HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP. 1996BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROmCT NUMBER: DATE: NAME:' CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: I .,,,, /,~.~, S. PC.C FACILITY PLAN 'WORLD OIL CORPORATION 1999 E~N HIGH~Y. ~lT[ 20 8-[.s~,[Lo. c*L,~o.,,, ~== "'- ~c WEST TANK FARM, PR ODUCT SALES 9502 SOUTH GATE . TELEP~NE (805,~2~-826~~ ~fvs C~LTING ENGINEERS '* F~NDAT~N 8 STR~T~ EKINEERING ~ LAND PLANNING .... o,,~ ~a~. I SUNLAND REFINERY BAKERSFIELD, CA.' SOUTH GATE CA. 90280 ~" ' ' . ~ //~ ~C. ~ Io0ol _~ ,, i .' .. // / / / - / . ..,~.~ ~.~ ~ / / ~ / / -' .......... S.~CC FACILITY PLAN WORLD OIL CORPORATION .,::..,~o..,~.su,,,zo '' '-- J:'~- J I SOUTH TANK FARM.* REFINERY 930Z SOUTH GATE C~TING ENGINEER5 + FOUNDAT U RINO ~- LAND PLANNIN~I""°~P J' ' SUNLAND REFINERY' BAKERSFIEL~CA. SOUTH GATE CA. 9'0280 · * LEGE,VD ' ' :' =~ ..... "' '~'""" ~- ' ' ~ '~ ¢--- ¢ ¢7- -, ( ' %~ ' '~ ' -' ' 'i'. -~ ~' ' '. .~ , ' %" ._. ¢ , ' ~-- .~ . ~%% .~ · ~ . : > · . ,,, . , · %- · ~ ~ ~ . . ~.; . . . .'~ . . · :,- ~ ~ ,. ~.' - 5~'~'-~- ** ~ '~, ' ,,'"'.. 'x /~ '"~ ':~-~ . · - '. / - ~ ,: '-:7: .' '~ ~ ' ,. I ,' . .~;.'. ..~:;:..: ... - x, ~/ . .,.~ , ~ ~ ~ ........... . ........ / . ,. -~ '.,, ~~- ~ -%.:.. -.~ ~~ . · ",- .... ,.,.:: ' "'"' ' '" ' * ' ' ' ' '" ~'"~"'~'~¢ ' '~ ' ' -':' " "'{, b. ", i:'.', ~li:~.-~lll:-":~ '. i,./'.'~.. '-'.: ' ,' ~, r : .~Nw ~A' S:C :~'~-:~::':~:~~:~ ~:.~-' '.' -:i:~::: X ..- : . .~1.r ~... ,~.~.,. .~.. ?~..,,,.a, ~ ~" ". ~ ,~,,~ ~ '.x-~l' ']]' ~ 5 ',~ '~,,' ' ~, ~-, ' ~'~--% .... =---~ 4~ x .. ,-¢¢ ' '. ,- ~ ~ , ,,~m---%q .... ~ ~ · :1, ~J L. " . --~'.~ '~" ~__ t' ' · ~1,.,:I~~':,~~,,~ ~~- ~'~L~:L_!~ I~[~' i~, . ~ ,, -,.. ', ,- ~ ' - ,- , - - ' ,,~-- - ' , , L'~:',_':~_'~,',_:.-~ ---~i--:-~.--~, -~ ' ~ ~~- ~ j~ / ~. ¢%, / ' . ' · , .... · ~- --~~ '.' - ' ./_. ' ,. x' -:. ~ %' . :-: ~ .... e i,c,,,,~' /~o. -'~ l, o.c.,,,~. ; S. PCC FACILITY PLAN WORLD OIL CORPORATION __ ~999 E~SON HIGHlaY, SblTE 20 ~ a-~,sFl~o, c~,~o..~ s~o~ .... ~c NORTH TANK FARM 9302 SOUTH gATE TELEPHONE (805) 327-8267 C~LTING ENGINEERS~FOUNDATION~STRUCT~ ENGINEERING '~ LAND PLANNING .... ov[~ ', SUNLAND REFINERY *BAKERSFIEL~CA. SOUTH gATE ea 90~eO GREEN ACRES ~ U ~4,~C'~ W,4LL " NORTH TANK FARM SEE SH. ~ ...... O H TANK F u ~ REF ERY 1999 E~SON HIGHWAY, SUITE ZO [ TELEPHONE (805) ~2T-8267 ~ C~LTING ENGINEERS ~ FOUNDATION 8 STRUCT~ ENGINEERING * LAND PLANNING ,,,.o,t~ ~a~ SUNLAND RE FINERY' BAKERSFIEL _ Lr~' Postage '$ ' -" · 1.90 Q- Certified Fee '~ postmak  Retum Receipt Fee ]...~0 Here (Endorsement Required)  Rest~cted Delivery Fee (Endorsement'Required) r--I Total Postage'& Fees ICn I Reciplent'e Name Piease Print Clearly) (Tobe complet~ed by mailer) 'i:'----------L~..~...~~ .............. ............. : .... ~ .... -; .... I"-- ts~t~t~-~tt; T~C I~ [ 207 · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. A so complete A. Received by (P/ease Print Clearly) item 4 if'Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so thai we can return the card to you. , C. Signature · Attacl~;:his card ~ the back of the mailpiece, v~-"k .... ~) ~,_ i-I'~,gent or on the front if space permits. ^ ~4~,,~ Addressee 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1.? /~ Yes If YES. enter delivery address below:~] No A&S ENGINEERING INC 207 W ALAMEDA SUITE 203 BURBANK CA '91502 .- 3. Service Type ~ Certified Mail [] Express Mail ~ [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [] Insured Mail [] C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes 2. Article Number (Copy fr~m service label) _ 7000 0520 002! 9625 5002 PS Form 3811.,'iJ_uly 1999 .: : ' Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 UNITED ST,~I'ES POSTAL SERVICE First:Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS ~. Permit No. G.-IO · Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box ® '~' OFFICE OF ENVIRO19~F~AL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 OIL CORP. Via FedEx Overnight Mr. Emil Batch Sunwest Productions 10200 Meacham Road Bakersfield~ .CA 93312 Re: UST Removal Requirements Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Old Coffee Road, Bakersfield Dear Mr. Batch: It has come to the attention of World Oil Corp. (World) that you attended a meeting with the Bakersfield Fire Department on February 13,2001. The purpose of this meeting was to address the removal of the two underground storage tanks associated with the crude oil production wells located on World's property at 2152 Old Coffee Road. As owner and operator of the oil production.facilities, it is your responsibility to properly remove the tanks as requested by the Bakersfield Fire Department in their letter dated January' 26, 2001. Based On a recent conversation with Steve Underwood of the Bakersfield Fire Department, World was informed that in place abandonment of the two underground storage tanks was acceptable to the Fire Department. This method of tank closure is not acceptable to World Oil Corp. World requires that the UST's be properly excavated and removed from the property. In the event that soil contamination is encountered during tank excavation, remedial efforts must be employed to mitigate impacted soils related to the thnks to levels acceptable for closure from the Bakersfield Fire Department. Please provide notification to World regarding the schedule and method by which the tanks will be removed from the site. World's environmental conSultant, The Source Group, Inc., will be present onsite during tank removal activities. Therefore, we request that you provide 2-day advance notification to World prior to the tank removal activities Please direct all correspondence and questions to my attention at the letterhead address and feel free to contact me at (562) 928-0100. Sincerely, WORLD 011, CORP. John P. Hundley, R.G. Vice President, Environmental Affairs Cc: Christine E. Mirabel, VP & General Counsel ' Steve Underwood, Bakersfield Fire Department 9302 SO. GARFIELD AVENUE, SOUTH .GATE, CALIFORNIA 90280-3896 P.O. BOX 1966, SOUTH GATE, CALIFORNIA 90280-1966 TEL. (562) 928-01 00 · FAX. (562) 928-3234 SUN-EMIL BATCH-FEB 16, 2001.doc I..q Postage $ o 3~ '-Q Certified Fee ~[ · C~ 0 Return Receipt 'Fee ]. .~0 Here ~ (Endorsement Required) ' t--t Restricted Delivery Fee r'~ (Endorsement Required) r~ Tot~ postal'& Fee~ $ 3.74 H FU FRe¢iplent's Name ~please Print C~earljf) ~To be Completed by mailer) ! ~o~oo ~c~ ~o~ -- ........ C~,,~ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. it if Restricted Delive~ is desired. Prin"~r'your name and addr~ess on the reverse ~ so that we can return the card to you. [] Agent · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, i or on the front if space permits, address different from item 17 [] Yes , 1. Article Addressed to; If YES, enter delivery address below: ! Mr. Emil-Batch' , Sunwe;~t Production Co. [ 10200 Meacham Road . ' Baker~..sfield, CA' 93312 ~. Se~iceType ~ ~ ~ Certified Mail [] Express Mail I, '~ I, [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise! [ ' [~1 Insured Mai~ [] C.O.D. - 2, Article Number (Copy from service label) 10 0520 0021 9625 4753 '''"10259~ ~81 I, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt UNITED STATES POSYAL-SERIIit, E - ~..-'-'"',~ First-Class Mail. (~,- ~ivl '~'1 11 11~1 I PermirNcr~"-- ' Sender Please pri~yo}ur~m~;'address, and ZIP+4 In th,s box I .......... ! OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ] 1715 CHESTER AVENUE ' I BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 ~  CJal~-~Zete-items 1, 2, and 3. Also comp ete it .l~ if Restricted Delivei~ is desired. . Prin-[your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ~-~ignature · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ' X ..... ~ [] A~ent I ~.ls delivery address different from item 17 [] Yes 1. Article Addressed to: I -- If YES, enter delivery address below: Mr. Emil "Batch,. Sunwest Production Co. I- 10200 Meacham Road , Baker~sfield, CA 93312 I ~ 3. Service Type ! ::[] Certified Mail [] Express Mail ' [] Registered [] Return Receipt for M,erchandise [] Insgred Mail [] C.O.D. I ("~--~ / '~/5'"2- (~-~:~- -;~~) 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) 7~.~0 0520 '0021 9625 4753- · .~ PS I ~3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 April 5, 2001 Mr. Emil Batch .. Sunwest Production Co.. 10200 Meacham Rd. [~RE C.~EF Bakersfield, CA 93312 ' CERTIFIED MAIIJ RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Re: Failure to remove two (2) Underground Storage Tanks located at 2101 "H" Street 2152 Old Coffee Road, Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3941 . FAX (661) 395-1349 NOTICE OF VIOLATION SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Bakersfield, CA 93301 .VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 Dear Mr. Batch: PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. During a meeting held in this office on Wednesday, February 28, 2001, you Bakersfield, CA 93301 had committed to removing two (2) Underground Storage Tanks located at the VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661)326-0576 above-mentioned address. As of this writing you haVe failed to comply. ENVIRONMENTAL1715 ChesterSERVICESAve. Accordingly, you are in violation of Section 7902. of the Uniform Fire Bakersfield, CA 93301 Code (1997 edition). VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 · "Underground tanks which have been Out of service for a TRAINING DIVISION 5642 VictorAve. period of one year shall be removed from the ground and the Bakersfield, CA 93308 site restored in an approved manner." VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Therefore, Prior to May 5,2001, you shall bring the referenced facility into compliance with all applicable underground storage tank codes administered by this office. Failure to comply with the provisions of the code may necessitate legal action, including, but not limited to misdemeanor citation and/or injunctive relief. In addition, all work performed must be done under a permit issued by this office. A qualified contractor must be hired for the tank removal and a qualified company, or person, must be present to take samples. Mr. Emil Batch Sunwest Production Co. .Re: 2152 Old Coffee Road; Notice of Violation Page 2 Thank you in advanCe for your anticipated cooperation; and, should you have any questions concerning this Notice of Violation action or require further information, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Steve Underwood; Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/db ~ cc: Walter Porr, Assistant City Attorney John P. Hundley, World Oil Corp. S:~April200 IX2152 Old Coffee Rd.wpd · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) B. Date of Delivery item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired.. · Print your name and address on the.reverse C. Signature so that'we can return the card to you. D Agent · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X [] AddreSSee or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 17 [] Yes 1. Article Addressed to: if YE~S, enter delivery address below: ~ No Mr. Emil Batch .' ' Sunwest Production Co. 10200 Meacham Road Bakersfield, CA 93312 3. service Type .~:~:~:.;,*i:~.'.~'!~".~;~=.~:.~!;~f~i!?~;,:~i , ~] Certified Mail I-I Express Mail [] Registered D Return Receipt for Merchandise ' ~ Insured Mail ~ C.O.D. 2. ~icle Number (Copy from se~ice label) 7000 0520 0021 9625 4753 i PS Form 3811, Ju~y_1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 Ltl Postage $ ~ Certified Fee 1 o 10 r~ Return Receipt 'FeE *Postmark ILl (Endorsement Requim~ 1 o 10 Here r'3 Restricted Delivery Fe, I-3 (Endorsement Require( i' I'-! Total Postage & Fees $ 2.54 ru ~ rReclplent'a Name '~iea~e Print Clearl o be eom ' F.-i ~ $treet, Apt, No.; ;'r'~'~"~'~'~l~'. ................ . ...................... r-,; 9302 · Complete items 1, l/3. Also complete item 4 f Restricted desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the Card to you. ~ C. Signature · Attach this Card to the back of th~mailpie~,"- :- (~ or on the front if space permits. ~ ,. -------- ! ~__.,~. I'-IAgent I ~ ~0~ ~~ ~~ ~ ...... . ,,um~teml? ~Yes ~~~ I, ~ES, enter dehve~ address below: ~ No 9302 S C~IE~ AY ~ ~ Insured Mail ~ C.O D 4. Restricted Deliver? (~tra Fee) I 2. Adicle Number (Copy from se~ice labeO ~ Yes , PS Form 3811, JuJy 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M.1789 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE I First-Class ~°ostage & Fees Paid . ~SPS "r'Permit No. G-10 · Sender: Please print your name;' a~ldress, and ZIP+4 in this box · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 January26,2001 FiRE CHIEF Mr. John RON ~:R~E nunmey World Oil Corporation ADUINISTRATIVE SERVICES 9302 S: Garfield Ave CERTIFIED MAIL. 2101 "H".Street Bakersfield, CA 93301· ~' ' South Gate, .Ca 90280 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES RE: 2 Underground Storage Tanks That Are Not Permitted and Do Not 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Meet Code VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661)395-1349 ~REVEm~ON SERViCeS NOTICE OF VIOLATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakerstield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3951 SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE FAX (661) 326-0576 Dear Mr. Hundley: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661)326-3979 This office has made extensive inquires with the Division of Oil & Gas, FAX (661) 326-0576 with regard to original ownership of two underground storage tanks located on World Oil property. This undertaking has yielded little results. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 Clearly, the tanks are located on your property and as code requires, it is FAX (661)399-5763 World Oil Corporation's responsibility to remove them. These tanks located well # Armstrongl and Smoot #3 do not conform to underground storage tank regulations as adopted by CCR Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16. These tanks are also in violation of section 7902. of the Uniform Fire Code (97 edition). · "Underground tanks which have been out of service for a period of one (1) year shall be removed from the ground in accordance with section 7902.1.7.4 and the site shall be restored in an approved manner." Therefore, prior to February 26, 2001, you shall bring the referenced facility into compliance with all applicable underground storage tank codes administered by this office. Failure to comply with the provisions of the code may necessitate legal action, including, but not limited to misdemeanor citation and/or injunctive relief. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation; and, should you have any questions concerning this Notice of Violation action or require further information, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm B A'K E R S F I E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT November 20, 1996 FI~ CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'FI' Street MI'. DavidTroop Bakersfield,cs05) 326-3941CA 93301 Regional WaterQualityControl Board F~x (~) a~-13~ Central Valley Region 3614 East'Ashlan Avenue SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2~Ol *H' ~t Fresno Ca 93726 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (~)~9~-13,~9 RE: Preliminary Site Assessment Data for 1850 Coffee Road, Underground Condensate Knockout Tank Removal 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Troop: (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 Enclosed, plea~ find a copy of our agency's acknowledgment that the ENW~ONMEm^LSE~V~:ES removal activity and associated assessment has been completed. The information 171,5 Chester Ave. · Bakers~eld, CA ~3301 is being forwarded to your attention to be included as part et'the overall (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) a26~76 remediafion project file for the site. TRAININGDIVISION IFyouhave any questions, please give either me or Ralph Huey a call at 5642 Victor Street Bake~t~eld. C^ ~a~ (805) 326-3979. (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Sincerely, · Howard H. Wines, 1II Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm enclosures BAKERSFIELD FIRE.DEPARTMENT November 20, 1996 ~N~r,~a sa, am City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1501 Avenue 21m -H-s~ee, 't mxmn ~,a~. CA 9~1 Bakersfield, Ca 93301 (805) 3264941 RE: Underground Tank Removal at 1850 Coffee Road SUPPIIISSlON SB1VICIS 2101 'H' Street Bak~e~O. CA 9~01 De, ar Mr. R.oj~s: (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 The preliminary site assessment information on the underground torage ~m~mON ~c~ tank removed fi-om 1850 Coffee Road (previously Sunland Refinery) 1~ b~ 5a~ersfielct, CA 93301 received by this office. Although the test reports do indicate hydrocarbon (805) 326-3951 ~,x (~) 3~6.o~ impacted soil under the tank, the contamination will be handled as part of the overall site remediafion project undertaken by Sunland Refinery and over.~.,'n by m~N~tm^l ~m:u the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfiela. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 The preliminary site assessment information, along with our FAX (8O5) 32643576 · · correspondence on this site, is being forwarded to the Regional board. A~ the TRAINING DIVISION local-implementing agency, we consider the removal of the underground storage ~2 w~o~ s~, tank on this site and the associated documentation, to be complete. Bakersfiela, CA 93308 (80,5) 399-4697 ?AX (805) 399-5763 If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, h E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm cc: David Troop, Regional Water Quality. Control Board Ronald F. Ruettgers, Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District FR~M .~9. 16. LABORATORIES L~L S~S 63~5 SNO~ ~ ~te ~Lved: 08/30/96 ~F[~, ~ 93308, Attn: B~LL ~SZ~ 39~*0246 $~le Description: ~FFEB Method Constituent~ ~ Units P.O.L. Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 12000. mt/kg . 3000. EPAo418.1 ~ .",; Note: P~L's. were raised due eo high concen:ra~io'n cf targe~ analy~es .requiring CaLifornia D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 ,, ... Department SUperv's°r A1 results Ifs~ed bt ~e repo~t ire ~er th~ fxcfiiJlve use of (he subedttJfuJ party. 8C Leboratede~, inc. usumes no ~ fo~ rq)(~t aflerafio,, se~eratk2~, dee g tNd pray InfdqvmlJoe. ,4 'l ~ Ar. Joe ~-'c. · ~er. er,s~'ielcf, CA 9:~:3OE~. (ESC)~) ::~,T.?-,49'11 * FAX CES~ :3~7-q 918 LABORATORIES ;age Tot~ ~ectole~ ~oc~ns ~L S~S. Da~e Re~ed: 09/12/96 6315 SNO~ R~ Da~e Received: 08/30/96 At,n: BZ~ ~SZ~ 39~-0246 - · S~le Descrip~ion: ~FF~B ~. T~:* 2~ ~T SZDE S~ BY ROSZ~ S~ple ~tr~x: ·Sot~ Date Collected: 0~/30/96 · 11:35~ Da~e ~xtra~ed- 8020: 09/09/96 , DaCe ~al~zed- 8020: 0~/09/96 Practical Analysi · Reporting Quan~i=a= ion Benzene None De=cc=ed ~.g/k~ 0.2 Toluene None DeCecced ms/kg 0.2 Ethyl B~zene None Detected m~/k~ 0.2 To=al Xylenes None ~etected ms/kg 0.3 Su~oga=e % Recove~ 100. % ~0-130 ~..f,-:.:.~ ~-.; ~ TEST ~OD: TPH by D.O.~.S. / L.U.F.T. ~ual ~th~ - ~ified EPA 8015 Individual constituents ~ E~A ~=h~ 5030/8020. ~%~.~':'-*;':.:~:~:: ~:.:*::. ' ~ ~:.~".:. .~"~' . . .... - No=e: PQL's vere raised due Co high ccncen=ranion of hydrocarbons present s~le dilu=~cn.: · ~r ~-~ :?~:': ':;~: ";:;:"Y':[~ Ca -.,.,.~; :: .: .: :::~ 7~t:.?~.:.~ .. '., ,.;~:: ::~. ~ ., ...... :. .... %. ;;;r~ · .. :: - x~'..~ ~',;:~::.~ ":~",,'.; ~e~hod Constituent? Sample Results Units P.O.L. Ke~hod Total Recovecable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 5600. mi/kg 3000. ~PA-418.1 ..,~ .: · ,~',~;.. '.:; ..... '~. ":' '..~ .'. ~ '~-:'~,-~ . ~o~e: PQL'S were raised due ~o high concen~raei~ of targe~ anal~es' re~irin~ s~le dilution ....... ~:- '~ Califo~ia D.O.H.S. Cer=. ~1186 '~'~=' . 415 A=Iee C=. , Be~e~fielO. CA LABORATORIES ];,age ~u~gea~le Total ~eC~ole~ ~Td~ocaL'~ons r.~T~ SE~C~S -. Date Red.ed: 09/12/~6 6325 S~w R~ Da~e Re~i~d: 08/30/96 ~FIE~, ~ 9~308 5~orato~ ~o.: S~e ~tr~x: Soll Da~e Collected:' 08/30/g6 ~ Date ~acced- 8030 = Og/Og/g6 '. DaCe ~lyzed-~020: 0~/09/~6 Practical' Analysis Reporting ~P-,anti~at i on Constituents Results Unltq Limit Benzene None Detected n~/kg 0'[ 3 Toluene Nor. e Detected ms/kg 0.3 E~hyl Benzene N~e ~tec~ed ~/kg 0.3 Total Xylenes None Detec=ed ~/kg 0.~ TEST ~OD: TPH ~ D.O.H.S. / L.U.~.T. ~ual ~th~ - ~dified EPA 8015 ~ndivid'~l c~s~i~uents ~ EPA Ne~h~ 5030/8020. · , "~.::~?~.'.: , ; %:-...: ~ .~ ',,,~ · ~o:e:~'8 ~e~e ~se~ due s~le dilution. -,.. ::.., s:~== ~. ~==~ ~,,~,;,,,~ .,.;...?~:~;~ .~7i~: '::' '"' :" 41~ A:Ia3 Ct. · 8mke~fielO. F~CM ~9,16,1~95' 08s.~3 HO,- I P, 8 LAI~RATORIES Page Tota~ ~etroleum LUT~3LSERVZCES Da~e Reported: 09/11/96 6315 SNOW ROAD Da~e Received: 08/30/96. BAI~FZE~,' CA ~93308 ~raCo~o.: 9g~10178-3 ~n: BZ~ ~Z~ 399-0246 ~thod Constttu~n~ S~le ReSults · Units ~,O.L. ~eth~ Total Re~ver~le Petrole~ Hydrocar~ns. 3300. mg/kg 2000. EPA-418.1 ~.,~. . ':%,: ~o~e: PQL's were raised due co high concert'.ration of target analyCes re~irin9 California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~llS6 Department S~e~i sot '==/":: ~ .~.~..: 41 $ A~s ~. · ~skersfiel~. CA FiROM . a9.,I,$ ~,995 eg~29 NO. I P 4 LAE~RATORIE$ Page ~urgeable A~c~aticm ?~cal' Petroleum Xydrocacbonm ~~ZE~, ~ ~3308 T~a~o~ ~0.: 96-10178-3 A~: ~:~ ~gZ~ 39g-O2A6 S~le Desc~ipCi~: CO~E ~, T~: ~' ~8T SIDE ~ S~le ~ix: Soil Dang 'Date .ExC:acCe~- 8020: DaCe ~lyzed-8~20: Practical Arialys is ReDorging Quan ~ Results ,, Units ~enzene N~e Detected mg/kg O. Toluene N~e De~ecced mg/kg 0. 005 ~thyl Benzene N~e De=ec=ed mg/kg 0.005 ~o=al XTlenes N~e De~ec~ed mg/kg 0.01 Surrogate % Recove~ 83. % 90-130 :.'?~,:~)',:.""."' '~ Individual c~scicuenCs ~ E~A ~ech~ S030/8020, LUTI~L SERV~CKS Date Repo~ted: 09/11/96 6:315 SIK)W ~. ~ate Recei~d: 08/30/96 ~P[~, ~ g3308 · ~ato~ No.: 96-101~8-~ S~le DescriptOr: · COF~E' ~. T~: 6' ~ SZDE ~ BY ROSZ~ S~l~ng Da~/T~: 08/30/96 ~ 11:45~ Met,~od ,Constituents ~amp].e Results Uni~.~ ~ Method To~a~ Recoverable Hydrocarbons 2 0O 0. rog/kg 10 0 0. ~RA- 418.1 ~oce: ~h's were raised due ~o high concentration of car~ec analytes re~i~in~ ffRCN 09.16.[996 $8~3~ HO. ! P. $ LABORATORIES Puzge.~ble Aromac~.cs Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUI~t~ SERV/CE$ , Date Reported: 09/12/95 6315 S~OWROAD : Date Received: 08/30/96 BAKgRSPXELD, CA 93308 La~oratory ~ttn: BZ~ ROS~ S~le-Descript~: CO~EE~. ~: 6' ~ST SIDE~D BY ROSZ~ S~le ~ix: Soil Date Collected: C8/]0/96 · 11:~5~ Date ;xb~cCed-8020:'09/10/96 '. Date ~lyzed'8020; 09/10/96 P~acCicaZ ~lysis ~o~in9 ~titation Constltu~n~s Re~lts Units ~enzene N~e De=et=ed m~/kg 0.00S Toluene N~e De=acted ~/kg 0.00S Ethyl Benzene N~e ~tected mg/kg 0.005 To~al Xyl~nes N~e ~ec~ed ~kg 0.01 Surrogate % Recove~ 91. % 70-130 ~f~.?:~.:"~ In.vidal constituents ~ EPA Meth~ 5030/8020. WA~E DESCRIPTION -- ~ ~ GENERATING PR~ESS /' - '-, ..... " COMmNEN~ O~ WASTE ' ' 'PP~ ~ CO~NENTS O~ WASTE .~' p.~ ~ ' /HANDLING INS~CTIONS: · ' ' .~ . THE' ~NE~TOR CERTIFIES THAT I . ~ ~ ~ ITHE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100%1 ~ IJ ~ . ~ __~ ~. ~PED OR PRINTED F~LL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE . EPA I ~. ...... · .~: :--~-.'.. __ --~-~...'.~-' · Double D Rec~lin~ . . _ _~:'*:. · ,.,':" ;'" 340 D~nie~ L~ne P.O. Box 7050~ Invoice No. 1 :': :..i:.' E~ke~eld, CA g3307 CA Cert~_ carlo2 No~ RC 5782 '-, '" Nsrl~ ' -- ' ":':'~.. . .~. ^~mss .. .... "'" .....~- Vehicle License · ::q:.-~:,i:.., .-., - · ~ TARE _~' LBS.- DESCRIPTION BASIS* ADJ PER LB. AMOUNT ALUMINUM COPPER BRASS .....- . RADIATORS .. :'i::::':".-":' :,:'::. /'~ ?GO IRON j.~,:., . v. ""' ' '" ,GLASS PLAST10 ALUM. OANS ....................... TIN ............................................. : .......................... BODIES OTHER · ' TOTAL. // - WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is recognized authorib/of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California ~" · Department of Food and Agriculture. 'B A K E R S F I E L ~D FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ November 20, 1996 FlEE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KElly Mr. Raul Rojas ADMINI~3~'I: ~RVIC~ City ofB&emfield ~b~e Wor~ Dep~ent 2101 'H' ~t 1501 T~ Av~ue (~) 32v39~ B~ersfidd, Ca 93301. ~: Under~o~d T~ Remov~ at 1850 Coff~ Road SUP~N SE~ 2101 'H" ~, c~ ~ De~ ~. ~oj~: (~) 32~3941 F~ (~) 39~1~9 The prc~ site ~scssmcnt ~omfion on ~e ~d~o~d ~or~c ~ ~,m,~o. c~,~ r~eived by ~s offi~. ~ou~ ~e tern repo~s do ~te hy~o~on (~) 32~3951 over~ site rem~afion proj~ ~de~en by S~d Re~ ~d overs~ by mw~ma~ ~ the Re~o~ Water ~ ConSol Bo~d. Boke~field, CA 9~1 (~5) 32~3979 F~ (~) 32~76 The pre~ site ~ssment ~omfio~ ~ong co~esponden~ on ~INING OlVI$10N IOC~ ~plement~g ~en~, we ~nsider the remov~ of~e ~der~o~d ~or~e ~2 Victor Strut BakersfielO. CA 93~ t~ on tbs site ~d ~e ~sociat~ docmentafio~ to be compl~e. (8~) 3~-~97 F~ (~) 3~-57~ ~you Mve ~y questions, ple~e c~ me at 326-3979. S~cerely, ' ~dous ~tefi~s Coor~tor cc: David Troop, Regional Water Quality Control Board Ronald F. Ruettgers, Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District Double D Recyclin l :~:~.~:~'"~:':: ~' ~~ld, CA ~7 CA ~cafion No. :RC 5762 :;'. ?" .~ ... .. ':::~:-':..: ~, ~: :.'. ' Name ~ ......... .,.-~..~ ..,, ', · . :-'.:;.. : ?:-,. %; .:. ..... ~' ':'~:"~:'"';'~L~. DESCRI~ION BASIS* ADJ PER LB. AMOU~ : ;~ ~ .'" ALUMINUM ': -:~?': :" ~"'~" BRASS ~?~O. IRON GLASS ~:~':;,-'. · PLAS~C :: ..... BODIES · OTHER TOTAL : (C) ~MMI~LED (~P) SC~P ' ~EI~HMA~ER CERTIFICATE ~' ~lS IS TO CER~ ~at ~e foiling de~ri~ ~mm~ ~s ~igh~, measured, or ~unt~ by a ~ighma~er, ~ose signa~m is on ~is ceffificate, ~o i~ r~n~ed au~ori~ ~ accuracy, as pm~r~ b~ Chapter 7 and ~ro~o~ion, ~, administered b~ ~ ~i~sion o~ Moa~ur~mont ~ndards ~ th~ Gali~mia '?" ' ~pa~ent ~ F~ and Agdcul~re. ~ ~ .' ~E~E~TI~' ~OOES~'~~'R'~ ~E'~.. -,.. "(: .:.l. ~. :il ':l~'l'??::?' ." .... {lll l., ".' '':>:I'?L{I ~''''l~: : .:..l'~ ' ' l'l "''l' 5~:'' DESCRIBED IS 100%J- ~ Jj ~ . ~ j ~ ~ ~: ~PED OR PRINTED F~LL NAME & SIGNATURE ' ' DATE ~-': ' . EPA ~' ." ":~,::~:-' .' '.' ' -' : . :~.;' ., EPA ..... 2-:~ .: ?'~:? .,~: ~.::. ~,?. Al.::,.:.1 ....... ~~RE'~'~;~'~-~S??~ :.-~ .... ~ - '- ''-- P ~ TEDF~ N" ~1 N ...... ~' "-~'~';~' :."?~-'- ' "~?.;~'?"~ ........... "' ..... ~?< .. : .... ...... ~ .... ~,~ , ~. .- ..,~.A~RE .... . ...... ,.~ ....... . , ~ ,~.~ ~.~:~.~. DATE ' - ~..~,.,1 .... ' .: - . . , ....... ~:-,.~ :, ,: .... ~,~?~'~::~::~Z,.,~/,' M'~.~'~.~e~?: ::,~','~"LC~'~'~'%:"~?'~'~:~,~'~:,',?I1 F~O~ 09.16.I996 08{)4 ~0. I P. LABORATORIES Page Total Petroleum Hydroc&rb~ne LUTREL SERVICES Date Reported: 09/11/96 6315 SNOW ROAD Date Received: '08/30/96 BAKeRSFIeLD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.= 96-10178-& Attn: BILL ROSICA 399-0246 · · · Sam~le'DescrlPtion: COFFEE RD. TANK: 6"WEST SIDE SAMPLED BY ROSICA .! S~m~01ing Date/Time: 08/90/96 · 11:4~AM Method ~on~t~tu~nt~ ~ample R~$ul=~ U~it~ ~.O.L. Me~h__~ Total ~ecoverable Petroleum ~ydrocarbons " 2000. mg/kg 1000. ~PA-418.1 ...... Note:-- P~L'-~ were ~a'~se¢ d~e ~o h~gh concentra~ion-o~--~ar~e~ analyte~ requ~n~ ....... ~ ~Rs h~ ~ this m9~ ua for t~ exctu~ uu ~ ~ s~ ~. SC Ln~ra~es, l~ assume{ flo ms~ns~ty ~{ ~p~ ~er~, ~ralofl. ~tochm~ or ~l~ ps~ ~temretntion. *' ~ FR~M 0~.16.1~6 0~ HO. I P. ~ LABORATORIES Page 1 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUTREL SERVICES i Date Reported: 09/11/96 6115 SNOW ROAD , Date R~ceived: 08/30/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 ~ Laboratory No.: 96-10178-3 At:n: BILL ROSICA 399-0246 Sample Description: COFFE~ ~D. TANK: 2~ W~ST SIDE SAMPLED BY ROSICA Sampling Date/Time: 08/$0/96 · 11:&lAM Method Co~.ttu~n~s S~mple.Resul~s Uni:s P.O.L. Method. Total Recoverable Petrole~un Hydrocarbons 3300. ~g/k9 2000. EPA-~18.1 Note': PQL~_s were raised due co.high ¢oncen:ration of-target analytes requiring s~01e dilution. 41 ~ A:!es ~. · Bakersfield, OA FROH 89.16.1996 88=33 NO. ! P. ? LABORATORIES Pa~e ~ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons L~TREL SERVICES Date Reported: 09/11/96 6515 SNOW ROAD Date Received: 08/30/96 BAY~RSFIELD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.: 96-10178-2 Attn: .BILL ROSICA 399-0246 Sample Description: coFFEE RD. TANK: 6' ~AST SIDE SAMI~D BY ROSICA Sampling Date/Time: 08/30/96 ® 11:37AM ~ Hethod Constituents SamPle Resul~ Units P.0.L. Meth94 Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~ 5'600. mg/kg 3000. EPA-418.1 Note: PQL'~ were raiae~ due ~o high concentration of target analytes requiring s~01 e dilution. '~[~:~f~;;~:,~-: ~' ~i~; ~ C '~?;,~;:~mm .......... 'r'~'~' ....... "' Cal~forn{a D.O.H.8. Cert. ~i86 "~// ~. - ~ ~ A~IGe C~, ~ Beke~iela, ~A 9330S, C~) 3~-~-~1 ~ · FAX [~] ~7-1 ~ S LABORATORIES Page Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUT~L SERVICES Date Reported: 09/11/96 6315 SNOW ROAD Date Rece£ved: 08/30/96 ~3~KERSFIELD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.: 96-10178-1 Attr~: BILL ROSICA 391-0246 sample Description: COFFE~ RD. TARK: 2' ~AST SiDE SAMPLED ~Y ROSICA Sampling Date/T/me: 08/30/96 ~ ll:)SAM ~thod Constituents ~ S~u~31e Results Units ~.O.L, Method Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 12000. n~g/kg 3000. EPA-41S.1 Note: ~QL's were raised due to high concentragi6n o~ target anal~es re~irin~ Ca,'fornia D.O.H.S. Cer~. ,1186 41~A~Ia$ OG..~ ~eKersfield, CA FRCM 09.16.[996 08~30 NO. 1 P..5 LABORATORIES Page Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum HydroCarbons LUTREL SERVICES Date Reported: 09/12/96 6315 SFOW'ROAD Date Received: 08/30/96 .- BAKERSPIELD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.: 96-10178-4 Attn: BILL ROSICA 399-0246 Sample Description:. COFpEE RD. TANK: 6' WEST SIDE SAMPLED BY ROSICA Sample Matrix: Soi'l Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: 09/10/96 Date Analyzed-8020; 09/10/96 Practical ........... /~alysis Reporting Quantltatlon Constltuent9 '' ReSults _ Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/k9 0.005 Ethyl Benzene / None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected m~k9 0.01 Surrogate % Recovery.' 91. % 70-1~0 TEST 5~THOD: TPH by D.O.H.$. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 503'0/8020. FAX [~] ~7-~ 9~ ~ FROH , 09.16. ~996 08~29 NO. I P. 4 LABORATORIES Page 1 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum l{ydrocarbons LUTREL SERVICES Date Reported: 09/12/96 6315 SNOW ROAD Date Received: 08/30/96 B~d~.ERSFIELD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.: 96-10178-3 Attn: BILL ROSICA 39'9-0246 Sample Description: COFPEE RD. TANK: 2~ W~ST SIDE SAMi~L~D BY ROSICA Sampie Matrix: Sol1 Date Collected: 08/30/96 ~ 11:41AM .Date.Extracted-8020: 09/10/96 Da~e $u3alyzed-8020; 09/10/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Qua~.titatlon Constituents Re~lts Un, ts Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mB/kg 0.005 To=al Xylenes None Detected mg/k~ 0.01 Surrogate % Recovery 83. % 70-130 TEST M]~THOD: TPH by D.O H.S. / L.U.P.T. Manual Method ~ MOdified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. FROM 09. 16. 1996 08:2? NO. I P. 2 LABORATORIES Page [~rgeabl e Aromat£cs and T°tal Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUTP~L SERVICES Date Reported: 09/12/96 6315 SNOW ROAD Date Received: 08/30/96. ~A~RSFIELD, CA 93308 Laborator~ No.: 96-10178-1' Attn: BILL ROSICA 399-0246 . Sable Description: COFFEE P.D. T~: 2' ~AST SIDE S~MPLED BY ROSICA Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 08/30/96 ® 11:35~! Date Extracted-8020: 09/09/96 Date Stnalyzed-8020: 09/09/96 Practical Analysi s Report ing ~antitat ion Constituents . Re~plts .... Units . . Limi~ . Benzene None De~ecte~ mg/k~ 0. ~ Toluene None De~ec~ed mE/kg 0.2 E~hyl Benzene None Detected m~/k~ 0.2 Total Xy[eaes None Detected m~/kg 0.3 Su~ogaCe % Recove~ ~00. % ~0-130 TEST ~THOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. M~ual ~hod - ~fie~ ~PA 8015 Indlvlduai constituents by E~A ~=h~ 5030/8020. Note: PQL'S were raised due to high concentration of hydrocarbons present requtrin9 sample d~lution. :' ?: , 41~ Atlas ~. t Bake~field. CA 9~ · [~ 3~7-4~11 · FAX [8~) 327-I ~1 ~ UdTR~L SERVICES Date Reported~ 09/12/96 6315 SNOW ROAD Date Received: 08/30/96 E~AKBRSFIELD, CA 93308 Laborator~ No.: 96710178-2 Attn: BILL ROSICA 399-0246 Sample Description: COFFEE RD..TA~K: 6' EAST SIDE SAMPLED BY ROSICA Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 08/30/96 e Ll:37AM % Date Extracted-8020: 09/09/96 DaCe Analyzed-8020: 09/09/96 Prac~ical ~nalysis Reporting Quantitatlon Constituents Re~ulDs ~ni t.~,. ~imit .. Ben~.ene None Detected m~/k~ 0.3 Toluene N~e ~ected mg/kg 0.3 ~thyl Benzene None ~tected mg/kg 0.3 Total Xylenes : None Detected ~/kg 0.5 Surrogate % Recove~ ~ 95 % 70-130 T~ST ~THOD: ~H b7 D.O.~.~. [ ~.~.~.g. ~nu~l ~tho~ - ~d~f~d ~ 8015 Individual constieuonts by ~l ~e~hod 5030/8020. ~ote: ~L's were raised due =o h~gh co~centra~o~ of hyarocar~.s 9re,eat re~i=iag s~le dilutlon. ' WI resulb Ifsbd ~ tNs ~p~ are for t~ exclusive use ~ the su~ pe~y. 6¢ Laboratory. I~. asswes no res~o~sla,ly ~r ~1 alteral~, Mparatb~ detachment e~ Ihir~ pa~y Inter?relation. 41 ~ Atlas Ct. · BakersfielO, GA 833~ · (~05) 327~91 I · FAX {805) 3~7-~ 918 Official Business j;ZENAi~Ty. FOR~PRtVA~T~  OF POSTAGE, $300 Print yoUr name, address and ZiP Code here · CItY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT OFFICE OF ENVIRONNENTAL SERVICES 1715~CHESTER AVENUE, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 I '-- Complete items 1 and/or 2 for'additional services. ~ Complete items 3,~a & b. J also wish to receive the r' ? Print your name entrees on the reverse of this foil, ;ervices {for an extra ~ return this card to you. form so that we can feel .~ · Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. ~ 1. [] Addressee's Address · Write "Return Receipt Requested' on the m ' ' ~'~ · The Return Receint w ............. a'?lece bel°w the ar1:lcle humbert 2. [] Restricted Delivery o~ delivered. - ...... u w,om tne art cie was delivered and the date ;onsult postmaster for fee.  3. Article Addressed tO: 4a. Articl Number ~BILL ROSICA P-024-368-66411850 COFFEE ~ ~'U~L'--/R~CrING 4~b. Serv,ce Typ~ L.J Registered [] Insured o~[ 315 SNOW ROitkD [~ertified [] cor~ u~ B-A~ERSFIE~) CA 93308 [] Express Mail [] RetUrn Receipt for ~ i ' · 7. -of Merchandise ~T~( ]~df~ 0 (~/ 8. Addressee's Address (Only ,,Weste~ ~16' Si~natu~ .... ~ and fee is paid, ~ S Form 3811, December 1991 - ~u.s.~po: ~.~a-ase-?~4 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT · B A' K E R S F I E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT Bill Rosica .October 31, 1996 .,EC.~F Lutrel Trucking Inc. MICHAEL R, KELLY 6315 Snow Road ~M,.,S.~.VES~RV,C~S Bakesfield, CA 93308 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield,(805) 326-394CA 933011RE: Sunland Refinery at 1850 Coffee. Road FAX (805) 395-1349 CERTIFIED MAIL SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Rosica: (8O5) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for PREVENTION SERVICES' the submission of documentation to this office related to the decontamination, 1715 Chester Ave. BakerstJeld, CA93301 removal, disposal and laboratory analysis for1 underground tank at the' above (805) 326-3951' FAX (805) 3260576 referenced property. E~V,.O.ME.TA' SERViCeS Our reCOrds indicate that you were required to submit the documentation 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA93301 to this office within five (5) days after the results are available. Since your (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 underground tank was removed on August 28, 1996, sufficient time has elapsed for these documents to have been submitted as required. TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA93308 Therefore, within seven (7) days of this letter, please submit the (805)399-4697 necessary documentation relating to the aforementioned underground tank FAX (805) 399-5763 removal. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call me at 326-.. 3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Ralph Huey r iF. (5'/'-'' ,NVO,cE NO. ENVIRONMENTAL ~S PEFROL£E~I/ J. ~. EGBN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS COUP, ~KERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911; FAX 327-1918 BKRSH cLIENT NO. P.O. NUMBER DATE ~9.'12-96 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SUBMITTED ON LABORATORY SAMPLE NO. 1715 CHESTER SUITE 300 08-29-96 cJ6_10107 Attn: ' R, E, HUE¥ 326-3979 '. SUBMITTED BY BAKERSFIELD,, CA 9:3301 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TERMS: NET 30 DAYS PAGE I . · QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE UNIT AMOUNT 1 'SO1 SLUDGE SAMPLED BY R. HUEY SAMPLES: 1 1 ORGANICS: 'EPA 8015 - Fuel Fingerprint, 106 140.00 140.00 DISPOSAL CHARGES DISPOSAL CHARGES 5.00 $14§. 00 RECEIVED - HAZ. MAT. DIV. PLEASE REFER TO THE INVOICE NUMBER ABOVE WHEN MAKING YOUR PAYMENT. THIS IS YOUR INVOICE -- WE DO NOT ~TEM~ZE AGAIN '-- INVOICE NO. ~ETROLE~. J' ~' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 ATLAS COUP, ~KERSFIELD, ~MFORNIA 93308 PHONE327-4911; FAX 327-1918 BKRSH CLIENT NO. * ' eO. NUMBER DATE ' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SUBMI~ED ON ~BORA~RY SAMPLE NO. ttt~: I.E. HUE~ 3~-3979 SUBMI~EDBY BAKERSFIE~ 'CA 933ez CZr~ 0F TERMS: NET 30 DAYS PA~E .. 1 QUANTITY DESCRI~ION OF SERVICE UNIT AMOUNT Z 5el - SLUDGE sAmPLES: I ORGANICS: EPA 8015 - Fuel Fingerprint, 106 140.00 140.~ DISPOBA~ BAMP~E 1 DISPOSA~ SAMPLE 5.00 $145. ~ PLEASE REFER TO THE INVOI~E NUMBER ABOVE WHGN MAKING YOUR PAYMENT. THIS IS YOUR INVOICE -- WE DO NOT ITEMIZE AGAIN LABORATORI EE S, I N C. ' September 11, 1996 R.E. HUEY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1715 CHESTER SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Subject: Laboratory Submission No.: 96-10107 &'96-10184 Samples Received: 08/29/96, 08/30/96 Dear Ralph, The samples (s) listed on the Chain of Custody report were received by BC Laboratories, Inc. 08/29/96, 08/30/96. Enclosed please find the analytical data for the testing requested. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact me at (805) 327-4911, Any unused sample will be stored on our premises for a minimum of 30 ~d~.~.~ (excluding bacteriologicals) at which time they will be disposed unless'~$~therwlse requested at the time of sample receipt. A disposal fee of $5. per sample may apply for solid sample matrices. Please refer to ~ubmission number 96-10107 & ' assistance. ·Sincerely, BC Laboratories Inc · RECEIPT FORM - /~ ~ 'C~c.~ RECEIVED Y' ~ Federal Express ~ UPS ~ Hand Delivery e Chest ~ ~~~' BC Lab Field Service ~ Other ~ (Specify) ~ Non~~ ..... Other ~ (Specify) SAMPLE CONDITION °C Ice ~ Blue Ice ~ None~~' If temperature is not between 2 and 6 °C please explain: Temperature Custody Seals: Ice Chest ~ Containers ~ Non~~ All samples received? Ye~o ~ All samples intaCt? Ye~No ~ Description match COC? Ye~.No SAMPLE CONTAINERS QT PE UNP QT INORGANIC M~ALS PT INORGANIC M~ALS N FORMS SULFIDE ~ox COD PHENOL TRIP BLANK VOA VIAL O~L & 0~O~ RADIOLOGICAL BACT 507 508/608/8080 525/625/8270 8 OZ. JAR 32 oZ. JAR ~.o rn pleted by: ~, IF:\W P60\D AT A~DO C S~SHE] LAH~FORMS~SAMREC .FRM LABORATORIES Page EPA 8015M Fuel Identification / Quantitation Summary CITY OF BA/~ERSFIELD Date Reported: 09/10/96 1715 CHESTER SUITE 300 Date Received: 08/29/96 BA/{ERSFIELD, CA 93301 . Laboratory No.: 96-10107-1 Attn: R.E. HUEY 326-3979 Sample Description: SO1 SLUDGE SDAHPLED BY R. HUEY Sample Matrix: Sludge, Liquid Date Collected: 08/29/96 ® 10:15AM Date Extracted: 09/04/96 Date Analyzed: 09/06/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Light Naptha None Detected mg/kg 40000. Aviation Fuel None Detected m~/kg 40000. Stoddard / White Spirits None Detected mg/kg 8000. Heavy Naptha / Ligroin / Petroleum Benzin None Detected mg/kg 8000. Gasoline None Detected mg/kg 8000. JP 4 None Detected mg/kg 8000. JP 5 None Detected .mg/kg 8000° JP 8 None Detected mg/kg 8000° Kerosene / Jet'Fuel None Detected mg/kg 8000. Diesel None Detected mg/kg 8000. Crude/Waste Oil 240000. mg/kg 40000. Hydraulic/Motor Oil None Detected mg/k~ WD-40 None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 121. % 64-137~ METHOD: 8015M DOHS LUFT MANUAL Boiling Range: 70 - 300 C Mixtures of 'hydrOcarbons are identified by a b a '~'~%~"~?'~"'~' ~f~n'ge~r~nt.' Hydrocarbons that fall within a boiling range bu~ ~Ot ,he patte~:~are ~antitated versus the fuel that corresponds with boiling but af~alified~ with' a note. ~*~~ Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes re~iring s~ple dilution. California_D_O.H.S. Cert. _~~ 186 Stuart G. Buttram Department SUpervi s'or All results lis?ed in this report are for the exclusive use of the Submitting partY. SC Laboratories, Inc. ~ssumes no ~esponsibillty for report alteration, separ;~tion, detachment or third party interpretation. - - - 41 O0 Atlas C~. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 32~491 I · FAX (805) 327-1818 -- iBC EABORAT~ORIES INC. ~1~ ~~----~AMI~RECEIPT FORM-R.v. No. 2-1,/s5 ,,F~,,. ..~-~ (..~[o/~ ~'"~ .~,w.,~ ~: t~p~.~ .=,w.,~ ~o ~:1 .~,v~. SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS SHIPPING CONTAINER Federal Express ~ UPS ~ Hand Delivery ~ Ice Chest Box_ ~ Other ~ (Specify) Non~ Other ~ (Specify) BC Field Service SAMPLE CONDITION Temperature °C Ice ~ Blue Ice U NoneS.. If temperature is not between 2 and 6 =C please explain: Custody Seals: Ice Chest ~ Containers ~ None ~ All samples received7 Yes~No ~ All samples intact7 Ye~o ~ Description match COC7 Ye~o ~ SAMPLE CONTAINERS =~ QT PE UNP i} PT PE UNP QT INORGANIC M~ALS ~ PT INORGANIC M~ALS ~[ CN '~ N FORMS ~ SULFIDE ,~ NO~O~ =~1TOC TOX COD ~ PHE,OL ~ TRIP BLANK ~) VOA WAL :~ OIL & GREASE ~ ODOR RADIOLOGICAL BACT 5~ ~ 507 ~ 508/608/8080 '~ 515.1/8150 i 525162518270 ~ 547 '~ 531.1 [548 :~ 549 =~ ~IQC ~" QT AMBER ; 8 OZ. JAR ; 32 OZ. JAR ~mme~a: ~mpleted by: IF:~WP60~DATA~DOCS~HBLAH~OffiS~REC.Fffil LABORATORIES ', 'Page EPA 8015M Fuei Identification /_Quantitation Summary CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Date Reported: 09/10/96 1715 CHESTER SUITE 300 Date Receivedi -09/01/96 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Laboratory No. 96-10184-1 Attn: R.E. HUEY 326-3979 Sample Description: 501 SLUDGE Sample Matrix~ Soil Date Collected:. 09/01/96 ® ll:37AM Date Extracted: 09/04/96 Date Analyzed: 09/06/96 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Light Naptha None Detected mg/kg 3000. Aviation Fuel None Detected mg/kg 3000. Stoddard / White Spirits None Detected mg/kg 600. Heavy Naptha / Ligroin / ' Petroleum Benzin None Detected mg/kg 600. Gasoline None Detected mg/kg 600. JP 4 None Detected mg/kg 600. JP 5 None Detected . mg/kg 600. JP 8 None Detected mg/kg 600. Kerosene / Jet Fuel None Detected mg/kg 600. Diesel None Detected mg/kg 600. Crude/Waste Oil 8100. mg/kg 30~00. Hydraulic/Motor Oil None Detected mg/kg WD- 40 None Detected mg/kg Surrogate % Recovery 92. % 64-13~ ~THOD: 8015M DOHS LUFTMANU~ Boiling Range: 70 300 C Mixtures of ~drocarbons are. identified ~ a ~d~carbons that fall within a boiling range :he ~ ~antitated versus ,the fuel that corresponds with but with a note. Note:PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes re~iring sample dilution. ~??~ Stuart G. Buttram - Department Supervisor .. 4100 Atlas CC. · Bskeesfield, CA 93308 · (805) 327-491 ~ · FAX [805) 327-1 918 - ! . Ba~eg~teld, ~ 93301 (805) 326-39~9 T~ ~~ INSPECTION FO~ O~R ps~' TO O~E~T~ co~c~o~ co~c~. ~O~TO~Y ~ OF S~PLES :" TEST ~ODOLO6Y P~EL[~Y ASSESS~ CO. CO.ACT PERSON .CO~ ~CIEPT LEL% 0~% - PLOT P~ CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL COMMENTS ./~,~m~, /~a_. _ .... ~ _ DATE INSPECT01~ NAME .~,kKERSFTELD FTRE DEPARTMEI~. _ '~..~~S ~A~ERIAL DIVTSZO 2130 G St. reeC, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 T~ ~OV~ INSPECTION FO~ FACILITY -.~ow[r~ ~,~.~. ADDRESS ],~"'~ ~.,~'~o ~ O~R / PE~IT TO OPE~T~ CO~CTOR ~/~ CO.ACT PERSON ~,'[I ~,~ , TEST ~ODOLOGY ~k ,~ .~x~ f , ~/ ~i ~~ ~ ~ -/ ' ' PRELI~ARY ASSESS~E~O. ~ CONTA~ PkRSON CO: RECIEPT LEL% 0:% PLOT P~N CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF DA~ R ~ "'~ "'"" i Analysis Requested eport lo: ~ P-. ~-tt.,,z.,.f >" ,,,,~ ~, ,~, ~,¥~roject: Addr~ess: ~ ~L~-~ A~¢Project ~: ~ ~ -- O ~ [~ Sampler Name: City: ,;~K~, ~ State: ~ Zip: .>~1 Other: ~ ~ zo A~n: ~ E : ~ O Phone: ,~¢ ~S-~% Lab¢ Sample Description Date ~ Time Sampled ~,Gnature~ -- .;Received by: (Signature)' Date: Time: ~ Address ' ¢~ ~ ~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: '~¢A ~/~/~ City~ ~ ~ State t. ~ _  A~ention: Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Time: Miles: Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Sample Disposal P.O.ff ~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ~ BC Disposal ~ 5.00 ea. ~ Return to client '""~ '¢ '~ "' ~ 1. Analysis Requested Report To. ~;. c.. /*, ~'~:,':, ....... -.. ~,¢D Project: .Name:,,/ ... ",~' ?~ Address: 1Zt ¢. ¢~j ~¢;Project ~: City: ~ ,~:;¢.~ . ' . Sampler Name: State: ~ ¢} . Zip: ~3~¢ [, Other: ~ ~ · o -- o zo Phone:_~ 2 ~ ' Lab~ Sample DeScription Date& ~ime Sampled ; - ' '~omment: , Rel~auished by: (?gnature, Received by:' (Signa, q[e). ¢ COH~ ,b~' ~o,-,,~. Name: '~' fl~.~"-/ . , ~. R~l[nq~[sh~8 bY % a~'~' ~ "~'~ Address t7i.~ ('!~ ': ' ;>~. 44.. ,t. ,"~ 2~ City ~ k-~ 4 · State ~ ~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: ' ~/t~'~. · ~.' ~¢*~ ~ '' Time:A~enti°n: ~ [,; ,~ ~%~ Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: Miles: Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Time: , Sample Disposal P.O.ff Relinquished by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date: Ti.me: ¢~BC Disposal ~ 5.00 ea. -- ~ Return to client . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTHEN? %Z~S MATERIAL DIVISII 2130 G Street, Bake~sfteld~ CA 93301 (80§) 326-3979 TANK RF.~OVAL ~NSPECT~ON FORN FACILTTY ,%,::.l~,~..,], ~,~,a,_ ADDRESS ,~ ~~ O~R / PE~IT TO OPE~TE~ CO~CTOR ~.~,~ CO.ACT PERSON ~O~TORY ~ OF S~PLES ~ ~~ TEsT ~THODOLOGY x ~ PRELI~ARY ASSESSMENT CO. ~Z~ CO'ACT PERSON CO: RECIEPT /~ 'LEL% ~ PLOT P~N / CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL,~_F~_~ PERMIT APPLICATION FO_E;gEMOVAL OF AN i!i /~i~' ' UNDERGROUND STORA~ rANK .' i I~1~' PERMIT No.' UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANK PROGRAM $11[ Sunland RefSnerF ADD,riSS Coffee Road ZlP COOfi 93312 FACI[I~NAM[ City of Bakersfield CROSS$1~fi~I BrSmhall MAILING ADDRESS CI~ · ZIP CODE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY~e['Z~uc~n~, Eric. PHONENo. 399-0246 LICENSENo. 668440 ADDRESS 63~5 Sno~ ~osd CI~ ~e~s~[e[dZIPCODE 93308 INSURANCE CARRIER' Ve~e~ Insurance WO~KMENSCOMPNo.~-9546003320 PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ~u~e[ T~uc~n~ Eric. PHONE_No. 399-0245 LICENSE No. ADDRESS 63T5 Snow ~osd. Cl~s~e~s~e[d ZiP CODE 93308 INSURANCE CARRIER , Ve~e~ insurance WORKMENS COMP No. ~9546003320 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY~u~e[ T~uc~[n~ Inc. PHONENo. 399-0246 ..~ ADDRESS 5315 Sno~ ~o~d Cl~s~e~s~e[d ZIP CODE 93308 WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 0825. NAME OF EINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY Ess Ys[~ss ~e~[ne~T ADDRESS S~snds~d S~ee~ CI~ ~s~e~s~[e[dZIP CODE 93308 FACILI~ INDENTIFICATION NUMBER TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ~u~e[ ~c~[n~, Eric. PHONENo. 399-024~ LICENSENo. 568440 ADDRESS ~315 Snow ~o~d CI~ ~e~sE[e[d ZIP CODE 93308 TANK DESTINATION Co[den ~e He~[ TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME .. CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED 1 30+ yrs 10,000 Blowdown ~m~Ao~ 1965-1995 Unknown ~[i::iiiiiii[~[!i;[ii~[i::iii:~iii~?~ii~:?~i~[~[~ii[i[~ii:??~i:?::i~i~i~?~i::.~:-iii!~iiiiii:?~?~:i::.~i:i~:~i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:::::i~:i:i~:~:~::~:~:~:~:~:i:i:i:i~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~:ii![i::~i[~iiiii[iii:~[i[i:?~i!i~i~[[f~fi[?:::[i:~!![~![!~[i[[[?~::i[i~i~i[i~i[i[i[i[i~i~i;i[i~:~[:[i~i~i~i~i~i[i~i~i;i~i~i~i~!~i~;:~:~:~:~:[:i:[iii[~i:i:!:i~[i!~??~i[[[ii::~i?:??:?~[i::!::!ii~i!i~[~[~[~iiiii.:ii??~?:ii?~i:!~i[ii?~::iiii:~?~[i::~ii[i?:ii[i~i~i[i[i~i~i~i[i~i;.:~i[i[i[i[i[~i~ii[i! TIlE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, 'UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE AT[ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. 'THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY; AND TO TIlE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT.  /~ R(7~/~ APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Make checks payable to "City of Bakersfield" -.. -- ST~ATE OF CALIFORNIA - Environmental Prot~ ' PETE WlLSON~r " CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD 'CENTRAL VALLEYREGION /'/- K.~' '. ~--~, 3614 East Ashlan Ave. ~ ~ ' " '' Fresno, CA.93726 ; ' PHONE: (209) 445-5116 ' ~/?~~' FAX: (209) 445-5910 Mr.. Robert Bimai, President Sunland Refining Corporation, HAZ.'IvlAT. DIV. P. O. Box 1345 ,: Bakersfield, CA 93302 -' ...... NOT!CEOE~IOLAT!ON~ $_U_NLA-ND~ ~REFI ~IG_CORPORATION :.~ >._ -" A recent Staff inspection of thc Sunland Refinery ,undyou in violation of waSte Discharge Requirements Order No. 90-086 (WDRs) because :he wastewater discharge tO your disposal ponds ~grossly exceeded the .WDR Discharge Specificatk B.5. effluent limits for EC, TDS,~and chloride. As you have been previously notified, you also co: itinue to violate Order No~ 90'086 by failing to submit complete monthly monitoring reports.' The: attached inspection report describes the f'mdings of thednspection and file revieW.. We have informed You on numerous OCcaSions th~ yqur discharge exceeds .WDRs effluent limits~' 'and requested' that you take Cdrrective action. A ~ 31ati0n notice Sent on 26 Ockober 1994 informed ~you that the violations must cease, yet you contint e to grossly exceed WDRs effluent limits. It is ~, likely ithat the discharge has de'graded ground Wht~:r beneath th9 pond~. We have repeatedly warned that failure to submii ~ :omplete reports is a violation of California Water : ~ Code Section 13267, andthat failure to submit re[ 3rts is a misdemeanor subject to remedies under ' Section. 13268, including Administrative Civil Lin fility of $1000 per each day that we have not received a complete report. You have not provide a report that includes required flow and .sampiing datasince December 1994, despite an a 3arent ongoing discharge to yourwastewater disposal ponds. .You are, therefore, to provide, by 15 September )96~ a tabulated report which provides all flow and sampling data for the discharge to the dispos~ ~ ponds since January 1995, broken'dowa by ' month, week, and day. You must also provide a t{,,clmical report, by .15 September 1996, that fully characterizes the discharge to the disposal ponds,: acluding the cause of the EC, TDs, and chloride exceedences. ,The ~report shall.include a'salt balan :e for the last'year, with calculations, and include · a professional assessment on the fate and transpor of the salt load.. The rePort mus~t also~ describe, . 'in detail, corrective action taken to ensure .that fun re monitoring reports ~will be submitted on'a.. timely basis and WDR effluent limits will be met. ' ' The above' due dates are for our administrative pul )oses only and do not relieve y6u of accrued potential liability under Water Code §13268 for f~ ling t° submit reports in 1995 and 1996. Should civil liability be assessed, your )otential liability ,0 fill be baSed on the original due date of,each report. ~ ' Mr. Robert Bimat, Preside~ . -2- . 21 August 1996 If you have aqy questions,regarding .this letter or our obserVations on the pond discharge, you may contact Kevin Long at (209) 445-'6187. For questions regarding assessment and remediation of hydrocarbon Contamination of soil and groundwater at the. facility? contact David Troop at (209) 488-4389. -, .f WILLIAM H. CROOKS.~ "' ExecutiveO ~ ' , . ~: .' ' :' ' ~ S pep4~i ' u ng Engineer- -,.-~- .R,.. , .. N ,,. 24-105- .: · ..... --._ ' c: Greg Olsen, U.S. Environmental protection Agency, Region 9, San Francisco John Mitchell, .Kern County District Attorneys Office, .Bakersfield Kern County Environmental Health SerVices'Department, Bakersfield · .City of Bakersfield Department of Public Works, Bakersfield . ' L,,"/Ralph Huey,:City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Bakersfield' Charles F. Weiss, Esq., Latham & Watldns, Los Angeles World Oil CorpOration, c/.o: The' Prentice,Hall Corporation System, Inc., sacramento ~. OFF~CE NO: ClLITIES INSPECTION REPORT INSPECTOR: ~ : PCA S~tem Task No. R,nl=nd R~flnin~ Cn~mflnn Fnd~ele NPDES NU~R A~NCY S~ ,, FACIL~ S~E~ ~ (~) ~ AGE~ C~ ~D ~A~ FACIL~ C~ ~D STA~ SCHEDULED INSPECTION ~TA Rnhe~ Rimer ' Pet Redfn~ ' AGENCY CO'ACT ~SON ~ ONS~ FAClLI~.CO~ACT PERSON ACTU~ INSPECTION DA~ ' ' AGENCY PHONE NO. ' ' ' ' . S ' Ins~on agenw'(State = S, State I EPA Joint = J) . · If this ins~ion is a Complian~ Ins~ion of an NPDES fadl~, send a ~py. of this rePo~ to SWRCB's D~ision of Water Qual~, Pr~ram Suppo~ Un~. INSPECTION ~PE (Check One) * ~ A1 X "A' ~ ~m; )liana' - ComprehensNe ins~n in ~ samples am taken. ' (EPA T~ S) B2 "B" ~ ~ml )lian~ - A ro~ine nonsampling i~i0n. (EPA ~ C) .' 02. Non~mplian~ ~llow-up - Ins~ion made to ve~ ~e~ion of a previously ~dentifi~ violation. 03 Enfor~ment follow-up - Ins~ion made to ~ ~at ~nd~ions of an enfo~ment a~ion am ~ing met. ~ .. Corn in resPon~ to'a ~mplaint. *' 05 Pr~uirement - Inspe~ion made to gather ~fo. relate to preparing, m~ing, or res~nding r~uimments. ~ M~llaneous - Any ins~ion ~ not me~ a~ve.. ' If this is an EPA ins~ion not ~n~n~ above, plea~ no~e ~. (e.g. - biomon~odng, ~do~an~ audA, diagnostic, etc.) ~Y~) Y Were VIOLATIONS noted dudng this inspection? (Yes/No/Pending Sample Results) 'N Was this a Quality Assurance-Based Inspection? (Y/N) N Were'bioass~ay samples taken? (N = No) If YES, then S = Static or F = Flowthro~gh. INSPECTION SUMMARY (REQUIRED) (100 character limit} SUNLAND FAILS TO' SUBMIT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORTS.' DISCHARGEEXCEEDS EC, TDS, &.CHLORIDE LIMITS. INSPECTOR'S DATA: .For Internal Use: Reviewed b~;: (1). ' (2) ' (3) ' ' WDS Data Entry Date: ' Regional Board File Number. Reg WDS Coordinator ~ ' * *FACILITIESs~mc.INSPECTIONoo~ ~=v~ REPil)T VIOLATION (IF APPLICABLE), · VIOl. AT]ON TYPE? (A-G) . ~ (See page~ IK0'$.0. and IK0S.¶ of the Micro Waste Discharger System Users Manual)' DATE OF vIoLATION (YYMMDD): 96 07 17 DATE oi~ VIOLATION DETERMINATI(~N(YYMMDD): 96 05 28 DESCRIPTION (200 CHARACTER LIMIT):- " ~ " SUNI,AND REFINERY HAS NOT $UBiYI]TTED [TS MONTHLy MON[TOR[NG REPORTS SINCE THE REFINERY SHUT DOWN~ ALTHOUGH. DISCHARGE TO PONDS CONTINUE5 DI$CI-I~RGE EC, TD$~ & CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION EXCEEDS. EFFI,UENT I,[MITS. · EPA SUGGESTED INSPECTION CHECKLIST : (S= Satisfactory, Ma Ma~lnal, U= unsatisfactory, N.~ Not Evaluat~l) S..-- Permit' U Flow Measurement N Prstmatment ~ ' U' Operations & Maintenance · n , 'Record/Reports N* ., Laboratories - U Compliance Schedule~s N .Sludge Disposal -U~ FaCility Site Review U EffJReceiving Waters ' U · Self-Monitoring Other 1 OVerall Facility Operation Evaluation (5= Very reliable, 3= Saflsfacto~/, 1= Unreliable) HISTORICAL INFORMATION: MOST RECENT ORDERS: ,. MOST RECENT INSPECTIONS: ' MOST RECENT VIOLATIONS: ORDER NO. DATE ~;2p_T.~ TYPE DATE INSP~ TYPE ~ VIOL. TYPE DATE " 95-702 . 95 04 27 C&A 95 02 14 A1 Y C 95 02 !4 90-086 90'03 23 WDR .~ 94 05 05. A1 Y . D 94 05 05 77-252 77 10 28 . WDR 93 05 06 At Y C 93 05 20 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, sPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, ITEMS FOR FOLLOWUP ON FUTURE INSPECTIONS, NOTES, ETC. (Attach'a~iditionaipages, if necessary)' On 17 JUly 1996 1 conducted an Unannounced inspection °fthe percolation/evaporation disposal ponds at the Sunland Refmeryin Fruitvale. Refinerywastewater and the disposal ponds, are regulated Under Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 90-086. My purpose was to ascertain whether the refinery was discharging wastewater, and, if so, to ascertain whether discharge from the refinery to the disposal ponds met the requirements of the WDRs. Sunland Refinery has exceeded its effluent limits on numerous occasions in the past, and previous ' inspection reports have documented probable ground water Contamination caused by the discharge, In addition to chronic problems in meeting its discharge limits, Sunland has also shown itself incapable or unwilling to Submit comPlete monitoring reports on a timely basis. Despite at least 27 letters and threats of enforcement over the last' 'ten years, Sunland has rarely submitted a report on time, and it has only seldom submitted a complete rePort. On 30 March. 1995, a fuel storage tank at.the Sunland Refinery blew. up, killing two.people and shutting down the refinery. Given the circumstances, Sunland's assUr~ces that !t was.no longer discharging, and the sudden increase in regulatory, involvement by other agencieS, no enforcement was initiated. FACILITIES INSPECTION REPOB.T ~-~'ReB O01 ~EV ~.01) i'arrived at the site at 1:00 p.m. It was a hot and sunny 102 degrees. I had expected to make a . quick confirrnation that all of the POnds were empty and that there was no discharge. However, I was surprised to see that clear water was being discharged to Pond 1, the spray aerators were Operating, ponds 1 and 2 Were full, and Pond 4 was about half-full: I have no'idea what, specifically, the discharge was from, since the refinery was shut down, but a field EC meter indicated a conductivity of 4,800 pmhos/cm, way over the WDRs EC limit of ECso~,~c w~,er+ 500 pmhos/cm (Based on historical source water monitoring data, source water EC is about 250 gmhos/cm). I collected samples from the outfall to Pond 1, placed them in a Cooler, and delivered them't° BSK laboratories in Fresno the following morning for BTEX and standard minerals analysis. Partial reSults from BSK indicate a discharge EC of 5,000 pmhos/cm, TDS of .2700 rng/1, and chloride concentration of 1200 rog/l: Benzene, Ethyl Benzene, Toluene, & Xylene were non-detect. Sunland's WDRs specify a maximum TDS and chloride limit of 700 '- · rog/1 and 20-0 mg/l, respectively:*--.. Subsequent to the refinery 'shutting down in March 1995, Sunland stopped submitting monthly monitoring reports to the Board. In mid-1995, I telephoned Mr. Robert Bimat, President of Sunland Refinery, regarding the need for him tO submit monthly reports. Mr2 Bimat expressed his belief that, since the refinery was not discharging, no monthly reports were necessary. informed him that this Was incorreCt, and that unless he requested for the' WDRs to be rescinded, monthly reports 'would still be necessary, if 0nly 'to report zero flow for the month. Md. Bimat elucidated that he hoped to get the refinery operating again and would rectify the reporting deficiency by submitting the monthly reports.. Several months passed with no reports being submitted, and I' again called Mr. Bimat, reminding him of the overdue reports. -On 31 January .1996, Sunland Refinery finally submitted its first report in nine months. The report, in the form. of a letter, indicated.that.the refinery continued to be shut down. It also stated that monthly reports would be .forthcoming monthly. However, the promised reports did not arrive, and reminder letters went OUt on 28 March 1996 and 26 April 1996. On 30 April and 30 June 1996, Sunland submitted reports ident!~cal to its 31 January 1996 report, again sta .ting that the refinery : continued to be shut down. Sunland's three rePorts state only that the refinery has been shut ' dOwn; they fail to indicate whether or not there has been a discharge. Given the water level in the ponds,, it's obvious that Sunland has been discharging for some time without monitoring and reporting the discharge in accordance with Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 90-086. On 27-April 1995, the ExeCutive Officer issued a Cleanup and.Abatement Order to Sunland requiting it to investigate and remediate groundwater and soils affected by BTEX and other 'hydrocarbon contamination near the percolation ponds, gasoline storage tanks, main refinery, and gasoline transfer pumps. By 15 May 1995, Sunland was to "Provide a technical report that contains a plan and time schedule to define the lateral and vertical extent of ground water degradation resulting from Past operatiOns at.the site" (Task 1): By 1 July 1995, Sunland was to "Provide a technical report that contains a plan and time sChedule to identify, investigate,'and cleanup/close all affected soils that may cause continued ground water degradation, or to demonstrate that.s°ils do not present a threat to ground water" (Task 2).. Also by 1 July 19~5, Sunland was to "Complete all work necessary to define the lateral and vertical extent of Contaminants in'ground water'.' (Ta~k 3). By 1 September 1996, Sunland is to ."Provide a technical.r~port that cOntains a plan and time schedule to contain and cleanup degraded ground · water" (Task 4). Additional work is to be completed in accordance with the approved plan and 'schedule (Tasks 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9). .~ *-~ FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT *"~ SWRCB 001 (REV 5-91) · .? ~ "' (pege4)~' On 13 May 1996, Woodward-Clyde Consultants submitted a "Wastewater Disposal Pond Closure Plan." David Troop Of our office revieWedthe closure Plan whiCh he dOCumented in a memorandum dated. 16 July 1996. Of particular concern is Woodward-Clyde's conclusion that "it is extremely unlikely that groundwater monitoring or remediation will be required solely as a result of past pond operations." It is axiomatic that continuous surface discharge of wastewater with an EC of 5,000 I. Lmhos/cm, TDS of 2,700 mg/1, and chloride concentration of 1,200 rog/1 will cause groundwater degradation unless impermeable layers exist.. Woodward-Clyde's contention is not supported by the limited information provided in the 'report or recent discharge sample results. Mr. Troop's memorandum was transmitted to Sunland along with a request for an additional technical report, by 20 August 1996, to address deficiencies in the report, including " Woodward-ClYde's proposal to not investigate groundwater beneath the ponds. On 20 August, Sunland's consultant.contacted Mr. Troop and informed him that the revised report woUld be a -' couple of dhy-s late7 On 10 July 1996, SECOR International, Inc. submitted a "Final Site Assessment Report" intended to satisfy the requirements of Tasks 1, 2, and 3, abOve. The five-inch thiCk report is cu'rrently being reviewed by Mr. Troop, and a draft review of the report will be completed shortly. SUMMARY Sunland Refining Corporation has been.discharging wastewater during all or part of the last 18 months, WithoUt reporting flows or character of the waste as required as 'a condition of discharge. Sunland submitted only three monitoring reports in the last 15 months despite five telephone calls and letters, and a historY of no less than 27 reminder letters to submit reports and threats of enforcement in the last ten years. Sunland has only rarely submitted a complete rePort (one or more constituents have always been missing), and its last three reports fail to indicate whether a discharge even OCcurred.. Based on Samples collected during the inspection, the discharge greatly exceeds the effluent limits for EC, TDS, and chloride, andis probably Contributing to salt degradation of the ground water in the vicinity of the disposal ponds. 'Contaminants have likely been intrOduced to the groundwater by percolation from the. disposal, ponds. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT July 9, 1996 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY Mr. R.E. Bimat, Jr, President Sunland Refining Corporation ADM~NISm. AnVE SERWCES 2152 Coffee Road 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 CERTIFIED MAIL SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 AX( )395-1349 NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Dear Mr. BJmat: Bakersfield, CA 93301 C Road-~- (8O5) 326-3951 It has come to our aRenfion that you currenlty own proper~ located at~850 Coffee FAX(805) 326-0576 Bakersfield which contains at least one underground storage tank. The tank has not been properly permi~ed and has been om of service, therefore, you are in violation of ~he following se~ons of the Uniform ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64: 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 Section 7902., Uniform Fire Code (1994 edition). FAX (805) 326-0576 "Underground tanks which have been out of servJce for a perJod of one T~AIN~,G D~V~S~ON (1) year, shall be removed from the ground in accordance wire Section 5642 victor Street 7g02.1.7.4 and the sJte shall be restored Jn an approved manner". Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 in order to avoid regulatory action, you must either properly permit and bdng the tank up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tank within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326~3979. Sincerely, / / Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH~dlm cc: John Mitchell, Deputy District A,fforney Jim Parker, Kush Parker & Stanton Tony Kline, Kline Wegis RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Business Name: Business Phone: F~: Inspe~or's Name: Type of C~I: Incoming ~ Outgoing [ ] Returned~] Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: '~O - ) 1994 TRW REDI Property ~ta 17) Situs:2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD CA 93308-5746 Use:INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE APN :368-070-01-00 Tax Rate Area:000-1217 Assd Land:S17,776 County: Kern CA Property Tax :$715 Assd Imp : Census: Total Va1:$17,776 Map Pg:225-F2 Exemption : Assd Year:95 New Pg: · %Improved: Owner :SUNLAND REFINING CORP Mail :PO BOX 1345;BAKERSFIELD CA 93302 Last Sale Prior Sale Transfer Date: Bldg/Lvarea: Document # : Yrblt/Eff : Document Type: # Stories : Price : # Units : First TD- : # Buildings: Junior TD : Lender : Seller : Title CompanY: County Use:3030 Lot Size :A2.39 Pool : Bldg Class: Lot Area :104,108 Flood Panl: - Zoning :M-3 Condition : Flood Zone: , Heat : Park Type : Air-Cond : Park Spaces: Paved Pkg : Legal :S28 T29 R27/PTN SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 EXCL OF TRW-REDI (C) 1994 The Page & Grid reference is copyrighted by Thomas Bros. Maps <TM> >> Reported data believed to be reliable but accuracy is not ~uaranteed << - OZ -o0 ' ' ';";"; ~ ,Ii!{t'I'tL'IIi¢IIIt/I{ Decem~r 22, 1995 By SECOR ! roj~t N~r K0111~24~1 Mr. DavidTr~p - ~a~"~ ~ Califo~a Regio~l Water ~li~ Consol Board Central V~ley Region 3514 ~t As~ Avenue Fresno. CA 93726 SI~ ~SESS~ WO~L~ ~DE~ ~ ~8~NSE TO ~ C~O~ ~ION~ WA~R QU~I~ COBOL BO~ LE~R~ NO~ER 2g, S~d Refinlng Co.ration. B~emfield. C~o~ Dear Mr. Troop: On behalf of Sunland Refining Corporation (Sunland), SECOR International Incorporated ($ECOR) is pleased to present this Workplan Addendum and response to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (Board) letter, dated November 27, 1995, for the refinery located at 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California. The purpose of this letter is to provide the Board with the following: 1. An introduction to SECOR's project team; 2. A conceptual plan for future environmental activities; 3. A request for a meeting with the Board to clarify the project objectives; and 4. An updated project schedule for site assessment and remediation activities. PROJECT TEAM · SECOR has been contracted by Sunland to provide environmental and engineering consulting services, serve as a path for technical conununication with the Board, and to ensure that necessary site investigation and remediation is completed in a timely and cost-effective manner. Supported by a large pool of experienced staff, four SECOR professionals will comprise the consulting management team for the Sunland project. They are as follows: · Mr. Jim Evensen, R.G., will be the Project Manager and primary SECOR contact, working directly with the Board and Suniand; · Mr. Richard Casias, Hydrogeologist, will be the in-house supervisor for the technical and regulatory aspects of the project. In this position, Mr. Casias will participate in all regulatory meetings; · Mr. Mark Pishinsky, Engineer, will supervise the permitting, local operations, and will also provide regulatory guidance and participate in the regulatory meetings. Mr Casias and Mr. Pishinsky will serve as alternate contacts for Board inquiries; · Mr. Craig Benson, R.G., will be responsible for data management and project quality control. For this project, SECOR's Bakersfield office will serve as the base of operations. Included as Attachment 1 is a SECOR contact list with corresponding addresses and telephone numbers. D.27:L928.WPD SECOR -?,'-'-~ ~.?nnt'Ho (b,s l~1'(,:'. 3'tt/lc /uI. .\~'lt'l;t~T I'(trk. (.~-I 91. :_'(;-I/. ~- ~,'¥t_l-~/ _tt~,,q_O~-76 t,~'051 .~t(),¥-(i. ;.~ 7 1':.1.\' Mr. David Troop :- December 22, 1995 Page 2 CONCEPTUAL PLAN FOR FUTURE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES On December 11, 1995, SECOR personnel met with representatives of Sunland. The purpose of the meeting was to assess the status of the project, review the project objectives, and maintain progress toward completing those objectives. The conclusions drawn from the meeting included the following: 1. The soil and groundwater assessment can be performed concurrently; 2. Optional step-out soil borings and wells can be included in the current phase of site assessment (Clayton Mittelhauser Workplan, dated October 1995). Step-out soil borings and wells can be used effectively to define the outer boundaries of groundwater containing dissolved-phase hydrocarbons (Item 2 of the Board letter, dated. November 27, 1995); and 3. In conjUnction with the ongoing assessment, soil vapor extraction (SVE) pilot testing can be conducted at the site prior to initiating the soil remediation engineering design phase of the project. PROJECT MEETING At this time, SECOR is proposing a meeting with the Board to review the status of the Sunland project, formulate a systematic approach for the environmental activities, and discuss our plan for maintaining Sunland's compliance with the Board. If it is convenient for you, we would greatly appreciate scheduling such a meeting for late December 1995 or early January 1996. PROJECT SCHEDULE In addition to the above-referenced action items, SECOR concluded that the project activity has been moving forward, although new groundwater data will be needed since the shallow groundwater levels have dropped to depths below the bottom of the existing groundwater monitoring wells. We understand this phenomenon has occurred at many sites within the southern San Joaquin Valley, and specifically in the Bakersfield area. SECOR concurs with Clayton Mittelhauser that, if necessary, site remediation activities can be initiated in November 1996 (Clayton Mittelhauser letter addressed to the Board, dated September 25, 1995). However, at this time it is impossible to commit to a specific duration for any mitigation efforts without improving our understanding of the viable remedial approach(s). Preliminary estimates indicate soil remediation by means of SVE could require 2-5 years, depending on cleanup objectives. In response to this issue, SECOR, on behalf of Sunland, requests concurrence from the Board to initiate limited soil vapor extraction (SVE) pilot testing at a selected Sunland facility location. Our rationale for this request is based on the following points: 1. No pilot testing has been performed at the site, and therefore, no design data are available; 2. The applicability and effectiveness of SVE at the property is unknown with respect to the petroleum hydrocarbons present in the soil; 3. Immediate source abatement can be focused in the vicinity of the proposed Coffee Road Overhead Project, sponsored by the City of Bakersfield and the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District; and 4. SVE pilot testing will enable Sunland to establish a data base that can be used to more precisely define the cleanup duration (Item 3 of the Board letter, dated November 27, 1995). D2?:L928.W~D SECOR Sunland fully expects that, despite its transition of consultants, SECOR can successfully meet the Board's objectives set forth in the Cleanup and Abatement Order under a reasonable and mutually acceptable schedule. We will supply the Board with a detailed schedule promptly after our forthcoming meeting. In summary, we are proposing: 1. Accelerated site assessment be completed by combining the soil and groundwater investigations; 2. Optional step-out soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells be approved and installed during the current project phase; 3. Interim SVE (pilot testing) be initiated in the area of the proposed Coffee Road Overhead Project; 4. The Board meet with SECOR and other Sunland representatives to discuss the scope of the project as soon as reasonably possible; and 5. Revising Clayton Mitteihauser's proposed September 27, 1995 schedule for closure of the soils and/or demonstrating that soils do not present a threat to groundwater after SVE pilot testing can be completed. We look forward to your comments, and more importantly, look forward to a successful working relationship with the Board. Sincerely, SECOR International Incorporated James M. Evensen, Jr., R.G. Principal Hydrogeologist Project Manager Attachment 1 SECOR Contact List pc: Mr. Robert E. Bimat, Jr., Sunland Oil Ref'mery Mr. David J. Cooper, Esq., Klein, Wegis, et al. Mr. Ronald F. Ruettgers, Civil Engineer, City of Bakersfield Kern County Environmental Health Department, Bakersfield Mr. John Mitchell, Kern County District Attorney's Office, Bakersfield Mr. Howard H. Wines, III, Bakersfield City Fire Department D27:L9~8.WPD SECOR ATTACHMENT 1 SECOR CONTACT LIST 1)' Mr. Jim Evensen, R.G. SECOR International Incorporated 2824 Camino Dos Rios, Suite 100 Newbury Park, CA 91320 (805) 498-0556 (805) 498-6337 [FAX] 2) Mr. Richard Casias, Hydrogeologist SECOR International Incorporated 1734 - 34th Street Sacramento, CA 95816-7004 (916) 4564333 (916) 456-0110 [FAX] 3) Mr. Mark Pishinsky, Engineer SECOR International Incorporated 5401 California Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (805) 634-9541 (805) 634-9604 [FAX] 4) Mr. Craig Benson, R.G. SECOR International Incorporated 90 New Montgomery Street, Suite 620 San Francisco, CA 941054503 (415) 882-1548 (415) 8824406 [FAX] D27:L928.WPD SECOR · TABLE 3-2 Elevations and Fluid Levels .~ September 1989 Datum Depth to Groundwater Product Well Elevation' ~ Waterb Elevation' Thici(nessb MW11 383.30 ' 92.35 290.95 0 MW12 384.i5 ' 89.71 294.44 0 MW13 -382.51 90.32 292.19 0 MW14 381.28 91.90 289.38 0 MW 15 384.09 '91.28 . 292.81 0 · MW16 383.94 93.30 290.64 0 ~MW17 382.84 89.0 , 293.84 0 MW18 380.31 92.80 287.51 0 ~ MW19 38_2,07 93.65 288.42 0 Feet above mean sea level. Feet below ground surface. s,~,x~.~),~ 3-8 DRAFT REPORT L~ . 4.0.-LABORATORY ANALYSES' I . ~ This section presents the results of the laboratory analyses performed on soil and fluid -J ' samples collected during this ph'ase of the supplementary subsurface investigation. During 'E., the course of this investigation the following samples were collected and analyzed: · 37 vadose zone soil Samples ..., · 9' groundwater samples · ' 4.1 Vadose Zone Samples Each of the 37 vadose zone soil samples was analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (EPA Method 8015 modified for _cja__~s_oli~ne), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (EPA ~ Method 8020) and total lead. The analytical results are presented in.Table 4-1. Analytical I'.i values are presented in micrograms per gram [equivalent to parts per million (ppm)]. The · ~ ~ field PID reading for each soil sample is also preSented in T .e~. Appendix B presents 'the Chain,of-custody forms, the laboratory reports, and detectio~ limits for these analyses. _ , ,, ,.'"+'- The sample identification code (for example, BH-14-75) designates the soil borehole number· (BH-14), followed by a dash (-) and the depth in feet below grade from which that sample was obtained (75). A majority of boreholes were sUbsequently converted to monitoring, wells. Boreholes and their corresponding monitoring well designations are given in Section 3.3. As delineated in Table 4-1, the analysis of the vadose zone soil sampling revealed that: E~ Total hydrocarbons ('l'PH)'were above the detection limit in 7 of the petroleum 37 samples and ranged from 29.20 to 1,592.12 ppm. . ]~L.j~ · · Benzene, detected in 8 samples, ranged from 0.16 to 2.45 ppm. · Ethylbenzene, detected in 7 samples, ranged between 0.48 and 3.70 ppm. ..L · . Toluene, detected in 7 samples, ranged between 0.10 and 1.92 ppm. · · Xyiene, detected in 7 samples, ranged b~tween 0.10 and 2.75 ppm. ,! "J"~.~ · · Lead was detected in 26 samples, in levels ranging from 2.64 to 18.4 ppm. s,u~-(x~-~o~ '4-1: DRAFT REPORT TABLE 4-1 Analytical Results fOr Vadose Zone Soil Samples--" · , [mg/kg (ppm)] Sample I.D. TPH Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene o-Xylene p-Xylene m-Xylene Total Lead 4~5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 12.2 , ND ND' ND 6.93 BH14~35 ND . ND ND ND BH14-65 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND BH14-85 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5.45 ,,.-"~ ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 7.69 / BH15'5 ND ND 3.27 ,,~'-) ' BH15-55 ND ND ND ND ND /~)~, -. ;") B H 15-80 1,592.12' N D 0.32 0.22 1 ND'02 0.63ND 0.ND16 315.2.00 · ~'~"'-'" ND ND ND ND t ~H16-25 ND ND 18.4 ~o ND ND ND BH16-50 ND ND 7.94 ND ' ND ND L ? ND ND . BH16-85 ND ND 3H17-10 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5.14 BH17-40 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 15.8 BH17-70 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 11.4 BH18-50 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 17.0 ,/~,j ND ND ND ND ND 9.13 ND ND ND 8.72 BH18-55 ;i ND ND ND ND ' 3H1'8-90 ND .ND. 2.91 BH-19-35 ND ND ND NO ND NO ND i I,/ BH 19-50 ND NO NO .ND NO NO ND 3.36 v/ TABLE 4-1 (Cont.) Sample I.D. TPH Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene o-Xylene ' poXylene m-Xylene Total Lead BH19-85 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5.86 BH19-90 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND BH20-40 ND 0.16 ND ND ND ND ND - /,=,/ . B.20-50 ND ND ND ND Uo ND ND ~ .'..,'.,'~ .' BH20_60 111.89 0.16 0.55 0.27 0.31 0.48 0.48 - BH21-35 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND --- ~"" ~/ ....it) ~' BH21-40 ND ND ND . ND ND ND ND 7.69 - /";' ' ' BH21-60 177.82 1.13 3.15 1.57 1.46 1.55 ND ND BH21-85 ND ' (~ ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.30 ~1 ,/,' BH22-10 ,7 '~ ,,.~ ~J 0.14 ND ND ND ND ND 8.65 -- ~'~I BH22-40 ~'~/, ':~/f 51.01 ~i 0.44 0.61 0.28 ND 0.29 NDN, 3.33ND -,~-" ~'-~' BH22-65 C;~,, ~-'/.~29.20 ~ ! 0.20 ' 0.48 0.24 ND 0.24 ~1~ .' "\ ,., , ~. .~ ~ ' BH22-85 - ~ ~_ ND ND ND ND ND ND ND BH23-50 ND - ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.88 ,\{! I' BH23-80 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 6.48 ' V" BH23-90 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 6.00 BH24-60 49.82/253.00~ 0.11 0.27 0.10 0.10 0.27 0.26 2.64 -"" ~ ' ~-' ~ 4.2 Groundwater Samples ~ The groundwater samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (EPA Method F~ 8015 modified for gasoline); benzene,.toluene; xylene, and.chlorobenzene (EPA Method 602), and organic lead. The results of the groundwater analyses are presented in Table 4-2. The --. laboratory reports a. re Presented in Appendix C. i Benzene was found in six WellS (Mw-12, MW, 15, MW-16, MW-17, MW-18, and MW-19) at i'.---~ concentrations between 0.25 and 4'14 ppm' T°luene was detected in tw° wells' MW~15 and MW-16, at concentrations of 0.23 and 0.49 ppm, respectively. EthyIbenzene was detected in three wells, MW-15, MW-16 and 'MW-17, with concentrations between 0.42 and 0.55 ppm. Xylene species were detectedin two wells, MW-15 and MW-16, at concentrations ranging from 0.23 to 0.90 pprn. TPH was detected within the water in 5 monitoring wells, MW-15, MW-16, MW-17, MW-18, and MW-19. TPH as gasoline ranged from 12.04 to 23.35 ppm. TPH as diesel ranged from 2.46 to 6.00 ppm. ~ 4-4 'DRAFT REPOR ' · ~.-~-i c._-~, ~ L__._4~ . . -' TABLE 4-2 . · ; .~ > ~ . Water Analysis-Sunland Refinery · Summary of Analytical Results For Groundwater samples TPH TpH Ethyl diesel DBCP ' EDB Sullste Sample Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene ' 0-Xylene . gas Sample # Date o;Pb Benzene Toluene ' MW-11 ' 7/18/89 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2' ND1 N~i ' 7/21/89 ND1 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND1 7/20/89 NDt ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 NDI' ND~ 7/i9/89~ ND~ ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 NDs ND1 - MW-15 7/21/89 ND1 2'212 0'232 0'422 ' 0'302 0'232 ' ND2 12'041 6'001 0'000244 NDe ND7 MW-16 7'/20/89 ND1 2'652 0.492 0.482 '0'522 0'902 0'552 23'351 7'271 ND4 ' NDe - MW-17 7/19/8,9 ND1 4-142 ND2 0'552 ND2 ND2 ND2 15'231 2'461 0'000034 0'000024 MW-18-1 9/29/89 NDe 1'413 ND3 ' ND3 ND3 ND3 ND3 lJ485 ' MWJ18.2 12/12/89 ND2 0.0182 1.802 0-0192' 0.0182 0-0192 4:2611 MW-19-1 9/29/89 ND6 1.173 ND3 ND3 ND3 ND3 ND3 1.355 MW-19-2 12/12/89 ' ND2 0'0392 0'832 0'0682 0'(~382 0'0572 9'3181 Note: All values in ~g/g (ppm_....) ND: Not Detectable 1: DOHS/LUFT · 2: EPA 8020 3: EPA 503.1 · 4: EPA 504 5: EPA 524.2 6: SW-7421 (Total Lead) 7: SW-9036 6.0 VADOSE ZONE DISCussION The vadose zone is the hydroge01ogic region extending fi:om the soil surface to the top of-the ~- Principal water table. For the purposes of this discussion, it will not include the capillary ' .__ :'l fdnge. It is apparent that the depositional processes resulting in the lithologies present in the vadose zone were dynamic and varied through time. It is also apparent that the processes ~.... operating in the spread of' the Contaminants are dynamic, reSUlting in shifts in the locations ef · t areas of'degradation through time (Plate'1). I The subsudace lithology at the Sunland Refinery is'dominated by gray, well graded, fine to .... :I 'coarSe sand to a depth of 65' feet..DiScOntinuous layers of poorly graded sand, gravelly 11~-1 sand, silty sand, and silt have been.found throughout this portion of the section. Below a depth of 65 feet the generalized lithology Consists of discontinuous, interbedded silt and sand. The silts range from clayey silt to sandy silt and the sands range from silty sand to · gravellY sand..The mineralogy of.the sand and gravel is dominated by quartz and~ minor j~ amounts of lithic fragments. Mica.is found throughout the entire lithologic section. . With few exceptions, the lithology tends to.bec°me coarser grained from west to east at. . depths above 65 feet. The site to-the west of Coffee Road is underlain by a relatively .. continuous 5-fooi layer of silt at a depth of'40 feet. This silt is generally absent east of Coffee -- Roadl The silt layer is present within boreholes MW-7, MW-9, MW-14, MW~15, MW:16, MW- . 17, MW-19, BH-7, and BH-17. East of Coffee Road the occurrence of silt at a depth of 40 feet was found .in MW-10 and MW-11. In addition to the silt layers, numerous lenses of gravelly sand ranging in thickness from 5 to 10 feet are found as discontinuous units'Within lj the fine to coarse grained sand throughout the site. · Below a depth of 65 feet, the generalized lithology consists of discontinuous interbedried .~..~ sand, gravelly sand and silt. In general, west of Coffee Road, the site is underlain by a relatively continuous lens of gravelly sand at depths of 70 to 85 feet. This layer was encountered in boreholes MW-7, MW-9, .MW-11, MW. 15, MW-16, MW, 17, MW-19 and BH-7,  ranging in thickness from 5 feet to 15 feet. To the east this layer grades into fine to coarse sand and silt in boreholes' MW-5, MW-6, MW-8, MW-10, MW-12, BH-10, BH-13, and BH-15~ · _~ This lens also grades into sands and silts t° the west in boreholes MW,13, MW-14 and MW. 18. ' 6.2 Patterns of Contamination · The depth to the water table in Spring 1987 was approximately 40 feet below ground surface. By Spring 1988, the water table had fallen below 60 feet and was measured in November 1988 at a depth of approximately 80 feet. As of November 1989, the water table was measured at approximately 90 feet below ground sudace. _. Laboratory analytical results for TPH as gasoline were plotted for three vadose zone depth increments to estimate the horizontal and vertical extent of subsurface contamination (see i ' Figures 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3). The three vadose zone increments were 1) shallow, from the ~ ground sudace to 30 feet (Figure 6-1); 2) intermediate, 30 feet to 50 feet (Figure 6-2); and 3) · deep, 50 feet to 90 feet (Figure 6-3). TPH values presented for each borehole represent the petroleum concentrations which were present at the time each borehole was drilled. A list of the analytical results .for boreholes BH-14 through BH-24 are presented in Table 4.1 of this report. A list of analytical results for boreholes BH-5 through BH-13 are presented in Table 4-1 of the Interim Report: Hydrogeologic, Groundwater, and Soil ChemiCal Quality Conditions at the Bakersfield Refinery, ENSR doc.,ument 6440-004-601. The divisions were chosen on the assumption that the shallow section would indicate possible contamination sources, the intermediate section would indicate spreading from the source to the former water table depths, and the deep section would reveal the spreading of potential contamination during the drop in the water table level. 6.2.1 Shallow Conditions (Ground Surface to 30-foot Depth) Analysis of the analytical data shows that BH-7, located within the west tank farm, had a TPH concentration of 1679 ppm at 5 feet below the surface. In addition, BH-5 '(MW-5), located within the south tank farm, recorded TPH concentrations of 1,302 ppm at a depth of 30 feet. Borehole BH-10 contained residual hydrocarbons at a concentration level of 103 ppm at 10 feet. It appears that both the west tank farm and south tank farm are probable sources for release of petroleum hydrocarbons.  6.2.2 Intermediate Conditions (3'0- to'50-foot Depth)  Two areas showed the presence of residual hydrocarbons between the 30- to 50-foot depth intermediate zone. One area, located in the south tank farm, is defined by data from MW-51 MW-8 and BH-10. A second area Containing residual hydrocarbons is defined in the west  ' tank farm and is defined by data from MW-7 and MW-17. Figure 6-2 shows the location of · intermediate zone soil contamination. · ~.o-oo4-r,m '6-2 DRAFT REPORT