HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 6/20/1994 4700 Stockdale Highway, Suite 120 Post Office Box 9217 Bakersfield, California 93389 .805/326-1112 805/326-0191 FAX June 17,1994 Mr. Ralph Huey Hazardous Materials Planning City of Bakersfield 2101 H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: Pursuant to our conversation, encloSed is a copy of the Environmental ASsessment for the proposed groundwater monitoring well on Coy Avenue. Please cOntact me if you have any questions. · Very truly yours, Laura M. Bazeley, R~G. ( Manager, Geology ~ LMB/tj Enclosures cc: Michael Pilla, Esquire David Cooper, Esquire 13370010.140 '1I ~ Bakersfield 4700 Stockdale Highway, Suite 120 post Office Box 9217 Bakersfield, California 93389 805/326-1112 805/326-0191 FAX ! PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROPOSED SITE FOR GROUND WATER MONITORING WELL MW-2 INTERSECTION OF COY AVENUE AND EAST PLANZ ROAD I Bakersfield, California I May 1994 I PrePared for: I Michaelis, Montanari, and Johnson 2829 Townsgate Road, Suite 150 I Westlake Village, California Prepared by: WZI Inc. 4700 Stockdale Highway, Suite 120 Bakersfield, California I I 13370010.128 I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 III. SITE OWNERSHIP AND LOCATION 4 IV. SITE HISTORY 5 V. CURRENT SITE DESCRIPTION 7 VI. GEOLOGY/HYDROLOGY 8 VII. SURROUNDING PROPERTIES 9 VIII. SENSITIVE RECEPTORS WITHIN 1000 FEET 9 IX. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 10 X. REFERENCES 11 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT I LOCATION MaP EXHIBIT 2 SITE MAP EXHIBIT 3 PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT4A VACANT PARCEL LOCATED IMMEDIATELY WEST OF THE SITE, CONTAINING DISCARDED WOODEN PALLETS AND TRASH, LOOKING SOUTHWEST EXHIBIT 4B PARTIALLY FENCED PARCEL LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF THE SITE CONTAINING USED GASOLINE PUMPS, LOOKING SOUTHWEST EXHIBIT 5A INTERSECTION OF COY AVENUE AND FAST PLANZ ROAD SHOWING VACANT PARCEL TO THE EAST OF THE SITE, LOOKING EAST EXHIBIT 5B SITE LOCATION ON COY AVENUE, WITH EAST PLANZ ROAD AND VACANT PARCEL TO NORTH OF THE SITE, LOOKING NORTH TABLES TABLE 1 STATUS SUMMARY - SITESWITHIN ONE-HALF MILE OF' MW-2 APPENDICES APPENDIX I TITLE SEARCH APPENDIX II HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX III EDR-RADIUS MAP REPORT I. INTRODUCTION I Site Assessment of the property located at the WZ! Inc. has conducted Phase intersection of East Planz Road and Coy Avenue, Bakersfield, California. The purpose of the study was to identify any potential environmental liabilities may that be evident on or immediately adjacent ,to the above described site which may impact the installation of a ground water monitoring well. The ground water monitoring well will be the second monitoring well installed .in accordance with Cleanup and Abatement Order 90-716 to delineate the lateral extent of potential ground water contaminants associated with Garriott Crop Dusting Inc. located at 2010 South Union Avenue in Bakersfield, California. The Phase I Site Assessment addresses the observed surface conditions, an aerial photograph review and an updated regulatory records check. Interviews were not conducted andb0reh01es were not drilled nor surface samples obtained for analysis. A full regulatory audit of all permits and practices regarding the site and conditions regarding adjacent properties Was not,. conducted and was beyond the scope of the project. In .t~!s examination, WZI has~,assumed the legal capacity of all legal persons, the g~nUineneSs of all signatures, the authenticity of all documents submitted to WZl as originals, the conf0rrhiti~"to original documents of all documents submitted to WZI as certified photostatic copies, or telecopies, and the authenticity of all originals. In the examining of documents, WZI assumed that all parties had the power, governmental or otherwise, to enter into and perform all obligations under such documents, have further assumed the due authorization by all requisite action, governmental or otherwise, of the execution and delivery by all parties of such documents against all parties in accordance with the terms thereof. Unless otherwise stated, WZl has not made independent investigation or inquiry into the accuracy or completeness of the documents and information supplied to WZI. 3370010.128 1 The members ,of WZl are State of California Registered Environmental Assessors, Registered Engineers and Registered Geologists. WZI expresses no opinion as to disciplines, subject and practice areas outside those specifically enumerated in the first sentence of this paragraph. Further, WZi expresses no opinion herein as to any matters of California law or federal law, including California oil and gas law and those governing the transfer of real property. Based on the foregoing and subject to the limitations, qualifications, exceptions and assumptions set forth herein, WZl offers the following observations contained in this report. 13370010.128 2 II. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on research and site inspection conducted for this investigation, no environmental liabilities were identified that would affect the site for Use as a ground water monitoring well location. It may be necessary to move the specific location of MW-2 to either side of Coy Avenue as drilling in the center may affect access to the businesses at the south end of Coy Avenue. There is sufficient room within the City of Bakersfield right-of-way to drill the well off the pavement. 337001 o. 128 3 III. SITE OWNERSHIP AND LOCATION The proposed drill site for MW-2 is within the City of Bakersfield right-of-way along Coy Avenue, just south of the intersection with East Planz Road in Section 17, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, Bakersfield, California (Exhibit 1). ^ chain of title was prepared extending back 60 years to 1934. The area of Coy Avenue including the site was deeded to the City of Bakersfield by way of a Street Right of Way Deed recorded in December, 1983. The complete chain of title is included in Appendix I. 13370010.128 4 I IV. SITE HISTORY The site history was compiled from an aerial photo review and a 60 year chain of title review (AppendiX I). Historical aerial photographs for the years 1990, 1985, 1981, 1975, 1956 and 1937 were reviewed to identify historical land use practices (Appendix II). · In the 1937 aerial photo, the site is undeveloped. East Planz Road is located immediately to the north of the site and South Union Avenue is located approximately 1000 feet to the west. The Kern Island canal extends in a NW-SE direction and is located approximately 800 feet southwest of the site. The site is still undeveloped in the 1956 aerial photograph. Row crops have been planted to the south and west of the site. The runway for the Bakersfield Air Park is now present approximately 1300 feet northeast of the site. In the 1975 photograph, the site and surrounding property is entirely under cultivation. in the 1981 photograph, the site and surrounding property are still under cultivation. Coy Avenue is present in the 1985 photograph and the property to the east and west of Coy Avenue has been sheet graded. Industrial businesses are located at the south end of Coy Avenue. 3370010.128 5 · In the 1990 photograph, the site appears unchanged from the 1985 photograph. A fence is present surrounding one of the sheet graded lots located approximately 100 feet southwest of the site. No structures or buildings are present on any the properties immediately adjacent to the site. 3370010.128 6 I V. CURRENT SITE DESCRIPTION A site inspection was conducted on March 16, 1994. The proposed site for MW-2 is located within the City of Bakersfield right-of-way along Coy Avenue, a paved roadway, immediately south of East Planz Road. There may be room within the right-of-way to place the monitoring well adjacent to the pavement. A sketch map showing the proposed location for 'MW-2 and surrounding facilities is depicted on Exhibit 2. Locations of photographs taken while performing our site inspection are shown in Exhibit 3. The properties surrounding the site are essentially fiat, sheet graded parcels which are partially cover.ed with weeds. The parcel immediately to the west of the site contains some discarded wooden pallets and trash (Exhibit 4A). The parcel located approximately 100 feet to the southwest ofthe site is partially fenced and contains used gasoline pumps which are stored on the site (Exhibit 4B). The parcel to the east of the site is vacant (Exhibit 5A). East Planz Road lies adjacent to the north of the site and the property on the north side of East Planz Road is vacant (Exhibit 5B). No structures or buildings are located on any of the properties immediately adjacent to the site. The structure nearest the site is the S&S Flight Center office located approximately 500 feet to the northeast. The south end of Coy Avenue is occupied by an auto dismantling operation on the west side and an industrial office building (Stay Clean Corporation) on the east side. 3370010.128 7 VI. GEOLOGY/HYDROLOGY The terrain in the vicinity of the site is essentially fiat. The average elevation of the site and surrounding property is approximately 375 feet above sea level. Ground water in the unconfined aquifer occurs at an average depth of approximately 190 feet below the ground surface. The local ground water gradient is southerly. Water quality in the unconfined aquifer is approximately 300 parts per million total dissolved solids (Kern County Water Agency, 1993). '1 The hydrogeology of the site is discussed in detail in the Proposed Preliminary Workplan -- for GroUnd Water Monitoring Well Installation, Garriott Crop Dusting, Kern County, '1~ California which was prepared by WZI in January, 1994. I 3370010.128 8 , VII. SURROUNDING PROPERTIES A regulatory records check was conducted and is included in Appendix III. Review of the regulatory check identified several properties within one-half mile of the site which have environmental liabilities. No evidence of groundwater contamination was found for any of these site. The environmental liabilities at these sites are not likely to impact the proposed site for MW-2. The status of the properties with environmental liabilities located within one-half mile of the proposed MW-2 site are summarized in Table 1. VIII, SENSITIVE RECEPTORS WITHIN 1000 FEET Several commercial businesses are located to the east and west of the site. The Kern Island Canal, an unlined canal, is located approximately 800 feet southwest of the site and a water well is located approximately 1000 feet northwest of the site on the property of South Union Truck Repair. 3370010.128 9 IX. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE No violations are listed for the proposed MW-2 site or immediately surrounding properties in the regulatory data base (Appendix III). I 13370010.128 10 Kern County Water Agency, 1993, Water Supply Report 1992. WZI Inc., 1994, Proposed Preliminary Workplan for Ground Water Monitoring Well Installation, p.8. 13370010.128 11 I I I I I ,! ! ! ! ! I ! I I ' C~...md ~ ILes~er*S~ = --J ~ .' T~' = To .n .e ~, ' ~ ~ Oi~' ~ l~) ~ ~ .E~ ' : _ , =- '~..~ · ~'" · ~ '-. ~ ~Js~,,s~ , ~ .  J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l =l~"J = ~ r~, Wv ~ I J - ~ m ~'~'~ .... Be~ 'Terrace .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J ~ ~k ~lle ~-~ ~ · I' .' ~'" ~ , - I ~ ,~ -., ~.', .. ~ Ave ' ~ m ' ' ~"' J~J~-J~,~.~[~,c,=J ~.,. ~.__ PROPOSED = ~0. ,~ ~Jl ~ ,-'-- =~.~ ........... · ...... '-'.'.' /~'~l'. ~': -I .......... ~:-':~ ',.-[sour~ '~ ' . ' ~ .- ~ ~ I . . p,lso, s, II. j.' ~ / ~ .'~-~' ~ -~1 ~ ~/ ~ :~ ~)~a~bscn. =J.~ N~[( - x ~ = ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '1~ :' 0 ' :~ I.--- '' 2 ......... I' '  ' ~ f =- ~" , ~ ~ [. .... 't~> ~ / , .. , I$ :~7":::,_ t '~ ~ ~ ~ ~F~~'"~?':~" ~ ' ...... '; ~f ;'"~'C .;.: , MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSONj I / LOCATION MAP I I Garriott Crop RLW Dusting Site Equipment (~MW x Your Part Pick Auto Dismantling X X X 1( X K X Vacant Bakersfield Air Park x x X X South Union Truck Repair · Water Well South Union Truck Parts Vacant 5 E ~ E m u~ ~ IIii, Flight~ < ._o. ,- ._ca- ~ -o o,, . o ~ · . EASTPLANZ ROAD Proposed MW-2 . Auto Vacant x Dismantling Vacant Used · ~ .,,-- Gasoline · aa Pumps Vacant Vacant Vacant Auto Dismantling I I WZl INC. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSON SITE MAP I 0 200' 400' [ I I ,I APPROXIMATE SCALE 5/94 1337.0010A 2 Garriott Crop Dusting Site Pick Your Part Auto Dismantling ~ Vacant Bakemfield Air Park x × x x I I SOU ~'1 Union [ Truck Repair I , Water We,, J South Union Vacant 5A ,.,. ,,,.. 4A ~ ~-~,,~ ~ I o Used ~ ~-Gasoline ,_R~"~ ~'~ 4B Pumps Auto Dismantling · I wz,,.c. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSON I PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION MAP LEGEND I I I I APPROXIMATE SCALE 4A PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION DATE 5t94 1337.0010A EXHIBIT 3 I ! EXHIBIT 4A - VACANT PARCEL LOCATED IMMEDIATELY WEST OF THE SITE, i CONTAINING DISCARDED WOODEN PALLETS AND TRASH, LOOKING SOUTHWEST. I I EXHIBIT 4B - PARTIALLY FENCED PARCEL LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF THE SITE CONTAINING USED GASOLINE PUMPS, LOOKING SOUTHWEST. I I EXHIBIT 4A & 4B 1337.0010A I EXHIBIT 5A - INTERSECTION OF COY AVENUE AND EAST PLANZ ROAD SHOWING VACANT PARCEL TO THE EAST OF THE SITE, LOOKING EAST. EXHIBIT 5B - SITE LOCATION ON COY AVENUE, WITH EAST PLANZ ROAD AND VACANT PARCEL TO NORTH OF THE SITE, LOOKING NORTH. EXHIBIT 5A & 5B 1337.0010A · ii TABLE 1 Status Summary Sites Within One-half Mile of MW-2 Name EDR Site # Location Type of Contamination Site Status 1 Pick Your Part Motor oil from auto crushing Evaluation ongoing by Kern County Auto Wrecking Environmental Health 2120 South Union Ave. A2, A3 Valley Auto Wrecking Oil and grease from dry well Deepest detected contamination -- 35 feet. 2015 S. Union Ave. Site closed with soil in place 12/91. B5, B6, B7 Bakersfield Air Park Gasoline and waste oil from Five UST's ranging in size from 500 to 10,000 2010 S. Union Ave. underground storage tanks (UST's) gallons removed on 4/19/89. Deepest detected contamination -- 20 feet. Site capped with asphalt and closed with soil in place 5/90. B8 Valley Propeller · No contamination Site placed on Cai-Sites list but no specific 300 Watts Drive contamination was ever identified. 13370010.128 I I I I I I I I , I 1 I 1 ! I I ! I APPENDIX I I First American Title Insurance Company MAILING ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 1945 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-1945 * (805) 327-5311 I ~MAIN OFFICE: 4540 CALIFORNIA AVE., SUITE 100 * BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 · (805) 327-5311 [] BRANCH OFFICES: 253 BALSAM STREET · RIDGECREST, CA 93556 · (619) 375-4790 [] 1121 VALLEY BLVD., SUITE I · TEHACHAPI, CA 93561 · (805) 822-9330 I-! 1810 WESTWIND DR., SUITE B · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 · (805) 327-5311 TO: W.Z.I. INC. ATTN: BOB LANGNER SUBJECT: 50 YEAR CHAIN AFFECTING COY AVE. AS SHOI~N ON PARCEL MAP 6987 I RECORDED DEC. 19,1983 IN BOOK 30,PAGE 64 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CONVEYANCE REFERANCES: I 1)A DEED FROM WILLIAM T. WHITE TO DELIA A. WHITE RECORDED JAN. 25,1934 IN BOOK 499,PAGE 27 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. I 2)A DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION FOR DELIA A. WHITE PASSING HER INTEREST TO: WINFRED SMITH, VIOLA M. SMITH, MILDRED A. SHEA, EVELYN M JOHNSON, DOROTHY B. JASPER, REGINA A. BRITE, WILLIAM T. WHITE, FRANCIS E. WHITE AND EDWARD J. WI4ITE, RECORDED I MARCH 1,1946 IN BOOK 1325,PAGE 328 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 3) A GRANT DEED FROM FRANCIS E. WHITE TO EDWARD J. WHITE RECORDED SEPT. 1,1953 i IN BOOK 2123,PAGE 330 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 4) A GRANT DEED FROM WINFRED SMITH, VIOLA M. ~HITE, MILDRED A. SHEA, EVELYN M. JOIilqSOIq DOROTHY B. JASPER,' REGINA A. THOMPSON(who acquired title as REGINA A. BRITE), I WILLIAM T. WHITE AND EDWARD J. kRtITE TO: E.M. TAUCHEN AND CORA TAUCHEN HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS RECORDED FEB. 11,1955 IN BOOK 2368,PAGE 271 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. I 5)' A DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION FOR E.M. TAUCHEN PASSING HIS INTEREST TO CORA TAUCHEN .RECORDED AUG. 30,1973 IN BOOK 4802,PAGE 519 OF OFFICAL RECORDS. I GRANT DEED FROM CORA TAUCHEN,A WIDOW, TO JOHN W. ANDERSON, A MARRIED MAN 6) A AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY RECORDED June 24,1981 IN BOOK 5384,PAGE 1021 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. I 7) A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM LISA ANDERSON,SPOUSE OF GRANTEE TO JOHN W. ANDERSON RECORDED JUNE 24,1981 IN BOOK 5384,PAGE 1022 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. I 8) AN EASEMENT GRANT DEED FROM JOHN I4. ANDERSON TO CORA TAUCHEN AS RECORDED JUNE 24,1981 IN BOOK 5384,PAGE 1025 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Said easement lies within the boundries of COY AVE.) I --* 9) A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM JOH~ ANDERSON TO D.M. KITCHEN AND SON INC., JOHN G. COY, NElL R. KITCHEN, TRUSTEE OF THE NElL R. AND ELIZABETH H. KITCHEN REVOCABLE I TRUST AND DENIO AND SA_RAH C. DENIO HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS RECORDED JUNE 29, 1981 IN BOOK 5385,PAGE 1594 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 10) A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM D.M. KITCHEN AND SON INC. TO J.L. DENIO INC. RECORDED I 1983 IN BOOK 5564, PAGE 869 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. JUNE 24, PAGE 1 11) A CORPORATION GRANT DEED FROM NEIL R. KETCHEN, TRUSTEE OF THE NEIL R. AND LIVING JOHN G. COY, DALE W. DENIO AND ELIZABETH H. KITCHEN REVOCABLE TRUST, SARAH C. DENIO AND J.L. DENIO INC. TO HIGHLAND TOWING SERVICE INC. RECORDED DEC. 29, 1983 IN BOOK 5618, PAGE 2405 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 11 of Parcel Map 6987) 12) A GRANT DEED FROM JOHN G. COY, NElL R. KITCHEN,TRUSTEE OF THE NElL R. AND ELIZABETH H. KITCHEN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, DALE W. DENIO AND SARAH C. DENIO AND J.L. DENIO INC. TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECORDED FEB. 1,1984 IN BOOK 5628, PAGE 550 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 9 of Parcel Map 6987) 13) A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM JOHN G. COY TO INDUSTRIAL VENTURES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP SEPT. 17, 1985 IN BOOK 5798, PAGE 53 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. RECORDED (Affects Parcel 10 of Parcel Map 6987) 14) AN INDIVIDUAL GRANT DEED FROM NElL R. KITCHEN,TRUSTEE OF THE 'NEIL R. AND ELIZABETH H. KITCHEN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, JOHN G. COY, DALE W. DENIO AND SARAH C. DENIO AND J.L. DENIO INC. TO INDUSTRIAL VENTURES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP · RECORDED SEPT. 20, 1985 IN BOOK 5799. PAGE 823 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 14 of Parcel Map 6987) 14) A INDIVIDUAL GRANT 'DEED FROM INDUSTRIAL VENTURES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AND SARAH C. DENIO TO ROBERT L. WOLFE AND DONNA WOLFE HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS RECORDED SEPT. 20, 1985 IN BOOK 5799, PAGE 825 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 14 of Parcel Map 6987) 15) AN INDIVIDUAL GRANT DEED FROM NElL R. KITCHEN, TRUSTEE OF THE NElL R. AND ELIZABETH H. KITCHEN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, JOGN G. COY, DALE W. DENIO AND SARAH C. DENIO AND J.L. DENIO INC. TO INDUSTRIAL VENTURES, A GENEP~L PARTNERSHIP RECORDED SEPT.. 25, 1985 IN BOOK 5800, PAGE 1925 OF OFFICIAL:·RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 10 of Parcel Map 6987) 16) AN INDIVIDUAL GRANT DEED FROM INDUSTRIAL VENTURES, A GENEPAL PARTNERSHIP AND A WIDOW RECORDED SEPT. 25, 1985 IN BOOK SARAH C. DENIO TO AVERIL V. MURDOCK, .5800, PAGE 1927 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 10 of Parcel Map 6987) 17) A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM JOHN G. COY TO INDUSTRIAL VENTURES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP RECORDED OCT. 28, 1985 IN BOOK 5810, PAGE 1509 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcels 1 through 15 of Parcel Map 6987) 18) A GRANT DEED FROM NElL R. KITCHEN, TRUSTEE OF THE NElL R. AND ELIZABETH H. KITCHEN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, DALE W. DENIO AND SARAH C. DENIO, HUSBAND AND WIFE AND J.L. DENIO INC. TO RALPH CORNELIUS, DBA DESIGN 1 BUILDERS RECORDED NOV. 15, 1985 IN BOOK 5816, PAGE 450 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 8 of Parcel Map 6987) 18) A GRANT DEED FROM INDUSTRIAL VENTURES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP TO RALPH CORNELIUS, DBA DESIGN 1 BUILDERS RECORDED NOV. 15, 1985 IN BOOK 5816, PAGE 453 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 8 of Parcel Map 6987) 19) AN INDIVIDUAL GRANT DEED FROM RALPH CORNELIUS A WIDOW WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS RALPH CORNELIUS, DBA DESIGN 1 BUILDERS TO DAMON D. BARRICKLOW AND DEEANN Do BARRICKLOW, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS RECORDED MARCH 21, 1988 IN BOOK 6104,~ PAGE 1343 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 8 of Parcel Map 6987) 20) AN EASEMENT GRANT DEED FROM J.L. DENIO, INDUSTRIAL VENTURES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP AND DALE W. DENIO TO NORMAN TAUCHEN, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY RECORDED JUNE 9, 1989 IN BOOK 6253, PAGE 138 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects the westerly 30 feet of Parcels 5,6 and 7 of Parcel Map 6987 which lies within Coy Ave.) P~E2 21) mN EASEMENT GRANT DEED FROM HIGHLAND TOWING SERVICE INC. TO NORMAN TAUCHEN, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SEPARATE PROPERTY RECORDED JUNE 9, 1989 IN BOOK 6253, PAGE 142 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects the easterly 30 feet of Parcel 11 of Parcel Map 6987) 22) AN INDIVIDUAL QUITCLAIM DEED FROM AVERIL V. MURDOCK TO AVEERIL V. MURDOCK TRUSTEE UTD MAY 9, 1990 OF THE AVERIL V. MURDOCK TRUST RECORDED JULY 30, 1990 IN BOOK 6412, PAGE 1141 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 10 of Parcel Map 6987) 23) AN INDIVIDUAL GRANT DEED FROM DAMON BARRICKLOW AND DEE ANN J. BARRICKLOW TO DAMON BARRICKLOW AND DEE ANN D. BARRICKLOW, TRUSTEES OF THE DAMON BARRICKLow AND DEE ANN D. BARRICKLOW LIVING TRUST RECORDED MAY 30, 1991 IN BOOK 6527, PAGE 624 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 8 of Parcel Map 6987) 24) A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM DALE W. DENIO TO DALE W. DENIO, AS TRUSTEE OF THE DALE W. DENIO 1992 REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST CREATED ON JAN. 17, 1992 RECORDED JAN. 31, 1992 IN BOOK 6626, PAGE 94 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcels 1 through 7,12,13 and 15 of Parcel Map 6987) 25) A CORPORATION GRANT DEED FROM HIGHLAND TOWING SERVICE INC.A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION TO COPART, A CALIFORNIA CORPOraTION RECORDED APRIL 7, 1993 IN BOOK 6827~ PAGE 2273 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (Affects Parcel 11 of Parcel Map 6987) PAGE 3 PARCEL 1: A Street Right of Way Deed from J.L. Denio, Inc., John C. Coy, an unmarried man; Neil R. Kitchen and Elizabeth H. Kitchen Revocable Living Trust, Neil R. Kitchen as trustee; and Dale W. Denio and Sarah C. Denio, husband and wife, as joint tenants, to the city of Bakersfield Recorded December 30, 1983, in Book 5619, Page 1183 of official Records, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NE Corner of Parcel Map No. 6987 recorded in Book 30 of Parcel Maps at Page 64 in the office of the Kern County Recorder; thence (1) S 0 degrees 8'49" W, 15.00 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Planz Road, a 45 half-width road; foot thence (2) N 89 degrees 55'03" W, along said right of way line, 255.797 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence (3) S 45 degrees 07'08" W, 28.266 feet; thence (4) S 0 degrees 09'18" W, 1256.636 feet to a point on the south line of the above said Parcel Map No. 6987; thence (5) along said south line, N 89 degrees 55'21" W, 60.000 feet; thence (6) N 0 degrees 09'18" E, 1256.591 feet; thence (7) N 44 degrees 52'53" W, 28.302 feet to a point on the before mentioned southerly right of way line of Planz Road; thence (8) S 89 degrees 55"03" E, along said right of way line, 100.000 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said easement is shown as Coy Avenue, as disclosed by Parcel Map 6987. PARCEL 2: A Grant of Easement - Temporary Street Turn Around from J.L. Denio, Inc., John G. Coy and unmarried man; Neil R. Kitchen and Elizabeth H. Kitchen Revocable Living Trust, Neil R. Kitchen as trustee; and Dale W. Denio and Sarah C. Denio, husband and wife, as joint tenants to the City of Bakersfield, Recorded December 30, 1983, in Book 5619, Page 1178 of Official Records, being more particularly described as follows: Being a portion of Lot 10 (designated Parcel A) and a portion of Lot 11 (designated Parcel B) of Parcel Map No. 6897 recorded in Book 30 of Parcel Maps at Page 64, in the Office of the Kern County Recorder. PARCEL A Commencing at the SE Corner of the above said PM no 6987; Thence (1) N 89 degrees 55'21" W, along the south line of said Parcel Map, 275.96 feet; Thence (2) N. O degrees 9'18" E. 9.961 feet to the True Point of Beginning of this description and the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the west with a radius of 50.00 feet,, the center of which bears N 36 43'04" W; degrees Thence (3) northeasterly and northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 95 degrees 57'38", an arc distance of 83.741 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave to the northeast with a radius of 25.00 feet; Thence (4) northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 42 degrees 50'00", an arc distance of 18.690 feet to the point of cusp; Thence (5) S 0 degrees 09'18" W, 90.989 feet to the True Point of Beginning. PARCEL B Commencing at the SE Corner of the above said Parcel Map No. 6987; Thence (1) N 89 degrees 55'21" W, along the South line of said Parcel Map. 335.96 feet; Thence (2) N 0 degrees 09'18" E, 10.039 feet~to the True Point of Beginning of this description and the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the east with a radius of 50.00 feet, the center of which bears N 37 degrees 01'20" E; Thence (3) northwesterly and northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 95 degrees 57"58", an arc distance of 83.746 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave to the northwest with a radius of 25.00 feet; Thence (4) northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 42 degrees 50'00", an arc distance of 18.960 feet to the point of cusp; Thence (5) S 0 degrees 09'18" W, 90.992 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said easement of shown as Coy Avenue, as disclosed by Parcel Map 6987. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ rn I ~ I I I I I APPENDIX II I I I I I I I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - 8/37' I o lOOO' ~ ' , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I  BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSON __./~r__ AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - 8/3/56 .0 1000' I I I APPROXIMATE SCALE DATE 5/94 I 1337.0010A ! APPENDIX II I I I I I ! I I I I i I I I I I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSON I --~-- AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH ' 2/8/75 I o lOOO' 2ooo' j~ I I I I APPROXIMATE SCALE DATE 5/94 1337.0010A APPENDIX II I WZl INC. I~l BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - 5/6/81 BAKERSFIELD, OALIFOFINIA MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSON --'~/'-- AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - 4/5/85 O 1000' 2000' APPROXIMATE SCALE DATE 5/94 I 1337.0010A i:~,,APPENDIX II I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA MICHAELIS, MONTANARI & JOHNSON I, --'/~'-- AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - 5/22/90 I I I I APPROXIMATE SCALE DATE 5/94 I 1337.0010A I!' APPENDIX Il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I ~ I ; APPENDIX III 1 ! E~: Envir°nmental.:Data' · . : Resour'ces, Inc. ! : · · I -' Creators of Toxicheck/e The EDR-Radius MapTM Corner of Planz Rd E & Coy Ave Bakersfield, CA 93307 The Source March 18, 1994 For Environmental Risk Management Inquiry Number: 42125.1 Data I 3530 Post Road Southport, Connecticut 06490 i i Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 I Facsimilie: 1-800-231-6802 ! I THE EDR-RADIUS MAPTM I The EDR-Radius MapTM is a screening tool which maps sites with potential or existing environmental liabilities. Specified government databases are searched in accordance with the ASTM Standard (E 1527) or custom I specifications provided by the user. The EDR-Radius MapTM includes the following three maps: I Topographic Map -- four square mile area: I o displays a two mile radius around the target property ! · o displays the USGS topographic contours and selected road features (i.e., major street n,'unes, and hydrographic dam) Overview Map: 'i o displays a one-mile (ASTM Standard) or customer specified radius around the target property · o includes major geographic attributes av,-filable in EDR's computer mapping system (i.e., street narnes, av,-filable hydrography) I Detail Map: I o displays a quarter-mile radius or customer spe'cified radius around the target property and provides the user with a close-up view o includes all geographic attributes available in EDR's computer mapping syste~n (i.e., street I ' names, address ranges) o helps the user locate "orphan" sites, those sites with insufficient address information such that they can only be identified as within the zip code, city, or county of the target property ilm Please call EDR's Nationwide Customer Service at _ 1-800-352-0050 (8am - 8pm EST) I with questions or comments about your report. Thank you for your business,t l' ~l Discl,'fimer EDR m,'~kes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, quality or completeness of any data provided by governmental or other entity used by EDR in the I preparation of its reports. The customer shall take full responsibility for the use of EDR reports. No warranty of merchantability or of fitness for particular purpose, expressed or implied, shall apply and EDR specifically disclaims the making of · any such warranties. In no event shall EDR be liable to anyone for special, · incident'fi, consequential or exemplary damages. i I GOVERNMEi~IECORDS SEARCHED / DATA CU RRE~f TRACKING Date of Last Contact: To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. · Elapsed ASTM days: Provides confirmation that this EDR report meets or exceeds the 90-day requirement of the ASTM standard. FEDERAL ASTM RECORDS: CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System; Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). CERCLIS contains information on sites identified by the USEPA as abandoned, I inactive or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites which may require cleanup· · Date of Government Version: 11/30/93 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 12/29/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 01/26/94 Elapsed ASTM days: 28 I ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System; Source: USEPA and the National Reponse Center of the US Coast Guard. · ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 06/30/93 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 09/13/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 10/29/93 Elapsed ASTM days: 46 NPL: National Priorities List (Superfund); Source: USEPA. The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. I Date of Government Version: 01/10/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 01/26/94 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/09/94 Elapsed ASTM days: 42 RCRIS: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System; Source: USEPA. RCRIS includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Date of Government Version: 06/30/93 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 08/16/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 10/20/93 Elapsed ASTM days: 65 FEDERAL NON-ASTM RECORDS: I, FINDS: Facility Index System; Source: USEPA. FINDS contains both facility information and "pointers" to other sources that contain more detail. These include: RCRIS, PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), FATES (FIFRA [Federal Insecticide Fungicide Rodenticide Act] and TSCA Enforcement System, FTTS [FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System]), CERCLIS, DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all envionmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), FRDS (Federal Reporting Data System), SIA (Surface Impoundments), CICIS (TSCA Chemicals in Commerce Information System), PADS, RCRA-J (medical waste transporters/disposers), TRIS and TSCA. ' ' Date of Government Version: 09/14/93 I PADS: PCB Activity Database; Source: USEPA. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB's who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. 'l' Date of Government Version: 10/02/93 RAATS: RCRA Administration Action Tracking System; Source: USEPA. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. Date of Government Version: 01/04/94 TRIS: Toxic Release Inventory System; Source: USEPA. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313· I Date of Government Version: 12/31/91 TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act; Source: USEPA. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers Of chemical substances I included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant · site. USEPA has no current plan to update and/or re-issue this database. Date of Government Version: 05/15/86 I HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Incident Report System; Source: United States Department of Transportation (DOT). HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 06/30/93 STATE ASTM RECORDS: Waste Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic CAL-SITES (AWP): Known Hazardous Sites; Substance Control (DTSC). California DTSC's Annual Workplan (AWP), formerly BEP, identifies known hazardous substance sites targeted for cleanup. Date of Government Version: 06/30/93 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 12/27/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 12/30/93 Elapsed ASTM days: 3 CAL-SITES (ASPIS): Known and Potential Hazardous Waste Sites; Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC). CAL-SITES, formerly ASPIS, contains bOth known and potential hazardous substance sites. Date of Government Version: 01/12/94 - Date of Data Ardval at EDR: 02/03/94 Date Made Active at EDR: 02/23/94 Elapsed ASTM days: 20 CHMIRS: California Hazardous Material Incident Reporting System; Source: California Office of Emergency Services. CHMIRS contains information on reported hazardous material incidents (accidental releases or spills). Date of Government Version: 12/31/91 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 08/08/92 Date Made Active at EDR: 11/05/92 Elapsed ASTM days: 89 CORTESE: Identified Hazardous Waste and Substance Sites; Source: California EPA/Office of Emergency Protection. The database identifies public drinking water wells with detectable levels of contamination, hazardous substance sites selected for remedial action, sites with known toxic material identified through the abandoned site assessment program, sites with USTs having a reportable release and all solid waste disposal facilities from which there is known migration. Date of Government Version: 07/31/92 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 05/06/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 08/02/93 Elapsed ASTM days: 88 LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports; Source: California Water Resources Control Board. Date of Government Version: 01/21/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 01/13/94 Date Made Active at EDR: 02/23/94 Elapsed ASTM days: 41 NOTIFY 65: Proposition 65 Notification Records; Source: California Water Recources Control Board. NOTIFY 65 contains facility notifications about any release which could impact drinking water and thereby expose the public to a potential health risk. Date of Government Version: 10/21/93 Date of Data Ardval at ED R: 11/01/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 11/19/93 Elapsed ASTM days: 18 SWAT: Solid Waste Activity Tracking; Source: State Water Resources Control Board. SWAT contains information on ground water monitoring of sanitary landfills. Date of Government Version: 11/15/93 Date of Data Ardval at EDR: 11/22/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 12/15/93 Elapsed ASTM days: 23 SWF/LS (SWlS): Active, Closed and Inactive Landfills; Source: California Integrated Waste Management Board. SWF/LS records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills. These may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Section 2004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 01/03/94 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 01/18/94 Date Made Active at EDR: 02/09/94 Elapsed ASTM days: 22 TOXIC PITS: Toxic PITS Cleanup Act Sites; Source: California Water Resources Control Board. TOXIC PITS identifies sites suspected of containing hazardous substances where cleanup has not yet been completed. Date of Government Version: 1 2/21/93 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 12/27/93 Date Made Active at EDR: 01/28/94 Elapsed ASTM days: 32 UST: Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database; Source: California Water Resources Control Board. Under RCRA, UST's must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Date of Government Version: 10/15/90 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 01/25/91 Date Made Active at EDR: 02/12/91 Elapsed ASTM days: 18 STATE NON-ASTM RECORDS: HWlS: Hazardous Waste Information System; Source: California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC). HWIS identifies hazardous waste generators and hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities in the state of California. Date of Government Version: 1 2/31/92 I CALIFORNIA COUNTY RECORDS I LOS ANGELES COUNTY: Los Angeles County Site Mitigation Log; Source: Los Angeles County Community Health Services Public Health Investigation. Date of Government Version: 08/26/93 I Los Angeles County Underground Storage Tank (US'I') List; Source: Los Angeles County Department of Public Works· Date of Government Version: 05/27/93 I ORANGE COUNTY: ' Orange County Industrial Site Cleanups; Source: Orange County Health Care Agency. Date of Government Version: 10/14/93 I Orange County Underground Storage Tank Cleanups (LUST); Source: Orange County Health Care Agency. Date of Government Version: 11/04/93 Orange County Underground Storage Tank Facilities (UST); Source: Orange County Health Care Agency. I Date of Government Version: 10/29/93 RIVERSIDE COUNTY: I Riverside County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites (LUST); Source: Riverside County Department of Public Health. Date of Government Version: 01/04/94 I SAN DIEGO COUNTY: San Diego County Solid Waste Facilities; Source: San Diego County Department of Health Services. Date of Government Version: 12/27/93 San Diego County Unathorized Release Listing; Source: San Diego County Department of Health Services. I Date of Government Version: 01/14/94 VENTURA COUNTY: I Ventura County Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Sites (LUST); Source: Ventura County Environmental Health Division. Date of Government Version: 12/01/93 I Ventura County Operating Underground Storage Tank Sites (US'i')/Underground Tank Closed Sites List; Source: Ventura County Environmental Health Division. Date of Government Version: 01/03/94 I Ventura County Invertory of Closed, Illegal Abandoned, and Inactive Sites; Source: Ventura County Environmental Health Division. I Date of Government Version: 01/03/94 Historical Database(s) I Former Manufactured Gas (Coal Gas) Sites · The existence and location of Coal Gas sites is provided exclusively to EDR by Real Property Scan, Inc. (i~Copyright 1993 Real Property Scan, Inc. I Disclaimer Provided by Real Property Scan, Inc. The information contained in this report has predominanantly been obtained from publicly available sources produced by entities Iother than Real Property Scan. While reasonable steps have been taken to insure the accuracy of this report, Real Property Scan does not guarantee the accuracy of this report. Any liability on the part of Real Property Scan is strictly limited to a refund of the amount paid. No claim is made for the actual existence of toxins at any site. This report does not constitute a legal I opinion. MANUFA~CTURED GAS PLANT (Coal Gas) SITES Prior to the widespread use of natural gas, combustible gas manufactured from coke, coal and oil served as the major fuel for urban heating, cooking and lighting in the U.S. for over 100 years. Beginning in 1816, m,-mufactured gas or "town gas" was produced at thousands of plant sites throughout the United States. Pipeline distribution of natural gas during the 1950s rapidly replaced manufactured gas as the major gaseous fuel. As a result, manufactured gas production gradu,'dly came to an end through the 1950s and 1960s. with the production of large volumes of gas, manufactured gas plants also yielded large quantities Along of by-products during their operation, including complex mixtures of coal tars, sludges, oils and other chemic,ds. Coal htr was the principal by-product from the gasification process. Although some of the coal tars were refined into a v,ariety of marketable products, substantial volumes remained unused and were considered as waste. Coal~ tar and other waste products from the gasification plants were frequently disposed on the plant site in unlined pits or in some cases injected underground through injection wells. These practices have left behind subsurface coal tar contamination at many former manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites. Coal tar is the waste of primary concern at MGP sites. Coal tars are relatively dense, viscous liquid mixtures. The composition of coal tar varies but is usually a mixture of the following: · Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), such as benzo-pyrene, naphthalene, anthracene, acenaphthene ,and phenanthrene. · Phenolic compounds, including phenol and methylphenols. · Light ,aromatic compounds, such as benzene, toluene and xylenes. · Miscellaneous organics, such as dibenzofuran. · Small quantities or inorganic chemicals, such as iron, lead, copper, zinc, various sulfides, cyanides ,'md nitrates. Coal tar is somewhat heavier th,tn water and tends to migrate vertically downward in the subsurface until it encounters a stratum that it cannot permeate. There it resides in an immobile state or spreads slowly. It can then serve as a continuous source of groundwater contamination in that PAH and other constituent compounds are slowly solubilized. Coal tars in the subsurface at MGP sites have persisted for decades because they are sparingly' soluble, resistant to biodegration and they move slowly through porous media. The problem of coal tars in the subsurface at old MPG sites represents a significant part of the general problem of subsurface contamination with dense organic liquids in the United States. The residue from former MGP sites often contains significant amounts of hazardous substances which can cause contamination of both soil and groundwater. A number of these sites are already included on EPA's site lists of states. Individual site cleanup costs have been estimated CERCLIS list and the hazardous waste many in the million dollar plus range. The information included in EDR's "Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site" Database is provided under exclusive license by Real Property Scan, Inc. The information in this report has predominantly been obtained from publicly available sources produced by entities other than Real Property Scan. While reasonable steps have been taken to insure the accuracy of this report, Real Property Scan does not guarantee the accuracy of this report. Any liability on the part of Real Property Scan is strictly limited to a refund of the amount paid. No claim is made for the actual existence of toxins on any site. This report does not constitute a legal opinion. L_ TOPOGRAPHIC MAP~_ /' / ~ Source: US Geological Suwov ,-Do~roo Di,ital Elevation Model Compiled 09/15/92. - - Miles ~ . Gontour Iinos {50 foot into~al unl,~ otho~so ~hown) ~, - Wato~ays ' - Ea~hquake fault lin~ No contour lines were detected within this map area. TARGET PROPERS: Corner of Planz Rd E & Coy Ave CUSTOMER: WZI Inc. ADDRESS: CONTACT: C~o~n Ronald CI~/STATE~IP: Bakersfield CA 93307 INQUIRY ~: 42125.1 ~T/LONG: 35.3248 / 118.9983 DATE: March 16. 1994 OVERVIEW MAP E PLANZ RD E PLANZ RD BROOK ST \ 5. C \' \ \, \ \ Indicates TARGET PROPERTY. I I I Id Miles - Indicates environmental elements found at ASTM or customor, spocifiod dist~m¢os. ' ~1, - Coal Gasification Sites (if requested) I['~ - National Priority List Sitos TARGET PROPERTY: Corner of Planz Rd E & Coy Ave CUSTOMER: WZl Inc. ADDRESS: CONTACT: Carolyn Ronald CI'I~/STATE/ZIP: BakermSeld CA ~307 INQUIRY #: 42125.1 I_AT/LONG: 35.3248 / 118.9983 DATE: March 16, 1994 ~, _~) DETAIL MAP I I I I ~.. 3k 0 Indicates TARGET PROPERTY. I mA Miles Indicates environmental elements found at ASTM or customer specified distances. J' . Coal Gasification Sites (if requested) mF~'1;~- National Priority List Sites TARGET PROPERTY: Corner of Planz Rd E & Coy Ave CUSTOMER: WZI Inc. ADDRESS: CONTACT: Carolyn Ronald CITY/STATE/ZIP: Bakersfield CA 93307 INQUIRY #: 42125,1 LAT/LONG: 35,3248 / 118.9983 DATE: March 16, 1994 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY ! Search Target Distance Total I Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted I NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RCRIS-TSD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 I AWP 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Cai-Sites 1.000 0 0 2 2 N R 4 I Notify 65 1.000 0 0 1 0 NR 1 CHMIRS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Cortese 1.000 0 1 4 25 N R 30 I Toxic Pits 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 3 NR NR 3 'St. Landfill (SWlS) 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST 0.500 0 0 2 NR NR 2 I UST 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 I SWAT TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HWIS 0.125 O. NR NR NR NR 0 I RCRIS Sm. Quan. Gen. 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 RCRIS Lg. Quan. Gen. 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 I HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 · · FINDS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 i TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 'l Coal Gas 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ITP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance * Sites may be listed in more than one database ! ! TC42125.1 Pagelof8 I I MAP FINDINGS I Map ID Direction EDR ID Number Distance Site Database(s) EPA ID Number i Coal Gas Site Search: No site was found in a search of Real Property Scan's ENVIROHAZ database. I PICK YOUR PART AUTO WRECKING Cortese S100474912 1 NW UNION AVE S. (2120) N/A 1/8-1/4 BAKERSFIELD, CA I CORTESE: Facility ID: CAL00004697 Data Source: HWlS I A2 VALLEY AUTO WRECKING FINDS 1000283396 NW 2015 S UNION LUST CAD981683428 1/4-1/2 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Cortese RCRIS-LQG I LUST: · Date Spilled: N/A Chemical: N/A Lead Agency: Local Agency Substance: Waste Oil I Case Type: The type of resources affected or extent of resources affected are not known Status: Preliminary site assessment underway Last Review: 06/13/91 i CORTESE: Facility ID: CAD98188342 Data Source: HWIS Facility ID: CAL00002645 Data Source: HWIS Facility ID: N/A Data Source: LTANK I A3 1X VALLEY AUTO & TRUCK WRECKIN Cortese S100457728, NW UNION S. (2015) N/A i 1/4-1/2 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: CAC00059944 Data Source: HWIS ! I TC42125.1 Page 2, of 8 I MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction EDR ID Number Distance Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CROP DUSTING INC Cai-Sites 1000362310 A4 DICK GARRIOTT NW 2010 S UNION AVE CERCLIS CAD079646352 1/4-1/2 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Notify 65 RCRIS-SQG FINDS UST SWAT CERCLIS Site Status: This site is currently under investigation by the government to assess the extent of further action CERCLIS Last Assessment: SCREENING SITE INSPECTION Completed - 07/01/87 CAL-SlTES Status: REFRW (FORMER ANNUAL WORKPLAN SITE, REFERRED TO RWQCB) Facility ID: 15070007 Current Status Date: 01/09/91 SWAT Waste Discharge System ID: 5D155055N01 Solid Waste Info. System ID: N/A Contact Name: DICK GARRIO'I-r NOTIFY 65: N/A CA UST ID#: 00000066471 Tank #: 1 Container #: #1 Capacity #: 00010000 Year Installed: 1970 Tank Used for: WASTE Type of Fuel: N/A Tank Construction: X centimeters Leak Detection: None CA UST ID#: 00000066471 Tank #: 2 Container #: #2 Capacity #: 00010000 1970 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Year Installed: Type of Fuel: UNLEADED Tank Construction: N/A Leak Detection: None (For more information on this site, call your EDR C[Jstomer Service Rep.) B5 1X LIU. STEVE Cortese S100472624 SSW UNION AVE S. (2300) N/A 1/4-1/2 BAKERSFIELD, CA CORTESE: Facility ID: CAC00015883 Data Source: HWIS B6 BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK INN Cortese S100227788 SSW UNION AVE S. (2300) N/A 1/4-1/2 BAKERSFIELD, CA CORTESE: Facility ID: N/A Data Source: LTANK ! TC42125.1 Page 3 of 8 I MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction EDR ID Number Distance Site Database(s) EPA ID Number B7 BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK CERCLIS 1OOO218095 SSW 2010 S UNION FINDS CAD981434236 1/4-1/2 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 LUST UST CERCLIS Site Status: This site is currently under investigation by the government to assess the extent of further action CERCLIS Last Assessment: SCREENING SITE INSPECTION Completed - 03/01/87 LUST: N/A CA UST ID#: 00000014632 Tank #: 1 Container #: 1 Capacity #: 00010000 Year Installed: 1969 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: UNLEADED Tank Construction: N/A Leak Detection: Stock Inventor, Pressure Test CA UST ID#: 00000014632 Tank #: 2 Container #: 2 Capacity #: 00000000 Year Installed: N/A Tank Used for: N/A Type of Fuel: N/A Tank Construction: N/A Leak Detection: CA UST ID#: 00000014632 Tank #: 3 Container #: 3 Capacity #: 00000000 Year Installed: N/A Tank Used for: N/A Type of Fuel: N/A Tank Construction: N/A Leak Detection: None (For more information on this site, call your EDR Customer Service Rep.) 8 VALLEY PROPELLER Cai-Sites 1000283440 NNE 300 WATTS DR CERCLIS CAD982415739 1/4-1/2 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 FINDS CERCLIS Site Status: EPA has conducted a preliminary assessment on this site and has determined that no further action is necessary and no hazard was identified CERCLIS Last Assessment: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Completed- 06/30/89 CAL-SITES Status: SSR (SITE SCREENING REQUIRED) Facility ID: 15370001 Current Status Date: 06/21/89 (For more information on this site, call your EDR Customer Service Rep.) 9 GRIFFITH COMPANY YARD LUST S100272887 NNW UNION AVE S. (1899) Cortese N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA LUST: Date Spilled: N/A Chemical: N/A Lead Agency: Local Agency Substance: Gasoline Case Type: The type of resources affected or extent of resources affected a~;e not known Status: Remedial action (cleanup) in progress Last Review: 02/22/91 CORTESE: Facility ID: N/A Data Source: LTANK ! TC42125.1 Page 4 of 8 I MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction EDR ID Number Distance Site Database(s) EPA ID Number OIL SALES Cai-Sites S100187859 10 CAL-NEVA NNW 1601 SO UNION N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 CAL-SITES Status: NFA (NO FURTHER ACTION FOR DTSC) Facility ID: 15290023 Current Status Date:03/28/83 C11 lX PALMER CONSTRUCTION Cortese S100457731 SSW UNION AVE S. (2484) N/A 1/241 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: CAC00028422 Data Source: HWIS C12 PALMER CONSTRUCTION lNG Cortese S100457732 SSW UNION AVE S. (2484) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: CAD06458089 Data Source: FINDS C13 PALMER CONSTRUCTION, INC Cortese S100457730 SSW UNION AVE S. (2484) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: CAD06458089 Data Source: HWIS C14 PALMER CONSTRUCTION INC Cortese S100457729 SSW UNION AVE S. (2484) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: CAX00004972 Data Source: HWIS C15 PALMER CONSTRUCTION, INC. Cortese S100457733 SSW UNION AVE S. (2484) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: N/A Data Source: LTANK D 16 1X BC CHEMICALS Cortese S 1 0045771 5 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) HWlS N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 HWIS: Waste Category: Unspecified Alkaline solution Tons: 0000000020 Handling method: Tank Treatment Waste Category: Other inorganic solid waste Tons: 0000000010 Handling method: Tank Treatment Waste Category: Waste oil and mixed oil Tons: 0000000017 Handling method: Transfer Station Waste Category: Pesticide rinse water Tons: 0000000012 Handling method: Transfer Station CORTESE: Facility ID: CAD98232349 Data Source: HWIS TC42125.1 Page 5 of 8 MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction EDR ID Number Distance Site Database(s) EPA ID Number D17 BC CHEMICALS Cai-Sites S100184852 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) Cortese N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CAL-SITES Status: EPA (ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) LEAD) Facility ID: 15280041 Current Status Date: 12/29/89 CORTESE: Facility ID: 15280041 Data Source: ASPIS D18 B C CHEM CERCLIS 1000106881 NNW 1511 S UNION AVE FINDS CAD055765440 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Cortese RCRIS-LQG CERCLIS Site Status: EPA has conducted a preliminary assessment on this site and has determined that no further action is necessary and no hazard was identified CERCLIS Last Assessment: LISTING SITE INSPECTION Completed - 09/30/91 Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: facility is involved with pesticide/toxic substances production CORTESE: Facility ID: CAD05576544 Data Source: HWIS Facility ID: CAD05578544 Data Source: FINDS (For more information on this site, call your EDR Customer Service Rep.) D19 lX PHOENIX TRUST Cortese S100457716 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) HWIS N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 HWIS: Waste Category: Other organic solids Tons: 0000000055 Handling method: Recycler CORTESE: Facility ID: CAC00058792 Data Source: HWIS D20 MOUNTAIN VIEW Cortese S100457717 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/;~-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152123001 Data Source: SWRCB D21 PALOMA Cortese S 100457718 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152124001 Data Source: SWRCB D22 KERN RIVER Cortese S100457725 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152133001 Data Source: SWRCB TC42125.1 Page 6 of I MAP FINDINGS I Map ID Direction EDR ID Number Distance Site Database(s) EPA ID Number I D23 FRUITVALE Cortese S100457724 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 I CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152132001 Data Source: SWRCB I D24 JASMIN Cortese S100457727 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 i CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152135001 Data Source: SWRCB D25 FRUITVALE Cortese S100457726 I NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 CORTESE: I Facility ID: 5D152134001 Data Source: SWRCB D26 MIDWAY-SUNSET Cortese S100457723 I NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 · CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152130001 Data Source: SWRCB I D27 FRUITVALE Cortese S100457720 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A I 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152127001 Data Source: SWRCB I D28 FRUITVALE Cortese S100457719 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 I CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152125001 Data Source: SWRCB I D29 ROUND MOUNTAIN Cortese S100457721 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A · 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 I CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152128002 Data Source: SWRCB I D30 EDISON, RACE TRACK HILL Cortese S100457722 NNW UNION AVE S. (1511) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 I CORTESE: Facility ID: 5D152129001 Data Source: SWRCB ! TC42125.1 Page 7 of 8 I MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction EDR ID Number Distance Site Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST 1000119336 D31 ARB INC NNW 1500 SOUTH UNION AVE Cortese CAD982505257 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 RCRIS-LQG UST LUST: N/A CORTESE: Facility ID: CAD98250525 Data Source: HWlS Facility ID: CAD98250525 Data Source: FINDS Facility ID: N/A Data Source: LTANK CA UST ID#: 00000018534 Tank #: 1 Container #: 9 Capacity #: 00000200 Year Installed: N/A Tank Used for: WASTE Type of Fuel: WASTE OIL Tank Construction: N/A Leak Detection: Visual CA UST ID#: 00000018534 Tank #: 2 Container #: 6 Capacity #: 00010000 Year Installed: N/A Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: UNLEADED Tank Construction: N/A Leak Detection: Visual, Stock Inventor CA UST ID#: 00000018534 Tank #: 3 Container #: 8 Capacity #: 00000200 Year Installed: N/A Tank Used for: WASTE Type of Fuel: WASTE OIL Tank Construction: N/A Leak Detection: Visual CA UST ID#: 00000018534 Tank #: 4 Container #: 5 Capacity #: 00002000 Year Installed: N/A Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: UNLEADED Tank Construction: N/A Leak Detection: Visual, Stock Inventor There are 5 other tank details available for this site. D32 A T I Cortese S100457714 NNW UNION AVE S. (1500) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 CORTESE: Facility ID: CAL00005813 Data Source: HWIS E33 KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Cortese S100474557 West PLANZ RD (1101 ) N/A 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA CORTESE: Facility ID: CAL00003309 Data Source: HWIS E34 SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Cortese U000042364 West PLANZ RD (1101 ) UST N/A I 1/2-1 BAKERSFIELD, CA CORTESE: Facility ID: N/A Data Source: LTANK CA UST: N/A TC42125.1 Page 8 of 8 ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) BAKERSFIELD U001584467 PALLA ROSA FARMS RT. 10 BOX 517 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584372 98773 RT 2- 2301 PANAMA LN 933O7 U BAKERSFIELD UO01584394 C.D. CA C. FARMS RT. 2 BOX 392 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584400 D&D CARROT HARVESTING INC RT 2 BOX 421 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584404 DON ICARDO FARMS RT 2 BOX 387 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584413 FANUCCHI FARMS RT 2 BOX 350-COPUS RD 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584418 FREITAS FARMS RT 2 BOX 89 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584446 KERN LAKE CO-OP GIN, iNC. RT. 2 BOX 300 93307 U BAKERSFIELD UO01584451 LIMA BROS. INC. ROUTE 2 BOX 622 93307 U BAKERSFIELD UO01584516 V&C FARMS RT 2 BOX 380 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584517 VAL-RIDGE FARMS RT. 2 BOX 450 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584422 GENERAL SHAFTER SCHOOL DISTRIC RT. 2, BOX 713 93307 U BAKERSFIELD 1000412936 CONTINENTAL CARBON COMPANY ROUTE 4 93307 AOX BAKERSFIELD UO01584384 BAKERSFIELD RANCH ROUTE 4 BOX 442 A 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584399 CLENDENEN CHRISTMAS TREE FARM, RT 5 BOX 351 93307 U BAKERSFIELD UO01584440 JOANNA REED ROUTE 5 BOX 502 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584442 K F LYTLE PRODUCTION SERVICE RT 5 BOX 330 933O7 U BAKERSFIELD U001584477 RALPH H. MOSESlAN INCORPORATED ROUTE 5 BOX 369 EAST 93307 U MOUNT VIE BAKERSFIELD U001584407 EDISON FIELD oFFICE ROUTE 5, BOX 474 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584488 ROD MCLELLAN CO. ROUTE 5, BOX 548 93307 U BAKERSFIELD 1O001350O5 S&W TRUCK STOP HWY 58 &184 93307 IQ BAKERSFIELD S100684845 CHEVRON TRUCK STOP ¢¢9-2590 HWY 58 & BUNDAGE 93307 K BAKERSFIELD S100221862 SR 58 @ SR 99 M BAKERSFIELD S100707127 CHEVRON TRUCK STOP ~9-2590 HWY 58 & BUNDAGE K BAKERSFIELD U001584387 BILL FARGO RT 6 BOX 317-F 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584431 HANS VANDBORG RT. 6 BOX 188 93307 U BAKERSFIELD UO01584456 M.P. HERMITTE RT 6 BX 254 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584460 MILES H THOMAS RT 6 BOX 259 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584503 STEMDERUP AG PARTNERS ROUTE 6 BOX 249-A 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584508 THE WILLIAM MOSESlAN CORP RT 6 93307 U BAKERSFIELD UO01584509 THE WILLIAM MOSESIAN CORP. 'RT. 6 (PANAMA RD) 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584527 YAKSlTCH FARM INC RT. 6 BOX 189 93307 U BAKERSFIELD S100617726 lX EL MONTE GAS CO INC HIGHWAY 65 & LERDO J HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD U001584515 UNION OIL SSC¢ 5334 RT 7 BOX 120 93307 U BAKERSFIELD S100714226 KERN COPTERS INC HWY 99 & WATTS DR. 93307 A BAKERSFIELD U000042564 KERN COPTERS INC HWY 99 & WATTS DR. 93307 U BAKERSFIELD U001584443 KEN'S CHEVRON HWY 99 & 166 - METTLER 93307 U BAKERSFIELD S100215767 HWY 99 NORTH BOUND AT M ROSEDALE BAKERSFIELD S100216001 SR 99 S/O WHITE LN. M BAKERSFIELD S100221908 SR 99 @ ROSEDALE HWY M BAKERSFIELD S100279329 SR 99 ON RAMP FROM W/B M SR 58 BAKERSFIELD Sl00280587 SR 99 S/O CALIFORNIA M AVE. BAKERSFIELD Sl00525259 FORMER MOBIL S/S HWY 99 & 7TH STANDARD RD K BAKERSFIELD S100533224 FORMER MOBIL S/S HWY 99 & 7TH STANDARD RD K BAKERSFIELD S100707116 FORMER MOBIL S/S HWY 99 & 7TH STANDARD RD K BAKERSFIELD S100279277 IN ALLEY NORTH OF 3200 M HARVARD DR. BAKERSFIELD S100280126 ALLEY BEHIND JEFFERSON M STRE ET BAKERSFIELD U001584482 REYNOLD M. METTLER FARMS I-5 AND HIGHWAY 166 93307 U BAKERSFIELD S100217924 ON ARROW ST NORTH OF M SlLLECT AVE Database Codes: A = Cai-Sites E = ERNS J = HWIS N = NPL S = TRIS W = SWAT B = PADS F = Notify 65 K = LUST 0 = Cortese T = RCRIS-TSD X = TSCA C = CERCLIS G = RCRA-SQG L = St. Landfill (SWIS) P = Toxic Pits U = UST 1 = AWP D = HMIRS I= FINDS M= CHMIRS Q = RCRA-LQG V= RAATS 9 = Coal Gas TC42125.1 Page 1 of 4 ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) BAKERSFIELD S100219985 N. BAKER AND HAWTHORNE M BAKERSFIELD S100424389 MASSOLO TRUCKING (BEAR MTN) BEAR MTN BLVD/HWY 99. 93307 K BAKERSFIELD U001584386 BEAR MT. TRUCK STOP BEAR MT. BLVD. & 99 HWY. 93307 U BAKERSFIELD S100277712 EAST BELLE TERRACE AND 93307 M ENETERPRIZE STREE BAKERSFIELD S100217144 8000 BLK SHELFIELD M BAKERSFIELD S100280879 2600 BLK OF ASHE RD M BAKERSFIELD S100279850 1400 BLK.PLANG ROAD M (PLANG PARK POOL) BAKERSFIELD S100279808 300 BLOCK BELLE TERRACE M i BAKERSFIELD S100221784 ST BOLLUND ROSEDALE HWY M AT FWY 99 BAKERSFIELD S100279736 BUENA VISTA & MING M BAKERSFIELD S100279856 BUENA VISTA & PACHECO M BAKERSFIELD S100187689 SHELTON,G.DOMINIC CALIENTE CREEK RD 93307 A BAKERSFIELD S100187915 BAKERSFIELD BATTERY CO 203 E CALIFORNIA AVE 93307 A \' BAKERSFIELD S100187923 H J BA'FFERY SALES 211 E CALIFORNIA AVE 93307 A BAKERSFIELD S100545351 MASSOLO TRUCKING (BEAR MTN) CASTAJO/BEAR MTN K BLVD/HWY 99 BAKERSFIELD S100707195 MASSOLO TRUCKING (BEAR MTN) CASTAJO/BEAR MTN K I BLVD/HWY 99 BAKERSFIELD S100222501 2600 CHESTER M BAKERSFIELD S100707253 TEXACO KERN FRONT SERVICE YARD 5605 CHESTER EXIT N K BAKERSFIELD S100525258 NAVY OIL SITE SW CORNER UNION & K TRUXTON BAKERSFIELD S100533223 NAVY OIL SITE SW CORNER UNION & K TRUXTON BAKERSFIELD S100707081 NAVY OIL SITE SW CORNER UNION & K TRUXTON BAKERSFIELD S100272886 JOHN DENNY Co~-rONWOOD S. (300) 93307 KO BAKERSFIELD S100457590 1X DENNEY, JOHN COTTONWOOD S. (300) 93307 O BAKERSFIELD S100278884 'COUNTY LANDFILL - M ALFRED NARBLL HWY &eL BAKERSFIELD S100222767 N E OF PIERCE & 24TH ST M BAKERSFIELD S100280987 EDISON RD @ S P RAILROAD 93307 M BAKERSFIELD U000042632 UNICO CHEMICAL INC 7101 EDISON HWY 93307 U BAKERSFIELD S100187815 SUNLAND IND INC#1 EDISON HWY 93307 A BAKERSFIELD S100187849 SWIFT CO AG CHEM DIV EDISON HWY 93307 A BAKERSFIELD S100187871 WESTERN DEHYDRATING CO EDISON OIL FIELDS 93307 A BAKERSFIELD U001584484 RICHARD P. KOWBEL, MINI MART 38701 EDISON HWY. 93307 U BAKERSFIELD S100222735 EDITH & MERIMACK M BAKERSFIELD S100227709 FAIRVIEW PROPERTY FAIRVlEW RD & UNION 93307 K BAKERSFIELD S100707205 FAIRVIEW PROPERTY FAIRVIEW RD & UNION K BAKERSFIELD S100279238 FAMOSA RD. 4 E. OF HWY M 66 BAKERSFIELD S100280994 GIBSON ST M BAKERSFIELD U001584474 PRODUCERS COTTON OIL COMPANY W 29873 GOLDEN STATE 93307 U HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD S100545344 SAMMON'S TRUCK STOP GOLDEN STATE HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100689640 SAMMON'S TRUCK STOP GOLDEN STATE HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100706962 UNION OVERHEAD PROJECT 2100 GOLDEN STATE K BAKERSFIELD S100707086 SAMMON'S TRUCK STOP GOLDEN STATE HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100707233 CROWN CITY DEMOLITION ,. 8100 GOLDEN STATE HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100281001 12219 GOODWlN PL M BAKERSFIELD S100280138 GRANITE ROAD, 2.63 M . MILES OFF JAMES ROAD BAKERSFIELD S100280997 W/S GREELEY RD, 3/4 MI M N/O ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD S100187912 BATTERY SPECIALISTS OF CALIF 3OO INDUSTRIAL AVE 933O7 A BAKERSFIELD S100222003 S/O INTERSECTION OF 178 M & NIKS BAKERSFIELD S100280984 KRATZMEYER & SANTA FE M HWY TC42125.1 Page 2 of 4 ORPHAN SUMMARY City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) BAKERSFIELD S100280623 LAKEVlEW ST. M BAKERSFIELD S100353920 UNION OIL STATION LERDO HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100424422 UNION OIL STATION LERDO HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100227735 UNION OIL STATION LERDO HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100545353 SPICER CITY MARKET LERDO HWY & MAIN DRAIN K RD BAKERSFIELD S100689609 UNION OIL STATION LERDO HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100706929 UNION OIL STATION LERDO HWY K BAKERSFIELD U001584393 BRUNO SANDRINI 1 1/2 MI. SO. OF TAFT 93307 U HWY ON W BAKERSFIELD S100238402 BAKERSFIELD LANDFILL 1 MILE E OF ALFRED L HARRELL AND PANORAMA BAKERSFIELD. S100279463 1 MILE EAST OF WHEELER M RIDGE RD, 1 MILE BAKERSFIELD S100618013 lX WHEELER RIDGE AVIATION INC 1 MILE WEST OF HWY 99 ON J BAKERSFIELD U001584478 RANCH #50 2 MILES EAST OF HIGHWAY 93307 U 99 ON BAKERSFIELD U001584479 RANCH #8 9 MILES EAST OF HIGHWAY 93307 U 99 ON BAKE RSFIELD S100279414 MILLUX ROAD - WEST OF M BAKERSFIELD S100227739 ESTER PERRY PROPERTY MING ST (701) 93307 KO BAKERSFIELD S100457631 lX PERRY, ESTHER MING ST (701) 93307 0 BAKERSFIELD S100280983 MINNER ST. M BAKERSFIELD S100280995 1/4 MI N OF ALLEN RD ON M SANTA FE BAKERSFIELD S100429530 VALLEY TREE & CONSTRUCTION 1/2 MI NE 7TH STD RD & L DISPOSL SITE HWY 99 BAKERSFIELD S100237872 BAKERSFIELD SANITARY LANDFILL 1 MI NE MT VERNON & L PANORAMA DR BAKERSFIELD S100237715 CHINA GRADE SANITARY LANDFILL 3 MI NE BAKERSFIELD L BAKERSFIELD S100238403 CHINA ERADE SANITARY LANDFILL 'EAST OF ALFRED HARRELL L HWY BAKERSFIELD S100280098 SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 58 ON M OSWELL BAKERSFIELD S100237721 BAKERSFIELD S.L.F.(BENA) NO OF SO. PACIFIC & L SANTA FE RR BAKERSFIELD S100218567 PACHECO, 1/4 MILE W/O M OLD RIVER BAKERSFIELD U000042862 TEN SECTION PUMP STATION PANAMA LN & HWY 43 KU BAKERSFIELD S100689631 TEN SECTION PUMP STATION PANAMA LN & HWY 43 K BAKERSFIELD S100706981 TEN SECTION PUMP STATION PANAMA LN & HWY 43 K BAKERSFIELD S100279237 1801 PANORAMA DR. S/W M PARKING LOT BAKERSFIELD S100227776 LERDO QUALITY RANCH #4 QUANTITY RD/S. LERDO KO HWY (NO STREET NBR) BAKERSFIELD Sl OO525261 LERDO QUALITY RANCH #4 QUANTITY RD & LERDO HWY K s BAKERSFIELD S100533226 LERDO QUALITY RANCH #4 QUANTITY RD & LERDO HWY K S BAKERSFIELD S100689649 LERDO QUALITY RANCH #4 QUANTITY RD & LERDO HWY K s BAKERSFIELD S100707129 LERDO QUALITY RANCH #4 QUANTITY RD & LERDO HWY K S BAKERSFIELD S100424377 LERDO QUALITY RANCH #4 RD/S LERDO HWY K BAKERSFIELD S100631021 POOL ENERGY SERV W DIV N DIST 7515 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY J BAKERSFIELD S100429586 CAL WESTERN FUELS PROCESSING 1 MI S & 1/3 MI E OF L JUNCT HWY 184 &.178 BAKERSFIELD S100278674 SFRR YARD M BAKERSFIELD Sl00222749 SPRR TRACKS W/O OSWELL M ST BAKERSFIELD S100218972 FJB SR 58 TO S/B SR 99 M BAKERSFIELD S100223488 3600 -0- ST #15 M TC42125.1 Page3of4 ORPHAN SUMMARY I City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip , Database(s) BAKERSFIELD S100280990 7TH STANDARD & ALLEN RD M BAKERSFIELD S100618004 lX WESTERN OIL FILL SUPPLY 3904 STATE ROAD J i COMPANY BAKERSFIELD S100281003 STOCKDALE HWY & BUENA M VISTA BAKERSFIELD S100227800 CONVENIENCE MARKET TAFT HWY 93307 K I' BAKERSFIELD S100684697 CONVENIENCE MARKET TAFT HWY 93307 K BAKERSFIELD S100706963 CONVENIENCE MARKET TAFT HWY 93307 K BAKERSFIELD' S100187754 CENTURY CHEMICAL CO. TAFT HWY 93307 A BAKERSFIELD S100280982 TANKER RD M I BAKERSFIELD S100278822 TRUXTON & EMPIRE M BAKERSFIELD S100280511 TRUXTUN AVE 1/4 MILE E M OF COFFEE RD BAKERSFIELD U000042530 ELLEN L. KELLY UNION ST S. (101) 93307 OU I BAKERSFIELD U000042547 GREENFIELD AUTO TRUCK CENTER UNION ST S. (9721) 93307 KOU BAKERSFIELD S100280881 UNKNOWN M BAKERSFIELD S100280882 UNSPECIFIED M BAKERSFIELD S100227807 VlNELAND YARD 7146 VlNELAND AVE, RTE 933O7 K BAKERSFIELD S100684854 VINELAND YARD 7148 VINELAND AVE, RTE 93307 K ; #5 BAKERSFIELD S100707150 VlNELAND YARD 7146 VlNELANBAVE, RTE 93307 K #5 I BAKERSFIELD 1OOO2512O9 PACIFIC BELL WEEDPATCH & EDISON 933O7 IQU HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD S100574554 lX YAKSlTCH FARMS INC 13649 WEEDPATCH HIGHWAY 93307 J BAKERSFIELD S100579385 lX NORMAN ETCHISON INC 7744 WEEDPATCH HWY 93307 J I BAKERSFIELD 1000730044 CHEVRON STATION 9 2590 WEEDPATCH HWY AND 93307 IK BRUNDAGE BAKERSFIELD S100613751 KERN COUNTY REFINERY INC WEEDPATCH HWY/PANAMA 93307 J LANE I BAKERSFIELD S100613752 KERN COUNTY REFINERY INC WEEDPATCH HWY/PANAMA 93307 J · LANE BAKERSFIELD S100613753 KERN COUNTY REFINERY INC WEEDPATCH HWY/PANAMA 93307 J LANE I BAKERSFIELD S100279766 WEEDPATCH HWY & HWY 58 M CHEVRON TRUCK STO BAKERSFIELD S100689613 WICKES LUMBER 1800 WHITE LANE 93304 K BAKERSFIELD S100707002 WICKES LUMBER 1800 WHITE LANE 93304 K · BAKERSFIELD S100707066 WHITE LANE TEXACO 2601 WHITE LANE 93304 K BAKERSFIELD S100280998 WHITE LN 93307 M EDISON S100276191 FIELD NE OF MULLER & 93307 M ~ _. MALAGARDS I METTLER U001584481 RENEGADE TRUCK STOP ROUTE #2 BOX 446-C 93307 U METTLER S100180484 AGRI-SOIL CONDITIONING COMPANY HIGHWAY 99 AND MARICOPA 93307 A HIGHWAY METTLER S100227842 RENEGRADE TRUCK STOP GOLDEN STATE (30049) 93307 KO I METTLER S100684853 RENEGRADE TRUCK STOP 30049 GOLDEN STATE 93307 K METTLER S100187853 CENTURY RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT MARICOPA HIGHWAY 93307 A INC METTLER 1000204325 WHEELER RIDGE AVIATION INC VALPREDO RD 93307 AIQ I SHAFTER 1000105232 RIO BRAVO DISPOSAL FACILITY 7TH STANDARD & BEECH ST 93304 lTV ! TC42125.1 Page 4 of 4