HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN -. ProTec~s EnVironmental Services. Inc. ' ' 14760 Met'f~Srial Drive I Suite 206- ' Houston, TX 77079 J 713 496-3734 i t ProTechn cs '-Envii;°nmental ' ' 'q' it/IAY i'.5 1995 .~erwces : · .. ' By MaylO;1995' . ~ . ¢ /¢ 7 RalphE. Huey 'L~>' .~ Bakersfield City Fire Depamnent ' , ,~?~ . . Hazardous Materials Division. 1715 Chapter Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Dear Mr. Huey:. ProTechnics International, Inc. No longer has an operation in Bakers?/leld~ We4e~ated our state radioactive material license and closed our facility locate~9 Daniels Lane. · If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call. Respectfully, Larry J. Steplaenson cc:fde :. . ,A ,Subsidiary of ProTechnigs International, Inc. ¢' ', '-?"'/ '',' ~ t.' - ' ':;- '.- ' ,--~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPAR~ENT 1715 CHES~R AVENUE M. R. KEL~ BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Dear Business Owner: ~ ' This'packet contains important ~information regarding your business and the requirements of Hazardous Materials InVentory Regulations. Both State and Federal laws may require that your business .complete a ,Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP)'. Please read all the enclosed information carefully, failure to comply with any portion of the Business Plan requirements may result in Civil Liabilities of up to $2,000 ~or each day in which the violation occurs. W}{AT BUSINESSES MUST COMPLY If you hand%e, use, store or dispose of Hazardous Substances at any .time'during the year.in excess of the minimum reporting quantities you must submit a Plan. Typical everyday Hazardous Materials you.may find in your facility may include, but are not limited to: compressed gasses; fuels - all types including propane; solvents -.most solvents would be Hazardous Materials; oils -.new and waste; thinners; caustic or corrosive materials; poisonous or toxic materials, and radioactive materials. Minimum State Reporting quantities for all hazardous materials are: 55 gallons for liqU'ids 500 ~pounds for solids 200 cubic feet (at standard temperature and pressure, for gasses). For all acutely Hazardous'Mat'erials the minimum reporting quantities are found on the list of Extremely Hazardous Substances on the current EPA List (Vol 52 No 77 of the Federal'Register.) This list is available at the Hazardous Materials Division of the Bakersfield Fire Department, 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. Your reporting requirements are either the State quantities or the Federal (threshold planning quantity) -- WHI'CHEVER IS LOWER .! If your. facility is exempt.or handles Hazardous Materials in qUantities less than the minimum reporting quantities please fill out and return to this office Section (1) one, (4) four, and ('5) five of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan. Page 2.., BuS HAZ MAT7 INESS PLAN' - ........ '..-'?,~..,, WHAT" USINESSES ARE EXEMPT If you do not handle Hazardous Materials or if the quantit~es-.of Hazardous Materials are below.the minimum reporting quantities at all times during the year, you are exempt. Hazardous Materials which are stored in transit or temporarily maintained in a fixed facility for les~ than (30) thirty days during the course'of transportation, are exempt'from the inventory requirements of the law. -- NOTE -- (Hazardous ~aterials contained solely in a consumer product for .direct distribut~on to, and use by, the general public are N O ~ exempt from the' reporting requirements of the law per this Administering Agency.) HOW DO BUSINESSES COMPL~ Businesses that are required to comply with requirements of Chapter 6.95 Of California Health and Safety Code must submit a Plan. This Business Plan consists of: 1) Emergency Response Plans. and Procedures. 2) Inventory of Hazardous Materials. 3) Training Program for Employees. The forms for completing the Hazardous Materials Management Plan are · attached to this letter. By correctly filling this Business Plan in you' satisfy both the Federal Requirements (Tier I and Tler_.II Inventory Requirements of SARA Title III) as well as the California Requirements':of Chapter 6.95 of'the California Health and safety Code. Business-owners are urged to read and become familiar with Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. Copies are available at the Hazardous Materials Division of the Bakersfield Fire Department, 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 (805) 326-3979. The completed Business Plans or Exemption Request Form are required to-be submitted within 30 DAYS of receipt of. this letter. On-site inspections are required to insure compliance with the law. If you have any questions or need assistance with completing the Business Plan please call 326-3979. S~ncerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH\ed 04/20/95 PRO TECHNICS INTERNATIONAL INC 215-000-001576 Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Location: 329 DANIELS LN Map:103 Haz:2 Type: 3 City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 32C F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Contact Name Title / / Business Phone: ( ) - x Business Phone: ( ) - x -24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 1160 DAIRY ASHFORD 444 D&B Number: City: HOUSTON State: TX Zip: 77079- Comm Code: 215-006 BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 SIC Code: 2754 Owner: PRO-TECHNICS INTERNATIONAL INC Phone: (713). 496-3734 Address: 1160 DAIRY ASHFORD 444 State: TX City: HOUSTON Zip: 77079- Summ ry' ' -. - I g% I, Do hereby certify that ! have (rye, or..., r~) - - reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- merit plan for , and that it along with any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION '17].5 ~ CHESTER-AVE'. BAKERSFIELD, CA; 9330'1 .... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN,, INSTRUCTIONS " TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY Section 1 - Business Identification Data: List business name, street address of the physical location of the business, mailing address and phone number of the business. If you are not familiar with your Dun and Bradstreet number or SIC.code, contact your bookkeeper, financial officer or consultant. Section 2 - Emergency Notification: . LiSt two persons who have full access to the facility including locked areas and that are knowledgeable about your materials and processes. SECTION 3 - TRAINING: List the~ number of employees that are working in the area of the hazardous materials, use or storage, include all employees who have any occasion to be in those areas. Give a brief summary of your Hazardous Materials Training Program. Employees are required by state law to have a program which provides .employees With initial and refresher traininq in the~following areas: 1). Methods for safe handling of the hazardous materials used by your business. 2) The Cal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. 3) Correct use of emergency response equipment and supplies available at your business. 4) The prevention, minimizing and clean up' procedures you have developed for your business. 5) The emergency evacuation plans you have'developed, as well as, your · notification procedure and medical plan. 6) Procedure to coordinate .with and assist the local emergency .. personnel that may respond to your business. 7) Who and how to call for immediate assistance in the event-of an accident involving hazardous materials. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT' PLAN Section 4 - Exemption Request: If you feel you are exempt from the Hazardous Materials reporting requirements of Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and 'Safety Code, check the appropriate box. Section 5- Certification: Sign, date and return before the due date to avoid further action. SectiOn 6 - Notification and Evacuation Procedures: A) Agency Notification Procedures: What agencies and or corporate 'officials are notified in case of a hazardous materials spill or emergency -- What procedures are used to notify these parties. B) Employee Notification and Evacuation: How are your.employees notified in case of a hazardous materials emergency. What evacuation procedures exist for the orderly and safe evacuation and accounting of all employees in case of an emergency requiring evacuation. C) Public Evacuation: What, if any, contingency plans do you have for the evacuation of surrounding public, in case of a hazardous materials emergency at your facility. D) Emergency Medical Plan: Summarize your plan for handling medical emergencies occurring at your business. List the local medical facility' capable of handling an accident involving a hazardous materials exposure involving Hazardous Materials used at your business. Section 7 - Mitiqation, Prevention and Abatement Plan: A) Release Prevention Steps: Explain the procedures that you have developed 'and implemented to 'help prevent an incident from occurring. These s%eps could include, but are not limited to, storage methods, container types, segregation, safety equipment, and/or procedures used. B) Release Containment and/or Minimization: Explain the procedures that you have developed and implemented to assist in keeping a hazardous materials incident at your business as.small or confined as possible. 2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN C) clean-up Procedures: Explain what clean up procedures will be implemented in case of a 'release at your business. This should address small spills', as well as a major release of material once the material is contained. Section 8 - Utility Shut-Offs: List locations of shut offs using compass points and known or obvious landmarks. If you have a lock box, list its location also. Section 9 - Private Fire Protection/Water Availability: A) Private Fire Protection: Describe on-site fire protection for your business or facility unit, including sprinklers, fire .extinguishers, alarm systems and private response teams. B) Water Availability (Fire Hydrant): Give the location of the closest water supply or fire hydrant to be used by the Fire Department in case of an emergency. NOTE If your business covers either a large geographical area or consists of several facilities ( separate manufacturing or storage areas ) , Sections 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the (HMMP) must be completed for each facility. You must also complete a separate inventory and facility diagram for .each facility unit or building.. .HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVE~ BAKERSFIELD, ca. 93301 ..- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: i. To cvoic fUrTher action, return :his farm within 30 days of receipt. 2. ~PE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer ihe cuestions below fcr the cusiness cs a whole. a. 5e brief anc concise cs =cssi~te. SECTION l" BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA NAME' --NU OWNER' SECTION. o._. EMERGENCY NOTI CONTACT TiTL: BUS. RHONE 24 HR. PHONE o .: .~ Bakersdeid Fire Dept. " HazardOus ~a~erials Division- ::~ ..... HAZAEDOUS MATEEIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ' SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER CF EMPLOYEES' MATERIAL SAFE~ DATA SHEETS ON r-iL,.: BRIEF SUMMARY CF TRAINING r.qCG ~,-,~'v. SECTrON 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: " i CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY' OF P_x,;uRYC"" 'Il -iF:AT'MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE ,REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.g5 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING WE DO NOT HANDLE H,,..x, Lz, RD, OUS MATERIALS. WEDC HANDLE" -*"' ,, "'. :~A,',=,, ,~CCL.:S M,-,TcRIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO 7[MEEXCEEO THE MINIMUM :REPORTING QUANTIFIES. r "-'TH ER,.., ,St REASCN1 SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: .I, CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE., "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE!' ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 C:-iAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES FERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE ...... Bakersfield F~e .Dept. ~azardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Fc~ciiify Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: O. --:MERG'N ',/ =: C MEDICAL ?L,-",N' : ' B~kersfiel&Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division'. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN, SECTION 7' MITIGATI©N, PREVENTICN AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. ~:I.., ,....,,...,_,.,,.. '-' ~= PREVENTION STEPS: B. RELEASE-C~,NTAINMEN~ AND/OR MINIMIZATION: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (.L...~%,--,.,,CN OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY') NA~ URAI SECTION 9: PRIVATE FiRE PROTECTiON/WATER AVAILABIUTY: A. PRIVATE FiRE PROTECTION' B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE ' 'VnRANT)'m,--. ' BAI RSFIELD cITY FIR,E EPA. (805) 326-,3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY INSTRUCTIONS FACILITY DESCRIPTION: " check if your busines? is a farm. F__nter d~e full legad name and site s~Cdress of yc'ur business. Do not use past office box . numbers. Give s brief description of the nature ,/cur ~Usiness activities. _ Enter the Sta.nclard Industrial CJa~sificstion (SIC) number for your business. Ea~ type of business has a Standard Industrial C;~ssific~ion code number. Some common SIC codes are tisteci on page 4. Other SIC cocas may be oDtainecl from your worker's compensation insurance forms, t~e State of California E.m,!~toyment DevetoDment Department by giving tP, em your em.~tcyer numimer, from ;~e U.S. L=_Dor Depar[ment or from t~e Standard industrial C',assific~,Jon Manual. E.qter the Dun & Bracistree~ or federal tax identification number for your business. Enter tl~e name of tl~e owner, ~P, eir ma~iing address and phone number. EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Lis~ t'wo persons Who have fuji ~-ccess :o ~ne faCility, inctu~:ing locked areas, and ~at are kncwiedGead2te about your ms, arians ~n(: process. CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION: MaKe ~s m~ny c=~ies cf the c~emics~ cescriDUon form ss necessary to rel=ort your entire inventory of hazardous ms~eri~4s. -: ~'~ every hazarcous material handlecl in quantities e~uaJ to or exceeding 55 Gallons cf a iicuid. 500 pounds of a solid or 200 cubic feet of a ~-. ,tar t~e full legal name ~nd site locs.~icn of your business ~t tl~e top of tl~e form. Enter t~e page numCer in the right hand corner. .. .- Each of the instructions below ccrres.ccnci tc tt~e entry field with tl~e same number on tl~e c~,emicat descrit2tion form. 1 AEGiQN v ~ STA/~GA~C) ¢'Q~4 1. Check t~e appropriate box for a new inventory or for additions, revisions existing inventory. Check nontrade'secret unless the chemical cornpo~ittbr~e~s cdteda for trade secret*status per Section 6254.7 of the California Gov~.~e and Section 1060 of the California Code of Evidence. Copy trade 'secret p~. yellow paper before submitting your inventory so 2. Enter the common name Or t~e manufacture's product name. Enter the standard ct~emical name. If & pure matenal is a~ acutely hazarcicus matenal (AHM), c,fleck the box lal2eted AHM. Repcr~ the'components of mixtures under item 9 below. 3. Enter t,le Dept. of Transt~or~sticn (C'©~ identification number a~d the Chemical Abstr~tcl: Service (CAS) number for this chemic~J. CAS numl2ers are commonly found, on Material Safeu/ Data Sheets. Checx tlqe box(es) wnic~ describe :.he'pnysic2.J a~d health hazards associated with the c2, emicst. = if the material is & waste, enter the ~ppropriate three-digit California waste code. CalifOrnia's nonrestricted w~tste codes are listed on page 4 of these instructions. Questions regarding the waste classification codes az~c: requests for nazazdous waste manifest form '¢8022 may be addressed to, t~e Department of He~t~ Services, Toxic Substances Control Program (916) 322-3670. Enter the appropriate use code from t~e fcilowing list. UTE CCrCES 01. AdCitive 20. Fun?~ce 3g. Washincj 02. Aal~es~ve 21. Gcic, cin~_ 40. Waste C~. Aercs=~ 22. ~eaung ,~1. Water Tream~ent .34. AnesmeUc 2.3. Heroic:ce -42. Wei~incj/solcterincj 05. =_ac:encide 24. Insec=c:ce 4,3. Well iniec~on 0(5. ~iasung ~5. [ns~ruc=cnai 44. O[I trear~'nent 37. C,~,mys: ?_5. ~ '~ ~ 45. Resale C8. C:eamng 2.7. Mecicm ~i:~rccess ~. Aircraft systems 39. Coolant ¢.8. Neu[r~liz:.r 47. Battery elecm=tyte ~,, = ...... ~-.8. Brear~incj air ~ 0. Ccc,ng ~= ........ I 1. Drilling 30. ,=esuc:ce 1 2. Orymg 31. ~!aung 50. ~nisnecl Drc~ctuct · , 3. Emuisffierldemutsifier 32. Freservauve 51. F~re orotec'Jc~n · .. ,_. E:cmng 33..=.etimnc_ 52. Hfarauiic e~uioment ~ 5. -~x:2erimen[~j 34. Seater 53. Roac~lHwy maintenance I0. FaCnc~Ucn 35. Straying 54. Tesrdncj ~ 7. Femliza[icn 38. S[eniizer 55. Wholesale c~emJc~ls :8. Fcrmular.[cn 37. S.',c~c_e gg. OUqer - s.oecCy 19. Fue~ 38. '---' 6. Check ~e boxes w~i~ describe tl~e.p~ysical state of ~e c ica: ~ure~m~mi~are- ~00% of the ~ernical ilstecl' ~n ~tem ~.2. Chemicals that. have been dlluted;~~;0r of two or more chemicals should be reported as mixtures, andi~"'~~ts combinations listed in under item #9. 7. Enter the maximum daily amount, the average daily amount and the' t~3tat annual.:amount of mamdal in storage or use at your facility. Enter the largest container size, and the, number of .dAyS/year that ~e materiat is on si[e. Circle the months that the material is on site. Enter ;he units of measure. Repor~ soiics in 0ounds, liquids in gallons, gases in cubic feet a,nd raaioac:ive materials in curies. 8, Setec:, the appropriate storage cocos from the lists below. a) CC, NTAINE.=I'CCOE$ 01. Un<::erc_roun~: tank ,39. G~ass container(s) 02. Abcvegroun<: tank 10. P!as[ic container(s) 3,3. Fixe~: l=ressunzect tank : 1. ~ox(es) 04..=ortaole Dressunze~ cylinders 12. F_,ag(s) 05. Insu~a[e~: ~nK :3. Metal containers (not drums) (inc~u¢:e$ cryogenics) :-'. in machinery or processing 06. Drums or carrels - metallic e~:uiomen[ 37. r'Drums ~r Carrels - non-metallic '5. =~in(s) 08. C~rooyts) ';9. Ct. her-sDec:fy '=) F~EESUFtE CCOES 1 - The matenat is st<2re~ al amDien[ (normal ~-bmcsoneric'l pressure. ' 2 - The ma[enat is s~=re,: ~ grea~er t~an ambient :ressure. ,3 - The mater|als is s~ore~ ar. less than ambient :ressure. c~ TEMI=C-~ATURE CCCES ,~ - The ma[enal is s~ore,: ~r. amDien~ (surr~:um:inc_l :emcem[ure. 5 - The ma[er~ai is s[oreC~ al grear.er [P, an amciem :emoera[ure. 5 - The m~[er~ai is s:cre~: ~[ less [Aan amoien[ '.ameers[ute. 7 - The. matenal is s[ore~: under cryogenic 9. E~=er .".~,e maximum'% ccncen~ra:icn L~v ,,,¢eic~n[ cf the .'.hree MOST hazardous components in :P,e material. Round up to ~e ne=..res:','vr~ole numi2er percentage. Enter the CAS number for each component of the mi;cure. 'f :~e ccmpanem is an acutely hazardous m~terial, c~ec.~ :r~e ~ox labeled AHM. 10. Briefly describe the location cf t2e ms:erial within the building/facility using compass direc*Jons and oi2vious landmarXs. ~ ~~. ~ ~,~ ' ' I~ ..... ::'~ ~" 013~ FTekl~e~Caaagrmna . 2~11 Ogre~m ~ Fi~i~-''~'': ,- ~'~; ~~A,~: ~ ~'s~ "~ ~~ ~'~ ..... :':'"" .0174 C~ ~ 4~ Co~ stor~e ~:'T,:~::: :f ,~- :. 01~ ~e~W. ~~0 510 Che~su~ 7~ ~~.. ~1 A~ & home suo~ store~ 7~ ~~. 02~ Tu~ ~S 5~1 ~o,ne sauce stolons ~071 Che~~ NONRESTRICTED WASTE CODES C,~oe ~ ~o~f~ · · ! 11 A~Q so~uttofl 2< ~H <7 w~ me~ ( ~ttmony. ~emc. 272 FoNme~ resin ~um.ce~lium. ~Gm,um. ~mmm. coo~ coo~r. ~e~. 251 AOheswes v~aa~um ~a ~nc) ~11 P h~eu~ w~ ~ ~ 2 A~a saw.ton ~o~ me~ ~21 Sewage sI~Qe : ~ = U~so~ea 'acta se~on ~22 ~ioIog~ w~te o~er~ ~ ~ Aik~me so,~on ~na~ metros ~ Org~m ~iqu~ (~o~)~ :2~ Unsoe~ea ~mme so,~afl :~ U~ea o~ ~ ~1 Aaueaus solution (2<=~<~2.51 cantmninq telethons ~10rg~m soti~ ~ ~e~ (~t=e. crom~e, thieve. ~e. ~uanae. ny~ome.n~e. :emmor~e ~a su,fiae ~,o~) ~ucce~ : ~ Aaueo~ 3o1~1o~ ~ [o~ g~l~ res,aues ~0% or more ~21 ~me ~ 34 Aaueo~ SOl~Ofl ~ tOC~ O~ res~aues mss ~ ~ 0% ~1 'Phos~l sl~e ~ 51 ~sta$ ~ncmn,n~ Wuce ~a~ P~ s~e ~ e2 Cmer s~nt~t ~1 'Tet~e~ s~qe ~ 72 ~e~m Gus[ ~G macmmn~ wute (see 111') : Si C:~er,~o~c so.= wu[e Misce~i~eous Z11 ~o~enacea soivents 51 = Emo~ ~m~m {messene c~lonae, c~toto~. TCE. TCA1 521 O~lli~ m~ [~ 2 C~en~ea so~ven~ (acetone. o~ot. ,%t~ 531 C~em~ mdet~e ~I · Uns~cz~eG so(vent ml~ure ~51 ~r~o~w~te ~emw ~ C~L~mer se~on slu~e . 571 ~y un. ~omun. ~ reto~u~ 22~ Unsmeczdea o,1 - contmn,~ w~e ~al G~ scmo~rw~ 2~I Pestz~ae nnse water Sgl ~a~use ~m 2=2 Pesoc~aes ~a ocher 511 ~nt~l~$o~ ~m ..~ce usoc,~ea w,m ~estic:~e ~ro~uct]on 512 241 T~K =o~om 251 ~1 ~oms ~n n~aqe~ea ~2 Cmer soil ~amw~te · ~1 PC3's ~a m~enm conc~nmg PC~'s ~esm~eawute ~ ~7~ ~r~c ~anamerw~ce lin~uGes unre~ea ~::. ·:: BAKEFI~FIELD CITY FIRE.DEI~RT.MENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION - ... .. 1715. CHESTER· AVE. '~ ' ' BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARBOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF-BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME FACILITY, NAME SiTE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NATURE OF -3USINESS SiC CODE DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER OWNERICPERATOR PHONE MAIUNG ADDRESS CiTY STATE ZIP EMERGENCY CONTACTS . NAME' TITLE BUSINESS PHONE 24'HOUR PHONE NAME TITLE BUSINESS PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE BAKERSIF LD CITY FIRE .DEPA i'MENT HAZARDOus MATERIALS INVENTORY..'"' ' p ..ge of. ~siness Name Address *~-'~'-"~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION '~.-~_,.~:~'-. · ' .'"i~. 1) INvENTORY STATUS: New[ ] Addition[ ] RaY'ion[ ] Deletion{ ] Checl( if chemieat is a NON TRADE SEC, l~ET'['] ' T P, AD~=CRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT ~ Chem~-..at Name: AHM [ ] CAS .S).PHYSICAL & HEALTH ' PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] ReactNe [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate HeaJth (Acute) [ ] Delayed H®eJ~ (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION ,(3-dicjit code from DHS Form 80221 USE CODE 5) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] [Jcluid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY ~JNITS CF MEAsuRE 8) STORAGE CODES MaXimum 0a~ly Amount: :be [ ] ga [ I R3 [ ] a) Conte~nar. Averacje OaJN Amount: cunes[ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size'Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Ye~, J, F, M, A, M. J. J. A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % ~ AHM the three most haza~clous 1 ) [ chemical comoonents or any AHM components 2) [ ] 31 [ 10) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION '~ ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision ( ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemicaJ is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2.) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # ~) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] immediate HeeJtll (Acute) [ ] Delaye¢l Health (Chronic) [ ] 5). WASTE CLASSIFICATION {3-.cligit code from OHS Form 80221 USE CODE 5) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS CF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Ma.xtmum 0a~ly Amount: !be [ ] ~a~ [ ] ft3 [ ] a) Cont~uner:. Averacje t~a~iy Amount: curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Tempera~uro: I.~rcjest Size Container: # Days On Site C[rcte W~ich Months: All Yea~', J, F, M, A. M, J. J, A. S. O, N, D 9) 'MIXTURE: LIst COMPONENT CAS # % Wl' ' AHM the three most hazaz'clous 1) [ ] cnem~ca~ components or any AHM components 2) [ J ' 10) Locaaon cerary unaer pena~y ot laW, mai I nave pemona~ly examined and am familiar w~m me intornaoon suorrtl~ on ~'~ia ~ ~ll ~ ~ocu~'~en~. I believe ~u uDrnitted information is ~'ue, accurate, an~ complete. :RINT Name & TTEe of Au~honze~ Com~any F~epresenra~ve Signature Date HAZAI OUS MATERIALS INVENT :IY**', . .... Page--of_ ~usiness Nap3e Address *. '* CHEMICAL DESCRI~ON 1) INk.DRY STA~S: N~ [ ] Add~n~[ ] Re.mn { ] ~n [ ] Ch~ ~ chem~ ~ a NON ~ ~* [ ] ~ S~ [ ] Chem~ N~e: ~M 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~=. H~RD CA~GQRIES Fire [ ]' ReactNe { ].~ Sudden Rele~e of Pressure [ ] . Im~e He~ (A~e) [ ] ~ H~ ~h~) [ ].. 5) WAS~ C~SSIFICA~ON ,(3-dig~ coae from DHS Fo~ 8022) :. USE CODE 6) PHYSlCAL STA~ Solid [ ] ~quid [ ] G~ [ ] Pure [ ] a~m [ ] W~te [ ] '~ [*] 7) AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FACIU~ UNITS OF M~SURE 8) STOOGE CODES M~mum DalyAmount: I~ [ ] ga .{ ] ~3 [ ] a) Co~c A~rage Om~ Amoum: curies [ ] b) Pm~um: Annu~ Amount: c) Tempera: ~gest Size'Contaner: ~ Da~ On Site Circte~ich Months: All Ye~. J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A. S, O, 'N, D 9) MITRE: ~st . COMPONENT C~ · · *" % ~ ~M the throe most h~dous 1) [ ] chemi~ com~nen~ or ~y AHM com~nen~ 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 1'0) Lo~ion CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1)' INVENTORY STA~S: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Oeletion { ] Check ~ chemi~ ~ a NON ~E S~R~ [ ] ~ S~R~ [ ] 2) Common N~e: Chemic~ N~e: AHM 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~ H~RDCA~GORIES Fire [ ] Rea~ive[ ] SuaaenRele~eofPressure { ] Imm~eHe~(A~e) [ ] ~He~h~) [ ]' 5) WAS~ ~SSIFICA~ON (~igit code from DHS Fo~ 80221 USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STA~ Solid [ ] ~quid [ ] G~ [ ] '. Pure 7) AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FACIU~ UNITS OF M~SURE 8) STOOGE CODES ' M~imum Omly Amount: ~bs [ ] ga Average Da~ Amount: cunes[ ] b) Pressure: Annua Amount: c) Tempera: ~gesr Size Con~mner: ~ Days On Site C~rcJe ~ich Months: All Ye~, J, F, M, A. M, J, J, A 9) MITRE: ~st ~OMPONENT C~ the ~hree mos~ h~aous 1) [ ] chemi~ com~nen~ or ~y AHM ~m~nenrs '2) [ 3) [ ] 10) Lo~Jon ;uDmi~ info~abon is ~e, accum~, ~d complete.. :RINT Name & Title of Authorized Com!~anY F{epresenta~ve Signature Date BAKERS LB CITY FIRE. DEPAI ,'ItiIEN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. INVENTORY*' paGe"of,:._ !usiness Name :' * Address -' ':- ' ......... £~::~*:-: :*' *::;*:* '*'*:*~ ' i . CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1 ) INV~I'ORY STATUS: New { I Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion ~ ] Che~,k Jf caemi~ll il l NON TRADE ~ i ]' '~'SECRET 2) Common Name: - 3) DOT · Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive( ] SudclenRelea.~eof. Pressure[ ] Immeeliate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed HeaJltl (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] ~ [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES MaXamum DalyAmount: lbs [ ] gal [] ft3 [ ] a) , Container. Average DaN Amount: cunas( ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Lm'gest size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A. S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT CAS # % WI' AHM the three most hazardous 1 ) [' ] chemical comDonents or any AHM coml:x3nents 2) [ ] 31 [ l 10) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition { ] Revision { ] Deletmn ( ] Check if chemicaJ is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET 2) Common Nm'ne: 3) DOT e (oplionel) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive ( ] Suctden Release of Pressure [ ] immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed HeaJlh (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DH$ Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] LiQuid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] RadioaclJve [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum OaliyAmount: lbs [ ] gaJ [.] ft3 [ ] a) Container. Average Daly Amount: cunes[ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: - c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site CircleW~ich Months: All Yam'. J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A. S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT' NlM the three most haze. rdous 1 ) [ chem;cal components or any At-tM components 2) [ ] [ l 10) :er~h/unoer Denmly or law, ~at I have Dersonaily examinee eno am fern,let w~n ~he infomaDon suDmi~ecl on ~i$ ~ ed/ ~mitted inforrna~Jon is ~ue, accurate, and complete. . ?INT Name & Title o! Au~orize~ Company F~epreaent~ive Signature Date MAP INSTRUCTIONS -. FOR' . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLANS ~ inst_--ac--ions explain the use of the site diagram and ..,ese - ~he facility diagram, Normai2y, small and medium size businesses will only have %~ su~mi~ a site diagram. If you have subdivided YOur. business into smaller areas because of the comp!exit? or size, '_hen -;up will .be completing _ ..~ ' de~ai~' map, fact!lo'; diacram, for eac.~ of these areas, include inst~acttcns %nat snow the route to ~usiness if it is'in a ramona lcca~on. ( See S~p!e ~agrams, Attached) -~-= diacram Ls use= ts sl~ow your business and :-'=~=-= the businesses %hat ir~eciate!y surround your _..c,--~ ...... rf you will be showing ;rcperny, usually with in ~0 eeo. _ . sueci~ic area detail cn ==~;:%'; diagr~s, use the si~e !iacram to show an over='~ 'avcuc of the plant. !~ you. will nc% re' submitting f= ~:~--; aiacr~s, the site mad must incluce ail of the !c!icwinc initiation. Check the box on %he ;cD !eft corner o~'~e 'fo~ provided -' tha~ inCicaues "Slue Print the name oi vcur business, as shown in -' ;~p, cn %he tc~ c~ ;he Ciagr~. 2. Label the !ocanicn c i the hazardous materials t~enutiy tl~em by name aha %.fpe of hazard ( i.e. f!~ble LaPel %he location c~ upi!ltv shutof points for gas, electric an~ water ser-:~ces. 5. LaDe! %he location ~ fire hydrants · = she _u,_c_ng protected by auto~ic sprinkler systems. - La~el the direction representing north on the diagrmm- , · = --~J~ ~= includes a north arrow. ) ( ~ diagram ~u~ Ma~ !~eli. ng must be =ec_~ie and easily understand~e- Uo avoid t~e use o~ ~eviation~ or s~ols. !~ you must use them, provide a legend ex~iainlng you= system. Mags may be re~,~ned Cot cc~ec=ion i~ you ~ail to FACILITY DIAGRA~M i~STRUCTIONM ._c__~-z acrams are supplements to the site diagram. Use them ~o show %he sunai-zis£cn Ceuai!s of a large business. _. Check ute box in the ~.per right hand corner of the form uruvide= that indicaues'"Faci!it? Diagram". 2. Pr!no ~he name.of -four tusiness as shown on -four k/w/4P. This name should he %he same name that you use= on -~;~ area's :~ve~%c~£ re~orc. 2. indi---- which ar== ~= ~=.agram r=uresenus and the ~cua! number of faciiL~-£ iiacrams tha~ ~!ou are ~- would ke ~a~eiec ~ of 4. areas, _- =~.~ instructions { ~ - ' ' for s~t='diagrams SITE DIAGRA~M I I FACILITY DIAGRAM l-----I Business Nc:me: ' . 5usine~ Actress: · ,-'ct C~ice Use Only tnsoec:tcn Sic:ton: NORTH .~/' "~. CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" January 11, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Pro-Technics International Inc. 329 Daniels Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Business Owner: Because of the annexation of the locatiOn of your business on November 10, 1994, the Hazardous Materials Business Plan and Inventory reporting requirements of both Federal and State "Community Right to Know" regulations will now be administered by the Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division. We have made arrangements to transfer the plans that you have previously filed with Kern County, to our office. Therefore, we will not need a new business plan and inventory from you at this time. California law-does require ail inventories to be updated annually and your business plans to be amended within 30 days of any one of the following events. 1) A 100% or more increase in the quantity of a previously disclosed hazardous material subject to the inventory requirements. 2) Any handling of a previously undisclosed hazardous material subject to the inventory requirements. 3) Change of business address. 4) Change of business ownership. 5) Change of business name. You should also report any significant changes to your business plan such as contact information, telephone numbers etc. For any of these changes or any questions regarding the handling or storage of hazardous materials on your site, or for any necessary underground storage tank permits, please contact us at 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301, or call 326-3979. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator E~u~.~n~ss ,Phon~: ( ) .... x j Bus~n~ss Phon~: ( ) .... x 24..,.Hour Phone' ,, ( ) .... x J. 24...Hour Phone. : ( ') .... x Pager Phone : (.) ..... :' , x "'! J Pager' Phone : (. ) .... x ' .................................................................................................... : .... AdmJnJstratJve l}ata' ' ' ............................................... ' .................................................... !.! {;:~ty: HOUEYl"ON State: 'T'X ZJp: Y"~OYg .... ..................... ;; ...... ; ......................... ; ........... : ........................ :.~.....; ................................................. . ......................................................... : .............................. : ............................................... ........ Address: 't.'!80 DA][RY ASI--H:::ORD ~ Stmt~: TX ' z. ~p: . . .... Summary ................................... : ............................................... · ......................................................................................................................................................................... /A iVlATIER:[AL ]IS ]]NJIECTED 'T'O O:[L OR GAE~ WELL DUR][N(~; ST]:IvlUI..AT]:ON T-REATIvlENTS, .... ~... r- ~1<~ ....~.. r'- ~i-.~ .... <'.2.> Employee Not. if./E}vacuat on <.3.- Public Notit= /I-]!va~umtion <4> i!.mergency Ivledical Plan ' ' . F ....' 0 00092'7 Page 1,/1'..5/94 PI:~O-.--"I';,i!'.:.(::HN :[ (::S ]: N'TI!~.'!?NA'T' :[ ()NAL :1: NC: 0 'i J~ I, , .... cE> P~ev./lvlfi nfimizat fi on/O] eanup '~ ) "~'~ <2..> I:(e]~ase. C:ontafinm~nt <:3> C:~e. an Lip <4> ()then F(esourc.e. Actfivat on 't 1/15/94 PI:ZO:---':.".!:CH iCS !N"f'!!!!I:ZNA"f'iONAL. INC 01'5 '10-...00092'7 Page 4. <1> Speci'al Hazards <2) (.lti]it:.y Shut-Offs <3> t:::fire Prot:ec,/Ava.i '!'1i'15/..o, 4 PI:ZO.-.:i"!!!!C:I' C:S~ :.I:N'i':ii!!t:~NA'!"]:ONA!_. :I:NC: 015 .... 00097."7 Page 5 <(i;> 'l"raini nO <1> 'l"rain. Sng 12ecord Location .2 'Describe-'l"ra nSng Program <4> l.:.!mer. I:~.esponse t!!!qui pment 11/15/94 .' .. PI~O-..."f'ECI..~CS ]:N"f'ERNA"f']:ONAL00 ",v ];NC 015 0--.'000927 Page; 8 ..-- ~ .... er~i'l .!!3itc ~" -' ..' "'" ' ~:' 14 ]~ "f' H ;12 N 1 ,/'2. Ivl ]] L E ' < H > ..:>~..,I I U ~..~ L. ,..> <!> High School~ .Jr', High Schoo]~ <3> E]e. rnentar~/ Sch0o]s <4> Private & Pre Schools