HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ...................... ~ ...................... received A U ~'-- 2 4-- 9 0 ~R i 2 8 , P 0 2 c a 'bolln YROCRIETE® ' . 1 ~i;~:!L, ECTION DATA NOT RECOMMENDED FoR:. " Igss steel and non-ferrous metals. GENERIC TYPE: Catalyzed magnesium' oxy. 701 should not be used as a refrac{o.,'y ~emen! " chloride t'orri',~lation. CrYstal and powdercom- {~tmbient temperatures exceedinff 200 'F-(93 ponent i~ixed prior to application. C) ). GENERAl, PP, OpERTIES:. Tested in accordance with ASrM:~.I]9 and rated by UnderWHters APPROVALS: PYROCRETE 201[1,4s been . 'Laboratories. h',c. Also tested and approved by. {(~sted in accordance with ASTM.[:;~, 19 by Un- Factory M,,~t'!~-', Engineering and Research. ~l.~rwriters Laboratories and is liSt,.,;i ~:nder de- e Easily aPpiir,,d by spray and/or trowel finish. ~rgns: : ' e. Lightweight .. ~ one-third the weight of con- ' ' crete fo¥ ,.,,[t, ~:~1 fire protection. COLUMNS --X- 725, X- 726, X .. ~:~9, X - 770 ' · Excellent t,hysical properties -- hard, dura- ,~J~AMS N 723, N -~24, N- 72~ ;~1 - 7'29, S · Nonfl~.n,~ble -- during or after applica. +.705 . tion. i~i~yOCRETE 201 HAS BEEN TES }'i'i'; BY FAC- e AsbestOs.free __ complies with EPA and TO MUTUAL AND LISTEDiN : EM, AP- OSHA regul;~tions. PROVAL GUIDE AS DESIGN FC: ;'~.~{. · Non-fd~hi~ - high impact strength," :; - ~'--.- · Manufac~,U~e __ under strict Carboline qual- ' ~ · ity standar,:h;, U.L. and FM factory inspection ~lkh, ead Ratin.gs: Tested by ,Fire !i, surers' Re- s·tyler.. ~,e, arcn_ an, d Testing Organization ~.F'qh'O} Lon- e Proven i~ ~,',~1 fire situations, ogn, I::ngland for standard and ~-~}/~ !~ocarbon · ~posure. , RECOM~'4[~DED USES: Fire protection of- AJ:)proved by the following agen(?~ structural -~- ~ ._ ' ' .'.,,eM, bulkheads, wood, and upgrad- ing of exist.inq concrete: T NORSKE VERITAS ~ Ce'rtifi, ~'on # F - Refinerir~.~p~lrochemical ' 4860, F- 4861 F-.4887, F-'4888. ' Chemical,'pl :,~ rmaceutical :~ ' Pulp and paper mills . Offshore installations (~?DE REVIEWS: Nuclear ~ow~.r plants Convenl;()n:d power plants ~0CA # 83-11 ' Factorie,'~'warehouses ~(~uthern Building Code Cong,re,~,~: ~ 3385 Architect'~r~d designs (~ity of Los Angeles ' Whore ,; hard, durable asbestos-fr'ee fire- .. probfi,,i ;, ,,'..quired. Ci~ of San Francisco #'S 164d57. 'k.._.. Oct, 86 Reph.;e..'(.),:! 84 } ESTING DEPARTMENT ~CC~SS- ~0- 08012 applied a~ Varyin~ C~tc~e~se~:and. e~oeed to the. ASTH tine/temperature curve. CO~C~[ISI<~)~S The follovln8 thlckqesses oE ce. 201 reache~ 250eg ~ro c ~e ambient at: ' 30 minutes ~ I~lnc~ ~ . 3 hour~' "1-3/8 i~¢hea ~.] · A, · Steel panel 2~'1 ',' . inches, ~ ~ '.} C. Cured thirty ~ayl at ~0-80*t and ~0-80~ relative A.'. gxp. o~ed the lpeClmcnl '(o the ASTH [119 · '~,1 ........ {' , ' :"' ' ~"' '"':" ~'i · ' i '~ Moro~ ~, '".~,~' O~ · ' :'. : ..' fe¢ _ .. ~ i 5525' 4~A-m. - C-/~ NOTE: ANO ~01E _ - . -- - -.~ ~-: .... ~ .... ~ ........ - ~. ........... . ' ' ~ I .~ ~A.,~ ~AN I~ N~CE~A~Y, ~ ~ ,4- EHE PROFEC'FOSE~L .. COHPANY.. C ~,.,~ ~ 8~NSENYlI.~'~ flL~lflOI~. Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE Hazardous Materials Plan [] Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials Permit ID #:: 015-000-001151 [] Risk Management Program OCCIDENTAL OIL & GAS COl [].~,rdousWasteO.-S.o*r~,,tme. t LOCATION: 1200 DISCOVERY WAY :IELD ~%'~ . i~..:}~i ,. ~'i i.'-~ OFFICE OF EN~R ONMENTAL SER VICES O1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: ~, p ~, ~ ~mt~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 om~o~~s~i~ ~ Voice (661) 326-3979 ~~~ F~ (661) 326-0576 Expi~tionDate: ~Un~ ~O. ~OO~ o~- ~o "'~ *~ 474 HALON PROTECTED AREA 477 478 4.79 48O 452 429 414 FACILITY DIAGRAM ~27 AN.YDROU$ oCCIDENTAL PLAZA A MO.IA 1200 DISCOVERY WAY 424 HALON PROTECTED AREA FOURTH FLOOR ~ WARNINg';['* VAPOR HARMFuL:CAUSES SEVERE BURNS. MAY BE FATAL IF sWALLOWED. DO NOT ;' GET IN EYES, ON SKIN, ON CLOTHING. AVOID PROLONGEQ:OR REPEATED .BREATHIHG OF ..VAPOR, DO NOT MIX WITH CHLORINE TYPE BLEACHES OR OTHE~ ~HJ~MICALs. USE.WITH AD*'E.Q UATE YENTILATION. KEEp CONTAINER CLOSED.' WAsH ~HOFi :IJ(~HLy AFTER HANDLI ' IF IN EYES, flush with water fOr 15 minutes while holding eyelids '" en Get medlC~l attenho IF'ON SKIN, wash with soap and water while re .... ~,.~ ~;~.~.~_,_~ / , ._ , ,~' . ', .n. .... ,~,--,~ ~.u.~--..a[ea ClOznJrlg and ,7~h(~es. If Irritation. · occurs,get medical ~.ttention. Do not reuse clothing or shoes u~tll'cleane.d_... IFINHALED, remo~'~iCtlm,,to fresh air and. provide oxygen if breathing , if not breathing. G~!~edical attention · ;' - ~.;.._.~ ....... . . . a!resp~rahon C_ON. TA!NEP. HANOi AND STORAGE; Keel~' container out of sub and' '". , above 75°F maycau~" .... ' .... awa. y from. heat. Temperature.s -, ,. . ~.~..o..n,a 9as pressure ~ns~de container. Unscrew cap slowly to release pressure, ATrENTION! THIS CONTAINER HAZARDo1jS Wj.JEN EMPTIED, since emptied container ro{ains product residues (vapor.er liquid), all labeled hazard precaUtions must beobserved. ' 'FOR INDUSTRIAL OR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY ..... KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN :: '. NET WEIGHT 400 LBS. ...' """x ' ' I:lx¥ OCCIDENTAL OIL AND GAS CORPORATION i~'-~' /}(,~\'~.-.,~, - 1200 Discoven/ Drive, Box 12(~2i, Bakersfield, CA 93389-2021 '~" lephone 805 321-6000 Telex 188337 OXYBAK UT Fax 805 321-6680 September 6, 2000 RECEIVED Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Gentlemen :- In reference to Permit to Operate Hazardous Materials, Permit ID # 015-000-001151, issued to Occidental Oil & Gas Corp. at 1200 Discovery Way in Bakersfield, please note that Occidental has closed this operation. Our lease will expire September 30, 2000 and the few remaining personnel will exit at that time. All operations have ceased and the property will be returned to the building owner, Coleman Property Management Corp. By copy of this letter, Coleman will notify you direct if they have a .need to ,obtain. a:permit-.in their own name. In the meantime, please cancel the above-mentioned Permit t°. Operate - Please call me at 321-0307 if you have any questions. Yours truly, Sharon A. Davis, Manager Administration.& Services... Cc' .Gary Grumbles, C°leman..Pro~perty Management Corp. :. --/'"- :":' :'"': "' :.-. :.:; i .' ":- :' ~ .". ' , : -, ; ~ - ,r- ::c:;:-? :':.¢:' ::0:_..-.: :.-:: c: .... : · ..:~-:.: .-:: ::- M.D. ATKINSQN CO., INC. ;':":: :"'::' '"' '.: /.: :":' :::: ';.:'.: :.'":.":::::- .: SABRINAWELCH, CPM® Prope~ Manager '- . Real Estate Management (661) 334-4800 ' 1401 19th Street, Suite 400 F~: (661) 334-4811 - ... Bakersfield, CA 93301 e-mail:swelch~mdatkinson.com Manager : / %~ ~ ~ I~D BusPhone: (805) 321-6000 Location: 1200 DISCOVERY WAY % .... Map :~ 102 CommHaz .. High City : BAKERSFIELD ~~ ~rid: 34B' FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION ~1~SIC Code: 1311 EPA Numb: DunnBrad: 07 - 963 - 2485 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title ! -ED RICE / ~.iAINTEN~2~CE SUP ~YSON / ~UlbD ~ ~"~"~. MG Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press Reac~ Im~l~h DelHlth Contact : phone: ( ) - x MailAdd~: PO BOX ~2021 State: C~ City : B~R~I~LD Mip : g338D O~er ~ D~~~ ~!~ ~ ~, Phone: (805) 321-6000x Address : 1200 DISCOVERY WAY State: CA City : B~ERSFIELD Zip : 93309 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif 'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: ---- Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- As Designated Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... IspecHaz EPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCP HALON 1301 - MONOBROMOTRIFLUORO P IH G 1430 LBS Min DIESEL F IH DH L 100 GAL Low ISOP~FFINIG HYDROC~BON F DH L 55 G~ Low ~IP~TIC HYDROC~BON F R IH L 55 G~ Mod ~, $[~R~ D~ql5 Do horob~ co~i~ ~hm ~ hav~ ~ or p~nt ~) reviewed ~ a~achGd h~e~ous m~Hals mana~e- a~ ~ i~ alon~ with an~ ~rm~ion~ ~nsfitu~e G comple~ and ~ec~ man- agemem plen ;or m~ ~1~. OIEPC SiteID: 215-000-001151 Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site HALON 1301 - MONOBROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: 1ST;4TH & 6TH FLOORS CAS# ~2--~, 75-63-8 /Gas Pure I Ambient, Ambient, PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average LBS 1430.00 LBSI 1430.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Bromotrifluoromethane N 75638 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretl RSIBi°Haz Radi°active/Am°unt EPA Hazards ' NFPA I USDOT# MCPNo No No No/ Curies P IH / / / Min ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site 9 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME DIESEL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: FIRE PUMP BLDG CAS# 68476-34-6 F STATE ~ TYPE I PRESSURE I TEMPERATUREAmbient Ambient ' CONTAINER TYPETANK Pure GROUND Liquid . ABOVE AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average GAL 100.00 GAL ] 50.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. ~S CAS# 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 2 N 68476302 -- HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI ~SIBioHaz Radioactive/Amoun~ EPA Hazards NFPA I USDOT# ] MCP No N No No/ Curies. F IH DH / / / Low BRENDAJ. VARNER Manager Suppo~ Se~ices OCCIDENTAL OIL AND GAS CORPORATION 1200 Discovenj_Dri¥~, Bakersfield, CA 03309 Box 12021~ Bakersfield, CA 03389-_2021 · -2- 12/29/1998 (661) 321-3033 Fax (661) 321-3003 * Cellular (661) 331-6700 : ': E-mail: brenda_varner~oxy, com ~':- OIEPC SiteID: 215-000-001151 F Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME AMMONIA ~ ~~6~. O~Jo ~-~ Days3On within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: MAIN BLDG HOUSE CAS# 7664-41-7 VSTATE -- TYPE ,RESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER LOCATION Largest Container MaXimum Daily Average GAL .00 GAL 55.00 GAL COMPONENTS %Wt. CAS# 26.00 1336216 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA MCP No No/ Curies R IH DH / / / ~od ---- Inventory Item 0007 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ISOPARAFFINIG HYDROCARBON Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~ FLOOR MAIN BLDG CAS# STATE TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid MixtureIi Ambient Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average GAL 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. I oRS CAS# 80.00 Hydrotreated, Heavy Naphthenic N 68476313 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret NoRS I BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA I USDOT# MCP No No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low -3- 12/29/1998 OIEPC SiteID: 215-000-001151 ~ Inventory Item 0008 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBON Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~%~FLOOR CAS# ~ 64742 -48-9 r STATE TYPE PRESSURE I TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient PLASTIC CONTAINER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average GAL I 55.00 GAL 55.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt.I ~S CAS# 100.00 Isoparaffinic Hydrocarbon Solvent N HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretl RSIBioHaz Radioactive~Amount EPA Hazards NFPA I USDOT#MCp No No No No/ Curies F R IH / / / Mod -4- 12/29/1998 OIEPC SiteID: 215-000-001151 Fast Format ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site -- Agency Notification 02/26/1996 CALL 911 -- Employee Notif./Evacuation 02/26/1996 AN "OXY PLAZA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES" MANUAL HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS LOCATION AND INCLUDES EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES AND EMERGENCY -- Public Notif./Evacuation 02/26/1996 OFFICE BUILDING ONLY, CHEMICAL SPILLS COULD NOT GO BEYOND PROPERTY LINE Emergency Medical Plan 02/26/1996 SAN JOAQUIN - 395-3000 (DAY) OR 372-5551 (24HR) DR. NEUFELD - 664-0473 BAK OCCUPATIONAL - 327-4527 -5- 12/29/1998 F OIEPC SiteID: 215-000-001151 Fast Format ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site --Release Prevention 10/21/1992 FIRE PREVENTION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY STORING COMBUSTIBLE, CORROSIVE, FLAMMABLE OR TOXIC MATERIALS IN APPROVED AND LABELED CONTAINERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. FIRE SUPPRESSION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1) AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR THE ENTIRE BLDG. 2) A 750 GPM FIRE PUMP TO BOOST THE CITY WATER SUPPLY. 3) HALON 1301 TOTAL FLOODING SYSTEMS IN CRITICAL STORAGE AREAS, ~ ELECTRICAL ROOMS AND COMPUTER ROOMS. 4) PORTABLE MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL AND HALON 1211 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. 10/21/1992 Release Containment IS IS ACCOMPLISHED BY PLACING THE CYLINDERS OR DRUMS IN A SECONDARY NTAINMENT DEVICE. THIS DEVICE IN VOLUME IS THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL. ~ Clean Up 10/21/1992 CLEAN UP WOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED BY DILUTION WITH WATER, THEN FLUID MAY BE VACUUMED OR SUCTIONED UP AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. Other Resource Activation 6 12/29/1998 F 0IEPC SiteID: 215-000-001151 Fast Format F Site Emergency Factors Overall Site ~ Special Hazards --Utility Shut-Offs 04/15/1991 A) GAS - ON FRONT SIDE OF THE PUMP HOUSE AT THE CENTRAL NORTH-END OF THE PARKING LOT B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE PUMP HOUSE AT THE CENTRAL, NORTH-END OF THE PARKING LOT C) WATER - IN' THE GRASS AREA, AT EAST-END OF THE BUILDING NEAR DISCOVERY DR D) SPECIAL - TWO ELECTRICAL SHUT-OFFS. ONE .IN THE PUMP HOUSE AND ONE IN THE MAIN PANEL ROOM LOCATED OFF THE LOBBY, EAST-END INSIDE THE BUILDING E) LOCK BOX - IN THE MAIN PANEL ROOM LOCATED OFF THE LOBBY EAST-END. -- Fire Protec./AVail. Water 04/15/1991 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - THE BUILDING IS PROTECTED BY AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS INCLUDING IONIZATION TYPE SMOKE DETECTORS, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND HALON 1301 SYSTEMS. IN ADDITION, SAFETY DEPT, SECUTY AND OFFICE SERVICES PERSONNEL HAVE BEEN TRAIN IN THE PROPER USE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR INCIPIENT STAGE FIRE FIGHTING. FIRE HYDRANT - A RISER IS LOCATED IN EACH OF THE STAIRWELLS WITH CONNECTION POINTS FOR HOSE LINES. -- Building Ocqupancy Level 04/15/1991 B-2 -7- 12/29/1998 OIEPC SiteID: 215-000-001151 Fast Format = Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 04/15/1991 WE HAVE~.~EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES WHO HANDLE CHEMICAL HAVE BEEN TRAINED PER OSHA HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS Page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use I -8- 12/29/1998 OCCIDENTAL OIL & GAS CORP. Emergency Contacts 1. BILL REYES / Office Services Business Phone: (661) 321-6355 Residence Phone: (661) 324-1340 Pager: (661) 321-7283 2. SHARON DAVIS / Mgr. Admin. Business Phone: (661) 321-6199 Residence Phone: (661) 665-1210 .Cellular Phone: (661) 333-9600 3als 3S~I3A3t:I NO J. IIN~13d -!0 SNOI.I. IQNO::) l!maad pau!ufl alSeA~_ snopauzuH/SlU!aalu~ snopaezuH - ~2/15/96 OIEPC 215-000-001151 ~ge Overall Site with i Fac. Unit l FEB 22 1996 i General Information ~,8~ Location: 1200 DISCOVERY WY Map:102 Haz:4 Type: 3 City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 34B F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Contact Name Title ED RICE / MAINTENANCE SUP RON BRYSON / BUILD & O.S. MG Business Phone: (805) 321-6503x Business Phone: (805) 321-6353x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 834-9051x i 24-Hour Phone : (805) 399-781!x Pager Phone : (~O~ ~-~3~xVo~j Pager Phone : ( )~-~/~/x~t~ Administrative Data Mail Addrs: P O BOX 12021 D&B Number: 07-963-2485 City:. BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93389- Comm Code: 215-011 BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 SIC Code: 1311 Owner: OIEPC Phone: (805) 321-6000 Address: 1200 DISCOVERY WY State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93309- - Summary I, hsrebr that have ~y~ or ~nt r~ -- reviewed the a~ached h~ardous materials any ~r~ions constitute a co~ple~e and ~rrs~ man. agement plan for my facili~. 02/15/96 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards' Form Max Qty MCP 02-006 AQUA AMMONIA Liquid 55 Moderate · Reactive, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL ~2---~'~03 DIESEL Liquid 100 Low ~ i · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL ] ,~_~ ~ ~gG~-- -Liquid, -15 ~ ~ n~lav With 02-007 ISOPARAFFINI~ HYDROCARBON Liquid 55 LOW · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 HALON 1301 - MONOBROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE Gas 1430 Minimal ~ '· Pressure, Immed Hlth LBS 02/15/96 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 3 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-006 AQUA AMMONIA Liquid 55 Moderate · Reactive, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 7664-41-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max GAL55 I Daily Average55.00GAL I Annual Amount1,040.00GAL Storage Press T Temp . Location PLASTIC CONTAINER IAmbient~AmbientlMAIN BLDG & PUMP HOUSE -- Conc Components ~ MCP ---~Guide 26.0% I Ammonium Hydroxide IModeratel 60 ~ 02-003 DIESEL Liquid 100 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL100 I Daily Average50.00GAL ----~ Annual Amount100.00GAL -Storage Press T Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbient~AmbientlFIRE PUMP BLDG -- Conc Components ~ MCP ---/Guide 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No. 2 IModeratel 27 02-005 K~SENE Liquid 15 Low · F~elay Hlth . . GAL / ~CAS #: 800~Trade Secret: No 15 I _. · 11o.oo ~ St PLASTIC~ Ambient I NEAR S~ _ C~-~' Components ~_ MCP ~uide ~0.0% I Kerosene I~el 27 02/15/96 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 4 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-007 ISOpARAFFINI~HYDROCARBON Liquid 55 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL T Annual Amount GAL 55 ~ 55.00 624.00 Storage ~lPress T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER IAmbientlAmbientl4TH FLOOR MAIN BLDG -- Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 80.0% IHydrotreated, Heavy Naphthenic ILow ~ 27 02-002 HALON 1301 - MONOBROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE Gas 1430 Minimal · Pressure, Immed Hlth LBS CAS #: 75-63-8 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER -- Daily Max LBS Daily Average LBS I Annual Amount LBS 1,430 I 1,430.00 1,500.00 Storage~lPress T Temp Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER IAmbientlAmbientllST 4TH & 6TH FLOORS -- Conc Components ---~uide 100.0% IBromotrifluoromethane ILo~cP · I 12 02/15/96 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 5 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation AN "OXY PLAZA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES" MANUAL HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS LOCATION AND INCLUDES EMERGENCY EVACUATION pROCEDURES AND~EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation OFFICE BUILDING ONLY, CHEMICAL SPILLS COULD NOT GO BEYOND PROPERTY LINE <4> Emergency Medical Plan AMBULANCE, POLICE AND FIRE DEPT - 911 MERCY HOSPITAL - 327-3371 (DAY) OR 328-5275 (24HR) SAN JOAQUIN - 395-3000 (DAY) OR 372-5551 (24HR) DR. C~OTSTIANS~N....~ - ~ 327--9~17 02/15/96 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention FIRE PREVENTION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY STORING COMBUSTIBLE, CORROSIVE, FLAMMABLE OR TOXIC MATERIALS IN APPROVED AND' LABELED CONTAINERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. FIRE SUPPRESSION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1) AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR THE ENTIRE BLDG. 2) A 750 GPM FIRE PUMP TO BOOST THE CITY WATER SUPPLY. 3) HALON 1301 TOTAL FLOODING SYSTEMS IN CRITICAL STORAGE AREAS, ELECTRICAL ROOMS AND COMPUTER ROOMS. 4) PORTABLE MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL AND HALON 1211 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. <2> Release Containment THIS IS ACCOMPLISHED BY PLACING THE CYLINDERS OR DRUMS IN A SECONDARY CONTAINMENT DEVICE. THIS DEVICE IN VOLUME IS THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL. <3> Clean Up CLEAN UP WOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED BY DILUTION WITH WATER, THEN FLUID MAY BE VACUUMED OR SUCTIONED UP AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. <4> Other Resource Activation 02/15/96 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 7 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs -- A) GAS - ON FRONT SIDE OF THE PUMP HOUSE AT THE CENTRAL NORTH-END OF THE PARKING LOT B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE PUMP HOUSE AT THE CENTRAL, NORTH-END OF THE PARKING LOT C) WATER - IN THE GRASS AREA, AT EAST-END OF THE BUILDING NEAR DISCOVERY DR D) SPECIAL - TWO ELECTRICAL SHUT-OFFS. ONE IN THE PUMP HOUSE AND ONE IN THE MAIN PANEL ROOM LOCATED OFF THE LOBBY, EAST-END INSIDE THE BUILDING E) LOCK BOX - IN THE MAIN PANEL ROOM LOCATED OFF THE LOBBY EAST-END. <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - THE BUILDING IS PROTECTED BY AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS INCLUDING IONIZATION TYPE SMOKE DETECTORS, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND'HALON 1301 SYSTEMS. IN ADDITION, SAFETY DEPT, SECUTY AND OFFICE SERVICES PERSONNEL HAVE BEEN TRAIN IN THE PROPER USE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR INCIPIENT STAGE FIRE FIGHTING. FIRE HYDRANT - A RISER IS LOCATED IN EACH OF THE STAIRWELLS WITH CONNECTION POINTS FOR HOSE LINES. <4> Building Occupancy Level B-2 02~15/96 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 8 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 500~EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES WHO HANDLE CHEMICAL HAVE BEEN TRAINED PER OSHA HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ----...,,~CalComp IDENTITY: CalComp Cleaner CL-58 ^LockheedC~noa.y MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (Similar to OSHA 174) SECTION IX - WASTE DISPOSAL INFORMATION 2411West La Palma Avenue P.O. 8ox~.~C32~? ~ n~eim. CAcleanerg~§9~ CL58~--~ ACTION TO BE TAKE~ IN TNB EVENT OP SPILL OR LEAK: Eliminate all ignition IDENTIT_f _alCom~ sources. Recover free product by adding sand, earth, or other suitable SECTION I absorbent to the spilled liquid. Keep non-essential'personnel away. Avoid breathing vapors. Ventilate confined spaces. Clean-up absorbent TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR INFORMATION: EMERGENCY TELEPHONE ~UMBER: material and dispose of properly. Continue to observe precautions for (714)821-2290 7:30 am to 4:00 pm PST (714) 821-2172 volatile, combustible vapors from absorbed material. There is no Reportable Quantity (RQ) under CERC~ reporting requirements. DATE PREPARED: January 16, 1989 PREPARED BY: Dave Gold WASTE DISPOSA~ SUGGESTIONS: RC~ Hazardous Waste No. - DO01. Waste SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION t~ and replenishers are hazardous wastes as defined by 40 CFR Chapter l~sure conformity with all applicable federal, state, and local ( Exposure SOURC¢ di~sal regulations. Waste toners and replenishers are compatible for ,. ~%zARDous COMPONENTS disposal with most non-halogenated solvents and petroleum based oils. ~Chemical/Common Names) f Limit (See Notes) Son~act a ~c~.~e~ ~azarao~. w.ste ,~,o~a~ com~a.y or e.v~ronmenta~ ~;~~t~c)"~ar~ ~00 control agency for assistance. Possible disposal methods include - ~r G 8 hour workday incineration or recycling for use as parts cleaning solvents. Recycled materials should not be used with CalComp plotters. SECTION X - SPECIAL COMMENTS NOTES: Product consists predominantly of C10 - C~ isoparrafinic hydrocarbons. 1 - Recommended Exposure Limit by Exxon Chemical. EAZAR~US ~TERIAL8 IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (~MIS): ~EALT~: 1 F~BILITY: 2 REACTIVITY: 0 BASIS: Recommended by Exxon SECTION III - PHYSICAL ;HEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS "Empty" containers retain residue (liquid and/or vapor) and can be BOILING POINT: 155-176'C (311-348'F) SPECIFIC G~VITY (R20 : ~): 0.75 dangerous. Dispose of properly. VAPOR PRESSURE (~g): <10 ~25'C MELTING POINT: < -18~C (0'F) The user of this product should dete~ine if the requirements of 29 CFR Section 1900.1200, OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, are applicable to VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=Z): Approx. 5.0 p~: Essentially neutral user's business. SOLUBILITY IN WATER: PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: Laboratory animal studies have shown that prolonged and repeated Negligible; Less than 0.1% 100% ~ 1 Btm and 25"C (77"F) inhalation exposure to light hydrocarbon vapors in the same naphtha boiling range as the product can produce adverse kidney effects in male EVAPO~TION ~T¢ (n-Butyl Acetate : ~): 0.3 However, these effects were not observed in similar studies with rats and male and female mice and in limited studies with other APPEA~NCE ~D ODOR: species. Additionally, in a number of human studies, there was no 'Clear, water white liquid. Faint petroleum hydrocarbon odor. clinical evidence of such effects at normal occupational levels. It is therefore highly unlikely that the kidney effects observed in male rats SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA have significant implications for humans exposed at or below the recommended vapor limits in the workplace. FL~BLE LIMITS: LEL: 0.8% OEL: 7.0% The data in this material safety data sheet is true and accurate to the FLAS~ POINT (METHOD USED): 40"C (104"F) Tag closed cup. best of CalComp's knowledge. However, since data, safety standards, and government regulations are subject to change and conditions of handling, EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, dry SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: use, or misuse are beyond CalComp's control, CALCOMP ~KES NO WAR~TY, chemical, or carbon dioxide (CO2). Normal procedure for combustible EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WIT~ RESPECT TO TME COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING Use Water Spray (fog) to cool fire. liquids. ACCU~CY OF T~E INFO~TION CONTAINED EEREIN ~D DISC~IMS ALL LIABILITY FOR RE~I~C¢ T~EREON. The User is required to comply with all laws and UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION ~AZARDS: Keep product away from sources of regulations relating to the purchase, use, storage and disposal of this -nition such as heat, sparks, pilot lights, electrical appliances and product. User must be familiar with and follow generally accepted safe [ ( en flames. A~id e~inguishment with water - it tends to spread handling procedures of chemicals, and is solely responsible for any .,%drocarbon solver fires. ' effects caused by its misuse or mixing of this chemical with any other ........ substance. FO080-354( I/89) }~;l~C I IDENTITY: CalComp Cleaner CL-58 IDENTITY: CalComp Cleaner CL-58 SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA SECTION VII - TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION STABILITY: CONDITIONS TO AVOID: PROPER U.S. DOT SHIPPING NAME ]tND HAZARD CLASS: Stable Sources of Ignition Petroleum Naptha Solution, Combustible Liquid, NA1255 INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION BYPRODUCTS: ICAO/IATA SHIPPING NAME AMD HAZARD CLASS: AVOID): Strong oxidants like liquid Smoke, carbon monoxide, aldehydes, Naptha Petroleum (Hydrotreated Heavy Naptha), Flammable Liquid, UN1255 chlorine, concentrated oxygen, and and other decomposition products sodium hypochlorite or calcium which may occur in the event of CONTAINER SIZE AND TYPE: 8 ounce to' i gallon plastic containers shipped hypochlorite, incomplete combustion, in cardboard boxes. HAZA~J)OUS POLYMERIZATION: C01~ITIONS TO AVOID: SECTION VIII - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE ~t occur. N/A as polymerization does not occur. ~,." .SPIRATORY PROTECTION NECESSARY: Not needed when used as intended with 'CalComo products. In concentrations exceeding the recommended safe SECTION VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA exposure limit, such as during a major spill, use a chemical cartridge respirator effective for organic vapors. ROUTES OF ENTRY: INHALATION: Yes ABSORPTION: No INGESTION: Yes VENTILATION REQUIRED: No special ventilation is needed when used as HEALTH HAZARDS (ACUTE AND CHRONIC): intended with CalComp products. Normal office ventilation conforming to Skin: Can cause drying of the skin or irritation, the American Society of Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigerating Eyes: Contact may cause irritation. Engineers (ASHRAE) 1980 Standards is adequate under normal conditions of Lungs: Inhalation of vapors may cause headaches and dizziness (See also use. Under some conditions of use or combinations of equipment, office Signs of Over Exposure.) ventilation may not be adequate~ Users should assure that ventilation is Ingestion: Product has a low order of acute oral and dermal toxicity, but sufficient to prevent exceeding exposure limits. Users should consult a if aspirated into the.lungs during ingestion or vomiting, may qualified Ventilation Engineer and/or Industrial Hygienist if a concern cause mild to severe pulmonary injury and possibly death, regarding exposure arises. CARCINOGENICITY: NTP: No IARC MONOGRAPHS: No OSHA REGULATED: No PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Use protective gloves, such as nitrile or neoprene, when contact with liquid may occur, such as when purging, cleaning, or SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE: High vapor concentrations (greater handling toner or replenisher containers. than 1000 ppm) are irritating to the eyes and the respiratory tract, may cause headaches and dizziness, are anesthetic, and may have other central EYE PROTECTION: Use chemical splash goggles when eye contact may occur. nervous system effects. Death is possible if exposed to very high concentration for prolonged periods. Persons sensitive to hydrocarbon OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT: Should not be needed when used as exposure may experience discomfort when exposed to concentrations below intended in CalComp products. Wear a chemical resistant apron when ~tablished safe exposure limit (See Section II for exposure limit cleaning machines as replenishers may stain clothing. ~tion). WORK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Keep containers closed when not in use. Do not MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Skin contact may smoke when using product. Minimize breathing vapor or mist. Use with aggrgvate an existing dermatitis, adequate ventilation. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Whenever handling chemicals, always use good personal'hygiene practices, such as EMERGENCY ;tND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: washing your hands after done. Eye Contact: Flush with clear water for 15 minutes or until irritation subsides. If irritation persists, contact a physician. Pa§c3 Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Do not reuse contaminated clothing until solvents have been removed. Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. Call a physician immediately. If breathing is irregular or stopped, start resuscitation if trained. Administer oxygen if available. Ingestion: Dilute contents o.f stomach with several glasses of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician immediately. Page 2 08/18/92 ~ OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 1 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Location: 1200 DISCOVERY WY Map: 102 Hazard: High Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 Grid: 34B F/U: 1 A0V: 0.0 Contact Name Title Business Phone 24-Hour Phone- ED RICE MAINTENANCE SUPER (805) 321-6503 x (805) 834-9051 RON BRYSON BUILD & O.S. MGR. (·805) 321-6353 x ,· (805) 399-7811 Administrative'Data Mail Addrs: P O BOX 12021 ~ D&B Number: 07-963-2485 City: BAKERSFIELD . State: CA Zip: 93389- Comm code: 215-011 BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 SIC Code: 1311 Owner: OIEPC Phone: (805) 321-6000 Address: 1200 DIscOvERY WY State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93309- r Summary 'RECEIVED 'OCT 1'6'1992 HAZ. MAT. DtV.' ~o ~Do hereby ce~ that I have rsv~e~ed th® ~ched h~ardous mmeHals manage- ~ p~an for ~~ and ~h~ i~ slong ~ith ~~~o~s ~nsfi~u~e a compls~e and correct man- CITY OF' B~,I~ER$ F I ELD HAZARI~US I~IATERTKLS XNVEIqTORY ~ Fa~ and Agriculture ~ Standard Business :~: Page 1..of NON - ~E SEC~T , BUSI~SS N~ 0I[PC O~ER N~= 0~c~-~] P~- ~9 '"' ~ N~ OF THIS'FACILITY: 0~scove~y LOCATION: ~200 D~sc0ve~v 0~ive' ~D~SS= ])~ ~m~,~/ ~m . ~ 'ST~ IND. C~SS CODE= CITY, ZIP= ~Oke~2f~e]d. -CA 932~9 CITY, Z~p= Baka~af~5['~Ch' -~22~ ~ DUN ~D B~ST~ET ~BER/FEDE~ ID PHONE ~= (805) 321=6000 PHONE,%:" (805) 32]-6000 _ _ - - ~ ~ INS~U~IONS ~R P~P~ ~DES' i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~s ~e ~ Average ~nual Measure 9 Da~ Cent Cent Cent Use Location ~ere % ~ N~s of M~ture/C~nents C<~ C~e ~t ~ ~t Units on S~te ~ Presa ~ '~ S~d ~n Fac~lit~ ~ See Inst~ct~ons A 'l M 155 oal Ii:b-55 ,oa~'JlQ~O'ltqal'l oal I 365 I lO I 1 I 4 I 991Main Build. & Pumn - - .. Developer : ~6% Aqua Ammonia (Check all t~= apply) Co~on~ ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~ oE Pressu~ H~lth H~lth .~ Co~onen~ ~ 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~ i I M 155 qall '55 qall 624. gall qal I 365 I :0 I I 4 I 9914th fl~r Main Ruitdino Toner - Isoparaffinig HYdrocarbon (Cheuk.a~l t~ apply) Co~on~: ~ 2 N~ m C.A.S. N~ / I I I I I I I I I I I (Chemk all t~t apply) -, ; Co~on~t ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~ of Pressu~ H~lth H~lth Co~on~t ~ 3 N~ ~ =.A.S. Ph~cal and H~lth ~za~ C.A.S. N~er Co~on~t 9 1 N~ & ~.A.S. (Check all t~ apply) C~t ~ 2 N~ a C.A.5. N~ of Pressure H~lth H~l~h C~on~t ~ 3 N~ · C.A.B. N~ .E~RGENCY C~TACTS ~1 Ed Rice Maint SiJDmF ._321-6000 J2 Ron Brv~nh Build. SIJDt. N~ T~le 24 ~. Phone" N~e - .- T~le 2~ ~ Phone c=ttficatton (~ ~D SIGN AFTER CO~LETIN~ ~L SECTIONS) i~ividuals res~le f~ obtai~ng the info~tion. I beli~e t~ ~e su~i~d lnfo~ion is t~e, a~a~and~l~e. ~ BZG~D 08/18/92 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 02-002 HALON 1301 -MONOBROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE Gas 1430 Minimal · Pressure, Immed Hlth LBS CAS #: 75-63-8 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max LBS Daily Average LBS I Annual Amount LBS -- 1,430 I 1,430-00~ 1,500.00 Storage Press T TempI Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Ambient~AmbientllST 4TH & 6TH FLOORS -- Conc Components MCP- List 100.0% IBromotrifluoromethane Low I 02-003 DIESEL Liquid 100 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34~ Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure- DayS: 365 Use: FUEL' Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 100 I 50.00 . 100.00 Storage IIPress T Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbient!AmbientlFIRE PUMP BLDG -- Conc Components MCP ---TList 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No.~2 IModeratel 02-005 KB.ROSENE Liquid ~ Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8008-20-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type. Pure 'Days: .365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL ~ Annual Amount GAL 55 I 30.00__ 110.00 Storage I Press T Temp Location D~UM/BARREL-METALLIC I~mbient/AmbientlNEAR SHOPS -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% IKerosene .., [ModerateI 08/18/92 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 3 00'- Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~ <1> Agency NOtification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacua{ion AN "OXY PLAZA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES" MANUAL HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS LOCATION AND INCLUDES EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES AND EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation OFFICE BUILDING ONLy, CHEMICAL SPILLS COULD NOT GO BEYOND PROPERTY LINE <4>~Emergency Medical Plan AMBULANCE, POLICE AND FIRE DEPT - 911 -'·MERCY HOSPITAL - 327-3371 (DAY) OR 328-5275 (24HR) / SAN JOAQUIN - 395-3000 (DAY) OR 372-5551 (24HR) DR. CHRISTIANSEN - 327-9617 DR. LARWOOD - 327-9534 08/18/92 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt ~,<1> Release Prevention FIRE PREVENTION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY STORING COMBUSTIBLE, CORROSIVE, FLAMMABLE OR TOXIC MATERIALS IN APPROVED AND LABELED CONTAINERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. FIRE SUPPRESSION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1) AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR THE ENTIRE BLDG. 2) ~A 750 GPM FIRE PUMP TO BOOST THE CITY WATER SUPPLY. 3)'HALON 1301 TOTAL FLOODING SYSTEMS IN CRITICAL STORAGE AREAS, , ELECTRICAL ROOMS AND COMPUTER ROOMS. 4) PORTABLE MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL AND HALON 1211 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. <2> .Release Containment THIS IS ACCOMPLISHED BY PLACING THE CYLINDERS~OR DRUMS IN A SECONDARY CONTAINMENT DEVICE. THIS DEVICE IN VOLUME IS THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL. <3> Clean Up ~ CLEAN UP WOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED BY DILUTION WITH WATER, THEN FLUID MAY BE VACUUMED OR SUCTIONED UP AND DisPOSED OF PROPERLY. <4> Other Resource Activation 08/18/92 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 5 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - ON FRONT SIDE OF THE PUMP HOUSE AT THE CENTRAL NORTH-END OF THE PARKING LOT B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE PUMP~HOUSE AT THE CENTRAL, NORTH-END OF THE PARKING LOT C) WATER - IN THE GRASS AREA, AT EAST-END OF THE BUILDING NEAR DISCOVERY DR D) 'sPECIAL- TWO ELECTRICAL SHUT-OFFS. ONE IN THE PUMP HOUSE AND ONE IN THE MAIN PANEL ROOM LOCATED OFF THE LOBBY, EAST-END INSIDE THE BUILDING E) LOCK BOX - IN THE MAIN PANEL ROOM LOCATED~OFF THE LOBBY EAST-END. <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - THE BUILDING IS PROTECTED BY AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS INCLUDING IONIZATION TYPE SMOKE DETECTORS, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND HALON 1301 SYSTEMS. IN ADDITION, SAFETY DEPT, SECUTY AND OFFICE SERVICES PERSONNEL HAVE BEEN TRAIN IN THE PROPER USE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR INCIPIENT STAGE FIRE FIGHTING. FIRE HYDRANT~- A RISER IS LOCATED IN EACH OF THE STAIRWELLS WITH CONNECTION POINTS FOR HOSE LINES. <4> Building Occupancy Level B-2 08/18/92 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 6~ '00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 5'00 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF suMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES WHO HANDLE CHEMICAL HAVE BEEN TRAINED PER OSHA ·HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS <2> Page 2 as ·needed <3>· Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Date Completed Business Name: ()C.L;~crtr_.,,.~ ~_,q"Cec',,.l~x-JL,'(2cr_~ ~_.y.C~oro-h'd;),") · I Location: t';~;Z3 "-D;srj)~rt~ o' 0 Business Identification No. 215-000 [~'~\ (Top of Business Plan) Station No. '~ //)'~,T" Shift Inspector Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials ~ Verification of Quantities /~ Verification of Location ]~ Proper Segregation of Material ~;~ Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity~ Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training ~ Comments: ~_J~, nCC CA~_rL ]~;ne~_, (t~% Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures ~ Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted --~ ~] ' Containers Properly Labeled~ Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram ~ 1='9 Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Correction Needed Business O{v~r/Mana-ger FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy 12/17/91 0IEPC 215-000-001151 Page 1 ~rall Site with 1 Fac. General Information ~' ILocation: 1200 DISCOVERY WY Map: 102 Hazard: High Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 Grid: 34B F/U: 1AOV-: 0.0 Contact Name, Title_ Business Phone~, 24-Hour Phone- lED RICE MAINTENANCE SUPER (805) 321-65'03 x 1(805) 834-905f IRON BRYSON BUILD & O.S. MGR. (805) 321-6353 x '(805) 399-7811 '"Administrative Data Mail Addrs': P O BOX 12021 D&B Number: 07-963-2485 Cit~: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 9~389- Comm Code: 215-011 BAKERSFIELD STATION ll SIC Code: 1311 Owner: OIEPC Phone: (865) 321-6000 Address: 1200 DISCOVERY WY State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93309- Summary ~b ~ , .. .reviewed the a~ac~d ~ardous malerials menl plan for~nd Jh~J i~ ,. ~n~ ~rre~ions conslituts a complsJe and corr~ ,~eni '. :.~.~ ' .~.'~.~ 12/17./9'1 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-001 ~NHYDROUS AMMONIA Gas '3375 .Extreme Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth y FT3 CASS: 7664-4!-~Trade Se~ ' .~ Form: Gas' ' Type:~Pure /Days: 365 Use:- OTHER' /' ~\V--~ Daily Max'FT~' ~Daily Average FT3 ~ Annual Amount FT3 $~w~~_ ~ Storag~/ , Pr~s__ T Temp , ' ' Location ~ --- - -- COnc~. _~ ' . ~Components t ~ MCP . }List 1~,.~ ~Ammonia (EPA) ~- ~ ~,~,J [~/1~/~ ~me ~EPA 0g-003 DIESEB ~iquid 100 ~o~ Fire,~ Immed Hl~h~ Dela7 Hl~h ~AL CAS ~: ~847~-34-~ Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure DaTs: 3~5 Use: FUEB Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 100 . ~ 50.00 100.00 Storage I Press T Temp ~ Location ABOVE GROUND TANK [Ambient]Ambient]FIRE PUMP BLDG -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% ~Diesel Fuel No.2 ~Low' 02-005 KEROSENE Liquid 55 .Low Fire,,Delay Hlth GAL CAS .i: 8008-20-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid' Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily~Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 55 ~ ' ' 30.00 110.00 + Storage ~ Press I Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC lAmbientlAmbient~NEAR SHOPS -- Con0 C~mponents 12/17/91 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page' 3 - Fixed Containers on Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 02-002 HALON 1301'- MONOBROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE Gas 1430 Minimal Pressure, Immed Hlth LBS CAS #: 75-63-8 Trade Sec'ret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max LBS~ Daily~Average LBS T Annual Amount LBS 1,430 I 1,430.00! 1,500.00 PORT. ~PRESS. CYLINDER AmbientlAmbient 1ST 4TH & 6TH FLOORS -- Conc . Components MCP ----[List 100.0% IBromotrifluoromethane IMinimal [ 12/1'7/91 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./EVacuation/Medical Agency Notification CALL'911. '<2> Employee Notif./Evacuation AN "oxy PLAZA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES" MANUAL HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS LOCATION AND INCLUDES EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES AND EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS. <3> Public No.tif./Evacuation OFFICE BUILDING ONLY, CHEMICAL SPILLS COULD NOT GO BEYOND PROPERTY LINE <4~ Emergency Medical Plan' AMBULANCE, POLICE AND FIRE DEPT - 911 MERCY HOSPITAL - 327-3371 (DAY) OR 328-5275 (24HR) SAN JOAQUIN - 395-3000 (DAY). OR 372-5551 (24HR). DR. CHRISTIANSEN - 327-9617 "~ DR. LARWOOD - 327-953'4~ 12/17/91 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 5 00 - "Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt" <1>' Release Prevention FIRE PREVENTION IS~ACCOMPLiSHED BY STORING COMBUSTIBLE, CORROSIVE, FLAMMABLE OR TOXIC .MATERIALS IN APPROVED AND LABELED CONTAINERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. FIRE SUPPRESSION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1') AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR THE ENTIRE BLDG. 2) A.750 GPM FIRE PUMP TO BOOST THE CITY WATER sUPPLY. 3) HALON 1301 TOTAL FLOODING SYSTEMS IN CRITICAL STORAGE AREAS, E~ECTRICAL ROOMS AND COMPUTER ROOMS. 4) PORTABLE MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL AND HALON 1211 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. <2> Release COntainment THIS IS AccOMPLISHED BY PLACING THE CYLINDERS OR DRUMS IN A SECONDARY CONTAINMENT DEVICE. THIS DEVICE IN VOLUME IS THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL. <3> Clean Up . CLEAN UP WOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED BY DILUTION WITH WATER, THEN FLUID MAY BE VACUUMED OR SUCTIONED UP AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. <4> Other Resource Activation 12/17/9I OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page '6 ' 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - ON' FRONT' SIDE OF THE PUMP HOUSE AT THE CENTRAL NORTH-END OF THE PARKING LOT B) ELECTRICAL - INSIDE THE PUMP HOUSE AT THE CENTRAL, NORTH-END OF THE PARKING LOT C) WATER~- IN THE GRASS AREA, AT EAST-END OF THE BUILDING NEAR DISCOVERY DR D) SPECIAL - TWO ELECTRICAL SHUT-OFFS. ONE IN THE PUMP HOUSE AND ONE IN THE MAIN PANEL ROOM LOCATED OFF THE LOBBY, EAST-END INSIDE THE BUILDING E) LOCK BOX - IN THE MAIN PANEL ROOM LOCATED OFF THE LOBBY EAST-END. <5> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION -. THE BUILDING IS PROTECTED BY AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS INCLUDING IONIZATION TYPE SMOKE DETECTORS, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND HALON 1301'SYSTEMS. IN ADDITION, SAFETY DEPT, SECUTY AND OFFICE SERVICES PERSONNEL HAVE BEEN TRAIN IN THE PROPER USE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR. INCIPIENT STAGE FIRE FIGHTING. FIRE HYDRANT - A RISER IS LOCATED IN EACH OF THE STAIRWELLS WITH CONNECTION POINTS FOR HOSE LINES. <4> Building Occupancy Level B-2 12/17/91 OIEPC 215-000'001151 Pag,e 7 ~00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 NE HAVE 500 EMPLOYEES 'AT'THIS FACILITY NE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES WHO HANDLE CHEMICAL HAVE BEEN TRAINED PER OSHA HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use ', 02/08/91 OIEPC 215-000-001151 'RECEIVED, Page 1 Overall Site with 1 FaC. Unit FEB 1 9" 1991 General Irff'orrnat ion ARS'~..'. ......,,,, ~Location: 1200 DISCOVERY WY .. Map:. 102 Hazard: Low J Ident Number: 215-000-001151 'Grid: 34B Area of Vul: 0.0' i Contact Narne Title 'Business Phone ~ 24 Hc, ur Phone- Administrative Data Mail Addrs: P 0 BOX 12021 D&B Number: 07-963-2485 ~ City: BAKERSFIELD State:. CA Zip: 93389- ~ Corem Code: 215-011 BAKERSFIELD STATION 11 SIC Code: 1311 ~ Owner: OIEPC Phone:~ (805) ~321=6000 ~ Address: 1200 DIscOvERY WY State:~ CA ~C'it~: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93309- Summary reviewed ~.h, ~t~achod t~,~. ....... :...,..~:: materials manage, merit plan for~:~= ............ ~J~d thst it along with any corrections,, i~;~;- - ~G' I~~ . co,,st ...... e.,, ~. ,.p ~,e and ~rre~ man- agement plan for my facility. 02/08/91 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 2 Hazrnat Inverstory List irs MCP Ordep )~ - Fixed Containers or, Site Plr~-Ref Na~e/Haz ards Fop~ Quar~t itY MCP 02-001 ANHYDROUS AMMONIA Gas S, 3~5 · Extre~e Fipe, Pressupe~ Immed Hlth FT3 02-006 GASOLINE Liquid 9,9~0 ~ ~ Moderate Fire, Ir~r~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth 02-004 ANTIFREEZE ~Liquid ~ . Low Fire, Delay Hlth~~~~~__ _ ~/j~/~/. GAL 02-003 D I ESEL L i q u i d 100 Low Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL r-' - ~ 55 [ ~-00~ KEROSENE Liquid 'Low Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 HALON 1301 - MONOBROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE Gas 1,430 Ux~rated Pressure, Ir~med Hlth 02/08/91 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 3 O0 - Overall Site <D> ~ Not i f. /Evac~lat ion/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Efnployee Notif. /Evacuatic, n. AN "OXY pLAzA EMERGENCY PROCEDURES" MANUAL HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS LOCATION AND INCLUDES EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES AND EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS. <3> Public Notif. /Evacuation OFFICE BUILDING ONLY, CHEMICAL SPILLS COULD NOT GO BEYOND PROPERTY LINE <4> Emergency Medical Plan AMBULANCE, POLICE AND FIRE DEPT - 911 MERCY HOSPITAL - 327-3371 (DAY) OR 328-5275 (24HR) SAN JOAQUIN - 395-3000 (DAY) OR 372-5551 (24HR) DR. CHRISTIANSEN - 327-9617 DR. LARWOOD - 327-9534 02/08/91 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 4 00 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat ion/Preverst/Abater~t~ <1> Release Preverstior~ FIRE PREVENTION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY STORING COMBUSTIBLE, CORROSIVE, FLAMMABLE OR TOXIC MATERIALS ~IN APPROVED AND LABELED CONTAINERS IN ACCORDANCE WI-TH LOCAL,~'STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. FIRE SUPPRESSION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1) AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR ~THE ENTIRE BLDG.' 2) A 750 GPM FIRE PUMP TO BOOST THE CITY WATER SUPPLY. 3) HALON 1301 TOTAL FLOODING SYSTEMS IN CRITICAL STORAGE AREAS, ELECTRICAL ROOMS AND COMPUTER ROOMS. 4) PORTABLE MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL ~AND HALON 1211 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. <2> Release Cor~tai~er~t <3> Clear~ Up <4> Other Resource Activation 02/08/91 OIEPC P- 15-000-001151 Page 5 00 - Overall Site ~(F) Site Erllerger~cy Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - ????? ~/~ B) ELEC'[RICAL -~ ??? C) WATER- ???? ~]~ D) SPECIAL - ????? )~ E) LOCK BOX - ??? ~ <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. ·Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - THE BUILDING IS PROTECTED BY AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS INCLUDING IONIZATION TYPE SMOKE DETECTORS, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND HALON 1301 SYSTEMS. IN ADDITION, SAFETY DEPT,, SECUTY AND OFFICE sERvIcEs PERSONNEL HAVE BEEN TRAIN IN ]'HE PROPER USE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR INCIPIENT STAGE FIRE FIGHTING. FIRE HYDRANT - A RISER IS LOCATED IN EACH OF THE STAIRWELLS WITH CON~ECTION POINTS FOR HOSE LINES. <4> Held for Future use (])2/£)8/91 OIEPC 215-000-001151 Page 6 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1>' Page 1 WE HAVE 400 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACI'LITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: EMPLOYEES WHO HANDLE CHEMICAL HAVE BEEN TRAINED PER OSHA HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use RECEIVED :~0:~7081~ l : OIEPC :~15-000-00115l PaGe , .:' OD - Dye. all Site MAR 2 0 19.91 (E) Mit igation/Pt"event/Abatemt Atl$'d, ........... {1} Release P~evention FIRE PREVENTION IS ACCOMPLISHED'BY STORING COMBUSTIBLE, CORROSIVE, FLAMMABLE OR TOXIC MATERIALS IN APPROVED AN~'LABEEED-CONTAINERS ~N ......... ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. FIRE SUPPRESSION IS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE FOLLOWING: 1) AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR THE ENTIRE BLDG. R> A 750 GPM FIRE PUMP TO BOOST THE CITY WATER SUPPLY. ~) HALON 1301 TOTAL FLOODING SYSTEMS IN CRITICAL STORAGE AREAS, ELECTRICAL ROOMS AND COMPUTER ROOMS. 4) PORTABLE MULTIPURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL AND HALON 1Ell FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. Release Containment This is accomplished by placing the cylinders or drums in a secondary containment device. This device in volume is the same as the original. Clean Up Clean-up would be accomplished by dilution with water, then fluid may be vacuumed or suctioned up and disposed of properly. (4> Other Resoupce Activation 02/08/91 OIEPC ~o 15-000-001151 Page ~ O0 - Overall ~Site o~ ~ <F> Site Er~ergency. Factors <1>Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - ????? B) ELECTRICAL - ??? C) WATER - ???? D) SPECIAL - ???7? SEE ATTACHED EXPLANATIONS E) LOCK BOX - ??? <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water ~PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - THE BUILDING IS PROTECTED BY AUTOMATIO FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS iNCLUDING IONIZATION TYPE. SMOKE DETECTORS, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS AND HALON 1301 SYSTEMS. IN ADDITION, SAFETY DEPT, SECUTY AND OFFICE SERVICES PERSONNEL HAVE BEEN TRAIN IN THE PROPER USE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR INCIPIENT STAGE FIRE FIGHTING. FIRE HYDRANT - A RISER~ IS LOCATED IN EACH OF THE STAIRWELLS WITH CONNECTION POINTS FOR HOSE LINES. <4> Held for Future use OIEPC 215-000-001151 02/08/91 Page 5(a) (F) Site Emergency Factors (2) Utility Shut-Offs (A) Gas - Located on the front side of the Pump House at the central, north-end of the parking lot. (B) Electrical -Located inside the Pump House at the central, north-end of the parking lot. (C) Water - Located in the grass area, at east-end of the building near Discovery Drive. (D) Special - Note: Two electrical shut-offs. One in the Pump House and one in the main Panel Room located off the Lobby, east-end inside the building. (E) Lock Box - Located in the main Panel Room located off the Lobby, east- end. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT pLAN INVENTORY INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL INFORMATION: Important: If you require more inventory 'forms than the one provided, you should make photocopies of' the forms prior to entering any information on them. The additional copies must be on the same color paper as the original. Information must be typed/printed in English. Make a copy for your records. Complete business name and address information. If they have been required, the number of separate facilit~ units will be determined by the Bakersfield City Fire Department. Give each facility unit a common name, and a one or two digit number. NOTE: An 'inventory form must be made for each separate facility unit. The top of the form must be completed for each facility - s h o w i n g Business name and location as well as owner name and mailing address. Also include "SIC" standard Industrial Classification Code and if available Dun and Bradstreet Number. Non-Trade Secrets (White Form). Non-Trade Secret Materials in one facility unit. Trade Secrets (Yellow Form). Trade Secret Materials in one facility unit. 1. TRANSACTION CODE: Is this inventory sheet new, an addition, deletion or update to your hazardous materials business plan. - A '= Addition D = Deletion .. U = Update N = New 2. TYPE/CODE: For the purpose of this entry,' there are three types of hazardous materials: P = Pure M = Mixtures of pure substances W = Wastes. (Also add appropriate waste code) 3. MAXIMUM AMOUNT: This should represent the maximum number of units of this material present at any one time. (Refer to the "UNIT"' section of these instructions) 4. AVERAGE AMOUNT: This should represent the average amount, usually on hand at any one time. HAZARD S MATERIALS 5{ANAG T PLAN. .... 'RY iNS RU " S " " ' INVENTO .CTION 5. ANNUAL AMOUNT: :. " ! ' " .. This should repreSent'thea'nticipated ann'uKi"(thru"~U~'), number 'of units of the material. '- 6. MEAsuRE uNITS:. ". '- ~ ," LBs = poUnds,' for materials stored as solids -- GAL =Gallons,'. for materials!Stored as:liquids ~", -FT3 = Cubic Feet. at S T.P:., for materials'stored as,gases CUR = Curies, for, radiOac'tive materials'.' . 7. DAYS ON SITE: ~ .. .,. 1, . .. : .: DaYs anticipated that?'~his, material .will,--be' at this site, -for the calendar year reporting. : ~' -: 8. CONTAIN]~R TYPE: (Use appropriate code) ~ 01. Underground Tank 09,.Glass. Container(s) 02 Above.ground Tank 10 Plastic' Container(s) '03. Fixed Pressurized Tank 11-. Box(es) 04. Portable Pressurized Cylinders 12. Bag(s) .. 05. Insulated Tank (includes 13..Metal Containers (not cryogenics) '' drums) .' 06. Drums or Barrels - Metallic 14. In Machinery or processing · . ,'equipment. - · "~i' 07. Drums or Barrels - Non-Metallic ~ 15. Bin(s) .. 08. Corboyls) '99. Other -.specify 9. CONTAINER PRESSURE~(Use appropriate code) 1.= Ambient Pressure (1-Atmosphere) ' 2 =, Greater-than-Ambient Pressure ~ 3 = Less than Ambient Pressure ~. ' . 10. CONTAINER TEMPEHATUHE (Use appropriate code) 4 = Ambient Temperature 5 = Greater than Ambient .Temperature 6 = Less than Ambient Temperature 7 = Cryogenic Conditions . 11. USE CODES: (Use appropriate code) 01. Additive 11. Drilling 02. Adhesive 12. Drying 03. Aerosol 13.' Emulsif£er/DemUlsifier 04. Anesthetic ~ 14...Etching' 05. Bactericide 15. Experimental 06. Blasting ~ 16. Fabrication. 07. Catalyst ,.17. Fertilizer 08. Cleaning 18. Formulation 09. Coolant 19. Fuel 10. Cooling 20. Fungicide 11. USE CODES: '(Continued) 21. Grinding 34. Sealer 22. Heating. 35. Spraying 23. Herbicide 36.' Sterilizer 24. Insecticide' ~ 37. Storage 25. .Instructional 38. Stripping -26. Lubricant 39. Washing 27. Medical Aid or Process 40. Waste 28. Neutralizer 41. Water Treatment 29. Painting 42. Welding Soldering 30. Pesticide 43. Well Injection 31. Plating 44. Oil. Treatment 32. Preservative 99. Other- Specify 33. Refining 12. LOCATION WHERE STORED IN THIS FACILITY Briefly indicate the location of the material within the building/facility unit using compass points and obvious landmarks. 13. PERCENT BY WEIGHT Indicate the concentration of each pure substance as a percentage of total weight. In the case of mixtures and. wastes enter the maximum expected concentration of the three most Hazardous Components. Round off %. 14. NAMES OF MIXTURE/COMPONENTS EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Enter the name, title and phone numbers of two persons who are knowledgeable about this facility. PLEASE BE CERTAIN THAT FORMS ARE PROPERLY SIGNED AND DATED AT THE BOTTOM HA~4~,DOUS I~'I~RIAI,S INVENTORY ~ Fa~ and Agriculture ~ Standard Business ~ Page--of-- ~N - ~E SEC~T BUSINESS N~= O~ER N~= ~ N~ OF THIS"FACILITY: LOCATION: ~D~SS: ~. ST~D~ IND.. CLASS CODE: 'CITY, ZIP: CITY, ZIP: PHONE ~: PHONE ~.~: ~ _ _ - _ _ _ - ' ~R ~ I~U~IONS ~R P~PER ~ES :" i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tr~e ~e ~x Average ~nual ~asure ~ Days Cunt Cunt Cunt Use Location ~ere % ~ N~s of M~ture/C~nents Code C~e ~t ~t '~t Units on Site ~ Press Te~-. code Stored ~n Facility ~ See Instructions Physical and H~lth Hazard c.A.s. Nu~er Co~onent ~ 1 N~ ' (Ch~ck all that apply) Co~onent ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er of Pressure H~lth H~lth . ~ j Co~onent 9 3 N~ & C.A.S. N~er P~ys[cai a.d H~lth Hazard C.A.S. N~er Co~onent 9 i N~ :& C.A.S. N~er (Check all that apply) Co~onent ~ 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ F,re Hazed ~ Sudden ~lease ~'"R~ctiv*ty ~ i~[ate ~ Delay~ .... of Pressure Health H~lth Co~onent 9 3 N~ & C.A.S. Nu~er Physical and H~lth Hazard C.A.S.' N~er Component ~ I Na~ & .. (Check all that apply) Co~onent 9 2 N~ & C.A.S. N~er m~ Fire Haz=d ~ Sudden Release ~ R.ctiv*ty ~ I~*ate ~ Oelay~ of Pressure Health H~lth Component 9 3 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu~er Physical and H~lth Hazard C.A.S. N~er Componen~ ~ I N~ & C.A.S. N~er '. (Check all that apply) Co~onent 9 2 Na~ & C.A.S. N~er ~ F,re Haz=d ~ Sudden Release ~ R.Ct*V*ty ~ I~iate ~ De!ay~ of Pressure Health H~lth Co~onent 9 3 N~ & C.A.8. Nu~er E~RGENCY CONTACTS %1 Na~ T~tle 24 ~. Phone N~e · Title 24 Hr Phone Certification (~ ~D SIGN AFTER COMPLETING ~L SECTIONS) I certify ~der p~nlty of law tha~ I hayer ~rsonall~ ~in~ and ~ f~il[~ w~th the ~nfo~t~on su~itted in ~s ~d all attached d~ents ~d that ~sed on ~ ~n~ of ~ose ~ndividuals res~nsible .for obta~ning the ~nfo~t~on. I believe that the su~itted info~ation ~s %~e, acc~ate, and c~plete. March 6~ 1990 TOt Nin.a Mayer~ Accounts Receivable ' FROM~ Ralph E~,~ Huey~.Ha~ardous Materials CoordinatOr SUBJEcT~ Oxy USA~ !nc- ¢oiEPc) ~. Nina~ account # 455B01 needs to have the name changed to OI£PC and the m~iling address changed to P,O~ Box 12021~ BakerSfie~d~ Ca. 93389 with a site' address of.1200 DisCovery Way~. Bakersfield~ Ca, 93309, Please~make this change and generate a new invoice, Thanks DXY' OXY USA INC. ~ ~ 1200 DiscoveryWay Box 12011, Bakersfield, CA 93389-2011 February 28, 1990 RECEIVED MAR 2 1990 Mr. Ralph Huey .. '~Hazardous.Materials~Coordinator Bakersfield City Fire. Department 102 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA~93301 ubjec~: ~~~~r~i~fM~alsBus'inessPlans Dear Mr. Huey: This is to inform you ~of a change in emergency 'contacts ~as provided on Form 2A. Please modify your records as follows: EMPLOYEES~TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: :~'~' ' " Office Home A. Tom Blacklock-Production Supt. 805-321-6074 805-871-9205 B. Ron Webb Operations Mgr. 805-321-6055 805-831-4468 There are no changes to the Hazardous Materials inventory. If you' have~.questions Or require additional information, pleaSe call Susan Uhalt (805) 321-6068 at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, C. W. Brown Lead Production Engineer, Western' Region Operations Attachments An OccidentaliOil~and Gas c6mpany ~ .. DXY OXY USA INC. 1200'Discovery Way  Box 12011, Bakersfield, CA 93389-2011 February 27, 1989 RECEIVED 0 2 1989. Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield City Fire Department HAZ. MA~ Di~ Hazardous Materials Control Unit 2130 "G"'Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: Hazardous Materials Business Plans AB 2185/87 (SARA III) Dear Mr. Huey: In keeping with Sections 311 and 312 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA III), Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 370 and California AB 2185, 2187 and 2189, we are providing additional information to assure proper state and federal reporting' of chemicals that have been present on our leases or drill sites during 1988 or are expected to be present in 1989. A large percentage of the hazardous chemicals present at this facility are brought onto the site by service companies. These hazardous chemicals are usually present for a short period of time (a few days to a month). Duplicate reporting will likely occur for these hazardous chemicals since it is expected that the service company will include these chemicals on their business plan inventory reports for their storage base facilities. These chemicals are in addition_~_q~__~ ~,~,,=l~, l~ our permanent facilit~~~~a~n~d~dditions ~or permanent~  ili~y--i~-c.L~zles wli± bu handled under a separate cover. The chemicals reported here are those exceeding either the 10,000 pound reporting requirements or those which have exceeded the / ~, federal threshold planning quantities. Should your local administrative area have more stringent requirements, please provide us with this information. The format used for reporting these chemicals is by.use of a generic hazardous chemical category list and inventory ~for the oil and gas exploration and production industry as developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API). Should your local administrative area have forms which differ from this format, please provide us with these forms, compliance dates for completing the forms and any additional fees associated with filing these ,An'Occidental Oil and Gas company ''1 Page two Business Plans/SARA III It is our understanding, per California AB 2189, that this notification to your agency will also suffice for notifying Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) as well as the California office of Emergency Services (OES). Should you have questions or comments regarding any of the enclosed data, please call me at (805) 321-6031. Sincerely, JLM/j lm cc: C. W. Brown 2185/87 Business Plan Manual Tier Two ~ Kern B~uff ... 0×~ USA ~n¢. ,,__ ~ 80S~ 321-6000 I'IdEIM~NCY ~~ P. O. Box 12011 P.O. Box 12011, Bakersfield CA 3 8 -2011 AND ~ Bakersfield HAZA~ 2011 ~~' ~ Tom Blacklock ~ Produ~'tion S~erintendent ~ FO~ ~ John McComas ~ Lead Safet~ Engineer ~~ ~t~ Storage Code8 and L~atl~l M ' ~mMe EXHIBIT A GENERIC LIST OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL CATEGORIES Generic List of Hazardous Chemical Categories For the 011 and Gas.Exploration and Production Industry H~',ardoUs'chemlcal Category Physical-and Health Hazards IWith F. xemDles of Reoresentative Chemicalsl Palm and Paint Thinner Fire, Delayed (Chronic) PiPe Joint Compound Delayed (Chronic) Pre~ewatlve~ Immediate (Acute), Delayed (Chronic) Dithlocarbamates Isothiazlons ' ' .'. Paraformaldehyde (CASa3052S.89-4) Produced Hydrocarbona Fire; Sudden Release of Pressure, Immediate Condensate (Acute), Delayed (Chronic) Crude oli (CAS#8002-05.9) Proppams Immediate (Acute) Bauxite (CAS~1318-16-7) Resin coated sand Zirconium proppant Resin and Resin Solutiona Rte, Irrmediate (Acute) Melamine resins Phenolic resins Polyglycol rosins Salt Solutions Immediate (Acute) Aluminum chloride (CAS~7446-70-0) Ammonium chloride (CAS#12125-02.9) Calcium bromide (CAS~71626-99-8) Calcium chloride (CAS#10035-04-8) Calcium sulfate (CAS#778-18-9) Ferrous sulfate (CAS#~82~) Potassium chloride (CAS#7447-40.7) Sodium chloride (CAS#7647-14-5) Sodium sulfate (CAS~7757.82-6) Z~C bromUe (CAS,7~.8) Zinc chloride (CASa7646.85.7) Z~c sulfate Scale Inhlbltofl :Rre, Immediate (Acute), Delayed (Chronic) Ethylenedlaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (CAS~0.80-4) Inoq]anic ~es Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) (CAS~139-13-9) Organic phosphates Phosphonates Polyac, rylate Polyphosphates EXHIBIT B GENERIC TIER TWO INVENTORY OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL CATEGORIES OIL AND OAS EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION INDUSTRY Page _L'ol 11 GENERIC TIER TWO INVENTORY OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL CATEGORIES THE GENERIC TIER TNO INVENTORY OF HAZARDOUS CHEHICAL CATEGORIES MAY BE USED IN COI~LYIHG IllTH SARA TITLE !!1 SECTION 312. THE'GENERIC REPORT '~. IS COMPREHENSIVE AND LISTS THE CATEGORIES OF HIbT. ARDOUS CHENICALS RATHER THAff TRADE NAMES AND SPECIFIC CHEMICAL NAMES. ' c, sl'l I I I '1 I FT-I~ .L~I~ ,... ,'RODUC,,ON. Chem. Nome._ pRODUCED ~DR~RBONS ~ ~ PRODUCTION PRODUCIlOH 0 c~ N~ PROPP~TS d ~ WORKO~R/COaPLETIOH ~ cAs'l,I I I I I ICI-qB g~.,I-'l--ne WORKOVER/COIaPL£11OH Chem. Name RESIN AND RESIN SOLUTIONS ~ Itmqme W0'RKOVER/CONPLETION WORKOVE LETION CAsl I I I I I I Eno ~..~0 '- A[~J_LL~ WORKOVER/coUPLrTION'DRILLtNO'pRooUcTIOI~ (:hem. Nome_ ~T S~UTeN~ ~ ~ ~ WORKO~R/:OaPLETIOH, DRILLIHO ~ WORKO~ R/COMPLETION. DRILLINO ~ · ~ (~) DRILLINO. WORKO~COMPLETION 'c~ N~ StAll I~!B!T~S H~ PRODUCT~OH. ~RKOVeR/COUPLettOH 11-88 REPORTING CODES GENERIC TIER TWO INVENTORY OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL CATEGORIES FOR THE OIL & GAS EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION INDUSTRY Volume Range Codes Weight Range in Pounds Barrel EqUivalent Range* Code From... To... From... To... 00 0 99 0 1 01 100 999 i 2 02 1,000 9,999 2 20 03 10,000. 99,999 20 200 04 100,000 999,999 200 2,000 . 05 1,000,000 9,999,999 2,000 20,000 06 .10,000,000 49,999,999 20,000 100,000 ' 07 50,000,000 99,999,999 100,000 200,000 08 100,000,000 499,999,999 200,000 1,000,000 09 500,000,000 999,999,999 1,'000,000 2,000,000 10 1 billion higher than 1 billion 2,000,000 higher than 2,000,000 * One barrel is assumed to Weigh 500 pounds. .Storage .Type"Codes Iii. Temperature and Pressure conditionCodes Code Types of StOrage . ~ Code Storage conditions A Above ground tank Pressure B Below. ground tank 1 ~Ambient'pressure C Tank inside building 2 Greater than ambient pressure ~D Steel drum 3 ~Less than ambient pressure E Plastic or*'non-metallic drum TemPerature'~ *." .' ' F Can '- 4 , Ambient temperature G .Carboy 5 Greater than ambient H .Silo.' ~. temperature I Fiber drum · 6 Less than ambient J Bag temperature but not K Box cryogenic L Cyltnder~ 7 Cryogenic conditions M Glass bottles or Jugs N Plastic bottles or Jugs O Tote bin P Tankwagon Q Ratl~car R Other "."'~'~ ~' +'~ CITY o./' B:IK£R$?I£LD , ~,,u-,~,,.':'..,~ '" '~"~ -" ~"' ~ ~,~ ~", ~ ~~ "~ ;~ ' "I VE C:t R E"' ,,,, ~_. .~ .~ ~ ~{. ~ ,,'~ '',,';~,,...~ ',o-"."....~_.. :_,.. '~,' ~.... y ' " 'RECEIVED Do. he:eh3~ ce:t~ _~ that [ h~ve :eviewed the JANOg A,,'d ....... ~ .... ' ,, ~e o~-bus~ess~ or corrections constitute a complete and correct Business Plan for .my facility. d.a.t., e 'L'OCATION ~ZO(~ .~'~,~VERY ~' O~-.'. HIl~HAZARD RATING ~ 1, OUERVIEg ., ~, . L~ST .CHANGE eS/1~/B8 By ESTER JURIS CODE Zi~-~il 3~RIS' B~K~RSFIELD STATION ~1 MAP PAGE. 10Z .GRID 348 '" F'ACT'E'~"C~TS-T HRzRRO RATING Z :' '- RESPONSE SUMMRRY · , 2~ SEC: 4)R 24HR SECURITY TERM:iS'ON HRND, THESE PERSONNEl. HRVE BEEN TRRINEO '" IN EME~ENCy REsPONSE"~ND INC~P~¢ENT sTRGE FIRE FIGHTING. RI_SO, . "" ' OFF~'CE SERVICES,-7~HRC~'~E:R='"~Y'STEM'"'PROV~DES BRCKUP FOR ~FTER Ho[jR5. "' FoR EMERGENCY EURCURTION~ RLL PERSONNEL. HILL RSSEMBLE'IN THE LoT. R L~ST 0¢' MISSING PERSONS HILL BE GI9EN TO THE FIRE DEPT. ' EMERGENCY CONTR~TS 2F~ SEC 2) .... RONNIE ~y. SO'N - ~ZI-GD53 OR ~99-781I . . .3ERN C~UGHEL.L- .~21-Bt.BV.0R 8~.4-B559 .. UTILITY sHU~OFFS Z~ sec 25') .. 2. NOTIFICFtTION / PUBLIC EVACU~iTION :~ . ' 'LAST. CHANGE / / BY " <.No INFORM~TION'~CORDED FOR'THIS SECTION > ' . PAGE 1 - ....... 12119/88 -,~... MATERI~[ SAFETY DATA""SYSTEMS',"iNc -(~'05')' BA8:'B800 ', 2- . '" C~' ' :'. .' .-.._ "- ~: . ,. ,-i/¥.~'-.:.j-. ,,, .'. O-.:' . :' .. . .... '" .... '"' ' ' · - < ' ' '-SUS~NESS'-NRHE OXY USPIIIC/ ~"lJ'(~2 !O NUi'Ij Z15~'000-001151: ' '. .'. 'i:'... LOCR'i'ION' : I.Z.~ DIS'"RDDVERY.glY ITtlL~F~HFtZPIRD RFITING Z - :'-" 3.:,.;HRZ MRT 'r~aiNZNS sUMHaR¥ : ,- .C:: L.. . '' LRST cH/~NGE / / BY ' ' '; :: < 'NO" I NFORMffFI'ON'I~ECORDED' FOR "THI'S "SECTI ON '> · - - , 4.-LOCRL.. EMERGENCY MEDICRL RSSISTHNCE " · LRST EHRNGE 08/1ZI88 BY ESTER zR SEC.'S) RMBULRNCE, POLICE RND FIRE DEPT - 91t ..... .-'_, MERCY_.HOfip~TAL- - 3Z?z33?f'' (O~Y'Y OR 3ZS-SZT. S (Z4HR) DR~ CHRISTIRNSEN- 327-9617 DR. L~R~OOD - 3~'7-9534 PRGE Z 1Zt19/88 15:Z8 MR'¥ERIRL SRFETY DRTRiSYSTEMS., INc. i.~'~' :'~ BUSZNESS NAME OXY US ~'~"' LO~TION' ' 12~ Di~O~ERY WY F'aCIL'II'Y UNIT 0t. , ' a. ovERaLL H~Z~RDOUS MR~ERi~Ls ~ENTORY --. " ' ; ........... . : E~T""CHBNGE 08/1Z/88 B~ ESTER · ID 'TYPE NRHE .~ ~ -. M~X RHT UNIT HRZRRD ' LOC~TION ... .... " ...... CO~I'N~N'r .. USE ' ',. 1 PURE '."f~NHYDROUS ~HHO'NI'~ ...... ' '" "' 3~ FI"~ HODER~TE 4TH FLOOR'FOR ~FT~NG ........ K~')(ED':'PRESSJTRNK$' · 'OTHER . ~g : PERCENT CO~O~NTS ~' HaZaRD L~ST ,.2 PURE HRLON -130~ -' MONOBROMOTRI'FLUOROMETH~NE 1430 LBS . UNKNOYN I-' , .lST 4TH E 'GTH FLOORS ' PORTRBLE F~RESS. CYt.. OTHER '' ' ID -PERCENT COMPONEN~'S :. HRZRRD LIST' ': .... ." ~le?e.~ ~ee.e MONOBROMOTRIFLU~ROHETHRNE UNKNODN .; . ?' B, FIRE PROTECI'ION / YRI'ER S{~PLIES LR'ST""~RNGE eS/tZ/88 BY ESTER 3R SEC 4) THE BLDG tS PROTECTED BY RUTOHRTIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING ~YSI'EMS I NCLUDI'NG I ONI ZRTt O~ :T~-' SNO'KE' DETECTORS,` RUTOMR~ LERS aND HRLON 13el 'SYSTEMS. II~"~-f~SRFEI'Y DEP~SE~'~ND OFF~CE SE CES?ERSOUNE H. E 3a SEC 5) A RISER IS [OC'~TED IN EaCH OF THE ~RUELLS UII'H CON~LI~N-.~NTS FOR Hose LINES - ' . . -. PaGE 3 !Z/IB/BB i'5:Z8 MATERIAL S¢IFETY DBTB"S¥S'TEMS',' 'I'KIC-:"r80S) G48-G80~. ~ . ! 'L!~'i" LOC~TION 1200 Di~I~vERY WY ' .HIGI~HmZRR.D RmTiNG 2 - .,.-DJ EMPLOYEE'NoI'IFIC~TION /,EVRCURTION ' " 'L'mST~'CHRNGE'-08/lZ/88 BY ESTER' 3m".SEC 2) mN "OXY PLBzH'E~ERGENC¥'L~ROCEDURES"'M'fiNUHL'HMS' BEEN. PREPaRED FOR THIS LOCRTION. ~NO'~'~NCCODES"EMERGENCY EVRCUfiTION PROCEOURES RNO . EMEROENCY..TELEPHONE NUMBERS.: .......... : E. MITIGmTION / PREVENTION / ~/BmTEMENT , . LmS"I-'"'CH~NGE 08/12/88 BY ESTER '~ 3m SEC 1) FIRE' PREVENTION 'is mCCOMPLISHED BY STORING COMBUSTIBLE, CORROSIVE, FLRMMmBLE OR TOXIC MRTERImLS iN RPPROVED mND LmeELED CONTmINERS IN .- i ~CCOR[IRNCE WiTH LOCRL'; "$TRI'E 'BND' FEDERelL "REGUI_RTIONS. ' " .' · FIRE sUpPRESSION IS ~CCOMP[ISHED BY THE 'FoLLo/JING: 1) mN'-F~UTOMATIC.SPRiNKLER SYSTEM FOR THE ENTI~E.BLDG. . · ' Z)~ .B ?50 OPM FIRE pUMp TO BOOST THE CITY YmTER SUPPLY. ~) HmLON 1301 TJ]TmL'~'LOOD~1~G S~¢'S'TEMS IN CRITICmL STORmGE ~REF~S, ELEC1-RI CmL RO0~S -RND""COMPUTER"' ROO'MS"~ ' 4i PORTF~BL.E MULTIPURPOSE [)RY' CHEMICRL RND HRLON 1211 FIRE EXTI NGUI SHERS. · ·.' '.i PmGE 4 · ' 1'Z/19/88 15:28 ? ~ M~YERImL".S~FETY DRTF¥ -S'YSTE-MS. ' ]:NC. ' < 805) 64B-GBRYi) ' .:: :, ..'! ' :.- " ' OXY ' . I( ~'/' ~ OXY USA INC, - . ' ,. .. -' ~ 1200 Discovery Way · '.~, ~' .~. i2011, 8akersf.ield, CA 93389-2011 January 17'; 1989 Ralph E. Huey ' RECEIVED Hazardous.Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield Fire Department J~ g 1989 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~$'d ............ Gentlemen: Enclosed are the updated "Hazardous Materials Inventory" forms · requested by your department. . No additional changes have occurred at any. of our Bakersfield City locations as far as hazardous materials'usage is concerned.. However, minor employee office changes have occurred' in our Occidental Plaza location (see enclosed maps),.. HALON locations· have not changed. Should You have .comments regarding any portion of our business plans, pleaSe call me at 321-6031. Sincerely, Me~°~an~ineer R. R. Bryson I. J. Caughell T. M. Dominguez .- Safety Files: 11.11.08 Safety Manual: 2185/87 An' Occide'ntal Oi-1 "and-Gas company '"' of BAKERSFIELD · '":.' ' CITY ' NON--'TRADE SECRETS :- ,~:-.- ',~i'}0,}2~, '.. ~:~'?~.(' Occ.identa:l International :axplora- .. ": .p~.~n H~Mg :Occident~:l. PlaZa ~u~z~m~. ~mm t~on ~ ~roouctlon company um~m~ ~m: ucc~n¢nra~ ~ ~ ,~ ,n O~ ~ ~nn~ZS$:' ~.10 W. ,7th .Street ' . ~I~mD~RD I~D. C~RS CODg !311.. ~OCaIIOH: 1200 Discovery Drive c~.fY~z'iP:"Ba'kersfield. CA 93309 cI~. ziP: Tulsar OK ~6'IU~ O~ kND ~DS~Z~ ~UMg~ ~H.~U~g '~ (805) 321-6DOU m~omz ~: (918) 56'1'2211 :~:,Z - ~'~ 2 -'2 _4'~ ?/' ' ,,,:.~;/. ~ ~ ~~~ ~'~ ~ .. · "*Offices O~17 , ':O.I,,.P..:.J' ~7~ '1~8a J30,O00 IFT3I 365104I'~ool 7o!"99 JFourth 'Floor' (S~~ JOO'A~h~droUs Ammnni~' N'~ ~ "'' '~c"i ~ ~th ~z,~ C.A.S. ~ 7664-41-7 It et ~ & C.A.S. I ' ' - . . .... ~ ~', · ' . . ,.' :., . ,.. ~lth :it Prom kith >.~ ' ' ;. ' ' ..... - --r"~ .. . / -,, · - : ~t~ ~ & C.A.S. ~ : . .' ' uL~'.J ~430 ] ~° I ~00 .]~l ~6~ 104 I~o:l ~0 I 99 I~_~,.~,'~.~ ~,, ~. ~.~a~o~' ~ ....... P~?~lth~z~ .,C.A.S.~ 75-63-,8,./,' ' iIII. iIC.I,I.i ' Mono Bromotriglumeth'ane (HaLogen- " .lC~k.~ll t~t ~ml~} .... ' :'. ....... r:_ . . ' .'. ...... ' ' "' '~' " ~J [~] [Z] '. [~]" It~ ~C.i.~.~ ated) Methane *Fire EXting.'.Agen{' '2 SLIJ 100 ~ALI 36IoZ . .o~05 1 19 IFire Pump'~ui~ldinq 100 OSesel.' : '"' " . P~i~l',;~ Mlth ~z~ C.A.S. ~ 68~76'-34-6rIr'il k I C.A.S. i 'lC~k ill t~t..~ly) .... ~e':L ~o.r .F~Pe PU~ · . . .. ' ~ ~,J [Iq hzld ~ ~tlvtty -- With Of Pm~q With ' - ~ ~ .' '~ ' ~I ....... ~,-I' ~ ~ ' ~coi ~.MIth ~8~ C.A.S. ~ It It ~ & C.A.S. ~ ' ' ' IC~klll. t~t Ill) ' _ . . , ' .... ' -- r--~ CIt 12 'k I C.A.S. ~, ,,,~,~C,' I~ Ronnie B~son - SU~t~ildio~ & Office 321-6353 I,~an C~ell - Inf~ Man~r ~ ' '~.~.~.. ertIfic~i~ (Read ~"d l!~ after coipl~tln~ aI~ sectIo,m) ' "' iIrttfy'~e. ~lty of 1~ t~t ! ~ ,really ex~i~ ~ ~ f~iliar .1th t~ 1nf~tlffi.~t~n th1I ~ ~~. Its..~ t~t ~ ~ ~ i~l~ of t~ ~lv1~lI ,John L;' ~cCo~as -'Lead SaferZ' Engineer'. / _~ ___C_~_~ ..... . ' ' /~/~---: - ~E:.n] olTiEiil'TITli'ET ~r~r~tor O~ ~erTo~raTor s ~iEr~z~re~.~laE~ve S~ ~ ~i'~ . .. . ,. .. '0 0 0 0I I~1 I ~ N N N x 0 0 0 0 .I . 0 0 0 - 0 0 O. 0 ~ of KERSFIELD '" : ':,.~' ' ~,~.tu,. '--~ st.~.,~u,,~, ~ ~Z~RDoU~ ~~RX ~'~s. l ~~v~oR~'. . . · ' ~ ·. 'NON ~ T RA'D E S E C R ET''S " .'., ":'. "' ' 0cc5denta[ International [xp[or~- :'~ tion & ProdUction com Occideh~al~ oil & Gas Corpor.ation ~NZ OF r~ FACILITY:. ';~00a'..S~ockdate.~:.~Hw 'LOCATION: 1200TD~scovery or~ve AoO~Ess: 'l'lU W. '7th'Street O D COOE" :~311'*' ~' ~': .'. c~tY,.'ZlP: Bakersfield~ CA 93309 ClT~, zI~:..Tulsat 0K 74102 ~ ~ ~S~T.:~M~mR . , ~'~osg..~.:. (805) 321-6000 ~HONZ ~': (918) 561-2211 ~ " 0 J-~ ~ ~ - ".:." ~' " ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~' ~ ~offices .6h[~:.:: ' ~"~: "'~ 3 I ,S i T I ~ !0~ II~ 13 · II . l'lC~k Ill t~t I~ly) "- i07'21-1 , -- ---~----~ .... : :' :2: '. ',.. hE~ ~t,'~&C.l.S~ 0'1(,- Diethylene'Glycol ' ~ ~i~'~,,~, [~] ~,~,~ty []] ~, .'~ot P~i~ [~] I'~Ki~th 111-46,6 , -=, ' ., " '.. - .... ~ ' ."-- ~' 2~_ ~~2~[~'I'S'~ ,~"4 Water &'~2~4 inorganic salts .' ,... ..p...k~_,] ........ ~_]...~,~..~-[ 110JGA~I '365l 061 011051 08 lNea'r Sho~s (See}Diaq)100 .~rosene Shell 1300 p~i~l ~ ~lth ~,~ · ~C.A.S. ~ 8008-20~.6' ~,,, .~ & CJ.S. ~ '- (~01~nt) '~ , .' : "'~ ' ' ": [2:] "~t. ~c. Ls.~ "u:~ ['~9~oL s.ooo12o~o°o I~'~Cl ~% I' o,I, .,.0I ~o.! ~'l,e~ s~op~ <see.~>,.,.gs~,~. ~.~oti.e ,... p~t~1~ ~lth~,~ · C.A.S. ~ 8006-61-9. · ~t I~ ~ &'cj.s. ~ .1_.= . Benzene ' ~: ~. ,((~k ~1~ t~t ~ly) 71432 ...... .' P~icll ~ 'Mlth ~td C.A.S. ~ Wt II ~ & C.A.~. ~ (C~k iii t~t miy) .. - ,, ....... " -- .... ~- ~-, ~-~ ~-, - cwt i2, ~ ~ C.A.S. ~ ~ .' 'NERGEKY,~TACTS I1 Ronn~e Brzs6n .- Supt. Building&office 321-6353' 12 Jean Caughell - Info. Offs..Manager . 321-6199' . , ~ .................................... ~]i~ ...................... ~lr~F-p~ ...... ~. : ~ _2j'., i , · :or, o,,.,,,~ ,..?,~,,~., .,,-,., ,....,.. ,.,~,,~.,. ,~..~...., ~~/'~c~ ' ' / ' dGhn L. ~cCo~as - Lead Sa~efy Engineer . ' / 'T . / J' - - ' /~' - 1200 Discovery Way Box' 12011, Bakersfield, CA 93389-2011 88 'Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 : Attn: Ralph. ~ E. Huey Hazardous Material Coordinator " .subj: Fire Department Inspection of Occidental Plaza Gentlemen: Per your inspection 'of 6ur facility and the new information that you..'have given to us during your visit,:-.~we have'changed our chemical inventory list (see.attached). We' are in the process of .compiling our Risk Management and Prevention Program (RMPP). We look forward to receiving your guidelines regarding this program;~' as soon as they become available. Should you have additional information, comments or questions regarding our business plan or our proposed RMPP, please call 321-6031. Sincere~~ d Safety Engineer JLM: jlm cc: C. W. Brown R. R. Bryson ... I. J. Caughell .. Safety File: 11.06 = KERN COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D. { FORM 4A-1 page t of .1 · NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY OCcidental ;~nternational DDSINESS NAME: EXploration & Production OWNER NAME: Occidental Oil & 'Gas Corporation FACILITY UNIT ADDRESS: 1200 Discovery Drive i. ADDRESS: 110 W. 7th Street FACILITY UNIT NAME: Occidental CITY, ~-IP: Bakorsfield. CA 93309 i CITY,7. IP: Tulsa~ OK ~7410.2~ Plaz~i "PHONE #:. R05-~21-6000i~' Pi{ONE {~: (918) 561-2211 [OFFICIAL ONLY USE CFIRS CODE 1 2 3 4 5 jO 7 8 9 10' TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN .THIS ~ BY ! HAZARD D.O.T .CODE AN, OUNT .AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FAC~L..ITV UNI. T WT.. CHEMI. CAL OR COMMON N,'~,M.E, CODE GUIDE P 3,375 30,000 'ft3 ' 03 !99' Fourth Floor (see map) 100 Anhydrous Ammonia; NH3 NFLG'. *used in drafting for reproduction ~. Halon 1301 P 1,430 1,430 lbs~ 04 99* 640 lbs 1st f~loor** 100 ~ Monobromotri~f,'.luoromethafle,, ?.' .':"~. NFLG .. i 670 lbs 4th floor** (Halogenated methane) ~ 120 lbs 6th floor** :* Fire extinguiShing agent .. **see diagram P 100 100 gal 02 19.9' Fire' Pump Building 100 Diesel CMLQ 'NAME: John L. McComas TtlTLE:Lead Safety. EngineerSIGNATURE DATE:__ EMERGENCY CONTACT: Ronnie Bryson · TiTLE:Supt. Buildin NE # BUS HOURS: '(805) 321-6353 ' ~ ~ .AFTER BUS HRS: (805) 399-7811. 'EMERGENCY CONTACT: Jean Cau~hell TITLE:Information O~ )ns PHONE # BUS HOURS: (805) 321,6199 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Business Offices Manager AFTER BUS HRS: (805) 834-6~39 ' --~.~. ~ HMCU-9 , ~ ~ Box 12011, Bakersfield, CA'93389-2011 September 20, 1988 .Mr. Ralph Huey .Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Control Unit 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: Enclosed please find Material Safety Data'Sheets (MSDS) for crude oil and natural .gas applicable to Oxy USA"Inc.'s oil and gas production activities in the Kern Bluff area. This correspondence suPplements Oxy's letter of August 19, 1988. These documents are sent t0~you pursuant to reporting requirements under Section 311 of Title III of' the SUperfund Amendments 'and .-.- . Reauthorization Act (SARA) enacted in 1986. Should you have any questions, p~ease do not hesitate~to call me at (805) 321-6033. /Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and returning a copy. Best Regards, A. G. Gonza!ez Regulatory & Safety Coordinator· AGG:rae Enclosure RECEIVED BY: DATE: CONTAINER CODES < CODES 0i: Underground Tank. ~ ' .? P = Pure '02:..,'~boveground Tank '~::'," N = Mixtures of pu~e '~ 03 Fixed Pressurized Tank" '" substances- .: ' .' .04~' Portable PressUrized. Cylinders W = Wastes {Also-add 05, ini~]ated Tank (Inc]udes Cryogenics) apPropriate Waste 06.. Drums or Barrels - ~etallic code) 07 Drums, or.Barrels- Non-~etal]ic 08. Carboy(s) 09. Glass Container(s)/' 10. Plastic Container('s) 11. Box(es) UNIT 'CODES I2. Bag(s) 13. Meta] Containers (Not Drums) LBS = Pounds 14. In Machinery or processing equipment TON = TOns (2,000 lbs] 15. Bin(s). ~' GAL = Gallons 99. OTHER- Specify on separate sheet :.. ,: BBL = Barrels (42 gals) ,, :. Ft3 = Cubic Feet · :' CUR = Curies USE CODES 01. Additive 23. Herbicide 02~ Adhesive 24. Insecticide 03. Aerosol 25. InstrUctional " 04 Anesthetic 26~ Lubricant 05 Bactericide 27. Medical Aid or Process 06 Blasting 28. Neutralizer 07 iCatalyst 29. Painting- 08 Cleaning 30. Pesticide 09 'Coolan~ 31. Plating 10 Cooling 32. Preservative : .. 11 Drilling 33. Refining 12 Drying 34. Sealer - 13 Emulsifler/Demulsifier 35. Spraying 14 Etching 36. Sterilizer 15 Experimental 37. Storage 16. Fabrication 38. Stripper 17. Fertilizer 39. Washing . 18.'Formuiation 40. Waste , 19. Fuel 41. Water Treatment 20. Fungicide 42'. Welding'Soldering _21'~ ~rtndinff .......... i3._~_~njection 22. Heating 44. Oil Treatment : 99. OTHER-Specify on " HAZED CODES EXPL - Explosive OP~ - Anesthettcl Irritant CMLQ - Combustible Liquid ORME - Hazardous Waste CMSL - Combustible Solid ORMS - Other regulated Material B,C,and D CRMT - CoProsive Material PSNA - Poison A (Gas) FLGS - Flammable Gas PSNB - Poison B (Liquid or Solid) FLLQ - Flammable Liquid RADI - Radioactive FLS!. -'Flammable So]id WATR - Water Reactive NFLG - Non'Flammable Gas ETIO - Etiological 'Agent OG?X - Organic Peroxide PYRO - PYrophortc,~:':Hypergoltc or ~. spontaneously combustible OXID - Oxidizer " CRYO '''-~ Cryo~enics · "'" '. ' ~' - · '. OXY "~ .~ - ~ OXY USA INC, "' ",~ .'.-!~lm~/ . 1200 D~scovery Way ~'-. ' Box 12011, Bakersfield, CA 93389-2011 SePtember 20, 1988 .Mr. Ralph Huey ~Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Control Unit 2130 G .Street · ': Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Huey: Enclosed please find Material Safety'Data Sheets (MSDS) for crude oil and natural gas applicable to. Oxy UsA"Inc.'s oil and gas production activities in the Kern Bluff area. This correspondence supplements Oxy's letter, of AugUst 19, 1988 ' These documents are sent tO'you pursuant to reporting requirements. ' under Section 311 of Title III of' the Superfund. Amendments 'and Reauthorization Act (SARA) enacted in 1986. Should you have any questions, pLease.do not hesitate to call me at (805) 321-6033. 'PleaSe acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing, and returning a copy. Best Regards, A. G. Gonzalez Regulatory & Safety Coordinator AGG:rae Enclosure RECEIVED BY: DATE: OXY USAINC, 1200 Discovery'Way Box 1201'1, Bakers{ield, CA 93389-2011 May 13, 1988 Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemen: This is to inform yOu' of our name change. Please change the DBA on FORM 2A of our "Business Plan" 'as follows: DELETE: DBA: cities Service Oil & Gas Corporation AND CHANGE Cities Service Oil & Gas Corporation to read: DBA: OXY USA Inc. Our mailing address and telephone numbers will remain unchanged. The only change is in the name. Very truly yours, Safety Engineer JLM cc: C. W. Brown T. M. Dominguez Safety File: 11.11.08 :. .. 'BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT ..' '. ' .... "" 2130 '"O" STREET · ' .:. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~" ' ' ..... : (00S) aa6-a979 ''- ' OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS IVLZkT $ R I ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return~this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN.ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as 'a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. .~)~/~/ C/SA ~c. SECTION 1 BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA '~ "~ ..... c~ (Floors: Part of 1 and all of 2) A.' BUSINESS NAME: Occident'al' Oil & Gas Corporation-DBA: Occidental Interna-- tional Exploration & Production Company (Floors: 3 thru 6 and part. of fi'rst B. LOCATION /'STREET ADDRESS: 1200 Discovery Way floor)** CITY: Bakersfield ZIP 93309 BUS.PHONE: (805) 321-6000. SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS . In case of an emergency invOlving the. release or threatened release of a hazardous materta!, .call 9tl. and .,1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341 .This will-notify your'lOcal fire department and'the 'Stat~ Office of Emergency Set.vices as required by. law. EMPLOYEES~TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS~ }IRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. Ronnie Dry,on' Ph# ~21-~5~ Ph~ 399-7~11 B. Jean Cauqhell Pt# 321-6199 Pt#' 834-6539' EMERGENCY PAGER (OFFICE SERVICES) No 329-6121 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY.'SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: See diagram B. ELECTRICAL: See diagram J, WATER: See diagram .. ' D. SPECIAL: Emergency book in the Fire Alarm & Security Rooms. on fir'st floor.' · E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF .YES, .LOCATION: See diagram ~. ' . "' ' IF-YES:," DOEs IT.CONTAIN S'ITE-'PL~NS? ~' "- oxy Cities Service ~ITIE-~M Oil and Gas Corp. ~SERVICE PROUDLY ANNOUNCES OUR NAME CHANGE TO: oxy OXY USA INC. 1200 Discovery Way Address and Telephone P.O. Box 12011 will remain the same Bakersfield, Ca. 93389-2011 (805) 321-6000 N~/~£ C~N~£ I$ ~FF£C)'/y£ ,f))~ll I, ! 955 OXY' ' OXY USAIN.C. ---.- --. · ~ ' 1200 Discovery Way · Box 12011, Bakersfield, CA 93389-2011 April 19, 1988 Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Permit Name Chanqe Notification Gentlemen: This is to advise you that effective April 1, 1988, cities Service Oil and Gas Corporation changed its name to oxY USA Inc. The address will remain the same. .. There will be no change in ownership, or the Operations and the facilities will continue to be operated by the same personnel and management. Please sign in the place provided below and return to the above address, we would appreciate your.'written acknowledgement of this notiCe. Should further action be required because of this change on behalf of Oxy USA Inc., please do not hesitate to contact Armando G. Gonzalez at (805~ 321-6033. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, C. W. Brown Environmental & Safety Manager Bakersfield District CWB:AGG:rae Received and noted this day of , 1988 By: : : An ~Dccidehtal Oil and Ohs c-ompany ~ : ' ' .... ' : · r'lTIE~31--I ' CITIES SERVICE OIL AND GAS CORPORATION -~" .. ' ' i-----:'ISER¥1CE _ 1200 DISCOVEfly'WAy P. Oi BOX 12011 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389-2011 .- 1805) 32'] -6000' January 18, 1988 Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator City of Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemen: Enclosed are the "Hazardous Materials Business plans" ~for Occidental Oil & Gas Corporation offices located at 1200 Discovery Way and supporting offices services located at 5000 Stockdale Highway. While warehouse locations a~e used elsewhere in the city for Storing excess office furniture, no hazardous materials are stored at any of the. following 1Qcations: 1. 5501 Aldrin Court 6201 Schirra court 3. 5300 California Avenue, ~270 For business purposes, please send all correspondenCe and invoices to: Occidental International Exploration & Production Company 1200 Discovery Way - Bakersfield, CA 93309 Attn: I. J. Caughell Should you have any questions or comments regarding the enclosed "Business Plans", please call me at 321-6031. Sincerely,  M~;'Engineer JLM Enclosures . -. .. ' ' :' ': '. ;." ~' i-~.SOB~IDiARY OF ~cCI~ENTAL PETROLEUM dORP~RATION~' i .f~.~/ .... :,.." ,: '' .BAKERSFiELD'CITY. FIRE DEPAKT~ENT ~~ __ . .':....'..--', '" 2130 "G" STREET JAN2 51988' ' ' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 .. . ....~.... ;... '- (805) 326-3979 ~sd..- ' . .~ ""i,:' ~' 7-:_'" , ' ' '" //37 .. ~' ORI~I INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return, this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a%who-l-e. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. **DBA: Cities Service Oil & Gas Corporation SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA (Floors: Part of 1 and all of 2) A. BUSINESS NAME: Occidental Oil & Gas Corporation-DBA: Occidental Interna- tional Exploration & Production Company (Fioors:~ 3 thru 6 and part of first B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 1200 Discovery Way floor)** CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93309 BUS.PHONE: (805) 321-6000 SECTION 2: E~RGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the. release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-~§.50 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the Stat~ Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. Ronnie Bryson Ph# 321-6353 Ph# 39~-781t B. Jean Cauqhell Ph# 321-6199 Ph# 834-6539 EMERGENCY PAGER (OFFICE SER.V. ICES) No: 329-6121 SECTION $: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A, NAT. GAS/PROPANE: .See diagram B, ELECTRICAL: See diagram C, WATER: See diagram D. SPECIAL: Emer~enc~; book .in the Fire Ala'rm & Security Rooms on 'first floor. E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: See diagram IF YES, DOES IT-CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES /iN'~* MSDSS~~YES/(~)~ FLOOR PLANS? YES / KEYS? * ~ / NO · NOTE: MSDSs and FLoor PLans are contained ~n the Emergency Procedures book Located in the Firb Alarm & Security Rooms on the first f-loor. '" SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TE~u'W FOR'BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. 24 ihour~,s~.curity team is on hand~ These personnel have been trained in emergency response and incipient stage fire fighting. AlsO, office serwlces' 24 hour pager syste~.provides backup for after hours. For emergency evacuat~ion, all ,personnel will assemble in the. parking lot. ~ lis~ of missing persons will be given to the fire department's site ~commander. SECTION §: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Amb' , Police-and the Fire Department .......... 911 .... -~ '-_ Mercy Hospital - 327-3371 (day) or 328-5275 (24 hour) San Joaquin Hospital --595-3000 (day) or 372-5551 (24 hour) Company Doctor (Christiansen) - 327-9617 Company Doctor (Larwood) - 327-9534 SECTION'6:~ EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS'ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:...- .................................... YES NO YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... YES NO YES NO C PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. YES NO YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. YES NO YES NO E~ DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:-. ...... YES NO YES NO SECTION ?: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS 'HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, $§ GALLONS OF A LIQUID,~ OR 200 CUBIC 'FEET'OF A COMPRESSED GAS:'. ..... YES NO I u~ers)tand~hat this information will be used to fulfill my.firm's obligations under thy new/California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6 95 Se .~§00 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes per3ury. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET . '~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 · . OFFICIAL USE ONLY, ID#. ,. BUSINESS NAME: ~ .. BUSI NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIr FORM SA INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid 'further action, this form mUst be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for. THE FACII, ITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be. as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY uNIT#.' FACILITY UNIT NAME: Occidental Plaza SECTION I: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABA~EMENT PROCEDURES " Fire prevention is accomplished by.storing combustible,'corrosive, flammable or toxic materials in approved and labeled containersin accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Fire suppression is accomplished by the.following:. 1. An automatic sPrinkler system for the entire building. 2. ~A 750 GPM fire pump to boost the city water supply. 3. HALON 1301 total flooding systems in critical storage areas, electrical rooms and computer rooms. 4. ~ortable multipurpose dry chemical and HALON 12il fire extinguishers~ SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT.THIS UNIT ONLY An "Oxy Plaza Emergency Procedures" manual has been.prepared for this location and includes emergency evacuation procedures~and emergency telephone numbers. - SECTION'/3:"HAZARDOUS:'MATERIALS FoR THIS'UNIT ONLY' -' .. :: "A. Does this Facil{(y Unit Con(ain:'HaZardous Materials? ..... -YEs, .No ' .... · '.; '~: ' .- If YES, see B. If NO, continue'wlth SECTION 4. ':' B.. Are any of the hazardous'materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO '' tf No, complete a 'separate hazardous materials inventory . , fbrm'marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS. ONLY (~vhite form.~4A-1) " If Yes, complete a. hazardous materials inventory.form"marked': , . --TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade ., secret form. List only the ,trade secrets oil form 4A-2. SECTION'4: PRIVATE'FIRE PROTECTION The building is protected by automatic fire extinguishing Systems inciuding. ionization type ~smoke' detectors, automatic sprinklers and HALON 1301 systems. 'In addition, Safety Department, Security and Office Services personnel'have ~een trained in.the proper use of portable fire eitinguishers for incipient · stage fire' fighting. SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER'SUPPLY F~R USE BY'EMERGENCY RESPONDERS . A riser is located in each:of the stairwells, with connection points for hose linesl SEE'PLAN FoR'OUTSIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT pUMPER CONNECTIONS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY'sHUT-oFFS AT THIs U~IT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE~ See Diagram .. - B. ELECTRICAL: See-Diagram. : .! C. WATER: See Diagram D.' SPECIAL: An Emergency Procedures'manual (with building diagrams and MSDSs) has been. placed in the ·Fire Alarm Room and the Security Room. E.~LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: See.Diagram ' ~E.~ :. . , /,. . . : - IF, YES~ ~ITE PLANS? YES / ~0' MSDSs? ' ~ ? ~:~* .:.-. ,'.'.,...':- . ' ' "F!,0or pn~xs?' ¥~s ,/ xo___* !<~¥s.?' .\'~-s ,'. xo " '~' " ,;' 'i_:: " ' ' " " ~ ' : ¥;/ ..,.:..'-~' ; ~ .,;.....-, . .... BAKERSFIELD CITY'FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D... # ' . FORM 4A-l' Page , 1 'of 1 ' NoN'--TRA. DE sECRET"S · '" H AZARDoU. s .MATERI ALS I NVENTORY ' Occidental In%ernat.ional " .' . BusINEss NAME: Exploration & prOduCtion 'OWNER NAME: Occidental Oil & Gas'Corp'... FACILITY UNIT #: "- ADDREss: 1200 DiscOvery Way ADDRESS: 110 W. 7th Street FACILITY UNIT. NAME:Occidental CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 9330.9 CITY,ZIP:'Tulsa, OK 74102 '" Plaza' .PHONE ~:-' (805) 321.-6000 PHONE #: (918) 561-2211 [OFFICIAL USE CFIR~ CODE · ' ONLY " 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 7'' 8 9 1'0, TYPE. 'MAX ANNUAL CONT USE :LOCATION IN' THIS % BY HAZARD iD'O.T CODE' AMOUNT AMOUNT .'UNIT CODE CODE. FACILITY UN'IT ' WT 'CHEMICAL 'OR COMMON NAME CODE. !GUIDE - ...... ~ .... ' · ' (See , ..' 300,, .... o3 99* ourth 'floor. ap) lo0 nh d ous amr onia; : · used in drafting . ' ' 1"430 J1430. lbs 01' 99* 640 lbs 1st 'flOor** 'i100 Monobromo~rifluoroma~han~ 670 lbs 4th.floOr'** (Haloqenated methane) · '" '120 lbs 6th floor** ' *Fire extinguishing agent · *see diagram . NAME: JOhn L. M cC om as TITLE:Lead safety.Eng. S GNATU~E:./~~ ~'-t,/"'~'~ .'"~ DATE: , EMERGENCY CONTACT: Ronnie Bryson ' TITLE:Supt. Bldg. & O~fice~ P+rONE #. BUS-HOURS: ('805) '~2~635~ . . · " '' -Services /- ' AFTER BUS.HRS:'. (80q1-399,~7811 'EMERGENCYCONTACT: Jean Caughell TITLE:Information Op~aff~o.ns PHoNE # BUS HOURS:'(805) 32'1~6199 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Business Offices Mgr. AFTER BUS HRS: (805) 834-6539 " - '4A-1 . . ..... CITY of.BAKERSFIELD' :. . ',~"~~J:] '~: ~'' '.'WE CARE" ' - "FIRE DEPARTMEnt:.'"'-- "' ' . 2101 H STREET . '....,'. · .... ':' O.S. NEEDHAM.' ' BAKERSFILED. 93301 ..... FIRE CHIEF- '- OCTOBER 1'9,- 1988 .326-3911 .. ",~- . ...; .- -...., - _ .. OXY U.qA, INC. . !200 DISCOVERY BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 DEAR' MR, $OHN MCCOMAS:' THE ENCLOSED "ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERT'ALS REGISTRATION 'FORM" MUST BE COMPLETED BY' ANY BUSINESS,' HANDLING... ABOVE THE MINIHUM REPORTING-(~UANT. TTY OF. ANY MATERIAL ON THE EPA' LIST OF EXTREMELY 'HAZARDOUS_'SUBSTANCES, (FED. REGISTER VOL, '52, NO. ??,' P. 133970 ,- YOUR COMPANY HAS' REPORTED HANDLING' THE 'FOLLOWING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ANHYDROUS AMMONTA ' ' PLEASE'.RETURN THE COMPLETED ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERTALS REGISTRATTON FORM 'TO: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Di'VIsION Z130 G STREET :-BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301.. .. ' . I-F YOU HAVE 'ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS FORM PLEASE CALL- RALPH HUEY .AT 326-3979. SINCERELY YOURS , RALPH E~ HUEY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR REH/ed -. ENCLOSURE '