HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANj ............ Oontact Name' ............................ 'l"1t]e ...................... Il ........ :.:. C:ontact Name ....................... ::. "l"fi%]e ...................... J Pager Phon~ ,:. ( ) .... x !t Pagan Phonm : .( ) .... x .................................... : ............... ' ........................................................ Adm~nfistnatfive Data ........................ ' ........................................................... .......... ()~ner: ()[)]:~ "3Yi<[~]~ :i:N(:: Phon~: · (805) 324 AddreSs: :)'i3 DAN:iJEI_S LN .... VAC:AN'T' 'State: C:A C:ity: BAi<ERSF::[EL[ ZiP~ 9330"/ .... S u m m a r ~/ ................................................................................................................................................................................ : ............................... ........................................................ L..> :[NC 015 0'10 002 ' ¥'~ - ' · / I 5 / 94 ~ ;I; SI;) Y K :: c, 'v .. I::: q x e d"' ~ ~ .... L, on ...... 1nets at. Hazmat ;Inventory I)btaiq 4n Reference Number O.rder "~ , ........ . ~': .......... ~ ;7 ................................................. ¢1 --~ ........ ;" '"' ;'" '"; .............. : ........... ; .................................................................................................................................................. · ' ....................... 0 ~ ..-. ,~ 0~ ~AS"f' E O ;[ I... 1...~ qui d 250 Low > I:::ire, ')¢-3ay H'lth ,.:,A,... CAS ~:. 2~'1 "t"rsde Secret: Form; Liquid Type: ~ast'e .)~ys': ::')85 Use: ~AS'I"E~ ,..8i'~y ~l~x GAL ~ i;)ai'~y Aversge GAl.. · ...... I ........ Annuai Amount GAl ........ 250 J !50 . 00 I 500 , 00 ......................... S¢orage ..-: ........................ j Press ! lemp .... t ................................................ ...oc,~qon ........................................ ASOV~7~ GROUNI;) "f'ANK ' lAmbdentjAmbJer, t~CEN'TER Ot::: S ~ALL .... ,...on c .... ~ ...-' ......................... : ............... ................... ' ...................... Compo~en ..................................................... .. 0~ I~ste, O1 ] Pet roi eum Based l l...o~ I ~'7 !00 '~ ..... <i> Agency No'~ifica~ior, <2.> !!!!mp'!oyee Not~J f,/E~acuc~t~ior, <4> Emergency Ivleclica'i P'lan <E> Prev,/Mfinfimfizatfion/(i:leanup Iq'el sase.. C:ontafi nm~nt " ': <4'> ()the. r i~esource.. Activation ' ' · .: O0 .... ()vena'J'l SJte · . '.<F::> Sfite Emeingency i:::actors <15 Special !..taz'ards ... <2> I..itiiity Shut-.Offs <:3> I:::i~*e Pro,te.c,.YAvai]' Water Earthquake Vulnerability <-I> "Frai;n'ing !~ecord Location <2> I:)escribe "['raining Program <::')> i.'-J!mer. Agencs/ C;oordfinat on <&> i!!!mer, IRe..sponsm... E!qu'~ pment: ~1 1 /I ~;'; ~ " .... (e, ': O0 .... ()ve~'a 1 'j ~3i 're .:<i> Hfigh .:..-...' ......... ': ........................................... - ..Jr Hfigh,Schools <:")> l!}!].e..mmnt~ ry Schools <4> Private & Pr,m Schools ' .,Oener,al Informati.on Location: 313 DANIELS ",'- 'lC'6~mUnity: "BFD" RESPONSE AREA .... Grid: 05A ' :. 1 'AOV; 0.0 .:-I,l=--::cont'act Name'--- I~ OD~.S. DYKES '- 1(805) 322-3039 x ,1(805) 87'2=4306l .IlVZOKIE @REAW I ' .... 1(805)''322-303'9 X. 1(805)323-301'4 I "' Administrati. ve Data - 1 Mail Addrs: PO BX 6157 D&B Number: I Cffty': "8AKERSFI'ELD. State: CA Zip: 93307 'Ii Comm COde: 015m901 "BFD" RESPONSE AREA" SIC Code:.1629 -I I' Owner= ODIS DYKES IN'C Phone= ( ) - Address: 3,1'3 DANIF _Lo LN State: CA · !i, '1 City: BAKERSFIELD ' Zip: 9330?- [, Summary ..... I-IHEAVY EARTH HOVING ,UIPMEN~ STORAGE AND REFUELING YARD. ' .. OFFICE AND SHOP ARE. METAL BLDGS AT W END OF' PROPERTY. 'A WOOD. SIDING RESIDEN I~S" OCCUPIED AT FRONT"AND C'EN R OF YARD. FUEL TANKS ARE LOCATED N SE CRNR :'l OF EQUIPMENT 'YARD. ;12/15/91 . IS..':-DYKES INC 015-010-00 6 . Page '2 Hazmat Inventory Lffst fin Reference ben Order 02 - F'ffxed Containers a~ 'Site :, ' P]n-Ref 'Name/Hazards ' Form Quantit~ Mcr -02-OO1 DIESEL Liqui'd ~,~'6'0 Lo~ > Fire, D~]ay High - GAL 02-002 GASOLINE . L4qufd 4,000 ~oderate' > Fffre~ De]ay_H]~h GAL ¢ F 250 02-004 WA.~T_ OIL Lffquff'd Low > Fffre-, Delay H]th , GAL 12/1,5' 1 '" ' /' ''"" I'S DYKES INC'"0'1'5-0i0-00 6. Page 3 : ~" '02 ~ Fixed Containers at ~ '" · -Hazmat?Znven~dry Detaffl in Reference Number Order , : '025001 DIESEL' ' · .. Liquffd ?.900' Low' ... > F~re, De]aly Hlth ,GAL " .. " C:~S ~: . 684?'6302 '~rade Secret:' No ForF:-Liquid Type: Pure .. D.~ys:' 30. Use: FUEL ' Daftly Max GAL -- Daftly Average GAL --I-- Annual Amoudt GAL --  ,. ?,900- ?,800.00 ] 93,600"00 . Storage I PressITemp -I . Locatff.on AB6VE' GROUND TANK ''l. AmbffentlAmbffentlSE CORNER OF LOT -Conc - . Components .. I-'Mcr --ILi.st 100.04 .]:Diesel Fuel No.2 IL°w I 02-002 GASOLINE Lffquid .... 4000 Moderate > Fire, De]ay Hlth . .. GAL ' .C '.~: - 800661'9 Trade 'Secret: No m: uffd .. .T~ : Pure -Days: 45 Use~ FUEL ~ .... Daffl'~ Max ~A'L .... I-- Da~ly Average GAL . Annua'l 'Amount GAL -- 4,000 I 3,500.00 ' 24,000.00 Storage I-press I Temp -I . LocatfiOn ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbffent!.AmbffeDtlSE CRNR OF LOT' .. -'Conc - -- components IL MOP -- Lffst 100.04 Gasoline .. IMod~.rate 02-004 WASTE OI,L L"ff.quffd 250 Low > Ffire Delay Hlth GAL ] ~A'S ~: 221 Trade Secret: No  Fo~m Lffquffd y~e: Waste Days: 365 'Use: WASTE ~ Da'fil.y Max GAL .... I-- Daftly Average GAL --I'-- Annual Amount GA.E ~-' 2s0 I 150.00 I .500.00- Storage I Press 'l Temp -I-- Locat'fion ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbfientlAmbien'tICENTE~ OF S WALL. ' -Conc-- - Components ........ ~ Mcr ILfi~t 1,00 04 Waste OffS, Petroleum Based Lo~. [ 1~/15/91 " S DYKES INC 015-010£00 6 Page 4 O0 -:.Overall Site <D> Notfif./Eva,cuation/Medfica] <'1> Agency Notfffffcatffon : ON CASE OF AN EMERGENCY D AL 9,1,1 .. OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES.- 1-800-852-7550 <2> Employee No~-if./Evacuation ,NO ALARM'S ~ THERE iS ONLY ONE.-EMPLOYEE THAT IS ON THE PREMISES FOR A'S'TEADY 8 HOUR SRIFT. SMOKE DETECTORS LOCATED THROUGHOUT OFFICE STRUCTURE. <3> Public Notif. <4> Emergecny Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL, ,2215 TRUXTUN AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA (805 327'-3371 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 420- 34TH ST BAKERSFIELD,' CA ' (805) 327-1792 - 12/1579~ ' '~yKEs'~ I'NC 015-0.10 00 · '-- .00'~ 'Overall <E-~:. ppev./Min.imization/C]ea~up <1> Re~ease Pneventffon- ' ":<2'>- Relsass' ;Con:tafnment '.,, " I 'FIRE EXTINGUISHER'S 2. CONTAINMENT:'BERM"SURROU~ING FUEL TANKS. 3 EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT KVAILABEE TO 'DYKE " OR'REMOVE SOIL. , ... _ <3>'Cle,~'n Up.. <4> O~her Resounce Activation: .~'~'~/~ ~"' ' · · "i ' . · : . . IS','DYKES iN 15' b~ 6 : Page,':.i. 6 /:I '''' , i' -- O0 -Overt'al] Site.' '~ . .,,~... ~, . <F> Sffte, Eme'~g'~ncy. Factons <1> ,.Speciaq Hazards ' ,. ' '"' · TWO: (2') DOGS IN"'YARD ' <2> Utility ShUt-Offs · . . A) GAS/PRO?ANE - NW CORNER OF BLDG. B) ELECTRICAL - NW WALL',I'NSIDE SHOP SYRUCTURE. C) WATER. -NN CORNER OF' PROPERTY ." D) SPECIAL - NONE. ...... " E) LOCK BOX - NONE. , <3>'Fffre'Protec./Avail. ~er .. HYDRANT IN FRONT OF BUSINESS <4> Heqd t~or Future use 1~2/15~9t .... . . S ;DYKES ZNC 015-010· 00: 6 ,.P~ge '- _, -00 .- Overall Site · ,. ' , ... . . <G> Tnai:ning ' " <1>, Page " , , .,.,' ' ' .' ,'>NE'HAVE NEEKLY DOcUMENTED,.SAF'ETY MEETI'NGS'..' 'COPIES. ARE KEPT ON EMPLQYEE'S FILES. '·'HEALTH' AND SAFETY PRACTICES',': ARE READ AND SIGNED BY EACH EMPLOYEE OUT "INJ.UR~ & ILLhESS P'RE~EN~,.tON PROGRAM (ACCORDING TO OSHA STANDARDs) IS' IN EF.~ECT ~N'D ~PPROVED.::: . ! ' ,<2> Page 2 as needed <3> H~]d for Future Use <4> Held for. Future Use 12/15/9';1 .,, IS.DYKES, INC 015-010-00: 6 : -. ~ ' .,, O0 - Overall Site .... :':: .' , ' ..::., .<M> Events Ledger "M" ' · .... ,. -,-~----1.1/02/SS__ _______:..___RE'INSPECTION/OK ,'~ . . 09/15/88 ~NNUAL/VlOLATION' ': ~ .L' ' 12/15/91 IS DYKES INC-.015-010-00 6 Page 9 I O0 ~ Overall Si. re. · <MS Inspections List ' .: 11:/0:2/88' RE-INiSBECTION/OK 09/15/88"ANNU'A'L./VIOLATION G2,H2,R2,52) : _ PLEASE OBTA-IN ~AT'ER.IAL SAFETY'DATA SHEETS (MSDS) FOR FUELS. (U.F.C. 80.103H) ALSO PLEASE LABEL THE -FUEL TANKS TO IDENTIFY CONTENTS'.' WASTE OiL TANK' AD'DED TO INVENTORY DURING INSPECTION. ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT /~ '~ //-~:'~-?'~.J*~,'~. , (,, ~,,.?../c/I BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION -~A._- ~ ~ ~te APPLICATION Application No. In conformi~ with provisions of ~rtinent~ordinances, c~es and/or regulations, application is rnade by: ~ ~ - ~ .__~,~ ~,~ o ., . ~~ ~ Name of Co~ny Address to display, stare, install, use,~0~rate, sell or handle materials-°r pr~esses inv~l.ving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or pro~r~ as follows: " O / · ~ Au~rized Representative ' Permit... ....... .~...//....~.../D~/. ................... By ......... L.'/..i~~. .............. ~ ............ i ................................ ' ' {d../~l ) ~,,e u,,,~, . RE OURCE MANAGEMENT ENG. y' Environmental Health ,5~rvic~ De!~artment RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEV~ McCAt! !:% REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR , I Air Pollution Control District " DAVID PRICE !!I ' w~t.t.~ J. RODDY, APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR P~anning & Dev~k~m~nt Servic~ Ek,~artment TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 1~56-25 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ,. SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Odis Dykes, Inc. Odis Dykes, Inc. Odis Dykes, Inc. 3i3 Daniels Lane 313 Daniels L~ne 31.3 Daniels L~ne Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 ' License #528384 Phone: 805-322-3039 Phone: 805-322-3039 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES June 12, 1991 1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE March 12, 1991 Carrie Oeorgi Hazardous Materials Specialist .............................................. : ...... : ................................. ~ ....... POST ON ?REMISES .................................. ~ ............................................................. CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: I. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., city Fire and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections.(s). 3. ' Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environlnental Health and Fire Department approv&l methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility, to 'know and adhere to all applicable !a~s regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupep,~sed. 6. ~ If any contractors other than thbse listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the. permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: : a. Tank size leas than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths oi approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples mus.t be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 · ' FAX: (805) 861-3429' PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A 14~6-1~ O~F UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ' 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be ann .iyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene,'and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline)~ b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil'samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil. tanks and appurteaance~ must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substance~ must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the lank. f. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfuryl alcohol resin must be anal~ze~l for phenols, formaldehyde and furfuryl alcohol. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: Complete permit application submitted At least two weeks prior to closure to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date Two working days andtime of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous No later than $ working days for transportation and 14 working Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste days for the tracking form after tank removal manifests must be signed by the receiver of(~he .haZardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis Program 11. Purging/Ineriing Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above'ground level. ~(CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector,arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives [rom this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe t0remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guideline~ are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site,~fe~y is one of our primary concerns. Excavations arc inherently dangerous. It'is thc' contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exht in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For'example, backhoe bueket~ are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed c~ntractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may r~ult in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are necessary, for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on neee.~ary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete eases results. If this continues, proee~ing time for completing new closures will increase. NTOWNi~R OR AGE DATE CG:ch ·: georgi\l,~56-2S.pta