HomeMy WebLinkAboutANNUAL REMEDITION SUMMARY REP. 6/31/2000 330 W. Bay Street, Suite 140 Coal:a Mesa, California 92S27 [9491642-0245 · FAX [949] 642-4474 GEOMATI=IIX I I 27, 2000 January 5825.001 I i John T. Mitchell, Esq. Deputy District Attorney Kern County District Attorney's Office I · Consumer and Environmental Protection Unit ,· 1'215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 I Subject: ,Annual Remediation Progress Report January through December 1999 I Former Sunland Oil Refinery, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 95-702 SJYAPCD Authority to Construct Permit No. S-207-42-5 I Dear Mr. Mitchell: I On behalf of World Oil Corp. (World), Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. (Geomatrix) has prepared this annual subsurface remediation report for the former Sunland Oil Refinery in Bakersfield, ~ California (Figure 1). The remediation data obtained and monitoring activities conducted during IJanuary 1 through December 31, 1999 are summarized in this report. INTRODUCTION. 'l This report has been prepared pursuant to the "Final Judgement Pursuant to Stipulation" (KCSC No. 228 399-RA). The CAO directs Sunland Refining Corporation to comply with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region's (RWQCB) Cleanup I and Abatement Order (CAO) No. 95-702 dated April 27, 1995. Item 8 of the Final Judgement requires the submittal of an annual summary regarding the status of site remediation efforts to contain and remediate groundwater and soil impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons under CAO I No. 95-702. The Sunland facility is divided into three main areas: the former West Tank Farm (WTF), the I former refinery plant/former South Tank Farm and the North Tank Farm (STF), existing (Figure 2). I ! Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. I Engineers, Geologists, and Environmental Scientists John T. Mitchell, Esq. Kern County District Attorney's Office January 27, 2000 Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Based on the progress of 1999 remedial activities, the following summary and conclusions are presented: · Remedial Activity, - During 1999, the high capacity vapor extraction system (HCVES) removed approximately 471,411 pounds of total petroleum hydrocarbon mass from the subsurface. A cumulative total of 858,557 pounds of hydrocarbons have been removed to date. Eight new extraction wells were installed and connected to the HCVES between June 2 and August 15, 1999. Above ground storage tanks, to temporarily store knockout water and liquid phase hydrocarbons (LPH), were installed between September 26 and November 30, 1999. The work plan submitted to the RWQCB on December 21, 1999 for installation of four additional on-site remediation wells was approved by the RWQCB on January 10, 2000. · Off-site Assessment Activities - Assessment activities to further characterize the extent of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents in groundwater, as required in CAO 95-702, continued in the downgradient direction to the northwest. The work plan prepared by The Source Group and submitted to the RWQCB on July 2, 1999 to install three additional off-site monitoring wells was approved by the RWQCB on September 13, 1999. Installation of these wells is scheduled for February 2000. REMEDIAL ACTIVITY FOR 1999 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Subsurface remedial activities at the former Sunland Oil Refinery facility began on March 22, 1996 with soil vapor extraction (SVE) and air sparging (AS) remediation systems. SVE and AS systems were operated at the STF until June 19, 1998 and at the WTF until July 30, 1998. Installation of the HCVES replaced the existing systems and operation of the HCVES started on September 16, 1998. Figure 2 shows the location of the treatment system. During 1999, remedial operations were performed in accordance with the requirements contained in the permit(s). Several upgrades to the treatment system also were performed during the year. · Four air sparge/vapor extraction (AS/VE) wells (TSG-AS/VE-52 through 55) and four vapor extraction wells. (TSG-VE-56 through TSG-VE-59) were installed between June 22 and 24, 1999. These extraction wells the between 2 and eight were connected to HCVES July 1 August 15, 1999. · The revised Authority to Construct permit (SJVAPCD No. S-207-42-5), issued on October 26, 1999, permitted replacement of the 450-gallon LPH polytank in the WTF with a 500-gallon steel tank, installation of a new 500-gallon steel tank at the STF, and treatment of i P:k5825.000.0X5825.001.0\99AnnualkMitchell.doc I GEOMATRIX John T. Mitchell, Esq. Kern County District Aftomey's Office January 27, 2000 Page 3 liquid collected by the HCVES knockout pots using the flare. These modifications to the aboveground storage tanks were completed between September 26 and November 30, 1999. · Geomatrix submitted a work plan to the RWQCB on December 21, 1999 to describe the installation of four additional AS/VE wells to enhance recovery of LPH. The RWQCB approved this work plan on January 10, 2000. Installation of these wells is scheduled for February 2000. During 1999, the HCVES removed approximately 471,411 pounds of hydrocarbons. Remediation using soil vapor extraction accounts for a cumulative total of 8583557 pounds of hydrocarbons removed to date (Figure 3). HCVES operations are summarized in Appendix A. LPH recovery pumps in wells MW-7 and SE-SVE-42 removed an estimated 80 gallons of LPH. Hand bailing of wells MW-5, MW-16, SE-VE-48C, SE-VE-49B~ and SE-VE-49C removed approximately 28 gallons of LPH during the first half of 1999. During the second half of 1999, flexible PVC hoses ("stingers") were installed in wells SE-VE-43C, SE-AS/VE-44D, and SE-AS/VE-47C to remove LPH and to replace hand bailing as the LPH removal method. The product stingers are attached to the existing HCVES and the LPH is extracted via air lift created by the vacuum of the vapor extraction blowers. The product stingers removed approximately 326 gallons of LPH for a total of 434 gallons removed during 1999. The total volume of LPH removed (including hand bailing) since December 1996 is approximately 1020 gallons. LPH removal activities are summarized in Appendix B. Monitoring Monitoring of subsurface conditions during remedial activities has been performed during weekly operation and maintenance (O&M) of the HCVES and LPH removal system and by semi-annual groundwater gauging and sampling. During the HCVES operation, weekly O&M activities entail measuring system parameters including extraction flow rates, system vacuum, processing temperatures, and utility usage for electricity and supplementary natural gas. Hydrocarbon concentrations in the vapor stream are measured for the total system and from individual extraction wells. From the weekly data, efficiency of the system is calculated, operation of the sYstem is optimized, and the mass of volatile hydrocarbons removed from the subsurface is calculated. Based on laboratory analyses of extracted total petroleum hydrocarbon and benzene, hydrocarbon concentrations in have remained relatively constant during the vapor year, indicating that the mitigation process is effective and that sufficient hydrocarbon remains in the subsurface to operate the systems at full capacity. Groundwater monitoring and sampling were performed in March and October 1999. Figure 4 shows a site map depicting monitoring well locations. The groundwater elevation data and analytical results are summarized in Table 1 and Tables 2 and 3, respectively. I P:\S 825,000.0\5825.001.0\99Annual\Mitchell.doc I == GEOMATI~IX John T. Mitchell, Esq. Kern County District At~0rney's Office January 27, 2000 Page 4 Semi-annual groundwater monitoring results show an average decrease of 1.35 feet in groundwater elevations from first quarter 1999 to fourth quarter 1999. The calculated groundwater gradient was approximately 0.009 feet/foot to the northwest, from the (0.9%) away Kern River. Groundwater data, sUmmarized in the 1999 Semi-Annual Monitoring and Status Reports, are presented in Appendix C. Groundwater contour and hydrocarbon concentration maps 1999 are presented Appendix for in D. OFF-SITE ASSESSMENT FOR 1999 Based on the ongoing groundwater monitoring data, delineation of the lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents in groundwater has been achieved laterally except in the downgradient direction northwest'of the subject site. In 1997 and early 1998, World completed negotiations to obtain access to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) Kern Steam Plant to initiate off-site assessment in the northwest downgradient direction, and on August 27, 1998, monitoring well SE-MW-51 was installed. Analytical results of the March 25, 1999 sampling event for SE-MW-51 showed a decrease in total petroleUm hydrocarbons quantified using a gasoline standard (TPHg) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MtBE) concentrations compared to the original sampling event on September 3, 1998. TPHg decreased from 1,100 micrograms per liter (gg/1) to less than 50 gg/1 and MtBE decreased from 3,890 p.g/1 to 190 ~g/1. Since the MtBE concentration was above the public health goal of 13 [tg/l, the RWQCB requested that World further defme the extent of MtBE by installing one or more additional monitoring points downgradient of SE-MW-51. In a work plan submitted to the RWQCB on July 2, 1999, The Source Group, Inc. (TSG) proposed to conduct an additional assessment of the extent of hydrocarbons by installing three additional monitoring wells (TSG-MW-52, TSG-MW-53, and TSG-MW-54) northwest 'of the WTF on the PG&E property. The RWQCB approved the July 2, 1999 work plan on September 13, 1999 and requested (in Items 2 and 3) that World provide the RWQCB with: (1) an assessment of the need for sampling within approximate 1000-foot gap between proposed wells; and (2) a description of sampling methods to avoid sample dilution during sampling of the long-screened, shallow monitoring wells. Geomatrix submitted a work plan on December 21, 1999 addressing the two requested items. The December 21, 1999 work plan was approved by the RWQCB on January 10, 2000. SCHEDULE " Operation and maintenance of the remediation system will continue in 2000. The next groundwater monitoring and sampling event is scheduled for March 2000. The downgradient assessment and on-site remediation wells are scheduled to be installed by early February 2000. The well installation will be submitted to the RWQCB within 30 report days of receiving the final analytical results for the soil. P:\5825.000.O~5825.001.O\99AnnualhMitchell.doc John T. Mitchell, Esq. I District Attorney's Office Kern County January 27, 2000 i Page 5 Within two weeks of off-site monitoring well installation and development, 'groundwater samples · will be collected. The well installation and groundwater analytical data of the new monitoring ~I wells will be reported to the RWQCB within 30 days of receiving final analytical results. We appreciate your attention to this project and if you have any questions or need any additional information on this report, please contact the undersigned at (949) 642-0245. I Sincerely, GEOMATRIX CONSULTANTS, INC. ', I Calvin H. Hardcastle, P.E. I Senior Engineer. Attachments: Figure 1-Site Location Map I Figure 2-Remediation/Monitoring Well and Tre/ttment System Locations Figure 3-Cumulative Pounds of Hydrocarbon Removed versus Time Figure 4-Monitoring Well Locations I Table 1-Groundwater Elevation Data Table 2-Groundwater Analytical Data Table 3-Groundwater Analytical Data for Chloride and Sulfate I Appendix A-HCVES Summary Tables 1999 Appendix B-LPH Removal Summary Tables 1999 Appendix C-Groundwater Monitoring.and Status Reports 1999 I Appendix D-Groundwater Contour and Hydrocarbon Concentration Maps 1999 cc: Mr. John Hundley, World Oil Corp. I Ms. Cl~ristine Mirabel, World Oil Corp. Mr. Philip Jay, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Mr. David Troop, California RWQCB - Central Valley Region I Walls, RWQCB - Central Valley Region Mr. Russell W. California · Mr. Ralph E. Huey, City of Bakersfield, Hazardous Materials Division - Mr. Bruce Howard, Latham & Watkins I Mr. Christopher Burger, Klein, DeNatale & Goldner, LLP. P:k5825.000.0k5825.001.0\99AnnualLMitch¢II.doc ! I i I I I I I ~" I I I i I GEOMATRIX FIGURES ' -~9-- ~ .....~ ~ ~~. '" ~ i ' ~ ....... -.. --. .... ...... ; , ~ ~ 7:.. '. ~ i .... · ; ~ '-- ~~.: ....... :' ;, . ...... ~ : .~..,: ...- .... ..... . .... .- .... ,~ ~/ ~ ~';: : /' .,.. .~...:.?.,.¥-. .. ~,: , · ...... , ~- . ........... ~ ' . :~ ~.. : ,~ ~ · ..- ~-- ~:....... _~ >-,-,.,:. .:~-~ ....... ,,:~ . ~]~ '~.,.. · .~...,,, t..~ .... , ~ [.' q,' '~ U ~ ~-.~ .' '~.... ~ ....................... ~ .,)t: ~,,, .... ~.,.~ ~ ..~ , . ,; . ' . ~~~ %,. -.~ ~' ', ~ ...~, '.~,. :. ., . ' .~.~. ~ f · ,~. ..~)/ ;..~;~ ~.,,? ~ .,,- ~ · · .,. ' ., ,,e:~<'', ', ' ~ .4.' ' ~ APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET Figure 8y Projecl NO. FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY 2152 Coffee Rood .2 Figur~ GEOMATRIX Bokersfield, Colifornie o~t, 1 01/05/00 / NORTH TANK FARM m, EXPLANATION u. LEASE LINE, PROPERTY BOUNDARY I' ~ CENTER LINE OF COFFEE ROAD m / 6 FT. CHAIN LINK FENCE LINE I , .- ~ ~, ~ I'~-~ EARTH CONTAINMENT DIKE MW-6 SE-MW-51 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION SE-VE/AS-34 "= /---TSG-ASNE-54 SE-VEJMVV~29 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION/GROUNDWATER m · MONITORING WELL LOCATION / ', : f ~ SE-AS/MW-28 AIR SPARGE POINT/GROUNDWATER 4~ MONITORING WELL LOCATION & Air SPARGE WELL LOCATION ,immm PAN PA'cIFIC TSG-ASNE-SS TRIPLE NESTED VAPOR EXTRACTION WELL _~ ) SE-VE/A~-36 i ~ '~ ~ LOCATION MW-13~ ~MW-1 · · .~-- -- '-~--.'-- "- .SEMW-5 J SE-SVE-59 SOIL vAPOR EXTRACTION WELL LOCATION I SE-AS-33~ SE-AS-39 F SEE-VE-47 SE-ASNE-46 SE-VE/MW-29 · MW-14G MANIFOLD _ _. m SE-VE-49 SOUTH TANK FARM , SE-VE-48 =~---'!1~-- .... · SE-AS-30 I- .,1 MW-7 ~ S~-AS-31 AND REFINERY .mREMEDIATIONSdIL VAPOR EXTRACTION/AIRIsYSTEM COMPOUND (WEST ~ ~ '~s~., !.-3: TSG-VE-5? /__~ --MW-a~. ' S P AR O E ~ ~ FSE-AS-41 ..... · TSG-VE-56 ~ ~D TSG-VE-59 2 S J ' ~// ~--'HIOH CAPACTY SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SIDE FACILITY) SE-MW-24(S/D) o ) TSG-VE-58 · ~ =~w-15 ~_SE SIDE FACILITY) NOTES: SE-MW-18(R)~ E/AS-3 ' -- ']. 1. SOURCE OF MAP: PATRICK AND HENDERSON INC., S.P.C.C. FACILITY PLAN, TANK FARMS AND REFINERY, DATED \ ~! c:Zz~MW. 19 MW-12 DECEMBER 13, 1985. NEW COFFEE ROAD ELEVATED BERM, m ' \L ~ FORMER COFFEE ROAD, AND PG~,E SITE INFORMATION FROM 3. SITE FEATURES AND STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. I (~MW-11 SE-MW-22 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET provided by The Source Group, Inc. '" ~ ~ ~ ~ SE-MW-21 MONITORING/REMEDIATION m § ~.~' SE-~ WELL AND TREATMENT ~i~; ......... SYSTEM LOCATIONS FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY ',re, m2152 Coffee Road Bakersfield, California ~q-~y §. ~ Figure By poh Pr°jec' N°' I Figur2e 5825 ' : ,g_gg GEOMATRIX Ol/18/oo 6 ,000,000 - Notes: 1. SVES started on 3122196. 900,000 - 2. SVES upgraded to High-capacity extraction system 9/16/98 (startup). 3. Temporary (10122198-118199) HCVES shutdown, pending system modifications. 4. Temporary (1125199-3131199) shutdown during STF demolition. 800,000 5. TSG Inc., began operating the HCVES. 6. HCVES shutdown due to system upgrade/installation activities. !7. HCVES shutdown due to system upgrade/installation activities. 700,000 - 6 600,000, 500,000 - 400,000 - 3 J"- 2 30O,OO0 - 200,000 100,000 0 0 04 04 '~" (D ~0 0 04 04 ~ r~O DATE  CUMULATIVE POUNDS OF HYDROCARBONS REMOVED VERSUS TIME Figure by Project No. SC 5825.001 FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY GEOMATRIX 2152 Coffee Road Date Figure No. Bakersfield, California 1/27/00 3 P: X5825.000.0X5825.001.0\99Annual\OM Tables\Figure3 I EXPLANATION SE-MW-51 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL Ii . ~ LOCATIONS SE-VFJMW-29 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION/GROUNDWATER · MONITORING WELL LOCATION MW-3' ~ SE-AS/MW-28 ,NE SPARGE POINT/GROUNDWATER I ~ MONITORING WELL LOCATION I SE-MW-51~ I i TAN K FARM I 1. SOURCE OF MAP: PATRICK AND HENDERSON INC., S.P.C,C. FACILITY PLAN, TANK FARMS AND REFINERY, DATED ~ DECEMBER 13, 1985. NEW COFFEE ROAD ELEVATED BERM, ~ FORMER COFFEE ROAD, AND PG~E SITE INFORMATION FROM ! CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE DISTRICT. 2. MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS AND SITE BOUNDARY LINES WERE SURVEYED BY AZIMUTH BOUNDARY SPECIALISTS ON MARCH 18 AND NOVEHBER 5, ~996. I 5. SITE FEATURES AND STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. ~MW-6 .... =, : : :: : : : : : : : : : ::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::: : : : : : : : :: : : ~ MW-13~MW-1 ~' ' I ~ ~ ~MW-5 , ~ --.~ ~l MW'71 I -- AND REFINERY I , /l "t I ~ s- ' MW-S , SE-MW-2,, . \/ ',f'/ ~ , \SE-MW-2,,(S,~)~ " II I -''---.~_-"~_, ' MW-~O(R)~! [ 6~MW 11 ~, I ' I APPROX[M~,?E SCALE [N ~ ~ __. ~ SE-MW-22 ,~;~ , . MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS ~.~P~ , ~ , FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY ' ~" I ~ s~-~w-21 ~' , 2152 Coffee Rood I ~ t sE-~w-2~ ~ Bakersfield. Colifornio I ~ ~~ Fi~ur~ By Project No. Rigure =~ poh/gc 582~ ~ Date MaP NO. ~ GEOMATRIX o~As/oo I I I i I I i I I I I I i I GEOMATRIX TABLES I TABLE 1 Page l o£ 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA I Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPHza Water2 Thickness Elevation~ MW-1 NS4 8/28/98 __5 73.08 0.00 NC6 (74 - 84) NS 3/22/99 -- 64.40 0.00 NC NS 10/13/99 . -- 65.29 0.00 NC MW-4 389.31 3/3/98 50.55 52.30 1.75 NC (33 - 53) 387.367 8/28/98 ._ ,8 0.00 NC 387.36 3/22/99 -- * 0.00 NC 387.36 10/13/99 -- * 0.00 NC MW-5 392.09 11/7/96 97.49 97.92 0.43 NC 392.09 3/17/97 85.30 87.39 2.09 NC (75 - 100) 392.09 6/11/97 81.39 82.30 0.91 NC 392.09 9/8/97 87.45 89.1.7 1.72 NC 392.09 12/9/97 77.54 78.71 1.17 NC 392.09 3/3/98 75.79 77.18 1.39 NC 386.827 8/28/98 64.45 67.05 2.60 NC 386.82 3/22/99 55.73 68.42 12.69 NC 386.82 10/13/99 59.91 61.52 1.61 NC MW-6 387.87 11/7/96 -- 100.37 0.00 287.50 387.87 3/17/97 -- 90,88 0.00 296,99 (80 - 105) 387.87 6/I 1/97 -- 85.13 0.00 302.74 387,87 9/8/97 -- 81.85 0.00 306.02 387,87 12/9/97 -- 89.63 0.00 298.24 387.87 3/3/98 -- 87.98 0.00 299.89 387.87 8/28/98 -- 71.48 0.00 316.39 387.87 3/22/99 -- 63.31 0.00 324.56 387.87 10/13/99 -- 62.98 0.00 324.89 MW-7 385.55 3/17/97 81.33 81.49 0.16 NC 385.55 6/11/97 76.03 86.46 10.43 NC (75 - 95) 385.55 9/8/97 75.35 75.48 0.13 NC 385.55 12/9/97 NGP9 NGP NGP NC 385.55 3/3/98 NGP NGP NGP NC 385.55 8/28/98 63.90 72.70 8.80 NC 385.55 3/22/99 54.45 73.34 18.89 NC 385.55 l 0/13/99 -- 58.45 0.00 327.10 MW-8 388.63 3/17/97 82.60 82.70 0.10 NC 388.63 6/11/97 -- 78.62 0.00 310.01 (70 - 90) 388.63 9/8/97 82.50 82.65 0.15 NC 388.63 12/9/97 -- 74.80 0.00 313.83 388.63 3/3/98 -- 76.33 0.00 312.30 384.697 8/28/98 -- 61.65 0.00 323.05 384.69 3/22~99 sheen after bailed 54.57 · 0.00 330.12 384.69 10/13/99 -- 56.92 0.00 327.77 SE-MW-9(R) 388.39 3/17/97 94.44 94.84 0.40 NC 388.39 6/I 1/97 83.74 85.59 1.85 NC (60 - 125) 388.39 9/8/97 81.59 83.24 1.65 NC 388.39 12/9/97 NGP NGP NGP NC 388.39 3/3/98 NGP NGP NGP NC 388.29 8/28/98 -- 70.21 0.00 318.08 388.29 3/22/99 sheen after bailed 62.86 0.00 325.43 388.29 10/13/99 -- 62.47 0.00 325.82 I P:\5825.000~5825,0005\HISTORICALGWTABLE-UPTOI099- tbls.xls\TABLE I I GEOMATRIX I TABLE l Page 2 of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA I Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH~z Water~ Thickness Elevation~ i MW-10(R) 386.97 3/7/96 -- 101.76 0.00 285.21 386.97 6/11/96 -- 92.65 0.00 294.32 (60- 160) 386.97 8/20/96 -- 88.03 0.00 298.94 386.97 11/7/96 -- 81.81 0.00 305.16 I 386.97 3/17/97 -- 72.69 0.00 314.28 386.97 6/11/97 --' 68.97 0.00 318.00 386.97 9/8/97 -- 65.85 0.00 321.12 386.97 12/9/97 -- 65.74 0.00 32l .23 I 386.97 3/3/98 -- 64.21 0.00 322.76 386.97 8/28/98 -- 57.60 0.00 329.37 386.97 3/22/99 -- 51.54 0.00 335.43 386.97 10/13/99 -- 51.39 0.00 335.58 I MW-11 384.35 8/20/96 -- 92.36 0.00 291.99 384.35 11/7/96 -- 86.78 0.00 297.57 (72 - 102) 384.35 3/17/97 -- 76.19 0.00 308.16 384.35 6/11/97 -- 72.66 0.00 311.69 I 384.35 9/8/97 -- 70.35 0.00 314.00 384.35 12/9/97 -- 69.98 0.00 314.37 384.35 3/3/98 -- 68.22 0.00 316.13 384.35 8/28/98 -- 61.54 0.00 322.81 I 384.35 3/22/99 -- 52.18 0.00 332.17 384.35 .10/13/99 -- 54.72 0.00 329.63 MW-12 386.27 3/7/96 -- * 0.00 NC 386.27 6/11/96 -- 96.71 0.00 289.56 (74 - 104) 386.27 8/20/96 -- 92.73 0.00 293.54 386.27 11/7/96 -- 86.81 0.00 299.46 386.27 3/17/97 -- 76.90 0.00 309.37 386.27 6/11/97 -- 72.81 0.00 313.46 386.27 9/8/97 -- 70.07 0.00 316.20 386.27 12/9/97 -- 69.46 0.00 316.81 383.27 3/3/98 -- 68.01 0.00 315.26 383.27 8/28/98 -- 59.45 O. O0 323.82 383.27 3/22/99 -- 52.52 0.00 330.75 383.27 10/13/99 -- 55.07 0.00 328.20 MW-13 385.49 I 1/7/96 -- 103.88 0.00 281.61 385.49 3/17/97 -- 93.06 0.00 292.43 (85 - 115) 385.49 6/11/97 -- 89.19 0.00 296.30 385.49 9/8/97 -- 86.74 0.00 298.75 385.49 12/9/97 -- 84.92 0.00 300.57 385.49 3/3/98 -- 82.15 0.00 303.34 385.49 8/28/98 -- 75.78 0.00 309.71 385.49 3/22/99 -- 67.40 0.00 318.09 385.49 10/13/99 -- 68.31 0.00 317.18 MW-14 384.13 1 I/7/96 -- 99.51 0.00 284.62 384.13 3/17/97 -- 88.37 0.00 295.76 (80 - 120) 384.13 6/11/97 -- 83.97 0.00 300.16 384.13 9/8/97 -- 81.40 0.00 302.73 384.13 12/9/97 -- 79.35 0.00 304.78 384.13 3/3/98 -- 77.30 0.00 306.83 384.13 8/28/98 -- 70.93 0.00 313.20 384.13 3/22/99 -- 62.18 0.00 321.95 384.13 10/13/99 -- 63.33 0.00 320.80 P:\5825.000X5825.0005\HISTORiCALGWTABLE-UPTOI099- IbIs.xls\TABLE ! GEOMATRIX TABLE 1 Page 3 of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) ElevationI Date LPH2a Water2 Thickness Elevationl MW-15 385.17 8/20/96 -- 97.04 0.00 288.13 385.17 11/7/96 -- 91.66 0.00 293.51 (72 - 92) 385.17 3/17/97 ~- 81.42 0.00 303.75 385.17 6/I 1/97 -- 76.68 0.00 308.49 385.17 9/8/97 -- 74.18 0.00 310.99 385.17 12/9/97 -- 73.67 0.00 311.50 385.17 3/3/98 -- 71.45 0.00 313.72 385.17 8/28/98 -- 62.40 0.00 322.77 385.17 3/22/99 -- 56.86 0.00 328.31 385.17 10/13/99 -- 57.37 0.00 327.80 MW-16 385.13 8/20/96 104.90 109.93 5.03 NC 385.13, 11/7/96 96.64 109.92 13.28 NC (78- 108) 385.13 3/17/97 87.60 90.80 3.20 NC 385.13 6/I 1/97 79.80 89.49 9.69 NC 385.13 9/8/97 75.35 75.48 0.13 NC 385.13 12/9/97 NGP NGP NGP NC 385.13 3/3/98 73.89 73.92 0.03 NC 385.13 8/28/98 67.75 68.10 0.35 NC 385.13 3/22/99 59.70 60.00 0.30 NC 385.13 10/13/99 60.41 60.42 0.01 NC SE-MW-18(R) NS 3/17/97 -- 82.64 0.00 NC NS 6/11/97 -- 79.74 0.00 NC (60- 125) NS 9/8/9~ ~- 77.69 0.00 NC NS 12/9/97 -- 75.79 0.00 NC NS 3/3/98 -- 73.02 0.00 NC NS ~ 8/28/98 -- 66.84 0.00 NC NS 3/22/99 -- 57.41 0.00 NC NS 10/13/99 -- 58.34 0.00 NC MW-19 383.48 3/7/96 -- * 0.00 NC 383.48 6/11/96 -- 99.07 0.00 284.41 (84 - 104) 383.48 8/20/96 -- 95.15 0.00 288.33 383.48 11/7/96 -- 89.71 0.00 293.77 383.48 3/17/97 -- 79.16 0.00 304.32 383.48 6/11/97 -- 74.81 0.00 308.67 383.48 9/8/97 -- 72.52 0.00 310.96 383.48 12/9/97 -- 71.80 0.00 311.68 383.48 3/3/98 -- 69.87 0.00 313.61 383.48 8/28/98 ~- 63.02 0.00 320.46 383.48 3/22/99 -- 55.48 0.00 328.00 383.48 10/13/99 -- 56.36 0.00 327.12 SE-MW-20(S) 382.63 3/7/96 -- 122.87 0.00 259.76 382.63 6/11/96 '- 114.32 0.00 268.31 (77- 137) 382.63 8/20/96 -- 109.67 0.00 272.96 382.63 11/7/96 -- 102.75 0.00 279.88 382.63 3/17/97 -- 92.08 0.00 290.55 382.63 6/11/97 -- 88.20 0.00 294.43 382.63 9/8/97 -~ 85.97 0.00 296.66 382.63 12/9/97 -- 84.20 0.00 298.43 382.63 3/3/98 -- 80.76 0.00 301.87 382.63 8/28/98 -- 74.76 0.00 307.87 382.63 3/22/99 -- 66.15 0.00 316.48 382.63 10/13/99 -- · 77.11 0.00 305.52 P:~5825.000\5825.0005\HISTORICALGWTABLE-UPTO1099- tbis.xls\TABLE I GEOMATRIX TABLE 1 Page 4 of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH:'~ Waters Thickness Elevation~ SE-MW-20(D) 383.56 3/7/96 -- 125.75 0.00 257.81 383.56 6/11/96 -- 124.56 0.00 259.00 (144 - 184) 383.56 8/20/96 -- I 17.86 0.00 265.70 383.56 I 1/7/96 -- 110.19 0.00 273.37 383.56 3/17/97 -- 100.60 0.00 282.96 383.56 6/11/97 -- 98.89 0.00 284.67 383.56 9/8/97 -- 99.49 0.00 284.07 383.56 12/9/97 -- 92.83 0.00 290.73 383.56 3/3/98 -- 89.35 0.00 294.21 383.56 8/28/98 -- 84.60 0.00 298.96 383.56 3/22/99 -- 75.43 0.00 308.13 383.56 10/13/99 -- 67.15 0.00 316.4i SE-MW-21 385.23 3/7/96 -- 106.64 0.00 278.59 385.23 6/11/96 -- 98.12 0.00 287.11 (57- 182) 385.23 8/20/96 -- 94.40 0.00 290.83 385.23 1 I/7/96 -- 88.80 0.00 296.43 385.23 3/17/97 -- 78.46 0.00 306.77 385.23 6/11/97 -- 75.18 0.00 310.05 385.23 9/8/97 -- 73.39 0,00 311.84 385.23 12/9/97 -- 73.00 0.00 312.23 385.23 3/3/98 -- 71.42 0.00 313.81 385.23 8/28/98 -- 64.59 0.00 320.64 385.23 3/22/99 -- 56.98 0.00 328.25 385.23 10/13/99 -- 58.38 0.00 326.85 SE-MW-22 388.52 3/7/96 -- 98.12 0.00 290.40 388.52 6/11/96 -- 89.97 0.00 298.55 (60 - 180) 388.52 8/20/96 --. 86.45 0.00 302.07 388.52 11/7/96 -- 80.95 0.00 307.57 388.52 3/17/97 -- 71.70 0.00 316.82 388.52 6/11/97 . -- 68.63 0.00 319.89 388.52 9/8/97 -- 66.22 0.00 322.30 388.52 12/9/97 -- 67.00 0.00 321.52 · 388.52 3/3/98 -- 65.22 0.00 323.30 388.52 8/28/98 -- 58.45 0.00 330.07 388.52 3/22/99 -~ 52.53 0.00 335.99 388.52 I 0/13/99 -- 52,86 0.00 335.66 oE-~,,W-23~S~ 384.84 3/7/96 -- 106.41 0.00 278.43 384.84 6/11/96 -~ 97.34 0.00 287.50 (50- 130) 384.84 8/20/96 -- 93.58 0.00 291.26 384.84 11/7/96 -- 87.74 0.00 297.10 384.84 3/17/97 -- 77.70 0.00 307.14 384.84 6/11/97 -- 73.43 0.00 311.41 384.84 9/8/97 -- 73.80 0.00 311.04 384.84 12/9/97 -- 70.27 0.00 314.57 384.84 3/3/98 -- 68.40 0.00 316.44 383.577 8/28/98 -- 61.85 0.00 321.73 383.57 3/22/99 -- 52.07 0.00 331.50 383.57 10/13/99 -- 56.28 0.00 327.29 ! P:\5525.000\5825.0005\HISTORICALGWTABLE-UPTOI099- tbls.xls\TABLE I I I GEOMATRIX I TABLE 1 Page 5 of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA I Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH2'~ Water2 Thickness Elevation~ i SE-MW-23(D) 384.84 3/7/96 -- 108.54 0.00 276.30 384.84 6/11/96 -- 100.45 0.00 284.39 (160- 165) 384.84 8/20/96 -- 96.58 0.00 288.26 384.84 11/7/96 -- 90.41 0.00 294.43 I 384.84 3/17/97 -- 80.14 0.00 304.70 384.84 6/I 1/97 -- 76.28 0.00 308.56 384.84 9/8/97 -- 70.80 0.00 314.04 384.84 12/9/97 -- 72.92 0.00 311.92 I 384.84 3/3/98 -- 70.70 0.00 314.14 383.487 8/28/98 -- 64.45 0.00 319.04 383.48 3/22/99 -- 56.85 0.00 326.63 383.48 10/13/99 -- 58.90 0.00 324.58 SE-MW-24(S) 383.95 3/7/96 -- I 16.03 0.00 267.92 383.95 6/l 1/96 -- 108.87 0.00 275.08 (60- 160) 383.95 8/20/96 -- 105.01 0.00 278.94 383.95 11/7/96 -- 98.03 0.00 285.92 383.95 3/17/97 -- 86.76 0.00 297.19 383.95 6/11/97 -- 82.91 0.00 301.04 383.95 9/8/97 -- 80.94 0.00 303.01 383.95 12/9/97 -- 79.36 0.00 304.59 383.95 3/3/98 -- 76.46 0.00 307.49 383.95 8/28/98 -- 70.43 0.00 313.52 383.95 3/22/99 -- 62.13 0.00 321.82 383.95 10/13/99 -- 63.16 0.00 320.79 SE-MW-24(D) 383.16 3/7/96 -- 119.67 0.00 263.49 383.16 6/11/96 -- 122.85 0.00 260.31 (170 ~ 175) 383.16 8/20/96 -- 116.07 0.00 267.09 383.16 11/7/96 -- 106.71 0.00 276.45 · 383.16 3/17/97 -- 98.75 0.00 284.41 383.16 '6/11/97 -- 98.38 0.00 284.78 383.16 9/8/97 -- 100.02 0.00 283.14 383.16 12/9/97 -- 92.06 0.00 291.10 383.16 3/3/98 -- 88.60 0.00 294.56 383.16 8/28/98 -- 86.09 0.00 297.07 383.16 3/22/99 -- 77.47 0.00 305.69 383.16 10/13/99 -- 77.12 0.00 306.04 SE-MW-25 387.38 3/7/96 -- 87.83 0.00 299.55 387.38 6/11/96 -- 80.32 0.00 307.06 (60 - 165) 387.38 8/20/96 -- 76.98 0.00 310.40 387,38 11/7/96 -- 71.52 0.00 315,86 387.38 3/17/97 -- 63.13 0.00 324.25 387.38 6/11/97 -- 60,52 0.00 326,86 387.38 9/8/97 -- 58.40 0.00 328.98 387.38 12/9/97 -- 60.18 0.00 327.20 387.38 3/3/98 -~ 58.51 0.00 328.87 387.38 8/28/98 -- 52.87 0.00 334.51 387.38 3/22/99 -- 48.08 0.00 339,30 .387.38 10/13/99 -- 48.11 0.00 339.27 I P:\5825,000~5825.0005hcllSTORICALGWTABLE-UPTOI099- tbls.xls\TABLE 1 I GEOMATRIX TABLE 1 Page 6 of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater (Screen Interval) ElevationI Date LPH2'3 Water2 Thickness Elevationl SE-MW-26 385.07 3/7/96 -- 130.88 0.00 254.19 385.07 6/11/96 129.82 0.00 255.25 (62- 187) 385.07 8/20/96 -- 120.84 0.00 264.23 385.07 11/7/96 -- 113.93 0.00 271.14 385.07 3/17/97 -- 102.25 0.00 282.82 385.07 6/11/97 -- 98.87 0.00 286.20 385.07 9/8/97 -- - 99.12 0.00 285.95 385.07 12/9/97 -- 93.64 · 0.00 291.43 385.07 3/3/98 -- 89.99 0.00 295.08 385.07 8/28/98 -- 85.23 0.00 299.84 385.07 3/22/99 -- 70.16 0.00 314.91 385.07 10/13/99 -- 74.86 0.00 310.21 SE-MW-27 387.72 3/7/96 -- 122.73 0.00 264.99 387.72 6/11/96 -- 121.38 0.00 266.34 (72 - 197) 387.72 8/20/96 -- 116.44 0.00 271.28 387.72 11/7/96 -- 109.09 0.00 278.63 387.72 3/17/97 -- 98.41 0.00 289.31 387.72 6/11/97 -- 94.11 0.00 293.61 387.72 9/8/97 -- 91.24 0.00 296.48 387.72 12/9/97 -- 89.41 0.00 298.31 387.72 3/3/98 -- 85.78 0.00 ' 301.94 387.72 8/28/98 ~- 79.63 0.00 308.09 387.72 3/22/99 -- 68.61 0.00 319.11 387.72 10/13/99 -- 70.27 0.00 317.45 SE-AS/MW-28 (S) 388.51 11/7/96 -- 105.92 0.00 282.59 388.51 3/17/97 -- 95.95 0.00 292.56 (70 - 120) 388.51 6/11/97 -- 91.42 0.00 297.09 388.51 9/8/97 -- 88.19 0.00 300.32 388.51 12/9/97 -- 82.89 0.00 305.62 388.51 3/3/98 -- 80.24 0.00 308.27 388.51 8/28/98 -- 74.21 0.00 314.30 388.51 3/22/99 -- 62.81 0.00 325.70 388.51 10/13/99 -- 66.84 0.00 321.67 SE-AS/MW-28 (D) 389.16 11/7/96 -- NG~° 0.00 NC 389.16 3/17/97 NG NG NG NC (128 - 130) 389.16 6/11/97 NG NG NG NC 389.16 ' 9/8/97 NG NG ' NG NC 389.16 12/9/97 NG NG NG NC 389.16 3/3/98 NG NG NG NC 389.16 8/28/98 NG NG NG NC 389.16 3/22/99 NG NG NG NC 389.16 10/13/99 -- 70.77 0.00 318.39 SE-VE/MW-29 (S) 385.30 11/7/96 -- * 0.00 NC 385.30 3/17/97 NG NG NG NC (10 - 60) 385.30 6/11/97 -- * 0.00 NC 385.30 9/8/97 -- * 0.00 NC 385.30 12/9/97 -- * 0.00 NC 385.30 3/3/98 -- * 0.00 NC 385.30. 8/28/98 -- * 0.00 NC 385.30 3/22/99 -- * ' 0.00 NC 385.30 10/I 3/99 -- * 0.00 NC I P:~825.000\5825.0005\H1STORICALGWTABLE.UPTOI099. tbls.xls\TABLE 1 I GEOMATRIX I TABLE 1 Page 7 of 7 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA I Well ID Casing Measurement Depth to Depth to Product Groundwater ~Screen Interval) Elevation~ Date LPH:'~ Water2 Thickness Elevation~ I SE-VE/MW-29 (D) 385.31 11/7/96 -- 101.50 0.00 283.81 385.31 3/17/97 -- 92.90 0.00 292.41 (70 - 130) 385,31 6/11/97 -- 88.72 0,00 296.59 385.3 i 9/8/97 -- 85.84 0.00 299.47 385.31 12/9/97 -- 81.84 0.00 303.47 385.31 3/3/98 o- 79.30 0.00 306.01 385.31 8/28/98 -- 73.90 0.00 311.41 385.31 3/22/99 -- 63.63 0.00 321.68 385.31 10/13/99 -- 65.61 0.00 319.70 SE-MW-51 383.467 8/28/98 -- . 81.40 0.00 302.07 (55 - 105) 383.46 3/22/99 -- 72.34 0.00 .311.12 383.46 10/13/99 -- 70.70 0.00 312.76 1. Groundwater and wellhead elevations are in feet relative to benchmark #1929 with a reported elevation of 384.389 feet above mean sea level. 2. All measurements in feet from top of well casing. I 3. LPH = Liquid Phase Hydrcarbon. 4. NS = not surveyed. 5. -- = no measurable floating product in well. 6. NC = not calculated due to presence of free product in well or lack of survey data. I 7. Wellhead elevations for MW-4, MW-5, MW-8, SE-MW-23 (S and D), and SE-MW-51 were resurveyed on 9/23/98. 8. * = dry well. 9. NGP = well not gauged (product recovery pump in well). 10. NG = well not gauged (1" air sparge well). i I I i i I P55825.000~5825.0005\HISTORICALGWTABLE-IJPTOI099- tbls.xls\TABLE I i GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page 1 of 6 i SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakers:[ield, Calilbrnia ID Date TEPH~ TPHg2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBEz MTBE4 (rog/I) (m§/I) (mg/I) (m§/l) (m§/I) (m§/I) {m§/l) (m§/l) MW-1 8/28/98 -) 0.16 0.0007 <0.0005's <0.0005 0.0097 0.155 3/24/99 -- 1.30 0.0022 0.0017 0.17 0.0860 <0.05 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 0.69 <0.0005 0.00058 <0.0005 0.0042 <0.005 MW-5 11/8/96 LPH? LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH' LPH LPH 12/12/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH MW-6 11/8/96 3.0(C6-C16)8 2.56 19 3.3 0.160 0.68 0.054 3/25/97 -- 56 28 18 0.38 1.6 0.050 6/13/97 -- 83 37 2 l 0.69 4.0 <0.25 9/19/97 -- 90 28 25 0.67 3,9 <0.25 12/12/97 -- 13 33 36 0.9 5.5 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 140 31 33 1.2 7.3 <0.005 8/'28/98 -- 81 14.1 18.5 1.39 7.94 0.234 3/'25/99 -- 74 17.0 22.0 1.20 8.10 < 109 10/15/99 6.6 (C6-C14) 68 12 9.3 0.71 7.3 <0.5I° 0.33 MW-7 3/'17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/'11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH · LPH LPH 12/12/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/28/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15/99 .............. MW-8 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH · LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 12./12/97 -- 95 2.8 5.5 2.5 22 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 110 2.2 5.0 3.0 24 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 68 0.405 5.58 2.61 21 0.222 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15/99 6.0 (C6-C18) 3.0 0.04 0.042 0.011 0.16 0.062 <0.005 SE-MW-9 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 12/12/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 LPI4 ' LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 8/.28/98 -- 3.20 0.745 - 0.033 0.136 0.072 0.021 3/:24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15/99 5.1 (C6-C26) 22 6.1 <0.05 0.23 <0.1 <0.5~° <0.05 MW-10(R) 3/8/96 <0.05t~ -- 0.0016 0.0035 <0.0005 0.0016 <0.005 6/11/96 <0.05u -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- ~ <0.05 0.0013 0.0028 0.0031 0.0017 <0.005 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 0.0046 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 <0.02 3/20/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- ~ <0.05 <0.0005 0,0018 <0.0005 0.0025 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0,05 <0.0005 0.00062 <0,0005 <0,0005 <0.005 3/24/99 ~- <0.05 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00062 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 I i · P:~q$25.000~5525.005\H ISTO¢.IC A LGWTA BLE-U pTO 1099- lb JS.XI$\TA~LE 2 GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 Page '2-of 6 i SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersiield, Calitbrnia ID Date TEPH~ TPHgz Benzene Toluene Ethyibenzene Total Xyleues MTBE~ MTBE (mg/l) (rog/I) (mg/I) (m§/I) (mg/I) (m§/l) (mg/I) (rag/ MW- 11 8/:20/96 -- 11 0.26 0.018 0.034 0.31 <0.01 l l/8/96 < 1 (C6-C 12) 0.34 0,057 0.0043 0.010 0.068 <.02 3/25/97 -- 2.8 0.13 0.023 0.017 0.30 0.037 6/13/97 -- 1.9 0.03 <0.0005 0.0018 0.14 0.025 9/19/97 -- 0.2 0.0011 0.0012 <0.0005 0.017 0.025 1~q2/97 -- 0.85 0.01 0.0043 0.0015 0.068 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 3.7 0.34 1.0 0.066 0.51 <0.005 8/128/98 -- 4.0 0.394 0.816 0.093 0.561 0.002 3/:25/99 -- 0.06 0.0029 0.0043 0.0065 0.0099 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0. i <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 ' <0.005 MW-12 6/11/96 70 (C5-C11)I~ -- 17.0 9.3 2.1 11.0 <0.005 8/20/96 -- 35 5.0 0.93 0.33 2.2 <0.125 11/8/96 5.4 (C6-C 16) 5.1 6.9 0.96 0.14 1.1 <0.05 3/25/97 -- 1.8 0.21 0.017 0.00083 0.0069 0.041 6/12/97 -- 1.8 0.12 .013 0.0053 0.026 0.039 9/19/97 -- I. 1 0.08 0.0021 <0.0005 0.06 0.039 12/12/97 -- 3.4 0.10 0.01 0.0023 0.058 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 5.0 0.26 0.63 0.042 0.32 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.3 0.484 0.221 0.107 0.502 0.049 3/25/99 -- NA~2 NA NA NA NA NA 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 0.58 0.0021 0.0013 <0.0005 0.0019 <0.005 MW- 13 11/8/96 1.9(C6-C 18) 0.78 0.010 0.0027 0.0031 0.0019 0.054 3/20/97 -- 3.1 1.9 0.005 0.045 0.0051 0.19 6/13/97 -- 4.6 2.4 ,0089 0.036 0.0055 0.46 9/19/97 -- 1.1 0.058 0.01 0.011 0.017 0.46 12/12/97 -- 0.12 .0.0031 0.0011 0.0015 0.00096 0.77 3/3/98 -- 1.0 0.51 0.0016 0.010 0.0011 ,0.32 8/28/98 -- 0.15 0.002 0.00055 <0.005 <0.005 0.218 3/24/99 -- 0.062 0.0029 0.00079 0.0012 0.0038 0.[40 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 0.55 0.0054 0.00084 0.0024 0.005 0.017 MW-14 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 · 0.120 3/20/97 -- <0.1 0.0019 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.034 6/13/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0031 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0017 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 0.220 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00059 0.07 8/28/98 <0.05 <0.0005 0.0005 <0.0005 0.00060 <0.005 3/24/99 -- <0.05 0.00057 <0.0003 0.00044 0.00160 <0.10 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 .0.0026 0.0019 <0.0005 0.0015 <0.005 MW- 15 8/20/96 -- 21 3.3 0.020 0.7 0.4 <0.125 11./8/96 13(C6-C18) 8.19 8.7 0.110 2.1 1.1 <1 3/21/97 -- 5.5 0.28 0.013 0.18 0.2 0.081 6/13/97 -- 17 6.1 0.028 <0.025 0.11 <.25 9/19/97 -- 33 9.9 0.87 2.3 0.93 <.25 12/12/97 -- 25 5.5 0.095 2.2 0.09 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 22 3.5 0.050 2.3 0.075 <0.005' 8/28/98 -- 13 1.27 0.010 2.29 0.206 0.076 3/25/99 -- 4.4 0.15 0.025 1.6 0.250 <0.40 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 2.5 0.049 0.0014 0. I 0.0053 0.0075 MW-16 8/20/96 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 11/8/96 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/17/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 6/11/97 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 9/19/97 -- 6.3 0.5 0.011 0.012 0.082 -- t 2/12/97 -- LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 3/3/98 -- LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH · 8/28/98 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH ' LPH LPH 3/24/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH 10/15/99 LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH LPH ! I P:'~5825.00015825,005\HISTORICALGWTABL£-UPTO 1099- tbls.xls\TABL£ 2 TABLE Z l~ageE pol~ATRIX i SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, California ID Date TEPH~ ' TPHg2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE~ MTBEa (m§/I} (mg/I) (m§/I} (mg/I} (mg/I} (m§/l) (mg/I} (mg/I) SE-M W- 18 3/20/97 · -- 0.74 0.15 0.00097 0.00051 0.092 <0.02 6/13/97 -- <0.1 0.00051 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- 0.12 0.001 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- 0.110 0.00078 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00074 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 0.15 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.001 0.0076 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 2.7 0.018 0.0031 0.292 0.730 0.0045 3/24/99 -- 3.4 0.012 0.0052 0.360 0.980 <0.10 10115/99 0.35 ~C8-C12) 1.6 0.00081 0.0012 0.00081 0.011 <0.005 MW-19 6/11/96 11 (C5-C24)" -- 10.0 0.22 0.55 0.17 <0.005 8/20/96 -- 10 0.25 0.030 0.030 0.30 <0.125 11/8/96 14(C6-C20) 9.5 1.8 0.040 0.48 1.5 ND<I 3/21/97 -- 3.8 0.45 0.0039 <0.0005 0.043 0.064 (DUP)~3 3/21/97 -- 3.9 0.46 0.0041 <0.0005 0.044 0.65 6/13/97 -- 0.96 0.016 0.0014 <0.0005 <0.001 0.027 9/19/97 -- 15 1.0 0.081 0.003 7.4 0.027 12/12/97 -- 45 1.2 0.070 2.9 14 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 21 0.47 <0.0005 1.2 5.4 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 29 0.366 0.023 2.13 7.76 0.049 3/.25/99 -- 13 0.22 0.014 0.82 2.2 <0.40 10/15/99 1.8 (C6-C 14) 35 0.52 0.43 1.2 1.1 <0.51° <0.05 SE-MW-20(S) 3/8/96 2.9 (C5-C10)~ -- 0.00095 0.0014 0.0015 0.0041 0.031 6/11/96 1.9 (C5-11; C20-24)n -- <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0012 <0.0005 ND 8/:20/96 -- 0.90 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.047 ' 11/8/96 <1(C8-C10) 0.13 0.0022 0.0018 <0.0005 0.0012 0.34 3/21/97 -- 4.6 2.2 0.0082 0.54 0.018 0.24 6/12/97 -~ 3.9 1.1 <0.0005 0.15 0.0073 <0.05 9/19/97 -- 9.5 1.9 0.022 0.052 0.05 <0.05 12/12/97 -- 7.9 1.6 0.0048 0.65 0.039 0.14 3/3/98 -- 5.2 1.3 0.012 0.5 [ 0.029 0.15 8/28/98 -- 4.3 0.658 0.010 0.090 0.215 0.166 3/24/99 -- 3.3 ' 0.430 <0.006 0.056 0.014 <0.20 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44} 2.0 0.2 0.0034 0.019 0.0048 0.019 0.016 SE-MW-20(D) 3/8/96 <0.05TM -- 0.0018 0.0010 <0.0005 0.0022 <0.005 6/11/96 1.5~1 -- 0.0017 0.00032 0.0014 0.0020 0.016 8/20/96 -- 2.6 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 11/8/96 <1(C6-C12) 0.38. 0.15 0.0029 0.0031 0.0024 <0.02 3/21/97 -- 1.9 0.62 0.004 0.11 0.0091 <0.02 6/]t 2/97 -- 6.5 1.7 0.0073 0.46 0.012 0.18 9/1. 9/97 -- 1.3 0.47 0.011 0.0024 0.009 0.18 12/12/97 -- 8.7 2.5 0.0039 0.092 0.017 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 6.9 1.6 0.0048 0.094 0.012. <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.8 0.529 0.011 0.104 0.017 0.059 3/24/99 -- 0.77 0.130 0.004 0.053 0.0086 <0.050 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 1.3 0.07 0.002 0.0014 0.0037 <0.005 <0.005 SE-MW-21 3/8/96 <0.05~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/I 1/96 <0.05~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 1 I/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/21/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 -, <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 · <0.005 3/13/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 0.00056 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/24/99 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0003 <0.0005 <0.0006 <0.010 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.0076 <0.005 I P:\5825.000'~5825.005\HISTORICALGWTABLE-UPTO1099-/DIs,xls\TABLE 2 TABLE 2 ~a~lo~'l'l=llx SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sun/and Oil Refinery Bakersfield, CaliDrnia Well I Sample I EPAS015[M I I [ EPAS020[ I EPA8260 ID Date TEPH~ TPHg2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE3 MTBE4 (mg/l) (mg/I) (rog/I) (mg/I) (ag/I) (m§/I) (rog/I) (mg/I) SE-MW-22 3/8/96 <0.05~ - <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6111/96 <0.051~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/13/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,005 8/28/98 -- 0.12 <0.0005 0.00061 0.00082 0.0042 0.0011 3/24/99 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.010 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-MW-23(S) 3,/8/96 120 (C5-C 14)~ ~ -- 42.0 60.0 3.2 20.0 0.31 6/11/96 150 (C5-C12)TM -- 41.0 55.0 2.9 18.0 <0.005 8/20/96 -- 22 28 38 2.2 13 <0.005 11/8/96 62(C6-C16) 9.7 40 49 2.9 17 <0.5 3/25/97 - 28 6.6 8.2 0.27 3.7 <0.02 6/13/97 -- 130 31 53 2.5 20.0 <0.05 9/19/97 -- 150 15 26 1.6 I 1 <0.05 12/12/97 -- 160 22 43 2.2 17 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 190 19 55 3.3 21 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 171 22.1 41.9 3.31 18.9 <0.400 3/:25/99 -- 48 8.5 1.6 3.40 7.0 <2.0 10/15/99 6.7 (C6-C14) 59 2.6 3.1 3.2 11 <0,51° <0.05 SE-MW-23(D) 3/8/96 13.0 (C 5-C 12)u -- 2.0 2.0 0.40 1.2 0.070 6/11/96 14.0 (C5-C12)n -- 3.4 2.7 0.38 ND <0.005 8/20/96 -- 30 4.3 4.0 0.43 2.0 <0.125 1 I/8/96 9.°o(C6-C14) 9.7 5.4 4.0 0.53 2.0 <0.05 3/25/97 -- 150 30 48 2.5 17 0.059 6/l 3/97 -- 47 12 16 0.36 6.4 0.053 9/19/97 -- 140 21 40 3.2 21 0.053 12/12/97 -- 81 11 23 1.4 8.6 <0.005 3/3/98 -- 120 12 30 2.0 12 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 59 3.95. 15.5 1.21 9.56 <0.200 3/25/99 -- 75 5.4 29 1.8 12 <10 10/l 5/99 4.9 (C6-C12) 3.0 1.7 0.68 0.58 7 <0.5~° <0.05 SE-MW-24(S) 3/8/96 3.6 (C5-C 14)t ~ -- 1.0 0.022 0.16 0.016 0.034 (DUP) 3/8/96 3.5 (C5-C12)~ -- 0.10 0.0018 0.016 0.0012 0.033 6/11/96 .6.7 (C5-C14)u -- 1.4 0,004 0.33 0.0096 <0.005 (DUP) 6/11/96 6.3 (C5-C 12)TM -- 1.4 0.0058 0.33 0.016 <0.005 8/20/96 -- 11 2.0 0.013 0.17 0.0092 <0.125 11/8/96 3,2(C6-C 16) 2.68 1,4 0.014 0.78 0.017 <0.02 (DUP) 11/8/96 .... 2,1 0.017 0.94 0.020 <0.02 3/25/97 -- 3.6 0.64 0.0032 0.013 0.029 <0.02 6/13/97 -- 14 2.9 0.55 0.78 0.30 <0.1 9/19/97 -- 0.17 0.0096 <0,0005 <0.0005 0.0011 <0.1 12/12/97 -- 6.7 1.6 0.0055 0.17 0.04 0.04 (DUP) 12/12/97 -- 5.8 1.6 <0.0005 0.13 0.034 0.20 3/3/98 -- 12 0.73 0.037 0.90 0.057 <0.005 (DUP) 3/3/98 -- !.2 0.70 0.018 0.85 0.038 <0.005 8/28/98 -- 4.2 0.275 0.013 0.505 0.124 0.044 (DUP) 8/28/98 -- 6.4 0.392 0.015 0.574 0.182 0.172 3/25/99 -- 2.8 0.25 ND<0.003 0.19 <0.006 <0,1 (DUP) 3/25/99 --_ 2.7 0.30 0.0078 0.22 <0.006 <0.1 10/15/99 0.63 (C6'Cl4) 6.6 0.32 0.015 0.11 0.031 0.038 p:\5825.000~5825.005\HlSTORICALG WTABLE-UP:[OI099~- lbls.xls\TASLE 2 TABLE 2 ~ag~ol~16&'rIal× I SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakersfield, Calili~mia ID Date TEPH~ TPHg2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MTBE3 MTBE4 {m§/I) (mg/l) {mLg/l) (nag/i) (mg/I) (mg/I) (rog/l) (rog/l) SE-MW-24(D) 3/8/96 I (C5-C18)n -- 0,0065 0.011 0.007 0.016 0.005 6/11/96 9.2 (C5-C 18)11 -- 2.4 0.0053 0.60 0.025 0.005 8/20/96 -- 15 2.4 0.013 0.45 0.015 <0.125 11/8/96 < I (C 8-C 14) 0.24 0.28 0.003 0.061 0.0033 <0.02 3/25/97 -- 7.0 0.89 0.012 <0.0005 0.015 0.024 (DUP) 3/25/97 -- 3.5 0.72 0.010 0.021 0.032 <0.02 6/13/97 -- 5.6 1.6 0.052 0.018 0.09 <0.05 9/19/97 -- 22 7.5 0.014 0.4 0.07 <0.05 (DUD 9/19/97 -- 19 7.2 0.17 5.9 0.085 <0.05 12/12/97 -- 6.2 1.8 0.011 0. I 1 0.047 0.042 3/3/98 -- 2.5 0.15 0.0015 0.18 0.023 <0,005 8/28/98 -- 4.7 0.047 0.0051 0.365 0.033 0.019 3/25/99 - 0.51 0.058 <0.0006 0.049 <0.0012 <0.02 10/15/99 0.92 (C6-C28) 2.9 0.034 0.0023 <0.0005 0.0056 0.016 SE-MW-25 3/8/96 <0.05I~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/11/96 <0.05~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/13/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3/24/99 -- <0.05 <0.0005 0.00056 <0.0003 0.001 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 {C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-MW-26 3/8/96 <0.05~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/I 1/96 <0.05I~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0'05 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/21/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 1Z!l 2/97 -- 0.250 0.023 0.073 0.004 0.029 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/:25/99 -- <0.05 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.01 10,'15/99 <0.2 {C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 SE-MW-27 3/8/96 <0.05~° -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0:0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/11/96 <0.05~° -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/:20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 11/8/96 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0005 0.00031 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/18/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/12/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0. I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0014 0.0032 <0.0005 0.00070 <0.0005 3/'3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3/24/99 -- <0.05 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 <0.005 MW-28 11/8/96 4,0(C6-C18) 3.05 6.10 0.00 0.32 0.46 0.14 3/20/97 NA 13 4.8 0.0 t 5 0.53 1.5 0.074 6/]~3/97 -- 0.96 0.14 0.00077 0.0014 0.0019 1.5 9/[9/97 -- 5.4 1.7 0.0059 0.018 <0.001 1.5 12/12/97 -- 8.9 3.2 0.052 0.45 0.064 0.30 3/3/98 -- 7.1 2.9 0.003 0.21 0.011 0.25 8/28/98 -- 1.4 0.085 0.0036 0.013 0.035 0.338 3/24/99. -- 0.79 0.140 0.0032 0.0046 0.0086 0.29 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 1.7 0.0054 0.00087 0.0049 0.0035 0.061 i I P:\$825.000~$825,005\HISTOR ICA LGWTA BL E'IJ PlO 1099-/bls.xls\TABLE 2 .GEOMATRIX TABLE 2 rage o o~ o SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA FOR HYDROCARBONS Former Sunland Oil Refinery Bakerstield, Calitbmia ID Date TEPH~ TPHg2 Benzene Toluene Ethyibenzene Total Xylenes MTBE3 MTBE~ '- (rag/I) (rag/I) (mg/l) (rog/I) (rag/l) (rag/I) (rag/I) (rag/I) SE-VE/MW-29 (D) 11/8/96 < 1 (C 14-C20) <0.05 <0.0005 0.01 <0.0005 0.01 t .00 3/20/97 -- 7.80 3.2 0.07 0.23 0.022 0.098 6/] 3/97 -- 0.35 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.052 0.47 9/19/97 -- 2.6 3.63 0.008 0.023 0.410 0.47 12/12/97 -~ 0.35 0.034 <0.0005 0.0022 0.020 0.34 3/3/98 -- 0.56 0.056 0.0014 0.0008 0.0055 0.42 8/28/98 -- 0.23 0.00086 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0044 0.175 3/24/99 -- 0.94 0,0430 0,0021 0,057 0.025 <0.02 1 O~ 15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 1.5 0.0058 0.0014 <0.0005 0.0047 <0.005 SE-MW-51 8/28/98 -- 1.1 ~4 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 3.89 3/25/99 <0.05 (C8-C40) <0.05 0.00053 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 0.19 0.17 10/15/99 <0.2 (C6-C44) 0.12 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,00l 0,2 0,23 Trip Blank 3/8/96 <0.5~ -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 6/11/96 1<0.005II -- <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/20/96 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 (DUP) 11/8/96 .... <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.02 3/20/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 3/21/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 3/25[97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 6/13/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 9/19/97 -- <0.1 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.02 12/12/97 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/3/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 8/28/98 -- <0.05 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.005 3/23/99 -- <0.05 ' <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.01 10/15/99 <0.1 ' <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.005 1. TEPH ~ total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons. 2. TPHg = total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline. 3. MTBE = methyl-reft-butyl ether analyzed by EPA Method 8020 or 8021B. 4. MTBE = methyl-reft-butyl ether concentration confirmed by EPA Method 8260. 5. -- = not tested for this particular method. 6. <1 = below the denoted detection limit shown. 7. LPH = not sampled due to liquid-phase hydrocarbons in the well. 8. (C5-C 14) -- range o£ detected hydrocarbons. 9. Chromatograms for these samples indicate that no MTBE is present in the sample. 10. Samples were diluted 100 times due to the high concentration o£ gasoline range organics, elevating the MTBE detection limit. 11. Total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons by ASTM 298'/. 12. NA = sample not analyzed, damaged in transport. 13. (DUP) = duplicate sample. 14. Laboratory report indicates that hydrocarbon does not match a gasoline panem. P:i5825.000\Sg25.005\HISTORICALGWT^ BL£-UPTO 1099- tbls.xls\TASLE 2 I TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL DATA I FOR CHLORIDE AND SULFATE ' Former Sunland Oil Refinery I, Bakersfield, Caiifomia i Well ID Sample EPA 300 EPA 300 Date Chloride Sulfate (well diameter) (mg/l) (mg/I) I I' SE-MW-20S 9/10/96 2001 8.01 (2") 8/28/98 70 <1.02 I 3/24/99 33 0.98 10/15/99 32 <103 SE-MW-24S 9/10/96 50 ~ 7.0 ~ iI~ (4") 8/28/98 32 <1.0 3/24/99 70 0.59 10/15/99 15 <103 i SE-VE/MW-29D 9/10/96 220 14.0 I 1 (4") 8/28/98 111 112 3/24/99 29 1.7 I 10/15/99 26 <103 i 1. Samples collected on 9/10/96 analyzed by EPA Method 325.3 (Chloride) and EPA Method 375.4 (Sulfate). 2. <1.0 = less than the detection limit shown. 3. Samples collected on 10/15/99 analyzed by EPA Method 375.4 (Sulfate). t i P:\5825.000\5825.005hrtlSTORICALGWTABLE-UPTO 1099- tbI~.xls\TABLE 3 I I i ! GEOMATRIX APPENDIX A I TABLE 1 ~ WORLD OIL CORPORATION, FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY (3EOMATRIX BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA JANUARY THROUGH MAY 1999 i Client Contact: John Hundley Consultant: Geomatrix Consultants, lac. (Data provided by SECOR International, [nc.) I Lead Agency: RWQCB, Central Valley Region Reporting Period: January 1 - May 31, 1999 I HCVES Treatment Device: John Zink Flare SJVAPCD Permit to Operate No.: S-207-42-4 Equipment Inventory: STF WTF i John Zink Flare 125 psi, 27 cfm Air Compressor (2) 150-gallon Knockout (K/O) Vessels, [ Transfer Pumps, and Piping (1) 250-gallon Auxiliary K/O Holding Tank · 125 psi, 100 scfm Air Compressor I HCVES PROCESS SUMMARY I STF WTF Process Concentrations at System Start Up: 10/7/96 3/22/96 \ Laboratory reported TPHg concentration: 7,100 31,090 ppmv Laboratory reported benzene concentration: 94 130 'ppmv MW4, MW:5, MW-8, MW-12, SE-MW-9(R), MW-16, SE-MW-24, I SE-MW-23, SE-AS/VE-44, SE-VE/AS-34, SE-VE/AS-35 Venting Sources This Period: SE-AS/VE-45, SE-AS/VE-46, SE-VE/AS-36, SE-VE/AS-37, SE-VE-47, SE-VE-48, SE-VE-49, SE-VE/AS-38, SE-SVE-40, SE-VE-50 SE-SVE-42, SE-SVE-43  ',Process/Influent Concentrations: ~ Field observed TPH concentration: 4/30/99, >10,000 4/30/99, 4,000 ppmv 5/05/99, >10,000 ppmv i Laboratory reported TPH concentration: 5/05/99, 13,000 1/19/99, 4,100 ppmv ~ Laboratory reported benzene concentration: 220 14 ppmv .1 I Average Flow Rate this period: 563 573 scfm Average Manifold Vacuum: 121 117 tn. H20 Il Cumulative TPHg Destroyed this Period: 126,363 29,733 ~ounds [Cumulative TPHg Destroyed this Period (WTF and STF): 156,096 )ounds ~ Cumulative TPHg Destroyed since Start Up (3/22/96)1: 543,241 ~ounds Utility Usage this Period: I. Electricity: 171,054 kWh Natural Gas: 69~770 Therms 'Operating Time for this Period 1,784 [ 1,708 hours Number of Auto Shut Downs During this Period: 5[ 4 'l! AS PROCESS SUMMARY STF I System Started: 12/30/96 · Air Sparge Wells this period: - SE-AS-30 .a Average air sparge flow-rate per well: 5 scfm ! AS PROCESS SUMMARY WTF ~tI~ System Started: 5/23/97 - ' ' .' Air Sparge Wells this period: SE-AS-33, SE-AS-39, SE-AS-41 i Average air sparge flow rate per well: 5 scfm I Legend/Notes: WTF = Former West Tank Farm ' STF = Former South Tank Farm i I. Includes operational data from two Paragon thermal oxidizers prior to HCVES operations. P:\5825,000,O\5825.OOl.OkO9Annual\OM Tables\SUMTAB-Jan. thru May 99 I TABLE 2 WORLD OIL CORPORATION, FORMER SUNLAND O1L REFINERY GEOI~/IATRIX BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I HCVES SUMMARY FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD JUNE THROUGH DECEMBER 1999 Client Contact: John Hundley i , Consultant: Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. (Data provided by The Source Group, Inc.) Lead Agency: RWQCB, Central Valley Region Reporting Period: June 1 - December 31, 1999 HCVES Treatment Device: John Zink Flare I SJVAPCD Permit to Operate No.: S-207-42-4 Equipment Inventory: STF WTF John Zink Flare 125 psi, 27 cfm Air Compressor i (2) Sutorbilt Legend Blowers with 50 hp Two CEE Genie Pumps/Product motors skimmers ' (2) 250-gallon Knockout (K~O) Vessels, (1) 500-gallon above ground storage Transfer Pumps, and Piping tank '! (1) 500-gallon above ground storage tank 125 psi, 100 scfm, Air Compressor HCVES PROCESS SUMMARY I . . STF WTF , Process Concentrations at System Start Up: 10/7/96 .3/22/96 Laboratory reported TPHg concentration: 7,100 31,090 ppmv Laboratory reported benzene concentration: 94 130 ppmv i ~ IvlW-4, SE-AS/VE-46A, SE-VE-47A, SE-VE- SE-SVE40A, SE-SVE-40B, SE-SVE-42B~ Venting Sources This Period: 47B, SE-VE-49A, SE-VE-49B, TSG-VE-57, SE-SVE-43B TSG-VE-58, and TSG-VE-59 ,l' Concentrations: .......... __ Process/Influent Field observed TPH concentration: 6/24/99, >10,000 6/24/99, 4,600 ppmv 7/01/99, >10,000 7/01/99, 4,800 ppmv 8/25/99, >10,000 9/09/99, 5,400 ppmv 9/09/99, >10,000 ppmv 12/04/99, >13,000~ ppmv i Laboratory reported TPH concentration: 6/24/99, 13,1402 6/24/99, 2,8842 ppmv , 9/09/99, 18,000 9/09/99, 4,200 ppmv Average Flow Rate this period: 597 306 scfm Average. Manifold .Vacuum:.,. 6.5 6.7 in. H~ "i Cumulative TPHg Destroyed this Period: 290,231 ,, 25,085 >ounds Cumulative TPHg Destroyed this Period (WTF and STF): 315,316 >ounds Cumulative TPHg Destroyed sinc, e Start Up (3/22/96)3: 858,557 >ounds Utility Usage this Period4: t Electricity: 92,153 kwh Natural Gas: 75,996 Therms Operatin~ Time for this Period .... 2.410~ I 1,691 ~ hours Number of Auto Shut Downs During this Period: 6I 3 ,,, '! AS PROCESS SUMMARY STF System Started: 12/30/96 Air Sparge Wells this period: SE-AS-32C, SE-AS-33C, SE-AS-39C, and SE-AS-41C Average air sparge flow rate per well: 6 scfm il il; System Started: ~/23/97 . SE-AS-30B, SE-AS-31 B, SE-AS/VE44C, SE-AS/VE-45C, SE-AS/VE-46C, TSG-AS/VE-52, Air Sparge Wells this period: TSG-AS/VE-53, TSG-AS/VE-54, and TSG-AS/VE-55 Average air sparge flow'rate per well: 14 scfm Legend/Notes: WTF = Former West Tank Farm STIr = Former South Tank Farm I 1. Process concentration includes STF and WTF process concentrations. · ' 2. TPHg value was determined by adding individual C6-C12 speciation results (collected 6/24/99) and convening the sum of the concentrations from methane to gasoline (assuming molecular weight of gasoline is 100 lb/mole). 3. Includes operational data from two Paragon thermal oxidizers prior to HCVES operations. l, 4. Does not include December 1999. 5. The system was shut down from 7/21/99 to 8/15199 and from 9/26/99 to 11/30/99 for system upgrade/installation activities. In addition, the system from the WTF was shut down on July 1, 1999 due to Iow influent coucentrations and was restarted on 9/2/99 after the vapor extraction manifold was plumbed/configured to allow one vapor' extraction blower to extract from both the STF and WTF. ll P:\5825.000.O\5825.001.O\99Asmual\OM Tables~SUMTAB.lune thru Dec. 99 I ITl I i GEOMATRIX I I I I APPENDIX B I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 ~ WORLD OIL CORPORATION, FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY Gt=OMATRIX I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LIQUID-PHASE HYDROCARBON REMOVAL FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY THROUGH MAY 1999 Client Contact: Mr. John Hundley Consultant: Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. (Data provided by SECOR International, Inc.) Lead Agency: RWQCB, Central Valley Region Reporting Period: January 1 - May 3 I, 1999 Equipment Inventory: Two QED Pulse Sender total fluids pumps, two CEE Genie Pumps, Air compressor and one 500 gallon poly tank with secondary containment. 1. Pumping Treatment Method: 2. Hand bailing Remediation Start Date: Hand Bailing 12/27/96 Pumping 9/18/97 Extraction Sources this period: MW-7 and SE-SVE-42 Monitoring Frequency: Quarterly Total Site Visits Completed this Period: 2 Well Source MW-7: Product Pump Installed (9/18/97): _ CEE, Genie SOS2 Product Skimmer/Pump Depth to Water (5/20/99): 59.77 ft Product Thickness (5/20/99)t: 0.23 ft Product Thickness at Remediation Start (9/24/97): 5.79 ft Well Source SE-MW-9(R): Product Pump Installed (9/18/97): CEE, Genie SOS2 Product Skimmer/Pump Depth to Water (5/5/99): 62.28 ft Product Thickness (5/5/99): 0.00 ft Product Thickness at Remediation Start (9/18/97): 1.90 ft Well Source MW- 16: Product Pump Installed (9/18/97): QED, Pulse Sender Pump Depth to Water (5/5/99): 61.10 ft Product Thickness (5/5/99): 1.34 ft Product Thickness at Remediation Start (12/27/96): 0.23 ft LPH Removed by Hand Bailing (12/96 through 8/97): 169 gallons Well Source SE-SVE-42: Product Pump Installed (9/18/97)2: QED, Pulse Sender Pump Depth to Water (5/20/99): 67.88 ft Product Thickness (5/20/99): 7.37 ft Product Thickness at Remediation Start (7/24/97): 0.42 f~ LPH Removed by Hand Bailing (7/97 through 8/97): 47 gallons Product Removed with Product Skimmer This Period: 56.06 gallons Product Removed by Hand Bailing This Period: 27.50 gallons Total LPH Removed This Period: 83.56 gallons Cumulative LPH Removed Since Start (12/96): 669.42 gallons Water Removed this Period: 180.50 gallons Recycled Liquid from site this Period (7/27/99): 0 gallons Recycling Facility: DeMenno Kerdoon, Compton, CA Comments: 1. Product skimmed from well MW-7 on 3/31/99 and 5/5/99 with Genie product pump. 2. Product skimmer redeployed in well SE-SVE-42 on 5/14/99. I P:~5825.000.0\5825.00B99Annual\OM Tables~LPH-Jan. thru May 99 I TABLE 2 ~ WORLD OIL CORPORATION, FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY Q I~OM i BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LIQUID-PHASE HYDROCARBON REMOVAL FOR THE PERIOD JUNE THROUGH DECEMBER 1999 I Client Contact: Mr. John Hundley Consultant: Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. (Data provided by The Source Group, Inc.) Lead Agency: RWQCB, Central Valley Region Reporting Period: June I through December 31, 1999 I Equipment Inventor: Two CEE Genie Pumps/Product skimmers Air compressor, 500 gallon poly tank with secondary containment, three product stinger assemblies I 1. Product skimmers/pumps. Treatment Method: 2. Stingers connected into existing vapor extraction systcm~ Remediation Start Date: Hand Bailing 12/27/96 I I Pumping 9/18/97 Product Stinger Assemblies 6/9/99 I. Extraction Sources this period: MW-7, SE-SVE-42C, SE-SVE-43C, SE-SVE-44B, SE-SVE-47C i ,.Mo.nitoring Frequency: Weekly Total Site Visits Completed this Period: 25 Well Source MW-7: Product Pump Installed (9/18/97): CEE, Genie SOS2 Product Skimmer/Pump ' I Product Thickness End of Period~: NM/~ Product Thickness Beginning of Period (7/20/99): 19.15 ft Well Source SE-SVE-42C: Product Pump Installed (9/18/97): CEE, Genie SOS2 Product Skimmer/Pump I Product Thickness End : NM ft of Periodl Product Thickness Beginning of Period (7/20/99): 15.39 R Well Source SE-VE-43C: I Product Stinger Installed (6/23/99): Flexible PVC Product Stinger Depth to Water (7/20/99): 72.08 f~ Product Thickness End of Period (7/20/99): 11.10 ft i Product Thickness Beginning of Period (6/23/99): 50,46 ft LPH Removed by Stinger (6/99 through 8/99)2: 29.3 gallons Well Source SE-AS/VE-44B: Product Stinger Installed (6/9/99): Flexible PVC Product Stinger I Depth to Water (7/20/99): 63.20 ft Product Thickness End of Period (7/20/99): 3.95 /~ Product Thickness Beginning of Period (6/9/99): 14.52 R LPH Removed by Stinger (6/99 through 8/99)2: 7.7 gallons I Well Source SE-AS/VE-47C: Product Stinger Installed (6/9/99): Flexible PVC Product Stinger Depth to Water (8/19/99): 98.96 ft I Product Thickness End of Period (8/19/99): 44.4l ft Product Thickness Beginning of Period (6/9/99): 44.37 ft LPH Removed by Stinger (6/99 through 8/99)2: 181 gallons I LPH Removed by Stinger' (12/99)2: 8 gallons Product Removed with Product Skimmers/Pumps This Period: 25.00 gallons (estimated) Product Removed with PVC Stingers3: 326.0 gallons Total LPH Removed This Period: 351.00 gallons I Cumulative LPH Removed Since Start (12/96): 1020.42 gallons · 'Water Removed this Period: 746.00 gallons ~.. Recycled Liquid from site this Period (7/27/99): 250 gallons t · Recycling Facility: , . DeMenno Kerdoon, Compton, CA Comments: 1. Skimmer system was started after repair of WTF air compressor, but was shut down one week later due to system upgrade/installation activities. Skimmer system will be restarted after system upgrade/installation is completed. 2. Flexible PVC stingers. 3. Total volume of product includes 100 gallons removed from SE-VE- l p:~5825.~)0.0~5825.001.0599Annual\OM Tables~LPH-J un lhru Dee. 99 I I I I I I I ~ rn I -~ I I I I I I I I I I GEOMATRIX APPENDIX C DATE: May 25, 1999 GEOMATRIX I ' SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT First Half- 1999 I Client: World Oil Corp. Location: Former Sunland Ref'mer?, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California Client Contact/Phone No.: Mr. John Hundley/(562) 928-0100 Consulting Co./Contact Person/Phone No.: SECOR/Mr. Paul Salmonsen / (805) 230-1266 i SECOR Project No.: K0111-024-80 Agency/Regulatory ID No.: Primary RWQCB-Central Valley Re~iorff Mr. David Troop/File #CAO 95-702 WORK PERFORMED THIS HALF [First/Second Quarter- 19991: 1. SECOR gauged 35 groundwater monitoring wells at the site on March 22, 1999. I' 2. Purged and sampled 24 wells containing groundwater (MW-l, MW-6, MW-10 through MW-15, MW-18(R) through SE-VE/MW-29, and MW-51) on March 24 and 25, 1999. 3. Performed O&M for the 'high-capacity Vapor Extraction System' (HES) and air sparge systems at the former West I and South Tank Farms. 4. Once per quarter (minimum) performed operation and maintenance of a liquid-phase hydrocarbon (LPH) recovery system at the former West Tank Farm removing product 15om wells MW-7 and MW-42. I WORK PROPOSED FOR NEXT HALF [Third?Fourth Quarter 1999]: 1. Complete groundwater gauging, purging, and sampling in August 1999. I 2.- Continued operation and maintenance of liES following refinery demolition. 3. Air sparging and LPH removal systems to be implemented for optimization as needed. MONITORING RESULTS Current Phase of Project: Remediation (Assmnt, Remed. etc) Frequency of Groundwater Monitoring: Semi -Annual (Quarterly, etc.) Depth to Groundwater: 48.08 - 77.47 (range in feet) Groundwater Flow Direction/Magnitude: Northwest / 0.010 (ft/ft) Flow/Gradient Consistent w/Previous: Qtrs.: Yes (Yes/No) Detectable TPHg Concentration Range: 0.06 to 75 (mg/1) Benzene Concentration Range: 0.00053 to 17 (mg/1) Highest Benzene Concentration: MW-6 (well) Free Product Present: Yes (Yes/No) Wells and/or Surface Waters w/in 2000': Friant-Kern Canal, Wells (Name/ID) 2N/21W-35P4,P5,P6 Radius & Their Respective Directions: eastern margin of site (Distance and Direction) Current Remediation Techniques: HES/AS/Product Pumping (SVES, Prod. etc.) Remov. GroUndwater Discharge Permits:. N/A (NPDES, POTV¢, etc.) Groundwater Purged This Quarter: 3,166 (approx. gallons) Disposal/Recycling Facility: DeMenno/Kerdoon, Compton (Name and Location) I DATE: May 25, 1999 I P:k5825,000.0\l sthalI99- GWMonRpfiGW-REPORI. do~ 1 SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT (CONT'D.) First Half- 1999 Summary of Unusual Activity: Groundwater levels have risen an average of 8.4 feet since August, 1998. LPH sheen was noted in wells MW-8 and MW-9 after initial purging. Salt concentrations generally decreased from the 1996 concentrations. Agency Directive Requirements: Continued semi-annual groundwater monitoring in August 1999 and Evaluate chloride and sulfate concentrations in former waste pond areas. Reviewed and Approved By: Philip R. Kinney, R.G. #4856 ATTACHED: · Groundwater monitoring procedures · Site Location Map (Figure 1) · Groundwater Contour and Hydrocarbon Concentration Map (Figure 2) · Summary of Groundwater Elevation Data (Table 1) · Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results (Table 2) · Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results for Chloride and Sulfate (Table 3) · Laboratory report and chain-of-custody record · Groundwater monitoring and purging field data sheets · Purge groundwater characterization analyses and (non-hazardous) disposal manifests I ! ! I ! I ' P:x5825.000.0\I sthalf99-GWMonRpt\GW-REPORT.doc 2 GEOMATRIX SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT - 1999 Second Half Client: world Oil Corp. Location: Former Sunland Refinery_, 2152 Coffee Road, Bakersfield, California Client Contact/Phone No.: Mr. John Hundley/(562) 928-0100 Consulting Co./Contact Person/Phone No.: Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. / Calvin Hardcastle / (949) 642-0245 Geomatrix Project No.: 5825.005 Agency/Regulatory ID No.: Primary RWQCB-Central Valley Region/Mr. David Troop/File #CAO 95-702 WORK PERFORMED THIS HALF [Third/Fourth Quarter- 1999]: 1. The Source Group gauged 32 groundwater monitoring wells at the site on October 13, 1999. 2. Wayne Perry, Inc. purged and The Source Group sampled 26 wells containing groundwater (MW-l, MW-6, MW-8 through MW-15, MW-18(R) through SE-VE/MW-29, and MW-51) on October 15, 1999. 3. The Source Group performed O&M for the 'High-capacity Vapor Extraction System' (HCVES) and air sparge systems at the former West and South Tank Farms. 4.The system was shut down on September 26, 1999 for the installation of new tankage for product and knockout water stOrage. 5. Once per quarter (minimum), The Source Group performed operation and maintenance of a liquid-phase . hydrocarbon (LPH) recovery system at the former West Tank Farm removing product from wells MW-7 and MW-42. WORK PROPOSED FOR NEXT HALF [First/Second Quarter-2000]: 1. Complete groundwater gauging, purging, and sampling in March 2000. 2. Continued operation and maintenance of HCVES. 3. Air sparging and LPH removal systems to be implemented for optimization as needed. MONITORING RESULTS Current Phase Remediation Remed. of Project: (Assmnt, etc) Frequency of Groundwater Monitoring: Semi -Annual (Quarterly, etc.) Depth to Groundwater: 48.11 - 77.12 (range in feet) Groundwater Flow Direction/Magnitude: Northwest /0.009 (fi/fO Flow/Gradient Consistent w/Previous: Qtrs.: Yes (Yes/No) Detectable TPHg Concentration Range: 0.12 to 68 (rog/l) Benzene Concentration Range: 0.00081 to 12 (mg/l) Highest Benzene Concentration: MW-6 (well) Free Product Present: Yes (Yes/No) Wells and/or Surface Waters w/in 2000': Friant-Kern Canal, Wells (Name/ID) 2N/21W-35P4,P5,P6 Radius & Their Respective Directions: eastern margin of site (Distance and Direction) Current Remediation Techniques: HCVES/AS/Product Pumping (SVES, Prod. Remov. etc.) Groundwater Discharge Permits: N/A (NPDES, POTW, etc.) Groundwater Purged This Quarter: 2,746 (approx. gallons) Disposal/Recycling Facility: DeMenno/Kerdoon, Compton (Name and Location) p:~5825.000.0LS825.005,0L2ndhalf99\Gw-REpoRT, doc 1 DATE: December21, 1999 ~ GEOMATRIX SEMI-ANNUAL MONITORING AND STATUS REPORT (CONT'D.) Second Half- 1999 Summary of Unusual Activity: Groundwater levels have dropped an average of 1.35 feet since March . 1999. LPH sheen was noted in well MW-16 after initial purging. Salt concentrations generally decreased f~om the 1996 concentrations. Agency Directive Requirements: Continued semi-annual groundwater monitoring in March 2000 and Re-evaluate chloride and sulfate concentrations in former waste pond areas. Reviewed and ~pproved By: Duane G. Paul, C.HG. #414 ATTACHED: · Groundwater monitoring procedures · Site Location Map (Figure 1) · Groundwater Contour and Hydrocarbon Concentration Map (Figure 2) · Summary of Groundwater Elevation Data (Table 1) · Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results (Table 2) · Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results for Chloride and Sulfate (Table 3) · Laboratory report and chain-of-custody record · Groundwater monitoring and purging field data sheets · Purge groundwater disposal documentation I i i I i I I p:X5825.000.0LS 825.005.0k2ndhal f99',GW-REPORT, doc 2 GEOMATRIX i I APPENDIX D ! ,I I i i ! ~ROU. OW~.r.R eOrES: /.';,'/, i ~C.. S.P.C.C, F~ ~ T~K F~ , -~- ~A~R ~ I~ ~ ~MBER 5. 1996. NORm . ............ I ~ Z~ ~rA ~ M ~1, ' / ' ~o SUN.ND R[FIHIHG CORPO~TIOH ~ /' ~ I FORMER I FORMER SUN~ND OIL REFINERY 2152 COFFEE RO~ O0 BAKERS[I[~, ~AU~ORNIA ~0 I I GROUNDWATER CONTOUR oo ' - ' I [let HALF, 1999) I ~ ~ ~_,_,, j ~o,~-oz4-~o 4/z~/,,  WOT FGW99 t ( I: 300) m~i EXPLANATION SE-MW-51 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL ~ LOCATION m SE-VE/MW-29 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION/GROUNDWATER · MONITORING WELL LOCATION SEiAS/MWi28 AIR SPARGE POINT/GROUNDWATER ~ MONITORING WELL LOCATION m 330.00 ~ LINE OF EQUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (FEET MSL) MEASURED OCTOBER 13, 1999 (S) (D) i 305.52 I 316.41 I GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET MSL ~:~ SE-MW-2; 0.016b ND(0.005)bI METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) / 0.2 0.07 BENZENE 0.007m DENOTES SAMPLES ANALYZED BY EPA METHOD 8020 FOR MTBE mND(O.O05) DENOTES SAMPLES ANALYZED BY EPA b METHOD 8260~ FOR MTBE (CONCENTRATIONS IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER I:mg/I]) e S -MW-51 m' ~ (S) SHALLOW ZONE WELL (D) DEEP ZONE WELL (NL) MONITORING WELL NOT LOCATED ! NORTH (NS) MONITORING WELL NOT SURVEYED TANK (DRY) WATER LEVEL BELOW BOTTOM OF WELL CASING FARM c~ (LPH) GROUNDWATER ELEVATION NOT CALCULATED DUE TO ~ PRESENCE OF LIQUID PHASE HYCROCARBONS (NC) GROUNDWATER ELEVATION NOT CALCULATED DUE TO ~. ! ~ / MW-8 LACK OF SURVEY DATA ~o ND(O.05) NOT DETECTED AT DETECTION LIMIT SHOWN IN i SE-MW-O(R) PARENTHESIS NA NOT ANALYZED ............................ SE-AS/MW-28 - -- NOTES: I ii ~I DN? 1. SOURCE OF MAP: PATRICK AND HENDERSON INC.. S.P.C.C. MW-13 -- FACILITY PLAN, TANK FARMS AND REFINERY, DATED -- MW-5 MW~- DECEMBER 13, 1985. NEW COFFEE ROAD ELEVATED BERM, FORMER COFFEE ROAD, AND PG&E SITE INFORMATION FROM 8E-MW-20($/D) PAN PACIFIC CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SEPARATION OF GRADE DISTRICT. MW-16 2. MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS AND SITE BOUNDARY LINES FORMER MARCH 18 AND NOVEMBER 5, 1996. (S/D) SOUTH TANK FARM AND REFINERY 3. SITE FEATURES AND STRUCTURE LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. MW-2 I Mw~ 1 NL ',1 4. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS COLLECTED ON OCTOBER 13, t999. / NA II 5. GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED ON OCTOBER 15, 1999. I PG&E EA$i~MENI~ SE-IVlW-24(S/D) -15 ~ MW- 6. EPA METHOD 8260 USED AS CONFIRMATION WHEN AVAILABLE, MW-11 ~ m o 150 3ob g.~' APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET --~. B ..... p modified from figure privided by The Source Group, Inc. ,:-~ GROUNDWATER CONTOUR AND ',~'~ ~ ": ~. . ~ s~-uw-22 BENZENE/MTBE(ocTOBER CONCENTRATION 1999) MAP ~SE-MW21 FORMER SUNLAND OIL REFINERY ' 2152 Coffee Rood ~ ~ ~ 326~.85 ~ ----'~ SE-MW-25 I3okers field, Colifor hid f i ND(O/)O0$) GEOMATRIX Ol/18/oo 5