HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANp4240060.jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) p4240061 .jpg (1280x960x24b jpeg) Department of Toxic Substances C°ntrol ........ Edwin F. Lowry, Director ~ 8800 Cai Center Drive Winston H.. Hickox -' Sacramento, California.95826 Gray Davis Agency Secretary Governor California Environmental Protection Agency January 17, 2002 'Ms. Charlene Daniels 3318 Harmony Drive Bakersfield California 93306 Dear_Ms,_Darfiels.: ......................................... Thank you for allowing the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), Bakersfield City Fire Department (BCFD), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) access to your propertY on 340 Daniels Lane. DTSC will be removing the metal, slag material on the property. BCFD and the City of Bakersfield Code Enforcement Unit will be removing the used tires. The US EPA will be removing the remaining metal and Other debris, and will be conducting an investigation into the soil and potential groundwater contamination at the site. Other removal and remedial activities may be conducted, depending on the outcome of the investigation activities that will be conducted by the US EPA and DTSC. These actions are required to mitigate environmental and human health and safety con'cerns at the site. We will be conducting a site survey in preparation fOr the aforementioned removal actions On January-22; 2002. At that time we will remove the locks on the gates and install new locks. If you would like a copyof the key to the gates,· please contact me. DTSC, BCFD, and US EPA will each have a copy of the gate key. .... ': ..... tn~eur--telepl~ene.-¢enYersatien~of~Janu.ar-y~l.6, 2.002~-you.verbally_authorized~us access ...... to the property and authorized us to remove the locks on the site gates. At that time, you stated you would sign an agreement to allow access. Attached you will find an access agreement. Please sign and return the original to my attention at the address above. Please fax a copy of the· signed agreement to me at (916) 255-3696. ..' ,..-:, ,--.,: . . '.. ,,: :: : - ! ,...'.,'.. . , ,, ,, . ..;. ...,_ ,/' ..~ ~ Printed on RecyCled Paper Ms. Charlene. Daniels January 17, 2002 Page 2 If you haVe any questioris about the access agreement or our activities at the site, please call me at (916) 255-3749. Sincerely, Project-.Manager. Expedited Remedial Action Program Unit AttaChment cc: Mr. Sam Martinez Emergency Response Unit Department of Toxic Substances Control 8810 Cai Center Drive Sacramento, California 95826 Mr. Howard H. Wines, III Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Mr. Christopher Weden SFD-6 .... -U.S.E-PA. Regior~-9.-~-- . -~ .............. '75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, C'alifornia 94105 ,. ACCESS AGREEMENT hereby authorize the United-'States' Environmental Protection Agency, the State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control, the City of Bakersfield, its staff and designated contractors, access to the prOperty located at 340 Daniels Lane, Bakersfield, California for the purpose of investigatin9 and remediatin9 environmental contamination and nuisances, pursuant to 'all applicable federal, state, and local laws, 'regulations, and ordinances. The property owner consents to.allow access to this property at all reasonable times to carry out the investigation of soil and/or p. otehtial 9roundwater contamination in and around the property. The access may include. the drillin9 of soil borings and 9roundwater wells, removal of e, or~t. aminated soilTremoval-of tires-andmetal, debris, installation of so'il and/or 9roundwater treatment systems, and removal of buildings, structures or fixtures necessary to conduct the investigation and remediation of contaminants. This access"a§reement will expire when all investigations and remedial measures are complete. I certify that I am a iegal owner or authorized agent of the owner of the above property and have authority to 9rant such access. Charlene Daniels Date ~AN-17-200~ 14:07 P.02/02 ACCESS AGREEMENT I hereby authorize the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control, the City of Bakersfield, its staff and designated contractors, access to the property located at 340 Daniels Lane, Bakersfield, C.ali.fg_rnia for the purpose of investigating and remediating environmental contamination and' nuisances, pursuant to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances. The property owner consents to allow access to this property at all reasonable.times to carry out the investigation of soil and/or potential groundWater Contamination in and around the property. The access may include.the ddlling of. Soil borings and groundwater_wells, remoVal of contaminated 'soil; removal 0-f tire§ and metal debris, installation of soil and/or .groundwater treatment systems, and removal of buildings, structures or fixtures .necessary to conduct the investigation and remediation of contaminants. This access agreement will expire when all-investigations and remedial measures are complete. I certify that I am a legal owner or authorized agent of the owner of the above property and have authority to grant such access~ ..~-, ~ , B A K E R S F I E L D Building Department Dennis C. Fidler · Building Director January 3, 2002 Ms. Jere Johnson, Site Assessment Manager U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code SFD 9-1 75 Hawthorne St. ( San Francisco, CA 94105 Re: .340 Daniels Lane APN (169-140-02) Abatement of Municipal Code violations Dear Ms. Johnson: As per our conversation on January 3, 2002, the City of Bakersfield Building Department is committed to removing any non-hazardous violations on the property located at 340 Daniels Lane, namely accumulation of junk, discarded tires, and junk vehicles. Records indicate the property owner, Nathan Daniels, was directed to remove the accumulation of junk, discarded tires, and junk vehicles on March 7, 2000, pursuant to an abatement order. I have since spoken with the property owner, Charlene Welma Daniels, who resides at 3318 Harmony Drive in Bakersfield, Califomia. Mrs. Daniels was cooperative and is agreeable to allowing abatement contractors on the site for the nuisance abatement. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at (661)326-3713. Sincerely, Tony DeMarco Code Enforcement Officer cc: Bob Garcia, Code Enforcement Officer III Andrew Thompson, Deputy City Attorney Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Specialist Ralph Huey, Director of Environmental Services City of Bakersfield ° Development Services ° 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California ° 93301 (661) 326-3720 ° Fax (661) 325-0266 'BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT .. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, 1715 Chester Ave; '* Bakersfield, CA 93301 BuSiness Phone (661) 326-3979 .* FAX (661) 326-0576 · - .:'FAX TranSmittal TO: . ~t~ ~ ~--e~ ~/~J ' COMPANY:, . .)~. ~-5 C-. - FAX No. '7(¢~ FRoM: ',,,~_f~~ f~..)t,'~"~ -. " COMMENTS: · . CHRISTOPHER C. WEDEN Environmental Engineer ' ' .Emergency Response Section 75 Hawthorne Street (H-8-3) (415),744-2291 San Francisco, CA 94105-3901 . Fax (415) 744-1916 09/25/01 14:58 '~66! 326 0576' · BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 · *** ACTIVITY REPORT TRANSMISSION OK- · TX/RX'N0. 1505 '~ CONNECTION TEL '17144845392 ~ . CONNECTION ID .'. · START TIME 09/25 14:501 '~ USAGE TIME .-' 07'49 ...... PAGES RESULT '0~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone {661)326-3979 ° FAX(661)326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: .~C'cc,~ ,~-~,,j COMPANY: (..)5~__.q'%a FAX No. ~. FROM: ~ 09/2:4/01 10:44 '~66.1 326 0576' BFD'HA'Z MAT D.IV ~001 $$$~$$$~:~$$~:$$$$$$$:g~:$~:$~:$$ **$ ACTIVITY· REPORT **$ ' TRANSMISSION OK .. TX/RX NO. 1485 ' CONNECTION TEL 14157441917 CONNECTION ID US EPA REG 9 START TIME 09/24 10:.39 USAGE TIME 05'22 pAGEs .RESULT OK ~ www. bakersfleld.com Wastesite ' · "troubles I0 residents Contamination has been ignored, neighbors say 0sama bin By KERRY CAVANAUGH made, Bush declares. Calif0mian staff writer e~m~: kr.a~mau~etmkefs~,ld.com By NANCY BENAC Mounds of hazardous waste ha~e become a play- T~e Associated Press .il ground for children at a site in southeast Bakem-field WASHINGTON -- A solemn despite staid(es done three years ago that showed it is dent Bush returned the America~ rife with dangerous contamination and poses a threat to full staff Sun day as the United Si to groundwater, promised · between two bin Laden's other ahan- in the ter doned parcels, attacks , one of which is obvious to also conmminat- world." ed. The entire set. adminism is.surrounded by scoffed at a neighborhood B~h iban elaim A sign oosted along a fence ofhnm~, m,}! c!~ cann.1 b~ at the hazardous waste site. mid I )usinease.q. ,.qecrclary o£ Stale Colin Powc Other areas of the fence have But the mid- 1Se govcnmmnt would "pti(. I)efo{ large holes or portions that die lotun Daniels world, the American people, a p( have been knocked gown. Lane and South stye ca~ thai, ... it is al-Qacda, Union Avenue is Osama bin Laden, who has easily accessible to neighborhood children, scav- . ;. s£~ I. s~nn~os / mE c^umn~ responsible.' Several oflidals pi engers and even vehicle~. '~' Bush will disrupt the flow of mol Neighbors are ang~ that they were told three ' A ~ol® cut through a ~a~e that su~ounds a hazardous waste site near South U~lon bin Laden with an executive yearsagoaboutthecontaminafionbutlittlehasbeen Ave~aea~gDaMe[sLana. t;,:: !~.ii" teezing his group's U.S. asset~ ' done since. ~I am at a loss as to whythe state has not . :. . . ,, . ~!.: (,~ ~ ,' '/". , . Administration offidals and cleam~d up the site, and why no one ... can remember gressional leadem turned their that there is a hazardous waste dump a few hundred ances on Sunday's TV talk shova feet from their home," said Greichen Wolber, who two-pronged effort to show th, lives a few blocks south of the site. Guagalu~e emment's resolve to choke off[ Each of the three parcels is accessible from [qores has lived rorists and to.encourage Amerl¢ Daniels Lane. near whut Is return to a more normal routine- The parcel facing South Union Avenue is under cialtogetfingthe recession-beni the State Department of Toxic Substances ConWoL now a The parcel directly to the east of that is under the Fed- hazardous omy moving again. eral Environmental Protection Agency. And the par- waste site near Lad cel farthest to the east is being monitored jointly by South Union Kern County Environmental Health Services and the Avenue and The pameis on either end have been closed to ~ passombut the fence around thePamelin [he middle ~lsbes the ~lt® Would be Taliban I~ease b~m to CONI'AMII~ON/A2 . cleaned up. CONTAMINATION: Children play in hazardous waste lots BIN LADEN: 'Continued from A1 DanielTrust, accordingtoKemCounty sire soil and in Terrorist has option has gaping holes that are easily .Assessorreeords, islmownasBenharo before deciding how to clean up the breached. Only recently was a sign &Jottnsonforthefertilizerdlstribution lot. ' to stay in country postedatthesite~i.ngofhazardoas company that occupied thL' site from Guadalupe.Hores, who runs a bar- materials, the 19S0s to 1060. ~ a series of ber shop across the street from the site ButtheEPAhasnoimmediateplans businessesoeeupiedthepropextyunfil andseeschildrenrompingthroughthe CmdinuedfiemAl to remedy the situation, itwasabandonedalTertheownerofthe hazardous waste, wants to see some- Bush'snafionalseeurityadviser. Thesitedoe~meritanemergency Double 'D' Recycling Center was tlfing done before then. Taliban must either hand over bin response, said Jere Johnson, in the arrested for b~ stolen copper. "It's bad for the neighborhood and . Laden and his lieutenants, allow EPKs San Pmneisco Site Assessment TesUng done in l~o0 showed high it's bad forthe kids," he saicL . access to their alleged terrorist tram- Division levels of lead, arsenic, pesUcides and lng camps in Afghanistan and free two ~'She said she a~s concerned after otherchemiealsinthesoilandthepiles TWo ~ 8[t~$ detained American aid workers, or reading a state report from April 2000 ofmoltenmetalsl~ewnaboutthesite. The other two parcels are also . ~face the wrath of an int~-nafional on the site. Officials believe rinse water fi'om owned by the Daniels family, accord- eoaliUon,' Rice said. ithinkit'sasiteweneedtolookat' ' ehemieal equipment was dumped into ingtoassessorrecords. Defense seeretary Donald IL Rurn~ she acknowledged the site sumps on the land. Contamination studies on all the feld also scoffed at the hard-llne Islam- appears to have slipped through the That report showed groundwater parcels so far have been paid for by the ie militia Asked on CBS' 'Face the ~I,hlsmaybeuneoftheworstexam_' eontaminafion is possible because the government Nati°n'ifhebelievedtheq~alibancl'Mm, soil in the area is highly permeable. Cleanup of the parcel that flonts ,[Nnv ^. e~R~0s / mE cmma~m Rumsfeld replied: 'Of course not." pies ofsitesin Bakersfield tlmt need to The site is ~ of a mile away from Casa South Union Avenue is expected to A gaping hole in the fence makea access to a hazardous waste site near 'They know where he is," he said. be remedlated in terms of hmardous I~oma Water CO.'s primary well. Casa roach $1 million and that' too, will like- South Onion Avenue and Daniels Lane easy. ~ll~ey know their count~'y.... It is just not believable that the Taliban do not waste," said Bill O~ullian with Kern LomaWater'sotherwelllseontaminat- ly to be paid for by taxpayers, at-least know wbere the network ean be locat- C~unty l~nvironmental Health Set- ed with a dry-cleaning solvent initially. vices. The primary well has turned up Eventually~hegovemmentt~iesto arearesidentWolbersaid, site, 0'l~[nlliansaid. . ed and found and ean be tumed over.' Butthestatelsjustnowfiguringout Wolber, like Bores, wants to see Bin Ladun ls tbe prime suspect in 'Themiddiepareells°fparUeular deun in tesling for arsenic, leadand recoup costs from property owners, what to do with the site. lt expects to something more than just warning masterminding the Sept l l attacks on and past businesses that rented the release a work plan for the cleanup signs on the fence. Already one of the the World Trade Center and the Penta- coneem, O'Rulliansaid,becauseitalso other chemieal~ But the pesUcide land, Johnson said. contains stacks of old Utes, for which next year, said Eric Wailber~ haz- water wells in her neighborhood has gon, which left 'thousands of people chemicals found on the Benham & The South Union parcel was oeeu- ardoussubstaneesseienli~t been contaminated with a cl~-clean- dead or miss~ th.e state has issued 8g viola~on~ Johnson site are not tested for unless There have been fires on the property there is suspicion of contamination, pied by a scrap metal operation called The third site, the one farth~-t to the ing solvent, a chemical that was also In reporlLng the Taiiban's claim, the . andO'ltnllianwordeschildrenplaying according to Betsy IAchfi, with the K&D Salvage that was found to have east' ls a former landfill also owned by found at the K&D site. Afghan Islamic Press, a private nea~ with fire or an amunist could create a State Deparlment of Health Services. extensive contaminationofheavymet- the Daniels family. It is not considered 'I was bom and raised on the same agency based' in Islamabad, quoted toxic blaze on the site. SofarHealthServieeshasnotreeeived als, petroleum and other chemicals, a hazardous waste site, according to steer where I now own a home. I do Omar's spokesman Abdul Hayee as ~,~llli~l~ioflkl~ow!I warningofthecontaminatedsite, aceording to tbe state Department of the Central Valley ReglonalWater not want to see this neighborhood saying "guest Osama' had ~gone miss. Toxic Substances Control. Quality Control Board. mined ' Wolber saicL "l do not want to lng' and that 'efforts were being made Ofthethreepareeis, the middle one Casa Loma Water officials said they In 1~8 neighbors wen/ warned Still Kern County ]~nvironmental see the small water company (Casa to locate him.' appearstobethenasUest, aceordingto werenotworriedaboutthesi[e, abouttheK&DSal~gecontaminaUon Healthisorderingtheprope~'cyowners Loma Water) des~oyed because of a HayeesaidthatoneebinLadenwas officials. Johnson with the Ea~A said the and told a cleanup was necessary to to fix the fence, remove debris from toxic waste dump that should have found, he would be told of the clerical · That parcel, owned by the Nathan agency will probably do more exten- protect resources like groun.dwater, the ground and controldrainage onthe been cleaned up ye,am ago," she said. decision. "Then it would be his decision whether be wants to stayin Afglmnkqan or I/Or.' Meanwhile, the United States. accel- '' Lottery LLIES-' Some countries fear citizens Will be angered if certain groups targeted em dp o form on against bin Laden and the Taliban, - . which have given him refuge since Fantasy IRve Co~inued ~ Al '~ you sponsor terrorism, you are hostile to the United Sunday's ~l' . cited Hamas, lslamic Jihad and nezbollah. ...... m ~ lit $ · The Arab nations worry their citizens will become ment ~ led by Air Pome Bri~ Ge~ Dally 3 States." oulraged if they help America go a/ret groups that Kevin Chilton, Pentagon director of 0¢2 In the first days aller the Sept. 11 terror allaeks in · Secretary of State;C~in POV~e}l promises to lay resistlsmel, said Anthony Cordesman, aMideastspe- s~/aleglcplanningfortheNearEastand ~e~y New York and Wastdngton, Sec/etmy of State Colin out evidence so the ~odd can-see Osama bin cialist at the Center for Strategic and In~A'nafional South Asia, arrived Sunday in Islam- Laden is guilty of theterrorist'fitt~Cks. Horses ~11-2 Time: 1:40.50 Powell and others seemed to suggest the United * Defense SecretaYy~ald H.':RUmsfeld confirms Studies in Washington. Since the terror aUacks, U.S. abad, U.S. and Pakislani sources said. s~tU~J-ay,s Lotto numbecs States would go a/ter any group it considered terror- the Unitad States haslost contact, with an · officials have pressed both lsrael and the p~destinians The team is exl)ected to finalize ist. That could be more than two dozen, including unmanned spy. plane 0V~[ Afghanistan, but said he to contain Midcast violence. $16-2835-41 groups like the Shining Path in Peru and the Basque ' had no reason to believe the plan~ was brought What ma.v happen, said one Middle ~qr eXpert plans for the United States to use Pa.k- ....... . · istani aim'pace, intelligence-sharing Meganumber Fathertand, or ETA, inSpain, down bylalibanfighterS. .. :.~ ". .. whoteachesal.aU.S, defenseeollege, isthattheUnit- and milita.,3, facilli~es in supporl for .1__7 .... Bush was careful to stress in his speech last week ~ Washington is denied use of. a major Saadi ed States will join with Egypt' for example, lo g0 a.fl,er action against Afglmnistan. that the fight, would target terrorists with glohal Arabian air base for an offensive against terrorism, a few Middle East terrorist groups, but then avoid a ' Despite and-American sentiment in Saturday's winners reach, O'Hanlonnoted. aSaudiofflcialsays. :" · public l~ddng with Egypt when it goes a. fl~eraterror- this Muslim country, Pakistan agn~,d · laliban leadership says it can,t find bin Laden to ist group with popular supporl, inside Egypt. He last week to cooperate fully with Wash- Prize The United Slates needs a strong coalition of advise him to leave the countgy. ' ' spoke on condition of anonymity. Winners each na~ons, especially Arab ones, for a ndlilary cam- · Federal Aviation Administration imposed a one-day The Bush adnfin~on also may single out ingtoninitscampaignagainstlerrorism 5 of 5 with Mega 0 0 paign against bin I,aden's suspected tem*r ¢~Lmps in ban Sunday on crop<lusting from airplanes in domes- Since the atlacks, the three eoun- 5ofSwithoutMega 10 $16.863 Afghanistan -- considered the almom-certain firsl tic airspace over coficems adoutpossible chemical groupsinorderltdureallies, in his speeeh Thursday, tries that formally recogn'ized Ou, Tal- 4 of'5 with Mega 60 $i.405 target -- becaum il. needs somewhert, Io base air- weapons attacks, for exanq}le, Bush named the Egyptian Isl:at~c.litu~d ib. an government -- Pakistan, Saudi 4 of 5 without Mega 1,434 $97 plmles'and slage tJ'oops. · and the lslm~fi(, Movement of UzbekislaJt. both of Arabia and the lhfited Amt, Enfirales 3 of 5 with Mega 2,335 $54 Intelligence from Arab nations also is ne(Med. :/(~led. whiehthre;dtm h'adersfmmwhomth{qlniledSlates -- have all dist:m('ed thems~lves Thy CERCLIS site Intbrmation Page 1 ot'1 'CERCLIS HazardOus Waste Sites BENHAM & JOHNSON ~:Di~clai~ r Site Info~ation · 'Actions I Aliases I Financial[ Op Units [ RODs SiteName:BENHAM & JONSON Street:340 DANIELS LANE City 7 State / Zip:BA~RSFIELD, CA 93307 EPA ID:CASFN0905462 EPA.Region:09. Countv:~RN NPL Status:Not on the NPL Non-NPL Status:SI St~ Needed Federal Facility Flag:Not a Federal Facility Incident Category: [Back' to loP] URL: h~p:l/~.opa.9ov/supoffund/siteslcursites/c3ca~sOOO5462.htm lhis pa9e was last updated on: duly ~2, 2001 Site maintained by: Office of Emer~ency and Remedial Response . . brown.marflrot~pa.9ov : http://www.ePa:gov/superfund/~ites/cursites/c3ca/s0905462, htm 9/24/01 CERCLIS Site In/brmation' Page I ell CERCLIS Hazardous Waste Sites Report ~*~ ~0 BENHA M & JOHNSON ~Dis c la i~e v~ ~'~ Actions m~. ~ ' Site Info Aliases I~P Units ~ Financial RODs [~"~ OU Action Name Oualifier Lead A~tual Actual m~ ~[~ ~ Start Completion 00 DISCOVERY ': F 05/01/1998 ', 00 P~LIM~ARY H S. ' 04/01 / 1999 06/21/2000' ASSESSMENT . [Back to TOP] URk: h~:ilm.epa.~ovlsupoffundlsiteslcursitoslc3calaOOO54~2.htm. This pa~o was last updated on: ,July ~2,200~ Site maintained by: Office of Emergency and Remedial Response brown.mat~ret~epa~flo~ a/ao9054621ht ' "' ' http ://www. epa. go v/sup erfund/site s/c urs ite s/c 3 c m . 9/24/01 B A K E.R S F I E L D CITY CLERK'S OFF[CE;_. M E M 0 R A N D iL{ M:'. i-'~.,'.. t J'J;~/ ::'~"'99 ] June2,1999 TOi - Ron Fraze, Fire Chief FROM: Pamela A. McCarthy, City Cie k~~ SUBJECT: Notification of Hazardous Materials Site I received a telephone call today from Edc Wallberg, of the California Department of Toxic Substance Control. I was advised that he was officially notifying me of a hazardous site, in compliance with Proposition 65 requirements. Mr. Wallberg provided the following information: Site: 340 Daniels Lane Description: Multiple piles of lead contaminated slag waste, as well as, lead contaminated soils not associated with slag waste. Confirmation: By personal inspection and sampling. The property is occupied by a resident who has daily visits by a friend with a child. The child has been observed playing in the contaminated soils. Mr. Wallberg advised that he had spoken with Steve Underwood in Environmental Services. By law he is required to notify the County Health Department and the County Clerk. However, since the property is located within the City limits he was notifying me as well. A written report by Mr. Wallberg will follow. If there are any questions regarding this issue, he can be reached at (916) 255-3749. If You have any questions regarding my conversation with Mr. Wallberg, don't hesitate to call me. :pmc cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney Rennis Fidler, Building Director alph Huey, Director of Environmental Services S:~ME MOS~ISoFRAZE.wpd · Department· Of Toxic Substances ntrol Edwin F. Lowry, Director .-~.~: 10151 Croydon Way, Suite 3 · ~· Sacramento, California 95827-2106 ~_ton H. Hickox Gray Davis ~.d~retary for ~ ' Govemor ~/~nvironmental . . Protection PROPOSITION 65 DISCHARGE REPORT · 1. Date of Report: July 2, 1999· 2. 'Discharge Date: . ·Unknown · ' .' .. 3. Reported' By: Eric L. Wallberg, Hazardous Substances Scientist. 0 S 1999 Expedited Remedial~Action Program U.nit Cleanup. OPerations Branch 10151 Croydon Way, Suite 3 Sacramento, California 95/827-21.06 Telephone: (916) 255-3749 , 4. Discharge Location: · ' Name: Benham & Johnson Site (Currently operating as Double D Recycling) Address: 340 Daniels Lane, Bakersfield, California · ~ · .- - 5. Discharge Type: Illegal disposal to the ground surface of the chlorinated pesticides ' 4,4' - Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 4,4' - ~ Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD), and 4,4' - Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE). i' 6. Information Obtained By i 'Site inspection and sampling. .: ...... ~7.--w --Description-of-Discharge: ~- ~-~Soils-contaminated with-l-9,000.micrograms/kilogram (ug/kg) 4,4' -' DDT, 1700 ug/kg 4,4' - DDD, and 2300 ug/kg I 4/4' - DDE. 8,. Initial Notification: Date: July 2, 1999 Time: Approximately 1410 Contac~ Name: Howard Wines, III, Bakersfield Fire Department, Environmental Services, 1715 CheSter' Avenue; Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 ContaCt Phone: (661) 326-3979 California Environmental Protection Agency . ~ Printed on Recycled Paper Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ................. ~,,~,~;~,,,,~,~,~,,;, .................. This permit is issued for the following: . ?,??';.' i ,~i:,!!";:':"~:~':'"":~ii i ;,:. ~ii!!}iii ~ iii}i?:=~'iiiii:;;il;~:,i;U~$emround Storage of Hazardous Materials PERMIT ID# 015-0214)01548 ,,,~?ii~;'i ;~,~,:: ~i ~!::!!!!!!!ii?! ~:!'.?~ ,, !i::,.,~i ,~ pagement Program LOCATION ' ~0 DANIELS ~,~;,......::::.:.~, ,,...., :% ............. ~:%~:: .~' ,ij~' j~j[i" ~;;~:::::~.,:,~:,..L.,L.,i...:..~.,=,:~;~;:,.'-,~jjj ~ijjjj, '~j~:. ? .,~:' ~, !! ~:,,~F ':~"...........,' lssu~ OFFICE OF EN~R O~AL S~ ~CES B~ersfiel~ CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 F~ (805)326-0576 ExpirationDat~: ~Un~ ~0~ ~000 DOUBLE D RECYCLING [R~'~'I%£~] SiteID: 215-000-001548 Manager : ~ ~_~ ~ BusPhone: -(~OS} 321-~u-~'- iO"'~a ~-'~ Location: 340 DANIELS LN Map : 124 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 05A FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 SIC Code:5093 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:8054-408-07 Emergency Contact / Title l~Emergency Contact / Title ALAN DANIELS / OWNER Business Phone:-(805) lOl-~Kn°v 6~6 SUSAN~3~CGIOHNi~;~R~% Business Phone: (805) 323-3186x 24-Hour Phone : (805) ~_~x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 833-3872x Pager Phone ( ) - Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : Phone: ( ) - x MailAddr: PO BOX 70506 State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93387 Owner ALAN DANIELS Phone: Address : PO BOX 70506 State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD ~- Zip : 93387 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs:, No Emergency Directives: ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- As Designated Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... IspecHaz EPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax UnitlMCP OXYGEN (LIQUID) F IH DH L 4000 FT3 Low LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS F P IH G 200 GAL Hi At ~ DH L 85 GAL Low DIESEL #2 ~, 0J~ 0J3i ~ DO hor~)y cei~i~fH~h;~l~0 haL, e 55 G~ Min MOTOR OIL HYD~IC oIL L 55 G~ Low reviewed DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID: 215-000-001548 JUL 1~0 1997 lilt Manager : BusPhone: (805) 321-9602 Location: 340 DANIELS LN Map : 124 CommHaz : Moderate City : BAKERSFIELD ~ / .... ____~.____~ Grid: 05A FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 SIC Code:5093 EPA Numb: DunnBrad:8054-408-07 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ALAN DANIELS / OWNER SUSAN MAGGIOHNI / Business Phone: (805) 321-9602x Business Phone: (805) 323-3186x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 833-3872x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 833-3872x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Agency-Defined Topic Title ---- Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax UnitlMcP LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS F P IH G 200 GAL Hi OXYGEN (LIQUID) F IH DH L 4000 FT3 Low DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 85 GAL Low MOTOR OIL F DH n . 55 GAL Min ' ff~ ~ ~t ~) rsvie~ed ~he a~ched h~ardous ma~e~als manage- ..... ) an2 corr~ions ~nslitu~e a ~mpls~e ~nd ~e~ agsment plan for my ~cili~. -1- 06/04/1997 DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID:' 215-000-001548 ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit TORCH AREA NEAR SCRAP, FORKLIFT, STORAGE TANK PORTABLE CAS# 74-98-6 Gas Pure Above Ambient Below Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc. GAL 200.00 150.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. I EHS CAS# 100.001Liquefied Petroleum Gas No 68476404 -2- 06/04/1997 DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID: 215-000-001548 ~ Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME OXYGEN (LIQUID) Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit TORCH AREA NEAR SCRAP STORAGE AREA NEAR OFFICE CAS# 7782-44-7 Liquid PureIt Above Ambient Cryogenic PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax this Loc FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 4000.00 2000.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS EHS CAS# %Wt. 100.00 Oxygen, Liquid No 7782447 -3- 06/04/1997 DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID: 215-000-001548 ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Si~e -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME~ DIESEL #2 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit TANK IS SKID MOUNTED/FORKLIFT MOVABLE CAS# 68476-34-6 ~ STATE I TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 85~00 40.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 2 No 68476302 -4- 06/04/1997 DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID: 215-000-001548 ~ Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers at Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME MOTOR OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit OUTSIDE ON RACK BY N END OF BLDG CAS# 8020835 F STATE [TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATUREI CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE Lrgst Cont.this Loc GAL DailyMax this Loc GAL DailyAvg this Loc GAL 55.00 25.00 DailyMax Stored GAL DailyMax. Open Use GAL DailyMax Closed Use GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS -- %Wt.I IEHS CAS# 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based No 8020835 -5- 06/04/1997 DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID: 215-000-001548 Fast Format ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site -- Agency Notification 03/06/1995 FIRST CALL 911 TO NOTIFY LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCIES. SECOND NOTIFY OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AT 1-800-852-7550. THE NOTIFICATION SHALL INCLUDE: NAME OF CALLER, COMPANY LOCATION, DATE AND TIME OF INCIDENT, SUBSTANCE AND QUANTITY INVOLVED, HOW AND WHAT HAPPENED. Employee Notif./Evacuation 03/06/1995 EMPLOYEES WILL BE NOTIFIED BY ORAL OR HAND SIGNALS. EMPLOYEES WILL MEET BY MAIN GATE ON THE SW END OF THE FACILITY. -- Public Notif./Evacuation 03/06/1995 PATRONS WILL BE NOTIFIED BY EMPLOYEES TO EXIT BY NEAREST GATE. Emergency Medical Plan 03/06/1995 CONTACT BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - 327-1792 -6- 06/04/1997 DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID: 215-000-001548 Fast Format = Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site -- Release Prevention 03/06/1995 ALL CYLINDERS ARE TO BE CHAINED TO CARTS OR TO WALLS IF IN STORAGE AREA. -- Release Containment 03/06/1995 IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENTAL SPILLAGE AFTER NOTIFING APPROPRIATE AGENCIES CONTAMINATED SOILS IN AREA OF SPILL WILL BE SCOOPED UP AND STORED IN MARKED CONTAINERS UNTIL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR PROPER DISPOSAL. IT IS ANTICIPATED SPILLS CAN BE CONTAINED BY EARTHENBURM SURRANDING AREA OF SPILL. -- Clean Up 03/06/1995 CONTAMINATED SOILS WILL BE STORED UNTI.L PROPER DISPOSAL CAN BE MADE WITHIN 90 DAYS OF INCIDENT. Other Resource Activation -7- 06/04/1997 DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID: 215-000-001548 Fast Format ~ Site Emergency Factors Overall Site iSpecial Hazards -- Utility Shut-Offs 03/06/1995 A) GAS - NONE CYLINDERS ONLY B) ELECTRICAL - BREAKER STORAGE ROOM NORTH END OF BLDG C) WATER - SHUT OFF LOCATED BY GATE ON TERRACE WAY ENTRANCE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO -- Fire Protec./Avail. Water 03/06/1995 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - WATER HOSE CONNECTIONS LOCATED S END OF BLDG, FRONT MIDDLE OF BLDG AND MIDDLE E SIDE OF STORAGE BLDG. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - ??????????? Building Occupancy Level 8 06/04/1997 DOUBLE D RECYCLING SiteID: 215-000-001548 Fast Format ~ Training Overall Site .-r- Employee Training 03/06/1995 WE HAVE 4 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE DO'HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED IN THE SAFE OPERATION OF TORCHES, THE HANDLING OF PROPANE AND LIQUID OXYGEN. DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED IN THE SAFE OPERATION OF THE CATERPILLAR 225 EXVATORS WITH MAGNET. EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED IN THE SAFE OPERATION OF FORKLIFTS. THE LOCATION OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND THEIR USAGE. EMPLOYEES ARE SHOWN THE LOCATION OF WATER HOSES AND LOCATION OF THEIR CONNECTIONS. Page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -9- 06/04/1997 - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester AVe. Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IFBUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] . smss FACILITY NAME Sl~ ~D~SS ~ ~l CITY ~ k~x ~ ~ STA~ ~ Z~ %0 7 NA~ oF BUS.SS SIC CODE mmmo ~D~SS ~,0, EMERGENCY CONTACTS H~RDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CI:IEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revisi°n [ ] Deletion [ · ] Check if chemical is a NON Trade Secret [ ] Trade Secret [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) ' ' Chemical Name: AI-IM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Hazard Categories Fire[ ]Reactive[ ] Sudden Release ofPressure [, ].ImmediateHealth(Acute)[ ]DelayedHealth(Chr°nic)[ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION O-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid[ ] Liquid[ ] Gas[ ] Pure[ ] Mixture[ ]. Waste[ ] Radioactive[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] fi3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount .c) Temperature Largest Size Container # Days on Site ; Circle Which Months: All Year, J, Fi M, A, lVl, $, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: 'List COMPONENT CAS# % WT ' AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemical components or 2) , [ ] any AHIVI components 3) [ ] 10 )LOCATION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ' ] Addition [ ]Revision[ ]Deletion[ ] CheckffchcmicalisaNONTradeSecrct[ ]TradeSecret[ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) ,-Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) Physical & Health PHYSICAL HEALTH Ha~ardCategories Fire[ '.]Reactive[ ]SuddenReleaSeofPressure[ ] ImmecliateHealth(Acute)[ ]DelayedHealth(Chroni¢)[ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid[ ] Liquid[· ] Gas[ ] Pure[ ] Mixture[ ] Waste[ ] Radioactive[ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY' UNITS OF MEAS~ ' '8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount Lbs [ ] Gal [ ] fi3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount Curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount c) Temporamre Largest Size Container # Days on Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List . COMPONENT CAS# % WT ' AHM .the three~mgst hazardous . i)~. [ . ] chemical components or ~'-2) , :' ' [ ] any AHM components 3) [ 10)LOCATION "' I c~'tify under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar'with the information oE this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted infdrmafign is lame, accurate and complete. .. , · PRINT Name & Title of Authorized' Compuny Representative'-. : Signature .. Date BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPA ,TMENT HAZ. . OUS MATERIALS INVEN RY Page, 2:)f ~usinessNam~0UBLE D RECYCLIP~G A~dress~-© DA~IELS LA~,~E CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION ) ; .YroRY STA~S: Ne~ ] Addition [ ] Rews~on [ ] ~et~on J J Check ~ chemi~ is s NON ~OE SECR~ ~ J ~E SECR~ [ ] ~ C~mmonN~e: DIESEL N0. ~ 3) ~T~ (option) __ Chem~N~e: AHM I ] CAS~;~'~-~~-~' 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH FHYS{CAL H~L~ H~RD CA~GCR~ES =ire ~ 5) WAS~ C~SSiFICA~ON (3-~igit coae ~om CMS 6) PHYSICALSTA~ Solid [ ] Liqud~ ] G~ [ ] Pure ] Mi~ure~ ] W~te [ ] R~io~Ne [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND T'iME AT FAC;uiTY UNITS OF ~SURE M~imum D~lyAmoum: ~ lbs ~ g~ [ ~ ~3 ~ a) Oont~ne~: Average Omly Amount: Annu~ Amount: ~gest Size'Container ' Days On S~e 5 , Circte~ich Months: ~1~ Ye~,)U, F, M, A, M. J, J, A. S, O, N. D 9) M~RE: Ust MI~]ERAL the lh~ most ~dous ~ chem~ core.neats or 10) Lo.ion ~A~% ZS S~ZD CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1) !NVENTORYSTA~S; Ne~ ~ Add,t~n[ 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PH ¢S',CAL H~RD CA~GORIES Fire [ 5) WAS~ C~SStFiCATION (~d~git code from PHS Form ~0~) USE CODE ~ 2 6) PHYSICAL STA~ Solid ~ 7) AMOUNT AND TiME AT FAC~U~ UNITS OF M~SURE ........ 8) STOOGE CODES ~ 0 A~rageu~y Amount 1 Annu~ Amount: ~gest S~ze Cont~ner: COaysOn Site ~ Circle~ich Months: ~l~e~. J, F. M, A, M. d, J, A, S. O, N, D 9) MITRE: ~st COMPONENT CAS~ % ~ ~M ~het~reemosth~Oous ~)HYDP, OYRE;~TF'D PARAFPINIC DiSTiLLA?E 6~7a2-6 0 0-90 ~y AHM com~nents ce~'~ under p'en~o~ taw, ~t / submi~ info~a~o~ is ~e, ~ccu~te, PRI~ N~e & Title o/Au~onzeO Company Reptesen~ve Signa~re Dam BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 -CHESTER AVE: 117-,f ' BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 ' I~J~'FE'-]~: 'l ]995 ~L~ 2. ~PE/PRINT ANSWERS IN E~LISN. Answer t~e Questions ~eiow for t~e ousiness cs Q wn~le. 4. ~e ~rief cnc concise cs ~c~iDie. SECTION ~' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUS~NE~ NAME' LCCATI©N: 34-0 DANIELS LANE MAILING ADDRESS'. P.O. BOX ~.7'0506 CITY: BA~RSFIELD STATE: CA ZtP93387 PHONE: (8o5)321-96o2 DUN & 8RADS~.:~ NUMBER:- 80'5440807 SIC CODE: 5093 ,~R~'',,~ ~ ;v,,,,, ,.,, ACTIVITY' RECYCLING OWNER: ALAN DANIELS MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX /:73506 BA~RSFIELD CA 93387-'0506 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT. TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE l. alan DANIELS OWNER (805)321-9602 (805) 833-38?2 2. SUSAN MAGGI0~INI (805) 323-3186 (805) 833-3872 HAZARD' 'I. IS MATERIALS, . MANAGEM]. . · PLAN..... SECTION 3: TRAINING: , NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: FOUR MATERIAL SAFE~ DATA SHEETS ON FILE: YES 5RtEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: " E~PLOYEES ARE TRAINED ZN THE SAFE OPERATZON OF TORCHES ,THE HANDT,ZNG OF PROPANE AND LIQUID 0XYGEN~. DESIGNATED E~PLOYEES ARE TRAINFD IN THE SAFE OPERATION OF THE CATERPILLAR 225 EXVATORS WITH MAGNET. E~PLOYEES ARE TRAINED IN THE SAFE ~PERATION OF FORKLIFTS. THE LOCATION OF 'FIRE EXTINGUSHERS AND THEIR USEAGE. E~PLOYEES THE LOCATION OF WATER HOSES AND LOCATION OF THEIR CONNECTI~~' ARE SHOWN 0NS SECTfCN 4: EXEMPTICN REQUEST: -- ~ " I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT' MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM TH'E RE?OR.TING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: -- WE OD NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE OD HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATcRIA-LS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TiMEEXCEEO - '= ~H, MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTIFIES. .. OTHER (SP''''r'~v REASON'i SECTION 5: CERTIFiCATiON: I, ·CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. '25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION. CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE ...... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A'""'~L C?L'"'/:~-f:):BRs~EL=ASE PRFVENT[ONARE TO BE ScT~zS~x,EgD TO CARTS' OR TO WALLS IF IN' STORAGE AP. EA. DIESEL SANK IS TO BE LSTORED TO'"PREVENT ACCIDENTAL COLLISION BY VEHICLES' ALL GREASE AND' OIL~ SHALL BE STORED IN THE STORAGE AREA TO PREVENT ACC_ IDENTAL SPILLAGE. ' · _.,. i _ ~ 8. RELEASE- C ON-TAIN ~ENT AN'D/O R MINI'MIZATION' " IN THE EVENT OF A'CCIDENTAL SPILLAGE AFTER NOTIFING APPORATE AGENCIES CONTAINN[ENTED SOILS IN AREA OF SPILL WILL BE SCOPPED UP AND STORED IN'MARKED CONTAINERS UNTIL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE N~DE FOR PROPER DISPOSAL. IT IS ANTIPICED SPILLS CAN BE CONTAINED BY EARTHERBBERN SURRANDING AREA OF SPILL. CONTAINMN~ENTED SOILS WILL BE STORED UNTIL PROPER DISPOSAL CAN BE N~DE WIT_ HIN 90 DAYS OF INDICENT. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUTrOFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY')' GAS/PROPANE: NONE CYLINDERS ONLY. NATURAL :._:.~,xIC,~L. BREAKER STORAGE ROOM NORTH END OF BUILDING. ,V,=.Ic:~. ~HUT OFF LOCATED BY GATE ON TERRACE' WAY ENTRAdE SPECIAL: NO1Tg LOCK=OX: YES/NO !F'f~: ~©C,.--,~ION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVAfE FIRE PROTECTION: WATER' HOSE CONNECTIONS LOCATED SOUTH END OF BUILDING, FRONT 0 MI- DDLE OF-BUILDING · MIDDLE EAST SIDE OF STORAGE BUILDING. 5. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT)' ' NONE ON SITE. ~. Bakersrqeid Fire Dept. ~' P!azardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS-.MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Nc:me: DOUBLE D RECYCLING ,- SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: · ' AGENCY NC)T[F[CAT[C)N PROCEDURES: .-FIRST CALL 911 TO NOTIFY LOCAL E~RGENCY RESPONCE AGENCIES. SECOND ' NOTIFY OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AT 1-800-852-7550 THE NOTIFICATION SHALL INCLUDE : NAME OF CALLER COMPANY LOCATION, DATE AND TIS~E OF IN~EICENT. SUBSTANCE AND Q'UANITY INVOLVED HOW AND WHAT HAPPENED - 3. Z!vlPL©YE-- NOTiFiCATION AND E"/ACUATI©N: EMPLOYEES WILL BE NOTIFIED BY ORAL OR HAND SIGNALS E~PLOYEES WILL N[EET BY NAIN GATE ON THE SOUTH WEST END OF THE-FACILITY. r-' Uc~L,C F_VACUATICN: PATRONS WILL BE NOTIFZED BY EMPLOYEES TO E×ZT BY NEAREST GATE,, --. ~ "k '1 ," ^ ~1 , · .C TAC:': ' kC fr0 ZASA dSPITALAT (805) ..!'7'15 CHESTER-.AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS iNvENToRY FACILITY DESCRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME DOUBLE D RECYCLING =ACILITY NAME DOUBLE D RECYCLING SITE ADDRESS 340 DANIELS LANE CITY BAK~RSF IELD STATE CA ZIP 93307 NATURE OF BUSINESS' RECYCLING SiC CODE 5093 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER 8o~44. o807 owNER/OPERATOR ALAN DANIELS PHONE ( 8 05 )- 321-96o2 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. box 70506 CITY BAKERSFIELD STATE CA ZIP 93387-o5o6 EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME ALAN DANIELS TITLE OWNER .... BUSINESS PHONE (805) 321-96o2 24-HOURPHONE (805) 833-387'2 NAME SUSAN NL~GGIORINI TITLE BUSINESS PHONE ('805) 323-3186 ':- 24:HOURPHONE(8os) 833-5872 BAKERSF ELD CITY FIRE DEPA TMEN[F' HAZA FgOUS MATERIALS INVEN-'I 'RY ~usinessNam~O~ D RECYCLING Address~0 DANIELS LA~ ~"~;~':':-~ :' CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1) IN~NTORY STA~S: Ne~] Addition [] Revision[ ] ~letion[ ] Check Echemic~ is ,NON--DE 4) PHYSIC~ & H~L~ PHYSICAL H~L~ H~RD CA~GORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Rele~e of Pressure~ ] Immedi~e He~h (Ac~e) [ ] Delayed He~h (Chronic) [ ] 5) WAS~ C~SSIFICA~ON (3-digit code from DHS Fo~ 8022) USE CODE ~ 2 6) PHYSICAL STA~ Solid [ ] ~quid [ ] G~ ~] Pure ~] M~ure [ ] W~te [ ] R~io~Ne [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FACIUW UNITS OF M~SURE 8) STOOGE CODES M~mum DalyAmount: _~000 I~ [ ] ga [ ] ~3~ ] a) Contaner: Average D~ly Amount: ~UUU curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annua Amount: ~ 0 c) Tem~r~ure: '~ · ~gest Size'Contaner: ~ Da>OnSite ~5 Circle~ich Months: A~J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, 9) MI~URE: ~st COMPONE~ CAS · % ~ ~M the three most h~dous 1) [ ] chemi~ com~nenm or any AHM com~nen~ 2) [ ]' [ ] TORCH AREA NEAR SCRAP STORAGE AREA ~AR OFFICE 10) Loc~ion ,~ CHEMICAL DESCRI~ION 1) IN~NTORY STA~S: Ne~ ] AddAion [ ] Re~sion [ ] Deletion[ ] Check E chemi~ is a NON ~DE S~R~ ] ~DE SECR~' [ ] 2) CommonN~e:~[Q~[gD ~g~A0~gU~ GAS 3) ~T~ Chemica N~e: ~0~A~, ~~, ~0~~ AHM [ ] CAS · 7~- 8~- 0 4) PHYSICAL & H~L~ PHYSICAL ~ ~ H~L~ H~D CA~GORIES Fire ~] Res~ve [ ] Sudden Rele~eof Pressure ~] . Immedi~e He~h (Ac~e) [ ] ~layed He,th (Chronic) [ ] 5~ WAS~ C~SSIFICATiON (~igit code ~om DHS Fo~ 8022) USE CODE ~ 2 6) PHYSICAL STA~ Solid [ ] ~quid [ ] G~ ~] Pure [ ] Mi~ure ~] W~te [.',~ Radioa~ive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIU~ UNITS OF M~SURE 8) STOOGE CODES M~imumOalyAmount: 200 lbs [ ] g~ ~] ~3 [ ] a) Contaner; 0~ Average Daly Amount: 1 ~ U cudes [ ] b) Pressure: Annu~ Amount: ~ c) Temper~ure: ~gest Size Contaner: CDa. OnSite ~ Circle ~ich Months: (NIYe~, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D the three most h~dous 1) ethane 7~- 8~s¢ 0- [] chemi~ com~nen~or 87. 5- ~ O0 [ ] 3) PROPYLE~ -' 0-5.0 ' _TORCH'AREA NEAR SCRA~,FORKLIFT,STORA~E TANK PORTABLE lO) ~ ce~ unOer pen~ o~ law, ~at I have pemon~ly ex~in~ ~ ~ f~iti~ w~ ~ infom~on suDmi~ on ~is ~ ~ a~¢h~ document. CI,FY FIRE DEPA I I'M ' HAZAROOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Business NameDOUBLE D RECYCLING .Address3.40 DANIELS !~N~: J . CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: Ne~,.~] Addition { I Revision [ ] Deletion { ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET ~] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common N~me: DIESEL NO. ~ 3) DOT# (optional) Chem,=. N=.e:~ AHM [ ] CAS#68476-34-6 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire ~ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE ~- 9 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid~ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture~ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClETY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dally Amount: 8~ lbs ~] gal [ ] 1t3 [ ] a) Container: 02 Average Dally Amount: ~ 0 cudes [ ] b) Pressure: '[ 4 Annual Amount: 2 0~ 0 c) Temperature: Largest Size'Container: ~ _~ # Days OnSite 3 Circle Which Months: (AIIYear. lJ, F, M. A. M, J. J. A. S. O, N. D 9) MIXTURE: List 8,~_~1 %WT AHM the three most hazardo~s ~ 1). ~INERAL 0If,°~T 8012- chemical c°mPDner~ts or- any AHM comp6nents - 2) [ ] 10) Location. TANK IS SKID ~OUNTED-AND IS NOVED BY .FORKLIFT CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New%[ } /~ldition [ ] Revision[] Deletion[] Check ifchemicaJ is aNON TRADE SECRET 1~] TRADE SECRET [] 2) Common NamehyDRAULIC",Q~IL - 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: ~ AHM [ ] CAS # 64742- 54-7 4) PHYSICAL& HEALTH . pHYsIcA~,,~' HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden R1e~e of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed HeaJth (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 80~ USE CODE 2 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [~ Gas [ ] ~ Pure [ ] Mixture {~ Waste [ } RadioectNe [ ] Maximum Daily Amount: ~~ lbs [ ] gaJ ~ ] lt3 [ ]~ a) Container: 1 0 Average Dally Amount: 1~3~'~ . cudes [ ]~ b) Pressure: Annual Amount: ~ c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Sit. .~.~ Circle Which Months: !~aJIy.~,'~ J, F, M,-~M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT ~- CAS # % WT AHM ,he three most haza~dous ~)HYDROYREATED PARAFFINIC DISTILLATE 647~'k~65-0' 0-90 [] anyChemicalAHa components Orcomponents ~ 0LVENT REFINED 64742-7 0-? 3) [ 10) Location STORE R00N NORTH END OF BUILDING cern'fy under penafly of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar w~th the infomabon submitted on this and all attached documents. I believe submitted informaSon is ~ue, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENI'ORY Business Name DOUBLE D RECYCLING Address ~40 DANIELS LANE - ' · · CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition~ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is & NON TRADE SECRET~X~ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: MOTOR 0IL 3) DOT'# (optional) 64742-54-7 Chemical Name:- AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-digit code fi.om DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 2 6 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid~[ ] Gas [:i Pure [ ] Mixture ~] Waste-[ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY - UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 55 lbs [ ] gal [7 lt3 [ ] a) Container: 10~. Average Daily Amount: ~ ~ cudes [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: . c) Temperature: 4 Largest Size Container: ~ ( '~ · #OaysOnSite '~6~ .Circle .Which Months: ~AIIVea~, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S,'O, N, D ,) MI .E: ,,st the three most hazardous ~)~OLVEN'~' REFINED PARA'P'P'TNT(2, '' [] chemical components or any AHM components :SOLVENT DEWAXED HEAVy PARAP'PTNTP. DISTILLATE 64742-65-0 0-90[] ~$0LVENT REFIINED CATALYTIC ,64742-70-7 0-85 [! 10) Location OUTSIDE ON RACK'BY'N0~H END OF BUILDING '-' .... CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name': AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code fi.om OHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] liquid [ ] Gas' [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dally Amount: lbs [ ] gal [ ] fi3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which MonthS: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: list COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) -' ' ' * [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2)' [ ] 10) Location .... I believe submitted information is ~e, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company RepresentatJve Signature Date ''BUSINESS PLAN ~MAp' ?~ -SITE '~rm .AR A~AP [~ 1. MAP o 5' [ ] E .Form SA Business Name:'.]5oub3-e D. .If Form'5A Box is Checked: Area Map # of'. Name of Area: " ' ' " · -'~-~' "'*" '~ .... ~. ....'e .....~* ' ~ ' " ~" ' "~ ......o. - ~ .... ~- ....... 4~ - - * - - - - .. - -'- ~ - ~ : ~ v - - - -~ ....... ~ ....... .~ ........ ~ . . ~. _ ~t_._~_ __~ , · ~ I t, ~11/! 5/g4-:. I...E I) I:zI:::i":Y(":L.:[NG 015-.--0'10...-00 ".2. 1::') ':' Page ............ ,:.,~¢ntact Name Title. --: ........ C:onta'ct Name Title ....................... 3¢.1....9602x E;usines.~ Phone: (f')05) :3 2 :3 ..- :3 'i 8 6 x Elusiness Phone: (805) "'~' 24....Houn Phone : (805) 87):3...-38'/2x .24.--I'-lo(.~¢~ Phone : (805) Pagen Phone : ( ) ..... . x Pfgen Phone : ( ) .... x ................................................................................... ,Administnative [)ata ................................................................. ............................................ C:itS~: EJAI~:I}~RSI::::[E~L[)' State: C:A-. Zip: 9::):]-)8'7.---.0506 'j C:omm (;:ode ,, 0'15:.:.906 ()Cit. N'T'Y/[31::: }-.-S~"!"A 6 '"'~<::' '>'"' ~'' :: "' '"~'" "'Y( ..... ' '7 .... ()wn~t': !]l()Ul31 .~:~ I) i'~,:::( ...... !....I.N(i; Phone: (805) 8::')8.-.."F2. b Add~es~: PO B)( '70506 State: (::A C:fi t:~: ... ~,~,...,.~,..>' !.El ....... · Zip: ..~..~38'7.--.0 ~(.]mma n y ............................................................................. ' .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1/i ~:..,//9~ '~ ' .. . .DO[J[~Ii..!E [) .:RI!::C:Y'CL. liNG ' 0 '1. 5..-.01. 0...- 00 'i Hazmat ]inventory 17)etai~. in '"' ; .. 02....00i O)(Y(~iE N . Ga~ 4000 t..o~ > l:::iP~, P~essuPe i:::T;] CAS ~: "' '?782!4'/. "f'nade SecPet: No . F: o n m ', G a s ' "1" y' P e:': P u ~ e . i:) a y s ,, 365 Lts e ~ N E L I:) :i: N G S 0 I... D E I:i :1: N G ' I:)afi]y 'l~iax I:::'f':3 C..: ................... i}a'~'ly Avenage I:::'T'3 ........ I ........ 'Annual Amount I:::'T'3 ....... 4,000 2,000. O0 I ' 208,000 . O0 ........................ S'~ohage' ......................... t Pness ] "f'emp .... ! ............................................... l...ooatfion ........................................ PORT F ..I...,.~...>. CYI].]:NI:)ER ! Above iC~zogen i':l"O!:t(::H AREA NEAR SCRAP 100.()~ Oxygen, Compressed ~' ' :lED PE"f'R()L. EUivl GAS Gas. . . '0~----u02 i... I QU ]: I::: · . '~0 I'ifi gh · CAS ~ uc,~.~,85"/ ]"nade S~net ~ No Fonm'. (':~a~ "!"ype~ PuPe ,..,=y~: :.")65 ................ !:)afi'ly tvlax F:T3 ....................... !])a~'iy :Avenage 'F.-~'T'] ........ i Annual Amount F:'T':] ........ 40. ' .. 20 . 00 I 2..., 080 . 00 ........................ Stonage ............................ t Pnem~ 'i"em p .... ! .............................................. t...ooat i on ........................................ POR"[ PRESS bYL...I. NI..,::R J Above ({]el ow l'l"Ol:((:;H AREA NEAR SCRAP · -(:onc .... [ ................................ ............... ' .............................. ........ C:omponent~ ................................................... i .... !vlCP ........ IOu~de 100,0~ iL. PG "il"ligh ,. I 22 02 -.-- 00 ::-~ D ]: I......> L. L t._fiqu~d 85 I...o~ · ,." > '!:::ine, l:)e]aS/ i"l]t,h '. '(~;Ai... C:AS ~: 8fi476:302 "f'nade c, n F:orm: Liquid ' Type :. DLtPB Days: 365 Use: I:::LI!~L. ................ ...... :,A .... Annual Amount" .... ,.:,A L. - ....... 85 l' 40.00 j 2,080.00 A (30 V E G !:~ () U N [) T A N K I A m b ~ ~ ~, t I A m b fie m ~ l "!" A N K I S .., I k .I. L, lvl (") t I q 'T' 1::: D A N I) :[ S Ivl(") V E I ,"' u -,,,~ :1: "r, .... Coho .... J ........................................................................................ Components ......................................................... Ivl,.., P ........ IGuide e,..e, i:::ue~ No 2 Iviodenate[ . 'i00.0~ i[)~ ~ 'I .... 2 ~ ... ..--. I-.'. i xeecI "" ~' ' t: ~:~ i~lll > ti:iff r.e.., PPeessyree, i")ee'l, ay H'l th Form: l...i qu i d Type ', - 'Pure I:)ays: :365 Llse ,, I..{Y[)I~ALiL IfC: i:~:QU 1[ plvlEN':i" 5 ! 5,00 ! -~ ~.:0.00 · .<Sl:orag.e.. ........................... ] Press '!'."i"'e"mP .... ] ............................................. .ocat. ion ........................................ ...... (:::omc ..... ! C;om pon-e--n t s.~ .................................................. I .... ~IC:P ........ I (];y i dee !00,0%' l!-'ly'draulfic t.:3rake Oil (li)fiethyiene (i;ly'col Ivlonobutyll..°w I 27 02 .-.. 005 ,..~ .. ~_ V t!!! N "i" - · - > fi:fine, ]imm.e.d HI.th .· (.,A iii:opm: i...iquid Type: Pure [)aS/s ', USe ,. L. UBt~i[[:AN"i:' ' '4 ! ~, 00 ! 50.00 ........................ · <S~ormgee ........................... i Pree.~.s ! "i"eemp .... i ................................. · ........... i...oca'l:fi on ...................................... '" ' '") ~... I..,(.~ ' <D>.~o,.~' -fif,/Evacuatfion/Ivledfi.cal <I> Agency' Notfiffidat:~on <3>' Public Notif./I;:!vacua~.ion Emergency ,~ledfica~ P~an 0 5 ) 3 2 ? --.. 'I ? 9 2 ( 8 0 !5 ) 312. 6'...- 2 0 0 0 '(~l/l?/gs D()I E [! RECYCL]iNG 01S.-010.-.-0 13 'Page <E) Prey,/Iviinimizati on/C1 eanup ALL CYL.]]NDERS ARE TO BE CI"IA][NE[} .......IL,' CARTS ]'2 ,,:) WALl ..... IN ..> .. ,.,~. ,... AREA D'[':<~:i ]'ANK 'rS ]'O E~F: ~:Vi"C)RF:f'} 'i"C} PRFV[:~N"I'' A(]:(]:Ti}t.:~NTAL. '(]:()L.L'[S)'('~N E~Y VEH'r~':I.F% ALi OILS SHALL. RE' o.-..,-.,--,:: .... > ,..)-,Ab,.. AREA ]'0 ~kLVENT A~:(:[I]I:})NTAI... SPTLI~.A(:;E <.2.> Release Containment: CON"f'AI'4]:NAT!:!!D S():[ LS ' ! N AREA 0i::: SP Other Resource ACt~vat~on 0~]/'t 'ili§5 I:)() I:!! !} I:~[:~C:YC:L ]:lq(i; 0 '1 ..5.---010..--0( ,1:3 Page 00 .... Owema~'i S~it:e i: - . ~. OP,.. . (1:::) S~te ,_.m~rgency I::ac~ <2]> Utqlity ...>hdt.-..bf,s A~ (iiAS/PR()PANi']! .... N()N!".:! O()NN!EC:TFE)]'()EtLJE~]:Ni:}!E;S A'! .... I"H]:S TItvlE <3> i:::'ir'~.~ Protec /Avail. 'Wate.r ......... :,t-,,..)U N !..~ t i~:~VE~ L <4> i.:.!arthquake Vt. Jlnerability <2> .(.)e~cr, ibe "f'r'ainfing Pr'ognam ....... , I ~ I::: .I. ,... (..)[.,A ! .~. ,..] N : AN i} ()RA L. C:C).IvlIvlU N )] C:A'T' ]] C)N ()l::: 'T'H E C:()N f)! mi" :t] <3> Emer. Agenc.v (::oordfinat:.fion Response E!quipment. <~> Jr. H-igh ;Bchoo]s ,.'3> I'_:!].e-me..-n~.an,y oc, hoo]s BUSINESS PLAN MAP ..~ ~[~ ] SITE MAP- Form5 . [ ] AREA MAP-Form5A' Business Name: Double D Recyling If Form 5A Box is Checked: Area Map # of · · Name of Area: ' . January 11, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 CHESTER AVENUE M. R. KELLY BAKERSFIELD, 93301 FIRE CHIEF 326-3911 Double D Recycling 340 Daniels Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Business Owner: Because of the annexation of the location of your business on November 10, 1994, the Hazardous Materials Business Plan and Inventory reporting requirements of both Federal and State "Community Right to Know" regulations will now be administered by the Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division. We have made arrangements to transfer the plans that you have previously filed with Kern County, to oUr office. Therefore, we will not need a new business plan and inventory from you at this time. California law does require all inventories to be updated annually and your business plans to be amended within 30 days of any one of the following events. 1) A 100% or more increase in the quantity of a previously disclosed hazardous material subject to the inventory requirements. 2) Any handling of a previously undisclosed hazardous material subject to the inventory requirements. 3) Change of business address. 4) Change of business ownership. 5) Change of business name. You should also report any significant changes to your business plan such as contact information, telephone numbers etc. For any of these changes or any questions regarding the handling or storage of hazardous materials on your site, or for any necessary underground storage tank permits, please contact us at 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301, or call 326-3979. Sincerely yours, Hazardous Materials Coordinator