HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 8/19/2003 RICK T. GAVIN, D.D.S. General Dentistry ,._3600 DeSouza PI. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 831-4533 Fax (661) 831-1920 3600 De Souza Place · Bakersfield, CA 93309:- Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This ~ermit is issued for the followin_.: [] Hazardous Materials Plan [] UndergrOund Storage of Hazardous Materials [] RiSkManagement Program [] Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment PERMIT ID # 015-021-002342 DAVID L. WINEGAR, ~.~:: ...... i)" LOCATION: 3600 DE SOUZA . '~c ,, ,:; CA 93309' ~:,...) ~- ~ ~ ~ · "~ ' ','.", '~:" 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: {.. RalpilHuey, D~~) Issue Date Bakersfield, CA 93301 OmceofEv~Services ~ Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: June 30, 2003 DAVID L WIN~GAR, SiteID: 015-021-002342 Manager : BusPhone: (661) 831-4533 Location: 3600 DESOUZA PL.~¢~¢~* Map : 123. Com~az : City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: liB FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 ~v SIC Code:8021 EPA Nu~: ~ DunnBrad: Emergency Contact /- Title Emergency Contact / Title RICK T GAVIN / DDS DAVID L WINEGAR / DDS Business Phone: (661) 831-4533x Business Phone: (661) 831-9595x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x 24-Hour Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: React Contact : Phone: (661) 831-9595x MailAddr: 3600 DESOUZA PL State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 Owner WINEGAR & GAVIN, DDS Phone: (661) 831-9595x Address : 3600 DESOUZA PL State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93309 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No ParcelNo: Emergency Directives: !, '~,..¢,¢~..M_r~¢./~-- Do hereby certify that I have reviewed the attached h~.za(dous materials manage- ................. ment plan for ~ L~~ and that it along - ~'~e of eu~) '- ~Y'~ions ~n~itute a complete and corre~ ~emem plan tot my,~acility. 1 08/04/2003 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/pRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. 5. You may also attach Business Owner / Operator Form and Chemical Description Form(s) to the front of this plan instead of completing SECTION I. below for initial submission. SECTION I: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: ~'~ ~5'/c/~ OWNER: ~,,,M/fO ,C &J/~'"~,M4t' PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: ~,00 fl,6? ..C. OJ~ /Ac_ ~.~, EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE ~. ,~ce' ci~ ~5 ,v'.r/-4-a-_rs 3~-~~ 'l 1, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION II. 1: DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION: - ........... C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: 2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION H.2: RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATION: C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: UTILITy SHUT-QFF$ (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY~ SPEC~L: ~ ..... LOCK BOX: YES~ W YES, LOCATION: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION:. bO o S. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): ' ~)~ '"' /~ ttAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION Iff: TRAINING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: CERTIFICATION I, O~JIl~ .I~. ~,c~_~-~ .~r CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNA'~/RE. - ~' TITLE ' DATE 4 . EYE WASH STATION 2. 02 TANK 3. FIRST AID KIT 4. FIRE EXTIN~'UISHER 5. OS~ ~S 6. FI~ ~ITS 7. B~LETIN BO~ 8~'. ~. sn~ ~ · SITE DIAGRAM [ ] FACILITY DIAGRAM Business Name: ~ Business Address: S:\PROCEDURE MANUAL\diagraminst.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661)~326-3979 BUSINESS OWNER / OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION FACILITY INFORMATION Page Of ?~i~i!l ~?~ I I I ' i ' ' YearB ,oo YearEnding BUSINESS NAME (8~me ag FAOILI~ NAME or DBA- Doin~ Buginegg ~) 3 BUSINEg8 PHONE ~o~ SITE ADDRESS ~o3 CI~ ~~r~f~ '~ j CA ZIP ~y~? ',05 DUN & ~06 SIC CODE ~,]~ ~07 B~DSTREET (4 Digit ~) COUNW ~M ,08 OPE~TOR NAME ~)~ ~ ~/~~ 109 OPE~TOR PHONE ~]/~~ ~o OWNER NAME ~1~ L ~~ ~ ,,, ! OWNER pHONE ~/~¢~-- 112 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS ~00 ~ ~ ~ a~3 CONTACT NAME ~lp C ~/-~~ ~7I! CONTACT PHONE '~I ~ ~8 CONTACT ~ILING CITY' ' ~4/( ~r~/~ ,20 STATE ~.,2, ] ZIP ¢~3G~ ,22 NAME ~ [L~ ~1~ ~¢ 123 NAME ~&~ ~ld 129 TITLE ~ I '~ ~25 TITLE ~ ~ ~ 130 BUSINESS PHONE ~] -- ~ 126 BUSINESS PHONE ~~ d~ 131 24-HOUR PHONE ~ ~ ],~ 127 24-HOUR PHONE ~ -- /)~ ~ 132 PAGER ~ ~28 PAGER ~ 133 · : "?;: Ce~i[oation: Based on my inqui~ of tho~e bdividu~ls responsible for ob~inin~ the info~atiom I oe~i~ under p~n~l~ of I~w that I have personally ex, mined and am familiar with the info~ation submi~ed in this invento~ and believe th~ info~ation i~ true, aocurate, and ~mpl~te. SI6NATU~E OF OWNE~OPE~TOR DATE ~34 NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER NA~ES OF OWNE~OPE~T~ (print) 136 TITLE OF OWNE~OPE~TOR 137 UPCF (7~99) .. S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2730.TV4.wpd /~'~'~--'~ · CITY OF BAKERSFIEL ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~/"~~r 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661)326-3979 '~"¢~~'"~' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION / ~ (one form per material per building or area) ,~EW [] ADD [] DELETE [] REVISE 20O Page of BUSINESS ~ME (Same as FACILI~ NAME or DBA - O~ng Busin~ ~) 3 2os ~ T~DESECRET ~Y~ ~ 206 CHEMICAL ~ME ~/A ~ If Subj~ tO EPC~, refer to inst~ions Fl~E ~Dfi H~RO C~SS~S (C~plet~ if ~u~t~ by I~l fire ~i~ 210 WPE ~ p PURE ~ m MI~URE ~WASTE 211 ~ ~DIOACTIVE ~V~ ~o 212 ~ CURIES 213 . PHYSaC~LSTATE D, SOUD ~UaD D g ~S 2,4 i ~RGESTCONT~INER ~ ~ 2,5 FED H~RD ~TEGORIES ~IRE ~ ~CTI~ ~ 3 PRESSURE REL~SE ~ACUTE H~L~ ~ CHRONIC H~LTH 216 (Ch~ all that apply) ANNUAL WASTE 217 ~I~M 218 AVENGE 'q '219 STA~ WAS~ CODE ~0 ~ * ff EHS, am~nt must ~e in lbs. STOOGE CONTAINER ~ a ABOVEGROUND TANK ~STI~NONMETALLIC DRUM ~ i FIBER DRUM ~ m G~SS BO~LE ~ q ~IL CAR (Check att that apply) ~ b UNDERGROUND TANK ~ f ~N ~ j BAG ~ n P~STIC BO~LE ~ r OTHER ~ T~K INSIDE BUILDING ~ g ~R~Y ~ k BOX ~ o TOTE BiN ~ d STEEL DRUM ~ h SILO ~ I CYLINDER ~ p TANK WAGON STOOGE PRESSURE ~BIE~ ~ ~ ABOVE A~IE~ ~ ba BELOW A~IE~ 224 STOOGE TEMPE~TURE ~BIENT ~ aa ABOVE AMBIE~ ~ ba BELOWAMBIE~ ~ c CRYOGENIC ~5 2 230 231 ~ Y~ ~ No 232 233 3 234 235 ~ Y~ ~ NO 236 231 4 ' 238 239 ~ Y~ ~ NO 240 241 5 242 243 ~ Y~ ~ No 2~ 245 PRINI NAME & lilLE OF AU~ORIZED COMPANY REPRESENIATIVE SIGNATURE OAIE 246 UPCF (7/99) , S:\CUPAFORMS\OES2731.TV4.wpd MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET This form may be used fo comply wilh OSHA's I-la;:a~d Communication Standard, 29 CFR 192.0.1200. To be valid, all information required by § 1910.1200(g) of the Standard must appear on this form. Consult the ~ Standard for specific requirements. Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or '" no information is available, lhe space must be marked to indicate thai. IDENTITY (As u~ed on Label and List/ Fixer _. . Label: Corrosive Section I Manufacturer's name Emergency Telephone Number Address (number, street, city, s~H-ZlP'code) Telept~one Number for Information Date Prepared ~/88 Signature of Preparer (option-~) Section II - Hazardous Inaredients/ld_entity InfojmaJ!on Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity/Common Name(s) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other limits % Reoornmended Acetic Acid TWA lO ppm TWA 10 ppm Vinegar Acid Section III- Phvsical/Cl~emical Characterlstlc~ - . 244° F 1.0 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.) Itl'mm [[]~Talting PointRate ( Butyl Acetatel = 1) Vapor Density (AIR = 1') 62° F · Sol'ubility in Water · 12.07 IEvap°rati°n Unk miscible Appearance and Odor clear~.co~orless liquid, pungent Odor _Section IV.(-. F~_r-e/and Explosion Hazard Data Rating/~P Extinguishing Media ' ~, 4% Use ('0-, dry ~.t~em~(.,~~ ..... 1_ foam, foam and mist · .~ .............. :_.. -- '~_ :..::' , Special Fire Fighting Proced~ NA Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Moderate fire and explosion hazard when exposed rio heat of flame. Based on Draft of OSHA 174, Seph:rnber 1985. Replaces obsolete OSHA form 20 MSDS Form no. 042 1988 ttCI,S Section V- ,-3eactlvltv Data t~ ....... 1 Stability - Unstable Conditions to Avoid Stable x Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) chromic acid ethylene ].mine, .~ --~'~c ........ ~", ~'"'~; ..... peroxide, nitric acid~ acetaldehyde~ 2-amino-thanol Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts When heated to decomposition emits irritating fumes. Hazardous May Occur Conditions to Avoid Polymerization Unk Wi Not Oo~ur Section VI - Health Hazard Dat~ R a t i n g: 2. Routes of Entry: Inhalation? yes Skin? yes Ingestion? yes Target Or.qans; Respiratory system~ skin~ eyes', teeth H6alth HazardJ' (Acute and Chronic) Caustic~ can cause burns~ lachrymation and conjunctivitis, Inhalation causes irritatzon of mucous membranes. Common air contaminant. . Carcinogenicity: NTP? no IARC Monographs? Unk OSHA Regulated? yes "Signs and Symptoms of Exposure conjunctivitis, irritates nose, throat, chronic bronchitis,' burns eyes and skin, .skin sensitivity, dental eros].on, black skin, pharyngeal edema, hyperkera£osis Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure Unk Emergency and First Aid Procedures ey¢~; ir,ri~ate immediately skin: flush with water immediately b~eath: artificial respiration swallow: seek medical attent].on ].mmediately - see first aid secnion · .Section VII - Precautton~ for Safe Handling ~nd Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled . protect skin, eyes, clean up immediately, Waste Disposal Method see section on waste management~ consult manufacturer. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing protect skin and eyes "Other Precautions Section VIII - Control Measures Respiratory Protection (SpeCify T~pes.) use any supp~].e~-a].r respirator operated in a continuous flow mode at 250 ppm > I iSpr~ciaI Ventilation Ih°oC(~ldEXc~ ~tu s t .......... NA Mechanical (Gener~l~ ........... IOther I Do not use in confined area Protective Gloves ..... f~_~-~ P--~e~ -T-. ~.' - '-~ -- -- use rubber, vinly, or latex I~f any poss].b].l~ty o~ exposure Other Protective Clothing or Equipment ch~n~e clothes with 10% or more contaminant Work/Hygie~'e/Maintenance Practices provide eyewash HATERZAL SAFETY DATA SHEET EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ~$ State Street Rochester, New York 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety, and Environments1 Infor=ation, call 716 722-5151 For other purposes, call the Marketing and Distribution Center in your area. Date of Preparation= 04/6/88 Kodak Accession Number= 427771 SECTION I. IDENTIFICATION - Product Name= KODAK READYMATIC Dental~~ Replenisher (Ready-To-Use - ~orking ~~ ..... - Formula: Aqueous M2xture - Kodak Photographic Chemicals Catalog Number(s)~ CAT ~02 8869 - 1 ~al~on; CAT lOZ 8885 - I/Z Gallon; CAT 106 6406 - 1/Z Gallon Salution Number: 4814 - Kodak Hazard Rating Codes= R; ! S= 2 F= 0 C= 0 SECTION II. PRODUCT AND COMPONENT HAZARD DATA AC$[H Kodak A. COMPONENT(S): Percent TL¥(R) Accession No. CAS Reg. No. ~atar 80-90 .--- 055290 7752-18-5 Sodium me~abisu~f~te 5-10 5 mo/mS 905498 7681-57-4 xHydroqugnone 1-5 2 mg/m$~x 90055& xPrincipa! Hazardous Cam;anent(s) ~XSee Section ~I-A for additional information on exposure limits. B.' PRECAUTIOHARY LA~EL STATEMENT(S)~ CONTAINS= hydroqu~none ~ARNING! CAUSES SKiN AND EYE ]RRZTATION CAN CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION Avoid contact ~th ayes, skin, and ~ash thoroughly after handling. First'A~d: In case of aye contact, ~mmediately flush ~ater for at ~ssst 1S minutes. Get medical attention. skin contact, ~mmed~ately ~ash ~th soap and plenty of C-0124.000B 8Z-~$12 WINEGAR,DAVI --- MSDS TRACKING INFORMATION MID: 1052362 READYMATIC FIX & DEVEL 3600 DE SOUZA PL PID: 1115178 OUST: 0167228-001 BAKERSFEILD,CA 95309-5194pACKET: 16521-4029IMG: I:52562_1 PAGE: ¢~~% .......... q 2 SECTION III. PHYSICAL DATA - Appearance end Odor: Clear colorless solution; odorless Boil/nD Points eT lO0 C CDT 212 F) · 760 mmHg Vapor PrassuraI approx 18 mmHg · 20 C Evaporation Rate (n-bury! acetate f l)= Not AYailable Vapor Density (Air - 1): 0.6 -Volatile Fraction by Ioioht~ approx 90 Z Specific Gravity (HZO = 1): ~.09 - pN: approx 10.0 - Solubility in Water (by Weight): Complete SECTION XV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA - Flash Point: None, noncombustible - Extinguishing Ned/a= Use appropriat~ agent for aurrounding fire. - Special Fire Fightlng Procedures: Wear selF-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. - Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Fire or excessive heat may cause production o~ hazardous decomposition products. SECTXON V. REACTIVITY DATA - Incompatibility: Strong acids - Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition may produce oxides of sulfur. - Hazardous Polymerizations W~11 not occur. SECT/ON V~. TOX[C~TY AND HEALTH HAZARD DATA A. EXPOSURE L~HZTS: See Section II OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)= 2 mD/mS (hydroquinone) ~. EXPOSURE EFFECTS= Inhalation= Lo~ hazard for recommended handling. Eyess Causes ~rr$~a~$on.. Skin= Hay cause irritation. Hey ceuae allergic skin reaction. C. FZRST AXDs Eyes= Xmmed~a~ely ~lush eyea ~ith plenty of ~ater and get medical attention. C-01Z~.O00} 8Z-1S12 WINEGAR,DAVID MSDS TR6CKING INFORMATION MID: 1052562 READYMATIC FIX & DEVEL 3600 DE SOUZA PL' PID: 111~178 CUST: 0167228-001 BAKERSFEILD,CA 93509-519¢ IMG: I :52562 2 PAGE: ~~~ PACKET: 16521-4029 - $ Skin: Flush skin with plenty of water. If skin irritation or an allergic skin reaction develops, get medics1 attention. Ingestion: Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical advice. SECTION VII. PERSONAL PROTECTION AND CONTROLS A. VENTILATION: Good general vent/alt/on should be sufficient, B. SKIN AND EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses with side shields are recommended. Impervious gloves should be worn. The routine use of a non-alkaline (acid) type of hand cleaner will help minimize the possibility of aIlergic skin reaction. SECTION VIII. SPECIAL STORAGE AND HANDLING PRECAUTIONS Jeep container tightly closed and away from acids. SECTION IX. SPILL, LEAK, AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Flush to an acid-free sewer with large amounts of water. Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to federal, stats, or local laws. SECTION X. ENVIRONHENTAL EFFECTS DATA This chemical formulation has not been tested for environmental effects. Some laboratory test data and published data are available for the major components of this chemical formulation, and these data have been used to provide the following estimate of environmental impact: (1-7) This chemical formulation has a-moderate biological oxygen demand, and it is expected to cause some oxygen depletion in aquatic systems. It is expected to have a high potential to affect a;uatic organisms. It is expected to have a moderate potential to affect secondary waste treatment microorganisms. It is expected to have a low potential to affect the germination of some plants. The components of this chemicsl formulation are biodegradable and are not likely to bioconcentrate. The direct instantaneous discharge to a receiving body of water of an amount' of this chemical formulation which will rapidly produce, by diIution, a final concentration of 0.02 mg/L er less is not expected to cause an adverse environmental sffac~. After dilution with a large amount of water, followed by secondary waste treatment, the chemicals in this formulation are not expected to have any adverse environmental impact. 8Z-i~IZ WINEGAR,DAVID MSDS TBACKING INFORMATION MID: 10~2~62*.READYMATIC FIX & DEVEL 5600 DE SOUZA PL PID: 111~178 CUST: 0167228-001 BAKERSFEILD,CA 95509-S19~ IMG: I:S2562 5 PAGE: ~~,, PACKET: 16521-4029 - SECTION XI. TRAHSPORTATZON For transportation in~ormatlon regarding this product, please phone the Eastman Kodak Distribution Center nearest you; Rochester, NY (716) ZSq-I$OOj Oak Brook, ZL ($]2) 654-5500; Chamblee, GA (404) Dallas, TX (214) 241-1611; Whittier, CA (215) 945-1Z55; Honolulu, HZ (808) 855-1&61. SECTION XZZ. REFERENCES Toxicity results are from unpubl/shed data, Health, Safety, sad Human Factors Laboratory, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, Ne~ York. Verachuaren, K., Handbook of Environmental Data on Organic Chemicals, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Ne~ York, N.Y., 1977. $. Battelle~s Columbus Laboratories, ~eter Quality Critical Data Book - Vol. $ - Effects of Chemicals on Aquatic L~fa - Selected Data from the Literature Through 1968, for the U.S. Environmental Protoct~on Agency, Pro,act Ho. 180SO G~V, Contrac~ No. 68-01-007, Hay 4. Nat$onal AsSociation of Photographic Hanufacturers, [nC. 'and Hydroscienca, Znc., Environmental Effects of Photoprocoss~ng Chemicals, Nat~ona~ Association of Photographic Manufacturers, Harrison, HeN York, 1974, 2 ¥o2s. 5. Kodak Publicatlon J-41, "BOOS end COD o~ Photograph$c Chomicals", Eastman Kodak Co., 1981. 6. Bringmann, G. and Kuehn, R., 'Results of Toxic Action of Mater Pollutants on Dophnia magna (Straus) Tested by an ~mproved Standard/zed Procedure,w Z~ Massar AbMaaaar Forsch., 15(1), (1982) (in German). 7. Juhnke, Z. and Luadomann, D., "Results of the Study of ZOO Chemical Compounds on Acute F~ah Toxicity Using the Golden Orfe Zest," Z. Wasser Ab~aaser Forsch., lite), 161-4 (1978) (in German). The information contained herein ia furnished ~thout warranty of any k~nd. Users shouZd consider those data only as a supplemen~ to other ~nformat~on gathered by ~hem and mus~ make independent detarm~nattons of the suitability and completeness of ~nformation from all sources to assure proper uae and d~sposa~ of these materials end the safety and health of employees and customers. C-O1Zq. OOOB WINEGAR,DAVID ---MSDS TR4CKING INFORMATION --- MID: 1052362 READYMATIC FIX & DEVEL 3800 DE SOUZA PL PID: 111~178 OUST: 0167228-0.01 BAKERSFEILD,CA 93309-5194 .... IMG: 1:52362 4 PAGE. ~r~:~~~ PACKET: 16521-4029 - ' ~i?~k j~¢~'~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ ~ /~,~ UNIFIED PROG~M INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~~2~¢~ 1715 Chester Ave., 3~a Floor, Bakersfield, CA 9330I FACILITY NAME'~ ~,c< ~ 6~v,d ~b5 ~SPECTION DATE Z ( {4 ADD.SS ~$~ ~ ~oo~ e~ PHONE NO. ~ ~'{ -&S-~ ~ FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- ~SPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Invento~ Program ~ Routine ~Combined ~ Joint Agency ~ Multi-Agency ~ Complaint ~ Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pe~it on hand ~ P~ ~'~ ~ Business plan contact info~ation accurate Visible address Co~ect occupancy Verification of invento~ materials Verification of quantities ~~ ~ ~C~ ~ Verification of location I ~ 51 fi& ~ Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping / ~ ~ Fire Protection--~;4~LC~ e~"~ ~-,O~:~ Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardou~ waste on ~ite?: ~Ye~ ~ No Explain: ~~ ff,X~ Questions reg~ding ~is inspection? Pl~s~ call u~ at (661) 326-3979 ~ ~usmess S~teons~ble Pa~y White - Env. Svcs. Yellow- Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACiLiTY NAME ~ ~t,,d { C.~,,~.~' INSPECTION DATE .'~/~4/Oz.. Section 4: Hazardous Waste Generator Program EPA ID # [] Routine ~ Combined [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS / Hazardous waste determination has been made ~/ EPA ID Number (Phone: 916-324-1781 to obtain EPA ID #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time frames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kept closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided / Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests for 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Determines if waste is restricted from land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation Inspector: {~} t ~.~ ~-~ Office of Environmental'Services (661) 326-3979 Business Site Respo/fisible Party White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy