HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 1/30/2009/ ' i~ CITY OF BAKERSFIEL]~/6)¢2' ~ ~ ~/'~D,,~_..~ n ' OIIP[CE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~VICES ~ rtttt ~ · 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 t~ n~ n r M,t~, r -~,~~I,..~ ~.,..- BUSINESS OWNER / OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION /,P? ~) O I FACILITY INFORMATION I BUSINESS NAME (Same es FACILITY NAME or DBA- Doing Business As) / 3 BUSINESS PHONE 02 103 SITEA DRESS &O t5 DUN & 106 SiC CODE COUNTY K ~;~j~l ~os OWNER MAILING I CONTACT MAILING 1~9 !ADDRESS pCo -re /' TITLE ~. I~,iZ, o ~5 TITLE ~3o BUSINESS PHONE ~.~/-- ~./~q -- Jl 30 126 BUSINESS PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE ~'- 330~. -- 0'~/~, 127 24-HOUR PHONE ,32 PAGER # ~28 PAGER # ~33 Certification: Based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this inventory and believe the information is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNATURE OF OWNER/O RATOR I DATE ~4 [ NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER ~AMES OF OWNER/OPERATOR (print) 136 / TITLE OF OWNEPJOPERATOR ........ 137 UPCF (7~99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2730.TV4.wpd r D OF E OF ENVIRONMENTAL VICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section I1.1 - DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS BUSINESS ~E (~ as FAClL~ ~E ~ D~ - ~ng ~n~ ~) 3 ADDRESS (For ~1 u~ ~y) 476. A. L~ DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: ' B.' EMERGENCY AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: ~ ~11. '?~17 :'7¢-i"" '" :' "::' -" ,"::7 ~'. ,'~'~. '.' '. :,'- ENVIRO,NMENTAL ~NAGEMENT~f:: ./:% :"-.~:.;:,;~.~.;r:..... :~,.,?:~:::~);~,~:~.;:~::..F,: ,- :: :. C. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES: ~r m~~- EMERGENCY MEDICAL P~N ~. c~os~s~oc~c~c,u~: ~~ ~~ ~~/ ~o6~ ~. UPCF (7/99) S:k=ROCEOURE 14ANUAL~Ie~ HMMP focm.w~ HA~DOUS MATERIALS MANAGEML~' P~N Section 11.2 - RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN ~ L<~::-~.'.:.', .... - .... ,~. - -~.-,.:~.~,~,~.,~ , - :'-:r..: '.', B. REL~SE CONTAINMENT~D MITIGATION: FOLLOW-Up AC:TIC)NS " C.OLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: UPCF (7/99) S:~;~)CEDURE MANUALI.New HMMP form.v4xI HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Section II1.1 - FACILITY AND LOCALITY INFORMATION LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY: NATURAL GAS / PROPANE: 0~1~: ' t~'rN /~1" ~;)/~..Ue~< ~F ~1~ ELECTRICAL: .- WATER: ~ ~' --.,, _ .,. t~ -~ ' ..... :~, f~lOD/.~ ~/,~ T' ~-~/~I~- SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES ~ IF YES, LOCATION: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: I~'i~E B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): A. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1'~. To> 15 B. MATERIALS DATA SHEETS ON FILE: )fL'"~ C. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ~C/... CERTIFICATION Based o~ my inquiry of ~3se individuals resix)nsible for obtaining ~he ioformafioa, I certify under penalty of law that I have pemonnal¥ examined and am familiar with the throb'nation submitted and believe the infom~attoa is true, acc~ate, and comp~te. SIGNATURE OF OWNER I OPERATOR OR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE DATE 477. NAME OF SIGNER (p/YnO 478. TITLE OF SIGNER 479. UPCF (7/99) SN=ROCEDURE MANUAL~I~v HMMP form.wl3d CITY OF BAKERSFIE o :c :o :svI osu :sv I vIc :s ~n~r~r 1715 Chester CA 93301 326-3979 *~~ H~RDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION W (one ~ per ma~dal per building or a~a) D ADD ~ DELVE ~ REVISE 2~ Page ~ of BUSINESS ~E (Same as FACILI~ ~ME ~ DBA - Doing Busings ~) ............ , ' ' 3 CHEMI~L LOCATION ~ '~ ............ * - ' - 201 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~~P CHEMICAL LOCATION D Y~ ~ 202 , ~NFIDENTIAL (EPC~) :: FACILI~ ID ~ ~ ~ ' '? I ~P ~ (op~naO ~3 GRID ~ (op~onaO 2~ 205 T~DE SECRET D Y~ ~ 200 CHEMICAL ~ME ~ ~m E~ yLcy~e~ ~t~xn~a ,~ Subj~ to EPC~, ref~to inst~ions 207 COM~N~ME ~;U~ ~ EHS* ~Y~ ~No 208t FIRE ~DE H~RD C~SSES (~plete if ~u~t~ by I~1 fire ~i~ 210 ~PE ~ p PURE ~ MI~URE ~ w WASTE 211 ~DIOACTIVE ~Y~ ~ 212 CURIES 213 FED ~RD ~TEGORIES ~FIRE ~ 2 R~CTIVE ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~ 4 AC~ H~L~ ~ 5 CHRONIC H~LTH 216 (~ ~1 that apply) A~U~ ~ DAILY A~U~ DAILY A~U~ UNITS* ~ ga ~L ~ d CU ~ ~ lb LBS ~ tn TONS 221 I DAYS ON SITE 222 * If EHS, amount must be in lbs, STOOGE CO~AINER ~ a A~VEGROUND TANK ~ e P~STI~ONM~ALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS BO~LE ~ q ~IL ~R 223 (~eck all ~at apply) ~ b UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f CAN ~ j BAG ~ n P~STIC BO~LE ~OTHER ~ c TANK INSIDE BUILDING ~ g CAR~Y ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE BIN ~ ~ ~ ~ d S~EL DRUM ~ h SILO ~ I CYLINDER ~ p TANK WA~N STOOGE PRESSURE ~A~IE~ ~ aa A~VEA~IE~ ~ ba BELOWA~IENT ~4 STOOGE TEMPE~TURE ~MBIE~ D aa ABOVE A~IE~ Dba BELOWAmlENT ~ c CRYOGENIC ~:: .':,%~,:: :~/ :~' ::,;~.;:~:,-: ..~:~: ~,;, H~RDOUS~COMPONE~;T~?~:;: ~;~:~::~:~;L~'?;~ :;~'~ - .?~: ':~'~'::~'~'~EHS:~::~,~?~?~~. ~;~;:/~,, ~: I 226 ~7 ~ Y~ ~ No 228 ~9 2 230 231 ~ Y~ ~ No 232 233 3 234 235 ~ Y~ ~ No 236 237 4 238 239 ~ Y~ ~ No 240 241 243 ~Y~ ~No 245 244 , ~;'; . . ' .~ . ' . (~: ~ .:~.,:,: . :. :' ~, .:.~ . .. .. PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731 .TV4.wpd O [CE OF ENVIRONMENTAL VICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 '~"'"~~"~'~-"' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION NEW (one foml per maten~l per bu#ding or area) [] ADD [] DELETE [] REVISE 200 Page __ of __ [ BO~INES~ ~ (~me'a~ FACILI~ ~ME ~ DBA: ~ing Bu~n~ ~) ' ...... ~ .......... ~'.'" ..... ' ""' "'~'~ ~ ~' ~ ......... ' .... ........3 CHEMI~L LOCATION ..... ~--~~-- ~ ~ t 201/ CHEMICAL LO~TION FACIL~ ID ~ ~ I ~ ':~.~?~: I ~ ~ Wp~na,i ~3 GRID ~ (op~naO 205 T~DE SECRET ~ ~ Y~ ~No 206 CHEMICAL NAME ~ ~~ .- ff Subj~ to EPC~, ref~ to instm~ions ~7 FIRE ~DE H~RD C~SSE~ (~ple/e if ~u~t~ by I~1 fire ~i~ 2~0 ~"E ~ "URE ~ m MITRE D w WASTE 211 I ~DiOACT~E DY, ~ 2,= Icu"'~ I ' · PmSI~LSTATE D s SOLID ~1 UOUID ~S '2~4 ~RGESTCOmAINER~__ ~ C~ ~, 'Cyq~o~ 215 FED ~RD ~TE~RIES ~ 1 FIRE ~ 2 ~CT~ ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~E ~ 4 AC~ H~L~ ~ 5 CHRONIC H~LTH (~ ~1 that apply) · ~NU~WASTE ~ . 217 '~1~M ~ 218. A~GE ~ 219 'STA~ WASTE CODE 220 UNITS' ~ ga ~L ~ d CU ~ ~ lb LgS ~ tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 ' If EHS, am~nt m~t ~ in lbs. STOOGE CO~AINER ~ a A~VEGROUND TANK ~ · P~STI~ONM~ALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS BO~LE ~ q ~IL (~eck afl ~at apply) UNDERGROUNDT~K ~f ~N ~j BAG ~n P~CBO~LE Dr OTHER ~ c TANK INSIDE BUILDING D g ~R~Y ~k~X ~ o TO~ BIN ~ d S~EL DRUM D h SILO ~ I CYLINDER ~ p T~K WA~N STOOGE PRESSURE ~ a A~IE~ ~VEA~IE~ ~ ba BELOW A~IENT ~4 STOOGE ~MPE~TURE ~ IE~ D aa A~VEA~IE~ Dba BELOWA~IE~ ~ c CRYOGENIC ~5 ..._.,._ .:... : 2 2~0 ~ ~ ~Y~ ~No232 233 3 234 ~ ~Y~ 236 237 4 i 238 ~9 ~ Y.~ ~ No 240 241 : ~42 243 245 5 I ~ Y~ ~ No 2~ .' ' .".' ~ ,' ".:'C' · ·.'III. SIGNATURE,':.'~.',~. ' ' .:, " ' ' ... :. ,~' . :',. ,,,...., ,,.,~,,: ,:~', :, ":~.~ PRINT ~ME & TITLE OF AUTHOR~ED COMPANY REPRESE~ATIVE SIG~TURE DATE 246 UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731 .TV4.wp, KEY PLAN ......... . .. ' . ~ . ..' '.'..': .::. t~ PAD. 'A' SITE ---. - ':- TODAY CLEANER[; ,. ,..~ FORMAT:USA . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET COPYRIGHT GENERA~ ELECTRIC CO. " PRODUCT: SB32 SILICONE FLUID PAGE: 01 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MANUFACT~ BY: SUPPLIED BY: GE SILICONES GE SILICONES 260 HUDSON RIVER ROAD 260 HUDSON RIVER ROAD WATERFORD~' NY 12188 WATERFORD, NY 12188 EMERGENCY PHONE ( 24 HRS) ' EMERGENCY PHONE (24 }{RS) (518) 237-3330 (518) 237-3330 REVISED: 11/13/00 PREPARER: CE BRITTON .. CHEMICAL FAMILY/USE: SILICONE SILOXANE FORMULA.. D5 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS PRODUCT COMPOSITION/ APPROX. AC~I~ TLV -~ ' OSHA PEL CAS -RE~ NO ~ WGT. % TWA STEL . TWA STEL UNITS '. ·. DECAMETHYLCYCLO PENTAS I LOXANE 541-02-6 >95 NOT REGULATED NOT REGULATED 2. NON-HAZARDOUS -' None Found See Section 15 for description of any WHMIS Trade Secret(s). 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: .. Clear Liquid Odorless Caution ! Combustible Keep away from.heat, sparks, and flame. Refer to other MSDS sections for detailed informat'ion. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: INGESTION: May be harmful if swallowed. SKIN COI~TACT: · ' · None known. INHALATION: None Known. . EYE CONTACT ~ May cause mild eye irritation. MEDICAL CO~-DITIONS AC~3RAVATED: . None known ~ SUBCHRONIC (TARGET ORGAN) EFFECTS: "' · ** CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *** {ODUCT: SB32 SILICONE FLUID PAGE: 02 None known CHRONIC EFFECTS/CARCINOGENICITY: ~ . ' . This product or one of its ingredients'present ,0.1% or more is NOT listed as a carcinogen or suspected carcinogen by NTP, IARC, or OSHA. · PRODUCTS/INGREDIENTS '-' ' ~-~ ' " ·. ' This sPace reserved for special'use~ · . ~ ' ' · ..'..' · PRINCIPLE ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: ~. · :.'. .' ' Eyes. OTHER: '' Decamethylcylcopentasiloxane Ingestion: Rodents given doses via oral gavage of decamethyl- pentasiloxane (100 mg/kg/day for females, 400. ' ' ..... mg/kg/day for males, 14 days) developed increased liver weights relative to unexposed control animals. Inhalation: In inhalation studies, laboratory rodents exposed to decamethylpentasiloxane (120 ppm five days/week, 90 days) developed increased liver weights in female animals, relative to unexposed control animals. When the exposure was stopped, li~er weights returned to normal. Microscopic examination of the liver cells did not show any .... evidence of pathology.. Inhalation exposures typical of industrial usage (5-10 ppm) showed no toxic'effects in rodents. ~ttention: Not f6r injection into humans. This product contains Methylpolysiloxanes which can generate Formaldehyde at approximately 300 degrees Fahrenheit (150'C) and above, in. atmospheres which contain'oxygen.' Formaldehyde 'isa'skin and respiratory sensitizer,' eye and'throat irritant, acute toxicant, and potential cancer hazard. An MSDS for Formaldehyde is available from GE Silicones. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Slowly dilute with 1-2 glasses of water or milk and seek medical attention. Never give any- thing by mouth to an unconscious person. SKIN: Wash with soap and water. INHALATION: None known. EYES: In case of contact, immediately.flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention if irritation persists. ~ · NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: None known. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT: 76.6 (C) 170 (F) METHOD : PMCC IG"NITION TEMP : UNK (C) UNK (F) FLARF2%BLE LIMITS IN AIR - LOW'ER (%): UNK FL4%M~43%BLE LIF~ITS IN AiR - DI:PER (%): D'NK SENSITIVITY TOMECF~%NICAL IM~ACT.(Y/N): NO SENSITIVITY TO STATIC DISCHARGE: Sensitivity to static discharge is expected; material has a. flash point below 200 F. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: *** CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *** PRODUCT: SB32 SILICONE FLUID ' PAGE: 03 All standard firefighting 'media ~'"" ' '. SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: · · ' 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE-MEASURES ACTION TO BE TAKEN..IFMATERIAL. IS.'RELEASED OR'SPILLED: '' Wipe,.scrape or soak up in an inert material and put in a container, for disposal; ~' '. -. .. Wear proper protective equipment as specified in the protective · · equipment section. · Remove sources of ignition. Warn other workers of spill. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN iN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Use ground strap. Recommended storage in original container below 30'C (85'F). Keep container closed when not in use. Caution! Combustible. .' Avoid contact with eyes. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EI~GINEERING CONTROLS: Eyewash stations. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: ' None known. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: '' None known. EYE AND FACE PROTECTION: Safety glasses. ' OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: None.known. VENTILATION: None known. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PRODUCT INFORMATION: ~OILING POINT , ~210 ' (C) 410 (F) VA~OR PRESSURE(20 C)(~M HG): 0.3 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=l) : . .~NA FREEZING POINT : UNK (C) lINK (F) I~ELTING POINT : I/NK (C) UNK '(F) PHYSICAL STATE : LIQUID ODOR : ODORLESS - COLOR : CLEAR ODOR THRESHOLD (PPM) : UNK % VOLATILE BY VOLUME .: 100 EVAP. RATE(BUTYL ACETATE=l): <1 SPECIFIC GP. AVITY (WATER=l) : .95 DENSITY (KG/M3) : 958.6 ACID/ALKALINITY (MEQ/G) : <3 PPM A PH : NA VOC EXCL.H20 & EXEMPTS(G/L): NT SOLUBILITY IN WATER (20 C) : *** CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *** PRODUCT: SB32 SILICONE FLUID ' PAGE: 04 - · ' iNSOLUBLE,. SOLUBILITY IN ORC4tNIC SOLVENT (STATE SOLIFENT): SOLUBLE, TOLUENE STABILITY AND ___.________REACTIVITM ' 10. STABILITY: STABLE HAZARDOUS pOLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR HAZARDOUS THERMAL. DECOMPOSITION/COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: · · Carbon dioxide. : ..... ' ' ' ' ' - Silicon dioxide. Formaldehyde. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): None known. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Avoid any source of ignition. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL · I N FORMATION PRODUCT INFORMATION: ACUTE ORAL LDS0 (MG/KG)t (RAT) >40 G/KG "kCUTE DERMAL LDS0 (MG/KG): >10 mi/kg(Rat) ACUTE INHALATION LC50 (MG/L): Saturated vapor 8 hfs no deaths (Rat) · OTHER: None. AKES TEST .. · · UNKNOWN ' .., .' i2., EcoEoGICAL INFORMATi°N. ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: No data at this time -' CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATION: No data at this time 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL ~]ETHOD: Disposal should be made in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. .. Incineration recommended in approved incinerator according to federal, state, and local regulations. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING' NAMe: FOR BULK CONTAINERS (>119 GAL) ONLY: COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID N.O.S. (DECAMETHYLCYCLOPENTASILOXANE) DOT HAZARD CLASS: COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID -FOR BULK CONTAINERS ONLY DOT I~BEL(S): - NONE UN/NA NUMBER: NA1993 - FOR BULK CONTAINERS ONLY PLACARDS: COMBUSTIBLE i FOR BULK CONTAINERS ONLY IATA: NOT REGULATED BY IATA IMO IMDG-code: NOT REGULATED FOR OCEAN TRANSPORTATION EMS No: NA ~uaOPEAN CLASS: RID (OCTI)~' NA ADR (ECE) : *** CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *** .' PRODUCT:.SB32 SILICONE FLUID PAGE: 05 RAR (IATA): NA · 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION ", ' SARA SECTION 302 ' · :. . None Found SARA (311,312) 'HAZARD CLASS:· .... -' ~:~. i~.~..~ .' .~ i · '.'" ' i' ..'" FIRE HAZARD '- · 'SARA (313) CHEMICALS: ' NONE CPSC CLASSIFICATION: NA .'. · WHMIS HAZARD CLASS: B3 COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS WHMIS ' TRADE SECRET: None EXPORT: SCHDLE B/HTSUS: 2931.00 Other organo-S'ilicon Compounds ECCN: EAR9 9 HAZARD RATING SYSTEMS HMIS FLAMMABILITY 2 , REACTIVITY 0 , HEALTH 0 NFPA FLAMMABILITY 2 , REACTIVITY 0 , HEALTH 0 CALIFOEMIA PROPOSITION 65: NONE " 16. OTHER INFORMATION This product or its components are on the European inventory of existing commercialchemicals (EINECS) ........ ....... · These data are'.offered in good faith.as typica! values and not as product specifications. NO warranty, either eXPressed or implied, is made. The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally applicable. .. However, each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they 'are appropriate. This product or its components are on the Australian inventory (ACOIN) ........................................................ C = ceiling limit NEGL = negligible EST= estimated NF = none found NA = not applicable UNKN =' unknown NE = none established REC = recommended ND = none determined V = recomm. By vendor By-product = reaCtion by- SKN = skin product, TSCA inventory TS = trade secret- status not required under R = recommended 40 CFR'part 720.30(h-2) MST = mist ". ' " · " STEL = short term eXPosure NT = not tested limit DATE PRINTED: 01/08/01 · ** END OF MSDS *** IV~.a.r£"25-03 02:45P KERN COUNTY GAS 661 631 5183 P.O1 AIR LIQUIDE MATERIAL SAFETY · DATA .SHEET Prepared to U.S. OSHA, CMA, ANSI and Canadian WHMIS Slandards ~ ' 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION CHEMICAL NAME; CLASS:NITROGEN SYNONYMS: NF Nitrogen. CHEMICAL FAMILY NAME: Inert Gas FORMULA: N~. NOTE: Nitroge~ MAY BE SUPPLIED BY PIPELINE AT PRESSURES TO 600 psig. Document Number: 10070 PRODUCT USE: . Medical, inerting and general analytical or synthetic chemical uses. SUPPLIER/MANUFACTuRER'S NAME: AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA CORPORATION , ADDRESS: 2700 Post Oak Drive Houston, TX 77056-8229 EMERGENCY PHONE: CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 BUSINESS PHONE: General MSDS Information 1-713/896-2896 Fax on Demand: 1-800/231-1366 2. COMPOSITION INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS and CHEMICAL NAME I CAS # mole % , EXPOSURE LIMITS IN AIR ACGIH OSHA ppm ppm ~Dpm FIpm / ppm Nitrogcr~ j 7~27-37-9 >99,99 % There are no specifi~ exposure limits Mr Nitrogen. Nitrogen is a simple asphyxianl I (SA). Oxygen levels should be maintained above 19.5%. M~x~mu~.lmpurilie.~ ,:0.01% None of the trace impurities in Nitrogen contribute significantly to the hazard,~ a.~sociated with the product. All hazard information pertinent to Nitrogen hss been provided in this Material SaCety Data Sheet, per the requirements o! the OSHA Hazer( Communication Standard (2g CFR 1910,1200) and State equivalents standards. NE = Not Est~blishe0 C = Ceiling Limit See Sa~on 16 for Definitions of Terms Used. NOTE. all WHMI,S requ~rc.d ~l~fomlati0n ~s included. It is located in appropriate sections based on the ANSI Z4O0.1-t993 format. ~'l~'rnt'~,'"r-~,l kl. M~l'~q EFFEC'ITVE DATE: JUNE 1, 1996 Mar-~5-03 02:46P KERN COUNTY GAS 661 631 5183 P.02 ·HAZARD IDENTIFICATIO EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless gas. The main health hazard associated with releases of this gas is asphyxiation, by displacement of oxygen. SYMPTOMS OF OVER-EXPOSURE BY ROUTE OF .... EXPOSURE: The most significant route of over-exposure for ~MA'm~IALINFORMA'noN Nitrogen is by inhalation, i'~' INHALATIC)N: High concentrations of this gas can cause an IHEALTH oxygen-deficient envirOnment. Individuals breathing such an atmosphere may experience symptoms which include I. headaches, ringing in earsl dizziness, drowsiness, - ...... unc°nsci°usness' nausea' v°miting' and depressi°n °f all the l senses. Under some circumstances of over-exposure, death FLAMMABILITY may occur. The following effects associated with various levels .... of oxygen are as follows: , ...... CONCENTRATION .SYMPTOM OF EXPOSURE 1 12-16"/o Oxygen: Breathing and pulse rate increased, muscular REACTMTY ~,o~ coordination slightly disturbed. 10-14% Oxygen: Emotional upset, abnormal fatigue, disturbed .......... I I respiration. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT I 6-10%Oxygen: Nausea and vomiting, collapse or loss of ' ' ' " consciousness. D~ · ~.~,.sr~'rcm, ~ ~zm,1 Below6%: Convulsive movements, possible respiratory _.. collapse, and death, $cc ~ction $ HEALTH ~FFECTS OR RISKS FROM EXPOSURE: An , Explanation in Lay Terms. Over-exposure to Nitrogen may ..... ..j cause the following health effects: For rouen,e, industrial applicabons,,,,, ACUTE: The most 'significant hazard associated with thisgas is inhalation of oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Symptoms of oxygen deficiency include respiratory .difficulty, ringing in e~rs, headaches, shortness of breath, wheezing, headache, dizziness, indigestion, nausea, and, at high concentrations, unconsciousness or death may occur. The skin of a victim of over-exposure may have a blue color, CHRONIC: There are currently no known adverse health effects associated with chronic exposure to this gas. TARGET ORGANS: Respiratory syster~. 4. FIRST-AID MEASURES J RESCUERS SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO RETRIEVE VICTIMS OF EXPOSURE TO NITROGEN WITHOUT ADEQUATE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. At a minimum, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Remove victim(s) to fresh air, as quickly as possible. Only trained personnel should administer supplemental oxygen and/or cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, if necessary. Victim(s) must be taken for medical attention. Rescuem should be taken for medical attention, if necessary. Take copy of label and MSDS to physician or other health professional with victim(s). " 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES ..... FLASH POINT: Not applicable. AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: Not applicable. NFPA, RATING FLAMMABLE LIMITS (in air by volume, %): L~ower (L~EL): Not applicable. Upper (UEL~.: Not applicable. FIRE EXTINGUISHING MATERIALS: Non-flammable. inert gas. .~.T~ Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Nitrogen does not burn; however, containers, when involved in fire. may rupture or burst in the heat of the fire. 0 f~lrR ,~,~=~n,'=-~u. ~. M.~n.S EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 1, 1998 Mar'-25-03 02:46P KERN COUNTY GAS 661 631 5183 P.03 'I- 5. FI- -FIGHTING MEASURES ] Exl~loslonSensitivity to Mechanical ImDac. t,: Not Sensitive, Exolo~ion Sensitivity to Static Di.scharqe: Not Sensitive, SPECIAL FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Structural fire-fighters must wear Serf-Contained Breathing Apparatus and furl protective equipment. J 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES LEAK RESPONSE Evacuate immediate area. Uncontrolled releases should be responded to by trained personnel using pre-planned procedures. Proper protective equipment should be used. In case of a leak, clear the affected area, protect people, and respond with trained personnel. Minimum Personal Protective Equipment should be Level B: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. Locate and seal the source of the leaking gas. Allow the gas, which is lighter than air to dissipate. MOnitor the surrounding area for oxygen, The atmosphere must have at least 19.5 percent oxygen before personnel can be allowed in the area without Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. I1: leaking incidentally from the cylinder or its valve, contact your supplier. ! '7. HANDLING and USE I Nitrogen may be supplied by p~pe.line at pressures up to 600 psig, WORK PRACTICES AND HYGIENE PRACTICES: Be aware of any signs of.dizziness or fatigue; exposures to fatal concentrations of Nitrogen could occur without any significant warning symptoms, due to oxygen deficiency. STORAGE AND HANDLING PRACTICES; Cylinders should be stored upright and be firmly secured to prevent falling or being knocked-over. Cylinders can be stored in the open, but in such cases, should be protected against extremes of weather and from the dampness of the ground to prevent rusting. Cylinders should be stored in dry, well-ventilated areas away from sources.of heat, ignition and direct sunlight. Keep storage area clear of materials which can bum. Do not allow area where cylinders are stored to exceed 52"C (125=F). Store containers away from heavily trafficked areas and .emergency exits. Store away from process and production areas, away from elevatorS, building and room exits or main aisles leading to'exits. Protect cylinders against physical damage. Use a check valve or other protective device in the discharge line to prevent hazardous backflow. Never tamper with press~re relief valves and cylinders, Keep the smallest amount necessary on-site at any one time. Full and empty cylinders should be segregated. Use a first-in, first-out inventory systems to prevent full containers from being stored for long periods of time. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING GAS CYLINDERS: Compressed gases can present significant safety hazards. The following rules are applicable to work situations in which cylinders are being used. Before Use: Move cylinders with a suitable hand-truck. Do not drag, slide or roll cylinders. Do not drop cylinders or permit them to strike each other. Secure cylinders firmly, Leave the valve protection cap (where provided) in-place until cylinder is ready for use. During Use: Use designated CGA fittings and other support equipment. Do not use adapters, Do not heat cylinder by any means to increase the discharge rate of the product from the cylinder. Do not use oils or grease on gas-handling fittings ar equipment, Immediately contact the supplier if there are any difficulties associated with operating cylinder valve. Never insert an object (e.g wrench, screwdriver, pry bar, etc.) into valve cap openings. Doing so may damage valve, causing a leak to occur. Use an adjustable strap wrench to remove · over-tight or r[rsted caps. Never-strike an arcr-on a compressed gas-cylinder or make_aL.cylinder part of and.. electric circuit. After Use: Close main cylinder valve. Replace valve protection cap. Mark empty cylinders "EMPTY". NOTE: Use only DOT or ASME code containers designed for gas storage. Close valve after each use and when empty. STANDARD VALVE CONNECTIONS FOR U.S. AND CANADA: Use the proper CGA cr~nnections, .DO NOT USE ADAPTERS ~HREADED.' 0-3000 psig CGA 580 3001-5500 psig CGA 680 550%7500 psig CGA 677 PIN-INDEXED YOKE.: 0-3000 psig CGA 960 (Medical Use) ULTRA HiGH INTEGRITY: 0-3000 psig CGA 718 · .-"~,~.~, ~ ~n~ EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 1. 1998 ~1ar-25-03 02:46P KERN COUNTY GAS 661 631 5183 P. O4 PROTECTIVE~PRACTICES DURING MAINTENANCE OF CONTAMINATED EQUIPMENT: Follow practices indicated in section 6 (Accidental Release Measures). Make certain application equipment is locked and tagged- out safely. Always use product in areas where adequate ventilation is provided. [ 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS. PERSONAL PROTECTION VENTILATION AND. ENGINEERING CONTROLS; Use with adequate ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation preferred, because it prevents chemical dispersion into the work place by eliminating it at its source. If appropriate, install automatic monitoring equipment to detect the level of oxygen. RESPIRA'IORY PROTECTION: Maintain oxygen levels above 19.5% in the workplace, Use supplied air respiratory protection if oxygen levels are below 19.5% or during emergency response to a release of Nitrogen. If respiratory protection is required, follow the requirements of the Federal OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134), ar equivalent State standards. EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses. HAND PROTECTION: V~ar gloves when handling cylinders of Nitrogen. Otherwise, wear glove protection appropriate to the specific operation for which Nitrogen is used. BODY PROTECTION: Use body protection appropriate for task. Safety shoes are recommended when handling cylinders. i 9. PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL PROPERTIES GAS DENSITY @ 0°C (32~F) and 1 atto: .072 Ibs/cu ft (1.153 kg/m'~) BOILING POINT: -195.8"C (-320.4~F) FREEZINGIMELTING POINT (~ 10 psig: -210°C (-345..~°F) SPECIFIC GRAVITY (air = 1) @ 21.1~C (70°F): 0,906 pH: Not applicable. SOLUBILITY IN WATER vol/vol @ 0°C (32°F) and 1 arm: 0.023 MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 28.01 EVAPORATION RATE (nBuAc = 1): Not applicable. ·EXPANSION RATIO: Not applicable:· . ODOR THRESHOLD: Not applicable, Odorless. SPECIFIC VOLUME (ft~/Ib):' ~13.8 VAPOR PRESSURE (~ (21.1°C) 70°F psig' Not applicable. COEFFICIENT WATER/OIL DISTRIBUTION' Not applicable. APPEARANCE AND COLOR: Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless gas. HOW TO DETECT THIS SUBSTANCE (warning p~'operties): There are no unusual warning properties associated with a release of Nitrogen. '10. STABILITY and REACTIVITY STABILITY: Normally stable in gaseous state. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS; None, MATERIALS WITH WHICH SUBSTANCE IS INCOMPATIBLE: Titanium is the only element that will burn in Nitrogen. Lithium reacts slowly with Nitrogen at ambient temperatures. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. CONDITIONS TO AVOID; Contact with incompatible materials. Cylinders exposed to high temperatures or direct flame c~n ?upture or burst. ' .... ' ............. 1'1. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: There are no specific toxicology dat~ for Nitrogen. Nitrogen is a simple asphyxiant, which acts to displace oxyge['~ in the environment. SUSPECTED CANCER AGENT: Nitrogen is not f~und on the following lists: FEDERAL OSHA Z LIST. NTP, CAL/OSHA, IARC. therefore it is not considered to be. nor suspected to be a cancer-causing agent by these agencies. IRRITANCY OF PRODUCT: Not applicable, SENSITIZATION OF PRODUCT: Nitrogen is not a sensitizer. NiTlaCtRFN. N, MSDS EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 1, 1998 Mar-25-03 02:47P KERN COUNTY GAS 661 631 B183 ii. TOXI- LOLOGICAI. INFORMATION ntinued) · REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY INFORMATION: Lisl:ed below is information concerning the effects Nitrogen on the human reproductive system. Mu. taqenici .tV: Nitrogen is not expected to cause mutagenic effects in humans. ~E..rnbryoto..xicit¥: Nitrogen is not expected to cause embryotoxic effects in humans, Terato.qenicity: Nitrogen is not expected to cause teratogenic effects in humans. .Reproductive Toxicity: Nitrogen is not expected to cause adverse reproductive effects in humans. A mutaqen is a chemical which causes permanent changes to genetic material (DNA) Sucl? that the changes will propagate through generation lines. An embrv~to~cin is a chemical which causes damage to a deVeloping embfYo ('i.e. within the first eight weeks of pregnancy in humans), but the damage does not propagate across generational lines, A terato.qen is a chemical which causes damage to a developing fetus, but the damage does not propagate across generational lines. A reprq.ductive toxin is any substance which interferes in any way with the reproductive process. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Pre-existing respiratory conditions may be aggravated by over-exposure to Nitrogen. RECOMMENDATIONS TO PHYSICIANS: Treat symptoms and reduce over-exposure. BIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE INDICES (BEIs): Currently, Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) are not applicable for Nitrogen, 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY: Nitrogen occurs naturally in the atmosphere. The gas will be dissipated rapidly in well-ven~,ilated areas. EFFECT OF MATERIAL ON PLANTS or ANIMALS: Any adverse 'effect on animals would be related to' oxygen deficient environments. No adverse effect is anticipated-to occur to plant-life, except for frost produced in the presence cf rapidly expanding gases. EFFECT OF CHEMICAL ON AQUATIC LIFE: No evidence is.currently available or~. Nitrogen's effects on 'aquatic life. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS PREPARI[qG WASTES FOR DISPOSAL: Waste disposal must be in accordance with appropriate Fed6ral, State, and local regulations. Return cylinders with any residual product to Air Liquide. Do not dispose of locally. For emergency disposal, secure the cylinder and slowly discharge the gas to the atmosphere in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. i4. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION THIS MATERIAL IS HAZARDOUS AS DEFINED BY 49 CFR 172.1Di BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Nitrogen, compressed HAZARD CLASS NUMBER and DESCRIPTION: 2.2 (Non-Flammable Gas} UN IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: UN 1066 PACKING GROUP: Not applicable, DOT LABEL(S) REQUIRED: Non-Flammable Gas NORTH AMERICAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEBOOK NUMBER (1996): 121 ...... MARINE POLLUTANT: Nitrogen is not classified by the DOT as a Marine Pollutant (as defined by 49 CFR 172.101, Appendix B). SPECIAL SHIPPING INFORMATION: Cylinders should be transported in a secure position, in a well-ventilated vehicle. The transportation of compressed gas cylinders in automobiles or in closed-body vehicles present serious safety hazards and should be discouraged. NOTE, Shipment of compressed gas cylinders which have not been filled with the owners consent Is a violation of Federal ~aw (49 CFR, Part 173.301 lb). TRANSPCJRT CANADA TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GooDs REGULATIONS: THIS MATERIAL IS CONSIC}ERED AS DANGEROUS GOODS. Use the above information for the preparation of Canadian Shipments. · ,'r~n~/_ N, MSDS EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 1, 1998 Mar-2§~03 02:47P KERN COUNTY r~A$ 661 631 5183 P.06 SARA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Nitrogen is not subject to the reporting requirements of Sections 302, 304 and 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act. SARA THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITY: Not applicable. TSCA INVENTORY STATUS: Nitrogen is listed on the TSCA Inventory. CERCLA REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ): Not applicable, OTHER U.S. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: · Generally recognized as safe (GRAS), aS a direct human food ingredient when used as a propellant, aerating agent and gas, per 21, CFR, 184,1540. Nitrogen NF is regulated by the FDAas a prescription drug. · Depending on specific operations involving the use of Nitrogen, the regulations of the Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals may be applicable (29 CFR 19'10.119), Under this regulation Nitroger', is not listed in Appendix A. · Nitrogen does not contain any Class I or Class II ozone depleting chemicals (40 CFR part 82}. · Nitroger~ is not listed as a Regulated Substance, per 40 CFR, Part 68, of the Risk Management for Chemical Releases. OTHER CANADIAN REGULATIONS: Nitrogen is categorized as a Controlled Product, Hazarcl Class A, as per the Control!ed Product Regulations. STATE REGULATORY INFORMATION; Nitrogen is covered under the following specific State regulations: Alaska. Designated Toxic and Hazardous Minnesota LIs~ of Hazardous Pennsylvania - Hazardous $ubetance List: Substances: No. Substances: No, Nitrogen. California - Permissible Exposure Limits Missouri - Employer Information/Toxic Rhode Island - Hazardous Substance List: for Chemical Contaminants: Nitrogen. Substance List: No. Nitrogen. Florida - Sub,tango List.' No. New Jersey - Right to Know Hazardous Texas - Hazardous Substance List: No. Illinois · Toxic Subslancs List: No. Substance List: Nilrogen, West Virginia. Hazardous Substance List: Kansas -Sec{ion 302/313 List: No. North Dakota List ef Hazardous No. Massachusetts - Substance List: No. Chemicals, Reportable QuanUUes: No. Wisconsin Toxic and Hazardous Substances: No. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: Nitrogen is not on the California Proposition 65 lists. 16. OTHER INFORMATION MIXTURES: When two or more gases or liquefied gases are mixed, their hazardous properties may combine to create additional, unexpected hazards, Obtain and evaluate the safety information for each component before you produce the · mixture. Consult an Industrial Hygienist or other trained person when you make your safety evaluation of th~ end product. Remember. gases and liquids have properties which can cause serious injury or death. Further infe,*mation about Nitrogen can be found in the following pamphlets published by: Compressed Gas Association Inc. (CGA), 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1004, Arlington, VA 22202-4102. Telephone: (703) 412-0900.' G. 10.1 "Commodity Specification for Nitrogef)" P-! ~$afe Handling of Compressed Gases in Containers" P.9 "loaf! Gases. Argon, Nitrogen and Helium" [3-14 "Accident Prevenlion in Oxygen.Rich, Oxygen-Deficient Atmo~pt~eres" SB-2 "Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres" A V-1 "Safe Handling and Storage of Compressed Gases" "Handbook of Compressed Gases" PREPARED BY: CHEMICAL SAFETY ASSOCIATES, Inc. 9153 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123-1002 ........... 6.1-.q/565-0302 Fax on Demand: 1-80(~_~,:1'-::1'366 IJ Th~s MaterJ~! Safe~y De~a Sheet is offered pursuant lo OSHA's Hazard Commumca~ion Sbandard, 29 CFR. 1910.1200. Other governmen~ II regulations must be rewewed fi=r applicability to Nitrogen. To the 13est of Air IJquide Amedca Corporation's knowled~je, the informa~on cor~taine~ II herein is re!labia and accurate as of tllJs date; however, accuracy, suitability or completeness are not guaranteed and no warranties etr any IJ cd'her express or implied, a~e provided. The information contained herein relates only to this spec4fic product. If Nitrogen is combined w~th othe~ }} materials, ~.ll component properties must be considered. Data may be changed from time to time. Be sure to consul~ fha latest ecflfion ~urr~n~F~/. N, MSDS EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 1, 1998