HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION FILE #1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REPORT OF SOIL ASSESSMENT RELATED I TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL AND SOIL EXCAVATION SOUTHLAND 7-ELEVEN STORE//23446 2300 COLUMBUS STREET I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I RECEIVED I JAN I $1994~ January 5, 1994 HAZ. MAT. DIV, I I I :1 I I ' I I This document may be used only by the client and only for the purposes stated, and I within a reasonable time from its issuance. 21-340004-B00 I STI-ILND-06-93-56 · Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. ~ KLEINFELDER A report prepared for The Southland Corporation 5820 Stoneridge Mall, 3rd Floor Pleasanton, California 94688 REPORT OF SOIL ASSESSMENT RELATED TO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL AND SOIL EXCAVATION SOUTHLAND 7-ELEVEN STORE #23446 2300 COLUMBUS STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Kleinfelder Job No.: 21-340004-B00 Prepared by: Senior Project Geo~ist Lloyd P/, Craskl PE - Regional Manager KLEINFELDER, INC. 1975 E Street Fresno, California 93706 (209) 486-0750 January 5, 1994 STHLND-06-93-56 ii Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. kq~ KLEi~FELDER TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 SCOPE OF WORK 3 2.1 Soil Borings and Soil Sampling 3 2.2 Laboratory Analyses 3 I 3 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS 4 I 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6 I 5 REFERENCES 7 6 LIMITATIONS 8' I TABLES I 1. Soil Sample Analytical Results; December 7, 1993 5 I APPENDICES A Plates 1. Vicinity Map I 2. Site Map B Kleinfelder's Protocols and Site Health and Safety Plan C Soil Boring Logs I D Laboratory Analytical Reports and Chain of Custody Documents I 1 I I I I STHLND-06-93-56 iii Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. 1 INTRODUCTION In April, 1992, three underground fuel storage tanks (UST's) were 'removed from the' Southland Corporation's .(Southland) 7-Eleven Store #23446 site in Bakersfield, California (Plate 1) [EMCON Associates (EMCON), 1992a]. Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH/G), and benzene, tOluene, ethYlbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) were detected in several soil samples collected from the excavation bottom and sidewalls. The greatest concentrations were detected in samples collected from beneath the southern end of the center tank (ibid.). In January, 1993, EMCON drilled and sampled four soil borings in the former location of the liST's (EMCON, 1992b; 1993a). The borings were drilled to depths of 36.5, 41, 43, and 44 'feet. Ground water, reported to be at a dePth of approximately 200 feet beneath the site, was not encountered. Hydrocarbons were detected in two soil samples collected from 'EMCON's soil borings (EMCON, 1993a). Total xylenes were detected at a concentration of 0.016 milligrams per kilogram (rog/kg) in a soil sample collected from a depth of 20 feet beneath the former pump island, about 10 feet south of the former tank locations. Benzene and ethylbenzene were detected at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg, respectively; TPH/G was detected at a concentration of 16 mg/kg; and organic lead was detected at a concentration of 2.2 mg/kg in a soil sample collected from a depth of 5 feet at a location approximately 10 feet west of the former tank locations (ibid.). In a February 4, 1993 letter, the Bakersfield City Fire Department (BCFD) concluded that further assessment was required to define the vertical extent of impact which had been detected during the UST removal. During the UST removal, 3,300 mg/kg TPH/G had been detected in a soil sample collected from a depth of 17 feet beneath the southern end of the center UST (EMCON, 1992a). During EMCON's January 1993 investigation, hydrocarbons were not detected in a soil sample collected from a depth of 20 feet in this same area (EMCON, 1993a). In the opinion of the BCFD, a soil sample collected from 3 feet below highly impacted soil should have contained detectable hydrocarbon concentrations. The BCFD concluded that borings drilled for the January 1993 investigation apparently failed to intersect impacted soils previously detected. STHLND-06-93-56 1 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. EMCON prepared a workplan to perform additional investigation (EMCON, 1993b). The I .__plan consisted of drilling a sampling two additional soil .borings to further assess the vertical extent of impacted soil. The workplan was approved by the BCFD on March 18, 1993, and i again on October 11, 1993. Kleinfelder performed the additional investigation, as approved, in December, 1993. The investigation methods and findings are described in the following text. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I STHLND-06-93-56 2 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. 1 kl~ KLEI~FELDER 2 SCOPE OF WORK Kleinfelder's work scope was described in EMCON's March 12, 1993 workplan (EMCON, 1993b). Kleinfelder performed this investigation in general accordance with guidelines described in the January 22, 1991 "Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tanks Sites". Kleinfelder's field activities were performed in accordance with our standard protocols, presented in Appendix B. 2.1 SOIL BORINGS AND SOIL SAMPLING Kleinfelder drilled two soil borings in the area where the greatest hydrocarbon concentrations had been detected during the 1992 UST removal (Plate 2). One of the borings, SB-1, was drilled in the location where the greatest hydrocarbon concentrations had been detected during the 1992 UST removal (EMCON, 1992a). The borings were drilled to depths of 41.5 and 42 feet, and soil samples were collected at 5- foot intervals. The samples were examined by Kleinfelder's geologist for preparing lithologic logs, and preserved for potential chemical analyses. The soil boring logs are in Appendix C. 2.2 LABORATORY ANALYSES Samples collected from depths of 19, 23.5, 31, 36, and 40 feet from boring SB-1, and from depths of 11. 25, 36, and 41 feet from boring SB-2 were chemically analyzed by Pace Incorporated (Pace) laboratory. Samples were analyzed for TPH/G using EPA modified method 8015, and for BTEX using EPA modified method 8020. Each of the samples except one was analyzed for organic lead, using California Department of Health Services method 338. One of the samples, the 11-foot depth sample from SB-2, was not analyzed for organic lead, but was analyzed for TPH/diesel using EPA method 3550/8015. Pace is certified by the California Department of Health Services to perform these analyses. I I i STHLND-06-93-56 3 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. I k~ KLEINFELDER I 3 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS I I TPH/G and BTEX were not detected in the analyzed soil samples (Table 1). The analysis for TPH/D detected an unknown heavy hydrocarbon at a concentration of 18 mg/kg; the --laboratory reported that the detected compound did not appear to be diesel. Organic lead was I detected at concentrations of 0.4 rog/kg and less in samples from depths of 31 and 36 feet in SB-1, and in samples from depths of 25 and 41 feet in SB-2. Laboratory analytical reports are I in Appendix D. I I I I I I I I I I I. 1 I STHLND-06-93-56 4 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS DECEMBER 7, 1993 SOUTHLAND 7-ELEVEN STORE//23446 2300 COLUMBUS STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA Sample Number 16549 16552 16554 16555 16556 16533 16540 16543 16544 Location SB-1 SB-1 SB-I SB-1 SB-1 SB-2 SB-2 SB-2 SB-2 Depth Below 19 23.5 31 36 40 11 25 36 41 Grade (feet) Analytical Method Concentration (mg/kg) Benzene EPA 8020 ND(1) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Ethylbenzene EPA 8020 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Toluene EPA 8020 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Xylene EPA 8020 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TPH/Gasoline EPA 8015 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TPH/Diesel EPA 3550/8015 NA(2) NA NA NA NA 18(3) NA NA NA Organic Lead CA DHS 338 ND ND 0.4 0.4 ND NA 0.3 ND 0.4 Notes: (1) ND = Not detected. (2) NA = Not analyzed. (3) Sample chromatogram was not representative of a diesel pattern; heavier hydrocarbons were present.  ~1~O~ KLEINFELDER STHLND-06-93-56 5 yright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc I ~1~ KLEINFELDER I 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS I TPG/G and BTEX were not detected in the analyzed soil samples collected from the location where the greatest hydrocarbon concentrations had been detected during the 1992 UST I removal. An unknown heavy hydrocarbon was detected in the 11-foot depth sample from SB- 2 at a concentration not li,kely to be of regulatory concern (18 mg/kg). Organic lead was I .._detected in two samples from each boring at concentrations we~ow the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Total Threshold Limit Concentration o~mg/kg. On the basis of these analytical results, and the results of EMCON's previous investigation (EMCON, 1993a), soils in the former LIST location do not presently appear to contain I hydrocarbons. Apparently hydrocarbon compounds detected in 1992 (EMCON, 1992a) were very limited in extent. Kleinfelder recommends no further action, and requests site closure. I I I I I I I I I I I STHLND-06-93-56 6 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. I k~ KLEINFELDER I 5 REFERENCES I i .__EMCON Associates, 1992a, "Underground Storage Tank Removal Report, 7-Eleven Store', · Shorthand Station//23446"; May 1992. I. EMCON Associates, 1992b, "Workplan for site assessment at the Shorthand Station #23446"; September 4, 1992. I EMCON Associates, 1993a, "Site assessment report for 7-Eleven Store//23446"; January 21, 1993. I EMCON Associates, 1993b, "Addendum to workplan for soil sampling and analysis beneath former underground storage tanks at 7-Eleven Store #23446"; March 3, 1993 (draft to client), and March 12, 1993 (final to CBFD). I I I I I I I I I I i STHLND-06-93-56 7 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. ~,~ KLEINFELDER 6 LIMITATIONS Kleinfelder prepared this report in accordance with the generally accepted standard of practice in Kern County at this time. ,The findings and recommendations presented in this report were based solely upon a limited number of sampling locations. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic conditions is a difficult and inexact art. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with an incomplete knowledge of subsurface conditions present. No warranty, expressed or implied, is intended. This document may be used by the client and only for the purposes stated, within a reasonable' .... time from its issuance. Land use, site conditions, or other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required with the passage of time. Any party other than the client who wishes to use this document shall notify Kleinfelder of such intended use. Based upon the intended use of the report, Kleinfelder may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the client or anyone else will release Kleinfelder from any liability resulting from the use of this document by any unauthorized party. ' STHI.ND-06-93-56 8 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. ! I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I i -~ ~ ' CHINA G ~'- ' ~ ....... I ''~ ;-/ % $ ~ ~FI~UTC 'IEN :~D~I.~KNS~)GREEI''IFIELD :' VIOUIITAIF, VlEWI~O ~J ~TAFT-BAKERSFIELD HWY ~ i :: _~ OL[ RIVE R i \ ~ PANAMA , , ,.i~¢~ , , , , ,,,~,, ,,. ~ ~---~EAR MOUNTAII~SLVD : :1 < ~ m I ~ · ~ ~ ' i I l , ................. © Kleinfelder, Inc. 1993  VICINITY MAP PLATE K L E I N F E L D E R SOUTHLAND STORE #23446 DATE PRODUCED: 01/05/941 DATE REVISED: 01/05/94 2300 COLUMBUS ST. 1 PROJECT NO. 21-340004 BOO Bakersfield, California 7-ELEVEN STORE PIP PRINTING ~ FORMER UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS u.i.-' Im · mi, -.,,,~ APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF TANK EXCAVATION ~lt, I' .Al B1 C1 ~,' ! "' ' I ^2 I leB21 I c2 I, ,,' ~ ' SB-I-~ ~SB-2 ' I I COLUMBUS STREET EXPLANATION · E-4 Soil boring; EMCON,1993a · B2 Sampling locations during underground tank removal APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1" = 20' O SB-2 Soil boring present investigation 0 20 40 BASE MAP SOURCE: EMCON, 1993a lO Scale in Feet  SITE MAP PLATE K L E I N F E L D E R SOUTHLAND STORE #23446 DATE PRODUCED: 01/05/94 I DATE REVISED: 01/05/94 2300 COLUMBUS ST. 2 PROJECT NO. 21-340004 BOO Bakersfield, California I I I I I × I I I I I I I I I I I I kl~ KLEINFELDER I PROTOCOL I DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES I 1 INTRODUCTION I This protocol presents the procedures used by Kleinfelder to obtain 'consistent, reliable data during the drilling, sampling, and sealing of boreholes. The procedures described herein are Iintended to be of general use. As work progresses, appropriate revisions may be made at the discretion of the project manager. I 2 PROCEDURES FOR DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING I 2.1 Permitting I Kleinfelder will prepare applications for appropriate permits, unless otherwise instructed by the client. Copies of signed permits will be on-site during drilling operations, and will be Iavailable for inspection by appropriate agencies. I 2.2 Equipment Cleaning i Drilling equipment will be thoroughly steam-cleaned prior to arriving on-site to prevent the introduction of contamination from off-site. Clean equipment will be stored in a clean location when not in use. Hydrocarbon based lubricants will not be used on drilling equipment. I Kleinfelder recommends that food grade-solid, vegetable shortening, or a Teflonm based lubricant be used. Equipment will be steam-cleaned on-site, and will be cleaned only in I designated prior to reuse. areas, 2.3 Sampler Cleaning Soil samplers will be disassembled, washed with a solution containing TSP or non-phosphate detergent, or steam-cleaned, rinsed with steam distilled water, and air-dried immediately prior to use. Samples will be lined with similarly cleaned and dried brass tubes, and reassembled for use. I i.... STHLND-06-93 (App&Prot-002-91-007) B-1 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. ~1~ KLEINFELDER 2.4 Drilling The drilling method used will be determined based upon the material to be drilled, depth and diameter of the boring, sampling requirements, site access, and other site-specific conditions. Drilling methods which will be used is the hollow-stem auger method. This method employes the use of 6-inch hollow-stem auger advance by a truck mounted drill rig. The subsurface stratigraphy will be interpreted by observing the materials recovered during drilling, and by sampling undisturbed soils. Soils will generally be sampled at a minimum of once per each 5 feet drilled, or at noticeable changes in lithology, until ground water is encountered. Sampling intervals may vary depending upon project requirements. Soils will be sampled using a California-modified sampler containing cleaned brass liners, or a standard pen. etration sampler. Lithologic logging of the boring is discussed in Section 2.5, and sampling is discussed further in Section 3.1. Boring depths will be based upon the nature and extent of the materials encountered, and upon project requirements. 2.5 Preparation of Boring Logs The Kleinfelder field geologist will lithologically log the borings during drilling. The geologist and the drilling operator will discuss changes in material penetrated by the drill, changes in drilling conditions, hydraulic pressure, drilling action, and drilling fluid circulation rate, and the geologist will record such changes by time and depth. The geologist will evaluate the relative moisture content of the samples and note zones that produce water. I 2.6 Sealing of Boring IBoreholes will be abandoned by backfilling to the surface with soil cuttings, or with a bentonite cement grout. I I I STHI. aND-06-93-56 I (App&Prot-002-91-007) B-2 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. I 3 SOIL SAMPLING 3.1 Sampling Interval in Borings I Soil samples will be taken at 5-foot intervals, or as necessary, based upon project-specific requirements. Soils will be sampled by driving a California-modified sampler 18 inches I beyond the bottom of the drill bit. The sampler will be driven using a 140-pound slide hammer. The number of blows necessary to drive the sampler each 6 inches will be recorded Ito help evaluate soil consistency. I The sampler will contain three brass liners. Soils collected in the bottom liner may be labeled, sealed, and preserved in an ice-cooled container for potential laboratory analyses. Selected i soil samples may be delivered under a chain-Of-custody record to a State-certified laboratory for chemical analyses. Soils. which are collected in the upper and middle liners from the sampler may be extruded in the field, and examined by Kleinfelder's geologist to help provide I detailed lithologic information. I 3.2 Qualitative Field Screening I An organic vapor analyzer, using a flame ionization detector or a photo ionization detector will be used to provide a qualitative screening of each soil sample collected during drilling. The i field screening procedure consists of sealing a soil sample in a clean glass jar, allowing the sample' to equilibrate for 5 to 15 minutes, and scanning the headspace in the jar for vapors. The screening readings will be noted on the boring log and/or on the daily field log. I 3.4 Sample Preservation I The sample selected for chemical or physical testing will be sealed in the brass liner in the Ifield. TeflonTM sheeting covers will be placed on the ends of the liner directly on the exposed soils, and held in place by clean plastic caps. Sealed soil samples will be labelled and placed Iin a covered ice-cooled container. I I i STHLND-06-93-56 (App&Prot-002-91-007) B-3 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. 4 SAMPLE HANDLING I Sample containers will not be opened, except by laboratory personnel who will perform the ichemical analyses. Soil samples will be analyzed by a laboratory certified by the State of --California, Department of Health Services. Requests for sample analyses will be made in writing and will be included as part of the chain-of-custody record. I 4.1 Custody Seal I If it is necessary for samples or sample chests to leave the immediate control of the sampler I prior to being delivered to the laboratory, a custody seal will be placed on each sample container and/or sample chest to discourage tampering during' transportation. The custody seal will contain the sampler's signature, and the date and time seal was emplaced. I 4.2 Chain of Custody Procedures I In order to document and trace sample possession from time of collection to time of analysis, a I chain-of-custody record will be filled out by the sampler, and will accompany the sample through the laboratory analyses. The completed chain-of-custody record will accompany the I final laboratory analytical report. Information contained on the duplicate, carbonless chain-of-custody form will include: I o date and time the sample was taken; I o sample number and the number of sample containers; o . analyses required; I o remarks, including preservatives added and any special conditions; and 'o container number in which sample has been packaged. I Blank space on the chain-of-custody record between last sample number listed and signatures i at the bottom of the sheet will be lined out. I STHLND-06-93-56 I (App&Prot-002-91-007) B-4 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. I ~1~ KLEI~FELDER HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN Project No. 21-340004-B00 Date October 15, 1993 I Client The Soul[hland Corporation Address 2300 Columbus St., Bakersfield Client/Site Contact. Bob Vasquez Client/Site Phone No. {510) 463-2711 Job Location. 2300 Columbus St., Bakersfield, California I Work Objectives 2 Boring Key Individuals ......... Project Manager David W. Norman I Site Health and Safety Josephine R. Bums Preparer Gary. Peterson Reviewer/Approver Josephine R. Bums I Hospital/Clinic Kern Medical Center Phone No. 326-2000 Hospital Address 1830 Flower, Bakersfield, California I Paramedic 911 Fire Dept. 911 Police Dept. 911 Emergency/Contingency Plans Stop operations, notify emergency personnel, provide first i aid, notify office. 15 Minute Eyewash Fire Extinguisher First Aid Kit I Site Control Measures Work area will be restricted to those working in the area, no smoking, eating, or drinking in suspected contamination areas. ! Personal Decontamination Procedures Soap and water to flush skin. 1 I CHEMICAL HAZARDS I Chemical OSHA Expected Water/ Expected Air Health Name (CAS#) PEL Soil Concentration Air Concentration Hazards TPH Gas NA 3300 ppm NA NA I Benzene 0,1 ppm 14 ppm 1.4 Ca, 1, 4, 8, 11 15, 17, 18 I Toluene 100 ppm 74 ppm 2.1 4, 6, 11 Total Xylenes 100 ppm 310 ppm 3,67 1, 5, 8, 15, 18, 21 I PHYSICAL HAZARDS Heat X Slip, Trip, Fall Excavations/Trenches I Cold X Noise (Casing hammer rig) X Moving Equipment Rain X Underground Hazards Other I Fog Overhead Hazards STHLND-06-93-56 I (Forms-002-90-051) B-5 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. k~ KLEINFELDER PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT R = Required A = As Needed R Hard Hat R Safety Eyewear (Type) R Safety Boots Respirator (Type) Orange Vest Filter Type A Hearing Protection A Gloves (Type) Nitrile A Tyvek Coveralls Other during well completion 5 Minute Escape Respirator .... MONITORING EQUIPMENT X Organic Vapor PID with lamp of eV Analyzer (FID) Oxygen Meter Draeger Tube Combustible Gas Passive Dosimeter Meter H2S Meter Air Sampling Pump W. B. G.T. Filter Media I ONSITE SAFETY MEETING ATTENDEES I Signature Name (Printed) Date I I (Page 1 of ,. ) I PERSONAL AIR MONITORING I.. Sample # Sample # Name Name Date Date I Time On Off Time On Off Laboratory Used I I I STHLND-06-93-56 I (Forms-002-90-051) B-6 · Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. I ~ KLEINFELDER I HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ATTACHMENT #1 I I HEALTH EFFECTS TARGET ORGANS I 1. Abdominal Pain A. Bladder 2. Coma B. Blood I 3. COnvulsions C. Bone Marrow 4. Dermatitis D. Central Nervous System 5. Diarrhea E. Eyes I 6.' Pupils F. Heart Dilated 7. Dizziness G. Liver i 8. Eye Irritation H. Lungs 9. Fatigue I. Kidneys 10. Giddiness J. Respiratory System I 11. Headache K. Skin 12. Light Headed 13. Miosis (Pinpoint Pupils) I 14. Narcosis 15. Nausea 16'. Nose Irritation I 17. Respiratory Irritant 18. Staggering Gait I 19. Sweating 20. Tearing 21. Throat Irritation I 22. Vertigo 23. Vomiting i Ca. Carcinogen I I i STHLND4)6-93-56 (Forms-O02-90-051) B-7 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. I k~ KLEINFELDER I HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN I ATTACHMENT #2 I I Chemical Health Effects Target Organs I Acetone 4, 6, 8, 11, 16, 21 J, K i.... Aldrin Ca, 2, 3, 7, 11, 15 D, G, I, K Benzene Ca, 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 17, 18 C, D, E, J, K Carboryl 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 22 D, J, K i Chlordane 1, 3, 5, 15, 22 D, E, G, H, I, K Chlorofoi~m Ca, 7, 8, 11, 15 E, G, I, K Coal Tar Naphtha 4, 8, 16 E, J, K I Ca, 8, 15, 16, 21, D, G, I, DBCP 22 K DDT Ca, 3, 7, 8, 22 D, G, I, K i Dieldrin Ca, 2, 3, 7, 11, 15,.22 D, G, I, K Endrin 1, 3, 7, 15, 22 D, G Ethylbenzene 2, 4, 8, 11 D, E, J, K I Ethylene Dibromide Ca, 4, 8, 17 E, G, I, J, K Heptachlor 3 D, G Hexane 4 8, 10, 11, 12, 16 E, H, J, K I Hydrogen Sulfide 2 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 17 E, J Lindane 3 4, 8, 16 B, D, E, G, I, K Malathion 1 5, 8, 13, 15, 22 B, D, G, J I Methylene Chloride 8 9, 12, 14, 21 D, E, J Methyl Ethyl Ketone 7 8, 11, 16, 22 D, H I Parathion 1 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 15, 19 B, D, E, J, K PCBs Ca, 4, 8 E, G, K Petroleum Distillates 7, 8, 11, 16, 21 D, E, J, K I Phenol 3, 4, 8, 16, 21 G, I, K Tetrachloroethylene Ca, 7, 8, 11, 16, 20 D, E, G, I, J Toluene 4, 6, 11 D, G, I, K I 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 4, 8, 11 D, E, K Tricholoethylene Ca, 4, 8, 11, 15, 22 D, G, I, J, K i Vinyl Chloride Ca, 1 B, D, G, J Xylene 1, 5, 8, 15, 18, 21 B, D, E, G, I, K I STHLND-06-93-56 I (Forms-O02-90-051) Copyright Kleinfelder, B-8 1994 Inc. I ~1~ KLEINFELDER I I HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN I ATTACHMENT//3 I Health Target IMetal CAS// PEL Effects Organs Arsenic, inorganic 7440382 0.01 mg/m3 Ca, 4, 17, 20 G, H, I, K Asbestos 1332214 0.2 fibers/cc 17 H Ca, Chromium VI 7440473 0.05 mg/m3 Ca, 17 J Copper 7440508 1.0 mg/m3 4, 8, 16, 21 G, I, J, K Cyanide 151508 5.0 mg/m3 4, 8, 11, 15, 17, 23 D, E, J, K Lead 7439921 0.05 mg/m3 1 B, D, I Mercury 7439976 0.05 mg/m3 4, 8, 9, 11 D, E, I, J, F Phosphorous 7723140 0.1 mg/m3. 1, 8, 17 B, E, G, I, J, K Polynuclear Aromatics 8007452 0.2 mg/m3 Ca, 4 A, I, J, K (coal tar pitch volatiles) Silica (crystalline) 14808607 0.05 mg/m3 17 J I CAS// = Chemical Abstract Services Number PEL = OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit I I I I I STHLND-06-93-56 ~, (Forms-002-90-051) B-9 Copyright 1994 Kleinfelder, Inc. HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ATTACHMENT//4 Warning Chemical CAS// PEL Concentration VP eV Solubility Density __ Acetone 67641 750 ppm 100 ppm 266 mm 9.69 Miscible 0.80 X Benzene 71432 1 ppm 4.68 ppm 75 mm 9.25 0.18 % 0.88 .... Chloroform 67663 2 ppm 50 ppm 160 mm 11.42 0.8 % 1.50 ~ Coal Tar Naphtha 65996794 None Variable 5 mm N/A Insoluble N/A ~ Ethylbenzene 100414 100 ppm 0.25 ppm 7.1 mm 8.76 0.015 % 0.87 ~ Hexane 110543 50 ppm 1400 ppm 124 mm 10.18 0.014 % 0.66 ~ Hydrogen Sulfide 7783064 10 ppm 0.8 ppm 20 atto 10.43 2.9 % N/A ~ Methylene Chloride 750092 100 ppm 25 ppm 350 mm 11.35 1.3 % 1.33 ~ Methyl Ethyl Ketone 78933 200 ppm 4.8 ppm 70 mm 9.48 27 % 0.81 ~ PCBs 53469219 0.5 mg/m3 N/A 0.001 mm N/A Insoluble 1.44 ~ Petroleum Distillates 8002059 400 ppm Variable 40 mm N/A 0.04 % N/A ~ Phenol 108952 5 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.36 mm 8.5 8.4 % 1.07 ~ Tetrachloroethylene 127184 25 ppm 4.68 ppm 14 mm 9.32 0.015 % 1.63 X Toluene 108883 100 ppm 0.17 ppm 22 mm 8.82 0.05 % 0.87 ~ 1,1,1, Trichloroethane 71556. 350 ppm 20 ppm 100 mm 11.25 0.07 % 1.34 Trichloroethylene 79016 25 ppm 21.4 ppm 58 mm 9.47 0.1% 1.47 ~ Vinyl Chloride 75014 1 ppm 260 ppm 2580 mm 9.9995 Slight 0.92 X Xylene 1330207 100 ppm 1.8 ppm 9 mm 8.56 0.00003 % 0.86 N/A = Not Available CAS// = Chemical Abstract Services Number PEL = OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit VP = Vapor Pressuro orms LND'06'93'56 . E i t E R -002-90-051 ) B-10 Copyng~ ~e~mgf&r,n~¢. HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ATTACHMENT//5 Warning Pesticide CAS # PEL Concentration VP Solubility Aldrin 309002 0.25mg/m3 N/A 0.000006 mm Insoluble Carbaryl 63252 5mg/m3 Odorless 0.005 mm 0.004 % Chlordane 57749 0.5mg/m3 Odorless 0.00001 mm Insoluble DBCP 96128 1 ppb N/A 0.8 mm 0.1% DDT 50293 1 mg/m3 2.9mg/m3 0.00000017 mm 0.00001% Dieldrin 60571 0.25mg/m3 0.41 ppm 0.00000018 mm 10 ppb Endrin 72208 0. l mg/m3 N/A 0.0000002 mm 160 ppb Ethylene DiBromide 106934 0.13 ppm 10 ppm 11 mm 0.4 % Heptachlor 76448 0.5mg/m3 0.02 ppm 0.0003 mm Insoluble Lindane 58899 0.5mg/m3 3.9mg/m3 0.0000094 mm 0.001% Malathion 121755 10mg/m3 10mg/m3 0.00004 mm 0.0145 % Parathion 56382 0. lmg/m3 0.48mg/m3 0.0004 mm 0.00002 % CAS// = Chemical Abstract Services Number PEL -- OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit VP = Vapor Pressure ~rHLND-06-93-56 l~ K L E I N F E L D E g (Forms-O02-90-051) B-11 Copydg~iC1-094 Kl¢infelder, Inc. e? vic ~o~vo CALIFORNIA UN/ON SL CEMETERY I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ I ° I i I I I I '1 I m UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM USCS TYPICAL m MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONS CLEAN GRAVELS .~.~ GW WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL'SAND MIXTURES WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES m i WITH LITTLE OR I GRAVELS NO FINES GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES i MORE THAN HALF i COARSE FRACTION GRAVELS GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SILT-SAND MIXTURES IS LARGER THAN WITH OVER m COARSE THE g4 SIEVE 12~ FINES GRAINED GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY SOILS MIXTURES m (MORE THAN HALF ~'~' ~'~ SW WELL-GRADED SA.DS, SA.D-GRAVEL OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN'1 CLEAN SANDS ~':.='q..~ MIXTURES WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES THE #200 SIEVE) I WITH LITTLE OR ~..-... ::::: SP POORLY'GRADED SANDS, SAND'GRAVEL MIXTURES WITH LITTLE OR NO FINES i MORE THAN HALF i " m i COARSE FRACTION SM SILTY SANDS, SAND-GRAVEL-SILT MIXTURES I I IS SMALLER THAN SANDS WITH ~ THE #4 SIEVE OVER 12% FINES m = SC CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-GRAVEL-SILT MIXTURES m i ML SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, I I CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY I SILTS AJqD CLAYS I INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM I CL! PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, m SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS : FINE LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 ! GRAINED OL ORGANIC SILTS & ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS m SOILS OF LOW PLASTICITY (MORE THAN HALF OF MATERIAL IS ME INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILT m SMALLER THAN THE #200 SIEVE) SILTS AND CLAYS CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS m LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 J !OH ORGANIC CLAYS & ORGANIc SILTSOF MEDIUM-TO-HIGH PLASTICITY HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ~"--~ PT PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS ~=~ WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS I SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATE k~ K L E I N F E L D E R SOUTHLAND STORE #23446 I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 21-340004 BOO m copyright Kteinfetder, Inc. 1993 LOG SYMBOLS ..... ' ~ SOLID PIPE :::~:' BULK / BAG SAMPLE :::.:::' BACKFILLED WITH CEMENT GROUT MODIFIED CALIFORNI~ SAMPLER I SOLID PIPE (2-1/2 inch outside diameter) BACKFZLLED WITH BENTONZTE PELLETS -- SHELBY TUBE ~ SOLID PIPE (3 inch outside diameter) BACKFZLLED WITH SAND ':'" SLOTTED PIPE ~ CONTINUOUS SAMPLER ':'-' BACKFILLED WITH SAND I BAT PROBE WATER SAMPLER ~ NO PIPE BACKFILLED WITH CEMENT GROUT ~7 Ctevet where first encountered) : ~ NO PIPE ~ FILLEO WITH NATIUE SOIL :~ (fever after c~[etion) / SOIL CONTACT NOTED FID FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR ~[TH[N SRHPLE ~NTERU~L ~---- SOIL CONTRCT INFERRED P~D PHOTO~ON~ZRT[ON DETECTOR BETUEEN SRHPLE [NTERURLS GENE~NOTES [ 1. kines separatin~ strata represent a~roximte : ~. ~o ~arranty is provid~ as to the continuit~ i 3. Ions represent flenerat soit co~itions observed at the ~int of e~ptoration on the date i~icat~. I ~' In ~enera[, ~nifi~ Soit Ctassification designations present~ I mth~s ont~. lherefore, actua[ designations (bas~ on [aboratory tests) ~ay vary. PROJECT NO. 21-~ BOO Copyriflht [teinfetder, Inc. Date Completed: 12/7/93 Surface Conditions: Asphalt Concrete Logged By: J. Burns Groundwater: No free groundwater encountered. i Total Depth: 42 feet FIELD ~ g I DESCRIPTION o Approximate Surface Elevation (ft): \Asphal~ Concrete /- i:i:.!i? SAND (SP): Black, moist, dense, "' medium-to-coarse grained, with some silt [] 17 16545 . .. 15 .'.' - I ~ 19 - ffi 25 9.0 ;......."""" grades multicolored, without silt ,,. 36 16547 /- .~ ~....... SAND (SP): As above with some [] 29 120.0 ~:::"': small-to-medium gravel, trace coarse angular I - [] 40 16548 ':'::'i'i gravel including weathered granite, and trace [] 18 16549 ~ !.::". I 20--i- ~ 2621 32.0 16550 ~.::":':":'?:':.: grades with decreasing silt and increasingcoarse sand -- I -~ 17 460.0 :'::'i'i- grades with increasing silt I 13 :.. I LOG OF BOl:lllqG B- 1 eI_~TE PROJECT NO. 21-340004 BOO I Copyright I(teinfel. der, Inc. '1993 FIELD ~ ~n ~ lag DESCRIPTION E o o E ~ E ~ (Continued from previous plate) i 26 ::i SAND (SM): Brown, slightly moist, dense, I I 45 60.0 16554 :i:. fine grained, with some medium and coarse -- 50/5" grained, with silt and fine gravel _ 25 -"": SAND (SP): Brown, slightly moist, dense, frae -- 34 60.0 16555 ?'i-i grained. -- 37 40 _ 28 :.... -- 50/3" 2.0 16556 ....:.... grades with some coarse sand and frae gravel Boring terminated at a depth of approximately 42 feet below existing site 45 - grade due to essential auger refusal. - 55- - LOG OF BOFIING B- 'l VLATE 2 of 2 BAKEFISFIELD, (3ALIFOFllqlA PROJECT NO. 21-340004 BOO Copyright Kteinfetcler, Inc. 1993 Date Completed: 12/7/93 Surface Conditions: Asphalt Concrete Logged By:~ J. Burns Groundwater:. No free groundwater encountered. i Total Depth: 41-1/2 feet E 0 E E E ~ Approximate Surface Elevation (ft): L. I \Asphalt Concrete /- !'i i:.~ Silty SAND (SM): Red-brown, slightly moist, 'ii medium grained I ..?.:.:: SAND (SP): Multicolored with black mottling, · :: :.slightly moist, loose, medium grained, with '".':: slight hydrocarbon odor (FILL) _ I 5 ,,, 4 ..'.':-'.: ~ · 7 16532 ...-. -'iii grades all black · 261.0 .'.'....' ~ 5 16533 ' "" 15 .:. '. - I ~ 7 "":"' grades multicolored · 98.0 .:.... ~ 15 16534 -' '.-' "- ~ 19 .:.'--" grades black · 10 301.0 . ~ 16535 ~-~grades multicolored /- I _. 13 ?.-' SAND (SP): Native · 16536 i 35 21.0 ~ .. - [] 42 16537 · 21 220.0 ::"" I - - · 50/3" 88.0 : .I 21 16539 ii"i'i'grades with some coarse gravel -' 25 180.0 .:. · 7.5 -.-. 28 :..? 37 ':" LOG OF BORING B-:2 PraTE 1 of 2 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 21-340004 BOO I Copyright t(teinfe[der, Inc. 1993 ~ ~ (Continued from previous plate) m 13 .'".'.:grades with increasing silt [] 28 16542 35 m 28 "~ GRAVEL (GP): Multicolored, medium dense, :'".' SAND (SP): Multicolored, slightly moist, very "":'? dense, medium grained, with coarse gravel - [] 50/3" 10.0 '/'i:.i.:i grades loose, fine-to-medium grained Boring completed at a depth of approximately ; 41-1/2 feet below existing site grade. 45- - 55- - 2 of 2 ~,~ E L E~ N F E L ~ E R SOUT. L~ND STORE #23aae BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 21-340004 BOO Copyright Kteinfetder, Inc. 1993 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ I ~ I I I I ~ KLEII~FELDER The following laboratory analytical reports are for samples collected at a different Southland site than the one addressed in this report: 16524, 16527, 16530, and 16531. The quality control data are for these samples and for the samples collected from the site which are addressed by this report. Therefore, the entire sample data set has been included in this appendix. The samples which are relevant to this report are: 16533, 16549, 16552, 16554 through 16556, 16540, 16543, and 16544. STHLND-06-93-56 (Appendix D) Copyright 1993 Kieinfelder, Inc. I I'~. c o., o. A, E o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS I THE ASSURANC£ 01: QUALITY I December 16, 1993 Mr. Jeff Hamilton IKleinfelder 1975 E Street Fresno, CA 93706 I RE: PACE Project No. 431209.506 Client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO IDear Mr. Hamilton: Enclosed is the report of laboratory analyses for samples received IDecember 09, 1993. Footnotes are given at the end of the report. I If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact us. ISincerely, I Stacy P. Hoch Project Manager IEnclosures I 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 I TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 ASSURANCE OF QUALITY ' ' Kleinfelder December 16, 1993 1975 E Street PACE Project Number: 431209506 I Fresno, CA 93706 Attn: Mr. Jeff Hamilton I client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO I PACE Sample Number: 70 0206588 Date Collected:. ]2/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 16524-Soil I Parameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Lead (EPA Method 6010/200.7, ICP) mg/kg wet 10 ND 12/15/93 I ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS I TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/13/93 Purgeable Fuels~ as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/13/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/13/93 i Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 P co,,o,A,E. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS THE ASSURANCE OF QUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, 1993 Page 2 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO PACE Sample Number: 70 0206596 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16527-Soil Units MDL DATE ANALYZED Parameter INORGANIC ANALYSIS INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Lead (EPA Method 6010/200.7, ICP) mg/kg wet 10 ND 12/15/93 ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/13/93 Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/13/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/13/93 Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND. 12/13/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 m m m m m m m 11 Digital Drive An Equai Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 m TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 pa INCORPORATED REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS THE ASSURANCE OF OUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, 1993 Page 3 PACE Project Number: 431209506 m client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO mPACE Sample Number: 70 0206600 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16530-Soil mParameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS m INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Lead (EPA. Method 6010/200.7, ICP) mg/kg'wet 10 ND 12/15/93 m ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS m TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/13/93. Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/13/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/13/93 m Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93~ m Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/13/93 m m m m m m m m 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 mTEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 pa ,.c o.,o.A,E. REPORT'OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, 1993 Page 4 PACE Project Number: 431209506 I client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO IPACE Sample Number: 70 0206618 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16531-Soil mParameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS INDIVIDUAL PARAMETERS Lead (EPA Method 6010/200.7, ICP) mg/kg wet 10 ND 12/15/93 I ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/14/93 Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/14/93 Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 11 Digital Drive An Equal 0pportLmity Employer Novato, CA 94949 TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883.2673 pa ,.co..o.A.,o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS THE ASSURANCE OF QUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, 1993 Page 5 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-340009 BOO m PACE Sample Number: 70 0206626 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16533-Soil I Parameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED ORGANIC ANALYSIS m PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/14/93 mPurgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS {BTXE BY EPA 8020M)' - 12/14/93 Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 mEthylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 EXTRACTABLE FUELS EPA 3550/8015 Extractable Fuels, as Diesel mg/kg 5.0 18{H) 12/14/93 Date Extracted 12/14/93 m m m m m m m m 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 mTEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 Pc o.,o,A, o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Mr. Jef¢ Hamilton December 16, 1993 Page 6 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-34000~ BOO IPACE Sample Number: 70 0206634 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16549-Soil Parameter Units MDL .DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS ORGANIC LEAD IN SOIL; CA DHS METHOD #338 Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 ND 12/16/93 ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/14/93 Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (,BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/14/93 Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Total wet 5.0 ND Xylenes, 12/14/93 I 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 I TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 pa ,.c o..o.A.~ o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS THE ASSURANCE O~ QUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, ]993 Page 7 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-34000~ BOO I PACE Sample Number: 70 0206642 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16552-Soil mParameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS m ORGANIC LEAD IN SOIL; CA DHS METHOD #338 Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 ND 12/16/93 I ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS m TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/14/93 Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - !2/14/93 m Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 m Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 I I I 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 I TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 Pc o,, o, A ,.,o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS T~E ASSURANC( OF OUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, 1993 Page 8 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-34000~B00 I PACE Sample Number: 70 0206650 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: · 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16554-Soil IParameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS I ORGANIC LEAD IN SOIL; CA DHS METHOD #338 Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 0.4 12/16/93 I ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS I TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/14/93 Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/14/93 I Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 I Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 I 1 '~ Oi§ital Orive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 I TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415.883-2673 i Pc o.,o,A,, o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS I THE ASSURANCE 0¢QUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, 1993 Page 9 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-34000~,B00 I PACE Sample Number: 70 0206669 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16555-Soil m Parameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS m ORGANIC LEAD IN SOIL; CA DHS METHOD #338 Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 0.4 12/16/93 m ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS m TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/14/93 Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/14/93 m Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 I Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 12/14/93 ND m m m m m I 11 Digital Drive An Equal OpportLmity Employer Nova~o, CA 94949 m TEL: 415-BB3-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 ace Pc o..o.A,, o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS THE ASSURANCE OF OUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, ]993 Page 10 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-34000~ BOO IPACE Sample Number: 70 0206677 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16556-Soil Parameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS ORGANIC LEAD IN SOIL; CA DHS METHOD #338 Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 ND 12/16/93 ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): -. 12/14/93 Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M)ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/14/93 Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND ]2/]4/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Xylenes, '1 I 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 ITEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 CICe P~ o..O.ATE D REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Mr. Jeff Hamilton December 16, 1993 Page 11 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-34000~B00 m PACE Sample Number: 70 0206685 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16540-Soil m Parameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS m ORGANIC LEAD IN SOIL; CA DHS METHOD #338 Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 0.3 12/16/93 mORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS m TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - 12/14/93 pUrgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/14/93 m Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 I Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND ]2/14/93 m m m m m 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 TEL: 415-883-6160 FAX: 415-883-2673 Pc o,, o, A,E o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TNE ASSURANCE OF OUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton December ]6, ]993 Page 12 PACE Project Number: 431209506 Client Reference: Southland 21-340005. BOO i PACE Sample Number: 70 0206693 Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16543-Soil I Parameter Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS I ORGANIC LEAD IN SOIL; CA DHS METHOD #338 Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 ND 12/16/93 IORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS I TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - ]2/14/93 Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): - 12/14/93 IBenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ,ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 '1 I 11 DigiTal Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 I TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 4~5-883-2673 I,'~, c o",', ~ ~z~ . ~EP__OR__T OF LABORATOR.__..___~.Y ANALYSI_.___.___~S Page 13 · ~ PACE Project Number: 431209506 I client Reference: Southland 21-34000~-B00 PACE Sample Number: 70 0206707 I Date Collected: 12/07/93 Date Received: 12/09/93 Client Sample ID: 16544-Soil I Parameter · Units MDL DATE ANALYZED INORGANIC ANALYSIS I ORGANIC LEAD IN SOIL; CA DHS METHOD #338 Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 0.4 12/16/93 I ORGANIC ANALYSIS PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS I TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - ]2/I4/93 Purgeable Fuels,'as Gasoline (EPA 8015M) ug/kg wet 1000 ND 12/14/93 PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M): . - 12/14/93 i Benzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Toluene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 I'Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 5.0 ND 12/14/93 These data have been reviewed and are approved for release. Darrell C. Cain Regional Director I 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 iTEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 I I';". c o . , o . A, E o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS I THE ASSURANCE OF GUA[ITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton FOOTNOTES December 16, 993 Page 14 for pages 1 through Z3 PACE Project Number: 431209506 I c]ient Reference: South]and 2Z-340001 BOO I MDL Method Detection Limit ND Not detected at or above the MDL. H Sample chromatogram was not representative of a diesel pattern; heavier m hydrocarbons were present. ! ! ! m m m m ! m m ! ,! m 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 i TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 ace Pc o.. o, A,E o' REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Mr. Jeff Hamilton QUALITY CONT. ROL DATA December 16, 1993 Page 15 PACE Project Number: 431209506 I client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO m Lead (EPA Method 6010/200.7, ICP) Batch: 70 27065 Samples: 70 0206588, 70 0206596, 70 0206600, 70 0206618 I METHOD BLANK: Method m Parameter Units MDL Blank Lead (EPA Method 6010/200.7, ICP) mg/kg wet 10 ND mLABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE AND CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Reference Dupl Parameter Units MDL Value Recv Recv RPD mLead (EPA Method 6010/200.7, ICP) mg/kg wet 10 50.0 101% 99% 2% I 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 TEL: 415-883-6100 I FAX: 415-883-2673 I ~,. c o.. o. A., o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS · I THE ASSURANCE Of QUALITY j Mr. Jeff Hamilton QUALITY CONT:ROL DATA December 16, 1993 Page 16 PACE Project Number: 431209506 I client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO i Organic Lead, as Pb Batch: 70 27083 Samples: 70 0206634, 70 0206642, 70 0206650, 70 0206669, 70 0206677 70 0206685, 70 0206693, 70 0206707 ! METHOD BLANK: I Method Parameter Units MDL Blank Organic Lead, as Pb mg/kg wet 0.2 ND I LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE AND CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Reference Dupl I Parameter Units MDL Value Recv Recv RPD ~ ~ead, as Pb .... mg/kg wet 0.2 5.0 102% 100% 1% ! I 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato. CA 94949 TEL: 415-883.6100 I FAX: 415-883-2673 ,r. o.. o. A., o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS THE ASSURANCE OF OUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton QUALITY CONTROL DATA December 16, 1993 Page 17 PACE Project Number: 431209506 m client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO EXTRACTABLE FUELS EPA 3550/8015 Batch: 70 27064 Samples: 70 0206626 m METHOD BLANK: Method Parameter Units MDL Blank m Extractable Fuels, as Diesel mg/kg 5.0 ND mLABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE AND CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Reference Dupl Parameter Units MDL Value Recv Recv RPD mExtractable Fuels, as Diesel mg/kg 5.0 33.3 71% 77% 8% l 1 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 TEL: 415-883-6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 pa ,.c o.,o "A,Eo REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS THE ASSURANCE OF OUA[ITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton QUALITY CONTROL DATA December 16, 1993 Page 18 PACE Project Number: 431209506 m client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS Batch: 70 26963 Samples:70 0206588, 70 0206596, 70 0206600, 70 0206618, 70 0206626 70 0206634, 70 0206642 METHOD BLANK: Method Parameter Units MDL Blank TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M ug/kg wet 200 ND m PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA 8020M) - Benzene ug/kg wet 1.0 ND Toluene ug/kg wet 1.0 ND IEthylbenzene ug/kg wet I.O ND Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 1.0 ND LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE AND CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Reference Dupl Parameter Units MDL Value Recv Recv RPD Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M ug/kg wet 200 1000 101% 108% 6% Benzene ug/kg wet 1.0 40.0 106% 104% 1% Toluene ug/kg wet 1.0 40.0 104% 101% 2% Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 1.0 40.0 109% 107% 1% Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 1.0 120 108% 107% 0% m m m m m 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato. CA 94949 m TEl.: 415.883-6100 , FAX: 415.883.2673 aCE[ I Pc o,, o,A, ~o REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS I THE ASSURANCE OFOUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton QUALITY CONTROL DATA December 16, 1993 Page 19 PACE Project Number: 431209506 I client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO PURGEABLE FUELS AND AROMATICS I Batch: 70 27013 Samples: 70 0206650, 70 0206669, 70 0206677, 70 0206685, 70 0206693 70 0206707 ! METHOD BLANK: i Method Parameter Units MDL Blank TOTAL FUEL HYDROCARBONS, (LIGHT): - Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M ug/kg wet 200 ND I PURGEABLE AROMATICS (BTXE BY EPA.802OM) - Benzene ug/kg wet 1.0 ND Toluene ug/kg wet 1.0 ND I Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 1.0 ND Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 1.0 ND I LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE AND CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Reference Dupl I ?arameter Units MDL Value Recv Recv RPD Purgeable Fuels, as Gasoline (EPA 8015M ug/kg wet 200 1000 115% 105% 9% Benzene ug/kg wet 1.0 40.0 107% 106% 0% I Toluene ug/kg wet 1.0 40.0 106% 103% 2% Ethylbenzene ug/kg wet 1.0 40.0 113% 110% 2% Xylenes, Total ug/kg wet 1.0 120 114% 111% 2% '! I 11 Digital Odve An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 i TEL: 415-883.6100 FAX: 415-883-2673 ! ,r~ o.. o. ~. ~. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS m THE ASSURANCE OF QUALITY Mr. Jeff Hamilton FOOTNOTES December 16, 1993 Page 20 for pages 15 through 19 PACE Project Number: 431209506 m client Reference: Southland 21-340001 BOO mMDL Method Detection Limi~t ND Not detected at or above the MDL. RPD Relative Percent Difference m m m m m ! m m m m m m m m 11 Digital Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer Novato, CA 94949 TEL: 415-883-6100 m FAX: 415.883-2673 M~/DD/YY HH:MM:SS , Relinquished by' {s gnalure) Dale/Time Received by: (Signature) Remarks ~ Send Results To C ~ · ~ J 975 E STREET Relinquished by: (Signalure) ~e~ime , Received for kaborato~ b~ _ ~ M-B0 White Sampler Canary · Relurn Copy To Sh~ppe~ Pink · Lab Copy CHAIN OF CUSTODY N2 .. 0103 L.I~. NO. '" SkAMPLERS: (Signature/Number} ~. ;,~,.~.. ~s~,.~. co~. :/~ ///// TAINERS ~ REMARKS TIME MM/DO/YY HH:MM:SS xRelinquished by: (Signature) Date~ime Received by: (Signature) Remarks Send Results To CA 93706 Date/Time RelinqUished by: (Signalure) ' Date~ime Relinquished by: (Signature) . I --~'gnature) M-60 Wh,te Sample¢ Canary Return Copy To Sh,pper P,nk . Lab Copy ~ K L E I N F E L D E E . 2.1- 3¢p¢~ E, I2,C ..... ~o. MMIDD/YY HH:MM:SS ~Qelinquished 'by: (Signature) Date/Time Received by: (S,gnalure, Remarks ,~,_, .~ Send Results To 1975 E STREET - FRESNO, OA 93706 RelinquiShed by: (Signature) '~ Date~ime Receded by: (Signature) (209) 486'0750 Relinquished by: (Signalure) Date~ime ~ ~eceived for kabo~ ~ y: M-60 White . Sampler Canary Relurn Copy TO Stopper n;.~ Lab Co.y ~ ' = D