HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1 -' P;ERN COUNT'( HEALTH DEPARTMEh ~ 2700 M Street HEALTH OF~ · o Bakersfield, California f~ ENV,{ROIqMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Mailing Address: ~%~ DIRECTCR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue ' Vernon S. Relchard Bakersfield, Californ;a 93301 ~ovember ~7, ~988 Clifford Bressler c/o Mr, Jim Clements P.O. Box 81495 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Re: Reai Estate Studies Completed for two parcels ence owned by .Rancho Labcrde Estates in Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Clements: The s~udies completed by Emcon and Assoclaues ~or two real estate parcml~ Once o~ed by Rancho Laborde Estate in Bakersfield, Califo=nia we=e reviewed by m ~epresentative of this department. The studies described one 320 acre lot bordered by CcC~ee Road to the West and Fruitvalm Avenue to the East: ~nd a 1480 acre lo~ bordered by Co~ee Road to th~ East, Ro~edale Highway to the South and Calioway to the West, The reports provided information on the past use o~ the properties, possible p~oblem~ associated with the Mites, and assessments completed. An overview of the problem areas aloa~ with the department~ comments are provided below. The 14S0 area lot contained a pesticide s~orage area which is referenced in a letter ,~ated SeDtembe~ 14, 19S9, The pesticid~ st.ura~e area, will be discussed and -~e~ences w~l! be m~de to the violations cited in tbs[ letter. The %,~'.4~G acre psrc~l had 'the ~cl~ng items of concern described 'in tbs study 9repa~ed. ~ . ~ r "S h~idin was~/'crude ~t1.. The ~.~ '- ~resen~ in si'gnif, g~ levels. ~ne ~e~ona~ ~r Clifford Brews November 17, 1988 Page 4 7. A refuse dump was described east of the friant Kern Canal. Surplus a~ricultural equipment, use .~res, empty oil drums, ;~od ahd other refuse was id~ied as h~vi~g viela~tng Sect'i~.s 8.28.100 and/~8~l~o of ~ne ~ern and Safe:y Code regar~~he creation o~ a nuisance. · he i~ems dumped ~~..s~o~d be inven:o=iea {th~ d~ums) mmy.~~t to ~~ler: some equipment may s ' _~o a scrap ya~ Th~ owner/opera,or be used or ~ -.. ~ th ~hould pro~~~ plan to the ~.~,rn c~un:y Heal Depar~men~%~re ctea~ing this ~lt~'~9~ that it wil~ no~ violate/~la~ions provided !n the state iap~ or iocaA ordinance. The 320 acre parcel, had the following items of concern describ~d in ~he s~udy prepared. 1. Two oil sumps were noted in the southern portion of the parcel. The liquid within the sump should be sampled to see if ot~er chemicmls of concern as halogena~ed compounds, PCBs, and Metals are present In significant levels. The Regional Wa~er Quality Control Board should be advised ~nd allowed to give guidanc~ on the closure of the sumps. 2. 0il stains were observed around two oil stormge tanks. The stains could bs indicative of pmst leaks/s~lls. One ~amDle was retrieved 6" below ~r~de at one tank.site, on the South,'So~heastern portion of the parcel. The sample sh~wed ~oil contamination o~ heavy hyd:ocarbons. The .... ~'. e~nt of cont~ain~lo~ should, be determined, c~ude oil iS not presently considered a hazardous waste, however ~he contamina~ion present should be characterized and any possible threat to G~oundwa~er sources addressed. The future plans ~o~ the c~ntamlnat~d area should be cpnsidered in mll discussions addressing mitigation of thi~ s~te. The ir~lGation sump ~ad only tr~ce amGunts of the pesticides DDE and DDT. ~h~ levels detected ~e~e not significant. If the sample retrieved was representative of the sump, ~hen the s~p appea~s to be no problem as far as an accumulation o~ halogenated hydrocarbons- The assessment company should address the ra~iona~ for ~etFlevJng ~nly one sample in the sump. Clifford Bre~sler November 17. 1988 Page § 4. The sample taken in the Ag acreage had nondetectable levels of halcgenated hydroca:~bons. If the sample retrieved was either representative of ~he ~armin9 acreage cr the worst expected, the area can be assumed free of halogenated pesticides/herbicides. The ratlonml for ~et~i,~ving only one sample ~rum this area should be documented. 5. The stained areas beneath the l~akin~ transformers were mualyzed. The analysis suggested that there were no PCBs pre~en~ in the soils sampled. This area appears ~o have been appropriately characterized, assumAn9 that t~e stained area was small and the sample was retrieved within the stalaed area. The letter dated September !4. 1988, r~quired that you submit a site charaoterizatlon proposal to the Kern County Health ~epartmen-~: within GO d~¥s. The studies completed for the Rancho Labo~de Esta%:es were deficient in the items ~ummarized above. You must submit a repor'~ p:~oviding rational for activities completed and proposed ~ampiing aJ~d analysis for the pesticide ~torage area, ~he irrigation drainage basins, and the refuse dump site wlth~n 30 days. T~e a~plicati::n Sot operation or abandonment o~ the ~ndez'~round ~tora~e t$r:~s m~st be completed an~ submitted to this ~epartment within 30 day~. Thank you ~..r the opportunity to assist you in this ma~er~ , and if you nay:9 any quegtlons, please feel free to call me at (805) 861-S636. /~i/~~erely, Envir~nnlgn~al Heal u-~r--~pec~alis~ Hazardous Materials Management Program AEG:dr cc: County Administrative Office Reg~.ona~ Water Quality Control Board - Fresno MCCORM CK. BARe. W. S r rARD. WAYr & A~ORN~S AT ~W ~a~ E Wa~ Sa~ ~ ~ P.O. BOX 2~13 ~{~ ~. ~ Wa~ w. ~e~a FRESNO, CALIFORNIA ~13 ~ ~ ~ Dudl~ W. Shepp~ 3am~ ~ Perm Mi~ F. ~11 RoM ~ ~ Or ~1 S~phen ~ ~ea S~ ~ ~ M~ M~o L ~l~m~ 3c. 3e~ ~ Ead 1 ~1 FuEon Mall Pa~ L r~ ~ ~ M~i~ Mi~ael G. W~ ~ Jon~ Fresno, Cal~ornia ~721 ~ G. ~ (19~-1~1) 3am~ P. Wagoner ~ D. H~ T~d W. ~ S~phen B~e~ S~en G. ~u P~p ~ ~i~ ~B~ Paul 3. O'~u~ Jr. (1~1-1~) Gordon ~ Pa~ Ma~ ~ Harm ~0~ ~O$~O Stroo~ Do. Id Wade M. Ha~ ~ ~ B~n Fr~o, Ca[~omia 9372~ Rog~ W. F. D~er D~d ~ McNa~ Daniel · Wu~ Doro~ 3. Aden J~t~ ~ Spi[Iner ~m~ L ~om~n ~ T~d ~ Fi~ Administer Hilwn ~ Ryder De~ ~ ~n Telephone (209) ~2-1150 Go.on D. Greg Du~in W~ [ U~d F~ (209) ~2-1~2 ~oaa ~ Hol~ 3r. MODESTO OFFICE Mamball ~ ~im~ ~ W. Hop~ ~qua Donald [ Bia~ Reni L ~mple Ted ~ Smi~ ~n~ PI~ ~ To~r Daniel P. Lyons Mi~l 2. ~hins~ Mi~ 2. R~ 11~ Nin~ ~ Su~ 1510 ~l~ ~ Waist D~d G. Vald~ ~ F. Vo~ Mi~ael L Wilhelm Ro~ E Hud~ 3~ D. G~ Telephone (~) ~11~ ~oh.~D~o~,h~S~. ..S~o.. ~anua~y 2~, 1993 F~(~)5~*11a ~y G~een P~og~am Nanage~ Environmen~a[ Hea~h Services Dept. ReSource ~anagemen~ Agency Dept. of Environmental Hea~h Services 1700 M Street, Suite 300 ~' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Laborde Property. Dear ~y: Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter you sent to the trustee for the Laborde Estate regarding the above-referenced real property. In the letter you confirm that the pesticide storage area had been cleaned up on the property and that any further remediation of the sump area would be limited to a capping in place by either an asphalt or concrete cap during construction of a co~ercial structure on the property. The purchasers of the real property are interested in ~ ...... = c~n,..ma~.on from you that the sump area can be capped, if you can provide me with a description of what work, if any, is necessary for this site to be closed, it would be appreciated. If a cap is required, a description of the type of cap necessary would be helpful. I suspect that the fact this property is zoned co~ercial should help. Please contact me if you have any questions or need any assistance. Very truly yours, McCO~ICK, B~STOW, SHEPP~D, WAYTE & C~UTH TJ: jdh 51]5f000.~re Val Vista Estates, Inc. January 4, 1993 Ms. Amy Green Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 M Street Bakersfield, CA RE: 320-Acre Parcel formerly part of Rancho-Laborde Estates~.~ Dear Ms. Green: Enclosed is a copy of a letter (3 pages) from you to Clifford Bressler dated November 17, 1988, which references an Emcon and Associates report on 320 acres that we purchased from Mr. Bressler. Since that report was issued, the oil wells and two oil sumps which were operated under a leasehold agreement by Baker-Dickey, have been abandoned. We requested Emcon and Associates to review the abandoned area (approximately 80 acres) as well as address other items that you questioned in the original 'report. Enclosed is Emcon's updated report for your review which covers the approximately 80-acre parcel. Please let us know what action is required so that we may proceed with development of this acreage. Ms. Erin O'Connell at Emcon, 805 389-3771, can answer any technical questions regarding their report. Jim Baker, 805 589-0910, can answer questions regarding the abandonment. Very truly yours, FRUITVALE PROPERTIES By: Va_l Vista Estates, Inc. Project Manager enc. cc: Erin O'Connell, Emcon Jim Baker 201 Shipyard Way, Suite E · Newport Beach, CA 92663 · (714) 723-4255 · Fax (714) 723-4246 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3006 · Newport Beach, CA 92659 INTER-OFFICE MEiVlO TO DATE i ~/~ ~. ~/~/~ Gmcon Ass ociates 140 Camino Ruiz · Camarillo, California 93012-6700 · (805) 389-3771 · Fax (805) 389-3779 December 9, 1992 Project 2206-400.01 Ms. Bonnie Godfrey Project Manager Fruitvale Properties Post Office Box 3006 Newport Beach, California 92659 Re: Response Letter 81.87-Acre Portion of 320-Acre Rancho Laborde Site (Parcel "A") Bakersfield, California Dear Ms. Godfrey: EMCON Associates (EMCON) has prepared this letter discussing the environmental consulting services provided to Fruitvale Properties, Inc. (Fruitvale) for the above-referenced site. The purpose of the environmental services was to review the previous work completed at the site, conduct a site reconnaissance to observe the current condition of the property, and to respond to the Kern County Health Department - Environmental Health Division (County) review letter dated November 17, 1988. BACKGROUND The site is an 81.87-acre parcel located to the north of Meany Avenue, between Coffee Road and Patton Way, in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1 ). The site has previously been used for both agricultural and crude-oil production activities. PJ2206~L120792.WP5:VCJsbz(2206-400.01) ~ Ms. Bonnie Godfrey Project 2206-400.01 December 9, 1992 Page 2 In August 1988, EMCON conducted a Real Estate Due Diligence study on a 320-acre parcel (Parcel "A") that included the subject site (EMCON, August 17, 1988). This study included: · Interviewing local, county, and state regulatory agencies to determine if regulatory files concerning the property existed · Reviewing aerial photographs to determine prior land usage · Visually inspecting the parcel to identify any potential "high risk" areas · Collecting shallow subsurface soil samples from identified "high risk" areas during the site visit · Analyzing selected representative soil samples for various pesticides, herbicides, oils, and similar chemicals This study concluded that two out of 26 pdority pollutant pesticides (DDE and DDT) were present in the soil sample collected from the irrigation sump. The concentrations of these two compounds were approximately two levels of magnitude below the State of California Total Threshold Limit Concentration ('FI'LC) for both compounds. The study also concluded that no chlorinated acid herbicides were detected in this soil sample 'or in the soil sample collected from the irrigation catch basin. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were not detected in a soil sample collected from beneath the transformer. Crude oil impacted soils were detected in the vicinity of the aboveground tank location. However, crude oil is not considered a hazardous substance according to the State of California (Health and Safety Code, Chapter 8.6, Section 25317[a]). On November 17, .1988, the County responded to the EMCON report dated August 17, 1988, regarding the 320-acre (Parcel A) and the EMCON report dated September 16, 1988, regarding a separate 1,480-acre property (Parcel B). The County response letter discussed five items of possible PJ2206~L120792.WP5:VCJsbz(2206-400,01) Ms. Bonnie Godfrey Project 2206-400.01 December 9, 1992 Page 3 concem with regard to the 320-acre (Parcel "A") property, and requested that a report responding to these items be submitted to the County. In October 1992, Fruitvale requested that EMCON review the site documentation regarding the abandoned well sites, the two oil sump areas, and the irrigation sump; and respond to the County review letter dated November 17, 1988. DATA COLLECTION AND REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS In November 1992, EMCON obtained and reviewed the available data regarding the abandonment and cleanup of the four on-site oil wells and two oil sumps. Abandonment data regarding the oil wells was obtained from both Fruitvale and the Baker-Dickey Partnership (Mr. Jim E. Baker), the previous leaseholder. Information regarding the removal of the oil sumps was obtained from Mr. Jim E. Baker of the Baker-Dickey Partnership and Mr. Michael T. Rodgers of the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) (personal communication, November 24, 1992). On May 14, 1992, abandonment of the four on-site oil wells ("Tenneco" 1-21, APl No. 029-06775, "Tenneco" 2-21, APl No. 029-06776, "Tenneco" 3-21, APl No. 029-06777, and "Tenneco" 4-21, APl No. 029-06778) was observed by Mr. Joe Perrick as a representative of the Resources Agency of California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas (DOG, May 28, 1992). The abandonment/plugging operations were witnessed and reported as approved by the DOG. On August 14, 1992, the DOG accepted the report of abandonment for the four on-site oil wells and determined that all of the requirements of the DOG had been fulfilled. Documentation regarding the abandonment of the four oil wells is presented in Attachment 1. PJ2206~L120792.WP5:VCJsbz(2206-400.01) Ms. Bonnie Godfrey Project 2206-400.01 December 9, 1992 Page 4 On June 22, 1979, Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Order No. 79-144 prescribed requirements and governed the disposal of produced wastewater to the unlined oil sumps on the subject property. On December 5, 1980, Cease and Desist Order No. 80-213 was adopted. This order required the discharger to comply with the effluent limitations established in WDR Order No. 79-144. Mr. Jim E. Baker acquired these requirements with the operation of the site. On July 30, 1992, Mr. Michael T. Rodgers, as a representative of the RWQCB, conducted a facilities inspection of the subject site and concluded that the oil wells and associated appurtenances had been abandoned (RWQCB, September 18, 1992). Mr. Rodgers also noted that no oil sumps were observed on the site during this inspection. Mr. Rodgers concluded that WDR Order No. 79-144 and Cease and Desist Order No. 80-213 were no longer necessary to regulate the operation of facilities on the site. On November 2, 1992, the RWQCB sent two letters to Mr. Jim E. Baker stating that, on October 23, 1992, the RWQCB adopted Order Nos. 92-206 and 92- 207, finding that all sumps used for the disposal of wastewater had been removed from the listed sites, including the subject site (RWQCB, November 2, 1992). These Orders rescinded previous Order Nos. 79-144 and 80-213, stating that the dischargers had achieved compliance with the Cease and Desist Orders. The inspection report and vadous letters documenting the removal of the oil sumps are presented in AttaChment 2. Documentation regarding the analysis and removal of stained soils in the area of the western oil sump is presented in Attachment 3. SITE RECONNAISSANCE EMCON conducted a site visit on November 16, 1992, to observe the locations of the four former oil wells, two oil sumps, and the condition of the surrounding soil, the condition of the irrigation sump/catch basin, and the condition o:t the above-ground oil storage tanks and the surrounding soils. No additional soil samples for analyses were collected. PJ2206~L120792.WP5:VCJsbz(2206-400.01) Ms. Bonnie Godfrey Project 2206-400.01 December g, 1992 Page 5 No evidence of the four oil wells was observed at the ground surface during the site visit. Based on the data obtained from the DOG and the RWQCB, these wells are assumed to have been abandoned. No staining of the surrounding soils was observed in the vicinity of three of the four wells; however, minor soil staining was observed in the vicinity of the central well to the north (Figure 2). These soils cover an area of approximately 30 square feet and appear to be limited in extent based on the surface appearance. The irrigation sump is located in the northwestem portion of the property and does not appear to contain any discolored soils. Discolored soils are located to the west of Patton Way, approximately 40 feet west of the water pump. These stained soils appear to be surficial, encompassing an area of approximately 300 square feet, and have a slight petroleum odor. RESPONSE TO COUNTY REVIEW LE'I'rER The County responded to the Real Estate Due Diligence report dated August 17, 1988, and requested responses to five comments. The County comments and EMCON responses are included below. County Comment No. 1. Two oil sumps were noted in the southern portion of the parcel The liquid within the sump should be sampled to see if other chemicals of concern as halogenated compounds, PCBs, and metals are present in significant levels. The Regional Water Quality Control Board should be advised and allowed to give guidance on the closure of the sumps. PJ220~L120792,WP5:VCJsbz(2206-400.01 ) Printed on Recvcled PaDer Ms. Bonnie Godfrey Project 2206-400.01 December 9, 1992 Page 6 EMCON Response No. 1. The oil sumps were removed pdor to July 30, 1992, and the removals were accepted by the RWQCB on October 23, 1992 (RWQCB, November 2, 1992). This subject was discussed in detail earlier in this letter. Documentation regarding the removal of the oil sumps is presented in Attachment 2. County Comment No. 2. Oil stains were observed around two oil storage tanks. The stains could be indicative of past leaks/spills. One sample was retrieved 6 inches below grade at one tank site, on the south~southeastern portion of the parcel The sample showed soil contamination of heavy hydrocarbons. The extent of contamination should be determined. Crude oil is not presently considered a hazardous waste, however the contamination present should be characterized and any possible threat to groundwater sources addressed. The future plans for the contaminated area should be considered in all discussions addressing mitigation of this site. EMCON Response No. 2. One area of oil-stained soils in the vicinity of one set of oil-storage tanks was located on a portion of the 320- acre Parcel "A" site, located to the north of the subject site and, therefore, is not addressed in this document. The second area where oil-stained soils were noted was visually checked during the NOvember 16, 1992 field reconnaissance. An area of approximately 300 square feet of stained soil was noted. This subject was discussed previously within this letter. County Comment No. 3. The irrigation sump had only trace amounts of the pesticides DDE and DDT. The levels detected were not significant. If the sample retrieved was representative of the sump, then the sump appears to be no problem as far as an accumulation of halogenated hydrocarbons. The assessment company should address the rationale for retrieving only one sample in the sump. PJ2206\L120792.WPS:VCJsbz(2206-400.01) PrintRd on. Flecvcled PaD er Ms. Bonnie Godfrey Project 2206-400.01 December 9, 1992 Page 7 EMCON Response No. 3. Analysis of the sample detected only trace amounts of the pesticides DDE and DDT (EMCON, August 17, 1988). The sample collected from the irrigation sump is considered to be representative of the matedal found within the sump. Any materials carded into the sump would be transported by water and would be homogenized by the transportation process. Therefore, one sample was considered adequate for characterization of the sump material. County Comment No. 4. The sample taken in the Ag acreage had nondetectable levels of haiogenated hydrocarbons. If the sample retrieved was either representative of the farming acreage or the worst expected, the area can be assumed free of halogenated pesticides/herbicides. The rationale for retrieving only one sample from this area should be documented. EMCON Response No. 4. The soil sample was not collected on the subject site but was collected within the 320-acre Parcel "A" site to the north and, therefore, is not addressed in this document. County Comment No. 5. The stained areas beneath the leaking transformers were analyzed. The analysis suggested that there were no PCBs present in the soil samples. This area appears to have been appropriately characterized, assuming that the stained area was small and the sample was retrieved within the stained area. EMCON Response No. 5. The stained area beneath the transformer was limited in extent and the sample was collected from within the stained area. The analysis of the sample did not detect the presence of PCBs within the soil sample. PJ2206~L120792.WPS:VCJsbz(2206-400.01) Printed on Recycled Pa~)er Ms. Bonnie Godfrey Project 2206-400.01 December 9, 1992 Page 8 SUMMARY EMCON has prepared this letter report to summarize the findings from the data review and the site reconnaissance, and to respond to the County's five comments regarding the site, as presented in the review letter dated November 17, 1988. EMCON appreciates the opportunity to provide services to Fruitvale Properties for this project. Should you have any questions, please contact either of the undersigned at (805) 389-3771. Respectfully submitted, EMCON Associates Erin K. O'Connell Project Geologist Ralph J. Schmitt Executive Manager EKO/RJS:sbz Attachments: References Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Plan Attachment 1 - Documentation of Oil-Well Abandonment Attachment 2 - Documentation of Oil-Sump Removal Attachment 3 - Certified Analytical Results and Soil Manifests PJ2206\L120792.WP5:VCJsbz(2206-400.01) Printed on Recycled Pa=er REFERENCES County, November 17, 1988, Review Letter of EMCON Report dated August 17, 1988, for Parcels A and B, Rancho Laborde Estates, Bakersfield, California: Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Division, Bakersfield, California. DOG, May 28, 1992, Report on Operations, No. T492-820 through T492-823, Sec. 21, T. 29S, R. 27E, MDB&M Fruitvale Field, Kern County: Resources Agency of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas, Bakersfield, California. DOG, August 14, 1992, Report of Well Abandonment, "Tenneco" wells 1-21 through 4-21, APl No. 029-06775 through 029-06778, Section 21, T. 29S, R. 27E, MDB&M, Fruitvale field, Kern County: Resources Agency of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas, Bakersfield, California. EMCON, August 17, 1988, "Parcel A" Summary Report, Real Estate Due Diligence Study, Rancho Laborde Site: Bakersfield, Ca#fomia: EMCON Associates, Burbank, California. EMCON, September 16, 1988, "Parcel B" Summary Report, Real Estate Due Diligence Study, Rancho Laborde Site, Bakersfield, California: EMCON Associates, Burbank, California. RWQCB, November 2, 1992, Recission of Waste Discharge Requirements/Cease & Desist Orders for Fruitvale Oil Field- Kern County, California: Regional Water Quality Control Board, Fresno, California. PJ2206\L120792.WPS:VCJsbz(2206-400.01 ) Printed on Recycled Paper RWQCB, September 18, 1992, Inspection Report - Tenneco Lease Fruitvale Oil Field, Kern County, California: Regional Water Quality Control Board, Fresno, California. PJ2206~L120792.WP5:VCJsbz(2206-400.01) Printed on Recvcled Paoer FIGURES Printed on Recvcled PaPer TOUR ,.~haf~r-4'am Co VILLAGE ~ t,.~, .~v ~.. 20 ACRES eu~ ~r,4 I ~ L ~ TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5620 BAKE RS.~__F! EL D, CAL_.~I FOR.__._.N I A IP"°OEcT "°'/ SITE LOCATION MAP 12206'400'01J Printed on Recycled Paper ATTACHMENT 1 DOCUMENTATION OF OIL-WELL ABANDONMENT R~SOURCES AGENCY /0RNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF 0IL AND GAS No. T492-823 REPORT ON OPERATIONS James E. Baker BAKER-DICKEY PARTNERSHIP Bakers field, California P.O. Box 1032 May 28, 1992 Bakersfield, CA. 93302 Your operations at well "Tenneco" 1-21, AP1 No. 029-06775, Sec. 21, T. 29S, R. 27E, MDB&M Fruitvale Field, in Kerm County, were witnessed on 5-14-92. Joe Perrick, representative of the supervisor, was present from 1200 to 1215. There w~re also present Mr. James E. Baker, agent. Present c~ndition of well: 27" cern. 40'; 7" cern. 3885', perf. (@ int.) 3340'-34A2', cavity shot 3180'. TD. 4496'. ED. 3695'. Plugged w/cern. 3695'-3210', 3190'-3018' amd 130 '-5 ' . The operation~ w~re performed for the purpose of abamdor~ent. DECISION: THE PLUGGING OPERATIONS AS WITNESSED AND REPORTED ARE APPROVED. K. P. Menderson : Acting Oil & Gas Supervisor ~P/~s ~ ~.. Hal Bop~~~~-~ De~ S~pervisor OG ~09 R. ESOU~CE$ AGENCY OF .ANIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSEHVATION DIVISION OF OIL AND GAS No. T492-822 R~.PORT ON OPF/{ATIONS James E. Baker BAKER-DICKEY PARTNERSHIP Bakers field, California P.O. Box 1032 May 28, 1992 Bakersfield, CA'. 93302 Your operations at: well "Tenneco" 2-21, API No. 029-06776t See. 21, T. 295, R. 27E, MDB&M Fruitvale Field, tn Kern County, were witnessed on 5-14-92. Joe Perrick, representative of the supervisor, was present fr~m 1215 t:o 1230. There w~re also -presen~ Mr. James E. Baker, a~ent. Present cgndttion of well: 22# cern. 40'; 5 1/2" id. 3939', c.p. 3887', W$O perf. 3881', perf. 3891'-3939', cavil7 shot 3215'; 4" ld. 3845'-3937', perf. 3889'-3936'. ID. 3940'. Plugged w/cern. 3853'-3647', 3220'-3123' and 130'-5'. The operations were performed for the purpose of a~u~oument. DECISION: THE PLUGGING OPERATIONS AS WITNESSED AND REPORTED ARE APPROVED. K. P. H~nderson ; Acting.Oil & Gas Supervisor 3Pl~ .,.. Hal Bopp Deputy 109 ~ESOURCES AGENCY OF DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF OIL AND GAS No. T492-82I REPORT 0N OPERATIONS James g. Baker BAKER-DICKEY PARTNERSHIP Bakers f ield, Calif omi a P.O. Box 1032 May 28, 1992 Bakersfield, CA. 93302 Your o~erations at well "Tenneco" 3-21, API No. 029-06777, See. 21, T. 29S, R. 27E, MDB&M Fruitvale Field, in Kern County, were witnessed on 5-14-92. Joe Perrick, representative of the supervisor, was present from 1230 to 1245. There were also present Mr. James E. Baker, Agent. Pre~ent condition of well: 22" cern. 40'; 5 1/2" ld. 3938', c.p. 3883', WSO perf. 3875' , perf. 3888'-3938' , cavity shot 3240 '; 2 3/8" ld. 3841'-3938' , perf. 3883'-3937'. 193. 3938'. Plugged w/cern. 3841'-3675', 3250'-3045' amd 130'-5'. The operations were performed for the'purpose of abandonment. DECISION: THE PLUGGING OPERATIONS AS WITNESSED AND REPORTED ARE APPROVED. / ; K.P. Henderson Acting .Oil & Gas Supervisor ~/~s ~;~ .,: Hal Bopp Deputy' ~upervisor 0G 109 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF OIL AND GAS No. T492-820 · EPO~T ON OPERATIONS James E. Baker BAKE~-DICKEY PArTNErSHIP Bakersfield, California P.O. Box 1032 May 28, 1992 Bakersfield, CA. 93302 Your operations at wm]l "Tehneeo" 4-21, API No. 029-06778, Sec. 21, T. 29S, R. 27E, MDB&M Fruitvale Field, in Kern County, were witnessed on 5-14-92. Joe Perrick, representative of the supervisor, was present from 1245 to 1300. There w~re also present Mr. James E. Baker, A~ent. Present ¢on~ition of we]l: 27" cern. 40'; 7" id. 3950', c.p. 3895', W$O perf.'3885', perf. 3900'-3950'. TD. 3950'. Plumed w/cern. 3950'-3756', 3250'-3088' and 130'-5'. The operations were performed for the purpose of abandonment. DECIS I0N: THE PLUGGING OPERATIONS AS WITNESSED AND P. EPORTED ARE APPKOVED. K. P. H~nderson ~ Acting Dtl & Gas Supervisor JP/]s~ Hal B0pp Deputy Supervisor OG 109 ~OURC~$ AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA DEPAR?MENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF OIL & GAS REPORT OF WELL ABY~NDONMENT · Bakersfield, California AUgUSt 14, 1992 James E. Baker Baker-.Dickey Partnership P.O0 Box 1032 Bakersfield, CA 9302 Your report of abandonment of well "Tenneco" X-ZZ, A.P.I. No. 029- 06?75, Section 21, T. zgs, R. 37~, MD B.& M., FrUitw&le field, Kern County, dated 8/4/92, received 8/3/93, has be~n examir=d in conjunction with records filed in this office, nnd we have deternined that all of the requirements of this Division have been fulfilled. NOTE~ Surface plugging completed on 5/14/92. NO Bond cc: Conservation committee K. P. Henderson Acting Oil & Gas Supervisor HB/RH/RF _~._.. ~ ~.vv~:'  H~iBopp, Deput~ Super'z~s-~ 0~159 Printed on Recycled Paper ~8OUR¢~S AG~.N¢¥ OF CALIFORNIA D~PARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVZ$ION OF O2L & OAS REPORT OF WESL AB~DO~E~T · Bakersfield, California Auguzt 14, 1992 James E. Baker Baker-Dickey Partnership P.O. Box 1032 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Your report of abandonment of well "Tenneco" 3-Zl, A.P.I. No. 039- 06776, Section 21, T. 29S, R. Z?E, MD B.& M., Fruitvale field, Kern County, dated 8/4/9~, received 8/3/gZ, has been examined in conjunction with records f~led in this office, and we have determined that all of the requirements of this Division have been fulfilled. NOTE~ Surface plugging completed on 5/14/92. NO Bond cc: Conservation Committee K. P. Henderson Acting Oil & Gas Supervisor  /Hal Bopp, Deputy Supervisor 0G159 Printe~ on Recvcled Paper ~,OUR¢~.$ AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION D~VISION OF OIL & GAS REPORT OF WELL ABANDONMENT · Bakersfield, California August 14, 1992 James E. Baker Baker-Dickey Partnership P.O. Box 1032. Bakersfield, CA 93302 Your report of abandonment of well "Tenneco" 3-Zl, A.P.I. No. 06777, Section ~X, T. 2gs, R. 27E, MD B.& M., Fruitvale field, Kern County, dated 8/4/92, received 8/$/92, has been examined in oonjun:tion with records filed in this office, and we have deterKlned that all of the requirements of this Division have been fulfilled. NOTE~ Surface plugging completed on 5/14/92. NO Bond cc: Conservation Committee K. P. Henderson Acting Otl & Gas Supervisor  L~[&l Bopp, D~p~Y SuPervisor 09159 Printed on Recvcled Paper 2OURCE$ AOENC¥ OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF OIL & GAS RZPORT OF WELL ABARDONMEI~T · Bakersfield, California August 14, 1992 James E. Baker Baker-Dickey ~artnership P.O. Box 1032 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Your report of abandonment of well "Tenneco" 4-2~, A.P.I. No. 029- 06778, Section 21, T. ZgS, R. 27Z, ND B.& M., Fruitvale field, Kern County, dated 8/4/92, received 8/3/§2, has been examined in conjunction with records filed in this office, and we ha,'e determined that all of the requirements of this Div~.sion have been fulfilled. NOTE: Surface plugging completed on 5/14/92. No Bond cc: Conservation Committee K. P. Henderson Acting Oil & Gas Supervisor  Hal Bopp, Deputy superv~ sot O~1~ Printed on Recycled Pal)er ATTACHMENT 2 DOCUMENTATION OF OIL-SUMP REMOVAL printed on Recycled Paper : r ......... , :-.-:: .... '. PI'ir wiI CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WA1 CENTRAL. VALLEY REGION ~'~ ~6~ EAS1 ASHLAN AV~-NUF J,E. Baker ]8 September 1992 P.O, Box t032 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Warren O, Hahn Arco 0tl and Gas Company P.O, Bux ]47 Bakersfield, CA 93302 INSPECTZON REPORT - TENNECO LEASE ~ FRUITVALE OXL FIELO, KERN COUNTY Enclosed for your informaLion is a re~ort covering a recent inspection of former oii production wastewaCer land d~sposal facility at the 7enseco lease in the F~uitvale oll fleld, The ~nspection indicates ~aste Oisch~rge Requirements Order No. 79-~44 and Cease and Oes~st Order Ho. 80-2]3 are no longer necessary to regulate the production operaL~on. A proposal to ~esctnd these orders will be placed on the agenda for consideration at the Regional Board meeting to be held o~) ~3 DcLober ~gg2. Alsu enclosed for your information is tile public hearing notice concerning this matter. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call Mike Rogers at (209) 445-619]. SHELTON R. GRAY Senior Engineering Geologist ~TR:mtWfmc Enclostlre cc: Mr. Dave Clark, California Division ot Oil and Gas, Bakersfield Mr. Steve McCa!lay, Kern County Environmental Health Department., Bakersfield Printed on Recvcled Paoer OFFICE NO: 5F FA(iILITII~S INSI'I[CH'ION R} ' ' PCA $~slem la~k No. 131 51.}152087002 I.E. Baker (Evans and Cater) Fruilvale, Section 21 None Kern Count~ SCHEDULED I~SPECTION DATA OXY M~ ..~ tS rids a ~pe 'Al' or 'BI" Compii~n~ In~Oon ot ~n NPDES facility e~ ,e~i~,d by tho ~c~on 1~ g~c,nt workplan? (Y/N) ff ~. ~nd a ~DY el fl~is fopoH ~ EPA --. ............................ ..--.._-~ ......... , .. - INS PI ~I'ION TYPE (Ch~k One) At ~ 'A' ~pocompl~a~'~ -. Compmhm~sive in~puction in whch &~mp~s m~ t~ken. (EPA Ty~ S) E1 _ , . 'B' type complianoe - A Ioulmo non~a, mpfir,g in;,po, ct~c,. (CPA ~tp~ C) 02 .. Noncompliance ~l:ow.up -- Inspection made tu vmily cm~ection of a p~evim~siy idnntltiud v{olOlio~ 03 ~.~ Enlorc~'men! !olios.up .- Ir.~pecliorc m,de to vodly that c, ondillon~, of an uMorcem~nt action o,o boing met 04 ~ _ Comptalnl .. !nspecl~on, taBOo in =~spo,':so Io t9 complain! X 05 ..... Pre.ruquh'emen! -. Inspection maclo to g.~h., inlo f(,ta+,ivo Io p,opaf[ng, n,od,fyin0. or (esclnd ~g ri'~uirc, mc~rd; Mi$~llaneOuS .. Any inspecllon lypt~; not mur~l,:;,~d obove ~f ~ts "~ ~n ~PA i"~sp~'ti~ not me~tioned o~w, ptons~ .Ole lypo, (e.g. -- biomonilorlng. ~rlo~man~ nud~l, diagn~f, lic, otc,) N Wa~ ~1~ ~ ~alib Assutan,'e-B~sed r.~,~,.tio,~ N woro bioas~y ~mptes laken? (N = No~ :f Y[S. ~:er; S =- Slali~ o~ F = Fbwth~ough INSP~I'ION SUMMARY (RI~QUIRED) (1 (g) character Sujface impoundmenls have been removed, No discharge toland. See all~chmenl. Reg. WDS C~rdmator WDS ~3~ E~try Date:_ ,, Reg~cnal ~ard f de Numbm: Print~ on Recvcled Paoer 1[zI2.'92 12:~0 ~ $05 5~9 2552 3 E BAKEA P.2! FACILI'I'IES INSI .~:CI ION REI'ORT .q'WRCB {Xll (R{';¥, 5.91) VIOLATION (IF APPLICABLE) VIOLA1 ION WPE? {A.O} NrA (~o ~ges lKOOO and IKO~.I gl ~e ~o Wasl~ Dscha~or S~slom U~r$ ~m~ual} DAlE OF VIO~TI~ {~MMDD) DATE OF VtO~TION DETERMINATION (YYMMDO} DESCR~PT;ON: EPA SUG¢'iI".S'D{D INSI'ECTION CI II;.CKI ,IST ' r-~ ..................................................................... . .- :: .'~:":.--.'.':"..-7.'"': ':t-.: :' :.:.'a..:L:.-.':_:.:~_..__~ .... :. .............. (S ,, Satis,~acto~. M .-. Ma~gi~a!, O, Ur,sati~f~mry, N ~ Not Evoluatod~ NIA 15erm~l Flow ~asu~omonl . P~eboa~mun~ ~.. O;'~'rOl~Or~$ & Me;menonco ____ Reomd$/Report~ ___ Labe,atotk~s ..... Ccmpi,ance .~:h(.~dules __ .Sludge Oisoosal Facility Site Review EN./P, eceiv,;g Waters S~ll.~.milotiqg ..... O[hor ~ _ (1-5) O.'e;all F ac~lily Oper~don Evaluation (5 ~ Very reliable, 3 = ~fi~lnc~, I - [Jnreli~b~) ~--- '' ".i~ZL~F.~LT.i. ZT.;"TTTT~T.'.'F~':-~'LTf;'7". ........... Y: ....... .'. .................. ..................... ....... ' .......... :.' ..... . . . . Si t:~..IAL INSTRIJCI'IONS. ]'I'I~MS FOR FOI.,LOWUI~ ON ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, "' '~ FUTURE INSI'ECI'ION. NOTES, ETC, (Almch additional pages, if necessary) ~-'~Y :" '; '. ............. - . : .................... 7_ '.: '. .. ~Tr~ .......... See attachment. ms~omc~t M05i' RFSENT ORDERS' MOST RECENT INSPECIIONS MOS1 IIECEN1 VIOLA1 ~~ ~~I~ ~ ~,~ ~P. TYPE ~ONS? VIOL_ 1~ See altachment. Printed on Recycled Paoer l!xi3x92 }2:~0 ~ ~05 5~9 ~552 ~ E ~K££ P.22 [NSt°ECTION REPORT - TENNECO LEASE - FflUITVALE OIL FIELD, KERN COUNTY INTRODUCTION Order No. 79-144, adopted 22 June 1979, p~escrtbes ~-equirement~ for Evades and Carey. Inc. and governs the disposal of produced wastewater to unlined sumps in Section 21, T29S, R27E, HDB&M of the F~uitvale o~1 field. Cease and Desist Order No. 80-213 was adoptee on § Oecembet' t980 and requires the Oischatge~ to comp!y with the numerical effluent l~m~tatton, established in the Otscharger's requirements. These operations were acquired by J.[. ~aker. INSPECTION An inspection of t~ts facility was per. formed on 30 duly 1~92. ! was unaccompanied during the inspection. 'J.E. Baker operated the Tenneco oil lease in ti~e ~W 1/4 of Section 21. The o~l wells and associated appurtenances at the facility have since been abandoned. The? ar? no sumps on the lease. !t)e land is surrounded by a ne~ly developed residential and commercial area. Mr. Baker has indicated he recently abandoned the oil lease and sold the property to a ~and developer. Photos (slides) were taken to document site conditions. SUMMARY i.E. laker ~cquire~ ~l~e operations that are governed by Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 79-144 and Cease and Des(st Order No. 80-213 which ~ere originally issued to Evans and Carey, )nc. 2. The discharge of ~astewater to unlined sumps has ceased ~t the subject facility. The Pischarger has achieved compliance with the Cease Desist Order, 3. All su~ps ha~e bee~ removed ~nd the oil wells h~ve been abandoned at the subject facility. Waste Discha~geRequtrementsOrder ~o. 7g-144 and Cease ane Desist Order No. 80-~13 are no longer necessary to regulate this operation. Print~J on Recvcled Paper llxi2792 i2:11 ~ 80~ ..,:9 75~2 ] E eAKER = 23 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUAIII'¥ CON1ROL C[N1RAL VALLEY REGION 36]4 E, Ashla~ Avenue Fresno CA 93726 and Proposed Rescission of Cease and Desist Orders for OIL PROOUCT[ON OPERAI'ORS, FRUITVALE (ill FIELD KERN COUNIY The Board adopLed various Cease and DesSst C&D ~!!. producers (~ereafter DIscha~ne ~ ,.,~ .... [_Orders. on ~ December ~gBO for wasce~ate~ ~o un]tned sumps a: va~t~°~ ~L~,~[~ ~at~n~. o!1 production uo -~,v.a ~fl ~ne rru~tva~e otl f~eld, ~htch is ~tthtn and Just ~est of the ctty o~ Bakersfiel The C&D Orders requtred the Dischargers to comply wtth the numerical v:ater~aitLy limitat'lons establ;shed tn ~hetr ~aste discharge requirements. Since the issuance o~ the enforcement orders, ~an~ o~ the oil lea~es have been sold to new operators ~ho have davelope~ appropriate methods of disposing .thetr oll productionwas~ewaCer. All sumps used for the dt~posal have been removed. The Dischargers have thus achteved compliance of ~tth the Cease and Desist Orders. The Board ~il1 consider rescission of addition, the Boara w111 consider rescinding their ~aste discharge requirement orders. The California Regtonal ~aLe~ qualit~ Control Board, Central Valley Regton, wtll hold a public hearing: DATE: ~3 Gctober TINE: 9:00 A.~. PLACE: gt~te Capitol Butlding Roo~ J26, ]]th bet.~een L and ~ Streets gacramento ~ersons wishtng to comment or object to the proposed rescissions are tnv~ted to 5t~bmtt same tn ~etting to the R~gtonal Boa~-d ~ao l~ter than ]80ctobe~ ]~92. All ~o~ent~ or objections ~ce~ved b~ L;fi~ date Proposed rescissions are brcught before the Board, A public hearing may.be held upon the r'equest of any ~nterested person, A£ter considering co,,~r~ents or object, lens, the Board may rescind the J4 cad orde~,s. Anyone having euesttons r'egard~ng (.his matter should cent. act Hike Rogers at (~09)445-6~], 'The proposed rescissions and related documents may he inspected and copied at the Regtonat Board's o~fice at ~he above address, ~eekdays between 8:00 a.m, and 5:~0 p.m. Printed on Recvcled Paoer CALIFORNIA EGI NA WATER QUAL~]'Y CO BOARD-- ' ....... CENTRAL VALLEY REGION SAN JOAQUIN WATERgHED ~RANCH OFFICE,. ~ ' 3614 EA&3 ASHLAN AYENUE ERESNO, CA ~3726 PHONE: (~09) 445,5116 FAX: {209) 445,5~1~ 2 Novomber 1992 J.E. Baker P.O. 8ox 1032 B&ke~sfield, CA 93302 RESCX$SION OFNASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREHENTS / CEASE & DESIST ORDERS FOR FRUITVALE OIL FIELD - KERN COUNTY On 23 October 1992, the Central Valley Regienal Water~ Quality Control Board adopted Order Nos. 92-2O6 and 92-207, which rescinds various waste discharge requirements and cease & desist orders'previously adopted by the Board, S~me of the rescinded orders pertain to your operations in the Fruitvale oil field. A copy of the orders are enclosed for your information. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call Mike Rogers at (20g) 445-6191. SHELTON R. GRAY '"~'~ Senior Engineering Geologist MTR:mtr Enc}osu,res Printed on Recycled Pa~er CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION ORDER NO. 92-206 RESCINDING CEASE AND DESIST ORDERS FOR OIL PRODUCTION OPERATORS FRUITVALE OIL FIELD KERN COUNTY The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, (hereafter Board) finds that: 1. The Board adopted various Cease and Desist Orders on 17 December 1980 against oil producers (hereafter Dischargers) who were discharging highly saline oil production wastewater to unlined sumps at various locations in the Fruitvale oil field, Kern County. The Cease and Desist Orders required the Dischargers to comply with the numerical water quality limitatio~)s established in their waste discharge requirements. 2. At each of the Otschargers' facilities staff has determined that all sumps used for the disposal of wastewater have been removed. The Dischargers have achieved compliance with the Cease and Desist Orders. 3. The issuance of this Order is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq.), in accordance with Section 15321(a)(2), Title 14, California Code of Regulations. 4. The Board, on 23 October !gg2, held a hearing and considered all evidence on this matter. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED' that the following Cease and Desist Orders be rescinded: Order No. Operator Location (lggS, RZTE, HOB&M) 80-196 Black Gold Oil Co. Section !S BO-19? BuLtes Resources Section 28 80-198 Calpet Management, Inc. Section 29 80-i99 Cencal Drilling, Inc. Section 29 80--20! Grace Petroleum Company Section 23 80-203 Robert L. Knight Section 28 80-207 W.F. Moore & Son, Inc. Section 2§ B0-209 Pacific Energy Resources Sections 7 & 14 80-210 Petro Resources, Inc. Section 29 80-2]] W.T. Woodward Section 2] 80-~12 B & S 0tl Company Section 23 "'"'-,,80-2i3 Evans and Carey, Inc. Section 2} 80-215 Central Lease, !nc. Section 29 B0-2)6 John L. Sowers Section 26 80-217 Willis Joint-Venture Section 1! Printed on Flecvcled Paper ORDER NO. g2-206 RESCINDiNg CEASE AND DESIST ORDERS OJL PRODIJCTIOH OPERATORS FRUITYALE OIL FIELD KERN COUNTY -2- !, WILLIA~I H. CROOKS, Executive Officer, do hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the California Regionm) Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, on 23 October Igg2. WIL[~ CROOKS, Executtv'e O~cer; Printed on RecYcled Pas3er CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WAI'~R (~UALIT'Y CON'i'ROL BOARD--. CENlRAL VALLEY REGION ~AN JOAQUIN WA1EI{SIIEO ~IANCIt O! 3614 EA83 ASH[AN AVEN~ ...... FHE~NO, GA 937~6 PIIONE: (2~gl 445.5116 f AX (~09) d45-SDI0 2 November 1992 0.E. Baker P.O. Box 1032 Bakersfield, CA 93302 RESCISSION OF WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIRER£NTS / CEASE & DESIST ORDERS FOR FRU[TVALE OIL FIELD - KERN COUNTY On 23 October 1992, the Central Valley Regional Water quality Control Board adopted 0rdar Nos. 92-206 and 92-207, which rescinds various waste discharge requirements and cease & desist orders previously adopted by the Board. Some of the rescinded orders pertain to your opeFations in the ~ui~vale oil fie~d. A copy of the orders are enclosed for your information. If you have any qtm~tions or require additional infurmation, please call ~4ike Rogers at (209) 445-6191. SHELTON R. GRAY ~ Senior Engineering Geologist MTR:mtr Enclosures print~cl nn R~cvcl@d Pacer CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION ORDER NO. 92-207 RESCINDING WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR OIL PRODUCTION OPERATORS FRUITVALE OIL FIELD KERN COUNTY The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, (hereafter Board) finds that: i. The Board adopted various waste discharge requirements for oil producers (hereafter Dischargers) operating at various locations in the Fruitvale oil field, Kern County. lhe requirements govern the discharge of oil production wastewater to unlined sumps. 2. Staff has inspected the Dischargers' facilities and determined that all sumps used for the disposal of wastewater have been removed. 3. Waste discharge requirements are no longer necessary to regulate the oil production operations. Il IS HEREBY ORDEREO that the following waste discharge requirements Orders are rescinded: ~.lcJ. tr._~. Adopted for Date of Adoption 77-077 Black Gold Otl Co, 27 May ]977 77-078 Buttes Resources ~7 May 1977 80-092 Calpet Management, Inc. 26 June 1980 80-086 Cencal Drilling, Inc. 26 June 1980 80-089 Grace Petroleum Company 26 June 1980 80-088 Robert L. Knight 26 June 1980 80-Og] W.F. Moore & Son, inc. 26 June 1980 B0-085 Pacific Energy Resources 26 June 1980 80-094 Petro.Resources, Inc. 26 June 1980 77-080 W,T. Woodward 27 May ]977 "~-~-79-144 Evans and Carey, Inc. 22 June lg7g 80-156 Central Lease, Inc. 24 October 1980 80-093 John L. Sowers 26 June 1980 77-220 Willis Joint Venture 22 July 1977 I, WILLIAM H. CRODKS, Executive Officer, do hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, on 23 October I992. WILLIAM H. CROOKS, Executive Officer ATTACHMENT 3 CERTIFIED ANALYTICAL RESULTS AND SOIL MANIFESTS 11/12,'92 i2:02 ~ ~05 _~97 2552 3 E 8~KE£ P.05 LABORATORIES, INC. Total l."et~':O] ~Um llydrocarbonu BAKER-DICKY Date of P.O, BOX 1032 Report: 05/21/92 BAKERSFIELd, CA $3302 Lab #; 4356-2 Attn.: JIM BAKER B05-SBg-0910 Smmpl~ Desorlpti~n: R~MOVED AFTER CONTAMINATION (SOIL) 05-15-92 sa~plo ~h~tri~: Soil Method C0nst i tuen~ s ~p.~_~9_~ u 1 t ~ Uni ~ ~,_Q.. L. Me tho~ ToLa! ~etroleu~ Hydrocarbons 80. m~/kg 20. THESE SAMPLES WERE TAKEN FROM THE SUMPS AFTER THE CONTAMINATED SOIL WAS REMOVED. C&li£o~"nia D.O.H.~. Cert. #1186 D~paremen~ Supervisor 4'10C'),~tl~,~ C:;~ , '."-.]Mk~.~ ..~r~eK.h C;A ~:~-!1 )Fl · flE~L-'lO) -~2/.4,~1 1 · L~BORATORI E S, IN L.;. BAK~R-D%CKY Dst'e cC P.O. BOX ]032 Report: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93302 ~ab ~: Attn.: JI~ BAKER 805-589-0930 Sample Degcrlption: REMOVED FROM SUMP (SOIL) 05.~5-92 ~ample Matrix: ~o~] Matbod Total Petroleum 'Hydro~&rbons ~000. ~%g,/k~ ~0~0. EPA-41§.]. THIS SOIL IS THE CONTAMINATED MATERIAL FROM THE SUMP. california D.O.H.~. C~rt. Dspargment Supervisor Printed on Recycled Par)er Report To: .... . _ o Analysis Requested :- ~e,~_ _~m~P._- Oec-c__.-riplton Date & Time Sampled li,'i2/92 12:00 ~ 885 589 255'2 J E BRKER P.82 . ~6MP'"TRUcK' 'BILL~ ........ ~  . '"' ~ .... . .... . ........ ~. .~,. .... ~'L~ '.~':":,~' , . , .~ .. ~l~ - .7 ..' , : "~ '" ~ ,~i~,~ ~¢"/ ,o,., ' '{:~,N~ .... ~._.,..._ :.:...~*i'A~:~5~[~I ~~ , '" 2 .' :' ~.:"~ .'.'~:.~ ' Z ' '. '~ ..... ~ ........... ' ...... :'. ,:~'-I ~~'. ~- /~' ,. ~;~1 , ~. .~, ~;::...:~,...., -.. :, :;~ ~',:~,.,..~.: " ~ ~. · ' ~1 ~ ~Sl ~ ~1 I~l '. :" ) . · "'~.;i~" ~" '"'""~ .~:,' ~.~t~ ~.. ~,'~ .~z. ,- . . z ~'.'.~' · :. , OFFICE COPY ".'.. .:'. Print~d on Fl~cvcled Paoer 1~/12./92 12:0! ~ 885 589 2552 . ~'" ~' DUMP. .~,;.., ~. ~~ ..... .. "~,~ : .' , _ ~ ..... ~_ . m;7 ~' , {~J~) , ...,... JCJ~lpo) ~ ,... ',~ ., ..~ ~., ?~.. ~ DESII~O~ ~1~ .' ": .~ ' ' ' .: 'U." ,.. " ~ - : ~ ~', ,.. ,~.~;.:. ~.;, .,,. / ,, . , ,..~..,:~;...~ ~, ~ ~'~ IS~ ~I H~ I~ I~[I '.~."~' t ' ' A~ ~M. ' ~..~ r.~. t.~ ~. I' -'. :~.', ==. ~:~.,,.,: :. ,,=.,~.,.~,_,t:~,, ~ ~., l, ..l, . ..: :, ,.,.,~'~~ .. ~o ,t~ i ' :...,..: ~.¢! &~-- - , ~, " ' OFFICE COPY .... Printed on Recycled Pa,;er [I/12/92 t2:02 ~ 885 ~,$9 2552 _ 3 E B~KER P.84 Baker-Dickey Patton Way P.O. 1032 Bakersfield, CA , 93302 1 ." , ..... ,:,~ .... 10e% Complete With # k ,,'. ..... 1,35e.oe TillS I$ THE DIRT HAULED IN TO REPLACE TItE CONTAMINATED SOIL Printed on Recycled Pal~er UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT REPORT DATE CASE. NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT PHONE ~ SIGNATURE REGIONAL BOARD COMPANY OR AGENCY NN~IE REPRESENTING [] OWNER/OPERATOR [] KERH CO. ,~,NV. HEALTH SERVICES DEPT [] LOOAL AGENCY [] OTHER ' AmRESS 2700 "M" ST. ST~r300, BAKERSFIELD, CA ~301 STATE ZiP ~ , NAME IcONTACT PERSON IPHONE ADDRESS 4963 E. MCKINLEY AVE., S?E. 202, FRESNO, CA 93'727 FACILITY NAME (IF APPLICABLE~ OPERATOR PHONE RAi,~CHO LABORDE ESTATE ( ) ADDRESS CALLOWAY & HAGEMAH ROADS, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 STREET C~rY COUNTY CROSS STREET TYPEOFAREA [] COMMERCIAL [] INDUSTRIAL [] RURAL TYPE OF SUSINESS [] RETAIL FUEL STATION [] RESIDENTIAL [] OTHER [] FARM [] OTHER LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME { CONTACT PERSON PHONE KERN CO. ENV. HEAL'£H' LYDIA V. VON SYDOW 80~ 861-3636 REGIONAL BOARD PHONE CENTRAL VALLEY ( ) (1) NAME QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) P2STICIDES [] UNKNOWN DATE DISCOVERED HOW DISCOVERED [] INVENTORY CONTROL [] SUBSURFACE MONITORING ~-~][ NUISANCE CONDITIONS o ~1 8 ~1 Iol :]'ol s~l 8 ~ [] TANK'rEST [] TANK REMOVAL [] OTHER DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) ~1 ~f ol ol ~l ~1 [~UNKNOWN [] REMOVE CONTENTS [] REPLACE TANK [] CLOSETANK HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED ? [] REPAIRT/t~IK [] REPAIR PIPING [] CHANGEPROCEOURE SOURCE OF DISCHARGE TANKS ONLY/CAPACITY MATERIAL CAUSE(S) [] TANK LEAK :~ UNKNOWN GAL. [] FIBERGLASS [] OVERFILL [] RUPTURE/FAILURE [] PIPING LEAK AGE YRS [] STEEL [] CORROSION [] UNKNOWN [] OTHER [] UNKNOWN [] OTHER [] S.ILL ~ OTHER CHECK ONE ONLY [] UNDETERMINED ~ SOILONLY [] GROUNDWATER [] SRINKINGWATER-(CHECKONLYIFWATERWELLSHAVEACTUALLYBEENAFFECTED) CHECK ONF ONLY [] siTE I.VEST,GATION,N PRO~RESB(DEF,NI.G EX~NT OFPROB' ~M, [] C' ~ANUP,. PRCOREBS [] SIGNED OFF (OL~NUPCOMPLE~D OR ~.NEC~S~ARY) [] NO ACTION TAKEN [] POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS [] NO FUNDS AVAILABLE TO PROCEED [] EVALUATING CLEANUP ALTERNATIVEB CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) (SEE BACK FOR DETAILS) ~ [~ CAP SITE (CD) [~ EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) [] REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) [] ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (,T) [] CONTAINMENTBARRIER(CB) ~ EXCAVATE&TREAT~E3~ [] PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) [] REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) ~-~ TREATMENTATHOOKUP(HU) [] NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) [] OTHER(CT) GARY J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ~','~'~'~ - Teiecopier (805) 861-3429 TEVE Mc CALLEY " : RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAt.TH SERVICES February 28, 1990 Clifford Bressler c/o Mr. Jim Clements P. O. Box 81495 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Re: Mitigation of contaminated soils at the pesticide storage area and the steam cleaning sump on property at the Calloway and Hageman roads intersection, once owned by Rancho Laborde Estates. Dear Mr. Clements: On October 26, 1990 a report was submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Department summarizing mitigation activities completed on property once owned by Rancho Laborde, north of the intersection of the Calloway and Hageman road intersection. The report was completed by Kern Environmental Services, and described the removal of approximately fifty four cubic.yards of soil from the old pesticide storage area, identified in previous reports'as being contaminated, and disposal of the soils at a hazardous waste disposal facility. The hydrocarbon contamination identified in the area once occupied by a steam cleaning sump, had not been removed, however the department received an acknowledgement from Jim Clements in June 1989, of the requirements to cap that area with a concrete slab, or other material approved by this department, and any contaminated soils removed from that area are to be characterized and disposed of as in a manner consistent with state laws and regulations regulating the disposal of hazardous waste, if the soil is characterized as being hazardous. This letter confirms the completion of the investigation and site remediation action in the pesticide storage area at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at the pesticide storage site, and that any additional work planned for the old steam cleaning sump must be submitted to this department for review before any work is to be initiated. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the side. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (80§) 861-3636. Sj~cerely, ~ ~ Program {~anager ~ Environmental Health Services Department ~.~~ ~ ~ ~ Ora.nl,,~;~ ^p~,~:~: ~ KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~. ~ ~ ~oiect Ho. Drawing Hd. ' Fresno Visalia Bakers~eld ..ZSSLER ENTERPRiI a., ACQUISITIONS ' RESTRUCTURES RECEIVERS · FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS 4969 E. McKINLEY AVENUE, SUITE 202 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93727 ~... /,~:~-~ -~..//,, CLIFFORD E. BRESSLER ,/'"~'~: ~ '~'~'~ TELEPHONE PRESIDENT '~;:37 __ .. X~ ~ I ''~'1 '~ 209/456-0229 '~ ~ ~ ,~ ~?~ 209/439-6281 Pis. Amy Green Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: JEAN E.C. LABORDE and MADONNA P. LABORDE. dba LABORDE FARMS, dba LABORDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CO. Case No. 184-00643-B-11 - Chapter 11 Cleanu~ Activities - Rancho LaBorde/Riverlakes Ranch Callowa¥ and Hageman Roads Dear Ms. Green: Enclosed is a co~v o~ a letter i sent you on October 30~ 1989. We still have not received the certificate or letter o~ compliance. The buyer of the ~ro~ert¥ involved is now ready to develoD the land and needs the compliance certificate. I¥ there is some problem in this mat~er, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Sincerely~ CLI~[]RD E. BRESSLER Trustee CEB:br cc: Unibell International, Bakersfield Unibeil International. Tustin .,.,.;.. ,4 ,:,-.,,CLIFFORD E. BRESSLER & ASSOCIATES ~ /I~P~--~/ '/~SS ~1 TRUSTEE'RECEIVERS :~, ft~Z/g[~ fi FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS · P.O. BOX 3950, PINEDALE STATION FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93650 k,~lifford E. Bresaer ~ (209) 439-6281 "~,*~ent ~ (805) 398-0268 October 30, i989 Ms. Amy Green Kern County Environmental Health Services Deoartment 2700 "M" Street BakersfieiO, CA 93501 RE: ,JEAN E.C. LABORDE and MADONNA P. LABO~DE. dba LABORDE FARP!S, dba LABORDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CO. Case No. !84-006~3-B-11 - Chapter Cieonup Activities - Rancho LaBorde/~iverlakes Ranch Cailowav and Haoeman Roads Dear Pis. Green: Please advise v~hat o~,,~ , ._O~,irements are necessary al i o'~ the reguiatz~ns to the best c,~ our kn~wieoge. if there ~re no 4urther actions ¢,~e need to tak~, please issue us a certificate or letter o~ comoiiance. Sincerely, Z~. BRESSLER Trustee /--- KERN ENOI LJlMENT II, SERt}I L October 25, 1989 Ms. Amy Green KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 REGARDING: Cleanup Activities Conducted for Rancho LaBorde/Riverlakes Ranch at Pesticide Storage Area, Calloway and Hageman Roads Dear Amy: The purpose of this correspondence is to provide documentation that remedial action has been implemented regarding the pesticide storage area at the above referenced location in accordance with your letter of June 1, 1989. On October 4, 1989, Kern Environmental Service excavated, loaded and transported contaminated soil to one foot in depth from within the pesti- cide ~torage area and ten feet to the south, and ten feet to the east of the same area. (See attached Figure). The excavated area was backfilled to conform to existing contours. A total of fifty four cubic yards was transported to Chemical Waste Management for disposal. Please find the following copies attached: 1. Hazardous Waste Manifest Nos. 88598861, 88598862, 88598865. 2. Extremely Hazardous Waste Permit No. 1-2695. Please feel free to contact me should you have additional questions re- garding said described remediation activity. Sincerely, KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE, a division of Kern Backhoe Service, Inc. I~,~K R. R0§ENLIiB, Operations Manager FRR:jm cc: Mr. Jim Clements c/o Cl±fford E. Bressler & Associates P. O. Box 3950, Pinedale Station Fresno, California 93650 Stale of C. ahto~ma---it(-.altn and Wettare Agency Depa~lment oi'Heallh Serv;cee Form Approved OMB NOg 20.5~g (Expires 9-30-~ ~ ' TO~C Contror Pierrot or type. (Form de~J~ne~ tot uae on e/~: ~ypewr~er). Sacramento. ~ ........ ' ~ ~ ~ Manifest 2. Page 1 ~ tnlormafion tn the aha~eO ~ ,,.,[ of I is not reouire0 by Fe0eral Transporter I Company Name 8. US EPA ~D Number C. ,~lale Tranapb:lo~'a ID ~D~ ~ '~"_ j'-'~' 'q'~," 7. Transporter 2 Company Ni~me 8. US EPA ~D Number E. SI~e Trafl~poner's ID '. ~ F. Tran~porter'~ t.'hone g. Doaionote~ Facitffy Name and Sile A~d~eaa 10. US EPA ~O N~mbor G. ~t~e Facility's tD .. , I Ouanlity Unit [ 11. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazar~ C[ass. and ID Number) No. Type WllVO .: I I [ State r J. Additional Descriptions tot Materials Listed Above K. Handling Codes for Wastes Crate0 Above..; ~. ~5. Specter Handling Instruction~ and Additional information OENERATOR'~ CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that Ihs contents of this consignment are tuffy an~ accurately Oescribed above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, a~g are in all respects in ~roper co~a~tio~ for transport by h~ghwey according to applicable international and national government regulations. If I a~ a large quantify ,3enerelor, I ce~tfy that I have a pr~ram in Ceca to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have datelined to be economlcaBy practicab!e and that I ha~e selecled the praCtiCable .lelhod gl lreatment, storage, or dtspo~al cunently evadable to me whic~ minimizes the present end future throal to human hoa~th end the environment; OR, ~f I am a Smell quantity Oglers:or, t have ma0e a gooo iaJlh effo~ to minimize my waste generatiOn and select the best waste manegemenl methoE that is avai!ab'e to me end mat I can afford. PrintedlTy~e~ Name i S~gneluro .. Month Day Year 17. Transpolar 1 Acknowledgement of Race{pt gl Materials ,,' ~. / P, inte~/ryped Nam. , ! Signature ~1; / __/ __.. Month Day, Year 18. Tt~n~poder 2 Acknowledgement of ~ece~pt of Mnterialn Printed/Typed Name ~ Signa,ure Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indicalion Space 20. Facility Owaer or Operalor CarlificaNon of receipt gl ha.'z~doua materiels covered by thiB maniee,~t except as noted in ~te~ 19. Printed/Type~ Name ~ S;O~atu~o Mont~ Day Year ~ 8022 A (~/~). DO Not Write ~,e~ow This tine EPA fl7~22 " (Rev. ~8) Previous ~lfia, a are obsolete. ' ..... .... ~ L, -..- ,. ~ u, [ ~ GEEEN: HAULER EETAINS :5t~lel Of C:-.hfoi'nm---.~eelfh an0 Welfare Agency Deparlment of Health Se~ces Fo~m Applovud OMB No, 205~39 (Exm~ea 9-3~ Toxic Substances Co~t~ot Please pr ~e.: (Form designed for uae on e h typewriter) Sacramento. Cohtom a Manifest ~ ~2 Page 1 ~ : UNIFORM [~AZARDOUS '~,,;,,~o,', us EPA ID No. Document No I ' I In o,mation In the ,ha0ed area, WASTE MANIFEST "-iJ'~ J 2 ~ ~ ~ ,~ , ~ ~ ~ , 1'~ o~ 7. 9. Designated Facility Name an~ Site Addres~ t~. I t ~ '~ . ~i ,, t.~ G. Ct~te Facl!ilV's ID . , .' .. -. '.: ' No. Type ~ [WI/Veil". ' ~'" . ' ' EPAI Other C. j 5tare ,..]..' ~] }.,:..': c.', ,. "' J EPA/~h~r:, ::.,; ..;~ State-.:' .;.; :: d. :, t i , ,: · .~,.:. · . EPA/Other, J. Addtllo~at Descriptions for Materiel* ~iste~ Above K. Handling Codes for Waster isled A~ovo, . CI ''~ ' I : ...... ' ::~' "':'" ..... ":'k[~ ........ t ..... ' .. · ;,'.~.:~h:;~ ,~:_~;r-,.:~-'C~' -,:'~:~, :~.:.'~ ,:'2. ':~ .' .-. ...' - ' : : . ~.} :':~. 15. Spoci~t Hanoling Inslfuct}on~ and A0dilional Information ~o, ~-~4232~012 ' GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare t~at the contents of thin consignment are tully an~ accurately ~escrlbe~ above ~y 0roper a~lo~lng name on~ [~e clasalfie~, packeO, mnrKe~, an~ Inhere0, an~ are in all re~0ec~l in proper conOition ~ot tr~n~po~ ~y mghway accoromg tO applicable international and , :'- national govarnmenl regulations. If a~ a large Ouafltlty generator, I ce~i~ that I have a program In place to reduce the volume an~ texicity o~ waste generated to the ~egree I have ~etermln~ lily Oracticaole and that I have 8elected ~he practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently evadable to me w~Jch minimizes the .t generation an~ n~lect the bent wasle manogement method lhal is avnilebte tO me eno Ihs1 ] can aUord. Printed/Typed Name . ' ~ S~gnature Mont~ Day Year .. / ., . .' .......,..:,:::. ,., -., 17. Tranapo~er ~ Acknowledgement. of Receipt of Ma~eri~18 ',' '.. .... '~ PrlnJd01Type~ Name ..... L i j Slgqature ,. '~, ~ Monm Day Year ' ~ ;~* ' ' ~[ I ~X,~; ;-..,, .~,.., X: ~,, ' " .. ,. ~ .... 3 ,'~ ., ~ . : ~ ~.'.,{,"~/~' ~.t 18.'Ytanapo~er 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt ol Materials ~ ' ' ~ ' " " ' Printed/Typed Name . ' Signature Month Day Year ~' J.' 19. Discrepancy Indication Space 1 ~.'~::' A ' . · ' ": [~,,:: y Printe~/Typed Name ~ S.gna~ure Month . Day Year -* .--'r' [~".,, ~- ~,,*.~", ~ =',,, ' '' ~:~ ['~ ._ _, ~ . , , , ~- _ .,~ , , ~S~22A(t/BS) DO ~Ot Write F.e~ow T~is L;ne EPA (Rev. 9-88) P~evioua editions are o~aolefe. " ~ ~ ~ .~GRE~: ~AULER RETAINS ~,lele el C..dJforn~a--HeaJir~ end Wellare Agency Dl~parlment of Health Fogm App~ OMB No, 205~39 [Exp:res i' Toxic Substances Control Division . Plaint or type. (Fo~ ~eaigned for use .,~ typewriter). ~ Secrame~lo, Calilo~ma UNIFORM HAZARDOUS '[,. c~.~,,,o,', us E,~O.o. ~.*'~,, [ 2. Paae ~ ' j Document No.i J lntormation in the ~ha0ed areas . 3. Generators Name ano Mailing A~re~8 :~' ~ ~ : ~f t ' 6. Tranaponm I Company Name ,. US EPA ID NumVer C, ~lal~ Tra,,sp~rt~r'e ~D~;/] ~/...~/7;~' ' 7. %~n~.po~e~ 2 Company Name 8. US EF'A ;D Numpof E. SIDle Tran~po~er'e ID 9. Deaignate~ Facilily Name nnd Site A0dresa 10. US EPA ID Number G. Stele FaciSly'e ID . . .:. . 11. U~ OOT OelcrtDtlon (~ncluding Prover Shipping Name, Hezar~ Class, nnd tO Number) O~antity ~nit · :"' W~ste No. '., No. ~ype ~Wt/Vol ' .. ~' . ~ ·  ., ....... .:)..h.~... EPA/~er..-~ :. '. c. ' I ~ ' i Stale ;7." '.. '. :- · -. '"" I " d. I I ~ i Slate ~...i-..'.'.- . J. Additional Descriptions for Materiels Listed Above K, Handling Codes for Wastes L~sted Above t - . a: '- -~ : b.. ........... '..;.· . ' ".. L' :".'. ~.. ... ~ a,., .. ', :..? ' ' . ..,- . ~ ;'. . · ,.e._.: · .. . .., . ./'r:. :,'.~ .:<;s'} ~-:~ ?. . 1~. Special Handling instructions and Aodilional Information GENERATOR'S CER~FI~ON: .I hereby declare that th. contsnts ol this I, ol,~qnm,rll m,l tult~ sad accurately described above by proper shipping name national goverome~t regulations. . ~.. -. If I am a ~rge quantity generator, I cavity that I have a Dr~ram In Ol~,e h, '*t~v' ~ li~ ~'.'!.~,~ ~d InaJoily of waste generated to the degree I have determined present an~ ~uture threat to human health a.~ the envi~onnml t, (iff ~ '{ ..'~, · ' '" ' ~ J" ..... , ' ' , ~ ,-'~;. ~-~;:i',l ~e+,et~h., I hav¢ made a goo~ (aah etlo~ to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that i~ a~iiable lu lira add IhaJ J ca~ of lord. Printed/TypeS Name ~ Signatare Mont~ Day Year ,. .... ..,/' / :-' , /./., ,'/ r, /,, ," .:., ,,.', , ~ ,; · ~ I " '.-"~'m""-... ' .'; '-' ' R , · " Mont~ Day. YOe~ ~ ': R I Printe0iTyped Name ' Signature Month Day Year .:',~ ~' A ' '  Prinled/Typed Name ' I Signature Month ~'~ ~.-~,~ ~f~.,c, ,~.,: ~.: ,.x I~':I Iq'l ~S~ A (~/~) Do Not Wri+e ~ow This Line :-,*' ~REE~= H~ULER RET~I~S ~.7; ' ' ...... ': * - '*' ' ' .', ~NViF1ONM[NTAL & Associates, Geo~echnical [ngi~eering · [ngineering Geology ~ ~avironmental [ngineering * [ngineering kabora~orie$ * Chemical laboratories August 11, i989 OUR JOB B88153 Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93201 Attention: Ms. Amy Green SUBJECT: Preliminary Environmental Assessment Proposed Fruitvale District School Site ) Kern County, California Dear Ms. Green: BSK & Associates has been contracted by the Fruitvale School District to perform a Preliminary Environmental Assessment for a proposed school site ~o be located near the southeast intersection of Meacham Road and Abbot Drive in Bakersfield, California. The proposed site is situated within the SN-I/4, NW-1/4 of Section 20, T.29S., R.27E. We understand that an environmental Site Characterization, directed by your Department, is currently in progress for a property less than 1/2-mile north of the proposed school site. That Site Characterization is investigating potential pesticide and hydrocarbon contamination concerning a facility, located near the intersection of Calloway and Hageman Roads, which served the Rancho Laborde operation. By copy of this letter, we are requesting a review of your records for the Rancho Laborde facility currently under invest;G., on. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Respectfully submitted, BSK & Associates Mark F. Milward Staff Geologist MFM/ds Fresno, California 93706 1645 "E" Street, Suite 105 * Telephone ~209) 485-3200, Fax (209) 485-7427 Fresno, California 1445 "F" Street * Telephone (2091 485-0100 Fresno, California 93706 1414 Stan qaus Street * Telephone ~209) 485-8310 Visalia, California 93291 808 E. Douglas Avenue - Telephone (209) 732-8857 Bakersfield, California 93304 117 "V" Street * Telephone (805) 327-0671. Fax t805) 324-4218 Pleasanlon, California 94566 5729-F Sonoma Drive * Telephone (415) 462-4000, Fax ~415) 462-6283 ~ S','ATE OF CALIFORNIA.--HEALTH AND WELFARE ~I~LC' GEORGE DEUK~EJIAN, 'DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH S ES TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTFIOL DIVISION REGION 1 42~o POWER ,N. ROA'-' SACRAMENTO, CA 9Se26 July 28, 1989 Mr. Jim Clements Riverlakes Ranch (Rancho Laborde) P.O. Box 81495 Bakersfield, CA 93380 Dear Mr. Clements: EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS WASTE PERMIT NUMBER 1-2695, RIVERLAKES RANCH (RANCHO LABORDE), KERN COUNTY .. Your application for an Extremely Hazardous Waste Disposal Permit has been approved. One copy of the approved application is enclosed for your records. Department regulations require that records related to hazardous waste disposal be retained for at least three years. Hazardous waste haulers and disposal site operators may require copies of the approved application before accepting extremely hazardous waste. Accordingly, you may make copies of the approved application, if necessary, provided no alterations are made to the approved.permit application and all copies made are unaltered duplicates of the document copied. If you have any questions regarding the approved application or Department requirments related to extremely hazardous waste, please contact me at (916) 920-6041. Sincerely, Jeff ~atson Hazardous Materials Specialist Enclosure Hazardous Waste. Manag.emcnt Brar~ ' APPLICATION FOR CALIFORNIA.EXTRF'MELY H~/,~l;)~.O~; 2~r~41~_ _~POSAL. PERMIT' . ' / TOXIC 5U~TANCES C~OL ~VlS~ · · ,Io~ I ..... -- '~ - · ........................... Rlveriakes Ranch (Rancho Labgrde~ 1(805) 589-0408 P. O. Box 81495 ] Kern' Bn~r~{i ~] d , California ~z,p 93380 Corner of Hageman and Calloway~ B~kersfield · J~m Clements ~ '~ A~nt for PILO~)SEI) ~lr['['l and No. {~r Ii.(). llns) ~. o. ~x 5337 Bakers~leld ! gal~ornla '~ '93388 0095 C~ 082189911 pROposED L)'i.SPOSA i.N,,,,,. ,,I (OROTHEIL) Chemical Waste Managemerll; FACILITY: S. rt'I and No. 35251 Old Skyline Road Kettleman City ] Ca~iforn~ ~2S0 power ~nn ~oad 2151 Berkeley Way~ ~. 119 55~5 East Sh~eldsAve. 107 South Broa4~ Sacr~ento, CA 95826 BerkeleyB CA 947~ Fresno, CA 9372~ ~. 7012 (916) 739-3143 (415) 540-2043 (209) 291-6676 Cos ~Seles, CA90012 " (213) 62~2380 (Section 66570, Title 22, CAC), · ~ CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Parc Hazardous Waste Management Branch J:JC2§ APPLICATION FOR CALIFORNIA EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS WA~E PERMIT Company R~verl~k~ R~n~h C[{y Bakersfield Da~e 07/13/89 QUANTITY Dcscriptlon of Wast,': On One Thnc Basis: (/,-ch~;,,~ ~'n'c~ ~'th W:stc ¢,.'umpo.cnt(s) Upper Lower % ppm Number: Unili-" U/rTxr and l,o~er G:~entmn'on °/M~a~°~~tU)Soil Contaminated with ,.100, __ _ ~ ~-~ 50 CY W^ST£ D±sulfoton 410 Vc.r's Permit: I - Per Drscripth.: of Pac~kaglng. Containcrlzation and Transport: I-] r)rum~ I'zl Cartons ' [] Bottles [3 Tank Truck [~ Other End Dump or Trans£er PROPOSED METHOD OF I)I~P,OSAL I-~ Burial I'"l P,mdh~g [] Storagc*" ' [] lr~cineration L-J Other (,Specify): .... [~ Trcatmcnt ($pccifyJ: [] Recycling ISprcify method of reuse): I~.ck,L~i,L~. co,tt,ti,.'ri.',ttiuu, ,..I tnt.si:or! of the .I,tterhd s/mll be ht ,:ccordauce I1,itll Title 49. Cot/:. uf i:vth.ral R,~.l,:tivtts for h,m~r, tu.s matcri,ds, ,t,,,! with r,:~.!,~tio.s o.f the C, diforufil H~qhw,ly /'.trot, T/th' 13. C, Ilifi~ru;,~ .,hlmi.istratirc (2o~h'. fi~r i. trast,lte tr, lusport of lm:,mlo.$ m,lterlal.~ ,Uld, fi~r IK.'B-cot~tai~du.~ u,,Istvs, itt accord. ,mcr with U.b'.I'LP..4. r¢'.qulat.(v.s srt forth ht Title 40 C21:R Part 76 I. I-1 Chcck if additional wastes are described on page 3 o~' 3. PERMIT TO BE U~ED FOR: (Lenglh of Time) ~ On a onc time baslsO~T Z~ ~ ~ For a period of one year from date of issue PERMIT RENEWALS: ,Ipp/~caffon for ~neu, al ora one.~ear blanket p~r to expffatlon date to ~ce~ ~c~lt ~n effect. Foe te.e~al, tend a ropy of exlsti.~ ~ermil with cover h'lh'r r(',lurslh:~ an~ ad, lilio.al umrn,lmcnt~ "Sto~age means holding at an off-~it~ facility for greater than 72 hours. June 15, 1989 Ms. Amy Green Ilazardous Materials Specialist Environmental ttealth Services Dept. 2700 "iq" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: STEAM CLEANING SUMP OH RIVERLAKES RANCH PROPERTY Dear Amy: This letter is to advise you that tile -+4.5 acres of land which contains the steam cleaning sump area is bein,i rezoned from residential to commercial. There are at present no specific: plans available to determine exactly what will be installed on the steam cleaning sump site; however, it is my under- standing from you that the contamination problem existing there can be permanently addressed by erect:ing a c~)mmercial building on a concrete slab or by paving with all approved material for use as a parking area. ~ als() understand that any maf~rial removed from the steam cleaning dump site due to construction must be handled in tile appropriate manner if character- ized as a hazardous waste. I will appreciate your si!~ning the acknowledgement if ,you approve of the contents of this letter as heinfi the approved method of Fec~f~'].',n,,~ '~!l,~i~ problem. S i ncere 1 y,//~/ ~i~ ements / l\gen~]'for the Trustee JC/mjf Ac knowl edged Ua l.e · OUNTY OF KERNO Environmental Health services Department 2?00 ~ Sift. et Sull~ .t00 Baimrsfleld. CA 93301 (80S) 861.3636 (805) 861-3429 Fax Number ~ ~~.,,, June 1. 1989 Clifford Bressler c,'o Mr. Jim Clemenr. s P.O. Box 81495 Bakersfield. CiA 93308 RE: Site Characterization and Remediation Alternative Reuorts submitted for the pesticide storage area and tile steam cleaning sump on property at the Callowav and Hageman Roads intersection, once owned by Rancho Laborde Estates. Dear Mr. Cleme~s: On }lasz ;il. 1989 the remedial actioo alternative report submitted for the steam cleaning sump und pesticide storage ;.trea on proper~y once owned by Jean Laborde Estates :ti lhe Cailowav an(i Hageman Roaas intersection was reviewed by a representative from [his DeDartmenL The t'eport summarized the site investigation, and propose~ three remedial action options. The following list consist ut" the remedial action options discusse(I within the repot'c: !. Excavation - 'this option involves the ~-emoval of cuntaminated soils from the sites in questions co a disposal site. licensed to handle such waste. This option was discussed as nor being practical for the soils ~n the steam cleaning sump due to the volume but as an economical uno effecrive meQ~od for mitigating contaminated soils in [he old pesticide srorage area. Capping - This option was describe(] as being u viable alternative for contaminants in tile steam cieanin.v, suml), it involves placiug an imuermeable cad over t:he ;ii'letted area I.o reduce the pot. ential for leaching. Clifford 8ressler June 1. 1989 Page 2 3. No Action - This option was proposed along with capping for the steam cleaning sump. Based upon the findings described in the reports submitted, this Department is satisfied that tile assessment is complete for the pesticide storage area and the steam cleaning sump. Tile following remedial action alternatives are acceptable means of mitigating this site: 1, Excavation of the soils in the pesticide storage area. The fol]nwh~cond~tions must be met before utiliziug this method: A. The company hired to remove and dispose of the material must have experience working in lmzardous environments and utilizing methods to minimize dust and exposure of personnel on site. 8. The disposal site and transport companies utilized must be licensed to transport and dispose of the soil and it's contaminants. C. Soil in tile pesticide storage area must be excavated to a depth of one foot and either handled as a hazardous waste or characterized as nonhazardous. 2. Capping the area. once utilizin~ us a steam cleaning sump, with material of limited permeability. This option can be utilized only under the following. conditions: A. Since construction of tile cap will involve some grading or soil removal in the contaminated area. tile contaminated soil removed must be separated and either l~andled as a hazardous waste ~)r characterized as non-lmzardous. B. Specifications on ~he (:upping material and construction must be submitted to this Department before tile cap is applied. C. 'file contaminated area was estimated as having an area with 15-20 foot radius, This area mus~ be covered by the cappillg material, with fin additional distance added for runoff. if you i~ave any questions, please feel free ~o call me at 1805) 861-3636. Si,merely ..... Amy g. (]rein .... ,. 1 ' " Ilazar(iou~ ~at. eriaJs S~.cial}st Hazardous Materials ~anagement Program AG:cd [~reen ', ~:leme nts..i U' May 19, 1989 Ms. Amy Green Department of Environmental Health 2700 !'4 Street #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 .Dear Amy: This letter is a follow-up to ,.our telephone conversation of May 16, !989. I ,,,/as frankly quite surprised when v~u told me you were waiting for a work plan from Krazan & Associates. Had i realized that ! would have jumped them as soon as Sou reviewed the report. I must stress to you the importance of completing this project immediately! The bankruptcy estate has a very viable potential sale of ~ne remain~nm unsold property and it is incumbent on us as ~he bankruptcy trustee to .... pedlt~ the rlean-up at the site worked on by Krazan. This clean-up, is a vital o:~,,~.~ of ~'~.ne sa!..~ and taus~ not be dela,/ed, anvmore.~ I am going to look to you .~o take ~h~ lead i..q this matter and g~ the situation with Krazan cleared up and :ell me ',,ma~ you want done in an expeditieus manner. Thank you in advance for your nrempt ='~*:'~ion to this prnblem i-~es t regard~,] _ Jim C1 e,m. en~s g ......... r Trustee JC/ml 2 19§9 Environmen~ Health Div. Kern County Health Del)lC KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2700 M Street HEALTH OFFICER Bakersfield, Califorma ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M Hebertson. M.D. Mailing Address: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue Vernon S. Reichard Bakersfield. California 93301 (805) 861-3636 November 30, 1988 Mr. H.L. Jack Caldwell Val Vista Estates c/o Reynolds Environmental Group 3190-3 Airport Loop Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Re: 'Recently purchased 320 acre parcel, once owned by Rancho Laborde Dear Mr. Caldwell: The Emcon report prepared for'the 320 acre parcel was reviewed by a representative of this department. A letter was drafted and mailed to Clifford Bressler discussing concerns with the report contents. Mr. Clements advised the Health Department representative of the ownership change during a meeting held on. November 29, 1988. A copy of the letter, sent to clifford Bressler is enclosed, please review the contents referring to the 320 acre parcel. The concerns must be addressed to the satisfaction of this agency before the properties are developed/changed. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ,? //,':-,/ Green Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program AEG:cd (green\caldwell.let KERN COUNTY HEALTH DIII~ARTMENT 2700 M Street HEA~, Bakersfield, Californ~ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Leon M i Mailing Address: DIRECTOR OF EN¥ 1415 Truxtun Avenue Vernon Bakersfield. California 93301 (805) 861-3636 November 17, 1988 Clifford Bressler c/o Mr. Jim Clements P.O. Box 81495 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Re: Real Estate Studies Completed for two parcels once owned by Rancho Laborde Estates in Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Clements: _ The studies completed by ~mcon and Associates for two real estate parcels once owned by Rancho Laborde Estate in Bakersfield, California were reviewed by a representative of this department. The studies described one 320 acre lot bordered by Coffee Road to the West and Fruitvale Avenue To The East; and a 1480 acre lot bordered by Coffee Road to the East, Rosedale Highway to the South and Calloway to the West. The reports provided information on the past use of the properties, possible problems associated with the sites, and assessments completed. An overview of the problem areas along with the department's comments are provided below. The 1480 area lot contained a pesticide storage area which is referenced in a letter dated S~ptember 14, 1988. The pesticide storage area, will be discussed and references will be made to the violations cited in that letter. The 1480 acre parcel had the following items of concern described in the study prepared. 1. A screened oil sump on the South side of the parcel, was described as holding waste crude 0il. The liquid within the sump should be sampled to see if other chemicals of concern as halogenated compounds, PCB's and metals are present in significan~ levels. The Regional Water Quality Control Board should be advised and allowed to give guidance on the closure of the sumps. Clifford Bressler November 17, 1988 Page 2 2. Two underground gasoline tanks, were discovered in an ., area East of the old pesticide storage area. At present the Kern County Health Department has not received an application for a permit to operate or abandon these t~nks. Rancho Laborde Farms is presently violating Sections 3912.4.01 and 3912.5.01 of the local underground tank ordinance. The Tanks must be permitted for operation unless closed, and a closure permit must be obtained before removal. Both applications are enclosed. 3. Oil saturated soils were detected around above ground oil storage Tanks. and in an area ,identified as a steam cleaning sump. The samples retrieved in these area were contaminated with heav~ hydrocarbons. IT is not clear how extensive the contamination is? The extent of contamination should be determined and discussed in a final report which describes any hazards associated with these sites. 4. .Three transformers appeared to have been leaking. Only one sample was retrieved near a power pole south of the Calloway canal. No PCBs were detected in The soil sampled. The other two sites should be sampled for PCB contamination. '5. Seventeen irrigation catch basins and one flood control ' sump were identified on This parcel. Only one sample was retrieved in one of The irrigation catch basins. The sample was analyzed for organochlorine pesticides and chlorinated herbicides. None of the constituents tested for were detected in the sample. The following questions should be addressed: A. A discussion of the size of The catch basin and whether one sample is representative o~ this basin. B. The other catch basins should be characterized with a discussion of the rationale for sample strategy discussed to justify the number and location of each sample. Cliffford Bressler November l?, 1988 Page 3 One sample in one ca~ch basin does not adequately characterize all catch basins unless the more heavily contaminated is sampled. The relative contamination of each must be known. The area to be sampled should include other than organo chlorine pesticides/herbicides such as arsenicals and mercurial compounds. Heavy metal contamination should be ruled out as a significant contaminant. 6. The pesticide storage area located North of the building near Calloway and Hoffman was described as having odorous stained soil by the assessment contractor, the health inspector and the ag inspector. Two samples were retrieved within this area. The samples were retrieved 6" and 10" below grade. They were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides and chlorinated herbicides. The list obtained from the Ag Commissioner showed that 1482 pesticide containers were removed from this area. The containers held a diverse group of pesticides/herbicides. The following concerns should be addressed: A. The samples retrieved from this area should be representative o~ the most contaminated'portion.of the encaged area, with a discussion provided giving the rational for the location and number of samples retrieved. B. The analysis must show whether most of the suspect pesticides/herbicides are present in the soil sampled. (A complete pesticide/herbicide scan should be completed on the more contaminated sample.) C., IS any pesticides are detected in signifi%ant quantity, the report should discuss the extent of contamination and suggest at leas~ three mitigation alternatives, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Clifford Bressler November 17, 1988 Page 4 7. A refuse dump was described east of the friant Kern Canal. Surplus agricultural equipment, used tires, empty oil drums, wood and other refuse was identified as having been dumped in this area. The site may presently 'be violating Sections 8.28.100 and 8.28.160 of the Kern County Ordinance Code, regarding maintaining.the premises in sanitary condition, and failure to remove refuse twice a week, along with Section 5411 of the California Health and Safety Code regarding the creation of a nuisance. The. items dumped on site should be inventoried to determine their future use or disposal. Certain items, (the drums) may be sent to a recycler: some e.c~uipment may be used or sent to a scrap yard. The owner/operator should provide a plan to the Kern .County Health DeparTment before cleaning this site so that it will not violate regulations provided in the state law or local ordinance. The 320 acre parcel had the following items of concern described in the study prepared. 1. Two oil sumps were noted in the southern portion of the parcel. The liquid within the sump should be sampled to see if other chemicals of concern as halogenated compounds, PCBs, and Metals are present in significan~ levels. The Regional Wa~er Quality Control Board should be advised ~nd allowed to 'give guidance on the closUre of ~he sumps. 2. Oil stains were observed around two oil storage tanks. The stains could be indicative of past leaks/spills. One sample was retrieved 6" below grade at one tank site, on the South/Southeastern portion of the parcel. The sample showed soil contamination of heavy hydrocarbons. The extent of contamination should be determined. Crude oil is not presently considered a hazardous waste, however " the contamination present should be characterized and any possible threat ~o groundwater sources addressed. The future plans for the contaminated area should be considered in all discussions addressing mitigation of this site. 3. The irrigation sump had only trace amounts of the pesticides DDE and DDT. The levels detected were not signif!can~. If the sample retrieved was representative of the sump, then the sump appears to be no problem as far as an accumulation of halogenated hydrocarbons. The assessment company should address the rational for retrieving only on~ sample in the sump. Clifford Bressler November 17. 1988 Page 5 4. The sample taken in the Ag acreage had nondeTecTable levels of halogenated hydrocarbons. If The sample retrieved was either representative of The farming a~reage or the worst~ expected, The area can be assumed free of haiogenated pesticides/herbicides. The rational for retrieving only one sample from this area should be documented. 5. The stained areas beneath the leaking Transformers were analyzed. The analysis suggested that there were no PCBs present in the soils sampled. This area appears To have been appropriately characterized, assuming that the stained area was small and The sample was retrieved within the stained area. The letter dated September 14, 1988, required That you submit a 'site characterization proposal to The Kern County Health Department within 30 days. The studies completed for The Rancho Laborde Estates were deficient in the items summarized above. You must submit a report providing rational for activities completed and proposed sampling and analysis for the pesticide storage area, The irrigation drainage basins, and The refuse dump site within 30 days. The application for operation or abandonment of the underground storage tanks must be completed and submitted To this department within SO days. Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in this matter, and if you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. S~my~Eerely' ~ Environr~nTal Heai~ecialisT Hazardous Materials Management Progra~ AEG:dr cc: County Administrative Office Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno November 15, 1988 Hs. Amy Green Environmental Heal th Specialist KERN COUHTY HEALTH DEPARTHENT !415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 ..gear iqs. Green: t have not heard from you since m.y visit to .,..,our office on the morning of October !1, 1988. I have several firms standing by ready to bid on whatever work you may require at the shop site; however, as of this date ][ have nothing to tell them. T must advise you that T_ ,..,Jill ~qeed an extension of time beyond Hovember """' ~' '""" ' ' ~ "~ , ,_,_, ,,90~: to Dr]hq ~n...site into compliance, due to the lack of communication from .'..tour ~ffice. Please be assured that i do want to '?.~ork closel.7 ,,,Hth vou and do whatever is necessar.v to alleviate any problems, i cannot act on this, ho:,~ever, unless I ',lear from you right away. Please [live this situation your '~op priority. Sincerely, '~ .-"/ /.~ ,:. ." ,~m Clements Anent for i:he Trustee J c / t 2700 M STREET KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER MAILING ADDRESS Leon M Hebertson, M,D, 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (805) 861-3636 Vernon S, Reichard September 22, 1988 Laborde Community Development Co. Inc. 8900 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attn: Jim Clements Re: Site Characterization Proposal Outline. Dear Mr. Clements: The Site Characterization Proposal Outline which can be utilized for the Old Pesticide Storage Area on' property located east of Calloway Rd. and North of the Hageman Extension in Bakersfield, California is enclosed. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. Environmenta~JHealth AG:cd 0922-13 September 20, 1988 Ms. Amy E. Green Environmental Health Specialist Environmental Health Division KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ref: Old Pesticide Storage Area on Property Located East of Calloway Road and North of the Hageman Extension in Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Green: On September !3, !988 you wrote a letter to Mr. Clifford Bressier asking for a site characterization proposal for the above referenced lmcation. You indicated that the department's outline for such proposals was enclosed, to be used as a guide in preparing our proposal. You failed to include this outline with your letter and, as a result, I am at a loss to know just exactly what you want. Please advise. Sincerely, Jim Clements Agent for the Trustee JC/mjt ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 27oo 'M' Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX January 29, 1993 McCormic, Barstow, Sheppard, Wayte & Carrutth Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 24013 Fresno, CA 93779-4013 Attention: Timothy Jones SUBJECT: LABORDE PROPERTY - CALLOWAY & HAGEMAN ROADS BAKERSFIELD, CA Gentlemen: This office is in receipt of your letter dated January 21, 1993, regarding the Laborde property and your request for information pertaining to capping requirements for the former steam cleaning sump. A review of the f'fle has disclosed the former sump occupied an area of 12x12 feet with a depth of 4 feet. Krazan Associates, Inc.'s, Site Characterization Report of soil analyses, performed in April 1989, reveals the greater part of the contaminant (oil and grease) to be present at 5 feet depth. Total petroleum hydrocarbon levels were not significant. You have indicated that future use of the property will be commercial. This Department agrees that capping of the former sump area with a three-inch asphalt overlay would satisfy the mitigation requirements specified by Amy Green in her letter dated February 28, 1990. Ideally, the capped area should be planned as a portion of a future parking lot for a commercial business. Please inform this office of your client's intentions regarding future use of the property and the specifications for capping of the impacted sump area. Sincerely, Steve ~McCalley, ¢irector A? By: Flora Darling, R.E.H.S., R.E~A./ Hazardous Materials Specialist 'III Hazardous Materials Program FD:cas '~laborde.ltr 05/09/88 TO: Amy Green, Environmental Health Specialist Agricultural Commissioner SUBJ: Pesticide Containers Attached is the list of pesticide containers stored at the Laborde site on Calloway Road. The numbers are approximate, however, they will give you an indication of the volume of containers stored at the site. After we get the pictures back from processing we will send them to you. If there is any further assistance needed, please let us know. cc: Lou~ie Cervantes, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner PESTICIDE CONTAINER INVENTORY FOR FLETCHER FARMS Denny Bridges 5-5-88 30 Gallon Drums Dintro 70 Goal 4 Round-up 1 Treflan 1 Unknown 40 5 Gallon Containers Dinitro 460 Omite 200 Balan 165 Round-up 155 Paraquat 60 Phosdrin 45 Kelthane 15 Di-Syston 15 Lorsban 15 Parathion 10 Buctril 10 Treflan 10 Spreader/Sticker 10 Harvest Aid 5 Diazinon 5 Meta-Systox 1 Unknown 15 2½ Gallon Containers Bladex 10 I Gallon Containers Goal 150 Ambush 10 ,~.ssoc,,~rEs Project No. B31-Ol.OI Mr. )1.L. Jack Caldwell Val Vista Estates c/o Reynolds Environmental Group 3190-J Airport Loop Costa Mesa, California'92626 · Re: "Parcel B" Summary Report: Real Estate Due Diligence Study: Rancho Laborde Site: Bakersfield, California. Dear t,lr. Caldwell: This letter presents EMCON Associates' findings following completion of a real estate due diligence study for a 1,480 acre parcel (Parcel B) which was formerly part of the Rancho Laborde site, located on the north edge of the City of Bakersfield. EMCON Associates (EMCON) was retained by Mr. ,Jack Caldwell to aid in identifying site areas which may hnve been previously impacted by hazardous materials or wastes. Parcel B is located on the west side of Rancho Laborde and is bound by the following: Coffee 'Road Lo the'East · Residential homes and Norris Road to the North - Calloway Drive to Lhe ldest · Rosedale Highway to the South Figure I shows the location of Parcel B. Presently, soil grading is being conducted For future development of site property approximately at the intersection of Meacham Road and Calloway Drive, Rancho Laborde was reportedly acquired by Mr. Gene Laborde approxi- mately 15 Lo 16 years ago. Prior to Lhe land acquisition by f,lr. Laborde, the )and was reportedly the property of the Kern County Land Company. PJB/bBIOIOI.DOC Hr. II,L. Jack Cald' il A~uust ]6, ]988 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STRATEGY AND SITE BACKGROUND The purpose of this real estate due diligence study is to evaluate and identify past and present activities at the site which may have yielded potential environmental liabilities due Lo soils contaminated by hazardous materials or wastes. In conducting the environmenLal assessmenL, EMCON undertook the Following activities: ]. Interviewed local, County, and State regulatory agencies to deter- mine if regulatory files concerning the property existed. 2. Reviewed aerial phgtographs to determine prior land usage. 3. Visually inspecLed l. he parcel to identify any potential "high ~"isk" areas. 4. CollecLed shallow subsurface :-:oil samples from identified "high risk" areas during the site visit. 5. Analyzed selected representative soil samples for various pesti- cides, herbicides, ()ils, and similar chemicals. HISTORIC I. AND USE AND AGENCY FILE REVIEW Aeri,~ J ?hotooraohs Aerial photoflraphs depicLinq I. he Rancho I. aborde siLe were reviewed aL lhe Kern Iim~nl.y I)eparl. ment ~f' lhd)lic Works' Hap Section. l'he dates of l. he available photographs are: · Auoust I0. 1937 · Harch 5, 1958 · January 31, i975 · Hay I I. 1981 The ]975 ~nd ]98! photographs were Laken by Western PhoLo Air. inc.. locaLed in Bakersfield. The pl~oLograptler of the 1937 and ]958 phoLo- graphs was noL known. lhe aerial phoLoqraphs J'eviewed did noL indicaLe any obvious areas of h~zardous w~ste disposal nr on-site storage oF hazardous reaL,finis. The main usaae of Parcel B seems to have been for aaricultural purposes, primarily row crops and almond orchards. P,]B/b3 lOlOl .DOC Hr. II.L. Jack 1 ..... ell A~must 16, Page 3 A cluster of buildings located north of the intersection of Hageman Road and Calloway Drive were evident in the 1937 aerial photograph; these were reportedly the site office and bunk houses. In the March 1958 aerial photograph, it appears that the site was primarily used for agriculture with some producing oil wells and above-ground tank groups present, The January 1975 aerial photograph shows the presence of a refuse dump site located adjacent to and east of the Friant-Kern Canal (see Figure 2). Also, commercial or residential development of properties adjacent to Parcel B can be seen. The May ]981 aerial photograph shows two sewage treatment ponds used in conjunction with a small on-site wastewater treat, ment plant in operation from npproxi- mately ]980 to ]988. The majority of properties surrounding Parcel B had been developed by this point in time. A~encv Review EH£(1N contacted l. he following depart, ments and personnel to try and ,fl)rain information regarding Rancho Laborde: · Hr. Larr.v Lowe Regional Water Quality Control J]oard. Central Valley Region · Hr, Don Weber Bakersfield Department of Public Works · Mr. Ken Walters Kern County Fire Department, Station 61 · Hr. Gene Peoples Kern County Fire Department, Station 65 · DuLy OFficer I]alifornia Department of Ilealth Services Office L' 1 erk Califnrnia Department of Conservation. Division of Oi and Gas - Hr. Hike Fletcher J)i'eviouS I'ancJl ujJet-ator · lqr. Jack Kalar Rancho Laborde Foreman · Hs. Irene Acosta Kern Cmlnty Agricultural Commission, Pesticides Division · Hs. Amy Ilreen Kern County OeparLmenl of flealth PJB/b31010].OOC Hr. I1.1.. ,Jack £ August 1,6, 1988 Pacle '4 The majority of the government agencies did not have any information regarding the site. lhe California Division of Oil and Gas did supply information as to the status of active and abandoned oil wells on the property: this informalion is available upon request. Hr. Fletcher and Hr. Kalar were able to provide information regarding site history as well as pesticide/herbicide usage on the site. A nonpermitted refuse dump site exists east of the Friant-Kern Canal (see Figure 2). According to Hr. Kalar, the dump site was originally intended for ranch use only for disposal of various vegetation and farm products (i.e. tires, s~rplus equil)ment., etc.). Reportedly, local residents used the dump site Lo d~spose of vegetation, etc. When debris accumulaLed-.in the dump site, the material would be ignited Lo reduce the volume. Because of this illegal practice, the County Fire Station ~n Fruitsvale Avenue reportedly asked LhaL the Ranch discontinue this practice. The dump site was excavated Lo an approxi- mate deDth of four feet with the removed soils t, rucked off site for disposal. The excavated area was later backfilled with soils collected .,luring local swimming pool installations. According to Hike Fletcher, the only pesticide or herbicide stored at the dump site was approximately 30 gallons of a contact weed killer. It is not known if hazardous compounds were disposed of at the site by local residents. The Kern Count, y Aoricultural Commission became involved with a portion of Parcel B (Pesticide Storage Area) in 1988 when a member of a local environmental gra'ss roots commit, tee, Valley Action Network. noticed I. haL previously stockpiled pesLicides had been removed and disposed of. The member contacted the Agricultural Commission who then investigated t. he site. IL was determined t. hat t. he i)esticides/herbicides had been transl]orted by Hike Fletcher If) another site in HcFarlane, California rr}r ~lisposal. Available infnrmati(m frnm lhe Aqricultural Commission 'noardinq lheir l indin(ls and a list. ~f lite pesticides invnlv~d iq presented in Appendix A. Amy ~;reen wil, h l.he Kern Court v I)el)artm~nL ,f ItealLh also became involved with the former pesticide storage area. Hs. {;teen stated that she plans tn issue a letter to the prol)erty owner requestinq that a site characterization study be ~onducted ~n the vicinity of the pesticide storage area before residential building commences in this .. immediate area. The characterization study is Lo also address any potentia] impact that the pesticide storage area might have had on groundwater wells in the immediate area. PJB/b310101.DOC Hr. II.L. ,]ack '11 Auaust 16, ]~ SITE RECONNAISSANCE Rancho Laborde was visited on August 3 and 4, ~9BB, by representatives of EMCON in order to view the site, identify "high risk" areas, and obtain soil samples. Upon arrival at the site, [MCON traversed the parcel in order to view the site. Ouriny this inspection, specific areas of concern were detected and the following notes recorded: · One screened oil sump was located in the southern portion of the parcel. The sump is for the collection of waste crude oil. . Four abovegrade oil storage lank sites are located in Parcel B. Two oF the sites, located on the south end oF Parcel B. consisted oF a single tank each while the other two sites Incated approximately in the middle of Parcel O consisted of three Lo four tanks each. Crude oil satu- rated soils were detected around some of the tanks. - Apprnximately one half ,Iozen power pole electrical trans- formers are located in the northern half of the site along. access roads. Three transformers were observed to have bases which appeared to have leaked. Since PCB liquids were commonly used in transformers prior to ]979, these areas were listed as potential concerns. · Approximately seventeen irrigation catch basins and one flood control sump were identified l. hrouc~hout Parcel O. fhe basins provide Field drainaye ~turing rainy weather Io prevenL crop floodina. These areas were identified as potential concerns because oF the seasonat collection oF waters ~.~hich may have ,-onl. ained ,,il. her herbicides ,~r pesticides commonly used in the fields. · ~ Former pestici,le and herbicide storaqe area locaLe~J orth of site buildinc~s at lhe intersecLion oF Callowav N Drive and Haaeman Road cootained ,.liscolored soils and 1N exhibited odors. Tt~e sLoraae area was enclosed on three  des and on the Lop bva chain link Fence. ... ~ TWO underqround aasol ine tanks are located behind (east) buildinqs aL [allowav Drive and Ilaaeman Road. ~ /t~e site' . . ~ Although these tanks have not been recently used. it is ~~ot known whether l~rnduct still ~xists in I:he tanks or iF he tanks had ever leaked and possibly contaminated urrmmnd ina soils. ~- A Former steam ~.leaninq sump i::. located approximately lO0 feet east oF the pesticide ql. oraue area. Due to the P,]O/b3]OlOl .DOC I.h-. Il.l_. Jack C A,~ut~st. 15. 19013 poSUmp's proximity to the pesticide storage area, and because the sump was used to collect wash water from a prior steam cleaning operation, this site was listed as a tential concern. · A refuse site located .east and adjacent to the Friant-Kern Canal c:ontained mainly surplus agricultural equipment, used tires, empty oil drums, discarded wood, and assorted additional refuse. Because of unknown past dumping practices by the Ranch and local residents, this site was listed as a potential concern. Locations of the above mentioned areas can be found on Figure 2. Photographs taken during reconnaissance of the parcel and of various sampling points are presented in Appendix B. I!ased nn lhe above nbservations, lhe following fie~d samplinq points were selected, the samplinq locations were based on the potential For hazardous materials contamination aL a particular location. In addition, soil samples were collected From the Field areas to provide backmround information and determine if any residual herbicides or pesticides still existed in tile soils. · Crop Areas (Sample B-] and [3-2) ') Pesticide/Herbicide Storage Area (Sample B-3 and B-4) C) Steam Cleaning Sump (Sample B-5) Above-Grade Oil Storage Tanks (Sample I]-6) · Transformer Area (Sample B-7) · lrriqation f/al. er CaLchnleni. Ilasin (Sampi~ 1!-8) · Refuse I]ulnp Area (Sanlple 1.~-9 and [3-10) COLL[C'TIOIi AND ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAHPI. ES After l. he sampl ing lncaLions nnd the analytical parameters were selected, subsurface soil sampling was conducted. The nla~oritv of soil samples were collected aL a depth of one f~ot. below grade except where clround condil, ions caused ntherwise. Figure 2 depicts the sampling ~ocaLions and Table I details sampling information (i.e.. sample m~mbers, sample lqcat, ions, etc.). Soil Samolinq Activities .. Soil ':amples t./pr~ roJlecl'.ed ~ino a hand-sampler which was cleaned between samplings with a TSP solution and rinsed with distilled water. P.1B/b310]O1 .DOC Hr. It.L. dack ~ 1 A~must 16. 1988 Page 7 Four-inch brass tubes were inserted into the hand sampler prior to sampling so that undisturbed soil samples could be obtained. After sampling, the brass tubes were removed and Teflon sheets and plastic end-caps were secured on the tube ends. Labels were then attached and the sample was placed in plastic bags and stored on ice until laboratory receipt. A Chain-of-Custody Form (see Appendix C) was used to document sample handling, information. Analytical Procedures and Results . Soil samples were submitted to State-certified, Brown and Caldwell Laboratories in Pasadena for analysis. Selected analytical test methods were selected using the specific sampling location and on assumed hazardous chemicals present, based on EMCON's initial site reconnaissance, conversations with site personnel, and discussions EHCON's lqanager of Environmental Chemistry/ Yhe following test methods were selected: Samole U.S EPA TEST HETHOD B-i, B-2 (Crop Areas) Organochlorine Pesticides/PC[3 ...... o8o) ~-3~,~.B]~l(Pesticide Chlorinated Herbicides (8150) --Storage Area) {3-8 (Irrigation Water Catchment [3asin) (~(SI. eam Cleaning Petroleum Ilydrocarbons (4]8.]) Sump) Organochlorine Pesticides/PC[3 (8080) Chlorinated Herbicides (8150)' ~-6 (Above-Grade Oil Purqeable Volatile Organics (80]5) SI, orage Tanks) Petroleum Hydrocarbons (418.]) []-7 (Transformer Area) Organoct~lorine Pesticides/PI[3 (8080) ~-9. [3-]0 (Refuse Dump Volatile Organics (8240) Area) Semi-volatile Organics (8270) -. [~rioritv Pollutant Pesticides DDE and DDT were the only two priority pollutant pesticides recovered. Concentrations of DDE detected were 0.007 mg/kg in B-I. 0.003 mg/kg in B-2, 0.032 rog/kg in B-3, 0.002 mg/kQ in [3-4, and 0.003 rog/kg in B-7. DDT was detected in Sample [3-3 at a concentration of 0.011 mg/kg. Pri~riity Pollutants were not detected in Samples [3-5 or B-8. PJB/b310101.DOC Hr. li.L. ,)ack Ci A,gust 16. ]988 Page 8 Extractable priority pollutants (either basic, neutral, or acid extractable) or volatile priority pollutants were not found in Samples B-9 or B-lO. Hydrocarbons in the C15 to C35 plus range were detected in Sample B-lO at a level of 8,000 mg/kg. The detected compounds are long chained hydrocarbons such as waxes, asphalts, etc. Chlorinated Acid Ilerbicides Chlorinated acid herbicides were not detected. Petroleum Hydrocarbons Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in Samples B-5 and B-6 at concen- trations of 3,590 mg/kg..and 1,400 mg/kg, respectively. COHCLUSION AND RECOHHENDAT!ONS CroD A)'eas DOE was present in both of the collected soil samples. The concentra- tions of DDE detected was aL least two orders of magnitude below the SLate of California Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) of 1.0 mg,/kg for either DOE or DDT. [he TTLC is a designated concen- tration threshold above which the State of California considers a material a hazardous waste when disposed of. In addition, residual concenlration ranges For 00E and 00T in, Kern Counly is 0,003 to 2,] rog/kg and 0.002 to 1.6 rog/kg, respectively (California Department of F()od and Agricultural). Due to the l~)w )evels of pesticides present, no Further action should be required in these areas. Pesticide SLoraqe Area I'rioKiLy poll,lanls DDE and DDT were detected in soil samples collecled From wit. hin the former pesticide storage area although the levels are be)ow the I'TLC and are within established background leve)s (see above). It: the Kern County Health Department requires a characterization study of the Former pesticide area as t. hey have stated, then further sampling _. and arJalysis within and around the Former pesticide storage area may be required. An approximate cost range to drill three soil borings, , sample and analyze two samples per boring, and submit a letter-report is bet, ween $6,000 to $10,000. A proposal with more specific costs will '- be submitted upon request. PJB/b310]OI.DOC [.lt. It.L. Jack C, '1 Anaust 16, 1988 Page 9 IrriGation Catchment Basins Neither priority pollutants nor chlorinated acid herbicides were detected in the sampled irrigation catchment basin. Therefore, no further action should be necessary regarding the other irrigation catchment basins. Transformer Areas Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were not detected in soils collected from underneath a power pole transformer, although residuals of DDE were detected. Since only one transformer area was sampled, the possibility exists that other transformers' on site may still contain or have leaked PCBs in the past. However, ownership of utility pole transformers is normally the utility company, not the land owner. Above-qrade Storage Tanks, 0i1 Sumo Crude oil contaminated soils were encountered around the aboveground tank areas and an oil collection sump. According to the State of California [H&S Code, Chapter 8.6, Section 25317.(a)], crude oil is not considered a hazardous substance and regulatory agencies may not require the clean-up of oil contaminated soils. However, for aesthetic purposes, EMCON recommends that crude oil contaminated soils be exca- vated and removed. Steam ¢leanino Sumo Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in the former steam cleaning sump located east of the pesticide storage area. The source of the hydro- carbons is not known, although steam cleaning of vehicles is suspected. Since the contamination was probably not due to crude oil but rather past steam cleaning' operations, excavation and disposal of sump soils is likely t.o be required. Since the extent of contamination is not known, costs to excavate, sample, and dispose of contaminated soils is not known. It is possible that only simple excavation of the sump floor and side soils may be required. Underground Tanks Two underground tanks located south of the steam cleaning sump report- edly contained gasoline and are not currently used. Proper removal of the tanks will be required if they are not to be used. If plans for -- their ~se exist, then a monitoring program must be established in accordance with Kern County underground tank regulations. - Removal of the underground tanks is recommended if they are not to be used. At the time of )-emoval, soil sampling will be required to PJB/b310]01 .DOC Mr. H.L. Jack Auoust 16. 198 Paoe lO determine if the tanks had leaked in the past. An approximate cost to remove the tanks, sample and analyze underlying soils, and properly dispose of the tanks range between $10,000 and $]5,000. A more accurate cost estimate can be obtained upon your request. Refuse Dumo Site Pesticides were not detected in samples collected from the refuse dump site area. Since past excavation of site surface soils was conducted to a depth of approximately four feet below grade, the possibility of hazardous materials contamination from local residences and past ranch dumping practices has been minimized. However, since only surface sampling was conducted by EMCON, the possibility of deeper contami- nation exists and only drilling, soil sampling, and analysis can better conclude whether contamination from past practices exists at the refuse dump s i te. The approximate cost to conduct a limited underqround site assessment consisting of three borings wilh soil sampling and analysis is ranges between $6,000 and $I0,000 depending on the analytical results requested. Hore detailed costs can be developed upon your request. If you have any questions or comments regarding Lhis study, or if 'you wou)d like more detai)ed cost estimates of possible additional services, please call either of the undersigned. RespectFully Submitted, EMCON Ass6ciates John P. HcCabe Env}ronmentat Scientist Katherine Winsor Project Hanager ,JPM/KRW: se Attachments: References Figure I - Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Plan Table I Sampling Information Table 2 Analytical Results Appendix A - Pesticide Episode Investigation Report Appendix B Site photographs Appendix C Certified Analytical Results, · -- Chain-of-Custody Form P,]13/b3 lOlO] .DOC I -N- , I I I I I I ~: ~ I I I I PROJECT' SITE I .. '~ ~ ~/~ ~ ,- _ __ { I I I I I I I I R,'M~CHO LA BORDE REAL ESTATE 'DUE DILIGENCE' STUDY - - PARCEL B BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA SITE LOCATION MAP 'R0d~CT NO. ! i B31-01.01 ] TABLE 1 SAMPLING INFORMATION Sample Sample Sample Sample Analysis Number Location Depth Type Conducted B-1 North end of 6" soil EPA Methods 80BO, Parcel B 8150 B-2 Southwest Corner of 1' soil EPA Methods 8080, Parcel B 8150 O-3 Pesticide Storage 6" soil EPA Methods 8080, Area 8150 B-4 Pesticide Storage 10" soil EPA Methods 8080, Storage 8150 B-5 Steam Cleaning l' soil EPA Methods 418.1, Sump East of 8080, 8150 Pesticide Storage Area B-6 Above-ground Tank 4" soil EPA Methods 8015, Area adjacent Lo 418.1 the Friant-Kern Canal B-7 Transformer adjacent 2" soil EPA Methods 8080 to Sample B-6 area B-8 Jrrio~tion §unl~ in J' soil EPA Methods 8080, Middie of Parcel B 8150 B-9 Refuse Dump adjacent 4" soil EPA Hethods 8270, to the Friant-Kern 8240 Canal O-10 Refuse Dump ad.iacent 2" soil EPA Methods 8270, to the Friant-Kern 8240 Canal REFERENCES U.S. EPA 1982. Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste; Physical/Chemical Methods. SW-846. Second Edition. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. California Department Of Food and AgriculLure. September 1985. Agricultural Sources of DDT Residues in California Environment. California HealLh and Safety Code. Chapter 6.8, Section 25317.(a) PJB/b3]O]01 .DOC Page [ F;'olect ,'lo. ~SI-O[ O[ [~BL£ 2 ANAL¥[ ICAL RESULT<` ........................................ SAHPL£S ......................................... ~i S rest. B-t £-Z 8:3 8-4 B-S 8-6 8-1 B-8 8-9 B-tO Hethcd Parame[er (~r,g.'kg) (reg.:kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) (~ag/k,]) (,r. cJ.'kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) ~050 A I dr ~n ;~0 NO NO t~D ~O ,'iD NO NO NO Ch Iordane IlO NO NO NO NO NO~ NO NO NO 0 ~ e lot i n NO NO NO NO I10 NO NO NO NO Endosul fan [ lid NO IlO ND NO NO NO NO NO Endosulfan Il NO ND NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Endosulfan ~uhJ~te NO NO ND ND ND lid ND NO NO Endr in ~lJeh)da lid rtO HO NO NO NO ND ND NO Hept ach Iorepox ide NO ;10 ,40 ND NO ItO NO NO NO Hep t .~c h Io r NO ltl) ttO NO Ill] ltl) ND III] Aroc lor JO I 6 IlO IlO I10 NO ltd HI] ltd NO NO Aroc lot 122I ND NO NO NO Ill] III] NO NO NO Aror Ior IZ]Z IlO NO IlO NO IlO NO ND IlO NJ) Aroc loc 12.42 lid IlO I10 ltl) I10 NO NO ND Aroc lor 1248 lid ND IlO NO NO NO NO NO NO Aroc lot 125~ NO ND III] ND NO ND NO NO NO Aroc lor IZBO ND NI) It0 NO IlO ltd Iii] NJ) NO Aroc lor 1267 NO NO NO NO IlO NO IlO NO NO TOXal~hene ItO IlO NO NO NO ND NO NO NO BHC. alpha iscmer NO NO NO NO NO NO NO HO NO BHC..beta ~scmer NO NO NO ND ND NO ND NO BHC. de 1 t ~, isomer I10 ND NO 110 lid NO NO NO NO 8HC. ga~rrna isomer (L inoane) IlO lid NO NO lid ND NO NO NO P' P' -DDO ltd Ill) ND ND NO NO ND NO NO P'P'-DDE 000l O.O0] 0.032 0.002 NO 0.003 NO NO NO P~e. Z A,'GsL'f T IC~L ~F~UL[~, u S EP~, ........................................ L-','~PL££ ......................................... [est E-I fi-: 5-3 8-4 ~.-S fi-6 B-i B-8 B-~ B-tO HathaJ Parameter (,cg ,.]) [:ag.'k~;; (.ng,'k g) (~cg ~k.:]) J.r,cj.: k ~ j [,:lcj :k ,] ) (.ng/k9) (reg.;kg) (mg,'kg) ling/kg) P'P' -OOf lid NO 0.0! I .'tO NO NO NO rio lid ,:; 50 ' J, 5- T ;.O :i£ lid NO NO [JO I'10 Z. J. S - [P S ~ · lex NO NO ;ID HO lid ltd 1tO HO 2. -I - O i'tO ~tD HO NO tlO NO fid 2.4-DP- lid IlO IlO ilo lid ND ND NO 2. l - DP Pig ND ND IlO ttO NO rid ltd 0 icamba ;ID lid NO ~tD ltO NO ND lid O inoseb Iii:) ;ID ltd NO NO lid NO HCI:'A lid NO NO ;lO ltd NO NO ND HCF P ~lO ;lO :iD PlO lid ND NO NO ~[~.1 TOTAL FIJ[L HI[SROC~R£ON:: ~,'~]0 !100 ,:GI5 TOTAL PET~OLFIjH HI~,ROC.:~R£CI'I~ NO HO HO .~,: ?0 I.Z 4 - I',,- ~ c h I.:,reben: e-ne HO HO I, ~, -0 ich Iorebenz. ene HO lid 1. Z, -0 ipheny Ihydr~: ine HO NO l, 3 -O ich Iorobenzene HO NO I. J, -0 ~ch Iorobenzene NO HO Z.4.6' i'r ich Ioropheno I NO HO ~, ~-O~chloraphenol ND HO 2,4 -O ime thy Ipheno J ND NO 2,4-Oinitrotoluene A,,SSOCIAT~S Project No. B31-01.01 Mr. II.L. Jack Coldwell Vol Vista Estates c/o Reynolds Environmental Group 3190-J Airport Loop Costa Mesa, California'92626 . Re' "Parcel B" Summary Report: Real Estate Due Diligence Study: Rancho Laborde Site: BakersField, California. Dear I.lr. Coldwell' This letter presents EMCON Associates' Findings Following completion of a real estate due diligence study For a 1,480 acre parcel. (Parcel B) which was Formerly part of the Rancho Laborde site, located on the north edqe oF the City oF Bakersfield. EMCON Associates (EMCON) was retained by Hr. ,]ack Caldwetl to aid in identifying site areas which may h,~ve been previously impacted by hazardous materials or w'astes. Parcel B is located on the west s~de of Rancho Laborde and is bound by the Fo}lowing' · CoFFee Road Lo the East · Residential homes and Norris Road to the North Calloway Drive'to the West · Rosedale Highway to the South Figure i shows the location of Parcel B. Presently, soil grading is being conducted For future development oF site property approximately at the intersection oF Meacham Road and Calloway Drive, Rancho Laborde was reportedly acquired by Hr. Gene Laborde approxi- mately ]5 to 16 years ago. Prior to Lhe land acquisition by I,Ir. Laborde, the land was ~'eportedly the property of the Kern County Land Company. PJB/b310]O1.DOC PESTICIDE CONTAINER INVENTORY FOR FLETCHER FARMS Denny Bridges 5-5-88 30 Gallon Drums Dintro 70 Goal 4 Round-up 1 Treflan 1 Unknown 40 5 Gallon Containers Dinitro 460 Omite 200 Balan 165 Round-up 155 Paraquat 60 Phosdrin 45 Kelthane 15 Di-Syston 15 Lorsban 15 Parathion 10 Buctril 10 Treflan 10 Spreader/Sticker 10 Harvest Aid 5 Diazinon 5 Meta-Systox 1 Unknown 15 2½ Gallon Containers Bladex 10 1 Gallon Containers Goal 150 Ambush 10 05/09/88 TO: Amy Green, Environmental Health Specialist FROM: Ted Davis, Assistant //~ Agricultural Commissioner SUBJ: Pesticide Containers Attached is the list of pesticide containers s~ored at the Laborde site on Catloway Road. The numbers are approximate, however, they will give you an indication of the volume of containers stored at the site. After we get the pictures back from processing we will send them to you. 7=~ there is any further_ assistance needed, .oiease let us know. cc: Louie Cervantes, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. ~ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 DIRECTOR ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX January 29, 1993 McCormic, Barstow, Sheppard, Wayte & Carrutth Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 24013 Fresno, CA 93779-4013 Attention: Timothy Jones SUBJECT: LABORDE PROPERTY - CALLOWAY & HAGEMAN ROADS BAKERSFIELD, CA Gentlemen: This office is in receipt of your letter dated January 21, 1993, regarding the Laborde property and your request for information pertaining to capping requirements for the former steam cleaning sump. A review of the f'fle has disclosed the former sump occupied an area of 12x12 feet w/th a. depth of 4 feet. Krazan Associates, Inc.'s, Site Characterization Report of soil analyses, performed in April 1989, reveals the greater part of the contaminant (oil and grease) to be present at 5 feet depth. Total petroleum hydrocarbon levels were not significant. You have indicated that future use of the property will be commercial. This Department agrees that capping of the former sump area with a three-inch asphalt overlay would satisfy the mitigation requirements specified by Amy Green in her letter dated February 28, 1990. Ideally, the capped area should be planned as a portion of a future parking lot for a commercial business. Please inform this office of your client's intentions regarding future use of the property and the specifications for capping of the impacted sump area. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: l~ora Darling, R.E.]-I.S., R.E.A.// Hazardous Materials Specialist 'III Hazardous Materials Program FD:cas klaborde.ltr September 20, 1988 Ms. Amy E. Green Environmental Health Specialist Environmental Health Division KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 14!5 Truxtun Avenue Bak,.~s,o' ~ld, CA 93301 Ref: Old Pesticide Storage Area on Property Located East of Calloway Road and Horth of the Hageman Extension in Bakersfield, CA Dear ,,1 ,,s. Green: On S~*ember la 1988 '/ou wrote ~ letter to Mr. Clifford Bressier askin~ for a site characterization proposal for the above referenced ~ ~ eutl~ne for such location. You indicated '~ ~ ' ~.na~. ,.h~ department's proposals was enclosed, to be used as a guide in preparing our pr.~posai. You failed to ~nclude, . ,.h~o outline, with your 1o~:''.....~.~,..I and, as a result. I am at a tnss to know just ?~c.+l~, what you want Please advi~ Sincereiy, 2700 M STF)EET Ik~-t~N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTM HEALTH OFFICER MAILING ADDRESS Leon M Hebertson, M,D, 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH {805) 861-3636 Vernon S. Reichard September 22, 1988 Laborde Community Development Co. Inc. 8900 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attn: Jim Clements Re: Site Characterization Proposal Outline. Dear Mr. Clements: The Site Characterization Proposal Outline which can be utilized for the Old Pesticide Storage Area on property located east of Calloway Rd. and North of the Hageman Extension in Bakersfield, California is enclosed. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (805) 861-3636. Amy E. Green( Environmenta~teal th S~,~list AG:cd 0922-13 November 15, 1988 Ms. Amy Green Environmental Health Specialist KERN COUHTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT !415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Green: I have not heard from you since my visit to your office on tile morning of October !!, !908. ! have several firms standing by read.!/ to bid on whatever work you may require at the shop site; however, as of this date .T have nothing to tell them. .. F~v ~ ,4 ~-' T ~USt: advise VOU that ! will need an .... tuns.on of ulme beyond *' . uh.. lack of ,,o~~' ,~._moer ~ ,_~, !988 to bring ~ne .~ite into compliance, due to communication from your office. ?lease be assured that T do want to '.4ark closely with you and do whatever is necessary to 3,11e,.'iate any problems. ! cannot act on this, however, unless I hear from you rigi~t away. Please give this situation your top priorit.7. Sincerely, "' J~m Clements A.qmqt for '~:he Trustee *,r'/-~-~ t Hr. II.L. Jack C. ald' A,~uust ]6. 1988 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ArID SITE BACKGROUND lhe purpose of this real estate due diligence study is to evaluate and identify past and present activities at the site which may have yielded potential environmental liabilities due to soils contaminated by hazardous materials or wastes. In conducting the environmental assessment, EMCON undertook the following activities: I. Interviewed local, County, and State regulatory agencies to deter- mine if regulatory files concerning the property existed. 2, Reviewed aerial phgtographs to determine prior land usage. 3. Visually inspected the parcel to identify any potential "high risk" areas. 4. ¢]ollected shallow subsurf'ace ...:oil samples from identified "high risk" areas during the site visit.. 5. Analyzed selected representative soil samples for various pesti- cides, herbicides. ()ils, and similar chemicals. HISTORIC I_AND USE AND AGENCY FILE REVIEW Aerial PhotooraDhs Aerial photooraphs depicLinq I. he Rancho I. aborde site were reviewed al lhe Kern I:otmt, y l)eparl.menL ~f lh~l)lic Works" Flap Section. l'he dates of [he available phol:oqraphs are: AUOllS [ I O. 1937 · I,larch 5, 1958 · January 31, 1975 May Il. 1981 The 1975 and 1981 photographs were taken by Western Photo Air. Inc., located in Bakersfield. Tile photographer of the 1937 and 1958 photo- graphs was not known. Tile aerial photoqraphs reviewed did not indicate any obvious areas of hazardous waste disposal or on-site storage of hazardous materials. Tile main usaoe of Parcel B seems to have been for aoricultural purposes, primarily row c~'ops and almond orchards. PJB/b310101 .DOC I-Ir. ii.L. Jack Cai e11 Page 3 A cluster of buildings located north of the intersection of Hageman Road and Calloway Drive were evident in the 1937 aerial photograph; these were reportedly the site office and bunk houses. In the March ]958 aerial photograph, it appears that the site was primarily used for agriculture with some producing oil wells and above-ground tank groups present. The January 1975 aerial photograph shows the presence of a refuse dump site located adjacent to and east of the Fr~ant-Kern Canal [see Figure 2). Also, commercia~ or residential development of properties adjacent to Parcel B can be seen. The May 1981 aerial photograph shows two sewage treatment ponds used in conjunction with a small on-site wastewater lreatment plant in operation from approxi- mately ]980 to I988. The majority of properties surrounding Parcel B had been developed by this point in time. Agency Review EMCON contacted I. he Following depart, ments and personnel to try and ,H)tain information regarding Rancho Laborde: · I.Ir. Larry Lowe Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region · I.Ir. Don Weber Bakersfield Department of Public Works · Mr. Ken Walters Kern Courtly Fire Department, Station 61 · Mr. Gene Peoples · Kern County Fire Department, Station 65 · Duty OFficer California Department of tlealth Services · Office [lerk CaliFnrnia Departnleol. of CunservaLion, Division {)F Oil' and Gas · Mr. Hike FleLcher Previous ranch uperator · Mr. Jack Kal ar Rancho Laborde Foreman · Hs. Irene AcosLa Kern Connty Agricultural Commission, Pesticides Division · Hs. Amy I;r~en Kern County DeparLmenL of Heal Lh PJB/b31OIOI.DOC ;.h-. i{.I.. Jack £~ A,must 16, 1988 Page 4 The majority of the government agencies did not have any information regarding the site. The California Division of Oil and Gas did supply information as to the status of active and abandoned oil wells on the property; this information is available upon request. I.lr. Fletcher and I.lr. Kalar were able to provide information regarding site history as well as pesticide/herbicide usage on the site. A nonpermitted refuse dump site exisls east of tile Friant-Kern Canal (see Figure 2). According to Mr. Kalar, the dump site was originally intended for ranch use only for disposal of various vegetation and farm prodllcts (i.e. tires, st~rplns equipment., etc.). Reportedly, local residents used the dump site to dispose of vegetation, etc. When debris accumulated..in the dr,rap site, the material would be ignited to reduce the vo]ume. 13ecause of this illega] practice, the County Fire Slation nn Fruitsvale Aven~e reportedly asked that the Ranch discontinue this practice. The dump site was excavated to an approxi- mate de,th of Four Feet with the removed soils trucked off site for ,'Jisposal. The excavated area was later backfilled with soils collected ,luring local swimming pool installations. According Lo Mike Fletcher, the only I)esLicide or herbicide stored at l. he dump site was approximately 30 gallons of a contact weed killer. It is not known if hazardous compounds were disposed of at the site by local residents. The Kern County Aaricultural Commission became involved with a portion of Parcel B (Pesticide Storage Area) in 1988 when a.member of a local environmental gra'ss roots commil, tee, Valley Action Network. noticed I. haL previously stockpiled pesLicides had been removed and disposed of. the member contacted the Agric~ltural Commission who then investigated the site. IL was determined that the pesticides/herbicides had been transported by Hike Fletcher Io another site in l,lcFarlane, California r~}r ~lisposal. Available infnrmal, ion Frnm lite Aoricull. ural Co~mission ~'nqardinq Iheir I inrlintls atd a list nf Ihe i~esticir]es invnlw~d iq i:resented in Appendix A. Amy I;,'een wil. h I.he Kern Iiotnl. v l)el)artmm~t ~,F Health also t~ecame involved with lhe former pesticide storage area. Ms. Green stated that :,he plans t.n issue a letter ~o ~he property owner reqt~estinq ~hat a site characterization study I:e conducted in Ihe vicinity of the pesticide storage area before residential building commences in this .. immediate area. lhe characterization stud.¥ is to also address any potential impact that the pesticide storage area might have had on groundwater wells in the immediate area. PJB/b31OIO1.DOC Flr. I~.L. ,lack Auqust 16, 1 Ua~Je 5 SITE RECONNAISSANCE Rancho Laborde was visited on August 3 and 4, 1988, by representatives of EMCON in order to view the site, identify "high risk" areas, and obtain soil samples. Upon arrival at tile site, [MCON traversed lhe parcel in order to view tile site. Durin~j this inspection, specific areas of concern were detected and the following notes recorded: · One screened oil sump was located in the southern portion of the parcel. The sump is for the collection of waste crude o i 1. · Four abovegrade oil storage lank sites are located in Parcel B. Two of the sites, located on l. he south end Parcel B. consisted of a single tank each while the other two s~tes I~cated apprdx~mately in t.t~e middle of Parcel B consisted of three Lo t'our tanks each. Crude oil satu- ~-ated .soils were detected around some of the tanks. - Apprnximately ~)ne half dnzen power pole electrical trans- formers are located in the northern half of the site along access roads. Three transformers were observed to have bases which appeared to have leaked. Since PCB liquids were commonly used in transformers prior Lo I979, these areas were listed as potential concerns. · Approximately seventeen irrigatinn catch basins and nne flood control sump were identified throu(lhout Parcel the basins p~-ovide [ield drainage ~lt~rim] l'ain.y weather prevent crop floodina. These areas were identified as potential concerns because ~)f l. he seasonal collection of waters ~.~hich mav have ,-()ntained ,,ither herbicides pesticides commonly ~sed in the fields. · A f~rmer i)esL~ci,le and herbicide storaqe area located north of site buildin(~s at lhe intersection of Callaway D~'ive and Haaemao Road contained ,.liscolored soils and exhihiLed odors, the sI. oraoe area was enclosed on three sides and on the Lup bv a chain link fence. ._ · Two underground gasoline tanks are located behind (east) the site buildings at [alloway D~'1ve and Itaaeman Road. //'Altho~lgh these tanks have not been ~'ecently used. it ~ not known whether prnduct st~ll ~xists ~n the tanks or the tanks had ever leaked and possibly contaminated st~r~-ot~nd i nq soils. ~- A Former steam ~.leaninq sump i::. lr)cated approximately 100 feet east oF the I}est~cide sl. ora~e area. Due to the P,]B/bBlOJ01 .DOC l-h-. I1.1.. ,Jack [ '1 pSUmp's proximity Lo the pesticide storage area, and because the sump was used Lo collect wash water from a prior sLeam cleaning operaLion, this siLe was listed as a oLential concern. · A refuse site located .easL and adjacent to Lhe Friant-Kern Canal contained mainly surplus a(IriculLural equipment, used tires, empty oil drums, discarded wood, and assorted additional refuse. Because of unknown past dumping practices by the Ranch and local residents, this site was listed as a potential concern. Locations of the above mentioned areas can be found on Figure 2. Photographs taken during reconnaissance of the parcel and of various sampling points are presented in Appendix tased nn the above nbservations. Ihe Following field samplin~ point, s were selected, fhe sampIinq locations were based on the potential For hazardous materials contamination aL a particular location, tn addition, soil samples were collected from the field areas to provide backeround information and determine if any residual herbicides or pesticides si. ill existed in the soils. · Crop Areas (Sample B-1 and 0-2) PesLicide/lterbicide SLorage Area (Sample B-3 and B-4) ~)Steam Cleaning Sump (Sample Above-Grade Oil Storage Tanks (Sample · Transformer Area (Sample B-7) · lrriuation Wal. er [atchment. Basin (Sample Il-0) · Refuse I)ump Area (Sample Ii-9 and B-i0) [OLL[CTION AHD ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPI. ES AFter l. he sampling lncations and the ,~nalytical parameters were selected, subsurface soil samplim.1 was conducted. The majority of soil samples were collected aL a depth of one Fnol. I)elow grade except where ciround conditions caused ntherwise. Figure 2 depicts the samplin9 ~ocations and Table I details samplin~l information ~i.e.. sample m~mbers, sampie locations, etc.). Soil SalllDl iRq Activities · . Soil qamples ,,v~re cnllecl'.ed ~sinq a hand-~ampler vH~ich was cleaned between samplinqs v~it.h a TSP solution and rinsed with distilled water. P,1B/b310IOI .DOC I,lr. lt.L. Jack A~must 16. 1 Page 7 Four-inch brass tubes were inserted into the hand sampler prior to sampling so that undisturbed soil samples could be obtained. After sampling, the brass tubes were removed and Teflon sheets and plastic end-caps were secured on the tube ends. Labels were then attached and the sample was placed in plastic bags .and stored on ice until laboratory receipt. A Chain-of-Custody form (see Appendix C) was used to document sample handling information. Analytical Procedures and Results .. Soil samples were submitted to State-certified, Brown and Caldwell Laboratories in Pasadena for analysis. Selected analytical test methods were selected using the specific sampling location and on assumed hazardous chem.icals present, based on EMCON's initial site reconnaissance, conversations with site personnel, and discussions EIqCON's Hanager of Environmental Chemistry/ File following test methods were selected: Sample U.S EPA TEST HETHOD B-i, B-2 (Crop Areas) Organochlorine Pesticides/PCB ...... ~-3r,~ B-~?(Pesticide Chlorinated Herbicides (8150) ~---S't~Yrage Area ) [3-8 (Irrigation Water Catchment Basin) ([~(Sl. eam Cleaning Petroleum Ilydrocarbons (418.1) 'Sump) Organochlorine Pesticides/'PCB.(8080) Chlorinated Iterbicides (8]50) ~-6 (Above-Grade Oil Purqeable Volatile Organics (80]5) SI. orage Tanks) Petroleum Hydrocarbons (4]8.]) [3-7 (Transformer Area) Organochlorine Pesticides/PCI3 (8080) B-9. B-lO (Refuse Dump Volatile Organics (8240) Area) Semi-volatile Organics (8270) -- Priority Pollutant Pesticides ODE and DOT were the only two priority pollutant pesticides recovered. Concentrations of DOE detected were 0.007 mg/kg in B-I, 0.003 mg/kg in B-2, 0.032 rog/kg in B-3. 0.002 rog/kg in B-4, and 0.003 rog/kg in B-7. DDT was detected in Sample B-3 at a concentration of 0.011 rog/kg. Priority PolluLants were not detecLed in Samples B-5 or B-8. PJB/b3]O101.DOC Mr. II.L. Oack ^ugust 16, 1 Page 8 Extractable priority pollutants (either basic, neutral, or acid extractable) or volatile priority pollutants were not found in Samples B-9 or B-10. Itydrocarbons in the C15 to C35 plus range were detected in Sample B-lO at a level of 8,000 mg/kg. The detected compounds are long chained hydrocarbons such as waxes, asphalts, etc. Chlorinated Acid Ilerbicides Chlorinated acid herbicides were not detected. Petroleum Hydrocarbons Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in Samples B-5 and B-6 at concen- trations of 3,590 mg/kg..and 1,400 lng/kg, respectively. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS £roD Areas ODE was present in both of the collected soil samples. The concentra- tions of DDE detected was at least two orders of magnitude below the State of California Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) of ).0 mg/kg for eiLher DDE or DDT. [he TTLC is a designated concen- tration threshold above which the State of California considers a material a hazardous waste when disposed of. In addition, residual concentration ranges for DDE and DDT in. Kern County is 0.003 to 2.3 mg/kg and 0.002 to 1.6 lng/kg, respectively (California Department of Food and Agricultural). Due to tile l~)w levels of pesticides present, no Further action should l)e req~ired in these areas. Pesticide Storage Area Priority i)o)luLan[s DDE and DDT were detected in soil samples collected from within l. he former pesticide storage area although the levels are below the I'TLC and a)-e wiLhin established background levels (see above). If the Kern County HealLh Department requires a characterization study of the Former pesticide area as they have stated, ti]eh further sampling _. and analysis within and around tile former pesticide storage area may be required. An approximate cost range to drill three soil borings, sample and analyze two samples per boring, and submit a letter-report is between $6,000 to $10,000. A proposal with more specific costs will -' be submitted upon request. PJB/b3IO!O] .DOC I.~r. tt.t. Oack Ca '1 Anoust 16. 1988 ~age 9 Irriqation Catchment Basins Neither priority pollutants no)' chlorinated acid herbicides were detected in the sampled irrigation catchment basin. Therefore, no further action should be necessary regarding the other irrigation catchment basins. Transformer Areas Polychlorinated biphenyls (P£Bs) were not detected in soils collected from underneath a power pole transformer, although residuals of DDE were detected. Since only one transformer area was sampled, the possibility exists that other transformers' on site may still contain or have leaked P£Bs in the past. However, ownership of utility pole transformers is normally the utility company, not the land owner. Above-~irade SLorage Tanks, Oil Sumo Crude oil contaminated soils were encountered around the aboveground Lank areas and an oil collection sump. According to the SLate of California [H&S Code, Chapter 8.6, Section 253]7.(a)], crude oil is not considered a hazardous substance and regulatory agencies may not require the clean-up of oil contaminated soils. However, For aesthetic purposes, EMCON recommends that crude oil contaminated soils be exca- vated and removed. Steam Cleanin~ Sumo Petroleum hydrocarbons were detecLed in the former steam cleaning sump located east of the pesticide storage area. Tile source of tile hydro- carbons is not known, although steam cleaning of vehicles is suspected, Since the contamination was probably not due t.o crude oil but rather past steam cleaning' operations, excavaLion and disposal of sump soils is likely t.o be required. Since the extent, of contamination is not known, costs Lo excavate, sample, and dispose of contaminated soils is not known. It is possible that only simple excavation ot~ the sump floor and side soi)s may be required. Underground Tanks Two underground tanks located souLh of the steam cleaning sump report- edly contained gasoline and are not currently used. Proper removal of the tanks will be required if they are not t.o be used. IF plans for -- their use exist, then a monitoring program must be established in accordance with Kern County underground tank regulations. - Removal of the underground tanks is recommended if they are not to be used, At tile time of Femoval. soil samplinq will be required to PJD/b31010I.DOC Hr. It.L. Jack Auuu:t [6. 1 Paue 10 determine if the tanks had leaked in the past. An approximate cost to remove tile tanks, sample and analyze underlying soils, and properly dispose of the tanks range between $10,000 and $15,OO0. A more accurate cost estimate can be obtained upon your request. Refuse Dumo_Si te Pesticides were not detected in samples collected from the refuse dump site area. Since past excavation of site surface soils was conducted to a depth of approximately four feet below grade, the possibility of hazardous materials contamination from local residences and past ranch dumping practices has been minimized. However, since only surface sampl, ing was conducted by EMCON, the possibility of deeper contami- nation exists and only drilling, soil sampling, and analysis can better conclude whether contamination from past practices exists at the refuse dump si te. Tile approximate cost to conduct a limited under~round site assessment consisting of three borings with soil sampling and analysis is ranges between $6,000 and $10.000 dependin9 on the analytical results requested. Hore detailed costs can be developed upon your request. lr you have any questions or comments regarding this study, or if you would like more detailed cost estimates of possible additional services, p)ease call either of the undersigned. Respectfully Submitted. EMCON Ass6ciates John P. lqcCabe Environmental Scientist /:-- , './.' ..' Katherine Winsor Project Hanager ,] ?M/KRW: se At. tachments: References Figure I Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Plan Table ] Sampling Information Table 2 Analytical Results Appendix A - Pesticide Episode Investigation Report Appendix 13 Site photographs Appendix C Certified Analytical Results. .-. Chain-of-Custody Fnrm P,}B/b31010I .DOC I I sw IPqo ~NOW I I I I ~ '--~ ....... I I ~ .... ~ ~ ~' , I I I SITE L~ATION ~AP ~o~c~ No. ~ TABLE ! SAMPLING INFORMATION Sample Sample Sample Sample Analysis Number Location Depth Type Conducted B-1 North end of 6" soil EPA Methods 8080, Parcel B 8150 B-2 Southwest Corner of 1' soil EPA Methods 8080, Parcel B 8150 D-3 Pesticide Storage 6" soil EPA Methods 8080, Area 8150 8-4 Pesticide Storage lO" soil EPA Methods 8080. Storage 8150 D-5 Steam Cleaning 1' soil EPA Methods 418.1, Sump East of 8080, 8150 Pesticide Storage Area 8-6 Above-ground Tank 4" soil EPA Methods 8015, Area adjacent to '418.1 the Friant-Kern Canal 0-7 Transformer adjacent 2" soil EPA Methods 8080 to Sample B-6 area B-8 IrriaaLion Sump in 1' soil EPA Methods 8080, Middie of Parcel B 8150 B-9 Refuse Dump adjacent 4" 3oil EPA Hethods 8270, lo the Frianl-Kern 8240 Canal 0-10 Refuse Dump adjacent 2" soil EPA Methods 8270, to the Friant-Kern 8240 Canal REFERENCES U.S. EPA 1982. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste; Physical/Chemical Methods. SW-846, Second Edition. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. California Department ~f Food and Agricullure. September 1985. Agricultural Sources of DDT Residues in California Environment. California Health and Safety Code. Chapter 6.8, Section 25317.(a} PJB/b31OIO1.DOC DILIGENCE' STUDY PLAN Bal-01.01 Page F:'olect rio B3I-OI OI i'A~L E 2 .ANALYTICAL RESUL IS ........................................ SAHPLE5 ......................................... [est B-t F.-2 8:.i 8-4 0-5 B-6 B-/ B-8 B-9 D-lO 14ethcd Parameter (mg..kg) (mg.;k§) (mg/~g) {lng/kg) (~g/kg) {,Kg/kg) (rog/kg) (~/kg) [rog/kg) (~g/kg) ~OJO A )dr ~n ~10 ?iD ~lO ND ND rio ND NO NO Ch lordane )(0 ND ND ND NO ND~ HD NO ND D ~e lot i n ND ~(0 ND ND )~0 NO NO NO ~0 Endosu)fan I ND )(D )(0 ND ND ND NO NO NO Endosu)fan ~l NO NO ND ND NO ND ND )(0 NO Endosul~an ~uJdJte NO ?(O ~lO ND NO ND lID ~10 NO Endr in ~J,'Jeh)de IlO )ID ~tO rio ND ND ND NO NO Hept Jcn Jorepox ide lid ND ND ND NO ND NO ND ND Hep ~ ~ch lot lid ~iD ND ND ~ID ND ND lib ND Aroc lot JO16 lid ~(D ND ltd ND ND ND lid ND AFoc 1or 122~ ~13 ~iD lid ND lid ND ND NO NO A~'oc lar 12]2 JiD ~tD lid ND .NO ND ND lid ND AKoc Ior 1242 IlO ~(D NO ND ltd ND NO ND ND Aroc Ior 124:5 liD ND ltd ND NO ND ND NO NO Aroc Jot 1254 ~(D JID ltD ND ND ND ND ND ND Aroc lot 1260 ~10 ~iD ltd ND )ID ND NO ~10 NO Aroc 1or 1262 lid ~lO ltd ND lid ND ND ND ND [oxaphene ND ~lO ND ND ND ND ND ND NO 8HC. alpha mscmer tiD ~lO lid ND ND ND ND NO ND BHC,. be t a i s~e r lid rio NO NO ltd NO NO NO NO BHC, de I t ~ isomer I10 ltd lid 110 /lO /lO NO NO NO EHC, ga~a isomer (L ina8ne) I10 rid ltd NO /t0 ND ~O lid NO P' P' -ODD liD ilo ND , ~O ~0 ltd ~O NO NO P'P'-DDE 0 0~1 O.O03 O.03Z O.OOZ 110 0.003 ND ND NO r,.:,e L F. Z u :5 £P~, ........................................ :,'MPL£ £ ......................................... r~st E-i ~,-2 8-.~ B-a B-5 ~-6 8-1 8-8 B-~ ttethcJ P.)rameter {:rg.',g) {:ng.'kgj {,ng,'kg) (~g,kg) (,t~.'k;j [,ng'~g) (,rig/kg) (rog/kg) (~,'k~) p 'p' -OOr IlO ~O O. Ol I HO lid NO lid NO NO ~.J,5-IP S~,lex ~tO NO ~iO ND NO ND NO ND ~. ~ -0 ~O HO MD NO NO NO NO ND Z. 4-08 ~O ~0 ~O ~lO ND NO flO NO 2. i-DP HO ~0 ND NO NO ND fid ND D mcambJ ~tD fid NO ND ND ND fiD NO O i noseb r~O HD HD ND ND ND ND ND HCF'A rid NO ND NO lid NO NO fid MCF P HO NO ND NO NO ND NO NO 4[~.l [OTAL FUEL HI~ROC~REOtt~ j~)O !400 ,d)15 iO[AL PETrOLeUM M~DRSCARBCII~ HO NO NO .~70 I ~ 4-[rlchl.Droben:~ne NO NO I, 2. -O ich Iorobenzene NO ND I.Z. -Oiph~nTIhydra~ i,e ND NO I. 3-D ich loroDen:ene NO NO I, 4-0 ~cN IoroDenzene flO NO Z.4.6- [r~chloropheno I ~10 NO 2. ~ -0 ~c~ Ior~pheno I NO NO g. ~ -O ime thy lpheno I NO NO ~. 4-0 in ~ troto luene Fro~ect No B~l-OI.61 Page ANALYflCAL R££UL[S u.~,. EPA ........................................ S:,H~'L E S ......................................... t4er. hod Parameter i,r,g · ]) (.ng.k:l) (,'~g/kg) (c~j.,'kg) (mg;'k;i (.-.g/kg) (rog/kg) ([r<J/kg) (rog/kg) (rog/kg) 2.4-Oin~trcphenol NO NO 2,6-Oin it rctoluene ~ NO NO 2-ChJorcnaph[na lena NO ND 2-Herb> ]naphtha lane . /ID ND 2-Methyl Phenol NO NO 2-Nstrcpneno I NO ND ~ It'll J~ rcana I me ND NO Z. 4, '~- J'r ion Ioropheno l ltd NO Z ICh Ioropheno I NO ND 2-MethyJ-4.6-'~n i. 3-O scm lorobenz Id lne rid IlO 3-N ~troana I ~ne Jig NO J -8rcmcphen? Jpheny lather I't0 NO 4 -Ch Ioro-S-ma thy lpheno l /ID NO 4 -Ch Ioropheny Iphenv l el:nar ND NO 4-Ch Ioroana line NO NO l-Methyl Phenol ND NO $ -N i t ropheno I NO ND 4-Nitroana I sne ND NO Acenaphthene NO NO Acenaphthy lena NO ND An 1 I me NO NO Anthracene NO ND B ss(2-ethy lhex71 )phtha Iste NO NO Benz id ina ND NO Prs]ec[ ~to E.iI-OI.CI Page [ABLE Z ANAL¥[ICAL S EP-~ ........................................ i,~HPLES ......................................... ]'est B-[ 8-2 8-3 I]-4 £-~J 8-6 8-I §-8 8-9 8-10 He[nod P.~ rame. t e r [,r,g .'k.~ ) (mg,'kg) (mcJ/kg) (~ng/kg) { .r.g.' k.g j (rog/kg) (ip, g/k g ) (rog/kg) (mg/kcj) (rog/kg) 8en.'o~c Ac ~d ,'iD 8enzy) Alcohc) ' ND 8is[2-ch]oroel:h7 I)el:r, er lid 8 is(2-chlaro i-=oprcpy ) )e[ner NO ND 8 i s(~-chJoroetho×) ).n~[P,]ne NO 8enza( ] janthr ]cene IlO I'10 Eenzo( ])pyrene NO HO 8enzo( b ) I: )uoran [ ~,ene /JO NO Benzo(g.h, ~ )pery lene NO HO Benzo(k)f l~ranthen_= NO NO §u[.~ Ibenz'/Iphtha I.::e ND NO Chr) :ene NO IlO O I -n-oc ty Iph~.h.~ I ~[_= NO NO OibenzoJa.hJanthracene ltd NO Oibutylph[ha lite rio Oiethylphtha late ND NO O imet hy 1phi ha 1 ~. t e HO NO Dmbenzofuran NO NO F luorene HO NO F luoranthene ND Hexach Ioroben.-ene NO NJ) Hexach Iorobu t ad i erie NO NO Hexachlorocyclopent~d:ene fid ND Hexac h loroe thane 1t0 NO lndeno(I.Z.3-c.d)Pyrene fid r~BL£ Z ANALYTICAL RESULTS u S. £,~A ........................................ £AHFL£-~ ......................................... ,He t ha~ P~r~meter (,,~g-~,gJ {,rig 'kg~ {mg/kg J {,?q/k :j J (,'nq/kgl {:ng.;kg J [~g/kg ) [ ~t~j,'k g ) {~g/~9) {mg/kg) [ sophoror, e ltO NO N -Il i I: rosod i -n - propy lam ine ' NJ) NO ll-llitrosadimethylamine ND ti~fl i t rosod ipheny lamlne I10 Naphtha lene NO fl i t rcben ;.en=_ NO 1t0 Pan t ich Ioropheno i NO NJ) Phen]n~hrene IlO NO Pheno I IlO P:..rene ~eml-Odantif;ed Results'~ (.; ':I'~ tO C]5 Plus liydrccarbcn :~3£r;.; :Ii3 8000 ,~lO l.l. [-[rlchJorc~Lhane IlO ltd J, J ,~._~-[etrachloroeth~ne NO I. 1.2-[richJoroethane ~lO NO !.l-OIchloroethane ,. IlO NO 1. l-Oichloroethylene ND NO 1,2-0 ich Ioroe thane :lO NO I. 2 -0 ich Ioroben.'ene lid NO 1.2 -O ich Ioropropane NO fid I .3-OIchlorobenzene ND ND c Is- 1. ]-0 ichloroprcl:ene 1.4 -0 ich Ioroben-ene NO NO Z-Chloroethy Iv Iny lecher NO II S. t[PA ........................................ SAHPLr]~. ......................................... Method P~r2meter i.~g ~.]j ~.rg k]) (.rg~kg) (~g,'kg) (mg.tkgt ..:g.'kj) (mg/kg) ~mg,,'kg) (mg'kgJ (~/k.~j 2 -Hexanone rio NO ~cetone ~cro la ~n lid NO 1cry Ion ~t r ~ le lid ND Bramco ich Ior~e thane NO ~romome thane NO ND ~enzene Ch loroben2e~e rid ND ;:arbon let r.lch ior ~,le NO NO Chlorcethane ilD ND 8romoform NO Ch lor~f~r~a I10 NO Ch Iorcme[h.~ne CJrbcn O ~Su If ~de tlO NO Oibrcmocn I~r~meLn]ne NO NO Erh7lbenzene ND Freon ~ID Methyl [scbutyl ~etone NO NO Math71 Ethyl Ketone ND Itethy lena Ch lor ide /10 tat r Ich Ioroe th,:. lena NO NO ~ t) rene [rlchlorat 1.crometh~ne tlD roluene , rio NO Vmyl Acetate ND NO tZroiect ;h). r:31-Ol.,:,i Page iJ ~. (pq ........................................ ~ZHPL(5 ......................................... lest ~-I 8-2 fi-3 fl-4 8-5 8-6 8-1 8-3 8-J 8-10 Hethod Parameter (,ng kgJ Img'kjj {,rg/kg) (mg/kg) {mg,/k~J (,ag/kg) {~g/k§) Img/kg) [,hq/kg) (mg/kg) Vmyl Chloride NO NO Total Xylene Isomers , NO NO tr~ns-l.Z-O~.:nlorcetnTlene NO ND tr~ns-l,S-O~chlorcpr~pene ND ND rio : ;lot Detected '' OuJntlf~ca~lon b]sed up,:n compar~s,sn of [.;~.1 Izn c~ur, t 3~: the compound w~th that of the nearest, mtarn.~l st.~nd~'rd. APPENDIX A PESTICIDE EPISODE INVESTIGATION REPORT PJB/B31OIO1.DOC --ESTICIDE EPISODE INVESTIGATION REPORT ~¢~ ..... ~, ~,,,, ...... /,c,~,,-~;;. _ roe Farms Shod - Call [.~....c .... ,.,~ · :: ...... <: :~::~ ..:..~,4; .... r.: ~::,..,..::..;.: .%.,, ~,.,..:..,v-.-:,~.:..:: :.':.c.,. H a n Pma n 1 7 7 q 2 7 ._Various Emoty. Containers x . ot o o ¢ , o ' .... ......... 77,' I ~,, d C~X ~ ................ ~ ...... " - i I o~ o } o l''~ t o ) o I o~ o t ol.'.~,, . ~.-. ,, ~.,.'..,~...2'.~, :..; ".th ':''" ':'~ .'~?{:':::s' ~"~ t' ......"';~5*!~?t~;~'.. ¢,~';,'~: ~' 3~Z'~:~ ::; ': 'v *'"~:~ ";.'~' 't~'w~ ~" PESTICIDE CONTAINER INVENTORY FOR FLETCHER FARMS Denny Bridges 5-5-88 30 Gallon Drums ~'Dintro.b. 70 - Round-up Treflan Unknown 40 5 Gallon Containers Dinitro 460 Omite 200 Balan 165 Round-up 155 Paraquat 60 .Phosdrin 45 Kelthane 15 ,jDi-Syston 15 ...Lorsban 15 ,~arathion Buctril 10 Treflan 10 Spreader/Sticker 10 Harvest Aid 5 .piazi non 5 ~.~eta-Systox 1 Unknown 15 2!-Gallon Containers Bladex 10 1 Gallon Containers Goal 150 Ambush 10 APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS PJB/B3]OIO].DOC PESTICIDE STORAGE AREA APPENDIX C CERTIFIED ANALYTICAL RESULTS AND CIIA[N-OF-CUSTODY FORMS PJB/B3IOiOI.DOC BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOG NO: P88-08-176 Received: 08 AUG 88 Eeported: 02 SEP 88 John MeC~be Emcon Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Pernando Boulevard Burbank, California 91504 Project: B31-O1.01 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-2 B-2 O8-176-3 B-3 6" 08-176-4 B-4 10" O8-176-5 Pti. Poll. ?~stlcides/?CB~ (EPA-8080) Date Extracted 08/09/08 08/09/88 08/09/00 08/09/08 08/09/88 Date Analyzed 08/20/88 08/20/88 08/20/88 08/20/88 08/20/88 Dilution Factor, Ttme~ I ! ] ] ! ! Aldrin, mg/kK <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 Chlordane, m~./kg <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.0! Dieldrin, mM/kg <0.001 <0.001 <0.O01 <0.001 <0.001 Endosulfan I, mg/k~ <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Endosul£an II, mE/kg <O.OOI <O.OO! <O.O01 <O.001 <0.001 Endo~ulfan sulfate, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005· <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Endrtn, mglkg <O.OOl <0.001 <O.001 <0.00! <0.00! Endrin aldehyde, mE/kg <0.002 <0.002 <O.OOZ <0.002 <0.002 Heptachlor epoxtde, m~/~ <0.001 <0.001 <0.O01 <0.001 <0.001 Hep~achlor, mg/k~ <0.001 <0.001 <O.001 <0.001 <0.001 Hethoxychlor, mg/kg <0.0! <0.01 <0.01 <O.0l <0.01 Aroclor 1016, mE/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1221, m~/kK <0.03 <0,03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1232, m~/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 Aroelor 12~2, mg/k~ <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 Aroelor 12~8, m~/k~ <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1254, mE/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1260, m~/kg <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1262, m~/k~ <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 [~ BROWN AND CALDWELL LAgORATORI£S ANALYTICAL REPORT bO~ NO: P88-08~176 Received: 08 AUG 80 heported~ 02 5[P BD John McCabe Emcon Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San ?ern~ndo Boulevard Burbank, Calt£ornla 91504 Project: REPORT OF ANALY'rICAL RESULTS Page 2 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-1 B-! 6" 08-176-2 5-2 !' 08- 176-3 B-3 6" 08-176-4 B-4 I0" 08-176-5 BbB l' ....................... Toxaphene, mE/kg <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 BHC, alpha isomer, me/kg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 BHC, beta isomer, mE/kg <0.001 <0.O0! <0.001 <0.00! <0.001 BIIC, delta isomer, mg/k~ <0.O0l <0.00] <O.OOl <0.001 <0.001 BHC, Mamma i~omer (Lind~ne), mg/kE<O.O01 <0.00l <0.001 <0.00~ <0.00! p,p'-DDD, m~/k~ <0.001 <0.00l <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 p,p'~DDE, mE/kg 0.007 0.003 0.03~. ~0_~_002 <0.001 p,p'-DDT, mR/k~ <0.002 <0.00Z -0.O1! <0.002 <0.002 Chlorinated Acid Herbicides (EPA-8150) 2,4,5~T, mE/kg <0.0l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 2,4,5-TP Stlvex, mE/kg <0.01 <0.0! <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 2,4-D, mE/kg <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 2,4-DB, mg/~ <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 · <0.05 2~4-DP, mg/k~ <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Dicamba, mgl'k.~ <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Dino~eb, mE/kg <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 MCPA, mE/kg <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 MCPP, mE/kg <10 <10 <lO <10 <I0 -~ BROWN AND CALDWELL uABO~ATO~IES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOG NO~ ?80-08-]75 Reeetved: 08 AUG g8 ~eported: 02 SEP 88 John HeC~be Emcon ^~oct~es Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California 91504 Project: B31-OI.OI REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 3 LOC NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-6 B-.5 1' PARAMETER 08-176-6 Petroleum Hydrocarbons, IR (EPA Method 418.1), mg/k~ ~590~ [~ BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOC NO: PSg-Og-176 Received: 08 AUG 88 keported: 02 SEP 88 John McCabe Emcon Aasociate~ Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, Call£ornia 91504 ' Project: B31-Ol.O1 REPORT OF ANALI~ICAL RESULTS Page LOG NO SAHPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-6 B-5 PARAMETER 08-176-6 Pti. Poll. Pastletdes/PCBs (EPA-8080) Date Extracted 08/O9/88 Date Analyzed 08/20/88 Dilution Factor, Times 1 10 Aldrin, mR/kg <0.005 Chlordane, mg/kK <O.~ Dieldrin, mg/kg <0.0! Endosulfan I, mg/kg <0.01 Endosul£an II', mR/kg <O~0] Endosul[au =ulfate, mg/kg <0.05 Endrin, mg/k~, <0.0! Endrtu aldehyde, mg/kK <0.02 Heptachlor cpo×ldo, mg/kg <O.01 Heptachlor, m~/~ <O.O1 Hetho×ychlor, mg/kg <0.! Aroclor 1016, mK/kg <O.3 Aroclor 1221, m~/k~ <0.3 Aroclor 1232, mg/k~ <0.3 Aroclor 1242, mg/k~ <0.3 Aroclor 1248, mg/kg <0.3 Aroclor 1254, mg/kR <0.3 Aroclor 1260, mg/kg <0.3 Aroclor 1262, mK/kg <0.3 Toxaphene, mg/kg <O.5 BHC, alpha isomer, mg/kg KO.O05 BHC, beta t~omer, mg/kg <O.Ol BHC, delta l=omer, mg/k.~ <0.0! BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOG NO~ l'80-O8-17G ~ecelved: OD AU~ 88 Repo~ted: 0~ S~P 88 John McCabe ~mcon ^~ociates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. Snn Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California 91504 - Project: B31-OI.O1 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 5 LOC NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAHPhED 0B-176-6 B-5 1' PARAMETER 08-176-6 BIIC, gamma ~nomer (Lindane), mg/k,j~ <O.Ol p~p'-DDD, mg/kg <0.O1 p,p'-DDE, mR/kg <0.01 p,p'-DDT, mR/kg <0.02 Chlorinated Acid Herbicides (EPA-8150) 2,4,5-T, mg/kg <O.Ol 2,4,5-T? Silvex, m~/k~ <0.01 2,4-D, mg/P~ <0.O5 2,4-DB, m~/~ <0.05 2,4-DP, m~/k~ <0.05 Dlcamba, m~/~ <0.05 Dlnoseb, mt~/k~ <O.05 MCPA, mg/kg <lO HCPP, mg/kg <10 -~ BROWN AND CALDW£LL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOC NO: ~8B-O8~176 Received: 08 AU~ 8~ Repo~ted: 02 S~P 88 John Me.be Emcon Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California. 91504 . Project: B31-O1.01 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 6 LOG NO [;AMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 0B-176-7 B-6 4" PARAMETER 08'176'7 Petroleum Hydrocarbons, IR (EPA Method 418.1), mg/kg 1400 Fuel ~ydrocarbons (8015) Date /~alyzed 08/09/88 Dilution Factor, Times 1 Fuel Hydrocarbons, mglkg <5 '--~ BROWN AND CALDWELL LAgORATO~IES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOG NO: ~80-O8-176 Received: 08 AUG 88 Reported: 02 SEF 88 John McCabe Smcou Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San ~ernando Boulevard Burbank, Call£ornia 9150& .. ProJcct~ B3l-Ol.O1 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 7 LOG NO $AMFLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-8 B-7 2" PARAMETER 08-176-8 Pti. Poll. Pesttcides/PCBs (EPA-8080) Dmte Extracted 08/09/88 Date Analyzed 08/20/8H Dilution Fa. ctor, TiRes 1 1 Aldrtn,. mE/kg <0.0005 Chlordane, mE/kg <0.01 Dieldrin, mg/k~ <0.001 Endosulfan I, mR/k~ <0.001 Endosulfan II, m~/k~ <0.00! Endosulfan sulfate, m~/k[ <0.005 gndri~, m~/kg <0.001 Endrin aldehyde, m~/kR <0.002 Heptachlor epoxldc, m~/kg <0.001 Heptachlor, mg/k~ <0.001 Methoxychlor, mE/kg <0.O1 Aroclor 1016, mE/k~ <0.03 Aroclor 1221, m~/k~ <0~03 Aroclor 1232, mg/k~ <0.03 Aroclor 1242, mKIkg <0.03 Aroclor [~48, m~/kg <0.03 Aroclor 1254, m~/kg <0.03 Aroclor 12613, m~/k~ <0.03 Aroclor 1262, m~/kg <0.03 Toxmphene, mE/kg <0.05 DJ{C, alpha isomer, mK/kg <0.0005 BHC, beta isomer, m~/kg <0.O0! BBC, delta isomer, m~/k~ <O.00! BROWN AND CALDWELL L,,,,~ORATO .... $ ANALYT. ICAL REPORT LOG NO: ~88-08-176 Eece$v~d: O~ AUG 8B John McCabe Emcon A~ociates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California 9]504 " Project: BJ]-Ol.Ol REPORT OF ~ALS~ICAL RESULTS Page 8 LOC NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-8 B-7 2" PARAMETER 08-176-8 BBC, gamma isomer (Lindane), mE/kg <0.O0! p,p'-DDD, mE/kg <0.00] p,p'-DDE, m~/kK 0.003 p,p'~DDT, mE/kg <0.002 '~L~~ BROWN AND CALDWELL LAEORATO,~!FS ANALYTICAL REPORT LOC NO: PBS-OB- 176 Received: O8 AUG BB Reported: O2 SEP 88 John McCabe Emcon Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California 91504 - Project: B31-OI.OI REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS PaRe 9 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-9 ~,-9 6" 08-176-10 B-lO 2" PARAMETER 08-176=9 08-176-10 B/N,A Rxt. Prl.Poll. (EPA-8270) Dat~ Extracted 08/10/88 08/10/88 Date Analyzed 08/16/88 08/16/88 Dilution Factor, Times 1 1 3 1,2,4-Trtchlorobenzene, mg/kg <l <3 1,2-Dtchlorobenzene, mg/kg <~ <3 1,2-Dtphenylhydrazine, m~/kg <1 <3 1,3-Dlchlorobenzene, mR/kg <l <3 1,4-Dichlorohenzene, mg/kg <! <3 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol, mg/k~ <1 <3 2,4-D~chlorophenol, mR/kg <! <3 2,4-Dimethylphenol, mg/k~ <1 <3 2,4-Dtnttro~oluene, mg/kg <1 2,4-Dlnitrophenol, mg/kg <3 <9 2,6-Dinitrotoluene, mg/k~ <1 <3 2-Chloronaphthalene, mg/kg <1 <3 2-Hethylnaphrhalene, mg/k~ <1 <3 2-Methyl Phenol, mg/kg <1 2-Nitrophenol, mg/kg <] <3 2-Nltroaniline, mg/kE <5 <15 2,&,5-Trtchlorophenol, mg/kg <1 <3 2-Chlorophenol, mg/kg <1 <3 2-Hethyl-4,6-dtnttrophenol, mg/kg <5 <15 3,3.'-Dichlorobenzldine, mg/kg <! 3-Nltroaniltne, mg/kg <5 <15 6-Bromophenylphenylether, mg/kg <l <3 ~ BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOG NO: ~88-O8-I76 Keee[ved: 08 AUG 88 Reported: O~ SEP 88 John McCabe Emcon A~oetatem Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernand~ Boulevard. Burbank, California 91504 Project: B31-01.0! REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 10 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED O8-176-9 B-9 4" 08-176-10 B-lO 2" PAi~ETER O8-176-9 08-176-10 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol, mR/kg <l <3 4-Chlorophenylphenylether, mR/kg <1 <3 4-Chloroaniline, mR/kg <2 <6 4-Methyl Phenol, mg/k~ <1 <3 ~-Nitrophen°l, mM/kg <3 <9 &-Nitroanilln~, m~/kg <5 <15 Acenaphthene, mg/kK <1 <3 Acenaphthylene, mR/kg <! <3 Aniline. mg/kR <2 <6 Anthracene, mR/kg <! <3 Bt$(2' e [hylhexyl)phthala re, mR/kg <1 <3 Benzidine, mg/k~ <a <12 Benzoic Acid, mg/k~ <5 <15 Benzyl Alcohol, m~/kg <2 <6 Bls(2-chloroethyl) Ether, mR/k[ <1 <3 Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether, mR/kg <1 <3 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, mR/k~ <I <3 Benzo(a)anthracene, mR/kg <1 <3 Benzo(a)pyrene, mg/k$1 <1 Benzo(b)£1uoranthene, mg/k~ <1 <3 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene, mg/k~ <1 <3 Benzo(k)fluoranthene, mR/kg <1 <3 Butylbenzylphthalate, hR/kg <1 <3 Chrysene, a,g/kg <1 <3 Dl-n-o¢~ylphthalate, mg/kg <1 <3 Oibanzo(a,h)anthracene, mR/kg <1 <3 -~~ BROWN AND CALDWELL LABO,~ATOF~IES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOG Rcceived: OB AUG 80 Reported: 02 SEP 88 John HcCabe Emcon Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California 9]504 Project: B3~-0~.0] REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page ! 1 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-9 B-9 A" 08-176-10 B-lO 2" PARAMETER 08- 176-9 OO- 176-]0 Dibutylphthalate, ms/kg <5 <15 Dlcthylphthalate, ms/kg <l <3 Dimethylphthala~e, mg/kK <3 <9 Dlbenzofuran, ms/kg <! <3 Fluorene, mg/kM <] <3 Fluoran~hene, ms/kg <l <3 Hexachlorobcnzene, ms/kg <! <3 ilexnchlorobu tad iene, mK/kR <! <3 Me×achlorocyclopen tad lone, ms/kg <] <3 Hexachloroethane, ms/kg <] <3 Inflcno(l,2~,3-c,d)Pyr~ne, ms/kg <1 <3 Isophorone, ms/kg <1 <3 N- Nit rosod l-n- propylamine, ms/kg <4 <12 N~N~trosodimethylamine, mM/kg <8 <24 N-Ni t rosodiphenylamine, ms/kg <! <3 Naphthalene, ms/kg <! <3 Nt trobenzene, ms/kg <l <3 Pentachlorophenol, ms/kg <I <3 Phenanthrene, ms/kg <1 <3 Phenol, ms/kg <1 <3 Pyrene, mR/kg <1 <3 Semi-Ouant~fied Results ** A C15 To C35 Plus Hydrocarbon Matrix, ms/kg --- 8000 ** Ouant~fication based upon comparison of total ion coun[ of the compound with ~that of the nearest internal standard. ~ BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT LOG NO: Received: 08 AUG 88 · - ~epor~ed: 02 SEF 88 3ohn MeCabe Emcon Associates 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Purchase Order: 20306 Burbank, California 91504 ?rojec~: B3]-O~.O! REPORT OF ANAI.YTICAL RESULTS Page ]2 LOG rio SAMPLE DESCRIPTIOI!, SOIL SAMPLES ...................................................... 08-17G-10 ~-10 .......................................................................... ........ 08-]76-9 08-]76-]0 Vol. Pri.I'oll. (EPA-8240) ''~ ...................... ~ ...................... Date Extracted Dilution Factor, Tlmes 1 08/09/88 08/09/88 1 ! l,l-Trlchloroethane, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 ! ],2,2-Te[rachlo~oethane, mg/kg ! 1,2-Trtchloroethane mE/kg <0.3 <0.3 ' <0.3 <0.3 1 1-Dlchloroe~hane, mg/kK <0.3 <0.3 1 ]-Dichloroethylene, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 ] 2-Dlchloroethane, mM/kg <0.3 <0.3 1 2-Dichlorobenzene, mg/k~ <0.3 <0.3 ! 2-Dichloropropane, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 I 3-Olchlorobenzene, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 cls-l,3-Dlchloropropene, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 2-Chloroethylvtnylether, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 2-Hexanone, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 Acetone, .mg/kg <3 <3 Acrolein, m~/kg <3 <3 Acrylonltrlle, mg/kg <3 <3 Bromod~chloromethane, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 Bromomethane, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 Benzene, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 Chloroben:zene, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 Carbon Tetrachloride, m~/kg <0.3 <0.3 Chloroethane, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 Bromoform~ mE/kg <0,3 <0.3 BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT 373 GOUT~ LOG NO: POB-O8-176 Received: 08 AUG 88 Reported~ 02 SEP 88 John McCabe Emcon A~oocia~es Purchage Order~ 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbmnk, California 91504 Project: B31-OI,O1 REPORT OF ANAL%'fICAL RESULTS Pa~e 13 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-176-9 B-9 08-176-10 I~-10 2" PARAMETER 08-176-9 08-176- 10 Chloroform, m~/kg <0.3 <0.3 Chloromethane, mg/k~ <0.3 . <0.3 Carbon Di~ul£ide, mE/kg <0.3 <0.3 Dtbromochloromethane, mE/k.~ <0.3 <O. 3 Ethylbenzene, mM/kg <0.3 <0.3 Freon 113, ~g/kg <0.3 <0.3 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone, mE/kg <3 <3 Methylene Chloride, mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 Te trachloroe thylene, mR/kg <0.3 <0.3 Styrene, mE,/k,~ <0.3 <0.3 Trtchloroethylene, mE/kg <0.3 <0.3 Trtchloro[luorome thane, mE/kg <0,3 <0.3 Toluene, mE/kg <0.3 <0.3 Vinyl Acetate, mE/kg <3 <3 Vinyl Chloride, m~/kg <0.3 <0.3 Total Xylene Isomers, mg/kg <3 <3 trans-l,2-Dichloroethylene, mE/kg <0.3 <O.5 trans-l,3-D[chloropropene, mR/k~ <0.3 <0.3 Amended Report O9/15/88 '. Corrected result for EPA 418.1 analysis on sample PBB-OB-176-7. -- T. Gaynor .. c_. Jeffrey A. Etlon, Laborat..?,ry Manager '::"~: ~i~!'""':'~";J '~'i:"'~" "~ ' 1~ August 17, 1988 ASSOCIATES Project No B31-O1 O1 Mr. H.L. Jack Caldwell Vel Vista Estates c/o Reynolds Environmental Group 3190-J Airport Loop Costa Mesa, California 92626 Re: "Parcel A" Summary Report; Real Estate Due Diligence Study; Rancho Laborde Site; Bakersfield, California. Dear Mr. Caldwell: lhis letter presents EMCON Associates (EMCON} findings following the completion of a real estate due diligence study for a 320 acre parcel /Parcel A) which was formerly part of Rancho Laborde located on the north edge of the City of Bakersfield. EMCON was retained by Mr. Jack Caldwell to aid in identifying site areas which may have been impacted by hazardous materials or wastes. Parcel A is located on the east side of Rancho Laborde and is bounded by the following: · Coffee Road to the West · Residential homes and Weldon Avenue to the North · Fruitvale Avenue to the East · Patton Way and Krebs Road to the south Figure 1 shows the location of the property. At present, construction has been initiated for the development of a residential community at the site. Hageman Street has been extended and now bisects Parcel A between Coffee Road and Fruitvale Avenue. Parcel A is a portion of Rancho Laborde which was acquired by Mr. Laborde approximately 15 to 16 years ago. Prior to the land acquistion by Mr. Laborde, the land was reportedly the property of the Kern County Land Company. Mr. H.L. Jack .11 .'oject No. B31-OI.O1 August 17, 1988 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STRATEGY AND SITE BACKGROUND The purpose of this real estate due diligence study was to evaluate and identify past and present activities at the site that may have resulted in potential environmental liabilites due to soils contaminated by hazardous materials or wastes. In conducting this environmental assessment, EMCON undertook the following activities: 1. Interviewed local, county, and state regulatory agencies to determine if regulatory files concerning the property existed. 2. Reviewed aerial photographs to determine prior land usage. 3. Visually inspected the parcel to identify any potential "high risk" areas. 4. Collected shallow subsurface soil samples from identified "high risk" areas during the site visit. 5. Analyzed selected representative soil samples for various pesticides, herbicides, oils, and similar chemicals. HISTORIC LAND USE AND AGENCY FILE REVIEW Aerial Photographs Aerial photographs depicting the Rancho Laborde site were reviewed at the Kern County Department of Public Works' Map Section. The dates of the available photographs were: · August 10, 1937 · March 5, 1958 · January 31, 1975 · May 11, 1981 The 1975 and 1981 photographs were taken by Western Photo Air, Inc. in Bakersfield. The photographer of the 1937 and 1958 flights is not known. The aerial photographs reviewed did not indicate any areas of obvious hazardous waste disposal or prior on-site storage of hazardous 1}quids. The main usage of Parcel A seems to have been for agricultural purposes, primarily row crops. Oil wells were drilled on the parcelings. some time after ~937 and are still currently in production. Mr. H.L. Jack ~..~11 .,'oject No. B31-01.01 August 17, 1988 Page 3 Reoulatorv Agency Review EMCON contacted the Following departments and personnel to obtain information regarding Rancho Laborde: · Mr. Larry Lowe Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region · Mr. Don Weber Bakersfield Department of Public Works · Mr. Ken Walters Kern County Fire Department, Station 6] · Mr. Gene Peoples Kern County Fire Department, Station 65 · Duty Officer California Department of Health Services · Office Clerk California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas The majority of the above individuals did not have any information concerning Parcel A. The California Division of Oil and Gas did have some information regarding the current on-site production of oil. SITE RECONNAISSANCE Rancho Laborde was visited on August 3 and 4, ]988, by representatives of EMCON in order to view the site, identify "high risk" areas, and obtain soil samples. Upon arrivai at the site, EMCON traversed the parcel to view the site. During this inspection, specific areas of concern were detected and the following notes recorded: · Two oil sumps were located in the southern portion of the parcel. These sumps have been used in the past for crude oil collection and residues of crude oil were present. , Two above grade oil storage tank sites (approximately four tanks each) were located in the southern and southeastern portions of the parcel. Crude oil satkn'ated soils were detected in both of these areas. -- Mr. H.L. Jack ,Il .oject No. B31-OI.O1 August 17, 1988 Page 4 · Electrical transformers were located along Patton Way on power poles and one was located on the north edge of the .,~ parcel One transformer located on Patton Way appeared to~t~qO have leaked in the past and had a brown discoloration at the base of the unit· Because PCB liquids were commonly used in transformers, this area was listed as a potential · One irrigation catch basin was identified detected on the east side of the parcel. This basin provides field drainage during rainy weather to prevent crop flooding. This area was identified as a potential concern because of the seasonal collection of waters which may have contained either herbicides or pesticides common)y used in the Photographs taken of the parcel and of some of the sampling points can be found in Appendix A. Based on the above observations, field sampling points were then determined. The sampling locations were based on the potential for hazardous materials contamination at a particu)ar location. The sampling areas and analyses selected are listed below. Irrigation Water Catchment Basin (Sample A-l) · Organochlorine Pesticides (US EPA Method 8080) · Chlorinated Herbicides (US EPA Method 8150) Above-Grade Oil Storage Tank Area (Sample A-5) -..,. ,,.· Purgeable Volatile Organics (US EPA Method 8015) - . · Petroleum Hydrocarbons (US EPA Method 418·1) Transformer Area (Sample A-4) ,,:r' · · Polychlorinated Biphenyls (US EPA Method 8080) ... In addition, one soil sample was to be collected from the Field area so that both background information and any residual herbicides or pesticides existence in the soils would be determined. The analytical ., , ~. test methods selected are listed below. ,}," -, '"i,' Crop Areas (Sample A-2) ,'"~',,,-.~ ...,,'-",~. Organochlorine Pesticides (US EPA Method 8080) -~,. '.¢... Mr. H.L. Jack ,,~11 .,'oject No. B31-01.01 August 17, 1988 Page 5 · Chlorinated Herbicides (US EPA Method 8150} COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF SOIL SAMPLES AFter the sampling locations and tile analytical parameters were selected, subsurface soil sampling was conducted. T__hhe:~ of soil sampl es were col 1 ected at ...a.__d_.e_p_t_h__o_f__o..n_e. foot. be.1 ow .g._r.~_de__.excel~'t~Z'_wh_~ ~_d~_-~ond~.i~:~:on-.szLYaL~-U~ed...othe~w-i-~e~. Figure 2 depicts the sampling locations while Table 1 details sampling information (ie., sample numbers, sample locations, etc.). Soil SamDlina Activities Soil samples were collected using a hand-sampler which was cleaned between samplings in a TSP-cleaning solution and rinsed with distilled water. Four-inch brass tubes were inserted into the hand sampler prior to sampling so that undisturbed soil samples could be obtained. After sampling, the brass tubes were removed and Teflon sheets and plastic endcaps were secured on the tube ends. Labels were then attached and the sample was placed in plastic bags and placed on ice until laboratory receipt. A Chain-of-Custody form (see Appendix B) was used to document sample handling information. Analytical Procedures and Results Soil samples were submitted to State-certified Brown and Caldwell Laboratories in Pasadena for analysis. Analytical test methods chosen were dependent on the specific sampling location and on assumed hazardous chemicals present based on EMCON's inital site reconaissance, conversations with site personnel, and i.n-house chemical experts. Only trace amounts of pestic,i~es DDE (0'.0~ mg/kg) and DDT (0~.~008 mg/kg) were detected in Sample ~'"'(crop--~r-ea~-. Sample c~tcq~-mee~d¢~) did not have any detectable amounts of pesticides or herbicides present. Sample A-4 (transformer area) did not have ~ny detectable levels of chlorinated compounds present in the soil Sample A-5 (Above-Grade Oil Storage Tank Area) d~d have petroleum hydrocarbons present at a concentration level of 710 rog/kg. A summary analytical results are tabularized in Table 2 and the certified analytical results are presented in Appendix B. CONCLUSION Laboratory results indicated that two out of 26 priority.~._p~l.~u~ant pesticides were present in one of the while no chlorinated acid herbicides were encounteredq The total concentrations of DDE and DDT detected in the soil were at least two orders of magnitude below the State of California Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) of 1.0 mg/kg for both DDE and DDT. The llLC r.lr. tt.L. Jack CI~,~,l ,,oject No. B31-01.01 August 17, 1988 Page 6 designated concentration threshhold above which the State of California considers a material a hazardous waste when disposed. In addition, the residual concentration ranges for both DDT and DDE in Kern County is 0.002 to 1.6 mg/kg and 0.003 to 2.3 rog/kg, respectively (California Department of Food and Agriculture). ~. ;:'C' :\'. None of the 26 priority pollutants or 9 chlorinated acid herbicides'~~ scanned were detected in the irrigation catch-basin. Polychlorinated~'" biphenyls (PCBs) were not found in soils collected from underneath the pole transformer. Crude oil contaminated soils were encountered around the above-ground tank areas due to past and current oil production on-site although according to the State of California, this is not considered a hazardous substance (H&S Code, Chapter 8.6, Section 25317. (a)). RECOMMENDAT IONS Soil areas adjacent to above-ground oil storage tanks showed signs of crude oil as did two oil sumps. Since crude oil contamination is not considered a hazardous substance under California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.8, Section 25317, regulatory agencies may not require remedial actions to be taken. However, local ordinances may require remediation of the oil-saturated soil Costs for remediation of the oil contaminated soils would depend on the quantity involved. If you .- desire, EMCON would be pleased to submit a proposal for the removal and treatment of the oil-saturated soils. -q .~' '- Mr. H.L. Jack ll ~'oject No. B31-01.0! August 17, 19~ Page 7 If you have any questions concerning this report or require additional information, please call John McCabe. Very truly yours, EMCON Associates Johh.~. McCabe Environmental Scientist .. ~'i ~,'I Ralph 'J. Sc'~mi tt Director of Engineering JPM/RJS: bg Attachments: References Cited Table i - Sampling Information Table 2 - Analytical Results Figure I - Site Location Map Figure 2 S~te Plan Appendix A - Site Photographs Appendix B - Certified Analytical Results and Chain-of-Custody Form No. B31-Ol.O1 REFERENCES U.S. EPA, 1982, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste; Physical/ Chemical Methods, SW-846, Second Edition: Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. California Department of Food and Agriculture, September I985, Agricultural Sources of DDT Residues in California Environment. California Health and Safety Code. Chapter 6.8, Section 25317.(a) roject No. B31-01.01 TABLE 1 SAMPLING INFORMATION Sample Sample Sample Sample Analysis Number Location Depth Type Conducted A1 Irrigation catch- 1~ soil EPA Methods 8080, basin on Coffee 8150 Road A2 Crop Area 6" soil EPA Methods 8080, 8150 A4 Transformer pole 1~ soil EPA Methods 8080 on Patton Way A5 Above-ground tank 6" soil EPA Methods 8015, area 418.1 oject No. B31-01.01 TABLE 2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results (mg/kg) Test Sample Sample Sample Sample Method Parameter A-1 A-2 A-4 A-5 8080 Aldrin ND ND ND Chlordane ND ND ND Dieldrin ND ND ND EndosulFan I ND ND ND Endosulran 1[ ND ND ND Endosulfan Suldate ND ND ND Endrin ND ND ND Endrin Aldehyde ND ND ND Heptachlorepoxide ND ND ND Heptachlor ND ND ND Aroclor 1016 ND ND ND Aroclor 1221 ND ND ND Aroclor 1232 ND ND ND Aroclor 1242 ND ND ND Aroclor 1248 ND ND ND Aroclor 1254 ND ND ND Aroclor 1260 ND ND ND Aroclor 1262 ND ND ND Toxaphene ND · ND ND BHC, alpha isomer ND ND ND BHC, beta isomer ND ND ND BHC, delta isomer ND ND ND BHC, gamma isomer (Lindane) ND ND ND P'P'-DDD ND ND ND P'P'-DDE 0.02 ND ND P'P'-DDT 0.008 ND ND 8150 2,4,5-T ND ND ND 2,4,5-TP Sivlex ND ND ND 2,4-D ND ND ND 2,4-DB ND ND ND 2,4-DP ND ND ND Dicamba ND ND ND Dinoseb ND ND ND MCPA ND ND ND MCPP ND ND ND 418.1 7800 8015 710 11714~ NOrth tO Port.till · Nor~ m Dels~o ~nd Fresno, - N - ;~ENTH, ROAD S~ENTH " q~:~:. '"~.~ MEADOWS FIELD ~ ~ "%~ '~:~"'-" OIL ~ ~ KERN COU~Y ~o.~n~ E~ A R~RT NO. I I!! ~ ~'"~' · ~i' \ ,,'',,~: ~,/ ~:' "!"~" t:' ;:1 ~:~. c..,,,,,-~ ~... ' ~" I:: ::1,. - .... -'~: x. ~. ~., ~.,,. ~"~'~: ~":~ ' " PROIfiCT HWAY RO~ tlGHWAY OSEDALE EMCON R~L ESTATE "DUE DILIGE~E" STUDY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA NO-- SiTE L~ATION MAP B3]-O1.0t / ~ HAGEblAN RD. KREBS RD. A-$ ~ LEGEND 2 15' DI~ETER T~KS 0 0 ~ ~_. / _/ Existing water well R~L ESTATE 'DUE DILIGE~E' STUDY P~CEL A ' ~roject No. B31-01.01 APPENDIX A SITE PHOTOGRAPHS I,rigatiou sump (soulh end) *(Sample A-I)'* Irrigaliou sump (north end) (Sample A-I) Oil sump .... &**~:.* ' -. '~*" ' ', - Pumping -nit plus oil sump Soulh porlion Parcel A Sampling siie A-4 below pole Aboue-ground tanks and oil sump Above-g,ound tanks Above-ground lanks (Sample A-5) ~j (Sample A-5) .... ._._ ..... ~:..-~:..~.. . -. ~ .... ,~. :,: ..., .~,-,,~:. ...."-,~.- . - .., . ~. ~ '~;~,..~ ._. r; -~. -- ..~ .;~....,,..1 .oject No. B31-Ol.O! APPENDIX B CERTIFIED ANALYTICAL RESULTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY FORM ~BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT 373 SOUTH ~R OAKS A~NUE ~SADENA. CA 9! 705 el818} 795.7553 ,F~ ~818) 795-8579 LOG NO: F88-08-175 Received: 08 AU~ 88 Reported: 1! AUG 88 John McCabe Emcon Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California 91504 Project: B31-01.0I REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESUU£S Pa6e I LOG NO SAHPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-175-! A-1 1' 08-175-2 A-2 6" PARAMETER 08-175-1 08-17§-2 Pti. Poll. Pesticides/PCBs (EPA-8080) Date Extracted 08/08/88 08/08/88 Date Analyzed 08/10/88 08/10/88 Dilution Factor, Times I 1 1 Aldrin, m~/kg <0.0005 <0.0005 Chlordane, m~/k~ <0.01 <0.01 Dieldrin, mg/kg <0.001 <O.OOl Endosulfan I, mg/k~ <0.001 <0.001 Endosulfan II, mg/kg <0.001 <0.001 Endosulfan sulfa%e, mE/kg <0.005 <0.005 Endrin, mK/kg <0~001 40.001 Endrin aldehyde~ m~/k~ <0.002 <0.002 Heptachlor epoxtde, m~/k~ <0.001 <0.001 ~eptachtor, ~g/?-F, <O.001 <0.001 Methoxychlor, m~/kg <0.01 <0.01 Aroclor 1016, mg/kg <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1221, mK/k~ <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1232, mg/kg <O.O3 <0.03 Aroclor 1242, mg/kg <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1248, aK/kg <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1254, mg/k.g <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1260, m~/kK <0.03 <0.03 Aroclor 1262, m~/k~ <0.03 <0.03 Toxaphene, mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 BBC, alpha isomer, mg/kg <0.0005 <0.0005 BBC, beta isomer, mg/kg <0.O01 <0.001 ~BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT 373 ~UTH FAtR OAKS A~NUE PASAO~N~ CA 9~ 105 ,(81B1795-7553 ,F~ fB181795-8579 LOG NO: P88-08-175 Received: 08 AUG 88 Reported: 11 AUG 88 John HcCabe Emcon Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California 91504 Project: B31-01.01 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page 2 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-175-2 A-2 6" PARAMETER 08-175-1 08-175-2 BHC, delta isomer, mg/kg <0.001 <0.001 BHC, g~mm.~ isomer (Lindane), zg/kg <0.001 <0.001 p,p'-DDD, mg/kg <0.001 <0.001 p,p'-DDg, mg/kg 0.02 <0.001 p,p'-DDT, mg/kg 0.008 <0.002 Chlorinated Acid Rerbicides (EPA-8150) 2,4,5-T, mg/kg <0.01 <0.01 2,4,5-TP Silvex, mg/kg <0.01 <0.01 2,4-D, mg/k~ <0.05 <0.05 2,4-DB, mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 2,4-DP, mg/kg ~0.05 <0.05 Dicamba, mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 Dinoseb, mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 MCPA, mg/kg <10 410 MCPP, mg/kg <10 <10 ~BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT 373 SOUTH ~IR OAKS A~NUE ~SADENA. CA 91105 · (818t 795-7553 · F~ ~8181795-8579 LOG NO: P88-08-175 Received: 08 AOG 88 Reported: 11 AUG 88 John HcCabe Emcon Associates Purchase Order: 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, Califon'tia 91504 Project: B31-OI.OI REPORT OF ANALYTICAL KESULTS Page 3 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-175-3 A-4 1' PARAMETER 08-175-3 Pti. Poll. Pesticides/PCBs (EPA-8080) Date Extracted 08/08/88 Date Analyzed 08/10/88 Dilution Factor, Times 1 Aldrin, m~/k~ <0.0005 Chlordane, mg/k~ <0.01 Dieldrin, mg/kK <0.001 Endosulfan I, m~/k~ _ <0.001 Endosulfan II, m~/k~ <0.001 Endosulfan sulfate, mg/k~ <0.005 Endrin, m~/kK <0.001 Endrin aldehyde, mK/kK 40.002 Eeptachlor epoxide, m~/kg <0.00l Eeptachlor, mg/k~ <0.001 Methoxychlor, mg/k~ <0.01 Aroclor 1016, mg/k~ <0.03 Aroclor 1221, mK/kg <0.03 Aroclor 1232, mK/k~ <0.03 Aroclor 1242, m~/k~ <0.03 Aroclor 1248, mK/kK <0.03 Aroclor 1254, m~/kK <0.03 Aroclor 1260, mg/k~ <0.03 Aroclor 1262, mK/k~ <0.03 Toxaphene, mg/k~ <0.05 BBC, alpha isomer, mg/k~ <0.0005 BHC, beta isomer, mg/k~ <0.001 BBC, delta isomer, m~/kg <O.001 ~BROWN AND CALDWELL LABORATORIES ANALYTICAL REPORT 373 SOU~ mir OAKS A~NUE ~SADEN~ CA 91105 e(818! 795-7553 ,F~ (818) 7~-8579 LOG NO: P88-08-175 Received= 08 AUG 88 Reported: 11 AUG 88 John McCabe Emcon Associates Purchase O£der= 20306 3300 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank, California 91504 Project: B31-Ol.OI REPORT OF ANALTTICAL KESULTS Pa~e.4 LOG NO SAMPLE DESCKIPTION, SOIL SAMPLES DATE SAMPLED 08-175-3 A-4 1' PARAMETF~ 08-175-3 BEC, gmmmm isomer (Llndane), mg/k~ <0.001 p,p'-DDD, mg/kg <0.001 p,p'-DDg, mi'/k; <0.001 p,p'-DDT, m;/kg' <0.002