HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit . ..CONDITIONS OF .PERMIT.ON REVERSE SIDE .: ..... i.. Thl~ _oermit is issued for the following: [] Hazardous Materials Plan E! Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-001831 [] Risk Management Program MARINE.' CORPS LOCATION: 4201 CHESTER' AVE IELD '~ ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES' "  1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor ; A pPmVedby:: Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~" '..':-, L m,~pilH.~:D~i Issue rote .. - OfficeofEv~Services ~ Voice (661) 326-3979 ,~ .FAX (661) 326-0576 . Expiration Date: , 'June 30. 2003 · .'....7.'~ :"~ ' . ' . : - ' .. Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ~,~'~ ~"~?ii'~:':.~,'=,~"::i!'; i'i:!?:::~iii ;;ili!ii~ ,~i'-'"'iiii~ ili?:'ii'i ili~i ~$emround Storage of Hazardous Materials PERMIT ID# 015-021~)01831 .~,?~'~ii 'i~ ?~:il;::iii?.ii~?!!iii?, ~=~!!!~!?~}!!!~ii!!!~!!:~::::~!!~!!!i~:!!!.:!!!!!::~.!!!ii~:~!!~8kii:M~agement Program NAVY& _ MARINE CORPS ,_ ... LOCATION 4201 CHESTER ~?'-O--:~ ~::::! :~'~ ................. ~,~,~:~[ ~'~'. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ?~%,,,.. ~.'~,::,~t~~ ~:'..~'-:~ ~d..~.. -~ Issu~ by:  B~er~field Fire Depa~ment Approved by: 1715 Chewer Ave. 3rd Floor B~e~fiel~ CA 93301 Voice (805) ~6-~979 F~ (805)326~57e Expiration Date: June 30. 2000 ITE DIAG~ FACILITY DIAGRA~ [ BusiflessName: ~t~ ~_.~ ~.,~v~ Business Address: ,~ e.~"~-~3-~.. A,'~. t 13/~3::~D, SITE DIA GRAM - Name of business: Marine Corps Reserve Training Center - Address: 4201 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 - Point of contact: SSgt Sid Lopez (HAZMAT CHIEF) Work: (661) 325-2797 ext 212 - Emergency Phone number: o During work hours: (661) 325-2797 o After work hours: · Duty Pager: (888) 762-9584 · Duty Cell: (805) 828-0790 - Location of hazardous materials: Please see site diagram - Name and type of hazard: NAME TYPE OF HAZARD Engine oil Flammable Transmission oil Flammable Hydraulic oil Flammable Brake Fluid Flammable Batteries Corrosive Solvent Flammable Spray Paint Flammable Antifreeze Non-flammable - Location of utility shutoff points for gas, electric, and water services: o See site diagram - Location of fire hydrant: See site diagram FA CILITY DIA GRAM - Name of business: Marine Corps Reserve Training Center - Address: 4201 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 - Point of contact: SSgt Sid Lopez (FACILITIES MANAGER) Work: (661) 325-2797 ext 212 - Emergency Phone number: o During work hours: (661) 325-2797 o After work hours: · Duty Pager: (888) 762-9584 · Duty Cell: (805) 828-0790 Location of hazardous materials: Janitor's Room Name and type of hazard: NAME TYPE OF HAZARD Furniture polish Non-flammable Glass cleaner Non-flammable Toilet cleaner Non-flammable Misc. Non'flammable The whole building is protected by automatic sprinkler systems _1' '~ ! I ~ ~1 l~ , -~ Re Slor~ge SuPply i Supp~I MARINE CORPS RESERVE cENTER BAKERSFIELD 478 479 MISCELLANEOUS § 25503 control cculcr, as Crnss References regarding the areas, duties, and responsibilities ,ff each adminis- to any conditiou t'rol~essiomtl engineer or geologist indemnity agreements, hazardous teringagcncy. otis nlatcrial that materials, sec Civil Code § 2782.,. h or safety or the ~ No city nlav assunlc responsibility fl)r the implementation § 25501.1. Hazardous substances listed in federal regulatinns of this chapter unless it has enacted an in~plcmenting ordinance or adopted an implenmqting resolution not later than 60 days · Notwithstanding Section 25501, i'or purposes of this chapter, a after the office adopts rcgLdations pursuant to Section 25503, process, produce, hazardous substance specified in pl. ragraph (3) of subdivision (k) ~se of a hazardous except that a city may enact an implementing ordimmcc or adopt I of Section 25501 means those hazardous materials or substances - listed in Parts 172 and 173 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal an implementing resolution after this 60-day period, it' it has an indies a hazardous Regulations. (.4dded [~y SIats. 1986, c. 463. § 1, elf July 23, agreement with the county to do so. Any new city has one year 1986.) from thc date of incorporation to enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution implementing this chapter. qal that. because of § 25501.2. Materials not included in "store" (3.) A city's authorizatkm for implementing this chapter, emical charactcris- }!*, For purposes of the inventory requirements of this chapter, pursuant to this subdivision, shall remain in effect only until a i hazard to human "store," as used in subdivision (il of Section 25501, does not CUPA is certified or until January 1, 1997, whichever is earlier. released into the On and after January 1. 1997. the agency responsible for materials" include, ~p.: include the storage of hazardous materials which are in transit or g'~'' which are temporarily maintained in a fixed facility for a period administering and enforcing this chapter'shall be the agency so !, ?a3ardgus waste,. ~.'5; of less than 30 days during the course of transportatkm. (Added authorized pursuant to subdivision (0 of Section 25404.3. mnmstermg agency 'i~':. by Stats. 1980, c. 463, .{ 2, eft. July 23, 1986. Amended by (c) If there is no CUPA, thc county and any city which mldthe beenvironmentinjurious toif Stats. 1995. c. 91 (S.B. 975), § 67.) ' assumes responsibility pursuant to subdivision (b) shall designate at. i~ ~ § 25501.3. "Handle" defined a department, office, or other agency of the county or city, as the case may be, or the city or county may designate a fire district, as ~stance or chemical "Handle" also means the use or potential for use of a quantity the administering agency responsible for administering and i: -. ':i~,';~:; of hazardous material by the connection of any marine vessel, enforcing this chapter. The county and any city which assumes tank vehicle, tank car, or container to a system or process for any responsibility pursuant to subdivision (b) shall notify the office uired to prepare a i :! t to the Hazardous .~, '~'-;! purpose other than the immediate transfer to or from an immediately upon making a designation. A county shall desig- Chapter 2.5 (com-.'.i'2~ill approved atmospheric tank or approved portable tank. (Added hate an administering agency on or before January 30, 1986. A by Stats. 1991, c. 1183 (A.B. 928), § Z) ' gion 5 of the Labor :?,;:~ designation pursuant to this subdivision shall remain in effe~ law or regulation,%"':~)[ only until a CUPA is certified or until January 1, 1997. whichever § 25501.4. Public agencies included in definition of "business" is earlier. On and after January. 1. 1997. the agency responsible ,active material in ~i!] * * * Notwithstanding subdivision (d) of Section 25501, for administering and enforcing this chapter shall b'e the agency e Code of Federal i?¢. Nu$1ear Regulatory-?~..'] "business" also includes the federal government, to the extent so authorized pursuant to subdivision {f) of Section 25404.3. authorized by federal law, or any agency, department, office, (Added by Stats. 1985. c. 1167, .q 1. Amended by Stats. 1986, c. · .:~ ,5 ~l board, commission, or bureau of state government, including, elf July 23, ' ~i'.'-?~:~'~: 463. § 3. 1986; Stats. 1990. c. 1662 ~S.B. 2263), § 3; '~,:-:'] but not limited to, the campuses of the California Community .- 49 of the Code of;5"~ ~. Stats. 1995, c. 639 (S.B. 1191), § 70.) Colleges, the California State University. and the University of ~71.2 ~ California. § 25503. Business plans and area plans; adoption of mini- of Section 6382 of~ -.:[ * * * (Added by Stats. 1988, c. 1585, § 2. Amended by mum standards .,</5?] Stats. 1995, c. 91 (S.B. 975), § 68; Stats. 199Z c. 664 (S.B. 657), ~;~,,,,,. (al Not later than September I, 1986, the office shall adopt, ,vaste. as defined b~'~! ""i~ § 2.) after public hearing and consultation with the office of the State ~ ? :!!l Fire Marshal and other appropriate public entities, regulations i~! :ii~; Cross References for minimum standards for business plans and area plans· All :v Services. ,;:!(5 Waiver of fees, see HeMth and Safety Code § 25513. business plans and area plans shall meet the standards adopted ~ pumping, pouringi:[i~! ~: § 25502. Implementation of chapter; responsibility by the office. .escaping, leaching;i~"~:i~! * (b) The standards for business plans in the regulations (al* *(1) This chapter, as it pertains to the handling of unless permitted o~,~ .~.~[ hazardous * * * material, shall be implemented by one of the adopted pursuant to subdivision (al shall do all of the following: '*~9 "~'~ ! following: , ~-..:. ~. -- (1) Set forth minimum requirements of adequacy, and not Environmental i~ii':]i'ii::.~ B.(~) If there is no CUPA. one of the following: meats by local government. Pr :::. L4) If there is a CUPA, the unified program agency, preclude the imposition of additional or more stringent require- number assigned I~iS~+)j;~ i.(.~Before January I, 1997, the county or a city, pursuant to (2) Take into consideration and adjust for the size and nature ; to specific types'of:!a¥~,??] subdivision (b). of the business, the proximity of the business to residential areas · ~: =.. and other populations, and the nature of the damage potential of ~55..::.~= ii~n and after January 1, 1997, the agency authorized ~t to its hazardous materials in establishin~ standards for subdivisions lion creating a su~,-:.~:' ~l subdivision (fl of Section 25404.3. ~ · ~\:~ ' (b) and (c) of Section 25504. [tbility and potenU~:i~; ] 12) The agency responsible for implementing this chapter ~ to take immedia~&~!~:'~ sh~ure fu I access to and the availability of, information (3) Take into account the existence of local area and business ' on ~':~" ' plans which meet the requirements of this chapter so as to ~mages to pers ~. ~.- ~] submitted under this chapter to emergency rescue personnel and :-~:'~? ~ other appropriate governmental entities within its jurisdiction. :~ (,,~,i~5[ minimize the duplication of local efforts, consistent with the objectives of this chapter. s defined in subdi~'J~';i!!:'[ b ...... c '! ) . (1) Prior to January 1, 1997, If there is no CUPA a .~t Code and Secti&'i~!?:"$ .,ty may, Dy ordinance or resolution, assume responsibility for (4) Define what releases and threatened releases are required !r~e implementation of this chapter and, if so, shall have exclusive to be reported pursuant to Section 25507. The office shall jurisdiction within thc boundary of the city for the purposes of consider the existing federal reporting requirements in determin- contiguous carrying out this chapter. The ordinance shall require that any lng a definition of reporting releases pursuant to Section 25507. /cm~ person who violates Section 25507 shall be subject to the (c) An administering agency shall establish an area plan for ragraphs (4) ~ penalties specified in Section 25515. A city which assumes emergency response to a release or threatened release of a I6cd by responsibility for implementation of this chapter shall provide hazardous material within its jurisdiction. An area plan is not a 2 (S.B. 2263), notice of its ordinance or resolution to the office and to the statute, ordinance, or regulation for purposes of Section 669 of- [ttly ]7, 1991; administrating agency of its county. It shall also consult with, the Evidence Code. The standards for area plans in the ,664 (S.B. 657), ,and coordinate its act vities with, thc county in which the city is regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision (al shall provide for ~ocated to avoid duplicating efforts or any misunderstandings allofthe following: UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS , . 3P.D BULK PUEL PLATOON .. BULK FUEL COMPANY A 6TH ENGINEER SL~PPORT BATTALION 4TH FORCE SERVICE SUPPORT G~0UP 4201 CHESTER AVENUE ]~RSFIELD, CALIFOI~NIA 93301-1198 IN~LyP~FERTO: 4000 HAZMAT 15 NOV 99 From: Inspector-Instructor, Bakersfield To: Office of Environmental Services Subj: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BUSINESS PLAN Ref: Letter from Ralph E. Huey dtd 8 November 1999 1. Thc attached, is an update/correction to the existing Hazardous Material Business Plan for the Marine Corps Reserve Training Center. 2. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact SSgt Lopez at (661) 325-2797. CAPT USMC HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BUSINESS PLAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 1. Command Name: Marine Corps Reserve Training Center 2. Command address: 4201 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 3. Command telephone: (661) 325-2797 4. Brief description of product manufactures and/or service provided: Motor transport and material handling equipment repair and service. 5. Evacuation prOcedure: Notify MCRTC personnel to evacuate by shouting fire or alarm. All personnel will exit through the nearest exterior door and stage across Chester Avenue in front of Food-For-Less. Emergency coordinator will stand by to help emergency response personnel. The Army Reserve Center will also be notified of this event. 6. Notification procedures: In the event ora release of a hazardous material, the following agencies are to be notified: A. Kern County f~re Department Phone: 911 B. C01e's Pumping Service Phone: (661) 322-8258 C. StaffDuty Officer Pager #: (661) 334-8491 7. Emergency procedure:. Fires: If ftre is small, utilize available fire extinguisher. If large f~re, remove everyone from the building and direct the fire department. Small Chemical Spill/Release: If safe, oil and chemical spills may be picked up by proper absorbent. Dispose of according to regulations. Inform appropriate agencies if spill/release has off site impact, threatens human health, the environment, or contains soil, water, or air. Large Chemical Spill/Release: Call f~rc department and Incident Response team. Trained personnel will attempt to contain and control the spill/release, using proper emergency response procedures. Call clean up contractor. Prevent spill from entering sewer or storm drain if possible. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BUSINESS PLAN EMPLOYEE TRAINING DESCRIPTION' The following describes.the employee training provided for all personnel that handle, or, who may be exposed to hazardous material/waste. 1. Training Topic: Procedures for handling hazardous materials, including hazard waste. Persons trained: I & I Staff, Bakersfield Training Time: OJT Refresher Frequency: BI-annually Refresher Time: 1 hour Training Content: Proper procedures for hazardous handling, storage, labeling, disposal, and record keeping requirements. Review record keeping requirements. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Hazardous communication, and information procedures. Practice recognition of hazardous conditions. 2. Training Topic: Procedures for coordination with emergency response agencies. Persons trained: I & I Staff, Bakersfield Training Time: OJT Refresher Frequency: BI-annually Refresher Time: 1 hour Training Content: Review the emergencY response plan, evacuation procedures, location of emergency shut-off switches. How to read material safety data sheets. A review of all fire extinguisher locations and which extinguisher to use for the right type of fires. Cross train personnel for implementing the emergency response plan. 3. Training ToPic: Use of Emergency Response Equipment and materials under the business control. Persons trained: I & I Staff, Bakersfield Training Time: OJT Refresher Frequency: BI-armually Refresher Time: 1 hour Training Content: Review of possible spill/problems. Review of materials on site to control and containment procedures until emergency response arrive. 4. Training Topic: Emergency Response Plan Implementation. Persons trained: I & I Staff, Bakersfield Training Time: OJT Refresher Frequency: BI-annually Refresher Time: 1 hour Training Content: Review emergency response plan, walk through drills for evacuation routes and procedures. Review how to implement the plan (personnel duties and responsibilities during an emergency), notification procedures. MARINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 Manager : ~f~qT. L~)~) -~-- ~' ~' BusPhone: ~-~=~ Location: 4201 CHESTER A~ Map : 103 Com~az : Minimal City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 19A FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: B~ERSFIELD STATION 04 SIC Code: EPA Nu~: DunnBrad: Contact / ~ Emergency Contact / Title BCDR 0~ ~ I~I Busino88 327-71~x Bus~nes8 ~hono: 325-27~7x 24 : (80~ ~679x .............. ' : ( ) - Pager Phone : Hazmat Hazards: Fire DelHlth Contact : $~ ~L3i.~.~. Phone: (~) MailAddr: 4201 CHESTER AVE State: CA City : B~ERSFIELD Zip : 93301 Address : 4201 CHESTER AVE State: CA City : B~ERSFIELD Zip : 93301 Period : to - TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: - TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ~, ~%~o ~. LO~Z ,j~. Do h~mby c~r~i~y ~ha~ ~ have m~n~ plan ~or ~O~TC and ~ha~ R alo~ wJ~h any corrections ~siRu~ a ~pl~ and ~ agsmsn~ plan for ~y ~c~l~. -1- 11/05/1999 MARINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit -- MCP+DailyMax Order Fixed Containers at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMcP KEROSENE F DH L 55.00 GAL Low HYDRAULIC FLUID F DH L 55.00 GAL Low ANTIFREEZE L 55.00 GAL Low WASTE OIL F DH L 5.00 GAL Low MOTOR OIL F DH L 55.00 GAL Min -2- 11/05/1999 MARINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 = Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site KEROSENE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF LOT CAS# 8008-20-6 F STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid ~ mPure I Ambient I Ambient DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I .Daily Average 55.00 GALI 55.00 GAL[ 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Kerosene N 70892103 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI ~SlBioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# [ MOP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low ---- Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site ~,.3%.)lVUV1%2/~4 /%{_/--U. Vll"; / ~..:l"J.l",lVl.L ~,.:.&~,3.~ J.%J_/"k.l. Vll'', HYDRAULIC FLUID Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF LOT . CAS# 0 Liquid Pure Above Ambient Ambient IN MACHINE/EQUIP AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 GAL[ 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Io SI 100.00 Brake Fluid, Hydraulic (Diethylene Glycol Monob... N 112345 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretl RSiBioHaZl Radioactive/am°unt tEpA HazardsI I I Is NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low -3- 11/05/1999 MARINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 = Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed.Containers at Site ~v~vl~ ~vl~ / ~£ ~./'%..~ ~vl~ ANTIFREEZE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF LOT CAS# FSTATE TYPE i PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE I CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Ethylene Glycol N 107211 i TSecret RS BioHazI HAZARD ASSESSMENTS I Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies / / / Low = Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site WASTE OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this .Facility Unit Map: Grid: CAS# 221 Liquid Waste Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 5.00 GALI 5.00 GAL 5.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Waste Oil, Petroleum Based N HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret I oRS I BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low -A- 11/05/1999 MARINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 = Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site MOTOR OIL Days On Site MOTOR OIL 30W 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF LOT CAS# 8020835 r STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 GALI 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based N 8020835 S BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min -5- zl/05/1999 MARINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 Fast Format ~Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site Agency Notification -- Employee Notif./Evacuation Public Notif./Evacuation Emergency Medical Plan 6 11/05/1999 MARINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 Fast Format ~Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site ~ Release Prevention- - Release Containment -- Clean Up -- Other Resource Activation 7 11/05/1999 MARINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 Fast Format F Site Emergency Factors Overall Site Special Hazards Utility Shut-Offs 12/18/1997 A) GAS - ~ouTH B) ELECTRIC~ - C) WATER - D) SPECI~- E) LOCK BOX - Fire Protec./Avail. Water 12/18/1997 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ~lk~ g3t~)G~l$~7~S) &~3~[~Ta ~q~-~ I~ 7~ ~&~D&. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT Building Occupancy Level -8- 11/05/1999 F M~RINE CORPS (TRAINING) SiteID: 215-000-001831 ~ Fast Format /F Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 12/18/1997 HOW MANY EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY????????? ~ A~T%~ ~3~%~~ DO YOU HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE??????? 7~ GIVE A BRIEF SUMMARY OF YOUR TRAINING PROGRAM: ~ ~-~~ -- Page 2 -- Held for Future Use Held for Future Use 9 11/05/1999 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE ~'-I ~- ~' CLosEADDRES"flNEWACCOUNT ;ACcTCHANGi~ · FINANCE CHARGE J OTHER ADJ MAILING ADDRESS L.~_~ ~ · ~.~e ¢_;~ r ~- ~ % SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER OF APPUC,~t.E) ADJUSTMENT I CHG DATE [ CHARGE CODE ADJUSTMENT.AMOUNT uo/~8/96 NAVY & ~*RPo (TRAINING) 015-'i Lu~ation; 4201 ~.r'IESTER AV Map:t03 r'~mz:0 Type: Cit~' : BAKERSFIELD Gt*'id; 19 : ~ AOV: Comtact Name ............. Title ................ Contact Name ........... Title ~¢ CU,*~.L.U¢~ / CuMMA~4D.NG OFFt MAJ kuc~:RT S HELLMA / Business Phone: (805) 327-7194xZo ~us~ness Phone: (805) 325-2797x 24-HouP Phone : (805) 39'" ~ ..... ~-ou?gx 24-Hour Phone : (805) c,~6-9591x ¢ ) - x Pagei* Phone : ( ) - x Pagei* Phone : F.l~zmat In'v'entoF, y List fin MCP Order All F!ate~*ia~s at: Site Mater'aa] Name ---Haz~Pds-- M~x Q~.y tJiqit: M~,F : 02 - Fixed Coi~t:afil-,el-s at Site KEROSENE F R ~¢ r', 55. GAL L. OW ' ' *.R~R OF LOT R~ ....... ~5 }'-IY¢~AUL.~u FL, U[D F Dr', ~' GAL. L. ow SW CRNR OF '~ ANTIFREEZE F DH 55 GAL L. ow SW CRNR OF LOT WASTE OIL F ~'~-~ 5 GAL. Low SW CRNR OF LOT ~OTOR OIL B0W F ur'~ .... 55 ~"~ Rinima] ,~,R OF LOT ~03/28/96 NAVY & E ~O,~o (TRv, I,41NG) 01 .... 002718 2 00 - OvePa1~ 0~/28/93 TRIENNIA "' ' '~ L/ ¢,OL.A~I "~ / / 11-2,20-2 0?/25/88 ANNUAl/' ¢~'uk / /