HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEMI-ANNUAL MONO. REP. 12/22/2000I Date: December 22, 2000 I SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT Second Half- 2000 I Client: World Oil Corp. Location: Former Sunland Refinery, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California Client Contact/Phone No.: Mr. John Hundley/(562) 928-0100 Consulting Co./Con-tact Person/Phone No.: Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. / Calvin Hardcastle / (949) 642-0245 Geomatrix Project No.: 5825.005 Agency/Regulatory ID No.: RWOCB-Central Valley Re~ion/Mr. David Troop/File #CAO 95-702 _ WORK PERFORMED June 2000 through November 2000: I 1. Geomatrix gauged 36 groundwater monitoring wells at the site on September 12-13, 2000. 2. Wayne Perry, Inc. purged and sampled 31 wells containing groundwater (MW-l, MW-6, MW-8 through MW-15, SE-MW-18(R) through SE-VE/MW-29D, SE-MW-51, and GMX-MW-60 through GMX-MW-62S/D) between September 13 and September 15, 2000. Discrete-depth groundwater sampling was performed in wells · · SE-MW-51, GMX-MW-60, GMX-MW-61, and GMX-MW-62S. ~ ' 3. Geomatrix performed O&M for the 'High-capacity Vapor Extraction System' (HCVES) and air sparge systems at the former West and South Tank Farms. I 4. Geomatrix measured liquid-phase hydrocarbon (LPH) levels on June 30, 2000, Jul~ 27, 2000, and October 27, 2000. In addition to vapor extraction, LPH in MW-7 and SE-MW-42C was removed using dedicated submersible pumps. LPH was also removed from SE-AS/VE-45B, SE-VE-48C, SE-VE-49B, SE-VE-49C, 'l TSG-VE-57, GMX-AS/VE-64, and GMX-AS/VE-65 using a vacuum truck. MONITORING RESULTS I Current Phase Remediation Remed. o£Project: (Assnmt, etc) Frequency of Groundwater Monitoring: Semi -Annual (Quarterly, etc.) I Depth to Groundwater: 53.77 - 82.26 (range in feet) Groundwater Flow Direction/Magnitude: Northwest / 0.008 (ft/ft) I Flow/Gradient Consistent w/Previous: Qtrs.: Yes (Yes/No) Detectable TPHg Concentration Range: 0.12 to 42 (mg/l) I Detectable Benzene Concentration Range: 0.00051 to 9.5 (mg/l) Well With Highest Benzene Concentration: GMX-MW-60 (well) I LPH Present (at the Site): Yes (Yes/No) Surface Waters and Downgradient Wells Within Friant~Kern and Calloway (Name/ID) 2000 feet: Canals, Wells 29S/27E-29B 1, I 29B2, 29F1 (see Figure 1) Radius & Their Respective Directions: Canals along eastern margin of (Distance and Direction) site; wells 2000 feetto I ' northwest Current Remediation Techniques: HCVES/AS/LPH Pumping (SVES, Prod. Remov. etc.) I Groundwater Discharge Permits: N/A (NPDES, POTW, etc.) Groundwater Purged This Qua.rter: 3125 (approx. gallons) I Disposal/Recycling Facility: DeMenno/Kerdoon, Compton (Name and Location) I P:\5825.000.0\5825.005.0\2ndhalff)0~REPORT.doc 1 Date: December 22, 2000 SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT (CONT'D.) Second Half- 2000 Summary of Unusual Activity.: Groundwater levels have been lowered an average of 2.33 feet since March Salt concentrations generally decreased from September 1996 concentrations. Agency Directive Requirements: Continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring in March 2001, and Re-evaluate chloride and sulfate concentrations in former waste pond areas. Reviewed and Approved By: Duane G. Paul, C.HG. #414 WORK PROPOSED~ FOR NEXT PERIOD (December 2000 through May 2001): 1. Complete groundwater gauging, purging, and sampling in March 2001. 2. Continued operation and maintenance of HCVES. 3. Air sparging and LPH removal systems to be implemented for optimization as needed. I ATTACHED: · Groundwater monitoring procedures (2 Pages) · Site Location Map (Figure 1) · Groundwater Contour. and Hydrocarbon Concentration Map (Figure 2) I · Summary of Groundwater Elevation Data (Table 1) · . Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results (Table 2) · Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results for Chloride and Sulfate (Table 3) I · Laboratory reports and chain-of-custody records (Appendix A) · Groundwater monitoring and purging field data sheets (Appendix B) · Purged groundwater disposal documentation (Appendi~ C) -I I I I I P:\5825.000.O\5825.005,0\2ndhalfOOLREPORT.doc 2 Date: December 22, 2000 SUNLAND REFINERY - BAKERSFIELD ,. GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROCEDURES Groundwater Gauging. Each well was located and inspected upon arrival at the site. Using a SOlinstTM Water Level Meter and/or an'oil/water interface probe, each well was then gauged for depth to groundwater, depth to floating product (if present) and total well depth. Gauging devices were decontaminated between each welt using a triple-rinse method of tap water and non-phosphate detergent, tap water, and then deionized water. Wells were also gauged in expected order of increasing hydrocarbon concentrations to deter Potential The sampling sequence was based on the analytical cross-contamination. results obtained during the previous sampling event. Wells showing a petroleum hydrocarbon sheen during gauging or purging were sampled only if no sheen was observed following purging and recovery. Wells containing floating product were not sampled; the thickness of floating product in these wells was measured and recorded and then the free product was removed by bailing. Groundwater Purging and Sampling. During the semi-annual groundwater sampling performed in September 2000, off-site monitoring wells (SE-MW-51, GMX-MW-60, GMX~MW-61, and GMX-MW-62S), which are constructed with more than 20 feet of submerged well screen, were purged and sampled by Wayne Perry, Inc. (WPI) using low-flow (micro-purge) methods. The purpose of the micro-purge technique was to obtain relatively depth-discrete samples to assess the vertical distribution of MtBE concentrations in wells completed with longer screen intervals. The micro-purge depth-discrete samples were collected using a 2-inch diameter Grundfos Rediflow submersible pump at two vertical depth intervals at each well. The pump was initially lowered to a depth of approximately 5 feet below the measured groundwater surface to purge and collect the first sample. The second sample was collected in the lower portion of the well screen interval at a depth of approximately 100 feet bgs. Purging was initiated and maintained at the lowest rate attainable by the pump to minimize vertical mixing within the well. Water levels were monitored during purging and confirmed that the drawdown during purging ~vas negligible. For the pumping and discharge tubing used by WPI during this Sampling program, the lowest flow rate able to be maintained was approximately 200 milliliters per minute. Purging continued until a minimum of two discharge-line volumes were removed and the water quality parameters (pH, SEC, and temperature) stabilized. Following purging at each specific depth, groundwater samples were collected from the line the and transferred into containers the discharge on pump directly sample provided by laboratory. The; containers were capped with Teflon TMsepta, labeled, and placed on ice for transport to American Analytics, a state-certified laboratory located in Chatsworth, California. The pump was decontaminated between samples with a non-phosphate detergent ~vashwater solution that. was cycled through the pump followed with a deionized water rinse. New disposable tubing was used on each well. For the on-site monitoring wells, at least th~:ee casing volumes of groundwater was removed from each well using a PVC bailer or submersible pump. During purging, water parameters including pH, temperature, conductivity, and turbidity were monitored to calculate stabilization within 10% of each parameter and ensure that groundwater, representative of the aquifer, was entering the well. The bailer was 'decontaminated between each well using a triple-rinse method of tap water and non-phosphate detergent, tap water, and then deionized water. The pump was decontaminated by cycling the washwater through the pump followed with a deionized water rinse. Wells were also purged in expected order of increasing hydrocarbon concentrations to prevent cross-contamination. After purging, wells were allowed to recharge to at least 80% of their original capacity prior to sampling. Groundwater samples were collected using a polyethylene disposable bailer attached to new' nylon cord. Samples were transferred to containers provided by the laboratory appropriate to the analysis to be performed. The containers were capped with TeflonTM septa, labeled, and placed on ice for transport to American Analytics. New sampling equipment (nylon cord, bailer, etc,.) wa~ used on each well to deter potential cross-contamination. ! P:\5825.000.0\5825.005.0\2ndhalf00hREPORT.doc 3 Date: December 22, 2000' QA/QC Samples. Quality control samples submitted to the laboratory included a duplicate groundwater sample and laboratory-prepared trip blanks. One trip blank was kept in the sample cooler and submitted with each set of groundwater samples to the laboratory. Wayne Perry, Inc. initiated a Chain-of-Custody Record in the field immediately following sample collection to accompany the samples to the laboratory.. ' LPH Removal. LPH removal was conducted from wells MW-7 and SE-SVE-42C, using the automated I_;PH recovery system as needed. Removed LPH is stored in a polytank for later transport to a recycling facility. LPH was also removed from wells SE-AS/VE-45B, SE-VE-48C, SE-VE-49B, SE-VE-49C, TSG- VE-57, GMX-AS/VE-64, using a vacuum truck transported off-site and GMX-AS/VE-65 and immediately. Currently wells are placed online intermittently due to the low LPH thickness and elevated groundwater levels. Waste Disposition. Purge water generated during this monitoring event was stored on site in two polytank, s (1500 and 2000 gallon capacity) and was later transported under a bill-of-lading to ' DeMenno/Kerdoon in Compton by Asbury Environmental Services. Removed product and condensate from the HCVES generated during this period was stored on-site in appropriate polytanks. Waste recycling/disposal documentation is attached. I ! i P:\5825.000.O\5825.005.0\2ndhalfOO\REPORT.doc 4 ! I I I I I i i i '1 GEOMATRIX TABLES GEOMATRIX TABLE 1 Page I of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH2'~ Water2 Thickness Elevation~ MW.I NS4 8/28/98 ~.5 73.08 0.00 'NC6 (74 - 84) NS 3/22/99 -- 64.40 0.00 NC NS I 0/13/99 -- 65.29 0.00 NC 387.01 3/7/00 -- 65.61 0.00 321.40 387.01 9/12/00 -- 68.79 0.00 318.22 MW-4 389.31 3/3/98 50.55 52.30 1.75 NC (33 - 53) 387.36 8/28/98 -- DRY7 0.00 NC 387.36 3/22/99 -- DRY 0.00 NC 387.36 10/13/99 -- DRY 0.00 NC 390.40 3/7/00 -- DRY 0.00 NC 390.40 9/12/00 -- DRY 0.00 NC MW-5 - 392.09 11/7/96 97.49 97.92 0.43 NC (75 - 100) 392.09 3/17/97 85.30 87.39 2.09 NC 392.09 6/11/97 81.39 82.30 0.91 NC 392.09 9/8/97 87.45 89.17 1.72 NC 392.09 12/9/97 77.54 78.7 l 1.17 NC 392.09 3/3/98 75.79 77.18 1.39 NC 386.82 8/28/98 · 64.45 67.05 2.60 NC 386.82 3/22/99 55.73 . · 68.42 12.69 NC · 386.82 10/13/99. 59.91 61.52 1.61 NC 390.19 3/7/00 61.40 63.40 2.00 NC 390.19 9/12/00 64.40 69.30 4.90 NC MW-6 387.87 11/7/96 -- 100.37 0.00 287.50 (80 - 105) 387.87 3/17/97 -- 90.88 0.00 296.99 387.87 6/11/97 -~ 85.13 0.00 302.74 387.87 9/8/97 -- 81.85 0.00 306.02 387.87 12/9/97 -- 89.63 0.00 298.24 387.87 3/3/98 -~ 87.98 0.00 299.89 387.87 8/28/98 -- 71.48 0.00 316.39 387.87 3/22/99 -- 63,3 l 0,00 324.56 387.87 , 10/13/99 -- 62.98 0.00 324.89 387.87 3/7/00 -- 83.41 0.00 304.46 387.87 9/12/00 -- 67.97 0.00 319.90 MW-7 385.55 3/17/97 81.33 81.49 0.16 NC (75 - 95) 385.55 6/11/97 76.03 86.46 10.43 NC 385.55 9/8/97 75.35 75,48 0.13 NC 385.55 12/9/97 NGPs NGP NGP NC 385.55 3/3/98 NGP NGP NGP NC 385.55 8/28/98 63.90 72,70 8.80 NC 385.55 3/22/99 54.45 73,34 18.89 NC 385.55 10/13/99 -- 58.45 0.00 327.10 385.55 3/7/00 NGP NGP NG? NC 385.55 9/12/00 NGP NGP NGP NC P:\5825,000\5825.0005\2NDHALFOO\Table~ lhru SepOOVD\BLE [ GEOMATRIX TABLE 1 page 2 of 8 Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater {Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH~'3 Water2 Thickness ' Elevation~ MWo8 388.63 3/17/97 82.60 82.70 0.10 NC (70 - 90) 388.63 6/11/97 -- 78.62 0.00 310.01 388.63 9/8/97 82.50 82.65 0.15 ' NC 388.63 12/9/97 -- 74.80 0.00 313.83 388.63 3/3/98 -- 76.33 0.00 312.30 384.69 8/28/98 -- 61.65 0.00 323.04 384.69 3/22/99 sheen after bailed 54.57 0.00 330.12 384.69 10/13/99 -- 56.92 0.00 327.77 388.18 3/7/00 -- 59.26 0.00 328.92 388.18 9/12/00 -- 61.94 0.00 326.24 SE-MW-9(R) 388.39 3/17/97 94.44 94.84 0.40 NC (60 - 125) 388.39 6/11/97 83.74 85.59 1.85 NC 388.39 9/8/97 81.59 83.24 1.65 NC 388.39 12/9/97 NGP NGP NGP NC 388.39 3/3/98 , NGP NGP NGP NC 388.29 8/28/98 -~ 70.21 0.00 318.08 388.29 3/22/99 sheen after bailed 62.86 0.00 325.43 388.29 10/13/99 -- 62.47 0.00 325.82 388.29 3/7/00 -- 83.41 0.00 304.88 , 388.29 9/12/00 -- 67.20 0.00 321.09 MW-10(R) 386.97 3/7/96 -o 101.76 ' 0.00 285.2 l (60 o 160) 386.97 6/11/96 -- 92.65 0.00 294.32 386.97 8/20/96 -- . :88.03 0.00 298.94 386.97 11/7/96 -- 81.81 0.00 305.16 386.97 3/17/97 -- 72.69 0.00 314.28 386.97 6/I 1/97 -~ 68.97 0.00 318.00 386.97 9/8/97 -o 65.85 0.00 321.12 386.97 12/9/97 -- 65.74 0.00 321.23 386.97 3/3/98 -- 64.21 0.00 322.76 386.97 8/28/98 -- 57.60 0.00 329.37 386.97 3/22/99 -- 51.54 0.00 335.43 386.97 10/13/99 -o 51.39 0.00 335.58 386.94 3/7/00 ~- 54.35 0.00 332.59 386.94 9/12/00 -- 56.47 0.00 330.47 MW-I 1 384.35 8/20/96 -- 92.36 0.00 291.99 (72 - 102) 384.35 11/7/96 -- 86.78 0.00 297.57 · 384.35 3/17/97 -- 76.19 0.00 308. l 6 384.35 6/I 1/97 -- 72.66 0.00 311.69 384.35 9/8/97 -- 70.35 0.00 314.00. 384.35 12/9/97 -- 69.98 0.00 314.37 384.35 3/3/98 -- 68.22 0.00 316.13 384.35 8/28/98 -- 61.54 0.00 322.81 384.35 3/22/99 -- 52.18 0.00 332.17 384.35 I 0/13/99 -- 54.72 0.00 329.63 384.48 3/7/00 -- 57.24 0.00 327.24 384.48 9/12/00 -- 59.05 0.00 325.43 ! P:\5825.000\5825.0005~2NDHALFOOXTablcs Ihru SepOO\TABLE [ ! GEOMATRIX TABLE I Page 3 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product. GrOundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPHz-~ Water2 Thickness 'Elevation MW-12 386.27 3/7/96 -- DRY 0.00 NC (74 - 104) 386.27 6/11/96 -- 96.71 0.00 289.56 386.27 8/20/96 -- 92.73 0.00 293.54 386.27 11/7/96 -- 86.81 0.00 299.46 386.27 3/17/97 -- 76.90 0.00 309.37 386.27 6/I 1/97 -- 72.81 0.00 313.46 386,27 9/8/97 -- 70,07 0.00 316.20 386.27 12/9/97 -- 69.46 0.00 316.81 383.27 3/3/98 -- 68.01 0.00 315.26 383.27 8/28/98 -- 59.45 0.00 323.82 383.27 3/22/99 -- 52.52 0.00 330.75 383.27 1 O/13/99 -- 55.07 0.00 328.20 386.92 3/7/00 -- 57.60 0.00 329.32 386.92 ' 9/12/00 -- 60.04 0.00 326.88 MW-13 385.49 I l/7/96 -- 103.88 0.00 281.61 (85 - I 15) 385.49 3/17/97 -- 93.06 0.00 292.43 385.49 6/I 1/97 -- 89.19 0.00 296.30 385.49 9/8/97 -- 86.74 0.00 298.75 385.49 12/9/97 -- 84.92 0.00 300.57 385.49 3/3/98 -- 82.15 0.00 303.34 385.49 8/28/98 -- 75.78 0.00 309.71 385.49 3/22/99 -- 67.40 0.00 318.09 385.49 1 O/13/99 -- 68.31 0.00 317.18 385.49 3/7/00 -- 68.11 0.00 317.38 385.49 9/12/00 -- 71.83 0.00 ., · 313.66 MW-14 384.13 11/7/96 -- 99.51 0.00 284.62 (80 - 120) 384.13 3/17/97 -- 88.37 0.00 295.76 384.13 6/11/97 -- 83.97 0.00 300.16 384.13 9/8/97 -- 81.40 0.00 302.73 384.13 12/9/97 -- 79.35 0.00 304.78 384.13 3/3/98 -- 77.30 0.00 306.83 384.13 8/28/98 -- 70.93 0.00 313.20 384.13 3/22/99 -- 62.18 0.00 321.95 384.13 10/13/99 -- 63.33 0.00 320.80 384.13 3/7/00 -- 63.71 0.00 320.42 384A3 9/12/0O: -- 67.02 0.00 317.1 I MW-15 385.17 8/20/96 -- 97.04 0.00 288.13 (72 - 92) 385.17 l 1/7/96 -- 91.66 0.00 293.51 385.17 3/17/97 -- 81.42 0.00 303.75 385.17 6/11/97 -- 76.68 0.00 308.49 385.17 9/8/97 -- 74.18 0.00 310.99 385.17 12/9/97 ~- 73.67 0.00 311.50 385.17 3/3/98 -- 71.45 0.00 313.72 385.17 8/28/98 -- 62.40 0.00 322.77 385.17 3/22/99 -- 56.86 0.00 328.3 I 385.17 I O/13/99 -- 57.37 0.00 327.80 385.17 3/7/00 -- 59.66 0.00 325.51 385.17 9/12/00 -- 62.57 0.00 322.60 P:\5825.000\5825.0005\2NDHALFOO\Tables thr~ ,%pOOVrABLE i GEOMATRIX i TABLE I Page 4 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to I Product t Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPHz'3 Water2I ThicknessI Elevation~ MW-I 6 385.13 8/20/96 104.90 109.93 5.03 NC (78 - 108) 385.13 11/7/96 96.64 109.92 13.28 NC 385.13 3/17/97 87.60 90.80 3.20 NC 385.13 6/11/97 79.80 89.49 9.69 NC 385.13 9/8/97 75.35 75.48 0.13 NC 385.13 12/9/97 NGP NGP NGP NC 385.13 3/3/98 73.89 73.92 0.03 NC 385.13 8/28/98 67.75 68.10 0.35 NC 385.13 3/22/99 59.70 60.00 0.30 NC 385.13 10/13/99 60.41 60.42 0.01 NC 385.13 3/7/00 61.38 61.39 0.01 NC 385.13 9/13/00 64.37 64.60 0.23 NC SE-MW-18(R) NS 3/17/97 -- 82.64 0.00 NC (60 - 125) NS 6/I 1/97 -- 79.74 0.00 NC NS 9/8/97 -- 77.69 0.00 NC NS 12/9/97 -- 75.79 0.00 NC NS 3/3/98 -- 73.02 0.00 NC NS 8/28/98 -- 66.84 0.00 NC NS 3/22/99 -- 57.41 0.00 NC NS 10/13/99 -- 58.34 0.00 NC 382.95 3/7/00 -- 59.20 0.00 323.75 382.95 9/12/00 -- 62.39 0.00 320.56 MW-19 383.48 3/7/96 -- DRY 0.00 NC (84 - 104) 383.48 . 6/11/96 -- 99.07 0.00 284.41 383.48 8/20/96 -- 95.15 0.00 288.33 383.48 11/7/96 -- 89.71 0.00 293.77 383.48 3/17/97 -- 79.16 0.00 304.32 383.48 · 6/11/97 -- 74.81 0.00 308.67 383.48 9/8/97 -- 72.52 0.00 310.96 383.48 12/9/97 -- 71.80 0.00 31 t.68 383.48 3/3/98 -- 69.87 0.00 313.6 I 383.48 8/28/98 -- 63.02 0.00 320.46 383.48 3/22/99 -- 55.48 0.00 328.00 383.48 10/13/99 -- 56.36 0.00 327.12 383.48 3/7/00 -- 58.45 0.00 325.03 383.48 9/12/00 -- 60.90 0.00 322.58 SE-MW-20(S) 382.63 3/7/96 -- 122.87 0.00 259.76 (77 - 137) 382.63 6/11/96 -- 114.32 0.00 268.3 l 382.63 8/20/96 -- 109.67 0.00 272.96 382.63 1 I/7/96 -- 102.75 0.00 279.88 382.63 3/17/97 -- 92.08 0.00 290.55' 382.63 6/I 1/97 -- 88.20 0.00 294.43 . 382.63 9/8/97 -- 85.97 0.00 296.66 382.63 12/9/97 -- 84.20 0.00 298.43 382.63 3/3/98 -- 80.76 0.00 301.87 382.63 8/28/98 -- 74.76 0.00 307.87 382.63 3/22/99 -- 66.15 0.00 316.48 382.63 10/13/99 -- 77.1 I 0.00 305.52 382.63 3/7/00 -- 66.77 0.00 315.86 382.63 9/I 2/00 -- 69.87 0.00 312.76 P:\5825.000\5825.0005L2NDHALF00XrabI['s Ihru Scp00\Tt\BI.E { GEOMATRIX TABLE I ,. Page 5 ot'8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID I Casing '1 Measurement Depthto I Depthto Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevationt Date LPH;'3 ' - Waterz Thickness Elevation~ SE-M W-20(D) 383.56 3/7/96 -- 125.75 0.00 257.81 (144 - 184) 383.56 6/I 1/96 -- 124.56 0.00 259.00 383.56 8/20/96 -- 117.86 ' 0.00 265.70 383.56 1 I/7/96 -- I I0.19 0.00 273.37 383.56 3/17/97 -- 100.60 . 0.00 282.96 383.56 6/11/97 -- 98.89 0.00 284.67 383.56 9/8/97 -- 99.49 0.00 284.07 383.56 12/9/97 -- 92.83 0.00 290.73 383.56 3/3/98 -- 89.35 0.00 294.2 I 383.56 8/28/98 -- 84.60 0.00 298.96 383.56 3/22/99 o- 75.43 0.00 308.13 383.56 I 0/13/99 -- 67.15 0.00 316.41 383.56 3/7/00 -- 74.73 0.00 308.83 383.56 9/12/00 -- 80.20 0.00 303.36 SE-MW-21 385.23 3/7/96 -- 106.64 0.00 ,278.59 (57 - 182) 385.23 6/11/96 -- 98.12 0.00 287.1 I 385.23 8/20/96 -- '94.40 0.00 290.83 385.23 11/7/96 -- 88.80 0.00 296.43 385.23 3/17/97 -- 78.46 0.00 306.77 385.23 6/11/97 -- 75.18 0.00 310.05 385.23 9/8/97 -- 73.39 0.00 311.84 385.23 12/9/97 -- 73.00 0.00 312.23 385.23 3/3/98 -- 71.42 0.00 313.81 385.23 8/28/98 -~ ,64.59 0.00 320.64 385.23 3/22/99 -- 56.98 0.00 328.25 385.23 10/13/99 -- 58.38 0.00 ~ 326.85 385.23 3/7/00 -- 61.06 0.00 324.17 385.23 9/12/00 -- 63.07 0.00 322. ! 6 SE-MW-22 388.52 3/7/96 -- 98.12 0.00 290.40 (60 - 180) 388.52 6/I 1/96 -- 89.97 0.00 298.55 388.52 8/20/96 -- 86.45 0.00 302.07 388.52 11/7/96 -- 80.95 0.00 307.57 388.52 3/I 7/97 -- 71.70 0.00 316.82 388.52 6/11/97 -- 68.63 0.00 319.89 388.52 9/8/97 -- 66.22 0.00 322.30 388.52 12/9/97 -- 67.00 0.00 321,52 388.52 3/3/98 -- 65.22 0.00 323.30 388.52 8/28/98 -- 58.45 0.00 330.07 388.52 3/22/99 -- 52.53 0.00 .335.99 388.52 10/13/99 -- 52.86 0.00 335.66 388.52 3/7/00 -- 57.29 0.00 331.23 388.52 9/12/00 -- 58.34 0.00 330.18 SE-MW-23(S) 384.84 3/7/96 -- 106.41 0.00 278.43 (50- 130) 384.84 6/I 1/96 -- 97,34 0.00 287.50 384.84 8/20/96 -- 93.58 0.00 291.26 384.84 11/7/96 -- 87.74 0.00 .297.10 384.84 3/17/97 -- 77.70 0.00 307.14 384.84 6/11/97 -- '73.43 0.00 311.41 384.84 9/8/97 -- 73.80 0.00 311.04 384.84 12/9/97 -- 70.27 ' 0.00 314.57 384.84 3/3/98 -- 68.40 0.00 3 t 6.44 383.57 8/28/98 -- 61.85 0.00 321.72 383.57 3/22/99 -- 52.07 0.00 331.50 383.57 10/13/99 -- 56.28 0.00 '327.29 386.42 3/7/00 -- 60.78 0.00 325.64 386.42 9/I 2/00 -o 63.92 0.00 322.50 P:~5825.000\5825.0005\2NDtlALFOO~Tablcs thru SepOOXTABLE I GEOMATRIX TABLE 1 Page 6 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION'DATA Well ID Casing Measuremen, Dep'th to Depth toI Product I Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH~a Waters Thickness Elevation~ SE-MW-23(D) 384.84 3/7/96 -- 108.54 0.00 276.30 ( 160; 165) 384.84 6/11/96 -- 100.45 0.00 284.39 384.84 8/20/96 -- 96.58 0.00 288.26 384.84 1 I/7/96 -- 90.41 0.00 293~.43 384.84 3/I 7/97 -- 80.14 0:00 304.70 384.84 6/11/97 -- 76.28 0.00 308.56 384.84 9/8/97 -- 70.80 · 0.00 314.04 384.84 12/9/97 -- 72.92 0.00 311.92 384.84 3/3/98 -- 70.70 0.00 314.14 383.48 8/28/98 -- 64.45 0.00 319.03 ~ 383.48 3/22/99 -- 56.85 0.00 326.63 383.48 10/13/99 -- 58.90 0.00 324.58 386.52 3/7/00 -" 58.32 0.00 328.20 386.52 9/12/00 -- 60.62 0.00 '325.90 SE-MW-24(S) 383.95 3/7/96 -- 116.03 0.00 267.92 (60 - 160) 383.95 6/I 1/96 -- 108.87 0.00 275.08 383.95 8/20/96 -- 105.01 0.00 278.94 383.95 11/7/96 -- 98.03 0.00 285.92 383.95 3/I 7/97 -- 86.76 0.00 297.19 383.95 6/11/97 -- 82.91 0.00 301.04 383.95 9/8/97 -- 80.94 0.00 303.0 I 383.95 12/9/97 -- 79.36 0.00 304.59 383.95 3/3/98 -- .76.46 0.00 307.49 383.95 8/28/98 -- 70.43 0.00 313.52 383.95 3/22/99 -- 62.13 0.00 321.82 383.95 10/13/99 -- 63.16 0.00 320.79 383.95 3/7/00 -- 63.74 0.00 320.2 I 383.95 9/13/00 -- 67.58 0.00 . 316.37 SE-MW-24(D) 383.16 3/7/96 -- I 19.67 0.00 263.49 (170 - 175) 383.16 6/I 1/96 -- 122.85 0.00 260.31 383.16 8/20/96 -- 116.07 0.00 267.09 383.16 1 I/7/96 -~ 106.71 0.00 276.45 383.16 3/17/97 -- 98.75 0.00 284.41 383.16 6/11/97 -- 98.38 0.00 284.78 383.16 9/8/97 -- 100.02 0.00 283.14 383.16 12/9/9~7 -- 92.06 0.00 291.10 383.16 3/3/98 -- 88.60 0.00 294.56 383.16 8/28/98 -- 86.09 0.00 ' 297.07 383.16 3/22/99 -- 77.47 0.00 305.69 383.16 10/13/99 -- 77.12 0.00 306.04 383.16 3/7/00 -- 74.76 0.00 308.40 383.16 9/13/00 -- 80.46 0.00 302.70 SE-MW-25 387.38 3/7/96 -- 87.83 0.00 299.55 (60 - 165) 387.38 6/11/96 -- 80.32 0.00 307.06 387.38 8/20/96 -- 76.98 0.00 310.40 387.38 11/7/96 -- 71.52 0.00 31.5.86 387.38 3/17/97 -- 63.13 0.00 324.25 387.38 6/11/97 -- 60.52 0.00 326.86 387.38 9/8/97 -- 58.40 0.00 328.98 387.38 12/9/97 -- 60.18 0.00 327.20 ' 387.38 3/3/98 -- 58.51 0.00 328.87 387.38 8/28/98 -- 52.87 0.00 334.51 387.38 3/22/99 -- 48.08 0.00 339.30 387.38 10/13/99 -- 48.11 0.00 339.27 387.42 3/7/00 -: 53.68 0.00 333.74 387.42 9/I 2/00 -- 53.77 0.00 333.65 P:\5825.O00\5825.0005L2NDHALF01gTablesihm Sep0OXTABI.E I GEOMATRIX TABLE 1 Page 7 ors SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Elevati°n!" LPHZ'3 Water2 : ', " I ' ' (Screen Interval) Date Thickness SE-MW-26 385.07 3/7/96 -- 130.88 0.00 ~'54.19 (62 - 187) 385.07 6/11/96 -- 129.82 0.00 255.25 385.07 8/20/96 -- 120.84 0.00 264.23 385.07 1 I/7/96 -- I 13.93 0.00 27 I. 14 385.07 3/17/97 -- 102.25 0.00 282.82 385.07 6/11/97 -- 98.87 0.00 286.20 385.07 9/8/97 -- 99.12 0.00 285.95 3.85.07 12/9/97 -- 93.64 0.00 291.43 385.07 3/3/98 -- 89.99 0.00 295.08 385.07 8/28/98 -- 85.23 0.00 ' 299.84 385.07 3/22/99 -- 70.16 0.00 314.91 385.07 l 0/13/99 -- 74.86 0.00 310.21 · 385.07 3/7/00 -- 70.63 0.00 314.44 385.07 9/12/00 -- 77.61 0.00 ~ 307.46 SE-MW-27 387.72 3/7J96 -- 122.73 0.00 264.99 (72 - 197) 387.72 6/11/96 -- 121.38 0.00 266.34 387.72 8/20/96 -- I 16.44 0.00 271.28 387.72 11/7/96 -- 109.09 0.00 278.63 387.72 3/17/97 -- 98.41 0.00 289.31 387.72 6/11/97 -- 94.11 0.00 293.61 387.72 9/8/97 -- 91.24 0.00 296.48 387.72 12/9/97 -- 89.41 0.00 298.31 387.72 3/3/98 -- 85.78 0.00 301.94 387.72 8/28/98 -- ' 79.63 0.00 308.09 387.72. 3/22/99 -- 68.61 0.00 3 t 9. I 1 387.72 l 0/13/99 -- 70.27 0.00 317.45 387.72 3/7/00 -- 69.79 0.00 3 ! 7.93 387.72 9/13/00 -- 75.53 0.00 312.19 SE-AS/MW-28(S) 388.51 l 1/7/96 -- 105.92' ' 0.00 282.59 (70- 120) 388.51 3/17/97 -- 95.95 0.00 292.56 388.51 6/11/97 -- 91.42 0.00 297.09 388.51 9/8/97 -- 88.19 0.00 300.32 388.51 12/9/97 82.89 0.00 305.62 388.51 3/3/98 -- 80.24 0.00 308.27 388.51 8/28/98 -- 74.21 0.00 314.30 388.51 3/22/99 -- 62.81 0.00 325.70 388.51 10/13/99 -- 66.84 0.00 321.67 386.03 3/7/00 -- 64.30 0.00 '321.73 386.03 9/I 2/00 -- 74.49 0.00 311.54 SE-ASlMW-28(D) 389.16 I 1/7/96 -- NG9 0.00 NC (128 - 130) 389.16 3/I 7/97 NG NG NG NC 389.16 6/11/97 NG NG NG NC 389.16 9/8/97 NG NG NG NC 389.16 12/9/97 NG NG NG NC 389.16 3/3/98 NG NG NG NC 389.16 8/28/98 NG NG NG NC 3~9.16 3/22/99 NG NG NG NC 389.16 10/13/99 -- 70.77 0.00 318.39 386.13 3/7/00 NG NG NG NC 386.13 9/12/00 -- 70.23 0.00 315.90 P:',5825.000\5825.0005\2NDHALFOO\Tabtes thru Sep00\TABLE I I GEOMATRIX ,i TABLE I ,. Page 8 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA WelIID I Casing I Measurement [ Depthto [ Depthto I , Product I Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH2a Water2 Thickness Elevation SE-VE/MW-29(S) 385.30 I 1/7/96 -- DRY 0.00 NC (10 - 60) 385.30 3/17/97 NG NG NG . NC 385.30 6/11/97 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 9/8/97 - DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 12/9/97 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 3/3/98 - DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 8/28/98 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 3/22/99 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 10/13/99 -- DRY 0.00 NC 384.39 3/7/00 -- DRY ' ' 0.00 NC 384.39 9/12/00 -- DRY 0.00 NC SE-VE/MW-29(D) 385.31 11/7/96 -- 101.50 0.00 283.81 (70 - 130) 385.31 3/17/97 -- 92.90 0.00 292.41 385.31 6/11/97 - 88.72 0.00 296.59 385.31 9/8/97 ,-- 85.84 0.00 299.47 385.31 12/9/97 -- 81.84 0.00 303.47 385.31 3/3/98 -- 79.30 0.00 306.01 385.31 8/28/98 -~ 73.90 0.00 311.41 385.31 3/22/99 -- 63.63 0.00 321.68 385.31 10/13/99 -- 65.61 0.00 319.70 3.84.30 3/7/00 -- 65.40 0.00 318.90 384.30 9/12/00 - 68.95 0.00 . 315.35 SE-MW-51 383.46 8/28/98 -- 81.40 0.00 30'J.06 (55 - 105) 383.46 3/22/99 -- 72.34 0.00 311.12 383.46 10/13/99 -- 70.70 0.00 312.76 383.46 3/7/00 -- 68.76 0.00 314.70 383.46 9/12/00 -- 73.77 0.00 309.69 GMX-MW-60 389.03 3/7/00 -- 68.33 0.00 320.70 · (45-110) 389.03 9/12/00 -- 72.83 0.00 316.20 ~MX-MW-61 387.85 3/7/00 -- 76.92 0.00 310.93 (48-113) 387.85 9/12/00 -- 81.02 0.00 306.83 G MX-MW-62(S) 386.48 3/7/00 -- 74.00 0.00 312.48 (49-133.5) 386.48 9/12/00 -- 76.48 0.00 310.00 GMX-MW-62(D) 386.52 3/7/00 -- 77.86 0.00 308.66 ( 148.5-158) 386.52 9/12/00 -- 82.26 0.00 304.26 I I. Groundwater and wellhead elevations are in feet relativ~ to benchmark #1929 with a reported elevation of 384.389 feet above mean sea level. ' 2. All measurements in feet from top of well casing. 3. LPH = Liquid Phase Hydrcarbon. 4. NS = not surveyed. i 5. -- = no measurable floating product in well, 6. NC = not calculated due to presence of flee product in well or lack of survey data. 7. DRY = dry well. 8. NGP = well not gauged (product recovery, pump in ~vell). Il 9. NG = well not gauged ( 1 ;' air sparge well). P:\5825.0OO\5825.0005\2NDHAI.FOO\Tables thru Sep00\TABLE I GIEOMATRIX i TABLE 2 Page I oi'7 SUMMARY OF (~'ROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS [] Former Sunland Oil Refine~ Bakersfield, Califomia I ID Date TEPH~ TPHgz Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBEa MTBEa (rog/I) (m.~/I} (rog/l) (rog/l) (m~'l*) (rog/I) (rog/I) (lng/I} MW-I 8/28/98 -~ 0.16 0.0007 <0.0005'~ <0.0005 0.0097 0.155 ~' 3/24/99 1.30 0.0022 0.0017 0.17 0.0860 <0.05 19/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C441? 0.69 <0.0005 0.00058 <0.0005 0.0042 <0.005 I ~l 3/9/00 0.29(C8-C281 0.73 0.0072 0.009 0.025 0.053 0.006 0.0058 'l' 9/15/00 < I (C6-C44) I. I 0.00051 0.0011 <0.0005 0.063 <0.005 MW-5 1 I/8/96 LPHs LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/I 1/97 LPH LPH LPH . LPH LPH LPH LPH i 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH ~ 12/12/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH ~ 10/I 5/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/7/00 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/13/00 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH MW-6 I 1/8/96 3.0(C~-C 16) 2.56 19 3.3 0.160 0.68 0.054 3/25/97 -- 56 28 18 0.38 1.6 0.050 '~[ 6/13/97 -- 83 · 37 21 0.69 4.0 <0.25 9/19/97 -- 90 28 25 0.67 3.9 <0.25 12/12/97 .- 13 33 36 0.9 5.5 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 140 31 33 1.2 7.3 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 81 14. ! 18.5 1.39 7.94 0.234 'm 3/25/99 74 17.0 22.0 1.20 8.10 < I 0'~ I0/I 5/99 6.6 (C6-C 141 68 12 9.3 0.71 7.3 <0.5 to 0.33 ' 3/10/00 9.2(C6-C 18) 55 16 1.0 3.4 6.2 0.21 0.16 9/15/00 <1 {C6-C441 13 5 <0.025 <0.025 <0.05 0.51 0.5 MW-7 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPFI LPH LPH LPH EPH i 6/I 1/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/I 9/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH ~ 12/1~97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH i 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH .-- 3/7/00 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/13/00 LPH LPH. LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH MW-8 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH I 6/I 1/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 12/12/97 .. 95 2.8 5.5 2.5 22 <0.005 3/3/98 .- I l0 2.2 5.0 3.0 24 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 68 0.405 5.58 2.61 21 0.222 I 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH , 10/15/99 6.0 (C6-CI81 3.0 0.04 0.042 0.011 0.16 0.062 <0.005 3/9/00 5.7(C6-Ct61 19 0.06 0.24 0.12 1.6 <0.025I° 9/15/00 5.4 (C8-CI4) 14 0.016 0.0096 0.014 0.87 0.026 <0.005 SE-MW-9(R) 3/t 7/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH I 6/I 1/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/I 9/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LP}I 12/12/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPH LPH LPH LPI-t LPH LPH LPH 8/28,'98 3.20 0.745 0.033 0.136 0.072 0.02 I I 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15~99 5.1 {C6-C26') 22 6.1 <0.05 0.23 <0.1 <0.5TM <0.05 3/10/00 15(C6.C321 25 6.4 0.9 <0.025 0.072 <0.05m 9/15,'00 t0 fC8-C241 16 ' 4.6 <0.025 I <0.05 <0.25m I GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page 2 or'7 SUMMARY OF GROI)'NDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California ID Date TEPH~ TPHg2 Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE~ MTBE4 frog/I) frog/I) frog/l) (rog/I) (rog/I) frog/I) (rog/l) (m ~,/!) MW- I 0(R) 3/8/96 <0.05 ~ ~ -- 0.0016 0.0035 <0,0005 0.0016 <0.005 6/I 1/96 <0.05n -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 <0,005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 0,0013 0.0028 0.0031 0.0017 <0.005 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 0.0046 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 <0.02 3/20/97 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9t~19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 0.0018 <0.0005 0.0025 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0,05 <0.0005 0.00062 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/24/99 .-- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00062 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,001 <0.005 3/9/00 <0,21C6-C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 .<0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 9/14/00 <1 (C6-C441 <0,1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 MW- I 1 8/20/96 -- 11 0.26 0.018 0.034 0.31 <0.0 I 1 I/8/96 < l(C6-C 12) 0.34 0.057 0.0043 0.010 0.068 <.02 3/25/97 2.8' O. 13 0.023 0.017 0.30 0.037 6/13/97 1.9 0.03 <0.0005 0.00 t 8 0.14 0.025 9/19/97 -- 0.2 0,0011 0.0012 <0.0005 0.017 0.025 12/12/97 - 0.85 0.01 0.0043 0.0015 . 0.068 <0.005 3/3/98 --. 3.7 0.34 1.0 0.066 0.51 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.0 0,394 0.816 0.093 0.561 0,002 3/25/99 0.06 0.0029 0.0043 0.0065 0.0099 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 9/14/00 <I (C6-C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 MW-12 6/I 1/96 70 (C5-C11)~,1 17.0 9.3 2.1 I 1.0 <0.005 8/20/96 -- 35 5.0 0.93 0.33 2.2 <0.125 ' I 1/8/96 5.4 (C6-C 161 5,1 6.9 0.96 0.14 I.I <0,.05 3/25/97 - 1.8 0.21 0.0 t 7 0.00083 0.0069 0.041 6/12/97 -- 1.8 0.12 .013 0,0053 0.026 0.039 9/19/97 -- 1. I 0.08 0.0021 <0.0005 0.06 0.039 12/12/97 -- 3.4 0.10 0.01 0.0023 0.058 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 5.0 0.26 0.63 0.042 0.32 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.3 0.484 0.221 0.107 0.502 0.049 3/25/99 -- NA12 NA NA NA NA NA i 0/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C441 0.58 0.0021 0.0013 <0.0005 0,0019 <0.005 3/9/00 <0.21C6-C44 ) 0.56 0.0036 0.014 0.044 0.073 <0.005 9/15/00 < I (C6-C44) <0. I 0.0093 <0.0005 0.001 0.0013 <0.005 MW- t 3 1 I/8/96 1.91C6-C 181. 0.78 0.010 0.0027 0.0031 0.0019 0.054 3/20/97 -- 3. I 1.9 0.005 0.045 0.0051 0.19 6/I 3/97 -- 4.6 2.4 .0089 0.036 0.0055 0.46 9/19/97 -- 1.1 0.058 0.01 0.011 0.017 0.46 12/12/97. -- 0.12 0.0031 0.0011 0.0015 0.00096 0,77 8/28/98 -- 0,15 0,002 '0.00055 <0,005 <0.005 0.218 3/24/99 -- 0.062 0.0029 0.00079 0.0012 0.0038 0.140 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C441 0.55 0.0054 0.00084 0.0024 0.005 0.017 3/9/00 0.631C6-C 161 1.8 0.071 0.015 0.023 0.064 0.0 [ 0.0089 9/15/00 <1 (C6-C441 0.62 0.01 0.00059 <0.0005 0.00Il 0.0056 <0.005 MW-14 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 , <0.0005 <0.0005 0,120 3/20/97 -- <0. I 0.0019 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.034 6/13/97 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0031 <0~02 9/19/97 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0017 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0,05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 0.220 3/3/98 -- <0,05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00059 0.07 8/28/98 <0.05 <0.0005 0.0005 <0.0005 0,00060 · <0.005 3/24/99 -- <0.05 0.00057 <0.0003 0.00044 0.00160 <0A0 I 0/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 0.0026 0.0019 ' <0,0005 0.0015 <0.005 3/9/00 <0.21C6-C441 <0. t <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00053 0.0013 <0.005 9/15/00 <l (C6-C441 · <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.0115 MW- 15 8/20/96 -- 21 3.3 0.020 0.7 0.4 <0.125 11/8/96 13{C6-C 181 8.19 8.7 0A 10 2.1 I.I <1 3/21/97 -- 5.5 0.28 0.013 0.18 0,2 0.081 6/13/97 -- 17 6. I 0.028 <11.025 0.1 I <.25 9/19/97 -- 33 9.9 0.87 2.3 0,93 :~.25 12/I 2/97 -- 25 5.5 0,095 2.2 0.09 <0,005 3/3/98 -- 22 3;5 0.050 2.3 0,075 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 13 1.27 0.010 2.29 0.206 0.0'/6 3/25/99 -- 4.4 O. 15 0.025 1.6 11.250 <0.40 10/I 5/99 <0.2 (C6-C441 2.5 0.049 0.0014 0. I 0.0053 0.0075 ' 3/10/00 1.01C6-C16) 5.8 0.29 0.69 0.0018 <0.001 <0.005 9/15/00 2.4 (C8-CI21 10 0.26 <0.005 1.9 0.011 0.049 <0.005 GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page 3 ol'7 SUMMARY OF GROUND~/ATER ANALYTICAL DATA FoR HYDROCARBONS i; Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California 1D Date TEPH~ TPHgz Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBEz MTBE4 I ~'"ga) ~'"~m ~mga). ~'"ga) ('"ga) ~mga) MW-16 8/20/96 LPH LPH LPH LPH L?H LPH LPH 11/8/96 LPH LP, LP. LP, LPH LPH LPH 3/17/97 LPH L?H LPH LPH LPH LPH LP, 6/I 1/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH It 9/19/97 - 6.3 0.5 0.011 0.012 0.082 12/12/97 -- LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH -'~ 3/3/98 .- LPH LPH LPH. LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH ~'~ 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH ! 10/15/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/7/00 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH - ' 9/13/00 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH SE-M W- 18 (R) 3/20/97 -- 0.74 0.15 0.00097 0.00051 0.092 <0.02 I 6/13/97 -- <0. l 0.00051 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/I 9/97 -- 0.12 0.001 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- 0.110 0.00078 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00074 <0,005 3/3/98 -- 0.15 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.001 0.0076 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 2.7 0.018 0.0031 0.292 0.730 0.0045 i,, 3/24/99 -- 3.4 0.012 0.0052 0.360 0.980 <0.10 10/15/99 0.35 (C8-CI23 1.6 0.00081 0.0012 0.00081 0.011 <0.005 3/9/00 3,8(C6-C 16) 5.3 0.0049 0.05 ! 0.014 0.25 <0.005 9/15/00 I.l {C10-C14) 2.4 0.0013 <0.0005 0.0022 0.0016 <0.005 MW- 19 6/11/96 I I (C5-C243" -- 10.0 0.22 0.55 0.17 <0.005 ~ 8/20/96 - 10 0,25 0.030 0.030 0.30 <0.125 It 11/8/96 14(C6-C203 9.5 1.8 0.040 0.48 1.5 NDu 3/21/97 -- 3.8 0.45 0.0039 <0.0005 0.043 0.064 ' ~ (DUP)~4 3/21/97 -- 3.9 0.46 0.0041 <0,0005 0,044 0,65 6/13/97 -- 0.96 0.016 0.0014 <0.0005 <0.001 0.027 9/19/97 15 1.0 0.081 0.003 7.4 0.027 12/1 2/97 45 t .2 0.070 2.9 14 <0.005 3/3/98 21 0.47 <0.0005 1.2 5.4 <0.005 ~ 8/28/98 -- 29 0.366 0.023 2. t3 7.76 0.049 3/25i99 -- 13 0.22 , 0.014 0.82 2.2 <0.40 10/15/99 1.8 (C6-CI43 35 0.52 0,43 1.2 1.1 <0.5!o <0.05 I 3/10/00 3.9(C6-C163 8.8 0.093 0.7 ~0.0017 0.28 <0.005 ~ · 9/15/00 2.1 (C8-CI23 . 7.6 0.068 <0.0025 0.49 0.045 <0.025I° SE-MW-20{S) 3/8/96 2.9 (C5-C103" -- 0.00095 0.0014 0.0015 0.0041 0,03t 6/11/96 1.9 (C5-243" ~- <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0012 <0.0005 ND i 8/20~96 -- 0,90 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.047 11/8/96 < 1( C 8-C 103 0,13 0.0022 0.0018 <0,0005 0.0012 0.34 3/21/97 -- 4.6 2.2 0.0082 0.54 0.018 0.24 ~' 6/12/97 -- 3.9 I.I <0.0005 0. l 5 0.0073 <0.05 9/19/97 -- 9.5 1.9 0.022 0.052 0,05 <0.05 ~ ~ 12/12/97 -- 7.9 1.6 0.0048 0.65 0.039 0. t4 # 3/3/98 -- 5,2 t.3 0.012 0.51 0.029 0.15 8/28/98 -- 4.3 0.658 0.010 ' 0.090 0.215 0.166 -~ 3/24/99 -- 3.3 0.430 <0.006 0.056 0.014 <0.20 I 0/15~99 <0.2 {C6-C443 2.0 0.2 0.0034 0,019 0.0048 0.019 0.016 3/8/00 I.I(C6-C 163 3.6 0.76 0.049 0,036 0.063 0.04 0.049 I 9/14/00 <1 (C6-C44) 2.9 0.56 0.0065 <0.0025 <0.005 0.076 0.042 . SE-MW-20fD) 3/8,96 <0.05II 0,0018 0.0010 <0.0005 - 0.0022' <0,005 '~' 6/I 1,96 1.5 n -- 0.0017 0.00032 0,0014 0.0020 0.016 8/20,96 -- 2.6 <0.000~ <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 i I 1;&96 < I(C6-C 123 0.38 ' 0.15 0.0029 0.003 t 0.0024 <0.02 3/2 I,97 -- 1.9 0.62 0.004 0. I I 0.0091 <0.02 , 6/12.97 -- 6.5 1.7 0.0073 0.46 ' 0.012 0. l 8 9/19~97 -- 1.3 0.47 0.01 I . 0,0024 0.009 0.18 12z I Z97 -- 8.7 2.5 0.0039 0.092 0.017 <0.005 3/3,98 -- 6.9 1.6 0.0048 0.094 0.012 <0.005 1"' 8/28,98 -- 4.8 0,529 0.01 I 0.104 0,017 0.059 3/24,'99 -- 0,77 0.130 0.004 0.053 0.0086 <0.050 10/15,99 <0.2 (C6-C443 t.3 0,07 0,002 0.0014 0.0037 <0.005 <0.005 3/8;00 <0.2(C6-C44) 1.8 0,21 0.017 0,0027 0.0019 0.01 I <0.0t)5 9/14,00 <1 (C6-C44 2.8 0.32 0.0021 <0,0005 0.005 0,043 <0.005 1 GIEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page .I. of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWAT'ER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS I, Former Sunland Oil Refinery, Bakersfield, California I l, ID Dale TEPH~ TPHg: Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylene$ MTBE~ MTBE~ (rog/l) (mg/I} (rog/I) (mg/I) (mg/1) (rog/I) (mg/I) !,m~l) ,~' SE-MW-21 3/8/96 <0.05" -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/I 1/96 <0.05n -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 .- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 .l~ I l/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.02 3/21/97 - <0, I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 .- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -. <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0{}05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 ~l[' 3/3/98 -- <0,05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8~8/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 0.00056 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/24/99 - <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0003 <0.0005 <0.0006 <0.010 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) . <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.0076 <0,005 3/8/00 <0.2(C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.0072 <0,005 Ii 9/14/00 <1 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-MW-22 3/8/96 <0.05" -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005' ~ 6/11/96 <0.05" -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 1 I/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/I 9/97 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/13/97 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 - <0,] <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 " 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 i; 8/28/98 -- 0.12 <0.0005 0.00061 0.00082 0.0042 0,001 I 3/24/99 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0003 <0,0003 <0.0006 <0.OlO 10/I 5/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 3/7/00 <0.2(C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 9/14/00 <l tC6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 i SE-MW-23(S) 3/8/96 120 (C5-C 14):~ -- 42.0 60.0 3.2 20.0 0.31 ' 6/11/96 150 (C5-C 12)~ - -- 41.0 55.0 2.9 18.0 <0.005 8/20/96 - 22 28 38 2.2 13 <0.005 11/8/96 62(C6-C 16) 9.7 40 49 2.9 17 <0.5 3/25/97 -- 28 6.6 8.2 0.27 3.7 <0.02 Il 6/t 3/97 - 130 31 53 2,5 20.0 <0.05 9/19/97 -- 150 15 26 1.6 I I <0.05 12/12/97 -- 160 22 43 2.2 17 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 190 19 55 3.3 21 <0,005 8/28/98 - 171 22.1 41.9 3.31 18.9 <0.400 3/25/99 - 48 &5 1.6 3.40 7.0 <2.0 10/15/99 6.7 (C6-C 14) 59 2,6 3. l 3.2 I 1 <0.5~° <0.05 3/9/00 10(C6-CI4) 59 0,4 1.4 13 7.4 <0.51° 9/15/00 l0 (C8-C12) 42 0.24 0.17 0.56 I 1 <0.5~° SE-MW-23{D) 3/8/96 13.0 (C5-C 12)11 -- 2.0 2.0 0.40 1.2 0.070 I ~ 6/11/96 14.0 (C5-Ct2)' -- 3,4 2.7 0,38 ND <0.005 , 8/20196 .- 30 4.3 4.0 0.43 2.0 <0.125 11/8/96 9.8(C6-C 14) 9.7 5.4 4.0 0.53 2.0 <0.05 3/25/97 -- 150 30 48 2.5 17 0.059 6/13/97 - 47 12 16 0.36 6.4 ,0.053 I 9/19/97 -- 140 21 40 3.2 21 0.053 12/12/97 - 81 I I 23 1.4 8.6 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 120 12 30 2.0 12 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 59 3.95 15.5 1.21 9.56 <0.200 3/25/99 .. 75 5,4 29 1.8 12 < I 0'~ i 10/I 5/99 4.9 (C6-C 12) 3.0 1.7 0.68 0.58 7 <0.5I° <0.05 3/9/00 I I (C6-C32) 62 3. I 2.4 2.2 I 1 <0.5 to 9115/00 12 (C8-C 16) 37 1.4 <0.05 I. I 1.7 <0.5 m ,! I GEOMATRIX I TABLE 2 Page 5 of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER .~NALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS I Former Sunland Oil Refiner~ Bakersfield, California I ID Date TEPH~ TPHgz Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE~ MTBE~ (mt.r/I) (mg/I) (mg/]) (m~/I) (m~/1) (m~l) (mg/I) (mR, q) SE-MW-24(S) 3/8/96 3,6 (C5-C 14)n -- 1.0 0,022 0. I 6 0.016 0.034 (DUP) 3/8/96 3.5 (C5-C 12)' -- 0.10 0.0018 0.0 t6 0.0012 0.033 i 6/I 1/96 6.7 (C5-C14)u 1.4 0.004 0.33 0.0096 <0.005 (DUP) 6/11/96 6.3 (C5-C 12)u 1.4 0.0058 0.33 0.016 <0.005 8/20/96 -- I I 2.0 0.013 0.17 0.0092 <0.125 I I/8/96 3.2(C6-C 16) 2.68 1.4 0.014. 0.78 0.017 <0.02 ( DUP) 1115/96 .... 2. I 0.017 0.94 0.020 <0.02 3/25/97 -- 3.6 0.64 0.0032 0.013 0.029 <0.02 I 6/I 3/97 -- 14 2.9 0.55 0.78 0.30 <0.1 9/19/97 .- O. 17 0.0096 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.001 I <0. l 12/12/97 -- 6.7 1.6 0.0055 O. 17 0.04 0.04 (DUP) 12/1~97 - 5.8 1.6 <0.0005 0.13 0.034 0.20 3/3/98 -- 12 0.73 0.037 0.90 0.057 <0.005 I (DUP) 3/3/98 -- 1.2 0.70 0.018 0.85 0.038 <0.005 8/2&'98 -- 4.2 0.275 0.013 0.505 0.124 0.044 (DUP) 8/28/98 -- 6.4 0.392 ' 0.015 0.574 0.182 0.172 3/25/99 -- 2.8 0.25 <0.003 O. 19 <0.006 <0.1 (DUP) 3/25/99 -- 2.7 0.30 0.0078 0.22 <0.006 <0.1' I 1 O/15/99 0.63 (C6-C 14) 6.6 0.32 '0.015 O. I I 0.031 0.038 3/10/00 1.6(C6-C 16) 7 0.29 0.25 0.025 0.093 <0.005 {DUP) 3/10/00 7.5 0.28 0.25 0.026 0.083 <0.005 9/I 5/00 1.7 {C8-1CI6) 5.2 0.12 0.0038 0.27 0.0086 0.03 <0.005 (DUP) 9/15/00 2.2 (C8-CI6) 4.5 0. II 0.0035 0.25 0.0076 0.025 <0.005 I SE.MW-24( D) 3/8/96 I (C5-C 18)~ ~ -- 0.0065 0.011 0.007 0.016 0.005 6/I 1/96 9.2 (C5-C18)' -- 2.4 0.0053 0.60 0.025 0.005 8/20/96 -- 15 2.4 0.013 0.45 0.015 <0.125 I 1/8/96 < 1 (C8-C 14) 0.24 0.28 0.003 0.061 0.0033 <0.02 3/25i97 - 7.0 0.89 0.012 <0.0005 0.015 0.024 (DUP) 3/25/97 - 3.5 0.72 0.0 I0 0.021 0;032 <0.02 6/13/97 -- 5.6 1.6 0.052 0.018 0.09 <0.05 9/19/97 -- 22 7.5 0.014 0.4 0.07 <0.05 (DUP) 9/19/97 -- 19 7.2 0.17 5.9 0.085 <0.05 12/19'97 -- 6.2 1.8 O.OI I 0.11 0.O47 0.042 3/3/98 - 2.5 0.15 0.0015 0.18 0.023 <0.005 8/28/98 - 4.7 0.047 0.0051 0.365 0.033 0.019 '~ ~, -- <0.0006 0.049 <0.0012 <0.02 3/_.,99 0.51 0.058 10/15/99 0.92 (C~-C28) 2.9 0.034 0.0023 <0.0005 0.0056 0.016 3/10,00 1.4(C6-C 16) 5.8 0.30 0.27 0.059 0.16 <0.005 9/I5~00 <I {C6-C44) 5.5 0.26 <0.001 0.18 0.014 0.037 <0.005 SE-MW-25 3/8/96 <0.05~ <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/I l~96 <0.05u <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 I I/8,96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 I 3/19/97 -- <O.I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/13/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 I 8/28,'98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3/24,99 -- <0.05 <0.0005 0.00056 <0.0003 0.001 <0.01 10/15,99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.OOI <0.005 3/7/00 <0.2(C6-C44) <O.l <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 9/14/00 <1 {C6.C44) <0. l <0.0005 .<0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-MW-26 3/8,96 <0.05~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 I 6/I 1,96 <0.05n -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20, c~6 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 . I b8~96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 312 I, 97 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12. 97 <0. I <0.0005 <0.001)5 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 I 9/19.,97 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12'97 0.250 0.023 0.073 0.004 0.029 <0.005 3/3,'98 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28,98 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/25,99 <0.{)5 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.01 I 10/15,99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0. l <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.00l <0.005 3/8,00 <0.2(C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 9i 14 00 < I { 06-C44) <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.000'5 <0.00 { <0.005 1 i GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page 6 of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANAI~'YTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California ID Date TEPH~ TPHgz Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE~ MTBE~ SE-MW-27 3/8/96 <0.05H -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/11/96 <0.05n -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 - <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 I 1/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 0.00031 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.02 3/18/97 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0,0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/1~97 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0,001 <0.02 12/12/97 - <0.05 <0.0014 0.0032 <0.0005 0.00070 <0.0005 3/3/98 - <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 8/28/98 - <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3/24/99 - <0.05 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 <0.005 3/7/00 <0.2(C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.OOI <0.005 9/14/00 <1 {C6-C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-AS/'MW-281S) 11/8/96 4.01C6-.C 181 3.05 6.10 0.00 0.32 0.46 0.14 3/20/97 NA 13 4.8 0.015 0.53 1.5 0.074 6/13/97 - 0.96 O. 14 0.00077 0.0014 0.0019 1.5 9/19/97 - 5.4 1.7 0.0059 0.018 <0.001 1.5 12/12/97 - 8.9 3.2 .0.052 0.-i5 0.064 0.30 3/3/98 - 7.1 2.9 0.003 0.21 0.01 I 0.25 · 8/28/98 - 1.4 0.085 0.0036 0.013 0.035 0.338 3/24/99 - 0.79 0.140 0.0032 0.0046 0.0086 0.29 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-.C441 1.7 0.0054 0.00087 0.0049 0.0035 0,061 3/9/00 0.26( C8-C 16) 2.4 0.052 0.028 0.019 0.039 0.045 0.035 (DUP) 3/9/00 - 2.2 0.055 0.027 0.017 0,038 0.045 0.041 9/15/00 <1 (C6-C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-AS/MW-281D) ,9/15/00 1.4 (C10-CI61 1.4 0.0027 <0.0005 0.0009 0.0031 0.062 <0.005 S E-VE/MW-291D ) 11/8/96 < 1 (C 14-C201 <0.05 <0.0005 0.01 <0.0005 0.01 1.00 3/20/97 7.80 3.2 0.07 0,23 0,022 0,098 6/13/97 0.35 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.052 0.47 9/19/97 2.6 3.63 0.008 0.023 0.410 0.47 19,2/I 2/97 - 0.35 0.034 <0.0005 0,0022 0.020 0.34 3/3/98 - 0.56 0.056' 0.0014 0.0008 0.0055 0.42 8/28/98 - 0.23 0.00086 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0044 0.175 3/24/99 0.94 0.0430 0.0021 0.057 0.025 <0.02 10/15/99 <0.2 {C6-C441 1.5 0.0058 0.0014 <0.0005 0.0047 <0.005 3/9/00 1.81C6-C 161 5.5 0.36 0.011 0.019 0.059 <0,005 9/15/00 <I (C6-C441 0.38 0.00059 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0098 <0.005 SE-MW-5 I' 8/28/98 I. 1 ~ <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3.89 3/25/99 <0.05 (C8-C401 <0.05 0.00053 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.19 0.17 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C441 0.12 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.2 0.23 (73 fi)~6 3/8/00 <0.21C6-C441 0.41 0.016 0.015 0.071 0.096 0.0091 0.0097 (90 R) 3/8/00 <0.21C6-C441 0.41 0.014 0.012 0.06 0.081 0.01 I 0.014 (77 fl) 9/13/00 <1 (C6-C441 1.3 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 3.2 2.6 (100 1t) 9/13/00 <1 (C6-C441 1.3 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 3.1 3.1 GMX-MW-60 (73 it) 3/8/00 3.91C6-C241 45 1.8 0.13 0.088 0.21 76 90 (90 fl) 3/8/00 5.51C6-C201 37 4.5 0.23 0.07 0.27 44 58 IDUP/75 fll*? 9/14/00 1.8 (C8-C181 29 6.4 <0.05 0.19 0.15 27 25 { 105 ft'l 9/J4/00 2.3 (C8-C161 33 9.5 <0.05 0,33 0.5 16 14 GMX-MW-61 181 f~) 03/07/00 0.241C6-C 101 0.83 0.039 0.021 0.13 0.14 0.03 0.017 (90 ft) 03/07,/00 <0.21C6-C441 0.85 0.035 0,023 0.13 0.15 0.017 0.016 (85 1t) 09/13/00 <1~(C6-C441 <O.l <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0OI <0.005 1105 ft) 09/13/00 <1 (C6oC441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 (0.005 GMX-MW-621S) 181 fi) 03/08/00 <0.2(C6-C441 0.43 11,02 0.0i3 0.07 0.083 0.012 0.013 (90 fl) 03/08/00 <0.21C6-C441 0.45 0.021 0.013 0,072 0.083 0.0 { I 0.013 (81 1t) 09/13/00 <1 IC6-C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.OOI <0.005 1105 1t) 09/13i00 <l (C6--C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 GMX-MW-62(DI 03~07/00 <0.21C6-C441 0.95 0.042 0,024 0A3 0.16 0.2 0.24 09/I 3/00 < I (C6-C441 0.12 0,0068 <0.0005 0.00052 0.0047 0.048 0.042 I I GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page 7 or'7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California ID Date TEPH~ TPHg~ Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBEJ MTBE4 (mg/l) (mg/i) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mgm) (mg/l) (rog/l) (mg/I) Trip Blank 3/8/96 <0.5" -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/I 1/96 1<0.005' -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20196 - <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 I I/8/96 ,- -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/20/97 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 3/21/97 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0OO5 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 3/25/97 - <02 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <O.OOI <0,02 6/13/97 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 - <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/1~97 -~ <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 3/23/99 -- <0.05 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.0 I 10/15/99 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0OO5 <0.0005 ' <0.001 <0,005 3/8/00 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0,005 9/13/00 - <0.1 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 I. TEPH = total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons, 2. TPHg = total p~trolcum hydrocarbons as gasoline. 3. MTBE = mcthyl-tert-butyl ether analyzed by EPA Method 8020 or 8021B. 4. MTBE = methyl-ter~-butyt ether concentration confirmed by EPA Method 8260. 5. -- = not {csted for this particular method. 6. < = sample result is less than thc indicated dctcctlon limil. 7. (C6-C44) = carbon range analyzed ifTEPH was not detected, or carbon range in which TEPH was detected. 8. LPH = not sampled due to liquid-phase hydrocarbons in the well. 9. Chromatograms indicate that no MTBE is present in the sample. 10. Sample was diluted duc to matrix interference. I I. Total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons by ASTM 2887. 12. NA= sample not analyzed, damaged in transport. 13. ND = not detected. 14. (DUP) = duplicate sample. 15. Laboratory report indicates that hydrocarbon does not match a gas~llnc pattern. 16, (73 R) = sampled at indicated depth below top of well casing. 17, Sample denoted on chain-of-custody as "DUP" is actually a dlscrctc-dcpth sample collected at 75 Feet below to top of well casing. TABLE 3 GEOMATRIX SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA I FOR CHLORIDE AND SULFATE Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California Well ID Sample EPA 300.0 EPA 375.4 I -Date Chloride Sulfate , (well diameter) (m§/I) (mg/l) SE-MW-20S 9/10/96 200; 8.0 8/28/98 70 < 1.02'3 (2") "' 3/24/99 33 0.983 . 10/15/99 32 < 10 I 3/8/00 35 < 10 9/14/00 31 1.23 SE-MW-24S 9/10/96 50' 7.0 I (4") 8/28/98 32 < 1.03 3/24/99 70 0.593 I 10/15/9~ 15 <10 3/10/00 16 <10 9/15/00 19 4.13 SE-VE/MW-29D 9/10/96 220 ~ 14.0 (4") 8/28/98 111 1123 3/24/99 29 1.73 I 10/15/99 26 <10 3/9/00 21 < 10 9/15/00 20 7.93 I 1. Analyzed using EPA Method 325.3. 2. <1.0 = less than the detection limit shown. I 3. Analyzed using EPA Method 300.0. I I I P:X5825.000\S825.005\2NDHALF00\Tables thru Sep00\TABLE 3 ! ! I I I -~ ! ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ! GEOMATRIX I I I I FIGURES ! ! ! ! ! ! ~;,~" I', . ,:'~ ~AUE~ ...... ~' ~ .... t ' :: ,I~ ..... ~ .~ -.. : : ., .... ; ... .... ..~ .... , ..... . ...... ~. _. ~ ~-~--~-~ ........ /~ I ~%:F ~ ........ , ' '~ ~ · ~ ..... ~'.J- ~ .., ....... ~ . --.~ ~ ~ · .~]~7~.~ , ,. ~~~.. ....... , ~ ,, .., _ ,~,~,~.-. ~, , _ ~E~ ................ . ...... ~ .... , * ~ ..... ~ · . ........ ...... ~~;~, - . , ~ ., ~:==~ ,. ~ ~ ~... . . ~,., ........ . , . ~ ~ U , '~ ....... ~ '~ ...... " "~' ill, :': ~-~. '~' '' ~'~.~' if' ~;~ ", ~""~'"'~'"'"~ "  "'. · · . - ,, , ~ii~il - . .-- ' I , I . ~2:,~,; ,~ ~'- ~ ......... · '" ~.~~ ', ~,~ '~- Oildole 1954, Cdifornio. ~hoto-revised l~fi8 ond ~RO~SC~INFE~ Oosford 1954, California. Photo-revised 1073. ~ LOCATION 5825 FORMER SUN.ND OIL REFINERY u~. ~. i . G E OMATR IX Bakemfield, Califomia ~"~ 1 1 ~N00 ~ / / EXPLANATION SE-MW-S1 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL GMX~W-61(85'/105') · !i ~ LOCATION · 306.83 / / SE-VE/MW'29SOIL vAPOR EXTRACTION/GROUNDWATER <0.005a <0.005a / / . * MONITORINO WELL LOCATION SE-AS~MV~28AIR SPARGE POINT/GROUNDWATER ~ ,~ j ' MONITORING WELL LOCATION <0.0005 I <0.0005 ~ / I % LINE OF EQUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET 310.37 302.70 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET MSL i ~' MW-3 SE~W-27 <O.O05b <0.005b METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) , o. 12 0.26 BENZENE · <0.005 a 0,017b DENOTES SAMPLES CONFIRMED FOR MTBE BY EPA METHOD 8260 NnT DFTECTED ABOVE THE DETECTION LIMIT SHOWN ~ /~/// ~ ~'~ <°'°°°5 ~::~NCpNT~ATIONS IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER [mg/l])NA NOT ANALYZED f ~ /-1/ ~ %. $'D SHALLOW ZONE WELL/DEEP ZONE WELL 310.00 ]304.26 ./~" //..//.v~//// \/ /~-~/~/~/GMX-MW40 ~"1 / NORTHTANK ~~ DRY WATER LEVEL BELOW BOTTOM OF WELL CASING ' <0.00Sa <0.005a ~ 0.042b / //// ~ _ ~/ ~/,~ FARM ~ LPH GROUNDWATER ELEVATION NOT C~CULATED DUE <0.0005 ,0.0005 ' 0.0068.///~ ; ~///I~/~~~-~ ' : ' ,W~ ~-- TO PRESENCE OF LIQUID PHASE HYDROC~BONS  NL MONITORING WELL NOT LOCATED / . ~ 1. SOURCE OF M~: PATRICK ~D HENDERSON INC., S.P.C.C. O E~ANDSANTAFE ............ '" ' ~ DECEMBER 13. 1985. NEW COFFEE RO~ ELEVATED BERM. / M~ 13 <0.00Sa <0.005b % FORMER COFFEE RO~, AND PG~E SITE INFORMATION FROM .......... ..........~ ~~-~~~' ~- - <00005 00027 ~ ~~ ..... ~ ...... ~MW'5' --~ ~~~~~~MW~ ' -- ..... - - .... ~ 2. CITYMoNiTORiNGOF B~ERSFIELDwELL LOCATIoNsSEP~ATION' AND StTEOF GR~EBouND~yDISTRICT.LiNES / SE-MW-20(SlD) / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ PAN PACIFIC % ~ ~ ~ WERE SURVEYED BY AZIMUTH BOUND~Y SPECIALISTS ON / I 0.042b ,O.00,, ; / ;~ /~ ~ ' /' ¢ -- 5. SITE FEATURES ~D STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ~E ~PROXIMATE. L I · h'l., 6. EPAMETHOD8260 USED AS CONFIRMATION WHEN AV LABLE. 0.005 a ~ SE~W 1 302.7~ , <0 005 a E-M ~' ~ , 325.43 · ' privided by The Source Group, Inc ,~, I GROUNDWATER CONTOUR AND ~ X~:~ ~ FORMER SUN.ND OIL REFINERY ' ~ Bakersfield, CA ~ I -- ] Figure By Figure ~ ~ <0.00S a m~ 5825 <0.0005 Date Map No. 2 GIEOMATRIX APPENDIX A LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORDS ANALY'rlC$ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291342 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/14/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 09/13/00 09/13/00 09/13/00 09/13/00 Date Analyzed: 09/19/00 · 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 Date Extracted: 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 AA ID No.: 111318 111319 111320 111321 Client ID No.: MW-61@85 MW-61@105 MW-62S@81 MW-62S c~105 MRL Compounds: C06-C08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C08-C10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C10-C12 <0.1 <0.1. <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C12-C14 <0.1 <0.~ <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C14-C16 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C16-C18 <0.1 <0.1 , <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C18-C20 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C20-C22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C22-C24 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C24-C26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C26-C28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C28-C32 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C32-C34 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C34-C36 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C36-C40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0,1 0.1 C40-C44 <0.1 Total < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 1 George Havalias Laboratory Director American · 9765 Eton Chatsworth, California 91311 Analytics Avenue, Te1'(818)998-5547 * · Fax'(818)998-7258 ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 Client: World Oil Marketing Company . AA Project No.: A291342 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/14/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery ' Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 09/13/00 09/13/00 09/13/00 Date Analyzed: 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 Date Extracted: 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 AA ID No.: 111322 111323 111324 Client ID No.: MW-62D MW-51 MW-51-1 MRL Compounds: C06-C08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C08-C10 <0.1' <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C10-C12 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C12-C14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C14-Ct6 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C16-C18 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C18-C20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C20-C22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C22-C24 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C24-C26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C26-C28 ' '~' <0.1 <0 1 <0.1 0.1 C28-C32 <0.1 <0.1 - <0.1 0.1 C32-C34 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C34-C36 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C36-C40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C40-C44 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 Total < 1 < 1 < 1 1 MFIL: Mothod Reporting Limit George Havalias · Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chc]tsworth, Ca iforn (] 9t311 fe1-(8'18)(298-5547 · * Fox'(818)qqS~7258 ~~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT ANAL~rlCS~ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111311 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No,: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) AA Project No.: A291342 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/19/00 Concentration: 20 mg/L Date Reported: 10/05/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Diesel Range Organics 20.4 102 18.3 92 10 50 - 150 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9~311 Te1'(818)998' 5547 · * Fax"(818)998-7258 ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291342 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received:. 09/14/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L 'Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) Date' Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111317 Trip Blank 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 100 100 111318 MW-61 @85 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 100 100 111319 MW-61 @105 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 100 100 111320 MW-62S@81 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 100 100 111321 MW-62S@ 105 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 100 100 111322 MW-62D 09/13/00 09/19/00 120 100 111323 MW-51 09/13/00 09/19/00 1300 100 111324 MW-51-1 09/13/00 09/19/00 1300 100 MRL: Method Reporting Limit NOTES: GRO: Gasoline Range Organics ! I George Havalias Laboratory DirEctor I American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chat'swarth, Ca fornia 91311 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 ~AM ERICAN '~ ~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111311 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) AA Project No.: A291342 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/19/00 Concentration: 500 ug/L Date Reported: 10/05/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Gasoline Range Organics 500 100 480 96 4 51 - 149 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'1311 ' Te1'(8'18)998-5547 ,, · Fax'(818)998-7258 IAMERICAN 1 ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291342 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/14/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 09/13/00 09/13/00 09/13/00 09/13/00 Date Analyzed: 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 AA ID No.: 111317 111318 111319 111320 Client ID No.: Trip Blank MW-61@85 MW.61@105 MW-62S@81 MRL Compounds: Benzene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0,5 0.5 Ethylbenzene < 0,5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Toluene <0,5 <0,5 <0.5 <0.5 0,5 I Xylenes < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 1 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1-(818)998-5547 * * Fax'(818)998-7258 ANAL¥1'_~.~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291342 '~ Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/14/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 09/13/00 09/13/00 09/13/00 09/13/00 Date Analyzed: 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 AA iD No.: 111321 111322 111323 111324 Client ID No.: MW-62S@105 MW-62D MW-51 MW-51-1 MRL Coml~ounds: Benzene <0.5 6.8 <0.5 <0,5 0.5 Et hylbenzene < 0.5 0.52 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Toluene <0.5 <0.5 < 0.5 <0.5 0.5 Xylenes < 1 4.7 < 1 < 1 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director ' American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te-1:(8t8)998-5547 · · Fax-(818)998-7258 AMERtCAN ANALYTICS~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291342 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/14/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111317 Trip Blank 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 5 5 111318 MW-61 @85 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 5 5 111319 MW-61 @105 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 5 5 111320 MW-62S@81 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 5 5 111321 MW-62S@ 105 09/13/00 09/19/00 < 5 5 111322 MW-62D 09/13/00 09/19/00 48 5 1 i 1323 MW-51 09/13/00 09/19/00 3200 '5 111324 MW-51-1 09/13/00 09/19/00 3100 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director ~ American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 ·~ · Fax'(818)998-7258 ~' AM ERICAN '~ ~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111316 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) AA Project No.: A291342 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/19/00 Concentration: 20 ug/L Date Reported: 10/05/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result' Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Benzene 21.92 110 20.12 101 9 65 - 135 Ethylbenzene 20.35 102 20.68 103 I 77 - 123 Toluene 20.80 104 21.10 106 2 66 - 134 Xylenes 20.23 101 20.85 104 3 73 - 127 George Havalias Laboratory Director Americc~n Anc~lytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, C~hc]tsworth, C~c~lifornia, Tel'(8~8)998-5547 - · Fax'(8~8)998-'7258 I AMERICAN ~l LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICS~ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291342 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/14/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111322 MW-62D 09/13/00 09/25/00 42 5 111323 MW-51 09/13/00 09/25/00 2600 5 111324 MW-51-1 09/13/00 09/25/00 3100 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1-(818)998-5547 * * Fax'(818)998-7258 I At~EmCA~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT ANALYTICS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111702 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No.: 96.029 Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) AA Project No.: A2.91342 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/25/00 Concentration: 20 ug/L Date Reported: 10/05/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Ether 24.5 123 22.2 111 10 50 150 Methyl tert-Butyl George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax:(818)9~98-7258  9302 South Garfield Avenue Analytical Laborato,: South Gate, Ca 90280-3896 Pg . Phone (310) 928-0100 Fax (310) 928-0391 8ooord Lab~ ~ _ CONSULTANT:. ~ --~O~[ ADDRESS: PROJECT ~: Sa. OZ q PROJECT NAME: ~ TAT: ~24Hr ~48Hr ~72Hr ~ Normal ($ ga~*j ~Other( ) SHIPPED VIA: ~Walkln ~Courl~t ~dE, ~Other( ) ~ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ k ~ ~ z o z o Ih'inl~d Name: ~a~ --~"~ Printed Name: Printed Name: 8ionature: Signature: ~ Oate~ime; Oate~ime: ANALYTICS .~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Company AA Project No.: A291344 Marketing Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Repor,ted: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) Date Date AA i.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111326 Trip Blank 09/20/00 < 09/1 4/00 1 O0 1 O0 111327 GMX-MW-60 09/14/00 09/20/00 33000 100 111328 DUP. 1 09/14/00 09/20/00 29000 1 O0 111329- SE-MW-27 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 1 O0 1 O0 111330 SE-MW-25 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 1 O0 1 O0 111331 S E~MW~22 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 100 100 111332 SE-MW-21 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 100 100 111333 SE-MW-26 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 100 100 111334 S E-MW-20D 09/14/00 09/20/00 2800 100 111335 SE-MW-20S 09/14/00 09/20/00 2900 100 111336 SE-MW-11 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 1 O0 1 oo 111337 SE-MW-10 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 1 O0 1 O0 MRL: Method Reporting Limit NOTES: GRO: Gasoline Range Organics George'~l~Fvalias ~ ' Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9~3~1 Te1-(8'18)998-5547 * - Fax:(8'18)998-7258 AMERICAN / ANALYTICS QA/QC REPORT LABORATORY Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 1'11326 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) AA Project No.: A291344 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 Concentration: 500 ug/L Date Reported: 10/05/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Gasoline Range Organics 490 98 500 100 2 51 - 149 George ~ Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California Te1'(8'18)998-5547 *, * Fax.(8'lS)998-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTIC.~ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291344 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 AA ID No.: 111326 111327 111328 111329 Client ID No.: Trip Blank GMX-MW-60 DUP.1 SE-MW-27 MRL Compounds: Benzene <0.5 9500 6400 <0,5 0.5 Ethylbenzene <0.5 330 190 <0,5 0.5 Toluene < 0.5 < 50 < 50 < 0, 5 0.5 Xylenes < 1 500 150 < 1 1 Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 94311 Te1:(8~8)996-5547 * * Fax:(8~ 8)998-7258 AMERICAN ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICS Page 2 World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291344 Client: Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 AA ID No.: 111330 111331 111332 111333 Client ID No.: SE-MW-25 SE-MW-22 SE-MW-21 SE-MW-26 MRL Compounds: Benzene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.5 Ethylbenzene < 0.5 <0,5 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Toluene < 0.5 <0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Xylenes < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 1 George Ha Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'13'1-1 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 · * Fax:(8'~8)998-7258 ANALYTICSJ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 3 Client: World Oil AA No.: A291344 Marketing Company Project Project No.: 96,029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) I ~, Date Sampled: 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 AA ID No.: 111334 111335 111336 111337 ,~'~ Client ID No.: SE-MW.20D SE.MW-20S SE-MW-11 SE-MW-lO MRL Compounds: i Benzene 320 560 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Ethylbenzene <0.5 <2.5 <0.5 <0,5 0.5 ,~1~ Toluene 2.1 6.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Xylenes 5.0 < 5 < 1 < 1 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit American Analytics , 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'131'1 Te1'(818)998-5547 · * F(3x'(818)998-7258 AMERICAN / o oo Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No,: 111326 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No,: 96,029 Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) AA Project No,: A291344 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 Concentration: 20 ug/L Date Reported: 10/05/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery* RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Benzene 20.28 101 18.81 94 7 65 - 135 Ethylbenzene 20.45 102 20.52 103 1 77 - 123 Toluene 20.49 102 20.64 103 I 66 - 134 Xylenes 20,19 101 20,59 103 2 73 - 127 Il, George Ha Laboratory Director Ame.rican Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chotsworth, Ca ifornia 913'11 Te1'(818)998-5547 · o Fax'(818)998-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291344 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111326 Trip Blank 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 5 5 111327 GMX-MW-60 09/14/00 09/20/00 16000 5 111328 DUP. 1 09/14/00 09/20/00 27000 5 111329 SE-MW-27 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 5 5 111330 SE-MW-25 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 5 5 111331 SE-MW-22 09/14/00 09/20/00, < 5 5 111332 SE-MW-21 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 5 5 111333 SE-MW-26 09/14/00 ' 09/20/00 <5 5 111334 SE~MW-20D 09/14/00 09/20/00 43 5 111335 SE-MW-20S 09/14/00 09/20/00 76 5 111336 SE-MW-11 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 5 5 111337 SE-MW-lO 09/14/00 09/20/00 < 5 5 MRL: Method RePorting Limit i i GeorgeH~?. ~:~- I. Laboratory Director I~, American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9t31'1 Te1-(8t8)998-5547 * · Fax-(818)998-7258 I ANALYTICS I LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 ii Client: World Oil Marketing COmpany AA Project No.: A291344 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) i Date Sampled: 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 ' Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 Date Extracted: 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 I AA ID No.'. 111327 111328 111329 111330 . Client ID No.: GMX-MW-60 DUP,1 SE-MW-27 SE-MW-25 MRL Compounds: I , C06-C08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C08-C10 0.92 0.28 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 i C10-C12 0.65 0.61 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C12-C14 0.46 0.55 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C14-C16 0.23 0.24 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 I . C16-C18 <0.1 0.12 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C18-C20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C20-C22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 1 C22-C24 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C24-C26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 I , C26-C28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C28-C32 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C32-C34 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 I C34-C36 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C36-C40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 B., Total 2.3 1.8 < 1 < 1 1 I George H a/~ '-~' Laborator~ Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca fornia 91311 Te1,:(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 I' ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 I. Client: World Oil Marketing Company Project No.: A291344 Project No,: 96,029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 I Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) ! Date Sampled: 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/1 4/0O 09/1 4/00 Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 Date Extracted: 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 '1 AA ID No.: 111331 111332 111333 111334 Client ID No.: SE-MW-22 SE-MW-21 SE-MW-26 SE-MW-20D MRL Compounds: -- I' <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0;1 0,1 C06-C08 C08-C10 · <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 0,1 I C10-C12 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 0.17 0.1 C12-C14 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 <0,1 0,1 C14-C16 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 0,1 C16-C18 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C18-C20 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 <0,1 0,1 I C20-C22 <0.1 <0,1 <0,1 <o.1 o.1 C22-C24 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 i C24-C26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 ~ C26-C28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 C28:C32 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 0.1 'i C32-034 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 C34~C36 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 i C36.C40 <0.1 . <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 040-C44 <0.1 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 Total < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 1 ! George Hava Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 · ° Fax:(818)998-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page' 3 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291344 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 80ISM(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 09/14/00 09/14/00 09/14/00 Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 Date Extracted: 09/19/00 09/19/00 09/19/00 AA ID No.: 111335 111336 111337 Client ID No.: SE-MW-20S SE-MW-11 SE-MW-lO MRL Compounds: C06-C08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C08-C10 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 ' C10-C12 0.16 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C12-C14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C14-C16 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C16-C18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C18-C20 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C20-C22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C22-C24 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 C24-C26 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 G26-G28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 G26-G32 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 0.1 G32-G34 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0~1 C34-G36 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 0.1 Gg6-G40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.~ 040-C44 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 Total < 1 < 1 < 1 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Iias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9~3'1'1 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 * * Fax'(8'18)998-7258 AMERICA~ ANALYTICS LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111329 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) AA Project No.: A291344 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 Concentration: 20 mg/L Date Reported: 10/05/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range {%) Diesel Range Organics 16.1 81 16.2 81 0 50 - 150 ! George ILaboratory Director I American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913.11 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 · ,, Fax:(8'18)998-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291344 Project No.: 96.029, Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L - Method: Sulfate (EPA 300.0) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111335 SE-MW-20S 09/14/00 09/15/00 1.2 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 ANALYTICSJ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company Project No,: 96.029 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery AA Project No,: A291344 Method: Sulfate (EPA 300.0) Date Analyzed: 09/15/00 Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Date Reported: 10/05/00 Concentration: 5 mg/L Recovered Recovery Acceptable Compounds Amount (mg/L) (%) Range (%) Sulfate 4.98 100 50 - 150 Georg ()' ... Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9'13~1'1 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax-(8'18)998-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291344 Project No.: 96,029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: Chloride (EPA 300,0) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111335 S E-MW-20S 09/14/00 09/15/00 31 2 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George H Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Californ a 91311 Te1'(8t8)998-5547 * · Fax'(818)'998-7258 Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company Project No.: 96.029 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery AA Project No.: A291344 Method: Chloride (EPA 300,0) Date Analyzed: 09/15/00 Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Date Reported: 10/05/00 Concentration: 5 mg/L Recovered Recovery Acceptable Compounds Amount (mg/L) (%) Range (%) Chloride 4.77 95 75 - 125 George Ha Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'13'1'1 Te1:(818)998-5547 * · Fax:(818)998-7258 AMERICAN / _ ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No,: A291344 Project No,: 96.029 Date Received: 09/15/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/05/00 I Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) i Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL I 111327 G MX-MW-60 09/14/00 09/27/00 14000 5 111328 DUP. 1 09/14/00 09/27/00 25000 5  1 ~11334 SE-MW-20D 09/14/00 09/27/00 < 5 5 111335 SE-MW-20S 09/14/00 09/27/00 42 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Ha Laboratory Director I American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue Chatsworth, Californ a 9'13'11 · Te1'(818)998-5547 * . ,, Fax.(818)998-7258 I ~AMERICAN 1 LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT ANALYTICS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111334 Project Name: Former Suniand Refinery Project No.: 96.029 Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) AA Project No.: A291344 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/27/00 Concentration: 20 ug/L Date Reported: 10/05/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 15.7 79 14.62 73 8 50 ~ 150 George H Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1-(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 IWJILI }IIJiIA · OF CU'$TOD Y ?...r¢.oo j~ 9302 South Garneld Avenue Anal~ical Laborato~: ~,-,~ ~ I~.l;~ ~ Z¢.b* DATE: South Gate, Ca 90280-3896 / Phone (310) 928-0100 F~ (310) 928-0391 Record Lab~ SITE/STATION ~' :~.~.~;~.,,'~?~,:~.,,~y~'~ '~? ' .~ ,.~, ~- ~ ,~ :~.~.~t~ ~ ~- ~ , ~ ~ .~ ,~ " ~:~,~:. ::: ::~:,.:.:': '': ADDRESS: ' /' ' ~ < PHONE: (?/y) ~. d~ ~ F~: ( ) ~ ~ PROJECT MANAGER: n ~ ~ ~ TAT: ~24Hr ~4SHr ~72.r ~ Normal (5 Days) ~Other( ) ~ ~ SHIPPED VIA: DWalkln DCourler ~FedEx ~Other( ) Z ~ Printed Name: ,~ ~q'>~ Printed Name: : Printed Name: Signature: ~, . --'~ ~ Signature: _ Signature: Date~ime: fi/~'/~'OO . Date~ime: Date~ime: Signature' ~~ ~ Signature: Signature: , Date~ime: ~ _ ~_~ ,_ ~3~ ~g ~ ~3 . Date~ime: Date~ime: i i i I I I i i I i i I i I ~j' AM ERICAN '~ ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 AA ID No.: 111562 111563 111564 111565 Client ID No.: TRIP BLANK SE-MW-23S SE-MW-23d SE-MW-12 MRL Com_L0ounds:. Benzene <0,5 240 1400 9,3 0.5 Ethylbenzene <0,5 560 1100 1,0 0,5 Toluene <0.5 170 < 50 <0.5 0.5 Xylenes < 1 11000 1700 1,3 1 ! Laboratory Director I American · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Analytics --~ Te1-(818)998-5547 · ' · * Fax'(818)998-7258 W AMERICAN '~ ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS' Page 2 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No,: A291347 Project No,: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 AA ID No.: 111566 111567 111568' 111569 Client ID No.: SE-MW.8 SA-AS.MW-28d SE.AS-MW-28s SE-VE/MW-29d MRL Compounds: Benzene 16 2.7 < 0.5 0.59 0.5 Ethylbenzene 14 0.90 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Toluene 9.6 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.5 Xylenes 870 3.1 < 1 9.8 1 George Ha~ Eaboratory Director ' American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(8t8)998-5547 ,, * Fax'(818)998-7258 IAMERICAN '~ ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 3 Client: World Oil Marketing COmpany AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 · Date Received: 09/18/00 ,Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery. Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 AA ID No.: 111570 111571 111572 111573 Client ID No.: SE-MW-18R SE-MW-13 SE-MW-1 DUP-2 MRL Compounds: Benzene 1.3 10 0.51 110 0.5 Ethylbenzene 2.2 <0,5 <0,5 250 0.5 Toluene <0.5 0.59 1.1 3,5 0.5 Xylenes 1.6 1.1 63 7.6 1 George Hava Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYT~ Page 4 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 I Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) I Date Sampled: 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 ~ 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 '~1 AA ID No.: 111574 111575 111576 111577 I Client ID No.: SE-MW-14 SE-MW-6 SE-MW-24s SE-MW-24d MRL Compounds: I Benzene < 0.5 5000 120 260 0.5 Ethylbenzene <0.5 <25 270 180 0.5 I .' Toluene <0.5 <25 3.8 <1 0.5 Xylenes < 1 < 50 8.6 14 1 ! George H ave~as Laboratory Director ~ American.Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca if'ornia 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 AMERICAN ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 5 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96,029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland RefineTM Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 AA ID No,: 111578 111579 111580 Client ID No.: SE-MW-19 SE-MW-15 SE-MW-9 MRL Compounds: Benzene 68 260 4600 0.5 Ethylbenzene 490 1900 1000 0.5 I Toluene <2.5 <5 <25 0.5 Xylenes 45 11 <50 1 I. MRL: Method Reporting Limit I I I I I- George Hav ~ Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca iforn~a 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · * Fax'(8'18)998-7258 I AMERICAN '~ ~1 LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT ~ Page 1 Client: Wodd Oil Marketing Company AA ID No,: 111562 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No,: 96.029 Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) AA Project No.: A291347 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 ug/L Reported: 10/09/00 Concentration: 20 Date Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) ' Benzene 19.89 99 19.08 95 4 65 - 135 Ethylbenzene 19.85 99 19.59 98 1 77 - 123 Toluene 20,11 101 19.64 98 3 66 - 134 Xylenes 20.26 101 19.98 100 1 73 - 127 George Ha Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 ,, ,, Fax'(818)998-7258 Page 1 '1~'='' Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.': A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 i Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L -- Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) i' Date Date AA I.D, No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL '1' 111562 TRIP BLANK 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 5 5 111563 SE-MW-23S 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 500 5 I 111564 SE-MW-23d 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 500 5 111565 SE-MW-12 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 5 5 111566 SE-MW-8 09/15/00 09/21/00 26 5 !' 111567 SA-AS-MW-28d 09/15/00 09/21/00 62 5 111568 SE~AS-MW-28s 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 5 5 I 111569 SE-VE/MW-29d 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 5 5 · 111570 SE-MW-18R 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 5 5 111571 SE-MW-13 09/15/00 09/21/00 5.6 5 I 111572 SE-MW-1 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 5 5 111573 DUP-2 09/15/00 09/21/00 25 5 I 111574 SE-MW-14 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 5 5 ' 111575 SE-MW-6 09/15/00 09/21/00 510 5 111576 SE-MW-24s 09/15/00 09/21/00 30 5 i ' 111577 SE-MW-24d 09/15/00 09/21/00 37 5 111578 SE-MW-19 09/15/00 09/21/00 <25 5 I 111579 SE-MW-15 09/15/00 09/21/00 49 5 111580 SE-MW-9 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 250 5 I MRL: Method Reporting Limit NOTES: Samples 111563, 1111564, 111578, and 111580 have elevated reporting limits due to matrix interferences; the samples required dilution, George Haval 'Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913'11 Te1:(818)998-5547 ,, · Fax'(818)9_98-7258 i AMERICA~I 'ANALYtiCS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 I Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L ~_- Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) i Date Sampled: 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 10/21/00 09/21/00 -, 09/21/00 Date Extracted: 09/20/00 10/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 'l AA ID No.: 111563 111564 111565 111566 Client ID No.: SE-MW-23S SE-MW-23d SE-MW-12 SE-MW-8 . MRL Compounds: I C06-C08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C08-C10 8.6 7.0 <0.1 2.9 0,1 I C10-C12 1.6 4.3 <0.1 2.3 0.1 C12-C14 <0.1 -0.69' <0.1 0.22 0.1 C14-C16 <0.1 0.15 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 -I C16-C18 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 011 C18-C20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 I C20-C22 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C22-C24 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C24-C26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 0.1 I ' C26-C28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 C28-C32 <0.1 '<0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 I C32-C34 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 C34-C36 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 <0,1 0.1 C36oC40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 i C40oC44 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 Total 10 12 < 1 5.4 1 ! I George Hav Laboratory Director I American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California Te1'(8'18)998-5547 * ** Fax'(8~8)998-7258 iAMERICAN 1 ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 .', Client: World Oil AA No.: A291347 Marketing Company Project Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00. Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 Date Extracted: 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 AA ID No.: 111567 111568 111569 111570 Client ID No.: SA-AS-MW-28d SE-AS-MW-28s SE-VE/MW-29d SE-MW-18R MRL Com.~ounds: C06-C08 <0.1. <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C08-C10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 , C10-C12 0.99 <0.1 0.25 0.96 0.1 C12-C14 0.17 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 0.1 C14-C16 0.22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C16-C18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C18-C20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C20-C22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C22-C24 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 0,1 C24-C26 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 C26-C28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1. 0.1 C28-C32 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 0,1" C32-C34 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C34~C36 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C36-C40 <0.1 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C40-C44 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 Total 1.4 < 1 < 1 1.1 1 George I-i-avali~s Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913'11 Te1:(818)998-5547 * * Fax'(818)998-7258 AMERICAN '~ ~'1 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 3 Client: Oil AA No.: A291347 World Marketing Company Project Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Sampled: Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 Date Extracted: 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 AA ID No.: 111571 111572 111573 111574 Client ID No.: SE-MW-13 SE-MW-1 DUP-2 SE-MW-14 MRL Compounds: C06-C08 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 0,1 C08-C10 <0,1 <0, i 0,26 <0,1 0.1 C10-C12 0,14 0,37 1,4 <0.1 0,1 C12-C14 <0,1 <0,1 0,35 <0,1 0,1 C14-C16 <0,1 <0,1 0,14 <0,1 0,1 C16-C18 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 0.1 C18-C20 <0,1 . <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 0,1 C20-C22 <0.1 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C22-C24 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 0.1 C24-C26 <0,1 <0,1 - <0,1 <0.1 0.1 C26-C28 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 0.1 C28-C32 <0,1 <0,1 <011 <0,1 0,1 C32-C34 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0,1 C34-C36 <0,1 <0.1 <0,1 <0,1 0,1 C36-C40 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 <0,1 0,1 C40-C44 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 <0,1 0,1 Total < 1 < 1 2,2 < 1 I George Havali Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 * · Fax'(818)998-7258 Iii AMERiCAN ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS NALYTICS Page 4 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) 09/15/00 09/15/00 09/15/00 Date Sampled: 09/1 5/0O Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 09/21/00 Date Extracted: 09/20/00. 09/20/00 09/20/00 09/20/00 AA ID No.: 111575 111576 111577 111578 Client ID No.: SE-MW-6 SE-MW-24s SE-MW-24d · SE-MW-19 MRL Compounds: C06-C08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 0.1 C08-C10 <0.1 0.30 <0.1 0.89 0.1 0.32 1.1 0.63 1.2 O. 1 C1 0-C1 2 C12-C14 0.10 0.13 0.11 <0.1 0.1 C14-C16 0.14 0.13 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C16-C18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C18-C20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C20-C22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C22-C24 <0,1 <0,1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C24-C26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 '0,1 C26-C28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C28-C32 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C32-C34 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C34-C36 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C36-C40 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 <0,1 0.1 C40-C44 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 Total <1 · 1.7 <1 2.1 1 ! Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913'11 Te1:(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 5 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date 09/15/.00 ' 09/15/00 Sampled: Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 09/21/00 Date Extracted: 09/20/00 09/20/00 AA ID No.: 111579 111580 Client ID No.: SE-MW-15 SE-MW-9 MRL Compounds: C06-C08 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C08-C 10 1.1 0.74 0.1 C10-C12 ~ 1.3 1.7 0.1 C12-C14 <0.1 2.2 0.1 C14-C16 <0.1 2.6 0.1 C16-C18 <0.1 2.0 0.1 C18-C20 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C20-C22 < 0.1 0.52 0.1 C22-C24 <0.1 0,21 0,1 C24-C26 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 C26-C28 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 ' C28-C32 '~ <0.1 <0.1 0.1, C32-C34 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 C34-C36 <0,1 <0A 0,1 C36-C40 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 C40-C44 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 Total · 2.4 10 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit · ~t~, '~ ~" George Hay Laboratory Director ~ American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'J31'1 Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 AMERICAN "1 ~[~N.ALYTICS LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111563 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No.: 96.029 MethOd: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) AA Project No.: A291347 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 · Concentration: 20 mg/L Date Reported: 10/09/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Diesel Range Organics 21.6 108 21,2 106 2 50 - 150 George Ha ' Laboratory Director I American · 9765 Eton Chatsworth, Californ 913.tI Analytics Avenue, Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 W AMERICAN '~ ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: Sulfate (EPA 300.0) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111569 SE-VE/MW-29d 09/15/00 09/20/00 7.9 1 111573 DU P-2 09/15/00 09/20/00 3.4 1 111576 SE-MW-24s 09/15/00 09/20/00 4,1 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Hav Laboratory Director American Analytics o.9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'1311 Te1:(8t8)998-5547 · ,. Fax'(818)998-7258 I AMERICA~1 LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT ANALYTICS Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company Project No.: 96.029 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery AA Project No.: A291347 Method: Sulfate (EPA 300,0) Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Date Reported: 10/09/00 I Concentration: 5 mg/L I Recovered Recovery Acceptable Compounds Amount (mg/L) (%) Range (%) i Sulfate 5.63 113 50 - 150 I George H Laboratory Director I American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Calil'ornia 9131't Te1-(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 AMERICAN ~ ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA pr, oject No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: Chloride (EPA 300.0) Date 'Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111569 SE-VE/MW-29d 09/15/00 09/20/00 20 2 111573 DUP-2 09/15/00 09/20/00 19 2 111576 S E-MW-24s 09/15/00 09/20/00 19 2 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Hav~llias , Laboratory Director American Analytics *, 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'~311 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · * Fax'(818)998-7258 ~' AMERICAN'~ ~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company Project No.: 96.029 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery AA Project No.: A291347 Method:. Chloride (EPA 300.0) Date Analyzed: 09/20/00 Sample ID: Laboratory Control Standard Date Reported: 10/09/00 Concentration: 5 mg/L Recovered Recovery Acceptable Compounds Amount (mg/L) (%) Range (%) Chloride 5.41 108 75 - 125 George Hay Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth California 9'1311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 IAMERICAN '~ ANALYTICSJ LABORATORY ANALYSISRESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Proje~ct No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 111562 TRIP BLANK 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 100 100 111563 SE-MW-23S 09/15/00 09/21/00 42000 100 111564 S E-MW-23d 09/15/00 09/21/00 37000 100 111565 SE-MW-12 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 100 100 111566 S E-MW-8 09/15/00 09/21/00 14000 100 111567 SA-AS-MW-28d 09/15/00 09/21/00 1400 100 111568 SE-AS-MW-28s 09/15/00 09/21/00 < 100 100 111569 SE-VE/MW-29d 09/15/00, .09/21/00 380 100 111570 SE-MW-18R 09/15/00 09/21/00 2400 100 111571 SE-MW-13 09/15/00 09/21/00 620 100 111572 SE-MW-1 09/15/00 09/21/00 1100 100 111573 DUP-2 09/15/00 09/21/00 · 4500 100 111574 SE-MW-14 09/15/00 · 09/21/00 < 100 100 111575 SE-MW-6 09/15/00 09/21/00 13000 100 111576 S E-MW~24s ,09/15/00 09/21/00 5200 100 111577 SE-MW-24d 09/15/00 09/21/00 5500 100 111578 SE-MW-19 09/15/00 09/21/00 7600 100 111579 SE-MW-15 09/15/00 09/21/00 10000 100 111580 sE-Mw-9 09/15/00 09/21/00 16000 100 MRL: Method Reporting Limit NOTES: GRO: Gasoline Range Organics George Laboratory Director' ~ American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9'~31'~ Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax'(8'18)998-7258  M ERICAN '~ LABORA-TORY QA/QC REPORT ~ . Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No,: 111562 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No,: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) AA Project No,: A291347 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/21/00 I Concentration: 500 Date 1 ug/L Reported: 0/09/00 I Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) I Gasoline Range Organics 500 100 , 500 100 0 51 - 149 Laboratory Director Analytics Avenue, Chatsworth, fornia 913'11 American 9765 Eton Cai Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax:(818)998-7258 IAMERICAN '~ ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 '1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291347 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 09/18/00 i Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 10/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. N°. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL I 111566 SE-MW-8 09/15/00 09/28/00 < 5 5 111567 SA-AS-MW-28d 09/15/00 09/28/00 < 5 5 I 111571 SE-MW-13 09/15/00 09/28/00 < 5 5 111573 DUP-2 09/15/00 09/28/00 < 5 5 111575 SE-MW-6 09/15/00 09/28/00 500 5 I 111576 SE-MW-24s 09/15/00 09/29/00 < 5 5 111577 SE-MW-24d 09/15/00 09/29/00 < 5 5 I 111579 SE-MW-15 09/15/00 09/29/00 < 5 5 i MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Hav Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(8'18)9.98-5547 · *, Fax'(818)998-7258 I AMERICA~/ ANALYTIC_~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111811 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No.: 96.029 Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) AA Project No.: A291347 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/29/00 Concentration: 20 ug/L Date Reported: 10/09/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L). (%) (%) Range (%) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 27.6 138 22.6 113 20 50 - 150 George Ha Laboratory Director Americ(~n ^no, lyrics · 9765 Eton. Avenue, Chc]tsworth,.(::::c~lifornio Te1:(818)~<~8-5547 ° I AMERICAN '~ ~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 111571 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Project No.: 96.029 Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) AA Project No.: A291347 SamPle ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 09/28/00 I ug/L Reported: 10/09/00 I Concentration: 20 Date I Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) i ' Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 15.3 77 , 18.2 91 17 50 - 150 George HavalJ~s Laboratory Director I Analytics 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913'11 American Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 ~ aoum ~ate, ~a vuznu-~ovo I Pti Of ~ Phone (310) 928-0100 F~ (310) 92820391 Record ~b~ SlTE/STATIONADDRESS: ~ ~/~ ~O~ ~ ~~;~/~ -- CONSULTANT: ~ ~. -- ~'~. ~ ~ ADDRESS: ~ ...... < -~ ' PROJECT MANAGER: ~ On C~ ~ ~ o PROJECT~: ~.~ PROJECT NAME: ~ m ~ .... m ~ TAT: ~ 24Hr ~'48Hr ~ 72Hr ~ Normal (5 Days) ~ Other ( ) ~ g SHIPPED VIA: ~Walkln ~Courler ~FedEx OOther( ) Z ~ 5~-,~-/a~ ~./~.oo //:'zx ~ Il ~ 7° g ~ ~rq ~ ~z . ~ ?-/E-~ ~MMENTS: Printed Name: ~ ~'~ ' Printed Name: Printed Name:  Printed Name: Printed Name: 8iflnature: Date~ime: Dat~gim~: ~ South Gate, ~ 90280-3896 · ~ Phone (310) 928-0100 F~ (310) 928-0391 H~rd ~b~ ADDRESS: PROJECT MANAGER:- ~ PROJECT g:, ~, ~ ~. PROJECT NAME: ~~ ~. TAT: ~24Hr ~48Hr ~72Hr ~ Normal (S Days) ~Other( ) SHIPPED VIA: ~ Walkln ~ Courier ~Fed Ex ~Other ( ) Z Date~im~: Date~ime: , ' PHnted Name: ~ ~ _/ ~,. Printed Name: Printed Name: ~ignature: ~ _ ~~ Signature: Signature: '13 rn Z ! I i GEOMATRIX APPENDIX B GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND PURGING FIELD DATA SHEETS WATER 'LEVEL MONITORING RECORD PmjectName: ~JO~g"~L/d OL~, Proje~andT~kNumbe~. Date: ~-~-~ Measured by:. '. ~~ In~ument Used:~ Note: For your convenience, ~e ~llowing ~bmviations may be us~. P = Pumping I = Ina~sible D = D~t~ Pump ST = steel T~e ES = El~c Sounder MP = Measuring Point. WL = Water Level Page / of I WATER 'LEVEL MONITORING' 'RECORD I Data: ~- f~-~O' Measured by:'. . ~~: In~umantUsed: Note: For your convenience, ~e following ~breviafions may be us~.  P = Pumping I = Ina~sible D = D~i~t~ Pump -.. ST = Steel T~e ES = Ele~ic Sounder MP = Measuring Point WL = Water Level I I, Wayne Perry, Inc. 8281 Commonwealth Avenue Buena Park, California 90621 Phone (714) ~26-0352 (gOO) g~3-0352 T~NSMITTAL FO~ TO: A~ntion: Du~e Paul Geoma~ix Consultants, Inc. 300 W. Bay S~eet, Suite 140 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 FROM: Truedi Balsitis OFFICE (714) 826-0352 FAX (714)523-7~41 DATE: september 19, 2000 COM~NTS: Groundwate: p~ging ~d s~ple collection sheets for World Oil foyer Sunl~d Refme~ - Bakersfield (monitored dur~g September 13-September 15, 2000). CONTENTS: Enclosed ~e the field sheets used to record ~ groundwater purged and sample collection times. I FIELD DATA SHEET I WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER I ADDRESS ,~ 152- '~.~.~... ~'' - ~,~ &,.~ ¢,'e/~/ ',  Page / of /~' I I ~Me¢.su~en,entTime /¢:07 /¢'/ ~ /¢: 'Z [ / _ .:. "Welt: ~'~.'k:,,~s'¢;~/i,:. V.¢,ell Dicmeten ¢,' ' , - .....: . .: ~' I G~'ugipg'Da'te:} '~?:~ ~:¢~'.':~ ,::: C.;:~'n~sidn ~Fa~0~: '0.022 (2 i~.} 0 049 (3 n' 0'687':(~ 'in ;~. ":~' ' : - sam¢i'in'2 d~f'e:~'::?.?,'~::.;;:' '::?;:::(:': ws~'r.c:~;i,}~n':Et~:~';2;4,~.~',.;.-.:: ~...~?.. ':' ,' .'~.:~ :' - .. ,.. · ;,.;.:' : I :' : ' · ' E~urd nd MLth'o8: :: :' ~Ma~u~"' u r 'l ~ ' '::' ':':::'"" ' : : . . . . . : .... '::;:'.. ..~ . ...% , .~.::; .::: ? . .. · . .~ '¢,. ... .... .. . ... :.::. ,:p:;.'::....'~:: . ............ ~..:: ~ _~....:, ' Purge Sta~ Time f¢~J~ IO~ /~,'o ~ Purged Water (gal.) ~ '/'~ ¢% / f . ~ -" Field MeasurementTime t~:~'~ //: ¢ff f/'~(~ ~ Temperature ( ~) 7 ~' G '7~' ¢ ~' ~' Conductivi~ (us/cm), ¢ ~O ~. ~O O' ¢O )H - '~- ~'O '?'¢~ ?. ~ ~ Begin purge time: Tu~idi~.~N%U) cv~O "'~ ¢~ /~. ~ Sampling time:, Total time: ~echarge level: ¢/, I FIELD DATA SHEET I WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER ·. Page ~'urged Water(gal.,) ,~ .~ [ F~ ~. ~ Field Measurement Time /~:~Z /Z.'~o //Z:~ Temperature ( ~) ? ~,. G '~ ~, 0 ? '?., ~ Purged Water (gal.) ' - 5 I "~ - ~' ( .~. Field Measurement Time ~gZt~ ~/'Z:5~ /3 Temperature ( ~) ~ '7~ I ~'~ ~7- 0 Conductivi~ (us/cm) ~, ,~¢ ~ .~0 ¢. ¢o Recharge level: ~ ¢ ,~5 I Completed by: ¢ ! FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER . Page Field Mea~urement Time · '~O ~' "· Field Measurement Time Temperature( Conductivi~ (us/cm) Total time: Recharge level: Completed by: I FIELD DATA SHEET I WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER " .. ADDRESS ~-fs ~ ~.¢:~ /-'/ ._.,Z~.~,..,, ~.~A/' I Page Purge S.tart Time /¢'~ 5 -~, /Y.L,??. Purged Water (gal.) - ~ ,, 'S' - 5' Field Measurement Time /~'/.",~¢ '"~:¢,'F'5' /,-(',t ~z-( Temperature ( CF) '7 2f' ~ ,,'7 ~¢' '~ '7 '~ Conductivity (us/cra) ¢ ,3¢) ~o, '¢'c0 ~- ~H '?*¢'~, ?.¢~ '7. o 3 Begin purge time: j /~$,~,...~-- Turbidity (NTU) ¢'/-"~.~ '~¢'--"~L~ '~----~ ~ ,~¢~,, Sampiing time: Total time: Recharge level: '::oas'ifig';:',:;~'.Oa~ing ':" "cas hg:: '~; Sa~p e::.:,,? Tot~ :'' ,':,: :' ,::' 'comments /~,'~ro 5~ PI,'*3 ~' ? 5 ~,z. J Purge Sta~ Tim~ oTZO~ 01:o~ o?:,,o J ~ Purged Water (gal,) , ~ . 5 . ~ ~/,~ Field Measurement Time 07:o~ o~ :lO ~ 7: ~ 5 Temperature( ~) ~&,O ~7-~ :M?.'~: Conductivi~ (us/cra) ~- ~ o ~. 60 ¢. ~H ~,~G ¢,~Z ~.~q Begin purge time: Tu~idi~(NTU) /¢.O 0~.,~ ~Z-~ i ~./ Samplingtim~:, :' Total time: '" ~,, Recharge leveE: Completed by: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER ADDRESS Page '1 ~_P..~rge Start Time 07: Z ~ 0'7:30 ' O F.'3~' F~rged Water (gal.) ,. 5' , ;5' --" [','emperature ( °F) 75'5' ?~. ?J~-~ - b ./- Z 8,. (,, % ¢ S' I Begin purge time: :TU, bid,ty (NTU) ~. Purge Sta~ Time Purged Water(gal.) Field Measurement Time ,Temperature ( ~) Conductivi~ (us/cm) )H Xo~al time: (echarge level: Compieted by: ~, FIELD DATA SHEET Ii I WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER  Page Purge S4a~ 'lime Purged Water (gal.) Field Measurement Time ITemperatur~T ~) ~ ~-0 ~ ~ ~'0 ~ ¢, o . ~ , Furbidity (NTU) /¢'~ ~ ¢~9' ~ 0 M,3 O3'flj ,Sampling .time: Total time: Rechame level: : Purged Water (gaL) Temperature ( Conductivi~ (us/cra) ¢-¢0 ¢-~o ¢.~0' Tu~idi~ (NTU) Total time: , Recharge level: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER ADDRESS' Z/~'P___ ~_~ .(~..~ Page · i:':' '.'.; ;2 .:: ,....::;' '1'.1::. ?:.':1':.-' ' '..,.': ;:::: :..:.. :,'. '.Casi'ng:': ,'.,::; Ca'sing ..~': ':.:cas ~g :-::;,, Sample:. :.'~: 'Tota~ ~:~::..;::;~'::::. : :.;:".:~; ;!:. ceaSe'nrc.t; P~r0e Stad Time ,' L/0:¢ ~ /'0: Field Measurement'Time /~:/I Temperature ( ~) F/' 6 Conductivi~ (uslcm) D'~O 3H ~- / Turbidity (NTU) ~. ~ ~T~t~l time: ~echarge levei~ ['{. :;;': ~e~l:,::~..ig~.,.~.~ :.~:...::~:. :. Well DiameteE' ~'~i'¢~ih:~ ~ ~.}.' :~:Oas'ing;.~:~:.Oasing -'~'' CaS hg:.';:::~'Samp e: Total:' C'omments~ '. 'V'~ Purge Sta~ Time /0:~¢ Purged Water (gal.) ~' Field Measurement Time /0:~ (~:~.~ 1~'~ Temperature ( ~) ~O. Conductivi~ (us/cm) o-~O pH '?- ~ Tu~idi~ (NTU) /'~, To[al time: Recharge level: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER 'ADDRESS .Z/~'Z F..)/¢/~Z~_ ~'J', z~.~'~--~ ~"~'/~/, Page ~ of / ~ ~:; '.': we I I: ~::~;:~'~; ~ :~;~;~;~, ....... ' ~ Ca~ing"::',,;: 2:Casing .;':~::C'~Si'ng..:~:::', sampl~: :~¢~;,':~ Total ':~;; :~¢:,,~:~;:.., :,:~:::,~;:}.;:;'~; :, c0mmehtg~ Purged Water(gaL) ~7.~ gT, X ~?-7 ~O~,~ ) Field Measurement Time .,/~ Z~ ~ //: ~ ¢ ./~: ~ ~ '~ Temperature ( ~) '?I- G t ?/'ff ~/,~~ uonductivib,(uslcm) 0,~ ¢ i 0'20 0.%0 '1 ,H :7'~ ~ [ ~- Z% ?- I ~~ Begin puree time: Tur~id;:y (NTU) /0' ~ [ ~ ~,'Z O~'~.~ Sampling tim~: _.L..// Total time: ~ :'N;~.~,~,::~.~:~o 3:. ~:~:~E.!¢~,: ~": .:'::; ::.. ':':~: '. ~: :¢:.:.:. :::::::; :;'::::: ::.. :, :,;:.' '.:..:.~':.'~ ::.'~; :. ;:. ".2: .:.:~ :.:: :.. ~,U~i'n'~' ~a:~:;?:::~)e,¢.~:;., .~:;.:; c.0~:v&~Si:5~:FactO~:': 0:022 '(2 iE~) .0.'08~.(4 ih.:)'."::'..:' '-. ":';:. ::~::' ¢;~:e:[:.:~a¢~'j~:~;::.:::~::~ s?.., ~ .::: ~;:.::::,':.~, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~'~.:?:~?,::.~'~: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::..::.:~'? ~:t;i~:~:~ d~.~.;~ ~ ~'~ ;~ .~ ('c ~.~: .~;t; ;~ '~' (w~.(¢~ ::c ~i:. ~(~::~;, '~:~' ::~:~.;" ~ '/~ i :oa~iflg .:q~' Casing :;:: .'. Cas ing:~.~;:;;;; S a ~ p[~';'~.:::,,:.:,~Total ', '::'::::'.:.:: ::? :: !,:~: ~,::.: c0mm'ents i..; Purged Water (gal.) ~¢'~ ~ [0'~ ~¢-~ ~O.~  Temperature ( ~) ~I-~ ?f,~ ~/. ~ Conductivity (us/cm) 0 · 20 ¢'~ ¢ ~ 0 .e. ' ' Recharge level: Completed by: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER ADDRESS p/5'~ ~/~/ ~--¢¢~ ~-~, ~.,~....~.~,<..¢../, Page ~urged Water (gal.) ~¢.3 2~. ~ ~ Measurement Time zZ:~7 /2:3~ '/2'¢~ ~ ' ~ra~ure ( ~) ~¢'~ '70. ~' I Trbdity (NTL') o 8, 6 D~' ~ .... ~3 ~ 0~,f time: Total time: Recharge level: '; ::;, W~.!.'.~;z..e ,~-~:~0:.:.:':::: :~!,:~O:~,c ¢~::., '::~:.~'~ ~' .' .' :.' :': ':::~:' .::~?~;;~:~...:: ·, S~h¢i:i6¢::'B~:{:~;:':.:~: ~ ~: .. ~: ,' ";~' 'W~;:~::6;i~6'~:/~:.:~;::~'~:~:.::: :;'.:~:: :,~::;: :~;':~.~.:.::~:~..,~.,:: :' ::'V:::,'..~~': PurgeSta~Time /3~/~ /~/~ t /~21z '~ ~ Purged Water (gal.) ~'~,'7 ~ '¢~-/ ¢~,~ (~O~" I Field Measurement Time /~.'/~ /~.'/~ / ¢~ / ~ Temperature ( ~) ~/4~ 7/. / Conductivi~ (us/cm) 0 '~ ~-~¢ ~,~0 ~H ~ ~ [ ~ ~-~ b'9 / , Begin purge time: Tu~idi~(NTU) ~-3 ~ bp,~ ~ ~¢'~ ~¢-0 Sampling time: . Total time: , Recharge level: ,! FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER I ADDRESS Page /¢ of .:..:.LWelI::'~'~'~?~,:,~ ~i:i;!; I.Weil/Di~meter:..~:!.f'.~:::?.:~..:~:;: ::,:: :p ,.:;:..:: ::.:?: ,:;,,, i'~'~'~%-:~]'7~:;,':,:~": :;';: CaS'iug ::.; :: Casing .C:a~'~g' :sam e: '[~ ;; .... · ":': ........ ??: ;~ h.., ; ;.::%.~.:...:;~: ;: ...... . ...... =. ,. :.,:... ,:... .... E....::,. : .., .:.?: ..... .;.Coi~e~ts:;: :: Purg.'..d Water (gal.) //' / /f' / ~'-¢-fi' t ' ' lField Measurement Time , O?tlO 1¢?:1~""~7~ .  ."[urb~dity (NTU) ~2. ~ ¢ ~- ¢ ~o~ ~ ~, ~ ~ampling time: ~ ~ ~ ~ / Total time: ¢, f ~ ' . - ... . ........... ~echarge level: i'~'',?: Wel '~E ~'' '~'~J .Wel!:Dia~ete~. ~?.':.. '.. :; . ::: --.:' . :., ..,:,. ]:.~.::...:. · ..,...' : ',:::.' : .,. "'.:. ~ ._ ~ ~,':' .:::: ]:]]' ',"~::,..:. :: .]] .::..] :.::.]. ::~: :: : Z~t~:~a~er:~,r~0 'fi:]('C~: ~,act6r)' ~ (W]~e~ C,~0'i~ H{:,)~:.~(~]~g.:g:aJ)fi:~.') ~ 3.::~:'.:;~.: :]:. ·: ./. , ,,;;: ;.,::;' ' ~:~: casifig':"":sample'~: ? .Totat'. ::: ~::.:: ~;~.::: ;':~: ::::; 'comments :..~ .:: :::: '] ';:''~' Purged Water (gal.) ¢~'~ ~ ¢~'~1 & ~' ~ ' ~ Field Measurement Time · :O~,'~ ~ O?t~ Temperature ( m) CO'&. 70, 3 I ?0,3 I Conductivi~(us/cm) ,.~0 0,30 ~o,~OI ~H ~'~ ~ ¢' ¢~ ~, ¢~ Begin purge time: Tu~idi~ (NTU) ~, I ~Z, ~ 02- I ~Z-~ ~2mpling time: Total time: Recharge level: .! Completed by: I FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER ADDRESS .~/5'Z L¢o4¢~ ~', ~:~g.~J , ~., Page // of ':: we!l:~ ":"~ ~¢',~../~ ::~.::. ' W~ 'Di~mete~ ~.t~ :::; :.,.: :; ,:.: :': ~:~:~ :; ~:. ;,~, ',, ~:..~ :.; :..~; .;:~ ,.~: :.,: :.~..:~., :.:..: :..': ...;..: .: ~ ,,.,..:.,-~ :. ,.;:.:: ............. ,, ..~ P'~rge~t~r~Time ~8:o0 .~g:o l 0~. 3 I ':' r"jr~e;J V,'~ter (gal ~ ~ O, ~ ~O',~' ~O' ~ [ ~iet~.~' Measurement Time TeF, o~L~;ure ( ~) ~ ~' ~ '~o. / ~0, ~ ..... ~pH ._~.~ ~.~ ~, ~2 [ Begin purge time:  urh~¢hy "~"~ U~ ¢ ~' ~ [ ._~.~ .San'?li~ time: I 02: o ~ _ Total time: ..... ~ , Recharge leveE: ~ ¢~ _.. ~'''~'eI ~;~:. . ,.- .... : [W~ Dameten¢~'':. ::, .. . '" ' . _ ~ ,, ": ' : :,.;i. , ., ."'' ', ;' :'..:' Gaugnq')ate' ~f~'; ': '..CoH~e~sb~FactoP 0:022(2 n):. ....... 004~{3'n;:.... :0'087 4 h' _ .~:: ;.'.~ ;~ .: . :.., .... . . ): .~ S9 np 'g E)Bf,~'''': ' "' , "' W~'er'co umn ht ~ ~,'~ ~: ." "' ;':: ...... · ":' :":" :':',':' :':"" P .. ' ..' '~'.,.~t.: : ?.: I.: .... ..:...~ ,... ..',.,.?:: ::: ,: .... ' .:.....' ..... 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';..Vol;':'~ :,':~::':',.'9° :: Purged Water (gal.) ~. ~ ¢, ~ 8' ~ , FieldMeasurementTime o~ ~ ~ /0 : ~ 0 /¢,.¢¢ Temperature ( ~) ~, ~ ?~,Y Conductivity (us/cm) ~ '~0 ¢'~0  pH D'¢~ ~, ~ &,~G Begin purge time: 7u~idi~(NTU) ~5'5 ~, t /ZY.~ ! llZ,~ Sampling time: Total time: Recharge level: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION ,NUMBER ADDRESS p/5'?_ ~/~f ~o¢~_~ ~-~ . Page / : : .:..' :: :.;:'~:';;~::;: ;:;L:,~;;:'~;:::;.?:::~.;.i.: ;': .:,:/. : Casing:7,.::¢: Casing. :. :casidg;::; samF ~. :Tota .:, ' .: ;':;:: ..... C0~,meht~ "~e StaflTime · .t~;¢o ~/0;~/~:~. ~ Purge49/ater (gal~) ~d Measurement Time /D JTem~erature ( ~) ~, E 7~' ~ J ~Z'~ jOc'.~uctivity {us/cm) ¢,30 ¢ .~ Total time: i~ ~echarge level: ' "Well:?~.;~.:~' '.:,' :WellDiameteE¢~ .:~.:;:....,~ : '.. ;:, +,. , , ,: .. .... 7 :-'pl:ing':Date~ '~'~ '. ::.. :::; ':' ...... ':' :' ' ' '"' - '- ~ '*:' ' . 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Field Measurement Time Temperature Conductivi~ (uslcm) To(al time: Recharge level: FIELD DATA SHEET i WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER -.- Page ~Field Measurement Time /2:~3 IZ: ~ I~,3erature( ~) 7~ 70,~ 7¢,~ } i L Total time: = Recharge level: I Purge Sta~Time /~:oo :~o t 13:o~ t ~ Field Measurement Time /g:O/ /~:o~ /3:0~ ] '~ Temperature( ~) 7~, ~ ~ ~'1 ~'~ Conductivity (us/cm) ¢.~0 ¢~0 ~.MO : ,PH~idi~Tu ~' ¢ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ i Il Begin purge time: (NTU) /~'-~ 0~, ~ ~'~ O ~'-~ S.~mpling time:  Total time: , Recharge level: i Completed by: i FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER Page /~' of /~ I Temperature ( ~) ~0. I ~rge level: rI Purge Sta~ Time Purged Water (gal.) /~, Field Measurement Time i Temperature ( ~) ~O. Conductivity (us/cra) Recharge level: I ~ Completed by: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY · STATION NUMBER______._ Purga Stad Time I?/0 Temperature ( ~) ? f' 0 ~ ¢' ~ 7/' / Conductivi~ (us/cra) Purged Water (gal.) Field Measurement Time I Temperature(~) 7'.0 ~,.3 [ ~,~ ¢ Conductivi~ (us/cra) Recharge level: Completed by: FIELD DATA SHEET i ~ WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER I. ADDRESS Ztsz 0/~/ Ln~ ~- ~.~-¢s;¢',,;¢/_~, Page · ': Ca~ing':. ,,::~ ca'sing :. ::6a~in'g ~ :::. sampl~?:i:~ ~:T6ta ,; '~'uFg%-~ta~ Time 1~:50 15;~ ~ /~:oZ / ~nductivi~ (us/cm) ¢, ~ D' ¢O :)H' ~ , ¢ / ¢, ~ ~-- ~'&~ ............. Beg~n purge time: b Turbi?y (NTU) //' ~ ¢?'~ ¢ ~' ~ ¢~t~":_ [Sampling time: Total time: ' iRecharge level: ~.. We I: ..;;' . :?':? ;;::,;::::::;:;:.;:.: .Well Diamete~ ': .::~: :'~' .:' ::: :...- -' , ...... ."....~ ....:~ ,'.'~. . ~augin'g Da~e:. :,": ':.' ':" ~: :;::: : ::, '0:~'~;~i5~:~aCtor::' ~.:~:22 "(~ ~i~':~ ': 0:049 :(3 n ; ::'O a'si h g :~:1 :.::~: C a S i n'g' ::: ':' c~ s i n g': ' 's a m p e .... ': To t a Purge Start Time Purged Water (gal.) Field Measurement Time Temperature ( CF) Conductivity (us/cm) . ~H I Begin purge time: Turbidity (NTU) t Sampling time: Total time: Recharge level: Completed by: PHASE-SEPARATED HYDROCARBON (PRODUCT) RECOVERY SHEET LIQUID WELL GAUGING/SAMPLING CHECKLIST LOCA~ON: DATE OF GAUG~G/SA~LING: ~ Wel~ cap secured ~. Well cap locked ~ Well box clewed ~d free of water ~ Traffic cover secured i i t i i i ! ! GEOMATRIX I APPENDIX C PURGED GROUNDWATER DISPOSAL DOCUMENTATION i i i i I I i NO. 1301~1 ~NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM ADDRESS . ~M~NENTS OF WASTE pPM ~ COMPONENTS OF WASTE 1. ' ?~ 5. ~ / ~' ~. ~ "' 2. 6 3 ~ERTIES: ~ __ ~SOLID ~ LIQUID g SLUDGE ~ SLURRY g OTHER THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT .-' THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% ' ~ ~'~ ~ ~ _ NO. TRUC< UNIT, I.D. NO. J[ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~PE~R~TE~ ~U~L~AM~'&81G~TuRE ~-- ' ~A~ I 1 EPA ~ ~ ._ . , ~ ~ . . ~ ~ NO. · '~..'J ~ ,,¢ :'L " , ' 7"_:.;' -' ' .,~?-' ~.~ ,/' DATE GEN OLD/NEW L A TONS ~NS S B · ."-. '. '..:... ~ ': :' ~Q ET/CD HWDF NONE ..:'~REPANCY , I - ----,_ ' i ~, ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES .. 2100 NORTH ALAMEDA STREET [] COMPTON, CALIFORNIA 90222 n. (310) 886-3400 I DATE //~ ~"~' --~ -- DO JOB LOCATION CUSTOMER~I)0V~- ~[' e~~l ' COMPANY NAME ~ " BILLING ADDRESS ~~ ~e~ q~C ADDRESS ~/X~ PHONE P.O.~ ESTIMATED GALLONS/d~ /~,O~ ~B WHERE DISPOSED OF~e~~ RECEIVING TICKET ~_ e5 MANIFEST" p~ ~q.~ !3~ II ~ LOADING: UNLOADING  ARRIVAL START LOAD FINISH LOAD ARRIVAL START UN-LOAD FINISH UN-LOAD I RETURN TO YARD ~S ~m TOTALTIME CUSTOMER NAME cuSTOMER SIGNATURE ->- . (OFFICE use ONLY) ~ TR NS~ORTATION RATE. DISPOSAL/RECYCLE · ER GALLON' ' ~B FEE I RATE PER LOAD'- - ' ' SOLIDS. WASHOUT 'i SPECIA[ MINIMUM OTHER , . - WEIGHTMASTER CERTIFICATE : THIS-IS TO CERTIFY that the following desb'ribed commoditY.was weighted, measured, or counted by a we!ghtmaster, whOSe signature is on the i · certificate, who is a recognizi~d authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing With Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, adm nistered bY the Division of Measuremen~t Standards of the California Department of Food and' Agriculture. ' '. -' ' . ;~ FINAL WEIGHT OUT WEIGHTED AT: · I, 2000 NO.. ^I_AMfiDA $1RfiF:T ., COMPTON, CA 90222 ' CARRIER~' I~ FEE'iS ' {CHARGE PAID enn0 / Kerdoon 2000 North Alameda Street, Compton, CA 90222-2799 · (310) 537-7100