HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #2 7ASTRIP 1200 COFFE RD 3AKERSFIED CA,93308 S61-589-6305 JUL 8, 2004 2:01 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL INVENTORY REPORT T I:UNLEADED VOLUME = 7773 GALS JLLAGE = 4259 GALS 00~ ULLAGE= 3055 GALS TC VOLUME = 7617 GALS ~EIGHT = 68.35 INCHES WATER VOL = 11 GALS __WATER - ~ -O.75.INCHES-. TEMP = 88.5 DEG F T 2:PREMIUM VOLUME = 3443 GALS JLLAGE = 8689 GALS BOY ULLAGE= 7385 GALS TO VOLUME = 3383 GALS ~EIGHT = 36.48 INCHES WATER VOL = 0 GALS WATER = 0.00 INCHES TEMP = 85.0 DEG F T 3:DIESEL VOLUME = 3844 GALS JLLAGE = 8188 GALS ~0% ULLAGE= 6984 GALS 'FO VOLUME = 3797 GALS qEIGHT = 39.54 INCHES WATER VOL = 0 GALS WATER = 0.00 INCHES '~P = 86.8 DEG F ~ ~ ' ~ I ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. UNIFIED PROGRAM~ECTION CHE~KMSTIN:~ Enh'onmenta] Set~rices mvemo rogram Bakersfield, CA 9330 l Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILI~CONTACT Business ID Numar 15-02 i - "' ' _ SeCtion 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program Routine combined ¢'1 Joint Agency ~3 Multi-Agency ~ Complaint ~ Re-inspection [ c=com¢ia~ce~ OPERATION COMMENTS ~. V=Violation APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND CORRECT OCCUPANCY VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES VERIFICATION OF LOCATION PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILI~E VERIFICATION HAT MAT TRAINING VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED HOUSEKEEPING FIRE PROTECTION SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HANO ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: ~] YES /j~No EXPLAIN: White - Environmental Services Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAl, SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CltECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakerstield, CA 93301 Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program [] Routine [~kCombined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency []~omplaint [] Re-inspection Type of Tank 'DbO4"'~ Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring (~,11~ g'q. Type of Piping OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file .. Proper o~vner(operator data on file Permit t~es current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations X Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) AGGREGATE CAPACITY Type of Tank Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y:Yes N=NO , Office of~i~'n~entM ~e~ic~6~26-3979 Business gite w ' Responsible Party ~ ~ ~- White - Env~ Svcs. Pink - Business Copy 417 14mltclair Street, Bak~rs~dd, CA 9330~ 800-33~JuJ4J30 or ALERT 1000 / ALERT 1050 / AES SYSTEM II / PLT 100R CUSTOMER ADDRESS: WORK ORDER:5395 SITE ADDRESS: JAC0 0il Company %705 FasrtiD %641 P.O.Box 82515 TEST DATE:4/7/04 1200 coffee Road Bakersfield, CA 93380 Bakersfield, CA 93308 SITE CONTACT:Omero Garcia PHONE NUMBER:661-393-7000 TECHNICIAN: Doug Young PHONE NOMBER:800-339-9930 LICENSE :901076 WATER IN BACKFILL: N/A DATE & TIME OF LAST FUEL DELIVERY :12 + hours TANK INFORMATION: (WETTED) TANK I TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 PRODUCT TYPE: Regular Super Diesel TOTAL GALLONS: - 12000 gallons 12000 gallons 12000 gallons PRODUCT LEVEL: 77 inches 65 inches 66 inches PERCENT FULL: 74% 65% 66 % TEST METHOD: Alert 1000 Alert 1000 Alert 1000 WATER IN TANK: 0.00- 0.00- o.oo- TANK MATERIAL: DWS DWS DWS P.S. I. @ BOTTOM: 1.925 psi 1.625 psi 2.376 psi TEST DURATION: 2.0 hours 2.2 hours 2.2 hours FINAL T.~.AK RATE: -0.021 gph +0.035 gph -0.001 gph TEST RESULT: PASS PASS PASS TANK INFORMATION ~T.~.RT 1050X '~T,~-RT 1050X ~T,W. RT 1050X ALERT 1050X (ULLAGE)U/F ONLY · . 3158 gallons 4795 gallons 4676 gallons ULLAGE GALLONS: START PRESSURE: 1.5 psi 1.5 psi 1.5 psi END PRESSURE: 1.5 psi 1.5 psi 1.5 psi TEST RESULT: PASS PASS PASS pRoDUCT LINES: AES PLT-100R AES PLT-100R AES PLT-100R AES PLT-100R LINE TYPE: Pressure Pressure Pressure START TIME: 11: 35am 12: 05pm 11: 00am END TIME: 12: 05pm ._ 12: 35pm 11: 30am TEST PRESSURE: 55 psi 55 psi 55 psi FINAL T.~.AK RATE: -0.O03 gph -0.004 91~h -0.001 gph TEST RESULT: PASS PASS PASS MECHANICAL LEAK DETECTORS: Red Jacket FTA Red Jacket FTA Red Jacket FTA Red Jacket FTA MODEL: Not Installed Red Jacket FXlV Not Installed SERIAL NUMBER: 11102-7876 CHECK VALVE PSI: 16 psi BLEED OFF ml: 79 ml LF~ ~ATE TESTED: 3 gph @ 10 ps~ TEST RESULT: PASS A) These systems and methods meet or exceed the criteria in USEPA 40CFR parts 280, NFPA 329-87 and all applica~W~e state codes. B) Any f~l~e_ l~s,te~/above may require further action, check with all regulator~ agencies. ~ and/or ALERT TECHNOL OGLES PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DA TA #705 Fastr&p #64~ 1200 Coffee road Bakersf&e]d, CA 12000 GALLON Regu:~ar TANK 12KHz AMPLTTUDE RATIO 25KHz AMPLITUDE RATIO 0.75 1 5 750+ 0 75 :1 5 750+ N T 3 E 3 S 5 i 5 12KHz DETECTION RATIO = .999 25KHz DETECTION RATIO = 1.08 TEST RESULT = PASS DATE AND TZME OF TEST: 04/07/04 ~'09PM BEGZNNING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2400 ENDZNG BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2300 BEGZNNZNG TANK PRESSURE = 1.5 PSZG ENDZNG TANK PRESSURE = ~.5 PSZG ALERT TECHNOL OGLES PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DA TA #705 Fastrip #642 J200 Coffee road Bakersf~e2d, CA 22000 GALLON Super TANK ~2KHz AMPLITUDE RATIO 25KHz AMPLITUDE RATZO 0.75 ~ 5 75~)+ 0 75 ~ 5 751)+ ~2KHz DETECTION RATIO = 2.04 25KHz DETECTION RATIO = 2.08 TEST RESULT = PASS DATE AND TIME OF TEST: 04/07/04 ~:26AM BEGINNING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2400 ENDING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2fO0 BEGINNING TANK PRESSURE = 1.5 PSIG ENDING TANK PRESSURE = 1.5 PSIG ALERT TECHNOL OGLES PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DATA #705 Fastr~p #641 1200 Coffee road Bakersfield, CA ~2000 GALLON Diesel TANK ~2KHz AMPLITUDE RATIO 25KHz A~4PLITUDE RATIO 0 75 ~ 5 750+ 0.75 ~ 5 750+ U S S ~2KHz DETECTION RATIO = .988 25KHz DETECTION RATIO = 1.08 TEST RESULT = PASS DATE AND TIME OF TEST: 04/07/04 1: 16PM BEGINNING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2400 ENDING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2200 BEGINNING TANK PRESSURE = 1.5 PSIG ENDING TANK PRESSURE = 1.5 PSIG SIGNIFICANT OPERATIONAL COMPLIANCE (SOC) MEASURES CALIFORNIA UST PROGRAM PART A: CALIFORNIA RELEASE DETECTION MATRIX 1. Is a release detection method present and operational? Does the release detection system meet minimum FEDERAL performance standards? (See Requirements Below) 2. If USTs are in temporary closure, yet still contain product, are release detection requirements being met? (See Requirements Below) 3. Has the Local Agency been notified of suspected releases as required? 2650 [280.40(b)1 - 4. Are release'detection records available? (To be in SOC, must have records for the two most recent consecutive months and for 8 of the last 12 months.) [280.41(a), 280.45(b)] 5. Are hazardous substance USTs double-walled? 263 l(a) [280.42(b)] TANK Leak Detection Methods [280.43] Interstitial Monitoring: 6. Are sensors properly located to detect a release? 2630(d), 2632(c), 2641(a) [280.43(g)(1), 280.43(g)(2), 280.40(a)(2)] Are sensors operational? 2637(b) 7. Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) [280.43(h)(1-2), 280.41 (a)] Is monthly SIR performed properly? 2646.1, 2643(b)(3), 2643.1 Is biennial 0.1 gph tank integrity test performed properly? 2646. l(g) Are non-passing results are reported and properly investigated? 2646.1 (d), 2646. l(f), 2646.1(h) f 8. Automatic Tank Gauging [280.40(a)(1-2),280.43(d)(1)] 0.2 gph monthly tank gauging test performed? 2643(b)(1) OR 0.1 gph monthly tank gauging test AND manual inventory reconciliation properly performed? 2643(b)(2) 9. Manual Tank Gauging (for USTs with 1,000-gallon capacity or less) [280.43(b)(1), 280.43(b)(3-5)] Weekly manual tank gauging performed properly? 2645 If necessary, tank integrity test conducted? 2645(d)(3) 10. Vadose Zone (Vapor) Monitoring [280.43(e)(3), 280.43(e)(6)] Vadose zone monitoring system properly installed and monitored? 2647 and 2649 10/01/03 1 11'. Ground Water Monitoring [280.43(0(2), 280.43(0(7)] Ground water monitoring system properly installed and monitored? 2648 and 2649 PIPING Leak.Detection Methods [280;44} 12. Double-Walled Pressurized Piping EITHER [280.40(a)(2), 280.43(g)(1), 280.43(g)(2), 280.44(a)] Continuous interstitial monitoring with audible and visual alarm? 2636(f)(1) AND Line leak detector present and operational? 2643(c)(1) AND Line leak detector tested annually? 2641(j) *OR [280.40(a)(2), 280.43(g)(1), 280.43(g)(2)] Continuous interstitial monitoring with audible and visual alarm? 2636(f)(1) AND Continuous interstitial monitoring with fail-safe? 2636(f)(3) *Note: Proposed regulations will require line leak detectors on all pressurized piping. 13. Double-Walled Suction Piping Interstitial Monitoring? 2636(f)(1) [280.40(a)(2), 280.43(g)(1), 280.43(g)(2)] 14. Single-Walled Pressurized Piping BOTH of the following: [280.44(a)] 3.0 gph line leak detector present and operational?. 2643(c)(1) AND · Line leak detector tested annually? 2637(b), 2641(j) " '" '.' ' AND one of the following: 0.1 gph line integrity test performed annually? 2643(c)(3) [280.40(a)(3),:'....' -" 280.41(b)(1)(ii)1 OR ~ '. 0.2 gph line integrity test performed monthly? 2643(c)(2) [280.41(b)(1)(ii), 280.44¢)1 15. Single-Walled Suction Piping 0.1 gph line integrity test performed triennially (every 3 years)? 2643(d) [280.40(a)(3), 280.41(b)(2)1 16: Single-Walled Safe Suction Piping Piping meets the safe suction requirements? 2636(a)(3)(A -D) [280.41(b)(2)(i -v)] PART B: CALIFORNIA RELEASE PREVENTION MATRIX 1. Is the spill container present and in good condition? 2635(b)(1), 2665 [280.20(c)(1), 280.20(c)(1)(i), 280.21(d)1 2. Is the appropriate overfill prevention system present and operational? 2635(b)(2), 2665 [280.20(c)(1), 280.20(c)(1)(ii)(A), 280.20(c)(1)(ii)(B), 280.21(d)] [Note: Overfill prevention system requirement may be waived for USTs that meet the requirements of 2635(b)(3).] 10/01/0 3 2 3. Are repaired tanks or piping tightness tested within 30 days of the repair? 2661(0 [280.33(d)]. . 4. If corrosion of steel tank or piping is discovered during an upgrade or repair, does the 'tank and piping comply with the cathodic protection (CP) applicable design, certification, installation, inspection, and testing requirements? 2660(n) [280.33(d)] 5. The cathodic protection system is performing adequately and provides continuous protection? 2635(a)(2) [280.31 (a), 280.31 (b)(1),] (Note: CP is required whether tanks are in operation or in temporary closure. 2671 (b), [280.70(a)]) AND The cathodic protection system is checked by a cathodic protection tester within 6 months of installation and at least every three years thereafter? 2635(a)(2)(A) [280.31(b)(1)1 .... . _. 6. Is the impressed current cathodic protection system checked every 60 days? 2635(a)(2)(A) [280.3 l(c)] 7. Are interior lined tanks inspected within 10 years of lining installation and every 5 years thereafter; and is the lining compliant? 2663(h) [280.21 (b)(1)(ii)] 8. Buried metal tanks and Piping (including fittings, connections, etc.) are corrosion protected? [280.20(a-b) for USTs installed after 12/22/88; 280.21(a-c)-for USTs installed on or before 12/22/88] 2635(a)(2) & 2633(b) for new tanks 2636(b) & 2663(b) for new piping 2662(c) for existing tanks 2666(b) for existing piping 10/01/03 3 REPORT6 uarterl~ ST Pro ram Re ort This quarterly report is submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), and is due within 60 days of the end of each fiscal quarter, as per Title 27, CCR,. section 15290(d). NOTE: Column A refers to the column titled "Information as of Previous Quarter'', provided to the SWRCB by the CUPA. Column B refers to the column to be completed by the CUPA titled "Changes This Quarter." I. Regulated Facilities with UST Systems Column A: The number of facilities is shown here based on changes - reported last quarter. The number in-this column is cumulative from one quarter to the next. If a correction needs to be made, cross out .the existing entry and fill in the corrected one. The State will revise the database from these changes to keep the information in the database current with the local agency's records. Use this column only to make any corrections to the previous report. Column B: Record the best available change in the number of facilities that occurred this quarter. New facilities are positive numbers whereas facilities removed from the UST Program are negative numbers. Please show the net change in this column. (For example, 2 new facilities were entered in the UST Program and 10 facilities were removed, this would equal a negative 8. Enter-8 in this column.) I1. Petroleum UST Systems 2a. Active or Temporarily Closed Column A: The number of active petroleum UST systems is shown here based on changes reported last quarter. Petroleum UST system(s) includes not only the UST, but also any associated piping, ancillary equipment, and containment systems, if any. The nUmber of UST systems will be equal to the number of fill pipes at the facility. Petroleum USTs include all motor vehicle fuel USTs; e.g., gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, kerosene, new oil and petroleum. Active USTs include both USTs in service and those temporarily closed. The number in this column is cumulative from one quarter to the next. If a correction needs to be made, cross out the existing entry and fill in the corrected one. Use this column only to make any corrections to the previous report. Column B: Record the best available change in the number of active petroleum UST systems that occurred this quarter. New installations and ~ newly discovered USTs are positive numbers whereas UST removals are. negative numbers. Please show the net Change in this column. REPORT 6 Instruction Revision Date 01/26/04 (For exa ,2 new installations, 1 newly dis red UST and 10 removals would equal a negative 7. Enter -7 in this column.) 2b: Permanently Closed Petroleum UST Systems ~,~ Column A: The number of permanently closed petroleum UST systems based on changes reported .last quarter is ,shown here~ .. Pe[manently closed USTs are all USTs closed since January 1, 1984. The number in this column is cumulative from one quarter, to the next. If a correction needs to be made, cross out the existing entry and fill in the corrected one. Use this column only to make any corrections to the previous report. Column B: Record the best available change in the number of permanently closed petroleum systems that occurred this quarter. This number should not be a negative number. III. Hazardous SubStance UST Systems 3a. Active or Temporarily Closed Hazardous Substance UST Systems Column A: The number of active systems that contain a hazardous substance, e.g., used oil, Solve, nts, methanOl, and chemicals, is shown here b~se'd on changes reported last quarter. The number in. this column is cumulative from one quarter to the next. If a correction needs to be made, , .~ Cross out the exist, lng entry and fill. in the corrected one. ,.Use this column ..,. .only td make'any corrections to the previous report~ Column B: Record the best aVailable change in the number of hazardous substance UST systems that occurred this quader. New installations and newly discovered systems are positive numbers whereas UST removals are negative numbers. Please show the net change in this column. (For example, 2 new installations, I newly discovered UST and 10 removals would equal a negative 7. Enter -7 in this column.) 3b, Permanently Closed Hazardous Substance UST Systems Column A.' The number of permanently closed hazardous substance systems is shown here based on changes reported last quarter. Permanently closed USTs are all USTs closed since January 1, 1984. The number in this column is cumulative from one quarter to the next. If a correction needs to be made, cross out the existing.entry and fill in the corrected,one. Use this column only to make any corrections to the previous ·. Column B: ~Rec0rd the best,available change in the number of permanently closed hazardous substance .USTs that occurred this quarter. This number should not be a negative number. REPORT 6 Instruction Revision Date 01/26/04 IV. Active UST S'ysteml~ith Approved Release Detectior~stems Column A: The number of active USTs with approved release detection systems is shown here based on changes reported last quarter. The number in this column is cumulative from one quarter to the next. If a correction needs to be made, cross out the existing entry and fill in the corrected one. . ~.. ~. '.-iUse thiscolumn only to make any corrections to the.previous report. See .' .' SWRCB LG' 113 for a list of approved release detection equipment. ',' ' Column B: Record the best available change in the number of active USTs with approved release detection systems that occurred this quarter. This number can be either negative or positive. Please show the net change in this column. (For example, 2 new UST installations with approved release detection, 1 permanently closed UST in place, and 5 UST removals that had release detection would equal a negative 4. Enter -4 in this column.) V. Active UST Systems Meeting Release Prevention Requirements Column A: The number of active UST systems meeting release prevention requirements is shown here based on changes reported last quarter. The number in this column is cumulative from one quarter to the next. If a correction needs to be made, cross out the existing entry and fill in the cOrrected one. Use this column only to make any corrections to the previous .. :re'po'rt. . .... COlumn B: (Changes this Quarter): Record'the beSt available change in the number of'active UST systems meeting release prevention requirements that occurred this quarter. USTs satisfying the release prevention requirements include those meeting the design and the construction requirements specified in Article 3, UST Regulations, and the upgrade requirements of Article 6. Do not include closed USTs. (For the purposes of this report, temporarily closed USTs are included in line 2a.) VI. UST Facilities Inspected During Quarter Column A: The nUmber in this column is not cumulative from one quarter to the next. Record the number of facility inspections conducted during this quarter. An UST inspection is defined as a visit to a single facility by a local agency employee who checks monitoring equipment performance and condition, as well as the quality of the record management. Count compliance inspections as long as release detection methods and records are checked. This includes inspections where the inspector checks monitoring records for statistical inventory reconciliation (SIRs), automatic UST gauges (ATGs), cathodic protection systems, etc., and release .~ ... ~ detection equipment for operability and/or running condition (e.g., console boxes, interstitial monitors, line .leak detectors, cathodic protection systems). Include installation inspections if release detection systems are checked as part of the inspection. Re-inspections count as long as any of the above release detection items were checked. Do not count inspections for piping only, UST removal inspections, inspections of UST cleanup activity, or REPORT 6 Instruction Revision Date 01/26/04 corrective action inspections. There are no ne ve numbers in this column. Please make sure that you are reporting the number of inspections you conducted during the quarter~ not the number of regulated facilities. 6a. Facilities Inspected in Significant Operational Compliance (SOC) with · Release Detection Requirements Column A: The number in this columr~ is not cumulative* from one quarter to the next. Based on the number of inspections conducted during the quarter, report how many are in significant operational compliance with release detection requirements, using the California $OC matrix. 6b. Facilities Inspected in Significant Operational Compliance with Release Prevention Requirements Column A: The number in this column is not cumulative from one quarter to the next. Based on the number of inspections conducted during the quarter, report how many are in significant operational compliance with release prevention requirements, using the California SOC matrix. 6c. Facilities Inspected in Significant Operational Compliance With both Release Detection and Release Prevention Requirements Column. A: The number in this column is not cumulative from one quarter to the next. Based on the number of inspections condbcted during the quarter, report how many of the facilities inspected are in significant operational compliance with both release detection and release prevention requirements, using the California SOC matrix. NOTES: (1) The definition of inspection for Report 6 is NOT the same as Title 27's definitions of "Routine" and "Other" inspections. Therefore-, CUPAs should realize there are reporting differences between the types of inspections reported on Report 3 and Report 6. (2) CUPAs should use footnotes to provide any needed explanations regarding reported data. The footnote may be placed on the bottom of the respective report or on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the report. The footnote should include the report number and field being footnoted, and the number of pages that should be attached to the report, if applicable. U:\TanksNew\Clerical\Brazell\Kashkoli\Qreport\R61 nstruct2004-26-01 REPORT 6 Instruction ReviSion Date 01/26/04 T 2:PREMIUM INVENTORY INCREASE INCREASE START APR 6, 2004 2:la PM VOLUME = 3274 GALS HEIGHT = 35.17 INCHES WATER = 0.00 INCHES TEMP = 68.6 DEG F INCREASE END APR 6, 2004 2:47 PM VOLUME = 7278 GALS HEIGHT = 64.68 INCHES WATER = 0.00 INCHES TEMP = 69.5 DEG F GROSS INCREASE: 4004 TC NET INCREASETM 3975 SENSOR ALARM ..... L 7:DIESEL STP STP SUMP FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:21 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L 8:DIESEL ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:22 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L 9:DIESEL FILL OTHER SENSORS FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:22 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM ..... L 4:PREM STP STP SUMP FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 :3:23 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L 5:PREM ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:23 PM SENSOR ALARM L 6:PREM FILL OTHER SENSORS FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:23 PM ......... SENSOR ALARM L I:UNL STP STP SUMP FUEL AI.~RM APR 6, 2004 3:24 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L 2:UNL ANNULAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:24 PM SENSOR ALARM L 3:UNL FILL OTHER SENSORS FUEL ALARM APR -6, 20~4 3:25 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM ..... LiI:~ISP DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:25 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L13:DISP 7-8 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2D04 3:25 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L12:DISP 5-6 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:26 PM SENSOR ALARM ..... LiO:DISP 1-2 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:26 PM SEN,~_~-~OR ALARM Lll:DISP 3-4 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:27 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM LI3:DISP 7-8 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:27 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L12:DISP 5-6 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:27 PM SENSOR ALARM LiO:DISP 1-2 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 8:27 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM Lll:DISP 3-4 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM AP~ 6, 2004 3:28 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM LIO:DISP 1-2 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:28 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L12:DISP 5-6 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 200~ 3:29 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM Lll:DISP 3-4 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:29 PM ..... SENSOR ALARM L13:DISP 7-8 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:30 PM FASTRIP 1200 COFFE RD BAKERSFIELD CA.93308 661-589-6305 APR ~ 6, 2004 3:31 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL FASTRIP 1200 COFFE RD BAKERSFIELD CA.93308 661-589-6305 APR 6, 2004 3:31 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL FASTRIP 1200 COFFE RD BAKERSFIELD CA.93308 661-589-6305 APR 6, 2004 3:31 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL FASTRIP 1200 COFFE RD BAKERSFIELD CA.93308 661-589-6305 APR 6, 2004 3:31 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL FASTRIP 1200 COFFE RD BAKERSFIELD CA.93308 661-589-6005 APR 6, 2004 3:31 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL FASTRIP 1200 COFFE RD BAKERSFIELD CA.93308 661-589-6305 APR 6, 2004 3:31 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL FASTRIP 1200 COFFE RD BAKERSFIELD 0A.95308 661-589-6505 APR 6, 2004 3:34 PM SYSTEId STATUS REPORT AL.L FUNCTIONS NORMAL FASTRIP 120~ COFF¢ RD BAKERSFIELD CA.93308 661-589-6305 APR 6, 2004 3:34 PM SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL SENSOR ALARM ..... LIO:DISP 1-2 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM APR 6, 2004 3:34 PM i CITY OF BAKEli~IFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE Phone No. Pc=it ~ I NSTRU~IONS: Please call ~r an inspector only when each gmu~ of insp~tions with the same numar a~ many. They will mn in ¢ons~utive o~er beginning with number I. DO NOT cover work ~br any numbered gmu~ until all items in that ~up am signed offby the Pe~itting Autho6ty. Following these instructions will reduce the number of ~qui~d inspection visits and them~m ~mvent ~se~ment of adaitional TANKS AND BACKFILL INSPE~ION I DATE I INSPECTOR Backfill of T~k(s) Spa~ Test Ceaification or M~ufactu~ Met~ Cath~ic P~tection of T~k(s) Pi PING SYSTEM El~tdcal l~lation of Piping From T~k(s) ¥ Cath~ic Proration System-Piping SECONDARY CO~AINME~, OVE~ILL PROTE~iON, LEAK DETE~ION Liner Inatallation - T~k(s) Liner Inatallation - Piping Vault With P~duet CompatiN~ Sealer L~v~l Gauges or Sen~, Float V~nt Valv~ P~duet Compati~l~ Fill ~ P~duet Line Leak Deteetoffs) Leak Detectors) for Annual Spaee-D.W. Tank(s) 9 Monitoring Well(sFSump(s)- Ha0 Test ha~C ~4 t L Leak ~t~tion ~viee(s) For Vadose/Gmundwater 3 Spill Prevention Boxes FINAL Monito~ng Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requi~ments Type- i. Authorization/bt Fuel Drop p1010250.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) p1010249.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) p1010248.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) p1010247.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) p1010246.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) - Rpr 09 04 12:20p Services 631-3872 p.1 FIPR O8 2004 ]4:08 ~KSFLD FIRE P~EVENTI0fl (GG1~85~-~172 p.[ 0~~ O~ ~0~~ ~~~ ~~~0~' ~~Og T~ ~~~ APPLICATION TO ~RM A TANK TIG~ ~ F.A.f~LITY Faetri~ ~641 .............. ~D]t~ ,.1200 ..C0£f~ee Road, Bakersfield, CA 93308 (]~TOl~S~. 3aco Oil company OWN~I~NA~ ~aco 0il Com~an~ ,, 2 12000 3 12000. Diesel TANK THSTINO COMPANY c~nfidenee ~_.~p~ytces, ~nr- .... MAJLINOADDRP. SS 417 Mon~clair SCreen.,, Ba~ersfield~ CA 93309 NAM~&PHON~NUMBI~OI~(XHTFACTIW/~RSON,_C_heri Yo~2nb @: 63.1_-3870 TESTMEIHOD Al. ere 1000 .UAder~ill .... NAMHOFTESII~ . ..Doug~a?_ ~. Young, III . CER11PICAIION # 90-1 DAI~TI~TI~$T1STOBI~COI~DUC~ 4~,,6/2~04 ~ lo~00 a.m. APPRO%q~ BY DAI~ Rpr OS 04 12:21p Services 6 631-3'872 CONFXDENCE UST SERVXCES, lqC. : FINAL TEST RES~ILTS: /%X~ER~ 1000 / ~R~ 1050 / ~S S~S~M II / PLT 100R JACO Oil Company %705 FasrtiD %641 P.0.Box 82515 ~ST DATE:4/7/04 1200 Coffee Road Bakersfield, CA 93380 Bakersfield, CA 93308 SITE CO~AC~:~ero Garcia PH~ ~:66~-393-7000 · ~C~:Doug Young PHO~ ~R:800-339-9930 L~:901076 ~R ~ ~I~: N/A DA~ & T~ OF ~T ~L DE~:12+ hours T~ I~~TION: (WETTED) ~ 1 P~ ~'0~: 74% 65% 66 % P.S.~.9 ~: 1.925 psi 1.625 ~i 2.376 psi ~ST D~TI~: 2.0 h~s T~ I~~ION ~T 10S0X ~r 10S0X ~-~T ~0SOX ~T 1050X (ULLAGE)U/F ONLY ~ ~SS~: X.5 P~DUCT L~8: ~S ~T-100R ~S PLT-100R ~S ~-100R ~S ~T-100~ ~ST P~S~: ss F~ T.m~ ~: -o.0o3 ~ST ~T: P~G P~8 ~ DE~C~: ~d Janet ~T.~W~ OFF ~: 79 ~ST ~T: A) b~e ~M n~ ~ m~ o; Servioes ALERT TECHNOLOGIES ° PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DATA #705 Fastr~o #641 1200 Coffee roac~ Bakersf ield,, CA 12000 GALLON Regular TANK 12~Hz AMPLITUOE RATIO .25KHz AMPLITUDE RATIO 0 75 1.5 750+ 0 75 ~.5 ,750+ ¢ E 3'?':?: E ~ i~:?:~ S S 5 5 ~.2KHz DETECT[ON RATIO = .999 25KHz OETECT:[ON RAT]'O = TEST RESULT = PASS "' DATE AND TIME OF TEST: 04/07/04 ~: 09PM BEGINNING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2400 ENDING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2300 BEGINNING TANK PRESSURE = 1,5 PSIG ENDING TANK PRESSURE ,- 1.5 PSIG ~ Rpr OS 04 12:23p Services B B31-3B?2 ALERT TECHNOLOGIES · PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DA TA #705 Fastrip 1200 Coffee roa~ 8akersf ield, CA 12000 GALLON Super TANK 12KHz AMPLITUDE RATIO 25KHz AMPLITUOE RATIO 0 75 ~ 5 750+ 0.75 ~ 5 750+ I I T 1 S S 5 5 12KHz DETECTION RATIO = t.04 25KHZ DETECTION RATIO = 1.08 TEST RESULT = PASS DATE AND TIME OF TEST: 04/07/04 1'26AM BEGINNING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2400 ENDING BOTTLE PRESSURE = 2500 BEGINNING TANK PRESSURE m $.5 PSIG ENDING TANK PRESSURE = ~.§ PSIG ~- Rpr OS 04 12:25p Services 6 ,631-3872 p,? ALERT TECHNOL OGLES PLOT OF ULLAGE TEST DA TA #705 Fastrip ~64~ 1200 Coffee road Bakersf lelO, CA $2000 GALLON Diesel TANK S2KHz AMPLITUDE RATIO 25KHz AMPLITUDE RATIO 0.75 ~.5 750+ 0 75 ~.5 750+ O U E 3 :~KMz DET[ClID~ RAIIO ~ .~8~ ~§K~z OEIEClION RAIIO = ~.08 TEST RESULT = PASS DATE AND TIME OF TEST: 04/07/04 ~: ~6PM BEGINNING BOTTLE PRESSURE -- 2400 ENDING BOTTLE PRESSURE ,= 2200 BEGINNING TANK PRESSURE =, 1.5 PSIG ENDING TANK PRESSURE = 1.5 PSIG CITY Ol~ BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES IEqDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (80~. 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY Fastri~ ~641 _ ADD]~[~SS 1200 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, CA 93308 PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPI~TORSNAME. Jaco 0il company O~SNA/VI~ Jaco Oil Com~an~ NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 3 IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTI:.r) ¥ e s TANK # VOLUME CONTENTS 1 12000 ' Reqular 2 12000 Super 3 12000,.. Diesel ,, TANK TESTING COMPANy Confidence U~T Services, Irkc. ~L~O~D~SS 417 Montclair Street, Bakersfield, CA 93309 NAME& PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACTPEILSON Cher..i Y.ou.n.9 ~ 631-3870 TESTMETHOD. Alert. 1000 .U_n_derfill NAMEOFTESTER DouGlas M. Young. III CERTIFICATION # 90 - 1076 DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED 4/6/20_04 ® 10:00'a.m. ' APPROVED B'~ .... DATE SIGNATURE 0FAI~CANT~ ..,i' CONFIDENCE UST "Cornpliance With Confidence" SERVICES, INC, March 30, 2004 Mr. Steve Underwood CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Office of Environmental Services Fire Department/UST Program 1715 Chester Avenue, Third Floor , Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Underwood: Attached please find Application to Perform a Tank Tightness Test for approval, along with our check in the amount of $204.00. Please fax approved Application to our office at 631-3872. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 631-3870. Thank you for your attention herein. Yours truly, CONFIDENCE UST SERVICES, INC. Attachment s 417 Montclair Street · Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 631-3870 or (800) 339-9930 FAX (661) 631-3872 CITY OF BAKE~IELD - OFFICE }F ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Cheste Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTR ICT/MODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TYPE OF APPLICATION (CHECK) [ INEWFACILITY [~MODIFICATIONOFFACI~ ]'Y [ ]I~WTANK]I~ST, aT.I~.TIONATEXISTI~OFAC1LITY STARTING DATE ....... PROPOSED CONflw..KI'ION DATE TYPE OF BUSINESS ( ;,;(;.~-'~'w,F~-.-,o,W' AFN # CONTRACTO~ CALICENSE NO... WATER TO FACE/FY FROVIDED BY t"?~, .,~ W:,~F DEPTH TO GROUND WATER 3~,/,Oo'. - SOE, TYPE ~ AT SITE SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNI1/R NI~ ASUR,~ PLAN ON FILE 2' S~CT~Or r ~,OR MO?O~t lrO~L T,~'K NO, V,oLUI~iE UNLEADED REOULAR FR25MIUM D/t~EL AVIA1/ON .~CT~ON FOR NON ] ~OTOR FUEL ~'OI~OE TANI~ ?m~r~ NO. VOLUUE ~ STO ~n C~ NO. ~ mU~V~OUSLY OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 rYPE OF ACTION [] 1. NEW SITE I::~RMIT [] 3. RENEWAL I::~RMIT ~,,,~. CHANGE OF ~NFORMATION (Soecn~ ct~ange. [] 7 PERMANENTLY' CLOSED SITE ~ Cnecx one ,tent only) [] 4. AMENDED I:~RMIT local use only]. [] 8. rANK REMOVED 400. [] 6. TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (Same a~ FACILITY NAME ag DBA - Doing Business As) 3 FACILITY ID BUSINESS ~ 1, ~S STaTeN - ~ 3. F~M D 5. CO~RC~L ~P~TNERSHIP ~PE ~ 2. DISTRI8UTOR ~ 4, ~OCE~R ~ 8. O~ER 7. FEDE~L AGENC~ 402. II. PR~ O~ER INFO~A~ON III. T~K O~ER INFO~ON CI~ 417. I ~ 418. ZIP~DE 419. TA~K O~ER~ ~ 2. INDNI~ ~ 4. L~AGE~/~T ~ 6. STA~AGE~ 4~. IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE AccouNT.NUMBER V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESP,~-ONS~IMTY' "':" INCqCATE METHOD(S) ~"""I.'.'.'~'Et. F4NSURED [] 4, SURETY BONO ~ STATE FUND [] 10. LOCAL GOV"I' MF._.CHAH[SM [] 2. GUARANTEE [] 5. LI=YII=ROFCJREDIT [] 8. STATEFUND&CFOLE'1"TER [] 99. OTHER: [] 3, INSURANCE [] 6. EXEMPTION [] 9. STATE FUND & CO 422. VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Chec~ one box to indicate wflic. J~ address st~ukl be u~ed fag legal r~iflcalk~'~s and mailing. [] 1. FACILITY r'~ 2. P~OPERTY OWNER ,~'_"_~ANK OWNER 423. Legal notifications a~l mailings will l~e Sent to the tm'~k o~ag unless ~ 1 ag 2 L~ ct~eciu~. . ~ VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE ', Ce~liflca~lon: I ceaJy that ~e info.'nation provided h~n is ~e ~d ~rate [o ~e b~ ~ my ~ge. ~ME OF AP~I~T (p TITLE I ' 427. - STATE UST FACILII'~ NUMBER (For'local use only) 428. 1998 uPGRADE CERTIFICATE N~JIvI~ER (For local use only) 429. '1 J UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS~swrcb-a.wpd .~,~-~.,~~ CITY OF BAtr~ERSF'IELD · _~.~ OFF~ OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~ ICES 171~ C~ester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 32~-3979 L T~K I-1 ~ ~W,~qr· 1715 Chest~P Ave., Bakersfield, CA 9.3301 (661) 326-3979 -' ~ '"-' UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS- TANK PAGE, L T~K ~T~~. , ~,.;~.~' ,~.~ ';. ~'.'~,.r:~,~,~ .~.-~ - ~ -~t~r~?:~=:~ ;~..:.' .. :.., '. :~'.~' ..> ~. ¥ ~. :-,. , T~:'~ ~.,.'... . · ;~,~.~:,.~'. '~ , .. ] ,. ~(~m~~ - 0 · ~T~~(~O) 0 !. ~(~W~V~T~ ~ · ~~~(o.~ ~ ~ ~z. ~~(o.~ ~ ~ ~~~(o.~ ~ rS. ~TO~L~~R~.0~~~~ ~ ~5. ~O~L~~~.O~ RE3TR~T~ ~ lT. ONLY ~ ~ECK ~ 17. ~LY ~ ~E~ · : ......~.':~ ~ ~E~E~T~ ~I~RE ~OFO TO (p~t) ~ 471 T~OF~~T~ ~ ~l~ ~ ~J · 473 ~~(~m~ 474 ~~ ~(~~ 'C~ tT/~) S:~CUP~R~C~8.~C ~', -~ CITY OF BAKEI~FIELD -.~,~. OFFI OF ENVIRONMENTAL $,VIC£$ 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)326-3979 UNDERGROUND sro~oe TANKS- TANK PAG~ ~ L T~K OE~ O~ c~ ~' ~~7~,.-~.. CiTY OF ~u~Ct~R~ 2. ~u~ w~ ~ ~. u~ ~ 2. ~U~EWAL~ ~ ~. OTHER TE~(O.~ ~) ~ · ~ · ~~~(o.t (~ 10. ~ tS. ~TO~~~R~.O~~~~ ~ ~S. ~O~L~~~.O~ ~E3TR~T~ ~ ~a. ~NU~~ST(O.~ ~) ~ ~a. ~~(O.J .': .. '...:.; ~OFO TO [~0 · 471 OF . 'CF (7/~1 S:XCUP~OR~C~ TRACER TIGHT® TEST RESULTS 10i21/2003 Shirley Environmental LLC Job No: 860169a 1928 Tyler Avenue, Suite K .Taco #705 (Fastrip #641) Exxon South E1 Monte, CA 91733 1200 Coffe Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 SYSTEM STATUS SYSTEM# PRODUCT SIZE TRACER TRACER DETECTED IN BACKFILL? Tank 1 Unleaded 12,000 W NO Tank 2 Plu~ 12,000 I YES Tank 3 Premium 12,000 E YES Soil pzrmcabilitT is ~reater than 89.1 datcys. GROUND WATER AND PRODUCT INFO AT INOCULATION AT SAMPLING DEPT. gl FROM GRADE 10106103 10/13/03 WATER TANK TANK TABLE BOTTOM TOP SYSTEM# H20 PROD ~-120 PROD (in) ~ (in) .... (in) Tank 1 0.00 68,00 0.00 79.00 I58 158 62 Tank 2 0,00 52,00 0.00 48,00 158 158 62 Tank 3 0.00 47.00 0.00 55,00 158 158 62 SITE COMMENTS Backfill in tank pit and piping trench consists of tA to ¼ inch pcs gravel amd sand., Ground cover over tanks is concrete and asphalt. TEST EVENTS INSTALLATION INOCULATION SAMPLING ANALYSIS 10106103 10/06f03 10113103 101I 6t03 FILL RISER - SPILL BUCKET TEST TANK# PASS/FAIL Tank 1 Fail Tank 2 Fail Tank 3 Pass I declare under penalty of perjury that I nm a licensed tank tester in the State of Ca.l:lfornla and that the information contained in this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Install/Inoculate CA Lic. No: Signature. Date Sampler CA Lic. No: Signature, Date TRC Analyst CA Lic. No: Signature. Date Test Comments Genera! Tanks 1 through 3 are double wall¢cl steel,. Product distribution lines are single walled fiberglass. Vent and vapor recovery lines arc single wal.led fiberglass. Tank 1 No Tracer W detected in backfill. Tank 2 . Significant levels of T.mcer I detected in. backfill. Most likely source, in area of the sump on tank 2. Tank 3 Highly si. gtfifi.cant levels of Tracer E detected in backfill. Most likely source, in area of the sump on tank 3. Tracer Research lob No. 860169a Page 3 ors Sample Date: 10/16/03 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration 001 E 0.0000 001 I 0.0000 001 W 0.00000 001 ,TVI4C 0.00000 002 E 0.0000 002 I 0.0000 002 W 0.00000 002 TVHC 0.00000 003 E 0.0000 003 I 0.0035 003 W 0,00000 003 TVHC 0.00000 004 E 0,0000 0O4 I 0.0038 004 W 0.00000 004 TVHC 0.00000 005 E 0.000I 005 I 0.0106 0O5 W 0.00000 005 TV"HC 0,00500 006 E 0.0001 006 I 0.0085 O06 W 0.00000 006 TVI:IC 0.00000 007 E 0.0048 007 I 0.0000 007 W 0.00000 007 TVHC 0.00000 008 E 0,0248 008 I 0.0029 008 W 0.00000 008 TVHC 0,00000 009 E 0,0013 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported i~ milligrmm/liter (mc/L). Tracer A~ and W values reported in milligram,qHter (mc/L), Tracer E, G, H, R, and I values reported in tnicrogram$/ljter (gtC/L). 0.00000 -- Not Detected -999999,99999 - No sample Tracer Research Job No. 860169a Page a, of 5 Sample Date: 10/1,6/03 CONDENSED DATA. Location Compound Concentration 009 I 0.0000 009 W 0.00000 009 TVHC 0.00000 010 E 0.0001 010 I 0.0000 010 W 0.00000 010 TVHC 0.00800 '011 E 0,0086 0!. 1 I 0.0000 011 W 0.00000 011 TVHC 0.00500 012 E 0.0167 012 I 0.0021 012 W 0,00000 012 TVHC 0.00500 013 E 0.0002 013 I 0.0000 013 W 0.00000 013 TVHC 0.00000 01,* E 0.0000 014 I 0,0000 014 W 0.00000 014 TVHC 0.00000 015 E 0,0000 015 I 0,0000 015 W 0.00000 015 TVHC 0.00000 016 E 0.0000 016 I 0.0000 016 W 0.00000 016 TVHC 0,00000 017 E 0.0000 017 I 0.0000 TVHC (Torsi VoIatile Hydrocarbon.n) values reported itl milligrams/liter (rog/L). Tra~r A, and W values reported in miltj.grams/litcr (rog/L). Tracer E, G, H, R, and 1 values reported in micrograms/Iit~r ([.Lg/L). 0.00000 ~- Not Detected -999990.99999 = No sample Tracer Research ,lob No. 860169a ?age 5 of 5 Sample Date: 10/16/03 CONDENSED DATA Location Comp on.nd Concentration 017 W 0.00000 017 TVHC 0.00000 87-Stp E 0.0000 87-Stp I 0.0000 87-Stp W 0.00000 87-Stp TVHC 0.87600 87-Tnk Atmular E 0.0001 87-Tnk Annular I 0.0000 87-Tnk Annular W 0.00000 87.Tnk Annular TVHC 0,00400 89-Stp E 0.0000 89-Stp I 0.0170 89-Stp W 0.00000 89-S t-p TVHC 0.33100 89-Tnk Armnlar E 0.0000 89 -Tnk Annular I 0.0000 89-Tnk Annular W 0.00000 89-Tnk Annular TVHC 0.00000 91-Stp E 0.1104 91-Stp I ~ 0.0040 91-Stp W 0.00000 91.-Stp TVHC 6.87400 91-Tnk Annular E 0.0000 91-T~ Annular I 0.0000 91-Tak Annular W 0.00000 91-Tnk Annular TVItC 0.00400 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (rog/L), Tracer A, and W values reported in milligrams/liter (rog/L). Tracer E, G, H, R, and ! values reported in micrograms/liter (lag/L). 0.00000 -- Not Detected -999999.99999 - No ~ample EXP ~.ANATION · ,_ Sampling Prob~ Lcoation Store ...... Approximate Pipeline Location I 12, ~ gal ht Tank I Tank 12,000 gal 12,000 ·racer ['~] Tracer [E] S H I R L E Y E N V I R O N M ~ N T A L Fa s t r ip 6 4 1 J a c o 7 0 5 Store ...... Approx/mate Pip~lino 6ocatiou I T~ 2 12, OOO gal I ~' /I~° /I~° /' ~- " / ~ ~ 0 10 ~ ~ m Tank ! Tank 3 Unleaded Super Fa s t rip 6 4 1 Ja c o $ 0 5 EXPLANATION · X Sampling Probe Lo=at,on Store ...... A~prox±mate Pipeline Locatio~ A s p h a 1 ~ Tank 2 I 12,~00 gal Plus Tracer III ) lank 1 Tank 3 Tracer [WI Tracer Fa S t rip 6 4 I Ja c o 7 0 5 E X P r~ A 1~ A T I 0 N · ~ Samplin9 Probe Locatic~ Store Soil Gas Value (~tL) A ~ p h a 1 Tank 2 Tracer Iii l , ~__~_~_ __~_ T~( i Tank 12,0~ gal ~2~00 Unleaded ~uper F a s t r i p 6 4 i Ja c o 7 0 5 TRACER TIGHT® TEST RESULTS 10/21/2003 Shirley Environmental LLC Job No: 860169a 1928 Tyler Avenue, Suite K Jaco//705 (Fastrip #641) Exxon South E1 Monte, CA 91733 1200 Coffe Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 SYSTEM STATUS SYSTEM# PRODUCT SIZE TRACER TRACER DETECTED 1N BACKFILL? Tank 1 Unleaded 12,000 W NO Tank 2 Plus 12,000 I YES Tank 3 Premium 12,000 E YES Soil permeability is greater than 89.1 darcys. GROUND WATER AND PRODUCT INFO AT INOCULATION AT SAMPLING DEPTH FROM GRADE 10/06/03 10/13/03 WATER TANK TANK TABLE BOTTOM TOP SYSTEM# H20 PROD H20 PROD (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (i.) (in) Tank I 0.00 68.00 0.00 79.00 158 158 62 Tank 2 0.00 52.00 0.00 48.00 158 158 62 Tank 3 0.00 47.00 0.00 55.00 158 158 62 SITE COMMENTS Backfill in tank pit and piping trench consists of ~A to ½ inch pea gravel and sand. Ground cover over tanks is concrete and asphalt. TEST EVENTS INSTALLATION INOCULATION SAMPLING ANALYSIS 10/06/03 10/06/03 10/13/03 10/16/03 FILL RISER- SPILL BUCKET TEST TANK# PASS/FAIL Tank 1 Fail Tank 2 Fail Tank 3 Pass 1 declare under penalty of perjury that I am a licensed tank tester in the State of California and that the info~'mationcontained in this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Install/Inoculate/~~/1/~ ~/k~tQ_~ CA Li'c. N o~9_.~ - ~/49/~/s S i gn atur e/~?/~F'_,,~ ?~'~//.~,~e~ Date TRC Analystk~;~gaeg ~cg~s.~y, CA Lic. No: ~3 -/~go Si~ature ~ ~ ~~ Date / Test Comments General Tanks 1 through 3 are double walled steel. Product distribution lines are single walled fiberglass. Vent and vapor recovery lines are single walled fiberglass. Tank 1 No Tracer W detected in backfill. Tank 2 Significant levels of Tracer I detected in backfill. Most likely source, in area of the sump on tank 2. Tank 3 Highly significant levels of Tracer E detected in backfill. Most likely source, in area of the sump on tank 3. T~acer Tight ~ SITE INFORMATION FORM [ Inoculation State Technician : '-~t~¢ ~- N4/C~'~ TracerTt~htOID I~: I 10 ~ I Ucense ~ : Tracer Job ~ : ~ [ ~q--~ ~mpli~ Tr~ce~hte State (~ ~ ~ ~) ~pth to ground water in tank pit ~n~Ret~ T.t~ Monthl, .~itori~ ~ .~n, date : [0 / t ~ ~ ~ at s~plin,/second visit (in inches): >[~ ~ in. ~ To be used for ~L ~ater In,tess Tests RoaSt V.~fic.~n U a~um Sample Vacuum Tank(,) w~e constantly & completely submersed in ground water f~ the ~ti~ T.nk(s) ~ (~est pro~ Vacuum on ~te) ~ ~ ~ duration of the 'test ? YES NO ~ NO ~ MO ~ NO ~ ~0 ~ NO Comments · Pmxair services, Inc., 3755 N. Bus, ness Center Drive, Tucson, AZ 85705 (520) 888-9400 ,,te:,~-,~-o~ CHAI'N OF CUSTODY RECORD P.0.~ o, ~- 7 9 ~.~ ~el~qu[~ ~~~) ~b Relinquish~ By: (SIg~tu~) R~a~: ~ Two Dam Sheem (one w~h ~C & ~e wRhout) PA~ eSF01 Rev.~ ~ ~ITE - R~m ~th aampl~ ~ ~ ,> PINK - ~nde~s ~py Praxair Services, Inc., 3755 N. Business Center Drive, Tucson, AZ 85705 (520) 888-9400 Job.: <~&o~b=t - ~,. Dete:~o-~.-~ CHAI'N OF CUSTODY RECORD P.~o~- o, z. c,..t: ~J,~::O =ri= 70.~" s,te..=.; F~"r~..¢¢ .~t~=/:>~\ Affiliate: ~'~\~4~y ~',~;~-O Collec'e~By: ~"~:>~L. ~ Tech, lD~: J~,~) ~¢.~ . LAB AeO~''~ Use Only %/~"~/ Probe(s) Depth(fi) Date Time Remarks Check One Remarks Relinquished By:. (Signature/Date) Lab Relinquished By: (Signature/Date) ~ ~'~ Ma.ximum Pump Vacuum (in .g) ~. Da~ta Sh®®t with TVHC By:. (SlgnatureK)ate) Lab Relinquished By: (S~gnatum/Dato) Remarks: [] Two Data Sheets (one with TVHC & one without) PART #SF01 Rev.03 05/2003 WHITE - Return with eamples to lab ~ PINK - Sender's Copy ,. /~PRAXAIR . Tracer Research Job No. 860169a Page 3 of 5 Sample Date: 10/16/03 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration 001 E 0.0000 001 I 0.0000 001 W 0.00000 001 TVHC 0.00000 002 E 0.0000 002 I 0.0000 002 W 0.00000 002 TVHC 0.00000 003 E 0.0000 003 I 0.0035 003 W 0.00000 003 TVHC 0.00000 004 E 0.0000 004 I 0.0038 004 W 0.00000 004 TVHC 0.00000 005 E 0.0001 005 I 0.0106 005 W 0.00000 005 TVHC 0.00500 006 E 0.0001 006 I 0.0085 006 W 0.00000 006 TVHC 0.00000 007 E 0.0048 007 I 0.0000 007 W 0.00000 007 TVHC 0.00000 008 E 0.0248 008 I 0.0029 008 W 0.00000 008 TVHC 0.00000 009 E 0.0013 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). Tracer A, and W values reported in milligrams/liter (rog/L). Tracer E, G, H, R, and I values reported in micrograms/liter (~tg/L). 0.00000: Not Detected -999999.99999 = No sample Tracer Research Job No. 860169a Page 4 of 5 Sample Date: 10/16/03 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration 009 I 0.0000 -009 W 0.00000 009 TVHC 0.00000 0i0 E 0.0001 010 I 0.0000 010 W 0.00000 010 TVHC 0.00800 011 E 0.0086 011 I 0.0000 011 W 0.00000 011 TVHC 0.00500 012 E 0.0167 012 I 0.0021 012 W 0.00000 012 TVHC 0.00500 013 E 0.0002 013 I 0.0000 013 W 0.00000 013 TVHC 0.00000 014 E 0.0000 014 I 0.0000 014 W 0.00000 014 TVHC 0.00000 015 E 0.0000 015 I 0.0000 015 W 0.00000 015 TVHC 0.00000 016 E 0.0000 016 I 0.0000 016 W 0.00000 016 TVHC 0.00000 017 E 0.0000 017 I 0.0000 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). Tracer A, and W values reported in mill/grams/liter (mg/L). Tracer E, G, H, R, and I values reported in micrograms/liter (lag/L). 0.00000 = Not Detected -999999.99999 = No sample Tracer Research Job No. 860169a Page 5 of 5 Sampli~ Date: 10/16/03 CONDENSED DATA Location Compound Concentration 017 W 0.00000 017 TVHC 0.00000 87-Stp E 0.0000 87-Stp I 0.0000 87-Stp W 0.00000 87-Stp TVHC 0.87600 87-Tnk Annular E 0.0001 87~Tnk Annular I 0.0000 87-Tnk Annular W 0.00000 87-Tnk Annular TVHC 0.00400 89-Stp E 0.0000 89-Stp I 0.0170 89-Stp W 0.00000 89-Stp TVHC 0.33100 89-Tnk Annular E 0.0000 89-Tnk Annular I 0.0000 89-Tnk Annular W 0.00000 89-Tnk Annular TVHC 0.00000 91-Stp E 0.1104 91-Stp I 0.0040 91-Stp W 0.00000 91-Stp TVHC 6.87400 91 -Tnk Annular E 0.0000 91 -Tnk Annular I 0.0000 91-Tnk Annular W 0.00000 91-Tnk Annular TVHC 0.00400 TVHC (Total Volatile Hydrocarbons) values reported in milligrams/liter (mg/L). Tracer A, and W values reported in milligrams/liter (rog/L). Tracer E, G, H, R, and I values reported in micrograms/liter (gg/L). 0.00000 = Not Detected -999999.99999 = No sample Praxair Services, Inc. EXPLANATION · 1 Sampling Probe Location S tore ....... Approximate Pipeline Location Asphalt ~" 17 Tank 2 12,000 gal I Plus 13 14 15 16 Tracer [t]  I. F----' ......... ~-~ C o)A n c r e t e 0 10 20 f e e t Tank 1 Tank 3 12,000 gal 12,000 gal 860169a Unleaded Super Tracer [W] Tracer [E] S H I R L E Y E N V I R O N ~4 E N T A L F a s t r i p 6 4 i J a c 0 7 0 5 1 2 0 0 COFFEE BAKERSFIELD , CALIFORNIA SAMPLING LOCATIONS Arc:860'169A4 Date:10-24-03 F i g U r e 1 Praxair Services, Inc. E X P L A N A T I O N · 1 Sampling Probe Location S to re ....... Approximate Pipeline Location Soil Gas Sample Value Q/g/L) Asphalt Tank 2 12,000 gal Plus (0.0002) 13 14 (ND) (ND) 15 {ND) 16 Tracer III )A I I 50A I I ~ Q3A I I 11~ I1~ I' Concrete o f e e t Tank 1 Tank 3 12,000 gal 12,000 gal 860169a Unleaded Super Tracer [W] Tracer [E] S H I t{ L E Y E N V I R O N M E N T A L F a s t r i p 6 4 i J a c o 7 0 5 1 2 0 0 COFFEE BAKERSFIELD , CALIFORNIA [ T r a c e r [ E ] D i s t r i b u t i o n } File:860169A2 size:A F i g U r e 2 Arc: 860169A4 Date: 10 - 24 - 03 Praxair Services, Inc, EXPLANATION · 1 Sampling Probe Location S tore ....... Approximate Pipeline Location Soil Gas Sample Value (0.0002) Asphalt Vents 0~0 lo 17 (ND} Tank 2 12,000 gal Plus (ND) 13 14 (ND) (NI)) 15 (ND) 16 I--" ........... Tracer [I] ~ I ~ DisID ~ ~ Disp ~ )A I I ~ OA I I ~ DA I I /1~ I1~ I ! Concrete f e e t Tank 1 Tank 3 12,000 gal 12,000 gal 860169a Un 1 eaded Super Tracer [WI Tracer lEI S H I R L E Y E N V I R O N M E N T A L F a s t r i p 6 4 i J a c o 7 0 5 '1 2 0 0 COFFEE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Tracer [ I ] Distribution File: 860169A3 Size:A Arc:860169A4 Date:10 24~03 F i g u r e 3 PRAIMIR Praxair Services, Inc. ~ EXPLANATION · 1 Sampling Probe Location Store ....... Approximate Pipeline Location Soil Gas Sample Value (mg/L) (0.0002) A s p h a 1 t Vents o~o lo 17 (ND) Tank 2 12,000 gal I Plus (ND) 13 14 (ND) (ND) 15 (ND) 16 I Tracer [I] k~ I -- [--~----~---0 0050 ------;-- 0050) A p h t ---~2,---t~ ..... I---I 12 ( . ) 11 ~0. s a 1 ~A ~ OA ~ OA ~ o~ Concrete ~1/ ~// I~, ~ (~, ~o ,o.oo~o, F, 1ol lo/ o -~°. ~ND~'° ~ I/"~° /wo I' ~ N VR / 0 10 20 DlSp DlSp Tank 1 Tank 3 12,000 gal 12,000 gal 860169a Unleaded Super Tracer [WI Tracer lEI S H I R L E Y E N V I R O N M E N T A L F a s t r i p 6 4 I Ja c o 7 0 5 1200 COFFEE B A K ~ R S F I E L D , CALIFORNIA T V H C D s t r i b u t ion i File: 860169A4 Size: t% Arc:860169A4 Date:10-24-03 F i q U r e 4 December 12, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL Fastrip 1200 Coffee Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: Propane Exchange Program FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE Dear Owner/Operator: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H'Slteet The purpose of this letter is to advise you of current code requirements for Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326.3~ propane exchange systems, such as "Blue Rhino" or "Amerigas." This does not FAX (661)395-1349 apply to large propane tanks, only propane exchange systems. SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Over the past two years this office has noted a dramatic increase in the propane Bakersfield, CA93301 .exchange system in the city of Bakersfield. It has also been noted, with great VOICE (661) 326.3941 FAX(661)395-1349 concern, that many of these installations are a clear violation of the UFC (Uniform Fire Code) and represent a danger to public health and safety. PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFE'~ SER~CES * ENVtROHMEHTN. SERVICES 1715 ChesterAvo. Accordingly, procedures for storage of propane cylinders awaiting use, resale or Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326.3979 exchange, have been adopted through BMC (Bakersfield Municipal Code) and FAX (661) 326-.0576 adoption of the 2001 UFC. The procedures are as follows: PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Storage outside of building for propane cylinders (1,000 pounds Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326.3696 or less) awaiting use, re-sale, or part of a cylinder exchange point FAX (661) 326.0576 shall be located at least 10 feet from any doorways or openings in FIRE INVESTIGATION a building frequented by the public, or property line that can be 1715 ChesterAve. built upon, and 20 feet from any automotive service station fuel Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 dispenser. (Note distance from doorways increases when FAX (661)326-0576 cylinders are over 1,000 pounds cumulatively.) TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victorave, Cylinders in storage shall be located in a manner which Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 minimizes exposure to excessive temperature rise, physical FAX (661)399-5783 damage or tampering (Section 8212, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition). When exposed to probable vehicular damage due to proximity to alleys, driveways or parking areas, protective crash posts will be required as follows (Section 8001.11.3 and 8210, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition): 1) Constructed of steel, not less than 4 inches in diameter, and concrete filled. 2) Spaced not more than 4 feet between posts, on center. '-'Q postage postmafi~ ~' ..-!' Certified Fee Here ', ~ p, emm Reclept Fee !E:3 (Endorsement fl°quffe~) ~ ~.1 Total po~t~ ", m ~ Fastdp · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Signature · Pdnt your name and addm~ on the ~v~e ~ ~ ~d~s~ ' SO that we can return the ca~ to you. B. ~lv~ b~dnted ~me) ~C. Date~f De~e~ · A~ach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ' D.'l~'de~e~ add~ d~emnt ~m ~em 17 ~ Y~ 1. ~icle Addm~ to: If YES, enter delive~ add~ belo~ ~ No ffee Road akersfield, CA 93308 o. ~i~Ty~ ~fl~ M~I ~ ~ MNI ~ R~iMe~ ~ R~um R~i~ for Memh~dl~ ~ Insu~ M~I ~ C.O.D. 4. R~~ ~live~ ~ ~) ~ y~ 2. ~icle Numar ff~r~m~i~l) ~ 7003 2660 0004 7652 2976 PS Form 3811,.August 2001 ~me~c R~um R~ipt ~o259~-~ Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lettcr~l~o To: OwncdOperators of Propane Exchangc Systems ' Re: Propane Exchan§c Program Dated: December 12, 2003 Page 2 of 2 3) Set not less than 3 feet deep in a concrete footing of not less than a 15 inch diameter. 4) Set with the top of the posts not less than 3 feet aboveground. 5) Located not less than 5 feet from the cylinder storage area. Exceptions: Cylinders storage areas located on a sidewalk which is elevated not less than 6 inches above the alley, driveway or parking area, with not less than I0 feet of separation between the curb and the cylinder storage area. "No Smoking" signs shall be posted and clearly visible (Section 8208, California Fire Code, 2001 Edition). Resale and exchange facilities must be under permit to verify compliance. All existing facilities will be checked and when compliance is confirmed, a permit will be issued. All new propane exchange systems must be permitted prior to installation. You will have 90 days (March 4, 2004) to comply with the procedures outlined. Once compliance has been confirmed, each exchange system will be issued a permit, which will be placed on the exchange system. Sites not conforming to current code, will be "red tagged" and must be taken out of service immediately. You should contact your Blue Rhino representative, Mr. Taylor Noland, or your local Amerigas representative. They are aware of current code requirements. If you do not have a propane exchange system, please disregard this letter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3190. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Petroleum/ Environmental Code Enforcement Officer