HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1 .? I I 27 3u~e ~978 BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION~- ' '*:? '?~?~ -.~ '~': "' In conformi~ with provisions of ~inent ordinances, c~es and/or Name of Core.ny ddr~s~ to.display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or priests inv°lVing'l~?:.;c~Oti~g::~on- ditions deemed hazardous to life or pro~r~ os follows: ' "' ' issued J Permit denied ..~.'..-~..~...7..~..,~....~.,.~ ................... By ......... ~ ................................. ~ ....... ~te FILE CONTE.~TS SUMMARY ~^c~.~: ,~:~ Q¼<r:i<c~l,, PERMIT *:, 3/ OO&/ ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments GARY J. WICKS ' 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agem:y Director Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 Telephone (805) 861-3636 TeJecopJer (805) 861-3429 STEVE Mc CALLEY Director RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES October 26, 1989 General Printing, Ink Div. 135 W. Lake Street Northlake, IL. 60164 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 5551 DISTRICT BLVD. IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, 'CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1009-31/310021 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the .assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. LAUREL FUNK, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CE s Construction Environmental Services, Inc. 3213 Fairhaven Drive, Suite #100 EPA #CAD982476921 (80~) 325-1451 Bakersfield. CA 93308 Contractor's License #A-539228 Fax: (805) 325-0447 October 19,. 1989 County of Kern Environmental Health Department 2000 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca 93301 , Attn: Amy Green Hazardous ~aterials Specialist Re: Sun Chemical 555! District Blvd. Bakersf'ield, CA Closure Reoort Dear Ms. Green: Enciosed is your copy of the closure report for Sun Chemical, at the captioned location. Please let me know if you have any cues~ionS, ulease do not hesitate to contact our office. Thank you. Yours Truly, Lee President :dh eric . CE s . Construction Environmental Services, Inc. 3213 Fairhaven Drive. Suite #100 EPA #CAD982476921 (805) 325-1.451 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Contractor's.License #A-539228 Fax: (805} 325~0447 October 17, 1989 Sun Chemical 135 W. Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 Attn: Adam Meister Re: 3ob #CAJ0926-89 Underground StoraEe Tank Closure Permit #A1009-31 Sun Chemical 5551 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Meister:' A preliminary site assessment was performed at the Sun Chemical site located at 5551 District Blvd., Bakersfield, California. One' <l) under,round storage tank was removed from the site on AuEust 31, 1989 by Construction Environmental Services, Inc. (CES). The tank had a capacity of 2,000 Eallons, and was utilized for the s~oraEe of diesel motor fuel. See attachment "A" for location of tank. Two <2) soil samples' were collected from beneath the. tank by (CES). The samples were taken from a depth of two (2) feet, and four (4) feet beneath the bottom' at the center of the tank. At{achment "A" shows sample location. The samples were collected from undisturbed soil usinE a backhoe bucket and sealed in brass tubes. The samples were ii~mediately placed on dry ice, and transported to a state certified laboratory for analyses <see chain of custody attachment "B"). The time. and date samples were obtained are documented in Attachment B. As requested by the Kern County Health Department, the samples were analyzed by 8015 modified, 8020, 7420 lead. All results of chemical analyses (Attachment C) show non-detection. The tank Cavity holes were filled to 95% compaction. Recent experience in the general area indicate.~, that~ no perched water exis'ts nearby. Also, no water was found within the tank excavation-which wa~ approximately ~welve (12) fee% deep. The. 1987 Water Supply Rep~r% of %he Bakersfield City Wa%er District sh~ws Er~undwa~er ~f %he primary aquifer at a depth ~f 140 fee%. Based on the resu].%s of the analyses on the soil samples c~llected at the above referenced site', there ~ no indication of any level of c~ntaminati~n beneath the f~r~er underEround st~raEe tank locat ~on.~ Attachment D ~ncludes. a copy of the closure permit application, clo~ure' permit, waste manifest, tank disposal form, and the u~derEround tank disposition %rackinE record. If you have any ques~f~~~e feel free %~ call. Robert N. Hacker ~.~k / / Regimtered Geologi~,$~Cal. tfornta ~443 :dn 'CC: Gene Be'nnett Sun Chemical, 5551 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Kern County Dpt. Environmental Health Services Laurel Funk 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ATTACHMENT "A" DWG. NO. D- ATTACHMENT "B" Mobil Lab, Inc' Sun Chemical Corp. 4400 Isla Verde #5 5551 District Blvd. Bakersfeild, CA 93301 ~ Bakersfield, CA 93313 CHAIN OF CUSIOD~t RECORD ATTACHMENT "C" Nevada - ' California 302 E. Charleston Blvd., Ste. 212 Las Vegas, NV 89104 · 4400 Isla Verde, Ste. 5 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Laboratory Results For: )ate Received: 8/30/89 Sun Chemical Corp. Date Analyzed: 9/01/89 5551 District Blvd. Analyst: J.S. Johnson~ Bakersfield, CA 93313 Lab No. 890038 Samples: Soils, Diesel Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Tot Pet Hyds mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 2' Below Tank Bottom ND ND ND ND .~ 19.4 4' Below Tank Bottom ND ND ND ND 8.6 Ail Results Reported in' Milligrams per Kilogram ND = Non Detectable, EPA 8020 (,01 mg/kg), DOHS TPH ('.1 mg/kg) Analysis of Volatile Aromatics: EPA 8020, Diesel CarbonDisulfide Extraction Analysis of'Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons: DOHS TPH Diesel f nson, Chemist Certified Full Service On-Site Analytical Laboratories ; Nevada California 302 E. Charleston Blvd., Ste. 212 ~ Las Vegas, NV 89104 4400 Isla verde, ste. 5 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Laboratory Results For: Date Received: 8/30/89 Sun Chemical Corp. Date Analyzed: 9/01/89 5551 District Blvd. Analyst: J.S. Johnson Bakersfield, CA 93313 Lab No. 890038 Sample: Gravel Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Tot Pet Hyds mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Gravel Rinseate ,ND ND ND ND ND Ail Results Reported in Milligrams per Kilogram ND = Non Detectable, EPA 8020 (.01 mg/kg), DOHS TPH (.1 mg/kg) Analysis of Volatile Aromatics: EPA 8020 Analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons: DOHS TPH Method j!f~) l~?nson , Chemist Cedified Full Sen/ice On-Site Analytical Laboratories ATTACHMENT "D" INTI~R,'fAL US£ ONLY: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTtt. DEPARTMENT . . 2700 "M" STREET, .SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 APPLIC,X?ION DAI~ APP~ CATION FOR PERM/T FOR PERCENT - CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBST~CES STORAGE FACILITY TH~S APPLiCATiON ~S FOR ~REMOVAL. OR~ ~ PROJECTCONTA~.) ~ PHONEDAyS_~ ~ 'e ~ ~3~/ ,~,/.~/._ }SEC/T/R (RU~C LO~T[ONS ONCY) PACILI~ N~E ~DRESS ' N~RE~ CROSS S~EET PROPOSED PROJE~ STARTING DATE ~CALIFORNIA LICENSE I ~R~ER'S CO~p~SATIO:~ ~ JINSURER ~ORKER'S COMPENSATION * INSURER PNONE ~DORATORY'-.~HAT WiLL ANALYZE SANPL~ ~ORESS PHON~ :HEMICAL COM~0S[TION OP ~ERIA~ STORED 'ANK ~ VOLUME CII~I~L S~RED (NON-C0~ERC~AL N~EI DA~S S~RED CHEMICAL PR~0USLY STOR~D ~REST WATER ~ELL - GIVEDIST~CE ~O DESCRIBE ~PE IF ~lTfflN 500 FEET }SOIL ~PE AT PACILI~ I ~ASI5 FOR SOIL ~PE ~O GROUNDWAT~ Og~l[ DETE~INATION ~/ TOTAL NUNBER OF S~PLES TO BE ~AL~ED JS~PLES ~ILL BE ~YZED POR: ~ES~IBE HOW RESIDUE IN T~KIS) ~0 PIPING IS ~ BE RENOV~ ~O DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE ~NSPO~ATION ~D DISPOSAL COHPANIES): )ESCRIBE'BOTU TIlE DISPOSAL H~THOD ~ DISPOSA~ LO~TION FOR: *, ' PIPING ~ ' ' ' ' PLE'.%~ P~VIC~ ;HPOR~TION RBQUE~D O~ RE~RSE ~E O~ THIS SHE~.~ BEFORE 3UBNI~IHO APPLICATION FOR REVTE~ · ' FOR~ ,las DEE~ .'~PLE~D U~ER PENAL~ OF PER~URY AND ~ ~IE BEST OF ~ ~O~LEDOE ]5 ~UE ~ CORRE~. · ·PROVIDE DRAWING OF PH~ ~C._~ L%YOUT OF FACILITY USING S~..~'~. dROVIDED BELCW. ALL.OF THE FOLLC~qING INFORMATICN MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION.TO BE,:5 ..:. :!..: PRCCESSED: . .:" "' ' ' :""" .... ..... .....u"" TANK(S}, PIPING & DIspENSER(S}, INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS ~ PROPOSED sAMPL'iNG D~CATIONS DESIGNATED 3Y THIS SYMBOL "(~" ~ 6~d~EsT sTREET OR INTERSECTION ~' ANY WATER ~,Lq OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY ~ ~ioomow.i ~..~ -' I(EfU'I COUNTY I II"^EH I DEPARTMENT .~*u. omc~. ~.' Bakbrelleid, Callfol~,la Q3305 Loon M Itebefteo,h M.D. ~ of accoptmmo of trunk(s) by (llal~Oea.l o~- reeyellnl[ faclllty. The holtlee Of the permit ~Ith mmlmt' uo~ed above that tlde form la eomplotod nnd Date Tanks Removed tto. of Tanks / : ' ' r Depa~ requlremellts, ...~ , . ~,~,ia~.,.~ ~X':-- 'ri tie ( Form. tiINHP- / ~0 ) .- 'GARY J. WlCg$ ..... . ..'.*" ~ .:~, .:' i~ '-. 2700 .M'SI~I, Sulle Agency Director Bekerefleld, CA 93301 (~05) 861-3502 ;.~'~:~:'~-, ~ Telep~o~ (MS) 861-3638 ,. 4f/;' ~ ' ';:~ -- Teleco~er (805) 861-3429 STEVE MCCALL~Y. .q' '~. - ' "" ' "' '.'E N T A G"E N C Y DEPARTMENT.'~OF, EN~,IRONMENTAL PERMIT FOR PERMANENT~: .... .. ..~ PERMIT NUMBER A1009-31 0F UNDERGROUPID HAZARDOUS . SUBS 'ANCES STORAGE FACILITY ~ '. Sun Chemical G~nerul ~rinting, Ink Div.. , Const~ction Environmental Services 5551 District Blvd. 135 W. Lake St. 3213 F~irlmven Dr. S/e 109 Bakersfield,. CA 93313 Northlake, II. 60164 , Bakersfield, CA 93308 · . License ff539228 Phone: (312)-562-0550 Phone: (209)-325-1451 PERMIT FOR CLOSUR~ OF PERMIT EXPIRES November 25. 1989 ~ TANK~S).~ AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE August' 25, 1989 - " Laurel Funk, . Itazardous Materials Specialist ....................................................................... :; ............ POST ON PREMISES .................................... ; ..................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permi~tee to obtain permits which may be required,by.other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. ~' 2. Permittee, must noti[v the Itazardou~ Materials Management Progrnm at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank cld~ure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health an0 Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. SOil Sampling .'" Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents ~o be ~mpled [or which are described below and in Handbook. UT-30 must receive .prior appro~'al by the Environmental ttealth Department. ' a. (Tank size from 1,000 to 10,000 gallons) -a minimum of'four rumples must be retrieved one-third o[ the way in from the ends of'each tank at depths of approximately two feet'and six feet. 5. Soil Samplh~g (piping area) :.',.. a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and si~' feet f°r every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s). 6. Sample analysis a. All Diesel rumples must be analyzed for total petroleum ~ydrocarbons and benzene. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT-~"L-OS'~X~'- PERMIT NUMBER A1009~'31 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 7. If any,,contractors or 'disposal facilities other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by .the specialist listed on the permit. 8. Tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on-site supervising the actual tank removal: 9. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Environmental Health Department within five days of waste disposal. 10~ All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of '~' any contaminated soil. 11. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 .days of tank removal. 12. Advise this office of the lime. and. date of the proposed sampling with 48 hours advance notice. 13. Results must be submitted to this office 'within three days of analysis completion. ACCEPTED BY: ~-ac,~ : DATE LF:cd funk\1009-31.pta BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Dote PERMIT Permit No. In conformity with provisions of Pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, Permission is hereby granted to: /, b/Adcl~X~ ~'~' , . .... ~ Name of Company to display, store, install, use,'oPerate, sell or handle materials or process involving or creating con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or proPerty as follows: subject to the provisions and/or limitations as provided on the reverse hereof. Violation of Pertin- ent ordinances, codes and/or regulations shall void this 'perm. it, ' Fire Ma~s~al " t -91~ i Tdxic Substances Control Division 151ease print or type. (Form designed far use on elite ~itch typewriter). '; ·Sacramento, California '~ i~ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ,. deneralor's US EPA lO No. I Manifest 2. Page l · , -. Document No.- ~ Information in the shaded areas WASTE MANIFEST ~;'l~l.£):"l/'l~t~l'"l~'l(:l/'F' /i/i/i,~1.~ ct ~ is not required by Federsl.law 3. Generator's Name end Mailing Address ,~.:..,,, . ,,,,, (' ,,.,,_ ,,zA. s,ate Ma.ite§Ooc e[.§.Tr8 3 ~ ~ ) ':: '"--- ¢ / /. '~ State Generator's 't~ ~ ,,..:.~ ;. :../..; ,:::' B. .4. Generator'sPhone(' ') ~' s~7'~'/ I I I I I I I I_1 !,1 '1 5. Transpolar 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number- C. State Transpo~er's ID 7, T~anspo~er 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number E. State Transpo~er's 9. Designated Facilily Name and sale Address ~0. US EPA ID Number G. State Facility's ¢ 12. Conlainers 13. Total 14. I. 11. US DOT Description (inclUding Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, end iD Number) Quantity Waste Unit No. No. Type WI I Vol a.. State ~ ~ L G EPAI~her E , b. State R A T EPA/~her R c. State EPA/~her I I I ~ J. Additional De~criptiona for Materials Listed Above K. Handli~ C~e~ for Waate~ Listed Above  ~ : b. 15. S~ecial Handling Mstruclions and Additional Infor~alion :~..~*~¢'""~'. *-,.~ '."~ .'~'~ ) ...... d :;i'_,:,?.[.. ;i~¢~.~ . ' .....~" .... '' , GENERATOR'~ CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare Ih~l Ihs conlenls of this consignment are fully and accuralely described above by proper shipping name lnd ire clis~ilied, p~cked,' marked, and 18baled, ~nd ~re in ill respecls in proper condition for tranapod by highway ~ccording to n~tionll government recul~lions. , It IIm I I~rge qu~nti~ cener~lor, I cedtly that I have ~ pro,ram in place Io reduce the volume ~nd loxicily gl wills generaled to the degree I have determined lo be economically pr~clic~ble ~nd that I have selecled Ihs pr~clicible method of lrealment, storage, or disposil cu~enlly avaiMble to me which minimizes Ihs present 8nd fulure lhre¢l Io hum~n'he~llh ~nd the environmenl; OR, il I lm! smlll qu~nlily oener¢lor, I have made ~ good f~ith oenerllion end select the besl wssle min~oemenl melhod lhll is 8vliMble 1o me ~nd that I can afford. Printed(Typed N~me / I Sicn~lure.,' .., , Month Day Year ' ",'~ 9- 0.,-¢ ~.t.~;.~ .... "~*:¢- I°~ , , , ¢ ~ ~ ?', ............. . . ,_ ,,. ~. ¢ T 17. Transpoder l~Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials . R ' / A PriMed/Typed Namer· Signature,, ¢~ Month Day " t' .Z//!- .,~ ~ ' ' ~,',,': " ,. ._ ,. / . I~.'l ~ 18. Transpolar 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials ~ Printed/Typed Name I Signature Month Day Year I E I 20. Facilily Ow~er or Op~rilor Ctdificalion of r~c~ipt gl hazardous maltrill¢covered by this manil~il exc!~as ~oted in ~em 19. T y Printed/Typed Name ~ Signature Month Day Year I DHS 0022 A (1/80) Do Not Write Below This Line EPA 870~22 (Rev. g-88) Previous editions ere obsolete. YE[lO'>/: OFrlFR3TOR RFTAIh. I% ~lm & ~.ompa~/ (714) 825-697~ ] MET~ . J No.3 2167 / CVCL O, 'rANK D SPOSAI. 2202 South MIIIIkon Avenue Date: (714) 947-2888 RO.~ ~ES~NAnO.: A.M.R. 2202 S. Milliken Ave., Ontario, CA 91761 RPECIA[. INgTRU~IO~IS: TIME OU~ ,.,, .- Services Rendered . Cost "OlsP0~ai Fee '" ' 200.00 TANKS RECEIVED QTY. GALLONS TYPE NET TONS mOl'AL ' Extensive ~adlng Time . '::;. 150.00 F' S' ---: Disposal Fee wltti Permit ~00.00 280 ' El L1' A4 ., 500 ['l [] .21 ' , 550 ['] L] .24 ~ Flbetgl~s Tank Disposal Fee Pe~ Tank 400.00 1000.12 fl: El r'] .44 .' . , ~....--~_~, ,,) ~~ I000 - 6 fL [:1 Lq .61 .~ Delivered '/' : 1,500 ~] .81 /' ~" .. " 2000 ' .97 " 2500 L-I [~ 1.14 Bobtail Disposal Fee ! ~'' i, · : · , 250.00 ~. . . . . ;.. , 3000 [] [J o 1.32 ee. ;' : ~ · :~.250.~b !: 4000 El U 1.64 · :~.. 5000 [~ 13 2.42 .: .~.,..~-~'~ ~ ~. 6000 I~1 [] 2.84 ': .~ ; .,TOTAL CHARGES· : 7500 LI [-.1 3.26 8000 [I {] 3.44 9000 El {:l 3.82 All fees Incurred are per load unless specified. ~oooo Fl L] 4.33 Terms are net 30 days from date of invoice. 12000 r.l fl 4.93 Contractor's signature represents acceplance of terms for payment, and conflrrfls that tank [ NO. OF/TANKS TOTAL NET TONS removal complies with Slate laws. ~, .~.~~ ..._....._.... CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRUCTION THIS IS TO CERT,,ti~Y THE REC~,~.FT AND ACCEPTANCE OF ]HE TANK(B) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALt. MAI ER[ALS SPECIFIED I;ka~E'BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED FOR SCRAP PURPOSES ONLY. ,..s : ' , ff" ~'"'"'- ' AUTHORIZED REP. DATE CONTRACTOR COPY 1700 Flower Street KErlN COUNTY I IEAEI:I'I DEPARTMENT~'~ ,E^U, OFFICER Beker~lleld, Colllo.fln 93305 ' ' Loolt M Hebeftson, M.D: Telephone (805} 861-3036 ENVIRONMEN IAL HEAL]II DIVISION .Gi~/~~~ OlREC$OR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relchard * * UN[IERGIIOUND 'rANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * o -. This form Is 'tO be returned to tile gem County llealth Department within 14 ~ of accePtnnce of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The holde~ oE tile permit with llumbof IIO[l~d above Is' ~esponalble fo~ lasuPlng tlmt this form is completed and l-e~tll'llild. Section I - To bl~ filled out ~ t~lpJ~ ?(Hnoval coakructor: D~e Tanks Removed ~o, - ,~l.c~ out ~ con~ractor "decon~mnlna~Ina ~ankis): . '.~,~:~.: .... ta~k(s) have D'ee~ deco~i~a;~i;~a~ed lz~ accuz'd~:~u~ Dep~v tmen t. requl~ts / .. > / ~ / ~ ,,'~ ~ectlon S -'to be filled ou~ an~ A:~ne~ ~ m~ au~hor~zed ~rea~mn[, s~ora~, ~' dlsposa!.faclll~ acce~ln~ ~ank(s): Signature ~~'~~~ ~- Title (Author.ized~l: :p,',,~t:, ~]~Jve) , * * * HAILING INSTRUCTIONS: lroJd Ii' {{a.{ f and staple. (Form #11blHP-150 ) Dr, la,o . I.a,,,,,- k- I~nh,clla tlnlav~ . Rld(_recrn'~t . Shriller . Tart ..GARY .J. WICKS 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3502 - ' '*~:~'~';;~>~: ' ' · ' '' ...FY*' ' ..... :L::~:-: . . Telepho~ (~5) 861-~ STEVE ~CALLEY . . ~~~,'.?; ~.~.:.:~ Telecopler (805) 861-~29 D,rec,o, RESOURCE M MENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF EN~,IRONMENTAL HEALTH[SERViCES PERMIT FOR PER~NENT CLOSURE ....... ';"~;;'~'~ PERMIT NUMBER A1009-31 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Sun Chemical General Printing, Ink Div. Construct/on Environmental Services 5551 District Blvd. 135 W. Lake St. 3213 Fairhaven Dr. Ste 100 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Northlake, II. 60164 Bakersfield, CA 93308 - License #539228 Phone: (312)-562-0550 Phone: (209)-325-1451 PERMIT. FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES November 25, 1989 _.1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE August 25, 1989 LOCATION - APPROVED BY fi~~ ~,~ Laurel Funk; Hazardous Materials Specialist ....................................................... ......................... . ..... POST ON PREMISES ...................... : ................................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: '1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2.. permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. Soil Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook UT-30 must receive prior approval by the Environmental'Health' Department. a. (Tank size from 1,000 to 10,000 gallons) -a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 5. Soil Sampling (piping area) a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s). 6. Sample analysis a. All Diesel samples must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons and benzene. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A1009-31 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ADDENDUM SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 7. If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, pr!or approval must be granted by the specialist listed on 'the permit. 8. Tank removal contractor must hav~a qualified company employee on-site supervising the actual tank removal. 9. .Copies.of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Environmental Health Department within five days of waste disposal. 10. 'All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 11. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within 14 days of tank removal. 12. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 48 hours advance notice. 13. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion.' LF:cd , funk\1009-31.pta PROVIDE DRAWING OF PHYSIC. ._~YOUT OF FACILITY USING SPACI 7IDED BEILW. .: · ALL. OF THE FOLLGWING INFORMATICN MUST BE 'INCLUDED' IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION ~3 BE~ PROCESSED: ............... .- ~"-'. T/X2xlK (S) , PIPING '& DISPI-'2NSER(S) , rNCLUDING ~2~ ' 'PROPOSED S~MPLING L~TIONs DESIGNATED BY THIS'SY~L "(~" / ANY WATER ~W,r$ OR SURFACE WATERS ~ITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY` ..~ NORTH : EN,VIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT . 27,00 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 Fro ~ IO~2. ~ C__ ~A ~/OO~- 31 , BAKERSFIELD, CA 933.01 180~) 88]-~838 L~G?H O~ PIPING AIaPLI CATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERlVIAtNENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UI~IDER(iROUND HAZARDOUS SUBST~NcEs sTORAGE FAC ILI TY THIS iPPLIC.ATION IS FOR REMOVAL. OR AB.ANDONTqENT IN PLACE (FILL our ONe: APPLICATION PER PROJECT CONTAC']' PHONE $ ' ~ TANK R~OVA~ CO~OR ~ORESS {PHONE PROPOSED PROJE~ STARTING DATE CALIFORNIA L~CEHSE ~ ~R~ER'S COMP~SATION ~ {~NSUR~ ~ORKER*S COMPENSATION a {INSURER PHONE - P? -ur r - < - =H~ICAL COMPOSitiON OF ~TERI~ STORED rANK $ VOLUME CH~I~ S~REB {NON-CO~ERCIAL N~EI DA~ S~R~ CE~ICAL PR~IOUSLY ~ORED WATER TO FAC:LITY PROVIDF. D BY . DEPTR 1'O GROUNI:~MATER i iNF..AREST WATER .ELL - GIVE DISTANCE AHO DESCRIBE TYPE IF WITHIN SOO FELl' SOIL TYPE AT FACTLI'I'Y BASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUHDWATE.R DEPTH DETER{4IHATION ' {TOTAL NUMBER OF SAMPLES TO BE ANALyZ~n {SANPLF. S WILL BE ANALYZED FOR: · ~ "' ~ . ..~. . .. , /. DESCRIBE HOW RESIDUE IN TANK(S) AND PIPING IS TO lie REJ40VED AND DISPOSED 0P (INCLUDE T~NSPORTATION A~O DISPOSAL ¢0lCPANIE$}: DESCRIBE BOTII ~E DISPOSAL ~OO ~ DISPOSA~ LO~TION FOR: ~ ~ { PIPING ' ~ ~ ~ ' i ' ' PLE.~Z 9~VlCZ iNPOR~TTON REQUE~D 0N RE~RSZ SIDE 0F THIS SHE~ BEFORE '3UBMI~TNG APPLICATION FOR REVIEW ' ' FORw ~ia9 BEEN ':OMP~D ~ER PENA~ 0F PERJU~ AN~ ~ ~E BEST 0F ~ ~0W~EDOE ~ ~UE ~ CORRE~. ,. ,~,NT~,' PLANNING & DevELOPmENT 2700 '~Vl' S~r~e~ 8ake~$~fie'~d, CA 93301 T~ype o¢ Ocde~ -- (805) 861-26!5 CASH REG2STER CONSTRUCTZON ENV. SERVICE .~ H08'~ o~9-: LoS 08/"~ 8/39 ~ 03/:S/'8~ ~ NT ! rANK PLAN CHEC;{ ~ !00 ~n .,..,¢. E '~00.00 '70 * Order To~a! !00.00 Amoun~ Due I00.00 170OFIowerStreet KEI%, COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ( .... .E~LTHO~F~CER Bakersfield, California 93305 Leon M Hebertson, M.D. Telephone (805) 861-3636 .. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH  Vernon S. Relcherd INTERIM PERMIT /,~,~,~ PERMIT~31OO2 1C TO OPERATE: ISSUED: JULY. 1, 1986 EXPIRES :JULY 1, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= FACILITY: i OWNER SUN CHEMICAL CORPORATION I SUN CHEMICAL CORPORATION 5551 DISTRICT BLVD. ~ 555i DISTRICT BLVD. ..BAKERSFIELD, CA I BAKERSFIELD, CA- 93313 TANK # AGE(IN YRS) ,SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? i 7 MVF 3 NO NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE * * * POST O~ PREMISES ~DATE PERMIT MAIT,~-~: JUL 1 6 1986 DATE PER~IT CHECK LIST RETURNED: tern Count'~ Realt:h De ~.'.v~.sion o~ Enviro~en~l Hea.' '~ A~lication 70Q Flo~r Street, Bakersfield, ~ 93305 SUN CME~CAL CORP. ~'~PLI~TION ~R PE~IT ~ OPE~TE ~E~R~ 5551 DISTRI~ BLVD. ~~us SUBST~CES S~E FAC[~Z~ BAKERSFIELD, ~93~09 T~ o~ A pltcation (cheek): ~New ~aczlzCy ~dtficaCton of Facility ~misCi~ Facility ~ansfer of ~ersnip ~ergen~ 24-~ur Contact (n~e, area c~e, ~one): ~ ~ x~ . ,,~ Nights / · ~.O)'/ / ~. of T~ks / . ~ o'f Business (check)~ ~'~line s~tiOn ~e~ (de~ri~) Is Tank(s) ~cat~ on'~ ~ricultural Fa~? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ Pri~rily for~ricultural. ~r~sesF ~Yes Facility Addre~ ~/ ~,./,~.~?/L ~ Nearest Cro~ St. T' R SEC (Rural ~ations ~ / ~dres~ .--~- Z[i~[~'k~,TZ'-' Zip Tele~one ulo i ~J~i Con.ct I O~rator ~55~ ~vu. ~dress BAKER~FJ~' ~ 9~OR Zip Tele~one · * . ,. ~,~,, ~sxs for Soxl ~ a~' Gro~ter ~p~ ~e~thaEiloh~ Contractor ~ ~ntractor' s Lice~e ~. ~dre~ Zlp ~le~ Pro~s~ ~rt'i~ ~%e P~o~s~ C~letion ~rker's C~~ti~ Certification ~ Insurer If ~is ~it Is For M~ification Of ~ ~lsti~ ~cill~y, Briefly ~ri~ ~ificati~ Pro~s~ T~k(s) .~tore (~eck all' ~t a~ly): Tank [ ~ste Pr~uct ~tor Vehicle Unleaded R~u!.ar Pr~i~ Die~l ~ste ~el Ch~i~l ~si~ion of ~terials Stor~ (~t ~ces~ry for ~tor vehicle f~ls) Tank ~ Ch~i~l Stor~ (n~c~rcial ~e) ~ ~ (if kn~) ~ical Pr~i~sly S~ (if d~fferent) Transfer of Ownership Date of I~--an~fer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name .I, accept fully all °bi'igati°ns of P~lrmit NO. issued to · I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and ~difY or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this ~dergro~d storage facility upon receiving .this ccmpleted form. This form has b~en completed under penalty of pe~-jury and to the best of my knowledge is TANK ~ ! (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FG.. ~ACH TANK) · --FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL,APPROPRIATE BOXES SUN CBEMICAL CO~. ~ 5551 DISTRICT BLVD. 1.' Tank ts: [-]Vaulted r]Non-Vaulted r~Double-Wall ~Si~g!e-Wall BAKERSFIELD, CA93309. 2. ~ Material .~[Carbon Steel ri stainless steel ,~]Polyvinyl Chloride rlFiberglass-Clad Steel ~[Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete ~ Albl~in%m~ .[~ Bronze [-]Unknown [-] Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickn~s (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufac~tur.~r 4. Tank Secondary Containment i-]Double-Wall [2]Synthetic Liner r~ Lined Vault ~None i-I Other (describe): Manufacturer: r~Material Thtckn'ess (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ----~R~ber []Alkyd '[]Epoxy. [2]Phenolic []Glass []Clay ~nltn~d -. [-IOthe~ (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --]~Galvar[ized ~ass-Clad [2]Polyethylene Wrap r~viny1 Wrapping []Tar or Asphalt ~Unknown []None [']Other (describe): Cathodic Protectton:--l-]None []Impressed Current System ['l Sacrlfic'" al Anode System. Describe System & Equt~ent: 7. Leak Detection, Monito{~r~, and Interce~)tion a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted 't'anks only) ' rqGroundwater Monitortrg' W~ll(s) - []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner U-Tube with Campatible Liner Directing ·Flow to Monitorirg Wsl~l(s)* Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor" [] Conductivity [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid Bstrie~al & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space []Daily Gatging &Inventory. j~econgili..a&ion []Periodic Tightness b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak DeteCt-or(s)" for Pressurized Pipi'~" ._ [] Monitoring S%~p with Racewsy [] Sealed Concrete Race~y [~Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway, []Synthetic Liner Raceway []None [] Unknown [] Other · Describe Make & Model: 8. ~en T:l. cJhtneSs 'l'ested? ['q Yes ,~NO [] Un~.own .__. g.' ?ank ~ Date(s) of Repair(s) ,,/ ,,/ /../_~ Describe Repairs /t~../. / / - 10. Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually· Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge "[]Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls [-]Capacitance Sensor, []Sealed Fill Box []None FqUnknown 11. Pipi~- a. Undergrou~d Piping: [-]Yes ~LNo [JUnknown Material · Thickness (inches) D'iameter Manufacturer []pressure [~Suction []Gravity Approximate Length of Pi~e b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : .... []Galvanized I-]Fiberglass-Clad [-]Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode []Polyethylene Wrap rqEleCtrical Isolation g]Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt · ,[-IUnknown [-]~ne []Other (d~scribe): c. Underground Pip!}?g, Secondary Containment: I-]Double-Wall ~. []Synthetic Liner System []None []unknown , r~other (describe): .Permi t Qu'es t i onnai re Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners· but since many Owners live, outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are ~to be posted. Please fill in Permit # and check one of the following before returning this ,form with payment: For PERMIT 1. Send all information to Owner at the address listed on i~voice (if Owner is different than ODerator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent informat ion I . 2. Send all information to Owner at the foliowin~ cocrected address: 3. Send all information ,J Operator: Name: Address: __~_~N 5551 DISTRICT BLVD, ~ERSFiE~, CA 93313 (Operator can m,.. ~ ,'.:o! -of permi,' for, Owner ). .-I KERN COUNTY HE~,LTH DEPARTMENT ~' 'i 700 FLOWER STREET [ BILLING DATE ~' I 4,/30/86 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 AMOUNT DUE 128. O0 PERMIT/INVOiCZ ~310021C [ AMOUNT F-NCLOSE£ SUN CHEMICAL CORPORATION CHARGES PAST DUE .ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY SUN CHEMICAL CO~6~?iON 5551 DISTRICT BLVD. ~ DUE DATE B~/RSFI[LD, CA 93309 ~ 5/30/86 DETACH HERE ,,.~ - PLEASE RETURN TH~S PORTION !O INSURE CORRECT PAYMEN~ IDENTIFICATION ~ DETACH H SE~ PA~ENT WITHIN 30 'DAYS TO AVOID 50~ PENALTY 'E/ ~STING DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DATE 30/86 PE~IT/I~OICE · 310021C . ANNUAL FEE FOR PE~IT TO OPE~TE UNDERGROUND STOOGE FACILITYr WITH I ~ANK(S) LOCATED AT: 5551 DISTRICT BLVD. c/ ' :'. ~:.: .' ., :~ Lf,2~: . _ ~- - , ~ , ,:.~ N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT s~c~,~ ~o, ~*~:~s ,: ,:~ ............... . .............. , ..... - ........... ~ J O FLOWER STREET ~~'~'P~~'~' TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ' ERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 ......... ' .......................... ~ ............_ ARDCASTLE co=pn ¥, ilAICOnPOnAYEID 310 30th St. · Bakersfield, .CA 93301 ·Lic. 461154 ..[B05) 322-9344 · Fax (805) 322-6816 Gentlemen we are transmitting the following: 0 ~rres~ondence 0 Sprinkler Plans Q Waiver of Lien O.Change Order ~ ~lculations ~ Submi~ls 0 Guarantee ~ Con~ac~ 0 A~Buil~ For your: 0 Review & Approval ~ Information ~ Revisions 0 Request ~ R/es 0 Use Please re~urn - ~ copy/copies approved. Remarks: ~CLO~D k~E %E ~ATCRI 5&FETV b~Tk 5~ ~~5 FOE T~ ~T T~ ~ ~~V~ ~F~'~~~ Ill enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.) Copy to: . ~,~, ~sun(SnemiceI le~ 17~1 F~, 1708~ FACSI~ZL~B~.SM~S~ION ~ · ~~ ~o:_....Mf~__~.~ ~ ........ COMPANY: ~o~: ~/ ..... ~.~ ~,_ ...... .. FAX NUMBER: 708-882-5093 (ADMIN OFFICEM) NUMBER OF PAGES: _~'~~~(~ncludin~ ~h~ page)' REMARK~: NOTE: If You did mot recet.~-e ail pages, cai], (SCS} 562-0550 and ask [or~ sender. No~.'th!ake Fax Locations: admin Offices 1-708--55~-5093 Plant Of floe 1-708-562-0576 Pub. G~avur. e & Lab (111 Bldg) 1-70g-~62-1530 · I~TERiAL SAFETY s.~n Chemical , ¥' DATA 'SHEET Gorpora~ion Manufacturer's Nam~ Sun Chemt~al ~orporafl~n MSDS Number ; 11233Z Street A~ress ~ Ce~ttalAvenue Revision Da~e ', 4/25/~ ~ds~d~ New Jersey 07~72 Telsphone Numbe~ (2oi) PrOduct Class INK RE~T.ED PRODUCT - MINWARP Manufacturer's C~de SEE A~ACHED LIST I! Haza~dou~I Component Haurd ~poeura Limlte A~OIH None s~ d~fln~ by ~g C~ S eetlo~ I ~ I 0,1200 Iii Health Efta,ct In~rmati0n- Finish~i ~F0'dU~t PHmary Can cau~ eye and skin IrrttlttOn, Contact trihalatlorl Nc) adverse affects reportecl. Data Medical OondltlorJ$ Ex~stingskln Aggrevatecl By ~posure V EmergenO~"& FIr~tAid. procedute~. .,- : :-,,~ .... : .:.:,:::= :_:~.=-:. ': ,-,'..,: ..... Eye Flush eyet with wat~ for st t~t 15 minces, If {rrltstlon Oevelcps, seek medical Oo~tact a~e~tlon. ' Skirl wash exp¢.~sr~ area wlt~ soap a~d water, Remove alt s~!lecJ gtmhing incl launcler : ~IY L-- _~.'- . 't ' '::, ..... :' ::: ..... ~' ...... ..... , --"T:-~`''''. "'~ '' · .... : .... :: ~,~e Se~e~ Olasses or ~o~lea ~ho~d be w~rn t~ prevent e=~)dental conta=t, .')roteetio , 9kin ~love. sh=ut~ ~e worn for re~ea~e~ or pr~lomge~ ex~o. ure, Protection In acc~ nc~ goo n ractlces. '~loweat) Method Fla8~ Point Category N.A, Lower Flammal=lllty (OaHA/NFPA) Llmtt In Air (% by Vel) Extlngulahlng ', Carbon dloxt~le, city o~emlcal or foam, Media Fighting Procedurea in all chemical flre~, Unusual Fire and None re~ortec~, Explomlon Hazards Method,, Xi Speolal Precautions, ,' Handling and Keep containers cioae~ when not In u~e, P~ecautlona~ Avol~ eye conte~ and protonged skin ~onta~, ~tstements, O leclalmer o~' l. lm ?he m~bevm larch'nation t,~ ~s~ on data m~a~. te us a~ is bell~ ~ be oer~ However, ftc w~gmn~ of :. ~uch ~mt~, the ~sults to ~e cbm~n~ from'the u~e ~mt~f, ~I ~s =onn~ ~h t~e uee of the mat~r~, ~ any su~l~ ~ tMe ~ta~ fo? his ~laula~ p~e, ~'~A rERIA, L sun Chemical :DATA SHEET Corporation ' General Pdnt~n~ lnk ~ivl~lon Manufacturer's Name 8u~ Chemical Corporation MSDS Number : 1~101Z Tel,ph~n~ Numbsr ~o~) ~s~o ~rod~ct Class~ ~ WATER BASED FLEXOGRAP~IC- HYD~OCORR II ' OHSA . AOOIH "l!' ""' ...... ' '~" "" ..... ' ' o'n ..... ?'" ~'~ ...... ~' "'~-'~' ~':''' ....... '"~"'" . ~a~ Conta~ with liquid may cause eye ~nd akin Irr~tion. H~ard ~mu:,~,v, ,,::v ,~. ~ Page IV' Health Effect lnformati,on - Hazardous Ingredients '~y~ ContrOl with liquid m~y osuse irritation, Contact Skin R~peate~ or prolonged exposure may cause lrri~ation, Contact Inhalation No a(:lversa effects antiolpated, Ingestion May cause irritation of digestive tract.. .~-' "althNone other then above, ~....ia ' Medleal Conditions Existing skin disorders, Aggravated By ' ' ExposUre ., ,. ..... ]..,},..,.l.t., .... ,, ..... Eye Flush eyes w~ water for ~t least 15 min~es, tf trr~atlen develops, oonsult a Contact physiol.. Skin Wash expc~secl area wffJ3 soap and water, If Irritation devel°ps, consult a physician, Contaot Inhalation None antlolpated to be necessary, ingeltlon Induce vomiting, Immediately consult i p~$iolan. 80,~ ~ ~ :30 ~6 '£'[ '60 Page v! Persona[ Health Protection Information [~ . II.r... .............. 'P_ye Safety glasses or goggles shoula be worn. Protection Skin ~loves ~houl~ ~e worn for repeam~ ~r prolon~e~ exposure. Protection Protection Other None, , Flash Point> 200°F Flash Point T,O,C, (lowest) Method Flash POint Ostegory' IilB Lower Flamm~13111ty N,A, (OSHA/NFPA)- Umlt In Air (% l~y Vol) Media Special Fire Sslf-ocmtainec~ breathing al~paratus and protective clothing ehoulcl be worn Fighting Procedur~el In ohemi~l fires, ' Unua'ual Fire and None reportecl, Exploaion Hazards '111 ReactivltY'Data Incomparability s~ron~ oxldizer~ 7 PhysicalData , ,, 'b~lllng R~nge, 212~F Denelty -8-12 Percent Volatile -50% Evaporation Rate Stower (welgh~) (rs, autyl A,etate) : Vapor Density Heavier Appearance/ Colored Iiquld .:. (vs, air) ........ ~- . od~r Mild ac~lic odor 'Procedure If MaterialWearing appropriate protective clothing, clean up with 8bsorbent materta!, Is Spilled or Released Waste Disposal In accordance with local, state and federal regulations, Method . " "'"% ..... ' "'' ;..- .....'~:" . '.;,._:'~:'" "!.., ,' :-=,,,r,,,' .'-.. ~':'~ ... ' ¢ ......... '?"' .'.' .... ~__.,...=.-. Handling and K~ep containers closecl in a ~o~1, ~, well ventilste~ are~, ' ,~ ,rage Requirements Precautionary Avoid eye or exeesslve skin contact, Statement8 · .,,,':..v.."",.,~,.,, ...... ... ,,,,-'"'~: '"ents""'" ....... '"""?'"':"'1 ...... '~"'' ' ''~ ..... ""' .................. '""' "' ..... ' ................ ' .... ~"':t~'i,~', "'"~'~'J .....%-' ...... ,'" ~ ,' '," ' ,,';"~ ''~"'""'"t:'~'~'~"~""'i,',,',',~':"~'~Jh~'~'"x,~'""""'h,; ,j'~'"'~ ,'¢ ..... ~' "'"'r --' None --., - I I , "- II i i, i ....... m .. '-"--~1 i IIII .I III ......... alii . I ..... . II . Dlsolalmet of Liability ~'he above tnfom~tion I~ bs~ed on da~ l~la~e :o u~ a~ L~ ~1~ to ~ oom~ However, no wa~n~ of auoh data, the reeutt~ to ~e ob~ln~ from the uae ~ereof, the ~a oonne~ w~h the ~ae of [he ~terl~, or any suoh Use will no~ Infdngl~ any ~tenL $~noe the tnfo~Uon oo~tn~ herein ~y ~ appll~ u~er co~tons beyo~ our oontr~, a~ web w~h whloh we ~ ~ u~mnar, we do ~: a~Ume any res~naib[l~ resulting from ~a usa. VIATERiAL SAFETY sun chemloa! DATA SHEET corporation Germr~t printing InK Dlvlston ~,~ ~ "~/ ~ ~ ' --~ .~ .2;~ .... ~ ] ............... 2~ i ' ........ anufa~urer'~ Name Sun Chemical Corporation MSOS Number : 13301Z feet Address ~1 Centr~,Avenu~ Eevlalon Date : 7/21/89 Superaedes : 12/10/86 ~lephone Numbar (2o~) rodu0t Olaas WATER BASBD FL~OGRAPHIO - PRECORR ;tn~a~urer's Co~e SEE A~ACHED LIlT Ji~'H ~ ith" Effect,': tt'n fFOrm at1 '~n ~:.~. lnl~ led.i!'Pr: ,odUe~i~T '"~"?~¥ ~"~' :~:'""~':"~?" ~"~;'~" ?";"~'~;'~'~"":'~"'":~:"~:,, ................ '~"~FbJ h::~""~'~, ~i~:'~,9~,='~ 'n ,,~..n. ;:,~,, ~.~ i 'rlml~ Oonta~ w~h liquid may ~u.. eye ~d s~in irr~tlon. / ~l~nrd , ' , Repeatecl or prolmnged exposure may cause Irritation, Contaot. Inhalation Inhalation of large quantities of vapors can be harmful, May Douse irritation of the ,' tesplr.atory tract. Ingestion May cause Irritation of digestive tract, Health, None other than above, Data Medical Condltlor~a F, xlstJng ,si,Jrt and respiratory dlsorclers, , Agg~evated ay Exposure Eye , Flush. 9!les w~ water for at least 15 minutes, If trr~tlon develops, o~nsult a Contact ~ physlcan, ' iSkln, Wash exposed area with soap ancl water, If Irritation develops, consult a phyoldan, I ~ iOontaot Inhalation ~t.rnove affsoted psm~on to ~'esh ~r, If neoee~am/, aclmlnl~ter oxygen and seek, im,'rnedlate modlO~l attention, I S Do not IncluDe vomiting, Immediately consult a physloi,n. vi Persona Health Protectlonlnformaflon ....... ..... . ..... - ' , _ '- . ~-:'. .... ~-..' .~:- ':~:' ' '""::' _ ....... :~ :~--" .. ~ .: '- ' .~ ' . 'l ~ ~ .~"'~ Protection Skin cloves should be worn for repeated or protongecI exposure, Protection Ventilation Ac~quate to maintain exposure limit~, Respiratory if exposure Ilmtt$ are exceeded, an air supplied respirator shoulcl be worn, Protection Other Eye bath and safety shower reoommendecl. Fl.ail Point, >200'F Flash Point T,C,O. (lowest) Method Fl.eh POint Category IIIB Lower Remmablltty No datl (OBHA/NFPA) Umlt In Air (% by Vol) Extinguishing Carbon trioxide, c~ry oherntoal or foam. Me'die Special Fire 8etf.oomaJned breathing apparatus and protec'Uve clothing ahoulcl be worn' Fighting Prooedur'ee In chemical fire.,' u-nu~iUal Fire add None reported. l~pl~elen H~arda VIII Stable Unstable ondltion$ to Avoid None known X , !incomparability S'trong oxldlzer. _. Phy i°al Data Bolll~g Range 212~F Denalty - 8.5 P~r~ent Volatile -60% Evaporation Rate $1owe~ (welght)¢ . Vapor Oensity Heavier Appearance/ Olear liquid ~,air) Odor _. _ Mild, sweetodor ~rocedure If Material . Wearlng appropriate porte,tire clothing, ¢lea~ up with ab8orbent material, i~ Spilled Or Released Waete Disposal In accordance with local, stere and federal Method Hartdllng and Keep containers closed when not in use, St~re In a cod, city area, Storage Rec~ulrementa etatementa Corn None, ' 13ieoleime~ of I. Jablllt7 The above information Is based =n da~ avalla~e to ua and Is belleve¢ to be correct, Howwer, no warran~ of meroha~t~blll[y~ fltne~ie far lny use, or any othe~ wa~anty is ex~r~.t~ o~ to be implied regarding the aaoUraoy of such data, the re~ult~ to be obtained from the u~e thereof, the h~ard~ oonneCt~ ~h the use of the material, or any beyond our oon~ol, a~d with wlth whloh we rosy be unf~mlllsr,.we do not a~ume any rasponmlbll)~ resulting ffem Ira usa, This Information )~ iurnlsh~ u~on the c¢nditlon thai the person receiving ~ thall make him ew~ determination of the