HomeMy WebLinkAboutABOVEGROUND TANK IMPORTANT' MESS.AGE E TIME P;M. TELEPHONED ~' PLEA, E CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH I~ RETURNED YOUR CALL[ I ME~AGE ' ' SIGNED' iMPoRTANT MESSAGE ~0. PHONE NO~~'~ TELEPHONED ASE CALL ,,~s~oS~ ~o~ ~t 11~s' . I ~t RETURNEDI' aE~A6E FOR · "/Y' ,'-~' · - AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION MESSAGE SIGNED '~)' LITHO IN · TOPS ~ FORM 3002S' " ' ' NUMB'ER XTENSION AREA CODE IN U.S.A- TOPS FORM 3002S ' ' ' '. · i~y!,po RT'ANT MESS,AGE DATE (~/ "///J~ '*" TIME PHONE NO.- TELEPHONED PLEASE cALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILLCALL AGAIN ,NTS TO SEE YOU RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALL MESSAGE "' SIGNED ASSOCIATED L1-A-~334 · RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL . NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT. FoR;iN?ERNATIONAL MAIL - .~. (see Reverse) Street ar{d No. P.O.. State and ZIP'Code Postage ~ ,-- - Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Re{urn Recei Return. Receipt showing to Whom, Date, and Address of Delivery P6stmark or Date , ,. RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED'MAIL' N~) INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR iNTERNATIONAl. MAIL (See Reverse) Street and/~o. . ~ ' ~ ~ and ~J~ ~de Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing -- tO _whom and Date Delivered /o '..~.~- Return Receipt showing to whom, Date, and Address of Delivery TOTAL Postage and Fees' S Postmark- or'Date . O SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and complete item~ 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do .this will~ prev. e.n.t this. card from be ng returned tO ¥0u. The return receipt fee wiU provide you the name et the person oedvereo to and the date of detivery. For additional fees the following services are available. Consult postmaster_ for fees and check box(es) for additional~service(s) requested. 1. [] Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. [] Restricted Detivery * (Extra charge) (Extra charge) 3. Article Addressed to: [ 4. Article Number I ~egis~.~:~d [] Insured 3/3 /~~J ~o I~Gertified ['-]COO ~'~)~ ) ~ ~ ~,,~ O7 [[-']AIwaysEXpress'Mailobta~ressee [] ~°ertU~rcR~aCne~itse or sgs.t X6' ~igna~ur6 :- Agent[ .I 7. D~ato of Deli¥or¥ PS Form 3811, Mar. 1988 * U.$.G.P.O. 1988-212-865 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIP, II II I UNITED STATES POSTAL SEflVJ~E) O %, ~' - ' --' -~' -- '"~- .... ' ;, OFFICIAL BUSINESS ,~ ~~~ SENDER INSTRUCTIONS 3 O U L ~ '~~~~ In~intthe 8~ceY°ur name,~w.address and ZIP~C~ ~tq ~ ~ / ~% , ~'~ * ComMete ~m. 1, 2, 3, end 4 on the , ~ A~ach to f~nt of a~le B 8~ce ~rm~8, otherwise affix to back of article. PENAL~ FOR PRIVATE ~ Endors~ e~lcle "Return Receipt USE~ ~300 Requested" ad, cent to number. RETURN Print Sender's name, address, end ZIP Code in the space below. TO . / // / - !/_.2 / ' ' ' ~'~' ~'" ;' .... ~ -'~ :5 . . . · _ '~* :' "' ~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93386 -~ · .~'i '-- :' "'" ":"~-" ' '- ·jUly 12, 1991 , : "~· ' ~ ' .... Bakersfield Fire; Department , . City of-Bak&rsf~ld : · - -. 2'1 01 'H ,S.t. Bakersfield, Ca. '93301 ~-' " ? - , At-tn: -Mr;.John- Ho~s, Jr..~ De~r Mr..Hodes, · . I ~eceived your'letter dated July. 9th. In response, I would like to . request the 1988 Uniform'Fire Code. As I Stated the morning you were here,. I have .every intention to correct our violations. As of .. this point, I need the guideline from the Code to update our tanks, or start ·considering complete removal. This matter has been put into my~ hands, and you will have to bear . with my ignorance at this point. I intend to'evaluate the codes, h6wever~ I 'm going~ to need advice on the existing tahk~s and' their. specifications.. · ..-" I hope to have everything-up to code ~before your re-examination -- on jUly 23 I thank yo~ in ·advance· for 'your co-operation. Sincerely, Vickie Breaw Office Manage~ ii --.:. GRADING - PAVING - TRUCKING ' P. O. BOX 6157 B,&KER~°FIELD~ CALIFORNIA 93386 Phope (805) 322-3039' July 12, ~991 Bakersfield Fire Department City of Bakersfield 2101H St. Bakersfield, ca. 93301 Attn: Mr. John Hod~s, Jr. Dear Mr. Hodes, I received your letter dated July 9th. In response, I would like to request the 1988 Uniform Fire C~de. As I stated the morning you Were here., I have every intention to correct our violations. As of this point, I need the guideli'ne from'the Code to update our tanks, or start considering.complete removal. ,This matter has been put into my hands, and you.will have to bear with my ignorance at this point'. I intend to evaluate the codes, however, I'm going to need advice on the existing tanks and their specifications. I hope to have everything up to code before your re-examination on Ju.ly 23. I thank you in advance for your co-operation. ' Sincerely, Vickie. Breao Office Manager CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" [,.3. · FIRE DEPARTMENT ' 2101 H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIR'E CHIEF July .9, 1991, 326-3911 Mr. Otis Dykes 313 Daniels Ln' -.Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Dykes: Re: Above-ground Fuel Tanks VIOLATION NOTICE On Tuesday, July'9, 1991, at approximately 9:30 a.m., an inspection was made of your facility at 313 Daniels Ln., Bakersfield, CA. The purpose of the inspection was to examine the fuel delivery and storage system of your facility. -- ~hi.s s~stem was found not to be in compliance with the 1988 Uniform Fire Code. It is my duty to inform you the use of this system must cease and the ~. product removed from the storage tanks and all delivery lines disconnected A rei.nspection will be made in.two weeks to ensure compliance with'these items. If you have any questions, please feel free to call this office at 326-3951. Yours truly, John T. Hodes, Jr., Fire Inspector Fire Safety Control JHT/d FSCS:OH070991 REINSPECTION DATE: July 23, 1991 GRADING- PAVING - TRUCKING P. O. ]BOX 6157 BAKER~FI£LD, CALIFORNIA ' 93386 Pho~* (505~, 322-3039, July 12, 1991 Bakersfield Fire Department City of Bakersfield 21 01 H St. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Attn: Mr. John Hod~s, Jr. Dear Mr. Hodes, I received your letter dated July 9th. In response, I would like to request the 1988 Uniform Fire Code. As I stated the morning you were here, I have every intention to correct our violations. As of this point, I need the guideline from the Code to update our ~anks, or start considering complete removal. This'matter°has been put into my hands, and you will have to bear with my ignorance at this point. I intend to evaluate the codes, however, I'm going to need advice on the existing tahks and their " specifications. I hope to' have everything up to code before.your re-ex~ination On July 23. I thank you in advance'for your co-operation. Sincerely, ~ Vickie Breaw Office Manager ~ C~DI.NA~CTM_ NO. 3319 AN ORDI~NANC C~_TY~ OF B~F~- 15.64. 410 ~Ci~ CODE P~,A~G ~ ~O~- GRC~ S~GE BE IT ORDAi~N-~D by the Ccunci! of the City of Bakersfield as follows: .. SEC__~UNI. Section 15.64.410 .of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as. follows: 15.64.410 Section 79.-902(c~(!} added - Above-crrcund A. The limits of the dis~ric~ ~=~=~-ed to in wn,~., s~orage of f'!~ie or cc~us%ib!e !iTaids in outside, ~cve- ground %inks is prohibited are established as follows: Fire Z.ones ! and 2 and the clOSely-builtcc~e_~-4~,a_~ and residential areas of Fire Zone 3 as said zones are defined in Chapuer 15.64, Sec%icn 15'..64.400 S~sec%ions A, B and C, of this code. Exception: Fire Zones ! and 2, above-ground ins%a!!ed in spechg! enclosures for dispensing of Class Z, ii or iii-A ii,ids shall include the following: !. ~cve-gro~d tanks ~ccntamnmng Class I, il or iii-A !i~ids shall nc% exceed a capaci?/ c~ 2,000 gai!cns. 2. A tank vault shall Completely enclose the tank. 3. The ~ank.vau!t shall be constructed reinforced ccncreue a= !easu six inches ~hick (e~a! tca twc- hour wa!l). ' 4. T~he ~ank vault shall be ~ ~ ' '5. Ail vaulted tabs/tank vaults shall have an enclosed space ~euween the tank and the taP~ vault and wi!! be called =eccndm~z c~ -=~ 6. The only cpenings pe~i~ed in the shall'be for inspection, =~g, dispensing, vensing, ~mergenc'/ renu!ha,; and -~' shall be Lnsua!!ed uhrcugn %he tom o..,.z. siphon devices shall be installed on discharge lines. 7. Tank ccnnec-.ions shall be' sc piped ur closed ne ...... vapors or !iq~id can .escape inu~ -~'_ enclosed suace be~-ween ~he tank and the tank vault. -' 8. Means shall be provided ~u renu/late each vault to di!una, disperse and remove vapors. 9. Means shall b~ provided Uc recover !!caids from ~he seccndar,i ccnuai~menu arsa. if a p,==p Ls used %c meer this re~airemen~, the p~mp shall be of an approved ~%~e, and re~an_n~ = -n,~_y .ns~a~_e=~ - ~ ~ ' in the seconder! ccnuaiu.~enu area. I0. Tanks should be '~ Lis~ad fur ~cve ground' ~se.  ~mergency yenning as per Unifc~ Fir~ Code ( min~m in dive-er) . sn=_= ~e~!naue a~ !easu~ !2 fee~ above ground _.~=~;e_~. ~_3. Pe~its shall be re~ired_ for ali re~n~orcec' - ' ccncreue ~uch as uad,. sides, ends and top thrcuch_ Bu__,,ng'~ n ~: Depar~men~. tDlough Building Department. ~ ~ ~e ~ank vault shall be p-~-----d accidental disicdg~ent by use of crash pcsus minL~'=~ six inches in '~ ~=~ ' ==~ ~n .... snai! ~e beicw grade and encased in ccncr~ue. Be send'our ===- cn cenusr and three ¢==~ ;-ca v~u!t. (Encas~menu in ccncreue shall be minLm~m cf i2-,.-..-s ~ ~'~= wide. Bottom of pos~s, suspended in ~-cn_r_~ ~-_ mlnLm~' cf t~-== inches 5rcm bottom). ' !6. Shall be u~.-o'__~_~~=~ =~ acains~_ dlsicdg~men~ during seismic activity as Der ~ ~ '~ ~ 17. Ta~k vault should be a~ !eas~ 25 foo~ from any ....cueninc in a building, an,z .... urcuer~-z ilne er any =--r___~ ==~, ____~ er p~!lc.way. Cne h~n~ed ===~ =-urn i, R-! and K-2 cc'cu~.cies.. cne h~.~ed fif~? ===- .... from al! A and ~= cccuuancies_ (see 'Un__;=o~ Building Cude). sign insza!!ed-_~ c~=~-~y .idenzlfv zhe haz~ds. laws. 20. All vaulted tanks shall be inspected for vapor and/or ~ ~u~ d. leaks eve~f six months. Records kept on pr=_mises and signed by responsible party. ~ .. 2!. Vaults shall have capability of physical monitoring. 22. D_s_~en--.4 ~ ~ng nozzles with auto shut o~f 22. No hold-open devices allowed Class ! f larmmab ie liquids. ., 24. Ma~Lmum life of above ground ~anks:. 25 years. SECTI_ ~ ON 2. ~; Ordinance shall be ocSted in accordance with the City Char:er provisions and shall bec=me e~fecuive thiru'f 20') days from 'and after ~he date of its.passage. .... o0c I .FE~..~-_'Ta__Y ~='~I~___~Y_ fha-- -.he f~regcing Ordinance was passed and adcmued by uhe Council cf u~_ Cdu-f~ c~ Bakerzfield au a ,.~=~'~=,-- meeuzn~ Uherecf~ held on OCT ~ ~g~ .., by_ -L_~-= AYES: C2UNC;LMEMBERS. EDWARDS. D~,~OND. SMITH. ~RUNNI, P.~'~'~SON: ,~cDERI,40'~,',, ~LVAG~O · ABSTAIN' COUNC:LMEMBE~S' · A/g?E /s/ Carol Cite CL~1% anc ~ Oif~cZo Cier~ c~ une Council cf the /s/ Clarence r. Medders ~, .~-A.vOP. cf Uhe Ci?z cf Bakersfield LC2~./me? CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CA, RE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2i01 H STREET D. S. NEEDHAM BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRECHIEF ~'Jl.,lly 9, 1991 326-391'i Mr. Otis Dykes 313 Daniels Ln. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Dykes: Re: Above-ground Fuel Tanks vIOLATION NOTICE On Tuesday, July 9, 1991, at approximately 9:'30'a.m~, an inspection was made of your facility at 313 Daniels Ln., Bakersfield,.CA. The purpose of the .inspection was to examine the fuel delivery and storage.system of your facility. This system was found not to be in compliance with the 1988 UnifOrm Fire Code.. It is my duty to inform you the use of this system must cease and the product removed from the storage tanks and all delivery lines disconnected. A reinspection will be made in two weeks to ensure compliance with these items. If you have any questions, please feel free to call this office at 326-3951. Yours truly, John T. Hodes, Jr., Fire Inspector Fire Safety Control JHT/d FSC5:JH070991 REINSPECTION DATE: July 23, 1991 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1988 EDITION )tecuon to be provided and Permits with flammable and Sec. 79.103. For permits, to store or. use flammable or c ~mbusubie iiuuids, see cope · ' . [08 .... Secuon 4 ; .: PortaDleTanKs. Containers and ~ui~ment ATMOSPHERIC Sec. 79.104. ~a~ GeneraL. Portable tanks, containers and equipment used er ~OSOL;G. POINT; BOILOVER: intended to be used for the ~tora~e._ use or sale of flammabie or comsustibie ,: DIP TANKS; DISPENS- liquids shall be of an approved type. Containers and portable tanks shall be 'T: FLAME ARRESTER: designed and constructed in accordance with nationail~' recognized standards ?ID. UNSTABLE {Reac- U.F.~. Stana~d No. 79-5. See Section 2.303 ,b). The caoacitv of mdiviuuai NE SERVICE STATION: contmners and portable ta~s for liquids shail conform to Ubie No. 79. i04. ~ING SYSTEM: VAPOR- TABL~ NO. 79.10~MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SIZ~ OF CONTAINERS AND SYSTEM. and VAPOR- PORTABLE TANKS COM~USTI~L~ FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS ~IQUIDS s ~ticie. certain terms and CCNTAINERTYPE Classi-A Ciass~-~ Classl-C Classfl Class*it Glass t pt. I qt. [~ <aL l gal 5 ~ai. a plant other than a refinery Metal or approved S ~e produced bv chemical. ~[astic, [ [ ~ai. _~ =~.,",i 5 _~ai. q ~al- q_ ~ai.. Safety Cans ~ 2 gal. 5 gal. 5 gal. : 5 gal. : ~ai. ; Metal Drum 60 ~ai. 60 ~al. 60 ~ai. [ 60 ~ai. 60 ~ai. in the ~[ine. All such ta~s shall be Aporoved Portable T~ks 660 gal 660 gat. 660 gui. ! 660 gal. 660 gal. Polyethylene ~ ~ : o0 ~ai. 60 .zai. . less capacity used for S OF iuids. NOTES: OOM. See Section 79.804. l. Medicines. beveraees,._ foodstuffs and cosmetics, w~en .aackaeed- accordin~ commonly accepted aractices for retail saies. ~e exemuted. :d as a Grou~ H. Division 3 2. - - Class I-A and Class [-B liquids mav be stored in ~iass dontainers of not more than 1 ;ed for the storage of limited zailon caoacitv if the reouired li~id aunty ~sucn as American Chemical Soc:etv ~naivtica~ reagent ~rade t~r hioner~ wofiid b4 ar'fee:ed by storage in metal comamers waii. is limit~O in size and in 3. Polyethyiene containers meeting the requirements of the standar~ referenced Section 2.203 ~b~ may be used. m H~ DNision 50ccueancv .. .ustibie iiauids in unii~ite~ "-, b Portable Tan~ Emergency %nting. Each portable tank shall be provided with one 9r more devices instaiied in the top with sufficient emergency ,,'entm~ capacity to iimit internal pressure under fire-exoosure conditions to 10 psig or 30 nu :o~ether within the s~c oe~cent of the burstin~ pressure of the tank. ,.vh~chever is ~reater. The total venting ~e liquids or other materials , atmosphere, capacity snail be not less than that specified in Section 79.509 ~b~ [ or 79.509 ~b~ ~ ti~uid capacity over m) U < 3. At least one pressure-actuated vent having a m n mum capacity of 6000 c~bic , . . .o. :'cot or'free air per hour ~ 14.7 psia and 60oE') shall be used. It shall be set to open at not loss rhQn 5 psig. ~f cusiP'lc vents are used. :hey shall be actuated by eiemenrs ,,f :%;nmaoic or ~,ombusnb!c :hat ,?crate at a temperature m~t excezdinu 50()'F. When usea rot paints, drTmg ,. ,~iis and similar materials where piugging ~)t' thc pressure-actuated vent can {~ccur. ::tmospncre. ruder rim cxm~sure may be used for me cnnrc emergency '.'ennng requirement. "79.105 ur,IIForlM FlrlE COI)E '1908 EDlllOH 79.106-79. t ! 2 Design ~nd Consh'uctlon of lin]ks Change of Contents uxcd wifh Il c fid nw ,~ il iinn~ ;md c,:('cpli~ms: ~cqui~c lcxtinF . Ih;~l Iht p~,,l,c~ dcx ~t thc liquid mc c~m~lx~di,lc with thc lmlk. clh;m~d nr mcdmn~d hlcmlx. nccdng prncdt'c. Scc ~ ~o S~'~'ti m ~L502. blc liq~ ids.. li~luid tn be sm~cd cxcccds lhal ~t walcr ¢~r ii Iht l;mk is dcsiFncd lo c(')lllil ill slmll t~c not less lllan I.b} ['ahri~llon. 'llmks may hc of ;m>' simpc ~r l>'pc consislcnt with sound ~ Ta~k Idenlilicallon lc) Almnspheric 'lb~ks. Alm~sphc~ ic t;mks sh;dl I~c huill in ;~ccnrdancc with pcrm:mc~dlY inshdlcd. I.m¥-prcssu~c t:mks ~md p~cssu~c ~'csscls m:w he uscd ;~ ;dmnsphc~ic hmks. No. 79-3. idcnlil'>'in{} thc m',dcrhd lh(-~ci~. (d) l,o~'-pressurc 'lb~ks. 'l'hc m~ mai opcraling pIcssurc of thc tank shall ii(~t cxcccd lhc dcsign p~cssurc nf thc rank.. Operating lteating, Llghtlng and Coo~dng Appltnnce~ ttcsi~n. Scc ficction 2.]I1] (b). liquids slmll nnt cxcccclin~ I psig and shall t~c limitcd m 2.5 psig umlcr cmc~gcnc'X Ycnting conditions. Unlawful Sales of Flammable Liquids domcslic clc;min~. cxcccd thc clcsign p~cssu~c of thc ¥csscl. Exccpt ~'hcrc (~lhc'~¥isc appn~vcd I~5' lite' chief, ti~cd ami md i~cd prcssmc Clennl~g wllh Flam~nble Liquid 218 2t9 79.1 i2~79.1 ! 5 UNIFORM FiRE CODE 1988' EDITION 7 mdc~s Ihcv :irc u~cd in :~ ch,~ot m:~'hi~c :ql,mvcd I'~,t Ih,.' Imtl,O~c ~ i, :~ ~cp:,'~Ue (ii) I)i~com~ccI pipi~ ;~t :dl t:mk opcM~F.~. ~'.cll-¥c~lI[hucd r~,~,m o,,>m uch:d i~ ~ccm'd:mcc wid~ Section. 7~).~(I.I. (iii) J~c,mwc sect o ~ of' connected pipings. ~ hich :uc n,,t l*~ , ~ c q~ or plu~ MI t:mk ~pcMn~'.~. ~a~t. ~boleum P~oducls and Flnmmable or Combustible Liquids which h:~$ hccn m~t of service I'~r ;~ l,cri~xl ~1 ~,nc ~c:~r droll Iw Ncc. 79. ! 14. In I~ ' ~i m~ ~ hc~e tt'.mm~M,Ic v:q~u~ m:~)Ix: l~C~(ml, i~cc:mli~um i~ropmt), in :~ m:umcr ~ppmvcd tw Iht chief. I,¢M~ ~lxmdoT~e(I ,,[ ii,: u~c ~'h;m?d qu, It t~c tatum'cd i~, nccm'd;mcc ,, iIl~ Ihc" which h;~ been out of ~crvicc for ~ period .I m~e ~'~':~T ~lmll h,, ,cm,,,,'cd h,,m lhe' pm¥i~io~s of ~ul~sccli~,n~ {e) ;m(I II') of ~l~is ~:~'I cn mdwilh~l;m~lili~ 'Iht lime 8mutt(1 ill ~ lil;lllltCl' ~ll~mvcd tw Iht chicl' ;uld Ibc ~i~c lc~l~le(t ~chcdulc~ ~lipuhdcd. ()~ ~ er p ,,Fc~ties hmk~ f'~ikcn ~ml ~t service slmll ~ i1HIllllCl'. ~¥hcli Ibc chief dclc~ mines d¥,d Iht ~cmov;d [,1 lhe t:ml: ~n!c~ll~dc(torlcn ~ ~ in~cc~Id[tm'cwilhlhi~ccli~m hcm[~¥1~crmillhchmkl¢l~c:d~mdo~mdinph~cc. ,1.11IR. :"~' I Remove ;dl l'hmmmhlc m' om~bu~lit,le liquid~ Imm Ihc ;md pump c~m~qclilm Fccmcd ;~?h~l mml'.~.j~]. Vent li~ ,.'~ sh;dl rcm fin ~l,en md ~. Fill {he I~mk compIclcl}' wilh ;m i~m~l ~li/ m c i;d ;q'Im be mainl:dncd in accmd:m('c ~vilh Ibc tcq~firemcnls of' lifts ;uticlc I'~r vc~l lines. [mci (/. F ~/ ./( 'C 2. AhoYe~rmmd Innk~. At, wc~t'ouml ranks ICmlX~:n'il), oul ~d' se~ vie'c slmll 4. ('[~p or p1H~ rcm:finin~ mMct~ ot M l~iI,i,~. :md this article f~r ¥cnt~. (8) Rchl~l~ll ili~ll ti[ llll4Cl ~l'm~l~ll 'l~mk~. 'th,~k~ ~hich :~' h, I.¢ ~:.h,,.mlh:,.I for [I~ t~ mhlc or coml~u~lilqc liquid s(,~vicc ~1~:~11 c~,mpI) ~ I~ ) ]hnk~ ()ill iii ~t'r~ ice ~?(l I):~)'~. I. ! tmle~ ~rlltln(I l~lllk~. /~i1~, Ull(Icr~]round ~ion~ ~f lhi~ ~rliclc. Scc I )ivision VI ~1 Ihi~ :,tic re:tuner hi,proved bY lhe chief'. Fh'e Prolecllon (i) Remove MI thmmmhlc (~r c.mlmslihlc liquids l'mm Iht I:mk. :md i~rovi(Icd hi lhi~ ;uticlc. (iii '('~p ot plu~ MI pipi~u~, i~]clu(li~q: lill IMc. ~;~?' opc~finIz, v~qx~r [crotn pump ('om~cclion. :m'(I ~ccutc ;t~;lill~l mmpe~i~]~z. '.md I)ivlslon !1 tiii) ~zclll linc~ ~h;dl ~cm;dn .lWn ;m(I t~c m;finl'.dncd in ;~ccol'(I;mcc wilh rcqui~c- mCllt~ of fhis ;uticle fro' ¥Cllt 1Mes. COH'IAINER ArID POfl IABLE 'lANK SIOHAGE INSIDE BUILDINGS 'lhnks ~¥hich :uc t, I~ ph~ccd h;~ck in scr¥'icc slmll I~c lcslcd in :~ ~pI,mYed by Ihc Chief. ~ipin~, and individ,~l c~p~cil)' [md Iht qm;~?c of ix,~ hd,h' f:mk~ m,l ~-T,.';'~'dh? ..... '. : :' -.~:',"" ' .'. :: :~:.?~":';~:'~:~.'~:?i;;;~'~??'~; ;:" ,. 4(; ..... ,I ....~, ,..-.{', .... ; ~ 7g.409-7,~.503 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1988 EDIIIOH 79.503 shall hc st~:,icd :~.-: if' filk. d. 'limt:~ mid c~,.hdm:r~ whc~ cmpfhxl shall have cmc~. ~ l,h~w; humcdiah..ly ~cplaced in ol,cniu~Ts, tb,tatiou, cvcn ifcapsulatcd iu metal o~ I.c l, ass. sh;HI bc ~'pu~ ,t,:rc~ as bciug a Fhe ProtectIon -, fixed ~oof lank.. liquids sh~dl I,c in accordance v. ifh Arl~clc lO. sh,la~e of Class I. 11 or Ill-,& liquid~ c~CCl,~ ~l~,~c tkl,fi,ts ~.'. hh I,~,iI~,vcr charac- DivisioI1 V hc I.cafcd i. accorda.cc &&ilh 'lhhlc ~,. 79.s~Lx II I,iqui(Is wilh boihwcr ch;uactc~islics shall n~,I t'c tt~,tc,f Restricted Local OIl~ Jiil~; lhan 150 fcct in diamclcr unless a. :~l,i,rovcd im:rthm ~ ~ict. of distticls in which such slot;mc i~ I.ohibilcd. uushd~le liquids shall bc locak'd iu ace'~,tdancc wilh I~d,lc N,,. Sec. 7P.511~. 'lhuks shall bc d~'siFncd, fabri'calcd and Icslcd in accordance with (~lnss III-It Ihtuid~ cxcludhm uusfabh- liq~dd,, ,t~:dl bc h,~':dc,~ Scclion 79.1ilS. - with 'lhblc No. 7q..N)3-[~, cxccl,l ~ hcu h,c:dcd ~ ifhiu a diU-,t combustible roof c.xcdu~ nmi buih prior m thc ~dq~d~m ~,t 'lhi~ scclhm may be liquid slola~c lallk is wilhiu Iht dikcd :.ca ~,I dt aiu:~' F:Uh l,. a ('la~x I ~,r (.'hls~ II conlimmd for ibc shua~e ot I,ch-lcum p~oducis widt ~ flash poiul in cxcc~s of I~O~K liquid. Subscc(i~m 70.502 or Iht c~cepliou h, %cclion 7o. JlI.t Iai shall apply. Loc~tlor with Respecl to P~oporly Lines, Public WCy~ and Imporlanl dh'erst ow.crship havcn cot,mon t~,,md:, v. thc chicI .my. Buildings on lhe S~me Ploperty couscnI o[ thc ownc~s o[ Ibc two pt~l,c~ lic% sub~Ihulc thc di~t;mccs Sec. 79.50.t. ia)' 'l~mks for l'rrssm'c~ Not ~l~re 'l'lm'n ~.~ ~i~. t.~vcr~ Subseclions 79.5()J {n) lluouFh (fi Iht Iht u,i.hmm~ dishmccs ~l,ccilk'd abovcsmuml !ank for ~lo~a~c of' ('la';s 1, II or III-A liquids and lhosc Ikluids wid~ scclion. b~ilovcr characle~ }slics and ll~lstahlc liquids Ol~efaling nI ptessu[cs nol in cxccss of (h) Direcliml .f I lorizmHnl l'rcs~m e lh,k~. Whcrc cml/:dlu,c 2.5 psig ami designed wilh a weak r~ot-lo-shell ~cnm or eqtfippcd wilh emergency · l,tCs~ure kinks and vessels can cxl,o~c im,l,c~>'. Ibc ta,k ,:h:~ll vcnling devices which will not lX't mil.p~cssurcs to exceed 2.5 psig shall be Iocaled hmgiludinal axis parallel Io Iht ueatcs~ h,pot ~aul c,:p, in accordance ~ilh 'lld~le No. 70. 503-A. EX('EP'I ION: Vc~ lic~ll hmks h:h'iug a weak io~ff-lo-shell seam ami xh,ring Class III-A liquids may he IocaIcd al onc half Ihe dislances specified in 'lhblc No. 79.503- A. prm idcd thc tnnl:s arc not widdn a diked mca or drainage palh I'of a hmk storing a (b) Fhmfing Il,mr 'lhnk l)efim'd. For thc purpose of this divisiou, a tloaIing roof lank is dcfim'd as -nc which im'oq~otalcs cilhcr: '.1. A p(mmon .r doublc-dcck racial lloaliug fo.f in an 6pcn-h,p lank, or ' 2. A fixed racial r(~.f wilh vculilafi.n al thc Iop and roof caves and c(mtaiui.g a nlchd fh~ahug ~oof or c(~vcr mccdng any ot lhe following rcquh'cmbnls: A. A ponh~m'or doublc-dcck racial fhmfhm'r.(~f. B: A metal thmlirm co~cr suppo~lcd by liquid-lighl mclal p.nh~ot~s or tlt);~ls ~ luch ptov~dc sutlw~cnl buovaucy lo prcvenl stoking of covcr ~vhcn half of thc poufo(m~ or I'hmls arc lmUClured. ' An iulcmal mclal floating pan, tool or cover whk'h docs nol ulccl thc rcquh'c- ?g.503-A UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1988 EDITION 79.sh3-B 7q 503C TABLE No. 7g.503-A.-R TA~I_E I.IQUIDS {0PERA]ING PnEsSHRE TABLE NO. 79.503-B--S I'ABLE LIOUIDS (OPERATING PRESSURE G'rlEATER 2.5 PSIG OR LESS) ]HAN 2.5 PSIG) WHICII I~ OR CAN BF BUILT PU~UC W&Y Of 1 FRQM WtlICH t~ OR CAN DF ~UII.T PU~UC W~Y or~ l liOM ' . FIo~til~g cxpos~lrcs~ lank tank Any lypc JSce Sec. Dia .c c ~f tank hut None 70 ~O1-F but shall be 7o ct~.l' ,m d, ,11 b: 79,~03 ~b)l N. ~e need tml exceed 175 % dines diamctc~ of .......... calmhle of providing cooling xvalc~ qtrcamq (m shucmrc~ ,m p~.peHy :~di:~,.'cnr h, liq,,id fpanl or ' ' i,e~ fin~ storage. Vertical syqtem m t4 times diameler[ff V~ times dia ~ ete of with 1m~ks n ,t tank tank we~ excecdi,g :.. T~BLE ttO. 79.503-C~OILOVER MOULDS - roof- 150 feet in shell l'mtecfion ,.FROM ffROPEqlY [ IHE FnOM NEAqES~ SI['E OF gNY [See Sec. for Diameter of lank ' l[lllk UPON, PICLUD!HO TIlE tie MtEST IMFOF1TANT 2 (imcs'diamcicr o[ tal]k ~z ' ' TYPE OF TANK PRO[~CIlON LE~ THAN 5 FEEl · ~ runes diameter / None btu .ced .ul exceed 350 ot lank q feet Floating for % limes diamclcr .f '; lim,-~ di:l n,'tct of roof expoSlllC51 lank I:lrl[ tlorizomal i,ctti,g ~ 79.503 (bq No.c l)iainelct c,f and svstcm o~ ' - vertical ibc tank . ~5 times 'fYI% F~ fi,nc; Table with or r~proved No. 79,503-F No. 79.50t-F ) Approved' ~ ............. : gency svslem ineHing Dimnef,.'t ~,f kmt: ~ ~ lil!l'.'x [JJ:l"lctt't of relief on vcHicnl s~ s~cm rank ve~ling lanks t Fixcd Pr. lcclion ~o limit Proteclion roof for 2 lime~ dieu clcr ,,l ~:mk ~', lh.'~ tlhmu:h.~ .f pressmes . for 'IM~Ic No. 79.~03-F Tnble Nd. 7~.~03-F ~ ISee Sec. exposure.d hmk to 2.5 psig exposmes' I 70.503 (clJ 4 limcs dirm,?t,'* ,,f Jiql[' '' None - 2 limos 'lYf, lc No. lecq· 79.503-F 'lhble No. 7q,503.J: Iptotcclion fo} cxpt;s c s protection by a public lite dcpartnlclfl or ,fivatc flu: brigade capable of ptovMin~ c.oling walcr sllcaul~ Oil slruch, es on property adiaccm to liquid stotaffe. =For tanks over 150 fcdl ~n diameler use "Pru~ectim~ for exposures" o~ "None." ns applicable. 246 217 79.503-D' UtllFOnM FIRE CODE 1988 EDITION 79.503-E, 79.503-F, 79.50,1 T^RI.E NO. 79,503-D--UtlS'IABLE I_I('~UID$ TABLE NO. 79,503-E--CLASS III-R LIQUIDS WHICll te OR CAN BF BIJII.T PUBLIC W~Y OR [fl'2M IS O~1 CAN RE B~ liLT U~Otl, UPON, PiCLt~DIPG lite HEARESI I~/FOP[AI/I INCLUDIN~ 1lIE OPFOSIIF HE&ItEST IMFOPIANI IYPE OF TANK PROIECIIO~{ WAY PROPERTY CAPACIIY GALLOtlS l lorizon~al nnd 'l;'mk pm- 'lhble N~. 70 ~( 3-]: but Nol less than 2~ recl 12.0()() ~,~ Ics~ ~ xe~lical tank~ tcclcd ~ ill] nol ]c~ limn 25 fcc{ 12.OOI lo 30.{1()O IO with enlelgcncy any .ne ff 30,OOI lo 5(I,OOO I0 relief venlin~ lo thc foil-w- 5( .O(11 lo I0(1,O(10 " J5 pcmdJ ptessnre in~: " I00.001 .r mo~e I~ m~f in exces~ of nFl,taxed ........................... apprm'cd insulation ' awl ~chigcr- =~ TABLE NO. 7g.503-F~REFEREHCE TAPLE FOR USE Itl TABLES tICS, nd,m, 79.503-A TO 79.503-D FROM FROPER*Y LIqE WHICIt FflO~ NEAqEST Sl[~ OF ANY Protccdon 2k~ lhncs 'l~blc No. IS o~ CAN RE ~HILT UPON, ~U~LIC W~Y OR I'(,I 79.503-F but no( less than 50 ['eel IHCLUDING Tile OPPOSITE ' CAPACITY TAtlK S1~ OF A PUBLIC WAY BIJILD~NG ON TilE SAME cxposmcs~ Not less than 50 feet GALLONS P~OPERYY 5 dines 'lid, lc No. 275 or less 5 None 79,503-}: bul Nol Icss than lOC feel 276 {o 75(1 10 5 not Icss limn I(~) fcet 751 h, 12,~)(~(} 15 }lodzonlal and ']hnk pro 2 limes 3hble No. 79,5OYF ~ 12.0OI lo 3{}.()(H) 20 vcltical tanks lcctcd with bul Not Icss llmn 50 [cct 30.001 lo ~(LO(~) 30 x~ ith emergency any one of 'not Jess {hah 50 fcct 5 ).OO] lo IO(}.[H~} 50 [cJicf venting lo the follow- I(.)O,(~)l (o ~ (} (~K) R{} (wet 2.5 psig appmwd {.O(}O.(~)1 to 2.O()O.OOO 135 ; ~alcr spray. 2 O{}O.OO] lo 3.(}OO.O( O 16~ aH~roycd 3,O00,0OI ()r mo~c 175 inching. appto,'cd nm{ icfl~gcr- alion. Pn,tecli(m 4 limes lhblc No. Not less lhan IOO feet ex.sinesm not less limn m(~) feet Spacing Between Adjacent 'lhnk~ No c 70.503-F b~.ll Not less limn 150 fccl ' not less lhan ]~O feel liquids shall be n(,l less Ih;mn <(Ti h,lh i, 'lhl,lv r,Jo 7() cn'pnh c of prov}din~ coo m~ wa crs {c;i,,~s on SlltlCltllCS Oll properly n(ljm:cnl {o h(lui~l 248 249 79.504-A, 79.504-79.505 UIqlFOFIM FII1E CODE 1988 EDITION 79.50S-79 507 TABLE NO. 7g.504-A---MIIIII~,IUP~ RPACIHG (SIIEI.I_.-TO-SItEI_L) OF TANKS (b) 'lh,k~ Ahove (;r~de. 'thuk~ ~hall bc CONIAIrlING SIABLE LIQUII.)R~.~ sl~,~ ug C ass . I1 or t11. A liquids droll N' i,f ,:,,1l 't~'lt'. 1)~:T<,qH ~ ,'t l't,'l'.',~ I'.'ti qh'L'l. TANK DIAMEIER FLOA]ING ROOF CIn:~ I or II Clnss III ' - -' ' If impouudin~ iq '/: 5tllll (:l ad a?cnl t/'3 si I t: :/l ~:111: c:J shall Omlply wilJl thc lluihlJn~ (.'ode. nccordar:cc with dialnOlms diamclc:s Ol1 thc Sul:pofliu[ pOllji {11 (Ii' lJlo shell. :' :Crude petroleum lauks havinff individual capacilics md cxcccdiug 126,(1U0 ~alh:Tls I ~ 1)( 0 bc sub, jotted h: lh:(xliu~. Iht applicable barrcls),whcnlocnlcdalpr:duc ionfacililJcsinisohllcdh~cati(ms, nccdtJoll:cstT;iuded (f) Seismic I)esJRn. In ;i['(';JS sub. joel by more dmn 3 feet. . c'ouncclions ~h::ll hc dc'sigm'd t,, legist '~ :llhllkS used .nly for storing (']as~ III-I~ liquids may l,c Sl,::ccd 3 f'cet apafl unk'ss wilhin n ;WCOlld;lllCC with lhe lh:ildiu~ C xlc. diked area or drainage path fei a lauk sl?tiug a Class I el Il liquid. Slnirs, Platforms arid Walkways COII~llIICJiOll alld shall l~c dcsigm'd aud -- I '{b) Unslnble l.iqui(Is. 'llIIc sp;Icir:~ J~cl{{lOOll SJJcJ] l;lll[;$ conlainin~ ur:slahlc ing Code. liquids :hall he not less lJlan olio h;lll lilt ~tlm of lhcir dianlClClS. Ici ~p:cinR !lei:: cch l.lq.hl :,mi I.I'G 'lhnks. 'Iht mi'nimum h,.izouml Droinoge Dikes mid Wolls for Aboveg~ouud separation bch~ccn au II.l -~[1 c(mlaiucl aud a Clas~ I. II or lll-.A liquid st{if'[igc S{.'c. 79.5fl7. Iai (;choral. II hc ;Fca lauk shall be 20 fecl cxccpl in {he ca~c of ( 'la';s 1, Il m lll-A liquid lauks opcr:ding be p~ovidcd ~ilh (h aims? or droll al pressures exccediu~z 2.5 psig or cqt~ipl~(:d wilh emergency vcmi,g pcrmilliug liquid [r(~m cndangc~iujz a(l. iat:cnl l;mk~. ~llallapply. Suilablc mcan~ghallbc~akcnlop~cvCntlhcaccumuhdiouolClass I, II Ihat s~ ch lauk o~ g~OU'l~ ,,f hmks h or III-A liquids tJJ]{t(}J' :lCJ.j:lC'Clll I.l -gas t'~ llaillCllS SllCh aS by (til:cs. (livcr~i-u ~v;tt0 ~ ~ 1: ~ ~ 's { } I : J ( J j ( ] i I ~ i } } J' JqOl'Cr(V, ;tfl{'l a diked mca. tilL' 13 -ga ~'~ nl;lJncls ~llall hc olllsidc thc diked; ~c ;u,t al Ica~l II) s;unc (~r :td.jaccnl p~op~:~lv. C;ll~m.itv fccl away J'l(ml Ih0 c0nlcr J}ne uJ lJIc wall (d' lhc dikc(l alOa. 'Iht J'Ol('[.]~liII~ ch:uat'Icr*d lhluid~ l() ~(' sl~,Ic(J ;ll1(J Il;trill{' l, tovisions shall nol aiTly :~hcn l.l' ?::s (' mh:i,cr~ ,,[ I Z5 [; :Ih 11~ :r Its, capacily pumx'lioll pr.vi(h'd. ilnlJel~ro1111d Hall1111:ibJc al1(J colllJ:tl~lihJc liquid lallks, sJ1',dl colnpl}' wilh lJlC f(dh:win?: ' Supports, FOtllld~tJolls alld ~llCJlOl~ge l)laim:Fc shall hc l'f(:vidcd at a ~l~l,:' ,,I ,,,'t h":~ fh:m I l':'r:, ::t:r.' ::v f:,'m tho desigrlcd h: ulinit:lizc thc possibility (:J lllICVCll sclllinjz (lJllJle lank ;llld {o mi:;i-- T(HlJcoJljJIC (Jl;lJll;:[',C }~':ICHI~Jl;I]T J:C 5 250 2~1 79.507 UNIFORM fIRE CODE 1988 EDIIlON 79.507-79.509 I. l'h~ v(dum('l~ ic c:q~:tcily of thc d.il:cd ;,c;t sh;dl bi' n.l Icss Ih;lit Il.: ~tc;ll['sf l'rofccfi(m slmll re'qui~c m~ mlditi(,.;d x~ t,, d~'ducfin~ thc v.lutnc (dlhc l;Inks off]er lhml Iht hu~csl l;ulk hch)w fltc heir]hI oF 1). Thcdt:dna~ccham~cls(~r intc~medi,~c curbs sl~;dll,c I., ',t..'~ ~. W:dls (4 thc diked mc:~ sh:dl bc (~f cra'Ih, slccl, c-m'~cic (. s-lid m:~s<..'y individmd I~IT: cnP:~citics. Inlctmcdhde cutbq. ~h('tc il~cd, sll:~ll bc clesi?]ml lo bc liquid light ;uld Io wilhslm]d ;I full hFdr(~sl:~dc hcml, l~;It lh~'n w;dls ) Ics~ lluin I R inches iu I~ci?hl. 3. 'lhe wnlls of die diLed :l~ca sh:dl I,c ~csl~icled 1o :m ~vc:~e hci~hl of 6 Feel d~ain;~e chnnnels unless lt~e d~:dn is s~ ~ ~'s ? wc as u~ ptc~c,t thc lclc;tsc ~,~' nbove ll~e intefi(~r ~tmh:. cxccP~ ns Pr.vi(lcd in Item N-. ,l hclmv, flammnblc ()r combusfilde liquids. A vahe <,],cr;tblc II(~111 (,ut~ith; dlc tHc;t; ,nd od]er eqtfipmenl ami s;d'c cgrcsc h'<,, ll~e diked em'lusme. (e) Comlmslihle Mnlerinls IH Diked Ar(,n~. 'I h(' dikcd ;u~::~ ct~:~ll t'c LCl,l It A. Where lite avcrllgC hcighl of fJlt':(.Ji[:c cJml;fini.~l (': ss I liquids is .vcr 12 of combuslit~lc material, empb' (~r full ch'.ms t~r b;. [el~, ~v~JJ. SJl~lJJ I1~)i ill~lJ [lll(J nccess h~ l:lnk ~,.ts widli,d ~'lltc'lilJ~ bcl()w thc hip of lhe (like. l I1cfic close :~s prnctic;dde t- Ibc ~llelJ ()f lhe trod:. Fxccpt f(,r ti(i.id~ ',',b,,s:' wRJkw~l}'S (~r sitHihtr ;il l;lll~ClllCtlJS, conneclions I. the lank shnJl be of steel .. B. Piping p~lssin~ flu-tush dike v,'alls sh'all be dL'si~ne(l to prevent excessive Tsnk COllll~ctloll~ A. ~Vllcn sh.in~ mq re;ally sl;Ibl~' liquids in x'c'~lic;d c'~me m.f t:mks c-n- whichever is h?ger, bul in n. c'n~;e less Ih:ut I I,, f. ~, : ~ ~" , sh'llclcd wilh ~vc':lt; t..I.l.-sh~'ll sc;un ~ :~pl..vcd lhmfin~ .,~,1 l;mks -r Sec'li.n 2.3 )~ suhdivisi(.~ I'~t c:~('h I;HI~; ill ('xccss ~J J().(1{)(I b;,~('ls ;Hlcl ~me std,(livisi~m (levch,l.t~cttf (~f' J~/eSs111(' (~r v;~cllHt]l. ;~'; :~ T,'~ ~lt rd fil/i.i, ,. ~,t,tl,t) il(Il CI~V('tC(J ill Jl~'nl /~. (,11(' sHI,divi~i.n f ,re: L'J I:111~ ill excess (1t' Jll(I.I)(Jt)exceed tJIR dcsig~i press ~rc d'tJle l:~nJ: i~ ~..:,~.J. cxcccdi.g J SI).lt()() ?lh,n~ (.~ ~'7 b:H'~cls). (~n lhc 111',lXJflltl111 ;mlicip:dcd ~i11111JJ;llP'( ~ I :,~ ~,~ ~ ~ -~ g. ..~ , a~ :~ n ,,,, · ~., ,~?, :; -~ -., .~ - . , tt.,.~ ~ -, · ,~ ,.~ c,.. , ~ , ,. ~ ,, 79.509 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1988 EDITION 79.509 ]hnk VClUin?_ ~>'Slc'I ~s sh;tll t~c im,vich_'d wifl] sullicicnl (';qmci~>' n) lucvcnt 4. ~lnnil'(ddin~. '1 hc m;mif(ddin~ -f t:mk ~'~'~ p~pin~ ~l~ dl h? av-i,tcd hi )wh;ir~ n( ~ ;t13(,l (q liquid al Iht fill npcnin~[ while Iht f;lllk is bcin~ t ilh:d Vent whc~e lcqtlhc(l f'ol ~lx'cial l,Ulp(~xcs ~uch :~ ~n?,r ~cc~-, cly. ~ :ll','~ C".<:CTv;I i-TI ~r pipcx ~hall hc md lcx~ d~:m I ~/,~dnch n()lnin:d imddc dia,ucl('~. 'Ibc c;q,:,ci~>' .1 Iht ah i~,,llulion c(mmd. When Ink vent pipin? is m:mih,hlc,I, l,irc ~i~'~ dill I,e yom ,;lilt I~,: tm~ml (,n ll~' lillin~ -r wilhdl ;~w;d l;ltc, whichever i~ ?~c:~r. :md thc ~uc ;~ m di~ch;u ?, ~ ilhin thc ptc~sttfc limit:~d~,n~ ~,t fl~c s~ q 'm thc ~ vent linc IcuFth. [Jm'c~tticlcd vent pipinl~ ~izcd in m'c.,d:mce with 'lhldc No. nmv hc ~cquircd n, ha,,,_tk' ~hcn m:mihddcd l:mk~ ;uc ~uP.icci t,, ~hc <:urn' t iic t 7n..t(12 m;~v he uscd I(, ptcvcnt imck l,cssmc dcvclnpmcnI in tnuks fl'(ut, exceed- exp.su~c. Vent l,il~i~ 1'~,' Inks st~,rbg ('la~ I iqui~ s ~1; I m,t 1,c m:mif, ldcd hq~ 2.5 psi[l. Whcrc Ink venting dcviccs :.-e installed in vcnl Ii,cs. thch tl.w wilh vcnl piping flu' l;mks slo~i,~ Chess Il ~,~ ('l;~s~ Ill liquJ(k ~ nl'~( l,,,sifivc c'~p:~citics sh:dl bc dClClminc(I in ncc.r(Im~cc wJlh n:dinnnl.ly rcc~gniz, cd slam mcm~ :,c l,t-vhlcd t~, I)ICvcnl Iht x':~po~s h-m ('1 ~ss I li(luid~ 1,- ~ cn cl siting (_;bss Il ~r Ch~s Ill liquids, Io ptcvcnI c.nhut~i.:uinn ~md p~,sdl,h: c : ': da,ts. Sec Sccfhm 2.?1.I (tq. in ch~ssific:ui-n (,f ll~c Icss v,h~tilc liquid. 'lhc (,ullcI (ff :dl vcnls and vc,I d~;~i,~ ,n {:mk~ cquipImd with vcnIi ~ I- p'c{ mil l,~Cs~urcs cxcccdin~ 2.5 psi~ shall be :IFI:Ill~C(I IO di~;ch;,~Fc in such a w:~v ,s lo (h) Em~:rRcm'y Ildief ¥0lllh1~ [(W F'irc E~'I, ~ ~c fi~r Ah,sf'Rl mid 'lhnk~. [ucvcnl Inc~dizc(I (wcrhc;din~ (q', (q' f l;uut~ impin~cmcnl -n. any pm'I ol Ibc ~:ufk in I. (;em',rnl. l~vc 'F ~lx vc~ ~und si ~r;~? I:mk ~l):~ll h:~vc ~-mc f',,t m (,t ' ' ti.n or dcvicc lhal will rclicvc cxcc~sivc in~c~n;d l,tCsquc c:m~cd I,> cxp i II~c cvc,I v~tp()t~ from ~uch vcnls mc im]ilcd. Ii,cs. :. · 'lhnk~ ~n(I prcsstHc vcs~cl~ xlnlhu! ('hms I--/~ liquids shall t~c cquipl,Cd wilh '- I{XCI{I"I'ION 'l)mk~ I;ugc~ limn 12.1)Itel ~:dl,,n c,p;~:'itF q,,~h~F ('[:~<~ t11II vcnlJn~ dcviccs ~hich sh:dl I~c n.lln;dlv ch)sed, cxccpt when vcnlJn~ undcr liquidsnmt,utwid~i~tthcdikcd:,ca,~ d~ed~:d,;~?: p:uh(q('l:r<~ I,, ('l'rl~q ~ Icum ill crude prnducin~ 2. Oul~idc ilh(~xc?rut ~( :J 1 -~phcric I;mks under lr)OI) ~;dl.n CnlXWiI): J'Jo~thl~ rot)[, lif'fcr ro(.d, :l wc~tk r(xff-I ~-shcll ~c;m~ -~ (,~l~cr nj'j.n~x cd 3.Fla,te :tr[cCtc'~s t,~ vcndn~ dcxiccs v. ifl]inlc~r:d lhm~c m[cslcis nmyl.,c,miilcd lclicving COllSIltlclJOll. 'lhc wc;~k loof'-h) slicll scrim Sil;~ll I,c c'~,nqr ~clct from Class I-B ami ('hu;~ 1-('1 I~ id~ whc~c comtition~ :uc such Ihnl II~ei~ usc may. in plcfc~enlJaJ to ;my olhc~ I l..iquid p~,)l'~'~iic~ jlp~;~if)itJ~ H~c .mi:;~i.n of such ,Icvk'cs ii'lilt, hul :uc nut relicvi.~ dcvices. IJlc' I(d;ll vcnfJn}~ c',qmcitF -f t~t, h m,~m;d :md 'mrq'cm' ,1. V(.tUldpcs2i,chcs ,i c~si, n,,min i~si ed:u,clcrm~dhmm:rth:m IOfccl. 79.SlIO-A.cxccpl:~5[arovidcdin~uhsccli,mq.~ :tT~d4hch~w ~t~chdcvi~cm:~vl,c;t 5 :J~mks slu Jl ~z pas. c ;lc cxcl~jq Jl(~ltl thc ab.vc rcquircmenls, providcd ll~e , sclt-cl.sing lll:lllJll~Jc COVCl, (q' (TIle USJIl~ ]tlll~] hl'~q Ih[J( J'CI mit thc c-~ ct All vcnl linc JJ:iiiIL' :lrlcslClS ~llllJ VCillillg dcviccs sh:dl tx: JllSJ:IJJL'{J Jlt ;~cc'~Id welled ~Hcn oJ lJlc i~nk sJl;IJJ J~('. c~lcllJ~dcd -n thc Im~i'~ .~ ~ j'ctsrnt nl ]. J,(Ic:lJJoll Jlnd :1r1' Itl~Tt'lll('llJ ~k JR'lC VCIII pipe (qllJcl~ f()rpmks sn. J,~] C'l;t,;s JloliT.,HIt:lJ J;lllk ;lIl(I filL' fh~I ~{ 'fc('I nhlVC m ;J't? (lJ lJIc Cq"'"",l chcH ;'TL':I ~'l :1 I liquids ate mtj;Icc'ul P, i,uihtiu~z ~,~ punic waFs, lhcv sh;dl hc 1.c:mxl s. lJl;ll IJIC vctfic:d llUlk, fScc ApIX'ndix VI I{ h, Ill(' ~ puc r-,,nux' -t f> l,h':d kmk d,uvc Iht mlj~'cnl ?,umt level. In .t~lcr I,~ :fid Ihcir dislmrsion, v:q~.~s sh:dl hc sl~:dl bc I~ic:ucd sn fll:d Ihmm~hl,h' v:q~ ~ x~ill m~l Ix' l~nI~pCd hy c:~vcs .r ~,hsll uclion~ ',Uld sh:dI'l,c :~I Ic:~sl 5 l~'cl h~m~ b ~ ding .pc.in~s ~,' lq"pc~Iv lines tirol mn)' t~c buill up,n. .. j. h~sl:dbli~m nl ~r,I IdldnR. Vcul pipi,g shall Ix' inshdl~'d in :~cc~,.Im~cc ~ilh I)hisi~m VII. "I'ipi.'~. V:dvc~ :md Fil ~,s." Vc.l I' pox sh I Ix: iusmllcd s-:m I. d~ain low:mi thc l:mk v. id~.ul s,?~ ,~.l~:q~'~ in which liquid cnn collccl. Vc,I i~il'x:s ,,h:dl tx: insmllcd h~ such n' m:mnc~ :~ I'~ be n.l sui~ cci m physiL':d d:mm~c nr ~ iJq ali()n: '. 254 79,509-A. 79,509-B, 79.509 UNIFORIV1FIT1E CODE 1988 EDITION 79.509 TABLE NO, 79.509-/V--WEIr 1 ED AqEA VEFISUS CUBIC FEETFr~EE (14.7 psla and 60'E) I. \ .If SQ. FT. Ct"H SQ. FT. CFH SCI. F I'. CI' II 3I} 31,(,~)t! 250 239.()(I0 1,2()0 '557.O(m M = m{dccuhu ~cjghI 4H 42. H)() 3~) 265.1)(~H 1.40(} 5() 52.7{)0 3~0 2~8 O( ) 1.600 61,~.0(~0 .1. Alhm':d)le realm'IDms 120 t 26.0()0 ~)( ~o 493 .oo() ~ ' lbo 16~J)()o. 0.3 l~)r~;dcrsprayht 180 19~ ( ) agcin ;~ccmd:mce wid~ cqt 2(X) 21 IJ~)o 79.507 (b). ' ~Inte~polnte for intermediate v~dues.. ().3 for insulafi(m in accopd;mce TABLE NO. 79.509-B~wETIED AnEA OVER 2800 SQ. FT. AHD PRESSURES d~ai,a~e i, acc~mhmcc OVER I PSIG ~ecthm 7~,~)7 .............. am:e critcria: 3.~)0 786J)(m I0.000 2.1 lO.(P()() A. Rt:m:dn i, place under 4.00,') 9'~5 .{)()d) 20.0I)0 3.72().H(~0 4.500 I. IU().()(}() 25.(}(10 4.47(L()oo ing f'Hc cxp<~sm~:. 'l 6.(1(~) I ,.t90.0(1(} 3q.O( 0 5.9(10.(1()0 (~. M;~ilH;du a umxi~ H ~ c ,MtTt. f;H~Cr ~ ;,1 m ,,f .i ~1 llh~ l.t.~ }~,,,~T [,,. 7.0(1() .I .5 ~()J)()() ,IO.()00 6.57().()(1() ' . m'cmdancc wid~'lht,h- No. 7().50()-A. CWClq dm~ wtwn d~e CXl~OSc'd t~: c' :u ;a of l, CV(:nl ~c ,I 7(' I )vc~ hc;di.~ accordancc ~itt~ Ihhlc N<). 7tL5(I(). I{ (~ cMcuh~tcd )y the f dlow g f(,mula: 6. V( ,lin~ dvvirv C:,l,:wity. A ldvnlil A = cxp~c(t x&clf~d qHJ'acc, hi squ:.c f'ccl, Thc f-~c~ dn~ f'o~ re.la i~ b'a~rd ,m (~ 21 .Hiff) I" ~' 256 79.509 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1988 EDITION 79.910 .('ctlilicd by :~ tpmlifiml imlmrfi;d ~ ~sc~vc~ <,r m;~v I,? c~ ~du 'lvd W ;~ qu',flifk'd. Fhe ProtP~tion C~: 0.5 (linc fh,w c(mf ficicm). B'H'nlcum rcfincT v n~ hcrciu dctim'd. -' . lc) 'lhnk ()pe,i,R~ (Hht, r lira, ~'cpfs. t. (;¢m'r:d. I~;tch c*muccli~m f(, ;ul ti~c dcp;um~c,t h~ c~,pc wifl~ llmmn;dflc liquid Ilow sh:dl hc pmvidc(I wid] ;~ liquid (i?~l ch)su~c. 'l his re;I)' bcn v~dvc, phq] (,' qu;u'lc~s <ff lhcir pcrimclcr, p-tl;flqc fo;un ;q,l,lic;m,s ~h;dl li(luid~ sh;dl he p]ovhlcd wilh ;~ ~up,,r ti~t,I c;~p or cmcr. Such c(w(:,~ ~lmll bc cm~clition~: .L l:ill pipe opcni.~. F,r u%h~;uh..d hinky, mof:dlic t'ill pipes slmll he (lc- t'(,' usc in Ibc cquiplucnl of die h]~t:dhuhm v ht'u' lhc pil~ within 6 ind~cs of ll~c b.m,m ul Iht hmk mid il sludl bc inshfllcd lo ~n'.id fitmm. cxcc~ivc v hi ~Ii m 79'605'79'702 UFilFORM FiRE CODE 1988 EDITION 79.70~.-79,707 cquipm(,nf si~all m~l be used if' rcguHcd Icsls :t~c nol completed widliu Unlil repaired or rcl~laccd For I?akiu~ lnnks, sec S :clJon 7g.601 (th ' I~Jr ~tlllOlllalJc l)~Olccl (m :t~[liflSl h;~ckflmv. 'J'hc chief Ilia)' leqllil'c Ih;it lbo lest be cot~dm'lod il1 his presence. (d) Used 'ih,ks. Used Im]~:s {nlcmled f~r fhtTt~mabJc o~"combuslit~lc liquid Supports service shall be Icsfcd as requited fi,. new lauks. S{~c also Scclion 79.601. (c). Sec. 79.704. l'iping Swing Joints PIPING, VALVES AND FI'FI subjecfcd.: Such OlUJl,nlc~ll shall co::f~,tm lo n,IH:nally Icco~,lized cnEilJceljtlg standards, bc listed f-r Ibc ;IpplJc;iti,~, or be ~tpl,rovod b), the chief'. See Seclion Pipe doJlttS 2.303 lb). Nonnlcl;~ lic p ping, if' used. sh;dl be inslalled as per lhe lll;lllllJ'acllll'er's such malctials a~c u:cd I ( ] I ] ( ( J { : { : Is in [IbOVC~llOHlld piping s}'slenls or wifhill ~ 2. So h,calcd lh::l anv'l~aka ~c Icsullillj~ j'j'4:jjj lhe j':ljjlllc w~:ldd m:l umluj), Y . Ploleellon ~g~ln~l ~o~ro~lon ~lld (]~lvmlle A~llon~ v;dV(lS' J 79.~'08-79.802 Hrtlf"Ol'lM FIRE CODE 1988 EDITION 79.802-79 80,1 resting ,J:LV bc F.r:ml'.'d v,.'h,~,ic. Itu: uulutc ,"d flu; lifluhl h, t,~ ,li~l,,.'ii~:.' m:d.:,."; ~m.'h ri Se(.'. 79.71t~I. [~tll~."-:'~ lv':;h'd iu ;~c',~',u'chul~x: ~','itl~ Ih,:.' ;ipldi(';d,h' !;c~."li~,m; ~l' lcshicfiut] iml~;tcti',';ll. /\pl'l(".~.'d l"uml"; Id t,]' ~:u,.li,,,f t~,,,t I.l,t. l,,p ~,t' file ['~ilfin~, b.:'f,, re b~'in~ c(wclcd. (.'u,.:h,si:,d or l,MC<.d in tu;e. qmll b(.' h,. du~sh~lic;lllv [cstcel h, 150 [,(m.'¢rtl c,l' lite m:txht]ultt. . :lmicilT:lt'."J. l',lcs':uuz ut' Iii,.: svslem.. (~r' ,,,,hich .il is sltb. ic¢'h'd. ,&ir (~r ~,':)'.~?'n qtl;~ll u ~I I,e tls,, t ?rl¢l]rll;~dc:]lt.v is'slc(.] h'~ I 10 I,e'rc(.t]l c,t the ttl;iXlliitltll :mticil',:~h,d pIcssurc of lite l,q[.ssut-e ,.'(.sscl. ('hv~s I liquid,s shall by (ti~pcn':cd ~.,t]l~,' tT,,U?H~l'l~,', ~vqI~2111. bH! tlUl lest-: Ih;Ill ~ l',ulmd-l~I.'l: ,~,'ll~;uc-im'h ~':m¢ al Ih(' hif, ll(.,.:l ll(~it]l uf I1~¢ ()t' .ri~itml SVSlCIll. 'lhis lest slmll I',c m;ihlh'lim;d fl~r ;I sIflli(_'ield lira(' i),:lind I~, ~.'(iml~l,..:lc ' visual it]si,cl..film ~lf' all <',ints :lml c,, ~.'(.'fi-us hill f'(~r ;Il I(';l'-:l Ill ltlil]tlh"-; /hole (el (.'l.sm-e (t[ Mi'(itl~Z ,r Illemlitll,. 'V~.'-:'~,I',;. ",',..;'~ ,. :' b; 1 ,q'mll be It<l h.';~k;l~¢ or l',clm;mV]ll (lislnrli(m. (';m.. sh<mld bc ¢.x(.'rciscd hT ct]~;ur¢ bh:udill~Z ~'( I ,ss I Ihlmmablc liguid'.; ,sl~:dl hc l,u,\i,h'd v.i!h ,.,..Il cl,,'.i~l!z... Ii,hi ]hal these l,~cs,.;utc~ ate nlq :II,plied f. '.cHh'd ;d, w~.'['.ruul],.l, umlc]e2t~mnd <)r ins]dc lifli]T~, l]cmcmul',usfibIc, lid,s th:Il will (.'(mir(,1 flu.' rite v, ifhil~ sh)rit..ec htllkS, :1~ lhcv sit mid bc l~.'$l,.'d indcl,~mdrutl_v fl',mt] II1(' F, il,i~F,, such dcviccs: mc iml~r;~cli¢:]l, iluhutT[llic ,u lt~mu:!llv c~,pm~,llv,l Im~ ~.',:lin~ui'.tiit]F ]Exislil~ i'fillit)~ qmll I',~.' l("$t~.'d :u; d.e'sclibe'd ;thc, ye ',vhcu Iht ch]el' h:ts: tc:l':.Otl- all;vices nl,l',rm'~.:d bv 111t; chi(:'f sh:lll h,c at',l(' (.'al]sc It', b?licvc'Ih:ll il I,::ll: ~.'xisls:. I~ I" ]I~ Ih:Il ITla): (.:~ml:~il~ tlu Il ;. ~,lc I~r ((11 llollflill~ Il[ '~'(."~s;el~. VCXSCIs shall b~: els'ell ic:]llv v,m,u','t';d hv h,,u I v. iTcx. coml'~u.qiblc li~luids sh:lll m>l t~,., le~:l,..d tm(.,ulm~li,.-:dl),. ,Such Ic`sls ~:lmll be :Il Iht F, il'dn~ c,e similar mc:ms ,.vhc 'c d 'c cnu'~.:'~ ~t l~ ~-iI i c~mht ~,tht. t',','i~c t,(: ct<.'alcd eX[~CllSC of thc (t~.;'ttcr t'~r (~1~.:~ ;~l~t'. ,gcc $¢cliut] '7~).fil)5 lc). b)' Ibc acclimulnliotl ot' shllic cle(.:ll icil? cl; (e) (.;ollh-ol (T[ ,ql',ills or (~( ti.ecl hit l,'T S,t",vT'r'~. I'l,,'.i'~i~,IT l~rcvcn! Ihlmm;~bl¢ Tlr c(utlbuqihle liquhl'~ v, hich 1~1:~',' [.)ivisioll VIII unhtadittg pi)Mfs I'u n] ('ttlelitlg l,ubliv s,.',.,,<.'r :md dt:fii~:u'_,.' USE, DISPENSING ^Hi_) MIXING ,,'~,Ior,¥:,¥s. C,, :(: ,T sh~su:lls{'\"~' S. I s ,w ; v, ?,: h)' ,.,.hi~ hfh?Im~bl': Tlr 'o t~ )] si b c g dds IuiFI]l cm~:r .I]: I1 N' l,t,,', idv,l v. ifl] Se('. 7~.~111. '1 his (ti',' s ~ 1 :~pl,th:,s h', lite'us,,.-, di~:p,;usitl[,. :m',l mix ht~._, ~d'C lass I, lhm]ulablc ~,r ctTnd',usd!;le Ii lUh '~ ,~h:fll t],q h.~. dmtii,<.,l (tpct;~tilm~. In mhtili(m. Il]is dixisi,m sll:]ll aFply Ill hulk vchi~:h'~ hl:]din~ ami prcnliscs. Conlah]er-fllllng Facilities Inside Opernlh'ms Sec. 'TtI.RII.{. (:t) f~l:]]ll];Tl I)p :r:di,'l V-; 'l:v~; I li(lui,'t~ ~e('. '79.~{11]. I;~)t;~.'.('l:ll. ,.ill mix]u!.,. ',leto i,!, ;.Td simih r-i,~.. · I ~,~T,~ itl,/~ll,,,- c~mhtiltClS ul]l~.'s;s Ibc l~?zh' ;m(I '~lt :tim:i': ;~ ~' ~,h.,,' '~ 1,. iuhuc,.,m'ch'd 'l Itc' il]~ lira u';¢ TTl' (.-hu;s 1. I1 {,l' I11 .,\ liquid'.; .sh;dl be l~erl'(~rmed iu ',m ii,side use. i:m,.'i~i(m$ oflhis sec i ) ~ sh;tll be dc,..ul,.:d h, h;!',(; t~c,.:n k',,ml'lh'd ','. ilh v.h?te ~1~.' disr, c]~sin~ ;lml mi,;ill.~ l~,,~l (',, ,sl t, IhT tnc,.:l Ih,4 iC'Tluir(:ut(mls {~1' ;I (. I Ti p II. reel;lille fl(',c, · l',l:dcs ~ll] which rite c,uthlhu't ~;l;]tl~l~ ,.,, I,il,,' Di','isi(m ] (),.'('Ul,:m(_'y :~s ,.Icliu,.'d i~t lllc Iluihliu~_, ( '(',dc. c..lUl¢ClCd Io lh¢ fill sl(.'m <~l' whole Ihs: till ,d,,m is I~,,t],h',l h, Ill,.' ~'~,t~l:~i~ct dutiru'. I':X( 'I':1' I I! IN: '~Vh,..u ;I ,i,mvcd bv lilt chi,.:f, d sp¢ s [~ ~ (;h s~ II i, '( 'lass. III-A tillin~z t',y ~]!c;]tts ~)1' ;t t-,,~ii(I \','il(:. liquhI~lu,luasiul..'h.,c~,i]h!i,~,..ll;v .:~ ,¥;ll,..~cil) ufm~lm(~I (~tl' m'-;mm,'l',e It'0 /\tThlt~l:lliT' {)l--.'ll]titTllS. ('(,uhdm'l lilliu!.' ,~l"'t:!li~'U', 'l~'t I.'!;,'::S I l',e~ i ,.',. ,u ,: ' ~ ls 'u,:mdlSl.~_lusiuF:mdmi'.:i~l.lzrf,,mt 'lhcst.p;~c;uM'u!~e im.'~dvim ('~mv(!',.:~l! b~'ll~; i,l ~lh(u' ;mt,qrl:Hi, f~'r'di!H' ,'l".'~:l i '"' 't~:dl t,? t,l,'- ~d Iii ?flh't~ I,] lc?; ol'('l:~ss I ~'t ('h~ss II liquids ul (~0 ,~:dh,us ~ 'ss ~'('l:~s~ III ' liguid'; in ~.'~ld;lillt'is Ill:l/ I,~: l,mmillcd ~,ulsid~. ul' ;ut ills]dc u::c, di'~l~Cu,~i~t~,. ~iml qmm:ly .l,'si,L' TC~ 1~ Il~ ",'(' ]I shdi,.' ','- ~ 1 ~i,,! '~ mi'~iuF r,,,,m .l fhulml;tl,l,.' liquid ,¥:dfim'l. :\11 qu:mlilic:~ ~;(~ :dh~',',cd sh;dl bc [)gSigll ,.'7111(I ~olIslrllclioll O[ IrmJrlo 1.1.,':,,-,, lti~p? c,,i]ddc~cd m; c~,r~ il', ~ u!' ,~ I~' h~ ]1~ dh ;~'d h~ '.s;r,.' ~ ,.; 7~).2 )1 I,:~ .I ¢il ~md Iii). []OO1'[I ['-Ilhtim.']~. diSl,C~l~hl!z ]mil'~. lilc-r~mh,,~l u~c~l';Utc.s ~uld (llhct I:lch,ls in',~l,.'in], lilt ,~ 'C. 79.~(I I. /\u hl'~id,' u'-'. ,li':l'ml'~i.!' :md mi ,:ira: I, ,,,m '.h'dl t ...... l,'. I ~ "lin ,qcc I)i','i'~i~,n IX fi,l di':l',Vlu:iu?. il~ s~l'~'icc Shlli~!ll~ :uld I)i','isi~m X l'~r disl',cns- JIl~('ml'mm'~mld~',,m:hucli~ml~t~?cls. I. /\u: hm ~ i~",l,liull,.'r'?d~'ul',l,:'111''l'.I'".hl'"l lb) IH~l'~('r~s ITi'. I':qllilmT'?lll. ¢'h~s~ I ~md ('l',~ss 11 liquills,shatl mTI I.,e di`sl-,enscd iu':l:llh',l iu u, ~q,l,u,',~'d m;,m.'~ ~ ...... ~:,!,' ..h.~.,,. b)' ~.lm.'ily h'~m] hmk% (.hurus. I,: ~I'cl~; c,r '-;imihu co]ti:finery. I)isl:,Cu~iiu.~ dm...'e':, itmfi(' ,:t,lhfl:h'r ,~: ,m..m itl:~',' h,. , ,,u., r..,I l,, I~.,, f,r fhum]l;thl¢-t c,,uTImsfibi~.: liguhl,~ qmll bc ~,l';m :t ~l~r(',,.,cd l,,.l)e. /\11 cx~'~.'l',li,m re;lit1 iu ,q,.' · ,r ; 1,",' \,. ifil ~c('li,,u I1~ :'~"; f,]~ ~)1" 266 267 7g.804-79,806 UNIFORM' FIF{E CODE 1988 EDI llOfl 79.~06-79.807 al~pTm'cd f(,r (.'h~ss l. I)ivi~i~,n I Imza~(hms h c;di~,n~ i[1 accord;mc~' wilh Ibc ~ lislcd pump ~r device ,hau'i~t~ through ~m ~,i,~;.,fiT~ in fl~,z I,,I, ,,f thc t;mk ~,r acct,rda~!ce ~ itt~ thc l~t, vi~i~ ms ¢1 Iht Moth;mit'al Cmlc. It sh;dl hc c~n- suttiectcd, l)ispct~sit~g of liquids h}' ~atcr pies,mc and any lighting tixlurcs slmll t,e cpcrafcd hv Ibc same swilch..&~ imlicah~r canllr~l exceed lhe design [~lessure ~l[ lhe vc~cl, hmk light shall I~e i,stalled ;M.i:~t:c.l h, lhe swilch if C'lass I lhmm~rdfle liquids shall not he used.l~ pressurize any cont;d~cr are dispe,srd er used ~ ilhin lira rr~mn., l)isl,ensing lmm undc~grmmd sl¢~agc tanks sh:fll t~e in :~ccr,rd;mcc wilh l)i~ i- 4. Ilealing sh;dl he ~c~hiclcd h~ h,w p~cssmr shmm or hol tt;l{cr ;lll~l l~ sioll IX. Service Stallings. ' appttwed dcsi?~, wilh lhe w~rds N() SM()KIN(;'p~Mlcd lh~:~c~m sh:dl 6. Exil facilities sh',dl t~e provide4 in ;]cco~dat~cc with lhe IhdhlMg ~ :~,de. ' Iocafi~ms aromM lhe dispen~Mg arum. p~ lec'i~ n w~ c' ~ I ~ d'c h c'di~ n '~¥'w lmm Ibc huiMing. :my imporhml shall be installed in acco~d;mce ttilh die tilt'ct; ic';d liquids from cnh'rin~ Iht Imldic sewer (~r ~t'ah:fw; ys. nccordat]ce wilh Atlicle IlL inside tho r()(m~. Lo,fling Rnd Unloading F~oIIIIIos 268 26q 79.807 urlIFOIIM FII1E CODE 1988 EDITIOrl /9.807 air mi~Uucs widlin d~c fl:ummddc ~',m~c (~r whole dm liq.id bchuj I ilh'd c:m t'~m all piping, pumps, II(~Scs :111(1 mclc~S emu cs:lc llx'tc~, I!:~ c I,~,c,n c,,ml,h'h'ly such II IllJXllllC sJl~IJJ bc by Incans ~J ii d~wnspoul s~ hich cxlcmts sh;dl bc suftmmd~'d by a hmcc m,l less limn 5 such ct~ch~smc, r,h~ lwrs~m slmll chisr (~ j,cr'mil Ibc (hiviu~, ~I' auv t:lrlj: xchiclc hc sclxu'alcd I'Tom hml;s, w;uc u~ ~s~,~G ,,d~ 'r l,l:u~l buildimz': :u,~l m':-v'.~ Yu,l'~'t 1)' - mcm~ mc i~mvhh,d I'm shulth~? ~,ll' iJu, Ih~w ~hcn Iht vehicle is full. Ii ~lmll hc - 270 271 79.f107-79.808 UNIFOn~,{ FI{1E CODE 1988 EDITIOIq 79.8019-79-902 Unloading Operalton~ Scope into fuel t~nT:~ (,f ~iu.'~:dl, m:~dm' c,~ffl, m~,l()~ vehicles ur special eq~il,mcnl when ( StOIRge " 272 273 7,q,§02 UNIFOrlM FIRE CODE 191~fl EDIIION al~l::m 0d79.201 lc)CiO3, ai,tct~ i,i~id~, sc vic .. dnlioll ht J{Jillj~ il: ncc(:l(hlnc¢ ~ il'l, ~m'li(m (.'l]1%~ I. II o, JlllA liquid~ ~lmll ;ClX'icc slatimi l,uihJinF, cxccl:t :t~ l~rm.iilu(l in Sccli*m 7~).:I )] l(lI.r { 'J;l'<q II mid air I:I' {}X)'['.CII l:ICSSlllC sl:owin[. I:? pmdm't, d:dl}' u o, Jcili:di~ n 1,c ~cc s'llcs, usc, receipts ;llt(J itlVCllI thc lIOZTlIC shall ('l:,:;~' Ill..A liquids, sh;dl I~c itnmcdi:~lcly lCl,~Ulcd h~ Iht h~c',d J il~ dclxu hncnl. ~. 'Ibc h~sc n,)v:,l,' ~h:dl ~' ,h.,,i.,,u,,,l iu ~]~'1~ :~ ~., :~k ~l, ~t d~,. J:,,..' .'l.' i.. ~..t:,bF..,~ h~ - lbo fill pil:¢ ~ ~ i j, thc lillhm (h) ~llfelJ' R,h'~., l'h:':c ~;hall hc m, ~uld<i:lj: :,t (:l::,n lJ;llll¢~ in Ibc m::;u; u~cd fl,) ~,l:t.r: i.;iml. 'l'h~' lions shaJl J~c poslt:~J ~vifhin si~hl ~lt t':tch CllSlOlllcr J)Cill~ ~cl~ cd. ~ A.. Al h'::'~t ~J:tilj~ ,;ih' ,. 274 ' ' -- , 79.903 UNIFORP,,'I FIRE CODE 1901] EDII'ION 79.00,'! ('. '(',,n'ff,lum,u.d}. ,~,~:fili, in~ ' ~I'Ii,, ~. flu' ~;d',.,' ~'l'm:~li,m ~ff ,ii,. ,'.'uqnl, ,'quip- I) P,,':d,,r. d.' i,l,,,m, n,uuN., ,,[ flu. ,,,.,. ~ ~,~ ,, ,,i,,.,:m,' ~;cl,;n;m.,d l,', ;, I'cn,:,: m :dmihu f',;u'ric~ I'~,m Il,.,. ;u,.,:~ .in ,.,. hi., h ~ li(~llk ~.' .'(~ I I 'lip c-rr.f, c ,,l ~ h-.'mh ~ ~r;~ ~: 5. I)J' Ix'llxim.' d,~?.'kx.'~ 'dudl ,,' '~ccmcd Ir~ d!v J::hmd h~ uthu~ Ih;in l,ipi ~.~ md idmxl hr t:}' cquiv;ih'lll iJl~.';lux and sh;lll lx: h:c:mxl iu :: l,:,dti:m ~,. ~ .1. lJJ~ ,cn~inL} ('qUilU mul ~':::nlqk.~ ~:il i, nc ~:I Ih:' l'r:lh,u, hljz: sl~uc[ IW ;t vchk'h' dc~;ccmlil~B ri ~;UUl: ::r nlhcr dut,c ,m~ :,t :l::llh~'J cmuULom'}' ~huhdl l'~u' cloth ic i~:~ c~ I,: lhc dJ~l:cU~;im~ unit ;lu,I lh,l' A. 'J he; nlnlllll r:J hlcl I:cinj~ di~l,,.,tu:cd ix limilrd hi ~1~ ;ultJl~ hv ;t i:u'p~ :~JLI ;muucd .l card. ~:t ' - inB il sh:lll I~a l:i::vidcd ;~1 :m ;Icc('xdlqc I,,c;:li,:n :tml dlqll N' Il. lJisl:tndn~ d:'vi,.'r: ~h;l!l t:r 'u,}u;iUlmC~ ~:r scl t,, limil u~:i.lulrUl~U,d Im't ifs inlcmlcd I:l rpn~,.. 'l'ho di~l:Cnxin~ ;m'~ sh;lll t,c l,:,,vhh,d deli~eW. ~,t ' bch~w Br~dc. only ;~l~pi'~vc(I ux:'uhrudc~d sr'u il;lli m dudl N' ~ . arc c'nclf~izcd. ('l~ II liquids inh~ p~,rhlhl~ c(mtrdm'rs m~t in c~mff4irmro w.ilh ~m:li,n addili(m, dcclriu:d~',mdili~ms ~Imllcuml~lv ~iJh  7n.. I()4 (al c<mtr(, s ~ u'c~ .f ignili~,n, rtll(I h~ give irmtxxli;~Ic altcrlliml I(} :icci- - , c:m:d n nlinimtln~ dishmcc ~f IU f~cl h~m~ ;~ pr~,imrl), liJ~c' :md so h~caled th;it all loc: ti(m I c c(,t simll N: imlic:m'd hx :H,i,~,,~ cd ,U' ,: lmtl~ oJ~ vehicle bcin~ sc'r vJccd will I,c on thc p~c ~ scs ~f II1r sc~vicc Slali~m. In ]. SiSns id~'nlil)'in~ Ibc !romp mr~xhu ~ itch ,Ju~ll I,v J:il,,.1,.,t F~,,IFI'.~ ;l-Hr 'Y ~' addilim~, lhe h,cati~m ~,f' ~lislx, ndn~ devices ~lmll tx: in accl~ld:ulcc wilh fhe Iii:Ill I0 [~O[-J'l(~lJl ;I11}~ huihlin~ ~'.hich is less Ih:m Oll('-h~lll' tiu' ~csixtive '~' dadr,nx, im,vid~.,d Ilu'~c J~ ;It h';~xl ~ c rju: Jif icd';dtu ukmt ~,u dray v. I,ih' tJ 3. All dispcn~i~l~ (Icviccs shall hc p~ufcclml ;~B;dnsl i~ln'sic:al ~h~m;ff~c l'wm~ I 'lhc :lllCll(J;lllJ i~l' ~llj,Cl ~ J'..,l ihi d,pt}' du,ll N, , ;.lUd,h' ~'chiclcsB)'nlmmlinB~m:lcuncrclci~hmd:~minimum°ffiinchcsinh('i~.,hl. f'um:ti.nx.,md ~:, ti pth~'tt,'.:p,,n,:ihiriri,.,,.-c,,,.,.~,.dht~:., when ~plmWcd by thc chief. . · ' _ ...... ~ .... ~ ~ '~ 77.903-79.g04 Ul',llFOflfvl FIRE CODE 1988 EDI:HOH 79.901-79,905 lbO*sure delivery svstcm~ shMI l:c ;IHtl(iVC~Jl Electrical Equipment : Suhmc:sible -r s::hsurr::ce pun:l:s sli::ll bc inshillcd in ]ICCfH'd;llIL'L' wilh ]. l~Jls mM CmlCrS shall hc dcsim~cd and COll~:ll ilL'lcd h~ wJlllst;lnd Iht cxh.rll;iJ "~. l'(~tccs I~ which lhcv In:~y bc sub. jcch'd. When ~c cd ;ibc)v(· [~I])' {lll(J 'l? I llKJ mc~hods: " ' 79.905 ur,ilFOI1M FlrlE CODE 1980 EDt I ION T^RI.E I'tO. 7g.gOS--CLA$.q I I.OCA'IIONI.~t TAt'31_E rio. 79.90s --CLASS __ LOC^:r ~ort · DIvmtorl ct_^sslr iErJ ^ hr..^ LOC^i ~ON _O ?_S?_~.i~ U.d*'rm'..,,4 r:.d( ................................................................... ~:,i,,i.,..o~~, llnm;-= Fill (,pcnir~F I AnY f?i! b(,x ut 'q~a,'c hch,,, ,pl'pl- h'~cl ()~vtf.':ul '1~1)(' t or ~. c a~:'; fled alta. .1 vcnl, cxtcmting in all Jl{:cr~l (l)l~the~d l}llej I{enlnte Pits 1 A.y j,i:. t,ox (,T spaco hch,w l'~mlc level. IIle Divisi-, I , ,'a Atcas vidfiu n di~- l:Cnscr cm'l,-:urc isnl~Icd fllilll l)ivjslon I but roll Coulplclcly sullOUl:tlcd by Divi- si-n I area. Wilhin IR im'hcs l..izontally in all di:e,:li,,ns from the l.)ivisi~,:i I men Ibmm Wilhin IS inches horiz(mhdly in all :Ii,cc- 2 not is.talcd by a vap,:r-light partition, : except lhnI the classified ~cn nccd not be extended around a 90-deglt'c or g~eatcr COllier. Ould:~:r 2 Up lo I~ i.chos above Fuldc level wilhin Class I liq.id~ 20 feel horizontally of any edse llldi~r . J~(llllll ~illl mechanicnl --::ilhnill l)i',l:en4ng ventilation 2 Up lo 18 iuchcs above g:nde t,r Iloor level xxithin 20 fl('(:l holizonlnlly of ny :dgc wilh gtavib' ve.lil~lion Z Up lo l~ inchcs nbovc ~ladc or [h:o~ Icrc] ......................... ...... wilhin 25 fccl hofizoul~lly of ~n~ c~ ~c of ~ptcial i cnclosme. Ih,ihlin~ ISce Sec. ~{',nlin,cd) ~9.90~ ~c)I ............................ 79.905-7g.907 , Utllr-orlM t':!rlE CODE 1900 EDllION 79.907-79.999 T^~LE UO. 7g.gOS--CI ASS LOg^JlOflGL.(Conllrlued) g~OUP D EXrENI Or J'rn elllJvg l"t cl.s,rr~ JSPr f'Hqll HI1)' l~UnllL (lisj~cnscr ~l fill jqpc ~,pcning. Sec. 79.912 (c) ]J ........................................ Service Stntlon~ Locnted Inside Bulldlng~ E'ltljl)lllr.l N(~I ~ifhin Ih,ns (,f'rquil.ucnt c~mMhfiruz II:m,r..I,l,' gl;IIi(ms which (jisj't'llsc {'lls'l~ inh~ vchiclc~ (cxclu(lht~ pipin8 :md [Il, lO IS JllthCt ;IJ)('vC ~l;IdC J('~l'l within ,' · c(IlllhUSlJOll devicesl JO f'c'cl IILH i/(ml:lllv of Iht ~;IJ~iq lqoct'ss FJN(;EI' I'1( )N: Sc~vicc sh~dnn~ ' (~ 2 'lllcclililc:Uc~xxilhirllhccnch~sufcolhcl (h) (:Oll~;trtl('lJml. /%utolllOlJvL' fi('lvJcc SI;IIJrHiq ~ifhhl buildings ~ Ih;ill Divisi., I. stl'uctcd with thc rc(iuilctm:nls ol Ill(' lh).ihlinF (',, c. ~ Vacuum Assist lihmrrs Iht spm'c v, ithln IR inches ill ;tll di,'c:- S)'glCIIlg slmll comply wilh Ibc Mcclint,foal cxfcndirl~ IS  .' · h()Hzonlallv. . " hlshdlcd S('l'VJll~ ~HJJy thc a~ca wh~'(c f'ucJs ;l.(~ati~)ns ~s classificd in thc ~]cctric;tJ ('odc. Jl1~ IlJlJJS SO lJlal JHcJ C;IIIlI(~J hC OJ)Cl'~lJ JO11. inJ~rale. Such s)SlClnS slmll bo ill accordance wJlh Ibc provisions o[lhc ~]J'L'JI~III- (d) J~illJn~, J. (;vtwr~d. t'iping )Drainage and Wagte Disposal 2 E.('l,,s.re of' vc,d pil)i,)iz. All fm'J . Se~..7~.907. (a) ('mm'ol mid Con.cclhm Io ~c~cr. Ihovisi(ms slmll Hc mm_lc ' in Ihe a~a where C'lass I. II or III-A liquids m:w bc spi m Io p~cvcnt li(luid~ J'l<)nl or :~ v'm lic:d sh;dt u~cd only f(,l Ibis; pipi. 282 7g.g0g-79.910 I'It~IFORM l'!'t'Lr:. {:ODE 19011 EDIII()N 7~.q In ':~.',,c,s ,,, dj~,, ,; ?'d ,n,,, p.,idk' 'v.:m',,,av~ ~t,:~,, be. ,,qUJl,lX,d wi,I, ,,:,px (,, ipi,,~,c.,m sh:,l, I,c in acco,d:,,,cc pic~s (~f solid-lill tvpc. Appro%d di~x:n';im: device* ~ilt~ ,,r ,.* idl,,,tl t~ spill~ r,f sm'h liquld~ :md ~,il~ willfin ~' irmn~ m:r~ of'thc 4ixI, ',~cr. , whmve~ or fhmtinR d~,,'ks. ' :,~!grc~atc ~ p city cxccI t ~'. id~in :j r'(,,,m . 'PI' ' vcd I~r x, ~'!, ':t,,~ m , r r(luipmcn),coniplics ~vi I Scclinn ~f)6. 4. lloses used fm dispcnsinB (,T't~xnstc~r'ir~ L'lm:s I..II I. 'lhnk~. v~h'c~, liuine~ m Iht (;:~s~ 1, II m III-A li,luid~ taxi notmn~e, shallhcrcclcd, u liqucticd pcmdcum ?st bc ~tpp~ovcd lor stlch usc and I'ullv pro- damage. ~ ,} ~ . J reeled f'mm external cm sim]. 5.prohibitcd exc:epl by sp(:c~l m~th~Jizali~m r,t)llC ~:hicf. also,., mslallcd, witch c~ rr-ol of mm'inc ~.vice statism pc~sormcl, cont~n~s can bc dispcnt:d widxm~ spilllm... 3. t,I el,nos al ,n:~,[c ~',,',cc sl:,tmns wht~ aU:,dtcd ,, pic,'s w :,yes ,,,- 7. I.iq,wlicd l, cm,lcum ¢,q cvlitxt~(s stroll ,,,,t olhcr sftlBclul~ shall bc f'ullv J*rulcclcd~ajnsl phvsic:d (J:Hi1;igc :llld ~Ctt(,Jctltll nmrine sct[ic:e st:dim1 v.'ilh~ml fit si · 1. A vah'e wh~vby supply l'mm slm~c m;ly bc ~1 off sJl~tJ ~(' p ~wi~lcd Jn cyhndcrs shall bc llcxihlc com~cc'lim~ m stop fhm' 1o lhml ill fhc cyril of' I'llj)IlllC i~f such shall iu all cnscs bc nl h'asl 2f)tcct lmm :my flcxible C~mllCClJlm~ ' ' ' . of i~niliOll. 5. Not Ilt()[{' ill:Ill Iw~ flcxiblc C(HIIIL'ClioIlS Sll:dl hc pert illc] in mir linc - ' leadi,g h~mi m~y pier m' ~Vllh~f In :~ tlnal, cxcclq'~ hen mmsual c~m~ilim~s (~) Fire l're¥~,nlhm I~lluh~l cxisl: lhcn addit o d tlcxiblc com~cclions may bc :dhm'cd ulxm pcrmisshm I. All mminc I:u:ililics sh;dl hc m:finhdncd i~ :~ oflhc chJcf. IlO accl1111uJ:llJ~ll ~[ luBhid~ or w:~qc ~fit,; i, c,.cc~d~'~' :~ u,,~ ~ droll I,,. 284 iMPORTANT MESSAGE. M j PHONE NO. ~LEASE CALL TELEPHONED ,LLED TO SEE YOU NILL CALL AGAIN IANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALL SIC AsSOCiATED LI.A2334 IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR A.M. DATE ' ~,~-- ~. TIME ' ~*' -~ P.M. 0 F ~' ~ r PHONE NO. ~ ~ ,~ PLE~ CALL TELEPHONED CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL ~LL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH ~,~,~,., RETURNED YOUR CAL MESSAGE SIGNED ASSOCIATED L1 -A2334 ~,~,~'~: ,= ,. u.~. IMPO "T MESSAGE FOR .TIME 9. P.M. M OF PHONE NO. - TELEPHONED EASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU II RETURNED MESSAGE~ SIGNED "' Do AssociATED El-A2334 .~,,,.to,. u...-. FOR A.,',',. DATE ? ],~' TIME ,-~"'*"~L'7· P.M. MESSAGE SIGNED DATE "' 'TIME -*P.M. ED PLEASE CALL TELEPHONED ,~i PLE~ CALL ~. ~LLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN ' ** CALLED TO SEE YOU .... WILL~LL 'AGAIN' :~'* ' WAN~ TO SEE YOU 'USH " WAN~ TO SEE YOU RUgH SIGNED ~IATED ?oi ~ ~ Company/Oepar~men: / - TOTAL PAGE~ (lnCludlng cover shee:) COMMENTS: ?i00 "IVT'~3TREET, SUITE 350 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNI July 3 j 1991 John Noonan R~gional Wat~ Quali~y Control Board 3.~%4 Eo A~hland ~to~age of die~®l wa~ abandoned under County ~rmit ~A1456=~5o The -fa~ility~ Odi~ Dyk~ Inc~ located at 313 Dantmlm Lan~ in ~rn C~um~y ham aboveg~ound ta~k~ di~p~n~ing .product from the same ~impense~ imland a~ the und~rgmound ~ank did° After the removal of the unds~ground tank as per p~rmit regui~ement~ ~oil sample~ were rat~t~¥~ at two and ~ix feet bmneath the tank and di~p~ns~r i~lando ~igh l~vels of hydrocarbonm wmrm d~t~ct®d in the ~ampl~s r~tri~v~ from beneath ~h~ gasoline and diesel dispensers0 The r~m~diation will be overseen by the Undmrground Storag~ Tank Enforcement and Mitigation Section of th~ ~rn County ~nvironm®ntal M~lth ~Se~vic~ Dapamtm~nto Any repairm to th~ dispensers or piping a~ociat~d with the aboveground tanks will be' over~n by John ~ode~ of the Bak®rsfi~ld Fire Departmmnt~ If you have any questions concerning th~ abov~ground tanks pl~a~ contact John Hod~s at (805) 3~=3951. If you hav~ any qu~tion~ regarding the remediation of %h~ contamination un~r the ~i~pen~r i~land contact Chri~ Burger at (805) 861=3~3~o Sincerely, Carri~ Georgi r Hazardous Materials Specialist Mazardoum Material~ Management Program CG~Jg ¢¢~ Chris Burger ~'~ John Hodes 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD. CALJFORNL% 9~0I (805) 86~-~6~$ FAX: (80.5) ~61.34L~9 PRINTF. D ON RECYCLED P~ B~KERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL OCCUPAN.CY- CLASSIFICATION: H-4 HEIGHT: cONSTRUCTION: FIRE PREVENTION AND INSPECTION SURVEY REPORT BUSINESS NAME: Odis Dykes, Inc.~ DATE: 7/23/91 ADDRESS: 313 Daniels PHONE:~ (805) 322-3039 OWNER/MANAGER: Odis Dykes OCCUPANCY BFD PERSONNEL: Inspector John Hodes REPRESENTATIVE: Vickie Breaw THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS WERE NOTED DURING A FIRE'SAFETY SURVEY OF THE ABOVE PREMISES: See requirements listed below ~for above-ground tanks and dispensers. RECOMMENDATIONS/REQUIREMENTS: 1. An electrical per'it for all equipment and wiring. 'A..All electrical wiring and equipment shall be of an approved type and installed according to the'electrical code. '2. Containment wall permit for secondary containment walls that are not provided ,with a listed tank. ' 3. Filing a business plan with the "Bakersfield Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Unit." 4. Vapor recovery permit as per' the Kern County Air Pollution Control District for tanks dispensing gasoline. 5. An "Application for Permit" shall be submitted along with detailed plans to the F-ire Prevention Bureau, 2101 "H" St., Bakersfield. An "Aboveground Tank" permit will be issued upon approval of the plans. These plans shall specify or illustrate the following: (Aboveground tanks may not be used for dispensing to the.public) A. Tank shall.be a U.L. 142 tank. B'.Gravity dispensing not allowed, ~approved pumps taking suction from the top of the t.ank shall be used. 'C. Filling of tanks shall be through top openings only. FSC5:JH072391 D. Piping shall be tested hydrostatically to 150 percent of the maximum anticiPated pressure of the system or pneumatically tested to 110 percent of the maximum anti.cipated 'pressure, but ~ not less than 5 PSI. The test'shail be maintained for a minimum of lO'minutes. E. Dispensing shall be conducted at least 15 feet from any building,"' any combustible material or'any storage of Class'I, II, or III liquids and at least 25 feet from any building opening, property · line, or any street alley or public.way. F. Dispensing devices shall be.mounted on a concrete is~land a minimum of 6 inches, in height with an approved "impact valve" or be part of a listed tank enclosure. ~ G. Tanks-shall be provided with a Containment area constructed of steel, solid masonry or concrete designed to be liquid tight and to hold 110% of tanks capacity. : H.Provide crash posts around tank. Post' to be minimum 4" diameter spaced 3 feet apart. I.Tanks shall be'marked acc'ording to U.L. 142 Sec. 21 for venting and m'anufacturer. J. Contents of tanks'shal1 be labeled with 4" letters on the side of the tank. K. A clearly labeledmanually.operated pump master switch sh'all be provided in an approved location, within 75 feet of, but not nearer than 15 feet to, any dispenser. Where such master switch is not visible from all dispensers, the location thereof shall be' indicated. L.P~ovide a 2A 20BC rated fire extinguisher between 15 and 75 feet from dispensers. M. Tank vent lines shall not terminate within 5 feet of any building opening or property line which can be built upon. N.Vent lines shall terminate not less than 8 feet above the fill Ripe opening nor less than 12 feet above adjacent ground level. 6. Product delivery hoses are equipped with a listed emergency breakaway device designed to retain liquid on both sides of the breakaway point. Such devices shall be installed and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 7' Provide an approved impact valve properly installed, rigidly mounted and connected by a union in the fuel line at the base of each dispenser. '8. Signs identifying the. pump master switch shall be labeled EMERGENCY PUMP SHUTOFF. FSC5:JH072391.1 9. PoSt consp!cuous sign5 prohibiting smoking, dispensing into unapproved . containers, to stop vehicle motor while refueling, 1.ocation of emergency. shut-off and a sign stating: IN CASE OF FIRE OR SPILL .1. Use emergency pump shutoff! '- . ~ 2. Report the accident Fire Department No. .' ~Faci~lity address 10. Provisions shall be made so that any spilled fuel will be prevented from flowing into interior of structures. Such provisions may be by grading driveway, raising doorsill, or other means. INSPECTOR FSC5:JH072391.2 FOR~ ~ ~ ' ' AM DATE ~ .TIME P;'I~I.' OF pHoNE NO. · ITELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YoU RUSH RETURNED YOUR CALLI II MESSAGE SIGNED ASSOCIATED L1 -A2334 ~'"" ~ o ,. u.sA. O SENDER:. Complete items'l'and 2 ~v"~'e~ additio~'al serv ce~ are desired, a~d complete items '~' 3and4, ... Put your'address in the "RETURN TO'~ Space on the reverse aide. Failure to do this will prevent this .card from being returned to you. The return receipt fee will p~ovide you the name of the person delivered ~o and the date of delivery. For additional fees the following services are available. Co~sult postmaster for fees and check box(es) for additional service(s) requested. 1. ~ Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. ~ Restricted Delivery ~ ' (~tra c~rge) ' (~tra c~rge) 3. A~icle Addressed to: 4. Article Number Type of Service: ~',Ce~ified ~ COD ~ ~:e'~A j C~ L' ~ Express Mail ~ Return Recei,t ~ ' for Merchandise ~ ~ 3 ~ Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED, 5. 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