HomeMy WebLinkAboutRISK MANAGEMENT (3)PACIFIC WOOD PRESERVING OF BAKERSFIELD, INC. RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Prepared for: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. 5601 District Blvd. Bakersfield, California 95688 Prepared by: Reese-Chambers Systems Consultants, Inc. 3379 Somis Rd. P.O. Box 8 Somis, California 93066 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1-1 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................ 2-1 2.2 CalARP ............................................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Emergency Information Access .......................................................................... 2-1 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies ................... 3-1 3.2 Description of the Stationary Soume and Regulated Substances ....................... 3-1 3.3 Worst-Case Release Scenario and Alternative Scenario .................................... 3-5 3.4 Five-Year Accident History ............................................... : ................................. 3-5 3.5 Emergency Response Program .......................................................................... 3-5 3.6 Planned Changes to Improve Safety .................................................................. 3-6 4. FIVE-YEAR ACCIDENT HISTORY .............................................................................. 4-1 5. OVERVIEW OF PREVENTION PROGRAMS .............................................................. 5-1 5.1 Safety Information and Process Safety Information ............................................ 5-1 5.2 Operating Procedures ......................................................................................... 5-2 5.3 Training .............................................................................................................. 5-3 · 5.4 Maintenance and Mechanical Integrity ................................................................ 5-3 5.5 Compliance Audits .............................................................................................. 5-3 5.6 Incident Investigation .......................................................................................... 5-3 5.7 External Events Analysis .................................................................................... 5--4 6. OFFSITE CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS ...................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Aqueous Ammonia ............................................................................................. 6-1 6.2 Worst-Case Scenario .......................................................................................... 6-1 6.3 Alternative Release Scenario .............................................................................. 6-2 6.4 Population Impacts ............................................................................................. 6-3 7. OVERVIEW OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM ............................................ 7-1 8. HAZARD ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 Methodology and Objectives ............................................................................... 8-1 8.3 Hazard Analysis Team Members and Qualifications ........................................... 8-2 8.4 Summary of Action Items/Recommendations ..................................................... 8-3 8.5 Hazard Analysis Data Sheets ............................................................................. 9. OTHER REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 9-1 9.1 Recordkeeping ............................................................................ ~ ...................... 9-1 9.2 Audits and Inspections ........................................................................................ 9-1 9.3 Availability of Information to the Public ............................................................... 9-1 10. RMP CERTIFICATION ......................................................................... ; ..................... 10-1 PWP of Bakersfield RMP i August 2001 1. INTRODUCTION Pacific Wood Preserving (PWP) presently has a Program 1 Risk Management Plan (RMP) in place. The purpose of this update to the RMP is to address some additional wood trea~ting_ processes that utilize aqueous ammonia in the treatment solution. The use o ~;1a~ ammonia elevates the RMP to a Program 2 level. The process covered in the prior Program 1 RMP is also addressed in this updated RMP. Three wood treatment processes have been addressed in this RMP. The first two involve the use of aqueous ammonia and are classified as Program 2, while the third uses arsenic pentoxide in solution and is classified as Category 1. Each of the processes is summarized below. The copper/borate treatment process is being conducted as a plant research project to evaluate the process. This process will initially bring in 28% aqueous ammonia in 55-gallon drums and dilute and mix it with other chemicals in a 2,000-gallon mixing tank to form a wood treatment solution that will contain 2% ammonia. This 2% solution will be stored in a 36,000-.gallon work tank. Wood is put in a treatment cylinder and the coppedborate solution is pumped into the cylinder to treat the wood. After the treatment process is completed, the remaining solution is pumped back to the work tank. Additional solution is prepared and added to the work tank as necessary. If the treatment process proves successful, the copper/borate solution will either be brought on site pre-mixed with no more than 4% ammonia or mixed on site using aqueous ammonia in concentrations less than 20%. The 'ACQ treatment process brings in aqueous ammonia in concentrations up to 15% ammonia by tank truck and stores the liquid in a 17,000-gallon tank. The ACQ solution is then made on site and stored in a 36,000-gallon work tank. Wood is treated using this ACQ solution in the same manner as described above for the copper/borate solution. The above two processes are treated as a single process in the RMP analysis because all of the tanks are interconnected with piping. The CCA wood treatment process uses a solution that contains arsenic acid (arsenic pentoxide) which is on the California regulated substances list. The CCA is delivered as a 60% solution, the other 40% being water, by truck in quantities of 50,000 lbs. A working solution of approximately 2% CCA is produced by adding concentrate and water in one of the work tanks. The solution is then used to treat wood in the same manner as described above. A hazard analysis using the "what if/checklist" methodology has recently been conducted on both acqueous ammonia processes. Five mitigation measures were recommended and all have been implemented. A hazard analysis addressing the CC^ process was previously conducted. A summary of the RMP has been completed using the EPA RMP Submit program and submitted to Bakersfield Environmental Services as pad of this RMP. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 1-1 August 2001 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Purpose and Scope California's Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) regulations require the owner or operator of a stationary source that handles more than a threshold quantity of a regulated substance in a process to develop and submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP). According to the definition of a process contained in the regulations, the PWP Bakersfield facility has two processes that utilizes a regulated substance in quantities greater than the threshold quantity. The regulated substances are aqueous ammonia and arsenic pentoxide. The CalARP regulations implement the federal accident release prevention regulations. The objective of the CalARP program is to prevent accidental releases of chemicals that have the potential to affect public health and the environment. This RMP describes the risk management program that has been developed at the PWP facility. In accordance with the regulations, this program incorporates a management system, a hazard assessment, a prevention program, and an emergency response program. PWP's aqueous ammonia treatment process (ACQ and copper borate processes) is classified as Program 2 process because it utilizes aqueous ammonia in concentrations above 1% and in quantities over 500 pounds, and can result in offsite impacts. PWP's CCA treatment process is classified as a Program 1 process because up to 27,000 lbs of arsenic pentoxide in solution can be on site at any given time (the threshold limit is 10,000 lbs), and because the process presents no offsite impacts. 2.2 CalARP Program Management Section 2735.6 of the CalARP regulations requires the development of a management system to oversee the implementation of the risk management program elements. The owner or operator is to assign a qualified person or position that has the overall responsibility for the development, implementation, and integration of the risk management program elements. PWP has assigned the Environmental Health & Safety Manager this responsibility. The Environmental Health & Safety Manager reports directly to the Plant Manager. 2.3 Emergency Information Access Section 2735.7 of the CalARP regulations states that the local Administering Agency (AA) shall provide immediate access to all components of the CalARP program upon request of a state or local emergency response agency. If any of the components of the CalARP program are designated as "trade secret" as defined in Section 6254.7(d) of the Government Code and Section 1060 of the Evidence Code, the emergency response agency or agencies shall be given notice that the information released shall be used only in connection with the official duties of the agency or agencies and shall not otherwise be released. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 2-1 August 2001 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Section 2745.3 requires that the owner or operator provide in the RMP an executive summary that includes a brief description of the elements described below. 3.1 Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies PWP utilizes aqueous ammonia and arsenic pentoxide at their wood treatment facility in Bakersfield. It is PWP's policy to comply with all applicable government regulations. This RMP summarizes the operating practices and procedures in place at PWP. 3.2 Description of the Stationary Source and Regulated Substances Figure 3-1 shows the location of the PWP facility. Figure 3-2 presents a layout of the facility. All solutions containing CCA and arsenic pentoxide are stored in Area 1. The cylinder in Area 4 is utilized for treating wood with the CCA solution. All solutions containing aqueous ammonia will be stored in tanks located in Area 13. The treatment cylinder that will be utilized is located in Area 10. A short description of the three wood treatment systems (two processes according to the regulations) is presented below. CCA - The CCA product is delivered as a 60% concentrate solution, the remaining 40% is water. The solution as delivered contains 15% chromic acid, 6% copper oxide, and 30% arsenic acid (arsenic pentoxide). A 6,000 gallon fiberglass tank is designated as the storage container for the CCA concentrate. Normal delivery is approximately 50,000 lbs. The CCA concentrate is re-ordered when the storage tank contains approximately 600 gallons. A working solution of approximately 2% CCA is produced by adding concentrate and water in one of the two work tanks through an electronically controlled, pneumatically actuated mixing station. Once the mixing is complete, the work tank is tested to determine if the concentration meets specifications. A charge of wood is then loaded into the retort cylinder via railroad type trams. The wood is initially subjected to a vacuum in the cylinder. Once the vacuum process is complete, the working solution is pumped into the cylinder. Once the cylinder is completely filled with liquid, the hydraulic pressure in the cylinder is increased by a liquid pump to force the CCA fluid into the wood. After the pressure cycle is complete, the working solution is removed from the cylinder and placed back into the work tank. Another vacuum is then applied to the wood to assist in liquid removal from the cylinder and decrease drippage on the pad. The working solution is then checked to determine the concentration and water and/or CCA concentrate is added to replenish the solution for its next use. Copper/Borate Process - PWP is in the process of conducting commercial plant trials of a new copper/borate wood treatment system. The purpose of the trial is to test a suitable Iow environmental impact alternative to chromated copper arsenic (CCA) preservatives. If this system proves viable, it will be implemented as a regular pad of PWP's business. The process that is being used during the plant trials is described below. In addition, several options for implementation of the process as a regular part of business are also described below. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 3-1 August 2001 Figure 3-1 Location of PWP PWP of Bakersfield RMP 3-2 August 2001 FIG WOOD PRESERVING OF BAICEI~$FIELUJ PARK~ ~ ~IEA Figure 3-2 Facility Layout PWP of Bakersfield RMP 3-3 August 2001 Chemicals will be delivered to the plant for the purpose of making the preservative solution. Ammonia hydroxide (aqueous ammonia) 28 % solution is one of the chemicals that will be utilized in the mixture. The ammonia hydroxide will be delivered to the plant in 55-gallon drums. The drums will be delivered on pallets with four drums to a pallet. The drums will be stored in the covered storage area. Once sufficient materials are delivered on-site, 36,000 gallons of solution will be prepared in 2,000-gallon batches using the mixing tank. The mixing process is described below. A specified amount of water is added to the 2,000-gallon mixing tank. A small amount of formic acid is then added to the tank and mixed with the water. Ammonia hydroxide in an amount approximately equal to the amount of water in the tank is then added to the tank. A pH safety check is then conducted on the mixture in the tank to ensure that the mixture is basic prior to the addition of the copper carbonate. Ammonia bicarbonate is then added and the tank undergoes mixing until all components are dissolved, approximately one hour. Lastly, Borax MG is added and mixed to form a very liquid paste. This paste is diluted with water to 2,000 gallons and fully dissolved. The ammonia hydroxide concentration in this final solution is 2 %. The 2,000-gallon solution is then transferred via piping to the 36,000 Borate Work Tank. This process is repeated 18 times to fill the 36,000-gallon tank. Wood to be treated with this solution is put into the treatment cylinder and the door is closed. A vacuum is drawn in the cylinder to pull air out of the wood so the solution will better penetrate. Treatment solution is then transferred from the work tank to the treatment cylinder and the cylinder is hydraulically pressurized. The wood is left in this pressurized solution for a specified amount of time depending on the type of wood. After the specified time, the solution is pumped back to the work tank. Some of the solution penetrates the wood and is therefore not pumped back to the work tank. Thus, additional solution must be made up and transferred to the work tank periodically. Several options of ~,eceiving or making the Borate solution when the process goes commercial are being considered and one or all may be used. First, the solution may be brought on site fully mixed, requiring only additional dilution with water. Such solution could be delivered in drums, IBCs, or tank truck. Second, ammonia hydroxide in less than 20% solution will be delivered to the facility in drums, IBCs, or tank truck with the treatment solution blended on site as described above. ACQ Process - The ACQ process is similar to the coppedborate process. Aqueous ammonia with no more than 15% ammonia is delivered by tank truck and stored in a 17,000-gallon tank. Normally, the tank is only filled with 5,076 gallons. Other materials are then mixed in the mixing tank and then this solution and the aqueous ammonia are pumped to a 36,000-gallon work tank where further mixing takes place using a circulation pump. The final solution contains approximately 1% ammonia. Wood treating takes place as described above for the copper/borate process. The characteristics and hazards of aqueous ammonia are described briefly in Section 6.0 of this document. For purposes of the offsite consequence analyses, 40 CFR Part 68 and the CalARP regulations define the toxic endpoint for aqueous ammonia as 0.14 mg/I (200 ppm). This concentration has been established by the American Industrial Hygiene Association as the Emergency Response Planning Guideline Level 2 (ERPG-2). ERPG-2 is the maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed that nearly all individuals could be exposed for up to one hour without experiencing or developing irreversible or other serious health effects or symptoms which could impair an individual's ability to take protective action. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 3-4 August 2001 3.3 Worst-Case Release Scenario and Alternative Release Scenario Offsite consequence analyses are used as tools to assist in emergency response planning. The CalARP regulations require that offsite impacts due to accidental releases of regulated substances be analyzed. The analysis must analyze the worst-case release scenario and an alternative release scenario. The offsite consequence analysis must include an estimate of the residential population within an area potentially affected by the accidental release scenario. The area is defined as a cimle with radius equivalent to the distance the release would travel with concentrations at or above the endpoint. The circle also defines the area in which potential environmental receptors must be identified. The worst-case release scenario for the PWP facility was determined to be a release from the 17,000-gallon tank containing 20% aqueous ammonia. Although only 15% aqueous ammonia is presently delivered by tank truck and stored in storage tanks, PWP may want to increase the concentration in the future. In any case, the ammonia concentration will remain below 20% when delivered by tank truck and stored in storage tanks. Releases from larger tanks with lower concentrations of ammonia and from drums containing 28 % aqueous ammonia were also analyzed and it was determined that these scenarios resulted in shoder distances to the endpoints. The worst-case release scenado consisted of the release of the 20% aqueous ammonia into the diked area and pit and produces a plume that could travel 0.4 miles. Section 6 documents the worst-case and alternative release scenarios. Section 6 also contains information on sensitive receptors within the hazard footprint. The population potentially affected within the worst-case release scenario is 40 people. There are no environmental receptors within the worst-case release scenario footprint. The alternate release scenario consisted of the dropping of a pallet containing four drums containing 28% aqueous ammonia resulting in the rupturing of the drum. The plum for this scenario was calculated to travel 0.06 miles (approximately 300 feet). This plum would extend offsite and overlap the adjacent business located to the west, but it would not extend into residential areas. 3.4 Five-Year Accident History As discussed in Section 4, PWP has not had any accidental releases involving the processes Using aqueous ammonia or arsenic pentoxide that have resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant properly damage on site, or known offsite deaths injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property damage, or environmental damage in the last five years. 3.5 Emergency Response Program PWP has established an emergency action plan and a chain of command to respond to emergencies and notify emergency responders when there is a need for a response. The plan is summarized in Section 7. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 3-5 August 2001 3.6 Planned Changes to Improve Safety - * Based on the findings of the hazard analysis that was conducted on August 2, 2001, the following five mitigation measures were recommended. All have been implemented. Bring in only half (63) of the drums already purchased (126) containing 28% solution anhydrous ammonia. · Install a water misting system to aid in keeping the anhydrous ammonia drums cool. · Develop written checklist for the copper/borate mixing process · Add water hose to the platform area. · Calibrate a dipstick to be used to determine initial volume of water to be added to the work tank. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 3-6 August 2001 4. FIVE-YEAR ACCIDENT HISTORY Section 2750.9 of the CalARP regulations requires a discussion of the five-year accident history at the facility. PWP has not had any accidental releases involving the processes using aqueous ammonia or arsenic pentoxide that have resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant property damage on site, or known offsite deaths injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property damage, or environmental damage in the last five years. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 4-1 August 2001 5. OVERVIEW OF PREVENTION PROGRAMS Two of PWP's wood treatment systems utilize aqueous ammonia. Aqueous ammonia processes are classified as Program I under the CalARP program because they can result in offsite consequences. Therefore, PWP must comply with the requirements of Section 2735.5(e) of the CalARP regulations. Section 2735.5(e) states that the facility shall: Develop and implement a management system Conduct a hazard assessment Implement the prevention program requirements · Develop and implement an emergency response program · Submit as part of the RMP the data on prevention program elements for Program 2 processes The CalARP program management system required by Section 2735.6 has been developed and implemented by PWP as discussed in Section 2.2. The emergency response program, which meets the requirements of Sections 2765.1 and 2765.2, is described in Section 7. PWP conducted a hazard assessment in accordance with Sections 2750.1 through 2750.9 at the Bakersfield facility on August 2, 2001. Documentation of the hazard assessment is contained in Section 8. 5.1 Safety Information and Process Safety Information Cai ARP regulations require PWP to compile and maintain the following up-to-date safety information related to acqueous ammonia: · Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDSs) · Maximum intended inventory of equipment in which aqueous ammonia is stored or processed. · Safe upper and lower temperatures, pressures, flows, and compositions · Equipment specifications Code and standards used to design, build, and operate the process Copies of all MSDSs, including aqueous ammonia, are maintained on site and submitted to the Fire Depadment as pad of the Integrated Hazardous Materials & Waste Contingency Plan. Inventories of hazardous materials are also contained in the Integrated Hazardous Materials & Waste Contingency Plan. Any of the tanks listed in Table 5-1 can contain aqueous ammonia in varying concentrations but always below 20%. In addition, 28% aqueous ammonia is being brought on site in drums and stored in the covered storage area. No more than 63 drums shall be on site at any given time. After the initial mixing process for the commercial plant trials is completed, no aqueous ammonia at or above 20% will be brought on site. Drums and/or IBCs containing aqueous ammonia below 20% may be brought on site and stored. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 5-1 August 2001 Table 5-1 Tankage Description Capacity Dricon Work Tank 36,096 Borate Work Tank 36,096 ACQ-Cl Concentrate 15,228 ACQ-C2 Concentrate 17,766 ACQ Work Tank 37,600 Effluent Tank 19,458 E~mpty - Not Presently in Use 20,304 Dricon Mix Tank 4,109 Mix Tank 2,000 Treatment Cylinder 37,000 The maximum amount of ammonia that may be at the PWP facility at any given time has been calculated assuming that one 36,000 work tank of copper/borate solution and one 36,000 gallon work tank of ACQ are full and that enough ammonia in aqueous solution to make enough solution to refill the two tanks is onsite. This additional aqueous ammonia may be in tanks, drums, or IBCs. There is 2% ammonia by weight in the copper/borate solution, which equates to approximately 36,000 gal x 8.3 lbs/gal x 0.02 = 6,000 lbs. The ACQ solution has 1% ammonia, which equates to 3,000 lbs. Adding these two and then doubling to account for the ammonia for the makeup, equates to 18,000 lbs. The aqueous ammonia and wood treatment solutions containing aqueous ammonia are not stored under pressure and are not impacted by high or Iow ambient temperatures. All treatment cylinders that are pressurized are equipped with pressure relief valves. The pressure relief valves are set at or below the maximum allowable working pressures of the relief valves. The pressure relief valves are piped to release to the containment pit. Drums and ICBs are also equipped with pressure relief valves. The treatment process is controlled and monitored by a control system that controls valves pumps and monitors valve positions, pressures, and temperatures. 5.2 Operating Procedures Each operator goes through an extensive training period. The initial trainin9 covers the function and capability of each piece of equipment as it relates to the treatment process. An emphasis is placed on how to safely operate the equipment. A portion of this training involves new trainees working under a qualified employee that supervises every step of the new trainee's operation of the treatment process. This training continues until the qualified operator determines that the trainee is now qualified to operate the treatment process without supervision. Under this facility's operating procedures there are always two employees at the site when a treatment process is in operation. Along with this, employees are required to manually read the tank gauges before, during, and after each charge to ensure tank levels are maintained. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 5-2 August 2001 5.3 Training PWP's training program is described in their written Hazard Communication Program. New Employee Training Forms are filled out and maintained for all employees. The training program addresses the following: . Telephone usage · Evacuation location · Hazard communication (labeling, MSDSs, chemical information) · Hazardous wastes · Lock out/tag out program · Confined space program · Emergency response procedures · Forklift operation 5.4 Maintenance and Mechanical Integrity While in operation, the process equipment is continually being inspected visually by operators for leaks, malfunctions or maintenance related problems. Other documented formal inspections are as follows: · Daily/Weekly 40 CFR 265, Subpart J inspections on the tank systems · Weekly 40 CFR 265, Subpart W inspections on the drip pad · Annual Independent Engineer Certification on ddp pads 5.5 Compliance Audits pwP must certify that they have evaluated compliance with the provisions of Article 5 (Sections 2755.1 through 2755.7) of the CalARP regulations at least every three years. The purpose of these compliance audits is to vedfy that the procedures and practices developed for the CalARP program are adequate and are being followed. The Environmental Health & Safety Officer and Plant Manager are responsible for conducting this audit and will develop a report containing the findings, recommended actions, and date of correction. Reports will be kept on site for at least five years. 5.6 Incident Investigation PWP will investigate any incident that results in, or could have resulted in, a catastrophic release of ammonia. This investigation process will: · Begin immediately · Be summarized in a report · Address the report's findings and recommendations · Review the report with staff and contractors · Be retained on site for at least five years PWP of Bakersfield RMP 5-3 August 2001 5.7 External Events Analysis External events that could result in a release on aqueous ammonia were addressed during the conduct of the hazards analysis that is documented in Section 8. External events examined included vehicle traffic, seismic events, and electrical failures. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 5-4 August 2001 6. OFFSITE CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS CalARP regulations require an offsite consequence analysis that addresses the potential offsite impacts due to a release of a regulated substance, in this case aqueous ammonia. The regulations provide definitive guidance regarding the release parameters to be utilized in the offsite consequence analysis. The regulations require that a standardized worst-case release scenario and an alternative release scenario be analyzed. For aqueous ammonia, the worst- case release is defined as the release that would result in the greatest distance to the endpoint using the specified calculation methodology. The alternate scenario should be a release that is more likely to occur, and that will result in an endpoint that goes offsite. 6.1 Aqueous Ammonia Aqueous ammonia consists of ammonia dissolved in water. Under the federal regulations, aqueous ammonia with less than 20% ammonia by weight is not listed as a regulated substance. Under the CalARP regulations, there are no limitations on the ammonia concentration in the aqueous ammonia. An RMP and offsite consequence analysis is required if there are more that 500 lbs of ammonia on-site at any given time. The potential hazard from aqueous ammonia is that it can give off toxic ammonia vapors if released to the atmosphere. The higher the concentration of ammonia in the water, the more vapors that are given off. When the concentration of ammonia in the water falls below 20%, the amount of ammonia vapors that are produced at ambient temperatures is sufficiently Iow that it is not considered a major hazard. Ammonia, referred to as anhydrous ammonia when not mixed with any other material, has a molecular weight of 17 and is lighter than air. Ammonia is gaseous at standard temperature and pressure. The offsite consequence analysis is based on the amount of ammonia that is released. When aqueous ammonia is release, the ammonia that evaporates is blown along by the wind. As it is blown, it mixes with the air and becomes diluted. Under CalARP, the distance that the vapors travel before they fall below a concentration of 0.14 mg/I (approximately 200 ppm) is defined as the endpoint. This endpoint is equivalent to the Emergency Response Planning Guideline Level 2 (ERPG-2) established by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA). ERPG-2 is defined as "the maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed that nearly all individuals could be exposed for up to one hour without experiencing or developing irreversible or other serious health effects or symptoms which could impair an individual's ability to take protective action." Further, the AIHA states that at the ERPG-2, there is likely to be strong odor and some eye irritation, but serious health effects are unlikely. 6.2 Worst-Case Scenario Currently, aqueous ammonia is brought on-site by tank truck and stored in 17,700-gallon tanks with the ammonia percentage being less than 15%. It is possible that higher concentrations of aqueous ammonia could be delivered to the facility by tank truck and stored in a 20,000-gallon tank; however, the ammonia concentration would always be below 20%. The aqueous ammonia is then diluted and mixed with other chemicals and stored in larger tanks with capacities up to 37,600 gallons. The percentage of ammonia in these solutions will always be less than 2%. Aqueous ammonia with 28% ammonia is also being brought on-site in 55-gallon drums for commercial plant trials. The amount of ammonia that could be released in the event of a worst-case accident involving all three of the above cases was calculated and it was PWP of Bakersfield RMP 6-1 August 2001 determined that the release involving the 20% aqueous ammonia from the 20,000 gallon tank would result in the largest amount of ammonia vapors being released. Hence, the worst-case release is defined as a 20,000--gallon release of 20% aqueous ammonia. The calculations used to determine the endpoint are presented below. The methodology contained in the EPA document titled "RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance" was utilized for the calculations. Since the tank is located inside secondary containment, formula (7) in Section 3.2.3 was utilized to calculate the release rate. The formula is: · QR=I.4xLFAxA where: QR = Release rate (lbs per min) 1.4 = Wind speed factor LFA = Liquid Factor Ambient (listed in Exhibit B-2, Appendix B) A = Diked area (square feet) The values for each of the above parameters for the worst-case scenario are presented below. LFA = 0.015 (from Exhibit B-2, Appendix B) A = 20,000 sq. ft. (based on measurements of the containment area and pit) Hence, QR = 1.4 x 0.015 x 20,000 = 420 Ibs/min Reference Table 10 for aqueous ammonia with F stability and 1.5 meters per second wind was then used to get the endpoint. The value listed for an urban environment was utilized. The endpoint from the table for this scenado is 0.4 miles. Figure 6-1 shows the area that would potentially be impacted by the worst-case release from the PWP facility. 6.3 Alternative Release Scenario Drums are delivered on pallets containing four drums. Thus, the dropping of a pallet containing four drums, each containing 28% anhydrous ammonia, that results in a rupture of all four drums was chosen as the alternative release scenario. The methodology contained the EPA document titled "RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance" was also utilized for the alternative release scenario calculations. Since the drums could be dropped in an area that does not have secondary containment, formula (18) in Section 8.2.3 was utilized to calculate the release rate. D stability with 3 meters per second wind is utilized for the alternative scenario since these conditions are more likely. Formula (18)is presented below. ° QR=QSx2.4xLFAxDF where: QR = Release rate (lbs per min) QS = Quantity released 2.4 = Wind speed factor LFA = Liquid Factor Ambient (listed in Exhibit B-2, Appendix B) DF = Density factor (listed in Exhibit B-2, Appendix B) PWP of Bakersfield RMP 6-2 August 2001 The values for ~ach of the above parameters for the alternative scenario are presented below. QS = 1,830 lbs (weight of aqueous ammonia in four drums) LFA = 0.019 (from Exhibit B~2, Appendix B) DF = 0.55 (from Exhibit B-2, Appendix B) Hence, QR = 1,830 x 2.4 x 0.019 x 0.55 = 45.9 lbs/rain Reference Table 12 for aqueous ammonia with D stability and 3 meters per second wind was then used to get the endpoint. The endpoint from the table for this scenado is 0.06 miles (approximately 300 ft.). Figure 6-1 shows the area that would potentially be impacted by the alternative release scenario at the PWP facility. 6.4 Population Impacts The offsite consequence analysis must include an estimate of the residential population within the area potentially affected by the accidental release scenarios. This area is defined as a circle with a radius equivalent to the distance the release would travel with concentrations above the endpoint. The circle also defines the area in which potential environmental receptors must be identified. The PWP facility is located on District Blvd. and the immediate area surrounding the facility consists of industrial facilities and commercial businesses. Figure 6-1 shows both the 0.4 and O.06-mile circles from the worst-case and alternative release scenarios. Neither of the circles overlaps any environmental receptors or schools, daycare centers, medical centers, nursing homes, hospitals, parks, arenas, pdsons, or federal lands. Worst-Case Release - The solid circle in Figure 6-1 represents the worst-case scenario 0.4- mile potential area of impact. The circle was centered on the containment area in which the tanks that can contain aqueous ammonia solutions are located. The immediate area surrounding the plant consists of industrial facilities and commercial businesses. The southern most area of the circle overlaps about 80 residences. This equates to approximately 320 people being located inside the circle. Alternative Scenario - The dashed-line circle in Figure 6-1 represents the alternative scenario potential area of impact. This circle overlaps several nearby business, but it does not overlap any residences. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 6-3 August 2001 Ln / ~O00':Ma pclue,st~comi:.ln¢.:Cl~O00' DT, .l'noi: ,. : ':: ';.::::: .:.: .. Figure 6-1 Scenario Hazard Zones 6-4 PWP of Bakersfield RMP August 2001 7. OVERVIEW OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM PWP has developed and implemented an Integrated Hazardous Materials & Waste Contingency Plan. The Plan is current and was last updated February, 2001. The Plan addresses the following elements. · Emergency Coordinators authority and responsibility · Emergency response contacts · Medical information · Site information · Facility operations · Evacuation procedures · General fire procedures · General spill/emergency response procedures o Liquid spill in a containment area o Liquid spill in a non-contained area o Solid chemical spill in a contained area o Solid chemical spill in a non-contained area · Emergency equipment · Decontamination · Personnel training · Inspections · Security · Communications procedures · Prevention and best management practices · Natural disasters · Hazardous material storage information o Name o Hazard o Location o Reportable quantity o Type of storage o Size of storage container o Storage container construction materials and year built o Secondary containment PWP also has a Hazard Communication Program in place. This Plan addresses the following: · Material safety data sheets · Labels and other forms of warning · Personnel protective equipment · Training PWP of Bakersfield RMP 7-1 August 2001 8. HAZARDS ANALYSIS 8.1 Introduction The Hazard Analysis documented herein was conducted to review the Pacific Wood Bakersfield, Inc. CoppeflBorate and ACQ wood treatment processes. The analysis is required by State of California regulations regarding the preparation of a Risk Management Program (RMP). The RMP process for the Pacific Wood facility is administered by the Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. The analysis was conducted at the Pacific Wood facility located at 5601 District Blvd. in Bakersfield, California on August 2, 2001. The five recommendations resulting from the conduct of the analysis have already been implemented. 8.2 Methodology and Objectives The "What-If/Checklist" methodology was utilized for the conduct of the hazard analysis. The What-If analysis technique is a brainstorming approach in which a group of experienced people asks questions or voice concerns about possible undesired events. The Checklist methodology uses a written list of items or procedural steps to vedfy the status of a system. The What- If/Checklist analysis technique combines the creative, brainstorming features of the What-If analysis method with the systematic features of the Checklist analysis method. This hybrid method capitalizes on the strengths and compensates for the individual shortcomings of the separate approaches. This method is listed as an acceptable hazard analysis technique for use in the preparation of an RMP by both federal and California. The methodology is also listed as an acceptable hazard analysis technique in "Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, Second Edition with Worked Examples" by the Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. The process was divided into the following five areas for analysis purposes: Initial delivery and mixing of copper/borate solution Copper/borate and ACQ treatment process ACQ delivery and mixing process Delivery of aqueous ammonia solution by IBC Delivery of aqueous ammonia solution by tank truck For each of the following areas, a series of questions was developed for the purposes of determining what would happen if a certain event were to happen. For example, for unloading and moving of drums, the question was asked "What if a drum leaks during transpod by truck". The list of questions was developed by the hazard analysis team leader who then distributed the list to all participants prior to the conduct of the analysis. Team members then reviewed the questions and made recommended changes and additions. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 8-1 August 2001 The following areas were then addressed for each question: × The likelihood of the event described in the question occurring. This likelihood of the event occurring was put in one of the following four categories: 1. Probable - expected to happen during any given year 2. Likely - expected to happen during life of project 3. Unlikely - has happened at other similar facilities 4. Remote The classification of likelihood was based on the opinions of team members and is subjective. The purpose of estimating likelihood is to be able to compare events and determine the level of prevention measures necessary. × The potential consequences of the event occurring. Events that can result in adverse consequences such as releases are then scrutinized in more detail. × Existing controls/prevention measures. The purpose of addressing this area is determine if there are sufficient controls and measures in place to minimize the possibility of the event occurring and/or the consequences of the event should it Occur. Recommendations were then made, if necessary, based on the results of the previous findings. Findings for each of the above areas were recorded real time on the What-If/Checklist as the analysis progressed. The hazard analysis has four Overall aims: To identify events which could potentially create a hazardous situation. Estimate the likelihood of the event occurring. To determine whether further action is required to prevent the event from occurring or to minimize the consequences should it occur. To ensure that any actions identified are implemented. 8.3 Hazard Analysis Team Members and Qualifications The process of hazard analysis requires the use of a team of individuals that has the following experience. Individual team members do not necessarily have to have experience in all the areas, but at least one person should experience in each of the areas. hazard analysis conduct using chosen methodology operation of facility type being studied design of facility PWP of Bakersfield RMP 8-2 August 2001 The members of the hazard analysis team and their experience are provided below. (1) Tim Chambers Team Leader B.S. and M.S. in Mathematics. Twenty years experience in hazard analysis including acting as team leader for the conduct of such studies using the What-If/Checklist and Hazop methodologies. Vice president of Reese-Chambers Systems Consultants, Inc., a firm specializing in risk analysis. Member of the Society for Risk Analysis. (2) Ron Saylor Environmental and Safety Manager for the Pacific Wood of Preserving. (3) Rick McCullogh Plant Manager for the Pacific Wood Bakersfield facility. (4) Jeff Lloyd Market Development Manager for US Borax responsible for the conduct of the coppedborate research project. He has a PhD in microbiology. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Wood Science, Convener of the diffusibles working group and Co-Chairman of Wood Protecting Chemicals, both of the International Research Group on Wood Preservation. He is also a member of the Amedcan Wood Preservers Association. (5) Howard Wines Hazardous Materials Specialist with the Bakersfield Fire Department. Responsible for the review of the RMP. Participated as an observer 8.4 Summary Of Action Items/Recommendations During conduct of the hazard analysis, five action items/recommendations were made. The following lists these items together with the responsible person and completion date requirement. All five action items/recommendations have been implemented. 1) Bring in only half (63) of the drums already purchased (126) containing 28% solution anhydrous ammonia. This recommendation was made to reduce the amount of 28% solution anhydrous ammonia stored at the Pacific Wood Bakersfield facility. Responsibility for implementing this measure lies with Jeff Lloyd of US Borax because he is responsible for delivery of the material. 2) Install a water misting system to aid in keeping the anhydrous ammonia drums cool.. This recommendation was made to help keep the drums from overheating and emitting ammonia vapors through the pressure relief valve. Rick McCullough is responsible for the installation of this system prior to delivery of any of these drums. 3) Develop written checklist for the copper/borate mixing process. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 8-3 August 2001 This measure was recommended to help ensure that the mixing process is done correctly so that material is not contaminated. The coppedborate solution that will be made represents a similar but new process for the facility. Jeff Lloyd of US Borax is responsible for developing the checklist that will be reviewed and approved by Rick McCullough of Pacific Wood. The checklist is to be developed and approved prior to delivery of any of the 28% solution anhydrous ammonia drums. 4) Add water hose to the platform area.. This measure was recommended in the event there is a release near the platform and mixing tank. Water from the hose can be utilized to water down a release and flush the liquid into the nearby pit. Rick McCullough is responsible for implementing this mitigation measure pdor to delivery of any of the 28% solution anhydrous ammonia drums. 5) Calibrate a dipstick to be used to determine initial volume of water to be added to the work tank. The first step in the mixing process is to add a specified amount of water to the mixing tank. The purpose of this mitigation measure is to provide the operator with a simple method to determine when the proper amount of water has been added to the tank. 8.5 Hazard Analysis Data Sheets The hazard analysis data sheets are contained in Appendix A. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 8-4 August 2001 9. OTHER REQUIREMENTS 9.1 Recordkeeping PWP maintains records suppoding the implementation of the CalARP regulations for five years as required by Section 2775.1 of the regulations. 9.2 Audits and Inspections The Administering Agency (Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services) is required to periodically audit RMPs and to inspect facilities that have RMPs at least once every three years. PWP will cooperate fully with these effods. 9.3 Availability of Information to the Public The RMP shall be available to the public, excluding those components, which have been designated as trade secret. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 9-1 August 2001 10. RMP CERTIFICATION Section 2745.2 of the CalARP regulations states that the RMP shall be certified complete by a qualified person and the stationary source owner or operator. Completeness shall be determined in accordance with Sections 2745.3 through 2745.9. Section 2745.9 requires the owner or operator to submit in the RMP a single certification that, to the best of the signer's knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the information is true, accurate, and complete. The following certifications have been provided. As a qualified person, I have reviewed and can attest to the validity and appropriateness of the hazard analysis performed in August, 2001 on the aqueous ammonia processes, and the relationship between the mitigation measures identified and implemented as a result of the hazard analysis. I also certify that this RMP is complete. Further, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. EJate Vice President Reese-Chambers Systems Consultants, Inc. On behalf of Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc., I certify that the RMP is complete. Further, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. Ron Saylo----~r Date Environmental Health & Safety Manager Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. PWP of Bakersfield RMP 10-1 August 2001 APPENDIX A HAZARD ANALYSIS DATA SHEETS PWP of Bakersfield RMP August 2001 APPENDIX A HAZARD ANALYSIS DATA SHEETS PWP of Bakersfield RMP August 2001 PACIFIC WOOD BAKERSFIELD FACILITY WHAT IF/CHECKLIST FORM Analysis Team: Reese-Chambers, PWP, Borax, Bakersfield Fire Department Date of Analysis: Aug. 2, 2001 System Investigated: Copper/Borate Research Project Initial Mixing Process What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 1. Drum leaking at time Unlikely Release of at most 55 - Licensed contractor used of pickup? gal of 28% ammonia - DOT certified drums solution - Pressure relief valves in drums 2. Drum leaks during Unlikely Release of at most 55 - Visual inspection when transport by truck? gal drums delivered - Licensed contractor used - DOT certified drums - Pressure relief valves in drums 3. Wrong product is Unlikely Make bad product - Look at bill of lading delivered? - Each drum labeled 4. Drop pallet during Unlikely Release of at most 4 - Designed to withstand offloading? drums of 28% ammonia dropping solution - Trained forklift drivers 5. Drum develops leak Unlikely Release one drum - Move to bunded area and Bring in only half of during storage on site? dilute drums initially - Storage area drains to pit - Pallets not stacked 6. Vehicle/equipment Remote Cause drum(s) to leak - Chemicals stored together runs into drum while in - No through truck traffic storage? - Trained operators What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 7. Drum gets too hot? Likely Liquid vents through - Store out of direct sunlight, - install Arizona misters relief valve storage area covered - Drums have pressure relief valves 8. Drum gets too cold? Unlikely No impact - Enough air space to allow for expansion through pressure relief valve 9. Pallet/drum is Unlikely Release of up to 4 - Two people present to help dropped/damaged drums with spotting during transport to - Trained operators platform? 10. Drum falls off Unlikely Up to 4 drums leak - 2 people present platform? - Leave shrink wrap on 4 drum pallet 11. Mistake made during Unlikely - Jeff (borax) to be present insertion of pump? - Leave shrink wrap on 4 drum pallet 12. Make mistake during Unlikely Small release from - 2 people present pumping/siphoning? siphon hose - Gauge on pump to measure volume transferred 13. Mixing tank has Likely Contaminate product - No incompatible materials in Develop written other product in it? back storage area checklist - Trained operators 14. Mixing tank develops Unlikely Release into pit - Tank located in bunded area leak? - Weekly inspection program performed using check list 15. Too much vapor Unlikely Incapacitate worker - 2 people present Add water hose to comes off mixing tank? - Only 1 bbl open at a time platform area. - Operator has communication system to call for help What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 16. Too much copper Unlikely Release of CO2 - pH test performed prior to Develop checklist carbonate added adding copper carbonate resulting in energetic - Add a small amount to check CO2 release? for fizz 17. Mixing attendant Unlikely Injur worker - 2 people present becomes incapacitated? - Operator has communication system to call for help 18. Overfill mixing tank? Unlikely Release into pit - Visual inspection Calibrate a dip stick to - Located inside bunded area determine initial volume of water to be added 19. Mixing tank Unlikely Contaminated product - Someone from Borax will be Develop check list becomes contaminated present at all times during (bad mixture)? initial mixing 20. Mixing tank Unlikely None becomes overheated? 21. Mixing tank Remote None - Open top tank becomes overpressurized? 22. Transfer piping leaks Unlikely Leak into pit - Inspection program (valve, hole, corrosion)? - ASTM standard tests show problem with brass. - No brass materials at the facility - No problems with steel products. 23. Transfer piping Unlikely Contaminate product - No incompatible materials Check list routed to wrong present in back area tank/location? - Manual valves - Trained treaters are used and walk lines before transfer begins Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations What-if? Likelihood Consequences Prevention Measures 24. Transfer pump Likely Delay of transfer, no - Swap out pumps doesn't work? problems with process - Clean filters 25. Work tank not empty Unlikely Contaminate product No incompatible materials (first time filling)? present in back area Trained operators 26. Work tank has other Unlikely Contaminate product No incompatible materials product in it? present in back area Trained operators 27. Work tank leaks Unlikely Leak into pit Weekly inspection (valve, hole)? Located in bunded area 28. Overfill work tank? Unlikely Leak into pit - Only fill to 24 feet of 26 ft. - Visual gage on side of tank - Located in bunded area 29. Work tank becomes Remote More ammonia vapors - Open top tank overheated? released - Ammonia always below 14% in tank 30. Work tank becomes Remote None - Open top tank overpressurized? 31. Major earthquake? Likely Tank and piping leaks - Tanks designed to Seismic Zone 4 standards - Tanks and piping located in bunded area 32. There is a power Probable Pumps stop - Non black out area failure? Mixer stops What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures "33. There is a Air not used compressed air failure? 34. There is a hydraulic Hydraulics not failure? used 35. There is an None All manual operations instrumentation or control room failure? PACIFIC WOOD BAKERSFIELD FACILITY WHAT IF/CHECKLIST FORM Analysis Team: Reese-Chambers, PWP, Borax, Bakersfield Fire Department Date of Analysis: Aug. 2, 2001 System Investigated: Treatment Process What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 1. Leak in piping Remote Leak into pit - Inspection program between work tank and - ASTM standard tests show treatment cylinder problem with brass. - No brass (valve, hole, corrosion)? materials at the facility - No problems with steel products. 2. Pump fails? Likely Delay of transfer, no - Light on control panel problems with process - Pumps and valves controlled from control room - Swap out pumps - Clean filters 3. Piping routed to Unlikely Contaminate product - No incompatible materials wrong location? present in back area - Status of valves shown in control room 4. Vehicle/equipment Remote Leak into pit - Piping located inside runs into piping? bunded area 5. Treatment cylinder Likely Leak - Sequencing won't allow leaks (door not closed, pump to run when door is hole in cylinder, gasket open leak)? - Door closed indicator on control panel - Would here hiss if gasket is leaking during vacuum What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 6o Vacuum not drawn Unlikely None - Vacuum reading displayed in treatment cylinder? in control room and recorded on paper - Door open procedures allow pressure difference to equalize through small hole 7. Door opened while Remote None - Vacuum reading displayed under vacuum? in control room and recorded on paper - Can't open due to vacuum - Door open procedures allow pressure difference to equalize through small hole 8. Door opened while Remote Solution released to pit - Pressure reading under pressure (after displayed in control room and solution pumped in)? recorded on paper - Door open procedures allow pressure difference to equalize through small hole 9. Treatment cylinder Unlikely Release through safety - Pumps can't exceed overpresurrized? release valve design pressure of cylinder - Safety release valves on piping and cylinder 10. Treatment cylinder Remote Release through - Only liquid in cylinder overheats? pressure relief valve - Pressure relief valves 11. Transfer pump does Likely None - Light on control panel not workwhen sending - Pumps and valves product back to work controlled from control room tank? Swap out pumps - Clean filters What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 12. Overfill work tank Unlikely Release into pit Trained operators when pumping from Visual gauge on work tank treatment cylinder? Located in bunded area 13. Major rain storm Likely Rain water takes up Bunded area has extra (impact on sump area room in the pit capacity below treatment Can pump pit to tank cylinder)? 14. Overfill work tank Unlikely Release back to sump Trained operators pumping from sump? Visual gauge on tank Located in bunded area 15. There is a power Probable Everything electrical All automatic valves close failure? shuts down including Procedures call for closing compressor, hydraulic other valves pump, and control system 16. There is a Probable No compressed air to All automatic valves would compressed air failure? operate valves close 17. There is a hydraulic Probable Can't open or close Hydraulics only operate failure? treatment cylinder door door 18. There is an Probable Can't control or monitor Procedures call for instrumentation or treatment process shutting down until problem control room failure? fixed PACIFIC WOOD BAKERSFIELD FACILITY WHAT IF/CHECKLIST FORM Analysis Team: Reese-Chambers, PWP, Borax, Bakersfield Fire Department Date of Analysis: Aug. 2, 2001 System Investigated: ACQ Process What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 1. Tanktruck leaking Unlikely Leak of 8-15% aqueous - Use licensed contractor when arrives? ammonia - PWP person present before truck begins transfer 2. Wrong product is Unlikely Contaminate product - Truck placarded delivered? - Bill of lading checked 3. Leak in transfer Unlikely Release - Truck uses own hose hose? - DOT certified and tested hose - Trained truck operator - PWP operator present 4. Storage tank Unlikely Leak into pit - Weekly inspection develops leak? Located in bunded area 5. Storage tank has Unlikely Contaminate product - No incompatible materials other product in it? present in back area Trained operators 6. Overfill storage Unlikely Leak into pit - Only fill to 1/3 capacity tank? - Visual gage on side of tank Located in bunded area 7. Storage tank Remote More ammonia vapors - Open top tank becomes overheated? released What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 8. Storage tank Remote None Open top tank becomes overpressurized? 9. Transfer piping leaks Unlikely Leak into pit Inspection program (valve, hole, corrosion)? ASTM standard tests show problem with brass, o No brass materials at the facility - No problems with steel products. 10. Transfer piping Unlikely Contaminate product No incompatible materials routed to wrong present in back area tank/location? Manual valves Trained operators are used and walk lines before transfer begins 11. Transfer pump Likely Delay of transfer, no Swap out pumps doesn't work? problems with process Clean filters 12. Major earthquake? Likely Tank and piping leaks Tanks designed to Seismic Zone 4 standards Tanks and piping located in bunded area 13. Power failure? Probable Pumps stop Non black out area Mixer stops 14. Compressed air Air not used failure? What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 15. Hydraulic failure? Hydraulics not used 16. Instrumentation or None All manual operations control room failure? 17. Mixing system fails? Unlikely Leak into pit in the event - If pump fails, solution not of a leak mixed - replace pump - If piping leaks, it releases into pit PACIFIC WOOD BAKERSFIELD FACILITY WHAT IF/CHECKLIST FORM Analysis Team: Reese-Chambers, PWP, Borax, Bakersfield Fire Department Date of Analysis: Au§. 2, 2001 System Investigated: Copper/Borate Commercial Mixing Process - IBC Delivery What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 1. IBC leaking when Unlikely Release of at most 55 - Licensed contractor used delivered? gal of 28% ammonia - DOT certified IBCs solution - Pressure relief valves in IBC 2. Wrong product is Unlikely Make bad product - Look at bill of lading delivered? - Each IBC labeled 3. Drop IBC during Unlikely Release of at most one - Designed to withstand offloading? IBC dropping - have external frame - Trained forklift drivers 4. IBC develops leak Unlikely Release one IBC - Move to bunded area and during storage on site? dilute - Storage area drains to pit - IBCs not stacked 5. Vehicle/equipment Remote Cause IBC to leak - Chemicals stored together runs into IBC while in - IBC has external frame storage? - No through truck traffic - Trained operators 6. IBC gets too hot? Likely Liquid vents through - Store out of direct sunlight, relief valve storage area covered - IBCs have pressure relief valves What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 7. IBC gets too cold? Unlikely No impact - Enough air space to allow for expansion through pressure relief valve 8. IBC is Unlikely Release of IBC - Two people present to help dropped/damaged with spotting during transport to - Trained operators platform? 9. IBC falls off Unlikely Release of IBC - 2 people present platform? - IBC has external frame 10. Mistake made during Unlikely - Trained operators transfer to mixing tank? - Simple procedure; IBC has connection at bottom of tank; connect hose and drain to mixing tank PACIFIC WOOD BAKERSFIELD FACILITY WHAT IF/CHECKLIST FORM Analysis Team: Reese-Chambers, PWP, Borax, Bakersfield Fire Department Date of Analysis: Aug. 2, 2001 System Investigated: Copper/Borate Commercial Mixing Process - Tank Truck Delivery What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 1. Tank truck leaking Unlikely Leak of aqueous Use licensed contractor when arrives? ammonia PWP person present before truck begins transfer 2. Wrong product is Unlikely Contaminate product Truck placarded delivered? Bill of lading checked 3. Leak in transfer Unlikely Release Truck uses own hose hose? DOT certified and tested hose Trained truck operator PWP operator present 4. Storage tank Unlikely Leak into pit Weekly inspection develops leak? Located in bunded area 5. Storage tank has Unlikely Contaminate product No incompatible materials other product in it? present in back area Trained operators 6. Overfill storage Unlikely Leak into pit Visual gage on side of tank tank? Located in bunded area 7. Storage tank Remote More ammonia vapors Open top tank becomes overheated? released What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 8. Storage tank Remote None Open top tank becomes overpressurized? 9. Transfer piping Unlikely Leak into pit Inspection program leaks? ASTM standard tests show problem with brass. - No brass materials at the facility - No problems with steel products. 10. Transfer piping Unlikely Contaminate product - No incompatible materials routed to wrong present in back area tank/location? Manual valves - Trained operators are used and walk lines before transfer begins 11. Transfer pump Likely Delay of transfer, no - Swap out pumps doesn't work? problems with process - Clean filters 12. Major earthquake? Likely Tank and piping leaks - Tanks designed to Seismic Zone 4 standards - Tanks and piping located in bunded area 13. Power failure? Probable Pumps stop - Non black out area Mixer stops 14. Compressed air Air not used failure? What-if? Likelihood Potential Existing Controls/ Recommendations Consequences Prevention Measures 15. Hydraulic failure? Hydraulics not used 16. Instrumentation or None All manual operations control room failure? 17. Unlikely Leak into pit in the event If pump fails, solution not of a leak mixed - replace pump If piping leaks, it releases into pit Facility Name: Padfic Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. EPA ID: RMP Report for Pacific Wood Prese ing of Bakersfield, Inc. Section 1. Registration Information 1.1 Source Identification: Facility ID: I There were no reportable accidents in the last 5 years, a. Facility Name: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. b. Parent Company #1 Name: c. Parent Company #2 Name: :1.2 EPA Facility Identifier:. 1.3 Other EPA Systems Fadlity ID: 1.4 Dun and Bradstreet Numbers (DUNS): a. Facility DUNS: 118810514 b. Parout Company #1 DUNS: c. Parent Company #2 DUNS: 1.5 Facility Locatiou Address: a. Street 1: 5601 District Blvd. b. Street 2: c. City: Bakersfield d. State: CA eo Zip: 93313 . f. Coultty: Kern facility Latitude and Lon~itnde: g. Lat. (ddmmss.s): 35 18 46.4 IL Long. (dddmmss.s): -I 19 03 54.8 I, I. at/Long Methnd: A1 Address Matching * House Number J, Lat/Long Description: AB Administrative Building 1.60wnor or Operator:. a. Name: Ron Laughlin b. Phone: (661) 83:3.0429 Mailing address: C. Street 1: 5601 District Blvd. d. Street 2: e. City: Bakersfield f. State: CA g. ZIp: 93313 , 1.7 Name and flue of person or position responsible for part 68 (RMP) implementation: 08/22/2001 12:42:48 PM Page 1 of 8 Facility Name: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. EPA ID: a. Name of person: Ron Saylor b. Title of person or position: Environmental Health & Safety Mgr. 1.8 Emergenc~ contact: a. Name: Rick McCullough b. Title: Operations Manager c. Phoae: (66]) 833-0429 d. 24-1tour phone: (66]) 836-3304 e. Ext. or PIN: 1.9 Other p~nts of contact: a. Facility or Parent Company E-Mail Address: ron.saylor@pacificwood.com b. Facility Public C,intact Phone: (661) 833-0429 c. Facility or Parent Company WWW Hon~page Address: www.pacificwood.com 1.10 LEPC: 1.11 Number oi lull Ume employees on site: 35 a. OSHA PSM: No b. EPCRA 302: Yes c. CAA TIUe V: No Air operating permit ID: 1.13 OSHA Star Or Merit Ranking: No 1.14 Last Safety Inspection (by an E~ternsl Agency) Date: 06/26/2001 1.15 Last Safety laspoction Performed by alt External Ageltcy: Bakersfield Environmental Services 1.16 Will this RMP invelve predictive filing?: No Section 1.17 Process(es) a. Process ID: 1 Program Level 2 Wood preserving b. NAICS Code 321114 Wood Preservation c. Process Chemicals c. 1 Process Chemical (ID / Name) c.2 CAS Nr. c.3 Qty (lbs.) 08/22/2001 12:42:49 PM Page 2 of 8 Facility Name: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. EPA E~. I Ammonia (conc 20% or 8renter) 7664-43.-7 18,000 a. Process ID: :~ Program Level I CCA b. NAICS Code 321] 14 Wood Preservation C. Process Chemicals C.1 Process Chemical (ID / Name) c.2 CAS Nr. c.3 ~ Obs.) 2 Arsenic pentoxide 1327-52-2 27,000 Section 2. Toxics: Worst Case Toxics: Worst Case ID: 1 2.1 a. Chemical Name: Ammonia (conc 20% or greater) b. Porca~t Weight of Chemical (if In a rnl~tore): 20.0 2.2 Physical State: Liquid 2,3 ~xlel nsed: EPA's OCA Guidance Reference Tables or Equations 2.4 Scenalio: Liquid spill & Vaporization 2.5 ~kmntlly released: 16,600 lbs 2.6 Release rate: 420.0 lbs/rain 2.7 Release duration: ]0.0 milts 2.8 Wind speed: 1.5 m/sec 2.9 Atmusl~herlc Stability Class: F 2.10 Topography: Urban 2.11 Distance to Endpelnt: 0.40 mi 2.12 Estimated Residential polmlaflon within distance to endpolnt: 320 2.13 Public receptors within distance to endpolnt: a. Schools: No d. Prlsees/Corregtlee facilities: No b. Residences; Yes e. Recreation areas: No c. Hospitals: No f. Major commercial, office or, Industrial areas: Yes g. Other (Specily): 2.14 Environmental receptors within distance to endpolnt: a. National or state parks, forests, or monuments: No b. Officially designated wildlife sanctuaries, preserves, m, refuges: No c. Federal wildumess areas: No d. Other (Spedfy): 2.15 Passive mitigation considered: a. Dikes: Yes d. Drains: Yes 08/22/2001 12:42:50 PM Page 3 of 8 Facility Name: Padfic Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. EPA ID: b. £eClo~ures: Yes e~ Sumps: Yes c. Befms: Yes f. Other (Specify): 2.16 Graphic file name: Section 3. Toxics: Alternative Release Toxics: Alternative Release ID: 3.1 a. Chemical Name: Ammonia (conc 20% or greater) b. Percent Weight o! Chemical (if In a mixture): 28.0 3.2 Physical State: Liquid 3.3 Model: £PA's OCA Guidance Reference Tables or Equations 3.4 $ceearlo: Vessel leak 3.5 Quantity released: 1,83o lbs 3.6 Release rate: 45.9 Ibs/mln 3.7 Release duration: 10.0 mina 3.8 Wind speed: 3.0 m/snc 3.9 Atmospheric Stability Class: D 3.10 Topography:. Urban 3.11 Distance to Endpolnt: 0.06 mi 3.12 Estimated Resideatial population within distance to emipulnt: 0 3.13 Public receptors within distance to eedpoint: a. Schools: No d. Prtsoes/Co~nction facilities: No b. Residences: No e. Recrnation areas: No c. Hospitals: No f. Major tommee:Iai, office, or Imiustrlal areas: No g. Other (Specify):. 3.14 Envirenmentaf receptors within distance te endpelnt: a. National or state psdcs, forests, or moeumenta: No b. Officially designated wildlife sanclnarJes, preserves, or refuges: No c. Federal wilderness areas: No 3.15 Passive mitigation cons/tiered: a. Dikes: No d. D~ales: No b. En<:Jesures: No e. SlUmps: Yes C. BetlltS: Yes f. Other (Specify): 3.16 Active mltlption considered: a. Sprinkler systems: No i. Flares: No b. Deluge system: No g. Scrubbers: No 08/22/2001 12:42:50 PM Page 4 of 8 Facility Name: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. EPA ID: c. Water curtain: No h. Emergency shutdown systems: No d. Neutralization: Yes i. Other (Specify): e. Excess flew valve: No 3.17 Graphic file name: Section 4. Flammables: Worst Case --- No Data To Report Section S. Flammables: Alternative Release --- No Data To Report Section 6. Accident History --- No Data To Report Section 7. Prevention Program 3 --- No Data To Report Section 8. Prevention Program 2 Process ID: I Wood preserving Prevention Program ID: 1 Presentioe Program DescrIptioe: Copper/borate and ACQwood preserving solutions are mixed onsite using aqueous ammonia as one of the components. Solutions are then pumped to wood filled treatment cylinderto treat the wood. B.1 NAICS Code'. 3211~4 8.2 Chemicals: Chemical Name Ammonia (conc 20~o or greater) 8.3 Safely IrdormaUon: a. The date of the most recent review or revision of the safely information: 08/02/2001 b. Select all Federal or state rngulaflons or Industry-specific design codes and standards used to demoestrate compliance with the safety intormation requirement: NFPA 58 (or state law based on NFPA 58): No ANSI Stsrldards: Yes O~HA (29 CFR 1910.111): No ASM£ Staudard$: Yes ASTM Standards: Yes None: No Other (Specify): Commeets: 8.4 Hazard review: a. The date of completion ol most recent hazard review or update: 08/02/2001 b. The eq~ected or actual date of completion of all changes resulUng from the hazard review: 08/06/2001 c. Major hazards identified: Toxic release: Yes OverpressurIzation: No Earthquake: No 08/22/2001 12:42:50 PM Page 5 of 8 Facility Name: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. EPA [~. Fire: No Corrosion: No Floods (flood plain): No Explosion: No Overfilling: No Tornado: No Runaway reaction: No Contamination: No Hurricanes: No Polymerization: No Equipment failure: No Other (Specify): Loss of cooling, heating, electricity, instrument air: No d. Process coofrofs Jn use: Vents: Yes Emergency air supply:. No Other (Specify): Relief eal~ns: Yes Emergency power:. No Check valves: No Backup pump: No Scmbi)ers: No Grounding equipment: No Flares: No inhibitor addition: No Manual shutoffs: Yes Rupture disks: No Antonmifc shutcfffs: Yes Excess flo~ device: No Interlocks: Yes (Duem:h system: No Alarms and procedures: Yes Purge system: No Keyed bypass: No None: No e. Mitigation systems In use: Slxhtlder system: No Water Curtain: No Dikes: Yes Enclosure: No Fire walls: No Neutralization: Yes Blast walls: No Hone: No Deluge system: No O~her (Specify): f. Monltoring/dntectioe systems in use: Process area detesters: No No~te: No Perimeter monitors: No Other (specify): Operator inspections g. Changes since last hazard review or hazard review update: Reduction in chemical inventory: No InataliaUon of perimeter monitoring systems: No Increase in chemical inventory: Yes Installation of mitigation systems: No Change process parameters: No None recommended: No InstallaUon of process cmttrels: No None: No Installation of process detecUon systems: No Other (Specify): 8.5 The date of the most recent review or revision of operating procedures: 08/02/2001 8.6 Training: 08/22_/2001 12:42:51 PM Page 6 of 8 Facility Name: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc, EPAI~ a. The date of the most recent revie~ or revision of training programs: 021141200! b. The type of training provided: Classroom: Yes On the job: Yes Other training (Specify): c. The type of competency testing used: Written tests: Yes Observation: Yes Oral tests: Yes Other (Specify): Demonstration: Yes 8.7 Maintenance: a. The date of the most recent review or revision of maintenance preceduros: 05/02/200! b. The date of the most recent equipment inspection or test: 08/02/2001 c. Equipment most recently Inspected or tested: all tanks, valves, and fittings 8.8 Compliance audits: a, The date of the most recent compllanc~ audit: 08/02/200] b. Expected or actual date of completion of all changes resulting from the compliance audit: 08/06/200! 8.9 Incident investigation: a. The date of the most recent incident Invesfigatien (if any): b. Expected or actual date of completion of all changes resulting front the investigation: 8.10 The date of the most recent change that triggered a review or revision of safety information, the hazard review, operating or maintenance procedures, or training: 08/o2/2001 Se~ion 9. Emergency Response 9.! W~itton Emor~e~y Respe~ ~ Plan: a. Is facility Included in wrltton community emergency response plan? No b. Does tacttity have its own written emergency respOnSe plan? Yes 9.2 Does tacilJty's ER plan include specific actions to be taken In respeese to accidental ruieases of regulated substance(s)? Yes 9.3 Does faciltiy's ER plan Include procedures for intormlng the public aed local agencies responding to accidental releases? Yes 9.4 Does facility's ER plan Include Infevmation on emergency heath care? Yes 9.5 Date of most recent review or update of facility's ER plan: 02/14/2001 - 9.6 Date of most recent ER training for facility's employees: 07/10/2001 08/22/2001 12:42:51 PM Page 7 of 8 Facility Name: Pacific Wood Preserving of Bakersfield, Inc. EPA ID:. 9.7 Local a~ency with which facility's ER plan or response activities are coordinated: a. Name ol ageecy: Bakersfield Office of Environmental b. Telephone number: (661) 324-4542 9.8 Subject to: a. OSHA Regu)allons at 29 CFR 1910.38: Yes b. OSHA Regulations at 29 CFR 1910.120:. Yes c. Clean Water Act RegulaUons at 40 CFR 112: No d. RCRA Regulations at 40 CFR 264, 265, and 279.52: Yes e. OPA-90 Re~ulaUons at 40 CFR 112, 33 CFR 154, 4.9 CFR 194, or 30 CFR 254: No t. State EPCRA Rules/Law: Yes Executive Summa~ Pacific Wood Preserving (PWP) presently has a Program 1 Risk Management Plan (RMP) in place. The purpose of this update to the AMP is to address some additional wood treating processes that utilize aqueous ammonia in the treatment solution. The use of (:~'n~c~o~ ammonia elevates the AMP to a Program 2 level. The process covered in the prior Program 1 AMP is also addressed in this updated AMP. Three wood treatment processes have been addressed in this AMP. The first two involve the use of aqueous ammonia and are classified as Program 2, while the third uses arsenic pentoxide in solution and is classified as Category ]. Each of the processes is summarized below. The copper/borate treatment process is being conducted as a plant research project to evaluate the process. This process will initially bring in 28% aqueous ammonia in 55-gallon drums and dilute and mix it with other chemicals in a 2,000-gallon mixing tank to form a wood treatment solution that will contain 2% ammonia. This 2% solution will be stored in a 36,000-gallon work tank. Wood is put in a treatment cylinder and the copper/borate solution is pumped into the cylinder to treat the wood. After the treatment process is completed, the remaining solution is pumped back to the work tank. Additional solution is prepared and added to the work tank as necessary. If the treatment process proves successful, the copper/borate solution will either be brought on site pre-mixed with no more than 4% ammonia or mixed on site using aqueous ammonia in concentrations less than 20%. The ACQ treatment process brings in aqueous ammonia in concentrations up to 15% ammonia by tank truck and stores the liquid in a 17,000.gallon tank. The ACQ solution is then made on site and stored in a 36,000-gallon work tank. Wood is treated using this ACQ solution in the same manner as described above for the copper/borate solution. The above two processes are treated as a single process in the AMP analysis because ali et the tanks are interconnected with piping. The CCA wood treatment process uses a solution that contains arsenic acid (arsenic pentoxide) which is on the California regulated substances list. The CCA is delivered as a 60% solution, the other 40% being water, by truck in quantities of 50,000 lbs. A working solution of approximately 2% CCA is produced by adding concentrate and water in one of the work tanks. The solution is then used to treat wood in the same manner as described above. A hazard analysis using the "what if/checklist" methodology has recently been conducted on both acqueous ammonia processes. Five mitigation measures were recommended and all have been implemented. A hazard analysis addressing the CCA process was previously conducted. 08/22/2001 12:42:51 PM Page 8 of 8