HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 5/31/2000 330 W. Bay Street, Suite 140 ~ Costa Mesa, California E)2627 [~49] 642-0245 · FAX [~49)642-4474 GEOMATRIX Transmittal Sent Via: [] Messenger [] U.S. Mail [] Overnight Mail Date: May 31, 2000 To: David Troop From: Calvin Hardcastle (~'c\~~v California Regional Water Quality Geomatrix Consultants,- "'Inc. Control Board 330 West Bay Street, Suite 140 3614 East Ashlan Avenue Costa Mesa;California 92627 Fresno, California 92326 Project Number: 5825.005 Project Name: Former Sunland Oil Refinery Item Description . 1 Semi-annual Monitoring and Status Report, First Half 2000 Remarks Geoma~× Consultants is submi~ng the listed reports on beha]£o£World 0il Corp. I£you have any questions, please call Mr. John Hundley of World Oil Corp. at (562) 928-0100 or Mr. Calvin Hardcastle of Geomatrix at (949) 642-0245. ' ' CC: Mr. John Hundley - World Oil Corp. , Ms. Christine Mirabel - World Oil Corp. Mr. PhilipJay - SJVAPCD Mr. John Mitchell - Kern County District Attorneys Office Mr. Russell Walls - RWQCB, CV Region Mr. Ralph Huey - City of Bakersfield, Hazardous Materials Division Mr. Bruce Howard - Latham & Watkins Mr. Christopher Burgher - Klein Wegis DeNatale, Goldner & Muir Geornatrix Consultantsj Inc. Engineers, Geologists, and Environmental Scientists C:~ILES\5825k58251ot0100gw.doc 'l Date: May 26, 2000 I- SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT First Half- 2000 Client: World Oil Corp. Location: Former Sunland Refinery, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California Client Contact/Phone No.: Mr. John Hundley/(562) 928-0100 Consulting Co./Contact Person/Phone No.: Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. / Calvin Hardcastle / (949) 642-0245 Geomatrix Project No.: 5825.005 I Agency/Regulatory ID No.: RWQCB-Central Valley Region/Mr. David Troop/File/iCAO 95-702 WORK PERFORMED December 1999 through May 2000: I 1. Geomatrix gauged 36 groundwater monitoring wells at the site on March 7, 2000. 2.. Wayne Perry, Inc. purged and sampled 30 wells containing groundwater (MW-l, MW-6, MW-8 throUgh MW- 15, SE-MW- 18(R) through SE-VE/MW-29S/D, SE-MW-51, and GMX-MW60 through GMX-MW-62S/D) between March 7 and March 10, 2000. Discrete-depth groundwater sampling was I performed in wells SE-MW-51, GMX-MW-60, GMX-MW-61, and GMX-MW-62S/D. 3. Geomatrix performed O&M for the 'High-capacity Vapor Extraction System' (HCVES) and air sparge systems at the former West and South Tank Farms. I 4. Once per quarter (minimum), Geomatrix monitored liquid-phase hydrocarbon (LPH) levels and removed LPH from wells MW-7, SE-MW-42C, and SE-AS/VE-47C using a vacuum truck. 5. Geomatrix installed additional off-site groundwater monitoring wells GMX-MW-60, GMX-MW-61, and I GMX-MW-6:2S/D, between February 7 and February 10, 2000. 6. Geomatrix installed four additional on-site dual-nested air sparge/vapor extraction (AS/VE) wells, GMX-AS/VE-63 through GMX:AS/VE-66, between February 15 and February 18, 2000 to enhance LPH recovery. I 7. Wellhead elevations were surveyed by Mclntosh Associates on March 7, 2000. -~ MONITORING RESULTS . Current Phase of Project: Remediation (Assmnt, Remed. etc) Frequency of Groundwater Monitoring: Semi -Annual (Quarterly, etc.) I Depth to Groundwater: 54.35 - 83.41 (range in feet) Groundwater Flow Direction/Magnitude: Northwest / 0.007 (ft/ft) I Flow/Gradient Consistent w/Previous: Qtrs.: (Yes/No) Yes Detectable TPHg Concentration Range: 0.21 to 62 (mg/1) I Detectable Benzene Concentration Range: 0.0036 to 16 (mg/1) Well With Highest Benzene Concentration: MW-6 (well) i LPH Present: Yes (Yes/No) Wells and/or Surface Waters w/in 2000': Friant-Kern Canal, Wells (Name/ID) I 2N/21W-35P4,P5,P6 Radius & Their Respective Directions: eastern margin of site (Distance and Direction) I Current Remediation Techniques: HCVES/AS/LPH Pumping (SVES, Prod. Remov. etc.) Groundwater Discharge Permits: N/A (NPDES, POTW, etc.) i Groundwater Purged This Quarter: 3155 (approx. gallons) DisPosal/Recycling Facility: DeMenno/Kerdoon, Compton (Name and Location) I \~nb l\project~5825.000.0X5825.005.0\1 sthalf00\GW-REPORT.doc i Date: May 26, 2000 -! SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT (CONT'D.) I First Half- 2000 Summary of Unusual Activity: Groundwater levels have dropped an average of 2.05 feet since October 1999. I Salt concentrations generally decreased from the 1996 concentrations. Agency Directive Requirements: Continue semi-annual groundwater monitoring in October 2000 and re-evaluate chloride and sulfate concentrations in former waste pond areas. I Reviewed and Approved By: Duane G. Paul, C.HG. #414 WORK PROPOSED FOR NEXT PERIOD (June 2000 through November 2000): 1. Complete groundwater gauging, purging, and sampling in October 2000. 2. Continued operation and maintenance of HCVES. 3. Air sparging and LPH removal systems to be implemented for optimization as needed. ATTACHED: · Groundwater monitoring procedures (Page 3) · Site Location Map (Figure 1) , Groundwater Contour and Hydrocarbon Concentration Map (Figure 2) · Summary of Groundwater Elevation Data (Table 1) · Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results (Table 2) · Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results for Chloride and Sulfate (Table 3)' · Laboratou i'eports and chain-of-custody records (Appendix A) · Grou,ndwater monitoring and purging field data sheets (Appendix B) Purged groundwater disposal documentation (Appendix C) I I I I I \habl\project\5825.000,O\5825.005.0\lsthalf130\GW-REPORT.doe 2 Date: May 26, 2000 SUNLAND REFINERY - BAKERSFIELD GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROCEDURES Groundwater Gauging. Each well was located and inspected upon arrival at the site. Using a Solinstm Water Level Meter and/or an oil/water interface probe, each well was then gauged for depth to groundwater, depth to floating product (if present) and total well depth. Gauging devices were decontaminated between each well using a triple-rinse method of tap water and non-phosphate detergent, tap water, and then deionized water. Wells were also gauged in expected order of increasing hydrocarbon concentrations to prevent cross- contamination. The based the analytical results obtained the sampling sequence was on during previous quarters sampling event. Wells showing a petroleum hydrocarbon sheen during gauging or initial purging were not fully purged or sampled only if no sheen was observed following purging and recovery Wells containing floating product were not sampled; the thickness of floating product in these wells was measured and recorded and then the free product was removed by bailing. Groundwater Purging and Sampling. During the semi-annual groundwater sampling performed in March 2000, off-site monitoring wells (SE-MW-51, GMX-MW-60, GMX-MW-61, and GMX-MW-62S), which are constructed with more than 20 feet of submerged well screen, were purged and sampled by Wayne Perry, Inc. (WPI) using low-flow (micro-purge) methods. The purpose of the micro-purge technique was to obtain relatively depth-discrete samples to assess the vertical distribution of MtBE concentrations in wells completed with longer screen intervals. The micro-purge depth-discrete samples were collected using a 2-inch diameter Grundfos Rediflow submersible pump at two vertical depth intervals at each well. The pump was initially lowered to a depth of approximately 5 feet below the measured groundwater surface to purge and collect the first sample. The second sample was collected in the lower portion of the well screen interval at a depth of approximately 90 feet bgs. Purging was initiated and maintained at the lowest rate attainable by the pump to minimize vertical mixing within the well. Water levels were monitored during purging and confirmed that the drawdown during purging was negligible. For the pumping and discharge tubing used by WPI during this sampling program, the lowest flow rate able to be maintained was approximately 500 milliliters per minute, Purging continued until a minimum of two discharge-line volumes were removed and the water quality parameters (pH, SEC, and temperature) stabilized. Following purging at each specific depth, groundwater samples were collected from the discharge line on the and transferred directly into sample containers provided by the pump laboratory. The containers were capped with Teflon msepta, labeled, and placed on ice for transport to American Anal,vtics, a state-certified laboratory located in Chatsworth; California. The pump and discharge tubing were decontaminated between samples with a non-phosphate detergent washwater solution that was cycled through the pump and discharge tUbing followed with a deionized water rinse.. For the on-site monitoring wells, at least three casing volumes of groundwater was removed from each well using a PVC bailer or submersible Pump. During purging, water parameters including pH, temperature, conductivity, and turbidity were monitored to calculate stabilization within 10% of each parameter and ensure that groundwater, representative of the aquifer, was entering the well. The .bailer was decontaminated between each well using a triple-rinse method of tap water and non-phosphate detergent, tap water, and then deionized water. The pump and discharge tubing were decontaminated by cycling the washwater through the pump followed with a deionized water rinse. Wells were also purged in expected order of increasing hydrocarbon concentrations to prevent cross-contamination. After purging, Wells were allowed to recharge to at least 80% of their original capacity prior to sampling. Groundwater samples were collected using a polyethylene disposable bailer attached to clean string. Samples were decanted into containers provided by the laboratory appropriate to the analysis to be performed. The containers were capped with TeflonTM septa, labeled, and placed on ice for transport to American Analytics. New sampling equipment (string, bailer, etc.) was used on each well to prevent the possibility of cross-contamination. P55825.000.0X5825.005.0\l sthalf00\GW-REPORT.doc 3 Date: May 26, 2000 QA/QC Samples. Quality control samples submitted to the laboratory included two duplicate groundwater samples and laboratory-prepared trip blanks. One trip blank was kept in the sample cooler and submitted with each set of groundwater samples to the laboratory. Wayne Perry, Inc. initiated a Chain-of-Custody Recordin the field immediately following sample collection to accompany the samples to the laboratory. LPH Removal. LPH removal was conducted from wells MW-7 and SE-SVE-42C, using the automated LPH recovery system as needed. Removed LPH is stored in a polytank for later transport to a recycling facility. LPH was also removed from wells MW-7, SE-SVE-42C, and SE-AS/VE-47C using a vacuum track and transported off-site immediately. Currently wells are placed online intermittently to due the low LPH thickness and elevated groundwater levels. water this monitoring event was stored on-site in drums and two Waste Disposition. Purge generated during 400-gallon polytanks and was later transported off-site by Asbury Environmental Services. Purge water, although characterized as non-hazardous waste, was transported to DeMenno/Kerdoon in Compton as a hazardous waste for recycling. Removed product and condensate from the HCVES generated during this period was stored on-site in appropriate polytanks. Waste recycling/disposal documentation is attached. ! ! i P:\5825.000.0\5825.005.0\1 sthalff)0\GW-REPORT.doc 4 l! GEOMATRIX TABLES G EOMATI::IIX TABLE 1 Page 1 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California WelllD I Casing { Measurement I Depthto Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) ElevationI Date LPH2'~ Waters Thickness Elevation~ MW.1 NS4 8/28/1998 __5 73.08 0.00 NC6 (74 - 84) NS 3/22/1999 -- 64.40 0.00 NC NS 10/13/1999 -- 65.29 0.00 NC 387.017 3/7/2000 -- 65.61 0.00 3'21.40 MW-4 389.31 3/3/1998 50.55 52.30 1.75 NC (33 - 53) 387.368 8/28/1998 -- DRY9 0.00 NC 387.36 3/22/1999 -- DRY 0.00 NC 387.36 10/13/1999 -- DRY 0.00 NC 390.40? 3/7/2000 -- DRY 0.00 NC MW-5 392.09 11/7/1996 97.49 97.92 0.43 NC (75 - 100) 392.09 3/17/1997 85.30 87.39 2.09 NC 392.09 6/11/1997 81.39 82.30 0.91 NC 392.09 9/8/1997 87.45 89.17 1.72 NC 392.09 12/9/1997 77.54 78.71 , 1.17 NC 392.09 3/3/1998 75.79 77.18 1.39 NC 386.828 8/28/1998 64.45 67.05 2.60 NC 386.82 3/22/1999 55,73 68.42 12.69 NC 386.82 10/13/1999 59.91 61.52 1.61 NC 390.197 3/7/2000 61.40 63.40 2.00 NC MW-6 387.87 11/7/1996 -- 100.37 0.00 287.50 (80- 105) 387.87 3/17/1997 -- 90.88 0.00 296.99 387.87 6/11/1997 -- 85.13 0.00 302.74 387.87 9/8/1997 -- 81.85 0.00 306.02 387.87 12/9/1997 -- 89.63 0.00 298.24 387.87 3/3/1998 -- 87.98 0.00 299.89 387.87 8/28/1998 -- 71.48 0.00 316.39 387.87 3/22/1999 -- 63.31 0.00 324.56 387.87 10/13/1999 -- 62.98 0.00 324.89 387.87 3/7/2000 -- 83.41 0.00 304.46 MW-7 385.55 3/17/1997 81.33 81.49 0.16 NC (75 - 95) 385.55 6/11/1997 76.03 86.46 10.43 NC 385.55 9/8/1997 75.35 75.48 0.13 NC 385.55 12/9/1997 NGP~° NGP NGP NC 385.55 3/3/1998 NGP NGP NGP NC 385.55 8/28/1998 63.90 72.70 8.80 NC 385.55 3/22/1999 54.45 73.34 18.89 NC 385.55 10/13/1999 -- 58.45 0.00 327.10 385.55 3/7/2000 NGP NGP NGP NC M'W-8 388.63 3/17/1997 82.60 82,70 0.10 NC (70 - 90) 388.63 6/11/1997 -- 78.62 0.00 310.01 388.63 9/8/1997 82.50 82.65 0.15 NC 388.63 12/9/1997 -- 74.80 0.00 313.83 388.63 3/3/1998 -- 76.33 0.00 312.30 384.69a 8/28/1998 -- 61.65 0.00 323.04 384.69 3/22/1999 sheen after bailed 54.57 0.00 330.12 384.69 10/13/1999 -- 56.92 0.00 327.77 388.187 3/7/2000 -- 59,26 0.00 328.93 P:~5825.000~5825.0005~Hismrical OW Tables thru Mar00.xls\TABLE I GEOMATRIX I TABLE 1 Page 2 of SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA i Well ID Casing Measurement I Depthto I Depthto I Product I Groundwater {Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date , LPH2a Water2 Thickness Elevation SE-MW-9(R) 388.39 3/17/1997 94.44 94.84 0.40 NC i (60 - 125) 388.39 6/11/1997 83.74 85.59 1.85 NC 388.39 9/8/1997 81.59 83.24 1.65 NC 388.39 12/9/1997 NGP NGP NGP NC 388.39 3/3/1998 NGP NGP NGP NC I 388.29 8/28/1998 -- 70.21 0.00 318.08 388.29 3/22/1999 sheen after bailed 62.86 0.00 325.43 388.29 10/13/1999 -- 62~47 0.00 325.82 388.29 3/7/2000 -- 83.41 0.00 304.88 I MW-10(R) 386.97 3/7/1996 -- 101.76 0.00 285.21 (60 o 160) 386.97 6/11/1996 -- 92.65 0.00 294.32 386.97 8/20/I 996 -- 88.03 0.00 298.94 386.97 11/7/1996 -- 81.81 0.00 305.16 i 386.97 3/17/I 997 -- 72.69 0.00 314.28 386.97 6/11/1997 -- 68.97 0.00 318.00 386.97 9/8/1997 -- 65.85 0.00 321.12 386.97 12/9/1997 -- 65.74 · 0.00 321.23 I 386.97 3/3/1998 -- 64.21 0.00 322.76. 386.97 8/28/1998 -- 57.60 0.00 329.37 386.97 3/22/1999 -- 51.54 0.00 335.43 386.97 10/13/1999 -- 51.39 0.00 335.58 i 386.947 3/7/2000 -- 54.35 0.00 332.59 MW-11 384.35 8/20/1996 -- 92.36 0.00 291.99 (72 - 102) 384.35 11/7/1996 -- 86.78 0.00 297.57 384.35 3/17/1997 -- 76.19 0.00 308.16 I 384.35 6/11/1997 -- 72.66 0.00 311.69 384.35 9/8/1997 -- 70.35 0.00 314.00 384.35 12/9/1997 -- 69.98 0.00 314.37 384.35 3/3/1998 -- 68.22 0.00 316.13 I 384.35 8/28/1998 -- 6 ! .54 0.00 322.8 ! 384.35 3/22/1999 -- 52.18 0.00 332.17 384.35 10/13/1999 -- 54.72 0.00 329.63 384.487 3/7/2000 -- 57.24 0.00 327.24 I MW-12 386.27 3/7/1996 -- DRY ~ 0.00 NC (74 - 104) 386.27 6/11/1996 -- 96.71 0.00 289.56 386.27 8/20/1996 -- 92.73 0.00 293.54 386.27 11/7/I 996 -- 86.81 0.00 299.46 I 386.27 3/17/1997 -- 76.90 0.00 309.37 386.27 6/11/1997 -- 72.81 0.00 313.46 386.27 9/8/1997 -- 70.07 0.00 316.20 386.27 12/9/1997 -- 69.46 0.00 316.81 i 383.27 3/3/1998 -- 68.01 0.00 315.26 383.27 8/28/1998 -- 59.45 0.00 323.82 383.27 3/22/1999 -- 52.52 0.00 330.75 383.27 10/13/1999 -- 55.07 0.00 328.20 i 386.927 3/7/2000 -- 57.60 0.00 329.32 MW-13 385.49 11/7/1996 -- 103.88 0.00 281.61 (85 - 115) 385.49 3/17/1997 -- 93.06 0.00 292.43 385.49 6/11/1997 -- 89~19 0.00 296.30 I 385.49 9/8/1997 --' 86.74 0.00 298.75 385.49 12/9/1997 -- 84.92 0.00 300.57 385.49 3/3/1998 -- 82.15 0.00 303.34 385.49 8/28/1998 -- 75.78 0.00 309.71 i 385.49 3/22/1999 -- 67.40 0.00 318.09 385.49 10/13/1999 -- 68.31 0.00 317.18 385.49 3/7/2000 -- 68.11 0.00 317.38 ! P:~5825.000~5825.0005~Hi~torical GW Tabl¢~ thru Mar00.xI~\TABLE 1 ! GEOMATRIX i TABLE 1 ?age 3 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater {Screen Interval) Elevationt Date LPI-I2'~ ' Water2 Thickness Elevationz MW-14 384.13 11/7/1996 -- 99.51 0.00 284.62 t (80- 120) 384.13 3/17/1997 -- 88.37 0.00 295.76 384.13 6/11/1997 -- 83.97 0.00 300.16 384.13 9/8/1997 -- 81.40 0.00 302.73 384.13 12/9/1997 -- 79.35 0.00 304.78 i 384.13 3/3/1998 -- 77.30 0.00 306.83 384.13 8/28/1998 -- 70.93 0.00 313,20 384.13 3/22/1999 -- 62.18 0.00 321,95 384.13 10/13/1999 -- 63.33 0.00 320.80 i 384.13 3/7/2000 -- 63.71 0.00 320.42 MW-15 385.17 8/20/1996 -- 97.04 0.00 288.13 (72 - 92) 385.17 11/7/1996 -- 91.66 0.00 293.51 385.17 3/17/1997 -- 81.42 0.00 303.75 i 385.17 6/11/1997 -- 76.68 0.00 308.49 385.17 9/8/1997 -- 74.18 0.00 · 310.99 385.17 12/9/1997 -- 73.67 0.00 311.50 385.17 3/3/1998 -- 71.45 0.00 313.72 i 385.17 8/28/1998 -- 62.40 0.00 322.77 385.17 3/22/1999 -- 56.86 0,00 328.31 385.17 10/13/1999 -- 57.37 0.00 327.80 385.17 3/7/2000 -- 59.66 0.00 325.51 ' MW-16 385.13 8/20/1996 104.90 109.93 5.03 NC I (78 - 108) 385.13 11/7/1996 96.64 109.92 13.28 NC 385.13 3/17/1997 87.60 90.80 3.20 NC 385.13 6/11/1997 79.80 89.49 9.69 NC 385.13 9/8/1997 75,35 75,48 0,13 NC 385.13 12/9/1997 NGP NGP NGP NC 385.13 3/3/1998 73.89 73.92 0.03 NC 385.13 8/28/1998 67.75 68.10 0.35 NC 385.13 3/22/1999 59.70 60.00 0.30 NC 385.13 10/13/1999 60.41 60.42 0.01 NC 385.13 3/7/2000 61.38 61.39 0.01 NC SE-MW-18(R) NS 3/17/1997 -- 82.64 0.00 NC (60 - 125) NS 6/11/1997 -- 79.74 0.00 NC NS 9/8/1997 -- 77.69 0.00 NC NS 12/9/1997 -- 75.79 0.00 NC NS 3/3/1998 -- 73.02 0.00 NC NS 8/28/1998 -- 66.84 0.00 NC NS 3/22/1999 -- 57.41 0.00 NC NS 10/13/1999 -- 58.34 0.00 NC 382.957 3/7/2000 -- 59.20 0.00 323.75 MW-19 383.48 3/7/1996 -- DRY 0.00 NC (84 - 104) 383.48 6/I 1/1996 -- 99.07 0.00 284.~1 383.48 8/20/1996 -- 95.15 0.00 288.33 383.48 11/7/1996 -- 89.71 0.00 293.77 383.48 3/I 7/1997 -- 79.16 0.00 304.32 383.48 6/11/1997 -- 74.81 0.00 308.67 383.48 9/8/1997 -- 72.52 0.00 310.96 383,48 12/9/1997 -- 71,80 0,00 311,68 383.48 3/3/1998 -- 69.87 0.00 313.61 383.48 8/28/1998 -- 63.02 0.00 329.46 383.48 3/22/1999 -- 55.48 0.00 328.00 383.48 10/13/1999 -- 56.36 0.00 327.12 383.48 3/7/2000 -- 58.45 0.00 325.03 ! P:~5825.000k5825.0005\Hismrical GW Tables thru Mar00.xls\TABLE 1 t GEOMA'I'RIX TABLE 1 Page 4 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID Casing Measurement I Depthto [ Depthto I Product I Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevationt Date LPH2~ Water~ Thickness Elevation1 SE-MW-20(S) 382.63 3/7/1996 -- 122.87 0.00 259.76 (77 - 137) 382.63 6/11/1996 -- 114.32 0.00 268.31 382.63 8/20/1996 -- 109.67 0.00 272.96 382.63 11/7/1996 -- 102.75 0.00 279.88 382.63 3/17/1997 -- 92.08 0.00 290.55 382.63 6/11/1997 -- 88.20 0.00 294.43 382.63 9/8/1997 -- 85.97 0.00 296.66 382.63 12/9/1997 -- 84.20 0.00 298.43 382.63 3/3/1998 -- 80.76 0.00 301.87 382.63 8/28/1998 -- 74.76 0.00 307.87 382.63 3/22/1999 -- 66.15 0.00 316.48 382.63 I 0/13/1999 -- 77. ! 1 0.00 305.52 382.63 3/7/2000 -- 66.77 0.00 315.86 SE-MW-20(D) 383.56 3/7/1996 -- 125.75 0.00 257.81 (144 - 184) 383.56 6/11/1996 -- 124.56 0.00 259.00 383.56 8/20/1996 -- 117.86 0.00 265.70 383.56 11/7/1996 -- 110.19 0.00 273.37 383.56 3/17/1997 -- 100.60 0.00 282.96 383.56 6/11/1997 -- 98.89 0.00 284.67 383.56 9/8/1997 -- 99.49 0.00 284.07 383.56 12/9/1997 -- 92.83 0.00 290.73 383.56 3/3/1998 -- 89.35 0.00 294.21 383.56 8/28/1998 -- 84.60 0.00 298.96 383.56 3/22/1999 -- 75.43 0.00 308.13 383.56 10/13/1999 -- 67.15 0.00 316.41 383.56 3/7/2000 -- 74.73 0.00 308.83 SE-MW-21 385.23 3/7/1996 -- 106.64 0.00 278.59 (57 - 182) 385.23 6/11/1996 -- 98.12 0.00 287.11 385.23 8/20/1996 -- 94.40 0.00 290.83 385.23 11/7/1996 -- 88.80 0.00 296.43 385.23 3/17/1997 -- 78.46 0.00 306.77 385.23 6/11/1997 -- 75.18 0.00 310.05 385.23 9/8/1997 -- 73.39 0.00 311.84 385.23 12/9/1997 -- 73.00 0.00 312.23 385.23 3/3/1998 -- 71.42 0.00 313.81 385.23 8/28/1998 -- 64.59 0.00 320.64 385.23 3/22/1999 -- 56.98 0.00 328.25 385.23 ! 0/13/1999 -- 58.38 0.00 326.85 385.23 3/7/2000 -- 61.06 0.00 324.17 I ! I ! P:~5825.000\5825.0005~Historical GW Tables thru MarOO.xls\TABLE 1 GEOMATRIX i TABLE 1 Page 5 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA i Well ID ] Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval)] ElevationI Date LPH:3 Waters Thickness Elevationl SE-MW-22 388.52 3/7/1996 ~- 98.12 0.00 290.40 i (60 - 180) 388.52 6/11/1996 -- 89.97 0.00 298.55 388.52 8/20/I 996 -- 86.45 0.00 302.07 388.52 11/7/1996 -- 80.95 0.00 307.57 388.52 3/17/1997 -- 71.70 0.00 316.82 i. ,. 388.52 6/11/1997 -- 68.63 0.00 319.89 388.52 9/8/1997 -- 66.22 0.00 322.30 388.52 12/9/1997 -- 67.00 0.00 321.52 388.52 3/3/1998 -- 65.22 0.00 323.30 i 388.52 ' 8/28/1998 .-- 58.45 0.00 330.07 388.52 3/22/1999 -- 52.53 0.00 335.99 388.52 10/13/1999 -- 52.86 0.00 335.66 388.527 3/7/2000 -- 57.29 0.00 331.23 I SE-MW-23(S) 384.84 3/7/1996 -- 106.41 0.00 278.43 (50 - 130) 384.84 6/11/1996 -- 97.34 0.00 287.50 384.84 8/20/1996 -- 93.58 0.00 291.26 384.84 11/7/1996 -- 87.74 0.00 297.10 i 384.84 3/17/1997 -- 77.70 0.00 307.14 384.84 6/11/1997 -- 73.43 0.00 311.41 384.84 9/8/1997 -- 73.80 0.00 311.04 384.84 12/9/1997 -- 70.27 0.00 314.57 I 384.84 3/3/1998 -- 68.40 0.00 316.44 383.578 8/28/1998 -- 61.85 0.00 321.73 ' 383.57 3/22/1999 -- 52.07 0.00 331.50 383.57 10/13 / ! 999 -- 56.28 0.00 327.29 I 386.427 3/7/2000 -- 60.78 0.00 325.64 SE-MW-23(D) 384.84 3/7/1996 -- 108.54 0.00 276.30 (160 - 165) 384.84 6/11/1996 -- 100.45 0.00 284.39 384.84 8/20/1996 -- 96.58 0.00 288.26 I 384.84 11/7/1996 -- 90.41 0.00 294.43 384.84 3/17/1997 -- 80.14 0.00 304.70 384.84 6/11/1997 -- 76.28 0.00 308.56 384.84 9/8/1997 -- 70.80 0.00 314.04 I 384.84 12/9/1997 -- 72.92 0.00 311.92 384.84 3/3/1998 -- 70.70 0.00 3 ! 4.14 383.48g 8/28/1998 -- 64.45 0.00 319.03 383.48 3/22/1999 -- 56.85 0.00 326.63 .383.48 10/13/1999 -- 58.90 0.00 324.58 386.527 3/7/2000 -- 58.32 0.00 328.20 SE-MW-24(S) 383.95 3/7/1996 -- 116.03 0.00 267.92 (60 - 160) 383.95 6/11/1996 -~ 108.87 0.00 275.08 383.95 8/20/1996 -- 105.01 0.00 278.94 383.95 11/7/1996 -- · 98.03 0.00 285.92 383.95 3/17/1997 -- 86.76 0.00 297.19 383.95 6/I 1/1997 -- 82.91 0.00 301.04 383.95 9/8/1997 -- 80.94 0.00 303.01 383.95 12/9/1997 -- 79.36 0.00 304.59 383.95 3/3/1998 -- 76.46 0.00 307.49 383.95 8/28/1998 -- 70.43 0.00 313.52 383.95 3/22/1999 -- 62.13 0.00 321.82 383.95 10/13/1999 -- 63.16 0.00 320.79 383.95 31712000 -- 63.74 0.00 320.21 ! i ?35825.000~5825.0005~tistorical OW Tabl~ thru Mar00.xls\TABLE 1 GEOMATRIX i TABLE 1 Page 6 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA I WelIID' I Casing Measurement ] Deptht° I Deptht° I Pr°duct I Gr°undwater (Screen Interval) ElevationI Date LPH:a Water: Thickness Elevation~ SE-MW-24(D) 383. t 6 3/7/1996 -- 119.67 0.00 263.49 "' t (170- 175) .383.16 6/11/1996 -- 122.85 0.00 260.31 383.16 8/20/1996 -- 116.07 0.00 267.09 383.16 11/7/1996 -- 106.71 0.00 276.45 383.16 3/17/1997 -- ~ 98.75 0.00 284.41 383.16 6/11/1997 -- 98.38 0.00 284.78 I 383.16 9/8/1997 -- 100.02 0.00 283.14 383.16 12/9/1997 -- 92.06 0.00 29 I. 10 383.16 3/3/1998 -- 88.60 0.00 294.56 ~ - 383.16 8/28/1998 ' 86.09 0.00 297.07 I 383.16 3/22/1999 -- 77.47 0.00 305.69 383.16 10/13/1999 -- 77.12 0.00 306.04 383.16 3/7/2000 -- 74.76 0.00 308.40 SE-MW-25 387.38 3/7/1996 -- 87.83 0.00 299.55 I (60 - 165) 387.38 6/11/1996 -- 80.32 0.00 307.06 387.38 8/20/1996 -- 76.98 0.00 310.40 387.38 11/7/1996 -- 71.52 0.00 315.86 · - 387.38 3/17/1997 -- 63.13 0.00 324.25 .! 387.38 6/11/1997 -- 60.52 0.00 326.86 387.38 9/8/1997 -- 58.40 0.00 328.98 387.38 12/9/1997 ~- 60.18 0.00 327.20 387.38 3/3/1998 -- 58.51 0.00 328.87 I 387.38 8/28/1998 -- 52.87 0.00 334.51 387.38 3/22/1999 -- 48.08 0.00 339.30 387.38 10/13/1999 -- 48.11 0.00 339.27 387.427 3/7/2000 -- 53.68 0.00 333.74 SE-MW-26 385.07 3/7/1996 -- 130.88 0.00 254.19 (62 - 187) 385.07 6/11/1996 -- 129.82 0.00 255.25 385.07 8/20/1996 -- 120.84 0.00 264.23 385.07 11/7/1996 -- 113.93 0.00 271.14 385.07 3 / ! 7/1997 -- 102.25 0.00 282.82 385.07 6/11/1997 -- 98.87 0.00 286.20 385.07 9/8/1997 -- 99.12 0.00 285.95 385.07 12/9/1997 -- 93.64 0.00 291.43 385.07 3/3/1998 -- 89.99 0.00 295.08 385.07 8/28/1998 -- 85.23 0,00 299.84 385.07 3/22/1999 -- 70.16 0.00 314.91 385.07 10/13/1999 -- 74.86 0.00 310.21 385.07 3/7/2000 o- 70.63 0.00 314.44 SE-MW-27 387.72 3/7/1996 -- 122.73 0.00 264.99 (72 - 197) 387.72 6/11/1996 -- 121.38 0.00 266.34 387.72 8/20/1996 -- 116.44 0.00 271.28 387.72 11/7/1996 -- 109.09 0.00 278.63 387.72 3/I 7/1997 -- 98.41 0.00 289.31 387.72 6/11/1997 -- 94.11 0.00 293.61 387.72 9/8/1997 -- 91.24 0.00 296.48 387.72 12/9/1997 -- 89.41 0.00 298.31 387.72 3/3/1998 -- 85.78 0.00 301.94 387.72 8/28/1998 -- 79.63 0.00 308.09 387.72 3/22/1999 -- 68.61 0.00 319.11. 387.72 10/13/1999 -- 70,27 0.00 317.45 387.72 3/7/2000 -- 69.79 0.00 317.93 P:k5825,000~825.0005'~listorical GW Tables thru Mafl)0.xls\TABLE 1 i GEOMATRIX TABLE 1 Page 7 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID ]Casing I Measurement Depthto I Depthto] Product]Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH~a Water~ Thickness Elevation~ SE-AS/MW-28(S) 388.51 11/7/1996 -- 105.92 0.00 282.59 (70- 120) 388.51 3/17/1997 -- 95.95 0.00 292.56 388.51 6/11/1997 -- 91.42 0.00 297.09 388.51 9/8/1997 -- 88.19 0.00 300.32 388.51 12/9/1997 -- 82.89 0.00 305.62 388.5 ! 3/3/!998 -- 80.24 0.00 308.27 388.51 8/28/1998 -- 74.21 0.00 314.30 388.51 3/22/1999 -- 62.81 0.00 325.70 388.51 10/13/I 999 -- 66.84 0.00 321.67 386.037 3/7/2000 -- 64.30 0.00 321.73 SE-ASfMW-28(D) 389.16 ! 1/7/1996 -- NGt ~ 0.00 NC (128- 130) 389.16 3/17/1997 NG · NG NG NC 389.16 6/I 1/1997 NG NG NG NC 389.16 9/8/1997 NG NG NG NC · 389.16 12/9/1997 NG NG NG NC 389.16 3/3/1998 NG NG NG NC 389.16 8/28/1998 NG NG NG NC 389.16 3/22/1999 NG NG NG NC 389.16 10/13/1999 -- 70.77 0.00 318.39 386.13 ? 3/7/2000 NG NG NG NG SE-VE/MW-29(S) ! 385.30 11/7/1996 -- DRY 0.00 NC ' (10 - 60) 385.30 3/17/1997 NG NG NG NC 385.30 6/11/1997 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 9/8/1997 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 12/9/! 997 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 3/3/1998 - -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 8/28/1998 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 3/22/1999 -- DRY 0.00 NC 385.30 10/13/1999 -- DRY 0.00 NC 384.397 3/7/2000 -- DRY 0.00 NC SE-VE/MW-29(D) 385.31 I 1/7/I 996 -- 101.50 0.00 283.81 (70- 130) 385.31 3/17/1997 -- 92.90 0.00 292.41 385.31 6/11/1997 -- 88.72 0.00 296.59 385.31 9/8/1997 -- 85.84 0.00 299.47 385.31 12/9/1997 -- 81.84 0.00 303.47 385.3 ! 3/3/1998 -- 79.30 0.00 306.01 385.31 8/28/1998 -- 73.90 0.00 311.41 385.31 3/22/1999 -- 63.63 0.00 321.68 385.31 10/13/1999 -- 65.61 0.00 319.70 384.307 3/7/2000 -- 65.40 0.00 318.90 SE-MW-51 383.46g 8/28/1998 -- 81.40 . 0.00 302.06 (55 - 105) 383.46 3/22/1999 -- 72.34 0.00 311.12 383.46 10/13/1999 -- 70.70 0.00 312.76 383.46 3/7/2000 -- 68.76 0.00 314.70 GMX-MW-60 389.03? 3/7/2000 -- 68.33 0.00 320.71 (45-~10) GMX-MW-61 387.85? 3/7/2000 -- 76.92 0.00 310.94 (48-113) P:~5825.000~5825.0005~Historical GW Tables thru Mar00.xls\TABLE 1 t GEOMATRIX .! TABLE 1 Page 8 of 8 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA I WelllD I Casin~ I Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) ElevationI Date LPH2~ Water2 Thickness Elevationl GMX-MW-62(S) 386.487 3/7/2000 -- 74.00 0.00 312.49 i, (49-133.5) GMX-MW-62(D) 386.52? 3/7/2000 -- 77.86 0.00 308.67 (148.5-158) I 1. Groundwater and wellhead elevations are in feet relative to benchmark gl 929 with a reported elevation of 384.389 feet above mean sea level. 2. All measurements in feet from top of well casing. 3. LPH = Liquid Phase Hydrcarbon. · -. 4. NS = not surveyed. I 5. -- = no measurable floating product in well. 6. NC = not calculated due to presence of free product in well or lack of survey data. 7. Wellhead elevation surveyed or resurveyed on 3/7/00. 8. Wellhead elevation surveyed or resurveyed on 9/23/98. · 9. DRY = dry well. · 10. NGP = well not gauged (product recovery pump in well). 11. NG = well not gauged (1" :air sparge well). i I P:~5825.000~825.0005'dtistorical GW Tables thru Mar00.xIs\TABLE 1 ! TABLE 2 Page 1 of 6 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California ID Date TEPH~ TPHg~ Benzene 'Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE~ MTBE4 (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) (mg/1) (rog/I) (ag/l) (mg/I) MW-1 8/28/98 ~ 0.16 0.0007 <0,00056 <0.0005 0.0097 0.155 3/24/99 -- 1.30 0.0022 0.0017 0.17 0.0860 <0.05 10115/99 <0.2 (C6-C44)* 0.69 <0.0005 0.00058 <0.0005 0.0042 <0.005 3/9/00 0.29(C8-C28) 0.73 0.0072 0.009 0.025 0.053 0.006 0.0058 MW-5 11/8/96 LPHa LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/I 7/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 12/12/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 1 O/15/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/7/00 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH MW-6 I 1/8/96 3,0(C6-C t6) 2.56 19 3.3 O. 160 0.68 0,054 3/25/97 -- 56 28 18 0.38 1.6 0.050 6/13/97 -- 83 37 21 0.69 4.0 <0~25 9/19/97 -- 90 28 25 0.67 3.9 <0.25 12/12/97 -- 13 33 36 0.9 5.5 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 140 31 33 1.2 7.3 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 81 14.1 18.5 1.39 7.94 0.234 3/25/99 -- 74 17.0 22.0 1.20 8.10 <109 10/15/99 6.6 (C6-C 14) 68 12 9.3 0.71 7.3 <0,5~° 0.33 3/10/00 9.2(C6-C 18) 55 16 1.0 3.4 6.2 0.21 0.16 MW-7 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 12/12/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15/99 Nsll 3/7/00 Ns NS NS NS NS NS MW-8 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH t2/12/97 -- 95 2.8 5.5 2.5 22 <0.005 3/3/98 -- I I0 2,2 5.0 3.0 24 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 68 0.405 5,58 2.61 21 0.222 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15/99 6.0 (C6-C18) 3.0 0.04 0.042 0.0Il 0.16 0.062 <0.005 319100 5.7/C6-C16) 19 0.06 0.24 0.12 1,6 <0.025u SE-MW-9(R) 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 12/12/97 LPH LPIq LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 -- 3.20 0.745 0,033 0.136 0.072 0.02 I 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/I 5/99 5. I (C6-C26) 22 6.1 <0,05 0.23 <0. I <0.5 ~o <0.05 3/10/00 15(C6-C32) 25 6.4 0.9 <0.025 0.072 <0.05~ MW- 10(R) 3/8/96 <0.0513 -- 0.0016 0.0035 <0.0005 0.0016 <0.005 · 6/I 1/96 <0.05u -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 <0.005 8120196 -- <0.05 0.0013 0.0028 0,0031 0.0017 <0.005 1 i/8/96 <0.05 <0,05 0.0046 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 <0.02 3/20/97 o- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0~02 12/12/97 ' <0.05 <0,0005 0.0018 <0.0005 0.0025 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 0.00062 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/24/99 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 0.00062 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,001 <0.005 3/9/00 <0.2(C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0..005 P:\$82~.OOOL$825.00.~lslbalffiO~Hislorical OW Tables thru MarO0,x[s\T~B LE 2 GEOI~ATRIX TABLE 2 Page 2 of 6 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Suniand Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California Well ] SampleI EPA 801iM [ I IEPA 8020] ] EPA 8260 ID Date TEPH~ TPHg2 Benzene . Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE3 MTBE4 (mr/I) (rog/l) (mg/l) (rog/I) (mWI) (mg/I) (rog/l) (mg/I) MW-I ! 8/20196 -- 11 0.26 0.0l 8 0.034 0.31 <0.01 1 I/8/96 <1(C6-C12) 0.34 0.057 0.0043 0.010 0.068 <.02 3/25/97 -- 2.8 0.13 0.023 0.017 0.30 0.037 6/13/97 -- 1.9' 0.03 <0.0005 0.0018 0.14 0.025 9/t9/97 -- 0.2 0.0011 0.0012 <0.0005 0.0I 7 0.025 12/12/97 -- 0.85 0.01 0.0043 0.0015 0.068 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 3.7 0.34 1.0 0.066 0.51 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.0 0.394 0.816 ' 0.093 0.561 0.002 3/25/99 -- 0.06 0.0029 0.0043 0.0065 0.0099 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 3/9/00 <0.2(C6-C44) 0.21 0.0055 0.004 0.011 0.022 <0.005 MW-12 6/11/96 70 (C5-C11)u -- 17.0 9.3 2.1 11.0 <0.005 8/20/96 -- 35 5.0 0.93 0.33 2.2 <0.125 11/8/96 5.4 (C6-~16) 5.1 6.9 0.96 0.14 l.I <0.05 3/25/97 -- 1.8 0.21 0.017 0.00083 0.0069 0,041 6/12/97 -- 1.8 0.12 .013 0.0053 0.026 0,039 9/19/97 -- 1.1 0.08 0.0021 <0.0005 0.06 0.039 12/12/97 -- 3.4 0. I0 0.01 0.0023 0.058 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 5.0 0.26 0.63 0.042 0.32 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.3 0.484 0.221 0.107 0.502 0.049 3/25/99 -- NA~4 NA NA NA NA NA 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 0.58 0.0021 0.0013 <0.0005 0.0019 <0.005 3/9/00 <0.2{C6-C44) 0.56 0.0036 0.014 0.044 ,0.073 <0.005 MW-13 I 1/8/96 1.9(C6-C 18) 0.78 0.010 0.0027 0.0031 0.00~9 0.054 3/20/97 -- 3.1 1.9 0.005 0.045 0.0051 0.19 6/13/97 -- 4.6 2.4 .0089 0.036 0,0055 0.46 9/19/97 -- 1.1 0.058 0.01 0.011 0.017 0.46 12/12/97 ~- 0.12 0.0031 0.0011 0.0015 0.00096 0.77 3/3/98 -- 1.0 0.51 0.0016 0.010 0.0011 0.32 8/28/98 -- 0.15 0.002 0.00055 <0.005 <0.005 0.218 3/24/99 -- 0.062 0.0029 0.00079 0.0012 0.0038 0.140 10/15/99 <0,2 (C6-C44) 0.55 0.0054 0.00084 0.0024 0.005 0.017 3/9/00 0.63(C6-C 16) 1.8 0.071 0.015 0.023 0.064 0.01 0.0089 MW-14 [1/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.120 3/20/97 -- <0.1 0.0019 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.034 6/13/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0031 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0017 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 0.220 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00059 0.07 8/28/98 <0.05 <0,0005 0.0005 <0.0005 0.00060 <0,005 3/24t99 -- <0.05 0.00057 <0.0003 0.00044 0.00160 <0.10 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 0.0026 0,0019 <0.0005 0.0015 <0.005 3/9/00 <0.2{C6-C441 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00053 0.0013 <0.005 MW- 15 8/20/96 -- 2 t 3.3 0.020 0.7 0.4 <0,125 11/8/96 13(C6-C18) 8.19 8.7 0.110 2.1 1.1 <1 3/21/97 -- 5.5 0.28 0.013 0.18 0.2 0.081 6/i 3/97 -- 17 6.1 0.028 <0,025 0.11 <.25 9/19/97 -- 33 . 9.9 0.87 2.3 0.93 <.25 12/12/97 -- 25 5.5 0.095 2.2 0.09 <0.005 · 3/3/98 -- 22 3.5 0.050 2.3 0.075 <0.005 8/28/98, -- 13 1.27 0.010 2.29 0.206 0,076 3/25/99-- 4.4 0.15 0.025 1.6 0,250 <0.40 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-c44) 2.5 0.049 0.0014 0.1 0.0053 0.0075 3/10/00 1.0(C6-C16/ 5.8 0.29 0.69 0.0018 <0.001 <0.005 MW- 16 8/20/96 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 11/8/96 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11797 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/I 9/97 -- 6.3 0.5 0.011 0.012 0.082 -- 12/12/97 -- LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 -- LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 ~ LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/24/9c~ LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/I 5/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/7/00 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH . GEOI~4ATRIX TABLE 2 Page 3 of 6 1~![ SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery I Bakersfield, California ID Date TEP'H~ TPHg2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes. MTBE~ MTBE4 , , (rog/I) (my/l) (mg/t), (rog/I) (rog/l) (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) i SE-MW-I 8 (R) 3/20/97 -- 0.74 0.15 0.00097 0.00051 0.092 <0.02 6/13/97 -- <0.1 0.00051 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- 0.12 0.001 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- 0.110 0.00078 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00074 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 0.15 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.001 0.0076 <0.005 I 8/28/98 -- 2.7 0,018 0.0031 0.292 0.730 0.0045 3/24/99-- 3.4 0.012 0.0052 0.360 0.980 <0.10 10115/99 0.35 (C8.c12) 1.6 0.00081 0.0012 0.00081 0.011 <0.005 3/9/00 3.8(C6-CI 6) 5.3 0.0049 0.0~ 1 0.014 0.25 <0.005 ~ MW-19 6/11/96 11 (C5-C24)u -- 10.0 0.22 0.55 0.17 <0.005 I · 8/20/96 *- 10 0.25 0.030 0.030 0.30 <0.125 11/8/96 141C6-C20) 9.5 1.8 0.040 0.48 1.5 ND~ 3/21/97 -- 3.8 0.45 0.0039 <0.0005 0.043 0.064 (DUP)~S 3/21/97 -- 3.9 0.46 0.0041 <0.0005 0.044 0.65 - , 6/13/97 -- 0.96 0.016 0.0014 <0.0005 <0.001 0.027 I 9/19/97 -- 15 1.0 0.081 0.003 7.4 0.027 12/12/97 -- 45 t .2 0.070 2.9 14 <0.005 , 3/3/98 -- 21 0.47 <0.0005 1.2 5.4 <0,005 8/28/98 -- 29 0.366 0.023 2.13 7.76 0.049 3/25/99 -- 13 0.22 0.014 0.82 2.2 <0.40 10/15/99 1.8 (C6-C14) 35 0.52 0.43 1~2 1.1 <0.5I° <0.05 3/10/00 3.91C6-C16) 8.8 0.093 0.7 0.0017 0.28 <0.005 SE-MW-20(S) 3/8/96 2.9 (C5-C10)~ -- 0.00095 0.0014 0.0015 0.0041 0.031 6/l 1/96 t .9 (C5-24)u -- <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0012 <0,0005 ND 8/20/96 -- 0.90 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.047 I 11/8/96 <11C8-C10) 0.13 0.0022 0.0018 <0.0005 0.0012 0.34 3/21/97 -- 4.6 2.2 0.0082 0.54 0.018 0.24 6/12/97 -- 3.9 I. 1 <0.0005 O. 15 0.0073 <0.05 9/19/97 -- 9.5 1.9 0.022 0.052 0.05 <0.05 12/12/97 -- 7.9 1.6 0.0048 0.65 0.039 0.14 I 3/3/98 -- 5.2 1.3 0.012 0.51 0.029 0.i 5 8/28/98 -- 4.3 0.658 0.010 0.090 0.215 0.166 3/24/99 -- 3.3 0.430 <0.006 0.056 0.014 <0.20 1 O~ 15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 2~0 0.2 0.0034 0.0 l 9 0.0048 0.019 0.016 3/8/00 1.1 (C6-C 16) 3.6 0.76 0.049 0.036 0.063 0.04 0.049 I SE-MW-20(D) 3/8/96 <0.05 ~3 -- 0.0018 0.0010 <0.0005 0.0022 <0.005 6/11/96 1.5~ -- 0.0017 0.00032 0.0014 0.0020 0.016 8/20/96 -- 2.6 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.005 11 / 8/96 < I (C6-C 12) 0.38 0.15 0.0029 0.0031 0.0024 <0.02 . _ 3/21/97 -- 1.9 0.62 0.004 0.11 0.0091 <0.02 'l 6/12)97 -- 6.5 1.7 0.0073 0.46 0.012 0.18 9/19/97 -- 1.3 0.47 0.011 0.0024 0.009 0.18 12/12/97 -- 8.7 2.5 0.0039 0.092 0.017 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 6.9 1.6 0.0048 0.094 0.012 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.8 0.529 0.01 l 0.104 0.017 0.059 ,~[ 3/24/99 -- 0.77 0.130 ' 0.004 0.053 0.0086 <0.050 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 1.3 0.07 0.002 0.0014 0,0037 <0,005 <0.005 3/8/00 <0.21c6-c44) 1.8 0.21 0.017 q,.0027 0.0019 0.011 <0.005 SE-MW-2I 3/8/96 <0.0513 -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 6/11/96 <0.05 0 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0,005 'Il 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 I 1/8/96 <0,05 <0.05 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/21/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 · <0,0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 -- <0,1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 · <0.0005 <0.0005 <0[001 <0.02 i 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/3/98 ' -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 0.00056 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/24/99 '-- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0003 <0.0005 <0.0006 <0.010 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) · <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.0076 <0.005 ~ 3/8/00 <0.2(C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.0072 <0.005 i p:~3825.000~825.00511 st b~ll f00XHiSt orical GW Tables thru MarOO.xlslTA B LE 2 GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page 4 of 6 SUMMAR-¥ OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery I . Bakersfield, California ID Date TEPH~ TPHg2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE3 MTBE4 (rog/I) (rog/I) /mg/l} (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (rog/I) (mg/) i SE-MW-22 3/8/96 <0.05u -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/I 1/96 <0.0513 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 I 3/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/13/97 -- <0.1 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 I 8/28/98 -- 0.12 <0.0005 0.00061 0.00082 0.0042 0.0011 3/24/99 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.010 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 3/7/00 <0.2(C6-C44/ <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-MW-23(S) 3/8/96 120 (C5-C14)~3 -- 42.0 60.0 3.2 20.0 0.31 ,~ 6/11/96 150 (C5-C12)n -- 41.0 55.0 2.9 18.0 <0.005 I 8/20/96 -- 22 28 38 2.2 13 <0.005 I I/8/96 62(C6-C16) 9.7 40 49 2.9 17 <0.5 3/25/97 -- 28 6.6 8.2 027 3.7 '<0.02 6/13/97 -- 130 31 53 2.5 20.0 <0.05 Jill 9/19/97 -- 150 15 26 1.6 11 <0.05 12/12/97 -- 160 22 43 2.2 17 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 190 19 55 3.3 21 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 171 22.1 41.9 3.31 18.9 <0.400 3/25/99 -- 48 8.5 1.6 3.40 7.0 <2.0 i 10/15/99 6.7 (C6-CI4) 59 2.6 3.1 3.2 I 1 <0.51° <0.05 3/9/00 I 0{C6-C 14} 59 0.4 1.4 13 7.4 <0.5 t2 SE-MW-23(D) 3/8/96 13.0 (C5-C 12)~3 -- 2.0 2.0 0.40 1.2 0.070 6/I 1/96 14.0 (C5-C 12)13 -- 3.4 2.7 0.38 ND <0.005 8/20/96 -- 30 4.3 4.0 0.43 2.0 <0.125 'm,, 1 I/8/96 9.8(C6-C 14) 9.7 5.4 4.0 0.53 2.0 <0.05 3/25/97 -- 150 30 48 2.5 17 0.059 6/13/97 -- 47 12 16 0.36 6.4 0.053 9/19/97 -- 140 21 40 3.2 21 0.053 12/12/97 -- 81 11 23 1.4 8.6 <0.005 i 3/3/98 -- 120 12 30 2.0 12 <0.005 8/28/98 59 3.95 15.5 1.21 9.56 <0.200 3/25/99 -- 75 5.4 29 1.8 12 <10¢ 10/15/99 4.9 (C6-C 12) 3.0 1 ~7 0.68 0.58 7 <0.51° <0.05 3/9/00 1 I(C6-C32) · 62 3.1 2.4 2.2 11 <0.5n I SE-MW-24(S) 3/8/96 3.6 (C5-C 14)~3 -- 1.0 0.022 0.16 0.016 0.034 (DUP) 3/8/96 3.5 (C5-C12)~3 -- 0.I0 0.0018 0.016 0.0012 0.033 6/t 1/96 6.7 (C5-C14)~3 -- 1.4 0.004 0.33 0.0096 <0.005 (DUP) 6/I 1/96 6.3 (C5-C12)~3 -- 1.4 0.0058 0.33 0.016 <0.005 i 8/20/96 -- 11 2.0 0.013 0.17 0.0092 <0.125 11/8/96 3.2(C6-C16) 2.68 1.4 0.014 0.78 0.017 <0.02 (DUP) I 1/8/96 .... 2.1 0.017 0.94 0.020 <0.02 3/25/97 -- 3.6 0.64 0.0032 0.0 t 3 0.029 <0.02 6/I 3/97 14 2.9 0.55 0.78 0.30 <0.1 , 9/19/97 0.17 0.0096 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0011 <0.1 I 12/12/97 6.7 1.6 0.0055 0.17 0.04 0.04 · (DUP) 12/12/97 5.8 1.6 <0.0005 0.13 0.034 0.20 3/3/98 , 12 0.73 0.037 0.90 0.057 <0.005 (DUP) 3/3/98 1.2 0,70 0.018 0.85 0.038 <0.005 8/28/98 4.2 0.275 0.013 0.505 0.124 . 0.044 I (DUP) 8/28/98 6.4 0.392 0.015 0.574 0.182 0.172 3/25/99 2.8 0.25 <0.003 0.19 <0.006 <0.1 ~_ (DUP) 3/25/99 -- 2.7 0.30 0.0078 0.22 <0.006 <0.19 10/15/99 0.63 (C6-C 14) 6.6 0.32 0.015 0.11 0.031 0.038 3/10/00 1.6(C6-C 16) 7 0.29 0.25 0.025 0.093 <0.005 I (DUP) 3/10/00 7.5 0.28 0.25 0,026 0.083 <0.005 i I P:~825.000~5825.00~1 sthalf00~Historical GW Tables thru Mo~O0.xls\TABL E 2 "~ GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page 5 of 6 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery I Bakersfield, California ID Date TEPHt TPHg2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE~ MTBE~ , (mg/I) (ag/I) (rog/l) (mgn) (rog/I) (m§/l) (rog/I) (mg/l) i SE-MW-24(D) 3/8/96 I (C5-C 18)~) -- 0.0065 0,011 0.007 0.016 0.005 6/11/96 9.2 (C5-C18)13 -- 2.4 0,0053 0.60 0.025 0.005 8/20/96 -- 15 2.4 0.013 0.45 0.015 <0.125 1 I/8/96 <1(C8-C14) 0.24 0.28 0.003 0.061 0.0033 <0.02 -I 3/25/97 -- 7.0 0.89 0.012 <0.0005 0.015 0,024 ~1 (DUP) 3/25/97 -- 3.5 0.72 0,010 0.021 0.032 <0.02 6/13/97 -- 5.6 1.6 0.052 0.018 0.09 <0.05 --- 9/19/97 -- 22 7.5 ' 0.014 0.4 0.07 <0.05 (DUP) 9/19/97 ~- 19 7.2 0.17 5.9 0.085 <0.05 12/12/97 -- 6.2 1.8 0.01 ! 0.11 0.047 0.042 I 3/3/98 -- 2.5 0.15 0.0015 0. I 8 0.023 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.7 0,047 0.0051 0.365 0.033 0.019 3/25/99 -- 0.5I 0,058 <0.0006 0.049 <0.0012 <0.02 10/15/99 0,92 (C6-C28) 2.9 0.034 0.0023 <0.0005 0,0056 0.016 i 3/10/00 1.4(C6-C 16) 5,8 0.30 0.27 0.059 0,16 <0.005 SE-MW-25 3/8/96 <0.05~3 -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.005 6/11/96 <0.05~3 -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 ' - 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 . - 3/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 I' 6/13/97 -- <0,1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0,02 ~., 12/12/97 -~ <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 I 3/24/99 <0,05 <0.0005 0.00056 <0,0003 0.001 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (~'6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0,001 <0,005 · 3/7/00 <0.2(C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0,005 SE-MW-26 3/8/96 <0.05~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 . _ 6/11/96 <0.05t3 -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 'l\ 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 II 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 '<0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/21/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0,001 <0.02 6/12/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <01001 <0,02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0,02 I, 12/12/97 -- 0.250 0.023 0.073 0.004 0.029 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0.0~ <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/25/99 -- <0.05 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.0 l 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,001 <0,005 'l 3/8/00 <0.2{C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 I SE-MW-27 3/8/96 <0.05~3 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/[l/96 <0,05u .. <0,0005 <0,0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 , <0.0005 <0.005 i 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 0.00031 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,02 3/18/97 -- <0.1 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 -o <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0,02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0,02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0014 0.0032 <0.0005 0.00070 <0.0005 3/3/98 -- <0,05 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 '~'"l 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3/24/99 -- <0.05 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 <0.005 3/7/00 <0.2(C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-AS/MW-28(S) 11/8/96 ,4.0(C6-C 18) 3.05 6.10 0.00 0.32 0.46 0.14 ~m~ 3/20/97 NA 13 4.8 0.0 l 5 0.53 1.5 0.074 I 6/13/97 -- 0,96 0.14 0,00077 0.0014 0,0019 1.5 9/19/97 I -- 5.4 1.7 0.0059 0,018 <0.001 1.5 '- 12/12/97I , -- 8.9 3,2 0.052 0.45 0.064 0.30 3/3/98 -- 7.1 2.9 0.003 0.21 0.01 I 0.25 - - 8/28/98 -- 1.4 0.085 0.0036 0.013 0.035 0.338 '1 3/24/99 -- 0.79 0.140 0.0032 0.0046 0.0086 0.29 I 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) T7 0.0054 0.00087 0,0049 0,0035 0,061 3/9/00 0,26(C8-C 16) 2.4 0.052 0,028 0,019 0.039 0,045 0.035 (DUP) 3/9/00 -- 2,2 0.055 0.027 0.017 0.038 0.045 0.041 6/13/97 -- 0.96 0.14 0.00077 0.0014 0.0019 1.5 i 9/19/97 -- 5.4 1.7 0.0059 0.018 <0.001 1.5 12/12/97 ~- 8.9 3.2 0.052 0.45 0.064 0.30 3/3/98 -- 7.1 2.9 0.003 0.21 0.011 0.25 8/28/98 --' 1.4 0.085 0.0036 0.013 0.035 0.338 3/24/99 -- 0.79 0.140 0.0032 0.0046 0.0086 0.29 10/I 5/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 1.7 0.0054 0,00087 0.0049 0.0035 0.061 3/9/00 0.26(C8-C 16) 2.4 0.052 0.028 0.019 0.039 0.045 0.035 3/9/00 -- 2.2 0.055 0.027 0.017 0.038 0.045 0.041 GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 ?age 6 of 6 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California Il) Date TEPHt TPHgz Benzene Toluene Ethylbeuzene Total Xylenes MTBE~ MTBE4 (rog/I) (rog/I) (raga) (raga) (m§/I) (mg/I) (rag/I) (mgm) SE-VE/MW-29(D) 11/8/96 "<1(C14-C20) <0.05 <0.0005 0.01 <0.0005 0.01 1.00 3/20/97 -- 7.80 3.2 0,07 0.23 0.022 0.098 6/t3/97 0.35 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.052 0.47 9/19/97 -- 2.6 3.63 0.008 0.023 0.410 0.47 12/12/97 -- 0.35 0,034 <0,0005 0,0022 0.020 0.34 3/3/98 -- 0.56 0.056 0.0014 0.0008 0.0055 0.42 8/28/98 -- 0.23 0.00086 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0044 0.175 3/24/99 -- 0.94 0.0430 0.0021 0.057 0.025 <0.02 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 1.5 0.0058 0.0014 <0.0005 0.0047 <0.005 3/9/00 1.8(C6,-C16) 5.5 0.36 0.011 0.019 0.059 <0.005 SE-MW-51 8/28/98 --. 1.1~7 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3.89 3/25/99 <0.05 (C8-C40) , <0.05 0.00053 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.19 0.17 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 0.12 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.2 0.23 (73 fi)La 3/8/00 <0.2(C6-C44) 0.41 0.016 0.015 0.071 0.096 0.0091 0.0097 (90 ft) 3/8/00 .<0.2(C6-C44) 0.41 0.014 0.012 0.06 0.081 0.011 0,014 GMX-MW-60 (73 f) 3/8/00 3.9(C6-C24) 45 1.8 0.13 0.088 0.21 76 90 (90 fi) 3/8/00 5.5~C6-C20) 37 4.5 0.23 0.07 0.27 44 58 GMX-MW-61 (81 ft) 03/07/00 0.24(C6-C10) 0.83 0.039 0.021 0.13 0.14 0.03 0.017 (90 f) 03/07/00 <0.2(C6-C44) 0,85 0.035 0.023 0.13 0.15 0.017 0.016 GMX-MW-62(S) (81 fi) 03/08/00 <0,2(C6-C44) 0.43 0.02 0,013 0.07 ' 0.083 0.012 0.013 (90 fi),,,, 03/08/00 <0.2(C6-C44) 0.45 0.021 0.013 0.072 , 0.083 0.0l I 0,013 GMX-MW-62(D) 03/07/00 <0.2(C6-C44) 0.95 0.042 0.024 0.13 0.16 0.2 0.24 Trip Blank 3/8/96 <0.5~ - <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 · 6/11/96 1<0.005~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 1 I/8/96 .... <0.0005 <0.(5005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/20/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 3/21/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 3/25/97 <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/13/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 ' <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0~)05 <0.0005 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005. <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/23/99 -- <0,05 <0.0003 <0.0003. <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.0 I 10/15/99 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 3/8/00 -- <0.1 <0.00'05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 I. TEPH = total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons. 2. T?Hg = total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline. 3. MTBE = methyl-tert-botyl ether analyzed by EPA Method 8020 or 8021B. 4. MTBE = methyl-tert-butyl ether concentration confirmed by EPA Method 8260, 5. -- = not tested for this particular method, 6. < = sample result is less than the indicated detection limit. 7. (C6-C44) = carbon range analyzed ifTEPH was not detected, or carbon range in which TEPH was detected. 8. LPH = not sampled due to liquid-phase hydrocarbons in the well. 9. Chromatograma indicate that no MTBE is present in the sample. 10. Sample was diluted 100 times due to the high concentration of gasollne range organics, elevating the MTBE detection limit. I 1. NS = not sampled due to product recovery pump in the well. 12. Samples MW-8, MW-9R, SE-MW-23S, and SE-MW-23D were diluted by a factor of 5, 10. 100 and 100, respectively, due to matrix interference. 13. Total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons by ASTM 2887. 14. NA = sample not analyzed, damaged in transport. 15. ND = not detected. 16. (DUP) ~ duplicate sample, 17. Laboratoiy report indicates that hydrbcarbon does not match a gasoline pattern. 18. (73 fl) = sampled at indicated depth below top of well easing. GEOMATRIX I' TABLE 3 SUMMARY oF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA ~ I FOR CHLORIDE AND SULFATE ~, Former Sunland Oil Refinery ~1~ Bakersfield, California Jill', Well ID Sample EPA 300.0 EPA 375.4 Date Chloride Sulfate '-' (well diameter) (mg/l) (mg/l) ~i SE-MW-20S 9/10/1996 200~ 8.0 (2") 8/28/1998 70 <1.0~'3 i 3/24/I 999 33 0.983 ~ : 10/15/1999 32 <10 3/8/2000 35 <10 'i' SE-MW-24 S 9/10/1996 50~ 7.0 (4") 8/28/1998 32 <1.03 3/24/1999 70 0.593 I 10/15/1999 15 <10 '~ ~' 3/10/2000 16 <10 ,~ SE-VE/MW-29D 9/10/1996 220t 14.0 I (4") 8/28/1998 I 11 1 123 3/24/1999 29 1.73 ~ 10/15/1999 26 <10 I 3/9/2000 21 < 10 .l, 1..Analyzed using EPA Method 325.3. I 2. <1.0 = less than the detection limit shown. 3..Analyzed using EPA Method 300.0. i i 1 i P:\5825.000\5825.005LHistorical GW Tables thru Mar00.x[s\TABLE 3 I I I I i GEOIVtATI;IIX FIGURES ': " ~oAo.-.' ' ~8>'"~'--'~ ..... ~ ~- -~!' ' / 3,,i ;,'. . / k, .--"'L3 ~o~1t..: .,::,.-- ,"~ ·  , ~ ..... ~.? ...... ~ ~.~ ~l -~=~~==~~ ..... ~ .... --_~. · · , ,., ~ :,, ~ . - ~ · ..-- ~--,~  ~ / .............. ~ .- · , . o ~. .. o ~.. a o ~.  ~: ~' ~"a~ '~ '~ ~ I '~: ~ ... _. ii i '. a~4 ~ ~'- ' ~"" ' '%' 'I~- ~ ",'" .... · .-" ,,,,'~' '-',~ Z, ~ -" , .~, ~ =. . ,,~ , , . .... ,,.... .... ~,,o... ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~¢,,,~,,=,~ · ~ -. ~, ";~ . , ..... ~ ~ ~ · ~ ~ :,t,~,~,~,,~,: ~ ~ .-~ ';; , ," . , . . ,, ~~- I~~' ~'~ ~ ' ~ ' "'""' L/~~~~hon/ ~'~ .- '~-" ~ .~11 ' SA~'''" .-'~. ~'~/zo~o* o c '~30' · ~ · . o al, 0il --- , .... :..,:o , ~,~,,..., ~... ~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ .... _~-- . '. ~ ,. ..... ~ ~ - . ~>.. ~-., , , .~ ~" ~ '- '" '~'""~ ~~ ........................ ~ ' ~~"g ~ ~1~ ~--~ :~'~ ~"' '~' . SITE LO'CATION mww 5825 FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY ~p .2152 Coffee Road 8  ~ GEOMATRIX Bakersfield, California ¢~ 05/05/00  EXPLANATION I SE-MW~t GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL GMXNW-01(81'/00') $ LOCATION ~ 310.93 I __~ SE'VE/MW'29SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION/GROUNDWATER  0.017b 0.010b * MONITORING WELL LOCATION ~ 0.039 0.035 SE'A$/MW'28AIR SPARGE POINT/GROUNDWATER m ~ MONITORING WELL LOCATION ' LINE OF EOUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET 3oo.o0 ABOVE SEA LEVEL (FEET MSL) MEASURED MARCH 7, 2000 SE-MW-24 (S/D) m ~ 320.21 3e&4o GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET MSL , SE~W-27 <o.o0$a <o.o056 I METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) I ~ o.21) ~ o.~o ~ BENZENE [] <o. OOSa DENOTES SAMPLES ANALYZED FOR MTBE BY EPA m METHOD 8020 0,017b DENOTES SAMPLES CONFIRMED FOR MTBE BY EPA METHOD 8260 / (CONCENTRATIONS IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER Jig/II) S E~4W~1(73'/90') NA NOT ANALYZED 314.70 8/D SHALLOW ZONE WELL/DEEP ZONE WELL ii' GMX-MW-62(SBl'/SD0'/D) 73'~ SAMPLE COLLECTED AT 7,3 FEET AND 90 FEET 3i2.48 308.66 ' NORTH 320.70 TANK ' NL MONITORING WELL NOT LOCATED 0.013b 0.013b 0.24b FARM DRY WATER LEVEL BELOW BOTTOM OF WELL CASING m 0.042 . ' ~ LPH GROUNDWATER ELEVATION NOT CALCULATED DUE , TO PRESENCE OF LIQUID PHASE HYDROCARBONS ! ,~ / MW-6 NGP WELL NOT GAUGED (PRODUCT RECOVERY  PUMP IN WELL) SE-MW-9(R) NO WELL NC~T GAUGED (1" AiR SPARGE WELL) m .... NOTES: MW-1 I. SOURCE OF MAP: PATRICK AND HENDERSON INC., S.P.C.C. m E -- FACILITY PLAN, TANK FARMS AND REFINERY, DATED m DECEMBER 1.3, 1985. NEW COFFEE ROAD ELEVATED BERM, - MW-13 FORMER COFFEE ROAD, AND PG&E SITE INFORMATION FROM .... MW-5 --- ~-- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE DISTRICT. SE.MW-20(S/D) PAN PACIFIC DRY - 2. MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS AND SITE BOUNDARY LINES m 315.86 308.83 / MW-16 NA WERE SURVEYED BY AZIMUTH BOUNDARY SPECIALISTS ON 0.049 b <0.005 b m . I~E~ NA MARCH 18 AND NOVEMBER 5, 1996. 0.76 0.21 = ' FORMER 3. SITE FEATURES AND STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. ~W-14 SOUTH TANK FARM 4. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS COLLECTED ON MARCH 7, 2000. AND REFINERY MW-2 m MW-8 0 150 ~ APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 3 ~ Bosernop modified from figure 'm"~=..¢,~": " , ' GROUND"''''~'~ ~' '~' 'WATER..... C oGr°u" InC.NTOUR AND "~ .~' BENZENE/MTBE CONCENTRATION M~P ~-"~ ' MARCH 2000 ~ ~ ' 2151 COFFEE ROAD ' ~ ~ }~ I <o.ooos 0§/$0/00 25 ITl Z - GEOMATRIX APPENDIX A LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORDS AMERICAN 1 ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS AN ALYTICS,,.,~ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291115 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/08/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 03044 Trip-Blank 03/07/00 03/08/00 < 0.1 0.1 03045 SE-MW-27 03/07/00 03/08/00 < 0.1 0.1 03046 SE-MW-25 03/07/00 03/08/00 < 0.1 0.1 03047 SE-MW-22 03/07/00 03/08/00 < o. 1 0.1 03048 GMX-MW-61 @81 Ft 03/07/00 03/08/00 0.83 0.1 03049 GMX-MW-61@90Ft 03/07/00 03/08/00 0.85 0.1 03050 GMX-MW-62D 03/07/00 03/08/00 0, 95 0.1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Californ a 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · o Fax'(8'lS)998- 258 i~'A~M ERICAN '~  LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No,: 103044 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) AA Project No.: A291115 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/08/00 Concentration: 0.5 mg/L Date Reported: 03/09/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (rog/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Gasoline Range Organics 0,48 96,0 0.49 98.0 2.1 51 - 149 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 94311 TeI'(8'~8)998-5547 · · Fax'(8'18)998-7258 ~AMERICAN !~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS fNALYTICS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291115 Project No.: 96.029 . Date Received: 03/08/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/09/00 i Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 03/07/00 03/07/00 03/07/00 03/07/00 Date Analyzed: 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 AA ID No.: 103044 103045 103046 103047 Client ID No.: Trip-Blank SE-MW-27 SE-MW-25 SE-MW-22 MRL Compounds: Benzene < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0,5 0.5 Ethylbenzene < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Toluene < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 Xylenes < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 1 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9~31~ Te1-(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax'(8'l 8)998-7258 AMERICAN ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICS., Page 2 IClient: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No,: A291115 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/08/00 Proiect Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/09/00 I Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) I Date Sampled: 03/07/00 03/07/00 03/07/00 Date Analyzed: 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 AA ID No,: 103048 103049 103050 Client ID No.: GMX-MW-61@81 GMX-MW-61@90 GMX-MW-62D MRL I Compounds: i Benzene 39 35 42 0.5 Ethylbenzene 21 23 24 0.5 Toluene 130 130 130 0.5 I Xylenes 140 150 160 1 I MRL: Method Reporting Limit I I I George Havalias I Laboratory Director I American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913'J'1 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 - * Fax'(818)998-7258 i,~-'AM E RICAN 1 '~~t LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT !ANALYTICS .~ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103044 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) AA Project No.: A291115 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/08/00 Concentration: 20 ug/L Date Reported: 03/09/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Benzene 19.76 99 19.46 97 2 65 - 135 Ethylbenzene 20.10 101 21.53 108 7 77 - 123 Toluene 20.15 101 21.25 106 5 66 - 134 Xylenes 20.12 101 21.91 110 9 73 - 127 ! ! I George Havalias I Laboratory Director J i American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'1311 j T'e I' (8 'I 8) 99 8- 554 7' · * Fax:(8'18)998-7258 Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company ~ Project No.: A291115 Project No.: 96,029 Date Received: 03/08/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date RepoSed: 03/09/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 'I 103044 Trip-Blank 03/07/00 03/08/00 < 5 5 · 103045 S E-MW-27 03/07/00 03/08/00 < 5 5 103046 S E-MW-25 03/07/00 03/08/00 < 5 5 I 103047 SE-MW-22 03/07/00 03/08/00 < 5 5 103048 GMX-MW-61 @81 Ft 03/07/00 03/08/00 30 5 I 103049 G MX-MW-61 @90Ft 03/07/00 03/08/00 17 5 103050 GMX-MW-62D 03/07/00 03/08/03 200 5 I MRL: Method Reporting Limit ! i George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 AMERICAN '~ {~~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALY'TIC~ Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291115 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/08/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/16/00 . Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L I Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL I 103048 G MX-MW-61 @81 Ft 03/07/00 03/16/00 17 5 103049, GMX-MW-61@90Ft 03/07/00 03/16/00 16 5 103050 GMX-MW-62D 03/07/00 03/16/00 240 5, ! MRL: Method Report. lng Limit ! I ! I George Havalias I L aboratory Director i American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'13'1'1 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 o · Fax:(8'18)998-7258 AMERICAN ANALYTICS LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page C~ient: Wodd Oil Marketing Company AA ID No,: 103048 iProject Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method:,MTBE (EPA 8260) AA. Project No.: A291115 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/16/00 Concentration: 100 ug/L Date Reported: 03717/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. I Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 88.4 88 88.3 88 0 50 - 150 ! George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Cc]iifornic] 91311 '1 ~'e1'(8'18)998-5547 · ° Fo]x:(818)998-7258 I AMERICAN 1 ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICSJ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291115 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/08/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/16/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 03/07/00 03/07/00 03/07/00 03/07/00 Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 Date Extracted: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 AA ID No.: 103045 103046 103047 103048 Client ID No.: SE-MW-27 SE-MW-25 SE-MW-22 GMX-MW-61@81 MRL Compounds: C06-C08 <0,02 <0.02 <0.02 0.095 0.02 C08-C10 <0.02 <0,02 <0.02 0.14 0.02 C10-C12 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C12-C14 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C14-C16 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C16-C18 <0.02 <0.02 <0,02 <0.02 0.02 C18-C20 <0.02 <0.02 <0,02 <0.02 0.02 C20-C22 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C22-C24 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C24-C26 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C26-C28 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C28-C32 < 0.02 < 0,02 <0.02 < 0.02 0,02 C32-C34 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C34-C36 < 0,02 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C36-C40 < 0,02 <0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C40-C44 <0.02 <0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 0.02 Total < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 0.24 0.2 ,! George Haval|as Laboratory Director American Analytics ,, 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te~'(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax:(8'~8)998-7258 iAMERICAN----~' ~~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291115 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/08/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/16/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L '1 Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 03/07/00 03/07/00 I Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 03/13/00 Date Extracted: 03/13/00 03/13/00 AA ID No.: 103049 103050 · Client ID No.: GMX-MW-61@90 GMX-MW-62D MRL · Compounds: · C06-C08 0,068 0,024 0,02 C08-C10 0.097 0.050 0.02 C10-C12 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 I C12-C14 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C14-C16 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 I C16-C18 <0,02 <0.02 0.02 C18-C20 <0,02 <0.02 0.02 C20-C22 <0.02 <0,02 0.02 · jm C22-C24 < O. 02 < O. 02 O, 02 C24-C26 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 I C26-C28 < 0.02 < 0.02 0,02 .. C28-C32 < 0.02 <0.02 0.02 C32-C34 < 0,02 <0.02 0.02 I C34.-C36 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C36-C40 < 0.02 < 0.02 0,02 i C40-C44 < 0.02 < 0,02 0.02 Total < 0.2 < 0.2 0.2 I MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias i Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue. Chatsworth, California 9~311 I Te1'(818)998-5547 ° · Fax'(8t8)998-7258 AMERICAN 1 ~ LABORATORY QAc/QC REPORT ANALYTICS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103045 i Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 801 SM(Carbon Chain) ~ AA Project No.: A291115 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 Concentration: 200 mg/L Date Reported: 03/16/00 ! Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. i Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Diesel Range Organics 164 82 160 80 2 50 - 150 'Il George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chofsworth, Californio Te1'(818)998-5547 · * Fax'(8'18)998-7258 ~ Sou~ Gate, Ca 90280-3896 ~ Phone (310) 928-0100 F~ (310) 928-0391 Record Lab~ 0 PHONE:(¢~)., ~g--~ FAX:( ) TAT: ~ 24Hr O ~Hr O 72Hr ~ Normal (5 Days) ~ Other ( ) SHIPPED VIA: ~Walkln ~Courier ~FedEx ~Other( ) Z ~~ m~ m~ ~N ~ ~ ~m ~ ~O ~O ............ ~'~P~]D:.~::;~:~:~.~>~::~:.~...?: :::MA~R'I~.::'; ~7':::D~TE:~; ~::.~IME:~;. ~B~.i'D:;:~':.': ~o~ ~,_oo i ~ o~ ~ / ~ I ~ a-7~ SpMMENTS: i SAMPLERS NAME ~::~:):R'~i~QO:isHE~;By~...: ..... :..........::.: :::,.:::..::.~::: ]~.:.?~::::..;..':: ~ Printed'" Name:'r' ~¢ Printed Name: Signature: ( ¢ -~ Signature: Date/Ti~~ ...... . Date~ime: I Date~ime: ~'~)'RE~'j~E ~': 2)!RECEIgED~B~::5::. ::.:: ~.3):'R~CEiVED:B~i~': Printed Name: .~~G-Y ~ ~ ~'~ Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature: -~-~ ~ Signature: Signature: Date~ime: O~ ~O ~ O ~ ~ Dategi~e: Date~ime:.  AM ERICAN 1 I LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 I' Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/14/00 'I Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L I Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 03182 Trip-Blank 03/08/00 03/13/00 < 0.1 0.1 03183 GMX-MW-62S-81 Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 0.43 0.1 03184 GMX-MW-62S-90Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 0.45 0.1 03185 SE-MW-51-73Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 0.41 0.1 03186 SE-MW-51-90Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 0.41 0.1 03187 GMX-MW-60-73Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 45 0.1 03188 GMX-MW-60-90Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 37 0.1 03189 SE-MW-21 03/08/00 03/13/00 < 0.1 0.1 03190 S E-MW-26 03/08/00 03/13/00 < 0.1 0.1 03191 SE-MW-20S 03/08/00 03/13/00 3.6 0.1 03192 SE-MW-20D 03/08/00 03/13/00 1.8 0.1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9131'1 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax'(8'18)998-7258 IA AM ERICAN ~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT NALYTICS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103182 I Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) AA Project No.: A291117 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 Concentration: 0.5 mg/L Date Reported: 03/14/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) I Gasoline Range Organics 0,48 96.0 0.51 102.0 6.1 51 - 149 ! ! ! ! '1 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Californ a 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · * Fax'(818)998-7258 Z,AM ERICAN ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS IANALY'T"-~ Page 1 I Client: Warld Oil IVlarketing Oampany AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/14/00 I Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) : I Date Sampled: 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 AA ID No.: 103182 103183 103184 103185 I Client ID No.: Trip-Blank GMX-MW-62S-81 GMX-MW-62S.90 SE-MW-51.73Ft MRL Compounds: i Benzene <0.5 20 21 16 0.5 Ethylbenzene < 0.5 13 13 15 0.5 Toluene <0,5 70 72 71 0.5 I Xylenes < 1 83 83 96 I George Havalias I Laboratory Director I American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca fornia 9'1311 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 · * Fax'(8'18)998-7258 Page 2 · Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No,: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/14/00 I Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 AA ID No.: 103186 103187 103188 103189 Client ID No.: SE-MW-51-90Ft GMX-MW-60-73Ft GMX-MW-80-90Ft SE-MW-21 MRL Compounds: Benzene 14 1800 4500 < 0.5 0.5 Ethylbenzene 12 130 230 < 0.5 0.5 Toluene 60 88 70 < 0.5 0.5 210 270 1 1 Xylenes 81 George Havalias ILaboratory Director j · American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9'13'1'1 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 *, *, Fax'(8'18)998-7258  AMERICAN '~ ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICS Page 3 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/14/00 I Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 AA ID No.: 103190 103191 103192 Client ID No.: SE-MW-26 SE-MW-20S SE-MW-20D MRL Compounds: Benzene < 0.5 760 210 0,5 Ethylbenzene < 0.5 49 17 0.5 Toluene <0.5 36 2.7 0.5 Xylenes < 1 63 1.9 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 91311 Te1-(818)998-5547 o · Fax'(818)998-7258 i AMERICAN ~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT ANALYTICS ~ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103182 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) AA Project No.: A291117 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 Concentration: 20 ug/L Date Reported: 03/14~00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Benzene 20.11 101 18.6 93 8 65 - 135 Ethylbenzene 19.82 99 19.9 100 1 77 - 123 Toluene 20.17 101 19,9 100 1 66- 1~4 Xylenes 19,85 99 19.8 99 0 73 - 127 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 91311 Te1.(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/14/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 03182 Trip-Blank 03/08/00 03/13/00 < 5 5 03183 GMX-MW-62S-81 Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 12 5 03184 GMX-MW-62S-90Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 11 5 03185 SE-MW-51-73Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 9.1 5 03186 SE-MW-51-90Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 11 5 03187 G MX-MW-60-73Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 76000 5 03188 GMX-MW-60-90Ft 03/08/00 03/13/00 44000 5 03189 S E-MW-21 03/08/00 03/13/00 7.2 5 03190 . SE-MW-26 03/08/00 03/13/00 < 5 5 03191 SE-MW-20S 03/08/00 03/13/00 40 5 103192 SE-MW-20D 03/08/00 03/13/00 11 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatswo[th, Ca ifornia 91311 Te1-(818)998-5547 · · Fax:(818)998-7258 ~MERICAN 1 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/22/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 03183 GMX-MW-62S-81Ft 03/08/00 03/17/00 13 5 03184 GMX-MW-62S-90Ft 03/08/00 03/17/00 13 5 03185 SE-MW-51-73Ft 03/08/00 03/17/00 9.7 5 03186 SE-MW-51-90Ft 03/08/00 03/20/00 14 5 03187 GMX-MW-60-73Ft 03/08/00 03/20/00 90000 5 03188 GMX-MW-60-90Ft 03/08/00 03/20/00 58000 5 03189 SE-MW-21 03/08/00 03/20/00 < 5 5 03191 SE-MW-20S 03/08/00 03/20/00 49 5 03192 SE-MW-20D 03/08/00 03/20/00 < 5 5 I MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias ILaboratory Director ~ -' I. American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca fornia 9'13'1t Te1:(8~8)998-5547 * *, Fax:(8'18)998-7258 M ERICAN I LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103186 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96,029 Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) AA Project No.: A291117 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/20/00 Concentration: 100 ug/L Date Reported: 03/22/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 108 108 110 110 2, 50 - 150 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9'~3'11 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 · * Fax:(8'18)998-7258 I AMERICAN 1 ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTIC~ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/22/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: Sulfate (EPA 375,4)* Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 103191 SE-MW-20S 03/08/00 03/16/00 < 10 10 MRL: Method Reporting Limit *: Subcontracted to a DOHS State-Certified Laboratory. George Havalia$ Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca fornia 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 * * Fax'(818)998-7258 AM ERICAN I LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A,?.91117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/22/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: Chloride (EPA 300.0)* Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 103191 S E-MW-20S 03/08/00 03/10/00 35 2 MRL: Method Reporting Limit *: Subcontracted to a DOHS State-Certified Laboratory. George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca itornia 91311 Te1:(8t8)998-5547 *~ o Fax'(8'18)998-7258 ANALYTICS.~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/16/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA Chain) 8015M(Carbon Date Sampled: 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 Date Extracted: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 AA ID No.: 103183 103184 103185 103186 Client ID No.: GMX-MW-62S-81 GMX-MW-62S-90 SE-MW-51-73Ft SE-MW-51-90Ft MRL Compounds: C06-C08 0.030 0.053 0.057 0,044 0,02 C08-C10 0,044 0.057 0.074 0,078 0.02 C10-C12 <0,02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0,02 C12-C14 < 0,02 <0.02 0.024 < 0.02 0.02 C14-C16 <0.02 <0.02" <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C16-C18 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C 18-C20 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C20-C22 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0,02 0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <.0.02 0.02 C22-C24 C24-C26 < 0.02 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C26-C28 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 · 0.02 C28-C32 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C32-C34 < 0,02 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C34-C36 < 0.02 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C36-C40 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C40-C44 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0,02 Total <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 < 0,2. 0.2 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Calitornia 9'13'1'1 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 ,, ,,, Fax'(8'18)998-7258 ~MERICAN1 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 Client: World Oil Marketfng Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/16/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 03/08/00 Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 Date Extracted: 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 03/13/00 AA ID No.: 103187 103188 103189 103190 Client ID No.: GMX-MW-60-73Ft GMX-MW-60-90Ft ' SE-MW-21 SE-MW-26 MRL Compounds: C06-C06 0.24 2.0 < 0,02 < 0.02 0.02 C08-C10 0.80 0.85 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C10-C12 1.3 1.3 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C12-C14 0.97 0.93 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C14-C16 0.24 0.31 < 0.02 < 0,02 0.02 C16-C18 0.18 0.11 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 Cl 8-C20 0.085 0.028 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C20-C22 0.036 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C22-C24 0.024 <0,02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C24-C26 < O. 02 < O. 02 < O. 02 < O. 02 O. 02 C26-C28 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C28-C32 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C32-C34 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 <0.02 0.02 C34-C36 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C36-C40' <0.02 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C40-C44 < 0,02 .... ,<. ,~) 02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 Total 3.9 5.5 . <0.2 <0.2 0.2 George Havalias Laboratory Director '* American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'131'1 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 * ,, Fax'(818)998-7258 MERICAN LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 3 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291117 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/09/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/16/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 03/08/00 03/08/00 Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 03/13/00 Date Extracted: 03/13/00 03/13/00 AA ID No.: 103191 103192 Client ID No.: SE-MW-20S SE-MW-20D MRL Compounds: C06-C08 0.63 0,042 0.02 C08-C 10 0.18 <0.02 0.02 C10-C12 0.23 0.052 0,02 C12-C14 0.075 0.029 0.02 C14-C16 0.020 <0.02 0.02 C16-C18 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 Cl 8-C20 < 0.02 < 0.02 0,02 C20-C22 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C22-C24 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C24-C26 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C26-C28 < 0.02 <0.02 0.02 C28-C32 <0.02 0.029 0,02 C32-C34 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C34-C36 < 0.02 <0.02 0.02 C36~C40 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C40-C44 < 0.02 <0.02 0.02 Total 1.1 < 0.2 0.2 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca fornia 9t3'I'1 Te1-(8'18)998-5547 * * Fax-(8'18)998-7258 LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103183 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) AA Project No.: A2.91117 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/13/00 Concentration: 200 mg/L Date Reported: 03/16/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Diesel Range Organics 164 82 160 80 2 50 - 150 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9'13t't Te1'(8'18)998-5547 ° ,~ Fax'(8'18)998-7258 J~i,:'-~t~' 93028outli~,~arfiel~t~Avenue ~i~ ~oratory: /~t~,{Te,*~o :'g? '~ ~ South Gate, "~ ;%90980_3896 ~;:,~ ~ Anal~i0al ~ ADDRESS: / I '~ ~ = >~ '''~ PROJECT": 9~-'0~fl PROJECT NAME: Co~ ~ m = ~ m~' m ~ ° ~.~ rAT: =24Hr D48Hr D72Hr ~ormal (5 Days, · DOther( ) ~ g ~ m ~ , ~ ~ ~ '~ SHIPPED VIA: DWalkln Dcourier ~FedEx ~Other( ) z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ O ......................... ,,, ~,,~_~,i~&, ...... . .......... ~,8~ i'~'A ~~ ~.~ --- , Printed Name: ~' ~' Printed Name: Printed Name: Signature:~ Signature: Signature: Dategime: Date~ime: '~ Dategime: .~_ AMERICAN 1 ' Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) Date Date AA I.D, No. Client I.D. No, Sampled Analyzed Results MRL I O3224 Trip-Blank 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 0.1 0.1 103225 MW-11 03/09/00 03/14/00 0.21 0.1 103226 MW-10(R) 03/09/00 03/14/00 < O. 1 O. 1 S E-MW-23S 03/09/00 03/14/00 59 O. 1 O3227 103228 SE-MW-23D 03/09/00 03/14/00 62 O. 1 103229 MW-12 03/09/00 03/14/00 O. 56 O. 1 103230 MW-8 03/09/00 03/14/00 19 O, 1 103231 S E-AS/MW-28D 03/09/00 03/14/00 2.4 O. 1 SE-VE/MW-29D 03/09/00 03/14/00 5.5 O. 1 I O3232 103233 SE-MW-18(R) 03/09/00 03/14/00 5.3 O. 1 103234 Duplicate #1 03/09/00 03/14/00 2.2 O. 1 103235 MW-13 03/09/00 03/14/00 1.8 O. 1 103236 MW-1 03/09/00 03/14/00 0,73 O. 1 103237 MW-14 03/09/00 03/14/00 < O. 1 O. 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit I I i George Havalias '1 Laboratory Director i' W American Analytics --9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9~3~I '1 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax'(8~8)998-7258 AMERICAN ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 _ Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 i Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: Chloride (EPA 300.0)* Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL i 103232 SE-VE/MW-29D 03/09/00 03/16/00 21 2 i MRL: Method Reporting Limit · *: Subcontracted to a DOHS State-Certified Laboratory. ! ! ! ,! ! ! George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9131'1 Te1:(818)998-5547 · · Fax:(818)998~7258 t I AMERICAN 1 ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICS~ ' Page 1 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 ,~ Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: Sulfate (EPA 375.4)* I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL i 103232 SE-VE/MW-29D 03/09/00 03/16/00 < 10 10 · - MRL: Method Reporting Limit I *: Subcontracted to a DOHS State-Certified Laboratory, I I i I i George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · '9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 ,, * Fax'(818)998-7258 ~_AM ERICAN '*/  LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 '11~ Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) "t Date Sampled: 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 Date Analyzed: 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 AA ID No.: 103224 103225 103226 103227 Client ID No.: Trip-Blank MW-11 MW-10(R) SE-MW-23S MRL i Compounds: Benzene <0.5 5.5 <0.5 400 0.5 i Ethyl benzene < 0.5 4.0 < 0.5 1400 0.5 Toluene < 0.5 11 < 0.5 13000 0.5 i , Xylenes < 1 22 < 1 7400 1 ! I i i ! George Havalias '1' Laboratory Director i American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 91314 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 ,, *, Fax'(8'18)998-7258 i ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 · Project No,: 96,029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 i Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) i' Date Sampled: 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 Date Analyzed: 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 AA ID No.: 103228 103229 103230 103231 Client ID No.: SE-MW-23D MW-12 MW-8 SE-AS/MW-28D MRL i Compounds: Benzene 3100 3.6 62 52 0.5 i Ethylbenzene 2400 14 240 28 0.5 Toluene 2200 44 120 19 0.5 I Xylenes 11000 73 1600 39 1 I ! ! ! George HavaJias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te.1:(848)998-5547 · · Fax'(8'18)998-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ~NALYTICS Page 3 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (',BTEX) Date Sampled: 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 Date Analyzed: 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 AA ID No.: 103232 103233 103234 103235 Client ID No,: SE-VE/MW-29D SE-MW-18(R) Duplicate #1 · MW-13 MRL Compounds: Benzene 360 4,9 55 71 0.5 Ethylbenzene 11 51 27 15 0.5 Toluene 19 14 17 23 0.5 Xylenes 59 250 38 64 1 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9~31~ Te1:(8'18)998-5547 * · Fax:(8'18)998-7258 iN ~ L~~MERiCAN ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS cs Page 4 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 03/09/00 03/09/00 Date Analyzed: 03/14/00 03/14/00 AA ID No.: 103236 103237 Client ID No.: MW-1 MW-14 MRL Compounds: Benzene 7.2 <0.5 0,5 Ethylbenzene 8.9 < 0.5 0.5 Toluene 25 0.53 0.5 Xylenes 53 1.3 1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 103224 Trip-Blank 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 5 5 103225 MW-11 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 5 5 103226 MW-10(R) 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 5 5 103227 SE-MW-23S 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 500 5 103228 SE-MW-23D 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 500 5 103229 MW-12 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 5 5 103230 MW-8 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 25 5 103231 SE-AS/MW-28D 03/09/00 03/14/00 45 5 103232 SE-VE/MW-29D 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 5 5 103233 SE-MW-18(R) 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 5 5 103234 Duplicate Cf 1 03/09/00 03/14/00 45 5 10323.5 MW-13 03/09/00 03/14/00 10 5 103236 MW-1 03/09/00 03/14/00 6.0 5 103237 MW-14 03/09/00 03/14/00 < 5 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit NOTES: Samples 103227(SE-MW-23S), 103228(SE-MW-23D), 103230(MW-8) were diluted by a factor of 100, 100 and 5 respectively. Dilution was performed due to matrix interference. As a result of the dilution the reporting detection limit for MTBE was elevated accordingly. ,iI George Havalias Laboratory Director I Amer can Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913'11 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax'(8'18)998-7258 ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) I Date Date · AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL '~'~ 103231 SE-AS/MW-28D 03/09/00 03/17/00 35 5 ¢ 103234 Duplicate Cf 1 03/09/00 03/17/00 41 5 103235 MW-13 03/09/00 03/17/00 8.9 5 i ~103236 MW-1 03/09/00 03/17/00 5.8 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit ! George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9131'1 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 * · Fax'(8'18)998-7258 LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT ANAL'f'TtCS Page 1 Client: Wodd Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103224 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) AA Project No.: A291118 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/14/00 Concentration! 20 ug/L Date Reported: 03/21/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Benzene 20.06 100 20.49 102 2 65 - 135 Ethylbenzene 18.54 93 18.68 93 0 77 - 123 Toluene 18.66 93 18.74 94 1 66 - 134 Xylenes 18.58 93 19.74 99 6 73 - 127 ! George Havalias Laboratory Director i American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 91311 , ' Te1'(818)998-5547 · * Fax'(818)998-7258 DMERICAN LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 IClient: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L I M ethod: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) i Date Sampled: 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 Date Extracted: 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 AA ID No.: 103225 103226 103227 103228 Client ID No.: MW-11 MW-10(R) SE-MW-23S SE-MW-23D MRL Compounds: ~ C06-C08 <0.02 <0.02 2.4 0.73 0,02 C08-C 10 < 0.02 < 0.02 6.6 6.3 O, 02 C10-C12 <0.02 <0.02 1.3 3.0 0.02 C12-C1 <0.02 <0.02 0.16 0.78 0.02 4 C14-C16 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.042 0.02 i C16-C18 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0,02 0.02 · C18-C20 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0,02 C20-C22 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 E C22-C24 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C24-C26 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 I C26-C28 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C28-C32 <0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.034 0.02 C32-C34 < 0.02 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 i' C34-C36 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0,02 0,02 C36:C40 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 i C40-C44 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 0,02 Total <0.2 <0.2 10 11 0.2 _ George Havalias Laboratory Director i American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 943'~'1 , Te1:(8'18)998-5547.o * Fax:(8'18)998-7258 J~AMERICAN1 !~1 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96,029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) Date Sampled: 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 Date Extracted: 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 AA ID No,: 103229 103230 103231 103232 Client ID No.: MW-12 MW-8 SE-AS/MW-28D SE-VE/MW-29D MRL Compounds: C06-C08 0.037 0.19 < 0,02 0.072 0.02 C08-C10 0.13 3.6 0.028 0.26 0.02 C10-C12 < 0.02 1.6 0.12 1.1 0.02 C12-C14 <0.02 0.25 0.070 0.27 0.02 C14-O16 < 0,02 0.061 0,029 0.13 0.02 C16-C18 <0.02 <0.02 <0,02 <0,02 0.02 C18-C20 <0,02 <0,02 <0.02 <0,02 0.02 C20-C22 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0,02 0.02 C22-C24 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0,02 0.02 C24-C26 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 0.02 C26-C28 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C28-C32 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0,02 C32-C34 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0,02 < 0,02 0.02 C34-C36 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0,02 0,02 C36-C40 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C40-C44 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0,02 <0.02 0,02 Total <0.2 5.7 0.26 1.8 0.2 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Californ a 9'i3~'1 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 * * Fax:(8~ 8)998-7258 ~AMERICAN 1 ~[~ I~~1 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 3 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291118 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 iSample Matrix: Water Units: mg~L ' ~ Method: EPA 80ISM(Carbon Chain) i Date Sampled: 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 Date Extracted: 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 03/14/00 AA ID No.: 103233 103235 103236 103237 1 Client ID No.: SE-MW-18(R) MW-13 MW-1 MW-14 · MRL '..~ Compounds: t C06-C08 0.66 0.028 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C08-C 10 1.6 0.12 0.051 < 0.02 0.02 il C10-C12 1.3 0.34 0.15 <0.02 0.02 C12-C14 0.23 0.11 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C14-C16 0.021 0,026 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 i C16-C18 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02. C18-C20 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 ,~ C20-C22 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0,02 C22-C24 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C24-C26 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 I' C26-C28 < 0.02 < 0.02 0,051 < 0.02 0.02 C28-C32 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 ,t C32-C34 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C34-C 36 < 0.02 · < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C36-C40 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 i C40-C44 < < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 0. O2 ~ Total 3.8 0.63 0.29 < 0.2 0.2 i MRL: Method Reporting Limit , George Havalias I Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Calilornia 91311 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 · · Fax'(818)998-7258 ~' AMERICAN .t, ANALYTICS LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No,: 103224 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) AA Project No.: A291118 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/14/00 Concentration: 0.5 mg/L Date Reported: 03/21/00 Spike Dup, Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept, Rec. Compounds (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Gasoline Range Organics 0,47 94,0 0,5 100,0 6.2 51 -.149 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'1341 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 * * Fax'(8'18)998-7258 i ~1~,, ANALYTICS.~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103225 i Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 801 SM(Carbon Chain) AA Project No.: A291118 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 ,j~ Concentration: 200 mg/L Date Reported: 03/21/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. I Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. . Compounds (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) ,1~ Diesel Range Organics 187 94 181 91 3 50 - 150 I George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9'131'1 Te1'(8'18)998-5547 ° o Fax:(8'18)998-7258 LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103231 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) AA Project No.: A291118 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/17/00 Concentration: 100 ug/L Date Reported: 03/21/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 108 108 110 110 2 50 - 150 George Havalias '1' Laboratory Director I American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9~31'1 Te1'(8~8)998-5547 ° · Fax:(8'i8)998-7258 ·UC~i:I::~N :'.~ ' ' South:Gate,9302 South Garheldca 90280-3896Aqenue ' ~palytical Laboratory.: ~ x; ;i~hone (310) 928-0100 F~ (310) 928-0391 ~ecord Lab~ .~ ' ~ ... ~.- ' - SiTEiStATiON~ ADDRESS: 'PROJECT.: '0~' 02 fl PROJECT NAME:. CO 'g~e TAT: :~24Hr ~48Hr' ~72Hr '~.Normal (S Days) ~Other{ ) SHIPPED VIA: ~ ~Courier .,;;~ed Ex ~Other ( ) ~- 0~.Oo COMMENTS: SAMPLERS. NAME DATEglME Printed Printed Name: Printed Name: S6gnature: .... Signature: , .- signature: Dategime: . Date'~ime: Printed Name: ~ {'~ ~ Printed Name: · ., Printed Name: . signature: ~~ Signature:~. :P~' signature?' ~AMERICAN ~ L~¢~I LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 IClient: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 i Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 03289 Trip-Blank 03/10/00 03/15/00 < 0.1 O. 1 03290 MW-6 03/10/00 03/15/00 55 O. 1 03291 SE-MW-24S 03/10/00 03/15/00 7.0 O. 1 03292 SE-MW-24D 03/10/00 03/15/00 5.8 O. 1 03293 MW-19 03/10/00 03/15/00 8.8 O. 1 03294 MW-15 03/10/00 03/15/00 5.8 O. 1 03295 MW-9R 03/10/00 03/15/00 25 O. 1 03296 Duplicate #2 03/10/00 03/15/00 7.5 0.1 MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Havalias I L aboratory Director i American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 913t't Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax'(8'lS)998-7258 AMERICAN 1 ~ , Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103289 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) AA Project No.: A291119 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 Concentration: 0.5 mg/L Date Reported: 03/21/00 Spike · Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (rog/L) (%) (mg/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Gasoline Range Organics 0.52 104.0 0.52 104.0 0.0 51 - 149 I I I I I I I ~ iGeorge Havalias Laboratory Director I American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chotsworfh, California Te1'(818)998-5547 ,, · Fax'(818)998-7258 i LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 I Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No,: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L I Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 03/10/00 03/10/00 03/10/00 03/10/00 Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 AA ID No,: 103289 103290 103291 103292 Client ID No.: Trip-Blank MW-6 SE-MW-24S SE-NIW-24D MRL Compounds: Benzene < 0.5 16000 290 300 0.5 Ethylbenzene < 0.5 1000 250 270 0.5 Toluene <0.5 3400 25 59 0.5 Xylenes < 1 6200 93 160 I ! George Havalias I L aboratory Director I American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'13'1'1 Te1:(8'I8)998-5547 · ' * Fax:(8'18)998-7258 LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 2 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Date Sampled: 03/10/00 03/10/00 03/10/00 03/10/00 Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 AA ID No.: 103293 103294 103295 103296 Client ID No,: MW-19 MW-15 MW-9R Duplicate #2 MRL Compounds: Benzene 93 290 6400 280 0.5 Ethylbenzene 700 690 900 250 0.5 Toluene 1.7 1.8 <25 26 0.5 Xylenes 280 < 1 72 83 1 I MRL: Method Reporting Limit '1 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California Te1'(8'18)998-5547 * · Fax:(8~8)998-7258 AMERICAN 1 ~ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT ANALY'rlCS Page Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103289 I Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) AA Project No.: A291119 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 i Concentration: 20 ug/L Date Reported: 03/21/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup, I Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Benzene 19.39 97 20.25 101 4 65 - 135 I Ethylbenzene 18.71 94 19.18 96 2 77 - 123 Toluene 19.08 95 19.64 98 3 66 - 134 I Xylenes 18,63 93 19.47 97 4 73 - 127 I I I I I I I ! I I ~ George Havalias Laboratory Director I American Analytics o 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9'13'1 '1 ,~ Te1'(8'18)998-5547 ° · Fax:(8'18)998-7258 ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 IClient: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 i Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL I 103289 Trip-Blank 03/10/00 03/15/oo ,< 5 5 103290 MW-6 03/10/00 03/15/00 210 5 103291 SE-MW-24S 03/10/00 03/15/00 < 5 5 I 103292 SE-MW-24D 03/10/00 03/15/00 < 5 5 103293 MW-19 03/10/00 03/15/00 < 5 5 I 103294 MW-15 03/10/00 03/15/00 < 5 5 103295 MW-9R 03/10/00 03/15/00 < 50 5 103296 Duplicate #2 03/10/00 03/15/00 < 5 5 ' I MRL: Method Reporting Limit INOTES: Sample 103295(MW-9R) was diluted 10 fold. Dilution was performed due to petroleum hydrocarbon fuel interference, As a result of the dilution the reporting detection limit for MTBE was elevated accordingly. ! I '1 George Havalias I L aboratory Director I American Analytics - 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9'131'1 Te1.(8'18)998-5547 · * Fax:(8t8)998-7258 Ii I AMERICAN 1 ~/ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS A I S~ Page 1 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L I Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) i Date Sampled: 03/10/00 03/10/00 03/10/00 03/10/00 Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 Date Extracted: 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 03/15/00 AA ID No.: 103290 103291 103292 103293 I Client ID No.: MW-6 SE-MW-24S SE-MW-24D MW-19 MRL Compounds: I C06-C08 3,1 0,41 0,27 0,11 0.02 C08-C10 4,8 0.51 0.50 2.1 0,02 C10-C12 0.88 ' 0.57 0.53 1.4 0.02 I C 12-C14 0,24 0,083 0,11 0.24 0,02 C14-C16 0.11 0,030 0.024 0.052 0.02 I C16-C18 0.043 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C 18-C20 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 . < 0.02 0.02 C20-C22 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.026 0.02 I C22-C24 < 0.02 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C24-C26 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 i C26-C28 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 C28-C32 < 0.02 < 0.02 <0.02 0.023 0.02 C32-C34 < 0,02 <0,02 <0,02 < 0.02 0.02 I C34-C36 < 0.02 < 0,02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C36-C40 < 0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C40-C44 <0,02 <0.02 <0.02 < 0.02 0.02 I Total 9.2 1.6 1,4 3.9 0.2 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth. California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 · · Fax.(818)998-7258 , AMERICAN ~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYTICS Page 2 i Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L I Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) i Date Sampled: 03/10/00 03/10/00 Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 03/15/00 Date Extracted: 03/15/00 03/15/00 AA ID No.: 103294 103295 I Client ID No.: MW-15 MW-9R MRL Compounds: I C06~C08 0.051 0.15 0.02 C08-C 10 0.15 0.95 0.02 i C10'-C12 0.51 2.0 0,02 C12-C14 0.17 3.3 0.02 C14-C16 0.068 3.4 0102 I C16-C18 <0,02 2,4 0.02 C18-C20 <0.02 1.5 0.02 i C20-C22 < 0.02 0.70 0,02 C22-C24 < 0, 02 0.50 0.02 C24-C26 < 0,02 0.088 0.02 I C26-C28 <0.02 0.12 0.02 C28-C32 < 0.02 0.10 0.02 C32-C34 < 0.02 < 0.02 0,02 I C34-C36 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.02 C36-C40 < 0.02 < 0,02 0.02 I C40-C44 < 0.02 < 0,02 0.02 Total 1.0 15 0.2 I MRL: Method Reporting Limit I I George Havalias I L aboratory Director I American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca iforn a 9~3'1~ Te1:(8'18)998.5547 · ,, Fax:(8'lS)998-7258 ~AMERICAN 1 ~~/ LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT IANALYTI~ Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103225 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: EPA 8015M(Carbon Chain) AA Project No.: A291119 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/15/00 Concentration: 200 mg/L Date Reported: 03/21/00 Spike DUp. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (mg/L) (%) (rog/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Diesel Range Organics 187 94 181 91 3 50 - 150 George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 9'13'1'1 Te1.(8'18)998-5547 ,. ,, Fax'(SlS)998-7258 . ~AMERICAN 1 ~~t LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS Page 1 iClient: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Bate Reported: 03/21/00 i Sample Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 03290 MW-6 03/10/00 03/16/00 160 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit ! ! I George Havalias I Laboratory Director i American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax-(818)998-7258 ..~. AM ERICAN  LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA ID No.: 103048 Project Name: Coffee Road Project No.: 96.029 Method: MTBE (EPA 8260) AA Project No.: A291119 Sample ID: Matrix Spike Date Analyzed: 03/16/00 Concentration: 100 ug/L Date Reported: 03/21/00 Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Accept. Rec. Compounds (ug/L) (%) (ug/L) (%) (%) Range (%) Methyl ~ert-Butyl Ether 88.4 88 88,3 88 0 50 - 150 ! I I i ! George Havalias Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Ca ifornia 91311 Te1:(8t8)998-5547 ° · Fax'(818)998-7258 .~AMERICAN ~~ LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS IANALYTICS Page 1 · IClient: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 i Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L. Method: Chloride (EPA 300.0)* I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL I 103291 S E-MW-24S 03/10/00 03/16/00 16 2 · MRL: Method Reporting Limit I * : Subcontracted to a DOHS State-Certified Laboratory. ! ! ! George Havalias I Laboratory Director American Analytics - 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California ! Te1'(818)998-5547 * · Fax'(818)998-7258 i- ~AM ERICAN I LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS BANALYTICS Page 1 Client: World Oil Marketing Company AA Project No.: A291119 Project No.: 96.029 Date Received: 03/10/00 Project Name: Coffee Road Date Reported: 03/21/00 Sample Matrix: Water Units: mg/L Method: Sulfate (EPA 375.4)* I Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL '1 103291 SE-MW-24S 03/10/00 03/16/00 < 10 10 MRL: Method Reporting Limit i *: Subcontracted to a DOHS State-Certified Laboratory. ! i, George Havalias I L aboratory Director --- American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, Cc] ifornio 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · · Fax-(818)998-7258 ~ ~ South Gate, Ca 90280-3896 ..... ~ ~ Phone (310) 928-010'0 PHONE: (7f~) PROJECT MANAGER: ;TAT:~ = 24Hr':~=?48Hr ~HIPPEDVIA: :~, QWalk'ln ~Courier .~FedEx UOther( Z I i i 1 i i I i I GEOMATRIX APPENDIX B GROUNDWATER MONITORING AND PURGING FIELD DATA SHEETS GEOMATRIX World Oil Corp Former Sunland Oil Refinery 2152 Coffee Road Bakersfield California Groundwater Gauging Form March 2000 Project No. 5825.003 ~ ,~- '~- ~ O 1] [IMeasured By: /~),,~2._C_. , GauGinG Well number Casin~ Screened MP LPH Level Water Level To~l Depth Product GW Order D~ameter ~nte~al Elevation T~me Below MP Below MP of Well Thickness Elevation (~nches) (Ft.) (Ft.) (Ft.) (Ft.) (~t.) (FL MS~) I GMX-MW-61 4 48-113 2 GMX-MW-62(D) 2 148.5-~58 3 GMX-MW-62(S) 2 49-113.5 " ~. 4 SE-MW-27 ~ 72-197 387.72 ~', 5 SE-MW-25 ~ 60-165 387.38 ~ ~ ~' /~ M,5~ 6 ~SE-MW-22 ~ 60-180 388.52 ~, 7 SE-MW-21 ~ '~ 57-182 385.23 8 SE-MW-26 ~ 62-187 385.07 9 SE-MW-20(D) ~ 14~184 383.56 10 SE-MW-20(S) ~ 77-137 382.63 11 MW-11 ~ 72-102 384.35 ~'~, ~.'~. 13 SE-MW-23(S) ~/' 50-130 383.57 14 SE-MW-23(D) ~ 160-165 383.48 ~,~ 1 15 ~W-12 ~ 74-104 383.27 16 MW-8 ,,f 70-90 384.69 ~.~ 17 SE-AS/MW-28(S, '~ 70-~20 388.51 ~ 18 SE-ASIMW-28(D ~ 128-130 .389.16 ~9 SE-V~MW-29(D~~ 70-130 385.31 20 SE-V~MW-29(S', ~- 10~0 385.30 ~ ,~, 21 SE-~-lS(R) ~ 60-125 NS 22 MW~13 ~ 85-115 385.49 ~.,~2~ MW-1 Z 74-~ 387.01 2~ ~-14 ~ 80-120 384.13 25 SE-MW-51 ~" 55-105 383.46 ~*. ~ /~, 5'- 26 GMX-MW-60 4 45-110 NS 27 MW-6 ~ 80-105 387.87 28 SE-MW-24(S) ~ 60-160 383.95 29 SE-MW-24(D) , ~ 170-175 383.16 30 MW-IS ~/ 84-1~ 383.48 .~, 31 MW-15 ~ 72-~2 ' 385.17 32 MW-9(R) ~" 60-125 388.29 33 MW-7 ~ 75-95 385.55; p~ ~ MW~ ~ · 33-53 387.36 35 MW-5 ,~ 75-100 386.82 36 MW-2 ~ ~' ? ? 37 MW-3 '-' ? ? 38 UW-16 ~ 78-108 385.13I O~oma~ix Con~ultan~ In~. FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUI~IBER ADDRESS ~13'2 ~o.~¢'~ ~. ~'~' '~,~:-~.~.//,. ~ Z ~, Page / of ~ :~, - 'Purged Wate{ (gal,) ~ 2-~ ~ z-'t ~ Z- 'Field Measurement Time ~Y~ ~' / ~3.'5'~-' Temperature ( m) ~ ~"e ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ G, Conductivi~ (us/cm) O'ZO d)" 'Z O ~' ,H 7'/'~ g*'~i , ~''~ ~urbidi~ (NTU) ~' ~_, ?/- 0 ~, " Recharge leyet:. ,on~emiomF actor,., 0.022 (2 .in;~..: G;049 (3. '"%~'~'"=? ,.,,,," ;.' ....' ,';"~'.,' :.' '":'''r'' .'."i?;.: ,'~".'~*:: ~:~ '~J,....,: ,., ..., ..... t ~, ' :,'",, '?":}'~;'h:,'~: ;:*'J:;:;?~':';~'i~;?i;i1';';V,~:' ~":~: {" ' ~''~ ~::" : ':X; Purge Start Time ~/0.: 'Z'-~ /0: Z, i / O.....z .5 ~ .--..= Purged Water (g,aI.) Field Measurement Time ~emp, e,rature ( ~) Conductivi~ (us/cra) 2H '~-0 ~ "~.0 ¢~ 7' ,r)rj ~: ,'- Begin purge time: Turbidi~,(NTU) ~'- Total time: Recharge level: 'l' Completed by:~ FIELD DATA 'SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER Page Purge Start Time ?/.'~'0 //,'/'-¥ //';f ~' ~ Purged Water (gal.) '7~/, ~ 7H/, 3 .7~ ~ ~ ~ ' Field Measurement Time /1:/~ t1.'1 ~ //t 2 ~ ~ :~emperature ( ~) ~ ~' ~ ~ ~' ~ ~_ <~' '7 Conductid~ (us/cm) ~. ~ ~ ~.~ ~, ~ ~H ~- 3 ~ ~- ~ 7 ~,~ ~ Begin purge time: Turbidi~ (NTU) ~Z. 5~ ~[' ~ ~, ~ ~(. ( Sampling time: 'oral time: ..... Recha.~ge level: Purge Start Time Purged Water (gal.) Field Measurement Time Temperature ( CF) ~; ~,~ '?y',-:~' ',~,,~'. -"~ Conductivity (us/cra) ,;2-~0 : ~- :BO )H '7,, / ( 7. Z "L. ~' '¢_. G~ ........ Begin Purge time: ' ' Turbidi, ty (NTU) / .~.'Z Total time: Recharge level: ! FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD Oil MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUiVIBEE ADDRESS 2/¢'Z ~..¢'/'.~. ~"~'4~¢,~.~.,~..-¢,,~./'~. ~... Page ,3 of I _.(-:, Purge Start Time Purged Water (gal.) /~', ,3 /~, ,~' /~. ~ .~'- ~ Field Measurement Time Temperature ( CF) Conductivity (us/cm) 2H "' Turbidi[y (NTU) [Total time: ~Recharge Purge Start Time '~1 ".-'~'~. Purged Water (ga!.) [ - .,~ ?""'"' Field Measurement Time ..~..~ --...... TemPerature ( m) ._ .Cond,uctiviW (uslcm) ~'; ~ "~ / ~%'t % % B,egin purge time: Turbidi~.(N~U) ~ ~,~ ~ Sampling time: /"' ;Total time: ~ lAecharge level: .... .. Completed ~y: I FIELD DATA'SHEET i WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER Page ~/' of { --G Purge Start Time Field Measurement Time Temperature ( .~) Conductivi~ (us/cra) pH ~ Total Ume: IRecharge level: Purge Start Time //: ~"~' JPurged Water (ga'L) Total time: 'Recharge level: Completed by: FIELD DATA'SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUi~IBER ADDRESS ~.IS'Z_ c/¢~..~¢._. ;¢¢,z ,,,~/~,.~,¢,,,.~.( ~;..¢_. Page '~ of { -~ Purge Start Time Purged Water (gal.) Field MeasurementT[me /~.'~' /2 Temperature ( ~) ~onductivi~ (us/cra) pH Turb{di~ (NTU) ~.. ~ time: /z.'~ 7 time: e level: Field Measurement Time - Conductiv[~.(us/cm) Total time: iRecharge level: " FIELD DATA'SHEET WORLD O~L IVIARKET~NG COMPANY STATION NUiVIBER ADDRESS .Zl.~2_ ~.~;.~_ ,~4. ..~,.~,.~r;~_/,,,(' (,~/~,. ,.. Page ,Purge Start Time Purged Water (gal,) Field Measurement T~me /~'~ Temperature ( ~) Conduct~vi~ (us/cm) , .. - ~ ISampling time: ~,'~ ~ ' TurbidiW (NT~) ~Recharge level: -. Purge Start Time /5'J/:,~ I t~:~' ~' Purged Water (gal.) /¢"7 ~ {~' 7 4~ ~ ~'~ Field Measurement Time /,~.'/% /5':1"7 Temperature( m~ . ~.~-~ ~. ~-{. ConductiviW (us/cm) ~ ~:[0 ~)'M~ ~ )H ~ '~7 ~' ~ ~ ~,~ I ~Begin purge time: /~,~ Tu~idi~. (NTU) , ~.,~ ¢ ~'~ ¢'Z-.,, ~ (~ ISa'mpling time: ~'~': ' J : ~Rech~rge~ : ~~ .J, Completed by: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER Page 7 Of i, [ .~ Purge Start Time Purged Water (gal.) Temperature ( ~) oH I Total time: Regharge ~eye[: , Purge Start Timer ¢"/:y 7,.. { ~'?j,(? ~ 7,'~'(~ ~) Purged Water (gal.) 3a. '¢' ~ -:~'.~( ~¢~.[ ~ Field MeasurementTime ErT;V I 107:5 ~ ~:o3 Total time: .. Recharge leveE: ~'~ ~"0 I Completed by: . ,/~ FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER Page ~ of ~ ~ Purge Start Time Field Measurement Time Conduc,tivi~,(us/cm) pH Turbidi~ (NTU) Total time: Recharge level: Purge Start Time ?~:t'f ,/g~..' Z~ /°~:j;D !,Purged Water (gal.) /~:., '7 /~-. 7 /~' '? ('~ iField MeasurementTime /¢:¢ / /¢,'30 /0."¢ ~ '---'~' Temperature ( CF) ~ ?- / i ~'~;/:'7 ~ ~]' ~ Conductivity (us2cm) (..O'.~O ~'~. '7_O ~.-~.O ~H ~,. ~ (~, ~. ~.~' ~, ~3c/ Begin purge time: ~ ~;// Recharge level: } ~- ~7' Completed by: ~:~ FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUI~BER Page Purge Start Time /C') :'Z'. 7_ zd~ :Z7'/' /~: Z-(,~ ed Water 4/-~ Field Measurement Time /,~: 'Z ¢, Conductivit ~H Turbidity (NTU) Q~, () time: Total time: e level: Purge Start Time //1,'~7 3~ ed Water ¢~2. 3.2. Field Measurement Time ,.~ ,~ 74). c ~ time: Total time: !Recharge level: Completed by: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD Oil MARKETING COMPANY STATION NU~IBER Page ID of/*63, Purge Start Time i/~' / ;~' / E.' I q /'~,,,'~ 3 Purged Water(gal.) 20, ~ I .E.o.4- Z~'. ~ ¢.2/ . "~ield Measurement Time /~.': t ~ !/. Z ' ~ ~ v Z..~ 2_~ -' ' ~ondu~vi~ (us/cm) ~'/~ O-/0 ~' / 0 ~H ."~, / ~ '7' I I 7.~ ~ ~ .~egin purge Turbidi~(NTU) ~0 D~;~ ~"? ~ ~c~ Sampling time: Total time: aechar~ leyel: Purge Start Time /3.' ~ '$ f ,~ .: .;3 7 led Water. al.) Field Measurement Time /j.¢: ~/~, Temperature ( cF.) Conductivity (us/cm) ~[. (,,. time: time: e level: ! FIELD DATA SHFET STATION NUMBER Page Purge Start Time Purged Water (gal.) Field Measurement Time / Temperature ( . ~F) ? .Conductivity (us/cm) pH Turbidi~ (NTU) ........... ,Recharge level: Purge Star~ Time ed Water ~al.) .,7. C~ Field Measurement Time 'emperature ( CF) ?~- C) ?~.o. ~,~ 76~. ~ ~H 7,¢/ D/. ~ ¢~ ~ time: Total time: Recharge level: Completed by: FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUi~IBER. Pa§e ~'~ of.,, ~ G Purge Start Time ed Water Field Measurement Time /'& ,~g~ / Conductivity (us/cra) jTurbidity (NTU) time: !Total time: e level: Purge Start Time /&:gO I Purged Water (gal.) I Field Measurement Time i ,"~: .' ~'. '~. iT. emperature ( CF) i ~ 0- / Conductivity (us/cra) ~H (NTU) ~,4~'~ '~! Begin purge time: I /"~':'~ time: T,urbidity. , Total time: Recharge leveh Completed by: ! ~ FIELO DATA SHEET I , WORLD OiL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER t~ ADDRESS Zf~'Z. ~ ~ ~'~. ~:~..~..., ~,.~(¢,,(' . ~.o Page /Z of. [ -G Purge Start Time ed Water, Field Measurement Time ,,~o NTU) time: ,x~ .~ ,5' Total time: Recharge level: I' P u~..~..~ Start Time ~ ~ Time ~) ITemperature ( CF) i~ Begi--'-'-~purge time: Sampli,ng time: Total time: _ Recharge level: ~ .. 1' Completed by: ! FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMBER Purge Start Time Purged Water (gal..) /.~- Field Measurement Time Temperature ( ~) Conduc~vi~ (uslcm) )H ~-O ~ ~. ~ ~ ~. ~'~ .. ~ Begin purge time: Sampling time: , Total time: Recharge level: ~-'~ Field Measurement Time ~¢~(~ ¢¢.'0 ~ ~¢~ Z~ Conductivi~ (us/cm) 0 '~ ~2 'Z~') ~ Total time: Recharge level: ~ ~ ¢, ¢ (/" FIELD DATA SHEET WORLD OIL MARKETING COMPANY STATION NUMI~ER Page Purge StartTime I~: k/00?:~'O /O110~ ' .'~. Purged Water{gal.) .... pH , Turbidi~ (NTU) .... j ' Total time: Recharge level: [Purge Start Time Water ral.) Field Measurement Time Conductivil time: time: ~e: ~e level: . Completed by: FIELD DATA SHEET I, WORLD OIL MARKE'i~NG COMPANY · STATION NUi~IBE.R Page /¢' of ~_..~..~ I Purge Start Time /t':..~ ~ t'[: ~ ~,[J ~i~ "' Purged Water (gal.) [Field Measurement Time Turbidi~ (NTU) '~.,,,~ I Total time: Recharge level: · ; ~-¢,-,,,.u,,'¢..,,~',.:: '""'"":(,~'.'~:..'"',~'~",':~",.~i'"',';~*', Field ~easurementTime ~/'Z :~ % /'~:'CG /~.'~0 ';I I Conductivi~ (uslcm) Tu~id!~.(NTU) Total time: Recha~ge,,leveh Campteted by: WELL GAUGING/SAMPLING CHECKLIST ~,~oj~c~.: 9~.oz2 ~ LOCATION: DATE GAUG~G/SA~L~G: OF TASK C~C~T ~- Well cap secured ~ Well cap locked ~ Well box clewed =d free of water ~ Tr~fic Cover secured WELL ~PAIRS SIT~ O~S~RVA~OmS i I DRUMS ~ ~LYES [] NO I GENERATOR: DATE OF ORIGIN CONTENTS: ~,: ~:~' ~ ~'"*~.i~;. ~!i~' ' ii"i ' '~ I . [] WATER [] SOIL [] GASOLINE []OTHER I I, 'l I I I I I I I ! I ! I I I I I I I I I GEOMATRIX APPENDIX C PURGED GROUNDWATER DISPOSAL DOCUMENTATION ~UI\LU UiL U~t/ 6VI UV lu.dv ~ ,vvv~ v~ ~. · . NO. 09339 ] NON~.HAZARDOUS WASTE DATA FORM llOl\l, IJ gJ~ U~/~0/UU IU'~I r,uu~/uu~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS / is hal m~irnd ~ F~eral law. WASTE MANIFE~ · .':' '-..: ~. T~nsport~r 1 Company Nome 6. US ~PA ID Number . , '"'..~; '..~'~.*: · '  ~'L'.:' "';'j"Z:."' '' ;.', ~'''''': ..... ":: '"""" 9. Di~i~aol.d~ ~~0 .F"cili~ N~m~ ~.d. Si~i~~Addr.sI ~ 10, u5 EP~ ID Number ~l~t¢ F~il ~o ~ , ~~ ~' ,~,.. ~ ..... ' .......... 12. (¢~/aJners 13. TolaJ .. '-':'." '" ." 1 ~, US DOT O~r~pfian ((ncJu~E~ Proper 5hlpp~n~ Name, H~a~ Cl~, and ID Number) guonti~ · , $~, . . . ·  :.... ';':..~ :',-,,: ,. ~ '~ ;;.,., ..., 16, GEHE~TOR'S CERTIFI~TION; I ~ ptaCl~c~Je and ~al t ~ave ~e~ecle~ t~e ~a~cable melho~ of Ireaf~nl, i~orag~, ar d;~po~a[ cogently a~ilable to me w~ic~ ~n~mizes the peesent and ~ue. ~reot ,amr 1 ~f ~l~rlals /~"- ~ - " " r -- 19. Di~cre~n~ Indication CerHhcc malmi WRITE BELOW' THIS LINE. ,,' Ip TSC BD2~A J4/971 Wh rSD[- SENDS THIS COPY TO D¥SC WITHIN :30 DAYS, A 8700---22 To: P,O. Box 3go0. Sacromenla, CA 9.5812