SERGL~S ~ 4 STEELCLAD W/F~SERGLASS RE~NFORCEDP~ST~C MATERIAL ~ 5 CONCRE~ ~ 6 POLW~NYL CHLORIDE ~ 7 ~UM~NUa ~ 8 ~. ME~ANOL COMPAT~BLEW/FRP (PrimaryTank) ~ 9 BRON~ ~0 ~LVANI~D STEEL ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ ~ O~ER C. INTERIOR ~5 UNKNOWN LINING ~ 5 GLA~ LINING ~6 UNLINED ~ 99 IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 1~. ME~ANOL ? YES ~ NO~ D. CORROSION ~ 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP ~ 2 COATING ~ 3 Vi~L WR~ ~ 4 FIBERGLAS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTtON ~ 91 NONE ~5 UNKNOWN ~ 99 O~ER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IFUNDERGROUND, BO~ IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEMTYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVI~ A U 99 O~ER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A~ 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U ~ O~ER A U 1 BARESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLWiNYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A U 4 FIBERG~S PiPE C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION A U 5 ~UMJNUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7' STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 10~/~ ME~ANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP PROTECTION A ~ 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A~95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D, LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR ~ 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING ~ 3 INTERSTITIAL MONffORING ~ 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION VISUAL CHECK ~ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ' ~ 3 VAPOR MONITORING ~ 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING ~ 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING TANK TESTING ~ 7 [NTERSTITIAL MONITOR,NG ~ 91 NONE ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ 99 OTHER FILE CONTE.~]TS SUMMARY Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments ~AKF. I~$FIELD, CA 93301 - // ' --/ A:'PL!CATION FOIl PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAOE FACILITY Type Of Application ~check): ~_~Hew Facility [-~M'odif!cation 0f F~cllity ~Existtn~ Facility ransfer 0f ownership A. Emergency 24-llour Contact ',name, area code, phone): Days ~ (~:~.~-~ Fa¢tllty Na~e ~g~C~ ~T~T~c~}. ~ ~ ~ No. of Tanks ' ' ~ ~gasoline Station ~Other (describe) Type Of Business (cne¢~<,: Is Tank(s) Locaked On An AgriCultural Farm? ~Yes Is Tank(s) Used Prl~ari1~ For A~rtCultural Purposes? ~Yes Facility Address ~¢~ ~, cH~T~., h~ Nearest Cross St.~R.~C~ T . R SEC (Rural Locations Only) · ank Owner' ~O~;'~' ~,'~ Contactferson Operator Contact Person Addre s s Zip Tel ephone B. Water To Faclllty Provlded By ~~/A W~T~ 5~;3. Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics At Facility Basis For Soll Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations C. Contractor CA Contractbr's License Address Zip Telephone Proposed Starting Dat~ Preposed Completion Date Worker's Compensation Car~iflcation No. Insurer ~. If This Per=it Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, ~riefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. Tank[s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ~ Waste Proauct Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regula~ Premium Diesel Waste Fue~ 011. ~ Chemical Composition-' of M=ter!a!s Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuel~) Tank 9 Chemical Stored [non-commercial name) CAS ~ ill known} Chemical Previously Stored (If different) G. Transfer Of Ownership .1 , . __ __., ~ Previous Facility Name ~~,~ ~f~T;J~'~' ~~ ' ~~ I, FDgI~ D- ~ID ~cc%pt fully all obligations of Permit No.~~~sued to . I understand that the Permitting Authorit~ may review and modify o~ terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground sto~age facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. 'fA' t I [F!IJ~ OUT-SEPARATE FORM F_~_ icl4 TAN~ .~_(UR EACH St-:CTION CHECI( ~J. ~o~o~s H. 1. Tank is: ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted ~~ ~ ) Single-Wall_ 2. Tank Matefi~ (~ Carbon Steal ( ) Stai~ess Steel ( ) Pol~yl C~o~de ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plas~c ( ) Concrete ( ) Num~ ( ) Bronze ( ) Un~o~ ( ) O~er (des~be) 3. prima~ Containment Date Installed ~ic~ess Onches) Capaci~,(Gallons) Manufac~er 4. Tank fieconda~ Containment ( ) Double-W~ () fi~efic L~er () Lined Vadt () None () U~o~ () O~er (des~be): Man~ac~r; ( ) Matefi~ ~ic~ess ~nches) Capaci~ (Gallons) . 5. Tank Interior Lin~g () Rubber (} ~kyd () Epo~ () Phenolic ()Glass ()Clay ( () O~er (destane): 6. Tank Co~osion ~otecfioo ( )/G~v~ized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polye~ene Wrap ( ) ~myl Wrapp~g (~ T~ or ~ph~t ( ) U~o~ ( ) None ( ) O~er (describe): Cathodic Protecffon: ( ) None ( ) Impressed C~ent System () Sac~ci~ ~ode System Describe S~tem ~d Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Ta~: ( ) Visu~ (vaulted t~s offiy) ( ) Gro~dwater Monito~g Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monito~g Well(s) ( ) U.Tube Wi~out L~er ( ) U.Tube ~ Compatible LMer Dffec~g Flow to Monito~g Well(s)* ( ) Va~r Detector* ( ) Liquid ~vel Sensor* ( ) Conducfi~ Sensor* ( ) Pr~s~e Sensor ~ ~n~ Space of Double W~I T~* ( ) Liquid Re~ev~ · Inspec~on From U-Tube, Monito~g Well or ~ Space ( ) Daily Gau~g & Invento~ Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tighmess Tes~g () Non~ () U~o~ () O~er b. Pip'g: '( ) Flow-Res~cfing Le~ Detector(s) for Press~zed Pip,g* - { ) Monito~g S~p ~ Raceway ( ) Se~ed Concret~ Raceway ( ) H~-Cur Compa~ble Pipe ~ceway ( ) S~efic ~er Raceway '( ) None () U~o~() O~er · Desc~ M~e & Model: 8. Has ~is T~ ~en Tighmess Tested? (~Yes ( ) No ( ) Date of Last Tighmess Test ~ ~j Ly o7 ~ Res~ of Test Test Nme_ (~,~F) ~'T~s~gComp~y TfioE 9. Tank Repa~ T~ Repaffed? ( ) Yes ( ) No' ( ) U~o~ Date(s) of Repaff(s) Describe Repa~ 10. ~e~fll Protecfio_ n ( ) Operator F~, Consols, & Visu~ly Monito~ ~vel ( ) Tape Hoar 6auge ( ) ~oat Vent V~ves ( ) Auto Shut. Off Consols ( ) Capacit~ce Sensor ( ) Se~ed F~ Box ( ) None ( ) U~o~ ( ) O~e= ~ List M~e & Model for Above De~ces a. Under~o~d Pip,g: (~Yes ( ) No ( ) U~o~ Matefi~ ~ic~ess (~ches) Dimeter ~ M~ac~er ( ) Press~e ( ) Suc~on ( ) Gra~ ~pro~ate Len~ of Pipe R~ b. Under~o~d Pip~g Co~osion Protection: () G~v~ized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed C~ent ( ) Sac~ci~ ~ode ( ) Polye~ylene Wrap ( ) Elec~c~ Isola~on ( ) V~ Wrap' · ( ) T~ or ~ph~t ( ) U~o~ ( ) None ( ) O~er (desc~be): c. Under~o~d Pip,g, Second~ Conta~ent: () Double-W~ ( ) S~efic L~er S~tem ( ) None ( ) U~o~ ( ) O~ (describe): FO~ ~ACH SECTION, CHICK ~ ~PROP~ BO~S H. 1. Tank is: ( ) Vatted ( ) Non-Vatted ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Single-W~l 2. Tank~Matehal (~C~bon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Pol~yl Chloride ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plashc ( ) 'Concrete ( ) ~m~m ( ) Bronze ( ) U~o~ ( ) O~er (deschbe) 3. Prima~ Containment Date Insr~led Thickness (Inches) Capaci~ (Gallons) Manuhc~er 4. Tank Seconda~ Containment ( ) Double-W~l ( ) S~efic L~er ( ) Lined VaSt ( ) None ( ) Un. om () O~er (desc~be): Man~ac~r: ( ) Matefi~ ~ic~ess ~nches) Capaciw (G~ons) 5. Tank Interior Lining () Rubber () ~d () Epo~ () Phenolic () Glass ()Clay ()Uffi~ed () U~om () O~er (desc~be): 6. Tank Co~osion Protection ( ) G~v~ized ( ) Fiberglass-~ad ( ) Polye~ylene Wrap ( ) V~yl Wrapp~g () T~ or ~ph~t () U~om () None () O~er (deschbe): Ca~odic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Impressed C~ent System ( ) Sac~ci~ ~ode System Describe Sysrem ~d Equipment: 7. Le~ Detection, Monito~g, and Interception a. T~: ( ) Visu~ (vaulted t~ oNy) ( ) Gro~dwater Monito~g Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monito~g Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Wi~out L~er ( ) U-Tube ~ Compatible LNer Direc~g-Flow to Monito~g Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conducti~w Sensor* ( ) Press~e Sensor ~ ~n~ Space of Double W~I T~k* ( ) Liquid Re~ev~ & Inspection From U-Tube, Monito~g Well or ~ Space ( ) Daily Gau~g & Inventow Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tighmess Tes~g () None () U~o~ () O~er b. PipNg: ( ) Flow-Res~cfing Le~ Detector(s) for Press~zed Pip,g* ( ) Monito~g Stop wi~ Raceway ( ) Se~ed Concrete Raceway ( ) H~f-Cut Compa~ble Pipe Raceway ( ) S~efic LNer Raceway ( ) None () U~o~() O~er *Describe M~e & Model: 8. Tank Tighmess Has This Ta~ Been Tighmess Tested? (~Yes ( ) No ( ) U~o~ Date of Last Tighmes, Test ~.~'Jl./.~7/ }7~ Resets of Test O~ 9. Tank Repair ~ N C- T~k Repaired? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Un~o~ Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ( ) Operator Fills, Con=ols, & Visu~ly Monitom Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent V~ves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Conwols ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Se~ed Fill Box ( ) None () U~o~ ( ) O~er: List M~e & Model for Above De~ces 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: (~f/Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material Thic'kness (inches) __ Diameter __ Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None ( ) Unknown () Other (describe): T~. .3 ~I~ OUT SEP~TE FO~ FOR' . ~CH T~ FOR EACH SEC~ON, C~CK ~ ~PROP~ATE BO~S H. 1. Tank is: ( ) Vatted ( ) Non-Vatted ( ) Double-W~l ( ) S~gle-Wall 2. Tank Material (~C~bon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) pol~nyl C~ohde ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) ~~ ( ) Bronze ( ) U~o~ ( ) O~er (describe) 3. Prima~ Containment Date Inst~led Thic~ess ~nches) CapaciW (Gallons) M~ac~er 4. Tank Seconda~ Containment ( ) Double-W~l ( ) S~efic LMer ( ) Lined VaMt ( ) None ( ) U~o~ ( ) O~er (describe): 'Man~ac~r: ( ) Mated~ ~ic~ess Onches) CapaciW (G~lons) 5. Tank Interior Lining () Rubber () ~d () Epo~ () Phenolic () Glass ()Clay ()U~ed () U~om () O~er (deschbe): 6. Tank Co~osion Protection ( ) G~vmized . ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polye~ylene Wrap ( ) V~yl Wrapp~g ( ) T~ or ~phalt ( ) U~om ( ) None ( ) O~er (describe): Ca~odic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Impressed Cu~ent System ( ) Sac~ei~ ~ode .Sptem Desc~be System ~d Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monito~g, and Intercephon a. T~: ( ) Visu~ (vaMted t~ o~y) ( ) Gro~dwater Monito~g Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monito~g Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Wi~out L~er ( ) U-Tube wi~ Compatible L~er Direc~g Flow to Monito~g Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) ConductMw Sensor* ( ) Press~e Sensor ~ ~ Space of Double WM1 T~* ( ) Liquid Reffiev~ a Inspec~on From U-Tube, Monito~g Well or ~ Space ( ) Daily Gau~g a Inventou Reconcfliahon ( ) Periodic Tighmess Tes~g () None () U~om () O~er b. Pip.g: ( ) Flow-Res~chng Le~ Detector(s) for Press~zed Pip.g* ( ) Monito~g Stop ~ Raceway ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) H~f-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) S~efic L~er Raceway ( ) None () Un.om() O~er *Deschbe Make & Model: 3 8. Tank Tighmess Has This T~ Been Tighmess Tested? (~Yes ( ) No ( ) U~om Date of Last Tighmess Test ~FRiL; ~7~ ~ Res~ of Test 0~ Test Nme (~ M. ~- ) Teshng Company T~ T~ s rtma ~ ~r~m~ 9. Tank Repair T~k Repaked? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Un~o~ /~'c. Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repaks 10. ~effill Protection ( ) Operator Fills, Con=ols, a VisuMly Monito~ Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent V~ves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Consols ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) SeMed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) U~om ( ) O~er: List M~e ~ Model for Above DeMces 11. Piping a. Under~o~d Pip.g: (~Yes ( ) No ( ) U~o~ Mated~ Thic~ess (inches) Diameter __ M~acmrer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gra~SV Approximate Len~ of Pipe Run b. Under~ound Piping Co~osion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Cu~ent ( ) Sacrificial ~ode ( ) Polye~ylene Wrap ( ) Elec~cal Isolation ( ) V~yl Wrap ( ) T~ or ~ph~t ( ) Un~o~ ( ) None ( ) O~er (describe): c. Under~ound Piping, Second~ Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) S~etic Liner System . ( ) None ( ) Un~o~ ( ) O~er (describe): E.acflity Name ~,,- , Permit No. TAt # (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FO. ,ACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Single-Wall 2. Tank Material ( ) Carbon Steel' ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinfo. rced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown ( ) Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner .( ) Lined Vault ( ) None ( ) Unknown () Other (describe): Manufacturer: ( ) Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) 5. Tank Interior Lining () Rubber () Alkyd () Epoxy () Phenolic ()Glass ()Clay ()Unlined () Unknown () Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* . ( ) Conductivity Sensor* ( ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank* ( ) Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing () None () Unknown () Other b. Piping: ( ) Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Dare(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs. 10. Overfill Protection ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other: List Make & Model for Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material Thic 'kness (inches) Diameter__ Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity ApProximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None ( ) Unknown () Other (describe): Facility Name Pe~Tnit No. ', ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM .ACH TANK) .' FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Single-Wall 2. Tank Material ( ) Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown ( ) Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None ( ) Unknown () Other (describe): Manufacturer: ( ) Material Thickness finches) Capacity (Gallons) 5. Tank Interior Lining () Rubber () Alkyd () Epoxy () Phenolic () Glass () Clay () Unlined () Unknown () Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ( ) None ( ) Impressed Current sYStem ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing. Flow to Monitoring WellCs)* ( ) Vapor Detector* ( ) Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conductivity Sensor* ( ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank* ( ) Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing () None () Unknown () Other b. Piping: ( ) Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tighmess Tested? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown , Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor ( ) Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other: List Make & Model for Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter__ Manufacturer ( ) Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None ( ) Unknown () Other (describe): RANDALL 'L. ABBOTT 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 Tetel~hone (805) 861-3636 · ' Tete~:~:~er (805) 861-3429 STEVE Mc CALLEY ' ' '" Di,ec,o, RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT'OF 'ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICEs August 30, 1990 Mr. Farrid Eld 402 South Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Permit Number 260004 Dear Mr. Eid: On May 1, 1989, a letter was sent you concerning change in ownership of a facility containing underground storage tanks. Located at 402 So. Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California. According to our records, interim permits to operate were issued to Louis Echenique for this facility. A Permit to Operate Underground Storage Tanks is not transferrable as stated on the Permit Conditions and on the Permit itself. You are therefore in violation of: '~ 1. Division 8, Section 8.48.110(B) of Kern County Ordinance which states "any person assuming ownership of an underground storage tank used for 'thestorage of hazardous substancesfor which a valid Permit to Operate has been issued shall have thirty (30) days after the date of assumption of ownership to apply for a Permit to Operate..." 2. Division 20, Chapter 6,7, Section 25284(a) of the California Health and Safety Code which states "...no person shall own or operate an underground storage tank unless a permit for its operation has been issued by the local agency to the owner." I have enclosed the application for Permit to Operate the facility. The completed forms must be returned to this office within two weeks of the date of this letter. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 861- 3636,. extension 566. Your cooperation is much appreciated. hael Qriggs J~ Hazardou~ Materially Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MD:cas Enclosures \eid.ltr COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health Se~ices Department 2700 "M" Slreeh Suite 300 Bakemfleld, CA 73301 (805) 861-3636 ~r. ~arr±d Eld 402 South Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Permit Number 260004 Dear Mr. Eld: . It has coine to the attention of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department that there has been a change of ownership concerning underground storage tanks located at 402 South Chester, Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301. According to our records, interim permits to operate were issued to Louis Echenique for this facility. A permit to operate underground storage tanks is not transferrable as stated on the permit conditions and on the permit itself. You are therefore in violation of : 1. D~vision 8, Section 8,48o110(B~ of Kern County Ordinance which states "ally person assuming ownership of an underground storage tank used for the storage of hazardous substances for which a' valid permit to operate has been issued shall have thirty (30) days a~ter the date of assumption of ownership to apply for a permit to operate..." 2. Division 20, Chapter 6,7, Section 25284(a} of the California Health and Safety Code which states "...no person shall own or operate an underground storage tank unless a permit for its operation has been issued by the local agency to the owner." I have enclosed the application for permit to operate the facility· The completed forms must be returned to this office within two weeks of the date of this letter. Since date of owned'ship transfer was May 5, 1988, the permit invoice will be back dated to reflect your a~iversary date and a 5Og penalty charge will be added as requJred in the County fee ordinance. Annual fees are charged for the permit, thus your next billing date will be May 5, 1989. The current fee invoice is enclosed. Mr. Farrid Eid May 1, 1'989 Page 2 As per the California Heal'th and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 Section 25287(b) which states "this fee shall include a surcharge...", the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department must assess a surcharge of fifty-six dollars ($56.00) per tank on each person who submits an application for a new facility or transfer of ownership. This amount is also reflected on the enclosed invoice. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Your cooperation is much appreciated. Very truly yours, Turonda R. Crumpler, R.E.H.S. Environmental Health Special'ist I Hazardous Materials Management Program TRC: cas Enclosures ~sochester .vio 4-26-41 Division o[ En~ ironmental He~ Application e 3- 17qO FloWer Street, Bakersfie~'~, CA 93305 \ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type of Application (check): [-]New Facility ~]Modification of Facility ~Existing Facility [-~Transfer of Ownership .A. flnergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ~o~) j~5/-B';gq Facility Name /~Ct-tf',~('ou~ ~t~~ No. of Tanks Type of Business (~heck~): ~Gasoline Station [~Other (describe) Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? ~Yes [~No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? ~Yes ~No T R SEC (Rural [Jocations Only) Operator SeO/~.~ 4~ ..~__~,;m_ Contact Person Address Zip Teleph°ne B. Water to Facility Provided by Depth t° Groundwater Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth [~etermi~na~i'ons C. Contractor CA Contractor' s License No. Address Zip Telephor~e Proposed 'StJartirg Date Proposed Completion Dste Worker' s Ccmpensatio~ Ce~ttficati0n ~ Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that aPPly): Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel ~aste ~uel []° [] B B F, Ch~ical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank t Chemlcai Stored (non-commercial name) CAS ! (i.f known) Chemical Pre%'ious!v Stored different) G. Transfer of Ownership Date of ~ransfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Per~i~ ~k~. __ issued to · I ~nderstand that the Permitting Authority may review arid mod~'fy or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this ~dergro~d storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This fora has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best ¢~f my knowledge is true and correct. Kern County Health Department~ F~rmit Div.~sion--D~ Enviro~n~l Heai~ A~lication 1700 Flo~r Street, Bakersfield, ~ 93305 ~PLI~TION ~R PE~IT ~ OPE~TE ~E~R~ ~~US SUBST~CES S~E FACILI~ ~ of Application (ch~k): ~ Facility ~ification of Facility ~isti~ FaCility ~ansfer of ~ership A. ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact (n~e, area c~e, ~one): ~ [~or> ~ of B~iness (check~: ~Itne s~tion ~er (de~r.i~) Is Tank(s) ~cat~ on ~ Agricultural Faro? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~imrily for ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes Facility ~dre~ ~d~ ~ ~~ Nearest Cro~ St. T R SEC (R~al ~atto~ ~ly) ~dr ess Zip Te le~ B. ~ter ~ Facility Provid~ by ~p~ ~' Gro~~r ~il ~aracteristics at Facility ~sis for Soil ~ a~ Gro~ter ~p~ ~'minatio~ C. Contractor ~ ~ntractor' ~ ~ce~e ~. Pro~s~ '~rti~ ~te FrowsY' cm~eti~ ~rker's Cm~ti~ Certification ~ Insurer Pro~ E. Tank(s) Store (~eck all ~t a~ly): Tank ~ ~s~ Pr~uct ~tor 'Vehicle Unlead~ R~ular Pr~i~ Die~l ~ste ~. ~i~l ~siti~ of ~terials Stor~ (~t ~e~ry for ~tor v~icle f~ls) Tank t Ch~l Stor~ (no~c~rcial ~e) ~ ~ (if kn~) ~i~l ~r~i~sly S~r~ (if different) G. Transfer of Ownership Dste 0f~nsfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all o61igations of Pe~ii No. issued to · I Understand that the Permitting Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this t~derground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been 'completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. " .......... " ......... -'~"~--- ~'-'-~--~--' ~'~ ';;"~ FCeEACH TANK) ~,~K ~ "" (FILL OUT S~iP~TE FO~ ~~ a~ sa~oN, ~a~K ~.T. ~RO~E BOXES H. 1. Tank is: ~ Vaul ted ~n-Vaul t~ ~uble-Wal 1 ~Si~le~al 1 2. ~ ~terial "~Car~n Steel ~Stainless Steel ~l~inyl C~oride ~Fi~rglass~l~ Steel ~Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~Concrete ~in~ ~Bronze ~k~ ~ Other (de~r i~) 3. ~ Contai~nt ~te Installed ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca.city (Gallons) ~nufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Contai~ent ~le-Wall ~ ~thetic Liner ~Lin~ Vault ~ne ~o~ ~Other (descri~): ~ufacturer: ~terial Thic~ess (Inc~s) Ca.city (~ls.)' 5. Tank Interior ~R~r ~k~ ~xy ~menolic ~Glass ~Cla~ ~lin~ ~o~ ~Other (de~ri~): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~G~ ~ass-Cl~ ~l~ylene ~ap ~Vlnyl ~Tar or ~p~lt ~k~ ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~): Cath~ic Protection: ~ne ~pres~ ~rrent S~t~ ~ri~ Syst~ & Equt~ent: 7. Leak Detection, ~nitori~, and Interception a. Tank: ~Vis~l (vault~ t~ks only) ~Grou~ter ~nitor~' ~ll(s) ~Vadose Zone ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~~ Wi~out ~ner ~U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~ti~ Flow to Monitori~ ~ll(s)* ~ Va~r ~t~tor* ~ Li~id ~vel ~n~r~ ~ Cond~tivit~' ~ Pressure Sen~r in ~ular S~ce of ~uble Wall Ta~- ~ Liquid ~tri~al & Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, Monitori~ ~11 ~ ~ily~l~i~ & I~entory Reconciliation ~rt~tc T~gh~e~ ~None ~o~ ~her b. Pipit; Fl~Restricti~ ~ak ~t~tor(s) for Pre~uriz~ ~nitori~ ~p ~th ~ce~y ~.~al~ C~crete ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~t~tic ~U~no~ ~er *~ri~ ~ & ~el; 8. Tank Tightness ~is ~ ~en Tlgh~ess ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~kno~ ~te of ~st Tightne~ TeSt Results of Test ~e ~sti~ ~ny 9..Tank Re. ir Ta~ Re~'i'r~? ~Yes ~ ~kno~ ~te(s) of ~ir(s) ~ri~ Re. irs 10. ~erfill Protection ~rator F~lls, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~vel ~Ta~ Fl~t ~e ~Fl~t Vent Valves ~Auto Shut- Off Controls ~citance ~r ~al~ Fill ~x ~ne ~o~ ~Other: List ~ & ~el For ~e ~ices 11. a. ~dergro~d Pipi~: ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~terial Thickne~ (i~hes) Dt~eter Manufacturer ~essure ~S~tion ~Gravity ~proxi~te b. Undergro~ Pipi~ Corrosion Prot~ti~ : ~lvaniz~ ~Fi~rglass~l~ ~ess~ ~r rent ~criftcial ~Polye~yle~ Wrap ~Electrical I~lati~ ~Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or ~lt ~Un~o~ ~None ~her (de~ri~): c. Undergro~ Pipit, Seco~ary Contai~nt: ~l~all ~S~etic Liner ~st~ ~ne ~kno~ ~Other (de~ri~): FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted ~Non-Vaulted [']Double-Wall DSingle-Wall 2. ~ Material [-]Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel []PolYVinyl Chloride [q Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Aluminum [] Bronze []Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank ~ Containment []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault [-]None ~J3nknown [-]Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lininc~ [~Rubber [-]Alkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic []Glass []Clay []Unlined []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --]~Galvanized --~-~f~-~ass-Clad []Pol~thylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrappin~ []Tar or Asphalt ~[3nknown []None []']Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: .[-]None [qImpressed Current System ~lsa~rificial 9~de System Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Intercept. ion a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Groundwater Monitoring' Wmll(s) [Vadose Zone Monitoring ~ell(s) DU-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Ws.ll(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivit~ Sensor" [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank, [] Liquid Betrieval & Inspection Frcm U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular S~ace ~Daily Gaugirg & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightness Testing []None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' []Monitoring Sump with Raceway []Sealed Concrete Race~y []Half-Cut Ccmpatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~ay []None [~Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model'..' 8. Tank Tightness l~-~is Tank Been Tightness Tested? [-]Yes []No ~unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Ccmpany 9. Tank ~ ~ Repaired? []Yes ~No []unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually.Monitors Level []Tape Float Gau~e []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None ~Unknown [-]Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. piping a. Underground Piping: BYes []NO E]Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure ]~Suc~Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : ~Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [-]Imp~essed Current []Sacrificial Anode [-]Polyethylene Wrap [~Electrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap []-]Tar or Asphalt []Unknown []None []Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ~Double-Wall []Synthetic Li. ner System E]None ~Unknown []Other (describe): TANK ~ ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FC. EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted ~Non-Vaul ted I-]Double-Wall []Single-Wall 2. ~ Material []-]Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel D Polyvinyl Chloride [q Fiberglass-Clad Steel []Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic DConcrete [-] Al un i n~m~ []']Bronze [-~Unknown [] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner [-]Lined Vault [']None ~Unknown D-]Other (describe): Manufacturer: []Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Linin~ []Rubber [-]Alkyd []Epoxy []Phenolic DGlass []Clay []Unlined D']Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~Galvanized --~~---~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []-]Vinyl Wrappir~3 []Tar or Asphalt ~_~known []None []-]Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [.]None []Impressed Current System ~lSacriflcial A~ode System ~--~ribe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []Vis~al (vaulted tanks only) ~']Groundwater Monitoring' Wmll(s) DVadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner D-]U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directir~ Flow to Monitoring ~ll(s)* [] Vapor Detector* ['~ Liquid Level Sensor [] Conductivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid Betrieval & Inspection Fr~m U-Tube, Monitoring ~11 or Annular Space [~Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [~Periodic Tightness Testing [-] None ['] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipir~3" []Monitoring S~p with Race~y DSealed Concrete Race~y nk lf-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Race~ay []None nown []Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. ~en Tightness Tested? [-]Yes []No ~Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Re~air Tank Repaired? ~Yes ~No [~Unknown' Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection []-]Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge ~qFloat Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls [~Capacifance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [~None ~Unknown ~]Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~Yes [~NO ~Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure ~Sucti0n []Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [qImpressed Current [-]Sacrificial Anode Polyethylene Wrap ~Electrica! Isolation []Vinyl Wrap ~Tar or Asphalt []Unknown []None [']Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contair~ent: I-]Double-Wall ~-]Synthetic Liner System [-]None ~Unknown [-]Other (describe): TANK # ~-~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ;~LL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: [-]Vaulted '~Non-Vaulted ~]Double-Wall I-]Single-Wall 2. ~ Material  Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [-]Polyuinyl Chloride []Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Aluminum [] Bronze [-]Unk~own Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Da.re Installed 7'aickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer . ~ ,~/<.,~_~.._~ ./ooo 4. Tank Secondary Contair~ent I-]Double-Wall [-]Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault []-]None '[~Unkno~ DOther (describe): Manufacturer: [-IMaterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior ~ ---~Rubber []']Alkyd [~]Epoxy [-]Phenolic [-]Glass [']Clay ~]tlalined ~Other (describe): 6. ~Tank Corrosion Protection ~Galvanized--~~-~-~ass-Clad [-IPol~thyiene Wrap []Vinyl WralaPing [-lTar or Asphalt ~known []None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [3None [-]Impressed Current System l'~Sacrfficia~ Ar~ System Describe System & Equil~ent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank:' [-]Visual (vaulted tanks only) {-]Groundwater Monitoring' Wmll(s) [~Vadose Zone Monitoring ~ll(s) [-]U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with Cc~npatible Liner Directit~ Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [-] Conductivit~ Sensor' [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [-ILiquid l%strieval & Inspection Fr°m U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [~DailyGa ing & Inventory Reconciliation [-1Periodic Tightness Tasting [] None []ug Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized PipitS' [-I Monitoring Stmlp with Race~y [']Sealed Concrete Raceway  Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [-~Synthetic Liner Race~ay []None t}nknown [] Other *Describe Make &Modei: 8. ~en Tightness Tested? []Yes []No []Unkno~ Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing C~mpany 9. Tank ~ T~nk Repaired? []Yes ~[No []Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ['3Operator 'Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ~Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves []Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capaci~ance Sensor []sealed Fill Box []None ~Unknown Other: List Make & Model Fo{r Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~Yes ~]No []Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure [~auct'ion .... ~]Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : ~]Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Lmp~essed Current []Sacrificial Anode' [qPolyethylene Wrap ~Electrical Isolation [-]Vinyl Wrap []Tar or As~lt []Unknown [-]None []Other (describe): c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Contair~nent: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System []None ,~Unknown []Other (describe): TANK # ~' (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FO TANK) "' F~R-EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: [-~ Vaul ted [~Non-Vaul ted [~Double-Wal 1 [-]Single-Wal 1 2. ~ Material  Carbon S~eel [~Stainless Steel -[-]Dolyvinyl Chloride I-]Fiberglass-Clad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alumin~n [] Bronze []Unknown [] Other (describe) _~7-_~z~/_~. _ 3. Primary Containment Date Installed ~nickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Cor{tainment []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner [qLined Vault [-]None i-]Other (describe): Manufacturer: I~Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior~ --~Rubber [']Alkyd [-]Epoxy ~]Phenolic []Glass []Clay []Unlined []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --]~Galvani'zed '-~l]~e-~g~ass-Clad [~P~l~thylene Wrap []Vinyl Wrapping' []Tar or Asphalt ~/3nknown [None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System D~ac'rificial ~ode System Describe System & Equi[~ent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) []Groundw~ter Monitorirg' [-]Vadose Zone Monitorin~ Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with C~mpatible Liner Directin~ Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Datector* [] Liquid Level Sensor [] Conductivit~ Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank- [] Liquid Bstrieval & Inspection Fr~ U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ~Daily Gaugirg & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized []Monitoring Stlnp with Race~y []Sealed Concrete Race~ay []Half~-'ut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway ~Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model.. 8. Tank Tightness ]~-~"Th~s TanR Been Tightness Tested? [qYes []No Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank ~ Tank Repaired? []Yes ~No FqUnknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. O~er fill Protection []Operator 'FilI's~ Controls, & Visually Monitors Level [-]Tape Float Gauge [~Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls  Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None ~Unkno~ Other: List Make & Model Fo~ Above D~vices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~Yes [~No []Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure ]~Suct~o~ -~]Gravity Approximate Length of ~ipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : Galvanized I-]Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current [~Sacrificial Anode Polyethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolatio~ []Vinyl' Wrap []Tar or Asphalt E]Unknown [~None []Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contairment: I-]Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System [-]None ~unknown []Other (describe):