HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIR. HALF 2000 REMEDIATION REP.I 330 W. ~S~y Street, Suite 140 Costa Mesa, Celifoenia 92627 ~r~r~ (949) 642-0245 · FAX (949) 642-4474 GEOMATRIX I June 27, 2000 5825.001 I Mr. David Troop California Regional Water Quality Control Board I Central Valley Region 3614 East Ashlan Avenue Fresno, California 93726 I Subject: First Half 2000 Remediation Progress Report December 1, 1999 through May 31, 2000 I Former Sunland Oil Refinery, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 95-702 i SJVAPCD Authority to Construct Permit N°. S-207-42-5 Dear Mr. Troop:.. I On behalf of World Oil Corp. (World), Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. (Geomatrix) has prepared this report to present the First Half2000 subsurface remediation results for the former Sunland iOil Refmery :in Bakersfield, California. Operational data for the high-capacity vapor extraction system (HCVES), air sparging (AS), and liquid-phase hydrocarbon (LPH) recovery activities from December 1, 1999 through May 31, 2000 are attached to this report. IThis report includes a site location map (FigUre 1), a site map depicting remediation well locations (Figure 2), a site map depicting locations of newly installed monitoring and I remediation wells (Figure 3), a graph of cumulative pounds of hydrocarbons removed versus time (Figure 4), a.summary of operational data for the repOrting period (Tables 1 through 4), and laboratory analytical reports and chain-of-custody records (Appendix A). ~ I During the reporting period, remedial operations were performed in accordance with the requirements contained in the permit(s). Several upgrades to the system were performed during I this rePorting period. Four additiOnal on-site dual-nested air sparge/vapor extraction (AS/VE). wells, GMX-AS/VE-63 through GMX-AS/VE-66, were installed between February 15 and February 18, 2000 to enhance LPH recovery. TheSe on-site remediation wells were installed'in I accordance with the work plan approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board~ Central .Valley Region (RWQCB) on January 10, 2000. Additional off-site groundwater monitoring wells, GMX-MW-60, GMX-MW-61, and GMX-MW-62S/D, also were installed I between February 7 and February 10, 2000. The off-site groundwater monitoring wells were installed in accordance With the work plan prepared by The Source Group and approved by the. RWQCB on September 13, 1999. Figure 3 shows the approximate locations of the newly I installed wells. In February 2000, fleXible PVC hoses ("stingers") were adjusted in wells SE-AS/VE-44A, I SE-AS/VE-46A, SE-VE-47A, SE-VE-48A, SE-VE-49A, TSG-AS/VE-52A, and TSG-AS/VE-53A to increase the hydrocarbon Concentration in the extracted soil vapor. The Geornstrix Consultants, Inc, I Engineers, Geologists, and Environmenta~ Scientists GEOMATRIX Mr. David Troop Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region June 27, 2000 Page 2 stingers, are attached to the existing and hydrocarbon vapors are extracted from the wells HCVES through the stingers under vacuum applied by the vapor extraction blower. In May 2000, a liquid injection system for injection of recovered liquid hydrocarbons and water into the flare vapor treatment system was installed in accordance with the. Authority to Construct Permit No. S-207-42-5 (ATC) issued by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) on October 26, 1999. The liquid injection system currently is being tested and reconfigured for continuous operation. During the reporting period, approximately 328,390 pounds of hydrocarbon vapor were removed using the HCVES. Remediation using the HCVES accounts for a cumulative total of 1,153,514 pounds of hydrocarbons removed to date. During the reporting period, LPH recovery pumps in wells MW-7 and SE-SVE-42 removed approximately 30 (estimated) gallons of LPH. Approximately 87 gallons of LPH were removed from wells MW-7, SE-SVE-42, and SE-AS/VE-47C directly using a vacuum truck. Additionally, 534 gallons of LPH were removed from the knockout vessel as hydrocarbon vapor condensate. ProdUct stingers were closed during this period to prevent system shutdown caused by high knockout levels. The total amount of LPH removed (including hand bailing) since December 1996 is approximately 1,557 gallons. We appreciate your attention to this Project and if you have any questions or need any additional information on this report, please contact Mr. John Hundley of World Oil Corp. at (562) 928-0100 or the undersigned at (949) 642-0245. Sincerely, GEOMATRIX CONSULTANTS, INC. Calvin H. Hardcastle, P.E. Senior Engineer I P:~5825.000.0\1 sthalf00\Troop.doc ! GEOMATRIX Mr. David Troop California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region June 27, 2000 Page 3 Attachments: Figure 1- Site Location Map Figure 2- Site Map Showing Monitoring/Remediation Well and System Locations Figure 3- Site Map Showing Locations of Newly installed Wells Figure 4- Cumulative Pounds of'Hydrocarbon Removed versus Time Table 1- HCVES Summary for the Reporting Period First-Half2000 Table 2- Liquid-Phase Hydrocarbon (LPH) Removal for the Period First-Half 2000 .Table 3- Monthly HCVES Operation Data Table 4- Individual Vapor Extraction Well Concentrations Appendix A- Laboratory Analytical Reports and Chain-of-Custody Records cc: Mr. john Hundley, World Oil Corp. Ms. Christine Mirabel, World Oil Corp. Mr. Philip Jay, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Mr. John Mitchell, Kern County District Attorney's Office Mr. Russell W. Walls, California RWQCB - Central Valley Region ", Mr. Ralph E. Huey, City of Bakersfield, Hazardous Materials Division Mr. Bruce Howard, Latham & Watkins I ! P:X5825.000.0\1 sthalf00\Troop.doc ! I I I I I -~ I ~ I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I GEOMATRIX FIGURES ~ '", ~ ';, ' . I1~ ~'~' ~. : / .-' .,,,'. '. ', '" '.. ~ " , .~ ,-,,,.-- ~,,, ~--~.-,--~.. -. /-'K _N I1", ,~ 0~. ~'~ ........ ~ ~ ~ '~ .~ ',{ , -.. · ~ o,- .... ;~ ~ ~ ..... ~-~ ~/ d %. ,', .' ' '. .' -: ........ .-.' .... ~, ~" " ~', x % N~ ~ ~ .... ,' - ......... -~:~..' '.~ ~ '~ '""e~c, .... : ,'%: ,, . N , ~~U '~..'. -..-t ~_~ ~ "] ~~:':.. I ..... ;,~- . :o . , , ", ....... : .,: . ..... : o o .: ~ ,, · ,--~-- ! ~~. ~ :~0 . ,.,- ~'_ ,~~ ~~~ ~..,-,~, ...,~~?. .,~ . I~/I0 . ,.' .. ~ , ~ ~ ~ .', , '" ',,-" , ~1 . , . .... ~ , -~, .... · ,/ ~ ' '~~~~~~.~~ "~ .I- ~'. .... ", ~/~- W~tro I ~, , I ·/ ~'~: ..~.. ,,,~~~ ~z~ ~, - m -~,-~, ~ _.~~. i , .~. ~,~ ~ , ~ ' ....,,.. ~ ~ ~.,~' .. . ~ '-:,~,. ~. 0 * 1200 2400 APPROXIMATE SCALE I~ FEET  Figure By Project SITE LOCATION m~w FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY ,~o. 5825 GEOMATRIX 2152 Coffee Road 8 ' Bakersfield, California 06/26/00 1 ~.F ~% ....... LEASE LINE, PROPERTY BOUND~Y ~ % .................. CEalER LiNE OF COFFEE ~-~ .-~cc~ ] ~ ~ - '%~ .......... 6 FT. CH~N LINK FENCE LINE t! ~ / ~ ~/ ~ E~TH CONT~NMENT DIKE [f// ] ~ ~ ~ "~' c:N;<-~,?/v'~.c~ NEW GROUNDWATER MONITORING , ~ ~ ¢ WELL LOCATION ]~/;~ i A..' ,?,~-~i: ~'* ~~ GMX-AS~3 NEW ~R SPOOL/SOIL V~OR /,,, / ? 1~ ~ ? ] ~ "~ 0 WELL LOCATION /i, / %"U/~: ' 47/H ]j~~ ,~ ~ ~ .... ~ SE4~i',!~L51& LOCATIoNGROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL Mi1 ' , 't/ ~~~ ~ .:.)~ SE-~W-29 SOIL V~OR EXTRACTION/GROUNDWATER ~/;~7 i ~* ~ a ~ MONITORING WELL LOCATION Mz/ ~ ,' ,w ' ; SE-AS/MW-28 ~R SP~GE POINT/GROUNDWATER _/ ~ // i ~ ~ ii ~ .a , _. ~ ~ . ~ ~R SPOOL WELL LOCATION %' 9'-Y/ J! * ~ ~ , ** SE-~AS-55 TRIPLE NESTEO V~OR EXTRACTION wELL ~ ,,---; / Il LOCATION ~L / ]! i SOIL V~OR EXTRACTION WELL LOCATION / J ~ ]* i~ ~ h *~ ) ~ NOTES: ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~* L ~4~, ~ ~::=~-~ L_~-~ ............. ~-"-~ " · -=-~ ................ ] i ~ .................... I. SOURCE OF M~: PATRICK ~O HENDERSON INC., S.P.C.C. - !z~,~.,.~.z~::c ..... ~~~~ ........ FACIUTY PL~, T~K F~MS ~O REFINERY, OATEB ----=~ .......... a:.=.= DECEMBER 13, 1985. NEW COFFEE RO~ ELEVATED BERM, ~ ~ W~A~ ~a FSG-ASNE-53~ ~TSG-ASNE-~ ....... ~¢~¢~ ~ FORMER COFFEE RO~, ~D PG~E SITE INFORMATION FROM ...... ~-~m¢ ...... ~E~M~4.g__TSG-ASNE-52m ~ / ~SE:ACNE~ ........................ ¢4¢~¢ ............... CITY OF 8~ERSFIELD 5EP~ATION OF OR~E DISTRICT. '~{~ ~ ! ', ~ ~ WERE SURVEYED BY AZIMUTH BOUNO~Y SPECt~ISTS ON V~ P.a.~JPACIFiC ! ~ ~ '. SE-ASNE~ - ~ TSG-ASNE-55 M~CH 18 ~D NOVEMBER 5, 1996. SE- S-33& -SgE S E (- i~ ) 3. SITE FEATURES ~O STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ~E ~PROXIMATE. , ,~. ~SE-~3 ! ~ il ] GMX-ASNE-63 SE-VErB FORMED , *'i- SOUTH TANK FfiR. M 'S~V~AS-35 ii& '~'~?: ~ [ ~--$E-VE~8 ~ SE-AS-31 . AND REF!N~Y . S~A~I ¢ :~ · '~TSG-VE-59 MW ~ ~ ~ ~S~;AS-S2 L ~-~SG-VE-56 SEIVE/AS-37 ~ ...... F : ...... ~ ~ ~ I j MW- 12 ~ i ~:::~'i ~ ~' i] I ~ ,: ' ..................... ~l ~ ~! i ~ l ,, [ V', ~(~ ~ J Bosemop modified from figure ~ j ~ ~ provided by The Source Group, Inc. .......... e, ; REMEDIA.TION WELL LOCATIONS % " ': FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY ~' ..-' " ' 2152 Coffee Road ~ Bakersfield, California dram 5825 Dote GEOMATRIX 06/29/00 4 6 FT. CHNN LINK FENCE LINE E~TH CONT~NMENT DIKE G~-ASME~3 PROPOSED ~R SP~GE/SOIL V~OR O WELL LOCATION SE-M~%S J GROUNDWATER~MONITORiNG WELL ~ MONITORING WELL LOCATION FACILITY PL~, T~K F~MS ~O REFINERY, DATED DECEMBER 15, 1985. NEW COFFEE RO~ ELEVATED BERM, WERE SURVEYED BY AZIMUTH BOUND~Y SPECIALISTS ON M~CH 18 ~D NOVEBBER 5, ~996. 3. SITE FEATURES ~D STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ~E ~PROXIMATE. APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET LOCATIONS OF NEWLY 'INSTALLED REMEDIATION AND MONITORING WELLS FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY 2152 Coffee Road Bakersfield California ,200,000 'r--' : Notes: 1. SVES started on 3/22/96, . , ' 2. 'SVES upgraded to High-capacity extraction system 9/16/98 (startup). ! j' ! 3. Temporary (10122198-118199) HCVES shutdown, pending system modifications. ,000,000 -i 4. Temporary (1125199-3131199) shutdown during STF demolition. J i 5. TSG Inc. began operating the HCVES. 6. HCVES shutdown due to system upgrade/installation activities. I 7. HCVES shutdown due t© system upgrade/installation activities. · 7 / 600,000 400,000 '20O,OOO 0 DATE CUMULATIVE POUNDS OF HYDROCARBONS REMOVED VERSUS TIME Figure by' Project No.  SUNI-AND OIL REFINERY SC 5825.001 FORMER GIEOMATRIX 2152 Coffee Road Date Figure No. Bakersfield, California 6~22~00 4 i i ! I I I I I GEOMATRIX I I I I I TABLES I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 ~ HCVES SUMMARY FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD DECEMBER 1999 THROUGH MAY 2000 GEOMATR IX FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Client Contact: Mr. John Hundley Consultant: Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. Lead Agency: RWQCB, Central Valley Region Reporting Period: December 1, 1999 - May 31, 2000 HCVES Treatment Device: John Zink Flare SJVAPCD Permit to Operate No.: S-207-42-5 Equipment Inventory. STF WTF (1) John Zink Flare ,(1) 125 psi, 27 cfm Air Compressor (2) Sutorbilt Legend Blowers with 50 hp motors i(2) CEE Genie Pumps/Product skimmers (2) Knockout Vessels, 250-gallon (r/o) Transfer Pumps, and Piping Il) 500-gallon above ground storage tank (1) 500-gallon above ground storage tank (1) 125 psi, 100 scfm Air Compressor HCVES PROCESS SUMMARY STF WTF Process Concentrations at System Start Up: 10/7/96 3/22/96 Laboratory reported TPHg concentration: 7,100 31,090 ppmv Laboratory reported benzene concentxation: 94 130 ppmv MW4, SE-AS/VE-44B, SE-AS/VE-46A, SE-AS/VE-46B, SE-VE47A, SE-VE-47B, SE-MW-9(R), SE-VEJAS-34A, SE-VE/AS-35A, SE-VE-47C, SE-VE48A, SE-VE48B, SE-SVE40A, SE-SVE-40B, SE-SVE42A, Venting Sources This Period: SE-VE-49A, SE-VE..49B, TSG-AS/VE-52A, SE-SVE42B, SE-SVE43A, SE-SVE-43B TSG-AS/VE-53A, TSG-AS/VE-54A, and TSG-~'E-56 Process/lafluent Concentrations: Field observed TPHg concentration: 12/4/99, > 13,0001 ppmv 1/20/00, >13,000 1/10/00, 1,680 ippmv 2/14/00, 10,440~ 2/14/00, 2,480 ppmv 3/28/00, 6,710~ 3/28/00, 1,680 ppmv 4/24/00, 10,0001 4/24/00, 1,340 ppmv 5/8/00, 6,120~ 5/8/00, 3,850 ppmv 5/22/00, 7,0001 5/22/00, 2,630 ppmv Laboratory reported TPHg concentration: I/20/00, 15,000 ppmv 2/14/00, <112. 2/14/00, 6,400 ppmv 3/29/00, 9.800~ 3/29/00, 920 ppmv 5/8/00, 9,200~ 5/8/00, 4,200 ppmv 5/22/00, 11,000~ 5/22/00, 4,100 ppmv Average Flow Rate this pehod: 585 138 scfm Average Manifold Vacuum: 8.0 1.7 in. H$ Cumulative TPHg Destroyed this Period: 307,799 20,591 ~ounds Cumulative TPHg Destroyed this Period (WTF and STF): 328,390 )ounds Cumulative TPHI~ Destroyed since Start Up (3/22/96)3': 1,153,514 pounds Utility Usage th/s Perloda: Electricity: 193,432 kWh Natural Gas: 114,738 Therms Operatin, Time for this Period 3,033' I 2,811' ' hours Number of Auto Shut Downs During th/s Period: 21 19 AS PROCESS SUMMARY STF System Started: 12/30/96 Air sparge wells did not operate this period. Air Sparge Wells this period: Average air sparge flow rate per well: AS PROCESS SUMMARY WTF System Started: 5/23/97 Air sparge wells did not operate: this peri~d. Air Sparge Wells this period: Average air sparge flow rate per well: WTF = Former West Tank Farm STF = Former South Tank Farm 1. WTF manifold tied into STF manifold. TPHg value reflects influences from the WTF wells. 2. Laboratosy reported TPHg conccntxation was questionable and was not used in TPHg removal calculations. 3. Includes operational data fi-om two Paragon thermal oxidizers prior to HCVES operations. 4. Does not include utility usage for December 1999. Previous utility readings unavailable. 5. Thc system was shut down fi-om 12/30/99 to 1/6/00 For Y2K. The valve of the WTF vapor extraction manifold, which is plumbed/configured to allow one vapor extraction blower to extract fi.om both the STF and WTF, was closed from 1/20/00 to 2/1/00 due to Iow influent concentrations. I TABLE 2 ~ - ' LIQUID-PHASE HYDROCARBON (LPH) REMOVAL FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD GEOMATRIX I DECEMBER 1999 THROUGH MAY 2000 FORMER SUNLAND OIL REHNERY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Client Contact: Mr. John Hundley Consultant: Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. Lead Agency: RWQCB, Central Valley Region Reporting Period: December 1, 1999 - May 31, 2000 Equipment Inventory: Two CEE Genie Pumps/Product skimmers, air compressor, 500-gallon steel double contained tank, three product stinger assemblies 1. Product skimmers/pumps. treatment Method: 2. Stingers connected into existing vapor extraction system. Remediation Start Date: Hand Bailing 12/27/96 Pumping 9/18/97 Product Stinger Assemblies 6/9/99 Extraction Sources this period: MW-7, SE-SVE42C, SE-SVE-47C Monitoring Frequency: Weekly Total Site Visits Completed this Period: 36 Well Source IVIW-7: Product Pump Installed 119/18/97): CEE, Genie SOS2 Product Skimmer/Pump LPH Removed by Pump: 5 gallons LPH Removed by Vacuum Truck: 9 gallons Well Source SE-SVE-42C: Product Pump Installed ,(9/18/97): CEE, Genie SOS2 Product Skimmer/Pump LPH Removed by Pump: 25 gallons LPH Removed by Vacuum Truck: 15 gallons Well Source SE-AS/VE47C: Product Stinger Installed (6/9/99): Flexible PVC Product Stinger LPH Removed by Stinger: 0 gallons LPH Removed by Vacuum Truck: 57 gallons LPH Removed with Product Skimmers/Pumps This Period: 30 gallons LPH Removed with PVC Stingers This Period: 0 gallons LPH Removed with Vacuum Truck This Period~: 615 gallons Total LPH Removed This Period: 645 gallons :umulative LPH Removed Since Start (12/96): 1,557 gallons Vater Removed this Period~: 5,805 gallons Recycled Liquid fi.om site this Period: 6,450 gallons Recycling Facility: DeMenno Kerdcon, Compton, CA ...: 1. Total volume of product includes approximately 534 gallons of hydrocarbon vapor condensate collected in the knockout vessel. 2. Total volume of water includes approximately 1,225 gallons of purge water fi.om the quarterly groundwater sampling event in March 2000. I I ! I I P:~3825.000.0~5825.0~ 1.0\ I aOknlt~Tal~l~.xl~LPH TABLE 3a GEOMATRIX MONTHLY SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION AND AIR SPARGE OPERATIONS SUMMARY REPORT FORMER SUNI,AND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 1999 Process Process Flow Manifold Vacuum PiloffProcess CumulativeAir Slmrge System IICVES Daily Data Source Notes Concentration* Temperature Daily TPItg Removedb TPIIg Removed Status Operating Time (ppmv) (scfm) (ira Hg) (°F) (lb) (lb) (o~ofO (hr) ~F and ~F STF and ~F ~F ~d ~F I, I ~ 826,887 1,1~ g30.412 I,t00 833,937 I,lO0 837.462 ~40,987 1,1~ 844,512 I ,OgO 845,784 3,0~ 847,056 1,080 848,323 1.080 ~9.020 849,020 849,020 1,080 849,681 3, I O0 1,080 851 ,~3 3~ I00 1,080 852,325 , 3~1~ 1.080 853.~7 3.100 854,748 854.74g 854.748 854,748 854,748 854,748 854,748 1,100 855,014 855,0t4 855,014 1,1~ 855,652 856,795 2,680 Irl~ 857,938 2~680 1,1~ 858,557 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF and WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 33,433 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF During the Reporting Period~°0b) 31,689 Cumulative TPHg Removed From WTF During the Reporting Periodm'' (lb) 1,744 $TF Operating Dgration for the Reporting Period (hr) 399 WTF Operating Duration for the Reporfn~ Period (hr) 399 Cumulative TPH~ Removed (STF and WTF) Subsequent to Initial Start-Up (lb) 858,557 STF and WTF Gas Utili~ Usage for the reporting period ~herms) NAn ~TF Electrical U~li~ Usage for the reporting pe~od (~Wh) NA" IWTF El~trical Ut~i~ Usage for the reportng period (kWh) 0 STF Percent Up-Time Durin~ the Reporting Period (%) 54 WTF Percent Up-Time During the Reporfin$ Period (%) 54 a. Field ~nc~at~ include hydr~ r~ge flora CI to C 12. g. ~ pr~ flow ~um~ ~m pr~ ~mfing ~t S~ pr~s flow = comb~ed flow - ~ pr~s flow. b. Hy~n rc~v~ for ~ m~ is ~culat~ ~mg ~e I~ra[o~ ~ r~ k ~lo~pr~ ~m~ra~e not m~e& V~ ~s~ ~om pre~o~ mo~to~g for ~e s~ple ~llect~ ~ S~tember 9, 19~. i. ~g~ wall v~g m flow flora A ~e ~ r~u~ ~on of wmer in F TPHg(ppmv) ][ 1001b ] [ lmole~ ][FLOWC.~ . . fi ~ ~h]f6Oi~l__~LT~E(hr)]~ q' j. = Hy~ re~ ~c~ated ming ~ram~ ~cd r~ulm for ~e s~ple mllact~ on ~"g.... ~=L~ J~~J~ (~JFL hr J S.t~O,l~gmd~j~tedfor~el .... p ..... k. Pr~ ~uafi~ ~t ~ur~. Value ~um~ bom pr~om monito~g Mol~ul~ wei~l ofg~ol~e ~ ~6~ted at I~ Ib~ole. I mole = 379fi ~. I. S~m ~ut ~ due m ~ levd ~ ~kout c R~ v~r ex~. m M~m~ ~ll hy&~ le~. Shut ~ ~ ~fil 2~. ~ P~ ~ ~t m~ V~ue ~ ffgm pr~o~ ~nim~g event. ~ NA = ~l a~l~le. ~o~ uhli~ r~ ~v~l~le. e. M~ifold v~u~ ~t me~ed. V~ue ~ed ~om pre~o~ m~i~dng ev~t t D~ ~d flora pr~o~ ~itofing evil S~ = Sou~ Trak F~ TABLE 3b GEOMATRIX MONTHLY SOIL VAPOR EXTR.4, C'DON AND AIR SPARGE OPERATIONS SUMMARY REPORT FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 21.52 COFFEE ROAD, BAKE~FIELD, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 2O00 Pilot/Process Cumulative Air Sparge System HCVES Daily Process Co ncentration' Process Flow Manifold Vacuum Daily TPHg Rem°vedbTPHg Removed Status Operating Time Date Data Source Notes Temperature (ppmv) (scfm) (in. Hg) (OF) (lb) (lb) (on/off) (hr) STF [ WTF STF f WTF STF [ WTF STF [ WTF STF [ WTF STF and WTF [ STF WTF STF and WTF STF I WTF STF ] WTF 01101100 ¢ c 0 0 858,557 off off 0 0 01/02]00 c c 0 0 858~557 off off 0 0 01/03/00 c c 0 0 858,557 off off 0 0 01/04/00 c c 0 0 858,557 off off 0 0 01/05/00 c c 0 0 858,557 off off 0 0 01106100 Tcctmicia~T~hnician d~c d~e 2~489 1~659 834 139 2.2 2.2 1~120 379 42 858,978 off off 10 10 01/07/00 f f 2,489 L659 834 139 2.2 2.2 1:120 910 101 889~989 off off 24 24 01/08/110f f 2~489 1,659 834 [ 39 2.2 2.2 1 ~ ] 20 796 88 860,874 off off 21 21 01/09/00 ~ ~ 0 0 860,874 off off 0 0 01/10100 Tcchnicia~Tcchincian d~c d,c 2,520 l~680 834 i39 2.2 22 1~122 384 43 861,300 off off 10 10 01/11/00 f f 22520 tT680 834 139 22 2.2 1~122 921 102 862,324 off off 24 24 01 / t ~O0 f f 2.520 1 ~680 834 139 2.2 2.2 1.122 92 $ 102 863,347 off off 24 24 0 I/13/00f f 2,520 1,680 834 139 2.2 2 2 I. 122 921 102 864,371 off off 24 24 01/14/00 f f 2,520 11680 834 139 2.2 2.2 [ t 122 921 102 865.394 off off 24 24 0 II 15/00 f f 2~520 I ?680 834 t 39 2.2 2.2 I ~ 122 92 ! 102 866,418 off off 24 24 0 Ill 6/00 f f 2~520 I ~680 834 139 2.2 2.2 I ~ 122 921 102 867,442 Off off 24 24 01/I 7/00f f 2~520 I ~ 680 834 139 2.2 2.2 I ~ 122 307 34 867~783 Off Off 8 8 01/I 8/00 ~ ~ 0 0 867~783 Off Off 0 0 01/19/00 ~ 8 0 0 867,783 off off 0 0 01/20/00 T¢ch, ieian Technician h i >13,0001 15,000~ 0 816 0 5.5 0 1~104 3~10[ 0 870,883 off off 16 16 01/2Il00 f > 13,000 0 8[6 0 5.5 0 l~104 4~651 0 875,534 off off 24 24 01/22/00 f > 13.000 0 816 0 5.5 0 I~104 4~68 [ 0 880,184 off off 24 24 01/23/00 f >13r000 0 816 0 5.5 0 1~104 4~651 0 S84,835 off off 24 24 01/24/00 TcclmicianTechnician J i 3~660 0 771 0 6.6 0 1~129 1~032 0 885,866 off off 20 20 01125100 f 3 660 0 771 0 6.6 0 I. 129 1~237 0 887,104 off off 2¢ 01/26/00 f 3.660 0 77 [ 0 6.6 0 I. 129 1~237 0 888~341 off off 24 24 01/27/00 f 3,660 0 771 0 6.6 0 11129 1~237 0 S89.578 off off 24 24 01/28/00 f 3,660 0 771 0 6.6 0 1~t29 1~237 0 890,815 off off 24 24 01/29/00 f 3~660 0 771 0 6.6 0 I t 129 928 0 891,743 off off I 01/30/00 ,~ ~ 0 0 891,743 off off 0 0 0 I/3 Il00 [~ ~ 0 0 891 ~743 off off 0 0 Cumulative TPtlg Removed From STF and WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 33,186 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF During the Reporting Period (lb) 32~263 Cumulative TPHg Removed From WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 923 STF Operating 13urotion for the Reporting Period (hr) 4~9 WTF Operating Duration for the Reporting Period (hr) 439 Cumulative TPHg Removed (STF and WTF) Subsequent to Initial Start-Up (lb) 891,743 ]TF and WTF Gas Utility Usage for the reporting period (Therms) 18,006 STF Electrical Utility Usage for the reporting period (kWh) 22,500 WTF Electrical Utility Usage for the reporting period (kWh) 0 ~,TF Percent Up-Time During the Reporting Period (%)k 70 WTF Percent Up-Time During the Reporting Period (%)k 70 a. Field concentrations include hydrocarbon range from Cl to CI2. c. WIT proc0ss flow assumed from pr~VmU~ monito6ng ~u.. STF procc~ flow = combinot flow - W'FF ptoo.~ flow. b. H~,deocarbon rcraoval for this month is ca~¢ulat~ using thc Fabot-a~n~ ;mai ~x'6cal rt.'nulls for th~ sample STF and V~FF ptoce~ cm',cenla-a~ons calcula~d u.sing lira l'~I~cfi'~ tlowr-at~ and Ibc cca-tblncd p~l~s collccu:d on Janus,, 20, 2000 and adjusted for tM proozss cc~omwalion muazur~d, f. Dam assum~ from previous monitoring ~vem, .... x -- -- x FLOW -- -- x[TIME(hr)] h. Coltecuxlvapor~plea. >13,000/l~,000eorrespomtstoFi¢ld/Lalmratoryanaly6cal results. TPHgremoved 1,000,000 mole 379.fi~.min hr . i. ChisedW'I'Fmanifoldtoincreaseproc~sscsmcentrafion. Molecular weight of gasoline ia estimal~ al ~00 lb~mole. 1 mole = 379.fi ~. j. C~e~.'d B-zon~'~ctis to d~rea~ liquid ~.~.~xflul~O~ ~ knockmax ¢. Vapor extracu~ system shut down for Y2K. k. To,al possible operating tima does na~ include tM time dudn8 which fl~ system was ~hut down for Y2K. d. ~ vapor ~xtracfion system. STF = .~mth Tank Farm V/'FF = W~st Tank Farm TABLE 3c GEOMATRIX MONTHLY SOIL VAPOR F~XTRACTION AND AIR SPARGE OPERATIONS SUMMARY REPORT FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 2OOO Pilot/Process Daily TPHg Cumulative Air Sparge SystemHCVES Daily Date Data Source Notes Process Conce~tratlona Process Flow Manifold Vacuum Temperature Removedb TPHR Removed Status Operating Time (ppmv) (scfm) (in. HR) (°F) (lb) (lb) (on/off) (hr) STF , wr~ I STF, WT~[ ST~+WT~ , ST~ ] WT~ I ST~+WTF, ST~ [ WrF [ ST~ , wr~I ST~+WrF [ STF [ WTF ST~+Wr~ STF , WT~ STF , WTF 2/I/00 Technician Technician c d 4)900 5)773 1,680 750 590 160 4.1 1.0 l)107 467 82 892.291 off off 8 8 2/2/00 Tcchincian Tan:bin clan c d 41900 5t773 1t680 750 590 ,160 4.1 1.0 1~[13 [~493 264 894,048 off off 24 24 2/3/00 c c 4.90() 5r773 1~680 750 590 160 4. I 1.0 I.I 13 591 104 894,743 off off 10 10 2/4/00 Technician Technician c d 6~600 7~883 2~350 690 530 160 7.7 1.0 Itl09 725 146 895,614 off off 10 10 2/5100 ~ c 6.600 7.883 2,350 690 530 160 7.7 1.0 I t 109 l~832 369 897.815 off off 24 24 2/6/00 c e 6.600 7~883 2.350 69(I 530 160 7.7 13) I ~ 109 1~656 333 899.804 off off 22 22 2/7/00 e ~ 6f~00 7.883 - 2.35(I 690 531) 160 7.7 LO ItlO9 458 92 900~354 off off 6 6 2/8100 c ¢ 6~600 7~883 2,350 690 530 160 7.7 1.0 I~ 109 1~832 369 9021554 off off 24 24 2/9/00 ¢ e 6.600 7~883 2~350 690 530 160 7.7 1.0 1~109 1~832 369 904,755 off off 24 24 2/10/00 ¢ ¢ 6.600 7~883 2,350 690 530 160 7.7 1.0 1,109 1~183 238 906,176 off off 16 2/11100 Tcclmician Technician c d 8~550 9~798 2~000 500 420 80 12.0 1.0 1~119 902 78 907,156 off off 12 12 2/12/00 ¢ ~ 8.550 9.798 2.000 420 80 12.0 I 0 ! ~119 11804 157 909,117 off off 24 24 2/13/00 ¢ c 8~550 9~798 2,000 420 80 12.0 1.0 111 i9 1~804 157 911.078 off off 24 24 2/14/00 Technician Technician C:Tf d,~ 10~440 I Ir956/ND 2~480 / 6~400 500 420 80 12.0 1.0 ltll7 [~092 96 912,266 off off 12 12 2/15/00 h h 0 0 912,266 off off 0 0 2/16/00 ¢ c 10~440 I IT956 2~480 420 80 12.0 1.0 l: ] 17 1~376 122 913~763 Off Off 15 15 2/17/00 C C 10,440 [ 1~956 2~480 420 80 I 2.0 i.0 I~ [ I 7 2~201 195 916~ 159 Off Off 24 24 2/18/00 Technician Technician c d 7~500 10~897 2~000 550 340 210 12.5 1.0 l~044 1~624 412 918~196 off off 24 24 2/19/00 c ¢ 7~500 10.897 2,000 340 210 12.5 1.0 1:044 1~624 4t2 920r232 off off 24 24 2/20/00 ¢ ¢ 7~500 10,897 2.000 340 2 i0 12.5 1.0 I ~044 1~624 412 922,268 off off 24 24 2/21/00 c c 7,500 10~897 2~000 34(I 210 12.5 1.0 1~044 1~624 412 924,304 off off 24 24 2/22/00 = ~ 7.500 10:897 2t000 340 210 12.5 1.0 I r044 108 27 924,440 off off 2 2 2/23/00 i i 0 0 924,440 off off 0 0 2f24/0() i i 0 0 924~440 off off 0 0 2/25/0(}Technician Technician c d 12~300 19~484 3t520 600 330 270 10.5 0.3 1~103 1~116 369 925~924 off off lO 10 2/26/00 e c 12,300 19~484 3,520 330 270 I 0.5 0.3 1 ~ 103 2~819 932 929.675 off off 24 24 2/27/00 ~ ¢ 12~300 19.484 3t520 330 270 10.5 0.3 I ~ 103 2t819 932 933~425 off off 24 24 2/28100 c · 12~300 19.484 3~520 330 270 10.5 0 3 1,103 2~819 932 937,176 off off 24 24 2/29/00 Technician Tcchinci~n c d 10~000 15~124 3~300 600 340 260 10.5 0.3 1~029 2~254 841 940~272 off off 24 24 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF and WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 48,530 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF During the Reporting Period (lb) 39,678 Cumulative TPHg Removed From WTF During the Reporting Perio'd (lb) 8,851 STF Operating Duration for the Reporting Period (hr) 480 WTF Operating Duration for the Reporting Period (hr) 480 Cumulative TPHg Removed (STF and WTF) Subsequent to Initial Start-Up (lb) 940,272 STF and WTF Gas Utility Usage for the reporting period (Therms) 20,519 STF Electrical Utility Usage for the reporting period (kWh) 30,,100 WTF Electrical Utility Usage for the reporting period (kWh) 0 STF Percent Up-Time During the Reporting Per/od (%) 69 WTF Percent Up-Time During the Reporting Period (%) 69 a. Fi=Id cono.'nwationz include hyckocarhnn nmgc from C 1 to C 12. d. WTF manifold ~ed in to S'IT manifold. VfFF manifold valw =,racked open. b. Hydn;~.arhnn r~mova/for this month is calcuint~d using the laboratory aaatylicaJ r~ults for th~ STF sample e. Data assumed f~n pr~ous monitoring event. call~ct~[ on Janus.. 20. 2000 and the laborato~ anal)~cal results for th~ W'rF sample collec~d on Febn~ry I4. 2000. f. Colic-ted vapor s~mples. Laborato~ analytical re~u~z for lira STF saz~pin x~r~ not d~tcd (ND) abo~¢ th~ reporting limits. LaboratoO, attal.vtical rcSuILS arg adj usaxl for th~ proc=ss conccatratiom rnc~ured. Thru results were questionable and ~:re not tisch[ in TPHg rc~noval calculations. ~rTiME(hr)~TPHg(ppmv) 100lb Imole fts 60miat I g. Collec~dvaporsample~. 2,480/ 6,400 corresponds to Fi¢ld/Laboratmy anal.~icaJ results. L 1,00o,0oo ~ L~ote3 L~7~3 L Lmm91 L hr J h. System shut down duc to pilot faiinre. i. Syston shut down duc m high level in knock out veazet. Mokcular wcight of gasoline is ~Immtcd at 100 lb/mole. 1 mole = $79fi~. c. STF proo~ss flow = combin~ flow - WTF ptoc~ flow. STF precis con=ca(ration calculatod u.~ing STF = Soulh Tank Farm individual and combined flox~at~, and WTF and combin~xi proc~s coaccntrafiorts. WTF = West Tank F~,m TABLE 3d GE OMATI::IIX MONTHLY SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION AND AIR SPARGE OPERATIONS SUMMARY REPORT FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA MARCH 2000 Pilol/Pro~ess Daily TPHg Cumulative Air Sparge System HCVES Daily Date Data Source Notes Process Concentration" Process Flow Manifold Vacuum Temperature Removedb TPHg Removed Status Operating Time (ppmv) (scfm) (in, Hg} (°F) (lb) (lb) (on/ofD (hr) STF I WTF STF I WTF STF+WTF I STF I WTF STF+WTFI STF I WTF STF t WTF STF+WTF STF I V~'TF STF+WTF STF I WTF STF I W~rF 3/I/00 c c I 0.000 15,124 3,300 600 340 260 10. 5 0.31 1.029 3.151 179 943,601 off off 24 24 3/2/00 c c I 0,000 15.124 3,300 600 340 260 I 0.5 0.31 1,029 3 ~ 151 179 946,931 off off 24 24 3/3/00 c c I 0.000 15,124 3,300 600 340 260 10 5 0.31 1,029 3,151 179 950,260 off off 24 24 3/4/00 c c I 0.000 15,124 3,300 600 340 260 I · 5 0 31 1.029 3~ 151 179 953,590 off off 24 24 3/5/00 c c I 0.000 15,124 3.300 600 340 260 I 0.5 0.31 I ~029 3,151 179 956,9t 9 off off 24 24 3/6/00 c c I 0,000 15,124 3,300 600 340 260 10.5 0.31 1,029 3~151 179 960,249 off off 24 24 3/7/00 TechnicianTechnician d · 9,810 13,272 2.340 600 410 190 10.5 0.2 1,025 3~174 93 963,515 off off 24 24 3/8/00 c c 9, 810 13.272 2,340 600 410 190 I 0.5 O 2 I ~025 3,174 93 966,781 off off 24 24 3/9/00 c c 9.810 13,272 2340 600 410 190 105 02 1,025 3~174 93 970,048 off off 24 24 3/10/00 TechnicianTechnician d e 10.000 14,041 1,280 600 410 190 10.5 0.2 1,000 3~279 51 973,377 off off 24 24 ,,. 3/I I/00c c I 0.000 14,041 1.280 600 410 190 10 5 0 2- 1,000 3,279 51 976,707 off off 24 24 3/I 2/00c c 10,000 14,041 1,280 600 410 190 10.5 0.2 1.000 3~279 51 980~036 off off 24 24 3/13/00 c c I 0.000 14,041 1.280 600 410 190 10 5 0.2 I ~000 3,279 51 983,366 off off 24 24 3/14/00 c c I 0,000 14,041 I ~280 600 410 190 I 0.5 0.2 I ~000 3~279 51 986,695 off off 24 24 3/15/00 c c I 0,000 14,041 1,280 600 410 190 I 0.5 0.2 1,000 3,279 5 t 990,025 off off 24 24 3/16/00 ¢ c I 0,000 14,041 1,280 600 410 190 I 0.5 0.2 I r000 3 t279 51 993,354 off off 24 24 3/17/00 TechnicianTechnician d e 9,840 10,802 1,730 660 590 70 10.5 2.1 1,095 3~579 25 996,958 off off. 24 24 3/18/00 c c 9.840 10,802 1,730 660 590 70 10.5 2.1 1,095 3,579 25 1,000,562 off off 24 24 3/19/00 c c 9,840 10,802 1,730 660 590 70 10.5 2.1 Ir095 3~579 25 1,004,166 off off 24 24 )/20/00 c c 9.840 10,802 1,730 660 590 70 10.5 2. I I r095 3~579 25 1,007.769 off off 24 24 3/21/00 c c 9~840 10,802 I ~730 6(>0 590 70 I 0 5 2. I I ~095 3~579 25 1,011373 off off 24 24 3/2~00 c c 9,840 10,802 1,730 660 590 70 10.5 23 1~095 3~579 25 1,014,977 off off 24 24 3/23/00 TechnicianTechnician d e 9,300 10~192 1,760 662 592 70 10.5 2.0 1~115 3~391 26 1,018,394 off off 24 24 3/24100 c c 9.300 10.192 1,760 662 592 70 10.5 2.0 I,I 15 3t391 26 1,021,810 off off 24 24 3/25/00 c c 9,300 10,192 1.760 662 592 70 105 2.0 I~115 3t391 26 1,025,226 off off 24 24 3/26100 c c 9.300 I 0,192 1,760 662 592 70 10.5 2.0 I. I 15 3t391 26 1,028.643 off off 24 24 3/27/00 c · c 9,300 I 0~ 192 1,760 662 592 70 10.5 2.0 I ~ I 15 3~391 26 1,032,059 off off 24 24 3/28/00 TechnicianTechnician d e 6,710 7,297 1,680 670 600 70 10.5 2.0 11183 1~750 17 1,033,826 off off 17 . 17 3,29/00 c c f f 6.710/9,800 7,297 1,680/920 670 600 70 10.5 2.0 Ir183 2~470 24 1,036,321 off off 24 24 3/30/00 c c 6,710 7,297 ~ ,680 670 600 70 10.5 2.0 l, 183 2,203 22 1,038,545 off off 21 2 I 3/31/00 ~ g 1,183 0 0 1~038,545 off off 0 0 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF and WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 98,273 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF During the Reporting Period (lb) 96,228 Cumulative TPHg Removed From WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 2,046 STF Operating Duration for the Reporting Period (hr) 710 WTF Operating Duration for the Reporting Period (hr) 710 Cumulative TPHg Removed (STF and WTF) Subsequent to Initial Start-Up (lb) 1,038,545 STF and WTF Gas Utilily Usage for the reporting period {Therms) 30,139 STF Electrical Utilit3, Usage for the reporting period (kWh) 42,900 WTF Electrical Utility Usage for the reporting period (kWh) 654 95 STF Percent Up-Time During the Reporting Period 95 WTF Percent Up-Time Daring the Reportin~ Period (°/o) a. Field conc~ntrarions include hydrocarbon range fxorn C l to C 12. d_ STF procc~s flow = c~mbined flow - WTF proccss flow. STF proccss concentxadon calculated using b. Hydrocarbon removal for this momh is calculated using the laboratory analytical results for ~he samples individual and combined flowrates, and WTF and combined proce*s concentrations. collected on March 29, 2000 and adjusted for the process concerto-orions measured on March 28, 2000. e~ WTF manifold tied in to STF manifold. WTF manifold valve cracked open. f. Collected vapor samples. 6,710/9,800 corresponds to Field/Laboratory analytcal results. TPHg(ppmv) 100lb lmole ft~ 60n-~ .... -- FLOW -- -- x[TIME(hr)] TPHg .... ed [ 1,000,000 ]X[mole][379ft'~[ (n~)~f[ hr ] g. System shut d~wn due to high level in lmock out vessd. Molecular weight of gasoline is astimated at 100 lb/mole. I mole '- 379fi '~. STF = South Tank Farm c. Data assumed from p~evious monitoring event WTF = West Tank Farm GEOMATRIX TABLE 3e MONTHLY SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION AND AIR SPARCE OPERATIONS SUMMARY REPORT FORMER SUNI,AND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA APRIL 2000 PilotffProcess Daily TPHg Cumulative Air Sparge System HCVES Daily Date Data Source Notes Process Concentration' Process Flow Manifold Vacuum Temperature Removeds TPHg Removed Status Operating Time (ppmv) (scfm) (in. Hg) (*F) (lb) (lb) (on/off) (hr) sw I ~rrF STF I WTF STF+WTF I ST~ I WTF STF+WTFI STF WW ST~ I w'rr STF+WTr STF I WW STr+WTF STF I WTF STF I wrr 4/I/00 c c 0 0 1,038,545 off off 0 0 4/2/00 c c 0 0 1,035,545 off off 0 0 4/3/00 c c 0 0 1.038.545 off off 0 0 4/4/00 d d 6,710 7,297 1,680 670 600 70 10.5 2.0 1,183 945 18 1,039,508 off off 9 9 4/5/00 d d 6.710 7.297 1,680 670 600 70 I 0.5 2.0 1,183 1.301 25 1,040,835 off off 12 12 4/6/00 Technician Technician e f 6,500 7,342 1,170 660 570 90 10.5 08 It045 923 17 1,041,774 off off 9 9 4/7/00 d d 6.500 7,342 1,170 660 570 90 10.5 0.8 1,045 2r407 44 1,044,224 off off 24 24 4/8/00 d d 6,500 7,342 l, 170 660 570 90 I O. 5 O. 8 1,045 2~407 44 1,046,674 off off 24 24 4/9/00 d d 6.500 7,342 I ~ 170 660 570 90 I O. 5 0.8 1.045 2.407 44 1,049,125 off off 24 24 4/10/00 d d 6,500 7t342 1,170 660 570 90 10.5 0.8 1,045 892 16 1.050,033 off off 9 9 4/I I/O0 c c 0 0 1~050~033 off off 0 0 , 4/12100 c c 0 0 1,050,033 off off 0 0 4/I 3/00 c c 0 0 1,050,033 off off 0 0 4/14/00 Technician Technician e f 6,000 6,670 1,390 670 585 85 10.5 1.7 1,082 955 21 1,051,009 off off 10 10 4/15/00 d d 6.000 6t670 1,390 670 585 85 IO5 17 1,082 2,247 49 1,053,305 off off 24 24 4/16/00 d d 6,000 6,670 1.390 670 585 85 10 5 1.7 1,082 1~273 28 1,054,606 off off 14 14 4/I 7/00 c c 0 0 1,054,606 off off 0 4/18/00 d d 6,000 6,670 1,390 670 585 85 10.5 I 7 1,082 880 19 1,055,506 off off 9 9 4/19/00 d d 6,000 6,670 1,390 670 585 85 10.5 1.7 1,082 2,247 49 1.057.802 off off 24 24 4/20/00 d d 6,000 6,670 1.390 670 585 85 10.5 1.7 1,082 796 17 1,058,615 off off 9 9 4/21100 Technician Technician e f 5,980 6,679 1.400 680 590 90 10,5 1.9 1,090 1,296 30 1,059,941 off off 14 14 4/22/00 d d 5,980 6,679 1.400 680 590 90 I 0. 5 1,9 1,090 2,270 52 1,062.263 off off 24 24 4/23/00 d d 5.980 6,679 1,400 680 590 90 I 0.5 1.9 1,090 1,466 34 1,063,763 off off 16 16 4/24/00 Technician Technician e f 10,000 11,237 1~340 680 595 85 10.5 18 1~070 1,551 19 1.065,333 off off 10 10 4/25/00 d d 10,000 11,237 1.340 680 595 85 10.5 18 1.070 3.837 47 1.069,217 off off 24 24 4/26/00 d d I 0~000 I 1~237 1,340 680 595 85 10.5 1.8 1,070 3r837 47 1.073,101 off off 24 24 4/27/00 d d I 0,000 ] 1,237 1,340 680 595 85 10.5 1.8 1,070 3~837 47 1.076.985 off off 24 24 4/28/00 d d 10,000 I 1,237 I ~340 680 595 85 10,5 1.8 1,070 3,837 47 ] .080.869 off off 24 24 4/29/00 d d 10,000 11,237 1.340 680 595 85 10.5 1.8 1.070 831 10 1.081,710 off off 5 5 4/30/00 c e 0 0 I r0811710 off off 0 0 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF and WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 43,165 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF During the Reporting Period (lb) 42,441 Cumulative TPHg Removed From WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 724 STF Operating Duration for the Reporting Period (hr) 365 WTF Operating Duration for the Reporting Period (hr) 365 Cumulative TPHg Removed (STF and WTF) Subsequent to Initial Start-Up (lb) 1,081,710 STF and WTF Gas Utility Usage for the reporting period (Therms) 17,684 STF Electrical Utility Usage for the reporting period (kWh) 30,000 WTF Electrical Utility Usage for the reporting period (kWh) 778 STF Percent Up-Time During the Reporting Period (%) 51 WTF Percent Up-Time During the Reportin~ Period (%) Sl a. Field conccntratioo_s include hydrocarbon range from CI to C12. d. Data assumed from prcvious monitoring event_ b. Hydrocarbon removal for this month is calculated using the laboratory analytical results for the samples e. STF process flow ~ combined flow - WTF process flow. STF process concenU~fion calculated using collected on May 8. 2000 and adjusted for thc process concenuations measured, individual and combined flowrate~ and WIT and combined process concentrations. [TPHg(ppmv)]{lOOIb]x[]xrlmo/e l f':~ 11 [60m~ Ix [TIME(hr)] f' Wlt mam£°ld fled in t° STF manif°ld' WTF manifold valve crack~:l °Pelt MoleculaxweightofgasolineisesfiraatedallOOIb,'~tole. lmole~379ftJ. STF=SouthTankFarm c. System shut down due to high level in knock out vessel. WTF = West Tank Farm TABLE 3f GEOMATRIX MONTHLY SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION AND AIR SPARGE OPERATIONS SUMMARY REPORT FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA MAY 2000 Pilot/Process Daily TPHg Cumulative Air Sparge System HCVES Daily Date Data Source Notes Process Concentration' Process Flow Manifold Vacuum Temperature Removedb TPItg Removed Status Operating Time (ppmv) (scfm) (in. Hg) (°F) (lb) (lb) (on/off) (hr) STE I .ww STF I WTF STF+WrF STF I WW STe+Wwl STF I WrF ST~ I WT~ STF+W~F STF I WW swP+~rr~ ~F t W~F s're I v~rF 5/I/00 c c 0 0 1,081,710 off off 0 0 5/2/00 c c 0 0 1,08 ],710 off off 0 0 5/3100 c c 0 0 1,081.710 off off 0 0 5/4/00 d d 10,000 I 1.237 1.340 680 595 85 10.5 1.8 1,070 2,163 37 1,083.909 off off 13 13 5/5/00 d d I 0.000 I 1.237 1,340 680 595 85 lO. 5 1.8 1~070 3r993 67 1,087,969 off off 24 24 5/6/00 TechnicianTechnician e f 5.230 6.206 3,000 690 480 210 8 1.5 1,091 1,781 373 1,090,124 off off 24 24 5/7/00 d d 5.230 6~206 3,000 690 480 210 8 I 5 1.091 1,781 373 1,092,278 off off 24 24 5/8/00 TechnicianTechnician e.$ f,$ 6.120/9,200 6.455 3.850/4,200 700 610 90 7.75 2.15 1~091 2.353 205 1.094.836 off off 24 24 5/9/00 d d 6.~20 6.455 3.850 700 610 90 7.75 2.15 1.091 2.353 205 1.097.394 off off 24 24 5/I 0/00d d 6.120 6.455 3.850 700 610 90 7. 75 2.15 1.091 2r353 205 1.099,952 off off 24 24 5111/00 d d 6, t20 6.455 3.850 700 610 90 775 2.15 1.091 Ir549 135 1.101.636 off off 15.8 158 5/12/00 TechnicianTechnician · f 6,150 6,940 3,280 695 545 150 8 1.8 1~090 989 127 1,102,752 off off 10.5 10.5 5/I 3/00d d 6,150 6,940 3,280 695 545 150 8 I. 8 1,090 2,261 291 I, 105,304 off off 24 24 5/14/00 d d 6.150 6,940 3,280 695 545 150 8 1.8 1,090 2,261 291 1,107,856 off off 24 24 5/I 5/00d d 6,150 6,940 3.280 695 545 ] 50 8 1.8 1,090 2,261 291 I,I 10,408 off off 24 24 5/16/00 TechnicianTechnician e f 5,880 6,645 3,100 695 545 150 8 1.8 1~091 2,165 275 l,112,848 'off off 24 24 5/17/00 d d 5,880 6.645 3,100 695 545 150 8 1,8 Ir091 2,165 275 I,115,288 off off 24 24 5/18/00 d d 5,880 6,645 3.100 695 545 150 8 I. 8 1,091 2,165 275 1, I 17,728 off off 24 24 5/19/00 d d 5,880 6,645 3,100 695 545 150 8 1.8 1,091 2,165 275 1,120,168 off off 24 24 5/20/00 d d 5.880 6.645 3 t 100 695 545 150 8 I. 8 l ~091 2r 165 275 I, 122,608 off off 24 24 5/21/00 d d 5,880 6.645 3, 100 695 545 150 8 1.8 I ~09 [ 2t 165 275 I, 125,048 off off 24 24 5/22/00 TechnicianTechnician e. g f, g 7,000/I 1,000 7,958 2,630/4,100 695 570 125 7.5 1.7 1~091 2,710 195 1,127,953 off off 24 24 5/23/00 d d 7,000 7,959 2,630 695 570 125 7. 5 1.7 1 ~091 2~710 195 1,130,857 off off 24 24 5/24/00 d d 7,000 7,959 2,630 695 570 125 7 5 1.7 I ~091 2,710 195 I, 133,762 off off 24 24 5/2 5/00d d 7,000 7,959 2,630 695 570 125 7. 5 I. 7 1.091 2,710 195 1,136,667 · off off 24 24 5/26/00 d d 7,000 7,959 2,630 695 570 125 7.5 1.7 1,091 2,710 195 1,139, 571 off off 24 24 5/27/00 d d 7,000 7,959 2.630 695 570 125 7.5 1.7 1,091 2,710 195 1,142,476 off off 24 24 5/28/00 d d 7,000 7,959 2.630 695 570 125 7.5 1.7 1,091 2,710 195 1,145,381 off off 24 24 5/29/00 d d 7,000 7,959 2,630 695 570 125 7. 5 I 7 I ~091 2,710 195 I, 148,285 off off 24 24 5/30/00 d d 7,000 7,959 2,630 695 570 125 7 5 t.7 Ir091 2r710 195 1,151,190 off off - 24 24 5/31/00 TechnicianTechnician e f 5;600 6~652 2,700 695 510 185 7.5 1.7 1~111 2~028 296 1,1531514 off off 24 24 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF and WTF During the Reportin~ Period (lb) 71,804 Cumulative TPHg Removed From STF During the Reporting Period (lb) 65,500 Cumulative TPHg Removed From WTF During the Reporting Period (lb) 6,304 STF Operating Duration for the Reportinl~ Period (hr) 639 WTF Operatin~ Duration for the Reporting Period (hr) 639 Cumulative TPH~ Removed (STF and WTF) Subsequent to Initial Start-Up (lb) 1,153,514 STF and WTF Gas Utiliqt Usal[e for the reportinl~ period (Therms) 28,390 STF Electrical Utilit~ Usage for the reportin~ period (kWh) 66,300 WTF Electrical Utili~ Usage for the reportin~ period (kWh) 0 STF Percent Up-Time During the Reporting Period (%) 86 WTF Percent Up-Time Durin~ the Reporting Period (%) 86 a Field concentrations include hydrocarbon range from C I to CI 2. d. Data assumed from previous monitoring event. b. Hydrocarbon removal for this month is calcu!aled using ~he laboratory analytical r~su[ts for tho s~'nple$ e. STF process flow = combined flow - WTF process flow. STF process concentration calculated using collected on May 22. 2000 and adjusted for ~he p[ocess concentrations measured, individual a.nd combined flowratns, and WTF and combined process concentrations. [rPHg(£pmv)'l ['lOO/b] {-lmole '] ['_.~. (ft' '¥] r6onm'] r ...... ~ 1~ WTFmanifoldtiedintos'rFmanifoM. WTFmadifoldvalvecrackedope~ Molecular weighi of gasoline ia eal~aaled al 100 lb/mole. I mole = 379fi '*. STF = Soulfi Tank Farm c. System shut down due to high level in knock out vessel. ~rrF = West Tank Farm GEEOMATRIX I TABLE 4a Page 1 of 2 INDIVIDUAL VAPOR EXTRACTION WELL CONCENTRATIONS AT STF MEASURED JANUARY 20, 2000 I FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i WELL NO. Manifold Location . Screen Open/ Concentrations Notes Interval 'Closed (ppmv) WTF] STF I PA dW-4 STF 33'- 55' 0 710 I MW-5 STF 75'- 100' C NM MW-8 STF 70' - 90' C NM ~ MW-12 STF 74'- 104' C NM I SE-MW-23a STF 50'- 130' C NM SE-AS/VE-44a STF 10' - 50' O 109 I ~E-AS/VE44b STF 60'- 100' C NM 5E-AS/VE-45a STF 10' - 50' O 485 ;E-AS/VE-45b STF 6~- 100' C NM i SE-AS/VE-46a STF 10'- 50' C SE-AS/VE-46b STF 60'- 100' C NM · SE-VE-47a STF 10' - 40' O 466 SE-VE-47b STF 50' - 80' C NM SE-VE.47c STF 90' - 120' C NM I SE-VE-48a STF 10' - 40' O NM LPH SE-VE-48b STF 50'. 80' C NM - SE.VE.48c STF 90'- 120' C NM I SE-VE-49a STF 10' - 40' O 258 iSE-VE--49b STF 50' - 80' C NM 'i SE-VE--49c STF 90'- 120' C NM ;E-VE-50a STF I0' - 40' O 32 ;E-VE-50b STF 50', 80' C NM I ;E-VE-50c STF 90' 120' C NM' I TSG-AS/VE-52a STF 10' - 70' O · I NM i TSG-AS/VE-52b STF I0'. 70' C NM TSG-AS/VE-53a STF 10'- 70' O NM TSG-AS/VE-53b STF 10'. 70' C NM i TSG-AS/VE-54a STF 10' - 70' O 525 TSG-AS/VE-54b STF 10' - 70' C NM TSG-AS/VE-55a STF 10' - 70' O 218 I TSG-AS/VE-55b STF 10'. 70' C NM TSG-VE-56 STF 10' - 70, O NM I I · p:~825 000,0xf825,001.0\Istholffi0\Tablcs.xlsXlndiv. SVE Well Eom:. 1-20-00 GEOMATRIX I TABLE 4a Page 2 of 2 INDIVIDUAL VAPOR EXTRACTION WELL CONCENTRATIONS AT STF MEASURED JANUARY 20, 2000 i FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i WELL NO. Manifold Location Screen Open/ Concentrations Notes Interval Closed (ppmv) TSG-VE-57 STF 10'- 70' O NM I TSG-VE-58 STF 10' - 70' O 370 TSG-VE-59 STF 10' - 70' O NM Water present i STF = former south tank farm WTF = former west tank farm I PA = former pond area NM = not measured i LPH = Liquid Phase Hydrocarbon I i I i i i I i i P:k5 $25.000.0~5825.001.0\[s~al~O\Tables..'dsklndiv. SVE Well Ca'~. 1-20-0~ GEOMATRIX I TABLE 4b Page I of 2 INDIVIDUAL VAPOR EXTRACTION WELL CONCENTRATIONS AT STF MEASURED APRIL 6, 2000 I FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Manifold Screen Open/ Concentrations Notes I WELL NO. Location Interval Closed (ppmv) MW4 STI~. 33' - 55' 1/2 open 10 I vlW-5 STF 75'- 100' C NM MW-8 STF 70' - 90' C NM MW-12 STF 74'- 104' C NM I,' !SE-MW-23a STF 50'- 130' C NM 5E-AS/VE-44a STF 10' - 50' C NM SE-ASP~.-44b STF 60' - 100' 1/4 .open <10 I SE-AS/VE-45a STF 10' - 50' C NM SE-AS/VE-45b STF 60'- 100' C NM SE-AS/VE-46a ... STF 10' - 50' 1/2 open .. 8~250 I SE-AS/VE-46b STF ... 60' - 100' 1/2 open 750 SE-VE-47a STF 10' - 40' 1/2 open 4,130 Stinger to bottom of thc well i SE-VE47b STF 50' - 80' 1/2 open. 3,200 SE-VE-47c STF 90% 120' C NM · SE-VE48a STF 10' - 40' 1/2 open 290 Stin~er to bottom of the well .i 5E-VE-48b STF 50'. 80' 1/2 open 590 ... S,e-ve4~c ,, s-ff .... 9o'- 12o' .c ,~rM SE-VEM9a STF 10' - 40' 1/2 open 1,350 i lSE-VE-49b STF 50'- $0' 1/2 open 740 SE-VE-49c STF 90'- 1,20' C NM SE-VE-50a ' STF 10' - 40' C NM i 5E-VE'50b STF 50'. 80' C NM SE-VE-50c STF 90'- 120' C NM rSG-AS/VE-52a ,., STF 10' - 70' 1/2 open 50 St/n~er to bonom of~e well TSG-AS/VE-52b STF Iff- 70' C NM TSG-AS/VE-53a STF Iff- 70' 1/2 open 100 ,. Stin[~er to bottom of the well TSG-AS/VE-53b STIr 10' - 70' C NM i TSG-AS/VE-54a STF 10' - 70' C NM TSG-AS/VE-54b STF 10'- 70' C NM i '['SG-AS/VE-55a STF Iff - 70' C NM TSG-AS/VE-55b STF 10'- 70' C NM TSG-VE-56 STF 10' - 70' C NM I TSG-VE-57 STF 10'- 70' C NM TSG-VE-Sg STF 10' - 70' C NM . - rSG-VE-59 STF 10'- 70' C NM ' i GEOMATRIX I TABLE 4b Page 2 of 2 INDIVIDUAL VAPOR EXTRACTION WELL CONCENTRATIONS AT STF MEASURED APRIL 6, 2000 I FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA WELL NO.. Manifold Screen Open/ Concentrations Notes I Location Interval Closed (ppmv) MW-7 w'rF 75'- 9s' c NM , , I 5E-MW-9(R) WTF 60' - 125' 1/4 open 6,260 !MW-15 WTF 72'- 92' C NM ~-16 ~ TS'- 1o8' c ~ I SE-MW-24s WTF 60' - 160' C NM 5E-VEIAS-34a W'rF 40' - 80' open NM ........ , ~E-VE/AS-34b WTF 90'- 130' CR NM I SE-VEJAS-35a WTF 40' - 80' C NM SE-VEdAS-35b w'rF 90'- 130' C NM S.E- .SVE-40a WTF 10'. 40, C NM imm SE-SVE-40b WTF 50' - 80' 1/4 open , 7~700 SE-SVE-40c WTP 90' - 120' C NlM S.E-SVE-42a WTF 10'- 40' C NM I SE-SVE42b WTF 50'- 80' 1/4 open 2~520 SE-SVE42c WTF 90'- 120' C NM ~ SE-SVE43a WTF I0'. 40, C NM I SE-SVE-43b xI~rrF 50'- 80' 1/4 open ~,680 SE-SVE43c WTF 90'- 120' C NM I STF = former sofith ~ank farm W'rF = former west tank farm 'i C = cloned CR = cracked open NM = not measured ! GEOMATRIX TABLE 4e Page 1 of 2 INDIVIDUAL VAPOR EXTRACTION WELL CONCENTRATIONS AT STF MEASURED MAY 6, 2000 FORMER SUNLAND 0IL REHNERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA WELL NO. Manifold Screen . Open/ Concentrations Location Interval Closed (ppmv) Notes MW-4 STF 3Y- 55' C 20 MW-5 STF 75'- 100' C NM Fluid present MW-8 STF 70' - 90' C NM Fluid present MW-12 STF 74'- 104' C NM Fluid present SE-MW-23a STF 50' - 130' C NM Fluid present SE-AS/VE44a STF Iff - 50' C 80 SE-AS/VE-44b STF 60'- 100' C 7,880 SE-AS/VE45a STF 10'- 50' C 50 SE-AS/VE-45b STF 60'- 100' C 2,650 SE-AS~rE46a STF Iff - 50' 1/2 open 8~970 ,Stin~er installed SE-AS/VE-46b STF 60'- 100' I/2 open >10~000 '. SE-VE47a STF 10' - 40' 3/4 open I~000 Stin~er to bottom of the well SE-VE47b STF 50'- 80' 1/2 open >10,000 SE-VE-47c STF 90' - 120' open NM , Stinger installed SE-VE48a STF 10' - 40' I/2 open 200 Stia~er to bottom of the well SE-VE48b STF 50' - 80' 3/4 open 6j20 SE-VE48c STF 90'- 120' C NM SE-VE49a STF 10' - 40' 1/2 open 980 Sfin~er installed SE-VE49b STF 50'- 80' 1/2 open >10~000 SE-VE49c STF 90'- 120' C NM SE-VE-50a STF 10' - 40' C 60 SE-VE-50b STF 50'- 80' C NM SE-VE-50c STF 90'- 120' C NM TSG-AS/VE-52a STF 10' - 70' I/2 open 120 Stinl~er to bottom of the well TSG-AS/VE-52b STF 10' - 70' C NM Air sparse installed TSG-AS/VE-53a . STF Iff - 70' 1/2 open 50 Stin[ler to bottom of the well TSG-AS/VE-53b STF 10' - 70' C NM Air sparl~e installed TSG-AS/VE-54a ST1r 10'- 70' C I0 /SG-AS/VE-54b STF 10'- 70' C NM Air spar[~e installed TSG-AS[VE-55a STF 10'- 70' C 430 TSG-AS/VE-55b STF Iff- 70' C NM Air sparl~e installed FSG-VE-56 STF · Iff - 70' C 60 rSG-VE-57 STF 10'- 70' C 850 .TSG-VE-58 S'IT 10' - 70' C 120 FSG-VE-59 STF 10'- 70' C 60 I GEOMATRI× I TABLE 4c Page 2 of 2 INDIVIDUAL VAPOR EXTRACTION ~VELL CONCENTRATIONS AT STF MEASURED MAY 6, 2000 i. FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY, 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA WELL NO. Manifold Screen Open/ Concentrations Notes i Location Interval Closed (ppmv) MW-7 W'rF 75' - 95' C NM I SE-MW-9(R) WTF 60' - 125' 1/4 open 6~260 MW-15 WTF 72'- 92' C NM MW-16 WTF 78'- 108' C NM i SE-MW-24s WTF 60'- 160' C NM ;E-VEJAS-34a WTF 40' - 80' open NM SE-VE/AS-34b WTF 90'- 130' CR NM i SE-VE/AS-35a WTF 40' - 80' C NM SE-VE/AS-35b WTF 90'- 130' C NM SE-SVE-40a WTF 10' - 40' C NM I 5E-SVE-40b WTF 50'- 80' open 7?700 ' ~E-SVE40c WTF 90'- 120' C NM 5E-SVE-42a WTF 10' - 40' C NM I 5E-SVE-42b - open 2,520 50' 80' - 5E.SVE.42c WTF 90'- 120' C NM 5E-SVE43a WTF 10'. 40, C NM Ii ~E-S VE-43 b WTF 50' - 80' open 1 ~680 5E-SVE-43c WTF 90'- 120' C NM :l STF: former south lank farm WTF = former west tank farm I C: closed CR = cracked open NM = not measured 1 1 GEOMATRIX APPENDIX A LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORDS Testing and Data Management Services 1101 Richfield Road a Placentia, CA92870 a (714]572-3270 [] Fax (714) 572-3274 . REPORTED TO: WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY 9302 SOUTH GARFIELD AVENUE SOUTH GATE, CA 9028~3896 A~N.: MR. JOHN P. HUNDLEY ~ROd~CT~: 5825.00~ SIT.STATION ~: WO SITE ADDRESS: 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA DATE SAMPLED:' 01~0~000 DATE RECEIVED: 01~1~000 ~ OF SAMPLES: 2 SAMPLE ID: INF-O12000A SAMPLE HANDLING & CONTROL STATEMENT ~e a~e ~an~on~ ~m~(~) were ~ in app~pda~ ~ine~) a~mFani~ ~ a ~1~ ~ and dasd chain.~-cus~ e~cord. ~in~9) ~ee a~ uni~u~ i~cn~a~on num~ and had 9~ci~ am~ ~e ~ ~9c e~9~ unlc~ ~ no~d in ~ acc~mpa~ng' QUALI~ CONTROL SUMMARY STATEMENT .~:... SUBMI~ED BY: Gila Selassie j.~,~ Director The info~afion contained in this cover sheet is an integral par of the a~ached anal~ical repod. OOHS Le~ C~te e: 1552 ~ov~ by ~ s~te ~ CalEom~. O~ent ~ Hea~ I Testing and Data Management Services ., 1101 Richfield Road El PJacentia, CA92870 [] (714] 572-3270 a Fax (714)572-3274 I GcLIENT: WORLD OIL MARKETING cOMPANYATTN.: MR. JOHN P. HUNDLEY { SDG#: 2oaoo,.oo,la , Page I of 1 PROJECT#: 5825.001 [ I SITE/STATION #: WO = SITE ADDRESS: 2152 COFFEE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, CA Prepared: 01/21/2000 MATRIX: AIR I Analyzed: 01/21/2000 i UNIT: ppm(V/V)' Analyst: EM I EPA 80~0"(Partial)lS015 TP'H-M°dified (Gasoline)' Client ' Ethyl Total ' 'TPH Lab ID Sample ID D.F. Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene Gasoline MTBE RA012100 METHOD BLANK I ~ND ND ND ND .. ND . ND CL27851 INF-012000A 5 75.0 260(A) 23.0 76.0 14000(A) 36.0 CL27852 .... INF-012000B 5 110 27,,0(.A) , . 60.0 210 15000(A) 44.0 DETECTION LIMITS 0~1., I I t I I I NOTES: ND denotes Not Detected at the indicated detection limit. (A) Data taken from a 20 dilution. ! I This report is preceded by a coversheet that contains vital infon'nation. Ap~'oved i~f Ih® sta~e of California, Del3artment of Heai~ Services. I Chain-of-Custody Record I [~ 5 2 7 IDate: / - ~ REMARKS Project NO.: ~' ~' ~,~-~'; OO ( ANALYSES Additional comments i samplers ISiGnatures): Date Time Sample Nun]bar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < ~ z ' V ~ X 1-20-00~t2'53 JNF-oI~ C ~ g q ~ ~ ,_ I Turnaround time: Results tO: Total No. of containers: Reli~ished by ~ignature): Date: Relinquished bY (signature): Date: Relinquished by (signatureh Date: ~etl~od nt: Printed name: Printed name: Laborato~ comments and LOg NO.: rlnted a e: Time: Time: Received IslgnatureW Date: Received bV (slgnature): Oate: Received by (slgnature): Date: ~ z/z~ _ ,, Prln~ed Name: ~0 Printed Name: Printed Name: Time: ~ Geoma~rix Consultants Company: JO: ~1 Company: Company: coe~a Mesa. California ~E~E7 1 ~ Teslin'----'-~g and Data Management Services Richfield Road ~ Placentia, CA 92870 ~ (714)572-3270 I SDG : aaaaa=.aa= I R[~ORI B~IE: 0~8/2000 ' 9302 SOUTH GARFIELD AVENUE · SOUTH GATE, CA 9028~3896 A~N MR JOHNP HUNDLEY PROJECT~: NONE SIT'STATION ~: NONE ' ' SITE ADDRESS: BAKERFIELD, CA DATE SAMPLED: 0~14~000 DATE RECEIVED' 0~14~000 ~ OF SAMPLES: 2 SAMPLE'MATRIX' AIR SAMPLE ID: ~F VAPOR . SAMPLE HANDLING & CONTROL STATEMENT ~in~s) w~ a~n~ unique i~'~o~ num~ a~ h~a s~c~n= a~u~ fo~ ~e ~ la~ora~ ~ ~r~ ~r~ no ~ ~C quaf~ ~n~l r~uir~ made a: ~ ~me ~ QUALI~ CONTROL SUMMARY STATEMENT · ~u~ falle ~in a~bl~ llmi~ ~ a~ura~ and precision unle~e o~ indica~. ~ae~ ~ ~ a~ch~ Quality ~n~l Oa~ f~r D,ructor ..... The relocation conta~ned in this cover sheet is an integ~l par of the a~ached anal~lcal ~poH. OOHS Lab Ce~te ~: 1552 ~pi/ati~ Dale: J~e ~, ~v~ by ~o state ~ Caf~omia, Oep~em ~f Hoa~ Semis. Testing and Data Management Services I 1101 Richfield Road a Placentia, CA92870 [] [714) 572-3270 [] Fax (714) 572-3274 Q CLIENT: WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY J SDG #: 200002.003 ! J I ATTN.: MR. JOHN P. HUNDLEY Page1 of 1 PROJECT#: NONE SITE/STATION #: NONE I SITE ADDRESS: BAKERFIELD, CA Prepared: . 02/16/2000 J I MATRIX: AIR I Analyzed: 02/16/2000 'UNIT: ppm(V/V) Analyst: JM EPA 8020 (Partial)/8015 TPH-Modified (Gasoline) I Client Ethyl Total TPH Lab ID Sample ID D.F. Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene Gasoline MTBE RB011800 METHOD BLANK 1 ND ND ND NDND ND I CL28153 WTF VAPOR I 230 8.0 310 1500 6400 ' ' 8.00 CL28154 STF VAPOR 1 ND ND ND ND ND ND DETECTION LIMITS 0.1 1 1 I NOTES: ND denotes Not Detected at the indicated detect/on limit. I I I I I This report is preceded by a cover sheet that contains vital infon'nation. Al~oroved by the state of California, Department ~ Health Sm-vices. . , !Project Manager: · -- Phone No.: C_.-.~' C_p. lo I~,:.'/< . P,4 ~- G~/ 2.-- o 9-,4-5- Chain-of-custody Record and Analysis Request CompanV^ddr,,: ~,~_"r~-~:N~' X" '. -~-~o-.i ....... For Lab '~.~4:) ~¢~/-/SZ, v .~7,/5c~/~7'Z: ~-/4:> Analysis Request t~rojec[NumDer: i~,~.f~.: ./._,~/~, io , ProjectName:o ,~ ~ ~ _W-'~-T'(iX) . ! ........ , on / ._ f )...l Sampling (Ty~lAmounl) Prese~ed Matrix _ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ _ a ~ ~ .. o ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ ., ~ . ~ ~ o , , ~ . .. Sam e ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ .. ig ~ ~ ~ " Des nation Date Time > ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ m m ~ ~ m m m m m u ~ o ,. R~linquished by: ' [)ale Tina Received by: Email address: Relinquished by: .......... Dale ~me Received by Laboralory: Bill Io: Oist'b,lion: ~,tu - I ah. Yullo~v - Fi~. Pink - O~iginator I ANALYT'CSJ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291137 Project No.: N/A Date Received: 03/31/00 Project Name: Sunland Cai Date Reported: 04/06/00 i Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmV Method: EPA 80ISM(Gasoline) I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL I r 104200 West-Tank 03/29/00 03/31/00 920 5 .'; 104201 South-Tank 03/29/00 03/31/03 9800 5 i MRL: Method Reporting Limit ! ! ! ! George Havalias Laboratory Director American. Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913t~ Te1:(818)998-5547 · e Fax:(8t8)998-7258 AMERICAN ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil AA No.: A291137 Marketing Company Project Project No.: N/A Date Received: 03/31/00 Project Name: Sunland Cai Date Reported: 04/06/00 Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmV Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 03/29/00 03/29/00 Date Analyzed: 03/31/00 03/31/00 AA ID No.: 104200 104201 Client ID No.: West-Tank South-Tank MRL Compounds: Benzene 19 160 0.1 Ethylbenzene 2.8 30 0.1 Toluene 3.2 190 0.1 Xylenes 6.5 210 0.1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit ! George Havallas Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913t'1 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · . Fax:(818)998-7258 I ' AMERICAN i LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICS. Page 1 t Company Project No.: A291137 Client: World Oil Marketing Project No.: N/A Date Received: 03/31/00 Project Name: Sunland Cai Date Reported: 04/06/00 i Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmv Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) Date Date . AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL I 104200 West-Tank 03/29/00 03/31/00 18 1 :~. 104201 South-Tank 03/29/00 03/31/00 86 ,. 1 I MRL: Method Reporting Limit I I I George Havallas Laboratory Director I American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue. Chatsworth. California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 · ,, Fax:(818)998-7258 ! ' WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY  9302 South Garfield Avenue Anal~i~al Laborato,: South Gate, Ca 90280-3896 - ~ Phone (310) 928-0100' F~ (310) 928-0391 ~ecord SIT.STATION ADDRESS': CONSULTANT: ~~X$ C~~~O ~. Z . . O PROJECT ~: ~~ ~ PROJECT NAME: TAT: D 24Hr ~48Hr ~72Hr ~ Normal (5 Days) ~ Other ( ) SHIPPEDVlA: DW. lkln DCourler ~FodEz ~Otherkt~,-l~a[ z ~ g = = ~ ~ ~ p ~ m = o = o SAMPLE ID MATRIX DATE. :~TIME;~.~l~o C?'S01"SEUDGE~&~WATER~ ~T~Fr, f~.V~ ~;v ~.~.oo~00 '? ',: { ' . ~eq~v ~c~Y~c~ 3-~-~ kO'.~ COMMENTS: .. SAMPLERS NAME DATE~IME ~) RELINQUISHED BY: : 2) RELINQUlSNEb BY: Printed Name: ~ t~-~ ~O~V1~ Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature: ~-~-~e-3~ Signature: .... ~':' Signature: 1) RECEIVED BY: .... 2) RECEIVED BY: Printed Name: ~V~ (~1~ Printed Name: . Printed Name: Signature: ~._n~ .~1n~ /' Signature: Signature: D~te~ime: Data, line: ANALYTICS~J LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A2.91172 Project No.: N/A Date Received: 05/09/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 05/11/00 Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmV Method: EPA 8015M(Gasoline) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 105698 W.T. Farm 05/08/00 05/10/00 4200 5 105699 S.T. Farm 05/08/00 05/10/00 9200 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit I i I I I I George Havallas Laboratory Director I ~ American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Calitornia 91311 '! Te1'(818).998.-5547 ° · Fax:(8'18)998-7258 i LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICSJ Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291172 Project No.: N/A Date Received: 05/09/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 05/11/00 i Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmV Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX). I Date Sampled: 05/08/00 05/08/00 Date Analyzed: 05/10/00 05/10/00 -. AA ID No.: 105698 105699 Client ID No.: W.T. Farm S.T. Farm MRL '1 Compounds: Benzene 75 170 0.1 I Ethylbenzene 13 33 0.1 Toluene 15 160 0.1 i. Xylenes 22 190 0.1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit i George Havalias Laboratory Director I ,American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9131~ .. .Te1'(818)998-.5547 · * Fax'(818)998-7258 ! AMERICAN ANALYTICS ANALYSIS RESULTS LABORATORY Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A29117.2 Project No.: N/A Date Received: 05/09/00' Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 05/11/00 Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmv Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 105698 W.T. Farm 05/08/00 05/10/00 56 1 105699 S.T. Farm 05/08/00 .05/10/00 87 1 Method Reporting MRL: Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Calii'ornia 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 * * Fax:(818)998-7258 WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY CHAIN OF CUSTODY O^r~:~ South Gate, Ca 90280-3896 'J- Pg .__...~ Of ._L_ Phone (310) 928-0100 Fax (310) 928-0391 Record Lab# CONSULTANT: ~~~. ~q~ 0 SHIPPED VIA: ~ Walk In ~Courler ~Fed Ex S~MPLERS N~ME DAT~IME Signatu ~ C~ ~ Signature: Signature: Printed Name: ~~Y' Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature: ~~ ~ Signature: Signature: - ' AMERICAN I i ANALYTICS, ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 / Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A2.91202 Project No.: N/A Date Received: 05/23/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 05/26/00 i Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmV Method: EPA 8015M(Gasoline) I, Date Date ' AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled '. Analyzed Results MRL "- 106588 West Tank 05/22/00 05/23/00 4100 5 I 106589 South-Tank 05/22/00 05/23/00 11000 5 iMRL: Method Reporting Limit i I i I American Analytics - 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913'~I Te1'(818)998-5547 - ~, Fax'(818)998.-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICSJ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291202 Project No.: N/A Date Received: 05/23/00 Project Name: Former Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 05/26/00 Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmV Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date SampRed: 05/22/00 05/22/00 Date Analyzed: 05/23/00 05/23/00 AA ID No.: 106588 106589 Client ID No.: West Tank South-Tank MRL Compounds: Benzene - 56 ' 190 0.1 Ethylbenzene 18 44 0.1 Toluene 19 200 0.1 Xylenes 30 240 0.1 MRL: Method Reporting Umit American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chotsw'orth. Ca ifornia 9'1311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax:(818)998-7258 ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS . · · Page 1 ! · Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A2.91202 Project No.: N/A Date Received: 05/23/00 Project Name: Former'Sunland Refinery Date Reported: 05/26/00 Sample Matrix: Vapor Units: ppmv I Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) i Date Date ' AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled ~ Analyzed Results MRL Ji~ 106588 West Tank 05/22/00 05/23/00 35 1 106589 South-Tank 05/22/00 05/23/00 99 ' 1 MRL: Method Reporting Emit I i I i i ! i / Lai~atorY Director . American Analytics · (~765 Eton.Avenue, Chatsworth, C(31iforni(3 g~3~4. Tel'(SlS)g(~8-5547 · · FQx'(818)(/98-7'258 I WORLD__. OIL MARKETING COMPANY CHAIN OF CUSTODY' O^TE~ ( ~ 9302 South Garfield Avenue Analyllcal Laborato~/: ]~e'~e--l~l.-V~ South Gate, Ca 90280-3896 M../ P§ ~. Of \ Phone (310) 928-0100 Fax (310) 928-0391 Record Lab# PROJECT~K~ ~PROJECTNAME: ~ ~ ~ { i ~ '. i TAT; ~24.r ~48Ht ~72Hr ~Normal(SDay.} ~Other( ) ~ ~ ~ O ~ m m [ SHIPPED VIA: ~Walkln ~Courler .,~FedEx ~Other(· ) Z ~ ~ ~ ~ m o ~ O ~SA~PLE ID MATRIX ' DATE.?~[::TI~E~ "~BiD::!~={i?~;-:;.:.~- .................. ~ ........... '"' '' ............ ' ~T~~~ ~-~ .1~ 10~.~g9 ~ ~ ~ f~~ ~-~ ~'.1 CO~ENTS: .. "' " S~MPLERS~AME DAT~IME Printed Name: ~ ~~ Printed Name: PHnted Name: S,O~=t.r~: ~~ S~=.=tur~: S~o.=tur~: Da~lme: Date~lme: Dat~l~; '3) RECEIVED BY:~¥~ 1) RECEIVED BY: · ~ ..... ; 2) RECEIVED BY .... ~?~ .......... -= ~, ~ ~,,~ ~,~,~-~ ~ .............. ........ Printed Name: I-qQ~n~t ~r Printed Name: P~nted Name: Signature: ~ ~~ ~ Signature: Signature: