HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN iTE DIAGRAM ~ FACILITY DIAGRAM , O ' Bakersfield Fire Dept. · ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION . .* '' 'Date Completed Busines~ Identification No. 215-000 eec, ~/S (Top of Business Plan) . StationNo. . ./ ,3 Shift ,~ Inspector :5-".,/'~'-~'~- /'~.,,:/~/3 _./~. ~'~"/'J')V'~oA/ Adequate - Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials ~. Verification of Quantities._ . I~] /~ I~ .. . Verification 'of Location .1~] ~ Proper Segregation of Material. ]~] / Comments: ~N'~' e Verification of MSDS Availablity umb r'of Employees /~ - m Verification of Haz Mat Training . J~ 't .~' 'Co ments' ~. Verification of Abatement Supplies & Pro~:edures ~ )kj//~ Comments: : Emergency Procedures Posted ~ ~//~ · . Containers Properly Labeled ~ ' comments: verification of Facility Diagram ~ jV'/,~ Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: '. " .. All Items O.K. Correction Needed '. Business Owner/Manager ' · ' ' ' ' FO .1652 (Rev. 1-90) - VVhite'-Haz Mat DiV. Yellow-Station Copy ,Pink-Business C(;Py- - ersfie Fire De . Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street INSTRUCTIONS: ~~~~~ f~hin I, To avoid further action, return this 30 days of receipt. 2. ~PE/P~INT ANSWERS IN ENGUSH, 3. Answer the questions b~low fo~ the business ~s a LOCATION: 5630 District Blvd. Suite 102 MAILING ADDRESS: 5630 District Blvd., Suite ~02 CITY: Bakersfield, STATE: CA ZIP: ~33~3 PHONE:805-397-6682 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER' 00-4Z5-4530- SIC CODE: 3999 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Cathodic Protection Material sale_~: cnn_~tr.ntinn g Fngineering OWNER: SA~ MAILING ADDRESS: SA~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS, PHONE 24 HR, PHONE 1. Tina Teissere District Manager 805-397-6682 805-589-2508 2, ToqvHazelwood Technician gDq-~q7-6~S? 805-631-2550 F~1590 Bakersfield Fire Dc Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: ' 3 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: yes: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ?ra±ning not requ±red, rrm:er±al is packaged for resale SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, -T~Tr, -7-~/5%~.r~'~ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. l UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE 2. FD1590 . .~akersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: ~ ~_es/~ ~1~ SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: (~xtL~Lna Teissere 805-397-6682 805-589-2508 B, EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: All employees notified to evacuate premises and to meet in front of biulding followed by a head count. C, PUBLIC EVACUATION: Notifying each inmediate office to evacuate i, nmediately D, EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: ~ergons suffering a medical emergency will be ,: mediately transported to: Southwest Urgent Care 5297 Trux~unAve Bakersfield 805-322-2273 Bakersfield Fire De~. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Harco Technologies SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A, RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: All hazerdous materials are stored 6npallets in metal containers. These materials are stored in a seperate area from other in-house materials. Safety equipment includes; 2-A:10-B:C Fire Extinguisher, First Aid Kit. B, RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: An incident invovinghazardous materials on the premises will be confined to the hazardous area as all hazardous material is restricted to the area except in the case of transporting material to customer. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: ~mall Spills; Clean-up with solvent and towels, let dry, large Spills; Once material is contained, let dry and dis- pose of. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY)' NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: No Cas or Propane at this £acility ELECTRICAL: Box is located on North wall of mainhallway(conznon wall to bathrooml).,. WATER: ~,~Under. bathroom sink SPECIAL: None LOCK BOX: YES/:Jt~t~ IF YES, LOCATION' SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Sprinklers, Extinguisher B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT)' Hydrant located at main driveway entrance on District Blvd. 4. Fo1590 ' " CiTYof BAKERSFIELD Farm and Agticulture [.] Standard ~usiness [~HAZARDOUS HATER]:ALS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSIN.ES.$..S, UAME:/"~/.~/~,e~/z,~//~,~m 7~,~,~/mf/~.y OWNER NAME: ~/~.,.~_.~....,~ /"/.~....~.,;mJ' NAME OF THIS FACILITY: ~/:~/~_~_/d/..~,,:~_z~_ C]IY, ~IP:_ ~¢~,r~ _~~ .... -PtlOH~, ~: ' ~ _. z · ~ ~ .... REFER TO-TNSTRUCT2QNS-~N-~NOPER CODES I1 l~.~ i~,e ,~x ~v~r~, ~,,u~l ,,~ur, ~h~e ~o~ co,~ ~o~ us Code Code Ami kmt Est Units on /ype Press lemp Coue Stored In facility See lnstru;ttons ~ical lnd Health Hazard C.A,S, Humber Component II Name I C,A,S. Humber eck ali that apply) ~.~_~~ Component 12 Hame I C,A.S, Humber [3 ~ireHazard U Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release U Im~ediaLe Ilea/Ch of Pressure Health Co~ponenk 13 Hame I C.A.S. Number Physical and pealth Hazard C,A.S, Humber Component II Hame I C,A,S, Number tCheck' All that 4pplyJ Component I~ Hame I C,A,S, Humber. U Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ SuddenRelease ~ Immediate HeR ILh of Pressure ' Ilealth Componen: 13 Hame I C,A,S, Humber P~ysical ~nd Health Hazard C,A.S, Number Component II Hame IC,A,S, Humber ICheck all.that apply) Component I~ Name I C,A,S, Humber 'Fire'Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Belayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure tlealth Component 13 Hame I C,A.S. Humber I I I 'I I I I , '1 ' I zWz (Chec~ ali that applyl Component 12 Hame I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate tleaffh of Pressure Ilealth Component 13 Name I C,A,S, Humber EHERGEUCY COUTACTS fll fl2 ertifif]tioq ,(Re~ an¢.~ign af~pr certify unoer penaltv o/jaf thqt I navepersona/~y examlnqoaqolm iamillar.lit6 the inlormatlon ~'u~mitt~ In this Qnd all a~ta~e~,d~c9eent~, an~ t~a~ oaseo on.my ~nquiry ~f. Chose ~ne~v~eua~s responsio~e ~or obtaining the ~n~oreat~on. i believe thaC the s~b~l:te~ In/o~ea:~o~ Is ~rue, accurate, ano complete. CiTY of' BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS HATERTALS TNVENTORY Farm and Agticulture ~ Standard Business [] NON--TRADE SECRETS LOCAT ] Ott: ADDRESS; CJlY. ZiP: CITY. ZIP=. DU~ ADD BRAD~TREEI UOHBEA PItOUE fl: PtlONE ~: - - ~ REFER TO-ZNSTRUCYZONS-~R-'PROPER CODES - - I ~ ] 4 5 6 ~ 8 ~ 10 II 12 lrns ly,e ,ax Average Annual Measure '~Y~e ~onl Cont Conl Us loc,Lion.,he(e. Code Coae AeC Amt Est Units onSit Press lemp Co~e See Instructions vixture/Co~onents ~ mype Stored ~n rac,~ty  ical and~e~lth Hazard C.A,S. Number Component II Name I C.A.S Humber Component 12 Hame i C,A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivit~ ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ I~aediaLe Itea ICh of Pressure IlealLh Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard C,A.S. Number Component II Name I C.A.S. Number tCheck all that apply) Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ ReactiviLy ~ Detayed ~ Sudden Release ~ /m~edia[e Hea/Lh of Pressure tlealLh ComponenL f3 Name ~ C.A.S. Humber Physical and Ne~lth~azard C.A.S. ~u~ber Co~ponent II ~a~e I C,A.S, Humber (Check all that apply) Component 12 Hame I C.k.S. Humber Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ 0elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Im~ediaLe  Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame I C,A.S. Number Physical end Ueal~h Hazard C,A.S. Number. Component II Name I C.A.S, Number ,' (Check all that apply) Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health . of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number ~HERGE/tCY cOrtTACTS fll Name lltla 2~-H~-P~e Ra~&' Title :erti[i~aLioq . .(Re~d ~/~d.~ign a~C~r c~mpl~Ci(~g.~ll secCi.on~) certHy unaer pena~t~ oT~a~ tnRt I navepersonaj~y, examlnqqeqo~m ia~i~ar, lit~ the inloreat~0n ~u~eiLt~d in this.lnd all ~tta;~ed.dQcveent~, anO tpaL basea on,my inquiry 9Ltnose Inalvloua~s responsio~e tot obtaining the ~nlormatlon. I believe Lhac the ub~l[Led I~lorel~lo~ IS true~ lccurl~ ~oo comp/ere. '. :',,. CiTY of BAKER,SFIELU HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Aeticulture ri Standard Business H NON--TRADE SECRETS CiIY. PIIOUE lIP; CITY. ZIP;. DUN MID BRADSTREEI UUHBER .................................... : PtlONE Il: - - REFER TO-'ZNSFRUCI-ZONS-FUR-'PROPER CODES -- , :.,, ,. .,r., ,,,,ur, "' code AmC Amt Est Units on /ype Press lemp Co~e ~St°re~ In facility ut See Instructions uixture/Coeoonents Iaand/I that~ealthapply]Hazard C.k,S, Humber Component Il Hame ~ C,X,S. Humber [] Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component 12 Hame I C,A,S. Humber lima Rh of Pressure ttealLh Component 13 Hame I C,A,S, Number ~I I I I II I I I I Physical 8nd Health Hazard C,A.S. Number Component II Hame t C,A.S. Humber . ICheck 411 that applyl ~ ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Oelayed ~ SuddenRelease ~ ]mmediaLeC°mp°nen:t~ HamelC,A.S, Humber HeaRh of Pressure Ilealth Co~ponent 13 Name I C,A,S, Humber ~_.l_ I I I II I I L,I I ~hysical ind pealth Hazard C.X,S, Humber Componen: II Name I C,A.S, Number IChe:k all that apply} ~ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component I~ Hame I C,k,S, Number HeaRh of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C,A,S, Humber 'l/Physical{Check alllndthaLHealthapply} C,k.S, Humber Component II Hame I C.A,S, Humber ~ U Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component I~ HamelC,A.S, Humber Hea/th of Pressure tteaith Component 13 Name ~ C,A,S, Humber ,Z~/ EHERGEUCY CONTACTS ~1 fl2 ;erti[jgatioq ,(Repd ~.n~.~igt~ af~pr complgCi(~g,~ll secCi.on~) ~ cer[~/~ unoer pena~[~ oi~a~ [~1[ l navepe[sona~y exs~lnqO~qaJm lami~lar.~ith the I~jOr~8[IOn ju~iLtf~ In this.~nd all it~ached,dQcV~ent~, an~ t~at based on.my inquiry Qr.[hose tnotvlauals responsio~e [or obLatnin9 [he tn~orma[ton. I believe Lha[ [he ',uD~ttteo I~lor~a[IOO IS [rue, Iccura[e, aha co~p/e[e, · '" CI'I'Y o'F BAKEI-~,,~FIELIJ farm and /~gticulture [] Standard Business []HAZARDOUS HA'r ER:[ALS ZNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS i~. _?'. of ~Z.. "'~'"~'~~,~:^,,o,,. "^'~' . ~,,,,s~:°~'~" ,.,~,.,~: ~%~M~,~~ DUi~ AUI) BRAI)~IREEI [I~HBE~ ....... CIlY, ZIP CITY. ZIP~ ...... PIIOIIE I1: PIIOIIE fl: -- - - R~FER TO-'ZNS 1'I?UCF'IONS-FOR-PI?OPER CODES Code Code Ami Ami Est Units on /ype Press lemp Stereo In ~aClilty See Instru:t~ons II that I.l Fire Ilazard [] Reactivity ~ ~elayed I] Sudden Release [] Immediate Ilea ILh of Pressure Itealth Componen: 13 Ilam8 I C.A.S. Number rhlfictlatnd Iteallh tlalard C.A.S. Humber ComponeflL II Name I C.A.S. Humber ~/~ I{hec~ II that ~pply) I~.1 ~ire H~z,~d I] Reactivity Il Delayed [] Sudden Release ~ im~edi~te Co,ponenL 12 Ila,e I C.A.S. Number tle~/th of Pressure Ile~lth ........ Component 13 N~me I C.A.S. tlu~ber ::L:.IL~ ~I I I I .1~1~lI 1 ~h/si{al tnd H~llth Halard C,A,S, Humber ComponenC II Ha~e I C,A,S, Humber I[h~:k 4/I thai Appli) Componen~ 12 Hame I C,X.S. Humber /Physic~l And peAIth HAZard C.A.S. Humber Component II Name I C.X,S. Humber · ' {Check ali that apply) Co~ponent 12 HaAe I c.x.S. Number 1.] Fire tlazard ~ Reactiviky {] Belayed [] Sudden Release ~ Immediate Ilea/Lh of Pressure Ilealth Component 13 Hame I C.X:S.,Number EHERGE/ICY COUMCTS ffl ertilic~tio~ (Re~d and sig;~ nrte~- COml~l~Ciug.~ll secCions) {erlll~ un,er oen~lt? o[1~ tha~ l h~p~rso~/ly ~X~l~O ~ot~ ~a~i~r ~ith the I~[or~lpn fu~i~t~ I~ this l~d all att~ched.dgcVments, an~ t~at bAseo on my Inquir~ gl.those in~lvlous/s responsible for obtaining the Information. I believe that the su~Lted In/orA~&lon IS lrue, 4ccuraLe, eno complete.