HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (3) /~ ALBERTSONS #6398 SiteID: 015-021-002478 Manager : Location: 6045 COFFEE RD City BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 102 Grid: 08D (661) 587-2870 CommHaz : FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: COUNTY STATION 61 EPA Numb: SIC Code: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title TERRI LEVANDOSKI / STORE DIRECTOR ANTHONY RODRIGUEZ / ASSIST STORE MG Business Phone: (661) 587-2870x Business Phone: (661) 587-2870x 24-Hour phone : (661) 809-0279x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 549-3043x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth Period : Preparer: Certif'd: ParcelNo: to Phone: (208) 395-4793x State: ID Zip : 83726 Phone: (208) 395-4793x State: ID Zip : 83726 TotalASTs: = Gal TotalUSTs: = Gal RSs: No Contact : ERICA MYRAN MailAddr: PO BOX 72405 City : BOISE Owner Address : City ALBERTSON, INC PO BOX 72405 : BOISE Emergency Directives: ~, ~ Did) hiSf~b1f ©®rRi~ ßIh~ß ~ Ih~\?~ (Type or pont nama) reviewed the aUached hazardous m(A~ei'i~~ m~i"ia~®a ment plan 101" tll \."l/lrr.1\ ¿ ~nd iha~ i~ ~Ioú"i~ with ~ any corrections constitute a complst~ Ialnd CQrf'(~ct malU'i- agement plan for my faciHty. (i¿ lJqvM ~ gnature 9-~¿-cJj -1- 09/22/2004 /'" SiteID: 015-021-002478 ì By Facility Unit ì Fixed Containers at Site ì specHaz EPA Hazards Frm I DailyMax IUnit MCP E F P IH G 3051.00 FT3 Hi 2500.00 LBS Low F P IH G 440.00 FT3 Min L 10.00 GAL Min F ALBERTSONS #6398 f= Hazmat Inventory ~ MCP+DailyMax Order Hazmat Common Name... PROPANE CHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE HELIUM WASTE FIXER -2- 09/22/2004 D CITY OF BAKERSFIEL OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN o/5- INSTRUCTIONS: /0 c~ - I. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. 5. You may also attach Business Owner / Operator Form and Chemical Description Form(s) to the front of this plan instead of completing SECTION 1. below for initial submission. SECTION I- BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Albertsons #6398 LOCATION: 6045 Coffee Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Tel: 661-587-2870 MAILING ADDRESS: P0 Box 20, Dept. 72405 ..... _ .... CITY: Boise STATE: ID ZIP: 83726. PHONE: ,2087395-4793 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: One hour photoprocessing inside a retail store. OWNER: Albertsons, Inc. PHONE: (208) 395-4793 MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 20 Dept. 72405 Boise, ID 83726 Attn: Erica Myran EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE I Yerri kevandoski Store Director 661-587-2870 ~ 661-809-0279 2. Anthony Rodriguez Asst. Store Mgr. 661-587-2870 66i-549-3043 1 April 23, 2003 City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Hazardous Materials Management Plan #6398 Dear Sir or Madame: Attached please find the completed Hazardous Materials Management Plan for the following store: Albertsons #6398 6045 Coffee Road Bakersfield 93308 This store grand opened on February 4, 2003. Please provide copies of any permits, invoices, or other correspondence related to the environmental issues for this store to my attention. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (208) 395-4793. Sincerely, Erica Myran Environmental Compliance Manager Attachments- c: Store File Store Director ALBERTSON'S, INC. / GENERAL OFFICES / 250 PARKCENTER BOULEVARD / RO. BOX 20 / BOISE, IDAHO 83726 / 208-395-6200 D ICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ,RVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER / OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page 1Of1 I. FACILITY IDENTIFIC~,TION 1 13 I 101 FACILITY ID # Year Beginning 2003 oo Year Ending 2004 BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA- Doing Business As) BUSINESS PHONE - 661---587-~2870 ~02 Albertsons #6398 ,, SITE ADDRESS 6045 Coffee Road 103 CITY Bakersfield lO4 z~P 93308-9414 DUN & ~06 SIC CODE ~o7 BRADSTREET (4 Digit #) 54'[ ]. COUNTY Kern 108 OPERATOR NAME Albertsons, Inc. 109 I OPERATOR PHONE(208) 395-4793 110 II, OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME Albertsons, Inc. 111 I OWNER PHONE (208) 395-4793 112 OWNER MAILING PO Box 20 Dept. 72405 ADDRESS ~3 CITY Boise ~4 I STATE ID ns I Zip 83726 III, ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME Erica Myran "? I CONTACT PHONE 208-395-4793 CONTACT MAILING PO Box~ 20, -DePt,- 72405 ADDRESS C,TY Boise ,:o I STATE ID; ,2, I z,p 83726' -PRIMARY- IV. EMER(;ENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY;' NAME Terri Levandoski 123 NAME Anthony F(odrlguez 129 TITLE Store Director 125 TITLE Assistant Store Mgr. on-duty ~30 BUSINESS PHONE (~61-587-2870 ~25 BUSINESS PHONE 661-587-2870 24-HOUR PHONE 661-809-0279 ~27 24-HOUR PHONE 661-549-3043 PAGER # ~28 PAGER # 133 V. CERTIFICATION Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and an' familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE Of OWNER/OPERATOR DATE 134 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER ~ ~1~310~ Steven Aaroe ' HSE Technical Specialist, ~t~ (L~- ~ Qualex, Inc. NAMES OF OWNER/OPERATOR (print) ~ TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR Erica Myran Env. Compliance Manager UPCF (7~99) C:\\WlNNT40\Profiles\jtraylor.000\DesktopxOES2730.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIEO ICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES --t-~E--'-l- 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 Zll~~~,w:r HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one form per material per building or area) ~ NEW [] ADD [] DELETE [] REVISE 200 Page 1 Of 1 I. FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS NAME (same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 Albertsons #6398 6045 Coffee Road Bakersfield, CA 93308-9414 CHEMICAL LOCATION In photo lab 201CONFIDENTIALCHEMICAL LOCATION(EPCRA) [] Yes [] No II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 TRADE sECRET [] Yes [] No 206 CHEMICAL NAME Spent photographic solutions containing silver ~r Subject to EPCRA, refer to instructions 207 COMMON NAME Spent photographic solutions containing silver EHS' [] Yes []No 208 CAS # N/A 209 *If EHS is "Yes", all amounts below must be in lbs. FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) 210 TYPE [] pPURE [] mMIXTURE [] wWASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE [~Yes []No 212 I CURIES 213 PHYSICAL STATE [] s SOLID [] I LIQUID [] g GAS 214 LARGEST CONTAINER < 5 gallons 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES NIA [] 1 FIRE [] 2 REACTIVE [] 3 PRESSURE RELEASE [] 4 ACUTE HEALTH [] 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE -- 1,100 gallons 217 I MAXIMUM 10 gallons 218 AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 AMOUNT DAILY AMOUNT DAILY AMOUNT 3-5 gallons DO1 1 UNITS* [] ga GAL [] cf CU FT [] lb LBS [] tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 * If EHS, amount must be in lbs. 365 STORAGE CONTAINER [] a ABOVEGROUND TANK [] e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM [] i FIBER DRUM [] m GLASS BOTTLE [] q RAIL CAR 223 (Check all that apply) [] b UNDERGROUND TANK [] f CAN []j BAG [] n PLASTIC BOTTLE ~]r OTHER [] c TANK INSIDE BUILDING [] g CARBOY [] k BOX [] o TOTE BIN Photoprocessor/S RU [] d STEEL DRUM [] h SILO [] I CYLINDER [] p TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE [] a AMBIENT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE [] a AMBIENT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOW AMBIENT [] c CRYOGENIC % WT HAZARDOUS COMPONENT EHS CAS # t 1 O0 226 Spent photographic solutions containing silver* 227 [] Yes [] NO 228 N/A 229 2 230 231 [] Yes [] No 232 233 3 234 235 [] Yes [] No 236 237 4 238 239 [] Yes [] No 240 241 5 242 243 [] Yes [] No 241 245 III. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 *Silver-rich solutions are treated by on-site silver recovery unit. UPCF i 7/99) C:\WINNT40\Profiles\jtraylor.000\Desktop\OES2731 .wpd j~.~~~D Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS.,.~ ...... , ..................... MA~LS. ....... INVENTORY :! Enviro.menta! Services CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION. :~ ~~r B~ersfie~d, .CA 93301 :~ '~ Tel: (66 i)326~3979 _ (Ome for~ ~ ~a~er~al ~ fluildimg or area) ~ N5~ ~ADO ~ OSLET5 ~ RSVlS5 200 gageJ of L FAC~LI~ ~NKO~ATION BUSINESS NAME (Same as FAC~LI~ NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 A]bertsens ~ 6398 CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 Flora] Dept. for f1]]~ng he]~um ba]]0ns only co..,~.~,.~(..c~) D CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECR~ ~ Yes ~ NO 2061 H e ] ~ um ,, Subject to EPCRA. rear to instr~tlons COMMON NAME 207 Helium (retail only for balloons "'s' ~e.~.o CAS No. 209 'If EHS is"Yes." all amoun~ ~l~ m~t be 7440-59-7 FIRE CODE HA~RD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire c~ief) 210 21~ 212 CUR~ES 213 214 LARGEST CONTA;NER 215 216 FEDHA~ROCAFEGORIES ~ t FIRE ~ 2 REACTIVE ~3 PRE~UREREL~SE ~ 4 ACUTEH~LrH ~ 5 CHRONIC H~LTH (Check all ~at apply) ANNUAL WASTE 217 M~IMUM 218 AVERAGE 21~ STATEWASTE 220 =, 0A~S oN S,~E 'If EHS, amount must ~ in I~ 223 STO~GECONTAINER ~ a A~EGROUNOTANK ~ f ~N ~ k BOX ~ p TANKWAG~ (Chez a# ~et app.) ~ b UNOERGR~ND TANK ~ g ~RBOY ~1 CYLINDER ~ q ~IL CAR ~ c TANK INSlOE BUILDING ~ h SILO ~ m G~S BO~LE ~ r ~HER ~ ~ ~EEL 0RUM ~ I FIBER DRUM ~ n P~STIC 80~LE ~ e P~ONa~ALUC ORUM ~ j ~G ~ o T~E ~GEPRE~URE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa A~E~BIE~ ~ ~ 8EL~A~81ENT ~5 ~O~GE~MPE~TUEE ~ aAMBIE~ ~ aa A~E~81E~ ~ ~ BEL~AMBIE~ ~ c CRY~ENIC 2 2~ 231 ~ Yes ~ No 232 233 3 234 235 ~ Y~ ~ No 236 237 ] 4 2~ 239 ~ Y~ ~ NO 240 241 5 242 243 ~ Yes ~ No 244 245 PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNA~RE DATE 246 HAZARDOUS MAT LS INVENTORY ~i ~ ]]akersfield ~'ire Dept, .~]~AT~~, Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave CHEmiCAL DESCRIPTION j B~ersfield,. CA 93301 Tel: (66 !)326~3979 (one form ~r m~teri~l per building or are~) ~ NEW ~ADD ~ DELETE ~ REVISE 200 Page1 of I, FACILI~ INFORMATION.. BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILI~ NAME or D~ - Doing Business As) 3 Albertsons ~' 63~'R CHEMICAL LOCATION 201 CHEMICAL LOCATION 202 FACILI. IONo. ~i~ th[ouqhoutstore 1 MAPNo. CONFIDENTIAL(EPCRA) ~Yes~No II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION CHEMICAL NAME 205 TRADE SECR~ ~ Yes ~ No 206 I C h 1 o r od i f 1 u o rom e t h a n e ,, Subject to EPCRA, re/er to instructions Freon R-22 E.S' ~ ~ 208 CAS NO, 209 'If EHS is"Yes," all amoun~ ~ must be 74-45-6 ~,~,. FIRE CODE H~RO C~SSES (Complete if requested by local fire chief) 210 ~ 211 ~ 212 CURIES 213 ~PE p PURE ~ m MIXTURE ~ w WASTE RADIOACTIVE ~ Yes No 214 LARGEST CONTAINER 215 PHYSICAL STATE ~s SOL[D ~l LIQUID ~ g GAS NA ~16 FED HA~RD CATEGORIES ~ 1 FIRE ~ 2 REACTIVE ~3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~ 4 ACUTE H~LTH ~ 5 CHRONIC HEALTH (Check ali ~at apply) 217 M~IMUM ~ ~ 218 AVERAGE 219 STATEWASTE 220 ANNUAL WASTE OAILY AMOUNT ~J/A ~o~T N/A ~ ~o~ 2500 221 DAYS ON SITE UNITS' ~ ga ~L ~ ~ GU ~ ~ ~b LBS ~ ~n TONS 'If EHS, amou~ mu~ ~ in I~. 223 STO~GECONTAINER ~ a AB~EGROUNDTANK ~ f CAN ~ k BOX ~ p TANKWAGON (Ch~k e~ ~et epp~) ~ b UNDERGR~NOTANK ~ g ~RBOY ~ I C%INOER ~ q ~IL~R c TANKINSIDE BUILDING ~ ~ SILO ~ m G~ ~LE ~ ~HER ~ d ~L DRUM ~ I FIBER DRUM ~ n P~S~C ~LE ~ · P~I~M~ALLIC DRUM ~ j ~G ~ o T~E BIN ~GE PRE.URN ~ J AMBIE~ ~aa A~E AMBIE~ ~ ~a BEL~AMBIE~ 225 a AMBIE~ ~ aa AS~E ~BIENT ~ba BEL~AMBIE~ ~ ¢ C~ENIC ~GE ~MPE~TURE I ~ ~7 ~Y~ ONo 228 2 ~ 231 ~Y~ ~No 2~ 3 ~ 2~ ~Yes ~No 2~ ~7 4 ~ 2~ ~Y~ ~No 2~ 241 5 242 243 ~ Y~ ~ No 244 245 .. ,.~:,, ~?::,~:,.:,.,:~:~,~ ........ ;,_~,~ ,~,,,:~.~.,,?:: ...... ~, : :,: '~ _ ~:~{~i~::~i~?~;<~:;~:~?~'., =, .... . :: ~:, ,:..: PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AU~OR~ED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 .' · ' · o ~E OF ENVIRONMENTA'I~SERVICES' '~ ' .. " 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661)326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION ~ NEW ~ AOD , ~ OELETE ~ REVISE ~00 Page 1 Of 1 I. FACILITY INFORMATION ~USiN~SS NAME [same as FACiLiTY NAME or OBA - DoNg ~uslness As) Albe~sons ~, 6398 201 CH[M$CAL LOCATION ~ Yes ~ No CHEMICAL LOCATION Front of s tore - outside CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA} FACILITY ID MAP ~ (oplional) 203 j GRID ~ (ootional) 204 II. CHEMICAL INFORMATION 205 T~OE SECRET ~ Yes ~ No 206 CHEMICAL NAME P CO p a R e if Subj~t to EPC~, ref~ to inst~lons 207 co.~o..~u~ Propane ~.s- ~ ~.o 200 74-98-6 FIRE CODE H~RO C~SSES (Complete ,I r~uest~ by I~1 ~ire TYPE ~ oPURE ~ mMIXTURE U wWASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE CYes ~NO 2121 C""'aS NA FED HAZARD CA FEGORIES ~ I FIRE ~ 2 REACTIVE ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~ 4 ACUTE H~LTH ~ 5 CHRONmC HEALTH 2 ~6 (Check all thai apply) ANNUAL WASTENA 217 I MAXIMUM 3051 21B J AVERAGE 3051 219 STATR W''TE COON 220 A~ou.r O~,L~ A~OU.~ o~,~Y UNITS' ~ gaGAL ~ cfCUFT ~ '~aS ~ ,.rO.s z~, O~.O.S,TS 365 ' ~[ EHS. amount musl be in lbs, STORAGE CONTAINER ~ a A~VEGROUND TANK ~ e P~STIQNONMETALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS 80~E ~ q ~IL CAR 223 (Check all that ~ b UNDERGROUND TANK ~ r CAN ~ j BAG ~ . P~STIC aO~lE ~ ¢ OTHER ~ c TANK iNSIDE BUILDING ~ g CARBOY ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE 8IN ~ d STEEL DRUM ~ n SILO ~ I CYLINDER ~ p TANK WAGON - STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIENT ~ ~ BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGETEMPE~TURE ~ aAMBIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBtENT ~ ~a BELOW AMBIENT ~ cCRYOGENIC 230 231 ~ Ye= ~ No 2~ 233 234 235 237 ~Ye~ ~No 236 238 239 ~ Ye. ~ ~ Z40 242 243 245 ~Yes ~No 241 III. SIGNATURE PRIN ~ NAME & ~tTLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATWE S~GNATURE 0ATE UP' ' ','U C 'W NrqT,~O\Profiles\itraylor O00\Oes.kl,,:; , ~Eq273~ wDd HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION II. 1 - DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: Photographic chemicals are delivered and stored in plastic bottles, 1 gallon or less in size. The bottles are secondarily contained in 9 gallon plastic totes. Chemical storage areas are visually inspected to insure that leaks do not go unnoticed. B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION: Photographic chemical spills will normally be handled by store employees. If non-emergency assistance is needed, employees should contact Qualex, Inc. at 1-800-452-2911. If emergency assistance is needed, employees should dial 911. C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: The on-duty store manager will be ultimately responsible for all notification and clean-up operations. Photolab employees and Qualex, Inc. will assist as directed. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: For medical emergencies, employees should dial 911. The nearest medical facility is Bakersfield Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661) 327-4647 SECTION 11.2: RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: All photographic chemicals are stored in small plastic bottles that are secondarily contained in plastic totes. Photolab employees are provided gloves, aprons, goggles, etc. to protect against exposure. In addition, the photolab is equipped with a small portable eyewash and fire extinguishers. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATION: Written spill clean-up procedures are maintained on-site (section 6 of the MSDS binder, located in the photolab). C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: Written spill clean-up procedures are maintained on-site (section 6 of the MSDS binder, located in the photolab). UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: Outside of store near receiving entrance Outside of store near receiving entrance ELECTRICAL: Backroom WATER: SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: ',,Sprinkler system in store B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): Fire hydrant outside store HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION III: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1-2 in photolab MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: In MSDS binder in photolab BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Qualex, Inc. provides initial training consisting of 3 days of classroom and hands-on instruction. Topics include equipment operation & maintenance, hazardous material handling, hazard communication, personal protective equipment, spill clean~up, etc. All training materials are maintained on-site and available for review. Store manager is responsible for subsequent training (ie: new employees). Qualex will assist with refresher training as needed. CERTIFICATION Eri ca Myran I, CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. ~1~(2..o. ,~,~o,--.,. Env. Compliance Manager ~'[~3 SIGNATURE TITLE DATE QHSE - 5 October 2000 Health, Safety & Environmental Information About On-Site processing Labs Qualex Inc. installs and supplies On-Site VENTILATION Processing Labs in retail stores across the United States. Qualex wor. ks closely with our On-Site Processing Labs are installed in retail customers to develop a health, safety, and store locations that have general room environmental program that protects the ventilation through the facility's heating and environment, provides a safe and healthy cooling system. General air circulation should workplace for employees,' and maintains maintain adequate indoor air quality in an On- compliance with federal, sta_te and local Site Processing Lab. Some stores may regulatory requirement_s. Th'is.publication was choose to install additional ventilatiOn in an developed to provide enwronmental, safety On-Site Processing Lab to remove excess and operational informatioh that is often heat and slight odors produced by the requested during the installation and processing machine. operation of an On-Site ProceSsing Lab. - BACKFLOW PREVENTION PROCESSING EQuIpMENT, The microlab processing maChines do not VENTILATION, & LAB PLUMBING require direct water connection for operation. The process used in On-Site Processing Labs An On-Site Processing Lab uses microlab is "washless" and uses small amounts of film equipment that is designed to process and final rinse and paper stabilizer solutions, print a small number of rolls, of film on-site instead of large amounts of water to wash the each day. The process has been specifically film and prints. Therefore, the installation of a designed to be rapid (less than one hour) and backflow prevention device is not necessary. · to minimize the amount of effluent that results , from the processing. Typically, both film and SINK PLUMBING AND DISCHARGE POINTS paper~are processed in two different areas of a single machine. : ~ Some On-Site ProcessingLabs are equipped with sinks where photoprocessing waste Fresh photoprocessing chemicals are added solutions are directly discharged to the store to replenishment tanks in the processing wastewater collection system or are collected machine. As film and paper are transported and pumped to a discharge point at another through the machine, replenishment solutions location in the store. Other stores do not have are automatically added to, the processing sinks located in the On-Site Processing Lab. tanks, and waste solutions are automatically Waste photoprocessing solutions in these removed. The waste solutions are collected locations must be collected in containers and in waste tanks in the bottom of the machine or transported to anotherarea of the store for are pumped directly to other waste collection discharging. tanks for treatment or disPOSal. A typical )rocessing machine holds about 13 total gallons of solutions inthe machine tanks. © (~ualcx Inc., 1997 / Rev. 2000 ACID NEUTRALIZATION DEVICES Some remote labs may be using slightly different processing chemicals and may-be The pH of the solutions used in the preparing the solutions from concentrates on- processing, lab range from 3.5 to 10.8. The site. pH of the combined effluent from the On-Site Processing Lab is between 7 and 9. Acid Gloves, splash goggles, and aprons are neutralization devices normally used to treat provided for Photo lab operators to use strong acids (pH < 2) prior to discharging tend whenever handling photoprocessing to foul quickly when only small volumes of chemicals. Employees are instructed on the photoprocessing chemicals pass through safe handling of photoprocessing chemicals. them. These devices are not necessary and should not be installed in On-Site Processing CHEMICAL HAZARD INFORMATION Labs. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is MATERIALs OF'CONSTRUCTION FOR available on-site for each of the PLUMBING photoprocessing solutions. The MSDS contains detailed hazard information and is an Photoprocessing chemicals contain materials, integral part of the Hazard Communication primarily weak acids and salts, which will Program for the On-Site Processing Lab. react with copper or copper alloys. If the undiluted solutions are allowed to have All processing machines, silver recovery prolonged contact with copper plumbing, such equipment, and containers of chemicals in the as in traps, the copper will readily corrode, processing lab are labeled with specific This corrosion can cause small holes to chemical hazard warnings. Additionally, the appear in plumbing within several months of Hazard Materials Identification System installation. (HMIS) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) ratings for each of these On-Site Processing Labs should use PVC solutions are included on the MSDSs. piping for sink drains because of its high compatibility with photoprocessing chemicals. CHEMICAL SPILL PREVENTION & STORAGE The collection of photoprocessing chemicals with the other wastewater from the store The photoprocessing chemicals are packaged should not change the expected life of cast in plastic containers that are inspected prior to iron or other materials typically used for filling to ensure that they are not defective. wastewater collection systems. The containers are delivered to the On-Site Processing Lab in plastic totes that provide secondary containment. The containers are, PROCESSING CHEMICALS stored in a manner that will prevent accidental spills, such as on a shelf or in a designated The photoprocessing chemicals that are used storage area away from heavy traffic. Since in the processing machines are dilute, non- the solutions are primarily water, there are no flammable solutions primarily consisting of compatibility concerns during use and water. There are seven different solutions storage. that are used in an On-Site Processing Lab; four for film processing and three for paper Photoprocessing chemicals and their processing. The characteristics and containers are stored indoors, where they are components of these solutions are detailed in protected from precipitation and extreme Table A (located on page 7). temperatures. Because of the limited availability of space in most retail locations, The photoprocessing chemicals are delivered only small quantities of photoprocessing to the On-Site Processing Lab by Qualex as chemicals are stored on-site prior to use. The "ready to use" working-strength solutions, maximum quantity of each solution typically 2 HSE Information About On-Site Processing Labs · QHSE - 5 stored On-site, including'the solutions-in tl~e . PH OF WAsTESOI~u~'I~Ns processing machine, is listed in TableA ~ : - : (located on page 7). The pH of the Combined Silver-bearing .. solutions is between 6 and 7, and the pH of the 'non-silver-bearing Solutions is between 9 EFFLUENT GENERATION & and 10. When combined, the pH of the CHARACTERISTICS ' discharge from an. On-Site Processing Lab is:~ ~ between 7 and 9. ~,. Once the photoprocessing Chemicals have i been used, they are collected for treatment OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF WASTE · and disposal. The chemical c(~ntent of the SOLUTIONS -: _. used solutions is similar to the materials listed on the solution MSDSs. The processing adds In addition to silver and pH, several' other silver to the used s01utionsfrom the characteristics of the waste PhotoprOcesSing photographic film and paper. The chemicals ar_e often requested. - .: ~ :. :: characteristics of effluent from ~. typical On- _ ..... ' : : .--,:,: ' ~-.-site PrOcessing Lab are detailed in Table B ~ · Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) ._ ~(located on page 8). _: , , measures the amount of oxygen the .... ~' - .... :~ effluent will consume thrOugh biolOgical - GENERATION RATE OF WASTE SoLuTIoNS degradation over a fiv~ day period. The ~ ,, total effluent BOD5 from. a typical On-Site Unlike the traditional pl~otoProcessing system, PrbCessing Lab is approximately 0!06 -the process used in On-Site Processing Labs :lbs./d~y (<3,000 milligrams/liter). ' is "washless" and uses small amounts of film final rinse and paper stabilizer solutions, · Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) instead of large amounts of water to wash the measures the amount of oxygen that the film and prints. A typical installation chemicals in the effluent use to degrade. processing about 30 rolls of film each day will The total COD from a typical On-Site generate about 2.7 gallons of effluent per day. Processing Lab is approximately 0.7 Of this amount, 1.9 gallons will be silver- lbs./day (<35,000 mg/I). bearing. · Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is a SILVER CONTENT OF WASTE SOLUTIONS measure of the undissolved materials in the effluent. The TSS from a typical On- Silver is primarily removed from the Site Processing Lab is less than 600 mg/l. - photographic film and paper by the fixer and bleach fix solutions. Processing solutions · Nitrogen is found in the effluent primarily located in front of these steps (developers from the ammonium compounds in the and film bleach) contain very little silver. The fixer and bleach fix. The total nitrogen rinse and stabilizer solutions that are located from a typical On-Site Processing Lab is after these Steps wash any remaining silver approximately 0.02 lbs./day (<1,000 mg/I). out of the film and paper and are collected with-the fixer and bleach fix for treatment. · Iron is found in the effluent from iron The concentration of silver in .the combined compounds in the bleach and bleach fix Silver-bbaring solutions before treatment is and from the steel wool. in the metallic typically 2.0 to 3.0 grams/liter or 2,000 to replacement cartridges used for silver 3,000 parts per million (ppm). recovery. The amount of iron from a ~ typical On-Site-Processing Lab using silver recovery is approximately 0.04 lbs./day (<2,000 mg/I). HSE Information About On-Site Processing Labs · QHSE - 5 : 3 · ~: ~ . ~; :. . - : .. _~ . .' - .. /-: ~'._ _ zinc is'~ound in the effluent.from readily be achieved using best available - ~: phOt0g_r_aphic paper base and gelatin, technology. The used photoprocessing The amount of zinc from a typical On-Site solutions atthese locations are collected and ..... Processing Lab is less than 1 mg/I. transported off-site for silver reclamation. o~ Mercury, chromium, cyanide, oil & Some stores may also use off-site waste grease and phenols are qot components management.where on-site compliance -; - of photoprocessing chemicals and are not ~ requirements are cos!ly, such as with frequent '~ prese_nt in On-Site Proces-sirig Lab testing or high permitt!ng,fees. In these cases, - ::-:- effluent. - .... off-site management pr0¥!des-safe and cost ---:-~%~-~:--:~ ~'=. '7~; ::':~ ':-~ i~:' ~- . -~i -effective-man-agement of~the_'~astel-: ........ ~_EFELUENTMA'NAGEMENT-AND .- ; : ~: .ON~_S:I~E S!(V;ER RECovERy _- _ :~E--;- '_; - .. '.;_~ ;~ .:';:%~:t:- ~ : In dre. asLWb~,re the Used Photdprbcessing ;;:;;~M~( ~r~-'-~;t~ P~'~)~Sin;~ ~b~;;::~q'& &:Ui:-~d ' ;' -chemica'lsfmm an'OmSite;P~O~eSsing Lab ~::l[;2~]g~hjrgin¢.- ~he. rS~re~6&e'&reaswhere- -~ .~ ~: dlsc~argmg¢;;Sllverre~ovew Is~RD~(med;-:;; , ~' ~~-~T- ":"' ~ ' r-:-, ~, ...... , - (MRCs) ' Th6'silver bea[ing solutidh~ (fixer, ~¥~ - ~g ::~ hose;locations-collect:the used . :. : =: : :~:, --:-:- ,~ -:~:-. - .-~, ;~jS~ti~n¢ih:dtu~¢,~¢~i~ :~i~pO~ed~off- ' :: fi~a~:dSse?bleach fix, and stabili¢~O are L:_ ~6~JJ~r re~l~'~i~:~-~'::;~"~'~'~: ~ '; Slowly:meteredrth'rough two MRCs,'which are ?'~?-~= ~" - .. -.;: ~: :'~ ~ '~ - ' ;; '~ 7 smail;cylind~ts packed with iron:(sfee[wool). DETERMINATION OF PROPER WASTE The silver in the waste solution reacts with the iron causing the silver to collect in the 't MANAGEMENT OPTION '- cadridge while the iron dissolves into the ' solution. There are a number of factors that determine whether treated waste solutions can be ' discharged from an On-Site Processing Lab. Recovery Equipment :Most stores discharge wastewater to a The equipment that is used to pedorm on- -.municipal sewer system. Other stores may site silver recovew utilizes a pump station ~discharge wastewater to a septic system and to collect the solutions prior to recovew. do not have access to a municiPal sewer. The pump is used to slowly meter the Waste photoprocessing solutions should not silver-bearing solutions through two _be discharged, to a septic system. MRCs installed in series. (A diagram ~ Municipalities typically have.a unique set of showing the typical configuration of a 'r~egulations that govern the discharge of silver recovew system can be found on wastewater into their system. Most page 6.) The pump is preset by Qualex to ; municipalities allow the discharge of waste ensure a flow rate that will properly - photographic processing solutions that have recover the silver. After treatment through both MRCs, the solutions are either ,Seen treated using silver recovew, discharged directly to a drain (if available) o~ are collected in a waste container with Insome cases, the discharge of used photoprocessing solutions, even after non-silver-bearing solutions for manual -treatment, is not allowed. Often this is due to discharging in another pad of the store. The entire recovew system is located in a _yew Iow silver discharge limits that cannot containment tray in case of leaks or spills. 4 - HSE Information About On-Site Processing Labs · QHSE - 5 Solution Transfer ~ ~ · Silver Recovery Efficiency Some on-site Processing Labs are ' Silver-bearing solutions are slowly configured to automatically transfer metered thrOugh the MRCs typically at a solutionsto-the silver'recovery'pump ~ --rate less than 25 milliliters/minute. This station from the Proi~esSing .machine. slow rate ensures a long reSidence., time Other labs c_ollect used solutions, in for the solutions, resulting in very efficient ~containers in the botto~ of the processing and consistent recovery. The amount of ';~mfichine and manually.transfer them to silver that is dis.charged from an On-Site ~tfi~p_umlj:station: ' - i'i~_:-?;'~?~;:-~:~-~!i!!i~!..--~:_~!!~ t:~'-::-.--:._' :;;--ii - ' t* %- averages 1 mg/I or ppm::_Wh~fi'combined --- ;::-- i-: ~.~------~R-~["-O¢~r_.-~ S, Yst~m:A:-l~ar/Ji:s:._ _ _. ~.~_~_~ _ ~ = ~ _ .~;An ~lami_~yg~r~-is P~O~i~l-~ to;aiert lab -.' ~l~r~to~s Of~ t'h~ ne~-(~:d!f°r e-q-uip:m~nt j~-~ __:; ~.a_.~ [,[ar]:s!:er:.,S.[ ,o p?~.v:_.:en?~e_~?:ws an~, ~spH~sof [ne [rea[ec~-so~uuons:.: ,. ~: ' ' ha~firdO~s ¢~.§te tranSpc~rter.:-'-Ff'ie waste - solutions are either directly transferred to the Metallic Replacement Cartridge Use drums or are manually poured into the drums frOm the processing machine waste collection The silver recovery equipment used in a containers. The solutions are then transported typical On-Site Processing Lab utilizes to-a facility that performs silver recovery. two MRCs in series. The first MRC provides primary silver removal, and the second MRC is a back-up to the first. The EFFLUENT SAMPLING AND first MRC is removed from the system ANALYSIS: based on processing volume and time. The second MRC is then placed in the The On-Site Processing Lab contributes only primary position and a new cartridge is a small percentage of the total wastewater positioned as the back-up. The MRCs are from the entire store. Typically, an On-Site changed by Qualex at the proper~interval. PrOcessing Lab contributes less than 5 Used cartridges are sent to a refiner where the silver is reclaimed and pe~'cent of the total 'wastewater from a store. recycled. Used MRCs are classified as _ Because of the small volume of wastewater characteristic sludges that are being that is generated by the On-Site Processing reclaimed, and are therefore not defined - as hazardoUs waste by USEPA. Lab, most municipalities do not require · sampling and monitoring of wastewater. If monitoring is required, care should be taken to ensure that a representative sample is collected. HSE Information About On-Site Processing Lfibs · QHSE - 5 :~ 5 ='!::i~-~SAMPLiNG PoiNTs_ - : _ ' - Soluble silver;in thb'-':~-m~le; Varying : levels' of disc0!0?ation indicate different Some stores may have a sampling port where~ concentrations of silver. This technique is a sample of the waste, water from the entire . ~ very qualitative and can be used to store, including the On-Site Processing Lab, estimate §ilver'conCentrations greater can be collected~ If a Sampling port for the ~ ~ than 1 gram/liter~ facility is not available, a sample can be ~ ' ~ - - : ~ ~' collected in the phot6 lab directly following On-site silver testing can also be silver recoveryl Facility discharge performed using colorimetry. This - technique is much more accurate than concentration~of silver can be calculated by .:~ - .using the perCen_ta_g.e of the total wastewater: .' ~ qualitative test.Papers, but can only detect'_ from the store that-is: from the On-Site ~ . silver at concer~trations above 60 ppm Processing Labia- '-':!ii ~ - because of the i:rbn in the effluent. SILVER ANAE-YS~S~! ~ Analytical Laboratories :There are~_~Vb?~d.f!e_m;Qt techniques that' ii' . ~-.- Samples!requiring precise a_nalysis for : Can: be used-tb~n~aS-ure silver. On-site : ~'; silver, §uch as those required for techniqubs P~'~Vi~ual'itative measuremeht ~ - demonstrating complianC_~, should be sent of high silver, content-~whileCanalytical ~ '~ ~ to an analytical laboratory. Typically, lab0ratories'lSre~idb;a~p~e~iSe analysis Of IOw these samples will be analyzed for total -SilVe~r;conCentrati0a~ ~; i recoverable silve. (uS. ing EPA approved *~ ;? :' - '; .... methods .... On-Site Techniques Qualitative on-site testing can be ADDITIONAL INFORMATION performed using silver-sensitive paper or'~ a strip of copper. The strip is dipped into For additional health, safety, or environmental the sample for a short period of time. information about the On-Site Processing Lab Discoloration indicates the presence of call Qualex at (800) 4-LAB-911. Diagram 1 TYpical Silver Recovery System Configuration SILVER-BEARiNG .-, ~ ... SOLUTIONS ~ PUMP ~ STATION -~ DE-SILVERED NON-SILVER-BEARING- ~I~ SOLUTIONS TO BE SOLUTIONS DISCHARGED : . 6 -: ~-'-HSE Information About On-Site Pro~(ssing Labs · QHSE - 5 Table A .PhOtoprocessing Chemicals Used in an On.Site Processing Lab " Maximum % Quantity Description. Product Name pH Water Components Typically ~ ~ :-~ Stored I- ~ (gallons) KODAK FLEXICOLOR ._ Potassium carbonate Film Develo~per Developer Replenisher ~ 10.0 90 - 95 Potassium sulfite 8.2 LORR 4- (N-ethyI-N-2-hydroxyethyl) -2- methylphenylenediamine sulfate Ferric ammonium propylenediaminetetraacetic acid Film Bleach KODAK FLEXICOLOR RA 3.5 60 - 65 Ammonium bromide 1.8 Bleach Replenisher NR Ammonium nitrate Acetic acid 1,3-proplyenediaminetetraacetic acid Ammonium thiocyanate Film Fixer KODAK FLEXICOLOR RA 7.5 75 - 80 Ammonium thiosulfate 8.7 Fixer and Replenisher Sodium sulfite Ammonium sulfite KODAK FLEXICOLOR Diethylene glycol Film Final Rinse Final Rinse and 7.0 95 - 100 Nonionic sudactant 10.1 Replenisher Magnesium nitrate Isthiazolin derivatives Potassium carbonate Triethanolamine Paper Developer KODAK EKTACOLOR RA 10.7 - 10.8 90 - 95 N,N-diethylhydroxylamine 16.1 Developer Replenisher 4- (N-ethyI-N-2-methanesulfonylaminoethyl) - 2- methylphenylenediamine sesquisulfate monohydrate Ammonium thiosulfate KODAK EKTACOLOR RA Ammonium ferric ethylenediaminetetraacetic Paper Bleach Fix Bleach Fix and 5.3 - 5.5 85 - 90 acid 20.9 Replenisher Sodium bisulfite Acetic acid Ammonium sulfite KODAK EKTACOLOR Polyvinylpyrrolidone Paper Stabilizer PRIME Stabilizer and 7.5 95 - 100 Sodium alkyl ether sulfate 36.1 Substituted thiazolin-3-one Replenisher/RA-4 Magnesium nitrate HSE Information About On-Site Processing Labs · QHSE - 5 -' 7 ~ Characteristics of Effluent from a Typical On-Site Processing Lab End-of Process Parameter Units Concentration End-of-Pipe Concentration (following silver recovery) _. ~..- pH~ Units 7 - 9 7 - 8 BielOgical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg/I < 3,000 (0.06 lbs./day) < 25 i Chemical Ox. ygen Demand (COD) mg/I < 35,000 (0.7 lbs./day) < 250 ~Sil~ze~ mg/I < 1.0 < 0.05 Z. inc: ,- mg/I < 1.0 < 0.5 li;°m mg/I < 2,000 (0.04 lbs./day) < 5.0 il~lercu~ mg/I < 0.002 (BDL) < 0.002 (BDL) i~limm~um~ mg/I < 0.01 (BDL) < 0.01 (BDL) ~cy, anide- mg/I < 0.02 (BDL) < 0.02 (BDL) :Nitrog~em(NH~)~. · : mg/I < 1,000 (0.02 lbs./day) < 0.5 [~btal~Suspended~Solids;(,-ESS) mg/I < 600 < 25 'l~bta ;Pheno, ' mg/I < 0.002 (BDL) < 0.002 (BDL) ~O~il~&~G'rease, mg/I < 0.5 (BDL) < 0.5 (BDL) BDI' = Below. Detection Limi[ :: ~:8 HSE Information About On~Siie l~rocessing Labs · QHSE-:5.: