HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OFPERMIT ON REVERSE~SIDE * -~ ~ ..... ~- ~ H~ous ~als P~n ~ U~e~mu~ Stom~ ~ H;v-~ous ~ls Per~it ID ~:: 015~00-000567 D Risk~n~e~tP~mm ~A C I F IC W O O D a H~ous Wa.e OmSite T~ LOCATION: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Issue Bakersfield, CA 93301 om¢¢orE~S~vic~s ~ 'Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expirationr>ate: 'Jurle ~O~ ~OO~ Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE lit ,~ ~ ,~,~,, ~,,~,,,,,,,~,, This permit is issued for the following: PERMIT ID# 015-021000567 .~,~,~ii~ii~:'!i:~i,,}:~,,i!i;i!ii~;i::,!;,!i~i!ii~'iii~i::*'' ..!!!!??!i !!~.:;!!!!:,:!!!!!,i',}iii,~ ,~'~k:i~nagementProgram ~:'"...,:'"., ~ "~:'~'~ :~:~' '-'~,.;:...,~.,~.~:::: ~;~ ~'~'~'~r-~" i~ ~ ~ iF?~? ......... ~,.-, ?~' ~ '~... · ..... ~ ............. -~. ~r ~. -~, :~'" ..'.=~ ~ _ _ ~_ .~...:~ ~ '..= .~' '~ .... ::?~.% ~ ,=%:":'..~.'~'..' ~' F .~ ~ ~: =L.~ ~:L~ .~,~'"?' ~'~ L ", Issu~ by: 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor B~ersfiel~ CA 93301 Voice (805) 32~3979 F~ (805) 326-0576 Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 0 1 Mile Source: U.S. G~ological Survw. Gosford, California. 7.5-Minute Series. Gosforo euaorang~e Scale Figure 2-1 Site Location PA Pacific Wood Pre~ervem. P (I=) * 12/92 2 Printed on 50~ recy~ed 1.0 INTRODUCTION The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region IX, under the authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and the Supeffund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) has tasked Bechtel Environmental, Inc., to conduct a Preliminary Assessmen't (PA) of the Pacific Wood Preservers of Bakersfield site in Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The purpose of the PA is to review existing information on the site and its environs to assess the threat(s), ff any, posed to public health, welfare, or the environment and to determine if further investigation under CERCLA/SARA is warranted. The scope of the PA includes the review of information available from federal, state, and local agencies and performance of an onsite reconnaissance visit. Using these sources of existing information, the site is then evaluated using EPA's Hazard Ranking System (HRS) criteria to assess the relative threat associated with actual or potential releases of hazardous substances at the site. The HRS has been adopted by the EPA to help set priorities for further evaluation and eventual remedial action at hazardous waste sites. The HRS is the primary method of determining a site's eligibility for placement on the National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL identifies sites at which the EPA may conduct remedial response actions. This report summarizes the findings of these preliminary investigative activities. The Pacific Wood Preservers of Bakersfield site was identified as a potential hazardous waste site and entered into the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) on August 16, 1991 (CAT 000611145) (1). The site was entered into CERCLIS based on an industry-wide investigation of wood-treating facilities. 1.1 Apparent Problem The apparent problem at the site is as follows: The wood-treating process uses highly toxic compounds, such as arsenic, copper, chromium, and creosote, to preserve the product. The treating process generates hazardous waste, which is collected and stored on site. After treatment, the wood is allowed to drip-dry on a concrete drip pad in a treated wood storage area. There is potential for waste to migrate from the storage areas and treatment equipment to the soil and groundwater. (2) 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Location Pacific Wood Preservers of Bakersfield Corporation (Pacific Wood Preservers) (the site) is located at 5601 District Boulevard in Bakersfield, Kern County, California (2). The geographic coordinates are 35° 18' 49.5" N latitude and 119° 03' 30.5" W longitude (Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Section 15, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian, Gosford, California 7.5-minute quadrangle) (3). The location of the site is shown in Figure 2-1. PA Pacific Wood Preservers. P (F) * 12/92 1 Printed on 50% recycled paper. t,~N'l~cE I PACIFIC PRESERVING OF BAKER ...... ST©P,,,&G~ARF__.A i I 5, 5601 DISTBICT BLVD m& ~ , PARKING ~ AREA I  STACK~ ' 2 ~RAGE PAD LUMBER  STOOGE INCISOR 5 E~CTRIO ~ STATION ~ .................. ~W ~ PO~R BUI~ING STACKER · TIE 1NCISOR1 'g SAW&BORING BREAKDOWN MACHINE HOIST SWITCH-TIE BREAKDOWN ....................................... HOIST ' [c 1 0 CRE°S°TE CYUNDER [~1 STORAGE TREATED TIE - ' AREA DIESEL; ~ ....................................... STORAGEI ~ .~ ,.. I ~¢-~..~.~]/ GAS FIRED · ' - - · ' ' I. [ I/~ } c?~o-~m BOILER SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD SPUR .... lllllflllllllllllfll'IfflIfl[lllltllllllllltltlllllllllll till[ llllllflfll Ill lltlllttlllltlt.t!ltlllllllllllltlllllli tlll I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~i~~~ llllilltllllllllltlllJilll~lltlllltlllli I I I llllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, t11111 1 ii lillli~'~ 15 PACIFIC WOOD ~.~GAT~, ~I6 TA.. A- ..0 C~A I ~ ' ...... TANK B- .2S CCA I TANK C- EFF.B20 PARKING TANK D- 50% CON. CCA I AREA FRONT LUMBER AND B 19 ~AC~. 10 . _~?~E c¥=~.SER b I I 14 i-'~i" 13' ' ~'~ ' '~' .~~.~: \- J T~E _ ' h '~ TREATED STORAGE TANK -1 GRADE I oI{; TANK -5 WASTE WATER TANK -2 30/?0 MIX TANK -6 EFF. WATER BOILER -.J TANK -3 GRADE I OIL {GAS FIRED) TANK -4 ~6 OIL l-rnn'~r m-rl~Ff~.i~i:~ ~i4:¼5i.i i.ii ii. i i.i..i.i i-i..lefl11't I~ Ti~.tn-I~II :l~]'t tl~t:t ttfft:~'-'t ~tI~IiT~Ht~ SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD SPUR TIE STORAGE AREA 14, Il). CC~ ~ANK ~ARM: (11). Creosote plant building: A. ~6~096 Gal tank for 2% CCh g. lunch room B. 36~096 Gal tank for 1% CCA B. console room C. 10,000 ~al tank for effluent water C. lab D. 6000 Gal tank for 50% CCA Concentration D. office (2). MAIN OFFICE BUILDING - 60' x 40' (12). Boiler room: A. Office has roof mounted central air- A. 150# gas fired boiler conditioner. (13). Creosote tank farm: Bo Also has two wall mounted air-conditioners 1. 36,072 gal tank for creosote .' (3). Employee parking area 2. 36,072 gal tank for mix (4). CCA Cylinder 3. 19,440 gal tank for creosQte (5). Lumber storage area 4. 19,440 gal tank for fuel oil (6). Lumber incising area 5. effluent water (7). Maintenance shop 16'x 40' 6. effluent water (8). Location of 3 Fire-hydrants 7. water measuring tank A. each equipted with 125' fire-bose (15). P.G.&E. Gas meter (9).A and B area (ties are cut and bored) (16). Propane storage tank 5000 gal. (10). Creosote cylinder - I Gate ' l~ate .... [ !~ate ~ _PA C I F I C.._SVGO D ........... ' Parking , P.arking --.Main Lot Farking Sun. Lot Office Lot Chem'. nsvi ] e PWPB I Ma'int Shop Open Field ~ frans former Ha ]_ ].way Rest '-' ...... ~ I Office ~i. ;[ i. ce '.. room ! .......... ~ I Office .... q ~ ~ mount. m a i ri stz°ra, ge_ ,I ~.,., ,, .... mount [~ mOUlit., ~.2. Ooe~ area Office Office Storage room . ,-,~ . -~:('..;' ~.,~.eC% ~ "' ' '''-~ · ]gia i il % .y' m o u n'c. /..~%% - .......~ .... 4 3 ' sz:g. lumber drip pad W(.,~.~u PRESER'VING OF BAKERSPIEIiD m,-,,-~n~, ~.ames PACIFIC ' ].'it y dia. gram ~ ~ Creosote / ~ Mix Boiler Chem. water 150~ Steam Boiler oft Rail/RoadSpur '~ ~ Rest room Office 7' X ].25' Treating roof Cylinder . mount. Lunch room Control Room DRIP PAD Bus~nos~ namo: Pacific ~od Date: June 30, 1987 ~ J~ 7 - / 560l DISTRICI' BOULEVARD 15 . PACIFIC WOOD ! TANK B- .25 CCA 10 . -- --- -- -- ' T~EATED STORAGE 7 BOILER .--~ TKNK -I GR~OR t OIL (GAS FIRED) TANK -4 14. LEGEND: (1). CCA TANK FARM: (11). Creosote plant building: A. 36,096 Gal tank for 2% CCA A. lunch room B. 36,096 Gal tank for 1% CCA B. console room C. 10,000 Gal tank for effluent water C. lab D. 6000 Gal tank for 50% CCA Concentration D. office (2). MAIN OFFICE BUILDING - 60' x 40' (12). Boiler room: A. Office has roof ,aounted central air- A. 150# gas fired boiler conditioner. (13). Creosote tank farm: B. Also has two wall mounted air-conditioners 1. 36,072 gal tank for creosote (3). Employee parking area 2. 36,072 gal tank for mix (4). CCA Cylinder 3. 19,440 gal tank for creosote (5). Lumber storage area 4. 19,440 gal tank for fuel oil (6). Lumber incising area 5. effluent water (7). Maintenance shop 16'x 40' 6. effluent water (8). Location of 3 Fire-hydrants 7. water measuring tank A. each equipted with 125' fire-hose ~15). P.G.&E. Gas meter (9).A and B area (ties are cut and bored) (16) 375 gal propane tank (10). Creosote cylinder (17) 500 gal diesel tank ~.i~'~ ~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES .~1~ UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~-~'~~-'~-~ ~ ~71-5Chesternve.,3rdFl°°r,~akersfield, Cn933015~ ~ ~;~__~t.~o~A~ne: FACILITY NAM~ LOCATION >"'?oo~_ O~qW.e. tc-c- Section 7: California Accidental Release Program (CalA~/~) Risk Management Plan-~~~ [] Routine ~i!kCombined [] Joint Agency [] Mulfic._Agency [] Complaint [] Re-in[pection RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN - PREVENTION PROGRAM C V COMMENTS Compliance Audits ,,/" 5 Year Accident History l(Incidentlnvestigation ~ ~/s°c - ~o~ ~% ~'~ Emergency Response Program Hazard Assessment Safety Information Training Documentation Operating Procedures Maintenance Procedures · Mechanical Integrity · Management of Change · Pre-Start Up Review ~ Employee Participation · Hot Work Permit ~ Contractor Safety  /4/T)<9~:..9.. ) /~/,'T) c~l ~ C=Compliance V=Violation Comments: ?~ ~ I5,//,_'5- ~--~ - ~--~~ ~ /?/L_)ff) /,,,5- Inspector: Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 Business Site l~esponsible Party White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION (one fo~m per material ~ ~ or ama) ~ NEW I -~ ~ OEL~E__ ~ REVISE 8USINE~ ~ (~e ~ FAOL~ ~-~ O~ · ~ng ~ ~) ...................... 3 210 (Check a8 ~t a~ . '~ 242~ ................................. ............ 243 ~9 0 0 Y.Y. 00.. 2~ 2.,I ~ ~ ~ 245 241 UPCF (7~99) S:~CUPAFORM~OES2731.~4.~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ~]~ ~ ~]~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~ -~I~,: -~ UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST '~.~tt~~~l-7-1-5-C-hester-Av--'~/73~[o~,~eld, CA 93301 ._~ FACILITY NAME ~'~'~ U.~.o"~ ~.r0~'~',~C~ INSPECTION DATE t~.g Section 4.'~ Itazardous Waste Generator Pro~ram~ EPA ID # [] Routine ~l[-?~n~d [] Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint [] Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Hazardous waste determination has been made EPA ID Number '(Phone: 916-324-1781 to obtain EPA ID #) Authorized for waste treatment and/or storage Reported release, fire, or explosion within 15 days of occurrence Established or maintains a contingency plan and training Hazardous waste accumulation time frames Containers in good condition and not leaking Containers are compatible with the hazardous waste Containers are kep~ closed when not in use Weekly inspection of storage area Ignitable/reactive waste located at least 50 feet from property line Secondary containment provided ~_~ · ~r~s~. ~'~,~ Conducts daily inspection of tanks Used oil not contaminated with other hazardous waste Proper management of lead acid batteries including labels Proper management of used oil filters Transports hazardous waste with completed manifest Sends manifest copies to DTSC Retains manifests for 3 years Retains hazardous waste analysis for 3 years Retains copies of used oil receipts for 3 years Determines if waste is restricted from land disposal C=Compliance V=Violation Inspector: [-~ Office of Environmental Services (661) 326-3979 Business S es White - Env. Svcs. Pink - Business Copy PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~. // SiteID: 015-021-000567 Manager : BusPhone: (661) 833-0429 Location: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD Map : 123 CommHaz : High City :. BAKERSFIELD Grid: 15D FacUnits: 7 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code:2491 EPA Numb: CAT000611145 DunnBrad:ll-881-0514 Emergency Contact / Tit~e Emergency Contact / Title RICK MCCULLOUGH / PLANT MANAGER HAROLD BROWN / PLANT SUPER Business Phone: (661) 833-0429x37 Business Phone: (661) 833-0429x38 24-Hour Phone : (661) 366-3638x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 364-0808x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : (661) 979-3158x Hazmat Hazards: RSs Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact :~'SAYLOR, ENV & SAFETY MGR Phone: (661) 833-0429x17 MailAddr: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93313 Owner RICHARD JACKSON Phone: (661) 833-0429x Address : 419 MEADOWVIEW DR State: CA City : VACAVILLE Zip : 95688 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: Yes Emergency Directives: THIS IS A RMP SITE AND REQUIRES A JOINT INSPECTION. PLEASE CALL ENV SVCS TO SCHEDULE THIS INSPECTION WITH HOWARD WINES. = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List --Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpocHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMcP ACETYLENE E F P IH G 420.00 FT3 Hi AMMONIA E F IH L 36072.00 GAL Mod BORIC ACID S 800.00 LBS Low CCA WASTE -- IH S 1000 00 LBS Hi CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 SOLUTION'~__~'Uu---------L:~'~-he~D¥ uv .... ' F R IH DH L 55 00 GAL LOW CHROMIC ACID DH L 50000 00 GAL Hi DEGREASE~ -~ROCARBON DRI-CON FI~E ~.~ed hazardous "' sL 40000SS 0000 LBsGAL ModM°d HYDROGENr~~b~- · ~.~,~nd~~ii~d~gWiib L 1000 00 LBS Hi JPC DIESEL #2 p-an'o~3~- F IH DH L 500.00 GAL Low MOTOR OI~men% scomp%e~e~nd~m~msn'~.~ DH L 55.00 GAL Min OXYGEN IH G 843.00 FT3 Low PAC-BOR ~ny oo~e~iO~S coo~i~g~s s 1500 o. 00 LBS UnR PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF ~KFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- Alphabetical Order All Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCP WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE -~ IH L 5000.00 GAL Hi -2- 07/19/2001 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP ACETYLENE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: E SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG CAS# 74-86-2 Gas Pure Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 145.00 FT3I 420.00 FT3 350.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. I RSI CAS# 100.00 Acetylene Yes 74862 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretINO N~S I Bi°HaZNo Radioactive/AmountNo/ Curies EPAF P HazardsIIH NFPA/,// USDOT# HiMCP = Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: BOILER PLANT AMMONIA Days On Site ACQ - AMMONIA COPPER QUAT 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# 7664 -41-7 Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK . AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 36072.00 GALI 36072.00 GAL 36072.00 GAL ~'"~.Z.-~U U ~ ~U~U~ ~'1'~ %Wt. RS CAS# 15.00 Copper (II) Carbonate, Basic No 12069691 1.00 Ammonia (EPA) Yes 7664417 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSoorotl RSIBioHazl Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# I MOP No Yes No No/ Curies F IH / / / Mod 3 07/19/2001 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 = Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: BOILER PLANT BORIC ACID Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# 10043-35-3 F STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE --~ Solid Pure Ambient I Ambient BAG AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 1600.00 LBSI 800.00 LBS 1600.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Boric Acid N 10043353 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretlNRoSlBioHazI RadiOactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# I MCP No No No/ Curies / / / Low = Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM CCA WASTE Days On Site COPPER, CHROMIUM, ARSENATE COMPOUNDS SLUDGE WASTE 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# ~ STATE I TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Mixture I Ambient I Ambient /Solid I DRUM/BARREL- METALL I C AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ! Daily Maximum Daily Average 600.00 LBSL 1000.00 LBS 1000.00 LBS %Wt. RS CAS# 17.00 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) No 1303282 24.00 Chromic Acid, Solid No 1333820 9.00 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSoorotlRsIBi°HazRadioaotivo/AmountEPAHazardsNFPANo Yes No No/ Curies IH / / / USDOT#MCP -4- 07/19/2001 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP ~lVUVl~ ~Vl~ / ~l~_Y-x_..~ ~Vl~ CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: E SIDE MAINTENANCE SHOP CAS# r STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE , TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Pure Ambient I Ambient DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 55' 00 GALI 55.00 GAL 40.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Brake Fluid, Hydraulic (Diethylene Glycol Monob... N HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretl oRSlBioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA I USDOT# I MCP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Low = Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM CHROMIC ACID SOLUTION Days On Site CCAMIXTURE 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CCA TANK FARM CAS# 1333-82-0 F STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER 'TYPE Liquid ~1 Mixture I Ambient I Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 25000.00 GALI 50000.00 GAL 25000.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS# 0.10 Chromic Acid No 1333820 0.20 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) No 1303282 0.10 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret' RS'Bi°Hazl Radioactive/Am°unt I EPA HazardsINOI IIYes[ NO NO/ Curies F R IH DH NFPA/// USDOT# I MCPHi -5- 07/19/2001 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 Invento~ Item 0001 Facility Unit: CREO PLANT DEGREASER -~O~TIC H~ROC~BONS Days On Site 365 Location within this 'Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# 71556 F STATE ~ TYPE PRESS~E TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Li~id/Pure I Ambient I A~ient I DR~/BARREL-METMLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 G~I 55.00 GM 40.00 %Wt. I~ ~ZARDOUS COMPONENTS 40.00 Aromatic Naphtha N~S ~S#8030306 ~Z~D ASSESSMENTS TSecret ~S BioHazl Radioactive/~ount I EPA Hazards I NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F / / / Mod Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM ~lVUVl~ N~Vl~ / ~PI · ~,/--%.~ N~Vl~ DRI-CON FIRE RETARDANT Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# V STATE -T- TYPE PRESSURE -- TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid [ Mixture Ambient I Ambient I BAG AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION I Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average I 2000.00 LBS 40000.00 LBS 20000.00 LBS IJ../"k ~,./--~'( L/U U ~ %Wt. RS CAS# 27.00 Boric Acid No 10043353 4.00 Phosphoric Acid No 7664382 TSecret S BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies / / / .Mod -6- 07/19/2001 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM ~lv~v~ ~vl~ / ~ ~-X_J~ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50% Days On Site H202 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# 7722-84-1 F STATE I TYPEMixture Ambient PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE AmbientDRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL CONTAINER TYPE Liquid AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 500.00 LBSI 1000.00 LBS 500.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. Hydrogen ~S CAS# 50.00 Peroxide N 7722841 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretNO Y~ Bi°HasINO Radioactive/Amount I EPANo/ Curies F P HazardsI NFPA/// USDOT# I MCPHi ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM JPC DIESEL #2. Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER CREO TANK FARM CAS# 68476-34-6 r STATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid JPure I Ambient I Ambient I ABOVE GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 550.00 GALI 500.00 GAL 300.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 2 N 68476302 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret, RS,BioHaz Radioactive/A~ount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MOP NoIN°I No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Low -7- 07/19/2001 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567.~ = Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP MOTOR OIL Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: E SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG CAS#' rSTATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid ~/Pure Ambient I Ambient DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 GAL] 55.00 GAL 40.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS wt. . CAS# 100.00 Motor Oil, Petroleum Based N 8020835 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI ~S BioHazI Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# I MOP No N No No/ Curies F DH / / / Min -- Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP OXYGEN Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: E SIDE MAINTANANCE BLDG CAS# 7782-44-7 F STATE [ TYPE i PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Ambient PRESS. CYLINDER Above Ambient Pure IGas PORT. AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 250.00 FT3 843.00 FT3 700.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. RN~oRS CAS# 100.00 Oxygen, Compressed 7782447 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret, RSIBioHazl Radioactive~Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP NoI ° I IN No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Low 8 07/19/2001 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 ~ Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM PAC-BOR Days On Site BORATES 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# STATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE I Solid /Mixture I Ambient I Ambient I BAG AMOUNTS .AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 55.00 LBSI 15000.00 LBS 15000.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret S BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies / / / UnR Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM ~UlVUVl~ ~Vl~ / ~11 ~/..~,.IJ ~Vl~ WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE -.,,**,~Y~~ Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CCATANK FARM CAS# Liquid GROUND AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 6400.00 GAL 5000.00 GAL 2000.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS# 17.00 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) No 1303282 24.00 Chromic Acid, Solid No 1333820 9.00 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret I oRS IBiOHazNO N No Radioactive/AmountNo/ Curies EPA HazardsiH NFPA/// IUSDOT# MCP 07/19/2'001 F PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 Fast Format = Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site --Agency Notification 02/22/2000 CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. REPORT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS WHICH EQUAL OR EXCEED 42 GAL, 500 LBS OR 200 FT3 OR WHICH THREATEN LIFE HEALTH OR THE ENVIRONMENT IMMEDIATELY. CALL: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT HAZ MAT DIVISION 326-3979 AND CA OES (800) 638-1821. SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 1 POUND OF ARSENIC PENTOXIDE MUST ALSO BE REPORTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. CALL: THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER AT (800)-424-8802. --- Employee Notif./Evacuation 02/22/2000 ALL PERSONNEL, VISITORS AND CONTRACTORS WILL EXIT'THROUGH THE FRONT GATE. ALL PERSONS WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR BY THEIR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR. Public Notif./Evacuation 02/22/2000 VERBAL, PUBLIC IN OFFICE AREA ONLY. Emergency Medical Plan 02/22/2000 NEAREST HOSPITAL. -10- 07/19/2001 F PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 Fast Format = Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Overall Site --Release Prevention 02/22/2000 CLOSED SYSTEM FOR FILLING AND EMPTYING TREATMENT CYLINDERS. TANKS & RETORT CYLINDERS HAVE HIGH LEVEL SHUT OFF SWITCHES, VALVES OPERATE IN FAIL-SAFE POSITION IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OF AIR TO AIR OPERATED VALVES. ALL PRESSURE VESSELS ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES. WRITTEN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN OUTLINES PROCEEDURES FOR RESPONSE TO EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. --Release Containment 01/16/1998 A CONCRETE TANK DIRECTLY UNDER EACH WOOD TREATMENT CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK. EACH TANK IS IN A BLOCK WALL RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH DRAINS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. PIPING FROM THE RAILCAR DESPENSING STATION IS PROTECTED WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PIPE WHICH DRAINS INTO A CONTAINMENT BASIN. -- Clean Up 02/22/2000 PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO HAS THE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. Other Resource Activation -11- 07/19/2001 F PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 Fast Format F Site Emergency Factors Overall Site Special Hazards --Utility Shut-Offs 01/27/1998 A) GAS - NW CORNER OF PROPERTY B) ELECTRICAL - SW CORNER MAIN BLDG/SW CORNER CREO BLDG C) WATER - N PERIMETER 10FT FROM CURB IN CENTER OF LOT D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec./Avail. Water 02/22/2000 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BLDG, WHICH CAN BE PICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - 3 FIRE HYDRANTS ARE LOCATED IN MIDDLE OF PLANT PROPERTY. EACH HYDRANT IS EQUIPPED WITH FIRE HOSE. Building Occupancy Level -12- 07/19/2001 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 015-021-000567 Fast Format = Training Overall Site -- Employee Training 02/22/2000 WE HAVE 30 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL EMPLOYEES ATTEND SAFETY AND MATERIAL TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY MONTH. THEY ARE TRAINED HOW TO HANDLE THE CHEMICALS PWPB HAS IN ITS INVENTORY AS WELL AS INSTRUCTION OF MSDSS FOR THOSE SAME CHEMICALS. WRITTEN QUESTIONAIRE USED TO MEASURE COMPREHENSION OF SAFETY TRAINING. WRITTEN RESPIRATOR TRAINING MANUAL OUTLINES MAINTENANCE & USE OF RESPIRATORS. -- Page 2 -- Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -13- 07/19/2001 E PAC I FII~O O D ESERVIN[-~ COMPANIES 5601 District Blvd. CA 93313 · Ph: 661-833-0429 · Fax 661-836-0766 --mail: ;ificwood.com · VVeb: www. pacificwood.com January 2oo] Bakersfield Fire Department Office Of Environmental Services Attn: Ester Dur~in 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Sirs, We recently have revised our Combined Hazardous Materials/Waste Contingency Plan. We wanted to forward a copy of this Plan to you to have on hand in the event that there was an actual emergency. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at (66 l) 833-0429. Sincerely, Ron Saylor Human Resources Manager Enclosure 5601 District Blvd., Bakersfield, CA 93313 · Ph: 661-833-0429 · Fax 661-836-0766 r r EO. Box 968, Eloy, AZ 85231 · Ph: 520-466-7801 · Fax: 520-466-3607 RO. Box 320, Leggett, TX 77350 · Ph: 409-398-5745 · Fax: 409-398-5864 RO. Box 350, Silver Springs, NV 89429 · Ph: 775-577-2000 · Fax: 775-577-9045 22985 South Ave., Corning, CA 96021 · Phone 530-824-8400 INTEGRATED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS & WASTE CONTINGENCY PLAN Updated on 1/9/01 CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 1 of 12 INTEGRATED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS & WASTE CONTINGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS FACILITY INFORMATION ................................................... EMERGENCY RESPONSE CONTACTS ................................................... TEAM MEMBERS AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS ...................................... . . . . ......... 4 MEDICAL INFORMATION/PROGRAM ................................................... 4 SITE INFORMATION ................................................... 4 OVERVIEW OF FACILITY OPERATIONS ................................................... 5 INCIDENT HISTORY ................................................... 5 EVACUATION PROCEDURES ................................................... 5 GENERAL FIRE PROCEDURES ................................................... 5 GENERAL SPILL/EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES ................................................... 6 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT ................................................... 7 DECONTAMINATION ................................................... 7 DOCUMENTATION OF INCIDENT ................................ 8 PERSONNEL TRAINING ................................................... 8 INSPECTIONS ................................................... 8 SECURITY ................................................... 8 COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES ................................................. . . 9 PREVENTION & BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ................................................... 9 NATURAL DISASTERS ................................................... 9 APPENDIX DECONTAMINATION LAYOUT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE LOCATIONS AND REPORTABLE QUANTITIES FACILITY SITE PLAN CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 2 of 12 FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield Location Address: 5601 District Blvd. Mailing Address: same County: Kern Telephone #: (661)83:5-0429 Fax #: (661)836-0766 EPA I.D. #: CAT000611145 SIC Code: 2491 Facility Latitude/Longitude: 035-18-46 / 119-03-37 Directions to Facility: From the 99 Fwy., exit on White Ln. and travel West. Turn left (South) on Stine Rd. Turn right (West) on District Blvd. Drive ¼ mile, look for PWPB sign on your left (South) side of the street. Enter driveway. Primary Emergency Coordinator Secondary Emergency Coordinator Name: Rick McCullough Name: Harold Brown Address: 2213 Dayton Avenue Address: 3019 Doris Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Telephone #: (661)836-3304 Telephone #: (661)834-9021 · The Primary and Secondary Emergency Coordinators are authorized to spend company funds in the event of an emergency. EMERGENCY RESPONSE CONTACTS Local 911 State 911 Bakersfield City 911 California Fire Department (661)324-4542 Hall Ambulance (661)372-4111 Federal (415)744-1702 Environmental Protection Agency Bakersfield City (661)327-7111 (Region #) 9 Police Department Poison Control (209)445-1222 National Response Center (800)424-8802 Center Arch Wood Protection (404)362-3970 (formerly Hickson) Emergency Contact CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 3 of 12 TEAM MEMBERS AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS First Responder First Responder Hazardous Hazardous Incident Awareness Level Operations Level Materials Materials Commander (Notify authorities (Defensive Technician Specialist (Same as (Controls scene) only) response such as (Offensive and Technician but containment only defensive response more direct at a safe distance) such as stopping knowledge of leak, implement substances and can response plan) be liaison) Rick McCullough Lawrence Martinez Ron Saylor Harold Brown Casey Ziemer Robert Stewart Don Baize If the decision has been made to only have employees provide minimal or no response to emergency situations, then the following contractor(s) will be used for response and/or cleanup. Advanced Cleanup Technologies Advanced Asphalt & Engineering Bill Hockett Backhoe 4548 Wesley Lane 2904 Wear Street 15401 Strebor Drive Bakersfield CA 93308 Bakersfield CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661,) 392- 7765 (661) 589-2523 (661) 58 7-9321 MEDICAL INFORMATION/PROGRAM The local Physician and Hospital below have a copy of this plan along with Material Safety Data Sheets for all of our major chemicals to use in the event of an injury, exposure or medical emergency. ItOSPITAL Mercy Medi Center 400 Old River Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661)663-6100 SITE INFORMATION See attached City Planning Zoning maps for information within a ½ mile radius of this facility. CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 4 of 12 SITE INFORMATION CONT'D The nearest stores to purchase items are: Hardware Large equipment Rental Company: Home Depot BS&E Address: 4700 Gosford Rd. 6319 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Telephone #: (661)835-1133 (661)834-2700 OVERVIEW OF FACILITY OPERATIONS This facility involves wood preservation. Chromated Copper Arsenate and/or Dricon are impregnated into wood by pressure treatment in cylinders. Operations include: * Treating Plant Peeler * Stacker Saw Mill * Dry Kiln * Maintenance Shop INCIDENT HISTORY 1989: CCA .40 tank torn at top from malfunctioned back pressure valve. EVACUATION PROCEDURES Evacuation location: All personnel will leave through front gates, gather at front East gate, and assemble to be accounted for. Evacuation notification: Supervisor or senior operator (or whom they designate) of the original emergency will notify the next department. Each department, once notified, will in turn send their supervisor or senior operator to notify the next department until all locations affected have been evacuated. The supervisor or senior operator is responsible for picking up time cards or visitor books and ensuring that everyone has left his or her department. GENERAL FIRE PROCEDURES Smallfire-Fire extinguishers are kept in several locations throughout the facility. In the event of a small fire, select employees have been trained in the use and handling of the fire extinguishers. Large Fire - all employees are to evacuate to the parking lot North of the treating plant for a head count. The local fire department will be notified to handle this type of emergency. NOTE: Due to the toxic nature of our chemicals and the potential environmental damage that can be caused by a release, water is not to be used in afire situation at the treating plant and tank farm. Evidence shows that the smoke from fires involving CCd treated ]umber are not significantly more toxic than untreated lumber. CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 5 of 12 GENERAL SPILL/EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES ONLY EMPLOYEES THAT HA VE BEEN TRAINED ARE ABLE TO CONTAIN, STOP LEAKS OR PERFORM CLEAN UP. ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES ARE ONLY A UTHORIZED TO NOTIFY MANA GEMENT. ALL REQUIRED PPE MUST BE DONNED PRIOR TO RESPONDING TO ANY SPILLS. Liquid spill in a contained area - For all water soluble chemicals (such as CCA), the hazardous chemical can be washed down to the nearest sump and then picked up and placed back into the effluent system for re-use in the process. For non-water soluble chemicals (such as Diesel fuel), an absorbent will be placed over the spill area to pick up the chemical. After the maximum amount of chemical has been picked up, the area will be cleaned and mopped. The material will be stored in sealed, labeled, compatible drums or buckets and disposed of according to State and Federal Regulations. Liquid spill in a non-eontained area -For all chemicals, the following procedures apply: Safely stop the flow, if possible Contain the spill by building a dam type, U-shaped structure using sand, kitty litter, lime or dirt. The containment structure should be built back far enough away from the spill to allow time for complete containment Notify the proper authorities if the amount of chemical released was at or above the reportable quantity. (This shouM be done As Soon As Possible and immediately if the spill has left the property,) · Once contained, inspect the area to ensure that the release did not leave the property. If the release left the property site, notify the local and state emergency contacts. Prevent any further quantity of the chemical from leaving the property. Have a topographical map available to assist in determining the flow pattern of the released chemical. (At the Treating Plant, where the bulk chemicals are stored, the closest prop~t~ty edge is approximately l OO feet before these products can leave the property.) Pick up any liquid using a wet/dry vacuum system or pump. This liquid goes back to a containment area for re-use or is properly stored for disposal. Diesel Fuel and/or other chemicals will be picked up using absorbents if vacuuming or pumping is not feasible. - ' · Dig up the contaminated dirt a minimum of 24 inches. Store in properly sealed, labeled, compatible drums. All products in bulk are compatible with steel drums with a painted liner. · Sample the area after cleaning to determine that all of the contaminated soil has been removed. Solid chemical spill in a contained area - The spill will be swept or vacuumed up and placed in properly sealed, labeled and compatible drums or buckets for re-use or approved Federal and State disposal. Solid chemical spill in a non-contained area - The spill will be swept, shoveled or vacuumed up and placed in properly sealed, labeled and compatible drums or buckets for re-use or approved Federal and State disposal. The top layer of contaminated soil will be removed and placed into properly sealed, labeled and compatibl~ drams for approved State and Federal disposal. Sample the area after clean up' to ensure that all contaminated soil has been removed. CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 6 of 12 GENERAL SPILL/EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES CONT'D Gas, fume or vapor releases into the atmosphere - Most of the chemicals kept at the facility generate minimum to no vapors or fumes, except in a fire situation. Diesel Fuel, gasoline, and propane may represent a potential flammability vapor hazard. The exposure levels are as follows: Hazard LEL UEL Vapor Density Diesel fuel 0.9% 7.0% Gasoline 1.3% 6.0% 3 - 4 Propane 2.3% 9.5% 1.56 The vapor will remain close to the ground. Ifa quantity greater than 50 gallons of any of the above is released, electrical equipment within a 100 foot radius will be shut down and the local fire department notified. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT The following spill/response equipment is located in the maintenance shop: * PPE (gloves, goggles) * Brooms * Shovels * Absorbent (Min. of 5 bags) * Buckets * Wet/dry vacuum or pump * Drums PPE (gloves, goggles, clothing) DECONTAMINATION A decontamination area will be set up using the following equipment: Plastic baby pool (one for wash, one for rinse) · Roll of plastic to lay down under the decontamination area · Scrub brushes · Cleaner for removal of diesel fuel Plastic will be laid down to form a path from the spill area (under the decontamination area) to the "clean" area to prevent the spread of contamination. Equipment and personnel will use the water from the pool to clean equipment. All equipment, once cleaned will be returned to the treating plant area. Any disposable items will be cleaned and thrown away into the clean trash or, if not cleanable, will be placed into drums and disposed of according to State and Federal regulations. If diesel fuel or other "oily" product is involved, a cleaning aid will be added to the water. Once completed, the water will be pumped back to the treating plant for re-use. If the liquid cannot be re- used, then it will be drummed and disposed &according to State and Federal regulations. (See attached diagram) CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 7 of 12 DOCUMENTATION OF INCIDENT · Documentation will be kept in a file that is located in the office. Information included is as follows: · Weather conditions · Date · Time · Product · Details of how the incident was controlled and/or contained and cleaned up · Investigation information on how the accident happened · Measures taken to prevent future incidents · Incident was a recordable or was not a recordable · Agencies notified PERSONNEL TRAINING Any personnel that will be involved in the handling of a spill or leak situation has training in the following areas: · Hazardous chemical properties for on site chemicals · Hazardous waste training · Personal Protective Equipment to use · Emergency equipment and its usage · Spill/leak containment · Hygiene procedures · Decontamination procedures · Contingency plan · Appropriate phone call procedures INSPECTIONS · Weekly inspection of Drip pad containment area to ensure there is no leakage · Monthly inspection of the entire facility, including emergency equipment and the security fence · Weekly inspection of Hazardous waste storage area SECURITY * Fencing * Lighting Vehicular Traffic Control Securing chemical Storage Buildings Guard/employee on site 24 la-s/day CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 8 of 12 COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES · The senior employee on site at the time of the accident will initially notify theprimary or secondary coordinator and inform them of the following: · Chemical spilled · Estimated quantity · Location of spill · Any injuries · If the spill left the property site · If the spill has been contained · Thepriraary or secondary coordinator will notify the proper authorities if necessary · On site communications is verbal, radio or by telephone PREVENTION AND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES · Weekly inspections of the drip pad area · Weekly hazardous waste storage area · Monthly full facility inspections · Bulk Chemicals are kept in contained (diked) areas · Periodic training on handling and spill control of the chemicals on site for employees · Initial forklift training and continued evaluations Daily visual inspections of chemical storage equipment by employees prior to use Maintenance program which includes immediate repairs of equipment that shows signs of leakage · Unloading of bulk liquid chemicals are done by trained professional drivers on concreted or asphalted areas using buckets at each hook up point that is not in a contained area. Spill equipment is immediately available and with the driver. NATURAL DISASTERS A natural disaster pertains to a threat to the operations or equipment as related to severe and unusual weather conditions. Examples of such weather conditions include, but are not limited to; flash flooding, snow/ice storms, tornado or high winds, severe cold. The best defense against these events is early warning. With advance notice from a radio, we can plan to minimize a natural disaster impact with the following preparations: · Orderly plant shutdown, which includes valve closures and/or pipe draining to prevent breakage · Stocking of extra absorbents and other items that might be needed in the event of a problem · Moving of potential problem chemicals (small quantities) into more secure areas. Our goal is to always be Proactive in preventing potential problems due to natural disasters by maintaining emergency equipment inventories, anticipating problems through inspections, and quality training. In the event of a tornado or other type severe weather, employees will be directed to Mercy Medi Center for shelter. Copies of this contingency plan have been given to: Sheriff's Dept., Fire Dept., Hospital, State Env. CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 9 of 12 DECONTAMINATION LAYOUT (SPILL L OCA TION)  r-~--~ TARP(PLASTIC) ~7 WASH POOL RINSE POOL CLEAN DISPOSAL OUS CAN WASTE DISPOSAL ~ ~ CAN~ (CLEANA~A) CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 10 of 12 HAZARDOUS MA TERIAL$ STORA GE INFORMATION Product Name Hazards Location Reportable Type Of Gallons in Bulk Storage Secondary Quantity Containers Or container or Construction Containment Tanks tank Materials, Year Built Chromated Poison Treating < 1/3gallon Bulk Tank 585 per foot Facility ' Concrete with Copper Plant Arsenic, established 1979. curbing Arsenate 50% Chromium All machinery Solution went into service thereafter.* Chromated Poison Treating <1/4 gallon Bulk Tank Not at facility *Same as above. Concrete with Copper Plant Arsenic, at this time curbing Arsenate 60% Chromium Solution _ CCA Work Poison Treating *34 gallons Bulk Tank 1504 per foot *Same as above. Concrete with Solution Plant As, Cr curbing CCA Effluent Poison Treating *68 gallons Bulk Tank 1504 per foot *Same as above. Concrete with Solution Plant curbing Dricon Solid Treating > 119,000 Bulk 2000 Lb. 1998 storage Plant pounds (for Bags building phosphoric acid) Dricon Work Treating NA Bulk Tank 1504 per foot *Same as above. Concrete with Solution Plant curbing Borate Solid Treating NA 55 pound bags 1998 storage Plant building Borate work Treating NA Bulk tank 1504 per foot *Same as above. Concrete with Solution Plant curbing Hazardous Poison Treating 1 pound Drums (Max 55 gallons each *Same as above. Waste Plant 12) Gasoline Flammable Yard or Sheen on Gasoline can 4 ~ 5 gallon *Same as above. Maint. Shop Surface Waters, each Extensive Land Areas CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 11 of 12 HAZARDO US MA TERIAL8 STORA GE INFORMATION CONT'D Product Name Hazards Location Reportable Type Of Gallons in Bulk Storage Secondary Quantity Containers Or container or Construction Containment Tanks tank Materials, Year Built Diesel Fuel #2 Flammable Yard or Sheen on Bulk Tank Established 1979 Drip pad Maint. Shop Surface Waters, All machinery Extensive Land went into service Areas thereafter. * Propane Flammable Yard or > 1 gallon Pressure Tank 7.2 gallon *Same as above. Maint. Shop Copper Solution Poison Treating Bulk Tank * Same as above. Concrete with Plant curbing Copper Amine Poison Treating Bulk Tank *Same as above. Concrete with Solution Plant curbing Hydrogen Corrosive Treating 500 Lb. Drum 55 gallon 1998 storage Concrete with Peroxide 35% Plant building curbing Boric Acid Corrosive Treating Bulk 55 Lb. 1998 storage C6ncrete with Plant Bag building curbing Quatenary Corrosive Treating Bulk Tote 1998 storage Concrete with Ammonium Plant building curbing Compound ACQ Work Poison Treating Bulk Tank *Same as above. Concrete with Solution Plant curbing HAZARDOUS WASTE TSD FA CILITY Name Terra First Address A1 Hwy. 17N-MM-255 Vernon, AL Telephone # (800)695-8915 Dave Jones EPA ID # ALD983177015 CONTINGENCY PLAN Page 12 of 12 HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM PLANT MANAGER: RickMcCullough ASST. PLANT MANAGER: HaroM Brown ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH / SAFETY MGR: Ron Saylor TREATING SUPERVISOR: Robert Stewart SHIPPING / RECEIVING SUPERVISOR: Noelle Tamayo MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS Material Safety Data Sheets 0VISDSS) for products you may use or come in contact with are available for employees to review in their work area. The Plant manager is responsible for making sure that the MSDSS are kept current. If you cannot find a MSDS for a particular item, check with your supervisor. The master file &all MSDSS along with a master list &all hazardous chemicals is kept in theplant manager's office. At least annually, the safety coordinator will review the MSDSS master file to ensure that they are kept current and there is one for every product. During this time, the safety coordinator will also check all of the MSDSS located in the work areas to determine that all new products have been added. Before new products are brought on site, the plant manager will request that a MSDS be sent in advance. This allows management and the supervisors to review information on the product, insert into the master file, department files and provide training to any employees involved in the handling of this new product. LABELS AND OTHER FORMS OF WARNING When products are brought in, it is the responsibility oftheplant manager or supervisor to make sure that products are properly labeled, including product name, manufacturer and any haZards associated with the product. Department supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all hazardous materials in their departments are Properly labeled, including product name and the associated hazards. The ship/rec, supervisor is responsible for checking all labels prior to shipping a hazardous material. Bulk storage tanks are to be labeled and will be checked periodically by the Plant supervisor or whomever he dictates. If necessary, warnings will be provided on process sheets. Piping in the plant is addressed during new employee training. The only time a label will not be required on a portable container is when this container is filled and used only by the same employee. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary for the safe handling of our hazardous chemicals is provided. This company requires that you wear the necessary PPE that has been determined for each department. Failure to wear the proper PPE may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 9Hazard Communication , 1 of 8 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT CONT'D employee is required to wear shirts, long pants, socks and leather or rubber slip resistant shoes (no loose fitting clothing) at work, which the employee provides. Along with this requirement, the following PPE (provided by the company) must also be worn in each department: Treating Plant/Drip Pad Area X Gloves (chemical or leather) Safety Glasses X Goggles (Potential splash areas or drip pad washings) Hearing Protection Hard Hat X Protective Clothing (Coveralls) Yard X Gloves (chemical or leather X Safety Glasses (In cutting or Goggles (Potential splash when handling lumber) sawdust areas) areas or drip pad washings) Hearing Protection Hard Hat Protective Clothing (Coveralls) *Gloves are not to be worn while operating drills at the guard rail line Cylinder entry X Gloves (chemical or leather X Safety Glasses X Goggles (Potential splash or when handling lumber) washing down areas) Hearing Protection Hard Hat X Protective Clothing (Coveralls) X Respirator Incisor Area (Includes de-stacker, incisor saw and stacker) X Gloves (chemical or leather X Safety Glasses (In cutting or Goggles (Potential splash when handling lumber) sawdust areas) areas or drip pad washings) X Hearing Protection Hard Hat Protective Clothing (Coveralls) 9Hazard Communication 2 of 8 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT CONT'D Guard Rail Line X Gloves (chemical or leather X Safety Glasses (In cutting or Goggles (Potential splash when handling lumber) sawdust areas) areas or drip pad washings) X Hearing Protection Hard Hat Protective Clothing (Coveralls) *Gloves are not to be worn while operating drills at the guard rail line Maintenance Shop X Gloves (chemical or leather) Safety Glasses X Goggles (Potential splash areas or Parts washer usage) Hearing Protection Hard Hat X Protective Clothing (Coveralls) *Extra protection required while welding, such as helmet, gloves. Ail other areas Any area (other than the break room or office areas) not specifically mentioned will require a minimum of.' X Gloves (chemical or leather Safety Glasses (In cutting or Goggles (Potential splash when handling lumber) sawdust areas) areas or drip pad washings) Hearing Protection Hard Hat Protective Clothing (Coveralls) Any non-routine jobs that require special PPE will be provided and fitted for the employee prior to the job. Your supervisor or plant manager can provide you with the required safety equipment if yours has become damaged or lost. TRAINING New employees are initially trained and provided prior to entering the workplace the following: Hazard Communication Program Chemicals in workplace (hazards & safe handling) Location of department MSDS Location of PPE Location of emergency equipment Use, fitting and issuing of PPE How to read a MSDS Labeling procedures Once in the workplace, the new employee will initially work closely with the department supervisor (or whom he instructs) to learn about bulk storage, piping, material handling and other procedures necessary for a safe working environment. 9I-IaTard ComlllUllicafion 3 of 8 TRAINING CONT'D Training will be provided when any new products are to be introduced into a department or non-routine jobs are to be performed. The safety coordinator or plant manager will determine if retraining is necessary based upon the following (but not limited to):Recordable injuries, lost time accidents, near misses, view an employee mishandling chemicals, housekeeping, etc. Training will be performed by the safety coordinator, plant manager or other qualified personnel. CONTRACTORS It is the responsibility of the Plant manager to arrange training for any contractors prior to their working on the premises. Training will include the following: Chemical hazards labeling system location of MSDS Safe handling of chemicals Phone system facility contacts Smoking/break areas Fire extinguishers Emergency Showers If a contractor is bringing hazardous chemicals onto the premises, then he is to inform the plant manager and provide MSDSS before the chemicals can be brought onto the property. ATTACItMENTS New employee training form · Contractor training form · New product/retraining form · Facility hazardous chemical list · General information on reading and understanding a MSDS 9Ha?ard Communication 4 of 8 NEW EMPLOYEE TRAINING FORM EMPLOYEE NAME DATE 1. Telephone usage 2. Evacuation location 3. Hazard Communication · Labeling procedures · Location of MSDS · Chemical information Chromated CopperArsenate ACQ Borates Treated Lumber Untreated Lumber Ddcon · Safe Handling (includes Personal Protective Equipment (usage) 4. Hazardous Waste training · Storage requirements · Labeling requirements · Satellite locations · Hazardous waste generation points · Types of hazardous waste · Safe handling (includes required PPE) 5. Lock out / Tag out program · Review procedures 6. Confined Space program · Review procedures 7. General Emergency response procedures · Review plan · Containment of spill/leak · Authority notification · Location of emergency equipment 8. Previous forklift training (must have written documentation) and usage for job similar to this one YES NO (If not, training is required, otherwise an evaluation must be done, see evaluation form in Powered Indusbfal Truck Program) Training Date: Evaluation Date: (Employee Initial) (Employee Initial) #1-7 completed: (Employee Signature) (Trainer Signature) 9Hazard Communication 5 of 8 CONTRACTOR HAZARD COMMUNICATION FORM )MPANY NAM E DATE 4. Telephone usage 2. Facility Contact 3. Smoking/break/restroom areas 4. Hazard Communication · Labeling procedures · Location of MSDS · Chemical information & their hazards Chromated Copper Arsenate Borates ACQ Dricon (solid and treating solution) Treated Lumber 5. Safety equipment required (circle requirements) Gloves Goggles Safety Glasses Shoes Long pants hearing protection 6. Is the contractor to provide his own safety equipment? Yes No 7. Is the contractor bringing any hazardous chemicals onto the premises? (if yes, list the products and attach MSDSS) Yes No (Employee Signature) (TRAIN ER Signature) (Employee Signature) (Employee Signature) (Employee Signature) 9Ha?ard Communication 6 of 8 HAZARD COMMUNICATION TRAINING FORM TRAINER: DATE: 1. Review Hazard.Communication Program 2. Labeling procedures 3. Location of MSDS 4. Hazards of select chemicals (List) 5. Safe handling of chemicals in the work place · PPE · Cleanup of spills · Handling procedures 5. Additional training (signature) (signature) (signature) (signature) (signature) (signature) 9HaTed Communication 7 of 8 MA TERIAL SAFETY DA TA SHEET · Chemical name · Manufacturer · Hazardous chemicals (ingredients) · Hazard identification · Inhalation · Eye · Skin · Ingestion · General first aid measures · Fire fighting measures · Accidental release measures · Handling spills and leaks · Handling and storage measures · Storage requirements · EXposure controls/personal protection · Suggestions to maintain safe conditions · Types of PPE required · Physical and Chemical properties · Specific Gravity (water = 1): Determines whether product will float on surface of water or sink · Odor · Solubility in water: Determines whether product will readily mix with water · Vapor density (air = 1): Determines whether vapors will rise or stay low to the ground · Vapor pressure: The pressure exerted by the vapor in equilibrium at a given temperature · Appearance 9Hazard Communication 8 of 8 MA TERIAL SAFETY DA TA SHEET · Stability and Reactivity · What could cause the product to become unstable (such as releasing excess vapor, heat up, etc.) · What is the product incompatible with · Hazardous reactions or decompositions if exposed to fire or certain chemicals · Toxicological information · LD50 (rats) means the quantity of product ingested it took to kill 50% of the rats in the study (usually within 30 days) · LC50 (rats) means the concentration of product it took by inhalation to kill 50% of the rats in the study as a single exposure (usually 1-4 hours) · Testing by. inhalation, ingestion, skin contact * Carcinogenic status · Whether the product may cause cancer · Ecological information · Fish and wildlife hazards · Transportation information · Whether it is a DOT regulated hazardous product · Regulatory information · Non-mandatory section that assists in determining regulation requirements 9Hazard Communication 9 of 8 / ~ ~' II '~' ',i / ~ WOOD PRESEFIVING OF '~A'('~ 5501 DISTt~ICT BL V[:) PARKIHG I AHEA ~:~:~ .... ' ~11 o~¢ ® ~ ® ® o~,:,c~ I LUMBE~ ................ PErU ~PL~OOD E~CTRIC ~ STATION ~ BUI~ING SAW 7 ~ POWER DRI~ STORAGE DRY KILN 9'. ~_ AC0 CYLINDER DRAIN PAD DIESEL ~ .... ................................... STO~XGE ~ BOILER SOU~ERN PACIFIC ~ILROAD SPUR PAdiFIC~_WOOD PRESERVING OF B~L~'~!~~~, Site~D: 215-000-000567 Manager : , //~E~02000 ~usPhone: (805) 833-0429 Location: 5601 DISTRICT BLVDJI~.~ IMap : 123 CommHaz : High City : BAKERSFIELD ~'- ' '-~~~Grid: 15D FacUnits: 7 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code:2491 EPA Numb: CAT000611145 DunnBrad:ll-881-0514 Emergency Contact ~/ Title Emergency Contact / Title -KO~ SAYLO~ ~! / 'PLANT MANAGER ~ ~(/ DLA~T--S_UPERI~TE Bus~ness,~Phone: (~) 833-0429x ~7 Business Phone: ) 833-0429x 24-Hour Phone, : (8~5) 366-3638x 2A-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : (~gt) 979 -3~5~ x Hazmat Hazards: RSs Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Contact : ~oN ~AYLo~ ~ ~ ~FfTV ;~a, Phone: MailAddr: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93313 Owner RICHARD JACKSON Phone: (SPE) C - 83x30429 Address : 419 MEADOWVIEW DR State: CA City : VACAVILLE Zip : 95688 Period : / to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: / TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: ~ RSs: Yes Emergency-Directives: THIS IS A RMP SITE AND REQUIRES A JOINT INSPECTION. PLEASE 'CALL ENV SVCS TO SCHEDULE THIS INSPECTION WITH HOWARD WINES. I, ~o~.~.~ff~oZ~._ Do hereby certify thst I have (1'yl3~ or print name) reviewed the attached hazardous materials manage- merit plan ?or ~_,¢~c(~~d that it along (Name of Bus,ne~) any ¢orre~ion$ constitute a complete and correct m~n- a~emen~ plan ?or my ~¢ili~v. -1- 01/20/2000 PACIFIC~WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit ~--Alphabetical Order CCA T~K FARM Hazmat Common Name... SpeoHazlEPA Hazardsl Frm DailyMax lUnitlMCP CHROMIC ACID SOL. ION F R IH DH L 50000.00 G~ Hi JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 500.00 G~ Low WOLMANAC R CONCENT~TE - 50% IH L 5000.00 G~ Hi 2 01/20/2000 PACIFIC~WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit -- Alphabetical Order CREO TANK FARM Hazmat Common Name... ISpooHazlEPA Hazardsl Frm DailyMax IUnitlMCP C~ WASTE IH S 1000.00 LBS Hi DRI-CON FIRE RETARD~T S 40000.00 LBS Mod HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50% F P L 1000.00 LBS Hi PAC-BOR S 15000.00 LBS UnR -3- 01/20/2000 PACIFIC ~WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 ---- Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit -- Alphabetical Order BOILER PLANT Hazmat Common Name... ISpocHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax IUnitlMcP ~C~.~IA /~CQ ~Ac~6 co~ ~o^r) F IH L 36072.00 GAL Mod BORIC ACID S 800.00 LBS Low -4- 01/20/2000 :~ PACIFIC 'WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 ----- Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit -- Alphabetical Order CREO PLANT Hazmat Common Name... ISpecHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax {UnitlMCP DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBON F L 55.00 GAL Mod -5- 01/20/2000 PACIFIC~WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 ~ Hazmat Inventory By Facility Unit -- Alphabetical Order ~INTEN~CE SHOP Hazmat Common Name... SpooHazlEPA Hazardsl Frm DailyMax IUnitlMCP ACETYLENE F P IH G 420.00 FT3 Hi CHE~ON HYD~ULIC OIL 68 F DH L 55.00 G~ Low MOTOR OIL F DH L 55.00 G~ Min OXYGEN F P IH G 843.00 FT3 Low 6 01/20/2000 PACIFIC~WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 = Inventory Item 0004 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CHROMIC ACID SOLUTION Days On Site CCA MIXTURE 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CCA TANK FARM CAS# 1333-82-0  STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture AmbientIi Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 25000.00 GALI 50000.00 GALI 25000.00 GAL %Wt. RS CAS# 0.10 Chromic Acid No 1333820 0.20 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) No 1303282 0.10 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP Nolyes No No/ Curies F R IH DH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM ~UIVUVlU~ ~vl~ / ~ £ ~.,~,_..L~ ~vl~ JPC DIESEL #2 Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER CREO TANK FARM CAS# 68476-34-6 r STATE ~ TYPE i PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid /Pure Ambient Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average ~O GAL 500.00 GAL 300.00 GAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. CAS# 100.00 Diesel Fuel No. 2 68476302 S BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies F IH DH / / / Low -7- 01/20/2000 PACIFIC~WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM ~iv~vl~ ~vl~ / ~£ ~Y--k/J ~vl~ WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE - 50% Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CCA TANK FARM CAS# r STATE TYPE PRESSURE {TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average & OO Gm 5000.00 Gm 2000.00 .~.Z-'-~UU~ ~U~U~'X'~ %Wt. RS CAS# 17.00 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) No 1303282 24.00 Chromic Acid, Solid No 1333820 9.00 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret ~S { BioHazI Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA I USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies IH / / / Hi -8- 01/20/2000 PACIFIC~WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 = Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CCA WASTE Days On Site COPPER, CHROMIUM, ARSENATE COMPOUNDS SLUDGE WASTE 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# I Solid Mixture Ambient IAmbient I DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average 600.00 LBS 1000.00 LBS 1000.00 LBS %Wt. RS CAS# 17.00 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) No 1303282 24.0'0 Chromic Acid, Solid No 1333820 9.00 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretI RS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP NolYes No No/ Curies IH / / / Hi Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM ~lvuvl~ ~vl~ / ~1 ~Z~3~ ~Vl~ DRI-CON FIRE RETARDANT Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# F STATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid /Mixture Ambient Ambient BAG AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION / Largest Container / Daily Maximum Daily Average 2000.00 LBSL 40000.00 LBS 20000.00 LB %Wt. RS CAS# 27.00 Boric Acid No 10043353 4.00 Phosphoric Acid No 7664382 TSecret S BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No N No No/ Curies / / / Mod -9- 01/20/2000 PACIFIC~WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD siteID: 215-000-000567 ~ Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50% Days On Site H202 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# 7722-84-1 F STATE ~.TYPE PRESSURE TEMPEI:~TURE CONTAINER TYPE Li~id I Mixture I Ambient I Ambient DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 500.00 LBSI 1000.00 LBS 500.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 50.00 Hydrogen Peroxide N 7722841 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecretl RslBi°Haz Radioactive/Am°unt I EPA Hazards INFPANo Yes No No/ Curies F P / / / USDOT# I MCPHi ~ Inventory. Item 0004 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM ~UlV~VlU~ ~Vl~ / ~1 ~./-%-.b ~Vl~ PAC-BOR Days On Site BORATES 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# FSTATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid Mixture Ambient I i Ambient BAG AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 55.00 LBS 15000.00 LBS 15000.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. RS CAS# HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret oRS I BioHaz Radioactive/AmountNo N No No/ Curies EPA Hazards NFPA/// IUSDOT# unRMCPI -10- 01/20/2000 ~PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~/~/~/~/~/~/~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0001 ~~~~ Facility Unit: BOILER PLANT i i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME AMMONIA o Days On Site o ACQ - AMMONIA COPPER QUAT o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT o CAS# o 7664_41_7° STATE EiE TYPE EEEiEE PRESSURE EEEi TEMPERATURE E~iEEEE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid ° Pure ° Ambient ° Ambient ° ABOVE GROUND TANK ° Largest Container ° Daily Maximum o Daily Average ° 36072.00 GAL o 36072.00 GAL ° 36072.00 GAL o %Wt. o o RSo CAS# o 15 . 00 O Copper (II) Carbonate, Basic ONo o 12069691 o 1.000Ammonia (EPA) . o Yes o 7664417 o i~i~i~i~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards ° NFPA ° USDOT# ° MCP ° No °Yes° No ° No/ Curies °F IH o /// o °Mod° Inventory Item 0002 EEEEEE~EEEEEEEEEEEEE~EEEEEE Facility Unit: BOILER PLANT i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~i~~~ BORIC ACID o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT o CAS# o o 10043-35-3 o STATE EiE TYPE EEEiEE PRESSURE ~EEi TEMPERATURE EEiEEEE CONTAINER TYPE Solid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o BAG o i~5~~~5~i AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o 1600.00 LBS o 800.00 LBS o 1600.00 LBS o i~i~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o o RSo CAS# o 100.00OBoric Acid ONo o 10043353° i~i~i~i~fi~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~i~~fi~i~ °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONoONo o No/ Curies° o /// o OLow -11- 01/20/2000 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 i~ Inventory Item 0001 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: CREO PLANT i i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~i~~~ DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT ° CAS# o o 71556 i~ STATE ~i~ TYPE ~g~i~ PRESSURE ~i TEMPERATURE ~i~ CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Pure ° Ambient ° Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC ° ~~~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ° Daily Maximum o Daily Average o 6"5' GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL o i~i~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~i~i~~~i %Wt. o o RSo CAS# o 40.00OAromatic Naphtha ONo o 8030306° i~i~i~i~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONoONo o No/ Curies°F o /// o OModO -12- 01/20/2000 ,PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD EEEEEEEE~E~EEEEEEEE SiteID: 215-000-000567 i~ Inventory Item 0003 ~~~~ Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ACETYLENE o Days On Site o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG o 74-86-2 o iE STATE EiE TYPE EEEiEE P~SSURE EEEi TEMPE~TURE Gas o Pure o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER o Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o Iq¢ FT3 o 420.00 FT3 o 350.00 FT3 o %Wt. o o RSo CASg o 100.00 o Acetylene o Yes o 74862 °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOTg o MCP o No ONoONo o No/ Curies°FP IH o /// o OHio iE Inventory Item 0001 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP · i6E COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME o CHEVRON HYD~ULIC OIL 68 o Days On Site o o o 365 o o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: o EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE SHOP o CASg o o O iE STATE EiE TYPE EEEiEE PRESSURE EEEi TEMPE~TURE o Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BA~EL-METALLIC o o Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o o ~ GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL o o %Wt. o oRSo CAS~ o o 100.00OBrake Fluid, Hydraulic (Diethylene Glycol Monob... °No ~ 0° ~~~]~~a HAZARD ASSESSMENTS °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o N~PA o USDOT~ o MCP o o No ONoONo o No/ Curies°E DH° /// o OLowO -13- 01/20/2000 ,PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 i~ Inventory Item 0004 ~~~~ Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i i~i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME MOTOR OIL ° Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG o CAS# o o o i~ STATE ~ TYPE ~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE 5~]~ CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC o ~~~~i AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ° Daily Maximum o Daily Average o ~ GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL o i~i~88~8~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o o RSo CAS# o 100.00OMotor Oil, Petroleum Based °No ° 8020835° i~i~i~i~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~i~~i~~i~i °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA ° USDOT# o MCP o No °No°No o No/ Curies °F DH° /// o OMin ° Inventory Item 0002 ~~~~ Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i/~/~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME OXYGEN o Days On Site o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: EAST SIDE MAINTANANCE BLDG ° CAS# o o 7782-44-7 o STATE ~i~ TYPE 888i88 PRESSURE ~i TEMPERATURE ~i~ CONTAINER TYPE Gas ° Pure o Above Ambient ° Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER ° i~~~~i AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container ° Daily Maximum ° Daily Average ° ~l..~O FT3 o 843.00 FT3 o 700.00 FT3 o i~/5~/~i~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. ° o RSo CAS# o 100.00OOxygen, Compressed °No ° 7782447° i~i~i~i~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~i~~i~~i~ °TSecret° RS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards ° NFPA ° USDOT# ° MCP ° No °No °No o No/ Curies°FP IH ° /// ° - 14- 01/20/2000 ,PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~/~~/~/~3 SiteID: 215-000-000567 i i~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~~~~~~ Overall Site i i~ Agency Notification ~~~~~~~ 01/16/1998 i o CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. ° O REPORT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS WHICH EQUAL OR EXCEED 42 GALLONS, 500 LBS ° OR 200 CUBIC FEET OR WHICH THREATEN LIFE HEALTH OR THE ENVIRONMENT o IMMEDIATELY. CALL: ° BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZ MAT DIVISION (805)326-3979 AND ° o SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 1 POUND OF ARSENIC PENTOXIDE MUST ALSO BE o REPORTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. CALL: o THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER AT (800)-424-8802 ° o i~ Employee Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~ 02/19/1993 i O ALL PERSONNEL, VISITORS AND CONTRACTORS WILL EXIT THROUGH THE FRONT GATE. o o ALL PERSONS WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR BY THEIR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR. o o i~ Public Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~~ 02/19/1993 i o VERBAL, PUBLIC IN OFFICE AREA ONLY ° o i~/~/~ Emergency Medical Plan ~/~/~/~/~/~~/~/~ 02/19/1993 i o NEAREST HOSPITAL o o -15- 01/20/2000 i~PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~E~EEEEEE~E SiteID: 215-000-000567 i i~E~E~~~E~E~E~EEE~~~E~ Fast Format i i~ Mitigatio~Prevent/Abatemt EE~E~EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~EEEEEEEE Overall Site i i~ Release Prevention ~EEEEEEEEEEEE~g~~EE~EEE~ 02/02/1993 i o CLOSED SYSTEM FOR FILLING AND EMPTYING TREATMENT CYLINDERS. TANKS & RETORT CYLINDERS ~VE HIGH LEVEL SHUT OFF SWITCHES, VALVES OPE~TE IN FAIL-SAFE POSITION IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OF AIR TO AIR OPE~TED VALVES. ALL PRESSURE o VESSELS ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRESSURE ~LIEF VALVES. o O W~TTEN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN ouTLINES PROCEEDURES FOR RESPONSE TO EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. o i~66 Release Contai~ent 8866~6~6~~6~666~6~66~6~ 01/16/1998 i o A CONCRETE TANK DIRECTLY UNDER EACH WOOD TREATMENT CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLIN6 THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK. EACH TANK IS IN A BLOCK WALL o RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH D~INS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. o PIPIN6 FROM THE ~ILCAR DESPENSIN6 STATION IS PROTECTED WITH SECONDARY o CONTAINMENT PIPE WHICH D~INS INTO A CONTAINMENT BASIN. o o o PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO. ~S THE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. o o o -16- 01/20/2000 LPACIFIC VCOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD iE Site Emergency Factors EEE~EEEEEEE~EEEEEEE~EEEEEEE~EEEEEE~EE Overall Site lEE Special Hazards o o 0 0 o ° A) GAS - NW CORNER OF PROPERTY ° o B) ELECTRICAL - SW CORNER MAIN BLDG/SW CORNER CREO BLDG ° ° C) WATER - N PERIMETER 10FT FROM CURB IN CENTER OF LOT o ° D) SPECIAL - NONE ° o E) LOCK BOX - NO o o o iEE6E Fire Protec./Avail. Water EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 01/27/1998 o o oPRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS o oTHROUGHOUT THE PLANT. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BUILDING, o oWHICH CAN BE PICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS. o O o o o oNEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - 3 FIRE HYDRANTS ARE LOCATED IN MIDDLE OF PLANT o o PROPERTY. EACH HYDRANT IS EQUIPPED WITH FIRE HOSE. o o o iEEEEE Building Occupancy Level o o o o -17- 01/20/2000 LPACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~6/~~6/~t~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 i Training ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i i~ Employee Trai~ng ~~~6~a~6~~~ 01/16/1998 i o WE ~VE 30 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. o o WE HAVE MATE~AL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. o o B~EF SUMMARY OF T~INING PROG~M: ALL EMPLOYEES ATTEND SAFETY AND MATE~AL o T~INING MEETINGS EVERY MONTH. THEY ARE T~INED HOW TO HANDLE THE CHEMICALS o PWPB HAS IN ITS INVENTORY AS WELL AS INSTRUCTION OF MSDS'S FOR THOSE SAME o CHEMICALS. o O W~TTEN QUESTIONAIRE USED TO MEASURE COMPREHENSION OF SAFETY T~INING. o o W~TTEN RESPI~TOR T~INING MANUAL OUTLINES MAINTENANCE & USE OF o o O 0 ieeee Held for Fumre Use ~e~~e~e~ee~e~e~eeeeeeeeeee~e~e~eeeei o o ieeeee Held for Fumre Use ~~e~ee~e~ee~eeeeeeeeee~~e~eei o o -18- 01/20/2000 ,' ~02~07/O0 WON 09:21 FAX 661 $36 0766 PACIFIC WOOD OF BKFD ~001/003 Pacific Wood F~eservin9 Companies Te~ Howard V~mes I:~te; February 7, 2000 R~: sludge results Howa{l~, Enclosed are the two test results you were inquiring, Thanks, Ron ~ * WE ARE HELPING TO CONSERVE OUR NATION'S TIMBER RESOURCES PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING of BAKERSRELD, CORP. STEPHEN K. RYAN 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. Vice President BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 (805) 833-0429 · ,~ . .- IN CALIFORNIA 1-800-582-3950 ~ 02A07/00 MON 09:21 FAX 661 836 0766 PACIFIC WOOD OF BKFD [~002/003 £aboratories, Inc. ~ TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California Code of Regulations, Title 22. Section 66261) PACIFIC WOOD PERSERVING Date Reported: 01/19/2000 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. Date Received: 12/30/1999 BAKERSFIELD, C4% 93313 Laboratory No.: 99-15318~1 Antn: RON SAYLOR 833-0429 Sample ID: $1 CCA SLUDGE Sampling Date/Time: 12/30/1999 ® 09:00 Regulator~ Criteria Me=hod STLC TTLC Constituents Sample Resu~s Units ~_.O.L. Method mq/L mq/~q Arsenic 43000. mg/kg 10. SW-6010 5.0 500. Chromium 30000. m~/k~ lO. SW-6010 560. 2500. Copper 12000. mg/k~ 10. SW-6010 25. 2500. Commen=: All above constituents are reported on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represen~ to,als (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (re,ers to the leas~ amount of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration TTLC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for E~aluating Solid wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-SW-84~. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 ~-. Dan Schultz Laboratory Director All m~ulf$ li~ted in f~ls report am Ibr ~he e~[clusive uae oi' ~he au~3miffing party, BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no m~pon,qbility lot report alteration, datacJlment or t~it'~ pa~ Interpmtatl0n Z ,02/~07/00 }iON 09:21 FAX 661 836 0766 PACIFIC WOOD OF BKFD ~003/003 Laboratories, Inc. Page WET TEST EXTRACT CO1TrAi~INANTS A~D, LYZED ACCORDING TO TITLE 22, ARTICLE 11, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS FOR HAZARDOUS WASTE DETER1HINATION (STLC) PACIFIC WOOD PERSERVING Date Reported: 01/19/2000 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. Date Received: 12/30/1999 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 Laboratoz-y No.: 99-15318-2 Attn: RON SAYLOR 833-0~29 Sample ID: %2 CCA SLUDGE Sampling Date/Time: 12/30/1999 @ 09:05 Regulatory Sample Results Meuhod Criteria ~Dnstituents mq/,liter P,Q..L. Method STL~ Arsenic 640. 0.20 SW-6010 5.0 Chromiu~ 230. 0.1 $W-6010 560. Copper 83. 0.1 SW-6010 25. Comment: All metals reported above are in mg/liter on a filtrate basis (STLC). These results are based on extracting sample according ~o Title 22, /%rticle 11, California Administrative Code using a 48-hour citric acid (deionized water for hexavalent chromium) extraction. P.Q.L. = Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to the least amoun~ of analyte quantifiable based on sample size used and analytical technique employed). STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA-Sw-sA6. Dan Schultz ~~ Laboratory Director tist~ iR ~ls mpo~ a~ ~r ~e exclusive use of the submiEing ps~, BC fabo~ffes, I~. assumes no msponsibiliN got m~R alteration, de~chment or third pa~ interpretation. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES ADJUSTMENT DATE 'T-/~-"7'~. NEWACCOUNT ; ADDRESS CHANGE CCOS~ ACC~ ' R~CE C~GE I ' OTHER ~J ~'~ SITE ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER ADJUSTMENT I CHG DATE CHARGE CODE J ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT : ¢ / i - I . / ~ 5601 DISTRICT BLVDi BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 (805) 833-0429 PAC F C WOOOPRESERVING o~ BAKERSFIELD, CORP, ~ FAX: (805) 836-0766 · POSTS · POLES · PILINGS ° GRAPE STAKES · LUMBER City of Bakersfield Fire Department Dec. 10, 1998 Office of Environmental Services Attn: Howard Wines 1715 Chester Ave.. 3rd Floor Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Dear Mr. Wines, Please find inclosed a Hazardous Materials Inventory List, Adding ACQ (Ammonia, Copper, Quat) and Boric Acid to our current inv~ntor~. Also inclosed are MSDS's (~Material Safety Data Sheets) fore'he following Chemidals, ~CQ-C2 ( Aqueous Copper Solution ) ACQ-C ( Copper Ammonium Carbonate Solution ). Boric Acid and Hyd- rogen Peroxide 50% ). I'am also inclosing an up to date Plant Map along with a Legend describing the area. Any questions please call Don Baize 833-0429. Don Baize Plant Superintendent WE ARE HELPING TO CONSERVE OUR NATION'S TIMBER RESOURCES BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEP TMENT HAZ I DOUS MATERIALS INVEI ORY Page_LOb_ ~usiness Name PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING Address 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 CHEMICAL :'DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [~] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ]' Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET ix] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: ACQ '. 3) DOT # (optional) N/A ChemicalName: ~v[ONIA, COPPER,QUATi~ AHM[ ] CAS#33113-08-5 4) PHYSICAL'& HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release Of Pi;essure [ ] Immediate HeaJth (Acute) [ ] Delayed Hearth (Chronic) [ ] ' 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code fron~ DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] liquid [:~ Gasp'[.] Pure [ ] Mixture ~] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TiME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: ~ lbs [ ] gal k]' 1t3 [ ] a) Container: Average DaJty Amount: "{N;/)(IO ;i curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: Jb ~ U / 7 # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year. J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: list COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) NON-HAZARDOUS COPPER CARBONATE 33113=08-5 5-15 [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) NON HAZARDOUS AMMONIA 1336-21-6 1 [ ] 3) NON HAZARD6US QUAT [] 10) Location SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF PLANT - TANK FARM CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [~] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [~] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common'Name: BORIC ACID 3) DOT # (optional) 10043-35-3 Chemical Name: BORIC ACID AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL N/A HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid IX] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure IX] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Ra~.dioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FAClUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 1600 lbs [~ gal [ ] ft3 [ ] a) Container: BAGS Average Daily Amount: R00 cudes [ ] b) Pressure: 0 Annual Amount: ~ ~ r~r~ C) Temperature: 0 Largest Size Container: ~' '~"'"' # Days On Site ~ CircleW~ich Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O. N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1), NO~ HAZARD TO H~S 10043-35-3 100 [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ] · 3) [ ] 10) Location SOUTH-WEST CORNER?!OF PLANT . c e~rfy un.er penal~/ of /aw, that I have personally exam/ne~ an(~ am famifiar with the Inroma~on su~mlz~ed on this and ail attached document. I believe th~ '~'cmitted information is true, accurate, and complete. DON BAIZE, PLANT SUPERINTENDENT " DEC;: 10, 1998 ~RiNT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Data PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BAICERSFIELD~ 5601 DISTRICT BL VD , PARKING · I : AREA · :'::::::::.:'-11i ,,n~,~o~ ~ ~1 ~....,.~.~ II~'~'· - ~ ® OFFICE ",, 3 ~No~SO~ ~ " 2 AU I~AI ~ STA6~ 6 ................... DRAIN PAD ~[~DO PL~OOD ~ INCISOR ST~C~E~ 5 E~CTRIC ~ STATION ~ SAW ~ PO~R .' DRI~ BUI~ING ~8 7 ~8 ................... ~-- FUTURE STORAGE 9 BUILDING FUTURE DRY KILN 9 STORAGE AREA (~)® 14 · OFFICES DIESEL ~ ....................................... STOOGE ~ BOILER SOU~ERN PACIFIC ~ILROAD SPUR LEGEND 1. CCA AND WATER STORAGE TANK FARM SEE I 2. OFFICE BLDG. 3. PARKING AREA 4. TREATING CYLINDER 7'x120' 5. LOW DENSITY INCISER 6. HI DENSITY INCISER 7. MAINTENANCE BLDG 8. 3 FIRE HYDRANTS 9. STORAGE BLDG AND FUTURE KILN 10 TREATING CYLINDER 11 CONTROL ROOM - LUNCH ROOM 12 GAS FIRED BOILER 13 ACQ - BORATE - DRI CON TANK FARM SEE II 14 TREATED STORAGE AREA I. CCAAND WATER STORAGE TANK FARM TANK A - .25 CCA WORK TANK 1% SOLUTION ...... 36,096 GALS. TANK B - .40 CCA WORK TANK 2% SOLUTION ...... 36,096 GALS. TANK C - WATER ............................ '..10,000 GALs. TANK D - 50% CCA CONCENTRATE ................ 12,000 GALS. TANK E - WATER STORAGE ...................... 24,600 GALS. TANK F - WATER STORAGE ...................... 24,600 GALS. TANK G - WATER STORAGE .................. ~ .... 24,600 GALS. TANK H - WATER STORAGE ...................... 24,600 GALS. TANK I - MIX TANK (NOT IN USE) .............. 5,000 GALS. II. ACQ - BORATE- DRI CON STORAGE TANK FARM TANK 1 - DRI CON WORK TANK - 7% (FIRE RETARDENT)..36,o72 GALS. TANK 2 - BORATE TANK 2% ........................... 36,072 GALS. TANK 3 - WATER STORAGE ............................ 19,440 GALS. TANK 4 - MIX TANK (USED TO MAKE MIXES) ............ 2,000 GALS TANK 5 - ACQ WORK TANK (AMMONIA,COPPER, QUAT) ..... 36,072 GALS TANK 6 - WATER STORAGE ............................ 30,010 GALS TANK 7 - COPPER C1 ................................ 17,776 GALS TANK 8 - COPPER C2 ................................ 15,228 GALS TOTE 9 - QUAT ..................................... 250 GALS - VIATE RIAL ETY ' " DATA S H E ET ~~l____ -. ~ Prepared to U.S. OSHA, CMA, ANSl and Canadian WHMIS Standards CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES, INC. PART I What is the matedal and what do I need to know in an emergency? 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME (AS LABELED): ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% CHEMICAL NAME/CLASS: '.'i~ Aqueous Copper Solution SYNONYMS: Not Applicable PRODUCT USE: Wood Treatment SUPPLIER/MANUFACTURER'S NAME: CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES, Inc. ADDRESS: One Woodlawn Green, Ste. 250 Charlotte, NC 28217 EMERGENCY PHONE: 704-455-5181 CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 BUSINESS PHONE: 704-522-0825 MSDS PREPARATION DATE: February 13, 1998 2. COMPOSITION and INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS CHEMICAL NAME CAS # % vfv EXPOSURE LIMITS IN AIR ACGIH OSHA TLV I STEL PEL I STEL IDLH OTHER mg/m3I rog/m3 rog/m3I mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 Ethanolamine 141-43-5 < 35 7.5 15 6 15 30 ppm NIOSH REL: 8 TWA; (Vacated 15 STEL 1989 PEL) DFG MAi(: 5; 8 (Vacated Danger of Cutaneous 1989 PEL) Absorption Copper Oxide 1317-38-0 < 5 1 NE 1 NE 100 .. NIOSH REL: 1 The following exposure limits are for "Copper, DFG MAK,: 1 Dusts and Mists". Water and other components. Each of the Balance None of the other components contribute significant additional hazards at the concentrations other components are present in less than present in this product. All pertinent hazard information has been provided in this document, 1 percent concentration (0.1% per the requirements of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standard concentration for potential carcinogens, (29 CFR 1910.1200), U.S. State equivalent Standards and Canadian Workplace Hazardous reproductive toxins, respiratory tract Materials Identification System Standards (CPR 4). sensitizers, and mutagens). NE = Not Established. C = Ceiling Limit. See Section 16 for Definitions of Terms Used. NOTE: ALL WHMIS required information is included in appropriate sections based on the ANSI Z400.1-1993 format. ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS '* 3. HAZARD IDENTIFICATI I EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: This is a clear, blue solution with a faint, ammonia-like odor. The pdmary health hazard associated with overexposure to this product is irritation 'of' skin, eyes, or other contaminated tissues. This solution would require substantial preheating before ignition would occur. The products of thermal decomposition include irritating vapors and toxic gases (including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, copper compounds, and nitrogen. oxides). This Product is not reactive under typical emergency circumstances. Emergency responders must wearI personal protective equipment appropriate for the situation to which they are responding. SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE BY ROUTE OF EXPOSURE: The main routes of overexposure for this product would be via inhalation of HAZARD)US MATERIAL INFORMATION mists or sprays of this product, as well as contact with skin or eyes. The S'~3'EM symptoms of such overexposure are descdbed in the followingparagraphs.HEALTH INHALATION: Inhalation of aerosolSl, mists,' or sprays of this product would be irritating. Symptoms of such overexposure would include I I coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion. Inhalation of relatively high concentrations of product can irdtate the ~espiratory tract; symptoms of FLAMMABILITY such overexposure can include wheezing, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. Chronic inhalation overexposures may result in liver and kidney disorders and adverse effects on the lungs. CONTACT WITH SKIN 'or EYES: This solution can be irritating to REACTiViTY (YS.LC~I 0 contaminated skin or eyes. Symptoms of eye overexposure would include redness, watering, and blurred vision. Permanent damage to the tissues of the eyes, possibly resulting in blindness, may occur after PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTI D I prolonged overexposures. Symptoms of skin overexposure may include redness and an itching sensation. Depending on the duration of ~ ,~s~,~ ~ overexposure, chapping, flaking, and chemical bums may result. Repeated overexposure may lead to dermatitis (inflamed, dry skin). An ~=~ allergic skin response ' (i.e. the development of rashes and welts) mayt~ ~sr:c~c~8 occur in sensitive individuals. SKIN ABSORPTION: Skin absorption is a potential route of Forroutineindus~ialapplicatJons overexposure to Ethanolamine, a component of this product. Symptoms of such overexposure include those described under "Contact with Skin or Eyes". See Section 16 for Definition of Ratin.qs INGESTION: Ingestion is not anticipated to be a significant route of overexposure for this solution. If this product is swallowed, symptoms of such overexposure may include gastdc distress, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. This solution can redden, irritate, and damage the tissues of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and other tissues of the digestive tract. Severe ingestion overexposures may be fatal. INJECTION: Injection of this product (via punctures with contaminated, sharp objects or pre-existing breaks in the skin) can produce redness and local swelling at the injection site. HEALTH EFFECTS OR RISKS FROM EXPOSURE: An Explanation in Lay Terms. Symptoms of-overexposure to this solution may include the following: ACUTE: The chief health hazard associated with overexposure to this product would be irritation of skin, eyes, or other contaminated tissue. Depending on the duration of overexposure, redness, chapping, and burns may occur. Inhalation of sprays, mists, or vapors of this product can cause coughing, sneezing, a congested nose, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. Severe ingestion overexposures may be fatal. CHRONIC: Prolonged or repeated skin overexposure may lead to dermatitis (inflamed, dry skin) and chapping. An allergic skin response (i.e. the development of rashes and welts) may occur in sensitive individuals. Chronic inhalation overexposures may result in liver and kidney disorders and adverse effects on the lungs. See Section 11 (Toxicology Information) for additional information of this product. TARGET ORGANS: Acute: Skin, eyes, respiratory system. Chronic: liver, kidneys. ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS FAINT, II What shou/d I d¢'~w hazardous situation occurs? 4; FIRST-AID MEASURES SKIN EXPOSURE: If the product contaminates the skin, begin decontamination with running water. Minimum flushing is for 15 minutes. Remove exposed or contaminated clothing, taking care not to contaminate eyes. Contaminated personnel must seek medical attention. EYE EXPOSURE: If this product enters the eyes, open victim's eyes while under gently running water. Use sufficient force to open eyelids. Have victim "roll" eyes. Minimum flushing is for 15 minutes. Contaminated personnel should seek medical attention. INHALATION: If aerosols, mists, or sprays of this product are inhaled, remove victim to fresh air. If necessary, use artificial respiration to support vital functions. Remove or cover gross contamination to avoid exposure to rescuers. INGESTION: If this product is swallowed, CALL PHYSICIAN OR POISON CONTROL CENTER FOR MOST CURRENT INFORMATION. If professional advice is not available, do not induce vomiting. Victim should drink milk or large quantities of water. Never induce vomiting Or give diluents (milk or water) to someone who is unconscious, havin.q convulsions, or who cannot swallow. Chemically contaminated personnel mU~t be taken for medical attention. Rescuers should be taken for medical attention if necessary. Take copy of label and MSDS to physician or health-care professional with victim. 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT: Not applicable. AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: Not applicable. FLAMMABLE LIMITS (in air by volume, %): NFPA RATING Lower (LEL): Not applicable. Upper (UEL): Not applicable. FIRE EXTINGUISHING MATERIALS: This product is not flammable. Use fire extinguishing material appropriate for the surrounding area. ..,,~ ,~c~w Water Spray: YES Carbon Dioxide: YES Foam: YES Dry Chemical: YES Haloq: YES Other: Any "ABC" Class. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: This solution severely irritates contaminated tissue and presents a contact hazard to firefighters. When om,~ involved in a fire, this matedal may decompose and produce irritating vapors and toxic gases (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, copper compounds, and nitrogen oxides). This product must be substantially pre-heated before ignition See Section 16 for can occur. Definition of RatinRs Explosion Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact: Not sensitive. Explosion Sensitivity to Static Discharqe: Not sensitive. SPECIAL FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Incipient fire responders should wear eye protection. Structural firefighters must wear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus and full protective equipment. Move fire-exposed containers if it can be done without risk to firefighters. If possible, firefighters should control run-off water to p.r.event environmental contamination. Decontaminate equipment with soapy water before returning to service. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SPILL AND LEAK RESPONSE: In case of a spill, clear the affected area and protect people. Uncontrolled releases should be responded to by trained personnel using pre-planned procedures. In terms of small, incidental releases (e.g., 1 gallon from a leaking container), the minimum personal protective equipment should be as follows: gloves, goggles, face shield, and appropriate body protection (e.g., boots, Tyvek suit). Respiratory protection (e.g., air-purifying respirator with a high efficiency particulate filter) must be worn if splashes or sprays will be generated. Minimum Personal Protective Equipment (for non-incidental releases) should be Level B: triple-gloves (rubber gloves and nitrile gloves, over latex gloves), chemically resistant suit and boots, hard-hat, and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. Absorb spilled liquid with polypads or other suitable absorbent materials. Decontaminate the area thoroughly, via a triple-rinse. Place all spill residue in an appropriate container Dispose residue in accordance with U.S. Federal, State, or local procedures and appropriate Canadian standards (see Section 13, Disposal Considerations). ~ ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS PART III How can l~revent hazardous situations from oo".~.~rrir~g? "7. HANDLING STORA 'E WORK AND HYGIENE PRACTICES: As with all chemicals, avoid getting this solution ON YOU or IN YOU. Wash hands after handling this product. Do not eat, ddnk, smoke, or apply cosmetics while handling this product. Remove contaminated clothing immediately. Use ventilation and other engineering controls to minimize exposure to mists or sprays of this product. STORAGE AND HANDLING PRACTICES: All employees who handle this material should be trained to handle it safely. Avoid breathing aerosols, sprays or mists generated by this product. Always use this product in well-ventilated areas. Ensure tanks and other containers of this product are propedy labeled. Open valves on pipelines and other production equipment which contains this product slowly. Close valves tightly after use. Keep this product away from sources of intense heat or incompatible materials (see Section 10, Stability and Reactivity). Recommended storage temperature is 10-30°C (50-86°F). Transfer material into properly labeled containers. Periodically inspect tanks and other containers of this product for leaks or damage. Ensure that dikes and berms surrounding tanks of this product are in good condition. Empty tanks, containers, pipelines, or process equipment may contain residual liquid; therefore, they must be handled · with care. PROTECTIVE PRACTICES DURING MAINTENANCE OF CONTAMINATED EQUIPMENT: Follow practices indicated in Section 6 (Accidental Release Measures). Make certain that application equipment is locked and tagged-out safely. Always use this product in areas where adequate ventilation is provided. Decontaminate equipment before maintenance begins. Collect all waste materials, including dnsates and dispose of according to applicable U.S. Federal, State, or local procedures, or those of Canada and its Provinces. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS - PERSONAL PROTECTION VENTILATION AND ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Use with adequate ventilation to ensure exposures are below the limits provided in Section 2 (Composition and Information on Ingredients) if applicable. Ensure eyewash/safety shower stations are available near areas where this product is used. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: None needed under normal circumstances of use. Maintain airborne contaminant concentrations below guidelines listed in Section 2 (Composition and Information on Ingredients) if applicable. If respiratory protection is needed, use only protection authorized in the U.S. Federal OSHA Standard (29 CFR 1910.134), applicable U.S. State regulations, or the appropriate standards of Canada and its Provinces. Use supplied air respiration protection if oxygen levels are below 19.5% or are unknown. The following NIOSH guidelines for Ethanolamine are provided for further information. CONCENTRATION RESPIRATORY'PROTECTION UP TO 30 ppm: Chemical cartridge respirator with cartridge(s) to protect against Ethanolamine; or gas mask with canister to protect against Ethanolamine; or powered air-purifying respirator with cartridge(s) to protect against Ethanolamine; or Supplied Air Respirator (SAR); or full-facepiece SCBA. EMERGENCY OR PLANNED ENTRY INTO UNKNOWN CONCENTRATIONS OR IDLH CONDITIONS: Positive pressure, full-facepiece SCBA; or positive pressure, full-facepiece SAR with an auxiliary positive pressure SCBA. ESCAPE: Gas mask with canister to protect against Ethanolamine; or escape-type SCBA. NOTE: The IDLH concentration for Ethanolamine is 30 ppm. EYE PROTECTION: Splash goggles or safety glasses. Face shields are recommended when op??tions for which this product are used can generate splashes, sprays, or mists. HAND PROTECTION: Wear rubber or nitdle gloves for routine industrial use. Use triple gloves for spill response, as stated in Section 6 (Accidental Release Measures) of this MSDS. BODY PROTECTION: Use body protection appropriate for task (i.e. apron, Tyvek suit). 9. PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL PROPERTIES RELATIVE VAPOR DENSITY (air = 1): > 1 EVAPORATION RATE ('n-BuAc=l): Not available. SPECIFIC GRAVITY (water = 1}: Approximately 1.0 MELTING\FREEZING POINT: Not available. SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble. BOILING POINT: 1'49°C (300°F) VAPOR PRESSURE, mm Hq ~ 20°C (68°F): Not available, pH: > 7 ODOR THRESHOLD: 3 ppm (Ethanolamine) LOG of OIL/WATER DISTRIBUTION (PARTITION COEFFICIENT): Not applicable. _APPEARANCE AND COLOR: Clear, blue solution with a faint, ammonia-like odor. HOW TO DETECT THIS SUBSTANCE (warning properties}: The odor and blue color may act as distinguishing ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS cl'{aractedstics of this product. ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS ". ,, 10. STABILITY and REACTI TY STABILITY: Stable. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sodium oxides. MATERIALS WITH WHICH SUBSTANCE IS INCOMPATIBLE: Strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, and materials that are not compatible with water. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and contact with incompatible chemicals. PART IV /s there any other usefu/ information about this mate/fa/? 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: Additional toxicology data for components greater than 1 percent in concentration are provided below. COPPER OXIDE: ETHANOl. AMINE (continued): LDLo (inhalation, rat) = 278 mg/kg ;. LDso (subcutaneous - rat) = 1500 rng/kg. ETHANOL.AMINE: LDso (intravenous - rat) = 225 mg/kg. Skin Irritancy (rabbit) 505 mg moderate irritation. LD~ (intramuscular - rat) = 1750 rng/kg. Eye irritation (rabbit) 0.763 rng severe irritation. LD~o (oral - mouse) = 700 rog/kg. TDLo (oral - rat) = 500 mg/kg (Teratogenic effect). LD~ (intraperitoneal - mouse) = 50 rog/kg. LD~o (oral- rat) = 1720 rng/kg. LDso (sldn - rabbit) = 1000 rng/kg. LD~o (intraperitoneal- rat) = 67 mg/kg. SUSPECTED CANCER AGENT: This product's ingredients are not found on the following lists: U.S. FEDERAL OSHA Z LIST, NTP, IARC, CAL/OSHA, and therefore are not considered to be, or suspected to be, cancer-causing agents by these agencies. IRRITANCY OF PRODUCT: This product can be irritating to contaminated tissues. SENSITIZATION TO THE PRODUCT: The product can cause allergic skin reactions (i.e. rashes, welts) in sensitive individuals. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY'iNFORMATION: Listed below is information concerning the effects of this product and its components on the human reproductive system. Mutagenicity This product is not reported to produce mutagenic effects in humans. Embryotoxicity: This product is not reported to produce embryotoxic effects in humans. Terato.qen c ty This product is not reported to cause teratogenic effects in humans. ..Reproduct ve Toxicity: This product is not reported to cause reproductive effects in humans. A mutac~en is a chemical which causes permanent changes to genetic material (DNA) such that the changes will propagate through generational lines. An embryotoxin is a chemical which causes damage to a developing embryo (i.e. within the first eight weeks of pregnancy in humans), but the damage does not propagate across generational lines. A t. eratoqen is a chemical which causes damage to a developing fetus, but the damage does not propagate across generational lines. A reproductive toxin is any substance which interferes in any way with the reproductive process. ACGIH BIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE INDICES (BEIs): Currently, there are no ACGIH Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) associated with the components of this product. .~' MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Skin disorders may be aggravated by exposure to this product. Overexposures to aerosols, mists, or sprays of this product may aggravate respiratory conditions, liver disorders, and kidney problems. Additionally, any disorder involving the "Target Organs" may be aggravated by overexposures to this substance. RECOMMENDATIONS TO PHYSICIANS: Treat symptoms and eliminate overexposure. In the event of ingestion exposures, probable mucosal damage may inhibit the use of gastdc lavage. The following tests may be useful: Liver and kidney function tests. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ALL WORK PRACTICES MUST BE AIMED AT ELIMINATING ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY: The components of this product will slowly degrade in the environment to form a vadety of organic and inorganic compounds. Specific environmental data for this product are presented on the following page. ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION (Continued) " 0iIllinued) EN-VIRONM E~NTAI_ ST___ABILITY : .. COPPER OXIDE: Copper and its compounds are naturally present in the soil and water. Its transport in the environment depends upon the exact compound, the pH, the soil type, and the salinity. ETHANOL.AMINE: Kow = -1.31 (est.). Water Solubility: Miscible. BOD = 78%, 5 days (theor) 0%, 5 days; 64%, 20 days. Ethanolarnine is susceptible to slow biodegradation; may require acclimation. Ethanolarnine dose not bioconcentrate significantly in most aquatic organisms. If released into soils, Ethanolarnine is expected to biodegrade rapidly following acclimation (half-life on the order of days to weeks). EFFECT OF MATERIAL ON PLANTS or ANIMALS: This product may be harmful to contaminated plants or animals, especially if large volumes are released into the environment. Refer to Section 11 (Toxicology InformatiOn) for specific data on the product's components and their effects on test animals. EFFECT OF CHEMICAL ON AQUATIC LIFE: This product may be harmful or fatal to exposed aquatic life. Specific aquatic toxicity data for this product is as follows: COPPER OXIDE: The bio-concentration factor (BCF) of copper in fish ETHANOLAMINE: obtained in various field studies indicates that there is no bio- Threshold Limits: 1,000-10,000ppm. rnagnification of copper in the food chain. Copper cornpounds are Toxicity Threshold (cell multiplication inhibition test): capable of killing algae. ECo (bacteria) = 6300 rng/L; 16 hours ECo (alga) = 1.6 rng/L; 8 days ECo (green algae) = 0.75 rng/L; 7 days ECo (protozoa, Entosiphon sulcaturn) = 300 rng/L; 32 hours LD~o (goldfish) = 190 rog/L, 24 hours LD~ (goldfish) = 170 mg/L, 96 hours LDso (goldfish) = >5000 rng/L, 24 hours 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS PREPARING WASTES FOR DISPOSAL: Waste disposal must be in accordance with appropriate U.S. Federal, State, and local regulations, or those of Canada and its Provinces. This product, if unaltered by use, may be disposed of by treatment at a permitted facility or as advised by your local hazardous waste regulatory authority. U.S, EPA WASTE NUMBER: Not applicable to wastes consisting only of this product. 14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION THIS MATERIAL IS :NoT HAZARDOUS AS DEFINED BY 49 CFR 172.101 BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION and TRANSPORT CANADA. This product is generated on-site during process operations; no transportation requirements are applicable for this solution. MARINE POLLUTANT: No component of this product is listed as a madne pollutant by the D.O.T. (49 CFR 172.101, Appendix B). '15. REGULATORY INFORMATION ADDITIONAL U.S. REGULATIONS: U.S. SARA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: The components of this product are subject to the reporting requirements of Sections 302, 304 and 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthodzation ACt, as follows. cu.R,c ox,o (asa Cop..r Cornpou.d) I .O I .O I Y S: CATegORY CO0 II I I I N OO II U.S. SARA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: The components of this product are not subject to the reporting requirements of Sections 302, 304, and 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthodzation Act: U.S. SARA THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITY: Not applicable. U.S. CERCLA REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ): Not applicable. U.S. TSCA INVENTORY STATUS: The chemicals in this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory. OTHER U.S. FEDERAL' REGULATIONS: Not applicable. ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS . 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION £Continued) ~'U'.'~. STA',"E REGULATORY INF~MATION: Components in. this product,~'~:;ifically listed in Section 2 (Composition and Information on Ingredients), a~'covered under specific State regulations, as denoted below: Alaska - Designated Toxic and Hazardous Michigan-Critical Materials Register: None. Pennsylvania - Hazardous Substance Est: Substances: Ethanolamine. Minnesota - List of Hazardous Substances: Ethanolamine. California - Permissible Exposure Limits for Ethanolamine. Rhode Island . Hazardous Substance List: Chemical Contaminants: Ethanolamine. Missouri Employer Information/Toxic Ethanolamine. Florida - Substance List: Ethanolamine. Substance List: Ethanolamine. Texas Hazardous Substance List: Illinois- Toxic Substance List: Ethanolamine, New Jersey - Right to Know Hazardous Ethanolamine. Copper Compounds. Substance List: Ethanolamine, Inorganic West Virginia o Hazardous Substance List: Kansas. Section 302/313 List: None. Copper' Compounds. Ethanolamine. Massachusetts - Substance List: Ethanolamine. North Dakota - List of Hazardous Chemicals, Wisconsin Toxic and Hazardous Reportable Quantities: None. Substances: Ethanolamine. CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT {'PROPOSITION 65): No component of this product is on the Califomia Proposition 65 lists. LABELING (Precautionary Statements): WARNINGI CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION. HARMFUL OR FATAL IF INGESTED. HARMFUL IF INHALED. CAN CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION IN SENSITIVE INDIVIDUALS. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Avoid prolonged skin contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing aerosols, mists, and sprays. Work in well-ventilated area. Do not taste or swallow. Wear gloves, goggles, face-shield, and appropriate body protection. Store away from food or feed in a secure area. Protect product from extreme temperatures. Do not allow product to freeze. FIRST-AID: In case of contact with skin or eyes, flush skin with plenty of water for 15 minutes. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention if adverse effects develop. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water fog, dry chemical, CO2, or "alcohol" foam. IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb · spill with inert material (sand, polypads, or other absorbent). For large spills, dike area. Consult Material Safety Data Sheet for additional information. ADDITIONAL CANADIAN REGULATIONS: CANADIAN DSL/NDSL INVENTORY STATUS: The components of this product are on the DSUNDSL Inventories. OTHER CANADIAN REGULATIONS: Not applicable. CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT (CEPA) PRIORITIES SUBSTANCES LISTS: The components of this product are not on the CEPA Priorities Substances Lists. CANADIAN WHMIS SYMBOLS: Class D2B: Other Toxic Effects Class E: Corrosive. 16. OTHER INFORMATION PREPARED BY: CHEMICAL SAFETY ASSOCIATES, Inc. 9163 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123-1002 · 619/565-0302 I The information contained herein is based on data considered accurate. However, no wan'anty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of these I[ data or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. Chemical Specialties Inc. assumes no responsibility for injury to the vendee or third persons proximately caused by the material if reasonable safety procedures are not adhered to as stipulated in the data sheet. Additionally, Chemical Specialties Inc. assumes no responsibility for injury to vendee or third persons proximately caused by abnormal use of the matedal even if reasonable safety procedures are followed. Furthermore, vendee assumes the dsk in his use of the material. ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS DEFINITIONS OF TERMS A ~ge ,~,;mber of abbreviations and acron ppear on a MSDS. Some of these which are comm~,sed include the following: CAS #: This is the Chemical Abstract Service Number which uniquely identifies each constituent. It is used for computer-related searching. EXPOSURE LIMITS IN AIR: NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (Coatirtuecl): ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, a Flammability Hazard and Reactivity Hazard: Refer to definitions for professional association which establishes exposure limits. TLV . 'Hazardous Materials Identification System". Threshold Limit Value - an airborne concentration of a substance which FLAMMABILITY LIMITS IN AIR: represents conditions under which it is generally believed that nearly all Much of the information related to fire and explosion is derived from the workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effect. The duration National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Flash Point - Minimum must be considered, including the 8-hour Time Weighted Average temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapors to form an (TWA), the 15-minute Short Term Exposure Limit, and the instantaneous ignitable mixture with air. Autoicjnition Temperature: The minimum Ceiling Level (C). Skin absorption effects must also be considered, temperature required to initiate combustion in air with no other source of OSHA - U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. PEL - ignition. LEL - the lowest percent of vapor in air, by volume, that will Permissible Exposure Limit - This exposure value means exactty the explode or ignite in the presence of an ignition source. UEL, - the highest same as a TLV, except that it is enforceable by OSHA. The OSHA percent of vapor in air, by volume, that will explode or ignite in the Permissible Exposure Limits are based in the 1989 PELs and the June, presence of an ignition source. 1993 Air Contaminants Rule (Federal Rec~ister: 58:35338-35351 and 58: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: 40191). Both the current PELs and the vacated PELs are indicated. The Human and Animal Toxicology: Possible health hazards as derived phrase, 'Vacated 1989 PEL,' is placed next to the PEL which was from human data, animal studies, or from the results of studies with vacated by Court Order. similar compounds are presented. Definitions of some terms used in this IDLH - Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health - This level represents a section are: LD~ - Lethal Dose (solids & liquids) which kills 50% of the concentration from which one can escape within' 30-minutes without suffering escape-preventing or permanent injury. The DFG - MAK is the exposed animals; LC~ - Lethal Concentration (gases) which kills 50% of the exposed animals; ppm concentration expressed in parts of matedal Republic of Germany's Maximum Exposure Level, similar to the U.S. per million parts of air or water; mg/rn~ concentration expressed in weight PEL. NIOSH is the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, of substance per volume of air; mg/kg quantity of material, by weight, which is the research arm of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health administered to a test subject, based on their body weight in kg. Other Administration (OSHA). NIOSH issues exposure guidelines called measures of toxicity include TDLo, the lowest dose to cause a symptom Recommended Exposure Levels (RELs). AIHA-WEEL is the American and TCLo the lowest concentration to cause a symptom; TDo, LDLo, and Industrial Hygiene Association Workplace Environmental Exposure Level Guides. When no exposure guidelines are established, an entry of NE is LDo, or TC, TCo, LCLo, and LCo, the lowest dose (or concentration) to cause lethal or toxic effects. Cancer Information: The sources are: made for reference. IARC - the International Agency for Research on Cancer; NTP - the HAZARD RATINGS: National Toxicology Program, RTECS - the Registry of Toxic Effects of HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM: Health Chemical Substances, OSHA and CAE/OSHA. IARC and NTP rate Hazard: 0 (minimal acute or chronic exposure hazard); 1 (slight acute or chemicals on a scale of decreasing potential to cause human cancer with chronic exposure hazard); 2 (moderate acute or significant chronic rankings from 1 to 4. Subrankings (2A, 2B, etc.) are also used. Other exposure hazard); 3 (severe acute exposure hazard; onetime Information: BEI- ACGIH Biological Exposure ]ndices, represent the overexposure c.an result in.permanent injury and may be fatal); 4 levels of determinants which are most likely to be observed in specimens (extreme acute exposure hazard; onetime overexposure can be fatal), collected from a healthy worker who has been exposed to chemicals to Flammability Hazard: 0 (minimal hazard); I (materials that require the same extent as a worker with inhalation exposure to the TLV. substantial pre-heating before burning); 2 (combustible liquid or solids; Ecological Information: EC is the effect concentration in water. BCF = liquids with a flash point of 38-93°C [100-200~F]); 3 (Class lB and lC Bioconcentration Factor, which is used to determine if a substance will flammable liquids with flash points below 380C [100°Fl); 4 (Class IA concentrate in lifeforms which consume contaminated plant or animal flammable liquids with flash points below 23°C [73°F] and boiling points matter. Coefficient of Oil/Water Distribution is represented by log K~ or below 38°C [100°Fl. Reactivity Hazard: 0 (normally stable); 1 (material log Ko~ and is used to assess a substance's behavior in the environment. that can become unstable at elevated temperatures or which can react slightly with water); 2 (materials that are unstable but do not detonate or REGULATORY INFORMATION: which can react violently with water); 3 (materials that can detonate when This section explains the impact of various laws and regulations on the initiated or which can react explosively with water); 4 (materials that can material. U.S.: EPA is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. DOT is detonate at normal temperaturesorpressures), the U.S. Department of Transportation. SARA is the Superfund NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION: Health Hazard: 0 Amendments and Reauthodzation Act. TSCA is the U.S. Toxic (material that on exposure under fire conditions would offer no hazard Substance Control Act. CERCLA (or Superfund) refers to the beyond that of ordinary combustible materials); 1 (materials that on Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability exposure under fire conditions could cause irritation or minor residual Act. Labeling is per the American National Standards Institute (ANSI injury); 2 (materials that on intense or continued exposure under fire Z129.1). CANADA: CEPA is the Canadian Environmental Protection conditions could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual Act. WHMIS is the Canadian Workp~ce Hazardous Materials injury); 3 (materials that can on short exposure could cause sedous information System. TC is Transport Canada. DSL/NDSL are the temporary or residual injury); 4 (materials that under very short exposure Canadian Domestic/Non-Domestic Substances Lists. causes death or major residual injury). ACQ-C2 WORK SOLUTION 3% MSDS ATERIAL 6AFETY '- ' DATA SHEET _ Prepared to U.S. OSHA, CMA, ANSI and Canadian WHMIS Standards CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES, INC. PART ! What is the material and what do I need to know in an emergency? 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME (AS LABELED): ACQ-C CHEMICAL NAME/CLASS: !.. Copper Ammonium Carbonate Solution TECHNICAL BULLETINS: Not Applicable PRODUCT USE: Various Industrial Applications CHEMICAL NAME/CLASS: Aqueous Copper Solution SYNONYMS: Not Applicable PRODUCT USE: Wood Treatment SUPPLIER/MANUFACTURER'S NAME: CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES, Inc. ADDRESS: One Woodlawn Green, Ste. 250 Charlotte, NC 28217 EMERGENCY PHONE: ,',.: 704.455-5181 " CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 BUSINESS PHONE: 704-522-0825 MSDS PREPARATION DATE: June 18, 1998 2. COMPOSITION and INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS CHEMICAL NAME CAS # % v/v EXPOSURE LIMITS IN AIR ACGIH OSHA TLV STEL PEL STEL IDLH OTHER mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3 Copper Ammonium 33113-08-5 5-15 1 (Inhalable NE 1 NE 100 .NIOSH REL: Carbonate Particulates) -TWA = 1 mg/m~ The following exposure limits are for Copper, dusts and mists DFG MAK: 1 mg/m3 EPA-D Ammonium Hydroxide 1336-21-6 < 1 25 ppm 35 ppm NE 50 ppm 300 ppm NIOSH REL: (This substance forms a TWA = 25 ppm complex with copper, but 35 ppm may be released under (Vacated STEL = 35 ppm cedain circumstances) 1989 PEL) The following exposure limits are for ammonia. Water 7732-18-5 Balance NE NE NE NE NE NE NE = Not Established C = Ceiling Limit See Section 16 for Definitions of Terms Used. NOTE: ALL WHMIS required information is included in appropriate sections based on the ANSI Z400.1-1993 format. ACQ-C MSDS PAGE 1 OF 8 3. IDENTIFICATI( I EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: This product is a dark blue liquid with an ammonia odor. The primary health hazard associated with this product is related to its irritancy. Contact with mists, sprays or liquid generated by the product can mildly to moderately irritate eyes, skin, and other contaminated tissue. This product is not flammable or reactive. Emergency responders must wear the personal protective equipment suitable for the situation to which they are. responding. I SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE BY ROUTE'OF EXPOSURE: The pdmary routes of overexposure for the solution are via inhalation and HAZARDOUS MATERIALINFORMATION contact with skin and eyes. The following paragraphs descdbe the SYS3EM symptoms of overexposure, via route of exposure, to this material. INHALATION: If vapors, mists, or sprays of this product are inhaled, HEALTH~ 2 they may mildly to moderate irritate the nose, throat, and lungs. Additional inhalation symptoms may include the coughing and difficulty breathing. CONTACT WITH SKIN or EYES: Depending on the duration of FLAMMABILITY ~-~ 0 overexposure, contact with the eyes will cause mild to moderate irritation, pain, and reddening. Depending on the duration of skin contact, skin overexposures may cause reddening, discomfort, and mild to moderate irritation. Repeated skin overexposures can result in dermatitis (inflammation and reddening of the skin). REACTIVITY ¢EL~Ov~ 0 SKIN ABSORPTION: Skin absorption is not a significant route Of INGESTION: If this product is swallowed, mild to moderate irritation ofPROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT C the mouth, throat, esophagus, and other tissues of the digestive system will occur immediately upon contact. Symptoms of such overexposure' ~ ~, ~ ,co,, can. include drowsiness, confusion, difficulty swallowing, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Ingestion of large volumes of ~ I t this product may be faial. . ~s~-~8 ti INJECTION: Accidental injection of this product, via laceration or ~ puncture by a contaminated object may cause pain and irritation in ForroutJneindustrialapplic~ons addition to the wound. HEALTH EFFECTS OR RISKS FROM EXPOSURE: An Explanation See Section 16 for Definition of Ratin.qs in Lay Terms. In the event of overexposure, the following symptoms may be observed: ACUTE: Depending on the duration of contact, overexposures can mildly to moderately irdtate the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, and any other exposed tissue. If inhaled, mild to moderate irritation of the respiratory system. Severe ingestion overexposures may be fatal. CHRONIC: Prolonged or repeated skin contact can lead to dermatitis. See Section 11 (Toxicology Information) for additional data. TARGET ORGANS: Skin, eyes PART IIWhat shou/d / do ifa hazardous situation occurs? 4. FIRST-AID MEASURES SKIN EXPOSURE: If this product contaminates the skin, begin decontamination with running water for 15 minutes. Remove exposed or contaminated clothing, taking care not to contaminate eyes. Victim must seek immediate medical attention. EYE EXPOSURE: If liquid or vapors of this product enter the eyes, open victim's eyes while under gently running water. Use sufficient force to open eyelids. Have victim "roll" . eyes. Minimum flushing is for 15 minutes. Victim must seek immediate medical attention. INHALATION: If vapors, mists, or sprays of this product are inhaled, remove victim to fresh air. If necessary, use artificial respiration to support vital functions. Remove or cover gross contamination to avoid exposure to rescuers. INGESTION: If this product is swallowed, CALL PHYSICIAN OR POISON CONTROL CENTER FOR MOST CURRENT INFORMATION. If professional advice is not available, do not induce vomiting. Victim should ddnk milk, egg whites, or large quantities of water. Never induce vomiting or give diluents (milk or water) to someone who is unconscious, havinq ACQ-C MSDS PAGE 2 OF 8 c~qvulsions, or unable to swallow. ACQ-C MSDS PAGE 3 OF 8 4.,,,FIRST-AID MEASURES (ContinUed) Victims of chemical exposure mu~ taken for medical attention. Rescuer~uld be taken for medical attention, if necessary. Take a copy of label andMSDS to health professional with victim. 5, FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT: Not flammable. AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: Not flammable. NFPA RATING FLAMMABLE LIMITS (in air by volume, %): Lower (LEL): Not applicable. ' Upper ('UEL): Not applicable. FIRE EXTINGUISHING MATERIALS: HEALT~ REAC'~T~ITY Water Spray: YES Carbon Dioxide: YES Foam: YES Dry Chemical: YES Halon: YES Other: Any ".ABC" Class. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: This product is a moderate o~,~ irdtant and presents a potential contact'.hazard to fire-fighters. When involved in a fire, this material may decompose and produce copper compounds, See Section 16for Definition of ammonia, and nitrogen oxides. Explosion Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact: Not sensitive. Ratinqs Explosion Sensitivity to Static Discharge: Not sensitive. SPECIAL FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Incipient fire responders should wear eye protection. Structural fire fighters . must wear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus and full protective equipment. Chemical resistant clothing may be necessary. Move containers from fire area if they have not been exposed to heat and if it can be done without dsk to personnel. If this product is involved in a fire, fire run-off water should be contained to prevent possible environmental damage. Rinse contaminated equipment thoroughly before returning to service. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SPILL AND LEAK RESPONSE': Uncontrolled releases should be responded to by trained personnel using pre-planned procedures. Proper protective equipment should be used. In case of a large spill, clear the affected area, and protect people. In the event of a non-incidental release, minimum Personal Protective Equipment should be Level C: triple- gloves (rubber gloves and nitdle gloves, over latex gloves), chemically resistant suit and boots, hard-hat, and an air- purifying respirator with an amine/ammonia cartridge. Level B, which includes Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, must be worn in the event that oxygen levels are below 19.5% or are unknown. Absorb spilled liquid with polypads or other suitable absorbent materials. Decontaminate the area thoroughly. Place all spill residue in a suitable container and seal. Dispose of in accordance with U.S. Federal, State, and local hazardous waste disposal regulations, or the appropriate Canadian standards (see Section 13, Disposal Considerations). PART III How can I prevent hazardous situations from occurring? 7. HANDLING and STORAGE WORK AND HYGIENE PRACTICES: As with all chemicals, avoid getting this product ON YOU or IN YOU. Wash hands after handling this product. Do not eat, drink, smoke or apply cosmetics while handling this product. All work practices should minimize the generation of splashes and aerosols. Remove contaminated clothing immediately. STORAGE AND HANDLING PRACTICES: All employees who handle this material should be trained to handle it safely. Avoid breathing vapors or mists generated by this product. Use in a well-ventilated location. Open containers slowly, on a stable surface. Containers of this product must be propedy labeled. Empty containers may contain residual liquid or vapors therefore, empty containers should be handled with care. Store containers in a cool, dry location, away from direct sunlight, sources of intense heat, or where freezing is possible. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10, Stability and Reactivity). Material should be stored in secondary containers, or in a diked area, as appropriate. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Floors should be sealed to prevent absorption of this material. If appropriate, post warning signs in storage and use areas. Inspect all incoming containers before storage, to ensure containers are properly labeled and not damaged. PROTECTIVE PRACTICES DURING MAINTENANCE OF CONTAMINATED EQUIPMENT: Follow practices indicated in Section 6 (Accidental Release Measures). Make certain that application equipment is locked and tagged-out safely. Collect all dnsates and dispose of according to applicable U.S. Federal, State, or local procedures or applicable Canadian standards. ACQ-C MSDS PAGE 4 OF 8 8. EXPO ;[E CONTROLS-.PERSONA ROTECTION VENTILATION AND ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Use with adequate ventilation to ensure exposure levels are maintained below the limits provided in Section 2 (Composition and Information on Ingredients), if applicable. Exhaust directly to the outside. Use local exhaust ventilation, and process enclosure if necessary, to control mist formation. Supply sufficient replacement air to make up for air removed by system. Ensure eyewash/safety shower stations are available near areas where this product is used. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Maintain airborne contaminant concentrations below exposure limits listed in Section 2 (Composition and Information on Ingredients). If respiratory protection is needed (i.e. air-purifying respirator with an acid-gas cartridge), use only protection authorized in 29 CFR 1910.134 or applicable U.S. State regulations (or the appropriate standards of Canada and its Provinces). 'Use supplied air respiration protection dudng response procedures to non-incidental releases and if oxygen levels are below 19.5% or are unknown. The following NIOSH recommendations for Copper (Dusts and Mists) are provided for further information: CONCENTRATION RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT FOR COPPER DUSTS AND MISTS UP TO 5 mg/m3: Dust and mist respirator. UP TO 10 mg/m3: Dust and mist respirator except single-use and quarter-mask respirator (if not present as a fume); or'SAR. UP TO 25 mg/m3: Powered air-purifying respirator with dust and mist filter(s); or SAR in a continuous-flow mode. UP TO. 50 mg/m3: Full-facepiece respirator with high-efficiency particulate filter(s); or full-facepiece SCBA; or full- facepiece SAR; or powered air-purifying respirator with tight-fitting facepiece and high- efficiency particulate filter. UP TO 100 rog/m3: Positive pressure, full-facepiece SAR. EMERGENCY/PLANNED ENTRY INTO UNKNOWN CONCENTRATIONS OR IDLH CONDITIONS: Positive pressure, full-facepiece SCBA; or positive pressure, full-facepiece SAR with auxiliary positive pressure SCBA. ESCAPE: Full-facePiece respirator with high-efficiency particulate filter(s); or escape-type SCBA. NOTE: The IDLH for copper dusts and mists is 100 mg/m3, as Cu. EYE PROTECTION: Splash' goggles or safety glasses. HAND PROTECTION:. Wear Neoprene or Rubber gloves for routine industrial use. Use tdple gloves for spill response, as stated in Section 6 (Accidental Release Measures) of this MSDS. BODY PROTECTION: Use body protection appropriate for task. An apron, or other impermeable body protection is suggested. Full-body chemical protective clothing is recommended for emergency response procedures. 9. PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL PROPERTIES VAPOR DENSITY: Not established EVAPORATION RATE (n-BuAc = 1): Similar to water. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.2 FREEZING POINT or RANGE: -5°C (23°F) SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Completely BOILING POINT: Not established. VAPOR PRESSURE: Not established, p_.~.H: 9-10 ODOR THRESHOLD: Not applicable. LOG WATER/OIL DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENT: Not available. APPEARANCE AND COLOR: This product is a dark blue, aqueous liquid with an ammonia odor. -- HOW TO DETECT THIS SUBSTANCE (wamin.q properties): The appearance and odor are disting~'ishing characteristics of this product. 10. STABILITY and REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Copper compounds, ammonia, and nitrogen oxides. MATERIALS WITH WHICH SUBSTANCE IS INCOMPATIBLF: Strong acids. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extreme heat and contact with incompatible chemicals. ACQ-C MSDS PAGE 5 OF 8 "PART IV Is there a '"~ther useful information about this 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICITY DATA: Toxicology data for the components of this product specifically listed in Section 2 (Composition and Information on Ingredients) and greater than 1 percent in concentration are provided below. COPPER AMMONIUM CARBONATE: No toxicology data are currently available for this component of ~ product. SUSPECTED CANCER AGENT: The components of this product are not found on the following lists: FEDERAL OSHA Z LIST, NTP, IARC, and CAL/OSHA and therefore are not considered to be, nor suspected to be, cancer causing agents by these agencies. Copper compounds are listed as follows: EPA-D (Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen). IRRITANCY OF PRODUCT: This product is mildly to moderately irritating to contaminated tissue. SENSITIZATION OF PRODUCT: This product contains no components known to be sensitizers with repeated or prolonged use. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY INFORMATION: Listed below is information conceming the effects of this product and its components on the human reproductive, system. Muta.qenicity: This product is not reported to produce mutagenic effects in humans. Embryotoxicity: This product is not reported to produce embryotoxic effects in humans. .Terato.qenicity: This product is not reported to cause teratogenic effects in humans. .Reproductive Toxicity: This produL't is not reported to cause reproductive toxicity effects in humans'. A mutaaen is a chemical which causes permanent changes to genetic rnatedal (DNA) such that the changes will propagate through generational lines. An embryotoxin is a chemical which causes damage to a developing embryo (i.e. '. within the first eight weeks of pregnancy in humans), but the damage does not propagate across generational lines. A teratoqen is a chemical which causes damage to a developing fetus, but the damage does not propagate across generational lines. A reproductive ~Oxin is any substance which interferes in any way with the reproductive process. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Pre-existing dermatitis, other skin disorders, and respiratory diseases may be aggravated by overexposure to this product. RECOMMENDATIONS TO PHYSICIANS: Treat symptoms and eliminate overexposure. ACGIH BIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE INDICES: currently, there are no ACGIH Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) associated with the components of this product. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ALL WORK PRACTICES MUST BE AIMED AT ELIMINATING ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION. ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY: The components of this product are relatively stable under ambient, environmental conditions. Additional environmental data for compounds which can be released from this product are available as follows: AMMONIA: Water Solubility: 47% in water at 0'~C; 34% in water at 20'~C; 28% in water at 31 '~C. BIOCONCENTRATION: Plants have a high affinity for gaseous ammonia when leaf stomata are open in daylight. BIODEGRADATION: Ammonia is rapidly converted to nitrate by nitrification. COPPER: Solubility: Insoluble. There is no evidence of any biotransformation for copper compounds. Copper is accumulated by all plants and animals. BCF Algae = 12; plants = 1,000; invertebrate = 1,000, fish = 667 and fish = 200 (Soluble copper salts). EFFECT OF MATERIAL ON PLANTS or ANIMALS: Copper Ammonium Carbonate (a component of this product) is a fungicide and bactedacide; subsequently, plants contaminated with this product may be adversely ~ffected or destroyed. Animals contaminated with this solution may be severely injured or killed. Refer to Section 11 (Toxicology Information) for clinical data on the effects of this product's components on test animals. EFFECT OF CHEMICAL ON AQUATIC LIFE: A release of this product in a dver or other body of water (especially in large volumes) may kill fish and other aquatic life. Additional aquatic toxicity data are available as follows: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE (continued): LC~o (Lepomis rnacrochirus, bluegill) = 0.024-0.093 mg/L/48 hours LCso (Atlantic salmon smelt) = 5-8 mg,/l_/24 hours LCso (Ictalurus punctatus, channel catfish) = 0.974 mg/L/ 1 week/pH 7.7/ LC~o (perch) = 0.29 rog/L/7 days/non-ionized NH3 21.1 '~C TLm (bluegill) = 3.4 mg/L/96 hours/hard water/20"~C LC~o (Ictalurus punctatus, channel catfish) = 1.27 rog/L/ 1 week/ pH 7.8/ LCso (Daphnia rnagna) = 0.66 mg/L./48 hours,' 22'~C 21.7-~C TLm (diatom) = 420 rog/L/ 120 hours/ hard water and soft wated 22'~C; LC~o (Ictalurus punctatus, channel catfish) = 1.41 rog/L/ 1 week/ pH 7.8/ 50% growth reduction 22.8-~C LCso (Salmo gairdnen) = 8 mg/rnL NH3/24 hours LCso (Ictalurus punctatus, channel catfish) = 1.97 rog~L~ 1 week/ pH 8.0/ TLm (goldfish) = 2-2.5 mg/l.J 24-96 hours 22.8'~C LC~ (Coho salmon) = 0.45 rog/L/96 hoursLCr, o (guppy, fry) = 74 mg/I./72 TLm (fathead minnow) = 8.2 rog/L/96 hours/hard water hours ACQ-C MSDS PAGE 6 OF 8 12. E LOGICAL INFORMATION (i ,ntinued) EFFECT OF CHEMICAL ON AC 'lC LIFE (continued): AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE (continued): AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE (continued): LC~ (rainbow trout, alevin 0-50 days old) >3.58 rog/L/24 hours LC~o (nauplius) = 3.58 mg/L NH3/24 hours/total NH3; 0.29 mg/L NH3-N/ LC~ (rainbow trout, fry 85 days old) = 0.068 rog/L/24 hours non-ionized LCso (rainbow trout, adult) = 0.097 mg/L/24 hours LCso (mysis) = 46.01 mg/L NH3-N/24 hours/total NH3; 3.17 rng/L NH3-N/ LC~o (walking catfish) = 0.28 rng/L/48 hours non-ionized LC~ (Atlantic salmon smelt) = 0.02-0.08 rng/L NH3/24 hours/freshwater LC~o (green sunfish) = 0.50 mg/L NH3/pH 6.6; 1.06 mg/L NH3/pH 7.2; 1.34 LC~ (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Chinook salmon) = 0.36 m~L NH3/24 mg/L NH3/pH 7.7; 1.73 rng/L NH3/pH 8.7 hours/freshwater LC~o (Rut#us ruOTus, roach) = 0.42 rog/L/24 hours/non-ionized NH3 LCso (Sa/mo clark;', cutthroat trout fry) = 0.5-0.8 mg/L/96 hours; 0.56 rog/L/ 36 days COPPER: LC~ (rainbow trout, fertilized egg) >3.58 mg/L/24 hours LCso(fathead minnows) = 0.14 pprn in hard water LC~o (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, chinook salmon) = 2.2 mg of NH3/L/24 LCd(bluegill) = 0.02 ppm in soft water hours/9.6% salinib/ LCso(brook trout) = 0.09 ppm in soft water 13,DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS PREPARING WASTES FOR DISPOSAL: Waste disposal must be in accordance with appropriate U.S. Federal, State, and local regulations, or the applicable standards of Canada and its Provinces. This product, if unaltered by use, may be disposed of by treatment at a permitted facility or as advised by your local hazardous waste regulatory authority. U.S. EPA WASTE NUMBER: Not apPlicable to wastes consisting only of this product. '!4. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION THIS MATERIAL IS NOT HAZARDOUS AS DEFINED BY 49 CFR 172.101 BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not applicable. HAZARD CLASS NUMBER and DESCRIPTION: Not applicable. UN IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Not applicable. PACKING GROUP: i Not applicable. DOT LABEL(S) REQUIRED: Not applicable. NORTH AMERICAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEBOOK NUMBER (1996): Not applicable. MARINE POLLUTANT: This product is not designated by the DOT to be a Marine Pollutant (49 CFR 172.101, Appendix B). TRANSPORT CANADA TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS: THIS MATERIAL IS NOT CONSIDERED AS DANGEROUS GOODS. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION ADDITIONAL UNITED STATES REGULATIONS: U.S. SARA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: This product is subject to the reporting requirements of Sections 302, 304 and 313 of Title Ill of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act., as follows: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE NO YES NO COPPER AMMONIUM NO YES(as a Copper YES (as a Copper CARBONATE Compound) Compound) U.S. SARA THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITY: Not applicable. U.S. CERCLA REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RO): Ammonium Hydroxide = 1000 lb. Copper Ammonium Carbonate = Not established for Copper Compounds as a generic class, although the class is a CERCLA Hazardous Substance. U.S. TSCA INVENTORY STATUS: The components of this material are listed on the TSCA Inventory. OTHER U.S. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: Not applicable. ACQ-C MSDS PAGE 7 OF 8 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION (Continued) U.S. STATE REGULATORY INF~MATION: The componen..ts of this prodi~afe covered under the following specific State regulations: Alaska - Designated Toxic and Hazardous Minnesota - List of Hazardous Substances: Pennsylvania - Hazardous Substance List: Substances: Copper (fume, dust and mist). None. '" Ammonium Hydroxide, Copper. California- Permissible Exposure Limits for Missouri Employer Infonl'~tion/3'oxic Rhode Island - Hazardous Substance Est Chemical Contaminants: Copper. Substance List: Copper. Copper (fume, dust, mist).' Florida- Substance List: None. New Jersey - Right to Know Hazardous Texas - Hazardous Substance List: Copper Illinois - Toxic Substance List: Ammonium Substance List:' Ammonium Hydroxide, (fume). Hydroxide, Copper Compounds. Copper. West Virginia - Hazardous Substance Est: Kansas - Section 307J313 List: None. North Dakota - List of Hazardous Chemicals, Copper (fume). Massachusetts - Substance List: Copper. Reportable Quantities: Ammonium Wisconsin Toxic and Hazardous Michigan -Critical Materials Register: None. . . Hydroxide, Copper. Substances: Copper (fume). CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT (PROPOSITION 65): No component of this product is on the California Proposition 65 lists. ANSI LABELING {'per Z129.1) (PreCautionary Statements): WARNING! CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION. MAY BE HARMFUL IF INGESTED OR INHALED. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing aerosols, mists, and sprays. Work in well-ventilated area. Do not taste or swallow. Wear gloves, goggles, and appropriate body protection. FIRST-AID: In case of contact with skin or eyes, flush skin with plenty of water for 15 minutes. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention if adverse effects develop. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water fog, dry chemical, CO2, or "alcohol" foam. IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill with inert material (sand, polypads, or other absorbent). For large spills, dike area. Consult Material Safety Data Sheet for additional information. ADDITIONAL CANADIAN REGULATIONS: CANADIAN DSL INVENTORY: The components of this material are listed on the DSL Inventory. OTHER CANADIAN REGULATIONS: Not applicable. CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT {'CEPA) PRIORITIES SUBSTANCES LISTS: The components of this product are not on the CEPA Priorities Substances Lists. CANADIAN WHMIS SYMBOLS: Class D2B: Other Toxic Effects 16. OTHER INFORMATION PREPARED BY: CHEMICAL SAFETY ASSOCIATES, Inc. 9163 Chesapeake Ddve, San Diego, CA 92123-1002 (619) 565 - 0302 DATE OF PRINTING: October 30, 1998 I The information contained herein is based on data considered accurate. However, no warranty ,, expressed or implied regar~ng the accuracy of these II data or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. Chemical Specialties Inc. assumes no responsibility for injury to th~ vendee or third persons proximately caused by the matedal if reasonable safety procedures are not adhered to as stipulated in the data sheet. Additionally, Chemical Specialties Inc. assumes no responsibility for injury to vendee or third persons proximately caused by abnormal use of the matedal even if reasonable safety procedures are followed. Furthermore, vendee assumes the dsk in his use of the material.. ACQ-C MSDS PAGE 8 OF 8 · (/un[u! lanp!saJ JO[aW Jo 41aap sesneo 'sls!-I saouelsqns O!lSaWoc}-uoN/O!lSaWoo ue!peueo eJnsodxe poqs/ua, jepun ieql sle.ueleLu) ~, :(/un[u! lanp!seJ JO sql a Jo 'ISCIN/-ISa 'epeueo podsue~.L s! OJ. 'Luels,(s uo!leu~ojul sno.ues esneo plnoo eJnsodxe poqs uo uae 1sql sle!Jelew) £ :(/un[u! 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Il 'luen~.lsuoo qoee se~j!luep! ~lenb!un qo!q~ JeqLunN eo!~es lOeJlsq¥ leO!weqo sql s! s!q/:# :5u.~OllOJ sql apnlou! pesn ~IUOUdLUOO a Jo qo!u~ eseq~, jo slues 'SOS~ a uo Jeedde su~uoJoe pus suo!le!^aJqqe jo JeqLunu a§Jel V SINa::I.L ::10 SNOIJ. INI::I=IO * SAFETY DATA SHEE US. BOIV, lC ACID Product Name: BORIC ACID ~UF~ME~: U.S. ~o~ loc.' Grades: Te~ni~l, S.Q, NF 268~ Tourney Chemi~l Ferule: .H3~O3 V~Jenci~, CA 91 Chem~l Nam~S~on~s: ~dc ~[d, O~obo~ 'Fo~e~ U~ S~ ~ & Chem~ A~d, Bo~aci~ A~d EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: G~emical F~ily: ' InOrganic ~o~tes 24 Hr. Info. ~: (~0) ~3S E~. 1 C~ Regl~ Numbeg 1~3-35-3 CHEM~EC: (800} 42~300 TSCA Invento~ Numbe~ 10~-~3 ~ produ~ ~ntai~ greater ~an 99 point (%) ~o~ A~d ~e O~ H~ard Communiea~on S~ndard based on an[mai ~O~ CAS No. 1004~3. Boric Acid ~ h~ardoua under ~mnic to~ ~udies. Re,er to Se~ions 3 and 11 for details . h~rds. EMERGENCYQVER~I~: Inq~qfion: Pmdu~s containing ~dc A~d are ~ intended Boric ~id is a~hJte odorless, powderod sub~ance ~at is fo~ inges~on. Bode Acid ha= a reI~tivcJy Iow a~te toxicS. ~ fl~mmabl~, combustible, or e=plo¢~e, ~nd it pre~en~ no SmaJl ~moun~ (e.g. ~ teaspoonful} swallowed ~i~cnt~[[y unusua~ h~ard' ~ involved in a fi~. Dodo A~d pmsen~ r~e no[/{Rely to ~use off.ts; s~allowing amoun~ larger o,' no h~z~['~ (to ~urn~[~=) and h~5 Iow ~cute o~[ and de.al ;bat may ~use ga~ro[n~estinal symptoms. to~ ~e s~u~ ~ ~en ~o mini~e me ~ ~ ~ ~Cer; Bo~c Act~ Ot~ not ~use ca.er in Iong-ierm Add m~e~ to ~e enW~ment to avoid ~J eff~ animal s~dies, and is not considered a car~nogen. POTENTIAL ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS; Reproductive: Long- term. high dose animal Large amounts of Bedc AcJd ~n be ha~ui to boron- s~dies ~ve demons~ted mpr~ucfive effects in male sensitive pian~ and o~er e~logi~l systems, a~m~s. A human study of ~pational exposure to PO~N~L H~LTH EFFECTS: du~ sh~ed ~ adve~e effect te repr~uc~on. Routes of E~o~r¢; Inl~ala~on ~ the most signifi~ni route ~ High do~ an[mol ingestion sTu~ies n~ve of exposure in ~pa~one[ End o~er se~ngs. De.al ~emo~te~ ~evelopmental effec~ in fetuses ol pregnant exposure ~s not usually a ~ncem because Bodc ~id ~ not enimals, including fetal weight toss. abso~ ~hrough intact skin. Tgraet 0teens; No ~rget o~an has been ~dentified in ~aflon: O~ional mild i~tion eEec~ to n~e sod human. 'H~gh d~e ~[m~ ingestion studi~s [ndic~te the ~reat may ~cur from inflation of Boric ~d dus~ at testes are the target orgens {n maJe levg~ gre~ter th~n.lO m~m3. Si~n~ ~n~ Symptom~ of Exoosure: $~ptom~ of acc[den- EYe Cont~gt: Bo~¢ ~id is nen-i~fing to eyes in ~al ~1 ~~um te BoH~ ~[d ha~ been a~ociated with industde( use. inge~n or by ~n ~mugh la~e areas of damaged ~n~ontact: Bone ACid ~0~ not muse l~a~on to ina~ sk)n. s~n. ~e may in~u~e ~usea, vomiting, and di~ea. delayed effe~ of s~n retinas and peeling. Refer to Se~on 11 for details on Toxicological D~ta. Inhalatioq; No specific treatment is ne~ sin~ Bodc NOTE 70 PH~IC~NS: Obse~t~n only ~ required for ad,It Acid is not likely to be h~a~ous by inhalation. Prolonged ~9estTon of less than 6 grams of Bode Add, For ingest;on e~osure ~o Oust levels ~n exce~ ot regulato~ limi~ S~ould exce~ ~ 6 g~s, ~n~ln a~u&te ~oney fun~lon ~d a~ys be avoidS, nulls. Gas~¢ lavage Is re~mmen~ lot symp[o~uc on~,Hem~la~sls s~ou[d be rose.ed fo~ m~slve acme ~ Use eye ~h ~oun~a~n or fres~ ~ter ~ ingestion gr ~atients ~h ren~ f~lure. Bo~c Acld enzymes cleave eye. If i~tation pemi~ foe m~rn thnn ~ m[m~e_~, urln. or ~c~ ~m gnl7 u3e~t for o~umenttn9 exp~3ur~ seek m~i~l a~nti~, sh~ld not ~ u~ed tO ~lu~t~ s~fi~ ~ ~isor~ing ~r to guido ~ No tree.cot ncce~ because non.~efing. ~ea~menl. (FuRher Info~azJon; Utovl~ T.L., No~, in~tlon: ~wallowing ~eaa t~n one teas~ ~11 ~se no ve~d, J. C., Annu~ Re~ o~ the ~ed~n ~a~iat{on ~ h~m t~ healthy adult. [f larger ~mounm are ~J~owed, gNe Control Cen[e~ Data ~llecaon system. ~. J. Eme~g. Med. ~O gla~es of ~ter to adn~ an~ see~ mental aEen~on. 19~;,4:427~58). 24 hour Medical c~nsultado~t i~ ~va;labte (800)~8-5635 E~, 144. 2~8~1~7 ~ 1993 U. S. ~r~ loc. BOP. A× ,INC. · E~O~IC ACID Gene~ None. because Boric Acid is not flare- Extinauish~n~ Media; A~y ~re e~/ngu~sh~ng media mabie, combustible or explosive. The ~roduct is i~elf a may be used on nea~y fires. flame ret~rdant. .. ~ammabili~ Classifi~flon (29_CFR 1910 1200): Non-flammable solid. General: BeHc A~d ~ a water-soluble wh~e p~der ~at of su~ounding ~tem depending on ~e qu~ti~ dizened may ~use ~amage ~o trees or vege[atl~ ~y mol a0se~aon, in the~u waters. At hish ~ncentrations =oma damage (Re,er to Ecological Info~stion Section 12 tot specific Io~l vege~on, r~ eno o[ner aquatic l~e may De e~ec~e~. information). . (Refer to Se~o~ 12, 13 and 15 for additional info~a~on). L~~ Vacuum. shovel or ~eep uD Boric Acid ~d place in con~inem for ~[s~sal in accordan~ with ~pli- Boric ~id is a non-ha~rdous wa~e when spilled or dL~- cable Io~l regulations. Avoid ¢ont~in:tion of water bodies ~sed of, as defined in ~e Re~ur~ ~nsewatJon and during clean up arid ~i~osaL No peyotl protectNe R~Ye~ A~ (RC~) regulations (40 CFR 261). (Refer equipment,s nee~ =o clean up lano spills. ~egulato~ lnfo~a~on Section 15 for addi~onal Wat~'SD~I: BoAc A~ will cause I~l~eO con~minaaon an~ tnto~a[ion regaling EPA and California regulations.) Storage Temp~mtg~e; ~bient G~neral: No spiel handling pre~udons are required, but d~, indoor storage is recommended. To maintain package ~ Atmospheric integ~ and to minim~e ~ng of ~e pmdu~, bags should h~ h~ndlad on a "fir,-in first, ut' basis. Good housekeeping $oeeiaI $¢nsitivi~:' Moisture (C~king) procedures should be f~ilowed to minimize dust ~3ner~tlon and Ac~mulation. ~ngineedn¢ ~ontrols; Use Io~J exhaust ventilation to Occupatlo~pl ~¢osure keep ai~orne cencentmtlene ef Boric Acid ~ust below Bode Acid is liste~e~uJated by OSHA, Cai OSHA end pe~issible expo~ur~ level~. ACGIH as "Paniculate Not ~hc~i~e Clascified" or 'Nui. PerSonal Proration: where almome con,rotations are sance Dust.' expe~e~ to exceed exposure limit, NIOS~S~ ce~ie~ OSH~ PEL' - 15 m~m=Total dust and respirators must be used. Eye goggles and glov~ are not 5 m~m~respiraDfe ~u~ required for no,al Tndust~al exposures, but may be war- ACGIH: TLV" ' 10 mg/m= ranted if environment is excessively dus~. Cai OSHA: PEL' 10 m~m~ ' PEL = 'Pe~issible Exposure Limit" · ' TLV = ~reshold Lima Value; ......... ~ ~ ..... ~, ':'"- ';"' .,.'~2':'~;" Appearance: ~ite, odoH~s, c~stalline soli~ Boiling Point: Not applicable Specific G~vi~: 1.51 Flash Point: N~ne Vapor Pressure: NegllglDle ~ Z0~ pH: 6.1 (0.1% ~lution); 5.1 (1.0% solu- Solubility in WateE 4.7% ~20"C; 27.5% ~]OU~ zion); 3.7 (4.7% SOlUTion); Melting Point: 170.9~C (340"F) (Heated in closed Formula Weight: 61.84 space) Viscosity: Net ~ppli~bla General: Boric A~d is a stable product, but when heated it Incomoatible ~atedals and ~gndidons to Avo[~ loses wa~er, flint fo~ing Metabodc Acid [HBO~), and on Boric Acid rea~ ~ a weak acid which may cause fudher heating ;t is c~nveded into Bo~c Oxide (BiO~. cohesion of ba~ metals. Read,on with strong reducing agen~ su~ as meal h~fi~es or ~i me~ls ~31 gene~te hydr~on g~ wh~h could create an e~losive h~ard. H~za~dou~ Decomposition; None -- 2 ~ LJ.A. ~0~ INC. ' 25-~-1~' ,~ ' U.S. BORAX INC.  INGESTION (ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY}: Low acute otaJ ~ty;, showed no significant increase in testicular atrophy [~N.TP, LD:, of Boric Add in tats [s 3..q33 to 4100 rog/kg of bcdy weight. 1 g87]. In armther Boric Acid chronic study, in mice gN, en SI(iN (ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY~: Low ~ de111~ 4~30 ppm (6;36 mg/~gJcD, degeno~tion of semlnifen=us toxJci'ty; L.D.~ of Boric Acid in mbbi~ is ~ 2000 rog/kg of tubules was pm,.~ent together with a reduction 01' germ Celt's, body weight. Bc:~c Acid is not absorbed through intact skin. while at 1000 ppm (152 mg/kg/a~ no effect was seen [=Fail et PRIMARY SKIN IRRITATION INDEX: 0 (zero). Boric Acid is aL, 1991]. non-corrostve. EYE: Draize test in rabbits produced mi'Id eye irritation In a reproduction study on rats. 2000 ppm of dietary Boric effects. Fifty years of occupational exlaosure history reflect AC~d had no adverse effect on lactat~n, litter size, weight and no indication of human eye injury from exposure to Bari~ Acid. appearance [~ Weir, Fisher 1972]. In a continuous breedln9 INHALATION: Human epiderfliolocjicaJ studies show ne study in mice there was a reduction in fedility rates for males ' increase in pulmonary cEseaee in.__,>t~_-~etJc~aal populaJJor,.s with receNing 4500 ppvrt (636 mg/kg/c0 Bode Acid but not for '-' cl~ronic expo~-um..s to Bode Acid, dust and Sodkzrn Borate dust. females receiving 4500 ppm BOMC ACid [=Fail et al., 1991]. CARCiNOGENICIT'f: A Tec~nical Report issued by : National Toxicology Program Showed 'no evidence of Developmental Toxicity: Boric Acid at dietary levels of 100C carc[nogenicity' from a full 2-year bioassay on Bodc Acid in ppm (78 mO/ED/d) administered to pregnant female rats mica at feed doses of.2-~O0.and 5000 ppm in the diet. No through~ut gecfation caused a slight reduction in fc~.l weight, m.ut~genl~ acfiVi~/ wa~'ob.~e~ed for Bom Acid [na recent but w~s cert~idcred to be close to the NOAEL Doses of be:,tt~l~;o'f"~our short-term mutagenicity ~ys. 2000 ppm (103 rog/kg/d) and above caused fetal malforma- REPRQDUCTIVF./DEYELQPMENTALTQXlCITY: Animal Mens an(~ maternal toxicity. In mica the no effect level for fetal studies indicate Boric Acid reduces or inhibits sperm produ¢- weigh~ raduc~on and maternal toxlci~ was 1000 l~pm (248 . tion, causes testicular atrophy, and when given to pregnant rog/kg/c0 Bodc ACid. Fetal weight 10ss was noted at ~iemry animals dudng gestnMon may cause developmental changes. Boric Acid levels of 2000 gpm (452 mgm:g/d) and above. These feed studies were conducted under c,hroni¢ e~osure Malformations (agenesis or shortening e~ the thirteenth fib) conditions leading to doses many times in excess of those were seen a~ 4000 ppm (1003 rog/kg/d), {'Hcindcl ct al,, that could occur through inhalation of dust in occup~tkmal 1092]. settings, R~productive Toxtci~ CFertili~: Oieta~7 Boric Acid levels ' [Weir, R.J. and Fisher, Fi.S, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 01' 6,700 ppm in chronic fee~ing stuoies in rats aaa oogs 23:351-364 (1972)] ; produced testicular atrophy, while dogs and rats receiving ~ [National Toxicology Program (NTP) * Technical Repo~, ._. / 2000 ppm did not develop testicuiar changes [~Weir, Fisher. Series Nc. TR$24. NIH J=ublicatien No. 88-2580 (1987). 1 g72]. In chronic feeding studies cf mice on diem containing P~88.213475,~(Ai~] .R0O0 ppm (SS0 mg24g/cl) Boric Acid, testicular atrophy was present, while mice fed 2500 ppm (275 mg/kg/d) Boric Ac, id · [Heindel et al., Funcl. Appl. Toxicol. 18, 206-277 (19~2)] ECOTOXICITY DATA: Goldfish (Carassius auratus) P_hYtotoziciW: Although boron is an essential micronutdent 7-day NOEC-LOEC=Z§.50 mg for healthy growth of plants, it can be harmful to boron- 3-day LCd=178 mg B/L sensitive plants in higher quantities. Plants and trees can I~e exposed by root absorption tb toxic levels of boron in the ]gvertabra_te To×]citv: The acute toxicity (48-hour LC..~ lo form of water-soluble borate leached into nearby soil or Oaphnids ~'_Damhnia ma@ne Str;~JS) in natural water is repor~e.-' waters. Care should be ~,ken to minimize the amount of be 133 mg B/l. (added as Boric Acid). Estimated chronic toxic 13orate product released to the environment, (21-da)' NOEC-LOEC) values of 6-13 mg B/L (added as Bork A~d) have also been reported. Fls~ ToTJ¢t~; Boron naturally occ'Jrs in seawater at an average concentration ct 5 mg BZIiter. In laboratory studies ENVIRONMENTAL FATE DATA: ['he acute toxic{b/(96-hr LC~ t'or under-yearling Coho per~d~tela~e~¢gradafion: Boron is naturally occurring and salmon (.O.L~_homvnchus kisutch) in seawater was deter- ubiquitous in the environment. Boric Acid decomposes in the mined as 40 mg B/L (added n.~ .~ndium metabnrate). ~.nvirnnm~.nt to natural borate. OetanoQ~Vater 13a~tition Co, file|eat: Icg P~,: .0.7570 :~t 25'- Boron conccntr=tions in fresh sudac¢ waters are generally $o;! Mobility: The product is soluble in water and is lenchn'c less than I mS DA.. laboratory studies on the toxicity of through normal soil. i'mshwa[er fish were cie[ermine(3 using eaMy tile (emoryo- larVal) stages in natural water and Boric ACI~ as a test substance. The results were: NOTE: Boron (B) is the element in Bode ACi(3 WiltOn is u~u'J tc cnar:~cter~.e ,) IRainb~w trout (S. gairdned) ACid data to Baron (B), multiply by 0,1748. · '- ' z4-~ay LCs~=150.0 mg 36-0ay NOE. C-LOEC--0.75-1 mg U.S. I~ORAX INC, · 25-80-1907 .; ~(soosal Guidance: Small quantities of B<3dc Acid can sections of the Federal Resource Conservation and Recov- usually be disl:)osed of at Municipal Landfill sites. No special ery Act (RCRA). : disposal treatment is required, but refer to state and local (;:81~ornla Hazardous Waste Designation-. California ; regulaf, ion~= fc~r applicable site-specific requirements. Ton- ~ent~es substances with acute LD~'s la~s than 5(300 : nage quant~ic,~ of product arc not recommended to be sent rog/kg as "h~.atdous wastes", Boric AcJd ' to landf{lls. Such product should, if possible,'b~ re-used for 'ha~-ardous waste' if spilled in California, and should be ! an appropriate application. I'~an~le~ In accordance with applicable state regulations. RCRA (40 .CFR 261): Bodc Acicl is no~ listed under any .... Refer to Section 15 for additional regulatory_ information. DOT Hazardous Material Classification: Bode Acid is no~ a i~ ncr a DOT Hazardous Substance, U.S. Department of Trna_sparta!ica (DOT) Hazardous International Transp_~tatj_o_n_; BoHc Acid has no U.N. Ma. tedal. .~ Number. and L.~ not regl~lated under international rail. DOT Hazardous Substance.~ Cl'~s"-~ficatlon.' Boric Acid highway, water or air transport regulations. TSCA No.: (10043-35-3) Bode Acid appears on the EPA (c) It is no~ on the Section 311 List of Hazardous TSCA inventory list. Substances, 33 USC 1321,40 CFR 116, ; RCRA: Boric Acid is not listed as a hazardous waste under any sections o~ the Resource Conservation end Recovery _(3SH~JCal OSHA; ThL~ MSDS document meets the requireme~ Act or regulations (40 CFR-261 et seq.), of both OSHA (29 CFR lg10.1200) ~nd Cai OSHA (Title 8 CCF .~[per/und; CERCL~ARA. Boriu Acid is ~ lisled under ,5194(~)) hazard communication standarda, Refer CERCLA (M3e Comprehensive Environrnen~a.I Response to Section 8 f~r ~'e§ulatory exposure limits. Compensation and Liability Ac~) or its 1986 amendments, [ARC.'. 'i't~e International Agency tot Research on Cancer SARA, (the SuDerfund Amendments and Reauthorization (of the Wodd Health Organization) does ~,~ list or Act), includin~j substances listed under Section 313 of SARA, categorize Bode Acid as a carcinogen. Toxic Chemicals. 42 U~C 1102:3.40 CFR .'372.65: Section J~_P__~3D.ual .Report or] .C.~_¢Lg.~.g.e ns: Boric Acid is ,302 of SARA, Extremely Hazardous Substances, 42 USC listed. 11002, 40 CDR 355; or the CERCLA H~zardous Sub,~t~nces OSHA Cer9i0.9._~en: ~Hc Acict is ~ lis~ed. list, 4;Z USC 9604, 40 CFR 302. Ce~if~rnla Proposition 6,5: Doric Acid i'~ ~ listed on Sate grief(ina Wa~er A~[: Bode ACiC[ iS not regulatea uncler any Proposition 65 list~ of carcinogens or reproductive toxican. the SDWA, 42 USC 300g-1, 40 CFR 141 et seq. Consul~ Feaeral Foo~, Oru~ and Cosmetic Act: Pursuant to 21 CFR state and local regulations for j;ossible water quality 175.105, 176.180 and 181.30, Boric Acid is approvea Dy advisories regardin0 bnrnn. FDA for use in adhesive components of packaging materi~ls, Clean w'~ter Act (~ederal Water.PollL~tlon Cont¢ol ACt}: as n component of Da~er c~atings on such materials, or for 33 USC 1251 et seq, use in the man,,Sac~.ure thereof, which materials are expected (a) Boric Acid is ~ itself a discharge covered by any water to come in contact with dry food products. quali~ cfiteda of Section 304 o[ the C'WA, 33 USC 1314, CONES ~odel Le~ieletien: Boric Acid meets all the CONEG (b) It iS not on tl~e Section 307 Dst of Pdodt'y Pollutants, requiremen~ relating [o heavy metal limi~ations on component: 33 USC 1317, 40 CFR 129. of packaging materials. Product Label Text Hazar¢l Information: National F~re Protection A.~sociation (NFPA) Classifica- Technical/S.Q, qrades; ton: · May be harmful [f swallowed. Health 0 · May cause reproductive hsn'n or bir~h defects Fiarnrnabil[t~ 0 be.sod on anim,3i data. Reactiv~ 0 · Avoid contamination of food or feed. Hazardous Mater[aJ~ Information Systems (HMIS): · Not for food, drug Or pe$1icJdaJ usA. Red: (Flammability) 0 · ~oforto MSDS. Yellow: (Reactivity) O · KE~-D OUT OF REACH OF CHILD~,EN. Blue: (ACUte ~ealt~} 1' ND ~rade: · May ~e harmful if swallowed. ' Chronic E~ects · May co, ucc reproductive hsn-n or blah defects Contact U.S. Borax I~c. ba~ed on animal data. Occupational Health & - ~vo~d oonl~min~{;on of ~oed or feed. - Not ~or internal u~e. Product Safety Depa~ment ' Not for food or pestic[dsl use. for fu~her information: - Refer to M~DS. ' KEEP OUTOF REACH OF CI'IILDREN. (805) 287-6050 4 U.S, BOR~ INC, · 25-~1~7 : DATA SHEET 2d.~OUR EMERGENCY TELEPHOneR i8¢~} 324 ~ THIS ~ C~PL~E~ HZTH 2~ CFR l~[~,lZO~ ~THE H~ C~CATZ~ 05 SO 033 O;~30- [ ~r~: 03/~ ICE OA~; 06/Z9/~9 O: ~ CHEH~CAL, Z.~. ~00 ~A~C0 4VE~ A~= P~ ~GR,~FE~ O~R, ~RSFZE~ CA ~07 F PRE~, ~ARC. ~ A~ OS~ CARCI~E~ ~OC ~H ~CALS ~JECT TO THE RE~RT- SEE o~F~N PAGE F~ HYDR~N P~OE 50 i ~P~ I PPH 7~,00 Pe~% VoZa~ilas ZO0.OOX ~ea~ ~e (N-~L ACETA~ e i) ~ Z.OO ~H POINT ~T APPLI=~LE ~ROQ~ D&CO~O~ ~RO~TS= NOT APPLICABLE ~:REFI~HTIN~ D~CEOUR~$: NEAR $~LF-C~TA~NED BREATHI~ APPA~A~S M[~ A FULL FACET[ECE OPE~TED IN PRE~URE OEH~O ~DE AN0 FULL B~Y P~GTEC~ON ~E~ Fi~Ti~ EFFECT~V~E~ OF 5UFFOCATI~ ~PE FIRE THIS ~TE~AL ~S A P~ERPUL ~IO~R. COHTACT ~Ta CO~USTi~LE NATE~i~ C~N R~ULT IN FIRE ~R NFPA CO~ES: HEALTH- Z FL~AaILI~{- 0 REAC~Y- 2 THRESHOLD ~HZT V[LUE I PPH ~PEC~_O; AC~e O~EEXPOS~REL FOR ~[N - C~ CAUSE TEMPO~Y BLEAC~I~G~ ~E$S, AND BLISTE~/~. BREATHING - [XCESSiVE INHALATION QF VAPORS CAN ~L~5 N~L AND ~5PI~RY IRRITA~ON. ~ALLONi~ - RESULTS IN EVOL~ON OF O~GeN A~ ~V CASa B~ED~NC ~D I~URY ~ THE ~TCHACH ~D EsOPHA~ RESULT OF ~OEN DZST~NT:~. .- CONTAH~NArED C~OTN~g. LA,DER C~TA~NATED CLOTH~ BEF~E RE~VE C~AHINATED SHOES PROtlPTLY. DISC~ SHO~ SA~ATED NITH ~1S P~DUCT. IF IN EYES: I~4EDIATELY FLUSH HITM LARGE AM~d~S OF ~T;~ FOR AT L~AST ~ HZN~RS~ ~FTiHC UPPE~ ~O LONER COPYRIGHT 1986 CONTINUED ON PAGE: FROI1 : APGO PHE~NE NO. : ~_ ~'~- ~ " DATA SHEET .. 24-~o,:~ EMER.GEN~Y TEL~PAONE (605:, ~2:.1133 OCCASIONALLY. G~ ~DZATE HED~CAL IF PHYS~C~ ~S ~T ~EO~TELY AV~LE~ CO~E ;L~H=~ ~TH ~TE~. ~0 ~T ~E CHE~CAL ~TZ~TE. ~ze~ ~N~ER Ag BA~ OF THROAT. HEVER G~ A~H2NG BY ~OUTH TO ~ ~C[~ PE~ ~T MEDICAL ~ A~ZO~ ~HED[ATELY. ~P ~EATNEO: ZF AFFECTED, ~E~E ZND~ZDUAL TO FRESH A~R. ZF T:~H~ OR ~HGES~ ZN ~T D~LO~, ~T HEDZCAL ~IMARY R~E~] OF E~RY~ HAZARDOUS POLYI~.~'RTZAI"~ON: :ANN~T OCCUR STABIL.~TTY: STAI~LE -- AVOID ~AT, OPEN F~, ~ PRCLONgED ~TORAGE AT ELEVATED T~E~. ~AN~DE3~ ~DUC~ AGENT~ S~LL ~ZLL: ~DIATELY ~ ~ SPILL NI~ PERLITE OR VE~CUL:TE. ~EEF ~R~E SPILL= PE~ON~ ~T ~AEING ~R~TEC~ E~IP~NT ~rLO &E ~CLUOED BEEN ~LETED. STOP ~ILL AT ~URCE~ OIRE AREA OF SPILL TO PREVENT SPRE~:~; PUH~ LIef3 TO ~LV~E T~. REHA!~ L~[D HAY BE T~E~ UP ~ ~, C~Y~ EAR~H, FLOOR ~ORB~, OR ~ELED [~ ~T~NE~. ~HA~G ~P~LL~ D~SP~ OF ~N ACCQ~ N~~ ALL L~CAL, ~TA~E ~ .FEDE~L RE~O~. "~A~ SP~Lg: D~SP~ OF ZH 'AC~ED~E N[TH ALL ~AL, ~TAT~ ~ FEDE~L A NZ~ ~PP~VED AIR 5UPPLIEB RESPi~R IS ~SED ~N A~$~E OF PROPER E~RO~ENTAL C~L. REGULA~O~ AL~ PE~[T OTHER ~NA ~ESP~RAT~ (NE~ATIYE ~ESS~E ISEE ~UR SAF~ Ee~PHE~ ~PPLiER~, E~iNEER[~ CE ~MZNISTRA,,VE ~ SHOED BE ~LE~N~D TO ~OU~ EXPOSE · ~TI~= PR~DE ~FFZC/E~ MECNA~3AL ~AL ~R L~AL EXHA~T) VENatiON TO ~N ~E ~L~ TLV[ $ ], EYE PROTE~Dt4: CHE~CAL ~PLA~H C~LE5 A~ F~CE ~H~ (8" H~. ) :~ CC~L[A~E ~ ~ RE~LA~O~ ARE ADVZ~D~ HOWEVER,. ~ RE~T[~S ALSO PERMZT O~ER ~PE ~AFE~ GL~3, (~T YOUR ~F~ EG~PMENT THE ~NFORMAT[O~ ACCUMU~TED REREZN ~ BEL~EYE~ TO ~E ACCU~A~ ~ ~S NOT NA~A~D H[~ THE ~HPANY OR HOT. REC~P=~S ARE ADViSeD TO CONFI~ IN ADVAHCE --~vn~e~T lmRA LAST PAGE--SE~ ATTACHMENT PAGE ENCLOSED--LAST PAGE FROM : ~t=G~ PHOHE NO. : 88~,322_238.3 D~_c, 82 i~7 83:52PM P4 DEFINIT!ONS This (~e/3nltion ~age i3 in.~¢nded for use wi~h Material Sare~ D~£a Sheets supo ed by the AsNand Chemical ComDanv Eec:giants, or the~e cato. snots, should, ,.onsuit t~ ,CS A ~afe~y and .... He~ tn ~tanMards [~ C: ~. t9 ........ ,01 o r icutarl_v ~ubger~ g - Occupational Hea~th ~nd Envtronmenta, Control, a~ subo3~3 S - P~rs~n~J ~otect~ve =q'a~pmen[, for general guidance on con{roi cf po~n~al ~cupational HeaKh and Safe~y SECTION I SECTION JV (coaL) PRODUCT I,~ENTIFICA~Ofl ~NGUIDHINC M~DIA: F~iowing ~a~ional Fire GENIAL OR GENE~IC ID: Chemi~l fnmiiy o~ ~duCt P~e~on As~cia~ion crReria. FIREFIGH~NG PROCE~URES~ Minimum eqHipment to DOT HAVRE C~SSI~CA~ON: P~od~t m~ DOT pmt~ fi~flgh~ers ~om tOXiC pr~ts of vao~iz~ cd[erie for h~a~s li~t~, tics. c.m~us[ion ~ dec~m~amtion ~her fire~ghtJng ha=~ds may aJ~ be indicate. BETON II COMPONEN~ SPECIAL RRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: ~ hazards no~ cover~ By other Components ~a Jisr~ in this ~e~tion if ~ev presgnt a o~s,~l o~ health ha~3~d an~ are proses; ~t or a~e NFPA CODES: Hazard ratin~ assig~ by the ~ % in the mi:4:u~e. ;, a ~mpcn~nt is iCentJfied as a Nadcnal Fire Proration Assoc~afi~. CARCINOGEN b~ N~. IAEC or OSHA as o~ the date on =~ MSDS ii wil, be listed and footnoted i~ this secti~ SEC~ON V when m'esent at o~ ~e 0,1% in me producL NeOa- HEALTH HAVRE DATA five c6nCiuetons c~nce~lng cArc}ncg~nici~/ are no{ por~. Additional ~eaJth information may ~ found in ~RMISSIB~ ~POSURE gIMIT: Far product, S~tion V, Co~onents sublet to the re~in~ ~e- , cuir~ents o~[on 313 o~ SARA Title IU are ia~s- ~RESHOLD UMIT VALUE: Far product. fled in ~h~ footnotes ~n this section, a/cng wJ[h ~p/caJ percentages. O:h~ com~nen:s may be Jis~ ~t EFFECTS OF ACUT~ OVER~OSURE: P=t~al local d~m~ a~ropriate, and syst~ic sffects d~ tc ~ngJe or ov~posure to the ey~ Sn~ ~in cr halation or ingestion. EX~a~ te~mmendad~ns are for ~m~nen:s. ~HA Pe~mia~b[e Ex--ute ~mlts (PELs~ an~ American ~n- f~e~ce Of Gov'em~n~a{ Indus:rial Hy~te~{~t~ (ACOIH) EFFE~S ~ CHRONIC OVER~P~URE: Potential Threshold ~mit Values ~TLVs) ~ear o~ ~e line with local a~ ~:emic eff~ts due to re~ated er long t~ commoner identification. Otn~ recommendation~ term ~ere~ure to the ~yes a~ ~in c~ t~rough appear ae footnot~ .... . jr, halation ~ ingestion. . FIRST AID: Pr~ur~ to ~ follaw~ ~en dealing ~ECTION III with acciCental overexposure. PHYSICAL DATA PRIMARY ROU~ OF ENTRY: Ba~ed ~ BOLLING ~INT: Of ~oduct if kno~. ~e lowest e~ec[ed use. value ~f ~he com~nen[s is lis~ for mix~res. VA~R PRESSURE: Of pr~uer i~ known. ~o highest ~EC~ON VI value of :he c~c~en:~ i~ listed for mix[~res. R~C~ViTY DATA SPECIFIC VAPOR DENSI~: Compa~o ~ ~lR - 1. If HA~RDOUE POLYMERIZATION: Co~itions to avoid $p~i~c Vapor Density of arocuct is not know~, the [o prevent h~r~ous ~oiymer~afion value is expressed as ligh't~ or hea~er than air. a ~arg~ release of ~nergy. SPEC!FrO GRAVIS: ~moared :o WATER = 1. If STABIL[~: Conditions to avoid to prevent h~a~ou8 So~[flc Gravi~ of product is n=t known, t~ value cF violent C¢compo3i~icn. i~ exDressed a~ ~ess t~a~ or greater :nan water, iNCOMPA~BiL~; Materials and ~ndltions to avoid DH If apFt}cabie, to prevent h~ardous factions. PERCENT VOLA~LES: Percentage of material wi~h iai- SECTION ~1 ~a{ bat ng point below 425 degr~s Fanr~helt. SP~LL ~ LEAK PROCEDURES EVAPORA~ON RATE: indicated as faster cr slower Reasonable erecautio~s ~o be taken and '~e~ods o( than ~H'~ ~H~, unt~s othe~ise stat~, c2nt3tnm~t: ciesn-u~ and disposal. Consult ~derai. SE~ON IV sta~e and ~el reau orions for arceD{ed pr~ur~ and FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA any reporting or ~oti~cation SE~ON VIIi F~$H POINT: M~:hod Identifi~ P~OTECT[VE EQUIPMENT TO EXPLO~IO~ UMITS: Fo~ product ~f know~. ~e lowest value of the components ~ listed for mixtures. Protective equines= ,~lhich m~y ~e n~ when ham dims the prOd'JcL HA=ARDOU~ DECOMPO~I~ON ~RODU~S: K~own cr expected haz3rdou~ produc[s resuKIng from heat- SECTION IX inS, burning or other reaclicns. SPECIAL PR[CAUTION~ OR O~E~ COMM~$ Covers any ~alev~nt points not previously mention, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS - ' hould ~e e~[her r~onditJon~ by CERTIFIED firms cF properly d~s~ed oF by APPROVEC firmm Disposal C.~g}~,?~[~ ~ ..... ~: :~' ..... ~= with ao&iicnble iaws anc re~uiati0~s. 'EMPTY' dtu~s shoHId nat c~t)ra~n~,~ ~Uuu~u ,=;~,.~,~;;~Tpd,~s_lle~ ~m the migu~e o~ '~[~PT[ED' eontaine~ (drums poi ~, e:c t ~efe. r to Sect- ions ;V and ;X. , OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Chemical Description Form (one form per material per builriing or area) ~DADo [] DELETE [] REVISE 200 Page __ of __ BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME or DBA - Doing Business As) 3 CHEMICAL LOCATION (~ ~. ~ '-'['-'~ ~ ~ ~'"~./~7-/~ 201CONFIDENTIALCHEMICAL LOCATION(EPCRA) [] Yes [] No 202 I~.~'l~]"~7~#r I [~:~ I i [~ I I I I I I -~i MAP # (optional) 203 I GRID # (optional) | 205 TRADE SECRET n / CHEMICAL NAME ~ ~ ~_~ Yes [] No 206 ~ CC~ ~'~ , ~)~ T- ~. ~. If Subject :o EPCRA, refer :o iinstructions 207 COMMON NAME EHS° [] Yes [] No 208 CAS # 209 : ::~lf EHS is"Yes', a I amounts below must be in :¥,;;~: :. ::lbs?~''~: ' ":i.' FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Cocnplete if requested by local fire ct3ief} 210 CURI'ES 213 TYPE [] p PURE ~ m MIXTURE [] w WASTE 211 RADIOACTIVE [] Yes [] No 212 mYS~CAL STATE [] s SOUD ~ UGU~D [] ~ G~S ~n LARGEST CONTAINER ~...~'/ ~::~d~ 21~ FED HAZARD CATEGORIES [] 1 FIRE [] 2 RE. ACTIVE [] 3 PRESSURE RELEASE [] 4 ACUTE HEALTH ~] 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 216 (Check all that apply) AMOUNT DALLY AMOUNT / ~}~(.~ DALLY AMOUNT UNITS* ~' ga C.-~L [] cf CU FT [] lb LBS [] tn TONS 221 DAYS ON SITE 222 * If EHS, amount must be in lbs. STORAGE CONTAINER ~'a ABOVEGROUND TANK [] e PLASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM [] i FIBER DRUM [] m GLASS Bo'urLE [] q RAIL CAR 223 (Check all that apply) [] b UNDERGROUND TANK [] f CAN []i BAG [] n PLASTIC BO3q'LE [] r OTHER [] c TANK INSIDE BUILDING [] g CARBOY [] k BOX [] o TOTE SIN [] d STEEL DRUM [] h SILO [] I CYLINDER [] p TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOW AMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~' a AMBIg:NT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOW AMBIENT [] c CRYOGENIC 225 227 229 H'~-~"~, c.. ,44-/~ [] '"es [] No 22~ '~o ~ ~C--~"rox'~r~* ~3~ []Yes []No2~2 233 1 ~ ~oF:'P--~¢.. <~X'*~OE 235 []Yes[]No 23S 237 238 239 [] Yes [] No 240 241 242 243 [] Yes [] No 244 245 : ::: ):: ~:~iL:: ::, :;, PRINT NAME & TITLE OF AUTHORIZED COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE 246 DES FORM 2731 (7/98) 'P:~OES2731 .TV4.wpd PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BK~LD ...... | SitelD- 215-000-000567 '| J~N Z 6 ]uuu ~ ' Manager : sPhone: (805) 833-0429 Location: 5601 DISTRICT BLvD ~BY'.~_ ~p : 123 CommHaz : High City : BAKERSFIELD ~ Grid: 15D FacUnits: 7 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code:2491 EPA Numb: CAT000611145 DunnBrad:ll-881-0514 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title RON SAYLOR / PLANT MANAGER DON BAIZE / PLANT SUPERINTE Business Phone: (805) 833-0429x Business Phone: (805) 833-0429x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 3&&-~x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 393-5983x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: EHSs Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Emergency Directives: THIS IS A RMP SITE AND REQUIRES A JOINT INSPECTION. PLEASE CALL ENV SVCS TO SCHEDULE THIS INSPECTION WITH HOWARD WINES. = Hazmat Inventory One Unified List -- MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... [SpecHaz[EPA Hazards[ Frm DailyMax Unit MCP WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE - 50% IH L 5000 GAL Hi HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50% E F P L 1000 LBS Hi CCA WASTE E IH S 1000 LBS Hi ACETYLENE F P IH G 420 FT3 Hi DRI-CON FIRE RETARDANT S 40000 LBS Mod DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS F L 55 GAL Mod OXYGEN F P IH G 843 'FT3 Low JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 500 GAL Low CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 F DH L 55 GAL Low MOTOR OIL F DH L 55 GAL Mit PAC-BOR X~-~o~~l~- S 15000 LBS UnR _ ~o hereby ce~i~ lh~ ~ have reviewed ~he a~ached haza~ous mmedals manage- menl plan ~or e~~,~e _and ~h~ ii along wi~h -- (Name o! any corrections constitute a comp{ere and corm~ man- agemem plan for my ~cili~. .~gn~ure -1- 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE - 50% Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CCA TANK FARM CAS# r STATE TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture AmbientIi Ambient ABOVE GROt/ND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average GALI 5000.00 GAL 2000.00 GAL %Wt. EHS CAS# 17.00 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) Yes 1303282 24.00 Chromic Acid, Solid No 1333820 9.00 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS 'TSecret EHS BioHazl Radioactive/AmountNo No No No/ Curies EPA HazardsiH NFPA/// USDOT# I MCPHi = Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM ~v~vlu~ ~v~ / ~ ~L~ ~v~ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50% Days On Site H202 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# 7722-84-1 F STATE ~ TYpE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid /Mixture I Ambient I Ambient DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 500.00 LBSI 1000.00 LBS 500.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 50.00 Hydrogen Peroxide Yes 7722841 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No Yes No 'No/ Curies F P / / / Hi 2 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 ~ Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM ~UlvUVl~ ~Vl~ / ~ ~./-'L~ ~vl~ CCA WASTE Days On Site COPPER, CHROMIUM, ARSENATE COMPOUNDS SLUDGE WASTE 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# STATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid /Mixture I Ambient~ I Ambient DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average 600.00 LBSI 1000.00 LBS 1000.00 LBS %Wt. EHS CAS# 17.00 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) iYes 1303282 24.00 Chromic Acid, Solid No 1333820 9.00 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHazl Radioactive/Amount I EPA HazardsI NFPA USDOT# I MCP No Yes No No/ Curies IH / / / Hi = Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP ACETYLENE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG CAS# 74-86-2 Gas Pure Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum Daily Average FT3I 420.00 FT3 350.00 FT3 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. EHS CAS# 100.00 Acetylene No 74862 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / / Hi 3 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0006 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~ DRI-CON FIRE RETARDANT o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~~~~ SW CORNER OF PLANT o CAS# O STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&~ PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&~ CONTAINER TYPE ~&&i Solid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o BAG Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average 2000.00 LBS o 40000.00 LBS o 20000.00 LBS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 27.00°Boric Acid ONo o 10043353 4.00°Phosphoric Acid ONo o 7664382 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o o / / / o o Mod i~ Inventory Item 0001 ~~~~~~ Facility Unit: CREO PLANT i&& COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT o CAS# o 71556 STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC i~~~~~~i AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL i~~~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 40.00°Aromatic Naphtha ONo o 8030306 i~~~~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~i~~~~~i oTSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F o / / / o o Mod -4- 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0002 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME OXYGEN ~ o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: EAST SIDE MAINTANANCE BLDG o CAS# o 7782-44-7 ~e~e~e~eeeeeeeee~e~e~e~eeeeeeeeeee~ee~~e~~e~eeuee~e~eee~eeee~ STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE Gas o Pure o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average FT3 o 843.00 FT3 o 700.00 FT3 %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00oOxy~en, Compressed ONo o 7782447 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Low i~ Inventory Item 0002 ~~&~&~~~&~ Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME JPC DIESEL #2 o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER CREO TANK FARM o CAS# o 68476-34-6 STATE ~& TYPE ~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o ABOVE GROUND TANK Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average GAL o 500.00 GAL o 300.00 GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00°Diesel Fuel No. 2 ONo o 68476302 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F IH DH o / / / o o Low 5 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0001 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE SHOP o CAS# O ~eeeeeeeeeeeee~~e~e~eeeeeeeeeeeee~e~e~~e~e~ee~eueeeeeeee~eeeee~ef STATE ~ TYPE ~%~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~i&~ CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC aeeeeeeeeeueeeeeeeeeeueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ i~~~~~~% AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00OBrake Fluid, Hydraulic (Diethylene Glycol Monob...°No o 0 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F DH o / / / o o Low i~ Inventory Item 0004 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~i~~~~i MOTOR OIL o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: fi~~~~q EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG o CAS# o O O STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&&&& CONTAINER TYPE &&&&&i Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC o Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL o i~~~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~~~~~~i %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 100.00°Motor Oil, Petroleum Based ONo o 8020835° °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F DH o / / / o o Min o 6 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0004 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME PAC-BOR o Days On Site BORATES o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT o CAS# O STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE Solid o Mixture o~ Ambient o Ambient o BAG i~8888888888~~8~888881 AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average 55.00 LBS o 15000.00 LBS o 15000.00 LBS i~888888i88888~88~8 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# oTSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o o / / / o o UnR -7- 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 i~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ A~ency Notification ~~~~~~~~~ 01/16/1998 CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. REPORT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS WHICH EQUAL OR EXCEED 42 GALLONS, 500 LBS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OR WHICH THREATEN LIFE HEALTH OR THE ENVIRONMENT IMMEDIATELY. CALL: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZ MAT DIVISION (805)326-3979 AND CALIFORNIA O.E.S. (800) 638-1821. SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 1 POUND OF ARSENIC PENTOXIDE MUST ALSO BE REPORTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. CALL: THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER AT (800)-424-8802 i~ Employee Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~~~ 02/19/1993 ALL PERSONNEL, VISITORS AND CONTRACTORS WILL EXIT THROUGH THE FRONT GATE. ALL PERSONS WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR BY THEIR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR. i&&&& Public Notif./Evacuation &&&&&&&&~&&&&&&&&~&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 02/19/1993 VERBAL, PUBLIC IN OFFICE AREA ONLY NEAREST HOSPITAL -8- 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~&&~~~A~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Fast Format i~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt ~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Release Prevention ~~~&~~~~~~~ 02/02/1993 CLOSED SYSTEM FOR FILLING AND EMPTYING TREATMENT CYLINDERS. TANKS & RETORT CYLINDERS HAVE HIGH LEVEL SHUT OFF SWITCHES, VALVES OPERATE IN FAIL-SAFE POSITION IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OF AIR TO AIR OPERATED VALVES. ALL PRESSURE VESSELS ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES. WRITTEN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN OUTLINES PROCEEDURES FOR RESPONSE TO EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. i~ Release Containment ~~~~~~~~~ 01/16/1998 A CONCRETE TANK DIRECTLY UNDER EACH WOOD TREATMENT CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK. EACH TANK IS IN A BLOCK WALL RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH DRAINS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. PIPING FROM THE RAILCAR DESPENSING STATION IS PROTECTED WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PIPE WHICH DRAINS INTO A CONTAINMENT BASIN. i~ Clean Up ~&~~~~~~~~~~ 02/02/1993 PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO. HAS THE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. i~&~ Other Resource Activation ~~~~~~~~~~i -9- 01/16/1998 i PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 · eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Fast Format i~ Site Emergency Factors ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Special Hazards ~~~~~~~~~~~~i O O O o A) GAS - NORTHWEST CORNER OF PROPERTY o B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTHWEST CORNER MAIN BUILDING/SOUTHWEST CORNER CREO o BUILDING o C) WATER - NORTH PERIMETER 10FT FROM CURB IN CENTER OF LOT o D) SPECIAL - NONE O O o PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS o THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BUILDING, o WHICH CAN BE PICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS. O O o 3 FIRE HYDRANTS ARE LOCATED IN MIDDLE OF PLANT PROPERTY. EACH HYDRANT IS o EQUIPPED WITH FIRE HOSE. O O O -10- 01/16/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 i~ Training ~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Employee Training ~~~~~~~~~ 01/16/1998 WE HAVE 30 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE I4_AVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL EMPLOYEES ATTEND SAFETY AND MATERIAL TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY MONTH. THEY J~E TRAINED HOW TO I4_J~DLE THE CHEMICALS PWPB HAS IN ITS INVENTORY AS WELL AS INSTR~CTION OF MSDS~S FOR THOSE SJ~'VlE CHEMICALS. WRITTEN QHESTIONAIRE HSED TO MEASU'RE COMPREHENSION OF SAFETY TRAINING. WRITTEN RESPII~TOR TRA. INING MJ~2~AL 0HTLINES MAINTENg2XlCE & HSE OF -11- 01/16/1998 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERS~ELD, CA 93313 (805) 833-0429 FAX: (805) 836-0766 · GRAPE STAKES · LUMBER Bakersfield Fire Department. january 8, 1998 Office of Environmental Services Attn: Mr. Ralph Huey 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Dear Mr. Huey, Please find.attached the following corrected 'Business Plan for Pacific Wood Preserving. I have made the following corrections: 1. Delete - Petroleum Hydrocarbon (on page 1) (no longer have in plant) 2. Delete - Liquefied Propane (on page 1) (no longer have in plant) 3. On page 3, largest container of CCA Waste is 600 lbs. 4. Page 4 delete entirely. (no longer have in plant) 5. Change daily maximum and daily average to 15,000 lbs, on Pac-Bor Borates. 6. Delete - Page 8 - Liquefied Propane. (no longer have in plant) 7. Delete - CREOSOTE OR (on page 9) 8. Change "pit" to "tank" and delete "to the creosote tank" (on page 10) 9. Delete - Special Hazards (page 11) 10. Change amount of employees to read 30. Any questions please contact Don Baize 805-833-0429. Don Baize Plant Superintendent WE ARE HELPING TO CONSERVE OUR NATION~ TIMBER RESOURCES PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 I JAN 1 4 1998 Manager : '1--~/'-~ BusPhon : (805) 833-0429 Location: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD /~:/ Map : 1 3 CommHaz : High City : BAKERSFIELD '~ Grid: I~D FacUnits: 7 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code:2491 EPA Numb: CAT000611145 DUnnBrad:ll-881-0514 Emergency Contact / Title Emergency Contact / Title RON SAYLOR / PLANT MANAGER DON BAIZE / PLANT SUPERINTE Business Phone: (805) 833-0429x Business Phone: (805) 833-0429x 24-Hour Phone : (805) - x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 393-5983x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: EHSs Fire Press React ImmHlth DelHlth Emergency Directives: THIS IS A RISK MANAGEMENT SITE AND REQUIRES A JOINT INSPECTION. PLEASE CALL TO SCHEDULE THIS INSPECTION WITH HOWARD WINES. ~ Hazmat Inventory One Unified List I MCP+DailyMax Order Ail Materials at Site Hazmat Common Name... SpeoHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax Unit MCP ACETYLENE F P IH G 420 FT3 Hi DRI-CON FIRE RETARDANT S 40000 LBS Mod DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS F L 55 GAL Mod OXYGEN F P IH G 843 FT3 Low JPC DIESEL #2 F IH DH L 500 GAL Low CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 F DH L 55 GAL Low MOTOR OIL F DH L 55 GAL Min S 1000 LBS UnR PAC-BOR ~o~ ~,z~ Do he'by ce~i~ ~m I~_~_.v® m ,,, ~ ~ ~,. r®vie~®d the attached haza~ous minerals manage- m~nt plan for ~,F,c ~ ~Y~.,and ~h~ i~ atong with any corrscfions constitute a complete and co~ct man- agement plan ~r my ~cili~. -1- 01~06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE - 50% Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: CCA TANK FARM CAS# Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient ABOVE GROUND TANK AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average GALI 5000.00 GALI 2000.00 GAL %Wt. EHS CAS# 17.00 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) Yes 1303282 24.00 Chromic Acid, Solid No 1333820 9.00 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA HazardsNo No No No/ Curies IH NFPA I USDOT# MCPl/// Hi = Inventory Item 0002 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM ~lVUVl~ ~Vl~ / ~£ ~-~.~ ~Vl~ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50% Days On Site H202 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# 7722-84-1  STATE -- TYPE PRESSURE I TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Liquid Mixture Ambient Ambient DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION I Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 500.00 LBS 1000.00 LBS 500.00 LBS HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~ %Wt. EHS 50.00 Hydrogen Peroxide lYes[ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT#'1MCP No Yes No No/ Curies F P / / /I Hi -2- 01/06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD SiteID: 215-000-000567 ~ Inventory Item 0005 Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM ~UtV~VlU~ ~Vl~ / ~ ~-~/J ~Vl~ CCA WASTE Days On Site COPPER, CHROMIUM, ARSENATE COMPOUNDS SLUDGE WASTE 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT CAS# STATE ~ TYPE PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE Solid /Mixture I Ambient I Ambient .DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum Daily Average -GOCO.CC LBS 1000.00 LBS 1000.00 LBS L'"L/--L~./,L~UUU~ ~U~U~'£'~ 17.00 Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) Yes 1303282 24.00 Chromic Acid, Solid No 1333820 9.00 Cupric Oxide No 1317380 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# MCP No Yes No No/ Curies IH / / / Hi ~ Inventory Item 0003 Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP ACETYLENE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG CAS# 74-86-2 Gas Pure Above Ambient Ambient PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container I Daily Maximum I Daily Average 100.00 Acetylene ~ 74862 HAZARD ASSESSMENTS TSecret EHS BioHaz Radioactive/Amount EPA Hazards NFPA USDOT# I MCP No No No No/ Curies F P IH / / /I Hi -3- 01/06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0003 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i DRI-CON FIRE RETARDANT o Days On Site Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT o CAS# O ~e~eeee~eeeeee~eeeeee~eeeeee~ee~eeeeeeeeee~e~e~eeeeeeeuee~eeeeeeeeee~ STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~i Solid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o BAG Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average 2000.00 LBS o 40000.00 LBS o 20000.00 LBS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 27.00°Boric Acid ONo o 10043353 4.00°Phosphoric Acid ONo o 7664382 i~~~i~~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o o / / / o o Mod i~ Inventory Item 0001 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: CREO TANK NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~ieeeeeee~ i EUM HYDROCARBON o Days O O Locat [thin this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ^' CREO TANK CAS# o o 64742-35-4 o ~eeee~ ~eeeeeeeeeeeeee~ aeeeeeeeeeeeeeef STATE ~ TYPE ~8~ ~SSURE ~ TEMPERATURE CONTAINER TYPE ~8i Liquid o Pure o o Above o ABOVE GROUND TANK o ~eeeeeeeeeueeeeeeeeeeueeeee~ eeeueeeeeE seeueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef Largest Container o Dai ~aximum o Daily Average o GAL o 00 GAL o 4500.00 GAL ~~~~~~~~ eeeeeeueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef i~~~~~ HA~OUS COMPONENTS e~~~~~~~i wt. o OEHSO CAS# o 100.00°Naphtha__.~..... ..................................... ....~....~No o 8030306° i~8~~~'. _ ~~ .HAZARD ASSESSME~~~~8~8~88~881 oTSecretO.~u~OBioHazORadioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA ~J~SDOT# o MCP o ~ ................ ~uries o F R ........ ~..~ .... ~_~..~ .... ~ .... ~ .... o Mod o -4- 01/06/1998 i~PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0001 ~~~~~~ Facility Unit: CREO PLANT i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: SW CORNER OF PLANT o CAS# o 71556 ~ee~eee~eeeee~eeee~e~eeee~~eee~e~e~eeeeee~e~eueeeeeee~eeeee~ STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE A~~ CONTAINER TYPE Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC i~~~~~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ~~~~~i Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL iA~~i~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 40.00°Aromatic Naphtha ONo o 8030306 i~~i~i~~i~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F o / / / o o Mod i~ Inventory Item 0002 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~~~~~~~~~~i OXYGEN o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: O~~~~q EAST SIDE MAINTANANCE BLDG o CAS# o o 7782-44-7 o STATE ~ TYPE ~~ PRESSURE ~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~i Gas o Pure o Above Ambient o Ambient o PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER o i~~~~~~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ~~~~~i Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o FT3 o 843.00 FT3 o 700.00 FT3 o i~~i~~~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS ~~~i~~~~i %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 100.00oOxygen, Compressed ONo o 7782447° i~~~~i~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~~~i~~~i °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F P IH o / / / o o Low o -5- 01/06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~6 SiteID: 215-000-000567 i6 Inventory Item 0002 ~6666~66666~6666666666 Facility Unit: CCA TANK FARM i66 COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME 6~6~66~66~~66~6~~6~~6~ JPC DIESEL #2 o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~~~~ SW CORNER CREO TANK FARM o CAS# o 68476-34-6 i6 STATE 6~6 TYPE 666~66 PRESSURE 666~ TEMPERATURE 66~6666 CONTAINER TYPE 66666i Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o ABOVE GROUND TANK i666~6666~6666~666~66666~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION ~6~66~66~~666~6i Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average GAL o 500.00 GAL o 300.00 GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00°Diesel Fuel No. 2 ONo o 68476302 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ CUries o F IH DH o / / / o o Low i~ Inventory Item 0001 ~6~6~~66~6 Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i i6~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME 6~66~6~6~6~66~6~6~66~i~~6~66~i CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 o Days On Site o o 365 o Location within ~his Facility Unit Map: Grid: ~~~~ EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE SHOP o CAS# o O o STATE 6£6 TYPE 666£66 PRESSURE 6661 TEMPERATURE 66£6666 CONTAINER TYPE 66666i Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC o Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average o GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL o i6~66~66~6~666~ HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 6~~6~~~~6~i %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# o 100.00OBrake Fluid, Hydraulic (Diethylene Glycol Monob...°No o 0o i~6~~i~~i~~~ HAZARD ASSESSMENTS ~6~i~~661~6~16~6i °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP o No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F DH o / / / o o Low o 6 01/06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD &~&A~&~~&~& SiteID: 215-000-000567 Inventory Item 0004 &~~&~&~&~ Facility Unit: MAINTENANCE SHOP i~& COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME MOTOR OIL o Days On Site o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG o CAS# O STATE ~ TYPE ~&~ PRESSURE ~&~ TEMPERATURE ~~ CONTAINER TYPE ~&~i Liquid o Pure o Ambient o Ambient o DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average GAL o 55.00 GAL o 40.00 GAL %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# 100.00OMotor Oil, Petroleum Based ONo o 8020835 °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o F DH o / / / o o Min i~ Inventory Item 0004 &~~&~~~&& Facility Unit: CREO TANK FARM i~ COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ~&~~~&~~&~~~~~&~ PAC-BOR o Days On Site BORATES o 365 Location within this Facility Unit Map: Grid: fi~~~~ SW CORNER OF PLANT o CAS# O STATE &~& TYPE &&&~&& PRESSURE &&~ TEMPERATURE &&~&& CONTAINER TYPE &~&&&i Solid o Mixture o Ambient o Ambient o BAG Largest Container o Daily Maximum o Daily Average 55.00 LBS o /~o~ ~.00 LBS o /~ -g000.00 LBS %Wt. o °EHS° CAS# °TSecret°EHS°BioHaz° Radioactive/Amount o EPA Hazards o NFPA o USDOT# o MCP No ONo o No o No/ Curies o o / / / o o UnR 7 01/06/1998 i PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 j..-' i~ Inventory Item 0005 ~~~~~ Facility Unit: ~M~.INTENANCE i~COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME o L~FIED PROPANE o Days~Site o ~ o /~6s o o Locatio~n~ithin this Facility Unit Map: Grid: o SOUTH EAST C~R NEXT TO A~O G~GE / o CAS~ o o ............................. ~ ......... ~ ........ ~..~~ ............. o i~~~~~S~E ~ TEMPE~~~N~ TYPE ~ ~y~~~t o ~ .. ~~~ .. 9~~ ...... o a~ 8 01/06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 i~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical ~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Agency Notification ~~~~~~~~~ 02/19/1993 CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. REPORT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS WHICH EQUAL OR EXCEED 42 GALLONS, 500 LBS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OR WHICH THREATEN LIFE HEALTH OR THE ENVIRONMENT IMMEDIATELY. CALL: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZ MAT DIVISION (805)326-3979 AND CALIFORNIA O.E.S. (800) 638-1821. SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 1 POUND OF CRE~SCTE ALSO BE REPORTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. CALL: THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER AT (800)-424-8802 i~ Employee Notif./Evacuation ~~~~~~~ 02/19/1993 ALL PERSONNEL, VISITORS AND CONTRACTORS WILL EXIT THROUGH THE FRONT GATE. ALL PERSONS WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR BY THEIR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR. i~ Public Notif./Evacuation ~~~~A~~~ 02/19/1993 VERBAL, PUBLIC IN OFFICE AREA ONLY i~ Emergency Medical Plan ~~~~~~~~ 02/19/1993 NEAREST HOSPITAL -9- 01/06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~&~~~&& SiteID: 215-000-000567 i& Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt ~~&~~&~&~&~&~& Overall Site i~ Release Prevention ~&~&~&~&~&~~&~&~&~ 02/02/1993 CLOSED SYSTEM FOR FILLING AND EMPTYING TREATMENT CYLINDERS. TANKS & RETORT CYLINDERS HAVE HIGH LEVEL SHUT OFF SWITCHES, VALVES OPERATE IN FAIL-SAFE POSITION IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OF AIR TO AIR OPERATED VALVES. ALL PRESSURE VESSELS ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES. WRITTEN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN OUTLINES PROCEEDURES FOR RESPONSE TO EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. A CONCRETE PIT DIRECTLY UNDER EACH WOOD TREATMENT ~CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK. EACH {~r~ IS IN A BLOCK WALL RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH DRAINS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. ~r'~_- PIPING FROM THE RAILCAR DESPENSING STATION TO THE CREOSOTE T~ IS PROTECTED WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PIPE WHICH DRAINS INTO A CONTAINMENT BASIN. PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO. HAS THE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. -10- 01/06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD &&~&&&~~&~&~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 i~ Site Emergency Factors ~&~~~A~&~~&~~~ Overall Site i~ Special Hazards ~&~~~~~&~~~~ 01/24/1996 ~ r~_~. S. A) GAS - NORTHWEST CORNER OF PROPERTY B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTHWEST CORNER MAIN BUILDING/SOUTHWEST CORNER CREO BUILDING C) WATER - NORTH PERIMETER 10FT FROM CURB IN CENTER OF LOT D) SPECIAL - NONE i&&&& Fire Protec./Avail. Water &&&&&&&&&&&&&~&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 01/24/1996 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BUILDING, WHICH CAN BE PICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS. 3 FIRE HYDRANTS ARE LOCATED IN MIDDLE OF PLANT PROPERTY. EACH HYDRANT IS EQUIPPED WITH FIRE HOSE. -11- 01/06/1998 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ~~~&~~&~ SiteID: 215-000-000567 i~ Trainin~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall Site i~ Employee Trainin~ ~~~~~~~~~ 02/01/1993 WE HAVE ~ EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SIIMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL EMPLOYEES ATTEND SAFETY AND MATERIAL TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY MONTH. THEY ARE TRAINED HOW TO HANDLE THE CHEMICALS PWPB HAS IN ITS INVENTORY AS WELL AS INSTRUCTION OF MSDS'S FOR THOSE SAME CHEMICALS. WRITTEN QUESTIONAIRE USED TO MEASURE COMPREHENSION OF SAFETY TRAINING. WRITTEN RESPIRATOR TRAINING MANUAL OUTLINES MAINTENANCE & USE OF -12- 01/06/1998 · - :: ': ' : 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. ":- ' -~ -' · :-':~: ':~ ' ' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 " ~' "'.~-:¥:'.'i~ ; . (805) 833-0429 FAX: (805) 836-0766 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING o~ BAKERSFIELD, CORP, -. ": -; '~ ' .............. .~ ......... ~ .................... · POSTS · POLES ~: - ;. - .- . :.. · PILINGS BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARMENT ...... ,;~ - GRAPE STAKES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TECHNIC:lAN -.i//'~-:'~... · LUMBER 1715 CHESTER AVENUE '-._' //~,.:. 0E~P I':j..' 'i"' i?d/' BAKERSFIELD, CA.-93301 .... .-._-_ .... '__-, :. DEAR HOWARD DECk'S'DER 8,1997 AS OF OCTOBER 1 1997 pAc'IFi~'.WooDPREsERVlNG NO LONGER TREATS WITH' CREOSOTE, FUEL OILM!X.'BOTH OF.THESE PRODUCTS WERE SHIPPED TO OUR ARIZONA PLANT': THE TANKS AND CYLINDER WERE CLEANED AND ALL SLuDGE:wAS PLACE'D 'IN D.O.'T.'APPROVED DRUMSi THESE WILL BE PICKED UPBY INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT, AND USED FOR ENERGY- RECOVERY WITHIN 30 DAYS. AS OF DECEMBER-1 t.997; PAGIF'IG~-WOOD PRESERVING HAS STARTED TREATING' wiTHDRICON,::A ::FIRE' RETARDANT CHEMICAL. WE ALSO ARE UTILIZING THE SAME CyLiNDER(PREVIOUSLY.CREOSOTE CYLINDER) TO TREAT' LUMBER PR'ODUCTSWITH A NON'TOXIC BORATE CHEMICAL.. PLEASEFIND ATTACHED HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY SHEET'FOR THE ABOVE, ALONG _W.-ITH MAT. ERIAL sAFETY:DATA SHEETS. ALSO FIND ATTACHED. A COPY.OF TWO.HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY SHEETS, ANDMATERAESAFETYDATA-SHEETS'FOR HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND CCA WASTE:;'PLEASE:KiOTE THAT PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING NO LONGER' HASA-pR. OpANE TANK ON SITE ANY'QUESTIONS CONTACT"[ DON_BAIZE (805) 833-0429 DON BAIZE PLANT SUPERINTENDENT BAKEF IELD CITY FIRE DE RTMENT ,, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page2 of 2 Business Name'PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING Address 5601 DISTRICT BLVD, BAKERSFIELD CA. . CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ~] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: PAC-BOR 3) DOT # (optionaJ) Chemical Name: . BORATES .. AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL'& HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate HeaJth (Acute) [ I Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICA~ON (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE COOE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid IX] liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure IX] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ 7) AMOUNT AND TiME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STOBAGE CODES MaXimum DaJlyAmount: 1000 lbs IX] gaJ [ ] ~t3 [ ] a) ContaJner: 12 Average Daily Amount: 600 curies [ ] b) Pressure: ] AnnuaJ Amount: c) Temperature: LArgest Size Container: 5 5 # Days On Site Circ!e Which Months: All Ye&r, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % VVT AHM the three most haz~dous 1) chemical components or a~y AHM components 2), [ 10) Location SOUTH-WEST CO~J;~A~TER OF PL_-A_~T CHEMICAL DESCRIFTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition ¢(] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON T"r~OE SECRET [~] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: CCA WASTE 3) OCT # (optionaJ) Chemical Name:COPPER.CHROMIUM. ARSENATE COMPOUNDS SLUDGE WASTE AHM [ .] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive[ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acme) .5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION D007 (3-digit code from OHS Form 8022) USE COOE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [~ Liquid [ ] Gas [ ]' Pure [ ] Mixture IX] Wa.~te [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND ~ME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STOP, AGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 1000 lbs IX:] gal [ ] /t3 [ ] a) Container: 6 Average Daily Amount: !000 curies [ ] b) Pressure: AnnuaJ Amount: ,~r~r~ C) Temperature: /I I-z. rGest Size Container: '#DaysOn Site 60U CircteWhich Months: AllYe&r. J, F. M, A, M. d, J, A, S. O. N, D 9) MIXTURE: list COMPONENT CAS # % WT the three most ha.7.~dous 1) ARSENIC PENTOXIDE 17% chemical components or any AHM com.c~nents =). CHROMIC ACID 24% [ I' 3) CUPRIC OXID 9% (] 10) Logmion SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF PLANT ce~/y unCer pena]f}/ of law, t~ar I nave personally exam/ne~ an¢ am/amfiiar w~ ~e ~nroma~on $uorn~rteO on ~s ar, c: afl &gacne~ cocumen~. I ce~eve .~u~mitte,=' informa'~on is true, accurate, and complete. __n~ R A T ? V PT.ANT ~]TP~P T NT~.NDENT 12-8-19 9 7 BAKF_..P, IELD CITY FIREE DEEI I .RTMEENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page1 cfi Business Name Pacific Wood Preserving Address 5601 District Blvd Bakersfield Ca. cHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New ~(]' Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical'is a NON TRADE SECRET [~] TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: HYDROGEN pEROXIDE 50% 3) DOT# (optional) 173. 151 H2o2 7722-84-1 Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL& HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZAP, D CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reacdve [ ] Sudcten Release of Pressure [ ] . immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICA~ON (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022} USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] liquid IX] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture ~] Waste [ ] Radioactive 7) AMOUNT AND TiME AT FACIliTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum OaiiyAmoun~: ].000 lbs IX] gaJ [ ] 113 [ ] a) Container. ].0 Average'Dally Amount: 100CI cudes [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: . c) Temperature: 4 Largest Size Container: 500 # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Yom', J, F, M, A, M,. J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: list COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous '1) HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 7 7 2 2-8 4-1 [ ] chemical compo'nents or any AHM components 2) [ ] 10) Location SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF PLANT CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [] Addition [ ] Revision { ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET ~[ ] TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: DRI-CON 'FIRE RETARDANT 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: DRI-CON AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) 5) WASTE CLASSIFiCATiON .(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid IX]. - Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] ~ Pure Ik] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIUTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE COOES Maximum OailyAmount: 40.000 lbs :k] gaJ [ ] ~3 [ ] a) Container: 12 Ayerage Daily Amount.'- 20,000 cunes[ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Lc'u'gest Size Container: 2 ~ 000 '#OaysOnSite 36.5 C[rc{e~Jch Months: AllYear. J, F. M, A, M. J, J. A. S, O. N. O 9) MIXTURE: Mst COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazm'dous 1). [ chemical comConents or any AHM components 2) [ ;~/10) Location SOUTH-WEST CORNIER OF PLANT cer~/y uncer penalty of law, t~a~ 1 nave persona~y examine<3 an<= am famma~ w~u3 ~e mrcrna~on su~m~r~e~ on ~s am<= a/l arracne~ suDmitted information is ~ru-e. accurate, and c<=rn¢tete; ; DON BAIZE, PLANT.SUPERINTE..NDENT 12-8-1997 FROM,: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERUIN.G~· PHONE NO. : 80S 836 0766 Dec. 11 1997 03:52PM P1 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BAKERSFIELD, INC. 5501 DISTRICT BLVD., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313, PHONE (SOS) $33-0429, FAX (805) 1136-0766 TOT~ ~ER OF PAGES SENT ~C[~G ~S CO~ LE~R: ~ If you have not received all the pages noted as sent or if any are illesible, please call ~d we'~ re-tr~s~t to you ~ mon as possible. NO~S: FROM : PACIFIC WOOD PRESERUINC~ PHONE NO. : 805 836 0?66 Dec. 11 1997 03:53PM P2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HICKSON 100$L WOOD PP, ESERVATIVE I, CHEMIC~ PRODUCT AND CO.ANY IDE~I~ICA~ON Produc~ Identifier; Hic~on DI~RIBUTOR'S NA~ AND ADD.S: ~LEPHONE NUMBER(S):. 3941 BON~AL ~OAD *CHEMTREC A~I~T~CE: 1-~0~24-9300 CONLEY~ GEORGIA ~CANU~C= H~A~OUS CAS NUM~EK PERCE~ E~OSU~ LIMITS (m~m~) ING~DI~TS ~opj~o~]c 6~-90- ] 0.7 N~ A~pli~le Not 1-[2.(2~4'-dichiotophenyl).~. Appli;a~h OSHA: Occupational Safet~ and He~ltll Admini~traiiori ACGT['I: Am~r);an C~fc~ncc of ~cnal [ndustdai Hyglcnist~ PEL: Pe~issible Expos~e Limi~ ~V; ~r~shol~ L~it Value CEII.~: A con~cnua~ion ~ha~ c~no~ be ~ceedcd ~v6n ~s~ni~e~Sly during the exposure FROM : PACIFIC WOOD PRESERUIN PHONE NO. : 805 836 0?66 Dee. 11 1997 03:53PM P3 ~.U-US-I~ [4~LI Uq. UL~ t?l DF,~UH t,Ul~:Ul~M!iUl~ ~'n;; ~u, Ju~ u~uJ ~ ~ HICKSON 10OSI.. WOOD PRF~ERVATIVE Date P. ve~r~: lilq/9'~ REv. ~lll Noi t~lta~n8 ~o th~ skin. M~y ca~e ~mi0n. C~onic Non~ ~o~, 4. FIRST AID If breathing ~ stopped or is all.cult, Eye Con~; I~dfately flu~ e~ with l~ge am0~ta ~fwalcr or eye w~h ~Imion ~r al ]c~t 13 mlna~s, DO NOT ~b the ~y=s. lmm~y ~ek m=dl~[ aid. $kin C~t: Immediately r~c maZdal [~m skin by Seek medical aid i fixation ~evdopa a~cr rinsi~g, lngcs~on: lfgwall~, c~ll ~hy~l~i~ or ~o{~ou ccn~cr i~e~iatg~ (800) 837-0496, Drlt~ t or 2 tolerated. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GIVE AN~HINO BY MOUTH TO AN ~CONSCIOUS PgR$ON. FIRE FIGHTLMO MEASURES Flash Poinl .................................. 100' C (Ponsloy Mart~,,s glazed cup, DIN $i755) Auto-ignition ................................. Not known Lower Explosive Limit ....................... Not kllow~ Upper Explosive ~Ltmit ........................ Not known FROM_: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERUIN~ PHONE NO. : 805 8S6 0766 Dec. 11 1997 03:54PM P4 HICK$ON 100$L WOOD PRESERYATI¥~ , l~ge ;~ of 8 }'~tc Prepared;.1/!7/97 ]~V, O! ...... Ex~n~Ishln8 ~one ~zown, ACCIDENT~ R~L~ASE ~ASURES or I~ PtoceSurz~ (Produ=t): 5~op le~ i~no ris~ ~volved. Contain ~[ll by u~ ~ ~ non-b iode~ad~l~ ~s~b~t ki~ liar or s~fl~/z ah~orbcni~). Shovel into ~ appropriate ~on~er and ~pose of~e ncc~rdan~ ~h fed~l, ~ttt~ ~d ]~l regulation, If~terlnI ~m~ ~ rcc~v~c~ use a desired ~r lIq~ Id reaove~, ~e~ a~ii~ble. Disposal: Disp~e ofw~s~e in accord~ with ~cal, ~te ~d fed~al ~gu~tions, Place ~ ti~tly ~ealed, la~d c~taincrs, FROM : PACIFIC WOOD PRESERUINC~ PHONE NO. : 885 836 0766 Dec. 11 1997 03:54PM P5 HICKSON 100SL WOOD PR~ERVATIV~ Page 4 of 8 ~ntg p~a~d: 1/17/97 R~V. 01 ..... . .... 7, HANDLINO AND S'I'OR.AGE Si;orage Conditions: Do ~ot ~se ~ s~ near ~pen ~ne~. , C~tion: Showe~n~ a~d clolhinS eM~Se ~co~nded ~ ~e e~l~ o[eacl~ sh[~, D~ not we~ ~mina~d clo~inS. ~XPOSURE CONT~OL~ONAL PROT~O~ ~o~lly not ~qulred. ~ye ~otecti~n: Chemical ~slsmn~ cove~ls an~or apron, Ions pants, long sl~cd shi~, glo~rs ~d z~f~ boots should bc ~m. Gloves s~ou{~ bc ~ ~teria~ se& as polvinyl chloride ~VC~ ni~ilo~VC, polye~ylene or V~n[ila~ion; Pro,de suffieient w~tilat{o~ ~ ~ce inhalation ~osurc~. 9. PIIYblCAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appc~cc .............................. R~-bro~ liquid Odor ..................................... Castor oil odor pa ...................................... s.ss (2~.s' c) Vapor Pre~s~e ........................... Not avai Vapor Dgml~ (Air = 1) ................ .Net 9oil~g Po~t ............................ 10w C Freezing Point ........................... Not Availgblc Sp~ Gravi~ (W~r = 1) ............. About 1,037 ~ml at 20' C (Hydrom~ m~od) FROM : PACIFIC UOOD PRESERUINC~ PHONE NO. : 805 836 0?66 ~ Dec. 11 1997 03:55PM P6 Date Pr~pa_t~d'. I/1'~/97 R~¥. Ol ....... 10. STABIMTY AND P-.EACTIVlTY C~rditions ¢ontrib~in~ to l~t~bllity: None known, It~.omp~t~bIli~ies: Co~s~lt manufacturer for sl~cifie Haznr~us Reactions/D~omposli|c~/C~rnbustion Pmducls; Not ~azard~ Po~rl~tlon: Not exp~ed. l 1, TOXtCO~GICAL ~FO~TION Or,l Toxici~; D~al Toxld~: LD$0 - ~2000 m~B (rabbi0 [~alatlon Toxi~i~: Single ~xDosurc ~or4 h~ at a ~on~n~tion o/>5.~4 m~l did not re~'alt In ~allty ar c[e~ si~s of in~x/~tlon in ~e rat. ~iaolenici~: Not know~ ~g b~ a FROM : PACIFIC WOOD PRESERU PHONE NO. : 805 836 0?66 A Dec. 11 1997 03:55PM P7 HICI~ON IO0$L WOOD PRF~ERVATIVE l~a~, 6 ~f S 12. ECOLOGICAL L~qDRMATION Do a~ -~pp~ dir~ :~ ~ter or wetlands, Do not c~le water, foo~ er feed bF ~:~c or df~pesa]. Do ~ot cont~n~ ~a~r by ;le~g ~quipment, or disposal ofwa~s. Do ~ot di~h~ge e~u~t con~in~g thig predu;~ i~o l~es~ s~e~ ponds, ~[~arie~, oc~as or o~t~r ~t~ ~s tn a~o~ancc wi~ the requi~zn~n~s a~a National PoJl'~ D~charge ~Ihn~ S~ ~PDES) ~c~it. 13. DISPOSAl. CONSIDERATIONS Disposal Guidance: be more s~a~nt t~n ~e ~t requi~. la, T~NSPORT ~FO~ATION DOT H~dous ~t~! Clasifi~tt~: This ~uct Is ~t a DOT h~rdo~s mat~al, 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000 A00567 ~'e 1 Overall Site with 7 Fac. Units ~ JAN 1 9 199S General Information 8y~ Location: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD Map:123 Haz:4 Type: 3 City : BAKERSFIELD Grid: 15D F/U: 7 AOV: 0.0 i C ontact Name Title Contact Name Title DON DANKA / PLANT MANAGER DON BAIZE / PLANT SUPERINTE Business Phone: (805) 833-0429x Business Phone: (805) 833-0429x 24-Hour Phone : (805) - x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 393-5983x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD D&B Number: 11-881-0514 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93313- Comm Code: 215-013 BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code: 2491 Owner: RICHARD JACKSON Phone: (805) 833-0429 Address: 419 MEADOWVIEW DR State: CA City: VACAVILLE Zip: 95688- Summary WOOD PRESERVING SOLUTIONS CONTAIN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. SEE RMPP NOTES, SECTION <H>. i, __'~ ~z ~ Do hereby certify that I heve reviewed the attached h-='~rdous materials ma. ~;e~ rnorll plan for~t~oc~ t~,~s~:~,,,~ ~ncl lhe. t it ~long wiitl any~rrection~ constitut~ a complot~ ~nd correct rn~n. ~g~rnont Plan for my f~¢ility. 01/12/96~.- PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 03 - CCA TANK FARM Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 03-003 WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE - 50% Liquid 5000 High · Immed Hlth GAL 03-002 JPC DIESEL #2 Liquid 500 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 04 - CREO TANK FARM 04-001 PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON Liquid 16920 Moderate · Fire, Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL 04-002 CREOSOTE Liquid 18000 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 07 - CREO PLANT 07-001 DEGREASER-AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS Liquid 55 Moderate · Fire GAL 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP 08-003 ACETYLENE Gas 420 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 08-001 CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 Liquid 55 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 08-002 OXYGEN Gas 843 Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 08-004 MOTOR OIL Liquid 55 Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 08-005 LIQUEFIED PROPANE Gas 375 Unrated · Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 3 03 - CCA TANK FARM Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 03-003 WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE - 50% Liquid 5000 High · Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 5,000 I 2,000.00- I 18,000.00 Storage ~~Press T Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK {AmbientlAmbientlCCa TANK FARM -- Conc Components ~ MCP ---~uide 17.0%~.lArsenic Pentoxide (EPA) IModeratel 53 24.0% IChromic Acid, Solid IHigh ! 42 9.0% ICupric Oxide ' IMinimal I 7 03-002 JPC DIESEL #2· Liquid 500 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: LiqUid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 500 ~ 300.00 5,000.00 Storage I Press T Temp~ Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbient~AmbientlSW CORNER CREO TANK FARM -- ConcI Components MCP ---~Guide 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No. 2 ModerateI 27 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 4 04 - CREO TANK FARM Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 04-001 PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON Liquid 16920 Moderate ~ Fire,~eactive, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 64742-35-4 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL -- 16,920 ~ 4,500.00_ 105,000.00 Storage~ ~ Press T Temp~ Location ABOVE GROUND TANK I AmbientlAbove ICREO TANK FARM -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% INaphtha IModeratel 27 04-002 CREOSOTE Liquid 18000 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 8001-58-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: PESTICIDE Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 18,000 I 6,000.00 I 35,000.00 Storage Press T Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbientlAbove ICREO TANK FARM -- Conc . Components MCP Guide 76'0%~IC°al Tar Distillate IL°w I27 5.0% INaphthalene, Molten Low 32 1.0% IDibenzofuran ' Moderate 31 7.0% I Phenanthrene Low 31 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 5 07 - CREO PLANT Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 07-001 DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS Liquid 55 Moderate · Fire GAL CAS #: 71556 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL55 I Daily Average40.00GAL I Annual Amount165.00GAL Storage Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AmbientlAmbientlSW CORNER OF PLANT -- Conc ~ Components MCP ---~Guide 40.0%IAr°matic Naphtha ModerateI 27 10.0% Unrated I 0 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 6 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 08-003 ACETYLENE Gas 420 High ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 I Daily Average FT3 ] Annual Amount FT3 420 ~ 350.00 1,200.00 Storage ~ Press T Temp~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER IAbove IAmbientlEAST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG - Conc Components MCP Guide 100.0% IAcetylene IHigh I 17 08-001 CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 Liquid 55 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth . GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL55I~ Daily Average40.00GAL I Annual Amount550.00GAL -- Storage~ Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbient~AmbientEAST SIDE MAINTENANCE SHOP -- Conc~ ComponentsI MCP ---~Guide 100.0% IBrake Fluid, Hydraulic (Diethylene Glycol MonoblLow ! 27 08-002 OXYGEN~ Gas 843 Low ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3843I~ Daily Average700.00FT3 I Annual Amount2,500.00FT3 -- Storage Press T Temp Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientlEAST SIDE MAINTANANCE BLDG -- Conc Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed ILow ! 14 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD pRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 7 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP Hazmat. Inventory Detail in MCP Order 08-004 MOTOR OIL Liquid 55 Minimal ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade seCret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL ] Annual Amount GAL 55 ~ 40.00 300.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IambientlAmbientlEaST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG -- ConcI ComponentsI MCP ---~uide 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based IMinimal I 27 08-005 LIQUEFIED PROPANE Gas 375 Unrated ~ Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 74-98--6 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: Daily Max FT3 I Daily Average FT3 ----~ Annual Amount FT3 375 ~ 600.00 400.00 Storage Press T Temp~ Location FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~Ambient I SOUTH EAST CORNER NEXT TO AUTO G - Conc ~ Components ~ MCP ---~Guide 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 8 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. REPORT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS WHICH EQUAL OR EXCEED 42 GALLONS, 500 LBS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OR WHICH THREATEN LIFE HEALTH OR THE ENVIRONMENT IMMEDIATELY. CALL: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZ MAT DIVISION (805)326-3979 AND CALIFORNIA O.E.S. (800) 638-1821. SPILLS EQUAL TO. OR EXCEEDING 1 POUND OF CREOSOTE OR ARSENIC PENTOXIDE MUST ALSO BE REPORTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. CALL: THE NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER AT (800)-424-8802 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation ALL PERSONNEL, VISITORS AND CONTRACTORS WILL EXIT THROUGH THE FRONT GATE. ALL PERSONS WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR BY THEIR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation VERBAL, PUBLIC IN OFFICE AREA ONLY · <4> Emergency Medical Plan NEAREST HOSPITAL 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 9 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention CLOSED SYSTEM FOR FILLING AND EMPTYING TREATMENT CYLINDERS. TANKS & RETORT CYLINDERS HAVE HIGH LEVEL SHUT OFF SWITCHES, VALVES OPERATE IN FAIL-SAFE POSITION IN THE EVENT OF LOss OF AIR TO AIR OPERATED VALVES. ALL PRESSURE VESSELS ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES. WRITTEN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN OUTLINES PROCEEDURES FOR RESPONSE TO EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. <2> Release Containment A CONCRETE PIT DIRECTLY UNDER EACH WOOD TREATMENT CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK. EACH PIT IS IN A BLOCK WALL RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH DRAINS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. PIPING FROM THE RAILCAR DESPENSING STATION TO THE CREOSOTE TANK IS PROTECTED WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PIPE WHICH DRAINS INTO A CONTAINMENT BASIN. <3> Clean Up PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT C0. HAS THE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. <4> Other Resource Activation 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 10 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards WATER/FOG IS RECOMMENDED FOR THE CONTROL OF UNCONFINED CREOSOTE FIRES, BUT WATER MAY CAUSE FROTHING OR ERRUPTION IN CLOSED TANKS. <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NORTHWEST CORNER OF PROPERTY B) ELECTRICAL ~SOUTHWEST CORNERMAIN BUILDING/SOUTHWEST CORNER CREO BUILDING C) WATER - NORTH PERIMETER 10FT FROM CURB IN CENTER OF LOT D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./AVail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BUILDING, WHICH.CAN BE PICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS. 3 FIRE HYDRANTS ARE LOCATED IN MIDDLE OF PLANT PROPERTY. EACH HYDRANT IS EQUIPPED WITH FIRE HOSE. <4> Building Occupancy Level 01/12/96 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 11 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 15 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA sHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL EMPLOYEES ATTEND SAFETY AND MATERIAL TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY MONTH. THEY ARE TRAINED HOW TO HANDLE THE CHEMICALS PWPB HAS IN ITS INVENTORY AS WELL AS INSTRUCTION OF MSDS'S FOR THOSE SAME CHEMICALS. WRITTEN QUESTIONAIRE USED TO MEASURE COMPREHENSION OF SAFETY TRAINING. WRITTEN RESPIRATOR TRAINING MANUAL OUTLINES MAINTENANCE & USE OF RESPIRATORS. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use 'BAKER iIELD CITY FIRE DEPt., TMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORy Page 1 Business Na~e ~CIFIC WOOD PRESF. RVING Address 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [~] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET IX] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: LTQOEFTRD PRODz~J~ 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: LIQUEFIRD PRTROLRL1M GAS AHM [ ] CAS # 74-98-6 4) PHYSICAL& HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire []{j Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [[(] Immediate Health (Acute) ~ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 19 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [] Gas [~ Pure IX] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) sToRAGE CODES ..... Maximum Daily Amount: 375 ._ _ ~l~bs~[..]_g~_N._~X] ~t3 .[ ] ......... a).~_o~ntainer: 03 Average Dally Amount: '3' curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: ~ c) Temperature: 4 Largest Size Container: 4UU # Days On Site 365 Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ chemical components or any AHM components 2), [ ] 3) [ ] 10) Location SOUTH FAST CORNER NEXT TO AUTO GARAGE CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion { ] Check ifchemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [' ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSI~ALST~T~--- -Solid [-~' ~Liquid [ ] ' Ga~ [' ] ........ Pure [ ~] ~Mixture [ -I--Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] ..... 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Dally Amount: lbs [ ] gal [ ] ~t3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: cudes [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2). [ ]'~ 3) ,.,: [ ] 10) Location ceddfy under penalty of/aw, that I have personally examined and em familiar with the infomation submitted on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted information is b'ue, accurate, and complete. DON BAIZE , SUPERINTENDENT 11-30-1994 PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representetlve Signature Date BAKERSFI , D CITY FIRE DEPAR !.ENT .HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page :"of._ Business Name Address CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] -Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ '] CAS # 4) PHYS CAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL , HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ J 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid ['] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES -- --Maximum Daily~Amount: .... lbs-_[_-]_-gal_[ ]. '~3. [ ] ~ a) Cont~ner: . _ Average Dally Amount: curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1). [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 10) Location CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION " 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE --6) PHYSICAL STATE '-~-~li-d .... [ ] Liquid [ ] G~s [--~--=-~ ~--~-P~'-[-~-~Mixt~re---[ ] Waste [ ] .... Radio~i~- [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: lbs [ ] gal [ ] ~3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: cudas [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: Largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) [ ] chemicai components or any AHM components 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 10) Location ' ca.fy under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the infomatJon submitted on this and all attached documents. I believe the submitted informalfon is true, accurate, and complete. ' PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BAKERSFIELD, CORP, 5601 DISTRICT BLVD BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONTROL UNIT ATTN: HOWARD WINES 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301  Dept,~ ~ ' Bakersfield Fire DlVlSlO~_ , · HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Business Identification No. 215-000 ,~'~ ~-~ 7 (Top of Business Plan) Station No. '/ ~ ·' · Shift ~ Inspector ~,c~. z Adequate· Inadequate · '1" Verification of Inventory Materials ~ ~ RECEIVED /O.b 1' ~)O'-/, . Verification of Quantities . ~. ~ .'DEC "~- /~ ~,/. ents: · Verification of Location ~ I~] HAT ~.AT..DIV. ~~~m Proper Segregation of Material I~ Verification of MSDS Availablity - ~ ~ NUmber of Employees .~::)~)~m~ . Verification of Haz Mat Training ~ 'entS: . . · ' .. ~//. verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures ~ Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted ~ Containers Properly Labeled I~] ~ ' Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram ~ SPecial Hazards Associated with this Facility: /-/,~,'/~ o-,... ~ AIl Items O.K. 'Correction Needed.. /Business Owner/Manager .. FD 1652 (Rev..1-90) · White-Haz Mat Oivl .Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy - BAKER FIEL. D CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT us, ' H/! I[I RDOUS MATERIALS INVL ToRy i' Page:~ ofZ B ~ness Name PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING Address 5601 DISTRICT BLVD, BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 . CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [.~],' Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [Z] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON 3) DOT # (optiona0 ChemicalName: N/A AHM [ ] CAS ~ 64742-35-4 4) PHYSICAL'& HEALTH P~YSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire Ix] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) 5) WAST~ CLASSiFiCATiON {3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSlCAL STATE Solid [ ] liquid [~] Gas [ ] Pure [~] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] .7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACIlITy UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: ~ ~.920.. ~z' lbs [ ] gal IX] tt3 [ ] a) Container:. ABOVE GROUND TANK Average Daily Amount: ' 4,500 cudes [ ] b) Pressure: -8- Annual Amount: ~ c) Temperature: 50 o ~'ge~t olze',.,a,,La~ner. .~. 8 .~2 # OaysOnSite 365 Circle Which Months: -A']I-Y~Er~'J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A. S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most haz~dous 1) AROMATIC PETROLEUM 100 % [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 10) Location CREO TANK FARM CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1 ) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [~] Revision [~.]~ Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET ~] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common'Name: CREOSOTE 3) DOT # (optionaJ) Chemical Name: N/A AHM [ ] CAS # 8001-58-9 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire IX] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [~] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid { ! liquid [~] Gas { ] Pure [ ] Mixture IX] Waste [ [ Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILiTY ,~ UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Ma.ximum Dally Amount: ; 18,000 v' lbs [ ] gal ~] 1t3 [ ] a) Contalner: ABOVE GROUND TANK Average Daily Amount: 6 r 000 curies [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: 35 r 000 c) Temperature: 50 o Largest Size Container: 33,440 # Days On Site Circle Which Months: -~L~_e_~' J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. D 9) MIXTURE: list COMPONENT CAS # % w'r AHM the three most haza~dous 1) COAL TAR DISTILT,ATE 65996-93-2 76% [] chemical components or anyAHM components 2). ANTHRACENE 120-12-17 12% [ ] · NAPTHALENE 91-20 -3 4.8 % 3) [ ] 10) Location CREO TANK FARIV[ :uments. I believe submitted in formation is true, accurate, an dcomplete. ~~_~~-~ DON BAIZE, PLANT SUPERINTS:NDENT 11-19-1993 PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company t~epresentatlve ' Signature Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CHROMIUM ":OPPER ARSENATE: 24% Chromic acid 9 % Copper oxide 17% Arsenic pentoxide 50% Water Trade name: Wolmanac Concentrate 50% Comrfion narfie: CCA DoT Hazard (;lass. Poison B T MSDs Health/' Safety Alert: DANGER CAUSES SEVERE BURNS CAUSES SEVERE EYE BURNS MAY BE FATAL IF INHALED MAY BE FATAL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED USE WATER TO DECON I)eac~riptic~a: Dark brown heavy liquid (specific gravity 1.64) . Not flammable Heat from adjacent fires may cause thermal decomposition Strong oxidizer Carcinogenic!ity: Inorganic arsenic and chromium are listed as carCinogens by OSHA. CCA TREATMEN'i' SOLUTION: 0.08 - 1.6% CCA, mixed onsite in batches. C'REO_.SOTE: complex mixture of aromatic hydrocarbOns, tar acids anc[i:a~'bases DOT HazaCd Class: Combustible liquid. ME;DS Health/Safety Alert: IRRITANT CARCINOGEN SOAP AND WATER DECON, AVOID SOLVENTS 1~6s,,i;tiption: Heavy, oily liquid ranging from clear, yellow, brown to da~:~een Flash point 158 F Flammable limits 1% - 7% in air Heavier than air, vapor density 4.0 Vapors may spread to ignition source and then flash bad[ Slightly heavier than water, specific gravity 1.08 Potential risk for BLEVE Incorni~atibility: Strong oxidizers C:_BE-O.~O'~E PRESERVING SOLUTION: 30% creosote and 70 % fuel!~l[ WOLMANI~ED LUMBER: MSDS reports that treated lumber contain[ < 5% chromium III < 5% arsenic V < 5% copper TREATED WOOD: MSDS reports that treated lumber c(~'tt~ns: up to 15% creosote CREOSOTE PROCESS TIMBERS OR TIES LOADED IN-~O THE RETORT SUBMERGE WOOD IN 70% FUEL OIL/30% CREOSOTE MIXTURE HEAT PRESERVING MIXTU, FIE To 180 DEGREES F VACUUM PULLED ON RETOiA? ?0 EXPAND WOOD CELLS PIAESSUiAIZE RETORT EXCESS P~,E~ERVATIVE PUMPED BACK TO WORKING TANKS Both treat~efit cycles are electronically controlled using a Koppers Co. controller. All treatment fluid tanks and vessels have automatic high level shut off switches. All pres~ur~ vessels have pressure relief valves. <2CA. PROCES_S LOAD LUMBER OR STAKES INTO RETORT CONDIilON WOOD WI'CH VACUUM SUCMEC~GE WOOD WITH 0.08- P~ESSURIZE CYLINDER EXCESS CCA PUMPED B, ACK ?O WORKING TANKS STORAGEAREA .1 5 .' ...~_'~._ 5,6Ol DIST.RIOT BLVD ~_~ ~' . I PARKING ~ '~~ ~'~ ~RE~ ~ ~ 'FRON~ A~EA gtA~ ~ ~RAGE INF~b STAO~ 6 ~ " .' - ' LUM~R " A~EA E~CTRIC ~ STATION .................. DRI~ M~O~ BUI~ING 7 STACKF.=, MACHINE HOIST HOIST STORAGE AREA omc~s 1 4 DIESEL ~ ....................................... STO~*GEl ~ lS I' ~SBo.ERF~RED · SOU~ERN PAOIFIO ~ILROAD SPUR L¢(~END (1~). CCA TANK FARM; A. S6,096 GAL TANK FOR B, 30,096 GAL TANK FOR 2 ~ CCA C. lO,tOo GAL TANK FOR EFFLUENT wATER D. 6000 GAL TANK FOR 50 .o~ CCA CONCENTRATZON E. 2~072 GAL TANK NON-TOXiC WOOD STAIN (99% WATER) F. 22~022 GAL TANK (WATER STORAGE G. 2~,072 GAL- TANK (WATER,STORAGE) H. 2~¢0~2~ GAS TANK (WATER STORAGE (2), MAiN O~FiCE BUILDING - O0'X 40' A. OP¢~C~ HAS ROOF MOUNTED AIR CONDi?IONER S. ALS(] HAS TWO WALL MOUN?ED AIR CONDITIONERS. (3) EhI~LOYEE ~ARK~NG (4) CCA CYLINDER 7' X'125' (5) LUMBER sTOF~A~E AREA (0) LUMBER iNC]~S]]NG AREA (7) MAINTENANCE' SHOP !6' X 40' (8) LOCATION OR '3 ¢~RE~HYDRANTS (9) A AND ~ AR~A (T~% AR-P- CUT AN~) BOR~)) (10) CREOSOTE CYL~N[)ER ( ii ) 'CREOSOTE PLANT BUILDING; A. LUNCH ROOM B. CONSOLE ROOM C. LAB D. OFFICE (1.2) BOILER ROOM; A. 120 L~ NATURAL GAS FIRED BOILER (13) CREOSOTE· TANK FARM; i. 36,072 GAL TANK FOR (WATER OR CREOSOTE) 2. 36,072 GAL TANK FOR CREOSOTE/FUEL MIX 3. 19,440 GAL TANK FOR CREOSOTE 4. 19,400 GAL TANK FOR FUEL OIL 5. 36,000 GAL TANK FOR WATER 6. 27,072' GAL TANK FOR WATER (14) TREATED WOOD STORAGE AREA ('is) P.G. A~D E. GAS METER (16) 500 GAL ABOVE GROUND DIESEL STORAGE TANK (GRAVITY FEED) ACCIDENT HISTORY PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING JulY 26, 1987 An air line ruptured causing failure of ar air operated valve on the CCA treatment cylinder: Air. pressure~, built up in the treatment, cyiinder instead of vacuum.. Air rushed back into the working solution tank. Fluid rammed 'the tank causing a 2" rupture. Between 3,0'00 and 5,000 gallons of .87 '~ CCA was released. 90% of the CCA solution was contained in the secondary containment pit. .The system has been redesigned to be f il safe in the event of a loss of air. RESPONSE GUIDELINES Isoiate 1/2 mile in all directions if tank oar or truok i~ on fire, Cool c~ntainers that are'exposed to flames from the ~ide~ With water. For massive flres u.~-e an unmatched hOg~ I~older MFG: Water/fog e2n b~ uCed to control unconfined fires but may cause frothing or eruption in' (~lo~d tank~. NTC:. Eiimin2te i§nition ~our~.es in spill area, Suppress fire~ witl~ water spray, foam, CO2 or dry chemical I-~unoff fromm fir-~ (~ont'rol water may ~au~ Level A or B I~E. CCA~.QNCE ~N_T_R ATE,_5 0_°/o DOT: No specific recommendations for this product. MFG: Use water to 'cool containers exposed to flame, Product' does not burn but may release toxic 9a~ u~n thermal decomposition. Contain runoff from fire control water. NTC: Arsenic pentoxide forms toxic aerosol in fire. Evacuate to radius of 1500' and keep all personnel out of plumes containing chromic acid. Level B PPE. ,~ '5601 DISTRICT BLVD. -- .. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 .- RECEIVED ........ _(805? 833-0429 PACIFIC wOoD PRESERVING (~ BAKERSFIELD, coRP. ~taR. I 9 --,.._i99-7. POSTS · POLES. HAZ. M^T. DIV. .... 'PILINGS - · GRAPE STAKES · LUMBER Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division Attn; Barbara Brenner 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Ms. Brenner: Please find inclosed my up-dated hazardous materials inventory, I have made the following changes, page 1, change Don Danka - Plant Managers 24 hr phone to 589-2098 page 2, deleted propane storage tank (deletion form inclosed) page 3, revision on Creosote 6omponents ( revision form inclosed) page 5, revision on Degreasercomponents (revision_form in~iosed) As specified in UFC Standard 79-3, I have~P~acarded all our tanks accordingly. In addition written labels naming the contents of the tanks has also been completed. Looking forward to your visit on the 3~st with the "A" Shift. Sincerely Don Baize Planat Superintendent _.WE ARE HELPING TO CONSERVE OUR .NATION'S TIMBER RESOURCES. .- :::.. .... ....... ,.,? . ; i¥ ::,-~~' - ,,, . ..... : ...... " BAKER IELD CITY FIRE DEI RTMENT · . HAZARDOUS ATERIALSI qToRy NVEr Page l of'Z- Business Name PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING Address 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. ~ CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION · · i 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision [ ] Deletion I~] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [~ TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: PROPANE 3) DOT Cf (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL'& HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [~ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 19 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid ['] Gas [~ Pure [x:] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TiME AT FACIMTY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 350 lbs [ ] gal I~] ft3 [ ] a) Container: 04 Average Daily Amount: cudes [ ] b) Pressure: 2 Annual Amount: c) Temperature: 4 Largest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: Ust COMPONENT cas # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) PROPANE 100 [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2), [ ] 3). [ ] 1 O) Location S.E. CORNER OF PLANT TO AUTO GARAGE CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION I1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision []{j Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET [3~ TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: PRRf).q(]fl'R 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS Cf 8001-58-9 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [~ Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) ~] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION .(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE ~0' 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid IX] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture ¢] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 8,910 lbs [ ] gal ik] 1t3 [ ] a) Container: 2 Average Daily Amount: R: ¢16l¢J cudes [ ] b) Pressure: 1 Annual Amount: 35. ONet c) Temperature: 4 Largest Size Container: # Days On Site 365 Circle Which Months: ~ J. F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) PBENANT]~EENE 85-01-8 7-13 [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2), .NAPT]~J~ENE 9-20-3 5-7 [ ] · 3) DIBENZOFURAN 132-64-9 1-5 10) Location CREOSOTE TANK FARM cer~fy under penaJty of Jaw, that I have personaJJy examined and am .familiar with the/'nfomation suDmitted on this and ai/ at~ached documents. submitted information is t~ue, accurate, and comp/eta. ~ c:~=~'~ DON BAIZE - PLANT SUPERINTENDENT .~- PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative. ' Signature Date BAK%, :IELD C TY FIRE DEF RTMENT RDOUS MATERIALS INVEIqTORy Page2._of_7.,- : Business Name PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING Address 5601 DISTRICT BTJVD. CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ~ Revision [ ] Deletion [ ] Check if chemica is a NON TRADE SECRET Ix] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: DEGRF~SER 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AI~OMA~PT~ PP.'~R~31',P.[]M 13T.q'PTLI'.A'PR AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL'& HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [)[ Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION ,(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Uquid [ ~ Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture ~ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: 55 lbs [ ] gal [~ ~t3 [ ] a) Container: 07 Average Daily Amount: ~-0 cudes [ ] b) Pressure: 1 Annual Amount: ~ c) Temperature: 4 Largest Size Container: 55 # Days On Site ~ Circle Which Months: A:~ Y~c,r, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1). ~.OMATIC SOLVENT 40 [ ] chemical components or any AHM components 2). NON-IONIC S[IRFACTANT 10 [ ] 3) T~LL OIL 10 [ ] 10) Location S.~. CORNER OF PLANT CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New[ [ Addition[ ] Revision[ ] Deletion[ ] Check if chemical is aNON TRADE SECRET [ ] TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: 3) DOT # (optional) Chemical Name: AHM [ ] CAS # 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [ ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [ ] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [ ] Waste [ ] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES Maximum Daily Amount: lbs [ ] gal [ ] It3 [ ] a) Container: Average Daily Amount: cudes [ ] b) Pressure: Annual Amount: c) Temperature: !..~'gest Size Container: # Days On Site Circle Which Months: All Year, J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) chemical components or any AHM components 2) [ ] 3) [ ] 10) Location I cerdfy under penalty of law, that I have personafly examined and am familiar with the infomafion subm/tted on this and ail attached documents. I believe the submittedinformafionistrue, accurate, andcomplete. DON BAIZE PLANT SUPERINTENDENT PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company F~epresenta~'ve ' Signature Date 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 1 Overall Site with 7 Fac. Units General Information Location: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD Map: 123 Hazard: High Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 'i3 Grid: 15D F/U: 7 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name .Title Buslness Phone 24-Hour Phoneq DON BAIZE PLANT SUPERINTENDAN (805) 833-0429 x 805) 393-5983~ Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD D&B'.Number: 11-881-0514 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93313- Comm Code: 215-013 BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code: 2491 Owner: RICHARD JACKSON Phone: (805) 833-0429 Address: 419 MEADOWVIEW ~DR State: CA City: VACAVILLE Zip: 95688- Summary ~OOD PRESERVING SOLUTIONS CONTAIN ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. SEE RMPP NOTES, SECTION <H>. i, ~o~, 13,~,~ Do hsreby certify that ! have reviewed th~ a~achad h~a~ous materials m~na~e- ment p~an for P,z~,~v,~ and (~,~r~¢~-- "that it aiong with any corre~ons constitute a complete and corre~ man. agement plan for my fad~i~j. 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 2 03 - CCA TANK FARM Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 03-00~QUEFIED PROPANE · Gas 350 High~,-/'' · ~essure, Immed Hl th ' . CAS ~: 74-~ Trade Secret: No · Form: Ga~ Type~ _~ays: ~FUEL _ _ _ . ount GAL - Co~m~ ' Components' ~ MCP iGuide .~0.0~Liquefied Petroleum Gas [~~l 22 03-003 WOLI~NAC R CONCENTI~TE - 50% Liquid 5000 High · Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: MixTure Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATIONv Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 5,000 I 2,000.00 18,000.00 ~'Storage I~Press I Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbient~AmbientlCCA TANK FARM -- Conc · Components ~ ~ MCP . Guide, 17.0% Arsenic Pentoxide (EPA) IModeratel 53 24.0% Chromic Acid, Solid IIHigh 42 9.0% Cupric Oxide Minimal 7 03-002 JPC DIESEL #2 Liquid 500 .Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6· Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL. 500 I 300.00 I 5,000.00 Storage I Press I Temp ' I Location · ABOVE GROUND TANK [~Ambient~AmbientI. SW CORNER CREO TANK FARM -- Conc I Components MCP iGuide 100.0% Diesel Fuel No.2 Moderate 2~ 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 3 04 - CREO TANK FARM Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 04-001 PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON Liquid 6480 Moderate ~ Fire, Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 64742-35-4 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 6,480 I 4,500.00 105,000~.00 Storage Press T' Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbientlAbove ICREO TANK FARM -- Conc~ Components MCP ---~uide 100.0% INaphtha ModerateI 27 04-002 CREOSOTE Liquid 8910' Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 120-12-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL 1 Annual Amount GAL 8,910 I 6,000.00 35,000.00 Storage Press T Temp Location ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbient~Above ICREO TANK FARM -- Conc I· Components MCP ---~Guide 76.0% ICoal Tar Distillate Low ! 27 ~l.2.$~~-~=ire- Minimal I 31 ~-Q-~o I~h~halene' Molten Low ·1 32 f~.v% ~=yz~n~ ~A-~ Low ! 31 ~-~ ~ 3.-1~ tDibenzofuran ' ModerateI 31 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 4 07 - CREO PLANT Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order .07-001 DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS DENZENE' Liquid 55 Moderate ~ Fire GAL CAS #: 71556 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL55Ii Daily Avera~e40.00GAL I Annual Amount165200GAL . Storage Press T. TempI Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC AmbientlAmbientlSW CORNER OF PLANT  Components ~ MCP ---/Guide ILow ! 74 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 5 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP ii. Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order i 08-003 ACETYLENE Gas 420 High ~ Fire,. Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form:'Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 420 ~ 350.00 1,200'00. Storage i Press T Temp~ Location PORT. pREss. CYLINDER Iabove IAmbientlEaST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG -- Conc Components MCP -~Guide 100.0% {Acetylene {High { 17 08-001 CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 Liquid 55 Low ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 55 ~ 40.00 550.00 Storage;~Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbient{AmbientlEAST SIDE MAINTENANCE SHOP -- Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 100.0% IBrake Fluid, Hydraulic ILow ! 27 08-002 OXYGEN Gas 843 Low ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3I Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 843 ~ 700.00_ 2,500.00 Storage~ Press T Temp~ Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER }Above {ambientlEAST SIDE MAINTANANCE BLDG -- Conc Components MCP ---TGuide 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed ILow ['14 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 6 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order 08-004 MOTOR OIL Liquid 55 Minimal ~ Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRI'CANT Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 55 I 40.00_ 300'00 StorageIl·Press T Temp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbient[AmbientlEaST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG -- Conc~ Components~ MCP ----/Guide 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based IMinimal I 27 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 7 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. REPORT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS WHICH EQUAL OR EXCEED 42 GALLONS, 500 LBS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OR WHICH THREATEN LIFE HEALTH OR THE ENVIRONMENT IMMEDIATELY. CALL: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZ MAT DIVISION (805)326-3979 AND CALIFORNIA O.E.S. (800) 638-1821. 'SPILLS.EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 1 POUND oF CREOSOTE OR ARSENIC PENTOXIDE MUST ALSO BE REPORTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. CALL: T~E NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER AT (800)-424-8802 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation ALL PERSONNEL, VISITORS AND CONTRACTORS WILL EXIT THROUGH THE FRONT GATE. ALL PERSONS WILL BE ACCOUNTED FOR BY THEIR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation VERBAL, PUBLIC IN OFFICE AREA ONLY <4> Emergency Medical Plan NEAREST HOSPITAL 2/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 8 00 - Overall Site .! <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt' > Release Prevention CLOSED SYSTEM FOR FILLING AND EMPTYING TREATMENT CYLINDERS. TANKS & RETORT CYLINDERS HAVE HIGH LEVEL SHUT OFF SWITCHES, VALVES OPERATE IN FAIL-SAFE .' POSITION IN THE EVENT OF LOSS OF AIR TO AIR OPERATED VALVES. ALL PRESSURE VESSELS ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES. WRITTEN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN'OUTLINES PROCEEDURES FOR RESPONSE TO EMERGENCY CONDITIONS. 2> Release Containment A CONCRETE PIT DIRECTLY UNDER EACH WOOD TREATMENT-CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK. EACH PIT IS IN A BLOCK WALL RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH DRAINS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. PIPING FROM THE RAILCAR DESPENSING STATION TO THE CREOSOTE TANK IS PROTECTED WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PIPE WHICH DRAINS INTO A CONTAINMENT BASIN. <3> Clean Up PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO. HAS THE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. <4> Other Resource Activation 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 9 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency.Factors <1> Special Hazards WATER/FOG IS RECOMMENDED FOR THE CONTROL OF UNCONFINED CREOSOTE FIRES, BUT WATER MAY CAUSE FROTHING OR ERRUPTION IN CLOSED TANKS. <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NORTHWEST CORNER OF PROPERTY B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTHWEST CORNER MAIN BUILDING/SOUTHWEST CORNER CREO BUILDING C) WATER - NORTH PERIMETER 10FT FROM CURB IN CENTER OF LOT D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BUILDING, WHICH CAN BE PICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS. 3 FIRE HYDRANTS ARE LOCATED IN MIDDLE OF PLANT PROPERTY. EACH HYDRANT IS EQUIPPED WITH FIRE HOSE. <4> Building Occupancy Level 02/19/93 PACIFIC woOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page' 10 '~' 00 - Overall Site <G> Training <1> Page 1 WE'HAVE 15 E~PLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ALL EMPLOYEES ATTEND SAFETY AND MATERIAL TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY. MONTH. THEY ARE TRAINED HOW TO HANDLE THE CHEMICALS PWPB HAS IN ITS INVENTORY AS WELL AS INSTRUCTION OF MSDS'S FOR THOSE SAME CHEMICALS. WRITTEN QUESTIONAIRE USED TO MEASURE COMPREHENSION OF SAFETY TRAINING. WRITTEN RESPIRATOR TRAINING MANUAL OUTLINES MAINTENANCE & USE OF RESPIRATORS. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 11 O0 - Overall Site <G> Training <4> Held for Future Use (Continued) .! 02/19/93 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 12 00 - Overall Site <H> RMPP DATA <1> Release Containment SECONDARY CONTAINMENT BASINS CAN HOLD THE CONTENTS'OF THE LARGEST TANK. DIKE LIQUIDS THAT MAY BE FLOWING UNCONTAINED FOR LATER DISPOSAL. CHROMIC ACID IS A STRONG OXIDIZER (COMPONENT OF CCA). CREOSOTE AND FUEL RUNOFF SHOULD BE SEGREGATED FROM CCA RUNOFF IF POSSIBLE. CCA DRYING PAD IS TO BE FREE OF EXCESS PRODUCT. EXCESS CCA IS TO BE SQUEEGEED INTO THE CONTAINMENT PIT DAILY. <2> Offsite Consequences UNIFORMS & CHANGE ROOMS PROVIDED TO PREVENT WORKERS FROM TRANSPORTING CONTAMINANTS OFFSITE. CAREFUL DECON OF EQUIPMENT NECESSARY. CCA LIQUID PENETRATES SHOES AND LEATHER CAUSING DELAYED BURNS. FIRES IN PRESERVATIVE STORAGE AREAS OR IN TREATED LUMBER PILES MAY PRODUCE IRRITATING OR POISONOUS GASES. ASH FROM FIRES MAY CONTAIN TOXINS. <3> In House Capabilities EYE WASH & SAFETY SHOWERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR DECON AT EACH TREATMENT PLANT. FULL FACE RESPIRATORS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ARE AVAILABLE FOR OPERATORS USE FOR SPECIAL MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS. OPERATORS HAVE HAD SOME INHOUSE TRAINING REGARDING THE USE OF THE FIRE HYDRANTS AND HOSES LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY. <4> Plant Shutdown Instruction TURN OFF ELECTRICITY AT MAIN BREAKER BOX. BATCH PROCESS - PRESSURE TREATING EQUIPMENT IN USE ONLY WHEN PLANT IS ATTENDED. HOURS OF OPERATION - 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. MANAGEMENT AND OFFICE STAFF ARE ON SITE UNTIL 5:00 p.m. , IBAKSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 "G"" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY FACILITY DEscRIPTION CHECK IF BUSINESS IS A FARM [ ] BUSINESS NAME pACIFIC WOOD PEI~$1~.RVING OF BILKERSFIEf. D,INC. FACILITY NAME PACIPIC WOOD PR]~.SERVING OF BZ~EI~RSPIP. T.D,INC ~ SITE ADDRESS 56Ol DISTRICT BOU-r.~WUZ~ CITY BAKERSFIELD · STATE CALIFORNIA ZIP 93313 NATURE OF BUSINESS mOOD TRFJt_TING PI,IBIT SIC CODE 2491 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER 11-881-0514 OWNER/OPERATOR FACIFIC WOOD PttF, SERVIN6 OF BAKERSFIELD PHONE (805) 833-0429 5601 DISTRICT BOULEVARD MAILING ADDRESS CITY BAKERSFIELD STATE C~IFOm~IA ZIP 93313 EMERGENCY CONTACTS NAME DON D~.~rr,~ TITLE P~T BUSINESS PHONE (805) 833-0429 24-HOUR PHONE (805) 589-2098 DON BAIZE PLANT SUPERINTENDENT NAME TITLE (805) 833-0429 (805) 393-5983 BUSINESS PHONE 24-HOUR PHONE ~e~ember 30, 19~2 REGION¥ LEPC STANDARD FORM '~ i 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. I BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 (805) 833-0429 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING oF BAKERSFIFID, CORP. ~ ; · POSTS t · POLES - I · PILINGS - _[ · GRAPE STAKES .. I · LUMBER BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUI~ MATERIALS CONTROL UNIT ATTN: BARBARA BRENNER 2130 "G" STREET I BAKERSFIELD CA. 93301 / DEAR MS. BRENNER IN RESEARCHING OUR MANUFACTURES MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET, I FIND THAT pYRENE IS NOT A CONSTITUENT OF CREOSOTE USED AT THIS PLANT,. THERE-FORE PLEASE DELETE THAT FROM OUR. ACUTET.Y' HA~'.ARDOUS MATERIALS PERMITT. PLEASE FIND ATTACHED A NEW UPDATED COPY OF OUR PLANT MAP5 WITH A LEGEND INDICATING LOCATION AND CONTENTS. NOTE,..WB NO- _LONGER HAVE A PROPANE STORAGE TANK. - · -; ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL, THANK YOU. . . SIN,~r~Lx .. 1 DON BAIZE- PLANT SUPERINTENDF. NT / W~-/iR£.HEL~/~/O rO CO/~S£RW OW/VA~/O/V'S ~EILLY ~NDU~TRI~S, INC ~ ~A~ 1 OF 4 * ;RODUCT N~ AW;A ~1 Craomo~e oil CIIEMIC~ ~Er NOC applicables.. ~T NUN~R~ ~ 20~2 I~ NUMBS'RI .UN 3082 S * PRODUCT NUMBER~ $7500~ · CAS NUMBER: 8001-~8~9 ~L~CU~ NBIGHT~ Not C * ~UFACTURERS ~W~ R~il~y I~dus~ries, ~Bo ~ON~S; Coal T~r oil~ C~al T~f Creosote 0 * ~ North Delawar~ S~reet I · ZMERGE~Y TE~P~NE' NUMBER~ 31~247-glaZ H~THz J F~LITY= I RBACT~V~T~ 0 * CONCS~TZON$ EX,SURE LIMZTS ~ 50 (0~} E * Acen~ph~hene 'g3-32-9 ~.0 te ~,0 Noe applicable Ne~ appli~le unknown / Unkn~ C * An~hra=mn~ 120-12-17 ~.0 eo 5.0 N~ applicable Not dppli~mble 430 mg/~g */ Unknown I * N~Rhth~lene $1-20-3 5.0 ~o 7.~ 10.0 $~ 10.0 RRm 4~0 mg/kg / unknown N * 1,2,4-T=~e~hylbensene 9~-63-6 0.1 to l.O No= applicable No~ applicable S ~m/k~ / ~Sg/~u.m/ah ~ Coal ~r Pit¢h VOi~I~ 6~$$6-93-2 No~ appli~abl~ 0.2 mg/~u me,er 0.2 m~/=~ ~e~am No~ available II * Dibenzofuran 1~2-64-$ 1,0 to 5.0 Not appli~bl~ Not applicable unkn~vn / Unknown C * O~R 4 ~CE~ Brown ~o black ~lly liquid wi~h $~BSZ~ ~INT= No~ applicabl~ S9~CZPZC g~VITYt T * an mr~a~ie odor 0 * O~R TH~SHOLD; No~ avmtlable D~NNZTY~ 8.7 ~./G~i. N * ~T~N ~T2t No~ available V~R ~XT~I ) \ SOO'ON 9F:I[ £6,£0 S3J ISIg-9S9-£O6'igI ~UiS 3N07 - ,,~7~I3~ ~ ~H~cRL ~D W~N~NG: C~ustible Liquid ~N~ITIVIT~ ~ ~ ~TAT~C DISC~G~ N~ / ~C~IC~ * * AU~ IGNXTION TEMPE~TURS~ Not available ~ ~Z~U~ ~M~U~TIOW PRO~UCTS~ ~rrl~lng and/~ toxic fume~ m~y b~ wal~a~d i~ this materiml Is b~r~d. * UNUSUAL FIRE/EXP~SION ~W~S~ Water spray =an ~ontrol ua=onfln~d ~m= fires, bu~ may cause fruthing * equ~o~t, No~al procedures m~y ba u~ed. Skin con=ac~ and/~r breathJn~ * should ~ avoided * H~ATH ~D ~NINGS~ ~a~ol~og~n, I~l~an~, * ~OUTE~ OF ENTR~ ~'SXZN CONTACT; X SKIN ~SO~TION; ~Y~ CO,ACT: I~TZON~ X ~N~STZON; ' and/or high va~r ~oncentra~ions may cause burning and itching, ohanges * poisoning after lnge~tZon may Jn~l~de ~aliva~t~ v~l~ing~ ~esptrat~' dlfft~ul~iew, * dt3Jl~, hedd~he,loss O~ ~pillary reflexes, cyanoa~m, ~y~o=hermi~, and mild * ~CI~EN~ X ~TZ~ EFFmCTS~ ) ~RZSF DESC~PTZON: Prolonged or re~atnd ~kin oon~a~t, £O'H SOO'ON Z~:I~- £6~£0 ~3~ ~S~U-9S9-£06:~I HU±S 3N09 A9913~ , mkln&$ ~hey may pm~m~t~ a~p~nof ~hia m~terts]. ~he exposed ~rea should b~ ex~insd ~ medical p~aonnel if E + HEDICAL ATTENTZON. T * ~NHALATZoN (~R~ING)~ Eemove fr~ e~omUre area ~o £r~h air immediately. If bre,~hing has ' 0 * MEDICAL ATTEAr~Q~. · ~N~ESTION ($NA~WI~)~ Z~ cona~ious~ induce v~it~ng ~0 p~even~ furth.r abjection. Give ~gen i~ ~espirat~on t~ VII * shallow. GeT MEDJC~ ATTENTION, ~o ~ot give any=hing by m~uth · D~CONT~INATION PR~URESt Uae emergency shower if ~vailable. Remove ~I1 =on~ina~ed · abso~tlo~. Naoh a~l clothing and e~d a~eaa of the bo~ · ~oal ~a~ piCuh volat~lee. · where ~his m~tewla~ t~ handled. W~sh h~nda ~horoughly be~¢=~ ~a~ln~ · ~o~p and wa~e~ shower mhould be =ekes ~t the end o~ each ~rk day. · mhould ~Ot be reworn until oleaned. B * BNGX~R~NG C~S~ Ail o~eration~ ~hould ~ co. ducked Iff well.ventila~ad ~ondi~lonm. C * be provided. 0 · ab~or~nt mater~al and aolle=~ ~or laser dimpo~al. For large ~ll~a the a~ ~*y requtr~ diking · egu~e~t during ~le~-~. After =~ll$~lon of mdt~al ~ush area ~h w~ter. · Cr~e) , Ha~lne Pollu~an~. P~g~ 3 OF 4 * This produ¢= co~tainm th~ [ollowlng Su~m~anf~s ~ons.~derod by ~h~ * * SECTION 315 BUPPL£ER ~TZFICATION> ~hia p~du=~ con,sins * and Co, unity Righ~-TO-Know Act of 1986 and of 40 CFR E* C. T. I* O* IX * Please no~e Chat the tnfo~*~io~> oon~atned herein IS f~rnl~hed without warza~y of any kind. O~ c,O'cl SOO'ON 8~:II £6,:.c0 S3J IGI5-9~9-£06:6I ~JUIS 3N09 ,,(9913U D~ ~ IN PENN ANIA: ! 800-323-657[ ~'-'-~J~lC~SOffi CHEMTREC ASSISTANCE: 1 800-424-9300 4~ SEVENTH AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA. 1521g CUSTOMER SERVICE: i 800-556-7737 SECTION I PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: COMMODITY NUMBER: 38000057 SYNONYM: None CHEMICAL FAMILY: Wood preservative FORMULA: Mixture CAS NUMBER: None DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Arsenical Compound Liquid NOS DOT HAZARD CLASS: Poison B UN~NA NUMBER: UN 1556 SECTION II HEALTH/SAFETY ALERT DANGER CAUSES SEV. ERE EYE BURNS CAUSES SEVERE BURNS MAY BE FATAL IF INHALED MAY BE FATAL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED SECTION III HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION EYE: Corrosive to the eyes. SKIN: Corrosive to the skin. Material'may penetrate the skin and cause deaLh or damage to internal organs including the liver and kidneys. INItALATION: Corrosive to upper airway~ when inhaled in concentrations exceeding recommended exposure limits. Short-term overexposure may cause muscle spasms, dizziness, and collapse. Prolonged ov.6rexposure may cause perforation of nasal septum, hoarseness of the voice, liver in}ury and skin changes. Chronic arsenic intoxication is characterized by fatigue and gastrointestinal disturbances. Nervous system damage may also occur.. INGESTION: Corrosive. Can cause interhal hemorrhage and death if consumed as a liquid. Long-term low-level consumption may lead Lo effects listed under prolonged inhalation overexposure. qTHER: SEE SECTION XII (COMMENTS). REVISION DATE: 03/87 CODE NUMBER: WPROOOO2MR8706 SPECIFICATION SHEET NUMBER: JMG(6/85) REPLACES SHEET: WPROOOO2MR8705 COMMODITY NUMBER: 38000057 PRODUCT NAME: Wolmanac centrate 50% PAGE 2 SECTION IV - EMERGENCY AND FIRST EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. (' 'q~diately seek medical aid. SKIN CONTACT: Immediately flush area with large amounts of water. Remove contaminated clothing. Immediately seek medical aid. INHALATION: Remove from exposure. If breathing has stopped or is difficult, administer artificial respiration or oxygen as indicated. Seek medical aid. INGESTION: Immediately seek medical aid. Do not induce vomiting. Give 1 glass of milk or 1. to 2 oz (30 'to 60gl of activated' charcoal in water t.o victim as tolerated. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN:Severe arsenic poisoning from occupational exposure is unlikely; if it should occur, administer BAL 10% in oil, IM, 3 mg/kg for each injection-day i & 2, every 4 hfs; day, 3, every 6 hfs; day 4-14, every 12 hrs. SECTION V - FIRE ANDi EXPLOSION HAZARD INFORMATION FLASH POINT & METHOD: NA AUTOIGNITION TEMP: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS (% BY VOLUME/AIR): LOWER: NA UPPER: NA EXTINGUISttING MEDIA: Not applicable. FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear comple.te fire service protective equipment, including full-face MSHA/NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus. Use ~r to cool fire-exposed container/structure/protect personnel. ~This product'~ u~ not burn. Fire from a separate fuel source may be intense enough to cause thermal decomposition', releasing toxic gases. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Concentrate will not burn. Chromic acid content makes this product a strong oxidizing] agent; contact with strong reducing agents may cause an explosion. May cause fire on contact with combustible materials. Closed containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat(fire). SECTION VI - SPItL, LEAK AND DI~PO~L-i~~Ti~N SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES(PRODUCT): Stop leak if no risk involved. Stay upwind. Small spills: Take up with sand or other noncombustible absorbent material. Flush area with water. Dike large spills for later disposal. Contain runoff from fire control and dilution water.: Preferably use a liquid recovery type vacuum cleaner to recover. Use an inert absorbent to complete a clean-up. IMPORTANT-All contaminated sawdust mqst be neutralized with lime or cement before clean-up efforts begin..Use ratio of 200 lbs. lime or 800 lbs. cement/50 gallons product. WASTE DISPOSAL: This product exhibits characteristics of EP toxicity - US EPA defined. Dispose of as an EP toxic waste in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Place in tightly sealed labeled containers. This product released into the environment must be reported to the National Response Center (1 800-424-8802). The reportable quantity (RQ) for this product is 1 pound. ~RODUCT ~AME:. Wolmanac C. entrate 50% : PAGE 3 : SECTION VII - RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LIM[T/I~AZARDOUS INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS CAS NUMBER PERCENT EXPOSURE LIMIT (PPM;MG/M3) I ' Arsenic Pentoxide 1303-28-2 <20 OSHA-PEL as As 0.01 ACGIH-TLV as As 0.2 Chromic Acid 1333-82-0 <25 OSHA-PEL asCr03 0.1 ACGIH-TLV as Cr 0.05 Copper Oxide 1317-138-0 <25 OSHA-PEL as Cu 1 ACGIH-TLV as £u 1 dust,mist SECTION VIII - PERSONAL PROTECTION INFORMATION EYE PROTECTION: Splashproof goggles and face shield (ANSI Z87.1 or equivalent). SKIN PROTECTION: Acid resistant industrial type work clothing/safety-type footwear. Depending on work conditions, aprons, 'jackets, pants, coveralls, boots. Based on best available information: heavy duty lined, polyvinyl chlor ide, vinyl coated, neoprene, NBR, rubber. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: If ventilation is inadequate to maintain personal inhalation exposures below TLV (PEL), dse appropriate MSHA/NIOSH approved respiratory protection to comply with current 29 CFR 1910.134 and manufacturer's "Instructions" and "Warnings" VENTILATION: Provide sufficient generai/local exhaust ventilation in pattern/volume to control inhalation exposures below current exposure limits. SECTION IX PERSONAL HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS HANDLING: Avoi.d all personal contact - CORROSIVE MATERIAL..Do not wear contaminated clothing. Do not use or handle until manufacturer's safety precautions have been read and understood. Safety showers and eye wash fountains should be present, i STORAGE: Keep in a closed, prope~!y labeled container within a cool (shaded), dry, well-ventilated area. Separate material from combustible substances/fuels/organic chemicals, dehydrating agents and reducing agents. OTHER: Do not use.pressure to empty drum(s). Clean empty containers properly/thoroughly before d.iscarding or reuse. Follow OSHA/NIOSH confined space entry procedures. Relieve internal pressure when received in drums and at least weekqy thereafter by slowly loosening closure. Retighten immediately. PRODUCT NAME: Wolmanac C entrate 50% PAGE 4 SECTION X ' REACTIVITY A Cp~DITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO INSTABILITY.: None ' IN<O~PATABI.LITy: Alkaline materials, reducing agents, zinc, galvanized steel, nascent hydrogen, aluminum HAZARDOUS REACTION'S/DECOMPOSITION PRODiU£TS: 'Arsenical compounds CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO HAZARDOUS P~O[YMERIZATION: None SECTION XI - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: ND SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.64 MELTING POINT: NA % V:OLATILE BY VOL: ND VAPOR PRESSURE: ND EVAPORATION RATE(ETHER=l): ND VAPOR DENSITY(AIR=i):ND VISCOSITY: ND SOLUBILITY Soluble PH:, ND (WATER): voc: Na FREEZING POINT: -30C (-2'2F) APPEARANCE/ODOR: Dark brown heavy liquid SECTION XlI - COMMENTS Manufacturer's Code Identification: FPL 0433, EPA Registration Number: 61-128 DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY..Liquid'penetrates shoes and leather causing delayed burns. Showering/clothing change recommended at the end of each shift. Clean empty containers properly/thoroughly before discarding or reuse. Promptly wash skin thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Individuals with pre-exis~ipg disease in, or a history of ailments involving the skin, kidney, liver, lungs, or nervous system may be at greater risk of developing adverse health effects. iARC, NTP, and OSHA do not consistently distinguish among arsenic or chrome species but list inorganic arsenic and chromium and certain chrome, compounds as human carcinogens. Ca6cers in humans have followed from long-term: 1) consumption of Fowler's Soltuion, a medicinal trivalent arsenical; 2) inhalation and skin contact with inorganic trivalent arsenical sheep-dust; 3) the combined inhalation of arsenic trioxide (triva:lent arsenical), sulfur dioxide, and other particulates from ore smelting in ars.enic trioxide production; 4) occupational exposure to nonwater-soluble hexavalent chromium. This product does not contain itrivalent arsenic or nonwater-soluble hexavalent chromium compounds. No known ingredients other tha, n inorganic arsenic and chrome occur in this product at greater than 0.1% and are listed as carcinogens in the IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the C:arcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, NTP Annual Report on Carcinogens,i or OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001-1047 subpart Z Toxic and ttazardous Substances (Speciifically Regulated Substances). SKIN PROTECTION (protective material): Permeation/degradation'values of chemical mixtures cannot be predicted, from pure components or chemical classes. ~ ..~ entrate 50% PAGE 4A Thus, these materials are normally best estimates based on available pure c~mpoo~nt data. ( Do not use un~il manufacturer's precautions have been read/understood. Wa exposed areas promptly and thoroughly after skin contact and before eating, drinking, using tobacco products or rest rooms. Do not wear contact lens without proper eye protection when using this product. NOTICE: While the information and recommendations set forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof, Koppers Company makes no warranty with respect thereto and disclaims all liability from reliance thereon. #QT TRADE NAME (COMMON NAME) [] C.A.S. No. [] ALLIED PRODUCT COD[: · Creosote Treated Wood None CHEMICAL NAME AND/OR SYNONYM NA. Canadian Product Classification (WHMIS): Class D, Division 2, Subdivision A, very toxic material. TDG Flammability Classification: None. Sensitivity to mechanical impact: NA. Sensitivity to static discharge: NA. FORMULA I MOLECULAR WEIGHT Preserved woodI NA Allied-Signal Inc. ADDRESS (No., STREET, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE) Engineered Materials Sector P.O. Box 1053 Morristown, N.J. 07962 CONTACT Manager, Environmental Services I PHONE NUMBER LAST ISSUE DATE I CURRENT ISSUE DATE Tar Products (201) 455-4767 April, 1991 I EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER CAUTION: Handling may cause splinters. Preservative treatment may cause eye and skJn (201) 455-2000 irritation. Observe good hygiene and safety practices when handling this product. Do not use this product until MSDS has been read and understood. EYE CONTACT: Gently flush any particles from the eye with large amounts of cold water. DO NOT RUB EYES· Flush with clean, cool water for 15 minutes. SKIN CONTACT: Rinse skin free of particulates. Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid solvents. Rub gently to avoid abraision of skin. INHALATION: Remove from exposure. If breathing has stopped or is difficult, administer artificial respiration or oxygen as indicated. Seek medical aid. INGESTION: Wipe material from mouth and lips. If symptoms appear, seek medical aid. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: There is no specific antidote for effects from overexposure to this material. Treatment should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinicat condition. (See Section C for Health Hazards Effects). HEALTH INHALATION Finely divided wood dust, treated or untreated, may cause nose, throat or lung irritation and other respiratory effects. Preserva- tive vapor may cause respiratory tract irritation. If exposed in a closed space, vapors may produce headache, drowsiness, and possible weakness and incoordination. See Section XII - COMMENTS. INGESTION Eating treated sawdust may cause mouth, throat and stomach irritation. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can occur. SKIN Contact with skin can result in irritation which when not washed off or when accentuated by sunlight, can result in a phototoxic skin reaction. EYES Overexposure to product vapors can result in irritation. Eye contact with treated or untreated wood dust or preservative will result in irritation, which in the absence of recommended first aid can result in minor burns to the eyes. PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION: AIR BIOLO(-~ICAL (SEE SECTION J) ND. See Section H. ND UNUSUAL CHRONIC TOXICITY CREOSOTE: NTP -- Carcinogenic. Prolonged and repeated skin exposure over many years in the absence of recommended hygiene practices may lead to changes in skin pigmentation, benign skin growths and may in some cases, result in skin cancer. Additionally, inhalation of creosote vapors may present a lung cancer hazard. See Section K for detailed explanation. CC 124-482 (11/881 NO = NOT DETERMINED 1 NA - NOT APPLICABLE AtlacnrT',ems: P;~g~ 5 FIRE AND EXPLOSION FLASH POINT ---- 'C AUTO IGNITION 'C FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR (% BY VOL.) NA TEMPERATURE ND LOWER -- ND UPPER -- ND [] OPEN CUP [] CLOSED CUP UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Water/fog can control unconfined fires. When heated to elevated temperatures, it emits lower molecular weight hydrocarbons. FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENTS RECOMMENDED Water/fog, carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemicals, sand, or steam. FIRE ESTINGUISHING AGENTS TO AVOID NA SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PRECAUTIONS Wood dust may form explosive mixture with air. Fire vapors and combustion products are irritants and toxic. VENTILATION Avoid breathing vapors or sawdust, ventilate work area, wear respirator, goggles,-or face shield. Ventilation necessary only if material handling generates dust. Provide sufficient general/local exhaust ventilation in pattern/volume to control inhalation exposures below current exposure limits and areas below explosive dust concentrations. NORMAL HANDLING Wear clothing closed at the neck, long sleeves and non-porous type gloves. Industrial type resistant/e.g., vinyl coated) heavy duty-type flexible gloves required for prolonged or frequent contact. For dusty operations (areas) wear necessary resistant protective apparel to include required head, hand and safety -type footwear. Wear tightly woven coveralls or long sleeved shirts and long pants. A complete soap and water shower at the end of each working day is recommended for all industrial work situ- ations. STORAGE Keep away from open flame. SPILL OR LEAK (ALWAYS WEAR PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT -- SECTION E) NA SPECIAL: PRECAUTIONS/PROCEDURES~LABEL INSTRUCTIONS SIGNAL WORD - NA Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing should be worn when fumes and/or smoke are present. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Not normally required except when handling procedure(s) generate dust. If ventilation does not maintain inhalation exposures below PEL (TLV), use MSHA/NIOSH approved units as per current 29 CFR 1910.134, if within OSHA protection factor, air purifying OV/filter units OK. Use a NIOSH-approved respirator with suitable particulate cartridge. EYES AND FACE Safety glasses, goggles or face shield when power sawing or machining. HANDS, ARMS, AND BODY Wear necessary protective clothing to protect head, face, neck and uncovered skin from contact with wood dust or preservative. For exposed skin, use approved creams (e.g. Pro-Tek, Fend A-2, Ply #9, Krisopol). OTHER CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT If oily preservatives/sawdust soil clothes, launder before reuse. Urethane/epoxy/shellac are acceptable sealers for creosote treated wood. Whenever possible, sawing/machining treated wood should be pedormed outdoors to avoid accumulations of airborne treated wood sawdust. Coal tar pitch and coal tar pitch emulsions are effective sealers for creosote treated wood block flooring. A complete change of work clothes should be used each day if comaminated. Also see Section K. MATERIAL IS (AT NORMAL CONDITIONS): APPEARANCE AND ODOR [] LIQUID [] SOLID [] GAS Treatment imparts dark brown to black color with a penetrating (~. .... [] smokey odor. SPECIFIC GRAVITY VAPOR DENSITY BOLLING POINT NA 'C (R,O - 1) (AIR - 1) MELTING POINT NA 'C Apx, the same as untreated wood, NA SOLUBILITY IN WATER pH VAPOR PRESSURE (% by Weight) (mm HO ~). [] (PSIG) [] NA NA Negligible @ ambient EVAPORATION RATE % VOLATILES BY VOLUME (Butyl Acetate = 1) L_J (Ether = 1) (At 20'C) NA NA STABiLiTY CONDITIONS TO AVOID [] UNSTABLE . [] STABLE None known, INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID) Strong acids, Open flame, HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSiTiON PRODUCTS Material does not decompose. Combustion products include carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDITIONS TO AVOID [] MAY OCCUR [] WILL NOT OCCUR NA MATERIAL OR COMPONENT / C.AmS. ~ WT.% HAZARD DATA (~EE SECT: J) No exposure limit has been established for this product. See ingredients. ,The Creosote content of treated wood is based on a treatment level of 7 lbs. Creosote / ft3 wood; the actual percentage can vary due to differences in woodstock and treatment, Creosote 8001-58-9 15% 0,2 mg/m3 Benzene soluble fraction as an 8 hr. TWA ACGIH and OSHA Wood Dust 1 mg/m3 TWA - ACGIH (certain hardwood species o oak and beech) 5 mg/m3 TWA - OSHA 10 mg/m~ STEL - OSHA (softwood) 5 mg/m~ TWA - ACGIH and OSHA 10 mg/m~STEL ACGIH and OSHA SARA Title III Section 313 reporting chemicals Creosote 3 ' . PROPRiETAF~Y -- FqAOE SECR~_T DEGRADABILITY/AQUATIC TOXICITY I OCTANOLANATER PARTITION COEF~=ICIENT I ND NE) EPA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES? [] [] 40 CFR (CLEAN WATER ACT SECT, 311) IF SO, REPORTABLE QUANTITY: at 116-117 ' ' YES NO WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS (DISPOSER MUST COMPLY WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL DISPOSAL OR DISCHARGE LAWS) WASTE DISPOSAL: Disposal of treated wood by ordinary trash collection or burial. Treated wood should not be burned in open fires or in stoves, fireplaces or residential boilers because toxic chemicals may be produced as part of the smoke and ashes. Treated wood from commercial or industrial use (e.g., construction sites) ¢nay be burned only in commercial or industrial incinerators or boilers in accordance with state and federal regulations. Treated wood is not regulated as a hazardous waste by the US EPA, and usually does not fail the US EPA TCLP test depending on sampling proce- dures, particle size, type of wood and proportion of treated to untreated wood sample. Dispose of sawdust and wood in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Contact your direct supplier for additional disposal information. RCRA STATUS OF UNUSED MATERIAL IF DISCARDED HAZARDOUS WASTE NUMBER: (IF APPLICABLE) I 40 CFR Solid Waste / Potential Hazardous Waste Potential characteristic waste I 281 PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION REFERENCES ACGIH "Threshold Limit Values..." 1988/1989. OSHA General Industry 29 CFR 1910. REGULATORY STANDARDS I D.O.T, CLASSIFICATION: NA I 49 CFR 173 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. Pennsylvania Worker Right-to-Know Act. GENERAL National Fire Prevention Association, Fire Protection Hand Book, NFPA 325 M, NFPA 491 M. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. I, McGraw Hill. See attached Technical Data Report (PC-7) "Using Coal Tar Products With Safety". See page 5 for further information. Additional Handling Instructions (from Section E): Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin or breathing of dusts. Avoid eye contamination with wood dust or preservative. Do not wear contaminated clothing; discard contaminated footwear. Launder contaminated work clothing separately from household clothing, or discard. When sawing or machining treated wood use a dust mask. Showering and clothing change are recommended at the end of each work shift. Wash exposed areas promptly and thoroughly after skin contact and before eating, drinking, or using tobacco products or restrooms. Do not wear contact lens without proper eye protection when using this product. Do not use this product until the manufacturers instructions have been read and understood. PSDS FILE No. 1182 4 Creosote Treated Wood Page 5 of 5 SECTION K -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -- continued Persons with pre-existing disease in or a history of ailments involving the skin or respiratory tract may be at a greater than normal risk of developing adverse health effects from woodwo~!og, operations with.this Pr0c~.u. ct. UNTREATED WOOD DUST OR SAWDUST: The principal health effects reported from occupational exposure to sawdust or wood dust generated from untreated wood are dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, reduced or suppressed mucociliary clearance rates, chronic obstructive lung changes, and nasal sinus cancer. Skin and respiratory sensitization have been reported from exposure to hardwood dust. Epidemiological studies have been reported on carcinogenic risks of employment in the furniture-making industry, the carpentry industry, and the lumber and sawmill industry. IARC has reviewed these studes and reports that there is sufficient evidence that nasal carcinomas have been caused by employment in the furniture-making industry where the excess risk is associated with exposure to untreated wood dust or sawdust from hardwood species. IARC concluded that epidemiological data are not sufficient to make a definite assessment of the carcinogenic risks of employment as a carpenter or worker in a lumbermill or sawmill. CREOSOTE PRESERVATIVE: The IARC monographs (Vol. 35) states that there is sufficient evidence for the carcinogencity of creosote in experimental animals. The NTP Annual Report on Carcinogens states that creosote oils are carcinogenic in experimental animals. Creosote does not appear in the OSHA Subpart Z Table. Epidemiological studies of workers in the woodtreating industry have shown no significant health effects due to occupational exposure to creosote. The application of a commercially available sun-blocking lotion is recommended to greathly reduce the phototoxicity of creosote associated sun burning. The lotion should be applied prior to the application of the barrier cream and should have a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater. Application of barrier creams, i.e., Ply 9Gel, Fend A-2 Cream, Krisopol to prevent coal tar containing products from contacting skin before working-several times during work may be beneficial. Showering and clothing change is strongly recommended at the end of each shift. No known ingredients which occur at greater than 0.1%, other than those listed above, are listed as a carcinogen in the IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, the NTP Annual Report on Carcinogens or OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001-1047 subpart Z Toxic and Hazardous Substances (Specifically Regulated Substances). CC124-482 ('11/88) PSDS FILE No, 949 TRADE NAME (COMMON NAME) [] C.A.S. No. [] ALLIED PRODUCT CODE # :Creosote 8001-58-9 CHEMICAL NAME AND/OR SYNONYM 2, 3 and 4 ringed polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons including some substituted compounds. FORMULA MOLECULAR WEIGHT Mixture of organic compounds. 130 -210 · ADDRESS (No., STREET, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE) Allied-Signal Inc. Engineered Materials Sector P.O. Box 1053, 101 Columbia Road- Morristown, N.J. 07962 CONTACT Manager, Environmental Services, I PHONE NUMBER LAST ISSUE DATE CURRENT ISSUE DATE Tar Products (201) 455-4767 October, 1990 April, 1991 I EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER (201) 455-2000 INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration; preferably mouth-to-mouth. _ If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician. SKIN CONTACT: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid solvents. EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes immediately with large amounts of water or mineral oil for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician. INGESTION: If conscious, first induce vomiting, then take 2 tablespoons of activated charcoal - USP (drug grade) in water. Get immediate medical assistance. HEALTH INHALATION Overexposure to vapor may result in irritation to respiratory tract. Prolonged exposure in significant excess of permissible air concentrations can result in acute toxic effects, such as respiratory difficulty, convulsions and possible cardiovascular collapse. INGESTION Irritation of the gastrointestinal tract followed by nausea and vomiting, abdominal discomfort, rapid pLilse, etc. Cardiovascular collapse may occur. Fatal dose is approximately 1.7 g/kg of body weight (rats). SKIN Contact with skin can result in irritation which when not washed off or when accentuated by sunlight, can result in minor burns. EYES Qverexposure to product vapors can result in irritation. Eye contact with product will result in irritation, which in the absence of recommended first aid can result in minor burns to the eyes. PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION: AIR BIOLOGICAL (SEE SECTION J) ' OSHA exposure limit -- Coal Tar Pitch volatiles as benzene solubles. ND. TWA: 8 hours is 0.2 mg/m3 (PPAH) [ACGIH TLV: same] UNUSUAL CHRONIC TOXICITY NTP -- Carcinogenic. Prolonged and repeated skin exposure over many years in the absence of recommended hygiene prac- tices may lead to changes in skin pigmentation, benign skin growths and may in some cases, result'in skin cancer. Additionally, inhalation may present a luncj cance, r hazard. CC124-482 (11/84) ND = NOT DETERMINED 1 NA. NOT APPLICABLE Ailacnrr.'~nts: PC.7 and Ccrr~ound Ind~x FIRE AND EXPLOSION FLASH POINT 70'C AUTO IGNITION 'C FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR (% BY VOL.) TEMPERATURE N.D. LOWER -- N.D. UPPER -- N.D. [] OPEN CUP [] CLOSED CUP FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS' ,,UNUSUAL Water/fog can control unconfined fires, but water may cause frothing or eruption in closed tanks. · When heated to elevated temperatures, it emits lower molecular weight hydrocarbons. FiRE EXTINGUISHING AGENTS RECOMMENBED Water/fog, carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemicals, sand, or steam. F~RE EST~NGU~SHING AGENTS TO AVOID See: Special Fire Fighting Precautions. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PRECAUTIONS Water/fog is recommended for the control of unconfined oil fires, but water may cause frothing or eruption in closed tank. VENTILATION Avoid breathing vapors, ventilate work area, wear respirator, goggles, or face shield. NORMAL HANDLING Wear clothing closed at the neck, long sleeves and non-porous type gloves. STORAGE Recommended temperature for storage is about 140'F. SPILL OR LEAK (ALWAYS WEAR PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT -- SECTION E) Avoid breathing vapors and contact with skin and eyes. Avoid sources of ignition (sparks or open flame). Contain the spill or leak with solids, such as sand, earth, etc., dispose of in approved facilities, e.g. burn in approved incinerator. See Sections I & K for specific waste management directions. SPECIAL; PRECAUTIONS/PROCEDURES~LABEL INSTRUCTIONS SIGNAL WORD - DANGER! Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing should be worn when fumes and/or smoke are present. A complete soap and water shower should be taken at thet end of each working day. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Use a NIOSH-approved respirator with Suitable organic vapor cartridge as necessary to control exposures above the TLV or PEL reported in Section J. EYES AND FACE Safety glasses, goggles or face shield. HANDS, ARMS, AND BODY Long-sleeved clothing closed at the neck and non-porous gloves. For exposed skin, use approved creams (e.g. Pro-Tek, Fend A-2, Krisopol, Safeticote Skin Protector No. 83734). OTHER CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ' ' A complete change of woik clothes should be used each day if contaminated. 2 MATERIAL IS (AT NORMAL CONDITIONS): APPEARANCE AND ODOR , _ [] LIQUID [] SOLID [] GAS Dark brown liquid with a penetratin9 smokey odor and a burning -(~._ [] caustic taste. SPECIFIC GRAVITY VAPOR DENSITY BOILING POINT 210 - 425'C (H,O- t) (A~R- 1) 1.03 - 1.18 MELTING POINT 'C (Avg: 9.1 lbs./gal) < 1 SOLUBILITY IN WATER pR VAPOR PRESSURE (% by Weight) (mm Hg at) [] (PSIG) [] 100'C m 80 MM Insoluble. N.D. 125'C m 225 MM 150'C -- 370 MM EVAPORATION RATE % VOLATIRES BY VOLUME (Butyl Acetate = 1) X~ (Ether = 1) (At 20'C) <1 N.D. STABILITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID [] UNSTABLE [] STABLE None known. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID) None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS - Material does not decompose. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDITIONS TO AVOID [] MAY OCCUR [] WILL NOT OCCUR N.A. MATERIAL OR COMPONENT 1 C.A.S. ~ Hazard information found in Section C is for Creosote, a mixture of many materials. Compounds which have been identified are found on the accompanying Creosote Compound Index. SARA --TITLE I11 (40 CFR 300) 1. THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE(S) COMPONENT TPO CLBSI RO CLBSI (SECTIONS 302 and 304): None Listed NA INA 2. THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING CERCLA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE(S) COMPONENT WT % RO (LBS) (SECTIONS 302 and 304): Anthracene 6.0 5000 Benzene .002 10 O-Cresol <0,1 1000 M&P-Cresol <0.1 1000 Naphthalene 4,8 100 NOTE: THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN SECTIONS 1 AND 2 Phenol <0.1 1000 IS REQUIRED FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE REPORTING. Quinoline 1.6 5000 Toluene 0.01 1000 Xylene 0.01 1000 Acenapthalene 6.0 100 Phenanthrene 16.0 5000 Fluorene 5.0 5000 3, THIS PRODUCT HAS THE FOLLOWING HAZARDS (SECTIONS 311 AND 312): YES NO IMMEDIATE X DELAYED X FiRE X PRESSURE X REACTIVE X 4. THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING TOXIC CHEMICALS (SECTION 313): COMPONENT CAS # WI' % Creosote 8001-58-9 100 Date: 12-04-90 3 ' - PROPRIETARY-- TRADE SECRET DEGRADABILITY/AQUATIC TOXICITY OCTANOL/WATER PARTITION COEFFICIENT N.D. Due to its Iow vapor pressure and extremely Iow evaporation rate, the volatility rate at 20'C is almost zero. Upon heating, at f" ..-' extremely high temperatures, hydrocarbons will be emitted and some degradation will take place. ~ EPA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES? [] [] If SO, REPORTABLE QUANTITY: I 40 CFR (CLEAN WATER ACT SECT. 311) # 116-117 · YES NO WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS (DISPOSER MUST COMPLY WITH FEDERAL. STATE AND LOCAL DISPOSAL OR DISCHARGE LAWS) Incineration is recommended. Since them may be mom than one applicable waste code for waste with creosote constituents, the disposal requirements for each should be evaluated. RCRA STATUS OF UNUSED MATERIAL IF DISCARDED HAZARDOUS WASTE NUMBER: CF APPLICABLE) 40 CFR Hazardous Waste. (See Section K for other pertinent waste designations). U 051 261 PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION REFERENCES ACGIH "Threshold Limit Values.. "1989/90. OSHA General Industry 29 CFR 1910 Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles (CTPV). (Refer to Section C for exposure limits). REGULATORY STANDARDS I D.O.T. CLASSIFICATION: Combustible Liquid. I 49 CFR 173 NIOSH Criteria Document -- Coal Tar Products DOT CFR 49 Pads 100 - 199 USEPA40 CFR 112 GENERAL - National Fire Prevention Association, Fire Protection Hand Book, NFPA 325 M, NFPA 491 M. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. I, McGraw Hill. See attached Technical Data Report (PC - 7)"Using Coal Tar Products With Safety". A CERCLA (Superfund) release of one (1) pound of creosote requires National Response Center notification. The Reportable Quantity is one (1) pound for creosote. Other waste code designations for creosote containing wastes appear in the December 6, 1990 Federal Register as F034: Wastewaters, process residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that use creosote formulations. This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol. Please consult with appropriate state regulatory authorities to determine when the F034 designation is effective in the given state. Creosote-containing wastes may also be characteristic hazardous wastes even if not meeting the U051, K001, or F034 waste code designations. PSDS FILE NO. 949 4 HEALTH INFORMATION FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES VOLUME 4, NUMBER 1, 1988 CREOSOTE Wm. Richey Neuman, MPH Chemical Composition: Creosote is a complex mixture yellowish to green-brown to black due to impurities or of aromatic hydrocarbons (anthracene, naphthalene, and oxidation. phenanthrene derivatives), tar acids (phenol, cresols, and Warning Properties: Creosote has a characteristic sharp, xylenols), and tar bases (pyridine and lutidine derivatives), penetrating, smoky odor and a caustic, burning taste. Its vapors are irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract. Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) #8001-58-9 NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Vapor pressure: Not available. Chemical Substances (RTEC S) #GF8615000 Specific gravity: 1.05 - 1.09 at 15°C (liquid) Department of Transportation (DOT) Boiling point.' 195-400°C (383-752°F) (continuous) Identification # 1993 Autoignltlon Temperature: 335°C (637°F) Synonyms Water Solubility: The bulk material is slightly soluble in water. However, the solubilities of its individual constituents vary greatly. Creosote-saturated solutions contain about 0.2 AWPA -1 Cresylic creosote gl1 of soluble organic compounds. Brick oil Dead oil Coal tar oil Heavy oil Creosote from coal tar Liquid pitch oil Hazardous Chemical Properties Creosote oil Naphthalene oil Although creosote is a variable mixture, different batches Creosote P1 and P2 Tar oil and grades have similar properties. Creosote is fairly stable Creosotum Wash oil and persistent in the environment. It does not react with common materials. 7 Exposure Guidelines Creosote is a combustible liquid, with a flash point of 75°C (165°F) and an autoignition temperature of 335°C (637°F). Federal OSHA Fires involving creosote or creosote-treated wood may pro- - -Permissible~Exposure-hevel-('PLZL-): 0;-2 mq/m$ duce a 'h~i~~d t-8~8-151~k sm-~m~-k~-la~de~tl~ th~- California Drinking Water Action Level: None constituents of creosote. Water may be ineffective in extin- guishing creosote fires; dry chemicals, foam, or carbon Note: PEL's have been set for coal tar pitch volatiles. Coal tar dioxide should be used. 7 is a closely related mixture produced by the same process. The Federal PEL for coal tar pitch volatiles is 0.2 mq/m3. This is the maximum 8-hour time-weighted average air concentration to which a worker can be legally exposed. Chemical Description There are actually two types of "creosote": coal tar creosote Physical Properties which is obtained from the high temperature (200 to 250°C) distillation of bituminous coal and wood tar creosote which is Appouranco: Creosote is a heavy, oily liquid. It is colorless obtained from the distillation (205 to 220°C) of tar generated when pure. However, the commercial product is usually from beechandotherwoods.1,2 Hazard REVIEW A service of the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Toxic Info Center, Frank J. Mycroft, Ph.D., Director Poison Control Center; Kent R. Olson, MD, Director San Francisco General Hospital, 1E86 Medical Advisory Committee: Charles E. Becket, MD 1001 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110 Neal L. Benowitz, MD (415) 821-5338 Kent R. Olson, MD Supported by the Department of Health Services, State of California Richard Jackson, MD, Project Coordinator Coal tar creosote is used primarily as a wood preservative. It Occupational Exposures. An estimated 50,000 people is also used as an acaricide, herbicide, insecticide, arachni- such as farmers, carpenters, and home owners are exposed to cide, fungicide, and horse and bird repellent. In the past, wood creosote by applying it directly to wood. Given the vast tar creosote was used medicinally as a disinfectant and in the amount of lumber pretreated with this substance, many more form of creosote carbonate as a stimulating expectorant. This workers are secondarily exposed when handling treated wood. wood tar creosote was comprised almost entirely of guaiacol In 1~980, the USDA estimated that approximately 4,000 and cresols. Due to advances in medicinal chemistry, wood tar people were employed at 188 plants that ut~_pr, essure_t~__t~t~ creosote is rarely used today. The use of the non-medicinal ~wood'with-creo~-6t~l~ti~h. Approximately 9~ of the creosote coal tar creosote for these purposes would be dangerous. This that is use~ for wood preservation is applied in this way. There hazard review does not concern itself with wood tar creosote, are several opportunities for exposure to this preservative Coal tar creosote contains approximately 300 identifiable during the operation. Wood loaded onto tram cars is placed in compounds and possibly as many as 10,000 others. The exact chambers which are then filled with creosote and pressurized. composition-varies from batch to batch, and depends on the A deep penetration of the wood is achieved. Then, excess temperature of the distillation process, the type of coal used, creosote is removed by vacuum, and the tram cars are and the grade of creosote produced. For this reason, creosote withdrawn, t~.T~t~t o'-5-¢-¢~th-ffit~--fo-F~-xposure is described in terms of its physical properties. Different (-~ith-drawa:l-of-the-[ra'm-c-a~--a-~-d~~---~ou~peratiqh~s grades (as specified by the American Wood Preservers' ~h-as~--~-dl~ning the chambers. ¢re-~6~sot~--derived P~AHs hav'~e Association) are used in different preservative and pesticide beEfi meas-T6F~d at treatment plants in concentrations up to 650 applications, t-4 ug/m3, s,4,s, t0 Coal tar creosote constituents of toxicological importance California state law requires that physicians repor,.t all cases are 'phe--~_o.l_?~nd phenolic compounds, pyridi~n~-~'~3and several of suspected pesticide-related illness to their local health polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The PAH compo- officer within 24 hours.[O~f__-th-~ll~l'0.-,0__00_total_p~d~ sition of creosote has been measured as high as 69% by ccases-r~p~t~-d-fr--E~l'977 to_1986,.216.were:related~to.creo-~ weight. Some of the important PAHs which have been ~'_T_h~ses'primadlyinvolved'inJuries'to-theskin'oreyes~-~ identified and measured are phenanthrene (169 mg/g), benzo[a]pyrene (4.25 rog/g), and benz[a]anthracene (10.9 rog/g). Many of the PAHs found in creosote are carcinogenic in test animals (Table 1), and are likely to account for the Table 3: Summary of Creosote-Associated Occupational reported carcinogenic effects of creosote in humans. 3,s,e Illnesses Reported to the California Department of Food and Agriculture by Physicians, 1977-1986.n Table 1: Components of Creosote for which there is Sufficient Evidence of Carcinogenicity in Experimental Animals. 3,~ TyPe of Injury Year Systemic Eye Skin Eye/Skin Total benzla]anthracene dibenzo[a,i]pyrene 1977 3 22 13 2 40 benzolblfluoranthene tndeno[ 1,2,3-Cdlpyrene .... 1978 1 4 26 2 33 benzo[j ]fluoranthene dibenz[a,h]acridine 1979 3 9 22 0 34 benzo[a]pyrene dibenz[a,j]acridine 1980 0 5 29 2 36 dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 2-napthylamine* 1981 0 3 11 0 14 dibenzo[a,h]pyrene o-toluidine 1982 0 5 14 0 19 1983 0 3 1 0 4 *Sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity in humans 1984 1 2 8 1 12 1985 0 2 16 2 20 Sources of Human Exposure 1986 0 1 3 0 4 Totals 8 56 143 9 ~. 16 Since the introduction in 1875 of pressurized wood treatment processes, creosote has become the most widely used wood preservative in the United States. There is a large potential for worker and public exposure. In 1985, 102.4 million gallons of creosote were used by 123 plants to treat 128.6 million cubic feet of wood. The total volume of wood treated with creosote is Consumer exposure~. Creosote has been widely avail- almost equal to the volume of wood treated with all other able to consumers for over 100 years. In 1984, the U.S. EPA preservatives combined. Creosote is the main agent used to proposed to restrict its sale and use to certified applicators or protect railroad ties, supporting posts, and utility poles. In personnel who have been trained in its safe use. The EPA also California, sales of creosote (Table 2) have remained well over proposed that labels on creosote containers state that applicat- 1 million poundsperyear.4,s,~ ors must wear gloves and protective clothing where dermal contact is expected and that they not eat, drink, or smoke during application. Although these EPA restrictions have yet to qo into effect, it would be prudent to adhere to them. The Table 2: Amount of Creosote Sold in California, 1983-85. ~ ~c~nsu~-mer should also be aware that exposure to sawdust or ~mo~ from creosote treated wood ~an be hazardous. The ~ inst/'uctibnE~n the labels of any;p~Sticid~ product shodld be closely followed. These labels are legal documents which Year Quantity (Pounds) specify the approved uses and required safety precautions. 4,1~ The EPA concurrently issued a consumer information sheet 1983 2,257,000 which stated that wood treated with creosote should not be 1984 1,501,848 used in areas where there would be opportunity for frequent 1985 3,501,029 skin contact. This information sheet also stated that treated wood should not be used in homes. Wherever treated wood is discovered indoors or likely to come into body contact (e.g. chairs and other outdoor equipment), two coats of an mutagens. For instance, positive responses were derived from appropriate sealant (urethane, shellac, or epoxy) are re- S. typhimurium and mouse lymphoma L5187¥ systems. 20.23 gulfed. Treated wood may be disposed of by ordinary trash collection or by burial according to the EPA. Such wood should not be burned in a fireplace or open fire becausertb~___Li~ Reproductive Toxicity. There is inadequate information ['f_u-~_es~ or ashes might be produced. Creosote-treated wood available on which to evaluate the effects of creosote on human should not be used where it may come into direct or indirect reproduction and fetal deve]opment.-One study found a high contact with public drinking water, except for uses involving rate of still birth and perinatal mortality in livestock housed in incidental contact such as docks and bridges. In California, creosote-treated pens. 24 creosote can not be used on playground equipment, z3,z4 Pharmacoklnotlcs in Humans. The disposition of creosote Adverse Health Effects in humans has not been fully described. Some creosote constituents are conjugated with sulfuronic, hexuronic, and other acids and are then excreted in the urine giving it a ~e:is-a-potent-toxicant-ca-u~i~b~th'~-~t~d-ch~ 'smokey' appearance. Dermal absorption of the polynuclear ~'-~ff~t~-ifi-human~-'~I~-i~-~t~-[~-at'~e~-~ral dose ~ aromatic hydrocarbons found in creosote has been observed following exposure to other coal tar products. creosote is'075 to 5 g~g for l~uma~, but fatalities have resulted from the ingestion o~--------~f as ]itt~le a-"~-7-g by adults and of about 1~2~O While creosote is a variable mixture of thousands of compounds, it is only possible to consider the pharm, acokine- ~y~Chilr::li~'~. The acute effects of creosote poisoning are attributed to its phenolic and cresolic constitutents. ~,~s,2s tics of a few of the individual components that cause acute toxicity, such as phenols and cresols. Phenol administered via The likelihood and severity of injury from creosote is the oral route is rapidly eliminated by the kidneys (a half-time dependent on the route, duration, and level of exposure. creo~t:~-:~an-~- ~:iS-irihalecl. v-ing~sted~c~i'--c-drh'es:i~ -of-t---4;5-hours)-as- sulfate-and-qlucuronide-conjugates~-T-he ~~:the~l[in-~0~.eyes~ pharmacologic properties of the cresol isomers are almost ~_.__.__- . ~ identical to those of phenol, is Contact Organ Toxicity. Creosote is a primary irritant, a photosensitizer, and a corrosive. Exposure to the[-fum~ Emergency First Aidlnstructions fva¥ors-causes irritation of eyes, nose and respiratory tract. Direct ~ye contact with the liquid or vapors can cause severe conjunctivitis, keratitis, and corneal scarring_~_~Direct-skin ,~cb-fit~-~t-~ff~au~-i~ft~t~h~d_~hinq_~ft~f_onl~,_a~ For immediate assistance call the TOXIC-INFO CENTER ..... (800) 233-3360 or your regional poison control center. ~f~:minutes.--.~iore prolonged skin contact can cause chemical Management of severe poisoning requires aggressive sup- acne, pigmentation changes (grayish yellow to bronze), portive therapy, preferably in a well-equipped Emergency photosensitization, and severe penetrating burns with blister- Department or Intensive Care Unit. There is no specific lng or ulceration. Re~-~t~-d~-~th-~t o~-l~i~'d~-~f-ti~-~-O ........ ~ .... antidote. Remove the victim from exposure immediately and 'h~as~_b_been associated with skin cance-~. Systemic toxicity can seek medical attention. result from substantial dermal exposure. ~, Eye Exposure. Flush eyes immediately with copious Systemic Toxicity. The systemic toxicity of creosote is amounts of tepid running water for at least 15 minutes. If thought to be due to its phenolic and cresolic constituents, irritation, pain swelling, lacrimation or photophobia persist, Phenols and cresols denature and precipitate proteins and are seek prompt medical attention including a fluorescein exam of general cytoplasmic poisons which cause injury to all cells, the corneal surface. Phenols are also readily absorbed and penetrate tissues very deeply. Ingestion of creosote can cause severe irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Vomiting is common. Respiratory irrita- Skin Exposure. Remove all contaminated clothing prompt- tion, bronchospasm, and pulmonary edema may also occur, ly_,_taking__care_to~avoid_seconda~y exposure. Dispose__of Gastr°intestin'ai-abs°rpti°n-is-rapid-and~pr°due6s--s~stemi~ clothing in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors and in effects of dizziness and headache. Central nervous system doubled, secured plastic bags. Creosote is not water soluble, (CNS) stimulation and seizures may occur, but this effect is so it is difficult to remove from skin. It can be removed from transitory and may be followed by CNS depression. Hepatic and renal damage can result, m~.~,2s skin by swabbing the area with a cloth soaked in mineral oil or Fatalities have occurred 14 to 36 hours after .creosote vaseline to solubilize the creosote and then by rinsing with ingestion and have been due to multi-organ failure involving soapy water to remove the material entirely. Repetition of this the liver and kidneys (acute tubular necrosis)and cardiovas- process for several hours may be required for complete cular collapse. ~,~6, m2s removal. Seek medical attention promptly. I~hal~tlon. Remove victim to fresh air, give oxygen if Carcinogeniclty. When applied dermally, ~t~--h~h~9 .pro~d~i~c-~r[cer_a~d lung adenomas in mice. ~W~~ breathing is difficult, and assist breathing if needed. Contact a physician. Observe for delayed onset of chemical pneumonia · exposed, to creosote_have be-~_reported_t~-~develo~'~k'i~ ~_:__--.~._~ __--- - . - ~ or pulmonary edema for at least 6 to 8 hours after significant , cancer 'Epidemiological studies have shown that exposures to ~ ~ exposure. coal tar products similar in their chemical composition to creosote have been associated with skin and lung cancer in humans, e Ingestion. Have victim drink water or milk; do not induce vomiting. Immediately seek medical help including gastric lavaqe and administration of activated charcoal and cathartic. Mutagenlcfty. Creosote and a coal tar-creosote mixture If esophageal or gastric, burns are suspected do not give have been shown to be mutaqenic in some tests used to detect activated charcoal, contact an endoscopist for evaluation. Personal Protection Information used depends upon the exposure environment. Work environ- ments should be designed so as not to require the routine use of a respirator. Dust masks are effective against sawdust contain- Protective gear and clothing should be selected and used in ing creosote. consultation with an industrial hygienist to ensure that they are adequate and used safely. ~ For further information call: Eye protection. Chemical safety goggles should be worn where creosote and/or sawdust from creosote-treated products might contact the eye. Contact lenses should not be worn. Toxic-I~fo Center. (800) 233-3360 Skin protection. Impervious clothing, aprons, gloves, face Worker Health and Safety Unit, California Department of Food shields should be worn to prevent all skin contact. Frequently and Agriculture. (916) 445-8474 change protective garments. Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS) Respiratory protection. Respirators are required in situa- (415) 540-3014. Call collect with questions regarding occupa- tions with inadequate ventilation. The type of respirator to be tional exposures. Selected Major References: 1. Deichmann, W.B., et al. *~Phenols and Phenolic Compounds," In: 13. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Wood preserva- Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Vol. IIA. John Wiley and rive pesticides: Creosote, pentachlorophenol, inorganic arsenicals. Sons, New York. p. 2601 (1981 ). Position Document 4. Washington, D.C. ( 1984). 2. American Wood Preservers' Association. AWPA Book of Standards. 14. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. Report to the Washington, D.C.(1976). Legislature: Evaluation of hazards posed by the use of wood 3. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Coal tar, creosote, preservatives on playground equipment. California Department of and coal tar neutral oil: Position Document 1. Report No. EPA/SPRD- Health Services (1982). 80/82 (1978)and Position Document 2/3 Washington, D.C. (1981). 15. McMillan, B.T. Data on applicator exposure. A Report to the 4. United States Department of Agriculture. The biologic and Environmental Program Task Group, Subgroup No. 5 (Creosote) of the economic assessment of pentachlorophenol, organic arsenicals, creo- American Wood Preserves Institute (1976). sore. Vol. 1: Wood preservatives. Technical Bulletin No. 1658-1, 16. Arena, J. Poisoning (4th edition). Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Washington, D.C. (1980). Illinois (1979). 5. IARC Working Group. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the 17. Bowman, C.E., et al. A fatal case of creosote poisoning. Postgrad. Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals ~o Humans. Supplement ] (1979), Med, J. 60:499(1984). Supplement 4 (1982), and Volume 35:83 (1985). 18. Goodman, L.S., et al. (eds.). The Pharmacological Basis of 6. Wright, C.W., et al. Comparative chemical analysis of commercial Therapeutics (6th edition). MacMillan Publishing Co., New York creosotes and solvent refined Coal-II materials by high resolution gas (1980). chromatography. J. High Resolut. Chromat. and Chromat. Comm. 8:283 (1985). 19. Sittiq, M. Hazardous and Toxic Effects of Industrial Chemicals. Noyes Data Corp., Park Ridge, New Jersey, p. 150 (1979). 7. Weiss, G. (ed.). Hazardous Chemicals Data Book. Noyes Data Corp., Park Ridge, NJ (1980). 20. Simmon, V.F., et al. In Vitro Microbiological Mutaqenicity Assays of Creosote P1 and Creosote P2. SRI International report for EPA, 8. American Wood Preservers' Institute. 198~ Commercial creosote Contract No. 68-01-2458. Cited in Fed. Reg. 43, no. 202, p. 48154 usage statistics (personal communication) (1987). (1978). 9. Wo~"ker Health and Safety Unit. Report(s) of Pesticides Sold in 21. Mitchell, A.D., et al. In Vitro Mammalian Mutaqenicity Assays of California. Division of Pesticide Management, California Department Creosote P1 and P2. SRI International report for EPA, contract no. of Food and Agriculture (1981-85). 68-01-2458. Cited in Fed. Reqist. 43, no. 202, p. 48154 (1978). 10. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Industrial 22. Bos, R.P., et al. Genotoxic exposure of workers creosoting wood. Hygiene Surveys of Occupational Exposure toWood Preservative Br. J. Ind. Med. 41:260 (1984). Chemicals. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. DHHS 23. Bos, R.P., et al. Mutaqenicity of creosote in the Salmonella/micro- (NiOSH) Publication No. 83-106 (1983). some assay. Mutat. Res. 119:21 (1983). ~:l.._W?rker_._Health~and~Safety Unit. Su--~--~-TilSle-~_of_-R~ie.--g2~_and r~ph--~i~i~ns_ _Report/~_of_Possible_Pesticide_ExposureL_-~-nn_Ca~ 24. Schipper, I,A. The toxicity of wood preservatives for swine. Am. J. ~".Division-of-Pe~ti~i~M~f~De-~r.t'~t_-~f]F_5-~d.~h-d~ Vet. Res. 22(88):401 (1961). ~_~gric~u~e.(.197-7-86). ~' 25. Lewin, L. Gifte und Verqiftungen. Strike, Berlin. p. 346 (1929). 12. Jonas, A. Creosote burns, J. Indus. Hyg. and Toxicol. 25:418 26. Poisindex Editorial Board, Poisindex (Creosote). Micromedex Inc., (1943). Denver, CO (1987). MATERIAL H Z S 0 N MEDICAI~MERGENCIES: 1 800 553-5631 SAFETy ~ ........ ~' IN PEN N~IFLVANIA: 1 800 323-6571 '-QATA OUTSIDE U.S.A'.: 412 227-2000 SHEET /""~kson CorporatiolnTM ~ ~/ SEVENTH AVENU~ CHEMTREC ASSISTANCE 1 800 424-9300 PITTSBURGH, PA. 15219 CANUTEC: i 613 996-6666 · ' ....... SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Wolmanized(R) Wood and Lumber SYNONYM: None ' ' PRODUCT USE: treated wood CHEMICAL FAMILY: NA FORMULA: Chromated Copper Arsenate Preserved Wood CAS NUMBER: None DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: None DOT HAZARD CLASS: None UN/NA NUMBER: None CANADIAN PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION: wood product - exempted SECTION II - HEALTH/SAFETY ALERT HANDLING MAY CAUSE SPLINTERS WOOD DUST MAY CAUSE EYE AND SKIN IRRITATION OBSERVE GOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES WHEN HANDLING THIS PRODUCT DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT UNTIL MSDS HAS BEEN READ AND UNDERSTOOD WARNING: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS A CHEMICAL KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO.CAUSE CANCER. DO NOT BURN IN STOVES, FIREPLACE OR OPEN FIRE SECTION III - HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION EYE: Treated or untreated wood dust may cause mechanical irritation. SKIN: Prolonged and/or repeated direct contact with treated or untreated wood dust may cause mild, transient irritation. See Section XII COMMENTS. INHALATION: Finely divided treated or untreated wood dust may cause nose, throat or lung irritation and other respiratory effects. See Section XII - COMMENTS. INGESTION: A single ingestion by a ~mall child of approximately 2.5 oz. 6 cubic inches) of treated wood dust may be life threatening. See Section XII COMMENTS. HER: See Section XII - COMMENTS for additional information on heaith effects. REVISION DATE: 02/89 CODE NUMBER: WODOOO33FE8913 SPECIFICATION SHEET NUMBER: REPLACES SHEET: WODOOO33DE8812 PRODUCT ~NAME~ Wolmanize ) Wood and Lumber PAGE lA COMMODITY NUMBER: 00000000 DPLIER INFORMATION: 'Same as manufacturer. PRODUCT NAME: Wolmanize~l~) Wood and Lumber PAGE 2 SECTION IV - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT: Gently flush any particles from the eye with large amounts of cold ~.~-~ter. DO NOT RUB' EYES. SKIN CONTACT: Rinse skin free of material with water to avoid abrasion of skin. DO NOT RUB until skin is free of material then wash thoroughly with soap and water?~- INHALATION: Remove from exposure. If breathing has stopped or is difficult, administer artificial respiration or oxygen as indicated. Seek medical aid. INGESTION: Not expected to be a problem. However, if large amounts of sawdust two ounces or greater are eaten, see NOTE TO PHYSICIAN. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: If one ounce of trea.ted wood dust per 10 lbs. of body weight are ingested, acute arsenic intoxication is a possibility. INGESTION: Give 1-2 glasses of mild or water to victim if conscious and alert. Induce vomiting OR give 1-2 oz (30-60 g) activated charcoal in water to victim if conscious and alert. See Section XII - COMMENTS. SECTION V - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD INFORMATION FLASH POINT & METHOD NA AUTOIGNITION TEMP: NA FLAMMABLE LIMITS (% BY VOLUME/AIR): LOWER: NA UPPER: NA TDG FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION: none ~VTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use water stream/spray/fog. FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear complete fire service protective equipment, including full-face MSHA/NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus. Use water to cool fire-exposed container/structure/protect personnel. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Dust (powder) may form explosive mixture in air. SENSITIVITY TO MECHANICAL IMPACT: ND SENSITIVITY TO STATIC DISCHARGE: ND SECTION VI - SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES (PRODUCT): Not applicable WASTE DISPOSAL: Dispose of treated wood by ordinary trash collecf~nn or ~,'~al Treated wood should not be burned in open fires or in stoves, Fireplaces or residential boilers because toxic chemicals may be produced as part of the. smoke and ashes. Treated wood from commercial or industrial use ~e.g., construction sites) may be burned only in commercial or industrial incinerators or boilers in accordance with state and federal regulations. Sawdust from treated wood may fail the US EPA toxicity test depending on sampling procedures, particle size, type of wood and proportion of treated to untreated wood sample. If found to exhibit hazardous waste characteristics, Dispose of as · h in accordance with local/state/federal regulations. PRODUCT NAME: Wolmanize R) Wood and Lumber PAGE 3 SECTION VII RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LIMIT/HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS EXPOSURE LIMIT (PRODUCT): *Based on retention of preservative treatment ranging ..~om 0.25-0.6 lbs/ft3, wood density 32-.40 lbs/ft3. Actual percent retention may ry due to dofferences in woodstock and treatment. **NIOSH-25 micrograms Cr(VI)/m3 (lOhr TWA), 50 micrograms (15 min ceiling) ~-*-**(softwood dust) #Chemical species present in wood and reacted with wood cellu ose is not determined. The CAS numbers for the metals are as follows: arsenic 7440-38-2),] chromium (7440-47-3), copper (7440-50-8). HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS CAS NUMBER PERCENT EXPOSURE LIMi (PPM;MG/M3 Chromium III # <5* OSHA-PEL (as Cr) 0.1 ACGIH-TLV (as Cr) 0.5 Arsenic V # <5* ACGIH-TLV (as As) 0.2 OSHA-PEL (as As) 0.01 NIOSH (as As) 0.002 Copper # <5* ACGIH-TLV (as Cu) 1 OSHA-PEL (as Cu) 1 Wood >85 ACGIH-TLV - 5*** ACGIH-STEL - 10'** .......... SARA TITLE III SECTION 313 CHEMICALS .......... (SEE SECTION VII FOR CAS NUMBERS AND PERCENTAGES) Arsenic# Chromium# Copper# SECTION VIII - PERSONAL PROTECTION INFORMATION EYE PROTECTION: Industrial safety glasses, minimu'm. As necessary' to comply with 29 CFR 1910.133 and work area conditions: use side shields, goggles or face shield. When power-sawing and machining, wear goggles. SKIN PROTECTION: As needed to protect from mechanical hazards (i.e., wood splinters, sharp edges, handling rough surfaced material etc.). For dusty operations (areas) wear necessary resistant protective apparel to include head,hand and safety-type footwear items. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: N'ot required under normal use conditinns. When sawing or machining treated wood, wear a MSHA/NIOSH approved dusthigh efficiency filter respirator. VENTILATION: Provide sufficient general/local exhaust ventilatioQ in pattern/volume to control inhalation exposures below current exposure limits and areas below explosive dust concentrations. SECTION IX PERSONAL HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS ~' 'DLING: Observe good personal hygiene practices and recommended procedures. C. ~nge protective clothing/gloves when signs of contamination appear. STORAGE: No special storage is required. PRODUCT NAME: Wolmanize ) Wood and Lumber PAGE 3A OTHER: This product must not come in contact with food or feed. Showering and ~--~othing change recommended at the end of each shift. Whenever possible, .wing/machining treated wood should be performed outdoors.to avoid accumulations of airborne treated wood sawdust. If preservatives/sawdust accumulate on clothes, launder before reuse. PRODUCT NAME: Wolmanize ) Wood and Lumber PAGE 4 SECTION X REACTIVITY DATA CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO INSTABILITY: Stable under normal conditions. .£OMPATABIL~TY: Strong acids, open flame' HAZARDOUS REACTIONS/DECOMPOSITION/COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Contact with strong acid may:-l~:'berate preservative metals. Combustion products include carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, chrome and arsenic. The metals may remain in the wood ash as well as be released into the air. CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: None SECTION XI - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: NA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: same as wood MELTING POINT: NA % VOLATILE BY VOL: NA VAPOR PRESSURE: NA EVAPORATION RATE(ETHER=i : NA VAPOR DENSITY(AIR=i):NA VISCOSITY: NA SOLUBILITY highly insoluble pH: NA (WATER): VOC: NA COEFFICIENT OF WATER/OIL DISTRIBUTION: ND PEARANCE/ODOR: Treatment imparts a light green color to the wood SECTION XII - COMMENTS Individuals with pre-existing disease in or a history of ailments involving the skin, kidney, liver, respiratory tract, eyes, or nervous system are at a greater than normal risk of developing adverse effects from woodworking operations with this product. UNTREATED WOOD DUST OR SAWDUST: The principal health effects reported from occupational exposure to sawdust or wood dust generated from untreated wood are dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, reduced or suppressed mucociliary clearance rates, chronic obstructive lung changes, and nasal sinus cancer. Skin and respiratory sensitization have been reported from exposure to hardwood dust. Epidemiological studies have been reported on carcinogenic risks of employment in the furniture-making industry, the carpentry industry, and the lumber and sawmill industry. IARC has reviewed these st~Jdies and reports that there is sufficient evidence that nasal carcinomas have been caused by employment in the furniture-making industry where the excess risk is associated with exposure to untreated wood dust or sawdust from hardwood species. IARC concluded that epidemiological data are not sufficient to make a definite assessment of the carcinogenic risk of employment as a carpente* or worker in a lumbermill or sawmill. WOLMANIZED TREATED WOOD: Sawdust from NOLMANIZED treated wood has been shown not to cause chromosome changes in mice fed sawdust or birth defects in mice or rabbits receiving sawdust in their feed or applied to their skin. Recreational exposure to children using WOLMANIZED treated wood r-iayground equipment has been evaluated. The results of this study indicate that the amount of arsenic transferred from the wood surface to the child is within the normal variation of total arsenic exposure to children and that the PRODUCT NAME: Wolmanize~l~) Wood and Lumber PAGE 4A maximum risks of skin cancer associated with the exposure approximates the skin cancer risk from the sunlight experienced during play periods. .... Leaf, stem, and fr'uit of grape plants grown adjacent to WOLMANIZED eated wood poles did not take up preservative components from the poles ~bove background levels (limit of detection 0.2 and 0.05 ppm for chrome and arsenic, respectively). WOLMAN PRESERVATIVE: The effects of industrial exposure to the chr.ome'~-~copper-arsenic preservative used to treat WOLMANIZED wood has been evaluated in three independent epidemiology studies. In each case the authors concluded that workers exposed on a daily basis to these preservatives were at no increased risk of death or disease as a result of their exposure. IARC, NTP and OSHA do not consistently distinguish among arsenic or chrome species but list inorganic arsenic and chromium and.certain chromium compounds as human carcinogens. Cancers in humans have followed from long term: 1) consumption of Fowler's Solution, a medicinal trivalent arsenical; 2) inhalation and skin contact with inorga.nic trivalent arsenical sheep-dust; 3) the combined inhalation of arsenic trioxide (trivalent arsenical), sulfur dioxide, and other particulates from ore smelting in arsenic trioxide production; 4) occupational exposure to nonwater-s,oluble hexavalent chromium. This product does not contain trivalent arsenic or nonwater-soluble hexavalent chromium compounds. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: DO NOT ADMINISTER ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. No known ingredients which occur at greater than 0.1%, other than those listed above, are listed as a carcinogen in the IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, the NTP Annual Report on Carcinogens or OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001-1047 subpart Z Toxic and Hazardous Substances (Specifically Regulated Substances). SKIN PROTECTION (protective material): Permeation/degradation values of chemical mixtures cannot be predicted from pure components or chemical classes. Thus, these materials are normally best estimates based on available pure mponent data. A significant difference in chemical breakthrough time has been reported for generically similar gloves from different manufacturers (AIHA J., 48, 941-947 1987). Do not use until manufacturer's precautions have been read/understood. Wash exposed areas promptly and thoroughly after skin contact from working with this product and before eating, drinking, using tobacco products or rest rooms. Do not wear contact lens without proper eye protection when using this product. Prepared By: Occupational Health and Product Safety Department NOTICE: While the information and recommendations set forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof, Hickson Corporation makes no warranty with respect thereto and disclaims all liability from reliance thereon. 08/18/92 ' PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 1 Overall Site with 7 Fac. Units General Information Location: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD' Map: 123 Hazard: High Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 ~ Grid: i5D F/U: 7 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name 'Title Business Phone 24-Hour Phone- DON BAIZE (805) 833-0429 x 805) 39.3-5983 Administrative Data .Mail AddrS: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD D&B Number: 11-881-0514 City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93313- Comm Code: 215-013 BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code: 2491 Owner: RICHARD JACKSON' Phone: (805) 833-0429 Add~ess: ~19 MEADOWVIEW DR State: CA City: VACAVILLE Zip: 95688- Summary ' RE~EIVEO SEP 1 5 1992 HAZ.-MAT. DIV. · 1, ~o?__~.~,=,e ... Do hereby cer~ify~hat I have (Type o, ~ mvi,m~ .the ~ached h~ar~ous minerals ma'na~e- ~"p~n that it along with (N~e of ~o~) - ~.~n~ ~s~e a mmpl~, and corr~ man-' 08/18/92 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 2 03 - CCA TANK FARM Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 03-001 LIQUEFIED PROPANE Gas 350 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 74-98-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas TYpe: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily MaX GAL Daily Average GAL : [ Annual Amount GAL -- Stgrage Press T Temp ~ . Location / FIXED PRESS. CYLINDER IAbove ,Cryogen,SE CORNER~PLANT.NEXT TO ~UTO~_AR -- C°nci Components i' I MCP'~ist 100.0% ~lLiquefied Petroleum Gas IHigh" I 03-002 JPC DIESEL #2 · . Liquid 500 Low · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL I Annual Am~unt GAL-- 5 o o I ,3 00. 0 0 I= ~->reee .--ee7 Storag9 i Press I Temp I . . Location . / . ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbientJAmbien~lSWCORNER CREO TANK FARM ~ -- Cons, Components MCP~TList 100.0% IDiesel Fuel No.2 ModerateI 03-003 WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE Liquid 5000 High · Immed Hlth GAL CAS #: 7738-94-5 Trade S~cret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 5, ooo I 2, ooo. oo --]--- ~ ~ ~ I~,OOO. o~ Storage IIPress T Temp Location /..- ABOVE GROUND TANK (Ambient(Ambient,SCA TANK FARM ' .NJ_-'"/.. - -- Conc! Components 'l MCP iList 15.0% IArsenic Pentoxide (EPA) · IModeratelEPA 25.0% IChromic Acid, Solid IHigh 08/18/92 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 3 04 - CREO TANK FARM .Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 04-001 PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON Liquid 6480 Moderate · Fire, Reactive,'Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 64742-35-4~ Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid · Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION --'Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL 6,480 I 4,500.00 l Storage Press T Temp Location ~ / ABOVE GROUND TANK I AmbientlAbo~e I CREO TANK FARM -- Conc Components MCpl~-~List 100.0% I Naphtha Mo~te 04-002 CREOSOTE Liquid 8910 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 120-12-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL ] Annual Amount G~_ 8,910 I 6,000.00 I Storage I Fress T Temp I Location~ / ABOVE GROUND TANK IAmbientJAbove ICREO TANK FARM ~/ -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% ICoal Tar Distillate ILow I 08/18/92 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 4 07 - CREO PLANT Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 07-001 DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE Liquid 55 Moderate ,Fire GAL CAS #: 71556 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure 'Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL ! Annual Amount GAL 55 40.00 I --400,v ..... Storage ~~Press T Temp Location / DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAmbient~AmbientlSW CORNER OF PLANT . / / -- Conc Components ' , \M~P ~List 100.0% IDegreaser Lo¥ ! 08/18/92 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 5 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 08-001 CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 Liquid ' 55 Low · Fire, Delay Hlth . GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 55 '~ 40.00 550.00 StorageIIPress T ~emp Location DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Iambient~AmbientlEaST SIDE MAINTENANCE SHOP - Conc comPonents MCP List 100.0% IBrake Fluid, Hydraulic Low I 08'002 OXYGEN Gas 843 Low · Fire, Pre~sure, Immed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 Daily Average FT3 Annual Amount FT3 -- 843 I 700.00 I 2,500.00 Storage Press T TempI Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientlEAST SIDE MAINTANANCE BLDG -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed . IL°w I 08-003 ACETYLENE Gas 420 High · Fire, Pressure, !mmed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas .Type: Pure Days: 265 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3420II Daily Average350.00FT3 I Annuai Amount1,200.00FT3 m StorageI Press T TempI Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER IabOve IAmbientlEaST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG - Conc Components MCP LiSt 100.0% IAcetylene IHigh --~ 08/18/92 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 6 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order 08-004 MOTOR OIL Liquid 55 Minimal ~ Fire, Delay Hlth ~. GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GALI Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 55 I 40.00_ 300.00 StorageIIPress T Temp Lo'cation DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC Iambient~AmbientlEaST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG -- Conc Components MCP List 100.0%,'lMotor Oil, Petroleum Based IMinimal I 08/18/92 PACIFIC'WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 .Page` 7 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation AN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN HAS BEEN WRITTEN FOR PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING PLANT,. THIS PLAN WHICH IS ATTACHED TO THIS BUSINESS PLAN, LIST'S THE NAMES OF THE EMERGENCY COORDINATORS ALONG WITH THEIR PHONE .NUMBERS. IT ALSO CONTAINS PLANT MAPS, WHAT TO DO IF A SPILL OCCURS, EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND AN EVACUATION PLAN. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation VERBAL, PUBLIC IN OF'FICE AREA ONLY <4> Emergency Medical Plan NEAREST HOSPITAL 08/18/92 ~PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000~000567 Page 8 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention E BLOCKED IN WHEN NOT IN USE.. A PIT DIRECTLY UN?q~~HiCH SPILL. <2> Release Containment / <3> Clean Up <4> Other Resource Activation 08/18/92 'PACIFIC PRESERVING OF BKFLD 000-000567 Page 8 O0 - Overall. Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention . :~ CLOSED SYSTEM FOR FILLING AND EMPTYING. TANKS RAVE HIGH LEVEL SHUT OFF SWITCHES, VALVES OPERATE IN FAIL-SAFE POSITION IN THE EVENT OS LO~/ OF AIR. (AIR OPERATED VALVES). A PIT DIRECTLY UNDER ~ACH CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK, WHICH ARE IN A BLOCK WALL RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH DRAINS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. <3>" Clean Up PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO. RAS THE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. <4> Other Resource Activation 08/18/92 PACIFIC'WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 9 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NORTHWEST.CORNER OF PROPERTY B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTHWEST CORNER MAIN BUILDING/SOUTHWEST CORNER'CREO BUILDING C) WATER - NORTH PERIMETER 10FT FROM CURB IN CENTER OF LOT D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. FULL FACE RESPIRATORS ARE AVAILABLE ALONG WITH PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BUILDING, WHICH CAN BE PICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS.. OPERATORS ARE ABLE TO HANDLE ANY SMALL EMERGENCY. FIRE HYDRANT - 3 FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATED IN MIDDLE OF PLANT PROPERTY <4> Building Occupancy Level 08/18/92 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page · 10 00 - Overall Site ,~G> Training <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 15 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. ALL EMPLOYEES ATTEND SAFETY AND MATERIAL TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY MONTH. THEY ARE TRAINED HOW TO HANDLE THE CHEMICALS PWPB HAS IN ITS INVENTORY AS WELL AS INSTRUCTION OF MSDS'S FOR THOSE SAME CHEMICALS. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use May 3~ 1991 Joseph Mello ~ .~ .... Applied Geoscience Inc. 1735 N. First Street~ Suite 305 San Jose~ Ca. 95112 Dear Mr. Mello: ~ Enclosed you will find the business plan for Pacific Wood Preservatives that you requested. The cost o~ copying will be $3.24 for the ~irst page and $.10 for each additional page. 1 page @ $3.24 10 pages ~ .10 ea. 1.00 ~ Total $4.24 Tax \ .25 Total $4.~49 Please make the check payable to City of Bakersfield and mail 210i H Street Bakersfield~ Ca. 93301. Sincerely~ Ralph E. Huey REH:vp 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 RECEIVED (805) 833-0429 · PACIFIC WOOD PRESBVING 0F B~ERSFIELD, CO~. 1 5 1991 · POSTS ] · POLES HA~. MA~ D~ - PILINGS · GRAPE STAKES · LUMBER Bakersfield Fire Department March 13, 1991 Hazardous Materials Control Unit · Attn: Barbara Brenner 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield,~ Ca. 93301 Dear Ms. Brenner, In reviewing the attached Hazardous Materials Management Plan for "Pacific Wood.Preserving of Bakersfield" 'plant. I would like to submitt the 'following corrections and/or deletions: Page 2 -Pln Ref - 03-002- Change location to read - "S/W corner~/ Creo tank farm". Page 2 r'_Pln Ref'- 03~001,~Change location t° read" S/E corner~ of plant next to auto garage". Page 3 -Pln Ref - 06-004- Delete.j' Pln Ref - 06-002- Delete'~/ Pin Ref - 06-003- Delete, . ~ Pln.Ref - 06w001--Delete (Note: The above 4 (four) chemicals have been ~ep!aced by Nalco 2823 Boiler Treatment.) (See attached Materials Inventory'Sheet, with Material Safety Data sheet). / Page 4 -Pln Ref - 04-002- change annual amount to read 54,000.00`/ Pln Ref - 04-001- change annual amount to read 204,"000.00 .. Page 5 -Pln Ref - 03-003- change annual amount to read 30,0~0.00~ Page 7 -.'Pln Ref - 03-002- ~hange~ location to read--- S/W corner tank farm Creo. · Page 9 'Pln Ref - 03-001~ change location to re~d -.S/E corner of plant next to auto garage. WE ARE HELPING TO CONSERVE OUR NATION'S TIMBER RESOURCES . ~ ' _ 560i DISTRICT BLVD. ~-'- . BAKERSFIELD~ CA 933!3 .(805) 833-0429 - PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING oF BAKERSFIIiD, CORP _ pOsTS .... · -. P. OLES - ' .. · PILINGS' ' ' · GRAPE STAKES '. :LUMBER Page-ll - Pln-Ref -~7-001' change amount to read- 400,:000- Page'' 13 - Pin 'R~f '- 06-004 - Delete.// - - ' -'Pln Ref - 06-002 - Delete. / ' ' Pln Ref- 06-003 - Delete" Page 14 'Pln Ref - 062001 - Delete.__ Page 17 - Item ~3--.--Add" 3 fire hydrants located in midd]'e' 'of -plant property. Page 18 - Item 1 - change to read 15 Employees. If 'you have any questions please contact Don Baize - 833-0429, -Thank You. ' Sincerely .... _ Don -Baize '..Plant' Superintendent .~ '~ 7- .WE ARE. HELPiNG TO-CONSERVE OUR NATION'S TIMBER'RESOURCES ..... · .' -~_*-:.. <~ _. :. _, .- _ .~. -; - _ . : . . . , . . 03/04/91 PACIFIC ~PRESERVING OF BKFLD RI )00-0Q0567 Page 1 Overall Site with 7 Fac. Ur, its .~ : General In format ior, Location: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD MaP: 123 HaZard: High .Id~nt Number: 215-000-000567 Grid: 15D Area of Vul: .0.0 IDON DANKA ~ ~ (8(.)~) 8~-L4~9 x (8(])5) 393-3763 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 5601 DISTRICT BLVD D&B Number: 11-881-0514 City:. BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93313- Comm Code:. 215-013 BAKERSFIELD STATION 13 SIC Code: 2491 Owner: RICHARD JACKSON ~ Phone: (805) 833-0429 Address: 419 MEADOWVIEW DR· State: CA City: VACAVILLE · Zip: 95688- Summary ~, Don._ Baize ' · ~ Do hereby certify ~hat ~ have ~.;~.,~s matefi~s manage. men{ptan tor~~ooa , . any corre~ions constitute, a complete and corre~ man- ~ge~ent plan for my facility, ~19 91 03/04/r~1 PAC I FI C~WOOD OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 2 Hmzm~at Inventory List ir, Quantity Order - 04 - CREO TANK FARM Plrs-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quar, t ity MCP 04-002 CREOSOTE Liquid 8, 91° Low Fire, Delay Hlth' GAL 04-001 PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON Liquid 6, 480 . Moderate Fire, Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL '03 - CCA 'rANK' FARM 03-003 WOLMAN~AC R CONCENTRATE Liquid 5,000 High Immed Hlth' GAL (.')8 - MAINTENANCE SHOP' 08-002 oXYGEN Gas 843 Low Fire,. Pressure, Immed Hlt'h ~FT3 03 -~£C.q Tf~..~.K F~RM~ 03-002 JPC. DIESEL ~2 Liquid 500 Low Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 08 -' MAINTENANCE SHOP' 08-003 ACETYLENE. Gas 420 Hi gh Fire, Press~i~re, Immed Hlth FT3 03-001 LIQUEFIED PROPANE Gas 35(:) High' Fire, Pressure, Immed Hith GAL ' 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP 08-001 CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL ~8 Liquid 55 Low Fire, Delay Hlth GAL · Hazmat Inver, tory List in QuarJtity Order 07 -CREO PLANT Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Fc, rn~ Quant ity MCP 07 - BRED PLnNT 07.001 DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE Liquid 55 Moderate Fire GAL 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP 08-00~4 MOTOR OIL· Liquid 55 Minimal ' Fire~ Delay Hlth GAL [)3/04/91 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING· OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page, - 4 04 - CREO TANK FARM Hazmat,Inventory ~ in Quar~tity Orde'r 04-002 CREOSOTE ,. Liquid 8910 Low Fire, Delay Hith. GAL CAS ~: 120-12-7~ Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use~ ~PRESERVATION Daily Max GAL I . Daily Average GAL 8,910.00 ~ 6, [)00.00 / Storage I Press T Temp '1 Locat ior~ ABOVE GROUND TANK lAmbientlAbove ICREO TANK FARM 100.0%lCoal Tar Distillate ~Low. / 04-001 .PETROLEUM .HYDROCARBON Liquid 6480 Moderate Fi?e, Reactive, Delay Hlth GAL CAS #: 6474~-35'4 Trade Secret': No 'Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION Daily Max GAL ,, Daily Average GAL :~, Ar~r~ual Amount' GAL - - 6,480. oo { 4, ~oo. oo .~ ,~:::%<:~ ~ oo~, 0o Storage , Pres~ T 'Femp, . Locatior, ABOVE GROUND TANK ~~Ambier, t~Above CREO TANK FARM -- Cor, c ..~ ~ Compor, ents ~ MCP ~ist i00.0% ~Naphtha ~Moderate~ 03/(/)4/91 PACIFIC PRESERVING OF BKFLD 21 )00-000567 Page 5 [)3 -~ CCA TANK FARM Hazmat Inver~tory Detail ir~ Quar~titY Order 03-003 WOLMANAc R CONCENTRATE ~Liquid = ~OC o H i g h Immed Hlth GAL CAS ~: 7738-94-5 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: PRESERVATION Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL ~ Anr~ual Amount GAL 5~ 000. O0 2~ 000. O0~ ~, ~-..~ ............ ~0~ 000, O~~ Storage i P'ress T Ternp i Locat ABOVE GROUND TANK ~Ar~bier~t~Ambient~CCA TANK FARM' 15.0% Arser~ic Pentoxide (EF'A) Moderate PA 25~0% Chromic Acid~ Solid JHigh ' 03/04/91 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-0£)0567 Page 6 '08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP Hazr~at Inventory Detail in Quantity order (1)8-002 OXYGEN Gas 843 Low Fibre, Pressure, ir~r~ed Hlth FT3 CAS #: 7782-4'4~7 Trade Secret: No For~: Gas Type: Pure. Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING  ~ Average FT3 .~ Ar~nual Ar~ount FT3 ...... Daily Max843~FT300 Daily . 700'~ 00" ~ ~"' 5(')(')~.. O0 Storage ~ Press.T ]'er~p ~ i ~ LoCation PORT~ PRESS~ CYLINDER ~Above ~Ar,~bient ~EAST SIDE MAINTANANCE BL. DG -- Cor, c ~' Co~,,por, er, ts I MCP ~ist, 100~ 0% Oxygen, Ccm~pressed IL°W 03/04/91 PAOIFIC D PRESERVING OF BKFLD 21~.~00-000567 'Page 7 ' 03 - CCA TANK FARM Hazmat !nveF, tory Detail ir, Quar, t ity Orde¥ 03-002 JPC DIESEL ~2 Liquid 500 Low Fire~ Immed Hlth~ Delay Hlth GAL CAS ~: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No ' Fc, rm: Liquid ]'ype:~ Pure DaYs: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Ave~age GAL . Anr~ual Amour, t GAL 500. C~0 J 300.00 [ 11 ~000.00 Lo'at i or~ Storage i Press T Temp I~CCA ....... F~RM.: ABOVE GROUND TANK I Ambient/Ambi.e~ T~,~' ' --ConcI . Compor, e~,t ~ 100.0% Diesel Fuel Nc,. 2 JLow 03/04/91' PACIFIC WOOD'PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 8~ 08 - ,MAINTENANCE SHOP' Hazmat Inve~Jtory Detail in Quantity Order 08-003 ACETYLENE Gas 420 Hi gh · Lire, Pressure, Im'r~'ed Hlth FT3 CAS ~: 74-86-2 Trade Secret': No' Forrn: Gas Type:. pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 I Daily Average FT3 ~, Annual Amount FT3 , 420.00 ~ 350.00 [ 1,200.00 st,:,ra;e i press T Temp ~ Cocati,:,r, . PORT. PRES8. CYLINDER IAb°ve lAmbientlEAST SIDE MAINTENANCE BLDG -- Corec Compor~er~t s MCF' ~ist 100.0% [Acetylene [High C)3/04/91 . PACIFIC PRESERVING OF BKFLD ' '~1 )00-000567 Page 9 [)3 - CCA TANK FARM Haze, at lnventory~ Detail in Quantity Order 03-001 LIQUEFIED PROPANE Gas 350 Hi gh Fir~ Pressure, I,~,ed Hlth GAL CAS ~: 74-98-6 · Trade Secret: No Forr~: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL I , Daily Average GAL ~OC. 00 1,400.00 Storage I Press T Ternp I . ' Lc, cat ion JC~ yoger, J FIXED .PRESS. CYLINDER JAbove -- Cc, nc . Cor. por, ents , MCP ~ist ' 100.0% }Liquefied Pet~oleur. Gas }High 03/04/91 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING-OF BKFCD 215-000-000567 Page 10 ~ 08 - MAINTENANCE SHOP Hazr~at Inventory Detail in Quantity Order 08-001 CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 Liquid 55 Low Fire, Delay Hlt~i · GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Forr~: Liquid Type: pUre Days: 365. Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL I Daily Average GAL I Ar, nual Arm_-,ur, t GAL -- 55.00 ~ 4(:). 00 . 550.00 ~ Storage I ~Press T ]'er~p ..... Locatior~ DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC IAr,lbier, t~A~,~bier, t lEAST SIDE MAINTENANCE SHOP -- Conc Co~,lponents MCP ---rList 100'0% IBrake · Fluid~ Hydraulic Low 03/04/91 PACIFIC W~D PRESERVING ~OF BKFLD 21~..)0o~000567 page 11 07 - CREO PLANT .. Hazmat !nver~tc, ry Detail ir~ Quar~tity Order 07-001 DEGREASER -AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE Liquid 55 Moderate Fire GAL .CAS ~: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type:· Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING ~ Daily MaX GAL ,, ,~Daily Average GAL Annual Amount ~L ~ ~oo. oo~ Storage ~ Press T Te~p ~ Locatior, DRUM/BARSEL-METALLIC ~Ambien't~A~bient~SW CORNER OF PLANT -- Cone Compor~er~ts MCP ~ist 100.0% ~Degreaser ' ~Moderate~ 03/04/91 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 12 (')8 - MAINTENANCE SHOP' Hazr~at Ir~ventory Detail in Quantity Order 08-004 MOTOR OIL Liquid 55 Mir~ir~la 1 Fire, Delay Hlth GAL · CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL ~ Daily Average GAL Ar~nual A~c, ur~t GAL --- 55.00 ~ 40.00 300.00 Storage Press T Ter~p I Locat ion . DRUM/BARREL-METALLIC ]Ambient~A~,~bient ~ EAST SIDE MAINTENANCE · BLDG -- Cor, c~ Compor~er, ts ~ MCP ~ist 100.0% 1Motor Oil M 03/04/91 ~ PACIFIC PRESERVING OF BKFLD 21~)00-0¢z)0567 Page 1-3 ~- 06 - BOILER PLANT Hazmat InVentory D~tail in ~Quantity Order 0'6-004 ~LCLEAN 2569 ?~ 55 CAS~ ~:~D(}16-4o-' ~ ~B Trade Secret: No Forra: . Type: Unkr.:,wn Days: - Use: '. --Dai Max GAL [ Daily Average GAL I .Amour~t GAL 55.00 30.00 /., 55.00 Stora i Press T Temp ~ ~cation DRt ~LIC IAmbient/Ambient SW CORNER 0.0% Ethox~ 'Nonylphenol . Ur~rated I 06-002 NALCO 2548 L uid 15 Moderate Fire, Delay Hlth GAL CAS ~$: 7631-90-5 Trade cret: Nc, Form: Liquid Type: Mixt.ure Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL I Daily e GAL I Annual Amount GAL 15.00 I 10.00 . 75.00 St orage ~ Press Lc, cat ic, n DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL I Ambier Ambient CORNER OF PLANT NEXT TO BOILE -- Corec Cc, m ~ , MCP ~ist 40.0% ]Sodium. Bisulfite ~ }ModerateI 10.0% Potassium Bisul te 06-003 NALCO 2556 · Liquid 15 High Fire~ Delay Hlth - ' GAL CAS ~: ' 108-91-8 Trade Secret: Nc, Form: Liquid ~pe: Mixture Days: 365 Use:. WATER TRE lENT -- .Daily .~ GAL I Daily Average GAL ! Ar, r~ual ,Ur, t GAL -- 15.00 I 10.00 I. 75.00 e I Press ]- Temp I Location DRUM/BI IAmbient~AmbientISW CORNER' OF PLANT NEXT -- Cc/c Compor~er, t s MCP .,~0.0% ICyclohexylamir, e (EPA) IHigh ..  ,0.0% IM°rph°line Low 1 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD .-1~-0~0-(.)0[~67 Page 14 ' -~. 0'6 - BOILER PLANT Hazraat Irlver~tory Detail ir~ Quar~tity Order 06-001 NALCO L i q u i d .Unrat ed Fire, Del :h.~ CAS.'#: 7:Z58-29-4 ade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type:' Mixt[ )aye: 365 WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL I Daily . ge GAL ] Anr, ual Amount GAL 15.00 .. .00 '75.00 St o~age Ternp . Locat i DRUM/BARREL-NONMETAL SW CORNER>~ NEXT TO BOILE -- Corec I · Conl poner, t s : ' i-' ~. --. ~.~,~___TL i st 03104/91 PACIFIC .PRESERVING OF 'BKFLD 21g00-00.0567 Page 15 00 - Overall .Si~e <D>. NoG if. /Evacuation/Medical <I> Agency Notifica~ior, CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation AN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN HAS-BEEN WRITTEN FOR PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING PLAN]'. THIS PLAN WHICH IS ATTACHED TO 'THIS BUSINESS PLAN,~ LIST'S THE NAMES OF' THE EMERGENCY COORDINATORS ALONG WITH THEIR PHONE NUMBERS. IT ALSO CONTAINS PLAN]' MAPS, WHAT TO DO IF A SPILL OCCURS, EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND AN EVACUATION PLAN. PublicNC, tif. /Evacuatior~ <4> Ei~erger, cy Medi'cal Plar, NEAREST HOSPITAL 03/04/91 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING' OF BKFLD 215-000-000567 Page 16 00 - Overall Site <El, Mitirlation/Prevent/Abaternt <1> Release Prevention ALL TANKS ARE BLOCKED IN WHEN NO'[ iN USE. A PIT DIRECTLY UNDER EACH CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK, WHICH ARE IN A BLOCK WALL RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH DRAINS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO. HAS ]'HE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. <2> Release Contairm~erJt <3> Clea~n Up <4> Other Resource Activation 03/04/91 PACIFIC PRESERVING OF BKFLD 21~)00-000567 ~ Page 17 00 - Overall Site ' ~ '~F> Site E~ner. ger. cy Factors <1>Speci'al Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NORTHWEST CORNER OF PROPERTY B) 'ELECTRICAL - SOUTHWEST CORNER MAIN BUILDING/SOUTHWEST CORNER CREO BUILDING C) WATER - NORTH PERIMETER lOFT FROM CURB IN CENTER OF LOT D) SPECIAL - NONE E)'LOCK BOX - NO ~3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS'ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. FULL FACE RESPIRATORS ARE AVAILABLE ALONG WITH PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BUILDING, WHICH CAN BE ~ICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS. OPERATORS ARE ABLE TO HANDLE ANY SMALL EMERGENCY. FIRE HYDRANT - .4,.~ ,) 9 ,) ,) ,) .~ ,) <4> Held fc, r Future 03/04/91 PACIFIC WOOD pRESERVING OF BKFLD ~215-000-000567 Page 18 00 - Overall site <G> Training < 1 > Page 1 WE HAVE BETWEEN,~-'EMPLOYEEs AT ]'HIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FI'LE~ ALL EMPLOYEES ATTEND SAFETY AND MATERIAL TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY. MONTH. THEY -ARE ]'RAINED HOW 'TO HANDI_E THE CHEMICALS PWPB HAS IN ITS INVE~NTORY AS WELL AS INSTRUCTION OF MSDS'S FOR THOSE SAME CHEMICALS. <2> Page. 2 as needed <3> 'Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use C!TY of BAKERSFIELD ; HAZARDOUS 'MATERIALS ' INVENTORY Farm andAgticulture [l Standard Business F) ' ' NON--TRADE SECRETS Page 1 ~USINESS NAME: Pae±fi¢ Wood PreservinqOWNER NAME' Richard Jackson NAME OF THIS FACILITY;j~_Q~.}_er' Plant .OCATION' ~nl~~.~ ~ADDRESS; ~ o~.~~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: ' ' REFER TO~NSTRUC~ON~' ~ON PHUHaH CODES -- 'i· 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 II 12 13 ~4 Trans [y~e Hax Averpge~ Annual Neasure I Qy~ Cont Cont Cent Us tocation.WheEe Code ~ooe Ant Amc EsL Units on 5~ce Type Press Temp Co~eStored y Names See°f ~ixture/ComponentSlnstructlons )' :' In kaclmtty Physical and Health Hazard ~ C,X,S, Humber Component II Hame & C,A,S. Number7758-294 5 D~ethyla~noethanoi~:? (Check al) that apply) ~ Na~co-2823 -- ~ Component 12 Name & C,A,S, Humber[O0-37-8 :' ~ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity( ~ Delayed ~ Sudden.Release ~ Immediate-- Hearth of Pressure . Health Component 13 Name ~ C.A,S. Number ' '"'~ Physical mndHemlthHazard ~ C,A,S. Number Component ~1 Name & C,A.S, Number ' (Check al1 thmt appl)) Component 12 Name ~ C,A,S, Number ~ Fire Hazard. ~ Remctivit)., ~ Delayed ~ SuddCnRelease ~ Immediate --,. , Health of ~ressure. Health Physical 8nd Health Hazard :" C,A,S, Humber Component. l! Name & C,A,S, Number (Check ail that appqy) ~ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity~;. ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Component. 12 Name & C,A,S: Number Health' of Pressure Health -- ~ ','. Component 13 Hame & C,A,S. Humber ~ : ' Phvsica'l 8hd Health Hazard ;~ C,A,S, Humber Component I1 Hame & C,A,S, Number [Check ail'that apply) , .~ ,- ~ Component 12 Name ~ C,A.S, Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity, ~ Delayed D Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health .. Component 13 Hame ~ C,A,S, Humber EMERGENCY CONTACTS ,1.meDon Danka T~nt Manaqer~~e393-3763 ,2,)~eDOn Baize Plaq~tl~uDerintenaent_ ertification .~Re~d and ~iqn after completing.mil ~ecti.onq) certify.under ~enalt~ o))aF thqt I hav)personajq, examlnqoeqoQm ~ami)]ar with the inlorma~on submitted imthis ~nd all t~acned.oocgmen~s, anO tba: oaseo'on.my ~nquiry gr.~nose ~no~v~ouams responsible for obtaining the Information, I believe that the ~ ubm]tted ~n~ormat]on ~s ~rue, accurate, ano complete, ' Don Baize Blant Supe~:tne8e~t 3-13-1991 ~ end oficiai title of owner/operator u~ owner/opera~r's abthoriled represe6[ative ~e '~ " i BAKERSFIELD, CA 9~319 PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BAKERSRELD, CORP. " *' POSTS * POLES - · GRAPE STAKES .... . LUMBER RECE/VE.D- Bakersfield Fire Department JAN O g i985 · Hazardous Materials Control Unit 2130 "G" Street ~ _A~S~d. - ~r Bakersfield, Ca 93301 ........... Dear Mr. Huey Mr. Huey, please find attached the following a revised plant map showing the 'relocation of our pro- pane and diesel storage tanks and corrections.to the business plan a~long with an MSDS for an odor neutra- lizer chemical.~ This product X-O guard is maintained in a 200 gallon fiberglass tank,~ located at the N-E corner of the.creo plant Office. ~ Please s~e correction to Busines§ Plan on 2nd page. Sincerely Don Baize Plant Superintendent w~/ute nELPt~G TO CotvSi~tV~ O~t ~ATtOrV'S TmBE~t ~t~.SOU~tC~S : '~ 5601 DISTRICT BLVI5. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93319 - (805) 833-0429 PACIFIC'WOOD PRESERV.DI(I o~'BAKERSREi. I), CORR * -- ..... .*_ . * POSTS ~-' CORRECTION TO B~SINESS PLAN · POLES - .. * PILINGS · GRAPE STAKES PAGE 3 ._. -' · LUMBER ITEM 1/02 *~'*'PROPANE STORAGE TANK HAS BEEN MOVED SOUTH SIDE OF AUTO GARAGE LOCATED N-E CORNER OF _. PLANT. - * ITEM 2/02 - DIESEL #2 STORAGE TANK HAS BEEN MOVED STORAGE AREA S-W CORNER OF* PLANT.- ' -- WE ARE HELPING TO CONSERVE OUR NATION'S TIMBER RESOURCES ? ~-.' ~." ~,~ CITY o/BAKERSFIELD .~,.~- ,.~. ,,-:...~ ",.'",.c--?,....,::.~..:'. >..~ ~ ~?<:~ ~Tz/t~l[~,:.,?', ~ Z '~ 0 ~ ~ ~ Z~ m ' '" RECEIVED ~t~me o~ ~n~ n~e) JANO9 1989 A~s'd ............ Do ~ezeby oezt~ z? that I h~ve ~ev~ewed the attached Hazardous Materials business plan (name of business) and that it along with the attached additions or corrections constitute a complete and correct Business Plan for my facility. szgna~ure date s6o~ D,S'rR~c'r ,~,~vD. " ~' .--O .. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93319 · . -~/- '(805-) 833-0429 - - PACIFIC WOOD ~~ - -' '' * POLES - " * PIL~GS ' . . -. . - [nS'~..~...: ..... . . ~AP~ SXA~S -', ' 0. * LUMBER ~ ' - ' - -Bakersf~old- F~ro ~Departmon~ ~-- Hazardous-Materials Control Unit 2130 "G" Street- _ " Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Dear. Mr. HUey -' - -. Please find attached my "Overview" with cor- rections a-long with the new ,Hazardous Materials Inventory" sheets.. I. have also- attached'-3- MSDS's. ' One for "P6r crax", one for Oxygen bottles--and -. .- - on'e for our-acetylene bottles-. Sincerely, Don Baize 'Superintend6nt .... : WE ~E HELPING TO CONSERVE OUR NATION'S TIMBER RESOURCES- BUSINESS NAME PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ID NUMBER 215-000-000567 LOCATION 5601 DISTRICT BLVD HIGH HAZARD RATING 4 1 . OVERVIEW LAST CHANGE 06/07/88 BY ESTER JURIS CODE 215-009 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 MAP PAGE 123 GRID lSD FACILITY UNITS 7 HAZARD RATING 4 RESPONSE SUMMARY 2A SEC 4) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED AT KEY POINTS THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. 3 FIRE HYDRANTS ARE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY. FULL FACE RESPIRATORS ARE AVAILABLE ALONG WITH PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. OPERATORS ARE ABLE TO HANDLE ANY SMALL EMERGENCY. EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC 2) . DON DANKA - 833-0429 OR 393-3763 ~ DON BAIZE - 833-0429 OR 393-5983 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEC 3) A) GAS - NW CORNER OF PROPERTY B) ELECTRICAL - SW CORNER MAIN BLDG/SW CORNER CREO BLDG C) WATER - N PERIMETER 10FT FROM. CURB IN CENTER OF LOT D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 2 . NOTIFICATION / PUBLIC EVACUATI'ON LAST. CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > PAGE 1 12/27/88 11:58 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ID NUMBER 215-000-000567 LOCATION 5801 DISTRICT BLVD HIGH HAZARD RATING 4 3 . HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY ~ LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > Ra~f'icWood employs between 25 to 30 employees which fluctuates thru the year. .All these employees attend safety and material training meetings every month. They are trained'.how to handle the chemicals PWPB has in.its inventory as well as instruction on MSDS's for those same chemicals. 4 . LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE LAS? CHANOE__0~/07/88 BY ESTER 2A SEC 5) WHITE LANE MEDICAL CENTER IS APPROXIMATELY 3 BLOCK (5 MIN) FROM PWPB, HALL AMBULANCE IS WITH 7 MIN. PAGE 2 12/27/88 11:58 MATERIAL.SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS ~AME PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ID NUMBER 215-000-000567 LOCATION 5601 DISTRICT BLVD HIGH HAZARD RATING 4 MASTER INVENTORY LIST - ALL FACILITY UNITS A. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LAST CHANGE 06/08/88 BY ESTER ID TYPE NAME MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION CONTAINMENT USE 1/02 PURE LIQUEFIED PROPANE 350 GAL EXTREME CCA TANK FARM FIXED PRESS.TANKS FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS : HAZARD LISTS 1155.00 100.0 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS ~ EXTREME 2/02 PURE JPC DIESEL #2 500 GAL MODERATE CCA TANK FARM ABOVE GROUND TANKS FUEL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1179.01 100.0 DIESEL FUEL NO.2 MODERATE 3/02 MIXTURE WOLMANAC R CONCENTRATE 5000 GAL HIGH CCA TANK FARM ABOVE GROUND TANKS PRESERVATIVE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD 'LISTS 1067.00 25.0 CHROMIC ACID, SOLID HIGH 1580.00 15.0 ARSENIC PENTOXIDE (EPA) UNKNOWN EPA 4/03 PURE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON 6480 GAL EXTREME CREO TANK FARM ABOVE GROUND TANKS PRESERVATIVE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1203.00 100.0 NAPHTHA EXTREME 5/03 PURE CREOSOTE 8910 GAL MODERATE CREO TANK FARM ABOVE GROUND TANKS PRESERVATIVE ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1066.00 100.0 COAL TAR DISTILLATE MODERATE 6/04 PURE TOLUENE 3 GAL HIGH CREO LAB GLASS CONTAINER[S] EXPEREMENTAL ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1130.00 100.0 TOLUENE HIGH 7'/05 MIXTURE NALCO 2556 - CORROSION INHIBITOR 15 GAL HIGH BOILER PLANT DRUMS OR BARR NON MET. WATER TREATMENT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1668.00 40.0 CYCLOHEXYLAMINE (EPA) HIGH EPA 2289.00 10.0.MORPHOLINE HIGH 8/05 MIXTURE NALCO 2548 - OXYGEN SCAVENGER 15 GAL LOW BOILER PLANT DRUMS OR BARR NON MET. WATER TREATMENT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS .PAGE 3 12/27/88 11:58 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ID' NUMBER 215-000-000567 LOCATION 5601 DISTRICT BLVD HIGH HAZARD RATING 4. MASTER INVENTORY LIST - ALL FACILITY UNITS A. OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY ( * CONTINUED * ) LAST CHANGE 06/08/88 BY ESTER ID TYPE NAME .MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD LOCATION CONTAINMENT USE 8/05 MIXTURE NALCO 2548 - OXYGEN SCAVENGER 15 GAL LOW ( * CONTINUED * ) ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 2518.00 40.0 SODIUM BISULFITE LOW 9/06 MIXTURE DEGREASER-AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE 55 GAL HIGH CREO PLANT DRUMS OR BARRELS MET.. CLEANING ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1001.00 40.0 BENZENE HIGH 10/07 PURE CHEVRON HYDRAULIC OIL 68 55 GAL UNKNOWN MAINTENANCE SHOP DRUMS OR BARRELS MET.. LUBRICANT ID PERCENT COMPONENTS HAZARD LISTS 1224.00 100.0 BRAKE FLUID, HYDRAULIC UNKNOWN FACILITY UNIT 01 OFFICE B . FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE 06/07/88 BY ESTER 3A SEC 4) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE LOCATED IN KEY POINTS THROUGHOUT THE PLANT. FULL FACE RESPIRATORS ARE AVAILABLE ALONG WITH PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. SMOKE ALARMS ARE LOCATED IN FRONT OFFICE BLDG,~ WHICH CAN BE PICKED UP BY OUR SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM (SONITROL) AFTER HOURS. OPERATORS ARE ABLE TO HANDLE ANY SMALL EMERGENCY. PAGE 4 12/27/88 11:58 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BKFLD ID NUMBER 215-000-000567 LOCATION 15601 DISTRICT BLVD HIGH HAZARD RATING 4 FACILITY UNIT 01 OFFICE D . EMPLOYEE NOTI.FICATION / EVACUATION LAST CHANGE 06/07/88 BY ESTER 3A SEC 2) AN EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY PLAN HAS BEEN WRITTEN FOR PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING PLANT. THIS PLAN WHICH IS ATTACHED TO THIS BUSINESS PLAN, LIST'S THE NAMES OF THE EMERGENCY COORDINATORS ALONG WITH THEIR PHONE NUMBERS. IT ALSO CONTAINS PLANT MAPS, WHAT TO DO IF A SPILL OCCURS, EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND AN EVACUATION PLAN. FACILITY UNIT 01 OFFICE E . MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 06/07/88 BY ESTER 3A SEC 1) ALL TANKS ARE BLOCKED IN WHEN NOT IN USE. A PIT DIRECTLY UNDER EACH CYLINDER IS CAPABLE OF HANDLING THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF ANY ONE TANK, WHICH ARE IN A BLOCK WALL RETAINER OR CEMENT WALL RETAINER WHICH DRAINS TOWARDS THE CONCRETE PITS. PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO. HAS THE EQUIPMENT AND MEANS TO HANDLE ANY SPILL. PAGE 5 12/27/88 11:58 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 ,., CITY of BAKERSFIELD '~____ ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY' Farm and Agriculture Standard Business Paqe .J... of BUSINESS NAME:~ ~oo~ ~%~V~ OWNER NAME: ~C~A~ ~c~O~ NAME OF T~ FACILITY: C~ LOCATION: ~O1 .,.~l~l~ ~f~ ADDRESS: ~19 ~50~U~E~ ~. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE ~ ~0 INSTRUGTIONS FOR PROR~R ~0~S ~ys~cal and Health Hazard C.A.S. Nueber C~ent II Na~ ~ C.A.S. Nuabee [ ] Fire Hazard L_J Reactivity ~lay~ u-- ~dd~ Release -- Hep J th of Pressure H~ I th ........................................................ C~t 13 Na~AC.A.S. Number /0 C~P~,c O~lO~ -- 13~ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number C~mt II Na~ & C.A.S. ~m~r (Chec~ all that apply) ~ ~ ~THflN~ ~ GO0 -0~ ~ ~-- ire Hazard [ ] Reactivity u--J ~lav~ [ dd. Release [ ] Imitate Hep lth of Pressure Hep I th 5L , L JlZ, l ...... Physical and Health Hazard. C.l.$. Numar C~t Il la~ & C.A.$. {Ch~k a11 thac apply) ........ ~ ............... r--~ r--~ r--~ r--~ Ca.et II Na~ & C.%.S. Number ~--] Fire Hazard u--d Reactivity u--J Oelay~ u--J Sudd~ Release ~--d J~iate · Health of Pressure · Health ....... Carnet 13 Na~ & C.A.B. HiP J SoO J Boo Jli, ooo Physical ~d ~.aJth Hazard ~.A.~. Number C~t Il Na~ ~ C.A.~. Number (Ch~k all thac ap~ly) ........................... ~--~_ Ire Hazard [ ] Reactivity u--J Oelay~ [-] Sudd~ Release u-] [m~iate · ~ ~ea Ith of Pressure Hep It~ ~ ....... ~ ....... :ertification (Read and ~gn after coapJetJnK all [ certify under ~alty of law that I have personally examined and am familiae ~ith the tnformatim subaitt~ tn this and all attac~ d~ue~ts, and that based ~ my inquiry of t~se individuals respmsibla' ' for obtaiMin9 the inlornati~, I believe tnt the submitted informatl~ is true, accurate, and c~ ~ . ., CITY of BAKERSFIELD '~- ~. HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENTO RY' Farm and Agriculture StanOard Business P aqe ..2.__ of _..-.~. LOCATION: ~OI ~i~r~,cc ~uq~ ADDRESS: ~1~ ~o~vi~ ~, STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE PHONE ~: d gOS~ ~33-0~z~ PHONE ~: (7d7] ~GL~77~ ,. I I -~ g I - O ~KR ~0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROP~ CODES Trans Type Max Average ~nual Xeasure I Ovs C~t C~t C~t Use l~atJ~ Nhere % by Na~s of Nixture/Como~ts Co~e Co~e Aat Aet Est Units ~ SSte Type Pres~ Teeo C~e Stored tn Facility Nt See Instructi~s ~hysical and Health Hazard C.l.S. Numbee C~ent I1 Na~ & C.A.S. Nuebee ~C~k ~11 that apply) LigHT ~IAPTHE~t~ D~7, ......................................................................... Health o~ Pressure H~lth ........................................................... Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number C~t II Naa ~ C.A.S. ~aar (Chec~ all that apply) 1'~ ~TH~E ~ 120 -I~ -7 ---- r-- ira Hazard L--d Reactivity--- ~lay~ ~--d ~dd~ Release u_J l~tate DIG~ZO~U~R~ - Health o~ Pre,sure Heakh .... ~........ Ca~t 13 NaN A C.A.S. Numar ~,~ N~P}fflLE~i~ ~ ~t - ~O-~ ' fw . /, ;Phvsical and Health Hazard. C.A.S. Nu~hr ........ ~ .............. Ca~t II NaN & C.I.S. Nui~r (Ch~k all that ~ ~. · - ~ [-3 [-~ ~- . ire ~azacd [ ] Reactivity u-- lay~ Sudd~ ~elease Hea Ith oi Pressure ~ea ~ t~ C~t I~ Na~ & C.A.S. .',,~ t J : i ~ ', '"L ..... ~ ~ i .... [-: .... , ...... ' .... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Physical and Health Hazard C.A.~. Nuabe~ C~t II Ne, & C.A.S. Nuebee (Check all that apply) ............................ r--~ C~mt 12 Na~ & C.A.S. Nuabe~ L--J Fire Hazard ~--~ Reactivity ~--a 0alay~ L Sudd~ Release ~--d la, late Health o~ Pressure Health ........ - ...... C~t I1 Na~ & C.A.S. Nu.~ ~a~': .................................. Ti~li ........................ 21-RF'P~i ........ ai~ ................ ~ .............. H[1i ........................... 21'R~-P~a ......... Certification' (Seed and sJRn after compJet~n~ a J] sections) I certify unde~ ~alty o~ law that I have ~ersonaily examined and aa ~aailta~ ~tth the tnformati~ subattt~ In tht~ and all Ittac~ d~ua~ta, and that based ~ my inquiry of t~se individuals resp~sible- :for obtaining :he infor~tl~, [ believe t~: the subai:ted in~ormatt~ is true, accurate, and comale~ ~ . ~,, ~,~ - ~ ~.~,~o~ .~ ~~~ ~_~.~.~.g~ ................ ~,w~aa-amEur~im-a}-a~Ta6~a~-0ra~la56~a, ~-~a~a~a-F~F~a[~[w~ si~a~a~, ............................................. OCATION: ~&Ol ,QlSr~cr 8~UD. ADDRESS: ~19 ~Dn~d~ hR, STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE I 2 3 I 5 6. T 8 9 lO II I~ 13 rahs Type ~ax Average ~nuaJ Neasure I Oys C~t C~t C~t Use l~att~ Hhere % by Na~es of ~txture/Como~ts oae Coae Ami A,t Est Units ~ Site Type Pres~ leap C~e .. Stored In Fa,ctllty Nt See Instructions hysical and HealCh Hazard CA.5. Number C~en~ ~1 Na~ ~ C.~.5. Nu~bee · --~ -- r--q r--q r--~ Coa~t 12 NaN & C.A.S. Nuebee .----- rite Hazard [ ] Reactivity u_d ~iay~ ~_d ~dd~ Release u--4 Health of Pressure HNIth ...................... ~ ....................... : ............. hysica} and Health Hazard C.A.S. Nu.ber C~m: II NaN & C.A.S. Nue~r ~ I-t ~/D~ocRzBo~ 80~ (~ec~ al] that a~ply) ,--J Fire Hazard u--~ Reactivity u--~ ~lay~ u--J ~dd~ Release u--J [~tate Health of Pressure Health ........... C~t 13 Na~ & C.A.S. Numbee hvsical and Health Hazard ' C.l.S. Nua~r C~t II Ha~ & C.l.S. Huaber --n r--n r--~ r--~ r--n CM~t 12 Na~ & C.I.S. NuiMr ~ Fire Hazard u--d Reactivity u--d Oelay~ u--d Sudd~ Release ~--J I~tate · flealth pi Pressure Health Ca~t 13 Na~ & C.A.S. Nue~r --d Fire ~aza~4 ~--d Reactivity Oelay~ ~--d _ . Heait~ pt Pressure Heah~ ........................................................................ r~itica~ion (Reud and sign after co.pieCing ail sections/ certify under p~aJty of Jaw that I have personally exanined and am fomiltaP pith the lnforaatl~ subJitt~ In this and oil Ittic~ d~um~ts, and that based ~ my inquiry of t~se todividuals resp~sibJe' r obtaining the inforeatl~, I believe t~: the ~ubei:te~ tnforaact~ ts true, accurate, and conp{ete. CITY of BAKERSFIELD LOCATION: S60[ ~isT~,(c ~LVO. ADDRESS: ~9 m~o~ul~ D~. STANDARD IND, CLASS CODE ~ ro zugrs~crzous Po. v~ov~ co~s ~rans Type Hex Average ~nuai Neasure I Oys C~t C~t C~c Use L~act~ ~here % by Naars of Htxture/Coao~ts Code CoOs AeC Ami Est Units ~ Site Type Press Te.o C~e .. Stored tn FaciHty ~t See [nstructi~ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.[. Ju.ber C~lnt Il Ja~ & C.A.S. Nueber ~ C~LO~L~I~I[ IO~- ~J-~ " Health of Pressure ~lth ......................................................... Physical and Health Hazard C.l.S. JuBber C~t Ii NaN I C.A.~. ~,av I/ TKIFOLY~HoSPHflT~ [--~ Fire Hazard u--a Reactivity u_J ~lay~ u_d ~ddm Release u_J I.~late Health of Pressure 'Health ........... Ca.et I1 Ne. & C.A.5. Nutone Hea I th o~ Pressure Hca I tn .......................................................... ~ ............. Ca~t I] Na~ & C.A.S. Num~e Physical and Health Hazard C.l.S. ~uabee Ca.mt II Nam & C.l.S. Number ..... ~g ............. Fire Hazard u--J React~vity u--] O~layed u--J Sudd~ Release u--J [m~tate . Health of Pressure Health ........ - ...... Ca~t I] Na~ & C.A.S. Certification (Re~d and sign after completing all sections) I certtfg under ~alty of. law that'[ have personally examined and aa taeiltar ~ith the tnfor~ati~.subettt~ tn thts and all attac~ d~ue~ts, and that based ~ ay inquiry of t~sa individuals res~sible- {or obtaining the infor~ti~, [ believe t~t the submitte~ info~mati~ is true. accurate, and comolete. . .... ' CITY of BAKERSFIELD '~____ ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY' Farm and Agriculture Standard Business BUSINESS NAME:~DC~F~C ~00D ~~tN~ OWNER NAME: ~cH~4~ ~q~ffS~ NAME 0F T~ ~A~.~LITY:~tM[ LOCATION: ~O; D~I~ ~L~D. ADDRESS: ~{~ ~P0~t~ Dt~, STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE CITY, ZIP: B~K~~ - 9~{5 CITY, ZIP: g~iZgf C~ ~'6F~ DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE ~: ~g05) ~3~-O~29 PHONE ~: ('707.; e~&"~&77 ' i i - ~ $ L - O ro z s c zous voR vRov costs (C~k ail tha~ ~ppiy) (Checx ~11 ;hat apply) u e Hazard ~--] Reactivity ~--J ~lay~ -- dd~ Release ~--J I~tate Health o~ Pressure Heal[h ' t~t I) Na~ & C.~.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard. C.A.S. Number C~t Il NaN & C.l.S. Numbl~ (Ch~k all tha~ apply) .......................... r -- q r -- q r -- n [ -- q r -- 1 C~: I~ HaH & C.~.S. Number ~--a Fire Hazard ~--J Reactivity ~_a Oelay~ a Sudd~ Release ~_a I~tate ~ea I th of Pressure ~ea I t~ C~t 13 NaN & C.A.S. Num~r Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number C~t II NaN & C.l.S. Numberm (Ch~k all that apply) ............................ u--J Fire Hazard ~--J Reactivity ~_a Or)eyed ~_d Sudd~ Release ~--~ Heai:h of Pressure Health " ..................... J ................................................. Com~t I] Na~ & C.A.S. Number Cert?iCation (Rend and sign after completlnff all sections) I certify under ~alty of la. that I h~ve ~ersonaJly ex,tined ~nd a~ ~iiJtae ~ith the tnformatt~ subaitt~ in this and ali Ittic~ d~ua~ts, and that based m =y inquiry of t~se individuals resp~sible ~ov obcainin~ the (nformati~, J believe t~t the submitted infoemati~ i~ true, accurate, and c~ ~ . '~- - '' 5601 DISTRICT BLVD. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93319 (805) 833-0429 '- PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING o~ BAKERSFIELD, CORP. ~ T:_ C ~- T'~ ~ ~ _ ' - ' · POSTS · ' , · PILU~{GS ' .'. November -18, 1988. . ·· LUMBERGRAPE STAKES. ~;~ Bakersfield Fire Department -- Hazardous Materials Control unit 2130 G st'reet Bakersfiel~d, Ca 93301 -A'~tn :i Ralph Huey ...... -~ -- --"' ' .... - Mr. Huey, please_ find attached the following, a _reVised tSlant map showing the capacity and loca- tion of our above ground diesel tank and our "Cal Gas-" propane storage tank (items 16 and 17 on map). . Also find 2 MSDS's (material safety data sheets) - for the oxygen and acetylene cylinders we. have in " .plant (3 each). Also attached is a revised "Haza_rdous Materials Inventory Sheet", shoWing a change in item 2. ~.. If you have any questions, please call 833-0429. Sincerely Don Baize Plant Superintendant _.. WE-.~JtE HELPING TO CONSERVE OUR NATION'S TIMBER-RESOURCES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTION INRPECTION DATE: //~/~-~ INSPECTOR: ~. ~~ " V~IFI~TZON OF ~TX~ ~ Ans'd ..... L ...... ~oe= smm~ o~ ~~ ~ v~~oN o~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ V~IFI~TION OF ~S AV~~ ~ VERIFICATION OF EFtERGENCY PROC~DUII~S POSTED CONTAINERS PROPERLY '~RK~T-~'~ VERIFICATI~ OF FACILITY DIAGRAM ~----~' SPECIA~ H~2~I~DS AS~'r~r.~ #ITH THIS FACILITY: I.D. g UAREllSFIEI, D C~T¥ FIRE DEPARTMENT - .. .~H 4A-I Pt 2 2 N O N -- '.l.' I'1 A DIg IIAZ AItDO US SATEItI ALS I NVENTOIIY I~USINEsS NAME: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OWNER NAME: RICI1ARD JACKSON FfiCII, ITY UNIT AUDRESS: 5601 District Blvd. AI3UIIESS: 419 Meadowview Dr. FACILITY UNIT CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield 93313 UI'I'Y,ZII': Vacaville, Ca 956B~ I'IIONE t: UO5-B33-0429 I'IIONE 8: 70'1-~-~77 [~i~iA~'- UsE CFIRS I ONLY 2 ~ 7 8 9 !0 HAR ANNUAl, LOCATION IN Tills ~ ll~ IIAZfiI1D AMUUNT AMOUNT FACILITY UNIT WT. ClIEM[qAL OR COMMON NAME CODE 354,000 Creo-Tank farm (13) 100 Petrole'um hydrocarbon. CPA-4 CBO FLLQ 152,000 Creo-Tank farm (13) 100 CREOSOTE Coal Tar distillate CHLQ \HE :_[kOll_Jlanka 1'I I'LE :_P_~-t/kk_blalla_q_er S ONA'I'UIIE: DA' E: IERt;ENCY CON'I'A{;T:__j/QiLDanka II'l'l,E:_PlalLk_lla~ag_er PIIONE ~ BUS ilOO~S: 8~5-833-0429. ~ AFTER BUS IIRS: 805-393-3763 IEI1GENCY CONTACT: Don Baize TITLE: Plant Superintendant PIIONE ~ BUS IIOURS: 805-833-0420 RECEIVEO I:E1 2 o. 1 11 $ ............ February 25, 1988 Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Control Unit 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey Dear Mr!. Huey, Per the reporting requirements of Section 312 of the Emergency Planning Community Right-to- Know Act of 1986 (T~tle III), we have attached a Tier Two Inventory Form of those chemicals for which we believe reporting is required. We are submitting this information for specific chemicals pur- suant to the Tier Two guidance instructions as interpreted to apply to this facility. While the chromated copper arsenate preservative contains various components in water, it does not seem to qualify as a mixture since none of the components can be physically or'mechanically separated, and thus is being reported as a liquid solution. You will also note that we are reporting on the basis of solution volume versus individual components used to formulate such. We are happy to provide this information and also want 'to add that the undersigned individual is the emergency planning contact for this location and is availabl4 to participate on the local emergency planning committee for this area. If further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, Don Baize Plant Superintendant ]'lO[ TWO t,.,,. PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING ,~ Rio. hard .Ta~.k~nn ,,~ t707t~46-4677 _ ~I%OSHCY m,.,m~.,, 5601 District Blvd. .,,~., ~419 Meadow View Rd. Va~aville CA 95688 AH~ c,,v. Bakersfield .... IHVENIOItY . OIILY o,t,~ ' m~ 180518'33-0429 ~.~ I 8051 393-5983 Physical. hwontoly i' ~ Storngo Codo~ nnd Locatlol18 Ilazarda Dally D~IIF DaVa 'i ..... Amounl Amounl  Id~ ~.~1 ~) (cod.) (cod~) ida Slvroge Codt ~torage l~catlo~u ~.l --, ~i:k] Located in labeled 10,000 gallo~ Wood Preservative) ~,~,,. (~.~ .... M m,,,~.. ~ ~ ~allon tanks behind treatin~ . ~e &tim B~M L~JM G~e -,. '. ............ ~'"[ ....... ~""""~P"'"'"' '""'"" PAGE 2 of 5 1'~0[ TWO ,,..~_ PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING ~.. Ri~.h~rd 'J~-kson AHO ' .,,,~., j4!9 Meadow View Rd. ~Vacaville CA 95688 I~/o,,..~1o. ~ ~',~ ' ' ~ 18051833-0429 ~,~.~ I 8051 393-3763 OFFICIAL II~E H~ _Don BaiZe ~ , PhyslcM. Invontmy i' ~ Slorngo CoHos nnH Locations iAmounl Am.unl On-ille . ~'~ -- ,~,~] LOCATED .NEXT TO BOILER IN ...... ~,..,.. 0 0~1 ] _TRE%TING BUILDING Ch.m. Nam. NALCO 2588 - -- n~ ..u.. , ;, ', 0 0 E LOCATED NEST TO BOILER TN -~,-.,.,.. ~ ~ mm ~ TReATinG BUILDING BOILER TREATMENT ,__ a.~,M~v ~ 0 0 ~ ....... ]]or Two ,,..._ PACIFIC, WOOD, PRESERVING E~IEI%oEtlcy ,i,--i~.,, 5601 District Blvd. N~. R~h~rd J~ck~on , ~-~ 17071446-4677 AHD u.,~., j~19 Meadow View Rd. vacaville CA 95688 I~zA~ooUs c,,~_Bakersfield .~.,._CA. _ z,~ ~ II'IV~HIOIIY ~I CA,,.I,.I FOIl ~~ - , z,,~. [~.. I 805l 393-3763 I1~ t~ Don Bai'~e ~ ' ' . m~ 1805~ ~,~..~ I 805~ 393-5983 ................. ,, ,~,,u,,~ ur urt c0nl Itllfl ~ Repo~tlng Period Chollllc~l Do~crlpllon. ami IIo.llh .' ~ (flea-Confidential) Amounl Amount ~.~ ,~: 0 0 ~ STORED IN A LOCKED LAB Chem. It~. TOLUENE .,~ ~.~. ...... . , ,, (PETRO'~EUM HYDROCARBON~ ~ ~ m"~* 0 0 1 ' ' , ,-,~'~,, ~ ~ b I~1~ 0 0 ~ ~ '" ~,,,,,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.-,~,,, ~~i~~ ~1~1, -- _ , .... .. , , ~ .............. ,~ OI ~JJlJJJ ~1~11 I~l~) I C~II~ I~~ ~llly et I~w Ihll J Jll~ ~l~llly illml~ I~ Im f~mlll~ ~lh lira ~f~m~l~ II~dll~ ~ Ihfl _ Don Danka -~t Manaqer ~-~-~ V?~'%~n~ h'%' ~, ,~, 1'10r Two t~.,,. PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING t~. Richard [[~[II~HCY m,'.,&~.,, 5601 District Blvd. .,,~., j41~ Meadow View Rd. Vacaville CA 95688 ~HO c,,,_ Bakersfield. ..... CI IEMICAt. IIIVEftlOIIY N~Don D~n~a . ' I.~, P~ont Manager r~/o,..~tlo.- - ~ ~.,~ - -:- ~ 18051833-0429~ 2,~.fa~ I 8051 393-3763 I1~[ ~m Don Baize '' l]t~lant OItLY m~ 180518'33-0429 ~4~..~ I 8051 393-598'3 I'hyslcnl. Inventing i' ~ Storage Codoa nnd LocntlonB- Chemical Do~crlpll°ll II~zards u..v.D..v ~.v. .'~ ..... Amounl Amounl On-~lle . ~.f~ ~ ~. 0' ] A LOCATED IN CREO TANK FARM IN Chem. H~ne. CREOSOTE - CO~L T~R . . ~ ~m~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 36.000 G~LLON T~MK IM ~ DI~ED DISTILLATE -- n~v ~ ~_ 0 0 5 AREA a,~ I~kl ~,1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LOCATED IN CREO TAN~ PARM I~ _ ~'~ ~'"'" 0 0 1 a 36.000 GALLOX~ TANK IN A DIKED ~sl I i:! I ! I'.~~ "~ "'' Do~Danka - Plant Manaqer ~~ -.; '"'~ '"'~"" '"" ~' '"' ]'lor' Two ,,..._ PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING EN1EIICI£tIC¥ 81,.t ~.,. '5601 District Blvd. ~. R~ ~hard Jackson I.~ _1707 1446-4677 AF~ c,,~ Bakersfield ..,~., ~419 Meadow View Rd. Vacaville CA 95688~ IIAZAflDOU~ '" 8111e _CA z,~ CIIEMICAL .' Emergency Conlacl · .~ 18051fiB' -'4 z~,..~ 8051 393-5983 Physical ~ -- Chon]leal Doscrlpllon and IIo.ltil :., . 8lorago Codo8. and LocatlonB ' ~ (Non-Conlldonllal) Am,unl Amaunl On-alle ~ . . ..,. Id~ ~ ~l ~1 (code) (coae) (day,) Storale Codt ~lpral~ l.c,~lons X ~ 0 0 ~ lOCaTED ~EST O~ T~K STORAGE. Chem. II~ne LIQUEFIED PROPANE X I.. .... ,. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT '~-"~ · '' 2130 "G" STREET' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 ..... ,,:"t.~. ~ :' ~',:' ........ u'n, .~ ....... .:: ............... -',2:'. .... ;. ,.~ ' " - .... OFFICIAL USE ONLY .. '-'~: ..... ':/. : - '..."' '-" - ': ""':': ' ..... :' ' :'":' BUSINESS NAME " ..':, :~ '- '"':.:'"' .,' ...... , : .,,'..'~ ~- ..... :- ,' HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS ,.A 'WHOLE " 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTIO~ 1: B~SI~ESS IDE~I~IC~TIO~ A. BUSINESS NA~E: PACifIC WOOD PRESERVING OP B~K~T~r.n - B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 560~ DISTR~OT B~VD. -. , . '~ . . CITY: B~ERSFIELD .... ZIP: 03313 BUS,PHONE: (805) ~33-042q In case of an emergency,involving the release or threatened release of a '". hazardous ~aterial,.,oall Ell and 1-800-852-7850 or 1-glG-427-4341.u'Thts ~ill .notify you~ local 'fire department .and the State Office of Eme~gene~ Services'as~reffuired bY E~PLOYEE8 T0 NOTIFY IN CASE OF E~ERGE~CY: NA~E AN~ TITLE DURIN6 BUS. fiRS. AFTER BUS. A." Don'Danka :'? s": ...... ' ....... Ph~ 805-833-0429 Ph~805-393-3763 '-B.-' Don Baize Ph~ 805-833-0429 Ph~805-393-5983 'SEOTIO~ 3: LOOATIO~ OF ~I~I~ S~-O~S ~OR BUSI~SS AS A A. NAT, 6AS/PROPANE: No~th-~est co~ne~ of p~ope~ty B. ELECTRICAL: South-~est oo~ne~ ~ain bldq.-- south-West oo~ne,~ o~eo b~dg. O. ~ATER: No~th-pe~imete~ 10' ff~om curb in cente~ off lot. D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES /_~_ IF YES, LOOATION~ IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KE~S? YES / NO - 2A - BAKERSFIELD ?Y FIRE DEPARTHENT " ' ,.I.D. # 4A-1 __l__of 6 NON--TRADE SECRE'TS HAZARDOUS lVIATERI ALS I.NVENTORY 'BUSINESS NAME: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OWNER NAME: RICHARD JACKSON FACILITY UNIT #: 1 ADDRESS: 5601 District Blvd. ADDRESS: 419 Meadowview Dr. FACILITY UN. IT NAME:~CA Tank .CITY,. ZIP:_ Bakersfield 93313 CITY,ZIP: Vacaville, Ca 95688 farm ~: PHONE #: "' 805-833-0429 PHONE #: 707-446-4677~, [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE 'I ONLY 1 2 3 4 § 6 ? 8 . 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LocATIoN IN THIS ~ BY HAZARD D.O.T ! ~0DE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIqAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE i. M 350 1400 Gal 03 19 CCA TANK FARM (1) 'LIQUEFIED PROPANE ' J ,~ · .4 Ethane {%~k I FLGS 65 Propane 1 /~~ ' ~)~ FLGS 35 .Propy. lene ~ / FLGS .' 3.0 c/4'and'higher hydrocarbons FLGS ~P 500 11,000 Gal 02 19 SCA TANK FARM (1) JPC DIESEL # 2 PetrOleum hydrocarbons CMLQ .. ' - 5000 60,000 Gal 02 32 CCA TANK FARM (1) WOLMANAC R Concentrate 50%% v 15 Arsenic Pentoxide I~ PSNB 25 Chromic Acid /O'6'7 PSNB 10 Cupric Oxide ' PSNB NAME Don Danka TITLE: Plant Manager SIGNATURE: DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Don Danka TITI, E: Plant Manager PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-3763 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Don Baize TITLE: Plant Superintendant PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wood Treating Plan% AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-5983 . BAKERSFIELD C~TY FIRE DEPARTMENT ,I.D. #~M 4A-1 2 o'f 6 · NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I.NVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OWNER NAME: RI'CHARD JACKSON FACILITY UNIT #:_J-t___ AODRESS: 5601 District Blvd. ADDRESS: 419 Meadowview Dr. FACILITY UNIT NAME:Creo-Tank CITy, ZIP: Bakersfield 93313 CITY,ZIP: Vacaville, Ca 95688 . ~. .PHONE ~: 805-833-0429 PHONE #: 707-446-4677'- O'FFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE 1 2 3 4 S 6 ? 8 · 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE:,\ ,.AMOUNT AMOUN~ UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL ,OR COMMON ~AME CODE GUIDE '~P 6480 354,000 Gal 02 32 Creo-Tank farm (13) 100 'PetroleUm hydrocarbon / CPA-4 CBO FLLQ P 8910 152,000 Gal. 02 32 Creo-Tank farm (13) 100 CREOSOTE / .,, Coal Tar distillate CMLQ /' NAME Don Danka · TITLE: Plant Manager S GNATURE: DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Don Danka TITLE: Plant Manager . . PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-83370429 " AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-3763 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Don Baize TITLE: Plant Superintendent PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wood Trea~ing plan~ AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-5983 BAKERSFIELD ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT -*I.D. # 4A-1 3 of 6 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I.NVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OWNER NAME: RICHARD JACKSON FACILITY UNIT.#: 11 ADDRESS: 5601 District Blvd. ADDRESS: 419 Meadowview Dr. FACILITY UNIT NAME:Creo. Lab CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield 93313 CITY,ZIP: Vacaville, Ca 95688 PHONE #: 805-833-0429 PHONE #: 707-446-4677,. [OFFICIAL 'USE CFIRS CODE ·[ ONLY 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 · 9 10 · TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D'.O.T ~0DE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE ..~~P 3 1 Gal 09 15 Creo-Lab (11) 100 ' ' T01uen~ c7h8 Petroleum hydrocarbon NAME: Don Danka TITLE: Plant Maaager S GNATURE: DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Don Danka TITI. E: Plant Manager PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-3763 EMERGENCY,CONTACT: Don Baize TITLE: Plant Superintendant PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY,: Wood Trea~in~. _ Plant AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-5983 BAKERSFIELD ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT ,I.D. # 4A-1 P 4 of 6 ' '" NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I.NVENTORY .. BUSINESS NAME: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OWNER.NAME: RICHARD JACKSON FACILITY UNIT #: 12 ADDRESS: 5601 District Blvd. ADDRESS: 419 Meadowview Dr. FACILITY UNIT NAME:Boiler Plant CITy,. ZIP: Bakersfield 93313 CITY,ZIP: Vacaville, Ca 95688 PHONE #: 805-833-0429 PHONE #: 707-446-4677.. ~OFFI'~IAL USE CFIRS CODE ·[ ONLY ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T ~0DE AMOUNT AMQUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT ,WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE M 1·5 75 Gal 07 41 Boiler plant (12) NALCO 2556 - Corrosion inkibt. 40 Cyclohexyamine ~% FLLQ 10 Morpholine ~~ FLLQ M 15 75 Gal 07 41 Boiler plant (12) HALCO 2548 - Oxygen scavenger / . 40 Sodiu~ bisulfite ~~ ORMA Proprietary chemical ~O~ ~_ ORMA , M 15 75 Gal 07 41 Boiler plan~ (12) NALCO 2588 - Boiler treatment 10 ,S0~ium tripoiyphosphate~-~.~LLQ NAME: Don Danka TITLE: P~ant Manager S GNATU~E: DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Don Danka TITLE: Plant Manager PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 ~ ' ' AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-3763 EMERGENCY ~'0NTACT: Don Baize TITLE: Plant Superintendant PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 PRINCIPAL ~USINESS ACTIVITY: Wood Treatin~ Plan~ AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-5983 . BAKERSFIELD KY FIRE DEPARTMENT ,I.D.. # 4A-1 p 5 of 6 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I-NVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OWNER NAME: ·.RICHARD JACKSON FACILITY UNIT #: 12 ADDRESS: 5601 District Blvd. ADDRESS: 419 Meadowview Dr. FACILITY UNIT NAME:Creo plant CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield 93313 CITY,ZIP: Vacaville, Ca 95688 - PHONE #: 805-833-0429 PHONE #: 707-446-4677~. 0FFICIAL'USE CFIRS CODE ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT,USE LOCATION IN THIS ~ BY HAZARD D.O.T ~ODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY U~IT WT., CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE solvent based· ~CMLQ 55 550 .Gal 06 08 Creo Plant (12) 44 Degreaser (surfactants) 'NAME Don Danka TITLE: Plant Manager SIGNATURE: DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Don Danka TITLE: Plant Manager PHONE # BUS HOURS:. 805-8~3-0429 AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-3763 EMERGENCY·CONTACT: Don Baize TITLE: Plant Superintendant PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wood Trea~in~. _ Plan~ AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-5983 BAKERSFIELD ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT " ,I.D. # 4A-1 P NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS I.NVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OWNER NAME: .RICHARD JACKSON FACILITY UNIT #: 7 ADDRESS: 5601 District Blvd. ADDRESS: 419 Meadowview Dr. FACILITY UNIT NAMEMaint. shop CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield 93313 CITY,ZIP: Vacaville, Ca 95688 PHONE ~: .... 805-833-0429 PHONE #: 707-446-4677. IOFFiCIAL USE CFIRS ~ODE ONLy , , 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 · 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS ~ BY HAZARD D.0.T ~ODE AMO~,NT AMOUNT ~U, NIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT,. WT. C, HEMI~AL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUID~; M 10 40 Gal 06 26 Maint. shop (7) 79 C'hevron'polyurea, , i17 ' 55 11'5 Gal 06 26 Maint. shop (7) 99 ~Chevron hydraulic oil 6.8 I~ CMSL ~AME Don Danka TITLE: Plant Manager S GNATURE: DATE: EMERGENCY..CONTACT: Don Danka TITLE: Plant Manager PHONE #.BUS HOURS:_805-833-042~ AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-3763 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Don Baize TITLE: Plant Superintendant PHONE # BUS HOURS: 805-833-0429 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wood Trea~in~. _ Plant AFTER BUS HRS: 805-393-5983 SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TE~ FOR BUSINESS AS A plant, 3 Fire hydrants are located on the property, Full face respira~~' ~e-~'~vai'~able along with prote6~i~e"~c'lothi~g.'-''.:~. ~'~'~.'~ Operators are able to .handle any .small emorgency SECTIO~ $: LOCAL E~RGE~CY ~DIC~L ~SSIST~CE FOR YO~ B~SI~ESS ~S ~ ~OLE ~ite bane medical' center is aPproximatel7 3 blocks {5 min) from P~PB ~ ~all a~ulance is within {7 min) SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A"PROGR~ WH~IcH'PRoviDES EMpLOYEESWITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS.' ................... !:'L.!"?:'. ~ ~i~'~ .... ~'~'"~ iCIRCLE YES DR NO' '" '":.-' "~ ".-" -" '~ ' INITIAL '" ~REFRESHER .... A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:.... .................................... YES NO .YES NO B. PROCEDURES ~OR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES ........ -~',' :'"""'~' WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: ............... ' ........... YES NO YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .... .: ...... ;..' .... Y~_ NO ::~_ :NO D EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES:...~.: .... :..:::., ~':Y,~_-"NO ~-_~ NO ~: ........ ........ E..DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:..:~.;;:.~_.'.No .... ::..~y~NO"i~,~ SECTION ?: HAZARDOUS NATERIAL CIRCLE YES'OR NO'%~' '?:~'~'.'~'~{ .... · ~:", ..... ,:- ' ' ..DOES.YOUR BUSINESS ~ANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES NO I, Don Baize , certify 'that the abo~e' information is accurate. I understand that this inforaatton will be used to fulfill my firm'~ obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. ~0 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury: ! 'SIGNATUR~=~O~-~~ ' TITLE Plant Supt.. '. '.:'. : '. DATE_I~,, ~7- "/BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT .. 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ,~ OFFiCiAL USE ONLY .~ ID# BUSINESS NAME: · BUSINESS PLAN · ' - SINGLE FACILITY UNIT ' . FORM SA INSTRUCTIONS ' ' 1..To avoid further .action, this form must be returned by: 2.. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4.-Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible .... FACILITY L~IT# -FACILITY UNIT Nk~E: Pacific Wood Preserving SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVE5~ION, ABATEMENT PROCED5~ES Ail tanks are blocked in when not in use. A pit' directly .. under each cylinder is capable of handling the total con- tents of any one tank, which are in a block-wall retainer or cement-wall retainer which drains towards the concrete pits. PFS WASTE MANAGEMENT CO. has the equiptment and means ~ to handle any spill. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION ~\q] EVACUATION PROCEDL~RES AT THIS L~IT ONLY An Emergency Contingency Plan has been written for Pacific Wood Preserving Plant. This plan which is attached to this Business Plan, List the names of the emergency coordinators along with their phone numbers and emergency agencies and their phone numbers. It also contains plant maps, what to do if a spill occurs, emergency equip and an evacuation plan. - 3A - SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... YES NO If YES, see~B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B..Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret'form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION Fire extinguishers are located in key points through-out the plant. Full face respirators are avaiable along with protective c!othing.' smoke alarms'are located in front office.-building, which can be picked Up by our Security Alarm System (SONITROL') after hours. Operators are able to handle any small'emergency. SECTION $: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS 3 Fire hydrants are spaced evenly across the middle of the plant, (from east to west). SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS b~IT ONLY. A. NAT. GAS/PROPAN~ North-West corner of property B. ELECTRICAL: Main shut'offs: South-West corner main building Main shut-offs: South-West corner Creosote building C. WATER: North- perimeter 10 Ft. from curb in.center of lot D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? ' YES / NO CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - HIGHEST HAZARD RATING: MODERATE OOAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D GENERIO NAMES/SYNONYMS/TRADE NAMES CRESOSOTE OIL. DEAD OIL. TAR OIL. LIQUID PITOH. DISTILLATES. ANTHRAOENE OIL. BRIOK OIL. OREOSOTUM. OREOSOTE~ OOAL TAR. OOAL TAR. DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME OOAL TAR DISTILLATE DOT HAZARD OLASS OOMBUSTIBLE LIQUID MSDS ID NO. 1066 DOT GUIDE/84 NO. 27 STCC ....... 49-151-55 DOT ID NO .... 1995 UN/WA NO ...... 1157 MERCK/lC NO ..... 2581 ~o NO. 8001589 SAX/6 NO. NONE RT_C~/NIOoH GF:8615000 I . ,,, I1";'"1i ::::::" CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - HIGHEST HAZARD RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D MAJOR MANUFACTURER PHYSIOAL OHARACTER NORMALLY A OOLORLESS, YELLOW, BROWN OR BLAOK.OIL HANDLED AS A LIQUID. VIS- OOSITY LIKE HEAVY OIL. MOLEOULAR WT.: OOMPLEX MIXTURE. MELTING PT. VARIES. BOILING PT. >556F [>1800]. SPEOIFIO GRAVITY 1.05 TO 1.15 AT 68F [200]. VAPOR VAPOR PRESSURE 80 mmHg AT 68F [200]. HIGH VAPOR DENSITY, HEAVIER THAN AIR. SLIGHTLY OORROSIVE AND DEOOMPOSITION PRODUOTS MAY BE OORROSIVE STABLE. FOR OHEMIOAL REAOTIVITY BEHAVIOR WITH WATER AND OTHER SUBSTANOES SEE SECTION 5~ "REACTIVITY/CHEMISTRY" OOMPONENTS/ADDITIVES/IMPURITITES ORESOLS, PYRIDINE, PHENOLS, VARIABLE AMOUNTS OREOSOLS, GUAIACOL, PYROL, AND OTHERS PACKAGING/TRANSPORT/PLACARDING NORMALLY STORED & TRANSPORTED IN RAIL OR HIGHWAY TANKERS, TANKS, DRUMS. NEEDS SPEOIAL OARE IN PAOKING& HANDLING AS IS OOMBUSTIBLE, POISON. PLAOARDED: DOT 1995, 1156, OR 1157; NFPA 2/2/0~ OOMBUSTIBLE LIQUID. HAZARD LABELING: OOMBUSTIBLE. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 .. 2 II,....l~ ~F....I~ It ........ '"'11'"' ~¢I::I~1~ II ....... ]E::I, ]E ........ ,,,, ~1 ...... .~,~!'" ,~:::.f~ '"7' .The information in this software was prepared by the. Northridge Tox Center, Northrid~e Hospital Medical Center, Nocthridge, California from sources and experiences deemed to be reliable .and accurate. The reader is Oautiomed that information in published sources, cannot substitute for the judgement of knowledgeable, responsible persons at the scene. Also bear in mind that the information published herein does not address hazards which'arise when two or mope substances are mixed. Expert adv'ioe and assistance should be. obtained .and followed possible. Two excellent sources of advice are: OHEMTREC (800) 424-9300 NORTHRIDGE TOX CENTER (800) 682-9000. .]i... II-II ,~::::!~ '"';' ...... ::;;"' ..... ,~.... ,l~l..l~b I1:::;;I! Iii, :S; I......I I1",,'1111",,"1i ,¢u~, II ,,. ""~i .... CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - HIGHEST HAZARD RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/S7 D KEY H~ZARDS COMBUSTIBLE, POISON, ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD. ........ ' MSDS RATING SYSTEM EXPLOSION MODERATE FIRE MODERATE REACTIVITY NONE CORROSIVITY LOW OXIDIZER ACTION NONE OVERALL HEALTH MODERATE RESPIRATORY MODERATE SKIN' MODERATE EYE MODERATE ORAL MODERATE ENVIRONMENTAL MODERATE ,' 1988 MSDS, INC , ..... :::I ..... ,Ei:ili EE I1'",,.!! E] '"'"" :::'"' I.....~ II ........ ]11::; I1'",,,11 i1::::::" CJI II ,,,. I!""'1i ,¢!::~!1, T' ]11::; Ell IN! CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - HIGHEST HAZARD RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D COLORLESS TO YELLOW, BROWN OR BLACK OILY ORGANIC LIQUID. MODERATELY IRRITA- TING TO SKIN, EYES, NOSE/THROAT/LUNGS. MAY BE CARCINOGENIC AND IS POISONOUS. ODOR LIKE ASPHALT. SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS DUE TO FLAMMABILITY, EXPLOSIVENESS. REACTS VIOLENTLY WITH POTENT OXIDIZERS. CORRODES RUBBERS, PLASTICS & COAT- INGS. CREATES SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS DUE TO GROUND WATER POLLU- TION. CONTROL OF RUN-OFF IS A MAJOR PROBLEM. USE MAXIMUM PRECAUTIONS AS SKIN AND LUNG EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE IRRITATION, BLISTERS,, DEATH. SUPPRESS FIRES USING WATER SPRAY, FOAM, 002, DRY CHEMICAL. AVOID WATER IF POSSIBLE. FIRE PRODUCTS ARE TOXIC AND IRRITANT. SINKS IN WATER. VAPOR IS FLAMMABLE, NOT TOXIC, BUT IS HEAVIER THAN AIR~ SPREADS DOWNWIND & FLASHES BACK, ACCUMULATES IN.CLOSED SPACES AND LOW SPOTS, & DETONATES IF IGNITED. PLACARDED 1995,1156, OR 1157. SHIPPED IN STEEL CONTAINERS. USED IN MAKING CHEMICALS, DRUGS, COATINGS, LUBRICANTS, PESTICI.DES. MA~FERIAL SAFETY 'DATA SYSTEMS, INO. (805]) 648-6800 CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - FIRE HAZARD: MODERATE EXPLOSIVE HAZARD: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 .D DOT GUIDE TEXT - FIRE OR EXPLOSIVE HAZARD FLAMMABLE/COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. MAY BE IGNITED BY HEAT, SPARKS, OR FLAMES. VAPORS MAY TRAVEL TO A SOURCE OF IGNITION AND FLASH BACK. 'CONTAINER MAY EXPLODE IN .HEAT OF FIRE. VAPOR EXPLOSION HAZARD INDOORS, OUTDOORS, OR IN SEWERS· RUNOFF TO SEWER MAY CREATE FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD. FLASH POINT AUTO-IGNITION FLAMMABILITY LIMITS 120F 490 657F 5560 UK.~ TO UK.~ IN AIR FOR ADDITIONAL PHYSICAL INFORMATION, SEE SECTION 5 "HAZMAT IDENT" FOR CHEMICAL INFORMATION~ SEE SECTION 5~ "REACTIVITY/CHEMISTRY", ADDITONAL. COMMENTS COMBUSTIBLE WITH YELLOW, SOOTY FLAME. SLIGHT TO MODERATELY RAPID BURNING RATE. FORMS SOOT, CARBON MONOXIDE, FORMALDEHYDE IN A FIRE. DOESN'T POLYMERr IZE, BUT DOES PRESENT A RISK FOR A BLEVE. SMOKE OR PLUME FROM A FIRE IS A MILD TO MODERATE HAZARD. -,,'.'.'.Ii.. I1!!!!!~ .... 11:::"""" ]E It'.:'.',',!'. liE!'.; ......... iI!!!E '.>'~',',: II:::::~' II ........ tl::::'.'.ll '.l!!!!!ii', ]11:'.; '~,,,,,," i1!!!!!!'.; .,,:'.:: I1::'.;',?. iii!E: ,r,'2,:: i1'"'"11 CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - FIRE HAZARDr, MODERATE EXPLOSIVE HAZARD= MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D DOT GUIDE TEXT - FIRE EMERGENCY ACTION SMALL FIRES : DRY CHEMICAL, 002, WATER SPRAY, OR FOAM. LARGE FIRES : WATER SPRAY, FOG, OR FOAM'~ MOVE CONTAINER FROM FIRE AREA IF YOU CAN DO IT WITHOUT RISK. STAY AWAY FROM ENDS OF TANKS. COOL CONTAINERS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO FLAMES WITH WATER FROM THE SIDE UNTIL WELL AFTER FIRE IS OUT. FOR MASSIVE FIRE IN CARGO AREA, USE UNMANNED HOSE HOLDER OR MONITOR NOZZLES. IF THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, WITHDRAW FROM AREA AND LET FIRE BURN. WITHDRAW IMMEDIATELY IN CASE OF RISING SOUND FROM VENTING SAFETY DEVICE OR ANY DISCOLORATION OF TANKS DUE TO FIRE. DANGER! SEE SECTION .5, "REACTIVITY/CHEMISTRY" BEFORE BRINGING WATER OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE INTO CONTACT WITH THIS MATERIAL. SEE SECTION 60, "PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT/ACTION" BEFORE APPROACHING THIS MATERIAL. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INO~ (80.51) 648-6800 CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - FIRE HAZARD: MODERATE EXPLOSIVE HAZARD: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D ADDITONAL AOTION OLEAR LOOAL AREA AND DOWNWIND FOR A SMALL SPILL. EVAOUATE UP TO 1/2 MILE RADIUS IF LARGE OONTAINER THREATENED BY FIRE~ CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - REACT~Y HAZARD: NONE OXIDAT~N HAZARD: NONE OOAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/8? D BEHAWIOR WITH WATER DOES NOT REAOT WITH 'WATER. SINKS & IS NOT SOLUBLE IN WATER. STABLE IN OONTACT WITH AOIDIO, NEUTRAL & ALKALINE SOLUTIONS. SOME PHENOLIO OOMPONENTS DISSOLVE IN STRONGLY ALKALINE SOLUTIONS. BEHAVIOR WITH OTHER SUBSTANOES REAOTS WITH STRONG OXIDIZERS. PHENOLIO OOMPONENTS OORRODE LEAD~ ALUMINUM AND ITS ALLOYS~ PLASTIOS, RUBBERS AND OOATING. OTHER OHEMIOAL OHARAOTERISTIOS NOT AN OXIDIZER~ 8UT SLIGHTLY CORROSIVE. MAY FORM HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION OR OYCLIZATION PRODUOTS SUOH AS OAROINOGENIO POLYNUCLEAR HYDROOARBONS, AND DECOMPOSITION PRODUOTS, SUOH AS SOOT~ OAR80N MONOXIDE, FORMALDEHYDE. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (]805]) -648-6800 OHEMIOAL NAME/FORMULA - OVERALL HEALTH RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D DOT GUIDE TEXT - HEALTH HAZARD MAY BE POISONOUS IF INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. VAPORS MAY CAUSE DIZZINESS OR SUFFOCATION. CONTACT MAY IRRITATE OR BURN SKIN AND EYES. FIRE MAY PRODUCE IRRITATING OR POISONOUS GASES. RUNOFF FROM FIRE CONTROL OR DILUTION WATER MAY CAUSE POLLUTION. MSDS RATING SYSTEM OVERALL HEALTH MODERATE RESPIRATORY MODERATE SKIN MODERATE EYE MODERATE ORAL. MODERATE ', 1988 MSDS, INC ,' CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - OVERALL HEALTH RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D PRIMARY HEALTH HAZARD SKIN ABSORPTION. EXPOSURE LIMITS TLV/STEL UNKNOWN IDLH UNKNOWN TLV/TWA 0.1 mg/.m5 MAJOR SYMPTOMS/SIGNS OF OVEREXPOSURE INHALATION: IRRITATES NOSE & THROAT. OAUSES POOR VISION, MENTAL OONFUSION, UNSTEADY GAIT, SLURRED SPEEOH, RESPIRATORY DIFFIOULTY, OONVULSIONS, DEATH DUE TO OARDIOVASOULAR COLLAPSE. SKIN OONTAOT: ITOHING, REDNESS, BURNING, PIGMENTATION, BLISTERING, ULCERA- TION, SKIN SLOUGHS. 'EYE OONTAOT: IRRITATION, POSSIBLE CORNEAL DAMAGE. INGESTION: SALIVATION, NAUSEA, VOMITING, RESPIRATORY DISTRESS, DIZZINESS, HEADAOHE, HYPOTHERMIA, OYANOSIS~ OONVULSIONS, DEATH. OENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM EFFEOTS: SEE INHALATION, INGESTION. LONG-TERM EFFEOTS: SUSPEOTED OAROINOGEN & SENSITIZER. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-680Q CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - OVERALL HEALTH RATING: MODERATE COAL~ TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D DOT GUIDE TEXT - EMERGENCY.ACTION KEEP UNNECESSARY PEOPLE AWAY. ISOLATE HAZARD AREA AND DENY ENTRY. STAY UPWIND. KEEP OUT OF LOW AREAS. WEAR SELF-CONTAINED (POSITIVE PRESSURE IF AVAILABLE) BREATHING APPARATUS AND FULL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. ISOLATE FOR 1/2 MILE'. IN ALL DIRECTIONS'IF TANK CAR OR TRUCK IS INVOLVED IN FIRE. IF WATER POLLUTION OCCURS, NOTIFY APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS · USE EPA LEVEL A OR B OR EQUIVALENT. EYES: GOGGLES, ENCAPSULATED SUIT. RESPIRATORY: SCBA OR APPROVED CANNISTER MASK, ENCAPSULATED SUIT. SKIN & EXTREMITIES: IMPERMEABLE GLOVES, BOOTS, CLOTHES, APRON, TURNOUTS, AND ENCAPSULATED SUIT.' RESISTANT MATERIALS: PVC, NEOPRENE, BUTYL, VITON, NITRILE RUBBER. MATERIALS TO AVOID: POLYVINYL ALCOHOL, NATURAL RUBBER. ,~'.'.i!!i,. lEI, I1-11 il!E!:] ~]~::::~l[ II ........ T' I1-11 ..:::::: ~::::::" ]E II .,,.. :li!!!!ii: '] .... ~¢:.::~] ]1] ][]:~, , ........ CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - OVERALL HEALTH RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.5/87 D DOT GUIDE TEXT - FIRST. AID EMERGENCY ACTION' MOVE VICTIM TO FRESH AIR. CALL EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE. IF NOT BREATHING, GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION. IF BREATHING IS DIFFICULT, GIVE OXYGEN. IN OASE OF CONTACT WITH MATERIAL, IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES WITH RUNNING WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND WATER. REMOVE AND ISOLATE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND SHOES AT THE SITE. DECONTAMINATION . PERSONNEL: SHOWER WITH SOAP AND WATER. ' CLOTHING: REMOVE & LAUNDER OR DRY CLEAN. EQUIPMENT: HOSE.OFF & WIPE DOWN USING STRONG DETERGENT. RUN-OFF'WATER: MAY BE TREATED AND NEUTRALIZED WITH SODA ASH OR LIQUID CHLORINE BLEACH. NOT HARMFUL WHEN WELL DILUTED AND NEUTRALIZED' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 CHEMIOAL NAME/FORMULA - OVERALL HEALTH RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.~/87 D INHALATION: MOVE TO SAFETY,INTUBATE & RESUSCITATE IF NEEDED, PROVIDE OXYGEN. MONITOR BREATH SOUNDS FOR OHEMIOAL PNEUMONIA. START IV TKO,MONITOR LEAD II & OBTAIN BASELINE ABG's. SEEK IMMEDIATE SPEOIALTY OARE. SKIN OONTAOT: WASH SKIN WITH SOAP & WATER. CHECK FOR OHEMIOAL BURNS & TREAT AS INDIOATED. REMOVE & DOUBLE 8AG OONTAMINATED OLOTHING. SEEK SPEOIALTY CARE. ' EYE CONTACT: IRRIGATE EYES WITH NORMAL SALINE OR TAP WATER. USE PROTECTIVE EYE OINTMENT,' IF INDICATED. PATCH EYES AS NEEDED. SEEK SPECIALTY CARE. INGESTION: IF CONSCIOUS, GIVE CLEAR LIQUIDS & INDUCE EMESIS WITH IPECAC. IF UNCONSCIOUS, INTUBATE TO PROTECT AIRWAY, THEN PERFORM GASTRIC LAVAGE. MAY INSTILL CHARCOAL..SEEK SPECIALTY.CARE. MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE. MAY BE INDICATED FOR CANCER. CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA.- OVERALL HEALTH RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE.. REV.6/87 D ABSORPTION: THROUGH LUNGS, MUCOUS MEMBRANES, SKIN, EYES, Gl TRACT. DISTRIBUTION: MAINLY TO BODY FAT DEPOTS. UNCHANGED MATERIAL': EXCRETED VIA URINE. METABOLIC CONVERSION: PARTIAL, FORMS CONJUGATED PHENOLIOS WHICH ARE EXCRETED VIA URINE. NONE REMAINS IN THE BODY AS CREOSOTE OR COAL TAR DISTILLATE. STORAGE: STORE IN COOL, DRY, WELL-VENTILLATED AREA. NO STATIC ELECTRICITY OR IGNITION SOURCES. NO INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS. PERSONNEL: NO EATING, DRINKING OR SMOKING. CHANGE AND SHOWER IMMEDIATELY WHEN CONTAMINATED. DO NOT BREATHE VAPOR WHICH MAY ACCUMULATE IN CLOSED SPACES OR ~ITS. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD: MODERATE '~ COAL TAR DISTILLATE. ' REV.6/87 D HAZARD TO AIR~ WATER, SOIL AIR POLLUTION: LIMITED IN LOCAL AND DOWNWIND AREAS. WATER POLLUTION: POTENTIALLY SEVERE CONTAMINATION WHICH IS NOT PERSISTENT DUE TO RAPID 8IODEGRADATION AND CHEMICAL DEGRADATION. SOIL~POLLUTION: POTENTIALLY SEVERE CONTAMINATION, LEADING TO GROUND WATER POLLUTION, WITH TRANSIENT EFFECTS ONLY. HAZARD TO LIVING SYSTEMS LOCAL~ POSSIBLY SEVERE EFFEOTS IN IMMEDIATE SPILL AREA,BUT LONG-TERM EFFECTS ARE MINIMAL DUE TO RAPID BIODEGRADATION. BIOCONCENTRATION IN THE FOOD CHAIN IS UNLIKELY. MAY INCREASE CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND. '7 I1!!!!!1; .... I1!!!!!!] il'",,.tl %,,,~' ]1[] IF::;;?. Cl~ il'",,.ll II'"'"ll ii!!!!!!:] iP,,.li '"11 .... .,,::::: II:::;;L tl!!!i!!] ,C:: il"""ll :~'' ]1]::1, ~t~!::!~l~ ,C:: '"'11'"' ]1] Cl, I1'"',.11 :::::,,. CHEMICAL NAME/FORMULA - ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D DOT GUIDE 'TEXT - SPILL OR LEAK EMERGENCY ACTION SHUT OFF IGNITION SOURCES. NO FLARES, SMOKING~ OR FLAMES IN HAZARD AREA. STOP LEAK IF YOU CAN DO IT WITHOUT RISK. USE WATER SPRAY TO REDUCE VAPORS. SMALL SPILLS : TAKE UP 'WITH SAND OR OTHER NON-COMBUSTIBLE~ ABSORBENT MATERIAL AND PLACE INTO CONTAINERS FOR LATER DISPOSAL. LARGE SPILLS : DIKE FAR AHEAD OF SPILL FOR LATER DISPOSAL. DANGER~ SEE ALL SUBSECTIONS OF SECTION 6 HEA_TH BEFORE ALLOWING PERSONNEL TO ENTER THE SPILL/LEAK. AREA. MATERIAL SAFETY' DATA SYSTEMS~ INC~. (8051) 648-~800 OHEMIOAL NAME/FORMULA - ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.8/87 D ADDITIONAL ACTION AIR RELEASES: MONITOR SITUATION & EVACUATE IMMEDIATE AREA. ALLOW WIND TO DISPERSE. USE HOSE SPRAY TO DIVERT AND REMOVE TOXIC MATERIAL. WATER RELEASES: DIKE, DIVERT, DREDGE, ISOLATE, PUMP, TREAT IN PLACE WITH ABSORBENTS. SOIL RELEASES: TREAT IN PLACE WITH LI©UID CHLORINE BLEACH. DISPOSAL MAY BE TREATED AND NEUTRALIZED WITHOUT EXPERT ASSISTANCE USING LYE, LIQUID CHLORINE BLEACH. HAZARDOUS WASTE LANDFILL DISPOSAL OF THE UNTREATED MATERIAL IS NOT RECOMMENDED. ALDRICH CHEMICAL CATALOG DOES NOT LIST THIS MATERIAL. DANGER~ SEE ALL SUBSECTIONS OF SECTION 6 "HEALTH" BEFORE ALLOWING PERSONNEL TO ENTER THE SPILL/LEAK AREA. ',lE!!!l; .... II','.'.'.]l i1'"',,11 ........... C'.:'. ~l~'.:'.'.~l~ II ........ !1 ........ I1"':';',I'. iI!!!E :E!!;; r."'"l ti, ,11 I1:'.;I', ".]:: ilE!E '.E!;; OHEMIOAL NAME/FORMULA - HIGHEST HAZARD RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/B7 D MAJOR MANUFACTURER . NATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER CHEMTREC (800) 424'9500 REGIONAL RESOURCE CENTER TOX OENTER (818) 995-4555 IN OALIF. (800) 682-9000 USE (800) 227-6476 FEDERAL AGENCIES STATE AGENCIES LOCAL ' '-':" P, At~c_N ~ I ES AIR (415) 974-8151 E. (800) 852-7550 E. (805) 526-5081 E. E.P.A. O.E.S. HEALTH DEPT. WATER (209) 222-5761 E. (209) 445-5095 E. (805) 525-5822 E. STATE FISH & GAME REG. WATER Q.C. BOARD C.H.P. OCEAN (800) 424-8802 E. (80.5). 526-5979 E. COAST GUARD BAK HAZ MAT SOIL (800) 852-7550 E. (215) 620-2580 E. N.R.C. D.H.S. LOCAL CLEAN-UP IT (800) 262-1900 OWM 539-0685 KES 589-5220 MP VAOUUM 595-1151 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INO. (805) 648-6800 OHEMIOAL NAME/FORMULA - HIGHEST HAZARD RATING: MODERATE COAL TAR DISTILLATE. REV.6/87 D MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INO. (805) 648-6800 HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BAKERSFIELD MAY 5,1986 HAZARD COMMUNICATION PRO~RAM MAY 5, 1986 SECTION II - PROCEDURES FOR DETERMINATION AND LABELING OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE (see addendum E) B. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 1.ACCORDING TO THE OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD, CHEMICAL MANUFACTURES AND IMPORTERS ARE.REQUiRED TO PROVIDE COPIES OF MSDSs WITHINITIAL SHIPMENTS OF THIER HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL P~o~ucTS AND WITH THE NEXT SHIPMENT AFTER REVISION OF A MSDS. IF A MSDS IS NOT RECEIVED WITHIN 30 DAYSOF RECEIPT OF A CHEMICAL PRODUCT, WE REQUEST IT IN WRITING. IF THE REQUEST IS NOT SAT- ISFIED IN 30 DAYS, A SECOND REQUEST IS ISSUED BY CERTIFIED-~L, AND A COPY IS SENT TO THE LOCAL OSHA OFFICE. IN THE INTERIM','~ ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WHICH ARE NOT ACCOMPANIED BY A MSDS MAY BE USED ONLY IF SATISFACTORY EQUIVALENT HAZARD INFORMATION IS. OBTAINED FROM THE DISTRIBUTOR OR MANUFACTURER. 2. IF THE ORDER IS INITIATED LOCALLY, PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING FOLLOWS AN ESTABLISHED PROCEDURE FOR ENSURING THAT PLANT VENDORS CONSISTENTLY COMPLY WHITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS (See section VII, Part C, "OSHA AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES COMPLIANCE") ~ AS IN ITEM 1, ABOVE, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WHICH ARE NOT ACCOM- PANIED BY A MSDS MAY BE USED ONLY IF SATISFACTORY EQUIVALENT HAZARD INFORMATION IS OBTAINED FROM THE DISTRIBUTOR OR MAN- UFACTURER. WE HAVE RESERVED THE RIGHT TO RETURN TO THE SELLER, AT SELLERS EXSPENSE, ANY PRODUCT WHICH IS NOT SHIPPED, PACKAGED, LABELED, AND MARKED IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 3. COPIES OF ALL PLANT MSDSs ARE MAINTAINED IN: COPY #1 - DON BAIZE, PLANT SUPERINTENDANTS OFFICE COPY #2 - DON'DANKA, PLANT MANAGERS OFFICE COPY #3 - TERRY BRYAN, CREOSOTE SUPERVISORS OF~ COPY #4 - TIM BERRY, CCA SUPERVISOR 4. APPLICABLE MSDSs ARE MAINTAINED IN EACH WORK AREA. HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM MAY 5, 1986 5. MSDSs ARE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES TO EMPLOYEES IN THEIR WORK AREAS. 6. EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVES (NON-COMPANY EMPLOYEES) MAY ACCESS MSDSs BY CONTACTING EITHER DON DANKA, PLANT MANAGER OR DON BAIZE, PLANT SUPERINTENDANT. C. LABELING 1. ACCORDING TO THE OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD, CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, OR DISTRIBUTORS ARE TO INSURE THAT THEIR HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL PRODUCT CONTAINERS ARE PROPERLY ~ LABELED, TAGGED, OR MARKED WITH THE IDENTITY OF THE HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL, THE APPROPRIATE HAZARD WARNING, AND THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE CHEMICAL IMPORTER OR THER PARTY. ~' IF A HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL CONTAINER ARRIVES AT PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVINGS PLANT WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION, PLANT MANAGEME~' ~ IS NOTIFIED TO REQUEST SUCH IDENTIFICATION FROM THE VENDER. IT IS OUR POLICY THAT EMPLOYEES WILL NOT HANDLE OR USE HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS IN UNLABLED CONTAINERS. WE HAVE RESERVED THE RIGHT TO RETURN TO THE SELLER, AT SELLERS EXSPENSE,ANY PRODUCT WHICH IS NOT SHIPPED, PACKAGED, LABLED AND MARKED IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. . 3. DON DANKA - .PLANT MANAGER DON BAIZE - PLANT .SUPERINTENDANT ~ TIM BERRY - CCA SUPERVISOR TERRY BRYAN CREOSOTE SUPERVISOR THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT IN-PLANT CONTAINER LABLES ARE IN PLACE, LEGIBLE, AND IN COMPLIANCE ANDFOR REPLACINGANY LABLE THAT IS DEFACED,REMOVED, OR BECOMES ILLEGIBLE. IT IS OUR POLICY THAT EMPLOYEES WILL NOT USE A HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL IF AN ADEQUATE IS NOT AFFIXED TO ITS CONTAINER. 4. THE SAME PERSONNEL AS MENTIONED IN #3 ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FORENSURING ~THAT HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL CONTAINERS LEAVING THE WORKPLACE ARE LABLED/ TAGGED, OR MARKED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM MAY 5, 1986 1. FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES T~AT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ARE "READILY ACCESSIBLE DURING EACH WORK SHIFT TO EMPLOYEES AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES WHEN THEY ARE IN THEIR WORK AREAS." 2. TIM BERRY, CCA SUPERVISOR AND TERRY BRYAN, CREOSOTE SUPER- VISOR MAINTAINS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS FOR ALL CHEM- ICALS USED IN THEIR AREAS. 3. EMPLOYEES MAY ACCESS A MSDS BY REQUESTING FROM BIS OR ~E~ SUPERVISOR - TIM BERRY, CCA AND TERRY BRYAN, CREOSOTE SUPERVISOR. 4. EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVE (NON-COMPANY EMPLOYEES) MAY ACCESS MSDS BY CONTACTING DON DANKA, PLANT MANAGER OR DON BAIZE, PLANT SUPERINTENDANT 5. PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVINGS POLICY STIPULATES THAT THE MSDSs IN A WORK AREA ARE AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES IN THAT AREA UPON REQUEST.REQUEST MAY BE VERBAL. HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM ~ M~Y 5 1986 B. HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM THE HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM IS AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEES AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES UPON REQUEST TO DON DANKA, PLANT MANAGER OR DON BAIZE, PLANT SUPERINTENDANT. C. CHEMICALS LIST THE CHEMICAL LIST IS IN THE MSDSs BOOKS LOCATED IN THE PLANT MANAGERS OFFICE, PLANT SUPERINTENDANTS OFFICE, CCA TREATING SUPERVISORS OFFICE AND THE CREOSOTE SUPERVISORS OFFICE. HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM 'MAY 5, 1986 1. Air Pollution The presence of unwanted chemical and/or substances in the air. 'Unwanted Chemicals" refers to materials in sufficient concen- tration, present for a sufficient time and under circumstances to interfere significantly with com- fort, the health, or welfare of persons or the environment. 2. Carcinogenic Cancer-~.prOducing chemical or substance. 3. Concentration The amount of a given substance in a certain stated unit of measure. Common methods of stating concen- tration are percent by weight or by volume, weight per unit volume etc..(parts per millioD). .4. Exposure Contact with a chemical, substance or material. 5. Routes of Entry or Exposure Contact medium for exposure - skin absorption, inhalation, ingestion 6. Skin Absorption Route of chemical entry by absorp- tion of chemical through skin or eyes. ~AZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM MAY 5, 1986 7. Inhalation Route of chemical entry by breath- ing chemical fumes, vapors, smoke or particulates occurs through nasal and mouth passages. 8. Ingestion Route of chemical entry by eating, drinking or ingesting chemical materials or particulates. ' 9. Duration of Exposure Amount 'of time that contact with chemical occurred. ~.~ ~ .'0. Dosage Quantity of chemical that person was exposed.to. 11. Volatile Chemical which easily (at low temperature) emits vapors'or fumes such as gasoline. 12. Health Hazards The health effects that overexpo- sure of a chemical presents. 13. Acute Health Hazard Effect Immediate reaction to overexposure to a chemical such as, coughing, sheezing etc. 14. Chronic Health Hazard Effect Longterm reaction to overexposure to a chemical such as cancer, breathing~difficulties etc. ~[AZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM MAY 5, 1986 15. Bioaccumulation Chemical accumulation or absorp- tion, generally Over a longterm period in a body, organism or tis- sue. 16. Body Defense Mechanism Natural defense for chemical entry or overexposure (eg. oUter skin, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, eyes watering). ., 17. OSHA Occupation Safety and Health ~' Administration - regulatory agency responsible for in-Plant worker'~.~ chemical safety. ~ 18. Threshold Limit Values (TLV) The.concentration value for airborne toxic materials which are to be used as guides in the control of health hazards and represents concentrations to which nearly all workers may be exposed 8 hours per day over extended periods of time (years) without adverse effect. 19. Flammable Chemical A chemical that'can easily be ignited. It has a flash point below 100°F, such as gasoline. 20. Flash Point The lowest temperature at which a~~ ~ i~i~ liquid gives off enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture with air to produce a flame when a source of ignition is present. ! SECTION VII ADDENDUM B MSDSs .?:,~,; ~ HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM MAY 5, 1986 SECTION I LIST OF PLANT CHEMICALS FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF ALL CHEMICALS IN USE AT PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF B/~ERSFIELD PLANT DEPT. CHEMICAL USE DATE CREOSOTE TREATING cREOSOTE TREAT RAILROAD TIES MAY 5~1986 CCA KOPPERS PRES. TREAT LUMBER MAY 5, 1986 CCA KOPPERS CONC. CHEMICAL MIX MAY 5~86 CREOSOTE LAB TOLUENE EXTRACTION CREOSOTE MAY 5, L986 PLANT USE DEGREASER CLEANING AGENT MAY 5, 1986 PLANT USE POLYUREA GREASE~ LUBRICATION MAY 5, 1986 PLANT USE HYDRAULIC OIL LUBRICATION ' MAY 5, 1986 PLANT USE DELO 400 OIL LUBRICATION MAY 5, 1986 BOILER NALCO 2556 CORROSION INHIBT. MAY 5, 1986 BOILER NALCO 2'801 FEEDWATER TREATMT. MAY 5,1986 BOILER NALCO 2548 OXYGEN SCAVENGER MAY 5, 1986 . MAINT. PROPANE FORKLIFT FUEL MAy 5, 1986 MAINT. DIESEL FORKLIFT FUEL MAY 5, 1986 CCA LAB CCA INDICATOR MIX INDICATOR MAY 5, 1986 CREOSOTE TREATING CPA-4 FUEL OIL CREOSOTE MIX MAY 15, 1986 HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM MAY 5, 1986 SECTION I LIST OF PLANT CHEMICALS CONTINUED PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BAKERSFIELD PLANT DEPT. CHEMICAL USE DATE CREOSOTE LAB NALCO SO234 TEST SOLUTION MAY 15,1986 CREOSOTE.LAB NALCO SO274 TEST SOLUTION MAY 15, 1986 CREOSOTE LAB NALCO SO275 TEST SOLUTION MAY 15, 1986 CREOSOTE LAB NALCO S0277 TEST SOLUTION MAY 15, 198~6~ CREOSOTE LAB NALCO SO613 TEST SOLUTION MAY 15, 1986 CREOSOTE LAB NALCO SO614 TEST SOLUTION MAY 15, 1986 HEALTH INFORMATION FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES VOLUME 4, NUMBER 1, 1988 CREOSOTE Wm. Rtchey Neuman, MPH Chemical Composition: Creosote is a complex mixture yellowish to green-brown to black due to impurities or of aromatic hydrocarbons (anthracene, naphthalene, and oxidation. phenanthrene derivatives), tar .acids (phenol, cresols, and Wa~lng Propertie~: Creosote has a characteristic sharp, xylenols), and tar bases (pyridine and lutidine derivatives), penetrating, smoky odor and a caustic, burning taste. Its vapors are irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract. Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) ~8001-58-9 NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Vapor pressure: Not available. Chemical Substances (RTECS) #GF8615000 Specific gravity: 1.05 - 1.09 at 15°C (liquid) Department of Transportation (DOT) Berling point: 195-400°C (383-752°F) (continuous) Identification ~ 1993 Autoignition Temperature..'3350C (637°F) Synonyms Water Solubility: The bulk material is slightly soluble in water. However, the solubilities of its individual constituents vary greatly. Creosote-saturated solutions contain about 0.2 AWPA -1 Cresylic creosote gA of soluble organic compounds. Brick oil Dead oil Coal tar oil Heavy oil Creosote fr~m coal tar Liquid pitch oil Hazardous Chemical Properties Creosote oil Naphthalene oil Although creosote is a variable mixture, different batches Creosote P1 and P2 Tar oil and grades have similar properties. Creosote is fairly stable Creosotum Wash oil and persistent in the environment. It does not react with common materials. 7 Exposuro Guidolines Creosote is a combustible liquid, with a flash point of 75°C (165°F) and an autoignition temperature of 335°C (637°F). Federal OSHA Fires involving creosote or creosote-treated wood may pro- Permissible F~-posure Level (PEL): 0.2 rog/m3 duce a heavy, irritating, and toxic black smoke laden with the California Drinking Water ActionLeveh None constituents of creosote. Water may be ineffective in extin- guishing creosote fires; dry chemicals, foam, or carbon Note: PEL's have been set for coal tar pitch volatiles. Coal tar dioxide should be used. 7 is a closely related mixture produced by the same process. The Federal PEL for coal tar pitch volatiles is 0.2 rog/m3. This is the maximum 8-hour time-weighted average air concentration to which a worker can be legally exposed. Chemical Description There are actually two types of "creosote": coal.tar creosote Physical Properties which is obtained from the high temperature (200 to 250°C) distillation of bituminous coal and wood tar creosote which is Appearance: Creosote is a heavy, oily liquid. It is colorless obtained from the distillation (205 to 220°C) of tar generated when pure. However, the commercial product is usually from beeoh and other woods.l,2 Hazard REVIEW A service of the San Fi'ancisco Bay Area Regional Toxic Info Center, Frank J. Mycroft, Ph.D., Director Poison Control Center; Kent R. Olson, MD, Director San Francisco General Hospital, 1E86 Medical Advisory Committee: Charles E. Backer, MD 100t Pctrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110 Neal L. Benowitz, MD (415) 821-5338 Kent R. Olson, MD Supported by the Department of Health Services, State of California Richard Jackson, MD, Project Coordinator ;' Co~I tar creosote is used primarily as a wood preservative. It Occupational Exposures. An estimated 50,000 people is also used as an acaricide, herbicide, insecticide, arachni- such as farmers, carpenters, and home owners are exposed to cide, funqicide, and horse and bird repellent. In the past, wood creosote by applyinq it directly to wood. Given the vast tar creosote was used medicinally as a disinfectant and in the amount of lumber pretreated with this substance, many more form of creosote carbonate as a stimulatinq expectorant. This workers are secondarily exposed when handlinq treated wood. wood tar creosote was comprised almost entirely of quaiacol In 1980, the USDA estimated that- approximately 4,000 and cresols. Due to advances in medicinal chemistry, wood tar people were employed at 188 plants that use pressure to treat creosote is rarely used today. The use of the non-medicinal wood with creosote solution. Approximately 98% of the creosote coal tar creosote for these purposes would be danqerous. This that is used for wood preservation is applied in this way. There hazard review does not concern itself with wood tar creosote, are several opportunities for exposure to this preservative Coal tar creosote contains approximately 300 identifiable during the operation. Wood loaded onto tram cars is placed in compounds and possibly as many as I0,000 others. The exact chambers which are then filled with-creosote and pressurized. composition varies from batch to batch, and depends on the A deep penetration of the wood is achieved. Then, excess temperature of the distillation process, the type of coal used, creosote is removed by Vacuum, and the tram cars are and the qrade of creosote produced. For this reason, creosote withdrawn. The qreatest opportunity for exposure is durinq~ is described in terms of its physical properties. Different. withdrawal of the tram cars and durinq nonroutine operations qrades (as specified by the American Wood Preservers' such as cleaning the chambers. Creosote-derived PAHs have Association) are used in different preservative and pesticide been measured at treatment plants in concentrations up to 650 applications. ~'~ uq/m3.3,4,8,10 Coal tar creosote constituents of toxicological importance California state law requires that physicians report all cases are phenol ~nd phenolic compounds, pyridine,~and several of suspected p~sticide-related illness to their local health polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The PAH compo- officer within 24 hours. Of the well over 10,000 total pesttcide~ sition of creosote has been measured as high as 69% by cases reportedfrom 1977to 1986, 216 were related to creosot~ weiqht. Some of the important PAHs which have been These cases primarily involved.injuries to the skin or eyes. ~.~ identified and measured are phenanthrene (169 mq/q), . benzo[a]pyrene (4.25 mq/q), and benz[a]anthracene (10.9 mq/q). Many of the PAHs found in creosote are carcinogenic in test animals (Table 1), and are likely to account for the Table 3: Summary of Creosote-Associated Occupational reported carcinogenic effects of creosote in humans. 3,5,6 Illnesses Reported to the California Department of Food and Agriculture by Physicians, 1977-1986.1~ Table 1: Components of Creosote for which there is Sufficient Evidence of Carcinoqenicity in Experimental Animals. 3,5 Type o~ Iniury Year' Systemic Eye Skin Eye/Skin Total benz[ajanthracene dibenzo[a,iJpyrene 1977 3 22 '13 2 40 benzo[b]fluoranthene indeno[ 1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1978 1 4 26 2 33 benzo[jJfluoranthene dibenz[a,h]acridine 1979 3 9 22 0 34 benzo[a]pyrene dibenz[a,jJacridine 1980 0 5: 29 2 36 dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 2-napthylamine' 1981 0 3 11 0 14 dibenzo[a,hJpyrene o-toluidine 1982 0 . 5 14 0 19 1983 0 3~ I 0 4 * Sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity in humans 1984 1 2 8 I 12 1985 0 2 16 2 20 Sources of Human F. xposur® 1986 0 1 3 0 4 Totals 8 ' 56 143 9 216 . Since the introduction in 1875 of pressurized wood treatment processes, creosote has become the most widely used wood preservative in the United States. There is a large potential for worker and public exposure. In 1985, 102.4 million gallons of creosote were used by 123 plants to treat 128.6 million cubic feet of wood. The total volume of wood treated with creosote is Consumer exposures. Creosote has been widely avail- almost equal to the volume of wood treated with all other able to consumers for over 100 years. In 1984, the U.S. EPA preservatives combined. Creosote is the main agent used to proposed to restrict its sale and use to certified applicators or · protect railroad ties, supportinq posts, and utility poles. In personnel who have been trained in its safe use. The EPA also California, sales of creosote (Table 2) have remained well over proposed that labels on creosote containers state that applicat- 1 million pounds per year.4,s,5 ors must wear gloves and protective clothinq where dermal contact is expected and that they not eat, drink, or smoke during application. Althouqh these EPA restrictions have yet to qo into effect, it would be prudent to adhere to them. The Table 2: Amount of Creosote Sold in California, 1983-85. s Consumer should also be aware that exposure to sawdust or smoke from creosote treated wood Can be hazardous. The ' instructions on the labels of any pesticide product should be closely followed. These labels are legal documents which Year Quantity (Pounds) specify the approved uses and required safety precautions. 4,~2 The EPA concurrently issued a consumer information sheet 1983 2,257,000 which stated that wood treated with creosote should not be 1984 1,501,848 used in areas where there would be opportunity for frequent 1985 3,501,029 skin contact. This information sheet also stated that treated wood should not be used in homes. Wherever treated wood is discovered indoors or likely to come into body contact (e.q. chairs and other outdoor equipment), two coats of an mutagens. For instance, positive responses were derived from appropriate sealant (urethane, shellac, or epoxy) are re- S. typhimurium and mouse lymphoma LS187Y systems.20-23 quired. Treated wood may be disposed of by ordinary trash collection or by burial according to the EPA. Such wood should not be burned in a fireplace or open fire because toxic Reproductive Toxicity. There is. inadequate information fumes or ashes might be produced. Creosote-treated wood available on which to evaluate the effects of creosote on human should not be used where it may come into direct or indirect reproduction and fetal development. One study found a high contact with public drinking water, except for uses involving rate of still birth and perinatal mortality in livestock housed in incidental contact such as docks and bridges. In California, creosote-treated pens. 24 creosote can not be used on playground equipment. ~-~,'4 Ph~,,~acokinetics tn Humans. The disposition of creosote Adverse Health Effects in humans has not been fully described. Some creosote constituents are conjugated with sulfuronic, hexuronic, and other acids and are then excreted in the urine giving it a Creosote is a potent toxicant causing both acute and chronic · *smokey' appearance. Dermal absorption of the polynuclear effects in humans. It, is estimated that the lethal oral dose of aromatic hydrocarbons found in creosote has been observed creosote is 0.5 to 5 g/kg for human~,, but fatalities have resulted following exposure to other coal tar products. While creosote is a variable mixture of thousands of from the ingestion of as little as 7 g by adults and of about 1-2 g } compounds, it is only possible to consider the pharmacokine- by children. The acute effects of creosote poisoning are attributed to its phenolic and cresolic constitutents. 7,2s,2s tics of a few of the individual components that cause acute toxicity, such as phenols and cresols. Phenol administered via The likelihood and severity of injury from creosote is the oral route is rapidly eliminated by the kidneys (a half-time dependent on the route, duration, and level of exposure, of 1 - 4.5 hours) as sulfate and glucuronide conjugates. The -Cre°S°te can be toxic if it is inhaled, ingested, or comes, iff' pharmacologic properties of the cresol isomers are almost contact with the skin or eyes,, identical to those of phenol. Is Contact Organ Toxicity. Creosote is a primary irritant, a photosensitizer, and a corrosive. Exposure to the fumes or~ Emergency First Aid Instructions vapors causes irritation of eyes, nose and respiratory tract. Direct ey~ contact with the liquid or vapors can cause severe conjunctivitis, keratitis, and corneal scarring. Direct skin For immediate assistance call the TOXIC-INFO CENTER contact can cause irritation, erythema and itching after only a ~ (800) 233-3360 or your regional poison control center. few minutes. More prolonged skin contact can cause chemical Management of severe poisoning requires aggressive sup- acne, 'pigmentation changes (grayish yellow to bronze), portive therapy, preferably in a well-equipped Emergency photosensitization, and severe penetrating burns with blister-' Department or Intensive Care Unit. There is no specific lng or ulceration. Repeated contact over long periods of time,~ antidote. Remove the victim from exposure immediately and has been associated with skin cancer.,'Systemic toxicity can seek medical attention. result from substantial dermal exposure. Eye Exposure. Flush eyes immediately with copious Systemic Toxicity. The systemic toxicity of creosote is amounts of tepid running water for at least 15 minutes. If thought to be due to its phenolic and cresolic constituents, irritation, pain swelling, lacrimation or photophobia persist, Phenols and cresols denature and precipitate proteins and are seek prompt medical attention including a fluorescein exam of general cytoplasmic poisons which cause injury to all cells, the corneal surface. Phenols are also readily absorbed and penetrate tissues very deeply. Ingestion of creosote can cause severe irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Vomiting is common. Respiratory irrita- Skin Exposure. Remove all contaminated clothing prompt- tion, bronchospasm, and pulmonary edema may also occur, ly, taking care to avoid secondary exposure. Dispose of Gastrointestinal absorption is rapid and produces systemic clothing in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors and in effects of dizziness and headache. Central nervous system doubled, secured plastic bags. Creosote is not water soluble, (CNS) stimulation and seizures may occur, but this effect is so it is difficult to remove from skin. It can be removed from transitory and may be followed by CNS depression. Hepatic skin by swabbing the area with a cloth soaked in mineral oil or and renal damage can result. Fatalities have occurred 14 to 36 hours after creosote vaseline to solubilize the creosote and then by rinsing with ingestion and have been due to multi-organ failure involving soapy water to remove the material entirely. Repetition of this process for several hours may be required for complete the liver and kidneys (acute tubular necrosis) end cardiovas- removal. Seek medical attention promptly. cular collapse. Inh~lmion. Remove victim to fresh air, qive oxyqen if Ca~cinogenlcity. When applied dermally, creosote has ~ breathinq is difficult, and assist breathinq if needed. Contact a produced skin cancer and lunq adenomas in mice. Workers physician. Observe for delayed onset of chemical pneumonia exposed to creosote have been reported to develop skin ~ or pulmonary edema for at least 6 to 8 hours after siqnificant cancer. Epidemioloqical studies have shown that exposures to exposure. coal tar products similar in their chemical composition to creosote have been associated with skin and lunq cancer in humans, s I~gestio~. Have victim drink water or milk; do ,,et induce vomitinq. Immediately seek medical help includinq qastric lavaqe and administration of activated charcoal and c~ithartic. Mutage~icity. Creosote and a coal tar-creosote mixture If esophaqeal or qastric burns are suspected do not qive have been shown to be mUtaqenic in some tests used to detect activated charcoal, contact an endoscopist for evaluation. Personal Protection Information used depends upon the exposure environment. Work environ- ments should be designed so as not to require the routine use of a respirator. Dust masks are effective against sawdust contain- Protective gear and clothing should be selected and used in ing creosote. consultation with an industrial hygienist to ensure that they are adequate and used safely. For further information call: Eye protection. Chemical safety goggles should be worn where creosote and/or sawdust from creosote-treated products might contact the eye. Contact lenses should not be worn. Toxic-In~o Center. (800) 233-3360 Skin protection. Impervious clothing, aprons, gloves, face Worker Health and Safety Unit, California Department of Food shields should be worn to prevent all skin contact. Frequently and Agriculture. (916) 445-8474 change protective garments. Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS) Respiratory protection,. Respirators are required in situa- (415) 540-3014. Call collect with questions regarding occupa- tions with inadequate ventilation. The type of respirator to be tional exposures. Selected Major References: 1. Deichmann, W.B., et al. ~Phenols and Phenolic Compounds," In: 13. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Wood preserva- Party's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Vol. IIA. John Wiley and rive pesticides: Creosote, pentachlorophenol, inorganic arsenicals. Sons, New York. p. 2601 (1981). Position Document 4. Washington, D.C. (1984). 2. American Wood Preservers' Association. AWPA Book of Standards. 14. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. Report to the Washington, D.C. (1976). Legislature: Evaluation of hazards posed by the use of wood 3. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Coal t~r, creosote, preservatives on playground equipment. California Department of and coal tar neutral oil: Position Document 1. Report No. EPA/SPRD- Health Services (1982). 80/82 (1978) and Position Docurnent 2/3 Washington, D.C. (1981). 15. McMillan, B.T. Data on applicator exposure. A Report to the 4. United States Department of Agriculture. The biologic and Environmental Proqram Task Group, Subgroup No. 5 (Creosote) of the economic assessment of pentachlorophenol, organic arsenicals, creo- American Wood Preserves Institute (1976). sore. Vol.l: Wood preservatives. Technical Bulletin No. 1658-1, 16. Arena, J. Poisoning (4th edition). Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Washington, D.C. (1980). Illinois (1979). 5. IARC Working Group. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the 17. Bowman, C.E., et al. A fatal case of creosote poisoning. Postcjrad. Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans. Supplement 1 (1979), Med. J. 60:499(1984). Supplement 4 (1982), and Volume 35:83 (1985). 18. Goodman, L.S., et al. (eds.). The Pharmacolegical Basis of 6. Wright, C.W., et al. Comparative chemical analysis of commercial Therapeutics (6th edition). MacMillan Publishing Co., New York creosotes and solvent refined Coal-II materials by high resolution gas (1980). chrornatoqraphy. I. High Resolut. Chromat. and Chromat. Comm. 8:283 (1985). 19. Sittig, M. Hazardous and Toxic Effects of Industrial Chemicals. Noyes Data Corp., Park Ridge, New Jersey, p. 150 (1979). 7. Weiss, G. (ed.). Hazardous Chemicals Dete Book.' Noyes Data 20. Simmon, V.F., et al. In Vitro Microbiological Mutagenicity Assays Corp., ParkRidge, NJ (1980). of Creosote PI and Creosote P2. SRI International report for EPA, 8. American Wood Preservers' Institute. 1985 Commercial creosote Contract No. 68-01-2458. Cited in Fed. Reg. 43, no. 202, p. 48154 usage statistics (personal communication) (i 987). (1978). 9. worker Health and Safety Unit. Report(s) of Pesticides Sold in 21. Mitchell, A.D., et at. In Vitro Marnm-,lian Mutagenicity As~ys of California. Division of Pesticide Management, California Department Creosote P1 and P2. SRI International report for EPA, contrect no. of Food and Agriculture (1981-85). 68-01-2458. Cited in Fed. Reqist. 43, no. 202, p. 48154 (1978).· 10. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Industrial 22. Bos, R.P., et al. Genotoxic exposure of workers creosoting wood. Hygiene Surveys of Occupational Exposure toWood Preservative Br.J. Ind. Med. 41:260 (1984). Chemicals. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. DHHS 23. Bos, R.P., et al. Mutaqenicity of creosote in the Salrnonella/micro~ (NIOSH) Publication No. 83-106 (1983). some assay. Mutat. Res. 119:21 (1983). 1.1. Worker Health and Safety Unit. Summary Tables of Review ~,nd Physicians Reports of Possible Pesticide Exposure in California. 24. Schipper, I.A. The toxicity of w.ood preservatives for swine. Am. j. Division of Pesticide Management, California Department of Food and: Vet. Res. 22(88):401 (1961L Agriculture (1977-86). 25. Lewin, L. Gifte und Verqiftunqen. Stilke, Berlin. p. 346 (1929). 12. Jonas, A. Creosote burns. J. Indus. Hyq. and T0xicol. 25:418 26. Poisindex Editorial Board, Poisindex (Creosote). Micromedex Inc., (1943). Denver, CO (1987). PWP3 PA[~IFI~ Will--ID OF 8AKIE;~FIELD~ INC, 5601 District Blvd., Bakersfield, CA 93313 Ph(661) 833-0429 · Fax (661) 836-0766 Email: information@pacificwood.com · Web: